#gonna build a box mansion
redtail-lol · 1 year
Labels are just boxes for people to try and fit into and guess what I'm building a box fort
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sinner-as-saint · 1 year
stealing hearts
Mob!Bucky x Thief!Reader 
Run-through: His mansion was highly secured, and yet, breaking in and trying to steal from him was rather easy for a skilled thief like yourself. Key word: trying. Of course you got caught by his men. And the mob boss was known to be ruthless, cold, merciless – the list of his villainy was endless – so you thought he’d end you the moment he laid eyes on a thief like you. However, he didn’t. Instead, he made you an unusual offer. One you couldn’t resist. 
Themes: thief!reader, mentions of homelessness and parental death, slight angst, mob!bucky, dom!bucky, slight daddy kink, sex toys, age gap (reader is in her early twenties), smut, fluff, cocky!reader
a/n: more mob!bucky bc i need to write him for my mental health
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“Where is he?” 
You heard a deep, surprisingly calm male voice ask, followed by multiple footsteps that echoed outside this dark room which resembled a dungeon, or rather a large storage room filled with boxes. 
You heard someone correct the man. “Uh, it’s a woman, sir.” 
The footsteps stopped for a brief moment, then resumed. The first authoritative voice spoke up again. “She was alone?” 
Silence. More echoing footsteps. “I’ll handle this. Wait here.” Immediately all the other footsteps stopped and only one continued approaching. 
A few seconds later, the door opened and a tall man walked in. You knew who he was, you’d broken into his home after all. Bucky Barnes. You had seen his face on the news multiple times. He was also easily recognisable because of his metal arm. He was the one most people feared around here. He was the infamous mob boss. Filthy rich, arrogant, merciless. But powerful more than anything. 
He took one look at you, tied to a chair in the middle of the dimly lit room, and scoffed. The asshole scoffed. 
You glared at him. “Spare me whatever dark villainous speech you have planned and just shoot me already.” You hissed, looking away from him. 
He was quiet for a second. Then said, “What makes you think I have some dark villainous speech prepared?” His voice was surprisingly softer than how he sounded outside. Smooth, rich voice. The kind that felt like a caress. 
You turned to look at him again, still glaring, “All you old, rich bastards are the same. You love to hear yourselves talk.” 
He chuckled this time, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked in a slow circle around the chair you were currently tied to. “I’m not that old. Besides, wealthy is the right word here.” He ignored the way you scoffed at his words, and continued, “Also, a thief who hates wealthy people? Very original.” 
You sarcastically chuckled this time. “See what I mean? You love to hear yourself talk.” 
He stopped right behind you, where you couldn’t see him. You would be lying if you said your heart didn’t start racing immediately. Out of your sight, he could have a gun pointed at your head right now and you wouldn’t even know. 
He didn’t say a word. He just stood there. Letting the anticipation build. Until you couldn’t take it anymore. Yanking on the ropes didn’t work, you tried that earlier. So you said, “At least have the decency to look me in the eyes while you kill me.” 
He was quiet for a moment. 
“What’s your name?” He asked. 
When you gave him your name, he sighed and said, “Who said I’m gonna kill you?” 
“Well I can’t imagine you’re gonna let me walk away just like that either.” You’d been observing rich people all your life, you knew how they operated. You knew he would ask for something in return. 
“No,” He said, remaining out of your sight. “No, I won’t let you walk away just like that.” He confirmed. 
You laughed humorlessly. “Just so you know, I don’t have any money.” 
He ignored you. “Who sent you?” He asked. 
Ah, the interrogation. Again. “Your loyal guard dogs already asked me that while they were tying me down. And they used some very colourful language too,” You scoffed. “And I’ll repeat what I said to them. No one sent me. I don’t work for anyone.” 
He began walking around you again, coming to a stop right in front of you this time. You looked up at him. Damn he was… kind of handsome. You couldn’t help but smirk, then failed at hiding it. 
“What’s with the smirk?” He asked. You were surprised with how calm he was with this whole thing. It was unnatural. 
You held his stare as you spoke, “Nothing I was just thinking about how I used to watch the news growing up and they always mentioned how much of a big bad monster you are. But there’s not even a single battle scar on your pretty face.” 
He chuckled this time, shaking his head as he looked away from you for a brief moment. “Stop making me sound old. Also, the scars are everywhere but on my face.” He said, stepping closer, bending down a little so he could whisper, “And did you just call me pretty?” 
Your smirk faded. Your murderous glare returned. “Fuck you.” You said quietly. 
He stepped back with a proud smirk on his face. “How did you get in here? With no help? I’m finding that hard to believe.” 
The smirk came back. “You’re doubting my amazing thieving skills? I spent years perfecting them mind you.” 
He sighed. “Years? You look twenty-five at most, have you been stealing shit since you were a kid?” 
You shrugged, or tried to, “Gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Dead parents, grew up with shitty relatives, ran away from there, been a thief ever since.” You summarised your life in that self-deprecating way you always did. 
He didn’t laugh, or chuckle. He just stared at you with an expression you couldn’t read. “Where do you even live?” 
You gave him a sassy smile, “I’m a thief, I break into somewhere new each night. You’d be surprised at how many vacant apartments with comfy beds there are in this area.” 
Again, he gave you that same poker face. Handsome poker face. “And you broke into my house tonight for what? To sleep?” 
“House?” You gasped dramatically. “This is a damn castle. Though the décor is a little too dark, then again it suits you, you know? Nice gardens, by the way.” 
He sighed again, like he was dealing with a difficult child. “Why did you come here? And how? How did you get past my guys?” 
You took a deep breath and began explaining, “Number one, I came here to steal whatever expensive things I could find. Though you do have very nice comfy beds but I never,” You put more emphasis, “ever, sleep in a house when the owner is home.” 
“Charming.” He commented. 
You continued explaining. 
“And as for how, well I spent the last few days hiding and watching. You have thick bushes out near the entrance of your castle. I stayed there, observed and learnt your security guards’ schedule, and found out that the multiple cameras around your property also rotate. I figured out that I had exactly a fourteen-second window to get past the gates. I found a chance and took it. Picking the locks was easy. But then your people just had to catch me while I was halfway through stealing that lovely painting from your lovely library.” You finished with a smile so sweet it had him sighing again. “And now here we are.” 
He mumbled something under his breath about god saving him, then he walked to the door and opened it. He called out a name and someone came running. A young man with a sweet face, looking younger than you even, walked into the room. 
“Peter, I need you to make all necessary arrangements.” Bucky pointed in your direction and said, “She’ll be staying with us. Looks like we have a new member.” 
You ignored Peter’s very confused look, and hissed at Bucky. “What? I didn’t agree to this!” 
Bucky turned to face you with a serious look on his face. “You have no job, no income, and no place to live. I’m offering you all three and you are not in a position to refuse me.” He continued over your attempt at cutting him off. “You have skills I could use. From now on, you work for me.” He paused. “Agreed, little thief?” 
You glared at him. Damn. A job, a salary, and a roof over your head? The bastard knew you couldn’t refuse. You had to be smart here. He could’ve killed you, but he didn’t. Instead he made you this almost irresistible offer. This could only mean that… 
“You really need me for something, don’t you?” You asked, suddenly sounding cocky. 
He clenched his jaw. And that was confirmation enough. “We’ll talk business later.” 
You laughed in his face. “Alright, alright, don’t get too excited. But if I’m working for you, I have some conditions and requests.” 
He blinked. The Peter guy was so quiet and still you almost forgot he was in the room. “What makes you think you’re in a position to have conditions, or make requests? I could’ve killed you the moment I saw you, you know that?” That cold voice of his would’ve sent shivers down anyone else’s back. 
“But you didn’t because you need me.” You argued with a sly smirk. “Now, here’s everything I need,” You turned to Peter and began listing, “A nice room, preferably the guest bedroom at the end of the right wing.” You winked at Bucky and said, “I checked it out earlier and it has the best view.” You turned to Peter and continued, “I also want a whole new, complete wardrobe, with bags and shoes and everything.” You looked at Bucky and said, “Can I also have a car and a chauffeur?” 
He frowned. “No.” 
“What if I need to move around? Run errands, go get my nails done and all?” You fake pouted. 
“I said no.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, can I have a pet horse?” 
Bucky sighed, “No.” 
“A puppy then?” 
“What are you, a child?” He questioned. 
You smirked, “I mean you’re probably old enough to be my father.” You teased him and tried again, “Can I please have a puppy, daddy?” You knew the way you said it sounded far away from innocent. 
Bucky walked over to you so fast your brain barely registered it. He grabbed you by the back of your neck and stared deep into your eyes. “If that’s the case then daddy can also put you over his lap if you keep being a brat, and spank your little butt raw until you either cry or come, or both. Is that what you want, little thief?” 
You were breathless as you whispered, “No.” That wasn’t entirely true, and damn it, you both knew it in that moment. 
Bucky smirked. “Good girl.” He whispered. Then stepped away and turned to Peter and said, “Untie her and get her whatever she wants.” He looked at you as he said, “No cars, horses, or dogs.” 
Then he left the room. Leaving you speechless, and very much wet. 
Peter, you learnt, was one of Bucky’s assistants. Whatever Bucky asked him to do, he did. That included sending a group of mean looking men out to shop for all that you had written down on your ‘Requirements’ list. 
He showed you to your requested room and promised your stuff will be here before the end of the day. And sure enough, by the time the sunset everything you had asked for was brought to you. 
You squealed when you entered the closet, excited to put away all your new things. Clothes, accessories, bags, shoes, toiletries, makeup, skin care products, and more. 
Peter came by again in the evening, bringing you dinner and said, “Boss said he’d see you in his office tomorrow morning at eight. Don’t be late, please. He hates it when people aren’t punctual.” 
You’d be lying if you said the mention of Bucky didn’t immediately remind you of what he said earlier about you being on his lap and… ugh. Damn him. 
For the first time in a long time, you went to bed with a full belly that night. And you squealed again when you got in the comfy bed, freshly showered and moisturised. As you drifted off to sleep, feeling weirdly warm and safe, you forgot all about your meeting with Bucky the next morning, and how you needed to be up early for it. 
Bucky couldn’t sleep that night. So much had happened in such a short time. One moment he was having a quiet, calm day of golfing with Sam, and the next he got a phone call from his security guys that his mansion had been broken into. 
He went from spending a rare day off with his best friend, to having a sassy, drop dead gorgeous thief in his guest room. He sighed, sipping on his whiskey, holding the phone to his ear as he looked out of his bedroom window. 
“Oh, I know that sigh of defeat.” Sam laughed through the phone. “Is she really that pretty that you couldn’t even use your brain?” 
Bucky rolled his eyes. And here he thought calling Sam to complain about everything was a good idea. Of course the latter would only make fun of him. In fact, he thought, maybe Sam would team up with you and you two would make fun of him together. 
“Shut up, Sam. I’m serious.” Bucky sighed again, “She pisses me off but at the same time… I don’t know. This girl has been living like a fugitive since she was a kid. I looked up the relatives she ran from, her uncle and aunt, and honestly, anyone would run from them. God knows what kind of messed up shit she’s witnessed and been through her whole life.” 
Sam was quiet, listening. 
Bucky continued. “You know the bushes near the entrance? She hid there for days. Days, Sam! Through the rain, and cold nights all just so she could study the guards’ movements. She probably didn’t eat that whole time. Who knows when’s the last time she had a warm meal? She’s so resilient. And strong. But so sassy, and the way she runs that mouth it makes you want to-,” 
Bucky exhaled, exasperated. And continued. 
“She has that look in her eyes, you know?” Bucky thought back to earlier when he first saw you. “Life hasn’t been kind to her. She has really sad eyes. Like she was forced to grow up and take care of herself. I couldn’t…” Bucky trailed off, “I couldn’t just let her go back to living like that. Go ahead, make fun of me for it.” He sighed. “She’s gonna be really useful to me.” He stated. “You remember last year? When I was ambushed by Roger’s men? Something of mine was stolen then, and I’m gonna get it back using her.” Bucky already had a plan made. “I needed a skilled thief anyway. I mean she managed to break into my house, that means she actually is really good. She could even lead some of my guys when they go-” Bucky stopped talking and asked, “Are you even listening?” 
Sam chuckled, “I am, I am. It’s just rare to see you admire someone like this. Who knew big bad Bucky could be so soft? You better let me win next time we’re golfing, otherwise I’m telling everyone that you have a crush on the thief.” 
Bucky groaned, “What is this? What are we, children? I do not like her like that, alright? I’m about a decade and a half older than her. And she won’t stop reminding me of it.” 
Sam laughed again. “Oh I like her already. Anyway, have fun with your crush and tell me how it goes.” 
“Goodbye, you asshole.” Bucky ended the call and shook his head at the thought of what Sam said. A crush? On a thief? No way. 
As he made his way to his study room, Bucky couldn’t help but pause outside the guest room in which you slept. He could hear soft snores coming from within. Something in him felt satisfied that you were able to sleep soundly here, not having to find vacant places to break into. He wanted to keep it that way. 
Why? He didn’t know. Whatever it was, Sam was wrong. 
As he sat at his desk in his study room, Bucky tried to get work done but he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Something about you was different. Bucky never trusted people this easily, let alone allow them into his home. 
That reminded him of something… Bucky found the list that Peter had left on his desk. The list of Requirements, as you called it. And as he read all the things his men had to go out and buy earlier, Bucky couldn’t help but laugh. He hadn’t laughed like this in a long time. 
Oh this could be fun. Bucky couldn’t wait for your meeting the next morning. At eight sharp. 
When you woke up, the sun was in your face. But you hadn’t felt so warm and comfy in a long, long time so you relished the feeling. You let out a yawn, opening your eyes slowly. And you found yourself looking right at a rather pissed off Bucky standing at the end of the four-poster bed, with his hands in his pockets. 
All black suit, perfect hair, and those blue eyes… 
“Oh hi,” You said, taking your sweet time as you sat up in bed. “Good morning.” 
“It’s two in the afternoon.” Bucky hissed. “Who sleeps in for that long? You and I had a meeting at eight this morning. I was waiting.” 
You yawned again. “I’m sorry, this bed is really, really comfy.” You said, as if that was a decent excuse. “Maybe you shouldn’t have put such nice beds in your guest rooms if you didn’t want your guests to sleep in.” 
Bucky closed his eyes for a moment, looking like he was trying very hard to contain his annoyance. “You are not a guest. You work for me. So when I tell you to meet me in my office at eight, I want you there.” 
You smirked, peeling off the covers and slowly crawling over to the end of the bed where he stood. You knelt on the bed right in front of him, “Oh? You want me?” You teased, knowing he would snap at any moment now. 
You remained kneeling on the bed as his metal hand reached out and wrapped around your throat, squeezing just a little. The smirk on your face stayed in place this time, only pissing him off even more. “Watch your mouth, little thief.” He said. 
“Or what? You’ll spank me till I… what was it you said?” You repeated his words from the day before, “Till I cry, or come. Or both?” He remained quiet. His hand tightened around your throat, choking you a little bit more. You couldn’t help but whisper, “Jokes on you, I’m into this shit.” 
Bucky let go of you immediately. You laughed in his face as he shook his head and shoved his hand in his pocket again. 
“Get out of bed and get ready. Meet me in my office in half an hour.” He ordered and turned to leave. 
“But I’m hungry,” You said right before he could walk out of the door. “You can’t treat your guests like this, you have to feed me.” 
Bucky refrained from groaning. “Fine,” He said, turning to look at you over his shoulder. His broad shoulder. “I’ll have someone bring up some food for you. Now hurry up, don’t be fucking late again.” He barked. 
Bucky was embarrassed to admit to himself that his hands were shaking as he left your bedroom and walked to his study room. Fuck, less than twenty-four hours and you already had such a bizarre effect on him. 
Bucky shut the door behind him, and closed his eyes to find some kind of composure. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The sight of you in those black satin shorts and that tight, excuse of a top… fuck. The sight of you so comfortable in bed had messed him up so much he’d gripped you by the throat like an animal. 
He was grateful you didn’t seem to notice the hardness in his pants. He needed to get a grip. How the hell was he supposed to boss you around if this is what a brief interaction was doing to him. 
He sat at his desk and waited. And about twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. It was one of the housekeepers with a tray of breakfast food. Bucky waited some more and after a short while, there was another knock at his door. Before he could even open his mouth to say something, you walked in. 
Bucky’s heart skipped a beat. Just who allowed you to look this good? You were glowing after a good night of sleep. You looked incredible in your little sundress. Bucky watched as you took a seat on the other side of his desk before he even asked you to. The smell of your body wash and perfume drifted over to him, and he was almost salivating. 
He kept watching as you moaned in delight when you took your first sip of coffee, then your first bite of warm croissant. 
“Glad to see you’re enjoying your breakfast at,” He checked his watch, “almost three in the afternoon,” He spoke, finally. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss your position here in my house and as my employee.” 
You scoffed through a mouthful of some kind of pastry. You swallowed it with a sip of coffee and said, “So formal, my god. Just tell me where to go, what to steal and I’ll do it, no need to be so poetic about it.” 
Bucky sighed. “I don’t need you to steal anything at the moment. There is something, but the time isn’t right. I will let you know when it is. But as of now, I have other plans for you.” 
You frowned at him as you finished your breakfast. “Okay… I’ll do them under one condition.” 
“Enough with your conditions.” Bucky hissed. 
Despite his warning, you continued, “There’s this old, abandoned apartment complex,” You said, grabbing a pen and a sheet of paper from his desk like it was your own, scribbling something down, “I have some stuff hidden in there that I need. Not much, just two boxes. I know you won’t let me go but could you have someone go get it for me, please?” 
Bucky looked down at the address and apartment number written on the paper. “What stuff?” He asked. 
“Just stuff I’ve stolen over the years.” 
He scoffed, “But you have everything you need here.” 
You nodded, “Some of the things are… priceless.” 
Bucky nodded. “Fine. I’ll have someone go get it. Now, about your role here. You’re gonna start training with the guys tomorrow.” 
You frowned, “I’m a thief, I don’t need exercise.” You argued. 
“No,” He said, calmly as he leaned back into his chair. “But you need to learn how to fight, how to use a gun, a knife, self defence, how to be part of a team and all that.” 
Okay. Things got very real. You stayed quiet and nodded. 
“Can you drive?” 
You shook your head. 
“I’ll have someone teach you.” 
You shrugged. “So, no stealing for now. Only training like I’m going to battle. Anything else?” You asked. 
“Yes, actually.” 
About an hour later, you stood in the middle of what Bucky called your new workstation. You looked around the spacious room, impressed. It looked a lot like a lab, with every equipment a thief could ever need, even some new tech that you yourself weren’t familiar with. Weapons, trinkets, everything. 
“So you want me to teach your guys how to steal using this stuff.” 
“I want you to teach them necessary skills.” Bucky corrected. “Strategies. How to be observant. How to pick locks, how to be discreet, how to be invisible and hide for days, how to use a narrow, fourteen-second window to infiltrate a secure place. Whatever else you can teach. Minus the stealing.” 
You smirked, leaning against your new desk. “So you like what I do, huh?” 
Bucky ignored that. “Don’t cause any trouble.” He said. “I’m paying you to do a good job here.” 
You looked around again, not able to fight the genuine smile that formed on your face. “It’s like paying a kid to be at the playground.” You smirked, looking at him with determination in your eyes, and some mischief. “I’m gonna have so much fun here with my new friends.” 
“Do not hurt my guys, I need them.” 
The next couple of weeks went by rather quickly. You woke up each day, excited for a change. No more having to be constantly on the run, no more having to steal for food, clothes, or find shelter. You had more time to live now, not just survive. 
Plus you had the lab. It was your favourite place ever. Surrounded by gadgets and tech you didn’t know could exist, weapons that you were starting to get the hang of, and Bucky’s guys that you used as if they were your test subjects – you actually had fun each day. 
The dynamic between you and Bucky changed too. And it all started the day after he first showed you your new lab… 
“My guys have your stuff from the old apartment. It’s in my office, come get it.” He spoke through the phone – your new phone – ordering you to come collect your stuff. 
You almost ran out of your room and to his office. When you got there, the two boxes were placed nicely on one side of his desk. A cardboard one, and the other one was a medium sized metal code-lock box. He stood behind the desk, watching you. 
“As requested,” He pointed at the two boxes, “Your stuff.” He paused, then said, “Open them.” 
You froze. “Uh, what?” 
Bucky shoved his hands in his pockets. “If I’m gonna allow you to keep your stolen goods in my house, I should know what they are. Now come on, open the boxes. I need to check them.” 
You walked into the room, shutting the door behind you. As you approached the desk, you tried to find a way out of this. “You don’t need to. They’re nothing. Just things I’ve collected over the years.” 
Bucky gave you the usual, handsome poker face. “Would you like me to open them?” 
“No,” You said quickly. You rushed to the cardboard box, opening it to let him see the contents. “See? Just books I’ve stolen from everywhere.” You explained as he looked inside the large box filled with old and new books. 
“Now the other one.” He said, eyeing the metal box. 
“That one has… um, personal things.” You said. “You don’t need to see all that.” 
Bucky walked around the desk, stopping only when he was inches away from you. He leaned a little close to your ear and whispered, “I have received bills of all the things you made my guys buy recently. Some of the bills explicitly listed each and every piece of lingerie and underwear you ordered, including a certain little red thong you’re possibly wearing right now.” He said, making you shiver. “And now you wanna talk about boundaries?” 
You pulled away to look at him, seeing the proud triumph in his eyes. “Fine.” You refused to let him win this one. You reached for the box, unlocked it, opened the lid and waited. Bucky was quiet. Too quiet. “Say something.” You whispered, “This is very awkward.” 
Finally he did. 
“Get on the desk.” He said. You froze again and seeing that you weren’t moving he leaned in to whisper into your ear, “I said, get on the desk. If I’m gonna allow you to keep all of these toys, then I better test their… effectiveness as well.” 
You avoided his eyes, focusing on the top buttons of his shirt as you asked, “What kind of rule is that?” 
“My kind.” He replied. “Now get on the desk. Legs up and spread them so I can see exactly what I have to deal with.” 
You sat up on the desk, feeling just a little coy as you lifted your legs up and placed them on the edge of the desk, spreading your knees as far as they would go so he could look at you down there. 
Bucky scoffed. “See? There’s that red thong.” He pulled his metal hand out of his pocket, placing it on your inner thigh, slowly inching upwards. His cold fingers lazily teased your clit, then slid down to inspect your wet folds. He pulled the thong to the side and mindlessly dragged a metal finger up and down your slit, making you shiver and moan as he touched you. 
You let out a quiet whimper which made him groan. 
You looked down in between your thighs, his hand teasing you like it was the most casual thing. You sheepishly looked up and into his piercing, icy blue eyes that were already staring at you. You couldn’t look away. 
“Which one’s your favourite?” He asked. And it took you a little while to realise that he was referring to the pile of sex toys in the metal box. 
“The, uh… the vibrator.” You answered. Your face got all hot but you refused to seem embarrassed. 
Bucky smirked, pulling his hand away to reach for the vibrator. Light pink wand with a bulbous head. Bucky looked at it, then at you. He looked down at your wet folds and spat before turning the wand on and pressing it right on your clit. His spit helped the toy to move around better as he circled your clit with it, before moving it up and down your slit. 
You couldn’t help but moan and gasp as you felt the familiar pressure forming in between your legs, and you involuntarily bucked your hips against the vibrator, trying desperately to chase your orgasm. Of course Bucky noticed, and he scoffed as he lifted the vibrator off you, denying you your release.
“No,” You whined, closing your eyes and tilting your head back, “Please…” You begged. 
“Look at me,” he said, softly. You looked back at him as his other hand wrapped around your throat. Bucky leaned in enough so that his lips brushed against yours when he spoke. “You will come when I allow it, you hear me? 
You nodded immediately. 
“Good girl.” He said as he placed the vibrator back against your core. You felt the vibrations all over your body, as you stared into his icy blue eyes. He moved the toy around a little more before lifting it off you again, turning it off this time. “You can take your books and go now, this box stays with me.” 
He put the vibrator back safely, shutting the box. 
You closed your legs, hopping off of his desk. “What do you mean it stays with you? You can’t just… just steal my toys!” You frowned at him, pissed. 
Bucky gave you an annoying smirk. “Yes I can. Now whenever you need a toy, you can come ask for it. If I feel like it, I’ll let you have it.” 
You left his office angrily that afternoon. And vowed never to beg for any of the toys in that box. Let him have it. Screw him, right? 
You couldn’t sleep that night. Your fingers didn’t relieve you as much as the vibrator would have. And that’s how you found yourself swallowing your pride and knocking on his office door. The lights were on so you figured he’d still be in there. 
“Come in.” He said and you could already hear the smirk in his voice. 
You opened the door, walked in and shut it behind you. “I need it.” You said, looking at him as he lounged on the couch near his desk. 
“Need what?” He asked, acting oblivious as he placed his drink down and pretended to be confused. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “The vibrator. Please.” 
He leaned back on the couch, with a playful smirk on his face. “Oh I put it in the trash. I put all of them in the trash.” 
You blinked. It took a moment for the anger to surface. You took a step towards the couch. “Do you know what I had to do in order to rob that sex store? I had to fight the guy who was closing up for the day. With a baseball bat! And you know the worst part? He was one of my ex flings!” 
Bucky let out a chuckle. 
“Don’t just sit there and laugh! What am I supposed to do now?” 
He gave you a mischievous look and said, “Come here.” 
You crossed your arms over your chest and stood there in the middle of his office. “No.” 
“Keep being a brat and I will drag you here by your hair if I have to.” He raised an eyebrow at you. “Try me.” And those words had you moving towards him at once. 
You reached the couch where he was sitting and stood in front of him. “Now what?” 
“Get on my lap.” 
You rolled your eyes, refusing to show how his words and tone made you want to drop to your knees and take him in your mouth instead. “You’re such a disgusting, old, pervert who just wants to-,” 
He cut you off by pulling you into his lap and grabbing you by the throat. His metal hand squeezed your throat just enough to make you whimper. “What did I say about you and your smart mouth? Hmm?” Then he scoffed and said, “Right, I forgot you’re into this shit.” He squeezed your throat a little more. “If I reached down there, would I find that you’re completely wet and ready for me?” 
You whimpered again, instinctively grinding on his lap. He chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Look at you,” He murmured. “You won’t need your toys now,” He said, “If you need to come, you ask for my cock. Understood?” 
You nodded immediately. 
He smirked. “Now, will you be a good girl and fuck yourself on daddy’s cock or what?” 
You whined, nodding, “Please…” 
Bucky couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss then. All your whimpering was too much for him to handle and he couldn’t take it anymore. 
You kissed him back, allowing him to almost tear your PJs off of your body. You only pulled away from the kiss to say, “We need a condom. I’m not on birth control.” 
Bucky nodded, reaching to pull a condom out of his pocket. “Remind me about the birth control thing tomorrow.” 
You watched as he undid his trousers and put the condom on. The moment it was on, Bucky pulled you in for a kiss again. He helped you as you lifted up and then slowly lowered yourself down on his hard cock. 
You couldn’t look away as he held your stare. You both gasped and moaned as you finally sank down on him. Your body resisted just a little to fit him inside at first. Bucky felt it too, and an arrogant smirk formed on his face as he grabbed your hips in place and gently thrust his hips up, filling you up.
You moaned out loud as he did. “Fuck, you feel good, little thief.” He whispered. 
Once he was buried deep inside you, you leaned in to kiss him again while lifting your lower body just the slightest, before sliding back down on his cock, you whimpered as he groaned, filling you up and being all snug inside of you. 
“Oh fuck,” He swore again, “You feel so tight around daddy’s cock.” 
The tip of his cock reached places you never knew existed. You whimpered, whining in pleasure as you took a good look at the man beneath you. He oozed power, manspreading on the couch with you on his cock. 
You moved faster then, impaling yourself down on his cock each time. You whimpered shamelessly as you felt him filling you up completely each time, feeling him reach deeper into you with each thrust. His hand slipped between the two of you and found your clit, he rubbed it lazily. Grunting and moaning under his breath as you sped up even more, riding his cock and making him lose his damned mind.
“You have such a perfect little cunt…” He said, “It’s all mine now.” 
You were whimpering and whining yourself as you took more and more of him. But you couldn’t help but tease him, “And here I thought mixing business with pleasure was a bad thing.” 
Bucky playfully slapped your thigh. “I make the rules here. From now on, mixing business with pleasure is a very good idea.” 
You leaned down to kiss him, biting down and tugging at his bottom lip while you sped up, and his cock stretched you out each time he filled you up. “Fuck,” You whined. 
His hand circled around your waist and he pulled your warm body closer to his. He was still very much clothed, except for his cock being out and buried inside you. Meanwhile your PJs were on the floor, leaving you completely naked on his lap. Something about that contrast made it even hotter. 
“Beg.” He said, “I want to hear you beg me to let you come.” 
You bounced on his cock moaning and whining, feeling him stretch you out as you stared into his blue eyes. 
“Please daddy,” You whimpered, “Please, can I come?” 
Bucky held you at your waist and rhythmically thrust his hips up each time to match your movements. “Hold on, just a little,” He panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and gripping your jaw with his hand. “Just a little,” He whispered, “Wait for me.” 
“Please… I can’t,” You didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, and he kept thrusting his hips up into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came, hard, feeling your walls squeezing and clenching around him as you came undone. You panted and leaned forward, pushing your face into his neck to catch your breath. 
Bucky came right after you, his warm load spilling inside of you, filling you up as he wrapped his arms around you and pressed your trembling body closer to him.
“I’m sorry,” You said as you caught your breath. “I’ll wait next time.” 
Bucky laughed. “It’s alright. You were still such a good girl for daddy.” He murmured. 
That night changed everything. 
Ever since, each time you annoyed Bucky he would just fuck you against the nearest surface. Safe to say you began to annoy him even more. 
But he could also be kind sometimes. For instance this one time when he found you in the library: 
You were lounging on a sofa, reading when he walked in silently. 
“Winter’s tale?” He surprised you with both his literary knowledge and presence. 
You peaked at him from behind your book and said, “Leontes is such a cunt. Quite like you sometimes.” 
Bucky ended up fucking you right there on the sofa. And then promised to get you your own bookshelf in the library because he didn’t like the way you stuffed your books among his on the current shelves. It’s messy and immature, he said. Grown ups don’t keep their books like this, he said. 
Bucky could also be so confusing at times. Like how he would always treat you like the thing between the two of you was just a casual fling. But then he would get jealous whenever he saw you getting too close to any one of his guys while you trained with them. 
“I will be overseeing your training from now on. No need to join the guys in the morning.” He said out of nowhere when you joined him for dinner in the dining room one night. 
“Why?” You asked. 
“Because you distract them too much with your shenanigans. Constant flirting, walking around in your little workout outfits, all that needs to stop.” He spoke, avoiding your eyes. 
You smirked. “So we’re gonna be early morning workout buddies from now on?” 
He sighed, “Don’t make me regret this.” 
You chuckled, “Oh you will regret this.” 
He did. But in the best ways. So each morning workout either started or ended with a nice fuck sesh. 
You were at your workstation one morning when Bucky walked in with a serious look on his face. 
You’d just seen him a couple of hours ago for your ‘workout’ so you wondered why he was back. Usually he left you alone for most of the day, only finding his way back to your bed late at night. So this was unusual. 
“What’s going on? Why do you look like you want to murder someone?” You asked as he stood right in front of you with an earpiece in hand. 
“Put this on.” He said. 
You did as he asked. And waited. 
Bucky grabbed his phone, walking to one of the nearest screens and a few taps later, you were looking at the live feed of some kind of body cam. 
“What’s this?” You asked. Just then, you began hearing muffled voices coming from the earpiece. 
Bucky turned to you. “My guys are… retrieving something of mine from a secret location. I need you to guide them.” 
Your eyes widened. “Wait, is this it? Is this the thing you needed me for?” 
Bucky’s face gave away nothing. “Just do as you’re told.” 
You nodded, quickly looking back at the screen. “Who’s leading them?” You asked. 
Someone’s muffled voice replied from the earpiece. “Thor is.” 
You nodded, looking at the screen. “Right. How could I miss those biceps that are bigger than my head?” You said. 
Bucky smacked you on the butt and said, “Focus.” 
“I am, I am. I got this.” 
Anf for the next few minutes, you led the men through whatever maze of a building they were in. You found the location within seconds and managed to have a blueprint of the place. You warned them of the cameras, told them when to move and when not to. You instructed Thor how to pick an ancient looking lock that led them into an even bigger maze. But you did everything right, used the right strategies, the right tricks up your sleeves, and you managed to get the guys out of there safely, with the mystery package they stole. 
Once they were out in the clear and confirmed that they were on their way home, you turned to Bucky and asked, “How did I do?” You waited eagerly for his response. 
Bucky just smirked and said, “Good. You passed the test.” 
Your smile faded fast. “What? What test?” 
Bucky explained, “The guys weren’t actually out stealing shit. I just wanted to see how you would do in a situation like that. And you did great. Congratulations, little thief.” 
He turned to walk away but you called out. “You know, I deserve a nice gift for being so amazing.” 
“Do you now?” He asked, not turning around. 
“Yes, I want a dog!” 
Bucky paused at the door. “No.” He said and left. 
“Please, daddy…” You pouted. 
Oh well, it was worth a try. 
The next morning, you woke up and got ready for yet another day of annoying Bucky. However, when you stepped out of your bedroom door, you noticed something outside your door. 
It was a basket. And inside it slept two puppies, two of the fluffiest little balls of fur you’d ever seen. Once the shock passed, you began tearing up immediately. 
You picked up the basket as slowly as you could and made your way to Bucky’s bedroom. You walked in without knocking. And there he was, standing in the middle of the room, getting ready for the day, buttoning his black shirt, casually looking like a god. Once he saw you, his playful smirk showed itself. 
“So, how do you like-,” He stopped talking the moment the first tear fell down your cheek. His smirk disappeared. “What is it?” He asked. 
You carefully placed the basket down, the puppies inside it sleeping soundly. Then you rushed to Bucky, wrapping your arms around him tightly. 
Bucky hugged you back instantly, though confused concerning your reaction. Out of all things, he didn’t expect this. “Hey, what’s going on?” He asked, softly. 
You sniffled, hiding your face in his chest. “I was thirteen when I ran from my uncle and aunt’s house.” You said, voice muffled. “And they had dogs so I grew up with them. But when I took off to be on my own, I couldn’t have a dog because I could barely take care of myself.” You sniffled again. “And it’s hard being without animals when you grew up around them, you know?” You let more tears wet his shirt. “Thank you,” You said, finally. 
Bucky held you as your shoulders shook with your sobs. He placed a gentle kiss on your temple and whispered, “Oh baby, I’ve got you now.” 
You pulled away to look at him, both of you ignoring the patch of wetness your tears left on his grey shirt. “You got me two puppies.” 
Bucky smiled down at you. “You deserve it.” 
You sniffled, “You’re being nice, what do you want?”
“Nothing,” He rolled his eyes, “Now get out of here.” 
You stayed put. “I can’t. I have to make it even.” 
“Yeah?” Bucky raised an eyebrow at you. “How?” 
You shrugged. “I don’t know, let me suck your-,” 
He cut you off by pulling you closer, a hand wrapped around your throat already. “You are very tempting right now, in your little red dress. And if you don’t want want me to tear it off right this instant, I’d suggest you-,” 
You cut him off this time, “Who said I don’t want you to tear it off?” You asked with a smirk. 
Bucky sighed before pushing you down on his bed. “I’ve got a busy day ahead.” He said, looking down at you as he hovered above you, “But you don’t care about that, do you?” 
You giggled, shaking your head. “Not one bit.” You said, running your hands over his chest and his strong shoulders. 
He smirked, giving in. He leaned in for a brief kiss while he pulled your dress up and placed both his hands on either one of your knees and separated your legs, settling in between them. 
Your heart raced in anticipation. His hand slowly dragged your thin underwear down your legs and threw it around somewhere behind him as he inched his face closer to your already dripping core.
“Such a fucking brat.” He mumbled and brushed his soft lips along your inner thighs, making you giggle and moan quietly under your breath.
“Shut up, admit it. You’re obsessed with me.” You sassed, then moaned out loud when you felt his warm tongue lick from your entrance up to your clit. You felt a familiar rush in your veins. Fuck he was addicting. 
Your hands grabbed fistfuls of his hair, tugging on it as his mouth teased you. His tongue slowly circled around your clit, earning more moans out of you as your back arched off the bed. His bed, you realised. This was the first time you two were fooling around in his room. 
Only now did you realise how it smelt like him. Dark, male, addicting. But most of all, dangerous. Fuck, just his scent made your head all foggy in lust. 
Bucky had you squirming, moaning, a complete mess under him in no time. “I love seeing you like this,” He said, kissing your inner thighs, “Too busy moaning for me to run that smart mouth.” 
You couldn’t answer as your legs trembled around his head, he locked his arms around your thighs and pushed his tongue deeper into you, making you cry out of pleasure. 
“See what I mean?” He chuckled, “I bet you want to say something sassy so bad right now, but you can’t.” He playfully bit you before sucking on your clit. “Daddy’s tongue has you all tongue-tied, huh princess?” 
You cried out. “Please… please daddy,” You whined. 
With a proud smirk, a look of determination in his pretty blue eyes, and a couple more strokes of his tongue, he had you gushing out all over his tongue, lapping up all that you gave him. While you moaned and squirmed on his bed as he sucked on your sensitive clit until you calmed down. 
You kept your eyes shut as you caught your breath, feeling him leave small kisses all over your thighs. 
When you opened your eyes again, his face was right above yours. His devious blue eyes looking down into your wide open ones. You were certain all he saw in your eyes was hunger. For him. 
“I want you,” You whispered, sliding your hands into his hair. “Now.” You demanded. 
“Brat.” He hissed when you tugged on his hair. 
You smiled. “Pretty sure it’s princess.” You teased. 
“A bratty fucking princess then.” He didn’t give you a chance to sass back as he leaned in for a deep kiss, holding himself up with one hand as he quickly undid his trousers. You helped, pulling his cock out and stroking it. Bucky moaned into the kiss as you did, and the sound of it sent shivers down your back. 
You gasped, and whined into the kiss as he carefully slid into you, filling you up entirely, inch by inch. Stretching you out deliciously like he did all the time. Bucky wasted no time, he pulled out and pushed back into you, making you moan into the kiss each time until the makeout turned lazy and messy, filled with gasps and moans. 
You noticed he wasn’t being as ravenous as usual. He was… trying to be gentle with you. 
Indeed he was. Your heart skipped a beat when Bucky laced your fingers together and pinned both your hands above your head as he sped up just a little into you. He was groaning and panting against your lips as he fucked you slowly, and you were unable to focus on anything other than him. 
His hips rolled against your body perfectly, and his body weight pressing down gently on you was comforting. His grip around your hand tightened each time you’d moan his name out loud. 
“That’s it, princess.” He whispered against your open mouth, “Tell me who’s making you feel this good. Who’s fucking you, huh?” 
You kept whimpering his name over and over again as he fucked you nice and slow, kissing his way down your face, from your collar bones to down your chest. And you cried out when he took a nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue.
You opened your eyes as he pulled away to look down at you, his lips soft and pink and parted as he breathed rapidly, fucking into you a bit faster. 
Something shifted in that moment, you weren’t sure what. But something changed. 
His brows furrowed as he tried so hard to hold back and make you come before he did. “Fuck,” He swore. “Come for me.” He smirked and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Come for daddy, princess.” 
You felt the pressure building in between your hips as he sped up even more, his metal hand reached down and grabbed your hip gently, keeping you in place as he sped up into you. Your bodies moved perfectly against each other.
Bucky pushed his face into you and nuzzled your neck as he growled in pleasure. With a few more strokes of his cock, you came undone, moaning and whimpering under him, grinding against him hungrily while he came right after, filling you up again. 
He stayed there, limp on top of you for a brief moment, before he slid off of you and laid down beside you. He caught his breath while you blinked rapidly, trying to calm your racing heart and figure out what the hell just happened. 
Before the awkward silence settled in completely, you got up on shaky legs and fixed your dress. “Well, this has been fun. I gotta go feed my new kids now. See you later.” You grabbed the puppy basket and almost ran out of his bedroom. 
As you shut the door, you heard him laughing to himself. A boyish, carefree laugh that made you smile. 
With your new dogs, training, your lab, more training, days flew by. 
Whatever Bucky had planned, whatever big heist you were supposed to carry out, you knew it was coming soon. 
You often wondered what would happen once you successfully stole whatever he intended for you to steal. You didn’t even know what it was yet. Must be something precious either way, if all this planning went into it. But what after that? Would you no longer work for Bucky then? 
Would this… whatever it was between the two of you that both of you absolutely refused to acknowledge – no matter how much Sam teased you both for it – would it all end? 
You were lost in thoughts of all this when you found yourself mindlessly making your way to Bucky’s office one evening. Your two dogs, loyally in tow. 
You found Bucky in an equally sour mood as you, sulking at his desk with a drink. 
You shut the door behind you, leaving the dogs outside as you made your way to Bucky. He looked up at you and silently patted his lap. You made yourself comfortable on his thighs, an arm around his neck as you leaned in and nuzzled his cheek. His stubble rough against your nose and cheek. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, “What has you looking like an evil god plotting the end of mere mortals who are standing in the way of you dominating the world?” 
He chuckled at that. “You are so annoying you should be grateful at least you’re pretty to look at.” He mumbled, taking a sip of whatever was in his glass. You assumed it was whiskey. 
You couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips. But then you noticed that distant look in his eyes. Unfortunately, you were very good at reading people. You leaned in and kissed his cheek softly. 
“What is it?” 
He let out a sigh. “You never ask me what I’m keeping you around for.” 
You shrugged. “You said you’d tell me when it’d be the right time. I’m just waiting, I guess. You told me about Rogers and his men and how they stole something from you. The details aren’t necessary, whatever it is, I’ll get it back. I promise.” 
Bucky placed his glass down and turned to look at you. His metal arm held you securely on his lap. “It’s my mother’s ring.” He said. “The ring has been in our family for generations. All the men propose to their women with it.” He paused, then added, “I have nothing left of hers. Just the ring.” 
Damn. Well. You would have never guessed that. A family heirloom? Why would Rogers tell his men to steal that? How would he even know to steal that? 
You began to ask just that. “How did-,” 
Bucky answered before you could even finish your question. “Steve, Sam, and I used to be friends. I always thought we’d be friends till the very end. But then Steve went rogue, power got to his head.” 
Shit. No wonder Bucky and Sam were so close, they survived the downfall of a strong trio. 
“I’m sorry.” You murmured, gently stroking his cheek. “I’ve never had close friends like that, I can’t imagine what it must be like to lose them. But I can tell it makes you really upset.” You pointed out. Then you took a deep breath and said, “I’ll get your mom’s ring back. And I will even kick Steve for you if you ask me to.” 
Bucky gave you a faint smile. 
“Just get the ring back.” He said, staring deep into your eyes. “I need it.” 
Oh? The thought of him on one knee, asking someone to marry him was surprisingly uncomfortable. But you pushed all that aside. 
“So when do I go?” 
Another week later, the plan was ready. Bucky’s men were ready. You were ready. 
You had the location, had studied the blueprint very well. You’d be in contact with Bucky the whole time through the earpiece. Steve was rumoured to be out of town. His guards would not be expecting the heist. This was perfect. 
Or so you thought. The moment you got near Steve’s house, a gut feeling told you something was off. And you must’ve mumbled something to yourself because Bucky’s voice came through the earpiece just then. 
“I’ll say it again. The moment you sense something wrong, fall back. Do you hear me?” He used the cold, bossy tone. 
You scoffed and replied, “Yes daddy.” 
A few of the guys chuckled around you. And you could hear Bucky sighing as you giggled to yourself. 
You noticed the guards getting ready to move, the typical security rotation. You looked behind you and whispered to the guys, “We have exactly twelve seconds to make it past the gates. Don’t be too loud, and follow me. If you can’t make it, stay back here and keep watch. Everyone understood?” 
They all nodded silently. 
“Okay… now!” 
Not all of the guys could make it. Some had to stay back because the twelve-second window was too short for everyone to beeline through the gates. 
But the group of you that made it past the gates and into Steve’s house were in for a big surprise. It was a trap, Steve wasn’t home but his people had been waiting for you. 
What was meant to be a clean heist ended up in a crossfire. 
You could hear Bucky barking orders through the earpiece. “Fall back! Now!” 
You almost did… but fuck you were so close. So close. That was when you took the earpiece off and tucked it into the pocket of your cargo pants. He may have been right, but the adrenaline was too much to resist. You’d missed this feeling, this rush of being so close to danger, to being caught… 
So you went for it. 
Walked deeper into the trap. 
You knew where the ring was kept, you had the little box in your hand. You didn’t have time to see what it looked like as you put it away in your pocket, along with the earpiece that Bucky surely was still screaming through. 
And then. The room exploded. 
Then there was nothing. Just ringing in your eyes, and blurry images in front of you. You coughed, gasping for air and all you got were dust in your lungs. 
You faintly remember hands reaching for you, dragging you, trying to get you to walk. But your body did not cooperate. It refused to. 
You don’t know how much time passed. Or where you were. 
You could hear the panic in his voice as you tried your hardest to reorient yourself. Bucky was here? You were lying on the floor somewhere. You couldn’t remember much. 
The heist. The ring. A lot of fighting. An explosion. 
Ah, an explosion that threw you across the room causing you to collide against a concrete wall. 
Your side hurt, badly. Your head throbbed. Your vision was blurry, but at least Bucky was here. He was here, you could hear his rapid footsteps approaching. 
“Baby….” His voice sounded distant. “Baby, open your eyes. Please.” He had never sounded so vulnerable. Due to the way your body moved, you assumed you were in a rapidly moving vehicle. “Look at me,” You felt his hands on your face, “Princess, please…” You couldn’t focus too well on what he was saying, “... sorry, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have… baby, please…” 
Then there was just darkness.
And pain. 
And a headache that refused to go away. 
But you were with Bucky so you gave into the darkness. You knew you were safe now that he was here. 
When you woke up, you realised you were in Bucky’s room. On his bed. The headache was still here, not as bad as before though. 
The room was dimly lit, so you figured it must be well into the evening. The house was quiet, but as you tried to sit up, you heard him. 
“Thought you were gonna sleep for two more days.” 
You couldn’t help the smirk. “I slept for two whole days?” Then you panicked, looking around, “Where are my dogs?” 
“Safe, fed. Sleeping.” Bucky stepped out of the dark corner of the room, but didn’t come any closer. He was quiet for a few moments. Then, “You almost got killed.” He stated, looking like he hadn’t slept in days but no less handsome. 
You scoffed. “As if that’s all it would take to kill me. You know, I once fell from two storeys and survived with just a twisted ankle. I’m amazing like that,” You winked at him. “Besides, I did a good job. I managed to get your precious ring,” You went to pat your pocket, only to realise that you were no longer wearing those cargo pants. 
Of course, he wouldn’t have left you in those same clothes for two days while you recovered. You looked down under the blanket and you were wearing clean clothes. His clothes. Sweatpants and a t-shirt. The t-shirt smelled like him. 
“Looking for this?” He held his hand up and there it was. Prettiest piece of jewellery you’d ever laid eyes on. You could see the big, heavy stone from here. Dark green, black, silver. It looked elegant, and like it was crafted in some fae realm. It was truly unique. 
“You changed me.” You pointed out, looking down at the clean clothes. 
He gave you the same poker face. “What does it matter? I’ve seen you naked more times than I can count.” He said. 
“And you made me wear your clothes.” You gave him a bratty, triumphant look. 
He glared at you. “I’m sure my clothes feel more comfortable than those tight little dresses you wear all the time.” 
You gasped dramatically, “You mean those tight little dresses you fuck me in all the time?” 
That had him walking towards his bed immediately. “Don’t fucking tease me. Not right now, you’re hurt.” 
“Aww,” You teased, “You care about me.” 
Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed, turning to face you. “I guess I do.” He said, reaching out to touch your face carefully. 
You couldn’t look away from him. He was so gorgeous. Even in poorly lit rooms with his face half hidden in shadows, he was the most handsome man you’d ever seen. 
He smirked when he noticed you checking him out, “I know I’m pretty, stop drooling.” 
You scoffed, shoving on the shoulder. The muscular bastard of course didn’t even move an inch. 
“I’m gonna go bring you some food.” He said, taking your hand in his metal one. “You’ve been unconscious for days, you need the energy.” He slid the ring on your ring finger so casually it took you a few moments to realise what he’d just done. 
Only when he got up to walk away did reality hit you. Hard. “Wait, what the fuck?” You held your hand up, “What does this mean?” 
Bucky gave you a shrug, “Get used to it.” 
You blinked, mouth open, your body frozen in shock. “Did you just… are you for real? I thought the plan was to get the ring back so you could display it in your office and admire it like the deranged villain you try so hard to be.” 
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Change of plans.” 
You lowered your eyes, tracing a finger over the big stone on the gothic looking ring. “You can’t marry a thief.” 
Bucky sat back down again, taking your chin between his fingers. “Why not? You stole something very precious the day you broke into my home, and this is your punishment now. A life sentence, if you will.” 
“What did I steal?” 
“My heart.” 
You groaned at his cheesiness, leaning in and hiding your face into the crook of his neck. “You bastard.” 
Bucky chuckled. “I love you too.” 
You were quiet for a moment, breathing in his scent. It grounded you. But then you pulled away and asked, “What about Steve?” 
“I’ll deal with him.” Bucky answered, sounding grave and cold. “He hurt my princess,” He said, pulling you closer so much that you were almost on his lap, “I’m gonna kick his ass.” 
You giggled, “Well technically he hurt your princess because she broke into his house to steal. Honestly, he had every right to hurt your princess.” You argued. 
Bucky smirked, “So you agree? That you’re my princess?” 
You rolled your eyes at him, “Technically I’m your fiancé but I don’t really care about labels so yeah, I’ll be your princess or whatever.” 
He laughed, “Oh you don’t get to be nonchalant about this. I’ll throw a big party, invite the whole city if I want to. And you’re gonna be the centre of attention the whole night, parading around in a pretty dress of my choice, showing off your ring, and telling people how much you’re in love with me.” 
You groaned again. “You are insufferable.” 
“I love you too, princess.” He repeated, kissing your forehead.
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namecantbeblank · 1 year
Okay those who didn't watch Foolish before QSMP I NEED you guys to realize how insane this guy is with building on smps. Genuinely the dragon and castle is just the tip of the iceberg. All of these are in survival, no shulker boxes, no access to the end, no elytra, no mods
Vegetta statue? Child's play! Here's a statue he built:
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Dragon base? Nah, massive SAND/PYRAMID BASE
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Gothic castle? Impressive, but this giant mansion made him lose his sanity LONG before, and now he has chandelier trauma
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Hey, hey, you're still paying attention, right? Because if you don't, you'll miss the insane attention to detail on this entire TOWN he made for his friends
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There are dozens of pictures I couldn't fit into here BUT. New doozers, from an elder watcher, our streamer needs building enrichment so bad that one day he will snap and make something fuckoff massive beyond your wildest dreams. He will go insane. We will go insane. The streams will be 16 hours a day. And it will be BEAUTIFUL
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derfpossessions · 8 months
Rented You Out - Part 5
Denholm and Markus were on their way to their client when they discovered a bodysuit of a man who disappeared a year ago. They decided to keep the suit and see what happened to the man and how he ended up being a lifeless suit in a box from a strange janitor.
“So, what are we gonna do with him?” Markus said.
“I think I should wear him.” Denholm said.
“What?? But.. that wouldn’t make sense.. A suit cannot wear another one! You might risk yourself getting hurt!”
“But I’m not fully a suit! I want to live this man’s life to give it proper closure!” Denholm argued and grabbed the suit’s legs.
“Well.. here goes nothing.” He starts putting on the suit by opening the back zipper. There, the deflated biceps of the guy became chiseled, the veins in his arms bulged out, and the legs became more bolder. As he puts on the mask, his chest started puffing out, and the perfect jawline appeared out of the face.
Sweating, he pants and turns around to Markus, and Markus was in awe.
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“Did it.. did it worked?” Denholm said in a new sexy Vietnamese accent.
“Damn your voice… it’s so baritone and suave!!” Markus’ sex drive was driving him insane.
“Well he is ripped. I’m sure he spent a lot of time building this perfect bod.” Denholm said as he looked at himself in the mirror. His now black hair, brown eyes, piercings and earrings, and tattoos gleamed out.
“Ok then, you do what you gonna do to that body, I’ll just take over your student council duties for today.” Markus said as he left.
“What’s this?” Denholm noticed Markus dropped a bag with panties in it.
“But I thought he was gay…” He added while looking confused.
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Denholm scourged through the guy’s memories to see what his past life had looked like. His name was Vince Long, a Vietnamese-American who was born from a wealthy family, and an alumni from the same high school as him. Vince was a top-tier student with straight-As, and to top it off, he had a hot girlfriend. They were the perfect couple, and the happiest one, until Vince suddenly disappeared.
One night after their 2nd year anniversary, Vince and his girlfriend Aurora left the restaurant at night to head home, when suddenly a white van appeared from the dark and took Vince and Aurora in. To her surprise, Aurora was spared by the men and left alone, she was left scarred and in pain to this day.
As for what happened with Vince next, Denholm couldn’t dig into any more memories, as the load must have stopped once he was turned into a full bodysuit.
“Could Aurora been also spared and left as a half-bodysuit like me?”, Denholm questioned as he looked through the pictures in Vince’s home.
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It’s been a year since Vince’s disappearance , and his flat has been maintained by his family’s staff in honor of him. Denholm puts down his bag on Vince’s bed and looks in the mirror.
“You know what… maybe I should have a little bit of fun first”, Denholm says as he takes off his shirt and starts squeezing Vince’s hardening cock.
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“Oohh… haven’t tried this in a while to be honest..” Denholm whispers as Vince’s sexy deep tones come out of his mouth.
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“Ahh yes.. I’m Vince the engineer.. come here baby.. the fuckboy’s gonna unleash all his cum to you..” Denholm was shocked that even the way he speaks resembled very closely to Vince’s. The months long abandoned bedroom of Vince has been blessed not by holy water, but with his fresh loaded cum that hasn’t been released since 2022. Denholm lies down in bed in satisfaction as he tastes Vince’s long-expired cum.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Denholm got dressed and answered it, and to his surprise, it was Vince’s parents, Mr and Mrs Long waiting for him. They held tight his son while they burst into tears.
“We’ve looked for you everywhere! We miss you so much!” Mrs Long said as she hugged her son.
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The parents took him back to their family mansion where they had a Thanksgiving Prayer with a reading on the Prodigal Son, to celebrate’s Vince’s homecoming.
Then, Denholm filed an official statement regarding Vince’s kidnapping to help solve the people responsible for the his kidnapping and the others as well. A joint investigation took place while Denholm gave the police more details about a “bodysuit factory”.
After the party was over, Denholm went home to Vince’s place, where he saw Aurora.
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“Babe… babe is that you?!?” Aurora started tearing up and ran up to him.
“I missed you so much…” ‘Vince’ said in shock while he hugged his girlfriend.
The two shared a romantic kiss and embraced each other with the reunion. For Denholm it felt like he gave Vince the closure he needed, but he cannot live as Vince forever.
Aurora made the next move. She dragged Vince up the stairs and the two started undressing.
Excited, Aurora undresses herself and undresses Vince’s long sleeve, and his tank top.
He revealed his white Calvin Klein boxers while his cock barks back at her as he starts to get very horny.
“This is… wrong.” Denholm whispered as he started grabbing the sheets. “Babe.. what do you mean? I missed you so much!!” Aurora was biting her lips.
“Your breath… your armpit hairs… your leg hairs… your Amazon rainforest in your cock… every single inch of you I am craving right now.” Aurora was starting up the engine.
“Oh I miss doing this.” Aurora said while she touches Vince’s abs. “Babe.. maybe we should slow down.” Vince tried resisting. “Oh fuck this. give me that!” Aurora ripped his boxers wide and revealed the arching cock that she’s been craving for.
Aurora then starts teasing his manhood until it did a standing ovation. They then started kissing mouth to mouth and rolled on the bed, knocking over the bed sheets.
Vince’s mouth started watering as he grabbed Aurora’s breasts to drink her milkshake. He gave her clitties a blessful kiss, and he started inserting it in. The hole kept declining though, like a debit card refusing to be read by an ATM.
She then licked his ass, with the expired butt hairs electrifying out like that one Nair video.
“Why not repair my ass? Civil engineering? Fuck that.. engineer this pussy.” She started cracking up.
“What the fuck is this woman on?” Vince started to get so scared. She then resisted him pulling away and she bited his pecs. He screamed faintly like a little girl but felt delighted and rubbed her back again.
“You know what…? Let me fold you like a fucking pretzel.” Vince grinned. She screamed out loud as he bent her back and put the funnel into the bottle opening. She screamed and screamed and screamed. They were both suffocating in each other’s saliva, cum and seemingly piss. They were banging the walls and even squeezed themselves in the closet. She was freaking out as he chased him down the halls, both naked.
They Netflix and chilled, he pulled her many times to kiss her, and she rubbed his pubic hairs like petting their Shih Tzu Tracy. It was a very immaculate and blessed moment.
They did various poses! Doggy, cowboy, missionary, and our favorite, 69. They did it and did it until they got sweaty and started panting.
Aurora slurps out Vince’s loaded manhood like she’s slurping out a big bowl of ramen. She giggles as his load explodes out of her face, and she kneels down as he starts inserting his rubbery dick into her rubbery pussy. (Hold on… rubbery pussy..?, We’ll get there later on.)
Vince was making sure the zipper at the back of his neck wasn’t opening out as he exerts extra pressure against Aurora in bed. They both giggle as Aurora licks Vince’s smooth sweaty abs and she starts biting them. Vince screamed out but it didn’t hurt as much as he expected, it felt like he got bit by a dog while wearing a silicone rubber pants.
“Let’s do it again.” Aurora said while running out of breath. They initiated their sacred rituals again and again throughout the whole night. Fuck me ‘til up daylight indeed.
As Vince and Aurora finally covered themselves under the sheets, they both rest and as they cuddle each other, not knowing something behind there was opening up. Let me turn it into a saying, Don’t leave the fridge open at night.
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Both drenched in sweat, Vince goes to the bathroom to get toilet paper to clean up the exploded fluids in his room. But something was wrong. The zipper opened a little bit, and was stuck.
Aurora then discovered this and just stood there as if she knew this whole time that he was a bodysuit.
“Babe.. it’s not what it looks like.. I promise.” Vince was in shock and started shaking.
“I- um.. I no… no..” Aurora was also nervous. she turned around to look away, but then it was another jaw-dropping moment: her zipper was also opened, she thought it wouldn’t get exposed but the bra she had just put on wasn’t enough to conceal it.
“What…?? WHAT?!?” Vince tried grabbing Aurora’s arm but she ran as fast as she could and fled the scene.
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Denholm chased her down to the garage, but the bodysuit was starting to melt as the zipper had been exposed. He tried unzipping himself a few more tries, and managed to get out of Vince’s body.
Denholm now ran to the garage door but Aurora had locked it. Denholm tried breaking in, using everything he had on the house to reach the inside.
Denholm figured out that he could simply open the front garage doors and catch her in the act, so he pushed the button and the front garage lifted upward and he rushed inside, but it wasn’t what he was expecting, never at all expected what it was.
He took a step closer but to his surprise, Markus was there, seemingly apprehending the now-empty Aurora suit.
“Markus what the fuck are you doing here?!??” Denholm freaked out.
“I.. I don’t know! I just found this body snatcher somewhere and I followed her to this home! I didn’t know this was your bodysuit’s home!” Markus said.
“Dang it. FUCKKKKK!!!!!” Denholm let out a very loud scream as he started kicking the nearby objects. He was angry. He was FURIOUS.
“I think this suit is also like you, Denholm. I think she was also spared because she’s not hollow right now, she has a pulse.” Markus said.
“Well we better drive her home safely then. I’ll also take home Vince and keep it in our property.” Denholm said as he started the car to head home.
As he headed out, a nervous grin and a blush came out of Markus.
“I wonder if he’ll ever know…”
(17 Hours earlier…)
Aurora: “Yes, yes that would be 45.99 for the jeans.”
Customer: “Ok, I’m paying by credit. I really love your local boutique!”
Aurora: “Thank for you shopping here! This boutique means a lot to me as me and my late boyfriend invested a lot on it!”
Markus then walks in while wearing a face mask and sunglasses.
Aurora: Hi welcome to Beautiful Botanica Boutique— AHHHHHH!!!
Aurora let out a loud scream and passed out.
Markus: Welcome.. and goodbye bitch.
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Markus laughed maniacally as he lifted Aurora and unzipped her back, which transformed her into a bodysuit.
He then started sliding his legs into her more smaller ones, causing a huge stretch on the suit. Her body also expanded wide as Markus’ masculine torso squished in to fill in the void. Soon once Markus put on the mask, the suit realigned and formed itself: The legs started to shrink into a more feminine physique, and the waist significantly decreased and compressed Markus’ body. It was uncomfortable for him but it was all worth it. His new breasts also grew out to his desire. Markus looks into the store’s mirror.
“Hi welcome to Beautiful Botanica Boutique!” He said in a new feminine high-pitched voice.
“Hey Vince.. hey baby… hey… Denholm.”
She said while she seductively stares into her reflection, and giggled. She packed up her stuff and left to go to Vince’s place.
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zingingdesertrose23 · 5 months
Sweet Dee’s Complete Backstory (1976-2005)
[cw: suicidal ideation, emotional abuse, bullying, body shaming etc..]
Deandra "Dee" Reynolds was born the older twin to Barbara (born Landgraf) and Frank Reynolds in 1976, the latter of which raised illegitimate children not knowing that their biological father was Bruce Mathis, a man his wife was having an affair with. Barbara was 28 years old at the time, and Frank was 33. Frank has claimed that Dennis and Dee would have had a brother, Donnie, had they not eaten him in the womb.
Dee was raised not by her emotionally distant mother, Barbara, or her father, Frank, but rather a "series of Mexican women" who served as nannies. Barbara, who chose Frank under the belief that he was wealthier than her former lover Bruce Mathis, consistently favored Dennis over Dee. Thanks to Frank’s real estate business and shady dealings, the twins had a financially stable childhood.
The neglect from her parents was supplemented by the dubious influence of her maternal grandfather Pop Pop (Heinrich Landgraf), a former SS officer, whose presence in her life introduced her to extreme ideologies and further complicated her moral landscape. Based on his uniform, he was a low ranking gestapo officer. He may have even been an acquaintance of Adolf Hitler. Barbara was certainly raised with a Nazi belief system, a tradition he would go on to continue with his grandchildren Dennis and Deandra. His home was filled with Nazi memorabilia including the German Shepherd painted by Hitler.
In 1981 when the twins were five, Pop Pop attempted to indoctrinate his grandchildren through a Neo-Nazi summer camp. All of this was so normalized within the family that the twins didn’t realize there was anything wrong or off with these things until their 20s.
Dee and Dennis went to Waldron Elementary school. They grew up in the Reynolds house that would later become the “Party Mansion”.
Frank was often away conducting business and Barbara was an absent mother addicted to amphetamines. Despite this, at some points they take trips to the Jersey Shore and the twins build positive memories there together.
Frank and Barbara were incredibly neglectful and verbally abusive to Dee, the “black sheep” of the family. Among other things, Barbara used to always say “Worst is first” because Dee was born first.
Raised primarily by a series of caretakers rather than their own parents, the twins were subjected to cruel psychological games like the Christmas "fake out," where Frank would show off the gifts the children had wanted most for himself, while Dee and Dennis received empty boxes. Frank would make home movies of Dee and her brother opening the empty boxes, laughing at their disappointment.
Such experiences contributed to her complex relationship with reality, where she often downplays or rationalizes the abnormal behaviors witnessed in her family, including those of her brother Dennis. For instance, she dismisses Dennis's violent act of snapping a crow's neck, revealing her struggle to maintain a semblance of normalcy against her better judgment. Later in life Dee still defends and downplays this behavior saying,
“Well, he kind of... snapped the neck, uh, off a crow one time a little bit. But that... but that's not not normal right, you know? (laughs) I mean, it was just like boys being boys. Yeah. That...Look, we had a totally normal childhood, and...Look, Dennis wouldn't hurt a fly. No way.”
To which Frank would say : “Whatever Deandra says is BS. She's probably just covering for him because she's afraid he's gonna snap her neck like that crow.”
While she does tend to minimize what she saw, she began having recurring nightmares about it that would haunt her for life. “I still have nightmares about it…And I'm old.”
Her tendency to put Dennis on a pedestal despite his glaring flaws also highlights her conflicted feelings of loyalty, envy, and shared identity as twins. Dee has always put Dennis on a pedestal, so when he does things that are clearly wrong she has to find ways to compartmentalize and rationalize it to herself. You can also see that Dee tells herself that her childhood was normal, despite all of the traumatic experiences.
Their extended family consisted of at least Pop-Pop, Uncle Max and Aunt Donna (Barbara’s sister) as well as their cousin of similar age Gail “the snail” who they found annoying, so they would frequently bully and throw salt at her.
Dennis:“No one likes salting the snail but she gives you no choice.”
Dee: “She doesn't leave you with any options.”
Barbara was a perfectionist about appearances, which not only made her extremely insecure about her own looks and aging but also incredibly cruel towards Deandra. She constantly told Dee that she “wasn’t pretty enough” for whatever she was trying to accomplish. She would also fat shame her when she was clearly not fat at all. (Also, Barbara later on dies from a botched neck lift after Frank makes one remark about her “turkey neck” after their divorce.) Barbara held herself and her children to impossible beauty standards, and Frank didn’t exactly help; he actually perpetuated it, going so far as to call Dee “a dog” and never calling her pretty. Dee grows to hate and resent her mother, and neither twin attended her funeral later on.
Dee was a successful child beauty pageant winner, winning several shows she entered on her own despite both parents’ constant criticism of her looks and lack of support. (Later in life when she performs for Frank’s Little Beauties Pageant, during her original song “Moms Stink” she throws a photo of Barbara in the trash onstage).
Dennis and Dee were also raised Catholic, frequently attending church and confessing their sins.
By the time she reached middle school in the late 1980s, she had been diagnosed with scoliosis and made to wear a back brace, which became the source of a lot of bullying down the road and earning her the nickname “Aluminum Monster”. Dennis began to fit in with the “cool kids” more than Dee was.
Later on Charlie reads her middle school diary entries from her childhood bedroom in the Reynolds House / Party Mansion and discovers the following snippets from this period..
“Dear Diary, the dance was a total disaster. I cried myself to sleep again last night. Mom forced me to wear the back brace. And all the school chanted "aluminum monster!”
"I'm totally gonna tell Eric how much I like him tonight. Even though Danielle was like all over him today in school. Mother said, "Don't bother. He wants a pretty girl instead. "'
This period marked a turning point for her depression and possibly the beginning of her s**** ideation.
In the early 1990s, the gang entered high school. Dee attended the Academy of Notre Dame an all-girls academy that was affiliated with St. Joseph's Preparatory School, which Dennis Mac and Charlie went to. By 1993 Frank was gone in Vietnam opening a sweatshop. Dee had already established herself as unpopular due to her back brace and horrible self esteem. However, she continued to try to fit in and become a “cool kid”. Having no friends, she hangs out with Ingrid “Fatty Magoo” Nelson, another girl in her class that is frequently bullied.
Other classmates of hers included the Waitress, Maureen Ponderosa, Stacy Corvelli, and Nikki Potnick.
She attended physical therapy twice a week with Matthew Mara, a boy from St. Joseph’s with a huge crush on Dee and whom the gang would tease. Dee found belonging and power in taunting him, making him do all of her math homework as well as embarrassing things (like making him eat horse poop before getting to kiss her then refusing because ‘his breath smelled like shit’) much to Dennis and his friends’ amusement. She would also make fun of Brad Fisher for his acne along with the other students. The gang would also drink and party underage frequently.
During this time Dee found an escape in drama class with Dr. Larry Meyers. He made her feel a sense of self worth when she was performing, as he encouraged her talents and cast her in roles.
Around 1994, the twins graduate high school. Around this time Dee decided to stop going to her church, which may or may not be linked to her newfound passion for the pro-choice movement. She got into University of Pennsylvania and chose Psychology as her major, and was assigned a dorm with a female roommate. Somehow Dee’s insecurity and possibly internalized misogyny created a strange dynamic between them of jealousy, rivalry, and obsession.
By 1997 her back brace was removed. Dee enters into a secret sexual relationship with her professor Dr. Gainer. Her roommate issues escalate as Dee finds her “annoying” and accuses her of copying her and wearing her clothes, which Dennis claims happened the other way around. The conflict came to a head when, as she puts it, she burned her roommate “Down to the box springs whilst she was sleeping” after she “crossed” her.
Dee is sentenced to be institutionalized, and presumably get no support from her parents during this phase. Not only does Barbara see her as even more of a disappointment, Frank probably wouldn’t set foot in another mental hospital even if he wanted to. The family becomes more estranged, and while the twins remain in each others lives, they distance themselves from their parents. [edit: this would actually be mainly after the roller rink era, as the twins were still very involved in with their parents’ expectations at this point]
By 1998 Dee was released with medication and a treatment plan, which probably caused her personality to seem more “sweet” than usual. Mac and Charlie were working at the roller rink where she also had a head injury around this time that went untreated.
At some point Dennis and Dee get involved with gay culture to the point of having an almost encyclopedic knowledge of gay slang. The gang also creates the board game “Chardee Macdennis”, during which in one game the boys emotionally abused Dee for two minutes straight, which led her into a deep depression and she attempted to commit s*** with pills. The guys purchase Paddy’s Pub and hire Dee as their bartender to help her get back on her feet. She manages to get a one bedroom apartment and a cat, as well as taking up acting classes again where she meets her friend Artemis. and that brings us to episode one!
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neinecaticorn · 2 years
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Holographic Mansion
I know this is not exactly holographic but a mix of holo, iridescent and pastel colors but it was the best cc I could find and I really wanted to build something like this since I finished my vaporwave mansion (I plan to rebuild that one in the future).
You can find the Tray files and CC links in the description box of the video.
I'm going back to work soon and I'm not gonna have any free time for weeks so I don't know when I'll be able to upload again but my next build is gonna be a remake of my Kawaii Spring House, so if you like cute builds, make sure to follow my tumblr or my youtube channel!
Thanks to all the amazing cc creators! @nickname-sims4 @sims41ife @sims-kkb @algu-sims @simbishy @arwenkaboom @syboubou @hydrangeachainsaw @aira-cc @slox etc
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Challenger Approaching!
It’s The Wario and Waluigi Hour!
Tonight’s Episode - Hot Off the Oven!
*In the mansions living room, Wario and Waluigi have concocted a conniving con.*
Waluigi: One fifth mushroom, one fifth surf, one fifth turf, one fifth hawaian, and one fifth mega meat lovers. And don’t forget, 30 minutes or it’s free!
Wario: Bwahaha! I love making prank pizza calls. They end up in the wrong place and have to give away their food for free! And there’s no way that pizza guy is gonna be able to get past everyone in the mansion all the way into this room on time!
*Outside of the mansion, a JoJo shaped figure stands. A stack of pizza boxes in one hand, a chefs hat perched on top their head, and a steely glare aimed at the building.*
???: … GYAAAAAGH!!!!!!
Peppino Spaghetti Delivers a Beatdown
*The pizza man dashed into the mansion, going at speeds that would make Sonic the Hedgehog go “Holy Yowza!”*
*Peppino rushes past Sonic, who’s on his morning run, causing the Hedgehog to spin out of control.*
Sonic: Holy Yowza!
*Nobody in the mansion has time to react as the pizza pompin paisano smashes through the building, leveling the place as he crawled into vents and turned corners so fast it left skidmarks on the carpeting.*
*Soon, the man crashed into the living room, the two cheaters screaming in terror before being upercutted into the ceiling.*
Peppino: You-a do not prank call-a Peppino’s Pizza and live!.. That’ll be 199,99.
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Tokyo Manji Collection | 東京卍コレクション
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Want to read along, but don’t have the game? Here’s a link to the event recorded!:
Event Period: 27 of April - 11 of May 2023
Featured cards: Hajime Kokonoi / Seishu Inui
Event box: Hakkai Shiba
Event pass: Takashi Mitsuya
Woah!? Hakkai, don’t go ambushing me in front of my own house!
Haha, my bad. Hey, come hang out with me!
Sorry, but I was just on my way out.
What’s up?
You know that plaza that was built recently? I’m going to take a walk around there.
Ohh. Can I come with you?
Sure, but I’m just going for a first look for a fashion show, so I don’t know if you’ll have any fun.
FASHION SHOW!? Taka-chan, you’re gonna be in a fashion show!?
Yeah. There’s a student show to celebrate the opening of the plaza.
Our handicrafts club is going to be participating.
That’s so cool!
I haven’t finished the designs yet, so I thought I’d take a look at the place so I can get a better idea of what I’m looking for.
I’ll help you out! I can’t make clothes, but I can at least help with giving ideas!!! …I think.
Haha. Then I’m counting on you.
Woooah! What’s with this place? It’s like a retro city!!
Seems like the plaza is a recreation of old streets and buildings. It’s got a nice atmosphere, right?
So where’s the fashion show gonna be held?
See the big mansion over there? Right there.
Wow! That’s cool!
I thought there was a commotion over here. If it isn’t the young master.
Koko and Inupi!? What are you guys doing here?
That’s our line. Are you really having a secret Second Division meeting in place like this?
We ain’t like you guys. We’re here for a good reason.
Huh? You saying we’re beneath you guys?
Nobody’s saying anythin’ like that, so just buzz off.
Let’s just get along with Toman for now.
…I’ve got it!
どうしたんだよタカちゃん・・・あ! もしかしてファッションショーのデザイン思いついたのか?
What’s up, Taka-chan? Did you come up with some designs for the fashion show?
Yeah, thanks to you guys I have an idea. Now all I gotta do is put it to action.
Hell yeah, Taka-chan!
Fashion show?
_ _ _ _ _
Let’s see how it goes.
_ _ _ _ _
Wow… That’s cool. You were able to draw up a design in no time.
Now I have to make patterns based on this, but… I have a favour to ask you three.
3 of us? You’re not lumping us in with this, are you?
Kokonoi, Inui. I need your help too.
For real, Taka-chan?
What do you want us to do?
I want you guys to be models for the fashion show.
Model for a show?
Are you messing with me?
I came up with the design when I saw you three standing next to each other.
I want you guys to wear these clothes in the show.
…That’s ridiculous.
I don’t wanna put any effort in for something I won’t gain from.
See ya. I’m busy with other things.
Hang on! I’ll help you with what you want if you come to the show.
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. What do you say?
Taka-chan, in what case would Koko ever be okay with that sort of…
For real…
Thank you, Kokonoi!
All I’m asking you to do is “stop Inupi”.
Stop Inui?
Then let’s see how you do, Second Division Captain.
You have what it takes to stop Inupi!?
_ _ _ _ _
You’re better than I thought.
Does that mean we passed?
Yeah. If you stop Inupi, I’ll help out with your show.
But, what do you mean by stop Inupi?
The thing is… Every time I tried to talk to him, he won’t listen to me. So now we have to hold him up by force.
Seems like a pretty serious issue. Right, let’s go find him first.
I know he went over to that mansion house over there.
That’s where Taka-chan said the fashion show was gonna take place.
Then let’s stop Inui when we check it out.
Yeah! I’ll help as well.
I’m expecting good things out of you two.
_ _ _ _ _
Let’s see what you can do.
Well, I guess you’ve passed.
That’s good. You’ll be enough to stop Inupi.
You’re not ready for this, are you? Let’s see how serious you are!
_ _ _ _ _
Oohh. This is a pretty sweet mansion. They’re having the fashion show here, aren’t they?
It’s much bigger than I thought it’d be, but it had to be, considering how it looks.
Seems like there's a lotta events going on in here.
Hm? There's even an eating competition.
…There he is. Over there!
Where's he going?
Hurry up and stop him!
Chill out. We won't lose him at this distance.
We've got to hurry…
If you can stop him, I'll convince Inupi to participate in the show as well!
Okay. Don't you forget that promise!
_ _ _ _ _
I’m not going to that fashion show.
_ _ _ _ _
Mitsuya… If you're here for model talk, we've already been through this. Sorry, but I'm in a hurry.
Hold it right there. I'm not letting you go anywhere.
Koko… you still trying to stop me?
Yeah. I'll stop at nothing to stop you. It's for your own good.
That's how it is. You're not going any further.
Why should I be restricted by you guys?
I'm gonna beat all of you up.
_ _ _ _ _
Give it up. You're not match for the strongest combo of the Second Division.
End of the line. Too bad, Inupi.
Koko, you gotta be kidding me. You even resorted to getting others involved.
All this for an eating competition?
You've been going at it for days cause you didn't like losing to me, right? Just call it quits.
I'm not competing with you.
Then why else would you be heading there?
The eating competition… you guys were fighting over something that silly?
Now, now, let's move on! A promise is a promise, so you two are gonna be in the fashion show.
I ain't running away. Don't you worry.
Guess it can't be helped.
But if you dress me up in something weird, I won't forget it 
Haha, how scary.
But don't you worry.
I'm gonna make you the coolest guys in the world!
Next up is Shibuya 2nd Middle School's Handicrafts Club.
Their theme is "retro-modern" to complement the image of this mansion.
Woah… did middle school students really make these? 
This is beyond the skill of just a handicrafts club.
The audience's reaction and the costumes are pretty good. Right, Inupi?
Yeah. It ain't bad.
That's no surprise! Who do you yhink made these clothes. Right, Taka-chan?
It's all thanks to guys for wearing the clothes that I imagined. Thanks a lot.
Eyes on the prize! We're gonna totally win this thing.
Why are you in charge?
If you win, you're gonna split the prize money, aren't ya?
Nah, there's no winning in this.
Well, it doesn't matter. We're the coolest guys here. So let's show them all!
I’m not gonna be in that fashion show.
Don’t get in my way.
Don’t you dare run away like you’ve won this. Come at me!
_ _ _ _ _
You can view all my translations for Tokyo Revengers: Puzzle Revengers & Hypnosis Mic: Alternative Rap Battle in my discord: HERE.
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oh. who are you arsoning?
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Asches gets up, leaving the giant chair for a second, and heading over offscreen. There are sounds of shuffling. Eventually, she returns with a large cardboard box of files. leafing through folders for a moment, before pulling a singular paper from it.
"This guy" She says, showing you a photo of an id on the paper, and tapping it. It's a fushiablood. She looks to be around eight or nine sweeps old. Her name isn't important, but its on there, along with a long series of other identifying factors.
"She's got quite the McMansion out west" She describes. "One of those old castles-it got turned into a hotel, and then back into a mansion. Solid rock except for the newer extensions. Gonna have to back some pop to get through the core of the building. Of course, they kinda fucked themselves when they sort of shodily installed electrically wiring, and air conditioning through the old stone walls. way back decades ago."
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hezuart · 1 year
Sorry if this sounds dumb but doesn't little nightmares 2 happen after little nightmares 1? Like it's not a prequel to the first game right? Six escaped the maw and ended up on land where she them met Mono. I was watching a YouTube video that explained the games timeline.
Six acquired the yellow raincoat at the end of the mobile game after the other girl died. She then went into the water and got picked up by the ferryman and taken to the maw.
So I'm kind of confused lol. It would kind of make sense if Six's hunger was caused by the thin man but only if little nightmares 2 happened before the first game and I don't think it did. It's just as likely that Six's hunger could be a symptom that's unique to her, just like the strange powers Mono has are unique to him. Since all the creepy adults/monsters are unique and have their own individual abilities I think it would be the same for the kids.
Runaway Kid was extremely intelligent and kind of a nome whisperer lol. Mono has weird frequency powers and can travel through tvs. And Six seems to have a very fast metabolism which might allude to other abilities that we haven't seen yet, like maybe she can change her form/size under certain circumstances? We see her playing with the music box when Mono first finds her and then later after being taken by the Thin Man, so I don't think that's a coincidence.
Little Nightmares 2 takes place before 1. It is a prequel.
I don't know if the Mobile game is canon or not. It wasn't made by Tarsier Studios, but it was funded by the same IP owner Bandai Co (who now, unfortunately, holds full rights which is why Tarsier is no longer working with them since they were bought by Embracer and Embracer refused to lose money to continue the LN franchise) That being said, however, just because the raincoat was seen floating in the ocean doesn't mean Six picked it up. I think it was meant to be a heavy visual to imply the girl in the white shorts is Six. The last we see of her is making her way down the mountain to a row boat below. We never see her actually pick up the raincoat. If you want to include the Mobile Game, Six somehow ends up on the The Nest (a mansion in the middle of the ocean) then rows her way presumably to land, where LN2 takes place, and then later is brought back out to sea on the Maw in LN1. The mobile game, official games, and comics have contradictory information in terms of Six's origins or rather, world-building as a whole.
if you look at old & scrapped game files on youtube, (X) and (X) Little Nightmares 2 may not have always been a planned prequel. It shows that Mono was originally going to meet a long-haired Six in an apartment in the city. At some point, she was gonna cut her hair. There's also a scene where Six is sloppily eating something in the apartment fridge, ignoring Mono. We may have even met a shadow Six earlier on. I think its safe to say the writers don't have a full understanding of their own universe, so if you don't understand something, its possible the creators didn't know what they were doing from the start and just sort of made things intentionally vague merely for the horrific mystery of it all? They were even considering adding the barber character, the one hinted to be Seven's old antagonist before the Maw (since his long hair is his style) I think even some of Mono's breathing audio was actually originally used for Seven in the LN1 DLC too (discovered this while I was editing that Channel Change video together) Anyway long story short Little Nightmares 2 is indeed the indicated prequel (even if it wasn't initially planned to be) It is unclear if Very Little Nightmares could be considered canon (Canon to Bandai, unsure if canon to Tarsier) tho canon or not, it doesn't necessarily interfere with the main game storyline regardless so it's pretty harmless as it stands;
As for powers:
I've been thinking about the Raincoat Girl / Five from the mobile game. Not sure what powers she has but I'd be delighted to explore that someday.
I have a BIG headcanon for Seven that I will elaborate on in the near future Mono has everything to do with tvs it seems. He can travel from tv to tv (signal to signal), he can time travel (reverse and fast-forward) he has minor telekinesis that can be transmitted to a larger range depending on electrical current flow throughout the city (?signals?) He has hypnosis (? people are attracted to him if there are no tvs ?) As for Six, we know nothing about her before she split into shadow Six. Shadow Six, or her hunger rather, took her to the Maw. When she reached the Lady and ate her, she inherited the Lady's powers, which appear to be soul-sucking/eating (along with maybe shadow proxies, youth-sucking/nome creation, and shadow teleportation) I have no idea what powers Six could have held prior to her hunger pains. (Some people have theorized that the Lady is much like The Thin Man, where she could potentially be a grown-up Six from another timeline, so Six and her would have always had similar powers in that aspect, but to prove such a theory is outlandishly difficult since we know so little about Six or the looping timelines.)
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kiraixi · 2 years
Christmas Shopping
I decided to post one of the drafts sitting in my docs, I have a few which will probably be edited and pulled together to make a fic hopefully :’))
This is set in California in Billy’s childhood, just wanted to explore somethings as there is so much we don’t know about his past, enjoy~
Holiday shopping is always a difficult thing for their family, winter meant time for giving not taking. His father would always tighten his generosity on them. And worse,
 Mama’s anxiety would crawl up the wall. 
She’d always try to capture the ‘Christmas cheer’ in everything. Overspending on tinsel, trinkets and baubles was her way of shouting to the world everything was okay. He didn’t really see the point; they would all end up crushed or broken anyways, more weapons in Dad’s artillery. 
Neil would lash out more, glass icicles were expensive. And sharp.
A lose-lose situation for everyone.
It all comes to head when she picks up a wreath, chattering about how ‘welcoming’ it would be for relatives that never visit.
His face turns bright red right when she says that. 
A shouting match ensues.
He screams something about money and incompetence and she screams back.
Billy doesn’t stay around for long, normally when they argue not much attention is paid to him. 
He wanders around, pulling himself to the toy section, liking the colours and sounds on display. He doesn’t get many toys, they’re all stuffed in the corner of his room. Easy tidying. 
His dad says he’s a big kid now, doesn't need that baby junk anymore.  
Billy’s content to just stare at the displays. It’s fun to scan over the instructions, imagining himself at home actually building. His favourites are the dollhouses, but they're not for him. They stay out of reach on the upper shelves, the rich kid shelves. 
He risks a peek at them ever so often. 
Mostly Billy just likes the small bits and pieces that come with the houses. He’d dig into the bottom of the toy boxes at school, marvel at the small milk cartons and frying pans half the size of his pinky.
Something about their tininess fascinated him, putting them in the exact spot he wanted was fiddly work, but always left him feeling accomplished.
He breaks away from his daydream, a familiar girl stands at the end of the aisle. 
“Audi, hi!” He smiles at her, a bit strained. If his parents turned the corner right now he’d be in big trouble.
“Are you picking out your Christmas presents?”
“Just looking around..” Not gonna mention that he can’t afford most stuff here..
She walks towards him, “Mummy said she’d buy me that one,”
Pointing at something on the highest shelf, it’s one of those talking teddies. She has to stand on her tippy toes to show which one she wants, it’s kinda funny. He hums in approval, it is a super cool toy. 
“It’s been sitting on my list forever, what are you getting?”
Billy scratches the back of his neck. Should he point at the cars? But the miniature mansion includes a working elevator. 
He points at the house.
“Isn’t that a… girl toy?” She frowns. 
He shrugs, “Nice um.. colours and stuff”
“If only it had more purple…” She hoists the toy off the shelf and turns it around, he looks over her shoulder scanning the label. 
$8.99. Yeah, expensive.
“Audelia darling!” A voice calls out. They both look up
A very pretty lady rounds the corner, dressed in a green skirt and white blouse. It looks like something Mama would point at in a magazine. 
Audi beams at said woman, “Mummy!” She hooks an arm around him, “This is my friend Billy”
The pretty lady – Audi’s mum – gives him a polite smile, “‘I’ve heard from Audelia about you, it’s nice to finally meet.’ She reaches out for a handshake.
Billy’s never met someone so formal, it’s a bit intimidating.
He scavenges his brain for a surname, Audi did mention it before. Something that rhymes with barber. 
He clasps her hand, ‘Thank you Mrs Barbour’ 
She laughs. “It’s Barbeau but you can call me Marie dear,” 
He freezes. 
Mama’s voice. 
They all turn, his parents are standing at the end of the shopping aisle.
Father looks very, very angry.
Audelias’s mum stands up straighter, maybe she can sense the tension oozing out of his dad.
He's looking for a fight.
Mama looks like she’s desperately trying to hold Neil back. She keeps giving him these wide eyed stares, stuck between disbelief and fear. 
Like a deer about to be run over. 
Dad saunters up to them, landing a heavy hand on his shoulder. Billy stays stock still.
Neil smiles, all teeth and snarl. It cracks his lips apart. 
‘Who are these people, son?’
This is the worst possible day ever. 
He looks down, there’s a smudge near his heel from running around during recess. He never wanted to be somewhere else more than now. Maybe if he clicks his heels together three times, he’ll disappear from real life. Just like in the fairytales Mama read. 
 His grits his teeth, ‘A friend’
Neil’s grip tightens, Billy has to work his face really hard to not wince in any way. That would be really embarrassing.
His mum sidesteps Neil, she places her hand on the other side. His shoulders are starting to ache from all weight on it.
She smiles at the other two.”I’m so sorry but we’re in a rush, it was lovely meeting you Mrs…?”
Audelia’s mum folds her hands over, “Dr Barbeau”
Neil interrupts before she can reply, “ – Mrs Barbeau, Goodbye.” 
Audelia just looks completely confused, can't understand the adults' stiffness. Hopefully her mum won’t hate Billy after this. 
His dad gives one last glare in their direction and yanks him towards the exit. 
Looking back he sees Audi waving with a little frown, she’s still holding the dollhouse. 
Neil slams his door on the way in, Billy shrinks into the back seat. 
Mama doesn’t look at him at all.
“What was that?” His father turns in his seat, fully facing him. Yep, this is definitely the worst day possible.
He looks down, avoiding eye contact.
“What have I specifically said about mingling with some types of people?”
He keeps looking at the floor.
“Huh, Billy?”
Mum interjects, “Neil I don’t think he meant – ”
A raised hand in her direction is enough to silence her.
He turns back to the wheel and starts the car. “Don’t forget the lessons I teach you, son.”
The rest of the drive is silent.
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simsfromupthere · 11 months
Tumblr media
do mfs legit do gameplays where they replace Sulami lots/housolds with shit like SPAS AND HOTELS!?!!?!, the only PUBLIC lots i ever replaced in Sulani with a diff builds that slightly served diff purposes were replacing one bar w a restaurant 💀 all other lots i keep the same for the sake of the world's lore it just feels off to change a world and sims that clearly heavily mirrors Polynesian islands with islands of Hawaii being labeled as the main inspirations; regions which have been highly stripped of their riches, hijacked, colonazied, treated like amusement parks for entitled rich people, contributing to land & sea pollution and who's indigenous population have had their cultures diminished, appropriated etc. I KNOW ITS a simulation game blahblahblah, i obv know Sulani doesnt exist dog, but its quite clear that the world and its the sims are heavily inspired/mirror cultural aspects of those Islands and their indigenous people, customs, spiritual believs, folklore, food, garbs etc. like the inclusion of real life roots/drinks/foods like Kava and Taro who are real life staples in many indigenous cultures within the Islands in Hawaii (not only just included within those cultures ofc but in many others as well, esp. Taro i believe), THE FACT that one of the main storylines ur sim follows in Sulani is about POLLUTION within the island with ur sim choosing to positively, neutrally or if ur playing an evil ass sim negatively contribute to the level of pollution which starts to increasingly affect the island's overall environment like can it be MORE OBVIOUS LMAO; but like doing a cartoonishly evil twirly mustache sim type gameplay i would argue is more silly and very different than actually mirrorring exactly what happens within that region in real live and the attempt to erase traditional/cultural elements or hijack them into a "themed" hotels or spas so like seeing people basically being like "u know that awful shit Hawaii people have to experience and esp. experienced during c*vid with influencers FLOCKING to their islands and leaving locals to fall ill to the point of overcrowded hospitals etc etc? hm how about i just do basically the same thing in this game i can be a damn mermaid in and replace all the original sims, do whitewashed "makeovers" that stripe character from them compared to every other world, replace existing lots and hosehold with to mid mega mansions..yeah that sounds pretty cool 😀" like idk if ppl are gonna get gen. upset about my opinion LMAO bc again this is my opinion cant control what ppl choose 2 do w their online game but at the same time is it not boring to have a life simulator where u can be a werewolf, mermaid, vampire, ghost, plantperson or whatever and choose to make it just as boring as real life is? i mean thats basically taking gen. complaints ppl have on EA making shit dull on any world that isnt meant to mirror an american surbuban neighborhood/metropolis and choose to take the few that acc have some different nack and e-gentrify them LMAO like idk dog i havent been able to play this game in some time but even though i rarely play household living esp. in Sulani ive never felt like hm this household with the island elder sims are meant to seek advice esp. spiritual from who wants to pass down generational knowledge to her next of kin would be much cooler if it was a 2 story box with walls made out of jumbo windows 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but thats just me and how i did my gameplay (in past till i get my pc fixed...one day...one day 🙏) but yeah random opinion from useless Casper the Friendly Ghost ovah here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shizuokadivision · 2 years
It was pretty much like running late at this point, either way, that's not gonna stop a certain errand boy from his job. This time, Kohaku was sent out to deliver a package to a certain socialite at Shizuoka, for it is her birthday today. He stops at the front door of her mansion, and rang up the doorbell.
When the doors were opened on him, he greeted "Some guy who claimed to me that he was 'her uncle' told me to deliver these as he got a godson to hold down from... something. Dunno what that meant but here it is!" and then handed a servant a pair of boxes stacked up on each other, they seem to be donuts from some expensive shop.
Before leaving, he was digging for something in the pockets of his black hoodie, "Oh yeah, it's not part of what he sent but here's this!! Tell Aichi-san I greeted her a happy birthday!", finally finding what he was searching for, he placed a small pouch of kohakutou on top of the two boxes, he then left afterwards.
Now, there seemed to be a note on top of one of the boxes, it reads:
"Happy (kind of late i think) Birthday, Reika! If this arrived late that means some prick stole the original cake :( Scratch that, I hope you're enjoying your day! Revenan† ****** here, i ate it"
Reika blinked as she read the note. It had been a very long time since she had heard from Fusao Ise. So it had been a surprise to her when she learned he was entering the D.R.B. Fusao had been one of her mama's clients. However, he had been one of the few to treat her with kindness and respect. She even remembered how he would occasionally give her little treats back then. Shaking her head Reika pushed the memories back. She didn't want to deal with them. Not today at least.
Walking back into the living room Reika immediately noticed how Kanon's eye went straight to the box of sweets in her arms. She knew why Kanon ate sweets like there was no tomorrow. Kanon had been so corpse-like and Reika never wanted to see her friend like that ever again. Placing the boxes on the living room table Reika motioned to Kanon that she could have a few donuts. Sakura picked one up as well even if she wasn't the biggest fan of sugar.
"So who's it from?"
"Someone I'd never thought I hear from again."
"Should I worry?"
"No. I think you might like him. He even has his own mad scientist to reign in"
"How many mad fucking scientists are in this country?"
"Hell if I know but if the rumors are true he thinks Kanon is cute."
"No, I refuse to believe that is real."
"Oh come on I'd think it be nice."
"It'll be real nice when the two of them build a fucking death ray."
"What are you two rambling about?"
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Can't make this shit up
For full context: as someone with a degree in equine science, the horse industry is remarkably small and found in specific locations. Back in the day, I put my information in with a horse-specific staffing agency, just to see what might come of it. In 2021, they headhunted me specifically for a breeding farm manager job in Nevada. The job, on paper, was exactly what I've always dreamed of doing. The pay was good, came with on site housing and housing for our horses, and the facilities were awesome at first glance. We sold our house, packed up our lives and our three horses, and moved across the country. And for a while, it was really good. The horses were cool on the whole, the people I worked with were very nice and supportive, and I was getting to do the things I love.
The farm owner is a very rich white woman with nothing to do all day but think about her horses, plan things for her mansion, doomsday prep, and fall deep into conspiracy theories. In the last year, she's gotten significantly worse. I am not talking about political conspiracy theories either. I'm talking "there is a group of people who control the weather, and they are making the climate change in order to starve everyone" and "everything that might have come from big pharma cannot be trusted but this thing I read about on the internet from three other wackadoodles is gonna save everyone's life" and "society is going to collapse soon and the only things that will have any value are shelf-stable foods and gold bars." (I only paraphrased the first two. That third one is nearly verbatim.)
It progressed to:
Lying about vaccinating the horses so that they are protected but she has no idea
Having to defend veterinarian prescribed pain management for a horse with a broken foot because she wanted us to use "all natural" pain management that would not have been anywhere near strong enough and could have resulted in life-threatening complications
Lying about most of the times we had to use antibiotics
Lying about when horses are sick and we had to institute quarantine protocols, just so she won't try to come up with an "all natural" treatment and stop us from doing what the vet said to do
Her pulling the free choice mineral blocks in favor of free choice feeding a mineral supplement that delivers more than the daily recommended amount of selenium in each ounce (so free choice means an adult horse could eat up to 8x the recommended amount of selenium per day. Chronic selenium toxicity causes hair and hoof sloughing. Acute selenium toxicity causes neurological damage and death. And we have babies on the farm who could easily eat enough of the minerals to cause serious harm including death)
Her insisting we treat sick horses by feeding them colloidal silver and developing a protocol to give them regular colloidal silver to "prevent infections" (Colloidal silver is great at topical wound treatment but is toxic to eat, as silver is a heavy metal that the body can't process very well. It can build up and cause organ damage)
Her buying boxes of Borax for everyone to eat because she read that it can prevent rheumatoid arthritis and cancer (Please google if Borax is safe to eat so you can also be horrified that she's literally encouraging us to poison ourselves)
I was already looking to get out during the selenium and colloidal silver situations, but the Borax was very much the final straw. However, we lived on site. Our housing, and the horses' housing, was dependent on my job.
So we did the only thing we could do - we bought a house and moved ourselves and the horses there as fast as possible. I thought I might be able to stick out working there while job hunting, but boy could I not. Because I spoke out against, y'know, poisoning animals and people, I was being shut out of everything except the day to day tasks, not being able to make decisions or even being consulted about anything. Also, because I have always drawn my work-life boundaries very firmly, and my coworkers did not, they kept getting voluntold to do things in their off time - creating resentment. It was obvious that if they could manage to sucker someone else in to replace me, I'd be fired.
So. We're safe. We have a lovely little house. The horses are safe. Nadra is still at training (for now), and the three boys are here with us. But we did have to spend a lot of our savings getting here, and now I am between jobs.
And so I come to you, tumblr, if anyone is listening - I have this little etsy shop where I sell stuff I make: https://littlehorsedesigns.etsy.com
You can find jewelry, decorative horseshoes, and horse halters there right now. Coming soon: dice bags inspired by Critical Role! Other yarn crafts!
It would mean the world to me if you could share this, also if you see something you like and wanted to buy it! Or if you see something you like but want a custom version, let me know!
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I forgor to send u an ask back so. breaks through your window like a brick with a note tied to it. oracle and that fruity looking other guy are gay right. please tell me how they met and also three random facts about oracle bc I love the them. also tell me something about mims & hylte bc there's never too much gay robots. unbreaks through your window by playing the breaking through your window animation in reverse and your window is in one piece again
calling s.tarscream "that fruity looking other guy" is going to keep me pleased for the rest of time. im so amused. ok ok facts time
How did Oracle and Screamer meet?
They met during the war! Screamer was their superior officer at the time, third in line compared to M.egatron and S.oundwave (Megs being first due to being The Leader, and Sounds being the head spymaster), but Screamer wouldn't remember it or them at ALL because they looked SO DIFFERENT during the war. Like, not even a proper face, just a box with a pinprick for an eye (for any tf fans reading this, they were empurata'd before the war). They met again in the political field, Oracle returning to Senatorship while Screamer had managed to land the presidency. It was all purely professional at first, of course, but...
Three random Oracle facts
Oracle is from Vos, which means they're stupid rich. Like, stupid stupid rich. Hylte lives in a McMansion due to the gang needing both a semi-remote safehouse and a place to drop funds, Oracle lives in an Actual Mansion because...it's kind of what's expected of them. Like, what else are they gonna live in. Nobody builds apartments in Vos, or simple one floor one bed one bath houses. Which is something they'd vastly prefer, but, whatever.
Being stupidly fucking rich, they're bad at money. Like, wicked bad. They will drop a million shanix on a gacha game because they want a specific character. Without batting an optic. Because it literally doesn't fucking matter to them. They can hire accountants to sort the books, they have three bank accounts for specific kinds of impulse purchases, they don't need to care.
They're actually rather old. They vividly remember when Functionism started to rise, and they remember the exact steps they took and still take to hide their 'useless' altmode. Despite their 'Con sympathies and agreement with the original ideology, they half-picked up mnemosurgery to be able to get any enforcers off their back. These days, they prefer cortical psychic patches.
Something about Mims & Hylte
At some point, later in their relationship, they open up the marriage/romantic part of it to include a friend's oc :3 her name is Cinderstorm and she is so pretty and suave and smart and . bursts into tears. Cinder and Mims were always on good terms after Hylte introduced them, despite Cinder being a former 'Con, but the possibility of joining the relationship wasn't considered until she accidentally knocked them both up.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
He says that there are grandfather not grandpa I agree too is there Stephanie says this is top of the line stuff. In the thrift shop we think it's the max insulting people and they are. But really a lot of these things are very cool and they don't come up with stuff like this mac daddy did a few but really they say it's them having it done and this kid does a lot of stuff because he wants to and we could be in actual trouble but let's face it these people were very wealthy they had a huge network down below and the max were not winning and we're hiding and for good reason. And they did not do massively well until recently when the clans left and we don't know what they're doing and they could kick our **** or they could be covered because they were right on them and we see what happens to people but yeah this is some **** **** stuff OK it's in the thrift shop and everything goes down to the bottom or what appears to be the bottom the in our area but what's for sale is ridiculous. There's boxes that are thousands of years old and they look like they're only 20 or 30 or 50 years old and they're made out of Entwood and it's it's illegal to have it as illegal to have it's not made out of people but you don't understand that these things are all heirlooms and hallmarks and just massively important he came up with all sorts of things designs and they are incredible things and some of them are in there I went in and I said I know what this is and this I started looking I said This is the real thing and I bought a whole bunch of stuff and I'm happy with it and I tell you what I'm cleaning it up and I'm storing it right and I might even display a lot of it in a mansion or two of mine. And put it in a case that's indestructible it's a good suggestion that way I can get away with it. It's hard to take. I like what he's saying what he's saying is we're all gonna kind of be building it and we're all gonna build our own we don't get along at all that will each have a part and that part will be sent to a warehouse and we'll be running the warehouse and it's how dumb it is and we have to get these cars out there because the Max will go after them because he's gonna redesign it and it's gonna be close to what the real thing is and whether or not it is they don't care they go after our vader cars like the plague and we're using them and they work this will be a West Coast car and the West Coast is not as easy as you think we think it works though and you look at the videos and there's some odd people and if you blink you miss it we think there's a car in the background in in Tommy FA video and it looks wicked. Let's get together and try and figure out what to do and he says that the design you might have to try and get to someone it's going to be different he says and we do understand that is it take too long it takes him a year and a half wasn't very. And this is awkward but weird and strange but terrific. It will be their design they're going to hand us a design and they never do that but it's really from him so we have to try and figure out if it's from others he knows maybe even Ken
the todd
You see what those triggers and we know how it is you feel they go to New Hampshire first no they put in New Hampshire later because he's not possessed like that until later and much later. Not trying to say that'll happen that way they're not saying that'll happen that way and nothing else or it's just what it logic says about the movie and the max might make it happen that way because of it this is an awesome time an awesome video this is helpful and we're going to look at the other one and we're going to get this going and we do know how to handle design off it'll be like ripped off
There are rumors that the design was found at the cia and it's because they took it from will and bill and they got an image and they scanned that's a different story.
Frank Castle hard castle
 Actually happened it's actually the story
Duke Nukem blockbuster
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