#got me busting out my power bank shake my head
callilouv · 1 year
i almost cried
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bloodycassian · 3 years
FIRE AND ICE PART ONE - Reader / Cassian / Azriel 
Reader is in an intense relationship with Cassian. Will Azriel be the one to soothe her away from him?
This is a part of an ongoing series I will tag under # fire and ice on my page 
The flying had been difficult over the middle, and required several stops to rest your wings. The now cursed mountain was putting off some terrible winds. Cassian - ever watchful - always called for the breaks, making sure to check in every few minutes over the roaring wind. When the hail came, he practically smothered you trying to protect your wings with his shield. 
"I'm fine!" You shouted over the pelting, angling low and picking up speed. Hail was the worst condition to fly in. Snow was alright, Illyrian wings were built for it. But hail would weigh you down in a heartbeat. In Illyria Hail was known as the rain of death by many.
The small clearing you landed in was bordered by enormous boulders that led to a deep cave. You rushed inside, Cassian in tow. The pines swayed in the terse winds, hissing loudly outside. "We'll be here a while." You sighed, stretching your wings out behind you. They strained, sore and stiff from the last days of travel. You knew it would be worse by tomorrow without a warm bath to soothe them.
You thought about the mission - the reason you were here in the first place. The recon that Azriel was too busy to do. You wondered if it was really him wanting to be alone for a while with some peace and quiet in the house without having to hear you and Cassian arguing. 
Your stomach rumbled, and Cassian got to work making the fire quickly.
"Have some." He set his bowl of porridge next to you, still steaming. You shook your head, sipping from your own serving. He didn't touch it again. Frustration budded in your stomach. He was babying you. You tried to stifle the shame, but it was unbearable to have him being so upfront about the protecting. His habits came from when you first met him. The flashbacks were unwelcome. They threw you back into being the animal you'd once been.
He knew the glare your face rested to. He recalled it with ease from the first time he'd met you. That angry bitter being that holed up in a cave just like the one you sat in now.
A skinny unclipped female held her sword steadily at her side. He stared with the same curiosity his brothers shared. She struck at Azriel's shadows, making them recoil. Rhys hummed in approval. "This may be good for both of us." He said in that swaggering way he used with all his potential allies. 
Curiosity among panic gripped your features. And Cassian knew you were hooked on the idea of not having to scrap for food - or live in a cave anymore.
A roaring erupted from outside the cave. Cassian shot up, leaving your body exposed to the cold night air. His siphons summoned a vicious looking sword at his side. They were the only light source besides the coals of the small dying fire at your feet. They did not crackle. They only dimly glowed, and you knew they would be out by morning. 
He listened, his ears straining to hear any sort of danger outside. "We shouldn't be here." He said, voice gruff. He relaxed slightly when the trickle of rain outside slowed. You watched his back slowly ease of tension. You wondered if you had both imagined the sound. 
The night passed without another sound besides the coming and going of rain. 
The next morning, you didnt bother stoking the fire. Cassian was already awake and geared up. Ready to leave. He stilled when he exited the cave. The empty area outside was covered in blood. Your stomach turned at the smell of it. Dark chunks coated the trunks of trees. "What did this?" You asked, noting how Cassian clutched the sword at his side. 
"I dont know. You stay here, let me fly over first." His wings unfurled, and he made to take off. He tossed a siphon to you. He paused at the sound of it thumping against the forest floor. 
"I can fly over too. Let's just go together." You flexed your wings, sighing at the first stretch of the day. There was a pop from behind you. Cassian's head whipped to the dark figure creeping up, far too swiftly to be anything natural.  
He struck, gone from your vision in a second. His siphons were blinding. You pulled your sword out and readied for whatever threat he had attacked. He rolled with the impact against a dark tendon that spired from the forest directly at him. The other figure was coming stright at you. Far too quickly for you to bring your sword out against. You managed a kick at the snake's head, to no avail. 
Then, it was pulling at you. Your legs went from under you. It drug you back to the dark forest, through the bloodied ground. The snake's maw gouged at your calves, and hissed at you as you kicked and struggled away. You scrambled for your dagger, driving it deep into the beasts' scaled side. It released. You kicked away, hands shaking. Adrenaline made things move slowly. then, Cassian was above you. His sword cut the squealing head of the dark serpent from its body. The other half of it lay in the clearing, its head sputtering and trying to regrow its body.
You didnt have time to recover. He hauled you from the forest floor, and took off. His shield broke through the boughs of trees, snapping entire branches and leaving an exit behind. The snake far below writhed and grew.
His shoulder to your middle squeezed the air from your lungs. You wheezed and tried to fight him off. The forest below you widened and grew smaller. The small red stain on the forest floor became incomprehensible against the green and tan of the scenery. He flew high, and fast. "You were almost a part of that bloody mess." He growled, not letting you go even though your wings stretched, aching to fly yourself. 
"But I wasnt, let go." You bit out.
He didnt. He just held you tighter. Your adrenaline spiked further. "Let. Go." You growled, smacking his back between his wings. He shouted in pain and finally released you. "Do not go back there." His voice was sharp, commanding. As if he was speaking to an Illyrian solider. You stared him down. He knew that look. That long warning glare that you gave. He changed his tone. "We need to leave, call the mission a bust."
"One mis-step is going to make you abandon the entire mission?" You scoffed, banking far away from him. He was on your heels in an instant. "Azriel needs us." You eyed the cold black shadow that the snake was against the warm tones of the ground. Its dark blood left a stain behind. You wanted to end it. Cut it piece to piece was the only way it would truly die. With Cassian only beheading it, it would surely grow twice as large now. And terrorize others. 
"You're right. He needs us alive." He called back, not letting you out of his wingspan.
Again, he stayed silent. "You're really going home because of this?"
"You are too. Let's go." He swooped lower than you, and grabbed your hand. You could tell it was supposed to be sweet - a gesture. But the anger flipped a switch inside you. You snapped your hand away from his and pulled high up into the air, far away from him. Still, he followed. 
Rage ignited, fueling your belly with heat and venom that you spat at him. "You don't order me Cassian. I'm not An Illyrian rank." You desperately wanted to continue the mission. For Az, for Rhys, for your own pride. For Cassian to stop seeing you as a weak Illyrian who never got to stretch their wings. 
"No, but I'd hope that you would leave with me. For me. I won't go without you." His voice was tender, and it made your heart weak. It made tears sting your eyes at how vulnerable he thought you were. The dismissal burned low in your gut. Replacing that fire that he had started. He held a hand out to you, the siphon atop it glowing brightly with power. 
"Dont make me make you." His voice was soft, but laced with that threatening aura you'd only ever heard when he was talking battle plans with his brothers. Your blood boiled.
You didn't take it as you flew away, far ahead of him. You let the fury burn in your wings, enjoying the relief flying so fast brought to your coiled muscles. You arrived back home within half the time it had taken you to get to Autumn. You sighed at the relief of the cool familiar winds and smells of Velaris. 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Interview With Mr Wayne
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You visit Bruce after inning your court case to celebrate but Bruce hashad a bad day and decides tocheer imself up with a little roleplay~
Warnings: Adult Situations 18+,Smut ,Teasing ,Fingering, Sir Kink?, Panty Kink?, Desk sex, Swearing!, Overstimulating
A/N: This has been sitting on my tablet for about eight nine weeks maybe more? Finally finished it. Just been so side tracked with my other stories. But here is some Bruce Wayne smut..I hope you like it xx
Taglist: @125bluemachine125​ @iloveyouyen​ @thefangirlsblog​ @itismineru​ @tinabean37​
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You quickly ran through the lobby of the tower barely remembring to swipe your card against the reader, a new addition that Bruce had installed since nearly getting caught with you in the public elevator now you had a private elevator that lead you to the left of his office in a small concealed hall next to the toilet just behind Mary's desk and it needed a card to access it wasnt much but it was something, its not like you were ever going to convince Bruce to not have sex at work...It was like asking the man to stop being a smug little shit or like asking Tim to cut out caffeine it just wasn't going to happen. You came to a stop trying to bite back a squeal, you was happy so happy, your old boss had decided to settle out of court once all the evidence was put out for her to see some of which was going to be on her record for a long time. Tom had quit once he heard about what had happened and she had gone bust and couldn't afford to go to court already processing for bankruptcy. Tom is trying to buy it from her and was going through getting a loan from the bank. Bruce had said if they didn't aprove he would give Tom the money outright just to 'piss off that bitch'. You on the other hand didn't care about that instead you was pleased with the fact that you hadn't hid behind Bruce,you had done it alone... You had won by yourself well with the help of two of Bruce's lawyers..He wanted you to use them all but eight seemed a bit over the top,  either way you kept Bruce out of it. You wanted to prove that you could stand on your own two feet in some respects. Your aim was to make an example of her, to show that you are a force to be reckoned with in your own right and that just because you have been quiet up until now does not mean you'll let everyone walk over you, not anymore. You smiled in the elevator mirror pulling at your blazer shimmying your bra as the bones dug in to your ribs making you wince you'd gone dressed in a two piece pinstripe suit, smart high waisted straight cut pants the blazer had two rows of buttons giving what you called the 'old mafia' vibe and a dark plum almost black shirt stolen from Bruce's closet for...Reasons.  Your high heels echoed on the marble floor as you exited the elevator rounding the corner seeing Mary sitting there balancing a pen below her nose on her lip you giggled.  "Working had or hardily working?" She jumped dropping the pen on the desk turning to look at you and wolf whistled. "Well if I didn't know for definite that you were bobbing my bosses knob I'd try to peel that suit of you and have a taste myself you look delicious!" You rolled your eyes used to the womans not so subtle flirting. "If I ever get curious I will give you a call" she giggled at your monotone reply licking her lips "Promises promise's~" you huffed at her shaking your head then nodded to the full board room Bruce sitting at the head of the table looking just about done with their shit. His shoulders were tense and squared as one little man raised his voice across at him. You licked your lips taking your bottom one into your mouth biting it as Bruce held his gaze steady and smiled making the other one sit his scrawny as back down.  Fuck yes, you loved boss Bruce, and Batman Bruce and Alpha Bruce fuck any Bruce...But Boss Bruce got you going like nothing else, you almost whined seeing him work, a stern gaze across the table daring them to challenge him further. Oh god you just wanted to walk in and fuck him there and then, let the others see him fuck the life out of you. You sucked on your bottom lip again trying to fight back a pitiful whine. So public sex may have become a kink since your little holiday...You'd both been caught fucking on the beach by one of the staff Bruce hired to take care of the house and when he hadn't stopped just kept rutting into you faster knowing they were stealing glances, the way his voice dropped teasing you about having an audience how he wanted you to give them a show. Ugh. It had made you cum so hard you passed out for a few seconds and when you woke he was still at it albeit slower and biting off chuckles away as you flushing so fast you became dizzy below him. "You need a drink your looking thirsty there" you snapped yourself out of your thoughts and glared playfully at the woman as she got up walking to the small corridor you'd came from, not only did it hide the new elevator and toilet but also a small kitchenette. You sighed following her taking one last glance as Bruce pointed sterny at a few of the men you could only imagine how deep his voice had gotten you shivered. "Come on before you leave a puddle! They have only just polished this shit...And I don't feel like trying to find a 'caution wet floor' sign" you groaned at her. She hopped up on to the counter waiting for the kettle to boil. You moved to lean against it placeing down Your bag and the folder holdjng your settlement details you'd brought with you to show Bruce. "Sooo where did you go off to back there? It looked...fun" you smiled at her blushing. "Just thinking of our holiday was all...We experimented, seeing him in there just reminded me" she moved adding sugar to two cups snorting at you before nudging you playfully. "Oo kinky tell me more~"  "I dont kiss and tell Im afraid...Not sober anyway" she snorted at that then waved a hand at you. "Kiss and tell? psh like all you did was kiss...So no details?, not one tiny little ounce of Juicey gossip? come ooonnn!" you shook your head at her with a grin and she pouted "Oh boo! your just like him no fun at all! , I tried getting details out of Bruce and he just went red and shy...SHY! I didn't know he could do shy... So what ever you did Mama me next? please and thank you" you flushed at her laughing her off as she handed you your tea wrigglingnher eyesbrows. You both sat in comfortable silence for a few moments sippingnyour drinks. "Soo? Did you top him?" You choked spitting your tea back into the cup coughing and then turned to her gaping like a fish. "Where did?-did he tell you?" Her face lit up and she giggled around a whispered 'HO-LY SHIT!' "Oh my fuck you did! Get it girl! You teach that big boss man! You make him eat the peach?" You blushed and stam,ered tryjng to find the words to get out of this one. "Oh fuck shit look seriously dont tell anyone he'd never forgive me if that got out!" "Oh honey no! I'd never!...But no he didn't tell me I guessed, you know he did go shy so...Must have been somthing new...But kudos to giving him a taste of girl power..Enjoy yourself atleast" "Oh...well yes I was surprised I managed to pull it off..I mean Bruce is big and strong and I wasn't exactly sure the cuffs would hold when he realised what I did he got smug teasing me...Then mad when he realized I wasnt fucking around-" she squealed and bounced on the spot "Shit!? You just sprung cuffs on him?! wow Mama you got a set of balls!...Bet you paid for it" you chuckled sipping your tea. "Well.. He got his pay back...The man has more stamina then I give him credit for..." she snorted nodding shaking her head dropping to conversation seeing you were uncomfortable. You shifted before speaking up again. "So how long has he been in there for?" She peered around the side into the hall that had a veiw of the clock. "Bout three hours...They are opening a new office in central city which Bruce is fine with, it will make a few things easier...But the board want to place one of their sons as the branch manager, Bruce said no. This kid has only been here for two years and hasn't got a single promotion or anything! He isn't really any good at his job ,he only got the job by pulling strings. Bruce wants to promote someone who deserves it not hand it over to some fucking daddies boy...But true to form this guy started going ahead anyway, telling the others that Bruce agreed apparently, daddy promised this little shit the job...This tit doesn't know it yet but Bruce is about to fire him his son and two other board members for this little drama." You frowned at her "He can do that? I thought only the share holders or some shit could sack someone that high up?" She gave you a look and blinked slowly. "Honey your man is the main shareholder...He owns like ninety percent of the company....Thats why his name is on the building...On that note lets head back I wanna see this...You probably will to just remember no puddles~" you moved to swipe at her playfully as she scampered away down the hall laughing you followed snatching up your folder holding the documents of your settlement in your hands.
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You turned the corner you heard raised voices and saw Bruce sitting leaning back arms crossed his head was tilted and he looked pleased with himself as the three older men and one young sprog was stangding before him each in various emotional states.  The oldest one was shouting at Bruce with animated hand gestures towards himself and the young man; you assumed he was the father and son. The young man was more panicked then anything you could see from here he didnt want to be there, he wanted his father to shut up and to leave.  You turned your attention  to the other two middle aged men around Bruce's own age both had seemed to accept what ever had just happened. Bruce moved forward sitting staight then pointed to them saying something else making everyone in the room flinch then he leaned back holding his hands out at his sides then nodded to the door. You froze as Bruce saw you and smiled at you for a second, your view was interrupted as the now unemployed men tried storming past the desk. "Err excuse me gentlemen? I'm afraid you will need to hand in your company id's and passes..." the eldest swore and clambered over to the desk, you moved to the side with your tea and sipped it slowly. Letting the irate man pull his wallet from his pocket tearing the cards out and slammed them down then he turned to his son who handed in his id sheepishly then they both left quickly with one last snarl to Bruce through the glass. You released a breath when all four men were in the elevator and out of sight. "I always hated that man, rude and pig headed...He is elitist...Which is pretty ironic when you realise he was raised by working class parents." You snorted at her then turned to the board room as Bruce said something that looked like a threat well if the reactions were anything to go by. Then he dismissed the remaining men with a wave of his hand. Before any of them were out he had already signaled you to enter the room. You moved picking up your cup and folder then circled Mary's desk. "Ooo the board room today? I shall put the cleaners on sandby" You flipped her the bird as she laughed out loud "Fuck you Mary" you called over your shoulder walking towards the door. "If only you would my love~" you giggled  at her shaking your head. You bit your lip watching as the men leaving the room all but jumped out of your way, not wanting to risk any contact with you especially when Bruce was watching them like a hawk....And in what they precived as a bad mood. The last man held the door open for you as you entered you nodded to him. "Thank you" he stuttered flushing as you smiled  "Y-your welcome" he quickly left the room almost tripping over his feet as Bruce's gaze scalded his back.
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You walked forward towards him as he spun his chair to face you a devious smirk on his face man spreading with his hands resting just above his crotch. "Well what do we have here?..Heels? Pantsuit? And no doubt that folder's holding the little ladies resumé..." you squinted at him playfully and recived a wink in return. So thats how he wants to play it today?. You smiled you'd play along. You moved standing taller. Prouder.  "Of course Mr Wayne...Would you like a peek?" Your words rolled off the tongue in a sultry voice full of promise. He moved holding out a hand for you to place the folder in it. "Only if your offering Mrs?" "Miss Cooke with an E and if I wasn't offering I wouldn't be here I assure you" he chuckled a deep smug sound that made your knees quiver slighltly as you played along with him. He hummed flicking open the folder scanning the documents. Your heart sped up as his smirk got wider and wider untill he was grinning like a cheshire cat. "Very impressive...Your Boyfriend must be proud of you  for such an acomplishment" you giggled taking a step closer to him. "I'd like to think so Mr Wayne" you grinned yourself as you saw him stiffen at you calling him his title. He quickly flipped the folder closed and let hit fall onto the huge table with a slap. "I would say most definetly...I wonder what he would think? you being here at my disposal?" you sucked through your teeth. "Well he is a man in uniform, bit of a brute at times but there are ways to placate him, I'm sure I can persuade him ~ if I think the reward is great enough" he chuckled shaking his head and gave a lopsided grin before speaking in a gravley tone low and tempting. "Oh I assures you miss Cooke it will be worth it~" you moved forward leaning on the table infront of him hands gripping the sides and leaned down bending at the waist holding his gaze before trailing down to his crotch then back up smirking. "Ha! come now Mr Wayne...There are certain things we both know money can't buy~" he moved forward to capture your lips but you dodged him swiftly. He growled and leaned back taking a quick glance to the door seeing Mary had gone...The elevator light red signaling noone was going to reach this floor until he reactivated it, a very good investment if he did say so himself!.  He turned to you smirking knowing just how this will play out. He moved a hand capruting your bottom lip with his thumb you licked at him making him humm, then you pulled it into your mouth watching him closely as you wrapped your tongue around him lapping and massaging it he smirked and pressed down lightly making you moan and suck harshly. "..So a sharp tongue...Not to sharp, you mouth will come in handy" you hummed a a small giggle around his digit and bit lightly running your teeth over him as he withdrew you winked at him playfully smaking your lips at him. He rolled his eye before snapping back into 'boss mode' crossing his arms over his chest leaning into the plush leather chair rolling it back a foot or so, taking his time to drink in the sight of you. Leaning back on the table he was about to make a mess of~ the pant suit definitely accentuated your curves the top button of the jacket fighting to contain your breasts he knew were being held high by a balcony bra just below...  He grunted raising in his seat trying to catch a peek of the deep cleavage the bra produced but nope...Nothing the shirt you wore was large and fit snugly but sadly there were none of the dreaded button gaps for him you use as his own private little peep show. "I can see you have the skills for the most part...However there are some...Personal aspects to the position I can't have just anybody as my assistant, they have to have a drive...A willingness  to do anything it takes to get the job done...Tell me Miss Cooke could you see yourself going the distance....The whole nine yards so to speak?" You snorted at him and tried swollowing a chuckle...You tired to hold it in but you couldn't. He smiled dropping his roleplay for a second shaking his head at you but quickly you found your composure and stood straight. "I think nine is pushing it~" he frowned at you playfully and crooked a finger with a sly look.  "Oh really what ever happened to 'oh Bruce its in my tummy~'" you gasped horrified as he tried mimicking a high moan...You have never said that!....Well you don't think you had to be honest when your fucking him you never really know what's coming out of your mouth... "YOU?! I have never said that....Have I?" He through his head back laughing loud echoing through the large empty space. "No but you've thought it~ I can tell...Either way my sweet little woman why don't we see if its possible~ see if you can back up those words" you shook your head blushing it was completely possible youd screamed that out at him. And the idea you could have shamed and aroused you. "...I'm sure I could handle anything your dishing out Mr Wayne." He groaned moving his hands away from his stomach reajusting himself tugging his belt. You flushed when his hand rose quickly pulling your shirt from your pants he chuckled seeing how far it fell... It was definitely one of his, that would be why there was no tugging on the buttons you smiled shyly. "Your Boyfriends?" And just like that the game was back on track. You moved twiddling the lower buttons of the shirt a little embarassed about stealing it this morning. "W-well Mr Wayne today was a big day...Its intimidating coming here, standing on my own two feet...His scent calms me down I feel safe" he smiled softly before slowly popping the buttons on the suit jacket  pulling it off and letting it fall to the floor behind you he burst out laughing as the sleeves of his shirt fell down a good few inches over your hands as the jacket wasnt holding them up and longer. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He moved forward kissing you softly. "Sorry sweets...You just look so cute!" You pouted as he ran his hands across you slowly pulling the shirt up snaking a hand the the side zipper of the trousers and with a quick flick of his wrist the heavy fabric fell to the floor with a soft thump.
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He moved back taking a moment to admire you standing in just his shirt and underwear before him. It looked like a dress how you smoothly tucked it in, he didnt have a clue he groand and bit his lip then moved. He rolled the chair back towards you and pressed you to sit on the table. You half expected him to slip his hands under your ass and drag down your panties but he didn't. He pushed both feet to rest on the egde of the table forcing you to lean back and catch yourself on your hands. "Bruce?" His eyes flicked up to your uncertain gaze he just grinned wickedly and winked at you. "Hold still Miss Cooke~" and with that he moved his hands from the bottom of your legs, running his fingertips along your calfs making you shiver as he formed goosebumps on the skin, your breath hitched when he continued dragging them along your soft thighs down towards your center. Your pussy clenched and you moaned softly almost trying to rock towards him but you held back not moving you didnt' was to fall off the table. You flushed heart racing and your pussy wept onto the cotton making you whine knowing it wouldn't be long befor he noticed. Bruce chuckled at your little whines and soft pants as he bypassed your center and cupped the top of your thighs moving to your hips rubbing slow warm circles before retracing his movements coming back to the soft pudgy thighs then up. He moved again skipping your hot wanting center and began undoing the buttons of his shirt that was draped over you stoping just under your bust and flicking it behinde you pulling it from under your ass roughly causing you to squeak as your heated skin hit the cool pollished wood. He chuckled and moved his hand cupping your throbbing center teasing the wet hole with a firm rub of his fingers squeazing you and circling the damp patch on your undies prodding shallow teasing thrusts. You through your head back and moaned as his hand continued rolling and rubbing the flexing muscles, it was incredible each and every time this man touched you but there something about him groping you through the layers of your clothes...Something taboo about being made to mess your underwear ,drenching them through.  He moved flexing his strong hand squeezing your cunt. In a delicious possessive fashion. You grunted and rocked towards him the friction of your panties rubbing your clit, the warmth of his hand adding to the sensations. Your body was hot already the anticipation of things to come making you pants and breaths hitch his flicking and playing with your growing arousal smearing the small flood with his fingers dragging it across the gusset of your panties in deliberate strokes. "Ive never made you mess your panties before~ would you like that? For me to make you cum? Make you soak them through?" You bit your lip closing your eyes and gyrated your hips against him trying to chase an orgasm that was building far to slowly for your liking. You nodded clenching your fists into his shirt whining as the very first trembles began and you began hearing the your wetness againt his hand on the thin material. "Oh? You like that idea baby? For me to force you to cum? Force you to gush inside these cute little panties all over the table? The table where all the important meetings are held? Let your cum stain the wood right here? Right were I sit and work?" You nodded quickly gasping as his hot palm pulled back, you didn't have a chance to whine as he lifted it and gave a cupped plam slap to your whole wet center. The sharp slap made you jump rocking into him with a gruntal moan. He chuckled again then slapped quicker making you tremble. "FUCK! BRU-bruce! AH SH-IT PLEASE-please fuck please  more~" he chuckled moving his other hand around your throat and squeezed just enough to make your breathes deeper. And slapped your pussy harder making it sting. You cried out nevertheless in lewd moans curling forward each slap left a sting that added to the warm hum of you nerves, insides protesting to being empty as they coiled and tensed. There was a knot deep inside that was pulled tighter and tighter with each movement he made mastering your insides without even touching them. A skill you hadn't truly accepted until now as he toyed with you. "Now now~ is that anyway to call out for your new boss, you should ask nicely.?.Be polite" you shook your head as he slapped again this time keeping it there and rubbed harsher and faster then before concentrating on your erect bud that pressed on the cotton. You bucked one foot slipping but bruce was quick leaning a knee on the table taking the weight of the foot keeping you open and still with a chuckle. He watched as tears began falling from your eyes...You were close so close he could tell. He tipped his hand rubbing the heel of his palm to your clit rubbing violently curling his fingers digging them over your hole pressing harder on the sensitive petals just below. "FuckFUCFUCK NOOO-I'M SORRY SIR! PLEASE MR WAYNE UGHAH AH oh-oh shit plea-please Mr Wayne please sir!" He smiled pressing his hand flat then began patting you quickly making you moan loudly. You closed your eyes pushing your hips towards him crying out as he sped up. Each well placed pat sent tremors up and down your spine you withered, legs tensing and untensing as you tried tochase the high. Your pussy grew warmer and yout breathes sharp. The tell tale signs of an impending orgasm that had crept up on you. "AH-FUCK PLE-PLEASE SIR PLEASE-MR WAYNE UGH-FUUUUGH SHIT PLEASE PLEASE MR WAYNE PLEEAASE!" He smirked and moved faster alternating his rubs and flicks with varying slaps and pinched your body tensed and arched painfully as you crieds out as he drove you higher and higher. "Thats it baby~.....Fuck you look so gorgeous, fucking incredible...Cum! I want you to cum inside those little panties all over my desk baby....Thats it all over Mr Waynes spot~ Good girl!" You choked out moans and grunts your body was shivering and your lust boiled in your tummy and finally with one final harsh wet slap you came loudly throwing yourself back at the force. Bruce barely captured you to soften your fall gently placing you to lie back on the desk ass only just on it. You cried out gyrating against Bruces still patting hand closing your eyes as your body let go falling over the edge of ecstasy. Your mind was blank...Black and there was nothing but the hot wave the full body rush that completely wiped you out leaving you very messy and satisfied.
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You laid there panting looking to the ceiling with blurry eyes,you were crying softly and you was sure why. You felt the aftermath your body loose and trembling. You could faintly hear Bruces chuckles in the back ground over your harsh panting. "And that my love is how to cum hard...Shit what even set that one off?" He asked but you just hummed reaching out for him he chuckled and moved closer tugging you down the table, ass just hanging off the edge. You tilted your head up warily eyeing him and sighed flopping back down seeing him loosening his belt with one hand. The next thing you knew he had stepped between your spread thighs smooting his palms over them massaging the still trembling muscles. "Got you good huh babe?" You grunted which resulted in a kiss on your stomach from him. You frowned when he moved closer to line himself up. "Bruce I've got my-" he looked up at you winking and gave a cheeky smile hooking fingers in the side of our gusset. "I know...Wanna fuck with them on for a change...Got a thin for panties at the mineut" you flushed turning your head to the side watching his hands as theymoved to hold you. You were still far to exhausted to move. He just smiled and watched as he hooked the panties to the side. The way they moved made your pussy look plump and fucking perfect! As much as he wanted to feast on the perfectly smooth peach he had other matters to attend.
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Bruce grunted letting the crown of his cock brush the wet silken folds, he almost loved this more then fucking you. The intimacy of him just ghosting your body, teasing you with his own cock watching as your tiny body swallowed him. He shuddered and dipped down finding the luxurious slit. Without wasting time he plowed into you. You grunted as he entered you pressing fast and hard you felt as your walls gave way, molding to his girth like always. You'd never get enough! This man was so incredibly intoxicating it was unreal. You moan high as he moved forward putting his weight on his cock he throbbed inside of you, the thick veins almost acting as a pulsing vibrator humming against your still tender nerves ignighting them all over again. He grunted pressing his balls to your pelvis then pulled back only to ram harder. You screeched moving your hands to his wrists as he place his heavy palms on your hips and began tugging you towards him. Soon he found his rhythm a fast unrelenting pace driven by his own impending release. You whined and melwed at ever push and pull his cock was spearin into you, massaging your g spot maing you see stars then finishingneach thrust at your cervix. The almost unbearable mix of pleasure and pain was to much and you screamed throwing your head back and forth spurred on by his growls as his voice got lost. Feral sounds come from him vibrating the air around you as he pounded away determined.
Your body was screaming, it wanted release, it wanted more..And it wanted to rest you trembled knees knocking against his pistoning hips as your insides clutched at him sucking him tighter and tighter then without warning you fell again. This time was much more intense your whole body locked almost cramping and tremblingat thesametime, you couldnt move, or speak you just looked up wide eyed as waves of ecstasy rolled over you. Bruce through his head back with a victorious shout you vaguely felt his balls rise and tighten against you ass then he released inside of you grunting and rutting as he caem drawing it out as mich as he could then finally came to a halt and fell over you.
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You panted weeping quietly moving to wipe your face and press our hair back. He arched over you kissing you slow a sensually no tongues nothing lewd just open mouthed kisses pouring his love into you in the best way he knew how. He pulled back looking to you then laughed. "Wow...That was better then I imagined" you nodded agreeing with him and pushed him back. "Babe...My panties are hurting me can you?" He jumped back quickly swiftly removjn him self and tucked himself away whilst pulling your panties back over our center. He patted our mound casually making you jolt and whine. "Bruuuce! No its sensitive!" He smiled eyeing your pussy, even through the wet material he could still tell it was a very happy freshy fucking little pussy! Swollen and pink! Just how he liked it. He moved pulling your trousers to your ankles chuckling. "Two...Three at once!" You frowned for a second then your face dropped...The list. You rolled your eyes and sat up leaning on unsteady arms and watched as he rolled up the trousers pulling then up to your knees. "Okay what were they?" He smiled slyly and hooked an arm around your waist sliding you off the table onto your feet. You staggered in the heels and grabbed his shoulders as he settled your weight onto his chest pulling the trousers up over your ass and zipped them up. "Board room, cum in your panties and fuck you in your fuck me heels! Three down in one hit!" You chuckled up at him as he explained smugly he was definitely proud of this one. You turned faceing the now desecrated table and flinched. Now that was a fucking mess! You turned glaring at him motioning a hand to the puddle. "Bruce -I you? Fuck it you don't care do you?...Nope didn't think so...Fuck my legs are still like jelly!" He grinned and wriggled his eyebrows at you. "Sooo you wont get very far if I said I'm ready for round two?~" you gaped at him instantly looking to his crotch he laughed waving you off. "Not really sweets...Lets go home, we could test out the jets in the bath, its supposed to give you a 'real massage experience'" you frowned at him as he scooped ou up swiping your bag and court settlement the  began leaving the room walking down to the private elevator. "Jets? We had jets in the bath since when?" He flushed as he entered the elevator pressing the garage level. "Since this afternoon...I had a new let spa bath tub fitted in our suite...Damien caught us in the hot tub and yeah-" you blinked not following for a few seconds then clicked.
"HE FUCKING WHAT!? WHEN DID HE-oh my god thats what you were freaked out about!? Oh no oh god he was me-did he see me? Please tell me he didnt?!" Bruce smiled cutely walking out of the elevatore to the car it was the lamboghini again today. "No he didnt see you I covered you but...I figured it wouldnt happen if we had somewhere else with jets so new bath" you sighed nodding as he placed you down by the car then tugged at the folder. "I'm proud of you for this, so very proud you stuck to your guns and you did it alone..You've proved with this that you're not a push over , that your a strong woman .A very very stong independent woman and I am so happy for you, but most of all I'm proud that I get to call you mine!" You smiled cupping his cheek and moved in kissing him softly. "Thank you Bruce, I want to show everyone that...That I may now be considered a kept woman...But I can fight for myself, protect myself when I need to and I'm glad you let me do that you don't know how much it means for you to let me do that" he through his head back laughing loud, you didnt understand you almost felt insulted until he calmed down and cupped your head in both his hands. "I don't let you do anything love! You can do what ever you want...Fucking let you stick up for yourself? Your free to do what ever you want...You want a business? I'll get you a bussines , you want to travel? we will! I'd do anything for you I love you...Outside of the bed you are my fucking queen, but inside the sheet? Your my very own pillow princess-OUCH! FUCK SWEETS?" You swooned he could have asked for anything then and there and youd have said yes...Until the pillow princess  comment. "I'm not a pillow princess! You-just your? UGH! STOP BEING SO FUCKING GOOD AND I'D BE ABLE TO THINK! AND POSSIBLY MOVE!" he laughed ou off opening the passenger side door motioning for you to get in. You rolled your eyes and they say chivalry is dead? Once seated the smiled to yourself. That was probably the most romantic thing he'd said and he had to ruin it with his typiclal bruce smug bull shit...But then again that was your Bruce. He slid into the drivers side.and you leaned over. "Hey babe?" He glanced at you as he turned the ignition reving the car to life.
"Yes my love?"
"You said anything right?" You twiddled your fingers and then move your hand to his thigh as the car began moving.
"Yes sweets anything"
"Teach me to drive-" he squinted nodding agreeing instantly as he pulled out ontothe road. "This thing" he snapped his gaze to you. What? His precious heart,  his beautiful little lover, sweet girlfriend behind the wheel of a seriously powerfull supercar? His heart almost stopped at the idea. "Are-are you sure? Its a powerful car...Don’t you want me to get you something err less-" "No I love this car its the first one you drove me around in...I want to drive it Bruce" he looked to you casually and pulled out tothe main road slowly cursing himself. He was going to refuse on the grounds of your own safty but, one look at your puppydog eyes and that was it you clapped cutely with a small 'yay'... one thing was for sure before you got behinde the wheel there was going to be some serious automatic breaking sensors put on...and a fucking speed limiter....and bullet proof windows and panels....Maybe some traker devices to...Like the one in your bracelet. "Babe I can here you thinking...Its just a car love don't...Don't go 'batting' it out okay?" Bruce didn't look at you as he drove on just a vaguely familiar hmm that meant he was pretending to agree with you...Or not listening one of the two his hmm's are all very similar. 
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
Breakfast with the Moon - JJ Maybank
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Summary: Based on Breakfast With the Moon by Powfu
Word count: 3,736 (this has to be my favorite thing I've ever written!) 
Warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, spiking a drink, stealing, his abusive father
She wants me, I know it, even tho' I'm broken. When she looks at me, I see that she's also hopeless.
You cuddled into JJ's chest, your fingers lightly tracing cursive letters on his chest in hope's to calm him down. He showed up at your front door after he had a horrible fight with his father. You could immediately tell from his eyes that he felt broken, but you were right by his side to help him slowly pick himself up piece by piece.
"Y/N?" You looked up at JJ, his index finger tracing your jawline. Without comprehending it, you leaned into his touch. His eyes looked into yours, as if he were reading your thoughts. "You know how important you are to me, right?" You nodded your head, "yeah." Your voice just above a whisper.
I notice her emotion flowin' out, her heart is open because she trust me (I think she loves me)
JJ shifted in his spot, forcing you to look at him. "Don't lie to me y/n/n." You sighed, already feeling the tear sting your eyes. You were never one to openly talk about your struggles, only knowing people pitied you after you told them. But it was different with JJ, he understood what you were going through.
He wasn't the kind to apologize, or say how you didn't deserve to go through that you were going through. He was the kind to give you advice on how to overcome these feelings. The type of person who wouldn't judge you after admitting things you've done. You trusted him with everything in you. 
I hold her close with passion, imagining what could happen. She acting like a bandage, she healing all my damage.
You sat on the couch with Kie, talking about how your days went before JJ stormed through the front door. You furrowed your eyebrows at the boy who bantly ignored his friends, marching into his room and slamming the door shut. 
Without hesitating, you got up from your spot, excusing yourself before walking in front of his door. You softly knocked, calling his name. When you got no response, you opened the door a crack to see his body face down, shaking as he cried into the bed. You quickly entered and shut the door after you, sitting next to his body.
He scooted forward, resting his head in your lap, hands squeezing your thighs as he cried. Your fingers combed their way through his hair, quietly humming a soft tune to calm him down. "I hate him. I fucking hate him." He sobbed into your lap, tears dropping onto your skin. "Hey, hey look at me." You mumbled.
JJ lifted his head up slightly, your heart ached at his red eyes. "You're almost there sweetie. Once you turn 18 you can move out of there and never have to see him again If you don't want to. I'll even help pay for you to move out. It kills me to see the pain he puts you through everyday. You're almost free, baby. You just have to keep fighting, okay?" Your words eased the hurt in his chest. 
You scooted down to be face to face with him. He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close to him. "I'm right here. You're safe." You mumbled against his chest.
Yeah she's the one I've been waiting for to land on my planet. Unlike them other girls she got my back and she won't stab it.
JJ sat at a table at the wreck, checking the time on his phone every other minute. He had been waiting for his date to show up, only for her to never show. He waited there for 40 minutes before leaving the restaurant.
He showed up at your front door, his hands awkwardly in his pockets due to his embarrassment of being stood up. "Hey!" You welcomed him with a grin, inviting him inside the house. "How'd the date go?" You asked him as he sat himself down on your couch.
"It didn't." He pursued his lips together, your eyebrows furrowed together. "She never showed up." He bit his tongue, hating at the sound of him admitting it. Your mouth dropped open, immediately wanting to fight the girl who stood him up. 
You thought for a moment before grabbing your purse and car keys. You held your hand out for him to grab, earning a questioning look from him. "Come on," you nudge your head, "I'm taking you on a date." 
His heart skipped a beat at your words. He quickly held onto your hand as you led him to your car, making sure to open the passengers side door for him. It was times like this where JJ felt blessed to have you in his life. 
This is true love, no there's not a plot twist. Knowing what she's thinking, yes I'm friends with her conscience
You laid on your bed, curled up in a ball due to your cramps making your body ache with every move you made. Your bedroom door busted open, making you nearly fall off the bed. 
JJ marched to your bed with a McDonalds bag and soda in his hand. He sat himself down next to you, pulling a pill bottle from the bag. "I went to get you ibuprofen for your cramps but I figured you would want food as well. I got a 50 pack of mcnuggets with honey mustard sauce and a coke." You bite your bottom lip as you grinned carefully sitting up. "I love you JJ Maybank." You exhaled, grabbing everything out of his hands.
You scooted over, patting the spot next to you. JJ sat down with his legs crossed, his hand taking a nugget from the box. You threw your head back, taking the pill to help ease the pain. Resting your head on his shoulder, you shoved a chicken nugget into your mouth. "You always know what I'm thinking, Maybank. You're the best."
Clearing out my toxins every time we talkin'. Kiss me in the dark, middle of our movie watching.
"I swear it's like every time I go home it's like he puts a 500 pound rock on my chest." JJ exhaled, rubbing his eyes with his fist. "But that's why you're always welcomed here. I hate seeing you this stressed J." You mumbled into his chest. 
You two were hanging out in your room, lights off with Finding Nemo playing in the background. "Everytime I come here it's like a weight is lifted off my chest. I love talking to you because you understand me. You like, I don't know, you detox my mind."
You looked up at him, his eyes trained on yours. As if JJ had the power to read minds, he read yours and began to lean in. Your heartbeat picked up speed as his hand cupped the side of your face. Holding onto his wrist, you guided him towards you, your grip loosening as he kissed you.
You the best thing and everything a friend could be. You got my heart locked up, I could never leave.
You danced in the moonlight with Kie, your body swaying to the music that played near you two. The group decided to throw a Kegger, just because they all wanted to have fun. Kie got pulled away by some touron as a hand tapped your shoulder.
Turning around, you saw there was no one there. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned back around to see a brunette boy, eyeing your body down. "Y/N! Hey, I missed you!" JJ's familiar voice filled your ears. You turned around and got enveloped in a hug by the blonde. "The guy spiked your drink." He whispered in your ear. 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You turned away from the stranger and walked hand in hand with JJ away from the party. You flung the liquid out of the cup, throwing the cup in the trash. He led you to an isolated, broken tree stump that you two sat on. 
"Thank you for warning me." You mumbled, looking at the moonlight that reflected off the waves. "Of course. You're my girl, I gotta protect you."
Staying up late at night when we textin'. My plate's full, but time with you I'll keep on spending.
Your eyes snapped open at the sound of your phone going off. Picking it up, your eyes squinted as you grinned to see JJ texted you a tweet he saw. 
Clicking the tweet, you nearly laughed as you read it in your mind. 'Craving a hug is worse than craving sex because you can masturbate but you can't hug yourself and that's some real shit lmao.'
'Is that your way of telling me you need a hug?' You texted him, checking to see the time was 4:31 a.m. He immediately read your message, three dots appearing on your screen. 'Maybe… I have ice cream for you if you do.' You threw your sheets off of your body, not caring you were wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts.
'On my way hoe.' You texted back before sliding on your flip flops and sneaking out your window to your car. Speeding off to JJ's house, you parked down the block before walking to his backyard.
You knocked on his window before pulling the screen up and crawling in. JJ stood in the center of his room with a wide grin on his face, a tub of ben and Jerry's in one hand and two spoons in the other.
He put both items down as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you tightly, lifting you off the floor and spinning you around. You wrapped your legs around his waist as his arms adjusted themselves. He walked over to his bed, sitting against the headboard. You remained in his lap, your legs on both sides of his lap. Your hands entangled themselves in his hair, his hand on the arch of your back. 
You were about to pull away before his grip tightened. "Not yet. I don't wanna let go just yet." He mumbled.
I hate it when you're not with me. 'Cause it feels like something's missing.
You had left the Outer Banks for a trip to visit a college out of state. You knew you weren't going to a college outside of your home, you just went to please your parents.
You were gone for a week. However to JJ that felt like a whole month and he was aching for you to come back. The entire week he has never felt more stressed. He felt like something big was missing out of his days. He wanted to call you, but he feared he would bother you. 
Without telling him you were home, you called his number. It rang 3 times before he picked up. "Y/N! You're alive!" His voices yelled from the other side of the line. "Yes I'm alive and on my way to your house."
"Oh-shit!" JJ yelled before you heard a loud thumping sound. "You fell off your bed didn't you?" You asked him, driving down the streets. His dad's car was thankfully gone, allowing you to pull in. Quickly exiting your car, you slammed your door shut.
Walking into his house, he nearly tackled you to the floor in a hug. "Wow, hi!" You laughed as he hugged you, rocking your bodies side to side. "That felt like the longest week of my life."
I'ma show you everything and everything I hide behind. Tell you my whole story, I can take you back to '99.
JJ was currently asleep at your side, your legs intertwined. He asked if he could sleep over after his dad threw a fit after taking drugs. 
Your eyes never left his face as you remembered the first time JJ opened up to you about his abusive father. It was one night, 3 years ago. He showed up on your doorstep in the pouring rain, a fresh bruise on his face and a cut lip.
He tried to say he got caught up in a fight with a Kook, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that it wasn't the truth. You didn't beg him to tell you, you knew he had his own life and you didn't want to pry. He loved that about you and knew it was time to tell you everything.
From how his mom left when he was young, then how his father became a drug addict and alcoholic. He brought up the first time he had been beaten, he was only 11 which broke your heart. He told you that acting like he was fine and just got into it with a Kook was easier than explaining about his dad. 
Loving you's a sequence, keeps my heart beating. I'ma keep you warm even if it means I'm freezing.
You and JJ went to the movie theater, celebrating your birthday together. He had managed to sneak you two into the Kook cinema that had working air conditioning and reclining seats. 
He took you out to see a new movie, knowing that would make you happy. You told him you were gonna pay for food, but he stopped you before you could go up to the register. "I got it." Was all he said before taking your hand and leading you to the right room.
He took you to the back row knowing that was your favorite spot. He shifted in his seat, pulling bags of snacks out of the hem of his pants and anywhere else he could hide it. You giggled to yourself quietly, your mouth dropping as he pulled a hoagie out of his pant leg. 
"Shut the fuck up." You whispered, high fiving him as he set out the food. You pulled up the arm rest that sat between you two, scooting closer to him.
His arm immediately found its place around your shoulder, pulling you close as he ate half of the hoagie.
Your body shivered as you pulled JJ closer to you. He looked down at you, "are you cold?" "A little but it's-" before you could finish your sentence, he was already taking his sweatshirt off and handing it to you. "Aren't you gonna be cold?" He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care. That just means you'll have to be the one who gives the cuddles." You laughed quietly, slipping his sweatshirt on before opening your arms towards him.
He leaned down, resting his head on your chest as he laid down. His arms slid around your waist, his eyes fluttering shut as you kissed his forehead. 
Used to act reckless, then I met you. We both eatin' breakfast underneath the moon.
Kiara had told you this story countless times, she would tell you the story of how JJ used to steal from stores, used to sleep with girls all the time, used weed and alcohol as a coping mechanism, but everything stopped as soon as you stepped into the picture.
You didn't know he was doing those things until he admitted it to you the same night he opened up about his father. He wanted you to know how much of a positive impact you've made on him, and he appreciates you so much. 
It all changed one night after you and JJ had spent the night at John B's. JJ was in the kitchen making pancakes at 3 in the morning. You hadn't gotten any sleep, so you got out of bed and sat yourself down on the counter. "Morning sunshine." He grinned at you, flipping the pancake in the air to catch it in the pan again. "Morning handsome. What's with the breakfast foods?" You asked, eyeing the raw batter.
"I got hungry!" He said, pouring yet another spoonful of batter onto the pan. "I mean… are you gonna need help eating those?" You shyly pointed to the stack of pancakes. "I made them just for you." He winked. He gathered the whip cream from the fridge and the syrup from the cabinet as the final one was cooking. An idea popped into your head. "I'll be right back!" You called out to him.
You went into the closet and pulled out the old Christmas lights from a box. You grabbed two pillows and a large blanket as well. You walked outside and set up the lights along the trees, turning them on to see the beautiful colored bulbs light up. You put the pillows on one of the hammocks, laying the blanket to the side.
You dragged a wooden table put from one of the corners of the backyard to the front of the hammock where the food could go. You scattered back inside and stopped him before he could go into the backyard. "Stop! Give me the food and stay right here." He hesitated before passing you everything you needed to complete the surprise. 
Placing everything in its spot, you ran back inside, "okay I need you to trust me." You said before covering his eyes with your hands. You led him out the backyard and right towards the hammock. "And here!" You smiled, uncovering his eyes. He stood there in awe as he looked up to the lights and the cute decorations. 
"How did you do this in the span of 3 minutes?" He asked, sitting down in the hammock, passing you a plate stacked with pancakes from the table. "I have my ways." You winked. JJ looked up from his spot, looking at the full moon that hovered above them. "Here's to eating breakfast underneath the moon." He raised his fork that had a chunk of pancake on it. You raised your, clinking the metal. "To eating breakfast underneath the moon."
People think we crazy from the stupid things we do. I love it when you're weird, 'cause I know I'm weird too. 
You leaned back in your chair at the Wreck, Kie and Pope sitting at your sides, JJ and John be in front of you. "Kie, your father is a blessing." You complimented her father after he gave the group free food. The restaurant was empty since it was 10 p.m. only leaving the group and Kie's father. You stood up from your seat, collecting the plates and any garbage from their seats, helping clean up.
JJ got up from his spot, lifting his shirt up past his abs. "I have approximately 5 food babies in my stomach." Your cheeks flushed pink as you quickly looked away. "Y/N! Come here." You walked over to him, he watched as you, waiting for you to mimic him. You jokingly rolled your eyes before lifting your shirt up past your stomach. He reached his stomach forward to touch yours. "Our food babies will now become one." You said, ignoring the weird looks from your friends.
"What?" JJ asked, rolling his shirt back down. "You guys are fucking weird." Pope laughed. "You're just jealous you're not having a food baby with us." You flipped your hair over your shoulder, placing your hands on JJ's stomach. "We should get maternity pictures like this." JJ stood behind you with his hands on your stomach, his fingers forming a heart. 
Yeah, that's just how we live, acting like some kids. Running with the bugs through the grass in the mist. 
"Y/N I know we told John B we would go help him with the boat but can we PLEASE stop at this playground. There are no kids and it's been like 20 years since I've been on a playground." You chuckled at him, "JJ, first off you're 16, and yeah yeah I'm going!"
You parked in the lot, JJ jumping out of the car before you even stopped. You easily hopped out of the car, JJ grabbing your hand as you ran through the grass. The night before it thunder stormed, and it was 90° that day, causing a light miss to fill the air. You laughed loudly with him, finding your ways to the swingset. You sat on the swing as JJ stood behind and pushed you to get started.
You two had a bet on who could jump farther once you both had reached a high enough swing. "Ready? One, two, three!" You two jumped off the swing at the same time JJ landed just a few inches farther than you. "Ughhhhhh." You groaned, immediately stopping.
"There's a ladybug on your chest." You laughed, pointing to the small red insect. JJ carefully placed his hand near it, watching the delicate bug crawl onto his finger tips. You two watched it crawl on his hand before another one landed on your arm. You held your arm up to JJ's hand, the lady bugs getting together before flying off his hand. "That was the cutest thing ever."
Girl I'll give you everything, that's my final offer. I can be your knight, protect you from the monsters.
Your eyes snapped open at the sound of a ding coming from your phone. You opened the message to see it was from JJ.
Hi Y/N!!!! I'm not gonna lie, I'm extremely high right now, but I just wanted to get this off my chest because I've been wanting to say it FOREVER! I really fucking like you. I've liked you since the day I first met you and God, everyday with you is adventure within itself. you are my rock and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You have been by my side through so much and given me memories I'll never forget. I want to call you my girlfriend. I want to be able to show you off and call you my girl. I wanna give you everything I can. I'll be like, like your knight in shining armor. I'll protect you from bad guys and I'll kiss you whenever you want attention. I just want to be with you because I hate it when you're not with me. it just feels like something's missing and I hate it. Let me call you mine and I'll never say goodbye. 
You beamed brightly as your eyes skimmed his text. Your thumb hovered over his contact before calling him. "JJ? Hey listen, I'm all yours." 
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mc-i-r · 3 years
Thrill of the kill
Chapter 10
Ship: intrulogical
Pov: Virgil
Tw: guns, shooting, blood, dead bodies, yelling, suicide (by cop)
Let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 1794
A/N: As promised, here is the last chapter of Totk. I'm so proud of this and seeing everyone who reads it has made me infinitely happy. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoy the super long last chapter!
“We’ve got ‘em. They’re at a bank downtown, holding everyone inside hostage. If we hurry we can diffuse it before it gets too bad,” I said, leaning on the doorframe to Roman’s office. He quickly got up, following me out of the station and to the car. We mixed in with the flood of police cars exiting the precinct, heading downtown to finally catch those maniacs.
“What have we got so far?” Roman asked on our way up there. I kept my attention on the road, following the back end of the police car in front of me.
“They planned out a bank robbery, a big one at that. I won’t be surprised if this is their last, if I’m being honest with ya. We profiled that they would stop at nothing to get away with it and if that means suicide by cop then so be it. They’ve been escalating for a few months now so keep your eyes open. This one is gonna be big,” I said. We turned the final corner, both of us practically jumping out of the car. I found one of the first responding officers, asking what the current situation is.
“So far, they’ve locked the door from the inside with chains and sealed off all the exits. We counted around 50 to 60 hostages inside. They moved them to the middle of the building but that’s all we know so far,” he said. He got a call over his walkie talkie, stepping way to answer it. I turned to Roman, sighing and running a hand down my face.
“It’s worse than I thought. They’re not gonna let those hostages live,” I said. Roman tiled his head like a puppy in confusion. Dammit, why does he have to be so cute?! Virgil, not now.
“Why do you say that?” he asked. 
“Because, Roman, they’re psychopaths. They feel no empathy. No remorse for anything they’ve ever done. They don’t care about those people and they don’t care about the money. They’re only doing this because you need money to survive, no other reason. They aren’t going to let those people go, Roman. I know it,” I said, gesturing to the door. I started pacing, trying to figure out the best tactic to cool down the situation. None of them were good options.
“We need to set up communications. It’s the only thing I can think of. We need to get in their heads somehow. You! Yeah, you. Can you help me set this up?” I ask, calling out to a random officer. He nodded and came over to where me and Roman were trying to set up the communications operation. “Thank you….?”
“Oh, Officer Heart. But you can call me Patton,” the officer said, the cheery character extending a hand for me to take. I don’t do handshakes so Roman stepped in, shaking the man’s hand.
“I’m Roman and this grumpy man is Virgil,” he said. I glared at him, elbowing him in the side.
“Ow! Hey, what was that for!?” he said, grabbing his side. Patton just snickered, hooking up a few wires onto the recorder and phone. 
“You know what it was for, Princey, don’t act dumb,” I said, turning back to the task at hand.
“‘Princey’?” Patton asked, raising an eyebrow. Me and Roman both answered at the same time.
“It’s what I call this idiot.”
“It’s his special nickname for me.”
I let out a huff of air as Patton giggled, hooking in the last wire. I pressed the power button and the line went live.
“Okay, I’m gonna need you two to be quiet, okay?” I said. The both nodded and I punched in the number for the bank, picking up the phone and putting it to my ear. I heard it ring;
Three times.
“Eh? What d’you want?” a nasally voice sounded from the other end. It took all my willpower not to grimace. 
“Who is this?” I asked. It's best to set the scene first before getting into negotiations. 
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“Virgil. Detective Virgil.”
“Ooh, fancy. So, Detective Virgil, what brings you here this fine day?” the obnoxious voice sounded from the other end. I’m going to have a headache by the end of this. 
“Oh, you know, just a couple of serial killers robbing a bank. The usual.” A shrill laugh rangs over the phone, making me pull the phone away from my ear to save my eardrums. “You never answered my question. Who is this?”
“Remus Prince at your service,” he said. That name made me pause. It was...familiar somehow. Remus, Remus, Remus. Prince. Remus Prince. Roman Prince. 
Oh. My. God.
It’s Roman’s twin brother.
Oh no.
“Do you plan on coming out anytime soon?” I asked. I had to keep my cool and try not to freak out that my crush’s partner’s lost brother is currently holding a bank hostage with his psychopathic boyfriend. 
“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’. I sighed. ‘This is going to be a long conversation.’
“Then tell me, Remus, why the bank robbery? Why now?”
“Well, I was getting quite bored and thought a good ol’ bank heist would do the trick.”
"So you don’t have any friends to visit?”
“Friends? HA! I haven’t had a friend in years,” the eccentric man laughed. 
“Well I’m sure it’s hard to make friends when you murder them.”
“That was rude,” Remus pouted.
“So is murder,” I said, deadpan. “How do you plan on getting out of there? We’ve got all the exits covered, front and back.”
“I’m sure Logan will think of something. He always does.”
“So Logan is the other one? How long ha-”
“Hang on there sunshine, gimme a moment.” he interrupted. The line went silent for a second, the sound of distant yelling coming through on the other side. There was a gunshot, then another, and another; the sound echoing off the concrete walls. Several officers shouted, trying to advance forward to bust into the building. That would only panic them, making them shoot at random and kill more people than necessary. 
“DON’T MOVE IN!!” I yelled, commanding the officers to take a step back. I put the phone to my ear once more.
“I had to take care of something. I’m sorry, you were saying?” Remus said nonchalantly. I wondered just how many people he’s killed in his lifetime for this to be normal. I didn’t like that thought very much. 
“How long have you two known each other? You and Logan I mean,” I ask. I hear a humming noise come from the other end, indicating that he was thinking.
“About three years now,” he responded. 
“So you haven’t seen anyone except him for three years?” I asked.
“Nope!” he said, popping the ‘p’ once again. “And I’m not complaining either. I mean...have you seen that man?”
“Not even your brother?” I asked. The line went deathly silent; so much so that I thought he had hung up. The light on the monitor proved me otherwise though, as well as the burst of gunshots that came from inside. I heard the phone disconnect and I slammed the phone down in anger.
“Dammit! We almost had him,” I yelled. I started pacing again, trying to work away the uneasy feeling in my stomach.
“What happened? Why were there so many gunshots?” Roman asked, looking more confused than concerned.
“I must have struck a nerve. We need to move in soon or else this will end more bloody than we hope for,” I said. I tried to walk past Roman but he held an arm out, effectively stopping me in my tracks.
“Hey, are you good?” he asked, voice having dropped to almost a whisper. It was sweet how much he cares. If we weren’t in a hostage situation right now I probably would have finally confessed. 
“Yeah, I’m good. We just need to get them out of there,” I said, walking past him and to the line of officers. 
They had formed a barricade around the entrance of the bank, many of them already aiming their guns at the glass doors. I made my way over to them, joining in the line and aiming my gun as well. A minute or two later, Roman joined me, Patton following closely behind. I was getting ready to give the command for S.W.A.T to enter when two figures approached the door, both carrying guns, one undid the chains on the door while the other pushed the door open, both of them aiming their guns at us. 
I held up the signal for ‘hold fire’, analysing the two psychopaths that now stood in front of us. One officer yelled for them to put their guns down, both of them ignoring the command. They were almost in a daze, ignoring the outside world. The same officer warned them, saying that they would open fire. Again, they didn’t comply. Instead, they made their way closer to one another, guns still aimed at the line of officers. Their lips collided with one another, fingers pulling the trigger and opening fire. I ducked behind part of the barricade, shielding myself from the incoming bullets. They were doing it. They were actually doing it. 
They were going to die.
I took a breath and peeked around the barricade, watching as the two serial killers were almost riddled with bullets. Still, the two stayed locked in a kiss, holding on to each other. In their last moments, they pulled apart, both whispering something that was lost to time. Then, their bodies fell to the ground in a pool of blood, limp and growing cold. 
I never forgot that day. The day two lovers were caught in the whirlwind of bullets, how their love faded just like the life from their eyes. The day dozens of bodies are hauled out of that bank, their loved ones weeping at the sight. The final look they gave us before their bodies were torn to shreds. It was peaceful almost, like they had prepared for this since the moment they met. I suppose they had; having a plan in case things went wrong. It wasn’t just me that was haunted by that day. Roman almost broke down when he found out it was his brother, often visiting the crime scene and replaying the last moments of his lost brother’s life. I found him coming to my apartment almost every day, sobbing and almost collapsing from exhaustion. It was a sad day, one that ruined too many lives to count. It did help me realize something, something that I never forgot in the many years to come. 
People really will do anything for love.
@whattheremus @falsemood @braingoburr @midnightstorm-underthe-moon @martini46
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tortleofwar · 3 years
Valentine's Cherub Pt. 2
The noises from trucks clearing the road, I can sleep through that. Sunlight blaring through my eyelids, I can easily turn over. But the smoke of a cigarette catching in the back of my throat is something I can't ignore. I bolt upright pounding my chest as I cough up the carcinogens. Smoke stings my eyes as a fresh puff is directed towards me.
"Good morning my little warrior." She took another drag and blew away from my face this time. "I assume you aren't a smoker then?"
"You got me." Finally settled from my coughing fit I roll off the bed and walk to the bathroom. My bladder was close to bursting and a conversation was the last thing I wanted to have right now.
"I guess I can't call you little after your display last night." She let out a school girl giggle as she walked into the bathroom. The cigarette was absent from her hand. She reached a hand out and held me as I ejected my urine into the posh toilet. "Got some power behind this thing. Wish I could have exclusive access to this."
"Not gonna happen." I forced it out to get her hand off of me quickly. "Last night I was snowed in and my cards were all declined. I'm thankful for your help but what happened last night was a fluke."
I skipped the shower hoping to get away from her before something else was instigated. She turned it on and walked out behind me. Her hands wrapped around my waist to grab at my dick again. This time I stopped her and proceeded to my clothes.
"If you are going home you're gonna need a shower." She gave my ass a swift slap and licked her lips hungrily. "Besides, your bar tab hasn't been paid off yet. Last night was the release I needed after my recent dry spell. But that was only the tip. I bought your drinks and provided you a room."
My heart dropped at the realization that she was right. This hotel was top notch. Red carpet throughout the room, a bidet in the bathroom, and the thread count was higher than my monthly salary. I could end up indebted for a while. Sky wouldn't like it so I had to find a way out of this. I swiped to my bank app and checked the balance. My check cleared and $1850 was showing. It wasn't much but it would cover the rinks I had.
I turned to find her on her knees mouth open and eyes closed. The hormones and attraction couldn't be denied but this was wrong. At least last night could be blamed on the drinks and need for a place to stay besides out back by a dumpster. But now was entirely different. I could walk out right now and leave her on her knees as I shut the door.
"I don't normally offer this to anyone." As I was looking at the door her eyes looked up to me and it felt like my soul was ensnared. As she stood her hand trailed up my thigh to cup my balls and then get a firm hold of my hardening shaft. "We get dirty while getting cleaned up and then I will consider us square. No money, just sex."
My answer should have been hell no, all caps with about five exclamation marks behind it. However those eyes and that plump booty slowly walked me to the shower and I was stuck. My tears washed away by the shower as I surrendered to her once again. I could say it was to square the debt but I honestly wanted more.
As we kissed images of my wife flashed in my head. The good times, the bad, and the sex. True, experience was one hell of a teacher but my heart could never betray her. My mind arguing that this was just a release, purely physical. But the betrayal was there.
I dove into the deep end, pulling her closer and adding carnal passion to the kiss. I began to kiss down to her neck and she whispered into my ear.
"Use me. No limits just go crazy." Her voice husky with desire. "Please."
I'd pressed her against the wall and teased her with one hand while nibbling on her tit. The harder I bit the slicker she got. True to her words she didn't deny anything as I chomped down with force. Her yell turning into a muffled moan as she bit her bottom lip. My finger finding her inner folds while my thumb strummed her clit had her body trembling. This was something Sky relished and hated with a passion.
This woman welcomed the body trembling climax as I kissed my way down ignore the plea in her eyes. I scooped her up onto my shoulders giving full access of her lower extremities to my mouth. My goal was to keep it going as long as possible and possibly even give her another. Licking inside and out made her thighs squeeze as she pulled at my short dreads. Denying her the release of rolling my tongue along her clit until I felt her juices flowing down my chin.
An explosion went off in her body as I applied steady pressure to her clit. Her nails scratched at my scalp and her thighs blocked all sound as she locked them over my ears. As her climax came down she released her vice grip on me and breathed heavily. As I back away I flicked her clit one last time and felt her back away.
"Was that resistance?" A wicked smile spread across my face as she looked down sheepishly. I grabbed a towel from the rack and grabbed her hands. "I hope you can cover the damages."
I ripped the towel into several strips and soaked them with water and the hotel provided soap. With each one I would slowly slide them over another erogenous part of her body. I decided against the soap for the final strip. Opting instead to blindfold her with it. As I stood admiring this soapy piece of art I'd made her hands reached out for me. I sidestepped them and whispered into her ear.
"Not yet my pet."
She froze in place as the stream of water rained down on her. I quickly grabbed a cloth and bathed her body gently. Cleaning her from the neck down. She relaxed the longer this went on until she could no longer feel my touch. I watched as she tilted her head to listen for the faintest sound of me, searching for the smallest notion that I hadn't abandoned her.
As she reached for the blindfold I bound her hands and quietly shushed into her ears. These were the things I'd wanted to do with Sky but she didn't trust me to care for her this intimately. But here was this stranger willingly surrendering herself to me. Rubenesque body presented to me with no hesitation. I took her hands and placed them on my cock moving her hands to instruct her to stroke me.
I placed a hand on her shoulder and she instinctively went to her knees. Her face hovering inches away from me I pushed forward penetrating her lips. Her warm tongue swirling around my dick as I pushed in and out of her mouth.As her rhythm became steady I pulled back, forcing her to lean forward for me.
My deep chuckle was drowned out by the water. Her nose was pressed into my naval as she choked on my length. I forcefully pushed her off of me and watched as the water cleaned the spit and saliva from her face. I turned her around and pushed her onto all four. The water pounded on my back as I slowly eased inside of her. Building a steady motion and feeling her push back into me.
As I took over grabbing her hips and slamming into her the wet sounds echoed inside the bathroom. As much as I was enjoying this I needed to remember why I was doing it. I focused wholly on busting my nut and raising up out of here. Her clenching helped speed the process up and she could tell. She began to beg me not to pull out and I complied.
Exhausted I stayed in place as the water washed over me. I slowly pulled out cleaning my shaft as it shrank back to its flaccid state. I untied her and removed the blindfold. She eagerly fetched a washcloth to clean me up. I stood in place as she moved around me cleaning every inch. When she tried to get me hard again I swatted her hand away.
"That should square up our debt. And this hopefully remains a secret." I was rushing to get dressed and out of this blissful nightmare. "Please don't come looking for me."
"That's going to be hard considering how good pets are at finding their masters," she joked. "But I understand."
I winced at the nickname and bolted out of the door. With cleared street I cautiously steered to my home shaking my head at what I'd done. It couldn't be justified and I would be damned if she left me because of this. As I pulled into the parking garage a familiar powder blue Pontiac drove by me. The shirtless passenger was laughing as he turned to leave.
Shaking it off I walked through the halls of the apartment complex and fished out my keys to the door. Slow music could be heard through the door and the smell of fresh candles could be heard. I scrunched my brows in confusion because this was her post-coitus routine and I wasn't here last night. Then the realization hit me. He was here last night, snowed in with Sky, and we had just had our biggest fight ever.
My keys dropped to the floor as I slid down the opposite wall in dismay. I shook my head with doubt but the evidence was there. I couldn't accuse her after what I'd just done but for her to sleep with MY boss was a whole other level of betrayal. That smug bastard would probably be smiling every day just thinking about this. The rage took a hold of me as I forced myself up.
Shoving the key into the door I burst through it and saw her look of joy. It slowly faded as she saw the anger on my face. Her confused expression only made me feel worse.
"So I just saw Michael on his way out." Her realization didn't show as I began to explain. "He looked extremely happy considering he was snowed in 45 minutes away from his home. Any idea why that is?"
"He probably knows someone else who live nearby. I did tell you I saw him a few times in the neighborhood while I was out."
This brought up another realization in me. He was on lunch calls for two hours on those days. My apartment was 15 minutes away. Those lunch calls started when I got my promotion four months ago. She quit her job because I didn't want her to have to work again after she put me through college.
"I have all the addresses and contact information of all of his associates and sneaky links. None of them live near here. What was he doing HERE?"
Her face lost all expression as she shook her head. "You were gonna find out one way or another. Michael and I have been seeing each other and I think it's time you moved on as well."
There it was. The dagger through the heart I'd been waiting for. I clinched my fists as I paced through the front room. All the while she stood there with no expression or words. The tornado of thoughts going through my head landed on hurting her but I held it in. Looking back at her I could only ask one question.
"You're too nice to me. I need a man who can handle me, put me in my place and treat me how I want to be treated in private," She explained walking to the door. "He spoils me in public and uses me in private. Something a BOY like you wouldn't understand. And that's what I need in my life. Not someone who worships everything about me or is my every beckoning call."
"So I treated you like a queen and this is what you've wanted all along?" I slumped onto the chair shaking my head. The smile on my face scared me. "All this time and you said nothing."
"You're a great guy. And I'm sure someone out there would love to be with you." A bit of fear had entered her voice as she noticed the smile. "But I'm not the one you need. I'll be by to get my things later."
"So you hurt me and you're not even going to apologize?" I asked looking up at her.
"I'm pretty sure after last night we both knew this was where it was heading." She looked at me with a sly smile. "Although I may have broken you for the next poor girl."
The door closed behind her as I sat shaking my head. Her laughter should have done something to me, made me feel anything, but I could only think about the cougar. How I could use a stress reliever at this very moment. At that moment my phone buzzed. I sighed as I checked the notification.
An ad for therapy made me laugh to myself. After all of this I could do with some venting to help me get back to normal. I scrolled down and my jaw dropped. Dr. Clarice WIlliams had a picture of brunette hair flowing down to her shoulders and a pair of captivating green eyes hidden behind glasses. Was God sending me help or was the Devil tempting me? I shrugged and turned on my PS4 to play Paladins.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Ain’t Sayin’ She’s a Gold Digger: Part 1
Pairings: Sugar Daddy!Negan x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: Sugar baby relationship, swearing
Word Count: 2,298
Livid didn’t even begin to describe your mood as you walked out of the upscale bar you worked at for the past three years until 30 seconds prior. And the reason you were fired was absolute bullshit. You had been called in on your day off to cover someones shift, only to be told that it was your shift that you were a no call no show for, that was scheduled last minute, and that you weren’t told about by the manager that had scheduled you, who had been out to get you since your very first shift. You growled and headed toward the subway as you pulled out your cell to call your best friend slash landlord slash roommate to vent. 
“Dana Gold, can…”
“That fucking bitch fired me!” You interrupted with a screech. “How the fuck is she gunna call me in on my day off and tell me she fucking scheduled me…”
“(Y/N)!” She said a little loudly, making you stop your rant before you even got into it. “Can I call you back? I’m with a client, and you are on speaker.”
“Oh, shit.” You gasped as you stopped at the corner to wait for the light to change. “Sorry.”
“I’ll call you back.” She repeated before she simply hung up the phone on you. You shook your head and crossed the road with the other busy, impatient New Yorkers and wide eyed, lost tourists, and headed down the stairs to the subway. You got in a short line behind a woman with an Hermes bag you envied that was worth at least five times your rent, when your phone started ringing in your hand.
“Well that was quick.” You said as you pulled out your metro card.
“Come down to my office.” Dana nearly demanded just as you swiped your card for the train headed up toward the Upper West Side. “Let’s… have lunch.”
“You really had to decide that shit after I swipe my metro card, brat?” You asked as you turned away from the platform and headed toward the exit since her office was only a few blocks away from your old job.
“I’ll pay you for the swipe.” She dismissed. “Just get here, I’m hungry.”
“Bitch, I’m coming.” You laughed as you headed up the stairs and hung up your phone. You moved a little quicker through the throngs of people, briefly wondering why you were still living in New York like you did everyday. It was a one hundred and eighty degree difference from your small home towns, and it had once offered you so much promise in life, but it also chewed you up and spit you out like it did most people who had dreams of grandeur. But you had learned that that was the nature of the beast that was New York City. 
“Good afternoon, Ms. (Y/L/N).” Jackie, Dana’s assistant said with a smile as you stepped out of the elevator in front of her desk in the decent sized, and adorably decorated office in Midtown. “Ms. Gold said to send you right in.”
“Thanks Jackie.” You said with a smile as you grabbed a Hershey’s kiss out of the heart shaped bowl on your way past. “Yo, can I sue this bitch?” You asked as you walked through Dana’s office door, only to stop the slightest bit when you saw an older gentleman in one of the two chairs in front of her desk. “Oh. Wait, Jackie said to come in…?”
“Have a seat, (Y/N).” Your friend said with a smile as she gestured to the other chair.
“I take it we’re not doing lunch.” You breathed as you loosened the white tie of your otherwise all black uniform.
“This is Mr. Morgan.” She continued with a smile as she gestured to the man sitting beside you. “He’s come in a few times the past couple weeks to look for someone to accompany him on a cruise overseas next week for two weeks or so. But none of my girls have been up to his standards…”
“I’m looking for someone that can hold a polite conversation, and who can be a respectable in formal settings.” He chimed in as he searched your eyes. “But isn’t afraid to speak their mind at the same time. Most of the girls I’ve met though Dana are all…”
“Boring.” You finished for him with a smirk as you crossed your legs and sat back in your chair. “Conceited, self involved, gold diggers that will say anything they think you want them to so that they can keep themselves in your good graces, and occasionally suck your dick so you open your bank account as far as possible.” Mr. Morgan smirked and looked over at Dana with a small nod.
“I like her.”
“She’s a real peach alright.” 
“I try.” You said with a shrug.
“Dana says you’ve never been a Sugar Baby before?”
“Never had an interest to.” You told him with a shrug as he finally sat back in his seat, and let himself get comfortable. “I mean don’t get me wrong, if this is your cup of tea, then power to you. I hope you have fun with whomever you pick. But I don’t think I have the temperament to be one.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I managed to get myself thrown out of fucking Juilliard.” You laughed with a shake of your head. “For… well I was technically drinking underage in Central Park on the weekend with some people I worked with at a catering gig I had at the time and almost got busted by the cops for being way to fucking drunk in public. But the asshole didn’t know I ran track in high school so I got away before I could get arrested. But my roommate ratted me out, so I broke her lucky violin bow before her showcase because she was a bitch, and cussed out the disciplinary committee for being mentally incapable of understanding that at twenty years old, I have the God given right to party like a mother fucking rockstar. ”
“I’ll take her.”
“Oh, I’m for sale now.” You teased as he pulled out his wallet from his inside jacket pocket.
“I’m offering an all expenses paid two week long cruise to England, Scotland, and Ireland, and possibly a continuation of the trip overseas after that, depending on how we get along and how my business venture goes plus five thousand dollars cash per week you are with me. After that, we can reconvene and discuss something long term…”
“Wait, you’re actually serious right now?” You asked as you looked at the actual metal credit card he was holding out for you. “You wanna hire me, someone you don’t even know, to go with you for two weeks, possibly more in a foreign country.”
“I want to gift you two weeks in Europe, yes.” He said with a nod, which made you reach out and take his credit card so he wasn’t holding it out anymore.
“Mr. Morgan…”
“It’s Jeffrey.” He interrupted as he put his wallet back and sat back in his chair. “Or Jeff. I’m not picky. And I’ve gotten enough information from Ms. Gold to know that you will be a breath of fresh air that I need in my life right now. I also trust her enough through years of working with her that I know she won’t steer me the wrong way. Her girls are great for dates when I’m bored. But you are someone that I think would be much more entertaining to be around for two weeks.”
“OK.” You said as you looked over at Dana, who had been trying to get you to join her ranks for years because you weren’t a typical Sugar Baby. “Are you sure about this?” You asked once more as you looked at Jeff again.
“I wouldn’t still be sitting here still if I wasn’t.” With a small nod, you sighed and looked at the credit card in your hand.
“Alright. So what’s this for?”
“A new wardrobe and the necessary luggage.” He said as he pulled out his sunglasses and stood up to leave. “Prepare for a month at least. Salon, jewelry, manicure, pedicure, lingerie, makeup… There’s no spending limit on that card…”
“I’ll go with her personally.” Dana said with a smile as she got to her feet and walked around her desk to shake Jeff’s hand. “And I’ll get her personal information to your assistant by end of day today so she can arrange transport and the fine tuning details, Mr. Morgan.”
“Ms. Gold.” He said back with a slight bow of his head. “Pleasure as always. And I look forward to spending time with you, (Y/N).”
“You’re not alone there, darlin.”
“OK, how is this even real?” You asked as you stood with your back to Dana so she could zip up the hundredth dress you had tried on that day. 
“Are you even listening to me?” She laughed as she did the tiny snap at the top and took a step back.
“Yes, be on my best behavior. I get it.” You said as you looked at the fitted, knee length, mermaid style, purple floral Dolce and Gabbana dress in the mirror. “Shit, this thing could pay my rent for three months and then some.”
“I know.” She laughed as she looked at the dress that looked absolutely perfect on you and nodded her head. “But you need to keep your feet on the ground for me here.”
“OK, feet are on the ground.” You sighed as you turned away from the mirror to look at her. “So you were saying… his wife left?”
“Yes, his wife left him for a younger man about five or six years ago.” You nodded your head and turned around to point at the zipper as she continued to tell you her client’s back story, and continue to teach you how to be a proper sugar baby. “So he’s looking for complete and total honesty and exclusivity. Which is a general consensus in the business. But the difference with Mr. Morgan is he’s…” She looked up at you in the mirror as you stepped out of that dress and into a floor length jungle print dress that you had fallen in love with in Vogue and just had to try on. “OK, I’m just gunna say it. He’s looking to find someone to date without dating them.”
“OK, what does that even mean?”
“It means that he’s looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with.” She sighed as she turned you around to face her. “He’s wanted me to find someone that he can get along with, that he eventually wants to put up in a place, and be with most nights out of the week. But there’s a catch…”
“Ooook…” You said nervously as you started to nervously fidget with the material of the dress.
“Mr. Morgan owns the Norwegian, the Oceania, and the Regent Seven Seas cruise lines, and a large handful of hotels around the world. He’s constantly traveling, which is why he came to me to find companionship. It started as just dates but the last few months, it’s been turning more toward long term. He wants someone permanent…”
“Ok, wait, Dana.” You said as you started to catch up to what she was saying. “Wait, hold on.”
“I know.”
“Dana… wait, are you like kicking me out? Hold on, wait I’m so confused.”
“OK, no. It’s not like that.” She said as she took a step toward you and gently grabbed your wrists. “Look, I love you with all my heart. I love being your best friend, and I love having you as my roommate. I’m not mad at you and I’m not trying to break our friendship up. But I am trying to tell you you need to get out there and enjoy life. Because we both know you complain all the damn time about being lonely and not getting to do anything fun because your always so broke. Sweetie, you can’t go living life playing piano at piano bars for tips for the rest of your life, and working at the God awful bar that I am actually grateful you got fired from. And I’ve had you on my mind for months every time Jeffrey came in because every time he’s described his perfect date, it’s always been like he was describing you.”
“Which is why you’ve been bringing up me being a Sugar Baby more often than you normally do.” She nodded her head and smiled softly as she reached up and shifted the shoulder strap the slightest bit.
“And that’s why today was perfectly timed. I know you’ll like him as a person.” She wrapped up as she searched your eyes. “And I know that out of everyone I know that I could set him up with, you would appreciate him as a person, and not just as a Sugar Daddy. And I think both of you deserve that.” You sighed loudly which turned into a groan as you looked up at the ceiling in your dressing room.
“I hate you.” You grumbled with a smile as you looked down your nose at her. “And you better not put your nasty ass quinoa salad on my fridge shelf when I’m gone.”
“Listen here, it’s my damn apartment.”
“I don’t give a fuck.” You barked through a laugh as you took off the jungle animal print dress and added it to the ‘yes’ pile so you could get dressed to go to the next store. “I pay good money for that shelf.”
“And I pay good money for that quinoa.”
Part 2
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Two For Two Chapter 29: Against the World
The final battle. Dragonbug and Snake Noir versus Hawkmoth. The fate of Paris rests in the balance... but Hawkmoth was never one to fight fair.
(This chapter ended up being 5.3k words long, so I’m only posting a third of it here. The full chapter will be on Ao3, as usual.)
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Read on Ao3
After using the purple potions to sneak across the city to the Agreste mansion, they realized that of all the combinations of potion colors left to them, there was really only one choice.
There would be no elemental showdown. No space for flight. No need for true sight. Tricks and evasion could only get them so far. No, what they needed was power - and as much of it as they could get. With that in mind, they fed Tikki, Plagg, Sass, and Longg the orange potion and felt their bodies thrum with the barely contained power of two heightened miraculous.
“We’ll need to be careful,” Snake Noir said as he stared at his childhood home.
“Of course. We’re heading into Hawkmoth’s lair.”
“Not just that.” Snake Noir shook his head. “We’re breaking into Agreste Mansion. It has a lot of defenses. Defenses I had thought were meant to keep criminals out.”
“...But you think he might have always known it would end like this?”
“Maybe. He never liked taking risks or leaving things up to chance.” Snake Noir clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. “I don’t think we’ll have much of a problem. They probably don’t have it turned on to full because they’re waiting on me.”
“Right…” She put a comforting hand on his back. “Let’s get this over with.”
Snake Noir nodded and put a hand on his bracelet. “Just to be safe, though… Second Chance!”
She was about to jump across when Snake Noir caught her wrist. She turned back to see him standing there was a look of fury that took her aback.
“What? Chat, what’s wrong?!”
“The defenses,” he said through clenched teeth. “Are on max power and full alert.”
She blinked back at him in shock. “What- But doesn’t that mean-”
“If I had somehow managed to make it home, I would’ve been fried.” There was a dangerous look in Snake Noir’s eyes as he glared at the mansion. “I know how to get in now, though. Follow me.”
The specific route they took was a little roundabout. Running around the block that the mansion was on, breaking cameras along the outer wall - all in preparation for diving through the window above the front door. Both of them landed in superhero pose and quickly rose to their feet, Dragonbug immediately having her yoyo shield and her dragon sword drawn and ready to fight. She wasn’t sure what she expected to fight - maybe robot henchmen or something equally cliche - but only dead silence greeted them.
“Where to next?”
She looked toward her partner, but Snake Noir was storming up the stairs, baton drawn and ready in staff mode. The door he approached immediately had a metal plate slide shut over it, but he was undeterred. One swing from his staff saw the door shake and tremble in place. The second put a huge dent in it. The third put it hanging off its hinges. And the fourth one sent it flying.
Rushing in behind him, the first thing she noticed was a massive computer panel. It came as a shock to her because it definitely hadn’t been there the last couple times she’d been there. But then she noticed the scuff marks on the floor and the revealed button panel on the wall. That control center had been there the whole time, just kept hidden. How long had Gabriel Agreste been preparing for this?
Her racing mind distracted her from the professional-looking woman sitting in front of the computer bank. The look on her face quickly changed from startled to determined as she stood to fight off Snake Noir with her bare hands. Naturally, she didn’t get far, but not for the reasons Dragonbug had been expecting. Nathalie got to her feet and immediately clutched at her head before crumbling to the floor, the sudden movement enough to send her to her knees.
That was when Dragonbug noticed that her professional appearance was marred by an air of sickness and disheveledness. Strands of hair pulled free from her bun clung to the sweat on her unnaturally pale face. Her eyes were bloodshot and tired, with dark rings around them. And once she was on the floor, it looked like she wasn’t about to get up any time soon.
Still, whatever her other qualities - misguided loyalty, neglect of Adrien - she was doggedly determined. Nathalie latched onto one of Snake Noir’s arms, attempting to pull him away from the computer system.
“No! We’ve come too far, you can’t stop us now!”
There was a strange cocktail of emotions on her partner’s face. Pity. Anger. Bitter sadness. Disgust.
“It doesn’t matter!” Anger took the forefront as he shouted at her. “Can’t you see that it isn’t worth it?! We’re the only people not brainwashed in Paris!” Bitter sadness reared its head as he watched her struggle feebly in her sickness to tug on his arm. “At least, Dragonbug and I are.”
Nathalie’s face contorted into anger, a bizarre break from her usual cold expression. “I won’t let you take this away from Adrien! He will finally have his family whole again!”
For a moment she was worried that he was about to reveal his identity, so powerful was the look of dismay on his face. But it smoothed out into a cold, expressionless stare as he spoke one word.
A look of horror spread across both Nathalie and Dragonbug’s face as his clenched fist glowed with destructive energy. It seemed even more powerful than usual, wreathing his clawed gauntlet in black fire with a halo of green.
But she didn’t need to worry - his claws raked the computer, causing it to spark and glitch disconcerting. The mansion’s lights flickered and went out. After a few moments, dim red lights activated in their place. The omnipresent hum of power that she had been ignoring since she had arrived was significantly quieter.
“That’ll be all the defenses systems except for the exterior metal plates over the windows and doors going out.” Snake Noir said, staring straight into Nathalie’s eyes. “As well as most of the lights.”
Nathalie stared right back, suspicious and a little afraid. “How did you-”
“What can I say?” Snake Noir glared at her. “Cats get into all sorts of places and I suppose I’ve always been a bit of a snake.”
Dragonbug glanced worriedly between Snake Noir and Nathalie. “So… what are going to do about her? We can’t exactly turn her in to the police yet.”
Snake Noir shrugged. “Tie her up. The computer is thoroughly done for and she isn’t strong enough to break out of a paper bag right now.” He put word to action, tying her up as she failed to put up resistance. “No doubt because of the broken-” He froze and his eyes widened.
“...Chat? The broken what?”
Then it clicked.
“Wait. If she doesn’t have the peacock miraculous… who does?”
“I don’t know,” Snake Noir said, shaking his head slowly. “I can’t think of anyone else he’d trust with something like that, or with any of this.”
“What makes you think you know anything about Gabriel?” Nathalie asked angrily, tugging at the rope.
Snake Noir glared at her before grabbing Dragonbug’s elbow and walking away. “Come on, my lady. Let’s go talk some place where rude people won’t be eavesdropping on us.”
Once they were out in the hall, she asked him, “Where to next?”
He went down the stairs, eyes narrowed in thought. “I bet he has a secret lair somewhere in here. And he spends more time in his study than anywhere else in the house. We should start there.” He glanced back at her, a smirk on his lips but sorrow in his eyes. “Unless you think I should just cataclysm it all down and search through the ashes?” He flexed his claws.
“Chat…” They reached the bottom of the stairs and stood next to a door on the ground level. She put a hand on his cheek. “I know this is tearing you up inside. You don’t have to pretend it isn’t with me, okay?”
He sagged, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. “I…” His hands went to his face as he groaned. “Later, okay? Once this is all done, I promise I’m going to fall to pieces. Can you pick me up after that?”
A flicker of a smile passed over her face. “I think I can manage it, yeah.”
He sighed in relief. “Good. Now, come on and I’ll show you what I know.”
The door was locked, but super strength alone was enough to bust it down, no cataclysm necessary there. A few tentative steps brought them inside the seat of Gabriel Agreste’s fashion empire. Her eyes scanned the walls where designs from all seasons were pinned in an orderly fashion.
There were few personal, non-work related items inside, but one of them was the large portrait of Emilie Agreste behind his desk. Snake Noir had gone to stand in front of it. She had thought it was for sentimental reasons, but her partner’s mind was all business as he moved the painting aside to reveal a safe. He held out his hands as if presenting it to her.
“Tada! This is where I found the book of the Guardians.” Snake Noir stroked his chin. “Come to think of it, its probably still in there.”
“We’ll remember to grab it on our way out. It won’t fit in either of our pockets and I don’t want to carry it into a fight.” She stepped closer and started rifling through the desk. “So… any clue on where the button or lever or switch or whatever will be in here?”
Snake Noir shrugged. “None. Maybe a lucky charm will give us a hint?”
“Good thinking.” She cleared her throat and tossed her yoyo in the air. “Lucky Charm!”
A spotted paint brush fell into her open hand.
“Hm…” Snake Noir hummed in thought. “Are we supposed to dust for fingerprints or something?”
“Good idea.” She smirked. “I can see I’m rubbing off on you. But I’m not sure that’s the right answer.”
He snorted. “Yeah, okay. I can have good ideas all on my own you know. But anyway,” he glanced from the lucky charm to her. “What are you thinking?”
“Well, it’s supposed to be a hint, right?” She looked from the brush to the painting. “Maybe the safe is only a diversion.”
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧  Chapter 192
Justin was going to drag his feet on this regardless of any cooperation he’d promised you. That was just a given. It was why, even though you’d sent Burt over there at five in the morning the next day, you knew you couldn’t stay idle. Justin had warned that Hammer Industries was flooding the illegal market with weapons. That had to be stopped, now. And Stark Industries, nor you, needed ownership of Hammer Industries to do it. 
That was why, a little after five AM, you gathered all your Damage Control agents in the building into one large room and laid out a plan of attack. Hammer Industries had three main industrial warehouses in the city. The largest one was in Queens, with two smaller ones out in Industrial City in Brooklyn. You’d take a team of agents to Queens yourself, and dispatch the rest. This had to be done quickly, efficiently, and most important quietly. The Board was a serious flight risk. That could not happen. 
Though it would have been smarter to take the suit, you opted for some sense of solidarity with your DC agents. This wasn’t an Avengers mission. And you were well suited enough with a gun and a bullet proof vest. Easier to be quiet about all this, too, if you didn’t just drop into the middle of the warehouse and start repulsor blasting everything in sight. 
You had all exit points blocked as your team crept up to the building a little past seven. There was no serious movement in the warehouse- though LUNA had alerted you that there were several heat signatures pinging in what looked like a small conference room. Another deal being struck, perhaps? What a great time to make a bust. With silent hand motions, you pointed your agents up back along the fire escape. And when they just at the point of entry- 
Your team busted down the front door. Rats would be crawling out of every hole in this place. Better to catch them all now and get a headcount. “Damage Control- nobody move!” It wasn’t like you really had to announce your presence. It wouldn’t keep anybody where they were, and more specifically, your presence didn’t need an announcement. 
The second they saw you, the firing started. You were light and keen on your feet, weaving in between gunshots and following the sparse light of muzzle flashes in that dim warehouse as the sun was only just starting to rise. When that wasn’t enough to collar the rest of them, you activated your visor and followed the heat signatures towards the back of the warehouse. Someone got the better of you with a board of wood that split across your back, but you let the forward momentum carry you as you tucked down and then fired back at an angle that surely blew the guy’s kneecap to shreds. 
Pain didn’t bother making itself known, although you did feel just a little bit slower. It was what caused more hand-to-hand than you were comfortable with. Someone’s arms around your neck, a fist in your gut. Something you shook with a jump to disperse the weight, knocking the guy off kilter enough to bend forward and throw him into his buddy. Two for the price of one as you put them both in their place. 
Just in time to hear a gunshot you didn’t have time to dodge. But someone did the dodging for you. Your fiance, in fact, dropping down from the warehouse ceiling where he’d no doubt just cut power. The bullet bounced off Iron Man in a ricochet of sparks. “My gun’s bigger.” His voice echoed out as he held a hand out, sending off one clean blast that knocked the attack off his feet and onto his back. “And probably better. Considering your hardware.”
Your smile was tired. “I thought we agreed to keep this quiet.” 
He half turned to you. “And I thought you agreed not to get shot.” 
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.” You put a hand just over his Arc Reactor. 
His helmet slid back, nervous grin waiting there for you on his lips. “Funny. I must have just imagined it, then.” His cold gloved hand touched over yours and the amusement died. “You okay?” 
Before you could answer, your lead agent’s voice called over your comm. “Warehouse is secure. All hostiles down. We have the group upstairs cuffed.” 
You put a hand to your ear, useless as that was. “Got it. We’re on our way up.” 
“Who’s we, ma’am?” 
Tony’s eyes strayed a little as he spoke, “Couldn’t let you guys have all the fun.” 
“I’m not surprised, Mr. Stark.” 
You rolled your eyes with a shake of your head and an even wider smile. Had the two of you gotten that bad? That inseparable that your DC agents had practically planned on Iron Man showing up unannounced? ...well, maybe that wasn’t such a terrible thing. “Shall we?” 
Upstairs your agents had a group of eight men on their knees at gunpoint, already in cuffs. Smart. Never knew when these idiots would try something. And they were seething- that was, until you and Iron Man came through the door. Then that rage turned to panicked ice very quickly. 
You put your hands on your hips. “Well, gentlemen. Whoever doesn’t want to go to prison for the rest of their life will start talking. Now.” 
Damage Control established a very tightly controlled kill zone. No information in or out of any of these warehouses. No texts, no emails, no cell phone calls. No media presence. No whiff of anything amiss. To the Board members of Hammer Industries, today was just another regular Tuesday. The first of December. They were in their conference room in that tall building laughing and talking about nothing relevant. Just another day in millionaire paradise. 
Burt had delivered the papers. You were a go for hostile takeover. 
It was why you and Tony in stellar clean-cut suits burst into their little boardroom, startling everyone into a stand. A little jumpy for businessmen. Then again, when you dealt with black market arms and under the table sales, there was probably cause to be just a little on guard. 
But when they saw who it was they eased, only a little. Agape mouths turned to shark-tooth grins. In Tony’s direction. “Ah, Mr. Stark, we weren’t expecting you. This is quite a surprise.” 
He put a hand up. “I’m not the one you should be worried about.” 
You tossed the rather lengthy book of legal documents, fresh off the press, onto the table where it slid to the center. “Congratulations, gentlemen. You’ve just been bought by Stark Industries. And we’re about to destroy everything you’ve ever cared about.” 
Tony put his hands in his pockets. “Probably just profits. Let’s keep it simple.” 
Sweating began, and fear started up anew. One of them dared to try getting angry though. “You- you can’t do this!” 
You rose to the occasion. “Watch me.” Eying everyone in the room, “I know you thought with Justin gone you were all safe to do whatever you pleased, but I’m here to assure you that’s not the case. I’d also like to let you know that you all have about one sweet minute of freedom remaining. I’d suggest you use it wisely.” 
The oldest man in the room sneered. “You’ve got nothing.” 
Your smile was cruel and instantaneous. “How much would you like to wager on that? You’re talking to the pros of putting away arms dealers and destroying rogue weaponry.” Realization swept the room. “What? You thought you’d just get away with it?” 
One of the men turned to the window. “...so. How much did you pay Hammer for this information?” 
“He came to me, actually.” The fact that an offshore account of Stark Industries had just dumped 500k into Justin Hammer’s Seagate commissary had little to do with any of this. That was your parting gift to him. He would have signed regardless. Tony went strangely impassive. “Seems like you poked your little golden goose one too many times.” 
Raising your hand, you gave one single snap and ended their worlds. DC agents flooded the room, taking every single man there into custody. None fought physically, though they were all yelling and cursing up a storm. As they were being escorted towards the door, you and Tony stepped aside. Though you did offer, “Anyone willing to donate their bank account to the new Stark Industries initiative to help victims of gang violence will get a couple life sentences shaved off their inevitable sentencing, courtesy of the DA.” 
The room emptied out. You and Tony stood still for a minute longer. Just waiting. Taking a breath. Waiting for the edge of anxiety over ending this to calm. He slipped on a pair of his sunglasses and offered you his hand. You followed suit, putting in a dark pair of matching tinted lenses. He gave your hand a squeeze. “Ready, honey?” 
You took a deep breath. “Let’s do it.” 
Someone had called the media to alert them that something big was happening at Hammer Industries. That someone being you, of course. While they were annoying most every other time, using their frenzy did have its merits in certain situations. Such as the one you were walking out into. Pictures being taken thousands of times over, of every single board member being taken away in handcuffs. 
And then all flash-bulbs and microphones were pointed your way as you and Tony stepped out of the office building. Questions were being shouted at you in quick succession. You tried to focus on only the most important ones to your case. 
“Can you tell us what this is all about?” 
“Stark Industries has just bought- and plans to demolish all Hammer Industries warehouses involving weaponry.” 
“Can you tell us why?” 
“They’ve been selling dangerous weaponry under the table. Flooding the streets of New York with them. Profit in exchange for blood. We won’t tolerate that.” 
“Is Justin Hammer behind this?” 
Now this- ...this you had many ways to answer. You could have ignored it, too. Kept your head down. Kept him out of the spotlight. But… “Justin Hammer played a pivotal role in apprehending the men behind this.” 
“I’m sorry- weren’t you the one that put him in jail?” 
“He put himself in jail. Seems like he’s repenting. He came to me with the information. And New York City will be a safer place for it.” 
Justin Hammer was many things. Your enemy? Certainly. A rat? Very much so. But one thing you knew to be true right now… he could handle a little positive spotlight. Maybe it’d do wonders for his rehabilitation. 
The lights of the camera, the electric buzz of the press, the rounding up of criminals that had been in power for far too long, making such a big purchase, the promise to demolish every inch of Hammer Industries off the face of the earth, oh- being shot at, attacked… it had wound your adrenaline into a high fever pitch. Something you didn’t realize until you’d gotten back to your office. 
-scratch that. Something you didn’t realize until you realized Tony had followed you into your office. 
There was no reason for this. He could have gone back to the labs. He could have gone upstairs. He could have done any number of things that didn’t involve following hot on your heels, closing your office door- locking it- and then standing steady behind you. 
His touch to your shoulder turned you halfway around and there you saw it in the darkness of his eyes, the expanse of his pupils swallowing that otherwise gentle brown whole- 
He drew a small breath in, lips parting to say something, but there wasn’t really much to say. In the next moment the dam broke and it was tough to tell which one of you had actually made the first move. One of your arms moved around his neck, your other hand at the side of his face, and his hands in turn had grabbed at your hips. Lifting and then sliding further down, cupping your ass and then lowering to squeeze the back of your thighs. Pulling you up against him. Just enough to get your weight off the floor so he could put it wherever he pleased. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind you were expecting him to sit you on your desk. That would have been fine. But as his tongue brushed yours and you moaned into his mouth, the next sound out of you was a short startle of surprise. Your back met with a shock of cold glass. He swallowed your gasp and pressed you further- a little harder- against the windows of your office.
Almost instinctively your legs wrapped around his waist in a squeeze and rock forward. He met you there, and what should have been something equally inspiring just drew a frustrated chuckle from your throat. When you had actual control of your voice, “We have too many clothes on for this.” 
His lips curved into a smirk somewhere at the corner of your mouth. “Easy fix.” 
Tilting your head up, you teased the shell of his ear with the tip of your tongue and then nibbled there lightly. He threatened to melt with a shudder, pressing all the more to you, turning his head the other way. Your words were a warm whisper, “You’ll have to let me go.” 
It seemed without much thought he rejected that idea, a small shake of his head. But then he moved back the other way, kiss much softer this time around. Almost pleading somehow. And still as his lips covered yours, “Promise you won’t go far?” Teasing. 
So you gave it back, running the lines of your fingers up along his temple and back through his hair. “Never.” One deeper kiss to quell his insatiable tendencies, and then, “I need you.” His hips practically pinned you then, something that shocked a shiver of delight straight through you. But that made it so much harder for him to actually let you down. 
You even found yourself unsteady on your feet as he set you there- weaker in the knees still as you caught the sight of him slipping one finger into the knot of his tie and then pulling it in one clean swoop. Such an old trick and yet the sight of it now seemed like it was threatening to undo you. Maybe it was just the way he hadn’t taken his eyes off you. You shrugged out of your own suit jacket and then reached up to his own to push it off him. 
His hands were at the sides of your face, unable to stop himself, as he leaned in and kissed you again. Nearly senseless, but you still had enough about you to slide your hands down his chest with quick expertise, pulling every button open without harm. Tony, by contrast, lowered his own hands down to yours and gave a sharp pull, tearing it apart, that had an excited gasp escaping you before you could stop the reaction. The both of you were wound up, there was no reason to pretend otherwise. 
It was why you let him help you out of your undershirt, his hands warm and quick along your skin as he touched up across your back, finding the clasp of your bra. One- maybe two seconds before he unhooked it and rid you of it completely. You only just stepped out of your heels by the time he pressed you against the glass again and this time you really did appreciate just how cold it felt. The sizzle that was offset by his warm hands roaming up your sides, one veering off course completely to tilt your chin up so that he could kiss you again. 
You were getting so completely lost in him. He was taking charge. Control. And you were very happy to let him. Finding it difficult to do much else. You’d said you’d needed him but he was practicing the art of demonstration. You were only just barely able to get his undershirt off before his hands had lowered to your belt, a little tight at your hips before releasing you. His fingers slowed only a little then, perhaps appreciative in their slide at your hips, hooking your underwear, leaning closer in as he so helpfully guided your last articles of clothing off you. 
The kisses slowed. Your arms went around him again. Pressing yourself to him. Begging for him. Utterly lost in him. The sounds of his own belt were quick and clipped. Maybe it was selfish to make him do all the work but he wasn’t complaining. Especially not when his squeezing hands found purchase again at the back of your thighs, lifting you up, holding you there as your legs wrapped around him again. There against the world. So high up where no one could see you- 
But the city was gray and picturesque behind you as a light snowfall had just started. The brightness of it illuminating him so completely. Casting shadows everywhere else. The two of you dipped into a reality that belonged solely to you both. No one else existed, as always was the case when you were so wrapped up in each other. His forehead pressed to yours, your own eyes half-lidded and your mouth parted as you drew in gulps of air. 
Focused so intensely on the sight of him. That was, at least, until you felt him push you just a little bit more so that he could get a hand around his own cock, seeking that sweet purchase inside of you. The second you felt him there against you you could barely help yourself. The two of you moved at the same moment, both your hips moving forward to meet one another and it sent shockwaves through you, your head falling back just that small amount to the window, eyes rolling closed as his cock sunk deep into you. 
The moan that escaped you was something desperate and guttural, eyes shut tight. But that somehow wasn’t enough. “God-” Said on the next gasp for air as you felt him ease just enough back. Then when he thrusted in again it punched another sound through you. Words came quick after that. “-god, fuck me, Tony- hard- don’t stop-” Unable to help yourself. You wanted this. You needed this. Needed to feel him in every available space. Needed him to fill you so completely. 
He was keen to comply, pulling out and then slamming in so hard you found yourself thudding against the double-plate glass over and over and over until your brain may as well have been leaking out of your ears in a puddle of mush. Your limbs shivered, legs and arms wrapped so tight around him, trying just to hang on as you felt yourself getting weak yet winding so tight at the same time. 
But it was nothing compared to when his lips stole another moan from you, echoed with a deeper, darker noise at the back of his own throat- and then somewhere you felt him steady himself even as he kept fucking you. His forehead pressed to yours again and he murmured one command. “Look at me.” 
So you did. 
And what you found waiting for you there was the beautiful mess that was Tony Stark when he was so completely lost in you. Those deep, dark gorgeous eyes, the red flush across his face, hair a mess- no telling how many times you’d dragged your fingers through it at this point. But more than just the way he looked- it was the way he felt. 
The way his heart seemed to just light up when your eyes locked with his. That was when he was painted so suddenly in that glow. His smile then threatened to undo you completely. But it was what he said, as his lips just barely touched against yours, that finally did, “I love you.” So hot and intimate and said as if nothing truer stood in all the universe. 
You tried to hold on to the sight of him but you just couldn’t. Your eyes closed again, holding on to him for dear life as he rocked his hips one last time- heavy and hard, striking deep inside you again. Orgasm was a deep wash, a wave out to sea as it hammered through you. You barely heard yourself- “Fuck- Tony-!” Calling for him just once before the next sounds out of your mouth were just pitched, shaking moans.  
It wasn’t enough, though, and soon you drowned. Scenery shifted. No longer held against your office windows but pinned to your desk. He couldn’t seem to stop himself- and that was because you didn’t want him to. Echoes of your voice flitted in and out of your awareness. It wasn’t him- no it was you- as you begged, “Don’t stop- god, please, Tony- don’t stop-” 
You felt bruises forming beneath the surface of your skin, somewhere deep in your muscles. Your hips. Your thighs. Your sides. He was holding you so tightly and it was lighting every last nerve in your body. Wrecking you so completely as your whole lucidness only returned as you came again- dizzying as you cried out for him- 
And then it wasn’t your desk- it was the couch. It was slower- and you were in control. Sitting atop him, seated fully on his cock as his head tipped back, trying to find you again. And when your eyes blinked open and he saw you, and you realized what he was seeing- almost strange as if you were looking through his eyes- 
Your hands were gentle at the sides of his face, dimming both images of yourselves as both your eyes closed. You kissed him deeply, and took him deeper than that with every lift and then rock down of your hips. You held him to you, your left hand moving to the back of his head, pressing yourself to him as best you could. In your mind’s eye you could picture it. The sight of the two of you on the couch so firmly locked in one another. 
Maybe it wasn’t just a picture. You were a little just outside yourself it felt like. Watching. Watching as he groaned into your mouth, as his fingers flexed tighter at your hips before his right hand skated up your back, causing you to arch closer on the next firm shift down. Taking his cock in so completely it seemed to steal your breath away. 
God. What a sight the two of you were. 
Wherever you were then, somewhere just askew in your office, like a fly on the wall, it wasn’t where you found yourself next when you heard his breath catch in the back of his throat. Felt him holding on. But you couldn’t have that. Wouldn’t, in fact. His next groan was shaky, like he was working up the courage to ask you to- ask you to- 
Your hand guided his head a little back, fingers careful in his hair, his eyes flickered just a quarter open and you denied him his chance to hold on any longer. “Come for me, Tony…” Kissing him once and then one more time telling him, “Come for me…” 
There was nowhere for him to retreat from that. It broke something inside him. His hands grabbed at you as his hips worked up hard. Once in a shiver and then again- and again as you felt him coming inside you. That was all you needed. That deep splash of heat, the way he throbbed inside you. You couldn’t help yourself. Hitched gasps two at least as you couldn’t catch your breath, writhing atop him as your body fell to pieces. 
The world went dark for one slow breath in when you could find it. And then came back in drips in the next slow breath out. 
You were still atop him. Arms loose around him. His hands were careful and sweet, backs of his fingers brushing along your thighs. Your mouth was on his. Kissing him. Loosely- and then deeply- long sweeps of tongues and shivery moans passed back and forth- then softly again, just little touches of lips. Drowning. Unable to stop yourselves. Not wanting to. 
“I love you…” Someone said it first. You weren’t sure who. “I love you…” An answer. Could have been either of you. 
His smile brought you back a little more completely from the brink. You felt it first, and then caught sight of it as your forehead pressed to his one last time. There must have been enough time between then and now. He seemed coherent. A little more than you, though. It was why you were surprised to hear what he was thinking about. “Are you still on birth control?” 
It stunned and startled you at the same time. And soon you couldn’t keep the helpless and confused giggles from escaping. “Yes- are you worried?” Kisses started anew. Fresh and full of laughter. But he eased you down off that high.
He had something on his mind. 
Reaching up, he pushed some of your now damp hair away from your face and then cupped your cheek in his palm. He waited. Waited for you to look at him again and come back. And when you did, that warmth from him as he looked at you- so completely in love- it shook you to your core. “What’s your opinion on stopping?” 
It was strange. Maybe even a little surreal… that he was thinking about that now. That he was- ...you held on to him a little bit tighter. Kissed him again. Soft. Slow. Letting him know you weren’t attempting to silence him or move the question around. But just because you needed to before you answered. And when you found enough strength to do so… 
“Let’s figure out the wedding first. ...but I’ll think about it.” 
Promising. Promising because you would. 
Something sparked deep inside him. Exhilaration. Terrified. But most important… just a sense of wholeness. All wrapped up in that undying love for you. 
The two of you were just barely hanging on to each other again. And the only words you were able to make out were the only ones that were important- 
I love you. I love you… I love you… 
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Bright as a Diamond. Hitoshi Shinsou x Fem Reader: Chapter Six
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Warnings: Violence, Stalker, Drugged, Reader Injury, Blood
Series Summary:  When (Y/N)’s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren’t all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it’s time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than ‘roommate’ Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she’s ready to learn.
Chapter Summary: (Y/n) goes into town to meet up with her co-worker, but things do not go to plan.
Chapter Five: here or https://ambershaydeoffical.tumblr.com/post/612522066443436032/bright-as-a-diamond-hitoshi-shinsou-x-fem-reader
Chapter Seven: Seven. (I finally figured out the hyperlink)
Chapter Six
This Day was Going to be Perfect
   My morning bike ride had been refreshing. I had a chance to watch the sunrise, then make it to a café for breakfast. With my cat backpack from grade school, as the only purse I could find, I had my money tucked away safely. I looked ridiculous, but I wasn't trying to impress anyone. This was just two buds hanging out and mending the past. There was nothing for me to worry about, least of all my appearance.
   With my bike firmly chained to the gate, I ducked inside the quite cafe. The lobby wasn't super busy, and I found a booth to rest in while I prepared myself for the week. With my pastry and hot chocolate, I began reading over the requirements for my next project. School had been on the back burner for far too long, and it was time I try to get ahead.
        Taking a long swig of my hot cocoa, I choked it down. What shocked me wasn't the temperature, but Kira plopping down on the other side of my booth. I was supposed to see his apartment later in the day, but this wasn't planned. Damn it.
   "Good morning," he sang, holding two cups of coffee. "I say you drank yours, so I got us both one. You seem like a sweet girl, so I made sure there was extra sugar for you." He pushed one cup towards me, then pushed his long black hair back. His sullen eyes glancing at my bruised knuckles.  
   "Umm, good morning." I nursed my half-full hot chocolate and put my phone away. "My drink is still good, thanks though."
   "Oh nonsense, I paid for the premium blend." He pushed the cup to my side of the table. Leaning his elbows on the table, he propped his head on his hands and cocked it to the side. Waiting for me to drink.
   "Not a coffee girl," I admitted pushing it back, looking at my textbook. Maybe I could multi-task. "What are you doing here?"
   "Oh, this is my go-to shop." He pushed the cup across to my side. "What has you here so early, princess?" A shudder went down my spine.
   "Just studying." I pulled out my phone, trying to act unfazed. He was just trying to be nice. Stay calm, you have to work together, and he has always been odd.  
   "It's a good thing I ran into you; we can spend the morning together too." He sipped his own coffee, spitting some back out. His thin brows knitted together before he giggled. "Hot"
   "I really have to focus on this assignment, so t-" Pointing to my next book, he smacked his hands against the table.
   "Wait, there's this super cool comic book store down the street you'd love." He grabs my hands and pulls me up.  I grab my cup and he takes his, pulling us out of the café.
   He tugged me down the street like an excited child. He had lived in the city center and knew it better than me on any good day. The shop he had taken me two was filled with hero merch. Ground Zero, Deku, Allmight, Urvaity, Froppy, Chargebolt littered the walls and aisles.
   "You like that Eraser guy right, they have some vintage posters in the back." Never letting go of my hand, he caught the eye of several people. Some gushing at the cute couple, it made me want to peel back my skin and scurry home. "Here, I'll get whatever you want."  
   Tuning him out for a moment, I saw a small pin set on sale. It was the debut merch for Shinso. His little mask covering most of his face. I picked it up and turned it over to read the back. It was snatched from my hand before I could see the details.
   "He's a little too young for you to be fawning over." Kira sat it back on the shelf, taking my coffee cup, and placing a Midnight plushie in my hand. "You and Midnight have a lot in common. Beautiful, full-figured, and fierce."
   "I think you confuse curvy and full-figured. She's just blessed with a rocking body." I sat the plushie back down, now insecure of my outfit. It was just a long sleeve dorky otter tee shirt, a loose denim mini skirt with a peplum bottom, and some black legging. But I wished I had a sweater on and some jogging pants. I didn't dress like it was a date, but the way Kira's eyes wandered over my form, I felt exposed. This wasn't a date, why was he acting like this?
   "Oi, you're that girl," a shopkeeper came over and looked me up and down. "The one who can make crystals." With those words, the situation got that much worse.
   "You're got the wor-"
   "She is. Why ya want to know." Kira slung an arm around my shoulder, and I froze. He squeezed me to his side and shaking me a bit.
   "He's got it all wrong, I- I get confused for her a lot, but that's not me."I tried to smooth it over to no avail.
   "She makes the best gems in the world. The only known diamond crafter to be born." Kira grinned like a cat, sliding his hand down my back, dangerously close to my ass.    
   "I'm not her."
   "Can you make a replicate of kryptonite for me?" The boy asked, grabbing a comic like I didn't know Superman. "Like its green and glows. See, it's an organic shape or can you only do fancy shapes."
   "She can, but she doesn't make freebies." Kira kept talking for me, blood rushing through my ears. "Depending on the size, quality, and time frame, we'll need compensation." We? I stomped Kira's foot, and he lost his grip. Darting out of the store and back up the street, I paused, forgetting where I left my bike. I downed the rest of my drink but coughed, realizing it was Kira's coffee. Being a good citizen, I tossed it in the trash and went back on my way. What a fucking bastard.
   "(Y/n), please wait. Come on, I didn't mean to make you mad." He blocked my path and held up his hands. "Your quirk makes you special. You should get some perks for it. I was about to score us some free merch."
   "I don't want free stuff, I want to be safe. People knowing that I can do that sort of stuff makes my life harder." I snapped, crossing my arms, staying vague as possible for people on the street.
   "I like you," He blurts, reaching out to touch my cheek. "If we were together, I could protect you. I have a powerful quirk." His fingers turned to razor blades, and he pointed them at me. "Look at how special I am. No one would ever touch you with me around." He fisted the air, trying to show off.
   "Listen, I don't want a relationship right now." I pulled out my phone and sent my location to Shota, with a danger symbol. After I hit send, my phone was knocked to the ground.
   "Look at me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the alley. The urge to run coursed through me, but I couldn't do it. He was my work friend. He was frazzled and may be unstable, I had to play my cards right. "Good girl," he held my head up, the blade just under my chin.
   "I don't like you like that. Listen, let's pretend this didn't happen, and we go back to work like normal." I slurred my words, holding to the wall for support. "You need to let me go." An exhaustive fog spread over my body.
   "Make me one of your diamonds." He ran his blade down my throat, resting at the edge of my shirt. "Make it one of a kind, like our love."
   "I won't." My knees gave out, and he shoved his knee between my legs, but he wasn't strong enough to catch me. My knees busted against the concrete. "What- what's happening to me…"
   "You're sick, you need to rest darling." Kira returned his fingers to normal. Resting them against my chin, pushing my hair back. "Make me a diamond, and we can go home."
   "Fuck off," shoving his hands away, I clamored to my feet and staggered towards the street.
   "Wrong answer," his blades were on my throat again, he had his face buried in my hair. "Come on, walk with me."    
   "Stop-p it," I couldn't keep myself together, bending with his will, I followed him deeper into the alley. Small nicks against my skin. "Le-tt go."'    
   "You're almost home now." He purred. "We'll have a room of diamonds, you can display your best for me. You can cook and clean for me as thanks."
   "No," Stomping his foot again, I lurched forward when his hand went back. He cut my forehead while grasping for me. "Help." This time Kira pulled me up by my hair, a scream erupting from my throat.
        "Shh, darling," he cooed in my ear.
   "Who do you think you are?" A new voice entered the alley. Kira froze in his place and let me down, so my hair was slack again.
   "Shinso," my vision was blurry, but I could see his purple mop.  I reached out for his form, and a finger went across my arm. A searing pain throbbed over my body, but I refused to scream. I nursed my wound, trying to stop the bleeding. My eyes pleading for Shinso to save me.
   "Answer me, asshole," Shinso remained calm, walking closer. He wouldn't look at me, but I knew he was a pro that these situations. Even if this went down poorly, we'd be okay. Shinso was a pro, and I was banking on that training.
   "You're mine," the blades were resting on my throat. Kira was whispering in my ear. He jerked me up by hair again. Hot tears streaked my face as I tried to stay awake. The haze was starting to block out the sun.
   "What do you think you're doing with (Y/n)?" Shinso's voice was louder this time. He wouldn't let me die. He was a hero.
   "Let me go, Kira," I whispered, unable to keep my head up, dangerously close to falling on his sharp hand. "Shinso, please…"
   "Speak up, coward!" Shinso growled, tossing a rock at Kira.
   "She's m-"
   "Deactivate your quirk," Shinso ordered, and Kira retracted his blades. "Let her go. Then walk to the police station and turn yourself in."
   Crashing to the asphalt, I tried to stay upright but failed. Landing in my own blood. "Shinso?" I whimpered, closing my eyes. Kira hoovered over me a few moments.
   "Walk to the police station." Shinso spat, and this time he went.
   "Hitoshi?" I pulled my sticky arm from my chest and held my head up. Everything was spinning so fast.  
   "I'm right here." His boots crunched the earth; it sounded so much louder than the blood rushing in my ears. His shirt ripping echoed through the alley, and the fabric was tired around my arm. My body being pulled upright.
   "I don't feel right. I can't focus." His chest was so warm as he pulled me in his arms. He was more robust than I expected, so strong.
   "Did he offer you a drink? Could he have slipped you something?" Lips right by my ear, whispering. His fingers tied things over my injuries and worked to apply first aid.
   "Coffee," I was scooped up and carted back to the street. Was he always so strong? "I thought he was just kind of weird. I didn't t-" I shut down, ashamed it happened.
   "It's going to be okay. You did nothing wrong. " I could see his car hazard light still going, parked right in front of the café. He fumbled for his car keys and sat me in the passenger side. Buckling me in, then glancing around the street.
   "Don't leave me, Hitoshi." I clenched his shirt when he tried to go back to the driver's side.
   "I won't. I promise."
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thefightingbull · 4 years
It’s Started Out With A Kiss
@elloryia ColdWave adopts Jason continuation
“The Flash kissed me,” Leonard Snart said casually. When Mick Rory’s face turned red he added quickly, “On the cheek.”
Lisa Snart and Jason Rory wisely stayed silent as they continued eating their meal. Jason in particular shoved a large floret of broccoli in his mouth just in case he was asked a question.
“He was having a hard time; it was back when he killed the meta thing.” Leonard shrugged before taking a bite of his dinner.
Mick set down his silverware and started to rise.
“Hey!” Jason called before Mick could storm off. “You haven’t finished your broccoli.”
“I’m an adult. I don’t have to. I’ve already grown!” Mick shouted as he left the kitchen and headed straight for their bedroom.
“That’s bullshit!” Leonard and his son snapped at the exact same time.
His pup ducked his head when Leonard turned and scowled. 
“Sorry, Daddy,” Jason said with a sheepish smile. Another second of glaring had the boy rolling his eyes and then reciting with a huff: “Only grownups can talk like that.”
Lisa grinned at Leonard from the table. “I got it, Lenny. Go see if you can console your ornery mate.”
Len took his sister’s suggestion and found his mate more than ready for him. The moment the door was shut again, Mick shouted, “That fucking alpha speedster is dead, Len! Dead! I don’t care how pretty you think he is! I don’t care if he’s Jason’s favorite! He’s dead! I ain’t afraid of him!”
Len hid a smile behind his hand as he watched Mick pace and posture. Especially as his lover kept puffing out his chest.
When it wasn’t in public, Leonard could admit he found it somewhat adorable: seeing an alpha spin himself out of control and work himself up with thoughts of anger and revenge. Well, to be honest, he didn’t like seeing any alpha do that except Mick. It was what drew Leonard to his mate in the first place. The man’s anger and rage on his behalf anytime Len showed up with a black eye or a busted lip…
It touched his ice-cold heart in a way few things ever did.
The alpha turned and stared as Leonard approached and offered a hand, the inside of his right wrist. 
“Look at me, Mick.”
Mick turned his face into the offered wrist, still angry, but settling down as he nuzzled him. “I can’t… I can’t share you with another alpha, I don’t care if he is funny or we like flirting with him. You know me. I’m too much, even for the softest alphas.”
Leonard grinned as he stepped forward and into his alpha’s personal bubble. He enjoyed the scent Mick gave off when angry. It was like fire wood and always warmed him. “I would never betray you, Mick. You know that.”
“That kid is younger, more powerful, he’s…” Mick growled.
“He’s not the one that sat with me in the hospital,” Leonard whispered.
He hated talking about that night. Hated thinking about it. But he would, for his mate, Len would endure awful memories.
“Barry wasn’t there to hold my hand,” he continued, and tried to hide the emotion sneaking into his voice. “Barry didn’t hear what the doctors said to me, Mick. You did.”
Mick’s rumbling voice cracked, causing Len’s own heart to flutter with worry at the sound. “No, Lenny, you don’t have to go back there. Not for me, Babe.”
Leonard closed his eyes. More than anything, he wanted to turn back the clock. He wanted to do something, anything, to prevent his sire from laying that beating down. From nearly killing him. From taking away any chance Len would ever have to provide his alpha with pups.
He held tight to Mick, letting the alpha provide him with strength, security, and safety. If Mick had been older, if he’d been given the opportunity, Leonard knew that Lewis Snart would have died then. As it was, Lewis still didn’t have the courage to show his face anywhere near himself or his sister.
“We have a pup, Omega. You found him. You.” Mick didn’t let him go as he continued to speak. “If it had been me, I probably woulda left him behind.”
Leonard looked up into his eyes. “Maybe, but Jason would have followed after you like a lost puppy.”
Mick chuckled and the sound filled him with an emotion much stronger than admiration. “We should get back on topic while you’ve still got me in a good mood.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at his alpha’s words. “Right.” Leonard took a deep breath. “Barry Allen isn’t a threat to you, alpha.”
“Our little Flash has been keeping a big secret.” Leonard nuzzled into Mick’s neck, nipping and kissing as he wrapped his arms around Mick’s waist.
“Kid can’t keep secrets; he sucks at them,” Mick chuckled.
Leonard grinned as he looked Mick in his hazel green eyes. “I know, which is why I figured out that our Scarlet isn’t an alpha.”  
“No way! I’ve smelled the speedster. You’ve smelled him!”
It was impossible not to keep his smile as Leonard continued to stare into his mate’s eyes. “When he kissed me, I noticed an artificial scent. You know the one,”
Mick’s eyes widened in shock. “The one you used to wear to hide your status from Lewis!”
He nodded. “I recognized that scent and knew it at once. Did a little casing and found out the kid’s an omega.”
Leonard bit his lip to keep from making some silly omega noise at the sight of his alpha’s pupils blowing wide. He didn’t resist devouring Mick’s mouth as they kissed long and hard. Nothing turned Mick on more than seeing Leonard working over another omega, but after a few tries, they’d always struggled to find the right one.
Either Mick wasn’t attracted to the other omega, or Leonard got jealous. There was still a lot to do. To test, to plan and to enact, but Leonard was a professional thief. Planning was usually just as fun as the doing in his line of work, and getting to know and courting Barry Allen could be just as fun as making a score.
What they really needed to know before they pursued the speedster was whether or not Barry was any good with Jason…
 Barry’s heart raced as he searched his entire lab. Why the hell had Len and Mick dropped little Jason Rory off with him? Well, he knew what they said the reason was, but he didn’t trust the shifty look in Leonard’s eyes. It felt like he was being tested, like he was being watched. And normally, Barry didn’t mind.
Except that right then? He was failing!
Failing with McKenzie Rory and Leonard Snart’s pup!
He ran down the steps. “Anyone seen a kid? He’s ten years old, this tall” — he held out his hand to a little above his hip — “black curly hair, bright bluish or greenish eyes? Anyone?”
A couple of uniforms smirked, but no one had an answer. Oh, man. He was so dead. If people found out that Jason was Mick and Len’s pup, he’d be fired. Even if they didn’t have proof or enough evidence to arrest the thieves, they could still cut Barry loose.
Barry couldn’t believe his morning!
But then, Mick had honestly scared the hell out of him. The big pyromaniac had just shown up, handed the little boy over and said, “Here, Scarlet, since you seem so hell-bent on joining my pack, you get to watch the pup for the day.”
And then he left!
Barry rounded a corner, hunting desperately for Jason, and ran straight into Joe. Oh no. This was not good. He didn’t want to run into Joe. It was Saturday! Shouldn’t he be at home? Was he working this weekend? Crap! Why hadn’t he just told Mick no!
Oh wait, he remembered. Because Mick had said “joining my pack” and it had actually sounded kind of… Whoa! Now was not the time! 
“He-hey, Joe, what’s, what up?” He asked, swallowing down all the stress and fear of the day.
Joe stared as if Barry had grown a second head. Did he know? Of course Joe knew, right? He was a detective. Thankfully, Joe appeared to shake it off. 
“Hey, Barry, do you know why there’s a kid in the holding cells?”
Barry’s eyes widened in terror. “He’s where?”
Nearly slamming into several officers, Barry and Joe ran down to the cells. What would Barry do if Jason was hurt? It wasn’t like Captain Cold and Heatwave didn’t have competitors out there? What would they do for a chance at hurting the kid? Barry’s stomach rolled at the thought, but he had to keep it together. 
As soon as he made it down the steps, Barry stared in horror.  Somehow, Jason had managed to get himself inside the cell with four other criminals, a gang of thieves who failed to rob a bank earlier that morning. But that wasn’t the strange part.
Jason was laughing on one side while the thieves were all on the opposite side.
“Wanna see something funny, Uncle Barry?”
“Uncle?” Joe glared. “Who is this pup?”
Jason waited until Barry’s eyes were on him before he ran to where the thieves were all seated. Immediately, the four grown men jumped or scooted to the other side of the cell, with Jason giggling at his incredible power over them.
“Hey, whoa, now.” Joe stepped up after calling for a uniform to bring the keys over. “Why are you guys ducking this kid like that?”
“Are you crazy? That’s Captain Cold and Heatwave’s pup,” the supposed leader scoffed. “We don’t want our scents on that kid when they get him back!”
Jason laughed even more hysterically, but all Barry could focus on was Joe’s wide, dark brown eyes and the “you are so dead” glare on his adoptive father’s face.
“Did they just say this kid belongs to Snart and Rory?”
Barry grimaced at Joe as Jason came out of the cell at the behest of the uniform. As soon as he was out, the little boy stood by Barry’s side and tugged on his hand.
“When my Daddy looks at me like that I usually just go to my room and get it over with,” Jason informed him.
Yeah, Barry was in so much trouble.
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the-awkward-outlaw · 5 years
Second Chances - Ch. 32
Stand Unshaken
Warnings: swearing, blood, a lot of heartache
Word count: ~4500
Read on AO3
You stand near the river, watching the sun rising, your heart feels as though it’s gone. Not even broken, just gone. John calls your attention. 
“Y/N, let’s go! We gotta keep moving.” 
You blink, tears cascading down your cheeks. “John, I…” 
Without warning, your knees give out. When you land, your injured knee screams in agony. John runs to you. 
“Y/N, please. We gotta do this.” 
You look up at him, silhouetted in sunlight. His dark eyes glisten with unspilled tears. 
“Please, Y/N.” 
It takes all your strength and will to get up, but you do. John pats your right shoulder, glancing at your left which is still bleeding freely from where one of the Pinkertons shot you. You nod to him, signalling you’re ready. 
He runs ahead again, skirting alongside the Kamassa River. You follow to your best abilities, but it doesn’t take long before you have to stop again. John stops and glares at you as you’re hunched down, trying to catch your breath. 
“Come on, Y/N. We’ll steal some horses soon, get there faster.” 
You straighten up and look at him, feeling like you’re about to fall to pieces again. You look to your right and there, in a clearing bathed in golden sunlight, stands a stag. His head is bowed as he grazes, but when your eyes land on him, he lifts his head, showing huge proud antlers. Your mind automatically goes to Arthur and how you just left him on the mountain to die. 
The stag gazes at you for what feels like an eternity. Finally, it blinks and turns, walking slowly and calmly into the trees back in the direction you came from. From somewhere in the corners of your subconscious, a voice echoes. It’s the voice of the blind man you met a couple of weeks back. 
“When the golden stag lifts his head, that is when you must go backwards rather than forward,” the voice says. Understanding rushes through you. It finally makes sense what he was saying. You have to go back. You’re meant to go to Arthur.
“Y/N!” John hollers. 
You look at him, your face set in determination. “Go, John. Find your family. I have to go back.” 
“You gonna let yourself get killed? Y/N, come on! Arthur didn’t want that for you.” 
You sigh, trying to keep yourself together. You straighten up as much as you can, Arthur’s hat shading you from the bright light. 
“I know what I’m doing, John. Now go. Go and watch Jack grow up, try and make Abigail happy. She loves you more than you know.”
John looks at you pleadingly. “Y/N-”
“Just go! They need you more than I do, and to be honest, you have more to live for than I ever did. Just please, for me, go and live a good life, okay?”
“You wanna go back and get killed, fine. But all it will mean is that Arthur died for nothing.” 
“No, John. He… he died for you. And so am I.” 
Before he has the opportunity to say another word, you run off as quick as your exhausted body will allow, back towards the forest. John calls your name, but you ignore him and eventually he stops calling. As you reach the trees, you look back and find he’s gone. You sigh, resolved to what you’re heading into. 
The trees provide ample shade and cover as you run, retracing your steps. You never should have left that goddamn mountain, no matter what Arthur said. If you don’t end up dying today, you’ll never forgive yourself for leaving him there. You just pray that by some power or force, he hasn’t died yet. Could it be possible he’s still breathing?
As you think about the circumstances in which you parted, tears begin pouring down your cheeks again. You don’t let it stop you though. You have to keep going. You push your injured and tired body on, tripping occasionally. Every time you do, it gets harder and harder to get back to your feet, but the thought of finding Arthur alive pushes you on. 
A shot suddenly rings out, a thin oak you’d just passed exploding. It brings you to a stop. From out of the bushes comes Micah, pointing his pistols at you, his face heavily bruised and bleeding.
“Ah, hello Mrs. Morgan. Or should I say, Morgan’s widow? I was hoping I’d see you again.”
“Micah, you son of a bitch.” 
He chuckles. “Always did have a mouth on you, miss. I gotta say, I admire that in a woman.” He holsters one of the pistols, sneering at you. 
“You sold us out,” you snarl, your hand brushing against the butt of your revolver. “You killed Mac, Davey, Jenny, Lenny and Hosea.” 
He laughs again. “You left one more name out, miss.” 
You pause, unsure of who he means. You look behind him, expecting to see Dutch. Instead, Cleet and Joe are there, pointing their rifles at you.
“Dutch-” you begin. 
“Oh, Dutch is fine, far as I know. Last time I saw him was right before I shot Arthur in the head.” 
Your heart drops and you suddenly feel cold. He laughs again. 
“That’s right, miss. To be honest, I didn’t think it’d be that hard to kill him. I’ve been trying for some time. I knew quite a bit about Dutch and his boys before I even met him. I must admit, I was jealous. The man has talent at being a notorious outlaw. Has a certain level of charisma few can achieve. Colm told me all  about him.” 
“Colm? Colm’s been dead a while.” 
He laughs again, slowly pacing in a large circle around you. “Now come on, Y/N. Thought you was smart. I was one of Colm’s boys long before I met Dutch. But he didn’t have the drive or the talent of ol’ Dutch, so I got out before he had the chance to cut me off. That was when I met Dutch.” 
You keep a firm eye on Micah, trying to think of a way to kill him. Your best bets right now are to keep him talking, keep him distracted. He obviously doesn’t find you as much of a threat, otherwise you’d already be dead. 
“I’m guessing you kept in touch with some of Colm’s boys though?”
“Well of course. Cleet and Joe were part of his gang too, until Colm was hung and his gang fell apart. But I was able to leak info on both Dutch and Colm through them. Gotta say, it was entertaining for a while to see them running in circles like that.” 
Micah adjusts his hold on his pistol. “I knew right when I met Dutch he’d be easy to manipulate. He saw my talents, what I could do. Knew I could be an asset. But when he introduced me to Arthur and Hosea, I knew they’d have to go before I could do anything to Dutch. They were his voices of reason, the one thing that kept him from falling over the edge.”
“So you were planning for them to die all along?” 
“Never did like either of them much, to be honest. Hosea never had any spine, and Arthur, well, he always thought he was better than everyone else, always too big for his britches. But Dutch trusted his advice, so I knew he’d have to go. I tried to take care of him clear back after he busted me out of the Strawberry prison. I met one of my old buddies from Colm’s gang up there, and he was in my cell. He thought I was still close to Colm, never was very bright, so he spilled all about a stage robbery. 
“After Arthur busted me out, I got word to Cleet and Joe that Arthur and I would rob the stage and have Colm set up his own trap. Thought killing Arthur would be easy, but of course he survived. Like a cockroach.” 
Micah begins a new circle around you, Cleet and Joe slowly getting closer to you. He continues, “I knew I’d have to be more clever to take Arthur out, so I came up with the plan for Colm to snag him and turn him in to the Blackwater bounty hunters. I was sure Dutch would go rescue him and either he or Colm would end up dead. It went perfectly to plan too until you had to go and rescue him. After that, I knew I’d have to come up with something really good to take Arthur out.”
“But you were in the Pinkertons pockets?” 
He smiles again. “That’s how you choose to see it. They offered me my freedom and even quite a bit of money if I brought them Dutch or Hosea, so I told them about the Blackwater ferry job. Only Dutch and Hosea got away and the Pinkertons refused to give me what they promised. Said Dutch either had to be shot or hung before they’d keep their end. I spent a lot of time thinking of a new trap.  
“Then Dutch met Bronte and got fooled by him. When I saw how angry he was, I could see the cracks. The only thing keeping him together was Hosea. Arthur had a hand in it too, but Hosea truly was the one thing guiding Dutch. So I told the Pinkertons about the bank robbery and what Hosea’s plan was. And that trap was sprung perfectly, I couldn’t have planned it better.” 
You’re shaking by this point. How dare he do this to Hosea, to Arthur, everyone? Micah laughs again as he sees how you take the news. 
“But you ended up in Guarma,” you say. “Something tells me that wasn’t planned.” 
He licks his lips. “No, that wasn’t. But I played my part, pretended to be a good boy. When we got back though, Milton found me and offered me double the cash. Oh, the money, Y/N. If you were offered that amount in exchange for leaving Arthur, you’d do it.” 
“No I wouldn’t. Arthur is one of the few people in this world you can’t put a price on.” 
Micah smiles again. “How hard it must be for you, knowing he’s dead. Ah, he truly was a good man. How hard he tried to keep Dutch’s head from spinning. How he loved you. But when he announced that you two were getting married, I knew the only way to take him down was through you.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
Joe shifts nervously behind Micah. 
“I set the trap that ended with you getting that pretty little cut across your face. Must admit, it didn’t end the way it was supposed to. Joe messed up, he and George were supposed to kill you. I figured if you were dead, Arthur would be so hurt and turned around by your sudden absence, he’d be easy to get rid of. Turns out you’re just as stubborn when it comes to dying as he was.”
“You goddamn traitor,” you say, your eyes tearing in anger. “After all the gang has done for you. After Dutch took you in, fed you, paid you and this is how you repay him?”
“I’m a survivor, Y/N. Ain’t no one out there looking after me except my damn self, so I’m gonna do whatever I can for me.” 
You can feel the tension rising in the air, the inevitable ending coming. You flex your hands, preparing yourself. 
“Oh, Y/N. You can’t imagine my delight in this. Morgan was a huge pain in my ass for far too long. Even though he was on the verge of death when I found him, he gave me quite a beating. Maybe, as a final gesture of how I appreciated him, I’ll take you before killing you.” 
Your heart races faster as you realize what he intends to do to you. 
“I’d like to see you try, Micah,” you snarl, trying to sound braver than you feel. 
You predict what he’s going to do and just as he aims down at your leg to take you down, you roll and dodge to the side. As he aims again, you charge him, slamming your body into his, forcing him down. The pistol flies from his hand. Cleet and Joe are about to fire when Micah yells to them.
“Do nothing! She’s mine!” 
He punches you in the face hard, throwing you off. Slightly dazed, you try to get up but he crawls on top of you, wrapping his hands around your throat and squeezing. One hand releases you briefly so he can remove your revolver from its holster and tosses it to the base of a tree. You grapple with his hands, but it’s fruitless, so you shove your fingers into his eyes and he lets you go, crying out in pain. You then ram your uninjured knee into his groin, which allows you to toss him off. You get up and dart towards the pistol, but Cleet’s foot comes out of nowhere, connecting with your cheek. Stars erupt in your eyes and you fall down again. A heavy weight slams down on your back, keeping you pinned.
“Oh, you’re a fighter, Y/N. It’s gonna make this all the much more satisfying.” Micah reaches down and grabs you by the throat again, but you pull out your knife and rake it across his arm, forcing him to release you. The weight on your back disappears, allowing you to get to your feet. 
Micah slams into you, pinning you against the tree. He wrestles the knife from your hand, throwing it into a bush. Then, his bruised face enraged, he places a hand over the wound on your upper left arm and squeezes, causing you to cry out in pain as your arm feels like it’s about to fall off. 
“You little bitch,” he growls. With his free hand, he grabs you by the throat again. You raise your right hand, trying to prod his eyes again but he releases your left arm momentarily to slap it away, still squeezing your throat. The sides of your vision are beginning to fade to black. 
Suddenly, the sound of a pistol firing rings out and blood explodes from Micah’s side. He releases you, stepping back in shock and you slide down to the bottom of the tree, trying to remember how to breathe. 
From behind a boulder, Dutch walks out, aiming his pistols at Micah. 
“You shot me, Dutch. You-” 
“You betrayed me, Micah, betrayed us,” Dutch growls. He must have heard everything. 
Even though your vision is blurry, you look down and see your revolver’s gold barrel peaking through the leaf litter. You pick it up and shoot Micah in the chest until the barrel’s empty. His throat makes a gurgling sound as he steps back again, blood spilling from his chest. He looks at Dutch and then falls, his body twitching. Cleet and Joe run off as Dutch fires at them, but they get away. 
You lower the gun, your entire body flooding with pain. Dutch turns slowly to look at you and then he holsters his pistols. He glances at Arthur’s hat, still on your head. 
“Mrs. Morgan, I-” 
“Shut the fuck up, Dutch, and help me up.” 
He sighs and approaches you, grabbing your extended hand. You get to your feet, groaning in pain. Dutch looks as though he’s about to take you in his arms to help you walk but you slap him away, Micah’s words burning in your ears. 
“Arthur,” you gasp, glaring at him. “Is he…?”
“I… I don’t know. I… he…” 
“Micah says you were there when he...” 
Dutch swallows. “I didn’t see him die. He was on his way out, no doubt and I… I walked away.” 
You take a few steps back from him, wanting nothing more than to rip his throat out. However, you know you’d be dead at this moment if it weren’t for him.
“Get out of here, Dutch. But just know that if I see you again, I’ll be there to kill you.” 
He looks at you sadly for a brief moment and then walks away. You watch him go to be sure he won’t turn on you until he disappears through the trees. 
You’re alone again, and the weight of everything and the physical excursions slam into you, forcing you to bend down again. You don’t take a moment though before you’re picking up your revolver and knife. You have to find Arthur. Micah was lying. He didn’t shoot him, he couldn’t have. You won’t believe it until you see him. 
You continue walking on, running when you can stand it. It’s late morning by the time the mountain comes into view. Your body screams at you, begging for you to stop and rest, but you don’t. You can’t. 
You climb up the mountainside again, just as you did before when the Pinkertons were chasing you. After what feels like a monumental effort, you find the ledge where Arthur said good-bye. After inspecting the rocks and grass growing on it, there’s definitely signs of a struggle. On the rock wall, there’s a spot of blood. Then you see the impression of a body lying in the dirt. Leading away from it and up alongside the ledge, which winds up the mountainside, is a trail of blood. You follow it, curving around the bend and then you see him.
Arthur’s propped up in a sitting position against the ledge wall. Did Micah drag him there? You run the last few steps and then fall to your knees, ignoring the pain from your left knee, as tears overtake you. 
He’s covered in blood from the wound on his hip and his face is badly bruised and cut, but there’s no bullet. You sigh, a little relieved that Micah was at least lying about that part. His eyes are closed and his lips are dry. You grab his shoulders and shake them, crying out his name. 
“Please,” you beg. “Arthur, honey it’s me. I’m here. You can’t die!” 
He doesn’t respond, so you press a finger to his throat. To your surprise, you feel a pulse. It’s weaker than it should be, but it’s there. 
“Arthur!” you cry out. Then, you reach into your satchel and pull out an almost empty bottle of rum. You uncork it and turn the bottle over above his face so the liquid splashes him. He suddenly gasps and his eyes flick open. 
“You’re alive!” you cry out, throwing the bottle. He sucks in a pained breath, his eyes staring up into the sky. It’s almost like he can’t see you. Trying to keep yourself in one piece, you press a hand to his cheek. 
“Arthur, it’s me. Can you see me?” 
He takes in a few more deep breaths and then his eyes finally move, landing right on you. He opens his mouth to speak but only a small croak comes out. Realizing he must be thirsty, you take out another bottle of alcohol, pouring a small amount into his open mouth. He winces as it goes down his throat, but then he licks his lips and closes his eyes, still breathing heavily. 
He looks at you again. “I told you to get out of here,” he says with a deep groan.
With a loud sob, you touch his face with your hand. “I know, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t live with myself knowing you died here alone.” 
He lifts his hand to brush your face. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Thank you for coming back.” 
He winces in pain again, dropping his hand. You study his face more, realizing there’s a red tint to his skin. The sun is burning him. 
“We need to get you off this mountain,” you say, looking around as if the answer of where and how you’ll move him will be there.
“Where?” he asks in a weak voice. 
You think for a moment. “Hamish. Hamish isn’t too far away. Arthur, we’ll go to Hamish.” 
Arthur closes his eyes again. “I can’t walk, darlin’. My… my hip.” 
“No, you can’t. But I can. I’ll get him and we’ll come back for you. Arthur, can you at least keep yourself hydrated?” 
He nods, opening his eyes again. You touch his face briefly before getting to your feet again. You reach into your satchel and pull out more bottles of whiskey. “I’ll be right back, gonna get something before I fetch Hamish.” 
Before he has the chance to ask what you’re doing, you run down the ledge and down the mountain and back to where Artemis and Rannoch died. When you see their bodies, your heart breaks. But you can’t allow yourself to mourn, not now, not yet. Arthur needs you. You slide their saddle bags off and sling them over your shoulder, struggling a bit with their combined weight. Somehow though, you manage to make it back to where Arthur is. 
He watches you intently as you take out his tent from Artemis’s saddlebag and position it over him, shading him from the sun. You make sure to keep the opening free so it doesn’t get too hot. When it’s done, you kneel beside him and unbuckle his pants, to which he questions. You tell him to relax and open his jeans and his union suit to reveal the wound above his hip. It looks awful, but it doesn’t look infected yet. You pour some whiskey onto it, making Arthur cry out. You apologize profusely and then place a strip of cloth to soak up what bleeding there still is. You rebuckle his pants in order to hold the fabric in place and keep pressure on the wound. 
Just as you finish and are about to announce you’re going to get Hamish, Arthur grabs your leg. 
“Sweetheart, come here.”
You look at him, worried. “What is it?” 
He slides a hand behind your neck and pulls you down, kissing your lips. His lips are hot, too hot and after a moment you pull away. 
“Arthur, I’ll be back. Hamish and I, we’ll come get you, okay? I promise, I’ll be back.” 
He nods and you take off his hat, about to give it to him when he grabs it and puts it back on your head. “You need it more than I do right now.”
You nod and kiss him again. “Don’t die on me now, you hear?” 
His lips stretch into a small smile. “I ain’t gonna die. I got you by my side.” 
You blink, a few more tears escaping, and stroke his face again. Then, with another enormous effort, you get to your feet and leave the tent. You throw Arthur another glance and promise him you’ll come back. He nods in acknowledgement but says nothing. He closes his eyes again and rests his left hand over the wound. 
You turn and head down the mountainside again. Your body is so tired and hurt that even your scar from when the Murfree shot you in the leg burns. It causes you to limp even more, but you keep going. Finally, you hit the road, but of course no one’s there. Sighing heavily, you turn down the path and begin heading down the path toward O’Creagh’s Run. 
After only taking a few steps, you hear the sound of a horse coming down the path towards you. Looking behind, you see a man trotting on a small liver chestnut morgan. 
“You there, can you help me out?” you call out.
“I don’t need or want your company, now get lost.” 
Without hesitating, you pull out your revolver and shoot him in the back of the head as he passes. He falls off and his horse stops. You’re surprised it didn’t spook and run off, but you approach it, glaring down at the man’s corpse. 
“Coulda been nice, buddy, but whatever. This is easier.” 
With some difficulty, you drag his body into a cluster of bushes and then go to the horse. He fumbles with his bit but doesn’t react otherwise, just looks at you with a steady eye. 
“Good boy,” you say, patting his neck and then climbing into the saddle. The effort is tremendously painful, but you get settled soon after and then kick the morgan into a canter. You silently acknowledge your luck when the lake comes into view. What would have taken you an hour to do on foot takes you a matter of minutes. 
Buell stands outside the small cabin and he rumbles in greeting when he sees you. Patting the morgan’s neck, you dismount but your foot gets caught in the stirrup due to your exhaustion and you fall, pain coursing through your entire body. 
The sound of uneven footsteps comes from the cabin and then Hamish’s voice calls out. 
“Y/N, what are you doing here? What’s going on?” 
You look up, tears leaking from your eyes again. “Arthur… needs help. Please. I…” 
“Hey, take it easy.” He kneels down next to you and helps you sit up. “Where is he?” 
You take a few deep breaths and tell him. He nods. “Okay. Can you ride a little more? It’ll be faster for me to get to him if you can show me where he is.” 
You nod and try to get up, but you can’t do it on your own. Hamish grips you under your arms with surprising strength and lifts you up, then he helps you back into the morgan’s saddle. He mounts Buell and grabs the reins. 
“Alright, Y/N. Come on, show me where he is.” 
Without a word, you guide the morgan into a steady trot back the way you came. A few moments later, the mountain comes into view. 
“I heard gunfire coming from this direction. You two have anything to do with it?” Hamish asks. 
“I’ll explain later,” you croak as you guide him up the mountainside on the morgan. When you reach the ledge, you stop, hoping Arthur’s still breathing. Hamish helps you get off and then you limp painfully around the edge of the mountain until the tent comes into view. 
“There,” you point. Hamish pats your back and goes to the tent opening, peering in. “Well, Mr. Morgan, you got yourself quite a girl. Looks like she’s been through hell and back. Course, you don’t look much better.” 
A small groan comes from inside the tent. Hamish enters it and you hobble to the opening, grateful to find Arthur’s responsive to Hamish. His eyes immediately find you and you start taking a few steps towards him when your legs finally give out and you collapse. The last thing you see is an eagle soaring above as Arthur calls your name.
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youarejesting · 5 years
[Masterlist] Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
Announcement: 600+ followers and I’m sorry to how dark some of these got but you know I kind of like when stories don’t always have a happy ending.
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    March 25th - April 1st
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Kim Seokjin: Makeup
Heading into work you had a headache, it was excruciating, the throbbing behind your eye and the tightness around your temples. Your face felt swollen, and you packed on as much makeup as physically possible and you knew it wasn’t a good look. There were no lashes or mascara, no eyeshadow, no lipstick. Just concealer and foundation to the max. 
You stepped into work and the receptionist gave you a weird look, usually; you got compliments when you wore makeup; you were pretty good and knew what worked well on your face. But today you looked strange. Your eye was too swollen to put anything near it and so you just looked like a one tonne alien. 
“Hey babe, what’s going on?” A voice said, “you bailed on our movie night last night and didn’t even text me?” Seokjin was your saviour he made your dull job manageable. He took one look at you and froze he knew this wasn’t right. “What did he do?”
“It’s not that bad it’s just a bump”
He dragged you by the hand to his desk taking his face wipes from the first draw he tried to grab your chin, but you turned away. “Please let me see” he gently wiped away all the makeup he liked when you had a clean face. It was like he was seeing the real you, that isn’t to say he didn’t like when you dressed up, he liked how you could accentuate your eyes and lips. 
But this, this was wrong. He felt sick, the more he removed the more the colours were revealed dark purples and blues stained your smooth skin, there was a small scab on your cheekbone where the skin had split on impact. He shoved the packet of wipes into your arms and turned declaring. “I will kill him”
Min Yoongi: On a stick
“It’s just meat on a stick?” You rolled your eyes at your best friend who was being lured from his apartment from his roommate Jungkook. You had planned to spend the afternoon together where you were going to tell him how you feel about him finally after all these years. Hell, you even stood by him when he dated girls through high school even though it nearly killed you.
“Yeah, why do you make it sound like a bad thing?” Yoongi scoffed grabbing his jacket, “Come along we can get some food and come back and watch the movie”
“Look you don’t have to come, we don’t need haters ruining our dinner” Jungkook sighed grabbing his keys, and you reluctantly slipped on your shoes and coat running after them. You didn’t even order before you snapped.
“Jungkook what is your problem with me, I just wanted to spend the afternoon with my best friend and maybe tell him that I have been in love with him since fifth grade and you’re out here making me feel like absolute trash,” You hissed Yoongi was frozen starring at his menu. He looked like he was deep in thought. Realizing what you said and how he had reacted to your blunt and unexpected confession you left.
“y/n!” Jungkook shouted he caught you quickly “hey, dude I am sorry, I thought you liked me and I was trying to push you away because… Yoongi likes you, said he has liked you since fifth grade and has never wanted to ruin the friendship. I really am sorry, go back inside he is in shock and is silently freaking out that he will never see you again. Lunch is on me, here”
Jung Hoseok: Smoke and Mirrors
Your son wanted to be a magician, and you spent a fair amount of money on all the books and toys and such but as his passion grew so did the hole in your bank account. You bought him front row tickets to see a world-renowned magician live on stage. It was an amazing performance. The magician was very good looking and was so bright and bubbly he danced he made all the sound effects. Your son insisted you see him backstage, and you took him back there. It took a long time but your son refused to leave. The dressing room door opened and there he was, his shirt buttons undone slightly. 
“Why hello, who do we have here?” he smiled at you and your son and you gave him an apologetic smile
“I am so sorry to bother you, my son, he is an aspiring magician and well he wanted to meet you and I really couldn’t say no to at least trying”
“No, don’t apologize,” he looked at his watch and grinned, “I got time, come in and sit and tell me about yourself. What’s your name? Do you know any tricks?” The two talked until your son had fallen asleep on the couch.
“Whatever you did, that’s real magic right there,” The two of you laughed.
“Do you need help to your car, he looks a little heavy, or I can carry your bags if that’s more comfortable for you,” He smiled and the two of you headed to the parking lot. Buckling your son into the passenger seat, you turned to say goodbye, and he swept his hand behind your ear. “It seems my number was behind your ear this whole time”
He placed the paper into your hand and gave you a grin, one hand slipping into his pocket to find his keys and the other waving goodbye.
Kim Namjoon: Walk in the Park
Namjoon was a smart man, he knew everything that happened in the neighbourhood. The street lights along the park path flickered off for twenty seconds every three minutes. The old lady Lady by the store shut her curtains at 6:15 exactly after watching her shows and feeding her cat. The walk through the park took Five minutes exactly, and that there were three security cameras on the path.
People were going missing and were usually found dead days later. He set off on his usual walk at 6:00 heading to the store; he stopped to pat the cat and waved to the old woman. He bought a single bottle of Soju as he did every night. Explaining how he had to get home before his slow cooker was finished, showing the timer on his phone. “It’s got 8 minutes left I should make it home by 6:15” 
Walking he saw you alone, he sped up a little and matched your stride. “Don’t look now but there is a drunk man a little way ahead, and the path lights are switch off for about thirty seconds every three minutes” Just as he finished his sentence the lights switched off. You grew stiff under the moonlight. “I am Namjoon”
He continued walking talking to you about the stars, the old lady was feeding her cat before bed, it was 6:10 she would soon close her curtains. He waved to the old and then to you. Thanking him for the help you both parted ways saying goodnight to the old lady. Namjoon smiled to himself walking out of the camera frame and the lights flickered out. You walked hesitantly in the dark but didn’t get very far before you were knocked out from behind.
Chained to an old metal bed frame when you woke, your eyes needing time to refocus you saw Namjoon standing there in a white coat. “Shh it’s okay, you are okay, you see I am an expert. My alibi and the camera footage, I just picked you up and tipped you over the stonewall of this apartment block and walked home.  As all footage and security cameras show me parting ways with you even the old lady saw you go off on your own, nobody knows. Nobody knows that is is me”
Park Jimin: Burn
You opened a sealed box, and you read the stupid script. You were using it as a chance to practice your reading and speaking Korean. But you had let it out, and it was chasing you. Its eyes blacked out and horns coming out from his hair. He looked eerie and was still recovering strength which gave you time to run hiding in a church. 
Stopping at the door it watched you and you were relieved until it reached in blackened nails gripping the door frame. It stepped inside calling your name sweetly, you could see the embers flaking off its body slowly not enough to kill it but enough to annoy. 
You ran hiding in the confession booth your breathing was shaky. It sang a haunted tune. Its voice layered a low sound that crackled and a high breathy sound like a whine. You held your breath as it passed, calling your name. You thought it was gone, but you didn’t want to take any chances. 
You opened your phone the words you had spoken in the translator the demon's name was Jimin and upon searching the name you found it was a demon of Lust, Deception, Chaos and Misfortune. It resides in the third outermost circle of hell with Preceding Taehyung and following from Namjoon. The strongest demon being Kim Seokjin. 
A hand busted through the wall of the confessional by your head and wrapped around your throat pulling you threw the thin and shattered wall. 
Kim Taehyung: Battery
You forgot to plug your phone in the night before so you charged it while you got ready; it was only at 28% and you sighed heading out to work. You met a client and discussed his hotel remodelling. 
Your phone which you had turned off when you weren’t using it at work was now at 16%. It was early in the afternoon and you were emailing a client important information and rushing across town to meet with a supplier. You crossed the road getting hit with a car laying in the rain you found it hard to breathe all the air seemed to have escaped your body. Dragging your arm across the concrete your phone held tightly in your fist you pressed the numbers for emergency services you hit the call button when your phone powered down. 
A face appeared about you looking horrified he called the ambulance shaking there was a light behind his head. It seemed like a halo and he was your very own angel. 
Jeon Jungkook: Beach  @live-2-fangirl
The beach was quiet; it was overcast and occasionally would sprinkle with rain. You were never deterred, and this weather was better for churning up the sea and creating a few gnarly waves. You laughed at the expression gnarly and swore on your life never to think nor speak it ever again. Getting on your surfboard you swam out to sea it was incredibly exhilarating weaving across the water. 
The water grew unforgiving in what seemed like a second pulling you out and you were dunked by a wave and tossed around. You didn’t panic swimming to the light. Breaking the surface, you blinked the saltwater from your eyes and tried to get it out your nose and throat. It was brighter than you remembered. Maybe there was a break in the clouds. 
“Can we be of aid lad?” A voice called you looked up to see an old wooden shop, the kind that looked like it belonged in a Johnny Depp quintology of films. Leaning over the side of the ship was a young man, his hair shaggy hair falling forward as he looked down at you. Your wetsuit removed any femininity from your figure and your hair was in a very messy bun. You climbed up the rope ladder on the side of the ship as you didn’t see any signs of your beach anywhere. 
It was so sunny with not a cloud in the sky. Did you die? Getting up onto the ship you laid your board down on the deck removing the surf leash from your ankle. 
“Where be your port?” He asked they all looked like they were fresh out of a romance novel with billowing shirts and shaggy hair. 
You ripped the velcro around your neck and pulled the zip down your back.  Peeling the wetsuit of your arms until they were free, letting out your hair shaking it with your fingers hoping it wouldn’t take long to dry. Some of your swimsuit was on display and as you went to take the wetsuit completely off a long waistcoat was draped over your shoulders. 
“My apologies, my lady, we will fetch you some dry clothes,” you shrugged his coat off onto the deck. 
“No, need I will be dry soon” you continued to strip, and he unbuttoned his shirt and fastened it around you buttoning it up. 
“These scallywags cannot be trusted with a beautiful woman like yourself” he smiled “you are as tempestuous as the waters we sail” 
Next Week
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
Little Orphan Spider 10
Mr. Negative scowled at the archer as he pulled the arrow from his hand, the wound already starting to heal itself. "Lucky shot," the man snarled. "But it won't happen again." He threw the arrow to the ground and held his knife towards the man, black energy starting to pool at the handle.
Peter watched and gasped when his senses were suddenly going haywire, the ringing coming to him with a vengeance. He cried out, holding his head tightly, flashes going off in front of his eyes. That was the noise? It made him want to rip his mask off, but not with Mr. Barton and Ms. Romanoff here...He just had to suffer in anonymity. Peter suddenly heard Mr. Barton cry out and looked to see the archer fell over, holding his arm which was bleeding. "N-no," he whimpered, his head killing him. "What's wrong with you?" Natasha called to the web-slinger, a worried tone in her voice. "His...knife!" the boy cried. "It's emitting...a noise....hurts!" he cried out and fell to the floor, curling up in a ball. "What's the matter, Spider-Man? Was my theory correct and you can't take harsh noises? Too bad!" Mr. Negative ran towards the vulnerable boy. But, at the last minute, he was kicked away by Natasha, who had anger in her eyes. If her hearing was correct, that was Peter, the small boy that she shared a home with now. A part of the family, and the youngest member of the household. And no one attacks a child and gets away with it while she was there. She attacked the black and white man, throwing knives at him, which he seemed to dodge a lot of them, flipping over himself, almost like an acrobat. "Weak!" the man smiled, charging his knife again, hearing Spider-Man cry out in pain, his smile becoming bigger. He was going to take down part of the Avengers today! Suddenly, a proton blast came from nowhere and Mr. Negative was hit in the face, feeling it already healing and scowling at Iron man floating in front of a large jet. "Hey there, photo-reject. You hurt my friends, now it's my turn." Tony propelled forward, punching the black and white man across the roof. He turned to see Clint coming towards him, holding a bloody arm. "It's about time you got here. The spider is out of commission," he jerked his head to the crime fighter who was curled in on himself, holding his head. "What happened?" "Something with this guy's knife letting out a supersonic high pitch noise that hurts his head." Tony deadpanned. "Really? That's all it took?" Why didn't he think of that? Movement made Tony look to where he'd seen the human negative land and saw him get up. "That...was a mistake," Mr. Negative growled. Suddenly, a web hit his hand and stuck it to the wall before he could start charging it. Peter slowly got to his feet, shaking his head. "That hurt," he muttered. Raising his head, he saw Mr. Stark had joined them. "You okay, Spider-Man?" Mr. Stark asked, and the masked crime fighter nodded, giving him a thumbs up, but suddenly, he collapsed and screamed, holding his head. Tony whipped his head around to see the dark man's body glowing with dark light. "We have to stop this if he's going to survive," the billionaire said, worried eyes on the spider. He lifted his hands and suddenly four other parts flew off his suit and they powered up all at once, blasting the man, Tiny controlling the power. Mr. Negative screamed as he was engulfed in bright, powerful light, his mind overreacting to the power and his body shut down, stopping the dark energy charge. "Keep an eye on him," Tony told Natasha, walking over to Spider-Man, his shoulders set. "You okay?" He offered a hand and the man took it. The billionaire was shocked by how light the man was and almost threw him. "Whoa....somebody give this guy a sandwich," he called, pointing towards the man in red. "Ha ha," Peter responded, this time remembering to lower his voice. "You's got this? I need a time-out." He took a deep breath and suddenly cried out. Natasha's cry followed a second later,  before passing before their eyes, and Mr. Negative jumped from the roof. "Nat!" the archer cried, trying to grab the woman, but missed when a web flew towards her, catching the assassin before she could fall from the roof. Clint ran to her and pulled her limp body up, cradling his best friend close to his chest. "She okay?" Spider-Man asked, his eye goggles looking concerned and also pained. "She's got a bump on the head, but I think so. I'll take her back to Bruce and get her checked out. I think you should come, too." The spider's eyes went wide at that. "N-no, I'm good. Just a light headache, that's all. Thanks, though." At that moment Tony's helmet started ringing, and he answered it, Pepper screaming into the man's ear loud enough for the group to hear. "Peter's gone!" she was freaking out. "I left him the car, Happy locked it, and when we got back, the door was open and Peter was missing!" Tony looked at the group, noticing the masked man was gone with a soft curse. "Okay, Pep. It's okay, I'm sure he was just scared or something. We'll find him." He was also starting to get nervous for the boy's sake. "Track Spider-Man," he ordered Clint, Steve and Wanda had just boarded the plane, feeling very useless. The archer nodded and flipped open his Starkwatch. "It says he's in the alleyway next to us....I think he may live in that building. He didn't move from there until that guy showed up." Tony pursed his lips and took off, heading for the alley. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter quickly dropped next to Ned, who had waited in the alley for him, phone at the ready. "Hey," the computer whiz said with a nod. "Hey, I've gotta hurry, but thank you!" He got rid of his suit and was pulling on his clothes when the two boys heard Mr. Stark and Peter cursed, pulling his shoes on just as Iron-Man landed. "Peter?" the man asked, his mask disappearing, showing a face of worry and confusion. "What...Pepper is going crazy looking for you!" He reached out and grabbed the boy's shoulders, shaking him a bit. "Do you know how worried she is?" "Um...Mr. Iron-Man, sir....that was my fault," Ned said with a hand raised. "I came out to see what the noise was, and Peter saw me.." "That's right! Pepper, Happy and I were at Delmar's, having a sandwich, when that guy showed up! I saw Ned and got scared for him and ran to him, pulling him into this alley to get away from the crowd." Ned nodded to the side. "Never do that again!" Tony scolded and took a deep breath. "Did you happen to see Spider-Man?" Tony started putting two and two together, but he didn't want to believe what he was thinking. Peter nodded. "Yeah, he went into that building over there." He nodded toward the bank building and Ned nodded, slowly slipping away to bring the suit into the bathroom, throwing it behind a stall. As he was leaving the stalls, Clint freaking Barton busted in, arrow at the ready, making Ned scream, holding up his hands. "I just had to pee," he stuttered. Clint pushed past him and checked each stall until he came across Spider-Man's suit. "Kid! Did you see anyone in here!?" The pudgy boy nodded. "I-I saw this guy leaving kinda quickly. Didn't see his face before he left the bank." The archer cursed, holding the red and blue suit. "I lost him. Apparently he changed and left his suit, and the tracker behind." He left the bathroom, giving the kid another look, shaking his head. That couldn't be Spider-Man. The boy was too short to be him. "Shit," he cursed, stepping into the alley where Tony was holding Peter bu the arms. "I got his suit." Peter's eyes widened and he groaned internally. Now what was he supposed to do? "Mr. Stark, I'm sorry I ran off..but I thought Ned might be in danger. He's not the most athletic guy in school. He's more into computers than sit ups, if you get what I mean." Tony narrowed his eyes. This kid is going to kill me. "When we get home, no friends, no games, no television....and.....I don't know what else, I'm new at this." Suddenly Peter's phone rang and Tony reached into the boy's pocket, reading who it was. "And no phone! Ha! I'm sorry, Peter's being punished right now and can not come to the phone. Try again in a year," and the man hung up the phone. "Now, march!" Peter was stunned that Mr. Stark even knew that the word 'punished' meant, but hung his head appropriately and turned, walking toward the street, when he was suddenly tackled into a hug, a woman breathing into his ear. "Oh thank goodness!" Pepper breathed, hugging Peter tightly for a moment, then pulled away to check him for any injuries, then frowned. "Don't you ever do that again, young man! I thought you had been kidnapped by some...gang or something! Did you punish him?' she asked Tony before looking back at Peter. "You're punished," she scolded him before the billionaire could speak. Peter hung his head again and nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he mumbled, looking into her eyes with a wince. "Come on, we're going home. Tony, are you riding with us, or," she gestured toward the man in the suit. "I can ride with you to yell at the kid some more about how dumb his decision was, and how he didn't think it through." Tony tapped his chest and the nanobots disappeared into his chest piece. "Let's go, shall we. Happy? You have anything to add?" Happy opened his mouth, but when he saw the regret on Peter's face, he shook his head. "No, I think you two said it all," and they went back to the car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martin Li entered the group home nursing a killer headache. It had been going on for a while. He would be doing something, mostly in his office, and then black out, only to come to, usually entering the home again with a nasty pain in his head. He'd been to doctors, had CAT-scans, MRI's, everything...and they all came back negative. He was scared, but he couldn't let the kids know. He had to be brave...and maybe call for another guardian to be prepped for taking over for him. Just in case. He hated thinking that he wouldn't be able to help these kids forever, but forever was a long time, and he didn't know how long he had, especially if these headaches kept up. He walked into his office and let out a yelp when he saw a man wearing a mask standing behind his desk, going through some papers. "Who are you!?" Martin cried, looking for a weapon. But he stopped when the masked man suddenly got down on one knee, bowing his head. "Sir! I'm sorry for not being there today! Please forgive me!" Martin could only stare, when suddenly he felt the tingles again and he trembled. No, not again...he couldn't black out again....no. "Stop it!" he cried, but it was no use. In seconds he was unconscious. Mr. Negative sneered at the man, labeled his demon. "Where is my other inner demon?" he asked, moving to sit behind the desk, rolling his head to crack his neck. "Sir....he....your other demon was killed in the blast when the house exploded...he got caught when he was checking to make sure the shipment was ready." Mr. Negative sighed, rubbing his temple. Was there no good help? "Oh well...I still have you. Go, check the warehouses. I will check the downtown area." He stood and walked out, making sure there were no little children in his path. How he hated those little beasts. But, that was the profession his alter-ego had chosen. It had kept him off the radar, until today. He stepped out into the night, walking down the block slowly, no one around. It was time to make his ultimate move....he was going to kill Spider-Man, no matter what it took. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter sat in his room, staring up at his ceiling, thinking. What was he supposed to do now? He'd only been in Stark Tower for a day and already he'd been punished and now Mr. Stark had his suit in his lab and was currently taking it apart. He wanted to cry. He'd spent months working on that suit, now he would have to start over... But, maybe this time he could steal a couple of things from Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark's labs. The he could possibly get his suit! A sly smile came to his face and the boy jumped to his feet and ran out of his room. When he heard footsteps, the boy panicked and jumped to the ceiling, sticking there. Mr, Stark came down the hall, all attention on his phone, not even looking up, then again, who looks up in their own home? When he passed, Peter let out a sigh of relief and started crawling towards the elevators. "Ms Friday," the boy whispered. "Can you please take me down to Mr. Stark's lab? I need to get something." If he was able to get his suit, and the parts he needed, he would be set. "Mr. Stark is not in his labs right now, Peter," the AI whispered, the elevator doors opening silently. Peter crawled through them and dropped to the floor quietly. "I know, Ms. Friday, but I need to get something of mine, plus I need to see if I can possibly take some other things...you know, en eye for an eye, or something?" The elevator started moving and he smiled. "I do not advise this, but I was programmed to not answer back." "Thank you, Ms. Friday. I owe you a friend at this point. What do you think? Another AI?" The doors opened and Peter was facing Mr. Stark's lab. And right there on the main table was his suit. But, the goggles were in pieces, and the arms and legs were separated as if Mr. Stark were looking for something. "Oh man....this thing is a goner," he whined. The teen grabbed the spider logo from the table, the only salvageable thing besides that were the goggles, but that would be too noticeable. Grabbing what he could of his suit, Peter started looking through Mr. Starks things, taking what he could carry in his pockets, feeling his web shooters and rolled his eyes. He was about to make this so much easier. He made a bag out of webbing and started loading different things inside it, until he had enough to do what he wanted. Suddenly a noise came from the door and Peter panicked, jumping to the ceiling. Mr. Stark passed under him and went straight to Peter's suit, picking up the goggles. "Lordy...how did Underoos even see out of these?" he asked himself, putting them to his face. "Oh good god, was this guy nearsighted?" He put them down and blinked, shaking his head. Peter frowned and stuck his tongue out at the man before beginning to crawl across the ceiling, making sure to not make a sound as Mr. Stark ripped his suit even more, making the boy wince. He would so be getting even when his new suit was done... The teen crawled out of the lab and into the hallway, making sure to keep and eye out for anyone. He'd made it to the elevators when a voice made his blood run cold. "Hello, Spider-Man."
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kiara-carrera · 5 years
“Did they hurt you?” for whoever you want!!
Prompt #94: “Did they hurt you?” — Petejo
author’s note: have i been working on this for like eighty years since you sent in this ask? yes. why did it take this long? honestly, who knows.
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If there was one aspect of being a superhero that Joelle Sommers didn’t care for — besides her hero name, she was going to go to the grave hating what the Daily Bugle had branded her all those months ago — it was the asshole, petty criminals that she was forced to take down. Sure, Reappear had gotten into the swing of being one of the two reigning heroes in Queens alongside her partner slash boyfriend Spider-Man, but that didn’t mean some of the guys they deal with weren’t total assholes.
Being Queens’s resident friendly neighborhood crime fighting super-losers meant that most of the time, they weren’t dealing with the big leagues. They weren’t going to class during the day to battle the Vultures of the world at night. Usually, it was just neighborhood based bank robbers and drug smugglers and the occasional annoying crime lord who had a few too many connections to weird laboratories that were bordering along the lines mad scientist. It made Jo roll her eyes. Peter got a little too ecstatic with it sometimes, but to be fair, he’d always been a little bit more cut out for the hero thing than she was. But that was beside point.
Tonight had been all about busting a group of petty thieves who may or may not have been totally trying to ship weapons to some of the bigger threats in the area. It had been going relatively well, Peter and Jo relying on Karen and Milo respectively to do some preliminary scouting and recon before they threw themselves in the field. It was supposed to be simple. Drop in, Reappear keeps them on their toes, maybe knock a few of them out, and then Spidey webs them up for the police. Cops show up, they say a few words about the endeavor, maybe the bad guy says something about meddling kids because when is their life not a reenactment of a Scooby Doo episode, and then they leave. Stop for a slice of pizza and then spend the rest of the night hanging out on the fire escape.
It was standard procedure between them.
You know, until they realized that they greatly underestimated the number of bad guys that were creeping in the warehouse. Like, we thought there were four but there were fifteen altogether sort of underestimated.
It wasn’t like Peter and Joelle weren’t capable of taking on fifteen bad guys, but like…maybe not all at once would have been nice? It’s just that when you have two high school sophomores — super powered or not — taking on fifteen grown men with weapons, nothing really went smoothly. The element of surprise had originally been on Spider-Man and Reappear’s sides, but that all quickly went to shit when they did a quick head count.
God, Jo would bet her whole life that Daredevil didn’t have to deal with this bullshit over in the Kitchen.
Anyways, despite that minor roadblock, things had been going swimmingly for the most part. Peter had dropped in quickly, delivering some really cheesy and corny line before webbing up a few guns and guys. Jo had appeared only seconds later, giving a sarcastic remark, teleporting to the bad guys other side when they made a reach for her, before harshly hitting them in the head. Bodies were quickly dropping to the floor unconscious or entirely stuck together with whatever Peter’s web fluid was made of, the group of men quickly dwindling.
When they were down to a very small, very manageable group, they managed to get the jump on Joelle. Apparently, her normally impeccable timing with teleporting out of the way before getting hit was wearing down just a tad what with the whole fifteen bad guys instead of four ordeal.
That being said, when she went to fake out the first bad guy, she ended up screwing herself over. His elbow had made contact with her arm, causing her to stumble into the path of his friend. The second one’s fist had managed to clip her head at the last possible second and while she still managed to teleport away from him, she landed in a completely different spot then she had intended to, crumpling to the ground in a pathetic heap as a searing pain radiated over her skull.
“Fucking hell,” she moaned, her voice thick with pain. She could make out the sound of Peter yelling, either to her or at the idiots who managed to take her down a peg, but she blocked that out. Rolling over onto her side slowly, letting out a pained hiss as she bit out, “Milo? On a scale of one to ten, how fucked am I?”
In only a few seconds, her Tony Stark approved (and occasionally Dax Gonzalez hacked) AI replied. “Initial scans don’t detect any permanent any damage. Presence of a concussion is unlikely, although you may experience headache like symptoms for quite a bit. Perhaps an ibuprofen would be sufficient at masking the pain?”
“I don’t suppose this suit has a super secret med dispenser?”
“That’s a negative.”
“Perfect,” she muttered out through gritted teeth.
A couple of yells, groans, and thwip sounds later, she felt someone looming over her. Wincing when she forced her eyes open, Jo could see the blurry image of her boyfriend crouched over her, face more than likely contorted in concern under the mask of his suit. Blinking a few times, Jo craned her neck to see both guys that had hit her webbed up agains the back wall.
“Nice job, Spider-Loser,” she croaked out, causing the eyes on the suit to constrict as Peter peered down at her.
“I thought we said we weren’t going to call me that anymore,” Peter whined, effectively sounding like an upset three year old.
Jo tried to shake her head, but only groaned, her hand darting to hold the side of her head as if that was going to make any difference. Lowly, she replied, “We discussed no such thing.”
Peter sighed, but moved on nonetheless. “Did they hurt you?”
“Dumb and Dumber over there?” Peter nodded. “Oh yeah, definitely. Asshole clipped my forehead before I could jump out of there.”
Another sigh. “C’mon, we should go. Karen said the cops are on their way anyways, so we should be fine leaving them here.”
“You know Jameson’s gonna be on our asses in the Bugle if we hero and dash again,” Jo replied, managing a small chuckle through her lips.
Peter shrugged. She was certain if the mask wasn’t covering his face, his usual boyish smile would be tugging at his lips. “He’s just gonna call us menaces to the city either way,” he told her, helping her to her feet. He managed to maneuver her to sling her arms around his shoulders and once he’s certain she won’t let go of him, he nodded at her. “And besides, you probably need an ice pack or something.”
“And pizza?”
Raising his free arm up towards the skylight he’d burst in through earlier, web shooter aimed at the ready, he laughs. “Definitely pizza.”
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
princeescaluswords replied to your post:
Alex Summers, after the most recent of 128979889...
Why don’t you write Marvel? You couldn’t possibly do any worse and I could use the laughs!
Lol, its a nice dream, but realistically I don’t think there’s any universe in which Marvel would ever let me write the X-Men. 
Like, my very first story would probably have Bobby refreezing the Arctic while Storm heads up a team of elementals to combat climate change. And then a Republican senator and a Democrat senator would go on TV and make a bipartisan show of expressing their gratitude towards mutants for helping save the planet and this is the real future of humanity, this is them all building a world where they can live side by side in a mutually beneficial -
And then the broadcast would cut off because Cypher just hacked every satellite worldwide and said “all your binary codes belong to me now, resistance is futile, blah blah” before turning the camera to Sunspot who’s all decked out in his snazziest suit and dressed to the nines. Roberto yawns and flips the whole world off and says “LOL fuck you, the X-Men are done with respectability politics, we took a vote and our democratic process actually works, we don’t have a fucking electoral college. We only saved the planet because it happens to be the planet we live on, dipshits, nobody did it for you, you’re still cordially invited to go extinct. Or you can play nice and try getting along with the rest of us for a change but good luck trying to make Sentinels happen again, lmao, funding’s gonna be an issue for you pretty soon I think.”
He turns off the camera and goes back to planning his and Sam’s wedding, because look, I have my priorities, okay.
Then Mystique unleashes her new Fellowship of Evil (Same Name, But This Time Its Evil as in STFU, Its Ironic U Assholes) Mutants that she’s been recruiting from the ranks of the young and disenchanted. Overnight, the market is flooded with gold and gems transmuted from ordinary materials by mutant powers, as well as a bunch of shit ‘liberated’ from the coffers of the 1% via her Fellowship’s alliance with her son-in-law’s Thieves’ Guild. Value plummets instantly, and then technopaths join in the fun, crashing every banking system worldwide.
“Whoopsie, I broke capitalism, money’s worthless now, vive la revolution, everyone eat some fucking cake,” Raven sing-songs merrily from the chaise she’s lounging on while eating grapes. The city outside her window is burning. Meanwhile, a fiddler is playing nearby. She calls him Nero, because Aesthetic.
“Oh relax,” she rolls her eyes when Remy attempts to frown at her disapprovingly. “I had my teleporters evacuate the city before I set it on fire. I’m not a heartless monster, you know.”
“You mean you didn’t want to spend the next ten years dealing with your children yelling at you about innocent civilians and how could you,” Remy says dryly.
Mystique just shrugs and eats some more grapes. “Or that.”
Far-right dominated police forces and white supremacist militia groups attempt to forcibly establish martial law, except mostly they’re just standing around clutching their heads and trying to cope with the mother of all migraines as a gestalt of telepathic minds headed up by a Cerebro-powered octet of Jean, Emma, Betsy, Rachel, Quentin, and the Stepford Cuckoos psychically screams FAKE NEWS!!! into their brains every time their CO’s attempt to bark out new orders.
“Best school project ever,” Quire shouts. Emma smirks.
“Extra credit to the first person to psychically leak the full extent of just how extensively governments have invaded their citizens’ privacy with surveillance extremism in the name of national security.”
Jean attempts a half second of chastisement, but with them all linked this closely, there’s really no way to hide that she’s mostly just amused. Oh no, she and Emma are seeing eye to eye on something and there are witnesses and everything. The revolution was a mistake.
Atlanteans and mutant hydrokinetics team up to shove the worst oil and toxic waste and trash spills up onto the shores of every beach marked ‘privately owned’. The mile-wide ‘island’ of plastic debris that formerly sat in the middle of the Pacific is now parked off the coast of Malibu.
There’s a twenty foot demon from Limbo sitting in the Oval Office. It burps. Illyana beams and boops its nose. “Good boy.” It wags its tail and breaks the Oval Office.
Kitty and Kurt direct teams of similarly powered mutants in raiding the top secret R&D facilities of major pharmaceutical companies for all their research on diseases that never made it to mass production because they decided those treatments or cures wouldn’t be profitable in the long run because healthy people don’t need to spend a ton of money on medical care. Teams of healers are standing by to vet the viability of various research, while Hank, Cece and other mutant geniuses are already working on filling in the gaps on all the projects that were shutdown and Forge, Madison Jeffries and tech-based geniuses are converting existing infrastructure into the necessary machinery to take over mass production of these drugs, prosthetics, and sweatshop labor in general.
Speedsters and teleporters are redistributing food and stocking up the millions of properties worldwide that have just been sitting there empty for god knows how long, useless. Colossus is standing in the smashed remains of a mansion with his arms crossed sternly while a man who is definitely not meant to resemble the CEOs of either Tesla or Amazon or look like some kind of Musky Bozo hybrid cowers on the floor.
“You are a very stupid man,” Colossus says. “Why are you wasting billions funding research into space travel when there are aliens with a strong grasp of the technology in the ships that brought them here on every superhero team on Earth? You could have easily provided the Earth with working and widely accessible space travel by now if you weren’t so miserly.”
“Yeah,” Juggernaut says behind him, scratching his head. “Aliens have been coming and going from this planet for like fifty years. There are tons of fancy spaceships anyone could’ve just reverse engineered and mass produced by now. How come nobody’s ever done that and we’re all just acting like space travel is some far-off dream when everyone we know’s been to space like at least ten times?”
“Stupid people,” Colossus rumbles again. Musky Bozo wets himself and Piotr sighs and shakes his head. He didn’t even touch him.
Cyclops and Wolverine and their teams of bruisers are already done with the ICE facilities and have progressed to busting open prisons and liberating all nonviolent offenders. They inform everyone else that they can appeal to a panel of telepaths to read their minds and see for themselves that they’re innocent.
“Guilt determined by mind-reading?” Someone asks. “Lots of potential for sketchiness there.”
“Absolutely,” Scott says. “Which is why laws about boundaries and oversight have to be established. For now, its a volunteer basis only. Nobody has to get their mind read, but its an option available in the meanwhile as we sort out a better system for determining who’s been imprisoned for crimes of premeditated malice and abuse and who’s just been railroaded by an unjust and biased system.”
“So this is your new utopia, huh?” Sneers the prison warden, from the floor where he’s on his ass with a busted face because, idk, Reasons.
Scott just shakes his head. “No. It’s merely a start.”
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, but if its broke and you wanna fix it, you gotta start somewhere,” Logan says gruffly. “Shit was broke. This is ‘starting somewhere.’”
He and Scott share a very Passionate look of camaraderie. Rogue sighs loudly.
“Just fuck already, jfc.”
Logan grunts. He already offered, but apparently all Personal Business must wait until after the Revolution was over, because a Scott Summers who put himself first was very clearly an impostor, so its not like Logan could even fucking get mad considering Scott putting in a pin in sucking each other’s faces after their We Were Both Dead But Now We’re Not and Also What the Fuck Was Up With Us For the Five Whole Years Before That reunion was what confirmed that it was definitely the Real Scott’s tongue in his mouth.
“Alright, let’s move it people,” Logan barks, clapping his hands. “There’s three more joints to hit before sundown. We got a timetable here.”
Jubilee squints at him suspiciously. “Since when are you efficient?”
“Mind your own fucking business.”
At no point does anyone suggest they erase the most sacred sites of all the world’s major religions and call them all fake or randomly resurrect a bunch of dinosaurs and release them on unsuspecting and innocent populations, because those are terrible ideas and make no sense and just because they’re stinkin’ commies now doesn’t mean they’re fucking morons.
Also, nobody grows a ridiculous beard or stops using shampoo or starts wearing flip flops or robes, because apparently those are not actually essential components of being a stinkin’ commie or even just a garden variety peace-aspiring socialist. They checked. Extensively. It was almost a dealbreaker. Emma, Monet and Roberto all threatened to side with the Capitalist Pigs if that was not thoroughly clarified before proceeding any further.
Thus ends my first issue. I email Marvel the script. They email it back, almost entirely redacted in red, with the note “This isn’t quite what we were looking for. Do you have anything about a new cure for mutants, maybe?”
I email them back: LOL NO. MAGNETO WAS RIGHT.
I am promptly fired.
I go back to ranting about how Marvel sucks on the internet.
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