thepromiscuousfinger · 4 months
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thewoodbine · 4 months
Banning the star of david from appearing at pride events because it "looks like the flag for Israel" IS antisemitic, discriminatory, and an act of oppression and hate against queer jews.
Yes, the magen david appears on the Israeli flag but unless it is in blue and framed by blue stripes, it is not an Israeli flag anymore than the hilal is a symbol for Pakistan.
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deadpoolian · 2 months
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Cute Marvel Snap animation
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
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ahaura · 10 months
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(Nov. 29)
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beroebluejeans · 9 months
I love how Tamsyn Muir was like, in this world everybody’s totally cool about gender and sexuality, but there’s a new invented binary that’s culturally and religiously defining and dictates who people are allowed to love and/or fuck and the roles they play in society.
They’ve written volumes and volumes of religious texts about how to conform to these sacred binary roles and filthy porn about people fulfilling or breaking the stereotypes of these roles. The role a person fulfills is determined before they’re born and dictates every aspect of their life. Once in a while someone who’s supposed to be on one side of the socioreligious binary is born more suited to the other side and has to hide it all their life (Coronabeth). Sometimes people fall in love in a way the socioreligious binary declares blasphemous and they decide to love each other openly anyway, and it shocks and scandalizes people no matter how wholesome and lovely and mundane their relationship is (Abigail and Magnus).
And these sacred binary roles are not equal, oh no, as much as the religious doctrine crows the importance of both roles, one is supposed to sacrifice endlessly and unquestioningly for the other, body, mind, and soul. And these binary roles have existed for ten thousand years and were created by God and underlie the whole structure of the universe! But here’s the secret: there was a time before this sacred binary existed, and God is just Some Guy who made this shit up.
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haejjoon · 1 year
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in a fight right
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disteal · 10 months
I think the best advice I ever got to stop myself from getting in my head over issues i was having with a partner/friend was “Are you deciding on ultimatums in your relationship without the other persons knowledge or consent? Are you having conversations in your head where the other party is a projection you supply the responses for? If so; you have done this person a huge disservice in not allowing them to answer on their own terms. You have done so much architecture around this problem in your mind that is impenetrable for anyone who was not there when it was being built.”
That shit really changed my life and honestly? I think made me a nicer person to be around.
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
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the easy grip on the knife. the leg over the seat. the hand over the other seat. the sassy "come get it" move. you know the bitch is smiling behind that mask even as he said the line.
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princessbutler1316 · 1 month
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This movie only have iconic posters
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pacificwaternymph · 1 month
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Did you guys know that Duke's tag on Ao3 only has 7,000 fics? Because I didn't.
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oflights · 10 months
i think miyazaki fake retires every time not as a gimmick but to make sure joe hisaishi goes flat out balls to the wall this is my last shot and i will eat and leave no crumbs. and you know what? he always does, every time
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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starlystudios · 1 month
So, when going over the Book of Bill for another time, I had a sudden thought…
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So, in the end it seems that Ford did help Bill Cipher hunt down the destroyer of his dimension, for vengeance. Alex Hirsch, you and your dramatic irony.
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shiftythrifting · 5 months
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listen i'm usually above taking potshots at reborn baby dolls but the sound I made upon opening Facebook Marketplace and being met with this thing sent my cats flying across the house
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gaviymarcsbride · 2 months
Y’all I genuinely urge you to stay up to date with world politics.
In my country, Venezuela, elections have just been held and the blatant disrespect that the so called government have for their people is astonishing.
How can they claim that Nicolas Maduro, one of the most hated dictators of our time, won 51%/5+ million votes?
How is it possible that he won when the voting panels have been updating every hour how Edmundo Gonzalez (the opposing candidate) has been winning by TRIPLE the vote?
How is it possible that most of the 7.3 million Venezuelan immigrants can’t vote and have no say in what goes on the country that gave them life?
How is it possible that Venezuelans have to fear for their life in voting stations because the military are set there to prevent them from voting?
How is it possible that the pig that’s called president is currently celebrating his “well-earned” victory?
Countries like Chile and Peru are already making statements that they will not recognize the results given by the CNE (the Venezuelan electoral system)
I think it’s sickening how all people can do is talk about it and not do a single thing about it, especially because as a society we try to condemn any harm to human rights just like how we did Russia, who by the way, is one of the dictatorships biggest supporters.
People have been facing literal hell since the late 90s and people in power DO. NOT. CARE.
Educate yourself, educate others, and most importantly TALK ABOUT IT, because I’m certain we’re not the first or the last country to go through this.
This is as much as I’ll say.
I hope they all rot in hell.
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