#god i used to love playing colors at summer camp so much
abarbaricyalp · 10 months
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Written for the @sambuckylibrary Summer Bingo prompt: Riptide
Rated G // No Warnings Apply
I Love You When You're Singing That Song
Cass got extravagant birthdays.
He was a late June baby, which meant he never got to celebrate at school and usually also meant his friends were off for vacation or camp and couldn't come for a party. So, instead, he got to come up with wild ideas for how he wanted to spend the day with family, and very little was off the table. Last year, he'd finally convinced his mom to go on a haunted pirate ship tour.
This year, a new roller rink and arcade had been built just north of town and he'd been begging to go since before it even opened. It was not a surprise that that's where his party ended up being.
More of his friends were able to come this year, but most of them had petered out after gifts and lunch. They discovered that Bucky couldn't drive a golf cart to save his life. That Sarah cleaned up at not only air hockey but also pool. That Sam wasn't any good at the basketball games but could score the high marks on skee ball all night long.
("Don't worry," Cass had assured him all day. "The hoops are misshaped, so it's harder to make the basket.")
Cass and his friends were endless balls of energy. They played the same games over and over again, making up new rules and lore each time they circled back around to something. Their parents, however, did not share the same well of energy. Still, once everyone was gone and the boxes of pizza were cleared away and Bucky had moved the Dr. Pepper out of reach of AJ's little arms, Cass had turned his big junior mint eyes up at Sam and asked to stay even longer, and Sam had folded before Cass even finished asking. They all piled over to the roller rink again.
Bucky was unfairly good at roller skating. Cass and AJ, whose kid bones were still made out of rubber, picked it up easily with a teacher like him to guide them. And Sarah looked great out in the rink. She had had more than enough people coming up and offering to skate with her or teach her a trick. Including Bucky. Sam, on the other hand, was aching in places he didn't even know he could ache. Could the tailbone break?
Bucky glided up to him behind the boys as they all skated away from the rink and to the carpeted area with tables and lockers. It was like he was made to be on wheels. Entirely unfair. His hair was wet with sweat and the pulsing neon lights of the rink were tangling up with the stands so much that Sam almost forgot what color Bucky's hair actually was.
AJ and Cass stumbled to a stop, the heavy carpeting doing much of the work for them. Bucky had no such issues. In fact, he barely stopped, so much as he made a tight turn and pulled Sam back onto the rink floor. Sam groaned theatrically, but Bucky's arms were warm and safe around him.
"You know, I used to do this all the time as a kid," Sam defended himself. "I was pretty good at it."
Bucky grinned. "I guess that's why the phrase is 'like riding a bicycle' and not 'like rollerskating,'" he suggested. He was skating backwards and pulling Sam with him without even running into anyone. Sam kind of felt like shoving him, but he was pretty sure it wouldn't make a difference. He'd just end up throwing himself off balance.
"How are you so good at this? Why don't we put you on wheels for missions?"
Bucky let out a hearty laugh, the kind where he threw his head back and didn't reign in any noise. God, Sam loved that laugh. Bucky spun around in a move that made Sam's ankles hurt.
"I dunno. Maybe I was more active in the, what, 80s? Is that when roller rinks were popular?"
"Yeah, something like that, old man," Sam huffed, like he was not a precocious preteen in the 80s himself.
He let Bucky drag him around the rink for a while. Slowly, he got his legs under him again, though every time he got confident one foot would slip forward or backward or to the side and he'd be at square one again. But those moments always had Bucky's arm darting out to his waist to hold him up, which wasn't so bad.
He still hadn't gotten any better by the time Bucky took mercy and veered them out of the rink. Sam kicked off his skates without even untying them. "I never wanna talk about this again," he grumbled.
Bucky laughed, more reigned in this time, and sat heavily beside Sam on the bench behind the table they had claimed. He reached out for a robot kit that Cass had gotten for his birthday. "I dunno, I liked ghosting you." He made a face and amended, "Like the movie Ghost, not like ignoring you."
"Yeah, that is a favorite hobby of yours, isn't it?"
"Listen, that time with the rifle was needed. It was like you'd never held one before."
"You laid down on top of me!"
"You were lying down!" Bucky insisted. "How else was I supposed to adjust your position?" He grinned and nudged Sam's side. "We adjusted a lot of positions that night."
Sam rolled his eyes and dropped one of Bucky's boots into his lap. "Put your shoes on and go get another pizza for dinner."
"Ugh, aren't you tired of pizza yet?" he groaned. He leaned against Sam, relaxing almost his whole weight so Sam couldn't shove him off.
"Yeah, but the kids aren't, so go get one." Despite knowing it wouldn't work, Sam shoved at Bucky's shoulder and tried to wedge a foot against his hip to leverage him upright again.
Bucky just went more lax against him and then pressed a messy, lazy kiss to Sam's check.
"Not in public," Sam huffed, like they hadn't made out like teenagers in a movie theater the previous week. To be fair, the movie kind of sucked. "Go get food," he grunted and really shoved Bucky upwards. It moved him about an inch, but Bucky finally relented and sat up.
"Fine, but I'm getting a bunch of hotdogs too. Pizza is not cutting it," he complained as he tugged on his boots without bothering to unlace them.
Sam waved him off but did turn to watch him walk away in his cute little jeans. Rollerskating was a good hobby, actually, he decided.
Without the distraction of his nephews, sister, and partner, Sam found quiet for the first time all afternoon. He finished off Bucky's drink--because he knew him, he was absolutely coming back with ridiculous concoctions from the fountain--and watched people skate. He was not the only bad skater and Bucky wasn't the only good one. There was a group of people who were performing entire dance routines to the songs playing overhead. There were also plenty of kids taking to it like ducks to water.
Sam wondered where the boys had gotten off to and why they hadn't touched base with new spoils from the arcade. He figured Sarah was with them. Maybe they'd gone back out to the bumper cars. Go-karts. Whatever the little racing things were.
Somehow, somehow, he knew his nephews were absolutely behind the speaker crackling to life right as Sam was closing his eyes and relaxing into the bench. A few skaters booed at the music being cut off. Sam pushed himself to his feet, gathering up Cass's gifts and stacking the trash together.
"Sam and Bucky, your number is up at karaoke," the speaker announced. Sam just about knocked over a half empty cup of Hi-C. "Sam and Bucky," it repeated, "your number is up at karaoke."
When Sam leaned around the bank of lockers to figure out where Bucky was, he found the man already looking towards him from the concessions line. Bucky looked as confused as Sam felt.
Who the hell? Bucky mouthed to him. Sam threw his hands up. He finished stuffing their things into a locker and met Bucky halfway across the floor. The karaoke stage was set at the back of the dining area. For the most part, Sam had been ignoring it. The speakers played the music loudly and he couldn't hear the singers, which was his favorite way to interact with karaoke.
"I didn't sign us up for anything," Bucky defended as they walked towards the MC.
"I know," Sam agreed. "You can't lie for shit." He didn't have to look over to know Bucky was directing a scowl at him.
"Hey," he called when they caught to the MC. "We didn't sign up to sing."
The MC, a man who was older than Sam was anticipating, did a double take on them. "Oh, wow, you are that Sam and Bucky. Okay." He waved his hand and carried on. "Listen, everyone gets cold feet. Don't worry about it, alright? You'll have fun." And he ushered them towards the stage.
"What song are we supposed to sing?" Bucky asked, trying to turn his way out of this herding motion unsuccessfully.
"Whatever you signed up with," the man scoffed.
"We didn't sign up," Bucky growled again under his breath. For Sam's benefit, he figured. Sam hooked his pinky in Bucky's and squeezed for just a second.
They weren't shy. They couldn't be, what with their jobs. Bucky was a performer when he was comfortable. He was always crooning to someone or starting an impromptu dance party. Sam liked to be the heart of the party, liked to entertain and garner laughs. It wasn't the publicity part of this that was giving them pause as much as the pure confusion.
"Maybe it'll be the Star Spangled Man With A Plan," Sam suggested. "Someone pulling our leg."
Bucky groaned. "Anything but that."
They climbed into the stage and Sam tried to peer out into the audience to see who might've been messing with them.
"Your screen is right there," the MC said. "Does that font look good? Yes? Great. Let's get you two started."
"Wait, but--" Sam tried one last time, but the man was already gone again.
As soon as the music started, he knew his family was in the audience somewhere. And, in a way, this was Bucky's fault too. Judging by the way his scowl had softened a little, the other man realized what had happened too.
"I was scared of dentists and the dark," Sam started.
"I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations," Bucky continued.
"And all my friends are turning green."
"You're the magician's assistant in their dream."
They were able to harmonize on the vocalizations because they had practiced this. It all started about the third time Bucky had stayed at the Wilsons' for longer than a night. He and Sam had both been up early--Sam back from a run, Bucky just up--and they'd wordlessly begun taking care of the dishes from the night before. Bucky didn't remember where he'd heard the song, but it was stuck in his head. Just a melody. The idea of a song, really. He had mangled all the words for days before finally stopping to actually listen to it. But his humming that morning was evidently enough for Sam to pick up on the song and he began to sing it under his breath. Bucky was pretty sure Sam was off pitch, but he was too enamored of the way Sam's hips moved and the messy spin he executed at one point, flinging water from a plate across the room, to actually say anything.
It became a thing. Any time it got quiet between them, one of them would begin humming the song and the other would pick up singing it. They usually got through the first verse before they were both belting out the lyrics and throwing their hands around in exaggerated interpretations.
It hadn't taken long for the rest of the Wilsons to catch on to their habit. For the most part, they left it to Sam and Bucky to be silly with it. But occasionally the boys utilized it as a distraction and always the song had to be teasingly turned up when it played on the radio.
Or when it was an option at karaoke.
When in Rome, Sam figured. He spun around dramatically on the last lilting Ahhhh and made sure he was facing Bucky in time to sing, "And they come unstuck lately, running down to the riptide."
And Bucky picked up on the line he thought was just outrageously funny for him to sing. "Taken away to the dark side, I wanna be your left hand man."
And his stupid grin was infectious so Sam had to laugh through, "And I love you when you're singing that song.
"And I got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong," Bucky finished, even though he was the one who made up lyrics all the time.
"There's this movie I think you'd like," Sam sang, aiming for conversational. Though he didn't quite get there. Not with the audience clapping and laughing. "This guy decides to quit his job and head to New York City."
"New York?" Bucky ad-libbed like he always did, like he had some claim on New York. "This cowboy's running from himself. And she's been living on the highest shelf." He pulled Sam close with tangled fingers and spun him around as they got through the vocalizations again.
They sang the chorus together. They were both lost in the song and the comfort that singing together provided. Other than the neon strobe-y lights, they might as well have been having an impromptu dance break from doing the laundry.
"I just wanna, I just wanna know if you're gonna, if you're gonna stay," Sam sang. He tried to ignore how earnest Bucky looked as he took a step closer. He was nodding and Sam wasn't sure he even knew he was.
"I just gotta, I just gotta know. I can't have, I can't have it any other way."
Sam tore himself away from Bucky's hold. "I swear she's destined for the screen," he sang emphatically. More emphatically than was necessary but there was just something about that bridge that called for dramatics.
"The closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen," Bucky sang just the same, stepping next to Sam again.
When Sarah's laugh cut through the din of the show, Sam had to look back over and found Bucky pointing her out with that terrible, horrible, no good, very best grin of his. The kind that said he may be joking but only a little. He did mostly mean it.
The first time he'd sung that line to Sam, he'd been absently stroking his thumb along Sam's cheekbone and since then, that was his go to reasoning that Sam was the closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that anyone had ever seen. Sam had laughed about the same way Sarah was now.
The crowd helped them sing out the rest of the choruses, only falling quieter on the last one. Sam and Bucky hushed too, took a second to catch their breaths, wandered back into each other's breathing space again.
"Lately, running down to the riptide, taken away to the dark side," Bucky sang, caught Sam's chin to lift his face
"I wanna be your left hand man. I love you, when you're singing that song. And I've got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong."
"Yeah, I've got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong," Bucky echoed. His heart was racing under Sam's hand, but his face was even and adoring, and he rested his forehead on Sam's for a split second. Then he was turning toward the audience and taking a deep, dramatic bow and tugging Sam along with him.
They jumped off the stage to applause and the MC already trying to find the next person on the call sheet. The boys were practically vibrating with contained laughter and excitement. Even Sarah was smirking while she pretended to be nonchalant.
"I think you've already gone viral," she teased.
"Which one of you signed us up and is never getting cookies again?" Bucky threatened emptily.
"Um, you had to sign yourself up!" Cass corrected. "You musta done it and just forgotten."
"You have a history of that, don't you?" Sarah teased. Which, hey, Sam was allowed to make those jokes, no one else.
But Bucky just laughed and leaned over to kiss Sarah's cheek. "Maybe I've forgotten that I signed you and me up for Ain't No Mountain High Enough."
"Wait, you'll sing soul music with her but not me?" Sam accused. "Cold blooded."
"I'm not getting up there," Sarah declared, literally wiping her hands of the idea. "But you guys missed some cute lion king moments earlier. AJ sang Just Can't Wait To Be King."
Bucky clutched at his chest as he sat down. "I need a video. Or an encore."
Sam sat beside him, wary and excited for a sudden sugar high induced encore from AJ. Bucky leaned into his side. His eyes were bright--he was close to a sugar high himself--and when he turned to look at Sam, it felt like a radiant spill of the universe settling on him.
"We should do this more often," Bucky said.
"Which part?" Sam asked.
"The part where you tell everyone you're my left hand man."
"That's so not how it went."
"That is so--"
Sam pulled Bucky close to kiss him quiet. It felt like running into the ocean on a warm day.
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almost-a-class-act · 1 year
Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @softguarnere ! As it turns out if I get tagged on a Friday, likelihood is high that I will bunk off work to answer personal questions.
Are you named after anyone?
Yep, Samantha from Bewitched. My dad was a fan.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Probably during one of my war shows though I'm not much of a crier. Is that why I watch war shows? Did we uncover something?
3. Do you have kids?
I do not. I have some very silly nephews though!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Definitely not. (Constantly.) I think you can elevate it. I think sarcasm can be clever.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Personality-wise? If we can mess with each other a little. Physically? Probably height. I'm tall - I'll notice if you're taller than me since if you are, you're pretty tall! And I'll notice if you're a small pal I can put in a backpack.
6. Eye color
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
God. Both? Mood-specific.
8. Any special talents?
The spirit of this question is definitely 'do you have a party trick' and the answer is tragically no. I can tell you who's singing at any point in any One Direction song! Is that a brag at age 34? Maybe not.
9. What are your hobbies?
The great outdoors! Hiking, camping, kayaking, canoeing, snowshoeing, (ice) skating. I play on a couple of softball teams and I take a Latin dance class. Long-time gym rat. I like to read historical non-fiction. I love to write! Travel (who doesn't like to travel?). I'm a craft beer fan, I like to visit a brewery or two if I'm in a new city. If this sounds like I am a girl who does not know when to tap out and do nothing, you are correct. Very conscious of the fact that I will only be going around once.
10. Where were you born?
Canada - I would say Toronto to you if you weren't from Canada, but people from Toronto would get my ass for having the audacity so in fact, we'll call it Toronto-adjacent.
11. Do you have any pets?
Nope. I barely remember to water my plants.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I have played many a sport in my time but currently I have it narrowed down to softball, golf, kickboxing, running (is this is a sport? We'll say yes) and my aforementioned outdoor activities.
13. How tall are you?
5'11". If you're a cis man between 5'7" and 5'10" who lies about his height I have probably been used at a party to out you as not, in fact, being 6'.
14. Favorite subject in school?
History and English, classic. Now I'm working on my accounting designation like some kind of math girl. Truly wild. Oh, the places you'll go!
15. Dream job?
Writer, probably. Though I have never actually tried to get anything published. You know what I've been thinking about? When I retire, I want to be one of those people who only works summers and leads guided backcountry hikes. That would be rad.
Tagging the following people who might also be bunking off today: @cody-helix02 @georgelust @latibvles @multifandomlover01 @fayestardust and actually @gyunikum who's been popping up in my notifs and was kind enough to act like it was relatable that I'm an adult who gets white girl wasted on the weekends sometimes.
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pbandjesse · 11 months
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I am back at camp. And my decision could be more positive I think it works really well today. Very tired right now but I had a really nice. One of the negativity that I had been feeling really transferred over to today. And I start with my boundaries I am setting have been respected. And I'm just feeling pretty good. Also just really excited to close my eyes.
Last night after I finished my post James would finish their podcast and would come give me the biggest hug and it was so nice. We would talk for a really long time and eventually they went to go to pizza and we just sent the night together and it was really really good. I told him about my plan to be more positive and they thought that was a good idea.
When I woke up in the morning James was right there getting ready to leave. They gave me a big hug and then they went to work. I was going to roll over and sleep longer but then I remembered I purposefully parked on the side of the street that we had to move the car by 8:00 a.m. for shoot cleaning or get $100 ticket so that I would force myself to wake up. And, under duress, I got up and got dressed and tried to shake off how tired I was.
It was very hard. I was not feeling 100%. But I really liked my outfit and my hair was doing good things and I was determined to be positive. I'm trying to stop frowning so much. I feel like I've been just frowning a lot and I catch myself doing it and I don't like it. So I am making a big effort to just have a neutral face if I'm not smiling.
I went and got breakfast and that was fine. And I saved my sandwich for lunch which I always think is a pretty good idea. And it was a nice drive. I listen to some music and I beat the drop off line once I got to camp.
I got up here around 8:30 and tidied up a little and put some stuff away. And kind of made a plan for what I was going to do. I had to do some prep work and I wasn't sure if Tatiana was coming. But I wanted to make sure I had stuff done just in case. And I figured when she came she could help me sleep and reset some of the cardboard and things would be productive.
And she would come and she was super helpful. I showed her the other loom and we worked on that for a while. I showed her the tools that you used to move the yarn around and I don't know if she's interested in using it but it was fun to have as an example.
And it would be a really nice day. Our first group was running late. Not shocked. So I was standing outside and I felt like I was very overcaffeinated this morning because I was flitting from one thing to the next. And I told Tatiana I felt like my brain was going a million miles a minute.
I went outside to see if anybody was coming and one of the girl groups was walking past and one of them just said oh my God you're so pretty. And I was like oh my God the first person to tell me that this summer. And the counselor and a couple of the kids go but we all know you're pretty so we don't have to tell you. And I'm like but no one has told me! And it just made me feel so good and when that little girl saw me later she said hello gorgeous. And I was like oh my God thank you so much.
So that brighten my day a lot. And I would have a really nice day. While my first group was late, they did a great job, Jorge was there and he loves arts and crafts so it means all the kids really excited to do arts and crafts. He is color blind so it was very cute when he came in to ask what color the yarn was in his hand. He was looking for red and he was playing with brown. And then he thought one was white it was actually pink. But we eventually figured it out and he was able to make the red white and black flag he wanted to make for the sports team he likes. I forget which one it was. It was soccer. You know, European Football.
I don't go to lunch. Instead I eat my egg sandwich in my outside hammock and read my book. While I was out there I heard voices in the art building and I knew Tati was in here. But it wasn't the group it was Joe and Alexi's dad and two electricians. Because Alexi's dad, Lou, apparently bought a new kiln or was given a kiln? And he wants to put it in the art building so we can do ceramics again. Which would be so cool but Alexi does not think will happen because this building is not insulated for that. It would get so hot in here. And that is correct. That is my concern. I don't know how big the kiln is he's talking about. But it would have to hold a lot of pieces I was assuming. It would be very cool to do though. Maybe sometime in the future.
In the meantime though I talked to Joe about flooding in the building and he has some ideas. He's not too worried about the structural stuff I think but at least we'll get some of the moisture out of here hopefully.
Good afternoon groups were great. The day camp group right after lunch was 15 minutes early again. But they were very chill about it and they took the kids down to the field. And they did a very good job with their little stick of looms that we made. Honestly I don't think the fabric looms work great. I don't know why because the Pinterest moms all said it was such a fun project. But I'm only having day camp one and two do it because I don't think they can handle the other one. The older kids can barely handle it. It's been very mixed. Most, like 99%, of the kids really like this project. It's just a couple that really don't get it or rushed through it because they want to be done cuz they're not interested. Fine I just don't like when they're disrespectful about it. Like I don't accept that everybody will love my projects all the time even if I would love for that to be the case. I just want them have a good time so as long as they tried we can move on. Like one boy absolutely hate leaving. And did not want to do it at all but he tried for a few minutes and then he asked if he can make a drum so I got him a jar and a balloon and we made him a little drum and it was really fun.
Good afternoon actually went really fast. I have my little break and that group right after was stuck it and they came too early and I made them all leave because I said I had 10 more minutes on my break and I wanted them to go away. And Manny was like yep you don't have to explain that to me! And then they ended up being late which I thought was funny. But they were very sweet boys and at first none of them wanted to do anything but then I convinced them all to make bracelets and stuff and a lot of them made things for their girlfriends which I thought was cute. They asked what would be the perfect color to make the bracelets they were going to do and I said it should be your eye color and her eye color and they were like oh my God that's such a good idea! I was like they're going to love it. So I helped a few of them do that. And a couple of them made beaded bracelets. Including one boy who's from the Ukraine and has a very fun accent. He did not love that I called him the Ukrainian child a few times. But I think more because he does not want to be referred to as a child. But they're all children to me.
One of my favorite things right now has been explaining to the kids that my age difference between me and the counselors is more than the ancient between them and the council hurts. And I think that's really funny. It's also fun to tell the kids that James was a few of the counselors counselor back in the day. Like that's my husband. And we're old!
I was happy when the day was over just because I was getting tired. I said goodbye to Tati. Jeff was up here doing service hours and was sorting beads for me. He also wrote his little paper on Bob Ross which had a lot of typos but was solid information. I did not know that Barb Ross was in the army. And was missing a finger on his left hand. So I signed off on his service hours and his paper and I went to go take a shower.
I actually kind of wish I had brought my bathing suit down so I'm going to start keeping my bathing suit in my shower bag. Because when I got down there the water was so warm and it was so nice. I was standing in the shallow end in my skirt for a little while just enjoying it and then I went and sat with Chloe who had her legs in the water. The horse girls were swimming and getting ready for pool canoes. The little girls that were there were all very concerned about my skirt getting wet but I kept telling him it's fine guys it's fine. I'm about to get changed. And after we sat and talked for a while I would go take my shower and I did not smell like metal this time. So I'm pretty happy about that. But I think I am going to stop somewhere this weekend and get a new lotion. Something that smells nice like a fruit. I usually go body shop but it's so expensive. We'll see what happens.
I would take a walk around camp at one point. I heard Ty wasn't here because something was going on. So I was going to walk over to homestead. I stopped at nature first and said hello to Celia. She was working on creating a new enclosure for Samson the box turtle. And then I went over to see the homestead animals. I also texted Ty to check in to make sure he was okay. And I made friends with the goats. I had tried to get them to come over to me but they wouldn't and then when I walked away they started bleating So I walked back and then they wanted to chew on my skirt and sniff me and stuff and I was like oh my God are we friends now?? It was great.
And it would be a really nice afternoon. I would read for a while and hang out and eventually CJ came and chilled with me. I had a little snack before dinner. And then me and her walked over to dinner itself to get ready and it was a really good dinner.
We had spaghetti. There was no meat sauce. I got to have breadsticks and broccoli. I wanted to have three breadsticks but honestly two was too many. But I was having the best time. And my friends were there and everything was great. And then I heard there was Kona ice coming too and so I was like oh my God we need to go get that. So we jokingly all said that we had to go check on the quality of the Kona ice which is why we had to go get it right now. So me CJ and Celia walked across the field to go bother the Kona Iceman.
We chatted with him for a while and we all got our little treats. And then me and Celia went back to nature so that she could show me Samson's new enclosure and when we got there we didn't see him because it turns out he is so happy for the very first time he has enough substrate and space to bury himself. And so he dug a little hole and buried himself in his new substrate. What a difference 6 in in width will make on a tank for this little turtle. And so we sat and we were just so thrilled that he has so much more space. And then we discussed ways that we can try to improve his enclosure and the snakes enclosure. Just make them a little bit better. I'm going to check to see at home if I have expandable foam and if not we might make a plan on trying to make some kind of rockscape in the back using some that we can pick up from somewhere. But it was just really nice sitting in there and we talked about him a whole bunch of stuff. Including all of my weird medical things. And then Josephine enjoyed us and we all chilled for a while until it was time to go and put the birdies to bed.
We got in the bird enclosure and immediately I grabbed the dog. Which isn't very weird thing to hold. And he did not love it. But we got him in the enclosure and then I grabbed the chicken, Grandma, and then we had to get the two little chicken. And they were much harder to catch because they were faster. But humans are pursuit predators so it was not a big deal we just kept following them until we cornered them were able to catch them. It was really fun to know I was having a great time but I was getting a little sweaty and I was ready to go and lay down.
Celia went home and Josephine and me walked to the museum to use the bathroom. And then she tried to convince me to come to skip tonight but I was not having it. I have eaten way too much food and I was ready to go lay down. I talked to Cody for a few minutes and then told Josephine about the movie The Newsies because we were looking at a sign about Santa Fe. And then I came back up here. Which is where I have been for most of the last hour. I did walk down to the field for a little while to watch the fireflies but I am very very tired and I am ready to just be chill.
Tomorrow is the last day of the first session of camp! And the end of the second week. I love camp and I'm glad that today really felt more normal. Things didn't feel as heavy and bad and people were being more respectful and I just felt more myself. It was really good.
Tomorrow I have my last groups and fingers crossed me and a couple of the kids from teepees will get to practice with the metal casting. Hopefully I don't hurt myself or anybody else. We'll see what happens there. But I hope it's a really good day and I hope you guys sleep well tonight. Send me the vibes that I can fall asleep easy and then no beetles attack me. Good night everybody.
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knife-moth-mc · 1 year
With the music asks, I'd like to ask prompts: 1, 3, 11, 19, 23, 26, and 30!
1:A song you like with a color in the title
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
11:A song that you never get tired of
19:A song that makes you think about life
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
1: It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan, but specifically this version. I haven't formally posted my Haven music playlists anywhere (I will do that.... soon......) but this is one of the first songs on the arc 1 playlist. You can think of it as Anathema and C!Moth's meetcute song : P
3: The Beast of Pirate's Bay by Voltaire. A girl I went to summer camp with... gosh, at least a decade ago now--taught it to all of us since we didn't have access to music that wasn't us singing. I also learned about Homestuck and bisexuality from her, so, you know, pretty much all the good parts of my life I found originally through meeting her that summer. Wiki, if you're still out there, thank you.
11: I could be wrong, because I haven't known it that long, but I think I'm going to go with Blacksoul by Onya. I could say more about it but honestly just listen to it. It's beautiful.
19: God Fearing, Sea Faring Man by The Accidentals. I listened to the album this is from a lot back when I first stumbled onto it, and while I think the band has now largely disavowed it it remains very deep in my heart. This specific song has stuck with me especially, I think because there's a kind of... the word that's coming to mind is grace, it feels like there's a kind of grace to this song. It feels like a moment of clarity. If I had to claim the meaning of life was buried in any one song, I would pick this one.
23: I'm going to cheat here and say an artist, because so far as I know they only ever released a handful of songs, most or all of which I try to link people to every so often because they're not otherwise available. I'm talking about superedge, who was a fanmusician back in 2015 or so. I hope they're still creating somewhere, but they've left behind some of my favorite songs in the world and I'm grateful that I happened to find them when I did.
26: Ben Caplan's cover of Lovers' Waltz by A. A. Bondy. The original is also solid but something about Ben Caplan's version really particularly speaks to me. I think according to the lyrics this song is actually about dying together? Which makes this a weird choice I guess but it feels in a way comforting, and I think fits the prompt better, because I have lots of people I love! I don't need a generic love song! But this song feels deeper and more permanent, in a way that's at least as appealing as it is scary.
30: You know, I have a whole collection of books that are me; you'd think I'd have a collection of songs that are me. But I don't. I think I have a tendency to shift songs from me to my (or others') characters, or to strongly associate songs with the circumstances under which I first listened to them. I've been combing through my library trying to think of anything and I could make some cases but most of them are weak. So I'm going somewhere very personal and emotional, and I trust you'll understand.
When I was 17, I was in a really bad place. It was, I think, the worst year of my life bar none. I'll spare you the details, but one day after a really intense couple of weeks, I played nice until I was given back my ipod. The moment it was in my hands, I grabbed my bike and fled to the library. I cried the whole way there, and I listened to this song, The Bust from The New Albion Radio Hour by Paul Shapera. This wasn't the song I came to identify with at the time--that would be The Wasteland, from the same album--but to this day, I can't listen to it without remembering that scared teenager.
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itsnothesameasitwas · 3 years
greek mythology aus you say 👀 ana my dear pls spare some links 👉🏼👈🏼
yes… I said that my dearest friend 😌; sadly there are only a few ones but here the links of those i have already read 
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✰ To Hell and Back by poshboyfriends | 4k | NR | MDC (happy ending)
an au based off of the story of orpheus and eurydice, the one with the musical lute player who loses his lover and plays his way through the underworld to bring her back.
✰ The Five God Cure for One Anxious Heartbeat by homosociallyyours | 11k | GA
When OT5 decides to sneak into a music festival to have a bit of fun and maybe make a few people fall in love, they expect things to go relatively smoothly. Fate has other plans.
Or: Niall, Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn are just five lesser Greek gods out there trying to have a good time, and they're feeling so attacked right now.
✰ not even the gods above (can separate the two of us) by feelslikehxme | 17k | TUA
“Mhm. Soulmates, the two of them.” Harry lays back on the grass, shielding the sun from his eyes with his arm. The last thing Louis needed was the sun shining down on Harry, not that he was staring or anything. “Do you have a soulmate?” He asks, curious to how matchmaking worked. It must be nice, watching people around you fall in love.
“I do. Somewhere. Everyone has one.”
or the one where Louis finds out he's the son of Athena, Harry keeps matching him with the wrong people, Niall accidentally breaks into Louis's flat and Liam doesn't know when to stop asking out Zayn.
✰ Winter Pines and Ocean Eyes by binarysunsets | 14k | TUA
Harry is awoken by the sudden weight of his dog across his chest, and he yawns and stretches his arms above his head, relishing the crack of his back the gesture produces and sending Fen tumbling down onto the bed. There’s a niggling sensation that he has something important to do that day, but in his still-sleepy state he’s struggling to recall what it is. When it hits him, he freezes mid-rub of his eyes, and his hand slowly falls to the furs strewn across the bed. His fingers tangle into their soft texture and he bites his lip.
Right. It’s that day.The day he’s meant to travel south.
Or, the arranged marriage au between young viking Harry, son of his clan's chief, and a certain caesar by the name of Louis, heir to the empire.
✰ A Dangerous Night (To Fall In Love) by FallingLikeThis | 7k | E
“Hey, Harry!” Louis greets, walking up to Harry with a sunny smile.
Any other time, that smile would lift Harry’s heart even as it made it race. He could let himself get lost in it, would probably catch himself more than once hoping, wishing for it to be more than a smile aimed at a friend. He’d relish the moments he could forget that that’s all he is to Louis. Any other time, he’d be selfish and let himself entertain those thoughts. But this is not like any other time. Tonight is the beginning of the end.
or Harry has visions and sees the destruction of Pompeii before it happens. Now, how does he tell his best friend what's to come?
✰ this is heaven in hiding by hemakeshimstrongx | 48k | GA
Harry is destined to sit on a throne. Louis makes him want to throw it all away. Or: Harry embarks on the greatest journey of his life. Louis is there every step of the way.
✰ keep your eyes upon the skies by hypocorism | 12k | TUA
Disney - Hercules AU
✰  the tragic story of a muse and a war god  orphan_account | 30k | E
Harry is a reckless god of war, Louis is a muse unspoken of, and their love might not be written in the stars.
✰ in a sea of mist by tomlinvelvet | 126k | E
A Greek Mythology/Camp Half-Blood AU where Harry is lost, the road to peace is a wretched one, and somehow, through a mist of confusion and regrets, Louis seems to be the only thing that makes sense and everything Harry needs.
✰ How Far We've Come by hrrytomlinson | 32k | TUA
“This is Harry Styles,” Chiron offers.
He’s beautiful. His eyes are a stunning green, the color of new foliage. The new kid’s limbs are long and lanky—he looks extremely uncomfortable and uncoordinated. Louis internally smirks to himself, guessing the kid probably won’t be too skilled with a sword, or a bow, or anything sharp, most likely. His hair falls to his shoulders in sets of loose, brown curls. The color is rich and luscious, resembling soil so much that it looks like flowers could sprout from his hairline at any moment. But Louis’ eyes are stuck on his soft looking lips, pink as flower petals and slightly parted as his eyes scan the horizon of the camp.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Harry.”
✰ Like A Drum (Baby, Don't Stop Beating) by exitthequitters | 9k | NR
They walk through the camp together hand in hand, past the big house where Chiron waves happily at them, past the strawberry field where Louis first kissed Harry, past the lake where Louis first met Zayn and Liam, past the dinning hall where Niall sat down next to Louis before he knew he shouldn’t, and to Harry’s cabin.
Or, they're all sons of Greek gods at a summer camp for demigods.
✰ Breakable Heaven by amomentoflove | 44k | E 
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. 
“None like you.”
✰ My Heart Lies With You by asphodelknox | 31k | M
“What did you hit me on the head for?” Louis said. He tried to frown, but it hurt too much. Plus it was hard to frown at someone taking care of him so tenderly. “I didn’t hit you on the head,” Harry said calmly, moving from Louis’s forehead to remove some bandages on his arm. “My friend Niall, the God of Death, hit you on the head.” “Well, why did Niall hit me on the head?” Louis asked. He noticed his lips hurt too, and felt a small gash on them. His arms were covered in scratches and cuts, and as he moved to sit up, he winced at a pain coming from his waist. “What the hell happened to me?” Harry sighed. “Niall… can get a bit… excited.” “Was he excited about hitting me on the head?” “No!” Harry said. “Niall just got away with himself.” “Does he do that often? Get away with himself, I mean?” Louis asked wryly. “Only when an idea gets stuck in his head that he can’t get out.”
For being the God of Death, Niall has a habit of acting on ideas without thinking them through. It's probably why Harry ends up with an unexpected but entirely welcome visitor in his bed the day after a Mount Olympus party.
✰ daisies & dying by xaz | 14k | E
Harry’s eyes stayed cemented to the marble tiles, engraining the memory of his shiny loafers and their contrast to the flooring as he heard the footsteps draw near. An icy hand yanked his chin violently, forcing his face forward.Hand still clutching Harry’s chin, the man gave a toothy smirk, “I’ve waited centuries to have you as my bride. I won’t settle for less than your full attention, my love.”
OR Hades!Louis and Persephone!Harry but make it pirates
✰ you flower, you feast by stylinsoncity | 18k | M
He's King of the Underworld, but don't assume Louis has it all. He could stand for some excitement in his monotonous, eternal life and maybe, even.....a soulmate.
(Despite not having a soul.)
And along came "Harry".
✰ For every reason why, you were my because. by hisfirstrealcrush | 3k | GA
He was his greatest form of love.
an au in which harry meets louis in his forest and nothing seems to matter but his ocean-like eyes and his warm embrace.
hope you like them!! <33
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barbarianprncess · 3 years
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” and “Nobody’s seen you in days.” that would be inchresting 👀👀
for mari my beloved, 
(aka @chironshorseass ) 
as you know this sort of got away from me. one second i was writing a drabble of angst, the next I'm on the 16th page with no end in sight. so this maybe isn’t what you were expecting but have 5k of post-botl/pre-tlo pining idiot besties who are in love :). 
(also this hasn’t been beta’d and i'm welcome to volunteers i just finished and got so excited i had to post.)
(dear one anon who asked for 'forget it you're a fucking asshole' too, if you're reading this, don't worry yours is coming too i promise)
(final s/o to @posallys for letting me scream about them)
24 hours
read on ao3
enjoy <3
Percy is fucking exhasted.
He was supposed to be back at camp four days ago. The deal was he’d spend weekdays at camp to plan and train and weekends at home to relax. But, he kept putting it off, opting to keep the weight on his chest that’d been pushing him down since last summer bearable, and not crushing the way it always was at camp. So, when he gets through the barrier, aside from nodding hello to Beckendorph and Silena, he makes a beeline to his cabin. He manages to keep his eyes down until he’s standing at his porch steps- and that when he sees her.
Annabeth is pacing on his balcony. She’s wearing jean shorts and her camp shirt, but instead of her typical ponytail her hair is in two intricate braids that reach her breastbone. She’s muttering to herself and wringing her hands together and for a moment Percy forgets. He forgets the past year and all the arguing and the bitterness and he sees Annabeth is worried about something and he reaches out as if to hold her. To wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything is going to be alright.  
But then he remembers.
He retracts his hands.
He clears his throat and Annabeth startles. Her grey eyes are as intense as ever and he can almost see her defences come up. He hates that it's because of him. Annabeth is the first to break the silence.
“Hey.” Her voice is small but clear. Not yet vulnerable, but gives Percy the sense that it could be soon.
“What’re you doing here?” He isn’t sure he said it out loud until she ducks her head and flushes.
“Nobody’s seen you in days.” It’s not the accusation he expects. It's also not an answer to his question. Just an observation.
“I’m here now.” He says it like it’s an invitation. He then becomes incredibly aware that he's still looking up at her from the bottom of the steps, so he grabs his duffel, bounds up the stairs, and opens his cabin door. He hesitates and meets her eye with another silent question. She answers by stepping inside.
He drops his bag by his bed and turns on the light. The air is charged with unasked questions and unfinished conversations. He can’t stand it. He’s about to attempt small talk when she says something that nearly knocks down where he stands.
“I miss you.” She’s wringing her hands again and she won’t look him in the eye, but takes his silence as confusion.
“That’s what I came here to say, that I miss you.”
Percy isn’t sure what to say. Percy isn’t sure this conversation is really happening, she’s broken so many of the fragile rules they’d been following all year. He’s 98% sure this is a really vivid daydream to cope with…. well everything.
He decides that on the off chance this is real he should play it safe so, he states the obvious.
“I’m here. We’re here, together. We’re together and-” She cuts him off and begins to ramble.
“Strained and awkward and it's like there’s this chasm between us of all these things from last summer. From our kiss, to you dying, and then you not dying, and Rachel, and Luke, and Luke being Not-Luke, and it’s like we can’t have a conversation anymore and that sucks ‘cause..”
She pauses for the first time to look up at him and her eyes are shining.
“You’re kinda my best friend. And I miss you. Everything sucks and I'm tired of fighting. And I really miss you.”
Percy’s too shocked to say anything. It occurs to him that he should respond but he can’t find the words. All the unspoken rules they had in place and Annabeth had just steamrolled right through them. Percy realizes his mistake in staying silent as Annabeth flushes and turns to leave.
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” And oh no Annabeth had just swallowed her pride (which he knows better than anyone is no easy feat) to say everything he’d wanted to hear and he can’t let her walk away.
“I miss you too.” The words tumble out of him, clunky and a little awkward but earnest. Annabeth stops and faces him, eyes suspicious in the way that breaks his heart a little bit.
“Yeah. Really.”
Annabeth exhales and shoots him a tremulous smile he hasn’t seen in forever, and oh he’d forgotten what it did to his chest when she did. Before he does something stupid like tell her he thinks her smile is the best this he’s ever seen, he clears his throat.
“So…. this chasm you said, what do you propose we do about it?”
“24 hours. For 24 hours everything that I listed before is a non-issue. After that we can go back to…..whatever it is we’re doing now. One day, where we’re just two friends spending a day at camp together..”
“Best friends.” He corrects without thinking. She rolls her eyes, and he almost giggles because he’d missed her eyerolls too.
She holds out her hand to shake, all business-like and gods he missed her.
“Best friends. 24 hours.”
He takes her hand. Her shake is firm, her palms are warm, her eyes are bright, and she is beautiful.
“Where do we start?”
Apparently it starts with homework.
After he asked where they’d begin, Annabeth had flashed him a wicked grin, damn-near dragged him off the porch, and made a beeline to the Big House. Before last summer, Annabeth had been “tutoring” him. Once a week they’d head down to the Big House and spend hours combing through myths and legends, practicing Ancient Greek, and all things Demigod 101. It probably wasn’t ever that useful considering Percy barely remembered any of it, but Annabeth had always insisted. After last summer they’d non-verbally decided to take a break from it (eachother), and they’d never started back up.
Usually he’d halfheartedly complain that it was pointless and say some form of ‘I know enough to not die and that's good enough for me’ every five minutes, but today he nods dutifully along as Annabeth talks animatedly about Orpheus, and Theseus, and all the other -eus’s. He’ll ask a dumb question that they both know he knows the answer to, but she answers him anyway. He watches the wisps of hair that refused to be tied down, and counts the tiny sunspots across her nose and the way she wrinkles her eyebrow when she forgets a name.
It’s not terrible. It’s kinda the opposite. He’d forgotten that she made studying not terrible.
He’s so screwed.
The stables are almost empty when they get there.
After 2 hours of studying, (one hour of studying, one hour of laughing and talking and calling it studying) Annabeth declared it was his turn to pick the activity. Tired of sitting still Percy lands on tending to the pegasi. It was one of his favorite things about camp plus he got to teach Annabeth something for once. Annabeth was comfortable enough around them but she never spent anytime with them that she didn’t have to.
When they entered the barn, Blackjack gave him a look and he blushed remembering all the times he’d come to the stables with Beckendorph to vent about how much he missed Annabeth, (He didn’t even know horses could give looks but here we are) and silently told him it was a long story and to be cool. Annabeth had stopped next to one of the cleaning stations and was looking at him expectantly. He cleared his throat and they got to work. He showed her how to brush them and how to get tangles out of their manes, where to scritch them and where not to scratch them. He showed her how to check their feathers and make sure their wings were healthy and how to get them to be still enough to check.
Annabeth was excellent with them, gentle hands and kind eyes. Whenever she approached one she would look them in the eye and talk to them like the intelligent creatures they were. Each time she got started taking care of a new steed she’d gently reach for the muzzle and say in a soothing voice:
“Hi, my name is Annabeth and I'm going to groom you today. Don’t worry, I'm friends with Percy, and he taught me exactly how to take care of you. If I’m doing something wrong, let him know and he’ll tell me how to fix it. I promise I’ll do my best to make sure you feel like a brand new pegasus.”
Frankly, it was fucking adorable.
Pork-pie had taken a special liking to Annabeth, telepathically asking Percy if she could groom him more often. When he told this to Annabeth she’d beamed and enthusiastically agreed to come down whenever she could. Percy had off-handedly suggested that they take them out for a bit and Annabeth immediately started to release Pork-Pie from his stall.
They flew over camp for what could’ve been minutes or hours. He was lucky that Blackjack could fly himself because Percy couldn’t take his eyes off his flying partner. Her braids held firm, but a few rebellious curls were now whipping with the wind. The atmosphere combined with the speed they were flying, made her cheeks red and splotchy. Her smile is brighter than the sun, and eyes- gods her eyes were going to be the death of him. The sun and her mood (he had this theory that her eyes changed color based on her emotions) had made them almost blue, they are full of laughter, and Percy adores her. And when she directs her sunshine-smile at him, Percy can’t help but smile back.
(He doesn’t stop smiling until they land.)
As they're putting their pegusi back in their stalls, Blackjack decides to give him some advice.
“I know I don’t understand all of your fragile human emotions, but I know enough. There’s a lot of bad in this world of ours, and from what you’ve told me about this war business it's only gonna get worse. You gotta make the most of the good.”  He tilts his head over to Annabeth who is cooing at a preening Pork-Pie.
“You and ladyboss, you’re good together. And really nothing else matters.”
He doesn’t have time to even think about a response when Annabeth is walking over from Pork-Pie’s stall, and telling him it's time for a picnic.
(“What did Blackjack say to you? You looked kinda flustered when I got you.” Percy almost drops the plate he’s piling with food from the buffet. He’s gotten three pointedly confused looks at the sight of him and Annabeth together and not strangling each other and a thumbs-up from Grover. He and Annabeth are getting their food and then they’ll go sit by the beach.
“Oh,” He clears his throat and goes with the first thing he thinks of. “Blackjack calls you ladyboss.” Good that's good, not technically a lie either.
“Huh. Weird.” Annabeth, seemingly satisfied with this, returns her attention to the grapes she is adding to her plate.)
“Where do you go?” Annabeth asks. She’s sitting next to him in the sand brushing crumbs off her fingers. They had been eating and watching the ocean in comfortable silence and Percy furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Lots of days when you’re at camp for lunch and sometimes dinner you just disappear for hours. And I know you aren’t going home because your stuff is still in your cabin. Where do you go?”
It’s not an accusation, just a question. Percy gets the feeling she doesn’t want to know so she can disturb, she just worries. Percy knows her. He knows she’s always planning for the worst and she needs to be able to get to him if there's an emergency.
(It strikes him that she notices when he disappears and he feels guilty but also just a little hopeful. Because she misses him as much as he misses her.)
He stacks their plates and rests them on the blanket they’d been sharing. Percy stands up and holds out his hand, gesturing for Annabeth to do the same.
“C’mon, I’ll show you.”
He tells her to close her eyes. She gives him a skeptical look but obliges and holds out her hands, a silent request for him to guide her. It’s almost easier to take her hands in his without those trademark eyes on him. But it’s not any less intense. As soon as their fingers interlock sparks of electricity lick up his arm. Now that her eyes are closed he can look at her face up close without fear. Her curls had gotten more unruly as the day went on, and the ringlets that framed her face blew lightly in the ocean breeze. He leads her slowly towards the ocean, using his powers to dry any spot she walks on. He sees her brows furrow when she notices how far they’ve walked towards the ocean without their feet getting wet, but she doesn’t say anything. He parts the water for her to walk through, and when the water rises above their heads, he forms an air bubble that moves with them, keeping them dry. When they get to a good spot, squeezes her hand signaling for her to stop with him, but tells her to keep her eyes closed. Then he closes his eyes with her and calls out to the ocean's creatures, making himself a beacon.
Here I am, he thinks. The son of Poseidon.
Come to me.
Minutes pass.
“You can open your eyes now.” He whispers.
She does, and lets out a soft gasp, “Oh, Percy.”
He smiles and looks out at the scene before them. He’d come down here after a particularly bad day and just wanted to sit in silence. It was an accident, calling the creatures to him. Subconsciously, he must have sent a message along that he was feeling alone. And all sorts of sea creatures - from greek monsters and to great white sharks to your average cod had flocked to him. And he didn’t feel so alone. So now, whenever he couldn’t take the human world, he’d come down here and talk to the fish.
This time he’d actually concentrated on getting a message out and they did not disappoint. He couldn’t count all the animals that had heeded his call but it was a sight to behold. He had willed some glowing coral from the deeper ocean to stay in that spot, which created a multicolored tint to everything around them.
Normally they come right up close to him, but this time they were hesitant. And as he listened to the creatures and heard more than a few whispers of Athena and stranger, he’s suddenly reminded that she’s the only person he’s ever done this with. It’s his favorite place, and she is the only other person ever to see it.
“It's okay guys, she’s a friend.” He reassures them. When he looked back at Annabeth, her mouth was still hung open and she was staring out at the scene in front of them in wonder. He smiles at her dazed silence and uses the hand he’s still holding to tug her up to the barrier of the bubble. The first creature willing to accept Annabeth is a baby spotted dolphin. He swims towards the clumsily with eager fins and pokes at the barrier with it’s snout. Annabeth's eyes widen in fear and look up at him and it takes a second to realize she isn’t afraid of the animal, but of their bubble popping.
“Don’t worry, the bubble won’t break unless I break it myself, and it’ll last however long I want it to.” He reassures her. He senses her hesitation so he guides her hand up to meet the snout of the baby dolphin who seems fascinated with Annabeth herself. He reaches his snout and head bumps directly into the spot on the bubble where her palm is placed.
Annabeth lets out a laugh, the kind of laugh that sort of bubbles out of you without warning and it’s the best thing Percy’s ever heard. He watches as the shock fades for her features and she pets the infant creature through the sheen of bubble keeping them dry. The animals begin to warm up to Annabeth as well, and as soon as they figure out she’s not some evil Athena agent sent to destroy the ocean, they join in on the fun. Hundreds of ocean creatures of all sizes begin doing tricks, nuzzling up to the flexible barrier, all vying for Annabeth’s attention. Annabeth herself is happy to oblige. Ever consistent, she introduces herself to each creature she meets. She smiles and laughs and reaches out to all the animals she can. Percy is happy simply to watch her and keep the bubble up but then she turns to him, eyebrow drawn together in concern, pointing to a particularly awnry seahorse, and asks what it's saying.
“He says his name is Frank and that he’s ‘too pregnant for this shit.’”
Annabeth stares blankly.
“His words not mine.” Percy offers hands up in surrender.
Then she snorts and then they’re laughing, they’re laughing harder than they have in years, and it's that kind of hysterical laugh where everything around them makes it more funny, and soon Percy’s clutching his stomach and Annabeth is beet red.  As soon as it subsides enough to get words out Annabeth is shaking his arm saying “Do that one! What's he saying? Oh my gods what even is that? Does that one like me? That ones majestic, what's his name? Oh Percy, look!! Look at that one!”
So he translates and they laugh and he teaches her different species and Annabeth nods along like it’s very important stuff. She pets the baby dolphin through the bubble and listens intently to all the animals telling her stories, even though she can’t understand a word until Percy tells her what they said. And when it’s time to go he sees the tears in her eyes and tells Percy to promise the baby that she’ll visit all the time, even though they both know she can’t.
(Apparently the baby dolphins name is Arnold, and according to his mother, he was so enthralled by Annabeth because when he first saw her he thought she was an angel.)
(Percy thinks he’s not too far off.)
(“That was incredible Percy. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.” They had been walking in silence as they made their way back to camp using the bubble, enjoying the afterglow of their adventure.
“Yeah, of course.” She smiles at him and looks ahead.
He’s not sure why he does it but without looking at her he reaches out and ever so carefully, and brushes her fingertips with his.
Her breath hitches, but she doesn’t say anything.
Then suddenly, miraculously, her hand tilts and their fingers are interlocked.
And there's no pretense of guiding her somewhere, they’re just….holding hands.
And it's perfect.)
Percy thinks if he’s not in love with her, he’s pretty damn close.
Because this feeling, the one he gets in his chest when he looks at her, is what love feels like.  
When they resurface, they’re met with twinkling lights and the last three stragglers singing softly at the campfire. It’s almost time for lights out.
Oh no.
Annabeth seems to be coming to the same realization, as she clears her throat and lets go of his hand. He misses her fingers immediately.
“So, I guess we should start heading to bed.” She looks at him, hopeful but he’s stuck. Stuck in the feeling of dread at the idea of waking up tomorrow and not having his best friend. Suddenly the idea of leaving her side is so unbearable he can’t speak.
“Goodnight, Percy.” She’s turning around and backing away when the words lodged in his throat come unstuck.
“8 in the morning.” She turns giving him a ‘what are you on about’ look.
“That when you came and got me at 8 in the morning. We agreed on 24 hours. It's only been 12.”
She smiles slow and wide, “You know you're right, that math checks out.”
“We had very clear terms. We even shook on it.”
“Yes we did.”, she nods gravely. “It’s a binding agreement, we can’t just ignore it.”
“So what do we do?”
She flashes a wicked grin. “You aren’t the only one with a secret spot.”
Percy arrives in the Big House 20 minutes after curfew was called, exactly as Annabeth had instructed. He felt her presence before she re-materialized in front of him and in a low conspiratorial whisper tells him to follow her.
They sneak down to the basement and Percy is confused when she keeps walking towards the corner. She lifts up a floorboard and starts climbing down a ladder. She beckons him to join her and when he makes it down the ladder, he can’t help the smile that breaks out. It’s a sort of underground attic, complete with a worn dusty couch, blankets and an old TV.
“I found it my first year at camp by accident. I was down doing chores and one of the broom strings got caught under it. I didn’t have many friends except for….” She lets him fill in the blank rather than say the name out loud. “And when he wanted to be with kids his own age, I’d come here. There's only five movies down here and I memorized them.” She looks down at her shoes. “I know it’s not the sea floor but..”
“Are you kidding? It’s awesome. What are the movies?”
They dig around and end up finding two more that apparently seven-year-old Annabeth did not think worth the time. They watch Die Hard first, (“Oh my Gods I can't believe you haven’t watched Die Hard. This is a travesty. It’s a classic Annabeth.”) then Pulp Fiction, ("I can’t believe it, all the shit you gave me for not seeing Die Hard, and you haven’t Pulp Fiction?? You absolute heathen!") and Clueless. ("What? It has to be full of violence and toxic masculinity to be good? It’s a good movie Percy, shut-up.") Before he knows it, it’s 3:54 am shaking with hysterical silent laugher at Annabeth's impression of Dionysus.
“Oh my gods oh-OH! Do you know what we’ve got to do?”
“Uh-oh, what?”
She grins impishly and a little deliriously. “We’ve gotta go to our spot.”
“Ah, of course. Yes, our spot, totally.” He says in a voice he hopes is neutral, in an effort to gage if she’s serious.  
“Oh my gods.” She gasps, offended.
“I can’t believe this.”
“You can’t believe what?”
“You forgot our spot.”
“I’m sorry Annabeth, until four seconds ago I wasn’t aware we had a spot.”
“Oh my gods. I can not believe this-” He can tell she’s messing with him, and not actually mad.
“Annabeth, just tell me where it is.”
“I simply can not believe this, you absolute heathen-”
“Stop calling me a heathen, and tell me where it is.”
She smiles, “I can show you.”
“Oh, of course! This is our spot!”
Annabeth chuckles, “I told you.” They’re standing at the edge of the forest at the tallest of the rock clusters to the far left. It's the one they used to go to after their first quest, the place where Annabeth taught him the constellations. The place where he made his first real friend. Not people he hung out with to avoid getting picked on. Not a searcher who happened to like the demigod he found.  His first real best-friend.
They climbed up easily and lay down looking straight up at the sky. Annabeth points up at the floating memorials, and Percy dutifully recites the legends of how they earned their place in the sky. They're shoulder to shoulder and their fingers graze each other for longer than necessary. And slowly they lull into comfortable silence, arms overlapping, at some point Annabeth's head lands on his shoulder. Percy freezes for a while, staying absolutely still as if she’s a wild creature who could bolt at any moment. But then he relaxes, and she relaxes and he’s pretty sure she’s asleep until she takes in a shaky breath and whispers, “Hey, Percy?”
“We’re gonna be okay right?” He can tell she's trying to mask the vulnerability in her voice. And he can’t see all of her face from the angle they’re laying, but her nose is on his collarbone, and her hair is tickling his chin.
He closes his eyes, and he thinks. He thinks about Luke and Rachel and how nothings been the same since Percy blew up that mountain.
He thinks about seeing her for the first time, grey eyes wide hair falling off her shoulders and how even after everything he just went through, he felt safe. He thinks about ‘you drool when you sleep’, and the way she looked at him when he was claimed- awestruck and pitiful at the same time. He thinks about rolled eyes, stamped feet, and frustration always just under the surface. He thinks about silent truces, and letting guards down, and shared oreos in the back of a mobile zoo. He thinks about sweaty palms gripping each other in the Underworld, and shaky hands giving him a good luck camp necklace. He thinks about camp fires, stupid jokes, learning about the stars, and how the just fit.
He thinks about postcards and iris-messages, and how she punched Matt Sloane square on the nose. He thinks about how despite the arguing and the confusion about Tyson, she was always there when she needed him. How she didn’t hesitate to sneak out of camp with one of the first species he ever learned to truly fear, because he asked her to. He thinks about her in a dress and how tongue-tied him in guinea pig form. He thinks about her broken sobs and how she clutched at him in their underwater bubble. He thinks about winning a chariot race, the softest of cheek kisses and how in this world of gods and monsters, she’s the only thing he was really sure about.
He thinks about how she was the first girl he ever danced with, and how light everything felt when she was around. He thinks about how it felt strangely familiar when she fell off that cliff, and how only days later realized that it was the same desperation he had when Hades took his mother. He thinks about how gutted it was when he found out she was thinking about joining the Hunters. He thinks about his visit from Aphrodite and how even though she changed form, her hair smelled like lemons the entire time. He thinks about when he saw her on that cliff it was like the sun came out. How he saw her face and it was smudged with dirt and cuts but she was alive and he could breathe again. He thinks about how his throat closed up when he thought Artemis was going to pick her for the Hunt. He remembers how when they danced on Olympus, for a song she was prettier than Aphrodite.
He thinks about planning a movie date, and how he discovered Annabeth doesn’t get any less pretty when she’s mad at him. How she sat right next to him at dinner and how when she fixed his armour, his neck burned wherever she touched him. He thinks about falling in a whole and holding her hand and how they’d done it before but it felt different that time. He thinks about ping pong table meetings and how he became aware of the fact that he’d follow her anywhere. He thinks about the determination in her when she faced the Sphinx, and how the same fire was in them right before she kissed him. He thinks about how she tasted like smoke and salt, and how for the 3.2 seconds that his lips were hers, the first thing he thought was ‘we fit like this too’. He thought he was going to die but it was okay. It was okay that he was going to die, because he had gotten to kiss her. He thinks about Calypso’s Island, and how he dreamt about her every night. How when he crashed his funeral, she held like she couldn’t bear to let go and how that was fine with him. He thinks about the blur that was the labyrinth, full of unshed tears, words that cut, and how despite all the scream fights and the terror, and the barely contained rage, none of it lessened the fierce protectiveness he feels for her. How despite it all, she's still the best thing that's ever fucking happened to him. He thinks about the last line of her prophecy, and how she thought it was about him.
He loves her.
He’s not sure if he’s in love with her because he’s 15 and he hasn’t exactly had time to date around but he knows that for a fact. Knowing Annabeth, loving Annabeth has made him who he is. She is burned into his DNA. Somehow the 12 year old with princess curls and eyes that cut, crawled under his skin. He knows he’s done the same to her, even though they’re both too stubborn to say it out loud. They could never really leave each other, even if they tried.
So Percy shifts so he can see her face in the pale moonlight, brushes a curl out of her face and says,
“Yeah. It’s us Annabeth. We’re gonna be alright.”
She smiles soft and real because she knows him, so she knows he means it. He’s not sure who reaches out this time, but they're holding hands and staring at the sky in a silence that speaks volumes.
They stay like that until it’s sunrise and they have to sneak into their respective cabins. Looking at stars, fighting sleep, and forgetting about the rest of the world.
(They hold hands all the way back to her cabin.)
(He doesn’t stop smiling the whole way back to his own.)
if your still here hi! thank you for reading. send in prompts from this list, or any sentence starter you want to read. ask box is open for those and if you just wanna say hi :)
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aereres · 3 years
Stuck On You - Cale Makar
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Summary: What started as a friendship between you and Cale takes a turn during one of the best summer vacations of your life - a week in a campsite with your new friends from Colorado.
A/N: A self-indulgent Cale fic, who would have thought lmao. Definitely not my best work but I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: a couple swear words, mentions of break-up
Summer. Summer held something you couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was the road trips with music blasting from your car’s speakers, or the endless nights spent drinking cheap beers with strangers while sitting on docks. Maybe it was the seasonal loves, the ones you’d talk about with your friends after coming home, or maybe it was the memories.
Summer had always been something you had never missed, no matter how hard school got, or how good your job paid people to stay during the hottest months of the year; and, in Colorado, it wasn’t any different.
You were gasping for breath when you finally reached the perfect spot for camping, your backpack heavy on your shoulders as your friends walked past you. The excited giggles that left their lips joined the sound of birds chirping as they pushed their own belongings on the ground.
“Oh my God,” Johanna laughed, Andre’s arm wrapped around her shoulders as she looked around the empty side of the forest your getaway was going to take place in. “This place is beautiful,”
“It is,” Sydney said from beside her, eyes cast on her bag as she started to take some stuff out.
You were still taking the beautiful view in, a smile on your lips as you realized that summer was finally starting. A new summer, you thought, with new friends and a new spot.
“Y/N, just come here already!” Andre yelled from the distance, pushing you out of your trance. “Your tent is not gonna build itself,”
“I’m coming,” you giggled, jokingly rolling your eyes your friend’s way as you pushed your backpack down your shoulders, looking around for an empty space for yourself.
“I’m here-”
The breathless words were mumbled behind you, making you turn around quickly to find a flushed face. Cale’s cheeks were their usual dark shade of red, sweat lining his forehead as he tried to gain back his breathing.
“Oh- hi, Cale,” you smiled, heart fluttering when your eyes met his face. “You doing okay?”
“I was a little late,” he mumbled, waving JT’s way before his eyes gently settled on you. It seemed like he had realized you were there in front of him just then, his body tensing as a small smile formed on his lips. “Hi, Y/N,”
“Oh my God,” Nate huffed. “I’ll literally let the two of you sleep with the bears if you don’t start with the tents,”
“Fine, fine. You guys are annoying as hell,” you mumbled, brushing past him to reach one of the last two empty spots, throwing the bag that held your tent on the ground. The paper that slipped out of the opened zipper was filled with instructions, the words so small you almost struggled to read through them. If it wasn’t already difficult enough, the drawings explaining how to set up the tent weren’t helping, either.
You were just starting to understand something when your friends’ loud laughter filled your ears, along with the sound of bottles of beer being opened. You laughed to yourself, taking one of the many thin poles in your hands as you tried to figure out where it was supposed to go, one of your palms burying itself in your hair.
You had never been the greatest at building things, and you weren’t surprised when you grew close to calling one of the guys and ask for their help. Their tents had been built in less than half an hour, helping you prop up yours wasn’t going to be too difficult. Right?
“Here, give it to me. I’ll help you,” the familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, as deep as you remembered it to be. Cale was standing beside you, arms folded over his chest as he gave your work a quick look, a teasing smirk on his lips. “Never been camping?”
“Not really,” you giggled awkwardly, handing him the item in your hand as he figured the mess out. His feet carried him to the left side of the tent, sliding the first part of the tube in its place.
“Alright, go on the other side,”
With Cale’s help, building a tent had never been easier. He knew what to do and where to start, he honestly made it look easy. Your shelter was ready after just a couple of minutes, and you found yourself smiling Cale’s way as soon as he mumbled a quick ‘we’re done’.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, taking his place by your side again as the two of you gave the results one last look. “Looks better than mine down there,”
You giggled, turning around to wrap an arm around him, pulling him in a quick hug. “Thank you so much,” you said, pushing a stray hair out of your eyesight. “Wouldn’t have made it, without you,”
“You’re welcome,” Cale said rather rushedly, his cheeks blushing slightly. You weren’t able to see the way he flushed, though, turning around way too quickly to unpack your bag and getting the last few things for your shelter out.
As you pushed your phone out of your pocket, you realized just then how messily the butterflies in your stomach were dancing. And it was all because of Cale.
The sounds of the fireplace were comforting you as everyone enjoyed the first night of the summer together with a beer in hand. Loud laughter was coming from the Avalanche players, and you could hear a few laughs and giggles coming from your own friends, too.
“I can’t believe they gave you a penalty, man,” Tyson admitted, referring to Nathan’s last call on the ice that cost the team a power-play goal. “It was a clean hit and we all saw that,”
“Yeah, man,” EJ agreed, tipping his head back as he finished his beer.
“Call was ridiculous,” Nate agreed, shrugging slightly to signal the end of the conversation before letting an arm wrap around his girlfriend. “What have you been up to, Y/N? You’re the only one we don’t see too often,”
You chuckled at his words, shaking your head as you swallowed the last piece of s’more in your mouth. “Just been working, trying to get a promotion,”
“You go, girl,” Johanna cheered, making you laugh. “And Christian?”
The laughter left your body as soon as your ex was mentioned, the last words of your final argument repeating themselves in your mind. “Christian?” Was all you were able to mumble, eyes cast on the fire as you buried your hands in the pockets of your hoodie.
“Your boyfriend,” Susanna stated, making you chuckle out bitterly.
“Well, ex-boyfriend,” you sighed, shrugging when you looked up to see a few shocked faces. “Broke up a few months ago, now,”
“And you didn’t tell us?!” Mikko yelled, his voice loud over the mixed words of shock from your friends.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, casting your eyes to your lap as everyone kept talking, slowly starting to express the way they all almost despised your ex. Nathan - and his girlfriend agreed with him - said something about Christian hitting on his girl, Tyson complained about the fact that he had never seemed to treat you good, and all the girls agreed with him.
Thinking about your break-up on the first day of your summer vacation wasn’t something you had planned, so you silently kept to yourself, hoping the conversation would drop quickly. Your eyes lifted up from the orange flames of the fire, finding the stars illuminating the dark sky, so subtle yet so beautiful. All the voices of your friends were silenced as you admired the beauty of the night, a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in finally leaving your lips.
A gentle hand nudged your elbow, your attention snapping towards the person to your right in a quick second. Staring back at you was Cale, a soft smile on his lips as he held a stick with a roasted marshmallow between the two of you. “For you,”
“For me?”
“I know you love roasted marshmallows,” he mumbled, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Just thought of making one for you, I guess,”
A small smile formed on your lips at his kindness, cheeks burning as you accepted the stick. “You’re too sweet, Cale,” you mumbled, your shoulder leaning against his as you grabbed the candy from the top of the branch, pushing it in your mouth.
He grabbed his own marshmallow and slid it in his mouth, your eyes meeting as you silently looked at each other. His cheeks grew bigger from the size of the candy, a small piece of it coloring the side of his mouth.
You giggled, his own laughter following yours as you swallowed. “Hang on, Cale,” you mumbled, coming closer to him as you tried to ignore your heartbeat picking up its pace. “You’ve got something-”
Your palm cupped his scarlet cheek, warm against your skin as your thumb smoothed the sticky substance away, your eyes barely leaving his as the two of you sat back in place. Both of your heartbeats were loud, cheeks burning as you acted as if the closeness hadn’t affected you in any kind of way.
You silently hoped nobody had paid attention to the two of you, knowing the guys wouldn’t hold down the chirping; but when you looked back at the team and wags, they all seemed to be too focused on their conversation to even notice Cale’s burning cheeks, or your fingers slightly touching.
You were the first one to wish everyone a good night, that day, to retrieve in your tent and listen to your heart beat loudly. You felt like a teenager again, feeling just so jittery after the interaction with the man you had always spent too much time looking at, and had always looked for whenever you’d join the group at any kind of event.
You had always repressed whatever you had been feeling for Cale, pushed it to the side to avoid any kind of rejection. But the way Cale smiled your way, the way he helped you out whenever he could, the way he tried to find subtle ways to gently touch you.
Something in you, that night, was guessing that your feelings might have been mutual.
“Does this happen every time you guys go camping?” You asked Sydney breathlessly as you took a look at the hiking path in front of you. You were already two hours into the hike, the guys all walking ahead of you as if the uphill path wasn’t tiring them, at all. “Like, do you ever get a break when hiking with the boys?”
“Nope,” Sydney giggled from beside you, stopping in her tracks to take a sip of her water. “You’re a newbie to our camping trips, you’ll get used to it,”
You laughed along with her, looping your arm around hers as you followed the rest of the group through the sunrays-lit forest, sweat threatening to line your forehead. Walking in front of everyone was Cale, laughing along with Nate as you watched him, a smile of your own forming on your lips.
The moments of the previous night kept repeating in your mind as you silently walked, hoping the man living in your mind wouldn’t notice the fondness in your eyes whenever he looked your way.
“So, you and Cale?”
The words leaving Sydney’s mouth had your cheeks burning, the smile on your face quickly turning sheepish as you kept walking. “What about me and Cale?”
“C’mon,” she laughed, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. “Last night?”
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle, shaking your head slowly as you looked at the path in front of you. “That was nothing,”
“Nothing?!” She cried exasperatedly, pushing your shoulder as she kept walking. “You looked like you were going to make-out on the spot,”
“That’s not true,”
“That’s more than true, Y/N,” she laughed, silence settling between the two of you after her teasing words. Maybe you and Cale hadn’t been that smooth, you thought. Her elbow was quick to hit your ribcage after a few minutes, her eyes finding yours again as a small smirk formed on her lips. “He’s single, you’re finally single. You should give it a thought,”
“It’s just a stupid, small crush,” you admitted. “Nothing more,”
“Then why not try and see where things would lead?” She stated, knowing she was right. “I’ve never seen Cale act like that,”
“Like what?”
“Like a smitten teenager,” her honesty had you laughing, your head shaking as you were the one to push her shoulder, that time. When your laughter died down, her voice made its way inside your ears. “But really, you should try,”
She didn’t give you time to give her a response, slipping away from you to reach her boyfriend’s side, who had called her name. You were left on your own once again, staring ahead of you, your eyes focused on the back of Cale’s head as you struggled to keep up with the group.
Was it so easy to notice? The way your cheeks would heat up, or the way your smile would turn giddy as soon as he’d be close enough to have your fingers brushing against his. Was it that easy?
“C’mon, Y/N! We’re almost there!” EJ yelled from the front, his toothless smile shining from the distance as he walked backward. You laughed, throwing your head back for a quick second before meeting eyes with a smiley Cale standing by his side.
His cheeks were their usual scarlet color, hair slightly tousled from being pushed back too many times, but he still looked like the kind of person who would steal your heart in no time.
“Good night, Y/N,” Tyson was the last person to leave the fireplace, a smile on his face as he walked towards his tent, the silence of the night engulfing you in a warm embrace.
Your eyes drifted up towards the sky - as they always did - and found the patterns of stars painting it. The moon was shining brightly that night, its rays illuminating your face as you silently thought about your day. And Cale.
The hike had gone surprisingly well: the various hours under the hot sun had been worth it, the view from the top of the mountains so beautiful you could never forget it. But you couldn’t just forget Cale, his lingering touches, and the way his eyes would be staring deeply at you whenever they could.
When he had helped you down a particularly high, rocky step, your breath had hitched, the feeling of his rough yet gentle hands on your waist pushing the butterflies in your stomach back to life. You were sure you had never felt so deeply connected to someone, the way Cale was making you feel just so unknown to you. You didn’t want things to end.
“You sure you’ll be okay out here on your own?”
Your head snapped towards the source of sound, the nest of tousled blond hair you knew too well finding your eyes in less than a second. “Yeah, don’t worry, Cale,”
Your gaze fell back on the stars, ignoring the sound of his footsteps until the shuffling of his body next to yours snapped you out of your thoughts again. “The stars are beautiful, tonight,” was all Cale mumbled as your shoulders touched.
“City pollution doesn’t do them much justice,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around your folded legs as you sent him a quick glance. “I should probably come here more often,”
“It’s such a nice place,” Cale stated, a layer of comfortable silence settling between the two of you. Your body leaned against his on its own command, your head almost resting on his shoulder as the sounds of the crickets surrounding you pushed you into a state of calmness.
His body seemed to tense for a second, but his arm wrapped around your middle when he realized there was nothing you wanted more than to feel him close to you. He was silent for a few minutes - just enjoying your closeness and the warmth your body held - before letting his eyes close.
You didn’t recall walking back to your tent, the next morning when you woke up, but his hoodie still covering your body was a tell-tale sign Cale had brought you back after a while. You buried your flushed face in your pillow, that morning, the sun warming up your tent as you still felt Cale close to you.
Did he feel the same way?
“Oh. My. God. Y/N!” Johanna yelled, trembling as the chilly water of the lake hit her back, all thanks to your splashing. You giggled at her exaggerated reaction, dipping underwater to escape any of her splashes as she tried to look for revenge.
The sun was setting after another long hike, its reflection painting the lake an orange shade as you cooled down, enjoying the last day of the vacation with the team. It was a summer you were going to remember, but you felt stressed, in some kind of way.
Your heart was beating for someone, and that someone was Cale. You had never felt as close to him as you did on the trip, and you felt like something was going to happen. Eventually.
But the trip was coming to its end: you’d have to go home and get back to your schedule, the guys would go back in full swing to their own jobs, and you weren’t ready to give up on the progress you and Cale had made, not yet. It felt as if the universe wanted you to be happy, giving you Cale and feelings you just couldn’t hold back, and just a small time to find your happiness.
The water had stopped moving around you, and you realized just then that Johanna had left, and you were - yet again - on your own. The water had started to cool down even more due to the dark clouds already painting the sky, pushing you to sit on the dock with a towel wrapped around your shoulders to warm up.
The world seemed to grow quiet as you watched the clouds move, reminding you of the sleepless night you were going to spend in your lonely tent due to the upcoming rainstorm. You smiled, though, taking a deep breath as the sound of laughter from the distance slowly put your world back into motion.
“You’re going to get a cold,”
“Would be worth it,” you giggled, watching Cale move until he was sitting next to you on the dock. “What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you, dinner’s almost ready,” he mumbled, his own eyes falling on the sky. You hummed, wrapping the towel tighter around your shoulders as you scooted closer to him.
“I’m going to miss this,” you whispered truthfully, your cold fingers busy on the strings of your bikini. “Camping, nights in front of the fireplace, you guys,”
“Same,” Cale admitted. “I don’t want it to end, you know? I’m going to miss you,”
Your heart fluttered at his words, sending the butterflies in your stomach in a spiral for a quick second as he kept talking. “And it’s stupid to say, because I see you just so often,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “But I’m going to miss you, and what happened between us here,”
You took a second to let his words sink in, just how quickly they made your body feel warm and how they made you feel like a teenager in love all over again. “It doesn’t have to end, Cale,” was all you whispered, your eyes meeting his as you let your heart beat loudly, not caring if anyone heard it.
“I didn’t think you’d feel the same way,” he said, honesty slipping from his lips as he let a hand cup your cheek tenderly.
“And I didn’t think you’d feel the same way, either,” you giggled, your chest warming up unexpectedly when his lips brushed up in a smile. You admired him, letting your eyes rake across his eyes, then his nose, his rosy cheeks, and - soon after - his lips. “Promise me we won’t let this go to waste,”
“We won’t,” he whispered back, his free hand lacing with yours as your lips finally met. Your world felt complete, at least, it seemed like it. With his hands on you and his gentle kisses, you felt alive, you felt like you were finally home.
One of his kisses turned into two, and two turned into three. As warm as he made you feel, your body heat was lowering and you had to pull away with clattering teeth before you bit his lip a little too hard. Your foreheads met for a moment, your eyes closing as you spent one last moment with him, the closeness having you weak.
“You’re freezing,” he stated, eyes carefully taking notice of your purple lips and shaking limbs. “Let’s go, you need to get changed before you die on me,”
“I’m fine, Cale,” you giggled, taking his hand to stand up with him before you started to head towards your camping spot, where the rest of the team was making dinner. His hand stayed in yours as he led you towards your tent, not caring - or worrying - if your friends saw.
Dinner was quite uneventful after that. You ate in silence as you missed Cale’s touch, a smile on your lips as you caught him staring your way from the distance. You didn’t set up the fireplace, that night. Rain started to hit your skin by ten, and everyone pretty much understood your last night had come to an end.
You had wished Cale goodnight with a subtle squeeze of his hand before heading towards your tent, sliding under your covers as you thought about the events of the day. Your mind went back to the man that stole your heart, thinking about the way your heart would stutter every time he’d look your way, or just how quickly your mood could change when his skin touched yours.
Saying you were stuck on him was an understatement.
The tiredness from the activities started to kick in - your eyes feeling quite heavy as you pushed your phone away from you - but the sounds the rain made, the fear of a storm and just what it could cause, they were keeping you up.
The raindrops were hitting the fabric of the tent harshly, and as much as you tried to relax, you just couldn’t. It was well past midnight when an idea popped in your mind, but you just couldn’t. It was too much, and too early.
You rolled to your side, your air mattress making a squeaking noise as you did so. It was too early. Your phone vibrated, pushing you out of your thoughts as the screen lit up, a new message waiting to be read.
I’m outside your tent.
Your brows furrowed at Cale’s text, looking up to see that, in fact, someone was standing outside your tent. You crawled towards the entrance, pushing the zipper down until the cold hair of the night hit your face, and your eyes met Cale’s frame.
“What the hell are you doing here? You’re going to catch a cold!”
“Would be worth it,” he repeated the words you had used earlier that day. “Can I come in?”
“Of course,” you whisper-yelled, almost dragging him inside before you closed the tent back up. “What are you doing here, Cale?”
“I noticed you couldn’t sleep,” he mumbled, sitting on the edge of your mattress as his eyes stayed on your features even in the darkness of the night. “And I couldn’t sleep either,”
You giggled, shaking your head when you had realized you had had the same idea at the same time. You had been so close to joining Cale in his tent to relax and let all your worries leave your body, but he had beaten you at your own game.
With your last ounce of courage, you pressed a quick kiss to his blushing cheek, pulling him along with you to lay on the mattress. “Just come here,”
You were facing each other after you slipped under the covers again, his eyes staring into yours as you felt your body snuggle closer to his at its own command. One of his arms wrapped itself around your body, pulling you even closer as you felt a tender kiss being pressed to the crown of your head.
“Get some rest,” he whispered in your hair, your face buried in the crook of his neck as he talked. “I’ll be here in the morning,”
“Good night, Cale,”
“Good night, Y/N,”
Morning came quickly, too quickly for your liking. The sun was weakly lighting up your tent, its rays shining against Cale’s skin just right. He was still with you - as he had promised - and you were sure there was no better way to wake up than to open your eyes and see Cale, before anyone else.
He was breathing shallowly, eyes still closed as his arms kept tight around your waist, no sign of him waking up just yet. Your heart was a fluttering mess: you’d gone from complete strangers, to friends, to what seemed like lovers. And, God- you didn’t want it to end.
One single digit of yours ghosted over his soft cheek, starting to trace his features as lightly as it could as you admired him with all you had, hoping he wouldn’t wake up from your motions. A long sigh left his lips at your touch, eyelids squeezing for a quick second before he let them open.
“Good morning,” he grumbled, voice gravelly as he closed his eyes for another moment.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” you whispered, retrieving your hand as he pulled you closer. “Slept well?”
“Yes,” he dragged the last letter, the smile on his lips making you giggle. “You?”
“Like a baby,”
“That’s good,”
Silence settled between you as you enjoyed his warmth, brain running way too quickly at just eight in the morning while you traced shapes on his clothed chest. “They’re gonna chirp the hell out of us,” you giggled.
“Oh, God,” Cale chuckled, his palm landing on his face as he remembered about his restless teammates. “Might as well just die in here,”
You giggled, tugging the tent’s zipper open and grabbing his hand to get him out of your bed. “Just let them talk,” you whispered in his ear before stepping outside, stretching your limbs. His quite taller frame struggled to exit the tent, but when he did, a chorus of gasps surrounded you.
“I knew it!” Johanna yelled, receiving a slap from a sleepy Sydney when her loud voice scared her. “I fucking knew it!”
“Cale is getting it, guys!” Tyson said loudly, making Cale’s cheeks heat up.
“Shut the fuck up, Josty,” you spat out jokingly, pushing his shoulder as you found an empty spot to sit on. “Don’t chirp my boyfriend,”
The weight of Cale’s body sitting next to you was enough to distract you for a second, but his thick voice in your ear really took your breath away. “Boyfriend?”
You bit your lip, looking up at him innocently before sending him a quick smile. “Only if you want to,”
He hummed, jokingly leaning down to press a kiss on your cheek, your heart beating loudly against your ribcage. “I’ll think about it,”
Breakfast was over in a rush, and you found yourself packing your belongings with sad sighs leaving your lips every now and then. Even though summer had barely just reached its peak, you weren’t ready to leave the memories of the camping trip behind just yet.
On the hike back to the parking lot, your hand stayed in Cale’s. It fit in his palm so easily you couldn’t help but think you were never going to stop holding his hand, as pathetic as it sounded. The air was chilly, and it held sadness as you two and the rest of the group walked back to your cars.
“I don’t want this to end,” Susanna said, hugging you tightly as you all said goodbye. “I’m going to miss you girls,”
“We’ll find a way to see each other, babe,” Sydney reassured her as they embraced each other.
“Y/N,” Nate greeted you with a smile, a smirk on his lips as he hugged you. “I’m hoping to see you at our next game with an eight on your back,”
You punched his shoulder jokingly when you parted ways, laughing along with him. “I’ll miss you too, Nate,”
Your last goodbyes were sad, numerous people piling in cars as you waved their way, your back resting against your car as you sighed softly.
“So,” Cale mumbled from behind you, stepping closer to your frame as he looked down at you. “Would be interested in our next game’s ticket and my personal jersey, as Nate suggested?”
You giggled, shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I mean, maybe,” you joked, biting on your lip as you let your eyes meet.
“As my girlfriend, you should probably say yes,” he said, looking down at you with a smirk as he gave you no time to respond, his lips meeting yours in a kiss.
He matched the smile on your face, leaning down to press another kiss before mocking your words from that morning. His voice was smooth, making your heart beat faster than usual, the butterflies in your stomach so crazy you were worried he could feel them.
“Only if you want to,”
Taglist: @thirstyybitch @bellaguarneri @boqvistsbabe @trashforbarzal @captaindaddies @keithseabrook27 @heatherawoowoo @sidscrosbyy @laurenairay @nathan-baelieu​
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Hewoo I saw requests were open and this really cute idea popped in my head can get a lot of fluff with Denki where he surprises his s/o on they're anniversary in front of the whole school
a/n: hiii!! ooo this is so cute omg, we stan denki. please i- i love him so much i cant
summary: with your one-year anniversary coming up soon, kaminari had every intention of making it big, he’d been dating you for a whole year! however, his plan may or may get a little out of his hands when he ends up confessing in front of nearly the whole school.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, a camp rock line(i never watched high school musical sorry)
word count: 1.8k
;cut for length;
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Kaminari had met you in secondary school, the year before you both got into U.A. It was coincidentally on a whim when your class collaborated with his on a debate project on some literature project. 
You were paired together, four students from your class on a team with four from his class.
He was goofy, light-hearted, kind, and way too flirty for his age, but you ignored his cheesy pick-up lines until you won the debate.
He’d asked to exchange numbers at the very least since you’d become friends. And that friendship kindled over time, so much so, that you were both over the moon about applying to U.A. together. 
And before you knew it, Kaminari was walking hand-in-hand with you home from the park, or from the grocery store, the two of you often hanging out together over break, excited to be making dinner one night, or happy to help out over at his house.
Needless to say, a few of those long summer nights when you spent time in the pool alone with him, you couldn’t help but let out how you really feel, the two of you eventually establishing something more than a friendship.
You headed to the entrance exams as a couple, and you were both too happy to speak when you saw one another in class the following week.
And now you sat in the Class 1-A dormitory common room, Kaminari’s body between your legs as you put up his hair, a face mask applied to both of your faces as you giggled and reminisced about your time together, your anniversary of being together for one year coming up soon.
“Remember the one time you had to go to the ER because of the shopping cart accident?” Kaminari brought up a rather embarrassing story.
“That poor old lady was petrified, she thought she’d killed me.” You and Kaminari had been goofing off in the grocery store parking lot, returning the cart to its drop-off when an old lady backed out into the cart you were standing on.
It tilted back and you saved yourself from landing face-first on the asphalt at the expense of your right arm. It hurt like a bitch and you had to wear a cast for about a month before your arm healed up enough to do much more.
“You were so worried.” You teased, braiding his yellow hair between your fingers. He lifted his head to look up at you, a pout on his lips. 
“I thought you died too!” Kaminari cooed, pressing a kiss to your knee as he turned back around to let you continue playing with his hair.
“You’re an idiot.” Bakugou mumbled. Kirishima sat beside you, along with Sero, who also had face masks on. They begged to be included in the self-care session and were happily enjoying themselves listening to all your stories.
“So final jam’s coming up.” Kaminari blurted.
“What?!” You laughed, confused at his words.
“T-The final jam?” Kaminari turned back around to stare at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Are you referring to our anniversary as the final jam?” You glared at the yellow-blonde.
“I’m sorry! I had to.” Kaminari stood up and grabbed your hand, yanking you off of the couch.
“That’s right, you’ve been together for a while now huh?” Sero mentioned, glancing over at Bakugou who seemed to be interested in the idea of Kaminari holding a relationship longer than a week.
“One whole year.” Kaminari stared at you with adoration in his eyes, and you were worried if he stared any harder his eyes would pop out. Your face was hot at his words. 
You felt all giddy and warm inside. You really did love Kaminari, and getting to this point felt so amazing, so refreshing. 
“That’s awesome! Congrats!” Kirishima was quick to congratulate you both on the seemingly wild accomplishment.
Later during the night, after washing off the face mask and finishing up your routine, you walked back to your dorm with Kaminari.
“I really couldn’t be more excited for our anniversary.” Kaminari’s hands rested in yours as he pulled you in for a hug.
“I know, I’m excited too. You gonna take me out on a big date?” You tease, hugging him.
“I’m broke!” Kaminari whines, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek.
“I’m kidding. I just wanna spend the day with you, playing video games and-”
“Cuddling.” Kaminari offers, his eyes sparkling.
“Cuddling.” You agree, leaning in, pressing your lips to his. It’s a short kiss, but it’s meaningful, and tender, and passionate. It holds just enough emotion to convey how warm you feel inside. It’s electrifying, pun intended.
“I love you, sweet dreams.” Kaminari whispers as you begin to open your dorm door. You smile and wave.
“I love you too, goodnight.” You reply, closing the door after he leaves.
That night you tuck yourself into bed, happier than usual. You’re almost too excited to even sleep. But eventually, your dreams call you and you’re drifting away before you can even realize it.
The day of your anniversary, you’re a giddy mess. Kaminari and you are practically in each other’s arms the entire morning, hoping that you aren’t being that annoying couple. You’re keeping the PDA down to simple hand-holding even though you’d much rather embrace him and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe.
But you had classes. The mushy-gushy stuff could wait till later. When Aizawa couldn’t yell at you.
During the day, Kaminari and you both ended up surprising one another with little gifts, tiny trinkets just to show that you were thinking of each other. Kaminari of course bought you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, whereas you managed to snag a pretty rose for him and a new game for his console.
He was over the moon about the rose and claimed he was going to cherish it forever. It was so sweet.
That was until lunch rolled around.
“There the love birds are!” Mina cheered as you and Kaminari sat down at the table. Almost the entire class was aware of what was today, and a few peers congratulated you on being together for one year.
“Hush!” Your face burned with embarrassment as you nuzzled into Kaminari’s shoulder, swatting away at your pink-haired friend.
“You guys are so cute!” She teased, taking another bite of her lunch.
Lunch was abruptly interrupted when Kaminari said he had to go somewhere. You were a bit surprised by his exclamation but you said goodbye as he left.
“What’s with that?” You asked, a defeated sigh coming from your lips.
“Don’t know. Maybe he’s got another gift for you.” Mina nudged your side. You shook your head and covered your face.
“Please! I can’t take any more gifts from him, I just wanna spend quality time with him and do stupid lovey-dovey couple’s crap.” You groan.
Kaminari was racing toward the AV room where he had agreed to meet another student for something he had commissioned for you. It was a delicate glass frame with a picture of you and him embossed into it.
Of course by the time he arrived, he was running late. He blamed you for being so captivating, of course though, it wasn’t an issue that he was late, the student was there, happy as could be to have been commissioned for a project.
And the result was beautiful. It was truly wonderful, and Kaminari was almost in tears at how delicate and amazing it looked. Kaminari had already paid the student when he brought up the idea, and now he was finally here to get it.
It was wrapped in a beautiful box, carefully surrounded with bio-degradable filler to prevent it from breaking. 
“Thank you so much for doing this, it’s so important to me.” Kaminari placed the box down on the table in the AV room, unaware that he’d set it down on the button that turned on the intercom for student news, etc.
Kaminari had set it down because he was afraid he’d drop it on a whim somehow.
“They’re just so important to me, I can’t explain it. They’re the one, ya know?” Kaminari’s voice rang throughout the intercom system.
Your ears perked up, your face begging to sear with heat. 
“I think I’ve always loved (Y/n). When we met I could just feel the world stop and all I could see was them. And from there I knew, I wanted to spend every waking moment with them.” Kaminari was completely unaware that his words were now being heard throughout the entire school building.
“Oh my god.” Kirishima looked at you. Everyone that knew you, was staring at you. You couldn’t help but feel touched. You could feel your eyes swelling with tears, happy tears.
“I live to see them smile, and their laugh? It’s music to my ears. I’m so in love with them. I’d spend a million years of my life with them, today marks one.” Kaminari’s words were cut short by a teacher barging through the door. Quickly turning to see the commotion, Kaminari was confused when the teacher started yelling about using the intercom for personal reasons.
That’s when Kaminari’s eyes shot down to where he’d sat the box, and now noticed the blinking red light that confirmed the intercom was actively broadcasting.
Blush spread like fire across his face and ears, as he quickly grabbed the box and stormed back to the cafeteria where you were still eating lunch.
Barging in, you lifted your head, smiling like an idiot as he ran toward you.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that I- It was true, all of it, but I didn’t mean to embarrass you or or-”
Your lips on his shut him up as your rested your hands on his shoulders, completely silencing him. His hands held onto the box in front of him, his lips moving together against yours.
A few cheers and ‘woos’ came from fellow students but you couldn’t hear them. You were completely capsulated by Kaminari and the electric love blossoming between the two of you.
Pulling away in a haze, all you could see was him.
“I love you so much.” You smiled.
Later, after a decent scolding from Aizawa and another teacher, you were let go and finally allowed to go to your dorm.
Placing the delicate glass picture up on your shelf you then pulled Kaminari onto your bed, nuzzling into his side.
“This is what I was waiting for.” Kaminari cuddled into you, wrapping around you like a sloth as you laid on his stomach doing the same.
“This is an average Tuesday for us.” You mumbled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Well, I like my average Tuesdays with you, dummy.” Kaminari smiled, clicking on your tv to watch something as you cuddled.
The anniversary was a success. And who cared if nearly the whole school knew about how strongly you felt for one another. You were happy, Kaminari was happy, and you couldn’t wait to spend more time with him.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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whatsupspaceman · 4 years
What your avatar-sona says about you!!:
The Buried
- you bought a weighted blanket out of curiosity and now you can’t sleep without it
- made potions out random shit in the backyard as a kid
- gotta wear layers!!!
- have eaten an assortment of things you found outside on dares
- as nice as chilling in a soft pile of dirt sounds you still hate elevators and being trapped
The Corruption
- don’t you just want to be fully consumed by what loves you?
- obviously gay for jane prentiss
- thank god you don’t have trypophobia amirite
- touch starved
- traps spiders under a cup and takes them outside
The Dark
- hate the summer, heat, humidity, and wearing shorts
- you’re probably trans
- “hey what if we did actually destroy the sun thou-“
- running through the dark halls after you turn off the light in the basement is kinda exhilarating tbh
- stays up to ungodly hours bc the night is just so much more peaceful
The Desolation
- you’re a lesbian
- you stuck sticks in campfires just to wave them around and see the sparks
- probably got yelled at by an authority figure for literally playing with fire
- you’ve burned yourself cooking so many times because you get cocky and for some reason never wear oven mitts?? you always use random jackets or towels to take shit out of the oven Why.
The End
- grim reaper aesthetic and/or classic goth
- just wants some peace and quiet
- halloween is your favorite holiday
- takes naps whenever anything goes remotely wrong
- introverted, quiet, want to live in a witches cabin in a nice secluded wooden
The Eye
- we get it you’re gay
- you got bullied in middle school and would escape to the library to read books at a voracious pace you haven’t been able to replicate since
- you know so many obscure facts but you have the insecurity that it’s all surface level knowledge and you don’t actually know shit
- gifted child syndrome
The Flesh
- are you ok....
- tired of having a physical form but also put so much effort into your appearance
- idk the flesh kinda grosses me out you’re on your own for this one
The Hunt
- you like archery but you’ve probably only done it like twice
- every once in a while you get the panicked urge to run away and try to make it on your own in the woods bc wouldn’t that be simpler?
- weird kid. definitely pretended you were an animal 6/7 days of the week.
- also probably growled at people you didn’t like. you Probably grew out of this
- camp counselor aesthetic
The Lonely
- :/
- you’re also gay
- please take care of yourself
- you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you might never be loved and known truly, but you will, once you find the right people. don’t give up!
- *mitski’s nobody on repeat*
- *also write me letters by the hot freaks on repeat*
- you are a tender soul and hopeless romantic but also like. haha is love even real
- once again don’t give up!!!
The Slaughter
- you’re one of those artists that draws either really aesthetic or really cutesy type gore
- you like knives. you own and carry around a switchblade not because you think you might actually Need the protection, but because it makes you feel cooler. also it makes you feel like a threat.
- you like vampires, and fangs, and anime
The Spiral
- flamboyant and trans
- you probably have adhd
- your main motivation is: you know what what if Other people felt like they were on the verge of going crazy for once? huh??
- “i saw this shirt at a store and the colors literally gave me a headache so of course i bought it”
-another really weird kid. you definitely make art and sometimes it’s the only way you can express what’s goin on inside your head
The Stranger
- you don’t know how to describe yourself that’s why you take so many personality quizzes
- *stares in the mirror* who is that other dog. i don’t like them.
- “haha i don’t have a personality i’m just an amalgamation of everything i’ve ever liked and stolen it”
- hush you Do have a personality. clown
The Vast
- you were obsessed with space and astronauts as a kid, obviously.
- you had your first existential crisis about space and the meaning of life and how small we are at a very young age and it changed how you think about the world
- just a little tastey hint of nihilism
- skydiving!! sky!! diving!! and rollercoasters
- you get flying dreams n wish you were a bird
The Web
- pretty likely to believe in fate
- less likely to believe in free will
- every time you get into a piece of media you have a wall of red strings and theories about plot and predictions
- over analyze everything
- also you have anxiety
- you can’t write Anything until you plan out every single plot point and character arc and scene and shot. i admire your resilience and commitment.
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Spider Vs Bird
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 I worked a long time on this fic. I really liked working on it though and I hope you enjoy it
 Peter met Marinette when they were six-years-old. She had been sent to camp in New York. She had been scared to be so far away from home, and while fluent in English spoke with a heavy accent that made other kids look at her funny.
           Peter had never been away from his parents for more than a few days, ever. He wasn’t happy. He was miserable in fact.  Peter had been sitting alone behind a tree, having escaped canoeing, face hid in his knees. His wanted nothing more than to go home. He sniffled.
“Don’t cry,” A soft voice said next to him. He looked up and saw a pretty bluenette with big blue eyes and a kind smile on her face looking at him. She looked about his age. “It’s okay. Do you miss home too?”
           Peter nodded, and tried to make it look like he was crying. The other boys could be really, really mean. “I want my pops and dad.”
“I miss my mama and papa too,” Marinette said. “I’m really far away from them.”
“Where are you from?” Peter ask curiously. He hadn’t met many people from different countries before and never a kid his own age.
           Marinette played with her hair, “France. Where are you from?”
“New York City,” Peter smiled. “It’s far but not as far as Paris. Do you miss it?”
“Yep; a whole a lot,” Marinette opened the care package from her Mommy and Daddy. It just made her miss them so much more. Her grandma Gina went to this camp when she was small, and so did her dad, so they sent her there too. “Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry.”
           And just like any kid, Peter didn’t ask why she was asking. “I like vanilla.”
“Are you allergic to anything?”
           Marinette nodded and pulled out two cupcakes from her care package. It had been sent overnight. “Here you go, have one.” She handed him a big vanilla cupcake.
Peter’s eyes went wide and he gave her a toothy grin that showed he was missing one of his front tenth. “Thank!” He bite into it. “This is really good,” he said with his mouth full.
“My parents made them,” Marinette smiled then bit into her own chocolate cupcake. “They’re bakers!”
           Peter blinked at her with wide-eyes, “That’s so cool! So they cake cookies and cake and like everything right? You must get to eat as much as you want. I wish my parents were bakers!”
           Marinette just laughed. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.
           Steve and Tony would get letters from his son all about the new friend he made. And get a picture of their little boy with his arm around a blue-haired.
“Her name is Marinette,” Steve read the letter. “She’s French. Her parents are the best bakers in the world who send her weekly goodie packages. They have the coolest job ever!”
           Tony blinked, “We’re superheroes.”
           When they picked up Peter a month later from camp, he was ran up to him holding Marinette’s hand, “Dad, Pops; this is Marinette! She’s the best. She really smart and funny and cool. She’s my best friend ever! And-”
           Tony laughed, “Easy there, squirt. Take a breath. Hi Miss Marinette.”
           Marinette blushed but grinned big, “Hi, Mr. Stark, sir. Peter’s really nice. Like really nice. He even stopped a big kid from killing a poor little spider. He was really brave!”
           Peter grinned, “You’re really brave. You’re the one who pushed him when he pushed me the ground. You even made him apologize. It was awesome.” He told his parents. “Can I got to Marinette’s? Please. I want to see her bakery.  Pretty please.”
“Paris is a long ways away bud,” Steve teased. “You didn’t even want to leave for camp remember.”
“Not without your Ameri-bear,” Tony added with a chuckle. “You’ve been sleeping with that old teddy bear ever.”
           They stopped laughing when they saw Peter giving them a wide-eyed look, his mouth dropped opened, with his face a bright red. Before they knew it, Peter was shoving them towards the car, “Be right back, Mari.”
           Peter glared, “Don’t blow this for me.”
           Tony snorted, “Blow what? Do you even know what they means?”
“Yes,” Peter huffed indignantly, though it was a lie. “Marinette’s really, really nice. And smart. And funny. She doesn’t think I’m weird. Or too smart or anything. And she’s so pretty. Like really, really pretty.”
           Steve cooed, “Aww, you have a crush on Marinette.”
“NO!” Peter shouted. His face back to a bright shade of red.
           Tony smirked, “So I shouldn’t send out the wedding invitations then?”
           They were there for every milestone of Peter’s life; the day he was born, the day he crawled, his first word, his first steps, his first lab explosion, his first missing tooth, and his first day of school. Now they were baring witness to the first time Peter visibly looked to be contemplating murder. Unfortunately, it was at them.
“Mari’s parents are really cool,” Peter stated. “Just be cool like them.” Then he ran back to Marinette.
“I’m Tony Stark,” Tony said incredulously.
“I’m Captain America!” Steve said at the same time.
           Still, they ended up meeting the rest of the Dupain-Cheng family, and found them delightful.
           It was from that summer on that the Avengers got used to seeing Peter and Marinette running around the tower together. Peter also got used to be teased for his supposed crush on his best friend. Natasha ended up taking Marinette under wing and training her in combat and the art of spying.
           However, it was only two years later, when the Avengers responded to an intruder alert and found Marinette standing over a hogtied Nick Fury, with a fierce look on her face and Peter looking proud, that Tony said two magical words:
“I ship it.”
           Damian Wayne met Marinette when they were ten-years-old. Damian had only been living with his father for five years but still had trouble acting like a normal kid. The life of a league of shadows member was hard to break from; especially if it’s ingrained from a young age. He had been chastised more than a few times for leaving off on his own, especially in a place like Gotham.
           When Alfred informed them that an old friend and business associate was coming to visit with her granddaughter, a girl Damian’s age; it was to no one’s surprise when his father took him aside and made him promise to be polite.
           The woman Gina had showed up in the beginning of summer. She arrived on a motorcycle that had been so loud they heard as soon as she pulled up to the house. Alfred had answered the door with a chuckle.
“Penny!” The woman exclaimed and jumped at him with a hug. She had short silver, nearly white, hair and dressed mostly black and had a studded black leather jacket on and boots. “Ugh, still as boring as ever, I see,” Gina said once she pulled back from the hug.
“Gina,” Alfred smiled. “You haven’t change a bit.”
           Gina just laughed, and turned her attention to Bruce, “Brucie; I heard you took my advice to go exploring the world. How’d you like it?”
           Bruce smirked, “It was… educational.” He had known Gina since he was a boy, having spent a few summers with Tom, even gone to his and Sabine’s wedding. The woman hadn’t been to visit since Bruce adopted Tim and Cass. “You remember my boys?”
“Dick,” Gina said pulling the oldest Wayne boy into a tight hug. “You get more handsome every time I see. So sorry to hear you and Barbs broke up. I know some amazing girls I can introduce you to.”
           Dick just laughed, “I’m fine flying solo for now.”
“Jason,” Gina said crossing her arms, with a raised eyebrow. “I haven’t seen you since I let you steal my last motorcycle.”
           Jason smirked, “let me?” The only reason he’d happily come to the Manor was because Alfred told him Gina was on her way. She was the coolest lady he knew growing up.
“Oh please,” Gina waved him off. “You drove it to the Barnes and Nobel’s on 4th, and it sat there for like three hours. I have a tracker on my stuff, kid. I let you. Now give me a hug.” Jason laughed and hugged her.
           The same went for Tim and Cass. Cass excitedly told Gina in Chinese all about her adventures in Hong Kong. Tim told her about his trip around the world. Then finally it was Damian’s turn.
           Gina smiled softly at the youngest of Bruce’s kids, “And who’s this?”
           Bruce put a hand on his son’s shoulder, “This is Damian.”
“Nice to meet you, Damian,” Gina said.
           Damian nodded stiffly, “Pleasure.” He wore a black tailored dress pants and a high collard green turtle neck.
           Gina rolled her eyes, “God, Bruce, he’s nearly as uptight as you were at his age.”
“I was not uptight,” Bruce defended, despite knowing he was bratty little shit when he was Damian’s age.
           Alfred snorted but smiled, “And the young guest you brought with you.”
           Gina grinned and held out her hand to her granddaughter who had stayed close to the motorcycle, “She’s a bit a shy.” She told them. “This is Marinette.”
“Hi!” Marinette waved shyly, blushing a bit.
           The family cooed at the sight of the little blue-eyed, bluenette, in a baby blue shirt with a yellow happy face and dark jean short, with her hair in pigtails and big smile on her face. So innocent, so sweet. Bruce, of course, had been acquainted with Marinette. He had gone to the baby shower for her and stopped by the bakery whenever he was in Paris. The girl was the sweetest little thing.
           When Damian and Marinette got sent off to play together, only Alfred, Gina, and Bruce thought it was a good idea. Damian didn’t know why he was being punished. And certainly there were more fitting punishment than spending time with some little kid.
           He sent a cold glare at the bluenette, once they arrived in the entertainment room, “There are video games and movies over there,” Damian pointed to the TV. “Amuse yourself. Or perhaps you would prefer a coloring book and a teddy bear,” He said sarcastically.
           Marinette crossed her arms, “First of all, I would love a coloring book, thank you very much. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He snorted. “And Bruce said we should play together; get to know each other. Or do you frequently disobey an order?” If Damian was a rebel, Marinette needed to know. Because there was a fine line between rebel and troublemaker.
           Damian huffed, “Fine; let’s play a game then. How about… Mortal Kombat.” He sent her a cruel smirk. “Not the video game. Real life. It’s simple. We fight and the first person to die or cry,” He said with distaste. “Loses. Up for it?”
“What weapons do we get?” Marinette asked. Bucky and Natasha had taught her for the last four years on a variety of weapons. Though she knew it was only because of Steve’s doing that they hadn’t taught her how to use a gun yet. They even got a shield agent assigned to Paris to train her throughout the school year.
           Damian raised an eyebrow, curious. He had expected her to run screaming from the room in sheer terror, crying to her grandmother. “What do you prefer?”
“Bo staff.”
“Same,” Damian said. “Let’s take this to the backyard.”
           When Marinette yelled to her grandma that she and Damian were going to play in the backyard, Damian marveled that no one came out with questions filled with suspicious. Granted the first time Damian said he was going to go play in the backyard, he ended up in Watch Tower going over surveillance footage.
           Marinette and Damian stood ten feet apart on the grassy field, each held a long black bo staff. It was quiet. Damian had set an alarm on his phone to begin the fight. Marinette set hers to play music.
           When the loud beeping sounded and Carrie Underwood’s champion started playing, they charged at each other.
           It was a mix of attacks and dodges. Their staffs met; each putting their full force behind it.
“It is not wise to meet a Wayne in Battle,” Damian growled at her.
           Marinette rolled her eyes, “If all Waynes are as big of a jerk as you are, you must all be used to be called out to fight.”
           Damian attacks. The two kids stand in one place, trading feints, thrusts and parries with lightning speed, almost impossible to follow. The youngest Wayne was reluctant to admit, even to himself, that Marinette had no trouble matching him. “You know what you're doing, I'll give you that.”
“Not too bad yourself,” Marinette nodded.
           The two slow walked around the length of the imaginary circle. Until they were in the exact opposite of their initial positions.
“Your taste in music is terrible though,” Damian added on. Marinette let out an angry hiss like a cat and attacks,
           Their duel continued. Their staff flash and ring. Suddenly, Damian swung his staff, partially letting go. Marinette seeing the staff free sailing, ducked quickly. Not seeing Damian catch it at the last second, and then send a kick flying at her chest. Her weapon flew out of her hand. Marinette crashes to the ground, and with a quick swing her legs, sweeps Damian’s feet from under him, losing his weapon in the process.
           Marinette and Damian jumped up, right back in the fighting position. What happened next was a mix of punches and kicks, and headlocks. Until they found themselves once again across from each in their imaginary circle.
Marinette’s hair was a mess, pigtails having come lose. She was covered in welts and bruises from the staff. There was blood on her shirt and dripping her nose.  Damian didn’t look any better. His well-groomed look was gone. His turtleneck had torn. His lip was busted. There was bruising around his neck from when Marinette had wrapped her legs around it and held him in a chokehold, like Natasha had taught her, until he managed to maneuver out of it.
           Giggles burst from Marinette before she could stop them, “You look ridiculous,” She laughed.
“Shall I show you a mirror?” Damian said with a smirk. He chuckled.
           They both shook their heads, looked at each other again, and they each fell over laughing. They only stopped when the sound of applause reached their ears.
           Damian and Marinette looked up and saw the entire Wayne family and Gina watching them.
           Alfred nodded approvingly, “I see she takes after you Gina.”
“That she does,” Gina grinned. “You’re grandson could give a young you a run for your money.”
“How long after you been there?” Marinette squeaked.
           Bruce fought not to smile. “Just as the music started to play. We were going to invite you both in for ice cream.” He had been furious at first at his youngest child for deciding to spar with a civilian but the fury had faded as it became clear that Marinette could keep up with his son. There were times when he was sure one was trying to kill the other but they always held back; even if only just.
           He looked at Gina, “It’s nice to see Damian getting along so well with someone.” He would regret those words soon enough. Very soon.
           Damian and Marinette spent the next few days running after each other and trying to one up another in best surprise attacks. Bruce’s older kids took bets. Jason and Cass voted that Marinette would eventually win. Tim and Dick sided with Damian.
           One day, after lunch, Damian commented on his field trip his class was taking, “The zoo,” he wrinkled his nose. “It’s barbaric. Animals trapped in cages while less human beings gawk in amusement. There’s a new wolf exhibit my teacher is dying to see. It’s all terrible.”  
           Marinette agreed. While she liked the zoo, she always thought the animals looked really sad. She took a sip from her juice box, “So let’s do something about it.”
           That night, after midnight, the two kids climbed out of their windows, onto the roof, and quietly raced into the darkness. When they made it to the Zoo, they wasted no time in disabling the security cameras and breaking in the wolf exhibit. Damian, dressed in his the Robin costume he wasn’t supposed to have yet, managed to calm the wolf down as Marinette, dressed in mostly black with a red mask on, stole a truck (something she learned from Clint.) By the time security managed to get the cameras working again the kids and wolf were gone. All without a trace.
           The kids, and wolf, ditched the truck about a mile from the manor and raced home. They snuck back in through the tunnels of the Batcave that let the batmobile move securely without anyone seeing it.
           However, when they finally got to the Batcave, they were met with the exasperated looks of Batman and Alfred and the highly amused looks of Gina, Nightwing, Redhood, Blackbat, and Robin.
           Damian nodded slowly, not even bothering to try to hide the giant wolf, “Father, I decided that Marinette should stay for summer. She is much more pleasant than I originally thought. And don’t worry, Marinette figured out you were batman her third day here. She even found the cave all on her own.”
           Batman narrowed his eyes. He took of his cowl. He had been alerted that his son and Marinette were missing from their rooms just seconds after he was alerted about a break in at the zoo. He knew his son well. And it didn’t take a genius to be two and two together. “Grounded! One week.” He looked at Gina who nodded in agreement, though the smile was still on her face.
           The kids huffed but nodded.
“And wolf is going back!” That was met with loud protests.
           Marinette stayed at the Wayne Manor for another month. Not long after the grounding was over, Damian came into the living room where his father and siblings were and informed his father that he was leaving, “Alfred is taking Marinette and I to the movies. There is a showing of the new Little Mermaid movie she desires to see.”
           Bruce closed the book he was reading, “Very well. I’ll tag along. We can make a family day out of it.” Dick was the first to agree followed shortly by the others, who wanted to see the havoc Marinette and Damian tended to create.
           Damian visibly froze, “No, father.” He stated firmly. “I had… hoped it would be just Marinette and I. We can be trusted, I assure you.”
“It’s not a matter of trust,” Bruce started but Jason interrupted him.
“No! Way!” Jason yelled, his eyes wide with a sudden realization, and a grin his face. “You like her.”
           It was the entire room’s turn to freeze. All eyes on Damian who had blush slowly creeping onto his face. “Marinette has proven herself to be a strong and intelligent ally. She is worthy of my regard.”
           Jason shook his head, “No. You like her, like her.”
“I have come to value her friendship highly,” Damian said but the deepening redness of his face told a different story. He went to elementary school, he knew what like-like meant.
           Dick cooed, “Baby bird has a crush.”
“I do not!” Damian hissed.
           Cass snickered, “It is alright. Marinette is quite lovely.”
           Tim smirked, “And she has rather nice green eyes. A bit dull though.”
“Blue!” Damian corrected quickly. “She has marvelous blue eyes. They are not dull. They shine brighter than the sun. They sparkle when she laughs, you dolt.”
           Silence filled the room. Damian looked horrified at his words. Bruce looked at his young son with raise eyebrows and a small smile on his face.
“I am leaving now, father,” Damian stated. “I will return as soon as the movie ends provided we do not stop for frozen yogurt. Good day.” And then he swiftly left the room, leaving his siblings snickering in his wake.
           Bruce opened back up his book, “I ship it.”
           The declaration caused the room to fill with shouts.
           Marinette would spend half of every summer for the next few years in Gotham; training with Damian under the guidance of Batman himself. Eventually going onto meet the rest of the Justice League. She and Damian used the zeta beams to hang out as much as possible.
The other half of her summers, Marinette spent in New York City at Stark Tower with Peter and the rest of the avengers. Learning under the tutelage of The Black Widow and The Winter Soldier, two out of four of Peter’s godparents (the others being Rhodey and Pepper of course), while Peter learned under his parents.
Damian officially became Robin at 12. Peter became Spider-man at fourteen. And Marinette became Ladybug at 13. It was to no one’s surprise the two boys were the first ones she told about being a superhero. And it was not to her surprise when they couldn’t keep it from their families for long.
“Aww, look you two match,” Tony said upon seeing Marinette transform. “Couples costumes.” The genius would later admit he had that mouth webbing coming. He still ship Peter/Marinette so hard.
           Three weeks later, Bruce had said, “A little bright, isn’t it?”
“Do I even need to mention the first Robin costume?” Marinette snapped back. Though she was secretly glad that as soon as she saw the original Ladybug costume she had Tikki teach her out to change it. Gone was skintight onesie. Now she dressed in a more armored uniform. That was mostly black with bright red polka dots everywhere.
           Bruce smirked. He was proud of the girl who had become his son’s closest friend, and obvious crush. He really hoped his son would ask out Marinette soon.
           Then the Avengers and Justice League found out. Marinette found herself defending Paris with a league member or an Avenger for like six months before she finally told them where to shove it. She would call them if she needed them.  Though she didn’t mind Robin or Spiderman dropping into help every now and then when their secret identities were in town.
           Chat, who had grown become a brother to Marinette once their identities had been revealed to each other, had fanboy’d so hard the first time Robin came to help. And then again when Spiderman appeared, after catching Ladybug in a web after she’d been knocked from the top of the Eiffel tower. Then Marinette had to reveal that she knew the Avengers and the Justice league.
           It took Adrien five seconds with Peter Stark-Rogers to know he had a crush on Marinette. And he cheerfully told Peter, “I’ve got the god of destruction in my pocket. I’ll feed you to him if you hurt her.”
           It took Adrien three days to realize Damian Wayne liked Marinette. And he braced himself, held his ground, and told the teen, “You like Marinette. She’s my sister. I just want you to remember: Cats eat birds.”
           He thought it was really menacing until Damian sprayed him the face with a water bottle, “Bad kitty.”
           Adrien hissed.
           As good as Marinette’s superhero life was going, so was her fashion career. MDC was slowly become well known high-class designer and household name thanks to Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha, and even Lex Luther wearing her clothes.
her normal life had gone in the opposite direction.
           Lila had come to class and lied her way to the top; she went on and on about all the celebrities she knew. She promised all the students great chances and opportunities. Only a few didn’t eat it all up. Marinette, Chloe, Nathaniel, and Adrien called out her lies relentlessly. This caused the class to think of them as jealous bullies and had them ostracized to the back at Lila’s subtle behest. Unfortunately for Lila, Adrien had been quick to join them. And nothing she, or anyone else in class, could say to convince the blond boy otherwise.
           Marinette had thought of most of the students as friends but hadn’t been too surprised when they turned against her. She had never been to close to any of apart from the ones who joined her in back. For a while she had considered that maybe Alya would become her best friend but decided against it once she learned just what type of journalist she was. The glasses-wearing girl was always out for the next big scoop and didn’t seem to care how she got it; even if it meant putting herself in danger.
           Alya had also been adamant for a long time that Ladybug and Chat Noir liked each other romantically despite both heroes denying it repeatedly. She only stopped when Chat Noir told Alya that Ladybug was his sister.
           When Lila came, like the rest of the class, Alya ate up her stories and promises of a future at famous newspapers like the Daily Planet or the Gotham Gazette.
           And when Marinette claimed Lila was lying, Alya was the first to accuse Marinette of being jealous. The girl never seemed to get the message that Marinette and Adrien didn’t like each other that way and only thought of each as siblings at best and best friends at worst. Alya didn’t listen or care. Whenever Lila gave a tear-filled eyes saying that Marinette was being oh so mean to her, Alya was the first to defend her new bestie. The rest of the class following suit.
           It didn’t take long for Marinette to be voted out of being class president. This made Fearsome four, as Nathanial had nicknamed them after he and Chloe were given permanent spots as heroes, snickered as Marinette had pulled several string to for the annual class trip; so much for the class staying at Stark Tower with the Avengers or visiting Gotham and staying in luxury hotels. Oh well.
           Once she wasn’t class president, all the little things that Marinette had done in addition to the positon had stopped as well. She stopped planning dances, fundraisers, and birthday parties (mostly because she was never invited to go to anyone’s in classes anymore.) No more free sweets from the bakery for anyone but her three friends. No free commissions. No babysitting. No banner designs. Nothing. Squat. Zero.
           This of course caused anger from the other students in class as they had gotten used to all the free Marinette provided and tasks she did.
           Alya huffed, “You’re just getting back us because we’re not your friends anymore.”
           To which Marinette replied coldly, “Your point being?”
           It was suffice to say when Marinette fifteenth birthday rolled around and Marinette’s mom forced her to give invitations to the entire class, the students were quick to rip up the invitations in front of her face.
           Lila smiled, “Sorry, Marinette. Everyone’s throwing a party for me that day. No one can come.”
“Thank god,” Marinette said to their shock because it was obvious the girl was sincerely relieved. “My mom forced me to invite you, and I had no idea how to politely tell you I didn’t really want you to come.”
           On the day of Marinette’s birthday, Saturday, while the class was enjoying their own party, Marinette just finished setting up a mock carnival with rides, games, and concession booths, and an area for bands to play.  Adrien had even gotten his dad, Nathalie, and Gorilla to come on the threat of shaving his head bald.
Then Marinette’s guests started to arrive. Marinette’s schoolmates, the ones she had started to befriend after being made an outcast in class arrived first; the drama club, the art club, the fashion club, cooking club, and the world Travelers’ club had turned out be made up of some great people.
Adrien, Chloe, and Nathaniel stayed close to Marinette side; each wearing an earpiece.
Jagged Stone in all his rock and roll glory arrived first. Clara Nightingale practically danced her way in. Lois and Clark and the rest of the Kents were a bit more subdued. Though Cat, Nadja, and Lois immediately located rivals and the three could be found gossiping and sharing stories with each other. The same could be said when Style Queen Audrey, Wilhelmina Slater, Gabriel Agreste, and Miranda Priestly. Then it was just a slew of people; from friendly neighbors Marinette grew up with to famous models and actors and chefs.
She immediately greeted Damian with a hug, and thanked him for the perfectly wrapped green present. A second later, Marinette did the same to Peter, and thanked him for the blue present.
The two boys eyed each other.
Marinette looked confused, “Damian I told you about Peter, right? I talked about him all the time. And the same for Damian, Peter.”
“You didn’t mention he was Peter Stark,” Damian stated.
“Peter Stark-Rogers,” Peter corrected. “And you’re Damian Wayne.”
And Marinette finally realized she had forgotten to do one major thing; tell the Avengers and the Justice League that Marinette worked with both of them. Or at the very least Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne who looked ready to bring out the big guns.
Both superhero teams were very much aware of the others superhero identities as the Avengers never hid theirs and Tony hacked into the Watch Tower.
Lex Luther and Oliver Queen, the third and fourth richest men in the world, looked highly amused. While Gabriel looked like Christmas had come early. He had no idea Miss Dupain. He knew allowing Adrien to befriend the girl was smart idea.
The other heroes subtly watched the two for any signs that a fight might break out. Bruce had never forgiven Tony for hacking into the watchtower and uncovering Batman identity.
“Brucie,” Tony grinned and held out his hand. “You’re looking great today. No idea you’d be here. Or that you knew Marinette.”
           Bruce shook his hand a bit too firmly, “Her grandmother is an old family friend. I was at her parents’ wedding. I was at their baby shower. I’ve known Marinette for years.”
“We met Marinette when she was five,” Tony said. “She and Peter met at camp. Aren’t they adorable together,” He nodded to the two.
           Bruce forced a grin on his face, “Not as cute as she and Damian. They’ve been nearly inseparable since they were ten. Wouldn’t be surprised if hear wedding bells in the future.”
“Of course you will,” Tony laughed. “I’m sure Marinette will invite to her and Peter’s wedding.”
           The two glared at each other.
           Their significant others just shook their heads. Selena, aka Catwoman, looked amused. While Steve looked so done with this world.
“As one of Peter’s godfather’s,” Bucky said. “Should I be offering to fight Damian’s godfather?” He joked.
           Clark glared, his eyes turning a bit red, “Anytime you want.”
           Rhodey slapped Bucky on the back, “That’s all you man.” He was not fighting Superman over a case of puppy love.
           Diana looked a bit confused, “Should I engage in mortal combat with Peter’s godmother then?”
           Pepper crossed her arms, feeling last of the extremis still pumping through her blood.
           Natasha’s eyes narrowed, “It’s not required. But I wouldn’t mind a friendly spar or two.”
“You are the Black Widow, yes?” Diana asked. “A most excellent fight it will be then.”
“Where is Shazaam?” Thor’s voice thundered. “I wish for a fight as well.”
           Billy Batson had never been so happy that he wasn’t in his superhero form before. Quietly, he made his way to the Ferris wheel. He was going to avoid the god of thunder for as long as he possibly could.
           The magic users found each and decided to compare their abilities. It didn’t go well. Clint got turned into a frog… again.
           When Fury arrived he eyed the superheroes that were there; avengers, justice league, and the ones (dare devil, Jessica Jones, the Xmen) who were mostly unaffiliated. And briefly wondered if the kid who had hogtied him was planning world domination. He wouldn’t doubt it.
           The rest of the part went really well. Chloe, Adrien, and Nathaniel watched the superheroes in attendance like hawks. And were forced to break up more than one fight, or arm wrestling match that got out of hand. It ended up trending on social media, as various celebrities had posted pictures of themselves at the party. And then suddenly the world was asking wanted to know just Who Marinette Dupain-Cheng was. Marinette took that moment to announce that she was MDC. Which blew up the story even more.
           The only downside was that Peter and Damian seemed to have entered into a competition of some sort, the same with their fathers.
           At the end of the party, when sayings the goodbyes, Marinette swore she distinctly heard, Tony hiss, “Spiderbug forever!”
“Daminette!” Bruce snarled back.
           And she had vocally asked why Bucky was giving Superman wary glances but no one would tell her. Adults were weird.
           Monday came and the entire school, and all of Paris was buzzing about Marinette’s party. When she got to class, she was met with unhappy faces of her ex-friends.
“They wouldn’t let us inside,” Alya was quick to complain the moment the bluenette stepped through the door.
“We even told them we knew you,” Nino frowned. “The Bouncers didn’t believe we were invited.”
           Marinette shrugged as she went to her seat between Adrien and Chloe, “its invitation only. What happened to your invitations?”
           All the students frowned. They had been told the same thing at the door. And had been miserable when they remembered they destroyed the invites. Even Lila had nearly shed real tears when she saw just who she had missed meeting for real.
           Alya crossed her arms, “We tried calling you. But you changed your number! How could you not tell your bestie you changed your number? When did you change your number?”
“When I realized you still had it.” It was a cold response. One that Damien would’ve been proud of. “And I’m not your bestie. We’re not friends, remember? Why did you even try to come to my party, you were too busy last I checked.”
“That’s before we saw how awesome your party was!” Kim said honestly. “Dude who knew you knew so many celebrities.”
“Prince Ali was there!” Rose said excitedly. “I really wanted to see him.”
“Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Lex Luther,” Max whined. “I was so close but so far.”
           That was pretty much how the rest of the morning went, with a side of her ex-friends trying to question Marinette about being MDC and all the celebrities she knew. Marinette didn’t answer a single question.
           Just before the lunch bell rang, there was a knock on the door, “Hello, I’m here to pick up Marinette for lunch,” Damian Wayne smiled charmingly as he walked in. “My father’s waiting.”
           The class gasped. Lila’s mouth dropped.
           A second later Peter Stark-Rogers walked in the classroom, “Marinette, you want to go to lunch,” He said excitedly. “Dad’s waiting outside.”
           Again the class’s mouth dropped.
           Outside of the school, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark glared at each other.
           Marinette looked confusedly at her friends, “Sorry, I didn’t know you guys wanted to go to lunch. Or that you were still in town.” She told them. “It’s okay, though.” She said brightly. “You can join me and Roy.”
           As if on cue, Roy Queen walked into the classroom, a big smile on his smile, “Hey Mari, you read-Oh shit!” He said upon seeing Robin and Spiderman. The two heroes sent the Red Arrow twin glares.
           Two minutes later both Tony and Bruce’s phones pinged. They opened it and read the texts they got from their sons.
           They looked up, and met each other eyes. “We kill Oliver together,” Tony offered.
           The Green Arrow watched through binoculars from a safe distance, “Long Live Roynette!”
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julemmaes · 3 years
Can you write more of the Nessian modern au where they have 5 kids plz?
Prompt ideas:
They go camping
Ezra goes on his first date
One of the kids (probably like Cal or Celia) feels like their parents done love them as much as they love the others / that they don’t get as much attention as they others
Obv u don’t need to use any of these prompts if u don’t want to, these are just some ideas
I loved your fic !!!
I Love You
Set in this universe, Nessian fourth child feels like she’s isn’t given the same amount of love her parents are showing her siblings and after a particularly bad day goes by, she bursts.
A/N: The ages: Ezra (23), Cal (19), Nora (14), Celia (12) and Andra (10). Nate is (18) and Iria (Emerie and Azriel’s firstborn) is (13).
It was hard to write this one, cause if one of my children came to me like this, telling me what Celia is going to say, I would probably kill myself you know. Hate these situations:(
Also, I’m definitely gonna write the other two too, cause they’re interesting and I think you all want to read about Ezra’s first date. So don’t worry, we’ll see them camping and struggling with love some more!
Word count: 4,370
"Cal, can you help me with my homework?" asked Celia as she entered the boys room.
Her brother didn't even spare her a glance, waving a hand in mid-air, "I can't right now Cece, I'm playing with Nate and I can't pause, sorry." then burst out laughing at something his cousin had said to him through his earbuds. He cast her a quick glance over his shoulder, "Maybe when I finish."
The girl huffed, muttering a don't worry and closed the door behind her. She walked down the hallway, towards her room and Nora's. She didn't bother knocking, but froze in the doorway, staring at her sister with hopeful eyes. She knew she wouldn't find help there either when she heard her say Iria's name into the phone's microphone.
She could feel that she might be about to let out a scream of frustration.
She was about to leave the room when Nora noticed her, "Iria wait a second," she put a hand on the phone, smiling at Celia, "Do you want anything? I can leave the room if you need to study in silence," she offered her.
Celia shook her head, "I can't do this geometry problem." she said furrowing her brow as she looked at the strange figure on the sheet her math teacher had assigned her. She looked up at Nora and she had a bored look on her face. Celia had confirmation of what she had thought as soon as she walked in. Before her sister could find an excuse to escape that task, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll do it myself."
Nora didn't even try to retort and resumed talking to her cousin, yelling at Celia to close the door when she left.
"Yeah, I'll close the door for you," she muttered to herself.
She didn't want to go to her mom and ask for help with her homework because she knew it would end with one of them yelling, but she had no other choice. Huffing for the millionth time, she headed downstairs, mentally ready to face an intense math session with her mom.
When she entered the kitchen, Nesta was leaning on her chair with her knees and half lying on the table, holding a yellow pencil and coloring one of the suns on Andra's exercise book.
Her sister was the first to see her, "Hi." she said in a flat tone.
Celia snickered, thinking "we're in the same boat sis". Doing homework with mom had always been tiring, whether it was math to solve or simple drawings to color, Nesta had the ability to squeeze their little brains to their last nerve.
Cassian had always told them that one day they would thank her, but Celia hadn't reached that moment yet. She was sure Ezra, who was finishing college, hadn't thanked her yet either for making him maintain that level of consistency in his studies.
"Mom," she called hesitantly, "could you help me with this problem?"
Andra glared at her, frowning, "She's helping me."
Celia knew she didn't mean it in a bad way, she knew she was probably just as tired as she was at that moment. After all, it was seven o'clock on a Sunday night for everyone, and if Andra had found herself finishing studying so late too, it was because she too had been given too much homework. She ignored her, waiting for Nesta to speak.
When he didn't answer her, Celia pushed with more annoyance in her voice, "Mom."
Nesta's head snapped toward her, and even this time, Celia knew the answer would be no. The weariness clear in her features. Nesta closed her eyes, scratching a temple with the tip of her pencil, "Can't you ask one of your siblings?"
"Nora and Cal are busy," she let her know, "I don't know where Ezra is."
Andra pointed her to the back door, "He's out with Dad, they're working in the gazebo."
Celia nodded, "Thank you." Nesta gave her a tired smile and then went back to coloring in the sun.
She clutched the book and notebook to her chest as she pushed the door open and the cold outside made her shiver. She could hear the hoarse laughter and low voices of her dad and brother, but she couldn't see them anywhere.
She stepped barefoot into the grass and wiggled her fingers through the blades of grass and then there was silence and Celia was suddenly afraid. If she turned around she could see Nesta and Andra at the table, but in front of her there was only darkness and silence, until a loud bang came from the gazebo and then she heard Cassian cursing, before Ezra burst out laughing.
She grinned, tiptoeing towards the two men.
As soon as she moved the curtain that was the door to the gazebo, a dart flew past her head and she jumped back, eyes wide. She felt her heart in her throat.
"Celia!" had shouted Ezra, sprinting toward her. His eyes, too, were full of fear and he had grabbed her by the arms. Cassian immediately behind him stroked her hair, checking to make sure he hadn't poked her in the face. They both let go a breath of relief when they saw that she was okay.
"Cutie you have to be careful when you come in here, you know that," her dad told her with a carefree smile on his face, "If I caught you, mommy would skin me alive."
All three cackled, Ezra pulling himself up and removing the darts from the board.
"Did you need anything?" asked Cassian.
Celia nodded, remembering the real reason she had gone there, "I can't do this problem-" she started to open the notebook, but Ezra interrupted her.
"Dad and I are just finishing up fixing this actually," he told her with a apologetic grimace, "Could you wait a half hour?"
Celia looked at Cassian hopefully, but her dad was already back handling tools and nails.
She turned to her brother, "But you were playing darts." she said impassively.
Ezra shrugged, "We were just taking a few minutes off, we've been working for hours." then turned to Dad, "Where's the wire?"
Cassian pointed to a spot on the other side of the gazebo and Celia took that gesture as her cue to leave them alone again.
"Nevermind." she whispered, closing the notebook and leaving the gazebo.
She eyed the table at which they ate breakfast every summer morning, thinking that if she started studying there maybe she would die of hypothermia and finally someone would deign to help her. Laughing at how extra she could be at times, she walked back into the house, passing her mom and Andra in silence and heading back to Cal's room. She was going to wait for him to finish the game and then force him to solve the problem for her.
She threw open the door and Cal let out a shriek, startling her.
"God, Cece you scared the shit out of me." he breathed, bringing a hand to his chest, finishing pulling on his pants.
Celia furrowed her brow, "Weren't you playing with Nate?"
Cal nodded absentmindedly, looking around, "See my wallet?"
She pointed it out to him. "Where are you going? You said you'd help me," she said in a whiny tone.
"I said maybe," he smiled slyly at her, "and Raina called me and I'm spending the night at her place." with that he turned and opened the drawer, pulling out two aluminum foil envelopes. As soon as Celia realized what they were, she brought her hands to her eyes.
"Gee," she sighed, then turned around shaking her head, "I didn't need to see that."
Without looking at him, she raised a hand, smiling tightly at the empty space in front of her, "See you tomorrow, have fun."
Cal chuckled as he walked past her and darted down the stairs, "Sure will. See you tomorrow."
Celia shook her head again and then again, trying to erase the image of- she walked back down the hall, opening up the door to her room.
Nora in a completely different position was still talking on the phone and when she saw her she rolled her eyes, telling Iria to wait yet again. She turned on her stomach, raising an eyebrow, "What is it?"
Why is everyone so grumpy today?
Celia was fed up with that attitude and raised her arms to the sky, "Nothing, whatever."
Then they stared at each other for a few seconds and Nora nodded her chin, "Could you please go out? I'm talking to Iria on the phone and-"
"This is my room, too," Celia retorted, pointing out the obvious.
Nora huffed, leaning her head back, "Yes and I'm asking if I can please talk to our cousin in private."
Celia was getting even more nervous. "If you would help me with this problem I could go mind my own business in the living room and I wouldn't have to bother you every five minutes anymore."
Nora stood up, grabbing her by the arm and pushing her out of the room, "I'll help you when I'm done talking on the phone."
Celia didn't even have time to realize that her sister had literally just thrown her out of the room that the door behind her had already been closed. She wanted to go back in and throw herself at Nora and work it out the way they used to work it out when they were kids, when they could still hit each other if they fought - not that their parents ever let them go beyond the first slap or hair pull.  
She walked into the bathroom in the middle of their rooms to see where Cassian and Ezra stood, but from the second floor it was impossible to see inside the gazebo.
She went to Andra's room so she wouldn't risk running into condom wrappers and having to breathe the testosterone-smelling air of her brothers' room and sat down on the bed. She opened the notebook on her lap, rereading the problem statement aloud.
"A rectangular parallelepiped has basic dimensions that measure-" then she stopped.
It was pointless. She couldn't figure out what formulas to apply to calculate what was asked of her in the fourth question. Rereading the text wasn't going to help.
She brought her hands to her hair.
Why is this so hard?
She heard Nora laughing down the hall and felt anger sizzle under her skin.
Ever since she'd gotten the phone for her fourteenth birthday, there hadn't been a night that was one in which she hadn't called Iria. And it had only been a few months since she'd started high school, but Celia didn't understand how those two things had managed to change her sister like that.
She knew Nora still cared about her, but it was getting harder and harder to spend time with her, and Cal was always out with Raina and the twins and it was possible that she didn't see him for days at a time. Although that last part had become an occurrence in recent years.
Nesta had explained to her that it was normal, that they were just growing up and there was nothing to worry about, that they'd get closer once she got older too, but it had hurt Celia to lose Cal in many ways and now she was just scared that the same thing would happen with Nora.
She had nothing against spending her free time with Andra, but she was still little and still liked to play with dolls and Celia would rather hang herself than pretend to be a Doctor Peluche one more time.
She chuckled again this time, imagining herself announcing her death to her parents after her little sister asked her to play.
Then she heard Andra scream with happiness and run up the stairs. She was just in time to get out of the bed and out of the room that her sister was at the top of the stairs.
"I finished my homework!" she yelled, balling up her fists in the air.
Celia smiled at her, "Great."
Then Andra sagged, "Now I'm going to go take a victory nap."
"You've earned it." she walked past her as she yawned and headed down the stairs two steps at a time.
"Mom!" she called skipping the last three, "Can you help me now?"
Nesta made a frustrated sound, turning to her with a bag of frozen green beans in her hand.
"I just finished with Andra, is there any way we could think about this after dinner?"
Celia was about to start crying, but nodded anyway. She went into the living room when her mom resumed cooking, turning on the TV and putting on a channel where they showed how food is made.
When her dad and Ezra came back into the house they were so dirty that Nesta sent them straight to get washed up with the threat of not letting them sit down if they didn't smell flowery and clean.
Celia would have gone along with her mom, adding a sassy retort to make it even more dramatic, but at that moment she couldn't speak.
Cassian had passed behind the couch to go to the bathroom and shower, ruffling her hair and leaving a kiss on her head.
Even there, Celia didn't respond or say any "I love you too" back.
She didn't realize until a few minutes later that she wasn't really watching the show, and when she felt she was about to start crying - from too much accumulated stress and frustration throughout the day - she decided she needed to find a place where she could blow off steam.
Her room was apparently off-limits, Andra's was occupied and she couldn't hide in either her parents' or her brothers' room because both Ezra and her dad would go there to get dressed after their showers.
This only added to all the bad things of the day and on top of all the crap, she knew her mom was going to go to sleep right after dinner. When Nesta was this tired there was no way she was going to be able to stay up a minute longer and even if she could convince her it would just be hell.
Doing math with a calm and rested Nesta was already a nightmare on its own, she didn't want to think about what it would be like to do it with a cranky and tired Nesta.
She silently opened the door that led into the tavern, where the brothers normally spent their Saturday nights with their cousins and friends. The girls still weren't allowed to go down there when everyone was there, and Celia was looking forward to high school so she would get a free pass to attend their nights.
That is, if they would accept her.
She closed the door carefully behind her and ran down the stairs, turning on the light first.
She threw herself on the couch and then hugged her legs, sobbing once. And then again and again until a liberating cry was wracking her body.
She didn't know if it was just the math assignment she couldn't do or if it bothered her to see how much everyone didn't need her at that moment. Andra had mom and Ezra had dad and Nora and Cal had their respective friends and Celia… she felt so lonely right then.
She sobbed particularly loudly and clamped her mouth shut with her hand when she heard her father's footsteps pass by the tavern door. She didn't want him to hear her, it would worry him for nothing.
Yes, it was just because she couldn't get a stupid math problem right. She was overreacting.
She didn't need her parents. Or her brothers.
Or her sister for that matter.
She was sure all of her classmates were getting the exercise done.
She loosened her arms from around her legs and lay down on the couch, closing her eyes and clutching one of the pillows to her chest. It had a vague earthy smell to it, but it smelled like Cal too, and it angered the girl even more as she grabbed a corner of the pillow and threw it across the room, yelling not too loudly.
She didn't know how long she'd been down there, but when Nesta called the family to let them know dinner was ready, Celia sprang to her feet. She pulled the sleeves of her shirt over her hands and ran them over her face to remove the residue of the crying in frantic movements.
She took three deep breaths and then walked slowly up the stair
s. She opened the door just as Ezra walked into the living room and their eyes met.
She immediately lowered her head, so he wouldn't see her face, but her brother put a hand on her shoulder, "Lia..." the silent request to look at him clear as day.
"What?" she replied too surly. She cursed in her head when she noticed her brother stiffen. It was as if she could see his surprised expression.
So much for playing dumb.
"Are you okay?" he asked, then squeezed her shoulder, "Why were you downstairs?"
She moved to escape his grasp, then ran a hand over her face, huffing, "I was looking for something." she replied evasively, trying to make her way to the kitchen. Ezra grabbed her wrist, spinning her around, at which point Celia was forced to look at him.
Ezra had a conflicted expression, somewhere between angry and worried, "What happened? Why are you crying?" he asked, in a tone that didn't allow for a non-answer.
Celia remained silent, her brows knitted in a frown as she tried to swallow the knot that was forming in her throat.
Perhaps he had spoken too loudly, because Cassian's figure appeared in the kitchen doorway, "Who's crying?"
Celia looked towards her dad and it only took a second of seeing him for the crying to return, only harder.
Cassian's face turned completely as he moved Ezra from in front of his daughter and hugged her, lifting her off the ground. Celia wrapped her arms around her father's neck, hiding her face between the crook of his neck and his shoulder, and only sobbed louder as Cassian's hand began massaging her back in circular motions.
She didn't care if she would be thirteen in a few weeks. She didn't care that her father was rocking her like he used to when she was little, she just wanted him to hold her close.
She wrapped her legs around her dad's waist and heard Cassian take a shaky breath, "Ezra why don't you go ahead? We'll be right there."
Celia didn't see or hear her brother's response, but she was grateful to her dad when he moved to the couch, settling down and bringing her to him. She pressed herself tighter against him.
"Lia, what happened?" he whispered in her ear. This only made her sob more loudly, "Ssh, cutie," he murmured as the little girl's breathing became more erratic, "It's okay."
"Celia." her mom's voice made her sit up and Nesta was there, who with only a few steps was behind the couch. She'd seen Andra and Nora's heads pop up from the kitchen as well, but Ezra had called them back and they were gone immediately.
Nesta took a seat next to Cassian, her arms outstretched toward her daughter, but her gaze fixed on her husband's. Celia launched herself at her mother, but kept an arm around her father's neck and Cassian took her hand, squeezing it in his.
The child's tears had soaked his pajama shirt and Nesta's chest tightened. She brushed Celia's hair until she had a clear view of her daughter's face, "What's wrong?"
"I have-" she sobbed, "I had to solve a problem and I couldn't and no one-" every breath she tried to take was broken by a sob. She sniffled, "And then Nora kicked me out of the room and Cal- Cal didn't want to help me and he left and you were-" she ran the hand that wasn't clasped in Cassian's over her face, "You were helping Andra." then she turned to her dad and started crying again, "And then you and Ezra sent me away."
Nesta felt tremendous guilt and was about to apologize to her, for ignoring her, but then Celia said something that completely broke her heart.
"You don't love me like you do the others," she sobbed into her mom's chest.
"Oh, Lia." murmured Cassian, in a hurt tone. He slipped a hand between Nesta and his daughter's stomach and pulled her away from her mother, forcing the woman's arms off Celia.
Cassian sat her back down on his lap and looked into her eyes, leaning down just enough to be at the same height as her. His brow was furrowed and she could see how upset those few words had made him.
"That's absolutely not true." he whispered in a firm tone, watching the redness of his little girl's face, the tears that continued to fall undisturbed.
Nesta stroked her hair, "Your father is right." she added.
"You are all on exactly the same level. There's no such thing as loving one child more than the other," he repeated, "It's not possible."
Celia took more shaky breaths, struggling to speak, "Cal and Nora hate me now."
Nesta felt bad for her little girl. She didn't dare imagine how long she had kept those doubts to herself, couldn't imagine how she could think those things. How she had let one of her children feel that way without even noticing.
"Cal could never hate you and you know it. He loves you too much. Exactly like me and Mom and Nora too, even though it might not seem like it." said Cassian. Then he ran a thumb under her eyes, wiping her cheeks. "I'm sorry if we made you feel left out today, that wasn't our intention, okay?"
Celia nodded, but resumed crying.
"We're a family, we all love each other so much, but we're also numerous," Nesta tried to explain, "It may happen sometimes that no one is available to help you at that moment, but that doesn't mean they don't love you or care about you less than the day before."
Cassian squeezed her hips, "Why didn't you tell us this before?" he asked her, later clarifying, "That you were feeling this way."
Celia shrugged, resting her hands on her daddy's chest, just as she did when she was little.
"I don't want it to get to a point where you can't hold back anymore and you have to hide to cry, okay?" said Cassian to her. Nesta looked at him and saw that his eyes were glazed over. She placed a hand on his leg, but the man's attention didn't shift from his daughter's face. "If you feel that Mama and I and anyone in this house are misbehaving with you, you come tell us and we'll talk about it, without the need to yell at each other and fight." he gave her a hesitant smile. Then he wrapped her up and pulled her against him, kissing her temple, "Please don't think I love you any less just because I'm a stupid, clueless big man who can't manage his time optimally, okay?"
Celia nodded against his neck, starting to play with the end of his hair strands.
"And I'm sorry if I made you think that for even a second," he closed his eyes as he whispered those words to her.
"I love you dad." said Celia in a muffled voice.
Cassian held her tighter to his chest, "I love you cutie."
Nesta cleared her throat, laying a hand on her daughter's back, "I'm sorry if I didn't pay enough attention to you today too and if I sent you out of the kitchen," she murmured, urging her to look at her. Celia broke away from Cassian, getting off his lap and launching herself at her mother, who caught her and stifled a laugh at the sudden weight.
God, she was growing up so fast, too.
"I love you, Lia." she whispered to her, "Don't ever doubt that, please."
"I love you mom."
They stayed rocking their baby girl for a few more minutes, then Cassian made a joke about the food that was getting cold in their plates, and all three of them got up from the couch and walked into a particularly quiet kitchen.
Nesta took a seat next to Andra and kissed her forehead as she took a green bean from the serving plate with her small hand.
Cassian glanced at all his children present and blew out a cough, "Maybe we should talk about eavesdropping as well."
Ezra turned to Celia, who was wiping her face with her napkin despite the fact that it was already dry, "Sorry for making you feel that way." he smiled at her, "I love you."
Celia nodded, focusing on her food.
"I want to apologize too," Nora said more softly, playing with the edge of the tablecloth. "I shouldn't have kicked you out of the room like that, and if you want to later I'll help you with the problem."
Her sister looked at her and opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, "I would love to."
"Sorry." said Andra, with a rather cute frown on her face. She probably didn't quite understand what had happened, but Celia appreciated either way. Even as she gave her the widest smile as she said, "I love you."
Celia looked at everyone at the table, swallowing noisily, "I love you."
She would talk to Cal another time.
They ate between jokes and pranks and after dinner they all jumped on their parents' bed, cuddling until they all fell asleep there. Cassian and Nesta were forced to give up their room for the night, taking refuge in the guest room instead, but not before showing their children how much infinite love they felt for each of them.
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lisinfleur · 3 years
Yule’s Tide
The request:
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Author’s Notes | I hope this is a good surprise for you, love! Sorry for being late, but here it is! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Hvitserk x Reader Info | Viking Age AU, produced for Patron’s Holiday Event as a gift to @lol-haha-joke​ Words | 1589 ⁑ Warnings: Erotic content, explicit material.
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Mistletoes and festoons, fruits and colored straw animals everywhere. Everything was prepared and decorated, spreading the Yule through the whole town, but not in your heart.
Your hands were spreading decorations, braiding straw animals for the children's smiles playing with the little goats you made for them. There were ribbons and dried flowers from the spring, and dried fruits you had done by yourself to serve your neighbors' tables. But there was also emptiness.
So much emptiness...
The boats had come earlier this season, but not yours. Not the one you were waiting for. Your heart wasn't heavy with sorrow nor loss for the news brought victory and you knew the half of you that was missing was alive overseas, conducting the men who stayed to stick their claim over the new lands and make the settlement solid so the others could come back and establish a base later on.
He was alive, for the sake of your relief, but far... Far away from your heart and it was hurting you.
Torvi had called you to spend the Yule nights at the Hall with your in-laws but it was too much for you to see her and Ubbe exchanging caresses when the arms that were supposed to be around you weren't anywhere to be seen.
You knew of his obligations... Yet, you wanted him here.
You would do anything to have him here. But you knew he was building his name.
Yet, it was consuming you to spend one more Yule night alone.
To be the spouse of a Viking prince wasn't easy after all. Even more, a son of Ragnar like Hvitserk was. He was charged greatness, waited to be like his father, to do something remarkable, or guide his people into glory. And you knew the path of greatness, many times, would be far away from your arms.
He never liked to leave your side, you also knew it. His hugs would always be tighter, his caresses more intense, the sex of the last night always more urgent whenever he had to leave. And he would always take longer to enter the boats than he other commanders, holding your body next to his for as long as he could before the time to go would take his warmth from your skin. But it just served to sadden your heart a little more, imagining your prince should be disappointed and sad at the camp, with his heart clenched into his chest as much as yours was crushed by the distance between the two of you.
But he was alive to be sad. He was alive to lose that Yule by your side and it was, after all, something to be celebrated. It was a reason to thank the gods for and you didn't dare to skip the proper ways to do so, preparing the Yule table with Hvitserk's favorite thematic food although it would probably go to the Hall next morning to be eaten along with the leftovers from the Yule party of your kindred.
You prepared the table carefully, not forgetting to settle the plates that should be the places for the gods you invited into a feast you would share with them alone. And you made your prayers, thanking them for the blessing of your husband's life, but daring to ask for his presence, to plead for the child you wanted so hard and still didn't come.
Spiced mead settled on your cup after pouring it for the gods, you served a small plate of food you didn't really want to eat. And without toasts or happiness, you started digging on your meal, missing the smiles and hums of satisfaction Hvitserk would always fill your ears with after a good feast like that.
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It was cold outside - the winds of Winter had forced you to close your house earlier that day and maybe this was the reason why you didn't hear when someone approached until they were knocking on your door.
With a sigh, you got up from your table, abandoning the plate, thinking it could be Ubbe to reinforce Torvi's invitation for the hall you'd politely refused or to do what he had done last year, carrying you like a bag of potatoes back to the Hall, ignoring your protests just to speak with his drunken hoarse voice that his sister in law wouldn't spend the Yule alone in sadness on his watch.
You opened the door ready to say you wouldn't go this time, but your mouth didn't open. At least, not as much as your eyes.
"I didn't know... It would be this cold already..."
His voice was hoarse, he was covered in snow, shivering and fully rolled in the cloak you had done for him before his departure. But it was your Hvitserk, your prince, your beloved standing in front of your door when you thought it couldn't happen.
"Won't you call me in? It's freezing c..."
You cut his voice, jumping on his lap, embracing his neck, kissing him as tightly as you could, as if your warmth and the warm happiness of your heart were enough to expel the Winter cold from his body. And they were.
His arms embraced your waist sustaining your body suspended as you embraced his hips with your legs. His lips mashed against yours, his tongue invading your mouth, dancing with yours with the urge of the many days without you he brought with him. Your tears wetted his cheeks, but he just caressed your cheeks with his firm thumb, cleaning them at the same time he seemed to be testing if you were real or just another of his warm dreams as his touches were strong, feeling and marking your skin with that delicious thrill of his presence.
"You came, you came, my love, my prince, my heart!" your words got lost between kisses and tears and his tight embrace.
"I couldn't spend one more day without you, my love," his words were muffled against your lips, your jawline, your neck, as his kisses went down in his eagerness for your taste and your presence.
His cloak was left on the ground with the snow. The door left open and his muddy steps interrupted where his boots were left behind along with your apron.
The trail of clothes and buckles and his belts was forming itself towards your room and soon everything became warm as if it was Summer once again, with the sounds of your bed's headboard banging against the wall mixing with your moans and his muffled grunts of pleasure.
He'd never been away for so long.
You'd never felt him so touch-starved...
For hours, his fingers marked trails of shivers through your sweated skin, dragging moans from your throat and his name in a chant on your mouth. Your nails traced a map of scratches through his back he would love to feel burning in the next morning bath he intended to share with you for some more hours of you chanting pleasure like a siren for his ears.
But there was so much more than desire in his kisses, so much more than the wait for your touches. There was the love you longed so long to feel once again. The love that made Hvitserk pull your body closer to his when the pleasure was over and the two of you were down from your highs, needy to feel your skin against his for more than just the delicious sex the two of you had shared.
"You missed me too," you affirmed, caressing his hair now loose and messy as his lips were still spreading kisses through your collarbone.
"How could I not? I missed you every day and every night, my sweet princess. But the gods allowed me to come. Lady Rán guided our boat through the sea and although it was supposed to be cold and impossible to make this trip, I think her hand held our boat through the whole way, delivering us to the shore with gentle waves." he mumbled, looking at you. "She felt my need. She heard my heart begging for a chance to see you again sooner."
"She's heard my prayers for your safe return and gifted me with your presence tonight." You smiled, nuzzling your nose with his, in tender caresses.
"By the table full of good food and the trail of clothes on the way, I think you won't come to the Hall tonight, will you?" Ubbe's voice echoed from the door of your room and you giggled, not minding your nakedness under the furs.
"The gods decided to gift me tonight, brother," you said and Hvitserk giggled from his bed.
"I have a child to produce so I can call my son Jólnir and praise the gods for this Yule night!" your husband claimed, smiling at his brother. "Save some treats for me, brother! I'll be hungry tomorrow morning!"
"With all the moans I've heard from down the hill until reaching your cabin? Better save the whole feast!" Ubbe joked, leaving and closing your door behind him.
But Hvitserk just turned himself to you one more time, smiling.
"Wanna give him a symphony for the way back?" he joked and you smiled, straddling his lap.
"Let him hear us until he reaches the Hall!"
The laughs you loved so bad were back into your ears. Happiness was back into your heart once again.
That would be a wonderful Yule night, after all. And praise the gods for the blessings they poured into your life.
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cursedcataclysm · 4 years
I should be doing my APUSH work right now but if I have to read one more sentence about Columbus I will tear out my own eyeballs so-
Summer Camp AU
feat. Dream Team, BBH, Sleepy Bois, Tommy and Tubbo, Fundy and Eret
One of the boy’s cabins counselors, helps out at the waterfront sometimes
Has this white snapback hat with a black smiley face embroidered on the front, refuses to take it off, somehow never gets dirty
Also this lime green sweatshirt, he wears it around his waist if it gets too hot though
Often paired with George as co-counselors, they’re absolutely chaotic together but surprisingly good at leading the campers, they’ve got the whole play-fighting dynamic going on and nobody is really sure if they’re dating or not, they wear each other’s clothes so often they just share a dresser at this point
Whenever there’s a spider or a bug in the cabin Dream is the designated one to kill it (or take it outside)
Actually really close friends with Techno but they have a whole fake rivalry going on at camp for the ✨ drama  ✨ (not really, they just got in an argument once and it spread across the entire camp, now it’s basically just part of camp lore that they’re ‘enemies’)
They play it up a ton at camp events and team games, but they almost always sneak out to the docks at midnight after and talk for hours
Dream and Sapnap together almost always means trouble
They’ve been friends for as long as anyone can remember
The shenanigans they get up to usually ends with them both on kitchen duty
Loves climbing trees?? Can be found just chilling in trees sometimes
Known for being a really cool camp counselor though, intimidatingly tall and won’t hesitate to step in when breaking up a fight or disagreement, has a way with kids
Also a boy’s counselor
George has these awful white sunglasses he won from an arcade on a staff trip, nobody has ever seen him without them, he wears them on his face when he’s in a bad mood (only Dream can talk to him without being ignored when this happens)
George is known for being a stickler for the rules, but surprisingly he’s often the counselor who starts the annual prank war, he somehow managed to dye Dream’s hair bright green in his sleep once 
A bit awkward with the campers, but he loosens up around Dream and Sapnap
Constantly steals Dream’s green sweatshirt
Makes Dream and Sapnap friendship bracelets once, is a flustered mess when he gives the bracelets to them, muttering excuses about them looking terrible because he’s colorblind, Dream and Sapnap wear them on their wrists at all times (even though the colors clash just a little bit) 
Also a boy’s counselor, hosts the game nights in the main lodge every week
Has a white bandana tied around his forehead, Dream yanks it down over his eyes sometimes and they end up chasing each other around the camp for hours (and then they end up on kitchen duty, obviously)
KING of the ropes course
Spends most of his time there, actually
Ends up in the infirmary more times than he probably should after trying to do obstacles blindfolded or without a harness
Can and will carry a grudge for months on end
References a meme or vine every other sentence
Unironically wears crocs
Starts water balloon fights with Dream every opportunity he gets
Yells ‘parkour’ every time he does something cool on the ropes course, even if it’s not actually parkour
Loves giving out hugs, very physically affectionate, will sling his arm around your shoulders or punch you gently on the arm
Wrestles with Dream
Which leads to kitchen duty
In charge of sports/archery/rifle range
One of the nicest counselors, always chides the other staff (and campers, sometimes,) for cursing, helps out in the infirmary whenever he can
Campers trust him with their secrets, he knows a little bit about almost everyone but he’d never let any of it slip, he’s well aware of how important it is to the campers to have someone they can absolutely trust
Helps sort out disagreements between campers, he’s probably the best one with kids
Scarily good with a gun, holds most of the top camp records
Constantly reminding people to wear sunscreen, carries around three different types in his bag
Also a bunch of individually wrapped muffins, he gives them to campers if they want a snack
Definitely the worst at telling ghost stories
Has a lot of survival skills, will teach campers how to tie ten different types of knots in his free time
Only one who consistently wears his staff t-shirt
Everyone’s favorite counselor, at least according to him
Often paired with Techno
Grey beanie for the aesthetic, but also because his hair is absolutely a mess and if he shoves a hat on it it immediately looks better
Carries his guitar with him most of the time
Went through the ropes course one time with his guitar on him because of a dare
Really good at telling scary stories, but usually plays campfire songs on his guitar instead (sometimes with a kazoo if he’s in the right mood)
Absolutely torches his marshmallows and insists it’s the only right way to eat them, once ate a flaming marshmallow whole (for fun, apparently)
Coffee addict
Pretty much spends the entirety of breakfast at the coffee table
When Wilbur was a CIT he gets this black bandana from Philza, he never wears it but keeps it tied around his bed frame every summer, until one staff campfire when Tommy is a CIT. They’re all sitting around a fire and singing and joking around and Tommy surprises Wilbur when he knows all of the lyrics to one of Wilbur’s songs, and Wilbur impulsively gives Tommy the bandana (Tommy makes a joke about how it’s ‘rather plain, innit?’, Wilbur rolls his eyes and punches him on the arm, they both know how much it means to Tommy though)
Kind of sarcastic, mean in a nice way 
Technically a counselor but nobody knows where he is most of the time
Has pastel pink hair and will 100% help kids dye their hair too, but not before a long lecture about bleach damage and regret
Also a pink face mask (for fashion), only takes it off to eat or swim
The best at making friendship bracelets, it gives him something to do with his hands
Teaches the campers how to make friendship bracelets in the art cabin
Gives his closest friends a pink and black friendship bracelet (it’s not confirmed to be him, they just show up on your bed overnight, but everybody knows it’s Techno)
One legendary summer, Dream and Techno were paired as camp counselors for a cabin, the campers from that year all have matching pink and green bracelets, there’s still whispers about what went down then
A god at toasting his marshmallows to perfection, golden and crispy on all sides with just the right amount of melting
Gets the best care packages from home (so many cookies!!)
CIT with Tubbo
Only his second year at camp, but he hit it off really well with all the other staff and Philza so they offered him a position as CIT
(which he accepted, obviously)
Likes to claim it’s for all the free stuff and staff perks but secretly really wants to learn how to be a good counselor
Curses like a sailor though
BBH has to threaten to take away his access to the staff coffee table to get him to stop cursing as much around the campers
Chaotic gremlin, probably shouldn’t be put in charge of children
He’s actually very responsible when he needs to be though, likes to joke around a lot but looks out for the campers as much as possible
Self-proclaimed king of the gaga pit
Seriously, can hit the ball so hard he’s bruised some people a couple of times
Always covered in scratches and bruises and bandaids
A little too eager to throw a punch
Has a black bandana (from Wilbur) and wears it around his neck at all times, keeps it as clean as possible (even when he’s covered in dirt from various scuffles the bandana somehow stays clean)
Goes absolutely ham on a kazoo during sing alongs
Him and Tubbo sneak out one night and take a paddleboard out to the middle of the lake to look at the stars, the only reason they get caught is because Tommy falls off as they paddle back to shore, Philza yells at them for ten minutes straight but it’s worth it
Basically never wears his staff shirt
Also a CIT
Has been going to the camp for years
Brings his ukulele with him, sometimes he plays with Wilbur at campfires, loves sitting on the dock and playing random little tunes for the campers
Hangs out at the waterfront a lot
Volunteers for kitchen duty, surprisingly
He actually really likes cooking and hanging out with Fundy, whenever he and Bad are in the kitchen together they make muffins
Makes flower crowns!! Absolutely vibes while sitting in the fields, loves the bees, teaches campers how to weave flowers together
Lets Tommy drag him off into all of his shenanigans
Is definitely the type to laugh off insults
Very, very hard to anger but when he gets mad, he gets mad
He and Tommy have only had one disagreement ever at camp, it started with a screaming match for an hour at the waterfront, they ended up not talking for days. Wilbur’s never seen Tommy that quiet, and Eret watches Tubbo with concern when he just sits on the dock for hours, not moving. One night Tommy shows up at Wilbur’s cabin, covered in scrapes and blood in the pouring rain, he just starts crying and Wilbur carries him to the infirmary before finding Tubbo, the two finally talk for a couple of hours after BBH bandages up Tommy’s wounds, the next day they’re back to talking and laughing and causing chaos together like nothing ever happened
Tubbo still feels guilty about that
Loves hanging out with the campers, everyone is excited for when he’s an actual counselor
Wears his staff shirt most of the time, but it’s under his green flannel so you can’t really tell anyway
Camp director obviously
Basically a tired dad, wears a green and white bucket hat, has a fanny pack and will use it
Curses a lot but hides it from the campers
Constantly reminding everyone to wear their staff shirts even if nobody listens to him
Loves telling the campers embarrassing stories about Wilbur and Techno as often as he can
When giving Tommy a tour of the camp to prepare for being a CIT Tommy somehow manages to climb onto the roof of the dining hall, Philza has to hide his laughter while yelling at him to come down
Tommy just stands and yells “POGCHAMP” as loudly as he can, Wilbur records it on his phone and makes sure to send it to all the staff in the group chat
Refers to Wilbur and Techno as his ‘sons’
And eventually Tommy too
Also references vines and memes
Waterfront manager/lifeguard
Really chill vibes
Also makes pride friendship bracelets for the campers!! It’s kind of a tradition, if you come out to him you get a bracelet
You also can get a bracelet if you ask for one
Has a whistle, loves to sneak up on the other counselors and blow it as loud as he can
Brings a lawn flamingo to camp every year and stakes it outside of his cabin
Really close with Tubbo
Helps Bad in the infirmary sometimes
Also hangs out with Sapnap at the ropes course, loves climbing the rock wall and sitting on the top
One of the best counselors to go to for advice, along with BBH
You better have your buddy when he blows his whistle twice
Tubbo helps him organize the swim tests and give everyone the appropriate tag to hang on the buddy board
Fundy absolutely cannot be trusted as a counselor, so Philza sticks him in the kitchen as head of the kitchen crew
Fundy doesn’t actually mind, he doesn’t have to do much and he gets access to all of the snacks
Extremely chaotic when handing out snacks to the campers- sometimes he throws them, sometimes he just dumps them out into a pile on the ground, sometimes he hands them out individually, there’s no way to predict it
Needs at least 8 hours of sleep or several cups of coffee before he’s ready to interact with campers
Very sarcastic
Plays piano in the main hall sometimes
Bullies Tommy with Wilbur
A picture of him in a fox costume surfaced in the staff group chat and now everybody calls him a ‘furry’ 
He hates it
So much
Capture the flag games that go for days on end, Dream and George captaining a team against Wilbur and Techno, spies and sabotage and elaborate heists, Eret betraying his team during one of the games, water balloon skirmishes, color war but Intense Mode
Prank wars between the counselors and campers
Building epic pillow forts in the cabins and the counselors sneaking in snacks even though there’s not supposed to be food in the cabins
Just, so many possibilities
211 notes · View notes
Warnings: angst, mention of suicide, lost of love one, apocalypse, mention of killing, gaslighting
Word Count: ~5.5k
Summary: What should have been a normal trip to the store ends with landing in an apocalyptic wasteland with a boy you never saw before.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Requested by my lovely Honey aka my wife @satans-bae-and-queen 
A/N: Okay so my wife and I were at this for a while, if it looks shit I am very sorry. Fuck this.
This wasn’t exactly how you thought your day would pan out.
Everything was ordinary when you stood up that morning. Your mom woke you and your younger brother at seven o’clock for breakfast, which went quietly and uneventful. Your father left for work at exactly 7:45 am as he always does, your brother was sitting in his room playing with the many toys he had and you started to study for school. But that got cut short when your mother asked you to get something from the store for her. It was the norm to send you when she was busy. Absolutely normal.
You changed out of your pyjamas into a pair of jeans and a sweater and soon you were out in the cold with additional boots and a coat. You were wandering down the snowy streets skipping a few steps once in a while on your trip to the store when it happened.
A boy the same age as you was wandering down that exact same street as well but not in the same time as you. Well not in that moment. 
Five was making his second jump from a sunny summer day to a snowy winter day. He was ecstatic from his own powers to jump through time so easily which only fueled his ego more. Five wanted to make another jump, a much bigger jump to prove to himself and his family that he could. He wanted to see how far he can get and rub it under his father's nose to show him that he didn’t need more time or training to do so. Five knew and saw that he was ready and capable of challenging this new ability. So Five started to concentrate when...
You swore that this boy dressed in a weirdly looking school uniform wasn’t there a second before but it didn’t make much of a difference now because when you collided with him everything around you started to turn and get blurry before you landed on the floor. 
“Shit.” , you groaned out in pain before you opened your eyes.
Shock washed over you as you took in your surroundings, your pain instantly subsided at your new view and panic kicked in. This wasn’t the street you were on a second ago, or that’s at least what you thought, because everything around you was in ruins. Everywhere you looked there was nothing left but the last remains of the buildings that once stood at their places. Things were burning and nobody seemed to be there besides you and that boy. Who was, by the look on his face, just as scared and full of panic as you were. 
The boy's name, who you can thank for landing in this mess with, was Five. He was part of The Umbrella Academy which you had heard of in the news. Kids, all born on the same day, with different superpowers who fight crime and save the day. Almost sounded like a bliss. His powers, as he told you, were jumping through space and now time as well and oh boy how he has proven that. He apologized for bringing you accidently with him and promised he would get you back home as soon as his powers would work again. You couldn’t do anything else but believe him for the time being and hope that he kept his promise in the end.
Time went on and you started telling him about you as well, only finding it fair as he told you quite a lot about himself and explaining how exactly his powers work. To the surprise of both of you there was a lot in common between you. You were both thirteen years old with only a few weeks in between, always learning and seeking to be the smartest in the room, the competitiveness you held and the both of you always having to adapt to new situations. 
Five in his training and struggling to be on his father’s good side at all times and you for attempting to fit in with your adoptive family, in school and overall life in general. And that was also something you had in common, being adopted.
A few days turned into a few weeks, then into a few months and suddenly a year has gone by.
You and Five were still stuck in the apocalyptic future with no sign in the progress of bringing you two back home. You still haven’t given up hope that maybe one day he would bring you back, but that hope was minimizing itself by the day. 
Were you angry about it? No. Maybe slightly disappointed but you thought that this all might have been faith bringing you here with Five.
It started a while ago that you noticed how close you and your companion had gotten and how deeply you felt about that boy. It made it hard for you to be around him which was only worsened by the questions and thoughts in your head. 
Was it because we two were the only ones alive, trapped together with no way to escape and no one else to talk to? Or did I really started to fall for that boy who always tried to keep me safe and us both alive? Who cheers me up when I am sad and helps me when everything gets too much…
Five was going through the same dilemma as you but with much more denial involved.
He couldn’t be in love with you! His mind was just playing weird and sickening tricks on him and his body was just starting to hit puberty. Yes that was probably it, puberty and his hormones playing crazy and his mind playing into it all with the idea of feelings but still… Everytime Five would look at you his heart would skip a beat and his stomach would start to perform the most ridiculous gymnastic moves known to mankind. It was baffling. 
To sum it up, Five went through all five stages of grief in that year with denial taking the most of his time. But when it started to subside anger took over. That anger was not directed at you but at himself and he started to bargain with himself. How could I be so careless and trap her with me in this hell on earth?! I was naive and stupid for thinking I could do this without proper practise and calculating the dangers of it and now she is stuck here with me and it is all my fault. I can’t let her live through this hell with me. I need to get her back even if it meant that I might lose her.
Then it seemed that the depressive aspects of the whole situation hit him and it hit him like a fucking train. I'm stuck here with a girl that probably hates me and is rightfully to do so. She had no choice but to get dragged into this mess with me and the only thing I can do to make it up is to keep her safe and bring her back someday. But she will also never feel the same for me will she? She will never reciprocate my feelings for her because of what I did. I want her to feel loved and keep her safe without it having to be a way to make it up. I want to show her all the time how much I care about her even when this is over.
...and finally the acceptance kicked in. Acceptance that he wouldn’t be able to bring them back in the near future, that she probably hated him but still stuck around to not be alone and that he was in love with his companion. Five knew he could live with that but the question was for how long until he would break.
But it wasn’t really the question when he would break but rather who of you two would break first… And it was you.
You and Five had found a house that was still intact enough to stay in for a while as it was that time of the year when it grew colder again. You had set your camp in the house a few days ago and it was now the fourth night there. In the living room was a chimney which allowed you to lit a fire and give some much needed warmth to the two of you. Both of you were sitting in front of it in a rather comfortable silence when those thoughts started to creep back into your mind and you couldn’t hold yourself back anymore.
“Five?” , his name bursted out of your mouth. Oh this will get weird.
Five looked over to you with a concerned and questioning look on his face. “What’s wrong (Y/N)?”
“Nothing really, I just… I need to tell you something and it will probably get really awkward between us afterwards…”
Both you and Five were afraid in that moment. You because you were about to tell him what your true emotion towards him were and Five because he was afraid what your next words might be. 
It was silent for a moment before Five swallowed the lump in his throat, that has seemingly formed itself out of nowhere, and spoke again.
“Well, go on then.” 
A sigh, a deep breath, you can do this. 
“Fives I have been thinking about everything that happened over the past year quite a lot lately and not only that but also what has happened between us…” 
All the color was simply drained from Five’s face in that moment. Where you finally going to tell him that you hated him and that you just wanted this ordeal with him to be over? Five didn’t knew what or if he could even respond to your next words. 
“...I think that this has all been one hell of a rollercoaster of events but I want you to know that I am not mad at you and that I don’t hate you in any way. It’s somewhat of the opposite actually, I ehm… I really like you Five. Probably more than just liking you.”
That’s all what came next, pain-staking and excruciating silence. Five just looked utterly and completely shocked at you which made anxiety creep up into your system and fill your body with uneasiness. Was it the wrong thing to say? Does he even feel the same? God did you make it awkward between the two of you now? 
If you weren’t so anxious, you could literally hear the wheels in Five’s head rattling at lightning speed, processing what you just said to him. It was like a miracle... After all what happened you didn’t hated him! You liked him! And according to your words more than just liking. So when you heard his next words you were just as shocked as he was before.
“I am in love with you, (Y/N).” Wait what?
Your mouth fell open in shock with a loss of words following it. That was not what you expected, god not at all! How could this be real? But then again everything that happened in the last year was absolutely surreal in your eyes so you didn’t questioned it. 
You attempted to answer him but your responds just wouldn’t come out of your damn mouth.
Five, who noticed the attempts and your upbuilding frustration, began to speak again with slightly tinted cheeks. “Can… Can I kiss you?”
Did Five anticipated to bring it out as confident as possible? Yes. Did he succeed? Absolutely not. It sounded more like a scared schoolboy trying to talk to his crush, which it kinda was if we are being honest here, but nonetheless it was out now.
You were baffled by his request and suddenly your voice was fully cut off. The only respond you could give was a small nod and a slight lean towards him. Getting your drift Five slowly leaned in towards you as well. It felt like an eternity before your lips finally collided.
None of you had kissed anyone before so ideas on what might come next were flooding your thoughts. 
Five was the first to start moving a bit into the kiss and when he felt that you were doing the same, the movements of the both of you became natural and grew stronger. The kiss turned sloppy and wet in a span of only half a minute before you both needed to part to take in some needed air.
You gazed into each other's eyes for mere seconds before laughter erupted from both of you.
“God that was so gross, but kind of awesome.” You laughed out.
“I know.” , Five said while grinning at you, “Want to do it again?” 
“Hell yes!”
Years pass by and you and Five change. You both not only grow older and more maturer but you also grow closer together. The time you spend together also came with a lot of obstacles. Of course it’s hard only having the other to really talk to and confined in so the arguments and fights didn’t take long to come.
Both of you were screaming at the top of your lungs again, no one really knowing how it even started anymore but sure to let out all your frustration that bottled up inside with it. These disputes were happening quite often lately, coming right out of the blue with no real reason behind it. Was it maddening that you didn’t seem to be able to talk normally with each other anymore? Yes, but that wasn’t a reason for a screaming match and you weren’t in the mood for dealing with it.
“I need a break!” , you exclaimed. You finally reached your breaking point after almost two hours of screaming in the face of your significant other. Again.
On your way away form Five you grabbed your field flask to take with you. Your throat was literally murdering you for what you put it through, again. Sometimes it seemed hopeless to try and talk reasonable with him.
Five didn’t even try to stop you from leaving because he himself knew that you both had to let off some steam so you were able to talk to each other again and apologize. It still hurted him tho, seeing you leave like that but he knew you would come back. You always came back. Which Five was thankful for even when he questioned why you would come back to him. He was cynical, an egomaniac and he always wanted to be right... But that was just how love worked for you. You fight, you talk, you forgive, you make it work because he was the love of your life and you were his.
But when you didn’t came back that night he knew he fucked up. 
God if that would have been the worst part to come...
It’s been a week since the fight Five had with you and you weren’t back yet. He had started searched through the nearby area the day after you went missing and after another two days he wandered further out but he found absolutely nothing. No trace of where you went besides the field flask you had taken with you from which only a few sips had been drunk. 
Five thought he was going insane not knowing where you were and if something had happened to you. Suddenly everything he cared about for the last 45 years, give or take some, was gone. Vanished from the face of the earth. He knew now the he shouldn’t have let you leave his sight but nothing happened the times before so who would have thought anything would turn out different this time.
Five had been talking with himself, trying to figure out a way to find you which only ended in despair but he would never give up on finding you. You were the most important thing to him in life and without you by his side there wasn’t much life in him left. But everything got worse when she showed up.
Five was contemplating his next steps when he heard rubbles that were being shuffled around, most likely made by someone walking on them. Since you had ended up there he was always on guard for the worst to come get you two, much to your dismay sometimes, so as of now his first instinct was to draw his rifle and point it in the direction of the disturbance. 
There a tall woman stood with bright blond hair, dressed in a black leather coat, sunglasses and a small weird looking hat. In her right hand she held a briefcase and with the left she waved at him. Who the hell was this woman?
“Who the hell are you?!” , Five screamed at the lady.
“I’m here to help.” , she answered him and climbed down the rubble to be on his level. 
“Tell me or I shot a bullet through your head right now!”
She ignored his outburst and continued talking. “Because” , she put the briefcase down and took her sunglasses off, “if you wouldn’t hear the offer I’m about to make you and you wouldn’t know what happened to your precious wife, which would be rather tragic giving your current circumstances.” She sat down on an high enough piece of debris and crossed her legs.
Five slightly lowered his weapon but still kept it pointed towards his opponent. He was shocked but stayed quiet as he wanted to know what happened to his (Y/N) and what this woman’s sudden appearance was really about. 
“As I have your full attention now… I am the Handler, I work for an organisation called The Commision. We are tasked with the preservation of the time continuum through manipulation and removals.”
“I don’t understand…” Five truly didn’t understand the meaning of this and the point behind her suddenly being here and telling him this. 
“You see, sometimes people… make choices that alter time. Free will don’t get me started. When that happens we dispatch one of our agents to eliminate the threat.”
Five raisedhis rifle fully at her again which made her chuckle. 
“No, no, no, no. You misunderstand me. You are not a target. You are a recruit. I’ve come to offer you a job, Number Five. We had our eye on you for quite some time… But only on you. But it was worth the time and we think you have a lot of potential. Your survival skills made you quite a celebrity back at headquarters. That and your ability to jump through time.” 
The lady in black took a drag from her cigarette while looking at him, waiting for a reaction.
Five’s mind couldn’t continue functioning and was stuck on four particular words the Handler had said. But only on you… 
“What did you do to her?! What did you do to (Y/N)?!”
She chuckled again and Five swore if one more chuckle or wrong word would come out of her mouth he’d put that bullet right between her eyes. He gritted his teeth while waiting for an answer.
“We did absolutely nothing, Number Five, it was all you.” All him? “You see after the little fight the two of you had she wandered around and lost track of her surroundings. She wanted to climb on top of a ruin to use the view from on top for directions but then it collapsed and buried her right underneath.” 
Could it really be? Five remembered that the night you didn’t came back something collapsed near your base. Was it a building perhaps? Wouldn’t have been the first time he would see or hear it. From the volume of the crash he presumed it was a few miles away but could you really have walked that far? Would you have walked that far when being mad at him? It was possible, after all you never really were the most careful one when it came to the danger of your surroundings. 
“You are saying that I… That I caused it?” 
The usual confident and mature tone of Five’s voice sounded like that of a child again, seeing and feeling the consequences of what he does for the first time. 
The woman nodded and took another drag from her cigarette. “I am giving you the opportunity to leave this place. Actually leave it. Even if it’s without your precious (Y/N). I’m sure she would want you to take this chance after being stuck for so long.”
She knew that her manipulation had worked. There was something you could see in his eyes. The desperation, the longing for his wife, the pain of losing her. You could see how he broke on the inside and that is exactly what she wanted. 
“I could actually leave here? Go… Go back?” But without you? 
Five stuttered out, too overwhelmed with the whole situation.
“In return for five years of service. Once your contract is done, you can retire to the time and place of your choosing with a pension plan to boot.”
But was that what Five really wanted? Being an assassin for some shady time agency and living without his wife?
“If you can alter time why not stop all of this from ever happening? If you can really do that then bring my (Y/N) back.”
“That’s quite impossible, I’m afraid. You see, all of this, it was supposed to happen. The apocalypse was supposed to happen. Your wife was supposed to die. It’s the order of things. I needed to wait until now to make you this offer because of her.”
“That’s insane. The end of everything? The death of my wife?” Five couldn’t believe what this woman was telling him and he sure as hell didn’t wanted to just take the death of (Y/N).
“Not the end of everything. Just the end of… some things. So...” , she made a small pause and sticks her hand out in Five’s direction, “...do we have an agreement?”
Five scoffs but thinks about it for a moment. His gun was already lowered and he looked around. He had spend so much time here but there was nothing left here he could hold onto with the love of his life dead under some ruins of old things that once were. Could he really just leave this place that easily, without you by his side? Would it be worth it? He knew you would have wanted him to take this chance.
He turned towards the woman again with his decision in mind…
You didn’t know what had happened or how you landed in this situation but it was maniacal and excruciating. You had woken up on a bed in a completely white room with no recollection of what had happened besides the fight with Five and that you had stormed off, mad at your partner and done with the whole situation regarding his ego. 
That was a long while ago in your eyes, probably have been two years at this point. Even if this time wasn’t as long as the time you had spent stuck in the apocalypse with Five was, it felt like an even longer time when the love of your life was missing from it.
They never told you what happened to him or why they had gotten you, only making you the offer that if you worked for them you would be allowed to leave to a place and time of your choosing. You hadn’t had much of a choice and took it as an opportunity to maybe one day be able to see life again. See Five again.
But the hole that Five left in you could never be filled again. He made an imprint on your soul and losing him without knowing what had happened drove you insane. Why wouldn’t they tell you? Why would they keep it to themselves?
 Sometimes at night you could still hear his voice ringing in your ears and see his face right before your inner eye. He was so close but you could never grasp onto him, it was torture. In those moments you couldn’t hold your emotions in anymore. Your whole body would start to tremble and the tears would flow like the niagara falls down your cheeks. You would scream your lungs out in agony and would always repeat the same thing. Why?! Why him?! 
All of this pain, sadness and absolute rage that was building up in you made you into a ticking time bomb, and the Commission knew that. Having you in this state of mind, in this state of despair and willingness to do anything could come in handy for special missions… And they didn’t have to wait long for that special occasion to come…
Five spent the last two years assassinating people and putting the time continuum back on track when it was disturbed. Letting this new found work consume him was the only way for him to even deal in the slightest with your death. It still felt like yesterday that he lost you and had to hear it was his fault. 
In moments were he doubted himself and what he was doing was morally correct he heard your voice in his head. Sometimes it were the fights that would start re-playing, when you both were screaming at the top of your lungs, voices filled with annoyance, anger and frustration directed at one another. Those were the hardest memories to re-live because the last time he spoke to you was after one of those god awful fights. He still remembered how your face was distorted by anger and sadness and oh how he wished he had the chance to apologize to you and make it right again…
Other times, rarer times, Five remembered the soft and tender moments with you. The once were you both were happy and would smile, laugh and were everything seemed to be alright. Oh how he loved your smile and your beautiful laugh. It was like art in his eyes and music to his ears. What a beautiful symphony... Nothing he had every experienced could compare to this. To you...
And he missed it, more than he could have ever imagined. The only thing he would feel was pain, neverending pain, and he let it out with anger and resentment towards the people who had saved him. According to Five’s opinion he shouldn’t have been given this opportunity, shouldn’t have been saved. You were the one supposed to be saved! You were the casualty of his wrong-doings! He should have died there in solitude for being the cause of your death.
But Five knew that there was a way to prevent this, to prevent everything that is going to happen and that already happened. To prevent you from seeing your untimely death… He needed to get back to the time before the apocalypse even happened and stop it from ever starting. Five was well aware of the fact that the possibility of you two never getting together was in the room when he went through with stopping it. The time continuum was a very complex thing and would get distorted very easily, you two would probably never be stuck together or even meet, but Five didn’t care. As long as you were alive and well he was ok with everything… You were his world and if it meant giving you up so you would be alright, he would do it in a heartbeat… 
There stood an old man at a fence with a rifle in his hand. This man had a mission and this mission was to kill the current president John F. Kennedy on the 22nd of November 1963 at exact 12:30pm. The target would ride in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. 
This mission was an easy one for the trained man, or it should have been. The man knew that this would be the right time to start his plan, his plan in getting to the time before the apocalypse would begin and avert it. His employers never realized that he was just biding his time since the beginning and try to figure out the right equation for his jump… And finally he did.
So at last he broke his contract with them and started to concentrate in challenging his powers to travel through time once again. God when was the last time he used them? 
Loud whooshing noises appeared and his hands started to glow blue and produce an electric bluefield. A portal started to build up in front of him and he knew if he was able to get through it he could save all of them, save her.
The man made his first step and tried with all his power to force himself through…
Saint Petersburg, 25th of July 1904. 
This was supposed to be the last mission for the woman, she had never done anything like this before and she knew very well that they took her to do this mission because of her inexperience. But she didn’t care.
The target was the director of Imperial Russia’s police and later Minister of the Interior. His name was Vyacheslav Konstantinovich von Plehve and the reason for the Commission to kill him was that he seemed to always find a way to survive. He already managed to dodge three attacks and for the Commission it just was two too many times. It needed to be done for the sake of the future so here she was.
Everything was staged so it would look like the Socialist-Revolutionary Combat Organization finally succeeded in their assassination attempts, the only thing to do now was wait until Plehve ’s horse drawn carriage would come by and throw the bomb into it. An easy job with the possibility of dying. What else would you do on a monday?
It was hard for the woman to just stand there and wait, knowing that she was about to murder someone in the next five minutes, but was there really anything she could do? It was part of the deal, part of the contract she signed to do whatever they wanted. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves as best as she can, but still her body shook and her breaths turned shaky. Was this really going to happen?
The sound of hooves clicking on stone and the rattling of wheels being drawn over the uneven ground indicated that the carriage and therefore the target was nearing her position. The woman opened her eyes and gazed in the direction of the oncoming noises. This was it. This was the final moment. Her mind wandered and her long lived life started to flash right before her inner eyes. Most of those memories were of him and she knew that she would be seeing him soon.
With a last deep breath taken she reached back and threw the bomb. When suddenly everything began to spin…
Two figures hit the grassy ground at the same time. These two figures looked like two teenager who could not be older than 13 years old. They were a boy and a girl, both not being seen in ages but now back in a time where they should have belonged a long while ago. When both looked up and saw each other you could see a lot of emotions on their faces but the one that stood out the most in this moment was shock.
“Five? Is that really you?”
Five had to explain to his family what exactly happened to him in the last few years, how he ended up in the apocalyptic future, that he tried for all those years how to come back and who she was. He never thought he would see her again after everything that happened within the last few years.
When everything was said that had been needed to said he took you up with him to his old room to have some privacy and apologize.
As soon as the door fell shut behind you, you two embraced each other in a tight and long awaited hug. Neither of you wanted or planned on letting go in fear of the other disappearing again. Tears were rolling down your cheeks and you couldn’t prevent a sob from escaping your lips.
“They told me… They told me you died and that it was my fault, (Y/N). I am so sorry for everything.” Five spoke out his thoughts first with a slight shakiness to his voice. 
“I-I thought you were dead too… The Commission never told me what happened… I’ve missed you so much.” You tried to hold back your sobs while speaking which you didn’t succeed in quite that well.
You both didn’t exactly know what to do next but for the time being, being in each other’s arms was enough.
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alarriefantasy · 4 years
Hi, all! So it seems that the wonderful AO3 user - objectlesson - aka on tumblr as - horsegirlharry - has sadly deleted their fics. I have only a few saved in my files, but there are some I would really love to possess, if anyone has them? I would really appreciate it if you would message me and let me know! :)
Also, I am posting the whole list of amazing stories they shared for our fandom, and I am marking (with an asterisk*) the ones that I have myself, in case anyone else would like them too! <3
Silver White Winters
by objectlesson
In which Louis catches a cloud and pins it down.
Words: 5106, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
I Must Confess (I Still Believe)
by objectlesson
Louis shrugs, eyes on the road. “You look cute in the blazer, too,” she says nonchalantly, and what the fucking fuck, what is Harry supposed to think?
“You probably do, too, but I wouldn’t know because I don’t even think you own one? Do you ever actually wear the entire uniform?” she asks, deflecting.
“Not since freshman year!” Louis boasts proudly. “They stopped giving me demerits because it’s, like, a lost cause. I literally haven’t seen my blazer in three years, I just borrow Veronica’s when I walk into Mass.” Her grin is very cheeky and bright, and she’s squinting in the sun, aviators pushed up into the overgrown auburn shag of her hair. The horizon is hazy and pink-orange as dark sneaks up on them, the air smelling of sprinkler water and BBQ smoke from people leaching the last warmth of October before summer’s gone for good. Harry feels alive with possibility, eyes watering as she smiles at Louis, unable to stop. She wrinkles her nose like it’ll somehow hide the way it looks on her face to be in love.
Or, Harry is the new girl at an all girl Catholic Girl’s School, and Louis is the unattainable, dashing senior who changes her forever.
Words: 44304, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Powerless (and I Don’t Care It’s Obvious)
by objectlesson
“Oh no, Lou, don’t make me laugh,” he whimpers. His Ribena-purple mouth twists into a glorious, breakable shape, and Louis’s heart stops. He should not be getting turned on by Harry’s full-bladder discomfort, his little twitches, his hips-stuttering. And yet.
Words: 4090, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
The Pink Ghost of Princess Park
by objectlesson
The thought of the vibrator does not go away. It’s sitting there collecting dust all through January, and every time Harry and Louis have to leave town for a press event or a show or to record or what have you, they come back home, and it’s still there, the Pink Ghost of Princess Park, the fucking glittery haunting that Harry cannot stop thinking of Louis stuffing up his arse.
Words: 7556, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Life Saver
by objectlesson
Nerd Boy’s giant, dorky, adorable hand shoots into the air. Louis notices he has chipped red polish on a few of his nails and some tattered friendship-looking bracelets, like the sort you make in camp, and he might hear the distant chime of wedding bells. He thought he didn’t even believe in marriage because it’s, like, oppressive and heteronormative or whatever, but that was before Styles, Harry (Harry Styles!!! What an absurd, wonderful name! What a perfect thing to scrawl in the margins of all his notebooks surrounded in hearts!) appeared in the bio lab at his new school and ruined all his principles forever.
or, Louis is a sweetheart punk with a theater background and a heart of gold, Harry is an inexperienced nerd who plays by the rules. Classmates, lab partners, and eventually friends, what happens when Louis knows he’s in love, but doesn’t know how tell Harry?
Words: 14809, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Even Your Honey Dew
by objectlesson
It probably says something about Harry that he’s so obsessed with another omega’s arse.
Words: 9512, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
What a Heavenly Way To Die
by objectlesson
She’s thought about it a lot, and two big things seem to be holding her back, aside from the uncontrollable paralysis that overtakes her body every time she so much as tries to sneak a hand under the waistband of Harry’s knickers.
Or, Louis is afraid to do stuff to Harry, who has done a lot of stuff to her.
Words: 8052, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
A Firm Believer and a Warm Receiver
by objectlesson
a few months ago, Louis had his first heat. It was no big deal, aside from it being awkward and weird and all the other things it was supposed to be. He figured he would present as an omega, so he wasn’t exactly surprised or anything.
But then, last week, Harry had his first heat, too.
Or, the omega/omega sleepover fic no one asked for but y'all really, really need.
Words: 10895, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
You’ll Know What Makes The World Turn
by objectlesson
Sometimes, when things are messy and they have more than a few weeks apart, they need the reminder. It’s comforting to have stars to map your course by.
or, Harry’s blue bandana is a day collar.
Words: 4624, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Sing You Butterflies
by objectlesson
Louis stares for a moment before some primal sympathetic force in him activates. He has to help this boy. He can hardly walk, and he seems so young (yet ageless, beyond age, like a sea turtle or a parrot or a tree or something else odd and magical), and on top of all that, he has body glitter clinging to his skin, like that roll-on stuff his sisters used to use as preteens, only pink-gold and twice as thick. It’s, like, professional grade. He’s also wearing grass- and dirt-stained pink silk women’s underwear, so maybe he’s from London. Maybe he’s a drag queen who crawled all the way from a nightclub in Soho just to save Louis from his horribly mundane and woefully heterosexual neighbours out here in the middle of nowhere.
or, Harry’s a clumsy unicorn who accidentally stomps on a witch’s garden and is turned into a human as punishment, so he wanders into a nearby village covered in glitter, still figuring out how to walk on two feet, and meets the fairy-tale-fine Louis, who has to teach him how to live as a human and stop him from eating soap.
Words: 22701, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
by objectlesson
She deserves not to be so goddamned put together all the time. Being in the world’s biggest and highest exposure girlband means she’s never seen without a flat stomach, a spray tan, contouring, eyelash extensions, the whole of her body inescapably toned and plucked and waxed so frequently she genuinely forgot what fucking color her own pubes are. Louis wants to eat burgers and smoke weed and be twenty three. She wants to wake up with Harry and spend the whole day in bed fingering each other because they finally don’t have to have goddamn acrylic nails for once. She wants to grow her pubes out. She wants to lounge around in a posh, red-velvet High Hefner robe.
Or, Louis is dressed like a fucking queen, Harry’s begging please.
Words: 6608, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Only One I Dream Of: A Drabble Collection
by objectlesson
A collection of all the m/m One Direction drabbles and timestamps I’ve written on tumblr, so my readers on here aren’t missing out!
Words: 5164, Chapters: 5/13, Language: English
Diamonds in the Moonlight
by objectlesson
The 70s au where Harry is a rich girl stuck in the suburbs who thinks she loves Shaun Cassidy, and Louis is the skater who breaks into her backyard and changes everything forever.
Words: 16136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
In the Heat of the Night
by objectlesson
“You’re sleeping with me, obviously,” Harry says then, pausing to regard Louis with a funny expression, nose wrinkled and brows drawn tight. “Don’t tell me you thought that I’d let you freeze out here!? Absolutely not! C’mon, the bedroom’s cozy, I dragged a space heater out.”
Louis wants to protest about as badly as she wants to sleep next to Harry Styles, which is a lot. Too much.
Or, Louis is the only butch in London with a truck and Harry needs to move a couch.
Words: 7726, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Once Upon a Dream
by objectlesson
“M’not gonna half-ass our fake relationship,” Louis almost snaps, voice sharp with a defensive edge, like Harry wandered too close to a bruise with needy fingers. “Now kiss me again. We’re gonna make every shitty tourist here wish they had stayed in the Midwest. We’re gonna burn Disneyland down with our gay. ”
Harry shuts his eyes and opens his mouth, because he can’t fucking say no to Louis.
Or, a fake dating AU where everyone is lying and they happen to be at the Happiest Place on Earth.
Words: 16643, Chapters: ½, Language: English
From Now Until Forever
by objectlesson
The girls go to Britney Nite and Louis wears Juicy track pants and Harry is not ok.
Niall takes the pint glass back from Harry and takes a swig, regarding her over the rim knowingly. “You’re nervous,” she observes with a grin. “Because you’re gonna get drunk at a gay bar with Louis, and you haven’t told her yet that you wanna marry her.”
“Oh, my god, stop,” Harry scolds, hiding her face in her hands, everything suddenly hot and shivery. “It’s not that,” she adds, even though it most definitely is.
“Then…you’re excited to see Louis in a schoolgirl skirt and bra? Covered in that body glitter that smells like cotton candy?” Niall presses, waggling her eyebrows, making Harry blush at the mere thought of Louis’s golden skin shimmering and sticky under club lights.
Words: 9223, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Hello, Heaven (you are tunnel-lined with yellow lights
by objectlesson
“Oh, yeah?” Harry asks, playing dumb as he helps Louis out of his coat before hanging it up. “A new phone charger? Mine’s still broken, the electrical tape didn’t work.”
Louis makes a face at him, all arched brows and tongue pressed into cheek. “Oh a phone charger? Is that what you need?” he quips lightly, voice high and lilting in this sing-song way that’s so, so high and gentle that it’s scary. He’s putting on a show for Harry, and Harry’s thrilled with it, already shivery and hot-cheeked because Louis got him something naughty, and they’re talking about it without really talking about it, wrapping it up in layers of mundanity and domesticity, still so excited to play the role of two Adults living in their new Adult flat in London that they bought with their own money from the X Factor. Harry’s living an unimaginably glamourous life so suddenly, and Louis and his gifts are right in the middle of it, the heart of his every dream.
Or, Louis buys Harry things sometimes.
Words: 2988, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Dream About That Casual Touch
by objectlesson
And that was the first thing Louis noticed about her. Not her nipples, or not only her nipples, anyway, but the fact that she was so confident with her body and didn’t seem to care that her tits were sort of soft and floppy and uneven or that she had a little roll of pudge around her hips that poked over the top of her jeans when she wore crop tops. She wore what she wanted to wear whether or not it was in fashion or technically even flattering; her hair was always messy, she only wore makeup half the time, and she seemed to like heeled boots even if she was already fairly tall and they made her tower over the boys. Louis always thought it was so fucking sexy how unconcerned Harry seemed with what people thought of her, how comfortable she was in her own skin. That by itself seemed like a sort-of gay thing, so Louis kept a remote, careful eye on her, hoping to one day see something else that blipped her radar.
Or, Louis and Harry fuck up two dates before they finally get it right.
Words: 7678, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Smoke Dreams from Smoke Rings
by objectlesson
“When I get a craving?” Louis says, “You have to help me chase it away. Distract me”
Oh. Harry can think of about one hundred different ways to distract Louis Tomlinson. One hundred better uses for his mouth, for example. “Erm,” he squeaks, well aware of the fact that he’s grinning and dimpling and blushing all at once, his whole face a suddenly mortifying warzone of transparent emotion. “How?”
“By hitting my arm as hard as you can,” Louis announces, holding out the arm in question. It bridges the gap between them, stiff and expectant, and Harry stares, not entirely sure if Louis’s being serious, if this is some prank that he isn’t clever enough to understand, or if the promise of touching Louis under any circumstances is so titillating that he just can’t process it. Louis rolls up the sleeve of his hoodie then, revealing his pale inner arm in maddening increments, pushing Harry somewhere between drooling and vomiting, he isn’t sure which. He just knows that his mouth is flooded, and the barely-there ghost of Louis’s veins through his skin is the prettiest thing that he’s ever seen. “Go on, hit me,” Louis orders. “Don’t be shy,”
or, Louis enlists Harry to help him with his bad habit.
Words: 18116, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Black Stars and Endless Seas
by objectlesson
Or, A Star Trek Original Series AU where Lt. Styles is a young science officer on his first away mission, and Louis is the headstrong ensign assigned to his security detail, and maybe they would be able to function together professionally in a normal setting, but not when their shuttlecraft crash-lands and they end up marooned together on an improbably and unfairly beautiful planet.
Words: 32246, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Rose Garden Dreams
by objectlesson
Harry thinks it’s a fever-induced delirium, at first. After all, she’s been sick in bed for a full forty-eight hours following the Best and Most Important beach trip of her entire life because fate is a cruel and jealous bitch who doesn’t want Harry to go on a date with the girl of her dreams.
or, Harry is sick and Louis comes to visit her.
Words: 9464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Palms Reflecting in Your Eyes
by objectlesson
Harry visits Louis at his campus and finds a crop on the wall.
Words: 6496, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Wrap You Up in Daisy Chains
by objectlesson
Ten minutes later, an awkward, long-legged, curly-haired, so pale she’s reflective, and so obviously gay-looking Harry Styles is sitting shotgun next to Louis in a bikini, denim cut-offs, and heart-framed sunnies.
Or, Harry and Louis and a too-small bathing suit.
Words: 10613, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
To Keep the Night From Ending
by objectlesson
It doesn’t always feel real to kiss in the dark, Harry guesses. He wants it to feel real. He wants it to be the realest thing, burnt indelibly into his skin.
Or, Harry and Louis take a night swim.
Words: 5036, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Good Enough to Eat
by objectlesson
“Fuck,” Harry mumbles, shuffling. “You won’t give me shit for it? It’s sorta weird.”
“No,” Louis breathes. “Promise.”
“Okay. I just…fuck, I can’t believe I’m telling you this,” Harry whimpers, and he must be blushing because Louis can feel waves of heat coming off him, his embarrassment a hot, palpable thing. “So, like…I love rimming videos. Nothing makes me come harder,” he admits, covering his face with his hands so his voice comes out muffled and strangled.
It takes Louis a few seconds to process, to mentally rifle through his Pornhub search history and remember what rimming even is; Harry has him so stupid he can’t keep stuff straight. His ears ring, and then it hits him, and, oh, fuck. His stomach turns and tightens so quickly he’s gasping, an audible and shameful scrape of air in the dark. “You…really?” he chokes out.
Or, Harry is convinced he’s never gonna be able to try his favorite porn fantasy on a real boy, and Louis offers to remedy this.
Words: 6722, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Grenadine Sunshine
by objectlesson
Harry’s only sixteen, it shows right now, and Louis wants…he wants so many things. He wants to taste the faint, sugary ghost of lip gloss, he wants to cup Harry’s face between his palms and swipe the shimmery wet shadows from beneath his eyes. He wants to show him everything he knows, even though he doesn’t know anything about this, about kissing boys or flirting with them or doing their makeup or even showing them it’s okay to want to wear makeup in the first place. Still, Louis just wants, wants and wants and wants. It’s what Harry does to him.
Words: 18067, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Only Angel
by objectlesson
Louis pops his hip out, looking down at Harry from beneath the cut of his fringe sassily. “How do I look?”
Harry…Harry doesn’t have words, not really. He sits there on the floor with a half-hard cock, gazing up at this taller, scarier version of Louis with wide eyes. “Like I want you to spin-kick me in the face,” he admits after a moment, shakily inhaling. “You look…really good.”
Or, Louis finds a pair of heels that fit, and Harry wants to be ruined, as per usual.
Words: 6599, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Someone Who Knows How To Ride
by objectlesson
Harry gives Louis a lap dance. Or, at least, he tries to.
Words: 5114, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Copper Kiss
by objectlesson
Harry’s not allowed to fly back to the UK without marks to remember Louis by.
Words: 4604, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
You Drive Me Crazy ( I Just Can’t Sleep)
by objectlesson
The first time Louis ends up in Harry’s bed is a total accident.
Words: 18520, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Christmas Without You
by objectlesson
It’s Christmas Eve and Harry misses Louis so badly he might be going little crazy.
Words: 5639, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Vinyl and Lace
by objectlesson
Harry tries on a skirt in the X Factor dressing room as a joke. Louis doesn’t think it’s very funny.
Words: 7541, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Touch of My Hand
by objectlesson
Words: 3104, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Tour Bus Sex, Bus Sex, PWP, Up All Night Tour, Uan era, Canon Compliant, baby boyfriends in love, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Established Relationship
Born to Make You Happy
by objectlesson
Harry makes a quiet vow to himself that he will be the very best girlfriend Louis has ever had, even if he never actually gets to be Louis’s girlfriend.
Words: 25662, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Taste of a Poison Paradise
by objectlesson
Louis notices Harry’s mouth right away.
Words: 9894, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
A Little Love (is better than none)
by objectlesson
It’s supposed to be no strings attached sex, but Harry’s in love with beauty and tragedy and Louis Tomlinson so there might actually a few strings they’re not talking about.
Or, alternately, the four times they fuck and don’t kiss, and one time they fuck and do (with a few more times thrown in because I’m a mess and know how to write short fics).
Words: 15074, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Take Me Under the Blue
by objectlesson
Louis hasn’t even seen his legs yet. He doesn’t know how they work or how long they’ll be. Maybe they won’t suit the rest of Harry at all, and he’ll have to grow into them or something. It doesn’t matter; Louis has loved Harry for a year with scales, so he can’t imagine wonky legs putting a damper on his attraction. 
He supposes he’ll just have to find out. In the meantime, he wonders how the fuck he got here, in his squelching wellies about to save the love of his life from the sea and take him to bed and bang him for the very first time.
It’s sort of a long story.
Words: 19011, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
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emj-tolj · 3 years
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Bringing a World of Adventure Hunting in to Your Home
Not everyone is not living in a position to wander the woods, desert, beach or ruins. I had that situation at one point in my life. And yes its depressing. And when you read others doing all these things its can really get to you. However there are a huge number of things yo CAN do to counteract the depression. Lets visit a good many of these things:
1) Everyone’s first Go-to is Roleplaying. Be its table-top or online. But not all Online games bring out the true desire to adventure, as they are limited to telling a specific story. As such I suggest avoiding using game maps and make you own real maps. Right down and study any runes in the game, study the magic tech in the game, write side stories of your character that can not be done in game. Create a history to the character you made. Some games are limited what you character looks like. Draw your own character and hang it by your game station.
2) If you have adventure wear, wear it about the house/apartment. Does not have to be all of it. Boots, a shirt, a vest, tunic, wristbands, cloak 
3) If you  have the money and talent turn kitchen into a tavern or saloon, line shelfs with bottles and plates and other tavern/saloon wear. Avoid cheese props. Study movie sets and get ideas from that. 
4) Likewise turn your bedroom into an Inn room. Go ristic and simple with natural colors and materials
5) Burn in a cauldron or censor wood chips, herbs and incense, 
6) Hang posters of nature about the walls in natural wood frames. If you can obtain some old wood window frames, you that as your poster frames. If possible find images of nature on line and print them out. Try to make all the images co-inside, so its looks like you are looking out into the same view. Change the posters with the seasons if possible 
7) Place realistic life-size animals about your home: Snake, turtle, mice, birds, chipmunks, insects. If you have a ficus tree or a cluster of plants, place a birds nest with eggs in it
8) Play sound effects and ambient sounds in the house. Youtibe and other sites have a plethora of ambiance and sounds from cave to camp sites, tavern sounds, market squares, pirate ships, forests 
9) Add a fountain/s in your home. Fountain pumps can be bought anywhere these days, 
10) Terrariums! Make them and add them to your home. Even of the plants are fake 
11) Aquariums! If your adventurous aestheic love is the see or any water setting like ponds, these are fantastic to have. And do not limit yourself to just fish: Crabs, snails, turtles, frogs, lizards, snakes. Even if you are not allowed to have pes, build an aquarium anywhere. The flow of the water from the filtar moving the plants can lend to the imagination  
12) Wood, tin and copper and wrought iron objects 
13) Leather bound books. Line a shelf with them, 
14) Candles and lanterns. Some people can not have things where they live for safety mode. Even if you never burn them, have a cluster of candles anyway. Just the look of lanterns and candles plays with the mind. You can also invest in battery ones but I think they are silly looking
15) Bowls of fruit: Wood bowls and real fruits and nuts about the house. 
16) Seasonal and year round garlands and wreaths about the house. Clusters of ferns. If you do not have a green thumb, go fake if need be. Ferns and spider plans are my fave. 
17) Drift wood and moss covered wood. 
18) If you have your own Adventure clothes and gear do not bury it in a closet. Get a mannequin and display it, 
19) Fur, leather, blankets, wool, sheepskin throws and pillows.
20) Banners and tapestries 
21) Invest in a couple of mortar & pestle sets, one for the kitchen and one for the bathroom is you have the room. (Confession: I collect them) 
22) Hang herbs and dry plants in the kitchen.   
23) Clay pots and assorted pottery about the house. Try to sick with OLD looking styles. Check out some sites or books on ancient styles for an idea 
24) Antlers add a wonderful feel to ambience. Even if fake. Now they are made into door handles, draw knobs and so much more. (DO NO go hung deer and elk JUST for their racks)
25) Bowls and vases of snail shells, acorns, pine cones, 
26) Rolls and displays of maps, 
17) Glass and Ceramic bottles: Display a few or better yet, use them! fill them with shampoos, liquid soaps, drinks and what ever else you use and look at daily  
18) Old style dip pens and ink vials on your desk along with scrolls of parchment and an old leather bound journal, 
19) Color glass baubles like the ones at christmas time and “witch balls” These are great if your Aesthetic is the sea or in the Witchy profession, 
20) Wood wand display. Not talking about Harry Potter here. Do a little reserach and find or make a REAL one. Display it on your desk or mantle staff. If you have a set, even better. 
21) A Statue of an ancient god, 
22) Baskets and wicker to hold things 
23) Metal goblets and drinking horns
24) If you have one or several hand your shields on the walls, 
25) Oil hurricane lamps, 
24) Hang and display Gourds about. If you know how to carve and stain gourds, all the better, 
25) Birds houses. In the house?? Sure, why not? 
26) Feathers. Sometimes just a vase of ling feathers helps. If they are feathers you find in your walks, just as better. Each one has a story  
28) Bowls of rocks. Not only does this bring the natural world in but its said that a bowl of rocks by the door and window wards off negativity. 
29) Old wood boxes. Just do not collect them but USE them. put whatever in them as storage. Afraid you will forget what’s in it??? All the better. There is your treasure at the end of your search. 
30) Corn dollies. These folk cultural dolls and designs have their roots into the ancient world. a display of them, especially during the late summer, really invokes the harvest season 
31) Ceramic and wood bake ware in the kitchen. Ads a rustic tavern feel. This could include   bread boards and bowls, wood spoons, rolling pins,
32) Replace DVD covers with parchment or wood texture covers. Sometimes a wall of game and DVD cases can kill an ambiance you are striving for. If you can not print out all these coves, hang a tapestry over your shelf unit or add wood shutter doors  
33) Cover your library of bright color books with leather, paper of plether, No access to leather? See of someone has an old leather jacket they are ditching you can cut up
34) Wood flutes, harps, ocarinas, pan pips, lyres and rustic drums add to a great tavern-ish display.
35) A tall vase of cattails gives ambiance for this that over adventures in places like rivers and lakes, 
36) If you have a collection of crystals, sea glass and gemstones, show them off in a wood box or basket, 
37) Halloween Witch bottles add to the adventure appel. (I have a buhnch and have all my teas in them, 
38) Fancy yourself an Librarian or treasure seeker? Have a display of “artifacts” like (potters, tiles, scales, bones, glass, wood), Find some broken pottery shards and make them look like Greek pottery. If you sculpt make a remnant of a state or a bone or prehistoric tooth. Create your own artifacts and put stories to them.
39) Hang a bunch of leather sachets and small bags from a hook or sit them on a shelf, 
40) Find yourself a rustic tea set, 
41) Collect vintage clay and wood tops. Tops have been around since ancient Assyria and Babylon.
42) Display a collection of carving tools or depending on your likes, a small anvil and hammer,  
43) Hand on hoots of rack by your door or wall woven wicker hats, leather caps and witch/witch hat, head wreaths,
44) Display an old stick/straw/grass broom head wreaths, 
45) Display a helm or helmet you have in a place that speaks “I am at the ready”
46) Fold a small stack of old burlap bags and place on a shelf and use them to store things like potatoes and onions, 
47) Display and basket of wood knitting needles and wool,
48) Grow plants, flowers, herbs and small trees. Even small pots of just grass adds a sense of nature and Adventure (The ancient Greeks would grow grass for their New Years Eve celebration) I have lemon trees in my windows I grew from seeds.
49) A Fish Net works great to add an aesthetic look to your space.
50) If nothing more find an artist and have him/her draw your aesthetic self as you see yourself in different poses, gear and situations. Blow thing up power size and hang them about your space
51) If you can not do any of this, create a physical scrap book of pictures and images that’s screams your aesthetic ideals. Visit it daily and add to it.
NOTE: While all these ideas are great starts, DO NOT over do it. Less is more. Rustic and simple. Avoid cheesy plastic props and things like signs screaming “I am a Proud Viking!” Investigate films, movies and history into your aesthetic loves and the world behind it. Do not create clutter. Make you space livable and function to your NEEDS. Make you space your home, not a museum. If your space is cluttered and does not bring you a feel of your Aesthetic feelings you may need to pull back on some of your props.     
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