#god she drops so many fantastic lines
columboscreens · 1 year
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txttletale · 5 months
(Other than the really weird bit about "Male presenting Doctor") what were your thoughts about the specials?
pretty mixed bag, pretty messy, but good overall. i think they were very obviously a nostalgia trip for people around my age lol and it worked! i loved seeing tennant and tate back onscreen together, their chemistry hasn't aged a bit, and honestly just watching doctor who that wasn't written by chris chibnall was a breath of fresh air. they weren't boring, like seasons 11 and 12 were, and they didn't go too far off the other end into nonsense like flux did. characters want things again! the show can let itself just be silly! i was literally cheering out loud when donna and the doctor were just saying random scifi gobbledegook at each other for like a solid several minutes during the star beast.
the structure of the specials kind of baffles me. i love wild blue yonder--i think it's definitively the best of the specials as a standalone, it's absolutely fantastic, creepy and atmospheric and bringing things around to RTD's strength, which is well-written characters interacting with each other and letting good actors just act. but at the same time i dont understand why it exists? it feels like...idk. imagine if you watched the star wars original trilogy but instead of the empire strikes back the middle film was just a feature length film about luke and han surviving on an ice planet with no reference to anything that happens in the last film except the two characters' relationship. and then the next film was still return of the jedi, unchanged. it felt like that
i liked all the weird campy silliness of the star beast and the giggle, and they were both very fun! neil patrick harris gave a fantastic performance, there are a lot of very memorable sequences from the giggle, but it's very very all over the place. so many threads get kind of picked up and go nowhere. the toymaker's haunted house dimension goes nowhere. RTD's eyerolling social media commetnary goes nowhere (thank god tbh but yknow im illustrating something here). even the toymaker kind of goes nowhere, after ncuti gatwa shows up he's bascially an afterthought who loses by dropping a ball. obvious parallels to david tennant's first episode with that ball scene could be made, but just... aren't. it feels like load-bearing sectikons of the plot and themes were cut out to make room for a backdoor pilot for the stupid fucking UNIT spinoff
oh and it goes without saying i fucking hate all the UNIT wank in the star beast and the giggle. i hope space nine eleven 2 happens to their stupid fucking avengers tower i cannot stand kate stewart who is constantly a murderous bonehead (in the giggle alone she gets two pepole killed by not listening to the doctor and assuming that this teleporting godlike entity could be restrainted by Two Guys) who is both in and out of universe just a boring nepo baby with no merit of her own
um. i still dont know what happened with the regeneration. i think the implication is that when david tennant dies hell time travel back to become ncuti gatwa inside himself--at least the rehab dialogue seems to make that implication. but it's not really explained or explored? baffling. i do think that fourteen getting to settle down and live a peaceful life with his friends is cute.
oh yeah and the ask said other than that but goddd there was some good stuff in the star beast and honestly with the state of the UK media i will take any perspective on trans people that includes baseline human erespect but some of those lines made me cringe so bad. anyway overall i am cautiously optimistic for the future of the show--oh ncuti was fucking great did i mention that i instantly bnought him as the doctor he owned the scene, the moment he was there it was clear he was the protagonist, and i liked the church on ruby road well enough too--i am cautiously optimistic but i worry that a big UNIT-shaped tumor will devour huge chunks of it and it'll be annoying. also russel t davies is like 60 and i just dont want to hear what he has to say about twitter so im not looking forward to dot and bubble
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trulycertain · 10 months
i'll be your mirror
In which Astarion receives a gift of a portrait. Developing Tav/Astarion. 2k words.
Astarion forgets that little conversation entirely - he's wondered what he looks like now so many times in two centuries that one more occasion, albeit one where he was rather less solitary in his vanity, hardly stands out.
He forgets it until he ducks out of his tent into the morning light, and... Interesting. There's a sheet of paper tucked under his jar of - ugh - slightly congealed blood. He can't help the dread rising at the back of his throat. Some note left to toy with him? (He can almost see it: that hideously neat, tight little handwriting. I know where you are, boy. He focuses on the sun's warmth on his skin, and takes a breath he doesn't need. No. It'll at least be a damn sight harder for the bastard now.)
Shaking off his paralysis, he unfolds it, and finds... a portrait. Hm. He squints, smoothing it and trying not to smear charcoal all over his fingers.
A handsome fellow, certainly - straddling the line between that and pretty. High cheekbones and long eyelashes and an elegant, straight nose. A bit of a wry glint in the eyes. (Impressive, capturing that. For all his talents with a dagger or a body, he's never been that kind of artist.) Crow's-feet around them, too, and lines around the mouth; a man, not a boy. Delicately pointed ears. A head of soft, pale curls.
The realisation drops onto him something like a very large rock.
He touches his own hair, absentmindedly, feeling a texture he'd know like the back of his hand but hasn't seen from that angle in two hundred years. If his hand is shaking a little, no-one else has to know.
He stares at cheekbones he must have traced over a thousand times, trying to rebuild a faint, shadowed picture that was fading in his head by the year. At the bow of this strange, handsome elf's lips. He maps it on his own face, finger tracing over another familiar shape that he could never quite envision. Besides, he'd been preoccupied with the newer, unwelcome shape of fangs.
But it doesn't feel wrong. The picture in his head was more of a featureless shadow with fantastic hair than anything else, but this… this has the ring of familiarity. They've even bothered to capture his moles; he puts a fingertip to his cheek, where one had been forgotten, not raised enough for him to know. 
Someone who sees him often, then, who knows his face. Someone - 
I'll be your mirror. Those hazel eyes tracing carefully over his face, when a night or two ago she caught him craning for a reflection that would never come. 
He's seen her scribbling away enough times; he just assumed she kept a journal. He saw the odd drawing - plants, mainly, things she'd bring to the tree-hugging bores at the Grove and ask about, or discuss with Gale... 
Like she's doing now. They're off in the woods with Gale trying to teach her some spell, and the worst thing? That's not even a euphemism. Even now, they're probably deep in debate. Ugh. 
But it does mean that the little journal she keeps is sitting on a log, temptingly unoccupied. He puts the drawing carefully aside, and then it's a matter of moments to wander over and close his hands on the book. If she didn't want anyone to look, she shouldn't have put it with the communal supplies. 
Making himself at home on the log, he flicks through it. Gods, she hasn't even used a cipher. To-do lists that seem to involve far too much saving helpless idiots, half-scribbled song lyrics and roughly dotted notes - even he can't somehow make those his business, and swiftly moves on - and… there. 
He recognises those roughly-drawn lines, the way they soften out to the curves of the cheeks. Gale, sketching out some mnemonic absentmindedly with three fingers, a faint swirl of magic drawn in a couple of lines. Karlach, beaming and dimpling quite becomingly. Wyll, practising his forms with a rapier. Shadowheart, deep in meditation while Lae'zel scowls at her.
And on the other page… Ah. Hello.
If he'd wondered, truly wondered, whether the other portrait was him, this one confirms it: he's caught in laughter, a wineglass in hand, and... He stares at his own fangs. She hasn't shied away from drawing them, but there's been more attention paid in rendering the firelight on his hair, the crinkling around his eyes. Neither fear nor fetishism. He... honestly, he has no idea what to do with that. Another, in profile view, and something must have rather pissed him off, from the look of it. Little notes cluster around the drawings on what herbs she needs to find, on infernal iron for Karlach, on drow poison for Astarion.
He turns the page, and is greeted by a drawing of the day they were caught in an impressive downpour and took shelter in a cave. Well, they were all caught, but the subject is him, specifically. He looks at half-flattened, sopping hair and his truly unimpressed expression. Is that what it looks like when he glares? He catches his brows pulling tight, in mimicry. This should be mocking, but it feels more… It's not as unflattering as it should be. Almost fond, which is odd, considering the sheer amount of time he and Lora spend arguing.
Perhaps… hmm. One doesn't draw a face that much without being a little enamoured of it, surely. That's probably all she wants, the look of him. She still grimaces at his goblin jokes, still stops to help every fool going and sighs when he complains. He'd thought perhaps they'd had a little breakthrough when she let him bite her, when she speculated on the taste of their companions - she has a streak of dark humour that he rather enjoys, when she's not too uptight to let it out. But then she put them all at risk and wasted time they didn't have to rescue that idiot bard from the goblins, and when Astarion glared at her, she glared back even more fiercely. Sometimes a glimpse of the sunrise is just a lantern, or some other foolish metaphor she'd use. So, seeing as his sparkling personality certainly isn't the draw here, it must be his looks. He can work with that. Hardly the first time. He thought he'd have to try his luck again with the terrifying gith or gods forbid, the wizard, but perhaps all isn't lost with the leader of their merry little band.
There's another drawing that makes him pause: him caught examining his own hand, in the sun. The look on his face - he's smiling, just slightly. He looks… happy. He doesn't look that soft, does he? The kind of soft that he can't afford to be. It's dangerous, it's stupidly complacent, it's… Annoyed, wary embarrassment prickles up his spine - has he been that obvious? When did she see that? How did he not catch her staring?
He flips back to the more general (safer) drawings. "Karlach," he says to his erstwhile red companion, who's currently keeping watch.
"Yeah?" She heads over to his makeshift seat, axe still slung over her shoulder. Her eyebrows raise. "Huh, those are good. Look at me!" She reaches out a finger - Astarion draws back the book protectively, and she remembers, face falling. The sight shouldn't bother him as much as it does.
"Yes, yes, but are they… accurate?"
She sits next to him, axe resting by her knee, and her eyes widen. She squints at him. "Oh shit, mirrors. How much do you remember?"
He shrugs, and if she looks any more pitying he may have to bite her, so he focuses on the book instead.
"These are… yeah, these are definitely you. Ha, look, this one's got the way your hair goes all curly round your ears! Aww, look at your little fangs!"
"'Little'?" he says, offended. He peers at her.
She grins at him, pointedly, with a mouth full of many.
"Hmph. Not all of us can be a hellspawn."
She's nudging the page carefully with a nail before he can protest. Her eyes widen. "Wow, these are really sweet…" Pausing, she looks up at him. "Astarion, where did you get this?"
"It was… communal," he tries, vaguely.
"Please tell me this isn't Lora's."
"She checks it around us all the time! She showed me her list of herbs just yesterday! It's not as if I'm reading her diary." But there's a reason he didn't just ask. They both know it.
"Astarion, sometimes you can be a real shit."
He knows. He stares at the drawings and reassembles his usual lack of care. "Hm? Sorry, I was busy being distracted by how pretty I am."
"I swear -"
He hears the steady footsteps and a creak of leather even under Karlach's words - he's always been a hard man to sneak up on - and looking up, resigns himself.
Lora says, "How come no-one invited me to this party?" Her footsteps stop abruptly when she sees what he's holding. There's the faintest flicker in her eyes, and then she pastes on a resigned, tired sort of smile. "I guess this is what I get for giving you gifts."
That… itches. He's had far worse said to him - had knives under his ribs - so it's not as if it really hurts, but she so clearly means it. She's not trying to posture, or hurt him. Her disappointment simply is.
Karlach and Gale seem to be having some kind of mouthed conversation, with hand gestures. Astarion distinctly catches the words Not getting involved on Gale's side. "Tell me if you need his arse kicking, mate," Karlach says, and stands, ushering Gale away with a hand on his elbow.
"I was looking for soup recipes?" he tries, not even aiming to be convincing.
"Sure." Lora takes her lyre from her back and leans it against the log, then sits to untie her boots. She doesn't look at him once. It's almost impressive.
It should be a relief: a break from her incessant brightness that felt too much like unwelcome sun, back in the pre-tadpole days. Finally not having to listen to how there are kind people, you'll see, now rescue that bunny from under a cart. Gods, somehow even her hair is wilting. It's pitiful. He'd be angry at the manipulation, but this seems too exhausted to be a manipulation. It's… real, he thinks.
Leaning on pity should work - and besides, it's the truth. "Can you blame me, after two hundred years? I just wanted to see if you had any more." He smooths a hand over the corner of the page. "I asked you what you saw when you looked at me. This is it, isn't it?" 
She nods, and that's all. A silent bard - somehow almost as ominous as a loud crypt.
He takes one last look, drinking in the familiar unfamiliarity of his face, and then carefully puts the book onto her lap. "Here. I think this is yours." His voice is quieting before he can help it - too damn soft, he thinks again, though perhaps softness will get her to let down her defences where simple seduction won't. "I can promise you, there won't be any repeats of my little endeavour today." Her eyes slowly raise to his, and he says, "It answered my question." He clears his throat, crosses one leg over another, and tries to look elegant rather than self-pitying. "You've… given me back my face. It was always just one more thing Cazador stole from me. Thank you." The words are far, far too real. He didn't quite mean to say it that bluntly. 
She blinks, seeming taken aback by his little display - and then she nods. The beginnings of forgiveness are in her slackening shoulders, the way she takes the briefest glimpse at him before it's gone again. It won't be a problem, travelling together today, even if she'll be quietly licking her wounds. Good.
The broken mirror is still lying in his tent when he returns. He sighs at the sight of it. And then he shifts old wine bottles and blood jars out of the way. It doesn't need much room, a small charcoal drawing - it certainly doesn't need him to clear a whole corner of his tent. Even so, he does, propping it up and looking at the life in his own eyes for longer than he'd want to admit. 
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fetishfairytales2 · 5 months
Besties 10 (Story)
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This was originally written as a continuation of a story by @wittlesissyb4by called Besties. Check out all their fantastic stories on Tumblr and SubscribeStar.
I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I watched Brandon wriggle and writhe under the Hitachi, each vibration bringing him to another climax. "So, how many times is that now, sissy?" I teased, flicking off the Hitachi and grinning at the large puddle of cum in his diaper.
"Well, well, well, Brandi, that's quite the puddle of looser go, huh?" I teased, tapping my phone screen. "And it looks like Heather has really turned into a hottie pornstar, huh? What a shame for you, honey. I mean, with skills like that, how could any man resist?" As I spoke, I lightly traced my fingers along his sensitive skin, loving the moans coming from him. "Oops," I chuckled, sticking my tongue out playfully. "I guess you don't really have much say in the matter, do you?"
Our fun was cut short when the phone in my perfectly manicured hand started ringing. Without even checking, I knew who it was. And judging by the fear in Brandi's eyes, she knew it too. "Hey girl!" I answered in my most cheerful voice. "How's date night going?" I put the phone on speaker to give Brandi just a little more to cry about. "So, give me all the juicy details," I laughed eagerly.
"Mmm, I hope Brandi is listening," Heather said with a giggle on the speakerphone. "This is just incredible, babe! You were totally right, I needed tonight," she laughed, telling me everything. "I arrived at his place and of course, I dropped my coat right at his doorstep. He tossed me onto his couch and fucked me like I had never felt before. It was so hot! He’s got an amazing dick girl! And then we went out for drinks and dancing, and can you believe it, somehow, we ended up going at it for round two in the bathroom! That boy is head over heels for me!"
I was practically dying of laughter. Seeing the look of pain on Brandi’s face as he heard about Heather's wild night, and imagining her moaning like a whore while bent over a bathroom sink, it was wild! "Seriously, girl?!" I exclaimed, unable to believe what I was hearing. "You let him get it on with you in the freaking bathroom?!"
"Let him?!" Heather cackled, "I begged him for it!" We dashed into the bathroom, locked the door, and he ripped my dress right off. His hands were all over me, kissing and licking every damn inch of my body. And when I was ready for him, he threw me onto the sink like a ragdoll! He was yanking my hair and making me watch myself in the mirror! I swear, I was probably screaming so loud that the whole bar could hear me! I had two orgasms before he even finished!"
I gave Brandi's little peepee a flick and sneered at him, asking Heather "More fun than the sissy?" I laughed at him as Heather chimed in, "my fucking vibrators are more fun than that loser. Speaking of which..." Poor Brandon was shaking in his boots, clearly intimidated. "Looks like you two are having a little too much fun without me," Heather chuckled knowingly. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, scanning the room for any sign of her coming home early. "Top right of the dresser, behind the teddy bear," she explained with a smile in her voice. I squinted and could barely make out what she was talking about.
"Oh my god, that's fucking hilarious!" I was dying of laughter, "A video camera? In your bedroom? Girl, you are savage!" On the other end of the line, Heather was cracking up too. "Oh yeah, lots of fun home videos for me to make and force Sissy to watch! Of course, plenty of chances to make sure Brandi is being humiliated enough!” I waved at the camera; “Can you believe she was being fussy?” Heather asked, almost indignantly. “Even though you were being so nice and playing with her!" At first, I thought Heather might be mad about my idea of playing games with Brandi, but nope, she's always down for more sissy humiliation. I swear, my best friend is the queen of tormenting this pathetic loser.
I slyly stroked the head of Brandi's dick, finding his most tender spot. I wanted to make sure Heather notifed his squirming. "He's been acting up lately," I hinted, "Do you see? He can't keep still!" Heather snickered, catching onto my plan. "You know," she exclaimed loudly enough for Brandon to hear clearly on the phone, "Maybe he's just hungry..."
"Leave 'Princess Pampers' in the bedroom and go grab her din-din from the fridge," Heather taunted. The excitement in her voice and the fear in Brandon's face were both so obvious. I just knew this was going to be a blast! I pointed to Brandi and gave him a little pat on the head before strolling down the hallway. "Don't you dare move, sweetheart," I said with a smug smile.
I skipped down the hallway, buzzing with excitement. "What exactly am I looking for?" I asked eagerly. Heather just laughed and said, "oh, you'll know it when you see it." I shrugged and opened the fridge door. My eyes widened in delight, and I let out a little squeal. "No way! Girl, what is this?" I pointed to the four identical baby bottles on the top shelf.
"That's what Baby Brandi will be eating for dinner," Heather said, with a vicious laugh on the phone. The bottles were impossible to miss, each one with a hot pink cap shaped like a penis! The toys were at least three inches in length with prominent veins bulging from them. "Holy shit," I exclaimed in disbelief. "These are even bigger than his penis-paci!" Heather was cracking up. "Gotta give her some practice, right?!"
I grabbed one of the bottles and took a closer look. It was covered in a cutesy Disney Princess pattern, with silver glittery writing that caught my eye. I couldn't help but smirk as I saw it said "Daddy's Little Girl" and had a kiss print next to it! "These are just too perfect for your little sissy," I laughed as I talked to Heather. "I mean, we both know how obsessed she is with her Daddy Conner." she chuckled in agreement.
Heather practically jumped through the phone with excitement before I could ask her what was in the bottles. "Can you FaceTime me when you go back upstairs?" she eagerly asked, adding how feeding Brandi was her favorite part. I couldn't help but giggle at her excitement. "Should I warm it up for her first?" I asked. "Oh, no, no!" Heather replied in her sweet mommy voice. "It's better when it's cold. Makes her drink it slower. And that's more fun for us!"
"Okay then..." I chuckled, heading back to the bedroom. Brandi was quite the sight, dressed up in that cute onesie and choking on a penis-shaped pacifier. And let's not forget the vibrator attached to his tiny dick and the cum-filled diaper underneath him. Heather really knows how to break a man. "Time for dinner, Sissykins!" I sang out, connecting with Heather on FaceTime and placing the phone beside the bed.
I let out a wicked laugh as I removed the Hitachi wand from Brandon's sissy stick and pulled him closer to me, forcing his head onto my lap. With my hand covering my mouth in mock surprise, I cooed, "Oh my, look what I’ve got for you! Cuckysitter Lyndsey has your ‘yum yums’!" I pulled out a bottle from behind my back and taunted Brandi with it, pretending to be excited. "Are you hungry, sissy? Of course you are!" I held the bottle above his head, swirling its contents and sneering down at him. Poor sissy looked defeated and broken; she had long given up resisting. But this wasn't about making her submit anymore; it was all about having a little more fun and tormenting her as much as possible.
“Is my sissy girl ready for din-dins?” Heather's voice reached through the FaceTime call as I saw her sitting up in bed, with a sheet strategically wrapped around her chest and her hair in a sexy mess. "Girl, did you just finish round 3?!" I exclaimed in surprise. "Round 4, actually... he finally passed out," Heather replied, raising an eyebrow at me. Smirking, I glanced down at Brandi and teased, "Good luck ever getting her to see you as a real man again, Sissy!" Heather rolled her eyes and confidently reminded Brandi that he would only ever be just a sissy doll for us girls to play with. "What's in the bottle?" I finally asked, dying to be let in on the secret. "Well," Heather laughed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "It's a special formula."
Heather gave me a coy little smile and casually shrugged, "It's really just a liquid-only diet for Brandi. You know, little babies can't handle solid foods. And protein is essential for them to grow into big girls. Oh, and of course it's thick and creamy, but just a little salty..." She showed off a used condom in front of the camera, laughing as Brandon starred up at me in horror and humiliation.
"No freakin' way!" I squealed with excitement, almost leaping off the bed before putting Brandi's head back in my lap. Heather's grin spread across her face, very proud of herself. "She guzzles it all down, like, three times a day!" I was in disbelief, my jaw practically hitting the floor as I gazed down at the humiliated cum drinker in my lap. I turned to Heather with a shocked expression. "You can't be serious," I scoffed. "Oh, I am dead serious, sis," Heather laughed. "This is Conner's cum and that little cum slut drinks it!"
I held the bottle over Brandi's head and laughed. "Big cock, big loads I guess," I teased, swirling the contents of the bottle around again. "Look Brandi, this is what a real man's jizz looks like." Heather continued the humiliation quickly, adding in; "not like your little squrities little girl. Daddy Conner gets to shoot his real man loads inside of me, not sissy Pampers." I leaned my head in close, scolding Brandi through giggles; "You deserve this," I jeered. "You deserve to drink the cum of the man that is fucking your girlfriend. You're not a real man; you're not even an adult. "You're a diaper-wearing sissy little girl."
"Since Brandi's been acting so naughty lately," Heather giggled mischievously, "I have a special surprise for her. Look at how delicious your dinner looks, Sissy!" I dangled the bottle in front of Brandi's face as her ex-girlfriend spoke. "I've had these in the fridge for a week now. And they're extra thick, just for you. It's going to take you forever to suck all of them down!" I grabbed a handful of Sissy's hair and pulled her head back, using my elbow to steady her. "You'll be chugging all of this, Miss Pissy Pampers. All four bottles." BrandI'd eyes widened with fear and his cheeks burned red with embarrassment. 
Heather couldn't contain her moans as she watched her sissy be tormented in front of her. "Fuck, Lyndsey, this is so hot. Watching you dominate Brandi really gets me wet," she confessed. I couldn't help but grin, knowing I had an audience. "Well, sissy, looks like you have a new role in life. Misery suits you well, loser. And if your Mommy gets tired of using you for her own amusement, maybe she’ll give you to a real man and you'll be stuck in that pink chastity device for eternity, sucking dick. You're nothing but a living sex toy now, just there to please your mommy."
"Mmm, don’t stop..." Heather's voice grew deeper as her hands moved underneath the covers. I made a note to myself to research this femdom stuff - maybe Heather would take notice. "Oooh," I murmured silently, formulating wicked ideas to make Heather hot and torment the helpless sissy. "I want to watch Daddy Conner bounce you on his strong knee," I said with an evil smirk. "I want to see that little chastity cage flopping while a real man forces you to bounce in a dirty diaper with a big plug in your sissy bottom! What do you think, babes?" I turned and looked toward my phone. Heather was touching herself, moaning softly, her head thrown back in ecstasy. "I want to see you bounce up and down like a little baby, moaning behind your pacifier while you feel his strong manhood against your sissy pussy…”
Heather was right on the edge of orgasm. "Oh my god," she gasped, getting hotter. "Make him suffer," she commanded as she watched me grab the pacifier from Brandi's mouth. He resisted, struggling against my grip. "Come on, sissy," I teased. "I know how much you love having a cock in your mouth, but you're just too fussy. You must be hungry," I taunted as I covered his nose and waited for him to gasp for air. And when he did, I forcefully inserted the bottle into his mouth, squeezing it, pressing against his Adam's Apple, forcing him to swallow.
"Open wide," I taunted, "here comes Daddy..." I squeezed the base of the bottle and watched Brandon's eyes bulge. “Aww, sissy, you look hungry!" I could feel him resisting, squirming in my lap and attempting to block the cum flowing from the bottle with his tongue. "Oh no you don't, Brandi," I teased, massaging his throat with my hand. "Proper girls swallow, young lady!" He struggled for a moment longer and then swallowed, realizing he had no other option. "Good girl, you swallow all the jizz like the good little whore you are!"
Heather was moaning her head off, shaking visible. She finally came, all while Brandon was just getting started on that tasty cum. I took the bottle from him and shoved it back in his mouth over and over, making him suck on the cock-shaped tip. "Aww, look at you go," I taunted. "Sucking and swallowing like a pro." Heather, still recovering from her orgasm, licked her lips. "That was amazing!" I playfully winked at her and replied, "Oh, just wait until you get home. You can really show your gratitude there."
"Mmm, show my gratitude, huh?" Heather said with a seductive giggle. "What did you have in mind?" I playfully shrugged, a wicked smile spreading across my face. I squeezed the bottle again, forcing more of the thick liquid into the sissy's mouth. "Let's see how tired you are when you get home," I wink, causing Heather to giggle again. "I would love that. But that poor girl sissy, she'll have no choice but to watch. How terrible for her," Heather said with a mischievous grin. I pulled the bottle away and squeezed it gently, drizzling the cum onto Brandi's face. "Oops!" I laughed mockingly. Then, with a cruel smirk, I smeared the jizz onto his nose and lips. "There we go, now you look like a proper little cum whore, huh?" I taunted. "Now, let it dry on your face like a good girl. Stick your tongue out, sissy. Really work for Daddy's cum. Show me how badly you want it..."
As poor little Brandi tried to keep his long lost dignity, I made him swallow the load of some other dude who was fucking his girl. Heather and I just carried on our conversation like he wasn't even there. "It would be such a pity," I snickered, forcing more cum down his throat. "If Brandi had to watch his hot girlfriend, who won't even touch him, and her gorgeous friend gettin' it on." Heather chimed in, joining in on the teasing. "Maybe we should shower together. Sissy here would have to just stand outside and listen to us." 
"Aww," I pouted, "that's no fun. It would be even bitchier if we made him stand in the corner of the shower and watch while we played. Maybe he could even help us soap up and then we can clean each other off." Heather threw her head back and moaned, "Mmm, it has been quite a while since..." 
I held up a finger and wiggled my eyebrows playfully. "Shh, babe," I interrupted Heather, "let's not spoil the surprise for the sissy just yet!" Heather laughed. "We really are full of surprises, aren't we?" Heather told me even more about her endless fuck session as I finished feeding Brandi her bottle and then we said our goodbyes. "Maybe you'll find out what else the big girls have been up to," I wink down at her. "She does have a birthday coming up..." Heather teased mysteriously before hanging up.
As sissy laid in my lap, I gently stroked her head. "Oh, poor little thing," I said in my sweet baby talk. "Looks like someone's had too much to drink." I playfully shook the bottle over his face and smeared the excess on his lips. "But that's okay, every cum whore loves a good facial, right?" I placed the sissy back on the bed, rolling him over onto his stomach, and stood up. "Enjoy your little nap, sissy. Mommy will probably need you to clean her up when she gets home from her date with Daddy."
The end…for now.
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professorhayforbreath · 9 months
so episode 5. all my thoughts
we picked up where the last one left off, good start
annabeth saying she knows percy isn't dead... how. to annabeth and grover there should have been no way percy was alive and finding out he was should've been so emotional but instead she was like dw i know he's not dead lol. it's kind of... lazy writing? like how are you gonna write a scene as gut wrenching as percy trapping himself with a monster and telling his friends to complete the quest without him because he's actively dying and has no reason to believe he'll survive, and then make the fallout of that so... nonchalant? idk if it's a time limit thing but that was so underwhelming to me
annabeth being the one to see the fates... no
fugitive percy enjoyers at least we won!!!!
the trio peeking over the road barrier at ares was cute goofy silly i liked that :)
gabe on the news shit talking percy i'm hooting and hollering!! "i really-- WE really loved that car" and "i'm gonna kill him". excellent. now put percy on the news fake crying about his "loving" stepfather i believe in you
i did want them to acknowledge annabeth's lack of experience with the world outside camp but having her say "i've never seen any kind of movie" has gotta be one of the weirdest ways they could've done that
the turnstile scene was cool i guess but as we go on i'm more and more conscious of how many episodes are left and how much plot there is to get through and idk i feel like this scene could've hit the cutting room floor and we wouldn't have lost anything
i do love the ambience of the park though. maybe i'm easy to impress because the aesthetic of an abandoned amusement park is just fantastic on its own but the set was very cool. wish it wasn't so dark so i could've actually seen it ❤️
percy and annabeth having a serious conversation with 'what is love' blaring in the background is sending me
first ever seaweed brain dropped! i liked the way they did it, it felt natural
actually back to the "i've never seen a movie" thing. you're telling me that in this version of the story, in which frederick chase was apparently a great dad who treated annabeth like a gift, he never took her to the movies? or she never watched one on tv? she had a whole seven years of life in the real world before going to camp and she's never seen a movie
annabeth isn't allowed to have fears she's too smart for that apparently
i think the scene with the chair was overall well executed with some great lines and fantastic acting but... idk. they really scrapped the original scene just to do what they already did last episode. i miss the spiders i miss hephaestus tv. it felt redundant to have percy sacrifice himself again. percy this is the second time today you've been like "no dw i'll just die" do you need to talk to someone
annabeth disillusionment arc complete already? calm down guys this is season one
so it's confirmed the reason they go into the lotus casino is BECAUSE hermes is there :/ they said these literal children cannot fall for tricks and traps it's too unrealistic
not much to say about the grover and ares scenes bc i don't know what to make of them. i didn't mind them. ares had some funny lines. i guess my only complaint is that the grover i know would not have been so calm talking to the god of war. i'm curious to see where that cliffhanger leads
is it just me or did the pacing improve a little bit this episode?
despite how negative i sound i enjoyed episode 5 a lot more than episode 4. there are still so many weird changes, additions, and omissions though. honestly i think a big part of the reason i enjoyed this one is because i'm not expecting anything anymore. i'm not getting my hopes up about them adapting the book normally i'm just intrigued by this thing like a scientist observing an experiment. like hmm what are they doing now? fascinating *takes notes*
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madrone33 · 7 months
Listened to the Circe Saga last night! (I'm in the superior timezone, 15 hours before the americans lol /j) Absolutely incredible, did not disappoint!
Here's the notes I hastily typed out during and afterwards lol:
The plucked guitar in that melody, thinking of Polites fr fr
Eurylochus sounds less autotune than in the snippet. Musta been compression.
Fuck i can't believe i'm actually listnening to it!!!
The time skip is wind I think?
"Inside we heaard a voiiice!" SO GOOD! SO SMOOTH! I LOVE IT!
Those deep strings tho- oof so good!
"What." HAHA add it to the count XD
CIRCE! It's fucking Circe!!!! Her little riff on "Go ahead and rest where-ver you liiiike!"
The party music is really cool
Her voice at "This is the price" is angelic!
Huh. The party music comes back in the Eury and Ody second verse, but it's weirdly off beat.
Second vese is a bit different from the old snippet. Ody is less... soft sounding?
Ok time to write down the overlapping lyrics.
Yeah I still don't really understand Circe's lines rip
Also, Ody's final line is strangely not emphasised a lot? It's easy to miss behind Circe.
Wouldn't You Like:
Hermes giggles are so mischievous lmao
Ody is shocked and awed at seeing his Great-Grandfather while Hermes is just there for the lols
OOOF YES! The fucking amazing bass in the first chorus!!
The rising and descending harp!
"She can TURN you into an a-ni-mal!" I'm smiling so hard rn, it's HERMES
Here in the root of this flower! So smooooth
That high note on "bEING of your cre-A-tion!" Hell yes!
Not how I imagined that Holy Moly part ngl. Thought it'd pause for a beat to let the joke sink in with Ody's "Ah." being very dry, but whatever, it works, I'm sure I'll get used to it!
Also the beat transition to the end chorus reminds me of Micheal Jackson? Or- wait. Did I just get rick rolled??
The end chorus with all the harmonising vocals and the chorus and Ody' high riffs!! It's so damn GROOVEY
Ody sounds so happy and grateful awww
Pffft Hermes that's cold bro. So blase and teasing. Also yeah, lowkey King George vibes lol.
Done For:
Ody is so sassy passive agressive lmao
The LFOs!!
The chimera roar snarl is very cool!
Ody is one cocky snarky mf
Circe is bitching and sassing and sounds so done with Hermes and Ody both lmao
The LFOs and electric guitar mixing!
The sound effects of the BOSS BATTLE! The heavy thuds of footsteps and the snarls. Also that's one sharp sounding sword
There Are Other Ways:
The waltzy sounding strings are so pretty!
Que the key change! And more fantastic overlapping hamonising vocals!
The... hand- drum thing? Took me off guard, still not sure if I like it.
The abrupt "I CANT." YOU TELL HER ODY!! Bro I was so tense without know how he was gonna get out of that.
Not the Penelope stringssss!! *adoring sigh* The Penelope strings... It's so fucking cool how you can just immediately tell exactly who he's thinking about.
"She's my everything... My Penelope..." AHHHHH
Just now realising that Ody tells Circe "Back at home my wife awaits for me" and Circe respects that and helps him, while him telling Calypso that Penelope's his wife doesn't deter her in the slightest. Yeah.
"12 long years" Timeline lore? Write that down write that down!
God of Tides is such a cool epithet
The "Circe" and "mercy" rhyme took me off guard in the best of ways.
And then he hits me with the breathy high "let us puppets leeeave" like bro COME ON
Nylon strings my beloved!
The deep piano drop at "Problem is, this prophet is DEAD" lmao
The return of the LFOs lesss goooo!!!!
Ody sounds so baffled and hopeful and excited like SAME BRO
"There are many ways of persuasion" as in, he managed to pursuade her in a way she didn't expect!!
"Maybe showing one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road..." HOLY FUCK! HOLY FUCK! Circe's on the mercy end of the ruthlessness scale?? Also took it to mean if she shows him mercy, maybe he won't turn and become like those strangers that dealt a heavy loss to her nymphs.
"I have been in love once before" 👀 Circe lore??
"Maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more..." When I realised where this was going! The END FUCKING RIFF IT'S FROM THAT CLIP! THE HIGH NOTES I LOVE IT!!!!
Odysseus and Circe friendship is real!!
I love it! The Circe Saga is out, and it's amazing! Thank you Jorge and Talya and Troy and Armando, and everyone else who worked on this amazing project to show us this incredible music, thank you so so much! You should all be proud!
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bradycore · 1 year
okay here’s the thing about bloody mary. it’s one of the most essential episodes of one of the best seasons of the show. it’s literally the kickoff for the beloved psychic sam arc, and the way it’s done is BRILLIANT. the rambling is under the cut, but first i’ll say that of course the born-again identity is a fantastic episode. it has sam 1) making a friend and 2) suffering immensely, plus the plot-driven sam elements too, so i’m here for it, i am! but it’s NOT bloody mary.
so you’ve got all the nostalgic classics of this era of the show (which i'm having to cut down on for length oops): familiar lore but a good mystery; the lighting & desaturation, the clothes & hair, the shots that are eerily similar to ones seasons down the line (the ahbl and levee parallels alone, oh my god!!!); salmondean lying out of their asses and failing miserably; the bantering; “it might not be our thing” “when is it ever not our thing”; more lying and snooping; the side character of the week experiencing some genuinely scary shit, like, actual horror-movie horror; lines that are funny when you watch them but horribly ironic in hindsight (“600 years of bad luck”); committing b&e and property damage...you get the gist. and sam comes from all this. you can take s7 era away from sam and still have him, but you can't take away this. the roots of the show are the roots of him.
anyway, throughout it all, sam has nightmares. horrible nightmares that we experience with him, but we think they’re normal, and dean thinks they’re normal, and then sam says he has a secret. and we realize that it’s been building up to something. the pinnacle: sam, eyes bleeding, black veins crawling up his face, trying desperately to kill his own reflection as it tells him he’s inhuman. how many times did we see this happen metaphorically over the next five seasons? how huge is this theme for his character? and right here, right now, late at night in an old antique store in midwestern ohio, this is when it starts, when it’s raw, when he’s face to face not with a random character parallel but with himself and the literal mirrors all around him are the inescapable threat and we the audience have our stomachs drop as we realize for the first time that he’s not the Normal One. he’s the Other. there is something Wrong. you had those nightmares for days before she died.
and his reflection told him it was his fault jess died. and he tells the motw victim’s daughter that it’s okay, you couldn’t have stopped your loved one’s death, you should forgive yourself; but when he gets in the car with dean, he keeps his secret. to be normal, to be safe.
and then that last fucking shot, oh my god, those five incredible seconds of cinema: jess standing on a street corner as they drive away with the classic rock music in the background. continuing to raise the question of his psychicness, and ephemeral as ever in her white nightgown, wind in her hair, staring right at him and then she’s gone. and 15 seasons later he will still be thinking about her, and this moment is the last time he ever truly sees her.
this episode is so fundamental. it captures the essence of old-school-spn sam while having narrative and cinematic elements that set the stage for his character throughout the entire rest of the show. born-again identity is sam with a crisis in a hospital; bloody mary is sam with a crowbar and a secret. born-again identity is one of those episodes that’s about him; bloody mary is one of those episodes that’s the heart of him. and bloody mary deserved to win.
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ginnymoonbeam · 1 year
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @lurkingshan - thanks!
Favorite Thai QL: Moonlight Chicken had my heart from scene 1 and kept it the whole way through. Love stories mean the most to me when they are seated within a community, and when the central romance is inseparable from many other ties of love. The themes of home, of longing, of connection through fear and long-hardened anger -- the problems of family and class and queer struggle and love not returned -- the continual presence of ritual in all its forms, from holidays to prayer to the simple sharing of a meal -- everything in this show speaks directly and intimately to my heart.
Favorite pairing: I have a handful of favorites, but I'm going to go with First and Khaotung. They are both fantastic performers who have elevated every role they've played for years, and together they're absolutely magnetic. I love their versatility, individually and together, and I can't wait to see what they do next.
Most underrated actor: I'm going to go here with someone whose performance always impresses me, but who doesn't get nearly the attention she deserves: View Benyapa. She is always compelling. Her characters have weight and vitality however minor they are, and she does the very tricky job of making a side character dynamic and interesting without pulling focus from the mains. (Khaotung also excels at this, but thankfully he's no longer underrated.) I'm excited to see her in 23.5 and I hope to get to enjoy her in more and bigger roles in the future.
Favorite main character: Oh this one is difficult! I love so many, for so many different reasons. If I must choose one, I think it's Inthawut from 180 Degrees. I understand so deeply his fear and his guilt, and I ache for him.
Favorite side character: Somehow even more difficult! I'm going to say Tankhun of Kinnporsche. It's easy to see him as little more than high camp comic relief, and I'm pretty sure he wants it that way. If you see him reading the room, sending signals, and generally displaying sharp, competent insight, no you didn't.
Favorite scene in a QL: The Bad Buddy ep 5 rooftop scene is perfect.
Favorite line in a QL: "Because I'm hungry." Three plain, ordinary words that perfectly express the heart of a complicated, painful relationship. My jaw dropped when that line was spoken, and it bounced around in my brain for weeks afterward.
Most anticipated QL: As much as I'm dreading the surrounding discourse... gotta be Only Friends.
Healthiest relationship: I don't like this question, may I have another? I have a whole slew of problems with the way "healthy relationship" is used in fandom (see also: "green flag") - like the way health is presumed to be a single measurable quality, and conflated with virtue. There's a place for using fiction to talk about how we want to behave or be treated in relationships, but more often I feel like people are using these for the satisfaction of occupying a moral judgement seat, and I'm not here for that. Let me say instead...
Relationship dynamic I would most like to have myself: Cake and Seeiw of My Only 12%. I love how absolute and unquestioned their love for each other is - the only issue is what kind of love, and that gets resolved pretty much as soon as it's raised openly. I love the intimacy they have from knowing each other their whole lives, and the easy way they fill one another's gaps.
Relationship dynamic I would least like to have myself: Yi and Kon-diao of Cutie Pie. I enjoy Cutie Pie immensely, and I'm looking forward to Naughty Babe, but ye gods do I not want what these boys have.
Guilty pleasure series: After my whole rant about "healthy relationship," guess how I feel about "guilty pleasure"?
Most underrated series: I did this one scientifically... I looked to see which of my favorite shows has the lowest rating and view count on MDL. The winner is Ghost Host, Ghost House, which definitely deserves more love.
Tagging @phneltwrites and @lurkingteapot you want!
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magnorious · 9 months
Review: We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
TL;DR: Where the heck was this writing and directing in the premier? It's fantastic.
I admit, I was harsh on the premier. I stand by my opinion that Disney, with its endless Disney Money, should have strived to make a show that's amazing from the opening scene, not just get along by brand recognition. I nitpicked the inconsistences and there's still plenty here. With the lack of real combat scenes so far (the Fury fight in the museum, the hellhound at the creek, even the bus explosion) I'm wondering if the producers were too afraid of scaring children (in adapting a children's book) to really go for it. The rush this time at least had a creative re-write. All that said, episode three feels like it was produced, written, and directed by a completely different team. The acting is better, the pacing is better, the strange editing choices are fewer in between. The music is more memorable, the castings for new faces fit better, the tone is darker where it needs to be, the characters (minus Annabeth) feel so much more like themselves.
Is it completely faithful to the book? No. But as I said for the premier, changing how the source material happened isn't bad if the changes improve upon the existing story, or get to the same point if in a slightly different way. The encounter with Medusa is, book-to-screen, line-by-line, very different. But the vibe is the same. She's still creepy and threatening and a hell of an interesting perspective for Percy and Annabeth to face, being who they are, and she drops major hints on the entire theme of the book series: The gods' neglect and how many problems it causes. Her costume is different but it works. Her dialogue is longer, but it works. The Fury being there at all forces them underground and remain within Medusa's reach. I still also stand by that I wish this show had been animated a la Arcane or Spiderverse, but episode three proved the world over that this team is dedicated to telling the story, even if it mucks up a few plot beats along the way. **Minor spoiler** Percy's indignant "I am impertient" was perfect. 10/10.
It doesn't feel like it did in the premier, where the team certainly read the book, but didn't understand why some details were important to get correct. This feels like they really did their homework this time and I sincerely hope the rest of the series keeps going up from here. Side note: Costume department! I see you. I see you there dressing Percy in shades of blue and green when he's not in his camp t-shirt. I noticed. I see the 40s vibe you went with for Medusa. It mostly makes up for the Oracle looking more underfed than mummified corpse, but, you know, you win some and you lose some.
Side side note: The post-credits preview music sounds uncannily like the Avengers theme.
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atlantablack · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag @queerofthedagger <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
494,845 - which is honestly insane
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I wrote solely for Harry Potter for a longggg time, but nowadays I just write for Merlin, Stranger Things, and the MCU
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
All I Need (is you and you) - (Golden Trio Poly) (Harry Potter)
Impressions - (Harrymort) (Harry Potter)
On Bending, Breaking & Believing (Merlin) (Merthur)
you were born to be a martyr (you refused) (Harry Potter) (harrymort)
my heart's a hieroglyph, it talks in tongues (Stranger Things) (steddie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes! I have a bad habit of opening a comment and going "ohhh i should answer that" and then i promptly forget about it five seconds later so....
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Either my angsty harringrove fic I wrote for Mona - we've made a graveyard out of the bone white afternoon - or my Merlin fic where I made The Darkest Hour worse :) - the weight of one man's grief
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's gotta be this steddie fic, I think this is one of the fluffiest things I've ever written - and in the darkness you will see the sun
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! Thankfully I'm not popular enough to get hate on fics, the most annoying thing I get is people being a bit too demanding
9. Do you write smut?
Occasionally, but usually only for sambucky
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't! But i have at least one marinating that I do really really wanna write
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of......
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that i'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Impressions - (Harrymort) (Harry Potter)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Ohmygod why would you even ask me this question.... god I guess it has to be either Merthur or Steve Rogers x Tony Stark.... those are the OG ships (excluding any Harry Potter ones), I cannot pick between them and I won't thanks
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Oh god, I have this huge Stranger Things steddie fic that was originally meant to be for the big bang before i dropped out - i only have like 20k? 25k? written and my estimate was like 80k or something....god i'd love to finish it, the plot is Fantastic, but I really just don't know if I'll ever get back to it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably prose and uhh someone told me once I was really good at like, narrowing in on the small details, also writing grief
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
writing fluff! the struggle is real and that's mine
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I've done it a couple times but just for like pet names
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I think I'm going to say drawing lines - it's the best character study of Gwen I've ever written and I think she deserves more character studies honestly.
No Pressure-tagging: @alchemistc @m-b-w @yammz @rocketnebulas and anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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reginarubie · 2 years
I was so excited and happy that you wrote the next chapter so quickly! Because the excitement I felt in the previous chapter between Daemon and Sansa hasn't gone away yet. Why are you making me ship Daemon with Sansa? I think it's all because you write Daemon as charming as almond. I can imagine Matt Smith's voice and expression as I read his lines. And even Sansa's nervous or stressed expression. God, it's like you're holding a Daemon and an Aemond in your hand and feeding Sansa a spoonful in turn. And Aemond's vigilance and jealousy were very interesting. Poor Aemond. Now he has to be wary of his mother's "friend" as well as his uncle. I wonder what kind of choice Sansa will make. What will she say to Rhaenyra? 🤔 And how does that affect Sansa's relationship with Aemond? Thank you for writing such a fantastic story today as always!
Ciao nonny!,
I swear I love how excited you are for the Daemon/Sansa interactions. They are very complex for me to write and I want to stay true to both characters which is why I am very happy you think that you’d see Matt Smith acting following my own version of Daemon.
And if I was to be very, very honest I always look forward to your reaction to their interaction and when I write them I always think of you and your love for the Daemon/Sansa vibe because you seem to enjoy it so much.
Also as I’ve said I love writing interesting dynamics and whilst Aemond/Sansa is very interesting I feel like also Daemon/Sansa would be intriguing as a dynamic. I actually take your interest in the Daemon/Sansa dynamic as a compliment because it means that my evil plan of creating as many interesting dynamics as possible whilst having the story still feel true and plausible. So don’t you worry! And actually thank you! So let’s toast together to that dynamic!
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For sure we know Sansa’ motives for going to Rhaenyra instead that Aemond, and possibly if she were to explain Aemond would understand it too, tho he still would be hurt over the fact that she still didn’t come to him and let’s not forget another layer to the whole thing — the signet ring Sansa wore was not of House Whent, but of House Stark or someone bound to them since the sigil was a wolf — which could complicate things even further.
Thank you for dropping by and showing your love for this story! I’m honestly astounded by how much you all are affected by it and love it!, so really thank you! As always sending all my love ~G.
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raven · 1 year
I’m not trying to get you crucified here but tbh I would love to hear your locked tomb criticisms and feel validated in mine
So like im not a professional hater for it bc i simply didnt like it and i only make well thought out analyses if i enjoy the thing a lot for whatever reason and to me tlt is more of a whimper than a bang. so this isnt the most well thought out & its been a year or maybe 2 since i read it. but lets go. i read the first 2 books & not nona the ninth btw, and i enjoyed gideon for the most part due to I Love Murder Mysteries. but once its no longer a murder mystery(& confined to one location) i felt like the whole thing fell apart. (That being said i will suffer through a LOT for a murder mystery) harrow the ninth was like.. confusing and i know thats the point but it couldnt carry itself well enough. like i like confusing narratives i like nonsense and i like it when it doesnt make sense. but it just like. wasnt.. good? i really cant elaborate without rereading and i dont really want to. Also it was very predictable which, how can u be confusing and predictable, idk, ask harrow the ninth
so like anyways the writing is pretty annoying. i cant say its bad writing because it's competent enough but it's like oh my god you referenced this meme from 2016 tumblr you are SO. FUNNY. like i felt like as soon as i would be like "ok this is real im getting into it" someone would drop the dumbest line in the entire world that was a reference to an outdated meme. (I wish i took notes in my book to give you an example but like... you know exactly what im talking about if you've read any of it lmfao) people are like "gideon is just annoying" and yeah, she really was, but her narration in the first book had much fewer meme references and it was therefore sooo much more tolerable imo. Like harrow was genuinely SO bad for it. but both books i read felt very very juvenile. like people will be like "it is NOT ya" but then why does it feel like ya. like ya isnt just subject matter, i would argue that the defining feature in all the ya i read as a teen was in its tone and style. and tlt totally has a similar tone. in an annoying way. like "oh funny and relatable" but like due to everyone talking like a 17 year old from tumblr.com in the year 2015 it was not like, atmospheric at all. and a lot of harrow the ninth is about The Vibe. And the vibe was not coming across well. it just completely prevented me from feeling like i was in another world in like, any way. and this is a pretty fantastical setting..
and now we move on to the fandom of it all. i saw a really good post a few days ago that i did not reblog or save but it was criticizing how ianthe specifically was written like, intentionally playing into fandom troping and it genuinely shows so hard and it's really annoying. like. ok. so i told my friend that ianthe was just discount nanami from utena. and they were like "that is not true because ianthe is a discount homestuck character, also how dare you say that about nanami." (Idk anything about homestuck so i cant tell you any more there) but isnt that crazy. she is a knock off of many. anyways so like her whole purpose is to i dont know. fuck things up in an incredibly non threatening manner? like she was not necessary but its like Omg #Failgirl! god i wish i could find the post because i am not putting it into words
i also generally found the relationships and characters to be pretty uncompelling. like i didnt really care about gideon and harrow it was like woah they like each other now. wasnt really feelin it. i know a lot of people like it and thats fine though. the characters i liked the best were camilla and palamedes and then they dropped the bomb that palamedes was a heterosexual and i was genuinely so upset. like the man had fag vibes. "Oh he could be bisexual" the thing is that he wasnt though. soooooo. this is like so unimportant but i really did feel very betrayed. bc like gay people exist in the series. and not him..? fuck off
Ok thats all for now good bye if anyone want me to reread the books and take notes and critique for real give me money i would do it and i would be so thorough. but i know i dont do these things often so you cant really trust my analysis skills so thats fine. anyways. yeah. um anon if you have thoughts on the books let me know i love to read them tbh. sorry this post is so long i am on my cell phone and i feel like it doesnt deserve a read more. sorry
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recentlylocal · 2 years
1, 2, 49!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Probably Through the Eyes of Sixth? Gives a good intro of me as a major Sixth House stan who writes mostly alternate perspective/missing scene/canon adjacent fics. RIP to everyone read blue gray green lavender, then went to my AO3 and realized I've only ever written two griddlehark fics.
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Canon Compliant, Not Beta Read, and Alternate perspective. That tracks, other than fluff? Surprised I've used that one that many times tbh.
Also Not Beta Read being so high does a terrible disservice to my fantastic beta reader.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Personally I think there are not enough works under the "Kiana (The Locked Tomb)" tag so I'm working on a fic to make everyone sad about Camilla and Kiana. Quick snippet!
Kiana was very calm when she said, “I always worried that they’d put you on the front. You were so strong. I always saw it, even before they did. When the Warden made you his cavalier, I was so relieved, because it meant you’d be safe. I thought he’d keep you safe.”
“He did, Kiki. He saved my life about three times over, and then died for me just to make sure the first three tries stuck.” This was a lot of words for both of them.
Kiana smiled, just a little bit. “He never did anything halfway.” Then she paused and added, “Actually, scratch that. The only thing he ever did halfway was die — and thank God for that, I suppose.”
Send me writing asks!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
new favorite chapter. idc. I was at the edge of my SEAT the whole time and I had to reread so many parts to make sure my brain processed everything right 😧 I’m definitely going to reread after sending this and maybe before I go to sleep.. and maybe during wor- 🫣
the sex scene was so fucking HOT oh my god I did not expect yn to bite back either shes so hot oh gosh 🫣 possessive yoongi and yn.. what a combo my mind is scrambled.. TBH I had a feeling yoongi was going to sneak through the window when you dropped the title a few days ago and when that scene came into play I was on CLOUD NINE.
OH AND U WERE SO DIRTY FOR GIVING ME SCARED WITH 3TAN BRO I was screaming every time bro appeared or cockblocked 😭 and I was audibly telling him to go away 😭 BUT BESIDES THE NASTY STUFF ( I would’ve wrote more but im still processing everything my mind is blank HDJCJSJ BUT JUST KNOW IT RUINED ME. PISSED OFF YOONGI? I WAITED FOR THIS ONE. )
THANK U SM FOR SERVING US A 5 COURSE MEAL RYEN! DEFINITELY MY FAVE CHAPTER AS OF NOW !! now im a little bit nervous bc im sensing theyre about to get caught by bro from the amount of ppl finding out abt them.. AHHH
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i came to a realization jin did not know AND I READ TOO FAST WHOOPS BUT EVEN SO TAE SAYING THOSE LAST WORDS .. PHEW
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WINE OMFGGG new fave?? no flippin way that is absolutely fantastic! i wanted it to be tense bc it needed to be (the premise?? the suspense? too good to pass up.) and it was also a nice way to practice tense situations bc i don’t think i’ve written too many scenes like that, if ever. it was playing in my head and writing that out was super interesting. hope it translated well enough! 
READER IS A BRATTT like we know reader is pretty independent and from what yoongi has said about them, he already knew about this bossy side. i can only imagine what was going on his mind... it’s almost as if he wanted reader to be mad for a long ass time just to see what would happen L O L i want both of them so fcking bAD.
HAHAHAH BRO THROUGH THE WALLL i wanted to fcking yell! if you were yelling at your screen, i’m cacking. that’s too good hahahah PISSED OFF YOONGI FOR THE GD WIN. AND THE JEWELRY HELP MEEEE we’ll see if this is canon or not and if they do wear them :’))) 
i’m so damn happy you enjoyed this one, along with the ending that gave me stitches lmfao. it was a blast to write despite giving me some headaches!
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luffy-luvr · 3 months
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❛ Wait guys...Oh shit! ❜
[ 🐈‍⬛ ]
Violet woke up to the yelling of her mother. "Vi, wake up! Dustin's waiting for you!" Violet knocked her covers from her, tripping as she ran to her closet, looking for an outfit for today.
Violet's mom slammed the door open, causing Violet to jump and drop everything "Violet hurry up it's 7:47! You're going to be late honey ." her mom stated with a serious look on her face. She nodded, picking up the shirt she dropped earlier.
Dustin was sitting in the living room of the Park house, consisting of Violet, her mother, and their cat, Bomi. Violet came running down the stairs, her mother telling her not to come home so late anymore. "Dude are you okay? Normally you sit in my house waiting for me." Dustin asked, Violet closed her front door, "Yeah i'm okay. I just had this crazy dream last night." she said, rubbing her eyes. The duo made their way to school to meet up with their friends.
The group of friends biked to school, without Will, thinking he must've went earlier. They placed their bikes in the designated bike rack in front of the school. "That's weird. I don't see him." Mike said, noting Will was the only one missing. "I'm telling you, his mom's right. He probably just went to class early again." Lucas said. "Yeah, he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz." Dustin spoke. "I hate pop quizzes, i'm tested about something I haven't learned about yet." Violet added, speed walking to catch up with her friends.
Not far behind them was Troy, a stuck-up kid that thinks he's better than everyone. "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen." the group turned around, not wanted to deal with his bullshit this early in the morning. "Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show. Who do you think wouldn't make more money in a freak show?" Troy continued.
"Midnight, Frogface, Toothless, or Squints?" he took turns hitting their shoulder with his fist. Violet didn't take it too personally, she knew there wasn't many people like her in Hawkins, so she considered herself special. Besides that was the only 'insult' he could think of, meaning she was perfect.
Troy's friend, James thought for a few seconds before saying "I'll go with toothless." while mimicking the way Dustin talks. "I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in." Dustin said. "It's called Cleidocranial Dysplasia." he continued explaining.
"I told you a million times." James mocked, not caring what Dustin said before.
"Do the arm thing." Troy said to Dustin.
"Do it freak!" James yelled.
Dustin sighed as he took off his backpack and jacket, he pulled his arms together, making his bones pop. Troy and James both cringe at the sound of Dustin's bones. "God, it gets me every time." Troy groaned. The two bullies bump into the friends as they were walking to class.
"Assholes." Lucas said.
"I think it's kinda cool. It's like you have superpowers or something." Mike said, trying to make Dustin feel better. "Yeah. I mean, how many people can say they have no collarbones." Violet agreed, also trying to make him feel better. Dustin picked up his jacket and backpack from the ground. "Like Mr. Fantastic." Mike continued. "Yeah, except I can't fight evil with it." Dustin replied, making their way to class.
"Remember, finish chapter 12 and answer 12.3 on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation. This will be on the test, which will cover chapter 10 through 12. It will be multiple choice with an essay section." Mr. Clarke, their science teacher said as he trailed off at the end to the students walking out of class as the rang.
The party lined up in front of his desk "So, did it come?" Mike asked Mr. Clarke. "Sorry, boys and girl. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...it came." Mr. Clarke said with a smile at the end.
Mike was the first to enter into the AV room, "Yes!" soon they all started walking in too. "The Heathkit ham shack." Mr. Clarke said. "Ain't she a beaut?"
"I bet you can talk to New York on this thing!"
"Think bigger." Mr. Clarke said, separating his hands.
"California?" asked Lucas.
"Australia?" asked Mike, making their teacher nod his head with a smile on his face.
Violet always wanted to go to Australia, but she read through books in the library about poisonous animals living there so she's kinda scared of Australia now. "Oh man!" Lucas exclaimed. "When Will sees this he's totally gonna blow his shit." he continued.
"Lucas!" Mr. Clarke gave him a stern warning, folding his arms in front of his chest.
As Lucas turned the radio, Mike brought his face close to the microphone "Hello, this is Mike Wheeler, president of Hawkins Middle AV Club." Mike said in a fake Australian accent. Dustin grabbed the headphones from Mike's head, putting it on his head "Hello, this is Dustin, and this is the secretary and treasurer of Hawkins Middle AV Club. Do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" Violet tapped Dustin on the shoulder, signaling to let her say something into the mic, "Hello, this is Violet, vice president of the AV Club. Do you fight kangaroos in the street?"
Just as Lucas was about to grab the headphones from Violet the Principle and Police Chief Jim Hopper came from around the corner knocking on the open door. "Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, may I borrow Michael, Lucas, Violet, and Dustin?"
Now they were all sitting down in the Principle's office speaking over each other, "Okay, okay, okay" said Hopper, annoyed from their bickering. "One at a time, all right. You." he pointed to Mike, who was in the middle of Lucas and Violet. "You said he takes what?" Hopper questioned.
Mike nodded, "Yeah."
Hopper looked to the officer beside him who was writing down notes "Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?" the officer looked down to his notes before speaking "I have not. That sounds made up to me." Lucas spoke up, "No, it's from Lord of The Rings."
"Well, The Hobbit." Dustin said.
"It doesn't matter." Lucas answered, obviously annoyed.
"He asked!" Dustin shouted.
"He asked!" mocked Lucas, causing Violet to chuckle. "Shut up, guys!" Mike yelled to his friends.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Hopper yelled leaning in. "What i'd just say? One at a damn time."
"Mirkwood, it's a real road. It's just the name that's made up." Mike explained to the Chief in front of him. "It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet." Hopper leaned back looking at the officer next to him "Yeah, all right, I think I know that—"
"We can show you if you want." Mike continued.
"I said that I know it!" Hopper exclaimed. "We can help look." Mike said. "Yeah, we wanna look for Will too." Violet nodded." Hopper shook his head "No. After school, you are all to go home. Immediately. That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense. This isn't some Lord of The Rings book."
"The Hobbit." Dustin corrected. "Shut up!" Lucas exclaims, leaning over to hit Dustin on the knee. "Hey!" Dustin leaned over Violet to get back at Lucas. "Stop it!" Mike said. Violet rolled her eyes, starting to get squished. Hopper leaned back in again "Do I make myself clear?" he said making the friends stop hitting each other. He stood up, making himself look more intimidating, now glaring at the friends in front of him"Do I make myself...clear?"
They all nodded, looking up at Hopper. "Yes, sir" Mike, Dustin, and Violet said. "Yeah." Lucas answered.
It was already night when Lucas called Violet to meet them at his house in 10 minutes, now they were biking down Mirkwood searching for Will. "Ah. Man, this is it." said Lucas. They stopped their bikes, getting ready to go into the woods. "Hey guys, you feel that?" Dustin asked, facing up as a raindrop fell on his face. "I think maybe we should go back." Dustin said. "Me too. Maybe we should wait until daytime, it's much more safer and we might go missing too!" Violet exclaimed nervously. "No." Mike said quickly.
"We're not going back. Just stay close." Mike added.
"Come on." Mike said as he off his bike with Lucas now following into the woods.
"Wait guys wait up!" Dustin called out, leaving Violet alone next to her bike, "Wait guys! Oh... Shit!" she said hesitantly getting off her bike running for her friends, making them turn around and wait for her as it began to rain.
Thunder rumbled as the party walking around searching for Will in the woods. "Will!" Mike yelled. "Will!" he continued. "Byers!" Lucas yelled too. "I've got your X-Men 134!" Dustin yelled. "Will where are you!?" Violet joined in on the yelling.
"Guys, I really think we should turn back." Dustin called out to his friends. "Seriously Dustin? You wanna be a baby, then go home already!" Lucas remarked. Violet felt her shoes getting wetter and wetter until she felt her socks getting soggy. Gross! she thought. "I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin argued. "No, you're just being a big sissy! You too Violet!" Lucas replied. Violet furrowed her eyebrows "What! Why me? I didn't even say anything!" she protested. "But you thought it!" Lucas exclaimed, pointing a finger at Violet. He was right.
"Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad?" asked Dustin. "And we're going to the exact same spot where he was last seen?" he continued. "And at night too! And it's raining." added Violet. "And we have no weapons or anything?" Dustin notified. "Dustin, Violet, shut up." Mike said growing tired of the complaints coming from his friends. "I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?"
"Shut up, shut up." Mike said again. Hearing rustling, Violet felt her face grow cold from fear. "Did you guys hear that?" asked Mike. As they heard more noises coming from behind them they turned around getting ready to come face-to-face with a monster. Instead of a monster, they were faced with a bald girl with a baggy shirt fitting her like a dress.
Where did they come from?
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playermagic23 · 8 months
Raashi Khanna drops hint about Farzi Season 2 during her AMA session; reveals it will “release by the end of next year”
Along with that, Raashii Khanna also opened up about her experience of working with Sidharth Malhotra and Vikrant Massey.
Raashii Khanna, who ended 2023 with a bang, has an interesting year ahead. With films like Yodha and Sabarmati Report lined up, the actress is keen on exploring more avenues, roles, and projects in multiple languages and recently she decided to catch up with her followers on social media to share some exciting updates they can look forward to this year.
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During the same, the actress opened up about several things, ranging from her work experience with her co-stars to her desire to work with stars like Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan during an AMA session.
Taking to Instagram, Raashii Khanna hosted an AskMeAnything session with her fans, where she shared insights into her dream collaborations along with exciting career updates as well as, other aspects of her life. When asked about her experience of working with Sidharth Malhotra in Yodha, Khanna praised her co-star, saying, “It was great working with Sidharth. He has really given it all for Yodha. He has put in considerable effort into his action sequences for Yodha and it’s looking amazing. He is an amazing guy not just as an actor but also as a person. He is also quite spiritual.”
One of the highlights of the AMA was Khanna's discussion about her strong bond with Vikrant Massey. She revealed that she will be seen with him in two films, TME and The Sabarmati Report, and has been shooting together for the past six to eight months. “I am sure he must be very bored of seeing my face for the past six months. He is a fantastic actor and co-star. He is a buddy and I love the camaraderie we share and hopefully it will translate onscreen. I hope we get to do a lot of movies together because there is a great comfort I share with him."
Along with this, the actress also dropped a tantalizing hint for her fans eagerly awaiting the second season of Farzi. Speaking about the Shahid Kapoor starrer, Raashi added, “Meri Raj sir se baat hui thi, jo humare director hain. Unhone mujhse bola ki hum log next year beginning mein Farzi shoot karna start karenge. (I spoke to Raj Sir, who is the director of our show. He told me that we will begin shooting by the start of next year). So I am guessing, hopefully by next year end”.
Furthermore, she also expressed her desire to collaborate with the charismatic Mahesh Babu, the dynamic Thalapathy Vijay, the King of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan, the Greek God Hrithik Roshan, and the stylish Allu Arjun, Khanna let us in into her dream collaborations. She also listed out directors she would like to work with which included the likes of Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Zoya Akhtar, Raju Hirani, Mani Ratnam, Anurag Kashyap, and last but not least Vidhu Vinod Chopra.
From sharing details of her favourite books to her absence on Twitter, the actress uninhibitedly answered several questions and even fulfilled a fan's request by singing the song ‘Husn’ by Anuv Jain.
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