#got some kinda awful news today but this made me feel a lot better
eurydicees · 2 years
(sugaaz here) Hey there!! Dropping by to wish you a happy holidays❤️❤️❤️ Here have some cookies and chocolates🍪🍬🍫🧁 Sending lots of love💕💕💕 -moon❤️
omg hi !! thank you so much, this is so kind!! happy holidays to you as well <3 <3
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violetren · 9 months
Controversial opinion but, Gabe's level of crappy was well adapted actually.
I think the fact that the maintenance guy felt the need to apologise to Percy because Percy had to go into the house with a freshly annoyed Gabe, and the fact that Percy "my mother is more important than the gods" Jackson was surprised that Gabe has been answering her phone implying that its a breach of privacy and not a thing Sally would normally allow if is she knew, and just a few other things in general do work well as subtext that Gabe can be a lot worse than we got to see of him so its weird for me seeing everyone be like "idk man its probably gonna feel bad when the medusa him like the books, he's just kind sucky."
Like it's a live action disney show made for CHILDREN, there are a lot of things they are never going to get away with showing. Like showy domestic abuse. Violence only flies if its fantastical or if it is in small doses by people in the same peer group, like kids fighting kids, adults fighting adults. There isn't as much wiggle room as in say animation where its easily stylised to be less confronting, or in text where its all theatre of the mind.
Just because a lot of the original fans of the series are adults now doesn't mean the show was made for us, and would go in on those darker themes. It was made because its popular children's franchise that has the potential to get a whole new generation of viewers, they aren't gonna get by today's ethical standards for a children's show by making Show!Gabe more overtly like Percy's descriptions Book!Gabe.
Also do you know what actions we get from like the dozen or so lines we get of Book!Gabe at the start of the story when you strip away Percy's internal monologue about how awful he is? We get an entitled man child who sits on his ass playing poker for most of the scene and cares more about having cash to gamble than Percy or Sally's happiness. A loser who is placated into leaving the scene and becoming irrelevant by being offered food he likes.
So no, we didn't see him asking for Percy's change from the cab fare but we also didn't see Percy get a cab. And no, he didn't make some shitty comment about the money for the trip coming out of Sally's clothes money, but we did get him answering Sally's phone without permission and telling Percy he better take his shoes off in the car implying that Gabe sees his boundaries and belongings as sacred whereas theirs aren't. Gabe was only ever just kind of a pathetic jerk who had to prompt his so called friend twice for the guy to get in on jeering at Percy so honestly it makes sense that a modern version would only play online because he wouldn't have the charisma or attitude to get an in person table.
Book!Gabe only seemed more hardcore because we had Percy's internal monologue adding layers that couldn't have been put into adaptation without adding an extra 10mins of run time or using a voice over technique that wouldn't mesh with the rest of how they have constructed the show and would have come off as cheap. And arguably even with the internal monologue the only reason his death still feels justifiable as an adult is because we've been steeping Percy's (aka the heroic audience surrogate protag that our young minds all latched onto) satisfaction at his death in nostalgia for almost two decades.
So yeah, he seemed pathetic and kinda manageable in the beginning, but the reason abusers can be so prolific is that a lot of the time they do look pathetic, or manageable, or if you're especially unlucky they can even seem charming, and attentive, right up until they aren't.
For the adults and older kids that know the character that means we know what he is under that pathetic facade, for those that don't some red flags were dropped, and for the kids he's just vaguely a jerk compared to Sainted Mother Sally Jackson and that might be enough of a hand wave when they have much cooler fantasy shit and other characters their age to be more busy sympathising with.
Obviously we don't know how things will play out, maybe because they "scaled him back" they'll drop the medusa statue approach. Maybe we'll get flashbacks or conversations about Percy growing up that will show Gabe's more sinister side to justify it happening anyways. Maybe we'll see nothing but when Percy and Sally will arrive home and Gabe will blow up at them for having to sit through the big game alone and without his sandwich completely ignoring that they were missing for over a week beyond how it inconvenience him, and make it a moment of self defence. Maybe it will be played for cheap laughs or a cheaper girl-power™ moment.
My point is for what the show is and who its aimed at, Gabe was an acceptable level of crappy, and its too soon to make a judgement call on whether he deserves his book death since we don't know if they'll have scaled that back to match his new incarnation. It was funny and felt kinda like justice in the books, but it wasn't a major plot point, it was just a loose end being tied up. They could end the season evoking much of the same emotion just by kicking him out of the apartment with nothing but his wrecked car and a sandwich that doesn't even have peppers in it.
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
TF2 Drabbles: Spy/Engie & Scout - The Guy Your Deadbeat Dad Married
Summary: We need more of the Engiespy as parents
[A/N] I went more for a actual paternal thing this time instead of usual mom-friend vibe but this is just what came to me when I sat down to write this.
Engie paused as he stepped into his workshop. Scout was already in it, seated on the edge of the workbench. Evidently he’d picked the lock to let himself in. A bit annoying but well, he was Spy’s son so of course he knew how to pick locks and liked to use that skill to surprise folk.
“So you’re gonna be my stepdad now, huh?” Scout said as slide off the table to his feet.
“You already know ‘bout that, huh?” Spy had literally just proposed last night after pulling Engie up onto the roof to watch the sunset. They’d been planning to tell everyone sometime today.
“Yeah. You guys did it kinda out in the open. Demo overheard and he told me.” Likely everyone else knew by now too then; living on a base with only eight other people made rumors and news spread less like wildfire and more like an explosion. Probably their fault for doing the proposal on the roof. Too late to do anything about it now.
“You got a problem with me marrying your dad?”
Scout was silent for a few seconds, shifting his weight back and forth, before replying. “No. It’s just weird to think about. I went my whole life thinking my dad was dead but turns he just left ‘cause he’s a coward and ‘cause he’s got enemies or whatever. And then one day I end up working with him, find out he’s my dad a couple years later and then whoops he’s getting married so now I’m gonna have two dads. And my stepdad is a guy I knew before my dad even starting dating him. That’s not how those kinds of things typically go, right? It’s just weird.”
In all the excitement of the proposal, Engie hadn’t had time to pause and consider how Scout would take the news. And he and Spy had officially started dating before Scout had found out Spy was his dad. Not much before but still long enough that the topic of how that news affected Scout and Engie’s relationship hadn’t come up. And it had continued to be something they never talked about it until now.
Engie didn’t feel equipped for such a conversation. Scout and Spy seemed to have repaired their relationship as much as was possible and largely got along now. That didn’t mean everything was all good and fine between them though. There was still tension at times, Spy talked to Engie about it occasionally. It wasn’t something Engie particularly liked the thought of getting involved in but he did love Spy enough to take it on. That’s what loving other people was like sometimes, especially when choosing to marry someone. And so they were finally talking about it.
Engie approached a couple steps closer, putting his hands into his pockets for lack of knowing what else to do with them. “You don’t gotta think of me as your stepdad or whatever if you’d prefer not to. I could just be the guy your deadbeat dad married.” There’d be no use pretending it wouldn’t affect their relationship in some way.
“Is that what you want me to do?”
“No.” Engie liked Scout. They’d gotten along fairly well from the beginning and after all the times Spy had confided in him about his son, Engie had grown to see him in a somewhat similar light. “It ain’t ‘bout just me though. I’m not sure what all goes into being a dad, step or otherwise, especially to someone who’s already an adult, but I’d be willing to try if that’s what you want from me.”
Scout’s face scrunched up as he studied Engie, making him look an awful lot like Spy. Also like Spy, what he was looking for was impossible for Engie to guess. Finally though he relaxed and even smiled. “You know, I think you might be a better dad than my actual dad.”
“Yeah. Not that that’s exactly hard to do and all. But like, you know? Congrats on getting married and stuff. Maybe having two dads will make up for even properly having one for so long.”
“Well, I suppose I look forward to forward to helping you find out.”
They shook hands. A bit awkward and stiff but it was nice to be on the same page. Only time would tell how things would actually go but Engie was optimistic.
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space-helen · 2 years
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Words: 592
Pairing: Will Riker x Reader
A/N: This is kinda cute
Request:  Could I have a scenario where William Riker gets comforted by his s/o when he is upset? - alivemercyno
"Will isn't doing too well right now." Deanna's voice broke your concentration.
You looked at her puzzled for a second before realising what she'd said. "Is he ok?" You asked to double-check.
She shook her head and her eyes were full of sadness. "He rushed past me and barely said a word but I know it wasn't anything personal."
"I'll go see to him. Can you send my apologies to the others?"
She nodded and you said your thanks before swiftly leaving towards yours and Will's shared quarters.
When you arrived everything was dark. Quietly you snuck through the space to the bedroom and saw the man on his side in bed, the sheets covering him.
"Will?" You whispered, unsure if he was awake or not. There was no answer so you repeated yourself, taking an extra step into the room. 
That's when you heard him sniffling, to anyone else it may have sounded like the sniffles someone got when the had a cold, but you'd known the man long enough to know those were anything but, even without Deanna's inside knowledge of his state right now.
Sitting on the bed in front of him you carded your fingers through his hair gently, the man leant into your touch "What's wrong?" You spoke quietly. 
Will pushed himself up in bed so he was sat upright, his eyes were red rimmed, clearly from crying. "I feel like I let a lot of people down today."
You placed your hand on his knee reassuringly "I'm sure you did anything but. If you want to talk about it though I'm always here to listen." 
"I made some wrong calls today, made a fool of myself in front of some new Ensign's. It was totally a lapse in memory and I could tell that the Captain was disappointed." 
You looked into the man's eyes, he'd stopped sniffling now but his eyes were still shiny and red. "Did you cause anyone harm?"
"No." He shook his head very slightly at the same time.
"Did you cost anyone their job?" 
"You have nothing to worry about. Everyone makes small mistakes and the Ensigns are probably too in awe at the Enterprise still to even know what you said was wrong. You're not first officer for no reason Will. You have that title for a reason."
The man was quiet for a second as he mulled over his thoughts "yeah I suppose. It still doesn't feel great though."
"I know and I'm not saying you have no reason to be upset, you do and you're allowed to be upset. But think about some of the positives, no matter how small, so it doesn't weigh you down as much. The little bit of weight you can get off the anchor means you're closer to moving again, no matter how small." 
You thought about what said for a second and laughed "Did that even make any sense? I'm not really sure."
Will felt a smile form, your analogy was somewhat true and it was certainly making him feel better. "I don't know what I'd do without you Y/N. Truly."
You gave him a soft smile "and I have absolutely no clue what I'd do without you." Giving his knee one last squeeze you stood up. "You find a movie, I'll replicate some food."
The man smiled and adjusted himself into a comfier position as he watched you walk away. He really did appreciate you and he was almost certain that without you he'd have sunk a long time ago. 
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Star Trek: @heyitsaloy​  @angel-with-wings-castiel​
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heybaetae · 3 months
kelli! it's so nice to see you back on the dash 🤍 i hope you've been doing better, and had a good day today overall!
since you asked for some chitty chats, this is moreso a thought i've been having since the excitement of seokjin coming back and the new ot7 pics coming out... i've grown out of the huge fandom aspect of things (i didn't even know festa included a live show or a new song released by jungkook 😭) — but knowing they are all okay, looking healthy and smiling... it really makes me feel like they were once my best friend where we knew everything about each other and did everything together — but then life got in the way? we lost contact for a while, priorities shifted, and now we are living different lives ... but there is still so much love, so much respect, so much awe.
it oddly hurts, moving on like this. i felt something similar years ago when i gave away a signed poster towards an auction at my university — it was for a great cause, the army i gave it to was endlessly grateful, and it made me so happy that i could pass along something that would mean the world to them infinitely more than me. it felt like i also gave away a huge part of myself but not in an empty-thinking way... but in a there-is-now-room-for-more-in-life...
i don't know what this message really entails haha! just thoughts about growing up, moving on, but still feeling like i have one foot in the past and looking back in a fear of... potential regret? and it's not like my world will shatter or anything, but these boys made me so, so happy at one point in my life. if anything, now that i type these thoughts out, i almost want to thank them for guiding me to that said feeling of happiness — and to believe that i can continue to find it in other aspects of life... oh 🥺
ah what a sweet sentiment, anon! thanks for sharing. i think if people were more open minded instead of judgemental and dictative of other fans' personal journeys with bts, we'd all be in a much healthier place as a fandom. it feels icky (read: cult-like) seeing people try to tell each other how their loyalty to bts matters more than anything and that nobody is allowed to gradually grow out of a fandom space for their own reasons or it makes you a bad person. i think that's why a lot of "ex-army" have such a bitter taste in their mouths and it's sometimes hard to call it unfounded depending on their situation or experience. i hope you're doing well and am glad you still feel warmth towards them despite your distance from them and the fandom. your feelings match mine towards my previous fandom, so i totally get the bittersweet emotions that come with being out of the loop and feeling lighter, but still kinda regretful it happened. i'm pretty sure they just want you to be happy no matter how long you were with them in the first place. :)
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justafrange · 4 months
Sharing cus tbh I feel lonely rn and I'm very confused? Feeling s bit uninspired
So today (last day of classes before mid term break) I had an eye appointment and they said my eyes produce less tears, Haven't read up on it but they also mentioned technology and how it causes headaches
I'm almost done with school so I actually have soooooooo much free time sans the studying I gotta do, but I also wanne reduce my technology usage cus I have a crippling dependency ever since I had to revise my other hobbies to not get out of track with classes, but just thinking of picking up those hobbies again feels daunting and like, I won't be able to feel the love I had for them which makes me sad :(
I already crochet and have books to draw in, but writing for fic has always been online cus it's just easier to save and preserve my writing that way (plus more secure in my case) than to write ideas in a book and run the risk of them getting lost. But I really wanna cut down tech usage so instead of just writing out the plot in full I'll use paper and pen to write out the outline of my story plots and then make notes of the misadventures or side quests the characters go through and the characteristics of the characters
Honestly, I'm talking about this to someone else cus I kinda want an alternative perspective? I realised that school has made me so dependent on someone telling me what to do and I hate it, so I wanna try and practice independence more, especially planning how I wanna do my hobbies
Aw I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this :( getting this sort of news from medics is always a lot. I feel like it's good that you want to cut some on your screen usage, over the years we have become so dependant on it, but as you mentioned some of your hobbies do depend on screen time so in a way you would also be cutting those hobbies too :((
I think you could implement time limits! That's what I did during classes to not get distracted. Most of the stuff I do for my classes are on my laptop, so I spend most of my day staring at a screen, but I can always adapt it to it isn't as bad for my health. You can add extensions on your browsers and phone to limit the time usage on certain pages and apps, and light filters so it doesn't mess with your sleep at night :)! The idea is never to cut down on stuff you love, but how you can adapt it to make it work for you current goals.
You got this!!! If you believe it's better to do the paper and pencil method first, go for it! But don't feel bad if it's hard to start on your hobbies again. It's always hard to work on regaining the love you once had for certain hobbies, but in the end always worth it.
I hope my little rant made sense and helps you, thank you foe sharing <3
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tinyinvadr · 1 year
It’s been a couple days, but I’m back with a new chapter! I’ve been kinda stressed out lately, but I wanted to get another chapter out since I love this story so much and I wanna have at least one good thing happen today lol. Also I finally got my hands on Dookie Loop Horror last night, so now I officially own all the Zim comics! I would like my award now.
Borrowed Family
Chapter 5
“Rosie, please be quiet. Do you want the humans to hear you?”
I was running around our house, playing with my plushies, when my parents stopped me.
“What’s the big deal with humans, anyway? Aren’t they sort of like us?”
Dad placed a hand on my shoulder.
“No, Rosie. They’re monsters. Monsters who want us dead. And if they find out we’re here, they’ll see to it that we’re all killed, understand?”
“But… maybe some of them are nice! And the family that lives here has kids! Can’t I go play with them?”
He looked me dead in the eyes with the coldest glare.
“If they see you, they will kill you. The only thing you’d be playing with is our lives. I don’t want to hear another word about this.”
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I always hated when Dad yelled at me.
“Humans will never be our friends. Put those childish fantasies aside and accept the truth. If you don’t, we’ll all have to suffer for it. Now, keep it down.”
Just as I was giving him a little nod, the walls began to shake. A human hand burst through the wall like it was nothing, and it was grabbing at everything, trying to reach us.
Before I could run, the hand grabbed me. I looked to my parents, crying even harder.
They both just stood there, looking at me with disappointment.
“Now look at what you’ve done.”
That was the last thing I saw before the hand pulled me out of the wall. My family, the only family I’ve ever known, ashamed of me.
The second I was fully out, I heard the human laughing. I almost didn’t recognize the voice, but then he said something that made my blood run cold.
“I have you now, Recap!”
I was turned around, forced to face Dib. He had an evil smirk on his face as he loomed over me, holding me tightly in his fist.
“Dib!? Why!?”
He kept laughing at me. “Did you really think I wanted to be your friend? I lured you right into my trap! Your parents were right, you ARE stupid!”
I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart pounding like it wanted to burst out of my chest. It didn’t help that I didn’t immediately recognize where I was, either.
The bedroom door suddenly opened, and I yelped and jumped back as Dib came into the room.
“Recap? What are you doing up?”
I inched further back as he approached the desk.
“Whoa, are you okay? Did you have a nightmare or something?”
I shut my eyes as he got closer, waiting for him to grab me like he did in my dream. But after a few seconds, I realized he wasn’t making any moves to reach for me, and I opened my eyes.
Dib was looking down at me, but with concern. He could tell something was wrong, and he stayed at somewhat of a distance.
“You’re… still scared of me, aren’t you?”
“I… y-yeah…”
Surprisingly, he didn’t look too upset.
“I understand. You just went through something awful, you only just met me, and I’m basically a giant to you, of course you’re scared. But… even if it doesn’t feel like it, you did the right thing coming back here.”
At that point, I wasn’t sure what to say. In only a couple days, my entire life got so much more complicated than I ever thought it would be. Though, I guess if my dream is anything to go off of, these problems have always existed, I just learned to ignore them.
“If it makes you feel better, I can go sleep downstairs on the couch.”
“N-No! I mean… I’m scared, but… being alone would be a lot worse…”
He simply nodded.
“Okay… then maybe we could stay up and talk for a little while, until you feel more comfortable. It doesn’t have to be about anything heavy, just, anything that you think would calm you down.”
I thought it over for a minute. What could I even talk about? I didn’t want to go into the details of my dream, especially since he wouldn’t exactly love hearing that I saw him as a monster. Then, I thought of something.
“This is probably a dumb question, but… do you ever feel scared?”
He chuckled. “All the time. I think I mentioned him a couple times, but there’s this alien in my class, Zim, and he seriously terrifies me. The amount of times he’s almost killed me… yeah, I definitely need therapy.”
“If you’re afraid, why don’t you try to stay away from him?”
“Heh… it’s complicated. You see, I’m the only one who knows Zim’s an alien. Well, Gaz knows, but she doesn’t care. And because of that, I’m the only one who can stop his evil plans. It’s my duty to defend Earth and protect the people I care about… even if they don’t always appreciate it…”
It was hard to believe how much pressure he was under. He was only a couple years older than me, and he had to deal with all this. The responsibility of keeping his family safe shouldn’t fall on him alone.
In a way, he was a lot like me…
While my parents didn’t expect me to protect them, they still wouldn’t let me just be a kid. Everything that I did had to be considered from the the perspective of “will my family die because of me?”
That’s… not something that kids should have to go through.
“Dib… I’m sorry for freaking out. You’re not a monster. You’re a kid, just like me.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like being so small. You’re a lot braver than I would be in your place.”
To be honest, I really didn’t feel all that brave. I ran away from my problems and went to a kid I only just met in the hopes that he would help me.
Then again, I’m not really sure what I would’ve been proving if I chose to stay in the house with the family that didn’t want me. Maybe this was the better option after all.
Dib let out a yawn. “Do you think you’re ready to try going back to sleep?”
I nodded. “Yeah, but, um… Could you do that thing where you pick me up and rub my head again?”
He chuckled as he scooped me up and pressed me against his chest like he did before, gently hugging me and running his thumb across my head.
“Things are gonna be different now, I promise.”
After a few minutes, I started to feel tired again, and he put me back down on the coat. The real Dib was nothing like what I saw in my dream, and I could rest easy knowing that. I couldn’t say the same about my parents, but at least I knew for sure that no matter what horrible things my mind had to throw at me, I would be safe in the morning when I woke up.
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guvato · 2 months
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Tamalog Day 7
Now that i think about it, weekends are probably gonna be the least eventful days, since they are days where i don't get out of the house and i usually sleep till very very late into the day. Today we started the day at 7AM as per usual, and i decided that for the sake of this being as accurate as i can make it, i won't do anything big during the morning, just call the sitters and start the day properly when i wake up, that being said, i played about 5 matches of 'Fast Food' on the Uni, fed Picochutchi the last of her sumo style hot pots, after that we did some Tama Searching and made pretty big progress with some Tamas, but we didn't meet any new Tama. After that, i called the Sitter for Picochutchi and switched my attention to Himetchi, who was a little hungry, so we went to the restaurant and got some cereal for her breakfest, with her happiness pretty high and her hunger satiated, i decided to cook something, took a picture of my half-eaten hamburguer and my AA Batteries, and boom, we made some Canéle. After that i just called the Sitter for Himetchi and went on to wake up Milktchi, which took a while, i am honestly not an expert on waking up my Smart Tama, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that Milktchi decided to introduce me to her Boyfriend, which was quite the shock for me, but i can't say i was that much surprised either, as i knew this would happen someday. Then, i gave her my blessing to go start a life with her new love, and after the marriage animation, i was left tired wanting to go to sleep but with a baby boy in my hands, and i did what any sane human being would do and stayed awake as much as possible to take care of the kid.
Waking up at 5PM, i immediatly went to take care of the new baby, he had evolved to Mofuwatchi and was feeling a little sick and pooped quite a lot but wasn't too hungry as i kept his baby stage as fed as possible. We are going for Kuchipachi this time, so i don't know how many care mistakes we got right now but i worry a bit that we might be at least at 3 Care Mistakes, and we need four so... yeah, i hope we can get Kuchipachi with just one more Care Mistake. After taking care of Mofuwatchi, i picked up both Himetchi and Picochutchi from their Sitters, since Himetchi was feeling great, i just went and did the Daily Prize Draw, which she got 1st place once again and we got extra 200Gs. Turning my attention to Picochutchi, she was also feeling great, so we went to the TamaVerse play our daily match at the Tama Arena, and i was feeling confident that we'd get great results, BUT, our adversaries were also masters at surfing, and due to Picochutchi only getting caught in one flag that was kinda behind her, she got 3rd place by a few meters, great performance by her, but sadly, the other contestants did it better.
When evening came, i fed Mofuwatchi some Onigiri, Picochutchi had some Samgye-Tang soup and Himetchi went to the Restaurant and got some Gratin. After Dinner Himetchi asked me to play a bit at home, so we played some Matching game, which we did good, and i gave her some pets as a reward, Picochutchi wasn't feeling 100% after dinner so i had to go with her to the Arcade to get that Happiness meter to 100%. Mofuwatchi received some pets as well but i think i need to be just a little bit neglective just for the evolution (and i will feel really bad for neglecting any Tama any time i do it, trust me, i feel awful.) Picochutchi posted about her surfing on Social Media and it is good to know that even though she didn't thrive and got first place, she had fun, and that is all that matters to me.
Nothing much of interest happened the rest of the night, Mofuwatchi went to sleep at 8PM along with Himetchi, so all i had left to do was keep an eye on Picochutchi in case she needed something, and she just wanted to play for a bit, which we did, got some money and then i left her to do whenever she usually does. And before i knew it, our 7th Tama Day had ended. One whole week, i can say that i am impressed with myself as much as i am having fun doing this. We also had our first goodbye, which is always bittersweet to me as i really love and care for these Tamas, it seems dumb and silly for other people, but it matters to me.
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kylekozmikdeluxo · 8 months
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Kind of a diary entry, I guess...
This month and the previous month have been HELL for me. Work isn't scheduling me enough, in fact my job is starting to suck these days for various reasons, the job search continues to be fruitless, my financial situation is far from stable, and as a result my mental health has taken a serious smack. It's made worse by other issues I'm having at the moment. There are days where I don't feel like myself, and that I'm not fully back on track just yet. A lot of my creative endeavors have taken a hit, too. It's why I'm largely working on a fanfic at the moment, and not my original stuff.
Earlier today, I went to the movies. First time since the first week of January, when I had seen POOR THINGS. Much like most of my movie theater trips, I went alone. I was *literally* alone when seeing GODZILLA MINUS ONE today, because there were like two other people in that theater. I caught the Minus Color edition of the movie. Treated myself to some junk food, at that. Prior to the movie, I saw some of my co-workers, whom I really enjoy seeing. So for about three hours, my mind wasn't wandering to something awful or horrible, nor was it ruminating on things.
It's kind of what I miss about college and work, honestly. Almost every day I had a little something to do to keep my mind busy, and then I would have some time for creative endeavors. Though I will point out... after COVID-19 hit in the U.S., and I had many months without a job and was long done with college? Things kinda RULED?
Despite the emotional hardships and all the terrible things that were going on, being home everyday uncorked so much in me. I came up with so much new stuff, and greatly improved stories and projects I had been working on for YEARS. It's like I found a former, cringier, more rebellious me that I had locked up for unfounded reasons and set that earlier me free.
So, the other part of me is like "No, working/having something to do all the time stifled your creativity and kept you from branching out!" This is where I feel that I have to find the balance. Being home and alone all the time to eventually let bad thoughts stew sucks, but so does having to do something all the time to the point of exhaustion.
Today, I simply got myself ready and went out and saw a movie. Not just an aimless car ride around town, which sometimes end in dissatisfaction. I saw some co-workers. Wasn't much, as I normally try to hit the flicks, and I see these people whenever I have shifts (lol, not much anymore!), but it was like bliss in a way. If I could just have days like that where the "do stuff to keep your mind off of things" and down-time balance is just right, I think life would significantly get better for me...
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dearreader · 2 years
alright i’m going to vent in hopes that’ll get my body to fucking rest because i’ve been through several stressful situations and now that they’re over my bodies letting me KNOW it’s tired but not doing anything to fix it. if you want to read my rant go ahead but be warned ITS A LOT
first my friend found a lump in their breast and had to get it screened to see if it was cancer and they couldn’t go in for a week which made me panic because that’s not only my friend who may have cancer but i’m now panicking over my friend dying and worrying about my dads death and that trauma. then i started telling my tragic backstory™️ to said friend and went into detail over the abuse i got in the sorority which then made me relive all that shit. then my sister comes home for christmas and things shift from my normal routine and i try to ignore it but it’s getting more and more annoying and slowly driving me crazy. then my grandpa dies but i’m not upset because my dad didn’t like his family and tried to keep us away as much as possible and also they’re just weird and didn’t like to get together but i am actually upset in some way that i can’t fully identify because i don’t really care about him and i didn’t react the same way i reacted to his death thst i did ti my fathers and grammys death so it’s not that i’m upset upset but i’m still upset over a death in my family and shit but then i feel kinda guilty because of how awful he was to my dad and grandmother which feels like a whole other can of worms that i can’t express to my mom or sister because my mom always hated my grandpa because of how he treated my dad and my sister flat out told me she said she no longer had any grandparents after my grammy died SO I GOTTA RIDE THESE FEELINFS OUT ALONE. then my sister and i get into a fight because schedule and conflict issues if she’s doing X and needs Y because of work but me doing Y is my normal routine and i can’t do my normal routine now because she’s invading my space and it’s been driving me crazy but it took us 30 minutes of yelling for me to finally get to the root with my sister telling me she won’t take my abuse and will cut me out if i don’t start treating her better because to be fair i do treat her badly and don’t realize it so that’s on me and she snapped at me. but then that whole thing sends me into spiral of my sister hates me and we get into a fight over money but she’s actually not mad at me just annoyed because i’m playing the victim because i send her a long message that i think is detailing what she’s not seeing but it’s more me not taking accountability. then i wake up today and find out my friend doesn’t have cancer and see my sister text me back and i then have to swallow my pride and beat back any part of my brain that’s trying to defend myself when i did over react and hurt her and was mostly playing the victim so we’re goodish. and now im trying to fall asleep but my body refuses to do it even though it’s EXHAUSTED
oh, also my period was over a week fucking late for no reason then to make me miserable during the new year :p
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sweet-villain · 2 years
You're All I Want~ Joseph Quinn ft Joe Keery 
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Requested : Yes
Anonymous asked:
Hellooo! I loved your recent joe quinn x reader fic! I was wondering if you could also do a joe quinn x reader x platonic!Joe Keery based on like the interview with Sofia Boutella/Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto (where they are promoting the new Star Trek movie and they’re both very touchy with Sofia)
Reader and Joseph are in the very early stages of dating (she’s also a cast member but they like to be private about their relationship) but Joe Keery likes to push some buttons and starts getting touchy with reader in an interview and Joseph is kinda jealous so he also starts getting touchy and its basically just both of them battling for the reader’s attention and after the interview is released the fans ofcourse love this interaction but Joseph feels a little insecure about it.. you can finish it how you like it!!
Thank you! Keep up the good writing!!
Author's Note : Hi! Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. Hope you enjoy!
Not many people knew that you were dating Joseph, you two liked to keep your relationship private. It's still new and Joseph has been dating you only for a few months. The cast, the crew and the directors knew that you two were together but promised to keep it out of the media. They all knew how the fans might get.
You met Joseph on set, being casted into the new season along side him. Samantha Kyle, your character played Eddie's love interest and your character tutored him to help him graduate, until he finds out you love to play D&D and you join Hellfire.
" Good morning, lovely" your boyfriend greets you as you opened the door. He steps into your apartment, kissing your cheek as he walks into the kitchen to set down breakfast he brought you with coffee.
" Awe, good morning. You didn't need to bring me breakfast" he turns around pulling you into his chest locking his arms around your waist.
" I know, but I wanted to plus we have an interview today with Joe. Speaking of Joe, he is excited to see you today" he tilts his head a bit looking elsewhere as he hums to himself thinking.
" Hey, don't go anywhere. Back to me, babe" you cup his face with one hand, his lip are puckered up. His brown beautiful eyes meet yours as he say something but it results in a muffle.
" What?" He laughed after you release him and repeats what he says, " I said you look beautiful"
" Oh thank you but I haven't even gotten dressed yet"
You were just in your loose shorts and a simple white shirt, you quickly threw it on before you had to answer some emails for work and call your mom.
" You look beautiful in anything and everything" he leans down rubbing his nose against yours, a smile grows on your lip as you lean up on your toes hovering your lips against his.
He smiles against your lips connecting with his as they dance as one. You haven't even noticed that his hands went from your waist to your ass making you gasp as he smacked it.
" Better hurry, we have to go soon" he says pulling away sending you a wink. Your cheeks tint red as well as your ears.
It was still early in your relationship with Joseph but when he acted like this, it made you feel so many things. You grabbed the breakfast he got you with coffee as he told you he would be back, he was going for a smoke telling you had a few mins before you had to get ready. He knows how much you wanted to look pretty even though he told you many times that you were the most beautiful person he has ever seen.
" Man, I'm so lucky" you mumbled to yourself watching him leave.
" Joe!" you throw your hands up seeing your friend, and cast mate. You haven't talked to him in awhile now and haven't done any interview with him. Joe laughed as he came over wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into him.
Meanwhile Joseph watched the interaction with an uneasy look on his face. He knew you both were good friends, but he didn't really like the way Joe was so happy to see you.
" Joseph!" Joe greets him with a small, a pat on his shoulder. " Keery" he says, nodding and attempts to show a smile. But you knew what that was, it was one of those hey don't really want to talk to you smiles.
As you seated in your chairs for the interview, you leaned over to Joseph asking him if he was alright. He nodded leaning his head on his hand as he looked over to you catching your eye.
You kissed his cheek to make him feel more comfortable. Joseph only smiled reaching for your hand as he brought it to his lips kissing your palm.
" You guys are cute" Joe says as he watches you two. You turned to look at him, " Why thank you."
Before the interview started, both Joe and Joseph had moved closer that you almost touched knee to knee with them. Joseph shifted in his seat watching as Joe sat too close for his liking. He already didn't like how this was going to go. He glared down at his legs, one of his hands tight in a fist.
When the interview started, they asked Joseph how it was for him coming onto the set and joining Stranger Things. Joseph hasn't noticed it at first but Joe has wrapped around you pulling you into him and he doesn't noticed that you and Joe had grabbed hands. But his eyes shifted to you when he finished answering the question and sat up in his seat, nose flaring seeing Joe's arm around you.
He did not like it one bit. Why was Joe Keery touching you?
On the other hand, Joe was just playing around because he knows how to rile up Joseph and he was just having fun with it.
You paid no mind to this, liking the affection. Joe and you were great friends but you haven't noticed how Joseph scowled at him. The interviewer turned to you asking you the same question she has asked Joseph.
" I felt very welcomed on set, immediately becoming fast friends with everyone especially Joseph" you turned to look at him and that's when he his scowl turned into a smile and you turned back to Joe reached over to squeeze his thigh making him jump in his seat and chuckle.
Joe watched with jealousy raging inside him. Now it's you who was playing. Why was your attention to Joe and not him? He pouted in his seat before the interviewer went back to Joseph but you and Joe were playing handsy as he answered, holding his finger before Joe held onto your hand.
You two were smiling at each other as if something was going on. Joe kept watching like a hawk, glaring daggers who he thought was suppose to be his friend and at you, his girl. The both of you were pushing Joseph's buttons and Joseph grew more jealous than ever.
You were asked more questions about your character and how it was working with Joseph. As you turned to him, you felt like he felt sorta left out from the affection. You scooted your seat closer to him, the interviewer watching the two of you as you leaned closer to him.
He wrapped his arms around you and the other rubbed your arm as he watched you answer with adoration and love in his eyes. Joe watched knowing that pushing his friends buttons only made you want to be closer to your boyfriend.
He succeeded.
When the interview was done, Joseph grabbed your wrist gently in his grasp as he pulled you along to leave.
" Wait, I didn't say bye to Joe or thanked the interviewer" you mumbled, pulling your arm from Joseph.
" They will be fine" he says. " Bye!" Joseph said to the both Joe who laughed watching and the interviewer who looked amused. They both had figured out what happened and didn't mind one bit.
He opened the passenger side door, waiting for you to get in.
" Joseph, what was that?" He held the door open, biting his bottom lip. Sunglasses on top of his curls, his lip in a pout and he looked so adorable right now.
" hey" you tugged on his arm trying to have him look at you. He rose his eyes to meet yours. " What's wrong?" He looks back from where you came from then back to you.
Your eyebrows frowned together with worry in your eyes as you wait for his answer.
" Joseph.." you start to say but he sighed, " I was jealous" he admits not wanting to hide anything from you.
"Oh, I think I know what's going on" you nodded pulling him to come closer. You took both his hands into your own lacing your fingers through his as you stood on your toes to reach his lips.
" Joe was riling you up by touching me, you wanted it to be you? Am I right?" his eyes are focused on your lips, the way they brush against his lips, the way your breath hovers over his lips and then looks into your eyes then back to your lips which now holds a smirk.
He gasped understanding what had happened. You were trying to make him jealous, to rile him up, to get a reaction out of him.
" You little minx" he grabs your waist pulling you against him, kissing you passionately and squeezing your hips. You plan this with Joe all along, and Joe had no problem with helping.
" How about you come over and I'll show you how sorry I am" he rose his eyebrow liking the idea, he nodded with a smirk of his own.
" Maybe I won't forgive you till tomorrow after noon, who knows how many time you have to prove it" his eyes darken his hand going from your cheek to your throat.
" Be a good girl, and sit or I won't let you touch me at all" you gasped quickly getting into the car before he shut the door coming over to the driver side.
Joseph Quinn can play a game too, all night if he has to with you.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Requested by @hstyleswritten : you and Tom make tik toks on set that test your friendship
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“Hi tik tok.” You waved to your camera. “I’m not sure who’s gonna see this but I wanted to announce that I’ll be playing Black Cat in the MCU going forward. I just saw that the news broke online and-“
“-and she’s my girlfriend.” Tom jumped on your couch and wrapped his arms around you. “Did she tell you she’s my girlfriend? I finally got one.”
“All right, relax.” You chuckled as you playfully pushed Tom off of you. “I’m his girlfriend in the movies. Tom and I are just friends.”
“Why’d you have to kill my vibe?” He teased as he hugged you again. “Who is this video for anyway?”
“It’s for tik tok.” You told him.
“Oh. Hi tic tac!” He waved to your camera, making you burst out laughing.
“No it’s not…you know what? It doesn’t even matter. Bye tik tok.” You waved goodbye.
“Bye tic tac! Are they sponsoring you?” Tom asked as you posted the video.
“Uh uh.” You said sarcastically. “Tic Tac is sponsoring me. I get free breath mints for life.”
“Really?” Tom gasped. “You’re so lucky.”
“I’m joking.” You laughed. I don’t think they sponsor anyone. Wait, look. I already got a few thousand followers.”
Tom looked at your phone and patted your back to show he was impressed.
“Wow.” He smiled. “Look at you.”
“Please.” You rolled your eyes. “They’re following for you.”
“Darling, don’t be ridiculous.” Tom tutted as he pinched your cheeks. “They’re following to see this pretty face.”
“No.” You giggled as you pulled out of his grasp. “It’s for you.”
“We should make more of these.” Tom suggested.
“Oh, trust me.” You told him. “I plan to.”
“Hi Tik Tok. I’m on set right now. I can’t show you anything or I will be smited but look who I’m with.” You grinned as you rested your head on Toms shoulder and panned the camera to him.
“Hi.” Tom smiled at you. “What’s this for?”
“Tik tok.” You told him. “Say hi.”
“Hi tik tok.” Tom waved. “What is tik tok anyway?”
“It’s a dating app.” You told him casually as you posed.
“What?” He stammered, his jealously getting the better of him.
“I’m kidding.” You chuckled, making him sigh in relief. “It’s kinda like vine. Remember vine?”
“Is that that thing you showed me with the “road work ahead” guy?” Tom wondered, always confused with changing technology.
“Yeah, that’s it.” You laughed again at his choice of references.
“Uh, I sure hope it does.” Tom quoted in the style of the vine. “Was that good?”
“That was perfect.” You complimented, smiling at how he looked to you for approval. “I’m so posting this.”
Tom leaned on his hand and watched you fondly as you uploaded the video.
“How many followers do you have, love?” He asked as he gazed at you.
“13 million.” You showed him your phone and shook it proudly.
“Wow.” His eyes widened. “Already?”
“What can I say? They all want to see this pretty face.” You teased as you pinched his cheeks, just as he did to you.
“Unhand me, woman.” He laughed. “That’s seriously impressive. I can’t believe my best friend is the face of tic tacs.”
You rolled your eyes at his joke as he laughed at himself before checking the comments on your latest video.
“Okay I’ve been getting a bunch of comments to do more tik toks with Tom so I’m gonna pull some pranks on him.” You said as you set up your phone. “He should be coming to my trailer any minute.”
Soon enough, Tom opened your trailer door and set a package of baby carrots and some hummus on your counter.
“Hey.” You said stiffly, keeping your eyes on your phone.
“Hi beautiful.” Tom smiled at you. “Whatcha up to?”
“Nothing.” You mumbled. “Just sitting here.”
“Are you okay? You seem upset.” Tom noticed. You flicked your eyes to the camera and smirked a little before going in for the kill.
“You could have been nicer to be today.” You said quietly, still keeping your eyes down.
Toms eyes widened before filling with sadness as he took a seat next to you in the couch.
“I’m sorry, princess. What did I do that made you feel like that?” He apologized as he rubbed your back.
“Nothing. I don’t want to talk about it.” You said coldly as you turned away from him.
“Is this because I said my butt looked bigger in my suit than yours looked in your suit?” Tom asked, making you break.
“You didn’t say that.” You laughed as you turned around.
“But I’ve been thinking it all day.” He grimaced, resulting in you hitting him with a pillow.
“You think I didn’t see you camera?” He laughed as he pointed to your phone. “You’re making a clip clop.”
“It’s a Tik Tok.” You corrected as you hit him with another pillow. “And I hate you.”
“Guys. Send help.” Tom said as he grabbed your phone. “My best friend is trying to kill me.”
Tom let out a scream as you chased him but the video ending and perfectly cut off his scream. You burst out laughing when you watched it back and added some hashtags before posting it.
“How many followers are you at now?” He asked once you caught up to him and tackled him onto the bed.
“23 million.” You told him as you shook your phone in his face.
“Wow. All thanks to me.” He pretended to flip some hair behind his shoulder.
“Shut up.” You shoved him playfully. “I’m so gonna get you back for this.”
Your plan to get Tom back went into motion the following week when the two of you were hanging out in his trailer.
You set the camera up and gave it a thumbs up before putting your feet back in his lap. You watched him scrolling on his phone for a moment before letting out a loud sigh.
“Are you all right?” Tom immediately noticed your sigh.
“I’m fine.” You said flatly.
“You don’t sound fine.” Tom insisted as he rubbed his thumb against your ankle.
“I am.” You shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.”
“If somethings bothering you, it matters to me.” Tom said gently.
“Whatever.” You grumbled. “Don’t worry about it.”
Tom pouted for a moment when he realized he wouldn’t be getting through to you before an idea came to him. He sudden yanked you by the ankles onto his lap and began to tickle your sides.
“Are you fine now?” He teased as you burst into laughter. “Does this feel fine?”
“You can stop now.” You said between fits of laughter. “I’m okay. It was for a tik tok.”
“You’re making another tik tok?” He asked as he found the camera.
“Yup.” You smiled proudly as you reached for the camera. “Bye guys!”
Knowing Tom was in the eating area, you went to see him with another idea for a video. You discreetly set up your phone next to Tom before going through with your plan.
“Hi Tommy.” You greeted him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You placed a kiss on his cheek before sitting down.
“Hi. Aw.” He chuckled fondly and rubbed your back as you sat down. “What was that for?”
“I just wanted to kiss you.” You shrugged.
“Aw.” He repeated as his cheeks heated up. “Thank you.”
Just as you hoped, Tom leaned in to kiss your cheek. You smiled warmly at him before wiping the kiss off with your sleeve.
“Did you just wipe it off?” Toms smile fell when he saw what you did.
“Hm?” You hummed as you leaned on your hand.
“You wiped my kiss off.” He repeated, visibly offended now.
“Sorry. It was a little wet.” You shrugged.
“So are my eyes in two minutes if you don’t let me give you another one.” Tom pouted.
“All right.” You agreed. “Try not to soak me this time.”
Tom kissed your cheek again and you gave it a minute before wiping it off.
“Oh My God.” He gasped and got up. “I’ve never been this insulted in my life.”
“Wait.” You laughed as you grabbed his hand. “Come back. It was for a tik tok.”
“Again?” He smiled in relief as he sat back down. “How do I keep falling for these?”
“I don’t know, but I’m glad you do.” You chuckled. “You’re getting me a lot of followers.”
“I’m telling you and tik tok right now.” Tom pointed at the camera. “I’m never falling for one again.”
“Yeah right.” You snorted. “He so is.”
And he so did.
“Hey.” You said causally as you walked in to Toms hotel room and found his sitting on the bed.
“Hi.” He said back as you knelt down in from of him. “Oh? What are we doing?”
“Just sit back.” You smiled at him, his eyes widening as you spread his legs apart. He leaned over to see what you were doing right as you picked up a pen you had planted under his bed earlier.
“Thanks.” You held up the pen. “I’ve been looking everywhere for this.”
“Wait, what?” Tom sputtered as you got up from the floor. “That’s it?”
“What’s it?” You asked innocently as you clicked the pen a few times.
“You were just getting a pen?” He gulped as he crossed his legs.
“What did you think I was doing?” You played dumb as you looked at him through your lashes.
“Nothing.” Tom said skeptically as he took a pillow from the bed and placed it over his lap.
“Doesn’t sound like nothing.” You tilted your head to the side.
“It doesn’t matter.” Tom muttered as he held the pillow down.
“Uh huh.” You nodded. “Is there a reason you’re crossing your legs?”
“No. For an unrelated reason, I have to use the bathroom.” He got up quickly, keeping the pillow where it was as he ran to the bathroom. You grabbed your phone and saved the video to your drafts, smirking to yourself as you watched it back. You posted it just as a very sheepish Tom came out of the bathroom.
“Good evening.” He said stiffly as he held his hands behind his back.
“Hey.” You chuckled. “Feeling better?”
“Yes.” He narrowed his eyes at you. “I do.”
“Good.” You smirked. “Glad to hear it.”
“You’re sneaky.” He pointed at you accusingly. “You’re a sneaky little snake and I don’t appreciate it.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You shrugged simply.
“Oh, don’t you?” Tom mimicked you.
“Tom, come on. This isn’t fair.” You sighed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Stop being so hard on me.”
“I hate you.” Tom said decidedly as you giggled shamelessly. “I seriously hate you.”
“Aw. But I love you.” You pouted as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Yeah, right.” He scoffed. “Was that for that stupid app?”
“Yep.” You popped the p. “Thanks for 30 million followers, by the way.”
“30 million?” He asked. “You’re gonna have to do something huge to get to 50 million.”
“Oh, don’t worry.” You told him. “I have just the thing.”
“Okay, Toms in the bathroom but he’s coming back any second. This has been the most requested one by far, so I’m gonna do it.” You smiled nervously. “This is the “kissing my best friend” challenge.”
Your hands shook as you set your phone up on the nightstand just as Tom came out of the bathroom.
“Come here.” You pulled Tom by the hand until he was next to you on the bed. “I wanna show you this song.”
Your thighs and shoulders were brushing as Electric Love played, a small smile resting on Toms lips as he listened to it.
“This is a nice song.” Tom said softly as he turned to you. “Do you like it?”
“Yeah. I really like it.” You mumbled as you pulled his face to yours and kissed him. Toms eyes widened in surprise before fluttering shut. He kissed you back eagerly, placing his hands over yours to keep you close. He pulled away after a moment and rested his forehead against yours, sighing happily as the music stopped.
“Did you actually want to kiss me or was that for a video?” He asked suddenly.
“Both.” You giggled before kissing him again. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now. Tik tok just gave me a perfect opportunity.”
“So that was real?” He asked hopefully. “That wasn’t one of your pranks?”
“No.” You shook your head, your noses brushing against each other. “It was not a prank.”
“Thank god.” He sighed in relief and covered your face in kisses. “I was planning on kissing you, by the way. I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet.”
“Uh huh.” You humored him as you uploaded the video. “Sure you were.”
“I was.” He insisted. “I had a whole speech planned.”
“Really?” You looked at him. “Tell me your speech?”
“Something along the lines of you’re beautiful, you’re magical, and I want to be your boyfriend more than anything.” He shrugged casually. “No biggie.”
“Aw. Too bad you were too chicken to say it.” You teased.
“Shut up.” Tom laughed. “I was gonna get there.”
“Look.” You showed him your phone. “I posted that less than five minutes ago and it already went viral.”
“What did I tell you?” Tom sighed happily.
“You told me what?” You looked at him curiously. He chuckled a little and pinched your cheeks.
“It’s all because of that pretty face.”
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17​ @thebookwormlife​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @weirdr-artiest​ @serendipitous-amor​ @dummiesshort​
@foreverxholland​ @lavender-writer​ @captainmandeestudent17​ @whatareyouhidingpeter​ @takenbyheartstrings​ @ultrunning​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison​ @theolwebshooter​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @waiting-to-be-myself​ @letsloveimagines​ @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @maryjanee23​ @geeksareunique​ @emmamarshmellow​ @unbelievableholland​ @rebekkah4766​ @flixndchill​ @sovereignparker​ @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik​ @every-marveler-ever​ @undiadeestos​ @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave​​ @itscaminow​​ @fiantomartell​ @solarxmoonchild​ @where-art-thau-romeo​ @canyouevencauseicant​ @illwritetomorrow​ @thehappygrungelife​ @saysomethingspiderman​ @parkerboop​ @smilexcaptainx​ @quaksonhehe​ @kelieah​ @kickingn-ames​ @babeyspidey​ @seasidecrowbar​ @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues​ @electraheart-3174​ @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess​ @spideyanakin​ @horanxholland​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @anapocalypseinmymind​ @marshxx​ @heyheycharlatte​ @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie​ @tomshufflepuff​ @cookiemonstermusic258​
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stitcheswashere13 · 2 years
Hii! ^^ I really love your writing😩❤️ Could I perhaps request something for Stu Macher from the song Prom Dress by mxmtoon? The song sounds so sweet but the lyrics are so relatable and sad. I'd say just go crazy with what you have in mind! ^^
Awe! Thank you! I really like that song lol! So I did a imagine based off of the song and I included some of the lyrics! (ps. I hope this is what you wanted!<3) Sorry, I got to this late, I had to head in for work today!<3
Anyways on to the story!
Warnings!- Sad Fluff! Not proofread! A bit short! more Fem! reader Includes lyrics from the song!
You ran into the janitor's closet to escape the noise at prom, as soon as you shut the door, you began crying. Stu saw all that happened and soon followed behind you. "Hey darling, I saw you run into here crying? tell me what's on your mind so I can help you out some." He says with a worried expression as he sits next to you, looking you in your pretty eyes. " I can't help the fact I like to be alone, so I guess I'm missing out on the prom stuff... It might sound kinda sad but that's just what I seem to know I tend to handle things usually by myself, and I can't ever seem to try and ask for help." You say while throwing your head on Stu's shoulder. "Heyy, It's ok to feel this way, and it's okay to ask for help. Just ask me if you really do need help I promise, and you aren't really missing out on anything, other than Billy spiking the drinks but that's all." He says with a reassuring tone. He turns his body fully towards you and pulls you into his lap, as he does this you put your face in the crook of his neck. "It's okay to cry a lot, hell- Me and Billy cried while watching Coco, just don't tell him I told you this... he will kill me-" He says with a soft laugh. Stu saying this made you giggle, Stu's comedy always made you smile. "I guess I thought that prom was gonna be fun... but now I'm sitting on the floor and all I wanna do is run," you say while giving Stu a tight hug. "It's okay, I promise. Say... what if I go take you home and we can have a movie marathon? But first, let's clean up the mascara running down your face." He says while grabbing some water and a napkin to help tidy up your face. You nod and give him a soft smile as he cleaned up your face. "There's my Prom Queens smile!" He says while giving you a kiss on your forehead. Stu then stands you and him up, grabs your hand, and you to went outside to head to the car. "Stu? Y/n? Where you guys heading" Billy called while leaning up against the wall. "Oh! Hey Billy! Y/n wasn't feeling well, so I was planning to head home and do a movie marathon" Stu says while holding your hand up a bit more. "Ah, Ok! I hope you feel better Y/n, I'm going to stay here for a while, I found a new victim. I'll be home at around 9-10." He says while waving you and Stu goodbye and heading into the alleyway to go change into the Ghostface suit. Stu picked you up bridal style and carried you to the car and drove home... <3
END NOTE! Thank you so much for the request! Request are open! I just may get to them slowly! sorry if this is kinda bad lol! That's all have a lovely day!<3
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a-very-tired-raven · 3 years
Hello there! I just read your Swatch x Reader headcanons and was wondering Could i possibly get a Spamton x Reader where Spamton is just totally confused on if the Reader genuinely loves him or if its just some sales pitch. Hes been my comfort character for a while so it'd be nice :>
thank you for reading my silly request :]
Hiya broski! Sorry this took a bit to answer! I didn't really know how to approach this ask. I'm new to fics so I needed to take a bit to prepare so I would know how to write this and to get into the lil man's head if that's alright! Hope you enjoy my dude and remember to lemme know if anythings wonky!
●True Intentions ●
"Here you go sir, your order?" He gave a polite nod to the server "Yes thank you." They gave a small smile and walked away. He took a small sip of his drink as he returned to his thoughts. Spamton was....confused to say the least. He met you about a week ago in the alleyway of his shop.
You'd been looking for your pet or something and tried to dig in a garbage bin....Which was actually his shop. That was locked. He just got back with some goods thst he got a nice deal on and all he saw was some stranger pulling on the lock to his shop. He angerly poked on your waist to see what you were up to.
"What are you doing?!"You jumped and awkwardly explained what it was you were doing when he demanded to know what you were up to.
"I uh..lost my pet..I thought I seen her go off this way?" Of course he was still skeptical but put his goods up and helped you look.
Eventually you two did find what you were looking for and you thanked him more times then we could count. Right before you left is when you started the confusion. You awkwardly asked for his number, and when asked why you nervously shrugged and said he was nice and you thought he was cute. Which absolutely baffled him
When was the last time someone complemented him? Let alone ask for his number and want to spend more time again. He accepted of course and didn't think anything of it.
He started thinking about it when he ran into you almost every day for the rest of the week. Everytime you saw him you were thanking him,and trying your best to make small talk.
This included asking him questions, like what did he do for a living,how many sales has he made,what's the biggest deal he's made. All if which he's awkwardly responded to with vague and short answers. This made him even more suspicious. Whyd you wanna know so much about his job and deals?
He hasn't seen you since everyone's moved to the dark town. Maybe he wouldn't see you again. If there's a whole 'nother dark world who's to say there's not more? Maybe you were somewhere else.
The smell of pastries pulls him out of his thoughts a little. Banana nut he thinks. He does admit you are kinda cute.. which brings him to the present. Why him? It's pretty well known he's a business man.
A horrible one at that. He only Ever gets people's attention when they want to get a deal or a-a..a sales pitch...
His fists clench. Of course. Why else would you go after someone like him? You just wanna make a sales pitch. Nothing more then that. You could of just said so. You didn't have to barge in his life like that and lead him on all for the sake of a deal. It all makes sense now!
Who makes small talk like that??? About deals,and sales...why was that the first question to asked? Why not start off with basic small talk?? Why be interested in him? Why him? Why'd you need to know what his biggest sale and deal was! Of all the people...You just wanted a good deal...
He doesn't hear the distant chime of the Cafe bell. He just angrily glares daggers at his own reflection. It wasn't until a shy familiar voice spoke pointedly in his direction did he force his head out of the clouds.
"Hey Spamton! I uhm.. how are you doing today?" You give a soft smile and take a seat in front of him. "I'm fine" He looked the other way. "Um.. " You glance at the window. You look at his order. "Ohh number 7! That's a good one. Moonberry fudge and a gram apple muffin. Nice." You give a soft smile.
He just remains quiet. You seem a little anxious by now. "..weather's nice huh?.." with only a human for a response you start brimming with anxiety. You try a different approach. "I had a good day at work! We didn't have any rude people.." You look at him.
"Uh how about you? How's work? You made any good sales today?" He looks up at you with a harsh glare. "Wouldn't you like to know!" You flinch and your happy aura quickly forms into an apologetic one.
"I-..im-im sorry..I didn't mean to ask anything sensitive.." You give a sorry look. "I didn't did i?" You look down at your hands. Spamtion hesitates for a moment. No.. He..He cant hesitate. He stands up.
"Yes. Yes you did impose. You imposed in my life acting all kind when I know what you really want." You have the audacity to look confused. "What are you talking about?." He ignores you and heads towards the exit. "Spamton? Spamton wait! Please..I just wanna kno-"
Your conversation fades to the back of his mind as he exists the Cafe and heads towards his house. He should have know better. That way it wouldn't have hurt as bad... He gives a soft wave to a wherewire and keeps walking. After a little bit he stops walking immediately when he feels I small tap on his shoulder.
He turns. "What?!" You give a hurt expression and focus on your hands. "I um..I just wanted to apologize for imposing.. I didn't know you didn't like talking about that" He rolls his eyes. "Just leave me alone already. It's pretty obvious you just want to talk business." Confusion crosses your face once more.
"What? What are you talking about?" His fists clench again. "Aw stop playing dumb already! It's pretty obvious you don't like me, Your just after a good deal or you want a chance at being some big shot with a sales pitch!" He didn't realize he was yelling.
Your practically cowering at this point. "I-what! No-No I'm not! Please believe me I really do like you.. I don't even know how to do business like that!" You have your hands up in front of you as if a policeman had pulled you over.
He falters for a moment. He looks back up again when you speak up. Sorta. "Please..is there anything I can do to make you believe me..." You say just barely above a whisper. He just remains quiet. After a moment of shared silence you were fed up.
"Fine then! I'll prove I'm crazy for you! Absolutely bonkers! You hear?!" You grab both his shoulders, "H-Hey! Put me down!" And yank him up and plant a big kiss on his cheek. "Now will you please go on a date with me?!"
Your face is absolutely covered top to bottom with a beautiful shade of red. Both from anger and embarrassment.After a moment of silence you awkwardly drop him. "S-sorry.." you hide your face in the neck if your shirt.
His cheeks are burning a bright peachy color. "Um..it's alright" after a small beat of silence he adds "yes."
You look back down at him. "Yes what??" You look confused. "...yes I'll go on a date with you.." He doesn't think anyone who'd want some deal would go that far. He believes you now and he says so.
Your quiet for a moment. A small smile works its way on your face. "Alrighty come on, I know just the place" you give a small wink and grab his hand dragging him off to who knows where. "W-what now?!" He gives a baffled expression as he tries to keep up.
You turn and look down again "yes now silly! I gotta make sure you belive me 100!" percent!. "A-alright then..." maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...
ISNSJSS God that was a lot! And toughie! I enjoyed it tho!
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halstudandruz · 4 years
Research Purposes (NSFW)
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Bearded Jay Smut
Warnings: swearing, smut (18+)
A/N: I know the timeline is off but just go with it.
Sitting at the bar, you couldn’t help where your eyes wandered across the room. You were at Trudy and Mouch’s wedding, and even though it was a joyous occasion you were kind of ready to go home from the start. The night before you had discovered your ex-fiancé and the new girl in intelligence were dating, and it was safe to say you were drowning in your sorrows. You and Adam had been broken up for almost a year, but you still loved him and in the back of your mind you just hoped time would give you both the perspectives you needed and you would be back together. You had no right to be upset, but you were having trouble convincing yourself of that. The night was starting to wind down, as you downed a shot. You had held it together for Trudy wanting her to have the best day ever, but since they had left a few minutes prior you were ready to get drunk enough you couldn’t remember your own name.
“You know the longer you sit still the harder it’s gonna hit when you stand.” Jay teased sliding in next to you.
“Good.” You sighed, turning around to take another drink.
“Well in an effort to ensure I don’t have to carry you out of here would you like to dance?” He asked, holding his hand out to you. Contemplating for a minute he smiled when you took a hold of his hand following him out to the dance floor. Frank Sinatra played in the background while his hands slowly moved to rest on your hips. You and Jay were friends. You worked together and were around each other a lot. You got along well, and you weren’t afraid to admit he was an attractive guy, but you had always been locked in on Adam. So, your friendship never even toed the line. You never even thought about it, until tonight.
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say you found out.” Jay whispered into your ear looking down at you.
“Found out about what?” You eyed him curiously until he nodded towards where Hailey and Adam sat laughing together.
“Wait..you know?” He nodded, “How long has it..?”
“I only found out a week or two ago so it probably hasn’t been that long.” He shrugged,“How’d you find out?” He continued. Sighing your hands rested on his chest.
“Today was actually supposed to be Adam and I’s wedding day. Before we decided to push it. So, I kind of went down a dark hole after the rehearsal dinner and went to see him. When he answered the door I saw her come out of his room.” You chewed on your lip.
“Oh fuck. What’d you do?” He pried.
“I made some excuse about not being able to find something I needed for today so I thought I might’ve accidentally left it there when I moved out or left or whatever. I was just going to leave, but then I had to pretend to look for it, and when I went into his room a bunch of her stuff was there. You know in the dresser I used to use.” You recounted the night before swallowing hard.
“That sounds awful. I’m sorry.” He shook his head pulling you closer as he moved a hand to rub your back.
“Yeah it wasn’t my finest moment. I’ve been avoiding him all day,” you chuckled blinking tears away, “How are you feeling about it?” You looked up at him hoping to shift the focus off you.
“What do you mean? Why would I care?” He masked.
“Come on Jay.” You scoffed giving him a look.
“I don’t have any say in what or who she does.” He said.
“How do you let it roll off you so easily? Not let it bother you?” You wondered.
“I want her to be happy, and wishing that I was the one over there isn’t going to do anything for either of us.” He shrugged nonchalantly, “You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have fun too right?” He continued.
“I don’t know. I guess.” You replied.
“You do, and that is why you’re out here dancing with me.” He smiled, spinning you effortlessly, causing you to laugh. You and Jay would spend the next hour talking and dancing letting your minds push away the two people across the room.
Jay and you were caught up in conversation, your bodies practically up against each other causing heat to surface on your face at the feeling of his hands holding you close. His tie now hung loosely on his shoulders, the top few buttons of his dress shirt open, and his sleeves had been rolled up allowing you to see the veins throughout them. You had never realized how attractive he actually was until you were this close, eyes counting the freckles that covered his face.
“Incoming.” he mumbled looking over your shoulder; breaking you out of your thoughts. You turned to see Adam walking towards you.
“No no no.” You whined hands gripping Jay’s shoulders tighter. Adam clearing his throat when he reached you,
“May I cut in?” He asked, looking between the two of you. A glint of confusion present in his face. Jay’s eyes shifted from him to you, registering your panic of having to face him right now.
“Uh actually I just offered to take her home. We were just heading out.” Jay attempted to save you.
“Oh well we’re going to be going right past your place we could just drop you off so Jay doesn’t have to go out of his way, and I’d actually really like to talk to you for a sec-“ Adam started to grab your hand.
“No it’s all good. No big deal. I already promised her I would.” Jay stepped slightly in front of you.
“Yeah I’m just going to go grab my coat and say bye to Sylvie. See you on Monday.” You pointed walking off to leave Adam and Jay alone on the dance floor. “You didn’t have to do that.” You smiled softly when Jay fell back by your side.
“He shouldn’t get what he wants all the time.” Jay shrugged.
“So is the ride offer actually on the table?” You asked.
“Of course.” He smiled helping you put your jacket on before pulling his on and heading out to his truck.
Walking outside you had made it almost to his truck ensuring you were far enough away from the door that people wouldn’t be watching before grabbing onto his arm to stop him. This could be a terrible, horrible idea, but that thought didn’t seem to over power your want.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, turning to face you where you leaned against the brick wall.
“You know I had every intention of waking up tomorrow either horribly hungover, or in someone else’s bed, and considering you prevented the latter..” You trailed off looking up at him.
“Are you serious?” He asked after a few seconds of silence.
“I’ve been holding out, hoping for something to change with him. I’m done waiting around.” You admitted weakly.
“I don’t want to just be some outlet to make Adam jealous.” He shook his head.
“This isn’t about him. This is about me and what I want. For once.” You laid a hand against his neck.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” He whispered stepping closer to lay a hand against the cold brick, body just inches away from yours.
“Jay, I am going home with someone tonight, and I really hope it’s you.” You bargained. You hadn’t done this in months, and you were just ready to let all the pent up need out. Jay searched your face for hesitation before leaning in to capture your lips. You quickly responded, hands wrapping around his neck to pull his body against yours. Letting him take control of the kiss when his fingers moved to tightly grasp your jaw. Tongue slipping into your mouth in time with the movement. You hummed when he nipped at your lip pulling away to take heavy breaths.
“My place?” He whispered lips almost up against yours again. Nodding quickly you reached into his coat pocket fishing out the keys to unlock the vehicle. Chuckling he took them from you opening the passenger door to help you in before walking to the drivers side and starting the truck. You could see him looking at you from the corner of his eye as you chewed on your bottom lip appreciating his features lit up from the street lights. He turned to wink at you before putting the truck into drive and heading towards his apartment.
The silence was tense and a little bit awkward as you started to second guess your forwardness. You weren’t just using him to get back at Adam, right? You were a grown woman and you had needs. Needs that hadn’t been met in far too long, and the person that was going to satisfy them just so happened to be your co-worker from the same unit. That’s all. It was all coincidence. Plus Jay was hot. Everyone knew that. Why couldn’t you enjoy that fact when the opportunity presented itself? “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Jay asked jarring you out of your thoughts.
“Nothing. I just..I don’t know. Kinda embarrassed.” You admitted shrugging.
“Why?” He questioned grabbing a hold of your hand.
“I could’ve approached that better instead of acting like a horny teenager.” You laughed looking down.
“I would be lying if I wasn’t hoping you’d say something though.” He looked over at you grinning.
“What?” You looked at him confused.
“I mean you’re obviously beautiful and I thought we had a great night together, but I didn’t want to overstep bounds or make it awkward. I was just hoping you picked up the same vibe I was catching. I’m not the greatest at saying what I want.” He chuckled. Shaking your head you looked down smiling to yourself, feeling a little lighter in the knowledge that he wanted you too. Lifting the center console up you scooted closer to him. “Well hello.” He smirked, hand falling onto your thigh.
“I like your beard.” You smiled running your fingers through it. The last time you had seen him with one was when Erin left, and the only time before that was when he had been kidnapped. Remembering the bruises that accompanied the facial hair. Tracing his face where they had healed completely.
“Yeah?” He replied smiling at the gentleness of your hands as you admired his face.
“Yeah, I think you should keep it.” You voiced your opinion.
“Maybe I will.” He squeezed your thigh when you leaned over to lay soft kisses along his neck, nipping at his ear as you moved your palm over the crotch of his jeans. You felt his breath hitch at the movement, letting out a low growl when your lips attached right below his ear, heel of your hand pressing down simultaneously. “Oh god, I can’t wait to get you inside.” Jay whispered, breaths becoming labored at the insistent pressure of your hand. Quickly pulling into the parking garage of his apartment two minutes later. Putting the truck into park he let his eyes fall shut, head falling back onto the rest his hips finally moving up in time with the movement of your palm. The sight before you and the feeling of his obvious arousal already causing moisture to gather between your legs. Giving him a couple more rocks of pressure before slipping your hand up his shirt to rest on his stomach.
“Jay?” You whispered pressing a gentle kiss against his jaw, his facial hair tickling your nose. He turned his head to look at you, pupils already visibly darker than before. “I want you.” You stated. He grinned giving you a quick but hard kiss before shutting his truck off and guiding you towards the elevator. Pushing you against the wall as soon as the doors closed mouth molding over yours, hands bracketing you in against the wall. “Mmm.” You hum when his lips start to trail down your jaw. “Someone could walk in.” You remind him head falling back to give him more access. The dinging as you pass each floor prevalent in the background.
“Don’t care.” He growls lifting one of your legs to rest on his hips, fingers moving up your thigh, starting to move your panties to the side when the elevator comes to a stop on his floor. “I don’t think it’s ever moved that fast before.” He joked letting your leg down and grabbing ahold of your hand to pull you towards his apartment before pulling his keys out to unlock it and ushering you inside. “Do you want anything to drink?” He asked casually as he set his keys down slipping off his shoes, ridding your heels in the process you giggled stepping towards him to take the lapels of his jacket in your hands.
“I’m definitely thirsty but not for water.” You winked pulling him back towards your lips, before you pushed the jacket off his shoulders. Beginning to unbutton his dress shirt his hands moved down to your ass, lips breaking from yours long enough for him to whisper,
“Jump.” You let him pick you up, shedding his shirt on the way towards his bedroom.
“You have too many clothes on.” You sighed when he laid you down on the end of his bed tugging the bottom of his shirt. Laughing he stood up to pull it over his head for you.
“You haven’t taken one piece of clothing off and I’m the one that’s wearing too much?” He teased falling back on top of you.
“Lucky for you, you’ll find there’s next to no obstacles once this comes off.” You snapped the strap of your dress. Jay eyes trailed down your body slowly, hands following as he pulled you up to slide the zipper down slowly, lips falling to your collarbone in the process.
“Tell me if this is okay.” He hesitated sliding the straps down.
“It’s okay, Jay.” You voiced helping him pull the tight dress from your body. Face instantly blushing when you looked up to see his eyes wandering all over you, left in only your panties.
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” He complimented hands squeezing your hips.
“Your voice is really sexy when you’re turned on.” You blurted out, causing Jay to laugh.
“Well I can assure you I am in fact very turned on right now.” He grinned nuzzling your neck.
“Can I..?” You asked tugging on the button of his pants popping it open when you felt him nod. He breathed a quiet sigh at the pressure being released when you opened his zipper, pushing them to the ground with his help. He returned back on top of you leaning down to press his mouth to yours, moving slowly to appreciate the action. In no hurry for this to end. Your hand trailed from his chest to his stomach, tip of your finger sneaking under the hem of his boxers. His hips involuntarily bucking at the anticipation, coaxing your mouth open with his tongue. Reaching further down you took a hold of him giving him an experimental squeeze earning a groan against your lips. Beginning to slowly move your hand his forehead fell against yours eyes closing while his hips began to move in rhythm. Swiping your thumb across the tip, gathering the precum that had started to leak out. He watched as you brought it to your mouth, licking it off your finger to enjoy the taste of him. Breath hitching at the sight, seemingly flipping a switch in him as he lunged forward capturing your wrists and forcing them above your head, his lips capturing yours in a bruising kiss. Roughly biting at your lip before moving down your body. Stopping first at your chest. His teeth nipped at the skin, laying soft kisses all over before taking ahold of your left breast tongue swirling around your nipple. Other hand pinching and rolling the right between his fingers. Swallowing a moan your legs opened further letting him slide between them more comfortably. His mouth moved farther south as his fingers gently started to make soft circles to your center outside of your underwear. Sighing your hips moved slightly trying to get more pressure as you felt Jay smile against your hip bone. Teasingly his fingers fumbled with the side of your underwear occasionally swiping his finger inside while his mouth bit and sucked the inside of your thighs no doubt leaving a few marks. “Oh, yeah you’re keeping the beard.” Your fingertips dug into his head, goosebumps rising at the rough feeling of his facial hair against your thighs, jaw tightening, not wanting to make a sound.
“[Y/N] [Y/L/N], are you insinuating we will be doing this again?” He looked up at you, eyebrow raised, cocky smirk on his lips.
“Stop talking.” You ordered, face going a little red.
“If I remember correctly you just said my voice was sexy.” He quipped.
“And if I remember correctly you were in the middle of something.” You pushed his head back down.
“As you wish.” He winked teeth grazing the inside of your thigh as he moved closer and closer to your core. Your legs were starting to shake at the anticipation, your mind picturing your juices covering his mouth and throughout his beard.
“Jay, please.” You actually whined when he laid a kiss on your clit outside of your panties.
“I just wanted to hear you say my name. I can tell you’re trying to hold back, but all I want is to hear you [Y/N]. Helps me figure out the best way to make you feel good.” He admitted hooking his fingers into your panties and slowly sliding them down your legs before tossing them to the floor, “Let me hear you baby. Let me know I’m doing a good job.” He reminded you before his mouth connected to your center, eliciting a moan that you wouldn’t have been able to hold back even if you tried.
“Such a pretty sound, sweetheart.” He commented, before his tongue swirled around your clit, gently sucking it. Head falling back you let yourself give into every sensation. The way his hands pinned your hips down, preventing you from moving. The way his tongue worked you so soft and smooth like he did the research on exactly how your pussy was structured so he could hit every sweet spot imaginable. The way he pushed a finger in slightly curling it up to perfectly hit your g-spot over and over again while his tongue flicked against your clit. The way his stubble burned against your thighs only heightening the realization that this was Jay. Jay Halstead: your co-worker, friend, and apparently now fuck buddy. Your legs started to shake, hips trying their hardest to fight their way out of his grasp, uncontrollable noises flowing from your lips, knot growing tighter with each tap of your sweet spot.
“J-Jay.” You warned, hoping he could hear your voice that was barely there. Your fingers tightening in his hair, the other one moving down to his cheek, thumb rubbing over the roughness.
“Go ahead, sweetheart.” He encouraged fingers moving faster, tongue licking harder. This was Jay Halstead and he was eating you out like no tomorrow, and with that thought your thighs came up to trap his head, back arching as you screamed out the knot inside of you unraveling hard.
Legs falling back apart you released him and Jay made his way back up your body. Kissing you, taste of yourself covering his mouth. “That was beautiful.” He smirked, cupping your cheek.
“That was incredible, how did you even learn how to do that? It’s like you knew my body better than I do.” You laughed still a little light headed.
“Everyone is different. You just have to pay attention to the signs. For example I already know you’re not going to be able to cum from just penetration. Just like you have a hard time cumming from just oral. You need the best of both worlds. I always knew you were high maintenance.” He joked.
“You already have me all figured out.” You rolled your eyes, but. what he was saying was true. You don’t know how he came to the conclusion, but you weren’t about to complain.
“If you want to stop here I completely understand. We don’t-“ He started to say when you cut him off.
“And deprive myself of discovering whether your dick game is as good as your head? No thank you.” You grinned starting to push his boxers down.
“Well I could never live with myself if I left you wondering.” He shrugged, getting up to push the last remaining piece of clothing between you two to the ground before reaching over to fish a condom out of his nightstand. You took a hold of him again, twisting your hand up and down his shaft to make sure he was fully ready. He ripped the condom open with his teeth, rolling it on with your help. “You’re absolutely sure about this?” He asked again, positioning his dick at your entrance.
“Yes, completely.” You nodded.
“Just tell me if you want to stop at any point.” He reiterated, leaning down the rest of the way to kiss you when he started to push in. Groaning you focused on his tongue slipping into your mouth knowing the pain would subside soon, and a few short thrusts later the pleasure started to seep in.
“Ahh fuck.” You moaned relaxing into him.
“That’s my girl.” He smiled feeling the way you loosened more for him still making small movements, knowing there was no way he would be able to go hard right away, but within a few strokes your pussy started to clench him even harder than before. “Baby, you gotta loosen up for me or I’m not gonna be able to move at all without blowing it.” He groaned biting his lip, hips shuttering.
“I’m sorry you just feel so good.” You cried, it wasn’t your fault. Well not really anyway you had a hard time controlling it.
“Okay okay okay.” You closed your eyes, begging yourself to relax when he hit your g-spot for the first time. “Shit!” You cursed nails digging into his shoulder blades. “Right there. Again. Please.” You informed him, but you knew he was already aware as he hit it again before you were finished talking. He took one of your legs positioning it on his shoulder as he bracketed himself above you. Hitting harder this time, earning a loud moan from you. “Jay, faster. Please baby.” You begged.
“You feel incredible [Y/N]. I’m gonna cum so hard. Jay moaned above you.
“Your dick feels amazing babe. I love that I get to make you cum.” You reciprocated attempting to move with him. His thumb moved down to start rubbing circles on your clit in time with his long thrusts. “I h-hope you think a-ahhh-about this every time you - fuck - see me at w-work this week.” You got out between heavy breaths.
“I’m not going to be able to think about a-anything else baby. How f-fucking good you taste. How much I loved being between your legs e-eating you up. How good your pussy feels s-stretched around my cock. Holy fuck [Y/N] I’m so fucking close. Fuck fuck fuck, [Y/N].” He screamed louder with each word, collapsing onto you as he worked through his high, but you were already gone. Pulsating around his dick the minute he reminded you how good he looked between your thighs. Opening your eyes just in time for you to watch his orgasm and to catch your name falling off his lips with a few curse words.
“Is it true?” You asked after a few minutes of silence, heavily breathing being the only sounds that filled the room.
“Is what true?” He replied confused when he started to pull out of you before carefully disposing of the filled condom.
“You’re going to think all that stuff when you look at me this week?” You explained, causing him to chuckle still breathless.
“Maybe not every time, but I’d confidently wager 80% of the time.” He smirked rolling over to kiss you, “unless you don’t want me to?”
“Well it wouldn’t be fair for me to be thinking about it and not give you permission to as well.” You shrugged, knowing full well this wasn’t disappearing from your mind anytime soon. You got up to use the restroom as Jay cleaned himself the rest of the way.
“Is he bigger than me?” Jay asked, when you walked back into the room.
“I am not answering that question.” You laughed loudly laying back down beside him.
“Why not? It’s for research purposes. You know purely for your benefit.” He smirked down at you.
“Oh yeah? How so?” You urged.
“I just gotta know the level of game I have to bring. Should I be more focused on the motion or does the size make up for it?” He gestured south.
“Motion is always more important than size.” You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t think that’s true.” Jay scrunched his eyebrows,“Next time this happens I’ll just use my finger and remind you of what you just said.”
“I said it was more important. I didn’t say it’s not important at all, but I can assure you the level of game you brought tonight is better than I could’ve imagined.” You smiled completely satisfied.
“I totally am.” He decided, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“So what’s the plan here?” You changed the subject.
“I think that all depends on what you want.” Jay answered.
“Well..I’m not going to deny this was fun and you did say I need to have more fun.” You shrugged sheepishly.
“So then we keep having fun.” Jay said simply.
“But we need ground rules.” You laid your chin on his chest looking up at him.
“Okay..” He looked down at you waiting for you to continue.
“Like I don’t know..is this purely friends with benefits? Do we go out for dinner sometimes? Do I bring you coffee in the morning?” You started to list the things running through your head.
“If you want to bring me coffee and dinner, who am I to tell you no?” He joked causing you to sigh.
“Jay, I’m serious.” You pushed.
“Can’t we just kind of roll with it?” He asked, hand rubbing up and down your back.
“I guess I’m just scared of what will happen if they find out.” You admitted.
“So what if they do?” He seemed unfazed.
“You’re not concerned at all how Hailey would react?” You asked.
“I like her. I really do. That’s not a secret, but she’s sleeping with Adam. Why should we have to wait around and agonize over it? You deserve to be just as happy as he does [Y/N].” He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“What if this turns into some fanfiction shit where we end up having feelings for each other?” You giggled.
“Well then I hope the author writes us a happy ending.” He smiled kissing you on the forehead. “Now I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty tired after that performance.” He yawned. You agreed, waiting for him to slide further down into his bed before pulling you back into his side, your head falling back down on his chest.
“Promise me you’re not going to freak out in the morning.” He whispered kissing the top of your head after a few minutes of silence.
“I promise.” You replied kissing his chest before letting his heartbeat lull you to sleep.
Waking up the next morning you felt the heat before your eyes even opened. Quickly registering that you were laying on someone. Slowly opening your eyes you looked around the semi dark room, black out curtains trying to reduce the amount of light peeking through. You knew who it was, but you had to confirm it. Gently sitting up you were met with Jay’s figure still sleeping beside you. Oh shit. You started to panic, memories of the night before suddenly flooding your mind. Remembering the things you did, the things you said. Eyes darting around the room you started to contemplate an escape. You’d sneak out and pretend like this never happened. That’s probably what Jay would want you to do anyway and-
“Lay back down and stop freaking out.” Jay grumbled beside you, eyes still closed. You reached for the sheet to cover your still bare body.
“How did you even-“ You began to ask causing Jay to smirk.
“I’m a detective for a reason, [Y/L/N]. Come back to sleep.” He urged pulling you back into his chest.
“It’s probably just a better idea if I leave.” You sat back up causing him to sigh heavily.
“You promised me you weren’t going to freak out.” Jay reminded you.
“I’m not freaking out.” You tried to defend, voice squeaking a little.
“Then stop biting your lip.” He challenged. Stopping your actions you looked over to still see his eyes closed.
“Okay seriously how the hell-“ You started
“I know you better than you think.” He opened his eyes to look up at you, dark circles obvious under them reminding you of late the two of you were up last night a blush covering your cheeks at the thought. “What’s going on, what are you thinking about at 6:30 in the morning?” He asked, looking at you like you were crazy after seeing the time on his alarm clock.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged looking away from him.
“C’mon talk to me.” He pushed sitting up to face you where you clung tight to the sheet that was also still covering him up to his hips.
“I just said a lot of stuff last night that’s kinda embarrassing looking back on it now.” You admitted remembering distinctly how you encouraged him to fuck you.
“Like?” He urged making you groan.
“I am not answering that.” You shook your head looking around the room for any piece of clothing.
“I can’t think of a single thing that didn’t sound incredible coming out of your mouth.” He shrugged just as you found a shirt slipping it on before realizing it was his.
“It’s probably just a good idea for me to leave.” You sighed contemplating what to do.
“We’ve gotten like 3 hours of sleep. Please lay back down.” He looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Jay.” You sighed running a hand down your face.
“Just come back to bed and let me cook you breakfast later. Then if you want to leave you can.” He bargained, voice still raspy from lack of sleep. Your mind was all over the place. You did want to be here, and last night was great and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t hoping for a morning encore. That’s what friends with benefits were for right? But how would this end? You just didn’t want to get hurt again somehow, but maybe that was just something you had to risk.
“Only if you make French toast.” You reasoned making him grin.
“That can be arranged.” He lifted his arms to pull you back to his chest.
“Your voice is sexy in the morning too.” You whispered after a few minutes, hoping he was asleep already.
“I think it’s a little worn out from all the sounds you had me making last night.” He retorted making you giggle.
NSFW Taglist:
@beautiful-bunny89 @justadreamxx @grettiwrites @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @malrunaway @queen-of-arda
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honey whiskey chapter 7
hey yall, reminder that blue is bold strikethrough, vi is bold italic, red is italic, green is bold :]
relationships; leg & four, leg & fable
ao3 link; x
Four let out a breath, walking with the chain towards their destination. Faer not entirely sure where the chain is going—probably to a nearby village or town though—but fae doesn't care. Four is high on life right now. Fae got some really good news today, so of course faer happier than ever. “You look awful happy, Smith.”Warriors noted, nudging the small hero. “Someone on your mind?” Yes, but nobody you need to know about. Not yet, anyways! “Nah, ”Four started with a loose shrug. “Just…one of those days.” “One of those days? One of what days?”Sky blinked, utterly lost as Four laughed. “One of those days where you're high on life. Happy just to be happy.” “Oh. I have those days a lot.”Sky smiled gently. “Do you not?” “Not usually,”Four admitted, rubbing the back of faer neck. “Sometimes I'm sad—well, scratch that, I'm sad most of the time, and other times—rarer times—I'm happy. But I'm never usually happy just for the sake of it.” “You're sad a lot? Why?”Legend spoke up, causing Four to jump. “Sweet fucking Hylia, Legend, I did not know you were there.” “Sorry.” “Warn me next time. But uh. I'm just…sad, I guess. Dunno why.” Liar. Shut up.  “Oh. You’re just,,,sad for no reason?” “I guess so.” “Huh.”Legend paused, nodding. “Fair.” The conversation fell quiet as they made it to the town, and Legend’s eyes seemed to light up. “This is my era.”He stated bluntly. “Really?”Wind gasped, grinning. “We never got to stay in your era for that long last time!!” Four cracked a smile watching Wind’s excitement. “Yeah…not much to see ‘round here. I like Hytopia better.” “Hytopia?”Wild tilted his head. “Yeah it’s a different kingdom I’ve been to. It’s…actually where I had my sixth adventure.” “I keep forgetting how many adventures you’ve had. How old are you again?”Hyrule blinked, looking around curiously. “Uh, 19 I think.” “You think?”Warriors frowned, visibly concerned. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday since my—”Legend choked, and Four squinted faer eyes at him as he continued. “Haven’t celebrated it since my first adventure.” “And when was that?” “Uh. I think I was 9? Yeah I was 9.” “Oh, that’s...young.” “Yeah.” “You weren’t even 10 yet.” “I mean, technically, I turned 10 during it.” “That doesn’t make a difference.” “Eh.”Legend shrugged loosely. “C’mon I gotta go see Fable real quick. You guys can just walk about, get to know the locals or whatever. Four, come with me?” Oh, right, their telepathy situation.. I forgot about it… You have more important things to worry about now, Vivi, it’s okay to forget Four nodded swiftly, following Legend closely. Legend doesn’t talk a lot, so Four let the colours speak again. Hey, so, do we even know how this would work? Y’know, the telepathy thing? None of us have dealt with telepathy before,,,I don’t think? Unless Red has a secret telepathic bond with someone, I don’t think any of us have ever messed with that. It’ll be interesting to figure out “—our?”Legend snapped his fingers in front of the smith’s face, causing him to jump. “Ah—sorry, the council was talking.” “It’s fine just…we’re here.”He snorted, heading inside with Four. “They don’t seem to like you.”Four noted as they passed the guards. “Good. Feeling’s mutual.” “You don’t like them?” “Guards and knights…we don’t get along. My uncle was a knight, he’s the only knight I’ve ever trusted.” “Oh, really?”Four hummed. “And if I told you I was a knight in training, what would you say?” “...that you’re lying. Why would you sacrifice a good job to be a knight?” “Well…Green and Blue wanna be like dad—our dad is a knight—but Vio and Red are gonna continue the blacksmithing thing.” “Hm. Fair, I guess…I still think it’s kinda stupid. So are you, like, split a lot in your era?” “Oh, yeah. The colours all lead different lives. Not split all the time, of course. I do still exist. But, mostly, we like being apart. It feels…right.” “Hm.” “Is it not like that for them?”Four questioned lightly, carefully trying not to overstep. “Nah, I avoid being split. Lore—the green one—is wheelchair bound when I’m split, and it’s not fair to subject Lore to pain just cause I wanted to split, yanno?” “Oh, guess that makes sense.”Four nodded gently, smiling. “Your colours…they’re just you, aren’t they?” “Yeah, essentially. I think that those three are just different parts of me, nothing else.” “You still have ‘em, right? Up there?” “Yeah. It’s why I zone out so damn much.” Four let out a laugh, causing Legend to grin slightly. “Zoning out cause our colours won’t shut up is a shared trait between us, ain’t it?” “Seems like it, lil guy.” “Lil guy?”Four shot him a look, and Legend laughed again. “Little guy. Small boy.” “Fuck you.”Four pouted, shoving him gently. Legend hummed, grinning as he and Four finally walked into the throne room. “You’re back!”Fable exclaimed, rushing over and hugging Legend. “Ah—hey, Fabe. Listen, I heard about the fact our telepathy’s messing up, so…Four said fae would try and help us fix it.” Four nodded, putting on a confident front. It’s easier to help people when faer faking confidence. “Are…you sure you can help?” “Well, never dealt with telepathy before, but I’ve worked with other magic. I can check whatever magic you have in your bodies, and that’ll help me find out what’s blocked your ability.” “You thought about this more than I thought you would’ve.”Legend admitted, blinking when Four shot him a gentle smile, grabbing Fable’s wrist with one hand and Legend’s wrist with the other. “I’m an overthinker.” A silence followed, and Four’s focused but confident smile faded into a confused frown. “Oh, that’s…” “Four? What’s up?” The smith looked up, purple eyes practically burning into Legend as fae considered, before sighing. “Are you two aware you have shadow magic in your veins?”
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