#gn incubus x human
monsterfloofs · 2 years
Cirrus (Concubus) x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
Part IV
(Well! Here we are! This has been a big journey for me oh my gosh! I don't think I have ever wrote some this long! The story is almost 9,000 words, I am so proud of myself! There is more angst in this section! There's a lot that needs to be explained here, and I hope I did it justice! TW for light mentions of trauma, some issues with bodily dissassociation and displaying trauma responces and anxiety! But it does resolve sweetly at the end! And things are looking up to healing and a better future. ^-^ )9
Part I ○♡○ Part II ○♡○ Part III
You sat at home, Serina curled up on the back of the couch while you ate a simple dinner.
Thinking back to all the things Vivian had chatted with you at the coffee shop. Trying to make a plan to stick to when you face the demon. You rehearsed what you wanted to say to Cirrus, all night and all next morning. The speeches you wanted to say, the daring things you hoped you would be able to convey. You walked to the library early, your mind worrying at the outcome and wanted to approach them before you found yourself backing away from the idea.
You ran into Cirrus into the hallway of the basement level, right outside their workshop. The demon stiffens as they notice you.
"Can I talk with you?"
Cirrus tries to walk around you, but you shift to block their path, holding up a hand.
Your eyes meet theirs, keeping your gaze steady, Cirrus looks away and gestures towards their workroom silently.
You rest your hands on your knees sitting in a chair Cirrus provided you. Amongst the books and paper of their work. The silence was awkward and filled up every crevice of the room with a suffocating tightness.
"You knew. . . I liked you." You began, "Why. . . didn't you say something?" It wasn’t what you had expected yourself to say. It wasn’t one of the many options you had pep talked yourself on. Revved up on Vivian’s fiestyness, you had felt that you should be bold, tell Cirrus that they had treated you wrongly. Ask for an explanation of why they had acted the way they did.
Cirrus leans against one of their many work tables, their forehead crinkling.
". . .I owe you an apology first and foremost.”
Cirrus gives a slow sigh, taking off their glasses and folding them neatly before setting them beside the table. Your head bobs up in surprise.
“When you arrived at the bar I was. . . flummoxed. You turned up suddenly, and I was not prepared to see you there. I had all intent to attempt to avoid you while you were visiting, then Vivian appeared I panicked. It felt as if the image I had been carefully curating for years, broke into a thousand bloody shards. I never wanted you to see me in such a place, and if it wasn’t for. . . what I am, I would never choose to step foot inside.”
“I am sorry, I am not following. What do you mean?”
“I do not particularly enjoy what I am.” They respond quietly. “It comes with a lot of strings attached. Especially in the subject of trusting others with such an intimate part of myself. Despite how frustrating Vivian and the others are, I envy them. I really do. They are brave enough to wear their hearts on their sleeves. To experience love and loss and be their true selves.” Cirrus crosses their arms, tipping their head to the side and closing their eyes.
“I can’t follow in their footsteps. . . I have tried. I have tried to be physically open with strangers and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can’t bring myself to do such acts, even if I’m starving.” Their mouth twists into a rueful smile. “It’s. . . shameful. A creature that needs sexual energy to survive. . . and yet. Yet it turns my stomach sour. I become nauseous and anxiety ridden just thinking about it. I don’t know anything about them. So how could I even think to lower my guard around someone I don’t even know. So that is why I work at that bar. Because if I did not work there, I do not think I would be able to carry on as long as I have.”
You were hanging onto their every word, focused on the demon. You watched Cirrus’ slender shoulders shift as they sigh.
“And then you came along. Cheerfully stubborn, a walking disaster on two legs.” They give a short huff of laughter. “Whatever the world throws at you, you bounce back. You dust yourself off and laugh.” The faint smile that had been playing upon their lips falters and disappears. “I like you too. I do. But it’s selfish of me to want, and yearn, so I did my best to keep you at arm's length. What else could I do? I rarely want to face the truth of who I am when I am alone. Thinking about sharing this, this ailment? This divergence of thinking, that has me battling against the very nature of my design? It would be sending you down into my own struggles and problems if I let you get closer. And I know you. You would try to shoulder my pain, and that is something I would regret with every ounce of my being.”
You take a deep breath, nudging the toe of your shoe against the carpeted floor. “I don’t think that’s an ailment. . . to me it sounds like well being different. Having a different mind, a different comfort zone, and there’s nothing wrong with that. . . Wanting to know you can trust a person, before you let yourself fall? That’s something that I can relate to a lot. But I don’t think I could ever fathom the pain you’ve had to deal with by the added weight and uncomfortableness that you had to fight through to just be yourself.” You take another shaky breath and nod.
“It is so hard, especially when you feel like your body and mind is going in two different directions. You think something is wrong with you, like you’re a sicko or, you start to hate yourself and—“ You cut yourself off as you find Cirrus watching you.
“D-did I s-say too much?”
“N. . . no. . .” Cirrus’ voice a faint whisper. “I would appreciate it if you told me more.”
You blink, taken aback before giving a nervous smile. “A-ah. . . w-well. . .“ You’re shoulders shrug. "Well, knowing what I know right now about myself— My brain doesn’t formulate intimate attraction easily, I have to. . . y’know. Like you said, know somebody for a while. Before I started to read about other peoples experiences with different sexualities and stuff. . . I used to kind of hate myself for that. I couldn’t really feel attraction towards people, but yet I would still get these intrusive feelings, or thoughts, and I did really feel like there was something really wrong with me.“
You notice Cirrus’ hands clenched tightly on the table, knuckles turning pale.
“B-but it’s not! And you’re not! When I started to research and poke around, there’s a whole range of sexualities where you experience different levels of attraction or libido and they work individually and differently for everyone. I th-think it’s a wonderful thing! Now I can say hey! I have these traits and I may feel this, but I have to have xyz thing, before I feel comfortable with having a partner. There’s nothing wrong with that, I promise.”
The words that had spilled out of you had run dry, catching a glimpse of Cirrus’ head down, their long white bangs hiding their face from view. But tremors raced up and down their form.
“Like you’re broken?” Their voice stuttered with a tight and throaty tone, “Like your very being was at odds with itself?”
The back of your neck tingled as goosebumps raced over your arms and you nodded slowly. “Y-yeah. . . It d-does feel like that. . .” You stared at them with a growing concern.
Cirrus put a hand over their forehead, forcing out a bitter laugh.
“Wonderful. Just wonderful. Now I understand. How could I have been so blind?”
“That's why I took this form!” The body jerks upright, hands shook as they gestured to themselves emphatically. “I wanted to be as non-descript as possible! I didn’t want to be seen! I didn’t wanted to be someone people judged just by appearance! Knowing what I am and making assumptions! I just wanted to be seen as me! Alone! And yet I can’t survive by starving myself indefinitely!” They snarled, grabbing a fistful of their white hair and pushing it back out of their face. They grit their teeth, as tears slip down their cheek.
You sit rooted in your chair, your heart beating a fast tempo in your throat.
“I need. A moment.” Cirrus' voice shook as they pushed themselves off the countertop. “I need some time to myself.”
“W-would you like um. . . m-me to make you some tea?”
They stood with their hands pressed to their face, breathing deeply to calm their nerves. They shakily intertwine their fingers, forehead resting against the knuckles. “. . . th-that would be nice a-actually.”
You scurry out the door without a sound of affirmation leaving your lips, hopping up the stairs two at a time before reaching a library desk.
“C-can I use the break room to make some tea? I think the Grimoire Conservator is having an anxiety attack!”
The goblin at the service desk looks up, freezing at their desk before hurriedly setting down their paperwork.
“Thank you—“ You huff as you hurry after them.
You stand at the threshold of the door, cup in hand hesitating if you should go back inside or give them more time to themselves.
Great job dummy, you were trying to comfort them and try to understand where they were coming from. . . not give them a panic attack.
You take your free hand, wafting it back and forth to dissipate the dark thoughts that want to crowd your mind. You take in a counted breath before your knuckles rap gently upon the door.
You step back as the door opens, “You don’t have to knock.”
“I didn’t know if you wanted me to come in yet or not. . .” You look Cirrus up and down, “Do you. . . want to talk about it?”
They look weary, “Not right now. . . I. . . don’t think I can stomach much more of that kind of discussion right now.”
You hold your arms open wide. “. . . Would you like a hug. . . ?”
Cirrus watches you, a short lived smile twitching across their face. “Perhaps after we set the tea down.”
You look at your hand before handing you the cup. “Ahah- s—“
You blink as they take the cup and wrap their arms around you. You stay like that in the hallway. And the world is quiet. You tilt your head, your arms tightening around them as you feel teardrops patter onto your shoulder.
There’s frost upon the windows as you step outside, the prisms look like little rainbow diamonds scattered across the living room.
"It's about a couple weeks now since me and Cirrus had that heart to heart," You say to Serina as you check your pockets to make sure you have your essentials before heading out the door. She's basking on top of a heating vent, the tip of her tail swishing in a slow casual curl.
"But, I really feel like Cirrus is a lot happier now than they were before." You continue on despite the cat's silence, "I am really happy for them. Some days are harder than others to be sure, but overall. . . they really seem like they are beginning to embrace their differences."
Serina stares at you, and you laugh, "I'll be careful, I promise! I'm. . . really, really excited actually. We're going out to see a movie. Does this count as our first date? I don't know! But wish me luck, okay?"
Rina's ears go back, closing her eyes to softly meow at you. You beam, blinking slowly at her before opening the door to your house and stepping outside.
"Heya!" You shoot your hand up and wave at the entity standing at your side walk. Cirrus was wearing a simple black pea coat, and holding another coat under their arm.
“You forgot your coat, at my house.” You beam as you hopped down the stairs to reach Cirrus, “Do you think it’s really that cold?”
They huff softly as they bundle you into it, “No. But you can’t be too careful.”
“Oh! By the way! I think Serina really likes you! I noticed she was curled up in your lap the whole time you were visiting!”
“That’s nice dear,” Cirrus responded, “She was telling me she would find a way to disembowel me with a spoon, even if she doesn’t have opposable thumbs.”
Your face falls, pulling back the beanie that Cirrus had snugged down over your ears.
“Oh. . . Rina. . .”
“She was however purring the whole time, so I do feel as if I have received conflicted messages."
You throw your head back and groan dramatically as Cirrus gives an amused smile.
“That darn cat! I told her not to threaten you! Gee whiz! I am going to have a talk with her when I get home."
“She loves you dearly,” Cirrus remarks calmly. “I think it is safe to say she is very protective of you.”
You pause tumbling those words over in your head. You feign a skeptical grin. “That’s only because you haven’t known her as long as I have. "She threatened to eat my nose once,"
Cirrus cocks an eyebrow. ". . . only once?"
You snicker with laughter and give them a playful shove. "So where are you taking me? Are we going to neon light central?
Cirrus snorts openly at your coined term and the mention of the concubus bar. "Certainly not. Vivan would be breathing down our necks as soon as we walked in. That woman is feral."
"She's not that bad!"
Cirrus looked doubtful, "She typically says hello to me. . . by putting me in a headlock. There is nothing sane about that."
"Speaking of the bar. . . are you sure about putting in your resignation? I know that place stresses the heck out of you but. . ."
"I've already done it."
Your eyes widen, "A-already?!"
Cirrus nods, their tone matter-of-fact, "Yes. Before I came to your house. I am not worried about it, in any case."
Cirrus turns to you, gently cupping your chin in their hand, and giving you a kiss on the forehead. You freeze in place as they pull back, the faintest of playful smiles on their lips.
"Yes. . . I do believe I will be just fine without working there."
You feel your face burn, ears puffing out a short plume of steam. Then you hear laughter, a burst of happy and lighthearted laughter, as Cirrus squeezes your shoulder.
You've never heard Cirrus laugh before, and you hope you can make them laugh at least one hundred times over before the day is done.
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Thank you for reading until the very end!♡
Enjoy what I write? I have a tip jar!ヽ(*ᵔ▿ᵔ)ノ
I also have art and writting commissions open!
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running-with-kn1ves · 7 months
 Masterlist~~ (OG Work)
ADVISATORY WARNING: This list potentially deals with yandere behavior, violence, death, non/dub-con, NSFT, etc.! Please read at your own risk.
Male love interest
Yandere! Killer Clown X Reader
Yandere Boyfriend X Insecure! Reader
Photographer X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Photographer X Reader
Masked Intruder X Reader l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 2 l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 3
Virgin! Best friend X Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere Masochist X Reader (NSFT!)
(NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend X Reader l (NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend Pt.2 (Valentines day) X Reader
Yandere Best Friend X GN Virgin! Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere X Amnesiac! GN Reader
Cannibal X Reader l Cannibal X Reader pt. 2
Rich! Husband X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Possessive Delinquent X Reader l Possessive Delinquent X Reader Pt. 2 l Possessive Delinquent X Reader pt. 3
Secret Admirer X Reader l Secret Admirer X Reader Pt. 2
Childhood Friend! X Reader
Yandere Soulmate! X Reader
Male! Yandere x Servant Reader (Drabble)
Christmas Intruder X Reader
Orc Tribal Leader X Reader
Manticore X Reader
Doll X Reader
Elf(Cirdan) X Reader
Elf (Cirdan) X Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Satyr God X Human Reader
Satyr X Human Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Elf Lord X Entertainer! Reader
Orc X Guard! Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader Pt. 2
Naga X Reader
Naga X Reader Pt. 2
Werewolf Boyfriend X Reader
Incubus X Human Reader
Alien X Reader
Alien X Reader (Pt.2)
Wraith X Reader
Mothman X Reader
Plant Creature X Reader
Shapeshifter X Reader
Symbiote Armor X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Mermaid X Reader
Female love interest
Baroness X Maid! Reader
CEO X Reader l CEOX Reader Pt. 2 l CEO X Reader Pt. 3 l CEO X Reader Anniversary l CEO X Reader Drabble
(NSFT!) Kidnapper (Maeve)X Fem! Reader
Dark Fae X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Cat Girl X Reader
Nymphs X Reader
Drider X Reader
Medusa X Blind! Reader
Lycan Gangster X Reader
Lamia X Reader (NSFT!)
AFAB! Reader
Ex-husband X Pregnant Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Robot X Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AFAB
AMAB! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AMAB
Male + Female Love Interest
Incubus + Succubus X Reader
Male! Yandere X GN Reader X Female! Yandere
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moonchild9350 · 11 days
Spooktober 2024 Masterlist
Hi hi! Below are the fics that will be released for my first ever spooktober. I will release two fics a week, except for the week of Halloween in which I will release only one on the day of honor. I decided to delve into our deepest psych/horrors since it's spooky time. Specific warnings are listed on the actual fic once released. I'm super excited and hope y'all are too ♡
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Summary: You're an avid horror fan looking for a thrill. Your boyfriend, Chan, tells you about a house in town that is supposedly haunted. You both decide to explore the house, but you may get more than you bargained for.
Pairing: Chan x fab reader, OT8
Genre: horror, smut
Fate Within the Depths of the Sea
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Summary: Minho is saved by you, a siren, while out at sea. It seems like your fate is intertwined as you both fall in love. However, fate never seems to work out for a pair of star crossed lovers.
Pairing: Minho x Siren gn reader
Genre: angst, smut
Lost in a Dream
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Summary: We all love to dream, to escape into a fantasy world. You find yourself trapped in the land of the fairies, searching for a way home. You meet a fairy, Changbin, who can help you find your way back home. But, you soon realize even dreams come with a cost.
Pairing: Fairy Changbin x fab reader
Genre: psychological thriller, angst, smut
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Summary: In a world where vampires and humans coexist, albiet not peacefully, you come to realize everything is not as it seems after meeting Hyunjin
Pairing: Vampire Hyunjin x fab reader
Genre: thriller, fluff, smut
Three Wishes
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Summary: You find a vessel one day and unsure of what is it, you take it home. Later, the being within informs you that you get three wishes only to change your fate forever. But, there's no warning to tell you to be careful what you wish for...
Pairing: Genie Jisung x gn reader
Genre: psychological thriller, angst
Chosen One
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Summary: You are Felix's chosen one. The one he is supposed to keep safe throughout your tumultuous life. He's never put much stock into mortal beings, but that changes once he gets another chance encounter with you.
Pairing: Angel Felix x fab reader
Genre: fantasy au, angst, fluff, smut
Spell for Love
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Summary: You were given a familiar, Seungmin, long ago to help guide you in your spiritual practice as a witch. Seungmin is your everything, both of you being destined to fall for each other. However, fate has other plans as there's chaos when you both break the rules with your love.
Pairing: Familiar Seungmin x witch reader
Genre: thriller, fluff, angst, smut
I'll See you in Your Dreams
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Summary: You and your friend find a store selling interesting wares, leading you to buy an ancient tome. Inside the tome, there is a section where you can fill out your deepest desires and they will supposedly come true. You eagerly fill it out only to come face to face with nothing but your wildest dreams.
Pairing: Incubus Jeongin x fab reader
Genre: Smut
Annddddd last but not least the suprise collab fic with @jeonginsleftcheek.
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aqwnstars · 1 year
Incubus!Scaramouche x GN (Afab) Reader
Pronouns used: You, yours.
CW: Dacryphilia, breeding (consentual), fingering, degrading (use of 'whore' 'slut' etc.) , reader is a virgin
(Dm me if I've missed any!)
Word count: 2.7k
<3 Hi hi!! I finally decided to post something, and what better way to start it off than with a bang (HAHA LITERALLY SIDNDN (im so funny))
nsfw under the cut!!
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Fleeting desires
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It was an oddly quiet night at the bustling city you lived in as you walked home from the get together your work colleagues put together. You felt a bit tipsy as you walked, but still had your guard up for anything suspicious going on. Your pace quickened as you got an unnerving feeling in your bones, as if someone was watching you.
After a terrifying 10 minutes of walking you finally made it outside of your apartment, you took your keys out, putting it in the lock before you felt a hot breath against your neck. You shudder at the feeling as you quickly turn around, your sight being met with a short man with horns and a tail.
"Oh, your reactions are priceless, human." The incubus, from what you figured sneered at you, licking his lips seductively. You could feel your body getting hotter from the mere seconds you've spent around him.
"W-who are you?!" You stutter, blinking as you feel yourself getting turned on just by looking at him, prompting you to look away. "Keep your eyes on me, lowly creature." He demanded, and you couldn't help but obey his orders. "Hm, you're quick to obey orders, I like that." He commented, his voice becoming raspy and low.
"How about I give you the best experience of your life, and you give me your.. energy, hm?" He says, stepping closer to you, oh how inviting his voice was. "S-sure-- L-let me just--" You mumble, unable to bring yourself to resist him as you unlocked the door and let him in. As the two of you walk to your bedroom he suddenly grabs your hand, pulling you into a kiss, making you yelp in surprise. He took advantage of your open mouth as he slid his tongue in, swirling and exploring your mouth. His kisses seemed desperate and needy, as if he was starving to touch someone. You whimpered as he finally pulled away, a string of saliva connecting you as he does so. "I'll like this more than I thought I would." He said, chuckling before pulling off your top.
The cold night air hit your chest as he threw your top somewhere behind, his deep indigo eyes only focusing on you, as if he's a predator watching his next meal, which in a way is true. He didn't waste an extra second before his lips were all over your neck, reaching down to your collarbone as he licked all over your skin, relishing in the slightly salty taste of your skin.
A groan left his mouth as he bit into your sensitive flesh, sucking and licking at it for a few seconds before pulling away, admiring his work with a smug look on his face. The look in his eyes made your legs pudding as you sat down on your soft bed, your fingers gribbing the bedsheets as an attempt of calming yourself as you looked up at him.
"The desprate look in your eyes, it's so charming, but so pathetic." He mocked you, yet you couldn't help but feel shivers on your skin at his words. You mumbled something quietly, your eyes looking at your thighs in shame.
"Oh, come on, you surely aren't hurt by my words dear?" His voice was calmer and softer than the previous time he spoke, as if he's trying to comfort you, the look in his eyes said otherwise though. You shake your head, biting your lip before speaking more clearly; "P.. please touch me." You say weakly, but his eyes just lit up with lust and need.
He stepped closer to you, and another step, and another until he stood right in front of you. He climbed the bed, placing his knee between your thighs and spreading them as he started to crawl on the bed, his voice was low and seductive as he whispered onto your neck,
"Beg for me to fuck you.." He smirked before biting and sucking at your nape, making a gasp of pleasure leave your lips.
"Plead for me to pound my incubus cum into you, to make you my personal whore, hm?" He pulled away from your neck, looking at you, his eyes looked so beautiful under the moon's light, they shined with the desire and need to feel your body. You felt your skin shiver at his glare, gulping your pride away as you spoke.
"P-please fuck me dumb.." You looked away, feeling your dignity die within your soul, yet he just shook his head "Not enough. I need you to beg."
You sighed, ultimately deciding your pride is worthless compared to the demon on top of you. You tilt your head towards his as you spoke: "I..I need you so bad, p-please.. I want your cum f-filling my insides..!!"
You exclaimed, almost loudly. You closed your eyes, feeling your cheeks become redder by the second.
Scaramouche nods proudly before speaking, his tail touching the inside of your thighs, going up and down.
"Still shy, but I'll make you into my personal bitch in heat, don't you worry." He laughs as he takes your chin, forcing you to look at him as you open your eyes.
"I'll fuck you until your mind goes blank, the only thought on your dumbfucked mind will be my cock, my cum and me." He said smugly, a confident and possessive tone in his voice, rather out of character for an incubus. His lips curled into a smirk as he licked your lips, forcing his way in as he kissed you, his hands roaming across your body, touching every curve on your body as you moaned in the kiss.
He pulled away swiftly, looking at the desprate lust in your eyes as you let out a quiet whine. His hands placed themselves on your hips as he grinded his knee to your clothed clit, making you gasp in surprise that quickly turned into moans of pleasure.
He loved seeing you get so worked up over just grinding on his knee, you didn't even realize it but he stopped moving. You close your eyes as you whined loudly, your hips moving by themselves to grind harder on his knee.
"Look at you, already so pathetic for me and I didn't even do a thing to you."
He laughed audibly, but it felt as if you couldn't hear him as you moaned, right before he removed his knee that is.
"H-hey?! Wh-why'd you do that?"
You ask, pouting at him as he repositioned himself, taking your legs and putting them around his waist, bringing you closer to him. "Shut up slut." He scoffed, before smirking at your reddened face. You obviously weren't used to being degraded, but hearing his voice call you disgusting and degrading things was so arousing to you. You didn't know how Scaramouche knew exactly the things he needed to do and say to get you off, but he exceeded any expectations you've had for him.
His fingers grip at your pants, quickly pulling them off as you snap back into reality. Scaramouche stared at your underwear which has wet spots on it, his tail flicked in delight as he pressed his index finger on your clothed clit, swirling around it, making you squirm and whine.
From all the humans he's fucked throughout the 500 years he has been alive, he never saw one this desprate for him, this obsessed over his touch. His cold heart felt warmer by how many noises you make just by him teasing you with one finger. It almost makes him think you're a virgin, well if you were it'd be better for him.
He removed his finger which resulted in you whining from the loss of pleasure. "No need to whine so much, I know how desprate you are, and I get it." He laughed brfore he grabbed your underwear, swiftly pulling it off and throwing it on the floor.
His indigo eyes looked as if they were glowing in the dark as he spread your legs, revealing your dripping and wet cunt. His lips curled into a smirk at the sight of your body showing it's desperation for his touch.
He hadn't even user any charm powers on you, oh no this was all your desire. "You're so wet for me, I didn't even have to use any spells or charms, you're just a slut huh?"
He laughed, using his finger to stimulate your clit before inserting his middle finger in, your gummy walls stretching around it. Soft and quiet moans left your lips as he started thrusting his finger in, the wet noises that were coming from your pussy were so loud as he added his ring finger in.
"Do you feel my fingers stretching your hole?" He asked, his hot breath against your neck, making you shudder in pleasure. You nod, not trusting your tongue to do anything but moan and babble nonsense.
He smirked at the lack of audible response he got, quickly pulling out his fingers before taking your face, tilting your head to him. "Speak. I didn't understand you, human." His indigo eyes looked at you with full attention, his sharp canines showing with the smirk that was on his lips.
"Y-yes I feel your fingers s-stretching my hole.." You stutter, looking away from him in shame but he just scoffed; "Look at me when you speak." You took in a breath as you look at him, repeating yourself.
"Good bitch." He laughed as he lowered his head down on your neck, his warm tongue swirling on it before he sunk his teeth in as he inserted his fingers in and out of you again. You tilt your head back as you moan, feeling a knot form in your stomach, your legs were shaking as you whined loudly.
"I-i'm gonna cum!!" You whine loudly, tears falling from yohr eyes as you close them. The demon smiled at you, though you couldn't see it. He removed his lips from your neck before licking your tears, starting from your chin ending near your eyes.
You looked so pretty to him, though he'd never tell you that. Your cheeks red, tears shiny and glossy from your tears. How loud you moaned for him? He loved everything about this new human of his. That's right, you're now his human.
"Do you wanna cum, hm? You wanna break all over my fingers, like a whore?"
He spoke smugly, the smirk on his face never disappearing. You nodded your head up and down, your voice stuttering; "Y-yes! I wanna cum so badly, p-please!!"
"I'll allow you to cum if you tell me who owns you, pathetic human~" He purred into your ear as his fingers stopped.
You couldn't resist anything, it was him we're talking about after all.
"I-i'm yours, a-and you own me!! P-please let me cum!!" You whined, your knuckles turning white as you gripped the bedsheets harshly. He finally obliged, thrusting his fingers again. "I own you, hm?" His voice was raspy and loe as he continued; "Cum for me, cum for your master." Your walls clenched around his fingers as you quickly came undone, the know in your stomach snapping as you scream in pleasure.
Your body twitched as you fell onto your back, short pants leaving your lips as you try to catch your breath. Scaramouche pulled his fingers out, bringing them to his lips and licking them clean, a soft moan leaving his lips due to the sweet taste. You were so intoxicating to him, he doesn't think he can simply leave you after this ordeal, not when you're this sweet and adorable for him.
Your eyes look at him before quickly looking away, too embarrassed to see how he was licking his fingers, your eyes dart to his shorts, more speficically the tent in them. Eyes widening, you feel yourself getting turned on again, the thought of you, a lowly human making an incubus so needy for you?
Everything felt like a blur, you don't even remember how quickly Scaramouche took off his shorts, and how quickly he started to thrust into you. You're too drunk on his cock to think about anything clearly. Your voice was sore as you moaned, nails digging into his back as he moved his hips back and forth, his cock hitting the sensitive spot again and again.
"Y-you're so tight, are you a virgin? C-couldn't believe it, from how slutty you were." The incubus moaned, his hips never wavering, sweat drops started to form on his forehead, leaning his head into your neck he bit it, sucking on it as his hips suddenly stopped. He removed his lips from your neck and looked at you, his breath short pants before he asked; "Are you a virgin?" You couldn't form your words, you could barely hear him infact, but you nodded, confirming his suspicion.
He smirked at the revelation, one of his hands placing itself at your hip while the other took your chin, his voice became calm and collected; "Oh, I'm your first time? .. An honor indeed." He licked his lips, before leaning into yours. He had never met a virgin who's this needy and, well, who's this good at feeding him.
You were confused on why he had asked that, does it matter whether or not you lost your virginity, but the way the look on his eyes suddenly shifted tone felt intoxicating to you. How he stared down at you, his bangs sticking to his forehead as he panted, it's as if a switch has been turned on inside of him.
His breath started to become less controled, his face turning red as his smirk widened. You couldn't help but be more aroused at his state, as if he's going feral.
Little did you know, that he wanted to mark you as his human. For you to only need him, to only want him. Scaramouche felt something akin to a string dragging him to you, he felt like a moth to flame when he saw you. It was so out of his character to want a pathetic human like yourself, and he hated how much he needed you.
Yet he couldn't help himself, his tail wrapped itself around your thigh, his hips started to thrust again, this time his pace was faster than it was earlier, all you could hear is skin slapping against skin, Scaramouche's groans and your moans.
He felt his orgasm nearing, and sensed yours too. He looked at you, lust and longing in his eyes as he asked, his voice trembling; "C-can I cum inside? And m-make you mine?" His voice sounded so soft and genuine, a contrast to his harsh and fast thrusting.
Scaramouche wouldn't dare mark you as his without consent, something the other incubus do. He doesn't know why, but if he marked you without permission he knew you'd resent him, and the unfamiliar yet welcome string would break.
You nodded, grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. Your lips danced against one another, his cock hitting your g-spot repeatedly. You felt your walls clench around his cock as you came undone once more, whines and moans leaving your lips as he continued to fuck you.
"A-archons you're even tighter now.." He sighed out as his pace quickened, his hands gribbing and bruising your hips.
"You w-wanna be my personal whore so badly don't you?" He panted, a whimper leaving his lips as you nodded, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he did one final thrust before finishing inside you.
Ropes of white sticky cum filled up your womb, your body twitched in overwhelming pleasure as he calmed down from his orgasm.
He pulled out, looking at how his cum was pooling out of you, and suddenly he got a rush of energy as he saw an unknown symbol appearing around your stomach, a symbol that represented him.
"We can't let my cum just spill out of you can we? No.. I have to fill you up again." He smirked, leaning down to kiss your neck before lining himself against your pussy again. This is going to be a long night.
-- but he has to make sure you know who you belong to, right?
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sky-kiss · 9 months
A/N: I don’t know how to tag this one. It’s not technically dubcon or noncon. I’d describe it a “fuck around and find out.” Loving doll ending, basically. We’ve had so much soft-Raphael lately. 
I wanted some horrible fiends. 
Raphael x Haarlep x GN! Tav/Reader: Tonight is Consequential 18+
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Ah, but what an ignominious end to the tale. The hero finds neither hellfire nor glory, no salvation or damnation; there's nothing at all in the end. Raphael returns to his House of Hope to see the threads of his tapestry severed and the story cut short. The brief wash of pleasure he'd experienced earlier is buried beneath immediate delight and then secondary repulsion. 
You're waiting for him, you see. Pretty as a picture, stretched out amidst a sea of dark silks, sweat-slick and spent. You stare at him, through him. Motionless as Haarlep tracks their fingers across your shoulders, down your sternum, over the soft skin of your belly. 
"We had a visitor, Raphael," Haarlep says, laughing, gesturing with their free arm, fingers spit-slick. They press two into your open mouth, delighting at the way you instinctively move to suck, so pliant to their wishes. "Less…spirited than before, pity, pity. But just as useful!" They hum, pretty features turning downward. Haarlep pulls their fingers free, wiping the saliva across your neck. "Perhaps more, considering their prior showing." 
"What have you done?" 
Haarlep frowns, features turning in genuine confusion. They sit up against the headboard, letting you roll away. "Only what they asked, princeling! I am nothing if not a good sport. 'Body and soul,' requested, and 'body and soul' they gave. And for such a low price." They chuckle, "Mmm. Raphael. Raw and undiluted."
Raphael stares at you: eternally bound to him, to the House, a prize fit for a king, a hero's soul. He sees fool's gold sullying his sheets. 
Haarlep's arms weave around him, nails scratching over his cock. They fold around this human force, nosing his cheek, licking to the corner of his mouth. "Don't you like your gift? Call me generous, little brat." 
Raphael sneers. The comment will cost them later, but it will only satisfy Haarlep, carnal pleasure paling in the face of the inconveniences they've caused. The incubus smiles, eyes hooded and dark. They push, breathing in the words in his ear, plastering themselves against his back. The hard line of their cock presses against him. An artlessness in the little jerks of their hips, betraying genuine pleasure rather than their usual disinterest. 
"So silent. Are we displeased?" 
"No," Raphael flicks his fingers. He is himself again: cambion and king. "A moment of surprise." You've not moved at all—a lump of flesh, a still-warm corpse: all for their pleasure. 
And you do please him. You've cost him a Crown, but he claws some of its price back. Foolish mouse, caught, batted too many times by too many paws. Raphael turns your face into the pillow, fucking you hard. Tight and wet and tedious. 
He reflects on the latter point most frequently in the coming years. The devil sips his wine, watching Haarlep have their way with you. Your mouth slackened with pleasure, eyes glassy and vacant. He's hard, yes, a natural response to the pleasure licking through Haarlep and visual stimuli. 
You are still lovely, mouse, and Haarlep moves with a liquid grace he will never tire of watching. The incubus tosses their head back, fangs barred, jerking you back against them. Splotches of purples and greens, yellows, paint your skin, a mottled canvas he'd admire under less reflective circumstances. 
Raphael is hard but not aroused, and the disparity between those two states sticks like a splinter in his mind. He cannot fathom the…
(Haarlep flips you onto your back, takes and takes, and you are still as eager now as you were then). 
…why of the matter. 
(You manage a shout of dumb pleasure). 
"Keep it quiet, won't you?" Raphael snaps, drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair. Haarlep laughs, one hand covering your mouth. The cambion's eyes drift over the bruises again, and it comes to him: understanding, clarified in Avernus' heat. 
Oh, but you. 
The ruin of you. So many words, so many languages, dozens upon dozens known to him, but Raphael can think of only one word for you. Not love or promise. Not hope or savior. No, darling, you are so simply summarized: 
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dangopango00 · 3 months
Demonic Features HCS (2)
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Om demons HCs + Om demons x gn reader
Pt. 1 (123) | Pt. 2 (Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie) | Pt. 3 (Royal trio) Coming soon (again)
CW: Teeny but suggestive I think. Mostly asmo’s part if anything
A/N: THIS IMAGE IS SO FUCKING KEWYWTTTTT 😭😭😭😭😭 i cant w them ue i am unhealthily attached to this family goodbye world also sryy these are so long, honestly after recharging for a couple days I js started going crazy on the hcs 😭😭
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Satan: The Unicorn
- I think he should look more beastly overall like hes some wild creature that just emerged from the forest
- His pants should look like hooves like those bellbottom esque fuzzy ish pants like
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Shout out to someone in 1545 ig. Unicornis
Also spots should look more like. Horselike like speckled or splotchy
- Has two black stars and one green in the middle on his forehead
1. As a reference to Lucifer who created him and
2. A reference to how biblically unicorns were out of control beasts that could only be tamed by a virgin maiden (honestly im a lil tempted to write a fic of satan x sweet innocent reader but gn. Goodbye even)
- HES A UNICORN HE SHOULD HAVE A UNI HORN PLEAADEEE 😭😭😭 they should be a similar shape to Lucifer’s but one short one and should be able to summon a longer one below where the star diamond is on his forehead is when he gets pissed enough and both should be black with green tips + it would actually make him look more vicious too
- I appreciate them making the little bow look like ribs but I think it would be much cooler if his ribs just were sticking out and wrapping around his body and they were black and green
- Ribs should also have patches of fur resembling flames where they start (near his back or at his sides)
- I also think his tail should have short rugged fur lining the outside and it should get longer at the tip; I’m going heavy on the beast agenda I fear. He may clean up pretty well in his human form but he can’t hide his sin in his demon form cmon now y’all
- Since we don’t see his markings I’m making shit up and I think his markings should be fur lining his back and arms
- Just wanna say I resemble the fur wrap thing because it kinda resembles a horse tail/mane and the gray shirt bc it resembles a rhino (What unicorns in the bible were based on I think)
- A bit insecure about you seeing his demon form tbh. Thinks he will scare you and a little afraid he might do sth he’ll regret if he loses himself; he sees himself as beastly in that form, anger is a hideous emotion and he doesn’t want to scare his loved ones away like he used to when he was first born and always lashed out with full force, scaring his brothers (Don’t get me wrong if he’s angry he’ll show it but he wont let all of his anger out at least not at once and if he has to do sth drastic he’ll first isolate himself)
- Very nearsighted but refuses to get glasses and only wears them when reading (glasses are weakness)
- Bulks up a bit and gains more strength in his demon form frs
- Snarls when hes angry and sometimes sneezes in the middle of his anger often (it would be funny)
- Pact mark is only visible on your temple but internally spans throughout your veins and is not very big but grows the angrier you get post activation; that shit is freaky it can even cover your whole face and put your body in autopilot (like how anger issues people black out) if you get angry enough
- It’s pretty wicked its first shaped like a small spade but bulges like flesh; is similar to tanjiro’s mark somewhat
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- Pact mark allows him to enhance your rage by giving you some of his own (can be a pro or con depending on the situation but i mean u can just tell him to stop iykyk policy)
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Asmodeus: The Scorpion
- I THINK HE SHOULD BE VAMPIRIC Feeds on sexual energy and life force yk incubus/succubus thingz but he should have the fangies too imo
- Tired of them having collars and looking prim and proper so I’ve arbitrarily decided that his shirt should conjoin with his skin and become kind of like calcharos ult for VERY loose reference; hes the avatar of lust he can be shirtless ish
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- IK I SAID NTM ON THE CLOTHES BUT UGHHH Imagine if he was wearing like a robe similar to aphrodite bc its like a nod to his past as a high angel but also how he’s steeped in desire and lust. Like its being held up by the roses, sheer will and the fact that it is conjoined with his skin
- Hc that he is like cupid and can see connections between people SO I think his spine should be lined with like. Arrow-like spines
- Despite being like cupid, he finds it really hard to genuinely connect people and find someone who enjoys his presence beyond his looks and will typically avoid people on his recharge days (he likes partying and being around people but its also pretty draining keeping people entertained which is why he usually brings someone with him. I also imagine this is how he and Levi connect “I guess we aren’t so different after all” type shi)
- He should have a tail. I thought about it for a while and like. ???? Scorpions tails are like their whole thing I think he should either have a tail or towards the bottom of his spines one of them is long enough to resemble a tail (his wings are cool but like he should have a. Tail)
- Tail/spines should have venom
- I think his markings should be connected, like the hearts are good but they should be connected in like a segmented line and wrap around his arm; preferably 7 to represent the scorpions seven chamber heart
- He needs glasses too and he only wears them when they go with his outfit otherwise its contacts (which he also introduced satan to)
- He should have more eyes on his face smaller eyes below his main two that only appear when open (otherwise his face looks normal just with slight slits you’d only notice if u were REALLY staring)
- Very tolerant to weather changes. He still acts like he’s dying but he def doesn’t have it as bad as Levi who is literally dying over there
- Pact mark is a tramp stamp and he won’t stop asking to see it gn. Its shaped like a hollowed heart with a design inside and becomes a spade with a similar design when activated as well as spreads a bit (as all the others do) its very classy and pretty tbh
- Activation is almost like. Erotic? It feels good but its almost like it steals the air from your lungs and makes your chest tighten; its a mix of pleasure and panic (not quite pain because it gives you urgency but not so much that it makes you want to stop) Unfortunately this isn’t something that really wears off but rather wears down and just becomes leas intense as you get used to it/stronger
- Pact mark allows him to shapeshift into you and anyone who you have had a sexual or romantic encounter with
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Beelzebub: The Fly
- MOUTHS ALL OVER: A mouth on his forhead where his horn comes out of and the markings spread across his body can open, revealing mouths (def gotta have some on his hands I fear. Can also change the locations of his markings and can consume things such as magical energy through his mouths
- Should be able to create a third horn in the middle of his forehead to make his horns appear like a crown (Lord of the flies had a teeny lil crown its a bit funny)
- Should have more fur aspects like his wings should have fur at the base and around the outline maybe
- His markings should be furry and the fur makes it look like they’re black flames 🔥
- Should have four wings that appear like two until he gets ready for takeoff, to which they spread out real wide
- Ik he’s a really simple guy so his design is simple too but I think he’s just missing some of that demonic flair. He should have insect arms that he can control (they might look like sticks but they’re actually very strong and useful)
- Always wants to be around you. Always. Even though he moves insanely fast he always loops back around to match your pace
- A bit colorblind and nearsighted but is fast enough to make up for it
- Almost never gets sick but he’s usually the one who brings sickness in the house so his brothers have to make sure he cleans off before coming in 😭 (I imagine demons don’t get sick in the traditional way but its typically some behavioral or magical illness like a common cold for suc/incubi causing like them to be less efficient in seducing humans; like how asmo has his power with his eyes maybe his vision gets blurry for a few months/years or it makes HIM fall for the person he was trying to seduce)
- Lucifer has had to ban him from the kitchen because he kept eating food that already went bad especially if he was sleepwalking
- Can make a protein shake/smoothie out of anything !!!! No matter how erm. Odd the combination
- Always rubs his hands together and licks his lips before eating a meal
- I would like to propose….. him being in charge of the Devildom air force like how Levi is in the navy…. Ik ik came outta nowhere but Flies having those big ass eyes gave me the idea to out goggles on him that look like Fly eyes and then I was like ok well what if that was for when he’s flying and here we are
- OK STAY WITH ME NOW. He used to do the equivalent of illegal drag racing but flying and Belphie would always bet on him and thats how they made food money for Beel sometimes until Lucifer shut the whole thing down after finding out bc its a bad look for Diavolo he also doesn’t want his baby brother getting hurt but he wont say that (Belphie thought he was a killjoy)
- To him. It feels like wherever he goes death and despair follow and has gotten stronger and stronger so that no one close to him will ever die again (“I should’ve been strong enough so that the safest place for her would be by my side” -Marius von Hagen [he makes me so emotional]) (If you’re wondering how this is related its because flies symbolize triumph over adversity as well as death and decay)
- Pact mark is right on top of your stomach (above the bellybutton) and it looks like two triskelions (three wheeled spiral) stacked over each other to create six wheels as a reference to his prior angelhood but as well as a nod to his transformation
- Activation costs you a lot of energy and it feels like you’re starving like you haven’t eaten all day even if you just ate a hearty meal (you go back to normal a bit after activation but its a little maddening while its taking place)
- He can possess your body for a limited amount of time (typically only accidentally triggers this power) during this time any damage that his body takes transfers to you and vice versa (tbh this is much more risky for him than you bc his body is extremely strong so he’ll only take minimal damage but it’s a gamble with you)
- He can also steal some of the nutrients from your body so um. I’d be careful of that (he won’t ever actually do it but now that your bodies are connected he can)
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Belphegor: The Cattle
- STOP SHOWING HIS FUXKINH EYE BEHIND HIS EMO HAIR/ sorry had to get that off my chest. It coulddd be something that could make him more eerie and off putting like a demon but his whole thing is that he looks cute and sweet but is actually intelligent and dangerous so maybe just. It shows in his demon form only if anything
- He should have a bell on his tail. It would be kewt. Not something he inherently has but he wags his tail in his sleep often so the brothers put it on him so they don’t trip over him (he hates it but he’s too tired to gaf)
- He should be more fuzzy too like having his right arm have an arm warmer rather than that sleeve that doesn’t even look connected like. Also theres a mix of fuzz and thorns on his person. It’s a gamble. Proceed with caution.
- His boots should be more like hooves kinda like what I said for satan but boots and more comfy looking
- They were way too shy with his cow spots imo. I think it should almost look like he has vitiligo (but with more melanin rather than less yk)
- Got a nose piercing (septum I think?) after learning about piercings in the human world but doesn’t use it much anymore
- Nitpicky but I think his horns should end while sticking forward rather than curling out all the way to resemble a bull thats ready to charge
- Appreciating the fact that he has four belts likely to represent the four chambers of cows’ stomachs
- Separation anxiety victim NUMBER ONE. Especially after Lilith died he’s gotten so anxious being without his loved ones and never really wants to leave their sides bc he never knows when they’ll be gone
- He is Beel’s eyes and probably has the best vision in the family tbh 25/20 vision fr
- A lil colorblind though; affects his drawings and when levi asks him to doodle with him he always uses a unique set of colors (hes grabbing at them randomly)
- Likes to just watch his brothers socialize and be with them. An observer in his own home. The only reason he gets out of bed everyday is to see the people he cares about most
- Likes silly little puzzles, games and toys like rubix cubes and bouncy balls n shi but gets annoyed if you just give it to him and expect him to play by himself like !!!!! Keep him company !!!!!!!!!
- When he was trapped in the attic Lucifer would sometimes bring him enrichment toys and fill him in on current news or just sit there in silence to keep him company while turned away from him (If he looks at him too long he might fold and let him out; he loves his brother but. He thinks this is what needs to be done)
- Pact mark is on your thigh probably snug on the inside and whenever he’s laying on your lap he looks at it and maybe traces it before drifting off
- It probably looks like a symbol of a moon or spiral inside of a sun representing the midnight sun and the neutrality of the sloth sin (a sun that never rises or sets)
- Can sap your energy and make you see hallucinations or make you want to sleep; can probably put you in hibernation as long as it doesn’t hurt you and can eat your nightmares # dreamcatcher
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devildom-moss · 4 months
Flowers for Them (Satan)
Continuation of a request where MC returns the favor for the characters giving them roses. Kind of a sequel series for the Roses for You series (links here)
Satan x gn!MC
(the smallest drop of angst)
Word Count: +1,100
Blue anemone
Satan flipped through the book he had tried to secretly purchase the last time you went to a used bookstore together. It was a tragic romance novel about a human and demon – and not just any demon, but a high ranking, intelligent demon man. His reason for wanting to hide his selection was clear; he would be mortified if you found out that he was reading a story so similar to his situation with you. It was as close as he could bring himself to reading self-insert fanfic of you.
Although, if he was willing to search the depths of the internet, Satan would have found ship fiction about the two of you, written under pseudonyms by fans. Some demon would see a post on Devilgram including you and Satan or see you two walking around and inevitably decide your relationship was worthy of a 13-chapter, hurt/comfort romance, with 2 chapters of rough and dirty smut that would make even an incubus blush. That fic would get posted somewhere on AD3 (Archive de Devildom Demons) or Devilfiction.net or Hellpad – or if they’re truly sad, on Burnr. But Satan was blissfully unaware, so he curled up in his chair with his shameful indulgence.
Unfortunately for Satan, you had seen him sneak the book into the bottom of the pile before checking out. Curious, you did a bit of investigating using the title on the spine and quickly realized why Satan was so keen on hiding it from you. It was cute, in a way, and you wanted to reward that cuteness.
When Satan first opened the book, he felt a faint trace of magic. Seeing as the book was used, that didn’t seem too odd. Besides, whatever magic tainted this book seemed benign, so he ignored it and kept reading.
Satan gripped the book tightly in his hands. The chapter had ended with the human character finding the demon among ruins – remains of a city he had destroyed on a rampage after the duke residing there had suddenly declared war on humans. Would the human reject his violence or embrace him in his monstrous, destructive glory? Satan could feel the tension building up, and he was so excited that he couldn’t sense the magic in the book getting stronger as he turned to the next page.
As soon as he did, a blue anemone sprouted from the center of the book. Satan was startled, but upon closer examination, other than being a human realm flower, nothing else seemed off with the anemone. He set it aside and continued to read the chapter.
The human took in the devastating wreckage around the demon. Homes, shops, and even infrastructure had been demolished as if by an unholy earthquake. It was a tragedy. They imagined all the lives and happiness destroyed. Satan turned the page. Another anemone popped up.
Satan set it down with the other one and kept reading. Right at the center of the town square was a fountain which was once a glistening display of water that sparkled under the starlight. Now, the duke’s head was floating in the upper tier as water that ran red sprouted up next to him and came spilling onto his face – as if to waterboard what visibly remained of his corpse with his own blood. The demon called out to the human, using their name in a meek, pitiful voice. Their eyes met, and Satan turned the page.
Another fucking anemone? Satan put it next to the others with a low growl and read on. The human approached, and the demon fell to his knees on the verge of tears, searching for any sign of affection. He found it. The human caressed his cheek and dropped down to their knees right before him with no regard for the rubble underfoot that pressed into them uncomfortably. The demon tried to explain, only to be met with warm lips against his. Hoping to see them deepen their bond, Satan flipped to the next page eagerly.
“Motherfucker!” A fourth anemone grew up from the book. It was a small inconvenience, but Satan was annoyed. Things were getting good, but he stopped reading and began to simply flip through the pages. A blue anemone continued to appear each time until Satan had enough for a bouquet of two dozen. Then, they stopped. Instead of a flower, a cat-shaped note appeared. Satan was about to throw it away when he recognized your handwriting.
All his irritation and anger began to melt. The note said, “close your eyes.” Satan obeyed.
His obedience was rewarded with the soft sensation of your lips against his. Only you had the power to change Satan’s mood with such ease. He smiled into the kiss, suddenly delighted with your little prank that had been an annoyance just a minute ago. No one had ever given him flowers before – and certainly not human world flowers. When you pulled away, Satan bit his lip to prevent himself from pouting and whining. You could have kissed me a little longer after all that, he thought. However, he had more pressing words to speak.
“Why blue anemones?” Satan stared at you expectantly.
“It can’t just be because they’re pretty?” you asked.
“It could be – if it was anyone else giving me flowers.” Satan smiled, knowing he was correct. “So, what did I do to deserve these?”
“Okay, smarty-pants, you caught me. One of the meanings of a blue anemone is intelligence. That one should speak for itself.” You paused to take his face in your hands. “They also symbolize mutual trust and loyalty, love and respect, and anticipation. They are a promise of a brighter future; in sadness, they bring a sense of calm and peace, lift spirits, protect, and guide.”
Satan’s heart ached sweetly, and he met your eyes with an abundance of affection that overflowed in gentle tears running down his cheeks. You wiped them with your thumbs and placed a soft, chaste kiss on his lips.
“Are you a blue anemone as well, then?” Satan asked, almost innocently. “Because nothing is a bigger source of peace in my life than you. You are my love, and my loyalty is to you. Only you could lift my spirits like this. Only you could protect and guide me in the ways I’ve always dreamed of. Your very existence is a promise of a brighter future – so long as it involves you. So, I’ll ask again: are you a blue anemone?”
“Hush,” you chuckled and proceeded to leave kisses all over his face until his cheeks were flushed pink and the tears had dried. “You’re cute.”
“You hush too!” Satan pulled you onto his lap and buried himself in the crook of your neck. “Don’t tease me, but don’t leave my side either.”
You played with Satan’s hair and kissed the top of his head. “You can read your tragic human-demon romance book – just remember, I have no intention of letting us be a tragedy.”
“Me either,” Satan whispered against your skin. The tears threatened to spill from his eyes again, but he was too soothed by your touch to cry anymore.
Lucifer | Mammon | Leviathan | Asmodeus | Beelzebub | Belphegor | the others
(If there's no link, that character is coming soon-ish)
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propertyofkylar · 8 months
midnight visitor (m!yandere incubus x gn!reader)
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you meet damien at a club and are instantly entranced by this handsome stranger. but not only is he equally entranced with you - he has some secrets to hide.
cw: yandere, nsfw, alcohol mention
The bright lights and loud music of the club swirled around you. It would’ve given you a headache if you weren’t just drunk enough for it to be enjoyable.
Truthfully, you weren’t much of a club person, but today being the birthday of your best friend was reason enough for you to let loose for once. So here you were, surrounded by people on the dance floor.
You took a step back and cringed almost immediately when the heel of your foot came into contact with what clearly was someone else’s toes. You whipped your head around to apologize and found yourself face-to-face with an incredibly handsome man.
The frown on his face quickly faded as he eyed you up, flashing you a smirk. Your breath caught in your throat - the man was beautiful, and you were only human, after all.
“S-sorry,” you managed to get out, but the smirk on the man’s face only grew. You took in his long, dark hair, his defined cheekbones and the way his eyes seemed to be a dark red. But that must’ve just been the club lighting, you figured.
“S’alright,” the man said in a smooth, deep voice. He held out a hand. “You can dance with me to make up for it.”
“Um,” you felt your face flush. You weren’t used to this kind of attention. “Okay, sure.”
His hands slid to your waist and he pulled you close, the two of you moving vaguely to the loud music. It wasn’t like skill really mattered on the dance floor, anyway.
“I’m Damien,” the man said with a smile, and the look in his eyes made you realize he didn’t plan for this to be a one-and-done sort of dance. Not that you minded - your friends might be annoyed if you ditched them for a guy, but you had been at the club for a while now, and your group of friends had spread out, so they might not really mind after all. Besides, you had seen your best friend making out with an unknown woman in the corner just 15 minutes ago, so she had no room to speak.
You introduced yourself and Damien watched you like you were the most interesting thing he had ever seen. His stare was…almost enchanting, in a way. 
What a weird thing to think, you mused to yourself. Maybe you were drunker than you thought. 
After the two of you had danced for a few songs, Damien took your hand, sending shivers through your body. “You look tired. Would you like to sit down?” He gestured to an empty booth nearby, and you nodded.
“Yeah, thanks,” you said as the two of you left the dance floor and sat. He smiled at you and you felt that enchanted feeling again.
Damien laced his fingers together and rested his chin on top of them, looking at you like you were the only other person in the building. You weren’t necessarily an unconfident person, but frankly, you really weren’t used to this level of attention, and it made you blush. “So,” he said. “What brings you here tonight?”
“My friend’s birthday,” you gestured vaguely in the direction you had last seen her. “You?”
He gave you a smile that you couldn’t quite place. “Just…looking.”
“Oh. Oh,” you said, as you caught the intention behind his words. “Um. Well, I mean I’m flattered, but I’m not really—” 
Damien’s low chuckle cut off your rambling. “Relax. Not like that, so don’t worry.”
“Oh. Um, okay,” now you felt kind of stupid. You were making a fool of yourself in front of the hottest man you’d ever seen.
His eyes looked into yours before he spoke again. “You seem like you’ve had a long night. Would you allow me to take you home?”
If you had a drink, you surely would have choked on it. “I only live a few blocks away. It’s okay.”
Damien gave you another smile. “Even better. I can walk you home. Trust me, I’m a gentleman. No funny business,” he splayed his fingers as if that was proof.
Maybe it was the number of drinks you’d had, or maybe you just made impulsive decisions. Either way, you agreed, and the stranger walked you back to your apartment.
The two of you chatted idly along the way, not really talking about much. When you made it to the front of your building, you pointed and said, “This is me.”
The man looked down at you, and gave a soft smile. He leaned in and kissed you on the cheek, which felt more intimate than if he had kissed your lips, somehow. “Sweet dreams,” he murmured, but it felt like he meant something more.
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That night, you were having the hottest wet dream of your entire life.
The handsome man from the club had his face between your legs, and grinned wolfishly before diving in, licking and sucking in a way that gave you pleasure like never before. “You taste so good,” he murmured, and the vibrations from his low voice sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body.
“Fuck…” you mumbled. At your response, you could’ve sworn you saw Damien’s eyes flash blood red. A small part of your consciousness knew it was a dream, but it felt so real. And so, so good.
One moment you were whimpering and squirming, clutching Damien’s hair as you moaned his name, then the dream suddenly switched and his form was looming over yours, looking not unlike a hunter sizing up his prey.
You felt something against your thigh and looked down to see his thick cock pressed against your leg. Your eyes met his and he smirked.
“Don’t worry, I know it’ll fit,” Damien snickered as he rubbed the tip teasingly against your entrance. He moved his head closer to yours so he could press kisses to your neck, before suddenly biting down. Hard. 
You squealed, twitching in a way that bumped the tip of his cock on a sensitive spot and made you squirm even more. “I don’t wanna wake up…” you mumbled, desperate for more.
Damien chuckled again. “Mm, they always say that.” And with that, he plunged his dick into you with a gasp.
It was a dream. You knew it had to be a dream. But it felt so real. And it felt so good. You were whining as Damien pounded into you relentlessly, his own face bright red.
“Fuck,” he moaned. “You feel even better than I imagined.”
You weren’t even able to form a response; you just laid there as he fucked you better than anyone had in real life.
“Hah, you’re taking my dick so well,” he whispered into your ear, causing you to clench around him. “Feels like you were made for me, doesn’t it? Feels so good…”
His words, coupled with his earlier acts, brought you close to your peak. “I’m–fuck–I’m gonna…” your words were interrupted as he touched a particularly sensitive spot inside of you.
“That’s a good pet,” Damien grunted as he slammed into you. “Cum for me.”
And you did, crying out his name as you came undone. But he didn’t slow down at all. If anything, he moved even faster and harder as his own climax approached.
“Fuck!” Damien yelled as he thrust his cock as deeply as he possibly could inside of you, gripping onto your waist as he came. Breathing heavily, he pressed a kiss directly below your ear and said your name quietly. It sounded so beautiful coming from him. 
“I’m gonna have to come back for seconds,” he said with a laugh.
When you woke up in the morning, the dream was nothing more than a hazy memory that you couldn’t recall no matter how hard you tried. All you knew was that your legs were sticky and there was a dull heat throbbing inside you.
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At that moment, entirely unknown to you, Damien himself was pacing back and forth on the rooftop of your building.
Damien prided himself on many things. He was a confident man. He was incredibly charming and equally as handsome. He could get anyone to do anything he wanted. He had been a demon for a very long time and had spent many, many nights hunting down prey, visiting them in their dreams, and taking what he needed from them to survive. This was how it had gone for many hundreds of years (he had lost count at this point). It was simple, there was no attachment, and he never struck the same victim twice.
Until now.
He cursed to himself as he walked to and fro, deep in thought. You had stood out to him at the club, naturally - he was not one to take on just any prey. No, he had specifics in what he liked, and always got what he wanted. But there was something different about you. Something that he couldn’t quite place, something that sent shockwaves through his body every time he thought about you and how you had behaved in your dream.
Damien should have known you were different from the instant he smelled you at the club. You had smelled like the most mouthwatering dessert to him, and that is when he knew you would be his pet that night. Actually getting to taste you, though, was something he had never experienced. Imagine the most delectable meal you have ever had, and then multiply it by five. That is how you tasted to Damien. You were so soft, so sweet, so tender. 
It was maddening.
He had to have you again. He knew that, at least. His mind was overwhelmed with millions of thoughts rushing in, all of them centered around you. How he could see you again. How you would taste and feel in your dreams again the next night. How he could make you permanently his.
That settled it. He would have to visit you nightly and keep an eye on you during the day too to make sure no one else had you. You were going to belong to him and him alone. Damien knew at that moment he would do whatever it took to make sure you were his. 
A grin slowly grew on Damien’s face as a solid plan formed in his mind. He whispered your name into the wind, savoring how it felt on his tongue.
When he was finished, you would never think of anybody else.
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creative-frequency · 7 months
Peel me an orange trend with
Raphael/ his favorite client 👀
Would you peel the devil an orange? 🍊👀 I wouldn't lol
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Raphael x GN!Reader: Oranges
You woke up with a jolt and a raspy breath. Snugly covered in silken sheets, you made an effort to move your sore limbs. The bed carried the easily recognizable scent of palmarosa and pepper, but there was something else too. Something citrusy, maybe oranges?
As per usual, when your memories of the events leading up to your current disposition were hazy at best, you found yourself in the House of Hope. It was probably the eighteenth time. Or the twentieth. You weren’t exactly counting anymore.
“Still drawing breath, I see. How fortunate.”
It hurt to direct your eyes to the devil sitting in an armchair by the bed. No horns or wings today. His fingertips were pressed together and – well, fuck – did he look pissed.
“H-hey,” you greeted him in a hoarse voice. How long had you been out this time? Hours? Days? A week? You felt as if you had been wrestling with a pit fiend and lost.
Raphael’s frown deepened and his brows knitted together. He leaned forward in his seat and you could feel the aura of strong… displeasure radiating from him. It might not take many more times like this for him to finish you off himself, any contract be damned.
“Consider this the first and last time I will dig you from under a pile of bodies,” Raphael said in a tone as smooth as the sheets wrapped around your undeniably naked body.
This tone was worse than the times you had seen him lose his composure; it implied you had really been within an inch of your life – and so had his existence, by extension. You swallowed. Some pieces of distressing and gory memories surfaced and you felt sick. You had to pull at every bit of your willpower to not puke. What in the sweet Hells had happened?
Raphael stood up promptly, no doubt having only waited to see your eyes open and declare you alive. It was a habit he had formed during the previous seventeen times you had woken up in his house.
“Here, eat. You’ll need your strength to recover,” he said, motioning to the side table.
You turned to see pieces of a colourful fruit, neatly laid on a silver plate. That was why you had smelled oranges. The sweet scent was mouth-watering.
You cleared your throat and said: “Um, hey Raph?”
The devil stopped in his tracks, glaring at you over his shoulder. He absolutely hated the nickname, but it had never stopped you from using it. Annoying him was the greatest pastime House of Hope could offer.
“Thanks. I’ll pay you back for this one,” you continued, voice still a bit shaky and hoarse.
One side of Raphael’s mouth curled up and he nodded. “Rest now.”
And rest you did. And ate oranges. For three days you barely left the bed after initially going for a hunt for clothes. Raphael showed up only once a day to check that you were recovering. Haarlep kept you company and you accelerated the Archivist’s descent into madness by making him fetch you books from the library at least fifteen times a day. Raphael didn’t want you to socialise with his indebted souls, so besides the devil, you only talked to the incubus and the unlucky tiefling.
On the fifth day, Haarlep had trusted you with a knife and you were just digging into the second orange when Raphael walked in.
Once again in his human guise, his head tilted at the sight of you sitting up on the bed, a book splayed open across your lap and a knife and an orange in hand. Disapproval settled onto his features. You didn’t really care if you made a mess. He could always undo it with a snap of his fingers.
“Peel one for me?” Raphael asked and paced closer.
“I most certainly will not,” you replied instantly and plopped a piece of the juicy fruit into your mouth.
He sat down in the armchair and hummed. “A pity.”
“Can I leave today? I’m feeling fine now,” you said casually and chewed the fruit without any regard for table manners. Though, technically you were eating in bed.
“If you so insist,” Raphael nodded, “Although, there is one more matter I would raise.”
“What’s that?” you asked and munched on the last piece. Before leaving, you would have to ask Haarlep where Raphael got the fruits. They were delicious.
“As this was not a transaction, you’re not obliged to ‘pay me back’ as you so aptly put it, but I would request a small favour,” Raphael said and rested his ankle on his knee, fingertips once more pressed together as if he was negotiating a contract.
You groaned. Of course he wanted something. “And that would be?”
Raphael’s lips curled into a foreboding smile and he said:
“Peel me an orange.”
Any hint of amusement died from your face. “You’re truly the pettiest person I’ve ever met.”
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Blog Masterlist
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Thank you for 500 followers! Truth be told, I'm running out of ideas on how to thank you in an interesting manner.... So just accept my simple thanks for being here!
Want to request something? Here are the rules.
Link to the second masterlist.
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Genshin Impact ✨
Parenting Headcanons, or genshin girls as mothers: Raiden Ei, Kujou Sara & Lisa | Dehya & Beidou | Ningguang & Miko | Eula & Keqing | Ayaka & Jean | Candace | Mona, Yelan & Shenhe | Cloud Retainer
Cuddling Headcanons: Ganyu & Ningguang | Jean, Shenhe & Ayaka
Family fluff with Miko and Ei
Drinking with Rosaria & Eula!
Injury fluff with Yelan and Sara
Family fluff with Miko: Rules for the little ones
Jealousy Bits - Shenhe, Mona and Ei | Yae Miko, Ganyu and Keqing
The Hunt For Forgotten Treasure - Beidou & GN!Reader
"Ningguang's Dog" - Ningguang x Male!Reader
So about the parenting Headcanons... - Miko, Sara & Ei
Parenting headcanons: Ei & Miko and their views on dating
A unique encounter - Jean, Ningguang & Ei x Bioweapon!Reader
Gym imagines with Shinobu!
Coming home to Lumine!
On Wings of Freedom - Barbara x Male!Reader
Hu Tao x Doctor!Reader
Lisa x Male!Reader Oneshot - Library Duty
Hanging Out With Them - Male!Reader x Platonic!Tall Genshin Men
Cheering them up - Male!Reader x Platonic!Qiqi & Platonic!Klee
Voicelines About You - Inazuma Girls
🎉Celebrating Hu Tao's Birthday!
A quiet evening - Eula x Male!Reader
Miko, Ningguang and Yelan comforting a small Male!Reader
Dance To Forget - Nilou x Male!Reader
A Miner's Fate - Kujou Sara x Male!Reader
Comfort After A Nightmare - Lumine x Male!Reader
Nsfw headcanons: Ningguang & Yae Miko | Candace & Nilou | Dehya & Kujou Sara | Eula, Jean & Yelan | Raiden Ei & Shenhe | Keqing & Yoimiya | Kamisato Ayaka & Ganyu | Kuki Shinobu | Rosaria & Lisa | Cloud Retainer | Hu Tao & Mona | Yanfei & Kirara | Yun Jin & Kokomi
Anal headcanons with Inazuma girls! | Liyue Girls Edition! | Mondstadt + Sumeru Edition!
Loyalty Rewarded - Dom!Ei x Male!Reader x Kujou Sara
Addicted - Nymphomaniac!Ei x Male!Reader
Facesitting headcanons with Inazuma girls!
NSFW Alphabet - A - Beidou, Shenhe and Ningguang
Ayaka & Kokomi x Sub!Male!Reader
Pegging Headcanons w/ Shenhe, Ningguang & Keqing!
Keqing, Yoimiya & Ganyu x Sub!Male!Reader
Asking the hardcore girls for more!
A Fair Deal - Yelan x Kuki Shinobu x Male!Reader
Helping Miko with her heat! And Ganyu too!
Overstim with Kokomi and Ganyu
Hers - Dom!Ei x Sub!Miko x Dom!Male!Reader
Patronage For The Worthy - Nilou x Incubus!Male!Reader
Sacrum and Profanum - Sub!Rosaria x Dom!Male!Reader
Dom!Male!Reader x Sub!Candace & Sub!Dehya & Sub!Nilou
Break Time - Jean x Male!Reader
A Little Jealous - Dom!Yelan x Male!Reader
Love and Betrayal: Yelan and Kujou Sara x Fatui!Reader + Injury hurt/comfort + Aftermath (Bad Ending)
Scaramouche, Kaedahara Kazuha and Childe forced to kill Reader
Breaking up with them: Jean & Keqing | Yelan & Shenhe | Ei & Yae Miko
Dottore segment!Reader x Lumine
Death - Platonic!Childe x GN!Reader
(Necro AU) Unfaithful - Undead!Reader x Ei & Ganyu
At The Dead Of Night - Ganyu x Male!Reader
Dark Days - Keqing & Ganyu x Male!Reader
The Fox and the Hare: Evil!Miko x Male!Reader
The Magic Whistle: Gorou whump drabble
Necro AU masterlist
Combat tierlist: How well the Genshin characters do in serious fights
A bucket of random ideas
The Shrine Incident - Genshin Imagines
Poll - Reader types! (7.06.2023 - 14.06.2023)
Poll - contentloadingandstuff's content! (7.06.2023 - 14.06.2023)
Diss track on Undead from Warlords Battlecry 3 (cringe warning)
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Whump 💀
Dental whump ideas!
Non-human whumpee ideas!
Food whump ideas!
Whump alphabet!
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Thank you all!
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heartofjasmina · 1 year
hello it is the Shinsou anon and I have a request 😈
Namely, demon Shinsou (either a sleep paralysis demon or an incubus) x gn reader, with a dash of somnophilia (if you're comfortable writing that
(also may I snag an emoji signoff? Because I'd like to use ⚡ if that's okay)
hello nonnie! that's perfectly okay <3 glad to have you!
He loved the way you sighed in your sleep. Such a soft, pretty thing you were. Plump (just like he liked them) and wearing only a flimsy nightgown. Incubi like him fed upon both dreams of pleasure and pleasure itself, and he was sure he'd have a mighty feast from you.
You didn't stir as he slowly dragged the sheet off you and ran his hands over your legs. "Beautiful," he murmured softly, his cock hardening against his thigh as you shifted- giving him a glance at his prize. He could sense your arousal the dream he'd given you, of being worshipped by many hands and drowning in sensual pleasure. It was easy to push you thighs apart and take a taste with his forked tongue.
God you were sweet.
He took his time exploring you with his tongue, hearing you sigh and moan and whimper, even bucking your hips to get more of his tongue on you.
Shinsou groaned and rocked his own hips against your bed, knowing that he'd have to come back- despite his own rule of only visiting a human once. But you?
He'd definitely have to visit you again, and see how much of a pleasure you were when you were awake.
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unreadpoppy · 10 months
You want ideas? Druid!Tav summoning a whole heap of peacocks in the House of Hope because they remind them of Raphael
ask and you shall receive
Raphael x Druid!Tav (GN)
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Tav had reached their limits with Raphael. He had, once again, interfered with their business and messed up the mission. When Tav confronted him, the cambion tried to pass on the blame to them, saying that if they couldn’t focus, it was their fault. 
The two of them had been arguing for hours, the original point long lost to Tav. While he talked and talked, probably saying how Tav was below him, they couldn’t help but think how much Raphael reminded them of a certain bird. 
He was always putting on a performance, showing his best traits, trying to make you forget that he was a fiend. He wanted to grab your attention with his presentation. He flounced around, showing off his feathers, in hopes that someone would swoon. Tav was so deep in this comparison that they hadn’t realized Raphael had finished talking. 
“You’re not even listening!” Raphael sighed. “I don’t know why I keep trying with you.” The devil snapped away, leaving Tav alone. 
Tav groaned. They wanted to get back at Raphael, for being such a prick, but didn’t know how. They were pacing around, thinking, when they were met with the incubus, Haarlep. 
“What’s on your mind, little mouse?”
“Raphael is so infuriating!” They exclaimed. “He thinks he’s always right, he acts as if everyone’s below him but it’s all just an act. He’s like a peacock - beautiful to look at, but can’t sing nor fly.” Haarlep chuckled, knowing too well of Raphael’s lack of skill (at least in bed). “I want to get back at him, but I don’t know how.” The adventurer finished. 
“Well, if this is any help, the best way to make him angry is to bring chaos to his home.” Haarlep said. “I’m sure you’ll find some way to rustle his feathers.” 
An idea suddenly clicked in Tav’s head. “I know! Haarlep, you’re a genius!” They kissed the incubus’s cheek and ran away. 
“You’re welcome, mouse.” 
Hours later, when Raphael arrived in the House of Hope, he had a surprise. 
A peacock greeted him. He frowned. Such an animal shouldn’t be in Avernus, let alone in his house. Raphael snapped the bird away and made his way to the boudoir. 
However, the more he walked, the more peacocks he noticed. They were everywhere. Walking around, fighting, doing that terrible “singing”. Soon, he was practically running towards his room, to escape the feathered beasts. 
When he entered the boudoir, instead of finding Haarlep, he was met with even more peacocks. There was on on the bed, showing off his feathers. 
“Get off, you contemptuous creature.” He swatted his hand towards the bird, but instead of leaving, the peacock bit him. “Aagh!” 
When Raphael tried to go at the bird again, the peacock jumped on him and attacked him. Soon, others followed and the devil couldn’t believe what was happening. While he fended off, he wondered how did these animals get in. 
Until he remembered. 
“TAV!” Raphael let out a scream so loud, it felt as if everyone across Avernus could hear it. 
Soon, he saw the smirking druid in his room. “Yes?”
“GET THESE BIRDS OFF OF ME!” They chuckled and snapped their fingers, making all the peacocks puff away in smoke. 
Raphael was disheveled. His hair was out of place, his face was filled with scratch marks and although he was in his human form, his face was reddened from anger. “What was the meaning of this?!”
Tav shrugged. “I just thought you’d like the peacocks. After all, you’re so like them.” 
Raphael took a deep breath, a murderous look on his face. “I would start running, little mouse.” As he spoke, he morphed into his devil form. “Before the cat gets you.” 
Tav didn’t need to hear more and soon, they were running down the halls, laughing, while a very exasperated Raphael shouted after them. 
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sakumasmut · 4 months
Enstars x Reader NSFW Month Day 16
Incubus!Natsume Ramble
sorry ringing evil phone is still in my head. couldn’t write a whole fic for it so you just get the visions I’m plagued by.
(gn reader)
Imagine that you can’t get home for the night due to some heavy flooding, so you end up having to stay at a hotel near your workplace. The ambience isn’t what you’d call cozy, the walls colored red and black, but the man behind the lobby desk that checks you in is nice enough. He introduces himself as Natsume, and you find yourself at ease when he talks to you in his smooth voice, chatting with him the entire way as he leads you to your room.
The night is uneventful until after you’ve fallen asleep, when you have the most vivid wet dream. A man with red-white hair and sharp, yellow eyes spreads your legs, tasting your sex with a forked tongue. Though you can feel the pleasure coursing through your body, you seem paralyzed, unable to move anything except your eyes, which stare directly at the man as he makes you come undone. You can barely remember any of the details when you wake up, the only evidence it even happened the arousal between your thighs.
Even after you check out the next day, the dreams keep occurring, night after night. The setting is always the same, your bed in the hotel room, but what happens is different. Sometimes the demon—at some point you realized he must not be human, only uses his fingers, claws digging into your skin but never breaking it. Other times, during the longer dreams, he pushes his cock inside your hole, and you feel every drag of his length along your walls. You even swear that you can feel cum seeping out of it when you wake up the next morning. Most importantly though, it’s always the same handsome man, whose face gets reduced to a blurry mess when you wake up in a daze, obscuring his features, everything except the smooth voice that echoes in your mind.
It becomes unbearable to live the same way, every time you wake up you find your clothes soaked, and too horny to function. Then you decide, you need to go back to that hotel. You don’t know if it’ll make the dreams stop or make them worse, you just need answers. You call up the place to book a room, and the voice that you hear in your dreams answers you, much clearer this time. Once you’re there, it feels like you already know where to go. You take your key, and when you open the door, he’s waiting for you on the bed. Red hair and yellow eyes, phone in hand, fangs flashing as he smiles at you.
If your dreams already felt realistic, what happens next must go beyond the plane of reality.
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Fic 3: 'You're Such A Tease'
Trope: Strangers To Lovers
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Contact Includes: Incubus Yeosang x sub!gn reader, praise, somnophilia, nipple play, oral (reader receiving), scent play
Word Count: 605
The familiar feeling of wetness was felt between your thighs as you sighed out little moans, your hands clutching against the sheets as you heard his voice whisper in your ear, 
‘Give in to me’ 
The sleepiness of your state was blurring the line between dream and reality, as it always did when you heard the husk of his voice against the shell of your ear. 
‘Mmmm, again?’ 
His broad hands ran over your skin and down your sides, you swear you could feel his hair brushing against your collarbones. 
‘Always, my little doll, I can never have enough of you’. 
You arched your body against his touch, his fingers leaving scorches of heat in your core and you blinked wearily, trying to open your eyes. 
‘Shhh, keep them close darling, just feel the pleasure I give you’. 
Lithe fingers gently brushed your top so your chest was exposed and your nipples swelled against the cool touch of the night air, a little gasp leaving your mouth. 
‘My little doll is always so sensitive for me, a mere touch and you tremble underneath me’
A loud moan filled the room as you felt a wet tongue snake around your nipple, his teeth biting and mouth sucking. 
He pulled away with a loud pop, gazing up at your reddened cheeks as he circled his tongue around your other nipple, groaning deeply as he nuzzled his face against your soft skin. 
Your eyes weren’t open but you could see him, it was like he was projecting the image of yourself into your mind. 
His torso was bare, wearing a simple pair of trousers, his muscles taut under the translucence of his skin, the birthmark on his face noticeable against his long, black hair. 
The man’s eyes were soft and there was a warmth in them, the only thing that showed a semblance of humanity about him. 
When even in your dream state, it was clear this man was anything but human. 
‘And I enjoy how you shiver under me everytime’. 
You felt his hands spread your legs apart and a heavy weight was felt between your legs and the brush of his hair against your hips, his fingers tracing the seam of your bottoms. 
‘Will you taste as sweet as you did last time?’ He asked in a velvety-like tone, you were now bare and aching for more. 
‘I..please..Mmmm’ Your hands reached up to tweak at your nipples and rubbing strokes against your naval, ‘I-is this real?’ 
A dark snicker was felt near your core as strong hands gripped your thighs open, 
‘Does it matter if it is?’ 
‘Mmmm’ You whined out, ‘You’re such a tease’. 
‘I would say I'm sorry but I'm not, you make it so easy for me to tease and use you'.
Your body jolted as you heard him breathe in your scent and a deep groan caused your body to shiver even more, 
‘You smell delicious’. 
More wetness stained the sheets as his tongue made you see stars, it licked and swirled in all the right places and it wasn’t long until you released his face, feeling him lick you clean. 
‘Oh, darling. I’m not even finished with you yet, I need to feel the warmth of you on my cock, fill you up, consume you’. 
You let yourself have a moment of rest as you heard the shuffling and the removing of his pants, feeling limp from your orgasm and sleepy state as he pulled your top over your head. 
‘Oh and if you need to call me something as I fuck you’. 
He pressed the tip of his cock against your entrance, glancing back up at you. 
‘My name is Yeosang’.  
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Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @scuzmunkie @mrcarrots @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @kodzukein @whatsk-poppinhomies @yeosdarling @hologramhoneymoon @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person @itbtoblikethatsometimes @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @thirstybchanstan @necessiteez @softquokka @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @hijeongguk @berryberrytan @notastraykid @sensitiveandhungry @laylasbunbunny @sometimesiwritethings @bluelove24 @bangchanbabygirlx
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fandom-monium · 1 year
Sweet Poison - Part 1
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Summary: In which you don’t recognize the Prince of the Underworld, but your next prey. (AKA a budding friendship and love between a godling and a succubus.)
“I don’t know when I’ll see you again, but if the Fates are kind, I hope it’s soon.”
WC: 1k
TW: Zagreus (Hades Video Game) x Succubus!Reader, GN!Reader, a succubus AND an artist bc sex is just work and food, au where in game Zag commissions the paintings using gems, what if boons actually affected Zagreus, slow build, strangers to friends to lovers trope, sex work, fluff, fluff and humor, mutual pining, idiots in love, mild angst, pheromones, technically it’s succubi magic aura, smut, oral sex, penis in vagina sex, vaginal sex, blowjob, cunnilingus, foreplay, squirting, overstimulation, vaginal fingering, rough sex, soft sex, dirty talk, size difference, Zagreus is at least 6 ft convince me otherwise, cream pie, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, EVENTUAL SMUT
AN: i recently bought Hades and now im in love ahahaha. 
In this context succubi feed off cum and if they overfeed they risk killing their victims includes but not limited to shades in which case they consume their souls or smt. 
Supposedly in latin succubus is a term for tops while incubus are bottoms and concubus are switches
In your defense, you don’t keep up with godly politics.
That’s not to say you’re uneducated. You know the basics: who the Olympians are, who Lord Hades is—hell, you have him to thank for giving you the greatest job in the world—but anything that involves delving any deeper into the ever-complicated and drama-filled family they are, you have no interest. So when a man with messy black hair and hellhound skulls on his shoulder winds up in your domain, you don’t see Underworld royalty but your next meal.
Alright, time to get to work.
You hide away most of your physical succubus-traits like muscle memory, hardly thinking as your horns, wings, and tail disappear in an instant. The only telling sign you’re not human: your eyes, with vertical-slit pupils against (your eye color) irises.
“Uhhh hi,” He greets you when he notices you across the chamber. He’s got his hand halfway up to his mouth, cupped with the revitalizing water of the fountain residing by the far wall. You tilt your head curiously, raising a brow at his tone, amicable and unafraid, and his smile, friendly and almost open, despite having barely registered your presence. And towards a creature like you.
Handsome and strange. You should have known. Those two usually go hand in hand.
The thought makes you return his smile. “Normally, I would welcome newcomers, but you do realize that’s my fountain you’re drinking out of?”
“Your fountain?“ Bruised and calloused hands go slack, and the water splashes back into the bowl. He sounds incredulous, as if you can’t possibly own something, and it makes you bristle.
But you’re a professional.
You scoff, “Well, not mine mine, as everything in the Underworld belongs to Lord Hades, but this one specifically is for my use.”
“… I see. My apologies,” You almost accept it, if not for the way his lips twitch like your statement is humorous. Still, he takes a step back, respectful of your supposed property. "In that case, might I ask you to grant me a sip?”
Apologizing. Asking. Not even demanding but politely asking for permission, even if he doesn’t seem to believe you. Gods, he truly doesn’t know where is, or at the very least, what you are.
You suppress a chuckle: you can work with this.
“You know what? Go ahead, you look like you can use the drink,” You say and he glances down at himself, taking in the gash on his shoulder, the burns, the blood. (Most of it isn’t even his.) Usually, you’d jump straight into your main course but no matter. Meat tastes much better when properly prepared anyway.
His smile broadens, “Thank you, good shade.”
You don’t bother to correct him, just as you don’t ask for his name. Seems pointless, considering you’re going to consume him soon enough.
He leans over the fountain’s rim and brings a handful of water to his lips. Your eyes trail after the few stray droplets dripping down his chin, down his neck, as most of the wounds stop bleeding, close up, or even disappear altogether, Your stomach rumbles softly.
“So,” Your reflection ripples in the water as he glances up at you across the basin. Studying him, you cross your arms over your chest, cleavage accentuated by your chiton as your natural aura seeps through little by little in a constant stream. Too quick and the man will convulse on the floor before you can even get a taste. Don’t want to drive the man into madness yet. “What’s someone like you doing in this corner of Tartarus?”
If he’s trying to keep his eyes above your collar, you can’t tell as he straightens up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Someone like me?”
“Yes. Most poor souls sent my way aren’t so…” You round the fountain and circle him, his eyes following after you as you gesture to his—well, everything. Nothing about him screams disgusting sinner per se, but that doesn’t necessarily make him Elysium-worthy.
He stares at you inquisitively. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but I wasn’t sent here by anyone. Not technically anyway. The Underworld’s an ever-shifting labyrinth; I usually go where it leads me, and fortunately it’s led me to your fountain.”
You stop before him, and he lets you absentmindedly prod one of the hellhound skulls. You smile wryly, “Fortunate, yes.” For me, perhaps.
“And what of you, dear shade?”
You retract your hand, blinking up at him. “Pardon?”
“You seem to have made a home for yourself. Lovely, I must say,” He looks around your chamber, from the drapes by the balcony entrance to the green flames licking at your fireplace to the many canvases, one of them half-finished and perched on your easel. He steps around you, and you trail after him as he moves to examine the black and white details. “Did you do all these yourself?”
Your eyes flicker over him, suspicious. “Y-yes, I did.”
He turns to you, and you’re taken aback as your gaze meets steady, heterochromatic eyes, so much so you know he’s being genuine as he asks, “They’re magnificent. Are you a deity of the arts perhaps?”
“O-oh, thank you, but I’m not…” You clear your throat, “It’s just a hobby, something to pass the time.” When I’m not consuming the souls of sinners.
Warmth blooms across your cheeks, and you purse your lips at your stutter. You’re used to flattery, so how would this be any different? Your food never took notice of their surroundings, much less your work.
Then again, they always were too enraptured by your aura.
Sneaking of which, why isn’t he?
You eye his form, watching for the slightest hint he’ll double over with a raging hard-on as your aura releases, more intense than before. Still, he continues, admiring your paintings, your sketches, half-finished works you left on the back burner. Is he truly unaffected by you?
Before you can add anything else, he’s at your balcony, overlooking the lower levels of Tartarus. “Well, I can’t wait to see more next time.”
…Next time???
“Next time?”
A hand on the balustrade, he glances at you over his shoulder and grins, “I don’t know when I’ll see you again, but if the Fates are kind, I hope it’s soon.”
Then he leaps.
You shout, rushing over to the railing where he last stood. Dead or not, the impact will hurt like hell. (Favorite color) wings sprout out of your back. You’re fast enough, you can still—
Stone rumbles, and you peak over the railing, unable to contain the relieved sigh seeing the man—strange and handsome and strange—safely standing on the platform below your chamber, unharmed. No fall damage.
Of course you knew that was there. Obviously.
Once he disappears behind the door, his burning feet leaving scorch marks in the brick stone path, you finally let out your horns and your tail.
AN: you’ll never catch me using Y/N. Y/N is dead, there is only (Your Name).
This will have at least 5 parts. This is basically a mini series of Zagreus and Succubi!Reader as they becomes friends (and eventually lovers :D)
Part 2 coming soon~
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Lucifer (OM) x Reader (GN)  MATURE (Tags): Sensual dancing/stripping, build up, dry humping, wing play, slight oral/finger tease  Words: 1K
It's after-hours at The Fall, the time where casual club goers clear the area and allow for the more, unhinged side of Devildom to come to life. Where the degenerates of this realm come to really show what a demon can behave like. The back  doors and halls open, where you can fulfill your desires with any patron you'd like if chosen. Any succubus or incubus was up for it, no matter who walked through those doors. Especially you. It was a rare occasion that anyone sampled a human, especially one like yourself. The "pet" of the 7 Demon Brothers, the rulers of hell. They could smell it on you as you walked to the bar, all eyes either devouring you or glaring in disgust. The bartender knows what you like already, some sort of a mind reader you guessed. As your drink slides to you casually, you turn to see the lights dim, and the crowd bunch together toward the center stage. The music starts, and you slightly cover your ears. The pitch, something off about it made you squirm, but the demons before you were going wild, cheering and hollering as they all seemed to grind and pulse against each other in delight. That's when you see him, it surprises you at first as you wouldn't expect him to be here performing. In a tight black long sleeve body suit with the shoulders cut out, his lean and muscular legs covered in blue dancer tights and heels, he steps out, his black and grey-tipped hair pulled back and the crimson of his eyes scanning the crowd as he grasped the pole. A random voice of the crowd whistled and screamed his name, Lucifer, which had him turn toward the cat call with a upturned nose. With a shimmy of his hips, he twirled once around, lowering to the ground in a split before lifting a leg flawlessly in the air. The crowd went wild, cheering the demon on. You watched in awe, taking in every graceful movement, though wondering why he maintained the same scowl on his face. Surely he volunteered for this, right? You decide to take your drink, leaving the amount of Grimm needed on the counter plus a tip before you make way to the stage. You try your best to navigate the mass of bodies, some moving out of the way for you and others refusing until you had to duck under a few pairs of legs, and all while not spilling a drop from your glass. Finally you reach the edge of the stage, where oddly, no one fought you on standing in your location, they were too busy staring at Lucifer as he continued his dance, before stopping completely to lock eyes with you. You'd think he'd be embarrassed, but it's the opposite. A smirk in the corner of his mouth forms and his attitude changes. The music stops, signaling that his performance was done. The crowd is displeased, but they all disperse, dancing amongst themselves to the rapid and pulsing EDM beats that filled the building with flashing lights. You look up at the stage again to see that the demon had left, but a tap on your shoulder causes you to flinch. It's the bartender, who takes the glass from your hand and gestures you to follow him. Unsure what you did wrong, perhaps maybe you left too little of a tip, you follow being lead to a large red door with velvet upholstery and gilded doorknob. "He requested you meet him here." is all the bartender says before opening the door, standing aside to let you walk in nervously.  The door shuts and you're left in a room only lit by black lights, the neon scenery stimulating your senses as a chill in the air crawls up your back. There's a chair in the center of the room, and you make your way to it. As soon as you sit down you feel a pair of hands slide over your shoulders and down your biceps. A low hum flows through your ears, your eyes closing as he spoke to you. "I'm glad you came...____" He says your name so seductively, you could feel your chest tighten and your core stir in excitement. "Make sure you open your eyes so you don't miss anything." He lets go of you and your eyes slowly open, the demon stands before you, his stride slow and calculating. The room suddenly fills with music, a tune that you're familiar with as he continues toward you. At the start of the break in the song, slowing building to the drop...he stops just a few inches from you. His arms reach behind him, gliding down the body suit as it slowly peels away from his skin. His eyes lock with yours again, his mouth parts fangs gleaming brightly in a flourish.  The drop hits, the body suit drops to the floor and his wings spread out with a powerful gust of wind. The blue tights stay on, as they wrap around your waist and the chair. His wings flutter and enclose around you, his body twisting and grinding against your crotch so you can feel his cock harden as he did so.  His breaths are erratic, his eyes wild as his thrusts follow the steady beat. You feel compelled to reach up and touch his cheeks, he presses against your palm, your thumb plays on his lips, his tongue darting out for a quick taste. You indulge him by sticking your pointer and middle finger inside, feeling his greedy tongue swirl around them as he kept his eyes locked on you.  You grab his thigh, he grunts, releasing your fingers so you can reach over and pet an outstretched wing. He throws his head back, a gasping “Ah” being heard over the volume of the music which shakes your core. You wanted nothing more but to either take him or him take you, the rhythm speeding up, a guttural growl bellowing from his throat. You take this moment to feel and tug at the base of the wing you touched, and it sets him off, the black lace thong he wore becoming wet with his cum as he arched his hips against you.  When he comes down from his his climax, he looks at you with lust filled eyes, the music coming to a close, with his chest rising and falling rapidly.  “I hope you’re ready for the next song, this time I won’t hold back...” 
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