#gosh i could ramble on this by command
tearsoftime0086 · 1 year
Uhhhh so while I'm distracting myself from finishing my fic, here's a ton of random headcanons for a steve burnside lives au and what would happen after they get off the island (aka writing notes that i will never get to bc holy heck does wesker not having t-veronica change things)
The fact that steve's not vaccinated nor inoculated means that they do a data scrape for potential cures of the Antarctica facility before they blow it up (I'm thinking the explosives come from the contingency plan alexander had)
Chris showed up on the island with a two seat fighter jet. Steve and Claire get some sleepy snuggles in the back seat
Why didn't wesker show up in the intermediary? Uhh good question - probs bc to him steve's still a walking b.o.w and much more difficult to retrieve
Chris, claire, and steve debrief a little on the way back for alibi matching, what to reveal/hide. Obvs the main topic is how much they tell about steve's t-veronica. There's a lot of physical signs, so it's a tough situation
They land somewhere in australia for a few days to get their bearings. Claire gets in contact with Leon, who's INSISTENT they don't get USSTRATCOM too involved. He's still feeling guilty over how everything with sherry went
Meanwhile Steve's still rattled over the whole thing and is even more unnerved when the injuries heal over (except the veins) - the three of them talk about sherry and jill, but steve's starting to be more convinced he needs some kind of serious help
(As for how this all actually resolves??? That is a problem for future me, or anyone else who's reading this post haha)
They eventually land back in the states, and claire meets up with sherry. They confide in each other and the topic of steve comes up. He ends up tagging along next time, to when sherry inconspiciously mentions that he looks like a derpy version of leon. Steve's irked until he does finally see a picture of leon and has to be like "wow you're right. This guy's handsome as hell"
Sherry and him connect over their shared infection woes, so he becomes the "derpy uncle" of their little family
Chris doubles his energy with Jill on founding the BSAA and amassing their trusted contacts with the additional pressure of someday getting steve fully stable. Although the two started on rough footing, chris grows fond of him (obvs playing the big bro role to claire once they start formally being in a relationship)
Speaking of the relationship, claire finds steve clamming up about a lot of it once they're back. He thinks there'll never be a "normal way to say it" bc well.. everything. They work it out eventually, get that dinner, watch that movie
Steve grows out of a lot of his edgelord tendencies, esp since the virus makes him realize how big the whole bioterrorism business is. Probs a few scary scrapes w being an active controller of a t virus strain. Still says a lot of loud, half -thought out things tho
He probably lands in a role as like a civilian consultant for the bsaa. Works with rebecca on research. Claire feels tense sometimes that both chris and steve are so intricately tied to the bsaa and their line of duty, but understands why they do it.
Lots of impromptu dates and catch-ups as they all travel a lot (esp claire for terrasave). It's tough sometimes, but they're happy and they always make it work
Anyway this concludes my denial of code veronica's ending. Thank you to anyone who makes it this far lol
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helloitstsyu · 9 months
Confession | Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
My masterlist
Pairing : '86 Maverick x f¡reader
Summary : you have a crush on maverick, he notices. Maverick pushes you to confess.
Warnings: alluded smut. Mostly overall fluff.
Requested: by anon. Thanks for requesting i hope you enjoy!<3
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Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.
What's to like about him? He's so full of himself and he doesn't follow the rules. He happens to be your instructor too, your commander. He is trouble. But that doesn't stop you from developing a crush on this cocky commander.
That's what you should've seen in the first place. Not his pleasing smile, amazing hair, and perfect eyes, or his impeccably hot exterior. Maverick is hot. He is damn hot. But the more turning weeks you spend in Top Gun near his presence, the more you notice what a gentleman that he actually is. And that.... made you fall even deeper for someone's out of your league.
The result of your uncontrolled emotion is that you find yourself insanely shy around him. You have no idea you can be that shy. But whenever he's around, you'd feel your heart double beating in times. Perhaps you're so scared that he'd notice, or perhaps you're too afraid to make a fool of yourself in front of him.
"Mayday, mayday, we got fuck me eyes in the area," Dingle, your RIO whispers to you.
"Gosh, Dingle!" You slap his back as he laughs contentedly.
Dingle's the only one who knows about your crush on the instructor. You didn't tell him of course, he figured it out. He said it's obvious since you acted so differently around Maverick.
"The hell are you talking about?" you play dumb and act as if it weren't true.
"Come on, Pep, you're so caught right-handed."
Looking back straight up, Maverick is across the room playing a game of pool with another naval aviator. He bends down, eyes straight and sharp as he aims for the ball to the pocket. Your eyes follow the lengths of his arms. His toned arms... your gaze just involuntarily follows the veins on his arms. Maverick then takes his shot. He hit the nail on the head, he perfectly nailed the shot. Gosh, he even makes playing pool look so hot, he makes everything look so hot.
You shake your head and palm your face. "This is getting worse, Dingle.."
"Just tell him, take your shot, Pepper," Dingle tells you.
You shake your head. The idea of telling him that you have a crush on him always makes your stomach flip. How could you? You couldn't even stare at him right in the eyes for too long.
You take a deep breath and leave a heavy sigh. "What is wrong with me?!" You ramble.
"What's wrong with you?" The voice that you're far too recognized speaks.
You reopen your eyes to find Maverick comes to you and Dingle. You widen your eyes slightly at Dingle, cursing him non-verbally to not warning you that Maverick is coming in your way.
"Something's wrong with you, Pepper? Is everything alright?" Maverick asks with concern in his eyes. He reaches out his hand to hold your arm, showing the emphaty he feels as he practically asks you whether you're okay.
"Uh... excuse me, i need to go to the toilet." Dingle says.
You quickly turn your head to him. Beg with your eyes to not leave you alone with Maverick cause god knows you couldn't comprehend it alone.
"Sir..." Dingle politely nods to Maverick before leaving us be.
Maverick looks back at you, "Uh... I'm–I'm okay, sir."
"Yeah?" Maverick skeptically wonders about your answer. Out of nowhere, an unreadable slight smirk appears on his face. "You don't really sound sure..." he smiles mischievously.
"Uh..." you chuckle awkwardly, looking down at the floor rather than back at his green eyes. "I'm sure,"
You glance back to his face. "Thanks for checking in, though, sir." You smile then eyes away from him again. You already feel your heart thumping.
Maverick purses his lips and nods. "Okay.... okay, if you say so,"
You nod. "Well... do you want to play po—"
"I'm actually-- not really feeling okay. Maybe i had too much beer... could you excuse me, i-imma go back to base." You cut Maverick before he could've finished what he's trying to say.
You stand up from your stool, and stupidly you stumble on your own feet. Maverick's quick to catch you before you fall. You look up to his face. His face stays inches above yours. You have never been this close to him. Feels like your heart is about to beat out of your chest.
"Oohh... careful," he casually says. So casually like it means nothing to him.
You stand up straight to your own feet again. Awkwardly laugh it off. "T-thanks... um, goodnight, sir." You walk hastily out the door.
"Pepper," Maverick calls you out just after you rise from your seat. You've seen this coming, especially after that near hit you did earlier.
"Do you mind staying behind? I'd like a word," he says.
You exchange a look with Dingle. But eventually you wait till the last person is out of the room, leaving you and Maverick behind. You walk up to him. "Sir?" You ask.
Maverick walks around his table and sits on the edge of it, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "What happened?" He asks, his eyebrows knitting together.
You look down from his intense gaze, shaking your head, "I lost control of—"
"No, I'm not asking you that," he interjects. "What. Happened?" He emphasizes the question.
"We talked about what went wrong technically. But what happened? You never step out of your game." Maverick asks solemnly calm. The way he should've been furiously mad kind of making you more nervous.
"I.... i lost focus,"
"You lost focus?" Maverick repeats, eyebrows raising.
"I.... I'm sorry, sir. I-it won't happen again,"
"Lost focus.. you jeopardize your team's safety, your RIO's life."
You look down. Embarrassed by your failure. "I know, sir. My apology."
"You lost focus.." Maverick sighs, "So where was your focus? What's so important that clouded your mind, Lieutenant?"
Beat. You feel like you're pushed to the corner, checkedmate. How can you answer that? That your mind replays the scene of last night when Maverick touches you. When his face stays inches above yours?
"Uh.... um..." you stutter.
Maverick smiles mischievously, "Cat got your tongue, Lieutenant?"
"I-it's nothing, sir."
"Nothing? I don't buy it." Maverick thinly smiles.
Maverick walks towards you slowly. "Eyes on me, Lieutenant." He orders with such authority in his voice yet still sounds soft.
You feel your palm starts sweating, heart racing.
Maverick smirks. "What got your focus..?" He asks as he walks towards you ever so softly. Making the room feels a drop temperature hotter. "Or... rather.. who?".
"I- i- uh...." You feel your lips trembling so you bite on them.
His eyes drop to witness the scene. "You.... what?" He mutter, eyes locked to your lips. That made your knees limp, you feel like you're about to pass out.
He keeps taking a step closer to you till there's no more room, and he's invading your personal space. You could feel the warmth of his breath fanning to your lips. His eyes look deeply into yours, like he's digging onto you. Your chest heaves. And the closeness of him makes you dizzy. "Y/N," his voice calls you back into reality. Maverick softly grazes his fingers over yours.
You couldn't think clearly with him in mere inches away from you. So the next thing out of your mouth just slipped before you caught yourself. "I have a crush on you." You breathlessly confess.
Maverick's smile slowly can not be attained. The way he says nothing and just smiles there sends you into an anxiety loop, so you ramble on stupid things all at once. "I- i know it's stupid. I'll–I'll get over it. I shouldn't have—" Maverick slipped his hand behind the nape of your neck and just shut you up with his lips seal to yours.
It surprises you at first but, you feel your soul leaves your body. You close your eyes and just sink into him.
Once he breaks away the kiss, your mind buzzes from the after impact of it. Reopening your eyes again, you meet the heavenly greens of his eyes and his perfect smile. "I knew," Maverick retorts softly.
"You're not so hard to read, Pepper,"
You chuckle. Feeling your cheek already burning. "This is a dream," you mutter.
Maverick grins. "Well, Y/N, tell me... can your dream feel this?" Maverick presses his lips to yours again. Hand circling around you and bring you closer to him while the other keeps holding the nape of your neck.
With your body completely pressed to his. Hands to each other's body, and tongue starts colliding in a passionate rhythm, you didn't bother to think whether this is real or not. Even if it's a dream, you want it to last because Maverick tastes like a pure ecstasy. The moment he takes a step forward, pushing you back till you find yourself presented against a table. Any moral misgivings have left the room, and both of you are hurrying to have more taste of each other. Maverick grabs your jaw, set your face aside to have access to your neck. He kisses your neck, starts soft, then gradually picks up his pace. He sucks and nibs the sensitive skin, traveling all around, finding your one spot that got you ticking.
"Maverick..." You whimper.
The exit out of this is already too far. None of you both can stop the overdriving temptation. Your fingers grip on his shoulders. The more he sucks and nibs, the more heat you feel in between your legs. You keep pulling him closer as if there's any gap left. You could feel his hard on pressing onto your center, that sends your mind even more rattling than before. You try to hold back your moans but find yourself helplessly to do so.
His hand explores all your body. Groping your breast from outside of your suit. He's moments away from unzipping your flight suit but a distraction come,  and you both hear a dim voice of the Admiral coming.
Quickly, Maverick leaps off you, just in time for Admiral Caine opening the door. Still with ragged breath, you hold onto the ledge of the table for dear life, your mind still buzzing from the pleasure seconds ago.
"Sir," Maverick stands up straight and slightly nods at the admiral. He's so unbothered as if nothing has happened just seconds ago. While you're still.... trying to compose yourself.
Admiral Caine looks at the both of you. Something must've pass his mind because you could see the skeptically in his eyes. But he knock it off and instead calls Maverick for a word.
Maverick glances at you before leaving the room without saying any words. The moment the door slams close, that's when you truly can breathe.
Dreams do always stop whenever it's getting good.
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goodlucksnez · 4 months
Well here it is as promised! I made a resolution that in 2024 every month i would make a surprise wav for one of my snzblr friends, so i made a random wheel with friends on it and spun it so this months friend is *drum roll* @ithadtobesneezing
I had this thought a long time ago and well I had to put it to use! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hc that T/oge can make Y/uta snez from the cursed energy, so of course I ran with that..also my own hc that T/oge is sensitive to champagne. So without further rambling enjoy!
guide: Bonito flakes (agreement), Caviar (curse word like fuck or shit),samon (agreement but more casually kinda like the word whatever), mustard leaf (im sorry, or apologetic)
For my peeps with audio/hearing issues transcript is below
TOGE:  and YUTA:
YUTA: Here to a job well done *clicks glasses*
TOGE:  Bonito flakes
YUTA:  hey don’t be like that you did amazing! I mean that move where you jumped of that railing and you slide on your heels that was strght out of a action movie
TOGE:  *sniffs and rubs at his nose* Salmon
YUTA: think how rare this we actually get to just hang out and have a drink TOGE: ther…it is nice is it not?
TOGE: hmm *nods and sips and hiccups*
YUTA:  oh I guess you would be a lightweight haha
TOGE: hmm*grumpling before sniffling
YUTA:  oh im sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset are you-
TOGE: sneezes 2 times in quick succession
YUTA: ohh,oh um *hitches* bless you *sneezes harshly* bless you
TOGE:  Mustard leaf
YUTA:  you do not need to apologize it happens, *sneezes* phew a few sneezes are not going to kill me
TOGE: *in his head* but it is my fault, this would not be happening if I Wasn’t so weak*
YUTA: hey hey no look at me I know that face, no this isn’t your fault, heck if I wasn’t so su*starts hitching* susceptible *sneezes harshly again* ugh phew sorry this would not be a issue
TOGE: laughs and grabs a couple napkin
YUTA: hey I said issue not tissue snez again harshly
TOGE: just take it
YUTA: *blow nose before looking up starlted* wahh did you actually  just speak to me oh wow
TOGE: hmm Salmon *sips more drink*
YUTA:  wow you much really trust me..or your drunk
TOGE: *flustered gay noise before hitching*
YUTA: oh go ahead
TOGE: fanning face before ducking into his sleeve with snez 1….2
YUTA: *hitching* go one 1 more
TOGE: sneeze
YUTA: sneeze…ugh bless us
TOGE: mumbles and runs out of bar
YUTA: hey wait don’t go, where are you going
TOGE: in alleyway *stupid stupid I’m sorry this is all my fault he should not be anywhere near me
YUTA: TOGE:  yoge where are you hey come out dude come on
TOGE: all I have to do is stay quite I can do tha*-hitch oh no not now
YUTA: wait what is that I can feel his cursed energy…. I can sense him…
TOGE:  no no..not like this now..large snez
YUTA: woah hey no need to run I am unarmed. I didn’t need to search that hard hey no,no look at me…you eyes are all red so is your nose…have you ever had champagne before?
TOGE: shacks head
YUTA: I think you might be allergic to it
TOGE:  Caviar
YUTA: hey you kiss your mother with that mouth come on lets get you back
TOGE: whines and rubs at his nose
YUTA: I know allergies suck; I know better then most this *points at his face* nose of mine I definitely understand try to not to rub at it will just make the itch worse
TOGE: sniffs and rubs and sneeze
YUTA: see what did I tell you..oh great now I have to *hitches*
YUTA: sneezes trice *with stronger intensity*
TOGE: blessing him after each one
TOGE: activating his curse technique stop it
YUTA: hitches and stops hey…what
TOGE:  Caviar..clears throat commands him to sneeze
YUTA: sneezes harshly into his chest….oh thank gojo…oh my gosh I didn’t even know you could do that, stop a body from functioning *sneezes* wow that really cool
TOGE: bonito flakes
YUTA: im not complaining but try not to do that again I don’t know how much more my nose can take
TOGE: cute sneeze
YUTA: laughs bless you *kiss* I love you, lets go home
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meepmoopmaap · 5 months
I must ask about Pokemon math for I wish to here you ramble :3
Did you know that moves get multiplied if the pokemon using them matches the type of the move being used, I don't remember the exact numbers I just know shit gets better. Like a Charmander using ember or flamethrower. And then it gets either 1.5 or 2 times more powerful if it's a super effective, then even *more* powerful if you get a crit. I sadly haven't memorized the exact numbers, but my pokemon playing has gotten better bc I actually look at my guy's stats when I battle.
Also we're now gonna leave math territory, let's talk about special abilities. In my first scarlet playthrough I caught a skidoo, I didn't really want it but it was kinda cute so I'd tolerate it being weaker than my team, it could just mooch off exp from other battles until I deemed it ready.
Then i fought brassius. He's the grass gym. Wiped the floor with my team....until it was down to skidoo. Skidoo the grass type, versus the grass type team. Incase you didn't know, if you use a grass type move on a grass type it's not very effective, just type matching in general doesn't work out well.
But Skidoo's special ability happens to Sap Sipper, which means if it gets hits by a grass type move it won't take any damage, but instead it's attack will increase.
So instead of collecting my losses, acknowledging my team was 3ish levels too low to win, and grinding....I fucking brute forced my way through the type mashups and forced Brassius's stupid fucking pokemon into submissive with my skidoo's lack of fucks to give. Who needs type matchups when you're strong as fuck.
Skidoo then went on to become one of the most powerful fuckers on my team, right beside a literal hunk of salt rocks who's so autism to me and a dragon I caught while he was 10 levels too high for me to command but on the off chance he did listen to me he fucked wrecked shit up and left no survivors.
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lipglossanon · 8 months
omg HII! I just wanna say that I love your works!! <3 I stay checking ur blog everyday just to re-read things LOL
anyways, I was wondering, every Leon in the stepverse has a relatively different (although somewhat similar) personality, right? And there’s already tons of asks ab how they would gangbang you if they were together and whatnot— but get this, what if there was a little switch around?
What if instead of a bunch of Leon’s, there was a bunch of versions of you, all with different personalities? I feel like that would be so silly and cute and the sex omg (depending on which Leon gets to experience it LOL)
And because my brain can’t function enough i’m gonna focus on og! stepdad Leon LOL. Like, imagine how he would act omg having so many versions of his little stepdaughter just randomly appearing one day. He’d definitely put the mean (bratty) version of you in her place, spanking her cunt and forcing her into submission until she’s a whiny, crying mess.
With the shy version of you, I feel like he’d be more nicer, coaxing her to join in on the fun and let loose. That ver. of you is definitely more eager to please but still so embarrassed and meek about it that it’s so cute to him and he can’t bring himself to be THAT mean because she’ll cry and he would feel lowkey bad. I could just imagine him cooing reassurances at her and being all sweet but still a littleeee taunting at times. Like omg, “Shhh, just relax, yeah thereee we go. This cute pussy just needed to let loose a little, yeah?” while rubbing her clit with his thumb and fingering her simultaneously.
He’d make og you watch, but you’re not jealous or anything because oh my god it’s you and it’s really hot seeing your stepdad fuck the brains out of all these versions of you. And there’d def be a foursome, because who would wanna miss out on that?
At some point he just sits down on a chair and commands that you fuck the other versions of you. And so you oblige and it quickly turns into a messy, sloppy makeout with shy! you and you’re fingering her and being gentle with her. Mean! you is still a little subdued due to being tamed by your stepdad, but she’s still relatively rough and groping your tits while biting your neck and playing with YOUR pussy, and cuz stepdad still wants to be a little mean to her for being so bratty he makes sure that her pleasure is last. Meanwhile Leon is jerking off slowly and guiding all three of you, telling you guys what to do while making dirty comments.
And omg just as an afterthought, If this happened with stepbro!Leon, would he be nice and gentle with shy! you? Eating her out and forcing her to ride his face— or would he be mockingly sweet, taunting her and wringing out orgasm after orgasm out of her cunt until she’s crying and begging him to stop, and he’s just like “aweee, poor baby!” and laughing, making og!you and mean!you join in on teasing (bullying) her. LMAO I can imagine og!you being like “stop being mean, Leon!” but being lowkey into it and mean!you isn’t any better.
You get the idea LOL, omg this was mostly just me rambling but I hope it wasn’t as incoherent as my thoughts. Literally like just had a burst of sick (horny) thoughts in the middle of the night. >_<
Hi anon!! 🫣 Thank you for your patience 💜
And thank you!! I’m honestly shook that you re read everything 🙈 💜
AGSJVL how fun!! 🤭 oh my gosh, Leon would be in heaven if that happened 😝 like one of those moments where he’s sad he only has two hands haha!
And totally understandable ramblings 😉 my inbox is always open for horny thoughts. Heck that’s just this blog lmao
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adleryoung · 4 months
"Are you really he?" the Ixie asked after we rounded the dolmen. "Are you truly the legendary White Elf?"
"Yes," I admitted. "I am."
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"Great-Great Grandpa!" she exclaimed as she pressed herself against my face in what I assumed was a familial embrace. "It's so wonderful to finally meet you! All of the stories about how handsome and dignified you are were true!"
"Mice to smee you too," I mumbled out of the side of my mouth.
"Angela told us to watch for the signs, and she was right - as usual!" the Ixie gushed as she let go and hovered in front of me.
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"Angela?" I repeated. "Do you mean Angela Weakflit?"
"The Oldest Living Ixie," my great-great granddaughter confirmed with a nod. "She described most precisely the signs by which we would know that you had reawakened -"
"I've been awake the entire time!" I interrupted.
"Are you saying those bigfolk over there didn't rouse you from an enchanted slumber?"
"NO!" I exclaimed. "I've been stuck here for AGES, waiting for somebody who can help me to show up! Does this mean that you and your sisters could have come back here at any time?"
"Well, uh, not at first," the Ixie explained. "I've been told that the rabbits of Bunkirk used to keep a tight blockade around the forest."
"Are they still around?" I glowered.
"Yes, but they've relaxed their vigilance. The forest is widely considered to be haunted or cursed. Nobody goes in … until those two adventurers there. They entered, and then came out, and then came back with items. That's how we knew they must have made contact and were running errands for the White Elf. Gosh, I still can't believe I'm really talking to you!"
"So where have you all been?" I asked. "What have you been doing all this time?"
"In my grandmother's day, our base of operations was in Percysthorpe, and we had to avoid this area because of the rabbits. But recently we set up a major hive in what's left of Tulgeyside so we could keep an eye on these woods. Angela said the time was nigh."
"So you've basically been loafing around the countryside, eating sugar and listening to Angela Weakflit's ramblings for the last three generations," I surmised.
"Not at all," the Ixie contradicted. "There are stories from Great-Grandmother's time of Ixies being worthless layabouts, but Angela and Uncle Ash got us organised into a smooth-running intelligence and espionage operation. The Ominous Orse has hives in major cities on every continent. We know almost everything that goes on, and anything we don't know, we can find out."
"You didn't seem to know that I was awake and waiting for you all this time," I retorted bitterly.
"I'm sorry, sir," she replied sheepishly. "It's an embarrassing oversight."
"A competent spy network would have been extremely useful to me DECADES ago," I grumbled.
"Well I am honored to inform you that you have one now, sir," she declared with a crisp salute. "The Ixies of the Ominous Orse are yours to command! By the way, should you keep ignoring your visitors?"
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I peeked around the dolmen to see what Venatrix and Barkingthwaite were doing.
"I love you more," Barkingthwaite murmured.
"On the contrary, Roger dear. I love you more."
"Pellia, my sweet, I love you ten times more."
"That may be so," Venatrix sighed, "but I love you A HUNDRED times more."
"They'll be fine for a while longer," I declared, turning back to the Ixie. "I have some important questions for you. First: Does the current generation of Ixies still have an addiction to sugar?"
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"No, sir," she responded solemnly. "I've heard the tales about how sugar compromised the loyalties of my ancestors. An addiction is a weakness which enemies can exploit. We never touch refined sugar. Only natural nectar and sweet aphids, the proper nutrition which Fuma intended for us."
"Do you still have a problem with gambling?"
"Certainly not," she declared. "Gambling is a destructive vice, not to mention just a plain bad investment."
"I must say," I sighed, "that a relief."
"We only invest in worthwhile things."
"Like what?"
"We buy and trade in Penny Stocks!" she announced proudly.
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crocophant · 1 year
Would love to hear about your shep(s) whenever you get a spare moment ^^
so, my sheps are mostly just thinly veiled self-inserts and exist as excuses for me to romance steve/liara but i guess i'll talk about them
also this took like a week to fully flesh out because i kept writing it and then getting distracted by shiny things while I don’t have to be at work for three weeks
Much of this is completely just me rambling about why i played the game one way and continued to do so for the next many playthroughs (because we all know how people play bioware games)
In general, don’t take too much of this as gospel for the ME Holiday Exchange because I’m willing to read about Shepards who make different choices than I did (swaps’ Opus series is a great example)
if you have more questions, feel free to hit me up!
i usually choose the spacer background, not for like nepotism reasons but because as someone who is familiar with familial pressures that's the only way you could get me into the military (also, Colonist/Earthborn just feel like they're just extra trauma for the pile, let Shepard at least start the series with a normal amount of trauma, they get dogpiled enough with it later; see:literally everything past landing on eden prime)
For Psychological Profile, I completely go back on my about how much Trauma we’re injecting into Shepard’s life and go Sole Survivor because both War Hero/Ruthless kinda squicked me for my self insert, but also I do like the thought of Shepard coming off of Akuze back to active service and getting put on the Normandy only to have Eden Prime happen (can the world stay saved for FIVE MINUTES)
for class, it's either sentinel/adept. as @partyhatjigglypuff will no doubt confirm, if there's magic, i'm gonna play it, because otherwise WHAT IS THE POINT (in dragon age i am a mlm - mage loving mage in DA2/Inquisition) but also, i am a completionist/hate the level curve in me1 where you have to open everything or use console commands furthermore, i do think a world where biotics are just starting to be a thing for humans, you’re going to be pushed into the military, after all, it’s not like it’s thessia, where every asari has some level of biotic aptitudes and some of them can just fuck off and be archaeologists (i do see the point of playing a soldier, aka “just a normal human who gets thrust into fuck off circumstances” but again, this is *my* power fantasy let me have fun here, also i am bad at aiming a gun so powers are the Way To Go)
I tend to make a lot of the same choices throughout the series for both m!Shep and FemSheps because that’s the way I like the story to go?
Plot Highlights for Both: Spare the Rachni Queen, Sacrifice Ashley, Give Wrex his armor, Save the Council, Anderson is Councilor, Destroy the Collector Base, Geth/Quarian Peace (cry about Legion), Cure the Genophage (Cry a lot about Mordin), There Was Red Light and the Reapers Died but the Geth and EDI survived because Otherwise is Too Horrible To Imagine
my female sheps are usually the sentinels, because I played through the series with a fem!shep first so i was still figuring out WTF was going on, and then i just didn’t stop, for the most part. anyways, even before i was super regularly going by jane, i still named my sheps jane because it’s a nice name, gosh dang it. she always romances Liara/Nobody/Liara because you can’t be gay on the Space Racist Ship i believe in love. she rewrites the geth heretics because Legion asks politely. she thinks about the dalatrass’ offer re:salarian support but politely declines (as much as that can be done, like ‘sorry ma’am but i had previously made a promise to Wrex, whom I like more than you’). She’s very much pragmatist/idealist/again i had no idea what was going on my first playthrough so it was a mix of “i’m hedging my bets
my male sheps are the adepts. diversity win! the super space soldier who is acting as a beyond-the-law agent of the government uses femme-coded space magic. anyways, i usually use more or less the default mshep because the male character creator looks like a frog no matter what i do imho? this is my “how do i get the ‘best’ ending” shepard. he tends to destroy the heretics because he’s a bleeding heart. not to dip too much into a different hyperfixation but this lore tab from destiny 2 explains why: "If a Guardian kills me with violence," she explained, "I am Eido until my death. But if a Techeun controls my voice… am I still Eido?" he doesn’t romance anyone in ME1/2 because MLMs haven’t been invented yet, but he does fall in love with Steve in ME3 (I’m not saying this because I also fell Unexpectedly in love with Steve but like, if the shoe fits, I will wear it for numerous playthroughs). I like the thought of Kaidan/Shep being in orbit around each other in ME1/being each other’s hobby crush like in this post, but not wanting to commit or break regs, and by the time they’re both ready to trust/like each other again/Kaidan feels comfortable enough to make the move (steak sandwich convo), Shep’s already fallen for Steve/gotten together with him.
I just think pilot/biotic!Shepard is a good combination, especially when steve turns off the stabilizers in the Citadel DLC like you cannot tell me that an adept Shep doesn’t get pointers from Kaidan (Mr. Control post-Vyrrnus) and Liara for how to better finetune the control so that he can give Steve some of those juicy g-forces in the bedroom one day.
also! they both have purple armor because that’s the correct color
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elitaxne · 2 years
hey lita mun! just wanted to pop in and say that i freakin LOVED your "battle cry" drabble. it's honestly one of my favorite things you've written & ive been following this blog for a looooooooonnngggg time. i love everything you write honestly but ~this~ was especially amazing. please please please tell me you're going to continue? and i swear to primus if anything happens to cypher youll be hearing from my lawyer lololol jk jk no but seriously i love him so much! can't gush enough about everything you did here: wordlbuilding, the war paint, the disfigurement cypher has, KUP, seeing more of elita's past as ariel the list goes on and on. ok i'm done rambling anyways you rock & excited to read what else you put out (even if it's not this) big big fan ^3^
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「 OOC. 」
Not me crying in the club right now ;A; Oh gosh, this is one of the nicest things ever to grace my inbox so thank you so much for sending in — NOT BOTHERING AT ALL !! You have no idea how much this made my day, I’ve been grinning at it for hours !!
*cracks knuckles* OKAY LET’S TALK CYPHER because tbh he’s my sweet baby angel and I love him so much. Fun fact: he’s an OC I created wayyyy back in the days when I first started writing fanfic with a group of three via email ( previously we had met on Pinterest of all places !! ). He’s changed a lot over the years and sadly been relegated to living on the shelf since I don’t RP my OC’s much, save for Starburst. The other NPC’s in babe && mine’s threads are shared characters between us rather than what I consider to be an ACTUAL OC born of my own mind... idk if that makes sense ??
BUT YES— I have a headcanon that the Tarnish region have Scottish / Irish influenced accents. Actually, it’s something @lifotni && I talked about recently, funny enough !! That said, I really, really, giving my characters something uncommon about them so I can do research, delve into their psyche and see how those lesser explored traits affect them && their relationships with others, the world, themselves, etc. So, for Cypher it’s his facial disfigurement. 
LOLOL DON’T CALL ARIEL / ELITA OUT LIKE THIS— but I mean you’re 1000% right. She likes mecha ( mecha && femme, she’s bi-romantic, demisexual ) with a broad chassis and large arms, good for hugging. Their connection though is more so a close platonic friendship than romantic. It’s funny, I’ve never imagined any hints of romance shared between them !! Ariel sees him kind of like an older brother, and Cypher is Hella Gay lol.
Also, like, nonnie, I LOVE how you noticed the subtle callbacks like “In for four, out for four” and the spark massaging. I was SO curious if anyone was going to notice those actions, since it’s something Ariel / Elita has carried through now for her life. Idk, I just thought it’d be neat to put in WHERE those things came from && WHY they’re so important to her ??
I honestly could talk about the world building elements I slipped in here for HOURS. Tbh, I’m really looking forward to expanding it further since the Golden Age has always interested me deeply, especially with Ariel / Elita and HOW she came to be this legend that she is.
Anyways, I’m so so so happy you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I’m pleased to say I’m actually just finishing up a sequel to that drabble !! I’m considering making it an on-going series of sorts when I have free time, since I’ve really been in the Ariel mindset... and early-Councillor / Commander years Elita *eyes emoji*
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shotofire · 3 years
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Levi Ackerman x F!Reader
(Requested) I changed a small part of it, I hope you don’t mind anon.
Overview: Levi has an s/o who works at a flower shop
Warnings: Cursing, smut mention, age gap (legal of course), mentions of death
Season: Not specified, but I imagine it in the 1-2 range
Most knew about the flower shop by the name of Sweet Stems within the walls of Rose. It’s funny, really, to have that kind of shop behind a wall with the same name as a flower. It’s been in the same spot for years, selling the most vibrant and smell good flowers anyone has ever encountered. Business hasn’t been slow since day one, everyone adored the place.
Women grew up dreaming a boy would buy them beautiful flowers from the shop. It’s a vibrant spot on a world of grey and fear, and everyone wants a peice of it. Most felt as if they’ve stepped into another world once they’ve gone in, and that’s why Levi Ackerman loves it so much. He’ll sneak off during his free time just to smell the flowers and bask in their energy.
Sometimes Levi can’t stop himself from buying a bouquet, falling in love with how it makes him feel. His favorite are the purple lavender flowers, the smell reminds him of his mother. It brings him comfort and warmth to have them around, to smell them whenever his mind is struggling.
Everytime he goes it’s the same sweet old lady standing behind the counter with a smile. She has a strong liking for Levi, he reminds her of someone she once knew in her younger years. “My granddaughter is going to start helping me out, so I won’t always be here.” She’d said to him one day, but he didn’t think much into it. He assumed it would be a child trying to make extra money for toys.
Levi was pleasantly surprised when a beautiful women approached him on his next visit, asking him if he was in need of assistance. Honestly, calling the girl beautiful is an understatement. She’s absolutely breathtaking, and had Levi at a loss for words. Her eyes sparkled when she spoke, and a smile was on her face. “Are you a regular?” She’d asked once he’d come back a week later, buying the same lavender flowers as before. “Somewhat.”
There’s no denying the mans attractiveness. Even with the stone cold expression she can feel his warmth within. “I’m y/n, possibly the new store owner.” Her hand was held out for him to take, and he accepts it. “I’m Levi.” “Oh, my grandmother has told me about you,” her eyes light up, “she said that you’re a kind soul.” No one has ever referred to him as that, most found him extremely intimidating. It was refreshing to know someone didn’t see him that way.
Visit after visit Levi began talking to her more. Conversation wasn’t his strong suit, but her personality made it easy. Everything he said, even the most random things, somehow she could say something about it. “How come you only buy Lavender?” She’d asked him as he was checking out, and he froze up. The old women had never asked him that so he assumed the question would never come up.
She saw the way his body stiffened and immediately regretted asking. “I, um, i’m s-sorry, it’s none of my business. I just didn’t know if you were buying them for a possible girlfriend or something-“”They remind me of my mother.” He cut her off from her rambling. “She died when I was really young and the smell makes me remember things about her that age has taken away from me,” there’s a small smile on his face. As if talking about it somewhat makes him feel better. “That’s wonderful.”
There was no clarification of when the relationship started. Maybe it was when she’d closed up the shop and he’d kissed her under the moonlight. Or maybe it was in her bedroom when he’d stripped her bare and kissed every inch of her skin. There’s no denying they are a couple, and Levi is madly in love. He noticed early on that her smell changed with the day. Sometimes she’d smell of lily’s, violet’s, or tulips, but his favorite on her is orchids.
Being with someone in the survey corps is hard on the young girl, even if many have said Levi is the worlds strongest soldier. She’s witnessed the titans unruly actions and it scared her senseless. But it was too late to turn back, her heart was already smitten with his. Months went by of laughter and kissing, and getting to know one another.
Levi didn’t like talking about his profession, it was too dark for her light heart. She made him feel as if nothing bad could happen as long as he is with her. It didn’t take much convincing for her to get him to occupany her on a picnic. They laid there in a field of flowers, looking up at the clouds. “That one looks like a elephant,” she says, her eyes doing the beautiful sparkle that he loves. Seeing her like this made him feel all tingly.
“You’re ethereal.” Her head turned quickly to him, seeing the pure adoration in his face. “T-Thank you.” He always knew how to have her stumbling over her words. They stayed like that for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes. Levi was first to break the silence, “I love you.” That isn’t something he just says, honestly he doesn’t think he’s ever said it. Not even to his mother, not that he can remember. “I love you,” she said back with a growing blush. His lips are quick to attack to hers under the warmth of the sun.
His comrades noticed his growing absences. It’s not like the man needs training, he’s strong and skilled beyond most. Yet they still found it odd and wondered where he always ran off to. “Where are you going?” Hange asked while she stepped infront of him, blocking his way out. “Don’t worry about it.” He slipped underneath her arm that was pressed against the wall next to her, running off before he could be stopped.
“He wouldn’t tell me!” Hange says in a frustrated tone, hands flying in the air. Erwin is determined to know where the man is running off to just like Hange. “What if we followed him?” Hange asks. The commander knows it’s a total invasion of privacy, but he can’t help himself. And even if he doesn’t follow through Hange is going to anyway.
It’s a beautiful day and the sky is clearer than it’s been in weeks. As soon as Levi saw the bright sun above he knew it’s a perfect time to see y/n. It’s a Sunday so the shop is usually closed, so he’ll walk to her home only a block away.
You’d think the worlds strongest soldier might notice a pair of nosey friends following him. But his mind is set on her, and what’s infront of him. Hange and Erwin are close behind, but not too close, making sure to keep their distance as best as possible. They hide behind corners a few times to let Levi get more ahead.
The walk began to feel like forever to the prying two, then Levi begins to approach a small home decorated in vines and flowers. It looks straight out of a fantasy book, definitely not this mans type of scene. He looks out of place standing infront with a black jacket on his upper half and dark brown pants on his lower.
Levi knocks on the wooden door and Hange doesn’t even blink as she waits for it to open. She literally lets out the loudest gasp that has anyone nearby turning their heads to look. Erwin is about to thump the back of her head but he’s soon left speechless as well. The door has opened, and the beautiful girl Levi has grown so fond of wraps her arms around his neck and presses a kiss to his lips.
“There’s no fucking way,” Hange says as she rubs her eyes. “I’m dreaming right? I’m going to wake up soon.” She keeps letting out random phrases. Erwin is surprised too considering all his years he’s known the man. At this point the commander wasn’t even sure if Levi was interested in girls, or let alone people.
“She’s beautiful,” Hange says while inching closer. Erwin grabs her shoulders and pulls her back, “Remember we are not supposed to be here.” He can definitely agree that she’s beautiful, and obviously a bit younger than the captain. He wondered how a girl like her had even met Levi.
Hange can’t help but giggle at the sight of thr girl kissing Levi’s cheek as heat rises to his face. “Oh my gosh- he’s blushing! Have you ever seen Levi have that look on his face?” “I definitely have not.” The comrad’s felt as if they are looking at a whole different person. In a way they were, this is a different side of Levi that only comes out for y/n.
“I want to go say something, I don’t even care if it pisses him off,” Hange says and she moves too quickly for Erwin to stop her. “Hange, no! Fucking shit.” Shes next to the couple in an instant and Levi almost faints when he sees his friends face. “What the hell are you doing here?” Is the first thing he asks, with a wildly confused look in his eyes.
The beautiful mystery girl, to Hange and Erwin, looks at the stranger with equal confusion. She didn’t know of Levi’s comrades or even how living situations worked. “Erwin and I,” Hange motions to the commanders frame peaking around a nearby corner, “wanted to see where you’ve been sneaking off to for months, and now we know.” “So you guys invaded my privacy?”
Hange rolls her eyes at him instantly, “Whatever, we just wanted to make sure you weren’t doing some weird stuff.” She turns her attention to the unnamed person before her, “I’m Hange, a comrad of Levi’s, nice to meet you!” “I’m y/n.” The two shake hands. “And what are you to dear, sweet little Levi?” It takes everything in him to not yell at Hange to leave right now. “I, um, i’m, his girl- well-“ “She’s my girlfriend, so please don’t scare her off.” Weight comes off the girls shoulders as Levi answers for her.
As said before, the relationship has never been established. It hasn’t even been labeled. So to be asking her that infront of Levi she wasn’t too sure what to say. But Levi calling her his girlfriend makes her feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. “Well i’ve gotten all the info I need, carry one.” Y/n definitely is beyond confused with what’s happening, and not used to Hange’s odd personality.
Before Hange can say anything else, or Erwin decides to but in, Levi is pushing y/n inside her home and slamming the door behind him. “Wha-“”Anywhere we go today my nosey comrades are going to follow,” there’s a dark look on his face, the same one he has that makes her knees weak, “so we are stuck inside.” Maybe it’s the annoyance with Hange and Erwin, or the fact that she looks stunning right now... little bit of both... but Levi just wants to get his hands on her.
His hands rest on her waist and she shivers, the slightlest touch feeling like waves. One hand trails up her waist, fingers pressing to the delicate skin of her neck. “I’m sorry they interrupted our day. Can I make it up to you?” She nods frantically and he smirks, “Use your words.” “Yes, please.” He immediately connects his lips to hers softly, slowly beginning to lead to her bedroom.
Today she smells of orchids.
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rambling-addict · 3 years
(This is PART2 of my rambling. PART1 here.)
So moving on. Let’s start with another authority figure. This time, one that I don’t like.
Madam President Wade.
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Seriously, I hate her so much. Sure, she’s a badass for being able to keep Alder on her toes and especially bossing Petra around, but I’d love to see what’s coming to her. I have a feeling she’d die in that bunker of hers next season. What a coward, hiding when the people needs her most to lead.
I hate the civilians’ views on witches, too. It’s such a double standard. If the plague was meant to kill civilians, surely they wouldn’t mind if the witch source was killed off to save thousands of human lives. But because they aren’t affected by it, and the plague was only targeting witches, of course, it’s murder.
And even from the beginning, the humans hating on the army for “not doing anything”. Like bloody hell, for years and years, the witches had fought their bloody wars for them! It’s not them who’s risking their lives and their freedom. And for what? What do they get in return? To be accepted in society? It’s a basic right. Witches shouldn’t have “to serve” just so humans could accept witches living amongst them. Alder shouldn’t have had to sign those accords. And even when they give up their freedom and put their lives on the line, what do humans do? They criticise them still, like it’s their bloody privilege.
I was literally screaming for Petra to man up and fight back. So it was really satisfying when she walked out of the White House.
When Petra called Anacostia, being all commanding and firm, she finally started to sound like a General. She finally realised that being in Alder’s position isn’t a walk in the park. And that was just an inkling of what Alder carries as burden on the daily.
Then, we’ve got an even more despicable character. Mr. Vice President.
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I never liked him from the beginning because he was such a sketchy character. But to be honest, I never thought he’d murder his own daughter. He seemed to really love Penelope, but in the end, his hatred for witches won out. How callous can you be? To have loved someone for years, and then suddenly having the ability to sacrifice that person. It goes to show that he will go above and beyond just for his nasty beliefs. And that’s scary. Same goes for that doctor, creepy ass Alban Hearst. Fuckin’ weirdo. I’d love for these two to die gruesome deaths… maybe have Adil or Khalida use their Tarim work on them, lol.
Speaking of Adil and Khalida…
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I’m glad that they’re finally seeing that being pacifists isn’t always the way, especially Khalida. I hate violence as much as the other person, but sometimes, some people with radical beliefs are irredeemable. Even if you lock them away, they’ll always find a way to terrorise people.
I know it isn’t as simple just murdering bad people, and in the real world, everyone has a law to answer to if they’ve killed someone. But remember MFS is a fictional world. They don’t really follow real world norms or stereotypes. I mean, homosexuality is such a normal in the MFS world, it’s not even addressed. No homophobia. No shaming people who are expressive with their sexuality and sex life. And instead of patriarchy, emphasis is put on matriarchs. So yeah, we should their characters based on the standards set on the fictional world.
But enough of that. Of course, let’s talk about my favourite couple, the ship that’s sailing faster than any wlw ship.
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Their reunion gave me so much feels!! Especially that ‘S’, my gosh! I’m still reeling. I’m so glad the writers included that. What a Raylla fanfic moment, lol.
And that ‘R’ formation of the birds, Scylla is such a simp!
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Look at her so smug, showing off her sexy weirdness to her girlfriend with the really cool hair. Haha.
And their kiss, omg.
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This had got to be their best kiss on the show so far. Amalia smiling into the kiss and Taylor with her eyes shut in focus… then both of them literally looking flushed after… I know Taylor and Amalia enjoyed that make out. I wonder how many takes they did ;) But seriously, I saw that tongue action. It was glorious.
They’re so in love, so focused on each other…and basically so shameless, but they had the audacity to act so shy after that public make out session. Lol. I’d post more pictures, but I’m at a limit. Maybe I’ll make a post with just Raylla.
Anyway, moving on… Quarterhorn.
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MamaCostia and her evil baby necro. They’ve come a long way. They were from two sides of the spectrum, an army fosterling and a dodger brat turned Spree. They both fought for what they believed in, from different sides, and now they’re fighting the same fight. I love the kinship. And I’m glad that Scylla finally has that mother figure again. She’s lost her parents, then Willa… she just really need that guidance and assurance, and Anacostia was that and more. I’m so thrilled that they got to see each other again—Mama Petra and Abigail, too. I’m glad Gregorio didn’t come.
Also, this…
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C’mon, you see it, right…;) Why is Tally so shippable with everyone? Except Gregorio.
I think Nicte was once in Tally’s position, admiring Alder and having so much faith in her. I think she was in love with Alder. I mean, she felt so hurt and betrayed that she turned vengeful and started the Spree to prove a point. Maybe she felt spiteful or guilty that she got blinded by her feelings for Alder that she taught her her own work, only for it to be used for bad. I think Nicte just wanted to use her special abilities to help, but when Alder betrayed her, it drove her to the deep end—proving to Alder that since Alder used it for bad, then she’s gonna do it, too; hence, the iconic Spree work. It was a constant reminder to Alder for what she did. Nicte can hold a grudge, apparently. Haha.
But back to the point… Tally and Nicte are kindred spirits. And I love their back and forth banter. I guess Tally may have found another Alder, another idol or mentor figure. But this one is more playful, more challenging. She needs it, actually… and this time, someone she can somehow trust, maybe not that quickly. But it seems like Nicte trusts only Tally. Can’t wait to see how their bond goes in the next season.
And last but not the least…
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Mycelium Alder. I knew they weren’t gonna cast off Alder that easily. It was foreshadowed when Izadora mentioned that their defences crumbled when Alder passed. Fort Salem is tethered to Alder’s life force. The mycelium was literally born from her song, and she build Fort Salem over it. I wonder if she’s like the embodiment of the Mother now. I don’t really have any theories for this. Will she stay there underground? Or get out? But we all know Alder is stubborn. She’ll make herself known, one way or another. I think it’s possible she might get out. They didn’t burn her body or anything. She was just floated into the mycelium, and the mycelium just accepted her. I don’t think it’s been mentioned if someone had been brought there before. But I know Alder’s got a big role to play.
Damn…. I’m excited for how it will all play out. I can’t wait for the next season. I really hope it’s not the final season. There’s so much more to this show. The world-building is just so incredible, and with every episode, all the puzzle just fits so perfectly to form the bigger picture. Kudos to the writers, the cast, and everyone who made this show happen. I’m proud to be part of this fandom. I’m gonna miss them so much. I thiink this is me having withdrawals already, lol.
Well, until next time…
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cursedwriter · 3 years
Cursed! Part 2 - Gojo Satoru
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Part One // Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist 
Synopsis:  After running some errands you’re caught off guard by a curse user. Unbeknownst to you, he has something up his sleeve that would mean a fate worse than death to you. How will you get out of this? And what role does your boyfriend - the Satoru Gojo - play in all of this?
Warning: Slight spoilers concerning Gojo’s technique, I gues... but it’s also mixed with a lot of my own bullshit, so it fits the story. Keep that in mind, please. I’m not trying to be one hundred percent accurate. 
Words: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the feedback! I decided to release shorter chapters, so I can update the story more frequently. Hope this keeps you on your toes! Let me know what you think! 
“Wait a second.” Gojo held his finger up to signal Ichiji to shut up for a bit. He was rambling on about that under no circumstances he was to be late again or the principal might actually kill him this time. He heard that speech about a million times already and after so long, it kind of lost its threat. Not that he ever really felt threatened by it anyway. What could he do, after all? Throw an army of puppets in Gojo’s face? Right… Except the dolls did kind of creep him out. Well, no matter. The fact remained that he didn’t really care either way. The only thing or the only one to be exact he cared about was not with him right now, but calling him on his phone. He’d drop everything to hear your voice, no matter the consequences. “Miss me already?” Satoru laughed as he picked up the call, though, it was him who already missed you. He wouldn’t dare to admit that, though. “That was quick. You weren’t even gone for two hours.”
“Oh, he picked up.” Gojo’s eyes narrowed. Instead of hearing your melodic voice on the other side of the phone, he was met with the one of a stranger. He was momentarily dumbfounded – which didn’t happen often – and he didn’t immediately follow up with a quick and witty retort. The man on the other side took this as an invitation to speak again. “Gojo Satoru, I believe I have something of yours in my possession. Please be so kind and pick it up, okay? She really can’t wait to see you.”
Before he could say something, the call ended. It took him a while after that to lower his phone, deep worry lines edging themselves into his forehead as he tried to make sense of what just happened.
“Everything alright?” Ichiji asked and brought him back to reality.
“Stop the car,” Gojo commanded. His tone left no room for interpretation: he was pissed. So pissed, in fact, Ichiji was sure there was smoke coming out of his ears. He immediately pressed down on the brakes, not willing to stand between Gojo Satoru and his wrath. That was a sure death sentence. Whoever had been on the call, must’ve really set him off in the wrong way. What a fool!
“What – what about the – the meeting?” Ichiji stammered as Gojo yanked the door open and got out of the car.
Before closing the door again, he leaned down slightly to look at Ichiji, mouth pressed into a thin line, eyes hidden behind his usual black blindfold. “I don’t care about the damn meeting. Send the principal my regards, I won’t be coming! If he has a problem with that, he can take it up with me later!” He slammed the door shut and Ichiji accelerated the car almost immediately after. Despite not being sure what just happened and why his demeanor did a full one eighty in a second, Ichiji knew one thing and one thing only, he needed to get away as fast as possible. A pissed off Gojo Satoru was no laughing matter. Whoever angered him had one hell of a storm coming for them.
Gojo bit the inside of his cheek as he watched Ichiji drive off into the distance. What the hell was that call all about? It was apparent that you were in trouble, but they didn’t even give him a location or anything. What’s up with that whole thing anyway? A hostage situation to get to him? Highly likely, but still… a lot of questions remained. How did you even get caught? You were a special grade sorcerer, no low level could’ve done this. Maybe this guy had an especially tricky technique… And what did he want with him? A curse user who wanted to make a name of himself by defeating the great Gojo Satoru? Or was it something different entirely?
Gojo scoffed. This sucked! So many questions were bouncing around in his head and no answers in sight. Where was he even supposed to start looking? He scratched his head in order to remember what you’d told him about your plans this evening. You had wanted to run some errands, but you were so cryptic about it that he never really got a straight answer. He believed that you wanted to buy him a gift or something – his birthday was coming up after all - and didn’t press on further. Now, he really regretted that.
“This was exactly what I was afraid of!” he mumbled, fingers wrapping around his phone in a deathly grip and right before he was on the verge of breaking the device, he got a notification. Your name lit up his screen and he almost sighed in relief, thinking this was probably just a stupid prank and you finally wanted to come clean… but when he clicked on your message, his blood froze momentarily. There was a picture of you attached, standing stiffly like a statue. He couldn’t see your eyes, because they were hidden behind a blindfold. From the background it looked like you were standing in a park and upon zooming in on the picture he immediately recognized the pond in the upper left corner.
[7.33 pm] Y/N: You better hurry xoxo
At this point, he wasn’t just pissed off. No. He was seething. Blood boiling in his veins with hot rage, he was afraid he could explode. Whoever did this, would pay dearly. Preferably with their life.
Not wasting any more time, Gojo warped himself to the location, appearing in front of the culprit and you in mere seconds, materializing out of thin air.
“Ah, there he is!” A man with a scar on his cheek appeared from behind you, clapping his hands together in delight. “For a second I was afraid you might not show up. That you actually didn’t really care about her.” He laid one hand on your shoulder and Gojo wanted to eliminate him right then and there but you’d be in his immediate line of power, so all he could do was stand there and listen to this psycho. He guessed that he knew that Gojo couldn’t do anything for as long as he stayed close to you.
“What the hell do you want?” Gojo asked through clenched teeth. “Do you have a death wish? I can help with that.” His voice was dripping with malicious intent; one could almost taste the blood lust in the air. Gojo reached for his mask, tearing it off his eyes. Immediately his senses were flooded with all kinds of information about his cursed energy and technique. Gojo hissed. That bastard! Mind manipulation. It was a rare technique and a real pain in the ass when you were at the receiving end. Good thing, it didn’t work on him. His cursed energy barrier protected him from mind tricks like these.
“What did you do to her?”
“Ah, right. You already know everything there is to know about me and my technique.” The guy smiled mischievously, perverse glee shining in his eyes. Gosh, did he have to be any more annoying? “Good, saves me time explaining. Sadly, I can’t stick around for the grand finale. You’d just kill me, right? So you understand that our ways part here.” Seriously what was with this guy? “Well, Y/N, dear?” Gojo took a step forward upon hearing him say your name. It made him sick. If he just moved one step to the right he could blast him into oblivion and be done with it! So move, bastard. Move! “You know the plan?” You nodded.
Immediately you lifted two fingers up in the air. “Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness, purify that which is impure,” you said. And while Gojo was relieved to hear your voice, he didn’t like the sight of the veil coming down from above.
“Now, then,” the guy ripped your blindfold off. Your eyes flitted over the area, taking in your surroundings until finally they settled on him. He tried to smile, reassure you that everything would turn out okay. Your mouth was pressed into a thin line and your eyes had lost their usual glimmer. All that remained was a blank expression.
Suddenly your eyes opened wide, as if something within you had woken up. Something that wasn’t there before. Tears were streaming down your face immediately after and a raspy scream ripped through your throat. “No! Gojo, run! Run!”
What the hell?
But you already knew it was too late. The veil was almost completely down now. This would be the place in which one of you would find their end. You hoped with all your heart it wouldn’t be him.
The guy whose name you never knew laughed in the distance. The sound sending chills down your spine, not fitting the situation in the slightest. “At last! The grand finale, ladies and gentlemen!”
Part Three
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ct7567329 · 3 years
Pass: Rex x Reader
A loud sigh escaped your lips as a holopad was slapped down next to you.
"Here are the list of all the troopers that need their annual evaluation. Make sure you can get them all done within the next thirty rotations," General Shaak Ti informed you, urgency in her voice.
You hummed in response and picked up the holopad, browsing through the list. All ARC Troopers were reevaluated annually to ensure they were still the best fit for the position. The list could easily be knocked in half if the 501st managed to make their way to Kamino anytime soon. The mid-rim sieges would make it difficult but you had to get it done.
Begging Anakin to let the 501st have a few days off on Kamino wasn't too hard to accomplish. He complied to it faster than you expected but you weren't going to complain. There was plenty to do before the reevaluations. Testing new weapons, giving new battle combinations and evaluation their ability to adapt were just a few things that needed to be done. And you had to figure out how to do it.
The only thing you enjoyed about the task was catching up with the troopers. Throughout your time as a special ranks trainer at Kamino,  you've developed many friendships with the soldiers, and unfortunately, you never really got to see them again once they were shipped off.
Your heart jumped a little when you saw the number 7567 on the list. You recognized the number as a Captain named Rex. He was one of the hardest working soldiers you've worked with. Right before he shipped out, he buzz cut his hair and dyed it blonde, making him the only soldier in that captain training program to not have the standard hair cut with brown hair. You admired his willingness to be unique.
Roughly six rotations later, the 501st finally arrived on Kamino, giving the majority of the men a much needed break. You figured Anakin would be in the mess hall so you made your way there to meet up with your long time-no see friend.
It was never difficult to find him. Anakin was always the center of attention. According to his Padawan, he enjoyed telling elaborated stories about before the war to the clones. You approached him from behind as he rambled on about his encounter with a bounty hunter when he was only fourteen.
"Wow, let me guess, you used your lightsaber without holding it. You used the force to levitate it?" you butted it, chuckling slightly.
Anakin turned around and threw his hand up, "(Y/N)! Always a pleasure to see you. Let me introduce you to my new men!"
You smirked and shook your head as Anakin began introducing them. It appeared as if Rex wasn't present.
"And this here is Hard-"
"Case," you laughed, "You forget. I've worked with every solider that steps foot off this planet."
"Great to see you again, General!" Hardcase salutes, "And may I add, your beauty has multiplied since."
You rolled your eyes, "Not even the brutality of the war can take away his charm. But, he takes after his general I suppose."
The men snickered as Anakin gave you a glare.
"Anyway, I sent you a list of men that need their evaluation. I know you're here for a while but of you can let them know to get it done as soon as possible, that would be great. I have thousands of troopers to test."
"You wish is my command," Anakin playfully bowed.
You exhaled and began to exit, "I'll catch up with you all soon!" you called out.
As you exited the mess hall, you began to reminisce on the old days of being a Padawan and filling around with Anakin. The two of you always managed to pull off shenanigans that usually resulted in a conference by the council, but you wouldn't change a thing. You turned the corner to head to your quarters when you knocked into a solider, causing him to drop his helmet.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry...Rex?" you gasped, once you realized who it was.
Rex's jaw dropped, "General. You remember my name?"
"I remember every soldier's name," you grinned, using the force to pick up his helmet, "especially the special ones." You handed him his helmet.
"Is that a compliment, sir?" he asked, slowly taking his helmet from you.
You bit your lower lip, "Perhaps. How has the war been for the 501st?"
He let out a heavy sigh, "There's always some uphill battles, but I think we are all just glad to be back on Kamino. Even if it's just for seven rotations."
"Me too!" you nodded. Trying to hide your reddening cheeks in his presence was nearly impossible. They say war drains you, but Rex was even more handsome than you remembered.
"Sir? Aren't you always on Kamino though?" he asked, making a confused face.
"Oh no. I mean I'm glad that the 501st is back. You guys are the finest soldiers to come out of my training. My favorite to be around, if I may add."
Rex's entire demeanor when from solider talking to general to a look of more compassion, "You mean that?"
"Lying isn't the Jedi way. And even if I wasn't a Jedi, who would lie to someone like you? Don't sell yourself short, Rex. Don't think just because you're 'just a clone' you're any less than anyone else. And-"
You stopped for a moment, realizing what words. were actually coming out of your mouth.
"And.." you drew out the n sound, "Don't forget to pick a time slot for your evaluation! Can't wait to see how much you've grown on the battlefield!" you rushed to say, before taking off to your quarters at a quick pace.
As you hastily walked away, Rex turned to look at you. He wasn't quite sure what to make of what you said. As far as he could remember, you were always kind to him, compassionate with your words, but never that caliber. Though he would have loved to think of it as a flirtatious encounter, he knew that would be something he could only dream of and continued to make his way to the mess.
"Are you knifing stupid!?" you yelled to yourself as you entered your quarters. In that moment you knew you messed up. If there was anything you were taught as a youngling, is was that admitting your attachments is a tell tale sign you are completely attached. You sighed and flung your body onto your bed, hoping a nap would clear your mind.
Meanwhile, Rex ate his grub hastily. This wasn't common for him at all. Especially since the men of the 501st were used to actually conversing with Rex during meals.
"What's got you eating like a bat out of hell?" Fives asked, turning his head to face his vod.
"Just a little busy," Rex mumbled, stuffing the remaining food in his mouth.
Fives raised an eyebrow, "With what? We have six whole rotations for evaluations, and our evaluator is General (Y/LN). You've said before you two were friendly during your training. I'm sure she'll go easy on you!"
Rex didn't respond.
"And last we heard, you have no interning on becoming Commander Rex," Jesse butted in, "That takes less work off your shoulders. Some of us are looking for promotions."
"You really think you're getting promoted to arc trooper," Hardcase laughed, getting an eye roll in response.
Rex finally got up, "I saw General (Y/LN) in the hall and she asked if I wanted to assist with ARC promotions," he lied, "Just thinking about whether or not I'm fit for that responsibility."
He walked away, wanting nothing more than to find Anakin's droid, R2.
"Told you you should have been kissing Rex's shebs!" Hardcase hummed at Jesse as Rex exited the mess hall.
At last he was alone with his thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about your conversation with him. As much as his heart told him it was flirtatious, his mind told him other wise. It didn't take Rex long to find R2.
"Hey R2!" he called, the droid rolling towards him and greeting him with a series of beeps.
"I need to know if I have access to know where General (Y/LN)'s quarters are located."
R2 buzzed, telling Rex the location.
"She gave me access?" he replied softly, "strange. Thank you."
Rex made his way through the seemingly never ending halls. He figured the Jedi quarters had to be hidden deep in the halls of Kamino. After what felt like forever he reached the door to your quarters and knocked.
A knock startled you from your nap. In a hurry, you straightened up your bed and laid out your meditation mat, sitting in a meditative state.
"Enter," you called, your eyes shut. As the person entered the room, your eyes were still shut. By reaching out to the Force, you knew it was Rex.
"Captain, you seem a bit, conflicted," you announced opening your eyes to look at him, "take a seat."
The door shut behind him and he sat down across from you on your meditation mat.
"You do know that Captains are not permitted to supervise ARC selection, correct?" you asked, tilting your head slightly.
His lips parted, "Sir?"
You smirked, "Jedi thing. I know what you told your brothers." You stopped for a moment and saw his face drop, "but I would have done the same."
"What's bothering you, Rex?"
"Uh, nothing. Just nervous about evaluations."
"You think you can lie to a Jedi," you rolled your eyes, cocking your head at him again.
Rex pressed his lips together and looked down at your meditation mat, "you know why I'm here don't you?"
"Perhaps," you shrugged, inching your body towards his.
He swallowed at your closeness to him and he whispered, "so what was it?"
You gave him a shy smile and leaned into him, pressing a soft kiss against his cheek. For being at war for so long, his skin was surprisingly soft.
"That should answer your question, Rex."
Rex's cheeks were flushed, a tan outline of your lips stained on his cheek.
"I'm sorry, Rex," you sighed, moving back to your spot on the meditation mat.
"For? You easily just made me the luckiest man in the galaxy. I've wanted this moment for a long time.  Figured I would be foolish to actually dream of it." Rex's smile remained on his face, "If I don't do my evaluation, do I just get to stay on Kamino until I take it?"
You chuckled, "I get this is your home, but trust me, you'd rather be out on the battlefield."
"I can't get cheek kisses on the battlefield," he smirked contagiously.
The two of you looked at each other in an awkward silence.
Rex finally broke it, "Don't get my wrong, your training is flawless, but unfortunately I wasn't given  romance lessons, so I'm going to give this my best try," he paused for a moment, "would you be interested in a late night snack together in the mess tonight?"
"As long as you're interested in late night holovids in my quarters afterwards," you blushed back.
Rex confidently beamed, "It's a date." He reached out for your hand and softly kissed the back of it, "Now as much as I would love to stay, I have an evaluation to practice for."
You looked up at him as he left the room, "A little birdie told me you'll pass."
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (4/4)
Here we are! What a journey, and while perhaps this season wasn't at MoM level it was REALLY good, with great new villains/allies, great little throwbacks and an awesome story! 🤩
How to get this was very good to great? Give me a very good ending Seabound!! 💕💕
Alright, here we go!
I genuinely got too much into this remaining four episodes and forgot to put any general thoughts 😅 So you'll see me rambling at the end, see you there 😉
This title really summarize my feelings so far, like, I'm seriously wondering how it will move on from now, but I do expect the outcome to be CRAZY 🤯
Aaahhhh, yep, the one in Shintaro is a fake 😅 I wonder when did the change happen? How did Kalmaar pulled that off, wow
Heeeeyyy, it's youuuu... huh... *watch scribble on hand* google snake guy, huh... Glucose... yep, good old Glutine and everything 😅
Are we having a "I may have made a mistake being evil" with this guy?
Jay: ah, Prime Empire! I was in that game you know! I fought for my life and the ones of all of Ninjago and I've seen my best friends and the love of my life die before my eyes... good times 🙂
Jay and Nya having fun at DDR has to be one of my favorite thing, they are so in sync and so lovable ❤💙❤💙
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MY SHIP 💙❤💙❤ They even gave each other high gives... this is neat, and it means something awful will happen right 🙂
Commissioner: he's saying something about a giant snake... and the end of the world... didn't we already have something like that?
Okay yep, he did the trick while fighting Nya, dang Kalmaar is sneaky! Not too shabby... but I gotta say, the summoning of the Great Devourer was a lot more dramatic 🤣🤣 Props to the serpentine, still my favorite snakes 💪💪
Wojira seems to be a little smaller than the Devourer maybe? His head way bigger than the bounty, while hers is not that massive even in comparison with Kalmaar
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I might be wrong but at first glance, I stand by my opinion and by the superiority of the OG giant snake 🤷‍♀️
Yep Glutine guy did have a change of heart, better late than never 🤷‍♀️
You're telling me that Jay doesn't do engineering anymore, okay... HOW IS KAI A BETTER SOLUTION??? 🤣🤣🤣 Lol look at the messy brothers, love Lloyd and Kai so much I miss them interact 💚❤💚❤
Thank you Kelly for the alert 😗
It makes me wonder if they actually do have simulations of evacuations often, it would be pretty smart considering the city 🤷‍♀️
OKINO IS THERE HI DUDE!!! 😍 I hope he's doing great! 🥰🥰
Gail Gossip! Been a while!
WOW, this is going Deluge like, my first Spinjitzu Master! 😱 How... how do we go with three episodes from here? Like, I'm guessing Nya will have to do what Nyad did before her (which TERRIFIES me), so are they going to struggle trying to find another way? IDK BUT I'M IN LET'S GO!! 🤯
Alright, pretty straightforward title, let's see what we got here!
Tourists?... that actually makes sense, I mean, I would want to visit all the places where history was made on this island 😍 Aww nice to see they remember the battle against Garmy of Hunted, also that it is known that Jay was the one who faced Unagami 👍👍
DARETH!!! 🤎🤎🤎
Where have you been you knucklehead, I've missed you! 💕 I think I've last seen him in a commercial from the Fire Chapter?
This is a terrible guide 😵 Not knowing the brown ninja? Owner of the dojo the Green Ninja had trained in? Brief commander of the Stone Army? Master of makeup and puffy potstickers? Unforgivable, someone fire this woman ASAP 😡😡
LOOK AT DARETH TAKING CHARGE!!! 🤩 He's right, he should get involved every once in a while, come on guys!
Ah okay good, I'm not the only one struggling with that google snake name 😂
Yay Bentho is fully integrated with the team! He is a great addiction, like, I know he'll probably take the throne at the end or something but I do hope we'll need his help again in the future! 💙
Sometimes I forget how much I love Kai and Zane interacting 🤣 The brainiac and the airhead 🤍❤🤍❤
Oh right, Cole came back from Shintaro! So... now in this extremely secret city there is a fake amulet hanging into a highly secured place... how is it always Shintaro the keeper of flukes? 😂😂
A bath as a boat but it has a whole 😂😂 I love this show's randomness
What ears are they supposed to cover 😅
I LOVE THIS ATMOSPHERE!!! 😍😍😍 Between the gray sky of storm and the sea underneath, this is the perfect scenario for Wojira and it's not even forced! I love how they are handling backgrounds for Ninjago recently, I really hope it gets as good as in the finale of Prime Empire 💙💙💙
AAAAAAHHHHHhhhhh okay for a moment I was scared Wojira was going to eat Jay 😅 After The Island this is already the second time Bluebell risks it... STOP
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NUUUUU WHAT NOW??? 😱😱😱 We have two more episodes, how is this going to end? I DON'T KNOW AND I REALLY WANT TO PLEASE GIVE ME A GOOD FINALE SEABOUND!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Daaaang she can just float on that? She got super good at controlling water! Now I want her and Kai just randomly flying around with their powers 😂😂 Kai got missiles in his hands come on 🔥🔥🔥
What would Kai do? WHAT WOULD KAI DO?? DID YOU DECIDE YOU WANT TO DIE JAY WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF HIM??? ... although technically Kai is the only one with Jay who didn't straight up die before coming back to life in a dramatic moment... huh... Kai might be the most reasonable choice after all 😅
We grew up from Ninja never quit to NINJA AREN'T IDIOTS AND KNOW WHEN TO GET THE HECK OUT 😎😎 Even our motto got a character development 💪
BENTHO YAAAAAAASSSS 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Did I ever say that I love shark boy? BECAUSE I FREAKING DO!! 💙
Master prankster Wu once again, take that empty ship Calamari head 😎 Although the poor bounty doesn't deserve to get destroyed as many times as it did until now, it's my favorite ship... pun intended 😜
Ah more ninjajan, wait a moment
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"Auto Pilot". Fair enough, although I was hoping for a "psych" or something 😂😂
But Cole running to his best friend immediately? HECK yes 🖤💙🖤💙
NYA CARRYING HER BOYFRIEND BRIDAL STYLE THIS IS THE RIGHTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! ❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙 Gosh this season gave me amazing Jaya moments, I've been fed 👌👌
Okay Lloyd pacing back and forth? Kai already mad at their enemies? All the guys eager to help Jay? MY FAVORITE NINJA FAMILY BABY!!! 😎😎
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Oh... oh gosh I knew Nya doing the Nyad thing was meant to happen, but this way? My heart is melting already 😭
I remember a post that said that Jay told Nya that he loves her many times, while she never did. Tommy reponded that she lets her actions speak... boy do I see it now, I see all of her love 😢😢
I never felt such conflicting emotions for a villain like I do for Kalmaar, like, he caused so much pain to Nya... but he is voiced by Giles... but he is the reason Jay is hurt... but that startle gag 😂😂😂
Okay this? Is adorable?
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What the HECK? The police in this city is generally not very helpful, but the Commissioner is very wholesome 💜
Nyaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭 I didn't think it was possible to love her even more, she was ignored for so long during the show, but now we finally see all of her. She is an amazing warrior, a selfless person, and a real hero 💪💪 And coming from such a mature girl that doesn't like to act irrationally, this means so much more
Jaya grew up so much, it went through some very questionable phases yes, but what they have here? It's the result of all they had lived together 💙❤💙❤
I have chills, this is amazing so far, I'm legit scared of going further 😱
SHE SAID IT!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Okay this moment, everything, EVERYTHING, is absolutely marvelous. Nya said I love you without a voice, alone, showing again that she values the actions more, but still her feelings are 100% truthful. Then the transformation (THERE IT IS HER BEAUTIFUL WATER FORM 😍😍😍), Jay getting saved, the realization of what she just did from everyone... DANG IT IT'S ALL BEAUTIFUL HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO THINK OF THIS SCENE???
*slow clap for Bragi, Tommy, and the Ninjago crew*
Jay and water Nya with their hands together gives me big The Form of Water vibes... LOVE THAT MOVIE WHO'S READY FOR AN AU??
Jay wants to help her, I had no doubt 💙 They always help each other in these BOUNDs seasons 😍😍😍
Kalmaar: where are the ninja??
Commissioner: I don't know, they are ninja!
Oh, curious title? It feels a little vague, I don't really know what it could be
YES GIRL GO GET HIS CALAMARI BUTT HECK YES!!! Just how cool can you be for walking slowly while the attacks go straight through you? 😂
Hey Nya still recognizes Jay! 😃😃
HEY NYA GOT VAPORIZED WTH 😱😱 It's too early, I don't believe that's it!
WHOA JAY WENT BERSERK JUST NOW!! I don't think I've seen this before, this is the coolest thing! 💙💙💙 I just love when he shows how strong he is, you can be a comic relief AND kick butts 😎
What the- was... was that a cameo of the lightning chicken? Ninjago what the HECK I love your randomness 😂😂
BENTHOMAAR TAGS IN!!! Showing off why he is best boy of the season 💙 These fightings are very cool but I can't help imagining Wojira just chilling while there are midgets getting very angry at each other onto her head 🤣🤣🤣
WHOA, CALAMARI BITE! Kalmaar got the Pythor treatment... might change color by next season if he returns 😅
(Please return I loved having Giles' voice in this season 💙💙💙)
NYA IS A DRAGON!!! I REPEAT NYA IS A DRAGON!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I was wondering where the dragon moment was, this is Ninjago after all 🤷‍♀️
Head empty, just Jay smiling softy at Nya because he loves her 💙💙💙
IT'S RAINING NYA, HALLELUIA IT'S RAINING NYA, HEYE!! ☔☔☔ This fight is MASSIVE! We had finales with big creatures before but now one of the ninja is big enough to face them and that's 🤯
NYA DID IT!!! 🤩🤩🤩 ... now onto the angst that I KNOW it's coming
Kai being unbelieving is tragic, and Jay's "don't leave me" broke my heart. Please end this misery, where is the deus ex machina that solves everything?
Wait she left?
Omg the grief in this is beautiful, nice to see Jay and Maya so close to each other! Also Kai leaning onto his mom while Cole is comforting his best best friend? Amazing, they really do these scenes great 👌
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EVERYONE SHOWED UP I LOVE THIS CITY SO MUCH 😭😭😭 Aww Ed and Edna, wasn't this such a sad situation I would be so much happier to see you guys 🥺
Master Wu even mentioned that she built Samurai X, you really want to make me cry now do you? 🥺🥺
Omg look at Cole being there for his best friend, he is amazing 🖤💙🖤💙
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I have such Rebooted vibes from this... is it hopeful? That Nya comes back like Zane? She's no nindroid but still... oh my gosh they got her symbol on the vase I just noticed, I need more tissues 😭😭
"In loving memory of Kirby Morrow". Always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
I'm speechless... like that's true, have A LOT to write over here 😅
This type of plot twist reminds me of our early seasons. Zane sacrificing himself, Garmadon giving up his life, those moments that made me so curious and excited about the following. I have no idea what will be the outcome for this, but I can't wait to find out
With that out of the way, AMAZING SEASON 😍😍😍 I think this finale beats MoM's, just because it was really unexpected and opens up a SEA of possibilities... yeah too soon 😭
I'm still shaken, my world, they did something HUGE and I do hope it will be a good shake to the entire Ninjago plotline. Nya is "gone", we still don't know about the person behind all that vengestone, we haven't heard from Garmy in forever, there are so many good ideas out there now that they've set the ground for more 🤩🤩
Voice acting was *chef's kiss*, not only for the villain which I already stressed enough about, I think Kelly reached a new level of emotional intimacy with Nya and I'm so happy she showed her skills 💜💜
Animation is TOP, there's little to no point into saying anything else since they showed it very clearly in the latest season ☺
This was the emotional, witty and engaging writing I was looking for! Good jokes, meaningful dialogues, emotional scenes, everything was really good and I'm gonna rewatch some scenes especially for that 😍
It turned out having Maya and Ray back was kind of a distraction to fool us all 😅😅 Well played actually, and it was very cool seeing them again in any case 🙋‍♀️
And now? Jay lost his love, I have no idea if the show will work on him getting over her or hold onto her memory (thinking of Jay probably the latter, although I do think that handling the first would be an interesting idea). KAI LOST HIS SISTER 😢😢😢 I have no doubt he's gonna beat himself up for it, like he did when Zane was gone too. Everyone lost their friend, she had become such a vital part of the team and now she is not here anymore it will be hard...
They are back with the four plus one green savior formation, I sincerely don't know how I feel about that 😅 I'm always happy when we get the OGs, but this is about going on without Nya... maybe Skylor will be called? Or Pixal will be more active? That could be interesting to see, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Gosh, how are they going to handle the next season? It will have to give A LOT of answers to the millions questions we all have right now. Man I can't wait, it could be anything!!! This is a Ninjago revolution!
But if I have to mention a little complain, and I'm a fangirl so I absolutely have to, Kai didn't show much of a reaction to Nya's "departure". Okay, she didn't straight up die like in Skybound (I'm gonna fear all BOUND seasons from now on 😱), but he's her brother and he loves deeply his family. Either we're gonna see him go all out next season, or the writers really did only focus on Jaya. A tiny bit salty... but you got me a fantastic finale so I'll move on 👍
Outstanding, I'm blown away. Whenever I think I'm used to this show they do stuff like this. I'm so glad and sad you guys 😅 But mostly happy that despite everything I still get very strong emotions while I watch this long time favorite show of mine 💜💜💜
What else can I say at this point? ONTO NEXT SEASON!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Thank you for reading me freaking out over LEGO spinning ninja as always! It helps me calm down but this time it might be harder thant the others... *sobs*
I need to lay down and process all of this, I'll be on my way 😂😂 BYE!!! 💜
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where-is-caithe · 3 years
#i love to hear about yden she’s so COOL#i felt that she drifted that way when it came to the gods#i understand though#like thinking of the six gods- just LEAVING tyria and the humans that worshipped them#makes me a bit angry- the power they hold and they decide to withdraw from how active they used it before#anyway anyway#i like the way you described yden’s feelings to it#set in her knowledge after learning about what balthazar had become#i love her#im curious now about the whole balthazar killing rhowan- how did that transpire in your story#since they are like dual commanders in a way (or it seems to me)#how and why did rhowan step up to fight him the first time#where was yden and her reaction to seeing the platform#my gosh im asking so many questions in your tags i hope it’s alright#gw2
>:) you've activated my trap card
LOTS of rambling down here
OKAY so during PoF, Rhowan gives Yden a bit more slack, in the way that she's not so. Protective. and lets her like. do things without her (she sends Kasmeer with her instead dkjfg). At this point, you find Vlast's birthplace, Kesho, and you go into it. PoF is not kind to Rhowan and she's pretty torn up about Vlast's death, she chooses to stay outside and guard the entrance, make sure no one follows when Yden goes into the buried city, with the promise that she tells her about everything she finds. Had Rhowan gone down with her, she would not have died to Balthazar.
While Yden is down there, she contacts Rhowan through the communicator and tells her about the plan to meet at the spire in the Riverlands, and Rhowan goes on ahead to make sure the area is clear.
It isn't.
Yden knows something is wrong immediately, but she has Forged to fight and a vision to see and I don't know if she even sees the whole vision before feeling Rhowan's escalating panic and getting the hell out of Kesho. Unfortunately at this point Yden is on foot. They'd been travelling on Rhowan's griffon (or her motorcycle) since the Highlands and Yden does not have any kind of mount, so she has to run there, which means Rhowan is left alone with the God of War for a long time.
Rhowan's not stupid, but her confidence is sky high and she knows she's a good fighter. She thinks maybe if she can last long enough, her friends will arrive and she'll live through this.
Another thing! Because of Rhowan and Yden's mental/emotional connection to each other, Aurene has a hard time (as a little baby) distinguishing them. Rhowan has a slight connection to Aurene through Yden and vice versa. That paired with Yden's rising fear, and it makes it difficult for a baby dragon to know which one is the right person when she's flying like a damn rocket all the way from Tarir. It also could be that Aurene is trying to save the person who promised to protect her chosen Champion and goes to Rhowan on purpose. I don't know. Neither does Rhowan or Yden. It's a mystery.
Back to Rhowan dying to a rogue god.
After the third time Balthazar severely wounds her, she's given up on expecting anyone to come to her rescue. This is the point Aurene shows up. Balthazar has Rhowan against a wall, she's struggling to keep her eyes open, she feels burns all over, she's bleeding everywhere, she can't stand. She calls to Aurene and yells for her to leave.
How sad for you to die so far from home.
And Balthazar kills her, his sword straight through her chest. At least it's relatively instant and painless.
From the ground, Yden sees Aurene fly in, a flash of blue through the orange flames and smoke. She's struggling to find her way to Rhowan, feeling the pain she's in, feeling how scared she is. She uses her air attunement to create updrafts for herself and nearly flies to her.
She feels Balthazar's sword, fire engulfing Rhowan's body.
And then she feels nothing.
Balthazar leaves with Aurene, Yden lands on the spire that is still in flames. She's... devastated. Inconsolable. When Canach, Rytlock, and Kasmeer arrive, they find Yden sobbing over what's left of Rhowan's body.
I don't think. Any of them. Would know what to do here.
And Yden is not leaving her side. Her magic is running wild with how upset she is, and no one can go near her without getting a harsh shock.
In the hours it takes for Rhowan to come back, not much really changes. Yden does not move from her side. The others have no idea what to do.
Rhowan returns engulfed in a bright light, her body being knit back together, she falls to her knees and Yden is there with her arms around her, holding tightly, and Rhowan responds, nearly crushing her with how tightly she's holding her.
Overwhelmed, terrified, grateful to be alive if only just to see Yden again, Rhowan breaks down, crying into Yden's shoulder.
It's probably the worst Yden has ever felt? Feeling nothing from Rhowan the moment she died. Watching Balthazar leave with the dragon she's connected to. She'd never felt so hopeless in that moment.
Rhowan doesn't really use her fire anymore after she's killed, she's afraid of it taking over her and killing her again. She also finds herself with a fear of the Forged, sensing Balthazar in the fire that keeps their bodies together.
Rhowan's death causes a shift in their relationship. After this point, Yden is by Rhowan's side as often as possible and fights in every battle with her. She's glad for the company, it's nice to rely on and protect Yden while she's near. They make a great team, with Yden's lightning and Rhowan's blade.
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joyfulhopelox · 3 years
Coffee puns and wayside milkshakes
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Pairing: Seokjin x reader (idol!jin, non-idol!reader, established relationship)
Warnings: some light swearing, really bad puns
Summary: Busy schedules have made it impossible to spend time with your boyfriend but he makes sure to assure you that he is still thinking of you. So even though he has promotions during summer he takes the time to plan an amazing road trip just for the two of you. Even if it is just to the drive thru in the next town over.
Genre: fluff gone into crack or crack gone into fluff
Word count: 3,020
Rating: g
A/N: This is part of the @bangtanwritingbingo event! Chosen square number 1 is 'road trip'. I made it pure fluff which i have to admit i thought i would be completely terrible at, but the more i write the better i get at it (hopefully). I had so much fun writing this! It was also once again meant to be a drabble, but....that is clearly something i have to work on. Enjoy some really bad puns from me!
Copyrights @joyfulhopelox for both the work and the banner
“Tell me again why are we up….” observing the still and dark atmosphere out the window you sighed, “at the ass crack of dawn?”
Normally, you would not question your boyfriend. Even when he would make stupid jokes or do stupid things, which acted contrary to his close-to-30 age. You trusted him completely, you may even say you trusted him with your life. And yet, this morning or night, you were seriously questioning his sanity. Have his schedules gotten to his head? Has the tiredness of constant practice and promotions made him lose it?
“Just you wait, love, i told you it’s a surprise” he shushed you, excitedly jumping out of the warm bed. Not wanting to get up just yet, it was 4am in the morning for God’s sake, you burrowed yourself deeper into the warm sheets whilst commandeering his pillow. “Love, come on get up. The surprise will not work if we are late” Seokjin whined.
“No, 5 more minutes” you grumbled into the pillow. It smelled of him and that comfort was slowly getting you back into the dream world. A dream world where a normal Jin would wake you up at a normal time, and you would get to spend a normal day together, gaming and cooking. But no, reality had to be shattered, instead this Seokjin was tugging at the duvet whilst patting your leg. “Okay, 5 more minutes whilst i go wash up but then you have to get up. We have to be in the car in 30 minutes” he warned, breaking you out of your dreamworld.
Basking in the comfort of the bed until you hear the bathroom door close, you decide that you were awake enough to face the chill of a summer morning. Throwing the blanket off of you, you gave the window a dirty look. As if it was the cause of your distress. It was summer, why was it so dark outside early in the morning? Because you woke up, correction because your lovely boyfriend woke you up at an ungodly hour. “I swear Kim Seokjin….” you mumbled to yourself. Making your way hurriedly to the kitchen, your form still wrapped like a burrito in the blanket you decided you needed caffeine, and fast.
“Love, now is not the time, we can’t be late” jumping at the whiny voice of your boyfriend you turned around, and when recalling this story to his friends, Jin would swear that he physically felt your murderous gaze stabbing him. “Kim Seokjin, if you do not allow me to have at least one cup of coffee before we set out onto this whatever it is” motioning wildly in the air “i swear i will make your life a living hell forever, even after i am dead i will haunt you until you are dead, and even in death i will haunt you” rambling on you failed to notice the amused expression on Jin’s face. God, you were adorable. However, as soon as you had finished your rant and you gazed back at him, for the sake of his life and his family jewels he straightened his pose and nodded at you in an attempt to be serious.
“Of course”
Satisfied you turned back to making your coffee, and some for the road. You knew that as active as Jin was at the moment, once on the road he would harass you for a sip. And if there was one thing you could not stand, it was sharing your coffee.
“Hey Y/N, what do you call a sad cup of coffee?” Oh no, here we go again. “Jiiiiiin” you whined, “it’s too early for this, what do you call it?” despite having complained about his bad dad jokes, you secretly enjoyed it when he made them. The jokes were not amazing most times, but seeing him so happy and hearing his laugh was what made them the best jokes you could have ever heard.
“A depresso” bursting out laughing fully at his own joke made you giggle at him. He was adorable, and he was all yours. Fondly gazing at him you shook your head whilst still giggling. His infectious humour was better at brightening your day than any coffee.
“Very funny baby, now let me finish making this coffee so we can leave. You’re the one in a hurry” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Ah, yes indeed” he rushed to exit the kitchen. Not before turning around to wink at you and blow you a kiss whilst delivering his last one line puncher. “After all, we don’t want to be latte.” You could still hear his laugh even as he reached the other end of the corridor.
“Silly man”
Finally with two coffees in tow, you got yourself strapped into the car and waited for Jin to finish shoving into the back of the car what he presented as “top secret and you are not allowed to peek”. So you did your best to not let curiosity get to you and instead closed your eyes in an attempt to get a few more minutes of sleep. As you were drifting off slowly but surely, all you could hear in the background were the constant complaints of your boyfriend arguing with whatever he was trying to fit into the back of the car. And by the way the car was shaking it felt like he was forcing an elephant in there. You smiled gently to yourself, this is what bliss felt like to you. Not those extra minutes of sleep, not the thought of the planned date- which excited you nonetheless, but the knowledge that today was a day where you could spend some time with Jin and listen to him whine, complain, rant, express his love for you, cuddle you and all that in person.
“You alright there love?” you finally decided to check on his well being after another 10 minutes of grumbling.
“Yes, yes. Just trying….to get this thing to…..fit” heaving he let out a triumphal yell. “Done! Now let’s gogogogogo on this exciting road trip!” enthusiastically he opened the car door and jumped in almost hitting you in the face with his arm and whacking his own knee on the wheel of the car. “Oh my gosh, are you ok, did i hit you?” you stifled a giggle, he did not hit you and yet even though he clearly was in pain he made sure to check on you first.
“Jin, i’m fine babe, but clearly you aren’t. Please be more careful” you chided gently reaching over to rub the sore spot on his shin. With a gentle smile he grabbed your hand in his warm one. Despite the chilly air of the morning, he was warm and inviting, his hand on yours instantly heating up your cold ones. “I’m sorry love, I promise i will be” he reached out to cup your cheek with his free hand rubbing your skin and with care as if you were made out of porcelain he brought his soft plump lips to yours in a brief kiss that left you breathless.
“Hey, Y/N?” his lips a breath away from you that made you swear you still felt them on yours, was that wishful thinking? Maybe. “I love you” your eyes skimmed over his features lost in a world of your own and with a suddenly mischievous grin you pulled back from him fastening your seatbelt.
“I love you too, you mocha me very happy”
With an incredulous scoff, Jin fastened his own seatbelt and put the car into drive. “Careful love, you will become worse than me” he warned amusedly, the pride in his voice unmasked. He did love it when you would one up him on his jokes. Sometimes you would make a competition out of it, an unannounced one so that neither of you could have pre prepared comebacks and see who won. Most times you lost miserably, and the times you won you were absolutely certain that Jin went easy on you. He was the fountain of knowledge when it came to puns.
“But Jin, i am worse than you” giggling like idiots, you turned your gaze to the window prepared for the trip ahead. You had no idea where you were going but as long as you were with Seokjin, you would be absolutely fine.
“I swear to god Kim Seokjin, you plan a trip in the middle of the night to somewhere, lord knows where, and you don’t even think to consider checking the gas tank????”
As the car slowly sputtered and came to a stop at the end of the road you turned to look at your desperate boyfriend. “Oh nononnononono, this can’t be happening. I was meant to stop at a station as soon as we exited the city” trying to get the car to start again you bit your lip. Maybe it was the fact that you had placed your trust fully in him, or the fact that he was so sure of this trip, or the fact that he had bragged about this trip for a while now but this end you had not foreseen, and so it made it incredibly amusing for you. 30 minutes outside of your own city and the car had run out of fuel. If it weren’t for Jin’s distressed pleas for the car to start up and for you to forgive him for ruining this trip you would have burst out laughing a while back.
Deciding to end his misery you grabbed for his hand, now clammy from stress. “Babe, it’s ok. Let's just get out of the car and try to call someone to check the car out. We ran out of gas, it happens” rubbing your finger over the back of his hand in an attempt to call him you used your other hand to try to look for your phone.
Only to remember that in your hurry you had left without it. Groaning, you did not want to panic Jin more than he was so you did not mention your own phones. Knowing him, he’s forgotten his at home on purpose. On days when he had plans with you, he would make it a point to not spend time on his phone. Thanking your lucky stars you at least had your cards with you and some cash.
“I’m really really really sorry love” Jin gave you a pleading look. Shaking your head you sighed and opened your door. “Come on lover boy, let's get this situation fixed”
A couple of steps into the trek you finally hear the car being locked and the sound of pounding footsteps behind you. You walked in silence for 15 minutes, neither of you knowing what to say. You were decently tired and hungry but more worried about Jin’s state of mind. On the other hand your boyfriend was berating himself for ruining a perfectly planned day and probably making you upset for doing so. Finding the service phone by the side of the road you quickly phoned for someone to come and fix the situation and they informed you it may take a couple of hours to get to you. But it was better than nothing. You would probably miss entirely what Jin’s planned for you but you could always make the most of what you currently had. Now, on the way back to the car you finally sneaked a glance at your own boyfriend.
Catching his own worried gaze you looked away. You were in the middle of almost nowhere, stuck, without a car or food, it was still extremely early, and yet all you could think of was how handsome Jin looked. In the soft morning glow reflected on his skin and his messy hair stuffed under his cap, you realised how lucky you were. Misinterpreting your long stare he bit his lip, “Are you angry?” You did not want to respond to him, not yet at least. If you did you would either burst out in giggles or you would end up trying to comfort him, and you had no time to spare at the moment. Was it mean? Probably but you swore to yourself you would make it up to him. “Love” he kept insisting, “Y/N, are you angry?” Only when you heard the sadness creep into his usual tone of voice did you stop and look at him.
You opened your mouth to reply to him, but he would not allow you to speak yet. Afraid that you would start telling him how awful of a boyfriend he is, gone for long periods of time and when he is finally home he clearly cannot do anything proper, he starts stumbling over his words trying to explain himself to you. “Love, i’m so so so sorry. I did not mean for this to happen. I had the whole thing planned, i was going to take us to the seaside today so we can watch the sunrise and sunset on the beach like you have always wanted, and we were going to enjoy a picnic and a nice dip in the ocean and i was going to take you to the fair at night time so we can ride the ferris wheel and have a romantic kiss at the top and…”
As adorable as you found a rambling Jin, his red cheeks, his lips which were now extremely swollen from how much he bit them, you could not let him torture himself much longer. You were worried he may end up having a self induced anxiety attack. And you definitely were not angry as he seemed to think you would be.
“Love” you tried once, but in his distress he had stopped listening to you. “Jin” and again, finally having had enough you took three strides towards him and placed your hand over his mouth in a gentle attempt to get him to stop talking.
“It is ok. I am not angry. Not by a long shot. I don’t care about sunrises, I don't care about sunsets, I don't care about ferris wheel rides, I don't care about picnics. Seeing the hurt in his eyes you immediately added, “ I don't care about all these things if they don’t happen with you. Plans get ruined, that is why they are plans. We could have spent the whole day in our pjs and had a coffee pun competition whilst playing games and i would have not minded. We could have spent the whole day just literally doing nothing but staying in bed and I would have not minded. The thought of you even just planning to put all this together even when you are so busy is more than enough for me. Please stop apologising about this. I am not mad at all”
Jin reached out delicately and lowered your hand away from his mouth. “But it’s because I've been so busy that I have fucked up immensely. I wanted to do something nice for you to show you how much I care about you. Being away all the time is hard especially when all i want to do is have you there with me all the time but knowing that i can’t.” A strand of your hair had been blown into your face by the wind and he took his time to fix it for you, his hand dropping down onto the hollow of your neck.
“Babe, i would want nothing more than to be able to be with you all the time, but unfortunately we can’t. And you would get sick of me anyways” you laughed gently. Jin was about to protest but you continued. “ You show me everyday how much you care about me, no matter how busy you are you always take your time to talk even if briefly. You always send me cute pictures and pictures of food, which make me really jealous by the way” Jin laughed, his eyes crinkling.
“And when we do actually get to spend time together we have the best of times no matter what we do. Not because we are doing something out of the ordinary but because we are spending time together. If i’m with you i don’t care what we are doing, it’s the best time of my life” You slowly rose on your toes to press your lips to his. Seeing it as an opportunity Jin tightly wrapped your arms around your waist and lifted you up, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist with a squeal. A kiss that was meant to last a few seconds ended up with you propped against the side of the car wrapped around Jin’s sturdy frame.
“I love you” he whispered once he settled you back on his feet. “So so so much”
Prepared to answer with a confession of your own, you felt your stomach grumble. The moment now interrupted, both of you started cackling. “I love you too babe,” patting his chest, “but you know what I would love more? Some food.”
“We have a bit more to wait until we get this situation fixed” As if a lightbulb had been turned on Jin jerked away from you. “Wait here” running around to the back of the car he opened it and pulled out a cooler and two tumblrs. Ignoring your inquisitive looks he opened the cooler and got out some vanilla ice cream. Reaching out into the boot again he pulled out a pack of fresh strawberries. Laughing you finally understood.
“Milkshakes?” He held both items in his hands proudly.
When you had told him you would give anything in exchange for spending time with him you meant it. Whether the road trip would have been a success in the end, or you just called it a day after you got your car sorted. But just sitting there on the wayside by the car enjoying your makeshift milkshakes and each other’s company was complete perfection to you and you would not have it any other way.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
White horse
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Authors note- title is inspired by the song by taylor swift. happy reading💕
here’s part two
Please do not steal or repost my content. Reblogs are welcome.
Summary- It takes you almost dying for you to confess your love to Steve
Tw: life threatening situations, guns
Steve Rogers was perfect. There was literally nothing wrong with him. He was unlike anyone you had ever met. He opened doors for you, he was respectful, and just so gosh darn cute! When he'd scratch his neck, a blush creeping up whenever you put your hand on his thigh or said handsome he was.
He was unlike anyone you had ever met or dated. Although the bar for that is pretty low. He was supportive of your career. Often encouraging you to make decisions that scare you. He took care of you without making you feel small. He was an amazing listener who didn't mind listening to your rambles or rants at all.
He reminded you of a golden retriever. Mostly because of the golden hair and how he'd pout and make puppy eyes whenever something didn't go his way. Also because he was fiercly loyal, attentive and fun to be around.
Sure he had his flaws. Like how he absolutely did not think before acting or how reckless and stubborn he was. Or how he always has to have things a certain way. You can't keep the wet towel on the sofa or it will get wet. Or how you can't wear your shoes inside his apartment.
But you didn't mind these flaws one bit. You barely even considered them flaws, he was absolutely flawless and amazing in your eyes. You loved him with all your heart and being. But then... why couldn't you say it?
"Wait so... he's a wolf?", steve asked turning from the screen and looking at you. You both had been cuddling and watching the twilight series to cross it off his list. You thought this kind of movie wouldn't be his cup of tea but you were surprised to see him so absorbed in it.
"Yeah he's a werewolf. A human who can turn into a wolf on command. They're not real though"
"You never know. I didn't think aliens were real but then.." You were interrupted by your timer going off.
You quickly got up and put on your oven mitts to remove your lasagna from the oven. Steve followed behind you.
"What's this?"
"Oh I figured I'd cook some lasagna for you. You said you really liked it remember?", you replied putting the lasagna down on the dinning table. "Maybe we should let it cool down a bit. What do you say?" You looked up at him.
He stalked towards you and bent his neck to get closer to your face.
"Y/n... This is.. I know you don't like cooking so much. You didn't have to do this for me you know?"
"I know. But I just felt like doing something for you. Taking care of you, you know?", you smiled up at him nervously. You had taken a risk doing this. What if he didn't like your cooking? You were sure he'd appreciate the effort, but still..
"Doll... You don't have to do anything for me. But thank you so much for this. I love you", the words rolled off his tongue easily.
You stared at him dumbfounded, shocked and put on the spot. Maybe he doesn't realise what he had said. You didn't know if he expected you to say it back.
"I... ", you stopped yourself being rendered speechless. He looked at you expectedly. "We should probably eat before this gets cold" You said and averted you gaze and started setting the table.
The rest of the evening was a bit awkward but you hadn't mentioned it since. It was best to act as if nothing had happened. Probably.
After trying to put on your fake lashes for the fifteenth time you finally give up. You had been going out for a girls night with Nat and some other friends to a club. You picked up your phone to see a text from Steve.
Hey doll just got back. You wanna grab some dinner?
No, I'm sorry I'm going out with Nat.
Oh don't worry about it. Have fun. Be sure to call me when you get back.
There it was. His perfectness. Still worrying about you and being so protective over you. It made you feel warm but strangely scared at the same time. What would it mean if you just let someone take care of you or give into them? What if you lose yourself in the process? Or what if he takes advantage of your trust.
You sighed and sent him some kissy faces putting your phone in your clutch.
He was such a caring kind soul. You wish you could just say you loved him and showed him off to the entire world.
But the last time you had declared your love and gave your everything to someone, you ended up with a broken heart.
You knew Steve would never break your heart or do anything to hurt you, but he was a superhero and you were just an engineer. Your circumstances were anything but normal. So many things could go wrong.
He had women throwing themselves at him. Not just because he's captain america but also because he's Steve. Kind, caring, sweet and amazing Steve.
You knew he'd never cheat on you, but how long will it take him to realise he's out of your league, or how he deserves so much more than a broken person who doesn't understand his worth.
"Why are you so gloomy? ", Natasha asked and broke you out of your train of thoughts.
You hadn't told anyone about you relationship. It was all too new and you weren't ready to go down to HR just yet.
Part of you didn't believe it was real. Maybe you were waiting for something to go wrong. But it was so real. It was the realest thing you had ever felt.
"Oh you know... just work I guess" You half heartedly lied. Nat must've known something was up. She wouldn't suggest just hitting up a club, it wasn't her scene. She'd much rather catch up with you in a quite cafe.
"Mm-hm", she said clearly not believing you.
Maybe she planed to get you drunk to have you spilling your secrets.
The club was cramped with people. You could only get in because Nats name was on the list. One of the benefits of being an Avenger. The music was piercing your ears. You both managed to get drinks and grab a seat.
You tried to ask Nat to start dancing but she couldn't hear you over the loud music. You followed her gaze and saw suspicious looking men staring at you both from the vip lounge.
They were surrounded by big bodyguards and women. They looked like they were upto no good.
"Nat what's wrong?", you asked her getting more worried by the minute.
"I'm not sure. I think we should get out of here", you recognised the alarmed look on her face. You had seen it on Steve multiple times. Sometimes he would assess and analyze everything around him, look at all the exits, prepare for the worst. He wouldn't even let you sleep near his bedrooms door in case someone broke in at night, he'd want to protect you. He probably thought you didn't notice it but you did. You just chose not to acknowledge it not wanting to embarrass him.
"Ok", you agreed with her and tried to calm yourself. You both got up and ready to leave but were stopped by two huge guys.
"Black widow", one of them said and stared you both down. He had a sinister smirk on his face. "You made a huge mistake coming here", his threatening words were a huge contrast to his friendly tone and body language. "Follow us if you don't want to cause a scene"
"Actually I think we'll just leave", she retorted and held his gaze. You looked at the ground, not exactly sure what you were supposed to do.
"Please I insist. We wouldn't want to hurt these innocent people", he said nodding at his friends in the vip lounge.
"Alright", she smiled and leaned in to whisper in your ear "get out"
"Oh no no", he chuckled "she's coming with us"
"She's got nothing to do with you", you felt her getting stiff. You knew Nat was strong but even she couldn't take on so many men at once.
"She's not walking out of here either", he said. They both escorted you and Nat to a private room. You could barely see anything in the dim red light. There was a pole in middle of the room. You could see glitter and empty bottles everywhere.
You tapped your foot anxiously on the floor. Nat held your hand and gave you a small smile.
"It'll be okay, I promise", she whispered. You trusted her, you really did but how could either of you get out of this situation?
You saw some more men dressed in suits come on. One of them gave Nat a smile.
"Hey there Natalia remember me? You sent me to prison?"
"I don't remember every pest I crush", she snarked. Usually you were a fan of her snarky witty remarks, but now was really not the time or the place.
"Who's this?", he asked gesturing towards you. "Since when do you have friends?", you stared at an empty champagne bottle, to avoid his gaze, as if it was the most interesting thing you had ever seen. "Listen lady, Natalie is really not someone you would want to have as a friend. She'll stab you in your back without thinking twice."
You shut your eyes as hard as you could, wanting to be anywhere but here. "Hey", he scolds you using his gun to lift up your chin. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, will ya?"
"What do you want?" Nat asks desperately.
Tears start streaming down your face. You felt pathetic and small. How did you even get here?
Before you knew it all men in the room were shot down. You saw arrows sticking from their backs. That distracted the man holding a gum to your face. He turned around confused.
Nat kicked him in his shin and took the gun from him. Holding it to his head. "Guess who's going back to prison"
You sat there flabbergasted, not really processing what just happened around you.
"Hey there", you looked up and saw Clint with a few agents following him. "It's almost like you like getting in trouble."
"Thanks for that", she smiled at him " Hey you alright?", she asked you "I sent an sos to Clint. Not that I needed his help" to which Clint scoffed.
You nodded. "Good thinking"
"Steve's waiting outside for you. It took a lot of convincing to make him stay there", Clint said.
"What's Steve doing here?" Nat asked him. She wasn't even sure if you had ever met Steve.
"Oh you don't know", he giggled "she's his girlfriend! Sam owes me ten bucks. I knew he had a girl."
"Oh", she mused and looked at you her lips in a straight line pursed together.
"I'm sorry I should've told you", you smile at her sheepishly. "Can I go see him?"
You open the door and see him standing in the middle of the hallway. His hair disheveled, he was pressing his ear likely talking into the comms. The frown on his face sooths when he looks at you.
He starts walking towards you opening his arms. You run into them, grab his biceps and crash your lips onto his. Your teeth clash and hurt, it may not have been the most sophisticated reunion. You pull away a bit to look at him. He was smiling down at you. He looked exhausted, relieved and terrified all at the same time. You caress you cheeks and hold his face.
How could you have ever have mistrusted this man? He'd never hurt you, even if you didn't believe in anything else you had faith in him. You were more than willing to take this leap of trust, building a wall around your heart is no way to live. Especially when life is so short.
"I love you", you blurt and tears start flowing from your eyes " I've loved you since I met you. I was stupid to not say it before. I'm so sorry"
Steve wipes your tears and cradles your face. "Hey, it's ok. You said it now that's all that matters. I love you too" he says and you beam at him. "I just wish the first time you said it wasn't in front of Tony." he continues.
You look to your right and see Tony sitting on the sofa in the waiting area. Oh well, cats out of the bag now.
"Steve.. Tch tch" He starts shaking his head disapprovingly "you're stealing the nations youth. Craddle-robber"
Well you can't date Captain America without there being some teasing about it.
"Alright Tony" Steve says and smiles. You never liked how Tony was always so mean to Steve or how Steve never clapped back at him.
"Y/n, I thought you didn't like old men taking advantage of younger girls." He says with a shit eating grin on his face.
"Yeah well at least I have a boyfriend" You huffed and looked at Steve deciding to ignore him for now.
Maybe it was a petty to bring up Tony's myraid of commitment and intimacy issues but now that you're going to be official it was your duty to protect your man.
"We better get ourselves ready huh?" Steve asks still smiling. He couldn't bring himself to care about Tony he was just happy to have you in his arms. He decided he was never going to let you go.
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