#give yourself some credit
t-lostinworlds · 27 days
you know, i do realize how hard i can be on myself when it comes to writing. particularly when it comes to finishing a series bc i see other writers being able to complete fic series so easily and i always get so critical of myself over it like, maybe i should write more or maybe i should spend more time on it etc.
but then i thought, usually these fic series have an overall word count of at least 30-40k words. so i'm like girl, you literally just wrote a 30k word "one shot" in roughly 2 weeks. i think you're writing just fine.
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dearjewels22 · 2 years
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Give yourself a little grace
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princesslocket · 1 year
Idk who needs to hear this but you're doing wonderful darling! Times may be rough right now, or maybe it's been like this for a while, either way I just want to say that I'm proud of you! The fact that you're still here and trying despite everything that's been thrown your way is a big accomplishment all on it's own! What you're doing is enough. You are enough. And I hope that the things that trouble you, the things you don't talk about, the things that keep you up at night, hit the bricks and leave your wonderful self alone! Keep up the lovely work and just focus on taking one day at a time. Your efforts are not in vain!
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jonismitchell · 2 years
physics boy does not do himself justice when he writes
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hiimmio · 2 years
sometimes you can just give yourslef credit or a pat on the back for simply keeping it together, getting out of bed in the morning, or other small things that actually could take a lot of effort for some people. Not every award has to be given for something big. You can give yourself credit where credit is due. You're doing great.
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vingler-mirror · 1 month
So... we all know that Chapter 6 draws parallels between its characters and the casts of the opera "Tosca": Isolde is Tosca, Marcus is Angelotti, and Kakania, as lovingly said by Isolde, is Cavaradossi
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Fun fact: Cavaradossi actually dies in the story. Granted, every major characters dies because it's a tragedy... but what's particularly interesting is the way he dies
Remember that Scarpia forces Tosca to give herself to him in exchange for Cavaradossi's survival? He promises to fake Cavaradossi's execution by making the guns shoot blanks. But just like Tosca, he doesn't play with his part of the deal. The bullets turn out to be real, and Cavaradossi dies for real
So. Dying because of a trick involving a gun... sounds familiar?
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Yeah. I'm afraid that Kakania plays too well to the character parallel and almost meets the same fate as Cavaradossi. Props to our girl Marcus for preventing that from happening
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thepeacefulgarden · 6 months
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coffeehelly · 1 year
"the only reason i didnt turn into an evil mastermind is because of my mom" idk kusuo have you seen your brother
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the-one-that-weeps · 2 months
I find it a little poetic that, usually, plays have 5 acts, but isat has 6. And the sixth one is responsible for breaking the cycle. Like telling the viewer that "hey, it's not over. Your life isn't theatre. So go out and live."
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reality-detective · 1 month
You need to give yourself more credit... Yes YOU!
Some of you, today, are doubting what you've done to fight this fight.
Some of you, today, are wishing you'd stepped up sooner. Pushed back harder. Fought more battles.
I'm telling you, you need to give yourself more credit.
You're here.
You didn't get the vaccine.
You stopped wearing the masks.
You told your friends and family what you REALLY think.
You tried to help them see things too.
You might've lost friends.
Some of you lost spouses.
Some of you haven't spoken to your children in far too long.
Some of you haven't spoken to your siblings or parents in far too long.
Not because you chose to, but because they left you.
They thought you'd lost your mind. That you supported a "racist". That you peddled conspiracy theories. That you were endangering their lives.
You've been kicked off platforms.
Some of you have lost your jobs or been pushed so hard you had to find new ones.
Some of you have been fined, harassed and even assaulted.
Yet you're STILL here.
You're still here.
You're fighting for the truth. Your searching for the truth. You don't care how ugly it is. No subject is off limits for you. All you want to do is know what's true and to be left TF alone to live in your God given freedoms.
You pray. Not just for yourself, but for your enemies too.
Your heart cries out in pain because you FEEL. You still feel and you see the world suffering.
Give yourself credit.
You may not have gone to a protest. You may not have called a congressman. You may not have gone to a school board meeting. You may not have sent money to someone in need.
But you ARE still here. And you need to know that you matter, and you are still making a difference. Give yourself credit for that.
Just don't go back to sleep. Don't tune everything out. Don't get the jab. Don't wear the masks. Stand your ground in the ways you've ALREADY done. You've PROVEN you can do it. Keep doing it.
You know you're on the side of truth and guess what? That's God's side. God made it clear that we must always seek what is true. Do you doubt the truth?
You know you don't.
So don't doubt yourself either. You've got this. We've got this. But most of all, GOD'S got this!
Don't give up now. Keep your head up warrior. You've done more than you give yourself credit for. 🤔
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bluastro-yellow · 28 days
if they ever actually make that disco elysium amazon series it should just be about what martinaise's citizens were doing before the murder and during harry's three days party. harry/the murder is the thread that connects everything but he's more of a secondary character who shows up towards the end of the characters' stories
an episode or more focused on the capeside apartments, one on the whirling, one on the fishing village and church, one on precint 41, one on wild pines and krenel and the union...
and it's animated
and the og writers are involved
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spoonsisland · 6 months
i love how in style savvy people will walk up to your boutique and be like “i don’t know that much about fashion ):” while wearing a $500 Angelic Pretty JSK
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themarginalthinker · 6 months
why does Count Orlock (1922) always look like he's just as surprised as you are that you and him are in this situation
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batcavescolony · 9 months
Ok let's be real a second. Someone made a comment that I saw that said something along the lines of 'Fanfic isn't that deep it's not Social Commentary, it's just writing' and they couldn't be FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
First the definition of Social Commentary
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Every song you listen to, every book you read, every art you like is social commentary. When you headcanon a character as POC or Queer, when you base a fic of something that happened to you, the second you begin to write your fanfic you're now producing Social Commentary.
Fandom and Fanfic isn't in a void, it interacts with the world. Anne Rice the writer of Vampire Chronicles (+others) sent Cease & Desist orders to popular fanfic writers. You know how writers put 'I do not own [original work], it belongs to [author].'? That's because of her! How many books now are ex-FanFic! How many fics are written to spite the writers? How many fandoms have raised money for a cause? How many people write to feel seen?
While fanfic IS a fun way to express yourself, whether you see it that way or not, that's not the ONLY thing it's is. it's an act of defiance, it can change how people see the world, it's can actually change the world! Fanfic IS political, it IS social commentary, IS that deep and don't forget that.
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eddieydewr · 2 days
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this is mental illness.
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kanerallels · 1 year
Sometimes I will see a piece of art captioned something like "just some little doodles" or something and it's some of the most beautiful art I've ever seen
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