#gotta love the brain goo being stupid
onesaltyerik · 2 years
gimme ideas pls?
Been having really shitty bouts of insomnia for the past week or so, so might as well fill that time with something I actually like to do.
Brain's not great at writing or coming up with ideas when like this but I can still draw, any doodle/sketch requests?
4 notes · View notes
asksuccubussides · 2 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what
Chapter 15
Masterpost of chapters
When supernaturals speak in their native languages it looks like this
'Emiles an angel!?' Remus hadn't even gotten the chance to flap his arms around before Remy corrected him.
Remy leant back against the bed pillow and let their body sink down into the worn out mattress while the other demon bounced up off the bed to pace back and forth. His tail flapped rapidly up and down.
Soooooo' Remus drew out the sign 'How long has..Was E- M- I- L- E- an Angel?'
"Girl are you stupid or dumb!? Since he was born...Duh?"
'Is that why' Remus reached out to poke at Remy's unnaturally bright white hair but they flinched away.
The ceiling fan in the murky hotel room turned on on it's own and let out a low but constant whirring sound just as Remy pinched the bridge of their nose and sighed.
"I think you can put two and two together and not make it into five okay girlie-" They saw Remus start to sign something but interrupted him by placing their hand on top of his knuckles "I don't like enjoy talking bout it. I met Emy in like the 1910's and we were pining fucking idiot friends for like 50 years or something and then we like kissed and made love and Hell and Heaven somehow like INSTANTLY knew and" They motioned for their hair "Happened. Emy's wings got taken. His halo got shattered. My hearing was taken. All that shit. Not a good time!-"
'Then me and Ro-Ro came'
Remy softened into a smile "Yeah....Then you and Roman came"
He let out a silent gasp and flapped his elbows around 'EMILE HAD WINGS!? OF COIRSE HE DID!!! GROSS ANGEL SHIT!!'
"Hey now nothing bout my Emile being gross! The point! The point is like that Hell knew!! The moment me and Emile got together The Knew!! We couldn't run or like hide from being punished! I dunno what line you cross with a human to get punished but girl the second you cross that line-"
'I am already being punished' Remus signed 'Why not keep going against Hell'
Remy smacked their lips together while pointing their finger "You got a point..You got a point" They saw his tail quickly start to wage and added in a haste "But the kind of point that ends up with you like dead!" Remus' tail was still waging "And probs Roman dead too!"
Remus' mouth clammed up and his hands turned stiff.
The older demon moved their long pale tail around his shoulders and leant in to press a kiss to Remus' forehead. They kept their face close to his while continuing to speak.
"If you like this Janus human guy I like sooo totally support you girl but you have got to like figure out a way to have your human and stop The manager from punishing anyone but you for it 'cause girl you've been stalling for 3 fucking months. You can't keep doing this. Roman is not doing good. Either you figure out some way to threaten The Manager into letting you and Roman go or girl I am gonna have to make you go have sex with that human and then kill him! You got it!? Actually I know you got it cause I know you're not totslly fucking braindead!"
He didn't sign any response at first, all he did was blare at them before faltering and signing
'I really like him'
"Yeah duuuh. So you said you...uh..like feed off of him? By just kissing him? And he wasn't even horny or nothing!? Are you sure he wasn't lying? Y'know Humans do have the like brain capability to lie right?"
Remus hadn't even had the chance to talk back when Remy continued while their brow lowered into deep thought.
"We just gotta figure out how you work! Or how your feeding like works or whatevs. We should go out on the street right now and make you make out with some humans"
'Or we can?' Remus signed.
"I'm not a human"
Remus knocked at his brain 'Use the goo up there. Which has better chance of working, kissing you or a random little human?'
"Giiirrrlll, you got a point" Remy sat up on the edge of the bed and took off their sunglasses before waving their hand towards him. In response he pulled his hair because he knew his mustache already always annoyed Remy whenever they cuddled, they didn't need his locs tickling at their skin as well.
All though he honestly did not think it would work he still leant forward right by the bed and let his lips meet the other succubi's. He had seen them kiss Emile plenty of times and no trace of the way Remy acted then was present now, instead they kept their eyes open the entire time waiting to see his expression change in any way.
As the kiss went on he started to imagine eating worms out of boredom and knew it was time to pat Remy on the shoulder to tell them to move back.
"No feeding?"
'Maybe we have to try with tongue' Remus suggested.
"OH Girl NO! I know yOU! You just enjoy the slithering slimy feeling of tongues in your mouth for NASTY reasons!!-"
'I enjoy imagining snakes are climbing into my mouth! Nothing wrong with that!'
"But we're trying to figure out your feeding shit! Not indulge in your weird snake fantasies! You felt nothing?"
'As nothing as the stomach of a starving goat'
Remy let out an annoyed groan and started picking at the flailing paint left on their fingernails.
'I think it is a Janus thing'
"That's exactly what I don't wanna hear girl!" Remus' tail sunk down and hung unmoving down to the floor but Remy didn't notice as they checked the time "Ugh I better get back to Hell. I just like- I don't know what else to do to like help you! If there's something I can do tell me!"
He shrugged.
Remy switched to signing 'I want to help you and I get that you like Janus but hes just a human! Hes fleeting! I know youve only been alive for like a totalllly short time but trust me hes gonna be gone in like a second! I think you should like enjoy your time with him and fuck him and kill him and get this over with, and then I, Emy and Roman can help you find another human that you will feed off of! he can even be british! And named Janus! We will figure out how you work okay!? We won't leave you in the dust girlie'
They glanced to the clock on the wall that was behind by a few minutes and stood up from the bed. They pressed their finger against Remus' chest as they repeated.
'You just gotta kill him'
'If I kill him I have to go back to those mind melting boring meetings' Remus cracked up into a toothy smile.
'Dont joke about that shit right now. You are coming back to Hell'
'So I can hear Roman brag about how many more humans hes gotten over me'
Remy sent him a look before in silence putting their shoes and jacket on. They leant towards the hallway mirror and checked their hair while saying.
"I paid for the room for like a few more nights if you don't wanna stay overnight at that like library anymore. But only a few more nights. Y'know what you gotta do girl"
Remus left them space by the door and listened to them recite the phrase needed to open the door to hell that he could no longer say. The door creaked open and both of the demons glanced at each other as the stark white hallways of Hell became clear.
"It's worth a try" They said gently.
He wordleesly agreed and reached his hand out over the threshold, over into hell. But his fingers were stopped by somemthing unseen. It was as if a glass wall was holding out. No matter how he tried to budge or poke or punch he couldn't move over the threshold.
Without any struggle Remy moved their foot across the treshold but before fully walking through they pulled him into a quick hug before signing.
'Youve thought about it right? Youre stuck on Earth. Romans stuck in Hell. He hasnt feed in 3 months'
The door swung closed as soon as they had stepped through and Remus was left standing in the murky hotel room. The first thought he got was that it was damn right Roman hadn't gotten to feed in 3 months. He hadnt gotten to feed properly his whole life! Why shouldnt she feel the same hunger he has!
But, and he took a few steps back to sit on the bed and pulled his tail close to his chest, he knew logically that eating the minimum amount to keep him going wasn't the same as starving for three months.
If he had to starve for 3 months he would cease to exist after a few weeks, he knew that. He knew how the body decayed. Starting with the organs taking from the fat until it shifted to the brain eating off the organs until the heart started to erode the brain away in a last ditch attempt to find nutrients. Until his body stopped just like the clock on the hotel room that went a few seconds further behind every day until it would eventually stop.
He didn't even have any body fat to keep himself alive from so his organs would erode almost immediately. Roman had always been more plump than him but even then he had to imagine 3 months would...what kind of damage....
Remus shook his head around and forced himself to keep reapeting the images of rotting flesh and decaying meat in his mind. He tore away pages from the notepad left on the nightstand and found a pencil in some drawer before hunkering down on the floor and beginning to calculate how long the body of a demon could last when starved.
For the entire lesson with Logan all Remus could focus on was the clock on the wall ticking away slowly as Logan turned one page of his book after the other.
The pen in Remus' hand broke between his fingers and he jumped in his seat. His tail moved up to rub his horns to soothe himself and it was enough for Logan to glance up from his book.
"Is everything going well with Janus?" He spoke in English to help the younger demon learn it faster.
Remus dragged his fingers through his hair while shrugging. One of his fingers got stuck in a piece of gum that had burrowed down near his scalp.
"I would kindly like to remind you that I requested that you would inform me after you had seduced the human so we could converge and discuss before you kill him. Do you remember that?"
The demon was half zoned out and busy chewing at his hair while he nodded.
"Good. it's very important" Logan's eyes got drawn back to his book but when he saw the demon choking and spitting up a clump of his own hair he sighed and asked "Is something bothering you?"
Remus took his notepad and wrote 'Im worrying bout my brother'
"Your brother" His eyebrow raised slightly along with the inflection of his voice. His eyes darted away for just a second before he pretended to cough "Yes, Of course, You're brother. I see"
The succubi began to write down 'Can I leave? Me and Janus-' But he didn't have time to finish before Logan continued.
"You must be aware that even if you kill Janus you will not get your voice back, are you not? You ate a human and got Punished for it. No matter what you do that will not be reversed"
Another string of hair got stuck between his teeth. He nodded. In his head he corrected 'Parts of a human'. That damn human probably didn't even die from it.
"And I am not sure if it is the same for your brother or not"
If Remus didn't know better he would think Logan was trying to convince him not to go through with the murder. The older demon leant back in his seat and clasped his hands together.
"Have you thought about why you were asked to kill janus?"
'Becuase Jan is smart. Hell wants to make sure he is on our side because his brain is so big and strong and good' He scribbled out.
"There are a lot of smart humans, Remus, not all of them are ordered to be killed" He mindleesly ran his finger against his wedding ring "Would you like to hear my theory?"
He nodded.
"I believe that Janus was picked completely at random. You were behaving poorly before you got sent to earth, correct? You weren't meeting the averages?"
Remus grimaced but nodded.
"I think the higher ups simply wanted to see if they could make you do as told. In this case I suppose they are levearing your brother against you. The human happened to be the one who was picked"
He sunk in on himself 'Why couldnt they have picked a more boring human. Why did it have to be janus'
"Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it" Virgil's leg was bouncing up and down so fast his that phone screen became nothing more than a shaky blur as his fingers continued nevertheless to tap at it.
At nearly the exact same time Remus knocked at the apartment door to Virgil' and Janus' apartment. Even through the door he could hear frantic breathing and gentle shushes but the sounds were quickly hushed as soon as he knocked. It took another minute or two of waiting by the closed door before he heard Janus' voice yelling.
"The door is open!"
Remus decided the best course of action was to headbutt the door open and as he slammed his way in while laughing he saw Janus and Virgil sitting close together on the couch with Jan having put Virgil's hand against his neck.
The emo was wearing overalls that were unlike his usual dark attire and when he saw the demon he quickly rubbed his palms over his eyes to wipe away any tear stains.
"I gotta go" He mumbled at the same time he got to get his jacket and bag.
"Want me to save some leftove-"
"I'll eat at work"
"Break several legs" Janus waved Virgil off as he stormed past the demon and closed the door behind him. Storming here refering to how he was as moody as a cloud on the horizon.
"Did he get another pole stuck up his ass" Remus let his tail trail behind him on the floor as he went up to lean his arms on the couch.
Janus in turn moved closer on the couch so he could rest his head against the demon's forearm "I don't think he ever quite got the first one unstuck. It was just a close to anxiety attack. Him not getting a full blown attack is good. Also he has the night shift so we totally won't be alone for the enttiiirreee night darling"
"except for the ghosts"
"Of course"
Remus let his head fall down against Janus' and he kissed the skin between his dread locs "Why do you two do that weird neck thing by the way?" He mimicked the way Virgil held his fingers against Jan's neck.
"Oh that? It's an ancient ritual meant to keep Vivzie from turning into a sleeper agent" He said sarcastically "But really it's just a way to relieve his anxiety. Viv got this strange fixation on thinking I will die at any and all moments and feeling my pulse helps him"
"The dead birds don't help with the whole fear of death thing, huh"
"Those have actually lessened ever since I met you. I think you smeal so bastardly that no birds or animals even want to die in the vicinity of you"
Remus squinted "Glad to be of help?"
Janus lightly tugged at his mustache "Won't you sit down"
The demon complied by rolling over the couch seats and falling flat with his head right into Janus' lap. He spun around so he could look into the human's dark brown eyes.
"Though I do imagine the fact that I was near death once right before Vivzie met me couldn't have helped either. I totally don't ever worry that Viv befriending me so soon after the car crash did some irreperable sort of damage in his psyche and gave him an anxiety disorder. Totally not. Never ever do I worry about that. It might be hard to belive but this" He motioned for the scarred half of his face "Is how I look after years of healing. I looked like a bloody slasher villain as a kid-"
"WHAT!?" Remus' eyes went huge "YOU USED TO LOOK EVEN COOLER!?"
Janus couldn't hold back a snort "Sure dear. Want to see the pictures?"
"Well more like kid pictures....Actually not that many. Adoption facilities don't actually take that many photos for fun believe it or not. No one is getting paid enough for that. But I believe we have some school photos"
The demon laid on the couch as his babe went and rummaged around forgotten boxes to try and find the yearbooks. As he waited he noticed the fake cobwebs hanging on the wall and since the humans hadn't moved in that long ago it couldn't have been a forgotten halloween decoration. That must have just been Virgil's idea of home decor.
"Thought I was flogging a dead horse there for a minute" Janus muttered as he came back
He remembered his date wasn't british and waved it off "I found the yearbook"
He made the demon make place for him on the couch and smiled when Remus instantly threw his arm around him. His tail was wagging so fast it nearly made the couch shake.
"This is from Year 1 I believe" The photo showed a class of tiny 5 year olds all wearing similar uniforms. It didn't take the demon long to recognise Janus, he stood out not only as one of the only two black students but also because of the bandages covering half of his face.
He flipped the page to the photo from Year 2 and it was nearly the same class, still with Janus standing out just as much. The half of his face now looked like a raw wound, giving off a pulsating deep red.
"I knew it! You did look cool!"
"I looked like a James Bond villain"
"Nothing wrong with that!...I think....Don't know who that Bames Jond is. And" Remus smiled "You were so tiny. Like- Like a tiny little...Little human..I never got that"
Janus didn't say anything, he simply pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and burrowed himself closer to his date. (He assumed silently Remus meant he had had to grow up quickly)
Not that he had literally been created as an instant adult. Not that Remus had ever missed or even thought about what it would have been like to be a child. But seeing Janus so small, with untied laces, band-aids on his knees and round plump cheeks, made him imagine it.
"Do you think we would have been friends if we knew each other as small humans?"
"Oh certaintly darling. I think you would have been my lovely henchman on the playground"
"That sounds nice.."
In the photo a blond tuff of hair was barely visible behind Janus and when he showed the photo from Year 3 that blonde hair was still sticking up along with the eye of a student that was hiding behind him.
"Who's that? A Ghost?"
Remus scoffed "But that ghost is blond!! Virgin has his stupid black bangs!"
"Yes because those are definitely real"
When the demon continued to stare at him with a confused look he added.
"He dyes his hair"
"His hair dies? Like a cancer person? Did it regrow as black like a lizard tail?"
He took it as a joke and laughed lightly "Yes exactly. That is also how half of my locs became brown and I presume how your friend's hair turned bright white"
The information slowly sunk in. Remus had always assumed humans with colorful hair must have been born that way (human biology was strange) or maybe their hair changed when they got Punished just like theirs did. maybe that was why he saw so many medium sized humans (teens) with colored hair, because they got Punished by being put into the ground or being detained.
He grabbed his human by the arm and shook him around "I WANT THAT!"
"Right now?"
"But I was thinking of opening up some wine and getting cozy.." He pretended to wipe away a tear.
Remus leant in and kissed him briefly, which made Janus let out a highed pitched sound "Later. Hair first. Now where can we find these hair dying stuff?"
"Darling we should really have a discussion on whether we kiss suddenly or after asking because" He was fanning himself "That was sudden. And to answer your question, the store"
"I think i would like some white this time, Then if I braid my locs I will look like a chess board!"
"Great camoflauge..For when the zombies come. I think I want hmm-"
"Allow me to guess. Hmm, I see no other option for you than...red"
Remus gasped "NO! NOT STUPID RED! Green obviously! Pretty nice gorgeous puke green!"
"I know dear, I know"
The worker behind the delicatessen was lining up a cut of meat and brought out a butchers knife. Remus' eyes fixated on the knife as it sliced down right through the middle of the meat, splitting it in two. He imagine Janus' head laying there instead. Imagined his blade cutting down into-
He shook his head and leant down to place his arm around his human's waist and whispered "Wanna shoplift?"
Janus rolled his eyes before smirking "I'll be the distraction" He murmured into his ear, so close his hot breathe touched against his skin.
All the human had to do was walk within eye distance of the cashier while pretending to take a closer peek at the candy display and the worker instantly tried to not so subtly stare at his scarred skin grafts. Meanwhile the demon used his tail to move one can of hair dye under his shirt after the other.
For good measure he let his horns flash such bright red the store lights began to flicker before he took Janus' hand in his and rushed out of the store. He speed up on the street until he fully took off into a run still with his human right behind him. he squeezed his hand and got the urge to use his wings to show him the sky above-
But that was Angel shit.
Remus stopped in his tracks and saw a bird crash into the store window on the other side of the street. It fell to the ground and it's wings continued to flail for a few more seconds before it's small body went completely still.
He heard Janus laugh while catching his breathe and let his eyes go from the dead bird.
"Kith?" He asked and as soon as Jan even started to nod he was already pulling him into an embrace to kiss him.
He closed his eyes and focused on the new warm sensation of feeding. He felt Janus' hands grab ahold of the back of his tanktop and twist the fabric around the tips of his fingers.
It tasted like a delicious dinner. Like a finely made stea- The butchers knife flashed before Remus eyes and he took a step back. "Wanna uhh wanna get to the dying?- The dying of hair?"
Janus took his hand again and nodded "That was fun! Vivzie never lets me shoplift. He thinks the pigs will get me for a single stolen egg"
"That's goopy!"
"Stop moving or your face is going to be green as well"
"Like an alien!"
Remus sat only in his undies and his choker on the bathroom floor with Janus right behind him. The human was wearing plastic gloves and slowly massaging in the green dye down to his scalp. So far he had had to pull out several leaves, a dead worm and a full chicken wing bone from his hair.
"Want to hear about this uhh like psychological study I read about recently!? It's fucked uP!"
Janus let Remus go on for 5 entire minutes about the standford prison experiment while listening like he hadn't heard about it many times before just because Remus was flapping his hands around so happily while ranting about it.
"And then they had to end it at Day 6 already!"
"Crazzyyy" Janus said in his snarky tone "You've heard of the Milgram experiment?"
The demon turned his head so quickly he nearly got dye all over his nose "NO! What's it about!?"
"How about you go and look that up while I dye my hair"
"But I wanna help"
Janus rolled his eyes "I won't risk my beloved sweater to dye my hair. I am Going to have to undress upwards at least and I'm not sure-"
"Were you planning on wearing a shirt if we fucked?"
"I- Well- I hadn't planned that far" Remus giggled "Don't laugh! You Bloody skunk muppet! I'm going to dye your mustache green too! You will be walking around looking like a leprechaun!"
Remus gasped and covered his mustache with his hands "You wouldn't!"
"I sure would!"
His giggle attack stopped and he tried to look more serious "But if you're not comfy I will go and entertain myself I guess. I can look through the Virgin's garbage and find blackmail dirt on him!"
"Thanks" Janus' eyes flickered back and forth across the tiled floor as his date began to move to stand up "No- But- But you might just have a tiny miniscule point somewhere. I mean. It's not that I don't feel comfortable with you here it is just. It's totally not like I have meber been so close to anyone but Viv before and it doesn't make me nervous in the slightest. I don't think anyone besides him and my doctors have even seen me shirtless"
"I can stand in the corner like Blair Witch! No seeing unless you tell me you're okey with it!" Remus suggested.
"Dear that sounds like a lovely plan"
The demon gave him a cheery smile before standing up and turning his back around so all he saw was the washing cabinet. He heard his human move about to drag his shirt off but zoned out from it when he noticed if he looked a bit sideways he could see himself in the mirror.
He had nearly forgotten about the white streak right at the forefront of his hair until now. Even as Janus had put the dye into every part of his hair that white streak still stayed. The rest was a nearly neon green. Except that.
He wondered if Roman had it too-
"I think you can turn around"
Janus interrupted his train of thought and he blubbered out some nonsense string of words while turning around. The first thing he noticed was that his human had put all of his black dreadlocs up into a bun while the dyed brown ones stayed hanging down to his shoulders.
"Oh your hair! So cute! Makes me wanna gnaw on it!"
He snickered "Darling I love how that is what you notice first"
"Oh! Right" He moved his eyes down to Janus' chest and blurted out "That's it?"
"What? Disappointed I don't have D cups"
"You were hyping it up so much I thought you had like a secret robot arm or like a third nipple! That's just" He sat down next to Jan on the floor and put his hand against his chest "More of you"
He noticed there was a slight color difference between the skin on his right arm and rest of him. It wasn't like the scars on his face but there were patches of slightly lighter brown along with bumps here and there.
Jan noticed where his eyes were going and explained "It's easier to graft skin onto arms than onto a face"
"It's so hot. I love your skin and grafts and jiggly titties" He smacked one of them lightly "And- And tummy and your human uneven skin and you not having horns and your lighting bolt scar strech thingies and the hair right here" he touched along Jan's happy trail "And you're so hot!"
"I hear that every day" He said sarcastically to try and downplay his blushing. Ideally he wouldn't have people comment on his scars or grafts at all but having someone gush over them was certaintly a nice change of pace.
Remus moved in for a kiss but Janus held up his hand so the kiss landed squarely into his palm.
"Nuh-uh darling. You will get green all over me. Patience patience"
The demon sulked beside him as he put white dye on the locs that had previously been dyed brown. A consistent thumping noise went on for several minutes.
"Do you also hear that or has the goverment implanted something in me" Jan snarked.
"Must be rats fucking in the walls" Remus replied, knowing fully well it was him smacking his tail into the floor out of impatience. His stomach was growling.
"There!" The dye had all been splattered on "Now I believe we must wait at least 30 minutes to let the color sink in before we rinse it off. Feel like watching something spooky or campy? Or both"
The demon rubbed the tip of his nose against the other man's "I wanna watch medical docs and make out!"
"Paattience darling"
Janus put on a murder mystery show and pulled out an entire notebook to note the evidence for who he thought the murderer was. Usually he wrote down Remus' comments as well but the only thing the demon could focus on was him.
His eyes were etched into the human's soft dark skin, at the vein barely visible along his neck.
Something cold slipped down his lip and he realized he was drooling.
"Stop giving me those puppy eyes" Janus said as he slipped his finger under his date's choker to pull his face close.
Remus met his kiss like a dying man in the desert met water. He clammered his hands around the nape of Jan's neck to hold him even closer.
He kissed so hard that Jan fell over on the couch and laughed against his lips. Remus moved his legs on either side of his stomach and leant his chest down against the human's to keep making out.
It was as if for the first time in his life he felt level headed from finally eating enough.
Even when Janus panted and pulled away to catch his breathe Remus kept littering kisses against his neck, down to his shoulder and chest. Until his human pulled at his hair and he went back up to kiss his lips.
"Good boy" Jan murmured.
His horns began to grow brighter and brighter as he feasted. His heart beated faster and his blood ran hotter. He felt the sensation of his organs pumping through the new energy at the same time as he felt the sensation of Janus' plump wet lips and his just as wet slippery slithering tongue and he-
Janus pushed him away and pinned himself to the corner of the couch while holding his hands over his lips.
The demon reached out his hands but they stayed hovering in the air "Wh-what?"
"You bloody bit me!"
He moved his hand aside and a wound, small but still clear as day, could be seen on his bottom lip. A piece of skin had been ripped off and Remus realized the skin now was stuck between his teeth.
It tasted delicious.
A few droplets of blood slid down to his chin and Remus was quick to lick it up "I'm sorry"
"Just- just warn beforehand. I know you're freaky and all that but I've barely even thought about kinks, we can't jump into biting immediately. Definitely not letting you give me head today though if you're in such a bitey mood" The alarm on his phone went off indicating it had gone 30 minutes "I'll go rinse my hair first. It takes ages for my locs to dry anyway"
Remus parsed his lips and knew he was supposed to say something flirtatious. Maybe ask for them to shower together. Maybe ask if he should help. Maybe kiss him again.
But his mouth clamped shut. He desperately wanted to hold onto the taste of Janus. He didn't want that putrid taste of Lust to permiate down his throat and ruin it.
The butcher's knife flashed before his eyes. The bird flying into the window. The tv was still on in the background, the detective was revealing that the culprit was a woman who had murdered her own twin.
Janus left to go to the bathroom and the demon stayed behind with his toes dangling off the edge of the couch. He picked at his skin until it started to scab.
He turned his head to the kitchen cabinet in the corner of the living room and with his eyes blurry from being zoned out he got up and took quiet steps towards it. His tail reached out and grabbed the largest knife and dropped it in his hands.
He pressed his ear to the door and heard that the water was still running as he touched the doorknob and realized that the door wasn't locked.
Just as he turned the knob the water stopped and he froze.
A few more seconds passed before the door opened right to his face and Janus stepped through with a bathrobe wrapped around himself.
The human looked up at him with a surprised look before his eyes darted to the knife in Remus' hand and he flinched back.
Remus' eyes darted to it as well as if he was surprised he was even holding it.
"Can- Can you help me cut my hair" He sputtered out and held the knife out towards Janus.
Janus relaxed and carefully touched his finger against the tip of the knife to lower it "Honey usually people use scissors for that. besides you still have to rinse your hair before that"
He stayed standing in the doorway with his eyes wide open and without saying anything for long enough that Janus had to ask.
"Dear, Are you feeling okay?"
"Remy- My friend Remy said my brother's...Not doing good"
"I see. Viv alos cuts his hair when he's having a hard time" Janus lightly pinched Remus' stomach "I'm glad having Remy over made you eat a bit more at least"
Remus looked down and realized his stomach was actually fuller than usual, his fingers even looked less skeletal and when he brought his hand up to scratch under his eye he felt his cheekbone less than normal.
The human took the knife out of his hands and instead brought his hand to Remus' back to guide him closer to the shower "I'll go and grab the scissors while you shower"
The demon nodded and immediately pulled off his underwear to which he could Janus actually let out a screech of surprise. He put his hand over his heart while overly dramatically fanning himself with the other.
"Okay! Apparently I will go and grab some sunglasses as well so you won't have any idea what I'm staring at!"
He closed the door behind him but Remus could still hear him continue to babble to himself through the wall.
"Does this please you my liege?" Janus held up the mirror so Remus could see himself.
He had trimmed Remus' hair so it was less like an entire myrcelium network growing out of his scalp and more like just an overenergetic afro....Well now that it was dyed a bright green it did look sort of like a radioactive bush.
"Yeah yeah sure it looks gereat" Remus replied, he had already began chewing at his hair again.
"I think you're hair is about 3C, want me to braid it? Give you box braids? Moon puffs? Vivzie's hair is so straight, he does let me braid it if I want to but he just ends up looking like Adele at coachella"
Remus moved to lay his head aginst his human's chest and snaked his hands around his arm "I just don't want this day to end" He mumbled into the fluff of the bathrobe.
"Well you'll be sleeping here, won't you? it's defnitely not like we can cuddle for as long as you want, not a chance that that is a possibility"
"Mhm...I'd like that"
Janus had a hard time even making Remus latch off of him for long enough so he could change into his nightgown (the demon stayed in his undies). They reheated some peasoup Virgil had made earlier that day and Remus kept snickering under his breathe about eating 'Pee soup'. They played 3 rounds of Clue and 2 of the Murder she wrote boardgame and Jan won every one because the demon was only preoccupied with coming up with the most elaborate murder ways.
The sun had gone down and so had the blinds on the windows when Janus yawned and rolled into the bottom bunk bed so that he was closest to the wall. He patted the place beside him while eyeing the demon.
Remus let out a happy screech while climbing down under the cover next to his human. He poked at his feet with his toes and moved closer to rest his face against Jan's warm chest. He could hear his steady heartbeat and all he could think about was the layer of skin followed by blood followed by tissue followed by fat followed by muscle followed by meat and finally bone, And how easy it would be to cut through all of it.
"Mhm?" He shook his head around to get the thoughts out.
Janus twirled a loc of Remus' hair around his finger while letting his leg intertwine with his "I've been thinking.....We have gone on several dates, you eat dinner with me at my home quite regularly and we've kissed. We've even...well I've never been this intimate with someone. I would...It's totally not like I would want us to clarify what type of relationship we're in or anything"
The demon thought for a moment before tilting his head up to meet his eyes "I love you. Does that work as answer?"
"Well preferably a bit more detailed than that"
"I really love you! Like you could wear a pint of my blood around my neck! Or eat a bit of my flesh! That would be so romantic!"
"Oh it would!" He smiled as Remus kissed him and that same smile stayed as he quietly asked, nearly whispered to him "Would calling you my boyfriend work?"
Remus' tail instantly stood up and his horns turned a stop light red "I've never had one of those"
"I've had thousssands of them. They just keep appearing. Under my bed, in my cereal, crawling out of my tv" He went extra snarky when he was anxious.
"I think that could be nice. Being boyfriends. More than nice! Mega ultra cool!"
He nodded and Janus leant in to kiss him again. The demon felt the human excitedly kick his legs as he did so.
"Well then. I never imagined I would get a boyfriend this soon! Obviously I knew it would happen eventually since I am a snack! But already, Oh dear! See you tomorrow my darling boyfriend" He kissed the tip of his nose before snuggling further down under the cover "Good night"
"Good night. Tomorrow we can make pancakes and shape them into lil monsters"
"Sounds good" Jan mumbled, sleepyness slowly taking over his voice.
"And I can show you this horror film, it's not too gory, and I can cuddle you when it gets too scary"
"And then we can go to the park and I can chase dogs around while you drink bubble tea"
Deep snores started to come from Janus and for a while Remus simply laid there and watched his chest slowly rise and fall. A bit of drool fell down his cheek and the demon reached out to wipe it away with his thumb, no reaction came. He was fully asleep.
Remus sat up slightly in the bed and took a deep breathe.
He had helped him shoplift. He'd made out with him. He'd been close to being intimate with him. Surely it had to count.
Surely Hell would accept it. He just had to-
He just had to protect Roman.
Humans die quick anyway.
He just had to keep the memory of how feeding off of Janus' felt close to his heart.
He just had to-
Remus picked up his pillow and pressed it against his boyfriend's face.
At first there didn't come any reaction. It wasn't until he pressed harder that the snoring stopped and got replaced with more labored breathing.
He didn't let up. He watched as his boyfriend still deep in slumber unconciously reached out a hand to try and move whatever was suffocating him away, but his hand simply fell down to his side again.
Only a few seconds more and-
A knife suddenly got pressed against Remus' neck.
"Move the hell away from him!" Virgil whispered into his ear.
The demon stayed still but that made the knife get pressed harder against his skin to the point that blood started to simmer out.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
Have you already been asked for Deki?
nope! the Orange Guy (as he's been called lol) in my icon! thanks Anon for providing me with what's clearly going to be my most controversial post 🤪 (i don't know if i've ever used this emoji before, what a historic day)
favorite thing about them: it's gotta be his loyalty to the people he loves. sometimes it's even to the point of stupidity, or "you didn't have to do that." but i've never seen anything quite to his level of devotion and committment. all heart ZERO brain on this man. not one brain cell. it's all in the heart.
he's also really hilarious* and like. kinsey 7. nothing will convince me this man is not 100% gay and only married because he's a religious catholic.
(*i don't like most "comedy" because i have an odd sense of humor, and if i want to have a laugh, i'll more often than not put on some liverpool movren content because of how genuinely fucking funny they are together. i always wind up laughing out loud. standup comedians WISH they were movren however he is also funny on his own, albeit sometimes unintentionally...i think)
last--his appearance, duhhh. if i could look like a man i'd want to look like him, this is a known fact. he's got just the right vibe of strong, confident masculinity and the fucking shoulder/back/arm situation is 🔥
least favorite thing about him: ...do you hear me heaving a heavy sigh? lol. i won't go into the graphic details, but the amount of time i've spent being his pro bono defense attorney when it's not deserved! (some things are also not worthy of defending.)
i remember there was a post a while back that said something like "whatever your special interest was at the beginning of the pandemic is always going to have a weird level of significance to you." and at first i was like doesnt apply to me--football was my thing before the pandemic, and it still is. but then i remembered that the pandemic hit just as i was developing an interest in this fool 😂 i guess that explains everything.
favorite line: HOW DO I CHOOSE????? he's so quotable. he also once responded to one of my questions on an insta takeover--he only chose 3 twitter questions and i'm convinced he picked mine because my display name at the time was "Monlyfans" lmao. maybe on one of his lajvs with šime when he was like "who are all these people on instagram pretending to be me????" and šime was like "they're fanpages" or the classic on his southampton twitter takeover, "Peter Crouch is so tall OMG". orrr on his twitter q&a two years ago, when someone asked "your wife or Mo?" and he went "don't make me choose..."
brotp: oh it's gotta be him chilling with Domo, even though tbh. he's so GAY to me that most dudes he talks to make me wanna ship it, lol. i kind of liked him with timo at zenit...oh and when he was gay mentoring dalerka and mostovoy, who seemed to do very well with his teachings (RIP kustovoy)
notp: hmmm. deki x trashy american right wing culture, lmao
otp: it's always that impossible choice of šejan vs movren. they're both so different. something about movren really gets me because i think it has a lot of layers of depth that is not discussed, and i love the contrast especially toward the end of their time together at liverpool, of like global beloved star vs 4th choice center-back on the bench, and how dej had not one ounce of jealousy or resentment toward mo...Idk that's just quite special
random headcanon: i don't think i have one.
unpopular opinion: sigh...i've expressed this before and am Weary...but the lockdown fucked him up hard and he absolutely never recovered mentally. and that just makes me feel bad. you don't have to! but i do and i'm glad that i do. maybe it could have all been different yknow? especially because i've seen similar things happen to people i'm close to in real life.
song i associate with them: well, aside from 'sin pijama' lol...i only really associate songs with him because of my movren fanmix (only time i've ever made a good fanmix for a football ship! and as i've said, it's a very 'i liked the movie Garden State too much when i was a teenager' fanmix lol (guilty as charged)) (lmk if you want me to link it somewhere) some of them are more "mo," some are "dejan," and some are a mix. i'd say the dejan ones are:
-moment's silence (common tongue) by hozier: singing boldly about oral sex and the catholic church? that tracks.
-the only living boy in new york by simon & garfunkel: uh the gayest and most loving song alive? but also the story behind it makes me think of what i said about movren earlier--the "flop" being just so happy for the star. (not saying paul simon is more of a "flop" than art garfunkel LOL but the idea of him writing a song for his friend going down to mexico to be in a movie, and just being affectionate and proud about it! idk!)
favorite picture of them: ahhh...how about:
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also this from ligue 1 for the LOLS 😂 if i had a deki rainbow jersey i'd never take it off
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mcwentfandomtraveling · 10 months
Just felt like simping over some of my beloved pokemon characters! :3
My first ever crush in the pokemon series games was Colress from black and white 2! I am such a sucker for his character development! And he's smart and pretty and wears a lab coat and is good at pokemon battling! :D
He's so cute :3
Smart guy make brain melt into happy goo
I have so many things I'm thinking about that I wanna write about him but idk stupid anxiety is like super preventing me from doing anything about it ;-;
Anyways, I wub himb! :3
Next up is Rika from Scarlet and Violet! Such a beautiful butch lesbian! :3 no you can't convince me otherwise! She's so capable working as an elite four member and conducting interviews for the league! Not to mention she does a lot of free babysitting for Poppy! She's strong and caring!
And weirdly I love how she's got the advantage over my Scarlet and Violet oc Andromeda! Andy mainly trains Fire and Electric pokemon which are weak to ground! Rika is just so strong and capable and it makes me melt into happy goo all over again
Pretty woman! :3
She's strong and caring and amazing! And I wanna write something more domme about Rika but brain is being mean and not letting me ;-;
Crushing on Jacq a little too! He's a little cute :3 it's just since he's a teacher it feels a little bit like weirdly uncomfy territory for me because it reminds me that it's my future job and that thought naggs at me too much ;-;
But he's cute in his white coat and sweet caring personality!
I wanna make an oc to ship him with!
Working on it! Since that's fun!
Oh! Might talk about ocs too actually for pokemon!
My Paldea oc is Andromeda who's Rika's lover! Andy is such a bottom pillow princess and Rika is her domme! Andy is an alternative fashion model so like Harajuku fashion, Gothic styles, masc clothing, stuff like that! She models a lot with shiny pokemon!
She has a Skeledirge, a Pawmot, a shiny Pawmot, and a Shiny Luxray!
Then I have Satomi who was my first ever oc! I had her since Unova to Alola and she's the lover of Kiawe in Alola! :3
She's an Elite four member in Alola after someone doesn't wanna do elite four stuff!
She has an Emboar, Incineroar, and Houndoom, and Alolan Marowak!
She likes fire and dark types!
Then I have Kyrene who's my Galar oc!
She's the lover of Riley from Iron Island in Sinnoh and Malva from Kalos! :3
She mainly stays on Iron Island with Riley and his aura guardian stuff! Haven't thought of a job for her...
Her team is Cinderace, Sizzlepede, Lucario, and Steelix!
Fire and steel!
The oc I wanna make as a lover for Jacq is a name I keep using when I wanna play as a guy! Icarus! He's a water type user! Feraligatr, Intelleon, Quaquaval, and rapid strike Urshifu!
I haven't thought up much of his story honestly so I'm still workshopping him 😅
Anyways! Yay! Glad I gotta chat!
Oh right! I technically don't have a lover for Colress...
None of them felt right with him honestly...I kinda see him as a casual bf with all the ocs that the other lovers are cool with and know about! :3
He's sort of "home base" when everyone gets together! He takes care of everyone and is always there for him, they're always welcome in his lab!...but he never becomes anything beyond just a boyfriend to all of them whereas my ocs marry thier lovers...Colress is pretty cool with this arrangement in my universe here! All the ocs are low key gf/bf with eachother too! But just casually!
In a way Colress is head of the big family!
Anyways that's just my weird pokemon thoughts!
I'd love to hear about other people's ocs and thoughts too!
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[New draft]
I’m finally getting hitched Tying The Knot Official Words
Wedding Vows
by roy harper, putting the laughter in manslaughter since 1983
A couple years ago, you asked me why I loved you, and I said “I-I don’t know.” Except you weren’t really happy with that answer, I could tell, so I tried to put it into nicer words. I mean, I’ve loved a lot of people in my life, or at least I thought I did. Look how that turned out. And, you know, I kind of write them off when they leave me, or when I leave them, because obviously that means it couldn’t have been love in the first place. But then I know that’s a big fat fucking lie because I still remember all of them, still remember exactly how it felt to tumble head over heels. So maybe they reason they stayed with me forever, despite one of us leaving, has to do with them and not me? And I was about halfway through this awful explanation when Dick gave us a call, told us that dealer we were tracking had just put his dirty little hands in Bludhaven, so we went to go deal with that. 
Both of us were glad that conversation was over, and I’m pretty sure you forgot all about it. But I didn’t. I never forgot about it, and I realized I never really answered your question. So, here goes.
I mean, I thought I was so smart when you met me. Sure, I was at my absolute lowest. But I was 25 and reckless, and the heroin had me feeling like a real person for the first time, you know? A human being, with the kind of secrets a grown-up kept, telling the kind of lies grown-ups told. And I thought I loved the way grown-ups loved. Always on the move, always leaving. Because it was either leave or get left. And I thought that was love. And I thought that was a brilliant idea. I was all dark and tough and had this tragic backstory, and I thought I was fucking irresistible, but only for a night. I thought I was fucking irresistible for a night, and after that I wasn’t worth shit.  
Now, I’m looking back at 25 year old me and the only thought going through my head was, what an asshole. Just, everything about me was supremely dickish. But most of all, it was the way I treated relationships. Do you remember that time you, me, and Kori went to that carnival? And Kori won that strength competition and we got free cotton candy? And I just gorged myself on candy floss, man. I was worse that Wally used to be, back in the day. And then we went on all those carnival rides and I thought to myself, I’d be fine. I run around jumping off rooftops with grappling arrows, and I used to practice marital arts with Dick Grayson. Motion sickness doesn’t happen to me. And then like half an hour later I was puking my guts out and you stood there and laughed at me? That. That’s how I treated love. I gobbled up everything I could get, and it was way more than I could handle, and then I’d throw it all up and run away. 
I’m not 25 anymore, but it feels like I’m still running. Except I can’t get away with what I used to do, ‘cause Kori can hear my fucking heartbeat and you check my arms for track marks all the time and Dick bribed his way into being my second emergency contact after you. So I hide away in my room and sort of melt onto my sofa. But not the good melting, like the way I melt into your mouth like you snipped all my strings. The gross kind of melting where I’m curled up onto the couch and I just wanna hack all my hair off with a knife and it feels like my brain is leaking all over the sofa and I know you killed most of my old dealers but I wanna bring them back to life because just one more hit, I just need one more hit, and I wanna drink myself into a rage but you locked away all the alcohol with a bat-lock that even I can’t break. Figures. It’s funny. You’ll shoot yourself in the neck before you go to Bruce for anything, but if it’s for me, you’ll swallow your pride in a second and get whatever the hell you need. 
I guess I’m just scared. I’m scared that I’m imaginary. I’m scared I’ll always end up reinventing myself every day to spare other people the trouble of having to do that for me. That what I want everyone to see always takes precedent to who I really am. I’m scared that I’ve finally lost it, that I’m crazy, that I’ve finally gone mad. But I’m even more scared that I’m perfectly sane. Because if I’m sane, then what excuse do I have? What excuse do I have for treating people the way I do, like they’re problems that I have to solve or explain or else I’ll just fall behind everyone else.
And that’s where you come in. Fuck, Jay. That’s, that’s when you came in.
I tried to word vomit that last part to you one night when you thought I was drunk and I thought you were drunk but neither of us had had a drop, and we hid behind the curtain of alcohol to have a heart to heart. And you told me people don’t have to be solved or explained. We’re all just ghost stories, and maybe we should just try to stay that way. Because we spend our days doing wonderful things, horrible things, and sometimes there’s no reason behind it. Or, wait, fuck, no. There is a reason. But that reason’s too simple and too straightforward to really be satisfying, you know? And then we keep forgetting the lesson that we learned and re-mystifying these problems that we already solved because deep down we don’t actually want to figure out why we love each other but hurt each other and-
Fuck. Sorry, Jaybird. This was supposed to be a simple answer to a simple question.
I think. Um. No, I don’t think. I know. I know I love you because I have to.
There’s no “why” about it. Any more than there’s a reason why Kori loves the dew drops that gather in the morning grass, or why that old hag in the apartment next to us can’t keep a plant alive for the life of her. I mean, I guess there is a reason. There’s always a reason, there’s always a “why.” I don’t really understand it, though. And you know how much that bothers me, you gotta know how much I hate that. Maybe if I dug around in myself for a bit, really thought some stuff through, talked to some people I thought I was done talking to, I’d figure it out. I’d figure out where all this love comes from. What it’s for.
But then the question would be answered. Why do I love you? Boom, I’d have an explanation. The ghost story would be over. And there’s really no point in telling a ghost story that has an ending, all nice and neat and wrapped up in a little package.
Right now, I think I’m finally at a place where I can just let it be. It’s just you and me. Me sleeping ‘till noon, then waking up to see you in my kitchen, looking like a fucking greek god reincarnated, a smile on your face that I don’t think anyone else but me gets to see, flipping an omelette with the same ease and grace that you flip knives. Me in fiddling with a couple spare parts, adding on to my arrows, and you either sliding up behind me, wrapping your arms around my waist and whispering in my ear how good I look in this old tank top or you throwing a greasy rag at my face and laughing at how it messed up the bun I had my hair put up in and telling me to wash up, dinner’s in 10. The two of us crowding around a set of blueprints, scheming and figuring out how to best hurt this one greedy asshole and send him down the highway to hell. And you honestly know all my secrets, all the dark thoughts I had when I was doped up and hating the world and everyone in it. And I’m the only one who knows what really happened in that funky green goo you call a Lazarus Pit, I’m the only one who knows what you went through under the League. The fact that we don’t have any secrets gives me this feeling in my chest, it’s warm and golden and sorta like how you feel with Dick Grayson smiles at you, except this time I think I caused it.
I just hope to god I’m right when I say “I love you.”
‘Cause I do. Jason. I love you. I just, fuck. I like being around you. And for the first time in a long while, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.
Fuck. That was stupid. This barely even made sense anyway. 
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[New draft]
Wedding Vows.
From Roy Harper. To Jason Todd. 
I was trying something new with this and I have no idea whether it worked or not but oh well here it is.
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machinegunkissu · 4 years
How to Make a Man Melt
|| nishitani homare x petite, shy, younger fem s/o||
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Slowly you awoke, light seeping onto your face and you softly groaned. You grabbed the blanket covering you, pulling it over your head to hide from the sunlight. Stupid sunlight. Did you really leave the curtains open? That wasn't normal...maybe you just were really tired and forgot, you assured yourself. Yeah, that probably was what happened.
But come to think of it. You didn't recall coming home. A lot of the previous night was hazy and you couldn't tell what was a dream and what wasn't. A specific vision of you kissing Nishitani, Homare's cheek came to mind; almost immediately this caused you to flush bright red. That had to just be a dream. That wasn't too unusual. You'd had a few dreams where you and the man were a little bit more than friends. So, you figured that was all a dream.
"______-chan. I know you're awake in there. Come on, up n at 'em."
Ah, hah. Now you're imagining him being there to wake you up. How funny-
"I made coffee."
"But I wasn't sure how or if you liked it so-"
You slowly peeked out of the covers that concealed you, fully expecting to just be hearing things. God almighty, though. Nishitani was real and he was right before you, kneeling at your side. Immediately you squeaked, pulling the covers back up.
This was real. Like...for real, for real. What happened?! You racked your brain, trying your best to remember the previous night, scared you may have acted out of character. That's when your mind brought up the memory of you kissing his cheek. You could feel yourself burning at the very thought. That was real. That was not a dream. Oh, god. How were you going to face him? It was just a little kiss, right? No biggie. It's not like you flat out told him your feelings for him. But still, you did...kiss his cheek. You did it half awake but you still did it, acting on your desires.
"You can't sleep forever, you know."
Shit. He does have a point. You mentally groaned and pulled back the covers just so you were able to look around. You averted your gaze from the man immediately though, too embarrassed as you croaked : "I...I'm fine."
"Ah, there's ______-chan! Thought she got lost there in the tatami mat, haha!" You stole glances at him and found yourself heating up even more again. He was just in his black button up and those pants that allowed you to spot him a mile away. His sleeves were rolled up and he gave a soft, joking smile. It was warm...it was comforting. "You sleep okay?"
"Ah, that's good then. I would've taken you home but, uh, never been there so..."
"That's okay. Th-thank you for a-allowing me to sleep here."
"Oh. Haha, no biggie."
Oh his heart. It just became goo when you finally looked at him for longer than a sixteenth of a second. He was so weak for you. He had it bad. If only you truly understood what you did to this man. Your eyes that were still adjusting to the light, scrunching closed, nose following suit was a shot to the heart. Your just awoken blissful appearance was a powerful sight to behold.
You slowly sat up, pushing back the covers. Still, you struggled to look at the man that kneeled besides you. He was so close.
"I-I apologize," you began. "Uhm, I-I'm not a big fan of c-coffee actually. I-It's a bit too better f-for me."
Nishitani's eyes soften at the explanation and held in a laugh. That response..."That's so like you," he chuckled softly.
"Wh-What's that mean?"
"Ah? Well," he began. Nishitani sat back on his bottom, hands resting behind him as he leaned backwards. He looked at the ceiling and grinned, sucking in a breath. "You're the kind of gal that likes sweet things and can't handle spicy or bitter all too well. Your face gets all twisted and you wave about your hands, trying to choke it down. You're too polite to spit out the food, so you suffer through it for that first bite, maybe even the whole thing, just to save someone's feelings."
You looked at the elder man and didn't even realize it but your jaw dropped slightly in surprise. Nishitani was...surprisingly very observant.
"But that's something that's admirable about ya. You always wanna please people. You're afraid to let those around you down. But, that's gunna bite ya in your ass one day."
"Wh-What do you mean?"
Nishitani turned his head and gave a very serious face that you hadn't seen before. It wasn't scary like his serious fighting face. That was different. It was cold and excited; a warning that he was feral and not to be messed with. This expression however gave a protective energy that exerted energy that said ’i want you to be happy.'
"Ya gotta live for yourself, and put yourself and your wants first some times. Put your happiness as your main focus. I know you. You're the kind of gal that loves happy endings. Ya hate unresolved and unhappy endings to books and movies. Ya fantasize about a happy ending type of romance. If that's what ya want; go after it and don't let anyone get in ya way. Ya hear me?"
You sucked in a breath, almost as if you forgot to breath while he spoke. He was so straightforward and passionate but said it as if it was the plainest thing ever. This guy was a trip, always. But what was his aim? You searched his eyes for a moment, confused and hoping to find some sort of answer.
"Wh-Why're you telling me this?" you finally asked. Your eyebrows knitted upward, confused and a lil worried looking. It was so early. Now was not the time for deep and meaningful talks. Still, you tried your best to follow and comprehend, fresh out of sleep.
"I want to see you happy."
Oh. Oh my.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 4 years
5 and blupjeans dude!!!!!!!!
5. Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips - Send in prompts?
The liquid was brackish and gooey and also the very first sensation Lup felt. She heard the muffled sound of glass shattering and she nearly fell face-first onto the ground before being caught. Steady, familiar arms held her upright, muttering something about broken glass and bare feet. She took one step, then another, on shaky legs, almost tumbling over again.
“Here,” she heard Barry said, feeling him try to lead her towards the chair. “Sit. I gotta- let me get your robe.”
Lup wiped goo from her face, grimacing. She blinked, brand new eyes trying to adjust to the dim lighting of the cave. It wasn’t any different than it had been a minute ago, before getting in the pod. But it felt- new. Was new the word? She could feel the felt of the armchair they dragged in here under her hands. There was a slight breeze from somewhere to her right. She could see Barry- really see Barry- hurrying back to her, a red bathrobe in his hands.
“Does everything seem okay?” Barry said, draping the robe around her shoulders. She sunk into the feeling. The fabric was so soft. “Do you, uh- are you good? Wait, here, I have a mirror, let me-”
Barry fished a handheld mirror from his pockets, handing it to her. Her hands shook as she took it, flipping it open to see her reflection. There was green goo in her hair, which was incredibly gross, but,
“Man, I forgot how good I look,” Lup said, and Barry laughed wetly. She set the mirror aside and struggled to push herself off the chair. “I’m about to smooch your fucking brains out, babe.”
And Barry laughed, again. He made a move to help her up, but frankly, Lup had waited long enough. As soon as he was close enough, she threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down towards her. He let out a yelp and fell into her hug.
It felt good to have Barry in her arms after all this time. It felt right.
He pulled back a bit, smiling in the stupid love-struck way that Lup knew she mirrored. His hand came up to cup her cheek, wiping away a tear Lup didn’t realize she had shed. And then-
Oh man, Lup was not going to let these kisses go to waste any time soon.
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anika-ann · 4 years
If You Stumble... - Pt.1
Step One
Type: Three-shot, part of a soulmate AU series  (part 1 here)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 3300
Summary: If you stumble...make it part of the dance.
In which you ask Steve what your date would look like if you lived the forties. He decides to show you instead. There are few flaws, holes to see through to glimpse beyond that illusion. 
But what life would be besides boring if everything was perfect? Perfect dress. Perfect date. Perfect gentleman…?
CH1 - Starring: innocent questions, soft, witty and badass Steve, unfazed Fury, likeable Agent M. and Tony being a surprisingly good bro.
Warnings: swearing, light angst, FLUFF, very brief violence if that even counts...
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It was an innocent question really or you thought so.
Steve was walking you home after date number seven – officially anyway, with how attached you became to your phone, you might as well say you were on one never-ending date, only taking a time-out when sleeping –, talking about everything and nothing. You had been bowling, your idea after you had found out he had never played before and yet he handed your ass to you, kissing it better (kissing your loser’s pouting better, not your bottom, you still weren’t there).
“So… you got a taste of a 21st century date. What dating looked like in the late thirties and forties?” you hummed, glancing at him curiously as you walked side by side, hand in hand.
You purposely didn’t ask him about dating in ‘his time’; despite him telling you he wasn’t fully accustomed to the 21st century, you couldn’t see it 98% of the time. He belonged here as much as he had probably belonged back there.
“Hm…” Steve mused, apparently giving it serious consideration and you smiled for yourself, wondering if he was thinking about an ideal date he would come up with in the past. In the end, he shrugged. “Dancing was popular back in the day. Music and dancing. Going to pictures too.”
He fell silent then, not elaborating, seemingly lost in thoughts. You leaned into his arm, guilt settling in your stomach. You hadn’t meant to sadden him.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, earning a confused glance. “I didn’t want to… poke at sore spot.”
He blinked and you could almost hear the wheels turning in his head as he shook it and stopped in his tracks – hence preventing you from continuing your gait too as his fingers were still interlaced with yours. His free hand cupped your cheek and his lips found your forehead first before pecking your own.
“You didn’t,” he declared, giving you a half-hearted smile. You looked up into his eyes, knowing for sure he wasn´t telling the truth, and raised an eyebrow. His smile grew more sincere after that, his thumb stroking your cheek softly. “I promise.”
You sighed, but shortly met his lips once more, letting it go and obediently started rambling about your first experience with bowling.
You knew Steve wasn’t quite listening, mostly because when you stopped talking, he didn’t react. You spent the rest of the walk in silence, him lost in another world and you mentally kicking yourself with vigour, anxiety twisting your insides. You hated you had made Steve brood.
Stupid, stupid woman!
With Steve having been absent-minded for the past few minutes, it took you off guard when you reached your building and he suddenly tugged sharply on your hand, forcing your body to spin, and caught your mouth in a searing kiss.
You blinked, shocked, gripped his shoulders to maintain your balance, but soon let yourself melt into him, relaxing into the kiss that set you on fire despite not expecting the lunge. His fingers curled around your nape, his tongue dancing with yours, stealing the air from your lungs and effectively turning your bones into goo.
Your head was spinning by the time his forehead rested against yours, your lips parted, unable to form words. Steve tenderly caressed your nose with his.
“Let me take you out,” he breathed out, making your eyes, fallen shut at some point of his ministration, snap open. A baffled chuckle escaped you at the request.
Both of his palms framed your face as he stole another kiss, this time softer, soothing. He was smiling, his eyes twinkling with something that brought the butterflies in your stomach to life.
What was he talking about though? Did you miss something? You thought you were dating. Wasn’t going out, spending time together, kinda the point? You’d admit your brain was floating a bit thanks to his unexpected display of affection, but you weren’t that out of loop, right? Why would he ask that?
“Let me take you out,” he repeated, voice firmer. When you inspected his face for any hint of what he meant, still confused, he finally clarified. “You said I had a taste of the 21st century dating. Well, I’d like to show you a bit of the old Brooklyn charm.”
Your heart pondered in your chest, threatening to burst at the sweet suggestion. You observed his expression for a long time, seeking any trace of the idea bringing back painful memories, regret of unfulfilled wishes of the past, but you saw none. He radiated nothing but hope and eagerness.
Your lips unwittingly spread in a smile nearly wide enough to tear your mouth.
“Really?” you checked carefully, his barely audible ‘yeah’ brushing your lips. “Then yes.”
You didn’t think his expression could light up more, but clearly you were wrong. He rewarded you with another breath-taking kiss, lifting you few inches above the ground, which caused you to giggle.
Was it possible to burst from happiness? You were feeling pretty close to that, the L word threatening to roll off your tongue. You barely held it back, but still did, worried it might ruin the moment, so preciously shining with delight.
“Okay. Thank you.”
He pressed another firm kiss to your forehead, himself grinning like a fool, and set you back on the ground. You didn’t want to say goodbye, but you knew it was inevitable. He had told you he was heading out for a mission in the morning; simple one, he had claimed, but he still needed to get some shuteye.
Looking up to him seriously, you pleaded him to be careful and stay safe. He promised to do so, the giddiness not quite leaving his aura.
You found yourself falling asleep light-hearted, leaving worries for tomorrow.
Steve finished the mission the very same day he left for it. The relief washing over you was way bigger than you were willing to admit; to be fair, Steve may have been slightly more hurt than he was willing to admit, so you called it even. He also insisted on ‘taking you out’ on Saturday, knowing too well that kind of talk would distract you from your fretting. Lovable bastard.
He said he would let you know the details during the week.
And he did. Those were seemingly random bits of information slipped into your conversations; wear a dress.
Don’t do any exercise on Saturday.
I have a meeting before that I sadly cannot escape, but I’ll pick you up at half past seven.
You’ll probably want to have light dinner before the date.
It was only one piece of info at time and you could hear the mysterious smile in his voice every time he refused to tell you more. To be fair, you had a good idea of what was going to happen. You were going dancing. Which was a bit funny and bit intimidating, because you had already tried something that might resemble that activity on his birthday and your technique definitely needed improvement. However, you trusted Steve; if you were about to make an ass of yourself, he would make sure it was in private at least.
Then the last piece of information came when you were talking on Friday night: wear dark nylons.
You had thought your outfit through; you were making your best effort to look a bit like the women of the old days, but not overwhelmingly so for Steve. To say you were surprised by his request was an understatement; you would have never imagined Steve would want you to wear anything in particular and you had no idea what to think of it.
“Just do, please?” he pleaded, the trademark smile of past few days no doubt creeping into his tired voice. The upcoming meeting had been keeping him busy, you knew that much if only because you had managed to meet for lunch once and that was it. But tonight, he sounded just exhausted.
You bit your lip when an idea on raising his spirit occurred to you.
“So… is that a practical issue or is it simply something you like on a girl?”
It worked. He chuckled, surprise and disbelief colouring his next words.
“Doll! Come on!”
“What?” you asked innocently, laughing at his exasperation. He was blushing. You were sure of it. “Alright. I’ll make sure to dress to your liking, Mr. Rogers.”
“Not to be too daring, but you’re being mean today.”
“Are you complaining?”
He sighed. “I guess I’m not. I hate to say goodbye, but I gotta go.”
You huffed, knowing he must have had tons of work still ahead.
“Okay. It was good to hear you, Steve. Take care? I’ll be thinking of you so you survive… figuratively speaking!”
“I’ll try, doll,” he reassured you and you imagined his smile turning tender. “Hey, I… I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I miss you.”
Your heart swelled in your chest, happy grin finding its way to your face.
“I miss you too, Steve. I-“ love you “-I can’t wait. Goodnight.”
He ended the call and you whined, hiding your face in your palms. The urge to confess your feelings was getting stronger each day. If he wasn’t going to say those words soon, you might actually slip. Would it be so bad, though? If you said it first? Hard to tell.
With a determined huff, you made your way to the bathroom, wanting to wash away all the worries in the shower stall.
Well. You could at least try.
You were giving your make-up the last touch when the ring echoed in your apartment. Slow smile spread on your lips, as you finished, grabbed your purse and a thin sweater and nearly ran downstairs; well, as much as one could run in heels.
When you opened the front door though, you were met with an unfamiliar dark-haired man in a suit. He stood straight, hands by his sides, face serious, but inviting.
You frowned. Who the hell was he? Why was he here? Now of all times.
You were just opening your mouth to ask when he beat you to it.
“Madam. I’m here to drive you to your… date,” he informed you formally, wavering a bit at the end as if he didn’t know what the proper word was. It had you frowning harder, a chill of fear creeping up your spine. “Captain Rogers got held up in the meeting and asked me to pick you up.”
Your suspicion spiked. Yeah? And why didn’t he let you know? Surely, he could shoot you a text at least if that was the case?
What the hell was going on?
“And who you might be?”
“Apologies, madam,” he swiftly pulled out a simple and very familiar card from the front pocket of his jacket. You squinted at it. “Agent Morales of SHIELD, at your service.”
Was he… was he really showing you… that?
“Why are you showing me your driving licence?” you asked, perplexed. What the hell? Either this was a bad guy with zero experience or he was simply an idiot.
A smile played on his lips when you looked up at his face. “Captain Rogers said you’d be able to see if it was fake unlike with our service badges.”
For few moments, there was deadly silence between you. You stared at the licence in front of you, surprised he actually handed it to you to inspect it. You only needed seconds to tell this truly was George Morales’ proper driving licence. Still, you watched it a little longer, unable to form words.
And then you burst out laughing, the tension in your shoulders easing.
You gave Agent Morales his licence back, the amusement on his face not escaping your notice.
Turned out he wasn’t an idiot in the end; he was just victim of Steve’s wit, not that he seemed to mind. It had been a short and unpleasant talk with Steve, about someone possibly wanting to get to him through you if they knew you were dating – or worse, actually knew about you being his soulmate – and it was followed by longer, not any more appealing talk encouraging you to be slightly paranoid.
So you were. Nevertheless, this man definitely convinced you he had been sent by Steve.
Agent Morales beckoned to a car with dark windows standing nearby.
“Shall we?”
You only nodded in response, unable to hold back another chuckle as you climbed in the back, silent ‘wow’ escaping you when you saw the black leather of the seats.
“Can I ask what held him up?”
“Meeting, madam. If I may… people in high places can be rather insistent.”
“Yeah, I bet…” you murmured, trying to contain the shadow of sadness at not seeing Steve just yet.
One hand on the steering wheel, the agent offered you his phone. You tilted your head in confusion, but accepted it. There was an unmistakable triangle in the middle of the black screen – a video to watch, you realized.
“What is it?”
“The gathering is at the Tower. We were informed that everything will be recorded. Mr.Stark was generous enough to provide me the footage for you,” he explained, but you weren’t sure what exactly it meant.
“A footage of what?”
You caught his grin in the rear mirror. “You’ll see, madam. Let’s just say I watched videos of Captain Rogers in the field-“ Well, at least someone did. “- and training, but this is the most badass thing I saw him do.”
Your eyebrows shot up at the informal language he used all of sudden and you tapped on play.
The frame was rather small for such space of the conference room, but you could easily recognize Steve and Tony siting at the table as well as a black man with an eye patch – what the hell – and three more men in suits; Agent Morales by the door and two sitting at the table, looking like very important people you wouldn’t want to cross paths with.
It was Tony’s cocky voice you heard first. “Look, just because you said-“
He was interrupted by an alarm beeping and everyone’s head snapped Steve’s direction, while he straightened and slipped his hand to his pocket, pulling out his phone and silencing it.
Your breath hitched for two reasons; firstly, did he really set an alarm to… what, tell him it was time to get ready for a date? That was incredibly sweet. Secondly: fear. Was he about to get in trouble for that?
“Oh, that’s nothing. Wait for it,” the agent uttered, a knowing smile in his voice.
“What the hell was that?” the ‘eye-patch’ man demanded, sounding more annoyed than exasperated.
Steve rose to his feet. “I gotta go.”
Your hand shot up to your mouth. Oh. Oh, Steve.
“I beg your pardon?” one of the suited men hissed.
“Excuse me, I need to go.”
“You have a hot date or what?” the black man asked and… did you see a smirk on his face? No, must have been your imagination, there was no way you could see their facial expressions, the screen was too small for that.
Tony in the video snorted.
“As a matter of fact, sir, I do.”
“Oh my god,” you muttered into your palm, hearing a real-life chuckle from the driver’s seat.
“Gets better.”
One of the intimidating white men in expensive suit rose from his seat, leaning onto the table as if he wanted to intimidate Steve. Ha, he wished. But worries twisted your gut. Was Steve getting into trouble for this? It didn’t look like it, judging by Agent Morales’ momentary amusement, but still.
“This is a matter of national security! It holds the greatest importance!” he sputtered, his face getting a shade of red.
“With due all respect, Senator Brendon, so does she,” Steve announced evenly.
Your jaw fell into your lap, your eyes going wide and filling with tears under the wave of emotions hitting you. You gasped, staring at the device in your hand, blinking.
Did he… did he really just say that? To Senator’s face?!
Clearly, the men in the room were equally shocked – and not nearly as moved as you were.
“You’re not leaving this meeting just so you can go see your girl-toy and get la-“
The Senator never got to finish the sentence which immediately struck you with humiliation and indignation.
You only blinked, wondering when exactly Steve had moved to have the man pinned against the table, hand twisted behind his back, hissing furious words, his voice like venom.
“Do not talk about her like that!”
Despite the horrifying situation, the picture was almost funny. Why? Because Tony was calmly examining his nails as if they held great importance, the other senator’s face was terrified as he jumped back, the black man only had his eyebrow raised and… Agent Morales stood by the door, seemingly unfazed as well.
You paused the video, unsure you wanted to see the rest, your mind racing.
“Weren’t... weren’t you supposed to… I don’t know, draw a weapon at that point?” you asked, overwhelmed.
That would make sense, right? Make sure the senator didn’t get hurt by an angry soldier? Supersoldier, but whatever.
“Probably. Honestly though? He deserved that and a punch to his face on top. Please, finish it, madam. It’s just few more seconds.”
The respectful ‘madam’ sounded incredibly out of place as he was being brutally and possibly unprofessionally honest. You obediently resumed the video, eyes still wide.
“Well. Now that we established that Senator Brendon is an obnoxious ass,” Tony hummed, his voice carrying a surprisingly sharp edge, making your jaw fell lower.
What the hell was he doing speaking like that to a senator?! Also, was he defending you? Tony Stark, who seemed to never run out of double entendre when you were around, always poking your intimate relationship with Steve? Colour you impressed and shocked once more.
“Can we send Agent Morales to drive Captain Rogers’ very respectable woman for their date and then finish the meeting real quick so we can go separate ways? Cap, let go of him, please. He needs that hand to sign a lot useless papers.”
Tony Stark just became your best friend. And you started hating politicians more than you had until now, but that was beside the point.
“Good plan, Stark,” the eye patch man stated calmly, eyeing Steve who was still literally breathing at Senator Brendon’s neck. “Captain?”
Steve reluctantly released the man, watching him like a hawk. You tried to hold back the smile at him defending your honour, but it was really hard.
“Let’s get this over with. Agent Morales?”
“At your service, Captain.”
Steve wrote down something for him then – your address, you presumed, as well as the point of meeting – and told him to show you his driving licence. You looked up and met the agent’s smile at that.
The last words before the video ended were from Tony.
“Agent Morales? Jarvis will send something to your phone to entertain Cap’s lady when you’re driving her. Be so kind and treat her with respect unlike some people in this room who didn’t seem to move on from pre-historic view on female population. She’s a good and brilliant woman.”
The agent in the footage nodded as Tony did something on his phone and then the screen went black.
You had to fight tears now, silently staring at the phone.
“Sorry about hearing Senator Brendon. But I think the rest was quite spectacular, wouldn’t you say, madam?”
You choked on a laugh, too many emotions swirling in you.
“Yeah. I’d say.”
You wondered what you should give Tony for being such an incredibly kind advocate for you; given the fact he could have everything in the world with the billions he had on his account, you decided you would just had to settle for a hug.
As for Steve…. well. You weren’t sure if it was wise to bring it up in the first place. You decided to act after you’d see his mood; you definitely wanted to show gratitude though.
The rest of the drive was spent in silent awe.
Part 2
@cxptain​​ @mermaidxatxheart​ @smilexcaptainx​ , @murdermornings​​@irepostthingsiwanttoseelater , @polarcrystall​​ @eliza5616​​@rayofdawnworld @victor-criss-bish​​ @skychild29​​  @elysianecho​​ @simmisblog​​ @scentedsongrebel​​ @orions-nebula​​, @sergeantrosabellaswan​​ @songofcosplay​​, @ilovesupersoldiers​​ @wxstedhexrt​ @silver-winter-wolf​ @nova3312​​  @guardian-tn @janieavalos​​, @vxidnik​
If you wish to be added/removed, let me know in a DM or an ask:))
This was supposed to be ‘the First Time’ fic, mostly plotless smut. Somehow, there are like… things happening? Oops.
Still, the fic is spectacularly self-indulgent. You’re welcome? :D
P.S. – Feedback always appreciated.
Love, AA
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willow-salix · 4 years
Isolation update and one of two planned offerings for @gumnut-logic 's "Touch" prompt. Enjoy!
Day 80 of Isolation on Tracy Island and it started with Alan breaking into the bedroom while we were still asleep. I woke to him rummaging around in the bedside drawer.
“Dude? Whatcha doin’?” I mumbled, it was far too early, I was far too snuggly warm and getting up was in no way on my radar for at least another few hours.
“Oh, I just wanted to borrow your contact lens solution.”
“Huh?” I groaned, having kinda half dozed off again while he had continued to search through the drawer. “What lens solution?”
“That stuff you got with those coloured lenses you wore at halloween.”
I prised one eye open again and poked the sleepy hamster in my brain that had fallen off the wheel and was far too lazy to get up again.
“Oh...that…” where was it? Where did I even put it? I tried to mentally rewind more than eight months… it wasn't easy. Hell, without this diary I wouldn’t even know what day of the week we were on or what I did two days ago…come to think of it, what did I do two days ago?
Fingers snapped in front of my face, making me jump.
“Did you drift?”
“Yeah, sorry...lens stuff...it’s in the…” where was it? I could picture it…”drinks cabinet in the lounge!” I finished triumphantly, that was it. We’d had a small party and I’d taken the lenses out half way through as they had made my eyes itch and I’d stashed them in the first place I had come across, which just so happened to be the place where I was returning to the most that night. I blame Scott, I always blame Scott, if there is ever a drinking game happening or karaoke is started, he’ll be there.
“Alan, I…where did he go?” The drawer was still open and the bedroom door was ajar, but at least it was quiet again. I yawned so wide I almost turned my face inside out and curled back up against the warm body next to me and closed my eyes…
Coffee...I smell...delicious black gold...I sat up a little without even opening my eyes and reached for the mug, taking a sip before I felt able to face the world.
Perfect. Milky, silky, smooth, sweet perfection in a mug. I opened my eyes to see that he'd put it in one of my favourite mugs, the black one shaped like a cauldron that said "witch's brew" on the side. The paleness of the milky latte was broken up by a swirl of coffee and caramel syrup that floated peacefully on the surface like a miniature galaxy. Top ten reason to marry a guy, he makes the most amazing coffee, even if he doesn't do it very often.
“Gods that's good, thank you, I so needed this.” I sipped again then put the mug down on the bedside table, I wanted to savour this...why was that drawer open and all my stuff messed up? Not that I was the tidiest person in the world but I know it wasn't that bad. My sluggish brain managed to kick up an image of the blond baby… “Did I dream Alan coming in at stupid o’clock this morning looking for something?”
“Hmm?” John stopped rummaging in the wardrobe to look at me. “I don’t know, I don’t remember anything after we started watching that film with the puppets in it.”
“They are Muppets, you heathen and I have no idea how you could fall asleep watching that, it’s amazing.”
“Because it was after two and I was tired?”
“Pathetic excuse. Anyway, back to the original question, did I dream Alan? What did he want?”
“Again, I don’t know, you’ll have to find him and ask.”
“Mm,” I agreed, picking up my coffee again. “I’ll go in a minute, it can’t be that urgent.”
An hour later I was actually up, showered, dressed and had even had breakfast, that’s how organized I was. OK, so it was technically after lunchtime but that's beside the point. I tracked the small one down to Virgil’s studio, which is never, ever a good thing. No one is allowed in there without permission on pain of death. I caught him just as he came out with a bottle of glue in his hands.
“What are you up to, Squirt?”
“Nothing!” Unfortunately he said that at the same time as he hastily tucked the glue behind his back.
“Nope, not falling for it. What’s going on?"
"Nothing!" he insisted again.
"I can see you hiding something behind your back."
“OK,” he sighed. “ But promise you won’t get mad?”
“What did you break? Because that’s only craft glue for paper, it won't fix broken things.”
“I know that! And I didn’t break anything, you always think the worst of me.”
“Sweetie, I don’t think that, I just know you.”
He opened his mouth to argue but then shut it again.
“OK, that’s fair," he admitted
“So why would I get mad if you didn’t break anything? Not that I’d get mad if you had broken anything as I’m sure it would have been an accident.”
“Thank you for your faith in me.”
“So, what are you doing?”
“Well, I was bored-”
“And I started looking around the internet and I kinda fell into a search hole-”
“Also understandable, I’ve been there myself far too many times to count.”
“Anyways, I found this post about things that kids did in the early two thousands and one of them was to make slime. Apparently everyone was obsessed with it.”
“Really? Slime?” I found that quite hard to believe.
“Yeah, there were even whole video channels dedicated to making it and playing with it.”
“People actually wanted to watch videos of people playing with slime? That’s disgusting.”
“No, it’s not like, super sticky slime, but more of a cool slime.”
“That makes zero sense, little dude.”
“I don’t understand it either, but it seemed too cool to not at least try, you know?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I get that, I’ve done many things that seemed too cool not to.”
“Really? Like what?”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“It’s not anything gross with my brother, is it?”
I gave him that look that says all and nothing, it’s always fun to keep them wondering just what the heck I even meant, the puzzlement on their faces is priceless.
“Wanna make slime with me?”
“Sure,” I shrugged. “How bad can it be?”
“So you pour the glue in the bowl,” Alan instructed.
“Done that, what's next?”
“Then you add a… what does that symbol mean?”
I glanced at his phone. “Tablespoon.”
“One tablespoon of baking soda.” We both dumped that in the glue.
“A couple of drops of food colouring.” We both added green, him because he wanted to make fake snot, me because I wanted it to look like Slimer had been visiting.
“Now we add one or two tablespoons of the contact lens solution and mix.”
“Better add just one first,” I suggested, “if it’s anything like baking it's always better to start with less and add more.”
“Yeah, it says the more you add the sloppier it gets.”
We dumped in a spoonful each and mixed...and mixed...and mixed. I added a little more but wanted more of a thick consistency, he added a whole tablespoon more as he wanted ‘the whole slime experience’.
“No we have to knead it,” he instructed me.
“O...K” I didn't like the sound of that. I thought I'd just be mixing, not getting my hands in it. I poked the goo with a finger. “It’s cold!”
Alan, being Alan, just dived right in, sticking both hands in the bowl.
“Coool,” he grinned, squishing the gooey mixture so that it oozed out from between his fingers. “This is so weird.”
I was a little more delicate. I pushed my finger in knuckle deep and felt around. I don’t know what for or what I hoped to achieve. It was like poking barely set jelly, it left a bit of a dent and closed over my finger like it was sucking it in. “Ewwww.”
“This is great!”
“I don’t like it.” I wiggled my finger around in the slop then withdrew it, feeling the stringy strands stick to my skin. “Ewwww.”
“I love it!”
“You would, you gross little munchkin.”
“You gotta get your whole hand in there, don’t be shy.” He slapped his sticky hand down on top of mine, smaming it into the ick. I screamed. It was disgusting.
“You horrible little worm!”
“Wiggle your fingers!”
“Do it!”
“Dare you.”
“Dammit.” I wiggled and shuddered in revulsion. “It’s horrible.”
Alan was kneading his like he was making bread, putting in far more effort than he had that time we made pizza dough. I glanced into his bowl and yes, it was looking far better than mine was.
“Urghh I’m gonna have to do it, aren't I?” I took a deep breath and stuck both hands into the bowl. “Yuck, yuck yuck, yuck, yuck,” I chanted as I smacked and punched at the mess. Slowly but surely, it came together, becoming far less sticky and turning into a silky smooth substance that, I hated to admit, was actually quite satisfying to play with.
“You’re having fun, aren't you?” Alan grinned.
“I admit nothing,” I sniffed, though he was right and he knew it. I picked up the mess and pushed the bowl aside.
If he was treating it like dough, so would I. I dumped it on the counter and began to knuckle it, pulling and stretching with my hands, just as I would to add air to bread. Suddenly seized by the unholy urge to whip I, I grabbed hold of one end and flung my hand back, whipping it forwards to stretch out the slime and splat against the counter. OK, that was actually pretty cool.
“I wonder if this bounces?” I balled it up again and dropped it onto the counter top where it landed with a wet splat, flattening into a puddle.
“Coooool,” Alan whistled, doing the same to his, although his was a lot sloppier and spread across the counter. Mine looked more like a fried egg, his was like spilt juice.
“Oops,” he tried to pick it up but it was far too slippery, sliding between his fingers and plopping out of his hand.
I helped by grabbing a spatula from the utensils pot and trying to pick it up like it was a pancake. It didn't work. Strings of goo slid between the slats of the spatula and dripped downwards.
“Grab the bowl!” I yelped and he held it underneath to catch the run off. I scraped the spatula against the side of the bowl and peeled the last, stubborn bits off and flicked them into the bowl along with the rest.
“What are we actually going to do with this stuff?” I asked him.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got plans,” he grinned.
“I don’t like the sound of that,” I groaned. “Just please, keep me and John out of it, he doesn’t need the extra stress, he already has to put up with me.”
I was sensible with my weird goo, I added a few drops of essential oil having found, much to my amazement, that it actually was quite relaxing to squish it and play with it. I found myself taking it out of it’s tub frequently that evening while we watched a movie, smoothing out the cool jelly, kneading it in my palm and squeezing it until it smushed in between my fingers. The soothing scent of lavender wafting up to fill my nose.
“OK,” John said after watching me for quarter of an hour. “I’ll bite, what do you have there?”
“Slime, I made it with Alan,” I held out my hand and dropped the ball of eww into his palm.
The look of disgust on his face was everything.
“Squish it,” I instructed.
“Squish it?”
“Yeah, like this,” I plonked my hand down on top of his and mashed the goo between our fingers.
“That is the most revolting thing I’ve ever felt in my life.”
I pulled my hand away from his, the slime clinging desperately for a few seconds, stretching between our hands before it gave way and boinged back into one mass in his palm.
"I don't like it," he poked it with one finger.
“It’s not that bad, it’s actually quite ni-”
A pained yelp and then a bellow that sounded like an enraged bull echoed around the villa.
“That sounded like Scott,” I gasped, sitting up.
Scott skidded into the lounge, face like thunder, naked apart from a towel wrapped around his waist.
“What the hell happened?” I asked in shock. “What happened to your head?” I got up to look closer, seeing that a red bump was rapidly forming between his eyebrows.
“I was going to take a shower, but no water came out. I turned the water up higher and something green oozed out of the holes and then the whole shower head popped off and clonked me on the head.”
I bit my lip, trying hard not to laugh.
“What do you have there?” Scotts eyes narrowed, zeroing in on John’s hand where he still held the slime.
“Run!” I yelped and John, pulling on his old track and field days, leapt off the couch and ran for the door, grabbing my hand as he went and towing me after him. It was safer to hide in the bedroom.
Apparently Scott wasn’t the only victim of the slime pranks. Alan had gotten rather creative. He had sneezed goo on Gordon and had mixed up a new batch that included peas and chopped up carrots and was a lovely yellow colour which he had dropped on the floor of Two’s cockpit at Virgil’s feet after making a series of increasingly violent retching noises. Jeff has yet to discover that there is blue slime in the soap dispenser in his bathroom. I dread to think where else it’s going to turn up. But what I do know is that Alan had better avoid Scott for the next few days, because that’s going to leave a bruise.
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choupichoups · 6 years
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Press F (Instagram/College AU) Ch.4
Lucas swears he’s the absolute master of undetected stalking. Or: Eliott is instagram famous and Lucas is the disaster gay who accidentally likes his post.
Lucas puts a hand over his mouth, doing a piss poor job of pretending that he isn’t laughing and making goo goo eyes at the screen. Seated across from him, Daphne notices, but he hardly cares at this point. In a surprising turn of events, she’s the last of his friends to hold back from asking anything— Daphne’s practically a walking fuse about to blow and Lucas would rather it happen sooner than later.
“So!” Ah, there it is. “I’ve been meaning to ask.” 
He blinks away from his laptop, smiling at her as she works out what she wants to say. Daphne’s always so entertaining to watch whenever she gets excited over something. And she gets excited about a lot of things. So basically it’s just entertainment all around. 
“When were you gonna tell me that you’re friends with Eliott Demaury?” She fires it off so fast, Lucas wouldn’t have understood if he hadn’t already been expecting it. 
“It’s a recent thing.” He shrugs, trying for a discreet glance at the time. The closer it gets to 13h, the worse his jitters get, the harder it is to concentrate on anything else. “We just follow each other on instagram.” He has to meet Yann outside in five minutes so they can make it to the B building a little earlier. Lucas needs some time to psych himself up. 
“I see that. I didn’t know you’re like… the tagging kind of mutuals.”
“The… tagging kind?”
“There are levels of social media friendship!” Daphne sits up straighter, eyes widened like she can’t believe Lucas doesn’t know about this. “Some just follow each other, occasionally like posts,” she pauses, staring at him for a bit before, “you and him like everything from each other.”
He sputters, feeling called out. “And so?”
“And he tagged you in my post the other day, why?”
“I don’t… know?” What’s he supposed to say to that? It’s too long of a story and he doesn’t feel like telling it. Not to mention he doesn’t have time to tell it.
“Lucas, he doesn’t even follow me back. Why did he care about the fundraiser? You know what, he doesn’t really follow anyone back— how did you do it?” 
He feels a tiny bit overwhelmed with the barrage of questions so seeing Yann approaching close through the window behind her head is a god sent excuse to leave. “I really don’t know, Daphy, but I gotta go okay? Message me if you have trouble in anything else on the worksheet.”
“Oh, okay. Later!” 
“Good to go?” Yann peers down at him once outside and Lucas can only guess how nervous he must look when Yann raises both eyebrows in amusement. “Hey, think of it this way. It’s just a guy okay? Just a guy, Lucas.”
Lucas responds with a garbled noise that barely sounds human. Eliott isn’t just anything. “Sure.” 
“Don’t pass out now, I wouldn’t know how to explain that to him.”
“Shut up.”
Just a guy. 
There are quite a lot of students milling around the bridge, which does nothing to alleviate Lucas’ anxiousness. They walk close to the side, sticking by the lockers at Lucas’ prompting— he knows it doesn’t help him much. Lucas alone with his stature can probably sneak around, yes, but once Eliott spots the giant tree that is his best friend, it’s over for them. 
Funnily enough, it’s Lucas who sees Eliott first. 
“He’s there.” He stops Yann with a hand on his arm, half hiding behind him as he watches Eliott in all his beautiful, smiling glory. He’s surrounded by a group of people, as always. But this time it’s not his usual crew, so Lucas thinks it should feel less intimidating if he walks over to approach Eliott later when it hits 13h exact. 
He turns around, leaning his back against Yann’s. 
“So, do I stay here until you’re done giving yourself a pep talk or?”
“Yes, please.” 
There’s a screenshot on his phone with Eliott’s Thursday, B building at the bridge, 13h and he pulls it up, triple checking that he’s got the time right. Not that he really needs the confirmation, he’s memorized the message within the first minute of receiving it, but having the written proof makes him feel better.
Lucas number twenty has already run off, buying some McDonalds to soothe himself after being an utter failure. Lucas number fifteen is already talking to Eliott number fifteen, waiting until 13h be damned. 
Lucas number one is rooted to his spot, eyes remaining on the ground as he fiddles with the straps on his bag. God, okay, time’s moving way too fucking slow. He won’t look that much more eager if he goes now right? Seven minutes earlier doesn’t make a difference, really. It’s practically nothing, it can’t even be truly recognized as being too early—
Yann’s clearing his throat. 
There’s a shadow forming over Lucas.
“Hi,” a sweet, sweet voice greets him from above and Lucas might have jumped a little, lifting his head so fast he’s surprised his vision doesn’t tilt sideways. 
“Hello.” He hopes he speaks loud enough to reach Eliott, but that’s about all the vocabulary his brain supplies him with at the moment so it’s not like it matters. The sturdy support of Yann behind him disappears and Lucas barely resists the urge grab him back. Eliott’s smile is knee buckling but remembering the early morning conversation they had has him keeping his hands to himself. 
“Whatever happened to sneaking up on me, hm?” Eliott asks, smile warm, eyes warm, everything about him is so warm. 
Lucas takes too much time just looking at him, letting the silence go on for so long it should have gotten awkward but, through sheer force of will maybe, they manage to not make it so. A slow smile pulls at the corner of his lips, feeling a little bit of the tension lift when Eliott quirks an eyebrow, still waiting for an answer. “I didn’t…” His eyes wander off Eliott’s face, scrambling for something to say. “…recognize you. You’re wearing a different jacket.”
Eliott snorts, looking to the ceiling and then back down at Lucas. When their eyes meet, it sets off his laughter— actually turning around to lean on his knees type of laughter. The white-knuckled grip Eliott had on his bag strap loosens and he has to readjust the bag over his shoulder when it threatens to fall off.
Lucas watches him and his heart does a thing.
They stand there staring at each other even after their laughter tapers off into fond smiles. Eliott tilts his head, breathing out a final chuckle. 
“What?” Lucas asks, almost a whisper. From his peripheral view, he knows people have their eyes on them, a side effect of Eliott’s fame, perhaps. But he doesn’t pay them any mind.
“Nothing,” Eliott says, passing a hand over his lips before directing his gaze to the floor. “You just...” He shakes his head, starting to walk backwards as he mumbles something Lucas doesn’t catch. 
“What?” Lucas asks again, this time louder to cover the distance. 
“Nothing.” Eliott keeps on walking. “You coming?”
That’s a stupid question, what else is he supposed to do?
“Where are we going?” 
Eliott shrugs, “Wherever. You hungry?” 
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His phone pings with a multitude of alerts and he thinks he knows exactly which group chat those are coming from. Putting his phone on silent is the best course of action to take at this point. He’ll deal with all the explaining later. 
He checks on Eliott’s post, rolling his eyes when he sees the response. “Stop.”
Eliott laughs that lovely laugh of his. Lucas just wants to bottle the sound up and keep it for himself forever.
“What time do you finish work?” 
They unfortunately had to cut their afternoon short when Lucas got called in to cover for an emergency shift at the cafe. Eliott swears it’s fine but Lucas still feels guilty about it, and more than a little disappointed. 
“Around 22h.”
“That late?”
“It’s not too bad.”
Eliott hums, hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets. "Can I wait for you?”
“Huh?” They stop walking once they’re within a few steps from the cafe.
“The original plan was to walk you home after this,” Eliott huffs out. “But now that’s been thwarted.”
“So you’re making plans by yourself, huh?” Lucas knows he’s got another dumb smile on his face but he can’t be bothered to hide it. “I’m not gonna let you wait here for 5 hours, Eliott.” 
“What if I want to?” 
Lucas bites his lip, looking up at the other boy’s stupid, gorgeous face. “Stop that,” he says softly. 
“You know, you keep telling me to stop,” Eliott steps closer, Lucas has to tip his head against the wall behind him to maintain eye contact. “I’m gonna start thinking you don’t like me if you’re not careful.” 
“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
“You don’t sound very sorry.”
“No, I am, I’ll make up for it.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm.” Lucas digs around in his pockets. 
“How?” Eliott takes another step forward, tilting his head in that infuriatingly endearing way he does. Lucas keeps his mind off the fact that their toes are practically touching, doesn’t think about the air around him starting to smell like Eliott’s cologne with how close they’re standing. 
He whips out the two chocolate bars from his pockets and places them in between their faces. “Apology candy. They’re really good.”
Lucas can pinpoint the exact moment Eliott’s brain short-circuits and he can’t help the little laugh that escapes him at the thought of himself being capable of that effect.
“Fuck,” Eliott mumbles, stepping back with a laugh of his own. He grabs the chocolate bars from Lucas’ hand, shaking his head as he looks at them. “Okay,” he sighs. “I’ll forgive you.”
“Yeah, but only if you promise to see me again.”
That’s easy. “Okay.”
Eliott grins, eyes disappearing into half moon slits. “Okay?”
“Okay.” And then they stand there without moving. Lucas throws his head to the side, laughing at how ridiculous they’re acting. “Go home, Eliott.” He’s going to be late for work at the rate they’re going.
Eliott throws his hands up in surrender. “Message me when you get home, yeah?”
“Bye, little hedgehog.” Eliott jogs away from Lucas’ half-hearted kick.
“Bye, weirdo,” he calls out and Eliott turns around to give him a dorky salut. 
Lucas' coworkers are stunned when he doesn’t make a single grumpy comment for the entirety of his shift. 
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borderline-rat · 5 years
6, 10 bpd asks
6. I've never been through DBT because you gotta pay for it here and no insurance will pay you back, and it's expensive as fuck... Buy I'm seeing a psychologist with an association and it's free, and even without being DBT it's really useful and it truly helps me!
10. BPD is so heavily stigmatised that it's hard to pick only 3 things but...
Firstly, I'd say that the worst thing I ever hear - and it happens pretty much every time I speak to someone about BPD - is being belittled and invalidated with arguments like "oh but we all have mood swings / we are all frightened to be abandoned". Yes, yes your are, Karen, but not to the point it paralyses you and makes you want to die or throw you into a storm of rage or whatever else. My feelings are symptoms, not results of facts.
Second, "you define your identity around this too much. You should try to overcome this". Well, I can't. We can't. Because as a matter of fact, BPD is a personality disorder. It's literally written in the title. Personality. Disorder. It affects my personality. It affects my identity. I'm not just my symptoms, of course. But I can't pretend they don't affect my behaviour, because, guess what, they do.
People with BPD are manipulative. That's one of the hardest to hear, because sometimes, we don't realise we act out on our fears or anger. Sometimes we snap, get angry, isolate, believe things that are untrue, get suicidal, relapse into self harm or any kind of abuse. And I've heard too often that I was "overreacting", "doing it for attention". I was doing that because I had no other way to express my suffering. I didn't try to hurt anyone beside myself. And even when sometimes I wanted to get in a fight with someone and purposely provoked it, because yes, it happens, I never wanted to hurt them directly. I wanted to be heard. That's a bad and wrong way to do it, but it's easy to call someone manipulative and abusive when they do this without considering that maybe, they're not aware of what they're doing, they're too weak to fight it, too hurt to think it through, and wouldn't regret it. Unlearning unhealthy habits is hard. First step is to be aware they exist and that you can overcome them. Everywhere on this website I see this sort of stupid purity race calling everything abusive and saying everyone should know everything and never make mistakes. That's not how it works, and with people with BPD, it's even harder to tell what's true from what's not, to say how we feel, accept to feel it, and to express it correctly. We need time to learn and we're allowed to make mistakes. The most important thing is to understand how and why we act like that and grow out of it, not to be whatever kind of perfect we're expected to be, but just because we deserve some peace of mind and safety for us and our loved ones.
Now, some truth we should all know...
BPD can be comfortable. I tend to say that "there's safety in habits", no matter how wrong they are. Living with BPD makes you live on precarious bases, often dangerous and unhealthy. But growing out of them is hard. Telling yourself you shouldn't have rage outbursts and find other way to communicate is hard, because anger can feel good, lashing out can feel good. Self harm is satisfying until you get ashamed, tired, until you feel stupid. But when you do it, it can feel like the right thing to do, and you associate it this way. It's hard to stop. The idea of "feeling less" is scary. Thinking there might be no one behind the symptoms is scary. Growing up is hard.
BPD makes you way more empathic than people would like to believe. It's often mistook as selfishness, but truly, it isn't. We can relate on people's emotions because we feel them 10 times, so yeah, when you're sad, we get it. When you're angry, we get it. When you need comfort, we get it. We might not know how to help because most of us don't know how to help ourselves but we know. We feel you.
And that's a sad one but... You can't cure BPD. It's actually a thin line. Some doctors tend to say that after some time, some patients stop meeting the BPD criteria and are then considered as cured. According to some other doctors, and from my own experience... That's not true. Yes, you can stop meeting the symptoms, that's true, thank gods! But why does it happen? They don't suddenly go away and leave you all cleaned and rehabilitated. You learn how to tame them. How to see them coming. How to manage them. But they're still here, it's like a scar, at some point it stops hurting, it starts to fade, and someday, you see it again and remember it's here, its story, how you got it, where it comes from, and it makes you feel something. There are also phantom pains, sometimes, and symptoms can come back periodically. But don't worry... You can get better, we all can, we're not cursed, it's not a one way road. We can live better even with that little goo monster in our brain. Even I do, now.
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The ultimate alien review part 1
You all knew it was coming, I’m ranking the UAF ultimate aliens however, unlike all of my other posts where I just scream and make up rules as I go on what is bullshit and what isn’t, I’m gonna make actual criteria scores. There is 3 places the ultimate aliens will get scored on, 1. How much better the fight scenes get because of the ultimateification, the whole point of ultimate aliens is to show off lit fights with powered up aliens so obvs you gotta get points here, aliens can score a possible 4/4 points for this. The second score area is how FUCKING SWEET IT IS, this is very similar to the first point but imagine it’s the less mature version of it, so on paper how cool does the alien now look this will be scored out of 3. Finally the final piece, the melancholy score, this is a weird one I fully admit but despite how cool ultimate aliens are I always had a weird feeling about them, it’d be like making your dog a teenage mutant terminator dog, sure it’s cool but also you’ve perverted it’s DNA and form possibly to an unrecognizable state just so it can be a better and stronger fighter, a living weapon. The melancholy area is scored out of 2. With that all sorted out lets begin in order.
Ultimate Humungousaur 
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Fight improvement: 3/4
Melancholy: 1/2
Overall score: 7/9
Ultimate humungousaur is fucking ridiculous in all the best ways, there's absolutely no need for a giant spiked turtle shell, no reason for a mace on his tail and no science behind his GUN HANDS but that's the beauty of him, he’s just over the top and it’s great. I think the only ways to really improve him for me would be to use his shell more as an offensive weapon like have him retract in there and do a spinny thing (or get rid of the spikes, I wouldn’t dock points for that) and to give him the omniverse head and metal tubes around his body to make it more apparent how high the cost that having guns for hands really is just to boost up the melancholy feeling.
Also for your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DoQVTyjRNA
Ultimate Swampfire
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Fight improvement: 3/4
Melancholy: 2/2
Total score: 8/9
If it wasn’t apparent from me making an entire post about this guy I love ultimate swamp fire and think he’s probably the best ultimate alien there is. I already went over how him going from having bright greens and reds and yellows to having dead brown wood covering 90% of him, blue napalm goo covering the last 10% and the fact that he’s honestly unrecognizable as Swampfire meaning that returning to his own species would probably result in his at worst, murder and at best, permanent shunning really anchors in that SAD feeling so lets talk fights. 
His bulky design just says power and the blue flames and sound effects they use for it really cements that in, my only complaint is that when he runs he looks STUPID, I would’ve preferred him lumber and be a bit like the terminator or Jason Voorhees as this unstoppable monster that slowly comes at you and will destroy you. Awesome design and execution
Ultimate Spidermonkey
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Fight improvement: 4/4
Melancholy: 1/2
Total score: 7/9
This guy right here redeemed Spidermonkey for me, rather than feeling like tiny nuisance for the bad guys he felt like this huge agile monster. I love how his jaw splits for the web to come out and how his spider legs just LAUNCH him everywhere. Also those spider legs make him have more from above attacks which hardcore improves the fighting. I do see that he should probably get a 2/2 on the melancholy scale as again he's unrecognizable as a spidermoneky but because I see chimps and gorillas in the same animal group my own chimp brain still recognizes him as a monkey even if his species wouldn’t. Another sick design and I love how this one is simple but works well.
Ultimate Big Chill
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Fight improvement: 1/4
Melancholy: 1/2
Okay I like Ultimate big chill but really talk he’s just a echo fighter of big chill, a nice one though! I love the reds for this character we’re so used to seeing as blue, he’s very aesthetically pleasing and seeing him breath fire is lit (hee hee) but really they couldn’t do anything else? Maybe have him shoot the flames into the sky and make hail/snow for cover? Or even give him a fire trail while he flies. I like his design but also recognize that he’s p lazy. If i where making him I would’ve made him black on the outside to enhance his ominous outside feeling but keep the inside red to contrast it, I would also make it so his fire breath also blew strong winds to be able to knock enemies back and give his attacks more weight.
 Ultimate Echo echo
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Fight improvement: 2/4
Melancholy: 2/2
Total score 6/9
Ultimate Echo echo is a good one, it makes a normally dorky alien actually look intimidating and imposing and he had some crazy impressive feats like CRUSHING ultimate Kevin. Getting the bad stuff out of the way I think that Ultimate Echo echo makes the fights look cooler but mechanically they’re pretty much the same, Ben makes a bunch of sound creating duplicates and/or screams and beats the competition the only real difference being that Ultimate Echo echo is stronger and can fly meaning he can do some superman shit. Where echo echo makes up for this is the brutal and more robotic fights, Ultimate echo echo has his melancholy and fucking sweet hand in hand. I think objectively Ben ripping a piece of himself off and hucking it at a bad guy is more serious and sick gnarly then him making another cute boy to fight with him and it highlights this lonely ultimate echo echo gives off, he was once surrounded by tens or hundreds but now he alone. Even ultimate echo echo’s voice gives off this isolated quality as any touch of emotion is gone its just the logic behind the words. He's haunting and brutal and another one of my faves.
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naromoreau · 6 years
Crime Does Pay
A Far Cry 5 fic Pairing: Sharky Boshaw/ Female Deputy Rating: Explicit Words: 5121 Also on AO3 Note:  Another super self indulgent oneshot of my now fave pair, because I have no life. Also big thanks to @shelbypnw (love you sweetheart!) and to the Awesome Far Cry Discord (YOINK you guys!) for pushing me to post this long ass thing. 
============== Summary:  In the aftermath of Faith's demise, the Resistance has a bit of solace and Rook is finally confronted with her feelings for the pyromaniac.
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art by @colonelrogers
“So, honey, care to tell me when are you jumpin’ those bones?” Adelaide took a sip from her beer, sitting cross legged on the stool at the bar, while Mary May chuckled, cleaning a jug absentmindedly.
Rook flushed up to her ears, green eyes open wide and mouth hanging. “I-I dunno what you mean Addie,” she stuttered flashing glances to Mary May as if she was looking for a savior. Her pulse quickened slightly as she fiddled with the glass in her hand.
“O’cmon Dep, you ain’t that dense,” Mary May intervened, lips curled in a crooked smile. “Girl, you have it bad.”
She flicked her tongue across her lips, to gain some time, brow furrowed and boot tapping against the wooden panel of the bar. “Seriously you guys, I have no idea what you’re--” she was almost slurring, and she knew it. Damn .
“Stop that love,” Adelaide cut her words, waving a manicured hand in front of her, “I’m old enough to know you want to drag that pretty mouth of yours all over my idiot of a nephew.”
Rook spilled her drink gracelessly, eeking a faint yelp followed by a grunt as she hid her beet red face on her arms. “Oh for fucks sake, Adelaide!” she whispered agitatedly, lifting her head slightly, catching a glimpse of Sharky and Hurk standing by the pool table.
“Nah, honey, you no need to worry,” Adelaide said patting her head with one hand and taking a sip with the other. “I’m just sayin’ I don't get why you’re still here and he’s there, like don't you want to be spanked or somethin’?”
Rook grunted, straightening on her seat, trying not to shrink before Adelaide and Mary May intense gazes. “It’s not that simple,” she said taking a gulp of stale air, diverting her eyes to the dance floor, where Kim and Nick swirled at the rhythm of an upbeat tune. “I’m his best bud, and I can't do this to him, I mean -- I don't think he sees me like that--”
For the second time her words were cut short, but this time by the ringing laughter of Adelaide and Mary May combined.
“Oh hon, you’re a good deputy, but you’ve no idea ‘bout this,” Adelaide said bumping her shoulder with her own, “you should trust me and put to good use that cute outfit of yours.”
“I don’t see how--” Rook felt all the blood on her body pooling on her now scorching cheeks. She was completely sure she’d kept her crush for the pyromaniac in check, even if half the time her eyes swept his ass or the front of his pants, gaze cautiously hidden behind her sunglasses. God bless sunglasses. She would’ve known if what they said was truth, but in fact all his comments lead to believe that thought was a very far fetched scenario. “I don’t wanna embarrass myself,” she said taking a swig of her drink, putting it back on the counter with excessive force, the glass hitting wood with a hard click, “he’s definitely not into me.” Oh damn, was she bitter?
“Okay now,” Mary May chimed in, “that’s where you’re wrong. Haven’t you seen his goo-goo eyes whenever you’re around? He checks your ass at least four times each hour, and it’s a non-stop screwball when he talks to you.”
“And Mary here hasn’t been around us on the field, sweetheart,” Adelaide offered, with a wicked smile, “that’s just pathetic to see-- I mean, Charlemagne is not the most subtle individual around so I think even Hurk Jr. knows by now. Seriously honey, we all could be dead tomorrow, or-- are you waiting your chance with Johnny Boy?”
Rook cackled at the last sentence but it didn’t deter her mouth of going dry, the tip of her fingers numbed by a sudden rush of adrenaline. She shot a glance towards the pool table, eyes fixed on the familiar green hoodie for a second. Oh, she wanted him bad . A hot curl uncoiled between her thighs, her heart thumping under every inch of her skin.
“So?” Mary May said, elbows on the counter, staring at her with an amused expression, “what you waiting for?”
Rook cleared her throat. Fuck, just do it.
“Can I have some liquid courage first, Miss Fairgrave?” Rook asked, offering her empty beer mug to Mary May, but she took it, putting it aside and offering her two shots of tequila in return. No salt. No lime.
“Trust me dear, this is better.”
It was now or never. The semi-unplanned gathering was the perfect frame to get rid of that thorn on her side. She gulped the shots, one after the other, furrowing her brows and squinting. “‘Kay. I’m all geed up so bring it.”
She stood up, adjusting her black skirt that seemed determined to roll up her thighs. She heard Adelaide and Mary May laughing and clapping at her back, like fucking teenagers. Really . Nevermind. No one would notice. The music was loud and the alcohol had everybody focused on their own stuff.
She gave slow steps towards her target, where Sharky was apparently arguing with Hurk. It’d been a matter of events, one intertwined after the other and she couldn’t help to fall for him. He had the most beautiful smile she’d seen, and he was always so keen to follow her without question, it was heartwarming. And when he held his flamethrower bustling around her, laughing and yelling at the rhythm of peggie bullets, it made her feel alive. And, was she about to spill all those things in front of him? Her breath was shallow, and she felt sweat breaking on her palms. It was stupid really, now that she thought about it. What if Addie and May were wrong? But the rational part of her brain that screamed to back off, was muffled by alcohol and blood buzzing in her veins.
She was thinking that maybe it was just better to take her own ass back to where it came from, when Hurk lifted his face from his drink. She didn’t fail to notice how he digged Sharky in the ribs before she stepped in front of them, trying to pull her no bullshit facade out her ass.
“‘Sup Dep?” Hurk scratched his forehead beneath his banana, looking a bit high, “so are you sure Faith’s dead huh?”
“Pretty much Hurk, why?”
“I dunno, I was just thinkin’- it’s sad man, ‘cause she had this potential to be Mrs. Hurk Drubman Jr. y’know?, what a cute little thing she was,” Hurk said taking a long swig from his drink.
“I don’t think your mom would’ve approved that, Hurkie,” she said snorting, and quickly added, “maybe you should go there and ask her what she thinks, and bring me a beer on your way back, ‘kay?”
Hurk blinked for a second before perking up again. “‘Aight Dep, sure, sure, I got you babe, you gotta celebrate your victories!”
When he was gone, she closed the inches away from Sharky, ignoring the whirring sound in her ears, and her skin tingling, every breath more heavy than the last.
“Man I love Hurk but his screws are way loose,” she said, standing next to him, hopping on the pool table.
“None of that Shorty, he’s a fucking genius!,” he said as he took his beer bottle to his lips, and her hands tugged at the hem of her flannel to draw away her need to reach a hand and touch him. “‘Cuz’s been around a lot, and he kicks ass, he’s like-- like a one man army. Damn I wish I was more like him y’know?”
“What you talking about Boshaw? Your scrawny ass is the cornerstone of the resistance, man.” She chuckled, breathing in, breathing out, trying to quell her nervousness. “And by the way, never thanked you for saving my head from being blown up by peggies today, that was a swell move, man.”
“I got you shorty, I’m like--- I’m smooth like a ninja,” he said turning slightly with the same smirk he flashed everytime they blew up some outpost and it caused breath catch in her throat. “Gotta be your protector ‘cause your reflexes ain’t that good, but don’t feel bad, not everyone is like me y’know? I’m like-- I’m like the lovechild of Bruce Lee and James fucking Bond.”
Rook almost bent over with laughter. Damn she loved this man. Wait, what? She kicked the thought to the back of her mind. That path was just trouble and then some.
“Woah, woah easy there, you heathen,” she said hopping down the table with a fake scowl on her face. “My reflexes are much better than yours-- I’m a fucking officer with training and I’m gonna fucking prove it to you.”
Without giving it much thought and before her words could sink in his inebriated brain, she stood on her tiptoes and swooped his hat from his head, grasping it far behind her back.
“Hey! That ain’t fair, give it back, that’s theft!”
He extended a hand but she swatted it away, like if it was a pestering mosquito.
“Uh huh, you want it, you gotta take it from me,” she said shaking a dainty finger at him, leaning forward with a mischievous grin.
“Oh yeah? Well, bring it on chica.”
He tried to pounce at her by her right side, but she dodged him, giving a few steps back, away from the pool table. She giggled as he strode in her direction trying to clasp her arms, but she swirled around a table, bumping into a chair.
“You ain’t going free amigo! Hey Joey, handcuff the Dep!” He yelled in Hudson’s direction, but Joey rolled her eyes and shook her head, continuing her conversation with Pastor Jerome, unbothered.
“No one can help you, Boshaw,” she said with a smug grin, retreating into a small corridor out of everyone’s sight. She almost lost her footing, skirting around. Damn, the alcohol was kicking in.
He followed her close behind, but she didn’t relent. She jumped back when he tread to her, a half smile on his face. When her butt hit the wall, she understood her mistake.
“Got ya!” Sharky leaned forward, extending a hand in her direction. “Give it back, shorty, crime don’t pay.”
She exhaled a shuddery breath. He was so close her cheeks were flushed, heat that she didn’t know if came from the situation or the booze in her system, pooled in her belly.
“I said, you gotta take it from me,” she dared, boldly.
A question popped in his eyes, and she held up the cap and glasses in her hand. When he leaped forward, she swiftly hid her hand again. He slanted pressing both palms against the wall for support, her body now bracketed between his arms.
She was already dizzy from his scent, leathery and musky, a tinge of sandalwood and propane climbing up her nostrils. She moved a leg slightly upwards, to brush his inner thigh.
“Ah, Dep? You okay?” He wetted his lips, his words hiding an undeniable tremor.
She put his hat on her head, tilting her head up. Even with her high heeled boots she barely reached his chin. “More than fine,” she said placing her hands on his shoulders.
“Shit, I-- I think no more drinks for you tonight,” Sharky said, but his voice was lower and huskier that she’d ever heard before. He dipped his head an inch and stopped, lips slightly parted.
His breath was hot and moist, and she could feel it puffing against her lips. She flicked her tongue out, sweeping her lips, locking eyes with him. The dark hue of his usually bright blue eyes sent a shiver down her spine, a curl of need drifting down her groin, as his gaze fleeted from her lips, down her neck, up her eyes again.
“I’m not drunk, if that’s what you think Shark,” she said whispering practically into his lips.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he went down the last stretch, pressing his thin lips against her full ones. It was a timid kiss, nothing more than a chaste peck, before he pulled back.
“Jesus fuck Dep, you sure ‘bout this?” He asked, fanning her face with breathed words. “‘Cause I’m totally into this, but you’re like, you’re-- you’re ten football stadiums outta my league and I’ve been wantin’ to-- been wantin’ to do this from since fuck knows when.”
She gave him a lopsided smirk, and caught his lips with hers, sucking and nipping at his bottom one, pushing her tongue into his mouth, earning a soft groan from him. She felt him loosening up, his right hand now holding her tight at the small of her back, pulling her flushed up with him with an eagerness that made her moan. Wetness spread on her panties at the feel of his erection rubbing against her stomach, trembling as she thought of his calloused hands grazing her over sensitive skin, dipping into her. Fuck.
She felt her knees buckling and held onto the hard line of his shoulders as his tongue circled and pressed against every corner of her mouth, his ‘stache and beard tickling her chin and jaw.
“Ain’t you gonna bust our asses for public indecency po-po?” He said between gasps, his lips nibbling the rim of her jaw, sucking on the soft skin of her neck.
She smiled, lost in the tingling sensation of his tongue against her skin, craning her neck to allow him better access. And boy, oh boy, as much as she liked to be fucked against the wall by the pyromaniac of her dreams, they definitely needed a better spot.
“Mary’s office is-- is just right there,” she managed to stutter between sharp gasps, signaling to the door at their right.
He said nothing, pulling her into a tight embrace, ushering her inside the dark room. When the door closed behind them, he crashed her mouth with his and picked her up from the floor sliding his hands down to cup her ass. He squeezed gently making her gasp into his mouth as she felt each one of his fingers digging into her skin. Her parted thighs closed around his hips, skirt rolling up, as he moved her to the sturdy desk in the corner, placing her on top. His hard on rubbed against her panties and she grinded her hips, coaxing a growl from him that she swallowed eagerly, tongues tangled in a wet mess. He rolled his hips in response, cajoling a loud moan from her.
“All good Dep?” He smirked breaking an inch apart, his pupils blown wide with hunger of her, flaring up her own desire.
She didn’t remember to have wanted anyone as she wanted him, in that knee-weakening, panty-drenching, make-you-shiver all around kind of way.
“You ass.”
He gave her an eyebrow waggle that elicited a chuckle from deep within her belly. God, she was screwed. She fucking loved this idiot and he--. Don’t go there .  She finally surrendered her trophy, taking his cap off and her fingers skidded under his hoodie, digging into the lean muscles of his shoulders, licking his jaw, and pressing flat kisses in every inch of exposed flesh she could reach. She couldn’t believe how wet she was already, a sodden patch on her undies that was probably soaking the front of his pants as well. A pink flush bloomed on her cheeks at the thought. He unbuttoned her flannel, slowly, taking his time as he sucked her earlobe without stopping the infuriating roll of his hips. It was something she wasn’t expecting. Sharky jumping her bones like a rabbit in heat? Yeah. Sharky being all smooth and devouring her one course at a time? Definitely not.
“Fuck, Sharky,” she said huffing a moan and tugging at his chestnut hair, while he finally opened her shirt and unclipped her bra, stripping them off her.
He traced the rose tattoo on her upper left breast with flitting kisses, his beard adding to the pleasure of it. “Shit babe, you’re beautiful.” His raspy voice scrapped across her skin, flaring goosebumps all over her, and she tilted her head back, mewling when he closed his mouth around one nipple.
Her fingers carded in his hair as he sucked, tongue circling and lapping at it, while his hand groped her other breast, kneading it gently as his thumb rolled over her nipple. The pace of his tongue had her rolling her eyes, as he licked the valley between her breasts, mouth now moving and closing around her other hard nipple.
“Jesus fuck, shorty, you got such a nice pair,” he said squeezing both in his hands, before giving two hard sucks to her pert peaks, “could eat them all day long.”
“Ah! Glad you-- like them,” she whimpered.
He pulled back, taking off his shirt and hoodie, and she admired his flame tattoo going up his arm, joining to a skull on his right pec. She propped up on her elbows, humming when her fingers grazed the toned lines of his abs and chest, not too buffed but just enough. Just right .
He rolled up her skirt, bunching it up at her waist and hooked his thumbs at the sides of her black panties. Her cunt was already throbbing in anticipation and she bit her lip watching him getting rid off her underwear.
“Grab onto some shit babe,” he said kneeling in front of her, grinning with teeth at her, “Imma give you the Boshaw special.”
She barely had time to brace herself before he hoisted her legs up on his shoulders and his lips skimmed along her inner thighs, fingers stroking her damped folds, sliding along her slit.  
“Fuck Dep, you’re so fucking wet.” He was almost purring, one hand now palming on her mound to squeeze gently while the other spread her open, two fingers slipping easily inside her.
She shivered, spilling broken words, digging nails in his scalp and her thighs tensing around his head. He started thrusting his fingers in and out of her, controlled and steady movements building up her orgasm, lips and tongue teasing her vulva, nuzzling the patch of wiry hair.
“Man, look at ya, you’re perfect y’know?,” he said planting fat kisses along her inner thighs, lazily pumping his fingers into her, his other hand grabbing her hip, thumb drawing circles on her skin.
She grunted as any response. Her whole body was on fire, every last nerve raw and feeling his every move. He started scissoring as her breathing became ragged, chest going up and down as he now sucked on her labia. He stopped suddenly and she mewled in disappointment, before she felt his tongue at her entrance. He gave big, broad strokes along her slit, finally pushing his tongue all the way in, curling it, following the angle of her walls.
“Holy shit-- shit, man, ah!” She yelled and her voice sounded like a screech in her own ears. He was tearing her apart, one thrust at a time, her throat unable to emit more than cracked moans and whimpers. She writhed on the desk, her body now covered by a thin sheet of sweat.
She groped and squeezed her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples, her hips bucking instinctively into his mouth.
“Holy fuck shorty, you put my porn collection to shame,” he said with a hoarse voice glancing at her, eyes fixed on her fingers teasing her nipples, his gaze almost searing her through and through.  
His cheeks were flushed as he finally closed his lips around her clit, making her holler louder than before. Fuck! His fingers filled her again, before her walls complained at the loss of his tongue, and he let out a moan that pulsated on her clit wrecking her completely.
Her head was spinning, heart thrumming in her ears as he sucked the nub, adding his tongue to the mix, alternating between light flicks and steady strokes. She was positively thrusting her hips forward. Her stomach tightened, the ache in her core now a pulsing beat she was closer to topple.
“Ah-- shit Shark, you’re amazing, ah, shit!”
She entwined tense fingers on his hair, pulling his face closer as his rhythm quickened, licking and sucking her more frantically. His teeth raked at the bundle of nerves, then sucking again and his fingers curled inside her hitting against that sweet spot. Her vision blurred and with a loud, keen cry she finally came on his face, gushing out all over him. When he stood up, licking his lips and cleaning his mouth with the heel of his hand and a cocky smile plastered on his face, she knew she needed him. All of him.
“Jesus Shark, I-- that was some good shit ,” she panted, the quivers still raking over her body, her legs feeling like jello.
“Told ya I wasn’t kidding, babe.” The look on his eyes was feral as he pulled her up, kissing her roughly, biting her lower lip, and pushing his tongue inside her mouth. She melted in his embrace, tasting her own salty tinge in his lips.
His bulging cock still trapped in his jeans rasped her over sensitive skin and she arched in his arms.
“Can you-- can you fuck me now?” she almost begged when they broke apart.
“Don’t need to tell me that twice, shorty.”
He unbuckled and unzipped his pants as fast as he could, and his cock sprang free in no time. Her walls clenched at the sight. It was thick and longer than she’d thought, the perfect curve at the tip sending a bolt of lust to her cunt.
He pressed his body against hers, rubbing his tip along her entrance, coating himself in her wetness. They kissed slow and thoroughly, his hands clasping her waist.
“Can we change scenery?” she whispered a scant inch away from his ear eliciting a gulp from him.
“What you got in mind?”
She guided him to sit in a padded chair, and he flopped down with a thud, his pants pooling at his ankles. She shimmied her hips, shucking off her creased skirt, bending over before him with her back turned.
“Now that's just cruel Dep,” he drawled.
She faced him, giggling as she straddled him, sitting high on his thighs, his hard dick pressed between them, his tip brushing below her navel.
“That's better,” Sharky said and she hummed in approval.
He cradled the nape of her neck, pulling her down for another kiss, as his other hand crept up her thigh grabbing a handful of her ass.
She closed her hand around his cock, her thumb smearing down the pre-cum beads from his tip. His tongue glided across her lips as she pumped him slowly, gulping down his moans and throaty grunts.
When she lifted her body off him supporting with a hand on his shoulder, he looked at her almost in awe and a tide of prideful lust beamed inside her. Yes, he wanted her, maybe as much as she wanted him. He lined him up to her entrance until his tip grazed her folds. Sharky bit his lower lip, his fingernails now almost scratching her skin. She sank down slowly, both staring down at his cock disappearing inside her to the hilt.
He let out a strangled moan, tilting his head back. “Oh shit.”
“Damn, Shark,” she whimpered.
He filled her just right, the stretch stinging slightly but not painful. She moaned rolling her hips, adjusting at his size.
“You okay babe?,” he asked between a low moan and a heavy grunt, clasping her hips and steadying her on his lap.
“Mhm,” she mumbled, closing her eyes for a second, reveling in the sensation of his erection throbbing inside her.
She started bouncing with a slow rhythm, savoring how he spread her wide every time she dropped down on his cock. Her toes curled, and a myriad of small gasps whiffed against his neck as she buried her face into his maddening scent. He shifted his position a little to angle into her, meeting her thrust for thrust, rocking his hips upwards.
“Oh, fuck Dep, you’re so fuckin’ tight, so fuckin’ tight--,” he said brushing her ear shell with moistened lips, “best fuck I’ve had, shit!”
“You’re- ah, you're not so bad yourself,” she said with a smirk, feeling the layers of his control tattering with every clench of her cunt around his cock.
He shot her a wolfish smile, a hand sliding to cup her breast, taking it to his mouth. She cried out when he sucked hard, his teeth grazing her nipple, and fingers massaging the surrounding swell.
Damn, he was good. With a strong hand on her ass cheek he guided her movements as she kept plunging onto him harder and faster. She arched into his touch when he snapped at her breasts and then anchored his hands at her bottom.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!,” she yelped almost singing her curses when he grounded her down on his lap, licking and sucking at her collarbone.
“Shit Dep,” he moaned between airy grunts, “wanna-- wanna fuck you forever babe, you’re fucking delicious.”
She was barely listening at this point. The way he angled his hips to ram into her, knowing exactly where to hit was making her vision bleed to white, her cries probably loud enough to let anyone outside know what was going on there. His mouth seeked hers, kissing her softly, almost sweetly, in complete contradiction to their hard fucking. When they broke apart, foreheads touching, he looked at her breathless and longing. Her heart flitted in her chest, getting all fuzzy but she stomped the feeling down. Live the moment . And so she did, closing her eyes focusing in the rippling pleasure bursting inside her in wild flames.
“Look at me Dep,” he begged her, pressing his thumb flat against her clit, and she cooed while his hips jerked against hers. “Wanna see you come on me, shit- you’re more than beautiful.”
He circled her nub with steady movements and she leaned back supporting on his thighs for more leverage, pushing down harder and faster until it was too much.
“Oh, shit, shit, fuck Shark, holy shit! ” She crumbled forward, scratching his shoulders, walls clamping down on him and boy had he been right all along, she was hollering her lungs off.
He kissed her, pounding steadily still, whispering words she was too far gone to catch and held her tight as she rode the waves of her orgasm, her skin prickling with random bursts of pleasure flooding her like a tidal wave. His fingers now threaded in her hair, another hand spread wide on her back as he chased his own release, mouth wide open against her neck.
“Fuck babe, I’m close,-” he grunted.
Shit . Her mouth watered at the thought of having him all over her, so she rotated her hips when he wanted to stop, lifting her ass and dropping down, still managing to fuck him how she wanted.
“Please, Dep, I can’t--” he begged digging his fingers in the plump flesh of her hips.
When she felt the tremor in his body, she pulled off of him as he growled, letting him pump out his load, hot and thick, on her breasts.
He looked at her slack jawed, almost awestruck, as she slid a finger through his cum, tasting him with a moan. “Fuck shorty, you’re amazing,” he panted, milking the last spurts of his throbbing dick onto her. “I fucking love you-- shit, fucking love you.”
She felt her cheeks burning, as her brain fumbled with dignified responses for that scenario. It was probably just the afterglow talking, she decided, so she tried to compose herself and smiled at him.
“I love you too Shark,” she said, standing up and kissing his forehead, amicably enough she thought.
She quickly searched for her flannel and something to clean with, to try and make a hasty retreat, but she found nothing. She picked up his cap from the floor and grunted, making short use of her shirt, not yet deciding if framing it or burning it later.  
She heard the ruffle of his jeans and the clicking of his belt at her back, so she quickened her movements, putting on her panties and skirt.
“You mean it?” He grabbed her hips, turning her to face him.
If she could, she would’ve melted in a puddle of goo under his bright eyes, but she spur herself to not let her knees betray her. She placed the hat on him and rehearsed a confident smirk, one that she was far to feel as she stood in front of him, shirtless and emotionally wrecked.  
“Yeah, hon, best pals, right?” She gave a gentle tug to the bill of his cap, but he didn’t relent.
“C’mon Dep, y’know what I’m talking ‘bout,” he said and she trembled feeling his thumbs drawing circles on her hip bones, “‘cause I was dead serious.”
She gaped at him, as he towered over her and-- Maybe she didn’t get that right.
“I don’t understand Shark,” she said blinking as if she had been staring at the sun for too long.
“Jesus fuck Dep,” he bristled, “I’m tryna telling ya I love you!”
She blinked again, frozen in place and she felt his hands sliding off her. No, no don’t go.
“Wait, Shark!” She reached to hold his hand, and took his fingers to her mouth, kissing them softly. “I do-- fuck, by now saying I love you it’s an understatement.”
An all teeth smile broke on his face. “Shit, for real?”
“Real deal,” she said, tenderly caressing his face as she had dreamed so many times before. Fuck, it was finally true.
He smiled at her with unbridled love and kissed her, slowly, tracing the line of her jaw with his thumb.
“So, what now?” She asked looking around, when they parted, “I can’t leave in a jizz-covered shirt.”
“It’s cool, babe. I got you.”
He reached for his shirt and hoodie, giving her the latter. When she put it on, it almost covered the hem of her skirt.
“It looks like a fucking dress on me,” she complained.
“Nah, you look fine as hell, Mrs. Baeshaw.” He slid a hand around her waist, nuzzling her ear, unable to erase the foolish smile from his face.
She gave a short laugh. ”Pet names and all uh? You look awfully pleased with yourself Boshaw,” she said quirking a brow.
He chuckled, hugging her tightly. “Hell yeah, finally nailed it babe, you’re the fucking jackpot.”
102 notes · View notes
clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
❛❛ He/she escaped. ❜❜
This was originally going to be one whole thing but I realized how long I made it, so I’ll write another of the sections later uwu
@grotesquegabby Because some of yours are kinda here 
After the first encounter with Maggie, Coraline had surprisingly just learned of a mob member known as Billy Blueblood, who she had come near some other previous night. Her brothers had initially mentioned the name after a meeting with another mob, the Blackwoods, and so her curiosity lead her to attend a party held by Blueblood himself. 
The woman had dressed her best with the help of her children who always knew just what to suggest. Her eyes looked out the car being driven by Abraham, noticing the luxurious home Blueblood resided in which made her slightly turn her nose. Far too extravagant for her, but that was perhaps a tad bit hypocritical…
“Ready for this?” Abraham asked as he near the drop off location, Coraline turning to him with her usual, plain expression.
“The question is, are they ready for me?” she replied in a whisper, making Abraham chuckle to himself before stopping the car. “I’ll see you in a bit Abe.”
“See ya.” the man nodded as a butler helped Coraline out, nobody ever realizing that while she walked to the front entrance, that a pair of green eyes watched her figure gracefully walking by.
“Mother.Fucker. Mother effing fucker! This is why mom doesn’t love you!”
“Ey, ey, ey! Mom loves me very much, probably even more than she loves you asshole!”
“At least she loves me for who I am and not out of pity for your stupid brains!” Stellar yelled at his brother, taking hold of the steering wheel next to him as Roger now stood up and crawled to the back of their car, or a car they “borrowed” at least. “What the fuck are you doing now!?”
“Just shut up and drive, momma’s boy!” Roger shouted at him as he made sure not to fall from the moving convertible vehicle, reaching down to grab a gun that he soon shot. “These fuckers ain’t slowing down!”
“Well what the fuck do you expect after that stunt you pulled, dipshit!?” Stellar barked at the back while driving the car even faster than before, eventually making a turn where there was an alley. 
“I think we lost them.”
“I think I lost them.”Stellar silently yelled at his brother as they attempted to keep quiet so that their location wasn’t exposed. “Come one, let’s get out of here.”
“I think Coral’s gonna kill us if we get killed.”
“She’ll kill us if we ruin these suits.”Stellar rolled his eyes before putting his sunglasses on, taking hold of his weapon after he and Roger hopped out of the car. “Hell, she’s gonna give it to us once she finds out the spy escaped.”
“We can just get a look alike, no?”
“That is one of the stupidest ideas of yours that I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard very many stupid things come o-”
“Stellar! He’s right there!” Roger interrupted his brother with a gunshot, Stellar whipping his head around to see that their missing spy was indeed in sight, and now making a quick run for it. 
“Then go after him!” Stellar motioned before Roger rolled his eyes, running after the escapee before Stellar decided to go after him through a different alleyway. He cursed under his breath as he ran through some small puddles that managed to wet his shoots and his pant legs, but he ignored it and turned a corner where he heard some more running. Once again, he ran down the alley but slowed to a stop, holding his gun up before turning the corner, pointing his gun as another was pointed at him.
“Blackwood?” Stellar furrowed his eyebrows, barely lowering his gun while Vespers actually did so, not finding much of a threat. 
“Well, good evening, Stellar.”Vespers sighed as he looked over the man. “Whatever did happen to your suit man?”
“Doesn’t matter. What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?”
“I asked first Blackwood.”
“That is true.”Vespers slightly nodded while looking around. “There was a hit on one of my men and I had to come down to do some…research. Now, how about you?”
“You found him!” a voice interrupted, making the men turn to the side as they pointed their guns in unison at who they could now tell was Roger. “Oh, I see not. Hello there Vespers. What a coincidence seeing you here.~”
“Good evening…Roger.” Vespers greeted once again, noticing that he too was dressed nicely, if you took away the marks from the bottoms of his pant legs and dried his shoes. “I see you two will be attending a party later, if not already did. Does this happen to be one hosted by Blueblood?”
“Yeah, you going to it?” Roger grinned, glancing at his brother who rolled his eyes before turning around. 
“Yes, Maggie and I will be there.” Vespers turned to Stellar who was clearly not in the mood for this. “And how about you, Stellar?”
“If you’re going, I sure as hell am not.” Stellar began walking away as Vespers deeply frowned, now turning to Roger.
“The hell’s his problem?”
“He just loves you.~” Roger fluttered his eyelashes which made Stellar make a turn before taking hold of his brother, Vespers watching in surprise. “He loves you Vespy-Wespy! Goo-goo eyes here and-”
“Don’t you ever fucking shut up!?” Stellar angrily yelled as he dragged his brother away,Roger snickering as he told more teasing comments.
“What the fuck just happened?” 
“He escaped.”
“Yeah, no fucking shit.”
“He fucking escaped.”
“I heard you the first time after I realized he fucking escaped.” Stellar angrily adjusted his loosened tie, both brothers walking out of their borrowed car as Roger slightly panicked.
“Coral’s gonna have our heads.”
“Oh shut the fuck up. It’s your fault for giving goo-goo eyes to that girl.”
“Ey! You were giving goo-goo eyes at Blackwood!”
“As-fucking-if!” Stellar scoffed, then being greeted by some butlers before they were allowed into the party area. “Coraline’s gonna have our heads…Carol is the one you should be fucking worried about, she’s gonna have our heads served on a platter for the family!”
“Vespers is gonna give you he-”
Roger then received a smack on the head from Stellar who sure as hell didn’t want him finishing that sentence.
“Shut the hell up already, I see Coral.”
Scarlet lips were placed a clear glass containing pink champagne, slowly disappearing. Coraline soon lowered her glass as she walked around the crowd in Blueblood’s home, ignoring all the eyes lingering on her. Far too irritating it was no doubt.
“And why are you two late?”
“Ask Roger.” came Stellar’s voice as he approached his sister who stared down at him and their brother. “He did some stupid shit.”
“It’s not entirely my fault. You paused to make goo-goo-”
“Oh shut up with that already, will you?” Stellar turned to Roger who snickered to himself.
“You bumped into Blackwood?”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t matter. What matters is…our spy…”
“And what of him?” 
“He…he escaped…”
“What!?” Coraline whispered-shouted as a few eyes glanced at the trio, Coraline holding in her anger as her brothers looked somewhat ashamed, well, Stellar at least. “What do you mean, he escaped?”
“We were on our way to the docks to give him a few words before making him sleep with the fishes.”Stellar started as his sister leaned in, now having a threatening aura that intimidated even him. “One thing lead to another and before ya knew it, we were being chased by another mob.”
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.”Coraline muttered to herself while Roger shook his head. 
“Oh shit.” Stellar mumbled as his siblings now turned to him before he sneaked away. “Gotta go.”
“Sure, go away…pathetic.”Coraine shook her head, then noticing that Roger was still standing with her. “Go shove your face in a cake or something.”
“Aye aye, captain!”Roger grinned before leaving himself, leaving Coraline alone as she felt somebody tap her shoulder.
“Good evening Ms. D’Vitt.”a voice came, Coraline slightly gripping her glass as she shut her eyes and released a quiet sigh, then opening her eyes to turn to see a elegantly dressed man.
“Good evening Mr., what is your name?” Coraline turned to Abraham who now magically stood  behind her. “Abe, do you remember this man?”
“Oh, you do not remember me?”
“I am afraid not.”
“I’m the one who you talked business with, about joining our bars?” the man quietly chuckled as Coraline gave him a look, then having a moment of realization. 
“Ah, you are the same man who was attacked by my children’s cat, yes?”
“Ah…yes, that…that is me.”
“Just as you are the same man that accused my children for that before cursing them out as little devils?” Coraline fluttered her eyelashes sweetly as the man grew flustered, and he walked away before she looked at Abraham, both laughing quietly to themselves.
“Hey Coraline, is it okay if I go eat something?”Abraham then asked before Coraline gave a nod.
“Of course. While you do that, I will take a stroll outside. See if I can find my feathered acquaintance somewhere.”
“Alright, I’ll be out once done.”
“Oh don’t bother, all those guards outside will keep me safe.”Coraline chuckled before she and Abraham parted ways. Soon enough, after avoiding and shaking off many others off her leg especially those who liked to forget about her children, she reached the outside of the lavish home. There were guards standing all around, keeping a close eye on all those who arrived or left. Coraline let out a deep breath as she focused on the sound of her heels walking along the path she followed until reaching a sort of garden. Nobody was around, yet it was still close to the party itself.
“Miss, I believe that guests are to stay indoors to avoid any danger.” a voice spoke which made Coraline shut her eyes once again, then opening them as she stared at a tree near her.
“It seems to peaceful out here for there to be any danger. I’m sure I’ll do just fine.”
“Well…we were told to keep everybody safe, so I would feel more comfortable if you could please go inside with the others.”
Coraline rolled her eyes before turning around to see who see guessed was a guard, and she was right when she saw a man stare right at her. He was surprisingly short, compared to the others she saw scattered around. 
“If…if you’d like, I’d happily escort you back.” he cleared his throat while Coraline turned to him, looking over his figure.
“Or perhaps, you could let me stay here alone? I just need some peace and quiet right now.”
“Hm, well…I suppose I could.” the man nodded. “And if you’d like, I will be here if you need anything.”
“Great, you are such a gentleman.”Coraline commented before turning away to look back at the tree near her, the man then speaking again.
“And you are a beautiful woman.” Coraline whipped around to look at the man with a frown, and he noticed this. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, I’m sorry.” Coraline shook her head while turning her whole body to face him. “I’m used to so many calling me that, but it’s to bed me if not take advantage of me. You seem like, a genuine nice man.”
“Oh…then you wouldn’t mind if I continued?”
“Yes, because your eyes sparkle and shine brighter than the stars up above.” the man sure did continue, making Coraline’s eyes widen as her cheeks now matched her pink dress.
“Poetic, aren’t you?” Coraline breathed out. “May I have this poet’s name?”
“It’s, Lennie. Lennie Green at your service miss…”
“D’Vitt, Coraline D’Vitt.”
“You are the owner of the D’Vitt properties, yes?” Lennie asked before Coraline nodded. “I always did find it nice to see a woman in such business. It’s admirable, such as your very beautiful looks.”
“Mr. Green, do you not have any business to attend to?” Coraline gave him a small smile.
“Besides guarding, no, not really. “Lennie smiled back. “Besides, I did say I would be here at your service and I am guarding you so that no harm comes by.”
“If that is so, how about you sit next to me and we converse?”
Lennie grinned before seating himself next to Coraline, looking up at her long eyelashes that she fluttered down at him, sometimes hiding her lovely green eyes. Oh dear, she looked more beautiful up close.
“So, Ms. D’Vitt, what are you doing out here all alone?”
“Taking a break from the crowd. It gets too stuff sometimes and the conversations are either the same if not bland. I am so glad my children never come to these parties. They are always the brightness in my life.
“Ch…children? You have children?”
“Yes. Four of them.”
“How nice! What are their names?” Lennie beamed up at Coraline who gave him a surprised look. 
“Liliosa, Dante, Robyn, and Rayden…One girl, three boys.”
“And, their father?”
“There is more than one father, but I only one. My ex-husband.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Do the children cope alright with it?” Lennie asked with some concern in his voice, and Coraline felt a twinge in her chest.
“They…they’re alright. He is only Liliosa’s father. The boys were adopted.”
“That sounds so wonderful, that you brought them into your life and gave them better ones. You sound like such a wonderful woman who I bet they love very much.” Lennie stated as he and Coraline stared at each other, and she gave a soft nod along with a blushing expression.
“Oh, Ms. D’Vitt.” Coraline practically heard a record scratch in her head before she turned to see another man standing by the pair, and she recognized this as being Vespers.
“Oh, Mr. Blackwood. Good evening.” Coraline nodded at the man who slightly dusted his expensive suit. “Is there, anything you needed?”
“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Vespers glanced at Lennie who now stood up, standing straight like the guard he was for the night.
“No, not at all.”
“Well then, I was going to ask if your brothers came around tonight.” Vespers questioned before clearing his throat. “I ask because they dropped something and I wanted to return it.”
“Oh I could-…yes, they are inside. You should find Stellar at the dancefloor.” Coraline slyly smiled before Vespers thanked her and was on his way.
“Who was that?” Lennie watched Vespers walk away before Coraline gave a chuckle.
“A man so handsome,” she started before Lennie turned to her. “In my brother’s eyes. Hopefully, the two have a proper conversation.”
“Why is that?”
“Well, my brother…often, he escapes. Especially anything involving romance.”
“And…what of you, if you don’t mind me asking…”
“Me?” Coraline whispered as Lennie nodded. “Love hasn’t been on my mind for a few years now.”
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wannawrite · 6 years
not my type
who?: Wanna One’s Ong Seongwoo genre: 🌸 type: bullet point
blog navigator.
University! AU 
you don’t date younger guys
but you just might ;)
thanks for requesting! this was quite difficult to write since I am a child still lol. Do note that Seongwoo is 20 in this work of fiction. ⁃ admin l
Tumblr media
disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything that is written here is purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING
so,,,your love life 
not that exciting 
in fact, it is facing a drought at the moment 
reality is harsh huh? 
or maybe it is because of your high standards 
1. No younger guys 
2. Must be a nice person 
3. Someone I could foresee marrying 
but none of your blind dates left you impressed
and then there’s this kid from the music block called Ong Seongwoo 
he’s just one of the guys trying to worm his way into your ‘possible boyfriend’ list 
scarily enough, his tactics were working
we gon throw this waayyy back when y’all met 
frat parties were never your thing
in fact, f*ck linda and this stupid party, I just want to go home and sleep 
you love your roommate and all but you couldn’t help but curse her out 
after all, she had dragged you to this party thrown by one of the music department frat guys 
and left you stranded 
in a hallway with at least 3 couples passionately making out 
tonight was not your night at all 
you hated the loud, shitty music and the smell of sweat and liquor 
but linda was your ride here and there was a slim chance of hailing a cab right now 
you had no choice but to suck it up and rough it out 
Another issue
you needed to finish that essay on sustainable fashion before the 6am deadline 
gr8 job prof 
borrow a laptop from someone and do it now? 
what the hell 
which person would bring a laptop to a frat party? 
unless you can break into one of their rooms and take one??1?1?11
you almost slap yourself at the idea
dumb worried bitch energy 
sis is out of ideas and just wants to graduate be a little empathetic, folks 
you want to sit down on the floor and sink into a puddle of goo 
oh no 
there’s no way you are going to maintain this 3.9 GPA lmaoo
you move to wrestle Linda away from one of the frat guys 
but hollers and cheers stop you
a group of guys block your path as they welcome yet another friend 
but get this! the newcomer has a laptop case in his hands!! 
he appears to have just come from a lecture or meeting 
now, all you had to do was to stalk him, suck up to him and steal borrow the device 
sucking up to one of these frat boys was easy 
their brains had been bruised with bud lights so they weren’t the brightest of the bunch 
before you know it, he’s whisked away by his friends and dissolved into the crowd 
you really, genuinely, wholly, need this laptop 
They would help a fellow college student in need, right?
left with no choice, you elbow your way through  
I suppose your efforts pay off 
bc you catch him as he’s headed upstairs 
“hey!” you yell over the noise. “I-I...” 
the mystery guy only stares, quizzically 
suddenly, you’ve lost all ability to form coherent sentences 
this is embarrassing!
sis gotta calm down 
remember the real reason: laptop
“c-can i borrow your laptop real quick? I have a d-deadline tonight” 
mystery boy says nothing 
“What’s it in for me? If i lend you my laptop?”
he tries to remain serious but the corners of his mouth are tugging up
desperation is pretty much flooding your body 
you wld say f*ck it but you can’t 
“I’ll owe you a favour!” you blurt out thoughtlessly. 
*crickets chirping* 
hope is slowly beginning to fade and your brain is coming up with extension excuses 
just crumbs,,,anything
Orbits gg thru with the drought
when he goes 
he beckons for you to follow him 
“I know a better work environment than here.” 
“What’s your name? I’m y/n, it’s my third year.” 
“Woah, third year? my name’s ong seongwoo. I just got here.” 
huh, freshman 
seongwoo doesn’t say much after
he leads you to a common study area in the enormous fraternity house 
you turn away as he sets up the laptop and everything bc privacy!!!
but the number of brain cells you have left won’t allow you to remember his login details anyway 
“thanks,” you murmur bashfully 
well, this is an expected and rather awkward situation 
seongwoo plants himself in the chair a few seats away from yours 
he pulls out study materials from his backpack 
??? hello? sis, u shld be enjoying the party downstairs ???
you try to shift your fullest attention on your project 
but!! his presence alone is so loud prominent, it’s giving you a hard time keeping your eyes off😔🤧
anyway u manage to suck it up and finish paper and submit it just in time! 
a miracle 
maybe he is your angel ;)
you turn to face him and,,,seongwoo has fallen asleep!! on his books!! 
his hair is slightly tousled and his glasses rest askew on his face 
papers flap in his face but he’s too gone to care 
the poor child is tired 
💓💖💕soft hours💕💖💓: open
gently, you tap his shoulder 
“seongwoo? hey, um, your laptop,” 
he only stirs the 2nd time you call him
groggily, he covers his face and speaks into his hands 
he mumbles something about ‘dealing with it later’
you figure it would be best if you left him alone to nap 
suddenly, seongwoo grabs your arm 
at least, he reaches for it
“I need your number to claim that favour.” 
my number ????
for half a second, your heart does pitter patters 
he’s only being objective though...
and it was you who suggested it in the first place 
sighing, you punch your number into his phone 
“okay, but use it wisely and...try not to...call or text so much...”
that sounds rlly mean >:( 
“yeah i’ll keep that in mind.” 
there’s an underlying layer of...cheekiness? in seongwoo’s tone 
your brain jumps to the first conclusion it can think of 
“I don’t date younger guys, Seongwoo,” 
now, Seongwoo looks up and beams broadly 
“Bold of you to assume I’m interested,” he taunts playfully 
red sinks into your face and you defend yourself in splutters 
“I’m not interested in general! I’m prioritising my studies and everything else! It was just to make sure you know where we stand-“ 
futile, really 
“relax,” he replies. “Just saying, I could change your mind.” 
but true lol
an amused scoff leave your lips and your arms go akimbo
“I’d like to see you try, freshman.” 
*back to the present* 
You: really, Seongwoo. I don’t see why you can’t drop by the printing station yourself 
Seongwoo: you are seated RIGHT NEXT to it. Just fold the papers into aeroplanes and fly them over 
You: a 15-page research paper ?? That clearly says ‘do not bend’ 
Seongwoo: ignore it. Throw it over 
you never predicted this was where life would take you 
here you were, sat in the library, the table by the printing room 
and Seongwoo was seated a few tables away, texting you to collect his freshly printed document
just because 
You: Oh my god shut up you’ll get points deducted if your paper is the least bit crumpled 
You: i’ll just bring it over 
so,,,you did 
you brought seongwoo’s papers over to his table 
he had been watching from afar, lips pulled into a dumb smile
“thank you, senior.” 
boy had the audacity to say that in front of your salad 
just to tease him, you reply: 
“yeah, senior, just how I like my future boyfriend.” 
with that remark, the smile slips off seongwoo’s face and his jaw clenches
but he tries to play it off all cool😎🤧
you shoot the sweetest smile you can muster before skipping back to your table 
*beep beep*
I nearly put vibrate -
Seongwoo: that doesn’t count as using my favour card! 
your head shakes, but your mouth smiles 
it was no secret that seongwoo had a small! crush on you 
even if it was, everyone knew 
his whole frat and most of his seniors 
your friends and roommates 
the whole bloody campus 
this relationship started out with seongwoo following you on ig
then occasionally dropping a text and wishing you well 
he also hyped up all your pics 
and said hi whenever you bumped into each other 
it escalated to meeting up for brunch or a movie 
just...as friends, casually 
but you enjoyed his company and goofing around much more than some blind dates 
now, texting him was a regular 
going out was common 
and you haven’t even counted the number of times you guys met at social events 
sometimes, he made you feel so✨ special, precious, wanted by doing the smallest things 
like a tea on your table 
or going the extra mile to cheer you up 
most of the time at the expense of his handsome face 
he was always,,,there
you did find out about his feelings, though he never addressed them fully
it was fun!! to press his buttons as a friend 
“yeah idk abt dating someone younger. Wbu?” 
“Hmm. Senior year makes everyone 10x hotter.” 
but...you weren’t certain if that would turn into something more 
you know, you hadn’t given dating someone younger a thought 
it never crossed your mind 
maybe it was a subconscious deal breaker 
you were always quick to bring age into making deals 
old broken deals could be made new 
the concept was incredibly foreign 
my boyfriend? younger? 
Personally, you could never see that happen 
b-but seongwoo made you sO DAMN HAPPY ALL THE TIME 
there was sunshine in his smiles
and starlight in his eyes 
but is this attraction? 
Eventually, after many sleepless nights, up thinking about this, you made up your mind
If he made a move first, 
bc ur scared 
you would be hella open to dating him 
f*ck that ‘older people only’ rule 
(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡
[3.06am] seongwoo leaves a voicemail. He says, “hey, will you go on a date with me? I like you.”
[3.14am] seongwoo leaves another voicemail. “I’ll use my favour card if I have to. Just give me a chance.” 
so u jump on this bandwagon and call him asap 
it goes straight to voicemail but you don’t leave one 
you know,,,to build suspense 
all day long, that’s all you can think about 
[8.17am] seongwoo wakes up to a silent voicemail from you 
he doesn’t know what to think of it 
he dials your number with shaking hands and before you can utter a word, he rushes, “meet me at xxx cafe at 11am” 
then hangs up 
Tumblr: 101 cafe date outfit ideas
Seongwoo arrives early and orders a drink while waiting 
he also picks out a window booth to sit at 
his nerves could eat him alive if they teamed up 
what would you say to him? 
how badly did you react to his 3am confession 
getting mildly intoxicated on Daniel’s stash was a horrible idea
he spilt all his secret uwus
the bell chimes 
and all his attention is focused on you 
your eyes land on him 
a smile graces your face as you walk over 
“I like you too.” 
“Damn, you better not be messing with me right now,” seongwoo nervously chuckles. “I know I sent you th-“ 
“Oh my god! I like you!” 
For a moment, his smart mouth runs dry, surprised 
“Oh wow, what happened to your older guys only rule?”
You smack his chest in mock annoyance
“Rules are made to be broken! Let’s not talk about that.” You turn various shades of red 
Grinning like the Chesire cat, Seongwoo teases, “And that’s the beauty of it.” 
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detginski · 6 years
Space Noodle
Gavin Reed x Reader
Summary : Undercover mission, got injured and noodles with ya boy, Gavin.
a/n : its super crappy writing. just want to post this out bcs i have zero content in my brain and on this blog
How long as it been since you lay down on your own bed instead of crashing on the musty damp smelling couch that was at your now undercover temporary house. God the case Fowler assigned to you took longer to solve than you thought it would. It was the human and android trafficking case. You’ve been undercover too long for your taste. Trying to get mushy with the ringleader, gaining their trust and making them think that you were one of them was tough. You had to pretend to be interested on the ringleader’s son to gain their full trust. You can say the entire 5 months you were undercover and being with the family, was the worse you had.
Finally you were invited to the family’s event and that’s when the swat team close onto them and close the case for good.  
You really miss your boyfriend and your bed. You miss your boyfriend in your bed. Really, the only thing that kept you going was your boyfriend. And his sweater is losing his scent. Finally after 5 months of pretentious rich assholes, you can see your asshole boyfriend again.
For the entire raid, you pretended to be shocked and all, but the son you had mushied with, dragged you with him. You reluctantly let him drag you until one of the officers cornered both of you. It was a moment of blur when you were pulled to the front by the son, using you as a shield. The officer shot you on the shoulder and stomach. Pussy, you thought before collapsing to the ground. The officer arrested the man and, is that Captain Allen’s voice? You look up to Captain Allen with a medic, “That’s our undercover officer you just shot!” You weakly grin and nod slightly, “Sup’” before passing out.
Gavin Reed had the worse 5 months of his life. Since you were asked to do an undercover case for 5 fuckin months, he revert to his basic instinct, being an asshole to anything that moves. Gavin snapped at whatever Connor is doing even when he was just passing by his desk. He even snapped at Nines but stopped after the first month as Nines could only tolerate so much of his bullshit. He tried to gain information on what and how you are doing but all he ever get to hear about you is when Fowler briefed about your case for a few minutes before moving on. That is only about the case, not about your well being.
It frustrates him how much he misses you. 5 months is too long for a man like him. He hasn’t slept well in a while and threw himself into cases after cases. Gavin was working on a paperwork with Nines constantly rolling his eyes at Gavin’s constant sighing. As Gavin got up for another cup of coffee, Fowler called everyone into the briefing room for a short meeting.
“The mission Detective (L/N) on was a success. But they were injured on the mission. Shot by one of the team members.” Gavin was already halfway up from his seat but was stopped by Nines and Fowler’s voice. “But they are stable and will be back to work today. Detective Reed, I suggest you not to do anything rash. Dismissed.” All the detectives cheered for you but Hank, Connor, Gavin and Nines waited behind in the briefing room. Hank frowns slightly at the last briefing, “Fuckin (Y/N) got shot. What the hell. They’re the best among all of us for fuck’s sake.” “The officer who shot them must’ve mistook them as one of the traffickers.” Connor tries diffuse the tense atmosphere that suddenly graced the room. Gavin who had been silent the entire time, slammed his fist against the table, “Stupid swat team! I fuckin swear i will find that motherfucker who shot (Y/N)!” Nines kept Gavin from getting up, “Detectives, I suggest both of you to calm down. (Y/N) is alive and well as per Captain Fowler had said. Please stop this childish act.” Gavin is far too tired and too sleep deprived to start a banter with Nines. Hank walked out of the briefing room with Connor in tow and Gavin took awhile to get up from his seat and resume his paperwork with a heavy heart. Nines let out an inaudible sigh and prayed to anything that you’re back soon.
Finally, out of sanitized smelling hospital to earthy smokey street smell of Detroit. You had your left arm in a sling due to your shoulder injury and your abdomen covered in bandages. You’ll live. Except for the earful you’ll get from you boyfriend once he sees you. Smiling and suddenly feeling extra happy that you’re finally seeing him again after so long.
You walked into the always loud and busy precinct, “Sup Detective Chen. Miss me?” you smiled at the woman who’s currently talking to a cop and looked up at you. “Dear god if it isn’t the asshole tamer. Missed you, stupid!” She say and punched you lightly on your good shoulder. “I thought you’re supposed to be discharged tomorrow?” “Nah, doctor said I’m good to go” “Doctor said or you said?” You both chuckled at that. “You should go to the bullpen asap. Your idiots are worried about you.” “Thanks for the info, Chen. See ya around.” She smiled and nodded at you, continuing the conversation she had with the cop.
Smiling and nodding at everyone who greeted you, you finally reached your office floor and slowly step out of the elevator. God you missed the smell of the bullpen. Roasted coffee with a tinge of some air freshener that you couldn’t name. Jason was the first to notice you. “Look who’s back. Sup (Y/N). Missed me?” “No” you blatantly answered him before laughing. “Of course I do, stupid. Where’s my idiot?” “Being babysit by Nines as per usual” He shrugs and puts on his coat, “Duty calls. Catch up with you later kay?” You gave him a wink and finger guns.
Connor was the second one to realize you’re back. “Hello (Y/N)! Let me assess your injuries.” He held you still while his LED is turning yellow and blue. “Thank god no fatal injuries. How are you doing?” He asks with an attempt at a smile, “Great job at the smile. The undercover job is a bore. God. Once I was in a room full of dudes name Stu. Yes, all of them are called Stu. I had to keep up on which Stu is which.” You both laughed at that. “Well, Hank is at the toilet at the moment but I’m pretty sure there’s someone you should see first. Just so you know, he really misses you. Like really misses you. The first few months was a pain. He keeps on snapping at whatever I’m doing. He even went as far as snapping at Nines but stopped because, you know how Nines is.” You chuckled slightly and Gavin on his desk, whose back was towards you.
“I guess I gotta go and say hi now before he destroys his computer.” You say while keeping an eye on the silhouette that you missed so much. Connor nodded and went about his business.
Slowly and softly, you approached Gavin. You smiled at Nines, whose expression says ‘Finally you’re here. Calm the fucker down will you’ Nines frowned a little at the arm sling. His calculative gaze is enough to promise you a full long hour of being a competent detective and not injure yourself on the job. You rolled your eyes slightly at the android and smiled. God how you missed them. Softly and carefully, you wrapped your good arm around Gavin’s shoulder and kissed his cheek, “Guess who’s back grumpy!”
Gavin, who was super focused on finishing his paperwork on his latest arrest, felt an arm coiling around his shoulder and peck on his cheek. His sleep deprived brain automatically grip on the arm and before he threw you off, he had to load for a second before realizing who it was. He turn his head slightly to kiss you fully on the lips. “Missed you, little shit.” Then frowned when he releases you from his grip. “Aren’t you supposed to be at th-” You kissed him again before he says anything. You whisper against his lips, "Can we do this later? I missed you"
Gavin sighed and smiled weakly, “Thank god you’re alright. I swear I will find the motherfucker who did this to you and-” You smacked him in his chest and gave him your best glare, “No Gavin. He’s under suspension for shooting an officer. God calm down, babe!” you laughed at him worrying about you, “God I missed this. I missed you. How are you holding up? You look like shit.” You said releasing him from the choke hold and gingerly sat on his desk. Gavin placed his head on your thigh, “I haven’t slept all night, I’m vibrating slightly but constantly, and I’m pretty sure I just tasted god. How are you doing?” You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair and massages his scalp, earning a groan from the man. “God I fucking miss you so much.”
Both of you talked about your time undercover to his cases to you complaining about him not taking care of himself. But you were interrupted by Fowler, who frowned first at your appearance at the precinct and cleared his throat, signalling for the both of you to get back to work. “Dinner-” “Dinner at Space Ape.” Gavin interrupted you and both of you shared a smile. Space Ape was the diner you both had your first date at. It became your favorite because they make the best noodle you’ve eaten in Detroit.
You let out a yawn and stretched a bit before getting up to pack your things. Halfway through packing, a pair of arms snaking through your waist circled around you. You smiled and lean back into your boyfriend’s wellbuilt chest. Gavin smothered his face with your hair, “I missed this, I missed you. God you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this.” “I know, 5 months.” “Shut up, dipshit.” You both laugh and went to grab your dinner together.
The thing you really missed about being in the car with Gavin was when Gavin drive, he subconsciously puts his hand on your thigh while he drove. You put your hand on his, “Babe.” he hums back at you, “I love you.” The hand on your thigh squeezes slightly and his hand turns to hold yours in his. Pulling your hand to his lips and places a soft kiss on it. “I love you.” Gavin smiled against your hand and rubbed your hands against his unshaven beard. “Good fuck Gavin! Stop that!” Both of you laughed as you struggled to get your hand back.
Both of you arrived and immediately got to the seat that you had on your first date. Ordering both of your favorite classic noodle, Gavin put elbow on the table and places his chin on his hand. Tilting his head slightly as he watches you talk to the waitress. He smiled when you noticed his blatant stare. “Hi babe.” He said in a low voice. He puts his hand out and you put your hand on his. Smiling back at him, “Hi love.”
You talked about anything and everything. Gavin finally had a good laugh after 5months of your absence. Your boyfriend’s cologne, the smell of the dingy diner, the dimly lit diner light and the street lights that shines in from the diner window that makes your boyfriend looks extremely beautiful, the empty bowls of noodles, the tasteless green tea you both adore so much, the soft music coming from the jukebox and your boyfriend, who looks at you like you own the world. You’re finally back home.
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