#good luck to these kids at least they get to be friends for a lil
silvers-starrway · 2 months
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I'm just so darn excited for @sonic-fankid-showdown that I had to draw something for Tulip's first match up against Sunshine who belongs to @yellowvixen. I love both of these kids so badly. Their leaf collection will be legendary by the end of this!!
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reading the bluelock light novels and theres so many fun lil character traits and info thrown in (probably not on the wiki bc the LNs dont have an official english release yet)
isagi was a crybaby and a scardy cat as a kid
he was also really senitive to sounds and they’d make him cry (he just like me fr)
isagi’s always had really great spacial awareness and vision, even as a toddler
nagi lived at student dorms at hakuho academy (which explains why his parents dont live w/ him)
he got into hakuho, an elite tokyo prep school, with only two weeks of studying
there were two different rumors abt nagi amongst his classmates, one saying if you talked to him you’d be cursed with bad luck and the other saying youd find happiness after talking to him, the curse rumor is more popular 
(nagi my poor guy, his classmates think hes a weirdo just bc hes quiet an not interested in rich kid pissing contests)
he also has the nickname of ‘thousand year netaro’ bc he sleeps in class so much lmao
he doesnt study but still gets good grades, at least in social sciences
nagi helps his class win a volleyball tournament (that he was forced to participate in) despite knowing nothing abt the rules purely based off of his height, reflexes, trapping skills, and desire to finish the game quickly so he can go home lmao
bachira refers to his mother by her given name, yuu, which would typically be disrespectful af in japanese culture but in this context i think it just displays how close they are + the fact that bachira’s first/best friend is his mama :’)
he walked (dribbled), slept rough, and hitchhiked all the way to osaka from chiba prefecture for 5 days just to go see one of her art exhibitions too
he got a fortune from a shrine that literally read  that he will meet his “ 運命の相手” - unmei no aite, literally ‘partner of fate’ or ‘fated partner’, bachisagi soulmate-isms r crazy
he won a 4 on 1 fight with a bunch of delinquents in osaka
rin liked ice cream but really he’d be happy with anything as long as sae bought it for him
the itoshi bros played for the kamakura united youth club, which won the U15 national league
they shared a bedroom growing up
rin gets bad grades in every subject other than english bc hes too busy thinking abt football, and hes only good at english bc he wants to go pro and play internationally
rin got into horror movies and games only after sae left for spain, he likes the thrill they give him, especially splatter films
he found a scene of someone getting chopped up w/ a chainsaw calming after he had a rough day,, damn okay rin in there anything u wanna talk abt edgelord?
“Perhaps because of this stress, he has recently been watching shark movies at night, where sharks attack humans. It’s refreshing to see a giant man-eating shark attack and munch on humans.”  what a fuckin chuuni oml
sae got trending on japanese football twitter for scoring a hattrick for real madrid’s youth team
rin did the tongue-out-in-concentration/bloodlust thing pre-bluelock too apparantly
he didnt talk to sae whilst he was in spain bc he didnt want to bother him but he kept up news of him and thought abt him a lot
“He thought he would just shout out loud “I'm the best in Japan!” and hug him, but in reality, that didn't work out that way” <- rins first thought seeing sae after 4 years, excuse me whilst i sob
chigiri went to a ‘jitsugyo’ school, which is like a vocational tech or business school, it also has a foreign name (’lacosute’) so its probably a private school, maybe missionary?
chigiri likes cats awww, there was specially a stray black cat he’d talk to and buy karinto manju for
his ACL is attached to his knee in an odd which which is why he can run so fast
chigiri stopped cutting his hair after he quit going to his school’s football club once he finished rehab for his knee
reo got baya to hire him a whole team of ppl including a coach, nutritionist, nurse, etc once he decided on football, fuckin rich ppl i swear 
all the adults who worked w/ reo sing his praises but also said how cheeky he was lmaooo
reo was learning english, spanish, and german in preperation for going pro
he also got a specially made football training VR facility made for him this boy i swear
reo bribed the hakuho football club w/ fancy meat and the opportunity to meet idols to get them to put more effort in
immediately upon meeting nagi reo notices his height and how ‘cool’ and ‘intense’ his trapping is like okay fruit
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gamerwoo · 1 year
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Part Two)
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Characters: Hyunjin x female reader (ft the other skz members but minus jisung)
Genre/warnings: nanny!reader, boy next door/neighbor!hyunjin, virgin!reader,  very bold and flirty!hyunjin and painfully shy!reader, fluff, some humor, mentions of poop (i mean reader’s a nanny, this is a given), it reader gets a lil turned on in some parts but nothing happens, implied that reader is tall (again, only one of the few times i mention reader’s appearance), reader has anxiety and second guesses herself a lot lmao, minors dni!!!
Word count: 6,116
Summary: You think it’s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think it’s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But that’s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and you’re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
tag list: @hyuneyeon @ack-aashi [be added to the taglist by filling out this form!]
permanent tag list (italics are unable to tag): @minluvly @awkwardnesshabitat @woozarts @septicrebel @4kwp @thepencilkorner​ @shmooooo @bubblelixie @byunhoebaek @dejavernon @ahandfulofkeys @slut-for-dabi
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You marched up the stairs of the house, knowing exactly where Seojoon was hiding. This kid was so easy, it almost seemed stupid that his parents would pay you as much as they were on top of paying for your apartment. Then again, they asked you to clean up the house when you could, so that was another task that made up for how much you made.
“Jesus, how big is this house?!” Minho gasped from your phone that you were holding at face-level. 
“Move your fat head, I wanna see,” Seungmin demanded before shoving the older boy’s head out of the way and poking his own head into frame.
“How can you even tell?” you asked. “I’ve just been showing my face.”
“I can see the background.”
“Yeah, because you’ve got a fat head, too,” Seungmin quipped with a wide grin like he was oh-so proud of himself.
You sharply shushed him, “I don’t need Seojoon picking that up and calling his parents fat heads when they get home.”
You walked down the hall, knowing exactly where you were going. Spending three weeks with the kid, you figured he’d at least keep you on your toes a little. A toddler would be more exciting, right? But not Seojoon – not that he was boring. But Seojoon had his patterns and he stuck to them. It made taking care of him easy, at least. And he liked you because you always seemed to know exactly what he wanted and when.
Finally, you made it to Seojoon’s room. You pushed open his door that was already left cracked, the light turned on. You held a finger to your lips, telling your friends to be quiet on the video call as a smile broke onto your face slowly. You got down on your knees by his bed and carefully wrapped your fingers around the bottom of his sheets that hung over his bed. And then you ripped them up, letting out a yell.
Seojoon, who hid underneath the bed, began squealing and giggling.
“C’mon, bud,” you told him after he’d calmed down, “let me check your butt.”
“That’s a sentence I’d be scared to hear,” Minho mumbled.
“Who’s that?” Seojoon asked.
“My friends,” you replied. “They missed me.”
“No, you’re my friend,” he corrected with a giggle.
You feigned a pout, “What, I don’t have any other friends?”
“No!” he continued to giggle at the same time your two friends deadpanned, “No.”
“Alright, enough from the peanut gallery,” you decided before ending your call with your friends. You turned your attention fully to Seojoon. “Did you go potty in your pull-ups?”
“Nope!” he grinned proudly.
You narrowed your eyes, “Are you sure?”
“Can I check?”
You let out a sigh, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. C’mon, let’s change you.”
At least you were settling into habit. You were getting used to coming home to your new apartment, and becoming familiar with the people you’d occasionally pass in the lobby or on your floor – you especially liked the nice freckled boy who typically worked the front desk during the nights. The first time he’d seen you coming home from work, he stopped you.
“You’re new, aren’t you?” he asked with a deep voice that took you by surprise considering how young and…fluffy he looked. “I know pretty much everyone in the building.”
You nodded, “I’m in room 805.”
“Oh, the nanny!” he grinned, and you thought the way his face lit up was cute. “Yeah, that couple showed up to put down the first few months' rent, and they told us it was for their nanny. We kept making fun of them for how boujee they sounded. You’re kinda popular with the bellboys now.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. You also got a pretty nice room – some good neighbors up there.”
“That’s good to know.”
“Well, I’m Felix if you ever need anything. I usually work nights, though, so don’t need anything during the day. Jerry sucks.”
Jerry did, in fact, suck, you learned quickly. You tried to greet him the morning after meeting Felix, only to be met with a grumble as he continued to stare down at his desk.
“_____!” Felix greeted you with a warm smile when you entered the lobby. “How was work?”
You made a face, holding up the garbage bag you held in your hand that only contained one thing: your sweatshirt. His eyebrows furrowed as he cocked his head to one side like a confused puppy, not understanding why you had a garbage bag in your hand with seemingly nothing in it.
“Blowout,” you stated.
“What?” he asked.
“A one-year-old shit so much it came out of his diaper and his clothes.”
His eyes widened as he let out a gasp, “What?”
“But I didn’t wear a shirt under my hoodie, so I had to text his mom and ask to borrow something from her closet,” you continued, annoyance in your tone. You weren’t necessarily mad at Hajoon – he was literally one, it wasn’t his fault – just at the situation. “Unfortunately, she only buys like, Gucci and shit, so.”
“That’s a bad thing?” he questioned.
“I cannot explain to you the anxiety I feel wearing her expensive clothing, like I could ruin it at any minute and get fired.”
He chuckled, “Well, lucky for you, we have in-house dry cleaning. Send it down when you get changed and I’ll have Jeongin get on it.”
“Thanks, Lix,” you sighed as you made your way to the elevator, praying that you would be the only one in it all the way up to the eighth floor.
“Okay,” you whisper to yourself before taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out.
Gucci shirt was being dry cleaned, you were out of your leggings that may or may not have also gotten poop on them – but what were you going to do, ask to borrow Mrs. Park’s pants, too? – and your makeup was taken off for the night. Now you just had to figure out what to do with your sweatshirt. Should you try to salvage it or should you throw it out?
Well, you’d already lost one sweatshirt to a blowout before, and you really didn’t want to lose another. Plus, this one was one of your cozier ones, so if you could wash the poop out, then you’d prefer that route than just tossing it. So you took your trash bag that you’d left by the door, and you opened the door to go to the laundry room.
Except there was something – or rather, someone – in front of your door with their fist up, ready to knock.
“Oh!” you both said in surprise at the same time.
“Sorry, _____” Hyunjin’s startled expression melted into a smile. His eyes drifted down to the white bag that you held in your fist, and his nose crinkled for a moment. “Taking out trash? Not a lot.”
“Uhhhhhh, yeah,” you decided to say, figuring trying to explain you were going to throw your poopy sweatshirt in the wash was not only going to make you seem disgusting, but was also not something that sounded great. How did you explain to someone that you got human feces on your clothes? 
Especially when you had a crush on them and wanted them to like you back.
Hyunjin stayed true to his word about being your friend. While you were too shy and intimidated to say anything to him at first, he always went out of his way to at least say hi when he saw you passing him by in the hall, or wish you a good day when he saw you leaving the lobby, or hold the door if he saw you going for the elevator he was in. And so you slowly started saying hi to him first, but that was really where your ‘friendship’ – if that – ended. So him knocking on your door was something that hadn’t happened since you moved in.
But at least you were getting more comfortable around him. Progress was progress, you supposed -- or at least, that’s what Chan always told you.
“So, what’s up?” you asked him.
“So, um…” he began slowly, eyebrows furrowing together but looking like he wanted to laugh at himself, “this might be a weird request, but like… Okay, you’ve colored your hair before, right?”
“Like, did it myself or just in general?”
“A couple times,” you shrugged. “It wasn’t good because I can’t see the back of my head, but, yeah.”
“No, that’s fine!” he said quickly as if he thought you’d change your mind. “I was just wondering if you’d maybe help me with bleaching my hair…?”
You had to reply quickly or he’d think you were weird, so you didn’t have the time to sit there and wonder why he would ask you and not literally anyone else. He had to have friends he could ask. Hell, you’d sooner call up Chan and have him drive his ass to your apartment to kill a spider than walk across the hall and whine to Hyunjin.
But also, who were you to question a perfectly good opportunity to not only be around Hyunjin and talk to him, but actually physically interact with him. Running your fingers through his hair? Yes please.
You shrugged and offered up a smile, trying to seem like you weren’t bubbling with nerves, “Yeah, sure!”
“Cool, we can do it at my place if you want,” he offered, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb to his door he’d left slightly ajar. “I don’t want bleach getting on any of your stuff.”
Could Hyunjin hear your heart slamming against your chest? He was inviting you into his apartment? The last time you were alone with a boy that you had a crush on was when you still lived at home and went to your sister’s house for a cookout and you and one of her friends had to sit in the living room together because both of you were waiting for the bathroom. And you didn’t say a word to him, you just pretended to be on your phone the whole time. S to say you were nervous now was an understatement.
“Yeah, let me just…” you trailed off, realizing you didn’t actually know what to do with the sweatshirt, so you just kind of tossed it by the door before stepping out into the hall with Hyunjin.
“Smooth,” he chuckled before he led you across the hall to his apartment. 
You figured his place would be almost exactly like yours, but you quickly realized it was so much nicer. Everything was a perfect stark white that was a beautiful contrast to the jet black accents, which was similar to your apartment. However, his had an upstairs, the loft of which hung over part of the kitchen/living area. He had large art pieces hanging on the walls, making it seem like some rich big shot lived there — which he may have been for all you knew. 
“C’mon, we can use the bathroom upstairs,” he told you, leading you around the corner to the staircase. 
“You have an upstairs bathroom…?” you asked quietly, mostly to yourself as you followed him up the steps. 
“The apartments on the left side are a little more…more,” he explained, turning his head to talk to you over his shoulder.
“Oh…” was all you replied with.
Reaching the top of the stairs, he completely turned to you, continuing to walk backwards toward the destination, “I don’t really need this much space since it’s just me, but I have a lot of stuff, y’know? Plus, I felt like I had more freedom to decorate this like I wanted. I wanted it to feel more like…me, I guess.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” you shrugged. “I like my apartment, but it does seem kind of plain right now. I couldn’t take a lot of my stuff when I moved out of my mom’s because I had three other roommates in an apartment made for only three people, so when I moved here, I couldn’t really decorate a ton.”
He frowned slightly, “Why not go get your stuff from your mom’s?”
“I’d rather not,” you stated, making a slightly sour face.
Hyunjin chuckled with a nod, “Yeah, I feel that.”
Then he turned back around just in time to push open a door ahead of him at the end of the hall. 
Inside, the scent hit you and smelled intoxicating and expensive. It was warm and spicy but still smelled clean and fresh with a hint of vanilla. There was a large bed with silk black bedding, even more artwork, a t-shirt or two laying on the carpeted floor, and two large mirrors — a standing one opposite the bed, and one on the ceiling hanging above it. There was a dresser on either side of the room as well, that faced the bed. You assumed it was Hyunjin’s room. But you didn’t get to look around much because he walked by the end of the bed to another door on the same wall and opened that one. 
Through this door was a large bathroom that had a separate bathtub from the shower. It was a large clawfoot tub, with a spacious shower taking up the entire back of the bathroom, blocked off by frosted glass. His counter where the sink was took up most of the length of the wall, with the mirror being equally as big. 
“Your bathroom is massive,” you commented, hearing your own voice echo back to you.
He chuckled, “Yeah, I guess so. If you ever wanna come over to use it, just let me know.”
You definitely saw him toss you a wink over his shoulder, but for some reason, you chalked it up to some kind of twitch. Some of the dads you’d met had a weird habit of winking a couple times when they spoke to you, so maybe he was the same. Maybe it was just a…man thing. But still, you weren’t sure how to respond, even if it wasn’t intended as suggestive as your brain made it out to be, feeling your cheeks heat up a bit. You wanted to say something while he opened the plastic bag that sat on the counter, beginning to read the directions of how to mix the bleach, but everything you came up with was either boring, stupid, or just had absolutely nothing to do with anything.
“Do you know how to do this?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed as he looked over the large, unfolded piece of paper.
“Is it a 1:1 ratio or 1:2?” you asked, looking in his direction instead of pretending to continue to admire the bathroom.
“Uhhh…” he trailed off, seemingly unsure. Then he passed the paper to you. “I’ve never done this, I’ve always had it done.”
You took the paper and scanned it over. Ratio, processing time, yada-yada. Then you looked back over at Hyunjin, your eyes flickering to the counter and then back at him, “Do you have gloves?”
Then your eyes drifted down toward his shirt, taking note of the grey Off White brand t-shirt he was wearing, eyebrows pulling together as you narrowed your eyes, looking back up at his face, “What about a shirt you don’t care about?”
Hyunjin looked down at his shirt, holding out the hem and taking a moment to look it over before looking back up at you, “What’s wrong with this?”
You opened your mouth, wanting to ask him if he was crazy. You wanted to ask him how goddamn rich he was that he’d bleach a shirt that was over $300. But instead you closed your mouth, not wanting to upset him when this was the first time you were hanging out with him.
“Nothing,” you told him. “How did you wanna do this…?”
He shrugged, “You can reach.”
“It’s still more convenient if you’re sitting and I can see your entire head.”
“I can kneel,” he said almost happily.
And before you could tell him how uncomfortable that would get, Hyunjin got down on both knees in front of you, resting on the plush bath mat that rested in front of the counter. He looked up at you, blinking with a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips, and wide, innocent eyes.
But you wondered if he knew how badly your face heated up and how your heart thumped in your chest because he was on his knees and so close to your literal crotch that it made you want to pass out. Because as you felt yourself internally panicking, you were pretty sure Hyunjin’s smile was growing, reaching his eyes until they turned into crescent moons.
“Th-that’ll be like, really uncomfortable,” you told him, trying to keep your casual composure even though you wanted to explode. Your eyes were looking anywhere but down at him, because you just simply couldn’t hold eye contact with that man. But thankfully, it gave you an idea since your eyes were wandering and landed on the clawfoot tub. “You can sit in front of the tub on the floor, and I’ll sit on the edge.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a better idea,” he agreed with a smile that seemed…strange. It was like he already thought of it and was waiting for you to say something.
‘You’re going insane,’ you told yourself. ‘Fucking relax, idiot.’
Hyunjin stood and walked over to the tub, while you began mixing the bleach. He sat down on the edge, and you could feel his stare piercing your back – or maybe you were imagining it, you weren’t sure. Maybe it was just wishful thinking.
Yup, definitely wishful thinking. Because when you turned back around, he was typing on his phone, dark hair hiding his face like a curtain.
But you also might’ve seen him look down at his phone at the right second.
Or you were gaslighting yourself into thinking you saw that because you wanted him to be staring.
‘Can you stop and get on with this already? He’s gonna think you’re crazy.’
“Ready?” you asked him to get his attention.
His head snapped up as he smiled, “Yup!”
You sat down on the edge of the tub, and Hyunjin sat down in front of your legs, back toward you. He immediately settled back against your knees, but this still wasn’t as convenient as you would’ve liked.
“Um,” you shifted your legs apart, “could you move back a little?”
“‘Course,” he replied, wiggling until he had moved back and was now sitting against the tub instead.
You prayed he couldn’t hear how hard your heart was beating in your chest at the way he intimately sat. Hell, you were praying that you didn’t like, smell funny or something. Of course, your brain always came up with the dumbest things to be self-conscious about, so you tried to push those thoughts to the back of your head and tried to focus on bleaching Hyunjin’s hair.
First, you combed through his hair with your fingers, wanting to get most of the possible tangles out. You heard Hyunjin hum softly, and your movements stuttered as you tried to not lose your shit. You felt tingling between your legs just at a fucking noise this dude made, and you were internally scolding yourself while also trying to get yourself to just fucking relax.
‘It’s just a hum. It wasn’t anything like, erotic. Chill, bitch.’
“This might be cold,” you warned as you got ready to put the bleach on his head.
All he did was hum in reply, but this hum was different, you told yourself. But it was true. This one was way more casual, and the other sounded relaxed and content, like maybe he liked the feeling of you playing with his hair…
‘Oh my god, stop it.’
You applied bleach to his dark hair for about a moment in silence, trying to steady your breathing and simply focus on just not melting the hair off of his head – though, maybe he’d look good bald…or like an egg.
“What kind of music do you listen to?” he wondered suddenly, and you could see over his shoulder that he was scrolling through Spotify on his phone. “I can play some music.”
“You pick,” you told him, eyes going back to your hands. “I’ll listen to anything.”
He sighed, and had he been facing you, you would’ve seen him roll his brown eyes, “Oh come on, every girl says that but they really won’t. There’s definitely things you don’t like.”
“Okay, um… Not a big classical fan, and I could never get on board with heavy metal.”
“Grew up with it, so I like the old stuff – except that one song. Fuck, it’s called uh… It’s by that Luke Bryan guy.”
“Ah, I know the one.”
“But don’t play it,” you told him before, for some god-forsaken reason, deciding to admit, “I will throw it back.”
Hyunjin let out a loud laugh, leaning forward away from you to turn around and look at you, “Seriously?”
You nodded, laughing along with him, “It’s just one of those songs. One of my old roommates used to get me drunk and then play it really loud in the kitchen. We got a lot of noise complaints.”
“Sounds worth it,” he was still chuckling as he went back to his original position. “So no Country Girl, got it. How do we feel about a throwback playlist?”
You shrugged, going back to work on his hair, “Sounds good.”
It didn’t take you too terribly long to coat his entire head in bleach. Then you put a cap on it and told him to sit for no more than 30 minutes.
“I’ll probably need some help toning it,” he said as he washed out the bowl and brush you used for bleach. “You mind sticking around?”
You shrugged, “I’ve got no plans tonight.”
He turned to look at you, placing the bowl and brush on the counter and flashing you a smile, “Well, now you do. Wanna start a movie or something?”
“What kind of movie?”
“You can pick whatever your heart desires.”
So you picked the movie. It was one you’d already seen already, and you were sure there were no scenes in it that would make anything awkward. But the problem was the sitting situation. You didn’t want to sit all the way on the other end of his couch because that seemed kind of rude. But you didn’t want to sit too close and be creepy. So you eventually just plopped down very un-gracefully about an arms length away from him, grabbing a throw pillow to hug tightly to your midsection before leaning back into the couch.
Thankfully, you were able to get absorbed into the movie mostly. It took a few minutes, but your mind eventually shut off and stopped worrying, and your thoughts were focused on the movie. It was a nice rest of not being hyper aware of only Hyunjin.
Well, until he shifted. He moved to cross one leg over the other, and threw his right arm across the back of the couch, his hand landing by your head.
Back to being hyper aware of only Hyunjin.
You tried not to make it too obvious that you were trying to steal a glance at him, but when you did finally turn your head ever so slightly to look at him, he was facing toward the TV, eyes focused – as far as you could tell, anyway. Maybe he was bored, you didn’t know.
Suddenly, Hyunjin turned his head ever so slightly to the right, side-eyeing you without changing his expression. You quickly averted your gaze, finding the TV in a split second, praying and hoping he didn’t notice you staring.
But what you didn’t notice was him silently smiling to himself and looking back at the TV.
You wondered if Hyunjin knew how to do anything. He asked you to bleach his hair, which was fine. But then he asked you to rinse the bleach out for him in the sink. Maybe he didn’t want to go lock himself in the bathroom to shower, leaving you alone in his apartment. But still, why couldn’t he just rinse it out himself in the sink?
Still, you did it. You weren’t complaining, you were just fighting the nerves and anxiety and butterflies. 
Then you had to help him tone his hair, and again, rinse it. Then he asked you to grab his conditioner, so you conditioned Hyunjin’s bleached-blonde hair. You were pretty sure creepy men on TV shows when you were younger used to fantasize about being able to wash and condition pretty girls’ hair, so hey, you were living somebody’s dream. That was a win.
Hyunjin’s neck was still bent over the sink as he towel-dried his hair, scrunching it to get the water before messing it up with the towel. 
“I hope you think it looks okay,” you let out a small, nervous laugh.
“Eh, it’ll look fine,” he said as he moved the towel to toss his head backwards, moving his hair from his eyes. “Can’t look worse than it has before.”
“What was the worst?” you wondered, still watching him from his right side as you both stood at the bathroom counter.
He continued to scrunch the ends of his hair, trying to get all of the water droplets that were falling, looking in the mirror at himself and his hair rather than at you, “I tried to go bright red and missed a big patch of roots at the back of my head.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you paused, trying to make sense of his story, “...But I thought you’d never dyed your hair before.”
That was when he finally looked at you, a smile on his lips that you’d give to your slow friend who finally got the joke and you wanted to pat them on the shoulder and make them feel like they weren’t stupid.
“I lied,” he admitted.
And that was when your heart dropped, but in a way you didn’t really expect. Because your mind immediately went to, ‘he’s a murderer!’
He must’ve seen the way your eyes widened – you really needed to learn how to control your facial expressions – and the way you eyed him, because he let out a laugh that sounded like your new favorite sound in the world. It just sounded so…happy and amused. Like, happier than you’d heard him sound before – not that you’ve really heard him actually laugh much.
“No, it’s nothing bad,” he explained. “I just– How else am I supposed to get a pretty girl to come to my apartment and play with my hair?”
You wanted to combust – maybe you were going to. Your face was rapidly heating up, and you weren’t really sure what your expression was doing but you were biting back a smile unsuccessfully, deciding to simply hide your face in both hands. You could hear Hyunjin laughing the same way he had just a moment ago, and then you felt warmth on your shoulders, his hands placed on them as he dipped his head to try and see some part of your burning face.
“Aw, don’t be so shy, _____!” he teased “I told you I think you’re pretty so now you’re going to hide from me? That’s not fair!”
You whined into your hands, the noise coming out muffled but still making Hyunjin continue that beautiful laugh as he smoothed your hair back that had fallen in front of your hands that still covered your face. 
“You’re...really...bold…” you said very un-boldly into your hands.
“Only because I’m pretty sure I know where you stand with me,” he chuckled.
Another loud whine that only made Hyunjin wrap his arms around you, holding you to him. God, you wanted to die then and there. Did he not realize this was making your butterflies worse?
He shrugged, “I’ve gotten pretty good at reading people over the years.”
“‘Over the years’? You’re talking like you’re some old man; you’re like, my age!”
You felt him move slightly away from you, keeping one arm around your waist while the one that rubbed your back moved away. You felt him trying to get between your arms and your chin to put his hand there, trying to guide your head up.
“Will you look at me already?” he asked in a murmur, his playful tone now so soft and almost gravely. It was a contrast, that was for sure, and it made you feel…a lot.
What made you feel even more was how he looked at you. His brown eyes bore into yours, faces inches apart. You could almost feel his breath fanning against your lips as you stared back and tried to control yourself internally. But you knew what was coming, and you knew what would happen after that.
As much as you wanted Hyunjin to kiss you like you were pretty sure he was going to, you knew what always happened. You knew it would be a lot – not just for you, but probably him – and that it would be very, very embarrassing. You also knew that it would probably effectively scare Hyunjin away, which you didn’t want.
But you also couldn’t find it in yourself to say no. You’d never been good at doing that, always wanting to be a people pleaser. You were never one to stick up for yourself or much of anything, really. So when Hyunjin leaned in ever so slightly, eyes flicking to your lips and then back to your eyes, you just tried to tell yourself to relax and absolutely not panic. But with the anxiety warming the pit of your stomach, and the way your hands trembled against his shoulders, you already knew that it was going to be a rough start, anyway.
A soft vibration against your thigh made you jump, but it didn’t seem to phase Hyunjin at all. He continued to hold your chin gently in his hand, keeping your gaze locked.
Someone was definitely calling you.
Hyunjin broke into a smirk, “You might want to get that.”
He dropped his hand and went back to drying his hair like nothing had happened, leaving you frozen for a second as you stared at the space Hyunjin used to be in front of you. You tried to get your heart to calm down and the feeling in your stomach to subside. But you also probably looked like a moron still just standing there, so you finally slid a hand into the pocket of your biker shorts to retrieve your phone.
“Hey,” you answered the phone in a breath.
“Hey, I– Are you okay?” he asked. “You sound stressed.”
You glanced at Hyunjin, but he either couldn’t actually hear your friend on the phone, or he wasn’t showing that he could.
“I-I’m okay,” you replied, though you were not. You still felt nervous and shaky, like you’d just gotten off of a rollercoaster. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to play some Smash with me,” he said cheerily. “It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to really talk to you and I miss you.”
“Um, y-yeah, we can play. Just let me finish something real quick and I’ll call you back.”
“Awesome, I’ll see you in a bit!”
You hung up and put your phone back in your pocket.
“Roommates?” he guessed.
He definitely could hear.
“Yea–” you paused, thinking of something suddenly. “How did you know I’m not with someone? That could’ve been my boyfriend for all you know.”
He playfully rolled his eyes before turning to face you, “Well, if my girlfriend stared at some guy the entire time they were watching a movie, I’d be pretty pissed.”
Well, that effectively shut you up. All you could do was stand there and look at him, then down at the ground, then at the open bathroom door.
You looked back at Hyunjin and announced very bluntly but still quietly, “I have to go.”
“I figured,” he chuckled with a nod. “I’ll walk you out.”
So he did. He walked you all the way to the front door of your apartment, waiting for you to unlock the door. And then you turned back to face him, only to see him leaning against your doorframe with a casual smirk on his face that made that frenzy begin inside you again.
You wanted him to kiss you so bad, but you didn’t want to deal with the consequences or the aftermath.
“So will you actually reach out to me this time?” he asked, quirking a brow.
‘Well now that I know you think I’m pretty, maybe I will.’
“Maybe I will,” you smirked right back at him.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he winked before backing up. “Have fun with your friend.”
“Goodnight, Hyunjin.”
“Goodnight, _____.”
You closed the door and let yourself settle on cloud 9 for a moment. The hot neighbor thought you were pretty and openly hit on you. You might just have a shot despite what you thought.
‘But,’ you reminded yourself, ‘just because he thinks you’re pretty doesn’t mean he wants anything more than sex.’
Which was the harsh reality of ‘dating’ as an adult. Sex was nothing to a lot of people. Sex was something you did just once with someone or even on the first date with someone you were interested in being with. And it wasn’t that sex really meant much to you, it was just…you weren’t comfortable with it yet. And you were scared of having to explain that to Hyunjin because what if that was all he wanted? What if he thought you were a baby for still being a virgin? What if this, what if that? 
Your phone vibrating in your pocket pulled you from your panic.
Christopher 🦘🧡: Reminder that we’re playing together
Christopher 🦘🧡: I assume you’re still easily forgetful lol
You were. Some things just unfortunately never change, and your memory was one of two things that you were feeling hopeless about changing anytime soon.
“You seriously bleached your hair?” Changbin sighed. “Why?”
Hyunjin shrugged, holding his phone at an angle so his friend could see him on their video call. He was honestly wishing he didn’t even answer Changbin’s call since he clearly was judging his choices, but he needed to tell someone about how he was feeling, and Changbin was basically his only friend, “I needed an excuse to have _____ hang out with me, and she seems too shy to go for me outright asking her to watch a movie randomly or something.”
“Is that the girl who moved in across the hall?” Changbin asked before shaking his head and closing his eyes. “Seriously dude, what’s gotten into you? You hardly know this girl and you’re bleaching your hair just to talk to her.”
Hyunjin’s cheeks were beginning to turn pink as he narrowed his eyes at his phone, “Alright, hear me out, okay?”
“‘She’s different, I can sense it’, I know. You’ve said it like, 15 times since you’ve met her.”
“Well it’s true! And you know I’ve never been wrong about my reads on people.”
Even though he knew the younger man was right, Changbin still sighed again, rolling his eyes, “Just because she hardly speaks to you doesn’t mean she’s ‘different’.”
“Well she clearly doesn’t know who I am, and she’s also just so… I don’t know, she’s not really like what I’m used to. She keeps to herself, she’s not bold or outright – I like it. So sue me for trying to pursue this.”
What, was he just supposed to ignore the cute, shy girl across the hall when he could try to, at the very least, make another friend that wasn’t the bellhops who worked nights?
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t go after her if you want to, I’m just saying it seems like a lot to fry your hair over a girl you’ve hardly spoken to the last month.”
“Well, jokes on you, because I made a move,” Hyunjin sang, sticking his tongue out at his friend, “and she liked it. So we’ll be talking a lot more…I hope…”
Changbin chuckled, “I am happy for you, man. Let me know how things go.”
“You’re always the first to know.”
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ofbluesandyellows · 8 months
Black Cat's Curse - TASM! Fem! Reader
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Summary: Peter Parker has been cursed, crossing paths with the oh so feared black cat isn't exactly in his itinerary, and no, we are not talking about or favorite lady, Felicia. On Halloween night his bad luck has prodded him to the solution he didn't know he was looking for.
Word count: 6,537
Warnings: cursing, witchcraft (lol idk)
a/n: Hi! I'm back with a lil Halloween story for you, this one fully came to me last week. It isn't anything crazy but I do hope you enjoy it. Happy Halloween y'all. I adopted a black cat recently so maybe that's where the inspo came from. Bye :)
“What do you mean you can’t do anything?” Spider-Man was about to drop to his knees, to beg. And he never begged for anything in his life, other than bringing Ben back to life.
“Ow Spider.” Her finger with a long perfectly manicured nail traced his spandex covered clavicle. “Yes, they call me Black Cat but it doesn’t mean I know how to undo your bad luck. That’s on you and the poor black kitty you crossed paths with.”
“But whenever I get unlucky it’s always because of you, how come this is different?”
“Hey, don’t come to me with that bullshit, that’s just how things are, you should’ve known better. You’re on your own Spider.”
Peter closed his eyes, not that Cat could see him but he needed a second not to throw a punch at her, he knew she’d dodged with ease but he didn’t want to risk it. Exhaling he was about to humiliate himself once more, turning around Cat was long gone.
“Mother fuck-“ a splash of what he knew was bird poo painted the red spandex of his forearm with sickly yellowy-white. “Seriously?” Arms up in the air, no one to reply back.
Peter Parker wasn’t a big fan of Halloween growing up, he always went for the uncool type of costumes, he clearly remembered asking aunt May to buy him a white wig so he could dress up as Albert Einstein when he was about eleven. Uncle Ben ended up buying him white color spray and a fake mustache so they could DIY the look. Knitted burgundy vest, faux wrinkles on his face and the already perfect bushy brows made Peter the happiest kid in the block.
He was beyond ecstatic with the way his costume turned out, adults praised him and aunt May for the effort when he went trick or treating but the real menace were kids’ nasty words and funny remarks about him. After that he either went with a boring costume, he preferred to fit in, or at least try rather than be laughed at. 
It was obvious that the teasing continued up until college, but college was bearable compared to what he had gone through since he became Spider-Man.
Peter hadn’t been in need of a costume for years now, that was the main reason why he liked Halloween now, he could walk around as a civilian in his actual suit, no one batted an eye in his direction during this day.
Flash Halloween party was crazy loud, Peter didn’t know these many people were friends with Flash.
“Hey Spider-Man!” His heart skipped a beat, but Flash was smiling at him. “Peter, you made it!” 
Peter took the mask off, he thought this would be funny, wearing his actual suit was comfortable but now he was regretting it, he had several mini heart attacks whenever called him by his alias. He felt sweat dripping from his back. Yeah he would need to wash the suit.
“Of course man! I promised, right?” he laughed trying to disguise the panic.
Flash was wearing a Beetle juice costume, a pretty epic one if Peter could have an opinion on it. 
“I see you went all in with the costume huh?” He snatched the mask off Peter’s hand. “Nah this isn’t as good as the original.” Flash laughed.
With cherry colored cheeks Peter chuckled. “Yeah, I bought it at Walmart. Everyone seems to love the guy so I just thought why not?” 
“I’ve seen worse Parker, like the guy dressed as Alex Turner? Pfff lazy.”
“Really? I haven’t seen him. Don’t tell me it’s Harry the one dressed like that.” Peter said amused.
“Almost, but no. Harry hasn’t shown up yet, bet he found some expensive costume made suit and will pull off a ‘I’m Leonardo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street.””
Both boys rolled their eyes. “Wouldn’t be surprised.” 
Suddenly Peter felt cold dripping from his back. 
“Hey dickhead, watch where you are going.” Flash was the first to talk, pushing a drunk David Bowie out the way.
Peter was in shock, how come he didn’t notice, why were his senses not alerting him of the guy at his back.
The smell of sweet fruity punch and vodka lingered on his nose. 
“Shit Pete, do you want to change?” 
Peter shook his head, lipped smile on. “No, don’t worry I’m good. Just going to grab a beer.”
“Ok, if you need something just look for me, okay?” 
“Sure, thanks Flash. Cool party by the way.”
Flash grinned. “Thanks Parker! See ya around.”
The lights were kaleidoscopic, New Wave music playing, it was a lot and now his suit was wet and cold and there were pretty girls around, and he couldn’t concentrate in one thing. 
Fuck me.
Tuning around as he dodged a group of girls dressed as fairies he clocked eyes with a witch. She was sitting on the couch with other people, Peter wasn’t sure if she was with them or not but the staring sent shivers down his spine. 
She gave him a lipped smile, one he tried to emulate, not succeeding because she dropped her expression. The next thing he knew it was that she disappeared. 
He shook his body to try and get rid of the odd feeling. Finding a beer was easy, what wasn’t easy was held in the need to puke when the warm and obviously outdated beer’s taste hit his tongue. 
Peter sighed, he was tired of this, it hadn’t even been a week with this black cat curse and he was already done, no fight with Electro nor Vulture had done him this wrong. Sloped shoulders and a bitter taste he was ready to go home. 
Exiting the loud house in Brooklyn, Peter’s eyes found the sparkly ones of a witch. 
A new wave of shivers appeared as Season of the Witch played at his back. Spooky as shit.
“Okay, this is worrying me.” He mumbled.
The girl approached him in two long steps. 
“Hello,” you smiled, showing him your pearly white teeth. 
“Um hi?” 
“Sorry to bother you, I saw you in there and if you don’t mind me saying this… you look like shit.” The apple of your cheeks tinted pink. 
Peter scoffed. “Yeah? Well, I didn’t need to hear it because I do indeed feel like shit, so if you excuse me,”
He took a step to the right to make his escape, but you took the exact same side as he did.
Peter scowled.
“I—I don’t want to sound crazy but you do have like a bad aura around you, you know? Like a dark cloud following you, and… okay yeah I’m going to say this with the risk of sounding like an insane person but I promise you I am not—“
Taking a cautious step closer, you were too close for Peter’s liking. On your tiptoes you angled yourself to reach his ear.
“You are cursed.” 
Peter felt his body freeze, his eyes went wide just as goosebumps formed on his skin.
“You… how did you know?” Peter stumbled back a little. 
“As I said, I can see it.” You took a jump back. Your face went back to a soft smirk. “Need help with it?”
Peter looked around, the streets were busy still, it wasn’t even midnight yet.
“You know how to revert it?” 
“Sure thing. It’s a simple spell.” 
“Can you do it now, like chant it or whatever.” 
You scoffed. “Hell no! It’s a bit more complicated than that,” balancing on the balls of your heels you stared at him. Peter was mulling with the possibilities. You were weird as fuck. But he didn’t feel the Peter tingle as it was. He only felt wary. 
You had this cute smile and very bright eyes. If Black Cat couldn’t do anything to help him, why not take his chances and accept the help of an actual witch.
“Are you like a real witch?” He squinted. 
“Fine. What do we need to do?” 
You grinned, joyous. 
“Follow me Peter Parker.” 
Shrugging, you said: “Flash told me.”
“You know Flash?” Well, that was news to him. He never expected him of all people to be close with a witch.
You seemed offended. “Um yes? We take bioengineering together.” 
Peter almost choked on his own saliva. “You go to Empire?”
“Yes, I’ve seen you around, you’re friends with that rich kid that always looks at the rest of us as if we were dirt under his shoe.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh when Peter scrunched his nose. “That sounds like Harry.” 
“Osborn is not always nice to everyone.” 
Peter knew that but Harry wasn’t a bad person he just hadn’t been given the attention he deserved.
“So bioengineering, huh? You’re pretty smart I assume.”
“It helps with the witchcraft thing, believe it or not.” 
Peter could see why. He grabbed his mask a little tighter.
Peter heard you say, a second later a car passed by full gas, the puddle of dirty water splashed wetting his legs. 
“You could’ve warned me, you know?” shaking his legs only made the water go down into his converses, wetting his socks. He needed to come up with a water repellent suit.
“Right, sorry. Never seen such a curse before. The grayish hue around you goes purple whenever something is about to happen. It’s kinda awesome.” You grinned.
Why was this woman always so cheery? Peter sighed and continued walking.
“Do you have a name or should I just call you Witch?” 
You chuckled. “I do have a name but Witch is way more fun. And it’s Halloween, it fits.” 
Peter grimaced. What a time to be cursed.
Both hopped on a bus after walking three blocks.
“Are you hungry Peter Parker?” 
His stomach felt like growling. “I could eat.”
“Nice, I’ll order some pizza. It should be there when we arrive.” 
Peter saw you texting. He noticed for once your whole attire. Pointy hat with purple ribbons and tulle decorating it. You had glitter smeared on your cheeks and eyelids. The dress was black tulle as well with a sparkling touch, he wasn’t sure what it was. The tights had black and purple stripes with a nice pair of black Dr Martens. It was like a modern version of the classic Witch costume he’d seen in movies. 
It suited you, what it didn’t match was your always happy features. Peter wondered if you were in fact a witch or just pretended to be one for the sake of the holiday.
“Do you like mushrooms?” You found him staring. Your cheeks went a tone deeper in red.
Peter panicked and looked out the window, far away from you. “They’re fine.”
“Good, I ordered half pepperoni and half mushrooms.” 
Humming, you, witchy girl unlocked, your phone and started to play…
“Sudoku? Really Witch?” Peter grinned, this was so odd to him.
“I like it, it keeps me on my toes.” you giggled.
Unintendedly, Peter kept an eye on the game, finger pointing to one square and mumbled “there has to be a nine.”
The grid sheet sparkled after you pressed the 9 in. “Nice one, Peter Parker.” 
“Just call me Peter.” 
Your eyes locked on his. “But Peter Parker sounds more interesting.” You nudged him, making him laugh. 
“You’re so weird.”
Peter sat in the living room. The apartment was simple, it didn’t even feel witchy at all. It smelled fresh and there was some kind of lavender sent around.
“What? Disappointed?” You laughed at his face.
“A little, yes.”
“It’s 2023 Peter Parker. I don’t have cauldrons and a crystal ball.” Your witch hat rested comically on the kitchen counter.
“So what kind of witch are you, then?” Peter spoke with a mouthful, the pizza was incredibly tasty.
“I’m not one kind, I just do what I want to do.” 
Peter nodded. 
“Careful with the—“ 
Peter’s slice of pizza fell on his converses. He thought he’d been clever by not using his spandex lined boots.
“I tried to tell you.”
He peeled the slice from his black chucks. “Can I get another slice?” 
You pushed the box his way. 
“How did you get cursed?” You asked, nibbling on your lip, the pizza resting on a plate on your lap, untouched.
“Crossed the path of a black cat.” He grunted. “Sounds stupid but it’s what happened.”
“Been there. I’ll fix it, it shouldn’t be hard” 
Peter straightened. “How long is it going to take?” 
You stared at him. Peter could almost see the nuts turning in your brain.
“A few hours, I suppose.” 
“Is it going to hurt?”
Peter had multidimensional war flashbacks from Doctor Strange, and the other Peters. Yeah he wasn’t in. “Well, now that I’ve had time to think about it I remember why I don’t do witchcraft. You need to find another way. I’ve had my fair share of that and it was quite the hustle so no Miss Witch I think I’m good.” He gave you a lipped smile.
“Okay… um why don’t you tell me about it, I assure you this is completely different and safe.”
“I’m not legally allowed to talk about it, so…” He shrugged. “Also you said it can hurt. I’m not down for that."
“Ugh fine, Peter Parker, but if you go, the curse won’t go away, you’ll have to live with it.”
Peter looked down, considering all that had happened maybe you were right, it’s not like he hadn’t suffered enough to handle a little magic.
You got up in a jump, disappearing inside a room. Peter heard rattling and the closing of drawers. He wasn’t sure what to expect so he tried to not think about it. 
After another two slices of what he considered a perfect pizza, Peter put the plate down on the coffee table. The table cracked in two as if some almighty froze had cut it in two with a really sharp invisible blade.
“How the fuck?” He squealed, holding both sides of his face with his hands. This was nonsense. He didn’t even put force. 
“What happened?” You appeared behind him. “Oh… well I needed a new coffee table anyway.” 
You went away humming again. 
“Insane… she is insane.” Mumbling Peter crossed his arms, trying to not touch or breathe too hard, anything could create a domino effect and make the building collapse or something worse. He could die if he forgot how to breathe!
He guessed that wasn’t possible but he was not going to risk it.
The skin on his back felt sticky but he didn’t dare to move. After a moment you cleared your throat to announce yourself.
“So Peter Parker, I’m going to ask you a few questions…. It's protocol only.” 
Sitting down at his feet, you flipped a few pages, grabbed a pink sparkly gel pen and wrote down in pretty cursive calligraphy. 
Peter Parker. 
Cursed by crossing paths with a black cat :(
“You do this often or-“ he asked.
“Nah, but it’s nice to document these things, who knows when I will need the information.” You beamed, clearly excited by the whole situation.
“So, have you been cursed before?” blinking, you waited for a response.
Peter wasn’t sure if his Spider-Man issues were a curse, sometimes it felt like that to be honest.
“Not that I’ve been aware of.” He leaned back on the couch. 
“Have you killed people in the past?”
His face contorted, now that was a hard question.
“It’s… um not voluntarily… I mean no, of course no” he let out a pretty fake laugh. “But I saw my uncle die and my… my girlfriend too.” 
Your face dropped. “Sorry about that.”
He half shrugged, looking the other way, he was not going to cry in front of a witch, this was humiliation enough.
“Er, next question. Do you have allergies?” 
“Experienced dizziness, or a rush of adrenaline in the past forty-eight hours?” 
Peter squinted, these were very specific questions. “ Yeah, but what does that have to do with the curse?”
You shrugged. “See if there are side effects.” 
“The adrenaline thing isn’t for the curse… I have a stressful job.”
“That responds the next question… so how long has it been since you got cursed?” your head rested on your palm, you reminded him of that one therapist aunt May forced him to go see a few years ago.
“Three days, maybe four.” 
“Hmmm, interesting.” 
“Hmm? Oh well, cats don’t just go out crossing people’s paths like that. Most times they have a reason. Have you wronged a cat in your life?” your knee going up and down nonstop, Peter noticed the nervous thick. He had several.
Felicia could count as a cat but she had wronged him more than he had her.
“No.” He scoffed. 
“Ok, didn’t want to offend you.”
Peter let out a breathy laugh, this was the craziest shit that he had experienced and he had gone through a lot of fucked up shit in his life.
“Please come with me.” 
You stood up with a graceful jump. Dress puffing with air. Peter stared at your hand extended to him. The moment he took it there was this tingly feeling that crossed his whole body. 
You grinned. He glared.
The room you got in was pitch black, a breeze came from somewhere, it smelled like incense. With the snap of your fingers a yellow hue covered the room which was not more than 80 square feet, seemed to be a closet.
Three candles were floating, Harry Potter style. His hand went over the flame no wire attached to them.
“Am I hallucinating already?” He said. Hand now going under the candle he was in awe.
“Nope, we haven’t started yet.” You chuckled. “And those are totally real. It’s a very easy spell.” You said proudly.
“Sit on the floor.” You demanded, Peter obeyed.
With a bright pink dust, you painted a circle and a bunch of indecipherable symbols that Peter preferred not to know what they meant. Instead he focused on you; your smooth hands tracing patterns as if it was second nature. Your lips were tuned slightly upwards, it was obvious how this made you feel. Peter felt his own lips curving. 
Hmm… he frowned, that was not right. But his mind was taking over, your long lashes with specs of glitter resting on them. Hair, shiny and soft looking. Peter kind of wanted to brush it to the side with his fingers. Shaking his head he couldn’t be thinking such things, he didn’t even know your name. And you were a witch!
And you are a fucking Spider-Man, chill the fuck out Parker.
Great! He was going insane now.
Snapping your fingers, music started to sound. 
“Is that Fiona Apple?” Peter asked, throwing her a quick glance,
“Yes! She gives off the right vibe for this.” Your sly smirk made Peter’s stomach flip.
Oh no.
Squaring down, to be on eye level with him, he caught the very faint scent of cherry. 
“I’m going to give you tea, It’s going to make you a little dizzy and jittery.” Extending your palm, you showed him two little rocks. 
“What’s that for?” Peter took them either way. 
Your index finger pointed to a clear looking crystal. “That’s clear quartz, it clears the mind, attracts positivity and repels negativity. The orange one it’s citrine for positive mood, clarity and focus.” 
His chocolate eyes never left yours, for the first time the whole night your smile quivered. You needed to gain some distance. You stood up quickly.
“Whatever happens, don’t let them go. And you have to have them around until the next new moon. Understood?”
Peter sighed, whatever helps him get over this. “Got it.”
You opened a book with a crimson hard cover. A sage green cup rested on the wooden table in front of you. Your back facing Peter, he let the little crystals roll on his palm as he heard Fiona Apple’s voice mixing with the cooing spell you were casting. Words he had never heard got whispered inside the cup, the energy in the room changed in a second, the yellow hue became brighter. 
Peter’s body shivered when you went back kneeling before him.
“Drink this, you have to close your eyes and don’t open them until I say so, okay Peter Parker?”
Peter nodded, gulping as he took the cup. It was warm to the touch. The liquid inside looked like any other tea aunt May had made him before, a little cloudy but it had a nice smell.
“I added a little honey and it’s spearmint flavored.” You chirped. 
“How many times have you said you have done this?” Peter was really curious, it came pretty natural to you. 
“Oh this is the first time, but I’m sure it’ll go almost perfect.” 
“Jesus, that’s just what one would like to hear in these situations.”
“Come on Peter Parker, this is fun!” 
“Cheers, I guess.” 
Peter drank the whole thing in one go and the taste was surprisingly good.
He sat there waiting for something to feel different but nothing changed. 
“How you feeling?” You asked, looking him in the eye.
“Should I be feeling weird?” he replied, trying to pay attention to his body. Everything was the same. He opened his eyes.
“Shit, you are supposed to be experiencing something by now. And you drank the whole thing,” you stomped your foot on the floor. “I did everything the book said.” 
Quickly, you went back to the book to check the spell as if it was a recipe. 
“Sorry to disappoint.” Peter sighed. “Hey um, this is going to sound weird, but, would you like to… I don’t know, like go for coffee one of these days?” your eyes went wide, big as saucers hearing him ask. “Or not… I mean I was just suggesting.”
“Don’t move Peter Parker.” You squinted, Peter felt something on his arm. 
“You opened your eyes!” She squealed. 
A spider, the same spider that bit him years ago was walking up his arm, then there was another and another, all of them crawling upwards.
“Holy fucking shit.” Horror stained his voice. But Peter couldn’t move. He didn’t know if he was able to feel his body.
“You are Spider-Man for fucks sake keep it together” you cried. “Told you to keep them closed."
In a swift move you grabbed a few vials filled with dust in different colors. Peter was wide eyed, gawking, unmoving about to have a heart attack.
“I can’t move, help!” his voice high pitched. 
“Shut up Peter Parker, I’m trying to think!” 
A marble mortar plopped on the table, a mix of colors and sparks flashed across your face. 
“Sorry for what’s next but you can’t move and I’m not in position to kill our city’s hero.”
Grabbing the dust on the mortar, you put the bright blue dust on your lips as you fell on your knees in front of Peter. Careful not to ruin the pentagram.
Leaning forward you said,
“The spider you see is just in your mind, you are hallucinating for real this time, that’s why i told you to not open your eyes. Wish things were different but this is it, Peter Parker.”
“Good luck.”
You clashed your lips with his. In a second Peter felt his whole body tingle, like he was having a serious case of pins and needles. Involuntarily his palm went up to rest on your cheek. Warm and soft. Cherry scent, and blueberry taste. His eyes fluttered shut as he kissed you, the crazy girl he met a few hours ago at the halloween party.
A sharp turn. Just like when you twirl in one spot until you feel the whole room shake and you are in that state of happy dizziness. Peter felt like that and he kind of enjoyed it. 
When the motion stopped fully he opened his eyes. Blinking he reincorporated, he didn’t know he had been lying down this whole time. 
Spider-Man’s spandex suit still plastered on his torso just that the room was not the tiny room he had been in. 
“Aunt May?” 
“Breakfast is ready!” 
Peter rested on his elbows, he was in his room in Queens. He was in Brooklyn just a second ago. And, why was he even here? His apartment was in Manhattan. 
Shaking his head he peeled the tight suit off, his body complained, a common thing by now. Taking a quick shower he saw the water run down the drain, little hints of bright blue in them. He shook his head, migraine settling behind his eyes.
“I had no idea you were staying the weekend Peter, you always let me know.” May dried her hands in the kitchen cloth as she looked at him with fond eyes. “You scared the hell living out of me last night when I heard you in your room.”
Peter frowned, he didn’t remember how he got in, he wasn’t even sure what happened after he saw Flash at the party. Late that night he found two shiny bits of crystal on his bed. His mind screamed at him to keep them near.
Until the new moon, right?
Glimpses of what felt like dreams were trying to tell him something, most days Peter woke up with the feeling that he had forgotten something but he pushed it aside, there wasn’t much time to think of Peter problems when there were Spider-Man real problems. 
It took him six days to notice his bad luck had disappeared, he felt lighter than ever, he even got a rise at his job which was hard to believe. Cat hadn’t been involved in trouble and Peter didn’t need patching or stitches for the week, he was doing amazing.
One night during patrol. He was sitting on a building in Brooklyn, there had been a fire two blocks down, no one had been injured so Peter left the scene before the police arrived. Now his legs hung on the edge of the six story building. Phone in hand. Flash posted the party’s photos, he laughed at one where a group of guys dressed as the one and only Pitbull were carrying Flash as he threw pumpkins shaped confetti in the air. Flash knew how to have a good time, Pete gave him that. 
The next photo was one where he could see himself at the back, he barely noticed it was him, the spandex gave him away. But what caught his attention was the pointy hat, purple ribbons floating. His heart increased its pace. 
Flash was doing some drills at Empire’s gym. Sweaty and all, he greeted Peter with a hug and a laugh.
“Pete, you left too early the other day!” 
Peter’s cheek went warm. “Sorry, yeah I wasn’t feeling well.”
“No problem. You want to play? For the good ol’ days.” Flash chuckled.
Peter remembered high school as if it was yesterday.
“I have class in like twenty minutes, but next time. I was just wondering if you knew the name of this girl I met at your party.”
Flash smirked, nudging Peter on the ribs. “I see why you weren’t feeling well huh? Parker.” 
Peter scratched his neck, this was so awkward, he didn’t even know the girl.
“What she looked like?” 
Peter’s image of you was very vague, he remembered the costume, but nothing else really.
“You have an idea how many girls dressed like that were at the party? I need more intel Parker.” 
Peter closed his eyes for a second. “She- um she said you were taking bioengineering together,” 
Flash huffed, making the basketball bounce. “I’m not taking bioengineering, Peter. Don’t think girls take that class anyway… trust me I’d remember.” He winked.
“Really? Because she was very sure of it.” He laughed, out of pure agony.
Have you been like a dream or something?
“I think someone made you look like a fool Pete. But there’s always more girls.”
“Right, no, you’re right. Um, I’m going to get going. See you later man.”
“Take care Parker!” 
Making his way back home, Peter kicked a can with all the force he managed, it landed inside a trash can. He blinked, shit that was quite lucky. He felt not so lucky when there was no space in the subway to even move your legs, at least it was warm in there, the November wind was getting tougher by the day. Headphones on, he put the music in shuffle. 
In starlit night I saw you
So cruel you kissed me
your lips a magic world
Leaning on the cold metallic tube in front of the doors, he sighed looking at his converse. He needed to give them a wash, those ketchup stains were not making it look any better. His fingers went to his eyes, scratching the corners of them, he could sleep right there if he was sure no one would steal his phone but instead he concentrated on his surroundings. Phone screens shining, Instagram posts passing rapidly, text messages getting deleted and retyped, sudoku grid…
Sudoku grid?
His stomach churned. He had these images like photos archived in his brain. He remembered the sudoku grid, the number 9 for some reason, mushrooms, pink dust, floating candles, a green mug, and a smile. That smile had haunted his dreams for days now.
The owner of the phone had a bright yellow coat. Peter froze just creepily staring at the person.
Next stop was a commotion, people going out, some more coming in. Peter lost yellow coat for a moment only to see it going out with the sea of people.
“Hey!" he shouted. Desperation in his voice. “Yellow coat!” 
Only feet away now, he saw the person go up the stairs. His heart hammering against his ribcage, what was this, why was he so anxious for the person to turn?
Crossing a busy street, he took his earphones off, seeing for one last time yellow coat get into a taxi, mixing in the traffic. 
Peter sometimes really thought he was the most intelligent person in the world. He decided to follow the taxi, this time in Spider-Man clothes. Web shooters full and ready, cold wind wasn’t even a bother, he had perfected the suit to be warmer on winter days. 
Swinging up to Brooklyn’s bridge had been easy, the problem being on which of all the taxis he saw was yellow coat in. 
Running and shooting webs caused lots of honking and almost made a man crash his car thanks to the little kid trying to come off the window to say hello to him.
“Sorry!” He apologized, as he flew by. 
Last taxi entering Brooklyn was his only chance, this better be it. As he plopped as softly as he could on the roof of the car, he bent over to take a peek on the backseat windows. 
He grinned under the mask. Knocking on the window he saw shiny hair flick, and sparkly eyes connected with his white buggy ones. Waving a hand at you, your eyes went wide. In a flash everything came back to him.
The curse, how you feed him and basically cured his bad luck with a blueberry flavored kiss.
Stealing his heart with that, it was absurd yet magical, Peter wasn’t surprised no more with what happened in his daily life.
“Roll the window down?” He made the motion for you to do so.
For a brief second Peter thought you were not doing it, but you did, wind made your hair dance and oh Peter’s heart shivered with joy.
“Witch!” He greeted, still looking at you upside down.
“Peter Pa- Spider-Man!” you smiled, in awe.
The taxi driver rolled his window down too. “Dickhead, get the fuck down of my car!” 
“Just drop me in the next block.” You said, throwing the man some money.
Peter jumped off the car just as the taxi slowed down. 
“Freaks!” The man shouted at them, his middle finger sticking out the window as his goodbye.
“Thank you kind sir!” Peter saluted him.
You snorted by his side. Pivoting on his heels, it took him a second to take it all in. 
“You disappeared,”
“I didn’t disappear, I helped you get home Peter Parker.” You grinned. Oh that smile, Peter wanted to squeeze your cheeks.
“Um, no, that’s not what happened. I was lying in your room, and then you kissed me and then I woke up at my aunt’s? For a moment I thought I was losing my mind.”
You were staring at him amused. “It was fun, right? I know I had a lot of fun that night.” 
“Don't be mean.” Peter’s hand flew to his chest, as if he had been hurt for real. “I even asked Flash about you, and you lied, you never went to Empire.” Hands flying in the air, as he spoke.
“First of all. I do go to Empire, Flash is just not a very observant person.”
“Right, so tell me why you did all this?”
"I had to fix it okay!” Your eyes locked on your shoes. 
“Spider-Man hi!!” A group of teenagers waved their hands at them on the other side of the street.
“Hello, guys!” He had to be kind to the fans, being the beloved neighborhood hero wasn’t an easy task after all. “Have a good day.”
“You are the shit bro!” One of them shouted back.
“Do you mind if we talk somewhere more private?” Peter said through gritted teeth.
You bit the inside of your cheek to not laugh. “Ok.”
Peter took the opportunity to grab you by the waist, in a fast and smooth motion he was flying through Brooklyn.
“This is not what I had in mind.” You squealed against his spandex covered neck, he felt your breath hot on his skin. 
“Oh you owe me, this is the least you can do for me Witch.” 
Peter wowed as they moved between buildings. Landing on the roof of an old cinema. The neon lights casting pretty shadows against your face and the suit’s texture became alive. He took the mask off to reveal the sweetest of smiles. Cheeks rosy.
“What can we do about this?” He asked, arms spread wide, he was falling for someone who he barely knew.
You hid your hands inside your coat, wind biting on your skin harshly. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”
Peter sighed. “How was it supposed to go? You said you had to fix it, what do you mean by that?”
Why were Peter’s eyes so pretty, his face was a mix of pain and hope, your stomach felt funny again. It had been like that since you first saw him. A month ago.
A blue moon was something you always enjoyed. Making moon water, charging crystals, manifesting and writing spells. 
But Orion, your black cat had been angsty for days now, he always was like that during full moons. He destroyed your quilt, the one to knit together with so much effort. So you let him out.
“Get out! If you could, I’d make you fix this to make me happy!” The window closed with a thud and poor Orion blended in with the night.
After trying to fix it but failing with the quilt you felt guilty. Orion was simply trying to let that energy out, and you took it against the poor thing. After much thinking you decided to go out looking for him. Orion’s name got pronounced several times until you saw him crossing the street a little ahead of you, it was three in the morning. Cars weren’t even passing, the world was still, sirens and honks chimed far away. 
Orion locked eyes with you for a moment. And you knew this was a bit of a dare to him, squatting down you tried to prod the cat to go to you, but Orion only sat in the middle of the sidewalk, liking his paw almost making fun of you. One step closer was what set him off running again. Just in time for Spider-Man to pass walking; half mask up munching on what seemed to be a burrito, mustard on the corner of his mouth, he came to a halt when the cat crossed his path. You saw Spider-Man gulp. 
A moment later his burrito fell flat on the pavement. You knew what this was about, you shut your eyes, cursing Orion under your breath, when you opened them Spider-Man was gone. 
“So you knew I was Spider-Man all along?” Peter scoffed. “You are full of secrets witch.”
“I knew I even said it to you when you were freaking out. Half of the spell had to do with me doing the ritual and half of it was you believing it would work, you still opened those damn pretty eyes.”
Peter kicked a tiny rock off the roof. “So you think I have pretty eyes?” he heard you laugh. 
“You do Peter Parker.”
He blushed deeper. “ So what I felt when you… kissed me was just part of the spell?” 
The disappointment in his voice made your heart jump. “It wasn’t about feelings, Peter Parker, it was just a spell to fix your bad luck. Whatever you felt, that’s on you.”
“Hmm,” he took a step closer, scratching his neck. “I was being serious when I asked you out for coffee.”
“I know.”
Peter smirked. “You like making me suffer, I see how it is.” He laughed, making a full twirl.
The grin on your lips couldn’t be held. “It’s funny to see you all embarrassed.” 
“Jesus… okay so, coffee this Saturday?” His ears were bright red.
“Sounds good to me.” 
“Great.” Another step closer. “Don’t bring your cat, I beg.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Good, because I’m feeling pretty lucky as it is.” His lips ghosted over yours.
On your tiptoes you connected your lips with his cold but soft ones. Both smiling and chuckling. 
“This is even better than the last one.”
“Yeah because you were freaking out about spiders, Spider-Man.” you mumbled, Peter brushed the hairs that floated in your face, he needed a clear path.
“I think I prefer it when you call me Peter Parker.”
Peter kissed the tip of your nose, and you finally let him know your name. He beamed as he repeated it.
“That sounds about right.”
A meow was heard and Peter groaned, forehead connection to yours.
“He won’t do it again. I promise, it was just a blue moon thing.”
You saw his eyes traveling all over your face. “I think I can get used to getting cursed.”
Orion meowed again, rubbing its little black fur against Peter’s leg. 
“Hey pal.” Peter said, patting the cat sweetly.
You snorted. “You’re weird Peter Parker.”
“Thank you.” 
Maybe after all Orion did something that made you happier than a badly knitted quilt.  
Peter found the whole term of black cat curse drastically different, they weren’t about bad luck after all. 
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just--vi · 2 months
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This fic was my first dip back into the fandom after a long long break, and I'm 100% convinced it led me to some of my loveliest friends (and turned into several more fics in the meantime).
Lil snippet under the cut if you'd like a preview.
As luck would have it the beach this time of year is frigidly cold. Tourists line the boardwalks in puffers and trench coats with scarves wrapped around their necks and beanies on their heads – if you squint toward the shops it’s a sea of multi-colored bobbles and the occasional ugly beret.
Remus’ spot isn’t far off from the thick of it. An old folding table with uneven legs that is covered in chipping paint, both old and new. He has wedged half a newspaper under the back right foot of it and is using a collection of heavy rocks to keep the painted postcards from whipping off toward the water. Just the other week he’d lost an entire stack of them because some kid had shouldered by a bit too quickly and knocked the make-shift paperweights to the ground, letting the wind catch the postcards and sending Remus scrambling desperately after them.
By the time he’d trudged back up the hill to the boardwalk the kid and his parents were gone.
As foot traffic begins to thin, Remus drops the paintbrush and stretches out the fingers of his right hand. They crack audibly, and the dull ache begins to seep its way toward his forearm. He offers one long, tired sigh before shoving gloves onto his hands and packing his things away into the rolling crate wedged underneath the low barrier between walkway and beach. Old paintings first, wrapped sensibly in plastic now that they’ve dried, newer ones gingerly on top. Paints go into the worn out bookbag that he slings over his shoulder and he waffles for a moment on the decision to try to take everything in one go, or hope his table doesn’t end up stolen or vandalized (again).
Eventually, because his fingers are beginning to go numb and snot is starting to drip out of his nose, he folds the table and hoists it up against his hip with one arm. It’s not terribly big, a handful of feet long and not quite as wide, but the worse his joints get the harder it is to lug around. He wraps his other hand around the handle of his crate and drags it awkwardly behind him, dodging evening stragglers and one dog wearing a sweater, whose owner offers up a sweet smile and gives him a rather wide berth.
His car is parked a little farther than he’d really like to walk, but he couldn’t justify the paid spots and when he’d come out this morning he’d really been feeling quite good… Now the short hill leaves him a little breathless and wheezy, and by the time he’s popping his trunk (the seats already laid down flat) his skin is prickling under his sweater, suddenly too hot.
It’s not a pretty sight, Remus wrestling the table up toward the trunk, only the snaps on the legs have long since rusted out and they keep popping open, knocking him painfully in the knee and drawing a stream of quiet curses out of his mouth, the trunk claims his elbow next and he is moments away from giving up entirely when the weight of the table shifts just enough to send him a little off balance, before sliding seamlessly into the boot.
Twisting around to offer a (faintly irritated) thanks to his helper, Remus stops dead. Suddenly the heat in his cheeks is less for the short jaunt up the hill or the bite of the wind, all flushing blood that reaches all the way into his ears.
“Err – thanks, bit of a pain to do on your own,” he mumbles, ignoring the fact that the other man seemed to have had no such problem. At the very least the comment earns him a barking laugh, head thrown backward and eyes crinkling at the corners, which makes him blush harder because it really hadn’t been that funny.
“No worries, I couldn’t watch you struggle anymore without feeling like an absolute jackass – hand alright?”
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rozcdust · 2 years
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Pairing: Shinichiro Sano x F!Reader
Genre: Crack, fluff, lil angst
Word count: 1.4K
Warnings: Canon divergent, OOC, profanity, tattooing
You were born rotten, but he had a chance.
pt. 1 | previous | playlist
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“Y/n, this young man came to find you.” The receptionist appeared at the door of your room, grinning, his hand resting on Kazutora’s shoulder.
You nodded, not even looking up from your sketch, adding a final few touches to the design for your next client.
It was a large back piece, one that will take weeks to complete, depicting a rather intricate dragon in a traditional Japanese style, surrounded by sakura broom and spider lilies, and it was a design you were immensely proud of.
What a shame this beauty will have to end up on Imaushi.
Finally looking up, your eyes hardened as you saw Kazutora’s new haircut.
“So? Whatcha think?” He was grinning ear to ear, looking at you much like an over-excited puppy.
You took a deep, long sigh.
“Tora, how offended would you be if I started laughing?”
His face fell into a frown.
Nodding, you allowed only a smile to crack through, beckoning him to sit down so you could show him the designs.
“I won’t laugh then. Here are some of the designs of the tiger tattoo you asked for.”
“Y/n, these are so cool!” Amazed, Kazutora flipped through the pages, carefully observing each and every one, finally landing on a tiger tattoo in a similar style to the one you had on your own back.
“How was school?” Placing the stencil on his neck, you carefully removed the paper, handing Tora a mirror so he could see if he liked the placement.
“It was fine, I’ll go meet Baji’s friends tomorrow too… This placement looks great!”
“Alright. Let me know if you’ll need money, okay?” Putting on gloves and picking up the tattoo machine, you send him a warning look, “This will hurt, you know? The neck is a sensitive area. And if you move too much, I will fuck up the tattoo, so you gotta be still.”
Kazutora nodded, as if fully prepared for the world of misery he just threw himself in.
He had no idea.
Shrugging, you got to work.
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Shinichiro sulked the entire way to the studio, letting some of his sibling’s teasing get to him as he lit up another cigarette as soon as the previous one burned out, thinking over the previous date.
You seemed to have fun, and you told him as much, but still, you never got back to him again, and as much as he told himself you’re just busy, with work or your brother starting middle school - he himself went through a hellish time with Mikey - he couldn’t deny it any longer.
Maybe you just decided he wasn’t worth it, and that sent his heart plummeting to rock bottom.
“If anything,” Takeomi shrugged, probably trying to sound comforting, “At least you got a kiss out of the ordeal.”
Shinichiro’s eyes narrowed as he glared at his friend.
He and Benkei came to wish Wakasa luck, and to cause Shinichiro grief.
“First off, she kissed my cheek. Secondly, who the fuck told you she kissed me?“
“Haruchiyo did.” Benkei was the one to respond, shrugging, and Shinichiro gasped in betrayal.
“You sent your little brother to spy on me?”
“He wanted to come to play with Mikey and Izana anyway.”
“You’re unbelievable.” Shinichiro shook his head, frowning.
“Good riddance, if you ask me. She’s a bitch.” Wakasa huffed, stretching as he checked his watch.
“Don’t call her that!”
“To be fair to her, I’d have beaten your ass too.“ Takeomi shrugged, grinning when Wakasa swung at him, a sour frown on his face.
“Either way, it’s 4:15, and it’s respectful to arrive at a tattoo session early. Get your ass in, Shin.” Opening the doors to the studio, Wakasa almost ran into a kid who was rushing to get out.
“Kids these days.” Frowning, Wakasa stepped in, Shinichiro waving Takeomi and Benkei goodbye as he followed the blond inside.
Wakasa managed to find his aunt, who greeted him with multiple kisses to his face, ruffling his hair, exclaiming how big he’s gotten.
Shinichiro snickered while Wakasa looked miserable, waiting on his aunt to lead him to the artist.
“She’s new, but trust me, her line work and shading are immaculate! She was my apprentice, smart and hardworking girl, you’ll love her, I’m sure!” Rambling, his aunt led them to an empty, secluded room, “She’ll be here any minute, she as far as I know finished the design you two agreed on over the phone.”
Nodding, Wakasa politely thanked her, shaking his leg in anticipation.
“I was serious about you holding my hand.” Glaring, Wakasa sounded as confident as ever, looking up at Shinichiro who raised his arms up in defence.
“I’ll hold your hand, no worries.”
“You better. Or I’ll kill you.”
“Okay, I made some variations on what we agreed on, you’ll only have to pick and then we will see how it moves with the ba-“ A female voice called out as the artist entered the room, not even looking up as she flipped through the designs, stopping on the doorway to look at something closely.
Wakasa and Shinichiro stared, mouth agape.
You were wearing a tank top, arms and collarbones bare, revealing full sleeves of intricate tattoos depicting skeletons, animals and flowers swirling up your skin, disappearing to be hidden by the fabric of your shirt.
Shinichiro felt his cheeks burning.
You were truly your own piece of art, a dark painting with a couple of splotches of red paint and how glad Shinichiro was to be able to even dare claim you were his.
You were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and he looked at you as if he’s seen God.
“YOU?!” Wakasa jumped, an accusatory finger pointed.
You utterly ignored him.
“Yes Imaushi, I’ll be the one to do your tattoo.” Spitting his name out like a curse, you looked up briefly to meet his eye, “And if you piss me off, I just may hide a dick in the design.”
Wakasa paled.
Shinichiro awkwardly waved, and you smiled, taking a couple of steps to plant a chaste peck on his lips.
“Sorry for not calling, I was super busy.” Smiling into the kiss, you pulled back, cutely tilting your head in apology.
Shin threw Wakasa a victorious look.
“It’s okay.” Shinichiro grinned, making a mental note to tell his siblings where to stick it.
“I do not want to get a tattoo done by you.” Almost snarling, Wakasa got into your face.
“Yeah? Tough fucking shit, unless you want to lose the deposit.” Shrugging, you pointed to the couch and a small coffee table in the corner of the room.
You all but passively aggressively threw the designs into Wakasa’s face, arms crossed and fingers tapping your elbow impatiently as you waited on him to flip through the designs and pick.
Shinichiro stared at the drawings in awe, looking at you with his eyes wide.
“You drew that? Y/n, this is amazing!”
A small smile formed on your face.
Finally, Wakasa picked a design, and as you left to get the stencil ready, Wakasa sent Shin a dark look.
“Your bitch is pissing me off.”
“Stop calling her a bitch, Waka.”
“Fuck off.”
Shinichiro went to open his mouth and bite back a reply just as you appeared, holding the full stencil.
“We won’t be able to do the whole tattoo today, it will take six to eight 5 hour sessions but I will put the stencil as a whole, just so we can see how it’d move and if you’ll like it. Strip.”
Wakasa did as told, frowning as he took off his shirt.
Upon deciding on the placement, amount of sessions and price, you told Wakasa to lie down on the table as you prepared the machine.
Shinichiro dragged a chair to the table, softly taking Wakasa’s hand into his as the man shivered in anticipation.
You merely raised an eyebrow at the display of affection, but said nothing.
“This will hurt, we’re starting over your shoulder blade, bones hurt quite a bit. If you need a break, even just for a couple of seconds, let me know.” Staring pointedly at Wakasa, you waited until he nodded, his grip on Shinichiro’s hand tightening.
And if he let out a small scream when you first put the needle to his skin, who will have to know?
Everyone because Shinichiro will make sure to tell them that Wakasa Imaushi is a little bitch.
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. . . next
🔖Taglist (open):
@1818cigarettes @nana-phobia @dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @missarabellla @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @levistiddies @graythecoffeebean @yukihime-mikeys-girl @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @soushswag @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @galactict3a @bontensbabygirl @somniari-94 @astropheia @rgtgt @bubble-dream-inc @princesshaitani @luvjiro @inurmom00 @secretanimesimp @sweeneyblue1 @ameliabs-world @levii-s
a/n: deadass posting this in middle of my seminar class, i’ve been in uni since 8 a.m. and now it’s 5 p.m., my phone is on 6%, send help 🥲
also, for context
tora before the haircut:
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beautiful baby boy
tora after the haircut:
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a vaguely cute clown
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cyberphuck · 1 year
Assassin’s Apprentice Abridged: Part One
EDIT: Tumblr randomly swallowed like 500 words in the middle of this, so I've added that back in.
I am finally embarking on my long-threatened project to summarize all of the Farseer Trilogy for my friend Razz so they can understand my shitposts about it but don’t actually have to read it. I started with this post about the cast of characters in the first book.
This is being broken up into sections because the trilogy and AA in particular (as well as Royal Assassin... whew, that one’s gonna be hard) is so insanely long and complex.
And now, Ladies and Gentlequeers, AA Abridged: Part One.
We open on the narrator musing both about writing a history of the Six Duchies (but being unable to because every time he tries it turns into a salty rant about everything bad that's ever happened to him) and also about how very old and decrepit he is. He is hunched over his writing desk, his fingers gnarled and knuckly, literally crumbling away like a Thanos-snapped MCU character as he sorrowfully attempts to make some record of the long and storied life he's lived before he lapses into the sweet void of death.
Fitz is 35.
"I bet you're wondering how I got here," Fitz writes. "It all began when I was born. Neither of my parents bothered to show up."
Actually, the curtain opens on Fitz as a six year old, being hauled up to the front doors of a fort by a cranky older man. "Surely you must have memories of your childhood before six," someone in the audience asks, but Fitz replies "No, I definitely don't, I never did and I'm tired of you asking me that." It never really becomes super important what he was doing before he was six, unless you count the time where he was traveling from the King-In-Waiting's ballsack to the sweet hot vagina of Some Lady He Never Spoke To Again.
Fitz is scooped up and brought inside the fort, and presented to Prince Verity. You'd think Verity would be at least a little upset that his older brother has muddied the line of succession with his long-ago nut, but Verity acts as if Fitz's existence is the funniest thing he's ever seen. "Yep, looks just like him," Verity confirms, then instructs a soldier to bring Fitz to Burrich.
That's right, the cranky old man hammers on the front door, waits for someone to open it, says "this is Prince Chivalry's kid and I'm tired of dealing with him," and then walks off. Despite this, Fitz never develops any abandonment issues and only has healthy and honest relationships with people for the rest of his life.
"Those are all the memories I have of that fort," Fitz writes, "except for that one night that Prince Verity, Burrich, and Prince Regal stood and looked in on me in the stall and Regal complained that I was muddying the line of succession."
Burrich does not think this situation is as funny as Verity did.
But he's honest and loyal, so he sighs and says "C'mon, Lil Accident, I'll find a place for you to sleep." That place is in a horse stall with Vixen, the hound dog, and Nosy, her pup. Burrich looks down at all of them, mutters "Patience is gonna have a fucking aneurysm" and then walks off.
After a couple of weeks, Burrich puts Lil Accident on a horse behind him and they ride away from Moonseye and towards Buckkeep. During this time, offstage, Fitz's father Chivalry gets word of his appearance and does the only sensible and logical thing, which is to ollie out the window while flipping everyone off and yelling "GOOD LUCK FIGURING THIS ONE OUT, LOSERS!" He abdicates and retires to a farm with his weirdo wife, which pisses off basically everyone.
Burrich and Fitz arrive at Buckkeep, the capital of the Six Duchies, a tall castle on a hill overlooking the ocean. Burrich is the stablemaster, in charge of all the critters large and small at the keep. He'd also been Chivalry's right hand man until he'd jumped in front of a boar to keep it from killing the Prince and fucked up his leg. Burrich comes home to Buckkeep with a bad leg and a six year old bastard to find that his bestie has just fucking peaced out without saying anything to him. He's kind of having a bad day. He hands Fitz off to stableboy Cobb, who leads him and pup Nosy to the kitchens to get something to eat.
Cobb sits FItz-and-Nosy just outside the kitchens and goes inside for delicious pie. A burly man walks by Fitz, does a double-take, then points and yells, "Hey everyone! It's Chivalry's Bastard!"
Fitz shrinks down.
"I heard you don't even have a name!" Burly man hollers, then gets right up in Fitz's face. "Is that true, tiny and defenseless six year old boy that I'm accosting? You don't have a name?"
Fitz yells "NOOOOOO" and, like a tiny, dirty Jedi master, force-shoves the man onto his ass. The crowd, assuming that the dude was just a coward who couldn't handle being yelled at by a toddler, has a laugh and carries on with their tasks. Fitz gets up and he and Nosy run away and spend all day hiding in a hole.
Burrich does eventually find him, and with a hearty "what the fuck you can't just burrow underneath the shed, get out of there," returns him to the stables, where his new home is Burrich's little bachelor pad above the stalls. In the days and weeks that follow, Fitz wakes up, eats breakfast, and immediately escapes the keep to go down to the town and run around with a bunch of street kids.
Fitz doesn't say much but he's game for anything and he has a dog, so he's accepted into the gang as "Newboy." He and his new friends generally just run around making trouble, stealing food, and bothering people. One of the notables in the bunch is Molly Nosebleed, called that because she always looks like someone just got done beating the shit out of her. Wholesome!
One sunny day, Fitz, Molly and Nosy are on the rocks near the beach looking for sheel to eat. I have no idea what sheel is and neither does Google. Then Molly's dad shows up to hit her with a stick to teach her a lesson about having a drunk, violent dad.
Alarmed, Fitz force-shoves Molly's dad into the sand. Molly immediately freaks out and struggles to get dad back on his feet to stagger back to their candle-making shop (or chandlery if you're feeling fancy). Fitz is confused at the intricacies of abusive relationships, but relieved that no one yet knows that he has force-shoving powers.
Aside from his brief encounter with childhood trauma, everything is going great for Fitz. Then one day, while he and his fellow urchins (and Nosy) are running from a dude whose sausages they just stole, Fitz runs right the fuck into Burrich.
"You get your butt right back up to the castle, young man," Burrich says, dragging Fitz along by his ear. "And if I EVER find out you've been down in town hanging out with someone again, I will personally have sex with them a bunch of times," he added foreshadowingly.
"I don't have to do what you say," Fitz barks.
"Bark," says Nosy.
Burrich's eyes narrow. "How many fingers am I holding up?" he asks.
"I don't really know numbers," says Fitz.
"Bark," says Nosy.
"Nosy says that's three," Fitz translates.
"Alrighty then, no more puppy for you, the puppy is going to live on a farm upstate," Burrich says. He drags the puppy outside.
Presumably something cool happens to it.
So now instead of slumming around Buckkeep Town, Fitz spends his days following Burrich around and being taught how to manage horses and dogs but not birds because birds apparently hate bastards. Fitz is careful not to let Burrich see him being friendly with any animals.
One day, Fitz is sitting underneath a table in the Great Hall, being friendly with a bunch of puppies. It's the morning after a party and there's plenty of leftover food to be had, and he's happily stuffing pies down his shirt and sharing pieces with the pups. Then he hears footsteps and who should show up but KING SHREWD!
Shrewd is technically Fitz's grandfather but has never really spoken to him. He's walking along with Prince Regal (*crowd boos*) and the king's new fool, a weirdo albino child who's just cartwheeling along behind them.
Fitz goes "hmm, time to bounce" and crawls out from under the table. Shrewd stops to look at him. "Ah, the Little Accident," he says. "If you leave weapons laying around, someone will eventually pick them up and stab you with them."
"What?" says Regal.
"What?" says Fitz.
"I am not going to leave you laying around for someone else to kill me with," Shrewd says. "Lil Accident, take this pin. I am going to to feed you, train you, house you and clothe you. If anyone's got shit to say about it, show them this pin. It means you belong to me."
"...Okay, sure," Fitz shrugs. He puts the pin into the collar of his shirt. Shrewd nods magnanimously and walks on. Regal flips him off. The Fool cartwheels out the door as they leave.
That night, Fitz goes home to Burrich's bachelor pad, but Burrich turns him right back around. "You done gone and did it now," he says. "King Shrewd noticed you and now you're gonna have to go live inside the castle like a fancy lad. Go on."
"But despite my fear and resentment of you, I see you as a protector and father figure," Fitz says.
"Oh little boy who blew up my life, I love and resent you too," Burrich assures him. "If you get lonely, you can come back down here and I'll murder another puppy for you."
Fitz trudges up to the castle. He has a room of his own. There's a fucking weird tapestry on the wall of the ancient King Wisdom consorting with... what is that thing? Slenderman? It's creepy.
Weeks go by. Fitz is kept busy with new lessons in reading and writing and 'rithmetic, as well as swordery. Once in a very long while, he makes the trip back down to the town to visit his buddies, but those trips become fewer and farther between.
It's the middle of the night.
Fitz wakes up to a draft and a light in his face. There's an old man at the foot of his bed, holding up a lantern. "Come with me," the old man says.
"Oh," Fitz yawns, getting out of bed. "It's the call to adventure."
The old man leads Fitz to a doorway in the wall that hadn't been there before. This is where the draft was coming from-- a steep staircase leading up between walls. Old man leads Fitz up a maze of passageways and then finally to a huge hidden room with all the amenities a crazy old wall-man could want, like a fireplace and comfy chairs and a big bed and a library and a science lab.
Also, the old looks like he took a hot frying pan to the face. Like he really looks like hell.
"Wrow," Fitz says.
"Wrow indeed, boy," the old man agrees. "My name is Chade. I bet I look familiar to you. Well it's because I'm King Shrewd's brother and I blah blah blah I have a weasel named Slink. Next you're going to ask what the fuck happened to my face. I can tell everything you're thinking, because I'm a master spy and assassin and-- now this part you should take to heart-- I am always right about everything. Never doubt me."
"Okay," Fitz says.
"Good. That out of the way, let's train you to kill people."
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atopvisenyashill · 26 days
HELLO pls pls share ur aegon and carl thoughts 😭😭😭 but only if u want to..
okay because the lil fandom joke is they’re both the last man standing right? they get put through insane physical injuries - aegon suicide swan dives TWICE and lives, carl gets shot in the face - they outlive most of the other characters in the story, and live through it with cockroach like luck until the very ending of their conflicts, left physically scarred by what they’ve been through, with nothing but a daughter they can’t connect with and a world that is already forgetting about the danger & horror aegon & carl have just lived through. and before they can really figure out what the good thing to do is, the story ends.
i think there’s a lot to be said for how both of their violence is enabled as children for different reasons. obviously talking mix of shows & comics/books here but we get alicent, viserys, & criston (probably otto too tho we don’t see that as much) modeling abhorrent behavior, and rick, shane, to a lesser extent lori, all modeling Heroic Violence, then smothering aegon and leaving carl unsurpervised so when they start acting out the violent behavior they’ve had modeled, no one tries to stop it from continuing. aegon is enabled by the fuedal society he lives in, carl’s by the apocalyptic breakdown he’s living through. To see the world as Us vs Them and to react with violence at any threat to Us by Them.
the main difference here being that both lori & rick are vastly superior parents than alicent & viserys are, and carl’s violence & callousness scares the shit out of them (rightly, he’s out here murdering unarmed kids!!!) and carl is eventually in a place (like a literal place, the prison specifically) where other adults (again vastly superior parents & people than the ones aegon is with) like hershel, maggie, daryl, tyrese, and glenn, are all at least attempting to keep an eye on him while rick loses his mind and lori, ya know, dies.
but most notably, the thing that carl has that aegon doesn’t, can’t ever have, is a parent who actually parents him. carl’s saving grace, the thing that saves carl’s soul is his stepmother - obviously in the comics it’s andrea but i’ve always found the michonne/rick/carl story line in the show to be superior in this case. michonne who has all this maternal love and nowhere to put it, carl with the desperate need to be a child and no one to look after him. like, michonne literally entering the story holding baby bottles and formula so rick’s child doesn’t starve to death. rick can only trust michonne once carl gives the okay, michonne can only start to love rick once carl accepts her presence at the prison. “if you’re okay then i’m okay.” michonne has to become carl’s mother and best friend before she can become rick’s lover and partner. it has to happen in that order because even though rick is the main character, carl is his reason for existing. and michonne, already a mother, can see that. many people see carl as a tool to get to rick but only michonne sees carl as a child in need of love. but no one ever looks at aegon and sees a child in need of saving or a young adult in need of help. so while carl ostensibly gets to live in the new world and help make it better, aegon has to die because no one ever gave him the tools to ensure he could live. he doesn’t have a michonne. he can’t for the story to work.
there’s also the gender thing too - i tag carl as “carl grimes patron saint of agender children everywhere” i feel so seriously about carl the they/them. aegon’s whole life “being a force fem” but the thing is so is carl’s. aegon is the ignored daughterson being puppeted by his family forced into a marriage he doesn’t want and to have children he doesn’t want all so his family can social climb, but in order for rick grimes to be the hero of the walking dead with this world ending, all consuming, death defying love for his son, his son needs to be the damsel in distress forever. so bad shit just keeps happening to carl so rick can be the hero and rick can grow as a person and carl is beaten down over and over again-until rick has this world built on The Terrible Things He Did For Love and therefore can’t exist in this world of love, and finally carl has to live with the one brutal trauma he can never get over - his father’s death.
because carl isn’t the main character in his own story, it’s rick. and aegon isn’t the main character in his own story, it’s rhaenyra. so once rhaenyra & rick die, they have to keep going to make the tragedy go on because the tragedy is the point. they can’t even be the tragedy of their own stories! because aegon usurps his sister then is left with just a daughter he can’t name as his heir, and rick builds a haven made out of corpses to save his child only for someone else’s child who he orphaned to make an orphan out of carl, and now carl can’t even show his daughter his entire face out of fear and grief.
rick dies and carl’s story has to end soon after, rhaenyra dies and aegon’s story has to end soon after. they are the last man standing but they are not the main character, and they do not get to have catharsis. they just get to be over.
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bamnamuu · 10 months
1. i see him in my dreams
warnings: swearing, threatening to push people out of cars
(not proof read)
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We have orientation today. It's nothing special mostly just ‘blah blah blah’ , they split us up into groups the games and ticket people are with yeonjun and then everyone else is with soobin, I believe I wasn't exactly paying attention, how could I Jake was standing like six feet away from me, he looked better than I remember. I'm lost in my own daydream until beomgyu speaks up beside me. 
‘’ y/n?’’ 
‘’Humh’’ I turned to face him. 
‘’ I just said I'm gonna head over to heesung’’ he said. 
‘’ .. Good luck!’’ I said with a smile. 
‘’ why, we’re just looking around the park?’’ he was 
‘’cause you're going to be with kai!’’ smiling as I was turning away, I hear him mutter something under his breath. My group had left me, so I had to run to catch up. Bumping into lily, we started talking. It's all nice and breezy until we reach our destination. The ticket booth,
‘’Do you think they'll drag me back here if I start running?’’ 
‘’ They might not but, I would’’
‘’ lil I heard that one summer, two girls were working and they got locked in and died!’’
‘’Did Taehyun tell you that one too?’’
‘’Yeah, unfortunately, he also called me a lobster!’’ I finished my sentence and face lily, she was making a face like she was trying to hold in her laugh, before completely breaking. 
Too much time passes and we have gone over the basics like ‘take money give a ticket and repeat’, pretty simple, its that hard, but it’s extremely hot luckily yeonjun left the booth door open so we get some wind, then they bring out the yellow uniforms and send us on our way.
‘’ Oh I forgot about the mic’s, there are two on and off buttons, one for in the booth, one for outside. It's better to just leave the outside one at all times!’’  yeonjun said as he re-entered the booth and showed us how to use the mics before kicking us out and locking the booth. 
‘’ where's soob?’’ lily said as we caught up with Beomgyu and yunjin.
‘’ he has to stay back and do important work things’’ Yunjin brings her hands up to make air quotations. 
‘’ soo who wants to get boba?’’ lily shrieks in my ear, and everyone starts running back to the gyus' car.
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Beomgyu had agreed to drive all of us besides kai to work. I don’t know why our huening kai is an angel, with saying that Beomgyu threatened to push me out of the moving car.
‘’ beomgyu can we not threaten our friends first thing in the morning?’’
‘’yunjin it's 11:00 am, also no I will threaten my friends when they're wrong’’ he's glaring at me through the rearview mirror i can feel it, but i decide I don't care, cause I'm in a sharpie-smelling car with my friends, also if he does push me out of the car i will make him pay my hospital bills, i move up in my seat and grab the aux chord that attached to gyus phone and play music until we make to our destination and start work. 
Taehyun's tips have been working, or at least his last one, because I haven't been able to think all day. It's that busy, but where our booth is located, I get to see a small view of Jake and Beomgyu handing out mini fishing poles to kids, but that fun is ruined when the glare of the sun blocks my view. Lily and I have been crushing the shit out of our jobs and only been a couple of days. As I handed a ticket to the last person in line, I look to Lily. 
‘’I'm gonna go on break now, Do you think you can handle this beast all by yourself?’’ pointing at the empty line, she tells me she's all good and to enjoy the wind, and I leave. I take my time walking to the staff lounge since there’s a nice cold breeze, passing beomgyu’s booth, and a bunch of screaming kids i get to the door and sit down on one of the bright green chairs, while putting my headphones on i hear someone enter the room, looking up from my phone i see jake staring at me.
“y/n right?”
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authors note 🗒️: soooo chapter one is done !! this is my first story so if it’s bad that’s why 🫶 jake pov next time 🙀
Synopsis: Y/N and her friends all wind up working at the same amusement park for the entire summer. It just so happens that her longtime crush, Jake Sim, is working at the same park with his friends. Unfortunately for Jake, his ex-girlfriend Yoona has planned to make her way back into his life, so his friends bring up the idea of having a fake girlfriend so that Yoona will leave him alone, and his eyes just so happen to land on the girl in the ticketing booth.
tag list 🏷️ @mrchweeee
(message me if you wanna be added to tag list ☺️)
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camtankerous · 9 months
Dude are you kidding? I'd love to see a Kakashi running state fair games fic. He knows everybody is cheating but doesnt call them on it because its not like he pays for the prizes. He gets squirted in the face by some lil shit at the water guns game and gets transfered to the sledgehammer game and still somehow ends up soaked. He takes naps on the giant plushes. I know this isnt exactly like your job and experience but Im seeing it with my third eye and I love it
Holding your hands and spinning YEA. YEA YOU SEE MY VISION
They send kakashi to the game shed to unwrap paper off the prizes and he starts snoozing on a big bag of plushies
They put him on the ski-ball game and hes desperately begging the kids to ROLL the ball, not throw it, and yet at least one chucks it at his head every game
The water squirt game always ends with him getting sprayed no matter where he stands inside the booth
Hes always turning his mic off and leaning over to explain to parents which games are best to play in order to get a prize for their kid, because the games arent exactly rigged but they ARE expensive as fuck
Gai of course also works there and he’s well-loved bc his energy makes him perfect for talking over the mic and getting people excited
Naruto and friends frequently come to (lovingly) bully kakashi because they know he cant do much when hes on the job (team gai also come by and neji is like. SCARY good at the luck-based whiffle ball game. Tenten always loses and it makes her so mad)
Edit: i forgot to mention lee broke the sledgehammer game indefinitely
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✨ please tell me all of your thoughts on kaigaku talk like you will never have the chance to talk about him again
oh hell yeah i can do that. o7
first as a quick baseline though, ive actually spoken about him before a. fair amount. in this post [here]! which is to say im gonna try not t make the same points i did in that one! which! is going t be a lil hard actually. so instead of focusing mostly canon-textual angle with him (or about as much of it as you Can get for him..) we'll go hypothetical, aka: the inherent tragedy of being an antagonist with like two chapters of screentime.
like yeah, hes a self-centered piece of shit that exists just to kind of be a bastard for like two characters if you Squint, and thats definitely all well and good! characters can just be Awful because its Fun! but like... for a series like kny, i just cant help but wonder-- how accurate really is that? its the same series that said that Theres Only One True Demon-- The Rest Are Victims. so... really. is that all there is to him? play with me in this space a moment.
i do say it a lot, but i really do mean it when i consider him a tragic character. not just in regards to him and his dynamic with zenitsu, but just on the matter of... being Him. but the way that he carries himself is just. so painfully human, in a weird way. im not quite sure if i could explain it if i tried-- hes just an awful tangle of bad luck and bad decisions and even worse coping mechanisms that just makes a complete mess of who he is.
he does not have a character. which is to say, he is not a person. not narratively, at least. he's reactions to things around him, reactions to people around him-- everything about him is just completely detached from... Him. (walking tragedy, becoming a Role.) and, sure, a lot of it is that we just dont get the chance to see him due to the tight timing of those latter arcs, but it really does make you wonder... was he ever a person? did he ever get the chance? did he ever Live?
has he ever once really, truly smiled?
and. well. that's a complicated question, because the answer is. Maybe?
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surprise! we have exactly One panel of him smiling as a kid! from one of the panels in gyomei's flashback. (hysterically, he only seems to have one bead on his necklace here, implying he got more somewhere, somehow, somewhen.) the question is just how genuine is this? how accurate? we just don't know. the mortifying ordeal of looking for character beats in. [ruffles pages around.] One panel of him smiling in the corner. sighs.
all that to say!! after all that, it really does feel like he just... hasn't been living. surviving, sure, but Living? everything we ever get to know of him is just, again, in response to something in an attempt to stay alive. and yeah, thats a good enough reason to live as any, but it really makes you wonder... what's he living for? what's he aiming for?
climbing the ranks to gain respect-- human and demon alike. but what then? is his reach for greater heights also just a response to protect himself? (nobody can take advantage of you if you take advantage of them first.) is this really what he wants? does he even know?
did he ever do anything other than try to get stronger? what is he like? does he have any hobbies? favorite places to be? friends? (ha.) who is he? has he ever once truly smiled? who is he?
maybe its that casting off of any of that that really marked his narrative descent into being a Demon.
and like. all that really does make me wonder: could it have been different? was this all inevitable from the start? was it just a series of bad decisions that lead to this? was he really as alone as he thought he was-- as alone as he tried to tell himself he was? did anyone notice? could anyone have noticed? a lot of people sure didn't-- in and out of canon.
he's a horrible person. there's really no way to think twice about it. the question is, could he have changed? (theres something to be said about him and inevitability.)
which isnt to say "maybe if someone was nice to him he would be nice back <:)"
it's to say "someone needs to shove him down several flights of stairs repeatedly until he gets the fucking hint."
the problem is that he's utterly incapable of taking accountability for his actions-- and responds to that by pinning the blame on others and completely alienating himself further in the process. he just refuses to acknowledge others as People-- they're either below him and not worth his time, or a threat he needs to one-up in any way possible. (Everything is some sort of conflict. he's always been alone, in his mind.)
what happens if something forces him to acknowledge others as People? breaks that view of the way things should be that he clings onto? that the people he's seen as "worthless" never really were? that those "threats" were often people just trying their best to make it-- and often trying to help Others make it as well? or in other cases... that they were often fearful people taking it out on others as an excuse to feel in control?
what happens if he understands what he's missing-- and where he's going?
would he be able to recognize that in himself? would he have it in him to overcome everything he is to turn away from the familiarity of how he thought the world worked and look to the unknown? does he think he deserves it? does he care? and crucially...
he's always been someone who had nothing to lose. what happens if, suddenly, he does?
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seyoonlgc · 1 year
hello hello, it's mr. calm, cool & super awesome!
just kidding, he's actually just some cheerful guy from a rural city in canada, here to try out his luck. where did all of his optimism come from? well, he must have soaked up a lot of sunshine while picking through the blueberry fields during the summer time.
more info about him is under the cut. please like this post if you would like to plot & i'll hit you up! i came up with some plots but am better off just brain storming. if you want something in particular, please bring those ideas to the table. i am open to most things!
thanks for all the welcomes and i look forward in writing with everyone.
seyoon's parents divorced soon after he was born. neither of them wanted the kid, but one had a softer heart than the other. seyoon's dad took him back to canada, and raised him with the help of grandparents and experienced neighbors. he remarried a few years later, to a woman who had more gentleness in her eyes. she treated seyoon well, taking care of him as if he was her own.
but it wasn't enough. when he was old enough to learn he was born from another, seyoon insisted on sending a letter to his real mom. his birth mother responded right away, but his step mother hid the letter until he was much older because the words in there would have been too cruel for a child.
seyoon played in the blueberry fields with his step siblings. healthy, energetic, and adored by all the elderly nearby. he liked bears, and his grandmother would hand stitch a bear onto every piece of his clothing item. she knitted him sweaters and scarves, socks and gloves. she told him that he was her favorite.
grandma was the only one who reassured him like that, though. did his dad really love him if he was willing to let him go once? could a step mother truly see him as an actual son? did his snuggly lil step siblings know they weren't actually related by blood?
tw: implied suicide
average academically, but great at sports. seyoon/abie (his english name) was well liked by his peers and made tons of friends. he's out socialing five out of seven nights of the week, and so popular that kids from the nearby schools knew him. both of his ex-girlfriends were really smart and total knockouts.
but he wasn't there for someone who desperately needed him. twelve calls on that night and he never picked up. he cried at the funeral, asher, but he forgot about you not too long after. you don't blame him, do you? you want him to move on, right?
end of tw.
after high school, his birth mother wanted him to visit so they can reconnect-
he resented her.
-and he said sure, why not! because seyoon understood it was not good to hold onto negative emotions, and that he should forgive people for their mistakes. seoul was a beautiful big city and he fell in love! his mother asked him if he would stay with her in korea, at least for a while longer and he agreed.
it's not like he loved the apartment she rented for him or anything...but it was fucking gorgeous. with giant windows and high ceiling, the most wonderful view at night time. it was worth saying goodbye to his family back home...at least for a little while.
seyoon worked at a fried chicken place for two years, practicing his korean and getting to know the city. took some dance classes on the side for fun.
his mother paid for those classes. she married wealthy and could afford to be kind now.
in 2022, he joined legacy and it's been fun so far. seyoon loves singing and dancing and making people smile!
there's sincerity in silence - he's not smiling when he comforted you on that particularly rough day, and that's how you know it was real.
oh hey, is that my ex? - awkward reunion? he's acting nonchalant, so maybe we are still be friends? [female, must have been in canada at some point]
even on the longest day, the sun must surrender to darkness - kim seyoon has a problem with nightmares? he mumbles the same name but doesn't seem to recall a wink of it by the next morning. you, as his dormmate, is really troubled. or maybe you just want some goddamn sleep. [must be in the same dorm as him]
knock knock knocking on your heart - is a smile enough to make you fall in love? even if it only lasts for...45 seconds?
would you backstab a friend? - your character got some sort of injury or sickness that affected an important evaluation and my character has something to do with it. maybe he accidentally made you twist your ankle or gave you spicy soup that temporarily rip'd your voice. there's no way he would do such a thing on purpose, right?
sleep spell - your character suffers from insomnia, and seyoon's quietly hummed lullaby can put them to sleep. [same dorm preferred]
i know what you did - your character believes seyoon knows one of their secrets and...well, the guy seems kinda loose mouth wise. maybe y'all should have a discussion and make sure he doesn't spill
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chenanigans · 6 months
2023 Accomplishments, 2024 Hopes
I did a lot of stuff this year, so I'm gonna talk about stuff I'm happy about accomplishing this year!
I made the most money ever for commissions! Almost $900 I hope to make more next year!
I finished quite a few comics as well as Cherry's first journal! Comics have always been quite difficult for me to finish, so I'm proud of being able to do a handful of them!
I got to be a featured artist in an app! That was a pretty cool experience getting to test out and draw in an app! Also getting paid to do so!
Next year, I would like to try an improve on some things with my art, finish more art, and maybe get another art job!
I played a LOT of DnD this year.
In my Monday game, we're closely approaching our 100th sessions and possibly the end of our first campaign! I love Cherry so much and I hope she gets through it all with the Flockless! This is the longest campaign I've ever been in and the highest level I've grown to as well. Cherry went from level 3-13 so far, how my baby has grown! We also got to play some Kids on Bikes and Pathfinder 2e which was very fun! I hope to do more games after we finish campaign 1!
With my Tuesday group, I got to make so many fun characters and also try some new TTRPGs too! I'm excited for all the fun little things we'll get to do next year! I love Manon and hope we figure out the nature of this world.
I hope to finally run something next year for my friends next year, but we'll see how it goes!
Video Games
I played a fuck ton of games this year. I got really into simulation games because I find them relaxing and nice.
The games I beat this year:
Garden in!
Paradise Marsh
Flying Neko Delivery
Terra Nil
Alba A Wildlife Adventure
Mail Time
Katamari Damacy Reroll
We Love Katamari Reroll
Frog Detective 3
Sticky Business
Pikmin 4
Garden Buddies
Pizza Tower
Moonstone Island
Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe
I'm excited for a fuckton of indie games coming out next year and for the Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door remake. I need to beat the original before it comes out but we'll see how that goes.
My favourite games this year were Pikmin 4, Pizza Tower, Loddlenauts and Moonstone Island for sure!
No major changes happened in my life this year. I'm hoping next year I have more luck in finding an art job, but overall, I'm pretty ok with where I am.Working at a grocery store will always suck, but I'm at least making enough money to buy things I like and help my family out a bit.
I went to my first Pride parade this year. When I was sitting at the subway waiting for my friends to arrive I almost cried because seeing the sheer amount of queer people around was just heart-warming and made me feel like it was all gonna be ok. I got my first ace flags, one of which is on my desk near Rawhide. I also got handed a paper for black queer people which was a lil funny. I also got a lot of compliments on my outfit which felt very good.
Mental health wise, it's also been very ok. I'm hoping to get more support in terms of my ADHD meds since I've been on the same dosage for a while and things could be better.
This is a lil sappy, but I wanna say thanks to all my friends and my sister for making this life worth living. I haven't been in a depressive rut in a long time because of those I love, the things I love, and the things I'm looking forward to. Life for me isn't always rainbows and sunshine, but I'm always happy about the small things that make it worthwhile. I'm looking forward to making and sharing more art with my friends, playing video games and TTRPGs, and just doing what I enjoy in life!
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pridelessdaydreamer · 8 months
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taken from: nat's linoan!
tagging: flutters my lashes like a funny lil guy :eye::sparkles:
write about how our muses could connect with each other! ex. what does your muse like to do that other people would be involved in? do they have interests that other people might share?
Linhardt is a Black Eagle, and one native to Fódlan. Any who decide to study the politics of the continent would easily stumble upon his house, and connections can be drawn from there (accurate or otherwise).
She is a frequenter of the library though, even if she's most often found there late at night. Aside from her chronic reading, she also likes to fish! Not competitively though. She's not that competitive.
If you can't find them in class, the library, or at the Fishing Grounds though, just wander around the monastery a bit—they're probably asleep underneath a tree somewhere. Or in their room asleep, in which case, good luck finding them.
write about your muse and their concept of friendship. ex. how is your muse like with friends? do they make friends easily or do they find it difficult to connect with others?
Friendship for Lin is... interesting, to say the least. They'll regard you much the same as they would any other person, but perhaps with slightly less rudeness/sass (unless you're really close, then it's worse *cough cough* CASPAR *cough cough*). The chance of summoning them with the click of your heels increases by 0.5%, so that's also a neat bonus! Really, the big thing is that they'll consciously worry about you now (when they think it's necessary to worry, otherwise, you're on your own).
The thing is, once you actually manage to pin him down, so long as you aren't asking him to do work all the time, you'd be pretty alright in his book! The threshold for 'friendship' though is rather hard to pin down—one day you're acquaintances and the next you're friends. It's not really easy to draw the line.
I can't say she makes friends easily considering she... doesn't exactly try, to be quite frank (it's part of the reason the previous bullet is so nebulous). She'd be completely content being alone forever (minus that one hamster), and she doesn't really rely on others that much except to do work she'd rather not do! Actively seeking out a friend isn't really something she does. I can't say she struggles either though—there is simply no effort made at all. Alas.
write about your muse and the conflicts they have with other people. ex: who are they on bad terms with? what kind of people do they not get along well with? how do they act around people they don’t like?
Hubert. Also Ferdinand. Edelgard to an extent. Caspar sometimes (it's a best friends thing) /j. Yeah. Yeah.
To elaborate, anybody who expects her to put in more than the minimum amount of effort gotta be joking fr! It's not that bad if it's a misunderstanding, but if you try to force it? Yikes. (Edelgard ain't that bad fr cuz she knows when to quit! Also when to appeal. She's cool ong)
Admittedly, antagonism for Linhardt is basically the same as their normal behavior, just snarkier. More witty rebuttals and sharp comments—this man can never be anything but blunt! They're already very likely to just walk away from a conversation, but if they don't like you? Ohoho!
Won't lose sleep over it though. That's a bit too much.
write about your muse and their relationship with romance. ex. are they searching for love or not interested in it in the slightest? what’s their dating history like? how do they act around crushes? how would they treat their partner if they were in a relationship?
Okay 'cause this is hilarious when the muse is aromantic gwahaha!
This is an aroace lil guy—completely disinterested in romance for romance's sake (because someone tell me how he tells how many different girls they're gonna have kids together in his A-supports? Also in basically every instance it's got something to do with crests and studying them. He's a bit insane).
Their dating history is completely blank. There is actually nothing to see here.
Similarly, there are no crushes for her to act different around! This one is fairly normal (<- this post was brought to you by the Aspec Gang)
As for how he'd treat his partner if he was dating—the same way he would act if they were friends? lol? Literally nothing has changed in his mind except that there might be kisses or something. (Is there a book he can read somewhere on this? Probably.)
Oh well she's probably gonna get married off for political purposes anyway. (This post was brought to you by the Noble Clique.)
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speedystarshine · 2 years
a demon possessed me and these were on my screen when I woke up/j
For these I decided to go on how they both would individually react and then both of them :) ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭
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Not me putting some of my personal HC'S into these 😭
Aight, let's start with Maikol. This man child is screaming when he realizes he likes you. It's not his fault though, it really did take him by surprise!
Mainly so because it was a gradual thing, not a love at first sight thing like with Jeremy.
Being the more shy - natured of the two, he takes it upon himself to be the observer and planner guy rather then the actually doing guy. He wouldn't hesitate to get his hands dirty, though!
Y/n: "Wow Fritz, I didn't realize you were into photography!" 💀💀 He would. We all know he would.
He likes to be helpful around you, helping you on your shift or just with the kids and the chaos they create. After he realizes, he turns it up to 100%. You actually have to tell him to turn it down a notch lest you lose your job 💀
Onto Jeremy!
He is SUCH a DUMBASS 24/7. Trying to show off to you or impress you is his way of doing things, even before he realizes he likes you.
When he does it turns less into bragging about how awesome he is and all the stuff he's done and more into flirting, which is either great or awful depending on what type of person you are and how you react to it.
Tries to slowly bring you more into the duo but he fr wouldn't be able to manipulate a fly 💀
So in the end, they end up hanging out with you :D
Not even joking, once he tried to lock you in a cupboard to protect you from the literal tsunami of children, was unsuccessful.
Even though the kids love the whole "putting mangle back together" thing, he is genuinely worried about his friend so he'll definitely appreciate it if you help out the animatronic with any internal issues or stuff of the sort.
Has the shittiest pick up lines. For both of you.
Both of them? 😳😳😳
Okay I actually have to write this before I forget but even though the duo is stupid(TM) they would try to learn at least a little bit about the animatronics so that they can change the security recognition feature to alert them about people who've messed w/ you 🥰
They wouldn't 'take someone out' due to it being to risky to the both of their situations, but they would put a hella lotta effort into keeping someone away from you, and effectively, away from the establishment. Out of sight, out of mind! For now...
They are smothering as HELL. Not for a single second of the day (or night, but you don't need to know that 🥰) are you actually alone, these two goofballs constantly next to or not far from you.
You definitely notice something's up. I mean, one of them might have made it a lil trickier to figure out, but this? My god-
Jeremy is going to accidentally kill himself as the things he does to impress you climb higher and higher, and the same with Fritz with how much work he's doing instead of basic human needs, your sure of it.
(Joan is stood in the background facepalming.)
If you were to reject them, they would be the literal embodiment of the ':(' emoticon. They won't take no for an answer though, and you're sure to find some kind of wacky confession left for you each week!
(Walks into the pizzeria with a giant fucking love heart made up of glued together ketchup bottles 😭 they're on a budget okay-)
If you were to say yes, THEY are LITERAL PUPPIES IM NOT EVEN JOKING-
You thought they were smothering before? Wait until they move in.
Oh you thought I was joking? Well-
Good luck is all 😭
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lvlystars · 6 months
seventeen + tamil movies i see them being in
as a tamil carat, this was very self indulgent because i really love imagining seventeen in these movies.
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SEUNGCHEOL. - vikram + anjali in imaikkaa nodigal
...if ykyk. i cried watching this movie, and seungcheol reminds me SO MUCH of vikram. totally not being biased bcus i love cheol and this is literally my most favourite movie of all time. but vikram was such a loving husband and was SO READY to be a father (yes he dies, but as if i would let that happen to seungcheol.), and i just know seungcheol would do anything and EVERYTHING for you. he would even give the UNIVERSE for you. he's just so 💔💔
JEONGHAN. - arjun + anu in oh my kadavule
even though the guy was a dick in this movie, at least he actually realized what he was losing...and i see jeonghan being like this tbh. he marries you because of some pact that you made as kids ('we'll marry each other if none of us gets married by 27!') and now you loathe each other. well, actually he loathes being with you but you still love him :(. and when he decides to divorce you, badabing badaboom some guy (possibly named lee chan) that claims he's god makes him time travel back in time to rethink some life decisions, and surprise surprise, jeonghan doesn't marry you, oNLY FOR HIM TO ACTUALLY FALL HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU??? so yeah, i see jeonghan getting a redemption arc for his love life, and he gets the best out of it!
JOSHUA. - aadhi + tara in ok kanmani
i would give my left kidney to meet someone like this. i'm serious. imagine saying 'oh i don't like the idea of marriage, it's so much commitment. how about a live-in relationship?' and then all of a sudden, when you're looking for a lady with alzheimer's, you blurt out 'NO MORE LIVE-IN RELATIONSHIP. MARRY ME RN.' well that's exactly what i see happening with joshua. you guys meet at a friend's wedding, and literally you move in together and just have so much fun, but then when you both have to go abroad for your careers, you guys now only have 10 days left to enjoy which y'all end up wasting because of arguments :/. but don't worry! joshua is not the type to let his person go at any cost >:( (you need to stay with him or else he will take custody of the cat. but you still love him 🫶
JUNHUI. - karthik + dr. shakthi in alai payuthey
i live for train romance, and moon junhui is the perfect man i imagine having a train romance. i live by that. like one day he sees you from across the train station while he's with his friends, and suddenly a day later he's flirting with you on the train while you're just praying none of your relatives sees you with a MAN. and if you thought that was a struggle...well i wish you good luck with hiding this relationship...
HOSHI. - sachein + shalini in sachein
hoshi is the type to be such a playful guy in college that everyone loves and gets along with except for that one person (ahem, YOU) that just seems to HATE HIM because of something he said about you just to TEASE YOU. and when he falls for you, this man is the type to place a bet that he will make you fall for him knowing full well that he will win because this lil shit knows what he's capable of, and when he does, he won't rub it in your face bcus he's mature and BETTER like that (well, he will later).
WONWOO. - aditha + nandini in ponniyin selvan
OH MY GODDDDDDD HISTORICAL ERA WONWOO ALWAYS HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLDDDDD. and the story behind aditha and nandini will never fail to make me so sad. like, the right person wrong time trope is SO STRONG WITH THEIR STORY IT MAKES ME WANNA SKLJFGHKDLJGHFDK. ANYWAYS so yeah y'all fell in love as teenagers, but because of royal blood being tainted by commoner's blood shit kinda ruins y'all's future, you guys are forced apart, only for you to come back as a ruler of the rival kingdom, and married to some old hag...yeah. wonwoo in that role makes me FOLD.
WOOZI. - kamal + nethra in guitar kambi melu nindru (navarasa)
you BEST KNOW THIS MAN IS GETTING THE MUSIC MAN ARC. like, you're a singer, and y'all meet during a recording session. one day, he offers to drop you off, and you guys just talk and realize you guys have a lot in common. soon, y'all date, and you guys have such a great time, and he even writes a song for you, but unfortunately, he had to leave the country to explore his full potential as an artist, and you both had to part :(
MINGYU. - gautham + kundavi in sillunu oru kadhal
arranged marriage au for mingyu just makes sense in the best ways. like, at first you both do not like the marriage at all. you guys don't even spare a single glance at each other at the altar. all of a sudden, 5 years later you guys have a little daughter and y'all are making out on every single counter in the house when the poor kid is at school, completely oblivious. but then one day you find mingyu's old diary that he had back in his college days and you find out about mingyu's 'first wife' that he never got to divorce LMAO.
SEOKMIN. - kutty + geetha in kutty
THIS ANGEL OF A MAN!!!!! you have a boyfriend, but all of a sudden some random guy comes up to you and says 'i love you! :D' and hands you a flower....in front of your boyfriend. at first you keep expressing that you hate him, and you would think 'aw, poor seokmin, he's being rejected so many times :(', but NO!!! with a little bit of psychological warfare and pulling the 'I HAVE KIDS ON MY SIDE' card, you fall head over heels &lt;3
MINGHAO. - mathi + jennifer in cobra
ah, yes. you meet the love of your life by hitting him with your dad's car which you weren't even supposed to take in the first place! don't worry because he fell head over heels for you when he was flipping mid-air, and was even moved to tears when he overheard how distressed you sounded when you found out what had happened to him. you guys start going out together (minus the days his twin attended the school) and eventually y'all start dating (YIPPIEEE), only for you to die in the end (womp womp :/). ok, but all jokes aside, he loved you so much, to the point where he broke off ties with his own twin. all the days he spent with you felt like pure heaven, it felt too good to be true. only for it to actually be too good to be true, that god decided it can't be true anymore, and killed you off!
SEUNGKWAN. - santhosh + kavitha in unakkum enakkum (something something)
modern boy x village girl is such a cute trope i don't think y'all get it. like, when you have to get used to how this london monkey (in the movie, not seungkwan bb) is so annoyingly attractive you just want to punch his pretty little face...lightly...caress it...and hold it....and then slap that smirk off his face! and the way seungkwan would love you so much that he's willing to go any lengths to impress your brother so seungkwan can marry you, including farming and adapting to harsh conditions JUST to prove his love for you &lt;;/3
VERNON. - sathya + hemainika in yennai araindhaal
vernon meeting you the way sathya met hemainika is what i imagine tbh (without y/n dying ofc). like. you being a single parent and y'all start going out together and it's just good times bcus vernon gets along with the kid and you're all just like a cute lil family (pls don't flame me i forgot the plot to this movie...)
DINO. - krishnan + malini in vaaranam aayiram
I AM THE BIGGEST FAN OF MUNDHINAM‼️‼️‼️THAT SONG IS MY LIFE. I WANT THAT TO BE MY THEME SONG!!!!! anyways, back to chan. this couple is THE best love marriage. i always live by this couple. like, chan following you around campus because he is HEAD OVER HEELS for this girl, and he just, serenades and dances for you EVERYWHERE on campus. my guy is DOWN BAD. and you eventually reciprocate the feelings. then you both be all lovey dovey and have your happily ever after!!!! definitely no tragic deaths anywhere!!
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@wqnwoos @etherealyoungk @amxlia-stars @seuonji @spicyseonghwas @star1117-archives @jaehunnyy @kyeomyun @leo-seonghwa
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ⓒ lvlystars
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