#grateful in advance
Why It's So Easy to Keep a Bad Habit
Theo Von Clips
Excerpt from This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von 477 | Tony Robbins
Full Episode: • Tony Robbins | This Pa...
[Chemistry for transformation: …4th piece, hitting a threshold. An insight…it’s not my family it’s not my partner, it’s not my job. It is me. Making a distinction. And that creates an opening. There is a chance to change life in that moment. I HAVE TO JUMP INTO THAT OPENING. I WILL JUMP THROUGH THIS OPENING. There are only a few moments. If I don’t do anything, God Forbid, with this insight it will close and I will have to start all over again, again. I WILL JUMP THROUGH THIS OPENING. I AM NOT REPEATING THIS EVER AGAIN. NO MORE. NO. ]
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cosmicdreamgrl · 5 months
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pretty in pink 🩷 for @cordiallyfuturedwight [ cr: 0613data, namuspromised ]
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heartorbit · 11 months
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i would advise against sneaking a bunch of silly billies into your castle
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canisalbus · 8 months
Hello! I hope I won't sour your mood with this ask but I have been thinking a lot about your gay dogs this month especially.
I'll just try to keep the context short but in general I'm someone that has accepted being romantically undesireable. It was hard but in the end I have built my life just around me, my humble family and at this point in time I don't even think I have the time for a partner. And considering that it's the love month and a lot of people are preparing to celebrate it with their SOs I assumed that, actually, this is a thing that I sort of have in common with Machete.
From the miscellaneous lore on your profile I see Machete as someone that also has kind of rejected love. That also has built his life around his job, possibly hobbies, his family or mentors (depending if we're talking about canon or modern au). Who kind of forgot that relationships are a thing and that people bond with others in that way. Well, at least he did until meeting Vasco.
I just love thinking about their awkward beginnings. Machete being 100% sure that Vasco is just joking, maybe even sometimes teasing him (in a friendly banter type way) or just explaining to himself that all that kindness and interest is just him being a very considerate friend. And then we have Vasco that just tries to be subtle, as if he was trying to pass a fawn without it noticing and running away, but also with time gains confidence and tries more risque moves. Vasco being all smug and Machete being flustered when their hands or shoulders or tails brush in passing. And then when both are sure of their feelings we have Machete who has to choose between God and his love. Who, at first, unwillingly accepts that divine wrath will be worth their brief love.
I just love your boys. I swear they are all the love supply one might possibly need
Thank you for such a long and thoughtful message! I don't know why you thought you might accidentally sour my mood, I'm utterly delighted whenever I hear that someone has been pondering my little guys (rotating them in their head, as they say), and when they go through the trouble of sharing their findings and conclusions I'm so happy I could crawl up a wall.
I think you deciphered Machete's inner workings very well, especially those of the original canon version. The concept of love is of course prominent in Christianity, so even as a kid being raised in a religious environment that discouraged overt displays of affection and close personal bonds, Machete wasn't completely alienated from it. But it has always been a nebulous, unperceivable and unattainable thing for him. When he was old enough to lock down his career choice he readily accepted he'd never have romantic relationships, spouse or a family, and I think he must've been too young and socially inexperienced to think of it as a significant loss. Either he consciously blocked out the need for companionship by studying and working like his life depended on it, or he didn't really consider that being genuinely befriended, appreciated and loved as a person instead of a respectable and competent authority figure was even an option for him, at least not until Vasco came along.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Damn, what if KITR was one of Angel V1's creations, thats why she's so blocky and sharp!
v1's greatest creation!!! she can play with the drone!!!
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phuiscribbles · 11 months
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life in Finland 💙🍃 P.S. Being the only Malaysian representative here like:
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mildmayfoxe · 5 months
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being good and starting my group project mom birthday book today
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kathairoette · 1 year
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I was inspired by all the people on ygo twt drawing bunny ears!
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nitewrighter · 1 year
if it makes you feel better, that body language book is complete nonsense and you should ignore everything it says. it's all pseudo-science pushed on insecure women. literally burn it to heat your home, at least then it'll have some use.
She actually talks a lot about the inherent sexism and racism in a lot of body language interpretation and verbal cuing and how women and people of color are judged a lot more unfairly in professional environments, and throws in loads of caveats about cultural and personal contexts. It’s not like one of those TikTok channels or the TV show “Lie To Me” it’s more like, “So. You Don’t Know What To Do With Your Hands During Presentations And Job Interviews. Here’s What we observed by interviewing a bunch of employers, conducting a bunch of mock interviews, and reviewing a bunch of TED talk footage and other effective public speakers.” It's not like "X number of blinks mean you're lying." It’s really a bunch of basic, common sense stuff like “actually face people when you talk to them” and “add notes telling yourself to breathe at certain points in your presentation if you tend to get nervous and rush.” And there’s a lot of emphasis on doing what feels comfortable and natural to you. My wish is that she’d talk about the ableism in employers and body language as well, more. I mean obviously we do need to be critical in any behavioral studies but like, people do conduct behavioral studies.
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mrspockify · 10 months
I don’t really care for thanksgiving so I’m not gonna post much about it but I am gonna take a moment today to warn all of you that I am extremely annoying about Christmas. I will tag the posts accordingly so if you don’t like Christmas you can blacklist. But. Please be warned. I fucking love Christmas.
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einsteinbrosofficial · 4 months
What kind of accident happened that ended with a TNR and a rabies hold? Like I need to know about all of this
@sleepywinchesters Disclaimer do as I say not as I do. This is a story of hubris.
Cat professionals don’t judge me I know where I went wrong I just thought I was built different
Our TNR program only has one dropoff day a week & you have to make your appointment with # of cats ahead of time.
I have two traps so I’m aiming for 2, I’ve trapped for this colony before and it usually took multiple tries to get the right cats! Like I’d have to free at least 2 fixed cats for every unfixed one I caught.
I tell you this so my decision making doesn’t sound as stupid lol.
I was prepared to stake out these cats for hours at a time every night until my drop off appointment. So I start trapping like. 5 days early.
I also set up a big dog cage with some essentials in case I got any of them TOO early, which other cat people will see as red flag # 1 but I SWEAR makes sense with how much work I put into socializing these cats and I would not have pulled that move if I hadn’t been working with this cat colony since 2018.
Ok my dumb decisions have been detailed.
So anyway I literally set myself up with stakeout snacks and everything and I catch two cats within 10 minutes of trapping.
One of the cats I trapped is Charlie Chaplin. I’ve been feeding him about 4 years and he has a mustache and like a week before this he let me get within two feet of him without running.
I go to transfer Charlie to the dog crate (at my home where he’ll be chilling on the patio) and when I go to close the gate door behind him it got STUCK.
Charlie is terrified and he BOLTS and does an actually very beautiful leap DIRECTLY INTO THE POOL.
As I have since found out he’s largely blind in one eye! Which explains a lot of this! So he is now experiencing a pool for the first time in his life completely by accident.
I panic and start throwing all of my electronics off my person so I can jump in. He figures out swimming, escapes the pool, and then scales 10 feet of patio screen and starts trying to spider-man upside down across the roof.
Charlie then jumps down and proceeds to jump directly into the pool AGAIN! I jump after him because his head kept dipping underwater the first time (bc he has presumably never swam in his life before this) and I’m worried. I did not put on my wildlife handling gloves before this, which is another goof. I scoop under his tummy and I’m trying to carry him to the edge of the pool while keeping his head above water.
Anyway to Charlie this is actually even worse because he doesn’t know I’m trying to remove him from the pool, he bites the absolute SHIT out of my arm (valid), I get him to the edge of the pool and let go bc fucking ow, he JUMPS BACK IN THE POOL.
At this point my bonus sister tosses me a towel to grab him with and I manage to catch him safely and deposit him in the crate. Then I had a half hour long panic attack abt whether I had to euth him over me being stupid but I didn’t lol
If you’re unfamiliar with the protocol for potential rabies exposure, the literal only way to test for rabies is to euthanize the animal and biopsy their brains. There’s no way to test an animal while keeping it alive. A lot of the time if you’re able to you need to try and capture the animal that bit you and hand it over to whatever doctor you go to so they can send it for testing. Like. Secured though. Or already dead. Don’t give your doctor a loose potentially rabid animal.
HOWEVER, if the animal is a cat or dog specifically and is not otherwise showing obvious symptoms you have the option to isolate and observe them for 10 days. There’s research showing that dogs & cats who are far enough into the disease to transmit it (apparently they can’t transmit it during the incubation period, yay) will either show symptoms or die within 10 days. ONLY applicable to dogs and cats. If they show symptoms (or die) you send them to be tested, according to the county rabies coordinator I called about this.
I did not in fact have to get a rabies shot because we have already gotten past day 10 of his observation period and he’s chillin.
Also the other cat I caught early did fine, already got spayed and vaxxed and released. I just saw her earlier today when I went to check on the colony and she ran away as soon as she saw me lmao.
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sskk-manifesto · 5 months
#Wow. Okay ♡#I love this episode. The animation is flawless. The drawings quality is out of the world for real.#I love this episode so much I'm so grateful so much care and dedication went to this sskk centered episode.#(Refraining to talk about what 5x03 could have been)#Sorry for repeating myself but seriously the illustrations this episode are so so pretty.#I rarely appreciate how Akutagawa is drawn in the anime but when it comes with this episode I really like how he looks too.#And Atsushi that I already like a lot in the anime on average‚ this episode is just fabulous. Handsome even.#Seriously I don't know who the animators are but I want to kiss them. This art style is one I dare say I like even more than Dead Apple–#that although is obviously more detailed is just... In comparison too rough for my personal taste?#The art style for this episode is very delicate and soft and I love it tons#And the directing is just great. No weird pacing or awkward ost choice. It's neat.#The reiterated placing ss/kk on opposite sides is neat. The lightening is likeable and especially the purple scene is super pretty.#The “don't compare me to him” scene is neat. The ss/kk final scene is AMAZING. It's gorgeous and stunning and awestriking and every other–#epitome in the world. It's like the only scene I believe turned out better in the anime that it is in the manga which is saying SO MUCH.#But it's really that good!!!!! My favourite anime ss/kk scene ever.#Aaaaaahhh please let me talk about it forever it's sooo pretty and especially poignant...#The heaven-like soft yellow light and how it contrasts with the bleak stormy background. But especially their softening features...#Man that scene. okay. Akutagawa's quiet surprise!!!! That scene is. Idk. Unfortunately chapter 88 exists–#but it's nearly the most romantic thing ever.#I'll leave it at this. It's not like the bsd animation suddenly became a masterpiece and this is still an episode–#I would say I like less than my least liked k/l/k episode (Trigger animation my beloved). But in comparison with the rest of the anime–#It's really bsd anime at its peak#random rambles#Aah peoples btw I'm probably going to spam ss/kk‚‚‚‚ a lot today. Apologies in advance unfollow me now etc. etc.
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b-blushes · 6 months
i'm never not aware of my mobility/energy issues hahaha but i am especially MORE aware when i go places with my parents and don't have to think about energy for travel (making sure i am really really conserving my mental and physical energy so i can safely get myself home) and it's like WOW i can EXPLORE and see things!!! i deleted a whole chunk here because i don't remember what the point of this was :P I guess that I already appreciate going out and spending time with my parents (we had this morning in our calenders for like a month so i could budget my energy around it for weeks to make sure i'd be up for it), and one aspect that i love is that when they drive and we go places i can for once somewhat switch off the part of me that has to be constantly worrying about what i'm doing so as to ensure that i'm not getting too dangerously exhausted to leave me stranded somewhere alone, and consequently can kind of experience 'freedom' of movement or carelessness? just enjoying a moment!!! i always have to be careful because when i overdo it i'm wrecked and then it's just me being extra ill having to handle it all, but for like an hour when we do things like this, i can be a bit LESS careful bc i know i don't have to count on myself to get home and i love love love that feeling (:
wild how you can take the most mundane for granted things like that before you get sick/disabled. i already did a lot of active and exciting and adventurous things before the physical disability stuff really kicked in so i don't feel like i have regrets of not 'making the most of it' then but it's like WOW the contrast! i didn't think about rationing my steps of energy that much i could just MOVE. and i was talking to my mum about my bag being so full and she was saying how she doesn't even carry a bag some places, and i realised it was like 'oh yeah because if i'm out somewhere and i'm missing something, i can't count on being able to go to another location and get that thing without running out of energy. so i feel like i have to carry everything i need because i can't 'just' pop to a shop if i need to. i'm going to a place to do a specific thing and it's rationed and planned for exactly that.' Sometimes maybe i can push it! But when I'm alone i avoid that as much as possible because i don't know if i'll get caught out and i need to be lucid enough to like. drive home. So i'm always going places and participating minimally so I can count on being safe to get myself back! Very different experience hanging out with my parents today where i can just be free and silly and 'push it' because the worry of being stranded was lifted from my shoulders!
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nostalgia-tblr · 6 months
the marvel how-can-i-shoehorn-more-stuff-about-medieval-queens-into-this-fanfiction universe
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an-eldritch-being · 7 months
Fan fiction people i need your help. !!!
I started a Zosan fanfic directly in the middle of it because i had an idea that i wanted to write, butttt..... I want to make a jump in the past, it would be comparable to the begining of berserk, the begining is in the future but quickly enough we jump in the past. My request is HOW DO I WRITE THIS WITHOUT SOMETHING THAT GO LIKE "One week earlier" or "Before this happened".
I'm concidering to just continue like nothing happened and the readers will figure it out by themself but i'm scared of confusing them..
Anyway if you have any idea i would be grateful to know about them :D
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