#good news: the shark has been chased away
starofhisheart · 1 year
Its nearly summer here so guess what that means! Time to put a big sun hat on izzy hands, lather him up with sunscreen and give him a kiss on the cheek for good luck as u see him off at the beach where he is abt to have an anxious day of trying not to sunburn and keep ed from swimming outside of the flags
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archesa · 7 months
So... @celestialalpacaron 's Overlord Husk AU has lived rent free in my head for a week, and I woke up with a fucken flu and chose violence wrote something! Enjoy!
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Spiked cosmopolitan
[tw : implied past rape/non-con, past substance abuse, attempted rape/non con, canon-typical violence, we're dealing with Angel Dust's trauma so... Valentino is its own warning, really...]
He could tell when his drink was spiked. The distinct and nauseatingly familiar taste of pheromones ruining what would otherwise be a perfectly good cosmopolitan.
It was part of his job to entertain the guests of the casino, to play the flirt or the lucky-charm and keep the gamblers at the table as long as their wallets allowed – sometimes longer, but that was on them. And a stray hand or a lewd remark was nothing out of the ordinary, but the dizziness invading him - choking him almost - after he downed his glass was new.
How much of a dose did that fucker spill in his drink? Or had the month he'd been working for Husk – and being mostly clean – ruined his resistance?
He caught a glimpse of the bartender reaching for a phone when he reeled and knocked over his glass, the expensive crystal shattering on the mahogany floor, but the shark – figurative and literal – he'd been baiting all night caught his arm and guided him away, to a more secluded area of the club.
"Weren't much of a lucky charm tonight, were you, whorebug. But perhaps you can still turn it around and get me a win."
"Get off me, fucka!", Angel warned, another pair of arms sprouting off him to push the asshole away.
"Playing fucking hard to get, now?"
Fog invaded his vision, red smoke and suffocating memories, as the guise of playful roughness slid and the fish faced bastard slammed him in the nearest wall. He fumbled to unsheathe the 'chastity dagger' he had been almost jokingly gifted on his first week on the job from his thigh but the 'no weapons behind this door' rule seemed to have slipped the bastard's mind and Angel froze, another wave of hardly repressed memories drowning him at the sight of the rhinestones set butt of a gun in the shark's breast pocket and cold steel suddenly pressed under his chin burned his last figment of resistance.
It should be easy, really.
Drown as the delusion of freedom is stripped away from you.
The contact of the canon vanished and he barely heard the gunshot, splinters and wood dust raining on him, the scent of brimstone and powder overwhelming for a mere second as he slid to the floor, his aggressor turning away from him just long enough for the cane that had plummeted on his arm and broken his grasp to shatter his skull.
Feathers and fur invaded his vision. Blood and shadows. And the sound of bones breaking, repeatedly, as the shark had the guts – guts soon spilled on the floor – to turn his weapon on Husk.
A hand. An arm. A ribcage. A jaw.
Each hit of his ornamented cane was followed by a blood curling scream. Until finally, the shark went limp.
"Drag that pile o' shit in the alley and finish him.", the Overlord ordered, two hell-hounds in elegant tux executing his command right away.
The world faded, darkness chasing the red mist and the stench of fish and roofies with a strong scent of age-old bourbon and cologne.
'If anyone treats you like an ass, I'll have 'em shot.'
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pedge-page · 21 days
How do you think readers love aggression would be towards baby Sarah and Joel. Cuddling even though she still thinks it’s not close enough (I’m talking wanting to literally be in their skin) , kisses, love nibbles on the cheek, repeat.
When Sarah was in lil baby infant stage but just starting to plump up like a fat bean from all that milk, preggo wife couldn't get enough of those cheeks. You'd literally nibble and much on them, sucking them in your mouth and letting out with a pop. Sarah was confused but got used to it and didn't mind you were leaving basically hickies on her cheeks so they were always rosy.
Or putting her stinky little feet all up your nose and face. Just absolutely obsessed with her grippers and bitty toes. Giving them a big waft and going "stinkytoestinkytoes!" As she giggles below. You urge Joel to give em a good sniff and he's just at a point where he doesn't know how normal this is for new mom behavior because he definitely doesn't obsess over Sarah's stinky toes the way they bring you such joy.
And you'd always hold her. Like if there was an inconvenient moment that could have been solved If you just put her down, you wouldn't. You HAD to hold her everywhere doing everything. Joel couldn't cuddle you unless Sarah was between you. Dropped something? Your feet could grab it and toss it up. Even when Joel offers to hold her, you pull away offended that he would take your baby away.
Joel set up the whole nursery just for Sarah and yet you somehow managed to drag all the furniture into your bedroom, cramming it up but ensuring she wouldn't need to leave your sight at night.
Eventually she's at a point where she can sleep In her own crib for more than 3 hours at a time, and with a baby monitor all set up, it was time for the parents bedroom to go back to being parents only.
Except that STILL didn't stop you because each time he woke up, Sarah was STILL in his bed between you two in the morning.
"And how did she get there, sweetie?" He asks rhetorically for the 4th night.
"Must have floated in..." you shrug.
Joel catches you again sneaking out and going for Sarah and carries you back to bed.
You both hear Sarah crying , and with a tricky wiggle, you escape his grasp and rush to her room. She stops crying the second you pick her up and coo her.
"She needs to learn to self soothe!"
"She can self soothe--with me!"
And he's trying to get you to sleep but you're always up for her, wanting any excuse to bring her to your arms at night.
Eventually Joel finds you crying, sitting in defeat pawing at Sarah's door as she cries inside because Joel wouldn't let you in, and you're both just crying for each other like its torture at 3am being apart.
As for Joel:
Regular arm biting randomly during a movie or when he's got his arm slung around you and his juicy beef is within range.
Tommy makes comments that you always leave such... potent love bites during sex but it's not even during sex. You just randomly nip him like an affectionate shark.
If the whole couch is available, you'll sit damn near right on top of him just to do your own thing.
Kissing his scruff then again, then a big fat wet long one, and he loves how you trail to mark his jaw and neck, unntil you're just suckling his ear lobes and he's like 'ok that wasn't going where i thought it was' and has to tone his boner down as it's not you "trying to make out with him to make love" time, it's you "trying to eat him comfortingly out of love" time.
Or randomly you'll just nuzzle into him, arms wrapped tightly around his chest like hes a pillow, digging your toes into his calves because he's so strong and burly and yours that you whisper "I want to be inside you."
And Joel gives you the wildest look like you just suggested THAT. But your face is so innocent and sweet and smiley that he doesn't understand how you just said THAT without actually meaning THAT.
Hes running away with his hands grabbing his ass protectively as you're chasing him begging to live inside him, the whole time the two of you are misunderstanding one another.
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princessbrunette · 5 months
I’m really bored and i’m thinking about your blog, so here’s some more animal readers for you incase you’re looking for some new ideas.
fox!reader: she’s a pouge of course, sly and cunning but she can be shy and timid like an actual fox, lowkey a kleptomaniac, been arrested several times on account of shop lifting. Loves jean skirts, and baby tees, and a pair of wedges on her feet. She’s uses tears as a weapon.
I can also see her with pouge rafe, they’re not friends exactly but they know eachother (maybe they grew up together) one day she overheard him talking about how tight money is at the moment, and so she shows up to his house with thousands of dollars in a bag and holds it out to him all sweetly like “i got this for you.” And he’s all wide eyed like “where the fuck did you get all this from?” and she’s like “it was sitting in suitcase at barry’s house and no one’s name was on it, i got it for you.” all innocently and now he’s an near hyperventilating, snapping at her “you’re gonna get both of us fucked up.” and she gets teary eyed like “but i got it for you 🥺”
She meets john b when he catches her stealing one of his chickens (like foxes do, except she doesn’t want to eat it, she wants it as a pet) She tries to hide the chicken under her shirt when he catches her, & johnb’s like “do you…have one of my chickens?” scratching his head all confused and half asleep cs its 10 in the morning, and she’s like “….no.” even as the chicken is literally freaking out under her jacket, stomps her foot when he tries to retrieve his chicken and tells him that “you don’t need them all! you already have so many!” and he just like “they’re literally mine though….” and she starts crying, until he gives her an egg. then probably runs away without saying thank you cs she’s scared he might take it back. Johnb tells everyone about it later and literally no one believes him.
or maybe even regular look rafe. She’s Always getting into trouble with him because she think “no” means “find a way to do it yourself.” it’s a slow and grueling process for him, breaking her out of her sneaky habits, i mean he literally met her when she pickpocketed him at a party she snuck her way into, (he did not like that told her “oh your ass is going to prison now.” and had to literally chase her down when she tried to make a run for it. she ended up crying and he let her go.)
met jj in an over night holding cell at the county jail, after she was picked up for…breaking and entering (in her defense she saw something shiny through the window and had to have it) jj thinks it’s cute when she tearfully confesses why she’s there, so he takes her under his wing and introduces her to the pouges (she’s instrumental in the search for gold cs she’s so smart and knows how to manipulate people into getting what she wants.)
She met pope when she quite literally walked up to him while he’s doing work for his dad, points at his shark tooth necklace and says “can i have that?” and he gives it to her cs he’s super confused and also why not, she’s cute and she looks like she might start sobbing if he says no) and then it became a thing that she asks for something of his every time she sees him, he doesn’t know what she’s doing with all his shit, but it’s fine.
she’s cute and so me, so i’ll let you decide which of the boys she would be with!
this is sooooo good !! i think moony writes a fox reader but im not sure how similar this is !!!!! i love her being a klepto and i think she works great with pogue!rafe !! both very rough n tumble but fox still has that sweetness to her n rafe very clearly doesn’t. all her interactions with the pogues are so fun too — this is a 10/10 🩷🩷
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all-the-things-2020 · 3 months
Late Night Talking - Chapter Nineteen
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Summary: Emily moves in, Dieter gets the flu … and Valentine’s Day Dieter Bravo style.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 5600+
Tag list: @rhoorl @avastrasposts @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @gwendibleywrites @weho2kcmo
Things moved quickly once we got back to California. With the help of a moving company (and Oladele) I was soon out of my condo and living in Dieter’s house. I also bought a new car. Dieter had insisted I “just look” at the Audis and I fell in love with a little blue sedan. It was at the lower end of the range, but still expensive to me. Writing out a check for roughly $40,000 was a surreal experience. 
Dieter insisted the car needed a name and that it was a boy. “Auden? Austin? Augustus?,” he suggested.
”Augustus? What kind of name is that for a car?”
”Well, there aren’t that many names that start with A-U,” he said, furrowing his brow. He pulled out his phone. “Auggie? 
”That’s just short for Augustus,” I pointed out. “And we can’t call an Audi Austin because that’s another make of car.”
”Then it has to be Auden,” Dieter said. “He was a poet, wasn’t he? That’s good for a bookish person, right?”
And so Auden it was. 
Soon it was February and Sam’s birthday was coming up. We always called each other on our birthdays, setting aside an hour just for us. One year she’d even walked away from her own birthday party to sit outside on her porch in the cold so we could have our birthday chat.
”Why don’t you fly back there and surprise her?” Dieter suggested. “Call her from the sidewalk and when she answers, tell her to come outside.”
”I can’t just fly to Maryland on a whim,” I said. Dieter raised an eyebrow and I realized that I could do that. I could go online and book a flight and hotel and not have to worry about where the money was coming from. It felt decadent. It felt wrong. It felt amazing.
”Do it,” he urged. “Let me be the one sitting home alone for once.”
I flew to Maryland and did just what Dieter suggested: I stood outside of Sam’s house and called her. When she opened the front door and saw me, we both burst into tears. It had been years since we’d seen each other in person.
”Oh, my God, chickie!,” she sobbed. “This is the best birthday present ever!”
We spend the weekend on her couch, eating chips and ice cream, watching old movies and basically just being teenage girls; all the stuff we missed out on doing together when she’d moved away.
”So you’re getting married,” Sam said at one point. She took my hand and made a show of studying my ring from several angles. 
“It still doesn’t quite seem real,” I admitted. “I’ve barely moved in and honestly I still feel like I’m just on a break and I’ll have to go home and back to work.”
”Any wedding plans yet?” There was a glint in her eye that made me feel excited.
”Nothing firm. Why, do you have an idea?”
”Remember when we were little and we did that whole soap opera with our Barbies and Kens and my brother’s G.I. Joes? And your Barbie got married at the beach and then her husband got eaten by sharks?”
I hadn’t thought about that summer in years. We’d played out so many silly plot lines with our dolls and action figures. Every day we created a new episode. Of course, our soap opera leaned more heavily on car chases and jumping off cliffs and fighting wild tigers than romance, but we were only about eight years old at the time. 
“I’m not feeding Dieter to a shark,” I said.
Sam rolled her eyes. “Duh! I meant, how about a beach wedding? You live in L.A., you said you want a summer wedding so Dieter’s brother and his kids can come out … my kids will be off for the summer.”
”You’re just fishing for an invitation,” I teased. 
“Oh, I’m going to be there,” Sam said firmly. “I’m going to be your maid of honor.”
I felt tears welling in my eyes. I couldn’t afford to fly back east for Sam’s wedding, but she’d still asked me to be her maid of honor, only giving the job to one of her cousins after I’d had to decline. 
“I’d love to have you at the wedding,” I said. “It won’t be big or fancy. Dieter and I haven’t talked details yet but we both want something small and informal.”
”Which is perfect for a beach wedding,” Sam said. “I can totally see Dieter in a white suit, barefoot, open neck shirt, and you in a white sundress, the ocean breeze playing with your hair.”
“Or maybe Deet in board shorts and a PacSun t shirt.”
”You could wear a bikini and freak out your Aunt Helen!”
We collapsed into giggles. “I’ve missed you, chickie,” I said.
”I’ve missed you, too,” Sam said. “But just think, now you’ll be able to come visit whenever you want. And I’ll have a place to stay in California.” She winked.
That winter, I’d managed to avoid catching the flu, which was an occupational hazard of working in a public school. Dieter, unfortunately, was not as lucky, as I found when I called him from the airport when I landed.
“I’b fide,” he said over FaceTime, before turning away to blow his nose loudly.  He’d clearly been doing that a lot, because his nose was red and tender looking. 
“You are not fine,” I retorted. “I shouldn’t have gone.”
”I didin stard feeling sick undil after you lefd. Bud id’s nod dad bad.” He immediately sneezed and coughed at the same time.
”Go to bed,” I said. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
On the way home from LAX, I stopped at a Walgreens and stocked up on everything I thought Dieter might possibly need. When I finally got home. I let myself in and dropped my bags on the kitchen island. “Hey, sweetie, are you awake?” I called out.
I turned around when I heard a noise coming from the hallway. Dieter shuffled into the dining room, his ratty green bathrobe wrapped around a dirty t-shirt and pajama pants, with an assortment of used tissues falling out of the pockets. His hair was even more wild than usual, and looked greasy. His nose was red and raw, he clearly hadn’t shaved since I’d left home and his eyes were glassy.
“Hey,” he croaked, leaning against the wall.
“You look horrible,” I said.
“Thangs,” he grumped. “I feel lige shid.”
I walked over to him and laid my hand on his forehead. He felt hot and smelled gross. “Ugh, when was the last time you showered?” I asked. “Or changed your clothes.”
He shrugged. “Coupla days ago,” he mumbled.
I shook my head. “Disgusting.” I turned him around and pushed him back toward the bedroom. The bed looked as bad as he did. The covers were all shoved into a tangled pile in the center of the bed and there was an overflowing trash can surrounded by a scattered ring of tissues.
“Okay, we’re getting you and this room cleaned up,” I said. I plopped him down on the bed and opened the dresser to pull out a clean t-shirt and pair of pajama pants. I popped into the hall to grab some towels and a washcloth from the linen closet and then came back to find Dieter on his side, groaning into the pillow.
“Get up, babe,” I told him. “You need a shower.”
“Don’d wan’ a shower,” he grumbled. 
“Tough,” I said. “You stink. Come on, I’ll help you.”
I pulled him up and led him to the bathroom, where I turned on the water to warm up. I knew he really did feel horrible, because as I stripped off his clothes, he didn’t make any jokes or try anything cute. He seemed a bit wobbly, so I got undressed as well and we stepped into the shower together. 
“Lean against the wall if you feel dizzy or weak,” I told him. I adjusted the shower head so the water wasn’t hitting him in the face, and helped him step under the spray.
“Cold,” he complained. 
“It’ll warm up in a minute,” I said. “Come on, let’s get you clean.” I worked quickly, soaping up the washcloth and scrubbing his body thoroughly. “Bend down,” I told him when I was done, and I shampooed and rinsed his hair.
I helped him get out and wrapped him in towels. “Dry off and we’ll get you in clean jammies,” I said. He rolled his eyes at the word “jammies” but he did as he was told. I helped him into the clean shirt and flannel pants, put my clothes back on, and then led him out to the living room.
“I’m going to park you on the couch while I change the bed, okay?” I tucked some throw pillows behind his back and spread one of the throws that lived on the back of the couch over his lap. I put the remote in his hand and smoothed his wet hair back off his forehead so I could give him a kiss.
I stripped the bed and carried the dirty linens to the laundry room, then went back and remade the bed with clean sheets, blankets, pillowcases and the summer duvet that was tucked in the very back of the linen closet. When I was done, I threw the winter comforter into the washer and went back to check on Dieter.
He was staring dully at the TV, which was tuned to a cooking program, something he normally didn’t watch. “You want to stay out here, or go back to bed?” I asked. He turned slowly to me and blinked twice.
“Bed,” he said after a moment.
I walked him back to the bedroom, tucked him in, piled pillows behind him so he was partially propped up and then went to fetch my supplies from Walgreens. I couldn’t remember what we had in the medicine chest so I had bought everything: a thermometer, assorted medications, tissues, cough drops … even a couple of cans of chicken soup and a box of saltine crackers.
First, I took his temperature. “One hundred point two,” I said. “Not too bad.” I dropped the Tylenol back into the bag. We wouldn’t be needing that unless his fever spiked higher. Then I asked him about his symptoms.
“Congestion … definitely,” I said. “Is your throat sore?”
“Kind of scratchy,” he admitted. 
“But not sore sore?”
“How about coughing?”
We ran through every symptom I could think of and I lined up the medications and other supplies I’d need on the nightstand on his side of the bed. 
“Okay,” I said when I was done. “Did you eat dinner yet?”
He shook his head. “Not hungry.”
“You need to eat,” I said firmly. “I’m going to make you some soup.”
“I’m not hungry,” he whined.
“Tough,” I replied. “You’re going to eat.”
I heated up a can of chicken noodle soup and boiled some water for tea. By the time I brought it into the bedroom, Dieter was half asleep.
“Dinner time,” I said brightly.
He shook his head and flipped me off. “Told you I’m not hungry,” he grumped.
“I don’t care. At least drink the broth and the tea. I put in honey and lemon for your throat,” I said as I sat down beside him. “And if you won’t eat it yourself, I’ll feed you.”
I got him to eat half the soup and most of a cup of tea before I gave up. I made him take his medication and then went out to the kitchen. I dumped the leftovers and put the dishes in the sink to be washed later. I checked on the washer and since it still had over twenty minutes left, I reheated the rest of the soup for myself. By the time I’d finished eating and washed up the dirty dishes, it was time to load the comforter in the dryer.
I had an hour to kill before it was done, so I went back to check on Dieter. He was asleep, so I very quietly changed into my nightshirt and curled up on the couch to watch some TV while I waited for the dryer to finish. Two episodes of “The Big Bang Theory” later, I fetched the toasty warm comforter from the laundry room and headed to the bedroom.
I pulled the summer duvet off the bed and threw the warm comforter over Dieter. He woke up. “Whad you doin’?,” he mumbled.
I crawled under the covers. “Nice warm blankie,” I said, snuggling down. “Go back to sleep.”
He grunted and coughed, then reached for the box of tissues I’d left on his nightstand. He blew his nose loudly and slumped back onto the pillows with a groan. “You should sleep in the guest roob,” he said. “You’ll ged sick.”
I kicked him gently. “Like I haven’t already been around your germs all evening,” I replied. “Besides, this way I’m here if you need anything.”  I curled up, enjoying the warmth of the freshly laundered comforter. Despite Dieter’s coughs and sniffles, I fell asleep pretty quickly. It had been a long day.
I woke up at 3:00 am when Dieter had a coughing fit. “Sorry, sorry,” he said in between hacking coughs. “Shit.”
“It’s okay,” I said. I measured out a dose of cough syrup and fetched him a glass of ice water to wash it down with. “Take this.”  He made a face but swallowed the medicine. I didn’t blame him; that stuff tasted nasty. Cherry flavor my ass.
“Come here,” I said, after he’d drunk half the glass of water to get the taste out of his mouth. I opened a jar of Vicks VapoRub and pushed his t-shirt up. “This will help.” I started rubbing the greasy ointment in small circles over his chest. I suppressed the urge to sing “Soft Kitty,” knowing that Dieter would not understand. He’d watched “The Big Bang Theory” with me a few times but claimed he didn't get it.
Once I’d coated his chest, I pulled the shirt back down and started rubbing Vicks on his throat. “I know it smells horrible, but it works,” I said as he blinked from the pungent fumes. I chuckled. “Just be glad my friend Carla’s mom isn’t around. When I had sleepovers at her house when I was little, she rubbed Vicks on our feet and made us wear white socks to bed. Even if we weren’t sick.”
I put the lid back on the jar and smeared the leftover ointment on his stomach, just to be a jerk. He grumped at me and I pressed a kiss on his belly, just below where I’d rubbed the Vicks. 
“Not in the mood,” he grumbled. 
I pretended to pout. “You’re no fun,” I said. I put the jar of Vicks back on the nightstand, leaning across him to reach it. I knew that in that position, he could see right down my sleep shirt, and it was riding up at the bottom to show off my panties but he didn’t react at all.  “You really are sick,” I said, patting his cheek. “Go back to sleep.”
He just grunted and then coughed in my face. “Sorry,” he mumbled, as I crawled back over to my side of the bed. “I know this isn’t fun for you.”
“I’m not here to have fun,” I told him. “I’m here to take care of you. Now shut up and go back to sleep.”
The next day I spent most of my time running back and forth from the kitchen to the bedroom. He wanted coffee but then it made his stomach hurt. He wanted toast but then only ate half of it. I made him tea with honey but it got cold too fast, and when I heated it in the microwave it was too hot and burned his tongue. Every time he took a dose of medicine, he needed fresh ice water. 
For lunch, I suggested grilled cheese, my go-to meal when I was feeling sick as a kid. He took two bites. It was like taking care of a nearly six foot toddler. 
“You have to eat, sweetie,” I told him. “All that medicine on an empty stomach isn’t good for you.”
“I’m not fucking hungry,” he growled. “Just leave me alone, okay?”
“Fine, Mr. Grumpy Pants,” I said. I took the remains of his lunch out to the kitchen, cut off the part he’d bitten and finished the sandwich myself. I knew he didn’t feel well, but it was starting to wear on me. I pulled out my phone and texted Sam.
ME: Dieter is driving me crazy. Why are men such babies when they’re sick?
She replied quickly with a series of laughing emojis.
We commiserated about the tribulations of taking care of a man-child until I heard a pathetic voice calling my name from the bedroom. I took the phone with me as I went to see what he wanted.
“I’m hungry,” he said. “Can I have that sandwich now?”
I texted Sam as I went back out to the kitchen to make a fresh grilled cheese.
ME: Can I divorce someone I’m not married to yet?
Her only reply was another string of laughing emojis.
The next morning, Dieter still had a low grade fever and his cough was no better. “I think we need to go to urgent care,” I told him.
“I’m fine,” he whined. “I hate the doctor.”
“But I don’t think this cough syrup is strong enough,” I replied. “You might need the prescription stuff. Get dressed.”
He grumped and complained but changed into jeans and a clean t-shirt while I called the closest urgent care that took his insurance. They wouldn’t make an appointment but claimed the wait time was currently less than an hour. “Is your phone charged? We might have a bit of a wait,” I asked.
It took twenty minutes to find his phone, which had slipped down between the couch cushions at some point. The battery was at 45%, so I had to fetch the car charger from his car before we could leave. Fortunately, it took long enough to get to the urgent care that his phone was up to 70% by the time we were parked. I knew he’d get bored sitting in the waiting room if he didn’t have his phone to play with. It really is like taking care of a giant toddler, I thought. 
The waiting room was three quarters full and when we checked in, the receptionist told me in a bored voice that it would probably be close to ninety minutes before we could see a doctor. “We had a couple of soccer injuries come in and they got jumped to the head of the line,” she explained. “Fill out the forms and have a seat.”
“Mr. Bravo?,” a nurse finally called out. I nudged Dieter, who had started to doze off.
“It’s your turn. Come on,” I said.
We followed the nurse into the back. She kept giving him curious looks as she sat him down at her station to start taking his vitals. “I’m sorry,” she said after a minute. “It’s just …”
“It’s okay,” I said. “He’s used to being stared at.”
Dieter started to say something smart but veered into another coughing fit.
The nurse nodded and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t try to talk.” She handed him some tissues and went back to laying out her instruments. She took his temperature, blood pressure and checked his blood oxygen levels.
“Slight fever, and the coughing has the blood pressure up a bit, but ox levels are good,” the nurse said as she jotted things down on a form. “Okay, let’s put you in a room and the doctor will be with you soon.”
She led us into an examination room. Dieter slumped on the exam table, the paper crinkling and crunching underneath him. I settled in an uncomfortable chair and we waited. And waited.
“This is ridiculous,” Dieter said after we’d been in the exam room for nearly twenty minutes. “We’re wasting our time.”
“No we’re not,” I said.  “Just be patient.” I chuckled. “Get it, you’re a patient … so you need to be patient.”
He just shook his head and flipped me off. So much for making him laugh. 
The doctor finally came in, a flustered looking young Indian woman. “So sorry for the wait,” she said. “I’m Dr. Pradesh. We’re short staffed today because of this flu.” She looked at the file in her hand. “Which you appear to have, Mr. Bravo.” She smiled apologetically.
She quickly examined Dieter, looking in his ears, up his nose, and listening to his heart and lungs. “Okay,” she said when she was done. “Lungs are definitely congested but I don’t hear anything too concerning.” She pulled out a prescription pad. “I’m going to get you some cough syrup with codeine, which should help. It’s stronger than the over the counter stuff you’ve been taking. And an inhaler to open up the bronchial passages.” She turned to me.
“I take it you’re looking after him,” she said. I nodded. “Rest, lots of fluids, make sure he takes his meds,” she said, ticking each item off on her fingers. “This virus usually runs its course in about two weeks, but the first week is the worst. He should start feeling better in a few days.”
She handed me the prescription form and smiled at Dieter. “I hope you feel better, Mr. Bravo,” she said. “If your symptoms get worse, call us or your primary doctor.” She shook his hand, then mine, and was gone.
The nurse popped in a moment later with some paperwork in her hand. “Okay, you’re ready to go.” She hesitated a moment. “Um, I know you aren’t feeling well, but … do you think I could get an autograph?”
Dieter sighed, but smiled and took the pen she shyly offered. He scribbled his signature on a scrap of paper and we were on our way.
“Sorry,” I said as we buckled ourselves into the car. 
“For what?”
“You feel like crap and still got accosted by a fan,” I said.
He shrugged. “She was very polite about it. I wouldn’t call it being accosted.”
“Still,” I said, as I backed the car out of the parking space. “I know it’s annoying.”
“Not your fault,” he said, before starting to cough violently again. 
We stopped at CVS on the way home. “You can wait in the car if you don’t feel like going in,” I told him and after a moment he nodded.
“If you don’t mind,” he said. He looked exhausted. I kissed him on the forehead and held out my hand for his wallet.
Fortunately the pharmacy had no line and I got his prescriptions after a short wait. Still, Dieter was asleep by the time I got back to the car. He was slumped in the passenger seat, his mouth hanging slightly open. I felt a sudden surge of love for him. Despite the way he’d been driving me crazy, I knew it was the virus that made him so grumpy and needy. All I wanted was for him to feel better.
I got into the car as quietly as I could, but he still woke up. “I’m awake,” he mumbled as he sat up straighter. 
“You’re fine, babe,” I told him, placing the pharmacy bag on his lap. “Now let’s get you home.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay in the guest room?” Dieter asked after I’d gotten him home, back in pajamas, into bed, fed, and medicated.
“Why? Are you sick of me already? Get it? Sick.” I asked. I hopped onto the bed next to him.
“Fuck off,” he said, shaking his head.
“I’m not going anywhere” I told him. “Got to take care of you, sweetie.” I kissed him on the cheek. 
“You don’t have to do that,” he said. “I’ll be fine. I’m not a kid,” he grumped, but I could see a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He liked the idea of me taking care of him.
“You’re acting like one,” I retorted. “Everyone does, when they’re sick. And what does a sick kid want most? To be taken care of.” I slid my arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. “Which is exactly what I’m going to do.”
“I love you,” he mumbled into my hair.
“I love you, too,” I replied. “But please don’t get snot in my hair.”
He started laughing, which turned into another coughing fit. I patted his back and handed him a cough drop from my pocket. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he said when he stopped coughing. “Thanks for taking such good care of me.”
“It’s my job,” I said. He raised an eyebrow at me. “It’s in the fiancé job description. Section fourteen, paragraph five. ‘Take care of him when he’s sick, even if he acts like a giant baby.’”
“Very funny,” he said. “Now, what does it say in that job description about doing my laundry?”
I sighed. It was going to be a long week. 
“How the hell is it already February 18th?” Dieter was feeling better and was catching up on emails. 
“Well, first it was February 1st, and then days went by …”
He gave me the stink-eye. “Ha ha, very funny,” he said. “I missed Valentine’s Day. I had stuff planned and everything.”
“It’s no big deal,” I told him. “Valentine’s Day is a very overrated holiday, anyway. To be honest, it was nice not to be surrounded by teenagers carrying around balloons and stuffed animals and all that stupid shit.”
“But it was our first Valentine’s Day together, and I missed it,” Dieter said. “That doesn’t bode well.” He frowned. 
“I don’t need chocolates or flowers or any of that stuff,” I reassured him. “I’m just glad you’re feeling better. And we can do something special next year, if you want.” I was going through my own emails, which included several from Oladele offering suggestions for wedding venues. Without me even realizing it, she had been hired as my personal assistant and I already didn’t know what I would do without her. “Hey, speaking of flowers, do you think we need some for the wedding?” Oladele had gotten some quotes from florists.
“What? That’s months away,” Dieter said.
”June is only four months away and it’ll be here before we know it,” I replied. “We really need to sit down and go over things. Like where, when, and who’s invited. And flowers, food, cake …” I sighed. “Even for a low key wedding, there’s a lot to think about.”
Dieter waved his hand in the air. “Get some roses, a cake with white frosting, a few bottles of champagne and sparkling cider … boom! A wedding.”
”You’re no help.”
”My head’s still full of mucus and shit,” he said. “Give me a couple of days and then we’ll sit down and go over stuff.” I could tell he was getting tired and grumpy and I cut him some slack. I knew from experience that the flu took a lot out of you.
Two days later, I went grocery shopping. Dieter’s appetite had come back and we were completely out of snacks. When I got home, I opened the front door to the scent of roses. “What the hell? Dieter, can I get some help with the groceries?”
There was no reply and I stepped further in. There were bouquets of roses all over the living room, dozens and dozens of roses: red, white, pink, and silver, in glass vases tied with ribbons. A large heart shaped box of chocolates was in the center of the coffee table, next to a teddy bear holding a red velvet heart that read “I ❤️U.”
”Dieter!” I yelled. “Where are you and why did a drug store Valentine’s aisle throw up in our living room?”
He appeared in the doorway, wearing a red satin robe over black silk pajamas. “I told you I had plans,” he said, batting his eyelashes at me.
”Well, can we get the groceries in and put away first?”
He sighed and stumbled off to find his Crocs. “You have no sense of romance,” he grumped.
Once we’d fetched the food and put everything away, I let Dieter lead me back to the living room. “Have a seat, my sweet,” he said, with a deep bow. He pulled a fancy box from underneath the couch and placed it in my lap. I untied the red velvet ribbon and opened the box to reveal a lacy black silk nightgown and red satin robe that matched his. “You go change into that,” he said, “and I’ll get the rest of your surprise ready.”
I normally preferred cotton night clothes but the feel of the silk and satin against my skin was sensual. Not exactly something I’d want to wear all night, but it definitely set the stage for sexy times. So I was truly surprised when I went back into the living room and found Dieter with his glasses on and a notebook in his hand.
”What’s going on?”
”I am about to do the most romantic thing any man has ever done,” he said dramatically. He picked up the remote. “I’m going to turn off the television and give you my undivided attention and we are going to plan our wedding.” He nodded toward the coffee table, where both of our iPads were turned on and nestled amongst a selection of brochures. “Oladele sent me all her stuff.”
I sank onto the couch. “You never cease to amaze me, Dieter Fucking Bravo.” 
“We’ll get to that part later,” he said with a wink. “Right now, let’s plan a wedding.”
Two hours — and a bag of chips and several of the chocolates from the fancy box — later, we had a rough plan. A secular ceremony on the beach, small reception with finger foods and cake, not too many flowers (because of the wind off the ocean). Freddy would be his best man and Sam would be my maid of honor. We even narrowed it down to three venues: a public beach that had an area that could be reserved for private functions, a private beach that could be rented for a hefty fee but included catering, and the backyard of a producer friend of Dieter’s, which backed onto a private beach.
”Okay, so guest list,” I said, scanning the checklist that Oladele had sent us. “Freddy, Leila and the kids, that’s four. And Sam, her husband and kids, that’s another five, so we’re up to nine.”
”Dominic and his family,” Dieter said. “That brings us to thirteen. Oh, and Oladele. That’s fourteen.”
”Carmen,” I said. “That’s fifteen.”
Dieter named a few other people from “the business” which brought our total up to twenty three. “How about your family? Just your aunt and uncle or do we have to invite all the cousins, too?”
”Just Aunt Helen and Uncle Jeremiah,” I said. “We’ll put them up at a fancy hotel, just to make her squirm a little.” I laughed. “Actually, I think she’ll enjoy it. I don’t think they’ve had a real vacation, just the two of them, in forever.”
Dieter nodded. “That’s twenty five. That’s a good number, unless you want to invite anyone from your old job?”
”Don’t forget your dad,” I added. “That makes twenty six.” Dieter made a face. “Look, I know you aren’t on the best of terms with him but there is no way he’s not coming to our wedding. Between the two of us we only have one parent living, and he has to be there.”
Dieter pursed his lips. “It’ll be twenty seven if he comes,” he said tersely, “because he’ll bring her.”
”His wife.”
“I didn’t know you had a stepmother.”
”She’s not my stepmother,” Dieter said fiercely. “She’s his wife.”
”Sorry. Is she that bad?”
He shook his head and sighed. “No, actually, she’s pretty great. Just a normal, nice lady who loves him and …” He closed his eyes. “Freddy’s kids call her Grandma. Which is fine. It’s just …”
”I get it,” I said, taking his hand in mine. I never stopped being amazed at how big his hands were. Dieter was a big man, strong — and very fragile. “I wish your mom could be there. My parents, too. They would have loved you.”
He lifted my hand to his lips. “I wish I could have met them. And my mom — I know she was problematic. I know she was selfish and Dad was better off after she left but damn it, I loved her so much.”
I let him cry against my shoulder. “I know. I know. She was your mom.” I rubbed his back and waited until he was able to compose himself. He sat back, his eyes red and his nose streaming snot. I handed him a tissue from the box that was still on the coffee table from his cold.
He blew his nose and wiped his face. “Probably not the best time to try to seduce you, huh?” His smile was tentative, but it was genuine.
”Actually, I kind of like the blotchy-faced, snot-nosed look,” I said. I shoved his notebook away and straddled his lap. With only two thin layers of silk between us, I could feel every inch of his body beneath me.
”Good, ‘cause it’s my signature look,” he said, his hands sliding down to grip my hips.
And that was the end of wedding planning for the time being. After all, June was months and months away.
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hi, this is my first time sending an ask I really don't know how stuff here works jdjsjs but i have body dysmorphia and lately it's been getting worse so will it be possible to write something for ethan/heeseung where he finds out y/n is on a diet or is skipping meals because she has put on a few pounds & feels insecure, like she refuses to sit on heeseung's lap because she thinks he will notice her weight gain, tries to suck her stomach in and usually heeseung goes with her when she wants to shop for new lingerie or clothes but she's too embarrassed because her size increased so she refuses to take him or uk? things like that. I'm sorry if these type of scenarios are triggering for u and it's perfectly fine if u don't write them🤍
My sweet anon, I have decided to put your ask ahead of the line bc i feel like the drabble/heethans message is crucial for you to read and for everyone to see because i can't stress the fact that while I may not know you, see you, or hear your voice, trust me when i say you are perfect and beautiful the way you are. i'll let you read first and add on to my notes on the bottom ;) but i hope you enjoy this and that i succeeded in giving you what you were expecting. sorry this isn't proofread because i had to do this piece on my phone in my moms car as we were driving around running errands. but i hope its still a good read ( i personally think it is) <3
warnings: body dysmorphia, thoughts of anorexia, starving yourself, refusing to eat, self body shaming, insecurities, fear of body shaming, i think that's it.
Sitting at his desk, Heeseung types away, grading papers and completing the tasks for his professor as the teacher's assistant. Its a good thing he gains extra credit and extreme leverage with the staff at the college, otherwise there would be no appeal in participating in this program.
Walking up to his mini fridge, you opened the door and grabbed two water bottles. Atop of the fridge were some snacks, and for a moment you thought it be harmless to munch on a few sweet potato chips, but feeling how heavy your gut was shunned you from the idea.
You hand him a water, to which he looks up and smiled at you delightfully as he takes it. "Huh, thanks baby." wrapping his arm around your hips, he pulls you in as he looks at the screen, yet your reflexes and instinct caused your body to shift movement and roll right out of his arm. Twirling like a ballerina, you played it off as you sat on his bed and issued a half hearted chuckle as you sipped your water.
Raising his brows and giving a confused chuckle, he merely found it playful and let you be as he continued grading his papers. Finally when he was finished, he stretched his arms and legs, and eyed you down as he watched you reading some articles on your phone.
Sitting himself next to you on the bed, his hands make their way on to your waist, and you jolted as you tried to move away once you felt him lifting you to sit you on his lap.
"no wait...!"
Looking at you with a raised brow and wide eyes, he took your hesitancy as he normally did. "Playing hard to get again?" biting his lip, he chuckles, "You know that only fuels me.....does pretty baby wanna be chased?" he leans in and teases as he nuzzles his face into your neck. "you can ruuuuuuun but you can't hiiiiiiiide."
You peeled yourself away and scooted into the opposite corner of the bed where you cradled your legs to your chest, and gave him a bold faced lie. "I think i might be starting shark week soon.....i'm feeling lots of cramps and pain....i just cant right now."
Avoiding eye contact, you slightly bit your lip as you spoke, feeling the somewhat perturbed look he was giving you. "....okay. did you need me to pick you up some stuff from the store?"
Shaking your head, you remained turned away as you continued to shun yourself away.
"well come here and let me hold you at least."
"no......its fine."
"oh i wasn't asking y/n."
"heeseung no!"
Pulling you against your wishes, he lays you down as he spoons you and grabs the remote, "its okay y/n, how many times do i have to tell you, I dont mind if you get blood on me. its no big deal."
But it was a big deal......because you weren't about to start your menstrual cycle nor were you feeing any cramps, the only pain you were feeling were that from hunger. You don't know how, but you had recently gained five pounds and ever since, you hadn't looked at yourself the same. Every time you see yourself in the mirror, you shun away, swearing that you looked much swollen than the previous day. Not to mention, the amount of water weight you were containing from all the restrictions you were placing on your diet. Since you began starving yourself, your body had reacted by storing more water, thus, you even began drinking less, causing yourself to feel dehydrated.
Over the next week and a half, you hardly ate, claiming you didn't have an appetite at all, in which Heeseung would give you a perplexed and concerned look, figuring that it was all due to your menstrual cycle that you kept using as an excuse to avoid his touch and food.
"huh....shark week this time around must really be bad.....i'll at least go get you some soup and some water." he would tell you, always remembering that during your menstrual cycle, you would get certain cravings for snacks and was always thirsty.
The hunger pains were excruciating, yet the moment you had to suck in your breath just to squeeze in your jeans, you felt like you needed to do more to shed the weight off.
the other day, you and heeseugn walked through the mall, peeking into a variety of shops, to include clothing boutiques. as you walked through the store, you reminded yourself that you needed to get some new undergarments. walking ahead, you looked around until you found the lingerie department. Thankfully Heeseung didn't seem to notice how you avoided looking at any of the pieces, trying not to give off any bit of interest and risking him wanting to see you in it. trying to distract him, you asked if he wouldn't mind going to the other end of the store to get you some slippers. to which he declined as he refused to let you out of his sight.
"but....we can knock two birds with one stone if you would go grab it while i get a couple of thins from here."
"its fine, grab whatever you need and we'll go get your slippers right after."
"y/n.....i said go get your things."
harshly snapping your arms across your chest, you shut yourself out and murmured out "i change my mind, i dont want anything from here, lets just go."
"what the hell is wrong with you?"
"nothing, i just....i just dont really need anything from here, they dont have what i'm looking for."
shaking his head as he rolled his eyes, he takes your hand and falls into your pool of lies.
After another week had passed over, you swore you didn't look the same as you had, did you gain more weight? why did your jeans and tops feel tighter? With the sudden image in your head of how swollen your body must have looked, you took things further by avoiding water and food altogether, committing to acts such as pretending to eat, or claiming the food wasn't tasting right at the restaurant. At the theater, every time Heeseung handed you the popcorn as he often would get you both a large bucket to share, you reached in and grabbed a few kernal's but hid them in your pocket or in your empty drink cup instead of eating it. You had done your best to remain inconspicuous of the matter.
"Does he think i look different? what if i gain weight and he might think i look fat? will he leave me? what am i going to do?"
Each time you looked in the mirror, your hands would travel and pinch out rolls of skin from your tummy, thighs, under arms, and even on your cheek. You swore that you not only saw the weight, you could now feel it in between your fingers as you snagged on skin and bits of fat content from your body at random. Deciding to take it up a notch, you even started to commit to cardio exercises while avoiding calories and water altogether, barely munching on a cube of cheese every 48 hours when the hunger pains began to be too much.
With the amount of water you were avoiding, your skin began to look sunken and rather dull, yet it didnt matter, you needed to refrain from anything that would allow you to gain another pound. You avoided the scale, only opting to glance at the mirror from time to time which had caused your mind and heart to shatter, because despite the fact that you were starving and dehydrating yourself, you swore your body had looked immensely bigger than the day before.
"I look fatter.....i can't, maybe instead of cheese....i'll munch on a grape or a piece of carrot.....i'll just drink a half a bottle water next time."
Your mind was racing, the only thing you could think about was how you hated your body and the way it looked from whenever you would peek over to look in the mirror.
The day that you dreaded the most finally came when heeseung became relentless, as usual, and was adamant about touching his "pretty baby" after not being able to enjoy you for a full week from 'shark week'.
"Come here."
"no heeseung no!"
"Oooooh yes.....come here......"
"no...please stop!"
"being tenacious about this whole cat and mouse thing aren't you?" he smirks, teasing and mistaking your hesitant reaction as a playful gesture of toying with him. Leaning into your ear, he whispers "where you gonna run? hmm?" following his words, he sucks on your helix.
It wasn't until his hands traveled upward and slid under your shirt, touching your skin. You jolted out of his grasp and shouted "NO!!!!!!"
Lifting his head up, grabbing onto your wrists and displaying a harsh, and rather angry look on his face, he sternly warned you.
"........did you just fucking scream at me?" biting his lip down and hissing, Heeseung expressed his intolerance of your behavior. Never have you ever shouted at him to that degree, and he wasn't going to take it.
"do i need to punish you or teach you a lesson? hmm? am i too nice? because if you want me to be mean about it, i can. which way do you want it y/n?" his words and his tone were harsh, he stared into your eyes with a look of displeasure and anger. With tears forming in your eyes, you began to sob.
his expression never changed, in fact, he merely spat out even harsher words as he taunted you.
"cry all you want, it's not going to change a damn thing. you know that, right? so fucking pick how you want it, and say you're sorry already, because one way or another, you're going to get wrecked."
with the already set intention of punishing you for your discretion of shouting at him, you sobbed hard as you turned your face away and whimpered out...
"i'm.......i'm....just.....i'm hungry......."
raising his brow, he shifted his eyes up and around, reflecting his mind working as he leaned his head slightly inward. With furrowed brows, his expression remained reflecting anger and annoyance, yet his tone was rather confused as he bid you to elaborate. "what?....."
you sobbed and whimpered out your cries as you broke down, all the while Heeseung had you pinned down under his frame.
"I'm hungry.....i'm mad.....i'm upset and i just....i feel so weak. the headaches wont go away and they're getting worse, i can't....i .......i cant....."
His expression grew even more stern as you continued to throw out words that only confused him. It was angry, yet.....he only looked angry because he couldn't understand.
"What are you..." stopping at mid sentence, he props himself up while pinning your arms to your sides. Leaning his head in as he remained hovered over you, he grabs your chin and forces you to look at him.
"Breathe, y/n. Breathe, deep breaths...." he guides you as your panting gasps from sobbing so hard became unbreakable at a high pattern of rapid bursts.
"shhhh.....breeeeathe....." his tone softens, bidding as he guided you, you started to relax your breathing and breathed deeply as he committed in getting you to relax. "that's it.........slowly........there...."
Once you had finally calmed down, the streams of your tears continued to fall down, despite your bursts of sobs coming to an end.
"Now.....from the top, tell me what is wrong."
"...........I can't.......i just......i'm so..."
".....hungry?" he raises a perplexed brow as he leans his face in, flaring a slight bit of an attitude as he gave an expecting look to you.
"and.......why are you hungry?" with a tone that hinted he was aiming towards something, he was forcing the information out of you as he coaxed you into opening up.
"........i wasn't.......i wasn't on shark week....."
taking a deep breath in, he looked at you as he blinked in disbelief. "......what?"
"I wasn't.....i.......i had gained weight and.......i hate the way i feel......the way i look......."
shifting his eyes from left to right, reflecting his confused state, he leaned over to his propped arm as he shifted his free hand over to his mouth and stroked his chin. "....so all this time....when we were out.....the restaurants and the theaters, all those times-" cutting himself off, he rubbed his forehead and sighed out "fuck...." as he rubbed his temples. he noticed that you weren't eating, yet your constant white lie of telling him that you were on shark week, or that you remained bloated after the fact because of the water weight, had directed him to believe you and causing him to think that you merely were just skipping out on a meal or two, not days or weeks worth.
"when was the last time you ate y/n?"
shamefully, you couldn't even remember the last time you ate a small meal, let alone a full one. going on nearly two weeks, you had barely munched on anything, even a mere snack.
"i....i dont know...."
"you dont know?....how the fuck? what have you been doing? have you eaten anything?" he snaps as he looked at you with wide eyes.
"....i.......i eat a piece of cheese and half a water..."
with his mouth parting slightly, he watched as you start to shamefully sob once more.
"......what did you do to the sandwich at the bakery earlier? he asked.
"i.......i threw it out when you weren't looking...." you admitted, shamefully apologizing as you recounted to pretending to eat on some of the occasions that heeseung went to take you to a shop for lunch or dinner. you had become so crafty in telling white lies and hiding the fact that you weren't eating, not even he noticed your lack of nutritional consumption.
Rubbing his temples harder, he gazed at you with wide eyes. ".....why?" he calmly asks.
"Because i hate the way i look.........i've gained weight and i cant take it!" you gasped out as you sobbed out hard.
letting you sob, he continued to look down at you and patiently waited for you to get everything out of your system. once your cryings came to a standstill, he gently tones out "you done?"
With a harsh expression, you looked at him with furrowed brows. how could he be so heartless? you were struggling and you both knew you were unhealthy, not just physically but you were struggling mentally to gain positivity of your image, yet he had no compassion in his voice or his words.
"....w-what?" you stuttered out.
"I said 'are you done?'....or do you need to cry some more?" he asks, still reflecting a harsh look on his face.
looking at him, you shifted your gaze down, feeling too confused, somewhat angry and hurt by his lack of sincerity on the matter. in fact, it had distracted you so much that you truly were done crying.
"looks like you are. get up." lifting himself off of you, he grabs his cap and pulls you off the bed, handing you your jacket.
"wh....where are we-"
"come on." cutting you off, he takes your arm and applied harsh force as he dragged you out of the house and into his car.
"stop! i dont want anything! i'm not eating anything, i wont!" you snapped out, figuring he was taking you to go and feed you.
"shuddap y/n and get in the fucking car before i make you." he sighs out as he inadvertently swallows his words and pushes your head down, shoving you in the passenger seat.
driving, you were somewhat surprised that he passed by a series of eatery spots that you both frequently visited. You grew even more confused when he took you to the international museum of art down town.
parking the car and buying the tickets, you figured he was taking you to the museum to get your mind off things. yet his forceful mannerisms remained as he dragged you passed each cultural zone, passing nearly every exhibit.
"why did we come here if we're just going to walk pass everything?" you inquired somewhat irritated from being pulled around, not to mention him never once turning back and giving you an answer.
"what are you doing?" you gasped out as he walked fast paced, dragging you closely behind. still being unresponsive, he continued to pull you through the crowds as he took you to the set destination that he had in mind to show you.
Walking passed a series of statues, walls adorned with cultural masks from Africa, another was draped with silk wall paintings from Asia, he swiftly pulls you past each exhibit, causing you to wonder where exactly he was bringing you to. taking sharp corners, walking up a myriad of stairs, you started to lose your breath as he continued to drag you behind, walking through the halls of scenic crafts that the museum was known for.
finally coming to a pause in his steps, after bringing you across the other end of the large building, he pulls you by his side and wraps his arm around your waist as he pointed towards a massive wall and calmly instructs you to "look."
Looking over in the direction of where he was pointing, you witnessed a wide display of paintings decorating the wall.
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Narrowing down to one specific painting, he pulls you in and brings you in front of the portrait.
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"who is she?" you asked while studying the painting.
"That's Cleopatra, known throughout history as the most beautiful woman in the world. she was 4'11 in height, and carried enough weight to conceal some of her pregnancies." he sharply stated. Looking up at him, you portrayed a rather blank expression as he continued to stare at the painting and opened up on his pensive thought aloud.
"One thing I'll never understand, is how can we as people, claim to be more progressive, understanding, and wise in today's day in age, more so than we were back hundreds of years ago? we tell and teach each children to not discriminate, yet we do it all the time to ourselves. There is nothing in the world that is more diverse than beauty itself, it is the most ethical and divergent concept in the entire universe, but somehow, we can't learn to embrace the varied notion behind it. We can't accept the belief that it comes in all forms and variants. We sometimes look at ourselves and can't find happiness or comfort, because we place restrictions and shame on what is actually beautiful and meaningful. It might be because of our upbringing, fashion, media, or ....shit, it could even be our own parents or friends....it could be anything these days. But one thing i know for sure baby, is that you're more than perfect the way you are, even if you gained some weight. it never bugged me, in fact, i think it brings a more feminine quality to your body."
Shocked with a wide eyed expression, you looked up at him and inquired for him to elaborate his statement. "You......knew?"
Smirking at you while rolling his eyes, he pulled you close to his side. "Y/n......when are you ever going to get it through to your head girl, i love you and i'm crazy about you, and i pay close attention because i find myself wanting to see, taste, hear, and experience more of you. so yeah, i knew, and i see nothing but goodness in it, plus i care more about your comfort, i have no reason to be concerned so long as you are happy. listen to me really closely when i tell you baby, these women all made history and shaped the world, they all carried different skin tones, body shapes, sizes and status, but the one thing they all had in common was their beauty, and you, are the ideal reflection of each and every single one of them and what they stood for. i can understand if you may want to change something about yourself, if you're not happy about gaining weight or you don't feel comfortable, that's fine. I'm not going to try and change your mind, just be healthy about it, eat well and exercise. but if you wanna take my word for it, the way you are right now, even if you had gained more weight, gain twenty more pounds for all i care, i see nothing but a masterpiece. if today's society would have remained just as it did hundreds of years ago, where people were smart, philosophical, and creative, you would have been looked at and idolized as art........you are.....art." he trailed off, as he held your hand and gave you a reassured smile.
"Don't think you have to change a thing about yourself......you're my Cleopatra, and every single second of the day when i get to look at you, i think of these portraits and wished to God that i could paint one of you to hang up on this very same wall. you belong with these women.....you've earned your place among them." squeezing your hand gently, he kisses the top of your head.
He was right, if you truly wanted to change and shed the weight you've gained, there was a way to do it, yet suddenly after hearing him talk and feeling his touch and kiss, you didn't mentally place so much emphasis on your body anymore. thinking about the weight gain didn't have the same affect on you, you didn't feel shameful, gross, or discomfort, quite the opposite in fact, you were now beginning to see the good qualities of the weight gain. Your curves were more full, giving you a more feminine appeal, which Heeseung had loved. your skin was softer, and your face was far more youthful looking as your cheeks had a nice supple shape. you were still as beautiful to him since the day he saw you, and that itself had made you happier than ever. heeseung didn't love you because of the weight gain, he loved you for you, and everything that comes after only made him love you more.
smirking back, you joked back a response. "so......if i want to change my hair......and cut it really short, will you let me?" you chuckled out.
"no." he gently laughs out. "there are some things that should just not be altered......like the beauty of the world..... your face......your hair, your sense of style, your personality, and your good nature. i want those to stay forever.....in fact, i want you to stay forever." pulling you in, he places a long kiss on your forehead.
"lets go grab something to eat, and if you want, tomorrow i can take you to the gym on campus. Only if you want to."
shaking your head, you calmly tell him as you hug him back, while staring at the painting of the Egyptian queen. "no......i feel better......if i change my mind i'll let you know......but i am good now.......thank you."
placing another kiss on your head, he whispers "good girl. from now on, if something is bothering you, come talk to me and we can fix it together....if it even needs fixing.....i love you and i see nothing but perfection within you." with another kiss, he stares back up at the painting, where you both admired for a while before leaving the museum.
Of course, one trip to the museum wasn't going to fix your problem overnight, you suffered at feeling shameful and anxiety from looking at your reflection, but it didn't hurt so bad....now that you had Heeseung to remind you nearly every day how beautiful you were to him; little by little, he was healing you. There were even times where he would participate in the healing process and would get you both a healthy salad for lunch, salmon for dinner, take you on a long nature walk, or maybe even take you to go swimming at the pool at the college. never being forceful about it, heeseung was bringing out the highlight of your energy and focus, and relocating your mentality to all the activities, causing you to focus less on the images and thoughts of your body. at the end of each event, he'd kiss you lovingly as he reminded how good you were to him, always reminding you when you needed to hear it most.....
"you're a masterpiece. if Gods own angels combined their efforts with the greatest painters and architects, they still couldn't make something more beautiful than you. i could have a hundred variations of you, and it still wouldn't even be enough, i need you in my sight all the time, you're everything to me. so let me feast. let me fall in love all over again......let me appreciate and love the lines and curves of you, and let me kiss every single inch of you, the more of you there is, the happier i'll be. because i want to kiss you more...i want to love you more....i want to fuck you more. i just want more......so let me have more of you....let me have all of you......let me have you the way you are now and let me have what you will become in the future days that come forth. dont deprive me of that......just let me have you.....y/n. I promise, you're always going to have me."
authors notes: i ran into a girl one time who was bald, completely hairless, but i didn't even pay any mind bc the only thing i could focus on was how happy she was that she was alive and well. she had the biggest smile on her face and i had found that to be the most beautiful thing i had ever seen. my mom and i both nearly cried because it was so beautiful. we also saw an article of a former beauty queen and pageant title holder who had only one leg bc she had something that required her to get the other amputated, yet she was promoting how happy she was to be alive and well. i'm recounting this bc there are days (i am only human after all) there are days where i find something about myself that i actually detest and i even at one point, had convinced myself that i was someday going to get a boob job bc when i was 14, i absolutely had fat content on my body whatsoever, literally a walking skeleton and all the girls at school had such beautiful feminine curves. I remember there was a boy that i kind of had a crush on, but when my friends were teasing and told him "what if reina says she likes you?" boy flat out said "i dont like skinny girls, especially boobless ones." (it was something along the lines of that, i can't remember the exact verbiage) and it shattered my heart lol. i used to tell my mom every day that year, that when i become an adult and i get a job and make my own money, the first thing i was going to do was get breast implants. but oddly enough, when i turned 16, i started to get a little something....not as much as i would like, but i have more than what i had at that age and honestly, i found myself to be happy with it, especially being 19 now. i find myself changing and caring about things i never cared about before, and not caring about things that i used to care about. its so weird how that works. but one thing i will tell you, what matters is that you're healthy, safe, adn happy. i hope you overcome your trials and become stronger, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and i hope that heethan's message will help you with that. because i do believe you are a work of art ;) i personally think we all are....women are just the prettier sex to me, so i find women, no matter how she is built, to be fascinating and beautiful. <3
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
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six-eyed-samurai · 6 months
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🔥 = Hot Topic, 10/10 recommended
AGAIN AND AGAIN - Ft. Multi fandom characters Always in every lifetime you both were separated - not that it ever stopped you both.
AD MELIORA -Ft. Isaac Foster Up until the end Isaac Foster's pretty sure he despises his new companion - you're too much like Ray and yet not.
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AISHITE, AISHITE, AISHITE - Ft. Yandere Inumaki Toge He really didn't want to do it, but you didn't give him a choice - why couldn't you just love him, love him, love him?
MODERN DAY LOVER BOY - Ft. JJK Men for an April Fools Day Special
XOXO, YOUR BIGGEST FAN - Ft. Ryomen Sukuna 🔥 Modern/Actor AU! Renowned former bigshot actor Ryomen Sukuna hasn't been the same since the day his darling went away.
BEWARE OF DOG -Ft. Yuuta Okkotsu You're genuinely terrified of the dog chasing you but hey, at least her owner is hot.
CHOSO ON ICE! -Ft. Choso Kamo Yuji's picked up ice skating and Choso wants to as well - only problem is, he's got two left feet. And that's where you, Yuki's extremely good-looking friend, come in.
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DEATH MARKS AND SOULMATES -Ft. Genya Shinazugawa Soulmate AU! Distancing himself from you was really hard, but Genya had no doubt as to what his coffin soulmate mark meant for you.
PART OF YOUR WORLD -Ft. Genya Shinazugawa Mermaid AU! Sharks are predators - so if breaking it off with her was what it took to keep her safe, then so be it.
FUNERAL MARCH ON BIWA -Ft. Nakime Otogawa A journey through Nakime's human life and the real reasons as to why she did what she did.
UGLY LIKE ME -Ft. Gyutaro Shabana 🔥 For the life of him, Upper Moon Six cannot figure out why he can't bring himself to kill you. It kills him inside to even think about it.
TRYING -Ft. Gyutaro Shabana Gyutaro isn't the best at understanding emotions or comforting you, but he'll try...even if he fails.
FORGETTING -Ft. Muichiro Tokito 🔥 The cute moments when Muichiro forgets he's already confessed and assumes he's still in his crushing stage.
MORTEM OBIRE -Ft. Muichiro Tokito 🔥 It's been a while since you died and none of the Hashira have the heart to remind Muichiro of it.
MORS IMMATURA -Ft. Genya and Sanemi Shinazugawa Someone turns up on Sanemi's doorstep after the war - that someone being a part of Genya's life Sanemi regrets not knowing about.
TOTALLY NOT A CRUSH -Ft. Genya Shinazugawa Genya's emotionally constipated. It's in the Shinazugawa genes - but even more so when it comes to...guys?!
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THAT XX -Ft. Hitoshi Shinsou Modern/Street Musician AU! One day maybe they'd look up and see the musician who's been playing his guitar just for them instead of hopelessly chasing after a love that had long died out.
H IS FOR...-Ft. Hitoshi Shinsou 🔥 You find a love letter but the wrong guy; Hitoshi regrets signing it with only his initials.
IDEAL ROMANCE -Ft. Yandere! Dabi A drunken game on the rooftop was not how you imagined would be the reason you were suddenly locked into a basement by none other than Dabi himself.
I'LL BE OKAY -Ft. Hawks It's been back and forth between you and Hawks for the past few months, until you're both out on your first date!...or not. You couldn't have ghosted him, right?
SHINSOU'S GUIDE TO GETTING YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S ATTENTION -Ft. Hitoshi Shinsou Hitoshi has never been so annoyed by his new cat stealing your attention from him and ruining all your dates.
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RANPO CAN'T COMMUNICATE! -Ft. Ranpo Edogawa At this point it's practically confirmed Ranpo hates the new intern, seeing as he runs off at the very sight of them...so of course Dazai just had to pair them up for the next mission!
LONGTIME SECRETARY -Ft. Tecchou Suehiro Tecchou slowly falling for his secretary and the little things he does, basically.
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YOU HAVE 30 UNREAD MESSAGES...-Ft. Rindou Haitani He loves you and all but...you really aren't supposed to be spamming his phone during a meeting right now....
DIALING -Ft. Multiple Characters Reasons why the TR boys call you.
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NOW PLAYING: ▶︎•၊၊||၊|။||||||။၊|။•
LOVE ME OR NOT -ayiko, Hala CG
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evita-shelby · 2 months
They didn't know we were seeds
Chapter 21
Cw: the usual so mdni
@justrainandcoffee @emotionalcadaver @call-sign-shark @peakyswritings
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The games are long, by the eighth day Eva’s tributes are both dead even after Polly Gray paid a fortune to send the boy medicine to have survive the fire and the infection from a wound he sustained in the bloodbath. And because she got the woman to spend a precious dime on a dead boy, Snow refunds Gray’s whelp with Eva on the tenth night.
The boy’s barely twenty-one, his first time here and being primed to betray Tommy because Snow knows a mother would do anything for her child.
Even betray the holy cause.
Not that Jack would blame her, if it was his kid on the line, he’d serve Plutarch’s head on a platter for Snow. Family was a weakness, but it was also their strength.
Jack’s sword could deliver the Heads of every member of Snow’s Cabinet to the elusive President of 13 if anyone even so much as breathed too hard near his wife and little boy. Campbell would die painfully, by his mother’s hand if she’s wants to beat Polly Gray to the punch.
“Wish I could just fuck off with you and come back when it’s over.” The victor admits pulling his wife onto his lap no longer caring who sees them now that the game is at a record breaking fourteenth day.
The rules have been changed to see which duo would take the other out first and face Thresh. The rules would be changed again because this would be a nice little trap to generate the drama that will keep the Capitol entertained a while longer. People don’t like the games when they last too long.
And after the alleged riots in 11 after Aveline’s kid died, Snow needs their tribute dead to keep him from joining them. So far Clove had died at the feast yesterday and Cato has been hunting Thresh for the past day and night.
The storm proves a good danger for both boys, somehow the girl from 5 evades everyone. Thresh has spotted her but gives no chase, he only wants one person, and that person is hiding in a cave faking a romance to keep them both alive.
Haymitch has no idea how right he was about her being like Eva. Sometimes he doesn’t see the girl and boy from 12 in a rainy cave, sometimes Jack sees his twin brother and Eva wandering a desert.
Enobaria can keep the night shift, he needs to be away from these screens if he wants to keep himself from seeing the 61st games repeat themselves before his eyes.
“I’ll keep you company like this every day if you like, handsome.” the witch gave him a sultry smile as she got comfortable and drank her champagne still wearing that fucking persona like a second skin.
Everything’s different, the touches, the words and all that only had the intention to seduce and make the recipient believe she was the real thing. But this was the only way they could get away with being this close in public and those false caresses held a tiny hint of the real thing to make it worth it.
“Shame we’re in public, doll,” he nuzzled her and kissed the side of her neck with one hand wandering under her short skirt. Jack had wanted to fuck her against the bathroom stall earlier, but with everyone betting on Haymitch’s girl after the sendoff she gave Aveline’s kid, there was no fucking privacy.
“My place tonight, Jewel invited Matty to a party and I’ll be all by my lonesome in my big and empty bed.” Eva plays the whore to perfection, discards her glass an lets her cold hand run up and down his chest with very clear intentions.
This one was genuine, with the new escort and Helvia fearing for her own job as well, they haven’t been able to be together as often as they are used to.
Last time they were at her place, Jewel had caught them red handed and couldn’t believe the rumors were true. Helvia had talked to the girl, but now Hel was fretting about blabbermouth telling Caesar any second and getting her put to pasture as well.
But whatever punishment they get will be set for next year, they got one fucking year to make it all count.
Who knows if the Girl on Fire proves to be the Victor in this game, they won’t even see the horrors of the Quarter Quell.
“'Baria can hold the fort for me, how about now?” He suggests when the blond kid in the cave morphs into his brother’s face.
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The last three days of the games provide enough entertainment for the Capitol for them to pass by unseen.
Jack tries not to show it, but he clings to Eva because he knows how that romance will end. He’s woken up from night terrors calling out for his brother, begging her not to kill his brother and, even worse, begging her not to kill him.
He’s drinking more, numbing himself in hopes the end of the games won’t fuck him up even more. It’s late evening when Cato uses Jack’s fighting stances to kill Thresh in Clove’s name and Jack pretends he is confident that the kid will win.
They’re on the couch again, Eva snuggled up on his side and his arm around her shoulders as the other holds his fourth whiskey.
“If you ask me, Katniss won’t kill him, she would’ve let him die in that cave instead of saving his life.” Eva tries her best to reassure him that her story isn’t playing out before them.
She has nightmares of her time in the arena and every moment after thanks to the star-crossed lovers. Just like Jack, she dreams she must kill him to win, to go home to Laurie with his father’s blood in her hands.
It’s not always her arena, sometimes it’s his or this one they are watching.
Eva is seventeen again, Jack is sometimes the teenage heartthrob she rolled her eyes at when he checked her out after her interview, and sometimes he is the man she loves and is a menace in the kitchen.
“You know the games won’t allow two victors, Evie. She’s got a sister and a mother who depend on her to survive, Peeta’s best chance is that Cato or the ginger take him out first.” He doesn’t look at her, his eyes glued to the screen as the cameras go to the ramrod thin girl from 5. The girl could win, hiding had helped the two victors from 6 and Annie Cresta as well.
But she is not the girl on fire or else Cinna would’ve picked her.
And sure enough, Marissa from 5 dies when starvation has her forget Peeta Mellark knows little about foraging like his fake girlfriend. She gorges herself on the things she stole and hesitates with the nightlock berries before eating them all in one bite.
An accident or suicide, no one will ever know. Marissa, with her foxlike character, dies after the excess of berries cause a violent seizure after the vomiting and sweating drives her to dehydration even at the edge of the water.
When her picture is broadcasted in the fake sky, the cameras focus on the girl’s blue eyes in the wolf mutt with the collar reading:5.
Eva cannot help but wonder what sort of creatures will be unleashed on them next year.
Neither sleep that night, even the comforting sight of Eva’s farmhouse in his ceiling cannot shake away the feeling that they will see her story play out once more. It was what Snow wanted them to see, to show them all no one can bend the rules and go unpunished.
Seneca Crane’s life was in Katniss Everdeen’s hands and the girl didn’t even know it.
“You don’t have to see him die.” Eva tells him in the afternoon of the 17th games when his student stops being the hunter and becomes the hunted. The boy reaches the Cornucopia by late evening and when he goes for the easy kill, Peeta Mellark, the girl’s last arrow sends him careening down to his slow and torturous death.
“I stayed the entire day like this in your games, I had hoped you’d be killed by Aveline’s kid because I knew Laurie wouldn’t do it.” Jack admits keeping his eyes on the boy being mauled to an inch of his life as a punishment for everyone watching. “Then I saw the snake in your hand when you went to him knowing he wouldn’t suspect a thing. They cut the footage of you killing yourself here too, they made it look like you didn’t care about him and only wanted to win. Heavensbee is damn fool for thinking his symbol exists, his symbol wants to live like we all did.”
And then on the morning of the 18th Games, Katniss convinces Peeta to commit a double suicide and forces Snow to change his rules.
Jack was right, Katniss wanted to live as badly as they do. Only she will have to live chained to Peeta and their false romance until the Games are no more.
The odds won’t be in their favor.
They never are for victors.
End of Part 3: Mentor
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knightinink · 1 year
Mermay Dip au!
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How They Met!
-Pip lives in a reef, taking care of the surrounding area & wildlife in return for them letting him live there. He was chased away from his school after a deadly shark attack. He hasn’t seen any of them since, so he assumes they’re all dead. Life has been good for him in the reef, but that all changes when one day a very powerful hurricane sweeps through the area, disturbing the wildlife. During this, Pip gets thrown out to sea, far away from the reef. He is thrown in the way of the storm’s path, so he will eventually be hit by it again & be thrown out even further. He sustains minor injuries (like various scrapes & bruising from being thrown into things, but nothing too substantial. He bleeds just enough for it to attract a smaller creature, his quiet distress calls doing so as well as he blacks out from the hurricane.
-The creature that is responding to Pip’s cries is one of darkness, & cannot venture past a certain depth, for he will go blind. He is fully prepared to consume this creature, that is until he sees just what it is, and that plan is quickly thrown out the window. This is a mer. He hasn’t come into contact with another one like himself in so long, he cannot allow harm to come to this one. Instead, once he gets close enough, Damien grabs the other & brings him to a deep alcove, where he can hopefully rest undisturbed.
-Pip eventually wakes up & is obviously concerned, as he has no idea where he is. Looking around his surroundings in a panic, he freezes as he makes eye contact with piercing red eyes in the shadowy part of the cave.
-“Who are you? Come out!”
-Damien refuses to move, which annoys Pip until Damien disappears after saying “You don’t need to see me. Not now. Just shut up and rest, you looked pretty out of it.”
-Pip calls out to the other mer a few times before realizing he’s been left alone. He huffs, and decides to dunk his head under the water from the ledge he’s resting on, just to get himself wet (he isn’t sure how long he’s been laying out of the water). He catches a glimpse of something moving near him in the water & feels a light thump next to him, prompting him to shoot out of the water to face the impending danger. Instead of a threat, however, sitting just a foot away from him is a fish, looking to be freshly caught, as the teeth marks around it are still bleeding slightly. Pip picks it up & sniffs it, & not sensing any tampering, eats it slowly. Unbeknownst to him, there is a pair of red eyes just above the waterline watching him eat, & they disappear as soon as Pip turns in his direction.
-A bit of time passes & Pip is anxious to return home (wherever home is; he doesn’t know how far out he is), but he also likes his new friendship with Damien, who seems just as surprised to see another mer as he is, despite the difference in species. Damien agrees to help Pip search for his home, and they cover more and more ground each day, marking their travels so as to not lose their way back home to their underwater cave.
-They have this ritual where, if they are swimming a bit higher & Damien cannot see as well, Pip will guide him along, holding his hand the entire time. It’s the same thing when they’re swimming in deeper waters where it is harder for Pip to see. They have also devised a different series of calls: a simple locating call, a discovery call, a call of distress, and several others that are all various whistles & clicks.
More Little Factoids!
-Damien’s design & concept is based off a black dragonfish. He’s got little bioluminescent spots on his sides, running all the way to the base of his tail. His horns & claws will grow longer as he ages, & he will gain more spines along his back.
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-Pip’s design is one of more creative liberty; he’s got the body & markings of a koi, but his base is red & his splotches are brown (better for camouflage & also referencing bruising from being picked on by the others kids in the show). His coloring becomes much more vibrant once he reaches adulthood, his coloring more like a flame angel, & his splotches turn to a vibrant purple color inspired from the same fish.
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-Pip’s got tiny fangs (& I mean they’re almost unnoticeable) that secrete a toxin, but he doesn’t know he can do this. (he has bright colors, I’m gonna say he’s venomous).
-At night, Damien can swim a bit higher than he normally would, as it’s dark enough for him to be able to see a bit better.
-They can breach water, but Pip can go for longer, as Damien’s not built to do so; he’s from the ocean floor, there’s no reason for him biologically to go to the surface. Despite this, they can both switch between breathing water & oxygen.
-As children, I like to think Pip is around 4 feet long from head to fin tip, & Damien is around 3½ feet long from head to fin tip. As adults, Pip will be a good 8 feet, & Damien will be nearly 10 feet long.
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mickimomo · 2 years
Hello 😄💕, back in your inbox with a random thought/question for your Sun and Sky AU: I've seen you think a lot about how Attuma and Namora would deal with being jealous, but what happens if it's because someone from their side (from Talokan) is flirting with their s/o? Would it make any kind of difference considering its not an outsider that's trespassing on their turf?
Tbh, I don't think anyone from Talokan would dare to do such a thing. 😭 Considering that they're both technically the Generals of their people. (I never refer to Namora as a General, but she technically is.) Like. The people of Wakanda don't respect them off the bat... so of course, they would antagonize them and try to pair the Wakandan counterpart with someone of Wakanda to express their spite. In contrast, since Talokan technically won that fight on the sea leopard (there were like 15 wakandans left. 😭), the people of Talokan wouldn't see them as a threat while in Talokan. They'd just be weak land people who had somehow managed to enamor their best warriors.
But let's entertain the idea of someone being crazy enough to flirt with Okoye and Namora.
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Okoye × Attuma
Okoye is a beautiful woman, but she has RBF (resting bitch face). So, she's typically attracting the people who wish to see her smile.
The "Smile Beautiful!"s of Talokan, if you will. 💀
Attuma would simply stand beside Okoye and stare at the person flirting with her. It would be one of those intense stares that feel like a laser is trying to burn through your forehead. And if that didn't get the point across, Pakal and his legion of sharks would be unleashed on the idiot who dared to flirt with Okoye.
He wouldn't get handsy because Okoye wouldn't like it, and he wouldn't want the person flirting with her to see how beautiful she looked when aroused.
**But also, because it's kinda tricky in talokan's underwater environment. If it's in one of the grottos- then yeah. Dinner party 2.0 after he beats their ass. 🤣
Kinda like this:
Okoye was sitting quietly at a small table, watching children play and swim around with Pakal while her husband talked to one of his soldiers. The man was happily discussing his time off with the Hammerhead general as he held a newborn baby in his arms.
He was a new father and extremely happy to be home with his family- was all she could gather without activating Griot. Which was really good for someone who was still learning the basics.
She let out a soft sigh as she watched a kid hold on to Pakal's fin as he pulled them around.
How peaceful.
"Hey beautiful."
Okoye blinked at the greeting before looking up to see a man floating over her with a warm grin. "Excuse me?"
"You've been sitting over here frowning. You looked like you needed a reason to smile."
"My reason to smile is currently talking to a soldier."
"Yes. My husband." She pressed before adding his name. "Attuma."
"Oh." He tilted his head. "I would not leave my wife to sulk by herself."
"I did not leave my wife to sulk."
The man stiffened before looking up to see Attuma.
The General stared holes into the man as he crossed his arms over his chest.
The silence was heavy, and Okoye couldn't help but smile up at her husband.
The man swam away quickly, leaving the couples to themselves.
"I'm surprised you didn't call for Pakal." Okoye snorted softly.
"I would have, if he wasn't entertaining children."
"You're so sweet."
"Mm." He huffed as he hugged her close and looked her over. "Are you well?"
"I'm fine."
"Perhaps making you wear my headdress would get the point across that you're married to me."
"I like watching you scare them off."
Attuma laughed before pressing his forehead to hers carefully, being mindful of her full face rebreather. "So the sky chases off the clouds."
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Oni × Namora
I think Oni would be at a higher risk of getting flirted with than Okoye, only because she's one of those friendly people where their kindness often gets confused with flirting. 💀 So, Namora may occasionally find herself beating suitors off with a spear.
The people flirting with Oni probably weren't sure of her union to Namora since Namora despises PDA and has RBF. Like- Namora couldn't be in a relationship with this kind soul, right?! (Those poor unfortunate souls don't know who Namora is really married to. 💀)
And since she's so nice when people are helping her or trying to teach her things, they can't help but develop a crush of sorts. Then they start giving her gifts, and she thinks they're being nice until they try to take things to the next step of courting by offering her a gown of blessings.
That's typically when Namora would step in and beat them to a pulp and curse them out for attempting to court her wife.
I'd imagine that one of these attempts would result in Oni losing her shit, so now everyone knows Namora married a demon. 💀
How did that go?
Like this:
Namora loved her wife dearly, but so did the people of Talokan.
Namora was revered and feared, but many people doubted that she had actually managed to marry the priestess of Wakanda.
Oni was everything Namora was not.
She was warm and welcoming.
Namora was cold and intimidating.
She was enthusiastic and eager to help.
Whereas, Namora was often indifferent and impatient.
The list was endless, but one thing was very clear.
Oni smiled, and Namora did not.
And for these reasons, there were rumors going around expressing that the pair were just friends who really enjoyed each other's company.
And with that rumor, came many eager suitors.
Oni had politely turned a few down, and several were severely injured by Namora.
But today's attempt had Namora ready to tear off the woman's head as a large crowd of people watched them bicker in front of the sastun.
"She's my wife!" Namora snapped at the woman attempting to give her wife a gown of blessings.
"Liar! She's accepted all of my courting gifts!" The woman shouted back. "You're just mad because I'm trying to court her!"
"Nobody believes you, Namora! Who would marry you!? You're rude, talentless, and you're not even that attractive! You couldn't even get a suitor because you scared them all awa-OOF!"
Everyone turned to see Oni twirling a spear before she slammed the base of her spear into her nose.
"O-Oni!" The woman panicked, sinking down to avoid another blow.
"Please! I-I didn't know-"
The priestess' veiled gaze was horrifying to meet as she lifted her spear.
"PLEASE!" The woman wailed and raised her hand in panic. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Oni only lowered her spear to swim closer, her aura rivaling the grim reaper's as she drew near.
"I do not want your apologies."
"W-What do you want?"
The woman let out a whimper as Oni pressed the tip of her spear against her throat. "P-Please. S-Spare me. M-Mercy."
"Spare you? Mercy?" Oni mocked her before adding pressure with her spear. "Amora is the kindest, most talented, and beautiful warrior in all of the sea. She has been given the greatest honor of being the spouse of a goddess. WHO ARE YOU TO INSULT HER!?"
The poor woman cowered under the priestess' wrath.
"My wife told you that we are married, and you accused her of lying. Your begging is falling on deaf ears." She spat before she looked at Namora. "She does not deserve to live after insulting you, Amora. It would also be an offense to Bast."
Namora's face was pure purple as she looked at her lover. "..."
"Tell me what you want, and I will do it without hesitation."
Everyone was extremely silent as they watched the feathered warrior.
Even K'uk'ulkan was curious to see how things would play out from his throne.
Namora held out her hand. "I want to go home."
Oni tilted her head before grabbing her hand. "Can I ask why?"
"I wish to do many things to my wife."
The entire area seemed to brighten as Oni giggled and allowed her wife to guide her away.
"Namora married a demon." One person whispered.
"It is fitting."
They all nodded in agreement.
🧚🏾‍♀️ So yeah. Hopefully, that answers your question. 💓 (My extra ass just has to go above and beyond, huh. 🤣) I look forward to your next one. 🥹
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gerec · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs where Charles and/or Erik are animals? Or maybe just different species? I recently read a fic where they’re birds and now I’m desperate for more haha
Hi Anon, I assume the fic you read was Little Birds by winterhill? If not you should definitely get on that right away :D
This list got much longer than I expected and there's an inordinate number of cat!Charles fics for some reason lol. Anyway, all of these fics are amazing and feature either one or both as animals (or inanimate objects, yes read the teacups it's a personal favorite of mine!). I did not include anything about werewolves or satyrs/fauns in this list because there are TONS and would easily fill their own rec lists.
Hope you enjoy!
Other Crabs Cannot Be Trusted by groovyphilia
Erik is a hermit crab and proud. He is also stalking a shore crab named Charles.
In which everybody in XMFC is a crab.
As The Crow Flies by groovyphilia
Erik-the-raven has seemingly made Charles' living room his permanent residence, much to Charles' despair. A kind world would allow him a peaceful, bird-less life, he was sure.
He firmly believes this until it actually happens.
This Harbour (that we call home) by nekosmuse, verilyvexed
It's hard not to get swept away by Charles' enthusiasm. The idea of finding others like him--of belonging--is seductive, but it is the thought of spending his life at this man's side that decides it. Crane or man, Erik cannot help but fall into Charles' orbit.
An alternate meeting loosely based on the Japanese folktale, The Crane Wife.
The Marimo Prince by elbatross
There in a kingdom in the crowded little body of water called Lake Xavier, ruled by a little Prince named Charles. Prince Charles can only become King when he meets his mate, but a little mutant marimo like him can only dream to find one just as he dreams of the Dry World above his little world underwater. Then, one day, there's a bird...
Tea for Two Teacups by baehj2915
I wrote about Charles and Erik as teacups based on this image from tumblr. You should definitely take a look at that post to see what Charles and Erik look like as teacups.
Swimming with Sharks by Not_You
Erik used to be a shark. Now he's not, and has to figure out how to be a good human father to his twins. Charles is willing to help.
The Westchester Zoo Chronicles by cloudyjenn (Unfinished)
When a new penguin comes to the zoo, Charles is convinced the humans have brought him a mate.
Humane Society by smilebackwards
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
But The Cat Came Back by twelve_pastels
“Oh, look! It’s Charles, and he’s been transformed into a cat by a malevolent government program! I wonder how I can change him back and thereby secure his love forever and ever, amen?”
The Cat's Meow by ferretbaby
Based off a prompt on kink meme: When Erik offends a potential recruit to the Brotherhood, the mutant gets back at him by turning his beloved cat into a human being. Cue Charles pouncing on Erik, waking up all over him, trying to sleep over Hank's computer cause it's warm, chasing birds, caressing himself over other people and overall bothering Erik until he gets petted and purrs happily. There is sexy time eventually. Notes/Warnings: Slight Beastiality (Charles is half cat here), sex, crack, romance.
Having Kittens by so_shhy
'My boyfriend is a pregnant female telepathic cat,' Erik said. 'I think this time I'm entitled to panic.'
Strays by Teacandles
Raven's handicapped corgi Charles has a bad habit of finding stray kittens and bringing them home with him. One day, instead of finding an adorable kitten, Charles befriends a rough-and-tumble alley cat. Hank is not amused.
the pawsitively unfurtunate tail of his royal majesty king charles the third by ikeracity 
A vicious curse transforms Charles Xavier, High King of Westchester, into a cat. This is very unfortunate for a number of reasons.
You're Not a Sarlacc by Pangea
Charles is a bounty hunter on a mission that requires him to brave the harsh, unforgiving desert of Tatooine.
Things do not exactly go as planned.
the fisher king's son by spikeface
charles is a merman. au, references to trauma.
More Things in Heaven and Earth by Alaceron
Erik doesn't believe in mermaids.
And then he meets Charles.
Sea Change by Red
The end of the semester means Charles is even more the absent-minded professor than his norm.
But he’s sure he would remember seeing someone like Erik at the laundromat, let alone stealing a pelt.
Carpe Tentaculum by issabella, traumschwinge
From the shallow depths of the sea close to the shore, Erik has watched Charles for quite some while now, deeming him finally worthy of being his human mate. However, it's not so simple to seduce a human when you're an octopus yourself...
Strange things out there in that deep blue sea by professor
The ultimate crackfic of ultimate destiny: a.k.a. the one where tentacle!Charles knocks up wereshark!Erik with sharktopus babies. Erik is less than thrilled with being Octomom.
Carcharodon (Crooked Teeth Remix) by septicwheelbarrow 
Erik is a wereshark. Charles is the human in love with him.
A Paddling Of Two by helens78 
Charles Xavier, a telepathic duck, meets Erik Lehnsherr, a metallokinetic duck.
High Tide by velvetcadence 
"Teen Charles is on holiday on a remote island his family owns and has been enjoying being on his own.
He’s having fun, reading books, playing in the sea but, more and more often, when he’s in the water, he feels touches, light strokes against his feet, his shins. And they get bolder with time, though never threatening, so Charles is intrigued, and not afraid.
One night, he can’t sleep and goes on the pier to cool off, not realizing he’s going into his first heat. Except he’s not alone, and someone intends to help him go through it. –insert tentacles porn here-. And Charles enjoys it, very much."
Plutomagneto by velvetcadence (Unfinished)
Space probe: noun. An unmanned spacecraft designed to explore the solar system and transmit data back to earth. 
RAVN embarks on a decade-long journey to uncover the mysteries of the distant planet Pluto.
'Til Spade and Hearse by velvetcadence
Charles the book and Erik the bookmark have been with their owner for as long as they can remember.
Or, a retelling of a love story from unusual narrators.
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total-drama-atlas · 1 year
Episode 6 time yall
Okay yeah terry is great as Chris. Still not the original ofc but pretty dang good
I’m just thinking of all the people who followed Julia who would be watching the show. Bc even if MK hadn’t uploaded that video of her they still would have seen her reading that raptor to filth. She just wouldn’t know why she was losing followers. Right?
why does Wayne’s beard look like that 💀💀
Also they say they have no facial hair. Wayne literally has a tiny soul patch.
MK is a menace and I love her
I honestly love how they didn’t reuse the internet designs from the later seasons. It might be them not feeling like using those assets, maybe they wanted some different stuff. But it also adds timeline accuracy so
I love the new Julia. She’s a girlboss honestly.
I love how excited Wayne and Raj get they are so cute
This episode would be way more enjoyable if it quit BUFFERING
I love how Chef is almost fatherly this season. Like he’s grown since the early seasons and realized his mistakes, and is trying to help these kids, balance out his husband’s crazy work, and still get a good paycheck.
And when he tells raj and Wayne they have to go one at a time they seem so sad :((
I love how happy Emma is that Chase is literally screaming and fainting midair in terror
Bowie jumping in to help Raj 🥺🥺
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what did they do to her 😭
stop they Bowie responded 💀💀
I love zee
I love he keeps making things up about how he lost his leg. It’s so funny. “True story 😌” (confessional) “not a true story. Fabricated it, man.”
my good sir did you just throw away your LEG???
wheres that post about the weed soda that looks a lot like the one zee drinks. because since I saw that I have not been able to get that out of my mind
Guys MK is so funny. MKulia real
I love how excited Wayne is for raj
“she’s been watching our confessionals, she’s the one who leaked my video, and she heard me calling you all buttknuckles” “what” “that parts not important”
I KNOW Julia has to stay for plot but like… MK is such a fun character. The season needs a villain and either could work but MK already got exposed making her less compelling for this season. But I like MK
They called Gwen the new Heather for kissing Duncan but the real new Heather is Julia I think
Good ep except MK is gone and not ripper or chase because omg I want them gone asap
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, March 29 - PART TWO
BUFFY: (smiles) Hey! SCOTT: Hey, Buffy! Uh, Faith has been telling me tall tales. BUFFY: (smiles big) She's funny. (takes her arm) And she's leaving. We have to go. SCOTT: (disappointed) Oh... FAITH: Bye. Buffy pulls her away and down the hall.
~~Faith, Hope and Trick~~
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: [Buffy comics art panels created by Georges Jeanty] via g33k_gal (various, worksafe)
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Artwork: [Let's watch shark boy and lava girl. buffy x willow] by pzyii (Buffy/Willow worksafe)
Artwork: Good times by isevery0nehereverystoned (Anya, Faith, Tara, worksafe)
Icons: [Sarah Michelle Gellar icons] like/reblog by brolasuite (worksafe)
Gifset: {Xander&Spike} by starryeyesxx (Xander/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: there's my girl :) by redcheekdays (Star Trek Voyager parallels, Buffy, Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: Levitating by Dua Lipa by andremichaux (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
Gifset: The Worst of the Worst: IMDB’s 10 Worst Ranked Episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by clarkgriffon (ensemble, worksafe)
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Fanvid: buffy & angel | hits different by lostlcve
Fanvid: Cordelia Chase | Long Story Short by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fanvid: vampire with a soul | ats + btvs by Moriah McInerney
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 4/1, Part One [The Freshman to Wild at Heart] by QualifiedApathetic
BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 4/1, Part Two [Sense & Sensitivity to Somnambulist] by QualifiedApathetic
Anyone go to the Buffy comedy show in London last night? by Prudent-Memory-6129
Season 6 gets better and better after every rewatch by Kindofaddictedtotv
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PODCAST: 1.12 Prophecy Girl by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
PODCAST: Buffy S7E1: Lessons by Booze & Buffy
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: FrenchButHygienic seeks Angel-BtVS [similar] vibe shows
[Community Announcements]
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Round one of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer tournament has started by bestepisode
[Fandom Discussions]
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buffy summers is aro/ace i think but you guys aren't ready for that conversation yet by starlit1daydream
... Angel is cursed to never experience true happiness?? by spikes-left-eyebrow
buffy the vampire slayer gif makers are truly the best at their craft because how are you producing gifs at a higher quality... by mikaelson-hope
[He has a soul parallels gifset.] Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 7.18 and Angel | 5.02 by andremichaux
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What do you think Spike would have done with the Gem of Amara had he been successful? by sushibananawater
Who needs enemies when your friends are assholes [Revelations and other eps] by J_n_Space
the body as the worst episode to watch + grief by Kindly_Ad2280
Show me your Worst, best, saddest/hated, btvs episodes. I’ll go first by melaniemoth13
POLL: What episode worked best as a series finale? [S5 The Gift vs S7 Chosen] by nessaaldarion
Episode(s) of Buffy or ATS that would make a great movie? by PristineSituation498
Only reasons of why Angel takes over Wolfram&Hart? by Commercial-Sink8444
You know what makes Willow and Tara's relationship more tragic...? by Belthezare
Best Willow Tara moments! by Slayerette444
Favorite bit of continuity by BiggTS
Spike and Joyce having cocoa with mini marshmallows is such a brilliant scene. by Soulless--Plague
Confusion about Fool For Love [Spike as narrator] by Slayerette444
Ruined episode [Conversations with Dead People and Joyce and The First in S7] by Full-Dome
Is anyone else bothered by this plot hole? [ghost Joyce and The First and Dawn] by mvandemar
Non-fiction books about Buffy? by Lillydragon9
POLL: "Buffy is not at any point even remotely similar to Faith" [and discussion] by sadhungryandvirgin
Should Angel feel remorse? by Aracoth
Angel's worst look? by _behindthewheel_
after finishing the series [ATS], I fucking hated what they did to Gunn and Wesley by b3_k1nd_rw1nd
the [ATS] finale was seen as divisive cause the "big battle" was not portrayed, thats surprising as hell to me. by b3_k1nd_rw1nd
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PODCAST: [James Marsters] 02 - Clowns, Nudity, and the Red Planet via dontkillspike
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kooky-dough · 10 months
"Lucid dreams, fever dreams, daydreaming
oh my gosh, it's shark moon and lava sun"
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This idea has been living rent-free in my head for too long
I know, I'm awful, aren't I
A fic I started working on like a week + ago
I'm not even done with the first chapter
But this is what I got
You're a new hire at this Fazer-Fantasy Worlds - because Freddys Fantasy Word sounds a little too wrong - amusement park
The whole thing is supposed to be about wanting nothing more than to live in a dream world
It is quite literally called "dream lover" in my Google Docs file
I $#!t you not
So here, have at it
Hope you enjoy
The curtains are closed, blocking the majority of the sun's light that enters your room. Despite their best efforts to do their job, the remaining bit of light that slips through always threatens to pull you from sweet unconsciousness. Occasionally, you even wake up to being slapped in the face by the sun's light, shooting out from the opening between the two pieces of fabric. And so in retaliation to the sun’s gracious wake up call, you flip to face the wall and bury your face in the blankets, hoping to slip into dreamland once more.
Not long after disregarding the sun’s morning kiss, you fall back into sleep’s loving embrace… only to find yourself ripped from your lover’s arms yet again.
Yanked back down to planet Earth, you jolt at the abrasive sound of your alarm and pounce to silence the pesky thing. You always ended up hating the songs you used for it. Too many good songs have died from being used to pull you from your slumber.
But unfortunately it is about time you got up.
Begrudgingly, you slip from your cozy bundle, rise to your feet, and lift your arms as you stretch out your muscles with a groan. Walking over to the window with a grumble, and squinting as you pull back the curtain. As much as you hated disturbed beauty sleep, you couldn't help loving how the sun looked in the morning, and how it painted the sky in gorgeous colors as it woke the world.
But alas, you aren't just up to enjoy the view, for you have responsibilities. You're a new hire at FazBear Entertainment's newest attraction, Fazer-Fantasy Worlds amusement park. You found a page advertising the opening park in your search to find a job that was half as appealing as staying in bed.
You filled out the online application, advertising yourself as someone who can clean, organize, and has a very flexible schedule; you were hoping to score a janitorial job. If emptying trash cans, cleaning bathrooms, and taking stock ment you could avoid dealing with customers and daydream on the job, then you'd do it.
Who knows, maybe you'll even find some free time to just take a nap.
The man interviewing looked tired, bored, like he would prefer being elsewhere. Which was understandable. There's not much to do in an office job like his, besides a countless amount of paperwork that really starts to drag on someone after some time, and he looked like he'd been doing it for ages, poor guy.
You carried a professional and polite smile with you as you walk into his office.
During the interview he was looking at his computer, typing away and asking simple and basic questions. He spoke with such a mild tone and expression that it almost made you nervous.
“What previous work experience do you have?”
“Any health issues that may impact your work?”
“How do you handle stressful situations?”
“Do you get unsettled or scared easily?”
For his next question he paused his typing and looked up at you, still as mild as ever but there was a glint of something in his expression that nearly made your skin crawl.
“Are you afraid of clowns?”
..wait… what?
“Uuh, no sir.” you said, befuddled
It's an amusement park, so you guess it makes sense. But what's so scary? Do they have a haunted mansion? Maybe you should have done more research. As long as you're not being chased by anything, you'll be just fine.
“Hmm, good. Well there's not much left, if you want the job just sign these here papers” He slides a heap of paper in front of you with a pen nicely placed on top like a cherry on top of a cake.
You sniggered “Mmm, how fun, thank you.” There is no way in hell you’re gonna be able to read all of that.
He gave a sardonic, dry laugh “You should not be thanking me.”
Sparing him a glance as he goes back to typing on his computer again, you pull the stack of papers closer to you and skim through it as you sign your name on each dotted line.
He sends you a glance too as he types and asks “So why’d you sign up for this job anyway?”
How he could type and hold a conversation was beyond you.
“Eh, what a better place for a dreamer then the place that’s furthest itself from reality.” You could only hope to be engulfed by your own imagination but it helps to be surrounded by the inspiration of fiction.
The guy hummed something nocumunicationla and paused his typing once more “Hey, just don't forget that dreamers have nightmares too. Being further from something doesn't always mean it's safer, you could wander into an even worse spot then you were before.”
His words felt like a warning and just about sent chills down your spine as you signed your name on the last line.
He, may the devil have your soul now.
He sighed and handed you a shirt “I hope you get what you're looking for. when do you think you'll be ready to start.”
Your smile brightened from the somber one that crep onto your face and happily replied “Tomorrow!“.
And that's why you're getting up from your sweet haven and welcoming the morning sky.
The guy who interviewed you -that you never caught the name of- sent you to go to the park the next morning so you could get a tour and a run down on your responsibilities as an employee. Your name tag might not be done yet but they promised to give you all your employee goodies before you started your first true day on site.
The polo shirt the tired fellow gave you was sky blue with yellow and orange stripes lining the sleeves with a red hem and sunny, yellow buttons running a little ways down from the -also red- collar. A FazBear logo was stitched on each sleeve like a small patch. The text circling around it said “Fazer-Fantasy Worlds”. The cool part was that the two little bear heads in the logos were different. The left sleeve had a teddy bear with button eyes, patchwork beneath its right one, and on its left cheek. The right had a kingly crown and a proud smile. Honestly, the shirt felt perfect for a place that promised adventure and wonders beyond the mundane road of life.
You tuck your new shirt into your black jeans and put on a striped rainbow belt. It was most certainly cute and colorful. You tied on your trusty, black, steel toe boots, they were slip resistant and honestly the most comfortable pair of shoes your own. They were a procaution to protect your clumsy ass. You’d be lying if you said they didn’t make you feel a little more confident.
It was late spring, but thanks to the region where you live, it was more like summer with few rainy days to break up the warm and sunny weather. Slideing on your soft and breathable, navy blue jacket, you walk into the bathroom and finish cleaning yourself up. Trying to brush out your cronic case of bed head was futile and only made your hair poof up more. So you throw on a royal blue banadanna that had a white pattern, reminding you of a cloudy sky.
Before you head out to the randevu point, you grab your phone, slid it into you jackets innerpocket, then snag a peice of bread from the fridge and spred some jam on it to nibble on as you walk to your car from your apartment. You have a roomate but you never realy see them due to the fact that
Paper scrap
to help manage the mess of hair on your head and keep it out of your face.
With the magic cards of being available for work just about whenever and overall willing to learn anything they might want from you, you scoured a job.
and in this vary moment you akwardly realized, neather of yall exchanged names. Welp it’s too late now. He probubly already knows your name anyway from your resume. Unfortunetly for you, this guy has no inucations of what his name is. Buuuuut, luckly, he doesnt seem to care in the slightest, and hopfuly he wount mention it.
but that still caught you off guard,
Truth is that the guy giving you the interview looked tired and fed up, only skimming through your resume with a tired expression. Then he proceeded to just hand you an employee t-shirt and asked when you could start.
Like the awesome and cunning fox you are, you slayed the interview and got the job. The FazBear company totally didn't just give the job to the first person who signed up. No, you definitely got the job cus you were just that good.
some cool lost items you could keep. Mmmm, free shit.
with a thin, velvety, navy blue jacket over it and some black jeans. Your shoes were a nice black pair of steel toe work boots. Gotta love a good boot.
They see your creative work and ask why it wasn't in your resume
You didn't think it was important
And walk out the door to your interview
thinking that this place -out of all your other options- would fuel your creative thirst with a side of a living wage, cus gosh darn it, you ain't gonna get that from being an accountant. You shiver at the thought of an office job as you prepare yourself for the awaiting day.
you stir in your sheets and blankets as you lift them to cover your face. The early morning sun always seemed to try and tear you away from the blissful comforts of sleep. You where content in bed with not a care in the world
But the sun... the sun wasn't just a ball of light. No the sun was an antagonist
You're in bed, tossing and turning as a desperate attempt to get comfortable. Your body aches
Cold chills run through your body even as you sweat. Your sinuses are stuffed and your head aches. A nauseating feeling washes over you as you're stomach complains
Trying to fall back down the rabbit hole that was dreamland. Unfortunately for you, dreamland is under reconstruction
Your shirt sticking to you damp skin as you move
whining and trembling as chills run down you
sweat laced body causing The fabric of you usually loss fitting shirt clings to you damp skin. You coil into the sheets, desperately trying to get comfortable as you toss and turn.
The sound of your miserable
The sheets beneath you stick to your heated skin, damp and wholly uncomfortable as you toss and turn.
Your body aches
Your body aches and your mind is fuzzy.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
It was a summer post-rok with everyone starting to get along. Munakata invited them all to the beach. While everyone was playing in the water Fushimi makes a sandcastle but this time he is joined by Yata and then Anna makes her own with Kusanagi helping. Shiro and friends wanted to join and made their own, too. They lighted fireworks at night remembering how they used to fight with flames but are now bonding together with something as pretty (and dangerous) as fireworks.
They could make an entire beach full of castles (and Awashima has to stop Munakata from using his powers on all of them, like Captain this is a public beach). Imagine post-ROK Munakata thinks it might be a nice inter-clan bonding opportunity to go to the beach, like isn’t celebrating in the summer a standard event. It’s been a long time since Homra went to the beach and they agree, Kusanagi thinking it might be nice to build some new memories there all things considered. Anna mentions it to Neko and the Silvers agree to come as well, thinking about it Shiro probably hasn’t been to the beach like ever and he’s always kinda wanted to hang out with friends that way. S4 are just excited that since everyone else is invited too that means they won’t have to fight sharks or catch their own food this time. 
When they get to the beach Fushimi of course initially hides under the umbrellas in his hoodie, refusing to go out in the sun. Yata sighs and is like fine but I’m not letting you stay there all day, going to do some surfing on his own. At some point Munakata appears wearing his speedo and now Yata’s too creeped out to continue so he goes back to the beach, where he’s surprised to see Fushimi isn’t hiding in the shade anymore. He spots Fushimi a little ways down the beach making a sandcastle and seeming very intent on it, the sandcastle is already half made and super intricate. Yata sits down next to him all wow that looks so cool and Fushimi stops and looks up, maybe a little bewildered as Yata grins. Fushimi looks away and clicks his tongue softly as he says it isn’t that great, Yata’s like yeah it is it’s cool. Yata offers to help and soon the two of them are working together on a sandcastle in between good-natured squabbling, Fushimi’s making this really intricate castle and Yata keeps trying to “make it cooler” with big hunks of sand and they’re both having so much fun that it doesn’t even occur to Fushimi that this will get swept away by the tide. 
They’re making enough of a racket that Anna comes over to see what they’re doing, Yata asks if she wants to help and she shakes her head and says she’ll make her own. Kusanagi brings her some buckets and Neko follows him looking for Anna, Anna shows Neko the sand castle and Neko thinks it looks neat. She waves Shiro over all look Shiro look and now the Silvers have been roped into sand castle making as well. Eventually the Homra and S4 alphabets probably notice what’s going on and now a whole challenge has popped up, everyone making their own sandcastles to see whose is the best (Anna wins, because hers is the only one everyone can agree on).
 It’s starting to get dark by this point and that’s when Munakata pulls out the fireworks, Fushimi clicks his tongue like you really trust these idiots with sparklers. Everyone’s running around the beach with the fireworks and laughing and Munakata quietly notes that the tide is coming in near Fushimi’s sand castle. Fushimi looks at it and then at the fireworks lighting up the sky and Yata chasing Kamamoto down the beach with a sparkler and he gets this small smile as he says that’s fine, this moment is enough to be permanent. 
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wafflehousec-137 · 2 years
I’ve always wanted to be a writer or any sort of content creator lol so I’ve finally decided to write something that’s not for an assignment, I kinda feel like the assignment writings were better but idk what do you think? Do you like it? What’s good about it And what can I improve?
Untitled boat story Part -1
Oh come on it won't be that bad!” She said with a flirty overtone. I couldn't possibly go with her or any of them for that matter, they're all too chaotic and adventurous. “I'm sorry but I think it just won't be safe enough for all 5 of us to be in one boat, it could tip or eve-”, she cut me off with a punch to the shoulder. “Like i said it will be FINE, if Jamie or Chuck try anything ill tell them to stop and you know Keith is harmless.”. “Ugh okay ill go but you guys gotta be careful.'' I groaned.
When we all reached the pier I was confused, there was no boat or anything. Jamie, Keith, and she was with me at the pier but I started to wonder where Chuck could've been. I started to ask she and Jamie but before I could even get a single syllable out we all bolted in sporadic direction hoping to escape whatever hellish sound is barreling towards us. A roar that engulfed the entire sky came crashing out of the trees behind us and were faced with a possibly worth fate then death itself, Chuck. Not just Chuck, Chuck with a heavy ATV vehicle and a boat attached to the back. “AHH HAHA That was priceless you guys are a bunch of pussies!”. Chuck hollered at us like a overgrown school bully. Jamie started laughing with him as keith just started collecting shells it seemed like the introductions have been made and i might be started to reget my decision. “Yea Okay assholes try something like that when were off at sea and you'll be dancing with jack ketch!”. Chuck and Jamie didn't seem to care but when She actually stook up for me i felt as if i had a chance to survive in this word for once.
“Alight maties!” Chuck spouted out standing tip of the boat. “Hey Keith you got what you need?”, “Yea Chucky hut I got sea shells to sell by the sea shore for sure!”, “Oh stop it you two we’ve waisted enough time” Jamie grabbed her bag that was in the sand and threw it into the boat showering her in some ground up pebbles. Which was quite therapeutic for me. “Well is the guest of honor ready?” She said while giving me a loose side hug. “Well id like to say i was born ready but i was born prematurely so i don't know!”, “Oh well thats charming.” She grabbed my han and guided me until we were in the back of the boat sitting down on these rather uncomfortable seats. Its like someone took a off brand lunch cooler and flipped it upside down calling it revolutionary. I dint even have time to joke about them with her coz Chuck revved up the motor and sped off like we were being chased by a sea creature. “Chuck chill out! Were here for a while no need to rush!” keith said enderily. “Why are you even going so fast?” “coz were being chased by a sea monster jamie!!!” “WHAT?!” everyone exclaimed. Panic around in the air like a virus spreading faster then electric current i spun in every direction trying to see if there was nay clue as to what could be hunting us, the i saw… a tiger shark. “Uh guys is that the sea monster in question?” i asked a bit nervous to speak, “Oh my god chuck! Are you serious” she yelled, “ I told you guys before we got on here not to do stuff like this!” “Girl its fine you gotta back off”, “No its not fine jamie!, im trying to expanded out friend group and you guys are just scaring them away! Remember why we gotta have a new 6th member right?” after she said that everyone got quite, they all slowed down like they were in a trance of some kind. She let out a deep sigh and said sorry them she and i went back to sit as the other three talked about the sea together.
“Hey you guys wanna pet this crab i found?” “Ew Keith no”, “ha i kinda do just coz shes too scared doesnt mean i am”. “Hell yea homie nothing like 2 and half hours of dead single from you too to show some character development”. “Where did you even get this thing man?” “oh it was just walking around and i picked it up and now here we are.” OH MY GOD GUYS” jamie's voice shrieked almost making chuck tip the boat. “Whats wrong babe?” chuck asked threw his stupid frat guy slur. “Theres like like an STD in my bag right now guys!” we all chuckled a but, she asked condescendingly “Jamie what are you talking about?” “just look!” jamie kicked her bag over and some sand poured out to the side making an almost aesthetic like scene . “I don't thing sane is a STD james” keith said while petting his crab. “Ugh Keith you have one!” jamie squealed and kicked her bag more. Just as she did 3 more crabs came out of Jamie's bag, each one larger than the last. Jamie screaming her head off jumped into chucks arms causing chuck to steer the boat uncontrolably to the right pushing all of us to floor and cornering us with the crabs. As Chuck is fighting to get control of th boat and his girlfriend Keith just starts talking to the crabs. “Heyya little buddy, i bet i got your friend huh? No worries come here.’”. Keith gently picks up all 3 of them and slowly lowers them to the side of the boat, “run along now little fella we've had our time, till we meat again.” Keith watched as the crab family scurried down the said into the sea, as he looked up into the horizon a tear fell down his face as if he was seeing the amazing life they all live together. “You're a sweet guy keith” I told him as he was whipping his face. “Yea maybe over here i am” he responded rather bleakly. “Oh my days!” Chuck shouted out grabbing all of our attentions. “That was harder then passing the ASVAB test” we all just stared even jamie who is panting on the floor still shaken from the whole crab experience. Shrugging off what Chuck said it seemed like the vibes have gotten better and the night might be better than the day was.
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