#good god they let me ramble in the tags. anyways SUPER excited for the lot. like generally the total of masquerade + gingerbread + fizzy
volfoss · 2 years
i think everyone should clap and cheer for sherbet literally the yuckiest pony i have in my collection
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chickenfics · 1 year
the way I love the ocean
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Relationship: Robin Buckley x Female!Reader
Summary: It was the summer of ‘87. Nothing in your life had prepared you for Robin, but somehow everything had begun falling into place. It all started with a movie and a pair of ocean-blue eyes, and suddenly you were dancing to a Jukebox in a long-closed diner, or racing down the length of a pier, swimming in the moon-dipped lake and walking her home down yellow-lit streets, talking about the way The Smiths sound like indigo and the best time of the summer is when the fireflies start to come out.
It was the summer of ‘87, and you were falling in love.
Word Count: 8.1k
A/N: She/her pronouns used for reader, and she is described as being able to ride a bike but no other descriptions are given. Y/N used sparingly.  
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future chapters!  
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Chapter 2: Crickets
The evening air was cool -- thank god; the last thing you needed was to show up at Family Video a sweaty mess. You took your time, and the physical activity helped calm your anxiety as you watched the townhouses pass by in a line. The sky was lit in an orange glow, colored like someone had spilled paint across the horizon. Light from the setting sun bled through the patches of clouds, and the air smelled alive. Crickets set the backdrop, whirring loudly. You smiled. 
By the time you reached Family Video, you had a good feeling about tonight. You were still nervous as all hell, but it was a good kind of nervous. An excitement. 
The parking lot was empty save for one car, presumably Steve’s. You pedaled up to the side of the store, leaning your bike against the stone wall and hoping that no one would steal it while you were gone. Instinctively, you straightened your clothes, hands running over your body as you tried to make yourself look as presentable as possible. You wiped a bit of dampness from your forehead and then took a deep breath, holding it for three seconds before letting it out into the darkening evening air. 
You could do this. It was just hanging out with some friends. People did that all the time. It didn’t matter that you hardly knew anyone. People did that all the time, too; it was practically what school was. And anyway, relationships had to start somewhere, right? When you caught sight of Robin through the window, leaning over the front counter, her hair falling in a feathery sheet across her face, you knew that a little bit of anxiety would absolutely be worth it if it meant a chance with her. 
Suddenly you were aware of how tight your chest felt. Of the way you were standing, the sound of your breathing. Of how incompetent you were with small talk. God, what if there was small talk? Then Robin looked up and you were met with those damn blue eyes, clear as the ocean under a bright sun, and you thought your heart might actually burst apart into a hundred butterflies and flutter right out of your mouth. She smiled when she saw you, excitement brightening her cheeks as she gave an eager wave. You suspected then and there that your face would be hurting by the end of the night from all this smiling.
You gingerly opened the door. 
“Hi! Hey, you’re right on time! Uh, come on in. Not everyone gets to see FV after hours, haha. At least we’re not haunted, or anything -- just, you know, dusty shelves and weird smells. The floor’s also kind of sticky because of the, like, super cheap soap that we use to mop. Steve and I keep trying to convince Keith to change it but he’s set in his ways. He’s our manager, by the way, but he….” she trailed off, growing a little small despite her height. “Sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“It’s okay,” you quickly offered. “Keith sounds like kind of a pain. Soap isn’t really supposed to make things sticky, is it?” you grimaced, chuckling when your shoe made a velcro sound as you pulled it off the floor. 
Robin’s brow furrowed in disgust and perhaps a little embarrassment. 
“Ew, yeah. That’s, like, really gnarly.”
“Hey!” A voice interrupted as who you assumed was Steve sauntered out of the back room, pulling his Family Video vest off to reveal a polo shirt underneath. “Long time no see. So, are you gonna be like a frequent customer, or what?” 
He flashed you a grin, then stuck his hand out. You took it, letting him shake your hand with unexpected softness, considering his flamboyant, slightly loud entrance. 
“Steve Harrington, at your service. I’m this dipshit's chauffeur.”
“Ignore him,” Robin waved, nearly smacking Steve in the face as she stepped in front of him. You were pretty sure you were still smiling like an idiot. You were also pretty sure you weren’t going to be stopping anytime soon. 
“Anyway,” Steve continued, leaning around Robin to peek at you. “We’re just waiting for another friend to show up and then we’ll get this show on the road.”
“Sounds good,” you managed, smiling between the two of them. Your eyes flickered back to Robin when you noticed the girl staring at you. Her cheeks darkened to a deeper shade of pink. 
“Uh, I’m just gonna go back and… get ready,” she grabbed at her Family Video vest. “I’ll… be right back.” Holding up her pointer fingers, she waved them once as she backed towards the employee room, then spun on her heels and disappeared. 
That left you and… Steve. He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. You picked at your sleeve and awkwardly crossed your ankles, suddenly not sure how to stand in a way that would be considered normal. 
You’d heard about Steve Harrington back in high school. Everyone had, and though you’d never met him, being a year behind, you knew vaguely of him thanks to all the rumors. Well… you knew vaguely of someone; the man standing in front of you didn’t seem much like the King Steve everyone talked about, and, though you’d only just actually met him, you got the idea that a lot had changed since high school. 
“She can come off as kind of weird sometimes, Robin,” he suddenly spoke up, jerking his head towards the back room. “But she’s great once you get to know her.”
You looked over at him, at the way his face was distantly fond, and you smiled. 
“She seems great,” you breathlessly agreed, trying not to be too fucking obvious. “And I don’t think she’s that weird. I mean… she’s weird, but, like, good weird. Does that make sense?” 
Your nervous laughter quickly became unnecessary when you saw how Steve was looking at you; like he was suddenly eager about something. Like he was pleasantly surprised. 
“Yeah. No, it makes a lot of sense,” he nodded. 
You had just been floundering for the next available small talk topic, cursing your inability to behave like a functioning member of society, when Robin reappeared, her flannel revealed over a loose t-shirt now that the vest was gone, fluffing her hair with one hand and tucking the front of her shirt in with the other. 
She looked a little frazzled, and Steve turned back around to raise his eyebrows knowingly before grimacing at her. 
“You ready or what?”
“Hey, don’t give me that look. Eddie’s not even here yet, so it’s not my fault we’re running late--”
As if on cue, the roar of an engine echoed through the parking lot. A pair of headlights blinded the three of you before a sketchy-looking van came to a screeching halt next to Steve’s car. You weren’t sure if you hoped that was Eddie or wasn’t. 
“Finally,” Robin rolled her eyes. “I swear, that’s the last time we invite him to anything without at least a week's notice.”
“He said he was having a thing with the kids -- that dragon game or, whatever,” Steve lamely argued, shrugging. “Probably just ran late.”
“Well, in that case, we’re lucky he’s not, like, three days late.”
Steve’s lips curled into a reluctant smirk -- which morphed into an outright smile as a curly-haired, leather-clad man barreled his way through the door. 
“Sorry I’m late. Dustin’s a butthead.”
“Tell us something we don’t know,” Steve shot back. You were confused. 
Thankfully -- or, maybe not thankfully, considering your brain almost left the building -- Robin lightly grabbed your arm and smiled encouragingly at you. 
“This is Eddie. Eddie, this is Y/N…” 
You managed to pull yourself out of the depths of Robin’s eyes and look over at the man, who flashed you a smile and a dramatic bow. 
“Pleasure to meet you.”
“Yeah, you too,” you replied, smile widening at the way Steve rolled his eyes at Eddie’s theatrics. Though, you thought maybe you saw a hint of a blush. What were the chances that you’d been so worried about Robin when actually all three of them were… 
You mentally scoffed, immediately telling yourself that there was no way in hell you’d ever be that lucky. It just wasn’t possible.
“Alright,” Steve clapped. “You bozos ready? Oh, and… you,” he shyly added, seeming to remember that it wasn’t just him and his friends anymore.
“Steve!” Robin smacked his arm. “Have I told you to ignore him? Seriously, ignore him.”
“It’s okay,” you laughed. “I assumed I was included in the bozos, anyway.”
“I like her,” Eddie grinned at Robin, leaning his shoulder into yours.
You tried not to completely lose your cool. Had making friends always been this easy? How was it that you’d struggled all these years when over the span of a week and a few minutes you’d somehow met three new people that accepted you into their little group without a second thought? And somehow it had just…. worked.
You were still trying to figure it out as the four of you piled into Steve’s BMW. He and Eddie took the front and you and Robin climbed into the back. You breathed a shaky sigh of relief, glad that you’d get to spend the whole ride next to her. The drive-in was on the edge of town, so it would be a bit of a scenic route. Any worries you’d initially had that the ride would be awkward were immediately forgotten. 
Steve was insistent that they were going to miss half the movie -- the name of which you still didn’t even know -- and Robin had to keep telling him that it started at eight-fifteen so they had plenty of time. Eddie turned around in the passenger seat to tell you that they were “always like this,” and Robin groaned while Steve began protesting loudly and very defensively. 
All you could do was laugh so hard you were now one hundred percent certain you’d have the worst headache of your life by the end of the night. It didn’t matter -- you were having too much fun to even care. If Robin wasn’t bickering with Steve, she was smiling at you; little sideways smiles that made you feel like you were a part of the conversation even though you weren’t. Smiles that said “I’m glad you’re here” even though the two of you didn’t get much of a chance to talk directly to one another. 
Up front, Eddie made a comment about how Steve’s music was “killing him slowly,” and suddenly pulled a tape out of his pocket. 
“Woah, what the-- where the hell did that come from?” 
“Just be glad I have it, Harrington. Might be able to save this fuckin’ trip after all.”
“Alright, just-- not too loud, okay? We don’t want to scare the new girl off.”
“I don’t mind,” you butted it, smiling as Eddie whipped around to give you a gesture of thanks and then flip the bird at Steve. 
“Not everyone’s as high maintenance as you, Stevie,” he insisted, and going by the look on Steve’s face, Eddie was lucky the man was currently preoccupied with driving. 
“Hey,” Robin’s voice, low and melodic, pulled you back into the backseat. “How, uh… how are you doing? I hope this isn’t, like, totally weird or overwhelming or anything.”
“No,” you jumped to offer -- and actually scooted across the seat a little, that way your voices could stay low as Eddie’s music began to blare. “I’m good. This is fun. I don’t really have a whole lot of friends -- and definitely not friends like this, so… yeah.”
“Cool,” Robin breathed. “I mean! Not cool that you don’t have any friends, but, like, cool that we’re not super scary or off-putting.”
“I mean,” you scrunched your nose; Robin’s eyes seemed clearer in the dim light of the car. You wondered how that was possible. “Steve’s music taste is kind of off-putting.”
“Hey, I heard that,” his eyes turned from you to Robin in the rearview. “What, did you recruit her to bully me like the rest of you?”
“Oh, shut up Steve,” Eddie teased.
“Yeah, what happened to not scaring off the new girl? And you say we’re bullies -- you’re being a total bully.”
“After I drive you everywhere, too. Unbelievable.”
“Holy shit!” Robin suddenly rasped, Steve completely forgotten. “That reminds me. The tape! Did you listen to Tango in the Night?”
“Oh my god!” you turned to face her. The two of you had somehow gotten closer. “Yes! I’ve been listening to it, like, all week. It’s so good. Thanks for recommending it,” you shyly added.
“Are you kidding? Of course! I swear, it’s such a great album. God, the whole,” she started bobbing her head, hands gesturing as she hummed out a chorus before softly singing “Mmmn ‘someone with that kind of intensity,’” she laughed at your reaction -- wide-eyed and giddy -- then grew playfully serious again. “‘You touched my hand, I played it cool -- and you reached out your hand to me…’” She held out her hand in a dramatic gesture, and you grabbed it out of excitement, giving it a little shake. 
“Oh my god,” you half-squealed. “It’s so, like… romantic.”
“Right? It totally is!” Robin replied, reaching forward to grab your knee now, seemingly just as excited as you were. “And the whole, ‘if I live to see the Seven Wonders--’ and her saying that she’ll never see something so beautiful ever again.”
“Ugh,” you groaned, leaning back with an awed smile. “Literally amazing.”
“Literally amazing,” Robin repeated. “Okay, I’ve got to know what you think of ‘When I see you again…’”
By the time you reached the drive-in, you’d completely forgotten that it was where you’d been going all along. You would have been content to let Steve drive you right out of Hawkins as long as you got to keep talking to Robin. Your anxieties were gone, left somewhere in the taillights, probably curled up between the handlebars of your bike and awaiting your return. But for now, you’d forget that they even existed. How could you not, when Robin was smiling at everything you said, laughing in that way that made her nose wrinkle and lines appear across her skin; saying something funny and totally endearing before immediately apologizing, somehow thinking that you’d find it annoying. Her apologies came like second nature to her, but every time you waved them off they grew a little less frequent until, by the time the BMW pulled through the gates of the drive-in theater, she wasn’t saying it anymore. 
You honestly thought that she just forgot; her brain moving too quickly now, too excitedly, to even think about apologizing. And even though you sometimes had a hard time keeping up with her, she always had those quiet moments of reflection, of sudden shyness, where she would softly ask you what you thought about whatever she’d said, or something about yourself; your favorite color, what other music you liked to listen to, which season you thought was better because she was sure that people who liked summer were crazy but people who liked winter were even crazier. 
Spring, she said. She liked spring. You wanted to tell her how that made sense because her eyes were the color of a breeze and her hair was the color of a fawn, and her freckles reminded you of pebbles in a stream, and streams always looked the most magical in spring. 
You wanted to tell her, but you didn’t know how, so instead all you replied with was, “I like the time of year when the fireflies start coming out.” And she’d looked at you like you just got it. Like you understood exactly what she’d been asking beneath the words she'd actually said. 
Steve bought everybody popcorn and sodas from the concession stand. He didn’t even ask, didn’t mention it, just parked the car and disappeared dragging Eddie behind him, a quick glance at Robin in the rearview that seemed to conceal a tiny conversation within it. When the car doors slammed shut and the two of you were alone, you both sat back against your seats, silence, for the first time, finally settling between you. It was loud after following nearly thirty minutes of constant noise. You tried not to breathe too loud, at the same time thinking about how sweet Robin’s own breathing was. But not sweet in the way a grandma calls someone sweet -- more… sweet like strawberries or root beer floats, or the sound that trees make when everything is really still and quiet and there’s just enough of a breeze to make you feel like the Earth itself is alive. That kind of sweet. The kind that’s found in the dirt, underneath a pile of leaves and roly-polys. The kind of sweet that feeds the worms. 
“Hey, uhm… thank you for coming,” Robin softly started, and if her breathing was sweet, her voice was enough to feed the whole Earth until it bloomed. “I honestly kind of feel like we’ve kidnapped you, this is so crazy.”
“Yeah, of course… I’m really glad that you invited me…” you shifted. It was now or never, and then the night would be over and you’d regret it. “I, uh… I was actually really hoping you’d be the one to call me, a-about the tape. I thought maybe you’d just have Steve do it…”
“Oh,” Robin breathed, then shook her head. “Uh, trust me, he usually would. Getting numbers is usually his thing, haha. He’s always trying to pick up girls. Honestly, it’s kind of insufferable, working with him when he’s all like ‘hello ladies,’” she pulled a face that was fantastically Steve-esque and pointed finger guns.
You laughed, and she watched your reaction through those intense springtime eyes. 
“But,” you smiled. “You called this time?”
You weren’t sure what exactly you were asking, considering you knew she’d called. Maybe you were asking why. Maybe you were trying to figure out what Steve picking up girls had to do with her being the one to call you. Maybe you wanted to know if that meant what you hoped it meant. 
“Yeah,” she whispered, eyes searching your face. “Yeah, I-I did.”
“Alright ladies,” Steve ducked back into the car. “We’ve got two Cokes and two Pepsis. I guess we can fight to the death over them, or something…”
“Don’t call us ladies,” Robin grimaced. “And I call a Coke. Oh,” she turned to you. “Unless, what do you want? If you want Coke, you can have mine. I won’t fight you to the death, or anything,” she laughed nervously, smiling brighter when you laughed, too. 
“I’m fine with either,” you started, not wanting to be a bother, but Steve shook his head. 
“Nope, we don’t do that bullshit here unless you’re under the age of sixteen--”
“Steve has, like, six adopted children,” Robin interjected, her eyes widening adorably as she took a sip of her drink. “Sometimes Eddie and I co-parent.”
“Anyway,” Steve insisted. “You pick. What’ll it be?”
“Uh… I’ll take the other Coke if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Jesus, it’s so nice to be around someone who actually has manners,” the comment was directed toward the other two as he handed a cup and a bag of popcorn back to you with a smile. 
“Thanks,” you instinctively said, then smirked. “You know, it, uh, might have something to do with the whole… six adopted children thing.”
“See, you’d think that -- and it’s true -- but these idiots still have the shittiest manners of anyone I know, and this particular idiot,” he pointed to Eddie, “Got held back like four times. He’s practically thirty at this point and he still can’t say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ to save his goddamn life.”
“Jesus,” Robin groaned around a mouthful of popcorn. “Can you stop complaining for like two whole seconds? You’re ruining the mood.”
“Oh yeah? And what mood is that?”
Robin ignored him and turned to you. 
“We need, like, a curtain or something.”
“How would we watch the movie, then?” you giggled. 
“Honestly, at this point, I don’t even care. Anything to get away from this dingus,” she threw popcorn at the back of his head. 
“Hey! Not in the car, man -- what is wrong with you?”
“So, Y/N, having any regrets yet?” Eddie asked with dry teasing as the previews began to play. Steve jumped to adjust the radio station for the sound. 
“Nope,” you easily replied, glancing at Robin out of the corner of your eye. “No regrets here.”
Her eyebrows raised slightly, eyes locked with yours until music began to blare through the radio. 
“Got it,” Steve announced, and all of you settled in for the movie. 
You still didn’t even know what you were seeing. It didn’t matter, anyway. You weren’t paying attention to what was on the big screen in flashing lights and pixelated graphics -- something about an alien, maybe? You couldn’t focus on much of anything at all the second that Robin scooted close enough for you to feel the heat coming off of her leg. 
Drive-in movies aren’t really meant to be viewed from the back seat of a BMW. Usually, if you’re in the backseat of a BMW during a movie you’re doing something else…
Your face heated at the thought, made worse by the close proximity of the most attractive girl you’d ever seen. In order to see around Steve and Eddie, you and Robin had to slide into the middle seat. Which wouldn’t have hindered your ability to watch the movie if it hadn’t been for Robin’s leg brushing against yours, or the fact that you could practically feel her breathing. The contact, at first, had been an accident -- one that Robin had softly apologized for, to which you could only reply with a hasty shake of your head and thoughts about all the things you wish you could tell her about all the things she was doing to you. But gradually, as flashy fight scenes and dramatic music carried on, Robin began to inch her leg towards yours. 
You watched it from the corner of your eye -- watched as she shifted closer, retreated, then shifted closer again. You watched her fiddle with one of the rings on her hand, then mess with the button on the sleeve of her flannel, buttoning and unbuttoning it until you were sure the string had to snap any moment now. When her leg finally found its way towards yours again, you tried to ignore the way your chest was threatening to burst open and instead did something that probably would have made that feeling worse if you hadn't already gone numb. 
You opened your legs, bumping your knee against hers. It was quick contact -- gone almost as quickly as it had been -- but it was enough to make the whole left side of your body vibrate with warmth. You could almost still feel the lingering warmth of her knee against your own, even through the layers of fabric that had separated skin. 
God, you wondered what her skin felt like. You weren’t sure you’d actually survive finding out. 
You weren’t sure you’d survive when Robin's knee bumped against yours, knocking softly against your thigh a few times before settling there, finally staying. From that single point of contact, your entire essence grew warm with the feeling of her. Right then and there, you knew you wanted more. You wanted to wrap yourself into her flannel. You wanted to get lost in the way she smelled, take that smell with you even after she left. You wanted to lay your cheek against her neck and listen to the sound of her heart in her throat. 
Instead, you managed to adjust in your seat. Your hip barely brushed hers, but this time she looked over at you, hair fanning across her cheek before settling back against her ear. Her eyes were wide, and somehow they were even brighter in the darkness; even bluer. They reminded you of the ocean at night, pale but not dark enough to be called grey; nothing short of a melancholy, silvery blue. A tired blue. 
Your face must have been a reflection of her own because she spent a few seconds searching across it -- flickering between your eyes, trailing down the bridge of your nose… your lips. 
You thought you might actually die when she looked at your lips, gaze quickly flickering back up to meet your eye, perhaps to see what she would find there. You weren’t sure if you were hoping she’d find the truth or something else. But, whatever she found, she smiled gently at it -- that soft smile, the one that reminded you of a warm room, lit dimly; just enough to be safe, but not too much to be glaring. 
You wanted to taste it. You wanted to see how it felt against your own smile.
Your hips stayed touching, and halfway through the movie, Robin shifted again, propping her arm just behind you. Her shoulders were slanting towards yours, and you’d never felt… safer. More secure. Being close to her was like falling asleep slowly when you were tired; it felt good. Natural, like a stretch in the morning. You couldn’t believe that you’d never felt this for another person before. You couldn’t believe that you were even feeling this right now with a girl you’d known for barely a week -- someone you’d only actually talked to twice, including the drive over. 
But nothing about Robin felt strange or unfamiliar. It didn’t feel like you’d known her your whole life, or anything like that; you just had the feeling that you didn’t need to know her to be sure that you already liked her. You also had the feeling that you wanted to know her anyway, because how much more was there to like? 
By the time the credits started to roll, the crook of Robin’s shoulder was pressed firmly against yours. Your faces were barely a foot apart, and though your back hurt from the odd angle you’d just spent the last hour and a half in, you felt like you were floating. It wasn’t until Eddie and Steve began to talk, arguing -- obviously -- about the movie and how it had ended, that the two of you leaned away from each other. In the quiet atmosphere of the movie, with the distracting hum from the radio and the flashing lights draped down onto the car, it had almost felt like you’d been in another world. But now that cars were starting back up, engines revving as people pulled out of the drive-in and through the gate, now that the movie was over and reality had returned, the real world came rushing back; the world in Hawkins, Indiana, where your dad was worried about you seeing boys and Robin touching you like that would probably wind up being a fluke. She’d just been trying to see the movie, anyway. 
But, when you chanced a look over at her, a comment about the movie that you hadn’t been paying attention to on your lips, Robin’s expression shut you right up. She was already watching you, and when she caught you returning her gaze, she arched her eyebrows in an almost knowing look. A wrinkle appeared between her brows, and her mouth was half-open like she wanted to say something, but then Steve was turning around in his seat.
“So, what did you ladies think?”
You opened your own mouth, but nothing came out. Robin’s eyebrows raised an inch further, and then she turned her head towards Steve, dragging her eyes away from you at the last minute. 
“I told you, don’t call us ‘ladies.’ And it was… good.”
  Steve turned sideways to glance at her. 
“You didn’t like it,” he said after a moment.
“No! That’s not what I said, I said it was good.”
“Yeah, which totally means you didn’t like it. What about you? What did you think?”
“Uhm,” you started. “Yeah, it… it was good. I liked it.” Steve looked a confusing mix between slightly exasperated and… smug. Like he’d been right about something. 
“The ending was a little weird,” you continued, and suddenly Eddie was throwing his hands up. 
“Thank you,” he insisted. 
“I’m telling you. I’m surrounded by bozos. And this time I mean you, too,” he pointed at you in the rearview, and you laughed at his almost motherly tone. He smirked, but he wasn’t done yet. “Seriously, you’re officially a part of this shit, now, so you’re fair game.”
“Can you stop harassing my plus one?” Robin insisted, leaning forward to say it as close to his ear as possible. He swatted her away like a mosquito. “I’d like for her to maybe want to keep coming around, and you bullying her isn’t helping, Steve.”
“Wha-- ‘bullying’ -- I’m not bullying anybody.”
“You are being kind of a douche, Stevie,” Eddie sang, eyes wide as he glanced around the car like he was a lawyer in a courtroom. 
“I drive you assholes everywhere!”
“I feel like at this point I might as well get ‘ignore him’ tattooed to my forehead with a big red arrow pointing to Steve,” Robin muttered to you, and your barely stifled giggles nearly exploded when Steve threw a wadded-up popcorn bag directly at her head. 
Robin gasped, feigning annoyance as she launched it back at him a moment before turning to duck towards you and breaking into laughter. Steve turned to Eddie. 
“They’ve only had one date and already they’re teaming up on me.”
Just like that, neither of you were laughing anymore. Steve, on the other hand, realized what he’d just said and was awkwardly trying to laugh it off. 
“I mean, haha, I was just kidding. I didn’t mean, like…” he took one hand off the wheel to rub the back of his head.
“Steve,” Robin hissed, shoving his shoulder before turning around to look apologetically at you, her usually rosy skin red with embarrassment. “I swear, I'm gonna get it tattooed.”
You laughed even though you were panicking because holy shit what if? Because… Robin seemed to be panicking too, so maybe that meant she was wondering the same thing you were. So… you had to say something. 
“I don’t mind. Besides, as far as dates go, this is probably the nicest one I’ve been on since I was in, like, seventh grade.”
You weren’t going to tell them that the ‘date’ you were talking about was when you and Elsie Brown had gone to the candy store in town and then held hands on the soccer field while you talked about what you wanted to be when you grew up. Elise wanted to be a singer. You wanted to go to outer space. Not be an astronaut, just… get away from everything. Space had seemed like a pretty good distance. 
“Oh,” Robin’s voice, raspy and slightly panicked, replied. “Yeah, I mean… same. Dates, haha, they can be, like, super weird, am I right?”
“I guess,” you pulled a face between a smile and a grimace. “Honestly, I haven’t been on many dates since I was in middle school and everyone was, like, married to each other.”
“Oh my god,” she snorted. “They totally were. What the hell was wrong with us all when we were kids?”
“I have no idea,” you laughed. “I guess it seemed reasonable at the time? Like, fifth-grade math was fucking hard, so might as well get married to fucking Brett Weaver underneath the bleachers because your parents would probably approve of him, if he’d, like, stop picking his nose.”
Robin burst out laughing, a fluttery, velvety sound, and you immediately loved it with everything inside you. You didn’t want to ever stop hearing it. 
“Ew, Brett Weaver. I remember him,” her nose wrinkled. “He used to do it just, like, out in the open even though we all told him to knock it off. He never even turned red or anything.”
"Which is crazy,” you added. “Because I can't even ask for directions without feeling like I'll actually melt into the ground." 
"Holy shit," Robin waved her hands in eagerness, her body needing to do something in the moment it took to catch up with her brain. "Me too! It's honestly an issue."
"It is," Steve confirmed. "If a customer's mean to her I have to peel her off FV's floor and wrap her in a blanket like the victim of a crime." 
"The sticky floor," you added, and Robin laughed harder, high and squeaky. God, this girl. 
“The sticky floor,” she excitedly insisted, grabbing your knees. “Oh my god, you’re so cool…” It took her a moment to realize she’d said it, and then she was trying to cover up the way her voice had gone all genuine with a timid joke. “I mean, to be fair, I only ever hang out with fourteen-year-olds and this dingus,” she nodded to Steve. “So I probably don’t have the best cool gauge on the planet.”
“Well in this case I don't think you’re wrong.” Eddie piped up, sounding like he knew something the two of you didn’t. 
“Oh jeez, I don’t know,” you felt your face getting hot as you fiddled with your hands. “Thanks, I guess…”
“Alright dipshits, everybody get buckled,” Steve insisted as he shifted the car into gear. It had taken a little while for the parking area to clear out, and he was finally able to pull into the exit lane. 
“That’s a new one. Am I included in the ‘dipshit’ category or just the ‘bozo’ one?”
“Well, now we’re gonna have to make a third ‘wiseass’ category. That’s a first, considering the rest of you are idiots.”
Eddie and Robin both began protesting at the same time -- Eddie because Steve had just called him an idiot and Robin because Steve was still being “a fucking bully, I know for a fact your mom raised you better, dingus.”
Steve insisted that you had started it, and then he’d sent you a smile and a wink in the rearview as Robin was still determined to defend your honor against her dumb best friend. You told her that it was fine; you had a reputation for being a little too sarcastic -- something your parents reminded you of constantly. The girl replied that her parents told her that she talked too much when it wasn’t appropriate. 
Eddie insisted that both your parents were douchebags and the two of you were just fine the way you were. 
“What do parents know, anyway?” he asked as Steve pulled out onto the road, adjusting the radio so it was only a soft hum in the background, the song lyrics indistinguishable under the sound of the engine and your conversation. 
It was late and the road was dark save for the slice of headlights that cut through the curtain of black pavement and the gaping darkness that made up the forest. Inside the car, a faint glow from the dashboard created a pocket, like a bubble in the ocean, where the four of you moved through the night at a leisurely speed. It felt like you were standing still in time. It felt like you were going everywhere and nowhere all at once -- like you were moving a hundred miles an hour but would always stay here, on this road, in this night, together. 
You and Robin had returned to your seats, and the distance between your thigh and hers felt like it spanned the whole universe. You missed the warmth of her body, being able to sense it in the air, moving particles around like a warm breeze until every inch of you was touched by it. You hated how it felt like winter in the absence of her spring. 
So you leaned in slightly, propping your arm up on the middle seat and tilting your head like you were looking out at the road. Headlights skipped over the pavement, the occasional loose rock, and you thought you could make out the pale-yellow center line that separated the sides of the road. It was eerie, but it felt familiar, too. It felt like a memory. After a moment, Robin’s hand was inching toward yours. It was nothing drastic, nothing strong enough to push you spinning into orbit or moving forward in space -- just enough to make it smell like spring again. And the only unfamiliar part was how your life as of only a few hours ago now felt cold and empty without that breeze. Without Robin and her warmth and her smile and her glorious flaw of talking too much. 
You wondered how you were going to sleep tonight. You wondered if you’d ever get to see her again. 
When Steve pulled into the Family Video parking lot, those questions rested heavily on the backs of your eyelids. You saw them every time you blinked. Steve put the car into park and everybody climbed out. Eddie opened your door for you, giving you a genuine, eager smile when you thanked him. He was so different from what you’d been expecting when his van had pulled into the lot. The same van that Eddie returned to after patting Steve on the back, shaking your hand, and giving Robin a hug with the declaration that he “had fun, even if the ending was stupid,” to which Steve rolled his eyes. He was smiling, though, and couldn’t help but give a determined “drive safe, alright?” before Eddie pulled out onto the road, his music blaring loud enough that he’d definitely piss some people off. He didn’t seem to care. 
When you turned back from the road, a faint smile still on your face, you found Robin watching you. When you saw her, your smile widened, though you tucked your chin to try and conceal it, hoping your expression didn’t give you away. But she tilted her head to follow you, pressing her lips together as the corner of her mouth twisted into a dimple that you wanted nothing more than to kiss. 
“I guess I should get going,” you weakly offered. “This was really fun… thanks again for inviting me…”
“Of course,” he replied, voice hushed. “I’m really glad you came.”
It felt like you needed to whisper, with how quiet the night was; crickets chirped softly, and you didn’t want to speak over them on the chance that you’d miss something important within their humming choir. 
Robin was a special kind of beautiful in the moonlight. Her hair looked even softer to the sound of crickets. Her skin, pale smoothness interrupted by dark freckles and blush, looked ethereal beneath such a quiet sky. The fact that you were in a video store parking lot was probably for your own benefit; you weren’t sure you’d be able to handle it if the two of you were somewhere even a bit more beautiful. You might have actually stopped breathing. 
You almost did when Robin took a step towards you, one hand crossed over her body to cradle the opposite elbow. 
“Uh, if… if my dingus friends haven’t scared you off yet… maybe we could do this again sometime?”
A smile bloomed across your face, and your brain was racing too fast to even register what was happening. 
“I’d like that,” you replied, a single breath hidden beneath the symphony of crickets. 
“Cool,” Robin replied, just as softly. “Awesome. Great. I mean… yeah, I-I’d like that, too -- if you’d like it. Uh…” She shook her head, never breaking eye contact with you. You felt like you were floating and sinking all at the same time, suspended in air. 
“Awesome… great,” you repeated with a smirk. 
“Hey,” Steve’s voice interrupted your staring, and the two of you managed to drag your eyes away from one another. “Uh, shit, did you bike here?”
“Yeah,” you hesitantly replied. “It’s fine though, I bike pretty much everywhere.”
“Yeah, but it’s, like, pretty late,” Steve said, propping a hand on his hip, and suddenly you remembered that he was a bit older than you -- though it seemed like more than just a couple of years when he got that worried mom look on his face. “Come on -- throw your shit in the back, I’ll drive you home. Don’t want you getting kidnapped or anything.”
“Oh, you really don’t have to,” you waved your hands, but Robin was nodding. 
“No, Steve’s right. It’s super dark out, and we’re, like, surrounded by the woods, and you’re alone, so it would be, like, ridiculously easy for someone to just pull up beside you and yank you into a van.”
“See,” Steve raised his eyebrows and pointed at Robin. “Even she agrees.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean, dingus?” Robin glared at him before turning a pleading expression back to you. “Please,” she sang, folding her hands together. “If you bike home I won’t be able to sleep because I’ll be worried that a pervert kidnapped you and is selling your organs.”
“And she’s not even kidding,” Steve added. 
“I’m not.”
“Okay, okay, fine,” you caved, smirking. “But… I don’t know if my bike will fit in your trunk.”
“We’ll make it work,” Steve shrugged.
He insisted on carrying it over to his car for you and Robin rolled her eyes. You smiled, too distracted by the faces she was making at her friend’s chivalrous behavior -- comparable to someone who'd eaten bad food -- to notice that Steve had already managed to carefully shove your bike into the back of his car. He couldn’t close the trunk, but you told him your house wasn’t far and he didn’t seem worried about it. 
“Alrighty ladies -- hop in.”
“Jesus Christ, Steve, will you stop that,” Robin insisted, waving her hands before dropping them suddenly and staring at the car. “Oh. Shit, uhm…” she turned to you. “Do you want to sit in the front or the back? O-Or we could both sit in the back? I don’t really know how--”
“I don’t mind sitting in the back,” you offered before she could get herself too worried about it. You gave her a reassuring smile, and Robin’s anxiety seemed to deflate. Her shoulders loosened and she smiled back at you. 
“Okay cool. As long as you’re sure?”
“Yeah, totally,” you shrugged, already opening the door. “No big deal.”
“Okay,” Robin nodded, and you got the idea that she was reassuring herself now. 
You barely kept yourself in the back anyway. Leaning between the two front seats, you propped your elbows on the armrest so you could direct Steve to your house. You probably didn’t need to actually lean on the storage compartment to do that, but the minute you had, Robin had turned to and asked if you’d ever been to the diner in town because she liked their strawberry milkshakes. Before you’d had the chance to answer, however, she’d backtracked because “Of course you’ve been to the diner in town” so instead she asked you what your favorite flavor of milkshake was. 
You almost missed telling Steve where to turn onto your street. By then, you almost wished you had because as he pulled in front of your house, the porch light glowing glaringly onto the yard, you realized that the night was over and now you were home. Now you’d have to go inside and you wouldn’t see Robin until who even knew when. You felt a sinking disappointment fill your stomach as you got out of the car. But then Robin was climbing out after you and helping you pull your bike out of the trunk of Steve’s car. Her elbow brushed yours and instead of apologizing for it, she gave you a little smile and carefully maneuvered your bike onto the asphalt. 
“Well,” you scratched at your arm. “This is me…”
“Yeah,” Robin softly replied, scuffing the toe of her converse along the pavement. You heard the hum of crickets, the same backdrop as Family Video; no matter where you went in Hawkins, there would always be the song of crickets. 
“This was a lot of fun,” you whispered, glancing between the cherry red of her converse and the ocean blue of her eyes. Everything about her was color; she was like a rainbow, even in the darkness of night. The yellow from the porchlight your parents had left on lit up her hair like a candle, shadows slanting over her face, making her look even more stunning. 
You wanted her to come inside with you. You didn’t want this to be where you parted ways. 
“Uhm,” you continued, needing to say something. You were too scared to tell her what you actually wanted so instead you said, “It was a pretty good date… as far as dates go.”
You wanted to sound like you were joking. You guessed that you likely didn’t. Robin laughed anyway. The toe of her shoes jabbed into the pavement. You realized that she’d doodled on the white rubber, shapes that you couldn't make out in the shadows and dim light. 
“Yeah,” she laughed huskily. “Yeah, it was. I guess according to middle school logic, that makes us married, right?”
You smiled, glancing down at your feet again. 
“Yeah, I guess it does. So, uh… I guess that also means I’ll be seeing you around?”
“Um, yeah… sure,” Robin’s eyes widened like she couldn’t quite believe that you were real. You knew the feeling; you still hadn’t figured out if she was. “You, uh, know where to find me,” she lifted two fingers to her forehead in a salute. God, you wanted to kiss her. 
“Alright, well…” you murmured. “Night.”
“Night,” she replied, a soft whisper as she reached up to brush some hair behind her ears. 
She watched you wheel your bike up to the porch, and then she watched as you turned back around to give her a final wave before slipping inside. She also watched your door slam shut. It was only when the porch light turned off that she was able to actually move. 
When she ducked back into the passenger seat, Steve was already staring at her with that annoying look on his face, mouth half open in a grin. 
“Shut up, shut up, don’t even say anything, Steve, I swear.”
“Hey, I didn’t! I didn’t say anything,” he raised his hands in surrender before pulling the car back into the street. “Didn’t say anything…” he repeated, staring straight in front of him. Robin was rubbing her temples. 
“Holy shit, Robs.”
“She’s so in love with you.”
“Steve,” Robin wailed, dropping her face into her hands with a dramatic smack. 
“What?! I’m being completely serious! Dude, she’s, like, head over heels. Robin,” he insisted, and the girl groaned. Finally, though, she looked up at him through her fingers and slightly smeared mascara. 
Steve smiled kindly and lifted a hand. After a moment of hesitation, Robin rolled her eyes and placed her hand in his. He gave it a squeeze -- and then a little shake, and Robin was trying not to smirk. 
“Be excited, Buckley,” he encouraged. “That was, like, really good.”
“Oh my god,” she groaned. “It was so good.”
“So good!” he agreed, nearly crashing the car because he was grinning so wide. Robin squeezed his hand back -- more out of stress than anything else -- and he took that as a good enough sign to let go of her and assume she was no longer at risk of flat-lining in his car. 
“What am I going to do, Steve?” she whispered, her smile not completely erasing the genuine worry in her question. 
“Easy,” he softly started. “You’re gonna get the fucking girl.” 
Robin scrunched her eyes shut. 
“And then you’re gonna get married -- for real, none of this middle school bullshit -- and I’m gonna plan your wedding because you’re way too unorganized for that--” Robin was laughing now. Steve smiled. “And we’re gonna have to bribe Max to wear a dress. I’ll probably have to buy her that skateboard she’s been wanting just for her to even think about it.”
“Oh my god,” Robin groaned again, but this time the pain of it was offset by her laughter. “Holy shit…” she breathed. “How did that just happen? What even just happened?”
Steve looked over at her and smirked. 
“One of us had to get lucky eventually, right?” 
And right now, with the rosy tint to her cheeks and the way she was absolutely vibrating with eagerness and excitement and anxiety -- all the symptoms of love -- Steve could safely say that he was glad it had wound up being her. 
Taglist: @alonezz, @gaysludge, @gray-cheese
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comical-icicle · 2 months
how did nh pull bard just wondering?
I tried to find it somewhere but nada
Probably because I haven’t posted anything about that.
It is a great question and I have thought about it before (briefly). I don’t really delve into romance that often and the ship was more spontaneous of ‘what would they be like together?’ Like at first I was trying to come up with a reason to ship them, as if it would be checked (?), but eventually threw that out the window and rolled with the spontaneous ship for just the vibes they have. Hence why there’s nothing really about how they got together originally. Also because I wasn’t very confident about it at first.
But now that I have more confidence in this ship, I’m actually a little excited to talk about it, even if it isn’t set in stone and I may change it. I just have thoughts right now and being encouraged to talk about it I am hyped.
Under a read more just so main tags don’t have to deal with my nonsense. I’ll give them that.
I’ll try to make this as simple as I can, so a lot of stuff will be left out. I’m just going to cover the tipping point that will get them to hang out with each other more. So… if this isn’t what you wanted, sorry, that’s what I got.
The catalyst would definitely be super villain island so… thank you Zeus? At least in terms of Nervous Heart actually talking with Mordred without being too stressed out. Considering the start of the dream is about being trapped in a room and how she knows they’re located in erehwon prison, it’s a familiar feeling and she doesn’t like it. BUT ANYWAY, it’s not the worst when someone else is there.
Being able to go into bard’s dream and just chat with Mordred for a while? Yeah, seeing him actually in front of her, even if it’s only a dream, was a major reminder that bard is a person that has more thoughts to them than just taking over the universe. That didn’t help the fight in the dream where she actually gets the totem which she thinks will help bard be not evil. The guilt would be eating at her continuously. Then it turns out that Zeus was manipulating her the entire time, not helping the guilt as now it was for nothing. And now villains are loose and she’s got Zeus to deal with so she doesn’t have time to process it before she heads off to kick Zeus’ ass thanks to Poseidon.
Now uh, I do think that bard finds out about the fight because I think with the whole islands being destroyed, it would have been a big deal that covered several islands, and that’s kind of what makes them interested in seeking out Nervous Heart again, not because of any heroics but because a mortal fought a god- the king of gods no less- and won? How?? Details??? Especially because I think bard has the ‘how does this work?’ mindset, whether it be electronics or events. They just have to know more. Nervous Heart feels too guilty about causing the whole thing to really reject, which Bard does catch onto and uses to their advantage for a bit (resentment for being defeated both in their dream and in life most likely) before they stop doing that because it started to not feel good.
Uh… hopefully this answers your question? This could make sense or it could be nonsense rambling. I don’t know. Again I am filled with thoughts after being prompted, but I didn’t want to make this too long so I tried not to get too caught up with specifics. I didn’t want to overexplain in case that this isn’t what you mean or you wanted me to refer to something else. I’m not sure!
But uh… yeah, thank you for letting me think about these idiots, even if my thoughts are all over the place! I didn’t want to take up too much in the case that it was too much.
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
Okay so, warning, this is gonna be super long cus I love your AUs and wanna understand them. They seem *very* complicated and I am *very* confused.
Okay first off, I saw that in 1000 Years Bound Sonic is dead young around like 40, but I see that he’s hundreds of years old all the time in posts tagged with the same AU? And Shadow was a king and Sonic was one too in both AUs? And for Tails, in both 1000 Years Bound and Happy Auau he seems to be a kitsune because he lives long and has four tails, but how old is he and at what year did he grow the two extra tails? Oh and, for the post where Sonic was like “yo ur like 500 years old why u still scared of thunder” how come Sonic is alive?? Did he only die in 1000 Years Bound (also does that mean he is also immortal?? If so, how?) or is Tails older than him? Where are the other characters? I see Silver in 1000 Years Bound, but where is he in Happy Auau and where is everyone else (i.e. Knuckles and Amy)? For the Happy Auau existence itself,, I notice it’s called “happy auau” and not just “happy au”. Is this because it in itself it is an AU of your AU, 1000 Years Bound? Is Shadow immortal in both AUs? Are both AUs the same universe but just take place at different timelines?? If so, I have SO many more questions that I don’t even know how to ask cus I’m so confused and things seem to contradict each other if they’re the same universe. What is the third eye on Shadow’s head? Was he born on the Ark and sent to Mobius with no memories and then gets them about him and Maria and stuff, or is he born into royalty? If he wasn’t born into it, I think it would be pretty funny that Shadow was like “uhhh I have a third eye and can kill you all and I’m your king now lol” but ik it’s most likely not that simple. I also saw a post where Sonic had a bond thingie or something (in idk what AU) with Shadow and had powers he used sometimes too, what’s up with that? For both AUs, are Sonic and Shadow’s history just like the games and is just set in the future, or different?
Honestly, I prolly have more questions that I just can’t think of rn, this is just a big braindump. I hope I’m not bothering you or seem like I’m hastily interrogating you or something, I’m just genuinely very confused. Please let me know if it’s okay to ask more questions in the future, haha. By the way, I think you are incredibly creative—you are one of my biggest art and story-making inspirations. You manage to invoke so much emotion in your work it’s,, wow. The 1000 Years Bound AU actually makes me really sad sometimes and affects my mood snsjsjdbs, BUT IN A GOOD WAY;; the fact that you can do that in the first place just shows how good u are at… story-ing. Anyway as u can probably tell I ramble a lot so uh, love ya keep on doing what ur doing :D 👍
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oh god oh fuck /lh and tysm for the questions!!!! i love answering questions n rambling so im always open to them!!!! i would love more, it doesnt bother me in the slightest, also WAHHHHHH TYYYYYYYYY, sobbing and crying and rolling on the floor like a rotisserie chicken /pos i tried to break it down as coherently as i could!! v
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if you have more questions im always excited to respond to them! ty for the ask!
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spookyllamatree · 7 months
Hello! I'm Fezco*. You can also call me Fez or some variation of my username.
I'm queer, neurodivergent, and mentally ill, and really want to go back to graduate school. I'm currently an editor (of words, not video or audio or anything like that), and spend most of my free time with my puppy. Her name is Sam and we're best friends.
I probably won't post much, because social anxiety and RSD, but when I do post, it'll either be rambling about Good Omens, mental health, queerness, or my puppy. Very rarely, I might post some flash fiction (most likely Good Omens fanfic), but doing this puts the fear of god into my soul, so let's see how much I actually do it. (I also actually have never shared my fanfic with anyone, even though I write a lot of it, so it'll be an interesting experience).
I used to be decent at drawing, but then stopped during my undergraduate studies and haven't really gone back to it. I have no skills now, and I'd really like to start again but honestly probably never will. Just in case though, I still tag reblogged art work with not my art, cuz you never know.
Good Omens is my current hyperfixation. I don't know how long it will last, and I'm not sure what will become of this blog when it passes. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Anyway, despite the anxiety I'm pretty chill, you can interact with me if you want. Also, this is a safe space for the queer community, and I don't tolerate any racism, sexism, ableism, and other such nonsense.
I'm still figuring out tags and such, and will update with that info at some point.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my small corner of the internet!
*no, I haven't watched Euphoria and don't know anything about the character who shares my name. I do like Fez from that 70s show (or I did when I was a kid, I haven't watched in years), and yes, I got super excited when Crowley put on the fez in S2E5. ("Look, Crowley's wearing a fez!!" I shouted to my long suffering family members, who rolled their eyes lovingly).
0 notes
bibbawrites · 3 years
A Little Bit Lost - the adventures of Little!Luke and Little!Reggie
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Request:  Hi!! Welcome back, weve missed you. Since requests are open, maybe something for little luke and little reggie's adventures if you feel inspired to write about ir. Or maybe little Charlie if you prefer it
Word Count: 890 words
Summary: little!luke and little!reggie are left alone and decide to go on a bit of an adventure 
Warnings: age regression, if you don’t feel comfortable please do not read 
A/N: this isnt super long but i had a good time writing it, i had a bit of a tough afternoon (had a minor breakdown and cut my own hair lol) so this was kinda therapeutic for me
both luke and reggie are in a little headspace, luke is mentally about 6 years old and reggie is mentally about 3 or 4 years old
anyways hope you guys enjoy!
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes @molinaroberts @joynersgoatblog @courageous-she @littlemissaddict @gloomybrieyxb @itsyagorlemmalyn @jatpxmultifan @moneybagmgk @emeliii1 @mybradforddream (the strike through means it wont let me tag you)
In Luke and Reggie’s defence, Bobby probably shouldn’t have left them at the studio alone when he went to go pick up Alex. Both boys had spent the afternoon in their little headspaces, and were down for a nap when it was time to get Alex from work, so Bobby figured there wasn’t much trouble that they could get into. 
He was wrong. 
Luke woke to find the studio empty and Reggie sniffling, tears running down his face. He moved quickly, wrapping his arms around the other boy.
“What’s wrong Reggie?” He asked. 
“Bobby left us.” Reggie whimpered. “He don’t love us anymore.” 
“He does love us.” Luke assured the younger boy. 
“Lukey? Can we go to the park?” Reggie looked at him with pleading eyes and Luke’s eyes lit up in excitement. 
“Yeah! That’s gonna be so fun!” He grinned, and Reggie gave him a watery smile. 
“Come on Reg, let’s get your shoes on.” Luke picked up the sandshoes that Alex had bought for them to wear to the park, frowning at the laces. 
“What’s wrong?” Reggie asked, snuggling into Luke’s side. 
“I can’t do it by myself.” Luke admitted, before an idea popped into his head. 
“That’s okay.” He assured Reggie. “We don’t need shoes, we can play without them.” 
“Lexi will be mad.” Reggie’s bottom lip jutted out and Luke began to panic, not wanting his little brother to cry again. 
“No he won’t I promise.” He said quickly, before noticing Bobby’s already tied sneakers at the door. Maybe he could slide them onto Reggie’s feet. He grabbed them, before gently taking Reggie’s foot and shoving the shoe onto it. Bobby’s feet were clearly bigger than Reggie’s but it didn’t matter. Now Reggie had shoes on, and a big smile on his face. Luke giggled, feeling quite naughty that they were going to go to the park without Bobby and Alex. He didn’t even mind that they’d probably get angry. He took Reggie’s hand. 
“Let’s go.” He said, and together they wandered out of the garage, hand in hand. 
“What do mean they’re gone?” Alex exclaimed, eyes wide. Bobby stood in front of him, his normally calm demeanour replaced with pure panic. 
“They were sleeping when I left, I didn’t think they’d wake up.” Bobby replied and Alex started pacing. 
“We have to find them. You said they’re both little, right? Think about how much trouble they could get into.” Alex bit his lip. 
“Luke will take care of Reggie.” Bobby said, his voice wobbling slightly at the thought of something happening to Reggie or Luke. 
“Luke is mentally six years old right now, he can’t even take care of himself. Oh god, what if someone sees them? Or some weirdo tries to take advantage of them?” Alex rambled, already spiraling. Bobby grabbed his shoulders. 
“Lex, take a deep breath.” He instructed, and when Alex was finally slightly calmer, Bobby spoke again. “Where would two little kids go on their own?” 
“The park.” Alex realised, visibly relaxing. 
“Of course.” Bobby agreed. “Come on, let’s go find our boys.” 
Luke had never had more fun at the park in his life, running around giggling with Reggie as they climbed on the playground and pretended that they were princes in a castle. 
They were having so much fun they didn’t even notice Bobby’s car pulling into the parking lot and Alex and Bobby hurrying towards them. 
“Lucas, Reginald.” Alex called, and both Luke and Reggie froze. “Get down here now.” 
Luke let Reggie go first, waiting as he slid down the slide and threw himself at Bobby who caught him with a practiced ease, as Luke slid down to join them. 
“You two know you’re not allowed to go out on your own.” Alex reprimanded. “There’s bad people out here who could do bad things to you. We were so worried about you.” 
Luke pouted. He hated being in trouble. That meant he wouldn’t be allowed to watch cartoons before bed. 
“Sorry Lexi.” He mumbled, and Reggie repeated Luke’s words, his voice muffled by Bobby’s shoulder. 
“Are we going home now?” Luke asked sadly. 
“We are.” Alex nodded. “The park isn’t safe for little boys at night.” 
“I’m not little.” Luke protested, stomping his foot. 
“Luke.” Bobby warned. 
“Can we get McDonalds?” Reggie asked quietly, and Alex shook his head. 
“Only good boys get McDonalds.” He answered. “Have you been good boys?” 
“No.” Reggie pouted, looking like he might cry, and Alex’s tough demeanour flickered for a moment. Noticing Alex was close to breaking Bobby decided to jump in. 
“What about we go back to the studio right now and if you two are good all the way back and have your baths nicely we’ll order pizza?” He suggested, and instantly Luke and Reggie were happy again, giggling excitedly as Bobby and Alex led them back to the car, Alex holding Luke’s hand and Reggie still held in Bobby’s arms. 
“You did good Lex.” Bobby whispered once they were on their way home, with Luke chattering away to Reggie about a truck he saw outside. 
“It’s so hard.” Alex sighed, and Bobby took a hand off the steering wheel to link his fingers through Alex’s, squeezing gently. 
Their little group wasn’t conventional by any means, but they wouldn’t change it for the world. 
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juuls · 3 years
Podfics, podfics, podfics...
I'm looking to do some podfics of fics that have really hit me in strong (good) ways, and they're one of those I can't seem to track down in my usual manner (which is... probably on purpose, considering their received comments are set to be moderated and that they likely put up with a toooon of bullshit from people with Opinions.
(Keep reading to see which fics I'd love to podfic and why, and how you can help me find them!)
Also. Recs. Lots of really awesome fic recs, specifically for Tony-centric readers and those who really hit it off with Civil War Team Iron Man!
Does anyone know the Tumblr or Discord of: @TheSovereignofReality or @Wix from AO3?
Anyway, I'm a fan, and I just wanted to discuss maybe doing one podfic on a trial sorta thing, and then maybe doing a couple of my other major faves or a series of fics. As of my last major read-through of their fics, my favourite was definitely Mutantkind (this fic is so kickass, I love Logan). Not trying to spoil anything for any of this or the other fics, but taking up the chance at exploring the links between the X-Men and the Avengers (more Tony and even Pepper and Rhodey and such) was such a great move. A power move in so many ways, and I'm also really really eyeing the Transcendent Souls series that leads into the author's OC-linked series, Lennie Alice, and it all sounds like it's phenomenal and I just want to READ it, who cares about podficcing it??? I mean, I do, but most important of all: I'm just a fan who sees shiny fics all in a pretty series-row that I hadn't gotten around to yet (too busy reading Ramblings for the 10th time and wincing with each successive hit to the gut. Ouchies. But poor Tony too, woW. That one just hurts. In a cathartic way (even though I love Peggy, it's fascinating to explore these things!!)
Like Disney's "What If?" series if they weren't too scared to explore the really interesting things that make people tick and feel betrayed even decades later.
All of these authors, above and below, sure know how to throw those punches, and I like that.
I do have other podfic projects on the go, as well, yes, but spring is a great time for me and I get a lot of projects done pretty well on the regular. The Night King has been vanquished and the sun shines upon us again and offers me much Vitamin D and happy-stuff. :) :P
Doing a fic by @Wix would be awesome too, but I'm also not sure of their handle, unfortunately. Plus I've rarely spoken to them! Believe it or not, I can be shy. xD But there are so many of Wix's CW Team IM fics that I would just love to podfic and really sink my teeth into for the absolute wreckage and carnage that some of these characters would be feeling. Righteous anger, true anger, when you know you're right, when you just think you're right and the world crumbles down around you.... god I would love to really act those fics out and make people feel, just like we do and more when we're actually reading Wix's awesome body of work. It could be a real experience, and I would love to be able to help share that. All else fails, I'll just give these last two a message in their comments. ;)
And maybe @rayshippouuchiha might be interested in chatting with me about doing a (second) podfic of Hide a Heart of War? There can never be enough podfics of awesome Stuckony (or any ship, really), but I do also have my eyes on another few of yours that you don't have podficced, m'dear. :) I mean, Sore Must Be The Storm (wow, I relate to that title---and the fic itself---hard) would be really cool to do if the second chapter was up, (wing fics! CW Team IM! Woo!) Or the ever-so-classic "Assassination Attempts Are Not Flirting Toni" tag that epitomizes The Devouring of Hearts (which is hoestly epic and I am going to go re-read asap) or The (Not So) Great Pretender (it has a TextToSpeech podfic but those are hard for some people to follow along to --- I know my hearing issues mean I can't catch all of it, sadly, and none of it clearly! =/). Let's talk, if you're cool with me doing one of yours?? :) I would be so thrilled!
And @not-close-to-straight I cannot forget about you (ever) in this season of big eyes and planning out podfics all excited-like. Has anyone ever approached you about podficcing the entirety of your 3-part series Of Gods and Men that is ThunderIron, ThunderIron & FrostIron & Thorki, and then is PURE ThunderFrostIron with a super. special. twist. at the end omg???? Can we talk about that sometime? Whenever is good for you, if you're at all interested? Because there is NOT enough ThunderIron in the MCU, because I love Tony, because there is not enough FrostIron with Thor and Loki being awesome (usually), and then especially because there is NEVER enough poly ThunderFrostIron for my tastes and I just cannot when it comes to these fics. I just really would please love to podfic it, out of all your awesome fics this one just strikes right deep at the heart of me.
So. Um. Yeah.
This was going to be a quick "do you know this person!?!?! I'm desperate!" kind of Tumblr post, but it turned into me somewhat begging and complimenting at the same time, and it sounds totally shameless but I also haven't slept for about 48+ hours properly and I am in severe pain so the mania tends to be the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse with all that.
So. Yeah. Just let me know what you think, preferably via DM here or on Discord (Juulna#0508) or Ask or whatever. I'm happy however. And these are YOUR fics, I have zero claim to them whatsoever no matter how I may strongly relate to them or love them or think they should have their own awesome experience with me spitting angry lines back when required in response to pure sass. I would love to try/do it all. :) Spring and Summer is my podfic season, and I'm going to have a lot of fun with current and potential projects alike!
Ta, loves. And thank you for considering me for podficcing these awesome works! If you want a recent example of a fairly quick (and porny, hah) oneshot I did, I think you'd like what I did with @tsuki-chibi's The Shirt [fic]. Check the podfic out here, and then give the original author love because it is a DAMN FINE fic (and I want the shirt, hah).
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aethersea · 3 years
you know what, I never do these things, but actually I’ve decided I would like to get to know people better! I would like to partake of the mortifying ordeal! I would like to talk about myself for a bit!
ok for the next...let’s say five days I will answer any of these things that people tag me in, or any random personal questions you plop in my ask box. I don’t have an ask meme on hand but just....pick one you’ve seen recently, or make up questions of your own, and I’ll answer. (the answer might be ‘nope that’s private’ but I will answer.) (@ the anon who asked for book recs - I see you, I’ve been thinking of books all day, I’m going to give you SUCH a long answer, I hope you don’t regret your choices bc it WILL be full of gushing)
alright, let’s go!
🌻 Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @booksandchainmail​
Last Song: I’m currently listening to “Falcon in the Dive” from the Scarlet Pimpernel musical on loop. I watched one or two Scarlet Pimpernel movies when I was just barely too young to fully get what was going on, and the story’s held an odd but deep-seated place in my heart ever since. A few years ago I found out there’s a musical and most of the songs are pretty stellar (go listen to “Madame Guillotine” if you like big ensemble broadway numbers, it’s a banger, the bit where he cries out for God has been running through my mind on and off for a few days now haha not like that’s topical or anything), so every once in a while I spend a few days listening to them a lot.
Sometime last year I read the actual book, and got super into the whole concept of the Scarlet Pimpernel for a while. I plotted out Pimpernel aus for several fandoms, I read the entire wikipedia article, and I went looking for bootlegs of the musical. I didn’t find one, but I did find a full radioplay-style recording of the script, complete with full musical numbers, and listened to it like a podcast.
Reader, I was so disappointed. The play adds some scenes, bc a lot of the dramatic tension of the novel comes from internal conflict and that doesn’t stage super well, and the very first scene of this play – a play written in the NINETIES – features our dashing hero rescuing some aristocrats from a French prison, and then saying to the person in the next cell, who begs for rescue but is not an aristocrat, “We have enough of your kind in England.”
Enough! of your KIND! What in the merry frickety HECK my dudes!! The book has some rather unfortunate™ takes but it is from 1905, it’s regrettable but sadly to be expected. This play is from 1997. It has NO excuse. This scene wasn’t even in the book! What! the heck!
I was so disheartened that I lost my excitement for the play, and a couple songs later I stopped listening. It occurred to me just a few days ago that you could actually stage that ironically, with the person in the cell giving the audience a “can you believe this” look, and then the rest of the play could feature assorted non-aristocratic ensemble members constantly looking at the audience like they’re on The Office. And hey, maybe that’s what they did, or something similar – maybe that was never meant to be taken as a cleanly heroic stance, and the play deals with it in a complex way. It’s possible. I wouldn’t know. Kinda doubt it though, based on song lyrics.
Favorite Color: red, probably
Last Movie: I watched that new lesbian christmas movie with my family for christmas, the one with kirsten stewart and the guy from schitt’s creek. it’s very sweet and good and kinda sad, and I really enjoyed it. it also incidentally has the best gay best friend trope in probably anything ever, bc it’s not a trope (I didn’t realize until several hours after watching that it technically fits), it’s just a guy who is the protagonist’s best friend, and they’re just all gay, and then when he Gives Relationship Advice as a gay best friend always does, it’s advice about how to deal with your partner’s hangups around coming out.
actually every part of the gay best friend trope becomes better when they’re just best friends who are both gay. the big dramatic gestures (in this case, driving some ungodly distance in the snow on no notice) go from “haha how kooky” to “queer man will do anything he needs to to rescue his queer friend from an isolating & potentially triggering situation”. the relationship advice isn’t “honey you deserve some self-respect, treat yourself”, it’s a deeply sincere reminder of the vulnerability that is shared across almost everyone’s queer experience, and look I could ramble about this for a long time before reaching a coherent point but I’m INTO IT, okay? I’m into it.
Last Show: you want me to remember what show I last finished???? impossible, cannot be done, it was a long time ago and the adhd has eaten everything that happened before last week. here, instead I’ll tell you about another movie I watched, late at night with my mom in cozy companionship just a couple days ago. it’s called Quigley Down Under and it’s about a cowboy who goes to Australia and kills a bunch of racists, 10/10 would watch again. it’s from 1990 but it feels much older, with the music choices and the cinematography of a 70s Western. the cowboy is great, honorable and fearless and kind, but the breakaway star of this movie for me is the woman who attaches herself to his side and refuses to leave. her name is Cora, and she’s crazy, in the sense that she’s not altogether tethered to reality, but this never for a second diminishes her agency. she’s fierce and clever and compassionate, and she basically never does anything she doesn’t want to in the whole movie. her arc is about overcoming trauma by taking charge of her own fear and facing it head-on, she is never belittled or dismissed by the narrative or the protagonist, and look she’s just so cool. I love her. she’s so vibrantly alive. her story could probably have been handled with a bit more nuance, but honestly for the 90s it’s pretty great. I’m no expert, but I found nothing objectionable in it, just a bit of heavy-handedness.
anyway the theme of the movie is that racism is evil and racists deserve to be shot, and this too could have been handled better (not a single aboriginal character speaks a single line of english in this movie), but it follows through on that message in every way, while still being a fun kinda campy cowboy movie. overall a very good time.
Currently Watching: started showing my sister Hilda the other day, and she’s liking it! I love that show, it’s so incredibly cute. can’t wait to see season 2
Currently Reading: lmao I wish. lately the brain has firmly rejected all attempts to read anything of any length. currently pending, bc I was halfway through them when my brain stalled out, are tano’s fic What Does Kill You Can Make You Stronger, Too, a Toby Daye book - I think it was The Brightest Fell, I got like half a chapter in and haven’t picked it up in over a month, the Locked Tomb series, and probably a few other things too. ooh! also a book called Making Sex by thomas laqueur, which is my fancy academic reading that I’ve been doing in short bursts for the past year or two when I feel fancy and academic. it’s about the development of the concept of biological sex and of gender in Western society, and it’s fascinating. has among other things introduced me to the idea that until quite recently, fathers were a matter of faith. the mother? yeah, you can watch the baby pop out, we all know who the mother is. but the father? how can you know? how can you really know? we have paternity tests these days, but for all of human history up until now, we've just had to take fatherhood on faith. (not to mention we didn’t even know what fathers were contributing to the production of a fetus. clearly it was something, since you can’t get pregnant without a penis getting involved, but we have literally not known what until the past few decades. and that is wild. it has colored ALL of human history, all of our conceptions of society and family and kinship and gender, all of it, and it hadn’t even occurred to me until it was spelled out for me in this book, and it’s just......wow.
Salty, sweet or savory: for christmas my sister and I made seven different types of cookie, most of them involving chocolate somehow.
Craving: no bc I ate so many cookies. unless sleep counts. or maybe pringles, it’s been many moons since last I had a potato chip and I miss them.
Coffee or Tea: no thank you
Tagging: @coloursisee, @krchy-tuna, @sam-j-squirrel, @xzienne, @mirandatam, @viciousmaukeries, @sepulchritude, @elidyce, and @navigatorsnorth bc it’s been a while since we’ve talked, and I’m super hyped that you’re married now. v happy for you!
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A Mere Mortal - Chapter Three
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A/N: This story is based on the prompt : Vampires cannot enter a house without your permission, but what if your landlord’s a vampire? It’s his house, he’s just letting you live there. Part of the Landlord Vampire Fic Frenzy hosted by the amazing @just-the-hiddles . I’m super nervous about this one, so feedback’s most welcome!
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Bucky Barnes x Vampire! Loki x Human! Reader
Word count: 2570. Yep. This one’s a bit lengthy!
Warnings: 18+ stuff. Some smut!! Foul language. Vampire Diaries reference?
Tags: @buckybarnesplumwhore @ladyacrasia @tcc-gizmachine @alexakeyloveloki
Taglists open! Send me an ask if you wish to be tagged!
“What did you say?” your mouth hung open and eyes went wide as Bucky uttered those words.
He chuckled looking at your stunned expression and said, “You heard me. The town’s history is rich with legends and myths of vampires and ghouls. I’m sure you could find tons of books about them in the library.”
“That is fantastic! Oh my God I knew I chose this town for a reason!” you were practically giddy with excitement.
“You keep surprising me (Y/N). A normal reaction to this would either be a person packing up his things and getting the fuck outta here or laughing in my face.” He said as you both walked out of the store.
You rolled your eyes and repeated your previous statement, “And I’ll keep breaking the stereotypes Mr Barnes. I don’t usually fit into the ‘normal’ box. And it’s a good thing.”
It sure is, he thought gazing at your form in the street light. The warm glow of the sodium vapor lamps made your face appear warm and alluring. The cold air made your breath visible, creating wonderful patterns against the night sky. Your scent intoxicated his mind and he couldn’t simply say goodbye to you just yet.
“Let me walk you home doll, wouldn’t want you getting attacked by vampires on your first week here.” he said placing a hand on the small of your back as you both turned towards Chapel Street.
“I could kick his ass, I can kick box pretty well you know. Not outrun him though, if he’s anything like the ones in Vampire Diaries. You know where they go whoosh from one place to another in a second? Have you seen it?” you asked making an attempt to gesture the fast running from the show.
He doesn’t seem like a guy who would watch the teen shows with way too many hot vampire and hybrid guys. Why did you even ask that? You seemed to lose your ability to carry on a decent conversation with this guy. That was a first.
“Never mind. So gimme more information on the legends. I’ll pester Frank tomorrow at the library but nothing like stories heard from local peeps right?” you teased hoping he’d forget you had asked a stupid question initially.
“I’ve grown up listening to these stories from my grandma, my mom, just everybody. Though their versions vary slightly.
The one that’s stuck around for centuries is about Lucas and Morwenna Klyn.” Bucky looked at you, he had lowered his voice slightly and his hand hadn’t left its place from your back.
You were trying to adjust the weight of the shopping bags in your hands, but hearing those names you looked up and couldn’t help snort a laugh.
“They sure sound like names straight out of a horror book. Go on.”
“Morwenna was said to have migrated here from somewhere near Ireland about 200 years ago and had found this town most to her liking. She was this evil vampire who had witchy abilities-
“Like a hybrid? That’s one thing missing from the Vampire Diaries, they’ve got werewolf vampires but not witchy vampires. Oh but there’s that original witch Esther.”
It was like your mouth was out of control. Rambling absolute nonsense when this very hot guy was eager to tell you stories about his hometown.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know why said that. I’m just a little crazy about all of this. I’ll keep my mouth shut now I promise.” You said physically putting a finger on your lips, adjusting the two bags in your left hand.
“I’ll forgive you this time.” He narrowed his impossibly gorgeous eyes seriously but the smile playing on his lips.
“So Morwenna had all sorts of powers, she was said to have the ability to control people’s minds, make them do her bidding. She met Lucas here in Dewsbury and he fell madly in love. Typical. Morwenna was beautiful, anybody would fall in love with her. She had a way with words too.
One day Lucas found her feeding on his younger sister Evelyn in these very woods. Her fangs dug deep in his sister’s neck, sucking the life out of her, Lucas watched in horror as Evelyn turned paler and paler in front of his eyes. He ran to stop her but was too late. Evelyn dropped to the ground like a piece of rock, her lifeless eyes still staring at Lucas even though there wasn’t any life in them anymore. Morwenna wiped the blood off her chin and approached Lucas, hunger still visible in her jet black eyes. She bared her fangs and Lucas made a run for his life.
Little did he know that she loved chasing her prey. Making them run for their lives, like feeble little lambs made her feel like a true hunter. She fed on him but didn’t kill him. Instead she turned him into a vampire. Evelyn’s ghost is said to haunt these woods till date. And here we are.” Bucky came to a stop abruptly.
“Whoa. You can’t leave me on this horrific info. I wanna know the rest.” You didn’t realize you reached your house so soon. You wanted to invite him in but he interrupted your thoughts.
“We’ll continue later. I’ve already taken up a lot of your time. You need rest (Y/N). Meet me for drinks at the pub tomorrow?” Bucky stuffed his hands back in his pockets and looked at you expectantly.
“Done. If you don’t show up at the pub on time, I’ll show up at your house and irritate the fuck out of you until you complete the story.” you threatened jokingly but you were very capable of doing that. Though you didn’t exactly know where he lived, you could figure it out sure.
He laughed out loud and the sound made your stomach do somersaults.
Even his laugh is fucking perfect.
“Relax I’ll be there. Goodnight (Y/N).”
He went for a handshake but you went for a side hug, you met somewhere awkwardly in between.
“Goodnight Bucky. Thanks for walking me home.”
“Even though you can kick box.” Bucky teased, making you chuckle.
He turned and started walking into the woods. You stared at his back for a good two minutes fighting the urge to say something but failed.
“Don’t let Evelyn haunt you in there.”
“Don’t worry I can kick box too.” He turned as he replied and shot you a wink.
You watched him until he disappeared into the night and turned to walk inside your house.
Setting the bags on your beige granite countertop, you looked out the kitchen window that overlooked the woods. They sure looked creepy, you were busy thinking about your extremely charming landlord though.
Smiling like an idiot, you were interrupted by a much too loud growl emitted from your belly.
“Shit! Dinner.”
You peeked open one eye to check the time, it read 6:01 am. You had woken up way too early. Maybe you could sleep in for a few more hours, but then you couldn’t once you were fully awake. Perils of being a light sleeper. Sprucing up the place seemed like a good idea, anyways there were a lot of boxes yet to be unpacked, especially your writing material.
What was the main reason for moving here? Writing!
And you were yet to set up your writer’s desk which you were very particular about. And couldn’t just have one writing spot. Inspiration struck at the most random places and situations and you had gotten pretty good at being prepared for that. It always helped to have a great view outside the window. Something about staring off into the distance made your brain come up with a thousand ideas.
The cabin bedroom was a large space, enough to set up a decent writing space. There was a ledge that ran along the bedroom window which was wide enough for you to sit and the bed was attached to it and it had the most gorgeous view of the woods; that would work too.
So you got to work after taking a shower and whipping up a quick breakfast for yourself.
A progress update meeting about your new book was in two months, which seemed like a long time but really you’d be needing all the time you could get to whip out another best seller. Which meant you needed to start writing as soon as possible.
After setting up the ‘work space’ you opened your computer, grabbed your glasses and stared at the blank word document for a few minutes.
Time to block out all the X rated thoughts about your super hot landlord (Y/N). Let’s get some work done, a draft, a outline structure, something. You can do this.
The concept of time soon lost on you once you began. It was going well, the ideas were flowing and you were typing them out at lightening speed.
A ding from your phone that lit up next to your laptop startled you out of your zone. It was a text from Bucky.
I’ll see you at the pub in fifteen? - James B
Had you really been writing for that long? Apparently you completely forgot about lunch. And now there wasn’t enough time.
Hurriedly you texted back a reply and got dressed. Drinks on an empty stomach never ended well in your case, you wished you had set an alarm or something.
You walked in the dimly lit pub and instantly the smell of booze and bar snacks filled your nostrils. You heard your name being called out from the far end and turned to see Bucky waving you over to a corner booth.
A warm smile on his face as you walked closer and you noticed he was wearing a leather jacket over a dark shirt, looking handsome as ever. He stood up to greet you in a hug.
“You look beautiful.” He said as you took off your jacket and sat opposite him on the semi circled sofa. This place looked like it belonged in the 80s. It probably did.
“Thanks you too.” your cheeks reddened further at your embarrassing response and the initial compliment, you closed your eyes and looked down. Fucking nerves.
Luckily he saved you by not dwelling on it further and asked what you’d have to drink.
“I’ll have the local beer please.”
Eyebrows raised in surprise as he probably saw you as a wine girl. You just shrugged at this point.
“Breaking stereotypes. Got it.” He replied nodding his head with a wide grin as he placed the order.
The conversation flowed as easily as the drinks and soon you had that much too familiar buzz. You were in the middle of explaining a funny incident that happened with you and Sam, giggling way too much when you were interrupted.
“Well if its not the famous (Y/N).” the smooth accented voice reached your ears as you slowly turned to see Loki standing near your booth grinning down at the pair of you.
“Famous? Am I famous?” you grinned back, the edge clearly off at this point. Loki had creeped you out in your meeting.
You missed the slight disappointment on Bucky’s face as you invited Loki to join you guys. Of course he covered it up and slid over to sit next to you, protectively close as Loki sat opposite you.
“So (Y/N), are you enjoying our little town?” Loki put both his hands on the table and leaned over to speak.
“I really am. People are so nice here, I’m not used to that. And Dewsbury has the most fascinating history!”
“So you know about the vampires?” Loki smirked as he glanced at Bucky who was shooting him a warning look.
“Oh yeah in fact, Bucky never got to finish the story last night because it was too late. I’m here to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” you said a bit too dramatically.
Damn this stuff was strong.
The men entertained you with stories of their own for the rest of the night and asked you about your life. You felt quite safe and were enjoying the little flirty banter going on between the three of you. You definitely had one too many pints.
You stood up to leave and instantly the room spun before your eyes. Loki’s hands landed on your shoulders to keep you steady.
“You alright there darling?” he asked, gazing into your eyes. You placed your hands over his as you nodded slowly and giggled.
Suddenly you felt Bucky slide a protective arm around your waist and pull you to his side, earning an eye roll from Loki.
“I got her. Let’s get you home (Y/N).” He said as he walked you both out of the pub, leaving Loki behind.
“I didn’t take you for a light weight doll.” Bucky looked at you as you had your arms around him to keep you steady.
“I’m really not. I just, I skipped lunch today.” you kept your eyes on the road as you approached your cabin much quicker than you realized.
“I just got into writing and lost track of time, not because I skip meals. I love to eat!” you clarified with another small giggle, as you both came to a halt in front of the house.
“Don’t sleep on an empty stomach (Y/N). I hope you have some food at home. If not we can go somewhere-
“No need Sir, I have some leftovers in the fridge. Thank you for walking me home. Again. You’re the best.” you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek and lingered a bit.
He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind you ears and glanced at your lips. He really wanted to kiss you, know what you tasted like. Know how your body felt against his. Though now wasn’t the time, it would be taking advantage.
He said goodbye and watched you get in before turning back and walking home. At least you were safe.
Your body was on fire. Every touch every kiss made your head spin. He was leaving a trail of hot kisses down your jaw and neck before reaching the spot that made you moan loudly as he sucked hard.
You rolled over and straddled his hips placing your hands over his toned chest. You leaned down to kiss him and he sighed opening his mouth to allow your tongue to explore it further. The fight for dominance continued as his hands tugged your hair. You slid your own in his raven black hair.
You rolled your hips against his clothed erection earning another grunt from him. You were placing wet kisses down his torso almost reaching the waistband of his underwear when he grabbed you and spoke in that deep honey dripping voice,
“We have plenty of time for that later darling. Allow me to taste you first.” Your eyes flew open as you stared at Loki’s lust filled face.
Your skin was on fire still as you jolted awake. Your arousal evident between your legs as you sat up. Grabbing a bottle of water from the ledge you took a big swig and walked into the bathroom.
Loki smirked as he noticed your flustered state through your bedroom window, before he turned and vanished into the night.
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Christmas prompt: hospital worker (doctor, nurse, tech, etc.) falls in love with volunteer who comes in to give presents to children and play songs for them, etc. ❤️ Thank you, lovely, and I hope you are well
Just a New Volunteer (read on AO3)
It’s been five weeks since Dean Winchester first sauntered into Kansas Hospital and charmed his way into every kid’s and nurse’s heart. Actually, he stumbled in here with a blush hard to match, introducing himself as Dean, just a new volunteer, and only afterwards went on to charm everyone.
Five Weeks of Cas feeling unable to not peek into the rooms of his little patients whenever Dean is around, sneaking in to watch for a few stolen seconds how gentle Dean is with the kids. How he doesn’t shy away from games like imaginary tea parties, painting the same fairy tales over and over again, playing Uno with kids that can’t even tell the colors apart. How he doesn’t shy away from their illnesses either, from talking to them about life and health and a possible end.
He’s so patient and sweet and gentle with the kids, and it makes Cas ache for something he can’t quite name. 
The fact that he’s gorgeous and entirely unaware of it doesn’t really help Cas’ growing crush either. He runs his fingers through his dirty-blond hair and bites his lovely pink lips like he has no idea what effects it has on everyone — on Cas, mostly. He sends Cas these lovely smiles, brings him coffee sometimes, asks him about his days. Asks about the kids, whether things got better or maybe worse, what he has to keep in mind and be aware of when he spends time playing with them.
He’s thoughtful and nice and generous and he volunteers to play with sick children like it’s the best thing he could do with his free time.
It is the best thing, in Cas’ humble opinion, but from Dean’s stories about balancing a part-time job at a garage and studying mechanical engineering… Cas isn’t sure he could do all that and volunteer with the enthusiasm and care and patience Dean brings into the hospital every Tuesday and Thursday.
It’s the last Thursday before volunteering will take a break for Christmas, and Cas is already wondering how he will make it through the holidays without Dean’s soft, beaming smiles.
He’s not sure how it even happened, how he fell this quickly for a man he barely knows, but it’s been so easy.
It’s easy again today, when Dean comes in and hands Cas a steaming cup of hot cocoa with a gentle smile.
“Hey there, Doc,” Dean says, as he lets go of the cup that now warms Cas’ hands, fingers brushing Cas’ knuckles.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas answers, raising his cup to take the first sip of perfect warm sweetness. “Thank you for this, it saved my afternoon.”
Dean can only linger for a few more seconds, watching as Cas drinks his cocoa behind the counter. Jody comes by to pick him up and take him to little Sophie’s room for an hour of whatever she feels like playing today. 
Sophie has been doing better during the past few weeks, and Dean has been coming back out of her room a little happier every time he saw her, lately.
It’s the same today, as he wanders out with a soft smile and humming We Wish You A Merry Christmas under his breath. Cas is in the middle of filling out a document for a new admission when Dean comes to a stop in front of him, pulling his soft red pullover down over his hands. 
“Hey,” he mumbles, eyes flitting to Cas, then the countertop between them, and back again. 
“Hello again,” Cas answers, as always, sending Dean a smile. “I guess you’re heading out now?”
Dean just nods, biting his lower lip. “I — Well, I just wanna wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays, I guess. Just — I hope you’ll get to spend them with the people you love.”
Cas feels strangely hollow at those words, but manages a rather fake smile anyway. “Well, I’ll be working 24th and 25th. I don’t have anyone waiting for me so I figured I could do the work here and let my colleagues go home to their families.”
Dean’s smile drops, brows pulling together. “Oh, I — I’m sorry. But I’m really glad the kids got you keeping them company during the holidays.”
That makes Cas smile again, and this time it’s a genuine one. “The holidays are a tough time for a lot of them, yeah.” 
“Well,” Dean says, swaying a little on his feet. “Well, then, I won’t keep you from your work any longer, then! Happy holidays, Cas. See you.” 
“Merry Christmas to you too, Dean,” Cas responds, feeling fuzzy both at Dean’s smile and the way he called him by his nickname. Cas. He remembers times when Dean would only call him Mr. Novak, Doctor Novak, Sir.
Dean sends him one last grin, then turns around and leaves. And all the fuzzy feelings leave right with him.
 The following days are a little monotonous, and the sadness that comes with having to spend Christmas in a hospital gets to Cas, too, this year.
 It’s December 24th and getting out of bed and into work was hard today. 
It gets easier when Cas meets the first kids, finds them giddy and excited for Christmas and presents and Santa.
The day flies by, and the evening comes, and Cas’ stomach clenches a little when he thinks about going home alone and finding an empty, cold apartment.
He has an hour left and decides to leave the front desk to Jody and spend the rest of his time filing paperwork in one of their small office rooms.
When there’s a knock on the door behind Cas, he startles hard enough to drop a stack of files.
“Oh god, sorry,” Dean speaks up behind him, and Cas’ heart beats faster just at hearing his voice.
Cas whirls around, smile already stretching on his face. “Dean,” he says, and it sounds a little too breathless.
“Cas,” Dean says, a wide smile on his face. “Hey, sorry to bother you today, but I — Well, I spent the day with my brother and his fiancee and we ate a lot but had all these leftovers, anyway, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how you told me you’d be all alone today and —” he breaks off, takes a deep breath, then looks up at Cas again with wide green eyes. “God, sorry for rambling. I thought I’d bring you some food, maybe. If you want it.”
Cas can watch how the flush spreads over Dean’s cheeks in seconds.
“Dean, that’s—” He feels his heart beat overtime, throat closing up a little. “That’s so sweet of you, thank you so much.”
Dean just blushes impossibly more, the tips of his ears coloring red. “I just thought — you know, I just wanted you to be okay and well-fed.”
And then it suddenly hits Cas, that maybe that’s not how Dean treats just everyone, despite his goodness, his generosity and helpfulness. Dean didn’t come to bring leftovers for Jody, Dean doesn’t bring coffee or cocoa for anyone but Cas. He doesn’t stop to chat for a few minutes with anyone but Cas. Maybe Dean feels as fuzzy as Cas does, and maybe this is Cas’ chance. His one chance to do something about it. So he does.
“I’m off in —” He blurts, breaking off briefly to check his clock. “I’m off in 22 minutes. If you don’t have any plans yet, for the rest of your evening, would you maybe want to join me for dinner tonight? I can’t offer much but —” 
Dean interrupts him before he can even stutter about the lack of food in his house, he steps forward, into Cas’ space, and says: “Yes, I’d love that, Cas.”
 Cas makes it through 22 agonizingly slow minutes of work.
He makes it through 22 minutes, and then he grabs his things and rushes out towards where Dean is supposed to be waiting at the entrance. 
And Dean is waiting, turning towards Cas with a giddy smile when he rushes through the hallway and towards him. And then Cas kind of just crashes into Dean’s arms and buries his face in the crook of his neck.
He thought about it for 22 minutes so now he just does what he’s been dreaming about. He pulls back a little to look into Dean’s eyes and asks, thrilled and maybe a little too blunt: “Can I kiss you, finally?”
And Dean doesn’t respond with words, just laughs softly and then leans in to kiss Cas, soft and gentle and sure. 
When they pull away a little, Dean grabs Cas’ hand, intertwines their fingers and whispers against his lips: “Merry Christmas, Cas.”
“Merry Christmas, Dean,” Cas responds, and then they hurry out towards Dean’s car, towards Cas’ apartment. 
They hurry home.
Tag list: @planetahmane  @justyourordinaryfangirl @winchester-cas @castielinparadise @trxye-sxvxn @runtosleepdreamer    @destielhoneybee  @breathingdestiel @wellofwoes @xxgoldensnowflake @dshelley @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @robotsnchicks @jemariel  @reallyelegantsharkfish  @mellomish  @frecklessaver   @jasminrogue  @skittles-rainbow-cat  @Insecureadult  @fpwoper  @imbiowaresbitch  @destielsangel  @elaspn @didnt-survive-twist-and-shout @mercenarydestiel    @a-pastel-pan   @7faerielights  @kathrinerose  @nerd-litteraire  @wingsandimpalas  @casbean  @miasif @petrichoravellichor @trenchcoatsandfreckles @sleephawhoneedsit @vibraniumarm @youreabadliar @inlovewithsaturn @super-powerful-queen-slayyna @brangaene @all-or-nothing-baby @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @error-name-not-in-this-dimension @elizaeverafter@letofarrell @apieceofurmind @notfunnydean @winchester-ofthe-lord @love-neve-dies @korppikasvo @imafluffyjellybean @carry-on-my-wayward-hunter @mishtho 
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heartofether · 3 years
Bonus Episode #3 - Leave a Message TRANSCRIPT
[You can listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts, or go to our “Listen” page if you’re on desktop.]
Hey there! Val here with a couple of special announcements before our third bonus episode. First off, our season two release date has been set and will soon be announced. Before then, however, we have an abundance of teasers and bonus content coming your way. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Tumblr to keep up with all of our new releases.
Second, do you want to talk to other Heart of Ether fans, either about the show or whatever else your heart desires? We now have an official Discord server! We have automatic roles, specialized channels, daily quotes and question of the day, and in the future, we may use it to host special events. The invite link is on our socials and our Carrd, and we would love it if you joined us!
Last but certainly not least: we all like tea, right? What about podcast-themed tea? That’s right, you can now buy The Heart of Ether-themed tea with the help of Adagio Teas! (not sponsored, just using the service) A portion of the proceeds will go to The Trevor Project, which helps provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth. The link to browse our tea collection will be in the description of this episode, or on our socials if you want to look there.
Right, I’m done with my rambling. Here’s another bonus fluff episode—and this time I at least 90% mean it! Talk to you soon!
Please state your message.
Hi! This is Rosemary Quinn. Unfortunately, I’m not able to return your call right now, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a lovely day!
Hey, it’s Irene. I just wanted to check and see when you’d be coming over? Text me and let me know if you have an estimate.
Oh, and my dad is going to the store, so I know you mentioned wanting to make brownies? Did you mean, like, from scratch or is just a box mix fine? ‘Cause I’m good with whatever. Just text me what you need, and I’ll ask him to pick it up. See you later! Bye!
Hey. It’s Irene. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you. Thanks.
Hi, Irene! I’m sorry to call, but you said you were having some issues with your texts, so I thought this would be a safer bet. Are you available after school today? If you don’t mind, I could really use some help with the chemistry homework. You seemed to at least kind of understand it, or maybe you were just pretending like the rest of us were. [SHE GIGGLES.]
I also just am not super fond of Mr. Morrison. Nobody is. I mean, I try to be nice to him, nicer than most other students, and I think he likes me for that. It doesn’t mean he’s actually willing to be helpful, though. I think he sees me as some sort of air-headed bimbo, which is both misogynistic and presumptuous. Olivia told me he might be retiring, though, so fingers crossed?
Anyways, would we be able to meet up and work on it together? I’ll buy you a coffee for your time. Just let me know! Oh, and no need to call me back, we’ll see each other at school most likely. I just thought I’d call and ask before I forgot. I’ll talk to you later, bye!
Hey, are you still at the school? I try to have school spirit—sometimes—but events really aren’t my thing. Maddy seemed to be into it, though, so I figured you might still be hanging out with her.
Anyways, if you decide you’re done with it, I was thinking about going to Sonic and it’d be great if you tagged along? It’s not the same when I go by myself. I’ll pay, obviously, since I’m the one inviting you. Call me back if you’re interested, and we can work something out. Alright, bye.
Hi there, Maddy just wanted me to tell you that when you get here, make sure you go through the back door so you don’t disturb her grandparents. They’re not in a great mood tonight. You’ll have to hop the fence, but if you need help, I can go down there. I’m excited to see you! Bye!
Hey there, I just wanted to apologize for leaving in such a rush. It was just a lot, and I didn’t really, well. I honestly didn’t feel super welcome there? That’s not your fault, though. It was everyone else.
It just—I don’t want to sound rude, but it doesn’t feel like our “group” actually cares about me a lot? I mean, maybe it’s because of my interests, or because I don’t dress or act like stereotypical straight girls do. I’ve known them all since freshman year, but honestly? You’re the only one I’ve ever really clicked with.
They like you, though. Everyone does. I don’t mean that in a snarky or jealous way. Just in the way that…well, you’re Rosemary Quinn. Everyone wants to be your friend, I guess. You just have that aura.
[A BEAT, THEN, EMBARRASSED] God, I’m sorry, that’s such a weird thing to say. I’m really not good at this whole friends thing, huh? I’m surprised you’ve stuck around for this long. I called you to apologize—now for multiple things it appears—but also to tell you that if you’re looking for me, I went to the park. It’s like a five-minute walk from Maddy’s house, and I have my board with me, so that helped.
I’m sure you’re not looking for me. You’re probably having fun at Maddy’s birthday party. You texted me to ask if I was okay, though, so I guess that’s why I called. You always do. You’re the one person who’s consistently cared, who’s always checked in on me when my social anxiety kicks in and I decide to leave early. Is that how you are with everyone, or…?
Jeez, I’m sorry, I’m rambling. Just, sorry for running off, I’m at the park sitting on the swings if you need me. Bye.
[SOMEWHAT DESPERATE] Hey, it’s Irene. Please call me back. I— [SHE HUFFS.] I really think we need to talk.
[DEFEATED] This is my third time trying to call you. At this point, I’m pretty certain you’re actually ignoring me.
I’m not mad, Rose. I promise I’m not. It was—it was nice! I liked it. Really liked it, actually, um. But you ran off to go home before we could really talk about it, and now it really feels like you. Well. Like you didn’t mean to, and now you regret it.
[SHE GROANS.] I’m not saying that to guilt trip you. I mean, maybe I’ve got it completely wrong. Maybe you’re scared that I didn’t like it, which isn’t true. Which would mean that we’re just walking in circles around each other, worried about what the other thinks. It would be funny if I wasn’t so worried about you.
[A BEAT, THEN] Do you wanna know the truth, Rose? I’ll tell you.
[SOFTER] Do you remember when we were building snowmen back in December, outside of the school? You made one named—god, I don’t remember. Was it Queen of the Valley? Some sort of royalty. You always come up with such extravagant names for things, it’s…
Anyways, you said what would make it perfect is if it had a crown to wear. By some absolutely absurd coincidence, I had a paper crown in my locker. I had learned to make them during study hall when I got bored. The school was still open, so I ran back inside through the empty hallways to go grab it.
When I came back outside, you grinned, your cheeks rosy and your hair still a mess from the wind that had only just died down. You took the crown from me, and you looked me in the eyes, giggling. You said, “I could kiss you right now.” Then you ran to give her majesty the crown.
And I didn’t say it. Of course I didn’t. I was too scared of that feeling I felt. I felt so warm, even with a blizzard on the horizon, and that terrified me. I wanted you to kiss me, though. I wished so badly that you had, it physically ached.
I gazed at you there, as you placed the paper crown upon the Queen’s head, Maddy rolling her eyes, but still smiling. In the moment, though, I hardly processed she was even there. I didn’t even process the groundskeeper glaring at us, or the cars driving past as teachers left for the day. As I stared at you, it was like you were the only thing I had ever known, and all I remember thinking was, “This is what will destroy me. This will be my downfall.”
[A PAUSE, THEN, HOPEFUL] But maybe it doesn’t have to be. Because you did kiss me, in the end. I’m glad you did.
Call me back, please?
[SINKING INTO DISAPPOINTMENT] Hi, Irene! Just, um…just making sure we’re still going to the dance together. I’m outside my house waiting. My mom’s starting to get pretty upset with me for not being gone already, and just uh…standing here like an idiot. Won’t let me come back inside, though, because she thinks that if I’m not out here, you’ll—actually, I won’t try to understand her reasoning. I haven’t been able to for the past sixteen years.
But, um…please let me know? I’ll be waiting. Goodbye.
Rose, I am so, so, so sorry I’m late. I promise, I’m on my way, I’m literally—
Yeah, I’m coming!
[THEN, AS SHE'S HEARD RACING ACROSS THE CARPET] I don’t wear makeup very often and I kept messing up my eyeliner and by the time I looked at the clock—I’m sorry. I have no idea how I’m supposed to make this up to you, but I’ll be there as fast as I can, okay?
[MUTTERING, CURSING HERSELF AS SHE PACKS HER BAG] First dance I get with you and it’s the only one I’m late to. Of course it is.
Okay, I’m going outside now. I love you. See you soon.
[SLOWLY] So. I just told you I love you. I didn't mean to, but if you feel that way, too, then great. If not, then just pretend it was a slip of the tongue and we can spend the rest of the night pretending it never happened! Yeah. Um. Yeah. See you soon.
Hi, I’m outside of the cafe now! I haven’t ordered yet, so we can go in together.
[A BEAT, THEN, SOFTER] I brought something for you. Early this morning, when dawn was just barely teasing the sky, I couldn’t fall back asleep. I have no idea why I woke up in the first place. Maybe my muscles knew something I didn’t. I decided to slip out through my bedroom window, though.
If my mom noticed, she hasn’t told me yet. She knew I was going out today, but I’m sure I’ll still come home to her sitting on the couch intently, giving me that look she always does. I don’t care. She can do whatever she wants.
I got on my bike and I rode out to the park—not the one we usually go to. This one is in the opposite direction. It’s much vaster, less playset and more nature. There were flowers that had just started blooming. I picked some with the gentlest hand I could manage. I wish I had thought to bring scissors, but I hope the flowers will forgive me for my carelessness.
I thought long and hard before picking each one, making sure the colors matched just right, that the sweet scent they produced was in perfect harmony. I tied them with a ribbon I had around my wrist, and sealed it with a kiss, just for you. It took me all morning.
[A BEAT, THEN, SHE GIGGLES] Oh, wait, I think I just saw you pull in. Okay, I’ll talk to you in a second—
Hey. Just wanted to make sure you got home safe. I love you. Call me back when you hear this, okay?
[LAUGHING] God, I must have just missed you. Yes, I got home safe. Thank you for checking, dear. Sir Griffin the Third says hello!
[TO SIR GRIFFIN THE THIRD] Hey, look, it’s Irene. Say hello!
[GIGGLING] I’ll talk to you later, I love you!
[HER VOICE CRACKING] Hey, I just saw your texts about your mom. Are you okay? Do you need me to come pick you up? You’re more than welcome to spend the night at my place. My dad said you can stay as long as you need, so don’t worry about that, okay?
I wish I could do more to help. I wish I could make her stop. Have you told your aunts about some of the stuff she’s done? They sound like good people, from what you’ve told me. I know they live far away, but still, they might be able to do something.
Right, um, just let me know if you need me to come get you. I love you. Bye.
Hi, I’m sorry to bother you. I just wanted to check, did I lose my bracelet at your house? I can’t find it anywhere. It’s the one you gave me, and I really, really don’t want to lose it. It’s like a good charm for me. Please text me if you find it. If not, it’s okay. It might just be somewhere I haven’t checked yet. Thank you, honey. I love you. Goodbye.
Hey, I’m parked outside! It’s okay if you’re not done yet, I can wait. I know you like to take your time getting ready for dances, and it definitely pays off. You’re gonna look beautiful regardless, though, so just come out when you’re ready. Love you!
[TIRED] Hi. I’m sorry to call you so late. To be frank, I didn’t expect you to pick up at all, but I know you’ll hear this in the morning. I hope you’re sleeping well, by the way. I— [SHE YAWNS.] I can’t sleep. That’s not unusual, but I’ve just been thinking a lot.
Do you remember when you fell in the creek? It was late autumn, and even though I pulled you out just seconds after, your teeth were already clattering. I wanted to cry, you looked so miserable, but you acted like it was hardly a big deal.
That one coffee shop was the closest warm building, so I had to take you there. One of the baristas brought out some towels for you, and even gave you a free hot coffee. I should visit them again one day, if they still work there. Maybe bring them a thank-you gift.
Anyways, I gave you my jacket, which you almost refused because you didn’t want me to be cold, but I honestly didn’t even notice it. Once we were almost certain you weren’t going to catch frostbite, we went back to your car and drove back to your house.
On the way there, while we were at a stoplight, you looked at me and said, “I’m just happy it wasn’t you.”
I laughed and said, “Well, it feels like I was in there with you. I got chills just looking at you.”
You said, “Is that how relationships work? We feel each other’s pain?”
And I said, “What happens when one of us dies, then? Will the other die, too?”
And you said, “I hope so. I can’t imagine life without you.”
“But what if you could just live your life for me?” I said. “If one of us dies early, the other should have to live double the life to make up for it.”
You hummed, and then said something I’ll never forget: “I may continue living, but that doesn’t mean I’ll like it. Life is so wonderful when you’re in the world.”
And I should have told you, then, that whatever wonder I bring is only because of you. Every time you smile, or say something stupid, or brush your hair out of your face, there’s a bit more color in the world. I think our colors bleed together, then. You are a universe in my hands and I love you more than both of our lifetimes could ever contain.
And I didn’t have the words to describe it all until right this moment. I couldn’t afford to forget.
So, I love you. In this life and the next. Goodnight, dear.
[DISTANT] Ms. Gray, could I please speak to you?
[QUIET, SHAKILY] Please pick up.
Today's quote is: “Foul smell of the things that we do to escape There is no glamour in this. No rock and roll. This is just endings. This is just grief.”
Kate Tempest in Hold Your Own, 2014.
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Curiosity Killed the Cat (Part 4) - Gar Logan
Tumblr media
Gif:  _Savion on Tenor
Word Count: 1.5K
Paring: Gar Logan x (f)Reader
Summary: Rachel askes Gar what he feels for Y/N. Gar watches an Amazon training session.
Warnings: N/A
Tagging: @ninergirl1d​   reclusive-chicken-nugget
“Holy Crap,” Rachel leapt in front of Gar the moment he arrived back home. Her eyes were bulging out of her head and her mouth hung open. He automatically knew what Rachel was speaking about, Y/N.
“Told you she was real.”
“She’s so badass!” Rachel declared as she started walking with Gar following her, “and super into you,” she looked over her shoulder to register Gar’s reaction. Gar’s cheeks flushed a bright red as Rachel spoke. He lowered his head to hide his reaction behind his green fringe. Regardless of how hard he tried to hide his red cheeks and bitten back gleeful grin at the thought of Y/N liking him, Rachel saw his joy. “Pretty too, isn’t she?”
“I- I- I- hadn’t noticed,” Gar stuttered, trying to lie.
“You can’t lie to me, remember?” Rachel chuckled and grinned.
“Okay, fine,” Gar sighed, “She’s stunning! She’s incredible! I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since I met her.”
“What you gonna do about it?” Rachel asked as she stopped walking, leaning against a wall to look at Gar. Gar pushed his hair from his face and leaned on the wall opposite Rachel.
“I don’t know,” he muttered, “first, we’re not on Themyscira forever, we’ll be leaving eventually, even if it isn’t soon, second, I wouldn’t blame Sofia for not wanting her to be in a relationship with someone from the world of man, considering that they experimented on Y/N as a baby.”
“At the end of the day, Gar, its Y/N’s choice, not Sofia’s,” Rachel pointed out, “as for leaving Themyscira?” She sighed, “I don’t know, but maybe for the time being that shouldn’t be in our minds. I think we’ll be here for some time yet. Cross that bridge when you come to it, Gar.”
Y/N tried not to let the fact that Gar was watching her train with other Amazons distract her. He was sitting to the side on the stone stools, observing curiously. No one off of Themyscira had witnessed the training sessions of the Amazons before. Out of all the trained and brilliant warriors he could watch, Gar chose to watch Y/N instead. His eyes hadn’t left Y/N at all.
“Don’t tell me you’re blushing because the man is watching,” Sofia teased as Y/N dodged her attack.
“Huh? What? No. Course not!” Y/N rambled, “Why on earth would I blush over that?”
Taking advantage of Y/N’s distracted mind, Sofia knocked Y/N to the ground. As Y/N leapt to her feet, she looked over to Gar, who gave her a concerned look. In response, Y/N smiled and gave a thumbs up to assure him she was fine before turning back to Sofia to hide her reddening face. God! How embarrassing!
“It’s fine to have feelings for a person, Y/N/N,” Sofia assured her, “nothing to be ashamed about.”
“I’m not used to this…” she confessed, “feelings like this… Is he still looking at me?”
“Yes,” Sofia chuckled.
“Oh Zeus, I feel embarrassed.”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about, my darling,” Sofia brushed the hair from Y/N’s eyes. “He’s merely concerned about your safety. Even Amazons can be injured.”
“Hey,” Gar said as he approached Y/N and Sofia, “you okay? Looked like a hard fall,” he looked at Y/N, hands in his pockets, as though he felt with Sofia present he had to keep at a certain distance.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Y/N assured him, “I’ve fallen a lot harder from a lot higher.”
“Good, well, not good that you’ve fallen worse before, but good that you aren’t injured. Were you injured from the other falls? Because I hope you weren’t. Being injured is never nice, is it?”
“No, no it isn’t,” Y/N nodded in agreement.
“Take a break,” Sofia chuckled as she strolled off, “chat with the man for a while.”
“How have you been finding Themyscira?” Y/N asked Gar as Sofia disappeared.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s good, I like it here,” he nodded, “watching the training is super cool. Never seen anything like it. How’d you do that flip thing earlier?”
“Oh, I can show you later if you want, after Sofia has finished training me for the day.”
“I’d like that,” Gar smiled.
“Perhaps there is something from the world of man that you can teach me,” Y/N asked excitedly, “we can teach each other.”
“That sounds nice,” Gar said, “but I don’t know what I would be able to teach an Amazon Warrior.”
“Well, I’m sure you will think of something,” Y/N said, “it doesn’t have to be fighting.”
“I’ll get to thinking about it then,” he chuckled.
“I look forward to learning from you, Gar.”
“And I’m totally excited to learn some kickass Amazon fighting from you, Y/N.”
“Tomorrow, meet me on the shore and I’ll show you how to fight like an Amazon, like we talked about yesternight.”
“Back to training now, Y/N, my darling,” Sofia called as she walked back over.
“Do you still want to watch?” Y/N asked Gar with big eyes.
“If you’re okay with that, yeah?”
“I would be more than okay with that.”
“Okay,” Gar grinned broadly as started walking back to his seat, biting his lip with his hands in his pockets. Y/N blushed as she watched him return to his spot. Sofia chuckled and playfully prodded Y/N.
“Back to training, little one,” Sofia said, “no more gawking after your man.”
Gar walked on the sand with a bounce in his step as he searched for Y/N. According to the young Amazon, all that Gar needed to bring was himself and his inner strength, as Amazon fighting wasn’t for the hesitant. Y/N said she was going to teach him like an Amazon, and teach him like an Amazon she will. When he finally found her, Y/N was practising steps herself, certain moves for dodging and defending. He didn’t tell her he was there straight away, no, he merely watched her as she weaved in and out of the imagined attacks, ducking, twisting, and lunging. Watching her movements was like watching a ballet – elegant, poised, but still strong and filled with immense power. Magnificent.
He sucked in as he watched her leap onto one of the rocks, feet barely grazing the stone before she pushed herself off and outstretched her legs, pointing her toes as she flipped herself backwards, turning upside down mid-air before putting herself right way up to land with incredible grace and power. Her feet hit the ground with an authoritative thud, sword still in grasp. The flip that Gar so badly wanted to learn. He had seen it before, but it still took his breath away.
“Whoa!” He said, unable to hold his reaction in.
Y/N turned to see Gar standing behind her. Momentarily stunned and a visibly giddy, Y/N quickly controlled her expression to a cool and collected smile.
“Hello there, Gar.”
“Hey,” he grinned, “that flip is so awesome!”
“Thank you very much,” she chuckled as she stabbed her sword into the sand to keep it lodged in place. This is when Gar noticed that there was a second sword there waiting. Did she really also want to teach him the way of the sword? He couldn’t believe his luck.
“Um, is Sofia alright with this?”
“More than fine with it,” Y/N assured him, “surprisingly, regardless of her thoughts and feelings of the world of man, Sofia is quite fond of you.”
“Really?” Gar asked in disbelief.
“Yes,” she nodded, “I think you are different from many of the other men we’ve heard about. Men, from what I’ve been told, seem to have an insatiable bloodlust and a hatred of women.”
“Yeah… we haven’t been the best, have we?” He chuckled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. “I promise you, Y/N, I hate blood, makes me nauseous,” Gar pulled a face as he thought about what he had done. It did make him sick, just the mere thought of the blood he had drawn made him want to hunch over and empty his guts, “as for women? Dude, women are awesome. Totally better than men. You should meet my friend Kory, or Dawn, you’d love them. I mean, you obviously knew Donna… Anyway, Kory’s got this awesome firepower, like the sun. Dawn is an amazing fighter. She’d love this.”
“If any of the Amazon’s thought you were anything like the men we’ve heard about, you wouldn’t have been allowed on Themyscira,” Y/N assured him with a snicker, “but hearing how much you respect my kind is nice. If I ever get the chance to meet your friends, I would certainly like too.”
“Maybe we’d be able to convince Sofia to let you visit us in my world.”
“Not very likely.”
“But still got some likeliness,” he flashed her a boyish grin, “and mums love me, I’d be able to convince her.”
“Perhaps this is why Sofia was wary about men,” Y/N teased, “how charming and tempting you are!”
“Um, I, well, me?” Y/N’s playful flirt caught Gar off guard, He went red in the face, burning with awkwardness at the thought of Y/N finding him charming and tempting. Him of all people being tempting? Being charming? Being the reason a mother would warn her daughter about men because of their enticement?
“Come on, Eros,” she chuckled with a teasing tone, “shall we begin?”
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a-kayy47 · 5 years
Learning to live:Chapter 2
So what brings you and the rugrats to Charming?" Tig asked. I knew he wasn't really intrested, he just wanted to know if I was going to be trouble, I won't but my ex might be. "Well, I got tired of my kids sperm donor cheating on me and being a junkie. After 7 years of it, it gets old" I said looking down at my feet and taking deep drags of my cigarette. "Why didn't you leave sooner lass?" Brit's ol'man asked.
"Honestly, I didn't think I deserved better or would ever find anyone who would ever want me." I answered still looking down.
"Fuck that prick! You deserve better babe. You're a damn good momma, you work every fucking day and never do anything for yourself, shit whens the last time you've actually had fun?" Brit asked me.
"Umm...Like real fun? Probably the last party I went to at Uncle Tom's clubhouse when I got arrested." I said looking up with a shit eating grin on my face.
"I wouldn't say getting arrested is fun." A bigger guy with glasses piped in as he walked up to us.
"That's because you've never been arrested with this bitch!" Brit said. "I remember it like it was yesterday. We was 16 and ate shrooms for the first time. And for some reason we thought it would be fun to get payback at some fucking blonde bitch for calling us biker whores and shit so we stole her car and pushed it into the lake!" Britni said laughing reminiscing on the memory. "You pushed a car in a lake and didnt get jail time?" The bigger guy asked again. "Oh that's not why we got arrested!" I said laughing. "Miss let's sneak into the local bar and dance naked on the bar is what got us arrested!" Britni told them still laughing uncontrollably at the memory.
"Yeah, I got public indecency and underage intoxication." I told them "You also tried to blow the cop to get him to let you go!" Britni reminded me. "Fuck, I forgot about that! Hey, at least he was attractive!" I said laughing "Dude he was twice your age!" She replied.
"We used to have so much fun. I miss it so much, all these fuckers want to do is drink till they pass out or bury their face in pussy!" Brit said putting her arm over my shoulder and squeezing.
"Well I haven't had sex since I got pregnant with Rayne and I haven't drank till I passed out since I was 18 so I'm not much fun anymore."
"Well we'll just have to change that! You're a hot peice of ass babe! You gotta get laid!" Brit said smacking my ass.
"Wait, did you just say you haven't had sex since you got pregnant with your girl..shes what like 5?" Tig asked with wide eyes.
"Yepp, she'll be 6 in September."
"But, you're like super hot!" The bigger guy said.
"Well thanks, I'm sorry I didnt catch your name."
"Phil." He told me.
"Well thank you Phil. But a lot of people dont think so, including myself. I still have baby weight to loose and it's been almost 6 years so." I said with a little chuckle.
•Happy's POV•
This chick was crazy! Staying with a dude for 7 years getting cheated on all because she didnt think anybody would want her! And not having sex in 5 years but knowing her boyfriend was out fucking anything with two sets of lips. She deserved better! The sparkle in her eye and the way she laughed while remembering all the fun her and Britni used to have warmed my heart even though I'd never tell anyone that. Everyone deserves to blow off some steam every now and then. Hell if I didnt get too I'd loose my fucking mind! And what the hell was she talking about no one wanting her, fuck I'd take her to my dorm and have my way with her right now! She was perfect! Beautiful face, tattoos lining her arms and hands, long thick black hair that I wanted to wrap my hands in, nice full chest that you could definitely tell was real the way they bounced when she laughed. Light skin with a slight olive undertone, a nice waist with a little belly from having kids, wide child bearing hips with a nice plump ass to match. She was bigger than the girls around here but shit that's what I liked something I could be rough with in bed and not worrying about breaking her. She may be bigger but you could tell she worked out, her ass was nice and firm but still had that fantastic bounce when she walked I could only imagine what it would look like bouncing on my dick. I wanted to find the fucker that ever treated her wrong and make him regret every single time he put his hands on her.
I remembered seeing her at the gas station and couldn't get those beautiful green eyes and plump lips out of his head then to see her pull up her and find out she's staying. By the time it was all said in done I'd have this women and she'd never remember that prick.
"Shut the hell up girl! I know you workout everyday!" Brit said pushing my shoulder. "Not everyday, and now I wont be able to since I don't have anywhere to keep up my boxing lessons." I said looking over to check on the kids.
"Happy boxes, he could teach ya a little." Tig said grinning at Happy.
"I'm sure he's busy with other things. I'll just have to stick to walking or jogging then the kids can tag along."I said shrugging it off.
"Be out here tomorrow morning at 8." Happy said which shocked all of us.
"I'll be there, Thanks." I said shyly.
"Alright let's go get you and the kids settled in. I'm sure you have a busy day tomorrow." Britni said breaking the conversation.
"God yes, I have to get the kids enrolled in school and look for a salon and see if they're hiring." I said exhausted just thinking about it.
"Well the school thing I can help with, Tara, Jax' ol'lady can help with that she just enrolled Thomas their youngest. And as for a salon there is only one and it's a barber shop most women go to Oakland to get their hair done but he's a good friend and with some talking to should give you a booth. I know the ladies would love a hairstylist closer home." Britni said filling me in.
After about a 10-minute drive from the TM we arrived at Britni's apartment.  The kids were beyond excited to get settled in somewhere for more than a night, and I couldn’t blame them in all honesty I was too. Brit pulled her Camaro into the garage and I parked by the sidewalk that lead to her  “apartment” as she called it, to me it was just a small house. She walked up to the car and immediately started helping me get things out. The kids had already jumped out and were sitting on the steps that lead up to the porch.
“Just get what ya’ll need tonight and I’ll send someone over tomorrow to help you unload the rest?” She stated opening the back hatch.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that I can get it. I packed it myself.” I replied with a chuckle.
“Don’t argue! Anyways if I didn’t send someone to help Gemma would have my head.” She said with an eye roll.
“Is someone afraid of this Gemma?” I asked with a smirk.
“We all are.” She answered flatly. “Wait till YOU meet her! I’m sure you’ll give her a run for her money!” She said with that smirk of hers that I knew meant trouble.
“Great! Can’t wait!” I said sarcastically grabbing the kids’ bags.
Brit grabbed my bag and led me to the door, unlocking it and entering the house. She had a nice place. As soon as you walked in the door you entered the living room, which she had painted a dark gray with a black leather couch and recliner on one side and a big flat screen TV on the other. The living room led into the kitchen, which had a small island in the middle of both rooms, it was simple black and gray just like Brit. I noticed that there was a door on each side of the living room, which I was guessing was the two bedrooms.
The kids hurried inside and stretched out on the couch and turned on the TV making them selves a home right away. I followed Brit to the door that was on the right side of the living room.
“It’s not much but its better than where you was.” Brit said as she walked in the room and flipped on the light.
 “Anything was better than that! I’ll never be able to repay you, you know that right!” I told her in all seriousness.
“Shut your mouth, you and those babies are all the family I have left, if something would have happened to you I would of lost my mind. I just wish I could have got you out sooner, before the beatings started.” She said low.
“How did you know about that?” I asked looking down at my feet.
“Let’s just say Jamie called me every time you was in the hospital.��� She told me.
That boy, I swear he might be quit and keep to himself but he never misses a thing.
“Annie, why didn’t you call me sooner? I would have got you out. I have a whole MC that would have backed me!” She said grabbing me by the shoulders and making me look her in the eyes.
“I was scared, you don’t know how many times I tried, I tried so fucking hard but I could never do it.” I said starting to cry.
“After the last time he put me in the hospital I was done. He really did a number on me that time.” I said lifting up the bottom of my shorts and showing her a scar that went 8 inches across my upper thigh.
“What the fuck Annie!” She asked running her fingers across the scar.
“My shorts were to short for a “Fat Bitch” to wear so he decided that he need to make a permanent mark to show me that my shorts had to be below that line.”
“This is the first time I’ve wore shorts in two years.”
I told her still looking at my feet.
“Babe you are worth so much more than that. Why didn’t you tell me what was happening?” She asked me again.
“I was embarrassed. I was such a strong person before I got with him I didn’t take shit from anyone let alone a man. Then I got with him and it was like I was trapped. I was scared to leave because if he ever found me I was sure he would kill me, and I couldn’t do that to the kids. That’s why I came here, I knew if he finds me here and kills me at least they had you to protect them. I cant let him get my babies..he would destroy them. They’re so innocent and sweet and have such a big heart and he’s so evil he would ruin them.” I rambled to her.
“I’m so sorry Annie, but know you are safe here YOU and those kids. Neither the MC nor me will let anything happen to you. And I promise you we will get the old Annie back! Now lets get you all settled in, you have a busy day tomorrow.” Britni said giving me a longing hug.
We walked out to the living room to see both kids passed out on the couch. I grabbed their blankets from their bag and cover both of them up and them a kiss on the forehead before I went to get ready to go to sleep myself. Britt went over and locked the door “Don’t worry only people that has a key is Chibs and Happy and they shouldn’t be by tonight.” She reassured me. I gave her a nod and told her good night. I went to my room and took off my clothes to change into a big-oversized Harley Davidson shirt and pair panties. I checked my purse for the 9mm that I picked up before we left West Virginia from an old friend. I made sure the mag was filled and out of the gun and laid both in the draw in the nightstand by the bed. The only thing that was going to help me sleep at night is knowing I had something to protect my babies! I laid in bed thinking about everything I had to do tomorrow and drifted off to sleep.
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velvetgons · 5 years
seunghun as your boyfriend;
seunghun x reader
warnings; hm maybe some swearing but nothing else :) 
word count; 3.2k 
requested; yes :) the junkyu one is already done and is under my writing// tag! 
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so what’s seunghun’s vibe i hear u ask? well it’s: ROMANCE
seunghun is the epitome of movie romance boy babey!!
you’d still meet him a very Normal and Generic setting, though
but it would still be super cute and the kind of experience where you think about it later that night and you gotta think ‘did that actually happen??’
i’m thinking a coffee shop because idk i got those chill vibes from seunghun
it’d be this really small niche coffee shop that plays the lo-fi hip-hop radio 24/7 and you only really go there because a. it’s small so there’s not a lot of people and b. the drinks are just so good?? you don’t know what they’re doing to make everything taste five star restaurant worthy but you don’t care!!
and one day you go there just to be chilled out and continue to work your way through the entire menu to test your theory that god himself is making these drinks
but when you’re just sitting and ~chilling~ you hear the door open
n you honestly don’t usually look up because it’ll just be another hipster teenager walking in, which is very valid and you’ve lowkey started to think that hipster fashion is maybe not so bad
(your friends disagree but i mean, who’s actually seeing hipster fashion up close and personal daily??)
but this time ur just like hm wonder who’s coming in today
and oh my god?? you feel like your brain has just short-circuited
there’s this cute ass boy with the softest looking hair wearing an oversized soft jumper walking into the shop with these pretty eyes that are glancing around to observe the space
and your interest is peaked, so you’re paying full attention to him now like godly drink? not important there is the most beautiful man over there and you are about ready to die with how shocked you are  
and then he just. gets his coffee and you think he’s gonna turn and leave so you’re :((
but as he about reached the door he turns his head a little and he sees you and he’s like :O
tbh he’d probably actually gasp like yeah that’s seunghun and he’s shocked!
and he wants to walk over to your table but he doesn’t know if you want company or if you want to be left alone
so he’s 365 so stressed and rushes out of the coffee shop because omg he can’t make someone ((and himself)) nervous that’s too much to do in one day
and so now you’re left wondering like?? was that a good shocked face and run away? because that’s definitely not usually a good sign
but you go back the next day as usual except this time you’re waiting for something ((spoiler: it’s seunghun. you went there to see the Cute Boy.))
and tbh you don’t think he’s gonna come back because i mean who gasps and runs out of a building for a good reason
but he does!! and he’s being ‘sly’ okay seunghun trying to check to see if you’re there that day and when he sees you sat there like yesterday he’s so excited
he’s been getting prepped all throughout yesterday and mostly through the night because he didn’t sleep properly
but now he’s ready to go ask if he can sit with you and make nice polite pleasant conversation
forgive him he’s only on phase one of his long-term plan to marry the cute person he saw at the coffee shop
so he gets his coffee and he walks over to you and says in the uwu small text “hello! does anybody sit here or is this seat free?”
and i mean first of all it’s completely unnecessary for him to sit with you like there’s so many free seats
but lowkey yeah you’ve been thinking about him too so you’d say yes
even if there is the slight worry that he might be a serial killer you decide to Take The Chance this one time
and omg as soon as you said yes seunghun could swear his heart did a keyboard smash and then stopped beating for a whole minute
but he takes his seat! and then completely freezes
he just doesn’t know what to say at first :(( he’s worried he’ll say something weird or not say enough to impress you so he just sits quietly and drinks his coffee
but then he sees that you’re wearing this cute lil necklace so he’s like “wowie!! that necklace is super cute :))”
and of course you’d say “omg!! thank you so much!!”
and like tbh. he gets so much confidence from them on. he just takes that one small comments and creates a whole conversation from
he asks where you got the necklace, if you shop there often, if you shop overall often, what other things you like to shop for, what other things you like in general
when it gets to a time that either one of you have to leave, seunghun genuinely wouldn’t want to, and if he had plans he’d check to see if he could cancel them without feeling guilty to spend time with you
but if you had to leave or if he couldn’t cancel his plans he’s gonna be a sad boy
you honestly just feel like you’ve been on a date tbh
so you’d honestly forget the inhibition and be like “aw :(( well it’s okay just give me your number so we can do this again!”
and you only realise when he does the same face he did yesterday that oh whoops maybe you didn’t fully realise that you were saying that
he just makes you feel really comfortable so you honestly forget about things that would’ve made you nervous with other people
but once he recovers from the shock he’d just be like “:] yeah okay that sounds fine with me”
and he just wants to talk to you 24/7!! but he refrains from texting you all the time because he doesn’t want you to end up finding him annoying :-)
tbh though he’d respond to your texts pretty quickly all the time either way? if he’d been talking to you all day, then his responses would take like ten seconds while he typed them out. but if you hadn’t been talking to him at all, his responses would probably still only take fifteen minutes max unless he was busy with something
on that note, he’d tell you whenever he was busy with things so you didn’t ever think he was purposefully ignoring you
and he’d take you out to different coffee shops in an attempt to prove or disprove your theory about the niche lil one you go to
and if you had hobbies like visiting museums or shopping? he’d totally come along with you!!
brings you along on little trips he takes too!! if he’s going to buy something from a store he doesn’t usually go to? guess who he’s inviting!!
tries to make you push him around in the cart to see how long you can go until a staff member tells him to get out (your current record is an hour and twenty-one minutes)
tbh everyone around you would probably think you were dating?? like your friends just assume you’ve told him that you like him already and now you’re just dating
and seunghun’s probably told his friends that he was In Love with you the day he met you, because he firmly believes in soulmates even if he friends don’t
after being close friends with you for like six months you’d probably think it was time to give him a big speech about how you like him as more than just a friend
so you sit him down and give him this whole lengthy rehearsed statement like “first of all, seunghun, i really don’t want to ruin this friendship…”
and by the time you’re done rambling about how much you think he’s amazing and perfect in every way he’s like
“well, i’m really touched, seriously, i’m tearing up a little…” and you’re like :(( he’s trying to let me down gently at least, but then he just goes, “but i thought we were already dating???”
and, first of all, you’re kinda just like ok damn that was seriously unnecessary then huh. but second of all, that’s definitely not bad news!!
so you kinda just laugh n say, “we never agreed that !”
and he’d say “well you know i kinda just assumed :( my bad”
and then you become the meme (you know the one where the guy’s like “that ain’t no problem, that ain’t no problem!” that one)
but anyway! now you have a big babey as your boyfriend so you struck out there
and like. nothing changes? you’d have thought that at least something would change but now he just gets to kiss you!! and that’s about it
seunghun is a hand holding enthusiast, first of all
he loves making you really do really obscure odd things with him that if anyone else asked you to do you’d be like ‘no wtf’
but with seunghun it’s like: go find the strangest most ugly painting in an art store and take a picture of you imitating them mood it portrays? sure that sounds fun! even more fun when you actually buy it!
or maybe he wants to make a scarecrow entirely out of pictures of himself? and you’re just like, “sure, yeah, that sounds like a fun activity”
idk if this is just an english thing or if it’s world-wide but you know like pub knowledge quizzes? he’d make you go to things like that on subjects neither of you have no idea about at all
but he’d also do really cute things with you or for you sometimes :(
like, he’ll buy cards with pretty art or cute cartoons on the front and write you lil short paragraphs about a different aspect of you that he loves
or he’ll get a collection of different flower bouquets and put them all together for you
and he’s not scared to admit it either!! if you bring it up in front of other people’s he doesn’t get embarrassed because that’s his mfing baby!!
gives you about a thousand kisses every day but his favourite kind of kiss is when you give him lil pecks or pepper his cheeks with kisses :)) they make him feel all warm n cuddly n safe
all of his kisses are very sweet and soft for the most part though
and tbh he doesn’t really kiss you for any other reason than a. he knows you like being kissed omg and b. it’s such a cute lil way of showing affection
he also adores having the classic late night conversations
okay but: seunghun loves going outside late at night, he doesn’t care really whether it’s cold or warm but summer nights after a long day are his favourites, and lying or sitting on a blanket with you and having you both go off on different tangents about a thousand different things you’ve been thinking of or that you have an opinion on
for example, his fixation with soulmates
you ask him one of the many times you’re sat outside looking at the stars with him why he’s so obsessed with the concept of soulmates
and he’d kinda just shrug at you and be like “i just really do think they’re real. i really, really believe in them. that’s about it.” and he’s got these big cute eyes that are reflecting the stars and you’re two seconds away from giving him a smooch
but he’s not done!! he’d go on to be like, “well i mean. i did think they were real, but now i know they’re real because i’ve met mine.”
you might cry a lil bit at that. that’s understandable.
but he’s smiling so softly and his eyes are so starry and pretty and he’s like “can i give you a kiss :-)”
and you’re just like :(( yeah, yes pls
you’d realise a while into your relationship that he’d gotten a necklace that matched the one he’d complimented when he first met you too
and when you’d ask him why he’d tell you it was because he wanted a reminder of you and meeting you with him always
if you came to watch him practice or expressed an overt interest in his debut or anything to do with his passion he’d be so happy!! he’d love to explain things to you, or show you new choreographies and songs he was working on
i feel like seunghun’s the type to wanna have lil conversations before bed
he already knows how your day’s been because if he hasn’t been keeping in regular contact with you throughout the day, he’s definitely asked you the second he sees you
he just wants to have another run-down over it so he can comment on stuff more in depth if he hadn’t had the chance before
tells you about his day and discusses how he’s felt about things so he can hear your opinion on them too
omg but you two would definitely spill tea together i mean, if there’s drama in your day? guess who’s getting a text w a tea emoji so he knows you have something to tell him about when you see him in person
and if he sees some stuff go down? he’d probably straight up call you in a bathroom to start telling you the story before he had to rush off to make sure he didn’t miss anything
you two just gossip. you both know everything about everyone. that one girl from your class who sits in the second row and always has to borrow a pencil from someone and you think it’s because she likes someone in the class? he knows about that. he has a theory on that.
we all also know seunghun’s kinda loud right?
because if he’s hyping you up, he’s Hyping You Up
you go out shopping with him and some friends? they’re like “wow that’s a cute shirt!!” but seunghun’s like “you are the most beautiful human being on this planet” (bass boosted)
has two different reactions when you compliment him:
either it’s “omg not here i’m gonna blush and that will so embarrassing for the both of us!!!”
or it’s “thank you for saying my shoes are nice i would die for you :-*”
either way, you’re just like :] of course any-time buddy
onto another topic, seunghun has a range of different pet-names for you
in private it’s like “my angel !! my baby !! my princess !! my lil love-bug cuddle-bug uwu machine wife !!”
but in public it’s like your full name. or maybe ‘babe’ if he’s feeling bold.
he just doesn’t want his friends to tease him because he Knows they would never let him live it down if they heard his nicknames for you
also seunghun seems like the type to leave you audio messages instead of just texting you? especially if he was gonna say something cute because now there can’t be any screenshots
(if u two have tea to spill and have to be apart, you best believe you’re sending each other audio of you laughing or commenting or at the very least giving a dramatic rendition of how arguments happened)
but his normal audio messages are usually just him telling you that he loves you a lot :) and he hopes you have a good day :) and reminders to eat and drink regularly :) and if you ever show this to anyone he’ll fight you >:)
just so you know, play-fighting doesn’t exist with seunghun because the concept is dumb to him
so either you’re wwe fighting or you’re not qualified to fight him
saying that, if you try and tickle him, it’s over. just don’t do it. he will not accept that sort of treachery in his home
funny how he says that and then would also spend a couple of hours cuddling you while you’re wrapped up in blanket so you can ‘feel like you would on a cloud’
the duality!
still makes you do dumb stuff after you start dating though that’s not going away
you wanna go for a walk as soon as the sun starts to rise so you can see the sky change colours and look really pretty? how can you say no to that offer!
he’d do that but then get genuinely concerned when you say you’re tired before at the very least after 5pm
he just doesn’t like the idea of you not being healthy and happy
on this topic, i really don’t think seunghun’s the type to argue? about anything?
he just. he just doesn’t get angry very often tbh. maybe he’d get annoyed with you occasionally but if he has an issue with something you’re doing he’ll just tell you bro he’s not pressed about it
and he really expects you to do the same if it’s something that you seriously don’t like because he won’t be offended by it
he’s a firm believe that you’re both best friends!! you can tell each other anything and nothing comes with negatives if it’s something you need to address with one another!!
like, getting jealous? yeah, he does!! but he’s rational and he knows he can trust you so what’s there to get seriously mad about
and if you get jealous? that’s fine, as long as you know too that he’s serious about how you two are supposed to be able to fully trust one another so you don’t need to be worried about anything
he doesn’t get snappy when he’s tired, he just wants to take a nap and maybe get a cuddle while he does :))) as long as you’re fine with that, he’s not bothered
he’d get quite upset if you snapped at him though, and he’d make sure to tell you whenever you calmed down from your mood that you can just tell him if you’re not in a good place or if you’re tired and he’ll give you your space
he always seems like a person who’s so quick to bounce back from things? and i think he’d like to be able to just rant at you sometimes about how he’s really feeling before he has to rationalise it just so he isn’t bottling anything up
gives you genuine heart eyes when you remind him that it’s okay for him to have normal human emotional reactions to things like everybody else does
tbh seunghun would give you heart eyes all the time :///
i feel like this one’s been shorter than others but i just. i just honestly think dating seunghun would be a really nice pleasant experience?
he’s just such a genuinely good person and has so much he wants to do with you
(he’d probably make a lil bucket list hhhhh)
would probably conclude that he’s definitely gonna marry you from the very moment he first started talking to you tbh
like he would constantly remind you, he firmly believes that you two are actual soulmates, so no problem is too big for the both of you to face in his eyes :((
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callioope · 5 years
Questions Meme!
Hello, yes, this HAS in fact been sitting in my drafts for ages and ages. Thank you to both @crazy-fruit and @ruby-red-inky-blue for tagging me and for waiting forever for me to answer (oops)! I’m sorry I took so long, but y’all ask really good questions and I had to think about some of them!
Question Set 1
1. How are you?
Oh, I’m doing alright! Thank you for asking. The earlier part of this year was rather rough, but therapy has been helping. I’ve been rather busy these past few weeks with traveling, and my schedule going forward is rather busy, too, so while I’m excited for those things, I’m also excited for the eventual moment I can just relax.
2. What would you say are your talents?
Writing. Making fancy color-coded spreadsheets. I’ve been told that my super power is getting random (annoying) songs stuck in other people’s heads. Does that count as a talent? 
3. If you had the chance to start your life again, would you take it?
NOPE. No thanks. I like where I am at right now, and I would not want to relive my awkward years. Er, at least, my more awkward, younger years. Cuz I’m totally still awkward. Just less awkward. I hope?
4. Which language would you like to speak instantly? 
HMM. ALL OF THEM. It’s really hard to choose! 
Language fascinates me, and in another life I feel like I would have devoted a lot more time to learning more of them. Unfortunately, I really hated German class in high school because of the teacher’s tendency to put people on the spot -- I think that is sort of inherent in a language class, but I get anxiety speaking in public. 
Anyways, I suppose I’ll answer Turkish to this question, since spouse and I keep saying we’re going to try to learn Turkish via Duolingo. For the record, my HS offered six languages, which was the most I’ve ever heard of an American school offering, and I was always quite happy with my choice of German. (The others were Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, and Latin.) I do wish I had maintained my German better, and I that I had more time to learn Spanish. 
5. Where would you like to be right now?
Honestly? I’m pretty happy when I’m at home. But if I had to answer where “else” would I like to be right now, out of the whole world? Being back on safari in Botswana is a top contender, as are a variety of places in Turkey, and also Munich. 
6. What name would you give yourself?
I’ve always liked my actual name (Elizabeth). I know I go by Liz; one of my HS friends was quite stubborn and I’m a bit stuck with it now, but I don’t mind it. There are worse nicknames that come from Elizabeth. I used to go by Fiona online; I’ve always been fond of that one. 
7. What is something you’re currently learning?
OOF, what a good question. I sorta blanked on this at first, and my first thought was uhhhh learning how to cope with my OCD??? I’m doing exposure therapy right now, ish. Emphasis on the ish. Also mindfulness. Does that really even count? I started a beginner’s knitting project several months ago that I never finished, does that count? (I just need to seam it, that’s what I’m putting off. I have knit plenty of scarves; however, this is my first hat.) I’m sort of teaching myself ukulele although I haven’t really learned any new chords or songs in awhile. I would very much like to take more photography classes with a focus on wildlife photography. That involves buying a new camera and... signing up for classes. 
Question Set 2
1. What is a detail in a piece of art/a text that you like that you really admire?
This was very difficult, at first because it was like looking at a bin full of loose things and just seeing an assortment of color and being overwhelmed by it all, and then because once I did start digging around, I kept finding different ideas and it was too hard too choose.
Character-building: In the A Song of Ice and Fire series, when Arya starts working for the House of Black and White, Martin stops using the name “Arya” as she dons different identities. For example, he uses “Cat” for a bit, among other names. It shows she’s trying to be someone else, but the caveat is that there are still little mannerisms and such that show she hasn’t really left Arya behind (I think maybe she bites her lip or something? I don’t remember specific examples because it’s been over 5 years since I read these books, but I do remember really appreciating the general technique at the time). 
Music: In The Beatles’ “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” I love those repeated arpeggios, over and over, building, intensifying, as the white noise comes in and you can just feel the heaviness of desire, of want... (and then I love how it just breaks so suddenly! And I know it wouldn’t have been intended this way because that’s the end of side one, but since I listen to the whole album on spotify, then those bright chords of “Here Comes the Sun” come in and god Abbey Road is the best Beatles album)
Writing: the poetry of Florence + The Machine’s “All This and Heaven Too,” obviously, since literally the title of my blog comes from that. I’d quote that whole song honestly. There’s something that speaks to me about the incapability of language to fully encompass just... everything. I mean, love in specific here, but also just everything. Words are just these little boats we put meaning on and we hope they make it to the other side but everyone takes ‘em a little differently. 
Like, look at this: 
And the words are all escaping, and coming back all damaged And I would put them back in poetry if I only knew how 
And this: 
Words were never so useful So I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before
Anyways, there’s also something just incredibly soothing about the music, too, and how she sings the song. There’s another line, from Sara Bareilles’ “Miss Simone” that goes “How does she know what a heart sounds like?” which pretty much sums up how I feel about “All This and Heaven Too” (and also many of Sara Bareilles’ song, especially that particular album, but I digress).
Anyways I did have some art examples, but I think I’ve rambled long enough.
2. Is there an idea that you really liked but had to discard because you couldn’t get it to work?
If I really like an idea, I don’t really “discard” it so much as put it on the shelf to attempt later. Out of recent fic ideas, I’ve really struggled with “How to Lose a Spy in 10 Days.” I first thought of this in late spring 2017, and for awhile I couldn’t stop thinking about it, but I was working on Whatever I Do at the time, and wanted to wait before starting another WIP. By the time I got to writing this, the inspiration well had sort of dried up. 
I really like the idea of a fun cat-and-mouse rom-com idea where Jyn and Cassian keep outsmarting each other, with a whole lot of competency kink, some “oh shit we actually work well together!” and maybe some battle couple. And I was really looking forward to both the moment when they both finally let their guards down around each other and the big confrontation when they actually find out each other’s identities. But it involved more mission writing than I was prepared for, and I really struggled with it. I think I need to start over but that involves a lot of working, so it’s unfortunately shelved for now, and I’m working on a “You’ve Got Mail” concept instead.
3. Is there something fandom-related you would like to be able to do (i.e. I’d like to be able to make gif sets but can’t)?
Oh, yes, absolutely! Really anything that’s not writing related, lol. Gif sets, art, etc. But most of all, I have a music video idea for the song “So Close” from Enchanted--like I have a whole story board plotted out in a google doc. But I don’t have any video editing software, don’t even know how you get the scenes for a music video, etc. I have made videos before, but not since high school, and I don’t even have the cheap, basic video editing program I used back then. Sometimes I think I should just attempt make a gif set instead, but there are so many lyrics! and scenes that go with the lyrics! that I don’t know how to consolidate it into that format anyways. 
4. What is a skill you’ve acquired through fandom work?
Hmm, this was tough. I’m going to say HTML. I’m not up-to-date on webdesign at all, but back in my early fandom days, I ran a few fansites. I still sometimes use HTML while leaving comments or to edit posts on dreamwidth or w/e. It’s super basic, but it has helped me at work at a variety of jobs. I take it for granted that people my age should know basic HTML, but a lot of them don’t, and then a lot of people I work with now are older and definitely not tech savvy. 
5. Do you think anyone can learn to create great art, or does it take talent?
Well, I’m going to cheat a little. I do think think that anyone can learn to create great art, but I also think that everyone has a talent at something, and part of learning to create great art is recognizing your skill sets and honing those. If that makes sense? I’ve sort of seen both sides to this. I’ve seen naturally talented people create great things, but I also think that they’re probably cheating themselves if they’re not learning and honing their craft and trying to get better. But I’ve also seen people who started out making things that maybe you wouldn’t call great, but they worked hard over and over again, and looking at their work now, you’d say they were talented without ever knowing the difference. Great art = talent + learning + passion. Did that even answer the question? ...moving on
6. Do you prefer AUs or in-universe? Why?
I prefer to write in-universe, for sure. I find modern AUs more challenging, mostly because--and I feel kinda bad saying this--it’s very difficult for me to tap into Jyn and Cassian’s characters without some kind of tragic background. Their experiences and how they coped with them shape their personalities, and it’s really hard to separate them from those. My WWII was easier because, hey, it’s war, not so different from in-verse. But I initially tried to write Learning Curve in a modern AU and I was just totally bored. Putting it in universe made it more interesting to me, especially having to finagle a happier plot inverse. IDK, it might even be that I generally struggle to make up any conflict in modern AUs that feels interesting.
THAT SAID, lol, I definitely read either. So it’s probably strange for me to be hung up on it because I’ve read nice fluffy modern AUs and found them perfectly engaging.
Tagging: @theputterer, @magalis, @allatariel, @mythologicalmango, @threadsketchier  MY USUAL DISCLAIMER APPLIES: no pressure if you just don’t wanna, AND if anyone sees this and was like “aw hey i wish she’d tagged ME” well guess what, I wish I did too! so go ahead and do it and let me know and then i’ll know to tag you next time, too :-) 
When you suffer a setback or a series of setbacks when creating (writing, drawing, knitting, any kind of crafty project thing you work on... even work), what are some strategies you use to cope with that stress and move forward?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to create/make and what did you learn from it?
What part of a bicycle would you be?
What’s a helpful writing (art/crafting/work) technique you’ve learned?
What’s a piece of art that made you see things differently?
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
What was the last board game you played and what did you like or not like about it?
*sorry these came out rather writer heavy!
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nikatyler · 6 years
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When you’re reading this, it’s already after my prom. However, when I’m writing this, it’s the night before my prom, I’m freaking out and I’m listening to some Christmas music to calm down. Don’t judge me, okay? I’m not one of those “November = Christmas” people but I like to listen to Christmas songs early. I’ll start decorating by the end of this month. And buying gifts, too. End of November sounds nice.
Anyway, my prom. I’m freaking out. Long dress, high heels, makeup...aaaand I still don’t know what my hair will look like and that freaks me out as well. I’m a mess. When you’re reading this, I’m already at home, it’s all done, I have survived. Hopefully I don’t have a hangover.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON RONNIE HERE! If this wasn’t the best evening of my life then I don’t know what was. I didn’t make a fool of myself, I had a great time, I drank responsibly, I’m just a little tired and sad that it’s over.
It’s actually Monday afternoon now. Oops. I was going to post it yesterday but then I didn’t because anxiety. Basically. I hate myself. (take a shot every time I say something along these lines)
Replies now. Just a warning, it got really long this time and also, technically I spoil something even though at this point it’s obvious anyway so...yeah just thought I’d let you know :D
For some reason I couldn’t get a few of these replies straight out of my activity feed so I went and just did it manually because I knew they were there somewhere. Just saying in case you were wondering why the format is different.
jackssims:  “Forget her” woooow Ross
elisabettasims:  Ross, you don't deserve to be turned and live forever after that remark.
This goes on the list of the worst things he’s ever said. Not that I have a list like that, but I could start one.
riversong331:  I swear to god if she dies I’m going to start a revolt
I’m not ready
Well then...you better start getting ready. Just saying.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Daddy gone again?” December: “Oh yeah, he is. It would be...”
It would be nice if he was there /at all/ for Sunset lbr
Yeah. He needs to work on that.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hottub is no fun when you’re alone. Once again, the conversation I had...”
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “Hottub is no fun when you’re alone. Once again, the conversation I had...”
Yesyesyesyesyesyes xD
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Hottub is no fun when you’re alone. Once again, the conversation I had...”
*incoherent screaming*
but this doesn't excuse lack of interest in your daughter, Ross!
The ship may sail now.
By the way, at this point I was kinda scared everyone would just be excited about this revelation and forget Ross is still a bad person who sees his daughter as a minor inconvenience his parents can take care of. I’m glad that didn’t happen, he can’t be forgiven just yet, thankyouthankyouthankyou. I never should’ve doubted you, honestly :D
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Daddyyyy wake up!” Ross: pretend you don’t hear her, pretend...”
It's really, really difficult for me to like Ross. To be fair to him in this case, a lot of parents have done this.
Ah, yes, sadly...I know people whose parenting is very similar to Ross. :/
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Daddy gone again?” December: “Oh yeah, he is. It would be...”
I`m soooo close to calling Ross an a-hole
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tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Sunny, you can’t do this. Your dad - as in me - is a very busy...”
And when is your free time scheduled? When you have grandchildren?
Good question...guess we’ll find out when he actually has grandchildren in the game :D
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Sunny, you can’t do this. Your dad - as in me - is a very busy...”
Every time Ross says something like this to Sunset I die a little inside
You’re not the only one. I felt so bad writing these lines
jackssims replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Are you feeling a little unwell, brother? Is Sunset...”
Valentine pls
She’s trying to bring my alien jokes back leave her alone everyone
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ooh boy. It was one hell of a nausea.”
*eyes emoji*
I didn’t think anyone would think this was important but then again...we know how I feel about aliens  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “WHAT WERE YOU TWO DOING THERE THAT’S YOUR SON’S CLOSET”
It's the small little revenges that are the best.
I wonder how he would feel if he found out. Buuuut I think he didn’t find out, considering...well, let’s just say that closet has seen things. I’m not responsible for that, he did it on his own. I swear.
davidmont replied to your photoset “Look Ross. You’ve made mistakes and we all know that. We all hate you...”
Yikes indeed. Deal with your problems, Ross! Don’t just set yourself on fire!
Did I just call Sunset “a problem”?
I am officially as bad as our dear buddy Ross. I hate myself.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I love Ross as a character but I hate him as a person (if that makes...”
I like him as a character, too! Contraversional characters are the best
Ahhh yes! He was fun and interesting to write and think about. But he’s the worst. I’m not saying he doesn’t have any good character traits, I mean he’s hardworking for sure...but yeah he’s showing his bad side more
wizardofweather1 replied to your post “I love Ross as a character but I hate him as a person (if that makes...”
I Feel Like If His Parents Let Him Be With Caleb Then He Would Be Open About The Alien Baby Then Ross Would Never Have Went And Attempted To Seduce Everyone In Sight And Happier Ending But This Challenge Is This Way
My “theory”/”explanation”/idk how to call it because I’m tired is similar to yours. I’ll try to explain it somehow because honestly...would I miss the opportunity to talk about my characters? Watch out for a super long essay! :D
Let’s take it from the beginning. At first Ross was just kind of this child obsessed with his “cool vampire friend”. He adored him. When he aged up into a teenager, he went and started dating Carol, his classmate and a good friend. They were the same age and knew each other for a while so...yeah. It wasn’t that hard. I don’t think Ross had any romantic feelings for Caleb at that point just yet. Strong feelings, definitely, but not romantic.
Anyway, fast forward to Caleb getting abducted by aliens because I have no self control. I think that even though Caleb liked Ross a lot, they were best friends, they always had a great time and everything, he knew Ross can be shallow and bit of a dick. Which is why he decided to avoid him for a while. That however almost ruined their friendship, as we’ve also seen.
The feelings most likely started changing at the beginning of gen 2 when they started hanging out again - before drifting apart once more when Ross found out about Stella. During those dark high school times, Ross had this mindset that he wanted to date someone, find the “one true love” as one may call it. He didn’t know who exactly he wanted so he just went and tried all his options...but he was looking for something, someone specific. He was missing Caleb, even though he was also mad at him for keeping secrets and not trusting him. Now, I’m not trying to defend Ross. I would never defend him for this. He was confused and he missed Caleb, okay, cool. Well Ross, guess what, you can miss someone but that doesn’t give you the right to date a million people at once.
Ross then tried to move on when things got more serious with Jordan, but something still didn’t feel right, and then there was Marika who only made this indecisivity worse, and then things turned out the way they did. (I actually believe Ross and Jordan could have been in a happy relationship if it wasn’t for her.) And then Ross started talking to Caleb again and boom the feelings were back and even stronger and it was just a matter of time until he finally realized. Basically. As for Caleb’s point of view, well, I think it’s still too soon to talk about that and this is getting long anyway.
I wouldn’t necessarily blame Ross’s parents for all of this, though they obviously play some role in it as well. Let’s be real, Ross was an only child for a long time and a pretty spoiled one...hadn’t he been so spoiled, he would’ve probably grown up to be a better person, Caleb would’ve trusted him et cetera.
Wow, this turned into quite a rambling, I’m sorry. These are the kind of things I think but at the same time don’t think about, it’s more like a feeling, and writing it down, it gets long. Aaand now I definitely didn’t make sense. I hate myself. Don’t let me do this when I should go to bed, I’m really really tired. Why do I do this to myself. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Love gets so much more confusing when you actually mean it. I...”
Everybody but you knew, Ross.
Everybody but him...and me. Yeah. I started shipping them around this scene. I didn’t really think about it before that, in fact at that point I didn’t even know what I wanted to do next romance-wise for Ross. Once I was sure I wanted them to get together, I went back to edit the dialogue a little bit, throw a hint here and there...and I realized that I didn’t even have to edit it too much. I already wrote him pretty much like he’s kind of crushing on him without knowing he’s crushing on him. So like...I hate to say it but I’m just as oblivious as him. That’s concerning. Or maybe I just got so into his character, which is just as concerning.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Love gets so much more confusing when you actually mean it. I...”
Idk, Ross, you’re entire life perhaps?
You’re not wrong
I mean, like I said above, those feelings weren’t always romantic but he has always loved him in some way.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hey. Why did you place that down. You eat that right now.”
I see that frowny face in the tags it better not be what I think it is
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “nononononono December please can you like maybe go away? Thank you.”
Gosh this is... Unexpected((
jackssims replied to your photoset “December: “Okay what are you trying to do.” Kieran: “I’m trying to say...”
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “December: “Okay what are you trying to do.” Kieran: “I’m trying to say...”
I remember this clearly. I was going to leave the game soon and go to bed and he was like “oh you wanna sleep? me too but I won’t wake up. bye”
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Oh, yeah. Glad you noticed your husband really is dead.”
It's sadly hilarious sometimes how long it takes it to jump in the queue if they're in the middle of something already.
I hate that. I feel like ts3 is quite the opposite, if something is supposed to cancel everything in the queue, it happens fast. Sims 4 though...
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Persephone made a new friend.”
"Give my best regards to Hades"
This moment was perfect thanks to her name
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Persephone made a new friend.”
I guess the Grim Reaper is still an animal lover. I loved that about him in TS3. It was one of the few things that made pets dying bearable, the way Grim greeted them with open arms and hugs.
Yes, that was cute! Still though, none of my sims animals has ever died because, well, it’s too sad for me to handle.
Well, actually, spoiler alert - Persephone died, but that was off screen, so that wasn’t as bad.
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “December: “I’ll take you to bed, Sunny. I’m so sorry you had to...”
I'm not crying! You're crying! These damn onions
Oh I am crying. I have very sensitive eyes, I cry all the time. (I’m not kidding btw and I hate it)
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Now he’ll never know…anything. He won’t see me graduate....”
He wouldn't be proud of how you treat your daughter. :D
Of course! Too bad Ross doesn’t see it...yet :D
jackssims replied to your photoset “Watch out Sun- Nevermind.”
The routing in this game really is something else
ikr? It’s like...in TS3, even a minor thing ruins the routing, sim gets stuck, screams, we all know how that goes, but this one...I’m not sure what I prefer to be fair. TS4 makes it all easier but it’s weird
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Why didn’t she come to me for a hug? I mean, I’m her dad after all -...”
Be a better parent for starters, Ross
jackssims replied to your photoset “Why didn’t she come to me for a hug? I mean, I’m her dad after all -...”
Be a better parent? Spend time with your daughter?
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Why didn’t she come to me for a hug? I mean, I’m her dad after all -...”
Make it up to her!
What a shocker, he now finally sees he sucks, but he doesn’t quite know how to become this “better parent”. Even if it’s so obvious. But then again, this is Ross so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Today is a very special day. A promotion is just around the corner, I...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Today is a very special day. A promotion is just around the corner, I...”
At least he understands that he should be here for his daughter’s birthday so there’s that I guess...even though he’s clearly not happy about it so...yeah Ross, you’re doing great, this will definitely make you a better parent.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ahh yes, no more crying, she’s growing up. Maybe we’ll get along now....”
Maybe if you weren't such a jerk, Ross.
*Selfish jerk.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ahh yes, no more crying, she’s growing up. Maybe we’ll get along now....”
Someone should explain to him that the change won’t happen on its own, he’ll have to take the first step. 
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset
I thought it was Sharon. Pretty indeed!
I’m so obsessed with her even though I don’t really talk about it. She’s fun to write, she looks awesome, I love her relationship with Tyler, the way they tease each other, I could go on forever but that could potentionally mean spoilers so I’ll shut up now. I hate spoiling things.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “She’s beautiful.”
She truly is ❤️❤️❤️
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “She’s beautiful.”
Oh I love her.
Those Breeze genes never fail.
simmering-pancakes replied to your photoset “Today is a very special day. A promotion is just around the corner, I...”
I might fight this boi
Let me help you with that
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