#go theory
finshfingers · 7 months
ok so recently I saw this image of a post on Pinterest about Crowley having yellow tulips in the back of his car that he was MOST DEFINITELY GONNA GIVE AZIRAPHALE if all the sad shit didn’t happen (dw that small detail made me cry too 😭)
So I decided to write a fic on an AU where Crowley does manage to give Aziraphale the flowers and THEN I got a thought... Flowers have meanings! And guess what, TULIPS SYMBOLISE “RENEWAL AND REBIRTH” AND “DEEP LOVE” There’s no way I’m just being delusional this HAS to be intentional!!!! ALSO giving someone specifically yellow tulips mean that person you’re giving them to is your sunshine and they bring you pure and utter joy!
But idk I’m probably tweaking 💀
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bluelavander7 · 9 months
Okay so please Good Omens fandom follow me for a minute.
@dumbacesomething and I were watching ep.3 s1 (again coz we love pain) and I noticed that around minute 17:22, when Aziraphale throws Crowley's "holy water" piece of paper in the pond, it sets on fire.
We haven't really seen anyone talk about this and we don't really have any solid theory of our own but were wondering if anyone else noticed and what you think about it.
Personally we think either Aziraphale sets it on fire to highlight his decision not to help Crowley or Crowley does it to delete every trace of that request not to get in trouble with heaven or especially hell (if he was already thinking about defending himself from hell with the holy water then it's more of a threat to hell rather than heaven).
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xenocryp · 10 months
Okay, Theory time
I saw many people asking and making theories about why Metatron would offer to rise Crowley, or if he even was honest about that, and my dad has this theory that wanted me to share with you:
I think that Metatron WANTED Crowley to come with them, not because he likes them (Aziraphale & Crowley) Or eve thinks highly of them, but because he knows their history and what they have done.
I know that everyone is thinking he wanted to separate them and so, but i think he KNOWS he can't really break them apart.
By convincing Aziraphale there is really two options, 1) he manages to convince Crowley to come back to heaven (and tus having them both an a leash) or 2) the demon goes away and don't really tries to stop THE SECOND COMING because Aziraphale is going to be "the one behind the wheel"
He knows neither is going to really hurt the other... Or even really stop the other, and that is what he wants.
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abastardworthknowing · 11 months
I don't think Gabriel is faking it.
He would "never sully his celestial body with... gross matter" after all!
He would have just tried to murc Aziraphale again, surely? If it is a ploy, then... I don't know. Perhaps I'm as foolish as Aziraphale for trusting that he wouldn't fake having no memory. Or fake being incredibly ignorant and not even knowing the alphabet?
(Also, that excerpt from the trailer.... where he had purple eyes again? He almost looked like he was recovering from something in that shot. That seems so.... I'm not sure. I think something big really is happening...)
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icarusissleepy · 11 months
TW : Mentions of suicide and attempts at it, if you're sensitive, please scroll! G.O. SPOILERS AHEAD : Contains mention of 'EVERY', if you're trying to stay clear of spoilers for s2, I request you not to read this, if you do not mind spoilers, go on ahead! OKAY. THIS IS A RANT ABOUT THE WHOLE SUICIDE ATTEMPT THING IN EPISODE 3 (AND POSSIBLE EVENTS LEADING UP TO 'EVERY'.) Keep in mind I am not a theorist AT ALL, this is just my delusional thoughts. I've been thinking about this a lot lately and just felt like I got to share it. I can't help but think that, what if the suicide attempt mentioned in this post is done by Aziraphale, and the reason it failed is because Crowley walks in/interrupts him? I mean, it makes sense to me, and it would prompt a LOT of angst. Imagine walking into your angel trying to hurt himself like that! I assume Crowley would immediately be worried and angry, who made Zira feel like he needed to do that? How come he hadn't noticed? I, personally ADORE hurt/comfort, and the thought of seeing the husbands go through the initial shock of being caught in the act, then perhaps trying to cover it up, failing and giving in, leading to them possibly sobbing into each other's shoulders makes my heart ache and leap at the same time. Plus, it seems that Crowley is comfortable not wearing his dark glasses around Aziraphale, so I would LOVE to see how his eyes would show that kind of emotion if it does happen. - AND! Hear me out here, maybe, JUST MAYBE it pulls one of those "Oh, for heaven's sake, shut up! I love you more than life, and would do anything for you, so don't you dare speak of yourself in that way! *Suprise kiss*" and initiating the EVERY scene. Now, I'm sure that someone already thought of this before, but I just wanted to share my thought process. But still! Just a theory.. 👀
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I'm not sure I believe the coffee theory.
It may have been Aziraphale's own decision/reaction, but I'm not sure I believe that either considering how he was reacting to the metatron (confusion and skepticism) vs how he was presenting it to crowley (certainty and excitement)
What I think is this: you know how Aziraphale was able to influence everyone at the ball to act and speak and feel the way he wanted them to? So angels are able to do that. And you know how the miracle he and Crowley did to protect Gabriel? Well then he can also clearly alter the way that other angels see reality.
What I understand is that the metatron is an angel too. I don't think he necessarily put something in the coffee. I think that he was being coercive in the conversation with aziraphale (saying the only reasonable angel for the job is az, and telling him he's honest and a leader, even though he's not really either, saying it as if it's the reality of things, the way religion often pushes supposed truths, and thus messing with aziraphale), AND I think after getting aziraphale to possibly hesitantly agree after some negotiation involving crowley, the metatron may have miracled Aziraphale to act/be in the state of mind he appeared in when talking to Crowley, because he seemed a little too happy and like none of what JUST happened happened, and like he was confused with both Crowley and himself the entire interaction. I feel like there were things Aziraphale wanted to say but other more "heaven is good" type bullshit kept coming out instead. He sounded like he was trying to EMPLOY Crowley rather than speak loving relationship. I know aziraphale isn't amazing at communicating but he clearly sees Crowley as more than a friend, and the language he used in their argument sounded like what a workplace says when begging their employee to stay, rather than a dispute between friends. And then the hands off - hands on - hands off again in the kiss? It really seems to me like he's fighting with an invisible influence, arguing between what he thinks and what he does.
Now I still believe that Aziraphale wanted Crowley to come to heaven, but I don't believe that Aziraphale was seeing and talking past Crowley as much as he appeared to be. I believe he wasn't ALLOWED to say things the way he wanted to, and understood that, and was trying to come across but couldn't. Meanwhile Crowley is finally attempting to speak freely about what they have, and to him, Aziraphale has just gone backwards in acknowledging what they have. I also believe that Crowley understands that Aziraphale must be influenced by heaven (although is still very hurt), I just don't think he considered it possible just HOW MUCH influence is over Aziraphale.
At the end once the metatron steps into the shop, he's no longer influenced as I suggest above, but he realizes what he did and the hole he's dug himself into and in that moment feels that he has no choice anymore (even though he could have turned and gone back to crowley) and follows the metatron with what clearly was a forced smile.
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010010kom · 2 months
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my single contribution to the fandom.
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aroace-poly-show · 3 months
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pouletpourri · 8 months
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what-if concept where kaufmo didn't got abstracted and he and pomni got to co-exist
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samglyph · 7 months
Very important to have friends who enjoy media you don’t personally enjoy, both because having friends with varying interests can help you understand why someone might enjoy something even if it’s not your cup of tea which can help build empathy skills and also because there’s nothing more fun then being able to explain the plots of your respective obsessions to each other and have the other respond with “what the fuck”
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Something something the way that Crowley introduced himself to Aziraphale the first time they met in the garden and reacted as if they had never met before. Something about him later behaving as if he did actually have those memories of their time in Heaven together and trying to pass it off as being someone different now. Something about Heaven's way of punishing angels that go against the plan by erasing their memories. Something about Crowley seeing Gabriel without his memory and saying "ask him properly." Something about "remember it now" "it hurts, to remember. my head isn't built for that" "I know. Do it anyway"
Something about "I know. Looking at where the furniture isn't"
Something about I know
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bluedelliquanti · 2 months
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is this anything
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stoopidstapler · 10 months
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aitadjcrazytimes · 6 months
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keferon · 3 months
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Ah mmmm well
You know how in mermaid stories, the mermaid is typically the dumber one? I present to you the "and they were both scientists" plot.
Basically the concept is that mermechs and regular mechs can't talk to each other. But luckily even if they speak different languages they still use the same math~
I discovered a bunch of simpatico mer-fics. So. I wanted to do something with this concept too haha. If some physicist happens to read this - feel free to laugh at me. I know nothing about science👍
I don’t know if I’ll continue this thing. Should I. Idk. It’s midnight I might be going crazy lol. I made that cover anyway bc I love making covers hehe
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procrastiel · 6 months
Yo, another kiss in s3 would be great, but have you considered Aziraphale and Crowley laughing while kissing
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