#god i hope they are on b12 supplements
gothseparatist · 10 months
Conditions of the Ninth House
Ok I was just joking around that "It's a good thing the Ninth are the bone necros because they probably all have rickets being on Pluto" but then I wondered, would they?? how weak is their daylight?
Bunch of back of the envelope calculations and ruminations under the cut but the tl;dr is that brightest day Harrow would've experienced prior to Canaan House was darker than that of a typical grocery store interior
They aren't under a planetary atmosphere and I'm no physicist but I think light is light in a vacuum, some UV would reach that far just as some visible light does and due to them being partially a space station basically they are going to be under radiation we aren't.
Measurements for Solar radiation (W/m^2) on Earth are 1,413 at max and 1,321 at min. For Pluto due to its highly eccentric orbit it is much more extreme at 1.55 and 0.57. Compare this with Neptune which is 1.54 max and 1.47 min. Using the above and the value of 98,000 lux (a unit for brightness) for noon on Earth, I did some quick calculations that put noon on Pluto to vary between 114 lux to 42 lux (again due to its substantial orbital eccentricity). Putting that in comparable terms: average living room in Australia in 1998 was apparently 50 lux. Sunrise and sunset on Earth is ~400 lux. The dark limit of civil twilight (most can still read) is 3.4 lux. Night of fullmoon is 0.05-0.3 lux. Recommended office lighting is 320-500 lux.
With the above in mind, natural light reaching Drearburh at its brightest is comparable to a typical living room. And Pluto's rotation is 6.4 Earth days so the changes in natural lighting would be much more gradual than what Harrow would've experienced in Canaan house. It must have been quite the sensory overload + chaos for her!
Now for UV!
As far as UV goes, only Pluto readings I can find are in Rayleighs and I am too lazy to convert them [also yes I believe this is reflected off Pluto but it does not matter for our purposes as that is some of the light they'd be getting hit with] not many crafts have been to Pluto lol
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So I'm just gonna go off a common value based on distance that Pluto receives roughly 1/1600 of the light we do. Thus, its UV will be 1/1600 of the UV on the ISS (Drearburh is under artificial atmosphere but it is unclear what filtering it does in terms of UV so I'm mostly ignoring that). Earth 's atmosphere filters out basically all UV-C (germicidal really intense one) and about 90% or more of UV-B (the sunburn one).
Unfiltered sunlight composition is about 10% UV so 10% of those earlier solar radiation measurements of 1.55 and 0.57 W/m^2 is UV. This gives us the convenient calculation to 0.155 and 0.057 W/m^2 in the UV spectrum.
For some reason it was impossible for me to find simple measurements of UV in W/m^2 lol (everything was already adjusted to different units). BUT I was able to pull up a few studies that had those as raw data for entirely different thing and most helpful was one in Kuwait where UVB was 0.25 W/m^2 or this map where it is in mW/m^2 (so 200 = 0.2).
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In terms of UV, this would put the Ninth House within the range of Southern England during its perihelion and to Scandinavia during its aphelion so yes it is in fact Rickets City.
perihelion = closest to sun; aphelion= furthest
It is likely the house makes use of UV-producing lamps for its population especially given the major malnutrition issues and that the founding population included at the very least some people of Maori descent, potentially other ethnic groups with often brown skin, and people with darker skin can be more susceptible to low Vit D in low UV environments since their melanin is blocking what precious little UV they are getting. John made many oversights e.g. he's able-bodied so the houses lack automated doors, but given his background I'd imagine he'd catch onto this at least. I believe there are mentions of arc lamps in the text and these can let off some UV so there's some textual support to this idea. However, I do imagine they still rely heavily on necromancy to heal rickets just as they do other conditions. [Also normally, I'd say "realistically" after 10k years they'd likely have lost a lot of their melanin responsivity as that has happened quite quickly in humans (Cheddar Man vs modern white brits or Ashkenazi Jews vs Mizrahi ones) but the Ninth House is a much more stable environment than European history LOL, like people are provided their food and there's no war at home, etc so the "use it or lose it" selection pressure isn't as relevant as it would be for cave animals. But also "realistically" doesn't matter anyways for a bunch of reasons and the Houses clearly engage in some genetic meddling anyway (Ianthe and Coronabeth's Alexandria's Genesis asses have violet eyes).]
Lastly, the height of no-one-else-gives-a-shit-Avery, but the low light also has major implications for their crop production. "Low light" houseplants [University of Melbourne] have lux within "270 to 807". The Ninth likely has to be using either additional lights for their snowleeks and/or they are channeling a lot of light into a mirror/reflector and beaming it over the growing area. The latter makes the most sense to me.. though given how dark it is they probably should've just GMO'd some lower water column algae
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tradflowr · 7 months
I studied cosmetic chemistry, so these are some skincare tips I'd recommend!
For acne- Acne can be either inflammatory (looks red and irritated) or noninflammatory (bumps, blackheads, comedonal). Sometimes facial hair (yes, even on us girlies) can cause pimples to form, so you may want to seek hair removal treatments if you notice acne forming around where your face is hairiest. If you're experiencing the former, it could be caused from horomones, stress, + outdoor pollution. Try finding topical products with benzoyl peroxide. If the latter, it could be a reaction from skincare products that you're currently using, + having a diet high in sugars (high GI)/oily foods. These guys are tough to get rid of (may take a few weeks). I'd recommend finding a topical product with salicyilic acid. Do note that since these products aim to dry up sebum, your face might feel dryer. Make sure you're not overdoing skincare routines; be sure to change pillow cases, and not doing anything to cause too much friction on your face, since this can cause acne! I also love pimple patches (Hero cosmetics). They create a good environment for the skin to recover from acne while also absorbing extra sebum. I'd avoid oral medicine for acne since they can be very abrasive on your gut. For acne scars, products with retinol may help.
For dark circles- I personally don't have dark circles, but what may help you are topical products that contain Vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, or caffeine. These ingredients are humectants, so they help hydrate your under eye area! Water retention seems to be the key in combating this effect, along with good rest. I wouldn't break the bank with an eyecream. Their formulation is very similar to facial cream, so you're just buying a glorified face cream. Interestingly, it also seems that low levels of B12 can cause dark circles, due to poor blood circulation. You can take B12 as a supplement if you don't eat animal products, or you can eat animal products that you like with higher B12 content.
For redness- If inflammation is the problem, you may find moisturizers with aloe vera or oatmeal to help! As we approach the colder seasons, be sure to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized! Maybe taking a cold, damp face towel and laying it on your face may help. Antioxidants are also great with reducing inflammation. You may find that green tea and turmeric/ginger tea to be very helpful (do note that green tea contains caffeine, if you're sensitive/try to avoid it).
Lastly, when buying skincare products, try not to buy multiple products that have the same active ingredients (ex. buying a facial cleanser, moisturizer, and serum that all have salicylic acid. This may irritate your skin).
I hope this helps! <3
God bless you!!
Honestly, this and the comments on my post have given me so much amazing advice and I cannot thank everyone enough! I’m taking so much on board and can’t wait to give you all some updates🤍
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Masters of the Scene, Chapter 1 (Bitney Parent Trap AU) - Veronica
A/N: When @artificialedith said that all she wanted in exchange for that stunning chapter of Bitch Fight (which I hope you’re all reading!) was for me to start posting this story, I thought it was possibly an unfair trade. But alas, the time has come to let this one, which has been in my unpublished WIP drafts for way too long, see the light of day. Thank you so much to @imalwaysaslutfordrag for convincing me to write it (and all your wonderful additions) and to @tumble4rpdr for being a rock star of a beta. Also to the countless others who’ve brainstormed with me and let me rant about this story for god knows how long.
Click here to read if you’d like to read the prequels that set up this story (although it hopefully still makes sense without them) or here if you’d rather read on AO3.
Chapter Summary: After years of a frosty, barely civil divorce, Bianca and Courtney decide that their kids need to bond, so they send Adore and Danny to a performing arts summer camp.
Danny breathed in the fresh, pine-filled air deeply, telling himself that this wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever have to live through. It was just camp, right? People survived camp all the time. And if he was smart, he could avoid her altogether.
He was shaken out of his nervous daze by his mum’s arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders, dropping kiss after kiss to the top of his head. He smiled, hugging her back just as tightly. If this was gonna be hard for him, he knew it’d be even harder for her. After all, it had been just the two of them against the world for as far back as he could remember, and when he left for a week or so to visit Bianca in New York, she was normally a basket case. Six weeks was going to be a new and special kind of torture for her; he hoped that she wouldn’t be too lonely without him.
“I’m really gonna miss you, Mum.”
“Me too, precious.” Courtney sighed, laying a cheek on top of Danny’s head, saying, “Let’s go over the packing list one more time.”
“Mum!” Danny laughed. “We’ve been going over it all week!”
“Just once more.”
Even though Danny loved his mum more than anyone in the world, her anxiety about him leaving had been exhausting; he could already feel the beginning of a headache blooming just behind his eyes. He sighed, nodding, unzipping his duffel bag to humor her as she pulled the list up on her phone.
“Sleeping bag?”
“Mmhmm,” Danny replied.
“Non-lethal bug spray?”
“Yeah,” Danny said, sighing again, eyes wandering to the other kids who were arriving, scanning the crowd for someone, anyone, he might befriend.
“So you have your DHA, Omega 3, and B12 supplements?” Courtney asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I got everything.”
“Rosehip oil?”
“Weird,” Courtney mused, a hand on her hip.
“Hmm?” Danny turned back to her, distracted.
“I didn’t pack you any rosehip oil,” she announced, lips pursed, clearly catching Danny in a lie.
“Oops.” Danny shrugged sheepishly.
Adore slunk out of the car, dark glasses covering her eyes. Ugh, they really were out in the fucking woods. Bianca could not have looked more out of place, helping her unload her bags in four-inch heels and a tight pencil skirt.
“This place sucks,” Adore complained, kicking at the gravel. She wasn’t about to admit that the worst part about six weeks away from home would be how much she’d miss her mama, like some baby.
“Yup. But look at the bright side,” Bianca told her. “Better you than me.”
Adore rolled her eyes so hard that she almost got a headache, and Bianca let out a cackling laugh.
“Oh, calm down. You’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” By now, Adore had accepted that none of her complaints would make a difference, so why even bother?
“You got all your shit, right?” Bianca gestured vaguely to the bags at her feet.
“Great.” Bianca pulled Adore in for a hug, squeezing her tightly. “Gonna miss you, pussycat.”
“I know, ‘cause I’m awesome,” Adore replied, looking up at her with a cheeky grin.
“You are,” Bianca agreed, dimples deep as she ran a hand through Adore’s hair, then swatted her lightly on the butt. “Come on, let’s get rolling.”
Courtney spotted them out of the corner of her eye, swallowing hard, almost reflexively. It had been so long since they’d been in the same place, and it hadn’t gotten any easier.
If the sight of her didn’t fill Courtney with so much regret, it would almost be funny. Bianca standing in this remote parking lot, deep in the woods, in Louboutin stilettos and clothes tailored to perfection, hugging every curve. Not to mention her flawless makeup and diamond earrings glinting in the sun. It gave Courtney a little pang of insecurity, standing there in a cotton t-shirt dress and Ugg boots, no makeup, hair in a messy bun, straight from the airport. Why hadn’t she thought about this ahead of time?
Her stomach dropped as Bianca pushed up her sunglasses, running a hand through her dark hair. Courtney closed her eyes, hating herself for how immediate the memories were--it had been almost seven years, but she could still feel Bianca’s thick hair in her own hands, smell the scent of it.
She shook her head and turned to Danny, who was heaving the backpack on and lifting his duffel bag, pretending not to struggle with his skinny, gangly little arms. Courtney cupped his cheeks in her hands.
“I’ll see you in six weeks, okay?”
“Okay, Mum.”
“And if you need anything, you call me.” She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair.
“I will.”
“I don’t care if it’s not phone hours or whatever, you call me anytime! Anytime you need to, alright? You don’t take no for an answer,” Courtney instructed, green eyes getting misty.
Danny smiled gently. “I promise I will. Stop worrying so much.”
“Okay, okay,” Courtney said, pressing a kiss to Danny’s forehead. “You’ll be fine, I believe you. Go say hi to your mama, honey. I’ll bring your stuff to the welcome area.”
“Don’t you want to say hi?” Danny asked hopefully.
“Um…” Courtney looked over to Bianca and Adore once more as they embraced, the pang of insecurity feeling more like a slap this time. “No, I don’t want to interrupt. But...can you tell Adore to come over here before she checks in?”
“Yep,” Danny said, trying to cover his disappointment as he kissed Courtney’s cheek and headed over to Bianca and the dreaded twin.
“Listen,” Bianca said. “It’s only six weeks, and it’ll be good for you to bond with Danny away from me and Courtney.”
“Whatever…” Adore grumbled.
Bianca sighed. She had no doubt that Adore would end up loving this performing arts camp--it was, as Courtney said in her email, everything that she and Danny loved. But it would all be so much easier if she would just get into the spirit.
“Why don’t you look at it like an adventure, hmm?”
“I hate adventures.”
Bianca rolled her eyes just as someone tapped her gently on the shoulder. For one brief moment, her heart nearly seized in her chest, thinking it might actually be Courtney, but when she turned, there was only Danny’s face looking up at her.
Bianca smiled brightly at her son.
“Hey!” She slung an arm around him. “You look taller. Are you taller?”
“Since Spring Break? I don’t think so,” Danny laughed.
Bianca kissed the crown of his head. Adore, as usual, had nothing to say to her brother.
“Hi, Adore.”
A soft grunt was all he got.
“Mum wants to say hi to you,” he told her.
Adore rolled her eyes to the heavens again.
“Why didn’t she just come over here like a normal person?”
“Uhh, she didn’t want to interrupt,” Danny said, clearly lying through his teeth. Bianca knew exactly why Courtney didn’t come over. She found the urge to look directly at her, instead giving Adore a light smack on the ass.
“Adore, for fuck’s sake, just go say hi,” Bianca instructed.
“But I just saw her 2 weeks ago!” Adore whined petulantly. “And she’s gonna talk to me about my chakras again.”
“Your chakras will survive. Go.” Bianca was adamant, not taking no for an answer.
“Ughhh!” Adore stomped away.
Courtney breathed in and out slowly, back pressed to the door of her rental car.
“Hey,” said an unenthusiastic voice.
Courtney perked up, immediately opening her arms to her daughter, who trudged forward. She allowed Courtney to hug her, body limp in her arms. Courtney pulled back, hands on her shoulders.
“Listen, I know you’re not thrilled about this, but I really think you’re gonna love it. They have music and drama and dance-”
“I hate dance.”
“Then you’ll do the other things. Or you’ll try something new.” Courtney touched her cheek softly. “And look how beautiful it is. You get to be surrounded by all this nature-”
“I hate nature.”
“Well...maybe you’ll learn to like it,” Courtney sighed.
“Doubtful,” Adore replied. “Anyway...see you at Thanksgiving…”
She turned and walked toward the welcome tables.
“Wait, Adore!”
Adore turned back around to Courtney, rolling her eyes pointedly.
“Please try to be nice to your brother,” Courtney implored.
“Ugh,” Adore scoffed, turning back around.
“I love you!” Courtney added quickly, but all she got in response was a dismissive wave. She sighed again, rubbing her eyes. No matter how hard she tried, she always managed to fuck things up when it came to Adore. She was still a few months shy of 12, but she’d been a surly teenager since before she started kindergarten.
She glanced back over her shoulder to where Danny still stood with Bianca, panicking only slightly when Bianca caught her eye, then offering an awkward little wave. Bianca nodded at her in response, and she felt her heart sink.
The iciness of their relationship had gotten worse and worse over the years, and the only thing Courtney could do was swallow down the bitterness and hurt, try to be the best parent possible to her kids, and let the regret wash over her like a wave, praying that it didn’t drown her completely.
It was a Thursday. Courtney remembered that, at least, though most of the night was a blur. It was a fight--somehow the same fight that they’d been having, over and over, for months. And yet that night was so much worse than it had ever been.
The gnashing teeth and cutting words. How they’d taken every fear ever expressed and turned it inside out, intentionally inflicting as much pain on each other as possible.
Narcissistic. Jealous. Shallow. Cheap. Opportunistic. Controlling.
She wasn’t sure how they got to this point. Why they’d been screaming for so long that their voices were hoarse and raspy.
“So now that you got your green card, I guess you don’t need me anymore, huh?”
“If you’re so miserable, why don’t you just fucking leave!”
And she had. Not only left, but taken Adore with her, the little girl wailing hysterically until her mama scooped her up and promised that she could come along. The last thing she’d said before slamming the door shut was that her lawyer would be in touch to work out custody.
The river of silent tears as she rocked Danny to sleep, determined to make sure that his life would be everything he could ever want.
Heaving Danny’s duffel bag and sleeping bag over her shoulders, Courtney sighed and walked in the direction of his welcome table, blinking back tears.
Bianca watched the stiff exchange between Adore and Courtney with a neutral expression on her face. She couldn’t very well fault Adore for her behavior. No matter how much she wished they could all be one big happy, weird family, there was more to it than just what she wanted. The kids were older now, they could make their own minds up about the world and the people in it. That’s what parenthood was about, after all. Preparing your kids for the world. Setting them up to succeed. The fact that Adore had such strong convictions meant they were doing something right. And yet Bianca couldn’t help but miss the early days.
The front door squeaked on its hinges, the same as it always had. The sink dripped steadily in the kitchen and Bianca made another mental note to get someone to look at it. Everything felt so familiar and so hauntingly different at the same time.
Bianca carefully set the two carriers in the middle of the living room floor, now converted into a makeshift baby’s room, before sitting down in a chair a few feet away and just staring at them. Her brand new infants. It was still so weird, so foreign, to think that she was a mother. To think that she’d carried these creatures inside her body for nine months, and now...now what?
They could breathe on their own now. They could cry and move and feel. And this was only the beginning, before long they would be walking, singing, laughing. They would be full grown people someday. With their own thoughts and opinions and lives.
It was a lot to take in, Bianca realized, staring down at these tiny humans that depended on her now more than ever. It was exhausting, actually, to think about it. Or maybe that was just her, body still wrecked from labor, anxiety about breastfeeding through the roof, still worried that she wouldn’t be able to produce enough milk for both of them in spite of what the nurses assured her.
Danny began fussing a little, his tiny rosebud mouth turning down in a frown, and Bianca lifted him out of his carrier.
“What’s wrong, little man?” she cooed at him, as the door swung open again.
Courtney struggled inside with the rest of their stuff. When Adore started crying, she dropped the stroller, the case of diapers and Bianca’s suitcase and came running over to help. She picked up Adore and bounced her around a bit, quickly realizing that she needed to be changed. She brought her over to the cute little changing table and then froze.
Courtney looked from Adore to Bianca to Danny and back to Bianca. She looked scared. More scared than Bianca had ever seen her.
“I-I don’t know…what t-to do…I can’t-”
At that moment, Danny joined in, howling along with Adore, and Bianca heaved herself up. She walked over to Courtney, who was still frozen with fear, one hand on Adore’s round little belly.
Tears pooling in the wells of her eyes, Courtney shook her head, “Oh god, I’m sorry, I can’t-”
“It’s okay…” Bianca put one hand on Courtney’s shoulder, still rocking Danny in her arms. He reached his tiny little fists toward her. Was he hungry? He was probably hungry. He was usually hungry. “Start with the snaps at the bottom, then pull it up like...there you go.”
As calmly as she could, Bianca talked Courtney through the task of changing Adore’s diaper, all while settling back into the chair with Danny and beginning to feed him for about the seventh time that day. For such a tiny thing, he sure could eat.
“Is this okay?” Courtney asked, a worried expression wrinkling her brow, holding Adore up for Bianca to see.
“Yeah, looks great, babe.”
Courtney snapped her onesie closed and walked over to join Bianca, perching on the arm of the chair. She still seemed distressed, so Bianca reached for her hand.
“Hey...what’s wrong? You did great.”
Courtney sniffled, clearly fighting back a wave of emotion, “I just...what would I have done if you weren’t there? If I can’t even change a diaper without help, how am I ever going to be a good mum? I don’t know anything about babies, and-”
Bianca could hear the panic in her voice, see the tears in her eyes, and she squeezed her hand tightly.
“You’re gonna be amazing. I promise.” Bianca smiled, brushing away a few stray tears from Courtney’s face. “I mean, you already read every parenting book on the planet. That’s how much you care about doing the right thing.”
Courtney laughed through her tears.
“And whatever we don’t know, we’ll learn. Together.”
“Right. Together,” Courtney echoed, gazing down lovingly at Bianca, then glancing over at Danny and remarking, “Man, he’s really going to town on that tit.”
Bianca cackled gleefully, eyes meeting Courtney’s for a moment, reassuring each other that everything would be fine. That they were a team.
And they were, for awhile, until things began to fall apart, the fabric of their relationship straining until the seams ripped. Little tears here and there, at first, then more and more until the damage was too great to be patched up.
Bianca swallowed, slamming the trunk shut with more force than needed before pausing to collect herself. The past was what it was--she couldn’t very well change it now, so what use was there in dwelling on it?
She checked her watch, sighing a little, realizing that she wouldn’t make it back to the city before rush hour.
Be nice to your brother.
Adore slammed her tray down on the wooden table so hard that her Sloppy Joe nearly jumped onto her vintage Sex Pistols T-shirt.
“Hey, watch out!” Violet exclaimed, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Yeah man, you almost got that shit on my shorts,” Pearl laughed. “What’s the matter?”
“He’s just such a freak.”
They’d been at camp for almost 4 hours so far, and Adore had already formed a very close-knit bond with two girls in her cabin, thankful to have found friends right away who weren’t conformist little suck-ups. She’s discovered them giggling in the corner about which counselors were the hottest.
Violet was from Atlanta, her giant trunk filled with stacks and stacks of designer clothes. When Adore casually mentioned who her mother was, her brown eyes had lit up, and Adore knew she’d made a friend for life. And Pearl was from Florida...but Adore wasn’t holding that against her. Mostly because she was just so pretty, with her sleepy blue eyes and long tan legs. Plus, Adore had seen a lighter peeking out of her pocket, so she was sure to be a good time.
But Danny. Danny could easily ruin everything, with his stupid baby-like sandals and lame tunics, his terrible shoulder-length hair. He looked like a middle-aged lesbian art teacher. Not the vibe Adore was cultivating at all.
“Who’s a freak?” Violet asked.
Adore cringed as she pointed him out. Of course, the loser hadn’t made any friends yet. He was wandering around the cafeteria, trying to find a place to sit, big hazel eyes making him look like a pathetic lost puppy.
“It’s my lame-ass brother. Ughh, he’s so annoying, just look at him.” Adore flipped one of her pink-streaked pigtails over her shoulder. “I cannot believe we’re related.”
“Wow…” Pearl looked from Danny to Adore and then back again. “It’s crazy how much you guys look alike.”
“We do not!” Adore cried indignantly. “Plus he’s like, the worst. He uses words like ‘tumultuous.’ Who the fuck says tumultuous in conversation?”
“Well, you just did,” Violet said with a smirk.
Adore flipped her off, earning a chuckle of respect.
“Listen, if he’s that bad, just ignore him,” Pearl drawled.
“Or push him in the lake,” Violet added, and Pearl clapped her hands, the most animated Adore had seen her all day.
“Yes! Forget what I said, push him in the lake!”
“I like the way you guys think,” Adore laughed.
“Danny! Danny, over here!”
Danny turned with relief to the friendly voice, only to have his face fall a bit when he realized who it was. Katya, the counselor from his cabin--who seemed perfectly nice, but was he really gonna be the kid sitting with his counselor on day one? That seemed like a one-way ticket to loserville, as Adore would say.
“Come sit with us,” Katya said, her radiant smile growing even brighter as she beckoned him over.
Danny swallowed, heading over with slightly slumped shoulders. He supposed that sitting with the counselor was better than sitting alone, right?
“So Danny...I have a confession to make,” Katya said, blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “I might have a calendar of your mom from 2013 somewhere in my possessions.”
“Omigod…” Danny covered his face, cheeks turning pink. Thankfully, his mum’s days of scandalous calendar modeling were over. These days it was all about her philanthropic endeavors, supported by her lifestyle blog and thriving youtube channel, where she posted bucolic videos of turning the veggies in their garden into delicious vegan meals, and Courtney Talks, weekly round-table discussions about politics and pop culture with her A-list friends.
“But I promise to keep it concealed,” Katya added.
“Wait, who’s your mom?” asked the boy beside Katya.
“Courtney Act.”
“Holy shit!” another counselor at the table exclaimed. “She is hot!”
Danny sighed, giving a tense smile as he bit into his vegan Sloppy Joe on the gluten-free bun, part of the special meal plan Courtney had ordered for him.
“Listen, that calendar was really important. It was the first major fundraiser for the Carlotta House,” Katya said.
“Wait, really?” Danny knew all about the Carlotta House. It was his mother’s pride and joy, her proudest accomplishment, a safehouse and school for homeless trans youth. They spent almost every Sunday there helping prepare meals or taking the kids for field trips or even just chatting with them. But he had no idea that his mum’s embarrassing former life as a scantily clad model had helped build it.
“Yeah. She’s honestly like, such a queer icon,” Katya sighed lovingly.
“Wow...I guess that’s pretty cool.”
“It’s very cool, Danny. Very fucking cool.”
“Ugh, omigod…”
“What now?” Violet asked tiredly, biting down on a French fry.
“He’s sitting with some counselors. Omigod, could he be more of a loser?”
“Well, he could be spending his whole dinner obsessing about his lame sister…” Violet raised an eyebrow pointedly and Adore clamped her mouth shut.
“I still vote you push him in the lake,” said Pearl.
“Especially if it gets you to lighten up so that we can have some fun!”
“I’m considering it,” Adore told them, taking a sip of some electric blue punch.
The entire drive home had been excruciating. Gripping the wheel in her manicured hands, mind tormenting her with memory after memory of Courtney, of their life together, of what could have been--even that little glimpse of her enough to set her mind reeling.
She didn’t like to think about it, about how more often than she cared to admit, she’d lie awake imagining how different her life would be if she’d been stronger, less volatile, if she’d held on just a little bit longer. What if they’d made it through those terrible years and come out together on the other side? Would they be together now? Maybe in some Malibu beach house together, enjoying the fruits of their labor? What would it be like to still be loved like she once was? Would it have softened her edges, dulled her relentless ambition? Or maybe the opposite: maybe the strength of them both together would have helped them reach higher heights.
As she approached the city, nerves frayed, body tense with anxiety, she realized that the last thing she needed was to return to her empty apartment and spend the night alone.
She’d only been out with Fame a few times, but she liked her a lot: she was beautiful, ambitious, and much shrewder than she first appeared. And best of all, she was nothing like Bianca’s ex-wife.
“Come over tonight,” Bianca requested, the moment she picked up.
“To your place?” Fame asked, surprised. “What about your daughter?”
“I just dropped her off at summer camp.”
“Yeah, she’ll be there for six weeks.”
“Aww...are you gonna be lonely?” Fame teased.
“I guess I am pretty good company.”
“And I’m gonna head out to my place in the Hamptons this weekend, if you think you might wanna...spend some more time together.”
Bianca held her breath. She knew that it was probably too soon to suggest something like that, but what the hell. Might as well try.
“How did you know how much I’ve been dying to get away from the city?” Fame asked.
“Well, baby, stick with me, I’ll make all your dreams come true.”
Fame giggled and said, “I’m holding you to that.”
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carolxdanvers · 3 years
When I got very sick in September, my doctor tested my b12 levels and found they were absurdly low. I googled around and found that b12 deficiency often mimics adhd so closely that people can get an adhd diagnosis when their actual problem is b12 deficiency.
And my god, I hoped. I hoped that was the case with me. I got prescribed b12 injections once weekly for two months, and then I got put on oral b12 supplements. And a few symptoms went away. But the adhd symptoms did not. And I'm just so fucking sick of this shit lmao like
If they could crack open my skull and fix what was wrong with my brain by jabbing it with electrified needles, I would shave my head for them. I am so goddamn tired of being unable to think. I am so sick of Knowing I'm Smart but my brain won't allow me to be.
And I'm so so so sick of being told I should embrace it because it's who I am.
It's not who I am. It gets in the way of who I am.
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ms-hells-bells · 3 years
throwaway vegan advice
if you guys want 5% off the $20nzd (like 15usd) vegan multis on iherb, have a referral link (idk the difference between the two, you’’ll have to see if there’s any difference) https://www.iherb.com/?rcode=BEW2992 https://nz.iherb.com/tr/cb?v=2&pcodes=DEV00002qty1sid0_&rcode=BEW2992 i imagine that shipping would be cheaper for you guys too :( 15 dollars shipping for a small bottle of vitamins, and that’s CHEAP for nz, my god. 
it’s only like a dollar off, but i just noticed that there is a referral code in the first place and thought i may as well share it since i recommend these so often (also, i’m pretty sure looking at my account, that the more i buy it, the more i get off. for some reason i’m getting a dollar off this time). if your diet is already pretty good and you just need to fill in gaps, you can either take these every couple of days, or there are mini ones for only 12nzd (9usd) that have like half the amount of the minerals (but still all the needed b12 and vitamin c and other things). one pill every day lasts 3 months, but for the non mini ones, taking them every 2-3 days means you can stretch them to 6-9 months (if your diet is pretty healthy already!. if you feel like you’re not getting much iron or vit c or d or omegas, then try taking them every day. i’m poor and can’t cook well so i do).
i know this totally looks like i’m getting paid or something lol, i’m not (i wish), i just get a lot of vegan questions and see a ton of baby vegans, and supplementing is so important, i don’t want anyone trying it improperly, getting deficient because they didn’t prepare, and then quitting. so i hope this rec at least helps someone. multivitamins don’t boost your immune system and anything that you already have hit max storage for, you’’ just pee out, but as long as you understand that, often taking a single pill is way easier than taking a bunch of different ones, especially if it ends up being cheaper. you’ll still need calcium supplements though because they can’t put calcium in these, otherwise it will block absorption of the iron. calcium is very important for women, most women should either be eating plenty of it, or taking supplements, especially if they are anywhere near or after menopause. osteoporosis is a major issue for omnis, let alone vegans, where much of the calcium in greens is bio-unavailable due to certain compounds in the plants. fortified foods and supplements are your best bet. 
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luciphfer · 6 years
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So I'm not a medical professional at all but I wanted to make a post about this. It's not going to help everyone, not by a long shot, but I hope it can help someone.
For the past few years, I've been finding myself exhausted all the time. I've tried different sleep schedules, different diets, I've tried anything I could think of. It was impacting my work, I could only manage 20 hours a week when I need to be working twice that. All the extra time was spent sleeping. In addition to the exhaustion, I've been really depressed. I've had depressive episodes my entire life, but the past few months have been the worst. I couldn't go more than a few hours without contemplating suicide. I was almost always thinking of self harm. I was hopeless, I felt like I was gonna be stuck like this for the rest of my life. To say the least, I was at my lowest point.
Recently, I've got my health insurance straightened out (thank god) and I went for a check up. They drew some blood and told me they'd call me within the week. A few days later, I got a call back and they told me I needed to come in to discuss my results. They mentioned some vitamins and I kind of shrugged it off. At the appointment, my doctor explained to me that my vitamin b12 levels were extremely low. He told me that the typical range for b12 is about 150 ng/ml to 1000 ng/ml, and anything lower than 400 was considered low.
My b12 level was 73.
He then explained to me that my body wasn't absorbing it like it should, and he was really shocked to see my levels so low. Since my body wasn't absorbing it through food, supplements weren't going to help me either. That left me with injections or a nasal spray. I chose the former.
I had my first injection five days ago. I felt the effects within a few hours. Instead of sleeping 12 hours or more, I'm sleeping half of that and I wake up feeling decent. Little things aren't setting me off anymore. It's not that I feel like a new person, I just feel like myself again. I feel like the 19 year old that worked two jobs because I was bored and needed out of the house. I feel like the 16 year old girl that couldn't keep my hands off my boyfriend. I feel good. Normal. Myself.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you that if you're depressed, you just need some vitamins and you'll be fixed. That's bullshit. That being said, if you're in a position to get it checked out, I don't think it would hurt. It hasn't even been a full week for me, and it's changed my life completely.
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rainbowgf · 6 years
Little Things that have Helped my Chronic Illness/Pain
Since it's the start of the New Year, I wanted to make a post about little things I've personally found help me cope with my chronic illness/pain. Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, this is what helps for /me/, so please be sure to check with your doctor before trying any of these.
I hope this will help others in the community, and if you have any ideas yourself please let me know!
Vitamin B12 Complex - This has helped so much for my chronic fatigue and hashimotos. It's not a complete fix but it's made a big change in my quality of life. It's even made me less depressed and more motivated.
Kratom - A natural leaf powder you can order online that has the same effects as a low dose opioid. Certain strains have certain effects, but in general it helps moderate pain, boost your mood, and gives a relaxing effect on the body. Just be sure to check your state laws since it's illegal in certain states. But it's really awesome, and the best part is it's completely natural. Some days when I'm having medium to low pain, I'll skip my pain medicine and just go for kratom instead.
Magnesium Supplements - Have helped soothe my muscle cramps at times, as well as help with constipation
Green Tea Supplements - Helps with constipation and gives you a bit of energy without jittery side effects.
Melatonin - A natural sleep aid that helps with those restless nights. I've used it religiously for the past 7 years.
Epsom Salts - Super cheap and can be bought just about anywhere. Taking a hot bath during a bad pain flare with epsom salts in it is just heaven. Works the best for muscle aches. Bonus if you can find the kind infused with lavender, which will produce a calming effect.
I always recommend tea for anyone with any kind of illness, be it mental or physical, since it has so many benefits and is just so calming to sip on. To get the best health benefits out of tea, I recommend drinking them without sugar.
Chamomile Tea - Great for anxiety, anxious stomach, and insomnia. We all have those days where we're just so irritable from our pain that our stress is through the roof, and when my prescribed medication isn't helping, I go for a cup of chamomile
Kava Kava - Another natural relaxing tea that has similar effects to common anxiety medication. Great for anxiety, insomnia, and for relaxing the body.
Ginger Tea - GREAT for nausea, stomach cramps, and helping suppress your appetite. (My friends on steroids will understand how fricken hungry we get on them lol)
Green Tea - Not only is it great for cleansing the system, just like I mentioned for the supplements, it simultaneously gives you a bit of energy while producing a calming effect.
Creams and patches can be a hit and miss, so always be sure to look up reviews before hand. I love menthol for my pain, so whenever I get creams I always be sure to look for creams that have a high percentage of it. Figure out what works for you.
Salonpas - These things have been a literal /godsend/ for pain. They're little sticky menthol patches you can put just about everywhere. They seem to work best for tender joint pain, but can be used for anything as well as be cut up smaller for tighter spots. Very strong formula that lasts about 4 hours.
Doan's Pain Relieving Cream with Lidocaine - This stuff is great and actually makes the area you applied it on a bit numb (from the lidocaine). It's actually helped me during severe flare-ups, and has a decent price.
Emu Oil ((Blue Emu)) - This stuff is kind of expensive, but it helped a bit for muscle pain, especially restless legs.
Arnicare Cream - Wouldn't recommend for pain but rather as a massage cream. If you have someone who can help you massage it into tender points, it really helps relax your muscles.
Plain Menthol Cream - You can get this at your local 99 cent store. It usually comes in a round container and looks blue. When you're low on cash and need something extra, it does the job.
Heating pad/Ice packs.
Migraine sufferers - Try to get one of those sleeping masks with a built in ice pack, they're wonderful and so soothing.
Compression Stockings - Oh my god, I don't know what I'd do without these! I get super painful restless legs and nerve pain in my legs, and these work so well. Make sure you get the correct size so they can give your leg the proper tight squeeze to help with pain.
General Compression Items - Compression socks, tights, bands, back bands etc all work great according to the type of pain you have. The key is to make sure you get the right size. I actually prefer to order them online since they seem to be of better quality.
Body Massage Vibrating Mat - A little expensive but a great investment if you have widespread body pain. I was able to find a used one for about 25$.
Acupuncture Mat - Not for everyone but it's definitely helped me. They usually come with a little mat and a neck pillow and are covered with a bunch of little spikes. After laying on it for a while it feels like I've gotten a deep tissue massage.
Personal TENS Unit - TENS units have never really helped /my/ pain, but I wanted to add it to the list so people can know about them. I have friends where TENS units have done wonders for them. And they're pretty inexpensive if you order them online.
Mini Room Heater - My body cannot control it's temperature so I'm always super cold, even in the warm months. I set my mini heater (which was about 10$) on the desk by my bed and it keeps me nice and warm.
Keep Stress Under Control - Stress has always flared up my pain and illnesses. Being sick and in pain 24/7 can wreck havoc on your mental health, so please be sure to have a game-plan to keep stress under control, whether it be with meditation, therapy, seeing a psychologist, moderate exercise, or even self help books. (My personal favorite is Feeling Good by David Burns which even includes exercises on how to handle your depression and negative thoughts.)
Keeping a Journal - It's not healthy to keep in all your feelings. Get a journal, (it doesn't have to be fancy, a composition book will work just fine) and write your heart out. Don't care about making it pretty, just get all those feelings out if you can.
Join a Support Group - Ever since I discovered the #spoonie community it’s really helped me feel less alone. There are support groups everywhere, forums, and lots of facebook groups. Just make sure you look into it well to avoid toxic groups.
Remembering to take your Meds - I use the app MediSafe and it's wonderful at helping you keep track of your meds, reminders, and even has an option to remind to you to refill your meds.
Stay Hydrated
Follow positivity channels, blogs, look up inspirational quotes, see other’s stories and how they’ve triumphed, etc. Get as much positivity, inspiration, and motivation as you can. And if you want to take it a step further, get into the habit of keeping a gratitude journal.
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years
Wing Man
Characters: Cas x Reader, Dean, Sam
Warnings: Cheesy Pick-up Lines, Fluff, Cas
Word Count: 3,388
A/N: I wrote this for two different challenges that I just felt like went way too well together. The first is @impalaimagining’s Cheesy Pickup Line 4K Follower Celebration. The other is for @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps 1.5K Golden Girls Challenge. I love the themes of both of these challenges and I truly hope that you both enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Congrats to you both on your amazing milestones! The prompts are bolded below.
A/N 2: Beta’d by two of my loves - @wheresthekillswitch and @hannahindie. Where would I be without you two? Thank you both - I love you!
Tags are at the bottom. If you would like to be added to my tags list, just send me an ASK. And as always - Feedback is always appreciated! Enjoy!
(Italics are internal thoughts - kind of. The gif is not mine.)
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Wing Man
“OK, what about her?” Dean motions to a petite blonde bombshell, with, what appears to be, an expensively large rack.
Castiel turns in the direction Dean is pointing and frowns, shaking his head.
“No, thank you.” Cas returns his gaze to his drink before lifting the bottle to his lips.
“What do you mean, ‘No, thank you’?” Dean gapes at the angel, his eyebrows creased in disgust. “That girl is a knockout!”
“I mean, no thank you. I feel no sort of physical attraction to that woman, and I use that term loosely.” Castiel sighs, lifting one eyebrow before meeting Dean's eyes. “She appears to be more artificial enhancement than actual human being. And her brainwaves seem to be lacking a certain complexity necessary to carry out a stimulating conversation.”
You choke on your beer, sending the bubbling, cool liquid straight into your nasal passage and out your nose. Sputtering and grabbing for napkins to get yourself cleaned up, you hear Sam snort; an honest to God snort. You look up, giggling at the look of merriment on your tall friend’s face. Dean’s jaw is hanging slightly agape, and you can’t tell if the look on his face is one of shock or irritation, but you don’t care. The whole scene is priceless.
You sneak a glance at Cas, who is watching the events play out in front of him as one might watch a tennis match, his head tilted to one side.
“What?” His gruff voice is full of innocence, making you and Sam giggle harder.
Dean glares at the two of you before returning his attention back to Cas. He licks his lips and purses them, sucking in a quick breath through his nose before continuing.
“Nothing buddy.” 
“Dean, leave him alone. Maybe hooking up with some chick from the bar isn’t Cas’ idea of celebrating.” Sam hazards a quick sideways look in your direction, and your cheeks flame. Shut up, Sam. Just. Shut. Up.
“I feel like it is my duty...no...my privilege to show him the ropes; teach him some of my tricks.” Dean claps Cas on the shoulder before surveying the crowded room again.  “What about that girl over there? Green shirt, brown hair?”
You follow where he is pointing and the laughter in your lungs comes to a rolling stop as you find the target in question. She is beautiful. Maybe not in a traditional barfly kind of way, but you don’t even have to look at Cas to know he sees it too. Disappointment rains on your previously pleasant demeanor and you struggle to keep your face neutral.
“Oh.” Cas stares at the woman and says nothing else.
You grab your beer and chug the remaining contents, slamming it down and rising to grab another from the bar. Dean smacks a palm on the wooden table and points at Cas, winking at him and clicking his tongue.
“There he is! Alright, what you gotta do when you get there…” Dean’s voice fades away as you approach the bar.
You signal the bartender for another drink, before perching on a barstool. The bartender sets down a fresh bottle, smiling politely.
“Can I get a shot of...something? I don’t care what.”
He nods, turning to grab a bottle. He neatly fills a small shot glass with a clear liquid before sliding it in your direction. You thank him, tipping the drink back with a flick of your wrist, downing the bitterness with one gulp and grimacing. Whatever he gave you burns all the way down your throat and you slam the glass down, grabbing your beer to chase the taste away.
The sound of flesh meeting flesh with some considerable amount of force catches your attention. You whirl around, your senses heightened and your body on alert. Instead of some unimaginable horror, you find Cas, walking toward the table where you’d left him and the boys, rubbing his cheek and frowning. You glance in the direction Cas is walking from to see the woman in the green shirt stand, obviously flustered and rushing to leave. Shit.
You flag down the bartender again and knock back another of the mystery shots before heading back to the group.
“What the hell man? That is not what I said to do!”
“What? What did I miss?” You look rapidly between the three men. Dean’s face is contorted in a look of contempt, his eyes wide. Sam’s large hand is clamped tightly over what you can only assume is a deeply dimpled grin and Cas’s brow is furrowed, a red streak taking shape on the left side of his face.
“Tell her.” Dean crosses his arms over his chest and quirks an eyebrow. “Tell her what you just told us.”  You look at Cas expectantly.
“I told her that she was clearly suffering from various nutrient deficiencies. From her pale skin and swollen hands, she was likely in need of Iron and B12 supplements. I also explained that her current state of constipation could be due to a lack of potassium in her diet and suggested she eat bananas.”
“And was that what I’d told you to say?” Dean’s tone has taken on a very maternal quality. Cas shakes his head ‘no.’ “No. It isn’t even close. What did I tell you to say?”
“But Dean…” Cas begins. Dean cuts him off.
“Ba ba ba...no way. Uh uh.” Dean waves his hands in the air as though he can physically keep whatever excuse Cas is about to use inside of his angel brain. “Repeat back to me what I said. Word for word.”
“‘Have you been to the doctor lately? Because I think you’re missing some vitamin ME.’”
Thankfully, you are too mesmerized by the absurdity of what is happening to have taken a drink, or it would have likely ended up much the same as the last. Shooting beer through your nose twice in one evening is not a record you intend to set tonight.
“Right. Not. Even. Close.” Dean’s finger stabs the table, emphasizing every word.
“Dean. Don’t even tell me that line has worked for you before?” You look at him questioningly. The judgemental look on Dean’s face is replaced by a cheeky, self assured smile and a wink.
“Sure has, sweetheart. A few times.” He finger-gun shoots you, clicking his tongue again and taking a pull from his beer.
You groan, rolling your eyes. Leave it to Dean Winchester to be the one man, in the entirety of human existence, that can successfully use one of the worst pick-up lines you’ve ever heard to get a girl into bed.
Cas looks dejected. A tiny little voice inside your head is squealing with delight. He may be an awkward, dorky little guy in a trenchcoat, but he was your awkward, little dorky guy in a trenchcoat.
Well, he isn’t yours, persay. But you want him to be. You really aren’t sure if he sees you that way; or any woman really. Sure, he’d seemed a little too interested in the porno that he’d watched that one time, but part of you wondered if that was actually Cas or his vessel, Jimmy, that was...uh...stimulated by it.
One time, when you and the Winchesters had been on a hunt, Dean had gone home with some little waifish thing. You’d been drunk and spilling your guts to Sam at the hotel room and you may or may not have admitted your feelings for the blue-eyed angel. True to his word, your friend had not said a word about it since then, but he had given you looks.
Oh the looks that man can deliver! They can speak volumes without a single word ever having been uttered. You assume it has to do with his highly expressive eyebrows…
“Hey there.”
A sickly sweet southern drawl snaps you back to reality and you look up, frowning at the raven haired beauty with the doe eyes that has just approached your table. She, of course misses it, as she only seems to have eyes for Castiel.
“Hello.” Cas’ voice is normally low and gravelly, but in this setting, it sounds way more seductive than you care to hear.
“I need another beer.” You declare. Sam frowns at you.
“You still have like half of that one left.” What he really means is Just stop being a pussy and tell him how you feel. You can make this stop, you just have to talk to him. You know this because the words are practically etched into his hazel eyes.
“Well I am going to finish this one on my way up to the bar.” You glower at him, trying to return the silent eye conversation as best you can. However, instead of saying I swear to Chuck if you say anything I will put Nair in your fancy-ass conditioner, Samuel; you are fairly certain you just look constipated.
You rise, chugging your beer and making another trip to see the bartender. You should probably learn his name if you are going to be visiting him so frequently. Another girl, another shot. This is not going to be a night that ends well.
You return to the table to see Doe Eyes has a long thin arm draped across Castiel’s shoulder, her cleavage practically smacking him in the face.  Maybe she thinks he needs a matching mark on his other cheek. You slump in your chair miserably as the effect of the mystery shots begins to work it’s way through your body.
“I have been trying to show my devastatingly handsome friend here a few tricks about flirting.” Dean smiles broadly at Doe Eyes, whose already impossibly large eyes widen impossibly wider.
“Really?! Oh honey, I’m from the South. Flirting is part of my heritage.” She winks at Cas, who looks like a zebra at a watering hole whose just sensed that there is a lioness waiting for him in the reeds.
He swallows thickly before asking, “What does that mean?”
“Her mother was a slut, too.” The words escape your mouth before you can stop them from tumbling out.
Your first instinct is to mentally pat yourself on the back - you are never that quick with a comeback. But as four sets of eyes slowly turn to face you, your celebration is cut short and replaced quickly with that ‘fight or flight’ feeling.
No one says anything for a long time. You aren’t sure if it is shock or what, but they aren’t moving so you don’t move. Finally, Doe Eyes narrows her gaze at you.
“Excuse me?” Her tone is low and threatening.
Fuck. Flight it is!
You don’t say a word as you scoot your chair back. It’s heavy wooden legs drag roughly across the cement floor, inevitably getting stuck in some grossness on the floor behind you. You wiggle side to side and shove back hard on the chair to try to unstick it. It unsticks, alright. It unsticks itself a little too well and launches you ass-over-tea-cup into the floor with a loud thud.
You scramble to your feet, unsuccessfully ignoring the stares of your fellow bar-patrons as you walk as fast as you can without running toward the exit.
The cool night air is a relief against your fevered skin. You stumble blindly through the parking lot in what you are hoping is the direction of your hotel. The smooth pavement turns abruptly into rocky gravel and the heel of one shoe catches on a stray rock. You lurch forward, eyes clenched shut and arms flailing in a half-assed drunken attempt to break your fall.
You cry out in shock as arms wrap around your waist from behind just before your face smashes into the pavement. Despite the fact that the owner of said arms just saved your life, (at the very least your face) instinct takes over and you begin twisting and thrashing in an effort to get away.
You jerk your right arm backwards and you hear a sickening crunch as your elbow makes contact with, what you assume is, some part of your assailant’s face. The grip on your waist is released and you whirl, hands raised, ready to fight.
However, instead of some Dudley Do-right psycho killer hybrid like you’d expected, you find Cas, a trickle of blood dripping from one nostril. His eyes are wide with surprise and his hands are up, palms out.
“Oh my god, Cas! I’m so sorry!” You rush over to him, digging in your purse for a tissue. Dabbing at the blood on his face, you look up to see him studying you carefully. You swallow hard. “Did I...uh...did I hurt you?” You roll your eyes internally, knowing full well that Angels, even in a weakened state much like Cas is now, don’t feel pain.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, y/n. And no, you did not hurt me.” The bright flood lights overhead reflect in his eyes as he gazes down at you. “You have been acting strange all night and when you left so suddenly, I began to worry.”
You straighten, taking a step backward as the events of the evening roll through your mind. Despite the heat blooming on your cheeks you lift your chin defiantly.
“I’m fine, Cas.”
Nonchalant. That is what you’d been going for. But of course that is not how it comes out. Instead you sound wounded and slightly bitter.
“You called that woman a slut.” Cas’s head tips to one side. “And her mother.”
You sigh, glancing around for a place to sit, Because the ground under your feet has begun to spin slightly. The low retaining wall just behind Cas is perfect, and you nod in it’s direction. He follows you silently and sits next to you, his knee brushing against yours. An electric tingle shoots through you, and you swallow hard, trying to get your brain to focus on anything but his touch.
“Your heart is beating quite fast, y/n. It seems to do that a lot. Have you considered seeing a doctor?”
Mortified, you fix your gaze on your feet. You can't think of a reasonable explanation that doesn't involve admitting the truth, so you just nod.
The silence grows, though it's not a terribly uncomfortable silence. The light din from the bar filters through the trees as the wind rustles their leaves.
“It was Dean's idea.” Cas breaks the silence. You look at him. His arms are stretched backwards, palms resting on the dirt, propping himself up. His legs are extended, ankles crossed, as he squints his eyes into the darkness. Something about his relaxed posture makes him look incredibly human.
“What are you talking about?”
He turns his attention to you, his eyes flitting about your face. You successfully suppress the urge to lean forward and smooth the wrinkles in his brow.
“Trying to solicit attention and sexual advances from women at the bar. Dean seemed to think it was what I wanted.”
There is something about the way he is looking at you that makes your stomach do cartwheels, and your heart feel like it is going to beat out of your chest. He presses his lips together, his gaze sliding down the curve of your neck before settling on your chest.
“Was it?” you swallow thickly and resist the urge to cross your arms over your body.
He shakes his head as one corner of his mouth nudges upward, his eyes still locked on your chest.
“It’s beating very fast now.” He sits up and leans toward you, placing his right hand over your heart. His smile widens, a look of genuine fascination dancing across his face. “Is this because of my proximity to you?”
Now it’s your turn to nod, but at the moment you are trying your hardest to remember to breathe at regular intervals. Apparently you respond favorably to the question, because Cas’ blue eyes shift up to yours. He runs his fingertips up the line of your throat and around the curve of your jaw before cupping the side of your face. His thumb brushes gently across your bottom lip.
“I think that I would like to kiss you now.” He lowers his head and closes his eyes, his dark lashes fanning out across the tops of his cheeks.
You expect for his lips to feel dry and cracked, possibly a little warm. That is most definitely not the case. They are supple and cool, and they slot together perfectly with your own as he presses them on yours gently, a tentative meeting of flesh. When you press yourself against his chest, molding yourself to him, he accepts that as his cue and deepens the kiss. His fingers tug lightly at the hair at the base of your neck and his tongue explores yours.
Your lungs beg for oxygen and you pull back.
“What was that for?” you manage to croak out between heaving gasps for air.
“That’s because you are the only girl I want to solicit attention and sexual advances from.”
Scrunching your nose, you gawk at him. Was that a compliment? What is happening right now?
“Um. Thanks?”
Cas chuckles lightly, his cheeks turning a soft pink as he looks away.
“You are welcome.” he turns his attention back to you, his eyes shining with mirth. “So, did it hurt?”
“What?” You pull back, tilting your head to one side. “Did it hurt?” He repeats, carefully pronouncing each word.
“Did what hurt? The kiss? No, it was perfect…” Castiel interrupts you.
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” The corners of his lips twitch as realization strikes you, a smile breaking out across your face. He drops his hand to yours, intertwining his fingers with your own.
“Are you trying to hit on me with one of Dean’s pickup lines, Cas?”
“I learned that one from watching a television program.” His smile dims slightly. “Although, I am not particularly fond of it.”
Your brows knit together in question as you rub small, soothing circles on the back of his hand with your thumb.
“Why not Cas?”
“As one who has actually fallen from heaven, it is a wholly unpleasant experience. I still have not fully recovered.”
You nip the inside of your lip to keep from smiling. This man...this angel, he is so beautiful. His innocent, almost naive nature is so pure, it makes your heart swell with joy, despite the painful sincerity of his words. You place your hand on his cheek, urging his eyes to meet yours.
“Well, I think you are perfect exactly the way you are, Castiel.”
“And I you, y/n.” He stands, extending his hand to you and grinning like a fool. You accept and rise to your feet. The world starts spinning, so you pause until it stops before stretching up and kissing him.
Your body surges with desire as one hand grips the back of your neck and the other finds your hip before cautiously gliding over the curve of your ass. You moan just before he pulls away, still close enough that the tips of your noses are touching.
“Would you like to go back inside?” His breath is warm against your face.
“Actually, I was thinking we could go find the Impala.” Smiling, you bite your bottom lip.
Cas’s face screws up, confusion creasing his brow as his eyes shift side to side.
“But our friends are inside and Dean has the keys to his vehicle…”
Reaching for the hand woven through your hair, you place it on your chest over your heart. His expression is the perfect mixture of shock and understanding. As you gaze up at him through your dark lashes, you see the way his pupils blow wide with lust. A light sheen coats his brow as his grip on your ass tightens.
“Oh. Yes. I would like that very much.” His already low voice has dropped and the raw sound makes your core twitch.
“Come on, feathers. Dean said he wanted you to pick up a girl. He just didn’t say which one.” You wink at him, before grabbing his hand and dragging him in the direction of the car. “And he didn’t say where you should end up!”
Like what you see? Want more? My Masterlist is here. Thanks for reading! :)
My Forever Tags (I love you guys - stay weird!): @wheresthekillswitch @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @spnfanficpond @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @27bmm @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @amionthetumbler @abbessolute @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67 @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen
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pepprs · 7 years
blood / medical stuff tw (sorry lmk if i need 2 tag better)
guess who’s getting their blood drawn for the first time tmrrw and is scared Shitless!!!! THIS GIRL!!!!!!!!!! god im not allowed 2 eat for 12h and i kno i normally wouldn’t b eating @ this hr but Fuck I Am Hungry why am i like this! and gkdjsndnkgsnfg i get rly nervous abt this medical / blood test stuff i kno it’s partially bc ive never had it happen before so that’s contributing 2 the Fear™ but getting shots????????? mcfuckign Blood Pressure Cuffs where they squeeze ur arm rly tight?? that shit Freaks me the McFck Out like i had a checkup the other day and they did the blood cuff on me and when the nurse started squeezing the cuff i suddenly got rly rly anxious and like flipped the fuck out and started kicking my legs and fidgeting bc if i kept still i would Die? and she told me 2 stop bc it was messing her up so i just bit my cheek rly hard and squeezed my leg w my other hand sjfndnamsmfd. and @ the checkup they also asked me if i wanted shots bc i technically am sorta supposed 2 get them for college but i didn’t have 2 bc im not gonna live on campus this year so i like Begged them 2 let me put it off until i rly need them? dnfnsmfmmx?? but while i was waiting for the dr 2 come in i heard someone in the room next 2 me getting a shot and it Freaked Me Out, Man!!!!! and so ANYWAYS……… in less than 12 hrs im getting my first blood test of my Conscious Life and everyone’s telling me not 2 worry bc it’s “just a prick and it’s over in a minute” BUT LIKE DMFNSMFMGLDKF YEA MAYBE IT IS FOR U but like for me???? the whole thing w the v*ins where they squeeze ur arm and shit sicnsnakkfkf??? I CANT DEAL im Being a Huge Baby over this but kfjsnmfnsnfkfsnnfkgf also im literally Terrified of getting the results back bc i always forget 2 take my vitamins and i swear 2 god im probably deficient in smth or they’re gonna find out i have Irreversable Nerve Damage™™™™™™ from bein a Rebel and accidentally on purpose (but also just accidentally tbh) forgetting 2 take my b12 pills (im vegan and have 2 take supplements for that) but like i feel fine??? but im still scared abt it and b my mom keeps joking w me like “oh ur so tired all the time u probably are iron deficient” and she thinks it’s funny bc im so nervous m upset over it but im Going To Explode time 2 get 0 Sleep 2nigjt and just…… god this is super tmi and im just on a rant @ this point When Will I Be Stopped but im So Scared and rly uncomfy and i just rly hope the uhhh… phlebotomist (if that’s the word????) i have will b nice and u dersatkng abt me crying and / or bringing music 2 listen 2 so i can distract myself from the Suffering………………
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enfpstud · 7 years
Exam Lifehacks: When You Only Have One Day Left
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hi back again with this enfp over her in another island of an archipelago in ASEAN~ (godness im sorry im still such an awkward)
this is my continued masterpost after i posted the Exam Lifehacks: When You Still Have a Month Left << the link is linked ok whatever just click it if you want to read it too!!
i do love to make such this masterpost omg it challenges me a lot to do better, like try the methods and blah exercising on my english since its not my first language so if theres any grammar nazi i hope you die please dont bother to checking my grammar, but im trying my best so you guys could understand it;)
so, lets start it eh?
Watch Cute Videos
the picture suggests yall to watch cute animal videos to help you focusing based on a Japan research! you probably know that Sneezing Baby Panda video right? i know yall watched it, because its e v e r y w h e r e. so i’ll suggest you more cute animal videos (they’re so cute omg);
dont worry its all youtube links it wont redirect you anywhere else:)
Cats (kittens! i like them a lot<3)
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Dogs (who doesnt like puppies, like how?)
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Others (cutie cutie animals, i s2g)
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Eat Protein
ive experienced this one and this one works!!! really really super duper recommended method!!
ive this list of foods you should try to increase the protein inside your body!!
i searched it here but mostly, it worked on me, since not all of this food always available in my city:)
1. Eggs
Whole eggs
are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet.They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, eye-protecting
and brain nutrients that most people don’t get enough of.Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are almost pure protein.
Protein content: 35% of calories in a whole egg. 1 large egg contains 6 grams of protein, with 78 calories.
2. Almonds
Almonds are a popular type of tree nut. They are loaded with important nutrients, including fiber, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.
Protein content: 13% of calories. 6 grams per 1 ounce (28 g) serving, with 161 calories.
Other High-Protein Nuts
Pistachios (13% of calories) and cashews (11% of calories).
3. Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is one of the most popular protein-rich foods. If you eat it without the skin, the majority of the calories in it come from protein. Chicken breast is also very easy to cook, and tastes delicious if you do it right.
Protein content: 80% of calories. 1 roasted chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams, with only 284 calories.
4. Oats
Oats are among the healthiest grains on the planet. They are loaded with healthy fibers, magnesium, manganese, thiamin (vitamin B1) and several other nutrients.
Protein content: 15% of calories. Half a cup of raw oats contains 13 grams, with 303 calories.
5. Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that tends to be very low in fat and calories. It is loaded with calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other nutrients.
Protein content: 59% of calories. A cup (226 g) of cottage cheese with 2% fat contains 27 grams of protein, with 194 calories.
Other Types of Cheese That Are High in Protein
Parmesan cheese (38% of calories), swiss cheese (30%), mozzarella (29%) and cheddar (26%).
6. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt, also called strained yogurt, is a very thick type of yogurt. It tastes delicious, has a creamy texture, and is high in many nutrients.
Protein content: Non-fat greek yogurt has protein at 48% of calories. One 170 gram (6 ounce) container has 17 grams of protein, with only 100 calories.
Just make sure to choose one without added sugar. Full-fat Greek yogurt is also very high in protein, but contains more calories.
Similar Options
Regular full-fat yogurt (24% of calories) and kefir (40%).
7. Milk
Milk is highly nutritious, but the problem is that a huge percentage of the world’s adults are intolerant to it. However, if you tolerate milk and enjoy drinking it, then milk can be an excellent source of high-quality protein. Milk contains a little bit of almost every single nutrient needed by the human body. It is particularly high in calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2).
Protein content: 21% of calories. 1 cup of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein, with 149 calories.
8. Broccoli
Broccoli is an incredibly healthy vegetable, loaded with vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium. Broccoli is also loaded with various bioactive nutrients believed to help protect against cancer. Calorie for calorie, it is high in protein compared to most vegetables.
Protein content: 20% of calories. 1 cup of chopped broccoli (96 grams) contains 3 grams of protein, with only 31 calories.
9. Lean Beef
Lean beef is very high in protein, and also tastes delicious. It is loaded with highly bioavailable iron, vitamin B12 and numerous other nutrients.
Protein content: 53% of calories. One 3 ounce (85 g) serving of cooked beef with 10% fat contains 22 grams of protein, with 184 calories.
If you’re on a low-carb diet, feel free to eat fatty cuts of beef instead of lean beef.
10. Tuna
Tuna is a very popular type of fish. It is low in both fat and calories, so what we’re left with is mostly just protein. Like other fish, tuna is also very high in various nutrients and contains a decent amount of omega-3 fatty acids.
Protein content: 94% of calories, in tuna canned in water. A cup (154) contains 39 grams of protein, with only 179 calories.
11. Quinoa
Quinoa is a seed/grain that is currently among the world’s most popular superfoods. It is high in many vitamins, minerals and fiber, and is loaded with antioxidants. Quinoa has numerous health benefits.
Protein content: 15% of calories. One cup (185 g) of cooked quinoa contains 8 grams, with 222 calories.
12. Whey Protein Supplements
When you’re pressed for time and unable to cook, a whey protein supplement can come in handy. Whey is a type of high-quality protein from dairy foods, shown to be very effective at building muscle mass, and may help with weight loss.
Protein content: Varies between brands, can go over 90% of calories, with 20-50 grams of protein per serving.
13. Lentils
Lentils are a type of legume. They are high in fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, copper, manganese and various other nutrients. Lentils are among the world’s best sources of plant-based protein, and are an excellent food for vegetarians.
Protein content: 27% of calories. 1 cup (198 g) of boiled lentils contains 18 grams, with 230 calories.
Other High-Protein Legumes
Soybeans (33% of calories), chickpeas (19%) and kidney beans (24%).
14. Ezekiel Bread
Ezekiel bread is different from most other breads. It is made of organic and sprouted whole grains and legumes, including millet, barley, spelt, wheat, soybeans and lentils. Compared to most breads, ezekiel bread is very high in protein, fiber and various nutrients.
Protein content: 20% of calories. 1 slice contains 4 grams, with 80 calories.
15. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkins contain edible seeds called pumpkin seeds. They are incredibly high in many nutrients, including iron, magnesium and zinc.
Protein content: 14% of calories. 1 ounce (28 g) contains 5 grams of protein, with 125 calories.
Other High-Protein Seeds
Flax seeds (12% of calories), sunflower seeds (12%) and chia seeds (11%).
16. Turkey Breast
Turkey breast is similar to chicken breast in many ways. It consists mostly of protein, with very little fat and calories. It also tastes delicious.
Protein content: 70% of calories. One 3 ounce (85 g) serving contains 24 grams, with 146 calories.
17. Fish (All Types)
Fish is incredibly healthy, for various reasons. It is loaded with various important nutrients, and tends to be very high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Protein content: Highly variable. Salmon is 46% protein, with 19 grams per 3 ounce (85 g) serving, with 175 calories.
18. Shrimp
Shrimp is a type of seafood. It is low in calories, but loaded with various nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12. Like fish, shrimp also contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids.
Protein content: 90% of calories. A 3 ounce (85 g) serving contains 18 grams, with only 84 calories.
19. Brussels Sprouts
The Brussels sprout is another high-protein vegetable, related to broccoli. It is very high in fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients.
Protein content: 17% of calories. Half a cup (78 g) contains 2 grams of protein, with 28 calories.
20. Peanuts
Peanuts are incredibly delicious. They are high in protein, fiber, magnesium and many studies show that they can help you lose weight. Peanut butter is also high in protein, just make sure not to eat too much as it is quite “more-ish.”
Protein content: 16% of calories. One ounce (28 g) contains 7 grams, with 159 calories.
OMG that sounds so formal im so sorry lol. but here a warn, do not eat it “too much” because “too mush” is never ever good. yea i once got sick because over-protein lol
Make a Checklist
this is important! and if you most likely to rush something or even everything, you should try this because you probably will forget even just a little important thing!!
just dont forget to bring whatever needed in your exam, i personally dont like to use my friends’ pen because its kinda uncomfortable, sooo i know you know we all know this is one of the major importance!
Don’t Bother Cramming
this is actually true but i still found it hard to do...
but one thing that always true, LET YOUR BRAIN REST!!
Sleep on It!
never ever dare to try to not sleeping before exam!! it kills you and your health!!!! your health is as much important as your grades!! i warned you!!! sleep is important!!!
oh and here a spotify playlist to help you sleep faster and better? it works on me btw;)
Get Alarmed
you know, accident. even you sleep earlier but you still waking up late. make a backup plan, well backup alarm! and these are alarm apps that maybe you would like to try wakey wakey you sleepyhead
for android phones;
Alarm Clock Xtreme and Timer
Good Morning Alarm Clock
Google Now
I Can’t Wake Up
The Rock Clock
Sleep as Android
for ios phones;
SpeakToSnooze Pro
Wake N Shake
Yocto Alarm Clock
iDigital Big
Sleep Genius
Sleep Time
wow finally, but it will be continued again to one last exam lifehacks, dont worry!! i hope it helps you out and tell me if you want more masterpost, also request is always welcomed!! i love yall!!
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wickedangel276 · 6 years
It’s 8:30 am, woke up thinking about my Mom. I miss her. I miss my Dad and eldest brother. I miss my brother Neil, too.....he’s not gone, thank God, but he’s not the same. He’s changed and he’s distant. I miss having my family together.
It wasn’t perfect, there were always problems, a lot of fighting and turmoil. But they were healthy and relatively happy. I often miss the family when I watch old shows that I watched during that time, the 80s and some 90s. It comes to mind and I feel a bit sad. 
Time goes by too fast these days. Days, weeks, months, and years.....fly by.. I want it to slow down. I’ll be 40 in a little over a year. 40. I can hardly believe it. I do NOT feel 40. 
My thyroid is low again, I knew it was a mistake when they lowered my dose. Also have a B12 deficiency, Vitamin D deficiency and a slight sodium deficiency. It explains how i’ve been feeling. I haven’t felt right, so tired, fatigued, weak, forgetful, as they call it “foggy brained”. I’ve been miserable, trying to figure out if I am sick or depressed. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going through depression, I have felt ok in my moods. For the most part. 
The weakness has been so bad. Started in my legs.. Hard to stand up from sitting, hard to stand or walk for any period of time. Then, my arms. I noticed it the most at Thanksgiving. I went to lift the turkey and it felt like I was lifting at least 50 pounds. And i’ve made huge turkeys every year for a very long time!!!! I knew something was wrong right then. Even lifting a small pot of water is difficult. I’ve never experienced this kind of weakness, even with a flu. 
Sierra stayed with a friend last night, and I really wanted to use that time to go out for a bit. But then as time went on, I was dreading doing my makeup and just wanted to go to bed. 
The doctor wants to wait until next month to raise my dose on thyroid meds and start supplements! I don’t get that. Any time in the past, with other doctors, they adjusted my medicine right away. I have old thyroid meds from back before she lowered it, and i’ve started taking them again. I’m tired of feeling this way. Not to mention, all of these problems can be dangerous. B12 can cause mutation to your DNA that can cause cancer, among other things. D can cause osteoporosis. Low thyroid can cause heart problems (and hello, i’ve HAD a heart attack in the past couple years), etc.. I’ve also started taking D and B12 supplements. This makes me wonder if I should switch to another doctor. I miss Dr. Mcgee, she was a great doctor. She moved on to work in the emergency department at the hospital.  I don’t dislike this doctor, just concerned. 
I read the B12 and D deficiency can cause bone and muscle pain, i’m thinking that could be the problem.....I was trying to clean yesterday, and first my lower back started to hurt so bad. I took tylenol, ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer. Tried again, and my neck and shoulders started hurting really bad. It felt like I had something really heavy on my shoulders. I had to lay down to relieve that pain.
I sound like i’m complaining, all through this blog post. Sorry. lol Just been having a rough time physically. A little bit mentally too, with the forgetfulness. I’ve always been forgetful. It sucks. But it’s been so bad here lately. Last week, on the way to a friend’s house we were supposed to pick up ice. Along the way, I wondered if we had picked up ice or not. I could not remember, but thought we may have, so I didn’t say anything. We didn’t. Then another day, Mark said he was going to be back in the room before he leaves for the store. I do not remember him being in the room, he says he was. I have no memory of it.
I get so frustrated with this house and no where to put anything. The kitchen is horrible, so small, hardly any counter space or cupboards. Tired of groceries being left on the kitchen table for lack of anywhere to put it. I HATE CLUTTER!! When I was growing up, my family always kept stuff out on the kitchen counters. We had good cupboards....good counter space. But still, cluttered. It gives me anxiety. 
I guess I will go for now. A lot I hope to get done today. I have a lot of clothes needing folded (hoping my shoulders don’t start again), finish trying to straighten up the house, maybe put the Christmas tree up. Then, they guys are wanting me to make pies, hoping to get that done, too. All before dinner (roast chicken thighs, so so good the way I make it). I’ve felt like cooking lately. Poor Mark has had to do a lot of the cooking (easy stuff mostly lol) for a while, haven’t felt well. Still not feeling well, but have felt more like cooking since Thanksgiving. 
0 notes
celiacposterboy · 7 years
A Devastating Delay Celiac, Pellagra and the Clinical Gap Implementation in recognizing one for/over the other;  Which twin to choose/save
A Devastating Delay Celiac Pellagra and the Implementation Clinical Gap in recognizing one for over the other tumblr Which twin to choose/save  
I was inspired today for two reasons.    
1) my brother recently had an emergency that required hospitalization and two stents to be put in his heart.  Every Hour Counts/Every Person Counts  
2) this new research about Zika and the implementation gap/clinical delay in recognizing a disease in clinical setting.  
AS someone who has had BOTH Celiac and Pellagra.  I can tell you that it can be difficult to tell them apart sometimes (most times). In many respects they look like twin(s). 
Both have GI problems as a presenting symptom’s.  
Both have Skin Issues in their presentations (clinical appearance). Both can have dementia/neurology symptoms.
SO you can see how easily one can be confused for the other?  
And often one twin (disease) is picked over the other.  
What does this have to do with Zika.  Only this  
Quoting the New England Journal of Medicine from the article and applies here when contemplating any disease’s symptom’s.  
“Translational gaps are not unique to Zika; similar challenges exist throughout the health care system. According to several estimates,  
it takes an average of 17 years for research evidence to reach clinical practice. 2
One study showed that patients receive only about 55% of the recommended processes involved in medical care. 3”  
So let’s say.  Today they find a miraculous cure for Celiac disease or NCGS. . . it would take on average 17 years for doctor’s in Clinical settings  to apply these technique’s to eradicate new Celiac cases/disagnoses from occurring.
Now in this hypothetical case (which doesn’t exist yet) it would take another 17 years on average for doctors if they knew today that Pellagra  (which they don’t) can mimic Celiac disease in a Clinical setting. 
But one does exist (it is not hypothetical) – a cure for Pellagra exists today. 
It has in fact existed for 100+ years and still doctors don’t recognize it today.
Every hour/patient matters. 
And why I have tried diligently to educate other Celiac’s of this maddening fact.  In 2015 a medical association was established of Pellagra occurring in/with a Celiac diagnosis.
Quoting from section 3.
Pellagra and Celiac disease in this ground breaking research. 
Pellagra and celiac disease  “The two diseases can be connected in two aspects. 58% of pellagra patients were shown to have malabsorption and many had intestinal pathology on biopsies [36, 37]. Alternatively, Pellagra was described in celiac disease [38]. The skin manifestations in pellagra might have some additional etiologies, since multiple nutrient deficiencies are at the origin of the cutaneous manifestations in celiac disease. The following nutritional deficiencies inducing skin rashes, were describe in celiac disease: Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A, E, B12, niacin, folate, selenium and essential fatty acids [39, 40].”
 So if their (NEJM) timeline is correct.  It will be 2032 at the earliest for the Clinical delay to catchup to research. 
As I mentioned earlier it has been 100+ years since doctors’ have seen Primary Pellagra in a Clinical setting.
 And it isn’t Primary Pellagra that is the problem here. 
It is a phenomen that is called Secondary Pellagra.  It didn’t know what it was either.  And I have studied the topic extensively.
See this link from the doctor’s healthy press (Yes doctors have to look things up too) that explains the difference very well.
I will quote for reference.  
1. Primary Pellagra  
“This form of vitamin B3 deficiency is related to a lack of nutrition, such as not getting enough eggs, meat, seafood, or green vegetables in your diet.  
Alcoholism is often a factor with primary pellagra, for the reason highlighted above.  
2. Secondary Pellagra  
Those who regularly consume sufficient amounts of vitamin B3 may still deal with this condition. Secondary pellagra is the result of improper absorption  
of the nutrient, whether as a whole or partially. This is observed with gastrointestinal diseases that do not accept the niacin.” (Celiac disease)
 It is me again pellagra and celiac posterboy.  
So now we know what else it (Celiac disease) could be?
Now the question remains will it take another 17 years for the doctor’s to have you checked for it  or for you to believe a Vitamin might help you?
Now Pellagra (and other B-Vitamin diseases) can be tricky to diagnose.  
Because for some diseases there are not good/reliable “blood serum” test’s to confirm the clinical suspicions.  
A cause and effect method is often used.  If taken the B-Vitamin (NIACIANAMIDE) helps your GI problems then Pellagra or at least Secondary Pellagra was a contributing factor in your GI problems.
Dr. Prousky tested this theory. You guessed it almost 17 years ago.   Next year will be 17 years and still this modern research has not trickled down to a Clinical setting. 
And why I have been inspired to share my Celiac story of the road not taken.    
The Pellaga road was not taken in my diagnosis either.  The doctor's did not know this could be a valid reaction to NCGS or Celiac Disease. 
Knowledge is power.  Now you have the knowledge to do different and probably better than you are doing now if Secondary or Rebound Pellagra is causing some of your same GI problems and this is making your original Celiac disease symptom's even worse.  
This is mostly for those still looking for answer's despite being gluten free for 2 or 3 years and are still having "control" issues or  
have become ultra sensitive to many more proteins (food allergens) like even Corn for example.  
Pellagra was first diagnosed with corn based food stuffs.  And promptly forgotten years ago.  
See this great newspaper summary of how "Pellagra in the South" presented itself 75+ years ago.  It is actually a fairly new article about this topic.  
Only a year old.  And found it amazing that others (though few) still talk about it today. 
But doctor's haven't yet figured out that Rebound/Secondary Pellagra is estimated to occur in 58% (majority) of first diagnosed NCGS or Celiac patients. 
If the normal clincal adoption curve applies here then it will be another 15 year before doctor's acknowledge that indeed the corn allergy occuring in Celiac's  
is really from Secondary Pellagra.  
You have probably heard this phrase there is a "generation gap" . . . well if the trend holds in clincial adoptation and bleeding/leading research then indeed it will be another "generation" before this "Clincial Gap" will be closed.
Then and only then will people begin to listen  and get better .  . .And I hate that for those still suffering . . . because every hour/patient/person matters.  
****this is not meant to bee medical advice only the path I took.  Yours might be different. But there is a 50/50 chance it might help.  
I don't know what else to say.  With my changing  life and farm responsibilities/realities I will not get to participate on this forum the way I once could  
so I wanted to say what happened to me with the hopes it might help those who might be still be suffering from rebound/Seconardary Pellagra  
triggerd by their NCGS/Celiac disease.  
You can rebound from Pellagra.  I have praise bee to God!  
The Celiac diagnosis might still be retained if Secondary or Primary Pellgra was not the cause but if it (Pellagra) was the primary cause  
then the Secondary Celiac diagnoses/symptom's will improve with Niacinamide supplementation taken 2 to 3 times a day for 6 months I truly believe.  
I have emphasized the NIACINAMIDE form on my blog posts/in my threads because it is the non-flushing form of Niacin.  
**** Again this in not medical advice.  One size does not fit all.  Some people do respond to supplementation.  Some do not.  You will only know if you try. . . . and sometimes you might have to try more than once to find the right form/Vitamin you need to take and why I have emphasized the Niacinamide form  
so you can learn from my mistakes!  
This is not the end of your journey. . . this is only beginning . . you will still want to supplement with the other (now) missing nutrients like Vitamin D (if you are low) or a good B-complex etc. and the Magnesium Citrate/Glycinate (mentioned in another blog post) But I must end for now.  I hope to update my celiac posterboy blog sometime in the future (about the supplementation question and what helped me) but can't do so now.  
This celiac posterboy blog is complete as I see it.  I will continue to post as I learn new things.  
Like how I learned two are two forms of Pellagra. Primary and Secondary Pellagra which type do you have?
After 250+ pages of blogging you will either be convinced or not.  I can’t change your mind.  You will either continue suffering or decide to try the Niacinamide.
If you have a GI problem of any kind like IBS, GERD, UC, Chron’s, NCGS or Celiac disease there is a good (better than 50/50) chance Pellagra is you Primary disease and the other GI acronyms are your Secondary disease.  And the(y) doctor(s) has chosen the wrong (identical/ twin) disease and a cure/remission is far from your eyes.  
But if they look beyond your Celiac/NCGS diagnosis to a valid differential diagnosis of Secondary/Rebound Pellagra – it can make all the difference.
You can rebound from Pellagra and this Primary cause of GI problems should be eliminated first before a Celiac disease is proclaimed the proper/valid diagnosis.
As always search for the “Celiac Posterboy” or “Celiac Poster boy” or “Fight Gluten Win” or “Fight GERD Win” if you want to read all my celiac posterboy blog posts for as I have said elsewhere in this blog and it bears repeating “To Educate is to Free” Truly.
https://celiacposterboy.wordpress.com/2016/01/23/to-educate-is-to-free-part-two/  (A Physician’s Guide)
If you think your doctor is interested and would be willing to trial you on Niacinamide to see it could help your GI problems.
My doctor has and is better and his patients have rebounded from undiagnosed Secondary Pellagra!  Only if he/she/they would think of it as the Primary disease many Secondary Celiac disease symptoms/patients could/would get better! Because they have identified the wrong disease in the first place . . . people suffer unnecessarily.
Don’t suffer any longer.  Eliminate today Pellagra as a possible differential diagnosis and take Niacinamide 3/day for 6 months.
Don’t suffer another 17 years before the doctor’s clinical gap is closed before they recognize Celiac disease as Pellagra in the vast majority of their GERD/ NCGS/IBS/UC/Chron’s patient in/at its earliest Secondary stage before it’s the Primary presenting symptom’s.  Secondary (Primary) Pellagra is not as rare as doctor’s think it is!
See how many GI diseases can be eliminated when you get the Primary disease (Pellagra) treated FIRST! And not LAST!
See my celiac posterboy blog link that explains why this is today.
But if you don’t get the correct diagnosis/disease in the beginning then you don’t get better.
Oh you cope, manage, continue to have flares get more sensitive to other proteins lactose, soy, corn (there is that corn thing again) etc.
You are said to be a Celiac who is supersensitive?
There is no hope for you now?  The doctor’s don’t know why you continue to have problems.
You have removed gluten from your diet… you should get better.
But you never do . .. . you just get more sensitive and more sensitive to more food allergens (proteins) that your body can no longer digest (Corn anyone).
Stop the Madness!!!!! (Errors)
Get the right disease Pellagra and get better the way other Celiac’s have!
Pellagra was FIRST diagnosed in corn consuming patients 100+ years ago and yet this is lost on doctors’ today! But is often the LAST disease considered today long after you have received your NCGS/Celiac diagnosis despite having trouble with Corn. .  .  you are just a “super sensitive” Celiac.  
I will say it again!!!!  For Emphasis!!!  Maybe if I say it enough people will get it!
Stop the Madness!!!!! (Errors)
Get the right disease Pellagra and get better the way other NCGS/Celiac’s have!
In case this is the only post you read I will repeat here for knowledge sakes ****** the number one mistake people make when taking Niacinamide is they don’t take it often enough (2 to 3 times a day) long enough (6 months at a minimium).  It should as I have said elsewhere in this blog it should be taken UNTIL you are BURPING and I might add burping WITHOUT BLOATING and your stool begins to SINK where it probably floats now.  Most people will burp when taking Niacinamide in 4 to 6 months or less taking it 3/daily — ie with each meal. (Especially if you are not already taking an acid reducer like a – Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI’s etc.)
Remember **** This is not medical advice and should not be considered such. Results may vary. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your regimen.
By The Celiac Posterboy who writes/blogs about the digestive disorders that Pellagra causes today often presenting as other diseases such as GERD, IBS, UC, Chrons or other GI problems and even NCGS and in Time Celiac Disease.
For many Celiac diagnosis’ take 12+ years often. (There is that “Clinical Gap” again) a devastating delay in finding the Correct (Primary) diagnosis as Pellagra Undiagnosed!
It takes 4 to 6 months to overcome your dependency on this Vitamin for your mucus membranes (GI lining) to heal itself.   (These are meant to be conservative times you might experience relief before this time but do not stop taking the Vitamin for at least 6 months because you need a reserve against future stresses/trauma).  
2 Timothy 2: 7  “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included  
Celiac Posterboy by the grace of God,
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What I Would Do Differently if I Were Diagnosed with Depression Today?
Someone in recovery circles once told me that if you have one foot in the past and another in the future, you are essentially peeing on the present. I try to remember that when I’m engulfed in regret — obsessing about all the things I did wrong in the past and wishing to God I had made different decisions. However, writing about my mistakes has always been healing for me because I’d like to think this small action could possibly prevent someone else from making the same ones. If I can help a young person or anyone who has recently been diagnosed with depression take a more direct route to healing, it seems irresponsible on my part not to share my detours and missed cues, to keep to myself the information that I now have.
Each mental health journey is so very unique. Therefore, I can’t tell you what’s right for you. My wish is that my story might give some person out there an ounce of hope that if she never stops thinking for herself, and is involved in the decisions of her health, it is possible to live a full life with depression.
What would I have done differently?
I Would Have Made Sure I Was Under the Right Care
When I was first diagnosed with depression, I settled with the first doctor I met, a man who saw me for about ten minutes every month, with whom I felt very uncomfortable. I put my health into his hands because, at 18 years old, I thought all doctors were the same, and I didn’t have an option for better care.
I spent 10 years going through seven doctors who all misdiagnosed me. Needless to say, I missed out on a lot of life during that time.
I’d advise people to go to a teaching hospital for the best psychiatric care, where you will find physicians conducting research on new therapies and medications to treat depression, tackling complex conditions by drawing from their own collection of data. It is there, in those classrooms and labs, that evidence-based information is produced – the gold that leads to miracles.
At a teaching hospital, you’re more apt to find a psychiatrist who will spend a few hours at your initial consultation and prescribe medications they know work, like Lithium, which has been around for a long time but isn’t going to make anyone rich.
I Would Have Been a Difficult Patient
As I said in another post, it’s only in the last three years that I have become a “difficult” patient — a woman who isn’t afraid to ask questions and probe her physician for more information. A good psychiatrist can handle it. She wants you to get well and will welcome additional research, inquiries, doubts, etc. If a doctor is threatened by queries, which I have experienced, I think this is a red flag that ego issues could impede optimal care.
If I were sitting in my first psychiatrist’s office today, 25 years later, I would be my own health advocate. Only I know my body — the way I suffer after eating sugar and white flour, the systemic weaknesses that surface when managing too much stress, the gut problems that go back to when I was a baby, my adverse responses to certain medications. Physicians can access useful medical data and pull information from their years of training and practice, but they need a patient’s input to customize treatment plans for difficult depression cases. If I could go back, I would have been invested 100 percent in my own health and been a difficult patient.
I Would Have Treated Any Underlying Causes
It took me more than two decades to consider some underlying causes of my mood disorder, health conditions that worsen my depression. I am growing more convinced that persons who suffer from chronic depression and anxiety usually have other ailments contributing to their symptoms that they are unaware of: hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal disorders, Lyme disease, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, sleep apnea, alcoholism or substance abuse, anemia, autoimmune conditions, and nutritional deficiencies.
Because of the current healthcare system, psychiatrists and primary-care physicians don’t have the time (and many simply don’t have the insight) to ask about a person’s digestive history or any other general health questions that would provide clues to an underlying condition feeding the symptoms of depression and anxiety. For me, cleaning up my gut issues, addressing my pituitary tumor, taking some key supplements like Vitamin D and Vitamin B12, and changing my diet made a substantial impact on my mood.
I Would Have Been More Educated About Medications
There is a place for medication. I absolutely believe that. Having recently gone through hell trying to taper off my meds, I am now more convinced than ever that drugs can be life-saving. I just wish I would have been more knowledgeable about their side-effects so that I could have better assessed the benefit-risk ratio, especially during those periods of my life in which I might have been okay with less, and definitely during the time when I was with a psychiatrist who overmedicated me.
I Would Have Learned Ways to Calm Myself Down
So many of my depressive symptoms are tied to my stress reaction. As I’ve said in other posts, I believe that my mood disorder is essentially a stress disorder — the tension generates static in my central nervous system and other biological systems that promote “dis-ease” in every sense.
Looking back, I wish I would have invested some time in the activities I do now — like deep breathing and yoga and mindfulness and Epsom-salt baths and massage and aromatherapy — to prime my parasympathetic system and reverse the detrimental stress reaction that can cause depressive symptoms. I wish I would have attended the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course back then. I would have felt more in control of my emotional health.
I Would Have Focused on Epigenetics Along With Genetics
We all have genes that predispose us to certain illnesses — in my case, most of what’s inside the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) — but the key word here is “predispose.” When I was first diagnosed with depression, I was stuck on my aunt’s severe bipolar disorder and suicide and felt certain that, because I shared some of her genes, I would end up hospitalized on and off for the rest of my life, as well. Looking back, there were too many conversations between my therapist and me about family history and what I should be careful about, and not enough about the freedom I had to take my health in a direction vastly different from my aunt’s.
I know that I need always remember my family history; it serves as a reminder of what can happen if I don’t take my mood disorder seriously. However, alongside genetics, I am also concentrating on the new science called epigenetics (meaning “above” or “outside” of genetics), the study of cellular variations that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetics is closely related to the concept of neuroplasticity that says that we aren’t stuck with the brain that we were born with. We have more room than we think we do to direct our health toward healing and wholeness.
Join Project Hope & Beyond, the new depression community.
from World of Psychology http://ift.tt/2r10U28 via IFTTT
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What I Would Do Differently if I Were Diagnosed with Depression Today?
Someone in recovery circles once told me that if you have one foot in the past and another in the future, you are essentially peeing on the present. I try to remember that when I’m engulfed in regret — obsessing about all the things I did wrong in the past and wishing to God I had made different decisions. However, writing about my mistakes has always been healing for me because I’d like to think this small action could possibly prevent someone else from making the same ones. If I can help a young person or anyone who has recently been diagnosed with depression take a more direct route to healing, it seems irresponsible on my part not to share my detours and missed cues, to keep to myself the information that I now have.
Each mental health journey is so very unique. Therefore, I can’t tell you what’s right for you. My wish is that my story might give some person out there an ounce of hope that if she never stops thinking for herself, and is involved in the decisions of her health, it is possible to live a full life with depression.
What would I have done differently?
I Would Have Made Sure I Was Under the Right Care
When I was first diagnosed with depression, I settled with the first doctor I met, a man who saw me for about ten minutes every month, with whom I felt very uncomfortable. I put my health into his hands because, at 18 years old, I thought all doctors were the same, and I didn’t have an option for better care.
I spent 10 years going through seven doctors who all misdiagnosed me. Needless to say, I missed out on a lot of life during that time.
I’d advise people to go to a teaching hospital for the best psychiatric care, where you will find physicians conducting research on new therapies and medications to treat depression, tackling complex conditions by drawing from their own collection of data. It is there, in those classrooms and labs, that evidence-based information is produced – the gold that leads to miracles.
At a teaching hospital, you’re more apt to find a psychiatrist who will spend a few hours at your initial consultation and prescribe medications they know work, like Lithium, which has been around for a long time but isn’t going to make anyone rich.
I Would Have Been a Difficult Patient
As I said in another post, it’s only in the last three years that I have become a “difficult” patient — a woman who isn’t afraid to ask questions and probe her physician for more information. A good psychiatrist can handle it. She wants you to get well and will welcome additional research, inquiries, doubts, etc. If a doctor is threatened by queries, which I have experienced, I think this is a red flag that ego issues could impede optimal care.
If I were sitting in my first psychiatrist’s office today, 25 years later, I would be my own health advocate. Only I know my body — the way I suffer after eating sugar and white flour, the systemic weaknesses that surface when managing too much stress, the gut problems that go back to when I was a baby, my adverse responses to certain medications. Physicians can access useful medical data and pull information from their years of training and practice, but they need a patient’s input to customize treatment plans for difficult depression cases. If I could go back, I would have been invested 100 percent in my own health and been a difficult patient.
I Would Have Treated Any Underlying Causes
It took me more than two decades to consider some underlying causes of my mood disorder, health conditions that worsen my depression. I am growing more convinced that persons who suffer from chronic depression and anxiety usually have other ailments contributing to their symptoms that they are unaware of: hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal disorders, Lyme disease, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, sleep apnea, alcoholism or substance abuse, anemia, autoimmune conditions, and nutritional deficiencies.
Because of the current healthcare system, psychiatrists and primary-care physicians don’t have the time (and many simply don’t have the insight) to ask about a person’s digestive history or any other general health questions that would provide clues to an underlying condition feeding the symptoms of depression and anxiety. For me, cleaning up my gut issues, addressing my pituitary tumor, taking some key supplements like Vitamin D and Vitamin B12, and changing my diet made a substantial impact on my mood.
I Would Have Been More Educated About Medications
There is a place for medication. I absolutely believe that. Having recently gone through hell trying to taper off my meds, I am now more convinced than ever that drugs can be life-saving. I just wish I would have been more knowledgeable about their side-effects so that I could have better assessed the benefit-risk ratio, especially during those periods of my life in which I might have been okay with less, and definitely during the time when I was with a psychiatrist who overmedicated me.
I Would Have Learned Ways to Calm Myself Down
So many of my depressive symptoms are tied to my stress reaction. As I’ve said in other posts, I believe that my mood disorder is essentially a stress disorder — the tension generates static in my central nervous system and other biological systems that promote “dis-ease” in every sense.
Looking back, I wish I would have invested some time in the activities I do now — like deep breathing and yoga and mindfulness and Epsom-salt baths and massage and aromatherapy — to prime my parasympathetic system and reverse the detrimental stress reaction that can cause depressive symptoms. I wish I would have attended the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course back then. I would have felt more in control of my emotional health.
I Would Have Focused on Epigenetics Along With Genetics
We all have genes that predispose us to certain illnesses — in my case, most of what’s inside the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) — but the key word here is “predispose.” When I was first diagnosed with depression, I was stuck on my aunt’s severe bipolar disorder and suicide and felt certain that, because I shared some of her genes, I would end up hospitalized on and off for the rest of my life, as well. Looking back, there were too many conversations between my therapist and me about family history and what I should be careful about, and not enough about the freedom I had to take my health in a direction vastly different from my aunt’s.
I know that I need always remember my family history; it serves as a reminder of what can happen if I don’t take my mood disorder seriously. However, alongside genetics, I am also concentrating on the new science called epigenetics (meaning “above” or “outside” of genetics), the study of cellular variations that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetics is closely related to the concept of neuroplasticity that says that we aren’t stuck with the brain that we were born with. We have more room than we think we do to direct our health toward healing and wholeness.
Join Project Hope & Beyond, the new depression community.
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2017/05/10/what-i-would-do-differently-if-i-were-diagnosed-with-depression-today/
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workreveal-blog · 7 years
Live a Healthy Life
New Post has been published on https://workreveal.biz/live-a-healthy-life/
Live a Healthy Life
No longer everyone is taught the right manner every day devour, and what daily eat all through their adolescence, and regular this, their health can suffer, and undesirable medical conditions can also occur in later years.
Contrary everyday popular perception, day everyday by using the neighbourhood rapid-food establishment and munching down on a double-Francis Bacon cheeseburger, big fry and a weight reduction soda is healthful for you can’t be further from the truth.
Healthful ingesting behaviour could make a massive difference on someone’s frame and lets in it day-to-day feature better. But physical advantages aren’t the simplest practical effects of healthy ingesting – there are also mental benefits as properly. While the frame is performing at its daily, Now not best does it make a person sense greater wide awake, it also allows them day-to-day be more focused. Recognition can then convey a person every day do any variety of activities. The extra centred someone is, the extra they could get accomplished.
Consuming healthful also can improve a person’s temper and decrease their strain stages, and their mental fitness is a whole lot greater stimulated While a body is strolling comfortably.
Just some the benefits of a healthy diet consist of feeling extra wide awake and having extra energy every day spare due to the fact the body is not looking to run on sugar and fat.
Healthy life
A fresh mix of grains, result, greens, dairy and protein offers a person’s frame all of the nutrients it wishes. Effect and veggies are relatively vital daily a right nutritional plan, and they include essential nutritional supplements that a structure calls for day-to-day life to tell the tale.
Getting enough protein is important for health. Proteins are important, and without them, you received manipulate day-to-day develop or hold any muscle tissue. Furthermore, people need every day be receiving sufficient protein through the consumption of lean meats, diverse types of beans and in a nutritional complement form. Some researchers accept as right with the endorsed each day intake for protein is 50 grammes according to day. However, researchers and medical professionals trust that many people day-to-day be ingesting notably new proteins.
Right here are Some meals merchandise that comprises protein which might be adequately for the frame. They may be, Just every day some:
• Lamb is one of the conventional white meats that is a first-rate supply of plenty protein, Diet B12, niacin, zinc and selenium.
• Tuna and other fish are an excellent source of protein. In a 4-ounce component, it’s going to have around 30 grammes of protein.
• A 3-ounce serving of beef chops carries only about 137 calories, 4 grammes of fat.
• Caviar is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is every day notch for the coronary heart and circulate daily by the device.
• Cook may be integrated in every day numerous food dishes – standard 3-ounce serving, contains almost 30 grammes protein;
• A hundred grammes of every day carries most efficient seventy-six energy, 4.8 grammes of fats and contains nearly two times the quantity of protein than it does fat, with 8 grammes of protein.
• Red meat jerky is a “day everyday snack on the move” and is a day common source of protein. In one hundred grammes of jerky, human beings eating it get less than 2 grammes of fats and a weight reduction 72 day-to-day seventy-three grammes of protein.
• Crab is some other seafood that’s one of the quality resources of protein out there and contains almost as a whole lot protein for every a hundred grammes as everyday meats, except crab meat, incorporates nowhere close to like a lot of saturated fats.
Human beings must daily maintain their sodium consumption every day encouraged degrees — that’s 1,500 milligrammes for those with a coronary heart problem or 2, three hundred milligrammes for wholesome humans. One way every day hold sodium stages low is day-to-day daily using salt substitutes, herbs or spices every day taste their meals.
There are various food merchandise that contains quite a few protein, and if someone has questions, they daily touch their regular doc day every day or a professional dietician. One such facility is the weight loss Middle placed at 1848 Hope Road, No. 1, Kingman. It could be reached at 928-753-5066. Eunice Mesick, of the weight reduction Center, can provide information on programs and vitamins programs to live a healthy life.
Live healthy
Medical professionals and professional dieticians stress that regardless of what a  man or woman eats, they want day-to-day “eat cautiously,” eat reasonably, However most importantly, eat as a minimum three meals in keeping with the day. People every day Now not devour larger quantities than they want as it will defeat the cause of appropriate nutritional practices.
Each year, God blesses us with a brand new spring season. The flowers will bloom, the grass will flip inexperienced, and the birds will sing. Those are reminders that “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and people who reside therein.” The brand new season is also a time for us every day ensure we’ve a healthy way of life that includes walking, workout and comparing the well-being of the food that we devour. The Word of God is clear, “Our our bodies are the dwelling temple of God.”
I have day-to-day increasingly daily the importance of a healthy lifestyle as the result of my body. I’m grateful every day God that I have a first rate day-to-day which is concerned about my properly-being. I believe every person should every day have his or her primary care every day daily. So many illnesses affect our living consisting of diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high blood stress, coronary heart ailment and stroke — the silent killer. As prostate most cancers run extraordinarily excessive in African-American men, it is crucial that men get our annual physical. It’s far similarly vital Not to attend until any disorder quickens. Early detection is critical, particularly with the possibility of the removal of low-cost fitness care below this ungodly administration.
To have a wholesome, holistic way of life, we need a field in our spiritual stroll that includes meditation, quiet time with God, daily analysing of the Word, fasting and praying, and regular attendance at worship offerings. Personally, I’m looking forward daily the spring season daily enjoy quiet time with God, relaxing and decreasing strain, spending time with family and pals, analysing an ebook or regular tune. Life is treasured! Every day fear less, pray extra, and genuinely enhance the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to just accept the matters I can not alternate, braveness daily alternate the subjects I can, and know-how day-to-day understands the distinction.” it is a natural, yet deep and profound prayer. A few matters we cannot alternate; the things we can trade we every day are looking for every day rotate them and live peaceably with one another. I have determined prayer every day be a vital supply of my regular dwelling. Fear adds not anything to at least one’s Life; in reality, it reasons greater strain and pain.
Daily, every day we live is a gift from God. We want everyday life every day every day its fullest. The Phrase of God has many principles for a healthy dwelling: by no means allow the sun pass down with anger to your heart; love people who are unlovable; treat all of us the way you need day-to-day be addressed; help any individual who’s less lucky. If you need every day be healthy live away from bad human beings; don’t pollute your soul or your coronary heart with ungodly things; be open and reachable day-to-day God; Try dayeveryday stay a comfortable and natural Existence, and be at peace with all of us. Permit me to add; every day have a healthy way of life one day-to-day additionally have the ability every day forgive, Now not to carry grudges and daily reconcile with others. Consider, hate begets hate and love are stronger than hate. It has been confirmed through the clinical career that the ones who’ve a robust religious Existence tend daily to heal and get better faster than the ones who’ve no non-secular connection. It’s far all approximately God.
Our frequently defined as a “wholesome consuming guru”. How cosy are you with that?
Exceptional uncomfortable – being a guru is a risky recreation. I love that human beings make the meals and take idea and ideas, However you want every day to take notion and thoughts from the whole thing and make it paintings for your Lifestyles – Not “I see that man or woman on the net, I’m going every day emulate them, I’m going day-to-day be them”.
Healthy life
Is the vegetarian craze any other fad or an evolution of opinion? It’s a trade of mindset day-to-day vegetables in general – faraway from Just considering an undeniable salad and crudites, daily surely taking them and doing thrilling matters and using lots of spices and new methods everyday cook dinner them. An evolution in every day something which you need day-to-day have as a part of your Life.
we can extend our lives by living holy and wholesome, or we can reduce our lives short through neglecting our body and spirit. Consider, it’s Now not how lengthy you live, However how you stay that counts. that is why I’m certainly looking forward day-to-day this spring season and pray that you are searching ahead every day it, every day. Placed on your taking walks shoes; positioned the Word of God for your hand and the love of God in your heart. I’m hoping that by using the summer season, you are dwelling a wholesome, holy Lifestyles.
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lenaglittleus · 7 years
{VIDEO} What Supplements Should I Be Taking?
A few years ago if you asked me what supplements I took, I probably would have rolled my eyes. I believed firmly that all vitamins and minerals could be ingested through a whole foods diet and that supplements were unnecessary.
That is until I ended up in the hospital with severe b12 and iron deficiency…
Despite being a meat-eater, I still was not getting enough b12 and iron and was recommended by my physician to start taking supplements. Fairly quickly, some strange health issues I had been having (numbing + tingling and frequent dizzy spells) started to disappear.
Over the next couple of years, I kept taking these along with a multivitamin and didn’t think much about other supplements. But then when my skin started to flare up (you can read more about my skin troubles here), my naturopath suggested a protocol of supplements that had immediate positive results. They didn’t clear up my skin overnight (it’s still a work in progress), but it did help support my skin and kickstart the healing process.
These experiences totally transformed my views on supplements. I’m someone who takes care of her body, both mentally and physically, but I still need a bit of extra support, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
But here’s the thing, I had the luxury of being able to see specialists who could recommend supplements that were right for me. I completely recognize this privilege and have felt that it’s totally unfair that it isn’t afforded to everyone.
It’s easy to start taking advice from anyone who uses their voice on the internet, myself included. But the reality is that the supplements I take may not be the right ones for you. We are all so soooo different. We come from different backgrounds, live in different environments and have different diets. What I take to support my body is different from what you need.
So the thought of anyone going out and wasting their hard earned money on supplements (which usually aren’t cheap) that are ineffective or not the best choice for their body makes me pretty upset. I’ve actually thought about working on a solution to this problem after my own experiences, but I ended up not having to because someone else did it better than I ever could.
A few months ago I was contacted by an innovative company called “Care/of” that it taking the stress and confusion out of supplements. They understood this problem of not having access to specialists and created a solution for it. An individualized supplement protocol designed for each person.
Care Of worked with doctors, scientists and nutrition professionals to come up with a detailed questionnaire that assesses what supplements you’re lacking based on your diet and lifestyle. From there, they recommend a protocol that’s right for you.
You start by creating a profile and filling out your detailed questionnaire. It feels like you’re taking a personality test so if you find those things kind of fun, you’ll love this! At the end of the questionnaire, they generate a list of supplements they suggest you start incorporating. You can customize it by removing things you don’t think you need or adding things you’d like to try. Their assortment of supplements is vast, so they help you sort through the ones you don’t need from the ones you could benefit from.
Based on your final list, they send the supplements right to your door! 
Each package comes with a month supply of supplements in individual packets. You take one packet a day at whatever time suggested for you and that’s it. You can cancel or adjust your order at anytime so if you’d like to add a supplement or feel as though one isn’t working, there’s no issues making changes.
Care/of is 100% transparent about where they are sourcing their ingredients from. You can literally track your vitamins to the source on their website and they also included research studies that support use of that specific supplement. They test them to ensure what they ordered is what they were promised. So you’re not paying money for products that well, just don’t work.
This is something that really stressed me out about supplement shopping. I never knew good quality from bad quality because no one was sharing where they sourced their ingredients from. I really like knowing that what I’m getting is good quality and they are transparent about it all.
Supplements aren’t cheap. And when you take quite a few of them, the price adds up. Care/of’s model allows you to get a discount on supplements by ordering them all through them, cutting out the middlemen. I added up how much I spent on supplements before trying Care/of and I actually saved $20 a MONTH by using them.
A basic package starts at $20 a month and goes up based on the number of supplements you order. If the price range is too high for the suggestions, you can delete ones you don’t feel you need. But even if you already know what you need to be taking, try putting in an order with them and seeing how it compares. I was shocked by the price difference!
Plus you can save 50% off your first order by using the code HEALTHYMAVEN at check-out. It’s a great way to try out the service at half off!
-When it comes to travelling, Care/of is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. My supplements never fit in a pill case so I generally just throw them all into a ziploc bag and hope for the best. I’ve definitely screwed up and double-dosed on some of them and forgotten others. With Care/of I just take the number of packets I need based on the days I’ll be gone and know I have to take 1 packet a day. It is a complete travel game-changer.
-I’ve always been stressed out about picking supplements because I’m so neurotic about quality. I picked products based on a direct referral from a professional or a friend. Generally, I felt like if my naturopath suggested it, it must be good quality but I also knew they were making a commission so I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a cheaper alternative offering the same quality. It’s nice to not have to worry about this anymore.
-I’m saving money. Woot! If nothing else, Care/of is way more affordable instead of having to shop around for the cheapest price, only to end up spending more. It’s worth price comparing to see how your list holds up!
-I’m a total sucker for good branding…but hear me out! I need things to be fun in order to do them. And well, supplements aren’t exactly the most exciting. But when they have your name on them and come in cute little packets, it’s a small difference that reminds me or at the very least, encourages me to take them. Never again will I stare at that god awful ziploc bag…
Want to see what comes in my orders? Check out my video where I’m sharing exactly which supplements I take.
Keep in mind, your profile will look different. But that’s a good thing! Care/of is just matching your needs with the best supplements.
You guys know I don’t vouch for anything I don’t already use, and honestly, I can’t recommend Care/of enough. If you want to try it out, you can get your first month for 50% off by using the code HEALTHYMAVEN. From there you can decide for yourself what works for you. Packs start at $20 a month so you can try it out for just $10 bucks!
As always, if you have any questions, drop em’ in the comments below. I’d be happy to answer them!
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Care/of. I was compensated for my time, however all opinions expressed are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the awesome brands that help me run THM full-time!
Which supplements do you take? Have you heard of Care/of?
The post {VIDEO} What Supplements Should I Be Taking? appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHealthyMaven/~3/Ndfx3ycHD6s/what-supplements-should-i-be-taking.html
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