#gorgon nico
rainforestakiie · 8 months
Just wanting to tell you that your percy jackson fic is perfect, i really love the idea of Nico knowing the future. Theres really none time travel fics in the tag. Also, im thinking on drawing gorgon!Nico so if you can be more expecific on Nicos looks ill thank you.
(Cant wait for jealous Percy, i love that)
oh my gosh. thank you so much. this comment means so much to me, really. i was self doubting myself so much over.
i'd truely love to see any fanart of gorgon nico! it would make my dreams come true. so the look of nico is similiar to Medusa - the prequel by Jun Chiu on youtube. the snakes are black, not green, with two main snakes that take care of him having blue-green and purple scales on their heads. nico's eyes will be black and yellow.
the colours something like this with two main bigger snakes on either sides of his head. the snakes aren't small, they're long and very messy. as nico is still going through the change right now, once he has finished, he will be a year or two older. he'll be shorter then percy, about his shoulder height? the snakes have no fangs or venom. in the video, they will be able to make to move nico like that in time, so they're also strong.
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thank you so much! i can't wait to update. hopefully i will soon. i have so much i want to make.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 year
Hello! ✨
So… hear me out: Nico with a monster reader.
Like imagine he is sent out to defeat him but turns out he’s good and super like chill and relaxed.
Like imagine he goes in and suddenly he is sat down drinking tea and chatting about the weather.
So nico sneak him in the camp covered in mist and when asked goes like *cue it’s a smoothie meme* “just found him… nothing weird here”
And if ppl discover the reader is a monster he like defends him like totally?
Like I imagine he’d love a reader that’s like maybe half snake? Idk. ‘Cause I think he finds snakes cute.
Maybe not a harpy or fury (is it called like that? I’m not sure)
Leo could totally pull the same stuff too. Maybe Percy too.
Jason totally not.
What do you think?
You can just answer to this as thoughts in need of an opinion and not a request if u want to/feel uncomfy writing this kind of reader.
Ps: loved the Dionysus one. Love love love it!
Kisses and enjoy that smoothie!
Love this idea, it was so fun to write and off I went a little overboard it's like 3.1k words so production is delayed but whatevs. It was a bit harder to write a totally general reader because of the monster thing but I think it worked. And if figured out that I tend to write character x readers from the perspective of the character requested too.
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Chocolate cream and iced honeycomb---Nico di Angelo x Monster Reader
»»————- ★ ———
“AHGHGHAAAA!” Nico snarled back at the sandy green snake.
It reared back a fraction, unblinking eyes narrowed at him as its thin tongue flickered in and out. Nico just stuck his tongue back out at the Ceraste, a horned viper. It would have been an easy fight, if it wasn’t for the fact that Ceraste grew to be about as big as an alligator. 
It bowed to him, but that wasn’t a good thing. Two sets of horns, sharp and spiked, glimmered in the afternoon sunshine as Nico stood his ground, Stygian iron sword ready. “I have other monsters to kill, could we make this quick?”
Mortals around them just whispered behind their hands and kept walking, ignoring the battle to the death in the middle of the street. They probably just saw Nico walking an especially spiky and greek dog.                                                                                                                                       He imagined the Ceraste as a poodle for a moment, and then stepped to the side and swung his sword quickly, blocking the violent jab in his direction. 
“You’re supposed to be cute,” Nico hissed at it, stomping down hard on its tail and prodding at the light scales flecked with brown. Blood dripped almost instantly. Its scales were as tough as a normal snakes was, and he took advantage of that. Next time it circled, and shot out with lightning speed, shadows creating an arc through the warm summer air as Nico lashed out. 
There was the sound of tearing skin, and a disgustingly drawn out squelch, that ended with a thud.
Nico kept his eyes squeezed shut until he could wipe the blood off his face, and then stared down at the decapitated ancient reptile. Blood and guts squished into the road, which he had to stomp on a few times before they melted into gold and ran down the drains in the rubbish filled gutters.  
“Uhh,” Nico muttered, flapping his hand about until the sticky dark blood wasn’t on him anymore. “I need a drink.”
He glanced around the bustling New York street, spotting a hippie cafe that wouldn’t have anything stronger than a matcha tea, and a starbucks. A Mcdonalds not in sight, and at least another hour of tracking the final monster ahead of him, Nico opened the door to the busy starbucks. 
As he stood in line behind someone with their hair in a dark bun, and two teenage girls wearing strawberry dresses, he unfolded the piece of paper with instructions for his mission. His target was supposed to be around this district, but Chiron wasn’t sure where exactly. Nico was sent to do the dirty work, because apparently nobody else wanted to see the light drain from something's eyes when they could be finding more demigods or retrieving lost items. 
Monsters had been attacking demigods before they were in danger. Last week an eight year old Iris boy had showed up to camp with half a leg left, and the attacks had only grown in numbers. 
Apart from being around this place, the only thing in common with the spike of violence, was the scales and thin tongues. A few Hydra's, Echidna the she-dragon had made another appearance, and of course, the multitudes of Ceraste.
Nico had just killed four of them, but there were more to come and more demigods in danger unless he found the source. Chiron had his theories, of course, but far-fetched was the idea that one of the snake footed giants had risen from the earth again. Glycon was an option of course, but Nico doubted it was him. 
The queue had disappeared, standing around on the other side of the cafe as they waited for their orders, save one person, who was ordering an ‘iced honeycomb caramel latte’. The boy brushed his hair over his shoulder and turned to look out the window, then back to where he was paying for his latte. 
Nico followed his gaze, watching with dread as the previously dead snake was hissing by the window. Hissing right next to him as well. 
Nico turned slowly, hand on the hilt of his dark sword, but he was only met with the face of a small green python watching him curiously, big eyes shining underneath the bright lights of the cafe. He smiled back at it, immensely confused.
Then the little snake was pulled away and wrapped up into a writhing green ponytail of scales and little puppy-like reptilian faces, flickering tongues and toothless mouths. 
“Is your boyfriend gonna order, or…”
Nico blinked out of his snake induced trance and whipped around to where the girl behind the counter was blinking tiredly at him. 
The boy next to Nico stuffed change into his pockets and shook his head. The head the snakes were attached to, that was. The boy's eyes were covered by circular black glasses. He smiled. “Oh, I don’t know the emo.”
“I…” Nico started, eyes wide as he took what, or rather who, he was seeing. A gorgon. A real life teenage medusa [and a cute one at that], was standing in the middle of a starbucks, snakes tied back with yet another of the small pythons. He blinked a few times and cleared his throat, turning back to the cashier. “I’ll have one of the chocolate cream… frappuccinos, please.”
“Coming right up,” the cashier muttered, typing into their ipad and then motioning for him to move to the other side of the counter. Where the monster was. 
The monster that Nico was starting to suspect he’d have to kill. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“There you go. Have a great day.”
“Thanks,” Nico muttered back just as enthusiastically, and took his drink. He was still holding the hilt of his sword, heart pounding as loud as his footsteps as he stomped away. Was he supposed to find the lair of this teenage boy? Was he immortal? Was there any point killing him if he’d just pop up again? What was Nico going to do? 
He didn’t have a drachma on him to call camp and ask Chiron what he should do, and to be honest, he wouldn’t have listened to whatever instruction he was given anyway. 
The straw was pulled from his mouth as he was yanked sideways. 
Something scratchy brushed his arm, and his middle was grabbed tightly. The breath left his lungs and the world blurred for a moment. Then he gasped, drink flying out of his hand, and landed in a booth on the red leather with a yelp. “What the-”
“Hello, pretty boy.”
Nico stared for a moment, heart racing. The boy [monster. He was a monster, not a person. There was a difference. Maybe] sat on the other side of the booth with a grin, latte in hand. His nails were painted green. 
Nico noticed this as he gestured to the side, where the Ceraste he had just killed sat coiled up next to the table like a dog waiting for its owner. The sharp horns on its head looked a lot less threatening now that there was a pink scrunchie around one of them. “This is Keith, say hi, Keith.”
“Ssso like, I'm just getting this straight, if you’re gonna kill me, just say that now.” The boy said, leaning forward with his hands pressed together and an easy smirk. “Because I havent been killed yet and I'm not going to Tartarusss anytime soon.”
He glanced towards Keith with a serious expression. “You sssaw what happened to Jeremy.”
Kieth’s tongue flickered in and out once. He seemed to take it as an agreement. Nico’s hand left his hilt as he spoke, even though he had no control of the situation and there was a tensed up snake by his feet. “What would you do if I was going to kill you?”
“Keep you asss an ornament in my Auntie Em’s garden.” He said, and Nico felt his legs swinging under the table. He put his chin on the palm of his hand. “You’re very pretty.”
Nico wasn’t sure which part of the conversation he should be worried about at this point. He didn’t really want to become a statue, but his stomach was filled with a pit of snakes and he was more worried that this gorgon could see the blush on his face through his black tinted glasses. He ended up blinking, a bit stunned.
“That was a joke, holy Hadesss you’re a wet mop of a person, aren’t you.”
“You’re the one with the mop head.” Nico snapped back with a sharp glare. That might not have been the right thing to say though, judging by the way one of the pythons sitting on the boy's shoulder wilted a little, ducking its soft looking head. 
It got a pat on the head. “Don’t listen to him noodle, he didn’t mean it.”
Nico looked at the little green snake. Somehow it looked like it was smiling at him, but that could’ve just been the shape of its mouth. “...Sorry Noodle.”
“Noodle saysss thank you.” 
Nico looked down at the floor, where his drink was now a brown puddle surrounded by broken shards of plastic. He glanced back up, squinting at the wriggling pythons that were no longer in a pony [snake?] tail. “Can you actually, you know…”
“Noodle says that Becky said Loch Nessss likes your earringsss, but they think you could do something with your hair.” 
“What’s wrong with my hair?” Nico scoffed, wrinkling his nose. Did his hair look bad? “It looks fine.”
“Don’t asssk me, ask Loch Ness,” he got in reply, then another smirk. Nico’s stomach rolled again, but it didn’t feel necessarily bad. What on Olympus was that supposed to mean? “And I reckon your hair’s pretty as isss.”  
A moment passed, and Nico got the feeling he was being assessed. The boy opposite him sniffed once, and Nico wondered if he smelled like snake guts. That couldn’t be a very good look. “You’re a big three, aren’t you… Wait, no, let me guessss… Poseidon.”
Nico raised an eyebrow.
“That was a joke, if you couldn’t tell.”
“I figured.” He muttered, watching in slight disgust as Keith started to lick the chocolate cream frappuccino off the grimy tiles. “And you?”
“Daughter of Aphrodite.”
“That was a-”
“Joke. You’re catching on, pretty boy.” He grinned, and Nico noticed with a gulp that two of his teeth were sharpened and pearly white. Fangs. He shrugged, chin on his hands. “I honestly have no idea though, I dunno how I’m here. Maybe I sprouted out of her head like that flying horse did.”
“Why are you sending monsters to kill-”
“I wasss just tryna divert the attention, okay? That corpse wasssn’t my fault-” He started, waving his hand in the air to prove his point. ONe of the snakes, maybe noodle, twisted around a few times, tongue flickering out. Nico swore another one with a scar down its scaly spine rolled its soft brown eyes. 
“What corpse?”
“No corpssse. I dunno what you’re on about, no one died.” He said quickly, taking a long loud sip of his drink, ice clinking. After a moment he sighed and looked down at the chipped nail polish on his hands. “Some demigod dude, ugh there's ssso many of you, gods must be like rabbits or something. Anyways, one of them found me and I diverted the attention, so I’d get another few weeksss.”
“Another few weeks of…?”
“Life. I mean, I can hide easily, but I already spent a month in San Fransisssco being chased by pitchforksss and metal dogs, and I didn't get Ssstarbucks for like, years, otherwise sssomeone would just pop out with a spear and stabby stabby no more Gabby.”
The scarred snake drooped sadly a little, slinking back into the writhing mass. Nico shook his head quickly. “Camp Half-Blood’s not like that. And I can use the mist.”
“What, you just gonna follow me around New York waving your handsss about for the rest of your life?” He chuckled, swirling his plastic cup around a few times and taking another sip.
“No, you can come back with me.”
Nico wasn’t even sure when he’d come up with the plan, but there was something about his smirk and his nail polish and his stupid jokes and the puppy-like python faces swirling around him that made Nico wince when he imagined him sleeping on the streets fighting off Romans. 
“Why should I do that?”
“I…” Nico faltered. What reason did he really have? “I dunno.”
He bounced up, snakes swinging. Keith looked up from the puddle on the ground and shook its tail excitedly, like it knew what was happening already. Maybe this teenage gorgon really could mind control the ancient reptiles. 
 “Sssweet, let’s go!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Ssso you’re like, completely sure I won’t be decapitated on sight?”
Nico paused, turning away from the gap in the shrubbery at the base of Half-Blood hill. He’d been watching as demigods slowly trickled into the dining pavilion, cabins regrouping for dinner and burning meals. He couldn’t promise this [really cute] boy that he’d be safe here, but Nico could promise that he’d protect him from any especially violent and biased Ares kids. 
“If anyone tries to hurt you I won’t let their siblings visit them in the underworld.”
Nico had to look away again, red faced as he did that thing again, leaning forwards with his hand under his chin and his lips quirked up. “How romantic.”
“I- uh…” Nico choked, and then turned back to the now empty strip of green and strawberry plants, finally letting out a tense breath. “If we go now, I can hide you in my cabin until I guilt trip Chiron into letting me keep you.”
“And Keith.”
“And Keith,” he sighed. One more check to see if the coast was clear, and he slunk out of the bushes, pebbles crunching underneath his boots. He grabbed his new Starbucks [he’d been bought a new one as an apology for nearly being killed by Keith] and waved frantically behind him. “Hurry up, we gotta move.”
There was a scuffling, and then the slick sound of scales moving as the Ceraste followed them past the big house and down to the campfire. The flames were a humming orange, burning brightly in the dusk. It was summer, the mood was always high as campers came from school back to their families and friends.                                                                                 
“Okay, so like, where are you friendsss? Do you have friendsss?”
“Do you?” Nico shot back with a glare, keeping an eye on the open door of the Hermes cabin, but there was no movement inside, except for the pegasus that was chewing on someone's pillow. 
“Yup! Noodle and Becky and Loch Nessss and Keith and Gabby and Fruit-”
“Yes…” Nico whispered back, rolling his eyes, but when he turned a little, Loch Ness [how could he already tell them apart?] was flicking its little black tongue at him, gummy mouth wide. “I have friends.” 
“Great, isss that them?”
Nico whipped around, stepping in front of the boy he was currently smuggling with his hand on the hilt of his sword. Keith rattled its tail and hissed, neck arched. Nico wasn’t sure who was approaching them, the figures covered by the shadow of the Iris cabin. He kept his voice low, “the mist, we have to cover you.”
“Can you use the missst?” He whispered back loudly, over the nervous hissing around him. 
“Of course I can use the mist,” Nico said. Then he realized something and gritted his teeth, face red. “But, just on me, unless I’m… you know…”
“Nope. I don’t know.” He said simply, and Nico turned away, grabbing his hand very quickly and closing his eyes for a moment, eyebrows pinched in concentration. Nico tried to focus on the magic he was weaving through the air and not the weirdly smooth skin of the hand he was holding, and if his own was sweaty or not. 
When he opened them, the boy beside him was blinking with foggy looking dark green eyes that matched the snakes now covered by a dark hood. The only thing still him was that stupid smirk.  “Did it work?” 
“Yeah,” Nico’s voice wavered, and his grip tightened. “Okay, now act normal, they're coming over.”
“I’m not normal?”
“Nico, don’t be rude!” Hazel told him off, a gentle smile on her face anyway. Her hands were in the pockets of a large purple jumper, arm threaded through Franks. He waved nervously at Nico, like he still wasn’t sure he wasn’t about to kill him via skeletons. Hazel turned to the currently covered by mist boy. “Sorry about h-”
She squinted as a door slammed near the big three cabins. Nico’s hand was definitely too tight as his sister stared down the boy next to him. She licked her lips, “why is he covered by the mist, Nico?”
He had almost forgotten she was chosen by Hecate, goddess of the mist. Almost, but not quiet. He ducked his head. “Er, so you don’t… kill him?”
“I prefer to stay out of Tartarusss actually, I heard it smellsss pretty bad down there-”
“You can’t even imagine.”
Nico froze. Oh, could this get any worse? He sighed and turned to Percy, hoping his fingernails weren’t leaving indents in the smooth skin he was clutching. His other hand was cold from the icy drink he was holding. 
Percy grinned obliviously, “who got there?”
“Ha ha,” Hazel muttered, raising an eyebrow. Nico nodded, pretending he was laughing too, and then sped past them, dragging along the hidden gorgon to the Hades cabin, who waved happily as they left the group.
Frank shuffled, “isn’t there a two demigods not allowed alone in a cabin rule?”
Nico groaned internally. Why did he have to word the [snitchy] question in such a way? He knew what he was going to see before he even turned to the shortly disguised boy next to him. He sighed and nodded, letting go of his hand and taking a long sip of his drink as he watched the chaos go down.
“Good thing I’m not a demigod!” 
Hazel’s expression didn’t shift, she’d seen right through the magic at the very start. She’d seen the coils of scales and the circular black glasses, the strangely smooth skin somewhere between human and snake. She might’ve even seen the tiny fangs. Frank stepped back behind his girlfriend a little, his eyes wide. 
Percy visibly paled, and then gulped. “Oh.”
“No hard feelingsss man. You gotta do what you gotta do.”
Nico watched his gorgon for a moment and then smiled a little. He turned back to the gravel path leading to his cabin. “You ready? There’s a lot of skulls, just warning you.”
“Wait til you ssssee my place."
»»————- ★ ————-««
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rocketanimations · 3 months
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Current Works in progresssss🤑
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justaz · 1 month
amnesiac!percy being super, super, super protective of hazel to a concerning degree but he brushes it off as maybe she reminds him of someone from his life before. when percy explains his plan of drinking gorgons blood, hazel offers herself up to drink the blood. she’s died once before, she can do it again. percy has something to do, he has people to find. he can’t risk his life for something like this. hazel can do it. chances are, with the doors of death open and thanatos locked up, she can find her way back as a child of pluto.
percy refuses. he won’t let her get a word out. she insists. he refuses. their argument crescendos into him calling her bianca. its draws them all up short. percy is confused, he has no idea whose name that is. he has no idea why his chest hurts so bad. hazel does. hazel knows. its her dead sister’s name. nico’s real sister. the one he lost years ago.
she knew that percy and nico knew each other, nico pretty much confirmed it but he refused to elaborate on any of the details. percy must’ve known bianca. that must be where percy and nico knew each other from. she has grown somewhat used to nico calling her bianca, she had been a substitute, a consolation prize from the underworld. nico couldn’t find his real sister so he settled for a shadow of her. she had thought percy, someone she had grown to think of as an older brother, would be different. yet here he is, with no memory, calling her the name of a ghost, someone she can never hope to live up to. someone she can’t compete with. someone who will always be better than her.
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ry3breadl0rd · 1 year
some titles uncle rick deprived us of
”I Fall To My Death (Again)” for the fall into tartarus
“I Get Mugged by Monsters” that one chapter where leo’s tool belt gets stolen
“Jason Meets his Brother” hercules chapter
“I Obtain A Death Ray” the sphere thing
“Leo Makes a Great First Impression” when he blows up new rome
“I Scare Some Pirates With An Unofficial Sponsorship” that chapter where percy scares off the pirates with diet coke
“A Spider Hates My Mom” annabeth at any point with arachne ngl
“Scrawny Is The New Sizzling Hot” leo+hazel with narcissus
“We Get Slapped to New York” zeus smacking the argo ll to new york
“Nyx Gives Us A Tour” when they convince nyx to not murder them immediately by pretending they’re tourists
“My Evil Great-Grand Mother Wakes Up” self explanatory i hope
“Hazel Orders A Horse From Amazon” hazel meets arion
“I Get Blasted Out Of This World” leo goes to ogygia
“Fleecy Does Us A Solid” when they meet iris
“I Tame A Dragon” leo with argo
“I Vaporize Some Old Ladies” first chapter of son
“I Give My Dad Some Decor Tips” nico and hades conversation
“Piper Talks Her Boyfriend To Life” when piper charm speaks jason back to life
“I Play Roulette With A Blind Man” when percy drinks the gorgons blood
“Piper Sees Dead People (In Her Knife)” i might be remembering wrong but it’s that one where they try to trick piper by showing her how her friends were doing in her knife, like trying to convince her they were all dead
“We Use Adidas To Summon A Goddess” nike chapter
“Mudman, Hazel, and Frank Get Brunch” when they get to alaska
“I Learn The Power Of Positivity” percy and misery
“We Meet A Cool Girl (Literally)” khione chapter
“I’m Leo. You Killed My Mother. It’s My Turn” based on the funny comment:) it’s for when leo blows up gaea
“My Nosebleed Wakes Up My Great-Grandma” when gaea wakes up
“Mr. D Hates Ballet” when he helps percy and jason against the twin giants
“Frank Gets A Blast To The Past” when hazel shares her past with him
“Frank Sets Himself On Fire” with the firewood and freeing thatanos
“I Got A Girlfriend?” jason first chapter
”Why Did It Have To Be Poison?” that chapter with polybotes
“Jason Becomes The Oldest Demigod!” old man jason
“Game Night Goes Too Far” war games in son
“The World Hates Us, Literally” hoh when they’re low key attacked by like everything
“We Traumatize Frank” when percabeth gets caught together
“Lions, and Tigers, and Frank, Oh My!” when frank unlocks his shapeshifting stuff
“I Aquire a Misfortune Cookie” i might be delulu but didn’t nemesis omfg i knew that why did i put nike give leo a fortune cookie to open if he needed help?? but price would not be fun
“The Law is On My Side For Once” percy and terminus vs polybotes
“Being A Dumb Blonde Has Its Perks” annabeth when she drops the knife that one chapter
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just thinking about how Jason grace had his entire life molded from the day he was born, nothing in his life was authentic, even his own name was an offering to appease a goddess.
he also died being so distant from everyone he knew (don't get me wrong, I know he was friends with the 7, but If I'm being realistic here and go by canon, only Leo and Nico were actually "close" with Jason, and maybe Percy a bit) I mean, Annabeth took a long time to warm up to Jason and didn't trust him, Hazel never quite forgave jason for mistrusting nico (I'm still a lil bitter about this one lol bc she easily forgave Leo simply bc he's Sammy's great grandkid, and Leo's kinda the one who initiated the suspicion in the first place yet she got so mad at Jason for simply laying out the arguments and exerting caution?? Yeah I know she was upset that her brother was in danger but she never even gave Jason a chance even after nicos rescue, I'm not tryna blame Leo or anything but I think they BOTH should've been forgiven equally, esp since Jason's encouragement in house of hades fuelled nico to break out of his shell), Frank saw of Jason as more of a hero and looked up to him (still avenged his death tho so big W), Piper dumped him and canonically was outwardly bitchy/a little hostile to him after the breakup.
EVEN coach hedge and mellie were such jerks to him bc they assumed HE dumped Piper. Still wished Piper made it clear to them that the break up wasn't Jason's fault but ofc she didnt. TOA Piper is such an L
He never saw Leo again and never got to spend the summer with Nico in camp half blood like he planned to. His dad is a jackass and didn't shed a single tear at his death, his sister had her own life and he felt like she didn't need him anymore.
Reyna, Jason's childhood friend grew distant from him bc of her romantic feelings + the whole Venus mess (which is no fault of her's tho, mind you)
He never felt "at home" in camp Jupiter even after he got his memory back because all he did over there was military duties.
I don't think he got his full memory back properly either because, Percy had the gorgons blood but he didn't. I'm speculating this because he still felt very disconnected to Camp Jupiter and Rome.
He never got to do what he wanted, and even if he succeeded in defeating Caligula, jason STILL never would've gotten freedom, since he promised the minor gods that he'd build temples on their behalfs, and was Prontifex Maximus. He made a diorama and everything.
His Greek friends never made it to his funeral. They never got to say goodbye.
and as Apollo noted, he died with his fingers pointing, like he was still telling them all to escape without him. His chest was spewing out blood and jason still plucked up the energy to tell tempest to get Apollo and Piper to safety.
Jason Grace was born a Roman soldier, and died a Roman soldier, full circle. He never became a grandpa to his and piper's grandchildren like he wanted to.
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anotheroceanid · 4 months
Okay, but I'm genuinely thinking about an au where the events of Son of Neptune happen, but fem Percy is either heavily pregnant with the boys or booking it across the country with three newborns, having just given birth with amnesia surrounded by wolves.
Juno: Hello, young lady, can you carry me across the river? Percy, babies strapped to her front, back, and in her arms: I have my hands full, lady.
Juno: It's not like I knew you were pregnant when I kidnapped you and erased your memories. Percy: Percy: YOU ARE THE GODDESS OF MOTHERHOOD.
I IMAGINE HERA FREAKING OUT WHEN SHE REALISES PERCY IS PREGNANT… and not only that… TRIPLETS??? Like, out of the things that could go wrong in that plan, triplets that are obviously Apollo’s kids (but she ain’t touching that subject just yet) weren’t in her bingo card AT ALL!!!
Like, imagine Percy arriving at camp with a GODDESS on her back and three BABIES, who can’t be older than one month at that point, on her arms. Followed by the gorgons!!!
Hazel and Frank: that definitely wasn’t in the job description!!!
But like, imagine Mars showing up to give them the quest, and Percy like: AND WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BREAST FEED MY KIDS?
Mars: what kids? Please tell me you ain’t talking about Pluto’s emo bo- *turns to look at Nico, who’s with Hecto in one arm while Luke and Milo are sleeping in a baby stroller for triplets* WTF??? Does your dad KNOWS about it? You’re absolutely right, you CAN’T go to that quest! Omg, who is crazy enough to put a breastfeeding mom through it?
Juno, in Olympus: why are my ears burning?
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peachdoxie · 8 months
I'm rereading Percy's first chapters in the Son of Neptune and they're so funny to me. Like there's all the dumb stuff Percy did to escape the gorgons, then there's him carrying Juno across the Little Tiber and him immediately showing how powerful he is in front of everyone completely incidentally, then the way everyone seems suspicious of him—especially when compared to how Jason was welcomed—and they end with him meeting Nico, who has apparently known about both camps for some time and just casually pretends he's Roman for whatever reason he has (and also straight up pretends he doesn't know who Percy is).
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Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Request HERE
Warnings: small acts of violence and bullying
Pairing: Wednesday x Fem!Reader
First request! Hopefully y’all like it and I hope I made the anon that asked this happy! Feel free to send in more requests🖤✨
That day you had been going through your English notes for the upcoming class, as the teacher would be making a test. It wasn’t one of your favorite subjects and that’s why you had really bad grades in English. You had tried asking your teacher for help or just what you could do better, but he wasn’t very helpful, he just scolded you saying to study harder.
You did study harder, however that wasn’t working because you had no method. By now you had been at Nevermore for almost the whole semester, yet you didn’t seem to have made good friends with anyone. You only spoke a couple of times with Wednesday and Enid, those were the only two people that didn’t judge you and that you trusted.
“Studying again, (Y/N)?” One of the students asked you. You immediately recognized him. He was a gorgon, friends with Ajax. Though Ajax never tried bothering you, knowing that it was dangerous if he messed with you and also because well, he was a good guy. Though this other kid apparently didn’t care about how dangerous you could get and loved messing with you.
“What do you want Nicholas?” You replied annoyed but at the same time scared. You hated when he would come bother you. “Oh nothing, I’ve just come to remind you that there’s no use in studying English, you’re still gonna suck!” He laughed at you. He wasn’t wrong, but why would he come bother you about that? It wasn’t any of his business.
“Well why do you care if I study or not? It shouldn’t concern you.” You stood up from your sitting position and decided to face him, finally standing up for yourself “that’s the point (Y/N), no one cares for you!” Rage was starting to build up, the feelings knotting up in your stomach “don’t you see that? We’re trying to make you understand that you’re useless here!” He laughed again.
Everyone’s eyes turned to you and him, all of them circling around you or looking from their tables. You were getting visibly upset “you will take back your words” you said in a low voice tone, trying to remain calm. You clenched your jaw and fists, knuckles going white as you so badly tried to remain calm. It was a sunny day, but now in consequence to your anger the weather suddenly changed. Dark clouds floating over the school and wind rising up.
“Or what, your friends will come to the rescue? Wait, you don’t have any, my bad!” He laughed again, your breath getting faster and the nails were now cutting in your palm from how tight you were clenching it, blood coming out from it. “Stop it now.” You warned again. The anger was getting so much. Eventually you started floating, slowly going higher as Nicholas in front of you kept on laughing at you.
“Nico, maybe you should stop. We don’t know what she’s capable of-“ Ajax said trying to make him stop, but to no avail as Nico pushed him away. “Well she can’t kill me. And what she gonna do if I don’t stop, will she go to mama?” He said insisting with his bullying, then turning to look at you, slowly rising higher “oh right, you don’t have one!”
This was the ice on the cake, you couldn’t bare it anymore “THAT’S ENOUGH!” You snapped at him. A wave of strength washing over the whole courtyard but especially on Nico, making him fly back and hit the close by wall badly. At that people started running away scared, as your madness had taken control over your body. You started taking people with your telekinesis and throwing them against walls or even on the ground, even innocent people, teachers too. Chaos reigned over the school and it was all because of you. You were crying and screaming, all this bullying wasn’t fair. Why you, you always thought
Principal Weems had seen from her office to see what was going on and it was truly an utter disaster. She came down to see and as everyone was running away and someone else was being smashed around, she went to Enid and Wednesday who were hiding behind a wall. “We need to stop her or she’ll end up hurting everyone” Wednesday started once she saw Weems. “Miss Addams, she’ll hurt you too if you get any closer-“ the younger girl was quick to interrupt her. “She knows us. Not very good, but she can trust us and she knows that. We need to go” she said and took Enid’s by her wrist, getting closer to you.
“(Y/N), you need to calm down” Enid started, taking more steps closer to you “GET AWAY FROM HERE!” You yelled back and sent a “wind wave” their way. Not too strong, but it was enough to make them stop their tracks, though not wanting hurt them. “(Y/N) please. You’re not in your right mind space right now. You’re hurting people” this time it was Weems talking. She still stood behind the wall, not wanting to get hurt as well.
“Get away, let me try. She can sense you’re scared and she’s taking advantage of your fears. Let me try, she won’t hurt me.” Wednesday started with determination. Enid Nodded with hesitance and stepped back, going to where the principal was. “(Y/N), it’s me, Wednesday” she started, staring at your floating frame in the eyes. Your (e/c) eyes had turned completely black and your expression was infuriated.
“Please calm down. You’re not alone okay? He’s a jerk. You have me, you have Enid and even if we do not know each other much you know you can still count on us” she was slowly getting closer to you and you were letting her. The wether was still the same, it felt as if a storm was coming your way “try matching your breathing mine. Okay? Come on” she said in a surprising soft voice tone as she took deep breaths and invited you to do so as a well.
You started breathing with her and slowly, the weather went back to normal and you returned to the ground looking disoriented. You knew what had happened, but couldn’t brace yourself to accept it. You were weak, this tantrum had drained all of your strength and you fell in Wednesday arms as soon as you touched the ground. She took you and sat down on the floor, you in her lap as she held you, arms wrapped tightly around you as she gently caressed the back of your head“there there… you’re okay” she was whispering into your ear as she motioned for Enid and Weems to come over and help her take you to your room.
As soon as you were there, the principal said it would have been better to leave you alone, but Wednesday insisted on staying. She sat on a chair by your bed as she watched you sleep, while holding your hand in complete silence. Eventually though you woke up abruptly, sitting up and panting, eyes searching around the room until you met Wednesday’s eyes. “Shh… you’re okay dear, you’re okay” she said, moving to sit on the bed by your side as she grabbed your shoulders and gently brushed her hands on them, waiting for you to calm down.
“I’m sorry for what I did… I lost control..” you looked down, tears in your eyes that you let go of. “It’s okay, he deserved it and knew best not to bother you… even though I would have ended him” she said which made a small laugh escape your lips. “Though he was right. I have no friends, I’m all alone and I’m useless… my dad would say the same things to me… it felt almost as if I was a child again. It felt horrible…” you started and covered your face as you began crying. Wednesday sighed sadly and gently took your hands, holding them and inviting you to look at her, while her other hand was moving strands away from your face delicately.
“That’s not true and you know it. You have Enid, you have Me. We care about you. We love you, I love you and we don’t show it enough but we do. So never say you’re alone because we’re here for you okay?” She said, slightly hinting a smile as she ended up caressing your cheek with her thumb. You nodded and smiled back as you laid back in bed. Did she just say she loved you? Yes she did, but you thought that maybe it was just in a friendly way, even though you admitted you had a crush on her multiple times. You didn’t expect her to, but she slid under the blankets and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer as the big spoon.
“Turn around” Wednesday whispered in your ear and you turned around to face her. Both of you didn’t speak, sharing looks was enough as you noticed how much she softened around you. She pulled you even closer and planted a sweet kiss on your forehead “I promise I’ll protect you from now on. No one will ever bother you again unless they want to lose their lives” she said and that made you smile as you hid your face in the crook of her neck. God that smell of hers, it made you feel at ease.
She slightly moved you away from her to look at you, and you thought that maybe you had gone too far. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“ she was quick to shut you up moving closer to make both of your lips meet. She was caressing your cheek and pulling you closer with her other hand. Her soft lips didn’t want to rush anything, she didn’t want anything except to feel you close to her like she has always wanted. When both of you pulled back, there was no need to talk as she looked at you with the biggest smile she ever gave you and planted another kiss on your forehead. You were both asleep soon after.
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part 3
Hazel: who are these hotties and why are they wearing orange and carrying an old woman?
Frank: i have absolutely no clue, but we should probably sound the alarm cause it looks like they’re being chased by gorgons
Reyna: neither of you remember me?
Percy: we barely remembered each other.
Annabeth: in my case, I didn’t even remember him, just had the general feeling that i would rip the still-beating heart from a god’s chest and eat it if it would keep him safe
Percy: we were also like, immediately super codependent and refused to be out of arms reach for like a month and would fight anyone who tried to separate us
Annabeth: i bit a wolf
Percy: you bit several wolves. And he—mercury.
Reyna: you know, i should probably be surprised but honestly from what i know of you, all that kind of tracks
Mars: *appears after the war games* this is my son frank with whom i am moderately well pleased, here’s a spear, a promotion and a quest
Percy: do i know you?
Mars: …no.
Percy: are you sure? I’m getting that feeling i get when i meet someone I’ve stabbed before
Annabeth: he does kind of have a stabby sense. That’s how we knew he knew the di angelo kid
Nico, in the distance: fuck off!
Mars, sighs: frank, kiddo, I’m gonna need you to take the amnesiacs with you. you can still take your girlfriend, in fact, you definitely should, but these two are unfortunately probably the most likely to keep you alive
Percy: we do know how to quest pretty well, mama lupa sent us on like six of them even though we didn’t have any memories
Annabeth: and we’re pretty good at stealing things. Is this a stealing quest?
Percy: perhaps a bit of larceny for fun and profit?
Mars: who let you two spend time with Mercury?
Percy and Annabeth: Juno.
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rainforestakiie · 9 months
hey, everyone! well, here goes nothing—i'm diving into my first attempt at a Percy Jackson fanfiction, and honestly, i'm navigating uncharted waters here. writing time-travel stories is my forte (or at least, that's what i gather from my other tales), but this time, i wanted to spice things up a bit. it's not your run-of-the-mill time travel scenario where the character gets sent back and wakes up in their younger self's body. nope, this is something different, something new. curious to hear your thoughts—i'm feeling a bit jittery about it. please have a read if you have the time ~ please leave a comment if you like it~
"Gaea emerged triumphant, a treacherous force that betrayed her very allies, voraciously engulfing everything in her path—deities, goddesses, her own progeny, humans, and monsters alike. Her insatiable hunger consumed all within its grasp. In a desperate attempt to provide a second opportunity to salvage the world, a curse needed to be propelled backward through time. Unfortunately, the reluctant recipient of this fateful curse was none other than Nico di Angelo."
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Nico: Hello. I'm Nico. This is the Mount Olympus press briefing room. I'll just say this and get it out of the way. I'm really not thrilled to be here, but I've been told that I have to devote time to press conferences, so... first question.
Gorgon Satellite TV spokesperson: Mr. Di Angelo, you've been appointed ambassador to Olympus. Your father must be proud?
Nico: No, not really. We demigods are kind of just expected to do all this crap that we get thrown on us. We're lucky if our divine parents check in on us once every ten years. I just happen to be a little luckier than some. Hades rarely prevents his children from entering the underworld to visit him. Next!
Cyclopes Worldwide Network spokesperson: Mr. Di Angelo, the central plains are currently experiencing a wave of diseased crops. What is your proposal on a solution?
Nico: Burn all the fields. That's the only sure way to wipe out crop disease. Next!
Demigods Advocacy spokesperson: Mr. Di Angelo, sir. What would you say is the solution if camp meals aren't sufficient in nutrition for demigods?
Nico: Depends. Give an example.
Spokesperson: Like there isn't enough fiber or protein in the meals.
Nico: Prune juice smoothies and Heinz vegetarian baked beans. Next!
Stygian Network spokesperson: We've noticed you like black, sir. That black suit you're wearing with a black undershirt and a black tie is very distinctive. Care to explain your preference?
Nico: (cracks the slightest trace of a smile for the first time during the interview)
Nico: My boyfriend likes me in black... even if he'll never admit it. Next question.
Hephaestus TV spokesperson: Mr. Di Angelo, would you say that you identify as goth, or emo?
(Nico's smile vanishes)
Nico: Get out!
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f0xgl0v3 · 6 months
Seeing as I’ve been dreading doing the SoN re-write post because I don’t have the full outline done, I present,
SoN Re-Write; what I have done so far done in really informal terms
(P.S this is really long sorry guys-)
The Brain vomit ‘I think that’s how I wrote it in my notebook’ with all of the silly bits instead of it being more formal because I can leave the more ‘official’ I guess one for later when I do have the entire story outline roughly done. Anyway,
We start out with a sort of maybe prologue? I like prologues and they can help set up the story (I know tLH is going to have prologue type thing that’s Hera doing Hera stuff) but this prologue starts at the end of Percy’s wolfhouse training. He’s waking up from an Annabeth dream, he gets up and notices that both the pack and his training buddy are just.. gone? He walks through and sees Lupa, who says something something about like Rome and then gives the vague directions on how to get to Camp and it’s like “go south :3”
Then we’re at the stretch to get into Camp Jupiter it’s pretty much how chapter 1 of SoN goes down. Maybe we get word that Percy has like a backpack or something (so stuff like the pillow pet and where that’s been makes more sense because I forget how they explain Percy having the pillow pet goes down) and we like slash slash at the Gorgons and they reform, showing that something’s up and soon enough he’s running down and spots Calcedott tunnel and the two legionnaires (Hazel and Frank) freak for a second and call for him to get over to them.
Percy gets over to Hazel and Frank; who take him through the tunnels. It’s being debated if I want Hazel to collapse Calcedott (Is that what she does in the book? I don’t really remember-) to set up Hazel and her like, power. But Hazel is busy collapsing tunnels and stuff, so Frank is helping Percy, they get roughly to the Tiber as the Gorgons are back. Percy (with aid from Juno in a Homer-esque style) does the power thing and the Tiber does Tiber stuff. By that time a couple legionnaires had filed out including Reyna and Dakota as notable people. Reyna is like “woahzers” and Juno does Juno stuff behind the scenes and Dakota kinda like, shuffles his legionnaires + Percy and Reyna tells him to like, do stuff? Idk, she has to talk with some before before talking with Percy and trusts Dakota to like keep them in check- build up Dakota as a respected guy
So they get to walking camp and stuff Dakota explains what camp is until they reach the Principa They go through the Reyna questioning scene and then she tells them “Go to the Auguraculum so Octavian can like; double check that your supposed to be here” and like yeah. Dakota is excused to find Frank. When leaving the Principa Nico appears out of nowhere, says he needed to talk with Reyna about some stuff but would take the detour to walk with them.
We set up Hazel and Nico being siblings, Nico and Hazel not liking Octavian; all the good things. He wishes Hazel good luck and they enter the Auguraculum. It’s dimly lit apart from the skylight and smells, nicely; just a lot like incense. The central Dias lowers so Octavian can talk. Hazel and Octavian stare at each other silently, he tries to make a joke ease tension, it fails. Kinda drops that he knows it’s Juno who sent Percy here (Percy doesn’t know either, Octavian just like switches the topic and says that he’s the Augur so he should know this stuff) Ushers Percy and Hazel onto the Dias, claiming that it’s better to be closer up to the heavens, Hazel says something how at least it’s not dead animals so we can sneak in the animals fact. Octavian is cool and does the pillow pet thing (asks Percy if he has any stuffed animals with him that are significant. Percy fishes it out of his bag not expecting Octavian to take it) but the Gods say that Percy’s a-ok. We get the blackmail comment (this time including Calcedott’s collapse) and Octavian calls Percy back a second to slyly express interest in Percy joining the 1st; saying he has good potential. Hazel and Percy leave, we get a sneak peak of Mercury slipping into the Auguraculum after them
They leave. Maybe know is the Frank switch, I’m going back and forth on if I want PoV switching or if I want each book to just be in 1 PoV but for that PoV to switch- we’ll see.
Anyway we get to dinner; the legionnaires don’t like Percy because he relied on his powers and gets special God treatment. Frank’s back, if we don’t do PoV swap he complains about the armory stuff he had to do and then Hazel probably explains that the legionnaires don’t view powers positively (set up the dynamic of Hazel being more in tune with demigod life and the small underbelly of camp, make Frank a bit less experienced but able to be a little more comforting or something- idk). By now Dakota and Mercury slip over, Dakota makes a comment about people flitting between tables all the time, introduces Mercury as an Optio (we get the introduction to the Optio role). Dakota addresses her by her nickname Freddie- she quickly corrects Percy and tells him that only her friends call her Freddie (honestly the whole legion does she’s just salty that a Percy is the newest topic of discussion-) She grumbles a bit and gives a backhanded compliment about Percy’s Tiber incident and says that Octavian was talking about him. Dakota and Mercury maybe banter a bit, she says something about letters of recommendation; explains what those are before someone (Kahale) calls over for her and she’s gone.
By now Reyna calls up for the announcements. Welcomes Percy into the legion officially, here’s where he gets his Probatio tablet. Octavian asks about letter of recommendation, Percy vaguely remembers some envelopes in his bag (Juno planted them; she wanted her guy to succeed-) but they’re gone, or unusable or Percy simply is getting bad vibes from the 1st cohort between Mercury being a little snappy, Hazel and Nico not liking Octavian and stuff. So whatever, Octavian tries to make a case for having Percy join the 1st because of the talent he’s shown, Reyna shoots him down and Dakota snatches Percy up for the 5th. She announces war games, Percy makes eye contact with someone in the crowd whose been staring him down (Bryce Lawerence)
Yay okay, uh. A couple days later. Dakota drags Percy up to a Centurion meeting between the 5th, 4th, and 3rd because more opinions are better than none. Hazel and Frank come along. We meet Gwen!! The other Centurions sit there and are like “Dakota dude, why are they here”, Gwen smooths things over a bit. Uh, we meet her, she tells us that she’s the Senior Centurion of the 5th, daughter of Mithras; gets a personality, shown to be well-liked, easy going, positive. They all yap about stratagems or whatever, 5th gets to be the front lines. Dakota and Gwen bring Percy and Hazel over to the side and go “hey we kinda wanna be cool and like Romans so pretty please don’t use your powers because we want this win to feel genuine” or whatever. Uh, Bryce, is there after the meeting breaks up. Percy stumbles over when Bryce calls his name; he says he’s in the 2nd cohort and that, “it’s for losers who had good letters but weren’t strong enough for the Prima cohort (1st)” he’s sharpening an old family heirloom 1st cohort stamped Pilum (this is important information). Percy gets kinda gross vibes, but Bryce is a sleazy manipulative guy and they walk for a little. Percy notes that people seem to avoid Bryce while they walk, Bryce talks about how he admires Percy using his powers and says how he should in the war games because “Everyone’s on their high horses here and don’t know what it really takes to win” Percy walks back to the barracks conflicted.
War games, war games!!!! Goes pretty much how the actual war games go. Uh, set up that is was indeed Bryce who stabbed Gwen, Octavian is still missing his Pilum. Mars shows up, he’s having trouble staying Roman at the moment, claims Frank, then is splitting a bit too much- gets a couple lines of prophecy out before having to go. All eyes go on Octavian, Reyna diffuses, says to go about their days and they’ll go to the Senate with this soon.
Soon is, the next day at 5:30 sharp. Dakota wakes up Percy, Frank, and Hazel. Explains the Senator stuff while tugging on his toga, says that Gwen’s been inside of New Romes actual hospital due to the severity of her wounds. They head to Camp, Percy notes that he hasn’t seen Bryce since their talk two days ago. Uh, Senate meeting pretty much goes as expected, Octavian gets to actually dish out a prophecy like the cool Augur he is (Mumbles under his breath a little about how it’s not quite a proper prophecy). A Senator proposes Octavian lead the quest seeing as he is the Senior Centurion of the first cohort. He awkwardly says that his job as Augur is too important and that he wouldn’t have quest mates eligible for this mission (elude to Mercury’s family line *The Varus family* being cursed and standard loosing and that Octavian would want to bring his buddies. But bringing Mercury and Michael means there’s no one in charge of the 1st, and Reyna has too much stuff on her plate-) Reyna kinda does Octavian a solid and switches the topic to the fact That Frank was asked to go on the quest by Mars. Everyone (and Cato the Youngers ghost is still there in the audience because I’m sorry but that was a really funny inclusion-) are all in uproar because excuse me that’s a Probatio. Reyna gets enough votes to makes Frank a Centurion (After we get that cameo by Gwen in the crowd saying that she got her honorable discharge from the legion.) Frank picks Percy and Hazel to go on the quest and yay or whatever. Reyna mentions them packing and Octavian bringing them to the docks to go immediately, says there’s more important things and as Octavian is leading them out Percy sees Bryce being dragged up to the center of the Senate room.
Octavian’s kinda iffy. Respecting Reyna’s choice but doesn’t think Frank (or any of them) are ready for a quest like this maybe aside from Percy (look when a guy shows up covered in battle scars, invulnerable, and very strong you take him seriously too). Makes a comment about how they could’ve gone and used one of the legion cars but Someone collapsed Caldecott; Hazel quips back and Frank is like “stop fighting >:((“ and they walk out. Get to the docks where Octavian gives them their stuff, wishes them the best of luck, makes a kinda good joke about how he wouldn’t be good for the quest anyway knowing his families luck with boats (haha Augustus Caesar boat joke-) and off they go :D
Okay that’s all I have drafted out right now that I’m confident on. I have to go re-read how the actual quest-quest part of SoN works through because the order is jumbled in my brain and it’s all like soupy until they get to the iceberg with Enceladus.
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lordstormageddidnt · 1 year
One of these days I will stitch together my 8 scenes for gorgon!nico/blind!will...but today is still not that day
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: My nephew helped me queue this one (he is a literal baby) -Danny Words: 2,379 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Goldrush' -by Stela Cole
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X: Are You Serious? Right in Front of My Salad?
I wake up with a start. My mouth is dry as if I've been running for hours. I just had the weirdest dream about Janus in a forest and now my mind is racing, so I get up. I leave Annabeth in Geryon's old bedroom and make my way downstairs. 
Nico is seated on a tall chair in the kitchen aisle, he doesn't look up as I walk past him, but as I'm filling a glass with water, he speaks to me. "How's Lily?" He asks hoarsely. "And Michael?"
I want to ignore him, but his voice is so broken my heart can't bear it. We spoke to his sister's ghost today, and Bianca told him to stop trying to bring her back.
"You know, now that you're all grumpy, you and Lily would get along even better."
"I don't want friends," he cuts me off, voice quivering. "Just wanted my sister."
"Nico," I leave my glass on the counter and cross my arms. "I grew up in an orphanage—"
"What's that got to do with—"
"Shut up and listen," I scowl. "I didn't know how it felt to have a real family until recently, and sometimes Percy annoys me on purpose, but no one cares for me the way he and my mom do. If Bianca, your only sister, was asking you to trust us, you should've listened."
"Like how you listened to Percy when he asked you to stay put?"
I tense. "That's different. Geryon would've killed him if I hadn't—"
He interrupts me bitterly. "Percy's not your real brother, and you'll never know what a real family is. You get in everyone's way trying to be a hero."
I try not to pout, but I'm not succeeding. "That's mean."
If Nico is ashamed, I don't sense it. "It's the truth."
"You don't talk to your friends like that," I say, voice quivering. "Bianca—"
Nico gets up and exits the room hastily, speaking through gritted teeth. "We are not friends."
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"...Gaea told me that she needed the blood of only two demigods—one female, one male. She—she asked me to choose which boy would die." Piper explains during the meeting.
"But neither of us died," Jason replies. "You saved us."
"I know. It's just... Why would she want that?"
"Guys, remember at the Wolf House? Our favorite ice princess, Khione?" Leo mentions. "She talked about spilling Jason's blood, how it would taint the place for generations. Maybe demigod blood has some kind of power." 
"Oh..." Percy leans back in his chair looking nauseous. "Oh, bad... Bad. Bad." He turns to Hazel and Frank. "You guys remember Polybotes?"
"The giant who invaded Camp Jupiter," Hazel replies. "The anti-Poseidon you whacked in the head with a Terminus statue. Yes, I think I remember."
"I had a dream, when we were flying to Alaska. Polybotes was talking to the gorgons, and he said—he said he wanted me taken prisoner, not killed. He said: 'I want that one chained at my feet, so I can kill him when the time is ripe. His blood shall water the stones of Mount Olympus and wake Earth Mother!'"
"Jolly way of dying..." Ara mutters.
Piper makes a face. "You think the giants would use our blood... the blood of two of us—"
"I don't know," Percy replies. "But until we figure it out, I suggest we all try to avoid getting captured."
"That I agree with," Jason sighs.
"But how do we figure it out? The Mark of Athena, the twins, Ella's prophecy... how does it all fit together?" Hazel questions.
Annabeth leans on the table. "Piper, you told Leo to set our course for Atlanta." 
"Right. Bacchus told us we should seek out... what was his name?"
"Phorcys," Percy responds.
"You know him?" Annabeth looks at him with surprise.
"I didn't recognize the name at first. Then Bacchus mentioned salt water, and it rang a bell. Phorcys is an old sea god from before my dad's time. Never met him, but supposedly he's a son of Gaea. I still don't understand what a sea god would be doing in Atlanta."
"What's a wine god doing in Kansas? Gods are weird," Leo points out with a shrug. "Anyway, we should reach Atlanta by noon tomorrow, unless something else goes wrong."
"Don't even say that," Annabeth shivers. "It's getting late. We should all get some sleep."
"Wait," Piper intervenes. "There's one last thing. The eidolons—the possessing spirits. They're still here, in this room." 
There is nothing but silence for a few seconds before Hazel sighs. "Piper is right."
"How can you be sure?" Annabeth questions.
"I've met eidolons. In the Underworld, when I was... you know."
"So..." Frank looks around anxiously. "You think these things are lurking on the ship, or—"
"Possibly lurking inside some of us," Piper replies. "We don't know."
"Okay," Ara fixes her posture tensely. "Do you have a plan to get rid of them?"
"Yes," Piper looks at her. "I think we can fix this."
Ironic, how the skills that have proven to be handy so far are the ones she had as an Aphrodite and not the ones she worked hard for. "Okay," Ara nods with confidence. "What do we do?"
"We talk, and everyone else has to listen," her sister explains. "Your voice is stronger than mine, so it'd be better if you call out to them first, and force them to stay put."
"You're a better negotiator, though," Ara reminds her, "so you'll do the talking after I've got them in place."
"Girls, what are you—"
Ara hushes Jason and lifts a finger. "Be quiet, I have to focus." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The girl's skin glows pink, and the dark brown has been replaced with iridescent tints when she opens her eyes. "Eidolons, where are you?"
A ripple of warm air crosses the table. Leo, Jason, and Percy sit up stiffly, their gazes are the same golden color. "Here," they speak all at once.
Frank jumps out of his seat and presses his back against a wall. Hazel covers her mouth in horror.
"You are not allowed to leave your seats," Ara tells them.
"We won't move," they reply.
 Annabeth looks at the two daughters of Aphrodite with worry. "Oh, gods—Can you cure them?"
Piper raises her hand to ease her, and when she does, her palm trembles a little. Ara holds it as soon as she notices.
"Are there more of you on this ship?" Piper asks.
"No," Leo responds. "The Earth Mother sent three. The strongest, the best. We will live again."
"Not here, you won't," Piper's eyes blaze with anger. "All three of you, listen carefully. You will leave those bodies—"
"We must live."
"Then find another way," Ara glares at the Eidolon possessing Leo.
Leo's face twists into a smirk. "You are a spoiled child of Olympus. We do not answer to you."
"Mars Almighty, that's creepy!" Frank draws out his bow. "Get out of here, spirits! Leave our friends alone!"
Leo looks at him. "You cannot command us either, child of war. Your own life is fragile. Your soul could burn at any moment."
Frank manages to aim an arrow at Leo. "I—I've faced down worse things than you. If you want a fight—"
"Frank, don't," Hazel gets up, then turns to the others. "Listen to Piper."
"Daughter of Pluto, you may control gems and metals. You do not control the dead," Percy snarls.
"Listen, eidolons," Hazel spits out, "you do not belong here. I may not command you, but Piper and Ara do. Obey them."
Piper looks at Ara, the girl squeezes her palm and absorbs the fear her sister is feeling so she can speak. Piper takes a deep breath and tries again. "You will leave those bodies."
Jason grimaced. "We—we will leave these bodies."
"You will vow on the River Styx never to return to this ship, and never to possess any member of this crew."
Leo and Percy groan in protest, but their eyes are slowly changing colors.
"You will promise on the River Styx," Piper repeats, squeezing Ara's hand.
Ara shakes off the shivers she's getting from sponging Piper's anxiety, but she doesn't let go of her. "Promise!" The girl stomps her foot impatiently, and another ripple of hot air pushes out of her place on the table.
"We promise on the River Styx," the boys spit out in different levels of distress. 
"You are dead," Piper continues in a steady voice. 
"We are dead." 
"Now, leave."
The boys fall: Percy against the table, Jason over his chair, and Leo onto the floor. "Ow!"
"Leo!" Ara lets go of Piper and circles the table, she finds Leo sprawled next to his toppled chair.
"Are you all right?" Hazel asks the boys.
"Did it work?" Leo speaks groggily.
"It worked," Piper announces. "I don't think they'll be back."
"Does that mean I can stop getting head injuries now?" Jason groans.
Piper laughs. "Come on, Lightning Boy. Let's get you some fresh air. And Ara..." she tilts her body to see her over the table's surface. "Thank you."
Ara helps Leo to get back on his feet, she dusts off her jeans and looks at Piper. "You saved my brother and my boyfriend, I should be thanking you."
"What was that thing you did?" Hazel questions in shock. "You glowed pink!"
"Aphrodite's blessing," Ara replies. "I can use those from time to time, but not often and not one after the other, it tires me out too quickly."
"You have more than one blessing?" Frank asks in shock.
"She's got four," Leo replies hoarsely, rubbing the side of his face. "Gods, doll, you could've asked my ghost to land on his butt..."
Ara grins. "We should call it a day. Y'all go to sleep, I'll take the night shift."
Everyone starts to leave, but Percy stays behind to talk to Ara and Leo. "So..." He makes a face. "That sucked. I'm sorry for... you know..."
"It's alright, man," Leo shrugs. "I would've reacted the same way if some weirdo claimed to be my sister's sweetheart and then proceeded to bomb my house."
"A real fancy way to put it, Leo," Ara scowls.
"My point is—now we can start over, right?" Leo reaches out to take Percy's hand.
Percy shakes his hand with no hesitation. "Definitely." He glances at Ara. "I know Ara can take care of herself, but... just try to be careful."
Ara feels weird about the way he says it. Her mind goes to Hazel and Frank, and how they called Leo 'Sammy' the first time they spoke to him. She thinks Percy knows something about that.
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Leo is checking the ship's status before ending the day. It could be done by just one of them, but he insisted and Ara refused to let go of him now that he's eidolon-free.
"Not that I'm complaining," he walks from one place to another with Ara hugging him from behind like a little kid. "But it wasn't that serious, doll. Getting possessed is kinda like the flu."
"It's not funny," Ara mumbles, squeezing his waist. "Last night he could've taken over while you were kissing me—"
"Yikes," Leo cringes. "Let's not go there."
"But it could've happened!"
"Nah," he taps the morse code for 'I love you' on the back of her hand. Leo does it without noticing, or at least that's what Ara thinks, she's never asked because she fears it'll make Leo self-conscious and then he'll stop doing it. "My Eidolon was scared of you—all bark and no bite. The reason why they felt brave enough to attack you in New Rome, was because you were caught off guard."
"Love your blind faith, but—"
Leo turns and wraps his arms around her. "No buts! You're strong, smart, and hot when you use your blessings."
Ara gets flustered and tries to step back. "Okay, I got it—"
The boy kisses her without warning. He hadn't kissed her like this in... well, probably never. When he ends it, Ara is speechless and light-headed, her soul-light glows as bright as gold. Sometimes he does things that make her doubt he's not a fidget of her imagination, the way he can make her forget everything that bothers her and all she can do is stay focused on him in just a matter of seconds.
"Talking about last night... you mentioned Hazel," he says quietly, paying close attention to how she reacts. "We're gonna talk about that, or..?"
Ara leans her forehead on his. "Do we have to?"
Leo frowns. "Yeah, think so. That girl and her boyfriend freak me out! I don't know what I did to them..."
"Percy knows, but I don't think he wants to tell me," she sighs. "You should ask them face to face."
Leo snorts. "And say what? 'Hey, are you two planning my murder?'—bet that would lighten the mood around here."
Ara rolls her eyes. "Obviously not like that! I'm sure there's a way to address this without making it awkward..." She holds his arms. "Do you think Hazel..."
Leo stares at her, and he doesn't know how, 'cause this has never come naturally to him, but he guesses what Ara's trying to ask him. "You think she likes me?" He squints. "I mean, I am more good-looking than Frank, but—"
"Leónidas!" She hisses under her breath. "I'm serious!"
"Me too!" Leo exclaims. "Okay fine, grown-up talk," his grip on her gets a little tighter. "I don't know. It's like she's scared of me or something... I'll try to talk to her if you want me to."
Ara's uncomfortable for a wide variety of reasons. Mostly jealousy, but she's having negative thoughts about a girl that she's supposed to look after, and to top it all she's Nico's half-sister. She tries hard not to antagonize Nico too much, but she's always finding ways to do so.
"I hate feeling this way." She makes a face. "When we got the celestial bronze, you guys had like... a moment. I'm still thinking about it."
"A moment?"
Ara blushes, knowing how ridiculous she's about to sound. Her eyes avoid his when she talks, they're no longer golden, but they still have power over her. "You locked eyes for a second. It looked intense."
Leo presses his lips together, stopping himself from laughing. "Hm."
"This is stupid, I don't know why I'm even—"
The girl turns to leave, but Leo pulls her close again, grinning from ear to ear. His soul-light brightens. "Arae Jackson, are you jealous?"
"No!" She exclaims indignantly. "Being jealous would mean I don't trust you and I do! I don't care if you talk to girls, I'm just—worried."
"Worried," Leo repeats tauntingly. "Sure. Whatever you say, sunshine."
Ara slips out of his grasp and hurries away. "I'm telling Frank you said he's ugly."
"Hey! I didn't—Ara—STOP!"
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Next chapter →
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eggcrackerbracket · 2 years
I have some announcements to make,
Firstly, I'm currently visiting family right now so the bracket may be up later than I expected, sorry about that (I'll still try and answer any of your asks as best as I can).
Secondly, I can't tag for shit, (I am very new to tumblr) so I don't know what character specific tags to use so let me know if there are any specific tags to use.
Thirdly, I'm proud to reveal the pairs competing in this bracket, in no specific order (sorry there are no pictures):
Dave Strider (Homestuck) & Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase) & Elizabeth (Visual Prison)
Link (Legend of Zelda) & Sabi Mehboob (Sort Of)
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High Host Club) & Bill (Promethea)
Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) & Shiver (Splatoon)
Kris (Deltarune) & Franken Stein (Soul Eater)
Mettaton (Undertale) & Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb)
Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson) & Arya Stark (A Song of Fire and Ice)
Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4) & Yuri Rurikawa (Act Addict Actors!)
Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2) & Sokka (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Zuko (Avatar: the Last Airbender) & Pidge Gunderson (Voltron)
Hiccup (How to Train your Dragon) & Princess Mononoke (Princess Mononoke)
Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom) & Angel Demon (Chainsaw Man)
Hunter (The Owl House) & Seadall (Fire Emblem)
Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) & Conel.EXE (Megaman Battle Network)
Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) & Garmadon (Ninjajo)
Jim Jimenez (Our Flag Means Death) & Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Stevonnie (Steven Universe) & Aubrey (OMORI)
Gonzo (The Muppets) & Sapphire (Princess Knight)
Allen Walker (D. Gray Man) & Raven (Teen Titans)
Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet) & Spock (Star Trek)
Madeline (Celeste) & Oliver Swift (Dialtown)
L Lawliet (Death Note) & Larry Needlemeyer (Amazing World of Gumball)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) & Helia (Winx Club)
Zagreus (Hades) & Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
Lake (Infinity Train) & Kitty Pryde (Marvel comics)
Sherlock Holmes (Various Sources) & Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
Ed (Cowboy Bebop) & Boyd (Ducktales)
Mulan (Mulan) & Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Fionna the Human (Adventure Time) & Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Inosuke Hashibara (Demon Slayer) & Emily (Thomas and Friends)
ENA (ENA) & Joey/Rojo (Ben 10)
Marshall Lee (Adventure Time) & Alonzo (Cats)
Aziraphale (Good Omens) & Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) & Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Stanford pines (Gravity Falls) & Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Bridget (Guilty Gear) & Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Testament (Guilty Gear) & Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Nagisa (Assassination Classroom) & Allison (The Breakfast Club)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck) & Klaus (Umbrella Academy)
Ghost (Call of Duty) & Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler) & Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Ping (Mulan) & Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Sk8 the Infinity)
Eijiro Kirishima (My Hero Academia) & Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon)
Hawks (My Hero Academia) & Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) & Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Princess Ozma (Oz) & Princess Peach (Mario Series)
Team Rocket (Pokemon)
Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekiai) & Wade Wilson (Marvel comics)
Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena) & Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) & Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa)
Luz (The Owl House) & Spamton (Deltarune)
Morpheus, Dream of the Endless (The Sandman) & Barney Guttman (Dead end Paranormal Park)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) & Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) & Trunks (DBZ)
Sheik (Legend of Zelda) & JFK (Clone High)
Kara Zor-El (DC comics) & Legoshi (Beastars)
Wheatley (Portal 2) & Fluttershy (MLP)
Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) & The green M&M (M&M’s)
Yellow (Pokemon Adventures) & Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4) & Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Peppino (Pizza Tower) & Jason Todd (DC comics)
Mahiru Koizumi (Danganronpa) & Megamind (Megamind)
Itsuka Kendo (My Hero Academia) & Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
-Mod Sky
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