#given what we know about him and his beliefs from his videos
gender-euphowrya · 11 months
days without people i thought i could trust to be at the very least decent proving me wrong 0️⃣
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valictini · 1 year
I was watching a video analysing how the Yiga clan were handled in botw and how the person analysing it lamented the fact that Kohga was a joke character who totally destroyed the much more threatening image the yiga clan had all throughout the game. Although I do understand the sentiment (I felt that way for a long time) I’ve come to realise that we might not be viewing it in the right perspective. I ended up writing a comment under that video explaining how I saw things, and realised that maybe it could interest people here too? So here is the fleshed out version of it:
I think part of why they made Kohga extremely goofy compared to a way less goofy clan of literal assassins is to emphasise how even though the clan originally held some understandable beliefs, it has become a cult of personality over the years, and like most cults, the leader is way less charismatic than his followers make him out to be. Indeed, from the outside, it seems absurd how anyone could take Kohga seriously, let alone kill under his command, but from the inside, Kohga is the Beloved Leader That Guides Them Towards Victory, and anyone threatening him deserves to die.
In a way, yiga clan members feel like vulnerable, impressionable people who were enrolled into a cult and given a Big Family and a purpose (and a lethal weapon) by their lovable Master Kohga who wants the best for them… Except if you want to get out, then you’re a filthy traitor who also deserves to die. It’s especially visible when you beat him and they all get personally mad at you for killing him. They didn’t care about Ganon, they didn’t seem to actually understand the bigger picture, they only cared about Kohga.
It also shows how, like the rest of Hyrule, the Yigas are very much disconnected from their own history, seemingly holding on the grudge their ancestors held more as an excuse to continue to enact violence and perpetuate the cult of personality than fighting for a “noble” cause. Only Kohga seems to actually care about Calamity Ganon, and the rest of the yigas seem to be just tools to him. Wether or not he’s actually conscious of what he’s doing is unclear. Is he a fully aware con artist, or is he purely another product of Yiga indoctrination?
So yeah, to me it feels like a parody/critic/mockery of cult dynamics. It shows that this gang of assassins are indeed a real menace, but for seemingly no reason other than “that one lunatic they admire told them to” and “if they go away they get killed”. The reason why the clan was originally created becomes almost anecdotal. Under the current leader, no one is required to actually know what they’re doing, they just need to follow orders.
In the end, I think it is the intention the developers had because cults are a rampant problem in Japan. At the very least, even if it’s not a actually conscious critic, it’s a concept that is much more present in their cultural landscape than ours and that almost certainly influenced how they handled the Yiga clan. Basically, cults are not cool and can even be dangerous both for the public and their members. Cult leaders especially are not cool and often are con artists. Therefore, Kohga couldn’t be badass, he had to be a doofus getting beaten in the most unexceptional way possible.
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wordsvomit101 · 4 months
I would put him as a "sad old man" on my contact list if I were MC.
Sometimes I gotta be a bit petty for MC cause they don't do it for themself. Credits to @shyanimeboi and their friend on X: https://x.com/shyanimeboi/status/1795183592961655077/video/4
Warnings: Sexual content, complicated brainstorming about guilt and legacy.
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Of course, you would say that- No but honestly, I would be pissed as hell if he said that to me directly, cause sir your brother lowkey put MC's parent on the news, made their friend see his ancestor temporarily, and then almost put them in the casket as well. It's a miracle that they do not blindly hate everything relating to angels at this point. (Although I'm glad that you at least find closure from it you dismal oldster ╮(─_─)╭)
It's a little heartwarming that he shows that he still loves his brothers a lot, given how he said: "traces that Gabriel is alive and well". It got me thinking about how it could very likely mean that he believes at some point in the future, either the other kings kill his brothers or Lucifer will have to choose between Hell (repentance) and his love for them when put in a corner he cannot back out, and with him being the Sin of Pride, I don't think he would either.
Also, if he is happy just by seeing the brand alone then his brothers either avoid attacking Paradise Lost personally or he didn't face them directly after he told off Michael more than 100 years ago and he did say that he "can no longer meet to ask how he is doing".
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This first option seems like something Solomon would say. As his descendant, how MC presents themself in the daily chats and some of their options are probably the closest we get to see how Solomon would act when he was still around. An example would be how they question the goofy 3 rules policy in Paradise Lost that was set by the nobles, I will admit, I didn't think of that either. I was affected by the devoted behaviors of the nobles from both the event and the beginning of the prologue, in turn, I put Lucifer on an unreachable pedestal and I love that MC boldly questioned it and presented their opinions and rationale that bring Lucifer closer to the player and shows more air-headed sides to the nobles. They bring new perspectives and challenge the assumptions albeit in a small but significant way. I love it, I hope they do it more in the future.
He also finally said it, the holy words of every prideful bastard I know on media, "How dare you", it took 4 chats but we finally got here.
How he process his brothers' wrongdoings and his own? Very understandable and something, in my opinion, most victims would rather want to get from their offenders' family members, acceptance and acknowledgment of the issues and the damage that was done, and a genuine effort to do the right things. Familial love is very complicated, and it is… difficult to hate and condemn someone you come to love first naturally in your life. I think Lucifer, besides God (but also not really), first loves his brothers, probably the first angel to do so for their kind, and by reading the Seraphs’ comics it clearly shows how they either don’t care or hate each other guts yet still capable of loving Lucifer. He raised them, he's both their brother and their second parental figure, and he show them love outside of their devotion to God.
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And how he addresses them in the chat, he calls each one of them a "child", he was being very quietly affectionate by focuses on their well-being when he saw the brand on MC. He also only does this with them and Gamigin, so it is clear how he sees them from a caretaker standpoint (the allegation of him being born in his 30s and raising his brothers is not so far-fetched now, honestly, he is the true dilf here, not God). He knows his brothers ruining other people's lives but when they turn around and love and treat him so dearly that it can feel like what they have done to others is an illusion.
When that illusion doesn't cloud his judgment and beliefs anymore? It will hurt and it can feel like his perception of his brothers are lie. It can be easy to deny the first time but since it happens again and again he has to accept the change and it ain't gonna feel great to realize how he is not the bystander here and directly or indirectly enable his brothers' atrocities (maybe join them in it too at some point, but this is just my thoughts). It gonna rewire how he views a lot of things and it gonna run back from the beginning to the current time, and with how long Lucifer lived? That's rough buddy.
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Now, humans are insignificant in these guys' eyes and a single death is nothing to them in the vast universe, yes, but like Lucifer said, God made humans and with how he said it after that, humanity is a part of God's legacy. Legacy is fundamental to what it is to be human to many, something to be carved on their graves and will at the end of their time, it also helps people who live beyond them to remember and let their spirits or unconscious presence remain on the world. So despite humanity in the grand scheme of things, humans are still the work of God. By referring to God as "Our Father," besides asserting his connection, he also indirectly extends that connection to humans. It suggests a shared lineage and inherent value in all of God's creations.
If I interpret what Lucifer said correctly, then the duty of the Seraphim has always been to protect and care for all beings created by God, ensuring the preservation of His legacy. This duty encompasses all creations, whether great or small, beautiful or flawed. To destroy these creations and leave only themselves as His legacy would be a betrayal of their responsibility. A legacy, regardless of its nature, is not to be forcefully erased. Those who seek to erase it tarnish the very legacy they are meant to safeguard and were entrusted to honor.
So if they can't even accept all of God's legacy, no wonder why they can easily go hunt down every single child of one (1) man they are jealous of. Perhaps this is my speculation on what they did with Solomon, who seemed resigned to being forgotten by the devils in chapter 5. They sought to erase his entire bloodline, his descendants, and his legacy, ultimately aiming to make him extinct from the world (like how poachers do it toward endangered animals). For someone like Solomon, this, in my opinion, could be the most terrible fate for him. I honestly wouldn't put it past God's plan to make MC a part of this war for Solomon.
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This option is more like the canon MC than the Solomon option from before. They felt more personal here in their anger.
The desensitization for guilt and emotional detachment is strong in this. Lucifer acknowledges the gravity and permanence of the sins he and his brothers have committed and accepts that he must coexist with his guilt and remorse, but how he goes around with it is mostly for himself. Lucifer mentions that he "voluntarily fell to Hell", a form of self-punishment despite his brothers' protests (but also calling Hell the starting point of sadness is wild cause honestly? Not that wrong, I can't see truly happy devils, and if there is, their development happened off-screen).
Lucifer’s remark that the MC is "not that meaningful enough yet" is his emotional detachment from others. His focus remains on his own internal experiences rather than on the perspectives or forgiveness of others. This detachment suggests that his pursuit of guilt is inward-focused, rather than being about seeking forgiveness or redemption through the eyes of others. Selfish and very prideful, very fitting for the Sin of Pride. The idea that Lucifer is almost addicted to the feeling of guilt points to a self-destructive aspect of his personality. It indicates that he may be using guilt as a way to continually punish himself or a way to keep feeling alive through suffering.
Now this leads to my next point:
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Lucifer's search for guilt and remorse indicates a need for intense emotional experiences. Witnessing someone cry, especially if he has caused the tears, could provide a powerful emotional release or catharsis for him. This could momentarily alleviate his own feelings of guilt by transferring some of that emotional burden onto others.
Control. By inducing tears in others, he might be exerting a form of control that he lacks in his own life. This dynamic could satisfy a deep-seated need to reclaim some semblance of power over emotional outcomes.
Witnessing tears might serve as a mirror to his own inner turmoil. It externalizes the pain and suffering he feels internally, allowing him to confront it more tangibly. This externalization can create a twisted sense of connection or empathy, aligning with his need to constantly grapple with guilt.
Lucifer's enjoyment of seeing others cry could be intertwined with his own cycle of punishment and redemption. Inflicting emotional pain might be a way for him to project his self-loathing and need for atonement onto others. It creates a scenario where he can experience the aftermath of guilt without direct self-harm.
Causing others to cry could validate Lucifer's sense of guilt and reinforce his belief that he is deserving of punishment. This validation can be perversely satisfying, as it confirms his self-perception as someone who commits unforgivable sins.
Tears are often a sign of vulnerability. Seeing someone in a state of emotional rawness might create a sense of intimacy that Lucifer finds alluring. This intimacy could particularly appeal to someone who feels isolated by guilt and sins.
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 month
Okay Okay OKAY.
I knew Dave had to be there. I KNEW - he was in the shop when the tape started, of course he'd be inside the action world. But as what I couldn't guess. I was going to let myself enjoy the ride.
But now...
Given what we know, about the Shadow Falcon protocol, the Archimedes Files...
I think Dave will do either of these two things
Rob the world and remain inside as the President for all time but also the emperor of reality given the abilities we've seen in the preview
Rob the world and LEAVE with all that world's money
I think number 2 might be more plausible than number 1 given how St. Jude had the belief that there was a new world waiting for him even after his 'death'. However, is it likely Dave lied to all the members of the Shadow Falcon protocol that he could take them with them, just so he can use them to further his own schemes? Possibly.
We also have to ask if Dave was ALSO aware of the power of 'Never Stop Blowing Up'. Because - think about it - how was Dave able to gather together the resources for a criminal conspiracy if he had only been in the world for the same amount of time as the others from Elsinore?
In fact... how has Dave been able to maintain a video rental store in the town of Elsinore for so long?
What if this wasn't the first time he's run this scheme? And the only reason the video rental store has survived for so long is because he's been robbing 'Never Stop Blowing Up's' inhabitants blind every time he enters the world? It would explain why he keeps Usha around, whose reticence for technology would mean an easier and less traceable way to funnel stolen funds into his pocket.
But because of Barsimian holding onto the tape for so long, he wasn't able to plunder the world for cash in time to pay the rent and has been FORCED to close the store.
It would also explain why he was so insistent on getting the tape back, despite it not making a difference because - why put so much effort into one tape when you're going to be dumping all your inventory anyway?
And if Dave and Barsimian were using the tape at different times, of course Barsimian was never aware of the Shadowfalcon protocol. He was enjoying the world, never questioning why - never wondering who was behind the drugs and the capers. It was all Dave.
And I wonder if there's going to be a connection between Dave and Wolfman Anne?
All things to ponder and I hope are explained in the coming episode.
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thefirstknife · 3 months
love the little extra info we got about Nezarec, and that in universe confirmation of the questioning of if it's even possible to kill him in anyway that matters
SAME!!!! Fascinating stuff that clears up some of the issues I've had back in the day that didn't make sense to me.
For those that don't know, one of the Lost Ghosts quests from Micah has you going to the Lunar Pyramid which shows this dialogue:
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So first, what got me, is the confirmation that Nightmares aren't Nezarec's original power. This bothered me since LF CE because in LF CE, Elsie is shown having a Nightmare appear to her in the Europan Pyramid. This felt like it was telling us that Nightmares are a generalised power of the Darkness, which makes sense since Darkness deals with emotion and memory and the mind and consciousness.
That explains why they could appear in other Pyramids, but also since Plunder and onwards, there was an insistence that Nightmares are some sort of Nezarec's original power. Which, again, didn't make sense to me because of Elsie's Nightmare. Now it's a lot clearer. Nightmares are an untapped power of Darkness and can appear anywhere, but Nezarec also co-opted this power and became famous for using it. This could perhaps have something to do with the fact that he was in charge of the Veil during his disciplehood. And of course, the implication that even after we killed him, he still persists, something also apparent in the raid after he dies and he still speaks to us, promising to be around.
Also from the same quest, some additional stuff about Nezarec and Psions which I am very excited for given the other Psion stuff being mentioned in the other Lost Ghosts quest. But in the Lunar one, we get to hear an old message from the Witness to Nezarec:
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Really cool!! The first one (which I didn't catch in my own video so I had to find another which is why the quality is different) is incredible because it appears to be proving a theory that the old Psion faith (Y-goblet faith) was wiped out and replaced by Nezarec's influence through God-Thoughts:
I explained how I worshipped my ancestors and the sacred chalice that cupped their spirits. I admitted that I had put these beliefs before him in my heart. He listened as I told him how the ancient God-Thoughts of my people, the operant overlords who dominated our prehistory by sheer mental penetration, had exterminated my faith for daring to see a spark of the divine in every common person.
It makes sense that this would've been Nezarec's influence, but before this, there was no other confirmation. All of this also happened a very long time ago, in their prehistory. So Nezarec's influence on Psions is very ancient. In a way, since the Psions are still very much under this influence, Nezarec continues on through them as well. Super interested in seeing if they delve deeper into Psion stuff in the future. Some of these details seem to be hinting at it.
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othernaut · 11 months
"Why Are They Like That?" Scavengers Reign edition:
Chris, Barry, and Terrence show distinct reactions to having all lived through trauma. I recognize my own reactions so keenly through every one of them.
Barry distracts himself. The world is surface-level and wonderful because it's all so incredibly temporary. I read him as being in a practically permanent level of dissociation; I wouldn't be surprised if he's older than he reads. He refuses to think about loss because one little prick in the balloon sends all the rage and pain screeching out. I also read him as autistic, but his childishness seems to me more as an urge to live in a world where the loss isn't, same way you'd hide from a violent home by putting on headphones and playing a video game.
Chris rationalizes the loss, tries to pick it apart, find an explanation. She holds a deep, abiding belief in rituals, mantras, and philosophy, as keeping loss at an intellectual level means the pain is far less acute. Her confidence is an incredibly thick shell, but it's still a shell, and it's grown to the level where she's able to maintain unity in her group but probably won't be able to stand up to a challenge of leadership. That's when she falls apart - when she's proven wrong not by circumstances, but by an argument she can't refute. And she needs that proof to grow - otherwise, well, she gives off very strong cult leader vibes.
Terrence is people- and community-focused. His drive is to acknowledge pain and make sure no one feels the same things he did. This leads to personal recklessness as, well, we've seen. He wants to find a way for everybody to be happy and he will give all of himself that there is in order to make that happen. His weak sense of self won't stand up to a bad call or challenge the status quo, but it will slip in through back doors and cracked windows and offer comfort wherever he can, regardless of deservedness.
It's questionable how much of the Healer Woman was still in there. Likely the same muteness/deafness happened to her husband and his death, given her eventual state, was unnecessary. She likely had the same drives and opinions she did before infection, as the parasite doesn't seem to want to interfere too much in who its hosts are, just what they do to serve it.
Which is why Sam's mania and renewed vigor read as weird. We haven't seen very much of his past, but there's something curiously military in how he interacts with others - specifically, I think his focus on his friends and comrades as well as his decision to work his very dangerous Space Captain job comes from not being able to adjust to civilian life. He's thought about dying; he expects it. What's intolerable to him is the long, slow, banal details of getting groceries and making small talk. It's everyone else's normal life that he finds offputting and unreal.
Which is why it's so precarious, how much Ursula needs him. We know even less of her past than we do of Sam's; she seems more a part of the planet than she is her own life. She, and the Healer Woman (y'now, before) were the only ones who interacted with Vesta like scientists, and I read Ursula's gratitude as much as a need to connect as what it is on the surface. She's also the only cast member I get straight-up depression vibes from. It's an ironic thing, that she'd be best suited to survive Vesta on her own but, also, least likely to be able to stand the solitude.
Azi is the toughest member of the cast, no question, but we see her exceptional adaptation to solitude even on the Demeter. She cares for people - very deeply, in fact - and seems to need to be loved, but is comfortable keeping that love at a far remove, as a fact to be considered in solitude rather than something that needs to be constantly reinforced. This speaks to me as a curiously sci-fi thing - the notion that knowing people are out there, knowing they love you, but being unable to touch them, unable to confirm it. Which is why she was so comfortable seeing Levi as an object; if Levi was a person, then that came with all the complications a person usually does. And why it was so comforting to see her do the right thing once she realized Levi's sentience.
I still hold out hope for mold-Levi.
Finally, Kamen. He's a dick, absolutely - but I read his dickishness as stemming more out of pretty much constant panic rather than anything else. You can read it in his movements, in how he speaks, in how even in his few moments of happiness he seems ready to back away and redirect at even the slightest hint of doing the wrong thing. He is in constant, complete terror of losing everything, so much so that his fumbling, destructive actions bring about the loss he's so desperate to avoid. His non-action over the last... Four episodes? Complete shutdown.
I know he doesn't "deserve" it, but I'm honestly hoping for a redemption for Kamen. These kinds of panic disorders rarely get any kind of media play, and when they do, they're either fixed by a pat on the shoulder and a "there there, don't be cry", or just continue on, unsolvable. I want to see what the other side of this looks like. I don't think he should die for his sins - I want him to live with them, to spend many long days in the same room with them. I want him to try to make things right and, when he can't because it's not like pushing a "fix things" button, to keep at it for the rest of his life. This, to me, is punishment.
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You know what? The season, and the show for all we know, might be over but we’re not done being insane over Roy offering to train Jamie.
First off, we have the way Roy says “you frowning when we’re on a win streak, that’s a bad look” – this is not some random observation about how being pouty when your team’s doing well is poor form in general, this is very much about the optics of Jamie in particular (formerly known as the prince prick of all pricks) not getting on the Zava joy train. Roy is exceedingly aware of how Jamie’s unhappiness with the situation might be interpreted and why – but for once Roy is prepared to give Jamie benefit of the doubt (and to gently warn Jamie of what others might say). 
The offer is not a spontaneous thing, I don’t think. It’s such a leftfield idea and comes out too considered; Roy has been thinking about this for some time, at the very least since he saw Zava steal Jamie’s goal (and Roy, unlike the other coaches, would understand exactly what that felt like). It’s notable how Roy does not dismiss Jamie’s concerns earlier in the episode as simple jealousy; he listens to them from the adjacent office, but doesn’t (as you might have expected given the “fragile little bitch” comment earlier) react by scoffing or rolling his eyes or anything like that. He hears Jamie, and knows enough about him now to realize that yeah, might be something real going on here, he might have a point. And so when Jamie doesn’t throw a fit over the stolen goal, that strenghtens Roy’s belief that this might be about more than Jamie’s bruised ego, and pushes him to walk over to Jamie at Ola’s and eventually make his offer. 
But while I don’t think it’s a spontaneous thing, I also don’t think he’d actually made up his mind about offering when he walked over; he’s played with the idea, sure, but before throwing it out there he needs to check if his hunch is correct, if this is about more than wounded pride, and so he start talking about “bad looks” (you know what this looks like, yeah, and is that all it is or is there something more?) and “only if you fucking mean it” (are you prepared to actually put in the work or do you just want to pout and moan about not being the best anymore?), testing the waters to see if Jamie will bite. 
And boy, does Jamie bite. Careful about giving him that finger, Roy, or soon you’ll be spending every day together and talk about him a lot and hug him when he’s having an existential crises and enlist your ex to help him get his out of his funk and chase him all over Manchester and be fucking proud of him and shit.
Ungh. I love them, you know? 
And then we get to 3x05! We get to Zava’s retirment and we have that little look and nod between them as the video plays and then there’s “tomorrow at 4 a.m” – “damn fucking right” and that’s Jamie showing Roy that he’s still committed, that he won’t settle for being the best on the team instead of being the best he could be, but it’s also him checking in with Roy: are we still doing this? Were you just pity training me, or was it more and do you still want to put in that effort? Do we have something here? 
Damn fucking right they do. 
Zava might have been the external factor that kickstarted their partnership, but this is the moment when they truly choose each other, and that’s fucking beautiful.
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logan IS NOT getting replaced at Imola (and not at Monza either), a CONFIRMED breakdown
that's right logan girlies (gn), Logan is SAFE. He's not going anywhere yet.
James was bailed up by Lawrence Barretto yesterday in the press pen, and was asked explicitly if Antonelli would be in the car at Imola. James straight up said that Antonelli will not be in the car at Imola, and that he is considering drivers for 25 and 26.
Here's the video:
James was also asked about it in the press conference, and Autosport did a write up of it which you can find here. Importantly:
“I know nothing about what's going on with the Mercedes tests right now,” said Vowles. “We are looking, as everyone else is, for where we want to be on driver line-up for next year. And we have our own young driver programme. “In the case of Kimi. I can't really adjudicate at the level he's at. In case of him coming into the car this year, I've always said from the beginning, it's a meritocracy. “Logan has to earn his seat and at the moment, he has some tough targets where he has to get much closer to Alex. But there is nothing on the radar at the moment for replacing him.”
That's the key point.
Now, the Autosport article also brought up another point. The FIA say they have received a superlicence request for Antonelli. They did not specify what type.
There are two types of superlicences. The one you hear about most commonly is a race superlicence. That's your standard one, need 40 points, etc.
But there is also a practice superlicence. This is what Logan had in 2022, enabling him to run FP1s for Williams while he tried to earn the points for his full superlicence.
It is actually entirely probable that Mercedes have put in this request for an exemption for a practice superlicence for Antonelli so that they can run him in FP1s.
Some of you may not trust James' word, and that's understandable! So, let's hear it from Toto Wolff himself, who was also asked about the rumours, and responded categorically:
"I don't know where this belief comes from that Mercedes was keen on pushing that forward. Kimi needs to concentrate on his F2 campaign and he knows that. "Everything else is just rumours, which continue to spin around and that are factually incorrect. He's an F2 driver for Prema, that is what he's doing, and this is what we're all concentrating on." Wolff stressed that Mercedes would remain careful not to burn Antonelli by promoting him too early, given his rapid rise through the junior series and his lack of experience. "Just 15 months ago, he was in an F4 car," he said. "We have great belief in Kimi, his abilities and also his future. "But there is a trajectory which we need to follow with diligence, rather than trying to dream about jumping from series to series in a way that is certainly not beneficial for him. "I think a champion is not going to be distracted by any of this. But certainly, at least it distracts me because everybody's asking me: 'What about Kimi and driving in Imola? "This is not going to happen. This is not something that Mercedes wants. These rumours have gotten their own spin. Let's do Formula 2. We as a team have lots of other issues to resolve."
So, to summarise: Toto doesn't want it. James doesn't want it. Neither of them are pushing for it. Logan has goals to meet and James is going to give him time and support to do it.
Now, James does say they're evaluating options for 2025, which I'm sure is not what some of you want to hear, but that's his job as the team boss. The market is busy right now, and if others are interested he is wise to listen. But Logan will be one of those options, if he hits the goals James has set him.
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artist-issues · 10 months
I find your analysis on the Disney movie “Wish” movie rather interesting. The fact that there are actually a considerable amount of Christians working on Disney movies is actually really cool. I heard from people that the concept art for the movie was “better” than the movie itself and I was curious about your thoughts if its fine by you. I actually have no intention in watching the movie, but I am interested in the reviews. I personally find the idea of a villain couple really interesting and unique. Star having the ability to shape-shift into a humanoid would be interesting too, especially since the movie already has the goat for a marketable toy. Thank you for reading my ask!
Here is a screenshot of a YouTube video about the concept art:
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I totally agree that basically anything would’ve been better than what we got. I think having Star be a character that Asha can actually talk to and have a human interaction with would’ve been great.
If they wanted to have a heroine who believed in everyone getting to have the chance to make their wishes come true for themselves, they needed to explain where that idea comes from. Having her realize that that’s what she believes, out loud, in preachy exposition during a two-minute interaction where she suddenly understands that King Magnifico doesn’t grant everybody’s wishes, (why all of a sudden? She’s lived her whole life in Rosas. She knows Wish Granting Ceremonies only happen once a month—didn’t she or anybody else ever think “hey why doesn’t he give them back if they’re not going to be granted this month?” But I digress) fell totally flat in the movie.
They should’ve given us a background for Asha, or at least hinted at how she came to be the bright, blandly-caring character they keep telling us over and over that she is.
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They started to, with the mention of her dad. But it was super halfhearted and undercooked. Who was her dad? What was it about him that supposedly inspired her to care about everyone’s wishes getting granted? If it was the fact that she wished he would not die of illness, and it didn’t happen, and she doesn’t want anyone else to “feel grief” (which is an iffy message, but whatever) then show that to us. Show us evidence of how much her dad meant to her beyond her sketchbook drawings. Maybe he was an inventor and he lived by the philosophy of making life better for the people of Rosas. Maybe he came to Rosas when he was a child, because his family home had been destroyed, and they took him in and treated him so kindly that he spent the rest of his life trying to return the favor by creating new toys and tools that the people of Rosas could use to better their lives—and he taught his daughter to feel that same level of “care for the people” that he did before he died! Then, when she realizes Magnifico came from a similar background as her father and chooses to protect wishes instead of risking them destroyed, she would have an opposite role model in the memory of her father, who chose to work toward wishes even though he’d had his own destroyed at a young age.
But no. There’s none of that shown. Just a throwaway conversation, where the characters just outright say, “Your father was a philosopher always talking about the stars; he used to say the stars were there to guide us and make us believe in possibility!”
But if they had a Star character that shapeshifted into a human?
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Suddenly, an alternative to Magnifico’s magic takes shape in the form of a person, with his own set of beliefs and a worldview that could directly inspire and change Asha’s.
It would have been better for her character development to have m than a mute icon to interact with. It would have been better for appeal, too. Instead of just…talking out loud and using exposition to outright say what’s going on in her head, like she’s Batman in an old comic strip narrating everything she thinks about, she could’ve had someone to converse with, argue with, be convinced by.
She starts the movie wanting everyone’s wish to come true, for no well-demonstrated, compelling, human reason. And then she ends the movie still wanting everyone’s wish to come true. There’s no well-done character arc. The only thing she learns from Star is that she has his same power if she really believes she can use it. (But like I said, she’s never shown doubting herself in any real way in the movie before meeting him, aside from nerves before an interview, if you can call that self-doubt.)
But if he’d been human? She could’ve been different. She could’ve started out the movie with the seeds of someone who can work toward her dream and take risks, but maybe tragedy from losing her father has made her pessimistic and she no longer “believes.” But then Star, he can come and wake back up those feelings. People are more inspired by a person who teaches them something through a human relationship (like Rapunzel teaching Flynn to want something more than a life of ease alone, or Jasmine teaching Aladdin that royalty can make you feel trapped too if you’re always having to pretend to be something you’re not) than they are by a pet-like, silent glowing ball with a “loving light.”
I wonder what their idea was. Maybe the Star she wishes on is the youngest star in the heavens. Maybe the “stars” are a community of watchers—they all chronicle human lives as stories, and when people need those stories most, the stars remind them and inspire them of why it’s good to dream and take risks. But Star? He’s young, and he naively believes that the stars should do more, fix every problem that mortals have, and so he breaks the rules and comes to earth to help Asha when she wishes on him.
Obviously there’s got to be some limit on his power, and some thematic indication that Star was wrong; you shouldn’t do all the work for people and give them whatever will make them happy in the moment. They need to work for it themselves. So maybe he was slowly getting weaker and losing his power the longer he was on Earth, but didn’t realize it or didn’t worry about it.
Anyway, he’s determined to help Asha with whatever she’s wishing for, but she (kind of like Tiana,) really just wished on him in a moment of vulnerability, and is usually pretty pessimistic. Maybe she almost-instantly gets in trouble with the King for Star’s appearance, and regrets wishing on him.
Either way, they have a difference in views; Star is a hopeful, bright guy who believes mortals can achieve anything they set their mind to if they try, and that’s why he believes in helping them—Asha is a pessimistic teen who’s faith got strangled by tragedy, but he starts inspiring her to keep trying anyway. Eventually Star and she, even though they become friends, reach a low point or failure in the adventure, and they have their big argument, and Asha starts to backtrack and go back into believing “there’s no point in wishing on stars—it’s crazy to think anything will get better; I’m not going to take any more risks, I’ll lose what little I have left.” and Star learns his lesson; yes, mortals can achieve their dreams, but there has to be a part of them that wants to work for it and has faith; he can’t do that part for them. He can’t just positivity-talk her into it.
And then maybe the King captures him and Asha has to take action again or lose him forever, and doing that teaches her that she’d rather try than live a life of no wishing, or whatever—
—Again, I’m not meaning to do rewrites here. I think the main point of the movie was flawed or too vague to begin with, but I DO think they could’ve made something that was at least interesting, even if the main point was problematic. And the concept art proves it, yeah. Thanks!
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sirenjose · 4 months
So I've been really into your analysis lately and I'm a huge fan now, wanted to ask some questions, feel free to not answer any
1- what was your favourite idv story/event to analyze?
2- your least fav of the latter?
3- are you into anything else besides idv?
4-how do you find the motivation to analyze stuff? I've tried before and it was very draining :')
Thanks for your time, hope you have a lovely day
I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying yourself despite my own low opinion about much of what I put out. I'll do my best to answer!
Hmm I always dislike picking favorites because I'm bad at picking eheh... But the ones I liked most... I honestly enjoy T&I and COA (1-5) even more than the main story. So I think I might pick... Atropos' Ropes for T&I and for COA, thats harder... 3-5 are my faves but I might pick 4 just because of how it felt it had the most story/details given than all the rest. Even the *SONG* had story. I loved it.
Least fave, eh... Orfeo and Zinaida immediately come to mind, though Orfeo I'd say was worse... COA 1 is another primarily because of how DIFFICULT it was for me to figure it out enough to put together an analysis. And I had to rewrite that thing at LEAST 3 times to the point I'm just hoping it's good enough and leaving it alone. Time of Reunion I think is another that comes to mind, mainly because I didn't appreciate how they treated Norton in there, especially in the videos (but at least those aren't canon like the in-game event was). So based on all that, I might say Orfeo if I really had to pick 1. Then rank ToR 2nd and Zinaida/COA1 3rd.
FF14 and Honkai Star Rail especially I'm playing actively these days, but I honestly like a lot of stuff. Like Persona (espeially 4), 999 aka Zero Escape, and Star Ocean Til the End of Time. Least in terms of games.
Hmm... Maybe because the 1st reason I play a game is because of the story, and gameplay is always 2nd to me. If the story and characters are good, that gets me interested. Issue with IDV is we only get bits and pieces. Really need to look deeper to really understand some of the characters. I actually only started analyzing because I challenged myself (partially out of curiosity for the answer) to see if I could prove if Norton wasn't as evil as people thought (based on all the comments I saw when I 1st joined the fandom a long while ago). From there, there was Jose who I wanted to analyze because he honestly had so many plot holes I couldn't (and still can't completely) solve. So I get the most enjoyment analyzing something that doesn't have a clear answer. Which is why I don't always post for every letter. A big part of it is I enjoy history and culture and such, so it's fun for me to learn about different foods, or time periods, or how bad the environment was for miners or sailors back in the day, etc... I dont think I have an easy answer (I can see I'm rambling). Norton I actually only began to like because I was spending so long working on my 1st analysis for him (and my perfectionism made me analyze all of Norton's essences before i could call it finished). Jose was because I love Captain Hook, and then after because of the plot holes that bothered me. Then for others, I think I enjoy making analyses to... try to sometimes change people's opinoions/beliefs. Like with Margaretha or Vera. With Edgar was because I was more interested in his story and him as a character only once I put together all his lore. Sort of goes on from there. I could ramble on but I'm going to get even more guilty. I hope this helps somewhat, but let me know if it doesn't and I'll keep going. Maybe the simple is A) I like history/culture/research, B) I like to convince people that certain characters arent as evil as they think or change beliefs I think aren't quite accurate, C) I like solving puzzles and I love story, D) I already think too hard about literally everything, and combined with my perfectionism, we get analysis
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canonicallysoulmates · 11 months
J2 Main Panel DC Con 2023
We're gonna jump right into questions:
How long have they been friends?
Jared answers that we all have our beliefs on why we're here, and what here is- this isn't the first lifetime they've been friends. That's so lovely 🥹🥰
He says technically, objectively this time around it was January-February 2005. Jensen says that's when they first met, and that when they met there was certainly a pretty fast connection between them- Jared interrupts to say he was pretty and Jensen was fast...then Jensen says he's gotten faster with age. I'm not gonna make a comment.
Jensen continues by saying that the day they met was the day they were auditioning for the roles in front of the studio and the network, and usually, there are a few different actors for the same role but when he walked into the building it was just Jared in there, and when they were called in they were called in together so they only read with each other and they were doing the scene where Dean tries to convince Sam to go on the road with him, and Jensen says immediately he was like 'oh this guy knows how to play, I can play ball with this guy' that there was a sensibility Jared had with his delivery and he was reacting to everything he was saying and it felt really natural.
They're asked to walk out and give everyone in the room a few minutes to talk it over, so they waited until they were told to go back in that they were going to be given some notes, when they walked back in the room everyone stood up and clapped and told them congratulations. So they left knowing they were about to work together and exchanged phone numbers. A day or two later Jared was inviting Jensen over to his place to play ping pong, it was then and there their friendship was born.
Jared tells two more stories. He lived in the LA Valley area and there are a lot of adult videos filmed in the area, and he lived next to an ex-porn actor and so Jensen came over, and they're two 20yr old guys, they're both in relationships but during the night they're playing ping pong and they have a keg, and all these actresses are coming in and out and Jensen was like 'where do you live dude?'.
Then, he's never told this story publically and he wonders if Jensen remembers it, but one of his makeup artists on Gilmore Girls had been talking about eye patches because he gets a little squinty if he doesn't sleep or has allergies- his eyes are really reactive. So, when he and Jensen met for the first time during the auditions, he thinks it was after the 1st or 2nd read, he asked him how he got his eyes so big because he thought Jensen knew a trick to make them look bigger. And Jensen was so confused.
Jensen doesn't remember that but he remembers Jared was squinty when he was younger, he was so brooding.
He also says he was worried Jared was going to tell another story involving a Chrissy from Oregon who was a neighbor that came over and was very nice, and they had a very interesting conversation. x
Next, question comes from Philemon Chambers, for those who don't know he played Augustus in Walker Independence, he wants to know who won ping pong?
Jared answers that in ping pong they were pretty split, pretty 50/50. And that he's probably still sore from playing ping pong with Jensen 20yrs ago.
Jensen says it was a bad idea when they took the ping pong table over to set because whenever they had a break, like lighting breaks which a lighting set up can be 20 to 45mins, they'd go next stage to play ping pong but the longer the break the sweatier they'd get so they'd come back to set and it would cause a delay cause the makeup department would have to cool them down. Until one day the ping pong table just dissapeared.
He says that's how the producers and directors would govern them they'd just take shit away for example the Impala had like a police spotlight at one point but got taken away because they'd blind the camera operator, and they also lost a horn during a certain point of the show because every time one of the camera operators leaned across the hood they'd honk it.
Jared says they wouldn't ask them to stop doing something they'd just take it away. Someone mentions the radio, Jensen says that's right the radio used to work it doesn't. x
What advice do they have for someone embarking on their 20s?
Jensen says in your 20's you still have so far to go in the best way so don't get hung up on stuff that will seem trivial 10yrs from now. Don't waste your time, there's a book called Don't Sweat the Small Stuff he recommends find it, read it, use it. But also even if you just take that title of don't sweat the small stuff because we do inevitably as people it's what we do, we focus on things that bring us to places emotionally that have no purpose that kinda stuff is just gonna be gone. He would say 20s is the perfect time to explore, have fun, live your life, dream big, and don't sweat the small stuff.
Jared agrees and adds don't sign long-term contracts, don't operate heavy machinery, don't drive but seriously your 20s are not the latter part of your life they're the beginning of your life. And he will add as well explore your first 20 years, explore how you got to where you are, the earlier you look into what's made you you, and what works and doesn't the better it'll be he started late, he started when he was like 35 and he's been working back trying to figure out what happened when he was 0-20 that formed who he is these days. Be curious, be kind, be compassionate. x
Looking back what's their favorite funny story in the time that they've known each other?
Jared says there are so many but this one popped up in his head, and it's the story of how when the twins were going to be born Jensen left his passport in Austin by mistake. In case anyone doesn't know the story the quick version of it is that D was set to give birth to the twins, and Jensen is usually very responsible but something told Jared to ask him to go touch his passport just to make sure he had it (because they were in Van filming and needed to get back to the States for the birth) and Jensen thought Jared was playing a prank on him but he checked anyways and it was not in his bag. He asks Jared about it he doesn't know where it is he wasn't messing with him, turns out Jensen left it by mistake in a jacket pocket in Austin. They got in contact with a law enforcement friend they have who contacted TSA or something and explained the situation so they were able to fly out of Canada and Jensen was able to be there for the twins' birth.
Jensen says this is an 18yr friendship they've had going, for the majority of it they've spent more time with each other than any other human being on the planet, so there are a lot of stories it's hard to pick one. He'll say what he misses about them working together so often was the times in between set-ups and shots when they would go and just spend time in the trailer. In most shows, they yell cut and actors go to their respective spaces but they didn't do that he would go to Jared's trailer sit on his couch, watch tv, and just hang out, and it was weird that they'd do that cause they never get tired of each other which he thinks speaks volumes when you spend that much time together and he thinks it's why they're still here today. 😍
When was a time that they had a hard decision to make? Something they weren't sure about but it ended up paying off.
Jared thinks he and Jensen have a similar story that could be an answer. Probably the most integral and scariest decision he ever made was to quit college and drive out to LA to try and be an actor. To go back to the 20yr question they had been asked earlier, he was 17 at the time when he did this, but the same rule goes and that's try on all the hats that you can, give it a shot, you're still learning who you are. He's 41, a husband, a father, a friend and he's still learning who he is and why he is who he is. In your 20s before you have a spouse, or kids, or a mortgage, or whatever it's a great time to go give it a shot, you rather try and learn that it's not for you than never try.
Jensen asks Jared if he had a backup plan. He did, it was to go back to college. He had some hours logged in already due to AP courses.
Jensen echoes what Jared said, one of the many things they have in common is that their origin story is very similar. He was set to go to college, courses were set, had a dorm room and roommate assigned, and then last minute just a few weeks before he had to report on campus, he said he was going to Hollywood and giving acting a shot. His dad gave him 6 months, they were incredibly supportive but his dad told him to give it a semester, and if he realized it wasn't for him to come back and start school in the second semester. He drove off and never came back, he started working right away and just kept working and kept working and it's like Jared said it's those little decisions that can have a big effect but don't put so much weight on every decision thinking it's gonna have a big effect, he's had a ton of decisions in his life that have had little or no effect at all.
There's another decision, he was on a soap opera for a number of years, he did 3 years and they wanted to extend his contract to do 3 more. As a 20yr old at the time he found it amazing, he did a good enough job they wanted to reward him with a bigger contract and the pay was going to triple- it was a dream come true type of thing and he had a bunch of congrats and people on set telling him it looked like he was gonna be there a couple more years but one amazing actress pulled him aside and told him no, that he wasn't he needed to go. And not in the way of wanting him gone but in the way of there are other things for him out there and he needed to go explore more and so against all odds he did, and that's a decision that has paid off. x
Do they have any shows or movies they re-watch or books they re-read that are really cherished? And why do they mean something to them?
Jared has some feel-good shows, he tries not to re-read books he just feels like there are so many he would love to read but he has re-read Into the Air by Jon Krakauer. And when he finds himself rewatching shows it's from his childhood like he'll put on Garfield or Simpsons. Someone in the crowd yells out Ninja Turtles and he says Ninja Turtles for sure. Jensen asks him which turtle he is and Jared replies he's probably Michelangelo but his favorite is Donatello. He thinks it's because he could always find a stick and hit people with it; his parents wouldn't let him have nunchucks, or the sai, or swords but he could always find a stick and pretend he was Donatello. And he had a purple outfit which was pretty cool; someone in the crowd mentions Leonardo and Jared says he was also pretty cool at which point Jensen says he thought Donatello's color was blue but Jared corrects him and tells him that no Leonardo is blue, Raphael is red, and Michaelangelo is orange. So when he does re-watch things it's from his childhood.
Jensen says this is unintentional, the show is just always on but his 10yr old daughter has found Friends, and he had forgotten how really entertaining that show is he literally doesn't know what station it is on but it's always on so anytime they're in the kitchen, she'll come in, put it on and sit down, and he'll be doing stuff while it's on and he'll just hear "pivot!" and start laughing. That's another thing, he had forgotten how many iconic sayings came from that show. It's a powerhouse of a show, but as far as a genre-type show he's kinda like Jared once he watches it going back and rewatching it he feels like he's missing out on the opportunity of seeing something new. He does have films that he keeps on his ipad whenever he's traveling or something that are downloaded, and there's one particular movie that he doesn't watch from beginning to end he usually just fast-forwards through to watch certain scenes of No Country For Old Men cause he thinks it's a masterclass in film making.
Jared comments he's like that with Inglorious Bastards, and Jensen replies yeah, that anything Tarantino like Hateful Eight he's been watching scenes of it, and it could be a stage play. But he gets the wanting to go back and kind of revisit those things cause it does give you those nostalgic emotions but also you know new experiences like he's sharing this with his daughter so that's kind of a fun new experience.
Jared says he's questioning his earlier statement about wanting to read new things cause if you watch the same show or movie or even the same book at different points in your life what you pick up will be different so maybe he'll start binging SPN. He will say without a word of a lie he could watch 15.20 reaction videos for an hour and cry every time, he thinks he's watched every single one. But he'd be interested to go and revisit the show. x
The next fan asks about a fuck it list. It's like a bucket list except that instead of waiting you're going to say fuck it and do it now, if you can, and their reactions are hilarious seriously y'all have to go watch this moment. But what would their current fuck it list item be?
Jared asks who or what? And then goes "okay, so just here and now" and moves towards Jensen with his tongue out 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Jensen moves away before Jared can get to him and goes "I told you I'm faster with old age". These men are unhinged. Unhinged I tell you!
Getting back on track, Jared is stumped on an answer, he doesn't know then he asks the fan if they have kids cause he thinks it changes once you have kids and says for him he would love to travel. The fan asks if with his kids and the silence speaks a thousand words, then after he pauses he says that no, they can travel as well somewhere they're welcome to do so but that just in case his wife sees this on youtube he says that he wants to travel with the kids and his wife cause he loves them so very much. Believe it.
Jensen says no, that he doesn't have either a fuck it list or a bucket list he has responsibilities. He can't just go play, he has a house to feed and lights to keep on. He's gonna be honest he has been asked bucket list before he had not been asked fuck it list but he honestly doesn't have either and he means that he's still at the age where he has responsibilities, he has things that he thinks he needs to do, he has things that he needs to get done, and things he wants to get done in order to facilitate certain things in his life. Some of those bring him joy and some of those are just responsibilities that he needs to take care of because he's an adult. x
Final question, any updates on the Impala's?
Both of their respective cars were sent to a body shop just out of Houston, between Houston and Austin, a very reputable place that Clif found for them, and they're getting all the work done that they wanted to get done but Jensen's took longer cause it needed to be used for The Winchester. And so he told them he had to pull Baby out of the shop and it went to NOLA, filmed for a while then finally got back in the shop a few months ago. Jensen thinks it's supposed to be ready this month. He'll go pick her up and then go cruise the back roads of America, and he tells Jared he'll go pick him up and Jared says he'll be there. Jensen says they haven't done it yet but they do joke about just driving around town at some point, they may have to like put some go pros or something on the side.
Jared says his only goal with the Impala is to somehow or another get Mark Sheppard into the trunk. He will say that there's this thing called live water it's supposed to be like ph balanced water. (It's unprocessed water. Or even simpler terms it's water from the river, or a spring, or a lake except river water isn't profitable but if you call it live water it is!) Anyways, he has a subscription for it, cause of course he does, and it's like 5 a month or 5 a week. The point is every third Friday they get a delivery. You leave the empty ones on your driveway and they take them and put the new ones, and the guy who delivered last time was seemingly a fan of SPN, and the garage door was open with the Impala in there and the pic of Sam on a horse from French Mistake is right next to it leaning up against a wall and Jared was walking the dogs, and the guy who delivers looked at Jared kind of confused, looked into the garage saw the Impala and the picture shook his head, said 'dude' and walked away. x
As the panel comes to an end Jensen mentions that he had gotten asked when he and Rob Benedict came up with the last question song, he doesn't know and Rob doesn't either but Richard Speight says that he does know why it started in the first place. It was so he and Rob would stop getting booed when they walked on stage to announce the end of the panel.
Before the boys walk off stage Jared says he feels inspired and motivated to say something: Be kind, be silly, be goofy, be yourself, and share snacks. 💛
J2 Main Panel DC Con
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djsherriff-responses · 6 months
Actually wait something else that supports my "Sarah's story is a parallel to Bullfrog's story" theory and my "Bullfrog's mother was an assassin" theory
Sarah looks nothing like Sam
From what I've gathered regarding Splinter cell lore is that , despite being important to the main character and mother of his child, Regan Burns never had a physical appearance in any games, her physical appearance is left more or less blank
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In most media , Sarah is a white woman with dark hair while in CLH Sarah is a brown woman with silver hair
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However in both games and CLH, Sam is a white man with dark hair
While Sam in CLH isn’t an exact copy of his video game counterpart, Sam and Sarah in the splinter cell series do have a much stronger family resemblance to each other than that of their counterparts in the remixed universe
That’s….. weird, right? Like , it’s an odd creative choice to have Sarah be so drastically different to her game version that even her race is different while Sam , her father, still resembles the character he’s originally remixed from
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While concept art did explore other options regarding her hair eye, and skin colour, including pale skin and dark hair like her game version, Sarah having pale hair specifically seemed like a design element the crew felt strongly towards and wanted to use
Yes the Warden being Sarah Fisher, the daughter of Sam Fisher, is meant as a plot twist. HOWEVER, we don’t learn about Sam’s existence until Sarah explains her backstory , meaning the crew could’ve given Sam some traits to better reflect his blood connection to his daughter in this universe
Sarah’s lack of physical resemblance to her father may have some narrative symbolism to it, the most obvious being how drastically different she and her father’s morals are. However, I also think it ties back to my theory that Regan was a Templar and was the one who gave Sarah her beliefs in life that lead to her behaviour in the show proper
Sarah didn’t just inherited Regan’s Templar status and beliefs , Sarah also physically resembles her mother more than her father
I know this is completely random to bring up, but I’m making a Kingdom Hearts reference
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Specifically, Xehanort, a villain whose prominent features is his silver hair and gold eyes combo
Now obviously Ubisoft has no rights to use anything Kingdom hearts related , and so I seriously doubt we’ll see a flashback of Sam making out with a Xehanorted Regan in season two (don’t ask what Xehanorted is if you never played KH, it’s hard to explain)
The reason I’m bringing him up is to point out that while Captain Laserhawk is a show about video games, it’s specifically an anime show about video games
I can’t find anything regarding his opinion on the KH franchise itself, though Adi did talk about how Rodger Rabbit was an inspiration for CLH, another massive crossover story owned by Disney. Considering how he likes to tip his toes into all sorts of geeky stuff, it’s unlikely he hasn’t encountered the Kingdom Hearts franchise
I think the Templars may be inspired by Xehanort to a degree
A majority of the human characters (both who have a narrative role and background role) shown in the CLH universe thus far have natural hair and eye colours
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While there’s outliners such as Pagan Min and Mute having pink hair, those two are easily explained by the existence of hair dye
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Sarah however, was born with gold eyes and silver hair
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While I don’t think every member of the board of directors/templar order have a sun kissed complexion under those masks like Sarah does, I do think it’s likely that gold eyes and silver hair is a common trait they share under those masks
And we know from the manga that Eden is practicing some form of eugenics with how they specifically took Dolph from his own mother for having good genetics, it’s likely that the board keeps heavy tabs on people that have Templar DNA within them
“Okay so how does Bullfrog’s mother fit into this-“ you notice how Bullfrog is one of the more feminine looking male characters in the show?
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It may have just been me who originally mistook him for being a girl before the show actually came out, but I don’t think it’s an accident that he has feminine/softer leaning design elements. It’s even pointed out by the crew they specifically designed Bullfrog to be cute , you can even see that reflected throughout Bullfrog’s concept art
So since Sarah parallels Bullfrog, and she both took her mother’s ideals and inherited most of her physical traits from her, than it’s likely Bullfrog not only took after his mother in her beliefs, but also has a very strong resemblance to his mother
Basically, Bullfrog’s mama was a cute assassin milf
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chloe-caulfield94 · 10 months
What are you thoughts on Marshfield?
I think that there's one factor that makes this pairing believable and one factor which makes this pairing unbelievable.
The factor making it believable is that Max is the only person in the whole wide world that cared about Kate when she needed care and support the most. The fact that Kate's mother and aunt not only didn't support her, but actually made her burden much harder by accusing her of wrongdoing (when she was clearly a victim of something horrible) is well known, but I think Kate's friends and the rest of her family should be ashamed of their actions (or inaction) too.
By the time Kate tries to commit suicide, Max has only known her for little more than a month (the game takes place in October, school year almost always starts in September, Max just moved into town to attend Blackwell for her senior year). We know she and Kate had weekly tea parties, but given the short period of time they've known each other they couldn't have had more than a few of those.
Kate does have long-term friends - Stella and Alyssa. They've probably known each other for three years at that point, if not more. Max can find a photo of them with Kate in Kate's room. But they are nowhere to be found during Kate's crisis. Max even comments the find with "I didn't know they were friends", suggesting that as soon as the video started circulating, Stella and Alyssa began avoiding Kate. So Max, who didn't attend Blackwell in the preceding years, didn't even know they were supposed to be Kate’s friends. Max, the new friend, did everything in her power to help. Kate's so called long-term "friends" did nothing.
And Kate's father is a sorry excuse for a parent and for a man.
The video Victoria posted online shows Kate taking a few sips of a drink and immediately starting to behave erratically, before being removed from the party by Nathan. To any rational observer that was a date rape in progress. The victim was roofied and then the perpetrator removed her from the party under the guise of "taking her home".
Kate's father should have immediately removed her from Blackwell and brought her home, because she clearly was at risk of the worst things possible happening to her over there. And then he should have gone to the cops and sought justice for his daughter.
Instead, he sent Kate a letter saying that he forgives her and that he will always love her, no matter what. Forgive her what? Falling victim to a horrible crime? Kate's father's letter strikes me as something not motivated by genuine care for her, but as sanctimonious, phoney, self-serving, holier-than-thou virtue signalling. “Look at me, I forgave my wayward daughter”. The only result it could have had was making Kate feel guilty. And it did precisely that. When Max brings up Kate's father while trying to talk her down from the roof, Kate says that her poor father loves her, even though she disappoints him so much. WTF? He was disappointed in her because she fell victim to a hideous crime? It's clear that her father's "forgiveness" only increased Kate's burden, not lessened it.
In what world does it make sense for a father to learn that his daughter was most likely date raped and to send her an "I forgive you" letter, while doing nothing to protect her or to seek justice for her? And if Kate's parents don't know what roofies or date rape are, then they are clearly not qualified to prepare three daughters for the dangers they might face in the world.
So given the abysmal treatment of Kate by everyone in her family and friend group, with the sole exception of Max, I can easily imagine her developing very strong feelings for Max, her saviour.
But the thing that makes Marshfield not believable are Kate's religious beliefs. Now, Christians do not necessarily hold homophobic beliefs. There are some Christian denominations that even bless same-sex marriages. However, it seems to me that Kate's family belongs to one of the more conservative Christian denominations, which frown upon, if not outright condemn, same-sex pairings. At the roof, Kate clearly has a crisis of faith. She says that God didn't protect her from the horrible abuse she suffered. If that crisis of faith continued even after Max talked her down, she could possibly re-evaluate her beliefs. That could also mean re-evaluating or outright rejecting the belief that a girl romantically pursuing another girl is somehow inherently wrong.
But when Max visits Kate in the hospital, it's clear that her crisis of faith is no more. During her conversation with Max, Kate quite clearly says that she now believes just as strongly as before. That doesn't mean she couldn't re-evaluate her beliefs on homosexual relationships. We don't even know if she had a negative opinion on relationships like that in the first place. But assuming she did, her quick comeback to her previously held beliefs makes any change in that regard less likely.
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msbhagirathi · 6 months
IPKKND LIVE BLOG - Season 1 [Epi - 2]
Cooooommmmmmmeeee ooooooonnnnnnnn, letz start the second epiiiiiiiiii.
So we are starting right from where we had left them off. ANDDDDD BAAAAMMMM! Khushi jolts out of her (or rather their?) trance and realizes where her hand is, snatches it back. Pulling out Arnav from his trance as well.
I want you to focus on their expressions in the scene. Look closely, when she snatches her hand away from his collar. His gaze, instantly falls down to her hand and there's a moment where he steels himself and maybe even thinks that 'How dare she!'.
It's as if Arnav realizes that he needs to be angry and THEN all hell breaks lose, as he throws her out of his hands. He orders the head of his PR team to control the photos and videos of this 'scandal'. Khushi is locked in a room for interrogation.
Back in Gomti Sadan, the neighborhood aunties are gossiping about Khushi's absence. Buaji asks about the papers' whereabouts to Payal. But, Payal, already very nervous and tongue-tied, reduces to tears. I am surprised why did Buaji not see the change in her demeanor and most importantly her spilled tears. But, that's also not much surprising coz Buaji can hardly ever read Payal or Khushi's distress over anything that they seem to be facing alone, in the entire show. This scene also indicates that Payal has never been the rule-breaker kid, she's always been kind of a 'yes-man' to her parents.
Ohh! Did you notice how Khushi's voice sounds so off? Do you know why? Turns out Sanaya was sick with cold while shooting this sequence. She mentioned this in that interview with Mrs. Gul Khan, which was released right after IPK ended a few months ago.
Arnav instructs the team to interrogate Khushi and check whether a rival company (Re-Fashion? RI-Fashion? REE-Fashion? whatever, lol.) send her there to ruin his fashion show in exchange of some petty amount of money.
Payal's belief, of her Abhishek ji standing up to his family's demand of the dowry, breaks. She realizes that he is present there, knows everything going on but still refuses to speak up. She is heart-broken.
Was it only me or you also thought that the way Sanaya pronounced 'profession' is kind of-idk-intriguing?-sexy?-hot?-pata nahi choro (ok, leave it.)
Garima tries to associate the papers' absence to Khushi's absence. Payal has been caught like a deer caught in headlights.
Arnav comes to meet or rather to interrogate his wife 'that' girl, for 'answers'. Khushi requests him to let her go as she explains him that she landed there by mistake.
He is so adamant in throwing all the unfortunately familiar 'accusatory' questions. What was that 'Wipro-Fashion'? 'PRO-Fashion'? Whatever. See, many of you would disagree, here, but I think he is legit right in doubting her intentions, given the type of people he would have dealt with till now in this profession. Although, WE know, from Khushi's POV, that she is right, BUT that's the thing, he doesn't.
"Then let it (the marriage) break. Problems like these are nothing for girls like you. If one leaves, then trap another." ("Toh tut jaane do shaadi. Tum jaisi ladkiyon ka kya hai. Ek jayega, dusra phasaa lena.") And the BG score changes to something close to tandav beats. Maybe, just maybe he realized that he has struck a chord or crossed a line or fcked up real bad. It can be any of the three.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! The dreaded moment is here. Khushi retaliates but she does not realize the volcano in front of her, ready to burst out with hot, molten lava. She attempts to side step him but he grabs her by the arm and yanks at the dori of her blouse. Pearls scatter around, everywhere on the floor. Khushi is horror struck, devastated, horrified and all the girls watching this for the first time already knew what that meant. And hated Arnav for doing that to her for a long, long time.
See the irony, here. In the previous episode, we saw them together in that beautiful frame. No-one had any doubt of them being the alpha couple of the show. BUT. BUT. BUT.
After this scene, audience must have doubted, some might even have gone to the extent to declare Arnav as the villain. And later considered Shyam as the hero, coz of the way, he was introduced (we will come to that in that episode).
Hmm. I am thinking. Why did he let her go? Like? So....easily? After she pulled the ribbon from her hair and covered her exposed back, or rather her modesty. Arnav has frozen. At his spot. He isn't even moving a finger. (I will have to process this scene and then will let you know in a separate post.)
With this, the scene blurs and along with Khushi, we reach Gomti Sadan, where everything is eerily silent. Wait. Did we reach so early? Didn't Khushi take the whole day to reach SM? Then how come- ohh Guilty Arnav might have arranged a car for her to reach her home safely-Lol. Who am I kidding with? This is ASR, we are talking about. Let's stop with the wishful thinking.
Gomti Sadan. Gossips. Malign in their social image. A broken marriage. All of these are termed as a "Kali' (black ink) by Buaji. And who's at fault? Khushi. She talks of pulling off her braid and handing it to her. Basically, beat her ass off.
Buaji, I think, was never able to accept Khushi as her own child. She was always the only one to differentiate between the two. She was only the one who instigated Garima and Shashi against her. Although, Shashi had wholeheartedly accepted her as his daughter but Garima, often used to get manipulated into believing the worst, in Khushi.
Even now both Buaji and Garima are convinced that Khushi was, somehow, jealous of her sister's fate (that she was getting married) and so to malign it, she decided to sabotage the wedding by taking away the papers and fleeing out of everyone's sight until the wedding is called off.
Lol. Junior Engineer. And Buaji thinks, that's self-explanatory for them, having a right to ask for a dowry. Khushi explains herself. But, she is admonished by her (B-ji), for acting like a 'Dadi Amma', means trying to act above her age, by interfering in elders' matters.
Still, for the Guptas', specifically for Mrs. Garima Gupta, a broken marriage is worse than Payal getting married into a money-hungry family. Do you see it here? Getting MARRIED is of more importance than getting married into THE RIGHT FAMILY.
And as if all this admonishing and insulting is not enough, so, she kind of disowns her daughter. "Mat kaho hume Amma".
Khushi, who already had abandonment issues, guilt of being a burden to 'this' family, is now shell shocked. Someone please save this poor kid.
Buaji does it again! Hip, hip hurray guys! She again pulls up the orphan card and a non-refundable debt (of getting adopted by her brother and sister in law) card! What an awesome timing Buaji! Shut up Buaji. What? Shashi said this. Not me. I have manners, ok.
"Arre tujhse saga humara koi nahi hai." Payal's words calms Khushi to some extent. But, they are still not enough as we see that Khushi cannot sleep, and keeps tossing and turning, recalling her amma's harsh words.
She wakes up and opens their shop's door. Khushi is shown handling an LPG gas cylinder, an oil cannister and lighting a match stick, giving us the impression of her attempting to give up her life.
Precap starts. *quickly pauses it* I don't watch precaps. Spoilers. Don't like them. Bye. Such a stressful episode to watch.
P.S. : Remember the interview I was talking about? This is it. Please do give it a watch if you haven't already. It's so beautiful them sharing the off-screen things and being all nostalgic. You'll love it. :)
Previous Next Episode!
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mythicalartistx · 10 months
The real reason Yozora is the way he is and why he looks like Sora and Riku Hybrid...
Yozora is a mysterious character after all and we don't know a lot about him.
He is first shown through Toy Box as a "video game" character that looks insanely close to Riku as stated by Donald and Goofy while Sora mentions he never looked that good looking in belief it is him.
But to Yozora that game world is his reality— the place he came from.
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At the end of the game when Sora identifies him, Yozora is surprised because he recognizes him since that is not his true form. And Yozora just knows to save "Sora"
Whether if it is actually Sora or if Nameless Star true name is Sora who knows...
However if it is the Sora we all know, then Yozora could be tasked with saving Sora for the reason that his form is missing and he takes parts of other people's to form who he is.
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That's why he looks like both Riku and Sora. He has parts of them within him.
And then there is Versus XIII— a game that never saw the light of day. Tetsuya Nemora was working on it before he was unable to finish the project and it got turned into what people know as FF14 but Versus XIII story seemed different from FF14.
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What does this have to do with Yozora?
Well Yozora seem to share some traits from that game.
Quadratum for instance is a place thought of for those who might have died. As we all know, Strelitzia is there and we all remember her death and disappearance from the mobile games Union χ. Now Versus XIII seemed to do with death as well. But that's not it, after the Yozora battle there is an ending clip of Yozora in a car ride.
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This car ride is almost a duplicate shot to shot of a scene in Versus XIII with Noctis and his driver. Yozora turns the same way and makes the similar expressions and it's a bit insane how similar it is.
So what does this mean for KH4?
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Yozora is insanely mysterious and is probably going to be important. He wants to save or help Sora but he might do it in a way that's not the best. I feel that Yozora wants to get what he want and that means retrieving his form again and "saving Sora" whatever that means to him.
He is probably like a KH1 Riku or even 358/2 days Riku where he is a bit cold, arrogant—"in belief he is right," and just wanting to help Sora. But combine that with Squall/Leon and you get Yozora personality.... Well probably.
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In Riku dreams, he feels the gaze of someone watching him— Yozora who he also gotten parts of his form from. The interaction of the two Yozora and Riku could lead to some interesting possibilities. Well they're both trying to save Sora—or possibly a Sora since we don't know if he's the same Sora, given Yozora's surprised expression when Sora tells him his name being Sora.
Riku will go to Quadratum and find Sora and probably Yozora as well. There is even a good chance that Riku will find and speak to Yozora first. And it will be interesting.
We don't have a lot of information, so he is mysterious but that just makes us want to know more. So until we get a trailer, picture, or interview for now he is just Yozora the one trying to save Sora and seems to be connected to Missing Star.
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intercoursefluids · 11 months
Be My First Be My Last Chapter 13
Chloe sighed, adjusting the sunglasses she was wearing. The school lights were hurting her eyes today, she had spent too long pouring over the details of Marinette’s case file.
It was mostly empty, full of dead ends and half plausible leads. No one could find her; it was like she disappeared.
Chloe would have felt awful about Marinette’s disappearance regardless of the circumstances, but it was even worse because she was there.
She had been there when they took them, she was there when they all woke up in an unknown location, she was there when Mari had impersonated Kagami.
She had been there when Mari had gambled her life away to save theirs.
And she couldn’t even help find her.
They had been knocked out before they had even reached the front door, only waking up underneath a bridge where the Couffaines spotted them from their houseboat.
They had no idea where they had been, if it were in Paris, France, or if they had still been on the same continent when they were taken.
She had never felt so useless.
Months had passed since Marinette had gone missing, months without the slightest hint at where she had gone.
Sabrina had told her that the police station was starting to consider her a lost cause. Well, she didn’t say lost cause but cold case held pretty much the same meaning.
The only reason she hadn’t been presumed dead yet was because of her and Kagami’s testimonies of what happened.
Officer Raincomprix figured that if they wanted her alive enough that she could save all three of the girls by threat of suicide, they wouldn’t hurt, or at least, they wouldn’t kill her.
It had been a small comfort, the only comfort that Marinette’s parents had been given really.
All they had was their belief that she was still alive, nothing more and nothing less.
Chloe looked up from her desk as Alya and Nino walked in, talking loudly about their plans for the day.
“Okay, you run home and grab your mixtape, I’ll get the videos and photos ready and we meet back here and combine the two. Think they’ll like it?” Alya asked, glancing up from her phone to her boyfriend.
Nino nodded, wrapping an arm around her.
“I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. We can’t find her, but maybe we can show the Dupain-Cheng’s that no one has forgotten about her, y’know?” Nino said, pressing a kiss to Alya’s cheek.
Chloe squinted at the two from behind her sunglasses, wondering what they were planning.
She was just about to go over to them when her least favorite classmate walked in, Lila.
“Hey guys! What are you talking about?” She asked, worming her way into their conversation. Chloe couldn’t help wrinkling her nose in disgust.
“Oh! Lila we’re putting together a collection of videos and pictures that everyone has of Marinette for her parents. Do you have anything you want to add?” Alya asked, turning to face the other girl excitedly.
Lila didn’t say anything, narrowing her eyes at the girl in front of her.
“Alya.” She said sharply. “Why would I have anything save of my bully?” She said with emphasis, her eyes flashing as she stared at Alya.
Alya hesitated, tripping over her words before narrowing her eyes as well, her green eyes shining defiantly.
“You’re so right, girl. Why on earth are we even doing this? I mean, yeah, I feel sorry for her parents and all, but you have to admit… Karma always has its way.” She finished, leaning in like she was sharing a joke with Lila.
Nino looked shocked, grabbing Alya’s and pulling her attention away from Lila.
“Alya!” He shouted. “I mean, I know you two hadn’t been on the best of terms before she disappeared but come on! She’s missing.” He insisted, shaking her arm like he was trying to wake her up.
Alya tugged her arm out of his grasp just as Lila rounded on him.
“No one is implying that she deserves any of this Nino,” She said with a honeyed tone. “It’s just that, I mean… I can’t really bring myself to miss her, y’know? Not after everything she did to me…” She finished shyly, glancing up at him.
Nino hesitated, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. He cast a glance up at Chloe, his green eyes meeting hers before he looked back to Lila.
Chloe wasn’t sure what he said next, having stopped listening the moment their eyes met.
She wasn’t entirely sure about Alya, she hadn’t known her as long, but Chloe had known Nino for years. She could have sworn he had brown eyes, not green…
Chloe took off her sunglasses, staring intently at the three of them.
Alya’s eyes, which she could have sworn were green just a moment ago, were brown again. A glance at Nino showed the same results, their eyes were both back to brown.
Chloe shook her head, sure that she was just imagining things when another thought struck her.
How would she have even been able to tell what colour they were behind her sunglasses? They would have to be glowing for her to tell.
Biting her lip, Chloe raised her glasses again, not putting them on but only looking through one lens with her other eye closed.
Their eyes were still green, a glowing bright green that matched the colour of Lila’s eyes.
When Chloe opened her other eye, free of her sunglass’s lens, their eyes were normal.
Chloe quickly put her sunglasses back on, observing everyone that interacted with the three near the door.
Throughout the day, Chloe wrote down what she noticed in her notes app.
She couldn’t see any difference without her sunglasses.
The eyes always glowed green, regardless of the pervious eye colour.
Their eyes only glowed around Lila.
When their eyes started to glow they would immediately agree with whatever Lila was saying.
Chloe had a theory, but she needed to perform one final test before she shared her thoughts.
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