#goku is a great dad
fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Father Son Kamehameha Dubstep Remix [LEZBEEPIC REUPLOAD]
Peak Gohan moment! Nothing can top this for Gohan! Goku being Gohan’s number 1 cheerleader is so heartwarming! Why was this not the last saga! Why did Goku stay dead!!!!?
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thewalkingmew5 · 9 months
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Goku missed his invite
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grandtourz · 7 months
i have so many thoughts about gohan and goten its kind of unreal
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tobiasdrake · 23 days
Here we go. It's time to talk about my personal fave. As I said before, this is my Main. In Dragon Ball fighting games, this is the character I seek out to play whenever the roster allows. Also arguably the character who's been done the most dirty by just about every form of Dragon Ball, manga included.
The vanguard of a brand new status quo and a brand new direction for what Dragon Ball would even be, washed away by the tides of a status quo resetting to zero.
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We're here to talk about the champion of Satan City who carries the spirit of Dragon Ball in her heart: Videl.
(And that is one cookie to @jcogginsa who guessed it.)
Videl was a kid with a chip on her shoulder. I mean. How could you not be? Her father was the legendary world martial arts champion who famously defeated Cell seven years ago.
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Don't pay attention to that. He just tripped for a moment. Once he got his second wind, he came right back and showed Cell what for! It was due entirely to Mr. Satan and nobody else that the Earth was spared from the apocalyptic horror that is Cell.
Look, he even said so himself.
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Are you gonna call that man a liar? The man who defeated Cell!? I think we can trust Satan's word over yours.
This is the shadow that Videl grew up under. Raised in what had previously been called Orange City, but was renamed Satan City in honor of the world's greatest hero.
Or "Hercule City/Herculopolis" in the versions that edit out Satan's name.
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As his daughter, Videl has a perspective on Satan that neither the world nor the audience gets to see: He's a womanizing playboy who cashes in on his world-savior fame for booty.
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He also forbids his teenage daughter from dating by putting up the stipulation that any boy interested in her has to be stronger than him, the world champion - A stipulation naturally designed to weed out any possible suitors through intimidation. Wanna date Videl? FISTFIGHT THE MAN WHO DEFEATED CELL.
Oh, but he doesn't teach her a goddamn thing; At least, not anymore, as she does suggest there was once a time when he was her mentor. She's forced to study martial arts entirely on her own because her dad is utterly disinterested in her development in the art.
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This is an angle on Satan we never get to see onscreen. Apparently he's pretty shitty about women. You know, I can believe that.
Videl, when we meet her, is trapped in an unenviable position as a martial artist. She hates what the fame of being a legend has done to her dad and wants to knock him down a peg, but she has no foundation to develop her abilities from. The one man who's supposed to be teaching her isn't doing it, and she's been passively discouraged from pursuing more esoteric martial arts because the world champion said that stuff's all fake.
Videl makes for a fascinating foil to Gohan, because they're both children living in the shadows of legendary fathers.
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Gohan is expected to be Goku's successor, but wants to live a peaceful life of academia. Meanwhile, Videl is being denied the ability to become Mr. Satan's successor, but craves the opportunity to prove herself.
Nonetheless, both of these kids are prodigies. Videl has a wealth of potential. She doesn't even realize that, despite these limitations, she surpassed her father long ago. Despite being a self-taught teenager with zero comprehension of ki cultivation, Videl hones her skills and developers her art the only way that's available to her: By punching it out with armed robbers in the region.
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Backpack Town isn't even her city! She's a one-woman SWAT team for the tri-state area.
As ambitious and driven as she is, Videl is also clever. The anime extrapolates the adventures of the Great Saiyaman into a several-episode arc as Gohan deftly avoids detection by Videl over and over again, but this has the knock-on effect of depriving Videl of one of her best moments.
Because she pegs him instantly. She was already suspicious of Gohan being the mysterious "Golden Warrior", when he tried to use his Super Saiyan form to disguise himself as a superhero.
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Which also showed that she was open-minded about the other people who fought Cell. Satan says they were doing a bunch of tricks, but Videl's willing to consider the possibility that there exist people who can turn blond on command.
And then Gohan did this shit.
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Because he was raised in the woods by the devil and Goku. Despite trying to keep a low profile, he has absolutely no idea what the baseline for ordinary human ability is.
So. Y'know.
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That's pretty fucking suspicious.
Which brings us to Gohan's second outing as Great Saiyaman, and his first meeting with Videl under his new identity. Whereupon she, uh....
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Plays him like a fucking sap. It's a great moment that doesn't get its due if it takes several episodes and misadventures for her to reach this point. Videl is exceptionally skilled in the field of paying attention to that time Gohan jumped thirty feet in the air and naturally drawing conclusions from it.
And also his voice and posture and other dead giveaways. Gohan sucks at secret identities.
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He's just. So obviously Gohan. There's no way anyone would be fooled by this.
But she's not only adequate at seeing things with her eyes; She's also a legitimately brilliant martial artist in her own right. Due to her upbringing, she's had zero experience with ki cultivation for obvious reasons.
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And yet she's talented enough and smart enough to pick up the basics of Bukujutsu in one day.
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Oh, don't mind her; That's just Videl making a mockery of Tsuru-senryu by effortlessly devouring their signature technique. This is Goku's first Kamehameha all over again.
She may have started small but Videl learns fucking fast. She has all of the drive and the ambition that Gohan lacks. She wants to be part of this world, she has a ravenous hunger for self-improvement, she's clever and observant, and she picks up concepts insanely quickly.
Videl is fucking primed to be a key player in Dragon Ball's next generation.
So now we need to talk about what happened to Videl.
Videl has one major fight in the entire series: Her 25th Tenkaichi Budokai bout against Spopovich.
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Which she absolutely dominates. She's stronger, better, and faster than Spopovich. Even the experienced martial artists agree that she's infinity times better than him in every way.
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But there's something wrong with Spopovich. He's a decent martial artist, far from the top; He'd competed in the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai and made it through the qualifiers, but was eliminated in the first round. So, y'know, he had no chance in hell against Videl; She's already surpassed Mr. Satan, who won the 24th legitimately.
Uh, by virtue of none of the Kame-senryu or their rivals attending. Mr. Satan is top dog of the same weight class as Pamput from the 22nd.
But, despite being outclassed in every category, Spopovich is also a dead man walking.
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He's similar to the Androids in a sense. Spopovich has no ki signature at all, nor does he get worn down by the damage he's taking. This is Vegeta vs. 18 and Piccolo vs. 17 all over again; He isn't feeling the pain from the hits she's landing on him, and so he's able to outlast.
But Spopovich isn't an Android. He's more like a zombie?
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At one point, Videl cuts loose and breaks his goddamn neck. Because he's pushing her hard enough that she realizes she needs to go harder, but his body can't take harder. He isn't a match for her. He just. Isn't going down despite not being a match for her.
He can't take this level of force. But he and his ominously vacant absence of ki can put his head right back where it was and continue the fight, no problem. That's honestly scarier than if he'd regenerated.
Also despite not even having the barebones ki signature of a normal person, Spopovich can perform Bukujutsu and fire ki attacks.
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Which a fighter of his meager ability shouldn't even be capable of.
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All of this adds up to an unwinnable fight for Videl and the setup to... Something. This match has been criticized pretty heavily in the fandom because it gets pretty gruesome and doesn't have a payoff.
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We've seen fights go fucking bad for our heroes before. Piccolo once broke all of Goku's arms and legs as well as shooting a hole in his chest, right here in this same arena.
But it's typically building to something. When our heroes get trashed, it's the lead-up to a reversal down the road. Maybe in the same fight. Maybe in a later one. And we seem to be heading in that direction?
After Spopovich and Yamu leave the tournament, we get VIdel a Senzu and she's right as rain.
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Spopovich and Yamu steal energy from Gohan and fly off to Babidi's Ship so they can awaken Majin Buu. Kaioshin recruits the various protags to make that not be a thing that happens. And then. Something switches in the narrative flow of this arc.
You can feel it happen.
As our heroes prepare to pursue Spopovich and Yamu, Videl volunteers to join in as well. She's had her eyes opened to a whole new world or possibilities and is hungry to develop her abilities.
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And. Then. One chapter later. It's suddenly decided that Videl will not be a part of this storyline after all, and she basically leaves the plot forever.
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WHOOPS! Never mind! Didn't want this character here after all. Go home, Videl.
While her adversary Spopovich is unceremoniously unwritten from being a thing that exists.
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Babidi just. Kills him. For no reason. Even though his job isn't done yet. Babidi's like, "Oh good, you collected a fraction of the energy we need; That's fine, you can be fired. I don't need anyone to finish the job."
We're just. We're not telling that story anymore. We already threw Videl in the trash; we don't need her nemesis. We're doing a different thing.
Also, because we still have too many characters in this scene, Dabra erases Krillin and PIccolo with magic spit that never comes up again or is meaningful in any way.
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You'd think this would be, like, setting up something? Like. Having witnessed it ahead of time, Gohan's able to figure out something about the way Dabra's spit works. So when he fights Dabra in a climactic battle, he can turn this around.
Like when Goku was able to counter Tenshinhan's Taiyoken/Solar Flare in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, because he'd seen it before and understood how it works. That's usually what Dragon Ball does with this sort of advance notice of opponent abilities.
But. No. The most this ever comes up again is that it momentarily costs Gohan one of his gloves. It's just here to winnow down the cast because Toriyama brought too many characters to this scene.
You can feel the burnout taking hold. As janky as the Android arc was, the Buu arc's level of jank is through the roof.
And that became it for Videl. Denied any sort of payoff for her one fight and instead relegated to background character, Videl never got a chance to live up to the intriguing potential she was introduced with. She was the face of a new direction for Dragon Ball, a direction that ended up strangled in its crib as the series reverted to old ideas and old formulae - strangling her along with it.
Videl is a character I look at and can't help but wonder what could have been. What could have been if Gohan got to keep his focus, and Videl got to remain a key player in a story about him? What could have been if we got to see Videl developing her skills at the same fever-pace that she learned Bukujutsu with? What could have been if she got that rematch with Spopovich she seemed to have been promised by the narrative, and then got to stay involved throughout the Buu arc?
But I guess we'll never know.
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paganminiskirt · 4 months
I love how Raditz uses him and Goku’s familial relationship to trick him into letting go of his tail so he can start whaling on him again, all the while having Gohan hostage in his pod. And then later on, Vegeta’s transformation into a great ape causes Goku to realize that he killed his own Grandpa Gohan all those years ago, accidentally or otherwise. It’s like this one biological side effect of his Saiyan heritage both robbed him of a relationship and prevented him from properly mourning once he realized what had happened, with his empathy and willingness to forgive being leveraged against him by those same Saiyans to destroy other familial bonds. It’s such a brutal introduction to a previously unknown part of your identity.
But then on Namek, Vegeta applies him & his father’s own situation to Gohan and Goku when he’s explaining the danger that the Frieza Force represent, saying how “they don’t have to be stronger than you to beat you, they could take your son hostage.” Obviously he’s referencing his childhood removal from King Vegeta’s “care,” but a side effect of that arrangement is that the King himself isn’t a tangible presence in his son’s life, certainly not by the time he’s on Namek. Vegeta does have something vaguely resembling a father figure when he makes that comparison, but it’s not him, it’s Frieza.
Frieza & Vegeta’s relationship is certainly not parental on an emotional level, but the mechanisms of keeping people as indentured servants naturally tend towards paternalism, and it’s obvious that Frieza has a weird little fixation on him besides. The entire Namek saga lowkey constructs this wildly uncomfortable parallel between Goku’s care for & devotion to Gohan, (putting himself in harms way and crossing between entire worlds to keep him safe over and over again,) and Frieza’s similarly relentless but antithetically possessive & degrading relationship with Vegeta, (repeatedly demanding that he be brought back to him alive no matter how much of a nuisance he becomes, to the point of having him nursed back to health after Zarbon claps his ass just so he can torture him himself.)
It’s Gohan who first notices that Captain Ginyu stole his dad’s body, and Gohan who keeps fighting through exhaustion and extreme violence before Goku gets to Namek. Later on in the Buu Saga, Goku realizes the projection of Gohan inside Majin Buu isn’t really his son quicker than anyone else does - their emotional bond is sturdy enough to transcend the physical, even after it’s repeatedly acknowledged that a young child shouldn’t be involved in situations as gruesome as these.
Compare that to Vegeta, who’s only visible relationship with his father comes from sharing violence as a form of giddy self-aggrandizement, until he sells him to a more powerful stranger - which he can’t even say was especially wrong by their own standards, the transaction as much a moral injury as an emotional one. As Frieza pointed out during his fight with Goku, he literally just beat the Saiyans at their own game, picking up where King Vegeta left off by using his son for the benefit of himself & the empire instead of for the benefit of his father & homeworld.
The fact alone that his relationship with his biological dad can begin to amalgamate with his relationship to a person who calls him a pet speaks volumes about how emotionally warped Vegeta was from the beginning. It’s a small wonder he clings to the dynastic propaganda of the Saiyans so hard, using the title he gets from the King in spite of the fact that his reaction to the man himself’s demise is so muted & repressed that it’s depicted using the imagery of a child encased in a mountain of corpses. It's the only thing that can potentially delineate what happened to him as unjust & undeserved - if it’s the violence itself that’s wrong, then what does that make him, his values, his scattered family, their entire culture. What does that make everything he’s been told since the moment of his birth.
And even in that scene where Vegeta is shrugging off his dad’s death and the planet’s destruction, the messenger mentions how Frieza offers his sympathies: as if Frieza isn’t the same person who killed him, this sickly pretense of warmth intended only to cover it up. You might recall how Goku is always mussing Gohan’s hair, and everyone knows that infamous scene where Vegeta strokes his hair before knocking the wind out of him - which can be read as a precursor to that horribly intimate beatdown Frieza lays on Vegeta and the others later, the one he had been planning to give Vegeta this whole time which is only compounded in brutality since Vegeta thwarted him, the one where he licks blood from Vegeta’s mouth off his face as he holds him up by his neck like a dog with it’s pup. It re-contextualizes the head stroke/brutal attack combo Vegeta pulled on Gohan as him acting out the sadistic objectification Frieza raised him on using another Saiyan child.
And in the end it comes full circle, with Vegeta using his last moments to pass the vendetta of himself and his own father on to Goku and his line. And this happens willingly, as a productive challenge to the Saiyan’s culture of domination, unlike the grotesque re-appropriation of that same culture that we’re presented with when Frieza takes Vegeta from home: Goku assumes this mantle after Vegeta is dead and fully incapable of forcing him. He also contradicts the callous disregard Vegeta displayed during the aforementioned scene with the Saibamen by treating his corpse with so much care. He holds him, he buries him. And you could argue that it’s better than he deserves at that point, but like. I think the fact that the gesture is unwarranted is a part of the point.
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kaita0 · 1 year
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Character: Piccolo x Sayian Reader (#Gohanwingman)  Summary: Piccolo is trying to show you how he feels.
Piccolo’s eyes dodged around the room anxiously. His hands became sweaty as well as his heart rapidly beating. 
“Piccolo, What’s wrong?”
Gohan questions Piccolo being very aware of Piccolo’s anxious state. He has never seen Piccolo like this. Something must be very wrong. Maybe a new fighter has arisen to destroy Earth?
Piccolo whispers to Gohan. Gohan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What could he possibly mean by courtship? That’s when Gohan sees you entering the room. As if Piccolo’s sweating couldn’t get any worse, it seems like that was a lie. Piccolo’s whole face was drenched. 
“Hey Gohan, Hi Piccolo!”
You stood before the two. Gohan says a greeting back but Piccolo stays silent and looks away from you. Noticing Piccolo’s lack of response your lips puckered slightly. 
“Gohan, Is your dad here?”
“No, Actually he is training with Vegeta in the time chamber.”
“Ah, Thanks! I’ll see you guys later.”
You were gone as fast as you came in. Gohan turns to Piccolo, having a slight idea of what’s going on. 
“Is that what you meant by courting?”
Piccolo nods swiftly. Gohan lets out a little chuckle. 
“Ok, I think I can help!”
Attempt #1
The first thing Gohan told Piccolo to do was to bring flowers. So here he was on Kami’s lookout. A bunch of daisies in his hands. Anyone could tell that Piccolo had hand-picked these flowers. Once Piccolo saw you, he grabbed your attention. 
“Ahem, these are for you.” 
You look between Piccolo’s flustered face and the flowers he has pushed out before him. You tilt your head to the side in confusion. 
“What’s all this Piccolo?”
He still didn’t look you in the eye but he did answer. 
“I just saw these on my way here. They seem to suit you very well.” 
A bright smile formed on your lips, excitement rolling over your whole body. 
“Really? You think so! I really do appreciate it.”
You gladly take the small bouquet of flowers and give them a sniff. Despite being from a planet that is always violent, you were shamed by your family for your abnormal behavior of being gentle. Which is why they also sent you with Kakarot to planet Earth to toughen you up. Your personality only blossomed more. 
“Y-Y-You’re welcome.” 
Piccolo stuttered out, disappearing before you can say anything else. But it was ok, you gladly held the flowers close to your chest. 
“Hey, What’s that?”
Goku approaches you, staring down at the flowers. You gladly show him the flowers and proudly state. 
“Piccolo gave them to me! He said they suit me.”
Goku stares back at Vegeta, confusion written all over his face. 
“What do you need flowers for? We’re training.”
Goku states. 
“Stop being mean. They look very nice and I’m glad I got them from Piccolo.”
Vegeta snickers as the realization hits him. 
“You must like Piccolo then.”
You shoot Vegeta an alarming glare. 
“Keep your mouth shut.”
“Make me.” 
“Oh, it’s on!” 
Before you lunge towards Vegeta you carefully place the flowers somewhere safe. This time you won’t hold anything back. 
“Hey, Don’t forget about me guys!”
Attempt #2
Gohan then told Piccolo that the best thing to do is to achieve a close relationship. The way he can do that is to spend time with you alone. Help you when you need it. 
When you’re in need to get wood for your home. Piccolo just so happens to be outside of the forest meditating. 
“Oh, Hey Piccolo! It’s so good to see you. Do you mind helping me grab some wood? 
Piccolo nods his head curtly and begins to help you carry many huge logs of wood back to your home. 
Ever since then, Piccolo has helped you with many errands, from cleaning, training, and even cooking. Such a great help he is. 
Attempt #3
Third time is the charm people say. This time Piccolo turns to Vegeta for a little insight on Sayian culture. 
“I’m surprised you’re coming to me, Green Man.”
A cocky smirk on Vegeta’s face, his arms already folded before him. 
“Listen, I just need a little info on you Sayians.”
A snort leaves Vegeta’s mouth. 
“Alright fine, I shall indulge you this time. Sayian women are really attracted to strength. Show her how strong you are and she will surely be drawn to you.”
Gaining this information Piccolo begins to plot a very devious skit to get you to acknowledge Piccolo’s great strength. Piccolo was able to get Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 to basically act evil and try to kill him in your presence. 
Once you seen Gamma 1 and 2 attacking Piccolo memories begin to flash before your eyes and rage seeps throughout your body. The energy surrounded you was a bright blue as you zoomed to grab Gamma 1 and had a ki blast growing in your palm directed towards Gamma 2. 
“What do you two think your doing?”
Your voice was deep and the words came out like a growl. Piccolo had to tap your shoulder to get you to stop. 
“Then why were you guys fighting?!”
Piccolo quickly came clean to you on his plans. You couldn’t help but shake your head, powering down in the process. 
“You don’t need to create this scenarios to try to get me to like you. I already do.”
This came to a shock to Piccolo as the tips of his ears begin to brighten red. You float over to him and place a kiss on his cheek, resulting in his whole face blossoming into a red color. 
“Is it just me or are the two of them been acting weird lately?”
Goku stares at you and Piccolo, the two of you talking happily. Which is really you having a bright smile on your lips and Piccolo nodding very frequently, a small smile on his own face. 
“Dad, you are just so clueless.”
Gohan shakes his head. Vegeta’s arms folded as he had a frown on his lips. 
“Sometimes I wonder how you and ChiChi even got together.” 
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arbiterlexultionis · 8 months
Instant Eternity Pt. 2
So, Danny has the infi-map and uses it to go on vacations and the like to enjoy his now eternal life. The infinite realms are Infinite, really and truly. But locations within the realms correlate to spaces in the “real” world, so what happens when you travel beyond what should be the ends of the “real” universe in the realms? You find other universes. All universes, realities, multi and Omni verses connect with the Infinite Realms, hence the name kind of implying the existence of infinite realms. With the infimap Danny’s able to visit and explore these other planes of existence to his hearts content, and over the course of his travels makes a number of close friends.
He can’t just say goodbye forever, can’t leave them with no way to call for aid or call for small talk so, he comes up with a bit of a crazy plan to make sure all his new friends can meet each other and stay in contact. A combination of the infi-map, Fenton portal technology, time medallions/assistance from clockwork, help from the yeti’s and maybe even some help from Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate all come together to make a private club that connects to who knows how many dimensions. In a Ghost King AU his royal palace has all the normal palace stuff but surrounding Phantom’s Keep is a whole town for inter-dimensional travelers. The portals themselves are all in a massive tower, either leaning tower of Pisa style or a massive clock tower because of how much Clockwork helped out, arranged kind of like how all the statues of the avatars are arranged in the air temple in ATLA.
Danny’s sitting at his desk in his office while 7 Gokus, 13 Vegitas, 4 Beeruses(Beerusi? A pod of Beerus? Flock?) 10 Piccolos and 1 Gohan crowd the rest of his office. “Two Hundred and Forty. 2-4-fucking-0. That is the number of of Territories that have lodged official complaints about the ruckus your fights have been causing! Queen Patet sent a fifty seven page long letter asking me to give every single one of your dimensions eternal travel bans to all of your dimensions and every dimension where even one of you exist. Because the shockwaves from your fights were still strong enough to shatter glass when they reached her Territory. The territory of Vitrum, which makes Fucking Everything from glass! Including the Goddamn Buildings! They build their cities in massive glass orbs! More than thirteen hundred buildings torn down in one day. Including every single hospital they had. You fought for nine days straight. Get out. Get the crap baskets out of my office. Now. Go home. Let the Bulmas know that they’re paying the reparations.” They all file out of the office, Vegitas and the flock of Beerus mumbling about how they shouldn’t have made their buildings out of glass if they didn’t want them to get broken. The one(1) brain cell the group had, otherwise known as Gohan, was apparently the only one with manners, profusely apologizing and offering to help with the clean up even as he got shooed out of the office.
More then a dozen Quirckless!Izuku vigilantes come together to form a great big club to share intel that match’s across their various worlds, analyze quirks, train and give each other therapy. It’s all going well. Then the Batmen stop developing contingency plans for literally all the beings they meet here juuust long enough for their adoption senses to start tingling. The Dad Mights, Dadzawas and Dad for Ones put aside their differences to combat this new threat. The Spider-men are sitting in a corner grateful that their spider senses and Peter tingles helped them avoid all that nonsense. Until the Iron Dads show up. Then they’re all to busy running and cursing their Parker luck to be grateful.
Passing through a gateway to another universe that isn’t yours require approval from no less then half the visitors from that verse and/or Danny himself. Same thing goes for leaving the compound to explore the Realms.
All the adoption addicts from across the multiverse take one look at Danny, listen to all the rumors about his parents and go “Mine!”. Luckily for Danny he doesn’t really have to to worry to much, doesn’t even notice really, because 2.3 seconds after they did that they all turned to each other and went “No! Not yours, Mine!” The infighting has kept them busy ever sense. However, according to an ancient, sacred prophecy(something that Clockwork mentioned in passing 2 months ago) they will eventually all decide that Danny having a proper support network is more important then who his favorite supporter is. So he’s going to get parented so hard by all three hundred and eighty of them. More moms, dads, ma’s, pa’s aunts and uncles then he’ll know what to do with.
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fabuloustrash05 · 9 months
So the DBZ Abridged Buu Saga clips are out, here are my thoughts:
Android 18 knowing about Maron and her and Krillin messing with people about their daughter being named Marron is genius (cause I always found it weird that Krillin named his daughter after his ex girlfriend)
It's kind of insinuated that both Vegeta AND Bulma see the Capsule Corp interns as slaves, just shows they are perfect for each other, but also shows Dr Breifs' evil side peeking through his daughter
Trunks and Goten's voices were so damn cute!! Shout out to their VAs!
Everyone making fun of Gohan's durag XD
KAISER VOICING SHARPNER!! "He knows I love him. You know I love you" Me: AND I LOVE YOU!! A character I did not like in DBZ is now one of my favs in just a minute!
I loved the detail of Trunks referring to Goku as Kakarot (makes more sense since this Trunks grew up with and spends a lot of time with his father Vegeta)
The baby shark bit XD
"Gohan, you taught him how to dodge, that's great!" "TRUNKS PULL UP!!" LMFAO
Dabura's voice! HOLY SHIT!! it was hot
Buu's voice was also good, similar to the dub but way less irritating.
Goku, Shin and Gohan's discussion on shopping carts and tipping, as someone who worked in both fields, I FELT THAT! THERES A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR THOSE PEOPLE
Goku's "oh no" and a little giggle when Shin asked if Vegeta has evil in his heart. Goku KNOWS what's gonna happen and he's gonna let it happen XD
Vegeta's "I know you're playing me..." line to Babidi being a parallel line to Perfect Cell
Lani once again NAILING THOSE SCREAMS as Vegeta!
Vegeta killing thousands of innocent people, Goku's okay with, but bringing potato salad to a BBQ, HES CROSSED A LINE!
"God I missed you..." that made me chuckle.
Vegeta going to BBQs and movie nights with Krillin, they are friends now and I love it (underrated dynamic in DBZ tbh), also Vegeta acknowledging that he's now referring to Krillin by his actual name instead of "the bald monk". I always felt that Vegeta referring to people by their names is his way of showing respect, so him calling Krillin by his name, he hates that he now respects Krillin.
"Too bad we couldn't finish our fight. I didn't get a chance to wip out my new form-" *Vegeta knocks Goku out* PFFP- HAHAHAHA if he only knew
"I'm going to hug you now" "Hug complete" *knocks Trunks out* "I'm a way better dad than Kakarot" ASDFGHJK LOLOL
Vegeta referring to Goten as KAKATOT lol <3
The "Vegeta no" "Vegeta yes" bit having a conclusion with an emotional impact tied to Vegeta's death.
Even as a joke, I still got emotional during the abridged version of Vegeta's sacrifice.
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jasper-the-menace · 3 months
What I know about Dungeon Meshi through Tumblr and all of my mutuals putting this on my dash:
Marcielle: Powerful lesbian necromancy healer. Looks great covered in blood. Basically Harrowhark Nonagesimus but more elf and usually with better hygiene.
Laios: What if Goku busted a nut every time he ate a monster? Also I think his sister is dating Marcielle?
Chilchuck: I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot.
Senshi: The Dungeon Meshi himself. Responsible for 49% of Tumblr's collective self-care and mental health (another 49% is that Kim guy from the sad divorced dad energy game).
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dessertpanda · 3 months
Goku x Vegetas Daughter
"Y/N" Trunks called out into the forest where his elder sister was busy training. "You sure she's here Trunks?" Goten asked also in search of his sister figure "KAHMEHAMEHAAA" there was a yell off in the distance and a large blast followed "FOUND HER" both boys perked up at the sound. They where quick to take off into the air following the destruction that was left behind. "Okay that was awesome, but you have to make sure you use you hips more when you send it" The boys landed next to her and Goten's father. "Ah dad, what are you guys doing?" Goten asked with Goku standing there with his hands on Y/N's hips showing her the movement he wanted her to do. "Oh Goten, Trunks Hey guys" Goku smiled brightly and released Y/N hips. "I was showing Y/N how to get more power behind her Kahmehamha" Y/N stood straight and looked up at Goku. "Thanks for the training session, Dad refuses to help me with my form" She said bowing in thanks. "It's not a problem at all, always a pleasure when it's just the two of us" Goku brought her into a side hug, his arm slung over her shoulder.  "Oh yeah, Mom said the feast is ready, she said we're just waiting on you Goku" Trunks remembering as to why they where there. "OH YEAH, I'm starving, come on Y/N we better not keep them waiting" Goku was already in the air the two youngsters following suit. "Oh um a-actually, Mom said she doesn't want to see Y/N right now" Trunks frowned as he told his sister what their mother had said "WHAT but Y/N had a full day of training and she's hungryyyyy" Goku wined at the information. "Dad maybe it's best if we leave her, m-mom not happy you've been spending so much time with her either" Goten said. He was trying to keep his farther out of the dog house. "but, Y/N, are you?" Goku was so sad, Him and Y/N where like best friends, they battled, hangout, and even took the boys training together all the time "Oh it's okay Goku, go eat I'm sure you're hungry. Plus I'm um mm Fasting thats right, a cleanse" She lied, she knew he would offer to stay or bring her food but that would only get him in trouble with his Wife. "You sure, I could" "No no go enjoy, I'll be here like always" she smiled and ushered them to leave. "Well okay, I guess we better go then" and with that the boys took off heading towards Collapse corp.  "Dad you have to stop running off with Y/N" Goten complained " Yeah Goku, Mrs.ChiChi thinks you're cheating with my sister" Trunks complainant as he circled to the other side of Goten. "WHAT, that's insane, sure Y/N is sweet and really pretty and a great fighter but I love ChiChi, it's just nice having someone to hang with that can match my energy" Goku confessed while looking back "She makes me feel normal, you know?" He look back forward. "I get it dad we love Y/N too but nobody else does" Goten felt so sad whenever discussing her. "But i just don't understand, She kind, smart, powerful, and just perfect" Trunks defended his sister. "I agree Trunks, there has to be more to her and Vegeta's history then what we have been told" Goku face changed to one of determination "and I think we need to find out" "Yeah, lets do it" the boys where more than excited to find out why their beloved sister was hated so much. "I thinks we've been left out of the loop and I want in" Goku said "ALRIGHT OPERATION UNCOVER IS A GO" Trunks cheered before they began their decent to the ground. 
"GOKU WERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Goku was already saddened by his wife's voice. "AHAH ChiChi hey, I've just been training with Y/N" Goku said a light sweat forming. "WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT THAT BITCH" Chichi ignited with straight furry. "She's a whore who just wants in your pants" she glared at Goku, If only looks could kill. "HEY, DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT MY SISTER" Trunks desperately wanted to defend his sister but he was never allowed to. "TRUNKS" Bulma holler walking in with Vegeta "What have I said about calling that THING you sister" Vegeta scolded him. "I,- DAD SHE'S YOUR KID" Trunks was almost in tears "He's right Mr.Vegeta" Goten intervened "Goten, shush" ChiChi was quick to silence him. The boys always argurded about Y/N especially Trunks, He loved her deeply but today a new voice intervened.  "You know Vegeta, I've always wondered how Y/N came to be" Goku pushed the conversation on. "I've already told ya, She was a Fling back when I was working with Frieza" "Right but that doesn't explain why you hate her" Gohan was now involved. He had always been fawn of the girl, but his mother had forbidden him from talking with her as they grew up. "I never asked for her, she nothing but a burden that is utterly useless to me" Vegeta set the cup he was holding down. "Plus she's far to weak to actually be my child" he had a smug look on his face. "Naw I don't think so Vegeta, She's really strong. I've seen it myself" Goku was determined to defend her as much as he could "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR KAKAROT?" Now Vegeta was enraged. So Bulma stepped in "Now boys please, Goku you know we don't accept Y/N because she is nothing but a danger, and Vegeta said her mother was rather hot headed meaning she could explode at any minute" "But Vegeta's hot headed, why is Y/N any different?" Gohan asked. He has never truly accepted their reasons but he had always respected them being thats how he was raised. "BECAUSE Y/N'S MOTHER WAS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS" Bulma yelled in anger her veins showing and pulsing. "Damn Bulma cool your tits" Goku was surprised by her sudden outburst. "Kakarot just drop it" Vegeta warned. "No" for once Goku was taking his stand. Y/N is very dear to him and He wants to know why they should hate her. "GOKU" ChiChi was surprised by her husbands serious tone. "Kakarot" "Y/N is very dear to me, she's one of my best friends and both her and I deserve an explanation as to why she's hated" Goku was stern with his voice "So do they because they love her" He said pointing to Trunks and Goten. "Kakarot" Vegeta interrupted in a much softer tone. "ARE YOU CHEATING ON CHICHI?" Bulma threw out a rather large accusation "WHAT" "I KNEW IT GOKU, YOU'RE ALWAYS OFF WITH HER" Tears where running down her face it's like the women could cry on command. "TELL ME DO YOU FUCK HER? HUH YOUR BEST FRIENDS KID? DISGUSTING MAN, SHE'S LIKE A CHILD!!" Chichi was balling and hyperventilating. She was angry one second and now shes this. Goku was so confused "WHY WOULD YOU ASSUME THAT?" then it clicked,  Goku was suddenly very aware of what was going on. Bulma and ChiChi were hiding something and they created a scene to cover it up pinning him as the villain. "THAT'S NOT FAIR, ACCUSING ME OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Goku tried to defend himself but as he looked at his friends for support, all eyes where on him with nothing but hate. "I think, I thinks you've done enough damage" 18 said coming to hold ChiChi.
"What, I-I didn't do" Goku was cut off by a swift punch from Krillin. "Goku, I thought you where better than that". The emotion that Goku felt was so unreal, How could they not even let him defend himself, and even worse think so little of Y/N. "Fine, I'll leave, But don't come calling for me to save you" Goku hovered above the ground doing one last look through the group. He saw a distraught Vegeta, as is he was regretting something. He didn't stick around to listen tho, a quiet goodbye and with that Goku left, flying back to the only comfort he was guaranteed to always have . Y/N. "DAD/GOKU WAIT" the young boys got ready to follow before they where intercepted by their mothers. ChiChi held Goten close crying about how she was betrayed and heart broken and how she needed comfort from her son, her child who she knew loved her. "M-Mom let go, HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT" the sudden energy spike from Goten surprised her and she released. She was expecting him to listen like he always did but he retaliated.  " Y/N is very kind and Dad loves you, H-how could you" Goten had tears in his eyes now, "Come on Trunks let's go" Goten pulled Trunks out of Bulma's grasp. "Trunks you leave, you'll be in deep shit" Vegeta threatened. Trunks looked at his parents right in the eyes and said, "Makes sure it's so deep I'm at the same level as you" They then took off to the sky in pursuit of Goku. 
As Goku landed in the forest, he was quick to start his search. "Y/N" He yelled. He walked aimlessly for a good minute till "You won't find her like that" a voice spoke from behind him "Boys!?" He was surprised to see both Trunks and Goten. "You boys should go home, They hate me, no need for them to hate you too" Goku had a look of utter defeat, like his whole world just came crashing down. Which is kinda did in a sense, Lost his Wife, Home, his friends and all because their was a damn secret that 'had' to be kept. "Dad, w-what happened back their wasn't your fault for once, t-that was just scary" Goten admitted beneath his breath. "Yeah Goku, that wasn't right" For the first time in forever Goku felt like crying. He was genuinely heartbroken. Sure he married ChiChi because she tricked him at first but he came to tolerate her enough to considerate love and he loves their two wonderful kids. Then his best friend that he grew up with, was the one that accused Him of being the cheater. She's known him the longest and to think she thought so little of him "Trunks, d-do you know where Y/N is, I really need her" Goku was so defeated that he was admittedly asking for help, he was on the verge of begging for it. "Y-yeah" Trunks began to lead them. It genuinely scared the boys to see Goku, the worlds savior like that, hollow almost life less. He was stripped of almost all his will to fight, he even left without eating. "She has a house she built, it's huge too" Trunks was almost bragging about it. Making an attempt to brighten the mood "But you need to have a secret code to find it" he walked right up to the mountain wall and began to feel around.
"Trunks?" "FOUND IT" Trunks interrupted Goten. "Dear the gods" he began. "My family is not always my blood," Trunks took a breath "bless the all father, This mask has seen life through death, this is a honor" as he finished the wall began to shake, splitting in the middle and forming into the shape of a door. "Come on, there's not long till it closes" Trunks rushed the other two in after him. "TRUNKS IS THAT YOU?" Y/N voice came from somewhere within the house. "YEAH AND GOTEN AND GOKU" He hollered informing his sis of the extra guests " Ah Goku, Goten, I just finished Dinner" Y/N had came from the stairway down the hall. She was dressed for bed in her Bowser P.J pants and a black tank-top. "Welcome, I could sense you guys, sorry I just got out the shower" She apologized while trying to dry her dripping hair. "Ah it's no problem Y/N, just glad you could have us" Goku smile was back but it wasn't as bright as it usually was. Y/N was quick to notice, and seeing his slight red eyes told her everything she needed to know. "Hey boys, why don't you go set up the guest room, I'm assuming your staying the night?" Y/N knew the answer but she just want confirmation. "Yep, is that okay?" Goten asked while Trunks was already up the stairs. Y/N bent down to Goten height, "Of course baby, go help Trunks tho, sleep over" she did little jazz hands to emphasize her excitement. "THANKS Y/N, I LOVE YOU" Goten was quick to hug her then sprint up the stair in tow of Trunks. Y/N smiled but it faded as she adjusted her view onto the man who had settled in on the couch. "Goku, you okay?" Y/N was caution, this was new territory for her. "Have you ever fucked up so bad that your life fell apart?" Goku voice was nothing more than a whimper. Goku cursing surprised her slightly. "You know I'm a fuck up" Y/N sat next to Goku, opening her arms for him. He was quick to fall into them. "Y/N, tell me, why are you hated?" "I-uh, I really shouldn't say m-my farther will be mad" Y/N had made a promise to keep their history private. Even though he hated her, she still respected him. "Y/N, I-I lost everything..." Goku took a shaky breath in.  Wide eyed Y/n ran her finger through his spiky hair. "Goku, what happened?" her whispered voice sent a calming chill down his spine. "ChiChi and Bulma accused me of cheating with you, and then everyone turned against me. my friends, my wife, my best friend, everyone" Goku finished with a hiccup. He adjusted so he was now laying on her lap "But, why, you do so much for them" She felt tears, did this really happen and why would they turn so fast? "They where mad I was with you, then they stared saying bad things about you, a-and I wanted to defend you but then I asked what happened in your past, that's when it all went down hill" small tears striped down her face. 'did he really risk everything for me?' she thought to herself. She felt horrid, she would hate to lose Goku but if it was his happiness or hers "Goku, I'm not worth your happy life, just apologize and then promise to never see me again, that should fix it" She wanted him to be happy, the people who love her where always suffering because of her. She didn't want that. "Goku you have a wonderful family, wife, friends, if they don't want anything to do with me then leave me, I'm not worth all your happiness" Y/N grew up being told she was worthless, she didn't want Goku to waste his life on her. "You know Y/N thats really selfish of you" He was now staring right at her, feeling her tears drip onto his cheeks fusing with his own, "My life is amazing because you're in it, You're my best friend Y/N, life without you this wouldn't be as fun" He smiled up at her, a real smile. "Oh Goku, you are my best friend too, and I" She was interrupted by the pitter patter of feet running down the stairs. "Y/N, WE FINISHED" Trunks yelled, in search of her, " Yeah can we eat now?" Goten asked finding them sitting on the couch.
"Oh, I'm guessing you told her?" Goten asked seeing both of them crying, he was scared but he did what he felt was right, however "D-Dad, where are we going to live?" Goten had come to that realization while setting up the bed, He didn't want to go back home and he knew they where searching for them. "Umm I'm not sure yet buddy but we'll figure it out" Goku only hoped to calm his poor son who was trapped in the middle of this whole mess. "What do you mean figure it out? The answer seem pretty clear to me" Y/N said removing Goku from her lap and standing to comfort the boy. "Here obviously, I have enough room as long as Trunks is okay with bunking?" She looked over at her brother for approval. "HELL YEAH, I GET AN ACTUAL SIBLING" Trunk would be more than happy to share, especially with Goten. "Goku, you can take my bed tonight since the other room isn't ready yet" Y/N picked both Trunks and Goten up and made her way to the kitchen "No no I'll take the couch, really" Goku was not usually one to give up a good sleep but at the moment he felt like he should. "Goku, my wonderful monkey alien, you have had a long night, please take the bed and rest up" She set the boys down and began to plate their dinner. "Y/N you are to good to us, also I thought you where fasting?" Goku only now realized that she had made a feast. "I uh  Iliedbecuaseiknewyouwouldinsiteonstayingwithme" She said really fast, Goku only being able to catch lie. "really, Y/N?" He had a fake pout. "Oh shush, eat up and then go shower and off to bed" She set the plates on the table and allowed the boy to got to work. "THANKS FOR THE FOOD" they said before digging in.
"Y/N, the waters getting cold" Goten complained from the tub he was sitting in. "That means baths over boys, time to get out" Y/N unplugged the drain and set two towel for the boy on the toilet sink. "okay, dry up, P.J's on then we'll hang and then bed. Deal?" She question while heading out the door. "DEAL" both yelled as the door shut behind her. "Okay boys bathed, me bathed, now to check in on Goku" she made her way towards her bedroom which was currently the temporary home for the hero. "GOKU" she knocked on the door, waiting for a response. "Yeah, come on in" once she got her reply she enterned, and found the man snuggled up in her bed, tucked in nice and cozy. "I see you're comfy" she laughed a little. "Very," he said with a smile " alright get some sleep, I'm gonna put the boys to bed, if you need me I'll be on the couch" She left him quietly and shut the door behind her.
Not to long after that the boys where tucked in their bunks and sound asleep. Y/N settled herself on the couch with a blanket and pillow, slowly drifting into sleep. Being tired from the training and emotional stress. That is until heavy foot steps echoed. Y/N could only guess who's steps those could be, not even asking question she called out to him. "Goku, everything okay?" She look towards the hall to see the man rubbing his eyes, standing only in sweatpants. The site made Y/N blush slightly but she quickly got rid of it after looking at his face. "Hey um, c-can you sleep next to me?" He sounded almost scared. "I-it's weird not feeling energy next to me a-and yeah" He sounded so shy but Y/n didn't hesitate, in all honestly she had always loved Goku but she didn't want to fuck up his wonderful relationship, so she kept all emotions at bay. "you sure?" she was willing of course, however not wanting to take advantage of him in anyway. "Yeah, that would help" He grabbed her hand and began to walk with her back up to the bedroom. As they passed the many room, a soft but shaken voice rang through the silence, "Y-Y/N?" Both looked back to see Goten holding the hand of Trunks who was half asleep peeking out from behind a door. " I uh I kinda had a nightmare, c-can we sleep with you guys?" He whispered cautious of the half asleep boy beside him.  "Oh Goten come on not bud, you're to old for this" Goku knew ChiChi would always comfort Goten, allowing him to sleep with them. But he did not want to cause anymore trouble than he already was. "Oh Hush Goku, Of course Goten my bed is big enough for the 4 of us" Y/N was quick to pick both boys up and carry them to the bedroom with Goku in close tow. As they all cuddled down together, for the first time all day, Goten and Goku felt comfort and safety. "Good night boys sweet dreams" Y/N gave each a kiss on their head. "Good night Y/N, we love you" Goten said slowly drifting to sleep.  "Y/N, thank you for everything" Goku said bringing her closer "Of course Goku" "I love you Y/N" He said also drifting. "I-good night Goku" Y/N knew she couldn't say it back because she would not mean it in the same way he did. 
After that night the boys moved in with Y/N. ChiChi and Goku got divorce a few months later after trying to work things out. With Y/N'S help Goku won custody over Goten, which he was thankful for but it was messy.  They agreeded that Goten was free to visit when ever he wanted, which was very little. Bulma was still mad at Trunks so Vegeta allowed him to stay with Y/N already annoyed with Bulmas increase in bitchy attitude. Some things went back to normal, Goku and Vegeta began to train together again, making sure to avoid Bulma. But other than that everything changed. Everyone basically Blacklisted Goku, Goten, and Trunks. ChiChi and Bulma continue to spread lies about Y/N and Goku's affairs. However The 4 accused where living rather peacefully, Y/N was going to college, taking some advice from Gohan and started studying Law, she also took on a part time job to help with food and everything. Goten and Trunks mostly stayed home and were doing online school. Even Goku got a part time job, he worked at a meat factory, perfect for him with all the heavy lifting and 'punching bag' as he had called the hanging meat. He was happy that he got to pick the job he wanted. However, all the peacefulness went out the door when an invitation was deliver to Goku by Gohan to a certain women's birthday part. (TO BE CONTIUNED)
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Goku may have failed Gohan in some ways as a father, but Piccolo was never and will never be Gohan's Daddy
So when I was younger, I enjoyed a handful of fics centred on Piccolo and Gohan's relationship. I love how much Piccolo came to care for Gohan and it was nice to see Dad!Piccolo every now and then...but Dad!Piccolo can't ever measure up to fics where Goku is a great dad. I understand why some people may believe Piccolo is Gohan's true dad but I don't agree, especially now as an adult woman with my father now dead.
Disclaimer: I am basing this off my experience watching Dragonball, DBZ, DBGT and most of the DBZ/GT movies. I have not watched DBS nor will I ever. That series can screw itself.
Piccolo's responsibility in destroying Gohan's childhood
Piccolo is the one who thrust Gohan into the world of fighting and world-ending battles. He kidnapped Gohan and left Gohan to fend for himself for months. I will argue that Piccolo started Gohan's warrior path on a traumatic note and that's partly why Gohan does not gravitate towards fighting as he grows older. Yes, Piccolo changed but the damage can not be undone.
Difference in species
This may look superficial at first glance but it is significant as you look into it. Namekians are radically different from humans/saiyans physically, emotionally and sexually. That means that Piccolo can not advise Gohan on various aspects of his life as he grows older, especially during puberty. Piccolo can't teach him to shave. Piccolo can't give him the sex talk and talk to him about girls. Piccolo can't help Gohan with his friendships. Piccolo can't relate to whatever saiyan or human urge Gohan may experience. A father is supposed to model a good man for his kids and teach his son to be one. Piccolo can't offer that to Gohan, unfortunately.
Emotional distance
I see Gohan as a very emotional and affectionate person. You see this when he interacts with Goku, Goten and Videl. Piccolo is more reserved and closed off. Usually when Piccolo and Gohan interact, there's always some kind of distance between them. However, there are a few times when Piccolo will rest his hand on Gohan's head or shoulder when he feels extremely proud like after the Cell games. However, I don't think this would have been enough from a father figure for Gohan. When Gohan is crying after Goku's sacrifice, it's Krillin who steps up and comforts Gohan. When the Z fighters go to the lookout after Gohan's victory, it's Yamcha who carries Gohan. This does not mean Piccolo does not care for Gohan! I am just saying that Gohan likes physical forms of affection too, but that's not Piccolo's love language.
Fighting is all they have in common
We don't see Piccolo and Gohan have any extensive scenes together outside the context of battles and fighting. What exactly do they do together for fun? What do they talk about? In the movies, we see kid Gohan being silly around Piccolo and Piccolo tolerating him, but that hardly counts. I get the vibe from the series that Gohan's visits to Piccolo are brief and they don't have much small talk. With Goku, we see Gohan and him enjoy pastimes together like fishing, bathing and eating. In the lead-up to the Cell games, we see them reminisce about Gohan's childhood and have fun as a family at Gohan's birthday party. Why wasn't Piccolo there?
Piccolo is not involved wholistically in Gohan's life
Piccolo only really exists and functions in the fighting realm of Gohan's life. This is why their relationship does not feel as close as Gohan grows older and starts his career and family. Piccolo hardly expresses any interest in the other facets of Gohan's life. I don't even recall Piccolo interacting at all with Pan or Videl at the end of Z or GT. He is not close with Chi Chi and Goten, Gohan's family. I think Piccolo is closer to the Son family in Super but I don't care. Compare this with Goku who encourages Gohan to study, teases him about Videl and spends time with Pan.
Conclusion: Goku is Gohan's daddy and Piccolo can't fill that gap.
This does not take away the fact that Piccolo protected Gohan and loved him in his own way. Sacrificing himself for Gohan multiple times. Piccolo was the one who understood Gohan's mindset during the Cell games (probably because he was the one who beat baby Gohan into a fighter and saw his timidness up close vs. Goku who came back to life and only saw hero Gohan being badass all the time) and was the first Z fighter to step in during Gohan's fight against Cell. But Piccolo is better labelled as a friend or mentor to Gohan. Maybe uncle or big brother. Goku is Gohan's father, Gohan sees Goku as his daddy, and Piccolo will never fill that role for Gohan.
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galexibrain · 2 months
Something that bugs me a little is the insistence that Gohan actively hates to fight period. Bc that's not true!
(This ignores everything that happened outside the original manga/the DBZ anime)
Yes, he lacks Goku's or Vegeta's laser-focus on all things martial arts, but let's be real, all half Saiyans do. Goten & Trunks sure have more passion for fighting than Gohan does but they're much more "human" about it than their dads and have other interests in their lives too.
But while Gohan originally became a fighter out of necessity and had little choice in the matter there are instances when he clearly shows that he is totally capable of enjoying himself in a fight.
For once there's obviously his fight against Cell - once he snapped his "Saiyan side" took the lead and he was enjoying himself a little too much (and ruined it, like a good Saiyan must).
But it also becomes clear in the early Buu arc. Yeah, initially he's not rly interested in the tournament and wouldn't have participated if not for Videl forcing him.
But once he was in he was in. He even got a little annoyed by Videl interrupting his training, and he did want to win. If he really hated it so much he could have entered with the plan of failing the preliminaries, or losing in the first round. But the thought never crossed his mind. I think if you'd suggested he botches it deliberately to get out of it he'd been horrified.
He was going to have fun with it! I think his most "Saiyan" trait is that he's a bit of a showman lol. He likes to be flashy! And he likes to boast! He COULD have just used a plain costume and mask to hide hid identity but nope, Great Saiyaman it is! He likes being seen and being known as a crazy strong superhero. Maybe he'd have been into pro-wrestling with their fancy costumes and showmanship
Even before things went off the rails at the tournament and Buu arc was set in motion he was ready to go. And yes his crush on Videl might have served as motivation: "haha cool she won't be disappointed if someone beats her dad! (I can date her if I beat her dad)" -> he WOULD have thrown Satan out of the ring if he'd gotten to fight him, no questions asked.
And once he, Goku & Vegeta are in Babidi's spaceship it gets even clearer: now, no one is forcing him to fight. Ofc Gohan always wanted to fight when it was necessary, even at 5yo he wouldn't stay home, he made it very clear that he was going to Namek.
But while they were going through the levels in Babidi's ship this still wasn't a serious thing. Pui Pui and Yakon were a joke for them. Vegeta was getting pissed, ok, but aside from that it was just fun and games for them, and Gohan could easily have said "nah have at it you two, I'm sitting this one out" but never once did he so much as consider NOT taking part in rock-paper-scissoring it out to decide who gets to go first.
He was eager to fight Dabra! Dabra told them to take him on 3:1 and Gohan flat out told him "no way, this is MY fight!". And if Vegeta had interfered with that fight to end it quicker I'm 100% sure Gohan would have decked him in the face and told him to fuck off. (Maybe that would have cooled Geets' mood a little lol.)
The problem isn't that Gohan hates fighting from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't. The problem is he grew up with a dad who was 100% a fighter and a mum who was 100% into education, and he didn't find a balance. He didn't even know that might be an option! He thought he'd HAVE to choose one thing, and one alone, and so he chose education.
Who could have taught him otherwise? Maaaaybe Piccolo (post-reunification with Kami), but tbh I think he didn't want to give Gohan the feeling he had to fight. I think Piccolo feels a little bad for putting 4-5yo Gohan through the wringer so much.
Like idk. Let my boy be both. Let him have Goku's legacy as well as make his own!
(I've read about Dragon Ball Online a little and tbh Gohan writing a book on ki and making it widely known? Perfect. I love it. Best idea ever. Probably the best thing that happened to DB since the original manga and Z anime ended. I am accepting this as canon 100%.)
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duhragonball · 9 months
Dragon Ball Super Movie 2: Super Hero (2/5)
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This line might just encapsulate the entire movie. "Yeah, sorry, folks. They made me the star of the movie this time, so it probably won't be as good. Why are you all cheering? Did Goku walk by or something?"
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Last time, we set up the main villains of the story. Now, it's six months later, and we find Piccolo sparring with Pan near his house. Yeah, Piccolo has a house now. I remember when they revealed the house in an early promotion for the movie, and everyone was nuts about it. Piccolo has a house! What's inside? Look, he has a mailbox! What kind of mail does he get? What a time to be alive.
So Pan is three years old, according to this movie, so I think the idea here is that this is set just before the 25th Budokai and the finale of Dragon Ball Z. So Super Hero represents a turning point for the franchise. Up to now, every story told under the Dragon Ball Super brand has been set during the ten-year-gap between DBZ Episodes 288 and 289. But now we're at the end, which means the next movie, anime, or manga arc has to make a big decision:
A) Set the story after the 25th Budokai, and work around Goku's decision to train Uub at his home village.
B) Ignore the "End of Z" continuity altogether and just keep trucking along like it doesn't matter.
C) Just keep telling stories in the small time interval between Super Hero and the 25th Budokai and hope no one calls attention to it.
D) Jump back to the beginning of the ten-year-gap and tell stories out of chronological order.
I think A or B is the most likely option, since they wouldn't have jumped this far forward in time for Super Hero if they were worried about staying inside the ten-year-gap. I also suspect that they'll try to respect the "End of Z" lore, if only because they've mentioned Uub a few times in the DBS anime, and Uub actually had a cameo appearance in the manga.
But no matter what happens, Things Are Going To Be Very Different. In theory, Toei/Shueisha can do just about anything with the franchise now. They could kill Bulma, or give Majin Buu a whole new transformation. I guess they could try to steer the storyline towards the events depicted in Dragon Ball GT, but I'm pretty sure that ship sailed when they turned the Pilaf Gang into children. The point is that anything is on the table.
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But back to the matter at hand. Pan's whole deal now is that she trains with Piccolo at his house every morning, then runs off to attend preschool until 1pm. Piccolo thinks she's showing great promise as a martial artist, even more than Gohan did when Piccolo first trained him, and Gohan was a year older back then. Pan thinks that qualifies her to learn how to shoot energy blasts like Goten and Trunks, but Piccolo says she has to master the fundamentals first, which means Pan has to learn how to fly, among other things.
This is Pan's character arc for the movie. She's not a major player in this story, but she still has an obstacle to overcome, and by the end of the movie, she succeeds. This is a big leap forward from the Pan we saw in GT, who remained static through the entire series. I guess she sort of learned a life lesson in the TV Special, but she was 110 in that story, so I think the implication is that GT Pan was a bossy twerp for a full century, which isn't exactly satisfying.
The weird thing is that we saw Pan fly all the time when she was a baby. In the DBS anime Baby Pan flew out into space, and she'd float around the house and such. I guess she forgot how to do it, or it got harder as she grew up and gained some weight.
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Pan asks if it's true that her dad (Gohan) could be even stronger than her grandfather (Goku) if he tried. Piccolo says that used to be true but he isn't so sure anymore. Pan says she's never seen Gohan in action, and Piccolo explains that he hasn't had to fight, but if the need arises, Gohan will fight when necessary. Then he sends her off to preschool. A short time later, he gets a phone call from Pan's mom, Videl.
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Okay, so let's unpack all of this. Piccolo has a cell phone, but he just leaves it in his house while he's training outside, because his Namekian hearing can pick up the ringtone from hundreds of yards away. Also, he holds it like a weirdo, dangling it from his fingers like he found it at a crime scene. Also, the case looks like a cartoon character. This is Penenko, an in-world fictional character that seems to be very popular. Its like a cross between a penguin and a cat, and it has a green tie like Yogi Bear, which I think is a classy touch.
As for Videl, she needs Piccolo to swing by the preschool this afternoon to pick up Pan. This is because Videl teaches a combat sports class, and they're having a tournament today, so she can't make it. As for Gohan, he's too busy working on a scientific presentation, and he hasn't come out of his study in days. Piccolo is annoyed with this, but he agrees to pick Pan up. Videl offers to buy him lunch, but he reminds her he doesn't eat food, so Videl considers buying him a Penenko plushie instead. Piccolo doesn't want one, though, because he already has a pile of them in his house. Presumably those plushies represent a whole bunch of past favors he's done for Gohan and Videl.
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Okay, more importantly, let's talk about Videl. This is her only appearance in the movie, save for a still image in the closing credits where she comes home to find the house has been damaged. Still, this conversation tells us a lot about what Videl's been doing ever since she and Gohan got out of school. She's teaching a "combat sports class". This makes sense to me, as she must have given up the vigilante work around the time she was pregnant with Pan. But teaching students how to fight would be easier for her, since she could set her own schedule and arrange for the students to train independently when she's not available. It's the perfect career for the new mom with a talent for whippin' ass.
The thing is, Videl's not just any martial artist. She knows basic ki techniques, but besides that, she's the daughter of a world famous celebrity buttkicker, and she earned a reputation of her own as a crimefighter. So this can't just be any old "combat sports" class. I mean, they're participating in a tournament for goodness sakes.
So this is my Videl headcanon: She's teaching people to fight crime. And not just any crime, but the rocket-launcher-weilding maniacs she used to fight when she was in high school. Videl stepped away from that life to focus on her family, but she's still got one foot in that world. It started as a self-defense class for women, and then she decided she could show them more advanced techniques, until eventually she had a cool stable of badasses.
The tournament she's talking about isn't some fun little romp, although to her it would be, and it's barely beneath Piccolo's notice. But to everyone else, it's some kind of hardcore mixed-martial-arts event. Videl brings her students in and they're all wearing kick-ass uniforms to represent their school. What kind of uniforms? Here's a hint:
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GTH. That's the name of Videl's dojo. The Go To Hell Combat Club, so-named because you have to go to hell to learn the combat style of Mr. Satan's daughter. Imagine going to some indy wrestling show and instead of wrestlers out comes a bunch of MMA guys all dressed like Pan from this movie. It probably looks cooler on grown adults, which is why Pan likes to wear it.
So what's Videl wearing when she leads her squad to the competition? Oh, we already know the answer to that question, because we saw her return home from the tournament.
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I mean, it makes so much sense when you think about it. remember, we saw Videl wearing regular clothes when she called Piccolo. She must have changed into her Battle of Gods red-devil dress specifically for the tournament. She might have a different outfit for fighting, but this is what she wears when she's in the corner for her students. She's like a sexy ECW manager, which explains the red leather dress, black tights and white go-go boots. She's so over-the-top with this thing that it makes the Great Saiyawoman outfit look dull by comparison, because she's trying to get over this image of smash-mouth combat supremacy. It's the same reason Mr. Satan wears the cape.
This is a weird tangent, I know, but for so many years I've heard fans lament the way Videl was depicted in Dragon Ball Super, and they're absolutely right, but I'm a "yes and" kind of guy when it comes to this stuff. There's nothing wrong with having Videl be a housewife as long as it doesn't preclude some other, cooler lore from happening off-screen. And Super Hero seems to be holding out an olive branch to the fans. Yes, Videl has a life outside the home. She teaches martial arts, so she clearly hasn't given up fighting altogether. How and how much she fights is left to the viewers imagination, and I can imagine a lot.
Anyway, I need to commission some art of the GTH school looking cool. Videl's in the center of the group with a riding crop or something. Gohan's in the background with a snack tray. He made Chex Mix for the whole class because he's a sweetie.
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Back to business, Piccolo decides to head for Gohan's house and confront him over this. He knows Gohan won't answer the door, so he just flies to the window of his study and scrapes the glass with his fingernail to get his attention. This fucking rules.
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Gohan's working on a study of a newly discovered ant species that glows yellow when threatened, like a Super Saiyan. Piccolo isn't even a little impressed, but he agrees to pick Pan up from preschool anyway. He asks why Gohan never trains anymore, and Gohan gives the stock answer about how nothing bad will happen, and even if it does, Goku and Vegeta will surely deal with it. I mean, that is what happened in the last movie, but they cut it pretty close in Resurrection F. Piccolo uses his clothes-altering powers to make Gohan wear his old training outfit, but that's about all he does.
I don't really understand this constant back-and-forth about whether or not Gohan trains enough in DBS. Obviously, Gohan let himself go in Res F, and then Gohan asked Piccolo to train him again to get him back in fighting shape. Then they made it look like he'd slacked off again leading up to the Tournament of Power, except he did really, really well in that arc. And now it's like he's slacking off a third time.
I mean, there's time for that. We're talking about a five or six year period here. It just seems odd to me that no one mentions we've been through this cycle before. I think the disconnect is that Gohan trains, just not often enough to satisfy the likes of Piccolo or Vegeta. He'll stop training for months or years at a time, so that he can concentrate on his biology career, and then he whips himself into shape when he has the time. This movie pretty much confirms that pattern, but each time it comes up, the characters always act like we haven't been here before.
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Gohan offers him another Penenko plushie as thanks for picking up Pan, and Piccolo insists that he never liked them. I think it is very likely that Gohan and Videl do this to him on purpose. I mean, Videl knew this tournament was coming up, and she could have made other arrangements, but this way Piccolo feels obligated to be involved with their family. If they just invited him over to things, he'd probably decline, but this way he feels like they need him and he can act all put-upon, but he still gets to spend more time with Pan and such. Also they might be trying to fix Piccolo up with Pan's teacher, but we'll get to that later.
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So now Piccolo just has to get in as much training as he can until 1pm, right? Wrong, because as soon as he sits down to meditate, some new guy shows up and attacks him. He refuses to identify himself, but the Red Ribbon pack on his uniform pretty much gives it away. Plus, this guy has no ki signature, so he must be an android or cyborg like Gero's creations.
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So they fight, and it doesn't go well for Piccolo. At one point he asks why he can see words appear whenever he gets his. I thought this was a cute fourth-wall-breaking joke, but in fact this new guy has a holographic projector that makes the comic book sound effects appear behind him.
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The mysterious attacker only refers to himself as a super hero, and after he blows up the butte Piccolo is on, he flies back to his base, thinking Piccolo is vaporized. But Piccolo escaped unseen, and he decides to trail this guy and find out who he's working for.
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This leads Piccolo to a secret base inside what I believe is a crater. It looks like the crater is full of lakewater, but it's actually a holographic illusion. Piccolo finds a goon in his size and swipes his uniform.
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Inside, he finds the bad guy command center, where the new android reports to Magenta and Hedo. Piccolo learns that his name is Gamma, and there's actually two of them. Hedo already watched Gamma 2's attack on Piccolo via a remote feed from 2's eyes, and his only feedback is that 2 should have done a cool pose after killing Piccolo. Gamma 1 is more concerned that Piccolo might have survived because 2 was too sloppy to check for a body.
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Sure enough, 1 reviews the footage and discovers evidence that Piccolo escaped. And since Magenta insisted that the Gamma's wear RR patches on their costumes, there's a real risk that Gamma 2 tipped their hand to the enemy. Gamma 2 isn't worried, though, because he still overpowered Piccolo, and the end goal is to defeat Dragon Team, so if this escalates the conflict, then so much the better.
And that pretty much sums up the Gammas' characters. They both play the superhero role they were designed to resemble, but 1 is more cautious and responsible, while 2 is more carefree and funloving. Earlier in the film, we see pictures of Hedo at some sort of autograph signing, and there's a character who looks almost exactly like the Gammas there, so I assume he designed his androids to look just like that character. Hedo doesn't seem too concerned with originality.
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Carmine agrees with Gamma 1's concern. Their enemies have the combined power of Goku, Vegeta and Majin Buu, not to mention Mr. Satan. Apparently, the Red Ribbon Army still isn't clear on how powerful he is. If they find out about the Red Ribbon too soon, it could jeopardize everything, no matter how powerful the Gammas might be.
Hedo disagrees. Once he collects enough combat data from 1 and 2, he can simply upgrade them and create even more Gammas until they have enough power to tip the scales.
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Apparently, Hedo doesn't think it would take very long to get more Gamma's manufactured, which is why they have these two booths already set up. This makes me wonder if Gamma 3 and 4 are already in there, just waiting for Hedo to activate them.
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As for Magenta, all he wants to talk about is Hedo's other project-- Cell Max. This leads to a heated discussion over the value of the project.
Basically, Magenta considers Cell to be Gero's greatest creation, and while the RPC has Gero's notes on how to make Cell, they were too complex for anyone to reproduce the experiement. This isn't much of a surprise, since Gero never finished Cell the first time. When Gero learned that it would take decades to complete the work, he turned it over to his computer and moved on to working on his other plans. That computer never finished, because Krillin and Trunks destroyed it and the embryonic Cell back in DBZ Episode 145. However Magenta got the data on Cell, it must have been sent to him before then, but it would have only represented the earliest stages of the project. No wonder his own scientists couldn't get very far with it.
The only reason Magenta even considers it worth pursuing is because a completed Cell showed up to menace the world. Magenta thinks that Gero must have pulled it off somehow. What he doesn't know is that this Cell came from an alternate future where Gero's computer had time to complete the project. So Magenta knows what the finished Cell is capable of, but he doesn't have a complete recipe to make a new one.
But Dr. Hedo is even smarter than Gero, which is why Magneta hired him. The Gammas are fine machines and all, but what Magenta was really hoping for was that Hedo could take the notes on Cell and figure out how to build a new and improved model. And to his credit, Hedo was able to do that, but not completely. He created Cell Max's body and made him far more powerful than the original Cell, but he's still not done because his brain takes a long time to develop. I don't know if this is like a programming thing or Cell Max needs time for his brain matter to grow complex enough to support his mission.
At any rate, Magenta just wants to turn Cell Max loose right now, because he's so high on the prospect of unleashing such a powerful weapon. But Hedo warns him that they won't be able to control Cell Max the way he is now. If they activate him now, Cell Max might easily run wild and destroy the world, which defeats the purpose of using him in the first place.
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Hedo's argument is that they don't even need Cell Max, so instead of wasting time on him, they should focus on the Gammas, who are more than powerful enough to carry out Magenta's plans. They can defeat Dragon Team, then the rest of the world will fall to the Red Ribbon Army, and then Magenta can reveal Cell Max to show off his power to the world. Magneta seems to buy into that idea, at least for now.
The thing is, we really don't know how long it would take for Hedo to finish Cell Max. It took Gero's computer decades to finish the original Cell, so maybe most of that time was spent developing his brain, and yet that Cell never did follow his programming completely. So maybe Cell Max would be uncontrollable too, no matter how much Hedo tinkered with him.
Then again, Hedo built the Gammas in just six months, so he's demonstrably smarter than Gero ever was. It's possible that he could finish Cell Max's brain in a matter of weeks and make him fully obedient. He just doesn't want to spend the time because it's busy work and Max doesn't look like a super hero, so he's not very motivated to complete the project. It kind of makes you wonder what Hedo could have accomplished if he'd given it his full attention.
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Needless to say, all of this freaks Piccolo out, so he excuses himself and finds a quiet spot to make a phone call to Bulma. She tells him Vegeta has been away for three weeks now, training on Beerus' planet. And Goku went along with him, so they're both unavailable. Piccolo asks her if she can use that device Whis gave her to call him, and she says she'll see if she can reach them that way.
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I just want to pause here to admire Bulma's yellow jumpsuit. This is definitely one of her hottest looks, perhaps because it's so workmanlike and unsexy. She just makes it look cool because she's Bulma. She just got done welding a quantum computer to a ham radio or something.
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In the meantime, Piccolo leaves the RR base to go to Korin's Tower and get some senzu beans. He's still in the mindset that Goku and Vegeta will be the ones to take care of things, but he has to do as much as he can in the meantime to improve their chances.
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As he flies through the holographic lake, we get a nice exterior shot of the base. So yeah, it does look like a couple of craters, although I'm not sure what the use was in disguising the inside when you can see all this stuff built up around the outside. I guess they have some sort of phony mining operation set up if anyone snoops around.
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And that'll about do it for now. I've still got a couple of image spots for this post, so let's show off the photos on Gohan's desk. Pretty cool.
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And here's a cool shot of Cell, since he came up in conversation.
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willowisapillow · 3 months
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🐉 Next Time On South Park Z 🐉
The couple of all time 💝
Here it is, the true (super belated) Valentine’s Day picture. Yet another cringe crossover absolutely nobody asked for yet I deliver because I can. Apologies if I’ve been posting way too much South Park stuff, it’s yet another franchise that I’m currently unhealthily hyper-fixated on. Enjoy some more Randy and Sharon appreciation art from me, because these two dorks are just everything to me <3
This was also made as a small tribute to Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball after I found out that he passed away earlier this month on March 1st. Even though I’m a casual fan of the series, still makes me sad that he’s no longer and that we lost another anime/manga legend.
This whole art became a thing based on a phone call between me and one of my older brothers. We were just talking about random dumb stuff and he jokingly asked me to draw Cartman as Naruto and Kyle as Saskue (which is an art project that y’all know damn well I’ll be drawing in the future so look out for that lmao). I just started laughing to myself, but then I thought to myself, “What other anime could I cross over with South Park?” then Dragon Ball popped up in my head all of a sudden, and that’s how this cringefest came to be.
I can kinda see some connections with it, tbh. Both Goku and Randy are dumbass but funny as hell dads (they also have black hair), and both Chichi and Sharon are no-nonsense moms who are often exasperated by their hubbies’ idiotic actions, but do love them deep down and have shared some wholesome cute moments together with them. Both series also feature a lot of fighting and deaths too lol
And since it is the year of the dragon, this pic is pretty fitting :>
I thought I would take forever with this picture because a. I’m total garbage at drawing realistic-ish, non-animal guy characters, and b. I don’t draw side-view faces that much, but surprisingly it wasn’t too hard. I did get kinda lazy with the lower half of Randy’s body and didn’t draw it, but besides that, the whole art was pretty easy. Minus drawing the hands. Because Jesus tap dancing Christ, the hands took me lightyears to get right 🙃
All in all, this might be one of my favorite 2024 pieces of art I’ve drawn so far. Again, these two are special to me, and I finally got the chance to cross over some of my favorite things, cartoons and anime. Maybe I might draw Stan and Wendy as Gohan and Videl in the future as a little follow-up ^^
Also, the mental image of Randy going Super Saiyan is just the funniest shit to me, istg someone needs to make fanart, an animation, or some other sort of meme of that 💀
That’s all that I have for now. Hope you guys have a great day or night, and make sure to stay safe out there.
Farewell, Toriyama. May your memory and legacy live on 😇
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
Incidentally, we can't really talk about pragmatism without talking about Future Trunks.
Krillin is a devious and underhanded martial artist, but still a martial artist. Trunks is an assassin. He goes straight for the throat at every opportunity. He's not here to fight; He's here to kill.
Much like his father, Trunks is not a martial artist. Every bit Vegeta's son, he's naturally gifted and has already become a Super Saiyan by both of his first appearances - in the story, when he fights Frieza on Earth, and also chronologically in Trunks the Story: A Lone Warrior.
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I can't really say he's untrained. He was trained in the basics by Gohan. But Gohan is also not a martial artist; He's had one year and six months of proper martial arts training. One year from Piccolo and six months from Krillin.
Gohan's a fighter, guided by emotion moreso than technique. So there's a limit to how much Trunks can learn from him. Even Gohan admits that he's a poor substitute for his dad.
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This, I should note, is a meaningful admission from Gohan because this chapter was published at the very beginning of the Cell Games. Gohan outright saying "I wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps but the clothes aren't enough" sets up an important contrast to the Gohan of the present time who has had that time with Goku and is ready to take his place.
But his concession of inadequacy is important for how we interpret Trunks as well. Trunks knows the stuff. He can perform Bukujutsu. Throw ki blasts. Power up into a Super Saiyan. But he's not Goku or Krillin or Yamcha or Tenshinhan; Like Gohan and Vegeta, he is a fighter, not a martial artist.
His heart is in the right place, but he's reckless and foolhardy. Chomping at the bit for a piece of vengeance.
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This recklessness carries into his journey to the past. He never quite learns from his brief offscreen shitstomp by the Twins. He returns to a point in history just after Goku's return from space. Historically, this was a key moment in history where Goku showed up in the nick of time to save Earth from Frieza and his father King Cold. Which should technically be Great King Cold as it's Cold-Daio but he's far from the first king to have his Greatness dropped in translation, eh Piccolo?
But when Goku's late to the party, Trunks starts to worry and decides to step in himself.
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Look at him. The spitting image of his father, full of piss and vinegar.
It's here that we get to see Trunks as a fighter for the very first time. Even chronologically; In Trunks the Story, they skip most of the action; It's very brief.
I mean. It's an absolutely hilarious joke that we see Trunks flying off half-cocked to go get revenge and then he's waking up from a coma on the very next page. Amazing cutaway gag.
But we're here to talk about Trunks's DNA as a fighter, so Frieza offers us the first material we have to work with. And Trunks? He does not fuck around.
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Your soldiers are dead. Who's next?
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You're dead. Who's next?
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Your father's dead. We done here?
Trunks gives zero shits. In the span of two chapters, he massacres Frieza, Cold, and all of their soldiers without an ounce of hesitation. He is not playing.
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He was even paying attention to the part where Frieza can survive grievous amounts of harm and come back. He takes great care to thoroughly and utterly annihilate every last bit of Frieza. Taking no chances.
Trunks isn't here to fight. He's here to kill. He is not interested in a protracted martial arts bout.
This fight, incidentally, also gives us a moment to talk about Trunks's sword. Cold-Dumbass thinks Trunks's sword is the key to his power.
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He's an idiot. There's a reason he only exists for like three chapters and one page of a fourth. This man doesn't even understand how weapons work in anime.
Japan and the West have very different relationships with weapons. When Westerners think of weapons, we think of guns. Even when we write medieval weapons, we treat them like guns. Guns are disposable tools that bestow killing power upon their wielder. Any average Joe with a gun suddenly becomes a lethal warrior.
But Japan has a rich history and philosophy baked into their culture surrounding weapons and their role in martial arts. In anime, a weapon does not grant power; It manifests power. The weapon is an extension of its wielder. It's a means by which the wielder expresses their own strength.
In Trunks's hands, that sword can cut through Frieza. Because Trunks is powerful, and his might outshines Frieza's.
In Cold's hands, however, that sword is harmless. Because Cold is weak and cowardly. (Uh, relative to Trunks.) He has no power to express.
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But Goku is strong. Goku knows power intimately, far beyond Trunks's understanding. And so Trunk's sword, his expression of power, is useless against Goku.
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This is what Trunks's sword means, to him and to the story. It's an extension of his character and his strength; The means by which he delivers his killing force. Which is precisely what makes this moment so devastating.
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When 18 breaks Trunks's sword, she breaks Trunks. The damage to his blade is honestly not that severe. It could probably be reforged. But the damage to Trunks's self-image, to his psyche, is unshakable.
Trunks never uses his sword again. He leaves it on the plane here.
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And then we never see it again. Instead, Trunks decides to pursue greater martial arts training alongside his father, following in Vegeta's footsteps.
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But he never quite loses his assassin streak. Though he begins to develop his abilities as a fighter from this point forward, Trunks is goal-oriented. He wants to kill the Twins. He doesn't care how that happens.
In the original version of these events, before Cell further altered the timeline, those blueprints were the key to Trunks's victory against the Twins of his timeline.
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Though Cell has no idea how Trunks pulled off this victory despite being too weak to defend himself from Cell himself, the discovery of Gero's lab offers us a possible explanation.
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The Twins have shutdown switches built into their systems. Though 17 destroyed the remote Gero built, Bulma is able to use these blueprints to build a new one.
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So there's a solid implication that the weaker Trunks of Cell's timeline took Bulma's remote home with him and disabled the Twins that way. Again: He's not here to fight. He's here to kill. It doesn't matter how he does it.
...well, I guess it does matter 'cause that Trunks got wasted by Cell five minutes later.
Point is, Trunks wears his goal-oriented ruthlessness on his sleeve. He's not driven by pride of by love of the art. He has a job he's here to do.
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However that single-minded focus, that determination to get it done, also holds him back. Trunks has never had proper martial training. He's been taught by Future Gohan, who is not a martial artist. And he's... taught himself near Vegeta. His developed his abilities and increased his strength, but he doesn't know fighting the way Goku or Krillin or Yamcha or Ten do. Nor does he have Vegeta's natural brilliance and general understanding.
Trunks, for all his strength and all his determination and all his killing instinct, is an amateur. We all know what happened to him in the last fight he ever fought here in the present.
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Vegeta breaks the limits of the Super Saiyan and realizes that this power is good but comes at a cost, so he should only do it sparingly.
Goku breaks the limits of the Super Saiyan and realizes this form sucks and is stupid, and decides to go a different route entirely.
But Trunks breaks the limits of the Super Saiyan and goes "AWWW YEAH THIS IS THE SHIT GIMME THAT POWER" because he doesn't know. He has a killer's instinct, not a martial artist's. He's never been trained in technique.
We see, over the course of this series, both Trunks's strengths and his weaknesses as a fighter. In every altercation, he goes straight for the throat. Which is brutally effective when he has the power to back it up but Trunks, more than anyone, is vulnerable to a crushing defeat if he doesn't have the Power Level to back it up. He has nothing else.
Still, he gets to go out on a high note. His final chapter sees him return to the future, not with the remote but with the great strength he gained in the Room of Spirit and Time. And he gets to clean house his way - slaughtering the Twins efficiently and thoroughly, in true Trunks fashion.
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And also getting Cell for good measure.
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Godspeed, killer. You were the best your world had left to offer but you rose to the occasion, and that's the most that could be asked of anyone.
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dailycupofcreativitea · 6 months
You ever realize Goku and Piccolo like, never actually reconciled?
They fought at the world martial arts tournament then don't see each other for 5 years. Then Raditz shows up talks shit, kidnaps Gohan, Piccolo offers a temporary alliance, they get their asses beat, and then Goku tells Piccolo to kill him along with Raditz and who was he to pass up the opportunity?
Then Piccolo kidnaps Gohan trains him to face the saiyans while Goku trains away in the afterlife, a year goes by, the saiyans attack, Piccolo dies protecting Gohan and Goku shows up minutes later.
Then the first time they see each other since Raditz is a month later on Piccolo's home planet fighting a new more powerful enemy. And then they suddenly just become best friends? Like no talk about hey remember when you killed me did you actually mean to do that because I killed your dad? Or did you bond with Gohan as a way to alleviate your guilty conscience of taking his dad? Piccolo says nothing
I just find it so funny how they speed run enemies to battle partners to straight up best friends all without ever discussing their initially dodgy past. Same with Krillin honestly but more prominently with Goku.
THIS RIGHT HERE...perfection.
I don't have much to add as you've put it all succinctly, but it DOES seem like a really great area of comic dialogue to explore! Great food for thought 🤔
By the way, the very end of DBZ Kakarot has a small scene with Piccolo coming back to fight with Goku after the Buu events, as they'd never addressed it! Here it is if you're interested:
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