#gold meme material
Me: I want to meet more aspecs irl
Also me: *constantly forgets to wear ace ring, never talks about it, is deep in the closet, expects other aspecs to just read my mind*
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effei-s · 1 year
jjk 230 out of context [1]:
megumi being hit by the void:
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thethera-rossa · 1 year
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minittwastaken · 5 months
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gildead · 8 months
@antiiinnocence made a callout on gold:
"No...? Not really?" He tilts his head innocently and wrings his sleeves. "Why? Is it anything bad?"
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"E-even then, I don't see how that'd get me cancelled..."
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snekdood · 9 months
so i often get quora digest emails and sometimes they catch my eye and todays was about how when shiva went to go marry parvati he apparently took a form so so beautiful it made women faint, made parvatis mom cry, and vishnu was like "yeah hes even hotter than all 10 of my avatars" (i dont believe that ur just being flattering vishnu its ok to admit it) and man. i've read a couple times what goes down during that wedding and all he does is literally put on gold and sandalwood and hide his snakes.
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chubs-deuce · 17 days
I watched the minecraft movie trailer And I Have Thoughts™
none of them are good lmao
why are we pulling a handful of "real life" humans into a video game... can't we just do "guy wakes up somewhere and has to survive with minecraft logic"? You could easily make him find hints towards an ancient curse keeping all 3 realms enslaved or whatever and then have him work his way towards the end where he fights the dragon, like- not only is this the LITERAL plot of minecraft, it's also a very compelling adventure story??? ALSO. DRAGONS. BIG END BOSS BATTLE. HELLO???
tell me you've never looked at minecraft terrain generation up close without telling me you've never looked at minecraft terrain generation up close bc whatever they decided to do just looks DEEPLY WRONG. Like if you're gonna go stylized at least be fucking consistent with the source material? Minecraft is built (pun intended) on 1x1 blocks, why does this movie's landscape look like everything grows and forms like pyrite
why are piglins trying to raid the overworld??? 1) they would zombify within 15 seconds 2) piglins don't even attack unless provoked 3) THIS IS ILLAGER ERASURE 4) they aren't even wearing gold armor...
the cast look like randomly generated sims, get Jason a better wig at least for fucks sake!
they bleached steve minecraft :(
something tells me the humor will be a cringefest filled with outdated meme references people haven't cared about in 10 years
it's concerning that we see no hints at other typical minecraft mobs beyond creepers and the nether ones... The complete lack of even just implied endermen presence makes me feel like the entirety of the end dimension isn't even gonna come up as a passing subject :(
I honestly had no hopes for this movie to begin with, but seeing it botched so hard still stings...
It's like a minecraft flavored jumanji movie but worse, bc the actual minecraft "flavor" experienced so much corporate dilution and had so little thought put into it that they might as well not have fucking bothered at all...
I am hoping beyond hope that this movie will flop so fucking hard, give it the morbius treatment of not even granting it hatewatch revenue
This movie should've been a visual love letter to a wildly beloved and insanely influential video game classic, not shallow kids entertainment CGI slop that looks like someone lovelessly based it off of a CEO's poorly researched summary of what A Mined Craft is and then pulled like 6 screenshots to work off of D:< giving it the sonic movie treatment won't be enough, these guys would have to make a whole new movie with how much shit needs fixing
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
i learn a staggering amount of things just being in nature and paying attention to what's going on. Things that are obvious are seldom written down so they can be found where people look. I get stressed out that people don't know things. It's dire that they have to be taught at all.
I'm watching everything prepare for winter. Well, not watching. I'm gathering seeds, preparing beds, labeling seed packets. The leaves are falling, the flowers are dying back.
I was surprised to see how long seeds will just hang out on withered plants, instead of being eaten or falling or blowing away. Acorns and nuts cover the forest floor. Hackberries cling to trees throughout winter. Seeds are produced in wild abundance.
It's difficult not to assign purpose to these things—the plants produce seeds and nuts so the birds and animals don't go hungry. It's discouraged to view nature as having some kind of purposeful agency.
The leaves cover the ground now in deep drifts. I learned that moths and butterflies sleep through winter in fallen leaves.
How did I not know that? How was this not important enough to be taught?
Homeowners seem to think of leaves as a nuisance. It's common practice to rake them into piles and burn them or bag them up to be sent to landfills. This is horrifyingly wasteful, on top of destroying the insects that hibernate in them. Fallen leaves are pure gold, a vital source of nourishment and insulation for the soil. Rotting leaves mulch and fertilize the forest floor.
Fallen leaves don't just nourish, they protect. I found the smaller of my tree seedlings covered by a thick layer of fallen leaves, shielded from an early frost. Farmer Family Friend advises mulching the baby trees for the winter to keep them safe from the extremes of the cold.
They are a near-perfect insulating and mulching material, but I rarely see people using them as such. "Use fallen leaves as mulch" is a Gardening Hack found on Pinterest, a novel trick.
It is discouraged to assign motive and purpose to natural processes, but it is devastating to accept the alternative—that something an organism does isn't "for" a purpose except the organism's own survival. Leaves fall because they can't withstand the winter cold, and it is more economical to enter a period of dormancy. We know this.
And yet. The horrors it has caused, for people to decide that the leaves are not for anything, that they only make a mess and can be burned or sent to a landfill (!!). We have to spread memes online telling everyone to leave alone their fallen leaves, because it's not common knowledge that the butterflies need them.
The harsh, competitive thinking about nature stops people from thinking of nature as the intricate system it is.
I was afraid that the frost last night killed my tiny tulip poplar. I found it safe and unharmed, covered by leaves blown all the way from the neighbor's yard—leaves from a mature tulip poplar tree, shielding the small one. I keep telling myself not to be fanciful, but my heart aches with something indescribable.
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burningvelvet · 4 months
I finished Moby Dick. So, to continue my former post(s) documenting my thoughts, here we are (spoilers ahead):
captain ahab: i am once again asking hast thou seen the white whale
Narrator, for the 5 millionth time describing captain ahab: "MONOMANIACAL. MONOMANIAC. MONOMANIA."
I was thinking "the homosexual themes everyone talks about are really exaggerated apparently…" and then I got to the chapter about sperm squeezing
Stubb meeting with the French in chap 91 had the exact vibe of a filler episode on a comedy sitcom
there are a lot of moments that reminded me of The Office ngl like i could just imagine stubb in the little interview chair just talking. so much meme material. he's seriously just doing his own thing. the little random characters like the blacksmith and carpenter just talking shit and side-eyeing ahab in the background lmaoooo
Saint George didn't kill a dragon, it was a whale #THETRUTHREVEALED #WHALETRUTHERS
It would have been hilarious if the British people told Ahab that they already killed Moby Dick already before he could get to it. I was so hoping that would happen. Bonus points if it was the Rachel after he'd turned them away.
Ahab discusses the topic of madness a lot. It's almost like he's… mad...
I vote Ahab for the most Byronic hero to ever Byronic… Heathcliff and Rochester have nothing on him… The origin of the Byronic hero, Byron's titular character from the narrative poem Childe Harold, is literally mentioned by name in the novel and had to be a blatant inspiration - it could not be more obvious! (I have yet to encounter the famed Byronic heroes of Russian literature, most notably Eugene Onegin, a work where Byron is also blatantly name-dropped).
Everyone thinking Queequeg was dying and having a coffin made to his measurements and filled with grave goods at his direction and then him literally climbing into the coffin to test it out and then waiting silently to die…. then all of a sudden getting better and saying he chose to recover bc he remembered he had something on his to-do list….. iconic
Ishmael referring to Queequeg as "my Queequeg…" omg. Queerqueg
Queequeg drawing figures like the ones on his tattoos omg… au story where Queequeg is an artist/tattoo artist when???
I was literally saying "AWWWWW" out loud when Ahab and Pip were having their little moments
The irony of Ahab abandoning the Rachel then it coming back for Ishmael… the coffin lifeboat… etc… good stuff…
okay ahab is my man but yeah he was an asshole to the captain of rachel.
also feel bad for tashtego. he wanted that gold doubloon so bad and ahab was like SIKE, MOTHERFUCKER! umm tashtego did not get cut out of a whale by queequeg to deal with ur shit ahab!
Once again wanting a Black Sails/Moby Dick AU… I found this essay about the similarities between Flint/Ahab https://ijms.nmdl.org/article/view/22389/14361
They only have like 2-3 little moments together but like… Starbuck/Ahab kind of outdoing Ishmael/Queequeg there for a moment… chaps 132/134… oh my godddddddddddddd whyyyyyyy
Captain Ahab's moments in chapters 36/37 AAAAAHHHHH you will see me being normal about this
I noted some of my favorite Ahab moments/chapters and they are 36/37/41/70/99/108/109/113/115/116/119/125/129/132/134/135. Like I may seriously just re-read those chapters (no offense to Melville's whale facts, Stubb's jokes, & Pip's insanity)
the end is kind of similar to the great gatsby in the sense that you finally realize the entire novel was actually written for him to cope with his grief-related trauma & then suddenly it all makes sense. the lingering, the sentimentality regarding seemingly insignificant details or people, the meandering/digressing/procrastinating getting to the end, etc.
there are actually several moments -- i don't know if he actually referred to ahab or the others in past-tense specifically, but there were several moments where i felt like i kind of thought he was giving away the end before he did (it wasn't a shock to me bc i read about the end prior, but still)
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shygirl4991 · 7 months
Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting
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All art belongs to @b-r-i-n-g-x no reposting art! Idea from @itsajjanea Note: im still on break but with how stressful life is i decided to work only on this fic so keep stress levels down! (gotta get the angst out somehow lol)
Next Chapter
Summary: SMG4 world gets shaken when he learns that SMG3 is dating someone, with this news SMG4 starts to learn what these new strange emotions he is feeling are. With a love rival now appearing in the showgrounds can Four win Three heart or will he lose the battle to a mysterious new person?  Tags: Angst, Romance, Action Adventure, jealously, love confessions, SMG4 discovers he is bi, fluff
SMG3 slaps on his cap excited for the day, he got news from Gary that a rare type of powder was on sale. Exactly what he needed to make a new type of bomb for his cafe, he gives Eggdog a kiss before snapping his fingers for the darkweb. The best part of him learning his meme powers is free travel to the dark web, he walks out humming excitedly to grab the powder when someone bumped into him. He fixes his hat and glares at the person that bumped into him, his eyes then go wide seeing a tall male blinking at him “Oh shit sorry, i didn't see you there!” He watches the person move their blonde hair from their face. 
They flash him a charming smile before offering their hand “Names Aster, and you are?” SMG3 checks out the person in front of him, he notices the orange plaid shirt with a pin of the nonbinary flag by the collar of the shirt. He rolls his eyes walking away “Watch where you're walking next time, i have something important to get!” Aster chuckles following “Oh yeah? So important, I can't have your name?” Three rolls his eyes “How about you earn it then we'll talk,” He turns, making sure to walk far away from Aster in order to get his prize. 
Aster hums as they watch SMG3 walk away, he looks around and sees the shopping center with the live auction. He smirks running over to the crowd, he has been saving money for the day the legendary star powder would be up to purchase.  He was confident no one could outbid him after all Three made sure not to spend his cafe and twitch money on things that weren't needed. He walks into the crowd excitedly watching each item go up for sale then taken by the highest bidder, he chuckles watching the losers cry at the fact they lost their prize. That’s when the last item went up “For our last item, Star powder! It's extremely rare that someone is able to crush a star into an explosive material! After all, Stars can be unpredictable and now it can be yours!! ” 
SMG3 smiles brightly holding his sign tightly ready to begin betting, once it starts he lifts his sign “I'M STARTING BIG BABY!” He bets five hundred to scare off the other bidders. He smirks when he sees the crowd slowly leaving only for his eyes to lock with purple ones “Aster?!” They chuckle, lifting their own sign “Cute numbers purple, but I can beat that.” SMG3 glared at the man as he picked up his sign raising the price. They go at this for a while before Three notices he has started to run out of gold, he breaks into a sweat as he watches Aster walking closer to him not breaking eye contact as they hold their sign “What's wrong purple, running a little low?” 
He watches as Aster lifts the sign, Three felt everything freeze as he realizes he lost. He looks at the bid and the countdown in shock, everything he worked for was for nothing as the timer hit zero making Aster the owner of the powder. They take the powder and smile at Three only to get a glare in return, they sigh showing him the bag “You know i find you cute, you seem to really want this powder for some reason so lets make a deal!” Three takes a step back, suspicious of the person in front of him. They chuckle as they take out a slip of paper “My phone number, all i ask is a date with the cute mystery guy i met here. That's all I ask, one date and I give you the powder, think on it will ya?” 
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Three stares at the number surprised, he takes it and looks up seeing Aster give him a flirtatious wink. SMG3 felt himself blushing as he held the slip of paper tight watching the mysterious person walk away from him. He looked at the paper and to his surprise there really was a number written on it, this had to be some kind of dream. He snaps his fingers returning to the showgrounds confused about the events that happen, some person came out of nowhere hit on him and gave him their number. How long had it been that anyone showed interest in him, he thought back on all the people he dated. He frowns remembering how they all ended with them meeting SMG4 and leaving him to try and win over the other man's heart. 
He takes a deep breath holding back his anger from those people that lied to his face, telling him they loved him only to leave him the moment a better model walks along. He looked at SMG4 picture and felt his heart flutter “Stupid, this whole thing is stupid!” He deletes the photo from his phone and sighs, why was he putting himself through this? 
He looked at the slip of paper and slowly entered the number, he was sure that it was some pizza place. As he waits he walks over to the counter to start brewing coffee for the day, he jumps when he hears a familiar voice on the other line “Hello?” panicked, he hangs up in shock. They really did give him their number, the phone rings and in a panic threw it across the cafe breathing heavily. The phone keeps ringing until he hears a beep letting him know the song has ended, slowly he walks to his phone and picks it up to see a text “Hello, i got a call from this number who is this?” 
He stood there staring at his phone before putting it away, he had to think over this deal. He grabs his cup of coffee lost in thought about Aster, He didn't notice Four walk in with Mario. Four smiles as he taps the counter “My usual if you don't mind Three?” he frowns seeing the man not moving as he looks into his coffee, he exchanges looks with Mario “HEY SMG3!” he waves his arms still not getting the man's attention. Mario starts to scream next “S M G 3!”
Still seeing the man was lost in thought Four was getting worried he walks up to three and gently touches him. The touch broke him out of his thoughts, startled from the contact he tosses the coffee. Three frowns at his coffee now being on the floor “What the hell SMG4!?” surprised by the anger Four glares at him “I didn't do anything you were spaced out i just wanted my coffee!” Three groans handing Four a mop “Fine, clean the mess you made while I get you the drink!”
SMG4 was about to argue why he had to clean the mess when an alert from Three’s phone gets his attention, he turns to see an unknown number text SMG3. He then notices Three tense up at the sound before grabbing the phone and shoving it in his pocket, Four starts to clean up the mess watching Three. “Hey is everything okay?” SMG3 nods, finishing up the coffee and shoving it at Four “Everything is fine, i don't know why you would even care.” SMG4 grabs his coffee and walks over to Mario who swallowed a painted dynamite that Three gave him to shut him up, Four sighs then smiles softly at him causing those flutters to return “you just seemed out of it so i was worried…if you need help you can come to us after all we are friends now!”
The word friend should make him happy to hear, instead he felt pain “Yeah yeah whatever you done or you want to talk my ear off?” SMG4 shakes his head as he pays for his drink and leaves with Mario behind him demanding more spaghetti. SMG3 takes out his phone and calls the number “It's purple, i will take the deal.”
Moments later SMG3 was waiting outside the restaurant nervously, he had to remind himself that he only accepted at that moment because he really wanted to make bombs and not because of how SMG4 made him feel. Aster smiles brightly at Three “Hey you really did show up!” They take out a bag from their pocket and hand it to SMG3. Confused he takes the bag and looks inside, it was the powder. He looks up confused as his date gives him a smug look “I'm a person of my word, i find you cute and want to know you more nothing wrong with that right?” 
SMG3 blushes as he puts the bag under his hat “uh no nothing wrong with that…its SMG3 by the way.”  Aster purple eyes flashes as he gets the man's name.  Three started to feel strange before he noticed Aster offering their hand “Shall we? The food here is to die for!” They chatted during the dinner getting to know each other, it was strange for Three the more they talked the more he felt drawn to Aster. As the date ended Aster offered to walk him back to the cafe, they held hands as they kept talking “Yeah i am pretty good at building things, back when i was all about killing my neighbor i built all kinds of weapons to kill him.” Aster hums as they listen to Three taking notes on every word said. 
Why was he even telling this person all this, his mind was a mess at the moment, sure Aster was attractive but did Three truly want more with this person? They arrive at the cafe, he knew he had to say goodbye to Aster and end the night, that's when he felt his stomach flip. He didn't want to say goodbye, he turns to ask if Aster wanted to stay but freezes when he notices how close they were. The words wouldn't come out as he watches them take his hand and kiss it causing his heart to speed up and his face go red.  “I had a lovely time, you have my number hope we can do this again cutie~” 
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SMG3 was at a loss of words as Aster walked away, slowly touching his face trying to relax. What was going on with him? it was almost as if he was falling for Aster, he shakes his head laughing at the thought as he walks into the cafe. He takes out his phone looking at Aster's number, slowly he shoots them a text before getting the cafe ready for the next day.  Aster chuckles seeing the text “I told you I had this in the bag,” they turn towards a black star “Soon Aster revenge will be ours!” the star laughs as Aster replies to the message “Soon your end will arrive SMG3.” Aster's eyes glow as he puts his phone away.
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
since it's the 21st night of September and i keep seeing all of the memes and gifs including my own, it's in my leftist nature to jump in with a bit of learning & essay material, so let's go ahead and get it out of the way.
to appreciate "September," you must appreciate the group who performed it: Earth, Wind & Fire.
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Earth, Wind & Fire was headed by the legendary Maurice White, who wasn't just the heart and soul of the group, but he was also its driving force in so many ways, both literally & metaphorically. Maurice White wasn't just making music; he was making social statements, negotiating and navigating race relations, and tackling the music industry's problematic nature back in the 70s.
Mistah White (sorry, i had to), with his killer jazz drumming background, brought Earth, Wind & Fire into the spotlight at a time when music was getting pigeonholed by race. and they dominated both the R&B and pop charts. but the impact goes a little further than charts and accolades. no Maurice White? probably no "Thriller", no Outkast, no Pharrell, no Drake.
in the 70s, the big music labels that dominated the industry were just targeting white, middle-class youth. Maurice White looked at this scene and thought, "ok den bet" with Earth, Wind & Fire. he blended everything from Jazz in "Caribou" to Latin vibes in "Brazilian Rhyme.” the type of borrowed influence you hear in modern Pop, rap, and Hip Hop music is built mainly on the backs of artists like Maurice White. and he fought for his vision, pushing for his music to be promoted across the board, believing it had universal appeal.
you also can throw in the showmanship that Earth, Wind & Fire had; massive sets, fireworks, magic tricks (yes fucking magic tricks), and super iconic Afrocentric costumes. in a time when Black musicians were very much under pressure from the music industry, White used Earth, Wind & Fire's popularity to push for a deeper dialogue on race. bands like Earth, Wind & Fire also provided the soundtrack to the Black Power movement, which was in full swing around this time. another famous track they released, "Evil,” contains lyrics that hint toward Black musicians’ struggles in the 70s - the choice that wasn't a choice - to either be upbeat or stay silent.
Evil, runnin' through our brain We and evil's just about the same Bad blood through our body flows Where's the love nobody knows Nobody knows, nobody knows, nobody knows Beauty in our face you see Tryin' to hide all our misery Our misery, our misery, our misery
if you listen a bit closer with a racial context in mind, there’s an acute call for change in Earth, Wind & Fire's art, and a plea to make the world a better place. Maurice White's legacy is that he helped drive forward the progress of a cold, hard music industry and spin it into something more like gold.
thas' all. thanks for reading.
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danieyells · 3 months
Also like if you're cool with it can you tell me to build the cards and stuff? I'm still confused with it :'(
UH! I don't really know how to build cards either lmao. I just push the buttons when they get red blips U: BUT I WILL TRY AND EXPLAIN WHAT I CAN
i was actually writing this on mobile and then i accidentally closed tumblr when it was like 87% done so MAYBE THIS WILL BE WORSE THAN INITIALLY INTENDED I DON'T KNOW. Initially I was explaining like. A bunch of unnecessary stuff about where you get certain upgrade materials so I think this'll be better and marginally more concise because I feel like there's not actually that much to explain. It's very much just "make number go up".
So from what I've been told it's better to focus your efforts on a single SSR if you have one than trying to even things out, but since you're not only going into battle with your singular SSR I try and keep other units at a minimum of level 50 and a Level 40 warding card(preferably the one it gets a link bonus with!) with 50 Potency Grade. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE ADVISABLE but it's how I do things personally. And then I have my SSR(s) which I focus on--one SSR gets most everything and once I have to wait to limit break it, I start giving resources to the next one down(or the next SR down.)
Now since just about every stat relies on different items to boost it up(coins obviously notwithstanding but you can very easily gain more coins) you don't really have to ration anything--just focus on boosting your highest ranked unit.
Like I said I just hit the button when the red blip pops up, but you may have noticed that when it comes to equipment the game prioritizes higher levels to higher rankings. Which. . . .
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not very helpful, as it turns out! Turns out higher ranked units(SSR-SR-R-A-B-C-D-E, from highest to lowest) are generally a little better even at slightly lower levels! Because some equipment doesn't boost attributes(multiple stats) at all!!!
Higher rank = higher attribute boost. Higher level = higher battle stat boost.
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see how Alan's overall power is higher with the level 95 C perfume than the level 100 E perfume? The game automatically gave him the E. . .even though it was weaker and both were available. The game checks for rarity over their level, so you may want to manually choose cards based on their stats as opposed to choosing the auto-equip button!
Also of note, sometimes a fully awakened R is stronger than an unawakened SR of the same level. . .if you have to wait to limit break your SRs, check out how your Rs are doing! They can be pretty strong too! You can always take stronger equipment and gems and such away from them for the higher rarity unit when you're ready.
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@tokyo-debunker-memes made a pretty good guide to gems here and you can refer to that for any of your gem questions since I think they did a good job explaining and summarizing things! (I will say, gems go past level 9, they just can only be purchased at a base level of 9.)
The best equipment(SSR, SR, and R) can be made at Mr. Mo's Goldmine using using gold, silver, and copper materials you get there. You only have a chance get gold if you do multiple pulls there over the course of a week(the milestone resets every 7 days or so. . .or every time there's a new gacha I've noticed), so I wouldn't think too hard about SSR equipment. That's for whales. It's literally designed so that you have to use gems to even get a chance at gold material to make SSR equipment. And you need so much of the stuff just to make one it's just not worth it monetarily unless you've got insane disposable income haha.
I would focus only on the level 100s of the Mr Mo equipment(the Red Queen set and the Lotus set. The Stardust set if you wanna whale real hard.) If you get lucky enough to get enough silver and copper material you can make them, and they're stronger than anything you'll find doing Investigations or that they'll find on campus after investigations--that I'm aware of, unless they start giving out SRs and SSRs at higher level investigations which I doubt.
R, SR, and SSR equipment can be trained and given gems, just like warding cards, and raising their Special Attributes will provide additional percentage boosts to the unit they're equipped to(Necklaces, Rings, and Earrings raise HP percentage; Perfumes raise Physical Attack and Physical Defense percentages; Brooches raise Special Attack and Special Defense percentages. Warding Cards raise Attack percentage.) Try and focus on raising the Special Attributes related to the unit's attack style(noted in the 'Skills' window on the unit page.) That is to say, raise the Special Attibutes for Perfumes for Physical attackers and Brooches for special attackers so that they'll have higher attack power and do more damage. Of course, both are also important for their defensive value, and HP is also very important!
R, SR, and SSR equipments also have 'badges' which detonate they're part of a set. The more of that set you have, along with a warding card with the same badge, the higher bonus(indicated in the upper left of the unit page) you get for the character it's equipped to! The only way to change a Warding Card's badge is by leveling it up so. . .don't worry too hard about it, because moonlight paint is a pain in the ass to get.
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Guardian spirits similarly should be distributed based on the ideal stats that unit should have raised. I only use SSR guardian spirits and feed any lower ranking ones to them to raise their levels. If you get a guardian spirit of the same level with stars, it's better to use and level up that one! It gives a higher percentage boost!
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Generally you legit just have to look at the numbers and percentages and choose whatever's higher overall I think. Higher percentages are usually better, I think, since those will scale up with any increasing stats' individual numbers. Not that equipment have percentages, but I mean in terms of figuring out what to upgrade in general. Again, it's very much 'make number go up' from what i can tell. I usually focus on level since it boosts all the unit's battle stats by a percentage, but since everything needs different materials to level up anyway it's fine to just use whatever you get wherever you can, or save up to be able to boost your strongest units.
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I make mini-comics and art of Stardew Valley characters!
(animations and writings too if I'm up to it)
I post art on Monday and Friday and Wednesday is for everything else!
All my art will be tagged with -> #SDVBID art
QNA stuff and Answer archive!
inbox answers are tagged with #ask if you want to look through that!
Templates I use
Below is my Comics, Art, Doodles, and everything else organized and labeled with specific character appearances, enjoy!
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Vulnerability- Alex, Me???
A little jealous- Rasmodious, Farmer
Gossip- Caroline, Abigail, Pierre, Rasmodius, Farmer
"Experimental noise" they said.- Sam, Abigail, Sebastian, Farmer, Jodi, Vincent, Leo, Linus
Bots- My chicken
Golden Scythe!- Farmer
Hair cuts!- Marnie, Shane, Emily
You weren't supposed to do that- Elliott
Two types of winter players: Farmers
Double trouble bubble brew!- (part 3) Penny, Alex, Abigail, Farmers, Harvey, Maru, Sam
Trouble continues to brew!- (part 2) Harvey, Maru, Abigail, Alex
Trubble in the Spirits Eve Maze- (part 1) Abigail, Alex
A different point of view- Leah
A head cannon of mine...- Farmer
Stalker vibes- (2 panell) Farmer, Sebastian, Robin
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Happy 1-year anniversary/birth to me!🎉
Salad and Steaks- Farmer, Alex
Lewis in gold
Let me in! (animation)- Demetrius, Farmer
Marlon headcanon art
He would NEVER!... or would he?- Mr Qi
Harvey and his planes
Happy Valentine's Day!- Krobus
Not Invited- Pam, Willy, Marnie, Lewis, Robin, Gus
Haley's material girl arc
Here's a chicken animation I made- Chickens :)
High Score- Sam, Sebastian
Feast of the Winter Star- Jas, Farmers, Lewis, Abigail
Emily's old hairstyle
A pirates wife- Birdie
Say cheese!- Krobus
Scarecrows and Rarecrows- Farmers
Harvey- with bonus one pannel comic- BLOOD
Winter Jas
3rd time's the charm!- Farmers
Favoritism- Farmers
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How the Farmers Heal- Harvey- BLOOD/CUTS
Controversial Alex opinions
Emily in a jester outfit!
Favorite and least favorite- Krobus, Bouncer guy
SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG- Mr Qi, Rasmodious, Grandpa
Who has the longer hair?- Elliott, Farmer
Sam with check it face meme
Family Dinner night- Sam, Farmer, Vincent, Jodi
Shane's canonical birthday
Sick farmers characterization
He's just standing there...MENACINGLY- Sebastian, Jas
The smallest :)- Harvey
8th anniversary of Stardew- Junimos
Haley x Femm Farmer
Farmer Grandpa phone doodle
Haley holding lesbian flag
Mask Farmer doodles
Abigail bonus doodles
Halloween Ref for comic- Penny, Harvey, Maru, Alex, Abigail, Sam
Mr. Qi ref
Rasmodius ref
Shane ref
Penny and Abigail ref
Maru, Leah, Farmers, Harvey, Elliott, Alex, Sam ref
Old base farmer ref (Fem)
Old base farmer ref (Mask)
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themysticmaverick · 10 months
Zodiac BFFs: The Ultimate Astrological Friend Pairings
Get ready to double-tap and reblog because we’re diving into the zodiac pairings that are written in the stars. 🌟 From Aries’ fiery energy to Pisces’ deep waters, let’s see who’s destined to be your cosmic bestie.
1. Aries Sun & Libra Moon: Aries brings the fire 🔥, and Libra brings the peace ✌️. They’re the friends who balance each other out perfectly, like a perfectly curated meme that’s both spicy and sweet.
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2. Taurus Venus & Capricorn Mars: Luxury meets legacy with these two. While Taurus creates the vibe 🛀, Capricorn makes it happen 🏆. They’re the ultimate dream team, making everything they touch turn to gold.
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3. Gemini Mercury & Aries Venus: Gemini’s got the talk 🗣️, and Aries brings the walk 👠. It’s a mix of mind-bending chatter and bold moves. The conversation never dies, and neither does the action.
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4. Cancer Sun & Scorpio Moon: Emotional depth for days 🌊. Cancer brings the care, while Scorpio brings the dare. They’re the ones who share secrets in a blanket fort, real ride-or-die material.
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5. Leo Sun & Sagittarius Rising: When Leo steps into the spotlight 🦁, Sagittarius is there to turn up the adventure 🏹. They’re the friends who take on the world with a roar and a smile.
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6. Virgo Mercury & Taurus Sun: Virgo plans the trip with all the deets 🗺️, and Taurus makes sure there are plenty of snacks 🍫. Together, they’re the ultimate road trip buddies.
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7. Libra Venus & Gemini Mars: Libra’s charm 💖 meets Gemini’s hustle 🏃‍♂️. They’re the social butterflies that can talk or charm their way into (or out of) anything.
8. Scorpio Mars & Leo Moon: Scorpio’s intensity 🌪️ pairs with Leo’s drama 🎭 for a combo that’s nothing short of epic. They’re the duo that turns heads and takes names.
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9. Sagittarius Sun & Aquarius Moon: Sagittarius shoots their shot 🏹, and Aquarius plans the revolution 🌐. They’re the pair that’s always up for a debate or a quest.
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10. Capricorn Sun & Virgo Venus: Capricorn climbs the mountain 🏔️, and Virgo makes sure they’ve packed the essentials 🎒. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s also your BFF.
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11. Aquarius Mercury & Sagittarius Venus: Aquarius comes up with the big ideas 💡, and Sagittarius gets everyone excited about them 🎉. They’re the ones who start the trends everyone else wants to follow.
12. Pisces Sun & Cancer Rising: Pisces brings the dreams 💤, and Cancer provides the cozy blanket 🛌. They’re the friends who can stay up all night talking about the universe.
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Reblog with your sign and tag your astrological bestie! Let’s spread the cosmic love. 💫
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
I headcanon that Crocodile is a little bit like that Arrested Development meme, the "What could one banana cost, $10?" one--nothing is too good or too expensive for his pretty pet.
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Crocodile sits at his massive wooden desk, the one you picked out for him with its ornate carvings and gold accents, and quietly reads a newspaper. Until, as it often his, his peace is shattered by the sound of his darling marching down the hallway to his great, cavernous office.
You burst through the doors, almost as if on cue.
He glances up from his paper, setting it down on his desk with a sigh and a smile. You stand before him, your hands upon on your hips, a huffy pout on your lips, your eyebrows knitted in a scowl. He tries not to chuckle, but a soft one escapes him as he gazes upon the vision that is his fiery love.
"What is it, doll?" he asks, resting his chin in his hand.
"This!" You toss a dress--or what's left of one--before him, and it lands with a soft plop. The piece of glimmering gold material is ripped to shreds, sequins barely hanging on by frayed threads, beads clattering to the floor as they roll off the surface of the desk. "Look what you did to my pretty dress, you ruined it! Now what am I supposed to wear to the gala tonight, hm?"
He grinned as he idly lit a cigar and clenched it between his teeth, listening to the sound of your shoe tapping impatiently on the tile floor. "Well what was I supposed to do, sweetheart? You just looked so gorgeous when you tried it on for me. Was I not supposed to take you right then and there?"
You feel a heat rising in your cheeks, remembering your earlier dalliance, as his eyes filled with fire at the sight of you in your pretty gold dress, the one he had custom-made just for you, and he promptly felt the need to ruin you utterly and completely--dress included. "Well, yes, but maybe let me take the dress off first, next time, love."
"I'm sorry, pet," he say with a wink that makes you flutter. "Who needs a dress for the gala anyway? Just wear that fur jacket I bought you, and your heels. That's all you need anyway."
You raise your eyebrows as your ears burn hot, and a sudden spark ignites in you. "You really want everyone's eyes on me like that?"
He pauses, and gives you a sly smile. "I suppose you're right, as usual. Tell you what"--he pulls his wallet out of his desk, rifles through it, and tosses a large wad of cash on the smooth wooden surface--"why don't you go buy yourself a new dress. What could a new one cost, 50,000 beris?"
"Uhhh," you stall as you slowly grab the cash, deciding whether or not to mention that the dress he destroyed wasn't even half as much. "I think more like 75,000, actually."
"Of course, my mistake, sweetheart." He hands you another stack without even so much as second thought. "Now go get yourself all made up and I'll see you tonight for the gala, hm?"
"You got it, love," you say as you strut out of the room, swinging your hips in just the way he liked. "I'll make you look the luckiest man in town."
"Already am, doll," he shouts after you, admiration radiating in his voice.
You smile as you close his door behind you, counting the impressive stack of cash--you did need a new necklace and new shoes to go with that dress, after all.
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allsadnshit · 4 months
People trying to girlbossify Meredith from the parent trap and say she was doing nothing wrong being a cruel gold digger is the example I'd give to the universe of what is wrong with this generation - like when did we start turning real thoughtful criticisms of men and the patriarchy into being cool with just treating people like shit and and being selfish awful people disguised by the new age "I'll fuck your dad" version of feminism that seems so beloved out of nowhere
I know everyone is partially joking when they made those memes about Meredith's character being "valid" but honestly hating/resenting/using the people you are romantically involved with is never hot girl material it's just creepy and inhumane and everyone needs to get their daddy issues in check before they become awful humans fr
This character was really trying to ship this 11 year old kid off to boarding school to rob her dad blind and the internet baddies tried to be like "she's so real for that"???? No she wasn't?
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