#goodmorning america
therafanatics · 2 months
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New York, NY, USA. 17th July, 2018. Rafael Casal seen after an appearance at Good Morning America promoting his new movie Blindspotting in New York City on July 17, 2018.
Pics by: Alamy
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firebugging · 5 months
0310 are both so insane and bad for eachother pls turn them into milkshakes
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ashley--nicole · 5 months
Good morning Boils & Ghouls. Look who I woke up to.
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taxi-davis · 6 months
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yeahdat2 · 2 years
1 of 1 only 0.011 ETH current value of 19.90 usd
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itsekt · 1 year
"Time to stop hitting the snooze button, wakey-wakey."
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taevisionceo · 4 months
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Good Morning ☕️ Enjoy y'all a great and blessed Thursday
Life is an "inn" on the road where I must stay and wait until the diligence from the abyss arrives for me. ~ Fernando Pessoa - The Book of Disquiet 👍💫💯 How we stay in the "inn of life" depends on ourselves… we should not believe that we are the center of the Universe. Every day is a journey of learning and growth.
#DoWhatYouLove #BeYourself #BelieveInYourself #LoveYourself
Connecting… 12:42pm Thu, Feb 15
In my "Home Station" playing Breakfast In America - Supertramp
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Kabir Parmeshwar in the form of a living Baba met 10 years old Saint Garibdas ji in a field called Nala in 1727 Falgun Sudi Dwadashi, Showed him Satlok (Our Real Home) and gave him initiation.
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designandmanage · 1 year
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The Government lied. They didn’t shoot this thing down! It’s in The Alley in Miami, South Beach. #balloon #china #surveillance #southbeach #miami #florida #jokes #merica #america #usa #balloons #goodmorning #meditation #happyvalentinesday 💜 (at South Beach, Miami) https://www.instagram.com/p/CopG4HVOUBj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
This is a Steve Rogers request about him being injured during a mission and meets Cho's assistant , reader. Tony and the team teased him for crushing on the assistant
hi! thank you for sending this. I hope you like it!
summary - steve starts to crush on the reader after meeting her in the infirmary.
divider by @firefly-graphics , gif isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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“Captain Rogers, you have to stop getting hurt.” Dr Cho scolds him, Steve looks apologetic, “I’m sorry, I’ll try my best next time….” He trails off when he notices someone he’s never seen before standing slightly behind Dr Cho. She notices, looking behind her and then back to Steve, “this is my assistant, Miss L/N. She will be helping me today.”
Steve nods, but his gaze is glued to her, ‘wow, she looks like a dream.’ His face went red as Dr Cho asked him a question, but he was too lost in the woman behind her. He clears his throat, “uh…. Sorry?” Dr Cho shakes her head, “you’ll need to rest for a couple of days, maybe a few weeks. Miss L/N will be here to help you recover.”
His face becomes even redder, “uh… okay,” he agrees and gives Miss L/N a small smile. The whole room goes silent as THE Steve Rogers didn’t put up much of a fight like he usually does when he’s told he has to rest.
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Over the next few days, the team starts to notice the slight changes in their Captain, especially when you are around.
The first to notice was his best friend, Bucky. The day it happened. He was sitting in the kitchen, snacking away on his food, while Steve stood across from him and made himself a coffee. Steve pours some of the coffee into his cup and then picks it up. As he’s about to take a sip, you enter, giving them both a big smile. “Goodmorning, Captain Rogers, Sergeant Barnes.”
Bucky nods, giving a smile back before hearing a smashing sound. They both look over to where the noise came from and see that the coffee cup in Steve’s hands is now on the floor, smashed into pieces, while Steve’s face is entirely red. At that moment, Tony walks in, “really, Cap? That’s the fifth cup this week!?” 
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After all that, the team started catching on whenever you entered the room. Steve would immediately start to blush. He’s broken many things and even walked into many doors/walls while talking because you walked by and gave him one of your cute little smiles. 
They are all sitting around, “so Cap, have you asked out Y/N yet? Or will we have to keep restocking the things you break?” Steve again goes red. “I don’t know what you're talking about”, he grumbles.
“Aww, Stevie’s got a crush.” 
“I think it’s kinda cute.”
“Same, you should ask her out. She’s good for you.”
Steve pouts, “no, I can’t.” 
Tony rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his chest. “Stop being a wimp, Cap. You’ll do great, and I just want you to stop being Captain America-sized dents in the wall.”
Bucky and Sam put a hand on either side of Steve’s shoulder. “C’mon, Steve, it’s cute to see you all flustered like that.” Sam wiggles his brows as he teases his friend.
“You’ll do fine, you may be a bigger dumbass now than when we were in the 40s, but I think she’s into that. Just don’t hurt yourself or break anything in the process, okay, punk?”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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tetrakys · 10 months
Are we all secretly Argentinian? A brief history of VPN in Beemoov's fandom
Once upon a time, when only High School Life and maybe Eldarya TO were out, players were able to choose their own bank when making a purchase on the games websites. Some banks were extremely cheap compared to others, the cheapest of all being Argentina. This from the perspective of people living in other countries. As an example:
2800 Gold coins were worth 39€ or 49$ or 400 ARS 400 ARS were the equivalent of 27$ in 2016.
So, clearly, anyone given the chance would spend less with such a big discount. And the chance was indeed given, since it was easy to just select another country's bank on the website.
Fast-forward a few years, the option to choose a bank was removed, and people could only use the bank associated to the country they were connecting from. It didn’t take much time for people to realise that it was enough to change IP via a VPN to make the games think you were connecting from Argentina and still access its bank. Additionally, Argentinian's currency was getting more and more devaluated in time and prices were never really adjusted at the bank. So, those 2800 Gold which were worth 400ARS or 27$ in 2016, were now worth 11$ in 2019.
This VPN trick has been around for years now. Not all players were aware of course, and not everyone was comfortable in using a VPN or able to. But still, quite a lot of people were doing so. Some of them even made a business out of it, recharging other people's accounts using a VPN and taking a fee for their "service".
Fast-forward again, to 2022. The VPN trick escalated, the secret was not that much of a secret anymore, especially because people were freely talking about it everywhere, Discord, Facebook, all social media really, even TikTok videos were made explaining how to do it. Very simply, too many people were using it. Consequently, Beemoov worked on it and managed to remove Argentina's bank from most VPNs for people playing from Europe and North America. (NOT South America, as I vaguely remember it was mentioned that they were trying to protect the Argentinians living in nearby countries). This led to a crazy uproar, mostly from the biggest fandom affected, the French one. People were leaving tons of messages on all socials demanding the reinstatement of Argentina, and also sending curses and death threats to Beemoov employees. The most recurrent message was of people outraged that the company had blocked VPNs without telling their players and demanding dialogue and compromise. On the other hand, Beemoov replied that VPNs were never a functionality of the games, and they don't need to discuss it with players.
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Approximate translation of Beemoov's official reply (neither French nor English are my mother tongues so feel free to double check):
"Goodmorning. The use of VPN isn't a functionality offered by the game, just like it isn't normal use of the game to circumvent the base tariffs. Thus it's normal and logic that the company would put a stop at this technique. (Without having to communicate it since it's not a functionality of the game that we are retiring or modifying, but the exploitation of a fallacy.) The tariffs that each country pays are established according to their buying power. Of the 2 euros payment that can be done by the players via VPN Argentina, the company only earns a few cents. And with just a few cents it's clearly impossible to cover the costs of the episodes production and business costs in general, pay our employees, and create new content for our players. Under these conditions, it's certain that the company would eventually go bankrupt. (Like many of you wish, but us not that much.) To give you a less abstract example, it's as if someone would accept to see their salary of 1329 euros (minimum wage, for example) drop to 44 euros. Do you think this person would be able to live without any problem? We are sorry if our base tariffs are not convenient for you and we understand that they are not accessible to all of our players, but these are what allow the company to survive and to make new content. Of course like in all free-to-play games you are not obliged to pay and you always have the possibility of playing for free (and this is thanks to the players who pay the normal price)."
Fast forward again to this year, August 2023. The economic crisis in Argentina has led to high inflation and 22% devaluation of currency. All businesses have had to up their prices, including Beemoov. Those 2800 gold coins that used to be worth 400 ARS ~ 27$ in 2016, and then 11$ in 2019? Are now worth 1.14$. Beemoov has had to up the prices and now these are costed at 6,800 ARS (or 19.43$), an increment of 17 times its original value (but still less than the 2016 dollar equivalent).
Consequently, we have seen now the rest of the fandom, the part that hadn't been affected one year ago, going ballistic. And the same kind of threats and complaints that were posted last year by the European fandom are now posted by the American fandom. One would assume that only the Argentinians are complaining, rightfully so, since they are the ones directly affected. But actually most of the complaints come from people living elsewhere who were either using VPNs for their own benefit or created a business out of it.
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(these are from 4 different people I found with just a 5 minutes search, we really live in a capitalist dream lmao)
Additionally, people have been upset about the company's reply. This message has been circulating in several social media, and people wonder if it's true or fake.
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I don't know who originally posted so I can't say if it's true or not. (Personally I tend to believe it is.)
(Using Google translate here because I don't know a word of Portuguese, so please correct me if this is wrong.)
"To be fair, Latin America is far from our biggest customer, but that's not the point. Beemoov was forced to take action after numerous abuses by players (and in particular 80% of purchases from Brazil) using VPNs to connect to Argentina and take advantage of this country's poor financial situation to buy APs and other in-game currencies. The few players currently residing in Argentina are unfortunately affected by the situation and we are very sorry, but we could not remain inactive in the face of a fraud of this magnitude that puts the company's sustainability at risk (payment of employees, office rent, work equipment, taxes, creation of new content, etc... Each of these must be paid in euros following the French currency - as we are located in France)."
People have been particularly offended by that "LATAM isn't our biggest customer" which isn't hate, it's a fact. Despite the LATAM fandom being big (second only to France by number of players), the currencies of all the countries involved are worth less than euros, and that's why it can't be the biggest client, it's just math.
Some math below for who is interested, but feel free to skip: For example 1300 gold are costed 200 in mexican pesos which is 10.7 euros. Similarly this same amount of gold is 30BRL in Brazil, which translates to 1.6 euros. Compared, 1300 gold in France are costed 19 euros. (On top of these there are also bank fees and currency exchange fees). This means that, if no one were using VPN, it would take two mexican players for Beemoov to earn the same amount as they earn from a French player. And even more, 12 Brazillian players to pay what they get from one single French player. (Again, I'm not considering bank fees, so these numbers should actually be higher). Of course this is just an example on one single purchase. It's not representative of the whole bank. But with some very hacky math, approximately I think that LATAM doesn't contribute to more than a quarter of Beemoov's revenue (and keep in mind that for the past year LATAM could use Argentina VPN and Europe couldn't). Of course, again, this is veeeery approximate, but I remember Brazil wasn't included in Uncoven, so I think that if they are cutting another bank in the future it might be that one. This is not the case for New Gen of course since we know Brazillian is one of the languages included.
So, where are we now?
VPNs are still being used of course, not Argentina but other countries (mostly Brazil, Turkey, and a few others). I don't think there's any stopping VPNs for good in the old games, but I'm pretty confident the company might've found a way for New Gen.
What do I think of all this?
These up here are facts. Now my personal opinion is that things aren't that black and white. I totally agree with the fact that the company has expenses and needs to pay salaries of their employees etc etc. At the same time it's also true that for whatever business when a product is faulty prices are lowered. Eldarya ANE has not the same quality as the other games, prices should reflect that but they don't. Similarly, some episodes are released very bugged, and people have to replay 3, 4, 5 times to get the illustration they would've been able to get in one playthrough and should be compensated for that. In Moonlight Lovers there was a crazy bug for more than a year, me and the friends I made guides with had to replay each episode at least 5-8 times. I don't even want to try to estimate the amount of money I wasted on that game otherwise I would curl in a ball and cry. The company should've provided compensation to us and all the players who played Moonlight Lovers during that year, but they didn't. So when episodes are bugged and people have to replay many times I see VPNs as morally justified.
But bugs asides, the point is that if VPNs were used only a few times, and only by those players who really would not be able to play otherwise, then nothing would've happened. But as always, when something is abused the "authorities" try to put a stop to it. (Because really it's crazy that a middle-class European via VPN spends only a few cents on each episode and then expects to see more content. This isn't only fraud against the company, but also disrespectful toward the players who pay full price and allow the games to keep existing.)
However, I want to end this post with a positive message, if anyone made it this far it's earned. During my deep dive in the fandom to write this post, I saw that the trolls, the haters, the death and violence threats against Beemoov workers or other players, the wishes to see the company go bankrupt and everyone left without a job, all these came from Europeans and Americans alike. Seeing all these curses and threats in english, french, spanish, brazillian portuguese etc warmed my heart. There is no racism when it comes to hate, humanity sucks everywhere 💕
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Y/N’s first day in Morioh
Pt 2 pt 3
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Spring was just beginning and you were a new semester in a foreign country. The nerves barley let you sleep before you could hear the birds chirping and your mother yelling for you to get breakfast. You felt like a zombie as you trudged down the hall following the smell of bacon and eggs. Your mother was giddy and moving around the kitchen as if she were in some type of Tv show.
“ Goodmorning sweetheart!” She happy chimed as she put two more pieces of bacon in the pan to fry.
A deep sigh escaped your lips as she turned up the radio, why is this woman this happy to ruin my life. Everything was beyond perfect in New York. Your entire life was in New York, you had big plans, and everything was ruined all because your father got a promotion and your mother was more than happy to just up and leave America to explore a new part of the world.
College, cheer leading, the school news paper, ballet class, your friends… everything was ripped from you and you had to restart in a country that you knew little to nothing of. Coming to a small town where everyone knew each other compared to being in New York was terrifying. Not to mention you were so different than literally everyone else it was like you were being punished.
You had to spend the rest of your sophomore year learning a new language while trying to balance your life and grades. You had to pack up every little memory from your childhood home… to move to Morioh. You resented your parents, how could they do this to you with little to no care.
Now it was as if you were restarting highschool altogether because you were a first year in this country. You had to relearn every little thing while your parents pranced around like they were Disney characters. For reference, think of them as that one episode of family guy where Stewie and Brian got stuck in a world animated by Disney.
You were almost done eating breakfast when you saw your father, he was dressed in a fine suit and he sat down gingerly when your mother placed his food on the table. They both must be on something because this can’t be real life in all honesty.
“ Honey, do you want me to drive you to school?” He questioned.
“ No, I don’t need any more attention than I will get for the rest of my time here. Speaking of that how long are we going to be here”
“ Y/N, we know this is rough for you but please don’t start this on your first day of school”
Unbelievable, they’re mad that you don’t want to be here as if they didn’t make you just up and leave your life to come somewhere where you had to learn every custom and entire language all in a year. You didn’t feel like arguing anymore or else your pent up tears will drop before you even made it to your first class.
Today you were walking to school. At least you could be alone and familiarize yourself with the neighborhoods without being told an entire speech about how “ this was a good thing” and “ you should be grateful that this promotion was given to your father because you’ll only have the best of the best.” Blah blah— the best was in New York and you are no longer in New York so what the hell was the point.
As you walked along the roads there were some constant stares from the variety of people going to work or to your school. Yup, you were an outcast. As you needed the school you noticed a two very tall guys, one had your uniform the other was wearing a white suit. You being nosy you tried your best to get near them since a few girls and another boy with your uniform surround them when suddenly the boy from your school was punched in his jaw.
The girls screamed and you let out a gasp, you made eye contact with the man who was basically a giant even though he wasn’t near you. The boy fell to the ground colliding into your legs making you fall as well.
The man reached for the boy almost completely ignoring you and you had to count back from ten in order to not blow up on the gigantic idiot. You picked your bag from beside you and started walking off before an arm grasped your shoulder.
“ Hey get off-”
“ You’re new right? I’m sorry for bumping into you can I walk you to the nurse.”
You turned back to look at the boy. He had the prettiest blue eyes, full lips, my he was just handsome. But he was a little shit and you didn’t want to be anymore involved with this idiotic dispute than you already were.
“ I’m alright, I should be going school is starting soon. Have a good day” You remarked trying to be as polite as you could while your patience ran thinner by the minute.
You picked up your speed as he called out to you, he wanted desperately to make up for what happened but this wasn’t going to be how you started your first miserable day in this town.
When you got to your home room you had to introduce yourself and it was so embarrassing they looked upon you like you were some alien. Which you were, they probably never seen someone with your complexion outside of tv.
Everyone was polite and it wasn’t the worst thing in the world but no matter what you did everyone was fascinated like never before. Just as your homeroom ended the door opened up, you looked up out of curiosity and to your dismay you made eye contact with the boy from earlier.
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A/N: This was originally going to just be a one shot but I can spread this into a few parts of maybe even make it into a series. I think it would be fun to see the adventures Y/N will go on with Josuke & Jotaro right ! I promise to make it worth your while ! 😘
Tags for this will begin in next part let me know if you’re interested !!
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clearlydiamondz · 10 months
Loyal to Royalty
Erik!Stevens x OC
Part Four
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Princess Imani was the black sheep of her family, never really fitting the female royal type. When an arrange marriage between Prince   N'Jadaka and her is set up, she tries her hardest to get away… but she just can’t.
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The following morning, Nakia and Imani woke up early to go for a run in the morning dew. With the perfect temperature, it was a must. "Princess please slow down. Not everyone can be as fast as you." Nakia panted bending over as Imani turned around chuckling.
"Sorry, I usually don't have anyone running with me." she replied before she grabbed Nakia's shoulder making her stand straight. "Hands on top of your head. There is no oxygen down there." she joking said as Nakia hit her with her towel on her thigh making her laugh.
"Soo... it seems like you and Prince N'Jadaka is getting quite familiar with each other." she wiggled her eyebrows as Imani rolled her eyes.
"Don't think to much of it." she responded sitting down in the grass as Nakia sat down next to her.
"How could I not, you guys looked more in love last night than me and Challa." she bumped shoulders with her.
"I'm really good in what I do." she responded back as Nakia laughed.
"I see. Have you seen the tabloids?" she responded as Imani looked at her confused.
"You may work hard but Wakanda works harder." she laughed as Imani shook her head. "I gotta look for myself." Imani said standing up and dusting her butt off and then helping Nakia up.
They were now at the palace, in the kitchen making smoothies. Imani sat at the counter on her iPad looking through the online articles and blogs. Not only were they viral in Africa, they were top trending in the States.
The new royal couple seem to come out of no where, but boy are we excited! American business owner, Erik Stevens, are now getting married to the Princess of Kambaho, Imani, daughter of King Z'Kiri have made their relationship public as they were seen with King T''Challa and his wife, Princess Nakia. Erik Stevens, also known as N'Jadaka in his father's country, were found out to be blood after the death of King T'Challas father. It is rumored the two will be the new royal couple in the Country of Kamabaho. More insights later to come.
"I was not expecting to be trending in America." she said in shock as Nakia laughed.
"I mean yeah.. it's not like everyday Americans have someone marrying royalty." she said pushing the smoothie her way as she took it opening another tabloid. Pictures of them were shown sitting on the front row, talking and smiling with each other. Damn, they looked real good.
One of the pictures had her laughing as Erik stared at her in awe. If she wasn't a fool, it looked as if that look was genuine. She continued looking through the pictures.
"Ayo, you got to see this!" Shuri came into the kitchen with her tablet, which she had on twitter. "Don't know if you know this but y'all are trending on twitter right now."
Me: Mom can we go watch Coming to America
Mom: We have coming to America at home
The coming to America at home:
That one made her laugh loudly.
She continued to read through the tweets as Erik came in. "Goodmorning y'all." he said sitting beside Imani as she looked at him with a smile.
"We are trending on twitter right now." she told him as he chuckled.
"Yeah I caught wind of that. Some of my niggas back home in Oakland saw it and hit me up." he chuckled sitting back in the chair.
"So, this will probably mean that you will need a publicists." Nakia said cleaning up the mess from the counter as Imani groaned.
"Oh god, I didn't even think about that." she said but then she thought about it.
"Well why would we need to do that?" Erik asked.
"Well for some interviews and events to be approved, we need a middle man to direct these things." she said as Nakia nodded.
"I mean I'm not sure how comfortable you are with American tabloids but you most definitely will need to do so if you plan on talking to them. You know how messy they can get." Nakia rolled her eyes.
"Don't even get me started. Took one look at the Shaderoom and my goodness are they misrable." Shuri rolled her eyes as Erik chuckled.
"I'll have to run it by my father. I'm not sure how comfortable he is with that." she said, then Erik looked at her.
"I mean, it's only fair. That is MY home country after all." he said. He was expecting her to say something negative but all she did was sigh.
"And I completely agree. But my father has a distrust with the American government. Not the American people. They know for a fact they'll try to mounvier some way to get vibranium. Especially with us trending right now." she said scratching her forehead.
"Seems like you did your job a little too good." Nakia smirked.
"Well, Nakia and I have some stuff to work down in the lab." Shuri grabbed her stuff before putting a hand on both of their shoulders.
"I wish you the best of luck my Coming to America rip offs." she said laughing. The two of them playfully rolled her eyes. They left the kitchen as Erik looked at her.
"What do you think your father will say?" he asked her standing up as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Honestly, my best bet is he'll say no. And quite frankly, I wouldn't feel too comfortable also." she said standing up. He turned around and looked at her.
"And why is that?" he said crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at her. If it wasn't for these circumstances, Imani most definitely seen that and would be turned on. His muscles were nicely on display with the black T-Shirt, and don't get her started on the grey sweat pants.
"I mean, I took a look on the Political news tabloids. They are already talking about trading with our Country if Wakanda isn't up for it. And I'll be damned if I let that happens."
"Well that doesn't have nothing to do with talking to American tabloids." he mentioned leaning against the counter.
"Not yet it doesn't. America is like-" she stopped her self before saying something offensive about America to this American.
"Say what you need to say. America ain't all that great to folks that looks like us." he chuckled noticing she was beating around the bush.
"You give America an inch, they'll want the same amount of miles from the Sun to the Earth." she said as he laughed.
"Well, this is something that needs to be discussed with King Z'Kiri." he responded. For some odd reason, she was a little offended by it.
"And why can't we come to this conclusion together. I mean, we will be the next King and Queen." Not it was her turn to cross her arms with an attitude.
"Okay, for one drop the attitude." he said grabbing her arms and unraveling them as she rolled her eyes. "For two, you seem a little hesitant. Plus, with the two of us as rulers no way America will step over us or Wakanda." he stated. "You already know what's up with me."
That bought her back to the first night they met. He was very adamant and helping black Americans and she knew damn well he would try to prevent that from happening. Maybe she could take this as an advantage for her country to be protected.
"Okay.. I admit your right." she whispered as he turned around with a fake shock.
"Me? Right? You have a fever." he said touching her forehead as she smacked his hand away as he smiled at her. Gold teeth, white straight teeth, dimple smile. Damn, why he had to look at her like that.
"Why you staring at me like that?" he asked her. Thinking quick on her feet, she pointed to his smile.
"Your gold teeth compliments you well." he smiled even harder to show it off.
"Eh, I have a nice collection of grills. Might get you your own." he winked at her as she laughed.
"My father would have a heart attack." she chuckled then nodded. "That would be nice."
"Aye, you can't be my woman and not walk around with some gold on your teeth."
Her trip to Wakanda came to an end. As much as she didn't want to leave, business needed to be attended at home. She walked through the halls before she saw her father, Amarah and Oshana sat in the living quarters reading and/or watching the television.
"Oh your back!" he exclaimed closing his book with a smile on his face. "I see you represented your country very well, daughter." he smiled at her as she nodded.
"Yeah, N'Jadaka was really supportive." she said scratching her forehead. "But father, there was something that the two of us needed to discuss about the news. I'm not sure if you know this-"
"Yeah you guys reached the Americans." he said standing up. "Seems like you guys are getting a positive feedback."
"Well not that exactly. Politics." she said as he groaned.
"It's not in your place as queen to make political decisions. You need to leave that with your father and Erik." Oshana said rolling her eyes.
"Listen, I'm really not in the mood to go back and forth with you right now. Dad whenever your free, please." she said looking at her father.
"Of course."
"Well since queens are being involved in politics now, I demand to be there for this conversation." she said standing up as Imani groaned. "Don't catch an attitude now. You're not even the Queen yet. That title still belongs-"
"Still belongs to you whatever. If you are that pressed fine. You can sit." she gave her dad one last glare before returning back to her room.
"I honestly can't with that disrespectful little girl. How dare she speaks to me that way." she snaps at her husband as Amarah budded in.
"I would never speak to you like that, yet you give her this grand opportunity." Amarah said annoyed.
Later that evening, the three of them sat in his office.
"For started Erik and I thought it would be necessary for us to higher a manger and publisits. This way, we can control any information that is leaked through the public." she started off as her father looked at her confused.
"We don't have publisits and we are fine." her father said.
"I know father, but these are different times that we live in. Any tiny bit of information that leaks out whether it's the marriage or the vibranium supply that we have here, we need to control it." she stated. "We are trending right now, and by my calculations may be trending until we are married. With this, plus the uproar about vibranium we need to have a tight security on what is put out on the internet. It's not just Wakanda or Oshana that we have to worry about at this point, it's the whole world now." she convinced him.
Her father didn't want to show it in her face, but damn was he proud. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could depend on his daughter to run things smoothly, but he just couldn't depend on her... is it because she is a woman. Or is because she is young. Maybe it's both.
"And what does Prince N'Jadaka have to say."
"He believes that we should have some control over the media in America too. This may be doing interviews, or working with officials but we cannot let them get the chance to over step us and take our natural resources away like they have any other country." she stated as he nodded.
"This could be a proposition that we make with the council. I trust your judgement daughter." she nodded before continuing.
"So, I don't know if you have read their political news lately but they are already having conversations about trading with us instead of Wakanda." Imani started off. "Even though Wakanda signed the Sokoivia Accords, they aren't giving up their vibranium and I don't think neither should we." she said.
"I agree." he said but his wife cut her off.
"I don't see why not. Vibranium is expensive and we can make money off of the trade. " Imani closed her eyes before saying,
"It's not about the money Oshana. It's about the distrust of deadly materials being handed over to the Americans. It's the dangers of Vibranium getting to outsiders." she said as Oshana groaned.
"Girl you're acting like America is going to go on a killing rampage. If we trade with them, this will result in them not overstepping our boundaries and making money at the same time. Is that not the goal?"
"No, it's not." she snapped at her. "Look, I know you are new to this but when I say trading with the Americans for the most deadly substance would be the downfall of this country, it will destroy us." she stated.
"You let them have just a bit of vibranium, they are going to keep asking for it, and asking for more. And when we either say no, or we can no longer provide it because we are emptied out, then what. Because the last time I checked I don't see America trying to rebuilding the countries that they have stolen violable resources from. They will leave us bone dry. And don't even get me started on the accords. We did not sign it, so that gives them any other reason to put a target on us." she stated looking at her. "Do you even know what the accords is?" she asked her as her mother looked at her father for back up.
"But with the money that-"
"Do you know what Sokovia Accords are?" she repeated herself but her step-mother was silent. She looked to her dad.
"And you thought bringing her in here was a smart idea. Tuh." she chuckled shaking her head.
"Okay you wait just a minute. Now I have every right to say what I think is better for this country as queen. And I think that idea is dumb as hell."
"Lady you don't know even know what the Sokovia Accords are. Do you not know that if we express to them hey we have vibranium and would like to trade, we will most likely not even make any money from it all. Because it goes against the One Nation." she stated to her.
"Then just sign the-"
"Father please stop this nonsense." she looked at her father. "I can not sit down and have a proper argument with someone who doesn't even know what she's talking about. All she see's is dollar signs." she rolled her eyes.
"That is far from my truth!"
"You literally just said and I quote 'Vibranium is expensive and we can make money off of the trade'. That is as close as your truth then I don't what." she responded back as her father stood.
"Enough! The both of you!" he yelled at the two of them. "Daughter, I hear you and I am listening. I've told you before I trust your judgement. We will discuss this further more with N'Jadaka." she smiled but then it dropped when he said, "Further more any decision that is made will still go through me and your step mother as we are your king and queen. I will also take into consideration what she has to say also." he stated as her eye twitched. "Understood?"
"Yes my king." Imani mumbled under her breath. Her looked at Oshana.
"Yes beloved king." She bowed her head at him.
Oshana entered her daughters room, closing the door. "Well how was it?" Amarah asked sitting up from her bed.
"She's as stupid as her damn mother." Oshana spat out sitting on the bed. "They will not trade with America over some foolishness. Does she not realize how much money we would receive."
"She probably doesn't understand. America needs to know we are willing to trade with them." Amarah said. That's when a thought came to the queens head.
"Pack your stuff. We are going to America."
Erik stood in front of the mirror completing his last set of bicep curls. His mind racing with everything that has happened in the last few weeks, but his mind started to drift off at the thought of Princess Imani.
The way she walked, her confidence, the way she talked, the way she could take control of a room. As bad as he didn't want to admit it, he was definitley crushing on the princess. Even finding solace in the idea that they will eventually become King and Queen.
But his thoughts overwhelmed him with the thought that those feelings were not mutual. She was pretty adamant on keeping it strictly business where as she was doing what she had to do for her country. But there was no foul rules on getting her to accept him.
He was deep in thought on how to win her over when he heard his phone ring. Answering it thinking that it was her since everyone he knew communicated through their bracelets, he answered it.
"Hello?" he answered putting the weight down.
"Prince N'Jadaka has a name ring to it." the girl said on the other end. It most definitely wasn't Imani.
"Who's this?"
"Wow, so you move and become prince and forget about me?" Immediately he recognized the voice.
Arianna Cope.
His sneaky link when he was back in the states. They fucked on occasion, not really making any moves past just wanting to fuck each other. Well that was until he caught feelings. Wanting more with her than just a fuck, she laughed in his face. That was the last time he spoke to her.
"Ohh." he chuckled. "Thought you lost my number."
"Eh, I never deleted it to be honest." the girl chuckled on the other end. "I seen your new little girlfriend. She's cute."
"Beautiful isn't she."
"Bet her daddy gotta lot of money." she laughed as Erik laughed too.
"Yeah.. but she got her own too." he said walking around the gym. He wasn't going to lie, he did like her. A lot. And really did miss her a lot. But he didn't want to mess up any chances of being King. He wasn't letting no hoe or bitch get in his way.
"You always went for the girls with big dreams huh. She got you over here trending and shit. Everybody been hitting me up about you... about us." she trailed off the last part. He closed his eyes looking up at the ceiling.
"Yeah well... there ain't no real us is there." he responded as she sighed. "You made that known long ago."
"That don't mean I didn't miss you." she said. Their was a long pause before she spoke again. "You still there?"
"Yeah, just thinking."
"About me, I hope."
"I was." he bluntly said. "But not in the way you were thinking."
"Boy please, don't be acting all brand new now that you got some royal blood in you and some royal pussy." she scoffed with a laugh.
"Nah I ain't acting brand new, but you are." he laughed. "You laughed in my face when I wanted to be with you. This could have easily been you, living in a palace. Anything you ever wanted and needed and you missed that opportunity. " he was lying his ass off, but he just wanted to flex on her.
"Mhm, I still got love for you though. You know that."
"I'm sure you do." he looked up and saw T'Challa walking in. "Aye look though, I gotta bounce. I appreciate the call though." he said.
"No problem. Call me soon , okay."
"Yeah.. I'll see about that."
@life-in-the-slut-house @gloglamsparks @waveynaee @lalaooopsie @luvvjada @nccu-rnc @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @leahnicole1219 @meeksmillsfenchfries @hinatasfleshlight @kokokonako @junie04 @sourbabynaee @sociallyawkward18 @raysunshine78 @justgetitoverwith0 @lishabaybee @rbhp @ladymac82 @musicismeb @keviekevswife1 @chaneajoyyy @youlovechicky   @sexicherri3 @amirra88 @jameica17695 @lishabaybee @softleoblue @automaticdragonmugalien @lynaye1993 @eterrealluvrr @xsweetdellzx @ajenae @forevermoremagcon @babbydollaaassignn @ziayamikaelson @blmcd57110 @kaireads2020 @ts1mp0ne @luvvvjada @cozyashhh  @hippieonboard @ejs398 @royaler1999 
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mouseshift · 2 years
goodmorning america (its 8 pm) anyways look
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campbells-content · 1 year
Part 2 of road trip au, post road trip. Also un checked and unedited.
They don't spend the next few days together on purpose.
So, as I said, Chloe offers a ride to Juleka, but once they get to the boat, Juleka asks Chloe if she wants to hang out. She says yes and the first day they just hangout on the boat, talking for hours, watching movies and laughing at Luka's reaction to the jumpscares. By the time they realized how long its been it is midnight and Chloe ends up spending the night. In the morning they get dressed and get ready. They take a detour on the way to the hotel and go shopping till they get hungry, then go eat. They get to the hotel and Chloe asks her if she wants to come up for a bit. They do and they just lay on the bed and talk. "So, you're dad has partial custody?" "Yeah, which sucks cause he lives in America." "Is anything gonna happen since you just up and left?" "Probably not, he's pretty laid back. Maybe even a little too laid back." "I guess it has its perks." "Yep." "You wanna get out of here?" Chloe sat up with a smile. "It'll be fun."
They end up going around Paris, to the park and then up to the observation deck on arc de triomphe in time for the sunset. They're not alone but they kindof get lost in eachother, almost missing golden hour. When golden hour does happen Juleka can't look away. Chloe can't look away from her. Chloe realizes she may or may not have feelings for her. After the sunset they walk around for a few hours then head back to the hotel, laughing about the fact that they've spent the last like 9 nights together and were about to spent 1 more. They couldn't sleep so they went up to the roof, keep in mind it is now the middle of the night. No one is there and there is no event so the lights are all off. Chloe looked around for the power box and flicked on the lights. She dragged Juleka to the railing where she new they'd get the best view.
The city was still so alive with lights everywhere. Again, they just talked. "It's sad." "Hmm?" "That we trade the lights in the sky for the ones on the ground." "Oh." "Sorry, that was probably a little to dreary." "Juleka?" "Yeah?" "We have been trading trama stories for the past week." "I know." "Your cute concern about light pollution is not too dreary." "Oh." "If anything it's kindof endearing." "How?" "Even when you see something this beautiful, you still think about what it costs. Then again you did grow up with Rose." "She might've affected my view of the world a teensy bit." "You two are close?" "Have been for years. Oh, shit. She doesn't even know I'm back."
"Yeah she does." "What?" "She's been asking in the group chat. The others messaged about the details of the road on the plane ride home." "Oh." "What?" "Nothing." "Trouble in paradise?" "No, nothing like that. It just hit me that this has to end eventually." "What does?" "This-" she motioned between the two of them "-I've just really enjoyed hanging out." "It's not ending now, is it?" There was a mini desperation in her tone that only seemed to ring in the seconds of silence. "I don't think so." Filled with relief, Chloe suggested they go back inside and they did after almost falling in the pool and cutting out the lights. They watched another movie and fell asleep. Chloe woke up first to butler guy knocking on her door. He just told her that Andre is glad she got home safe and would like to schedule a dinner sometime this week. She said yeah, sure and went back to bed. She couldn't get back to sleep so she stared at Juleka until she realized she was staring at Juleka. Then she just got up and sat on her balcony with the door open. Juleka woke up and silently joined her. They mumbled their goodmornings and just enjoyed the morning air in silence. 30ish minutes later, another knock on the door as butler dude came to tell Chloe they're about to stop serving breakfast.
He is a little surprised when Juleka is standing behind Chloe but continues to tell them both about the breakfast ending. Chloe asks if Juleka wants to get this or go out. They get hotel breakfast, joking as they ate in the dining area. Butler guy comes to tell Chloe about the dinner scheduled in three days. She nodded and he left. They finished eating and went back up to Chloe's room. They just chilled out in there for a few hours until they got hungry again. They raided the kitchen and then Chloe got a text from Adrien. A: "wana hng ut" C: "with who?" A: "me n alya" C: "can juleka come?" A: "👀" A: "sur" They went to Adrien's and played some video games, watched a movie, and played some bored games. They ended up staying the night there and sleeping on a pallet while. Chloe woke up to Adrien and Alya talking from the bed. When they saw her up they laughed and said goodmorning. "Whats so funny?" "Nothing." "You and Juleka seem close." "We've been hanging out." "For how long?" "Did you even drop her off?" She got flustered at that and glared at Alya. "I was going to! Really, I was, but she asked if I wanted to hang out." "And you just haven't left?" "Did you even want to?" She was silent, her face getting more flushed. "Chloe..." "You're down bad, girl." She looked back to make sure Juleka was still asleep. "...I know." Alya laughed at and teased her and Adrien tried to console her. Eventually Juleka woke up and they ate breakfast. Chloe focused on her food and aladrien kept glancing at everyone. Juleka pretended she didn't notice. Afterwards aladrien say they are gonna go mess around and record at the park. Chloleka just went back to the hotel to get Juleka's stuff that she left because they weren't planning on spending the night at Adrien's. They watched another movie, then another, and another. Juleka said she should probably go home after one more. They start the movie but Chloe kinda just falls asleep.
The movie ends and Juleka is about to leave but she doesn't want to leave without good bye. She lays there for a minute and pulls out her phone to text Luka. J: 'Probably not gonna make it home tonight.' L: 'This is a very long date' J: '>-<' J: 'Its not a date.' L: 'Sure its not' J: 'Shush' L: ':P' J: 'ur gae' L: 'Says the one on week long date' J: 'Its not a date.' L: 'Sure' J: 'I'm going to ignore that and go to sleep.' L: 'Really? Its a little early don't you think?' J: 'Its 10?' L: 'I'm guessing she's already asleep?' J: 'Yep. Gn.' L: 'Lol night ig' She lays there for a while before putting on another movie and getting comfy under the covers.
This is where it ends for now cause I've hit a mental block
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thepinkwriterr · 1 year
Capricorn Season Chapter Twenty-Two 
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Sorry for the little lapse in posting. I’ve been busy with school and life. I recently became a Muslim and I’ve been filling my time with learning about Islam and Arabic! But now I have a few chapters to post. Enjoy 
Table of Contents
Word Count: 6k
It was on the days they woke up together that Robert sang the best. When a day began with staring lovingly into the expanses of her blue eyes, he felt like God was on his side. With her he shined.
"Goodmorning," she said in a low voice. It was too early for loud moves or sudden words. Sun poured in through every open airplane window, ensuring to catch their tired eyes.
And her beauty was an understatement. She was a flowery treasure chest, more gold than you could ever imagine being found inside. He admired who he was when she was around.
"Goodmorning," he returned with a wispy smile, turning uncomfortably in his tiny seat.
- They were a mass of blonde curls under the blinding San Diego sun. They looked like twins-- two sides of the same coin. Perhaps their similarities were what drew them into one another.
They walked together with locked hands. They passed through throngs of people with the group, taking in the sights of the stuffy airport.
Gwen looked at the couple and tapped Jimmy on the shoulder to draw his attention. "Look at them, they're so smitten." He rolled his eyes at this, intent on getting through the airport.
"You should enjoy the sun! You won't get much of it when we return to England." Her words were a taunt. He didn't want to enjoy the sun, he wanted to go to bed.
He felt like a raisin in the sun. He was ground under the wheels of the Earth, becoming a cloud of pulpy dust by the oppressive heat. He was an English boy, pale and fragile to temperature changes.
"Yeah, Jimmy, enjoy the sun!" Bonzo mocked her, putting on a terrible valley girl accent.
"There isn't any sun to enjoy. We're inside," he grumbled.   They were finally through airport check-in and were headed to their cars. Bonzo, Robert, and Lorelei would be in one, Jonesy, Gwen, and Jimmy in another. Gwen didn't want to be separated from her new best friend but was content to dote on Jimmy in the meantime.
"After you, Lord and Lady." Jonesy held the door open and put on a regal tone.
"Thank, my good sir." She smiled as she slid into the car.
When the door shut the black car lurched forward and began a 45-minute drive to the hotel. This was the reality of touring, not a glamorous display of royalty, but rather, a series of menial tasks and tiring travel. "How are you enjoying the sights, my love?" Robert asked.
"Oh, they're great! I love San Diego." They were gazing into one another's eyes, lost in the vast seascapes of correlating blue.
"We've only been here an hour. And most of that time was spent in the airport." Bonzo's voice was a harsh reality, an end to their gushy romance.
"We've been doing our own sightseeing." Robert was the ever-charming romantic, always saving an awkward moment. He was graceful and practiced in wooing women, knowing exactly what to say to make a girl swoon. This is exactly what Lorelei did. Her face flushed pink, and she smiled wide. "That's my favorite one." He leaned in to kiss her.
"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ," Bonzo groaned, "I'm not listening to this for 45 minutes. I'll jump out the fucking car into the street." The three were doing sightseeing of their own in the other car. They leaned down, peering out of the windows to catch a glimpse of the water below.
"San Diego is California's beach city. They also have the largest number of small farms in America." Jonesy read from a laminate brochure he found in the airport lobby. It was titled San Diego: The Sights You Will Sea." This corny joke caught his attention, and he pulled it off the shelf to save him from death via boredom.
"Still not as nice as San Francisco. That's my favorite place in this whole state," Gwen spoke. Memories of her childhood and adolescence flooded her mind. Scenes of '50s America were fresh and lovely, the world never looked so innocent and beautiful.
"Did you grow up there?" Jonesy asked.
"Oh, yeah, it was really nice. I've never been to San Diego, though." "So how can you know if San Francisco is better?" He asked.
"Because it's the best city in the world. Nothing could top it." She wore her title of Californian with pride.
"You've clearly never had a fresh croissant in Paris," Jimmy said with a coy smile on his face.
"Okay, maybe it's not the best city in the world, but definitely in America."
Jonesy frowned, "I hated San Fransico. Too many people."
"I agree," Jimmy chimed in, "too many homeless people."
Gwen rolled her eyes.
"I just love the sun here. It warms me and brings out the color in my eyes." Lorelei was smiling with a dreamy look in her eyes. Every inch of her was filled with bliss.
Their hands had found each other and rested together on the seat of the car. Bonzo refrained from groaning at the sight of their love. He was getting sick of everyone. The next tour would be without all the romance, he hoped.
"How is Jason, Bonz?" Robert changed the subject to keep the mood light.
"He's doing wonderfully! I'm already teaching him how to play. He has a little kit and everything. It really fills my heart with joy to see him banging away."
His voice was lighter than she'd had ever heard. His face was flushed with a glow of happiness, filled with total glee.
"You have a child?" She asked.
"Yeah, his name is Jason. He's four. He's the love of my life." "That's so sweet. You must've been young when you had him. You don't look old enough to have a child." "I had him when I was 18. It kills me to be away from him." He was still beaming at the thought of his family, despite the sadness that he felt. It wasn't easy for any of them to leave their families.
It was easier for Jimmy, who was more interested in furthering his career than settling down. Of course, it wasn't on purpose that any of them had children so young. But Jimmy was careful. He had a plan in life and knew having a child was not in that plan. Not for the time being, at least. "That warms my heart. Robert, do you have any children?" She asked. This conversation was now going sour, and he had to do something to change the subject. Reminiscing and thinking of family were something they all did, but not to the women they brought on tour.
"Yeah, Robert, do you have any children?" Bonzo was smiling at him. It may have seemed innocent on the surface, but Robert knew what his true intention was. It wasn't an extension of glee for his well-being, it was a challenge. He was an ape bearing his teeth, ready for the slaughter. Robert was a spiritual man, he believed in a plethora of God's. He never knew if he was in their good graces or not, not attending mass or any kind of church. He didn't even pray. But on this day, he knew somebody or something was looking out for him. Before the silence got too thick, filling with awkward hesitance, the car stopped abruptly. It slammed them against the seats, their heads banging into the vinyl. He'd never been so happy to have a headache. "Jesus, what was that?" Bonzo peered out the window.
"Must be traffic." Robert shrugged, turning back to Lorelei. She was worried, wearing an expression of deep concern. He came to her rescue and calmed her nerves. He was a knight, clad in heavy chainmail and brandished a shield. He stroked her cheek and her hair, whispering sweet nothings in her ear while Bonzo investigated. He got out of the car and could now see that the traffic was heavy, the highway at a dead stop. He went back to the door and looked into the window before getting in. Robert and Lorelei were attached at the mouth, engaging in a makeup session.
How disgusting, he thought.
With a groan, he flung open the other car door and pushed Jonesy over so he could scoot in. "Those two are playing tonsil tennis. I couldn't take it, so I'm crawling in with you." He said as he sat next to his friend. "Welcome to the party!" Gwen handed him a neatly wrapped joint that was already lit. Small streams of smoke billowed from the end and he blew a breath out the window.
"Perhaps being stuck in traffic was not the best place to do this," Jimmy remarked.
"Oh c'mon, don't be such a square. Have you taken a hit from this yet?" "No, he hasn't!" Gwen said.
"Here, take this." Bonzo held it up to his mouth. Jimmy retracted his head, throwing it back into the vinyl headrest of the seat.
"No, I don't want it." His lips were pursed, and he was shaking his head in an attempt to get the drummer off of him.
"I'm not stopping until you take a hit!" He cried. Jonesy and Gwen were laughing at the scene, watching Jimmy be tortured with the threat of a good time.
"You may not realize this because he's jovial now that you're around, but he's really a serious guy. There's not much funny business with him. If there's work to be done, he doesn't mess around." Jonesy leaned into her and spoke directly into the shell of her ear. The two men continued to fight.
It escalated into Jimmy screaming. "I don't want it!" It was the loudest Gwen had ever heard him be.
"Yes, you do!" Bonzo screamed back.
"No!" "Yes!"
Jimmy grabbed a fistful of Bonzo hair and pushed him back, causing the joint to fall onto the floor of the car. "Oh, shit!" Jonesy hurried to pick it up before it burned a hole in the carpet.
"What the fuck is going on back there?" Peter rolled the divider down to speak to the group. "Bonzo, what the hell are you doing in here?" When no one answered he barked again, asking what was going on. They all scrambled to answer, speaking at once. "Jesus Christ, stop your bloody yammering. I don't want to hear any more yelling!" He was gruff as usual.
"Or he'll turn this goddamn car around!" Gwen jested, causing them all to laugh. Even Peter was chortling, cutting the sound off with the rolling of the divider.
"Seriously, man, take a hit," Bonzo spoke once more when their laughing stopped.
"You are impossible," Jimmy rolled his eyes but took the joint from his fingers. It was a nub now, barely able to pass from one hand to the other.
"Let me get that before you put it out," Gwen spoke, awaiting the white gift. "Can you hold it for me? I don't want to burn my fingers." She spoke in a small voice.
"Of course." He smiled so sweetly it melted her heart, just as she did his. Jonesy thought it was sweet watching them like this. For some odd reason, seeing Jimmy in love was endearing. Perhaps his best features shone when in the presence of love, or she just brought out the best in him. He held the joint in place while she inhaled, his hand resting on the cleft in her chin. This was one of his favorite features of her face. He enjoyed pressing his lips to the fissure or placing the side of his index finger in the slit.
"Thank you, Princess Pagey." She spoke the vile words so sweetly. His face broke into a light blush of pink as he looked at his friends, mortified.
Bonzo's belly danced with a deep laugh. The corners of his mouth were turned up in a display of complete elation, his skin wrinkling and cracking. His laugh was thunderous and great. It bounced off the walls of the car.
"Princess Pagey! Oh, man, that's a good one!" Bonzo wiped a genuine tear from the corner of his eye.
"Does anyone want this before I put it out?" She asked, holding the roach up.
"Yeah, let me get another one." She passed it to Jonesy who took one last large puff and then handed it to Bonzo. He took a hit and then tossed it out the window.
"That's littering, Mr. Bonham," John spoke in an exaggerated posh accent, sounding almost like Jimmy.
"Oh, my mistake, Mr. Jones. I wouldn't want to desecrate this beautiful city."
"It's the city of beaches, I'll have you know." He continued with the accent.
"It's about to be the city of roaches if we keep this up!" Bonzo's voice raised in volume once more, filling the car with his laughter. He was a loud man, meant to be seen and heard. Aside from the obvious, his almost violent drumming, he was a screamer. He chose to speak loudly with a passion, whether or not he was angry. The falling out between Bonzo and Gwen had been slightly resolved. They resigned to being friendly once more. It was understood that they had different ideologies and should keep them out of the conversation. With three weeks left of the tour, there was no point in pissing your pants over something so meaningless, that being a disagreement or hurt feelings. There wasn't room for either of those things on tour. It was music and fun, and if neither of those was happening, you were asleep. "I've got to get back to my car. I don't want the love birds to get lonely." In an instant he was gone, leaving the three once again. When he reached the car Lorelei and Robert were no longer kissing. He thanked the heavens and got in.
"The traitor returns." "I had to leave. You guys were eating each other. I wasn't going to subject myself to that. It's a pain worse than death!" They didn't laugh at his joke.
"Traffic is letting up. Fasten your belts." Richard spoke above their chattering.
The rest of the ride was smooth. Traffic was lighter, thankfully. Peter could feel the steam coming from his ears as his foot danced on the gas pedal. As he drove, he went over the list of things he needed to do. Book flights for the next three shows, return the rented car before the flight in two days and call Atlantic. He wandered around his responsibilities for the remainder of the ride.
They'd finally arrived. The hotel was an oasis.
"Oh, God, my back hurts!" Bonzo was out of the car and yelling already. Robert and Lorelei were close behind, hands interlocked. Jimmy and Gwen were less showy in their relationship, content to walk next to each other.
"Mine too. I'm glad I can lay down for a little bit before the show." Said Jimmy.
"I can rub it for you if you'd like." They were speaking low as they walked into the hotel. This was a small display of love that only the two could witness. Their entourage trailed behind them, meandering on the pavement.
When they were finally safe in their hotel room they settled into the fresh sheets. "It's not even my own bed, but I don't care. I am just happy to be out of that car and not in a plane."
He agreed with her and then turned to face her. His eyes fell on her and trailed along the gentle curve of her spine. He placed his hands on her delicate skin and rubbed small circles. She was so beautiful, much more so than she ever imagined, he thought. She had entranced him from the moment he gained knowledge of her. That feeling hadn't left him, not for a second since he'd known her.
She looked at him now, turning to see the familiar expression on his face. He was deep in thought. His brows pressed together, creating a crease like the gutter of a book. He was vast and complex as words on a page, much like the wrinkle in his brow. She wondered what he was thinking. He was a mystery, one begging to be solved. She wanted to wiggle her way into his brain and absorb all the knowledge, be a part of the inner workings of his mind. She didn't have to speculate for much longer. He spoke once more.
"You know, it's funny, I feel like the more I get to know you, the less I learn." His soft voice was large in the hotel room, filling the space with his warm lilt. She was silent, pleading with her eyes for him to continue. "I'm opening myself up to you, trying my best to take my shoes off and open my doors. I don't feel that from you."
"I know, I'm sorry. I'm so scared to let my walls down, scared to let you in fully. I've been burned, and I don't want that again. So I try to lock myself up, but you always wriggle your way back in. It's like I can't help but let myself soften when I'm with you."
"So start telling me things."
"Like what? What do you want to know about me?" She almost wanted to giggle. They'd known each other for what felt like forever at this point. But he was right, he didn't know much about her. She kept it all under lock and key. It was inaccessible to even herself at times.
"Everything. I want you to tell me everything."
"Well, that's a pretty broad topic."
"Getting you to talk is like pulling bloody teeth," He broke his concentration with an airy laugh, "Start with your love life. That's not hard, right?"
"I'm afraid."
He groaned. "Why? What could you have to be afraid of?"
"I'm afraid you'll judge me. I don't have the most normal past."
"What could I possibly judge you about?"
"Okay, I'm just gonna be honest," she sighed hesitantly, "I've dated women in the past."
"Well, there's nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, I've been with men before. So I guess that's something we're both being honest about."
"You're bisexual?"
"I guess you could say that." They sat together for a moment, their faces burning. It wasn't common to meet someone who was so open about it. But they found solace in each other's omission. Jimmy broke their silence, his voice now slightly shaken, "You're avoiding the question. Tell me about your love life. What's your past like?"
"I've told you about Dominic."
"No, you've mentioned him, and then I was verbally accosted by him in the most polite of manners. I haven't a clue what happened."
After a hefty sigh, she gave in. In a painful recalling, she told the story of a tumultuous young couple. Two people who weren't meant for each other falling as if they were fated, lovers. Tears brimmed in her eyes, scalding her ducts as they threatened to take presence. The dull aching in her chest began to drum, mimicking the pattern she thought she had quieted years ago. But it was still present as if it had never stopped. The galloping beat of torment ravaged her, sending a wave of agony down her spine.
Her mind wandered over the last moments she shared with Dom. "Okay, I guess I should start from the beginning. We had been dating for almost two years and things had started to fall apart. He didn't seem to care anymore. I don't know if he was firm in the idea that he had me or if he didn't want to be with me. But I was still in it. I wanted him more than anything, I was doing everything I could think of to make him love me and stay with me. But it didn't seem to be working, and I could feel it. I didn't want to admit it, but it was true. I had an art gallery coming up. It was the first time my work was going to be shown in a real gallery and I was so excited. It was part of a larger exhibit, but I had a few pieces being shown. He was going on a trip with his friends to explore Africa. He was really into Pan-Africanism and wanted to see all of the countries that had recently won their independence. I was supportive, I understood why he wanted to go. I even wished I could go, but I would've never asked. It was a month-long trip where he and four other friends went to Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Egypt. He was going to get back the day before my event but promised he would go. The night of the show began, and I was so excited. I wore a pretty dress, did my hair and makeup, and bought some nice new shoes. And he didn't show up. I spent the entire gallery waiting for him and by the time it was over I realized he wasn't coming."
"Oh, hey, Gwen." Dominic lay in bed, a blanket pulled up to meet his chin.
"Um, hey. Did you forget something?" Anger painted her features.
"What?" He asked.
"You are unbelievable!" She cracked, anger spilling out all over the room like gushing water from splintered vases. She was yelling, something she didn't do often. "You missed my gallery!"
He was unphased, a dazed look on his dark features. "You don't have anything to say for yourself?" She asked.
"I was jetlagged. I totally forgot about your gallery, sorry."
"Are you really sorry or are you just saying that? Because you don't seem sorry at all." "I mean, I am, but there's nothing I can do about it now." "You could've just been there! I don't know why it's so hard for you to care. I care so much about everything you have going on. Even your stupid trip!" "My trip wasn't stupid. It was the most important four weeks of my life!" "I don't care! Oh my God, I don't care. Can you just shut up about yourself for five seconds?" "If that's how you're going to be, then you need to leave." "Fine. But if you let me leave then I'm done. I'm not coming back." "You're gonna end a two-year relationship over an art gallery?" "It's not just about the gallery. It's about everything. It's about the fact that you're not even here. Even when you're with me I don't have you. You know I was knocking for twenty minutes? I had to get someone else to let me in the building. You're just in your own little world that I'm not a part of. It's like I have to beg you to love me, to even see me." She was exploding now, a mess of tears and anger falling from her eyes and draining down her alabaster face.
"That's not true. We just went out last week." He rebutted. Fireworks of impossible anger erupted behind her eyes.
"That was a going-away party for one of your friends, that wasn't a date! I was only there so you didn't go alone. I am your convenience, your routine, I'm not your girlfriend." "If that's you feel, then you should leave."
A new low had begun, a possibility she hadn't thought of. He would want to end things. He didn't want to put the work in to even accept responsibility. It was a dead end.
"You're not even going to fight for this? You're just going to throw in the towel?" He shrugged, looking into her wild eyes. They were glistening with the threat of tears, scalding, and fat. "Fine."
Her heels thudded against the floor and stomped out of his apartment. The door slammed shut with a heavy thud. When she was alone the tears escaped. They pushed onto her cheeks, streaming down her soft skin. It was a scene of youthful pain, the first cut. A panicked breath caught in her throat, a weight on her chest. She was hyperventilating now, the memories of abandonment flooding her mind. Now she was alone, shut out in front of his sealed door. Just like that, it was all over. There was no constellation prize or closing statement, just pain. What stung the most was that she didn't have items to collect from his apartment. There was no trace of her in his life. But he coated every inch of her small apartment. The paint from his palette was the tint that covered her eyes, rose-colored glasses of his love. She saw everything with his hues, a strip of his preferred shade in every wall of her brain.
Jimmy looked at her, seeing the pain echoing on her face. It was still haunting her. The ghosts of her past lived inside the cavernous heart that occupied her chest. "I'm sorry, love, that sounds awful. I understand why seeing him again made you so upset. He sounds like a wanker."
His slang made her giggle, a strained laugh filled with a bittersweet pain. "It's no matter now. It's all over, been many years. I suppose I'm a fool for even stressing over it." She dismissed her feelings, pushing tears off the sides of her face.
"No, no, you're not. Your first love isn't something that ever goes away. The pain stays forever, in some capacity." His hand rested atop hers, playing with the flesh that coated her frame.
"You know what the worst part of all of this was?" "What?" "I bought him that stupid ticket for his trip." This made him laugh and she joined in, a sorrowful sound of wheezing. He looked at her again, seeing the pain melting slightly. It was like glittering snow, shrinking under the loving touch of the sun. "At least I have you now. Someone who I feel really cares for me. Even if it took a while for that to happen." "Nonsense. I've always cared for you." "No, the trusting." She said. "You didn't trust me?" "Not totally, not for months." When his face stood still, twisted in pain, she elaborated. "You must understand, you are a Rockstar who asked me out and basically moved me in on the first date. I thought for the first few months that this was a fleeting fling." She spoke nervously, playing with the ring enveloping his index finger.
"I guess I can understand that. I was afraid for a long time to really speak to you about how I felt. I thought you wouldn't reciprocate. I was afraid of losing you. But I see now that it was in vain. We are deeply entranced with one another; I can see it in your eyes. You feel the same way I do, and we share a deep connection." He danced around the words he truly wanted to speak. He was lying, telling a half-truth.
He was still afraid, honestly, too scared to jump off the ledge. When he'd brought up his feelings of love in the past, it wasn't always met with enthusiasm. He'd also used promises of his love to get what he wanted, something he was trying to avoid now.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm not scared to be honest with you anymore. I see that you welcome it with open arms, you embrace me, no matter what I have to say."
Love made liars of everyone, specifically the two lying together now. She was terrified of him, clinging desperately to the walls that separated her heart from his harsh mouth. He could say the words that would tear her down at any point, could wave her off and tell her it meant nothing in a matter of seconds. It is a heavy hand that can wipe away the hard-wrought foundation away in seconds. She was blind to his delicate and light fingers, the way the lithe mechanisms worked away at her heartstrings in the gentlest of manners. He wasn't the man to crush her, he wouldn't dream of it. They were two lovers speaking endlessly of their feelings, one scared to be brazen, and one too blind to see the capacity at which the other would go to avoid true intimacy.
Now they lay down for bed. The sun had set, and the moon was showing, paintings murals on the walls of the hotel room. The scene that lies in their room was an image of love. The couple lay in bed, creating an air of trust as they talked. Their usual topic of conversation was thrown, and she delved into her feelings.
"I still don't really know what I want to do. Each day is an exploration of a dark path for me. But one thing I know for certain is that I was supposed to meet you. We were fated. That day I wasn't even supposed to be there. Allison was going to be your photographer, but she called in sick. And the moment I met you I saw everything. I saw our future, our love. I'm so happy every day that I have you." Her words were low in the dim of the night, being absorbed by his skin due to their proximity. Their lips twisted into matching smiles, mirroring their contentedness for one another. It was there, in a hotel room in San Diego, that something changed. Their hearts had opened, totally vulnerable with clear skin that exposed the delicate and vital workings of their minds. They talked in length about childhood, aspirations, traumas, and other life-altering occurrences. The two reached a new understanding, delving deep into their psychologies and producing a profound and unknown intimacy. "I feel like this is what I've been waiting for. I've spent my whole life in bated breath, searching for something. I hadn't known quite what it was until I found you. You are a key that's opened all my doors, pushed all my windows open. You're a smoke in my lungs, one that is wholly cleansing and alluring." He spoke words of affirmation now, toying with the ends of her hair. His eyes glistened with intense lust, one not intended for matters of the flesh. His fixation was on her figure, the gentle curve of her waist connecting with her hip, a smooth and righteous sight. This did not mean he was longing to consume her body. The desperate flicker in his eyes, set on her skin, was an effect of his need for closeness. He wanted to feel her skin under the calloused pads of his fingertips, to be enraptured in the scent of her. An orgasm was the least of his concerns at this moment. He was content to touch her. She too wanted desperately to hold him. A spell of love was put over them, causing her to pull him in close. He was first facing her, lips dangerously close, but she encouraged him to turn over. Finally, he pressed himself against her, their bodies in perfect contour as they molded together. The expanse of his spine dug into her commodious chest as he took note of the feeling of her. The swell of her chest was soft and fleshy like sweet, summer fruit. His longing to touch her vanished when he felt her deft fingertips in his hair, massaging his scalp. His eyes rolled in his head at her calming touch. He was almost asleep in an instant. As she explored every inch of his crown his frame grew smaller in her arms. He was shrinking under her touch, morphing into the child he described. She imagined him sitting at the breakfast table, munching away at toast and guzzling tea, just as he had delineated earlier. A maternal instinct grew in her. She was now watching over the man she lied with, protecting him from the fallacies that plagued his mind, ones that had been developed over a lifetime of undue criticism. Her mind raced over the picture he had painted of a demure boy, latched to his mother's side, one who closed his eyes and shook his head at any chaos or change. He told her of his propensity to hide. He found a spot everywhere he went to tuck himself into, shielding his sensitive heart and prying eyes. She imagined now that she was holding that boy, bringing him impossibly close to the beating spot in her chest. His eyes were still shut, having fluttered closed the moment he felt the heat of her body against him. A gentle hum built in the back of his throat when her hands found his neck, massaging away at the tense muscles. He was melting completely under her touch. His lips cracked open, a sigh escaping. This caused a laugh to ripple from her, disrupting her attack on his worries. He could feel them burning off now, steaming as they flew from him. When her tired hands stilled, he turned over, gaze resting on her reposeful face. Her eyes were still ragged and red, stained with tears. The beauty that danced on her features was not understated, still present even in the stale sadness. Traces of the tantrum existed but threatened her splendor not. A quiet production began, a duet that neither rehearsed. He reversed their roles, now cradling her tired frame in his arms. His hands explored her body, drawing patterns over the fabric of her clothing. It was soft, a gentle plea for closeness. Tears pricked in her eyes, foreboding and terrifying her as they threatened to release. A sniffle built in her, echoing through the quiet room. This caught his attention, causing him to pull her impossibly close. He petted her hair and kissed each inch of her that he could reach. The tears scalded her face, cascading in a stream of sadistic madness. His thumbs wiped these tears, washing her pain and drinking as it drained from her pores. She felt peaceful in his grasp. He held a paternal grip on her, slowing rocking as she wept. His patience was fatherly, soft, and affirming in the way only belonging to a man totally in love. In this protective hold, relaxation befell her, rest finally finding her. His hands tangled in her hair, even long after she fell into a sleep. He stayed up for half the night, leaning over her and listening to the steady composition of her breathing. A feeling fell over him, shaking him. Never before had he felt so completely at home in a person, naked and eased under her gaze. He was drowning in love, lungs wetted by her treacly tongue.
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