#god this took me so long i dont even know why haha
nothing-tolose · 2 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
A/N: HII FIRST TIME WROTE THIS FIC. English isn't my first language and I'm still learning, I hope u guys can understand me;) If there's anything wrong please let me know! xoxo
Divider credits to @cafekitsune <3
Part 2
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You were so in love with her. You weren't sure how many times you think that you're the luckiest girl alive because you're dating your girlfriend, Ellie Williams.
Your girlfriend that you dreamt about since you got into high school a year ago. You always thought that it would be impossible if she can be your girlfriend in the future, or at least to be your friend. But it changed when she talked to you for the first time six month ago, when you accidentally bumped her and your drink was spilled to the ground.
You started talking with her after that, since you both have a lot common interests. Three weeks passed, Ellie started to calls you with some petnames such as princess, angel, muffin or even bae. You never asked her why, and you didn't want to ask.
It was perfect. So perfect that you never really thought it'd be end up so bad.
You just got into your second monthversary and you had a really really good time with your picnic date with her. God, you wish you can stay here like this forever.
But happiness won't last long.
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You woke up by the ring on your phone beside you.
You wondering why. I mean, who the fuck is gonna call you this morning? Today isn't a weekday though. You took your phone and staring at the screen and it was your friend who's calling you, Lauren.
"Lau, I just woke—" You stopped your words as you hear how she breathe, it seems like there's something wrong, "Lauren, are you okay?" You asked.
"Am I supposed to be okay?" She sounds so infuriated, "Oh my fucking God, you're being a hot topic on school's blog and everyone's talking about you, Ellie, and her ex, Anne. And I haven't found the original post yet so please don't—"
You hang up the phone before Lauren finished talking, your fingers were scrolling up and down into the browser and school blog. You didn't do anything wrong, didn't you? And you never be a hot topic before so you got a little confused and nervous. The first thing you saw, is someone in anonymous replies was talking about you.
Oh, so Lauren wasn't joking.
"What's going on here?" You whispered, "Don't check the other replies, don't check the other replies..."
Your fingers definitely doing the opposite.
so she stole ellie from anne? such a shame
ellie was just playing with her, guys :( HAHA
I WAS RIGHT. she's a slut by stealing someone's girlfriend. ugh, and if she still have a face to appear in school this monday im gonna kick her ass and fucking spit on her
Your eyebrows furrowed, jaw dropped as you didn't believe on what you just saw through your phone.
No, really, you couldn't even tell what is going on right now. Everyone was talking really really bad to you, they were crossed the line.
Ellie? Anne? And you?
"What the fuck did I do?"
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niftykin · 6 months
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"Im so sorry to bother you at home"
Starring: Nishinoya Yuu
Sypnosis: He has been trying to hit on you subtly for quite a few time, but he has grown a little more determinate now.
Request: Hello! Could you please write a Nishinoya x female reader where she’s seen by everyone as a serious, menacing person, when in reality she’s really just socially awkward and dense? Nishinoya tries hitting on her doing the usual tricks like flowers and bears and pick up lines but she’s just confused. Finally he just becomes more direct with her and honest and slowly she falls for him too? I’m sorry if it’s a bit too detailed and it’s okay if you don’t do this haha it’s been at the back of my head for a while
A/N: This one was so cute to write!, i tried to be really quick making this but the inspiration came to me like a thunder and here we are. Remember i use she/her in this fic.
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Nishinoya Yuu. The thunder of the Karasuno team, always so energetic and kind, oftenly called delusional by his feelings towards Kiyoko, little did they know that it wasent a crush, he admired her and by that her personality and how she acted; But he liked you, he admired you and wordshipped the very floor you stepped on.
His tries were almost pathetic, sure he could tell Kiyoko anything btu it was different when it was you, he shacked and mumbled like a little kid inlove everytime he crossed any words with you. Everyone could tell but some way you didnt; Not even the flowers he gave you, little gifts he made for you with his own hands (which were a cute detail since he isnt pretty good with manualities) But from time to time his friends started to see that there was no response tho this little acts.
"She doesn't like you and she's acting like that to decline your feelings nicely" He heard one of them said, his heart ached but then Hinata spoke answering to the previous person, his words were filled with determination and his obvious spark that always bringed hope to everyone. "And what if she isnt?, she could see it was a friendly gesture. Nishinoya haven't talked about his feelings openly to her"
Hinata had a point, Sugawara and Daichi agreed, yes Nishinoya and his friends could think those hints were obvious enough to tell that he was completely head over heels inlove with you. But they know him as a friend and since pretty long time comparing to you; They weren't you and that meant they didnt feel or thinked like you.
He planned his confession, would you like something big? the whole school knowing?, No, it will make you agree by social pressure, Did you liked him enough to say 'Yes' without much people knowing? Oh God.
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It was 6PM on a friday. He can remember it vividly, his steps were hard on the floor and his fingers were digging into his shirt and on the little box he held, his palms sweated and his face was red; He knocked at your door. After a few minutes you opened the door.
"Hey, im so sorry to bother you at home" he started as he saw you, his face blushed and his cologne was subtle as always. "I know that this might be hard but... I dont know what to say" he started panicking.
"I like you a lot" He finally stated after a sigh, his gaze fixated on the floor, the blush on his cheeks made him look heated, his breathing was heavy and his mind was longing and pleading for an answer.
"Are you being serious?" You spoke, a hidden tint of amusement in your voice, his feeling were glowing as he answered "Of course i am, why wouldnt i? i like you so much" He said as he took another step, reflecting his mind and then doing the opposite and stepping back, he didnt wanted to make the situation awkard, he just wanted to finally be totally sincere with you.
little did he know you liked him aswell, but oh lord he is the happiest man alive.
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"Hey, i bringed this for you too" He said as he smiled at you, more confident and smug after your answer, handing you a little figure you have been longing to have since quite a few time. He buyed it for you since the first day you mentioned it but he decided to wait untill the ocation was perfect, and sure it was.
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iisowks · 5 months
bbg….imagine-teen mommy! reader who works with PM dazai and through a LOT of drama he finds out he’s the father (drama💗) you decide the rest~ or!! Another idea!! Idea no 2; chuuya finds out its dazais kid. ((Smut or no smut idk))
PM! Dazai… and chuuya x Pregnant teen! Reader
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Warnings: it can be a trigger for some people, mentions of suicide, mention of alcohol, mention of sex, suggestive but not smut detailed, it ends bad so yeah, and kind of cheating too.
Note: Heyyy so i don’t know what i did so i just did an like PLUS CHUUYA or sum but i guess it’s ok even tho i hated :3, but i really hope you like! and yes i think i’ll do an part two where Y/N finds him when they’re adults!
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you joined the mafia very young but already a teenager, you don't actually like to be there but you had no choice or where to go. When you joined you didn't want to be with anyone and you didn't actually wanted to have friends, but two teenagers around your age did NOT leave you alone, and you enjoyed it after some time! you felt less lonely.
but then things got complicated. After some time, you catched yourself attracted to Dazai, even though you knew he wasn't the best person to be with, and you denied for a long time until one day Dazai was at your door, drunk.
“heyyy Y/N, i missed you!” dazai said with a messy voice… “Dazai, what the fuck? it 's 2 AM!” you said quite angry at him, but you took him in and gave him water, trying to make him sober, “Dazai, you really shouldn't be drinking that much.” you said worried about him, after all you guys were just teenagers. “and what? were all fucked up, it wont change anything! That's why I came here, I want to experience something before I die and you can help me with that, darling.”
you knew what was he talking about even tho your thoughts are saying not to do it because youre a fucking teenager, you wanted to. “Dazai, i don’t think we should-” “shut up.” right after that he kissed you… and you didn't stop him, i mean, who would 🧍‍♀️
Well you guys had sex, and you didn't know how to react at first… when you woke up he was gone, and that confused you, but you still wanted to talk to him.
After some time you guys became very close and sex became something normal for you two, until one day you two argued about something very silly but you were so done with him that you just walked away just like he did!
well you were walking through the city when you had the thought of drinking something, and since you were from mafia, almost no one questioned your age.
Well it was your first time drinking so you didnt knew what to ask for thats when you saw your friend Chuuya, “Chuuya! hi!” you said happy to see someone you could talk to. “oh, Y/N…” Chuuya said quite… normal? “do you mind helping me? i dont know what do drink…” “its your first time drinking alcohol?”
the night passed really fast, it was already like 1 AM and you and Chuuya were definetly drunk, “hey Chuu, can we have sex?” Chuuya frozed “huh? i thought you were with that morron” “well im not dating him!” Chuuya hesitated, but he was too drunk to have filter. “i… i guess then it’s okay?” you kissed him almost immediatly, you needed that because you were still feeling bad because of Dazai… and you know he probably did the same and that fucking hurted you.
well you woke up in your bed but no Chuuya, so you thought ‘oh thank god it was dream haha’ until you saw a note of Chuuya saying he should have stayed until you woked up but he didnt want to make you uncomfortable, in that moment you thought of suicide.
You simply pretended that nothing happened and prayed for Chuuya to do that too. Well you ignored everyone in the mafia for 2 weeks, until one day you just didn't feel well and runned away from mafia because mori would never let you go earlier, well you had your suspicions you were pregnant and you were going to do the test anyway.
When the test was positive you panicked, you were 16 and now pregnant?! you just wanted to die, but now you had to discover who’s the dad, and you don’t think Dazai would be happy with something like this. You were scared, but you thought it was better to let Chuuya know, since he was the last person you had a sexual relation.
You used protection with both. so one of them just didn’t work or something, you couldn’t think about any other reason but now the problem is not even that, is that you were pregnant with one of those man’s baby.
Well, Chuuya’s reaction was kind of… not good, and you understand that since you both were teenagers and definitely not ready to have a baby, but you also told him that could be Dazai, in the end he just accompanied you to do the test to see who is the father of the baby.
Well, now you have to wait, both of you, because Dazai has no clue what is happening and he probably thinks you still hate him. You were almost dying to know who the father was but part of you didn’t want to be Dazai because you don’t know how he would react.
A call, the attendant started to talk… after a time you just asked for her to say who was, when she said, you hung up and started crying immediately.
“Chuuya, thank you for the help, but i have to tranquilize you. You are not the father.” Chuuya was incredibly silent. “Be careful, Y/N.” That's all he said.
You lefted immediately to look for Dazai, you tried all the places you could, he was in none of them.
“Mori, hello.” It was your last chance. “Y/N, can i know why you are here after disappearing for 4 weeks?” “I just wanted to ask you if you know where Dazai is.” “Dazai is no longer a part of the mafia, miss Y/N.” “what?..” “he lefted.”
You ran. You ran the fastest that you could… you hated him, you hated him so much even though he doesn't even know you’re carrying his baby.
I guess until you meet him again.
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wintersera · 7 months
12 — help me out (half written)
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as soon as you walk out of class you were met with a shorter girl excitedly waiting with her books in her hands. she was tapping her feet really REALLY fast with a goofy ass grin plastered on her face.
“i thought you were gonna wait outside college? what are you doing outside my class?” you giggled a little, seeing her eyes light up from seeing you in front of her.
oh you thought a little.. she’s kinda cute
“OH? sorry i got a little too excited, i don’t usually have people coming around my house”
“aww that’s okay. but excited to study? i’ve never seen someone so enthusiastic about working on a project before. it’s kinda cute and funny to see how you’re so happy about this”
you noticed something, luckily she was too ecstatic to even realise because she would’ve been severely embarrassed, but by the way she jumped at your comment made your heart pang.
“so your house right?”
“yup! it’s not too far from here so we can walk there”
“perfect, my legs have been hurting from last night… god”
“what did you so last night that made them hurt that much?” tilting her head a little, just like a puppy.
“i ran around my neighbourhood like a lunatic. that wolf needs to be found- like what if it’s cold and lonely? but at the same time i’m thinking it’s good that she escaped, because imagine the mom came after me… thinking about it makes me shiver”
“oh.. ah yeah the wolf”
“you’re not gonna berate me like my friends did right?”
“no no, i find it nice that you took in an animal. seems like you really care about it”
“of course i do! poor puppy was cold and injured- i had to do something”
with that conversation flowing you both drifted out to the exit. minjeong smiling and laughing at your silly little rants about whatever came to your mind at the time.
she was right. for some reason her house was really really damn close to the college. the walk was actually really relaxing, you and minjeong just talking like you were old friends who were catching up with eachother until- BOOM you were at her front of her door.
“oh by the way- parents aren’t in so you can relax and do whatever BUT of course, don’t break anything”
“cool i’ll definately make myself comfortable. so… where’s you room jeongie?”
“ah- uh… haha upstairs” you made yourself reaalll comfortable in her house, walking up the stairs with no hesitation after you took of your shoes and then eventually out of minjeongs line of sight. with you outside her visions, she whipped out her phone and quickly opened the bird app.
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you wondered why she took so long to come into her room, feeling a little bit perplexed by the rooms location you called out her name- “jeongie help me find your room”
“oh yeah sure. let me just-“ walking up the stairs and guiding you to where her room is “you can sit here and get ready i’ll just be getting some snacks for us”
and now you were here, studying at her desk, while she looks over your shoulder with curiosity, stumbling a little while she’s standing.
“soooooo… what have you planned out?”
“eehhh nothing much actually, i’m just outlining this one thing and then we can wing it? i think?? i dont know jeongie.. do you have any ideas?”
“jeongie?” her sudden silence was odd. why did she suddenly go quiet? you questioned if she even fainted, but no she didn’t. she stood there silently. her eyes darting around the rooms, hands clutching her shirt and panting heavily. was she about to have a panic attack- “jeongie are you… okay?”
“yeah… um… i feel r-really really weird and hot right now? i don’t know i feel funny… like really funny” her cheeks were flushed, bright red. she didn’t look like she had the flu so why… was she like this? you placed your palm on her forehead checking the temperature and god was she hot. there were no symptoms of her having the flu previously… strange, you thought.
“mmm… y/n… feels so weird…” she looked at you, like as if she was asking you for something. she had those begging puppy eyes that melted your heart and shattered them into tiny little fragments.
“do you need me to call someone? like a friend of yours or something or maybe even the ambulance?? like are you okay?”
“i- i dont know…” stammering as she tried her absolute best not to look you in the eye “i… i think i’ll be okay i just? i feel strange… it’ll pass…”
“uh… okay just say what you need and i’ll get it for you”
there was a prolonged silence. your mind was dropped into a silent panicked state, what could you do to help her out if she didn’t know what she was feeling? let alone your lack of knowledge of what exactly she was feeling. again, you believed she was having a sudden panic attack. i mean they do come at random occasions so that could be it right?
not even a few seconds pass by and her fingertips played with the collar of your shirt. you were still sat down of course, but with your chair swivelled around to see minjeong.
…what on earth is she doing?
“it’s weird.. i really know it is but… i can’t stop thinking about you right now…. all i can think about is you and i don’t know why”
frozen in confusion and maybe even shock, you had no idea what she was on about. she was kinda acting weird, scratch ‘kinda’, she was weird… yet strangely cute.
“what…? what do you want me to do about that information?”
“…help me out…” her breath shakey as she spoke.
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homarcide-aest · 9 months
I'm SO here for your Balkan Dick Grayson takes! I was wondering how you feel about how DC writes or fleshes out Dick's Roma heritage. Are there particularly great moments of representation or particularly flop ones?
*starts shaking*
i honestly hate most of the writing. not only because they arent romani, i mean you can get some basic info about rom culture if you talk to romano people and i understand its a pretty closed culture (like fuck even though im part romani i still dont know most shit, although tbf rom people in turkey is p assimilated) so getting info might be hard, but FUCK dude they look at rom culture in an american pov and its like?????? why.
most rom people resides in balkans, and like bro even if you took some balkani culture to dickies writing or even in is living space itd make sense, since again, rom culture is p assimilated w the country they resides in. like even small things would be enough. a heavy velvety blanket w a tiger or a rose?? him sniffing bottles before drinking??? thats like the universel balkanian experience.
and weirdly enough i prefer the old stuff. like yes they were racist dont get me wrong but at least i was likr "aaah they are talking about it and dick is getting angry about the assumptions" aka that one god awful panel where bruce is like "ye ur kind is hot headed lmao" and dick is like "wtf" (i explain things great i know)
but now??? its used in an awful one-liner. and never referenced again. like what the actual fuck does "beautiful romani smile" means. thats. thats worse???????? thats so much worse than hotheaded cuz its used like "haha guys look i remembered dick is romani haha i know romani culture" and im like no????? shut the fuck up????
at least when people say rom people are hot headed i can be like "ye lmao we do start fights out of nowhere" and again ITS UNIVERSEL BALKAN EXPERIENCE. all balkanians have anger issues. we love chaos. but when its like "haha dick has a beautiful romani smile" im like "oh fuck off" cuz again, its such a narrow minded look at romani people.
i was gonna end it there but fuck it im not done.
rom people are stereotyped as "happy go lucky, have no worries even though the world burning, cant do shit unless a white person is guiding them, hot headed and potty mouthed". besides the last point this is the exact character assasination dickie got. they turned him into a romani stereotype because haha one trick pony robin. he used to be so much more but noo the writers cant actually handle a complex character so lets turn him into this rom stereotype, and say hes romani with a fetishizing ass line!!! i hate dc so much
sorry for long rant lmao im just. genuinely angry at this lmao
anw dick is balkanian now. i can handle mischaracterization of dickie but i will not handle americanization and frenchification of dickie
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borathae · 20 days
Chapter 23 LETS GOOO
bro get the fuck out lemme sleep zzzzzzzzz This man has no manners, none, nada.FR MY SLEEP BITCHES
one blood bag each and a cup of coffee. It is a peculiar combination, but if they like it then you won’t question it.😭😭
“Why are you asking me?” “Cause you’re the oldest here?” “And? Does this automatically make me the leader or something?” “Well…yeah?” Hoseok cocks an eyebrow up, “unless you want me to take over.” they really havent planned their boyband well
It’s after one of my grandmother’s recipes, WTF HE LIVED THAT LONG AND STILL RMEMBERS SHIT? my vampire ass would be a disappointment
“You’re adorable. A vampire with red ears, that’s a sight to see” fr TELL HIM SIS
This means he hasn’t returned home yet.  SHIT is he hurt or did he hurt someone else???
“Okay bro I was going through something?” Hoseok squeaks. “And ended up with a tummy ache”, Seokjin teases. so ur not safe from tummy ache even as a vampire great
perhaps it is because of the tension he is always walking around with, you’re sure this will develop muscle as well. STOP THE ATTACK tho he fully deserves it MY BLANKIE MY ZZZZZZZ
Is that your feel good face?” yeah -_- -ㅅ-
“Dead. Again. Congrats, you died four times already”, this made me laugh and extra pissed YOONGLES WHAT ARE U TRYING TO DO WARM HER UP TO BOILING OR WHAT??
ok she went berserk ... like a human would GOOD REMEMBER THOSE POINTS GO HARDER BABY U CAN DO IT
ok now WTF IS HIS PROBLEM AAAAAAAH ok we get it she fucked up, she went to talk to him and it escalated and neither knew consequences ok mr genius jjang jjang man boong boong
wtf hobi are u ok whats going on now shit
“Blood…uhm I just realised that this sounds very disgusting to a human”, he laughs awkwardly, “sorry.” its ok pookie, just took me off guard 💀💀
ok guys we are really in hobari's room and getting to see past his mask yall, slightly nervous idk what im expecting ahaha
that’s like my eight one. Those fuckers are amazing”, they dont have overdose issues?? wow nice wait how did hobi get tummy issues then??
Hoseok stops laughing, fidgeting in his chair rather nervously. His smile stays on his face however, never reaching his eyes and looking like a mask he can’t seem to shake off. slightly scary with description, but its really funny u can pass off everyones questions with this smile, just answer the are u ok question properly and smile, or else u look like hobi right now haha
“I’m kinda sad that I didn’t die today.” oh that was slightly out of pocket half expected it but also didnt expect it
We have Yoongi, who fought god knows how many battles. Then Jungkook, a high ranking military dude. And Seokjin, who had the nerve to serve in both world wars just for fun. wow jin really said imma fight ww1 & 2 for shits and giggles
“Because I feel like an imposter”, he confesses, “I’m a vampire, that can’t even control minds, has never been faux killed before, has zero fighting experience and whose origin story is being killed by a blowjob. How pathetic can you be?” ur just simply a vampire, not all have to go through shit to be a vampire, its just they lived that long so the probability of going through shit is higher, u got lucky. its ok ur not a clown. youre a great friend for real
bro get the fuck out lemme sleep zzzzzzzzz This man has no manners, none, nada.FR MY SLEEP BITCHES
me actually I hate being woken up early :/
“Why are you asking me?” “Cause you’re the oldest here?” “And? Does this automatically make me the leader or something?” “Well…yeah?” Hoseok cocks an eyebrow up, “unless you want me to take over.” they really havent planned their boyband well
lmaooa they're so chaotic i fucking hate them (i love them with all my heart)
It’s after one of my grandmother’s recipes, WTF HE LIVED THAT LONG AND STILL RMEMBERS SHIT? my vampire ass would be a disappointment
LIKE HE IS SO <3 okay but in his defense, he writes down yummy recipes sooo
This means he hasn’t returned home yet.  SHIT is he hurt or did he hurt someone else???
“Okay bro I was going through something?” Hoseok squeaks. “And ended up with a tummy ache”, Seokjin teases. so ur not safe from tummy ache even as a vampire great
hahahah they're so chaotic dhfahs
Is that your feel good face?” yeah -_- -ㅅ-
i love him :D
“Dead. Again. Congrats, you died four times already”, this made me laugh and extra pissed YOONGLES WHAT ARE U TRYING TO DO WARM HER UP TO BOILING OR WHAT??
HAHHAHA he is so rude like I love him sm <3
ok guys we are really in hobari's room and getting to see past his mask yall, slightly nervous idk what im expecting ahaha
no but I actually love this scene a lot <3
that’s like my eight one. Those fuckers are amazing”, they dont have overdose issues?? wow nice wait how did hobi get tummy issues then??
overdose can't happen for vampires, it's more of a blinded by bloodlust where they can't control themselves anymore and go feral but he is very far away from that state
Hoseok stops laughing, fidgeting in his chair rather nervously. His smile stays on his face however, never reaching his eyes and looking like a mask he can’t seem to shake off. slightly scary with description, but its really funny u can pass off everyones questions with this smile, just answer the are u ok question properly and smile, or else u look like hobi right now haha
no but I'm actually so sad for him :( I hate that he thinks he needs to pretend to be happy :( like hobi :( you're allowed to be sad too :(
We have Yoongi, who fought god knows how many battles. Then Jungkook, a high ranking military dude. And Seokjin, who had the nerve to serve in both world wars just for fun. wow jin really said imma fight ww1 & 2 for shits and giggles
i feel like it was an honour thing for him where he was all like "i have a duty as a man" 😑
“Because I feel like an imposter”, he confesses, “I’m a vampire, that can’t even control minds, has never been faux killed before, has zero fighting experience and whose origin story is being killed by a blowjob. How pathetic can you be?” ur just simply a vampire, not all have to go through shit to be a vampire, its just they lived that long so the probability of going through shit is higher, u got lucky. its ok ur not a clown. youre a great friend for real
YES THANK YOU !!! i love this agenda!!!
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Conversation between me & my friends (slightly edited) as six the musical incorrect quotes:
Anna *watching Hazbin Hotel w the gang*: wait so the god of hell, first demon ever there is French…? so what does that tell us about French people?
Kat: wait….
Anne: I’m right here.
Anna: it’s kinda bright
Kat: not really ??? Anna: well that’s because I have blue eyes and you have brown eyes so the world is brighter for me so therefor I’m happier
Kar: probably true
Anne: *on her Snapchat story* I love u Mr.Beast, I want u forever n ever, no one can take you away from me
Kathy: Anne it is 7 am are you mentally okay?
Anne: yeah I just really love Mr.Beast
Kat: *in the queens gc* GUYS
wake up
Lina: …Kat it is 7:15 in the fucking morning what the fuck fin you mean by you “flashed your bistle whistle at your dead gramma”
Mary: *from the other side of the house* BITCH-
Kat: you know I’m sexy UGH don’t call just text me
Elizabeth: *paragraph long rant about annoying kid at school and why they don’t wanna be friends anymore but aren’t sure*
Anna: also an erection is when your d#ck gets hard
H#nry: YOUR CHEATING ON ME. ?!?!?!?
Kat: Girl you added me to a group chat with all of your wives :|
Anne: I love my family and all but one time I said I hate Sheldon from Young Sheldon and they asked why.
Jane: haha. Wait why?
Elizabeth: ugh fuck
Anne: how was school today?
Kat: I told someone to shut the fuck up today so I’m very proud of myself because that took some confidence
Anne: good for you :D
Anna: *in gc* my gramma doesn’t know how to text very well… (very misspelled weird autocorrect one thing said I will bite you for some reason ??)
Jane: oh god, I hope she doesn’t bite you ???
Anne: I hope she does.
Lina: what is wrong with you now I have a mental image of Anna’s gramma biting her arm
Anne: omg Jeffery Dahmar core 😝
Jane: okay that’s a bit much….
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (All these quotes are from the same friend the same day but imaging the queens saying this is so funny to me)
Lina: Jesus is actually so hot…
Kat: Nooo Mr.Beast is my POOKIE
Anna: you know who’s hot… *image of Nick Avacado*
Anne: no, the hottest is Freddy Fazbear, if I was crying child I would have kissed Freddy IMMEDIATELY!!!!
Kathy: what about golden Freddy?
Anne: mwah mwah mwah
Kat: what about spring trap?
Anne: I want his trap
everyone: WHATTTT
Anne: what if I drove the hours to your country and pulled up outside you house(castle?) and walked in and said “it’s so preppy in here” what would you do then?
Lina: …..where do you even come up with this stuff?
Anna: …….why is there someone outside my window
Jane: why are you the way that you are?
Anne: because I drank the among us potion at exactly 3 am, I got it from the dark web, and supposedly when I drink the among us potion at 3 am I turn into the imposter from among us
Mary: *post the among us potion video with the title “go hang out with your younger sibling: the younger sibling:*
Jane: *replying to story* Oh no! What happens when you drink the potion?
*the queens in the car*
Lina: hey siri Text Jane that’s good to hear COMMA hope you are doing well PERIOD
Kat: who would you say is the bullied one out of this group???
Mary: you.
Kat: haha 🙂 fair 🙂
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underaverageheight · 1 year
Archive 01 - limbo
i found an old piece i wrote when skz-replay came out
LMH x gn!reader angst with a little bit of fluff at the end (mb guys i wrote this with 'limbo' in mind haha) Warning(s): profanity y'all know i dont proofread
You were going abroad. Leaving for school, making you leave behind your current life. Making you leave behind Minho. You were already having a hard time taking in the fact that you were leaving for 5 years to a foreign place with no one you knew.
Minho knew how much you wanted to learn the arts, encouraging you to leave, saying, “5 years isn't too long. It's okay. I'll be here.“ Already ticked off, you retaliated, screaming that he only wanted you gone and that he won't be waiting when you come back.
“Fuck this, I'm going. I might not even come back. Maybe I'll find someone that wants me to stay.” With the slam of a door, you quickly scrambled to finish packing.
“I- fuck. fine.“ Heavy footsteps tread away from the door. Packed, you set out the house key and all the pictures of Minho. Tears threatened to fall but you pushed through and left. It was an hour to the aiport. All throughout the ride, you were quietly sobbing, making the driver uncomfortable.
Minho sat with his head buried in his hands at his desk, a few tears falling. He was so confused. “I only encouraged you to chase your dream, as you did to me…so why, why is it like this?“ He stopped, looking towards the office door, hearing the front door slam. Shit. He jumped up, grabbing his coat and keys.
Approaching the front door, he saw the pictures and keys, scattered all over the floor. He picked one up. It was a picture of you and him, after his first concert. Minho's heart clenched as he left to chase his lover, his best friend, his motivator.
It took an hour and a half to the airport. You dabbed at your puffy red eyes, pulling your hat down even lower. You sat, waiting in the terminal. 1 hour til I can forget and start anew. Looking around, you saw families, couples, students leaving and coming back. I am so sorry. What if he's not actually going to wait? Are we already done? God, I'm so stupid.
Remembering that you bought the tickets on a shared account, Minho found the terminal for the flight as he raced through the airport. 30 minutes. Don't leave me just yet love.
With 15 minutes left before boarding, he made it to the terminal. Staring blankly, you broke your concentration to look at the guy who ran to the chairs, looking around for something or someone. He was covered up, wearing a certain dark navy jacket. The one you gifted him for his birthday.
He's here? Eyes wide, you ran up and hugged him tightly from behind. You sniffled, “Looking for someone?“
“Yeah, you,” a soft chuckle rippled through his body. Minho turned around and picked you up. “I…I didn't mean that I wanted you to go. It's just- when I wanted to give up training, you encouraged me. You pushed me. That's why I fell in love with you. I just want you to chase your dream now,” his voice cracked at the last part.
“Min, I'm so sorry for yelling. I was just stressed- and scared. But that is no excuse for what I said. I am so so sorry.“ You buried your face into his warm chest. Gentle hands traced patterns and softly pat your back, a quiet comforting motion.
“Last call for boarding!“
“Are you going?“ Minho asked, breaking the embrace. “Will you be here when I come back?“
“Of course, love” with a kiss, you left.
A/N: as i said before, i found this when i was organizing my files, decided to put this out there since i haven't posted in a while, i am beginning to progress a bit on Love w/ felix but anyways feel free to reblog w/ or w/out feedback/comments (this is a sub-blog so i can't return comments ㅠㅠ) have a great day and stay tuned ^^
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floralhuqzz · 1 year
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (fem! reader x Kai Anderson)
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(english is not my first language) <3
WARNINGS: stalker kai
I woke up by the sound of my alarm, it was currently 7AM it was time to go to work. I work in a small coffe, shop just about 10 mins from my house. 
I got up and checked my phone, nothing. No messages. Nothing. As i expected. I am not really a sociable person, i dont have that many friends, neither i have a partner. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to do my usual skin care routine. I finished and went straight into the kitchen when my cat Milo started meowing, like he was asking me to give him his morning breakfast. I chuckled and went to the fridge and grab some wet cat food for him and pour it on his little plate. When i finished with Milo i started to make myself some breakfast as well, I have one hour until my work starts so I have to be quick. I made myself some toast, fried eggs and coffee and sat down while i was reading my favorite book. When i finish i went to brush my teeth and get ready, not forgetting to do my makeup.  
I said goodbye to Milo with a little kiss on his head and i head and took some more coffee with me (im a big coffee lover) I took my keys, my bag and everything i needed for my 5 hour time job. I got out and start walking towards my car while i was too busy scrolling through my phone when i accidentaly bump into someone
“shit!-” i say after i notice i dropped my coffee on the floor
I looked up just to see a tall blue haired guy with coffee all over his jacket
“OMG IM- IM SO SO SORRY” I said still looking at his now jacket covered in coffee
“oh haha, its okay no worries, its just coffee after all, i can just wash this off” he said looking at his jacket and looking back at me
“are you sure?” I said worried and embarrased 
“totally fine haha.. and sorry for you coffee” he said now looking at my cup on the floor
“oh the coffee is nothing” I said picking up the cup from the floor
“I would pay you off somehow but im already getting late to work uhh” I said slightly chuckling 
“oh its totally fine, I was heading home right now anyways so dont worry” 
I must say he is pretty good looking, even with his dirty long blue hair and his jacket now covered with coffee. I feel like ive seen him somewhere but i dont know where... 
“Well then see ya around?” i said smiling and waving at him as i walk away
“see you around y/n” he said looking at me with a smirk on his face as he heads home
i suddenly stopped “how does he know my name?....” i thought to myself while seeing him walk away in the distance.
I head to work and start my shift. The only thing on my mind was that blue haired guy. Does he know me?. Do I know him?. I Certainly dont but, i feel like ive seen him somewhere but.. where?.... 
“miss.. miss?” 
I didnt notice that i was completely zoomed out while a costumer was talking to me
“oh! um- so sorry, that would be 3$ please” i said smiling and a little embarrased
I finished my work around 12 and headed to the supermarket for some groceries. I got inside and starting to look my grocerie list when i bump into someone.. “AGAIN? why is this happening to me” i thought to myself
“oh its you again” a mans voice spoke
“I look up just to see.. “HIM AGAIN? please god kill me” i thought 
It was the blue haired guy?! AGAIN? what is he doing here? is he stalking me or something??
“oh hi, omg i dont know whats wrong with me today im sorry” i laughed awkwardly.
“its completely fine, and hey, my jacket its not cover with coffee anymore” he said chuckling 
“uff im glad, sorry for that again” i said in relieve
“getting some groceries huh?” he asked
“yeah umm... my cat... my cat has no food and i have to buy him some” i said slightly smiling 
“ ohh, Milo? was it?” he asked looking at me dead in the eyes
“how does he know my cats name?... okey this is fucking weird” i thought to myself
“how... how do you know Milo?” i asked kinda creeped out
“oh, im your new neighbour, i moved next to you like what?, 3 weeks ago? and you know,  i asked about you around town and they told me you have a cat named Milo thats all” he said crossing his arms
my new neighbour? how tf i didnt know about this? i know now why his face sounded familiar.
“oh- omg, i didnt know im sorry” i laughed 
“its fine dont worry”
we stayed there looking at eachother with nothing to say. 
“so are you going to ask for my number or are just gonna stand there?” he said smirking
“w-what?” i asked slightly blushing at the question. i did wanted his phone number tho, im glad he was the one who asked
“yeah sure hah” i said unlocking my phone
“here you have it” he gave me a piece of paper 
“see you soon y/n” he winked at me and walked a way
i stood there in complete shock of what just happened. I decided to look at the  the paper he just gave me just to find something he written “see you at my house at 9 today? call me xxx
“wait i didnt catch your name” i said when he turn his head around
“Kai Anderson”
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bluedeedeedoop · 10 months
Character Asks for Barriss
5, 9, 12, 18, 22, 26 (with Ahsoka), 35, and 44 😁
YIPPEEE THANKS FOR SENDING!!^^ 5. Best personality trait i just fucking love how pOLite she is cuz like- tHE BOW SHE GIVES AHSOKA WHEN THEY MEET?? HELLO??? so fucking adorable. Also love how when ahsoka was like "dont worry we'll run out of air long before we starve" tHE WAY SHE RESPONDED??? BEAUTIFUL. STUNNING. "That's a comforting thought, thANks" like honestly the way i interpreted that was she was like " 🧍" 9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character god okay, this is a hard one. I've been watching clone wars all my life, but I gotta say when i sat down for the first time to seriously watch the whole show through, (i previously would watch episodes that more recently came out or whenever it was on tv), I fell in love with Barriss's character when, you guessed it, she introduced herself to Ahsoka. "Padawan learner, Barriss Offee, at your service." OKAY BUT LIKE i had previously been scrolling through shit online and i saw a barrissoka thing and i was like huh. never thought of that. (before rewatching the show thoroughly). haha barrissoka AS A JOKE. BUT THEN LIKE I BECAME OBSESSED AND I WAS LIKE BROOOO I DONT THINK ITS A JOKE ANYMORE. so by the time i saw her again on screen interacting with ahsoka i was like HER.SHE.THEM.LOVE. 12. Crack headcanon Barriss HATES when her sleep is interrupted. like a lot. if she is not set to wake up until a certain time and someone wakes her up? she will hold a grudge for the rest of the week. 18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
The fact that Barriss was a child soldier i feel like would be a major contributing factor for the need for therapy... Like... a medic on top of that. the way she must have seen so many horrors in order for her to resort to the actions she took. she was only like 17 or 18 and i will forever stand by that. 22. Best physical feature God i love her tattoos sm. like, thats prob the part i love adding to the drawings i make with her, it just completes it! like NOW you know its barriss! and the fact they came from major accomplishments just ties it all together! 26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom] Okay so if it wasn't already super fucking obvious i have like a major fictional crush on her, so i would probably pass the fuck out. thank you for listening to my ted talk. okay but if ahsoka was stuck in an elevator with her, then okay hear me out: they be gay. they are gay. Barriss would for sure be the one trying to stay calm on the outside but be internally freaking the fuck out like holy fucking shit someone kill me now why must this happen to me kinda freak out yk? Ahsoka would be like oh but at least we together :D (i stand by the barriss being gay panic around ahsoka.) 35. Their idea of a perfect day
Okay she would LOVE to have the majority of the day to herself, doing her own thing and enjoying alone time in the archives or her room, but I for sure think she would love to spend the evening with Ahsoka, whether that be walking and talking together or doing some sort of activity, i just think overall they would enjoy each other's company. <3 44. Their happiest memory Me, personally, i believe it was for sure with Luminara. That women cares so much for barriss and anyone who believes otherwise get tf off my blog. I headcanon Barriss to have been comforted by Luminara a LOT when she was younger, specifically with nightmares or hard tasks, luminara was always there. I want to believe that when Luminara took Barriss to illum, she and Barriss enjoyed the snow together, and I think that that memory is always dear in Barriss's heart. AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASKS!!! ^^^^
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bladee show summary:
(putting under read more cus its Long)
☯️ he sang so many songs from the fool, a couple mechatoks, but also a lot of songs from red light n exeter. it was a good balance...he did imaginary from exeter which was so ethereal.. and botox lips ?!?!? we were all stunned he pulled that one out
💟 crowd was so fun and happy,. big sense of camaradarie. i was standing there for like an hour b4 the set started to secure my spot so i overheard lots of funny stuff. there was a guy who wld hold up a copy of halo 3 and everyone would start chanting HALO 3!!! HALO 3!!!!
🛐 (this is the most insane part of the whole show for me.) so, like 2 hours before the set, it started to get rly cloudy. n i thought to myself, yea, its gonna rain for bladee's set, it just has to! waiting, waiting, the clouds getting darker but still no rain. then about 5 mins before his set begins, light raindrops. i was like haha...ok.. here we go... he comes on, and first song he plays is the fool intro. and it was like, as soon as it came on, it started POURING. and then, there's that lyric:
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and as he sang it he just like smiled and shrugged and i was like oh. my god. its clicking. he summoned this?!'?,?! he summoned this, like, he made it rain for us. and magic is real. i was too overwhelmed to even cry, but i cry now processing it. we drained the sky & the sky drained us. how could i even try to put it into words. it was just angelic. n i thought, "ok now i bet the rain is gonna stop as soon as this ends." and sure enough, the rain poured down for his entire set, then just abruptly halted as soon as it was over. didnt rain again for the rest of the night. like how did he do that. guys how did he. do that
✝️ at the beginning of his set i had to face a trial from this dude who weirdly targeted me. he kept trying to mosh, but it was clear that he like, was young n didnt understand crowd etiquette. like we were standing close to the sidelines, n it was obvious no one else but this one dude was trying to get thrashed about. and he also just weirdly kept coming for me, altho my friends were trying to block it. i was giving him benefit of the doubt at first but as it went on n was clear he was disturbing everyone around us...i knew i had to put a stop to it. so i had a Power moment. like i somehow developed blood devil strength n when he came towards me again i grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, w both hands, and THREW him into the ground FACE first jfbsshshah. it looked painful and i laughed at him menacingly. it was so feral of me but like. he had to learn. and he immediately just got up n fucked off. then everyone peacefully danced and had fun together after that! cus none of us wanted to mosh, we are drainers bro! i did feel kinda bad cus i am generally pro-moshing but there are unspoken rules yknow. no one had opened up a pit, we werent even close to the middle, there was lots of girlies around me in their tiny outfits n precarious platforms, it wasnt cool of him. moshing can b the most fun in the world when its done rite w/ ppl who get it. i will admit, it was a great release of all my pent up rage to commit a little violence. and commit it in such a way that it actually just benefitted everyone around me. all while im wearing a frilly petticoat and fake puppy ears and bladee is singing be nice to me. The Glory Is Mine :) also, after the show, my friends confirmed that he was weirdly targeting me and aiming for me specifically even when they'd try to block him. no clue why but that made it all the more satisfying that i was the one to shut him down.
♈️ a girl in the crowd who i dont know handed me a bottle of poppers and i was like yeah ok fuck it. took a whiff n just passed it onwards.
💟 he left immediately after the set ended so no one got to meet him but i dont mind. im so happy w the experience he gave us. i cant blame him for wanting to leave cus there was sooo many people at the festival it wouldve caused chaos if he'd tried to meet fans. also they didnt bring any merch which was kinda sad but o well!! im too broke to b spending my money on that rn anyways lol
☯️ he was wearing a walgreens hat and didnt take off his sunglasses the entire time. he was also wearing white gloves.
🛐 after the show we hung around, watched 100gecs but my feet were Kill so stayed at the back. it was rly good, they played hand crushed by a mallet and 800db cloud, my two fav songs by them.. hand crushed by a mallet lyrics rly had me in my feelings thinking about saint.
🕉 after that the festival ended n everyone was talking about this after party laura was playing at meow wolf but it cost like $40 to get in. n we were like...so tired...not paying for that...but... well, eleanor is rly tite w the people who started meow wolf, who were there at the festival. so she pulled some strings n got us in for free. like my body was dying but i knew i had to go on. and it was so fucki g worth it. omg. before lauras set our meow wolf friends took us thru all these exhibits that are usually packed with people but they were completely empty for us. it was UNREAL. i took so many pictures, mostly on my digital camera cus my phone was almost dead, gona upload them to my laptop in a bit so i can post some. it was so massive and beautiful and layed out so thoughtfully. felt like something id dream of as a child. we played and explored for half an hour or so until laura's set started. which i already talked about, it was legendary, she is so fucking funny and dope. truly inspiring confidence and stage presence. watching her drunkenly fight the sound guy was so beautiful. like she rly just wanted to play her songs and party all night :") i wouldve gone all nite if they'd let her. sometimes dylan would put on a song n it'd be like some rly complex n unique hyperpop song then laura would come back n put on kesha. it was truly madly deeply iconic, so so glad 2 be a part of it.
💟 all in all, it was so much more than i ever couldve expected. it felt better than a dream. all day i thought about saint so much and i saw them in everything. i think there's no better way i couldve honor my friend and everything their life stood for. i really feel like they were there with me, and they were divinely intervening in their own ways. im really happy. i feel a renewal of faith in my heart and reassured that i am still able to enjoy myself. life can still be beautiful...loss and gain... we just have to go on and transmute the pain into beauty however we can. i love u guys very much, if u read all of this, thats so cool and i love you. #<3.
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wc-wild-rewrite · 8 months
Rising Storm reread!
Overall, 9.5/10, thoughts at the bottom of the post. Half point removed for having an odd pacing, not much technically happened but also a lot happened as well, i always think the events of this one are in forest of secrets.
Huh, they actually foreshadow the second arc and skyclan, neat
Careful Runningnose, i dont like the way you phrased that
Ooo spooky omens, i like it
Chapter 1
Im retracting my statement from last book, i dont like cloudpaw
Tigerclaw was banished a quarter moon ago
Might be harsh, but fireheart's right, cloudpaw's gotta learn respect for the prey
More exposition, but placed better, feels more like his memories than the authors
Willowpelt is expecting
Why have ash and fern not been apprenticed yet, their a moon older than cloud
Thank you whitestorm for helping our boy with patrols
In fireheart's defense, its hard to keep track of where one cat is, nevermind a whole clan
Aww hi brightpaw
So mistlekit is still alive, eh? Kit survived the whitecough bought
Unfortunatrly the elders werent incorrect in their worry
I like this start, the writing is far smoother
Chapter 2
"Your eyes have always betrayed your heart" i really like that line
Fireheart being scared of a kitten is shockingly in character, same tom who overthought a mossball comment
I like the implication that bluestar and leaders generally visit the nursery a lot
Ah, theres the slightly jarring exposition
I love whitestorm so much
I know it wasnt canon at the time of writing the book, but i like that whitestorm's the one to be concerned, thsts his auntie
Honestly i can't blame bluestar for losing trust so fast, being backstabbed like that can really mess with your head, i've seen it happen
But thats also really sad, she was so happy to announce cloudpaw's ceremony last book
Cloudpaw has been an apprentice for a half moon
Fireheart, lets not continue with the pity
Cinderpaw was made yellowfang's apprentice a moon and a half ago
From an author persepctive, not a fan of cinderpaw's worry here, but from a character perspective, i understand her, its a lot to learn, especially at such a young age with people's health at stakr
Ok i understand why he chose darkstripe instead of sandstorm, no need to risk more clan unease at the moment, but god i hope he explains this rationally to sandstorm
Chapter 3
I know bluestar's aggression is a bad thing, but she's got a point, two attacks in one moon means you gotta keep some around
Cloudpaw being annoying, as usual
Ash and Fern, yay!
Chapter 4
Oo, i like the imagery of that nightmare
Ah, here's bluestar's...not mania, i dont think thats the word, but impulsiveness, maybe
Haha runningwind doesn't like cloudpaw, cant blame him
I like bluestar in book 2 was like "runningwind is a good cat but he wouldnt be good with apprentices" and he keeps getting stuck with apprentices
Chapter 5
Exposition part 3
Even with her mind clouded, her instincts are sharp
Yay bluestar's happy
Oh nevermind
Ah, hello mudclaw, not the last time your gonna cause trouble
Bluestar no-
Chapter 6
Goddamn it cloudpaw
Both runningwind and fireheart are increasingly exasperated with him
Fireheart, your the most patient cat on earth for putting up with cloudpaw for so long, lets hope it pays off
Chapter 7
Quarter moon since the moonstone attempt
Graystripe has been in riverclan for nearly a moon
Greenleaf is furball season
Stop looking at him, your making him nervous
Chapter 8
Ok, wildly abrupt time cut
Littlecloud was 3 moons old when he was apprenticed in the first book
Jesus, poor kit
Damn, i feel bad for these two
This whole time and no one was aware of these paths?
Chapter 9
Not sure how i feel about this new sandstorm
Oh look Fireheart, cloudtail took your advice from the first book
Chapter 10
I know hes written as arrogant, and he is very arrogant, but his confused look there gives me "autist who needs a rule to be explained far more bluntly" vibes, as one myself
Willowpelt's kitting
Aw no poor cinderpaw
Oh, cinderpelt. When'd she get her name?
Two she-cats and a tom, eh? Alright, rain, soot, which of you is the trans tom?
Bit of an awkward transition to the next day there, but alright
Two moons since the last rain
Chapter 11
Aw, cinderpelt
Fireheart cant stay mad at his baby sister forever
Sandfire advenetures!
Cloudpaw no!
Chapter 12
Okay, bad wording fireheart, but sandstorm turned way too quickly
Oh, poor ash
Chapter 13
Aw, ashfur, babie boy. Im gonna hate you next arc
Ok good, bluestar still has some wisdom in hef
Fireheart please take cinderpelt's advice, let spottedleaf go
Chapter 14
Brackenfur's not stupid, he can see u like her, fireheart
Aw, whitestorm's so concerned for his aunt
Im just picturing bluestar lying on her side, sadly licking dew from individual leaves
Chapter 15
Willowpelt not being forced into mother or warrior solely, for the win!
Oh no, runningwind!
Ah shit, there goes whitethroat
Tigerclaw u fucker
Chapter 16
Skinny tigerclaw is a cursed image
Whitestorm to the rescue!
And greystripe!!
Chapter 17
I love how considerate fireheart is
Uh oh, bluestar, please stay calm
I think the writers got confused on mourning rituals, isnt it those closest to the dead that sit vigil?
Still, poor runningwind
Thornpaw, buddy! You've been given absolutely no characterization so far, poor guy, the neglected littermate
Yellowfang's reminded of Brokenstar, isnt she
Chapter 18
Aw, brackenfur playing with the kits
What ever happened to the "dont eat on hunting patrols" thing he was critizing cloudpaw about earlier?
Ravenpaw!!! My buddy!!!
Oh lord, exposition
Cloudpaw's been missing for a quarter moon
Chapter 19
Goddamn why is sandstorm so quick to fight with him
I see where shes coming from, dont leave the clan unguarded to go pick up your nephew from a twoleg nest, but have like, a reasonable discussion at least
...au where brightpaw comes across tigerclaw during the journey back to camp and gets kidnapped or killed
He has his own territory!! Good for you, dude!
Chapter 20
Thunderclan tree scaling skills coming in handy again
Why is sandstorm so harsh against ravenpaw???
Im glad ravenpaw has confidence, and a lot of it, given he just willingly alerted dogs to himself
Chapter 21
Cloudpaw better be on a redemption arc now, i really want to like him
Deadfoot nooo
Haha webpaw said fuck that
Aw, ashpaw, cutie
Hell yeah, more elders liking cloudpaw content
Chapter 22
Bluestar's memory is fading isnt it
Ok good cloudpaw's improving
I love these nightmares and omens, shame ive never seen fanart for them
Chapter 23
Ah, the fire, time for heartbreak
Ough, the image of patchpelt trying to drag halftail to saftey
I know yellowfang dies this book but shes gotta be alive! Shes just gotta!
Au where yellowfang survives and teaches leafpool
Chapter 24
Nooo, patchpelt!
Au where bluestar dies instead of yellowfang
Huh, they remembered mistlekit's existence, but not the fact she should definitely be an apprentice by now
Chapter 25
Ah good, leopardfur's softening a bit
Aw, smallear wanting to bury patchpelt
I'd be neat if one of the willowkits got asthma from this, but i know they dont
Chapter 26
Darkstripe you dick
Yess dustpelt becoming likeable
Bluestar's getting worse, isnt she
Storm and Feather! Babies!
Chapter 27
I like crookedstar
God, it really is destroyed, huh
Poor halftail
This is horrific, one of the worse deaths, if shes still conscious when fireheart finds her, she was probably conscious all night
"I wish you had been my son, but i could not have borne a cat like you" god.
Oh god, the image of fireheart desperately talking over her, knowing shes gone, ough
Chapter 28
I cant even blame bluestar here, i'd break from this too
Rip yellowblue shippers (fangfur? Bluefang?)
Three quarter moon
Chapter 29
I think cloudpaw has gotten "my boy!" status
Whitestorm's such a good warrior, man, i love him
Darkstripe's a dick part ???
Chapter 30
See, this is why i love firestar, he didnt have to tell runningnose personally, he could've just announced it
Ohoho, hello tigerclaw, you evil fucker
My thoughts
9.5/10, technically a lot happened but it also felt like nothing happened, so half a point off. I liked it though, the writing is holding up so far, everyone's mostly in character- aside from sandstorm's flip-flopping- and the fire scenes were brutal. Not necessarily my favourite so far, but high up
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crowning-art · 2 years
ok, ok Ok OK
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ok no, let's get through this calmly EFNOENFOEINF I DUNNO HOW I"LL DO THAT BUT OK
On the third finger of his left hand was a very thin red string, and it was Hua Cheng who had personally tied it on him. This red string also extended out, long and ceaselessly connecting with the red string knotted around Hua Cheng’s finger.
Hua Cheng raised his own hand and showed him the tiny red butterfly knot that was now identical on both their fingers. He smiled.
“Now we’re joined together.
But then, to crush my spirits....
This string won’t break, and won’t grow shorter. If the string doesn’t break, then it means the person on the other end is alright. Unless the person is no more, otherwise, this string will for sure lead to the other.”
“What do you mean ‘no more’?” Xie Lian asked.
“Dead, or dissipated,” Hua Cheng explained
Heheheh live reaction of me reading this section:
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Just then, a hand suddenly stretched out, seizing his wrist without fault. Xie Lian was alarmed.
The moment he opened his mouth it was filled with a mouthful of mud, and he spat it out miserably. As for that hand, it clutched him and pulled, pulling him into someone’s arms, a familiar voice coming from above his head.
“Gege, it’s me!”
Hearing that voice, Xie Lian’s entire person relaxed. He hugged the other tightly, blurting,
“…Thank goodness, the red string didn’t break. I really did find you!”
Hua Cheng also embraced him back tightly, speaking with conviction, “It didn’t break! I’ve found you too.”
Me reading Yin Yu and Qi Ying's story:
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So first of all, BABY QI YING IS SO DAMN CUTE?? AND FOR WHAT????? all like YA LETS FIGHT!! and he's raising his itty bitty cutie patootie little fists and he's acc so adorable oh my god
Yin Yu took a look at the child sitting on the ground, and he crouched down. Before he even opened his mouth, this little child scooped a handful of mud and threw it at his face, his expression still excited.
Ok, this line deserves a whole essay
There must be “fanaticism” towards something before one can achieve a state of “godly”.
Like that absolute truth of the matter?? The obsession one has with anything makes them go into such nitty gritty details and observe patterns that others would overlook simply on account of FANATICISM, yknow? And it's so explicitly seen in everything from master chefs to world renowned artists to the most brilliant of scientists. Truly to be a master, you must have a madness and obsession for the craft first.
Truly one of my favorite lines in the book so far
Haha when I read this part, I had a mental image of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng sitting in a theater eating popcorn and Xie Lian is like ohhhhhh can we watch this part too lmao
Watching up to this point, Xie Lian commented, “People really shouldn’t joke lightly.”
“Indeed,” Hua Cheng said. “Half a year later when Quan Yizhen actually ascends, he won’t find it so funny anymore.”
“Can we watch that part too?” Xie Lian asked.
“We can. Hold on,” Hua Cheng replied.
This was kinda cute but I guess knowing everything now, just kinda sad...
Xie Lian had also heard that Yin Yu, as shixiong, would always gift Quan Yizhen a present on his birthdays.
He called out to Jian Yu, “Help me find something, quick, something that can temporarily be used as a gift.”
Jian Yu grabbed a rag cloth and threw it onto the ground. He stomped at it twice before saying hatefully, “Give this to him."
Ok but I'm seeing such a contrasting yet parallel relationship between beefleaf and Qi Ying and Yin Yu. I will probably talk about that more next time because it's a lot lol but like this is such an excellent example of it (that I will explain later lmao)
Yin Yu’s smile became stiffer. What he couldn’t take on, Quan Yizhen took on so effortlessly.
This was very much like a situation where you just couldn’t win over a girl you loved, and she ignored you completely, but when she ran into the arms of someone else in tears, this someone else couldn’t even be bothered to spare her a look and instead turned around to tell you how she was only average, nothing to be amazed by. Truly, what a bitter feeling.
God yes I truly understood exactly how Xie Lian felt because it was so agonizing and awkward to watch everything go down between the oblivious Qi Ying and the slowly maddening Yin Yu....
And like the part where he tells him GO DIE and everything that happened after and the instant regret and broken feeling Yin Yu went through and just he gave and gave and gave and gave and got nothing while Qi Ying got everything and more and frustration of watching him act like nothing happened because suddenly it makes YOU look like you're the jerk and that youre just being over dramatic and the absolute hate that started festering simply on account of outside influence from the other disciples and later on, the heavenly court (or maybe outside influence was just an excuse and the problem lay dormant within) and to have your hubris and jealousy and pride ruin what was good or so you thought and suddenly you go back and think about all the past memories and it's like wait, was it ever good a-
Ok I'll stop lol
Quan Yizhen was still very confused. He looked back and saw Yin Yu sitting on the ground, so he crawled to stand up, seeming to want to help him up. Seeing that completely oblivious face matched with a background of his smashed divine palace, Yin Yu was still silent but his face was slowly contorting.
Quan Yizhen didn’t know what transpired at all, and asked, “Shixiong, what are you doing?”
It was like Yin Yu suddenly lost all sanity. He puffed an abrupt laugh, then shouted with eyes brimming red:
I just... really feel for both parties, yknow? And back to classic statement I keep saying, who can u even blame? Whose at fault? Nothing is black and white here, it never was and never will be....
I called it
He twitched his lips and muttered without a sound, “Guoshi?!”
The person on the other side of the stone wall had the exact same voice as the esteemed master who once taught him in the Kingdom of Xianle.
(Fineeee i won't speak of Jun Wu again, but like alsooooo he's sooooo a part of something I can't help it and I just don't know what it is AND ITS BOTHERING ME BEYOND WORDS)
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arthotsglasses · 2 years
Admin's Little Simp Diary
So yesterday yk suffering from "post Clavis Simping" phase, I found out about AI that create illustrations from the keywords you type in. My Twitch chat was telling me all about it and I got to use it.
And that moment, I completely lost it. my existence felt so useless, worthless, because some machine now has way better art skill and speed within seconds. Ai produces things that would take me so much time and effort to make. All my hard work to learn the skills, anatomy, perspective, etc, felt so useless. As a freshman college student trying to get a job in the art industry, I've been bombarded within the past few weeks of people telling me to apply to this and that, internships, competitions, projects, sooooo much work. I couldn't do it, I didn't feel good enough, I was devastated. I didn't know how I was gonna overcome this Ai thing and get a job. There is nothing that I can do better compared to the ai. I fell into this depressing moment of questioning my existence.
Chat asked me, if I exist to draw, and at first I said yes. But the more I think about it, I don't. I exist to simp, I genuinely enjoy that feeling of loving 2D anime boys.... and drawing/art is a method of simping where I can contribute to the content and fandom for my enjoyment.
spoilers for Clavis route below lel
Then Clavis came into my mind... he was born to face Chev who is literally a god, genius, gigachad. He can't be beaten in any skillful way. So ofc I can imagine how painful that would be. But, there was something that even Chev couldn't do. To be a decent compassionate human being. The imperfections of Clavis (aka humanity) having to work so hard to reach a certain level, caring for minority, and how he would go to die for some small amount of people, it made me realize that's who we are. We can't always make best decisions for the world, create the most technically correct art to perfection (Chev). But what really matters is what I want to do. idgaf if anyone else can be more dedicated to their 2D mans than me, what matters is the love and connection I feel towards them and how it makes me happy (but that is also really hard for me because my nature is very competitive and I hate it when anyone is better than me). because that's what separates us from Ai (till the day ai gets emotions and free will to destroy us all haha) but then again, I dont care if ai can simp better than me either. Not my problem good for you gl hf.
I love Chev, I think he is such a cool guy and literally good at everything yes. But I dont want to be him. I would rather be Clavis who enjoys life, face his fears, have insecurities, compassion, and selfishness to only give a fuck about his small group of people who he loves. So I'm starting to accept my fears and lack of ability as who I am and understand that that is a beautiful thing. Because I think Clavis as a person is beautiful. The vast scale of ups and downs of emotions I feel are what makes life joyful and appreciated. Plus, I always tend to forget that I don't always have to achieve grand massive world scale goals. Like Clavis, if I am happy, loved by people who I want to be loved by, care for the people who I care, that is enough. I can work at a small game studio just enough to feed myself and some spare change to simp, and Im good. that is enough for me and I think I can manage to do that much in life (because I have crippling anxiety that I will never get a job and starve to death homeless fr).
Come to realize it now, this is the reason why I felt Clavis' route so amazing yet painful. It made me uncomfortable but I took steps to reevaluate my world views and what matters most. and at the end of the day, I'm here on earth for a bit, so might as well enjoy it to the fullest. There are qualities of Clavis that makes me love him so much, and I also happen to have some the same qualities. So, why not love myself a bit too? It's gonna be a long journey and this is only a baby step for my self love, but I have some hope. He also said if you haven't given up, if you haven't died, you haven't lost. So, I will continue to try even if I fail, I will apply to those internships, competitions even if I dont win. And one day, I hope I can find someone like how Clavis found MC because oh boy did Clavis look so happy at the end. I believe I can reach that point one day too.
Just remember, answer to everything is to simp.
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arlecchno · 1 year
5 hours of sleep squad …. i honestly dont know how well i sleep but today i had a dream and alhaitham and kaveh were in it (i only got to chat w haitham tho) i was in this gigantic ass library type thing and it looked so cool , the entire thing was made out of dark brown wood and it was so pretty (i actually had another dream where i was in the same building before where i was running errands around the “school” HAHAH) but yeah since it was a library / school type place i was obviously there to learn shiz and — this is the weird part — the lesson was on dreams !!!!!!! and like bro ?? are my dreams becoming self aware ? 😨 i thought the lesson was interesting but alhaitham tried to gaslight me into not liking it (an exaggeration , he just thought i was lying when i said it was interesting) i think he was supposed to be like ,,, a helper to me in the dream idfk it was funky as hell - sorry for going off on a tangent about my dream LMFAO
WHSJSJ fischl is my baby shes one of the first 4*s i got and i kinda relate to her on some level , i too love playing pretend , but mostly when i was younger id pretty much spend all my recess roleplaying with my friends . trying to imitate my favorite characters is a pastime ive always enjoyed , and it honestly makes me insanely happy when people say i kinda act like my faves (ig its smth i do subconsciously LOL) because its like “WAIT . THEY THINK IM LIKE THIS INSANELY COOL CHARACTER I LOVE WITH A BURNING PASSION ???? [inaudible screaming]” recently ive found myself a new genshin rp friend and . dude . id never have thought that playing as alhaitham would be so goddamn fun . screenies for funnies:
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(making cynos joke was so much fun too so i included it)
bro i lost my mf 50/50 to jeAN on haithams banner - not even a diluc , tall men hate me ig LMAO and it really doesnt help that ive been drained as hell from school lately so ive been slacking w my fricking primo farming ;_;
YESS the fungi event was lovely but tbh … the entire event i was just yelling about how i wanted to see cyno HAHAHAH - i suffer with chronic writers block (/hj) so . like . [dead alex sound]
GREAT NEWS my injury has healed hooray !!
absolutely , escaping school is great , id probably go on more field trips if it didnt mean id have to do makeup work tbh , i hate doing makeup work .
DINGDINGDING ! YOU ARE CORRECT ! the region i was going for was indeed mondstadt ! aster (my oc) lives in mond and is originally from khaenriah , im glad i didnt draw in their face yet because their eyes wouldve totally given away the fact they were khaenriahn LOL
my week was honestly pretty busy (atleast to my tiny brains standards , i feel like you could also tell by how long it took me to send another ask 😭😭) i had two tests today (that i frickin ACED HAHA im so proud of myself) one of my friends and some guy i share a bunch of classes with also gave me pieces of their cotton candy and the guy told me good job for actually doing my work LMFAO (i usually fall asleep in that class … haha ,,) and one of my other friends complained about also wanting food so i called him friendless (even though i thought the guy who gave me a piece of cotton candy didnt like me so i dont think he counts as a friend ??) my friend also recently introduced me to a series they liked and now im practically obsessed because DELICIOUS . i also recently did heizous hangout quest and GODDAMN he - he is so . im so gay for this detective motherfucker i was practically screaming at my ipad … haha …… heizou is honestly so my type he has such a way with words and i DO NOT know why a lot of npcs / characters in game talk about him negatively how do people not like him - yeah but i also almost went on a full genshin lore tangent to my ipad because of my uncontrollable urge to explain things SMH . oh my god the part where heizou said that he wanted us to be his partner all the time and i just straight up actually screamed , yes heizou ill be your partner forever if yk what i mean - HAHAHAH i also made a collection of goofy genshin triangles on one of my friends old schoolwork in math class hehe
aaaanyways id like to return your question ! how have your recent days been ? and if you dont deem anything of note or dont want to share , if you could choose anyone in genshin to share a house / be roommates with who would you choose ? (since these are again two questions , if you want , fire back two as well !) also , dude i have a terrible habit of rambling like crazy , so i totally dont mind if you ramble and stuff in replies (because i do that wayy too much as well LOL)
— jellyfish
HELLOO TO YOU!!!! your dream sounds so funny LOL in the 2 years i've played genshin i've never had any genshin characters appear in my dreams,,, it's always boring ones that revolve around my life. but nevertheless your dream made me imagine how alhaitham would act around you 😭 and the way he tried to gaslight you LMAO he's so cute and goofy
haha i love how enthusiastic you are about fischl!!! we all have that one character that we have an undying love for to the point that everyone you know in life knows them (for me that'd be kazuha,, every time someone sees him it'd just remind them of me hehe)
THE RPS LMAO “i just find you rather annoying.” THAT'S SUCH AN ALHAITHAM THING TO SAY!!! also i'm pretty oblivious so this just made me realize that the denial is a river in egypt tiktok meme is also pointing out the fact that the nile. is a river. in egypt???? i just found out it's a wordplay thing???? denial (the nile)???? damn i really thought it's like a random word being thrown to make it seem exaggerated or something 😭😭😭 i'm really dumb LMAO how did i not figure that out sooner 🙁🙁🙁 the fact that i know the nile is a river in egypt is embarrassing too like it never occurred to me to piece the puzzles together...
man that sucks 😭😭 i remember when you messaged me on genshin talking about it LOL please humbly accept my offer of my c2 diluc to you,,, he's been in my hands far too long and i cannot fathom the fact that he keeps appearing in my 50/50's (tighnari pls come home i beg). i was on a 50/50 for haitham too and the very loud sigh of relief i let out when he finally came home is insane. i've basically farmed everything in the new area (i have 99% exploration progress now due to it) and have milked my welkin for him so i'm glad he actually came home... the things i'd do if diluc appeared in screen instead should be left unsaid 🤗
aster is such a badass name and the fact that they're originally from khaenriah???? awesome as hell. hope they're besties with kaeya because that would be totally legen... wait for it, dary!!!! (cue my love for barney in himym i just had to quote him)
also very glad to see that your week has been going okay!!! would love some cotton candy rn tbh they're so good </3
and heizou's hangout quest.... honestly same. i haven't exactly finished all of the endings but i've done some and it made me squeal and giggle every time he flirted with us 😭 made me feel like a total loser with his charming words bro i can't believe the npcs in game have such negative views on him because me personally if i was in the game, i'd immediately fold for him the second he breathes in front of me HAHA i'm . not weird at all.
my week has been slow actually, i finished my finals a while ago so we have nothing to do now so i've been doing absolutely nothing at school LOL! senior year is coming up soon so i might be more busy and focusing more on my studies... it's sure gonna be hell for me.
and recently i've been packing up my stuff because i'm moving out!! (hence why i haven't posted a new asphodelus chapter lol i've been so busy). it's been rather slow for me tho since i have a lot of stuff and it's kinda hard to choose the ones i'd have to throw or give away because like,, i love all of my stuff 😭 my mom has helped me with some but i still got a shit ton of stuff to declutter. basically everything is a mess rn
other than that, i think everything's been a-okay! i'm just reaally busy with irl stuff now but i think i can survive through them :D (i hope i do because i am one inch away from going insane). also my mom's been trying to convince me to drive lately since i'm supposed to start now but i have been avoiding it,,, it's scary being on the road and i am far from ready to risk my life 😔
as for your question, i think out of everyone, i'd choose kazuha. before you say anything, i'm trying to not be as biased as i can since like kazuha is my favourite character ever— but yeah, i think i can accept the terms of living with the kaedehara kazuha. he's such a nice guy and although he's a very very lightweight and behind all that charming looks he's a pretty scary guy himself (cue that scene where he threatened that treasure hoarder in the archon quest that he'd brand his forehead with hot iron) i think i could actually survive living with him. he'd do his set of chores, i'd do mine, everyone gets their happy ending. if i were to live with my other favs like kuni and alhaitham i think i would just die. kuni would be rude as fuck and alhaitham would just bully his way out from doing our shared chores. i cannot deal with them. (i'm sorry my sweethearts i'll do you two justice one day)
time to give a question to you!!! how's your progress in genshin going? (it can be exploration wise, storyline, anything) and what's your current main genshin team rn :0
hope you're having a great day!!! it was fun talking with you hehe i've been dying to get an ask since the blog has been real quiet lately, and i'm glad it's you! have a wonderful day ahead :P
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seangelfish · 3 months
its like really hard to explain the whole british not british thing it genuinely depends on who you ask over here 😭😭
omg… maybe one day the anon will disappear and i can send the pictures 🙏🙏 one day….. BUT ALSO YEAH I GUESS FOR LIKE SAFETY REASONS AND STUFF IS WHY THE CANT
ive always thought about using buyee but ive just never actually tried it AHHHH SINCE YOU 🤨🫵 ARE A SEASONED PROFESSIONAL TELL ME… is it good ? cause i know the packages get sent to the warehouse and then sent out from there but im still just so hesitant on using it since i dont know a lot about it 😭😭 AHHH BUT I DID LOOK AT THE 2WINK AND KNIGHTS MERCH AND ITS SURPRISINGLY CHEAP… i knew 2wink would be cause theres not a lot of fans compared to other units but knights really surprised me since its so popular ???
its so cute that you took english lit for a levels oh my god 😭😭 i loved my english teacher we were doing like creative writing and she said i could write really good books for like teens AHHHH love her forever 🫶🫶🫶🫶
YEAH THE PARALIVE SONGS OUUHHHHH AUGHHH i heard them a long while ago and thats what got me into it in the first place but i just never really interacted with the fandom much AHHHH… but now,, NOW I MIGHT 🫵🫵🫵🤭🤭
-ainon ᡣ𐭩
That’s so weird. I have a feeling you’re like from Scotland or Wales now idk 😭
Yes!! I love using Buyee! There’s a lot of benefits, but that’s like with other proxies too. I’m just really used to this one. But yes, you’re right, it gets sent to the warehouse and they package all your items up and then send to you! Also, if you’re a new member, you get free shipping for 2,000 yen off!
Ikr when I saw Knights prices, I was kinda shocked 😭 but some Ritsu merch is so expensive compared to Leo merch. If you ever need help though, you can message me 😋
That’s so sweet!! I also have good experiences with my English teacher too 🥹 He graded my (personal) horror story and gave me full marks HAHA I miss GCSE English 😭
Ngl, I haven’t interacted too much with the fandom 😭 but that’s only bc I’m kinda a wuss. Enstarries are just so much easier to befriend LMAO but yes, you should properly get into it!! <3
Have a good evening, ainon!! 💖
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