#giving them the most romantic lighting as my final act of service
driftwoodthrone · 1 year
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I thought I could protect mine. I didn't know… if I could protect yours.
STAR TREK: PICARD S03E10 “The Last Generation”
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untaemedqueen · 1 year
At Your Service
Escort!Jeongguk x CEO!Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 11.
Series Warnings (Will Be Updated): Angst, Fluff, Cold Heartedness, Emotional Trauma, Healing, Smut, Dark Humor
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"Did you pack enough stuff in your bag?" Jeongguk inquires, tilting his head to look at you as he drives your car towards his apartment.
"Yes," you reply with a laugh.
"Enough stuff to last a lifetime?" he jeers with a soft smile.
You packed enough clothes for multiple days even if your brain was screaming at you to be reasonable but with Guk you can't really help it.
He was so excited to take you home with him that you didn't even feel human, you felt as if you were a beautiful piece of art or the sweetest pet known to man. So when he finally got you in the car to go stay with him at his apartment, you too felt overjoyed.
"Taehyung and Jimin are gonna come over later, I promised to cook them dinner," the escort announces, pulling up to his block.
You've heard so much about his two friends while laying beside one another that it almost makes you feel nervous about meeting them. Which is a feeling you're certainly not used to.
"What if they don't like me?" you find yourself asking as he parks the car.
When he shuts off the engine, he tilts his head towards you, eyebrow cocked with a disbelieving expression. "Why would they not like you? You're incredible, baby."
The compliment sends your stomach coiling and your mind reeling instantaneously. But you're pulled back to reality when his soft, warm hand coasts over your cheek sweetly.
"Well my personality isn't for everyone and what if--"
"Baby," Jeongguk cuts you off sweetly, leaning in just the smallest bit closer, "your personality is astounding. Jimin and Tae can be idiots but they would never treat you wrongly. They know how much this means to me, how much you mean to me. They're going to love you."
You've always been under the impression that the sudden romantic relationship you've entered has had a profound impact on the handsome escort but it's never really sunk in until now.
You mean something to this man.
Strangely, it doesn't put you off of him for a second. You want to get to know him more, you want more of these talks and more of these feelings.
You're for once willing to open up to someone and let them in.
Fuck being scared and cold, you're personality is basically rewriting itself with every earnest word he speaks and you're in love with that notion.
"Ready?" Guk asks, grabbing your bag from the backseat and pulling it over the middle console.
"Yes," you reply sweetly.
You're ready for pretty much anything now, Jeongguk is absolutely worth it.
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The apartment building the escort lives in is simple but you find it apt for him and his personality. The hallways are lined with cream wallpaper that have tiny lines decorating them vertically that somehow makes it feel homey and comfortable. The sconces on the walls are simple pewter and the light they give off is just the slightest bit yellow which compliments the wallpaper and the dark gray carpet underfoot.
The escort looks in his element here, slinging your expensive bag over his shoulder he glides down the hallway with confidence. To see someone in their own home is usually the most eye opening thing, you can see their comfort level, what they like, how they act in a place of their own.
For you, your mansion was never really home so you aren't sure what people can see about you when you're inside of it.
Guk whistles a sweet tune that carries through the stagnant air as he rounds the corner of the hall and he slings his arm over your shoulders with a smirk. "4D, this is us."
You aren't sure if he plans out the things that he's going to say or if he really is just the sweetest, smoothest person of all time.
"Brace yourself," he whispers happily.
Your body goes almost rigid on his command, hearing nail scratches behind the front door of his apartment.
"He's a big dude," the escort whispers, putting the key in the lock.
"Hawking, step back," Jeongguk calls through the door with a laugh.
When he cracks the door open, you can see the huge door excitedly wagging his tail, hoping to welcome his owner home.
"We have a guest!" Guk cheers, stepping inside the apartment and waiting for you with a smile.
When you step inside the large black great dane is up to your waist and he's not paying a lick of attention to you as he runs around his owner happily greeting him home.
When the escort laughs vibrantly, crouching down to accept the love, your heart flutters sweetly inside of your chest. He looks up at you with his soft doe eyes and you immediately feel warmth spreading through your limbs like a drug.
"Look! Isn't daddy's girlfriend so pretty?" Guk coos, standing up tall.
Your skin raises goosebumps at the simple word and you're taken aback by how naturally it rolls off his tongue.
"Hi Hawking," you whisper, petting the top off his head.
"You are my girlfriend, right? I'd hate to lie to man's best friend," the escort quips, setting down your bag on the couch.
Hawking licks your hand sweetly and you want to just sit down beside him and hold him for days, he looks up at you so sweetly that it makes you feel like mush.
When you have a chance to look around the apartment you notice how completely clean it is. There's not a piece of dust or a crumb anywhere in sight. Not to mention how bright and open it is with all the windows around.
The escort has comfortable furniture and the house feels more lived in, something you would never feel in the dark mansion you own.
"Sit down," your boyfriend insists, throwing himself down on the couch.
He opens his arms, narrowing his eyes at Hawking who tries to jump on the couch before you.
You can tell that you're moving awkwardly already, especially when your muscles strain awkwardly to sit down.
The escort can tell almost immediately how uncomfortable you are and he tries to help by running a soothing hand over your exposed thigh.
"What do you want me to make for dinner?" he inquires, brushing some hair back behind your ear.
The question distracts you and suddenly you're too concerned with your thoughts that you sag comfortably against him and the couch.
"I can just order something for all of us," you suggest, looking over at him.
He shakes his head, groaning loudly when his large dog jumps on the couch and lays their weight on him.
"You're not a Yorkie, buddy. Jesus!" he wheezes, petting Hawking as he lays his head over your lap.
"He's really cute," you whisper, smiling down at him.
"The guys like it," Guk announces, stretching his legs out and putting them atop his coffee table.
Raising an eyebrow, you tilt your head to look at him in confusion.
"Jimin and Taehyung," he clarifies, kissing your cheek, "they like my cooking."
"I didn't know you cook," you reply, allowing him to pull you closer.
"I love cooking. Hopefully you'll enjoy it too. I'll even make you dessert," the escort whispers, winking.
"What kind?" you inquire innocently, looking around the living room.
"Somethin' real tasty," he answers, slapping your inner thigh just hard enough to produce a sting that makes you suck a shallow breath between your teeth.
"How does Coq au Vin sound?" your boyfriend asks, combing his fingers through his hair.
"If you can make that, sure," you whisper, running your hand over Hawking's head when he begins to doze off on your lap.
"Oh, baby, I can make anything," he promises, sliding his dog off his lap to get up.
Being in this apartment with this man makes you really feel like this is something that you can get used to.
You can already feel yourself opening up, you want to experience these things again even if you fight it every step of the way.
Jeongguk is not Jasper.
He's not out to hurt you.
You keep reminding yourself over and over again but it isn't as easy as just berating yourself for being so closed off.
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The apartment smells simply divine, the aroma of red wine and perfectly cooked vegetables permeate the air wonderfully.
Jeongguk truly is amazing at everything.
The gentle pop music that echoes throughout the apartment and the sight of your handsome man cooking dinner has allowed you to relax to the fullest extent possible.
Currently, you're lying long ways on the large black couch with Hawking beside you. For such a big dog he truly is incredibly gentle.
The escort moves with such grace around his kitchen. Even though it's small and cozy, he makes it seem like he's in a restaurant.
Jeongguk hums melodically to the current song that plays, bringing a spoon coated in the stew liquid to his mouth.
You watch with rapt fascination as he enters the spoon past his lips and he nods to himself before grabbing the pepper and eyeballing more into the pot.
Hawking licks at your elbow for attention and you realize you've stopped paying attention to anything else. You're enraptured with the shirtless man making you dinner in his apartment.
You give a kind smile to the dog, going back to mindlessly petting him.
When Jeongguk claps, you tilt your head to watch his arm muscles flex and contort with the movement.
After putting the pot in the oven, he turns his head to look at you only to realize you've been staring for quite some time. He smiles widely at the sight of your innocent eyes and he winks at you fof good measure.
"What do you think?" he asks, holding up two different bottles of red wine.
"The Marquise is good for deep dishes like this one," you reply, pointing to the left bottle.
"Perfect," he smiles, setting down the left one and grabbing the wine opener for the right one.
This is so domestic.
You would never think that this is something you would be doing on a random Thursday.
Your boyfriend brings over a glass for you, filled perfectly to the curve of the glass.
"My dad used to be a line cook so I know some stuff about cheffing it up," Guk says, handing you the glass.
"It smells amazing!" you reply earnestly.
He lifts your ankles, sitting down at the end of the couch and narrowing his eyes playfully at his dog who simply lays his head on your breast lazily.
"You can change and get comfy y'know, you look too good in that expensive dress to be sitting on a couch covered in dog hair," your boyfriend offers, running his fingers thoughtlessly over your calf.
"I wanna make a good first impression," you avow, taking a sip of the wine.
It's the truth, really. Jimin and Taehyung are probably incredibly protective of him. They helped him through everything with Chloe, it's only right that they have their reservations about you.
Hell, you even have reservations about you.
"Just be yourself and they're going to love you," Guk promises, angling himself closer to you.
You set the wine down on the coffee table, letting the pop you don't normally listen to wrap you in a comforting blanket of melodic tones.
"Y'know," your boyfriend breathes, smirking wickedly at you, "I can always get you naked and make you change."
You laugh softly, adoring how his mocha orbs become lustfully playful at the drop of a hat.
"Oh really?" you counter, knowing full well that Hawking is so large that there wouldn't be any way to do anything sexual.
"Mhm," he cajoles, clicking his teeth sharply, "Hawk, get down, bud."
The dog heeds his owners words, jumping off and over the arm of the couch easily.
An oversight on your part.
"Uh," you breathe, looking at the door.
The escort slides between your thighs and he notches an eyebrow at your flustered expression. "They don't have a key."
He kisses up what is exposed on your thighs and you can simply only squirm lustfully under his touch.
"Lemme give you your dessert before dinner," he mumbles against your skin.
Your fingers card through his long black locks and right when you reach the apex of your thighs, the door's lock begins to open.
Guk is so flustered by the loud noise that he recoils so fast from you he almost pulls a muscle in his neck.
"Oh honey, we're home!" Jimin yells, thrusting the door open.
You look up wide eyed, slowly closing your knees and the older man immediately knows he's intruded upon something.
"What're you crazy kids doin'?" he guffaws, clearly not bothered by the flustered sight of you both.
"Where did you get a key?!" Jeongguk gasps, tossing the throw blanket on the top of the couch over your legs.
Taehyung steps inside politely, nodding his salutations to you.
"You should really keep track of your belongings, Gukkie. I took your spare when we were here last time! You should be grateful. What if you end up choking one day and I'm the only one that can save you," Jimin replies happily, pouring himself a glass of wine.
"Seems like he was about to be choking on something else," Taehyung muses with a smirk, giving you a once over.
"This is Taehyung and Jimin," your boyfriend whispers softly, extending a hand from one to the other.
This evening is going to be interesting.
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<----- Last Chapter                                            Next Chapter ------>
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theomnicode · 2 years
Saitama and journey in self-confidence
Over the course of the series, Saitama's really taking a wild ride with his self-confidence issues.
Before he met Genos, he wasn't good at dealing with hostile confrontations at all. He shrunk into himself to try and escape the hostile situation and this is masterfully depicted in chapter 61 Squadron by Murata-sensei.
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He's also nudging Genos to actually say something in his place when someone is suddenly hostile to him for no reason. INFJ are commonly sensitive people who don't deal well with emotional hostility directed at them.
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Neither is Genos probably all that confident in asserting himself normally, but Saitama's continuous presence feeds his empathic energy, so it works out for him. Saitama probably greatly admires this same confidence and as the series goes on, gains more and more confidence in himself and in conducting his heroism and his plans and even relaying that to King in bonus chapter 86.5, Confidence.
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But most importantly, also gaining more confidence in expressing his feelings towards Genos that he cares in subtle ways.
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Such as asking if Genos is mobile enough to move and if he needs to get carried. Saitama is really not one for physical touching, but directly asking if Genos is ok to go on his own or whether he needs assistance is a big leap.
He was still getting outdone by Genos doing even more or less blatantly boundary breaking acts of service though which are more like how one would act towards their significant other rather than their roommates or friends, so no doubt not feeling quite confident enough to say what he truly felt was at the top of his mind.
Genos and his easy displays of affection and acts of service are probably not missed by Saitama. He's more observant than he looks.
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It has taken some time for Saitama to break out of that shell because he's the epitome of introverted and shy and actually start feeling confident enough to express that he cares for Genos, a lot. I can imagine he did a fair amount of thinking when he was down at MA for an entire day. But when he finally does act, he prioritizes Genos and his safety above all else.
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(Now that I look closely, there's a small upside-down heart visible in his cape, which fills the hole in it. Very subtle and very cute Murata-sensei. I love this aaah. The most hidden and underrated small Saigenos moment. :D)
(Please help to this man, he has fallen hard. He's just following his heart, like Garou is doing watching the byplay and not interrupting.)
("Hold on my hope, I'm coming!" - Saitama prolly)
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Nobody can obviously forget this heart touching scene with the very gay rainbow lights behind like constellations. How romantic, despite Genos being in pieces. Murata-sensei knows exactly what he is doing I see.
But it is one of the rare occasions where Saitama is direct and praises Genos for his inner strenght and accomplishments in that regard, not just is heroic acts. Saitama is genuinely happy to see Genos get this far.
Genos actually being alright is a huge weight off his shoulders and seems to definitely give Saitama the extra boost he needs to start tackling the other issues pre-garou fight one by one and trusting his heroic intuition and his own abilities to pull him through the night with more energy in tow. He was tired, hungry, mentally exhausted and emotionally exhausted but Genos is all the rejuvenation he needs for a second wind.
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A veritable King of the Hill, as his very peak of confidence levels. Everything is going just perfectly and things are almost down in the bag. And yet...gaining confidence has it's own downsides. He was getting cocky. He even did some blatant emotional manipulation, even if for benign purpose, against Garou who noticed the blatant attempt.
He trusted his intuition, his own planning (and future sight) so much that he never foresaw another entity join the fray and knock him down a peg. To be fair, he was still under duress and so leaned towards his dominant cognitive function like most of us do if stressed and tired, but he was getting cocky nonetheless.
So he fell from high to rock bottom in a few seconds.
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Saitama loses every shred of confidence in himself and his abilities that he has spent this entire series building. It is such a massive blow to his ego it's surgical.
It is not much better after he defeats Garou, far from it. The one person he trusts to help his self-confidence seems...absent and puts him on the spot and he worries for his well-being because he's acting strange.
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One thing still remains though: even as Saitama's ego got a massive blow and his confidence shattered, he's still emotionally confident enough to pick up Genos and keep holding him close. Not just as an act of helping Genos because he cannot move on his own, but also to hold him close and try to ascertain what's wrong with him and take comfort in his physical presence. He senses something but can't really place it.
Increased physicality is a sure sign that INFJ is gaining emotional confidence to express levels of intimacy. It's not uncommon to find infj to be very cuddly with their partners, especially when they seek emotional closeness and when attempting to help their partner and comfort them. Hugs are sometimes the best medicine.
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Saitama does not seem to stay down for long though, before he's showing off to Genos with completely unnecessary displays of strenght (peacocking) and then the most subtle jab I've ever seen that he's confident enough now to express that he dislikes Genos not telling him anything. Aren't they actual friends? INFJ are not commonly known to be happy campers if their loved ones don't tell them what is so obviously wrong.
It is kind of weird to see Saitama bounce back this fast though, but I'll take this with face value as it is now.
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And then, the coup de grace and the actual growth in confidence realized; how Saitama has gained enough confidence in himself how to handle an emotionally abrasive and hostile situation and turn it to his own advantage.
Without missing a beat or shrinking to himself like he used to do in the early days and before the martial arts tournament when he tried to defend himself against the Squadron leader, he keeps a cool head, takes emotional distance and subtly tells the guys in his household he does not appreciate being treated like a rug they can step on.
It hasn't even been that long either.
Still a mister nice guy, no longer mister sandbag.
The interpersonal relationships effect, ladies and gents. Mostly Genos though.
Now all that remains is to well, not be embarassed down to the core to actually admit he likes Genos.
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I guess not yet. He'd rather the ground swallow him whole than remember. *snerk*
Oh well. To be fair, it sounds quite mortifying to admit a practical confession/act of undying love lol.
I await the next chapters with glee.
(You can do it Sai, I believe in you. I'll cheer for you :D)
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mambalae-s · 1 year
hi my love congrats on 100!!! i’m so extremely proud of you!! for your event i’m going with kageyama because i’ve been missing him a lot :( i feel very lucky to say that in the past few years i’ve really grown to love my own body – my skin, my facial features, my body shape, all things i was highly insecure about when i was younger! now i’m so hot like i love myself ….. a little bit about me! i’m the most stereotypical virgo ever like i’m such a perfectionist, hate when things are not organised, hugeee daydreamer, outgoing but i’m also slightly introverted in that i loveee to be independent. my favourite season is summer! i love the sun but i love when it rains too. my love language is quality time/acts of service although i’m quite touchy too!! with tobio i can’t not think of missionary, he’s just so pretty and i love to scratch at him <3 my dream date with him would be a dinner and an evening walk by the beach in italy 🥹 we eat pasta and drink wine and he buys me gelato after and it’s just soooo romantic <3 love u!!
aw mouse!! thank you for sending in your request!! i’m so excited to get started, i immediately went hunting for pictures for your moodboard right away! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i hope i can do justice by you — i’ll certainly give it my all!
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╰┈➤ ❝ summerkissed tide — mouse x tobio!
╰┈➤ song — telepatía by kali uchis
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 you and tobio have this type of understanding between one another that genuinely surpasses what words can put to manifest. really — it’s almost telepathic!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 it’s as if you’re with your other half because he’s so perceptive of you. with those analytical eyes of his, he’s spent time after time learning you and your tells.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’s seen the way you admire yourself in the mirror, how you smile and your face lights up when you wear the clothes you’ve picked out for yourself. you’d gotten your nails done so beautifully, and your hair you’d chosen to tie up with a big and gorgeous bow — every aspect of your look catered and carefully picked to make your image the very likeness of summer afternoons.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪with the both of you having been so busy with each of your own schedules, tobio had been carefully and secretly planning a little getaway for the two of you!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪gosh, it was so hard for him to keep it a surprise! really! ever since you’d absentmindedly mentioned to him that you’d been thinking of seeing the beaches in italy one night while you lay cuddled next to him, he’d practically been forcing himself to plan in secret despite nearly bursting at the seams with excitement!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪it’s on a quiet night of spring when he finally shows you two plane tickets, both stamped for your flights on the first day of summer, and he watches you glow as you look up at him with happy tears in your eyes, beaming and still in a bit of disbelief because no way… did he really???
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪and when you hug him, lunging your body into his arms and kissing him all over his face, he feels so elated and indescribably happy that he’d been able to surprise you.
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 during this trip, tobio goes above and beyond to do the things you’d like!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he really really wants you to be focused on absolutely nothing but having a good time, so he plans little dates for you to enjoy together!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he makes sure his phone is filled up with as many beautiful pictures of you as he can get! during those moments when your smile shines so warmly underneath the setting sun as you let the waves rush over your bare feet, tobio discreetly takes a snapshot moment of you that he adds to his evergrowing collection. one thing with him, he takes so many photos of you, in any instance he can! it makes his days so much brighter when he looks through them and sees your beautiful smile, beaming so brightly. it really warms his heart.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 every now and then, he’ll lean in for a kiss, poking his face into your line of sight and quickly touching his lips to anywhere he can on your face. he loves the way you giggle each time he pecks the corner of your lips, and absolutely can’t help the way he melts when you squeeze his hands and and lean up to touch your nose to his.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 during dinner, he absolutely adores the way you look beneath the candlelights. the warmth glows off your skin as you enjoy a delicious mouthful of creamy spaghetti. the sounds of pleasure you make are filled with delight as you offer him to taste your plate, holding out your fork for him to try.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when you’ve both enjoyed your fill, he takes you to this cute little gelato shop where he buys you both your own waffle-bowls of strawberry gelato!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he thinks it’s so sweet the way you brush his hair away from his eyes every so often, and he can see so clearly the way your gaze gets lost in his ocean blues and he realizes — once more, amidst so many other epiphanic moments, that you love him. so profoundly and in your entirety, you love him just as much as he loves you. and it makes the taste of the cold treat so much sweeter on his tongue when he kisses your lips.
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 in bed, tobio has a tendency to worship you and rever you as if you were his goddess
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 and if you asked anyone, he’d for sure say that it’s true. he always starts off slowly, kissing you in each place that you once felt insecure about. it’s his way of telling you just how beautiful, how divinely they make up the you that he loves and adores so much.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he absolutely adores giving you massages! he goes all out in setting the perfect mood, dimming the lights and oiling you up just right before he works on all your tense muscles and turning them into putty. he also enjoys every sweet praise that you sigh out for him — don’t tell anyone, but his face will warm up and he’ll whisper quiet ‘thank you’s against your skin as he presses little kisses down your back and thighs
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’s always incredibly skilled with his fingers and knows just how to touch you. while his lips are sucking on your nipples, his ring and middle finger gently work their way into your cunt, spreading your lips and delving deep inside you in the places he knows will make your back arch and for you to moan his name while you tug his hair. he absolutely loves the way your thighs quiver and how breathless he renders you each and every time.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’s always so careful and precise and loves to take his time just watching you fall apart on his hands alone. it’s a struggle with himself for wanting to lean back and admire the way your body contorts beneath him when he finally slides his cock into you — getting to watch the way your eyes clench and your mouth gapes open on swears of his name, or being close to you as humanly possible, feeling your skin burning against his as your teeth sink into his neck, bruising with each melodious moan you gift him while your pussy clenches tightly around him.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 and tobio’s always so incredibly gentle in the way he makes love to you. he always so attentive to you, being careful when he brushes your sweat-slicked hair from your brows and massaging your hips while your legs trap him closer. he’s addicted to the way your black manicured nails dig into the flesh of his back, leaving the very marks of your soul to manifest in red lines that he always admires for the following days.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when tobio fucks you, he makes love to you in every sense of the word. always whispers in your ear with pretty groans of your name, “you look so beautiful, char… so fucking beautiful, so fucking pretty taking my cock.”
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 i think he’s most definitely the type to make you cum time and time again. he makes you promise to tell him each time you’re close, and uses his fingers and tongue to make you cream all over his face, until your thighs are squeezing around his head and your entire body is trembling with the force of your orgasms.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 always, your pleasure comes before his. and always, he wants to make you forget even the taste of your own name, until all that’s left of you is the cries and moans that you give to him, as sweet as summer’s sun.
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mamba celebrates 100 followers — jjk and haikyuu selfship event!
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
Reblogs > Likes. If you end up hitting the heart or liking it, make sure ya reblog to support future content and make me a happy lil fruit :D
This contains adult content so if you’re a minor, avert your gaze!
Warnings: R18+/NSFT (Warning will be when that starts!), Reader is gn and ambiguous, Robin and him are bffsies so nobody get that part twisted tyvm
• Bisexual. Painful bisexual. But he's that type of bisexual that doesn't know that other people Don't look at both boys and girls the same way for sooooo long. He makes some offhand comment to a friend as a teen about one of their mutual guy friends looking real good today and when he receives a funny look THAT'S when he realizes.
• Gender fluid, but doesn't really notice it until Robin starts talking about identities and what flags mean what to help him. Some days he's like oh yeah for sure I'm a guy, and some days he's like...inbetween/nothing, just is Steve.
• Sees the light of skirts and dresses when one day he plays the role of princess in a game run by the kids. He's wanting to be supportive but doesn't really want to Play dnd so he just kinda. Sits there and is like an npc all dressed up. But he REALLY likes the role. No one makes fun of him when he twirls and beams so bright at how the skirt twirls with him.
~Rest under the cut~
• Robin isn't the best at makeup, just basics; But she does know a thing or two about eyeliner. After watching her do some, Steve asks if she'd put it on him. And then from there on he becomes an eyeliner guy, even just a little smudged on his waterline or a cat eye.
• Still a jock who loves football. The kids, after he helps in some DND campaigns and oneshots, finally join him because they make a deal. They aren't good at it, but Steve only gives them pointers and is super helpful the whole time. Including, of course, bringing snacks and waters for them for the hard work.
• Has a really hard time making friends, but doesn't have a hard time talking to people. He doesn't even realize he's gained a friend until someone's asking to hang out and then he's like oH HEY!!!!
• Developed insomnia and paranoia through trauma. He has to sleep with a night light on (Nancy actually got him these really cute football lights that made him laugh when he first got them, but now you'll find them hanging above his bed). Sometimes he'll ask Robin to stay on the phone with him so he can just hear her breathe. One day she asks why, and he explains that he can't bear losing another person.
• When he gets a partner, however, Robin is off the night shift duty- as much as she would hate to admit she misses the big lug talking her ear off at midnight. But with his partner he'd ask to stay on the phone- or even better, have you in his bed. Or him in yours.
• Paranoia cause auditory and visual hallucinations. Makes him seem jumpy. He's gotten better at deciphering what's real and what's not actually there- but after Will explains how he sees and feels through the Mindflayer? It makes Steve a little more worried if what he's seeing is actually real or fake.
• With a partner, Steve is the utmost gentleman. He's learned from his mistakes with Nancy and has since bettered himself through reading through books and asking people for advice. He's the type to bring flowers, your favorite snacks, pick you up in his car and surprise you with dates.
• He's a romantic, but his love language is acts of service and quality time. Most days he just wants to sit with you, even if you're doing something mundane like reading a book. Those are often the times he actually sleeps, napping on you with soft snores.
• He also takes on any project you offhand mention needing to get done. Need repairs on your car? Boom he's your man. You're napping but your dishes are looking a little piled up? Boom, done.
• Big fan of hair pets, and his hair isn't stiff like people would think! The mousse makes it very moldable, but bouncy and fluffy! He loves when you run your fingers through it, his voice getting groggy and thick in minutes as he playfully tells you that everyone digs the hair.
• Very good at masking his emotions, but not good at masking his love. Wears his heart on his sleeve to the loudest degree, especially if you're involved. People often catch him watching you with this gentle expression, his brows softly knitted and smiling so sweetly at you that you'd think he was sick with puppy love.
• Kisses you like you're long lost lovers and he hasn't seen you in years- or like he needs you to breathe. He's also not afraid of PDA, pulling you close and kissing you with utmost gentle flutters and cupping your face or lower back like you mean everything to him. Every single time.
!!!NSFT begins here!!!
• Service top. Service switch, even. He'd do anything to make you happy, trying anything once. He'll go down on you for hours without you touching him once, will just happily touch you and kiss you until you're exhausted.
• Sensitive. He cums rather quickly so he takes preventative measures normally. Cock rings are a staple for him, but most times he'll also just make sure you're thoroughly satisfied before finally sinking into you. Sometimes he'll use a strap on too, or just a dildo to give you that fullness until it's his turn!
• Oral fixation beyond belief. Is genuinely so happy to go down on you forever, and definitely has. From midnight till the pink sky of the morning rises and your voice is run ragged.
• Praise kink. He needs to be told he's good. He needs to be told you love him, that he's such a good boy. To be told he's pretty, that he's wonderful. Needs affirmations even out of the bedroom, always worried he's overstepping or not enough.
• Wants to-- no needs to kiss you whenever sex is happening. Not only does it make him beyond horny to kiss you, but swallowing your moans as he enters you and he's clinging to you like his life depends on it. He holds you so tightly each time, doesn't matter what position- or even if you're doing the penetrating. He needs to kiss you, needs needs needs.
• Aftercare king. Snacks? Water? Boom he keeps that shit on hand. Even condoms tucked around and clean up items. You want cuddles? Oh hell yeah baby come here he's gonna Engulf you as best as he can- doesn't matter if you're even bigger or taller than him either. He's gonna make sure you feel Babied. You're his, after all!
Currently taking Stranger Things hc requests so if you wanna another of these for a specific character, just shoot me an ask :D
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honeyyjems · 2 years
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sfw + nsfw headcanons
content warning (s): mature language - mention of asphyxiation - spitting - biting - exhibitionism - overstimulation - oral sex (fem receiving) -  daddy kink - hand kink - breeding - unprotected sex - corruption - slight slapping - hard dom! porco 
pairing: porco galliard x fem!reader
word count: 2.6k
a/n: i wanted to use this as a prep for my lifeguard! porco for @taixju summer collab (x) but that will be 100% dirtier and filthy. I have been having brainrot of him since he’s been animated *screech* i wanted to write more but you get the gist
banner credit: made it myself but porco fanart artist creds to @/KinNiku_OishiiZ on twitter
masterlist | requests | join my tag-list
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✯   Porco isn't much for relationships and mostly plays around with others; however, all of his morals did a whole 360 once you stepped into his life.
✯   Very much a cocky, stuck-up man, and knows what exactly to make one fluster but doesn't know how to react when someone can actually deal with his bullshit. 
✯   He is attracted to confident women who are assured of themselves, he does have a soft spot for shy girls because he knows just what to say to make them stutter.
✯   Porco is a hard worker and down bad for a hard-working woman because he knows if they want something, they will do anything to achieve that.
✯   Gives you cute pet names/classic ones like doll, darling, baby, bubs, love, honey, sweets, and amor.
✯   Porco comes from an Italian family, plain and simple. An Italian man with hints of his Italian accent.
✯   Although Porco has a mean facade towards everyone, he is a real sweetheart and kind human being, and that's what attracted you to him. He can be an angry and grumpy bean, he still cares and loves in his weird unique way, especially the ones he cares for deeply.
✯   He knows when something is wrong with you and wants to get down to what the problem is, he is always there for you and up for a vent if you need one.
✯   Porco knows you can overwork and pile much on your shoulders, so he does his part. If that may be acts of service or just being there, he always manages to always keep a smile on your face; it is what he loves most about you.
✯   Porco is your best friend in one and KNOWS you better than yourself; he is your equal and brings out the best in you.
✯   Porco bullied others for being romantic to their significant others but he really is a secret sweet tooth romantic and anything that is cheesy, already has it planned.
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✯   Definitely would be very cocky and stuck up around you because of his crush on you, thinking it would go in a good direction because he has no brains and doesn't think before he acts. He is much rather surprised to see you snap back at him with each comment or rather how you ignore him.
✯   Each passing day, he notices how he's always looking for you, waiting to see what you’ll say back or the annoying side looks you give him that he finds oh so cute.
✯   After finally getting the guts to ask you out, Porco would be the one to go out of his way to coordinate dates like visiting parks, cafes, museums, and different bookstores to check out on each date. He is a very big bookworm but you didn't know that until your third date. so we already know he will want to visit every possible local bookstore with you.
✯   He was the first to say “I love you”, and it did take some time for him. He wanted to be sure of himself because he knew you were, he was mesmerized at how beautiful you looked with the warm lights reflecting off of you, as you read together in his bedroom so caught up in the moment, he mumbled “I love you.” catching you a bit off guard but you always knew you loved him from the first stupid comment he made when you first met. Returning the mutual feeling made him push up his reading glasses to poorly hide his crimson shade cheeks.
✯   Book reading dates are something special because you and Porco both have a mutual love for books, no matter the genre or length they can be, that’s why he’s the best to have as a book buddy. He would ensure he had all the annotating supplies ready, even going as far as getting your favorite latte or drink before coming over.
✯   He loves to see your facial expressions while you read, the little giggles you let out make his heart flutter, pausing his reading; Porco really does love your smile. The way he feels all warm inside because he falls for you all over again as if he isn’t already. 
✯   Porco was interested in these "spicy" books you talked about because you frequently get flustered which led you to get up and "take a lap", so he read along with you. He wants to get in on the action too
✯   Sometimes the dates can get steamy, blame the erotic books you buddy read together, but you nudge him on and leave him to always say, “why don't we recreate this scene ourselves rather than reading it?”; it was way better experiencing it than reading.
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✯   OVERLY handsy person, he will find any opportunity to have his hands on you; placing his hand into your back pocket, basically cupping your ass, hooking his finger onto your beltline, and wrapping his arms around your waist
✯   Hugs from him are just the best, although Porco is the size of fucking Mount Everest, the way his body fits perfectly into yours. Hugs from behind would be his signature move, he loves to hear you yelp in surprise and nudge your butt back into him while placing his chin on top of your head.
✯   Porco is the most loudly jealous person, but his actions would speak louder than words. If there are a group of guys eyeing you down, he places his arm around your waist and brings you in to trace his long finger over your lips, no kiss is needed. You know exactly what he was trying to do, make it loud and clear your his.
✯   As mentioned before, Porco loves having his hands on you, sometimes being a little too excessive but you love the feeling of his large calloused hands on the low of your back.
✯   Porco loves your hands, although you hate them, he loves the soft and warmness it gives him. Your hands are much smaller compared to his but he loves how delicate they look in his.
✯   He DEFINITELY buys you rings just to fidget with them when you hold hands
✯   Porco notices the small glances you give his large hands and fingers so he messages pictures of his veiny hands and arms post-workout; queue mutual hand kinks
✯   When you would be feeling down or not yourself, Porco knows just what to do to help make you feel better. If you didn't want to talk about it, he would just hold you close to him to let you know that he is there for you. 
✯   Cuddling would be the best because he is like a giant human furnace, there is no blanket needed but sometimes you do need to push him away causing him to whine.
✯   Porco has been with many girls, there are no questions about that, but he very much is careful and worships you.  He reassures your insecurities, as there is really nothing to be insecure about, and very much praises your whole body, all the imperfections you see are perfect to him. He has never felt this way about anyone and he holds that dear to him,  there is nobody like the way you smile, smell, and soft finger trances you leave behind on his skin, which is what makes you special.
✯   He loves to trace his fingers over your stretch marks, connect the dots with the freckles on your body, and caress your tummy. Simply would love to have his head on your chest to hear the way your heart beats and soft breathing.
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✯   Porco was a very much well-known manwhore before meeting you, he knows how to please a woman and what makes them quiver under his touch.
✯   Porco’s cock is a little above average his ego is crumbling, quite beefy, and has a very good girth to it. He likes to keep it trimmed and not completely shaven but has a light happy trail.
✯   Although he may have a little above average dick, Porco knows how to give you a proper fuck, and have you creaming on his cock.
✯   Porco was a nervous bitch in the beginning with you. He wanted to make sure he was making you feel good, he gets more aroused when he knows he’s pleasuring you; however, he has never easily gotten a hard-on just from a simple makeout sesh nor had a woman that can keep up with him.
✯   Just having you make out on top of him while grinding against his cock would make him drip precum. The sounds of your pretty moans against his mouth, and the way you tug on his undercut literally will make him combust.
✯   Porco has never had a woman make him easily come undone but he swears you have something, also don't moan too hot or he’ll rip all your clothes off but he knows you love that oh so much.
✯   Porco is very much handsy during book reading dates and will have you sit in between his legs, fingering you, while you read your erotic book. Hearing your soft pants and heavy breathing as you try to concentrate. He loves watching you struggle so he bites on your ear lobe to make it even better for him.
✯   Porco has many kinks: degradation, praise kink, hair pulling, dirty talk, choking, asphyxiation, spitting, spanking, biting, exhibitionism, overstimulation, and pet names like sweet girl, pretty girl, baby. He loves it when he is in control and call him sir, or especially daddy.
✯   Porco never really had the thought of breeding or corruption until you. The way you sweet-talked the kids in your family or how you bit back at his snarky comments, giving a pressing hard-on in his pants that you could only relieve.
✯   Porco can be a soft dom when he wants to be a little soft and delicate with you; however, he is a very much hard dom. When fucking you, he holds your face making you passionately look into your eyes and feeling your hot moans in his mouth. He can be a little too invested in you and grab you by the neck slightly choking, but you give devilish smile, such a dirty slut for his cock you are.
✯   Always asks for consent no matter how long you’ve been together, he wants to make sure you feel comfortable and safe; you are what matters most, he could care less about himself. Your pleasure is important so you will always be put first.
✯   Going into what matters most, he will absolutely make sure you have all the orgasms first, ensuring what he’s doing is good and asking if you like it. He can tell you love it when he feels you squeeze around him. That's how he found out you loved letting him spit in your mouth.
✯   After finding your spit kink, he loves how dirty you were so he would grab your throat in any environment, always catching you by surprise and using it as an opportunity to spit in your mouth. He knows you're dripping wet by the time you get home or in the car. You did fuck like dogs in the car after he did that in front of Jean, he is very much territorial.  
✯   He knows your body, everything, he quickly catches on to the things that make you moan and whimper. Definitely keeping a mental note to ensure his do’s and don’ts.
✯   What Porco lives for is you riding him. He loves the look on your fucked out face, eyes rolling back, telling him to go faster and deeper. He loves giving you light slaps across your face, as he tells you to beg for it. When picking up the pace, he will grab onto your neck and squeeze to make your face crimson red; only making you focus on his hard fast cock ramming into your cunt.
✯   Another thing Porco loves is to eat you out and his mouth does fucking god wonders. He loves the fact his tongue is making you whimper and moan and enjoys overstimulating you after you’ve cum all over his mouth. He loves to have his fingers inside you while he licks your sensitive clit and brings his long calloused fingers to have you taste your sweet slick.
✯   Sometimes you need to smack that man like you’re tagging out but that only makes him hold you down by grabbing your neck. He is just addicted to the sweet taste you leave in his mouth.
✯   High key loves your tits cause that’s his thing I don’t make the rules. Once he saw you lean over and saw your cleavage that was his limit. Squeezes your tits hard just to hear you yelp but religiously worships them.  Your thighs are another thing, his dick twitches to you squeezing his head as he made you cum on his tongue. 
✯   Lovemaking isn't his fortay but he’ll do so if he wants to show his love for you. When he is highly stressed, he will be extremely rough. During or after, he’ll ask if you’re okay and if he’s hurting you; Porco gives the best and most amazing aftercare.
✯   This man is super strong, super strong to where he can hold you against walls and hold you up while he fucks you, but loves to fuck you like a rag doll. Pulling your hair as he fucks you doggy style, pinching and biting your tits as he rams into you.
✯   As mentioned before, Porco has never had a woman that can keep up with him nor can have the dirtiest & kinky sex with him, so you were a package deal. Sometimes your sex drive was more than his, you can never get enough of his cock.
✯   He will find every opportunity to fuck you. Any surface place in the house is already checked off. Car sex? Yes, Public bookstore sex? Yes, party bathroom sex? Fuck yeah. Of course, Reiner walked in on you both but continued on like rabbit dogs. Let's just say you both were a match made in kink heaven
✯   Confidence and his ego radiate off him just by him making you cum on his hard cock not to mention his breeding tendencies, he’s never wanted more to cum inside a girl before you. He is a huge family man and loves kids. This man is so infatuated with you that he sees you having his children. His breeding kink is activated when you beg him to cum inside you. Since then, he loses control when he thinks about fucking a baby into you. He makes sure that every last drop of his cum is inside you and literally sticks his finger in your already overstimulated cunt to stop his seed drip out of you.
✯  Porco loves trying new things so bringing toys into the mix was a god-tier. Fascinated by your toys, he would be so excited to use them on you. Instantly gets hard watching what they do to you and gets entranced at the faces you make and the way you moan his name while looking at him. Especially the remote-controlled underwear vibrators, the exhibitionism at its MAX
✯  Although Porco was a manwhore, he became a manwhore for you and only you. He surprises and suggests new positions and games just so he can fuck your brains out. He can fuck you anywhere or on any surface possible, I think you're both just horny for each other and can’t get enough.
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tag-list: @kentosovertime @sugarmapoops @sugarbooger513 @severelytalentless @bebechinas99 @jeankirsteinsgirl @katgalle
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twary · 2 years
could I please request some general sfw and nsfw headcanons for Bruno when you have the chance?? thank you!! <33
Oh god, YES.
That's okay, I'm fine, lesgo to the request
Since I'm in love with this man, I'll do hcs with his lover, the reader! :D
Please, feel free to send another ask if that's not what u wanted!
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Our angelical man has confessed his feelings first, he is a intense man and want to live the so called love.
He has invited you to a 5-star dinner near to the sea without telling you the reason. When you arrived he was waiting for you with a beautiful bouquet of white and red roses, they represent the love and the purity. Then, with a warm smile full of joy, he sayed "Ti amo...Bella mia"
Well, Bucci ia a very romantic man, he will make every secont spent with him feels like a romantic movie
PDA in public is okay! Since he likes to show that he is in love.
Soft forehead kisses!✨
When you two are walking together, without even realizing it, he is with his hand on your waist. Also loves to hold hands with you! They're so soft and warm! Just like his lips😳
You're always the reason of that pretty smile of him and happiness as well, he always makes sure that you know it; with words of affirmation, quality time and especially little, but significants, acts of service!
Picnics with him are a dream come true! Oh, they are full of homade food, he is a axellent cooker! Sometimes you two even sleep on each other's arms after eating and spend the whole afternoon chatting, obviously, he waits for you to sleep first, your sleeping face fills him with relief; relief that he is finally with you, the person he loves the most!💙
Stick Fingers bring little gifts from Bucci while he is busy with work.
"Bella, did you know? You are my most angelical dream coming true" He says with a soft smile while runs his fingers through your hair, in a hug.
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Be ready for the praises! And to call him "daddy" too!
Even with that blue eyes and pure smile, Bruno likes something more..."Intense"
Likes to blindfold his gattina.
He is a big of a provoker. Like, yea, he will give u what you want, but you need to deserve it.
Slight pull your hair while you do a blowjob. Not very noisy, but lets some groans scape to you see that you are doing well. "Hm...That't it mio amore, you're doing just perfect"
Slow and intense, his rithym drive you crazy and he knows that. His kisses are slow and intense too, his lips seems to be always covered in honey.
Likes to just stop and admire your messy form while he introduce his cock inside your pretty pussy. Always saynig how great you are doing and how pretty you look when you squirm of pleasure due to him.
Leaves marks on your neck. "Is better not to hide it, bella. You don't want that people see who's your 'daddy'? I'll have to punish you, gattina?"
VERY into petplay. Loves to see you on a collar. God, it really turn him on!
Ohoho, this man has a big toy collection, he is just waiting to use all of them on you.
The aftercare is divine! He loves to show you that he loves YOU, not only your body. He gets you water, take you to the bath and cuddles with you! Do you think he praises you too much during the sex? Wait until the cuddle time.
"You were really very good today gattina, ti amo..." He says while place a light kiss in your lips.
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oneprompt · 3 years
Hi! May I have a headcanon for Ace, Coby and Corazon react to their female s/o who wears lingerie while sleeping? 👀💦💦
authors note: hello <3 my , what a delightful request! i hope you enjoy what i whipped up ;; 
SOMEWHAT NSFW / OVERALL SUGGESTIVE CONTENT. do not read if it makes you uncomfortable <3
Coby x F! Reader , Reacting to Lingerie Headcanons
• Coby is excited but anxious to share a bed with you for the first time. I mean, who wouldn’t be? He knows its all just to sleep, yes... But he can’t stop having dirty thoughts plague his mind. He feels incredibly guilty over it! How dare he think of you in that manner...And those thoughts are definitely amplified when you walk into the room.
• The way the lingerie is snug around every curve of your body, the beautifully crafted lace covering only a bit of your body. Coby feels as if he’s going to faint any moment now! What were you wearing...? Had- had you also been thinking of lewd things?
• Coby does his best to not stare, nor make his interest in your body too apparent. So, essentially, he’s craned a whole 180 degrees, avoiding you at all costs. And if anything, that makes the situation worse, as you start getting close to him, asking what was wrong. Coby does his best to ignore the softness of your breasts against him, using all will power to not get ‘excited’.
• Its easy to read him through his motions. As soon as you notice Coby is getting aroused, you’re quick to tease him and give him affection. Coby can’t do anything but stammer and blush as you’re quick to be all over him, the straps of your lingerie slowly slipping down your shoulders from all the sudden movement you did. Coby tries to move, telling you that you two should sleep, stalling time by talking about how late it is. But you can tell Coby isn’t thinking of sleeping, with the help of a bulge peeking up from beneath the blankets.
• Once you point out the evident reaction Coby has to your clothing, he quickly covers his face, letting out soft whimpers and apologies. Coby feels awful for that..! He should be able to control himself, regardless of what you sleep in. Even after you quickly reassure your lover, he still feels guilty. Cobys heart is too big for his own good!
• You two end up not doing a whole lot of sleeping that night, the ribbons and lace of your lingerie far from the bed once you two wake up. Coby may have been hesitant before but he certainly doesn’t have any regrets after… But he won’t admit that! Too shy…
Corazon x F! Reader , Reacting to Lingerie Headcanons
• Cora can’t help but blush as he comes home to see you in lingerie. The way the mesh white lace and ribbons highlighted your frame made him feel all hot and bothered. Yet, he says hello as if he isn’t fighting animalistic lust that was rotting his brain. You always sleep in clothes like that! I mean, usually it’s just a plain bra and underwear… Tonight was different, then? Corazon couldn’t help but wonder.. were you trying to get a ride out of him?
• Corazon is quick to confirm his theory. With how clingy you’re being, hands running all over him, you clearly didn’t have sleeping in mind. But he’s not about to bluntly ask if you’re in the mood, no. He isn’t the type to be so upfront. Plus… part of him enjoyed seeing you try so hard at arousing him.
• He’ll make sure to be a bit teasing with you. But Corazon won’t do that so easily, he’ll play dumb. Wether it be speaking in a husky and attractive tone on ‘accident’ or his lips ‘accidentally’ hitting your neck when he hugs you. Cora likes when you make the first move and with how this situation is, you asking wouldn’t just be romantic but it’s be adorable. Corazon loves when you ask him for such a thing, he likes to service you at your own call.
• Once you finally ask for him and the sweet release of your own sexual frustration. Corazon is quick to cling to you, showering you in love and praise. You two don’t get a ton of alone time. So, every time you two act intimately, he’ll drag it out a whole lot, but in a good way! Corazon will kiss every inch of your body, covering your skin in his scarlet red lipstick, singing out loving praises.
• Prepare yourself for a night in a sea of love. Corazon is sure to be tender and loving aaall night. With how busy he always is with work, he’ll give you a whole lot of attention to make up for his missed presence.
• You remind yourself to buy more lingerie, preferably of more colours he likes. Such as pink and red. But you know in your heart, Corazon would adore any piece of clothing, as long as it was on you.
Ace x F! Reader , Reacting to Lingerie Headcanons
• Ace is certainly the most casual about it out of these three. I mean, man always walks around without a top on, he sees no shame in nudity or revealing nature. But regardless, doesn’t mean he doesn’t find bodies to be sexy, he just doesn’t get too flustered nor shocked when he sees you in such sexual underwear.
• He’s all over you in only a matter of seconds. Not in an embracing way, but he won’t hesitate to grope at you, whistling at the sight of your erotic choice in sleep wear. Ace will definitely compliment, but he won’t sugar coat it, he’ll be blunt about it. Definitely gives your butt a good pat, accompanied with a casual move of tongue, “Nice ass, babe.”
• Ace is quick to get down and dirty, not taking time to appreciate the silk clothing that wrapped up your curves tight like a present. He’s not interested in your underwear, more so what’s in them. Can you really blame him, though? On Christmas Day, do you just stare at the wrapping paper over the gift?
• But Ace isn’t careless, no! He’ll take everything off with care, letting his large hands slip off every stitch of fabric, unmasking your most sacred parts. It’s satisfying to tease you that way, being so painfully slow with undressing you… Maybe extra clothing is good for one thing and one thing only, teasing. Ace loves hearing you whine at how slow his hands work the clothing off.
• The night is certainly full of endless fun, round after round waits ahead for you! It’s almost a blur once you wake up, feeling so good you could swear such an experience was only existent in dreams…
• Once you ask Ace what he thought of your lingerie, he’ll look at you like you’re an idiot. “What lingerie?“ He asks only to be met with a light hearted punch and scolding. You didn’t spend over fifty berries for Ace to not even notice nor like it! What a moron….!
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retroaria · 3 years
Sapnap: Fluff Alphabet
cc!Sapnap x reader
pronouns: gender neutral
warnings: just swearing
here’s my 500 Follower Event ^o^
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A is for Affection (How do they like to show affection?)
sapnap would give you so many compliments omg. he loves making you all smiley and blushy :) he just wants to make sure that you are always aware of the fact that he thinks you’re the most perfect thing to ever exist
B is for Bond (What kind of bond do you guys have? What could your relationship be labeled as?)
the best friend couple!!! sapnap tells you literally everything. any drama going on or any strong emotions he’s feeling, you know about it. most of the time, the second something happens his brain immediately goes “omg i have to tell y/n”. you guys always complain about the same things and get excited over the same things. you are genuinely one of the most important people in his life and he doesn’t know how he’d do it without you.
C is for Comfort (How do they comfort their s/o?)
he will literally drop everything just to hold you and not speak for like hours if you so needed. he strikes me as a naturally comforting person to the people he really cares about so I say he gets an A+ in this department
D is for Dates (What are dates with them like?)
dates with sapnap are either really chill or super fun. he’s the type of guy that would take you to play laser tag or to an arcade or a trampoline park. he’s like a little kid i love sapnap :3
E is for Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)
he’s a pretty expressive person when it comes to certain things. at the very least he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve a little so it isn’t hard to tell even if he does try hiding stuff. and like I said he tells you everything.
F is for Fiancé (How long into the relationship before they propose?)
I feel like he’s so young and he really just wouldn’t be thinking about that too seriously for awhile. like he loves you and you guys have talked about having a future together but he isn’t in any rush at all. hell just do it when he feels is the right time not matter how long it takes.
G is for Gentle (Are they gentle?)
it depends on the situation. he’s definitely the type of guy to pick you up from a super comfy position and just body slam you on the bed. but if he can tell you’re not in the mood to play around like that he’ll just sit down and hold you, so yeah he can be gentle. but most of the time be prepared for playful fist fights and getting picked up and thrown every now and then lol.
H is for Hand Holding (How do they like hand holding?)
sapnap always holds your hand. in fact he makes an effort to search for it whenever you aren’t holding hands. and sometimes he’ll even get whiny about it especially with like a lot of people around he’ll be like, “babe, why aren’t you holding my hand :( what if I get lost how are you gonna find me this place is big”
I is for I Love You (Who said “I love you” first?)
he did !! the first time sapnap said “I love you” was probably one of his most confident moments. he was so proud to be able to say it and so sure of himself and his feelings for you.
J is Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
YES OH MY GOD. he gets super jealous and it’s so easy to tell omg. his attitude starts to get like super bad and he is very clearly annoyed by the situation. he won’t ever be too overbearing about it and if you ever feel like he is once you sit him down and explain that he’ll back off a bit. but he’s still gonna be bothered by it so just always remind him that he love him and no one else.
K is for Kiss (What’s kissing them like?)
THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IM ACTUALLY GOING TO BE DESCRIPTIVE SO IM SORRY IF ITS CRINGE. anyways, he’d be a pretty deep kisser but not like full on making out every single time. he just likes to make them last and he isn’t one to just give you random kisses all throughout the day so it always feels special. kissing him makes you feel all warm and happy inside.
L is for Love Language (What’s their love language?)
sapnaps love language is quality time or acts of service!! i’d say mainly quality time. even while long distance he just likes having you on call while he does stuff or even just complaining to you about how tired he is while actively not going to bed so he can keep talking to you lol. he just likes having you around it’s a huge comfort for him. i say acts of service because he would get so giddy and happy anytime you did something special for him. he would show it off and brag about it forever and it would genuinely mean so much to him aahhajdxh i love sapnap
M is for Memories (Their favourite memory with their s/o?)
For your first time seeing each other irl, sapnap flew to where you live and you guys spent a whole week together. his favorite memories are definitely from that first week of seeing each other in person. of course you guys already had an amazing relationship while long distance, but there’s something so different about finally meeting the person you’re with in real life. it felt like he had to start over from scratch and you guys had to get to know each other all over again. also the idea of now having to build a physical bond. it was just such an amazing and beautiful experience. definitely the one that made him realize he really is in love with you.
N is for Nicknames (Their favourite nicknames given and received?)
IM SO BAD AT THINKING OF CUTE NAMES USHSJDH. probably just babe tho lol. for fem!readers, i can totally picture him using princess in a slightly sarcastic tone.
O is for Open (At what point do they start opening up to you about their life and feelings?)
mmm i’d say he actually starts opening up to you pretty early into the relationship. If you guys were like really close friends before hand he’s definitely already opened up to you. He doesn’t really have that many people in his life that he doesn’t trust.
P is for PDA (Are they into PDA?)
not really but he isn’t like super shy about it if that makes sense ??? like he��s 100% fine with hand holding, hugging, and light pecks when saying hello or goodbye.
Q is for Quiz (How much do they remember about you?)
I don’t think he really tries to remember stuff but he just does and he’s always making connections to you and things he sees and stuff it’s so cute :)
R is for Romantic (How romantic are they?)
he tries but he isn’t exactly the most romantic boy. like I said before you guys have a best friend type of connection so when it comes to romance he doesn’t go too above and beyond because he just doesn’t feel like he needs to. but on special occasions he will do something nice for you. He likes taking you out places !!
S is for Security (How protective/possessive are they?)
very much of both. once again, total sapnap vibes. i’d say he’s a lot more possessive than protective. he would never stop you from doing things like going out without him and having guy friends or making flirty jokes. he trusts you so much partly cus he’s a little narcissistic LMAO. but when a serious threat comes about he can get kinda crazy.
T is for Try (How much effort do they put into the relationship?)
GAAAAAA HE PUTS SO MUCH EFFORT IN!! you would probably be like his first ever serious partner so he would try his best at literally everything. in the beginning of the relationship you could totally tell how nervous he was at times but as you guys got more comfortable he just became an effortlessly amazing bf
U is for Uphold (How do they show you they’re proud? What kind of support do they give you?)
he talks about you so muchjahsjxjxh mostly to dream and george or on stream and he brags about you too. he can get pretty cocky about it but his friends can’t get mad because it’s literally adorable how whipped he is.
V is for Vaunt (Do they like to show off?)
YES OF COURSE !!! it’s sapnap guys…come on. literally any little accomplishment you make is turned into a way bigger deal than it should be because of him. he’s so proud of for literally just existing and he talks about all the cool stuff you’ve done all the time
W is for Wild Card (A random fluff headcanon.)
you guys really like going to different food places and eating different items compared to other places. THIS IS SO RANDOM LMAOO but like…sapnap would definitely have fun doing that
X is for X-ray (How well can they read you and your emotions/feelings?)
mmm he can usually tell if you’re acting strange or being distant. he cant always figure out exactly what’s wrong but he knows it’s something and he would confront you about it like almost immediately or whenever he thought would be a good time for you
Y is for Yearning (How much do they miss their s/o when they’re gone?)
he literally talks about you non stop when you’re apart. and when you guys are on the phone he comes up with all these plans for you guys to do when you see each other again and he always wants you to join vc on his streams if you can. in conclusion he misses you like crazy
Z is for Zebra (What kind of pet would they want with their s/o?)
A CAT!! or like a bearded dragon lol.
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school is literally kicking my ass so hard man 😔
i’m gonna try to write more, working on a karlnap weed fic rn too LMAO
I’m taking a major creative writing class rn so between writing for school and writing for tumblr i am so drained but i promise i’ll get back into the swing of things soon :)
love you guys, thank you for everything and stay safe <333
@crackityy @fantasy-innit @joyfullymulti @k-l-a-w-s
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bukojuiice · 3 years
—the lovey-dovey things they do with you while you're both stuck at home during quarantine
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ೃ chars: izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima and shinsou hitoshi x gn! reader
ೃ  tags: headcanons, fluff
ೃ  warnings: none!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  
ೃ  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
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katsuki bakugo: cooking and baking with him! it all started on a cozy afternoon in April, you’re mindlessly scrolling through tiktok whilst cuddling with katsuki (your sparky bf practically asleep in your arms) when you stumbled upon some cute and interesting cooking videos appearing on your fyp. katsuki peers through your phone and groggily asks if you want to try out and attempt to make some of them and you immediately say yes!
the two of you start with something simple and basic, dalgona coffee! (even playfully arguing whether or not you should adding more whipped cream to your drinks or not), after that, you then take your culinary journey a bit further by making some baked sushi, cloud bread, and mini donut cereals among many other scrumptious delights! after a while, you decided to buy some matching “kiss the cook” aprons online and even started a tiktok account detailing all of the special twists katsuki made to the recipes (although he absolutely refused to make an account at first, with some probing and dozens of pouty faces and puppy eyes coming from his adorable significant other, he finally gives in) dancing and kisses in the kitchen, spreading flour on each other’s faces, leaving sneaky love notes by the fridge, and making each other coffee in the morning were just some of the little add-ons the two of you would do with each other.
izuku midoriya: online escape rooms and virtual museum tours! the national museum of japan were offering some free virtual tours around the museum and the two of you could not just pass up the opportunity to see all the intricate pieces being displayed in the museum. however, izuku wanted to experience something else that's similar to that and so, after seeing an ad on twitter for an virtual escape room experience, izuku excitedly told you about it. jumping and hopping around like a little bunny and you couldn’t help but agree as seeing him so happy and so excited for something will never fail to make your heart flutter. the two of you immediately book a reservation and even bring out your virtual reality gears for the full immersive experience. you’re clinging to his arm the whole time as you virtually traverse a horror escape game and your freckled boyfriend tries his best to be brave just for you.
with both of your intelligent and inquisitive minds combined together, with the occasional soft couple bickering, and having to listen to izuku murmur to himself for several minutes,  the two of you solved 7 escape rooms (for a week straight) in a span of three hours each. the two of you take turns in doing the tasks of the game, and whoever fails to do so, has to do the other person’s bidding for the entire day. although the two of you could never force the other to do any mean-spirited dares to each other, most of the bidding you told each other to do were peppering each other kisses on the cheek, long and warm hugs, choosing the movie for the night, cuddling in the bed and holding hands among many other things.
todoroki shoto: binging movies and tv shows on netflix with him! this was the perfect opportunity to help your icy-hot boyfriend finally indulge in everything pop culture. and what better way to do so than on netflix and other streaming sites? the two of you end up watching every romantic movie dear to your heart. mixed with bed or couch cuddles, blankets wrapped around the two of you, a lot of cheesy and loving whispers said, and paired with some comfort food you ordered online. your watching area varied. sometimes the two of you would watch in the bedroom, living room, and sometimes you would even make a pillow fort with dangling fairy lights attached to it filling the tent with fluffy stuff toys to lie on just so that the two of you can watch on the floor.
shoto cried when the two of you finished watching the notebook and the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. and all you did the entire night was give him all the hugs and kithes you could provide him. ever since then, the two of you opt for more light-hearted movies. rom-coms, disney movies and sitcoms where he endlessly referenced iconic lines from friends, the office, how i met your mother, and brooklyn 99. the days in quarantine go by with the two of you just mindlessly singing and dancing along to disney songs, rewatching rom-coms for the umpteenth time, reenacting some scenes from iconic movies with dry yet hilarious acting, and just discussing movie theories whenever he cutely and innocently asks you about some small details he missed every time you finish watching a movie for the day
eijiro kirishima: training and exercise routines with him! your shark-toothed boyfriend is a fitness buff through and through. to the point that a room in your house dedicated to just gym and fitness equipment exists. but when quarantine struck the world and your lovely home, you slightly lost your motivation to work out. eijiro continues to encourage you to do so ofc! with the two of you occasionally going outside to jog but aside from that, nothing much else. when he catches you watching a chloe ting video on youtube, he scoops you up from the couch, and you giggle trying to tell him to put you down yet he refuses to do so, as he carries you all the way to your little gym room. you notice that there are yoga mats sprawled about and since then, the two of you would do a lot of yoga as it has been proven to decrease anxiety. sometimes the two of you would get distracted and start dancing to the exercise music, accompanied endless laughter and giggles when kirisihima would do his daily planking exercise with you sitting on top of him as he does so.
there were also times when the two of you were so tired and sore. so you would give each other loving massages, there were also times when the two of you would just sleep it out or just lounge in the bed. excercise couldn’t stop your cravings and so, and there were also times when the two of you would do some food mukbangs you’ve been craving for recently.
shinsou hitoshi: playing video games with him and taking care of your little pet kitten! right before quarantine started, shinsou surprised you with a pet little kitten that the two of you decided to name gigi, named after the cat from kiki’s delivery service. the two of you always running around the house as if you were parents to a newly-born baby, watching your cute little kitten frolicking around, touching and interacting with everything he could find. after watching some “cat parents” videos on youtube and learning some tips, you attempt to give it a bath, resulting into a very wet failure. with the only time you can feel peace and quiet was when gigi was asleep or whenever he would be drinking his vet-approved milk. your quarantine life was hectic and chaotic but taking care of a cute little bundle of joy with your equally loving and handsome boyfriend... well, life couldn’t get any better than this.
when you were finally able to get the hang of the cat parents life, you and shinsou finally found the time to rest and relax by playing video games. may it be a horror, action, adventure, rhythm, or fantasy game, you were always playing with him. maybe as a player 2 or just as the supportive significant other who helped him solve puzzles, make story game choices that could change the game, and even help him with the buttons if he was trying to fight some hard boss. whenever there are jumps cares in the game, he would hold your hand and give you reassuring pats. whenever the two of you would play against each other on the other hand, he has his arms wrapped around you, with you still being extremely focused at the game at hand, he would give you pecks on the cheek to try and make you distracted so that he can win. your little pet kitten, gigi, sleeping on the couch as the two of you play to your heart’s content.
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ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​  @lovelytarou​ @ramunegoddess​, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​​
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yurimother · 3 years
LGBTQ Manga Review — I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 1 (Manga)
A New Look on a Compelling and Innovative Series
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A manga adaptation of one of the best and queerest Yuri light novels I have ever seen, what is not to love! As a massive proponent of the light novels, I eagerly followed I'm in Love with the Villainess began serialization in Comic Yuri Hime last year. I am thrilled to get my hands on the first English volume, and now that it is finally out (digitally at the time of writing), I am equally delighted to read over the start of Rae and Claire's journey once again. Getting to see my favorite isekai protagonist and her bratty noble crush in full illustrations is terrific. However, it does not make for a completely flawless work.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess follows Rei Ohashi, an avid otome gamer who dies and is reincarnated as Rae Taylor in her favorite game, "Revolution." Rather than chase any of the game's handsome bachelors, all students at the Royal Academy in the European-inspired fantasy world, Rae heads straight for her favorite character, the game's villainess! Rae begins to relentlessly tease the bratty and elitist Claire, much to the latter's frustration. Soon a rivalry forms between the two girls, but despite Claire's taunts and coldness, Rae is determined to stay by her side and protect her.
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The increased focus provided to Claire and Rae's early relationship will be noticeable to light novel readers. While Inori's writing focuses mainly on world-building in the first several chapters, the manga makes the wise choice to condense much of this information for the sake of reading. Blocks of exposition work poorly in the manga compared to prose. However, establishing a setting is not completely thrown out the window. There are several small conversations and explanations of key aspects of the world. After quickly setting the story, the characters are left with room to explore.
Claire and Rae are the most enjoyable part of this manga. Rae is eager and doting, with a touch of masochistic. On the other hand, Claire is more arrogant, often looking down on peasants like Rae, and is continuously infuriated by her affection. A hilarious rivalry starts to spring up between the two, with Claire pranking or mocking Rae and then getting outraged when she revels in the attention and teases Claire by expressing her undying affection.
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These interactions also further the story. They establish the dynamic between our two heroines and add more detail to the political situation and tensions between the commoners and nobility, the series’ main plotline. Interestingly, while Claire may believe commoners inferior, she also sees it as her responsibility to protect and instruct them in her very elitist way. Noticeably none of the torments she subjects Rea could ever cause permanent harm or damage. It is a fascinating insight into this character's mental state, and even in the first volume seeing her start to change and become more aware slowly is fascinating.
Much of the rivalry is comedy and often plays out as such. However, some readers may find it slightly off-putting and understandably see the dynamic as Rae sexually harassing Claire. I strongly encourage you to give this series a chance. This book will undoubtedly be the worst volume of an incredible series. Once I'm in Love with the Villainess breaks into its stride of exploring queer and socioeconomic issues, some point in the next volume based on reading the serialized chapters, I promise it will become a quick favorite. If you know you may not be able to overlook its immediate faults during the wait, consider holding off on the mage until after the second book is out and get them together.
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Much of the previously mentioned content is the same or strongly similar to the light novels, perhaps a touch more emphasis on Claire's early hostilities; however, there are some significant points unique to the manga to consider. For one, Aonoshimo's artwork is fantastic! The characters and backgrounds are distinct, with only slight adjustments for the more comedic or dramatic stylistic choices. No matter the panel's tone, though, it is always easy to read without oversimplification. Aonoshimo also relies on very standard square or rectangle panels during most of the manga, but occasionally produces more dynamic boundaries and layouts for action and service scenes. Lastly, all the characters are on full display. It suddenly becomes a lot easier for light novel readers to picture their favorite moments. It is a lovely treat for returning readers as the visuals aid the characters, allowing us to clearly see Rod as the strong-willed if slightly aloof prince and understand how Maximillion Pegasus-cosplayer Thane is the most unpopular character in the fictional otome game when they are displayed visually.
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There are some other vital factors to consider when reading the manga. For one, every character's personality was dialed up a few points, with Rae being a touch more physically affectionate and masochistic and Claire more easily exacerbated. However, the manga and the English translation takes many quirks and exaggerates them further, reducing the series’ performance. For example, while Claire's actions show the complicated relationship to commoners described above, her dialogue contains a surprising amount of vitriol and vulgarity that stands out notably.
Additionally, while Rod is usually the perfect if slightly detached prince acting as the occasional voice of reason in early chapters, his dialogue here appears laughable indifferent and meanspirited. As I'm in Love with the Villainess is one of a very few series that I follow the monthly serializations of in magazines, I was surprised to see this dialogue, as it did not stand out to me in the Japanese version (admittedly, the manga did overblow everyone's personality to some extent for comedic effect). I feel it changes the characters for the worse — do not get me wrong here, calls for "literal translation" are as unfavorable as they are uninformed. Still, the work feels careless at times.
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Finally, there is the service. While the first volume contains virtually no romantic caresses or sweeping panels of scenery we associate with Yuri, there is a fair amount of salacious content. Of course, there are Rae's desperate and overblown expressions of admiration for Claire and her slight case of masochism. However, towards the end of the volume, Aonoshimo shows some skin. In one scene, Rae helps Claire get dressed and very openly admires her body, accompanied by some close-up panels of her back, stomach, and butt. There is also a very exposed bathing scene, although light covers the most explicate bits. It is obviously garish, though it tonally fits with Inori and Aonoshimo's more comedic manga interpritation and even includes some wholesome interactions with Claire and Rae alongside the sexualized comedy. Reader's millage will vary here, but I enjoyed it.
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This first outing of Aonoshimo's I'm in Love with the Villainess manga adaptation is very likely to be the weakest entry in a phenomenal series to follow. The manga does a fantastic job of bringing the original light novels to life in a new visual format. The artwork is excellent, and the story condensed with a slightly different focus that maintains the feel of the original while providing manga audiences with entertainment that does not feel constrained or lacking. However, the gradual pacing of the plot and the main characters' relationship means that the volume leaves off before showcasing the meat of the series and most of its best features. There is a little bit of the stumble out of the gate, and both the publisher and the manga will likely have to course correct in future volumes or else risk destroying the development and voice of the series remarkable characters. I still recommend the series, but unless you are a diehard fan of the original like you, you might wait a year or so until we have the second volume and can enjoy a more complete vision of Inori's intricate and groundbreaking story.
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Ratings: Story – 8 Characters – 7 Art – 9 LGBTQ – 9 Sexual Content – 6 Final – 8
Check out I'm in Love with the Villainess (Manga) Vol. 1 today: https://amzn.to/3wTSJ9R
Thanks to Joshua Hardy, Courtney Williams, Peter Adrian Behravesh, and the rest of the team at Seven Seas for their hard work.
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tsumuki · 3 years
haikyuu boys as different types of love languages
a/n basically the boys i think most embody the 5 basic love languages; super random but
physical touch as sugawara koushi
constantly touching you in some way whether it be patting your head, holding you hand, rubbing your back
greets you with a hug and kiss every morning and every night when he drops you off
also guides you by having his hand on the small of your back in the hallways, so it’s not as obvious as holding hands
but in private he’s all over you, laying on top of while you have your arms and legs wrapped around him, when you’re cooking he’s hugging you from behind, or when you’re working he’ll take your hand and use the excuse “i can type with one hand”
“koushi i cant breathe” you say as he lays on top of you, in attempt to cuddle you.
“it’s okay you can die like this” he says as he nuzzles further into your neck. you hit his back lightly, letting out an airy laugh. his warmth spreads through your body and you inhale his scent.
he gets up and looks at you as he flips you over, so now your laying on his chest and straddling his waist. “better now?” he says with a cheeky grin.
you feel your cheeks heat up as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his face closer, teasing him as your lips brush against each other.
“so that’s how you wanna play?” he questions as he quirks his brow, he moves his hands lower to your waist pulling you even closer.
“two can play at this game babe.”
words of affirmation as oikawa tooru
oikawa is no stranger to self doubt and insecurities, but since he knows what it feels like, he never wants you to feel that way
tells you everyday that he loves you, even if you guys are fighting, he will make an effort to send at least a text, reminding you that he loves you
reminds you every morning how beautiful you look, definitely a great hype man.
knows that his fan girls can be a lot sometimes, so he puts in extra effort to reassure you he only has eyes for you
you felt pathetic, crying on your boyfriends bedroom floor pouring out your insecurities. his fan girls were so beautiful, thin, and what were you?
his heart aches as he wraps his arms around you, cooing in your ear. if he could take the pain away he would, but he can’t. so he speaks up instead,
“baby, you know what i love about you?” he waits for a reply, continuing when he’s met with silence,
“i love when your eyes light up when you talk, or how you look when the moon lights your face when we walk at night.”
he hears your cries start to soften, his heart warming as he continues.
“i also love how your cheeks lift when you smile, or how your hair flows when you let it down” he kisses your head,
“baby i could go on, but we’d never stop. i know how you’re feeling, but if you remember anything i tell you tonight, remember, you’re my world. if only you could see yourself from my eyes, you’d love yourself beyond compare. and i’ll always be here to remind you of what you’re worth”
he kisses the top of your head and lifts your head up so you meet eyes, “okay?”
quality time as kenma kozume
introverted bby so he prefers staying in with you, usually orders food and listens to you ramble about your day or whatever else is on your mind
isn’t the most talkative, but a great listener. when you’ve run out of things to talk about you two just enjoy each other’s presence while doing your own thing
always makes an effort to walk you home after school so you can spend more time together
will sometimes show up to your house unannounced and lays on your bed while you do homework or talk to your friends
you don’t have to be talking to each other, but he’s comforted knowing you’re around
“hey babe” you say as you enter his room, he greets you back as you make your way to his bed. he lifts up his arms allowing you to rest your head on his lap.
“how was your day” he says, eyes still glued to his monitor. you rub his thigh and start your ramble about today’s stories, but then you stop. worry creeping in about talking to much and potentially annoying him since he was gaming.
“why’d you stop, i’m still listening babe”
although it’s small, you can’t help but feel your heart swell knowing you’re not a bother to him, even with your constant rambling.
not long after you two fall into a comfortable silence and you get up and pull out your work from your bag and mindlessly start. you notice kenma starting to dose off, soon he’s the one who rests his head on your lap.
you sigh contently as you bring your hand to his hair and play with the ends, he hums when he feels your touch. you smile as you push your work the the side and you close your eyes as well, dosing off as well.
you can always finish your work later, you think to yourself as you slip into unconsciousness, your hand still playing with kenma’s hair.
acts of service as iwaizumi hajime
isn’t the best with words so decides to let his actions do the talking
does small things like walking you to class even if his class is the other way or walk you home even if he’s tired from practice
i also believe he’s a great cook, so he prepares lunches and snacks for you while he’s making his
also when your sick he’ll pick up your work from your classes, prepare some food for you, and will care for you while you’re sick
or when you’re stressed w school or work he’ll tidy up your room / house so you come home to a clean space so you’re able to relax. overall motherly af
everything was falling apart. no matter how much you tried to balance out your school, work, social life, and clubs it never worked out, something was always overlooked and missed.
you received many texts and reminders from iwaizumi to not over work yourself. although you knew you should’ve told him, you hid it from him, not wanting him to worry. he has been working so hard with his work, that you don’t want to add any stress. so you put on a smile.
you groan as you clock out of work, making your way back to you and iwaizumi’s apartment. once you get home you’re met with a delicious aroma. you’re confused, to your knowledge iwaizumi had been working late tonight.
you make your way into the apartment to be met with iwa’s back to you, as he cooks something on stove. you scan the apartment to see your books and papers organized and everything that littered the floors and tables, put away and tidied.
you exhale contently, your heart swelling at the sight as he turns around and pulls you into his arms rubbing your back. the simple act makes your eyes water.
“i know how stressed you’ve been. you don’t have to hide it” is all he says, and your few tears turn into sobs. he stays silent as he continues rubbing your back trying to sooth you, letting you know he’s here. once your tears dry he kisses your temple.
“i have a bath running for you babe, wash up and we’ll eat when you’re done” he says as he kisses you again, “and i’ll bring your clothes, they’re in the dryer”
you feel your eyes water again, not because of stress or sadness, but because you can’t contain how much you truly love him. you smile and nod, pulling him to hug him again.
“thank you so much.”
gift giving as akaashi keiji
mans is a sucker for cheesy romantic stuff
brings you a bouquet every time you guys have a date, isn’t necessarily the biggest bouquet but makes an effort to bring you one every time
goes ham when it’s your birthday, christmas, valentines, etc. holiday? you better prepare to be bombarded with gifts.
also loves taking you shopping. you always tell him he doesn’t have to buy you anything but insists. and when you see something you like but decide against getting it, he’ll buy it for you the next day
even small things like when he’s walking home and he sees a stuffed bear, he’ll buy it for you saying “it reminded him of you and he absolutely had to get it” or picking up your favorite snack and bringing it to you at much
you always tell him he doesn’t have to get you anything to be happy but he insists, that doesn’t mean you don’t shower him in gifts as well
you’re rushing through your apartment as you’re putting the final touches on your outfit for you and akaashi’s date. you jump when you hear the doorbell.
you swing the door open to be met with a face full of flowers. you blush at the sight, no matter how many times you’ve received flowers from him, you’re still flustered. you gesture him to come in, taking the flowers from his hands, thanking him.
“hey babe you look great” he says as he kisses you on the cheek. you smile back as you put the flowers into the vase with the preexisting flowers.
“you know i’m gonna drown in flowers one day if you keep getting me them babe” you say in a joking tone, he chuckles with you, “at least you’ll die a beautiful death” he retorts, laughing as you lightly hit his shoulder
he smiles as he takes both your hands, looking you up and down, “beautiful absolutely beautiful” he says, voice full of admiration. your heart swells at his simple words. “only for you” you say with a smile resting softly on your face.
“you know what would make it better though?” he asks, you shoot him a confused look and he reaches in his pocket pulling out a small velvet box.
your eyes widen and heart drops as he reveals a simple ring. he laughs at your obviously shocked expression, “hey it’s just a promise ring,” he starts, worry slightly seeping from his words, “don’t worry, this is just as a reminder, that i’ll love you forever” he finishes as he slips the ring onto your finger
you feel your eyes slightly water at his words, feeling overwhelmed with your emotions. cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.
“so promise you want drown in my flowers before i make it a real one” he says with a cheeky grin
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jypbae7 · 3 years
Me me meeee <3 I'll request a full analysis about NCT's Johnny! 😚😚 Include errrrthing baby hahaha 18+ stuff, him as a romantic partner aka bf <3 whatever you want! I'm so excited to read this akndfkgkfn 😎😎😎❤️❤️
Johnny Suh - Natal chart
Finally finished it!! Johnny was actually the most requested member I received in my inbox! Sorry that it’s nearly the length of a novel lmao but I sectioned it to make it easier to read and navigate 💕
(Not claiming to be an expert this is just for fun please don’t take anything too seriously!) Hope this is helpful and that you enjoy it 🥰❤️
Personality: Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Aqua Mercury, Virgo rising, Leo Mars
While Aqua is a fixed sign it is definitely the most adaptable of the 3 fixed signs due to the Air element of Aquarius plus the ever spontaneous Gemini moon. Most things that make the rest of us feel anxious tend not to seem that scary to fearless Gemini or cool as a cucumber Aquarius.
Natural social butterflies who love their tribe deeply and fiercely once they find them. Busy bodies who are easily bored if left unstimulated too long which will turn into crankiness if not rectified quickly. Thankfully Aqua & Gem have a zest for life that makes them quite easy to please. They are open minded and will gladly stay up till 3am talking about aliens and conspiracy theories, just like they are thrilled to go on last minute random trips just because why not (Gemini impulsivity at it’s finest lmao)
Gemini is a mutable sign unlike fixed Aquarius. This is a pretty big difference and something that goes under the radar with Aquas due to that cool as a cucumber attitude. Because they are adaptable and typically very easy going they don’t often show their stubborn aggressive sides and honestly prefer not to have to unless they are feeling extremely disrespected or pushed beyond their boundary which is a BIG let me say that again, BIG no no with Aquarius (almost as big as it is for for the water signs)
Adding to these deep inner thoughts and vast inner world that Aquarians have, his Virgo rising adds more depth and self awareness. As perfectionists and highly intellectual minds they are a lot more self critical than they let on, just like they are a lot more caring and soft than they let on. They deeply care about others and the world in general seeing the big picture in a very earthy and traditional way - good people should strive to put good out and try their very best at whatever they do. They deeply dislike mean, malicious, manipulative, or spiteful behavior or people and generally keep guarded around people they don’t know well until they feel certain of the person’s true intention. There’s nothing Virgo is more cautious of than to be swindled or hurt by someone they take it reallyy hard and they know it.
Now we alllll know his swag and confidence is legendary and we can all thank the Leo Mars placement for that and the beautiful lush shiny hair and big toothy smile (Looking at Mark, Jaemin and Xiaojun like 👁👄👁) But beyond the aesthetics and dripping confidence and charisma, Leo is another creative sign that tends to be a lot more intellectual and intuitive than people give them credit for.
When the other members call Johnny one of the scariest members you can bet it’s his aggressive fiery fixed Leo Mars which is loud and even violent when provoked enough not to mention the fixed Aquarius tornado energy...Oooof that is a lot of Fixed sign rage right there honey so let’s tread lightly with Johnny boy and appeal to his open minded and friendly nature with a gentle tone and non-pointed words during discussions and all shall be good even if there’s some disagreeing!
Honestly if the argument starts getting bad you can always distract the Gemini moon by just bringing up other interesting topics! Geminis minds move FAST and while they can process a lot of information quickly and precisely they tend to get distracted easily (but here’s the good side of that😉)
Aquarius have a deep love of family and the desire to create their own (Geminis often share this trait) they can feel a bit like outsiders or “other” from people and thus crave to build a tribe of their own - this can be friends that are lifelong deep relationship carried on no different than family or starting their own family with a partner and kids
Non-Romantic Relationships & overall communication style: Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Aqua Mercury, Leo Mars, Virgo Rising
Built off laughter, time spent together whether its at home hanging out casually or going out for meals and fun new things to try together
Wants to bounce lots of ideas off of his closest friends and secretly loves doing creative stuff together the most - this is pretty evident if you watch JCC he’s happiest when he’s doing stuff with his bros whether it’s sporty, musical, or crafts
Does not like to be vulnerable even with those he’s close to, tends to stick to neutral and more light hearted topics of interest and conversation because he prefers to spread a good mood instead of a heavy one
If he really trusts you or has worked through it enough already to want to talk about something serious you’d better listen cause the boy drops gems of wisdom and has a really soft mushy heart
Immediately adopts his close friends as family and no matter the time apart or distance will always treat them the same
Likes friends he can learn from and take on new adventures with they satisfy the intellectual Virgo rising and Aqua & leo sign thrill needs - Gemini is all about BOTH of these
Deeply appreciates loyalty, acts of service, and quality time with his friends and family - makes his heart soooo happy BUT
He would rather fucking DIE than let you or anyone see him cry so he cries like 4 times a year at 3am in the bathroom while everyone’s asleep (HIGHKEY feel like Ten & Jaehyun are exactly like this too)
Romantic relationships and preferences: Capricorn Venus, Leo Mars, Capricorn Juno, Capricorn Eros
Mr. Johnny Suh has THREE Capricorn placements tied to love and intimacy so that’s saying something lmao
Going against Aquarius’ open mindedness and anti-traditional persona Capricorn prefers all things traditional and stable.
Very much does acts of service for his partner as a sign of affection also lots of touching and quality time.
A veryyyyyy spontaneous boyfriend/partner thanks to that Gemini moon - he either wants to stay at home in pjs and order food and have movie marathons or whisk you away on zero notice to a trip lol
Earth sign men are drawn to women who embody very flowery feminine energy and aesthetics. They prefer a “natural beauty” who can spice it up sometimes rather than a super flashy 24/7 partner. (He’s said in the past that his ideal type is Yoona which says it all lol)
Will be highly drawn and intrigued by someone with a high work ethic and high intellect. BIG bonus points if you can keep up with his sarcasm and jokes.
Earth signs are pretty physical and handsy so expect to have little personal space around him, make no mistake they enjoy this very much. He will definitely be grabbing you and picking you up often! He’ll be smirking down at you devilishly watching you get flustered backed into a corner trapped by the sheer size of his muscular body. A Capricorn male’s ego really enjoys this dynamic, trust me lol.
Also another quirky male Capricorn trait that actually applies to Aqua & Gem as well… They like to initiate all the touchy feely stuff - What I mean by that is they can get easily spooked by clinginess too early on. These three signs want romance and definitely want to feel that you’re into them but they also are innately independent and enjoy relationships where their partner can also go off into the world and thrive in their own way and meet back together in the middle. So long as you can find a happy balance, when you are together you won’t have to initiate anyways honestly because he’ll be the one pulling you.
Okay let's talk about Juno & Eros - Juno in Capricorn is about serious, loyal, long term commitment though they tend to marry later in life once they’ve already achieved the things they want to for themselves which I can see being the case for Johnny as well especially with his current career.
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18+ Preferences:
Eros in Cap where to begin - high libido, stimulated by visuals and touch. Wear interesting colors, patterns, textures to catch his eyes & his hands - lacy lingerie is a plus the texture will really excite him and the feminine look will please his earthy traditional cap side. If you really wanna have him drooling throw in some spicy contrasts like a leather choker with the lace set and you’ll also set off his Aqua, Gem, and Leo placements as well ;)
Tends to bounce back and forth between fucking you like you’re a cheap groupie whore and taking his time staring you in the eyes and kissing you passionately as he’s stomach deep - no inbetween but really who’s complaining??
DOM KINK - NOT UP FOR DEBATE he has THREE Capricorn placements for fucksake meaning 3 cardinal signs which are literally called “the INITIATORS” plus all his other fixed personality placements
More of the classy rich ceo vibes kind of dom (suits, expensive cologne and jewelry, leather, black and red binds) - takes you to bougie hotels when he really wants to ramp it up and not have to care who hears. You can expect not to sleep those nights but he’ll damn sure pamper you afterwards with cuddles, food, and a spa date.
Now...with all his Air sign placements...I have to say it...he’s a kinky ass dude. Few things are off the table, but he’s also super content with “normal” stuff too. It’s more about the person and experience for him than doing the wildest things possible. So if it feels natural and right then he’s down.
Don’t be surprised if he wants to tie you up like a pretzel or role play because he’s definitelyyy going to ask. Well actually he’d probably just buy whatever outfit or binds he wanted to use and casually be like “look what I got for us baby” as if it’s matching charm bracelets or something. The good news is he’ll dress up and get into it with you and he’s super receptive to your boundaries, fantasies and making it enjoyable as possible for you too.
If you flip the script on him and suddenly break the norm either by taking the initiate/lead first or trying something new he will absolutely combust 🤯 and be in the palm of your hand staring in absolute awe and fascination till he can’t take it anymore and reclaims his spot as the one in control
Nudes, videos, and phone sex when apart are a definite and they really keep the passion burning for him which is honestly VERY important and don’t worry he’s NOT shy and you will be grateful for the beautiful collection of photos and videos 🤤
Boredom for Aquas, Gems, and Caps can quickly lead into self-sabotaging behaviors and/or wandering eyes not because they don’t value loyalty but that they really need and benefit from mental stimulation and feeling wanted so when that’s gone they can pull away
Honestly pretty much any type of lingerie or outfit will turn him on because the most arousing part for him is knowing that you spent time doing such a naughty thing for his sake
Breeding kink - 3 earth placements and has said himself in interviews he would’ve started having kids at 25 if he wasn’t an idol soooooo that’s a definite. He imagines you pregnant with his baby and it makes him super soft and warm which quickly turns to super turned on. He loves the primal marking aspect of claiming you in such a way and also watching you unravel to the point of begging him to do it. Even if it’s just “play” he loves it and will probably think about it a lot more than you know. If you ever do it for real he will be utterly and completely obsessed with you forever and be practically more excited about all the stages of your pregnancy than you are
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
REINER SIMP BACK FOR MORE!! If you're interested, of course, fluff alphabet for the absolute blonde of my dreams???
WELCOME BACK, I had so much fun with this one <3
Every time I write for post time skip Reiner it ends up just the slightest bit angsty, so just be aware
Again, I'm using the prompt by @snk-warriors
Post time skip of course! :)
Fluff Alphabet: Reiner
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
The activity doesn't really matter to him, he really just likes being with them. He’d do any kind of activity that they suggest because he loves the way their eyes light up doing things they’re passionate about. But, if his SO likes going on fun dates, he’d definitely be down to plan something. Probably still something pretty small and intimate, maybe like a picnic or a walk through a pretty area.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He definitely loves his SO’s eyes, especially the way they light up when they’re excited. He also loves getting to watch them while they’re moving around or doing something, he thinks they’re so amazing just existing. More than anything, though, he really admires their personality and spirit.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Reiner wouldn’t know instinctively what to do at all, but he’d be so concerned. He’d probably just sit with them quietly the first time, and then have a discussion later about what they’d like him to do in the future. And he definitely commits that to memory, so the next time they’re down or anxious, he knows exactly what to do. He has his fair share of negative experience with mental health and image, so he knows at least to some extent what they’re going through, and he’ll do whatever he can to make sure they no longer have to feel that way.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
I think it takes a while for him to actually imagine his SO being in his future just because he’s endured so much loss in his life, but one he finally allows himself to start to make plans, he definitely has a nice rosy little vision for the future. It’s total domestic bliss, with a cozy home, a vegetable garden, and maybe even kids (depending on his SO, of course). He really craves that peaceful security of a boring, stable life because he’s never gotten to experience it before, so thinking of the future makes him really happy.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It’s definitely pretty equal. He doesn’t go into relationships with any preconceived notions of playing an active or passive role, so it really just depends on his SO and how their dynamic falls. But for the most part, he’s happiest when he’s able to alternate between the two, both comforting and being comforted.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He’s honestly not great with conflict. He really hates fighting and would never instigate a fight, but when it does occur, he gets hurt pretty easily. He has so much going on in his own head, and conflict with his SO just adds to internal self doubt. But, since he really doesn’t want to fight, he’s always open and willing to make up at any time. 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Reiner is so grateful. He is constantly showering them in praise and thank you’s, and he just feels so damn lucky to be with them. Every small act of service or gift from them makes his heart swell, and he goes out of his way to make sure that they they know just how much he appreciates them.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
I definitely think he would be very honest. Secrets put space between the two of them, which is the last thing he wants. He would much rather have an awkward conversation about something than lie to his SO, which would make him so guilty. He also leans on them for support a lot, and he knows that they can’t support each other if they’re not totally honest.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Reiner’s SO has such a positive influence on him. He has a lot of self doubt and a lot of fear when it comes to relationships and commitment, but over time, he began to let himself rely on them and make himself vulnerable. They honestly probably inspire him to be more open and positive, and their optimism rubs off on him, even if it’s just slightly.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don’t think he gets jealous often, but he does have a habit of not dealing with it properly. He would never be rude to his SO, he just starts to pull away because his self doubt keeps saying they would be better off with someone else. It’s not hard to help him relax, though, it really just takes some quiet words from his SO and a reminder that he is enough for them.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He was really nervous for their first kiss, for literally no reason. He was very careful with his general timing, but in the moment, it probably seemed a bit abrupt just because he was so nervous. He’s a really good kisser, and after the first kiss, it’s a regular occurrence.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
In terms of asking his SO out for the first time, I think he was very nervous and probably make it pretty awkward just because he kept trying to shrink into the background. But if we’re talking about the first time he told them he loves them, it wasn’t awkward at all. It was probably late at night and they were laying in bed together when it really just hit Reiner how happy he was, and how lucky he was to have them. He said it so casually, as if it was already a part of their routine instead of something foreign and new.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I think the idea of marriage would scare him just slightly, but it is appealing to him. Again, it’s that idea of stability and security that just seems so cozy and comfortable for the future. He doesn’t indulge in making plans for the future often, but when he does finally let himself think about it, it makes him really happy. He spends lots of time planning the most romantic proposal, maybe even something public if his SO is comfortable with it. The idea of getting married makes him so excited that he wants to share it with everyone. He doesn’t necessarily have a great eye for decoration or color, but he’s so eager to help, so together, they plan a beautiful wedding. Probably small and intimate, and absolutely lovely.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
I think nicknames make him a bit embarrassed, so most of the time, it’s just “honey” or your name. Your name is amazing, and he’s more than happy to keep saying it.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Reiner’s in love, especially at the beginning, everyone can tell. He just gives off an air of contentedness and confidence from being with his SO, laughing a bit more often than usual and frequently being caught zoning out while smiling into the distance. It’s almost laughable how much the stoic man’s behaviors change when he’s finally that happy.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He’s pretty private in general. He holds onto his SO’s hand in public and offers them his arm while walking, but otherwise, they don’t like to show off in public. In terms of how much he talks about them, I think it depends on his SO. If they’re a private person, he won’t bring it up a single time. But if he can tell they don’t mind, he’d talk about them with his friends and introduce them as his SO, and he’d be happy getting to show everyone how amazing they are.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He’s always warm, even in the middle of the winter. If his SO is ever cold, he offers his jacket (because he’s probably overheating anyway), or he can just warm them up with a hug. It’s really sweet.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
It makes him pretty embarrassed, but he really is very romantic! He can definitely appreciate the cliched romantic tropes, but I think he also likes to be creative. He love surprising his SO to see the look on their face, and he just loves making them happy. When they’re happy, he’s happy!
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Reiner has a lot of doubts in his life, especially for himself. But when it comes to his SO? There is nothing they can’t do. He believes in them 100%, and he will do whatever he can to support them. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’s absolutely someone who prefers a nice stable routine. Not that he won’t go out and try new things, especially if his SO would like to, but he just prefers to stick to their normal plans. Being able to plan head is a luxury for him, and he appreciates the calmness behind it.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows his SO very well, and he’s very empathetic. He can’t read their mind, and he does still need lots of communication, but he genuinely does almost feel their pain with them. He’s great support through a difficult time because he can empathize so well.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Once his relationship becomes serious, it’s one of the most important aspects of his life. Part of becoming serious with his SO is allowing himself to open up to and rely on them, which creates such a deep level of emotional intimacy. He really wouldn’t trade them for the world.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He makes his SO coffee every morning. If they don’t like coffee, he makes tea, or maybe even just pours them a glass of orange juice. If they don’t live together, he will literally drive to bring it to them. In his eyes, it’s not only an excuse to get to see them every morning, but he likes making sure that they start off every morning happy.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He’s very affectionate! Sometimes it makes him a little bit uncomfortable to be vulnerable like that, but he likes having his SO close to him. Definitely big on cuddling, again because he likes to be close to them, and because it makes him feel safe.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He definitely gets a bit sad when they’re away for a long time. If possible, he likes to check up on them in the morning. Otherwise, he just tries to keep himself busy. I think he also gets a bit anxious when they’re gone because they’re such a source of support for him, so he’s very relieved when they return.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He’s absolutely willing to do what it takes to keep his relationship strong. As much as he loves his routine, he’s always open to make changes that will keep things running smoothly and keep his SO happy. They’re very important to him, so of course he would go to great lengths for them.
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Gavin - Fluff abc headcanons
So by the popular demand - I am back.
Just kidding. No one was asking.
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: None (the reader is gender neutral)
Dedication: @marytheredqueen
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
You need to trust me when I tell you that Gavin had indeed tried to find at least one thing he could dislike about you. Many times.
Yet your body seems to have no flaws. He checked quite a few times at this point.
Your heart is pure. Loving. Patient. Loyal.
Whenever you’re at his side… The world is at peace. No pain exists, nor does suffering.
You are his purpose. You are his equilibrium. Nothing matters as long as he can be by your side.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your beautiful eyes.
There will never be anything more beautiful than the way they shine before your lips meet in a loving kiss.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Him on his back.
You in his arms. Laying on top of him.
Your head rests on his chest, no matter if it’s your front, side or back that presses against his muscular torso - it’s perfect.
He also likes the smell of your shampoo… it’s just intoxicating for him.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
He likes doing things outside with you.
Attending festivals, engaging in new, interesting sports, indulging in some street food or picnics.
He’s a sucker for long, romantic walks too, soooooo
He takes you out to the festival. Buys all kinds of yummy food for both of you to share. Wins you an enormous plushie and then carries it around for you. While holding your hand. Tightly.
Then takes you for a night stroll, to then kiss you under the sky full of stars before you turn back.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He only feels like he can really express himself around you - so it will get intense. In all the best ways.
Gavin doesn’t shy away with showing you his affection, even if he tends to have a slight problem with voicing it sometimes.
His expression softness, his fingers brush delicate circles on your skin.
He doesn’t need to say anything. You know.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Oh he really, really wants a family.
Two kids… or maybe more.
A dog for them, maybe.
House with a big garden and a treehouse.
He wants to play and fool around with his kids. Put them to bed. Support them. Be proud of them… Everything his father never did.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
When you want something, no matter how silly it might be - it’s yours.
Don’t even make me start on what you need.
Because there are very little things (and all of them are about you) that could make him happier than seeing you happy because of what he gave you.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
It's not optional.
There will be hands holding whenever it's possible.
It’s as much for your safety as it is for his comfort. 
All these guys with eyes better don’t use them to stare at you. 
See this hand? This beautiful gem of a person is with ME.
Likes to hold your hand while snuggling on a couch. Or in bed while falling asleep.
Holding hands is like a physical projection of the bond that’s between the two of you - and he loves it.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He would blame himself. No matter what. It might be ridiculous, but he would always feel guilty for not preventing it from happening.
Wouldn’t leave your side. Would help you with anything and everything.
If there’s a concrete person or a group of people that caused your harm... Insert a very, very angry and strong bird cop with a gun.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
You would have a light-hearted relationship in which he would tease you from time to time and he wouldn’t be mad if you did the same to him.
However he’s not one to prank you. He would find no enjoyment in it.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Gavin loves to be kissed and he loves to kiss. All over your face. All over your body.
Any kisses are game. Slow and passionate ones. Heated ones. Sweet, delicate, loving, appreciating - he loves them all as long as he can share them with you.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Acts of service - He looooves to spoil his lovely sweetheart (you) this way. Wants to bring you food, tidy up your apartment for you, brush your hair, paint your nails… Just ask him and he will do it. Whatever it is. And then he will do things on his own initiative, because he likes to surprise you. You smile so beautifully when he does…...
Gifts - He likes gift giving as I already mentioned in G, but it’s no indication of love to him. He just enjoys your reactions. Prefers to show his love differently.
Physical touch - His number one and you can not convince me it is not. He’s a snuggly bear who loves kisses. You are just so soft and warm and he loves you sosososososo much. Would never want to hold this way any other. His physical affection is something reserved only for you. 
Quality time - see Q.
Words of affirmation - Gavin is not very good with words. Not that he can’t be when he wants to, but he kinda doesn’t want to most of the time. It’s uncomfortable. He’s feeling unconfident doing so. He prefers other ways, but when he does speak up… It’s the most adorable and loving thing you will ever hear in your life.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
It was your first 'real' date, but even though you both confessed love to each other, you weren't a ‘official’ couple yet.
At least there was no proper act of becoming a one.
You walk through the park on an evening of a chilly fall. Not many people in sight.
You just finished a lovely dinner date. Gavin even bought you a dessert to share.
And it just felt right. Everything.
The way your fingers were laced. How you both couldn't spot peeping at each other.
"Will you be my girlfriend Y/N? Please?"
He sure was pretty sure you wouldn't deny him, but he didn't expect you to throw your arms around his neck and kiss him the way you did.
"Nothing could ever make me happier than that, Gavin."
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He’s scared of losing you.
Either by you walking away from him after discovering that you “deserve so much better”
Or by not being alert enough to protect you…
Surely, he would prefer the first option, but he can’t deny that both would hit him harder than anything else ever could.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Gavin is a little bit of an odd duck in general, but I think he has one major weirdness about him.
I would call it… A Keanu Reeves complex.
He doesn’t like compliments. Always feels like they’re far from true, because he always feels like he’s not enough and maybe even never will be.
Which is so far from true.
Like, Vivi, come on! You’re so freakin perfect!
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He usually calls you simply by your name, but the boy has his moments.
Moments when he can help but call you all sorts of the cutest names.
Little angel, starry eyes, little munchkin along with the classics like honey, babe, sweetheart, treasure and my precious.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He just wants to be by your side. Any. Chance. He. Gets.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Moonlight by Ariana Grande
Because Gavin’s sweet like candy, but he’s such a man...
Or A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope 
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Not at all. At least at first.
He gets better with time, but you still need to ask for it. He would never just come to you to lean on your shoulder and tell you what troubles him.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Well. A lot.
Because of what I say in X below.
He just assumes that you don’t reciprocate his feelings, because he doesn’t deserve it.
He eventually tells you about his feelings under your insistent questions regarding the subject.
And then? After he finally tells you?
That’s when it escalates quickly.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
At first he tries to keep it inside. Not let you see… But it’s pretty obvious since he doesn’t talk to you. Barely throws any acknowledgment your way.
It would take quite some convincing for him to tell you what’s wrong.
Unless it’s jealousy that is a reason behind his anger. Then he will show you just how upset he is…
Not necessary in a bad way, tho...
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s very proud of you. Always.
Even when you think you’re a failure, he still recognizes how hard you work and how smart you are.
And he also prides himself for earning love of a woman as wonderful as you.
But he’s not a show off. He doesn’t like to be in a center of attention. He doesn’t care for compliments or recognition.
He knows how wonderful you are and that’s all that matters to him.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Well, it goes without saying.
Yes. Obviously.
This is Gavin. He does it actively throughout the whole story like it’s the only thing he knows.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s not an expert in emotions.
He gave MC a blood stained letter and was surprised she was troubled by that.
Okay, let’s not sugar coat it - he’s not good at it at all. I said it.
I’m sorry. I wish it was different for you Vivi.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
I think in Gavin’s case it would be no kneeling with a ring type of thing, because he personally sees no value of that.
Of course, he would if you told him that that’s what you want, but if you don’t…
It would be a beautiful, summer evening. The both of you watching a beautiful sunset from the rooftop of a high building.
Last months you spent together were absolutely wonderful. Life with you by his side was much happier than Gavin could ever dream of… And the way the golden sunlight graces your skin is so, so beautiful.
It wasn’t the first time the thought crossed the bird cop’s mind. He caught himself thinking about it more and more often as your relationship progressed… And before he knew it, the words left his lips.
At first you were sure you must have misheard, so you asked him to repeat. And he did.
His beautiful eyes glimmered with so much love… just as much as you felt for him. 
How could you say no to that gorgeous man that adores you so much?
And after that, expect to someday come back home to find the most beautiful and meaningful ring in the world waiting for you to wear it.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Gavin is a man who enjoys simple things in life.
He likes to cozy up with you on a couch on his birthday. 
Watch a sunrise and drink cocoa with you on Christmas.
He obviously enjoys various sports, especially if he can enjoy them with you.
But what really, really makes him perfectly calm? Driving Sparky with your hands around his ways and your chest pressed against his back.
The feeling of freedom mixed the warmth of your closeness… how could anyone ask for more?
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karasimpno · 4 years
I’m trying this again because the tags are being weird but this is for the lovely and patient anon who requested #43 w/ Oikawa!!
Omg I’m so angry this got deleted and I had to start over 😭I’m so sorry it took SO long - I tried to make it a little longer to make up for it, I hope you like it!!!
“What happens if I do this?” - Oikawa x Reader 1.9k words | warnings: established relationship, fluff, a liiiiittle nsfw
You were coming up on the end of the semester and already cramming for finals. You were determined to do better than last semester and had committed yourself to cracking down on notes and outlines at your desk every night for the last two weeks.You felt kind of bad for Oikawa, though. He had graduated last year and, ever the dutiful boyfriend, always came over to see you after he got off work. Sometimes he surprised you with onigiri or something pretty that made him think of you. Sometimes you would get to eat dinner together before you reluctantly returned to your studies. He would just wait patiently on the couch, watching tv or scrolling through his phone, hoping you could eventually join him or that he’d at least get to snuggle you to sleep.
This past week though, the gifts had become more frequent. It coincided with your growing stress but you weren’t sure if that was the reason for the influx in attentions or if he was just missing you. He had bought dinner the last three nights in a row and had even made you blush when he slipped a pretty new pair of underwear into your palm after you’d finished studying one night. You were too tired to do much more than kiss him before falling asleep in his arms, though. You sighed half-awake apologies and he pulled you closer, understanding.
Tonight though, your eyes were straining on your textbook and you felt yourself almost going crazy when he waltzed through the front door, twirling his spare key around his index finger. “Babe!” he called out.
“Bedroom!” you replied, not looking up from your reading.
“I know,” he teased, the slightest edge in his voice. You glanced over your shoulder at him, standing in your doorway, hair windswept and looking devilishly handsome as ever. A grin instantly spread across your face, the mere energy of his presence infectious. You sighed and swiveled your chair around. He had your favorite takeout in his hand and you felt yourself melt a little.
“Tooru...” you sighed. He closed the distance between the two of you, setting the bag on your desk and taking both your hands in his. The corner of his mouth was pulled up in a flirtatious smirk. You took a deep breath in, relaxing and soaking up the presence of your biggest source of happiness. “And how are you today my love?” he asked, releasing one of your hands and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You caught his hand as it skirted around your cheek and held it there, leaning into his touch. “Better now,” you hated to admit, feeling a little sappy and knowing he would make fun of you for it.
“Is that all it takes? Your big strong man coming home to save you from your studies? Well then I guess I didn’t need to pick up this-” he teased, picking the bag back up from your desk and turning on his heel with a glint in his eye. “No - Tooru - wait!” you called after him as he rounded the doorway. “Dinnertime!” he sang, and you got up and trailed him to the small kitchen, the smell of cooked food making your stomach growl.
He had set the bag on the countertop and was cleaning off the table. You reached into the bag and pulled out the plasticware and a paper box. In an instant, Oikawa was by your side, slapping your wrist. “Put that back! We’re having a proper meal tonight!” he reprimanded, pulling plates out of the cabinet. You huffed and put your hands on your hips.
“Does that mean you’ll be cooking then?” you smirked, receiving a glare from him. “No,” he retorted, mumbling about his cooking skills as he properly set the table, proceeding to snatch the bag away from you. You folded your arms across your chest and watched him serve up dinner for you, trying to keep the glowing feeling in your heart from cracking your teasing exterior. He even brushed past you to steal a candle from your room, lighting it between the two place settings.
“What’s all this for?” you asked, slightly bewildered, but beaming at this romantic gesture.
“It’s Thursday,” he said simply, standing across from you with an adorable smile on his face. You grinned, slightly shaking your head at him. You stepped towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your chest close to his. “And you’ve been working so hard....” his voice lowered, gently tracing a thumb over your cheekbone and looking down at you. Your heart felt so full as his eyes gazed into yours. “I love you so much,” you said, and pressed your lips against his. It was a sweet kiss, the both of you melting into the other’s touch. “Thank you for dinner,” you whispered with a content smile.
“Not to mention it’s hot to have such a smart partner!” he said, pulling away and giving you a hard smack on the ass, eliciting a surprised yelp from you. He chuckled and sat down, the two of you beginning to catch up about your long day.
By the time he had cleared the plates – he had even bought dessert – you were bending down to plant a kiss to his cheek, begrudgingly needing to get back to your studies. He caught your hand as you moved away, holding it fast and keeping you from retreating to your room. He wasn’t looking at you, just holding you in place. “Babe...” he started, and there was something different in his voice, something ragged. He interlaced his fingers with yours and you instinctively wrapped your other hand around your clasped hands. He pushed his chair back and moved in close to you, his nose hovering above yours. He used his index finger to pull your chin up. “I miss you,” he breathed. You felt yourself inhale and loll your head to the side with guilt, knowing exactly how he felt and what he meant. This week he’d been pulling out all the stops on his other love languages – acts of service, gifts, even words of affirmation when you got frustrated with your work. But quality time and physical touch, your two shared most important ones, had sadly slipped away this week.
“I know...” you whispered. “I just...really need to do well this semester.”
“I know” he pressed, the guilt and need intermixing in his voice. “But you’ve been working so hard. It’s almost the weekend. Take the night off with me,” he was practically begging, though his pride would never let him admit it. You sighed and pressed a kiss to your enjoined hands.
“Just let me get through a few more practice sets,” you bargained. “An hour or two, tops.”
“One hour,” he insisted, sighing. He reluctantly let your hand go as you winked at him. He smacked your ass again as you turned to go, making you jump and shoot him a wicked glare. He just chuckled and offered up his signature smirk again. You couldn’t help your grin as you turned back, his attentions fueling the first half of returning to your work. By the time an hour had passed, however, you had become overwhelmed by your studies and your brow furrowed at your computer screen again. Before you had even noticed the time, an hour and a half had passed.
Your nose buried in a textbook, you began to hear a soft humming coming from behind you. You groaned, checking the time. “I’m sorry babe... I just can’t seem to finish this,” you said. Tilting your head back in his direction without taking your eyes off your work.
“Mmm well that’s too bad...” he crooned, suddenly behind you, his hands melting down your shoulders. You sighed, your fingers sliding off the keyboard as you leaned back into his touch.
“Why’s that?” you asked him, your head tilting, exposing more of your neck. “Because...” he whispered, taking advantage of your exposed skin with his thumbs, working presses down your neck. His lips were suddenly by your ear as he began massaging your shoulders. “I had such fun things I wanted to do to you tonight,” he spoke. You groaned again, letting your head fall against his temple. “Well if I let you do everything you wanted to do to me, Oikawa, I would surely fail my classes,” you said, pointedly, but still feeling yourself melting into his touch. Your heart rate had picked up slightly and your face was growing hotter.
“Well,” he said, “what happens if I do this?” he exhaled, teeth grazing over the shell of your ear as his tongue darted out between them. Simultaneously, his hands began wandering over more of your body, the flats of his palms firmly making their way down your chest, your nipples hardening at even the briefest of touches.
“Mm, Tooru...” you moaned, weak at his touch already. You ran your fingers over his forearms, your skin prickling with heat, and something inside of you snapped. Tired of your studies, absolutely spent from days hunched over your books, away from his touch, working yourself silly, you decided you’d had enough. You pushed his hands off of you and spun the chair around, throwing your arms around his neck and eagerly beginning to suck a tender spot below the corner of his jaw. He let out a surprised little laugh and wrapped his arms around your lower back. You pulled away for a moment. “Then I guess we’ll just have to see,” you whispered, your eyelids half-closed, answering his question. You squeezed his shoulders and jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist and crushing your lips into his, as the two of you had done many times before. He caught you with a low gasp and traced a hand up your thigh, turning you toward the bed. You could feel him grinning against your lips, and you pulled back for a moment, resting your forehead against his.
He crawled onto the bed with you still wrapped around his torso, letting you softly drop onto the mattress below him. You could practically feel his body vibrating as he began pressing kisses from your mouth, down your neck, down your clothed chest, to your stomach, where he lifted the fabric of your shirt and planted a sweet kiss ever so lovingly to your exposed skin. Looking down at him, you ran a hand through his beautiful hair, thinking of all the times he’d pulled your pants down with his teeth. It made you smile, growing a little more aroused at the thought. Nothing had ever quite done it for you the way this man’s love for you did.
“I guess tonight was a good night to try out that new pair of underwear you got me,” you said with a smile, your chest heaving at the sight of the corners of his lips turning upwards at your tone. “I love you so much, Tooru,” you sighed, your hand still toying with his hair, thinking about what a wonderful boyfriend you had. “Thank you....thank you for everything this week, for the dinners, the gifts, your patience....thank you –” he swallowed the rest of your sentence with his lips. Pulling back to hover with a smile above your lips. “I love you too, baby,” he grinned.
You found yourself continuing to say thank you many times that night.
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