#gonna miss this show so bad
sleepy-writes-stuff · 11 months
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Other ideas relating to the prompt
To Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Jason stayed dead for about six months before he was resurrected. That left his spirit plenty of time to fully manifest in the ghost zone, but time flows a little weird in the Infinite Realms so it feels like he's been dead a lot longer.
Regardless, six months is enough time for him to make plenty of friends and enemies alike. Enough to fall head over heals for the white-haired boy named Danny who just so happens to also be his king. Enough time for Jason and Danny to finally confess their feelings for each other and form a relationship. Enough time for them to grow to adore each other down to their very cores. Enough time for Jason to become the King's consort and earn the title of Prince of the Infinite Realms.
Not enough time, however, when Jason's spirit is unwillingly dragged back to the broken husk of his body buried in a coffin six feet under. Not enough time when the sheer amount of trauma his body and mind suffered causes his memories of the afterlife to sift out like grains of sand through a colander, mindless in his continued existence and search for a man named Bruce that he only half recalls.
Not enough time for when his body is stolen and dunked into the foulist pools of ectoplasm to ever surface in the living world and he comes back with unbridled rage he only half understands. Where is he? Where was he? Why does green flood his vision? Something is missing but why can't he remember? He shouldn't be here. Why was he here?? (1)
Jason tries to navigate his way through the world he'd previously left behind and discovers what happened after his death. The Joker was still alive. Another child was running around in a traffic light costume in the dead of night. Bruce had replaced him, seeming to forget he ever existed and the consequences of training a child to be a vigilante. That just won't do. He cries. He rages. He plans.
Meanwhile, the King of the Infinite Realms is apocalyptic over the fact that his lover was ripped from his arms, their kingdom, their home. He can sense Jason's torment like echoes in a cave. Can sense when his body enters the fringes of his territory when dunked into the toxic Lazarus waters created by the previous king. How dare they taint his lover's spirit with such filth?! Danny's core rears its head, chanting, growling to protect his soulmate.
Danny is beyond unhappy and he's about to make it everyone's problem.
(1) Jason forgets everything he experienced in the afterlife with Danny and is even more confused than he previously would have been when resurrected. Memories only come back to him in bits and pieces when he comes into contact with beings of the supernatural and Danny himself or possibly when he sleeps.
(*) I believe an interesting way to show the events and progression for this prompt would be to switch back and forth between the current events of Under the Red Hood/Phantom's anger and the days they spent together in the Infinite Realms before they were literally torn away from each other. Either as standalone info or through the dreams Jason has as he sleeps but doesn't remember when he wakes.
The events of Under the Red Hood still happen, there's just the question of where he even was for the six months that he was dead added into the equation. Dead on Main tossed in there for flair, because why not? Been seeing a lot of "Jason becomes Danny's Fright Knight" fics, but I wanna see one where they're literally just a royal couple who rule the Infinite Realms with a just and fair hand.
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gay-strawberry · 2 months
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me watching the first 11 episodes: 😐
me when bunnies: omg bunnies !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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riumeri · 1 year
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thank you for the laughs, the thrills, the life lessons, and the journey!
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idk-bruh-20 · 9 months
Irondad fic ideas #159
Fic set in a universe where they never reversed the snap. The world has been grieving for 8 years.
Suddenly, one of the snapped reappears, but it is not Peter Parker. It's someone else (maybe Strange, Wanda, Bucky...)
There's debate about what to do. The returned person doesn't seem to remember much, although it's possible they remember more than they're letting on. Should the remaining Avengers study them, interrogate them, let them live out a peaceful life and forget about everyone else?
The debate gets way more intense when Tony Stark finds out what's going on. They've tried to keep it from him, knowing how he'd react, and he definitely lives up to expectations.
Of course they need to find out everything this person knows. They need to bring their missing people back. They need to bring back his son.
How hard will Tony push to find out the truth? to bring his kid home?
At some point, the person admits that they were lying about their memories. They're here because they fell through a portal. They're from another universe.
Except... they genuinely didn't know Tony had a son? They've never heard of anyone called Peter Parker. And yes, their universe does have a Spider-Man. Their universe even has a May Parker -- she died recently, btw. And it was Spider-Man's fault.
This awful news, and the horror story Tony infers from it, makes him even more determined to rescue his kid. Once they learn how to reverse the snap, he's going to make sure he lives to protect Peter from bullshit like what this other Peter Parker had to go through.
Still, he's heartbroken for the version of his kid in this other universe. Before sending the universe hopper back to where they belong, he tells them all about Peter and asks them to find him, to keep him safe. He may or may not send some tech with videos for all of their memory-zapped loved ones too.
This fic idea was inspired by this fic by @asyouleft!
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simp-legend · 2 months
Currently crying cause I can't accept that THIS Wednesday is the last Bad Batch episode ever! I'm gonna miss the show so much. And don't even get me started about how tonight is going to be our last Bad Batch eve! 😭😭
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aru-art · 1 year
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cried so hard @ the finale i felt dehydrated
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tsams-confessions · 1 month
Feel a bit dumb doing this but I need to say this
What is the point of bringing back a villain if they are just going to die all over again!? We got some many more people to be the main villain!!!! It's a bit frustrating to see eclipse come back over and over again!!!! Ruin was an the villain don't get me wrong! Bloodmoon too! So was kc! And solar flare! But eclipse lost his charm after he came back again! IT'S ANNOYING!!! Like I love eclipse ok he's a good character but he needs to stay dead for once! He's a good villain but after coming back that charm fades and it's just personally annoying!!
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healyh8ter · 6 months
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pisshandkerchief · 8 months
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I'll probably have more photos later but for now everyone look at this shot someone got of me during Rose Tint My World. just look at it. Holy shit
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ghost-bard · 8 months
Can i say something guys.
Even if red team isn’t actually cursed theyre cursed in spirit LMAO
Like i enjoyed watching actually try and like doing their espionage type stuff but like. They just were so unfortunate w the timing of the other teams deciding to get them 😭 like it was just plain demoralizing to watch them try as much as they could while still doing what they wanted only to get knocked down like constantly
I am really curious tho what was red team like from other povs cuz i p much stuck to slimes stream lmao
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fishyartist · 3 months
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So mad about me just realizing the color pallet despite being in Sonic mode for the past like week
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quietwingsinthesky · 22 days
my self-insert ass would get killed if allowed within five feet of any angel though because im not a winchester and i cant keep my fucking mouth shut
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3416 · 1 year
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like... what do you even mean you absolute BUFFOON
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anonymusbosch · 1 month
sometimes i feel like extending the kindness you can, when you can, is the only thing there is
#two days ago on the train home from work there was a woman next to me with three very young kids.#she was trying to keep them in the seats#exasperated and tired and yelling.#trying to make a phone call as the kids swung on the handrails and did cartwheels in the train car#i wasn't trying to listen to the call but caught that somebody had died in a station.#I tried to mind my business for a few minutes;#the kids bounced around as their mom tried to wrestle them down and took a swig from a bottle of vodka in their wagon.#when there was a break in her phone call i said “this is none of my business but if you want me to keep the kids busy I can try to help.”#and she said “you're not gonna be able to. they're being real bad. but you can try.”#so I took some post-its out of my backpack and folded them tiny paper cranes#(I tried showing them how to fold cranes but they were far too young for fine motor skills.)#I stuck post-its to the seats and gave them my pens so they could scribble and draw.#I told them I'd draw them anything they wanted if they sat in the seats while I drew.#I challenged them to a breath-holding contest.#When one started showing me that he could do cartwheels in the car aisle I asked him to come sit down and I could draw him doing a flip.#All in all I think they ended up more or less in the vicinity of the seats almost all of the time and having some kind of fun -#I almost missed my stop. I gathered my pens and pencils back from the kids and picked up the post-it confetti from the floor#and when I was putting my helmet on and grabbing my bike the kids waved goodbyeand the mom looked grateful#and told the kids to all say goodbyelike clearly they were in rough times#like clearly they were in rough times#money. health. holding on#there is so much I can't give#but I can give twenty-five minutes
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supremeprince-bensolo · 2 months
thougets on bad batch finale? i am upset that dathan didnt appered in cameo
I'm actually glad there were no cameos. The finale was all about the Bad Batch and wrapping up their story and wasn't overshadowed by anything else like some other shows.
I really enjoyed the finale! I thought it was a great send off for these characters. Freeing the kids from Tantiss and the Zillo Beast attack was thrilling. The stand off with Hemlock was intense. Nala Se's sacrifice. And it definitely put to rest anyone thinking Omega is connected to Palpatine/Snoke/Rey or whoever else, haha.
And they all got a happy ending!! I was so worried someone was going to die. Crosshair was my main concern as redemption usually ends in death in SW but I am so glad he got to live! They all got to live long and happy lives on Pabu!
The flash forward with older Omega and Hunter was everything. I couldn't stop crying. She's going off to fight in the rebellion which is just the perfect culmination of her journey 🥹
It's been a great ride over these 3 seasons and I'm happy with the ending.
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simp-legend · 2 months
Me before watching the bad batch finale:
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Me after watching the Bad Batch finale:
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