#government bureaucrats
truegeorge · 3 months
Black Figure
Yesterday I never went to the gov’t building to make the daily bread as a managing government bureaucrat. I decided to take a couple of days off. On this day off during the night I was in an engaging political discussion on the What’s Up app. When I was finished, I decided to lay down. The lights were still on in the adjacent room, so my bedroom was not totally dark. I was lying on my stomach,…
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choccy-milky · 1 month
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
ty for the tag @myokk and @theladyofshalott1989 !!💖💖
LAST SONG? - i deadass don't know💀i don't really listen to music i just always have streams/youtube vids on (I KNOW IM SORRY DONT @ ME) ....does the baroque noble party ambience i was listening to while working on my oneshot count??? shoutout to that video btw
FAVORITE COLOR? - yellow!!💛⭐
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - i also don't really watch shows💀....do 6 hour video essays on youtube count? in which case i love action button if you haven't watched his stuff (his boku no natsuyasumi video and his tokimeki memorial video are amazing, and his pacman video), and also super eyepatch wolf & hbomberguy (especially hbomb's 'pathologic is genius' video). also i listen to a podcast called '372 pages we'll never get back' that i highly recommend
LAST MOVIE? - 💀💀💀this is just a meme at this point💀💀💀I DONT EVEN REMEMBER....me and my roommate love watching crappy adam sandler movies so probably one of those??? or my neighbor totoro since i forced my niece to watch it 😍
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - SAVORY BABY I LOVE SALT IM A SALT FIEND!!!🧂🧂🧂i put my grubby little hands straight into the olive jar and FEAST...also when i was in uni i used to keep a little ziploc bag of salt on me for when i ate out LMFAOOO and i always steal the salt shaker and bring it to my room and my roommate is always like DO YOU HAVE THE SALT AGAIN???......what can i say i love salt........(tho i still love sweets and spicy foods as well. and im addicted to coke zero btw. my body is comprised of 50% salt and 50% coke zero)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - almost 2 years in my poly relationship with seb and clora😍😍
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - girl do u even have to ask........
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - probably timezones for when im talking to mutuals LMAOO...i just like to know what hour it is there no pressure tags: @the-ozzie @sparxyv @ccelicaa @kaviary-blog @siboom777 @boxdstars @versailles-black @limonnitsa @dwightschrute11 @ethniee @celestinawarlock @moonstruckmoony @syaolaurant @bassicallymaestra @lilac-ravenclaw @vienguinn @noelles-legacy @4ever2000lover @lamieboo @magic-in-onyx (NO PRESSURE FR FR I HATE TAGGING PPL BC I FEEL LIKE IM BOTHERING YALL BUT I ALSO DONT WANT TO LEAVE PPL OUT AT THE SAME TIME...SO IF YOURE READING THIS U CAN CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED AS WELL🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️OR CONSIDER YOURSELF UN-TAGGED IF YOU DONT WANNA DO IT BAHAHA)
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Carrying On the Family Name
Mantle Mom: *playing with her hair* So, is there a…Missus Arc…? 😘
Jaune Arc Nikos: No, my wife is cooler and more famous than me so I took her name.
Jaune Arc Nikos: …you’ve never seen so much paperwork! 😩
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zsugamialba · 1 year
I believe you will find my credentials immaculate.
Forged, of course, but immaculate.
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monocytogenes · 7 months
For What It's Worth - read on ao3
As he and the former Minister of Intelligence set his affairs in order, Cipher Nine reflects on his career.
The horror he’d endured in the wake of that accomplishment, the unapologetic abuse that had led him to walk open-eyed into a bureaucratic death—it had all been one long, agonizing descent from there, but in that brief, shining moment on the Dominator, his determination, his skill, his presence had meant something. Maybe that was all any of them could hope for: a fleeting instant of potency. To stand at that precipice and affect some semblance of justice. He looked up. “I have a question.”
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thetruearchmagos · 8 months
An OC For Relan
@caxycreations , here it is! You Tagged me for this one... so, so long ago, but I've finally come up with an OC for you Setting, if you may accept him.
His name is 'Mo', and 'Mo' is he, as far as anyone in knows. He's not easy to miss with his intensely brown eyes, tan fur, and unmistakably foreign speech and accent. Mo is a Palm Civet, which is all he's ever offered when it comes to his background. He's notably shorter than most in his new home, and apparently hasn't fully adjusted to its temperate climes from his tropical roots. Whoever he is, wherever he came from, Mo was brought to the big city more by his duties than anything else.
Mo is unmistakably a 'Gah-men'* man, an efficient public servant of mild mannerisms that bely a strictly opaque personality. His current station, running the house in the local community and government, seems remarkably humble in contrast to the grace with which Mo carries himself, but he seems content enough.
Not a shy man to those who deal with him with any regularity, Mo is absolutely a humble one. He prefers to act in the background, putting in twice as much work as anyone else and with encyclopaedic knowledge of every facet of his potential duties. Mo dresses for his duties, with an endless supply of white shirts, jackets, and waistcoats, all fairly conservative in colour and make. Over time, he's earned the distant respect of his colleagues, even if most see him as little more than a hard driving automaton.
Others, however, know better. His friends, the few of them he has, would attest to his quiet kindness and occasional generosity. In private, Mo has a tendency towards dramatics, particularly when the topic of conversation touches on politics, or references to his homeland, which he defends and demeans in equal measure. He is a teetotaller, but, unusually for his kind, turns down coffee and tea as well, and apparently has the sweet tooth of a juvenile. Mo enjoys what comforts he can get, and his bar for what counts as such isn't high; fresh pastry, a certain brand of soya milk, and his regular patronage of the local library suffices.
Who is Mo? No one can really say, and for now he's not keen to answer.
*A bit of local slang, means 'government'.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
the next customer to ask me "what's wrong with your eye?" is getting thrown into the sea :)
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gamer2002 · 10 months
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This is why socialism will always fail. While this also happens in capitalism, as it is a constant human nature, succumbing to this companies get replaced by competitors. Because they need to generate profit. Government is a monopoly that earns money by taking it from you at a gunpoint.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
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HC that "Ghost Investigation Ward" is also a backronym in-universe
It went like this:
Their official title is nothing, because they don't officially exist. No government agent will acknowledge that they have any function beyond the regular duties of the FBI. Just like the Men In Black, they are only distinguished by the fact that they show up when paranormal phenomena are suspected to have happened and no convincing explanation is given for why the FBI would be involved.
Again like the MiB, people start calling these agents the Guys in White. The casual appellation is intentionally mocking them for taking themselves very seriously and yet apparently being incompetent at actually getting anything done.
As more ghost stuff starts happening, the Guys in White appear more often. Notably, they are also written about more often, especially in message boards, chatrooms, etc. This is when the short form GiW/GIW (there is a brief war over the formatting, with GIW eventually winning) becomes popular.
Formal publications/broadcasts also start talking about the GIW. Out of a desire to not sound like they're mocking the government agents, they preferentially use GIW, even when speaking. (It remains an initialism despite the length because "goo" and "gyoo" do not sound any less mocking and suffice it to say pronouncing it with a soft g is an obvious no-go.)
As knowledge of ghosts and the activity of the GIW spread, more people hear about the GIW, including many people who do not know what GIW stands for.
Due to their association with ghosts and the FBI, naturally people think of the GIW as some kind of ghost investigators. This coincidentally fits with two thirds of the initialism that they are now commonly referred to by. Thus, many assume GIW must stand for "ghost investigation ..." something. When they turn to the internet, and hear "guys in white," they assume it's a joke, and that the reason they can't find a better answer is just that the agency is very secretive.
Someone somewhere decides it must stand for "Ghost Investigation Ward." This is shared around and eventually used by a news writer who just took it at face value without looking for a source. That news article is then cited by Wikipedia. And the rest is history.
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truegeorge · 3 months
Leaving The Morgue
               Another typical night nothing out of the ordinary, except for I was a bit fatigue from the work day serving as a managing government bureaucrat. Not sure if the influence of what took place during the day had an influence of this latest experience. There were a lot of distortions leading to the profound experience. Not sure how I got into this type of setting. But things were…
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folansstuff · 8 months
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dykeseinfeld · 1 year
eve polastri is literally the failwoman of my dreams. and you don't even care.
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pseudonymphomania · 1 year
Sometimes I think I have it down and then I realize that my writing is a filthy love child between Standard Operating Procedures and Purple Prose.
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fractallogic · 2 years
okay I finished one (1) of the semi-scary tasks, so I'm going to go for a walk in the sun (and breeze, ew) and hope that maybe the prof will respond to my email in that time? and otherwise I will be a good worker/grant writer and keep working on this grant because oh boy there is so much to do and only like two business weeks to do it in and I have gotten ZERO comments from her on any of the drafts I've sent her and that is really worrying me
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sadclowncentral · 4 months
i had a dream that time travel was invented and too many people choose to travel back in time to save the titanic from sinking (the question of whether unsinking of the titanic deserved so much attention in the face of human history was the subject of both heavy academic and online discourse), which caused a rift in the space-time-continuum that led to the titanic showing up indiscriminately all over the world’s oceans and sea in various states of sinking.
this caused a lot of issues both in terms of fixing said space-time-continuum and in terms of nautical navigation, and after a long and heavy battle in the international maritime organization it was decided that the bureaucratic burden of dealing with this was to be upon Ireland, much to their dismay. the Irish Government then released an app for all sailors and seafarers so they could report titanic sightings during their journeys, even though they heavily dissuaded you from reporting them given the paperwork it caused.
anyway i woke up with a clear image of the app in my head and needed to recreate it for all of you:
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