#going to bed if you’re gonna be weird on this post overnight I’m gonna be really sad and disappointed in you
badolmen · 8 months
Bloody Sunday Massacre anniversary is tomorrow. My dad grew up hearing from ill informed Americans about how it was an ‘age old religious conflict’ (those Protestants and Catholics never get alone). How the violence in the north, the arrests and raids and terrorizing was justified (they had to stop those awful carbombing IRA terrorists!). How it was impossible, the country had been conquered for centuries (why would they see freedom now? they lost the war. let it rest).
And of course, it isn’t completely free and perfect. This year I’ve seen the “Irish Unification of 2024” Star Trek meme a dozen times. It’s heartening to think that such a thing could be possible, by chance to coincide with a scifi show’s alternate history.
(But all I think of is Palestine. The lies and misinformation and the propaganda machine oiled in innocent blood.)
Even today you cannot publically display the names of the killers of the Bloody Sunday Massacre in the UK. The families of the murdered have yet to see justice. Some doubt they ever will.
(I think of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians starving, grinding animal feed for flour in a manufactured famine.)
The Choctaw and Cherokee nations sent donations during An Ghorta Mor. The Sultan sent ships of food and aid only for the British to turn most away.
(I also think of the thousands of Gaeltacht after the language was pushed to the brink of extinction. I think of the homes built on ancestral land, no more landlords or laws prohibiting Irish claims. I think of the music and laughter and dance of my family who once fled as refugees of a manufactured famine - we call our cousins across the sea and sing Come Out Ye Black and Tans over choppy phone connections.
I think of a free Palestine, and I see it - because I can see a free Ireland, more free than she’s been in centuries, closer to unity than she’s ever been. It won’t be easy or pretty - it won’t end over night, or over a few years. But that never stopped the spirit of a people dedicated to their own liberation. I know because I’ve seen it, I’ve lived among the fruits of freedom.
We can hold their hand and say, we know your pain. We see your struggle. We understand the injustice your face. We are proof that it is possible to overcome these horrors and see days filled with peace and joy. We will walk with you.)
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rivetgoth · 8 months
i just got top surgery, if you can could you tell me about the whole process for you? i dont have any specific questions i need answered
Omg congrats on your surgery first of all!!
And sure!
I’m not sure which specific part of the process you’re curious about but I’m gonna focus on aftercare and recovery since I assume that would be your main focus right now.
I got double incision with free nipple grafts and drains. The moment I saw my chest for the first time I just remember feeling this sort of contentment and relief. Like “Oh, this is how it’s supposed to look.” The hospital I went to required patients to stay overnight so my first ~24 hours post-op were in a hospital bed hooked up to IV. I’m extremely grateful for this because by coincidence (the overnight stay was already planned in advance) I had a bad reaction to the anesthetic. I was entirely safe, nothing scary, but it causes me severe nausea and exhaustion and I didn’t feel loopy at all, just absolutely awful. I didn’t really sleep at all that night, I lay there falling asleep in weird short intervals, waking up, needing to pee, then stumbling back to bed. At one point I walked into the bathroom and it was covered in blood. I was so drugged out of my mind that I couldn’t really process it, it felt like I was dreaming.
After that the healing process was pretty easy though. I was prescribed antibiotics for like 10 days, oxycodone for half that time, and some really strong ibuprofen. They also gave me one of those anti-nausea patches on the back of my neck. I struggled with a bunch of nausea for the first day after getting out of the hospital but never threw up. I was pretty functional right away. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this but within the first 48 hours out of the hospital I was walking a few blocks to the closest grocery store and carrying groceries back. Felt like shit but survivable. About 4 days post-op I took a train 4-5 hours north to see family on my own then was in a car for another 4ish hours back home a couple days later. Just took a shitload of oxycodone and ibuprofen and played video games and listened to music the whole way, totally survivable. So it really wasn’t all that bad.
About 3 weeks post-op I went back to school and work. At the time I was on a pretty walking-heavy campus with tons of hills. I applied for short term disability just in case I had trouble carrying my textbooks around or walking up hills or something but tbh I never needed to utilize it, it was fine. I was super tired but fully functional. So overall I’d say recovery was pretty easy. I had limited mobility for a couple of weeks, it hurt to raise my arms above my head, needed help reaching some things and showering was a bit tricky, but over time that went away.
I’d say without a doubt the worst parts of recovery were:
Not being able to shower for the first week. This absolutely fucking sucked lol. I was so greasy it’s not even funny. I would try to rinse my hair with Angel’s help over the tub and do like sponge baths basically but it was NOT the same. Definitely recommend dry shampoo (we didn’t think of it until after). 
Sleeping on my back. I am NOT naturally a back sleeper. I really struggled with this. Having a dick piercing now I’ve gotten better at it lol but at the time especially it was so incredibly difficult to sleep this way, I was already crazy uncomfortable from surgery and being greasy and tired and sore and then on top of that I could NOT get comfortable to fall asleep.
I had some weird emotional and hormonal responses to the surgery. My period returned in full force about two weeks after my surgery for the first and only time since it stopped on T. At that time I also experienced some pretty nasty post-op depression. I think it was a mixture of weird dysphoria (mostly a sort of existential frustration that I had to go through the procedure in the first place), hormonal imbalances (again, my period returning…), and just general emotional response to recovering from a surgery and frustration with the minutia of the recovery process. I just felt really, really low. Tired and tired of being tired. This passed over time, but it was not fun.
Pettier complaints: Nipple grafts suck to heal and look disgusting at first. Trust the process lol. Wearing the compression vest is kind of annoying. I was like, dude, I got this surgery so I don’t have to bind anymore! 😭 Anesthetic can (and did) cause constipation. I had to buy laxatives. None of this was unbearable but it definitely all added up and contributed to the post-op depression.
Stay hydrated, eat well, take probiotics, take vitamins and supplements, take vitamin C and zinc, a small amount of exercise/physical movement is good but don’t overdo it, get lots of rest, and listen to your surgeon’s advice. If you’re not sure, ask.
I think my biggest advice is to remember that our bodies are pretty primitive things—Injury is injury to them. You’re getting a surgery you wanted to better your life longterm, your body is purely focused on healing, and is responding to awareness of an injury. It’s hard to feel super excited about the surgery right away, you’ll be too deep in your body’s healing response to physical trauma. It’s exhausting at times and it can almost feel like your body is working against you. It’s NOT. I found undergoing top surgery (and transitioning in general) to be an amazing meditative process in aligning your brain to your body better, but that’s a process, a relationship you form through work the same as any other. You need to trust your body’s natural healing process.
Bodies are weird and healing is messy. I had weird inexplicable symptoms that I’d tell myself I’d contact my surgeon about if they persisted or worsened and they didn’t. I had UTI-like symptoms for a day that went away on their own. I had really uncomfortable weird restless leg syndrome for a night or two. One of my drains came detached from the tape holding it down and it had no negative effect. One of my nipples looked vaguely infected but my surgeon was unconcerned and it healed fine. None of this was serious, try not to worry if things seem a little odd, unless symptoms get progressively worse, show no signs of getting better, or are really, really obvious signs of infection/complication. Just listen to your body and take care of it. 
I felt comfortable going out shirtless after about… a year or so? It took about that much time for things to settle. For a few months it almost looked like I had excess skin sagging on the sides, this went away by the 12ish month mark. Nowadays I don’t do any body building but I try to do some push ups every day to keep my chest somewhat fit. 4 years in and sensation is still minimal, definitely doesn’t have the same sensitivity as the rest of my body, but it also continues to return every day! Literally to this day I notice new shooting nerve sensations growing deep in my chest now and again. A few months ago I had notable nipple sensation for the first time since the surgery. My scars are still fading, although my chest generally seems to pass for cis irl which is awesome.
I could go on and on about all the small details but I think I’ve talked your head off enough for now hahaha. I love my results and I’d do the whole process over again a thousand times if it meant having what I have now. Literally changed (and saved) my life.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | twelve
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.1k
warnings: cussing/mature language, physical fighting, some asshole-ish things are said/some degradation but i meeeeean.. look at where we’re at lol
notes: i was going to wait a little bit to post this, but my lovely anon has been waiting patiently for their namjoon x ryujin one shot request, which majority takes place in conjunction with chapter 11-12. pls check it out after you read this chapter! 
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead@bluesharksandfish@photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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Grace knew.
A woman always listens to her intuition.
She knew when she caught that weird look you sent Jin's way during the charity event. When Jin stepped out to take a call in his car that same night. When she's seen his ring tucked away into his drawer multiple times. She knew when she's seen your name pop up on his screen more than once. She knew when the sex didn't feel the same, when Jin wouldn't touch her the same.
When he could barely look at her in bed.
Grace knew.
But she gave Seokjin a chance to tell her, to be honest. To communicate. Yet, it never came.
"G-Grace." He stutters, dropping your hand out of his grip. You stood there, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, unsure of what to do or how to look.
"I fucking knew it." She spits out. "You were seeing each other all this time." She comes closer to the both of you.
"Grace, stop. It's not what it looks like." Seokjin stupidly responds. You furrow your forehead from behind him because, what the fuck did he mean it's not what it looks like?
"How could you? Both of you?" She cries, her eyes bloodshot red. She had been crying. She was waiting. "You have the fucking nerve! You little homewrecking slut!" She yells at you, slapping you against the cheek. The heat pooling at the site causes you to gasp and look at her. You honestly don't even know what to do besides let her bed mad. What could you do? Fight back even though she was right? Hell nah.
"Grace! Enough!" He yells, grabbing her wrist. "This isn't what you think--"
"Save it, Seokjin. I got your message loud and clear." She gets out of his grip and pushes him. "You're disgusting." She spits out before storming away, but Jin goes after her. You're left standing there like a watchdog for your baggages, while Grace rips her arm from Jin's grip once again and leaves him there. You feel incredibly guilty, but also, you're pissed as fuck now.
Because again - what the fuck did he mean this isn't what you think? After all the shit he said to you last night. After this weekend?
"It's not what it looks like?" You repeat to his face. He can tell you're pissed and he shakes his head in regret. "This isn't what you think?" You take your duffle that's sitting on top of his luggage and begin to walk back towards the tram station. He attempts to pull you back, both of his hands on your arms.
"Y/N, I panicked, please don't do this--"
"You panicked? Your fiancé smacks me on the face and you panic? What the fuck happened to being honest about our relationship? So much for I'll tell her when we get home! I look so fucking stupid.”
"Y/N, don't." He grabs your wrist and tries to pull you close.
"Jin, get the fuck off of me."
"No, stop. Y/n, please talk to me."
"I'm going home."
"Let me drive you, don't be ridiculous." You shake your head as you try to shake his grip off of you.
"Don't be ridiculous?" You scoff. "I was fine before you came into the picture, okay? I can handle myself." You finally get out of his grip and take your bag from him. "Apparently, this isn't shit to you." You spat out before you head back onto the tram to head back away from him.
"Hey, what happened?" Ryujin pulls you into a quick hug before throwing your bag in her trunk and settling back into the driver's seat. You begin to cry heavily into your hands, feeling completely overwhelmed from how things suddenly came crashing down. You had an amazing weekend with Jin, only to find out that this truly wasn't shit to him? How he couldn't even just be upfront right at that moment about your relationship? Suddenly you felt like you weren't worth it all over again. Like he was never going to leave.
Once you were able to pull yourself together enough, you told Ryujin about everything that happened this weekend up until the moment Grace showed up at the airport lot. Ryujin couldn't help but just pull you into a tight bear hug once you got into your apartment. You laid your head on her lap as she massaged your scalp and allowed you to cry as much as you needed to. She didn't wanna say it but she knew this could come crashing down the way it did. It was an 'I told you so' moment. But she knew you knew that. You didn't need to be told, or reminded. She just needed to be here for you and that's all she had planned to do, even if she had other things on her mind. You were always there for her through everything and anything; her thoughts could wait.
"I feel so fucking stupid."
"You're not. You can't help your feelings or someone, but what you can do is pick yourself up and move on. Learn from this. Do better for yourself." She responds softly.
"But, it’s him." Ryujin lightly sighs as she continues to brush your hair.
"Honey, you can't wait around forever for Jin to be ready for you or for whatever this is. You can't wait around for him to be a man and pull himself together. You've been through enough." You don't respond. "You need to talk to Jungkook before this spirals out of control. He needs to hear it from you himself."
"I will, just not now." You cried, Ryujin responding with a simple nod.
"This sucks. It sucks to have deep feelings for someone who doesn't even think you're worth it. He couldn't even just tell her."
"Look, I'm gonna be Jimin and play devil's advocate here. I don't know Seokjin personally like that, but part of him had to at least feel like you were worth it. I'm sure you still are, but he needs to shut this down with Grace first and that's not going to happen overnight. Not for them, especially."
"Ugh." You groaned as you continued to cry.
"It's okay. Get some rest. I'll go grab more of my things and stay here with you." She looks down at you and gives you a reassuring smile.
"I love you. Thank you." You tell her softly as you shut your eyes in hopes of getting any type of sleep.
"I love you too." Maybe you just needed time for yourself too. A breather. This was a lot, and the thing that bothered you the most was not knowing where Seokjin really stood with you. What if this was it? What if this was the moment that made him realize it was always going to be Grace all along?
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"We've decided to split." Jin says, his eyes slightly red, bags visible and his body weak. He had been arguing and going at it with Grace as she had packed up most of her things. She had decided to send movers for the rest of her things throughout the week, leaving Jin feeling a little emptier than before. He called the guys over as soon as Grace was out of the house that same Sunday because he knew he didn't have much time until Grace was out there updating friends and family members about the shitty fucking excuse he was of a fiancé. On top of that, he was scared because he hadn't heard from you and he knew he fucked up - he was afraid he had lost you completely, too. That wasn't supposed to be the plan, and that wasn't how this was supposed to turn out. He wasn't sure how he'd handle seeing you in class tomorrow if you both hadn't talked by then.
"I'm sorry, is there anything we can do for you? What happened?" Hoseok sat on the barstool in front of the kitchen island, Yoongi and Namjoon quietly sitting beside him.
"I— uh, no. We just haven't worked out for awhile."
"Jin." Namjoon says softly, hinting that he should be honest with both Yoongi and Hoseok now. There was no point in hiding this anymore.
"Namjoon." He responds in the same tone. He looks over at Yoongi and Hoseok who are quietly waiting for more of an explanation. His head falls as he sighs heavily, his hands tightly gripping the edge of the kitchen island. "Fuck."
"Dude, what is it? What's going on?" Hoseok asks, genuinely concerned.
"I fucked up."
"W-what do you mean by that?" Hoseok goes on, prying him for more details. By the time Jin picks up his head and is about to explain while looking at them in the eye, he hears his front door slam loudly, the walls almost shaking with it.
"Jin!" He hears the voice call out as it came closer to the kitchen. Fuck. This-- This was the one thing he absolutely wasn't ready for. "What the fuck!" Jungkook almost growls. "How could you?!" Jungkook storms into the kitchen, fists clenched. The look on his face is something Jin will always remember - the hurt, the anger, the betrayal he felt by his own brother.
"Jungkook, listen. Let's just go outside for a minute--" Jin tries to pull him aside but Jungkook smacks his hand away.
"No, fuck you dude! Don't fucking touch me." He yells. "I trusted you! You knew how I felt about her! Why the fuck would you do that, and-and-and to Grace?!" He stutters over his words. "Why?"
"Seokjin, what's going on?" Yoongi says, climbing out of his seat to get in between the two. Namjoon is silent because this isn't his fight. He's staring Jin down as if to tell him that he needs to man the fuck up right now. He wasn't going to do it for him.
"Great, perfect. I'm not surprised they don't even know." Jungkook chimes in sarcastically as he pushes Seokjin against the counter. Jin reacts defensively, grabbing his brother's collar as he tries to push and pry him off. "Why don't you tell them how you kept fucking Y/N behind my back? Going after her and doing all this shit, getting her to spend the weekend with you in LA even though you knew how I felt about her? Let alone that you were still fucking engaged to your fiancé this entire time!" Yoongi gets in the middle, prying Jungkook off completely and stepping in between to spread some distance.
"Woah, what?" Hobi looks at him in disbelief, his face lightly turning red from how incredibly fucked this whole situation is. How things just blew up in a matter of minutes. "Is that true?"
Jin sighs, his tears welling up in his eyes as his voice cracks. "Yes, and I'm sorry for hurting you." He turns to Jungkook.
"I just--" Jungkook's tears began to fall. "I trusted you. I always trusted you. How could you do something like that when I never did you wrong?" Jungkook's bottom lip trembled.
"Jungkook, please--" Jin's tears began to fall, feeling incredibly sorry for having hurt his brother this way.
"No!" Jungkook shook his head. "What kind of fucking brother are you?" He spits out before he walks out of the house, Yoongi going after him to check up on him outside.
"Seokjin." Hobi slowly shakes his head, his facial expression full of disappointment. "You know I love you man, but why did you have to do that?"
"I-I don't know." Is the only proper he can come up with, because he doesn't. He was so caught up in his feelings for you and how things felt right, that he just pushed everything that was wrong aside.
"Look, let's just give everyone some time to breath." Namjoon gives Jin a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. No matter what, he was always going to have his back and be there for him.
"Fuck." Jin groaned as he slammed his fist against the kitchen island. "I need to talk to her. I can’t do this without talking to her.”
"Maybe Y/N just needs time to breathe, too. Give her that. I promise it'll be okay." Namjoon says.
And he's right - you do need time to breathe. You were hurt by the fact that Seokjin couldn't even come forward about you, yet he said all these sweet things to you over the weekend. It all came crashing down, and suddenly, you were questioning if this was all worth it. If you were never going to be worth it in his eyes, why would you keep stringing yourself along?
"Hey." Jimin says, gently rubbing your knee as he sat on your living room floor. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been awfully quiet."
"I'm okay. Thanks for coming over." You smiled at him toothlessly, before looking over at Ryujin and Taehyung finishing up plating the brownies in your kitchen.
"Y/N, please know that you can always talk to me about anything." Jimin says softly, knowing there was something really off about the way you had been acting. He hated prying it out of you, but he knew you'd eventually tell him when you were ready.
"Yeah, I know. Right now, I just need you here, okay?" He nods. As Ryujin and Taehyung are bringing over the plate full of brownies stacked high, a loud, aggressive knock comes to the door that Taehyung takes upon himself to open.
"Jungkook!" Taehyung yells, opening the door widely for you and him to make eye contact. You immediately stood, catching that his expression was angry. Upset. He clearly had a lot to say and you already knew he had given his brother some of it. You knew this would come; you just hoped you had a little more time.
"Y/N." He says, in a heartbreaking tone.
"Jungkook, please— can we talk about this another—" You ask, meeting him at the door.
"No, how could you? He-he was engaged to Grace— I thought we were good— Y/N." He repeats your name, unable to really complete his statements. You began to cry seeing how hurt he was. "I thought I was doing everything right."
"It wasn't you—"
"Then what the fuck was it, huh?" He spat out. "What exactly is it about my brother that made you wanna do this?"
"I didn't mean to—"
"What, you didn't mean to hurt anyone? Y/N, you obviously didn't give a fuck what this would do to anyone!" His tone rose, Jimin and Taehyung immediately coming behind you. "Grace called me crying so hard she could barely speak. You fucked this up for her, you fucked this up for me and my brother— I- just—" You began to cry harder, Jimin now gripping onto your arms as Taehyung stepped in front of you.
"Okay, that's enough. I think you should go now. You made your point clear." Taehyung said sternly, his jaw lightly twitching from how tightly clenched it was and his hand out to create some distance between him and Jungkook .
"What kind of fucking person does that? You're by far the most selfish person I have ever met. I don't know how you'll go to sleep at night knowing all the damage you've caused." Jungkook shook his head before walking off and slamming his fist against the hallway wall. Taehyung watched him walk off before shutting your door and locking it. He turned to face you but you had been sobbing against Jimin's body while he held you tightly.
"Y/N, please don't tell me this is what I think it is." Taehyung says softly.
"I'm sorry." Is all you can say. At this point, what else can you say? What's done is done.
"It's okay, we don't need to talk about this now." Jimin looked at Tae and slightly shook his head.
"Look Y/N, why don't you just go lie down? You've had a really long day." Ryujin softly chimes in. You don't say anything and instead follow Jimin to your room as he keeps his grasp around you. He plops you both onto the edge your bed, allowing you to continue crying on him.
"I'm so sorry, Jimin. I fucked up."
"Stop, why are you saying sorry? It's alright." He shushes you. Yeah, he was truly disappointed, but what was he going to do? This was entirely your life, he only played a small role in it. He just needed to be there for you and help you grow through this. No matter the circumstance, he wasn't going to look at you any differently. Same with Ryujin and Taehyung. Part of Jimin already knew this was a possibility cause he'd also catch on to the small habits in class and how completely zoned out you've been. There was a reason for everything.
Plus, randomly spending a weekend at your parents' house? He didn't think so. You hadn't visited them in awhile, and he knew you always planned your visits way in advance. You never just dropped your shit and left for home.
"I don't know what to do."
"Mm, we'll figure this out, yeah? For now, just get some rest." You backed yourself up on to the bed, catching a quick glimpse of Chance's picture before lying down. Fuck, why couldn't shit be more easy?
As you fall asleep, Jimin makes his way back out the living room where Ryujin and Taehyung are quietly cleaning up in your living room.
"How long?" Jimin asks Ryujin.
"It's been awhile, Chim."
"Why didn't she tell me or Tae?" She shrugged.
"It's not that she didn't want to. She was going to but I think she just got caught up in everything."
"So? What now? We see him in class tomorrow." Taehyung says.
"I don't know? Nothing. I'm assuming she'll just need her space for a little until she can figure out how to approach this."
"Why—why did she do this?" Jimin asks, still confused and disappointed with your actions. "She knew the mess it would cause."
"Don't tell her I told you so. That's not what she needs right now, she knows. I just, I don't know. Sometimes you really can't help who you fall for. She tried to push it aside."
"Yes." Ryujin looks at Jimin sternly. "She did." The rest of the time, it's quiet. The boys had gotten the living room ready so that they could all stay with you for the night. You didn't leave your bed even after Jimin knocks to let you know dinner had arrived or when Ryujin asks if you wanna join them for a movie.
You just want sleep.
You just wanted to be alone, in this dark, and sleep.
You weren't ready to face your feelings, or Seokjin. You weren't sure where to go from here or what to do. You weren't sure how to pick yourself up. Is it fucked up to still wanna be by his side after all this time? Is it fucked up that he's still the one you want? What the fuck do you do?
Do you stay, or do you go?
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
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🌸 social media au where y/n posts a fake boyfriend application on twitter as a dare but ends up seeking something real in the long run (aka how to fall in love the zillennial way) 🌸
A/N: Well, this update kicked me in the proverbial nuts! All I gotta say is... good luck to my Yoongi stans out there... You’re kinda gonna need it ;-; || W.C. 2.2K
prev // part 31 of ? // next masterlist here.
[updates every 6PM PST]
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August 22, 2020 — 9:39PM
When you exit the taxi, the cold night air causes goosebumps to form across your arms. You pay the driver without looking behind you, shutting the door with the back of your foot as you take in the familiar surroundings. You’ve been to this apartment complex more times than you can count; you’ve crashed on your friends’ couch so many times that it’s become a second bed to you at this point, especially with how often all five of you love to drink the night away. In many ways, this place has become a safe haven for you.
Normally, you would let yourself into their apartment without needing to knock or text in advance. After many years of coming over, you even have your own set of keys, graciously gifted to you by Park Jimin after you found yourself locked out of your own home for the fifth time in one week after Jungkook kept taking your keys by accident. They don’t even answer the door when you knock anymore; they always assume you’ll just barrel in whenever you please, usually with takeout bags and caffeine-laden drinks in hand for impromptu study sessions or video game nights.
But tonight is not one of those nights. This time, Min Yoongi stands waiting for you by the entrance, sitting on the concrete steps in his worn gray hoodie and sweatpants. He looks cold, judging from his pink nose and shivering body, like he’s been waiting outside for at least a few minutes. His dark, inky hair is standing up in all directions, a sign that he must have just woken up from a nap before coming down to meet you. He notices your arrival mid-yawn, his eyebrows shooting up comically as he scrambles to his feet. He rushes towards you, stopping just before the gate that separates the two of you.
“Yoongi,” you breathe out, puffs of white air leaving your lips and dissipating into the night sky. The sight of him alone makes your eyes burn with unshed tears, just aching to fall. He notices immediately, judging by the way his brow crumples with worry.
In an instant, he rips the gate open, giving you no opportunity to say anything else before he pulls you into a bear hug. You gasp in surprise, inhaling sharply and getting a whiff of a scent that you can only describe as wholly Yoongi. It’s comforting, clean, and cozy: everything that encapsulates Yoongi’s whole being.
“I’m sorry,” you say. You don’t know what you’re apologizing for exactly—for interrupting his evening? For making him wait in the cold? For shedding tears on his clothes? For asking for comfort when you didn’t deserve it? Your mind is too tired to wonder which of these things weighs the heaviest amongst your mistakes.
Yoongi hushes you softly, his hand carding through your hair as he rocks you slowly. He presses your face closer to his chest, not chastising you for crying like you thought he would. He only whispers gentle nothings into your ears, the words meaning nothing and everything all at once. “It’s okay,” he repeats over and over again. He says them until the words start to blur, until they make a home inside your heart. Until you almost believe them.
You do not know how long it takes for you to run out of tears, how long you stand in silence. All you know is that your frozen hands have grown numb around the straps of your overnight bag, so much so that it takes a second for Yoongi to unfurl your fingers and take the bag away from you. He reaches for your hand with his free one, gently leading up to the apartment without another word.
The world feels cold and still, your muffled footsteps on the carpeted floor the only sounds that keep you grounded to reality. The doors of neighboring apartments start to shift and blur, causing the shadows on the wall to morph like ghosts from the corner of your eye. Yoongi’s apartment is dark when you both enter, no signs of his other two roommates being home even this late at night.
“Jimin left to go to a PC bang. Taehyung hasn’t returned home since I kicked him out this afternoon,” Yoongi says, answering your unspoken question. You turn your head towards him in surprise, not expecting the latter part of his statement.
“You kicked him out? Why?”
“It’s… complicated,” he sighs, aggravated. He gazes at you wearily, and it’s only then that you notice the deep bags lining his eyes like purple moons. The moonlight streaming from their open window casts shadows upon his face, emphasizing the sunkenness of his cheeks. The guilt in your throat builds up, tenfold. You’re disturbing him with your silly little love problems, aren’t you? He already has so much work to do and you’re here, crying over something that you should have known ages ago. You’re acting childish. Coming here was a mistake.
“Don’t give me that look,” Yoongi interrupts your thoughts, squeezing your hand. You had almost forgotten he was still holding you, but the reminder tethers you. His touch lets you know that you are not alone, that he is there because he wants to be. “I know you’re worrying again. You’re not a nuisance. You’re not a bother. I’m your friend, and I care about you. Will you let me care for you? Just this once?”
Your heart, which has felt heavy in your chest ever since this afternoon, lightens ever so slightly. It allows you to force a little smile on your face, but you doubt its of any use, not with the tear tracks evident on your skin. But it’s a start.
“You can use my bathroom to get changed. Do you need some clothes?” he asks, but you shake your head at his offer. As much as you enjoyed wearing his comfortable sweaters, you did still have some clothes that you hadn’t worn in Ilsan. It almost pains you to see them still unworn in your bag, but that’s just you being ridiculous, isn’t it? You chose to leave, after all. He had told you it was the right thing to do, and at the time, you thought he was right.
You shuffle into Yoongi’s bathroom, staring at your reflection with red eyes and teeth-worn lips. Your reflection stares back, undeterred. You find no answers to your misery, so you stop looking and let all your thoughts flow down the drain. Being empty, after all, is better.
You go about your nightly routine with robotic grace, scrubbing and brushing with numbness. No amount of water can wash away the tiredness on your face, and so you give up. You quietly make your way out of the bathroom, peeking inside his bedroom to check if Yoongi had gone back to bed.
Instead, you find him sitting in front of his desk, his laptop closed and phone locked beside him. Trancelike, he stares listlessly at the wall with his fingernails in his mouth, an old habit that he has yet to break, but it only means that he’s deep in thought.
You clear your throat, breaking him from his stupor. “Can I borrow a pillow for the couch?” you ask timidly, the question you really want to ask just barely dangling from the tip of your tongue. Yoongi regards you for a moment, unmoving save for the slow rise and fall of his chest.
“Do you want to be alone?” He answers your question with his own, gaze heavy upon your skin. He asks you that, but you know what he’s truly asking: Do you want to stay with me?
Like always, Yoongi always did have a penchant for knowing the true color of your heart, a skill you sometimes wished he didn’t have. You felt vulnerable around him, but rarely in a bad way. It never felt like he was intruding or meddling; it was always good and warm. To be known without the need to defend yourself.
“No, I don’t want to be alone,” you say, a simple truth. He nods in understanding, standing up from his chair and heads towards his bed, slipping under the rumpled blankets. He stares at you from underneath his covers, his hand patting the empty space beside him with a small smile.
“Then you don’t have to be alone,” he responds, another simple truth. You take the few short steps to reach his bed, climbing onto his bed and placing yourself as close to the edge as possible. Yoongi rolls his eyes, waving his hand haphazardly as he gestures for you to come closer.
“Are you really going to start getting shy with me? After you literally confessed you had a crush on me just an hour ago?” he teases, but his tone is tender. He grins his gummy smile when you cover your face in embarrassment, distracting you long enough to pull you gently towards him.
“I hate you,” you say. You don’t.
“I know,” he replies. He wraps an arm around your waist, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “Do you want to talk?”
Your breathing grows shaky, your hands automatically grabbing fistfuls of his hoodie as you force yourself not to cry again. The simple truth is this: you don’t want to talk about it. You don’t want to think, you don’t want to be in pain right now. But you are, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You feel like crawling inside yourself and never coming out again.
So instead, you tell him, “I had a good weekend. I really did.”
Yoongi hums sadly. “I know.”
“It was really good. I had so much fun with Namjoon,” you say. You sniffle a bit, but the tears don’t fall.
“I know.”
“Meeting his parents, going around town, eating everything I could ever want… It felt so good to just be with someone without wondering if they liked me back or not, without second-guessing every little thing. Because just being together was… enough. It didn’t matter that it was fake because it still felt real in a weird way. I didn’t have to pretend or hide my emotions around him.”
“I know.”
“But even then, I couldn’t help but think,” your breath hitches, and you clench your eyes shut until you see stars behind your eyelids. “I couldn’t help but think… that this weekend would end badly, one way or another. And maybe I was just destined to have every good thing in my life snatched away.”
“I know you think that, even though it’s not true,” Yoongi says. He holds you tighter, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“Even then, why is it every time I’m just beginning to think that I can be happy, something always comes along the way to mess it all up? I was perfectly fine before all of this happened. Everything just went to shit the moment I started wanting more, when I started becoming selfish,” you say. You tilt your head upwards, forcing yourself to look at Yoongi and his sad eyes. “Everyone keeps telling me that I deserve to be happy, that I deserve to love myself. But is it bad that I want someone to love me too? Is it bad that my happiness lies with that desire?”
But for once, Yoongi doesn’t have a straight answer. He carefully loosens your grip around his hoodie, clasping your hands in his own just like before. He rubs circles into the back of your hand, before placing them over his heart. “Do you feel that?” he asks.
You nod your head, not fully understanding.
“This is a heart that loves you,” he explains, voice low but honest.
“But that’s… that’s not the same as…” you trail off. It’s not the same as Jungkook. Or Namjoon. Or…
He continues, “In the PC bang across the street, there is a heart that loves you. Somewhere else in Seoul, there are two hearts that love you. In Ilsan, there is another heart that loves you. But even then, I know it’s not quite the way you want it.”
“It’s because I’m selfish,” you say, ashamed.
“It’s because you know you’re allowed to want more,” he corrects kindly, wiping away a stray tear. “It’s not always a bad thing, you know.”
You laugh, the sound warbled even to your own ears. “I know,” you say. You watch as Yoongi’s eyes begin to droop, the fatigue from today weighing heavily on him. You feel as though you should be the same, but sleep evades you that night. “You know, if I wasn’t already emotionally fucked up right now, you could’ve made me fall in love with you again tonight.”
Yoongi closes his eyes, a small smile on his lips. “Is it working?” he mutters, words slurring slightly as he begins to drift off.
You answer him, but it falls on deaf ears. He falls asleep with you still in his arms, keeping you safe. It’s his presence that gives you the courage to respond to the texts you receive later that night, filled with one last burst of hope that maybe, just maybe, you could find happiness elsewhere.
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sykilik101 · 4 years
Moments With You
There's no such thing as coincidence. I don't believe for a second anyone else besides her was supposed to be there that day. Fishing and owning a bike that just happened to have a Pikachu-sized basket?
We were meant to meet.
"Sorry I'm late!"
We'd already been traveling together for a few months now, and I'd gotten a pretty good idea of who Misty was. Quick to anger, an unwavering sense of right and wrong, and a love of water Pokémon that even I couldn't hope to match. We were past the point of simple acquaintances and could now be considered friends, but there were sides to Misty I had yet to learn about.
One of those was her with her hair down.
Her voice pulled me from my PokéDex, a speechlessness overtaking me as Pikachu's gleeful exclamation blended with the music and crowd. Everything in the background was blurry from the lantern smoke and lights, but Misty standing in her pink kimono, fan in hand, was immediately seared into my mind. For a second I was reminded of when I'd seen Giselle at that Pokémon Tech place we'd visited; she was pretty in that "make my face warm" way. I'd never gotten that feeling from Misty before, but now-
"Come on, Ash, let's dance!"
Her hand found its way into mine, and a dizzying warmth accompanied the softness of her fingers. My voice trembled a bit as I agreed, and with her extended invitation to Pikachu I couldn't help but laugh. She pulled me onto the dance floor with an infectious jubilance that suited her better than I could have thought. It was the first time that the two of us, together, whittled the hours away in the company of food, dancing, and a budding best friendship.
That was also the first time I felt soon-to-be-familiar nerves in my stomach around her.
Traveling through a foggy forest towards a town that was supposedly home to ghost Pokémon didn't have the same energy as "summer festival," but at least I was holding Misty's hand again. It was Brock's idea, which was the perfect excuse for me to hold hers for longer than a few seconds. Even with my glove in the way, the tips of my fingers pressed into her skin, and I felt an abnormal heat surge through my cheeks. I wondered if I could convince the others that we should come through this forest on the way back.
I'd held out my hand to Brock so he wouldn't get lost; leave it to him to grab Pikachu's tail and ruin the moment.
"What are you two doing here?"
At this stage of our friendship, it was easier to hide any displays of enamorment behind a curt answer or a crude decision. I'd had enough practice with starting arguments after being caught staring, but I still hadn't gotten many opportunities to compliment her while maintaining plausible deniability. It was next to impossible to say something like "Your eyes are pretty" inconspicuously, so any chance I could get to say something about her, even hidden behind sarcasm or jokes, was something I wouldn't let go to waste.
I wasn't sure why Misty even agreed to help Melvin out in the first place. Misty's not an especially kind person, so agreeing to be some magician's assistant, in a Goldeen dress of all things, would definitely be high on my "things Misty would never do" list. Despite that, I couldn't help but think that she looked really...really pretty. Like, "the Maiden's Peak festival" pretty, but this time, I wanted to tell her. Hiding a compliment behind an annoying tone sounded like a good idea, and since starting an argument with her was easiest when she was in a flustered state, this was the perfect cover for me to say-
"That's a real cute outfit, Misty."
Surprisingly, I managed to keep a straight face and not stutter my words, despite inexperience threatening to wipe away the snarky tone I was going for. I was ready for the verbal retaliation she was famous for, but the sudden complaints of the audience demanding a show was a welcomed distraction. Taking a front row seat I savored the feeling of victory at having been able to call Misty cute and not end up with her mallet on my head.
It's too bad she didn't put her hair down for the outfit, though...
Every story I've heard of mermaids says that they're always extremely beautiful. Mermaids probably aren't real, but I think Misty is making me a believer.
"Careful, Ash, all that food can make your belly as big as your head."
I like that we're now at the point where her teasing comments are all in good fun. Of course, even if it wasn't, nothing was gonna bring my mood down. I'd already won my first two rounds, and I even got to eat for free thanks to a fan of mine. After having not had a meal for the entire day, all Pikachu and I wanted was to dig in.
Misty's company wasn't unwelcomed, either.
I wanted to answer her, but she happened to catch me mid-chew. My response was automatic and ready, but before I swallowed, a thought came to me. It was a nickname I'd thought about before, and I'd never found the right moment (or courage) to try it out. However, my post-battle elation made my worries feel insignificant, and I figured even if she didn't like it, I could brush it off as me just being too happy about my success to care.
"Thanks, Mist, but I can't help it! I got all this food for free! That's 'cause she happens to be a big fan of mine!"
Mist. I like the way it sounds, and the fact that she didn't immediately get that Misty eye twitch means she didn't dislike it. Although, maybe it's 'cause I'm so used to calling her Misty, but Mist feels a bit...awkward. Almost like how you'd call your girlfriend a cute nickname.
...Misty as my girlfriend...
"Ash, everybody in the Pokémon League gets to eat here for free."
So much for the fan of mine. I think, maybe, I'll keep Mist in my back pocket for future use, when it feels right to give her such a cute nickname.
"You're crazy!"
"Crazy is right! Never in a million years!"
She didn't have to deny it that hard...
"You and I will be married someday, too."
I didn't really register what Misty had said right away. My thoughts were more focused on how we were going to stay overnight in this park and hearing this girl - Temacu, was it? - talk about marrying Brock. For some reason I half-expected Brock to be going along with her imagination; after all, wasn't he always talking about cute girls and how he'd want to be with them? Did he not consider Temacu cute? Maybe he just doesn't want to marry her right after meeting her. I guess that makes sense. It would be kinda weird to want to marry someone if you're not in-
...wait, her and I, married?
I recognized that look in her eyes. Throughout our travels, anytime Misty messed up or said something she didn't mean to, her eyes always did that same thing; I could practically hear her screaming "I didn't say anything!" in her head.
The thing is, she did say it, and my brain started spinning all sorts of ideas on what she was implying by that. She could have just meant, in the future, I'd be married and she'd be married, but not to each other. That'd probably be just what she'd say if I brought it up. But...what if she was actually thinking that her and I would be married to each other? Was that something Misty thought about? Would she want to marry me?
Temacu's dad showed up, and after some talking we were invited to stay at their house instead of the park. I should have been more excited at being able to sleep in a bed instead of my sleeping bag, but Misty's response kept replaying in my mind. Even if her words hadn't registered to me right away, her voice had been calm with a bit of that daydreamy tone she used once in a while. I couldn't remember her sounding like that when talking about me.
Having packed our camping gear back up, our group began heading into the town. Brock and Temacu lead the way, with her dad shortly behind, and Misty and I bringing up the rear. As we walked I stole a glance at her from the corner of my eye. She seemed lost in a thought, her hands absentmindedly rocking Togepi to and fro as the little Pokémon looked on the brink of a nap. Eventually her gaze caught mine and she turned towards me.
"Is something the matter, Ash?"
I could ask her right now. With the others ahead of us, we had the privacy to have such a conversation. It wasn't a hard question at all. Were you really thinking about us two being married together? My mouth started to open, but something about the way she looked at me held my voice back. If I was wrong, it would just end in another argument, which would fit the status quo between her and I like usual.
But, deep down, I think I couldn't handle the idea of us fighting about marrying each other.
I needed more time to see how she felt about me. I'd spent enough time with an erratic heartbeat around her to know where I stood, but something about not knowing how she felt about this scared me enough to close my mouth, turning back towards the others.
"It's nothing."
Maybe her and I would be married someday. First, however, I needed to find out if she even liked me the way I liked her.
"Will I...see you again?"
"You will. I swear."
The dirt was quieter now, disturbed by two feet rather than six. The road from Viridian City to Pallet Town was familiar to me; the loneliness wasn't. The tears had subsided, but the ache in my chest was still as strong as ever as I slowly trekked down the dusty road.
I'd been ready to tell her. The mood had been perfect, if a bit more somber than I would have hoped for. Shades of purple and orange painted the sky, the sunset burning to match her hair. There was no hint of teasing or malice in the air, and the bike stationed by her side felt nostalgic; it made me think of how far we'd come since the first time I'd taken it from her. That time together, however, had come to an end, as a phone call from her sisters had sent us our separate ways.
However, it wouldn't last forever.
The handkerchief felt soft in my hands, wrapped around the bento Brock had given me. The corners were tied up perfect and sweetly, as if she'd done this for me a million times before. Her fingers had moved so effortlessly to fold the cloth, knot it tightly before offering it to me. What she'd really given me wasn't just tangible, and I think we both knew that. I know I can be a little dense, and I usually let my optimism take over when I'm unsure of something, but I think I got the message pretty clearly this time. In that moment, I could see exactly what I was looking for in Misty's eyes. Even if I hadn't said anything, I felt like she knew what I wanted to tell her.
There was something she wanted to tell me, too.
My heart, still deflated, skipped as a flush clawed its way up my face. I could be crazy and wrong on a million levels, but I'm pretty sure she feels the same way. Even if I'm either, or both...I can tell her now. Maybe I don't need a perfect moment or the right words, but I'll be ready when I see her again. She'd found her way into my life once before, and she'll do it again.
After all, there's no such thing as coincidence.
I gave myself permission to be less “strict” about trying to write Ash in character, deciding I’d let myself kinda run wild with maybe using words or descriptions you might not expect from him. This was fun to write, and I hope you enjoyed it.
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yoddream · 5 years
the devil to my angel | h.rj
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because there’s literally no gif that fits better than this one
pairing: devil!renjun x fem!reader
warnings: uh swearing, pettiness, angst, fluff, drinking, underage drinking (looking at you string bean), honestly I don’t remember anything else i’m sorry
word count: 6k
summary: you’ve seen the cartoons. you’ve also seen your own devil that lived on your shoulder.
a/n: AYYYYYYYYYE ITS HERE!!!! I swear I was gonna post it that night but then my friend needed to get out of the house so I went with her instead, and I’ve been busy with work and errands oops. my b. but here it is! I hope it’s as good as you all expected it to be.
He showed up when you were in kindergarten. Your best friend, Jaemin, had taken the seat next to Jeno, the boy you thought was cute, when he knew you wanted to sit there. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes when all of a sudden, there was a tiny “pssst!” in your ear. Looking over, you found a tiny boy about your age sitting on your shoulder. He was wearing a red t-shirt, red shorts, and red shoes. He had protruding from his hair, and a tail that flicked back and forth.
“Take the cap off his favorite marker,” he whispered.
“What?” you asked quietly.
“Take the cap off Jaemin’s favorite marker! He deserves it after taking your spot,” he urged you.
“But then he won’t be able to use it,” you said with a pout.
“So? It’s not gonna hurt him or anything.”
He gave you a smile that you couldn’t refuse. So, you went to Jaemin’s desk at the end of the day and took the cap off the pink marker before shoving it back in his pencil box. Your stomach twisted a little, but you ignored it when you looked at the boy on your shoulder. He grinned at you one more time before disappearing.
The next morning, there were wails echoing down the hallway as Jaemin sobbed over his favorite marker having been dried out overnight. The boy on your shoulder was cackling at the reaction, but you felt tears well up in your eyes. He looked over at you and immediately started panicking.
“Why are you crying?!”
“Because I hurt Jaemin. He’s my best friend,” you mumbled. “I feel really bad.”
“He’ll be fine, Y/N. It’s just a marker.”
You still felt bad, so when it was time to color, you gave Jaemin your pink marker. It wasn’t anywhere close to his, but he gave you a giant hug and let you sit next to Jeno, so you felt better. The boy on your shoulder pouted when you tried to make things right, but he didn’t say anything.
It took you a year to find out his name was Renjun, and that was only because you were going to scold him for suggesting something too mean, only to realize you didn’t know his name. After that, he showed up whenever you were upset, giving you new ways to make the people who hurt you inconvenienced in the pettiest ways possible. Whether it was by eating the last cookie when you knew Haechan wanted it after he made fun of you for your crush on Jeno, to emptying the shampoo bottle until there were only a couple drops because your sister made Jaemin cry because he played with your Barbies with you.
You were in college now, rooming with Jaemin and Jeno. It took you forever to get over your crush on the older boy, but you still appreciated his face and didn’t hesitate to cuddle with him during movie nights. Renjun still visited, but there wasn’t much reason for him to be with you as much as he was. The two of you had become friends in a way, but it was still very obvious that he was supposed to be there to help you get revenge.
“So, what am I doing again?” you asked quietly as you stood in line at Starbucks.
Jaemin had taken the last of your frozen waffles—your name was written all over the box so nobody would take them—the other day, so Renjun had suggested messing with his coffee order when the three of you met up for your study date after your morning lecture. It was your turn to order, which made it perfect.
“Ask Haechan to make Jaemin’s drink and add a shit ton of strawberry syrup to it. Then tell him that when Jaemin goes up to order a new drink, make one that’s decaf that looks like his cup of poison,” he told you. “You were going to eat those waffles for breakfast that morning, and instead your stomach was growling so loudly in your lecture that your professor kicked you out. He embarrassed you, and he ate something that was clearly not his. It’s a double whammy.”
It was your turn to order, so you said exactly what Renjun reminded you to say. Haechan had to stifle a laugh as he asked what Jaemin had done, his eyes widening when you explained what had happened to cause you to act out like this. The drinks were made quickly, and you brought them over to the table. The boys thanked you before returning to their books. Renjun appeared in the middle of the table, his silver hair shining under the light as he kept his full attention on the boy with pink hair. You nudged Jeno to watch Jaemin as the boy took a sip of his drink. His face twisted is disgust when the taste of strawberry hit his taste buds. Renjun was rolling around the table, cackling while holding his stomach.
“Ugh, I hate you,” Jaemin muttered as he sent a glare your way before heading to the counter to get a new drink.
“What’d you do?” Jeno asked as he leaned into your space. There was a sound of disgust that came in the direction of Renjun, but you ignored it.
“Told Haechan to put a bunch of strawberry syrup in Jaemin’s drink since he ate my waffles,” you replied.
He snorted and shoved your shoulder lightly. “That one was pure evil.”
“You’re not denying that he deserved it,” you pointed out.
“No, I’m not.”
“I absolutely did not deserve that!” Jaemin argued when he came back with his new drink. You glanced at Haechan, who winked at you.
“You ate my waffles,” you said.
“It was an accident!”
“I wrote my name all over the box!”
Renjun tugged on your finger to get your attention as Jaemin complained to Jeno about you. The little devil crawled up your arm and returned to his spot on your shoulder. You found it odd, considering he could just teleport himself there, but now wasn’t a good time to question it. Hiding him from your friends was difficult, but you didn’t want them to think you were crazy.
After your classes were done for the day, you collapsed on your bed and let out a big sigh. There were small footsteps on the nightstand beside you. Knowing who it was, you didn’t bother to look over.
“What’s wrong, kitten?” Renjun asked from his perch.
Your heart leapt at the nickname. It didn’t matter that he’d been calling you that since you were a kid; his nickname for you made your stomach twist in a good way. It sometimes made your cheeks heat up and your palms to sweat. Your body’s reaction scared you every time, because if you were imagining him—well, you didn’t want to think about it.
“’M just tired,” you stated. “My coursework seems to be growing bigger and bigger every week.”
Your pillow suddenly shifted under Renjun’s weight as he jumped down. His steps were shaky as he tried to stay steady on the stuffed object. You turned you head as he reached you, wondering what he was planning.
“I’m sorry. I wish I could help,” he said honestly before pressing his tiny lips to your cheek.
“It’s okay. I’ll just have to manage my time better.”
“I hope that doesn’t mean hanging out with me less,” he said with a chuckle.
You smiled. “Of course not.”
You took some time to admire him. He was wearing a red button-up that was done up to the collar, tucked into some black slacks, a pair of black dress shoes on his feet. His silver hair was combed back but relaxed. He looked so handsome, but you would never tell him that.
“Hey,” you said. “I have a question for you.”
“Why isn’t there an angel to accompany you? You know, like they have in the movies.”
The boy smirked, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Because you’re already an angel.”
You blushed at the comment and flicked him, which knocked him over. “Shut up.”
“Hey, you were the one that asked,” he whined.
You laughed and watched as he returned to the nightstand to pout, arms crossed and everything. Crawling over, you leaned on your elbows and watched as he turned away. You stretched your head enough to press a kiss to the back of his head, and you watch the hue of his shirt crawl up the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry, Renjun. Do you forgive me?” you asked.
The boy turned around and let his arms fall to his sides. “I guess.”
A few hours later, you were working on your homework when you heard the tiny snores coming from your bed. Looking over, you found Renjun knocked out on your UFO squishable. He’d convinced you to get it when you’d gone to the mall a couple months ago, and it was his favorite thing to sit on when you were too busy to give him your attention. Your phone was playing a video beside him, so you got up to turn it off. He stirred, his eyes slowly opening as he smiled at you sleepily.
“Hey there, kitten,” he mumbled.
“Hey. C’mon, you’re falling asleep. Either head home or go to bed,” you told him quietly.
Groaning, he stood up and crawled onto the shelving that was in your headboard. In one of the little cubbies was a doll bed that was comfortable enough for him. There was also a doll’s closet nearby that held some of Renjun’s clothes. With a snap of his fingers, he was changed into red silk pajamas. You decided it was time to go to bed as well, so Renjun made sure to cover his eyes until you were in shorts and an oversized t-shirt. His lips pursed, but he didn’t say anything. You plugged your phone in before turning off your lights and crawling into bed. There was a press of tiny lips against your forehead.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Having a devil sit in your shirt pocket as you attended your classes was definitely weird. Renjun didn’t need to be there, but he insisted he did in case you needed to get revenge on anyone. It hurt whenever you were feeling especially lonely, wishing he would tell you that he just wanted to spend time with you, but you knew his job demanded him to track you as much as possible. There were times you two were friends, but then he would turn around and act as if he was just there to do his job.
“This lecture is so boring,” Renjun whined as he flopped onto your desk. “Why can’t we go get ice cream?”
You ignored him, continuing to write notes from the PowerPoint. He shoved your pen to grab your attention, but you simply pushed him away with the tip of your writing utensil. Frowning, he sat on your textbook and watched as your pen glided across the paper, the ink looping stains into the surface in the form of words.  You questioned why he would stay when he could do whatever he wanted until the lecture was over. There would be no reason to get revenge while you were taking notes.
When class was over, you headed back to the apartment. Jeno and Jaemin were in the living room with their books out. You collapsed onto the couch between them and leaned against Jaemin. You could feel the smile he pressed to your forehead in a kiss before returning his attention to studying.
“That’s it?” you asked.
There was a chuckle, and then you were being dragged into his lap. You could hear his voice raise in pitch as he nuzzled your neck and tickled you, saying “I love you,” over and over again. You giggled and squirmed in his hold, but he didn’t let go. Jeno was watching from the other side of the couch, smiling brightly. Between your schedules, the three of you didn’t get much time together outside of your weekly movie nights, so moments like this were ones you cherished.
“Satisfied?” Jaemin asked when he finally pulled away.
“Very. So, what movies are we watching tonight?”
The boy holding you froze. You could feel him tense up, and you knew what he was going to say wasn’t what you wanted to hear. “I, uh, I actually have a date tonight.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Oh. Okay.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N—”
You waved it off with a smile. “Jaemin, don’t worry. Jeno and I can still have our movie night, right?”
Groaning, you got up and started to leave. “Fine. I’m gonna go study.”
You ignored their calls to you, closing your bedroom door and locking it. You weren’t upset that they had plans; it was the fact that they didn’t tell you until you brought up movie night. Nobody liked learning about something last-minute.
You were lying on your bed when Renjun appeared. He crawled across the pillow and tangled himself in the hair on the top of your head. He loved playing with your hair, especially when he knew it could calm you down.
“So, what are you gonna do for the rest of the night, kitten?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Probably just watch movies alone and drink. I’ve got nothing better to do.”
“I can watch with you.”
“I don’t want you to get lost in the couch,” you mumbled.
“Oh! I almost forgot! I have a new trick.”
Before you could ask, he was jumping off your bed. You gasped, even though you knew he wouldn’t be hurt, and watched there was a sudden puff of smoke, and then Renjun was standing in your room, human-sized. He threw his arms out as if to say, “Well, what do you think?”
“Renjun, that’s amazing!” you exclaimed.
You jumped up and threw your arms around his neck. He grunted in surprise before slowly hugging you back. His face was buried in your neck as he said, “I won’t get lost in the couch like this.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the comment. You tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let go, so you guided him to the bed. He immediately laid the two of you down, pressing close to your side. It was the complete opposite of how he usually acted, so you were concerned.
“You okay?” you asked.
He nodded and said, “I’ve never hugged someone before. It’s nice.”
“O-oh. Well, feel free to hug me anytime.”
A couple hours later, Jaemin knocked on your door to let you know that he was leaving. You told him to have fun, making sure you didn’t sound upset. Jeno showed up shortly after, telling you he was heading to work. You vaguely remembered him mentioning needing to pick up shifts since hours were down, which would explain why he was working a night he usually didn’t. Once they were gone, you and Renjun headed to the kitchen to make snacks before starting your movie night. The way he moved around was awkward, as if he didn’t know how to act now that he was human-sized.
Once everything was ready, the two of you curled up on the couch, blankets thrown over your laps. There were two different kinds of alcohol on the coffee table, along with three kinds of snacks. Your heart raced as he threw an arm around your shoulders, but you ignored it as you clicked on a random movie. Immediately, you grabbed a bottle and took a swig, wincing at the burning that slid down your throat. There were eyes boring into the side of your head, but you ignored it and grabbed some fries instead.
About half an hour into the movie, Renjun stated, “Humans are weird.”
“How so?” you questioned.
“Does she really dress up as her brother every day? How the hell do her teammates not notice?” he asked.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Boys are dumb, Renjun.”
“I’m a boy.”
“You’re not a human boy.”
He let out a sigh and pulled you closer. “Thank god.”
You didn’t know how much time had passed when you reached the bottom of the one of the bottles. Neither of them anything more than halfway filled, but it was still a lot of alcohol to have consumed. You put the bottle down and reached for the other, but a hand on your wrist made you pause. You looked over to Renjun, who seemed worried. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the bottle and took a swig.
“I’m not taking care of you tomorrow,” he told you.
“You never do,” you pointed out. “I’ll be fine.”
The room was spinning, despite you not moving. Your head felt heavy, so you let it loll to the side. It hit Renjun’s shoulder, but you didn’t bother to move it. You could hear him mumble something, but you were too drunk to ask him to repeat it. Instead, you closed your eyes and let the alcohol lull you to sleep.
Jaemin and Jeno walked through the door, feeling exhausted. Jaemin had been stood up, so he went to Jeno’s job and waited for his shift to be over before they went home. The two of them looked at the sight before them and sighed. You were slumped over, passed out. Both bottles were empty, all the snacks were gone, and the TV lit up the room with the main menu of your favorite movie. They looked at each other before stepping forward to clean up the mess. They knew you weren’t upset about them leaving you alone on movie night, but they couldn’t help but feel bad. You wouldn’t have drunk so much if they’d been there, and you definitely wouldn’t be so hungover tomorrow.
Renjun watched as they cleaned, making sure to move gingerly around you, even though the three of you knew nothing would disturb you when you were in this state. He then looked at you and frowned; watching you drink like that scared him. You didn’t do it often, but when you did, you went pretty hard. He didn’t know what he would do if something bad ever happened to you while you were in that state.
“No, Renjun. I’m not doing it.”
“But he gave you a low score!” the devil argued.
You were sitting at your desk, staring at the test that you had taken a couple weeks ago. You had studied for it, but the questions were super hard, so you weren’t surprised to see the mark. Renjun, however, wanted you to get revenge.
“I deserved it, though. Looking at everything now, I can see where I messed up. It’s completely on me, not him,” you told him.
Renjun huffed and crossed his arms. “Fine, but you better do whatever I suggest next time.”
“To him or in general?”
Rolling your eyes, you headed to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards for something to eat. You could hear Jaemin and Jeno start to whisper to each other harshly, but you ignored it. You were looking for your favorite cereal, but the box wasn’t there. Confused, you glanced around and found it sitting the recycling bin. You slowly turned around to find your roommates holding cereal bowls, looking like deer caught in headlights.
“Jeno poured it,” Jaemin said quickly before going back to eating.
“Dude!” the other boy cries out. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was yours. I thought Jaemin bought it!”
“For her! I bought it for her!”
Without a word, you grabbed your keys, a sweatshirt, and your wallet before walking out. Your slippers made a shuffling sound as you walked through the apartment building and down the street to the convenience store. There, you bought your favorite cereal, a new gallon of milk because you knew you were running low, and some candy. Renjun appeared on your shoulder, a devilish grin on his face. How fitting.
“What’s the plan?” you asked as you walked back to the apartment.
“I was thinking of dyeing his hair to match Jaemin’s?”
You couldn’t help but grin. “That’s a step above petty, isn’t it?”
“It was your favorite cereal.”
“You’re just suggesting it because you’re still upset about Jeno rejecting me.”
He scoffed. “He turned down a perfectly good girl. How else was I supposed to react?”
You could feel the blush heating your cheeks. “I don’t know, like you don’t care? I thought you weren’t supposed to worry about me?”
“After spending fifteen years with you, do you really think I wouldn’t care about your feelings?” he questioned.
“Guess not.”
When you returned to the apartment, the boys were nowhere to be found. You remembered that Jeno had to work again, and Jaemin was driving him to work, so you acted fast. Luckily, the hair mask that Jeno used on his bleached hair was already a pink color (because Chenle bought it from an expensive salon store and there was no way a broke college kid with hair that desperately needed hydration in his hair would turn it down, no matter the color) so you mixed in some of Jaemin’s hair dye and put everything back in its place before carefully shoving the trash to the bottom of the can. You then entered your room right as Jaemin came back, so you were safe.
You woke up to a scream the next morning before your door was thrown open. Sitting up, you looked at Jeno’s hair, a hand flying to your mouth to stifle your giggles. His blond locks were now a pastel pink, matching your best friend almost perfectly. There was a deep frown on his face as he stared at you.
“My hair? Really?” he asked.
You got out of bed and walked over, running your fingers through his hair once you reached him. His eyes closed at the feeling, all tension from his body leaving immediately. You smiled and said, “You look good in pink.”
His eyes opened halfway and he stared at you with a grin on his face as you scratched his skull lightly. “You sure know how to get me to calm down.”
“We’ve been friends since we were five, Jeno. I’d be concerned if I didn’t know how,” you stated.
“Did you put it in my hair mask?” You nodded. “Well, I guess I can keep it pink for a while.”
“Honey, you don’t really have a choice.” You stood on your toes to whisper in his ear, “Just don’t eat my cereal again,” before pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaving your room.
Renjun appeared on the couch in the family room, his facial expression similar to what Jeno’s was a couple minutes ago. “What the hell was that?”
You shrugged, knowing the boys could hear you. He rolled his eyes and asked, “You realize you just flirted with him, right?”
“So what?” you mouthed.
“I thought you were over him.” You nodded again. “Clearly not if you’re acting like this.”
You scoffed as you poured yourself some coffee before making a bowl of cereal. Whatever you did shouldn’t make him so angry, so you weren’t worried about it. If he was mad, that was on him. You could live your life however you wanted, so if you flirted with Jeno, you flirted with Jeno. There was no harm.
You decided to work on your homework, hoping to get it done before Haechan’s frat’s party. All the guys were going, so you were excited to hang with them. Jeno and Jaemin waited for you to finish your homework before leaving for the party. Renjun was back on your shoulder, dressed in a red sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. The sweatshirt was oversized, practically swallowing him. He looked adorable, but you couldn’t say anything without the others hearing you, so you just had to settle for looking at him as much as you could.
Before you even stepped on the property you could feel the bass in your chest. It seemed like the lights were off, but you could see the glow of blacklights from the windows. It would be easy to spot Jaemin and Jeno, even when you were drunk.
You walked through the door and pushed through the crowd to the kitchen. There, you found Jisung, Chenle, and Mark doing shots. Jisung locked eyes with you and spat out the shot, though. You placed your hands on your hips and waited for his excuse.
“I was just, uh, I was—sorry Mom,” he stuttered.
“Dude, she can’t control you,” Chenle stated.
“No, but I hate when she’s disappointed in me,” Jisung whined.
You hit Chenle on the back of the head as you passed him to grab a cup and some liquor. “Be grateful somebody’s here to take care of you, brat.”
Chenle threw an arm over your shoulders and pressed a noisy kiss to the side of your head. “I always am.”
It didn’t take long for the alcohol to take over. You were drinking random liquor, playing beer pong, and taking shots with Mark and Haechan. Renjun had disappeared at some point, but you were too drunk to care. At one point, you found yourself dancing with Jeno in the family room. Everybody was pressed close together, so you didn’t think much about the hands on your hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep yourself steady. Your foreheads were pressed together, and it felt nice.
You didn’t know how long the two of you were kissing before you finally realized what was happening. You pulled away and stared at one of your best friends, jaw dropped in shock. Jeno’s eyes opened slowly, your gazes meeting. You could tell that he was surprised as well by the way his body tensed up. You looked around and froze when you spotted Renjun. You expected him to look annoyed or angry, but not upset. Not like his heart was broken.
“Renjun,” you said.
The devil turned around and pushed through the crowd. You pulled away from Jeno and followed Renjun, calling his name over and over to get him to stop. When you exited the house, he looked at you one more time before disappearing in a puff of smoke. There was a lump in your throat as tears threaten to spill.
“Renjun, please,” you whispered.
Usually he came as soon as you called him, but that night he didn’t.
Jaemin was worried. You hadn’t holed yourself in your room since Jeno gently rejected you when you were all sophomores. Jaemin had managed to get you to open up for him back then, but this time you wouldn’t budge. At this point, he just wanted to make sure you were alive. The door hadn’t opened since the night of the party.
He knew what happened at the party. He saw what happened. He watched you run away, seemingly chase someone. He caught you when you had collapsed on the lawn in tears. He carried you home as you mumbled about a “Renjun” over and over again. He had no idea what you were talking about, but it was clearly the reason you were shutting everyone out.
You skipped class for two days before finally returning to your normal schedule. Jeno and Jaemin tried to talk to you, but you kept ear buds whenever you weren’t in class. They could tell that you had lost weight by the way your sweatshirts hung on your frame as if it was one of theirs instead. You buried yourself in your studies, working on essays well into the night.
It was about a month after the party when Jaemin and Jeno finally cornered you. You were in the living room, highlighting one of your textbooks when Jaemin snatched it from your grasp. You made a noise of protest, but he ignored it in favor of sitting on the coffee table. You could see Jeno standing by the hallway, unsure of whether he should join or not.
“Y/N, we’re worried about you,” Jaemin stated. “You haven’t talked to anyone, and you haven’t been eating enough. You’ve lost far too much weight to convince us you’ve been working out. No, don’t you dare argue with me, we both know that’s what you would’ve told us. We don’t want to get a call from the hospital that you passed out on campus. It would break our hearts to see you like that.”
“’M sorry,” you mumbled.
“We just want to know what’s been going on,” Jeno chimed in. “It’s not just because I kissed you; that’s been made clear.”
“Does it have to do with somebody named Renjun?” Jaemin asked quietly.
You felt your composure crumble. You hadn’t seen or heard from Renjun in a month, and it was killing you. The longer it went on, the more you were convinced that he had never existed in the first place. You were scared for what that meant; would anything else pop up that would have you questioning your own sanity?
The doorbell rang, so Jeno offered to get it, saying something about Mark coming over to study. Jaemin reached out and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder as you tried to hold it all together. It was so difficult to, especially when you hadn’t talked to anyone about it.
“Y/N, it’s for you,” Jeno called out.
Confused, you got up to see who would be visiting the apartment. Your whole body froze up as your eyes landed on the boy standing before you. His silver hair was trimmed and combed back. He was wearing a button-up, a light jean jacket, and black jeans. In his hand was a paper bag with no logo on it. There was a sad smile on his face as he stared at you.
“Renjun,” you whispered.
“Hey, kitten.”
The nickname made you move. You ran forward and jumped into his arms, muffling your sobs in his neck. His hands clutched your body tight, as if he was afraid you would disappear. You knew Jaemin and Jeno were watching, but you couldn’t bring yourself to face them just yet.
“So, this is the Renjun that you’ve been so upset over?” Jaemin asked. You could hear the protectiveness in his voice.
“Jaemin,” Jeno hissed. “Give them their time.”
“Can we go to your room?” Renjun asked.
You nodded and grabbed his hand before dragging him down the hallway. As soon as your door was closed, you hugged him again. He rubbed your back and pressed kiss after kiss to your hair, apologies flying out of his mouth in between.
“I just—how are you here? How can they see you?” you asked.
He seemed to hesitate before grabbing your hand. He guided it to his head, and you could feel ridges on his head. It dawned on you that they were scars, located where his horns used to be. You gasped and pulled your hand away to place it on his cheek instead.
“What happened?” you questioned.
“I, uh, I gave it all up.”
“What do you mean?”
He shrugged and said, “I became a human.”
Your breath got caught in your throat. Why would he become a human? He could do whatever he wanted as the devil, so why would he give it all up?
“Why?” you finally asked.
A sigh left his lips as he sat on your bed. You followed, not wanting him to stray too far. He seemed to hesitate before grabbing your hand. “When you’re the devil, you’re not supposed to feel anything but anger and happiness, and the happiness is only supposed to happen when you get the person you’ve been assigned to do whatever you feel they should do. Caring about them was not something we could do, so I already knew there was something up. Feeling like I wanted to cry when I saw you kissing Jeno? It wasn’t supposed to be possible. And then I checked on you a couple days after the party, and—”
“You checked on me?” you asked quietly.
He smiled softly. “Of course I did. I’ve never been able to stay away for long. Anyway, I heard Jeno apologizing through the door. I knew you were both too drunk to know what you were doing. I went to Satan and talked to him for a long time about it, and he set up tests to make sure I wanted to become a human.”
“Sounds like you jumped through hoops to get here.”
“They were on fire, too.”
You laughed at his joke, which made him smile. Then, he urged you to get a shower, which would be the first time in a few days. Embarrassed, you rushed to the bathroom and jumped in as soon as the water was hot. You took the time to clean every crevice on your body, which you noticed was actually as thin as Jaemin and Jeno had said. They weren’t exaggerating when they said something about you passing out.
Upon exiting the shower, you noticed there was a pile of clothing sitting on the counter. Confused, you walked over to inspect it. None of it was familiar, but you pulled it on anyway. They smelled like cologne that you knew neither Jaemin nor Jeno owned; Renjun must’ve sneaked them in without you noticing. Smiling, you took the towel and dried your hair a little before stepping out of the bathroom. The three boys were in the living room, your friends seemingly interrogating Renjun. He looked over to you and rolled his eyes before grinning.
“Hey there,” he greeted. “You hungry? I brought some food from your favorite place.”
You nodded shyly and watched him grab it from the paper bag he brought with him. You went to sit next to him on the couch, but he grabbed your hips and guided you to his lap, instead. A squeak left your mouth, and there was a low chuckle behind you.
“Either of you planning on telling us what happened?” Jaemin asked, clearly annoyed.
You turned to Renjun, who was biting his lip. He looked at you, and you shrugged. He sighed and looked at your friends before saying, “So, I was the devil that lived on her shoulder.”
Renjun told them everything. When he first appeared, everything he’d convinced you to do, how his feelings for you grew, him seeing what happened at the party, becoming a human, everything. Their eyes were wide, their jaws were dropped, and their bodies seemed to be frozen in shock. You munched along, listening to Renjun’s side of the story. When he was done, you looked at your friends and waited for their reactions.
“You know, that actually makes a lot of sense,” Jeno commented.
Jaemin flailed. “What?!”
“Every once in a while, it seemed like she looked to her shoulder and talked. I always thought I was imagining it or she was doing something else,” Jeno explained.
You let out a big yawn before anything else could be said, so Renjun suggested going to your room to nap. He tossed out your trash and was soon on your heels, locking the door behind you two. He joined you on the bed and threw an arm over your waist. Rolling over, your eyes locked with his. It was a couple minutes before he finally asked, “What’s on your mind, kitten?”
“Just wondering when you’re gonna kiss me,” you mumbled.
Smiling, he propped himself on his arm and leaned over you. Your lips brushed before you finally took the last step and pulled him down. He grunted in surprise, and then his hands came up to cup your face. Your heart was beating like crazy, and it felt like it would burst from your chest any minute. He pulled away and pressed a couple kisses to your cheek before leaving a final one on your forehead.
There was so much that needed to be talked about. He needed to situate himself in the real world with school, a job, and a place of his own. He needed to learn the mannerisms of humans since he didn’t care to pay attention before. But for now, taking a nap with him was the only thing on your mind, and that was okay.
Everything was okay.
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hazymultiverse · 5 years
Ok um... could I ask for Bruno using his stand abilities in bed 😏 I’m always thinking about what he could do with those zippers dhdkdjdj,, Maybe Sticky Fingers himself is there too, its up to you 👀
This was gonna originally go a different direction, but then the ‘Bruno is super weird’ post came around on my dash and I decided to go with this angle instead. Enjoy!
Sex with Bruno is never uneventful.
You’d quickly come to the realization on the first date that this man wasn’t exactly the everyday joe on the street, and that you had, in fact, agreed to a date with the man who was currently testing out different melodies of whistling to see if certain patterns would encourage the sparrow to hop into his hand to eat the seeds he was offering.
You’d be lying however, if you said it hadn’t endeared him to your heart immediately.
Throughout your relationship, you had also gotten used to the odd schedule of his work, both in him leaving for day trips or overnights at short notice, or when someone stopped him on the street to ask for his help, or opinion on something. You didn’t mind, knowing his heart and longing to help others was one of the reasons you fell more in love with him every day, and that if it ever interfered with your plans or your date, that he would make it up to you in any way he knew how.
When the phone rang while you two were enjoying each other’s company in bed was another matter.
You were tangled in the covers, thin sheet stuck to your bodies with the sheen of sweat that had built up on the two of you. Both lovers paid it no mind however, continuing to run their hands over each other’s skin, bodies smoothly rolling against each other in slow deep thrusts.
The two of you were laughing, he had likened a squeal you made (his hand had been a bit cold) to the sound of a certain gull he had seen on the wharf the week prior, sending you into a fit of giggles between kisses, only encouraged when he reassured you that you were “Far prettier than any gull he’d ever seen.”
A bit odd for dirty talk, but not the strangest thing you’d ever heard him say.
After the laughter had died down, he’d put a bit more concentration into fucking you, still gentle and sweet, but with a bit more urgency, relishing in your sighs and moans as you nuzzled into him, mouthing at the skin of his collarbone.
Rolling over to be on top of you, he gazed down at you, dark hair framing his face as he leaned down to kiss you.
With the change of angle, his cock dragged against a sweet spot inside of you, causing you to gasp out his name and clutch his back, prompting him to let out an amused hum of, “oh, you like that?”
“Oh, please, mmm!” You keened against him, pleasure making your brain go fuzzy around the edges as you felt a tight sensation building in your very core.
“Are you getting close for me darling? You’re making such pretty faces-“
He stilled against you as a loud trill of a phone rang from the bedside table.
Letting out a sigh, Bruno started to get up, your legs and arms wrapping around him with a whine.
“No no no, come on don’t go I’m so close, they can wait!” You pleaded, but to no avail.
“Tesoro, you know I have to take this, just- gimme a moment- there.”
Closing your eyes and throwing your head back in the pillows in frustration, you didn’t notice what Bruno was doing until he had gotten up, snatching up the phone with a quick “Bucciarati here.”
It took a moment, until you shifted your legs, to realize that somehow, despite being across the room, he was still inside of you.
Sitting up with a hand flying down to your entrance, fingers brushing against the metal of a zipper.
You sat dumbfounded for a moment, trying to come to terms with the fact your boyfriend had, in fact, unzipped his dick and left it in your pussy while he took a phone call.
This wasn’t the first time he had used his stand in the bedroom, but in the past it had usually been to take your clothes off faster, or to zip open the bedroom wall to carry you inside, refusing to put you down to open the door like a normal person.
Sticky fingers had made a few appearances as well, but not exactly like this.
Testing the waters, you clenched, watching as Bruno’s eyes fluttered shut a moment before shooting you a mischievous look.
Reaching down again, as soon as you touched the zipper, a hand gripped yours, Sticky Fingers manifesting beside you.
“Hey there handsome, it’s been a while.” You greeted him warmly, the stand raising your arm to press a soft kiss to your wrist. You lowered your voice, “Bruno sent you over to make sure I keep it in, didn’t he?”
“Ari!” He gave a firm nod.
You settled back into the bed, brushing your hair back from your face, mussed from previous activities. Stretching out and then shooting a grin to Sticky Fingers, who was still watching you intently.
“Guess we just gotta keep ourselves busy until he’s done.”
Your hand wandered down, reaching no farther than your clit as you began to stroke and tease yourself, a soft hum leaving your lips as your eyes fluttered shut.
A second hand joined yours, your lovers stand beginning to caress your body with practiced care.
Soon you pulled your fingers away, allowing him to control the pace completely, Bruno’s voice fading into the background as you were drawn back into the warm lull of pleasure.
Sticky had a better idea, however, as his other hand reached to grab his users cock, pulling it out of you, and slowly sliding it back in, essentially using it like a toy to fuck you, quickly choosing a faster pace, watching your back arch as you gripped the sheets.
Bruno obviously hadn’t been expecting that, and nearly doubled over with a choked gasp, quickly and breathlessly assuring the voice on the phone, “Oh no, I’m fine, just- ah- tripped on something. Y-you know, we could probably go over most of this in person, it’s rather late- oh? Yes that would be fine, I’ll meet with you tomorrow. Yes sir, thank you. Good night.”
With the phone hung up, he rushed back over to the two of you, catching your face in a deep, passionate kiss, his stand slowing down a bit, the pace a languid rocking of the wrist.
“You,” He pointed at his stand, “Were supposed to keep her out of trouble, not make your own.”
“Oh don’t blame Sticky, he was just having a bit of fun.” You defended, cupping the stands face, “Weren’t you? You just wanted to make me feel so good, and you did, you’re doing such a good job”
Your breathy praise put a smile on his face, Sticky Fingers looking smugly at Bruno, the latter shaking his head good naturedly.
“Well lightning shouldn’t strike twice, so we should be uninterrupted now.” Your lover dismissed his stand, crawling back between your legs with a grin, “Let’s pick up where we left off.”
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
A Familiar World
Pen Pals (pt 1) ——————————————
Just a bit of book exchange and small talk between a couple sorcerers. 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
whattup belle n @vaaloirr are back at it again with another joint chapter, ft alex n journ!!! vaal wrote the letters by alex, and i wrote the ones by journ! these were rlly fun to write, so y’all will prolly see more in the future :>
hope y’all enjoy!!! 
Dear Journal
I hope you’re having a good week, over there, hope life’s treating you well. I’m here with my book recommendation, as usual. I hope you like this one. It’s an intriguing little piece called “Forgotten Shoals”, a story about a small group of people, mostly mercenaries I think, getting shipwrecked and separated on a very strange island. I was a little lost? About halfway through? The story’s kind of too vague for its own good at certain points, but overall it was pretty good. It’s in a pretty old time period, when there were still kings and stuff, so that’s pretty interesting, how they handle that. It’s only two books, but they’re long ones. They make for fun animated book nights, especially if you’re watching in a dark room. It really helps the atmosphere, so there’s that to keep in mind.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Thanks so much for the rec! It came at a great time, I’d just finished with the last series. I’ll be sure to let you know what I think of this one. I’ll work them into my schedule sometime. Probably at midnight. That’s the best time to read, haha. Maybe we’ll both get confused, and we can compare notes. Life’s ok over here. I finally decided to get better acquainted with my roommate. My book rec for you comes from him, actually. It’s a book of really old questor legends- maybe you’ve read it before? Sorry if you have! He called it “Legenday legacies.” There’s a whole series of them. They don’t really go in any order, but the oldest are marked first. I’ve only read a couple, but they’re really cool. It’s best to have them animated, too. My roommate said they were old oral stories that someone finally decided to write down, so the animation has some really neat extra details. This letter got a little long, haha. Hope you’re doing ok over in your town!
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, midnight’s the best time for a spooky book, haha. And thank you for the rec! I actually had the first book when I was a kid, but I forgot it when I left home. I would love to read it again, and to read the other books too… I’ll definitely try to snag them the next time I’m over there. I always meant to go back to them, so thanks for the reminder. And I’m glad you’re getting along with your roommate, it wouldn’t be very fun if you weren’t, haha. I couldn’t really picture myself with a roommate, me and Lucy is just fine. And I’m doing fine, though things are a little hectic over here right now. Someone says they saw a monster nearby recently, which… I’m pretty certain was just a random wolf they got spooked by? It was late. But you know. Rumors are a hard snowball to stop once they get rolling. Hopefully it’ll all get sorted out. Anyway, I’m running out of room on the paper, so I gotta call it here, haha. Have a good one.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Oh, nice! Hopefully the next ones are a good read. And I get leaving books at home on accident. I had to leave a bunch of mine when I left home, too. I got the important stuff! But you can’t quite replace a lifetime of books overnight, haha. At least we have libraries and book merchants, right? Roommate life isn’t for everyone. I’m glad you and Lucy are getting along well at your place. Though the rumors sound rough. It’s hard when a whole town is going off about something. Sorry you’re dealing with those. Hopefully they’ll quit when they catch whatever the critter is, haha. Could make for a town legend, right? I’ve heard plenty of those. They’re certainly something. Before I run out of paper, I actually have one somewhat unrelated question. Does Lucy ever run around the apartment at 3am for no reason? My roommate’s familiar is a cat, and he does that. I’m not sure if it’s a familiar thing or a cat thing. We didn’t have any cats in the house growing up. Hope this letter finds you well.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, a lifetime of books is not the easiest thing to replace, haha. And the rumors aren’t really rough, so much as annoying. It’s a merchant town, so once monster rumors start, everybody’s gotta hold up while some people go out and find whatever it was. They’re very on edge when the topic of monsters is brought up. But hey, what can you do. Hopefully it’ll be a boring town legend at the end of the day, haha. And as far as the 3am thing, yes. All the damn time, every night. Without fail. My mom had a few cats when I was growing up, and I can confirm that it’s a cat thing. They just do that. I don’t know why, you can have the laziest cat in the world and they’ll still sprint around at full speed at 3am. It’s actually kind of hilarious. Also, if we’re gonna be trading questions, I actually had one… Your roommate is a questor, right? I was wondering if you could maybe ask for a few questor tips from him for me, if that's alright. Have a good one.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
I mean, a legend’s a legend, right? But I do hope whatever it is doesn’t bother the townsfolk much. We used to have some problems with woodsy critters back at home. I don’t know if they’re still having issues now, but sometimes wolves can get pretty bold, haha. And that’s good to know. It is pretty funny to just hear my roommate’s familiar sprinting around outside my door at Revaew awful hours of the night. I just have to make sure he doesn’t wiggle his way into my room. He’ll go curl up on my bed to claim it and not move until 6am. Usually that’s not a problem because I stay up late, but it means I crash later during the day. Not so great when I'm in the middle of magic training, haha. I went and asked my roommate about questor tips for you. I didn’t know questors were actually a separate class of sorcerer, so that made for an interesting conversation! He told me that you should keep an eye on the questing board- you have one in town, right?- and to keep some sort of compass/map on you among your supplies. Make sure to pack a snack and water if you don’t already. If it’s a fetch quest, make sure to find the quest giver beforehand to check for any special conditions. He said a bunch of other stuff, too, but half of it sounded like he was trying to be a mother hen. The guy’s a bit of a softie. I could send you my notes with my next letter if you’d like to see all of them.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, yeah… I still think it’s just a wolf. Or maybe a bear. Who knows. Honestly, I would be more shocked if people weren’t bothered by this, merchants are just such uppity people. At least the ones around here. You definitely don’t wanna crash during magic training, yeah. I remember when I was training with my uncle, when I used to live with him, I was not good at keeping myself in check at all. Most of the time not spent practicing was spent napping because I would use all my energy trying to get this one spell, and then just pass out. I was young and excited, to be fair. He got me out of that habit. And maybe you should let the little familiar claim your bed sometime, there’s probably room for both of you, haha. Y’know, the more you talk about him, the more I think he and Lucy would get along great. You didn’t know questors were another class of sorcerers? I mean, I guess the distinction isn’t exactly obvious, now that I think about it. And we do actually have a questing board! Though it’s a little bare lately. Mostly just odd jobs, not much else. Any nearby dungeons have apparently decided to be quite shy, haha. Be sure to tell your roommate that the advice is appreciated, he sounds like a nice guy. And I would love to see your notes! If you’re good with it, that is.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Haha, maybe I will. It’s sort of weird sleeping in a room by myself right now. I have had a lot of siblings. Maybe the company will do me some good. And maybe we can have them meet up the next time you’re in town. I’m sure my roommate would let me take his familiar out. His name is Roo. He’s a shy little guy, but the library is quiet enough that he’d do ok. Just have to find him a fairy tale book and he’s all set, haha. As for magic training, that sounds so cool! Having your uncle train you sounds so exciting. My old mentor sort of took me under her wing because I was trespassing on her woods. She’s a strict teacher, but I’m really grateful to her. She taught me a lot, and gave me an amplifier a while ago. We still exchange letters and I still try my best to stick to what she told me. Learning magic is hard work, but I’m willing to reach for it. Guy’s got a dream, you know? And, for the record, I didn’t grow up in a very magical place. I think my magic mentor was the only sorceress in the entire area of my hometown, haha. Totally different story in this town. There’s lots of sorcerers- my roommate included. He’s pretty cool. Buys me coffee and gives me training tips sometimes. Anyways, all this to say I’ve attached a copy of the notes. Sorry if the ink is a little faded. I wanted to try out a duplication spell I’ve been practicing, and I don’t know if it took all the way. Simple spells can be hard for me, but I’m working on it, haha. Hope you and Lucy are doing well.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, I bet the change from “a lot of siblings” to “one roommate and his familiar” is a bit jarring. I wouldn’t really know? I was an only child. To be honest, I always wondered what having siblings was like, maybe you could tell me sometime? If that’s good with you? Maybe when we introduce Roo and Lucy to each other. Roo is such a cute name by the way, I hope the little guy knows that, haha. As far as my uncle goes, he was a very good teacher! He knew a whole lot of spells, and still tried to learn even more. He was a show sorcerer, so he knew so much neat stuff… I kinda miss him, but you know. He’s got his career, and I wanted to be a questor. At least it helped me get used to travelling a lot, haha. Your teacher sounds super cool too, like? Meeting a sorcerer in the middle of the woods and getting taken under their wing? That’s some legend stuff, man. Awesome. My town wasn’t very magical either, but it wasn’t super unmagical? There were sorcerers here and there. Not enough to really call the town magical, though. It wasn’t a hotspot, I guess is what I’m trying to say. I heard it’s become even less so since I left, but I digress. Oh! And the notes were really great by the way! Thank you so much! And don’t worry about the faded ink, I’ve read more illegible, haha. I think you did a fine job. You’ll get better with practice! I believe in you! And we’re doing fine, though Lucy is getting a bit claustrophobic. I hope you guys are doing well too.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
I apologize in advance if my handwriting gets messy. I’ve rewritten this letter at least three times now. My hand just tends to make absolute chicken scratch if I get too excited. That being said, you mentioned your uncle being a show sorcerer? How long has he been performing? How did he start? What category is he? Are all his shows the same or does he switch it up every time? What does he travel in? Sorry for all the questions, I’ll stop myself there. Show sorcerers are sort of an interest of mine. An aspiration, if you will, haha. Hearing that you worked with one sent my mind into overdrive. That’s so cool! Maybe we could practice spells together sometime. And a legend? Maybe. My mentor tells a lot of those. Sometimes I swear she’s telling an actual story that happened to her. She never confirms, though. I don’t know how much of legend material I am yet. I have to work on my magic some more. One day, though. It’ll happen. Especially if the notes weren’t as bad as I thought, haha. It’s progress! Also, we’ve got solidarity on non magic towns, haha. Glad we’ve both got somewhere that has more pizazz. Just a couple magic guys trying to make their way in the world, ammirite? Anyways, sorry about Lucy. Maybe taking her on a walk would help? We’re doing ok over here. My roommate has been painting scenes from the books we’ve animated. It’s pretty cool. And Roo seemed to like the idea of meeting Lucy! He was a tad nervous, but that’s the norm for him. I think he’d like having another cat friend. Maybe we can get together soon? I might have some sibling stories. Depends how much I remember that day, haha.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Your handwriting’s fine, don’t worry. I’ve read worse. As for all your questions, uh… since he was a teenager, I never asked, I can’t remember the categories but he does a lot of stuff with legends, dragons, and dragon legends, they have the same themes, but he has a bunch of different shows, if that makes sense, and he travels in a little caravan with his familiar and a couple of his friends. I get being excited, it’s all good. Maybe we could have a Q&A the next time we see each other, haha. And I’m sure uncle Leo would love to meet and practice magic with you, but he’s really busy nowadays, so you might have to hold that thought for a bit. He’d have to find a gap in his schedule. You really need to introduce me to your mentor eventually, she sounds awesome. And I’m sure you’ll get a legend or two for yourself one day. I mean, nobody was born the star of one, am I right? And I wouldn’t really say my current town has more “pizazz”, but it’s definitely more tolerable than my old town, I guess. Some people were very opinionated there. Especi Yeah I took her on a quick walk through town before writing this letter, actually, and she’s feeling a lot better! Sometimes she just needs a little bit of fresh air like everybody else. I bet your roommate's paintings look great, I can’t paint to save my life, haha. Lucy’s a little nervous too about the meeting too, so I guess the feeling’s mutual. Hopefully we can all get together soon!
Sincerely, Alex
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eryiss · 4 years
Fraxus Week 2020: Day 2 - He Likes Guys
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Summary: After a crappy post-college first year, Laxus jumped at the opportunity to leave town for a week for a road trip with his friends. He intended it just to be a week away with his friends, but when he meets an unfamiliar stranger, the vacation turns into something much more. [Fraxus Multichapter]
This is the second part of my Fraxus Week admissions, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. This year I’ve made the prompts into a single multi-chapter fic. You can see all the chapters in the Masterpost linked below. Hope you enjoy.
You can read this on Fanfiction, Archive of our Own, and under the cut. Read the other chapters from this masterlist.
Chapter Two – Breakfast Together
"We should have gotten the train," Evergreen muttered, cracking her back. "Why didn't we get the train?"
As he stretched his legs, Laxus shared the sentiment. They had parked the RV overnight in a small camping site and slept there for the night. Evergreen had taken the single bed, Bickslow and Freed shared the double, and Laxus had been left to curl up in the reclining front seat. It had been Laxus' suggestion he take the seat, claiming that Bickslow deserved a bed after driving most of the day, and Evergreen would probably murder the three of them if she hadn't been given a bed after being woken up early.
There was also another reason. The possibility of sharing the bed with Freed.
Laxus had always felt strongly. He was ruled by emotions, and they overtook him quickly. He had never had a good handle on controlling how he felt, and right now he felt something akin to a crush on Freed. The man was incredibly handsome, and fun to be around. He fell into line with the teasing nature of the friendship group, was smart, and had a bit of a snarky side. It was great.
But Laxus was also a rationalist. He hadn't had a long-term relationship before, and he knew that this was just a crush. He would get over it by the end of the week, he just needed to be patient and careful. And risking a chance of sharing a bed with the man was not being careful.
When he woke up with a crick in his back, he regretted his choice.
After they had all woken up, Bickslow had informed them that they would be getting breakfast at a nearby Truckstop Diner to celebrate their first full day at being on the road. Nobody disagreed, and they had arrived there by nine. It was a quaint little place, and the smell of cooking bacon hitting his senses made Laxus' stomach groan.
"Because getting the train is boring," Bickslow grinned. "And on the train we can't leave you behind on the road if you keep complaining."
"Please do, it's better than being trapped in a box with you," Evergreen muttered.
The four of them walked to a small table in the back corner of the restaurant, Laxus letting his two friends playfully squabble between themselves as he looked over the breakfast menu; it was pretty much what he expected. The promise of bacon pancakes made his stomach growl again. When he caught sight of Freed glancing at him with a grin, he reddened slightly.
"Shut up," He muttered, but had the smallest of grins on his face.
"I didn't say anything," Freed chuckled, which was a rather nice sound. "Although one of us should probably go to the counter, those two probably won't stop if we don't make them."
"They like this at college then?" Laxus asked with a smile.
"Once in the cafeteria they had an argument that lasted about an hour about if college got their chicken nuggets from the same place that McDonalds got theirs," Freed chuckled. "At some point Bickslow actually emails the president of the college to see if it was right. He didn't get a reply and pouted about it for a week."
"Seems about right," Laxus grinned. "Did Ever keep arguing with him to piss him off?"
"Of course," Freed chuckled, then looked towards the other two. "I'm going to order, what do the two of you want?"
They both relayed their orders to him, and he shifted out of the chair and towards the counter. Laxus almost managed not to sneak a glance at the man's retreating form, but failed. In his defence, the man had a damn good physique and the fact his trousers hugged his thighs and ass were not Laxus' fault. Thankfully, both Evergreen and Bickslow had fallen into another argument between themselves and hadn't noticed Laxus' wandering eyes.
Trying to distract himself, Laxus glanced out the large window and looked at the long expanse of land before him. He had lived in Magnolia for the majority of his life and had always been surrounded by things, both people and buildings. This had been why he always liked going on vacation with his grandfather; everything seemed so open in the coast.
Again, Laxus found himself glad that Bickslow had insisted he come. This was what he needed after the disappointment of the last year. But he was getting a bed tonight. Even if he had to share the thing with the guy he was crushing on.
When put like that, his problem seemed pretty insubstantial.
With the man at the front of his mind again, Laxus allowed his gaze to drift back towards him. The man was talking to the woman behind the counter, smiling at her in a way that made Laxus feel just a little bit disappointed. There seemed to be a clear flirtation in the man's expression, and the blush on the woman's face probably meant that the whatever he was saying was equally flattering. As utterly ridiculous as it felt, Laxus found himself feeling slightly jealous at the display.
"Think we're gonna have someone else in the truck tonight," Laxus muttered, trying not to sound bitter.
"What?" Evergreen asked.
Both she and Bickslow looked towards the counter, as Laxus hadn't removed his gaze. They both seemed amused by the display, and Evergreen even laughed, which forced Laxus to look at her with both annoyance and confusion.
"He's not flirting, baby," Bickslow explained. "He's a natural charmer. Doesn't even realise he's doing it. Poor girl."
"He looks pretty into it," Laxus mumbled.
"He likes men, Laxus," Evergreen laughed again, and the blonde snapped his gaze onto the woman. He hadn't expected that; he'd hoped, but that was just wishful thinking.
"Really?" He asked, and his voice thankfully didn't show the hopefulness.
"Yeah," Evergreen smiled. "If not, his boyfriend might be a bit disappointed."
A lot of things happened when Evergreen said that. A rushing of disappointment filled Laxus, because Freed was of course in a relationship and Laxus wasn't the type of man who felt for people in relationships. Evergreen reached into her pocket to pull out her phone and typed away at it, claiming that Freed's twitter icon was of him kissing his boyfriend. And Bickslow quickly tensed up and looked away.
"Oh, he must have changed it," Evergreen hummed, clicking into his account. "They'll be pictures though."
It was then that Laxus realised that Bickslow was acting weird, staring directly at the obnoxiously red table. It took a few seconds for Laxus to guess why the man had gotten so awkward, and his assumption was proven when Evergreen spoke again.
"Oh," She whispered.
"What?" Laxus asked.
"His relationships status, he's…" She looked up towards Freed, who was still talking to the woman at the counter. "One second."
She left the table and walked towards Freed, and Laxus glanced towards Bickslow again. The man was looking down at the table still, and he was shifting in his seat awkwardly. Laxus stared toward him and almost glared, because it was pretty damn clear that the other man had known Freed was single. How he knew, Laxus didn't know, because it must have been a secret if Evergreen hadn't known.
"You knew, didn't you?" Laxus eventually said.
"Kinda," Bickslow admitted. "Bumped into Freed after it happened. He needed someone to talk to, I was there."
"Is he okay?" Laxus asked, glancing over his shoulder.
"No idea, the guy kinda closes himself off with his emotions. You can never tell with him," Bickslow sighed. "I was shocked when he said he was still coming with us, honestly. I wanted him to come because he had a bad year – college has been a lot harder than we all thought it would be – and I thought the asshole leaving him might have been the final straw."
"Why didn't ya tell anyone?"
"Freed asked me not to," Bickslow sighed. "He doesn't like people fussing over him. Definitely doesn't want it from a stranger, so don't get all weird around him," Laxus nodded at the request, and Bickslow relaxed slightly. "Good. And honestly, I'm kinda glad. They weren't great together, and now he gets to meet you while he's single."
"Bickslow," Laxus hissed. "He just got out of a relationship-"
"I'm not setting the two of you up," Bickslow assured him, putting his hands up in defence. "It's just, I've always thought you'd be good together. Maybe as friends, maybe boyfriends. And now that he's single he gets to make his own opinion of you without worrying about making the asshat jealous. This way he gets to know you on his own terms. It's why I hardly told the two of you anything about each other."
"Sounds like you're trying to set us up," Laxus muttered.
"I'm not, I promise," Bickslow assured him. "And besides, I saw ya checking out his ass. Like you'd complain about me setting ya up with him."
Laxus didn't say anything, instead blushed slightly and glanced over towards Freed and Evergreen. They had walked away from the counter where Freed had placed the order, and were having a hushed conversation with each other. Freed didn't look particularly sad about it, in fact he seemed to be the one reassuring Evergreen. Laxus could only assume that Freed was assuring the woman that he was okay, and not a heartbroken mess. It was clear that Bickslow's request that Laxus not treat him as if he might break with a wrong word was the right thing to do.
He could do that. He had never been blessed socially, now that was to his advantage.
It turned out to be harder than he thought.
The issue lay in the fact that Laxus didn't know Freed. He didn't know how to talk to the man in a normal situation, never mind the kind of situation where he wasn't able to talk about the elephant in the room. So, as to keep his promise to Bickslow, Laxus had decided not to speak at all. Which, as much as Laxus wished it wasn't, was awkward.
Eating breakfast had been relatively easy, as Laxus had allowed himself to focus on the food rather than the people at the table. Given how loud his stomach had been growling, nobody had thought it was odd that Laxus didn't say anything, and the large portion of bacon meant that he was the last to finish. The awkwardness came after, when Laxus suddenly found himself at a loss for words as to what to say to Freed.
It couldn't continue for the rest of the week. It just couldn't.
So when the two men were left alone – Bickslow was filling the RV with gas and Evergreen had gone to the bathroom – Laxus saw this as good a chance as any to talk to the man. He jogged towards the man, who was leaning against a wall of the diner, and met his gaze when he looked up at him. He really did have strikingly blue eyes.
"Hey," Laxus said; he should have thought about what he was going to say beforehand.
"Hey," Freed repeated, a small look of amusement on his face. "I thought you were ignoring me in favour of bacon."
"Oh, you picked up on that," Laxus chuckled awkwardly, cringing slightly.
"If you looked any harder at it then it might have caught fire," Freed said with a teasing grin.
"Sorry," Laxus cringed at himself again. "Look. So, Bickslow told me. That you were dating a guy and that you're not anymore. And he said not to bring it up, or to treat you weird, which is what I'm gonna try and do. But I might mention it without thinking, or be weird. I can't promise I won't. But I thought that, me trying to be normal and potentially fucking up is better than if I was just awkward and trying not to say anything that might upset ya," Laxus rubbed the back of his neck with a painful expression on his face. "It's pretty clear I ain't being subtle about it."
"Thank you," Freed said, his smile now more genuine. "I had expected that was the reason you were suddenly being strange. Honestly I'm shocked Evergreen didn't find out sooner."
"She's protesting twitter because Erza – a girl she used to have some stupid rivalry with – got verified," Laxus supplied, and Freed laughed a little.
"That sounds accurate," He chuckled. "And I'm glad that you spoke to me rather than trying to avoid me. I do appreciate what Bickslow meant when he told you not to treat me differently, but I think it's better to not have something hanging over us for the rest of the week."
"Me too," Laxus nodded, and relief flooded him. He had worried he would offend Freed by talking about it.
"Speaking of things hanging over us, you owe me two more dollars for breakfast," Freed said, and Laxus furrowed his brow slightly. He had been sure he had given the right amount for his meal. When he looked at the man, Freed was grinning. "It costed two extra dollars for the added bacon I got for you."
"Why did ya get me more bacon?" Laxus asked with a chuckle.
"Partly because I could hear your stomach from half a mile away," Freed grinned, and Laxus felt a small grin form on his own face. "And partly because I expect someone with your physique is completely obsessed with protein."
The teasing insult almost made Laxus miss the fact Freed had noticed his physique. Almost.
"Pretty big assumption your making there," Laxus chuckled, deciding not to think about the fact Freed had apparently taken note of his body. It was obvious, not exactly something he could have missed. "And you're the one who wanted the bacon, not me. So I ain't paying for it."
"It's funny you think you have a choice in the matter," Freed grinned, and Laxus found himself entranced by it. "And as for making assumptions, I'm quite sure I'm correct. Given that I saw you looking at the calorie value of the microwave meal we had last night, it just makes sense that you like to know the nutrients of food. And, of course, the amount of protein you intake."
"You don't know that's what I was looking at," Laxus muttered. "I could've just liked the packaging."
"That seems likely," Freed commented sarcastically, and they started walking across the parking lot and towards the RV, that Bickslow had parked up. "But if you unlocked your phone right now, you'd definitely have some kind of nutrition app."
"I don't," Laxus lied. He had two.
"Laxus, if you can prove that to me right now then I will give you a hundred dollars cash and I'll about a thousand push-ups," Freed deadpanned, holding Laxus' gaze.
The blonde tried to maintain eye contact for a while, and was almost tempted to pull out his phone, try to subtly delete the two apps on his phone just to wipe the smug expression off the man's face. Not that it would work, of course, but it would be nice to give the man a hit to his ego while making some money. And watching him attempt to do that many push-ups would be… delightful. Would his shirt ride up? Would Laxus see his muscles flex and strain? And if he managed it, just how hot would that be?
It was for the best that Laxus couldn't prove his point, really.
"Being smug ain't a good look," Laxus muttered, and Freed laughed his smooth laugh again.
"I think I pull it off better than most," Freed grinned before climbing into the RV before Laxus.
He wasn't going to say anything, but Laxus found himself unable to disagree. He grinned as he climbed into the truck and took the seat opposite Freed. This contrast between the awkwardness of the diner table and the one they were sat at now was clear, with how easier this felt.
Too busy grinning, Laxus missed Bickslow's own smile and glinting eyes.
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darlinvandijk · 5 years
Pregnancy Prank
Concept: so basically I’m in love with Ruel and decided my beautiful Aussie boy needs more love and what better way to do that than write about him. So here’s him getting pranked and if you have any requests just dm and whatnot and I’ll make something for you!(also this is really long so sorry bout that) I hope you enjoy it :)
I walk around the apartment setting up cameras in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen for the prank I’ll be pulling on Ruel today. Once I set it all up, I go to our bedroom and hit record to film my intro before he gets back from the studio.
“Hello whores, today I decided to do the pregnancy prank on Ruel, since y’all always seem to want him in videos. Like ew gross” I laugh knowing just how much my fans love him and our relationship. I then proceed to show them where I tried to “hide” the pregnancy tests in the garbage can of our bathroom under some toilet paper, and then all the other little things I did to hopefully raise suspicion, especially since he’s been so busy lately that we haven’t had enough time together for him to think these changes are happening overnight.
I walk into the living room and kitchen to make sure the cameras have started recording since I know he’ll be home shortly, especially since it’s nearing 7:30 pm right now. Just as I’m about to get up and grab a water bottle I hear keys jingling outside the door of our apartment.
“Ohhh shit y’all it’s show time, get your popcorn and tissues because I’m about to emotionally traumatize this kid” I whisper shout laughing towards the camera hidden near the tv.
“Hey baby, I’m home” I hear him call out from our little entryway. I hear him put his keys and wallet on the counter of the kitchen before I hear his soft footsteps into the living room where I’m laying across the couch trying to look like I’m aimlessly going through some social media posts.
He starts to walk over to me to give me a kiss like he always does when he gets home, but I get up and go to the bathroom, jogging right past him as he watches me with a confused look.
“Sorry baby I have to pee really bad” I shout out from down the hall, trying my hardest to not laugh at him. Once I finish my fake bathroom break, I walk back to the couch and lay down, watching him stand there still confused on what just happened, he seems to get over it and walks over to me.
“I missed you today” he mumbles as he lays on top of me on the couch, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his face against my chest. I then proceed to fake wince and move his face off my chest.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asks while pushing up slightly to analyze my body for any injuries, but not being able to get a clear look since I’m wearing one of his hoodies covering my body all the way to the tops of my thighs.
“I’m just a little sore up there, that’s all. Don’t worry about it bubs” I smile giving him a quick kiss. He seems to ponder over what I said before getting a confused look on his face.
“Why’re you sore? Your period isn’t for another like 2-3ish weeks and I definitely didn’t do anything to make them sore enough like that last night.” He replies with a slight smirk about his little comment at the end.
“First of all, what? How would you know when my period is, and please like you even did anything at all last night” I tease him and then laugh when he fully sits up and pulls me onto his lap with an offended look on his face.
“I have an app that tracks your period, we’ve been together for like 3 years now, of course I’m going to keep track of something that turns you into a hormonal demon. Also uhm I’m pretty sure you weren’t saying that last night” he adds with a sassy eye roll towards me, I just giggle and get up to go to the kitchen to start the next part of the prank.
“Babyyy come back I need cuddles today” he whines walking into the kitchen, “what the fuck? That’s a lot of food bubs” Ruel says watching me load a plate full of various snacks we have in the house. Having known each other so well, he knows that I never usually eat like this, nor do I eat such strange combinations of snacks.
“I’m hungry Ruel, like what do you just want me to starve” I snap at him, trying my hardest to not laugh at his taken aback face from my sudden mood change.
“Okay baby calm down, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that like it’s more than you’d usually snack on and is also kinda weird. Like you want me to not question why you’re eating bagels with strawberry cream cheese and baby carrots on top” he says incredulously.
I make my way back to the living room and proceed to eat my strange meal, trying to keep my facical expressions at bay, because not going to lie, this bagel was disgusting. He makes his way back into the living room and sits next to me putting his arm around me on the back of the couch. He watches me eat my bagel with a weird look on his face, almost as if he was starting to put a couple things together.
“My love, I’m gonna ask you a question, buuut you can’t get mad at me” He states looking me in the eyes. I just give him a shrug and continue eating, waiting for him to ask me whatever it is he wants to know.
“I’m not sure how to say this but do you think you could be preg-“ he starts with a slightly scared look before I cut him off shoving my plate into his arms and start jogging to the bathroom.
“I gotta pee” I call out, before running into the bathroom and shutting the door. As I flush the toilet, I hear a knock on the door, so I open the door just to come face to chest with my tall ass boyfriend. He lightly grabs me and puts me on top of our bed while scanning me and trying to figure out what’s changed about me.
“That’s your second time peeing and I’ve literally been home for maybe 40 minutes at the most, you’re eating weird shit, your boobs are sore, like that’s not normal” he says while watching my face for even a hint of a reaction. I remain blank and just slightly tilt my head to act like I don’t know what he’s going on about.
“I don’t know what you’re getting all weird about, maybe you’re the one being weird ” I say avoiding what he’s trying to insinuate. He watches as I roll off the bed and go to the kitchen, grabbing myself some hot Cheetos and plain yogurt.
“What’re you doing? You just ate your other snacks and still have some of your bagel left, do you really need to eat this?” He questions while looking at me like I’m crazy, especially since he knows how much I hate plain yogurt. I decide to twist his words knowing it’ll catch him off guard and really throw him off.
“What? Are you calling me fat? Oh my god you must think I’m ugly and that’s why you don’t want me to eat any of these things, I should have known” I wail and proceed to let tears fall down my face at an alarming rate, as I shove past him and run into our bedroom. He stands there shell shocked for a moment, not noticing the small smile I had when I ran past.
He runs into the room just in time to see me jump on the bed and curl up in a ball under the covers. I hear his footsteps approaching and continue to fake sob into the bed, feeling him sit on the bed and lightly put his hand on my back.
“Babygirl, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way, I just meant that it was a lot of food to consume in a short period of time and I don’t want you to get sick tonight and end up not feeling well” he whispers softly into my ear as he leans over me, having taken the covers off of my face. I avoid eye contact as he slowly wipes my tears away.
Ruel sighs and takes the covers off me, pulling me into his arms once he realizes I’m not going to reply to him. As I have my face in his neck, I look over to where the camera is and give it a small grin knowing he can’t see what I’m doing. I put my face back against his neck and sit there as he slowly rubs my back and plays with my hair.
“My love, you know I didn’t mean it like that. You’re the absolute most gorgeous woman on the planet and I love every single thing about you. All your curves and how they feel under my hands, that pretty little button nose of yours, and your ass is also out of this world if I do say so myself” he softly says into my ear with a chuckle when he feels me smile against his collarbone. I then start laughing knowing how big of a headass he is and that he’s so cute thinking he hurt my feelings but I’m really out here fucking with him.
“Yeah it’s all good in the hood” I say as I stand up and act like nothing happened causing him to gape at my back because of the fact that I was sobbing mere seconds ago but am now fine. He proceeds to shake his head and walk to the bathroom, telling me he’ll be out in a sec.
I turn my head to the camera once he’s in knowing that it’s about to be showtime since it’ll be hard to miss the corner of the pink pregnancy test box and the fact that he already tried to question if I was earlier. I hear him mumble something from the bathroom before he starts fumbling with the lock and the door flies open.
“What in the absolute fuck is this?” He says holding the box and three positive pregnancy sticks in front of me. I notice how he doesn’t seem angry but rather scared and worried about the possible predicament we are in.
“Why were you digging through the trash can? Kinda gross if I do say so myself” I say while laughing nervously, which causes him to give me an incredulous look for trying to make a joke at a time like this.
“It’s not the time to be joking around, are you actually pregnant? I should have known from the way you’ve been weird as shit today. Oh god what’re we going to do.” He mumbles sitting on the edge of the bed, roughly brushing through his hair with his hands.
“Do you not want a baby with me.. I know it’s not ideal but I don’t know I just thought if anyone could get through this it’d be us.” I whimper with a couple tears rolling down my face. He immediately whips around and wraps himself around me to comfort me. I guess you could say I deserve an Oscar for the performance I’m giving right now.
“I love you. We will get through this, it’s going to be hard but I’ll be with you every step of the way. I promise and you know I don’t break promises my love” he mumbles planting a kiss onto my neck.
“I love you too, thank god you’ll be with me every step of the way, because having a food baby really is tough work my friend” I say seriously looking into his eyes. He sits there staring at me like I’m crazy, before sitting up and pulling away from me.
“What the fuck do you mean a food baby” he says clearly stressed out from the tumultuous events today. I start laughing and jump on top of him straddling his waist.
“I’m Ashton Kutcher and you’ve just been Punk’d baby boy. I’m not pregnant, this is a prank for my channel” I laugh while kissing all over his face knowing he’s slightly ticked off.
“You honestly piss me off so much sometimes” he mumbles as he watches me grab the camera and put it right in front of us. I wrap my arms around him and proceed to film my outro as he glares at the camera but still holds onto me since we all know he’s ObSesSEd with me. I then go and turn off the other cameras before going back to where he is laying on the bed.
“I’m sorry, buuut I love you and thank you for being so understanding and loving because it shows just how much you’d do for me and our future. We’ll have a baby one day, just not yet” I whisper peppering his neck with little kisses knowing it’s his weakness.
“You’re lucky I love you asshole” he mumbles rolling over and completely just cuddling me like the oversized koala he is.
“I’m more than lucky bubs. You’re the love of my life and you always will be” I whisper as I play with his hair and watch as he falls asleep with his head in the crook of my neck and arms and legs wrapped around me. My last thought before I drift off with a smile on my face thinking that wow I really am not only the queen of pranks but also the luckiest girl alive.
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ateezgf · 4 years
i need advice and motivation on how to overcome highschool :((
oooh this is a bit hard to answer because high school now isn’t quite the same as how it was when i was in it for obvious reasons. BUT !! i’ll do my best to help you! 
i have a feeling that things may feel super.. tedious and overwhelming right now, no? especially since most high school students haven’t done an online class before. i had a couple online classes (because i failed apush & had to make it up so that i can graduate on time plus another random class just to boost my gpa mwah) in high school & it honestly is pretty rough! i know that this doesn’t sound very motivating, but i’m sort of trying to be like “hey, it’s gonna be a struggle but i’ve been there (hell, tbh im STILL there with college) and if i can make it, im sure you can too”. 
online learning takes a lot of self-discipline. i know every household is very different and perhaps you don’t have the luxury space and privacy that so many study channels and other advice things rave about. that happens. i’ll finally start settling into my study mindset when suddenly my mom calls me over to her room & it throws me off my groove! i’ve taken a lot of online classes so far (even before it was forced upon me) and i’m still struggling with self-discipline and working on procrastination. the best advice that i can offer is trying to get yourself into a routine that best suits YOU. not something you feel pressured to stick to because a lot of people who post about their own study habits do it (eg. waking up super early [ofc if u have to then u have to but if u dont then well], studying ALL day, etc). it may take some time to find your specific groove that works for you & it might require some communication with family. just because you don’t develop a top-notch routine right away doesn’t make you a failure or any negative connotation. ESPECIALLY since this is (im assuming) your first time with remote learning. 
it’s a really weird transition, especially if you’re body/mind is also already used to relaxing when you’re home. it takes time to break the association and have your mind recognize that home is a place to work now & it isn’t just for leisure or little tasks like homework. which is why you should have one designated spot to study/get work done at that isn’t a bed or couch or just anywhere you tend to sleep or relax on. this is something i learned in my psych classes, so!! like i said, you have to get your body used to the fact that school is happening at home now. it’s not an overnight thing for everyone. you want to do your best to avoid getting work done in bed if you can because your mind & body will register that as “oh? seems like it’s time for bed/time to relax” and start falling asleep or something. OR! your body will start to recognize that space as a place of work instead of relaxation & when it’s time to actually sleep, it’ll be harder to do so because of the association. if you have a desk or table or just any space you can sit up in and work, that’ll be my biggest recommendation~ 
hmm.. i also know that not every house allows peace and quiet either. i was fortunate enough to take advantage of apple’s student discount and got some airpod pros. BUT this doesn’t mean you need expensive, noise-cancelling earphones. if you like listening to music while you work, put your preferred pair of earbuds/headphones on to block out as much outside noise as possible! i don’t recommend blasting your music (dont wanna hurt ur ears now), but just enough where the background noise of your house or outside isn’t too much of a distraction should be fine~ also so you can still hear your parents if they’re calling you if they’re like that. [but also if you’re able to set boundaries and be like “i need [timeframe] to do my school work so please try not to bother me” then !!!! yes]. if you don’t like listening to music/can’t because it’s a distraction, perhaps try to find earplugs or maybe try instrumentals if the distraction is with listening to your favorite songs? like those foam ones that people at concerts wear and stuff, yknow? i can’t really study in complete silence so i can’t vouch too much about this one. 
going back to finding a routine best suited for you, i wooould say that you should work during the day so that you can relax at night.... BUT!!!!! if you’re more of a night owl & your house is more quiet at night, definitely use that time to study/get some homework done. i’m assuming if this is anything like my younger brother’s online schooling, you’re attending zoom lectures during normal operating hours and then you’re essentially free the rest of the day. now, you could use that time to get your work done if that works for you. OR you can use that time to relax and do the other things you want to do (play games, work out, take a nap, i dunno) and then get your work done at night since you’re awake then anyway. 
BUT LIKE I SAID, FIND WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU!! i know things are really weird and hard right now, i get it. hopefully, you have a nice group of friends who are still making this social distancing time as enjoyable as possible & i hope you’re reaching your own mini successes. i wish i can give you more advice and motivation, but again i’m not really sure how to help you when it comes to getting through high school during these times ): .... but i am here to help cheer you on if you ever need the boost!!! if you want to celebrate your successes with me, i am more than HAPPY to hype you and your brain up. if you need a space to talk about something that went wrong academically, i’m here to help you feel better cause i have definitely been in that position before. also i may suck at math but im pretty good at english :D so papers and all that jazz? i can maybe try helping~ 
you got this! i believe in you (: 
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dayseternal-blog · 4 years
Summary: Naruto and Hinata join the Twelve Guardian Ninja of the Land of Fire’s Daimyo.  (But not really.)  Their mission is to smoke out the rat among them who’s selling political secrets to insurgents, while making sure the other Guardians don’t figure them out.
Neither can tell when their acting became so convincing.
A fake relationship canon-divergent AU.  Rated E for eventual shameless smut.
Written for NH2020 March - Bodyguard Theme
Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Kiss Him Again
They left for Kumogakure ten days in advance for the joint Chunin Exams.
Ten days of constant vigilance, watching for bandits or other criminals intent on attacking the daimyo’s entourage.
Once they all entered the foggy village high among the mountaintops, they could relax a little.
The Raikage has his shinobi posted in high-traffic areas, at the fanciest hotels where the daimyo are staying, and surrounding the meeting halls.
But for Naruto and Hinata, they both know they can’t let their guards down now.
Visitors from many different nations crowd the streets.  Opportunities for a possible traitor to sneak away are high now that they are taking on 2-person shifts throughout their stay in Kumo.
At the top of their suspect list: Taiyou, a genjutsu-user who came from the same poverty-stricken village as one of the caught informants.  Lightning-style user Tacchi, who never told anyone that his younger sister was currently a missing person.  And Ryuu, an earth and water-style user who apparently caught the informants first.
They also chose Eizan, though his story held true.  His parents were killed in the Third Shinobi War.  He was then adopted outside of Konoha by old farmers, who have already passed.  Naruto and Hinata discussed that Eizan, the unofficial leader among the Guardians, would be good at keeping the group together, making it more obvious if someone wants to do something else.
Naruto knows he’ll need to sleep with one eye open in case someone tries to leave in the middle of the night.
Except he finds himself knocking on the door of Hinata’s room, his own belongings in hand, trying to ignore the flip-flopping in his gut.
“Oh, Naruto, you’re not gonna keep your stuff with Hinata-chan?"  "You guys got in a fight or something?”
...He had to awkwardly blame it on habit, grin really widely, and scooch himself out of the room.
This isn’t weird at all, he assures himself.  He’s slept beside Hinata on missions before.  With her teammates.  Outside.  Many times.
She answers the door.  “Naruto-kun?”
“Uh, I kinda need to stay with you.”
She blinks once, realization hurtling into her.  “O-oh, yes, come in.”
He enters her room silently and puts his stuff down.
They both stand there, eyes darting to the only bed in the room.
He panics for only half a second.  He has the overnight shift, so he won’t be here anyway.  “We can take turns?” he wonders aloud.  “So while I’m on duty, you can sleep on the bed if you want.”
She nods a little too hard.  “And while I’m on duty, you can sleep on the bed.”
They’re nodding to each other, glad that they easily came to a solution.
She inwardly takes a deep breath, trying to stay as calm as possible, trying to get some sense of how she normally is.  “Naruto-kun, please go ahead and use the shower,” she invites.
He glances at the bathroom, where the light is already on.  She was in the middle of getting ready before he interrupted her.  “No, no, I’ll go after.”
“Are you sure?” she asks, knowing it’s customary for the men to go first.
“Yeah, I’m fine for now.”
She decides not to push it.  “Thank you,” she says, probably a little bit too quietly.  She grabs her whole bag and retreats to the bathroom as quickly as she can.
She stares at herself in the mirror.  For some reason, she didn’t foresee any of this happening.  But she needs to act like it’s not a problem.  Otherwise, Naruto will feel like he’s troubling her when he’s not.  She needs to act as unbothered as possible.
She can do this.
She can act as she normally does.
So she makes sure to wash up as best she can, without going too fast or too slow.  Too fast, and he’ll think he’s bothering her.  Too slow, and he’ll wonder what’s taking so long.
She just has to act normal.
She quickly moisturizes, dresses, spreads a towel over her shoulders, and grabs the hairdryer to finish outside.  “Naruto-kun?” she calls, opening the bathroom door.  “I’m sorry to make you wait.”
“Oh, no.”  He looks up at her from his seated position where he was tracking the movements of the other Guardians.
He tries to keep himself from staring.
He’s known for a long time now that Hinata turns pink easily due to her fair complexion, but he still wasn’t prepared for how shiny and rosy she would look.  He stands to gather his things, averting his eyes, feeling like he saw something he’s not supposed to know.  “I was just watching the others.  It seems like they’re all just relaxing like us.  I don’t think we have to worry about anything right now since we all just got here.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“I’ll go in now, then?”
“Mhm.  I’m done.”
He steps in to the bathroom, taking notice of Hinata’s used towelette, a small tub of cream, and the hotel’s soaps.  He idly remembers that she gave him some stuff like that at his own Chunin Exams.
Hinata’s been a good friend to him for a long time.  Really since the Chunin Exams, she’s been a good friend.  Maybe that’s why he chose 8 years?  Maybe his subconscious just summed up the important years of their friendship.
He washes up, glad to be finally free of the grime of travel, thankful that he wasn’t on the first shift to watch the daimyo.
When he leaves the bathroom, patting off the humidity with a towel, the room’s noisy.
And her long hair is billowing out behind her.
A tool that he recognizes must be a hairdryer is in her right hand.  Her other hand glides through her dark strands like they’re nothing more than water.
He puts his old clothes away, watching mesmerized.
Hinata realizes he’s staring.  She shuts the machine off.  “I’m sorry, it’s really loud.”
“Uh, no.”  He notices that the top of her head is dry but the ends aren't.  “It’s not bothering me at all!”
“Oh, then, I only have a little more to do.  I’ll be done soon,” she says apologetically.
“Take your time!” he assures.  “Really!”
“Okay, thank you, it won’t take long.”  She turns back around, clicking the hairdryer on.
He guesses she must do this every time after she takes a bath.  He’s never used a hairdryer in his life, never seen anyone use one for that matter.
But it’s something that she does.  For her long hair.
...It seems unnecessary.  Plain air can do the same thing.
But...it’s apparently something she likes to do.
Maybe all girls do it to be pretty like this.
He gets the feeling again that he’s seeing something he’s not supposed to know, but Hinata doesn’t really seem bothered by his presence.
She glances over at him and sees that he’s sitting on the bed now, still watching her.  Not knowing what to think, nerves starting to rise, she decides to stop and let the air do the rest.  “I checked the other room just a moment ago.  Taiyou-san and Eizan-san are still there.”
He completely forgot about that for a second.  Good thing Hinata’s a reliable mission partner.  “Thanks.  I think when we all go out to get dinner, that’s when we’ll have to be more observant.”
She nods.  Their mission is only just getting started.
They head out with Taiyou and Eizan to a nearby bar.  It’s not the kind of environment Hinata is used to at all, since she’s still underage in the Land of Fire.
But here in the Land of Lightning, she isn’t.
“Hinata-chan, you’re 19 right?” Eizan calls, sliding the drink menu across the table to her.  “How about ordering a drink since you can.”
“Umm…”  She will still have to be alert for tonight.  “Maybe not this time.  This is a work trip after all.”
“You Konoha shinobi are so uptight,” Taiyou observes aloud, looking at both her and Naruto, who hasn’t touched the drink menu either.
“Yeah,” Eizan agrees.  “You guys don’t know since it’s your first work trip, but these are the most lax jobs for us.  We just have to be on our game during the transitions and traveling.  Especially in a village like Kumogakure, the shinobi here are good.  They’re tough.  We don’t have to worry.”
Taiyou nods in agreement.  “Kumo is one of our favorites to travel to these days, even though in the past they did all kinds of shady things against Konoha.”
“Ahh, ah, that was you, wasn’t it!!” Eizan says, eyes wide in realization, staring at Hinata.
She doesn’t give any reaction because it wasn’t a question.
Naruto looks between them, not knowing what Eizan's accusing her of.
Eizan looks at Naruto, pointing a finger at him.  “And...your mom, the previous jinchuuriki, got almost kidnapped, too.”
Naruto’s mind races to catch up.  “I knew that my mom….”  He looks back at Hinata, trying to connect the threads.  “You got kidnapped?”
“I was really young,” she offers in affirmation.  It’s an event she’d rather not talk about.  Or, more like, she just can’t talk about it.
“You didn’t know?” Taiyou asks him.
And he’s speechless.  No, he didn’t know.
“I-it’s okay, Naruto-kun, I don’t really like to talk about it.  It happened a long time ago.”
Taiyou and Eizan look down at the food menus.
“Eight years together.”  And he didn’t know until now?  Hell, even if they weren’t in a relationship (which they aren’t), but even so, just as friends, why didn’t he know?
He considers her as one of his most important friends.  She knows so much about his past...and he can’t say the same for her…  He looks at Hinata, trying to form appropriate words, trying to push past his clamoring feelings of inadequacy.  
“Excuse me, waiter!” Eizan calls loudly.  His voice dominates the table as he orders drinks and food for everyone.  “The drinks are on me,” he assures with a wink.  “The two of you have some talking to do later on, and maybe some alcohol can loosen you guys up!”
Hinata and Naruto are pulled back to the present.  To their secret mission.  But their senpai in the group just bought drinks for them, and social code obligates them to at least humor him a little.
“Don’t worry about the guard duties for now,” Taiyou says.
Naruto looks at Hinata.
“I think I’ll be fine with just a little,” she murmurs to him.
“Relax!  Enjoy this trip!” Eizan says meaningfully.  “And with the international peace, the chances of something happening to our daimyo is very low.  Both of you are always so uptight.  It’s okay to prioritize your relationship once in a while.”
Naruto’s never been described as “uptight” in his life.  Now, Taiyou and Eizan both described him that way.  He doesn’t know what to make of it.  He guesses he hasn’t been as silly as he usually is, being on an undercover mission and, most of all, being that his partner is Hinata, he just needs to be better than he usually acts...  He ducks down to Hinata, whispering, “Yeah, it’s okay.  I’m on duty later tonight, so you don’t have to worry…” and you can sleep if you need to.  He can just keep watch over the other Guardians at the same time.  He hopes his thoughts somehow translated to her.
She nods, giving him a little smile as thanks.  She turns back.  “Thank you, Eizan-san.  We’ll talk about it later.”
He grins at them.  “Just trying to help.  You two make a cute couple.”
She ducks her face, hiding her silly blush.  She squeezes her eyes shut, willing herself to calm down, telling herself that this is all for the mission.
She peeks up at Naruto, who’s shyly watching her.
Meeting her eyes, he grins despite the pinching in his gut.  “We work well together.  Yeah, Hinata?”
She nods, caught up in his gentle warmth, wondering if he’s ever thought of them as being anything more than friends.  Even if he hasn’t, she hopes that when she finally confesses, he’ll consider her seriously.  Until that day, she’ll enjoy the effortless trust between them.  She thinks, she hopes, that even if he rejects her, they won’t lose the friendship they have.
Eizan has the next shift with him, but Naruto notes that both Taiyou and Eizan aren’t exactly holding back.  Getting drunk doesn’t rule them out from being traitors, but it does tell him they aren’t going to be able to act especially sneaky for the next couple of hours.
He keeps an eye on Hinata, too, who despite how careful she’s been in her own consumption, her usually fair cheeks have ruddied and a permanent little smile is stuck on her face.  She’s still quiet compared to anyone else, but if anything, she seems more cheerful.  And the other change is...she’s been looking up at him a lot.
So he’s compelled to look back down at her each time, to meet her happy gaze with a bemused one of his own, left wondering what she’s thinking about, or if she’s thinking about anything at all.  He can feel the alcohol, too, fizzing under his skin, thumping in his chest, but concern for the mission and a rising sense of responsibility for her keep him somewhat tethered.  “You okay?” he murmurs.
“Mhm.”  She looks into his eyes, marveling at seeing her own reflection there.  
“She’s feeling it!” observes Taiyou with a laugh.  “Is this your first time drinking, Hinata-chan?”
She shakes her head, still smiling.  “I’ve had sake on special occasions before with my family, but not out like this.”
“Ahh,” Eizan voices, looking thoughtful.  “Today’s a special occasion, too, then!  First time drinking legally!”
“Mhm,” Hinata agrees easily.
“It’s good that you’re a smiler,” Taiyou laughs.  “I have a friend back home, whenever she drinks, she starts crying.  We try not to let her drink at all.”
“That’s like our friend!” Naruto adds.  “Except whenever he drinks, even just the tiniest sip, he picks a fight with anyone.  What’s worse is he’s literally impossible to beat.  You can’t let him get anywhere near alcohol, otherwise he’ll bust the whole place down, no joke.”
She knows Rock Lee is infamous for his drunk behavior, but what she will always think about first is his constant encouragement to anyone, including even Neji when he was at his most unfriendly.  She’s thankful Neji had a teammate like Lee.  “Well, when he’s sober, he’s the best kind of guy you could ever meet.”
For a split-second, he thinks to agree, but, “Wait, I’m not the best guy you’ve ever met?”
Eizan and Taiyou burst out in raucous laughter.
His stupidly thoughtless question rings in his ears.  He wants so badly to take it back when he sees Hinata turn to him, her eyes as wide as pearlescent saucers, her mouth fallen open.
“Oh Naruto-kun, you are!” she assures, emotion welling up in panic.
“Uh, no, I know I’m not-”
“No!  You are the best guy I’ve ever met!  Really!” she presses, trying to get him to meet her gaze.
“I really didn’t mean it-”
“Naruto-kun,” she begs in a whisper.  She can’t fathom how she could let him doubt himself for even a moment.  Her hand rises on its own volition, cupping his cheek, trying to encourage him to face her.
But he feels sickeningly embarrassed.  His eyes meet hers for a beat only to dart away.  “H-hinata,” he stutters.  “It’s okay, I was just kidding-”
“He’s so hurt!” Taiyou howls in laughter.
“Better kiss him to make him feel better!!” Eizan teases, hand slapping his own face in his mirth.
Naruto looks mortified with himself, an uncertain expression she’s never seen on him before.
Doesn’t he know how special he is to her, far, far beyond anyone else?...  She realizes, in horror, that he really doesn’t.  And she can’t think of any solution that would better convey her sincerity.  She grips his arm, pulling herself up slightly, tilting his head toward her, the burn over his birthmarks meeting her lips.
She closes her eyes, letting herself linger.
Naruto feels like all the air got sucked out of the room.  Pure shock has him turning his face, only to see her shift down, only to feel her soft lips again, lightly caress, then gently press right above his jawline, warm and so close to the corner of his mouth.
She settles back, trying to gauge whether it worked or not.
He stares at her, at her lips that were just on him, lungs suddenly malfunctioning in uneven, struggling breaths.
She thinks it’s good that at least now he’s looking at her.
She blinks once.
I just kissed him.  On his face I just kissed him on his cheek, on his cheek twice on his face-
I kissed him.
Realization has her speechless; she stares back at him with an increasingly gaping expression.  She opens her mouth to apologize when Taiyou’s and Eizan’s cheers about how cute they are barge into her panicked mind, and she realizes like another clap of thunder over the rapidly brewing storm in her soul that she can’t apologize with them watching, she has to somehow act like she meant it all to happen because as his “girlfriend,” she was initially just trying to-
“N-naruto...kun?” she tests in a whisper, unsure of what worse could possibly happen to her now.  “Y-you’re the...best guy-”  Her voice is so small she can barely tell the difference between her words and her breath, and she doesn’t think she can possibly go on…
But his piercingly blue eyes are fixed on her like he’s not registering anything else in the bar.
And her heart stutters harder than her childhood speech disorder, yet she manages, “-I’ve ever met…”  She wants to curl up into herself and die.
“DAMN IT!”  Taiyou pounds the table, making both of them jump out of their skins.  He stands and points at them.  “You fucking cute couple!  I’m going to get laid.”  He hurriedly throws money down on the table as Eizan bemoans the fact that he has to work tonight, and starts to head out of the restaurant.
“Yeah,” Eizan drawls.  “We better get going.”  He starts taking out his money as he calls for the waiter.
Hinata watches Taiyou disappear from sight, and anxiety grips her.
She looks to Naruto, the alarm in her expression hopefully enough to pull him out of his shock, though she really can’t blame how out-of-sorts he is after what she just did.
When he doesn’t seem to register the current circumstances, her mind races for any excuse that would let her follow the Guardian who escaped their sight.  “...Eizan-san, please go ahead.  I think we’re not ready to leave.”
“Hm?  Oh, right, right, you guys need to talk about stuff.”  He drops some money on the table.  “Oi, Naruto-”
He manages to turn his attention to Eizan.
“Don’t be late, got it?”
Naruto nods out of habit.
Eizan starts heading out of the restaurant.
Byakugan.  She activates her kekkei genkai, frantically sorting through the crowds, finally zeroing in on Taiyou meandering down the street.
Naruto blinks himself into awareness, realizing that they have no idea where the suspects of their mission went.  “Hinata,” he calls, half of him seriously worried about the situation, the other half tipping back toward delirium.
“I have a lock on Taiyou-san,” she starts.  “I’ll follow him.  Naruto-kun, please follow Eizan-san.”
“Yeah,” he responds, unable to control how stupidly breathless he sounds.
She knows he’s probably waiting for some kind of apology or explanation, but the longer they linger in the bar, the farther the others get.  And, honestly, she knows that she can’t possibly handle a rejection from him right now.
Her heart’s not prepared at all.
She fumbles out enough money for their share of food, and they scooch out of the booth.
They part ways at the door, tracking their targets in opposite directions.
He follows Eizan back to the hotel, where he heads straight to his room.
So Naruto heads back to his own room, settling on watching Eizan, Taiyou, and Hinata from afar, trying to calm an adrenaline rush unlike anything he’s ever had before.
Like he’s constantly trying to breathe around the sweetest words he’s ever heard.
Like he’s repeatedly swallowing down a swollen pressure gripping his heart.
His body yearns for a gentle weight against him.
His cheek tickles with an otherworldly touch, one that’s soft, hot, intended for him.
He keeps falling out of Sage Mode, again and again.
It’s only when he realizes Taiyou is in close proximity to someone with a very weak chakra signature does he really try to force himself to pay attention.
Hinata is unmoving in his mind’s eye.  She’s obviously observing the two.
Imagining her breaks up his concentration.
He can’t be like this.
He can’t work like this.
And he needs to get to his shift.
He pushes himself into motion, trying to focus just on Taiyou.  This could be an exchange of information for all that he knows, and he needs to be ready to help at any moment should Hinata need him.
While he’s on his shift, standing guard near the daimyo’s room with Eizan, he notices Taiyou’s chakra fluctuating a bit, like a streetlight about to go out.
Hinata remains in her same spot as before.  She hasn’t moved at all.
Taiyou’s chakra suddenly surges wildly like a detonated flash bomb, then just as suddenly, quiets down to normal.
Hinata remains completely still, but she's fine.
His brows furrow, trying to make sense of it.
“What’s up,” Eizan asks, his guard raised.
He doesn’t know if he should tell him.  “Nothing, there’s no threat.”
Eizan lowers his guard.  “You look like you sensed something.”
He’ll just fudge the truth a little.  “Taiyou’s not in your guys’ room.”
“Yeah.  He said he was gonna go get laid.”
He frowns, realizing exactly what he was just focusing on.
Meaning Hinata was, too.  Watching.  With her Byakugan.  That whole time.
Heat rises to his face, and he hopes that Eizan can’t tell.
“What, you noticed him fucking?” Eizan asks, voice quiet but full of amusement.
“I didn’t mean to!” Naruto defends awkwardly.  “I just didn’t know where he went at this time of night.”  And accidentally peeping on Taiyou is honestly not what has him hot under the collar.
Eizan silently laughs.  “Damn Naruto, you sure act innocent sometimes.”
Naruto shakes his head, opting to answer with silence because Eizan is far from the truth.
The truth being that he's always been just another guy who laughs at lewd humor, who enjoys looking at a curvy body, and has imagined doing more despite having so little experience.
He doesn’t know how he’s going to be able to look at Hinata during the shift change.  He doesn’t think he’ll even be able to handle being next to her during their joint off-shift, he doesn’t know what he’ll say, how he’ll act.
If he’ll even be able to get intelligible words out!
If he’ll even be able to look at anything but her lips!...
He can't even think about her, really, because he keeps thinking about...
There’s no way he can do this mission without acting like a fool.
But he has to.
He has to act like he has himself together.
He has to be reliable and confident.
He has to…
He has to get her to kiss him again.
She can’t sleep.
Even though the other Guardians are dead-asleep, their pulses and energy too even to possibly be faked, she can’t relax.
If she had to rank nights according to terrible-ness, this one is up there in the top.
Practically confessing her feelings about Naruto in front of Eizan and Taiyou in a bar.
Kissing Naruto in public for her first time.  She can’t live with herself.
And then to top it all off, she wants to claw her eyes out for seeing too much information about Taiyou.
She didn’t even watch the entire time, but she had to check for Are they done, yet?  Oh, no.
Minutes later, check again.  Are they done now?  No??
She thought drunk hook-ups were supposed to be quick, messy affairs, but she ended up sitting outside on a distant enough rooftop for nearly an hour with just her self-loathing to pass the time.
And here she is in bed, awake, as if she didn’t already scold herself enough.
She doesn’t know how she can face Naruto in the morning, what she’ll tell him, how they’ll continue working together from here on out.
What if he starts acting distant toward her?
What if he’s creeped out by her?
She wants to take it all back.
Take it all back…
She can remember his skin on her lips.  His golden tan, warm and giving.
His handsome face and solid arm in her hands.
His scent, not so much a smell, but a calming aura that filled her senses.
It’s what she always dreamed of.
It was everything, he was everything, better than she ever imagined.
Not anything close to in the way she wanted.
And now she wishes that none of it happened.
She shoves tight fists against her face, frustration and regret creating an unbearable turmoil that makes her grit her teeth, her skin burn up with shame.
She wants to scream!
Yet she keeps it bottled up inside, the pressure making her rattle until she lets it all out in one horrid breath, her fists pounding into the bed with an audible thump.
Unshed tears bead hot around her eyes even though she knows she doesn’t deserve to feel sorry for herself.
What has she done?  Why did she do that?
What could Naruto possibly be thinking?
...It’s not fair at all.
Not fair at all.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (Teen Wolf Rewrite) - Chapter 19
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​ @perrytheplatypus11​
A/N: Sorry this chapter took me so long, but Motel California is my favorite episode and I really wanted to make this one good, I hope you enjoy!
You can read on Wattpad or AO3 if you prefer, so you know :) (I love reading your comments so feel free to comment here, on AO3 or Wattpad)
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Chapter 19 - Motel California
Season 3, Episode 6
“I’ve seen worse,” Scott shrugged as Ramie hopped off the bus behind him. She looked up at the motel Coach had found for them to stay at overnight.
“Where could you have possibly seen worse?” Ramie scoffed, making a disgusted face towards the sketchy motel in front of them.
“Listen up,” Coach blew his whistle to get everyone’s attention. “This was the closest motel with the most amount of vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourself. You’re pairing up, choose wisely.”
He held up a handful of keys and pairs started moving forward, grabbing a key from him.
“And I’ll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants,” Coach continued as the keys got plucked from his hand. “Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves.”
“Hear that Ramona?” Stiles said loudly, a smirk clear on his face while grabbing a key from Coach. “You’re gonna have to resist the temptation to put your hands all over me.”
Ramie made a loud gagging sound and looked at Coach, who had an expression on his face that she couldn’t read. She hoped it was dark enough that no one could notice the blush that was definitely evident on her cheeks.
“Oh, are you two hooligans finally together?” Coach asked, with something that looked like it could be a smile on his face.
“No!” Ramie said quickly, shaking her head. She could hear Scott chuckling behind her. “Stiles was just joking, I’m staying with Allison and Lydia.”
Coach looked between Ramie and Stiles, Ramie trying to look innocent and Stiles trying not to laugh at himself. Coach simply sighed and shook his head, handing the last key to Ramie, who brought it over to where Lydia and Allison were standing, still near the bus. She turned back to see Stiles grinning at her, still laughing at himself. She made a slicing motion across her throat at him, which just made him laugh harder. She turned her back to him so he couldn’t see her smile.
“Lyds, you coming?” Ramie asked as Allison walked towards her, but Lydia stood frozen, staring up at the motel.
“I don’t like this place,” Lydia muttered, an almost scared look in her eyes.
“I don’t think anyone in their right mind does,” Ramie scoffed.
“It’s just one night,” Allison reassured her. “It’ll be alright.”
Ramie turned, walking towards the motel and Allison followed, the sound of Lydia’s heels clicking behind them coming a second later. Their room was right next to Scott and Stiles’, who had left their door cracked open, probably to let some fresh air in, as the girls did the same, considering the rooms smelled like no one had been in there for years.
“I’m gonna go see if Scott has some extra sweatpants I can borrow,” Ramie told Lydia and Allison as the two sat down on the beds.
Allison said she was planning on showering and Lydia had gotten up, inspecting the room, so Ramie left them to go next door. She entered the room to find Scott and Stiles each laying on a bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“So I have four,” Stiles was saying.
“Four suspects?” Scott asked, propping himself up on his elbows to give a quick nod to Ramie as she entered the room.
“There were nine before,” Ramie said, sitting down on the bed next to Stiles, who was still laying back.
“Ten,” Stiles corrected, glancing over at Ramie as she crossed her legs underneath her.
“You had Derek on there twice, that doesn’t count,” Ramie shook her head. Stiles opened his mouth to argue but Scott cut him off.
“So who’s number one, Harris?”
“Just because he’s missing doesn’t mean he’s dead,” Stiles defended his choice.
“So if he’s not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices,” Scott said slowly, clearly not believing the theory.
“Yeah, I guess it sounded way better in my head,” Stiles shrugged.
“I told you,” Ramie said quietly, earning a sideways glare from Stiles.
“Well what if it’s someone else from the school?” Scott asked, narrowing his eyes at the ceiling in thought. “Remember Matt, we didn’t know he was killing people for awhile.”
“Excuse me, what?” Stiles said, sitting up from the bed and standing to look down at Scott. Ramie rolled her eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. “I… yes we did. I called that from day one, actually.”
“Yeah but we never seriously thought it was Matt,” Scott pushed up on his elbows again to look at Stiles.
“I was serious, I was quite serious,” Stiles said, glancing to Ramie and holding his hands out. “I was serious, wasn’t I Ramie?”
“He was serious,” Ramie confirmed, nodding at Scott.
“Who are the other three?” Scott asked, bringing the conversation back to where it started.
“Derek’s sister, Cora,” Stiles started.
“It’s not Cora,” Ramie insisted, which she had already told him on the bus.
“Listen,” Stiles put his hands up in frustration and looked towards Ramie. “Just because you have a weird crush on her doesn’t mean she isn’t the Darach.”
“You have a crush on Cora?” Scott’s eyes widened.
“No!” Ramie exclaimed, feeling her cheeks heat up. “I just defended her on the bus and Stiles now thinks I’m in love with her or something."
Scott laughed, shaking his head and Stiles shot glares at both of them.
“She is really pretty though,” Ramie said thoughtfully, looking up into the air. Scott let out a snort and Stiles let out a loud sigh.
“She’s Derek’s sister and no one knows anything about her, she’s a decent suspect,” Stiles continued, ignoring Ramie’s comment. “Next, your boss.”
“My boss?” Scott sat up fully, narrowing his eyes at Stiles.
“He doesn’t have a valid reason,” Ramie mumbled.
“I do have a valid reason,” Stiles shot a look at Ramie before continuing. “I don’t like the whole Obi-Wan thing he has going on, you know? It freaks me out.”
Scott gave Stiles a confused look.
“Oh god here we go,” Ramie muttered as Stiles’ eyes narrowed at Scott.
“Ohmygod, have you still not seen Star Wars?” Stiles looked at Scott in shock, who shrugged.
“I swear if we make it back alive I will watch the movie.”
“It just, it makes me crazy,” Stiles mumbled, rubbing his chin and sighing. Ramie let out a breath of air through her nose, which caused Scott to send her a small smile.
“Who’s left,” Scott interrupted Stiles’ angry mutters. Stiles was quiet for a second.
“Lydia,” he finally said, sitting back down on the bed next to Ramie.
“Lydia?” Ramie gave Stiles a shocked look. He hadn’t told her this theory on the bus.
“She was totally controlled by Peter and she had no idea,” Stiles said, defending his theory. Ramie opened her mouth to defend her friend, but she realized she had no good explanation as to why the Darach couldn’t be Lydia. Weird things had been happening around Lydia that no one could really explain, and Lydia seemed to act anything but completely normal lately. Ramie let out a big sigh, laying back on the bed. She heard two more sighs from Scott and Stiles, who fell back as well, Stiles arm flush to Ramie’s.
“Well I’m hungry,” Stiles said after a few minutes of silence. “I’m gonna go find a vending machine, anyone wanna come?”
Scott shook his head as Ramie got off the bed, following suit of Stiles.
“I should get back to Allison and Lydia,” Ramie said. “Scott do you have some extra sweatpants or a shirt I could wear to bed?”
“I didn’t bring any extra clothes,” Scott shrugged sheepishly.
“Amateur,” Stiles shook his head, walking over to the desk, where his bag had been placed on top. He dug through it a bit before chucking two items over his shoulder at Ramie, who thankfully, caught them both. She wasn’t sure she’d want to wear them after they touched the floor of this place. “I’m always prepared.”
“Thanks Stilinski,” Ramie gave Stiles a grin and left the room, nearly crashing into Lydia in the hallway.
“I’m going to get more towels, wanna come?” Lydia asked, as Ramie fell into step with her. As they climbed down the stairs Ramie saw Stiles leave he and Scott’s room and head towards the other set of stairs, which below had a vending machine.
“Get some clothes?” Lydia asked, eyeing the pile Ramie had in her arms. She snatched the sweatshirt before Ramie could even think, holding it up as they walked towards the motel office. It was one of Stiles’ lacrosse sweatshirts, with his name and number across the back.
“This doesn’t look like Scott’s,” Lydia raised an eyebrow at Ramie, who grabbed it back out of Lydia’s hands.
“Scott didn’t bring extra clothes,” Ramie countered, which earned a not so subtle eye roll from Lydia. They had made it to the office and Lydia asked the woman inside for three new towels while Ramie shivered, pulling Stiles’ sweatshirt over her head as a cold breeze passed by.  
“What’s that?” Ramie heard Lydia ask the old woman. Ramie followed Lydia’s eyes to a number hanging on the wall of the office. 198.
“It’s kinda of… an inside thing for the motel. My husband insists on keeping it up,” the woman explained.
“What do you mean?” Lydia pressed on. Ramie kicked Lydia’s leg subtly in hopes she would drop the topic, because Ramie thought the old lady, and the whole motel was pretty creepy. Lydia ignored her.
“It’s a little bit morbid, to be honest,” the woman shrugged. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“Tell me,” Lydia said, at the same time Ramie shook her head.
“We’re not going to make the top of anyone’s list when it comes to customer satisfaction,” the woman said.
“Obviously,” Ramie mumbled, turning her back to the woman and leaning against the counter, looking out over the parking lot.
“But we are number one in California when it comes to one disturbing little detail. Since opening, more than any other motel in California, we have the most guest suicides.”
Ramie whipped her head back around, looking at the woman, who was just nodding.
“198?” Lydia mumbled.
“And counting.”
When Ramie and Lydia got back to their room, they explained what they learned to Allison, who was already freaked out. She said that Scott had come into their room and was acting really strange, then left suddenly once it seemed like he snapped out of some weird trance. Then suddenly, things got even weirder. Lydia then swore she heard two people committing suicide in the room next door, but when the three checked the room, it was empty, it looked like it was being renovated. Allison suggested they go ask the woman in the office, but she was nowhere to be found when they went back down. However, the number on the wall had changed, from 198 to 201.
“So does that mean there have been three more suicides?” Allison asked at they got back up to their room.
“Or three more are about to happen,” Lydia said, a terrified look on her face.
All three of them jumped when there was a loud banging on their door, someone knocking forcefully. Ramie held a finger up to her lips and crept over to the door, looking through the peep hole. She sighed loudly when she saw Stiles pacing back and forth, reaching up to knock again.
“What’s up,” Ramie asked as she opened the door. Stiles pushed past her and grabbed her arm, using his other hand to close the door behind her.
“Somethings wrong,” he said quickly, standing in front of her. Ramie’s back was to the door and she could see Lydia and Allison eyeing the two of them over Stiles’ shoulder. “Scotts acting strange and I just watched Boyd put his fist through a vending machine. I don’t like it here at all, we should leave.”
Stiles now had both hands on either side of Ramie’s arms, looking at her with a concerned look on his face. The way he was holding her felt strangely intimate, but Ramie pushed those thoughts away. Lydia cleared her throat and Stiles jumped, whipping around to face Lydia and Allison.
“Jesus,” he put a hand over his chest. “I didn’t know you guys were here.”
“Clearly,” Lydia smirked as Stiles took a few steps away from Ramie, straightening the zip up he was wearing. Stiles rubbed the back of his neck, a habit Ramie knew he did when he felt uncomfortable.
“Scott was weird with Allison also,” Ramie said, changing the topic back to what it had been.
“It’s the motel,” Lydia said immediately.
“They keep count of how many suicides they have here and put the number on the wall in the office,” Ramie told Stiles, whose face scrunched up in disgust.
“That’s fucked up,” he sat down in the desk chair, running a hand through his hair. Ramie  pushed herself up onto the desk, sitting on it and dangling her legs down next to where Stiles sat.
“I’d say,” Ramie nodded. “And get this, when me and Lydia went down there earlier the number was 198. But just now when we went down it was 201."
“I don’t know what’s going on, but someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism before the werewolves go crazy and kill us,” Lydia said frantically, pulling a bible out of the drawer in the nightstand between the beds.
“Okay, hold on,” Stiles held up his hands, trying to relax Lydia. “What if it’s not just the hotel? The number in the office went up by 3 right?”
“You mean like three sacrifices,” Allison said, putting it together. Stiles nodded.
“Three werewolves?” Ramie asked.
“Scott, Isaac and Boyd,” Stiles confirmed. “Maybe we were meant to come here.”
“Exactly!” Lydia exclaimed. “So can we get the hell out of here now?”
“Hang on,” Stiles stood up, grabbing the Bible out of Lydia’s hand. He opened it up and pulled out something, it looked like a cut out newspaper clipping. Ramie got up, reading over his shoulder.
“Twenty-eight year old man hangs himself at the infamous Glen Capri Motel,” she read aloud. Stiles shook the bible over the bed and more newspaper clippings fell.
“All the clippings say room 217,” Lydia said. “That’s this room.”
“So if every room has a bible,” Allison said.
“There could be clippings in every room,” Lydia finished.
“That’s a beautiful thing, most places leave a mint on the pillow, this place leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that have occurred,” Stiles said. Ramie smacked his arm at his sarcasm.
“What if the room next door has one about the couple I heard,” Lydia said. All four of them looked towards the room next door. Stiles suddenly took off, running at the door, the three girls following behind him. When they reached the hallway Stiles was already at the door, pulling on the handle.
“It was not locked before,” Lydia said.
“We need to get Scott, Isaac and Boyd out of here,” Ramie said, as Stiles took off towards the stairs. However, everyone froze when the sound of a saw rang through the quiet night air. Stiles spun on his heel, a terrified look on his face.
“I’m not the only one hearing that am I?” Lydia asked, looking at the locked door.
“It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on,” Allison said.
“Handsaw?” Stiles asked, suddenly next to them again. “Move.”
The three girls backed up as Stiles did, who then ran forward, slamming into the door, hard, which thankfully wasn’t too reliable, since it swung open. Ethan stood in the middle of the room, handsaw above his head, and began slowly bringing it down towards his stomach.
“Hey, Ethan, don’t!” Stiles yelled, running forward. He grabbed the saw, trying to pull it away from Ethan.
“Stiles!” Ramie shrieked, as the saw got dangerously close to him while he struggled with Ethan. She felt frozen, watching Stiles try to get the saw away from Ethan, while also not getting hurt himself. Suddenly the saw turned off and Ramie glanced over to Lydia, who had pulled the plug out from the wall, just as Stiles fell to the ground, his face landing inches away from the saw. Ethan stood up straight, putting out his claws. He immediately went for his stomach, trying to slice himself open. Ramie and Stiles both ran forward, attempting to pull Ethan’s arms away from his torso. Eventually Ethan fell sideways, his hand making contact with a space heater, which seemed to burn him back to reality.
“What the hell just happened,” Ethan stood up from the ground, looking confused and holding his hand where it was burnt. No one answered immediately and Ethan took off, out the door.
“Ethan, wait,” Stiles called, following him outside.
“I don’t know what happened, okay,” Ethan said as Stiles, Ramie, Allison and Lydia followed him down the stairs. “I don’t know how I got there or what I was doing.”
“You know you could be a bit more helpful,” Stiles stopped at the end of the stairs, the rest stopping behind him as Ethan turned to look at the other boy from a few feet away. “We just saved your life.”
“You probably shouldn’t have,” Ethan said, before turning and going back to his room.
“What the hell do we do now,” Lydia asked, throwing her hands up in defeat.
“Let’s go find Scott,” Allison said, nodding to Ramie. “You guys go find Boyd and Isaac, all we can do at this point is get them all out of here.”
Ramie and Allison first went to Scott and Stiles’ room, where Scott should’ve been, but couldn’t find him. They knocked on doors down the hallway, seeing if he was in anyone else’s room, and he was nowhere to be found. They accidentally knocked on Coach’s door as well, which turned into a ten minute lecture on them being out of bed and how they need to get to sleep. Thankfully, Lydia yelling to Ramie from a room on the other side of the motel got them away from Coach, since they promised to make sure everyone quieted down.
“What’s going on,” Ramie panted as she slowed from a run, meeting Lydia as she held the door open to Boyd and Isaac’s room. Allison had agreed to continue looking for Scott while Ramie checked to see what Lydia needed. Boyd stood in the middle of the room, soaking wet, next to Stiles, both of whom were staring at one of the beds.
“I tried to drown myself,” Boyd grimaced, gesturing to his soaking wet clothes. “These two saved me.”
“Heat snaps them out of it,” Stiles explained. “Ethan touched that heater, we used this flare to get Boyd out of the bath.”
“Isaac’s under the bed, which is why I called you here,” Lydia said.
“Under the bed?” Ramie questioned, and Lydia held up a hand, silencing her.
“He’s going through something weird too, but he’s hiding under the bed, terrified,” she explained. “We can’t get him to come out and we thought maybe you could.”
“His Dad,” Ramie murmured. Isaac was freaked out because of the abuse he endured from his Dad. Everyone in the room just stared at Ramie, unsure of what to say. She walked over to the bed, kneeling down in front of it.
“Be careful,” Stiles said, but Ramie waved him away. She leaned her head down, pulling up the bed skirt. Isaac was curled up under the bed, breathing heavily and visibly shaking. It looked like he was having a panic attack.
“I,” Ramie said, using her nickname for him in a quiet voice. “Isaac, are you okay?”
Isaac’s head whipped towards her, making eye contact only for a second before scooting backwards more, closer to the wall.
“It’s okay,” Ramie continued. “Everything’s alright, it’s just me, Ramie. Can you come out?”
Isaac stopped whimpering and looked Ramie in the eyes. For a second, she thought she had gotten through to him. Then suddenly, before anyone could even comprehend what was happening, Isaac shot forward, moving from under the bed and tackling Ramie, teeth bared. Ramie couldn’t process what was going on around her, she simply closed her eyes in fear. She trusted Isaac, basically with her life, for so long, and suddenly she was sure she was going to die at his hand. She heard commotion around her and suddenly Isaac wasn’t pining her down, but someone was trying to pull her up off the ground.
She opened her eyes to see Boyd pining Isaac to the wall across the room, Isaac holding a hand to his arm where Ramie assumed Boyd had put the flare to his skin, snapping him out of the trance. Ramie glanced up to see Lydia with her arms around her, looking her over to make sure she wasn’t hurt.
“I’m okay Lyds,” Ramie squeaked out. She didn’t expect her voice to sound so terrified. “It’s not his fault.”
Lydia started to say something but Ramie couldn’t hear a word, because Stiles began to yell.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He walked forward, pushing Boyd off of Isaac and holding Isaac against the wall himself. “You could’ve fucking killed her, you know that?”
“Stiles,” Ramie yelled, standing up quickly despite Lydia’s words of protest. Stiles either didn’t hear, or ignored her.
“You could’ve killed her!” Stiles repeated, still screaming in Isaac’s face. “If you ever come near her like that again I swear to god I’ll-“
“Stiles!” Ramie yelled again, louder this time. She grabbed his arm, puling him back from Isaac, who looked like he was about to burst into tears. “It’s not his fault.”
“He could’ve killed you,” Stiles said as tried to step towards Isaac again, but Ramie moved in front of him, putting herself between the two boys. She put both hands on either side of Stiles at his biceps. She waited until he looked at her, making eye contact. “I’m okay, Isaac didn’t mean to do anything wrong.”
Stiles nodded, but his jaw was clenched in a way that Ramie knew he was still extremely angry. Stiles and Isaac never really got along the best to begin with, and this definitely made things worse.
“Ramie, I’m sorry,” Isaac said quietly from behind her, and she watched as anger flashed over Stiles’ eyes again. She put a hand on his chest, holding him in place as she turned to Isaac.
“We’ll talk later,” Ramie gave the curly haired boy a small smile. He nodded glumly, looking between Ramie and Stiles. Ramie grabbed Stiles wrist, dragging him to the other side of the room with her. When she dropped his hand his arms immediately crossed over his chest, a glare never leaving his face as he stared at Isaac across the room.
“Pack up your things,” Ramie pointed at Boyd and Isaac. “We’re sleeping on the bus tonight, all of us.”
She was cut off by Allison suddenly running into the room.
“I still can’t find Scott anywhere,” she panted, looking worried. Lydia nodded, like she was thinking.
“Okay, we’ll go look for him, you two pack up and meet us at the bus in half an hour, if we haven’t found Scott by then you’ll have to help us look,” she told Isaac and Boyd, who nodded. Ramie grabbed Stiles’ hand, tugging him out of the room and away from Isaac before he had the chance to say or do anything else.
“It must be happening to him too,” Ramie said as she, Stiles, Lydia and Allison made their way down the stairs. Ramie realized she was still holding Stiles’ hand as she walked in front of Lydia and Allison, and quickly dropped it. She watched as Stiles’ eyes flicked to hers, then quickly looked away.
“There’s another flare on the bus, right?” Lydia asked as they made it to the bottom of the stairs. Ramie heard Stiles reply but didn’t comprehend anything he said. She was frozen at the bottom of the stairs, being the first to turn the corner and look out over the parking lot. She had found Scott, but it wasn’t good. The smell of gasoline filled the air as Scott stood in the middle of the lot, soaking wet, and holding the last flare in his hand. It sizzled in the quiet night air. Ramie was snapped out of her shock when Stiles slammed into the back of her, not seeing Scott.
“Raim, what are you,” Stiles started, but then followed her gaze. Scott was back to them, seeming to be staring at the ground, frozen in place.
“Scott,” Allison said, her voice cracking. She walked around to the front of him, the rest following her. Ramie felt like her throat was going to close up. She grabbed Stiles’ hand again, this time lacing her fingers through his. He glanced over at her before squeezing her hand.
“There’s no hope,” Scott croaked out, his voice sounding almost robotic. Ramie tried to say something but no words would come out. She noticed a can of gasoline a few feet away, confirming her thought that Scott was covered head to toe in the flammable liquid. She could feel her body begin to shake in panic, tears already falling down her cheeks.
“What do you mean Scott,” Allison said, tears falling down her face too. “There’s always hope.”
“Not for me,” Scott replied, not looking up at any of them. “Not for Derek.”
“Derek wasn’t your fault,” Ramie said, finally able to get words to come out of her mouth. “You know that Scott. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Every time I fight back it just gets worse, people keep getting hurt, people keep getting killed.”
“Scott, listen to me,” Stiles cut him off, stepping forward. His hand slowly dropped from Ramie’s as he moved closer to his friend. “This isn’t you. This is someone inside your head telling you to do this.”
“What if, what if it is just me,” Scott stammered. “What if doing this is actually the best thing I could do for everyone else?”
“Scott,” Ramie stepped forward too, not sure what to say.
“It all started that night,” Scott cut her off. “The night I got bitten. You guys remember the way it was before that? The three of us?”
Stiles and Ramie both nodded. Ramie looked to Stiles to try and figure out what they could do, but his eyes were locked on Scott, a tear falling down his cheek.
“We were nothing,” Scott said quietly. “We weren’t popular, we weren’t good at lacrosse. We never had boyfriends or girlfriends. We weren’t important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all.”
Ramie sucked in a breath as Scott slowly turned his hand to the side, moving it in a way that if he let go of the flare it would drop straight into the puddle of gasoline he was standing in.
“Scott just listen to me okay,” Stiles said, stepping forward. Ramie tried to grab at his arm and pull him back, but he was out of her reach. “You’re not no one, okay? You’re someone. Scott you’re my best friend, okay, and I need you.”
“I need you too,” Ramie said, nearly sobbing through her words as she stepped next to Stiles.
“Scott, you’re my brother, alright,” Stiles continued. He glanced at Ramie and down at the puddle of gasoline, and she immediately understood what Stiles was going to do. As he stepped forward, putting himself in the puddle of gasoline with Scott, Ramie sucked in a breath, biting her lip so hard that she could taste blood. Stiles slowly put a hand up, wrapping it around Scott’s hand that held the flare. “If you’re gonna do this then I think you’re going to just have to take me with you.”
Ramie let out a sob, putting a hand over her mouth. Lydia instantly moved closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The three girls watched as Stiles slowly pulled the flare out of Scott’s hand, then chucked it behind him quickly, before Scott had the chance to do anything else. Ramie let out a sigh of relief, immediately running forward to tackle Scott in a hug. Before she got the chance, Lydia shrieked, running towards them as Stiles grabbed Scott and Ramie, pulling them both to the ground and out of the gasoline, just in time for the flare to be blown by the wind into the puddle, igniting it immediately.
“The darach,” Lydia yelled through the roar of the fire. Ramie sat up, scooting backwards with the her friends as Lydia yelled. When they made it a safe distance away from the fire they turned to Lydia, with a confused look. “The darach did this to you guys. I saw it.”
Isaac and Boyd met them at the bus just minutes after the fire died down. Allison and Lydia decided to go pack up all of their’s and Ramie’s stuff while Scott showered in their room, since Ramie didn’t want him being left alone again, but she wanted to talk to Isaac before Stiles had the chance to attempt to beat him up again. Stiles and Boyd got on the bus together to get ready to sleep while Ramie and Isaac stood outside, looking over the parking lot.
“Ramie, I cannot tell you how sorry I am,” Isaac said as soon as the bus door closed behind Stiles. Ramie held up her hand to quiet him.
“It’s okay Isaac, I’m not mad,” she said.
“Stiles is,” Isaac nodded towards the bus.
“He’s just… protective,” Ramie said, trying to find the right word.
“He cares about you a lot,” Isaac said sincerely. “Like I think he would actually kill me if I hurt you.”
“No he wouldn’t,” Ramie scoffed.
“I don’t know,” Isaac shrugged. “People do crazy things for the people they love.”
Ramie’s head whipped towards his, probably too fast. Her eyes were wide when his met hers, and a small smirk was on his mouth.
“What do you mean,” she said quickly, her eyes narrowing at the taller boy.
“I just mean he’s your best friend and he cares about you a lot,” Isaac shrugged, the small smile not leaving his face.
“Right,” Ramie nodded. “Yeah.”
Isaac let out a small noise that sounded like it could be a chuckle, and they were both quiet for minute.
“Isaac,” Ramie said quietly, getting his attention back. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I think you need to find a new anchor.”
Isaac’s eyes met hers and he nodded slightly, like he knew this was where the conversation was going.
“You will always have a place in my heart, and you know that,” Ramie said, grabbing his hand. “But you need to be able to control yourself without me there.”
“I know,” Isaac said quietly. “I’ve been trying.”
“Good,” Ramie nodded, squeezing his hand. “You’re stronger than you know.”
Isaac stepped forward, wrapping Ramie in a hug.
“Thank you,” he said.
Without speaking, Ramie knew that there was an understanding between the two of them. It sort of felt like a goodbye hug, like they were letting go of their past relationship, but also, it was the two of them moving into new territory. Friendship, but nothing more. Ramie knew she’d always have a soft spot for him, but not in the same way that she once had.
As she pulled away from the hug she looked up to see Stiles sending a glare at the two of them from the bus window. Ramie rolled her eyes and stepped back from Isaac, seeing Scott, Allison and Lydia making their way over.
“Guess it’s bedtime,” Isaac said, glancing up at Stiles in the window, who whipped his head around to pretend he wasn’t staring at the two of them. Ramie snorted, walking over to the bus and climbing in, moving towards the back and sliding in the seat next to Stiles.
“You know we stayed outside so we could have some privacy,” Ramie said quietly to Stiles as everyone else got on the bus, Allison tossing Ramie her purse as everyone tried to settle into a bus seat comfortably.
“I was making sure he didn’t try and kill you again,” Stiles put his hand up defensively.
“Sure,” Ramie nodded, getting up to move into the seat in front of Stiles so they could both lay down in their own seat.
“Wait,” Stiles grabbed her arm, pulling her back down. “Can we talk theories?”
“Stiles, I’m tired,” Ramie whined, trying to get up again. Stiles pulled her back down.
“You can lay down and I’ll play with your hair, like you used to make me,” Stiles gave her a soft smile. “You don’t have to talk, you can just listen.”
When they were younger, Ramie used to force Stiles to play with her hair, or scratch her back whenever they had sleepovers. She told him it was the only way she could fall asleep away from home, but really she just found it comforting. The habit turned into a regular thing that Stiles would do, usually when they had sleepovers, but as they got older he would sometimes run a hand through her hair as they watched a movie, or draw shapes on her back when she was napping in his room. A few times when Stiles was sick Ramie did the same thing for him. They never spoke about it, it was just something they would do. There were a lot of things like that between them.
Ramie sighed, slouching sideways and putting her head on the seat next to Stiles’ leg, stretching out to rest her feet on the seat on the other side of the aisle
“That can’t be comfortable,” Stiles looked at her contorted body, scrunching his nose. He patted a hand on his thigh and Ramie looked up, meeting his eyes. Part of her expected him to burst out laughing, like he was joking about her laying her head in his lap. But he simply smiled, patting his leg again. Ramie scooted up, putting her head onto Stiles lap and rearranged her body so she was laying sideways, the back of her head against his stomach. His hand immediately threaded through her hair, lightly pulling through small knots as he began to whisper all his theories on who the Darach was and what the alpha pack was up to. Ramie fell asleep so quickly she regretted it the next morning, because she would’ve done anything to stay awake all night with Stiles’s hands running through her hair and lightly across her back, drawing words she couldn’t comprehend.
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northernxstories · 4 years
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Trading in Dignity
It was shocking how quickly it all came to an end. It started in the 2020s and within a decade, after the third global pandemic, they were faced with the worst yet. All the science deniers, those who refused to distance, wear masks and all of that ... well, most of them caught it. Some of them caught it without showing a single symptom. That didn’t matter because approximately eight months after you were infected, after you thought you were all well again, your lungs started to bleed. Nothing could make it stop. You drowned in your own bed, at night, sometimes in mere minutes. Most of the time, you just went to sleep and never woke again. It was grim.
The survivors were rare and the disease progressed so quickly, institutions fell almost overnight. Whole cities became ghost towns. Survivor teams started sweeping, looking for children, infants, pets trapped in houses and then supplies. Survivors came first. There were a lot of supplies. Not that many people.
She was rare and she knew it. Immune. How? No idea. Luck? Genetics? It didn’t matter at the end of the day. The world grieved and cities were abandoned for smaller communities. It wasn’t like in the horror movies or post-apocalypse fiction. No one ate people, bought and sold people, or any of that ridiculousness. For the most part people tried to help one another. Older people banded together to raise the children who survived. With the population reduced in the span of a decade to less than a third, it became very clear that every single human was a necessary addition. Funny how prejudice and differences in sexuality mattered a whole lot less when the end of the human race was at stake. All that shit became real irrelevant real fast.
In a spate of particularly weird coincidence, some communities lost more of a certain type of people. The east coast of North America for example had nearly no men left. It was startling, You could travel for days, scout many towns and communities and find less than a dozen males. West of the Rocky mountains however, the opposite was true. The average was 1 self-identified female to 20 self-identified males (like people were checking - get real). Some communities the ratio was more like 100 to 1. In the mid-west, prairie region, well there was almost no people left there at all. No one knew why they were so hard hit but the coasts survived. Perhaps it was just population distribution. Scientists would be studying it long after she was dead.
So, in a world where you lived with almost 100 men in your community and the number of single women could be counted on one hand, and you wouldn’t need every finger? Yeah. This was fantastic. 
Again, it wasn’t like the books though. She wasn’t chained, or bound or really mistreated in any way. Nope. None of that.
She was a strong survivor. She had a thriving garden and a number of animals of her own. Her house was cute as hell and in really good shape. Her grandmother had taught her to sew and the rest she learned from books. The little town was powered by a local dam that kept the predatory animals such as the dog packs, at bay with electrified fencing in key areas, including around her goats whom the wolves thought looked super yum yum.
But even she needed supplies. I mean, was she going with a raiding party into a city to get tampons and advil? Ummm ... no obviously. That was terrible. That’s how people died! Those places were not safe. It took rigging and expertise she did not have to be on a scavenger team. Plus do you think they would be cool having one of the few women in town go out with them? You’re dreaming if you think that’s gonna happen buddy and no one went without a team. That was a fucking death wish.
So, she had to shop. She had to trade. Fact of life. They didn’t want her tasty preserves or baking. Nope. That they could do for themselves. She traded the one thing that few had around her - her pussy. Fucked up right? 
Prostitution was the oldest game in the book for a reason it turned out. So she went into the store and put in her order for supplies that she needed. Flour, tampons, books for example. There was a tally and a calculation conducted. She was a modest girl. It rarely went above two visits. Then there was a jar. Yup. A fucking jar, with names on it. Men who had paid into the credit system. 
“One” The merchant stated bluntly marking it in his book. 
“One?” She repeated, a little surprised by how light the requirement was. Her list had been pretty long.  
“Yeah, Bernice fell pregnant, she’s off the list until after and maybe permanently since the Bennett brothers are putting serious court to her. All remaining traders just had their value go up.” 
That’s what they called them - traders. Like she was wheeling a cart through town with little jars or something instead of letting men cum in a minimum of two holes per trade. It was awesome. By the way, that was sarcasm in case you can’t tell.
“Nice.” She replied with a nod, “I hope the baby is healthy.” That was the customary statement these days when anyone fell pregnant. You see, the virus didn’t exactly go away and infant mortality was high as fuck. It was depressing as hell. She didn’t know a single woman who didn’t half dread getting knocked up, even if they really wanted to be a mother. It was a huge risk and all too likely to end in just more painful loss. Yay for survival.
“We all do.” the merchant stated sincerely as he pushed the jar toward her. Sliding her hand in, she let slips of paper, card stock that was refreshed so often you couldn’t get a feel for any one particular person, just dance through her fingertips. You just had to stick your hand in and pray to whatever god you might actually believe in that you didn’t get one of the gross old coots who thought bathing was fucking optional. Last time she had one of those she had about forty baths and still felt disgusting.
She pulled out the card and took a deep breath before flipping it over. Both her and the merchant looked surprised. “Well good luck there. Didn’t even know he paid in.” The merchant marked his book and then nodded. “I’ll get your order in as soon as ... you have about four days before you’ll have had to pay up.” 
That was another thing, the man had to confirm you had ‘paid’. However, if that man lied, he was off the books permanently. Not only that but the other men in town usually paid you a visit and beat the holy hell out of you. It was an honour system true but most followed the rules, out of honour or out of necessity, it didn’t matter at the end of the day. Men who might only get one fuck a year with a ‘willing’ woman weren’t about to lose the privilege because you decided to get fucking cute about it.
“Thanks ... Have a good day now.” She replied with a sincere smile. The merchant was a good man after all. He never put his name in and if he found out one of the men was cruel or unkind even, he’d return their credits and tell them to start getting real used to the sweet feel of their left hand because that was about all they were getting from now on. 
She walked through town, that name flipping through her mind. It was just so unexpected. 
Well no time like the present she supposed. She had had a bath last night, given the old cunt a tidy and all that. She had a debt to pay and she just knew she wouldn’t sleep right until it was paid off good and proper. Yes, it was a little fucked up but that was the system and she had lived with it for a while now. Strangely you kinda got used to it. Most men were pretty appreciative about it. 
Walking down the main street, she noted the weird combination of old and new that had blended together in this world. Cars jerry-rigged with solar panels to charge the batteries travelled on the same road as horse-drawn carriages. Kids wore sneakers cause there were still plenty of those left in old stores but paired them with clearly homemade clothes and then spiked them with leather jackets kitted out with studs and chunks of cell phones used as artistic decoration.
She walked until she hit the slight outskirts of the main town area. She could see him now, his arm lifting as he pounded the steel into shape with a large hammer. Farriers, blacksmiths, knife-makers, welders and so on made a nice living in this new world. You could always tell who they were because they smelled like fire and had arms the size of her entire body it seemed. She licked her lips and straightened her back. For the first time in well over a year, she had to admit that she might just be looking forward to this one.
“Hey ...” She greeted. He put down the hammer and shifted up his eye protection, squinting at her in the bright light of day. “Hey.” He replied back, his voice a little gruff. “You looking for something?” He asked.
“Ummm ... pulled your name.” Turns out all the cool things she was saying in her head since pulling his name had just fallen right on out of her brain. Well I wasn’t cool before, she thought bleakly with a tinge of amusement, Guess I’m not now either. Maybe the next apocalypse.
He stopped, frowning lightly as if he wasn’t sure what she was talking about and then his expression cleared and his eyes grew wide. “Oh.” he said. It was actually more of a sound. He cleared his throat. “I ... I  ... yeah. Now?” he queried.
When she nodded, “If you have the time. Otherwise ... I can come back.” I can come back. What the hell, was she Uber Eats? What the fuck is wrong with her?
He shook his head, “Now is good.” He tipped his head toward the interior. “Let me shut this down a bit and then I’ll wash up and be in.” 
He seemed nervous. Why did she like that so much? Maybe she was bored of the older guys who just had you bend over or would just unzip when they saw you coming. No effort man. No fucking effort. Literally. Wham bam, you’ve paid for your groceries Ma’am.
Mr. Muscles here better put in some damn effort at least.
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years
Addiction (Alt: Smooch Me On The Goddamn Mouf Hax)
Author: Ama
Title: Addiction (Alt: Smooch Me On The Goddamn Mouf Hax)
Pairing: Scarabee/Reader, Ciarog/Reader, Escarabajo/Reader, Scarafaggio/Reader, Zhuk/Reader
Character/s: Scarabee, Ciarog, Escarabajo, Scarafaggio, Zhuk,
Word Count: 4, 107 words
Warnings: NSFW, a lot of eating out, smexy times, 18+ only please.
Tags: @imma-fucking-nerd, @im-eating-rn@im-eating-rn
Prompt: Beetlejuice thought the most beautiful sound in the universe was the sound of screaming. You are here to prove him wrong of that notion.
Notes: So, for those who don’t know, there is a discord group and we’ve come up with 5 different dons for Mafia AU Beetlejuice. Something was brought up about one of them being caught eating the reader out and being punished for it or something to that degree and I promised @realmonsterboyhours that I’d write a crackfic on it. Here it is. Enjoy. Also, thanks to @monsterlovinghours for helping me with Cia, check that blog out for more info on the boys as Linds has posted about all of them, including what they look like, personalities etc.
Buy Me a Coffee
Addiction (Alt: Smooch Me On The Goddamn Mouf Hax)
To say that Bajo had an oral fixation was, if anything, a massive understatement. The few times he licked your face, you figured that was weird. But when he finally got to your legs and spent hours marking up your thighs before even touching what laid between them? It was official. Boy has a leg kink and loved to use that blasted tongue of his.
Shortly after the two of you started banging, he developed a bit of a…. habit. You lost the need for an alarm clock because every morning when you decided to sleep in his bed or alone in yours, you’d wake up to the demon between your legs, drinking at your slick as you ride out your orgasm. Then he’d pull away, proudly tell you how many times you came in your sleep, before moving back in to finish what he claimed to be his breakfast.
At first, it only happened if you were alone or if you slept in his room. You knew it was a one-way ticket to being woken up in the best way possible. But, you had to give your other boys some loving too.
You didn’t think Bajo would actually attempt to sneak in, you figured he’d leave you alone to the others so then everyone got a share of time with you. Evidently, you were wrong.
You were confused when you woke up, your body felt hot and muscles relaxed, heat radiating from your belly as you come to realise someone was making a home between your legs. It throws you in a loop because you can still feel Bee next to you, not stirring, not yet, and yet there was a tongue lapping away at your juices as your body continues to shudder its way through its orgasm.
“3.” You hear a voice say with a snicker before the telltale sign of hands tracing nails up your thighs as his tongue slides up to start to pay more attention to your clit.
Bajo rolls out of the bed with a loud oof, hitting the floor hard as Bee’s leg seemingly comes out of nowhere and kicks him in the ribs. “Laissez la dame dormir ou je vous arracherai les membres.” Came his threat, voice still laden with sleep but commanding nonetheless as he pulls you in close.
“Oh, come on amigo, no es como si ella se estuviera quejando.” Bajo retorts as he moves to stand and make his way back to his position with your thighs wrapped around his head. Before he could even fully stand, he was tackled to the ground and pounced on by five of Bee’s shadows.
“I never said ya weren’t invited to watch, amigo. Settle d- Oi!” He tries to kick at the shadow trying to get a kick at his balls, failing when another catches his leg and manages to hold it still. “Alright, alright, get your damn shadows off me!” Bee merely hums to respond as he moves to press a small kiss at the base of your neck, keeping you press flushed against him.
“Good morning, cherie.”
“Morning. You gonna let him up?”
“No, I don’t think I will.” You look up at him, his eyes glowing with mischief.
“C’mon love. It’s too early for this. Plus I wanna sleep a lil more with you. I can’t do that with that in the background.” You point to indicate the continuous protests coming from the man on the floor, now being held on his stomach with his hands on his back as the shadows take shots at his ribs. Bee rolls his eyes and waves his hand to dismiss the shadows, anything for you.
“Ah, thanks for that!” He stands up and stretches. “Think I could have another taste, mi amor?”
“Get out Bajo!” The both of you shout, pointing to the door in sync.
You were certain that Zhuk was too intimidating a figure for Bajo to actually attempt to come in his room. But then again, Bajo was an idiot and would try anything if it meant time to have a taste of you.
This time, however, you didn’t wake up to pleasure. You woke up to pain. With a loud gasp as you feel your thigh erupt in a painful heat, you sit up just in time to see your small black cat who always slept with Zhuk no matter what anyone said dart off into the corner. You rip back the covers to see a very guilty looking Bajo staring up at you, thumb rubbing over your now slightly bleeding thigh. His back is weeping small amounts of blood, by the looks of it, your kitty wasn’t too impressed at the weird bulge that had appeared between your legs overnight and wanted to make her discontent known. “Morning maripos-ah!” He shouts out in shock as Zhuk grabs him from the back of the neck and silently pulls him off the bed and towards the door, holding him so he is a few inches from the ground as he kicks and struggles. Zhuk opens the door and very unceremoniously throws the smaller man out, causing him to hit the wall and then the floor with two very loud bangs. “Oi! I barely even got to six this ti-” Zhuk slams the door in his face before moving back to crawl up the bed and next to you.
“Does it hurt, roza?” His large hand grabs at your knee to move your thigh so he can see the small wound, already beginning to heal up as he rubs at the reddened area, moving his hand to cover every new bruise Bajo had managed to create.
“No no, it’s fine now.” You move in to rest your head on his chest, already starting to fall back asleep. “Five more minutes?”
“Of course tsarina.”
You knew by now that it was going to happen, regardless of who you spent the night with. Granted, he gave you time to allow your legs to heal after the last incident, mostly out of fear of what Zhuk and Bee would do to him if he didn’t. But, eventually, your legs healed up and you were able to sit properly again. Which meant Bajo felt like he had a free invitation to his favourite snack.
When you woke up, you feel warm and fuzzy, muscles relaxed with your pussy clenching. Your thighs are wet to your knees and your entire body just feels hot. You could hear the telltale sign of Gio using his cane, smacking down on someone who was clearly protesting his attack as he rants in angry Italian. “Idiota! Non puoi farmi passare una notte con la nostra ragazza, no, devi entrare e rovinarlo! Merda stupida per il cervello! Ha appena guarito! Il tuo pasto preferito, ti batterò nel giro di un centimetro della tua vita.” You turn to see a very angry Gio beating a dishevelled but clearly pleased Bajo, mouth and jaw covered in your slick as he makes a show of cleaning his mouth and fingers between each wack.
“Amigo, you’re just jealous I got our lovely little mariposa to orgasm on my tongue five times before you realised what was happening.” You roll your eyes as Gio starts his assault again.
“Gio? Baby?” You ask, purposefully making your voice small so both boys turn around instantly to look at you. “Come back to bed?”
Gio softens instantly. “Piccola, I will I’m jus-”
“Please?” You whine out. “Want cuddles with you baby.” You reach out your arms and start making a grabby motion with your hands. “Come cuddle with me, please?”
Gio seems to falter before dropping his cane and moving back to the bed, you scooting backwards so he has room to join you, his arms wrapping around you until he can trace light patterns on your back, your head resting on his chest with a small, content smile. None of them could really turn you down for anything and, in times like this, it really did work to your advantage.
“Think you can move on over there?” Bajo asks, standing at the edge of the bed, clearly keen to join in the cuddle session. You can practically feel Gio heat up with anger at this.
“Esci! Stupido, pomposo, stupido, figlio di puttana-” He shouts, causing Bajo to leave with a snicker before Gio changes his mind and continues to give him a caning.
By now, you knew nowhere was safe. You knew you’d wake up with the Spaniard between your legs no matter where you slept in the house. But, you figured, that if you slept with one of the others that you were protected from at least being over stimmed so early in the morning, to the point that you would rather spend the rest of the day in bed rather than leave your room.
Cia had pointed out that you had yet to share a bed with him, and he was right to a degree. The few times you fell asleep in the Irishman’s room, both of you had been drunk and he had quite literally kicked you out of bed, leading you to walk back into your room to sleep the alcohol off. Still. The two of you weren’t really drinking tonight. And perhaps Cia would be better at protecting you from your nightly visitor.
You woke up with a gasp, eyes instantly locking with a pair of mischievous hazel ones, a fire lit in them. You barely get out a grunt as you feel your thighs shake around the head of the man currently rubbing two of his fingers against your g-spot, tongue assaulting your clit as you continue to come loudly, eyes rolling in the back of your head. You feel slightly warmed metal teeth brush against your thighs as he pulls back to nibble at your flesh, damp with your slick as you pant, turning over to Cia. “You’re not going to stop him?”
Something flashes in his eyes. “And miss the show? Mo grá, you don’t know me very well, do you?” The smile he sends your way causes a shiver down your spine as you feel Bajo chuckle lightly against your skin, your head snapping down when you feel him move to bite and suck another mark onto your thigh, Cia’s hand grasping onto your chin and pulling it face him. “Ag dul chun bheith ina cailín maith dúinn, piscín?” You whimper as you feel the man beneath you slowly slide back up to run the flat of his tongue up the length of your pussy, groaning lowly at the taste.
“Ci-ah!” You grind up against Bajo’s face as his lips wrap around your clit and he starts to draw powerful sucks, causing your whole body to wrack as the already over-sensitive organ starts to take another beating. “How- How many?” You barely get out as Cia coos.
“Eight.” You hear Bajo say against your cunt, the vibrations making your eyes squeeze shut as you roll your hips. Towards him or away from him you aren’t entirely sure, but you do whine in protest when he pulls back, resting his chin on your thigh as he looks up at you with a wicked grin. “Creo que esta mañana es el día en que llegamos a los veinte. ¿Qué te parece mi amigo?” 
“20? I’m sure we can aim for more than that, can’t we?” You whimper at the number, shaking your head as Bajo moves back to push his tongue inside of you, wanting to have a taste of you straight from the source. “Hush, mo ghrá. Lig do Bajo aire a thabhairt duit anois.” Cia chastises as your head rolls towards him.
You move to protest. “Too many.” You say quietly. There is no way, on this progressively not to green earth, that you would be able to come twenty times at the hands of these two and survive. “Ple-ugh.” You gasp when you feel a sharp pinch at your nipples, Cia clearly not too impressed with your protest.
“Oh, don’t fight it now, lie back against me love.” He instructs, bringing you closer to him as you let out a small whimper, much to his amusement. “A piscín, an é go léir atá agat dúinn? Tar ar aghaidh anois, tá mé cinnte gur féidir leat a bheith níos airde ná sin.” Your cries become louder as Bajo’s thumb moves to stroke at your clit, fingers replacing his tongue as he massages at your g-spot, causing you to buck and whine.
“Oh, nuestro pequeño pájaro cantor. Cantas tan bellamente para nosotros.” You feel his metal teeth bite down on your thigh again, this time piercing your flesh as small droplets of red chase their way down to the bed, eyes squeezing shut as you try to focus on every single sensation.
“Keep those eyes open, darlin',” Cia reminds you. Your eyes snap back open obediently, “look at the way he's making your thighs tremble. Does it feel good, hm?” You turn to look down, eyes locking with Bajo’s as he just grins up at you, hand moving so his fingers pump slowly in and out as he continues to suck at the skin of your shaking thigh.
“I- uh. Feels. Hnn.” You give up on words, hips moving to roll in time with the movement of his fingers.
“It must, you can barely string two words together.” Cia comments in amusement.
“Can’t think.” You tell them, and it's true. The fog of your early morning haze has mixed with the fog of coming too many times, being brought back to that edge and Cia whispering in your ear was completely taking over all other functions. You couldn’t think, could barely string your words together, barely remember every word you hear the boys say to you, all that was left was to feel which just made you all that much foggier.
“Shh, pequeña. No pienses, solo siente.” Bajo says from beneath you.
“Falling.” You say with a gasp, hands moving to grasp at the bedsheets as your brain finally succumbed to the fog.
“Eso es, enamórate de nosotros, pequeño amor. No te preocupes Te atraparemos.” You whine as his thumb is removed from your clit, only to be replaced by his mouth, tongue flicking in between strong sucks.
You try to bite back your sounds, the last little bit of you wanting to fight back resorting to ‘you don’t deserve to hear how good you make me feel’ but you fail miserably as Cia’s hand starts to trace up and down your body, pinching at you to keep you on your toes, mind so distracted from everything you’re feeling, you almost miss what’s being said.
“-so soft, so sweet. Oh, leanbh, we might just make a meal of you yet.” Cia purrs in your ear, chuckling lowly when you whine loudly, hips bucking up into Bajo’s mouth. “Would you like that? To be feasted on?” His grin widens as you nod furiously, a strangled version of both their names passing through your lips between heavy breaths as you feel your body tense in anticipation for number nine, Bajo groaning when he realises you’re close again as he seems to start attacking your clit with more vigour, trying to bring you over the edge once more. Cia leans in closer to continue, breath hot against your ear as his hands hold your hips down to stop you from grinding up against Bajo’s tongue. “Oh, look at you, mo stór. So desperate to come again. Oh, little one, we're so hungry for you, hungry for your pleasure. Give it to us. Give in to us. Let your body surrender, sweetheart, there you go.” He coos when you shudder around Bajo with a broken moan, body twitching as Cia moves to bite at your neck, the same time Bajo moves to place yet another bruise to your thigh. “Ó, beag ardaigh, conas is breá linn go bhfaigheann tú teacht slán.”
A few seconds pass before you feel Bajo’s tongue lapping away the excess slick, only this wasn’t a cleanup. No, he was very pointedly warming up to make you come again. You protest with a whine. “One more, pequeña?” Your eyes flicker down to his. “Just one more.” You can handle one more? Surely? You nod once and that’s all he needs to delve back into your heat with a loud noise of content when he has your taste on his tongue again.
It doesn’t take long. You were nine orgasms in and your body was tuned ready for ten. Cia is instantly at your ear, murmuring lowly in a mix of Gaelic and English, slowly coaxing you to the edge. But your body doesn’t seem to want to go over, get you to the double-digit tally that both the boys insist you reach this morning. Cia, for one, is not giving up without a fight. “Come for him, darlin', he wants you to. Can't you see it in his eyes, the way he's begging you to drown him with it?” When you look down, Bajo does indeed look desperate for you to come once more, eyes bright and burning as he moans against your sex, addicted to your taste as his tongue leaves your clit to delve into your wet heat, thumb moving up to take its place. You let out a small whine, eyes not leaving his for a second. “Give in, ailleacht, come for us. Let us carry you over the edge."
That’s all it takes to tip you over the edge, words purred in your ear as your body convulses, a scream leaves your lips as you ride out a near painful orgasm being ripped from your body. You can hear dark chuckles from next to your ear and between your thighs before Cia whispers lowly in your ear, “Sin é, ceann beag, scread dúinn.”
When you come down from your high, your entire body is shaking, you can feel Bajo press gentle kisses down your thighs as he lowers them from his shoulders before he slides up your body until he is hovering over you. To your horror, his face is positively dripping with your slick, his giant shit-eating grin showing you just how pleased he is of that fact. “Buenos dias mariposa.” He greets before moving down to kiss you fully on your lips, making you taste yourself on his tongue before he not-so-gracefully falls to your other side, bringing you in close as Cia follows, the same look on his face.
“Maidin, álainn.” He purrs. You snuggle into his chest, Bajo’s forehead pressed against the base of your neck as he curls around you.
“I hate you both.”
“No you don’t.”
You let out a huff of air in annoyance when, yet again, Cia was right. But only just. “I’m never sleeping in this room again.” They both laugh because, again, they both know it's not true. “I’m sleepy.”
“Go to sleep, querida.” Bajo murmurs against your skin, pressing a kiss wherever he can place them. You can hear them both say something to you, but it’s all muffled as you slowly drift back to sleep in their arms.
Choosing to sleep in Bajo’s bed was always an open invitation for him to spend the entire night with his face wrapped between your thighs. You always chose your nights with Bajo carefully because of that fact.
Tonight, you felt like you just needed to be with him. You had all gone out to dinner and it was a rare case where everything was just a disaster. Orders were wrong, food was cold or just gross, wine was corked, everything that could have gone did go wrong. Bajo was a bit sour as it was his choice of restaurant and it had clearly gone downhill since the last time he went there for a meal. So, to soothe his upset self, you changed plans of sharing a bed with Bee to spend the night with Bajo.
As you expected, you barely got through the doors before you were thrown on the bed, shirt and bra having been ripped off in the hallway, and he was crawling up between your thighs, pulling down your pants and panties in one smooth, quick motion. You move your thighs to rest on his shoulders as he glides his tongue down your calf, over your knee, down your inner thigh before moving to lick a stripe up your pussy, groaning at the taste. “Finally.” He says, eyes flickering up to look at you. “Some good fucking food.”
That was it. You instantly unwrap yourself from him and move to the side, holding your sides as you laugh. “Nope. Sex is off. You did not just say that.” You can practically feel his pout as he slides up the bed to press his hands into the mattress, one either side of your head as he waits for the giggles to subside, eyes warm as he watches your amused face with a smile before moving in to kiss you deeply.
“Let me have my dinner?” He asks when he pulls back, causing you to giggle again.
“I can’t take you seriously now, Bajo.” You shake your head. “If you’re lucky, you can have me for breakfast again.” He hrumphs as he moves to lay next to you on the bed, pulling you close so his entire body is pressed up against you.
“Te amo, mi pequeña mariposa.” He says quietly against your skin.
“I love you too, you dumb fucking himbo.” You tease, laughing when he growls and bites down on your shoulder as a warning. Damn, this boy be feral and bitey.
The next morning, you weren’t surprised at all to feel him slide down your body, sending a wink your way when he notices you’re up as he positions himself, ready to absolutely devour you.
Misc Scene That Didn’t Quite Make It:
The first time Bajo went down on you, it was like a religious experience. It was a lazy Sunday with just the two of you in the smoking room when he got a glint in his eye and slowly slid out from under you and between your thighs. At first, you thought he was just going to mark you up a little again, his favourite place to be when the six of you snuggling is, after all, on top of your thighs and you never left without a minimum of six bite marks. But, it wasn’t until he was pulling away your panties with his teeth did you realise his end game.
You are certain he spent hours with his mouth glued to your pussy, as if he was trying to print the taste into his memory and sear the spots that made you cry out into his brain. He brought you to the edge over and over, pulling back when he felt you were close to watch you squirm and glare at him, nipping at your thighs whenever you protest.
When he finally let you come, you swear you saw stars. Your body arches as you scream, mostly in relief, hand having been weaved in his hair for at least an hour and a half by now pulling at his roots as it clenches, hips moving up to rock against his face as he drinks in everything you have to offer him. Your body finally laxes into the leather seat beneath you as you try to catch your breath when Bajo’s lips are suddenly against yours, hands-on your spread knees as his tongue works its way into your mouth so you can taste yourself mixed with him. When he pulls back, you can’t help it.
Slowly, you raise your hands to clap causing him to chuckle. “Wow.” 
He does a few small bows from his place on his knees between your legs. “Thank you, thank you! I’d like to think of myself as a humble man- ow!” He swats your hand away as you smack him across the back of the head with a laugh.
“You’re such a twit.”
“You love me.”
“Do I though?”
“Yes.” You roll your eyes at his cocky answer. “So…. did you enjoy yourself up there, dulce?” He asks with a grin.
“No Bajo, I had an awful time.” You sass causing him to laugh as he moves to nip at your thigh again as a playful warning. “Any chance for an encore?” You ask cheekily as his eyes flash, a giant smirk appearing on his face.
“For you? Of course, mi amor.”
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pynkhues · 5 years
I’m just here to say I love all of your fic and ask what might be your next update? 🙂
Thank you so much! I’m hoping to get at least one thing up by the end of this week? My office is shutting down tomorrow for the quarantine - so that day will be busy, but the rest of the week should be pretty quiet, hopefully giving me lots of time to write. 
My head’s been totally consumed with this s3 fic though right now where Beth and Rio do a job together and then bone in his new car, haha, so that’ll probably be the thing that goes up? (Although I’m aiming for the last part of the porn!AU soon too). 
Anyway, I know I posted a bit of this earlier in the week, but if you like, you can have the full first scene of the s3 fic!
I hope you like it!
Weird thingis, the place smells like her.
He’d thoughtit the first time he’d stepped through the door, the counterfeit note uncurlinglike a promise in his pocket; the ugly-ass white curtains that looked straightoutta his abuela’s house already drawn.
He can’teven really explain what the smell is, wouldn’t know how to describe itif somebody asked – something a little too sweet, but it ain’t like perfume,ain’t like fresh baked cookies or pie or nothin’ neither, and it ain’t quitelike a flower, not that he makes a habit of going around smelling the roses andwhatnot, but he’s got sisters, and Rhea used to love getting them back when sheused to love him.
Nah, itain’t anything so easy to pin down – not that anything with Elizabeth ever hasbeen.  
Back before- - well, just before, he used to think maybe it was some lotion orshampoo or something. Didn’t smell like a flower because it must have been someflower imitation, essence of whatever, something smelled once by somebody forreal and then broken down in a lab in an effort to recreate it. A bottled upmemory, some Frankenstein’d recreation of something that smelt good to somebodyonce.
Somethingnot cheap, but inexpensive, probably picked up at the drug store whileshe bought up toothpaste and diapers, toilet paper and aspirin, somethingslathered on her skin after her shower but before bed, something that’d she’dsoak in overnight, but still - -
Somethingjust on her skin.
Because thething is, now he knows that ain’t it. Knows it, because she tastes like it too.
Fuck, knowsexactly how deep inside her that taste goes.
Knows itstarts on the inside, whatever it is.
Remembers ittoo-sweet on his tongue for days after she kicked him out of her bed.
And shit, itain’t something he’s had any time recent, but still – the smell in the airdon’t just hit his nose right now, it coats his teeth.
The fact ofit all is enough to make him drum his fingers on the counter, right beside thecash registers, enough to make his jaw rock, impatient, as he watches Elizabethhelp a customer pick out a card, her movements stiff since the moment she sawhim walk in, and on anyone else that would feel like a win, but on her he knowsit ain’t one. Ain’t fear or discomfort but anger, simmering just beneath herskin.
Enough of itapparently to make her take her time, draw it out, leave him waiting longer,and he’s of half a mind to go over and get her fussin’ and flusterin’, when thecustomer finally decides on which bit of folded cardboard she wants to go with thebox of decorative plates in her hand and asks and you gift wrap, right?
And it’salmost impressive, how Elizabeth can cross the store swapping small talk withthis twenty-something (who’s all fuckin’ pep and Invisalign braces), can feel hiseyes on her, must know he’s practically draped across the counter, and not somuch as glance at him.
“Do youthink the gold wrapping paper is too much?” the girl trills. “I don’t want itto look like I’m trying too hard.”
“No suchthing when it comes to presentation,” Elizabeth replies, and he knows her wellenough to know her voice is a little tight, just because he knows what itsounds like when it ain’t, and he smiles at her, sharkish, as she rounds the counter,until all that’s left between them is the wooden frame of the thing.
She rings upthe sale while the girl natters about somethin’ or other, the ancient littlemachine beneath them all choking out a receipt as Elizabeth starts grabbingtogether wrapping paper and ribbons of gauzy tulle and metallic bands thatcatch the light and blink gold. It’s tacky as fuck, but the thing is, he kindalikes watching her work with her hands. Likes it when she’s workin’ that printer,slicing his money, likes it when she’s fiddling and fussing and straighteningthings out, reminds him of them on his - -
Not that.  
He pushes hisarm a little harder against the counter edge, not enough that she’ll notice,and sucks on his teeth, but shit, there’s that taste again, and he should lookaway, should stop watching her pale hands fumble with the handle of some bigass craft scissors, her narrow fingers small there – thinner than the blades,and just - - something in him twitches.
The customer’scell pings, and it’s enough to make him glance over, just in time to see thegirl quickly look away from him, and huh, he thinks, tilting his body away fromElizabeth and towards the girl instead. It’s almost too easy, to take her in,all frizzy, mouse-brown hair and bright green eyes, pink cheeks. She looks alittle curious, a little embarrassed, and he softens out a grin, nodding hishead towards the card in her hands.
“Birthday?”he guesses, and she blinks, surprised, before flushing a little.
“Engagementparty,” she replies, and Rio taps his knuckles down on the counter, all damn,so close, feeling something in him sharpen in satisfaction, when he feelsElizabeth’s gaze finally dart over to him.
“I don’teven want to go,” the girl adds, rolling her eyes in quasi amusement. “I justwork with her, but the whole office is going, so it’s like, become this bigdeal.”
Rio hums incommiseration.
“Things wedo for work, huh?”
And shit,ain’t that why he’s here tonight? Briefly, his thoughts tangle with theprospect of what he’s got to do, annoyance flaring with even the prospect ofthis fucking thing, but it’s stifled when the girl looks at him in surprise.
“Do you workhere too?” she asks, voice all loaded up with curiosity, and Rio grins, swayinga little as Elizabeth turns on the spot to grab one of the ribbons behind her,spin back, make jerky, awkward work of tying the bow.
“Somethin’like that.”
Behind him,the metallic schink of the scissors on the ribbon sounds louder in hisear, the force of the cut harsher than it needs to be, and Rio grins before hecan help it, just real fuckin’ delighted at the thought. Pissin’ her off - - itain’t like anything else.
“Do I get toask now?”
Rio blinks,pops an eyebrow as the girl flushes a little beneath the boldness of her ownquestion, and it reminds him of Elizabeth way back when, blinking those bambieyes of hers beneath the Cloud 9 store fluorescents. When that desperate edgeto her hadn’t been quite so shadowed, and huh, he tilts back towards the girl,softens his smile, waves a hand out like be my guest.
She sways onthe spot, pink in delight, bites her lip, and beside them, the wrapping papercrinkles roughly as Elizabeth’s pale hands tie bows.
“I’m goingto go with owner, I think.”
Rio laughs,twisting his head to find Elizabeth staring at him, unimpressed, before he swingseasily back to the girl.
“Got it inone, sweetheart.”
It’s enoughto make her flush all over, pleased, and Elizabeth to pick up the pace on hergift wrapping, finally finishing it and thrusting it into a bag, passing it on overas the girl starts rambling about a prize, and she’s talkin’ to him, but he don’treally care anymore. Not now that Elizabeth’s rounding the counter anddirecting the girl to the exit.
She don’twanna go, not right away. She lingers, staring at him, and he just keepssmiling wanly at her, nodding, and shit, it takes her forever to get the hint,finally scurrying out of the store. The door’s barely even closed before Elizabeth’sflipping the lock, the open sign to closed, and then she’s spinning abruptly toface him, her cheeks flushed and her chest heaving.
“You can’tcome here when we’re open,” she tells him, and Rio pops an eyebrow at her,briefly amused, when she adds: “You draw attention.”
He curves sidewaysat that, further draping over the counter, drops his elbow to it, then his chinto his hand.
“Yeah? Howyou think I do that?”
And he can’tquite swallow the grin at the way she glares at him, striding over to that bigtable full of trinkets and shit in the middle of the store, and just startsfiddling in that way she does now. Like she needs something to do with herhands, and he lets her, moving a little forwards until he’s leaning backagainst the counter instead of beside it, eyeing her off. She ain’t dressedexactly how he wants her – in some dark wash mama jeans and some pale pinkblouse, dotted with flowers. Boots with a short, thick heel.
A sweaterwoulda been better, but this’ll do
“The pulp’sdrying,” she sniffs suddenly, eyes darting to him then away again. “So ifyou’re wanting - -”
But Rio justwaves a hand at her.
“Nah, yougonna call your sister and your lady friend. They can finish that tonight. Youand me got a job.”
It’s enoughto make her pause. To make her look up at him, her eyes wide, then narrowed,and shit, it’s that smell again, curling at his nose. He swallows, looksbriefly away, and when he looks back, Elizabeth’s still staring at him, thistime with something different on her face too – and it takes him a moment torealise that she’d taken him looking away as a win. He pushes off the counter,steps forwards quickly, just to see her jump.  
“What’s thejob?” she asks, trying to cover it, and Rio hums, moving past her to grab one ofthe little baggies of hard candy, twisting it over to half read the ingredientswhile he speaks.
“Need topick something up,” he says. Sugar and peppermint oil and water, that’s allthat’s in them. Vaguely he wonders if she’s made candies like this. Probably. Forbirthday parties and PTA mixers, to sell - too sweet - at fundraisers. He feelsher shift beside him more than he sees it, her hands stilling on a huddle ofpom pom keychains.
“Why do youneed me for that?”
“Don’t needyou,” he tells her flippant, tossing the bag of candy back down onto thedisplay, just to make her jaw square. “Just think your vibe gonna hit thiscrowd better.”
And shit, hedoes look at her at that, arching an eyebrow, gaze flicking down her body, staringpointedly at her floral blouse and her mama jeans, not letting his gaze drag,because it ain’t about that - - can’t be about that, but then there’sthat smell again, and fuck, he thinks, tearing his gaze back to meet her own.
“You reallywant me to answer that?”
She rollsher eyes, shifts her weight, opens her mouth to say something, probably aboutneeding information or some sort of schedule or whatever other bullshit he ain’tgot time for, and he waits until he can see the word on the tip of her tongue,before he cuts her off.
“Finish lockin’up, call your girls. Want you in my car in five minutes, yeah?”
And withthat, he pivots, striding out of the store and back into the afternoon light.
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