#girl help im in love with a psychopath
bigbadbatsy · 2 years
He's a certified genius. He's the stupidest man you've ever met. He's completely feral. He's so put together one glance could kill you. He's the town whore. He won't even look at you.
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rapilne · 5 months
-Ice Cold
beomgyu x fem!reader
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warnings: sub!beomgyu, sex (?) this contains smut, not proofread, MDNI, beomgyu pov-ish
a/n: no summary cause i couldn't tell you what this is about. this is my first time writing anything like this, i wrote it on my notes so im not sure how many words there are, i think too many, this is without a doubt too long, pls bear with me. also english is not my first language, if something doesn't make sense well idk figure it out pretty pls, thankssss 🫶
"she's my girlfriend," beomgyu said, his expression a mask of utter sincerity.
his words hung in the air, the silence filled with unspoken questions. 
yeonjun squinted at him, scrutinizing his face before glancing at taehyun then back at him. "so, you're saying… you have like a crush on her?"
an exasperated sigh escaped beomgyu. “what? no!" he protested "i mean, yes? wait no..” he closed his eyes and said slowly “… it’s like i said it. she’s my girlfriend for real.”
the weight of his words hanged heavily, yet his friends remained speechless, drinks on their hands and stares like daggers. 
beomgyu shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what to do to stop them from looking at him like that.
"i just don't understand what's so surprising about it," he muttered, a pout forming on his lips.
choi beomgyu had always been the epitome of charisma. from his looks to his charm, whether he stepped into a crowded room or sauntered down a bustling street, all eyes gravitated toward him, and once you got an interaction, you will just want him to sty forever.
he was well-known and well-liked everywhere he went: university corridors, his guitar lessons, basketball practice, even the corner store near his apartment. everyone seemed to gravitate toward him, drawn in by his undeniable charm.
he likes to think he got that from his mother.
beomgyu, reveling in the spotlight, thrived on the attention. the way people's faces lit up upon his arrival was a drug he couldn't resist. 
specially when he is so used to getting his way. always obtaining whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it, never in a malicious or manipulative way, he was bold, confident, overly friendly and people loved him. asking was usually all it took.
so, all things considered, he'd never struggled to draw the attention of those he found attractive. one could almost say he had his pick of the litter.
he thinks it might be true. 
that is the reason why setting his sights on you should be the most foolish thing beomgyu has ever done in his entire existence. and yet, there he was, unable to resist the pull, despite the warning bells ringing in the depths of his mind.
from the first time he met you, in his advanced music business class, it was as though you existed in a world entirely apart from his own. not responding to any of his advances was an odd sight for him.
initially, he brushed it off, attributing it to a fleeting lapse or perhaps an uncharacteristic bad mood on your part. after all, he reasoned, he was an attention seeker, but he certainly wasn't a psychopath.
yet, after you acted the same way the next time, and the next, and the next time he tried to talk to you, he couldn’t help but take it personally. 
he soon realized it wasn't merely a matter of wounded ego. from the very first meeting, he had mustered his most charming smile just for you. after all, he thought you might just be the prettiest girl he had ever seen in his life. and after just a few classes, he realized you were also one of the smartest people he knew. 
it’s been a long while, but everything about you seemed to snag his attention, like you were the main character in a movie and he couldn't take his eyes off the screen.
so, whyy you, out of everyone, had to be the one to him the cold shoulder like that? or even better, why couldn’t he just like someone who liked him back?
he soon came to find out, thanks to his seat mate, jun, that your behavior was not uncommon.
he couldn't shake off the words his friend had offered in consolation: "don't sweat it, she's like that with pretty much everyone."
of course, in true beomgyu fashion, he couldn't help but sweat it. 
he did pick up on your vibe—not shy at all, like he thought at first, but definitely serious and reserved— still, he wasn't accustomed to blending in with the crowd like that; being treated like “pretty much everyone” didn't sit right with him. 
"it's all so high school," jun chuckled then, shaking his head. "but seriously, they actually nicknamed her the ice queen.”
now it seems like getting on your good side might be a task for the gods.
good thing he is known for always getting what he wants.
taking a sip of boba should never be this unpleasant. except that time he order matcha when he meant taro, beomgyu has always treated his boba runs as a particularly happy time. right now though, it isn’t going so well. especially when yeonjun goes “you’re fucking lying,” with a snickering tone.
“i only lied when i told you that mesh shirt you’re wearing was a look.”
“how dare you”
beomgyu then stands up and looks at the counter. there are only a couple of tapioca pearls left on his drink and he thinks he might ask for some more. are tapioca pearls refills allowed in this place? he doesn’t think they’re allowed anywhere, but he might as well ask.
“ok, ok, sit back down hyung,” taehyun tugs him from his arm, “when did this even happened?”
“i only have like two tapioca pearls left,” beomgyu ignores him and yeonjun goes, “he is talking about boba because he is lying.” he laughs. “there is no way. not even for you, gyu.” 
“look, i don’t know what is so unbelievable about me and y/n being together now,”
“y/n and me,” taehyun corrects
“the correct way to say it is ‘y/n and me’, not ‘me and y/n,” taehyun looks at beomgyu after sipping his own cup, “it can depend on the context of the sentence, like both are grammatically correct, but ‘y/n and me’ is considered mo-“
“what on actual fucking earth are you talking about?“
“that is literally not important!” yeonjun interrupts them both with a loud voice, “can we please come back to the topic and know why are you lying about y/n being your girlfriend?”
beomgyu glares at yeonjun, throwing his straw to the trashcan right next to them. they came in quite late to the boba shop and didn’t get the best table. it is a popular place after all. 
“for the millionth time, yeonjun, i’m not lying!” he says with wide eyes. “what is it that you want? i can call her right now, put her on speaker and asker to tell you how much she likes me, yeah?”
yeonjun narrows his eyes at him, suspicious. “do it.”
“you’re fucking kidding me-“ 
the door chimes and yeonjun’s attention is momentarily taken by the sound. beomgyu takes advantage of this and quickly sizes his cup only to realize his mistake too late and have the matcha flavor assaulting his taste buds. he thinks it is a pretty cruel trick on the universe’s part.
he chokes back a gag and it’s impossible for taehyun to not roll his eyes. he appears to be inmune to beomgyu’s charm, consequences of their close friendship.
yeonjun’s laughter fills the air once he realizes what happened. “that’s what you get,“ he says.
“how can you drink that?”
“matcha is tasty,” with a grin on his face, yeonjun shrugs.
“matcha is a sin,” beomgyu retorts, wrinkling his nose in distaste.
taehyun's interruption brought a halt to the conversation. “the way you are just unwilling to talk about it makes me think that yeonjun might be onto something,” he muses, propping his chin on his hand.
“why would i lie about me being in a relationship with someone?”
“you tell us,” yeonjun says mockingly.
taehyun fixes him with a pointed look. “yeonjun stop,” he says and then looks at this other friend, “beomgyu, it is not really about you being in a relationship. it is about with who.”
“what’s is wrong with y/n?” he asks with a pout on his lips.
“oh nothing,” yeonjun scoffs. “except everyone says she is quite literally a bi-“
beomgyu's voice cut through the air with a sharp edge, his tone tinged with seriousness. "watch it, yeonjun,.” he warned, his gaze unwavering.
yeonjun raised his eyebrows, surprised by beomgyu's sudden change in demeanor. "i was just going to say she's quite literally a big fan of not making friends,” he finished instead, eyes wide.
taehyun intervened swiftly, sensing the tension rising. "beomgyu," he began, his tone soft, "i'm not doubting your feelings, but we kind of know y/n's reputation. she's known for being... distant, self-centered even. i just don't want to see you get hurt because you're too trusting."
taehyun's words struck a chord with beomgyu, but before he could respond, yeonjun chimed in, his voice tinged with remorse. "he's right, gyu," he admitted, a hint of regret on his tone. “and i'm sorry about before. but still, you need to be careful. y/n... people have tried to get close to her before, and it hasn't gone well."
beomgyu's heart sank at yeonjun's words, the weight of their implications settling heavily on his shoulders. 
"look," he begins, his voice tinged with a mixture of conviction and uncertainty, "y/n is different, okay? she's not like anyone else i've ever met. and maybe i haven't been completely open about it because... because i know how you guys get. but i mean it when i say i’ve known her like other people haven’t. she is good.”
there's a pause as beomgyu searches for the right words, a shadow of vulnerability flickering across his features. "she's not just some stereotype or rumor," he continues, "there's more to her than that ‘ice queen’ nonsense."
as the trio leave the place, beomgyu sips on his refilled boba. turns out they definitely don’t do refills, but, “just for you,” they said.
he even got another straw.
“and that’s my problem how?” you asked with straight expression.
the girl in front of you stumbled over her words, her voice quivering as she tries to play it off with a quiet laugh. "i-i’m not saying it's your problem," she began cautiously. "but, like, your signature could totally convince mr. yang to extend the due date. if we all get on board, he'd have to at least consider it. please?”
"no," you reply.
she blinks, caught off guard. “wait, what? i mean, i’m sorry?" 
leaning back, taking a sip of your iced coffee, you return your gaze to your book. “you’re good,” you say in an almost nonchalant tone. "i’d just rather not be disturbed while i’m reading.”
she recoils, her nervous vibe replaced by incredulity. "i'm not apologizing to you!" she snaps back before taking a deep breath. "i just—why not? it literally doesn’t hurt you at all to sign? we really need your help y/n. it will even give you more time to finish your own stuff! ”
"already finished it,” you say, not even making eye contact.
she let out a surprised squeak, but recovered quickly.
"well, i guess that's cool for you," she muttered. "but, like, we need your signature or mr. yang won't even look at the petition.” 
nothing from your part.
mr. yang was a no-nonsense professor who smelled of tobacco and liked to look at everyone over his glasses as to remind you he is much more smarter than you. he hands out tough tasks, but always provides the necessary materials to complete them. though you weren't his favorite student, and he certainly wasn't your favorite teacher, you excelled in his class, meeting his high expectations. but you worked hard to get things done.
"look,” she sighed, “i know you're really smart, but some of us are really… struggling.“ she sighed sadly. ”it's taking forever to get through the text he sent, you know? if we all, like, come together and help each other out, we could totally make it happen. i don’t think he’d said no. what do you say?" she finished, giving you this hopeful look.
a look that was met with silence.
"y/n?" she tries again.
anna, the heroine in your book, seems genuinely tormented and you’re really starting to feel bad for her. if only she didn’t chose the red door. the blue door was the obvious right choice, but she decided to be adventurous. now, she will probably die. can vampires die? they can, you remember. in twilight, you have to cut them in little pieces and-
"hello?! earth to y/n?" you hear a loud voice in front of your face.
you glance up. right, the ‘help us change the due date’ girl from your class. can’t really say you remember her name. 
“you're still here?" you ask flatly. can people get any more annoying? 
"oh my god, seriously?!" she practically yells this time. "i can't believe you're such a bitch!"
suddenly, and before things could escalate further, beomgyu swoops in, looking all concerned. "whoa, what's going on?" he asks, his guitar hanging on his shoulder. “i heard yelling.”
beomgyu looks exceptionally good today, you decide. his dark, long hair framing his beautiful face, and eyes so deep and brown, you could not wait to get him alone…
"hey, beomie," you greet him with a smile. "nothing much. ready to leave?"
you've been waiting for him to finish his composition class. your own class got cut short, and you were ready to head home, but beomgyu insisted on spending the rest of the day with you, asking if you could wait for his class to end.
there's someone you can't say no to, and that's choi beomgyu, you've come to realize.
without waiting for an answer, you toss your book into your bag, grab your iced coffee, and take his hand, leading him towards the exit. your classmate watches you with wide eyes, speechless with incredulity. beomgyu glances back a little confused, offering her an apologetic smile and a quick wave as if to to smooth things over.
once outside, hand in hand, beomgyu asks carefully, "what was that?"
"oh, nothing at all,” you brush it off.
"she seemed mad," he remarks, and you stop in your tracks, making him stumble a little.
"did she? i didn't notice," you say, teasingly. "but i did notice i haven't kissed you yet."
with a playful glint in your eyes, you tilt his chin up with one hand and lean in, closing the distance between you as your lips meet in a slow, lingering kiss. beomgyu sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer.
"you're the sweetest," he whispers against your lips, screaming girls all forgotten.
“look at this video i took on saturday,” jun leans over the table to show a clip to beomgyu as they sat with a couple of his classmates at the uni cafe. beomgyu recognizes the place as the han river, and the performers on the clip as a dance team yeonjun showed him before.
“oh, i know them!” he says with a big smile, “they’re sooo good. don’t you think they should be like performing on music videos or something?”
“they should,” jun agrees. “i’ve seen them on tiktok though, and they’re making really big numbers.”
“oh shit, yeah, me too! i keep telling y/n to come with me to see them whenever yeonjun tells me they have a showcase.”
this caught the attention of gina, a girl from his music production class “i’m sorry, but i still can't believe you're with her, gyu.” she remarks shaking his head incredulously. 
beomgyu looks up from his phone to give her a questioning look, “what?”
“ah, she’s right” hyunjin says through bites of his ham sandwich, "i mean, she's smoking hot, but she's also a total ice queen."
beomgyu glares at him. "come on, not this again, not with the higschool nickname stuff” he defended “she is not an ice anything, you calling her that is cringe. i’ll have you know, she is really sweet, actually.”
"sweet? seriously, beomgyu?" hyejin chimed in, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "every time i've tried talking to her, she acts like i don't even exist."
"yeah, and remember when she snapped at mark for accidentally bumping into her? it was like she thought she was too good to even acknowledge him."
"and what about that time she ignored seungmin’s text asking for help with the assignment? she could have at least replied!”
beomgyu's heart sank as he listened to his friends.
“remember last week? what she did to lilly? the stuff with the signatures? honestly, she is such a bitch sometimes…”
before beomgyu could respond, you happened to walk past their table, expression as frosty as ever. misinterpreting their conversation, you shot beomgyu a hurt look before walking away.
"great, now she thinks we're all talking behind her back," gina mutters with a wary look on her face.
beomgyu watches you go away, his heart sinking with the weight of the misunderstanding, realizing you must think you were talking bad about her too. 
he stands up abruptly, “for the record,” he interjects with a sharp voice “this better be the last time i hear any of you calling her names, i won't stand for anyone disrespecting her. we’re done.”
glaring at all of them, he turned and strode out of the café, leaving his former friends speechless. outside, he quickened his pace, determined to catch up to you and make things right before it was too late.
the doorbell rings incessantly, echoing through the hallway as beomgyu refuses to give up. he's been following you from the school building to your apartment, his determination evident in every step he takes. but despite his efforts, you continued to ignore him, driving him to the brink of frustration.
beomgyu knows he's pushing it, but the thought of you disregarding him like this drives him crazy. with each ring of the doorbell, he feels a surge of desperation, making him want to rip all his hair out. 
he keeps ringing the bell and knocking on the door with urgency. he's fully aware that he's risking disturbing the neighbors, they may even call the police.
he’ll risk going to jail for you, he thinks.
finally, the door swings open with a sharp smack, and you're standing there, glaring at him. "knock it off!" you yell, frustration evident in your voice.
despite your fiery eyes, he’s just glad to see your face.
"i'm sorry," beomgyu blurts out, his words coming out in a rush. “but i am sorry you had to listen to that, not sorry because i was agreeing with them or anything, because i was not. i definitely was not, in fact i was letting them know how wonderful and sweet you are, is honestly what i always do. they’re not even my friends anymore. i literally ended it with them. i let them know, oh fuck, i always let everyone know you’re perfect and sweet and the best person i've ever met in my life and that i'm just so so lucky to have you and i love you more than anything and i don’t care about what anyone says because you’re always so, so good to me.”
his words spill out in a jumbled mess, but the sincerity in his voice is unmistakable. beomgyu's desperation is palpable, his rambling emotions laid bare. 
you stare at beomgyu, your expression neutral, as his words hang in the air between you. his eyes search yours desperately and, for a moment, he thinks he might have finally pushed you too far, that his rambling confession may have been a mistake.
but then, without warning, you break the tension with two simple words. "come in," you say.
relief floods beomgyu's features as he exhales a shaky breath, the weight lifting from his shoulders. without hesitation, he steps through the doorway, the sound of the door clicking shut behind him.
beomgyu is standing right in front of you, in your bed, with red cheeks in anticipation. 
“beomie, do you think i’m a bitch?” you ask with a teasing pout on your lips.
“no! no, no, no i don’t” he responds, looking up at you with puppy eyes, long lashes and a slight frown on his face
“correct,” you concede, putting his hair behind his ear softly “you were dying for me to even look at you, beomie, so i did. how can i be a bitch when i give all you the attention you so desperately beg from me?”
beomgyu exhales, clearing his throat to prevent himself for making any noise. you look down at him, his dark hair, indolent eyes and pouting lips. so pretty, just for you.
“answer me.” 
“you’re not, you are so good to me, you’re always so good to me.” he whines, but somehow his voice gets lower. aching to touch you, but keeping his hands on his side, just like he was told.
“that’s right.” you go down and crawl between his thighs slowly. he feels hot wherever you touch him. “i’m so good to you…” you concede as you reach out with confident fingers and grab the waist of his pants and start drawing them down. you pause halfway, though. a teasing smirk playing on your lips. "but, do you deserve it, beomie?" you ask, your tone laced with mock concern.
beomgyu's breath escapes him in rapid bursts, too stunned to speak, but he knows better than not to answer you.
“no..” he chockes out “i don’t deserve it, don’t deserve you.”
“you’re right, you don’t deserve any of it,” you remind him, “good thing i’m so wonderful and sweet right?” you mock as you shove the rest of his pants and underwear down in a quick motion. 
his cock comes up against his stomach, twitchy and veiny and your mouth is watering at the sight in front of you, wanting nothing more than for him to cum down your throat. but today is not the day.
beomgyu chews down hard on his lip and closes his eyes at the feeling of you liberating his length. he’s always been too sensitive, but with you he feels like it’s always the first time.
“open your eyes, beomie,” you tell him. “i want you to see and remember what you have to be grateful for.”
he opens his eyes in an instant just for him to watch you slowly wrap your mouth around his tip. he sucks in a a hiss and let’s out a groan when you draw your lips with a light pressure down his cock until he hits the back of your throat, only to come back up and leave a trail of saliva along the way.
“fuuck,” he lets out with a trembling breath. “oh my god”
you put him on your mouth again and swirl your tongue around him, he hits the start of your throat once again and slide up and down, up and down. you wrapped your lips around his tip one more time before running the flat of your tongue up his cock slowly and you stare directly into his eyes,
beomgyu is a mess of flushed skin and teary eyes and can’t stop whimpering at the feeling and sight of you using your mouth on him, he swallows, throat dry and bites his bottom lip to prevent him from spluttering nonsense.
“i don- don’t know if i can- fuuuck- i- i can’t.. can’t hold it, fuck y/n , you’re so- so good to me-“ 
with his hands on your hair loosing himself to the feeling of your mouth on him, you can’t help but moan on his cock as you can already taste his pre-cum on your tongue, threatening to spill past your lips. you take you mouth off of him. “beomie, don’t cum yet-“ you say between licks, before spitting on him, lubricating and using your hand instead “- baby, hold it in, not yet.”
“i- i can’t, i can’t” he cries and you stop, his chest going up and down aggressively before lifting his face to look up at you. lips red and shinny from biting hard and cheeks rosy from all the pleasure. you think he has never look this pretty.
he sits up trembling, looking at you you slide your drenched panties off. then you straddle his lap, looking at his red erection up and proud, tip right at your entrance, and without any warning, you take his cock in your hand go down on him inch by inch, his arms coming around your torso in desperation as you hold yourself up wrapping yours around his neck, holding each other so close you could feel echother’s heartbeat.
you completely sink down on him and you both gasp, automatically making you clench around him.
“fuuck, baby” beomgyu hissed. his hands coming down to your waist to keep you in place, he’s afraid he would cum in a second if you moved an inch. “don’t move, please”
so, you raised your hips and you both let out a breathy moan as you sat back down again. he whines.
“you can do it beomie, hold it baby” you purr in his mouth. repeating the action again and again. “don’t you want me to fuck you?” 
“ye- yes please,- fuuuck yes” he cries, holding you close. always eager to please, he lets you do as you want. obeying you just in time for him to become a whimpering mess.
it was embarrassing, really, how affected he got in literal seconds. and you, with the sensation of having his cock filling you up, couldn’t help but use him like a toy.
“good boy,” you sing softly, breath hitching. “good, good boy. i knew you would let me use you like this. kne- knew you would like to make me happy. right beomie? because you love me? you want to- oh my god” you whine, bouncing up and down on him with urgency, felling him thus up to meet you halfway. “you want to make me feel good”
beomgyu feels like fire inside you, feeling you squeezing him so tight he feels himself closer and closer. he takes his hand from your waist to massage your breasts, knowing how sensitive your nipples are, making you sigh, earning him a kiss so lewd he’ll dream about it. “yes, thank you, please,” he cries, “i want- i want-“
“you can’t even talk beomie!” you chuckle dryly, “wh-what would your friends say if they saw you like this? huh?” you whispered on his mouth, the feeling so good its sending your blood rushing to your head as you keep fucking him stupid.
“their proud, confident beomgyu is just- fuck” you gasp at the feeling of his lips closing around your nipple, ”just a dirty slut? huh” you throw your head back to give him more access as you continue to bounce on his cock “ a begging little whore is what you are beomie”
he feels himself closer and closer, your dirty talking sending him over the edges he pleads, “just for you, i swear is just for you, i love you”
“good boy” you panted on his mouth again, feeling the sensation of your orgasm looming over your body and beomgyu was hit with the staggering force of his release as he came inside you, calling out your name in pleading gasps.
you blinked almost sleepily, looking down at your boyfriend and his post-fuck look, a small smile on his face as you leaned down to place a little kiss on his nose.
“love you too, pup.” you sighed.
not matcha, but not taro, either.
beomgyu feels like trying something new as he looks at the menu. the scent of sweet tapioca and freshly brewed tea surrounds you two and he thinks this is exactly what dreams are made of, yet deciding on just the right drink feels like an impossible task right this second.
so he scans the menu, his eyes flickering between the various options. yeonjun said their new horchata drink was good, but he doesn’t trust yeonjun’s taste.
“do you know what you’re ordering?” he asks you with big, round eyes. 
you can't help but notice how his eyes resemble tapioca pearls – "just iced coffee," you reply with a hint of amusement.
“right,” beomgyu chuckles, realizing he should have guessed as much.
suddenly, the girl behind the counter approaches you, her bright smile matching the cheery vibe of the boba shop. "hi there! can i help you?" she chirps.
beomgyu's attention shifts to her, “oh! yes yes, just a second” he responds, his eyes scanning the menu once more.
"well, our special today is the pina colada boba blast," the girl continues with a playful tone "it's sweet, refreshing, and i guarantee you it will leave you wanting more!”
beomgyu looks up, and before he could respond, you step forward, "we'll figure it out ourselves, thanks," you say curtly.
the girl's smile falters slightly. "o-okay, let me know if you need any help," she mumbles, retreating to the safety of the register.
"come on, babe, she was just doing her job," beomgyu says, chuckling a little and reaching for your hand. "but i think is time for me to finally admit… there's something kind of hot about you being mean."
you rolled your r eyes, but a small smirk tugged at the corners of your lips. you figured that much way before he did “i’m not being mean, beomie,” you still say, feigning ignorance “i truly don’t know what you’re talking about.”
beomgyu grins, feeling a surge of affection for the girl by his side. as they placed their order and settled into a cozy corner of the boba shop, he couldn't help but think how happy he was to have you, even if you did have a bit of a mean streak.
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ouiouibaguettt · 1 month
The Tattoo
Y/N - your name. Y/NN - your nickname. Y/LN - your last name.
request: r is new on the french squad and star struck when she meets gabby. They room together and they bond over their love for records, r ask if she could tattoo gabby if they win their games.
okay i did try my best, im sorry i didnt go with the fact that r could tattoo Gabby in case of a win.
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You're POV:
You've been ecstatic ever since national team coach Jean-Aimé Toupane called you so that you could come to the Insep training camp before you had to start training for the 2024 Olympics.
At the same time, with the season you'd had with Basket Landes, how could he not call you, averaging 6.7 assists, 8.0 rebounds and 17.5 points per game, giving you an evaluation of 20.6. To say you were on fire would be an understatement.
Let's get back to the moment. You were finishing packing your bag, before heading off to the station with your clubmate Marie Pardon. Once there, and after greeting everyone, that's when your eyes met, only it's not the first time your breathing seemed to stop when you met her gaze. Gabby had the same reaction as you, breath cut off, cheeks flushed, it was Marine who helped her out of her trance before she looked like a psychopath.
During lunch, the coach assigned rooms. “Marine Fauthoux with Iliana” he said as the two girls jumped on each other making everyone laugh. “Marine Johannes with Alexia, Marie with Carla, and finally Gabby with Y/N” he added before handing you your room keys and taking your seats to let you finish eating.
Once the meal was over, the whole team decided to go back to their rooms to rest before starting training.
When you entered the room, you saw Gabby unpacking, the way her arms flexed, allowing her muscles to show. The sight immediately made you blush. However, you heard a clearing of the throat, bringing you back down to earth, and Gabby looked at you with a smirk when she saw where your eyes were blocked.
“I hope you're enjoying the view?” she said, laughing a little, not wanting to be the only one in this position you replied ‘It's the best view I've ever had’ you said, winking at her before unpacking your suitcase, leaving her speechless.
However, she snapped out of her trance when she heard the rhythm you were whistling. “You listen to The Neighbourhood too?” she asked. “Yes, I have almost all their CDs in my apartment” you replied. “Which one did you like best?” she added as she lay on her stomach, head resting on her hands, looking up at you. “Hm, I'd say 'Reflections', it's very close to my heart” you replied before adding ”And you? Which one do you prefer?” Gabby took a moment to think about it before saying “I'd say ‘Reflections’ too”. After debating for a while about your rather similar musical tastes, your tattoos, it was time of training.
Since the day you and Gabby were put in the same room, each day brings you closer. If you both were unaware of the feelings that were starting to grow more and more. Your teammates were all aware, some had even placed bets on when you would confess your feelings to each other.
Before, your first two preparation games against Finland, you had made a bet with Gabby. If Finland scored less than 100 points in two games, you let her choose your next tattoo while if Finland scored more than 100 points in two games, you would have to choose her next tattoo.
Spoiler alert, you won the bet. By winning the first game 129 to 50, and the second 117 to 59, Finland had therefore put 109 points in total in two games which made you the winner of the bet. However, you and Gabby decided to wait until the end of the Olympics to get her tattoo.
After qualifying for the final following the victory in overtime against Belgium where you and Gabby were on fire. The whole team celebrated well with the public, and in the locker room. Finally, when the celebration stopped, the players came out one by one to greet the public one last time before returning to the hotel. Once back at the hotel, you and Gabby decided to stay a little in the common room, you were showing each other tiktoks. However, when you looked up from her phone to her, you noticed how close her face was to yours and how beautiful she was.
When Gabby looked up, her eyes were going back and forth between your eyes and your lips, unable to wait any longer, Gabby kissed you gently, she placed one of her hands on your cheeks and the other on your hip while your hands ended up around her neck. Wanting to catch your breath, you separated a little but you left your hands where they were. "Wow-" you said still amazed by this kiss. "I really like you Y/NN, I like everything about you, your musical tastes, your tattoos, your smile, the way your eyes shine with determination in the middle of a match" Gabby confessed. "I really like you too Gabby" you confessed to her. "Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" she asked you. "Of course I would do you that honor" you answered her, a big smile on your lips.
However, just as you were about to kiss each other again, Marine Johanness arrived in the room, she saw the position you were in, your faces betraying you since you were both red. Marine understood immediately what had just happened. "Did you just kiss?" she asked excitedly, you had turned red with embarrassment at the idea of ​​a teammate interrupting you, that's when Gabby answered "Yes but-" she didn't have time to finish her sentence that Marine was already on the phone with Alexia. "Alexia you owe me 20 euros" she exclaimed. And then, she went back to her room. "It was super random" you told Gabby once calm had returned, "Yes really" said Gabby starting to laugh at the situation.
After this beautiful moment in the common room, you and Gabby decide to go back to your room.
With only a few seconds left, you managed to send your pass to Gabby, who caught it and scored immediately. The basket being awarded, the referees went to see the video to see if it was a 2-point or a 3-point. The score being 67 to 64 in favor of the USA, a 3-point would allow you to snatch overtime.
However, the referee having viewed the video, declared that the basket was a 2-point, and blew the final whistle, declaring the USA the winner. Gabby collapsed in tears, you brought her in your arms to try to comfort her as best you could.
Once she was 'calm' enough, you went to congratulate the opposing team and greet the public before going to the locker room to prepare for the medal ceremony.
After the medal ceremony, Gabby seemed at peace with what had happened earlier, that's how you ended up in a tattoo parlor to finally choose her future tattoo.
Being the nice girlfriend that you are, you decided to get the tattoo too. After showing the tattoo artist the design, he first started with Gabby, and ended with you. Gabby was surprised but was very pleased with the tattoo you had chosen.
On her left forearm, and on your right forearm, rests forever, the upside down house, the symbol of the group The Neighbourhood.
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eggroll-sama · 7 months
Touchstarved Demo Review
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Played the demo of Touchstarved and I can’t get it out of my head. Refreshing tumblr every three seconds to read people’s stances on the game so I’m going to do it myself. Here’s are my current stances on the characters.
Rather secluded and to himself, initial reactions wise I was disappointed in not getting to know more about him in the demo. but at the same time, the demo set the stage for what exactly I could expect from his route. Slow-burn. Much like what I expect Mhin’s route to be like, but moreso focused on getting to know his past. He doesn’t voice his internal struggles because he has a firm barrier he sets between himself and other, probably hates getting too close to human’s because he is immortal and doesn’t like the idea of getting attached to things that are temporary.
Also, after listening to the Q and A on YouTube and how supposedly Kuras will do some messed up shit in his route, I’m really excited to see what’s up with this tight-lipped doctor. He is definitely not the nice, charitable doctor that he is known for in Lowtown.
On a positive note, his design is probably my favorite in the game! Very unique, gorgeous, and ethereal, so pretty that I know if he existed in real life he’d be out of my league and would be popular just because of how jaw-droppingly gorgeous he is. Mr Steal your girl, but he’s respectful so he won’t be a home wrecker.
(More reviews under the cut)
A character that I thought looked so suspicious and weirded out, but fell in love with when playing the game. I thought he looked like a psychopath!
Because I’m a stupid, easily manipulated dumbass, I initially didn’t really capture his red flags when playing the demo. Every time he let me touch him, my heart beat wouldn’t stop! And his blush is so adorable. He seemed like the trustworthy nice-guy that just wanted to help a poor soul out. And uh, chest. The chest really had an effect on me and his entire outfit didn’t help. Black turtle necks awaken something in me, yknow? And the belts? Hoe energy.
After replaying the demo a few times, it just stands out to me how much of a player he is. Before realizing MC was at the bar because of Kuras, he was in flirting mode and probably considering MC to be part of his escapades. The disappointment in his tone and face when he found out MC was there for business 😂😂.
We get the most information of Leander from the special conversation with the characters so I am quite pumped to know what exactly this guy is about, cuz each person has varying, colorful opinions on him. I find it so funny that Vere, the most flirtatious in the game, is weirded out by shameless Leander is. Maybe that is Leander’s flaw? The leader of the Bloodhounds, envied by many and respected by most, is the most submissive and horny bitch on the planet. Ok ok, I’m done. But I could go on and on about this man.
(Side note, Mhin and Leander definitely had a drunken one night stand. And Mhin absolutely regretted it)
Even after reading all the theories on how sus he is, his interactions were probably my favorite in the entire game. I’m just so intrigued by him.
Not the biggest fan of Vere. I’m not into animal ears and tails.
Im going to be honest in real life I would be flustered by Vere’s advances and probably feel a sort of fascination towards him echen to attraction, but he’s not really the type that I want to romance in games. Also the fact of the matter is is that sexual innuendoes just not my thing, especially when it comes to first impressions. And my first impression was getting my key stolen so nice.
Irl Vere can be acquaintances at most. I would be there just to hear the juiciest details about some drama. He would always have some snarky comment that would make me laugh. I love some dark humor. But at the same time, he’s dangerous af. I wouldn’t want to get too close to him. He has major issues and idk when he would snap, that’s the scary part! If I tease him playfully and he was not in the mood, off goes my head.
I like his relationship with Ais, adds more juiciness to the story. Love me some love triangles. Reminds me of Rime and Felix relationship in Last Legacy.
I would like the challenge of winning him over though. Because his route would probably be so unpredictable and challenging, I feel more motivated to play and invest in his story
I love his character design! Probably my second favorite in the game. Ais exudes confidence, competence, and strength. Major main character vibes from Ais. I’m guessing that’s why Leander hates him. HOW DARE YOU BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION, LITERALLY THE CENTER OF ALL THE PROMO ART YOU FUCKIN BASTAR-
I personally do not feel that much of a love connection towards Ais as much as Leander. More like, I chill with you. I could grab a drink with you and talk about life. Yes. Maybe when I play his route they’ll prove me wrong. Im still curious about him so can’t wait to play his route. But I don’t see much of a red flag in him as the others, he just seems like a chill guy that went through hell. I’m guessing he’ll show his dark sides in his route.
It’s concerning that he’s attracted to Vere cuz Vere is…Vere. Problematic. Chaotic. An Asshole. Hmmm, is Ais technically an enabler? Yes, but Ais also starts bar fights. They’re both bad. It’s also interesting how generally people would say ethically good qualities on why they are attracted to someone but no, Ais is just like “yeah he’s an asshole, you can trust him just don’t listen to anything he says.” It’s hilarious. That also contrasts with Leander’s bio how he sees Vere as a damsel in distress cuz he’s delusional and has white knight syndrome, while Ais sees people who they are because he’s the black sheep “that have the clearest view of the world.” That’s probably why Vere loves him. Ais is the only person that sees his crappiness and still likes him. What a Chad :,)
They reminds me of a friend I have. Quiet, standoffish, takes time to open up, a MASSIVE sweet tooth. I really want to pet their heads but I know they’re going to smack it away if I even try to touch. 😭😭
Mhin, the angsty teen. Considering Mhin’s bad temperament and similar curse thing with MC, I’m going to guess it’ll have major Beauty and the Beast vibes. Tempermental Mhin and MC who would turn them into a better person and teach them how to love themselves, with or without the curse.
The friendship with Mhin and Kuras make a lot of sense. Mhin feels at peace with Kuras cuz he’s a good listener and the only introvert in the friend group. Mhin needs someone that won’t try to annoy them like Leander or Vere. But I remember listening to the stream with the developers, and they were saying how terrible Kuras is and can’t wait for people to find out about it. Will Mhin feel betrayed when they find out the truth about Kuras? Do they already know? So many questions.
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xxizombiexx · 1 year
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Dabi x FEM! Reader
Villains Girlfriend
Warning- p in v, use of toys, bondage, reader being described as "cute" "adorable" and "clueless", being gagged, oversimulation idk how to spell it
If you would have looked at her, and then at Dabi, you would have never guess they would be together. She was a adorable person. Always dressing in cute clothes and dressing up just to go to the convince store. But him on the other hand, he was very, edgy. Always wearing black, and dark clothing. Such a cold heart he has. But he can't help but smile at his cute little girlfriend sometimes. She was so adorable, yet so clueless. So stupid. She would do anything Dabi told her too.
So that's why, right now, she's on her knees, all tied up from him. Her hands were tied behind her naked back. Ropes hugged her body tightly. From her arms being tied together to her thighs. Dabi could only chuckled, as she whine and cry as the vibrator attacked her sensitive little nub. All she could do was make those noises, since the gag in her mouth was preventing her from saying anything.
Dabi, on the other hand, sat back in his chair, his one hand palming his hard cock through his pants and the other on the remote controlling the vibrator. He loved seeing the sight of her tied up before him. He could only chuckled, as he watched the girl squirm just from a little toy.
Just wait until you get the real thing.
"What's that, doll? You want me to turn up the speed?" Dabi asked, smiling like a psychopath. Because he is one. But that's besides the point. The girl practically begged for him not to turn it up. Her little pussy couldn't take it anymore. She needed to cum. But, Dabi being Dabi, she couldn't or else there would be consequences.
So that's what Dabi did. He turned it up to the highest level. Y/n moaned and moaned, squirmed and whined. The vibrator on her clit was driving her insane. Dabi chuckled, as he pulled out his phone to take a picture of her all tied up. That's definitely going to be his new lockscreen.
Gotta cum, gotta cum. Was all she thought, rolling her eyes back into of her head. Y/n moaned loudly over the gag, as she felt the knot in her stomach snap. Her juices ran down her thigh. She knew Dabi was gonna be angry, but it was almost- no, impossible to hold back her need to cum.
"Oh, what happened, doll? You were being such a good girl, now look at you. You didn't even ask permission." Dabi said, getting up from his seat in the chair. The girl whined.
"I-m s-srow-ey!" She mumbled, with tears streaming down her face. Dabi could only shake his head in disappointment and tsked. He turned off the toy that was attacking her sensitive nub. She left out a sigh of relief, it being muffled sounds over the gag.
"Yeah, yeah." Dabi said, pushing you down, so her face met the floor. Dabi kneeled behind her, unzipping his black jeans, and letting his cock free from his boxers. He looked down her, looking at how wet her pussy was; her juices flowing down her thigh. Dabi gave no time, thrusting into her. His thick, pierced cock filling up her aching cunt with just one thrust.
Y/n moaned out in pleasure and sensitivity. (E/c) eyes, rolled back.
Dabi could only chuckle, watching you in this state. He pulled out, leaving only the tip in your hole, before slamming back in. "D-Dabi, i-im gon-na cum~" She moaned, throwing her head back in pleasure.
Dabi continued to thrust in and out, him also throwing his head back in pleasure of how her walls tightened around his cock. "Yeah-yeah go ahead." He groaned out, feeling himself to grow closer and color to cumming. And that's what she did. She squirmed all over as she rides out her high. Dabi's chest shined with Y/n juices.
His paste started to slow and become sloppy, before he came inside of her, groaning out in satisfaction.
Words- 708
This is so rushed lol
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f4y3w00d5 · 4 months
looked thru my old characters again and now im wondering whod wanna rp with them, so im gonna pick a few out and give brief backstories
YOUNG INDUSTRIES (A former rp I did)
Description: Evil guy Seth kidnaps innocents and experiments on them, no one could ever escape.
Lets start with the characters from the Abyss, the Abyss was where the inmates who angered Seth/were dangerous were. there was the upper and lower parts of the Abyss, ill specify what each character was.
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Oliver (Green eyed) and Alvirum (demonic). Oliver was to be a sacrifice, but ended up possessed by a young demon, and their souls were bonded. Oliver is mostly in control, although when threatened Alvirun takes over. Olivers mostly sweet but Alviruns mocking. They count as 11. Upper levels of the abyss.
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Annie. hahaha fucking shit was she hot- Shes some sort of angelic type being, crossed with a siren. Shes a fucking jerk. I love her. Upper levels.
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I loved Rax but he didnt go well with the industries. Condescending but flirty vampiric asshole. he has minor hypnotic powers, too. He got put into the upper abyss for pissing Seth off
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Skylar!!! The darling was so sweet, I love him. Some sort of siren, but he was cursed by a cousin to only be able to speak the truth and the whole truth. hes also a sorcerer and knows quite a bit of magic. He probably insulted Seth and got sent down
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Zayne. Psychopathic yet human serial killer. Potentially made a deal with the devil. Highly dangerous and his drive for blood outways nearly everything else. Lower abyss, one of the most dangerous.
Ive already got one for Jacob, one of the others in the lower abyss, and Zanthia would be hard to roleplay....
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(thats him, hes 19)
Upper Levels This is the main part of the industries and where the safe inmates are
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Abby. I didnt get much done for her, but shes some sort of wood elf and utterly adorable. easily scared and very quiet.
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Alyce. Early version of Faye, part demon part human, hangs out with some other dude i forgot the name of... wait nevermind its Haydyn!! she was a killer before being captured and shes rlly bright and bubbly
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bored dead inside ghost, friends with Alyce, murdered, sorta goth. tired constantly but hes nice
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Celestia. Some kind of human mixed with an eldritch abomination. she cries constantly. shes grey and black and white. tragedy. her voice sounds like multiple people talking on top of each other.
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Tethys. Already got an account for her. Sweet little cow girl with abandonment issues. Shes currently staying at @monsterfucker-research-wizards place.
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Xander (red) and Shane (blue). Pair of brothers, Xanders the responsible one, Shane is the eternally horny masochist one, twin vampires looking for their baby sister, Evelyn.
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Evelyn, 16. Technically from the abyss, but that was just to keep her secret. Been locked in a room all by herself for 10 years. Shes sweet.
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Anya, some sort of deer-elf thing. Shes sweet. very shy and helpful, i love her....
Next we have the ones that were guards at the Young Industries
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She doesnt have a name, or a personality yet
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also unnamed and personality-less but she looks cool
then theres the ones from the library, they get their own account
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The mother, Cecilia, her 9 year old daughter, May, and the first (and only one ive thought of) resident of the library, Alora. Cecilia and May are... god knows what. some kind of immortal being, teleporting around with a sanctuary for the broken, known as the library. Alora was the first one who escaped from the Young Industries and is VERY traumatised, also shy.
Then lastly just random ones
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Adonis, human murderer, hes badass. not much on him yet
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Erika, also badass... maybe her and Adonis are siblings
@akronus-the-redeemed @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @the-cherryblossom-system @ibuildblasters @good-wizard @annotated-catastrophe @drew-bard-for-hire @wasteland-wooferbaby @blooper-malte @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 @slymewitch
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Hi! I know you’re not accepting requests or anything but wanting ideas on Yasushi? Maybe one were Yasushi likes Tsuji or Shibaman twin or sister (or both she could be their other best friend) and has since they grew up in the duplex and is actually close to her. He doesn’t know how to tell her so he seeks help from them and the other Oya high students to come up with a big surprise way to ask her out since he has no idea how to deal with feelings or even being nice sometimes when he is nervous.
Yasushi x Tsuji&Shiba’s Best Friend | Fluff
a/n: Hello! It was really an old request but im still trying to finish them, sorry :’)) This is totally fluff and for our little psycho ;) So hope you like it ❤️🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: maybe blood and knife but TOTALLY FLUFF QFGSGSG
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Yasushi nervously listened to the stupid ideas of the others. He knew from the start that it was a terrible idea. At first, his aim was only to get ideas from Tsuji and Shibaman, but now all Oya was involved.
Yasushi had a crush on Tsuji and Shibaman's childhood friend for a long time. Although they didn't like each other much when they were kids, as they grew up and became friends with the duo, he started to fight less with Y/n. And in time, he realized that she was no longer a little girl, but quite a different young girl.
Now he wanted to tell her that he likes her and date her, but he had no idea how…
The discussion ended when Nakaoka offered the idea about kidnapping y/n and told him to pretend to save her, and Todoroki, Tsuji, and Shiba yelled at him.
Yasushi knew from the very beginning not to trust them with this...
Fearing that Yasushi might like the idea for a moment, Tsukasa and Todoroki followed him and started walking with him. Later, Tsuji and Shiba also joined them.
"We're all idiots, I really don't think we're the right people for this."
Shiba nodded his head as Tsuji said with disappointment.
"Although Y/n grew up with us, she's not like us. If you want, text her and tell her you need help with something, I'm sure she will come."
At Shiba's idea, Tsuji nodded. Others found this idea plausible.
“But y/n is currently doing an internship at the hospital. After Internship might be a better idea.”
After Shiba said, Tsuji nodded his head.
"Y/n-chan seems to like sweet things, how about making her a cake?"
With Tsukasa's idea, Tsuji spoke excitedly.
"She loves orange cakes, her favourite, I'm sure she'll be happy."
Yasushi nervously nodded his head. After talking a little more, he said goodbye to his friends and went home.
He had spoken to Kiyoshi before entering the house. His friend was supporting him, but he was afraid that he would be upset in the end.
Although Yasushi might seem tough and a bit psychopathic, the people he cared about were very important to him.
Y/n was pretty cute, but she was also a strong and good girl. He especially impressed that she always had Tsuji and Shibaman's back.
He didn't know when he fell in love with her. But he knew very well that this was the first time he had felt this way towards someone.
After thinking nervously for a while, he sent the message he wrote and put the phone aside.
He was sitting on his bed waiting for an answer. He was nervously playing with his fingers. About 4 minutes later, when he got a positive response, he stood up excitedly and started thinking about what to do.
He took a quick shower, arranged something to wear, and started planning for tomorrow. He was going to make her a nice cake for tomorrow night.
Yasushi hadn't told anyone about his plan. -except Kiyoshi- Because he didn't want anything to ruin today.
You couldn't tell if he was excited or scared.He was pretty good at hiding his feelings. But right now the sweat drops on his forehead could betray him…
When he opened the door to go to the grocery store, he didn't expect to find all his friends at the door of his apartment. As Fujio shouted excitedly, he quickly closed the door and took a deep breath.
The knocking sounds continued for a while, then he opened the door and glared at them angrily.
"What are you doing here?"
Fujio and Nakaoka grinned while Todoroki and Tsukasa watched them with judgmental eyes. Others didn't seem ashamed at all.
“We came to help you make a cake, Yasushi!”
Yasushi looked at them in horror as Fujio spoke excitedly. He was sure that this would not end well…
Y/n was helping one of the nurses. Her internship was about to end. She looked at her watch and smiled. She would meet Yasushi soon.
“Y/n, a young patient came in. He needs stitches. Could you please look over here?"
Y/n proceeded to the last patient who came before the end of the shift. She looked at him in shock with the face she saw when she opened the curtain.
Yasushi looked at her nervously and smiled. He didn't know what to say either. Seeing the blood flowing from his hand, the young girl quickly took the supplies and pulled up a chair and sat in front of the bed. She was asking questions while cleaning the wound.
Yasushi was watching the young girl without saying anything like a guilty child. After Y/n had put the last stitch, she lifted her head and looked at him.
"Aren't you going to say something? How did it happen?"
Yasushi sighed and shook his head
“It happened while I was chopping an orange.”
Y/n asked in surprise, wanting to confirm if she understood correctly that the young boy was muttering.
"Excuse me?"
Yasushi shyly replied
“Orange… I was chopping an orange.”
Y/n wanted to laugh but held back. Yasushi said angrily when he saw the young girl holding back her laughter
“It's all because of those idiots. I was going to make you an orange cake. Because I heard you love them and I wanted you to be happy. I didn't notice when I was shouting at them and the knife cut my hand. I will kill them.”
Y/n stared at him in surprise as Yasushi spoke angrily. When the young boy realized what he was saying, he averted his eyes and y/n asked shyly.
"Were you making me a cake?"
Y/n smiled as Yasushi nodded in embarrassment.
“Thank you, I feel really happy.”
Seeing the blush on the young girl's cheeks, Yasushi also smiled and nodded his head.
“Y/n… will you go on a date with me? A real date. I'll buy you an orange cake, too."
Y/n chuckled as Yasushi spoke excitedly and slowly bandaged his hand to finish her job. Yasushi was waiting for an answer from her. The young girl stood up slowly and placed a small kiss on the cheek of the boy sitting on the stretcher.
“My shift got longer because of you, so you better hurry.”
As the young girl took her supplies and walked over to the nurses, Yasushi smiled broadly and thanked those idiots inside. For the first time, their stupidity had a happy ending…
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy
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adidegmez · 20 days
spn s14 spoilers
s14 ep1(stranger in a strange land)
i want to watch spn but at the same time i dont. last 2 seasons. i dont want to say goodbye. but i need to kearn how their stories end. i must say dean looks amazing. they'll find dean, sam and cas theyre trying so hard.
s14 ep2(gods and monsters)
poor nick, lucifer used him. i love bobby. when he came back i didnt think we would see him this much. its nice to see him he is like our bobby but he is not him. i wish he could come back. cas' speech was beautiful, he changed so much. i love him. jack is right and i dont like that. dean would agree with jack. but dean cant die theyll find another way. and theyll save dean. why didnt cas go with nick? dean isnt dean its Michael right? that was the plan. i hope he is dean but i dont think so.
s14 ep3(the scar)
dean is back. the beard, really dean. I thought Kaia's story would be left unfinished. im glad theyre telling it. Jack is still young and has been through so much already. jack saved the girl. and now he is sick. i love dad cas, when he is talking to jack he is awesome. dean said yes and saved his brother and son. yes michaelhurt people but dean did what he had to do.
s14 ep4(mint condition)
dean wanted a friend like stuart. when he was mad at his dad he could just go and hang out with his friend. he now has cas but it wouldve been nice for him when he was young. i love fanboy dean. his love for movies is beautiful. i hope they can have a nice halloween next year. i would like to see the cosplay.
s14 ep5(nightmare logic)
jack and cas finally went to hunt. i wish we could see that. i love bobby but he needs to be more chill. he is bobby but not our bobby. our bobby's relationship with the boys was different, it was beautiful. i missed him. i didnt think bobby would live this long. i thought they would kill him. im glad he is alive. i am not sure about bobby and mary tho.
s14 ep6(optimism)
i missed Charlie. They had planned everything but the "old man" destroyed Dean. He never expected this. he is offended. jackrealy played his role. i like both of them. they are amazing. i like how both of them thinks Michael is their fault and not the other ones. i love how jack is trying to convince dean to forgive himself. i liked how sam convinced Charlie to stay. i missed our Charlie and bobby. jack is truly a winchester. he is not okay.
s14 ep7(unhuman nature)
hi cas! nick learned some stuff from luci, like torturing:(. dean let jack drove the baby:'). and what is wrong with dean? jack is their son dean'S cas' and sam's. and they love him so much. i mostl forget jack is just a baby. at least rowena helped, it was nice of her. nick is a psychopath. he lost his mind. if he doesnt want to feel those feelings he shouldve asked for help from the boys or he couldve killed himself but he chose lucifer. when lucifer comes back there will be chaos. hell cause so much pain but nick doesnt even care. i thnik luci will save jack probably not willingly but i think jack will live because of him. maybe hell get his grace back.
s14 ep8(byzantium)
no no no no. this cant be happenning jack cant die. dean and cas werent with him. even if they were he cant die. theyll bring him back. im glad kelly got the chance to see her boy. the winchesters and cas, they raised jack well. he is amazing. empty is ruthless. im glad it didnt take cas now but it will take him when he is finally happy. i hope it cant but this story will end, cas' story will end. and i guess thats how it will end. this is bad but for now both cas and jack are safe. im happy for lily she saved jack and she got her reward in the end. the winchesters are back together again. i wish Chuck would come. he couldve beaten Michael easily. and the boys wouldnt have to fight with him. but Chuck is with his sister idek what theyre doing but it wouldnt take long to kill Michael. boys are great dads. they have their son back, they really love their son. i love seeing team free will 2.0. they are all amazing.
s14 ep9(the spear)
no garth wouldnt do that. i think he is working with the winchesters. i love garth. i think i love ketch too. he did some(a lot maybe) bad things but he is trying to do the right thing. i dont like the fact that dean lied to kaia. yes they need the spear, hopefully theyll keep their end of the deal and return her to her home. why did Michael let sam live? what did he do to him? no! Michael took dean, again. dean isnt gone hell beat Michael. dean will win.
s14 ep10(nihilism)
hi pamela. dean's dream, its beautiful. but where is jack in that dream? i cant ake Michael serious. he has dean's face. btw ill always choose dean againts anyone and anything. because hell always win he is always on the right side. jack shouldnt believe what Michael says. im the cage?! dean is so powerfull. hell keep him there for a while. at least billie helped them. 1>14,000,605. dean will save the World, again.
s14 ep11(damaged goods)
Dean says goodbye to everyone. thats not good, hes going to do something. well, what deans doing is not the perfect solution but it can provide more time for others to find a good way to get out of this situation. dean didnt say goodbye to cas and jack?
s14 ep12(prophet and loss)
i thought nicks story ended. dean you did everything you could do for sammy and you are still apologizing. sam, did it. he conviced dean.
s14 ep13(lebanon)
No one can steal the baby. i hate that girl. omg! he wanted his dad. john is back. winchesters are back together. cant they be happy just for once. constantine:) . im glad they all got to spend time together but i hoped john could stay and they could be happy. but this is supernatural and they dont get happy endings most of the time.
s14 ep14(ouroboros)
jack is using his soul more:(. i love rowena more now. rowena cares about them. she cares about jack. i dont want jack to be soulless. yes jack is a winchester and i think cas is a winchester too. if Michael is really dead and jack got his power back then whats gonna happen rest of the season?
s14 ep15(peace of mind)
jack doesnt have a soul, great! well, at least he is trying to do good things.
s14 ep16(don't go in the woods)
i dont like those kids. i hope we'll never see them again.
s14 ep17(game night)
nick became lucifer. i couldnt tell the differance. he was a monster. jack didnt do wrong, if he didnt kill nick he would try to do the same thing again. yes something is wrong with jack but he will get better. Mary pushed Jack too hard, maybe if she left him alone for a few minutes he would be able to pull himself together.
s14 ep18(absence)
No, Jack couldn't have killed Mary. dean and sam theyll be devastated. dean dont be mad at cas. he was just trying to do what he thought was right. The flashback scenes are killing me. I get sadder with each scene. There is 1 season left, I have been watching their stories for 3 months. I don't know how to say goodbye to them. rowena changed so much, i like the winchester affect. she cares about jack and the others. i didnt think mary would die. but she did.
s14 ep19(jack in the box)
hi bobby! i hate dumah now, i didnt like her before and now she is worse. Jack is very open to manipulation. cas did a good thing. dumah doesnt deserve that kinda power. They should have known that box couldn't hold Jack. Dean can be so cruel sometimes, he lied to Jack so easily. and sam he wasnt okay with it he struggelled while lying to jack. i hope they can figure this out. and thing could be way it was. lucifer always makes everything worse.
s14 ep20(moriah)
Chuck!! if jack was sam den would do anyhing to save sam. jack could be saved. jack will return only he can beat Chuck. and he will beat Chuck, he has to. Chuck is a monster. jack is just trying to be good. im glad dean didnt kill jack. he saw jack was struggling and he was trying to do te right thing so he didnt kill him. 1 last season
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crushingonevery1 · 8 months
Im okay. (prologue)
warning: dark past, dark present, evil(psychopath) darren cross and wife.
pairings: peter parker x reader, mcu x reader, avengers x reader
You were 7.
Your life turned around for the worst, and only seemed to be getting worse and worse. You were 7 when you lost both your parents to a fatal car crash. u wanted to believe it was fate but u knew what it truly was, it was murder.
Your father was the middle child out of three brothers, He loved them both dearly and couldn't wait for them to meet you, his child, his offspring. Until one day he was met with the news of the murder of his elder brother by his younger brother, Darren cross. Recognizing his ill intentions, he ran with his pregnant wife to the other corner of the world. He wouldn't let anything happen to you.
You still remember, the day before your parents death, Darren "visited" you, he said he had come to collect his asset, you also remember his extreme anger when he found out you were a girl. You were his chance, at winning over hydra, at turning his life around, but what would he do with a weak little girl. He had planned to give his brother's son to hydra as asset, to do with him what they wanted, but..u weren't a boy, there was no way hydra would take you. Darren had promised hydra the strongest asset they will ever get. He had to do something. That's where his obsession for the pym particle started. He had wasted a lot of money, a lot of resources, heck he killed his brothers to be able to retrieve you. He was going to make good use of you.
Ten years later, here you are. After his pym particle plan failed, darren was pulled of jail thanks to hydra, so the he could continue working on their "asset". He has started all sorts of experiments on you, if he was crazy first, the encounter with hank pym and his failure made him somehow, even worse.
They treated you horribly, abused everyday, they would administer electric shocks everytime you even blinked without their permission, you were starting to lose hope. You wanted to run away you really did, but, this home. It belonged to your father, it was the closest thing you had to comfort. So for the sake of your mental stability, you just put up with it, thinking atleast this way you're with your parents.
Your life has never been worse not only were you suffering more than any prisoner would at home, the constant bullying in school didn't help, high schoolers can be brutal. That's when you met the reason you were still alive, Peter Parker.
He was this timid boy but smart, oh so smart. He would speak to you about how Tony stark put him in this "rich kid" school for the enhancement of his skill. The day you started dating, he also told you about the internship infact being him, an Avenger. It was adorable, hearing him talk for hours about how much convincing and training he had to do for Mr stark to let him be an Avenger. He was so proud of himself, and you were so proud of him. If you had to, you would live the rest of your life with your uncle letting him experiment on you, as long as you could meet Peter.
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A Poet Could Not But Be Gay — part 2
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Part 1
Pairing: college!au Ellie Williams x f!reader
summary: You and Ellie text after you like her post and see each other in class again. You talk to each other, slowly growing closer.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mutual pining, reader has no rizz, anxiety, English class
a/n: M (minors and men) DNI, please! Y'all I can't believe you guys gave me 34 notes on my first-ever fic!!! I'm literally on top of the world and it really motivated me to write another chapter so here it is!! 😁
Ellie Williams: Hey stalker (;
You were frozen. Your breath had caught in your throat and you felt your entire body burning up as though you'd throw up at any second. Your phone screen had gone black by then and you only had time to blink before another notification came in.
Ellie Williams added you as a friend.
Finally, you were able to breathe. What the fuck is happening!? you thought. She has to be playing some kind of prank on me 'cause no one should be this cool about a random girl like a — how old was it? 5-week-old picture!
You decided that the best thing to do was to respond. She already knew you were online and you would only look more guilty if you ignored her. Ellie had caught you red-handed, sure, but she didn't need to know why you were looking her up. You started typing, probably taking way longer than you should to write a simple text.
you: hey! sorry i was just struggling with the homework and youre the only person i knew from that class so i looked you up
you: how are you handling the last minute assignment she sent us?
Really? A double text seconds after I was caught stalking her? I'm fucking dead. Every second that passed by felt like an hour. You were biting your nails, staring at the screen impatiently. She hadn't even seen it yet and you felt like she was judging you through the phone. After one minute, she opened the chat and started typing. Looking at those three taunting dots, you couldn't help but imagine all the texts she could be writing. Nightmarish thoughts were flying through your brain when her text finally appeared.
Ellie Williams: Oh fuck I hadn't even seen that email! What kind of psychopath of a teacher sends an assignment at 6pm?
You let out a relieved sigh, thankful she hadn't asked any questions regarding your lie. Your shaking thumbs started typing but you received another text.
Ellie Williams: And who even has a favourite poem to write 500 words about
Ellie Williams: Well you definitely do
You had to read that twice. She remembers about my poem. Your small smile grew into a grin, and the little exhale from your nose grew into a fit of giggles. You rolled onto your back before remembering you had to answer her.
you: im glad i was able to tell you about the assignment! and yeah i have a favourite poem and i absolutely LOVE telling people about it but i know how scatterbrained i can be so idk if ill be able to make sense
The two of you texted back and forth for a few minutes but your shyness held you back and your conversation eventually dwindled. After several minutes of radio silence on both ends, your phone vibrated again.
Ellie Williams: Well I'm gonna start writing that paper but I'll see you on Wednesday!
you: good luck with that!
you: cant wait to see you again :)
You held your breath, frightened by your boldness.
Ellie Williams: Don't miss me too much (;
You honestly thought you could have died at that moment. And there was that winking face again. You couldn't believe your clumsy mistake had led you to have an actual conversation! Outside of school! Sure it was mainly about your shared class but now it felt more personal. She wasn't just "Ellie, the hot girl from my poetry class" anymore. She was Ellie Williams, the charming girl you'd met in class and befriended and fell in love with and moved in with and married and — ok now. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I don't even know her favourite colour yet. I don't even know if she likes girls, let alone me!
You decided that the best thing for you to do now was to focus on your assignment. It wouldn't take very long but at least it would keep your mind occupied for a little while.
Though the poem was about the beauty of nature and all it has to offer, you couldn't help but relate every verse to Ellie.
"they / Out-did the sparkling waves in glee" Ellie outdoes everyone and everything. There was not a single thing you could think of that you would rather look at than Ellie. There was no sound you'd rather hear than her laugh and no word you'd rather read than hers. I'm so fucking gay, it's ridiculous, you thought.
Some verses you felt rather poetic about, while others felt like they were describing the slight gay panic you'd had upon first seeing her, "I gazed — and gazed — but little thought". That's exactly how you'd felt. You'd stared at her sheer beauty and focused on nothing but her. The only thing you could remember from your time staring at her was the warmth that had formed in your belly and the tingling in your face.
You had known this girl for barely 8 hours and you could already see her in everything. Fuck, this is gonna hurt.
Tuesday was somewhat uneventful. You'd been awoken by your alarm once again and had rolled over to check your phone. You were barely awake when you saw that Ellie had changed your name on messenger to "y/n🌸". Has she been thinking about me? you thought with a grin plastered to your face. Before you had time to overthink, you quickly changed her name to "Ellie 😉".
Neither of you texted the other again until Wednesday. It was a cool and cloudy day meaning everything had grey undertones and you refused to let yourself darken because of some stupid clouds. That's why you chose to wear your long sleeve, bright yellow shirt underneath short, green overalls.
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The sky might be grey and sad but I'm looking like a ray of fucking sunshine! you told yourself in the mirror. The colour you wore made you feel invincible, as though you could conquer the world and make it bright again.
Eventually, after an interminable lecture, you were sat at your seat in your and Ellie's shared class, awaiting the girl herself. To busy yourself, you started taking out your books and laptop, putting your pens neatly out onto your side of the desk. While you were distracted, Ellie walked into the class.
Ellie's thoughts
Ellie's mind was racing, trying to figure out what to say to you when she saw you. She knew she would say hi; that was a given. But what then? She didn't want to just be an acquaintance to you. She wanted to be on your mind as much as you were on hers, which was constantly. Dreams of you consumed her nights which she loved until she woke up and realized you had barely talked to each other.
When she walked into the classroom, she nearly froze in the doorframe. Of course, she thought, on a gross day like this, she has to look like a ray of fucking sunshine. It was as though you were trying to make her fall head over heels for you.
When she started walking normally again, your head popped up and a genuine smile graced your lips. Ellie felt like the Earth had stopped spinning and smiled back with false confidence. She sat down next to you and told you her scripted, "Hi," in her usual, honeyed voice, adding an improvised, "how you doing?", proud she hadn't stumbled over her words.
"Hi," you answered, voice quieter than hers, "I'm doing pretty good. I actually finished the assignment on time, so the semester's off to a good start!" you said with a laugh.
Ellie laughed back, happy you had initiated a topic so she would get to keep talking with you. "Wow! Three whole days in and no late assignments yet! I'm extremely impressed." she replied, the glee evident in her tone.
You giggled and said, "You should be!"
There was a beat of silence and she was scared you had run your conversation to its course before it had even started. Then you surprised her by asking, "How have you been?"
She looked up at you, taking a few seconds to admire every line and curve in your face. "Oh, you know," she said, "I've been busier now that school started up again but I've been good." She paused for a second and continued, "I haven't been too busy to figure it out though."
A smile crept onto your face and she thanked her lucky stars that she'd kept talking. "Figure what out?" you asked.
With slightly shaking hands she hoped you wouldn't notice, she reached out to your arm and pushed up the sleeve of your shirt to reveal the tattoo you'd shown her. "This," she said looking back up, her eyes boring into yours, "It's Wordsworth right?" You nod and she goes on, "That's a sick name for a poet. I read the poem and I have to say, you've got some good taste, pretty girl." The name just slipped out of her mouth. Her eyes widened and she noticed your smile falter. She pulled away from your arm.
She cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure but you spoke before she could, "I feel like with a name like that, he couldn't really go into any other profession, you know." you laughed dryly, clearly trying to ease the tension.
She laughed the same dry laugh and let out a quiet, "Yeah, he had to go into writing."
Luckily, your awkward moment only lasted a short time and Ellie was saved from any further embarrassment as your professor began her lecture.
About 30 minutes into the lecture, Ellie was flipping the pages of her textbook like crazy, trying to find the poem the class was discussing. She figured you had noticed her struggling because you tapped her on the arm and whispered the page number. She thanked you and started flipping to that page. In doing so, however, a page managed to slice through her skin, causing her to flinch and immediately suck on her cut.
She was cursing the paper when you tapped her arm again. She turned to you, finger still between her lips. You gave her a small smile and lifted something in your hand, "Do you need a bandaid?" you whispered. How could she say no when you were looking at her like that, big doe eyes full of concern.
She took her finger out of her mouth and agreed with a low, "Sure". Before she could do anything else, you grabbed her hand and wrapped the bandaid around her injured finger. Ellie could only stare at you, marveling at the care you gave to such a minor cut. "Thanks, y/n" she whispered. She thought she may have caught a glimpse of a blush on your cheeks but you had turned your head too quickly for her to tell for sure.
When she picked up her pen, she got her first good look at what you'd wrapped around her finger and laughed to herself. Of fucking course this personified beam of sunlight would carry around flower bandaids. I'm never taking this off. she thought as she admired her finger.
Back to your thoughts
You were looking up front but your mind was nowhere near whatever subject the professor was talking about. I touched Ellie! you though. Not the other way around! I touched her arm and then her hand! I'm gonna pass out. You were ecstatic, to say the least. You couldn't wait to call Taylor and tell her everything that happened during this second class with Ellie.
Soon enough, the class ended and you started packing your books. You got up, still giddy from excitement, and got ready to say goodbye to Ellie. She stood up after a few moments and spoke first, "So I was thinking," she said, her usual confidence seemingly vanished, "if you wanted to study or do assignments for this class, I'm free in the afternoon on Thursdays. We could meet in the library if you want. Or not even necessarily for this class, like, we could study for any class together if that was something you were interested in."
You gave her a quick open-mouthed smile. "Yeah!" you beamed, "Yeah that definitely sounds good. I know a secret spot in the library nobody ever goes to so we won't even need to worry about other people."
"Sounds great. I'll see you tomorrow then."
You both hesitated a little before moving to leave the classroom, and then again in the hallway, not sure of where the other was going. Seemingly amused by this, judging by the smirk on her face, Ellie put her hand on the small of your back, guided you in the direction you'd been headed in, and walked backward in the opposite direction.
"Bye, pretty girl!"
Part 3
a/n: I got a little carried away in this one... Did you see how much touching there was! Whoo, that was borderline smut! But I told you there would be more talking! Also, I am obsessed with Romantic poetry, specifically William Wordsworth so sorry if there was too much of him in this chapter but I really love his work! You guys should all read "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud". It's a really short poem that may or may not have made me shed a tear. Anyway, leave any ideas you have for this story in the comments! I can't wait to see what you think!!
ps: lemme know if you wanna get tagged in the next one!
tags: @lonelyfooryouonly
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the0retically · 7 months
JRWI What If: Intergalactic Gameshow:
That was a wild ride and I adored it so so much here are my thoughts :)
- This is just friends being unhinged and playing D&D I adore this
- “Her face shows disgust ‘Gillion I hate babies’” ICONIC LETS GO ASTER
- BABY JAY FERIN?????? JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This is utter insanity I love it
- God Gill is having Such a bad day he just cannot get out of this situation with baby Chip and baby Jay
- I love the bit about Jesus and Vyncent sharing the whole story of the Bible
- Vyncent being able to see the others health bar??? That’s so cool what the heck
- Aster giving so much lore because Mythborne didn’t continue is so so fun
- :((((((( this trio is so sweet, I love them, they’re like the perfect group for this, they’re so fun
- They’re just unhinged
- :((( I miss the pretzel noises
- God I love aster and gill they’re friendship is so nice
- Asters crying noooooooo it’s ok girl!! Chess isn’t everyone’s strong suit!
- I love the bit of Charlie lowering his volume and yelling to create the image of his characters doing chaos in the background
- Oh?? Charlie why do you want just a little bit left?? HAHHA HOLY SHIT HES BLASTING THE ROOMBAS INTO THE GOLD COUNTER
- ???? An mvp??
- “What’s squid game?” “It’s an undersea thing”
- Wait they’re talking about the voice and if it’s recognizable to any of them and Aster asking Gill if he knows any bastards that would do this and Gill giving a thought and saying Chip and Bizly just smiling, IS IT CHIP??
- “Actual psychopath interactions” yeah that sums up aster and gill
- OH?? People from their backstory’s in the audience!
- “How many chips in the audience? Just one” “ok didn’t know what type of hell this was”
- “Is Connor in the audience?” “No he’s dead, you can see his bofa shirt under the pile of rats staring at you” “I set the audience on fire”
- “…..the wet thorny people?? I’m still working on a team name” ok gill
- “We’re all banging and Aster” please??
- Oh these questions are starting out Rough
- Gillion just believing he’s in hell is actually so sad, he’s just Given up
- “Aster, do you wish you had more screen time?” “In this??” “In general” OH MY GOD????? BIZLY
- I miss Aster :( she’s amazing Mythborne come back pleaseeee
- He’s just putting the roomba in the briefcase??? GILL PLEASE
- “‘I love big prizes’ and she slams big” ASTER, god they’re probably building a monster to fight and Aster is building a big fast dumb and ugly?? creature
- “Oh my god did we just create Jesus Christ??” VYNCENT PLEASE
- “Up next will be this creature” “oh no!” Charlie has such bad luck with this
- Aster is cracked she’s so cool
- :((((((( I miss Gillion :((((
- Gill and Vyncent debating the trolly problem mid fight is So them I love it
- 16 out of 40??????? Vyncent oh no
- The flavor of all of their attacks is amazing
- The JRWI theme coming in for this team attack is PERFECT!!!!! I love this podcast so much :)
- The glitching…….bebo what’s that about
- :(( “see you in 5” they’re not seeing each other again but I love their friendship so much
- This goodbye is gonna make me cry??? I love it so much, it’s just so sweet, that trio is amazing and I love how immediately they were friends with each other
- “Thanks for playing” BIZLY IM GONNA CRY
- This was so sweet and amazing
- this was so so so sweet
- every pc in the campaigns is the epitome of “do you think we’re friends in every universe?” “I’d like to think so” because they are, they’re always going to be friends no matter what universe they’re in and who they are
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bigbadbatsy · 2 years
ok im so curious do you ship tdk bane and scarecrow i literally discovered your blog all of 3 minutes ago and im catching a vibe
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Bestie you passed the vibe check. I ship TDK Scarecrow with everyone. He is the city whore and I will die on this hill. Look at that fucking face. He just always looks moments away from a tantrum the longer he goes without a dick in his mouth. Babygirl has so many dick appointments he needs a notebook to keep track. Who wouldn't want a piece of that?
I definitely do favor him with Bane because, I mean, look at him. But ALSO love the idea of him getting cornered by Batman. Just anyone with big muscles holding him down would be good. Also Riddler, just to see who would come out on top. Joker would be fun.
I'm moments away from incoherent rambling thank you for the ask I am delighted.
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xamaxenta · 8 months
ok so Jennifer’s body Au but you’d think Ace would be Jennifer right I mean with that gorgeous tan and huge tits and the popular jock kinda vibe well WRONG imagine Sabo as Jennifer and Ace as the nerd. Sabo with his gorgeous blond hair with this dumb blond(we know he’s not it’s just how he gets the prey), rich white girl cheerleader kinda vibe (I wanna see him with blood dripping down his mouth, that psychopath) and Ace with glasses on his cute nose and an absolutely fruity mess(ofc he’s hot underneath those glasses) the popular crushing on the nerd is sm hotter.
And obviously Marco as a teacher fucking his students, as in both Sabo and Ace but Sabo is actually the flirty one and Ace is the blushing virgin(I wanna see him blush and cry underneath Marco)
HELP ive only one braincell dude i cant process this much information im gonna implode wtfettffb
Cheerleader Sabo is everything to me and also yeaheyayeyaheya Ace being a fruity fucking mess of a dork love that for him he should be reduced to the chris hemsworth himbo in the ghostbusters reboot (i cant remember) but its like that but hes a nerd but hes dumb about it
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alyssacat013 · 1 month
Sorry, I haven’t updated in a while but I was moving into my new apartment and had a bunch of other stuff to take care of. But, anyway I’ve now watched episodes 8-12 of twin peaks.
After watching episode 8 and 9, I feel like episodes 7-9 were almost a sort of mini arc/end to a chapter of twin peaks. The end of Leland. I have to say that Leland’s actor does such a good job of mixing grieving father and evil psychopath and switching between the two of them. And the end of episode 9 is such a highlight. The whole scene with Agent Cooper comforting Leland as he dies and the discussion afterwards in the woods about who/what Bob is and if he’s real. I liked Albert’s quote about if Bob is just a manifestation of the evil inherit in humans. Also, we find out before Leland dies that Bob and other evil spirits were trying to posses Laura, but that she rejected them and didn’t let them. And that’s why Bob killed her and he was willing to die so that she wouldn’t we taken over and used for evil. Laura was such a strong girl and she deserved better.
Also, I just have to say that Laura’s mom is also so strong. I don’t think I’d be nearly as well put together as her if my daughter was murdered and then it turns out my husband did it and then he kills himself. I liked how Agent Cooper talked to her and explained to her that it wasn’t really Leland that did it but something evil in him.
Then after Leland dies we have a small lull in the story where the characters are trying to figure out what to do next and Cooper is about to leave Twin Peaks when suddenly he gets fired from the FBI for saving Audrey and crossing into Canada and is under investigation for drug smuggling and the deaths of 3 people at the casino. I get why he would be fired for illegally crossing into another country but it’s still unfair. Since they’re also investigating him for cocaine smuggling the FBI send in a DEA to investigate and that’s when we meet Denise! I love Denise, she’s really fun and a great friend to Cooper. As someone who isn’t trans I obviously can’t definitively speak on if Denise is a good representation for trans people or not but I do love how instantly accepting Cooper was and how despite some confusion how accepting most of the other characters were. I love how she’s instantly ready to help Cooper out and knows that he’s innocent but is still stern about doing her job. I also loved her quick interaction with Audrey and how excited Audrey got at meeting a lady agent.
Another thing we hav going on is that Cooper seems to be being stalked/threatened by his old partner for some reason. We got a bit more of Coopers backstory and found out that once him and his partner were tasked with protecting a woman and that Cooper fell in love with her and that she when she was attacked he wasn’t ready and she died. Cooper then mentions that after that case his partner went insane. Im still not sure why his old partner is doing this or what he wants, does he want revenge on Cooper and why? It didn’t sound like based on the story Cooper told that he did anything bad to his partner but I guess there’s still more to be revealed.
There’s also a bunch of other little side story’s going on, such as Hank is now working with Renault and has roped Norma’s mother’s husband into his scheme. Then, we have Ben Horne who’s having a bit of a mental breakdown after getting arrested for Laura’s death, then conned into signing over the mill and ghost wood estate to Catherine and then finding out that his lawyer is a psycho killer. This then leads him to hiring Bobby to track Hank after Hank tells him he’s no longer working for him. Also, with Bobby we have Shelly and Leo where it seems like Leo is slowly waking up. I’m worried about what will happen to Shelly if he does. Then, we also have the other storyline with Lucy and Andy and Dick which I forgot to talk about previously but anyway now Dick thinks that this kid he’s fostering murdered his parents and is asking Andy for help. Not my favorite storyline but it has its funny moments. Also, I hope the baby is Andy’s. Then we also still have this thing with Nadine we’re she thinks she’s 18 and also has superhuman strength for some reason. Still not sure what the point of this plot is. But again, it has some funny moments.
Then, we also have Donna and James’ story where James got upset after learning about Maddy’s death and ran away and seems to think that him and Donna being together is causing this or something? Idk and now he’s at some rich lady’s house where she’s being abused and he’s into her or something i don’t really care. I feel for you James but you’re testing my patience and also this is now twice you’ve cheated on Donna! Now, speaking of Donna it seems that the old lady and the little boy Donna met earlier in the season that told her about Harold aren’t actually real. Or more like they’re supernatural beings if some kind. I wonder if we’ll see them again.
Then, we had a big thing happen where Bobby’s dad, Major Briggs got abducted while out camping with Cooper and has now returned randomly appearing in his living room. I wonder what happened to him, who took him, where, and if this is actually Briggs or like someone/something pretending to be him or if he’s been possessed by Bob now. Which is another thing, Bob threatened to kill again before he made Leland kill himself and I’m worried about who he’s going to posses next and who his next victim will be if there is one.
Also, we learned from Briggs that there is some place called the white lodge which has an opposite place called the black lodge and it seems like good spirits live at the white lodge and evil spirits live at the black lodge. Interested to learn more about that.
Also another quick major thing that was revealed is that Katherine’s brother and Josie’s husband Andrew is actually still secretly alive!? And that him and Catherine are waiting for this man Eckhardt to come looking for Josie and then kill him. Also, poor Josie being forced to be a maid and humiliated by Catherine.
Anyway, lots of stuff happened these past few episodes and I’m excited to continue watching the show and see where everything goes.
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apollotronica · 1 year
hey whos ur favorite oc of yours rn
OH MY GOD okay so i split my ocs into categories so im gonna pick one from each
FOR MY MAGICAL GIRLS my fav is probably berry because i based her off of me and shes grown and changed with me and i know im the one writing her but she literally makes me so unwell . i wont go into Too much detail but shes a psychopath that meets people that arent scared of her and dont judge her for something she cant help :]
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here she is! lovely lady :]
DANGAN OCS im stuck between 3 of them . theres buwan (ult oneirologist) kieryuu (ult actor) and teqora (ult street performer)
BUWAN WAS ONE OF MY FIRST DANGAN OCS !!! i love him dearly . his backstory is kinda annoying me so i havent done anything w him in a while but i still love him. hes autistic schizophrenic and has chronic fatigue!!!
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here he is! the eepy eeper !!!
IVE TALKED ABOUT KIERYUU BEFORE hes so fucking embarrassing its so funny . he thrives off of positive attention which directors and interviewers r more than happy to give him but everyone else he ahs to talk to hates him . he could bag so many bitches because hes beautiful but the two people he wants carnally hate him w every fiber of their being .
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hes so pathetic sopping wet himedere core. kill
TEQORA !!!! pronounced tek-KOH-rah (they also go by q-te!! pronounce like cutie :3) their backstory is actually so so fucked up like i could list like 10 trigger warnings . anyway they looks like theyd listen to some soft shit but No dadaroma is the band i associate w them . THEYRE SO SILLY !!! (NOT REALLY) theyre semiverbal when not performing
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the silly :)
AS FOR GENERAL OCS !!! hrm . either cross or kioshi... i cant talk about cross publicly (his entire existence is a trigger warning i literallyb made him to vent out intrusive thoughts) but ill post art of him anyway
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so incredibly unwell. ignore the blonde he means nothing right now
ANYWAY KIOSHI IS JUST A SILLY BUNNY RABBIT DETECTIVE !! theyre so autistic . their gf belongs to @toastmaloats !!! theyre also part cat so they have some carnivorous tendencies along w the bunny rabbit stuff :] i love them.
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them :3
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 3
NERF (@nen-kaii) vs. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
453. NERF (@nen-kaii)
he/him or ne/ner/neir
He has a zipper that exposes his skull because he thought it was silly, he drinks led water, ne blows stuff up with neir rocket launcher for funsies, and ne makes cookies for neir friends. He's so silly it borders on stupid. Gonna squisch him. Squinch.
4'11" little guy, with a shaved head that's split open by a zipper to expose his skull. Sometimes wears a mint-colored helmet with googly eyes pasted on.
454. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
     Bruce is a were-shark Barbarian from a pathfinder campaign im in. he is my precious baby boi and the sole reason I'm on tumblr is to shill for him in this bracket. He was abandoned as a child due to his family thinking him a monster and fending for himself till one day while trying to rob a family for food, he goes too far and kills the dad. Stricken with the weight of his actions he seeks to save as many people as possible to make up for his terrible deed.
     He is the definition of a himbo. The kindest of beans and loves nature especially the water. He is allo-aro as he loves everyone as his ever growing number friends but just can't hold romance in his heart, but still is distracted by boobs; can your really blame him boobs bouncy. He is autistic coded and has PTSD from his past actions, hating loud sounds as they remind him of the child and mothers wails of grief at what he did. He is self sacrificing to a fault and will no hesitate to throw himself into any danger for any reason.
     This is reflected in his weapon "Penance". which he spells (penents). A metal shark tooth macuahuitl with one half cold iron and the other half adamantine. It is enchanted to deal extra dmg at the cost of backlash upon himself, which has been the cause of his many scars across his body. Bruce doesn't care however as his weapon is just as much penance for himself as for his enemies.
     He serves as both the heart and big guy for our groups five man band. While he is obviously the dumb muscle, he is the emotional core of our group that makes a cold-hearted assassin, a conniving theif, a vengeance possesed psychopath, a shadowfell raised Dryder, and an apathetic druid, all want to be better people because of his unrelenting love and kindness.
    He hates killing and will even in battle go out of his way to avoid it and violence in general as much as possible. Their is but a single exception to this rule and that is to put any of his new found family in danger. That makes a woman by the name of Valentina a dead girl walking, as she callously murdered his dear friend Ms. S. An ex school teacher who would hand out gold stars to the party. He still has the stars on his macuahuitl as a reminder of his late friend and debt to settle.
     His caring nature has gotten the party into many adventures as he is always willing to help anyone. From hauling wood, to hunting fish for a starving child, to collecting cat skeletons for a friendly necromancer, to even facing down a 40ft tall face stealing monstrosity, all one must do is ask.
     Now a list of my favorite Bruce quotes:
" I got my info from a trustworthy source....... ya know a crab from that creek over there".
"NO STEALING! I will buy you the shiny".
"I would never kill him, just break a few ribs".
"I've fought plenty of trees and I only lost twice".
"You can be gay just don't do crimes........ok maybe a little crime since he's was mean".
"BRUCE IS INDOMITABLE" ( after holding back a bullete from his unconscious friends.)
"violence doesn't just break a man's nose, it breaks his spirit.............I've seen how terrible that truly is."
     I could go on for days about my precious lad, so if anyone wants to hear more hmu. That being said though reckless, naive, and certainly buried in his own sins; his unyielding sense of kindness and do-goodery make no one more fitting of the name Bruce The Just.
Taylor Lautner from twilight as to add to the shark meme since he also played sharkboy.
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