#got him at a museum! my little emotional support guy!
ravonix · 8 months
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I used to carry stuffed animals around with me all the time as a kid, recently rediscovered that joy again by bringing this lil guy with me to work! ^ ^
His name is Essel! (Originally acronym-ed from Emotional Support Little Guy and dropped the G XD)
I generally just like having him sit with me, but I also like petting his lil arms and tummy with my thumbs and smoochin his lil forehead, just vibing with the softness 💕 >w<
Am currently at work during a lull, was absentmindedly holding him and petting his chest, but this time my brain just.. zoned in its focus to the soft white fur I was petting, specifically how it felt to run my thumb along it, how the fabric felt against all the little plastic pellets inside, and how the texture of all the tiny fur fibers looked together unified and wavy, just felt really nice and relaxing =w=
Feels nice to let myself exist and stim freely again 💕
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hatsue-exe · 2 years
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Jujutsu Kaisen men with a plastic artist S/O:
warnings: none!
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Fushiguro Toji:
You hit the jackpot with this one: Toji is a walking anatomy model. If it's muscles you need to reference, he's got you.
He will pretend to be annoyed when you ask him to pose for you, but truthfully he's just flustered by how you look at him.
He will tease you the whole time to cover it up.
"Do you need me naked, doll?" "Aren't ya looking too much? Focus on your art, baby."
Since he's terrible with words and expressing emotions, if you two live together, he pours all his love into building you a studio, a cosy place where you feel just as welcomed and comfy as you make him feel.
Geto Suguru:
Dates to the supply store are mandatory, and Suguru makes a point of buying you something extra every time, be it paints or brushes or anything else you use daily and need to replace often.
He's an... alternative guy, so don't be surprised if he's into some form of art himself.
Geto takes you to the park so you can work together for a while but gets annoyed if people are too noisy.
"Why can't everyone just enjoy nature?" "They're having fun, Su." "Yeah, and ruining mine."
Kiss him, and he'll forget about it (but trust me, you're not going to finish that piece).
Gojo Satoru:
If you like to work in quiet environments, I've got bad news for you.
Jokes aside, Satoru likes to watch you while you work. He's captivated seeing you so focused.
"You're so pretty, honeybun. We must be the most gorgeous couple in the whole world!"
Gojo buys you some expensive stuff and bugs you to break it in using him as a model.
He will want to recreate that Ghost scene and will end up making a mess out of the two of you, but it ended up in a light-hearted banter between the two of you, which is much more his style.
Kamo Choso:
He's very curious and will want to participate however he can, be it modelling or helping you or just cleaning your stuff, just please include him.
Asks you to do those TikTok dates where you paint/draw for a few minutes and then switch canvas. Turn out to be pretty good at it?
There's so much he doesn't know, whenever you geek a little about your favourite movement or artist, his eyes shine with just as much excitement as yours.
Museum dates while holding hands.
"So that one was a bad person and that other one too, and all the other ones but Van Gogh?" "Something like that, sweetheart."
Nanami Kento:
Kento is a shy, shy baby. But he's also beautiful, so obviously you ask him to model for you. He's quiet during the whole thing and blushes madly if your eyes cross.
Nanami can pull that one Ghost scene and put the original one to shame.
"This is very relaxing. I can see why you enjoy it so much." "That's because you don't do it as often as I do." "That's fair, darling."
He brings you your favourite drinks and reminds you to correct your posture. If you groan, he'll offer a shoulder hub that might lead to a whole massage that might lead to other things, but anyways.
Will be very supportive, while also grounding you. He may come out a little harsh at first with his whole "the world is shit!" act, but he doesn't mean any harm.
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who do y'all think my favourite is? lol
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fridayfirefly · 3 years
Two Birds [Part Two]
Read Two Birds on AO3
Masterlist [All Works]
Masterlist [Two Birds Series]
For Maribat March Day 31 - Reunion
The school trip to Gotham was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be a reward to the class, a celebration of the recent defeat of Hawkmoth by Ladybug and Chat Noir. Marinette wanted to celebrate. She really didn't want to cry on the trip. Yet, as the plane touched down in Gotham, Marinette was staring out the plane window at the rain and the setting sun, rubbing her eyes, trying her best to brush away the tears before they formed.
"Are you okay, Marinette?" Alya looked over at Marinette, concern visible on her face.
Marinette nodded weakly, blinking away the wetness in her eyes. "I'm fine. I just... I have some bad memories associated with Gotham. One of my childhood friends... his parents were murdered on a trip to Gotham and I lost contact with him after that. It's always been a very raw subject for me."
Alya opened her mouth to respond, but before she could get a word out, Lila leaned across the aisle to interrupt the conversation. "Your childhood friend's parents were murdered on a trip to Gotham? It's okay to admit that you're scared of Gotham because of the supervillains. You don't have to come up with some outlandish story for why you're upset."
Marinette glared over at Lila, her eyes shiny from both her tears and her anger. "I wasn't talking to you, Lila, but for your information, I'm not making up a story. I wouldn't lie about the death of my friend's parents. I hate liars."
Lila flinched back, her eyes wide and innocent. "I'm sorry, Marinette. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that you could tell the truth. We wouldn't judge you for it."
Alya frowned, giving Lila a stern look. "Lila, Marinette is seriously upset. I don't think that this is the right time to lecture her."
"Oh, of course." As soon as Alya turned away from her, Lila's expression was murderous. Marinette could care less. She turned away and ignored Lila, not in the mood to deal with the liar's taunts. If she could just hold back her tears until they got off the plane, maybe she could pretend that it was the rain that was making her face wet.
It took an hour to get from the plane to the hotel room, and that hour was torture for Marinette, who spent the entire journey holding back tears. As soon as Alya shut the door to their hotel room with a click, Marinette finally let herself cry, curling up into a ball on the hotel bed.
Marinette felt Alya wrapped her arms around her in a hug. "I've got you, Marinette. It'll be okay."
Marinette didn't know how long she cried for. All she knew was that when the tears finally stopped, the sky had gone dark outside. "What time is it?"
"It's a little past eight. I texted Nino to tell Ms. Bustier that you weren't feeling well, so she won't be bothering you with any class president duties tonight."
"Thanks." Marinette shifted herself from lying on her side to sitting up. "Have I ever told you what happened to Dick?"
Alya shook her head. "You've mentioned him a few times, but only that you two were friends when you were younger, and then lost touch."
Marinette sighed. "It all started when I was nine years old. My Grandma Gina was babysitting me for the weekend. She was old friends with the ringmaster of a circus that was in Paris, so she took me there to stay the weekend. That was where I met Dick and his parents..."
Marinette told the story in bursts, stopping to cry every few minutes when she got too emotional to continue. "...And I never spoke to him again after that. Gotham's foster care records aren't open to the public, and I stopped myself from Googling his name a long time ago. It just hurts too much to get my hopes up."
Alya wrapped Marinette up in another hug. "I'm sorry, Marinette. I wish there was something I could do to make this better."
"I think this trip might be good for me. It hurts a lot now, but I think once it's over I might finally feel a little more at peace."
"I hope so. But if there's ever any time where you need to just stop and let it all out, I'll be there for you."
"Thanks, Alya. You're the best."
Alya was Marinette's best friend, even if Alya was friends with Lila as well. That was Marinette's one regret - when she unmasked Hawkmoth and Mayura as Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancour, there was no way to unmask Lila as a liar as well. Gabriel refused to name Lila as an accomplice, aware that admitting to having manipulated a teen girl into performing acts of terrorism wouldn't look good for him. So Lila was free to continue her reign of terror, though at least now Marinette could be rightfully angry with her, without fear of being akumatized.
The class trip was partially sponsored by the Wayne Scholarship Foundation. Usually, the Wayne Scholarship Foundation only awarded scholarships, given to students all across America to pay for college, but after Hawkmoth's defeat and the media coverage that followed, a rather large sum was awarded to Marinette’s class for their bravery on the front lines of Hawkmoths' attacks. The Wayne Foundation organized tours and shows for them all over the city, starting with a tour of the Martha Wayne Memorial Botanical Gardens bright and early on the first morning of their trip. Then the class would go on a walking tour of Gotham during the afternoon, ending at a high-end sushi restaurant for dinner, followed by a night exploring East Hills Park during one of their famous firework shows. The late May day promised to be warm and sunny, so Marinette put on her favorite red floral sundress with a jean jacket overtop to hide the thin spaghetti straps, and sturdy tennis shoes to handle all of the walking she would be doing.
"Marinette!" gasped Lila as soon as Alya and Marinette walked into the main lobby. "Are you sure that your outfit is dress-code approved?"
Marinette rolled her eyes. "Yes, Lila. With my jacket on, this fits the dress code. I wouldn't make something that I can't wear."
"Okay. I was just checking. Your dress seemed a little too short to me, but I guess I just prefer something more modest."
As Lila walked away, Alya placed her hand on Marinette's shoulder in comfort. "I'm sure Lila didn't mean to come off as slut-shaming. I think she's just lashing out because wants to make sure you don't get in trouble for your outfit." Even Alya sounded uncertain of her explanation, as not even she believed herself. Without the support of Hawkmoth, Lila was no longer a cunning and calculated mastermind of manipulation. Now she was just a scared bully, desperately doing whatever she could to maintain her power over the class.
"Whatever," Marinette sighed. "I won't let her ruin my trip."
"That's the spirit. Besides, anyone with taste would know that your outfit looks super cute.”
Marinette smirked. "Are you saying that you don't think Lila has taste?"
"Definitely not as much taste as you. You're the Queen of Fashion Trends. You always look good." Alya put her arm around Marinette's shoulder. "Plus, you know better than to wear cowboy boots to school."
Marinette giggled as she remembered the incident. Lila came to school showing off her 'authentic' cowboy boots from America, seemingly unaware that they were the ugliest shoes anyone in their class had ever seen.
"You'll have a great day today, I promise." Alya walked with Marinette to the bus waiting outside. They got a seat up near the front, by Nino and Adrien.
Adrien had been the most affected by Hawkmoth's unmasking, given that it revealed his Father as a terrorist and his Mother as a coma-patient. All seemed lost for Adrien, as a team of Paris's best doctors revealed that Emilie Agreste was braid-dead. They planned on pulling the plug on Emilie's life support until, Amelie Graham de Vanily revealed that by combining the twin rings she and her sister owned with Ladybug's power of creation, together they had the power to bring Emilie back to life. Marinette was skeptical, after all, Amelie seemed to have ulterior motives in everything she did, but how could Marinette refuse when it was the only thing that she could do to help Adrien. In the end, she decided to help, no matter the consequences. Miraculously, it worked. Emilie was brought back to life and Adrien had a mother again.
However, in the aftermath of her decision, Marinette realized one crucial detail. In all of the chaos of deciding whether or not to work with Amelie, when she based her final decision on Adrien, she did it because he was her friend, not because he was her crush. At that moment, she realized that the overwhelming crush she had on Adrien since the age of thirteen had faded. In its place was a beautiful friendship.
"Good morning," chirped Adrien.
"What's up, dudes?" chimed in Nino.
"I can't believe we're here in Gotham. I thought our class trip to London was cool, but this is just incredible. I can't believe that the Wayne Foundation organized all of this for us," Alya gushed.
Marinette smiled. She knew that her friends deserved the vacation. Alya, Nino, and Adrien (though his involvement as Aspik was brief) all helped in the fight against Hawkmoth, even though they never revealed their superhero identities to each other. "What are you all most excited about?"
"I can't wait to see the Superhero Museum," said Alya. "I can't believe we were invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new exhibition."
"It is a celebration of the defeat of Hawkmoth. I suppose they wanted some real Parisians there to see it."
"I'm excited for Super: an American Musical, with the original cast. Did you guys know that this is their last week in Gotham before the show starts on Broadway!" Nino cheered.
Marinette smiled. "That is cool. I've heard that it's a fan favorite to win a Tony this year."
When all eyes landed on Adrien to answer the question, he shrugged. "I just want to experience everything. And take a lot of pictures. I promised my Mom that I would send her some."
"How about we take one now?" Marinette suggested.
Adrien nodded and the group of friends squeezed together to take a selfie.
"How about you, Marinette?"
"The Wayne Foundation Fundraising Gala," Marinette answered promptly. "It's one of the most influential events in fashion. I've heard that celebrities wear their second-best outfits to the Met Gala and save their best for the Wayne Gala. I know that the Wayne Foundation is paying for a shopping trip to pick out an outfit for the Gala, but I made my dress own and brought it here."
Alya laughed. "I should have guessed."
Marinette smiled sheepishly. "I couldn't resist. This is the first opportunity I've had to wear my newest creation."
"Do you have pictures of it?" asked Adrien.
Marinette shook her head. "I'm not showing anyone until the Gala. I'm keeping it safe in my room. I don't want to jinx anything."
"Hawkmoth is gone. We're in Gotham, living it up. Life is good." Alya summarized, and the whole group chimed in their agreement. Life was good.
"Is everything in this city named after the Waynes?" asked Nino as they stepped off the bus in from of the Martha Wayne Memorial Botanical Gardens.
"The Waynes are one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Gotham. When you're that rich, life is just a game of buying your name onto as many buildings as possible," Adrien answered.
"The Waynes and their extraordinary money are the reason why we're here, so I'm willing to forgo making fun of everything they put their name on," Alya decided.
Once they got through the doors to the Botanical Garden, Marinette was entranced. Flowers of every shade surrounded her, the sound of rushing water and the rustling of leaves was the only thing she could hear, the smell of pollen and fresh air filled her lungs. It was heavenly.
"I'm Olivia, but you can all call me Liv," spoke the blonde tour guide as she approached the class. "I'll be giving you a tour of the Botanical Gardens, the largest sanctuary for endangered plants in New Jersey. We're known especially for our orchid garden, which we'll walk through at the end of our tour."
As the tour continued, Marinette noticed that one hallway was blocked off by a sign reading: Hydrangea Exhibition Coming This Fall.
Liv pointed out the hallway. "Down that hallway is the upcoming Hydrangea Exhibition, which is replacing the old New Jersey Wildflower exhibit. Now, I know you're all from out of town, but if you're even in Gotham again, make sure you check out the Botanical Gardens. We're always getting new exhibits-"
Liv was cut off by the sound of shattering glass. One of the panes of glass making up the room had been shattered, and shards rained down on screaming tourists. Marinette's eyes widened as she recognized Poison Ivy, lowering herself through the now opened ceiling on her vines. "You thought you could destroy the native vegetation of this city and get away with it? Nothing escapes my notice. Now, I would like to have a little chat with whoever's in charge here."
Liv motioned for all the students to get down, whispering, "As long as we stay out of Poison Ivy's way, we'll be perfectly fine. Just stay calm and stay quiet."
Marinette watched as the Director of the Botanical Gardens came out to reason with Poison Ivy. He pleaded with the villain, "We won't destroy any of the wildflower gardens, I swear. I'll make sure myself that the wildflower exhibit will be moved to public parks all across Gotham."
Poison Ivy shook her head. "That's not good enough. You think you can wash your hands of these flowers so long as someone else offers to take them? How long do you think the wildflower gardens will last without any sort of protection?"
"We'll make sure that the gardens are protected, I promise."
Narrowing her eyes, Poison Ivy gave the Director a cruel smile. "I hope for your sake, Mr. Joseph Hoffman of 524 Shelton Avenue, that nothing happens to those flowers. Otherwise..." Poison Ivy let the threat hang in the air, using her vines to ascend back up to the ceiling.
The next few moments were so chaotic and full of movement that Marinette couldn't quite piece together what had happened. All she knew was that one second Poison Ivy was leaving the way she came and the next second, Batman and Robin were facing her down in the middle of the Botanical Gardens.
"Oh, hello Batman, Robin. It's so nice to see you. I was just leaving though, so unless you want to fight me where all these plants - and civilians, I suppose - could get hurt, I would step out of my way."
"Poison Ivy, we both know that I can't just let you go free after you threatened this man's life."
Poison Ivy sighed dramatically. "Oh well, I gave you a chance. Now it looks like I'll have to start getting civilians involved. The villain's eyes panned over the room, her eyes just happening to make contact with Marinette's for a split second before Marinette looked away. But that split second was enough. Marinette felt vines start to wrap around her forearms, yanking her forward.
Marinette was pulled all the way over to Poison Ivy, Batman, and Robin, until she was stopped in between the villain and heroes. "What's your name?" Poison Ivy asked, a menacing smile on her face.
"M-Marinette," she stuttered out, eyes wide.
Batman's expression was stoic and unyielding, while Robin looked at her with wide, stunned eyes. Batman spoke, "Why don't we move this outside where no one - plants or civilians - will get hurt."
Poison Ivy nodded. "I will require a head start, though, so I'll keep my vines wrapped around Marinette's throat. As soon as I'm out of range the vines will go slack and she'll be able to go on with her day. However, if you start to come after me before then, I'll tighten my vines and poor little Marinette might not make it."
Marinette stiffened as the vines grew around her throat, just loose enough for her to take shallow breaths. Poison Ivy disappeared from view, but Marinette continued to stay perfectly still, desperately trying to slow her breathing before she hyperventilated. No one made a move toward Marinette, no one willing to risk the consequences of making a move while Poison Ivy could still control the vines.
After what felt like hours, but was really only about five minutes, the vines relaxed and fell to the floor. Marinette collapsed to the ground, lowering herself into the seated position so she could breathe a little bit easier.
"Are you alright?" asked Robin, kneeling next to her. "Are you having any trouble breathing?"
"I'm okay. I didn't get hurt. I was just scared."
Robin got up and held out his hand to help her to her feet. "Why don't we get you back with the rest of your group. Are you here with your family?"
Marinette shook her head. "I'm here on a school trip."
Robin walked Marinette over to her class, handing her off to Ms. Bustier, who let out a sigh of relief as she gently placed her hand on Marinette's shoulder. "I know that was a very scary situation, Marinette. If you would like, I can take you and Alya back to the hotel."
"No way!" protested Marinette. "I didn't even get hurt. Plus, we have the walking tour of Gotham today. I don't want to miss it."
"Are you sure?" Ms. Bustier glanced over toward Batman.
Batman joined the conversation, saying, "If Marinette prefers to continue her day as normal, then I would advise following Marinette's lead. Often, the best way to recover from an encounter with a villain is to go on with your life as normal."
Marinette nodded. "I want to stay with the rest of the class and go on with our day."
Ms. Bustier still looked hesitant but conceded anyway. "Alright. I think our tour of the Botanical Gardens is over, though. I doubt that they would let us continue, what with shattered glass all over the floors."
Liv led the group out of the building, commenting with a sigh, "It's a shame that Poison Ivy came and ruined the tour. The orchid garden is such an amazing exhibit, and now none of you will get to see it. Unless..." Liv glanced around. "There's no broken glass in the orchid garden, so I don't suppose why we couldn't leave the Botanical Garden through the side-exit past the orchid garden. What do you say, Marinette?"
Marinette smiled. "That sounds wonderful."
As the tour group turned to enter one of the hallways branching off of the main room, Marinette glanced behind her one last time. She made eye contact with Robin, who was watching her leave, an expression of wonder on his face. Marinette turned back around self-consciously rubbing the back of her neck. She wasn't sure why Robin looked at her like that. It wasn't a look that one would give a stranger, and yet they had never met before. Marinette thought it was odd, but the thought was gone from her mind as soon as her class entered the orchid garden. I'm here in Gotham for a week to have fun, she reminded herself, so no more investigating every strange occurrence.
The walking tour of Gotham was just as fun and informative as Marinette anticipated, packed with interesting facts and amazing sights. She got a bunch of high-quality pictures of Gotham, good for putting in the blog post that Marinette (as class president) was in charge of putting together to go on the school website. Best of all, Lila didn't bother her for the whole tour. Even Lila knew that she couldn't bully Marinette and get away with it, after what Marinette had been through the morning.
The sushi restaurant was amazing too. Marinette had eaten sushi a few times before, but never anything as high-quality as what was served in the restaurant. Marinette decided that if this was what a field trip funded by the Wayne Foundation was like, then she was incredibly excited for the week to come.
Aside from the unfortunate interruption at the Botanical Garden, the day was perfect. Yet, Marinette couldn't stop thinking about the strange look on Robin's face. Had she done something wrong? Was she really safe from Poison Ivy? The thoughts lingered in her head, pestering her every time she felt safe and content.
"Listen up, class!" called out Ms. Bustier. "You'll all have exactly two hours to explore East Hills Park. The firework show starts in approximately half an hour, and ends half an hour before you have to meet up here, which should give you plenty enough time."
Marinette followed Adrien, Alya, and Nino off the bus and into the park. The group of friends started to explore the park, stumbling upon the statues and fountains that were scattered about the grounds.
"I found another Wayne!" Nino shouted from a few meters away. "This statue was dedicated to Patrick Wayne, who was Mayor of Gotham City - this was before they changed the name to just Gotham - from 1896-1904. His most notable achievement from his time in office was that he built over thirty new schools and eleven new library buildings in the city. He was known for his dedication to educating the City of Gotham."
It had become an inside joke between the group to try and find as many things in Gotham named after the Waynes as they could. The task turned out to be much less difficult than they had anticipated, so the group quickly switched tactics and began looking up the various Waynes to see what they actually did with their lives, to determine whether they deserved their names on the various buildings and statues of Gotham.
"He actually sounds like he deserved a statue," said Adrien, looking down at his phone at the Wikipedia article he had pulled up. "Not like Augustus Wayne, who never had a job and gambled away nearly a quarter of the Wayne fortune, yet still has a bridge and a fountain in this park named after him."
Marinette chimed in, "My favorite is Georgiana Wayne. Apparently, a reporter was harassing her over the fact that she was a divorcee and Theodore Wayne was her second husband, and she told that reporter to, quote, 'Fuck off, you lousy son of a bitch. If my husband doesn't mind that I am a divorcee, I don't see why you should.'"
"I wonder if she has any statues in the park," said Alya.
"I doubt it. Her Wikipedia article is only four paragraphs long."
Alya frowned. "That's a shame. Augustus Wayne does nothing of importance with his life and gets a whole bridge named after him, but Georgiana Wayne is a total badass in the 1920s and gets nothing."
"We'll have to bring it up with Bruce Wayne at the fundraising Gala," joked Marinette.
"Good idea." Alya glanced down at her phone. "It's almost time for the fireworks show to start. According to the class groupchat, everyone is gathering on the south shore of the duck pond. There are benches there, and it should have a good view."
"I'll meet you guys there," said Marinette. "I just want to get a few more pictures before it gets too dark."
Marinette started taking pictures of the fountains and flowerbeds, wandering aimlessly through the park. She was busy getting the best angle to take a picture of a maple tree framed by the sunset when she bumped into someone walking behind her.
"Oh, I'm so sorry-" Marinette began to apologize, but as soon as she recognized just who she bumped into she was at a loss for words. "Dick?"
"Marinette?" Dick's voice was deeper than Marinette remembered, yet still hauntingly familiar. His wide blue eyes stared into hers.
Marinette couldn't hold it together. She burst into tears, launching herself into his arms. "Dick, I thought I would never see you again. What are you doing here?"
"I heard your name on the news when they were reporting about Poison Ivy's vandalism at the Botanical Gardens. I did a little googling and found out about your class trip. It took a little digging into the Wayne Foundation website, but I found the approved itinerary for the trip and decided to track you down at East Hills Park. I knew I had to see you again."
"You did that for me?" Overhead the fireworks started going off, extravagant flashes of color that Marinette ignored completely. She couldn't tear her eyes off of Dick. When she imagined her reunion with him, she never really considered that he would be all grown up. No longer was Dick the twelve-year-old boy that Marinette remembered from her childhood. Dick was now five years older and sixteen inches taller.
"Of course I did. Marinette, I've missed you so much."
"I tried to get back in contact with you but Gotham's CPS refused to release any information to me. I kept calling and calling but they wouldn't tell me anything." The tears returned with a vengeance, and Marinette started to sob. "I gave up on finding you and I'm so sorry."
"I don't blame you. You have to know I don't blame you. It's me who should be apologizing. I could have tracked you down but I never did."
Marinette sniffled. "Why didn't you?"
"I was a coward." Marinette opened her mouth to protest but Dick cut her off. "I was scared of losing another person I loved. I shut everyone out and by the time I was ready to let people in again, I was afraid that you wouldn't want to be a part of my life again."
"What made you change your mind?" asked Marinette.
"No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget you. It was stupid of me to think that I ever could in the first place. You were my best friend Marinette. You still are, if you'll have me."
Dick looked at her with such longing that Marinette knew she could never deny him. Her face softened. "Of course I will."
"Thank you." Dick held onto Marinette tighter.
Marinette closed her eyes and melted into his embrace. The fireworks show continued, bathing the park in beautiful colors, but Marinette felt no need to watch it. She knew that she already had the most beautiful thing in the park in her arms.
Taglist: @maribatmarch-2k21 @jayjayspixiepop @buginetye @ultimatetornshipper
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angeltears-writing · 4 years
can i request some angstyyyyy stuff because iM a suCkEr for pAiN me→🤡 how would the brothers (separately) react to their s/o finding out they cheated on her and she breaks up with them and how it goes down and their regrets(?) how/why they cheated and if they did it on purpose and if it meant anything thankkkssyouu🥺
The Brothers cheating on MC
I hope you like this one, I couldn’t do angst for Asmo he doesn’t deserve it!
It’s like his world suddenly turned to ice, his stomach dropped to his feet when he opened his eyes and saw you staring at him.
His words were stuck in his throat as he saw you turn and run away into the crowd.
It had been a stupid dare and he was drunk, Diavolo had dared him to kiss one of the cute witches that were at the party and he had against his better judgment.
Things had heated up with that kiss, her hands looping around his neck and his tongue being pushed down her throat.
His shame hit him like a cold bucket of ice water, waking him from his drunken state.
“MC! Wait!” He raced after you wanting to reach you and tell you it was all a stupid mistake and he didn’t mean any of what happened.
He found you outside in Diavolo’s garden, crying all by yourself in the cold.
Your sobs were like slashes against his heart, he caused this. He did this by being unfaithful to you.
He knew nothing he said to you now would make up for his betrayal and the humiliation he caused you.
He knew it would take some time to win you back after this and he was a patient demon.
He watched you from afar and decided breakfast in bed tomorrow was a good start as any, for now, he’d make sure you had some space while you processed the emotions.
It had been constant fighting at the house, mainly between you and him.
He wasn’t sure what had been happening but your relationship was facing a fight after fight, after fight.
You felt sensitive because he wouldn’t stop calling you lowly human and asking you for money constantly. He felt annoyed because it felt like you were getting closer to his brothers and kept taking their side in their fights with him. Both of your insecurities had been bubbling over into passive-aggressive behaviour, snide remarks, and quick bitter arguments. He felt like you didn’t care about him anymore and decided he’d try to stop loving you back.
That’s why he found himself spilling all of his complaints about you to the cute, sweet witch who summoned him. She seemed different than the other times she summoned him, she calmed him down and was nurturing. She also seemed to support his side of the argument which you of lately scarcely did.
So when she moved in on him and kissed him, he didn’t exactly push her away.
When she suggested he spend the night, the next day and The next evening with her he couldn’t say no.
Until he caught her trying to cut him up then this little tryst was over.
He finally returned to the Devildom feeling stupid and angry, when you greeted with tears in your eyes asking where he had vanished to he felt terrible.
You did care about him and there he was returning from his cheating session where he had been bad-mouthing you constantly.
He knew this would turn out badly but he regretted his actions as soon as he saw your face. He came clean.
Your biggest fight yet happened, you shouted, screamed and cried so much you lost your voice and nearly got sick.
He pleaded for forgiveness and tried to explain himself but you were having none of it.
You decided to stay locked up in your room for the rest of the week and were ignoring his calls, bangs at your door and when he tried to talk to you at dinner.
He was broken inside and wished he could turn back time and stop himself from messing up.
To say your relationship was perfect with Leviathan would be accurate.
You guys respected each other’s interests, you did everything together and you were each other’s hype men and supporters.
So when Levi started a new online RPG game, invited you to play with him and you died immediately every time you restarted he tried to bite his tongue. There were plenty of things you were good at and this just wasn’t one of them.
Soon you said screw it and decided to stop playing altogether, he met a new player who sent him a friend request.
They followed Levi, helping him out during quests and sending him gifts so he sent his Devilcord name. They talked over voice chat while they played and he often forgot you were even in the room.
He was always chatting to his new friend, laughing at their jokes and complimenting them.
You felt like a third wheel and your boyfriend wasn’t making things better when he shouted out that he loved this new friend more than anything in the world after they defeated the mega boss together.
He didn’t even realise you left the room crying, you guys had been together for months now and he had not told you he loved you once.
He told everyone at breakfast that his friend was coming over to visit him that night so they all should stay out of his way.
Levi rushed past you when there was a knock at the door that night and who was waiting there but a pretty succubus in a tight low cut top, her hands were immediately on Levi’s arms and she pressed her body against his.
He didn’t stop her or even blush!
He led her to his room and closed the door, you entered after a few minutes and found her giving him a kiss on the lips after he defeated a boss.
You left slamming the door as you stomped to your room.
Guilt flooded Levi, he didn’t know you were there and didn’t know why the succubus was kissing him.
He pushed her off and told her to get out.
He pounded on your door begging you to let him explain, the door flew open and he was met with your tear-streaked face.
It was like he was stunned, you told him the kiss was just the tip of the iceberg of his cheating, he had not just cheated on you physically but emotionally too.
After being cussed out by you, he went to his room and locked himself in there, not playing a single game or checking out any new anime’s. He felt he didn’t deserve to after what he did to you.
He wallowed in his self-pity and stopped coming out to eat meals because he couldn’t face you.
He had high standards and lately, it seemed you weren’t measuring up.
Things you did he once called cutely were not apparently embarrassing for him.
He called you from RAD and said, unfortunately, he had to cancel your date to the art museum that night, for the fourth time this month. He said he had to go to the human world for an event.
Well you decided you could go to the art museum without Satan, so when you arrived and saw a tall blonde demon with his arm draped around the waist of some curvy succubus, you tried to brush off your suspicions.
That is until you heard his familiar laugh. You decided to spy on him for a bit.
He led her around the museum, laughing at her jokes, telling her that she was more beautiful than the art on the wall.
You felt like crying but when you saw her go to the bathroom you decided to confront him.
“Hey what the hell is wrong with you? You canceled our dates to hang out with her!” You were going to let him have it.
“Oh MC, well I guess my messages have not been getting through to you, MC I’m sorry you caught me like this but things haven’t been working out between us and I found someone I’d rather spend my time with.”
He seemed slightly annoyed and embarrassed when you started crying.
“I guess I’ll see you at The House of Lamentation, MC.” He marched off and joined his date leaving you alone.
Enjoying the night without you.
The Avatar of Lust was someone who you did not expect to be monogamous but he said he’d give it a shot for you.
That promise lasted 3 weeks.
You came home and followed to the loud moans and screams of delight to his room and walked in on him in the midst of an orgy.
When he spotted you he didn’t even seem embarrassed, he just smiled and gestured for you to join.
Instead, you ran to your room and stayed locked in there for hours.
You heard a knock at the door and saw it slowly open, Asmo stood in his nightgown and held two face masks and a pleading guilty smile.
“MC-“He started but you turned so your back was to him. He let out a low giggle.
“Look, I love you MC, I have a great time with you. You understand me and make me feel special. You’re supportive and kind and I just love everything about you. But I can’t be in a closed relationship, I only having romantic feelings for you my love but as the Avatar of Lust, I need to be sexual with others. I hope you understand and we can make this work. If you want to continue and talk I’ll be in my room.”
He left the face mask on your bedside and closed your room door after he left.
Would you be able to share him with others in such an intimate way?
He did make you feel special, loved, supported and he was always taking you as his plus 1 to every event. He gave you special beauty treatments, took you shopping for anything you wanted from clothes, jewelry, and desserts. You were a permanent feature on his Devilgram none of his love-making buddies made it on thereafter he was done with them.
You looked at the face mask and made up your mind.
It was your anniversary at Devils Kitchen, Beel had been raving about this steak he was eating, he practically inhaled the thing.
He said he’d never tasted something like that before it was like his dream meal.
So when the waiter dropped off complimentary desserts from the chef who made Beel’s steak and was told the chef wanted to meet Beel after he was done, you tried to brush off your feelings of jealousy.
When you met the cute succubus who seemed to instantly connect with Beel, you swallowed your words and plastered on a smile.
The next day when you were meant to hit the gym with Beel you found him in the kitchen with the Chef, they were laughing together making chocolate truffles and feeding it to each other.
“Ah, what’s going on here Beel?’ you said interrupting their giggling session.
“Oh MC! You’ll never believe it, my new friend here just invited me to this great food tasting event in the next town. I’ll be away for a week” The “new friend” gave you a cold fake smile that told you exactly what you needed to know about their intentions.
Well you trusted Beel and wished him well on the trip, I mean it took him a while to open up with you and a place filled with food would mean he wouldn’t be interested in this succubus.
On his second night, you got a call, it was Beel. His voice sounded depressed and strangled.
“MC, I’m sorry. I messed up, I didn’t mean for this to happen! It was an accident I swear.”
Tears pricked your eyes, “Please tell me you ate all the food at the event.” You managed to push out.
“Oh MC…I’m sorry we were getting along and it was late. Suddenly we were kissing. It didn’t mean anything though I only want you-”
You hung up, you hoped that he would stay away for the rest of the week so you could cry in peace.
You tore up your couple pictures and sobbed yourself to sleep.
He came back home the next day but you pretended not to hear or see him.
He was aching inside he wanted to make it up to you, show you it was just a mistake. He didn’t mean it.
He had been colder towards you recently, Lilith’s birthday was soon and all of his human phobic feelings were coming back up.
He had been trying to provoke you and hurt you, taking out his frustrations on you.
Nothing had made you break though, you just kept telling yourself and him that you’d be there for him and support him whenever he wanted to talk or just be held.
He felt like you were provoking him, pushing him to hurt you by responding the way you were.
So he took it further he found some random succubus and called her to dinner in front of everyone. He put her on his lap and would not stop kissing her and complimenting her. He looked right at you when he was doing this.
He had a sickly smile when you left the table in tears but seeing you like that he felt terrible.
He told the succubus to get out and knocked at your door.
He told you to open the door or he’d break it down, you unlocked it and he came inside.
“Look Belphie, I’m on your side. I thought that since we were together we’d work things out together but tonight it was too much. You went too far.”
“MC, I’m sorry I was being an ass for no reason, I tried to hurt you. It seems like I can’t stop hurting you. I’m sorry I should just go.”
He knew he was being stupid and he knew to hurt you was wrong but he did it anyway and for what.
He regretted his choices but decided it was best if he left you alone, he didn’t deserve you anyway.
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Going on the Ferris adventure would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Including Cameron x reader)
- You’d been friends with Ferris, Cameron and Sloane for as long as you could remember, so it was a given that you’d be invited to join them on their day off. Little did you know, Ferris had devised a plan for you and his little Cameron.
- Ferris knew about his friends little crush on you and decided that he’d help him out.
- He spun some tale about Sloane needing an “emotional support friend” to be with her “during this trying time” so you were sent out alongside her and the principal. You stood next to your friend, mock consoling her as the shiny red car pulled into the lot.
- You said goodbye to Rooney and carefully maneuvered yourself into the back of the Ferrari, ignoring your friends badly timed kiss. Once you’d pulled out of the parking lot, you found yourself squished against Cameron as the two of you tried to fit inside the little space.
- You’re the only person in the group who’s really able to calm Cameron down and get him to relax whenever he gets all stressed out. He just can’t help but mellow when you reassure him so sweetly, although to be fair it’s mostly because he gets distracted by your smile.
- Throughout the day, you make sure he’s actually enjoying himself; checking in and making him laugh whenever Ferris and Sloane are having a moment.
- He pulls your chair out for you at the restaurant. All of you let each other try some of what you ordered, after all, how many times are you delinquents going to make it into an upscale bistro?
- Ferris definitely got you into some slightly sticky situations that Cameron had to help you out of. They’re nothing too extreme of course but they certainly make you a little embarrassed/uncomfortable.
- He also made sure to get the two of you alone together whenever he could. Need a drink? Well why don’t you and Cameron go get some for everyone? Need a bathroom? Him and Cameron saw one on the way in, why doesn’t he go show you?
- Cameron lets you ride on his shoulders during the parade.
- Ferris sang a love song while motioning between the two of you. Cameron nearly turned purple from how hard he blushed.
- There’s lots of relieved and happy hugs whenever a plan works.
- You wouldn’t be able to keep track of how many looks you and Cameron shot each other even if you tried. Every time Ferris would do something or decide on a “great” plan the two of you would meet eyes and silently panic.
- You all hold hands whenever you walk through the cities more crowded streets; of course Ferris makes sure you hold Cameron’s.
- Ferris, Cameron and occasionally Sloane intimidate all the guys who flirt with or look a little too interested in you. If someone’s going to be winning your affections today they all agree that it’s going to be Mr. Frye.
- Wearing Cameron’s hat.
- He catches a baseball for you at the game and thinks it’s adorable how excited you are over it.
- While you admire the museum art, he admires you. He likes being able to stand next to you and take in every detail of your beautiful face without having to worry about you catching him.
- Sitting and resting against each other whenever you need a break. You and Sloane rest your head on Ferris’s shoulders and Cameron lays his head on your lap.
- Piggyback rides.
- Sharing food from street vendors.
- Ferris acts like you’re his daughter when he’s speaking with people, and by default Sloane’s your mother. You all joke about how she looks so young for her age.
- Your stomach and cheeks are constantly hurting from how much you’re laughing and smiling.
- The four of you get sooooo many pictures throughout the day. Cameron always shyly compliments you whenever you ask if you look alright.
- Getting to wear the jersey™ when it gets cold.
- Trying your best to soothe and wake him up when he goes into shock.
- Both Ferris and Cameron watch you and Sloane fondly from afar. They both think about how nicely everything’s turned out and how perfect it would be if Cameron and you were together for real.
- Cameron finally confesses his feelings after he wakes up from his daze. The two of you were sitting together with your feet in the pool when he took a deep breath and shyly told you that he really liked you. You admitted that you liked him as well and the two of you went quiet, although you both had smiles on your faces.
- When it was time to end your day of fun, Cameron walked you home and asked you out for real.
“I know I’m going to be royally grounded when I get back home but maybe, after my parents kill me, we could go out sometime?”
- You happily agreed and before you knew it, the two of you were leaning in and sharing a kiss. When you pulled away, you told him you were sure everything was going to turn out okay and for once he really agreed with you.
- The day definitely had its ups and downs but if you could...you wouldn’t have changed a thing.
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Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [Track 3]
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Original title: 磔の身体にキバは沈む
Source: Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: Azusa once again gets the cinnamon roll award for being the sweetest character in DL. I do realize he has his flaws as well and he still torments Yui/the MC in his route but in general he just cares about her so much, it’s heartwarming in a franchise with so much toxicity. T _ T I swear, with every Azusa CD I listen to/translate, I can feel myself become more of a stan.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 3: Fangs Sinking into a Crucified Body
“Where...am I?”
*Cling cling*
“Ughーー Oh...Why am I...crucified...?”
You call out for Azusa.
“...Eve!? ...Why you too...!? I see...I lost consciousness...back then...We got ourselves captured, huh...?”
“...Ah! Those wounds...Did he...suck your blood?”
You nod, apologizing.
“Ah...There’s no need for you to say...sorry...It happened because I failed to protect you so...I’m the one who should say sorry...”
Azusa hangs his head. 
“I wanted to protect you so badly but...I couldn’t do anything. If only I hadn’t been the one by your side...You might have gotten out unscathed...Ruki, for example, would never leave his guard down...Or Kou, would have skillfully manoevered his way out...And Yuma might have been able to defeat that guy. However, I’m...”
You shake your head. 
“Eh? Eve...”
You comfort him.
“Really? I’m being...helpful to you (1)...just by staying by your side?”
You nod.
“Ah...I see...Thank you. I can give it my best, because you’re there for me.”
“Exactly...Right now isn’t the time to wimp out...! ...I’m sorry for saying weird things...Now I have to focus on saving you...Hold on, okay? I’ll try and...tear off these chains...! Ugh...”
*Cling cling*
*Cling cling*
“ーーHaah! Haah, haah...They won’t even budge...Haah, haah...This might not be easy...But if I try my best, I’m sure...!! Ugh...”
*Cling cling*
“Nn...Aah! ...Ugh...!”
You tell him he’ll hurt himself. 
“...Eh? Ah...You’re right...I’m bleeding...I was cut by him earlier after all...However, Vampires heal quickly...so it’ll be okay...”
You beg him to stop.
“I’m sorry...That is your only request...I can’t grant...I won’t stop...If you feel like...being with me...reassures you...then I want to live up to your expectations...(2) I want to be useful to you...in my own way! I would never do something to bring you sadness so...please...have faith in me...”
You nod.
“Hehe...Thank you...”
“I’m a Vampire too...These chains are...nothing...! Ughーー!!”
Azusa breaks through the chains.
“...I did it! The chains broke...! Ugh...”
He stumbles as you grow worried.
“I’m fine...More importantly...I have to remove yours as well.”
*Cling cling*
He removes your chains.
“They became undone! ...However...Can you walk...?”
He wraps his arms around you.
“Your warmth...somehow feels nostalgic. Haah...It really puts me...at ease. ...Ugh...Uu...”
You ask if he is okay.
“I-I’m fine...It only stings a little...I’m used to the pain so...Don’t worry about me, okay? Oh...More importantly, you are hurt as well...”
Azusa runs his fingers across the bite marks. 
“He sucked your blood from here, right...? It’s still bleeding...and looks very sore. Say, can I heal it like this? Mmh...”
“Ah...It tickles? But...Keep still, okay? I want to properly get rid of the marks...Oh. What’s the matter?”
You explain.
“Eh...? You want me to suck your blood...? But why...? Are you...saying that for my sake, perhaps? Oh...You do have a point...If I consumed blood...My wounds would heal quicker but you’ll end up shaky on your legs...!”
You convince Azusa that is fine.
“Ah...You want to return the favor to me because I tended to your wounds? ...In that case, I get it. Mutually supporting each other is...better, right? I’ll take some...of your blood. In return...I’ll make sure to get rid...of all of your bite marks...”
He checks your body for marks.
“You were...bitten here, right? It frustrates me...”
“Mmh...It healed...Where’s the next one...? On your upper arm...? The mark is deep here too...Mmh...”
You flinch.
“What’s...wrong? Have you grown...impatient? I understand...I’ll bite you here, okay?”
Azusa bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah...Phew...Fufu~ You look as if you’re melting...Did it feel that good...? Mmh...”
“Hah...Mmh...It’s really sweet...and delicious. I don’t want to push you...too much but...I might be craving for just a little more.”
You give him permission. 
“Eh? Don’t say that...I can have as much as I want. If you say that...I’ll lose control...I’m begging you...Don’t entice me right now. There’s still wounds left on you...”
“Ah...This one looks painful too. He bit you on a place which was already sore from the chains, right?”
You wince.
“Ah! My bad...Did that hurt?”
You act strong.
“Ah...Eve...Your face is beet red...Hehe, it’s cute. You’re feeling good...even though it hurts, right? I really wanted to hold back but...I want your blood too so...Can I?”
You nod.
“Mmh. I’ll make sure it...feels good for you, okay?”
“It might...sting just a little...but I’ll sink in my fangs slowly so rest assured...Okay?”
He bites you again.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Nn...Haah...Ah...It’s really sweet...Mmh. All wounds have been closed up now. Ah...You’ve still got that dazed look in your eyes. ...Fufu~ You really are so cute. ...But, hang in there, okay? Thanks to you...My pain has faded away as well so...Let’s hurry up and make our escape?”
“...Ah. This sound again...It sounds even sadder than earlier...Hm...If the museum is alive...It might actually be the building...crying out?”
You ask him why it is crying. 
“Hm...I wonder why? Could it really be...sad from hunger? But...I feel like it’s somewhat different...It’s more of...a familiar sadness. That’s what I feel.”
You frown, asking Azusa if he is okay.
“Ah...No...Let’s not fret about it right now...We should get out of here...Before the other me finds us...”
Translation notes
(1) The expression 力になる or ‘chikara ni naru’ literally means that you become someone’s strength, although it can be used for mental/emotional support as well. 
(2) Literally he says ‘I want to respond to that’. 
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Borhap Boys As Sugar Daddies
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(reposted bc it was disappearing from the tags😭)
hey guys!! I wanna apolgoize for the disappearance, school is ✨madness✨ luv. so I've decided to try something new. But I promise I'm working on requests (and a bunch of new ideas). I love all of the borhap boys (bc they are babies🥺) so this might become a little series of head canons! no major warnings, just lots of fluff and some suggestive material. also reader is gender neutral (boy, girl, whatever you what it my dudes!) why not mix my fav trope and boys all in...one fic😳😳 anyways hope you guys enjoy!! I would love some feedback for future reference
Masterlist (requests are welcomed!)
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Rami Malek-
Number one that gif of him...need I say more? 🥰
I’m sick of how ya’ll sleep on Rami!! I’m gonna give him tons of love
He would be one of the most affectionate sugar daddy’s tbh
Certainly would spoil the HECK out of you
Whether it be paying off your bills or lavish trips to Greece, Rami always has your back
You never had to pay a SINGLE PENNY when you were around him
Being with Rami, you were a changed person
Your fashion game went UPPPP
Like chanel perfume, all designer clothes, nice handbags, you NAME IT
”Rami, I’m not buying a five hundred dollar shirt from Theory.” ”What do you mean? It would look so good on you, sweetheart.”
Yes, Rami bought you the shirt
You two were at a vinyl place and you saw a limited edition queen vinyl
He buys it (and basically 10+ vinyls you love)
This man is omfg i loveee him❣️
Little sneak kisses to your forehead
Seeing you smile as you shop and blush at his complaints makes him so freaking happy HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH
He would take you shopping at the best stores
“I would be fine at a target, y’know” as you look around a Gucci store
Rami would snake an arm around your waist as he cooed into your ear, “My baby deserves the best, and nothing but the best
What started out as an arrangement turned into a genuine relationship
When looking for a sugarbaby, Rami was simply looking for company (and someone to spoil the heck out of)
In all truth, he was simply a lonely guy who simply wanted someone to make happy, and made himself happy in the process
Wherever you guys would go, he would always wanna hold your hand and be close to you bc he’s scared of loosing someone he’s made a connection with
And i’m totally not crying as I write this
Both of you were in dark places when you first met
Rami showed how much he truly cared about you
If you called him all upset, he would SPEED over with whatever you needed whether it be pizza or emotional support
Sitting on your couch, his arm wrapped around yours as you vented about your problems
Rami had convinced you to drop your job and come live with him because he’s a KING!!
”Angel, you’re not gonna have to worry about anymore.” ”What do you mean?”
You ended up quitting your job and moving in with him
What turned into an arrangement became an intimate relationship
The sex between you to was AMAZING
it was VERY intimate
It started off slow but would get increasingly rougher god I hate what I said
Rami would always check up and you and NEVER go past your limits
It would end with the two of you cuddling in bed
Let’s just say you never had to worry about your bills ever again😎😎
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Gwilym Lee-
my love for this man? ENDLESS
Seriosuly gwilym lee HAVE MY CHILDERN
anyways to the pLOT
Gwilym is the sexiest and cutest man alive
The sugar daddy that will bring you EVERYWHERE HE GOES
He’s such a gentlemen
Like all relationships start, it was more of an arrangement then a relationship
Your job was to escort Gwilym at all these events as “company”
Gwilym would send a bunch of nice items and a driver to bring you to the location
”Hope you like this ❤️ xxx”   “Treat yourself! 😘xxx”
Like mister I-😳😳
Gwilym is literally such a sweet person
Whenever you were spotted with him, you would get thousands of compliemnts/questions
”You’re with Gwilym! So lucky!”
”That necklace is to kill for! Did Gwilym give it to you?”
”Teach my your ways!”
Whenever you’re at these events all these people give you evil stares
Your like👁👄👁 “is Gwilym a playboy??”
Gwilym is all like “what do you mean?? 🥺Of course not! Your the only one that matters to me right now”
He’s such a king we LOVE HIM
Spontaneous trips to France and Italy
Gwilym and you grow super close
Also your dates would range from fancy galas for Gwilym’s works or peaceful book/poetry readings
He LOVES books and always takes you to bookstores and gives his best recommendations
He literally turns into an english teacher while overanalyzing books
”The greenlight in Green Gatbsy is such a crucial symbol”
”Jane Austen is one of the best feminist writers, she was so ahead of her time!”
You wanna be annoyed but can’t
The two of you would lie in bed together
You would be slouched against his body as he stroked your hair, reading to you in that accent
As much as you love your gentlemen, you get him into the wacky world of ninety day fiance
”This looks like trash...I’m going to watch every minute of it!”
You guys order chinese food and watch this obsessviely for six hours
I know this is meant to be fluffy but why not add some 🌶
Sex with you and Gwil is like ✨fireworks✨
He would make sure you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day let’s just say😉
He would have to carry you around and kiss your head, saying “You're so adorable, poppet” or “Don’t strain your legs, Cariad!”
”My anwylyd” (Welsh for dearest)
Would 100% write you romantic poems (over text and in paper)
And yes he WOULD dramatically read them to you😤😤✌🏽
He would always greet you with the most over the top nicknames like “Good morning cariad!” or “Sit there and act pretty, my beloved”
hi mr lee please make me your sugar baby
Gwilym is your sugar daddy but also your sweet, book loving man
He loves seeing you happy so in return, you make him happy💓💓
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Joe Mazzello-
This one is a wildcard ladies and gays!! 😌😌
Joe definitely does not strike you as a sugar daddy
He seems more like your boyfriend than anything else
The two of you were inseparable
After dinner Joe would take you to a karaoke bar or for ice cream
After the first date you started calling him Joey
Drunken duets to cheesy 80’s romance songs
The two of you would sing your hearts out before vomiting from the copious ammouts of ice cream and vodka
With Joe it’s eithier mcdonalds or Nobu in TriBeCa
Mr.Mazello has range😌✨
This dude is the ceo of cheesy nicknames
”Yes my little lover muffin!”
”What is it cutie patootie?”
”You look amazing buttercup!”
“What’s up, hot stuff?”
In public he calls you “baby” or “lover” dw he saves you from public embarrassment 
You know that meme of will smith and his wife? That is basically you and Joe
My love for his man is infinite
Joe is super clingy
Hand holding and lots of PDA
He wants people to know that your his sugar baby😤😤💓
he will always send texts like
”miss you baby💓💗💓💗!”
”can you grab milk from the store pls??”
”Joe, it’s been a day.”
He has so many photos of you in his camera roll
You are his lockscreen😔💓
The ceo’s of amazing instagram photos, whether it be you wearing a burger king crown at Burger King or You guys kissing on a boat with the Italian sunset on a private boat
Captions would be could “my favorite fairytale is our love story” or “yasss queen slay it!”
It’s cringey but god Joe is so adorable
A combination of a child and gentleman ALL IN ONE
All of his friends are like “you guys HAVE to be dating!’
It’s suppose to be nothing more than an arrangement right?
I mean the two of you were living with eachother and he dropped all of this other sugar babies for you
The two of you are master chefs minus the one time Joe burned mac and cheese and set the stove on fire
Also not to get smutty but the sex between you two? Like
Straight up RAMMING to sweet pillowtalk
Anyways Joe being your sugar daddy would definitely not be a bad thing at all😘
Always exchange those “I love you’s” 💕✨
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Ben Hardy-
When first seeing Ben on your sugar daddy app, you were 100% intimidated
But upon meeting him, this tough dude was a PUPPY🥺❣️
On the first date he bought you flowers and gave you a hug
“Y/n, right?”
“That’s me!”
“I just wanted to say you look stunning, love.”
You were wearing jeans and literally smiled so much
You know this date was going to go VERY WELL NOW😩✌🏽✨
Instead of a fancy restaurant, Ben took you to a stroll around London
Whatever clothes you wanted? He got it
Whatever cafe you wanted to stop at? Buy all the tea/coffee and pastries you want
Hotel? Trivago
The two of you walked around the city, hand and hand as you got to know eachother
You ended up walking around the city for five hours up until midnight
You laughed and talked about thousands of things
In confusion, you had to see Ben again
As Ben walked you back to your place, you smiled at him,
”I’d like to do that again.”
”Call me when you want, y/n.”
So your “dates” became more frequent
Ben had the best ideas for dates
Dinners at small Italian places, walking around a museum, or just sitting in his place and watching mindless television
He made sure to spoil you
With gifts, literally and figurreitly
Sex was a large piece in your arrangeemnt
But it was not the only thing in your relationship
And it was!! Amazing!!
”You’re so fucking beautiful” as he would kiss your forehead and dive straight into it 🥺😳
Not only could that man be A BEAST but an absolute sweetheart
Everyday you looked forward to not only getting paid by him, but just talking to him for hours on end
He would stay up for hours just to talk to you, whether it be about your lives or anything
and that ladies and gays is a dedicated MAN
No matter what, Ben always found a way to touch you
He always had his hand on the chair behind you or your thigh
You guys would have pillowforts and nerf fun battles together
It would always end with a cuddle session
Frankie would be skeptcial but love you!!
You guys got so close that he took you on a trip to the greek islands AND PROPOSED!! LIKE!! YES!!😌😌😌
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
i knew you (Bucky Barnes soulmate au) -- part five
This part is allll action but that’s what you need to pay attention to (that sounds so vague and cringe-worthy,,, anyway). Enjoy! xx.
Warnings: a lot of h*ckin’ words lmao, but other than that just the same violence in the movie, angst (of course)
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Bucharest, Romania.
You recognize some of the city from your dreams. You didn’t think it was possible to dream about what your soulmate is currently seeing because if that was the case, you can’t imagine what you would’ve seen through The Winter Soldier’s eyes. But when you recall a third building from your dream, you think it’s less of a coincidence than you originally thought.
The plan is simple. You and Steve are to go into Bucky’s apartment, wait for him (or find him already) there. Sam is standing guard outside, but he’s already said he doesn’t think he’ll be able to do much. It’s one man against whatever forces get called in. It’s not looking to be in Sam’s (or your and Steve’s) favor.
Unfortunately, you think he’s right.
The end goal is to bring Bucky in alive. You desperately want to run away with him and disappear to some place where no one has orders to shoot him on sight, but you know that isn’t possible. Despite your confidence in Vienna not being Bucky’s fault, Steve still wants to do the right thing and bring him in. Even if he might be considered a criminal doing it.
Stepping inside Bucky’s apartment nearly suffocates you.
You’ve had dreams about this place. Multiple times. 
You spin slowly in a circle, taking it all in. When you saw it in your dreams, it wasn’t this vivid. The bed wasn’t a small twin because you both fit on it. And newspapers weren’t taped to the windows. Because in your dreams, those aren’t needed. No one is watching the two of you there.
That’s how you want things to be. 
Through the radio -- that Sam bitched about connecting you to -- you ask Sam if he’s got anything.
“Not yet,” he replies. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, then you freeze. Your back is to the doorway, but you feel Bucky when he enters the room. You don’t hear his footsteps and you imagine he wanted it that way, but you feel his soul just the same. There is no hiding one’s soul from its counterpart.
You turn around slowly, keeping your movements controlled. You don’t know who you’re about to meet. You know it’s Bucky, but…
“Heads up,” Sam comes through. “German Special Forces approaching from the south.”
“Understood,” Steve replies. He turns to look at you, realizing how quiet it’s gotten, only to find you standing in a staring match with your soulmate.
You should say something. Anything. But you can’t think of a damn thing right now.
After all this time, he’s standing here. The hat over his head only makes you want to take it off so you can run your fingers through his hair. He’s layered in so many clothes, most of them baggy. Hiding in plain sight is easier than some think, and he looks like he’s mastered it. No wonder you couldn’t find him for two years.
“Do you know me?” Steve’s voice breaks the tense silence, slicing right through the air.
Bucky’s eyes move from yours to Steve’s. His expression remains blank, giving away nothing. “You’re Steve.” He nods to the notebook in Steve’s hand. “I read about you in a museum.”
Sam’s voice comes back through. “They’ve set the perimeter.”
“I know you’re nervous,” Steve presses on. You feel useless standing here, saying nothing. Rendered speechless by the mere sight of your soulmate. “And you have plenty of reason to be.”
Finally, you find your words. “You’re lying.” Bucky’s eyes snap back to yours. “I can feel it.”
“You can feel it?” Bucky asks incredulously, the first emotion he’s shown since he saw you.
You nod. “I’m your soulmate.” 
Your voice shakes as you say it. Somewhere along the past two years, you had worked up the perfect fantasy in your head. The one where he’d recognize you immediately, hug you tightly, and say how glad he was to see you after all this time. The one where he’d turn to Steve and thank him for keeping his promise, for finding you.
But in every single fantasy, you never predicted what he says next.
“I don’t have a soulmate,” he says firmly. “I don’t know who you are.”
Before you have time to let yourself be upset over that, Sam’s voice returns. “You guys better hurry up with whatever the hell you’re doing.”
“Shut it, Sam,” you bite back.
“I wasn’t in Vienna,” Bucky says, looking at Steve. “I don’t do that anymore.”
“I know you don’t,” you murmur, causing Bucky’s attention to shift back to you. “I know it wasn’t you.”
“What do you mean you know?” Bucky asks again.
“I told you,” you try to keep your voice even, but you can feel his lies. You don’t know why he’s lying. You know these circumstances aren’t ideal as a first meeting, but neither was D.C., and you still dealt with it. You’re not asking him to kiss you right now. You just want him to admit he recognizes your face. “My name is Y/N. I’m your soulmate. Steve is your best friend. You made him promise that he’d find me, and he did.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Again, Sam interrupts the conversation. “They’re entering the building.”
“Got it,” you reply. Now isn’t the time to talk to Bucky about this. You can be upset with him for lying later -- and figure out why he’s lying, too. Not right now, though.
“Listen, the people who think you were in Vienna are coming now,” Steve gets the conversation back on track. “They’re not planning on taking you alive.”
“That’s smart,” Bucky replies without hesitation. You feel it in your chest. His acceptance. “Good strategy.”
“I’m not letting you die,” you hiss, nearly adding you son of a bitch at the end.
“They’re on the roof. I’m compromised,” Sam’s frantic voice comes through the radio.
“This doesn’t have to end in a fight, Buck,” Steve says, near pleading.
You listen to the footsteps circling all around, your hand already pulling out your gun.
Bucky slips off his gloves, revealing his metal hand. “It always ends in a fight.”
“Five seconds.”
“Shit,” you curse under your breath, seeing shadows outside. You’re caged in. “Goddamn it.”
“You pulled me from the river!” Steve argues. “Why?”
Bucky’s answer is full of lies. “I don’t know.”
“Three seconds.”
“Yes, you do,” Steve counters, clearly as fed up as you, but there’s no time left to argue.
Your heart is pounding, and despite Bucky’s insistence that he doesn’t know who you are, you still don’t feel so panicked that you want to shut down. You’re ready for the fight. Especially if it’s for him.
“Breach! Breach! Breach! Get the hell out of there!”
Grenades launch through the windows. You smack one right back out the shattered glass with the side of your gun, hearing it explode midair. Steve hits another with his shield. Bucky kicks the last over to Steve who covers it just in time, controlling the blast.
Bucky grabs you by the shoulders and wrenches you away from the window, just in time to miss a gunshot. His wide eyes stare down at you, almost like his reaction was involuntary. You’re grateful nonetheless, but there’s no time for exchanging thank yous.
You turn and kick the table, the added support from Bucky’s arm sending it flying and blocking the door. 
Men swing in through the broken windows, firing rounds as fast as their weapons will let them. Bucky handles one, watching in bewilderment as you handle the other. Yours is knocked out cold in seconds thanks to Steve’s shield.
Another comes in through the back door that Steve takes care of, but not before Bucky starts trying to run, shoving the guy out onto the roof.
“Buck, stop!” Steve pulls him backwards by his arm. “You’re gonna kill someone!”
In such a quick movement that it makes you gasp, Bucky has Steve pinned to the floor. He punches the floorboard directly next to Steve’s head, pulling out a backpack.
He’s been planning for this day. Probably since the first day he moved in. Ready to run. Your other dream makes sense now. In it, you’re always chasing after him, but in an open field. It always ends the same, with him catching you in his arms. But you know reality won’t play out that way.
“I’m not gonna kill anyone,” Bucky says, looking up at you, for what reason you aren’t sure. He tosses the backpack out the door without looking.
“What the hell?” You say, mostly to yourself.
Another guard comes through the window, and once again, Bucky grabs you and hauls you over to him. This time he holds you into his chest, using his metal arm to block the bullets before Steve covers you both with the shield. Too much is happening for you to register the way he’s protecting you again, but he stops doing it before you can even blink.
Bucky sends Steve flying out the window on top of one of the men. 
You give him a look and yell, “Seriously?!” but you’re cut off when his eyes widen, catching sight of the other gunman coming inside.
Bucky shoves you behind him, using his metal hand to block the bullets until he can knock the guy down. You kick the other in the chest, and Bucky finishes the job with a cinderblock.
“Damn,” you mutter, your train of thought ending when a gun outside the door begins shooting the hinges. “Fuck!”
Bucky moves you behind him again, his arm steadying you when he realizes he pushed you a little too hard. His eyes are apologetic, but given everything he’s said to you, you think you might be fantasizing again.
Bucky shoves the door forward when they try to break it down, effectively taking down three guards with it. He shields you once again when a man breaks through the ceiling, firing at Bucky. 
“If you don’t know me, then why the fuck are you protecting me!” You yell, shoving Bucky away angrily. He barely moves, but it’s enough for you to start firing at some of the guards. Not headshots, because you aren’t that cruel, but enough to slow them down.
Bucky ignores your question and grabs onto the man still hanging from the ceiling, using him to swing down. He looks back up at you, almost remorseful, but you glare at him.
Steve returns in time to crush one of the radios a man was using to give information on Bucky’s whereabouts. He grabs you around the waist and jumps down to Bucky’s level.
You elbow the guy in the back of the neck as hard as you can, and Bucky’s expression is grateful.
You must be seeing things.
Guards are flung in every direction. Steve catches one from falling all the way to the bottom, giving Bucky a stern look as he throws the man back into the wall. You almost laugh at Steve’s “Come on, man.”
While you’re busy fighting and firing, Bucky jumps down the middle of the damn stairwell like an idiot. You hear him scream when he catches his arm on one of the railings, pulling himself up to the floor.
You kick another guard in the chest, knocking him out cold when his head connects to the concrete wall.
You run down the steps as fast as you can, narrowly avoiding shots and firing some of your own over your shoulder. You reach Bucky’s floor just in time to see him jumping from the window.
“Son of a bitch,” you curse. Heights are not your thing. They’ve never been your thing. And Bucky just jumped who knows how many stories down to the roof of the adjacent building.
Guards are closing in on you. Steve is occupied with another group. You don’t have any other option.
“Oh, fuck it,” you cuss, running forward, giving yourself no time to think about it before you jump.
Your legs flail as you soar through the air. You search the roof of the building down below and see Bucky’s backpack, but you don’t see him.
“Shit!” Your feet barely connect with the side of the roof before Bucky is catching you, rolling with you in his arms, but careful not to crush you with his weight.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” He yells, shoving you off of him.
“Are you out of yours?” You fire back with just as much venom, elbowing him in the ribs. “Why do you keep protecting me? I thought you didn’t know me, huh?”
“I don’t,” Bucky grits out, grabbing his backpack.
From above you see a shadow. With what feels like natural instincts, you tackle Bucky to the ground, resulting in a very pissed off look, until he sees what just landed on the roof.
“A cat?” You mutter. “What the fuck is going on?” You raise your gun and fire, but the bullet ricochets. “A bulletproof cat. Great.”
Bucky growls and throws you off of him. “Stay behind me,” he orders.
“Fuck off,” you hiss.
Yet another fight begins. 
Whoever the person is, they aren’t interested in you at all. Their focus is entirely on Bucky, which leaves you hiding behind some sort of pipe system while you wait for Sam or Steve.
“Southwest rooftop,” you say through the radio. “Bucky’s fighting some...cat.”
“Cat?” Sam calls back. “What the hell?”
“About to find out,” Steve mutters, and seconds later you feel his bodyweight thud onto the roof.
But then, as if there isn’t enough going on, a helicopter comes overhead.
“For fuck’s sake,” you groan, staying crouched and firing up at the copter’s tail rotors. “Sam? Little help?”
“Got him,” he replies, and a few seconds later, the helicopter is literally kicked out of the way.
You straighten and keep firing, worsening the damage, but unfortunately not enough to knock it out of the sky. Bucky manages to throw the cat off of him, giving him enough time to do more jumping, which only makes you more pissed off with him. 
Does he just love parkour or something?
“He jumped, Steve.” You start running toward the edge and Steve joins you a second later. “Are we?”
Steve nods. “Hang on,” he says, grabbing you around the waist again before he jumps from the roof. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, only opening them when you feel the two of you hit the ground.
“You okay?” Steve asks when the two of you break into a sprint.
“Fine,” you mutter, seeing Bucky up ahead, but then, just like that, he disappears, having jumped again. “I’m not cut out for this!” You scream, holding onto Steve again as you both sail down onto the busy street below.
Running like it’s the only thing you know how to do, you mentally punch Bucky in the face a thousand times for acting the way he is. How can he protect you one moment and swear he doesn��t know you in the next? Talk about hypocrisy.
You follow behind Steve, swerving to avoid hitting cars as you run after Bucky.
“Stand down!” The police yell through the speakers on their car, the sirens only adding to your stimulation and pissing you off further. “Stand down!”
“Ready when you are,” you say, nodding to Steve. 
The two of you split up. Steve crashes into the windshield of the car and it screeches to a stop. Wrenching the door open, you shove the driver out, hopping in and locking the doors. Steve punches the rest of the windshield out of the way before sliding in, and you literally floor it.
Weaving in and out of the cars, you smack the sirens off in annoyance. This is not how you saw yourself spending today. Or how you saw seeing Bucky again turning out. This is ridiculous.
And the fucking cat. Who the hell even is that?
Speak of the devil, he latches himself onto the back of the car. 
“Seriously?” You mutter, swerving as best you can, but it’s hard in a tunnel, and you’re not trying to cause any wrecks with innocent citizens.
“Sam, we can’t shake this guy,” Steve calls out.
“Right behind you.”
But you don’t know how far behind he is, so you start some more counter measures when you see more police cars speeding up next to you. Even slamming the car into the others doesn’t knock the cat off, and now you’re pissed.
Up ahead, police are coming at you from the other direction. You spot Bucky jumping to the other side, and upon realizing the only thing blocking it is barrels, you swerve and take the same route.
Bucky loses time when he steals a motorcycle, giving you enough time to catch up to him, but the goddamn cat is still on the back of your car. And you’ll be damned if that guy gets to Bucky first.
Somehow, the cat manages to crawl over the car and attempt to latch onto Bucky, but Bucky fights him off just enough before Sam swoops in and grabs him — finally.
But the cat puts up a fight, nearly dragging Sam down. An explosion happens ahead, caused by Bucky, no doubt, and you see Sam fling the cat directly into it.
It isn’t enough.
With the rubble everywhere, you can’t drive anymore, so you and Steve abandon the car, jumping over large chunks of concrete. Steve speeds ahead, tackling the cat and pulling him away from literally clawing Bucky’s eyes out.
Bucky seems more pissed than pleased to see you, not that you can be bothered to care right now.
Steve holds his shield, keeping the cat away from Bucky. Sirens wail and close in on all of you. Bucky, much to your annoyance, steps forward to put his body in front of you, his metal arm crossing over your body in protection. The action would warm your heart had you not just jumped off buildings for him.
A silver Iron Man suit appears from the sky, landing in front of all of you, both hands raised and ready to fire. “Stand down. Now.”
Steve puts his shield away and raises his hands. You do the same, dropping your gun to the floor. They’re probably going to take it anyway.
“Congratulations, Cap, Y/N. You’re criminals.”
“Who the hell are you?” You ask.
You don’t get an answer before men are storming forward and practically throwing Bucky to his knees. You’re shoved away by one of them and you hiss when your arms are wrenched behind your back. Bucky jerks himself out of their grasp, only to punch the guard that was rough with you. The guard lays unconscious on the ground with a broken, bloody nose, Bucky’s chest heaving as he’s shoved back to the ground.
You’re too stunned to resist arrest.
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Klaus x Powered Reader
Summary: Reader is part of the umbrella academy but came when they were 12 due to parents needing help for them, ya know controlling powers and whatnot. They can shapeshift into any animal and their senses are heightened n such.
Warnings: bloody, fighting bad guys, bit of Klaus fluff
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You know that moment in a movie where they freeze frame and then the character says something like “you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.”
Yeah with Klaus you have those moments more times then you could count. In fact, if you had a dollar for every time Klaus has gotten you into a freeze frame moment. (And you’ve thought about this often.)
You could probably afford a real nice apartment with actual food in its fridge. Instead of living at the Academy with some apples and Klaus’ latest alcoholic beverage.
But alas, here you are in a back alley as Klaus’ bodyguard waiting for some Italian mafia members to come get their money that he owes them. Well that’s what you’re assuming but Klaus insists they’re just some moody tough guys. Okay sure.
You watch Klaus as he paces back and forth in front of you counting his cash for about the 50th time in the past 10 minutes.
Klaus stops abruptly and turns to you with a smile, “You know what I love about you, Y/N, every time I think things could get worse I look at your pretty face and I know you got me.”
Sighing in knowing annoyance you look up at him, “Are you short.”
Klaus snorts, “No actually I’m pretty long.” He says with wink.
You look up to the sky trying not to crack, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction even if it was funny, not the time or place. Especially considering his dumbass is short some cash he definitely owes very soon.
You look over to Klaus again and raise an eyebrow.
“Alright how much?”
He twiddles is fingers while avoiding your curious gaze. “Oh you know...a couple hundred or so.”
“So that’s why I’m here, emotional support my ass”, You say rolling your eyes a bit amused nonetheless.
Klaus may be an idiot but he’s funny and kind and you love him. Also you do enjoy beating up gangsters or whoever these thugs of the hour are.
Folding your arms while giving Klaus a smirk you tell him, “Well your friends better get their asses here cause when they do. I’m gonna knock their teeth in for making us wait in this shit ally. I’ve been suppressing the urge to vomit for 10 minutes.”
He nods in agreement, glad you’re not about to rip him a new one for his latest antics.
“Wait, does it really smell that bad, I mean the dumpster is at the other end of the ally.” He says in confusion.
You put your hands on your hips glancing at the dumpster and then focusing on Klaus.
“I’ve got the whole animal kingdom inside me Klaus, I know you can kinda smell that dumpster from here, but listen. For me it’s 1000x worse and let me tell you it doesn’t smell like a bath and body works around here.”
Klaus laughs scratching the back of his head, “Right, right, sorry.”
Suddenly a sketchy looking black car rolls into the ally, coming to a halt as three angry looking men walk out. Clearly hiding something within their coats, the “leader” it seems steps up and speaks.
“You betta have that 1,000 you owe us right fucking now you little theif, I don’t appreciate you takin’ my mother’s gold necklace, rest her soul.” He growls.
Klaus raises his hands up, “Listen buddy, you stole that from your own mother at her funeral...and let me tell you she’s not to happy about it.” He says looking to his left where you assume this guys dead mother is standing.
The bald guy behind him shakes his head and says, “So fuckin what? We needed that shit for other important purposes raccoon eyes.”
Klaus now lost as to where this situation is about to turn looks over at you clearly needing assistance. While mouthing “help me”.
Walking past him you hold your hands up showing you have nothing to hide, “Now that’s not very nice, a real shit personality, your mother would be very disappointed in how you’ve turned out. Cause let’s be honest it’s not like your looks are doing anything for you either.” You say snickering trying to see how they’ll react.
The first guy smirks reaching into his coat to pull out a nasty looking knife. “See this right here, I’m a good old fashioned man, I don’t believe in guns.”
You raise your eyebrows at him, “Oh well in that case we should all be quite relieved then.”
Looking behind him you notice as his two friends pull their own weapons out, which consists of a hammer and some type of meat hook.
“Klaus couldn’t have picked an easier bunch of idiots to fuck up then these psychos.” You thought.
The bald one begins to move brushing past the first guy looking like he’s seeing red.
“Jesus, man I didn’t mean to offend, I’m just making friendly conversation.” You muse.
Baldy begins to charge holding up his hammer ready to strike. “Come here you bitch, that’s my husband you’re talking to.”
He swings as you side step him, tripping him as he falls directly onto the concrete. Conveniently dropping the hammer in the process. Klaus being the ever troublesomely fantastic sidekick, picks up the hammer and throws it at you.
Gripping the hammer tightly, baldy rises from the ground faster then you’d expected mouth bloody and boiling with rage.
But in a hot second his bearded buddy in crime sprints towards you with his meat hook seemingly out of nowhere.
Klaus yells for you to watch out but you didn’t even need to look, this guys heart beat is louder then a firework and you’re faster then a viper, your senses on overload. As you turn around in record time to grab the guys right arm with the meat hook.
With your left hand tight around this guys beefy one you hold on and push his assault giving him more power. Effectively fulfilling your plan and leading the hook right into baldys chest. Who was fortunately running towards you.
A split second later with the hammer in your right hand you swing it forcefully into the guys shins. Hearing a sweet sickly crunch sound and the wild howls protruding from your assailants throat.
“Sorry I didn’t know you were married.”
“Fuck you!” He screams.
You look up hearing the sting of metal being swung in the wind, to see a knife heading straight for your throat.
With lighting reflexes you grab his wrist, the knife inches from your vulnerable skin.
Klaus gasps in the background terrified and relieved at not getting your throat slit.
You turn your fingernails to sharp cat-like claws that dig dangerously into his flesh, causing hot blood to drip out. The man drops the knife and grimaces in pain.
“I don’t know about you but I don’t think my boyfriend owes you three motherfuckers shit.” You growl, eyes beginning to glow an electric blue while the whites of your eyes shift to black, something that happens when you start to use your power.
“Fuck you, and fuck that thieving piece of junky shit crying in the corner.”
Your mood darkens, “Wrong answer.”
Letting go of his bloody wrist you grip his throat with your left hand lifting him off the ground. He begins to choke and struggles against your tight grasp.
“I know you’ve heard of me from other friends of yours, so listen very closely. If you touch Klaus again or anyone else around here who’s just trying to survive in this city. I won’t be so generous next time. Or maybe I should rip your fucking face off right now.” You squeeze tighter drawing blood.
“Y/N.”  Klaus says softly.
“Let’s go home.” He asks with pleading eyes and you snap back to reality smelling the iron scent of blood on your hands.
Sometimes you can get carried away feeling the rush of the hunt, a taxing side affect of your power, one you’ve always struggled to control.
Letting the man go he slumps to the ground coughing and sucking in straggled breaths.
“ Alright, me..me and the boys...won’t do nothing....you have my...my word....no bullshit nothing....I swear.”
“Good cause your friends are gonna need more then some stitches.”
You quickly leave the ally and start walking down the street towards the Academy.
Breathing heavily, you look up at Klaus who’s at your side as you start to feel a bit embarrassed that he saw you lose it a little.
He holds onto your arms stopping you, “Don’t worry, we’ll have a bath and watch some movies...hey you like that Museum one?”
“The Night at the Museum.” You say smiling still feeling off.
Klaus’ face lights up, “Yeah that one, with the big T-Rex skeleton and President Roosevelt on a horse.”
He links your arms together and you both begin walking again.
“Y/N, I’m not afraid of you, you know. I never have been, I actually find it pretty sexy of you to beat up bad guys for me and keep the neighborhood safe-er. Ben thinks so too, minus the sexy part of course. Only I get to enjoy that.”
You relax more into his side and once again start to feel a bit more at ease with yourself.
“Oh wait a second, here put these sunglasses on, your eyes are still playing mood rings with us. Don’t wanna freak out the civilians” He laughs.
“Thanks, I did wonder why that kid back there looked like he just saw a ghost.”
Klaus winks, “Maybe he did, cough cough..Ben...cough cough.”
“You’re an ass.” You say while rolling your eyes
“Yes indeed my love but remember I deal with the supernatural of all sorts, from ghosts to monsters, nothing phases me.” Klaus states proudly.
You laugh, “ Okay Van Helsing, this monster wants a bath with her hunter then.”
Klaus kisses your cheek, “That can be arranged my dear.”
Smiling up at him you hold him tighter and think to yourself how weird your life is, but you wouldn’t change it for anything.
- okay wow alright, first story ever I hope it’s good or at least some people like it. It was honestly fun to write ngl.
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Wedding + Honeymoon with Kuroo
Hi my lovelies!!  I have big news for you tomorrow that I was honestly too tired to share today!!!! I love you all and appreciate every single one of you so much! There are several big changes happening in my life right now so please keep up the support, it means a whole lot to me! This is a big shift from the heavy NSFW I posted with him yesterday (go check it out) 
Words: 1.5k 
Warnings: fluff and some implied NSFW 
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Who gets invited:
Kuroo isn’t picky with who gets invited as long as you both get the people you love and care about everything else is okay so if you want a big wedding he is okay with that but if you want something smaller he is happy for that too, whatever you decide on he is on board like you cannot make a wrong decision and that goes with the whole wedding like he cares so much about you and this wedding is going to be perfect as long as you are there. He does have Kenma as his best man and ways your voice of reason because he loves you and also adores that now his best friend has someone else to drag out to his dumb places instead of him so he will be serious and help you while is going to be super goofy in helping with planning like he will go choose out napkins with you if you want but he will also get serious and helps choose cake flavors, food, venue, everything when you need him, but he is also great for some comical relief. 
Walking down the aisle: 
You and Kuroo decided that doing pictures before the wedding would be best so that no one has to sit around and wait for the two fo you but like he was perfectly fine doing pictures and the two of you got some amazing shots with the rest of your bridal parties and your families, but somehow seeing you walk down the aisle in a white dress got him so emotional he had to take a moment before the ceremony could even start, you had never looked more beautiful in your entire life and you were about to make eternal promises to each other it was emotional and the two of you had both were crying by the end. You and Kuroo both wrote personal vows that had everyone both laughing and crying at the same time, you went through your relationship together recounting the times where you both had gotten food poisoning and where you both had met and what made each other so special to you, it was sweet and emotional but not cheesy or lengthy and annoying. 
First dance: All of me by John It is so sweet like the two of you are arm in arm not very skillfully dancing around the reception hall singing to one another and just looking at each other with so much love and you are caught in the haze of each other like the rest of the room blurs around you. Neither of you ever planned a dance to this because you weren’t wanting to make a big scene of the first dance and the song was really just chosen because it made you cry once on your period because you thought that it was so beautiful and so that became the running joke about your relationship was that it made you cry, so when Kuroo said that he had a surprise chosen out for the wedding and you didn’t think about it too much and you were so busy that when you went back through the checklist for him and said first dance song he said yep and you were too tired to even think twice about it. So when the song came on and he smiled at you all and you just broke down like you were just smiling at each other and crying because this was now your forever like you both were so sweet and so in love and there was not a dry eye in the room when you were done. 
Your reception was a full-on party, you both had a lot of fun getting to dance and party with everyone, the reception hall was large enough that there was enough room to dance and also eat dinner without feeling on top of each other. You both did the classic split up and go greet everyone and say hello and meet back in the middle to tackle the shared people in your lives, it worked wonders and you went through everyone so quickly that you really didn’t know what to do like you then took pictures with your guests and waited for the food to come. You decided on doing a buffet style because neither of you could decide what you wanted and what was even cuter is that it was all of your go-to meals together or thing that means something to the two of you like it is so sweet you have the food from your first date together when he proposed what you had for dinner that night, whatever was important you had and it was all delicious. You kept smiling and just laughing at each other every time you made eye contact because the whole marriage thing didn’t feel real like were you really marrying your best friend and soulmate like it was too good to be true but it was your new reality. Once you all had hit the dance floor and danced with all of your friends and family singing along and just having a good time with everyone, it was always fun getting to have all of the people in your life together and when it came time for the bouquet toss your best friend caught it which was exciting and everyone cheered. Kuroo was super excited and had dragged Kenma to dance with you and after a few drinks, he actually did like he was so happy for you two. Before the cake people made toasts and they ranged from funny to sentimental and sweet, it was something that you both will never forget like you got a goofy story from Kenma about how Kuroo would lay in the grass while they practiced and talk about how he wanted a girlfriend who loved him and who was pretty and nice and did he say pretty and it was really sweet like he made the whole room emotional by just being Kenma. You may or may not have surprised your now-husband with the car of his dreams that you may or may not have been saving up for forever like you had found it for an amazing deal and had been waiting for several weeks to surprise him like Kuroo was always one to spoil you beyond belief and when he saw that you had done this for him he literally picked you up and twirled you around so excitedly like you had just made everything perfect for him. 
Honeymoon/First night: 
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you two end up going on a road trip together and it is sweet and romantic and so much fun like you spend the whole first day driving together, well Kuroo insists that he gets to drive the whole first day and you can’t help but smile as he stops and has the two of you try amazing new restaurants and get to see things like the worlds biggest peach and the museum of natural sciences and it was so fun. The first night together you had sweet loving sex in a hotel that you had randomly selected off of the highway, it wasn’t the first time the two of you had ever done it but it was the sweetest like he took such good care of you and kept calling you Mrs. Kuroo and little things like my wife or my woman like he was really possessive in the sweetest of ways, just to remind you that you two are forever together. You end up getting lost a few times but that was only because he didn’t listen to you and it caused the sweetest argument ever like it was so good oh my gosh you were both hungry and it leads you to the best restaurant ever but you just kept bickering back and forth like Kuroo no we wanted x  restaurant and he was like sooooorrry and then you pull up to a cute little restaurant and oh my gosh you have never agreed to get food faster and you needed up sitting at the booth holding hands and apologizing to each other and just smiling at each other the whole time like oh my gosh you were so cute that the waitress gives you both a free dessert and you are so happy and excited like it is so cute you then get directions back to where you both really wanted to go and then you just spend the car ride talking and having such a good time. (100% you take him back to that same diner to announce that you are pregnant like he is like aww sweet memories here and then you surprise him with that and he about bawls, this place means a lot to you guys) He does the thing where he puts his hand on your thigh and occasionally squeezes it and looks over at you and smiles and your heart melts. You have sweet sex every single night like no joke but then also cuddle and order room service so it was an amazing trip and you would 10/10 do it again with him. You loved planning the adventure because you got to go to the beach and the mountains and literally everywhere that you would have wanted but you also would be happy to just get in the car and drive with him next time 
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Raven-sama, would you write something with the boys from RSA (Elias Trein, Beau, Jinx Skelton, Rielle, that is, the boys from your headcanons) with Reader?
Oya, oya. I did not think my RSA boys would be popular enough to warrant writing requests, but I am excited to write for them!
Since the request was a bit nonspecific, I will write general dating headcanons for Elias, Jinx, and Rielle. Beau is, unfortunately, excluded since he is staff; the Anon did not specify that the Reader is a non-student.
I would be more than happy to write more of the RSA boys, if that is what is desired. It seems that both them and the mob OCs have been getting some love lately.
Please enjoy~
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Elias Trein...
...will drop everything he’s doing to tend to your needs, from housework to emotional support and just about anything else you can think of.
Unfortunately, this means he can burn out a lot faster, do it’s up to you to make sure that Elias takes breaks! You’re one of the only few people he will listen to, after all!
It’s hard for Elias to hide his excitement when he sees you! He practically skips over to embrace you and can’t help but want to twirl you in his arms.
You join him for many of his volunteer activities, since the both of you love to give back to the community.
Whenever Elias is talking to his animal friends, he jokes that the birds and the mice are complimenting you.
He enjoys helping you dress and pick out your outfits, particularly shoes! Elias says its because his mom used to do the same for him when he was a little boy.
Of course, when he feels comfortable enough with you, Elias will introduce you to his father and his stepbrothers--as well as to his mother.
You visit her grave together on the anniversary of her passing and offer a bouquet of wildflowers. With tears in his eyes, Elias lets his mother know that he is happy with you.
Jinx Skelton...
...makes every day a celebration.
Seriously, he can and he will celebrate every day with you, albeit in his own “Jinx” way, be it greeting you with lettuce leaves tapes to his fingers or by handing you a balloon animal during lunch time.
He has sooo many corny jokes and cutesy nicknames for you up his sleeve, but he typically refers to you as his Pumpkin.
Jinx tries to impress you by doing silly, over-the-top things like showing up to class by walking on stilts or breathing fire first thing in the morning.
He lets you play with his ghost doggo~ It’s a bit hard since he kind of fades in and out of existence, but you get the hang of handling a ghost canine sooner or later.
Jinx loves to play games with you! Sometimes he will hand you a random box and ask you to guess what’s inside. If you get it correct, then you get rewarded with a lavish date (the last one was to an amusement park~), and if you get it wrong (which you usually do), then you get the consolation prize of a kiss.
His hands are pretty cold and bony, so you like to hold them to keep them warm.
Jinx is cheeky at times!  He’ll offer you a piece of candy from his pocket or sleeve--ah, but you’ll only get to taste it straight from his mouth.
...is always dragging out on excursions with him!
According to Rielle, the best way to bond is through sharing heart-thumping experiences together!
This little shit will hide behind tree trunks and crumbling buildings, then jump out to see if he can scare you.
When you’re not exploring, Rielle likes to take you to museums of all sorts. He likes learning new things and chatting you up to see what your perspective on it is.
If you ever get hurt, no worries! Rielle will carry you to safety in his big, strong arms. You might also need to take a turn to patch him up!
He loves to sing for you! Rielle takes song requests and makes it a point to memorize the lyrics to your favorite songs. And if you’re ever having trouble falling asleep? Say no more, Rielle’s got the perfect lullaby for you.
You bring him water and a towel to help refresh him during Magical Shift practice. It makes all the other guys on Rielle’s team jealous!
He gets a little jealous whenever you’re with his brothers! There’s so many of them, after all, and only one of him. Rielle might pout a little and whine for your attention if he thinks you haven’t been giving him enough.
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Brian Quinn Mini Series “One and Only” Part 2 of 3
(A/N: Hey guys! I hope you’re enjoying this series so far! This part is inspired by “One and Only” by Adele. Part 1 can be found here. Part 3 will be out hopefully soon!)
Word Count: 2200ish?
This past year and half with Brian had been a total romantic whirlwind. It seemed like a total dream, your relationship was truly amazing. You were so comfortable with each other right away, he knew all of your secrets, and you knew his. A month after the live show where he asked out on a date, you two were an official item. By that time the fans already knew who you were from a recording of that night going viral in the fandom. You and Brian were quite surprised by how quickly the fans took to you as well, but that was partially due to the other jokers and their girls always raving about you and the relationship. Plus Brian and the others would swoop in for protection when someone decided to be not so nice.
Speaking of the guys, your friendships with them were amazing too. Each bond with the guys was completely unique and special. Each one had its common interests, shared activities, and inside jokes too. Since that night in the diner the laughs, support, and fun with them had not stopped. At least once a month you and Brian were at one of their houses with the rest of the gang for dinner, you always counted down the hours of the work day when these were taking place. And Bessy and Melyssa were some of your closest friends now. All the time when the guys were off they were put on babysitting duty so you three could hang out and have some girl time. When you girls get together the possibilities are endless! Shopping, brunch, beach day, even a girl’s trip was currently in the works. Just the other day the guys had a last minute segment to film so the girls took the opportunity and decided to take you to go get mani-pedis together after work.
On a date at a trendy and snazzy new restaurant in the city where you two spent celebrating three months together you both said I love you for the first time. Both of you were so nervous, then when the moment was right, you jinxed each other by saying it at the same time. By six months of dating during a late night movie marathon at his place after asking for the last two weeks for you to bring your cat over for playdates all the time, he asked you to move in with him and presented you with a key. You squealed and hugged him so tightly you were sure he was going to snap in half. You were also so supportive of one another when it came to work. All the time you were promoting the show, his podcasts, and his beer brand. You had become a social media fanatic when it came to supporting him and his many ventures. Q had made it a habit of visiting your classroom, on a few occasions he brought the other jokers with him too. You had to admit that seeing your boyfriend surrounded by your students and playing with them made your heart melt. He had the perfect balance of toughness, funniness, and nurturing, when he interacted with them. He had even told you he had begun to love being around children more and more when he started being a frequent visitor in your classroom.
Not long after your one year anniversary, Brain took you to meet his family for the first time and you clicked with them instantly, just as much when Brian met your parents eight months into the relationship, but you knew that they’d love him long before they got to meet. One moment you were talking with his dad and brothers about sports, and the next you were exchanging baking ideas and recipes with his mom.  Now visiting his parents all the time was the norm. Two weekends ago you were over at their house for a big cookout when Carol brought you into the kitchen and you two shared a really emotional and meaningful heartfelt conversation. She hugged you extra tight and told how much she adored you and told that she thought you and Brian were perfect for each other. She said she saw you like a daughter and was so happy that you made her son feel love again. Then she pulled away and gently held your arms and began to tear up when she admitted to you that since you two had begun dating she was thrilled that things didn't work out between him and his ex fiancé, of course she hated the pain the situation put him through, no parent would wish anything like that on their child, but not that long ago he confessed to her on the phone and she couldn't agree more that he was willing to go through that amount of heartache a thousand times if it meant that he got to be with you, because you meant that much to him. Now it was your turn to have tears in your eyes and you hugged her tightly again. As your conversation was nearing its end Q came in to find you and heard the tail end of the conversation, when he came into view he was looking at you super nervously. You headed back outside and he stayed in for a moment to talk to his mom, all you heard before stepping outside was something about not yet and not to ruin it.
Since that weird encounter at the cookout, Bri has been acting all jittery. Any time there was time to relax just the two of you, he would always suggest you do something or go out. It was a little concerning, usually if you guys disagreed or upset the other you would talk it out and fix it as soon as possible. But today was a date you both had been planning for the past month so you figured you would time to talk to him about it sometime today. You got out of bed and left your cat and Brooklyn sleeping on the bed. You trudged downstairs to see Q already dressed and sitting on the couch with Benjamin and Chessie with a cup of tea. You wrapped your arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek, with sleepiness still in your voice.
“Mmm Good Morning Baby.” Q lifted up his arms to touch yours and leaned his head to plant a kiss on your cheek and then look at you.
“Morning my love. Do you want something to eat before we go? I already have coffee ready and waiting for you too.” He handed you your favorite mug from the coffee table filled with coffee just the way you liked it. You thought it over for a moment while you took a few sips of the coffee.
“Nah I’m good. I’ll just have this while I go and get ready.”
“Okay sounds good to me. I’m ready when you are, but don’t rush. Also, I picked out an outfit for you to wear today.” You smiled when he told you that, every so often he would do this for your dates and it would always make you smile. You headed back upstairs and sure enough your chiffon floral maxi dress and light denim jacket was waiting for you in the front of your closet. You love that the outfit he picked worked so well the manicure from the other day. You then decided to do a no-makeup makeup look topped off with your favorite pink lipstick, then while sipping your coffee, you pinned a bit of your hair back and left the rest down naturally. After your hair and makeup was done and slipped into your outfit, you saw your nude strappy sandals, diamond stud earrings, and off-white cross body bag waiting on the desk chair for you. You went to meet Bri downstairs when you were done getting ready to see him still being kinda weird, and you left for the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Ever since you binge watched Gossip Girl you had become enamored with the MET, you used to go here all the time and Brian knew that. Sometimes you would even just sit on the steps and people watch on days you were in the city. You went in and Q paid for both of your tickets. You spent the whole day wandering around going from exhibit to exhibit and showing him all of your favorite pieces. After what seemed like hours and were getting ready to head out, you figured now would be the right time to finally talk to Brian about why he had been acting so odd lately. You took in a quick yet deep breath and decided to get it over with.
“Hey Bri?” You could hear the nervousness in your voice, and he must have heard it too by the way you noticed him tense up and slowly turn away from the painting he was looking at to be facing you. It almost seems like he’s shaking.
“Uh, yes Y/N?” You let out another breath as you were unsure of where this conversation might lead since you have never seen him act like this.
“Are you okay? Ever since the cookout you’ve been acting pretty weird.”
“I have?”
“Yeah you have, and I was thinking maybe it was because you heard what your mom said to me. But, I want you to know that I feel the same way, I would have dealt with Dean tons more if it meant I got to be with you, that’s honestly how much I love you.” As soon as you finished, he let out a deep sigh of relief and was now smiling.
  “Y/N, I am fine I promise, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. But I’m glad you told me that, it means so much to me. How about we head home and order some takeout yeah?”  You smiled looking deep into his gorgeous dark eyes and nodded.
You walked your way back through the museum and once you both got outside you saw a section of the MET steps had been blocked off and was filled with red roses. You were in awe of this beautiful little scene that you didn’t realize Q was dragging you into this small area. Then all of the sudden there you were, holding hands with Brian facing you in the middle of all of these dozens of roses. Then Brian took a deep breath and began in the most gentle and sweet voice, almost like the night you met.
“Y/N, these past eighteen months have been pure heaven for me. From the moment I saw you I knew I was laying my eyes upon the most beautiful woman in the world, and then to know you admired me even a tenth of the way I already admired you when I read your letter made think I may actually have a shot with you, even though I was so unworthy of this angel before me.” You let out a giggle as he said that, and the gears in your head started turning, why is he being super romantic after being really weird and nervous? “Then I really got to know you and found out we had so much in common, and you helped become an even better version of myself, and I hope I do the same for you. The reason I’ve been so weird since the cookout, is because I didn’t want my mom to ruin this surprise. And I’ve been so nervous because… well...” What surprise? It was then it finally clicked as Brian let go of your hand and got down on knee, the manicure, the weirdness, the special date, the roses, everything! You felt your eyes well up with tears, and your hands flew to your mouth in shock, he was proposing! He pulled a small wooden box out of his pocket and opened it to show a gold ornate banded ring with an Emerald cut diamond in the middle with a small baguette diamond on each side as well. It was the most magnificent ring you had ever seen.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, would you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me, and do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Now the tears were starting to stream down your face and a smile permanently was plastered on your face. You heard cameras clicking and lights flashing around you as you took in this surreal moment with the love of your life.
“Yes Brian, of course I will marry you!” With that he put the ring on your finger and stood up to embrace you and placed a delicate kiss on your lips as cheers erupted from the small crowd that had gathered around you. You looked over to see photographers taking photos of the priceless moment, and your family that Brian must have flown in for the occasion were all thrilled with Bessy and Melyssa standing with them smiling as well. Then you both heard a loud and dramatic voice ring through a megaphone.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Make way for the happy couple who is now engaged!” You and Q looked over to see Joe holding a megaphone and Sal and Murr with him too. You and your now fiancé both giggled at the hilarious touch they added to this moment, realizing they must have been the ones to set it u while you both were inside. You looked back and Brian you knew that you were both excited to spend the rest of your life together, just you, and your one and only.
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Can you recommend the most heart breaking angst fics? Maybe some where one of them gets in serious trouble/accident or just straight up dies. Start the year with some tears. Thank you for all of your help!
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here you go, sweets. 
contrapposto - spoopyy | T, 7.3k, Complete
Ryan works in a museum. Shane doesn't understand art. They fall in love.
Learning How Not to Die Inside a Little Every Time I Think of You - sequence_fairy | T, 3.7k, Complete
“You’d have picked out an entire sentence from that,” Shane says to the spirit box. “And I’d have laughed at you and told you it was nonsense. And then—”
Shane closes his eyes because this is the part he hates remembering the most.
Shut up, Shane.
Shane hates the spirit box, but it's all he's got left.
Home - cleopatraslibrary | M, 2.1k, Complete
“When I die, I want you to do something,” Ryan said.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Shane asked.
“I want you to take the spirit box to my grave and try to communicate with me, so I can prove you wrong one last time,” he said. Shane blinked and looked over at Ryan.
He was staring intently at his thumbs.
“Or whatever device they’re using in the future to talk to ghosts. I’m sure we’ll have figured out a sure-fire way,” he continued on.
He asked, “What if I die first?”
“Then I’ll do the same,” Ryan said without hesitation. “I’ll try to talk to you.”
“Nothing will be there, because ghosts aren’t real.”
“Well, if I die first, then I’ll prove to you ghosts are real.”
Or, when Ryan has the chance to prove ghosts are real. (And fails.)
The Body That Lies - aebleskiver | NR, 5.3k, Complete
Ryan is dead and haunting Shane. Because he misses him, of course.
But also to prove a point.
Creep - god_of_wine | NR, 1.7k, Complete
"Jesus, big guy, you're such a fucking sap when you drink."
Shane sat up in a rush, regretting it as his head spun wildly, and he grabbed Ryan's arm as much for support as for emphasis. "No, Ryan," he attempted firmly, his tongue working the words thickly, haphazardly. "I -" he breathed in deeply, shakily, the weight of years of wanting this man crushing his ability to speak, to repeat the words. Instead, he had, in a fit of bravery, leaned in and kissed the younger man with all the feeling his wasted self could muster.
there's others that deserve you but my darling, i am still in love with you - uneventfulhouses | T, 4.9k, Complete
It wasn’t a crush.
It wasn’t that at all. After years of meticulously scrutinizing his emotions towards Shane, he found Shane lived on a plane all on his own. Shane was alone in the respect that Ryan didn’t regard anyone the way he did Shane. Ryan had, of course, had best friends before him, but there was a difference to Shane. Something that allowed Ryan to confide, to seek, to decide, like he had when he first met Shane, that there was a space in his life that only Shane fit into.
To say they’re puzzle pieces is cliche and overused. Much more than that, they were links in a chain, stronger when they were connected.
or; mistakes were made, and some mistakes just can't be fixed.
Good Night - HydraNoMago | G, 3.7k, Complete
Ryan felt wired in his own body, and wished to fly off to somewhere far away as soon as possible. Steven was immensely worried about his agitated state. Shane….Well. Shane needs Ryan to be brave.
Lost a fic? Check out our fic found tag, and if you still can’t find it, send us an ask!
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ghostlydahlia · 4 years
things from jatp that that make me happy, laugh, or add years to my life in no particular order:
- the whole performance of “wake up”, when julie sings “and i use the pain, because it’s part of me and I’m ready to power through it” i tear up man
- julie and the boys screaming when they first meet each other
-flynn loudly saying “demon!”
-reggie bouncing and jumping around whenever they perform
-luke raising his hand when he asks what’s in julie’s dream box
-this band is back
-julie’s reaction to the boys joining her for “bright”
-now or never
-willie and alex yelling in the museum
-“the gift of dipping- it’s like we’re the same person” “just like”
-the boys shoveling food in their mouths at the hollywood ghost club and cutting right after luke says “oH MY GOD!”
-julie’s outfits and hairstyles
-alex saying to reggie “he can see you” when carlos asks if julie’s ghost friends are hideous
- “heyy disappointment” “heyy underachiever”
- “oh, she said oh. oh is what you say when you get socks on your birthday.”
-”you go little man”
-the band’s performance of “finally free”, something about it makes me so happy 
-stand tall (oof there’s a lot for this one) when julie sings “keep holding on, never look back” when alex and reggie pop up; the looks that the boys give julie when they pop up; the way that julie looks at them; julie jumping when luke pops up; reggie and julie walking up the stage playing together; alex’s and reggie’s solos; the part when reggie sings “stand talllll” and all three of them join; the wholeeeeeeee song man; carrie looking proud of julie; bobby’s priceless face; i swear every time i listen to this i get emotional
-alex’s look when he first meets willie
-”why can’t you guys just be normal ghosts? go hang out at an old mansion, i hear pasadena’s nice”
-”someone once told me that you don’t ask for permission. you book gigs by doing.”  “that was me”  “no it wasn’t” “no it wasn’t”   “yes it was”
-reggie trying to help carlos prove that ghosts are real 
- edge of great
-”it feels like the time i was fixing my amp in the rain”  “you shouldn’t- okay”
-”you know, i’m getting worried about him. he keeps forgetting that julie quit the band.”
-“you’re telling me that they made eight more star wars movies, and they killed off han solo? what kind of future is this?”  *groans and storms out*
-flynn literally being the most supportive friend that anyone can have
-julie chasing luke with her cross and basically punching alex with it
-”he’s cute, right”
-”why would you want to crossover when you can just...do this forever. there's a lot to um...like here”
-when julie looks for the boys at carrie’s house and flynn says “now here i go. can you imagine if this was cranberry juice? i don’t know about you but i’ve been a klutz my whole life” and “and i was like, what is a racoon doing in my backyard?”
-the boys mooning bobby
-“uh-oh, i think someone has a crush on julie!”
-when ever reggie and luke share the mic, they literally look like they’re the happiest they’ve ever been
-carlos trying to protect julie
- “julie and the fat ones”
- “and just because this is our last night together, doesn’t mean that we won’t be watching you from above...or...”  *looks down*
-”tell your friends”
-when ever julie wears her glasses
- the chemistry scene; it makes me think what other stupid things that the boys would do during rehearsal
- the boys high fiving each other
- “alex, no dancing”  *alex proceeds to twirl and knock over the pen jar*
-flynn’s look after she says “mama needs her eye-candy” and julie says that they left
- “but we’re not alone, because we always have each other”
- “we’re sorry” “so sorry” “we’re super duper crazy stupid sorryyyy”
- “i mean you should be at pilates! thank you for bringing us food”  *looks at the boys like she wants to kill them*
-julie and the boys jumping around when they get the orpheum call
-how julie likes to doodle
- “oh yeah, i almost forgot: stay out of my room!”
-julie’s family speaking spainish at times
- “people don’t...but ghosts do”  *now or never starts playing*; duddeeeeeee this got me so hyped up
- “i like this”
- “i love you guys”
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Karma, Kayano, Nagisa and Sugino were excited. Well. Kayano, Nagisa and Sugino were exited.
“Are we really going to spend our Friday night looking at bones?” Wines Karma.
“Come on, they got a new exhibit! It’s the fourth largest bone found ever!” Said Sugino.
“”I heard it’s a dinosaur hip.” Chimed in Kayano.
“Plus,” said Nagisa “Koro-sesei said it would be a learning experience”
“Fine whatever”
Kayano leapt to her feet “Forget the bones!”
Exclamations of dismay ensued. Karma had just gotten on bored.
“No, no! Apples releasing a new iPad! And giving away free ones as a promotion! All we have to do is make a video about apples to win!”
“Come on, I want to see the museum.” Said Nagisa.
“I’ll help” said Sugino. “We’ll get Okajima to film.”
“Yes! Get ready. I feel a brainstorm coming on”
They grabbed a napkin and started drawing their heart stopping Apple based videos. This would be epic. Tales of Apple drama, costumes, lighting. This would be bigger than the Titanic!
“Didn’t that sink?”
“Shut up Karma!”
Karma laughed at their antics. Nagisa on the other hand frowned. “I wanted to go to the museum. It’s closed for repairs for a week starting Saturday.”
“We can still go”
“Um....” Nagisa mumbled vaguely. Things had been a tad... awkward since Karma had come back. They hadn’t really hung out together for long since the whole.... friendship break up. He didn’t want to be stressed all evening.
“Look, it’s fine. It’s not like... a big deal.” Pointed out Karma.
“It’s just hanging out.”
“”I guess. Sure”
Kayano popped up smiling. “Aww, like a date?”
Nagisa nearly fell off his chair. Oh God. Mortified.
“No, not a date” hissed Karma. “Just. Hanging out.”
“Have fun on your .not. date.” She cooed before running for dear life. Sugino looked at Karmas face and made a swift exit. Nagisa’s was trying to fight his blush. Oh God he was all red. Idiot!
“It’s not a date.” Karma said again, rather forcefully.
“Just. Hanging. Out”
“Got it.”
“See you at 7”
Karma casually walked away praying his face didn’t rival the colour of his hair. He was not going on a date with Nagisa. And his heart certainly wasn’t beating any harder than normal. Nagisa buried his head in his school bag. It wasn’t a date. Stop panicking! What should he wear?
It took Kayano took zero seconds to convince Okajima to film their video. The thought of an IPad with high zoom camera filled him with glee. Disturbing glee but glee all the same. Nakamura’s blackmail sences were tingling. A date? Between the two most oblivious boys in the class? She new what she was doing this evening. She grabbed Hinano. Now her sights were set on the boys she needed a new accomplice. The girl was easy to convince.
“Finally!! My OTP!!”
“Whatever, bring your binoculars.”
“Trust me. We won’t miss a single second of this legendary meet up”
After school Kayano, Sugino and Okajima asked/begged/bribed Koro-Sensei to fetch them costumes. Their grand idea? An interpretation of apples through ballet. The competition would never see it coming. Kayano wore a green tutu, Sugino a red ballet jacket and shorts. Okajima stood by with the camera. The only problem? None of them knew anything about ballet.
“Don’t you like.... stand on your toes? And sort of spin?”
“I think I can do an arabesque.”
“Jumping is involved?”
The bone museum was just as eventful as one could expect. By which it wasn’t eventful at all and Karma was going insane.
“Are we done yet? It’s a rock! It’s not like it can move”
“It’s a fossil and I want to look at it a little longer”
“It’s a grey rock. I’ll find you 20 outside, can we go now?”
“Don’t you think it’s lovely?”
“It’s almost as picturesque as you my darling little bon...”
“I will hit you with the bone if you finish that sentence”
The Apple ballet plot line was fabulous. Stupendous. Electronic. But the skills? Less so.
“Just twirl. Twirl. Kayano for the love of God TWIRL!”
“I’m basically standing on my big toe do you think this is easy!”
“Sugino, you twirl then!”
No response came from the pile of body that used to be Sugino. Arabesque’s were harder than you’d imagine. Okajima dumped the camera and leapt onto the podium they were using as a stage.
“Just go on one leg and spin like this!”
Kayano didn’t know exactly what happened. After blacking out for a moment she came to under a desk, Sugino’s knee on her head and Okajima stuck in a broken floor board. Time for the good old YouTube tutorial.
Karma kicked himself internally. What was he doing? Why did he say that? This was supposed to be a causal meet up between friends and he was ... flirting? Could you even call that flirting? What ever it was it certainly wasn’t casual. Nagisa was staring straight ahead at the bone. Stop blushing stop blushing stop blushing. Karma was just teasing. This was not. A. Date. He didn’t really mean it. Blushing harder under Karma’s grin, he fought off any unacceptable emotion. But.
He had called him lovely.
Hinano and Nakamura lurked behind a display of elderly bow ties. They came armed with a romance magazine including a stage by stage guide to love. Stage one. The Compliments. Already a solid start. Hinano screamed internally.
“Lovely?” Thought Nakumura. Interesting choice. He’d have to up the anti if he wanted to get anywhere with Nagisa. The boy was completely oblivious. Get down on one knee and he’d ask if your shoelaces were untied.
“I’m hungry.” Announced Karma, formally ending their bone viewing.
Since it wasn’t a date they didn’t plan on getting dinner anywhere fancy. What they were getting was barbaque food. From a literal hole in a brick wall. The smell alone was enough to throw romance out the window.
“It smells like..”
“Best not to think about it.”
“My leg is broken”
“Your leg is not broken”
“It’s broken!”
“Sugino your fine! Do the jump!”
“I swear to God Kayano I quit!”
“If you quit I’ll make you wish you’d never been born!”
All in all, thought Okajima to himself, letting the camera roll through out the afternoon showed scenes more entertaining than traditional ballet ever could.
“That is the most disgusting food I’ve ever seen” hissed Hinano.
This couldn’t be right. Even Karma couldn’t be idiotic enough to bring a date to this mess of a restaurant. They were sitting on the side walk for goodness sake. And the guy running the place looked like he was considering a murder. Come to think of it that’s probably where the meat came from.
“This tastes terrible Karma. Amazing job!”
“Karma laughed and took another bite of the thing that resembled a burger. See? They could hangout. No feelings. Just good friends. Nagisa was just a good friend who was illuminated by the white street light like an angel. Who’s eyes almost glowed and who was sitting close enough to Kiss...”
“OTP for life!!!” Hissed Hinano as Nakamura punched the air. 10 more inches. 5! 4, 3, 2
Nagisa’s phone made all 4 of them jump.
He answered to hear Kayano’s frantic whispers.
“We need help. Susan needs a hospital!”
“Hospital? Who’s Susan?”
“We were pirouetteing” explained Kayano as she dodged a thrown plate, “and Sugino accidentally threw me into a tree, the branch broke and I fell on a deer. Her antler broke! Her names Susan and she’s trying to kill us!”
“I don’t think girl deers have antlers”
“Alright I’m on my way. Karma, we need to go save Kayano and Sugino from a distressed deer.”
“Sure” he muttered. “Why not”
Nakamura comforted Hinano. She would kill that deer with her own bare hands. Or maybe with a baseball bat.
It took a long time to get the deer into an animal hospital. He (or she) was a biter. The nurses criticised Karma’s method of transportation. In fairness it did look pretty odd when they arrived dragging a basket full of deer tied up with fairylights. But, as Karma argued, they did arrive at their destination. All they had to do now what wait as the nurses got the animal painkillers and possibly anger management therapy. Now Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino and Karma were in the waiting room recovering.
Exhausted Nagisa rested his head on Karma’s shoulder. Not in a romantic way or anything.
“Awww” cooed one lady.”Your such a cute couple”
“Oh! No.” Said Nagisa quickly lifting his head.
“We’re just friends.”
“You’d be great together” man joined in.
Karma shook his head “no, all the dating stuff wouldn’t work out”
“If I may chime in,” Said another guy in a hat.
“Are you avoiding romance because of your fear of separation?”
“My what?” Karma looked personally insulted. “I don’t have a fear of separation”
“Listen young man” said a women behind Nagisa.
“You need to reassure that red headed fellow you will always be there for him.”
“I don’t want to talk about this” said Nagisa, mortification flooding through him.
“Perhaps that’s what’s driving you apart” said hat guy. “Your worried he won’t appreciate and except your efforts”
Sugino and Kayano took turns holding vending machine popcorn.
“No, I just don’t want to date him. Karma’s my friend”
“Is he. Or is he just putting up with you” asked some girl to the left.
“Excuse me?”
“Hey, I’m just telling you what you tell yourself buddy”
Karma stood up angrily. “Let’s stop this right there, our love life is none of your business”
“So you do have a love life?”
Two nurses restrainted Karma from attacking the hat guy.
Nakumura crashed through the door with Hinano at her heels.
“Everyone shut up! It’s time for your moment! Stage 3 happens 4 hours into the date! You have 86 seconds!”
“The hell are you talking about?” Yelled Karma as Nagisa buried his head in his hands.
“Oh God!” Screamed one women, “It’s about to get real!”
“Lady you need to chill” hissed Sugino through his popcorn. “Karma! This is your time! Tell him how you feel!” Wailed Hinata.
“What is going on?” Whispers Nagisa.
“It might be too late soon!” Called hat guy.
“Am I dead?” Whispered Nagisa.
“Do it! We support you!” Yelled the nurse.
“Am I in hell?” Nagisa asked himself.
“Take the initiative Karma! Kiss him!”
Kamra threw himself at Nakamura with the sole intent to kill.Nagisa tackled him.
“No killing Nakumura. Or me after this”
The audience gasped. Hinata cheered. Kayano clapped. Nagisa kissed. And kissed. And kissed.Silence. Staring down at Karma Nagisa waited for his fist. It never came.
“I can’t believe this was our first date. Do-over?”
The whole room cheered.
The next day Karma and Nagisa headed out for first date round two. Nakumura and Hinata spread the news. Kayano and Sugino met to discuss their aid to the Karmagisa cause. It was worth it, even though they never got an iPad.
Then Sugino frowned
“Hey, what happened to Okajima?”
Okajima bowed as he received his prize. His short film “What two mental ballerinas would do for an iPad” won him first place. Life was good.
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bugmomwrites · 4 years
Sugawara and a neurodivergent s/o
In case you didn’t know I got into Haikyuu!! And now I take requests for them. None of these are in any particular order. This was totally self indulgent, and doesn’t mention any one particular condition. Based off of personal experience so I’m sorry if it’s not entirely accurate to you!
99.9% fluff aside from very brief mentions here and there of panic attacks and feelings of inadequacy. Lots of projection here.
If you take medicine this boi is always keeping track and reminding you to take the next dose.
If you’ve run out and can’t get more for a bit he makes it a point to be more patient with you (not that he isn’t every day, he’s just extra careful on those days).
If he senses you becoming overstimulated he’ll give your hand a reassuring squeeze and offer to take a walk with you to clear your head.
He tries to humor you whenever you ask a bunch of weird questions. He might not have ALL the answers, but he isn’t one to shoot down your harmless curiosity either.
“Time travel already exists because of daylight savings time. I could commit a murder in the first window between 1am to 1:59 and as long as the deed is done quickly enough, it’ll be 1am a second time and I could make the perfect alibi.”
“That’s uh, that’s neat baby. I think it’s time for bed now.”
He doesn’t squelch your excitement, but if he senses you getting too crazy, he can calm you down gently.
On those bad days where you think something is wrong with you, he holds you and tells you all the things he loves about you, promising you that it’s okay to be a little different.
If you stim or fidget a lot, he might look into getting one of those fidget cubes or something to keep on him (for emergencies).
When he spends time with you he tries to join you in your hobbies at LEAST once a week because it’s so cute how you get excited about something you’re passionate about and if he can learn a new skill? There’s a bonus right there.
He offers to help you study and helps you come up with an organized system for notes and whatnot. He’s just- so sweet and so patient I-
Are your hyperfixations are some niche subjects? He’ll you to the museum and watch you get excited and ask questions and it’s the cutest thing ever.
Suga has a very calming presence and hella emotional intelligence, so when a panic/anxiety attack is coming on he senses it fairly early. He’s able to bring you back to earth and make you feel better.
He knows you might not be able to express yourself with traditional affection at times. That’s okay! He understands where you’re coming from and if anyone says you’re “emotionally constipated” Sugamama is ready to throw down.
You overhear one of the players asking him why you don’t seem as affectionate as him and they wonder out loud “aren’t you hurt when they do that?”. You swallow the lump in your throat as you wait for his response.
You know they probably didn’t mean to come across as rude- they just want the best for their friend and vice captain after all- you’re about to beat yourself up when he steps in and defends you.
He explains that sometimes, people’s brains are wired a little differently. That you were trying your best, and how far you’ve come. That you were just as worthy of love as anyone else, and once they all get to know you they’ll see you for you.
You’re still behind the wall, trying not to cry. They say “if Suga says they’re a good person, I trust his judgement.” Relief washes over you, and the weight on your shoulders lightens up a bit that day.
You warm up to the team a bit more, relieved that you don’t have to overthink your every move to appear “normal” in front of them. They’ve learned to not overwhelm you or bombard you with questions or the obligatory “I’ll hurt you if you break his heart”.
You come around, and learn that they’re all wonderful people! They’ve learned to love you as one of their own, and get excited when Suga says he’ll be bringing you with him that day. Suga is glad they all love you. You’re glad that you can be yourself around them. Everyone is happy.
Over time he learns to read you more and more, and it’s almost like you guys have formed some sort of nuanced language between the two of you. Want cuddles? He’s on it. Need some space? He’ll be right here when you’re ready.
Suga is your biggest cheerleader for life’s difficulties, and he’s willing to celebrate even the smallest little victories. You finally made that call to the new job you applied to after being anxious about talking on the phone? He’s right there beside you, smiling and maybe even mouthing words to you to help you along.
Your idiosyncrasies are some of his favorite things about you. Even the simplest little habits he finds quirky and charming.
As the relationship goes on you warm up to him more, and become better with emotions. The first time you say “I love you”, homeboy is almost crying. He loves you too!!!!!
Overall Suga would be such a sweet and patient boyfriend and support you wholeheartedly. We all need a Sugawara in our lives tbh.
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