#global consumption
hussyknee · 1 year
Kind of insane how much y'all hate queer, disabled, mentally ill adults. Especially Black and brown ones.
All this "adults who like X are creepy/ gross/disgusting" is just an excuse to hurt the most systemically vulnerable people and shame them into compliance. Shaming doesn't work on comfortable white people with stable jobs and social lives and the money to buy luxury items– they can just log off and go to a fondue party. So you just go for the people with the least socio-economic protection who depend on online communities and congratulate yourselves on your "activism" and social conscience. Even when your collateral includes people from the same minorities you're "defending".
Western leftism operates on conditional humanity and respectability politics. "We'll give a fuck about you...as long as you behave only in ways we find palatable." When we point out that punitive forms of social control always take us out first and in larger numbers, we're given to understand in no uncertain terms that we are in fact acceptable collateral in your personal social justice hero quests to "punch Nazis", "fuck the US government" and "eat the rich". All just a bunch of hyperindividualistic neoliberals resentful of being robbed of white privilege rooting around the social justice closet for cudgels that suit you.
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angstemperor · 2 months
Does anyone actually care if I finish the research on the agricultural activism posts because there's minimal interactivity outside of what at this point I firmly believe to be 'a mutual's obligation' and if nobody cares enough to read it then I'm not going to push through my burnout to research stuff I already know about and find sources for people
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carolkeiter · 8 months
Grenzbegriff blog ~ Holy Words of Truth
From the first time I read this blog of Phil’s years ago, http://www.grenzbegriff.com/, I had left the tab open for a very long time. I recently rediscovered it, and frankly, have done the same. I feel that his words are so powerful, because they so eloquently and incisively speak the truth. The message is a clearer, stronger and nearer the truth ~ holy ~ More so than anything I’ve read,…
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
its just weird bc with energy usage or whatever, we recognise that telling someone to turn the lights off and not overfill the kettle is a distraction from the unfettered consumption of big industry etc, but when it comes to food suddenly you people are like no no it’s the consumption of tofu that is the real issue here!! I’m so sick and tired of this debate because whether or not you eat meat, as leftists and as people with any care for the environment, we should be united in recognising the harms of industrial animal agriculture.  and at a certain point the choices of foods to get mad at in particular start to just come off like an appropriate outlet for your discomfort over someone else eating differently to you. why is it always soy and quinoa and never corn and wheat?? at a certain point you have to acknowledge that all of us consume plant products, and vegans/vegetarians are a very small proportion of that. plant agriculture is perhaps as ethically and environmentally fraught as animal agriculture, but that means we should desire to improve both, rather than NEITHER
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detonizing · 2 years
Rules Update!
Sometimes I will use Japanese words in my reply. Just words like sensei (teacher), senpai (upperclassman), or adding “-san” etc. after names. 
This is because I believe the way someone calls another is an important part of characterization. Especially with Katsuki. 
If this bothers you, or if you find this ‘cringe’, do not rp with me
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dpskampteeroad · 1 year
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International Plastic Bag Free Day | Plastics give a helping hand, but they are polluting our land!
This day symbolizes the significance of taking small steps in refusing plastic bags, which can contribute to monumental leaps for our beautiful, clean, and green environment. By choosing reusable alternatives and raising awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags, we empower ourselves to make a positive impact.
International Plastic Bag Free Day
DPS Kamptee Road Nagpur 
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hussyknee · 1 year
Def a good idea to delete theculturedmarxist’s stuff, he’s also a big-time propagandist/genocide denier type. It sucks that some tankies have gotten bigger platforms recently by strike blogging.
But yeah the banana thing is insane, I *think* the original poster was using it as an example of the fact that a more just society in the US is necessarily going to be a less convenient one because convenience often comes at the expense of (domestic and international) labor exploitation, and “non-domestic crops being available year-round” is an example of a luxury that came out of said exploitation, which is A Point (though I might’ve picked something like Amazon same-day delivery to argue it…)
But then people ran with it and made it about either How Do We Stop Big Banana Through Socialism or Here’s How Bananas Can Still Win. Both at the dehumanizing expense of now-theoretical Latin American laborers of course 🙃
Oh shit that's what's happening? Tankies coasting in on strike blogging?? Gdi.
Yeah I think that was the original point too. The thing is, that US leftists keep centering US consumer demand in everything, like the entire system of global labour and resource exploitation by multinational conglomerates, aided and abetted by the IMF and World Bank and the entire colonial power matrix, can be solved by yelling at enough people about their consumption. For people who are so obsessed with class, it seems to consistently escape them that Global North consumers are also exploited and disempowered by the same oligopolies and monopolies that pay producers pennies on the dollar and sell for prices that smaller and entry-level companies can't compete with. Even as an example, bananas in the US are priced way lower than what's profitable, just to keep a monopoly of consumers. And because so many companies in the West don't pay working class people a fair wage, they have to consume the cheapest, most convenient food stuffs. So when you talk about people reducing consumption of bananas, you're asking people dependent on the cheapest nutrient sources to bear the biggest loss.
This is exactly what we mean by "no ethical consumption under capitalism". It doesn't mean we give up on the entire issue, it means that the systems of production cannot be manipulated by consumer boycotts and individual ethics. Even if one product was taken off the shelves, whatever supplanted it would be just as unethical for some group of people. It means that the solutions need to be implemented top-down, not bottom up. Global North governments need to better regulate corporate behaviour, prioritise the well-being of workers and ecological chains involving production and transport, prevent monopolies by regulating prices, and encourage and incentivize local food supply networks. And also, as some from Colombia said in a reblog about the cocaine industry, economic stress must be taken off developing nations by forgiving their IMF and World Bank loans so that they can invest the profits from their export industries in reforming agriculture and social welfare systems.
I literally do not understand why, when people directly impacted by these conditions have clear and cohesive demands and action plans, Western liberals and leftists need to come up with these completely abstract, impractical, ego-centric bullshit to create endless discourse over. They don't actually care about engaging with activists, grassroots organizations and unions in the Global South, because that involves interrogating their own paternalism, privilege and bias, and narrows the scope for the clout-chasing dunk economy.
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slechterick · 1 year
genuinely starting to wonder if tumblr could've reached financial stability already if they didn't invest time and resources into developing and distributing features that literally nobody asked for and instead focused on garnering goodwill from the existing userbase so that they'd be comfortable giving money to the website
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technotale · 2 years
Sensor Fusion Market to Witness Robust Expansion Throughout the Forecast Period 2022 -2028
The act of merging data from several sensors to obtain more accurate and trustworthy information is known as sensor fusion. Sensor fusion is critical in the context of autonomous cars since it allows the vehicle to "see" and understand its surroundings. Sensors aboard the vehicle capture data about the surrounding environment, which is then aggregated and processed to provide a more comprehensive and accurate depiction of the world around the car. Sensor fusion algorithms examine and interpret sensor data using advanced techniques such as machine learning and computer vision.
The advantages of sensor fusion extend beyond self-driving cars. Sensor fusion, for example, can be utilised in industrial settings to monitor equipment and predict maintenance needs. By merging information from several sensors, Anomalies can be identified, and probable failures can be forecast. Sensor fusion in healthcare can be used to improve patient care by merging data from numerous medical equipment, providing a more complete picture of a patient's health. Sensor fusion technology is constantly improving, and its applications are numerous.
While sensor fusion technology has many advantages, it is not without its drawbacks. One key challenge is the requirement for precise sensor calibration. Each sensor has advantages and disadvantages, and combining their data necessitates a thorough grasp of their distinct properties. Furthermore, the massive volume of data collected by various sensors necessitates a substantial amount of computer capacity to interpret and evaluate. Yet, as technology advances, sensor fusion is becoming more accessible and will definitely continue to play an important role in many industries.
Read more@ https://techinforite.blogspot.com/2023/02/global-sensor-fusion-market-by.html
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unforth · 3 months
Y'all I know that when so-called AI generates ridiculous results it's hilarious and I find it as funny as the next guy but I NEED y'all to remember that every single time an AI answer is generated it uses 5x as much energy as a conventional websearch and burns through 10 ml of water. FOR EVERY ANSWER. Each big llm is equal to 300,000 kiligrams of carbon dioxide emissions.
LLMs are killing the environment, and when we generate answers for the lolz we're still contributing to it.
Stop using it. Stop using it for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. We need to kill it.
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klimanaturali · 16 days
Os Países Que Lideram o Consumo de Pornografia no Mundo
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mexfeld · 20 days
I think I genuinely might hate online leftism.
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The Second Golden Age of Audio: The Rise of Podcasts
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Podcasts might bring to mind the nostalgia of yesteryear’s radio, but they have undeniably ushered in what many are calling the second golden age of audio. Since their inception, podcasts have evolved from niche hobbyist projects to mainstream media platforms, capturing the imaginations of millions. This surge in popularity, particularly noticeable after 2014, can be attributed to the rapid advancements in technology and the pervasive reach of the Internet. Today, people of all ages and from all corners of the globe are hooked on podcasts, finding them a convenient and engaging way to seek information, entertainment, and education.
The Evolution of Podcasts
The term "podcast" was coined in 2004, blending "iPod" and "broadcast." However, it wasn't until the technological advancements of the mid-2010s that podcasts truly began to flourish. The proliferation of smartphones, improvements in mobile internet speeds, and the development of user-friendly podcast apps contributed significantly to this boom.
Laptops and Mobile Phones: These devices have become the primary means through which people consume podcasts. With the advent of more powerful and affordable smartphones, access to podcasts became more widespread. Users can now listen to their favorite shows on the go, whether during a commute, workout, or while doing household chores.
Apps and Streaming Services: The rise of platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and other dedicated podcast apps has made discovering and subscribing to podcasts easier than ever. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, personalized recommendations, and seamless integration with other media services.
Other Technologies: Smart speakers and voice-activated assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home, have further expanded the accessibility of podcasts. These devices allow users to play episodes with simple voice commands, integrating podcasts into their daily routines effortlessly.
The Growing Popularity of Podcasts
As technology made podcasts more accessible, people's habits and preferences began to shift. The Internet's ubiquitous presence has fundamentally changed how we seek and consume information. Here are some factors contributing to the exponential rise in podcast popularity:
Convenience and Flexibility: Podcasts offer unparalleled convenience. Unlike traditional radio or TV, podcasts can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Listeners can choose from a vast array of topics and genres, fitting their consumption around their own schedules. This flexibility has made podcasts a favorite medium for multitaskers.
Diverse Content: The podcasting world is incredibly diverse. There are shows covering virtually every topic imaginable, from true crime and history to science fiction and self-improvement. This diversity caters to a wide range of interests, ensuring there is something for everyone.
Engagement and Connection: Podcasts create a unique sense of intimacy and connection between hosts and listeners. The audio format allows for personal storytelling and in-depth discussions, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust. This engagement is often more profound than what other media formats can offer.
Educational Value: Many podcasts provide educational content, making learning accessible and enjoyable. From language learning podcasts to deep dives into academic subjects, podcasts have become a valuable tool for lifelong learning.
Community Building: Podcasts often build dedicated communities of listeners who share common interests. This sense of community is reinforced through social media interactions, live events, and listener participation segments, further enhancing the podcast experience.
The Impact of Podcasts on Information Seeking Habits
The rise of podcasts has significantly influenced how people seek information and entertainment. Here are some key ways in which podcasts have reshaped these habits:
On-Demand Information: The on-demand nature of podcasts aligns with modern information-seeking habits. People are no longer bound by broadcast schedules; they can access the information they want, when they want it. This immediacy has changed expectations for content consumption.
Multitasking: Podcasts have become the go-to medium for multitaskers. Whether driving, exercising, or cooking, people can absorb content while engaged in other activities. This ability to multitask has expanded the time available for learning and entertainment.
Personalization: Podcast platforms use algorithms to recommend shows based on listening history, making it easier for users to discover new content tailored to their preferences. This personalization enhances the user experience and encourages continued engagement.
Depth and Detail: Unlike traditional media, podcasts often delve deep into subjects, providing detailed analysis and long-form discussions. This depth of content appeals to those seeking a more comprehensive understanding of a topic.
The Future of Podcasts
The future of podcasts looks incredibly promising. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the ways in which we create and consume audio content. Here are some trends and developments to watch for in the coming years:
Continued Technological Advancements: Advances in AI and machine learning will likely improve podcast recommendations and discoverability. Enhanced voice recognition technology will make interacting with podcasts even more seamless.
Monetization and Professionalization: As the industry grows, more opportunities for monetization will emerge. This could lead to higher production values and more professionally produced content, attracting even larger audiences.
Interactive Podcasts: The future might see the rise of interactive podcasts, where listeners can influence the direction of the content in real-time, creating a more engaging and participatory experience.
Global Reach: Podcasts are already popular worldwide, but as internet access improves in developing regions, their reach will expand even further. This global audience will bring new voices and perspectives to the medium.
Integration with Other Media: Podcasts are increasingly being integrated with other forms of media, such as video and social media platforms. This cross-media integration will create new ways for audiences to engage with content.
Podcasts have undeniably ushered in a second golden age of audio, transforming how we seek information, entertainment, and education. The combination of technological advancements and shifting consumer habits has propelled podcasts to unprecedented popularity. With their convenience, diverse content, and unique ability to engage listeners, podcasts are here to stay. As we look to the future, the podcasting landscape will continue to evolve, offering even more innovative and immersive experiences for audiences around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned listener or just discovering the medium, there has never been a better time to dive into the world of podcasts.
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marklakshmanan · 2 months
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rocknroll2024 · 3 months
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Great job everyone on this project!!!🤠🎬🎥🎸��🎵🌎🇺🇸
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