#glad i could provide~
secretblogofdog · 8 months
How do you think you would do at a party where you end up unbirthing people?
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Kinks: unbirth, regression, exhibitionism
Going to answer both of these in one, since they seem so similar.
Feeling my cunt ache as I enter the crowded house, roomy and crammed with people chatting and moving to music. I didn't plan on feeling this way, but the motorcycle ride over had me shivering by the end of it. I know I'm going to walk out of here with my belly hanging below my knees. But regardless, I get some punch and wander around, looking for just the right target. A petite woman to start me off? A linebacker of a man? The soft, round curves of the person all too happy to show it off?
My question is answered for me when I'm hit with a godawful pickup line. I turn to see who delivered it, and it's a plastered woman with punch stains on her shirt. After the initial annoyance wears off, I look her up and down. Good structure, quite attractive. I notice the ring on her finger and smile. Perfect. Nothing like a little family drama. I lead her up the stairs and off into a cramped half-bath. Not much room to work, but I'll do what I can.
She's all over me in an instant, hands roaming up and down my sides and groping me. I prefer to take the lead, but this will do just fine. I have to get naked, anyway. With a little drunken fumbling, I get my shirt and bra off, followed quickly by my pants. At the rush of cold air, I feel a renewed burning in my stomach. I need her in me, now. As she turns to pull off her own clothes, I get my leverage from the sink and lift up, wedging my hot, dripping cunt over her head. Instantly, endorphins pour through my body, earning a moan so loud it can be heard over the music. My hips slowly envelop my daughter-to-be, powerful muscles pulling her in with each labored breath.
Her struggles grow more frantic and less effective as she gets deeper in. Legs flailing, hands pressing, mouth screaming. These brats just never learn, do they? As my cervix closes behind her feet, I fumble for my clothes. I should probably get out of here before things really get too out of hand. But the punch and the bliss from my new occupant have better ideas. Let's put on a show.
I swing open the door to the expectant partygoers, some of whom had need of the bathroom, and some who came to see the fun. On seeing my swollen, massive stomach, several people jump back. I just smile, letting my breasts hang as my pussy leaves a wet trail behind me. I waddle my way back downstairs, drawing the attention of the crowd. I spy a man looking wildly around, fidgeting with his ring. Perfect. Might want to reunite the lovebirds.
Who cares who sees? The cops won't believe them anyway, they were all too drunk. Maybe there was something else in the punch that made them see things. All I care about, as my arms force the man to his knees, is how good he's going to feel as he becomes my son. They won't remember anything, I know that. They'll be my beautiful children forever and ever~
The screams of the crowd pale in comparison to the ecstasy pouring from my mouth. Watch and listen, or you might get a new mama tonight.
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alicenotalice · 8 days
It was an honor to write for the @hotguycomiczine! Thank you to @violet-fire-cat for editing!
Please enjoy this interlude, and check out the rest of the zinethology!
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hugheses · 4 months
So who do I need to go fight for saying you need to be in a psych ward
if yall wanna go to war i didn’t send you 🤷‍♀️ here and here. i had no interest in duking this out publicly but since she put my username out publicly and now i have weird anons in my inbox i feel like it’s fair game
in the interest of full disclosure, this is the message she scribbled over. i’m not ashamed of emailing getty images about a picture that had a glitched description/code???? that’s a very normal thing. my main issue with this person is that they took an entire long post of mine (the jack pouting one) and made it into a twitter thread without my permission or credit and then said she would delete or give me credit and then never did either. there was points where their entire twitter tl would just be stuff taken from my blog. it was very irritating and annoying and as you may know i have autism so i could have missed the mark but i thought i was pretty nice about it, if honest that it was hurting my feelings! i was willing to give her exclusive photos if she was nice! unfortunately she wasn’t and sent her friend to call me misogynistic slurs
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youngpettyqueen · 4 months
Thanks! In that case I'd like to request Bashir and Worf with a kiss on the cheek :)
oh this is so choice anon I could kiss you myself
LOVE that yall have been giving me so many excuses to write Worf lately. especially love the excuse to write Julian and Worf, because I love them, and I will never stop spreading the Julian and Worf (and Julian/Worf) agenda. thank you for allowing me another excuse to force people to consider Them
hope you enjoy <333
Things happen way too fast.
One second, Julian is coaxing a bottle away from a very intoxicated Nausicaan, and passing it behind his back to Quark, who swoops in to take it with practiced quickness. Except, the Nausicaan towers over the both of them, and he sees exactly what they do.
And this makes him very, very angry.
The next thing Julian knows, he's on the ground, his head spinning and his cheek smarting. He doesn't get to be on the ground for very long, however, as the Nausicaan grabs him by his collar and hauls him clear off his feet.
The Nausicaan growls something, but Julian's ears are still ringing a bit too much for him to make it out clearly, and he's a bit preoccupied with trying to squirm his way out of the iron grip on his collar. Then the Nausicaan is reaching back for something at his hip, and Julian's eyes widen as he realizes that he's going to do a whole lot worse than just punch him in the face.
And then Worf comes roaring in like a lion.
At first all Julian sees is the hand that clamps down on the Nausicaan's shoulder. Then he's being dropped on his ass, and from the ground he watches as Worf hauls the Nausicaan up into the air like he weighs nothing at all, and slams him down into the nearest table with such force that he puts him through it.
Worf hunkers down over the Nausicaan, his hands still fisted in his jacket. His eyes are burning with rage, his lips pulled back over his teeth in a display of ferocity. "If you harm the doctor again," He snarls, "I will kill you where you stand." He doesn't say it like a threat, he says it like a vow. It's backed up by his posture- coiled tight, ready to strike should the Nausicaan so much as breathe wrong.
The Nausicaan, of course, is too dazed to respond.
Worf drops him, letting him flop back against the broken remains of the table. He draws himself up to his full height, then steps off the Nausicaan and moves over to where Julian is still sitting on the ground. He holds a hand out to him.
"Are you alright?" He asks, his tone significantly softer.
Julian stares up at him for a moment, starstruck. Then he nods, takes Worf's hand, and lets himself be pulled up to his feet. It never stops being unfair, just how easily Worf lifts him.
He stumbles as he stands. Worf is quick to steady him. "'M alright, 'm alright," Julian assures him, wincing as he gingerly touches his cheek, which hurts like hell, "Just... had my bell rung, is all. I'm alright." He'll probably have a wicked shiner, but it's nothing a quick stop at the infirmary won't fix. Still, it smarts when he talks.
Worf leans down, examining the injury for himself. "You are bleeding," He observes, "I will take you to the infirmary." He decides.
"Oh, that isn't necessary," Julian says, even as Worf takes him by the arm and guides him away from the scene of the fight, "I can get there just fine. Beside, I'm sure Odo's going to want to talk to you about..." He glances back to see a couple of Starfleet Security officers moving in to deal with the fallen Nausicaan, "That."
"The Constable will wait." Worf replies curtly. Clearly, he's not going anywhere.
Julian can't help but chuckle. "You're being awfully protective." He remarks, his tone light, bordering on teasing.
Worf huffs, an irritated sound. "There are few things as dishonourable as striking a healer," He gruffs. Then, softer, almost hesitant, he adds, "And I... do not enjoy seeing you hurt."
Julian softens at the admission, his smile going from teasing to warm and genuine. "That's very sweet, Mr. Worf," He hums, and he bites back a laugh as Worf pointedly averts his eyes, "I'm alright, really. A regenerator will have this fixed before you can blink. But..." He tries to catch Worf's eye again, "Thanks. For the rescue, I mean. Usually I'd insist I can fight my own battles, but I suspect our Nausicaan friend was about to turn me into a kebab, so your intervention is much appreciated." He rambles a bit, but the sincerity is there all the same.
"That is precisely why I intervened when I did," Worf tells him, confirming Julian's suspicions, "I would have intervened regardless, but when he reached for his blade, I was compelled to act... quickly." He admits.
Julian doesn't really want to think about how close he got to being run through. He remembers the Academy courses on artificial and biosynthetic organs, and he remembers the case study his class did on Captain Jean-Luc Picard's artificial heart, which he got after a Nausicaan stabbed him. In a bar fight. Much as he admires Captain Picard, he has no desire to also have an artificial heart.
So, he breezes right past all those thoughts, and goes right back to teasing. "It almost sounds like you were worried about me." He comments, saturating his voice with charm.
"I was not worried," Worf refutes, again, without making eye contact, "I merely did not desire to see you stabbed in a... bar fight. It would be... unbecoming." He grumbles.
"Oh, yes, unbecoming," Julian nods, mock serious, "As opposed to, say, being stabbed in a proper battle."
"Yes," Worf agrees, not catching Julian's sarcasm, "That would be a far more worthy death."
From literally any other person, that would be an insane sentence. From Worf, however, Julian recognizes the compliment. His grin broadens. "Are you saying I'm worthy of a grand and glorious death on the battlefield?" He asks, leaning into Worf's arm, "Mr. Worf, that's positively romantic."
Worf looks like he might genuinely combust, his face flushing a deep, dark shade as he grumbles under his breath. Julian chuckles, rich and warm, continuing to cling to his arm as Worf, despite the teasing, continues to walk him to the infirmary. Such a gentleman.
When they do arrive, Worf turns to him, still obviously flushed. "I will go speak to the Constable," He says, all serious, as he tends to be, "I suggest you do the same once you are released."
Julian snaps a two-finger salute. "I'll be there in a jiffy," He agrees, "I'm sure Odo will want my statement." He's not looking forward to that. Dealing with all the statements and questions is more of a pain than being punched in the face. But if he doesn't go tonight, Odo will just hound him tomorrow, so he might as well bite the metaphorical bullet and do it sooner rather than later.
"Be sure to tell him the Nausicaan was going to make an attempt on your life." Worf instructs.
Julian still really doesn't want to think about that. "How could I forget," He sighs, "Don't let me keep you. You've been the perfect gentleman, but I can take it from here. Like I said, this won't take long. You'll probably still be in Odo's office when I get there." It's probably going to be a long night for both of them. Joy of joys.
"In that case, perhaps I should wait," Worf suggests, "It may be... safer, if I escort you." He adds, somewhat awkwardly.
Julian raises a brow at him. "You really are being protective," He observes. He chuckles, and gives his head a shake, "I'm a big boy, Worf. I can handle myself. But I'll tell you what," He says, "If I think I need an escort, I'll ask Nurse T'Strei." He offers as a compromise. He has absolutely no intention of actually asking for an escort, he just knows Worf won't back down from this. Worf's protective tendencies are endearing, to be sure, but he has a lot of pride, and he can only take so much.
Worf considers this for a moment. Then he nods. "Very well," He agrees, "I will see you in the Constable's office." He turns to leave.
"Hold on," Julian catches him by the sleeve. Worf looks back at him, and Julian steps closer, smiling fondly as he looks up at him, "There's an old Earth custom that comes with walking me home, you know." He hums, a twinkle of mischief in his eye.
Worf just looks confused. "This is not your home." He points out.
Julian chuckles. "I practically live here," He reminds him, "So it's close enough for me to do this." Bold as brass, he tugs Worf even closer, and goes up on his tiptoes so that he can give him a sweet little peck on the cheek.
Worf's entire body goes rigid. He freezes in place like a statue, like he's a part of the computer that's just shut down. Any of the blush he'd managed to shake off roars right back to his face, across his nose, he's probably blushing right to his ears under all that hair.
Julian lowers himself back down with a grin. "See you soon, Mr. Worf." He purrs.
Worf blinks. Then he blinks again, and clears his throat. "Yes," He jerks a nod, "See you. Soon." And then he turns on his heel and takes off at a brisk march.
Julian watches him go, lingering until he's out of sight. Barely aware of the sting in his cheek, he ducks into the infirmary, humming cheerfully and much, much too pleased with himself.
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I want you to know that you’re Leo being 6’3 has sent me spiraling since I’m picturing my Strahd and Leo. My Strahd was 6’1 while alive and the height difference was probably ~a thing~ but after turning my Strahd shot up to 9ft (I have RE brain rot) and omg his reaction was probably so wild. “Ah Strahd you fell for my trap…wtf happened to you”
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6’3 Leo Dilisnya vs Strahd who ate his wheaties
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sweenstar-reblogs · 10 months
hi, (usually) White™️ ppl of tumblr - I am on my knees Begging u to stop making poetry and oc-themed art about Palestine when u usually admit in these same posts that u don’t even have friends, let alone family or similar history there. like please could u ever read the room . I get sum of the ppl doing this r young and mean well but it’s not right . There r plenty of Palestinian users who’ve been posting poetry and art inspired by their home (and even some not ! Some users post fandom content like anime/kpop art if youd prefer) + I strongly suggest signal boosting those creators over blocking up the tags with smth that frankly . Comes off as v self-centered 😭
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I Literally just joined the WH fandom and have discovered your blog and I’m going absolutely feral for the way you draw *all* the characters. I never knew WH has vines was something I needed in my life !
YIPPEE YAHOO!!!! 🎉💚🎉!!!!
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ogeeitsme · 19 days
heyy heyyy , just wanted to let you guys know we appreciate you !! you guys were one of the first sys blogs we found after realizing we were a system and we did join that one fictive server you guys had a long time ago [ then our disc account was deleted lol ] but that server helped us lots ! it was so nice yknow and it helped us find our footing .
we just wanted to thank you , even though its kinda been years since then and we don't have it in us to say this off anon .
i hope you guys have been well .
⎯ 🪻🪽
hii! this is fun timing, because i was just reminiscing about ogeeitsme the other day...
wow, im really glad :-] You know, that fictive server is still running and active today ! i'm really glad to hear.. being a system can be very scary when you dont understand it or yourselve/s that much, but everyone gets the hang of it somehow.. im really proud of you :-] thanks for sending this in ! i hope life's been treating you guys ok too
our life has been really hectic and kind of all over the place, but we try <:-]we formed
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ohbeffinitely · 1 year
I absolutely love your work. Your content is always so fulfilling and enjoyable. I've been around since the beginning of your Erasuremic stuff and I have to say your work will never not be relevant to me and many other people. When your posts pop up, whether here or on Twitter or anywhere, I find joy in it, from your incredible art style to how you've supported so many fandoms and brought so many people together. I hope you continue to post your work, no matter what it is ill enjoy it, thank U.
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larabar · 9 months
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!!!!!!!!! tyyy
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lovewithoutresin · 3 months
anon how did you even FIND my little three note posts to bitch in my inbox about them. also could you have potentially talked to me like a human fucking being if you really had concerns about ME of all people (smallest blog IMAGINABLE around here) posting shit instead of insulting me like an asshat. i am not posting that but if you somehow found me by being a mutual or follower kindly fuck off forever <3
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
You deserve the world!!! Ur writing is so good I'm literally gonna explode. I'm wishing you the best lesbian sex comes your way because LORD. your writing makes me nut.😋
this is so sweet and kind and funny thank you so much!!!!
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psychoticwillgraham · 6 months
also after we trolled that preacher, there were two older women walking right in front of us and one of them turned towards me and went ‘we’re not lesbians, but we’re definitely gonna use the ‘im gay’ line to avoid street preachers now, so thank you for that!!’ so yeah, that is a good excuse
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fellhellion · 1 year
I’m sorry I have to speak my truth lmao it’s a little bit hilarious that kingpin is stylistically offered such flourish and creativity, when writing wise he’s so fucking generic.
#another day ANOTHER POST OF ME BEING ANNOYED FUCKINGGGGG KINGPIN IS GIVEN ROOM TO BE A THREE DIMENSIONAL CHARACTER AND AARON GETS SUBTEXT#AND THE CHOICE BETWEEN NEBULOUS VILLAINY AND FAMILY HE LOVES#LIKE IM SORRY BUT EVEN W HALF THE EXPLORATION AARON IS MORE THAN TWICE AS INTERESTING AND YET WE HAVE LIKE. THREE SADMAN KINGPIN MOMENTS#IM SORRY SPIDERVERSE THIS IS THE ONE AREA I THINK WASNT THAT. INTERESTING. GIVEN HOW FRESH AND REVITALISED EVERYTHING ELSE FEELS#LIKE. COULD WE GET JUST A SMIDGE MORE INSIGHT INTO WHAT LED AARON HERE? SO WE KNOW WHAT HE GIVES UP FOR MILES?#LIKE IT WAS ALWAYS GOING TO BE MILES I *LOVE* THAT ITS MILES BUT ITS LIKE#DEVOID OF TENSION BECAUSE WE HAVE ONLY DEVELOPED THE DIMENSION OF AARON IN REGARDS TO HIS FAMILY#LIKE DID HE GET IN TOO DEEP WAS THIS A SECURITY THING HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN HAPPENING WHERE THE PROWLER DOESNT BLINK AT BEING ASKED TO KILL#A CHILD#AGH#tunes talks critical#tunes talks spiderverse#I don’t even dislike kingpin lmao (I don’t rlly think anything of him beyond the fact I’m glad miles kicks his ass) I just think it’s almost#a bit of a waste that stylistically he’s interesting and fun to look at and watch be animated but writing wise he’s so generic#he provides nothing new to the trope motivation he’s embodying#the story his actions set into motion is interesting. the actual character is like. just stylistically interesting execution of a trope that#is just not that emotionally compelling for me. esp when nothing really NEW is being done w it
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
you know, i get really sad a lot. i get so sad and miserable and it's like i'm entirely unable to do anything right. i'm bad, like, i'm a shitty person, and it fucking sucks, y'know? i care about so many people and do my fucking best to talk to them all, to let them know i care, but so many of them tell me often that it doesn't feel that way
i'm not doing enough for them, and it feels awful because even when i'm giving my absolute best, no matter how hard i'm trying, they still feel abandoned and neglected, and i accidentally leave them on read or miss their texts and its fucking awful.
i come on your blog a lot. i spend hours scrolling through because it makes everything feel better. it helps, seeing all these funny little skeletons smiling at me and at each other and being okay and happy. it helps seeing all the birds and the way you tag them and makes me feel okay, your art style is so comforting to look at, the way you color things, and even your sonas
you're a really big comfort blogger for me, your blog gives a sense of safety and softness and it feels like a hug, and i know this is weird coming from an anonymous person, but thank you
you're a really cool person, a really cool guy, and i really hope you know how important you are and how much we care about you
-sad anon
ohhhh ohh anon this is. So nice actually
I’m sorry you get sad cause that fucking sucks man but I get it and I’m glad I could help somehow by just doing my thing :]]
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im2tired4usernames · 6 months
I hate that I literally just do not trust any of the older folks in my family to do right by anyone
#if i have learned anything from my grandparents parents uncles and aunts it's how not to treat children and spouses#i hope I'm a good wife to my wife and that i never put them through pain I've seen people put their partners through#i hope i never treat any children in my life like they do#i hope my possible children my nephews and nieces and my siblings always know they have a home with me#EVEN if I'm mad or disappointed in them#even if they scream how much they hate me i hope they know i love them I'll still feed them and make sure that's safe#i hope the people in my life never have to question of they're loved or safe with me i hope i can provide for them so they never have to go#with out something they need and then some to spoil them i want these people loved#i don't want my daughter to think because she talked back to me or is dating someone in not super found of that I'm goin to throw her away#i hope all the kids in my life always know I will try to take care of them as best i can no matter what#not trusting your elders to love you sucks ass not trusting your partner to love you through the scary bits of life sucks#i know so many men who just leave their spouses or cheat on them when they're wives get cancer#that's one thing I'm glad my dad did everything he could to try to let my mom know he loved hwr when she was here at least#i didn't understand or like some of the things he did but qt least he stayed with her and loved her then#unlike some people I'm regrettably related to#i hwar people at work talk about their spouses also one lady wants her husband to die#and it makes me sad i hope to God. my wife never has to question how much i love them i hope they feel loved and special forever#i hate how people treat the people they say they love the most i hope i am not like that i hope i never ever get like that
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