#gravity falls cafe au
fandommadnessthings · 2 months
In an alternate universe somewhere, Demonic Guardians is an anime which follows the story of our human protagonists and there demonic guardians in there every day life
Mysteries and secrets scatter around there lives and now they'll try too uncover all of it in wacky slice of life adventures with a dash of fantasy like shojo throw into the mix
Something like a combination of Kigurumi guardians, shadow house, Shugo chara, Soul eater and The ancient magus bride
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highvern · 7 months
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Burnt Coffee
Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x gn! Reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: Running a cafe hadn’t been as glamorous as you initially believed. You loved your job; the cozy aroma of the different roasts, the hum of the espresso machine, the foam art you tediously practiced until a cute bear face stared back from the surface of a cappuccino. But any new shop comes with quirks, like the fire alarm that goes off almost every morning. Luckily, the fire station is just across the street and you unknowingly have one of the fireman wrapped around your finger.
Warnings: coffee shop owner reader, firefighter Hoshi, pockets of angst, crying, lots of mentions of food and coffee, firefighter jihoon and his baker gf, crying, kissing
Length: ~4.6k
Note: second valentine's fic! surprise! written for the Cupid For You Fic Exchange hosted by @svthub. Happy Valentine's @idyllic-ghost / @bee-buzzez !!! i hope its the cafe au of your dreams
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This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked!
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“I’ve got an iced dirty chai with oat milk at the end of the bar!”
A sour-faced woman scoffs, “That isn’t what I ordered.”
“Well, is your name Samantha?” 
“Then it isn’t your order.” 
The exchange between Seungkwan and the woman rings familiar. Sundays bring out the best in everyone it seems. But you're too busy handling the never ending line of drink tickets to scold him for poor customer service. Focusing on the machine, you pull shot after shot; inadvertently covering yourself in errant splashes of milk and coffee. The rush of the morning is still going strong but you hone into the rhythm and let your mind fall away from anything beyond the cups resting atop the counter next to you.
But as always, the steam from the milk frother continues to heat the space above; right where the over sensitive fire alarm was installed.
The shrill blaring freezes everyone in place. A few children scream in shock, making the vein on your temple throb. Your ears ring with each pulse as your head falls into your hands.
Every single morning since you opened Fika two months ago the alarm went off without fail.
And then he would show up like clockwork.
The bell attached to the wooden door chimes as Soonyoung breaks through the threshold of the cafe. Grimaced faces greet him. The shrill fire alarm with flash lights blares into the industrial space, bouncing off the walls to echo inanely. 
“Earlier than usual.” Soonyoung chirps as he saunters past the line, easily rounding the bar to access the screeching piece of junk inconveniently placed above the espresso machine.
You step out of the way, face flat and mouth tense. “Busy day.” You explain.
The alarm cuts off as swift as it started, Soonyoung stepping back to smile down at you.
“I can hang around in case. Seems like that line isn’t going anywhere.”
“Yeah, sure. Do you want something to drink?” You offer stepping back to the line of cups littering the metal counter.
“Ooo, buying me drinks already? Aren’t you presumptuous?”
The wiggle of his eyebrows is meant to be suggestive but they only make him look like he ate a mouthful of sour candy.
“Nevermind.” You huff, stepping around the man as you grab the next cup in line and start working. “Go save a cat in a tree or something.”
Sensing your waning mood, Soonyoung cuts the act. “I’ll just have my regular.”
“You know where the cups are.”
A full cup of brewed coffee joins him on the opposite side of the counter. Soonyoung plants himself in his usual chair, chin resting on his curled fist as he watches you work your magic.
On slow days he’ll chat your ear off until the fire station calls him back. But on days like today, he’s content to in silence; obsessed with the sureness of your hands, the strong pout of your lips, and the way everything seems pulled into your gravity.
Maybe he has a crush on you.
Scratch that; Soonyoung definitely has a crush on you.
And everyone knows. His supervisor, Jihoon, knows. It’s why Soonyoung is always the one to come and fix the faulty alarm in the shop. His best friend, Seokmin, knows. It’s why Seokmin and his fiancee constantly batter him with texts about when he’ll ask you on a date. If someone went to space and looked down they could see how much he likes you without even trying.
You hit a lull and Soonyoung takes his chance. “Got any special plans this week?”
“We’re doing themed baked goods on Wednesday.” You call over your shoulder.
It’s not what Soonyoung was asking about but he takes it in stride.
Your employees also know about the fireman’s feelings. It’s why Seungkwan throws a pitying look his way along with a deformed muffin. Subtle rejection tastes like blueberries and brown sugar.
“Will you save me one?” Soonyoung asks.
“Is free coffee not enough?”
“Who said I wouldn’t pay for it?”
You never let Soonyoung pay for anything at the cafe. Despite how much he enjoys free food, it always makes him feel a bit guilty. It’s why you think he only drinks black coffee with a lethal amount of sugar when in reality he’d take some fancy espresso drink any day. 
You laugh as you continue to work through the next batch of orders. “We’ll see if there are any left.”
“I’m a civil servant!”
“Serve in silence please!” Seungkwan barks, earning a few chuckles from the other customers sitting at the bar.
The back and forth continues and eventually the line dwindles to nothing as the morning lulls on. Soonyoung downs two more cups and manages to haggle Seungkwan for an overly toasted slice of banana bread with a singed corner he planned to throw out anyway.
The entire time Soonyoung watches you. Even covered in splashes of milk and coffee stains, he’s still enamored with you as you lean over the bar and jot notes in the ever expanding list of repairs and updates the shop needs.
And just when Soonyoung opens his mouth to say something, anything, the shrill beep of his phone cuts him off.
“Damn, I gotta head back.” He curses. “Just call if you need me again, okay?”
“Will do.” 
You don’t even look up as he walks towards the door.
“Satan is one the phone for you.”
“Please be less specific.” You beg Seungkwan, grabbing the receiver still on hold.
“Bakery lady.”
Steeling yourself, you unmute the phone and bring it to your ear.
“I was reviewing orders for Valentine’s. You're only doing the usual? I thought we talked about special items. I already bought the ingredients so if you changed your mind it’s putting me out of money.”
“No, we need at least two dozen of the cupcakes and two dozen of the cookies on top of our usual order.”
“That’s not what the order form says!” The old crone hawks through the line.
You ask her for a moment while pulling out your laptop and settling into a seat far away from the clusters of customers still strung throughout the cafe.
Wiping your face, you stare at the illuminated screen of your computer with the order form pulled up. “I have the form on my screen right now and it clearly says—”
“I don’t care what you’re looking at, it’s not what I have on my end!”
“Are you sure you’re looking at the form for Fika on Second street?”
“I’m telling you I’m—oh.”
The deflation in her tone pulls a smirk across your lips. “Hm?”
“Alright so two dozen red velvet cupcakes and two dozen heart sugar cookies?”
“Alright, I’ll have it on Wednesday.”
The table shakes with the impact of your forehead. The clatter of your mug draws attention from the few customers around but none pay much attention.
“Everything okay?” A voice asks from above.
“Great. Wonderful.” You say into the wood.
“Good. Because the espresso machine is broken…again.”
You rise from your seat, face indecipherable as you walk past the counter, through the back storage area and into the alley behind the building. 
Several seconds pass before you release a guttural scream. It's gritty, ripping apart your throat as all bubbling exhaustion breaches your lips. The noise echos between the brick walls before escaping to the sky above. Several pigeons flee to the rooftops for safety while mice and other vermin scuffle along the walls in terror.
Seungkwan watches from the door, eyes wide as you continue to belt for the trash bags and city rats witnessing your meltdown. 
Your voice fizzles as you run out of air. Closing your eyes, you take two deep breaths. Inhaling the scent of stale storm water and whatever else perfumes the back alley until the stretch of your lungs burns from the inside out.
And then you turn and walk back inside as if the entire thing never happened.
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The block is only illuminated by streetlights at this hour. Not even the earliest of early birds litter the narrow sidewalk as you push into the empty cafe and begin prepping for the Monday morning rush. The smell of fresh coffee fills the air, the whir of the grinder harmonizing with the jazz playlist curling down from the speakers. 
The calm before the storm.
Slowly the first shift employees trickle in just before opening; relieving you to commandeer the office slash storage room in the back, intent on knocking out the mountain of paperwork and following up with the repair man about the alarm he said he would be back to fix last week. But first, the phone blinking with unread messages.
“This is Megan. We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warr—”
Message deleted.
The next message is a young man reporting his credit card missing and visiting your shop. You call and let his voicemail know no one has seen anything but you hope he figures it out.
“Hi Y/N. This is Cheryl with Harmony Bakers. Just wanted to let you know I won’t be able to get that special order for Valentine’s Day. Or your regular order for tomorrow. We’ve decided to close up shop. Sorry about the inconvenience.”
The words don’t hit at first. But your brain slowly catches up to what Cheryl is saying. Canceling. She’s canceling two days before Valentine’s.
Your attempts to return her call fall flat. Six tries and all ring once before dropping into an automated message reporting her voicemail is full, no doubt from the other shops she’s also shafted with the impulsive decision. 
No holiday treats. No regular food items. No back up. No plan B. 
Failure, failure, failu—
The pad of paper littered with notes sails into the not so far wall only to slap against the plaster and slip to the ground. 
You can only focus on one problem at a time. Or at least the problem whose solution won’t send you to jail. And that means heading to the front where the day is starting to pick up.
The boys have things under control but the line is lengthening and you’re a great way to relieve the pressure. Immediately an invisible song pulls you into the rhythm of their work; drinks and food hit the end of the bar almost as fast as the orders came in.
Soonyoung comes in and waits at the counter as usual. The alarm seems to be granting mercy given the horrible state of affairs from this morning.
The customers not so much.
“God, how stupid are you that you messed up a simple order? It’s a fucking americano and you made it taste like ass.” 
The man standing at the end of the bar, hands flat on the counter in an attempt to physically dominate the space, always complains. His iced drinks are too cold, his hot drinks are too hot, the weather is bad, taxes are too high, the list continues on and on. And somehow it's always your fault. 
Usually its little barbs under his breath but today he’s out for blood and you’ve already had enough.
Your teeth grit together so hard it feels like the forced smile plastered on your face might crack them into dusk. “Like I said, I can remake it for you if you’d lik—” 
“Why would I want you to remake it? You clearly have no idea what you’re doing. Get someone else.”
“I got it.” Seungcheol steps forward. 
The older man gives him an apprehensive look. Seungcheol is harmless but he knows how to be scary when he wants to be.
“I’m gonna go…restock something…” you warble, all but sprinting to the back.
Plastic sleeves of cups and boxes of straws bear witness to your breakdown. The six am tantrum clouds in and your carefully built dam of control explodes. Hot tears streak your cheeks, dripping off the jut of your chin with every gasping breath from the knot in your throat tangling tighter and tighter. All you can hear are ugly gasping breaths as you rock back and forth in the dark. 
The sliver of light spilling in from the cracked door doesn’t register given the way your face is buried in your hands. Soonyoung has half a mind to pretend he never entered the cramped space. He’s never seen you so… small.
A shrill squeak of the hinge alert you to the new presence. Bloodshot eyes find his wide ones and you swipe at your face to hide the evidence of your distress. You go to speak but barely manage a croak before the tears come again.
“Shit,” Soonyoung whispers. “It’s okay, it’s alright.”
The warmth of his chest makes you cry harder, tears spilling onto his neck as you hide from the world. He smooths the flat of his palm across your back.
It's anyone’s guess how long you stay there. Soonyoung’s cheek rests on the top of your head, arms firm around your shoulders. The faint smell of smoke tickles your nose. Smoke and pine from his cologne. It tethers your mind, lulling the frantic breakdown and giving you something to focus on other than how horrible the day has become in the span of a few hours.
No baked goods. Horrible customers. And now you’re being held by the handsome fighter from next door with snot dripping from your nose.
Soonyoung hesitates when you shift in his hold, arms tightening for a second in case another bout of tears crops up. But you pull far enough away to send an embarrassed grimace his way before looking anywhere else.
“Sorry.” You say, turning to snatch napkins from the shelf next to you.
His hand continues to rub your shoulders as you dab your eyes and blow your nose. 
“It’s okay. That guy was a jerk.”
“I don’t care what he said.” 
Soonyoung stares in disbelief, waiting for you to continue. 
“My baker canceled on me, and the espresso machine is held together with duct tape, and there's a million other things going wrong, not to mention the fire alarm. And I just…”
Squeezing your eyes tight to prevent the moisture swelling in the corners proves unhelpful. To Soonyoung’s credit he stays silent, allowing you all the time you need to get your thoughts in order. But the hand on your back continuing to trace abstract shapes between your shoulder blades lets you know he’s there when you’re ready.
“It’s just been a rough week.” You say to the floor.
The admission lifts the ten pound weight off your chest. Soonyoung isn’t an employee you need to guarantee everything is okay to or a customer requiring a mask. He’s a…friend? It feels generous but if he was anything less you doubt he’d be where he is now.
“Is there any way I can help?”
You blow your nose into the tissue before laughing wetly. “I don’t suppose you have a magic wand, do you?”
“Just broke mine actually.” He winces sarcastically.
What’s another thing on your never ending to-do list? Along with the desperate need to buy more supplies for tomorrow, how difficult can it be to conjure artisan baked goods out of thin air?
“Actually,” Soonyoung perks. “Jihoon’s girlfriend works at a bakery. Pete’s? No, wait. Penny’s?”
“That’s the one! Maybe I can ask her if she can help?”
“Good luck.” You snort. “They couldn’t even fit me into their normal rotation.”
“We won’t know until we ask!” He chips, thrilled he can help.
Soonyoung jumps up, a cruel chill invading the space he once occupied. Like the sun moving behind a cloud and leaving you at the mercy of a cool breeze; there and gone before you can delve into what it means.
You hand him the order form you usually give your baker to relay to Jihoon’s girlfriend. While he steps out to ask for a miracle you focus on tallying how many cups, napkins, lids, and other miscellaneous items you need from the supply store across town. A few lone tears appear, falling without much preamble but the worst is out and stained on Soonyoung’s shoulder. You’ll get through it. With Soonyoung’s help you’ll get past everything, even if his efforts fall flat.
Seungcheol and Seungkwan confirm they’ve got things under control as you take your leave. Soonyoung is just visible in the dissipating morning fog hanging in the street. He paces the sidewalk, speaking into his phone animatedly before spotting you trying to sneak past him to your car.
“Thank you! You’re the best!” He cheers before hanging up and pocketing his phone.
“They’ll do it! One of the other shops dropped out last minute and they have a lot of extras. Maybe not all the usual stuff but Rita said she can pull together most of the stuff on the form.”
Body frozen, you stare at Soonyoung with an open mouth and eyes wide. There’s no way he solved half your workload with one phone call.
“She also said they can try and work you into their usual orders. If that’s something you’re interested in…” Soonyoung trails off, glancing at you nervously. 
In a blink your back in his arms, squeezing him so hard your arms hurt.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” You chant into his chest.
“Of course.”
Stepping back, you blush at your own impulsiveness. 
“Um, well…” you fumble, clearing your throat you get back to the task at hand. “I need to run to the store so I’ll see you later.”
“I can come!” 
“No! I mean, you’ve already helped so much. I’d feel bad dragging you along.”
“Don’t worry about me, I'm just trying to make sure you don’t start crying again and cause an accident.”
“Okay, rude.”
Soonyoung ignores you, already strutting down the street.
“Your cars this way, right?”
“Listen, I wanna come with you. I have nothing else to do today.”
“Cool,” You laugh, continuing the opposite direction Soonyoung headed.  “but my car is still this way.”
The drive is pleasant. You learn more about Soonyoung in the thirty minutes it takes to get across town than you’ve learned in the weeks he’s been coming to the cafe. He has an older sister, he likes to volunteer at the youth center down the street in his time off, and he cannot work a computer if his life depends on it. You also learn more about his coworker turned best friend who also happens to be the boyfriend of your new god.
“Yeah Jihoon and I started the same day. He comes off kinda cold but it's all an act.”
“Oh, really?” You laugh, pulling into a cramped parking spot.
“One hundred percent. You should see him with Rita. I never saw him blush that much until they started dating.”
“How’d they meet?”
“Funny story.” Soonyoung shares, climbing out of the passenger seat. “So the bakery she worked at before had a fire. No one was hurt and they put it out before we even got there! But we went to make sure everything was clear. Well, Rita was there and I swear it was love at first sight for him.”
“That’s sweet.”
You both make your way inside the sliding doors; Soonyoung pushing a flat cart behind you through the aisles. 
“He’s definitely mellowed out since he met her. Doesn’t work as much, thank god.”
“What about your girlfriend? Do you guys have the same Hallmark meet cute?”
“Oh! I don’t have a girlfriend.” Soonyoung mumbles, ears turning scarlett.
Your face heats as well. Whatever force compelled you to ask such a prying question revels in satisfaction to hear Soonyoung is in fact single. A tidbit of information you’ve never wondered about before.
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“Sorry I couldn’t get you anything for today.” Rita says as she helps unpack everything onto the counter.
The cafe is scarce of customers, far past closing time but Rita said they’d be too busy delivering to their other customers in the morning to spare a trip to you. What's another Tuesday at the shop? It isn't like you have time for much of a social life given the million things you need to do.
“Really don’t worry about it. You're saving my life by getting me this stuff for tomorrow.”
“Well Soonyoung made a bargain I couldn’t refuse.”
You pause for a moment. Soonyoung didn't mention anything beyond the payment Rita quoted and later sent via email. Did he promise something from the shop on your behalf?
Swallowing the budding annoyance, you continue to work like nothing is wrong. “Oh?”
“I mean an entire month of covering Jihoon’s shifts? What kind of person passes that up?”
Soonyoung offered to sacrifice all his free time to help you. Soonyoung who you barely know beyond the fact that he pretends to like black coffee. The man chews with his mouth open. Soonyoung who let you ruin his sweater with tears and snot from a horrible day.
“You didn’t know?” Rita asks, face full of mirth.
“Ugh, no,” you cough. “He didn’t tell me that.”
“I was shocked when he offered. He wouldn’t do that for just anyone.”
But he did it for you.
You find Rita smiling like she knows some big secret. If you had to guess, it's probably the same thing you're realizing now.
“Soonyoung’s a great guy.”
Words fail you because you know Soonyoung is a great guy. He held you when you cried, he comes in everyday without fail to turn off the alarm, and he just sacrificed a month of his life because it would help you.
Once you and Rita unpack the remaining cookies and cakes, she takes her leave but not before dropping another wink when she spots Soonyoung approaching from the direction of the fire house.
“Rita.” he greets at the door, holding it open for her exit.
And she’s gone without another word.
“How’s it going?” Soonyoung asks, rounding the counter to join you.
“Great!” You blurt with too much enthusiasm. “Rita ended up making everything we needed.”
A second set of hands assists in packing the glass display case in preparation for tomorrow's chaos. Soonyoung listens well. Patient to a T as you direct him to tweak things just so from the opposite side of the bar.
“Thank you for all your help this week. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here to help.”
He continues to unpack the few remaining goods beneath the counter as he responds. “It’s not a big deal. What are friends for?”
“Hmm and you agree to cover all of Jihoon’s shifts for your friends?”
Leaning back against the opposite counter, you watch Soonyoung’s shoulder tense and his ears erupt into bright red. He’s so still he doesn’t even seem to be breathing at the shock of being caught. Each passing second heightens the smirk curling your lips. 
“Oh, you heard about that?” He asks into the counter.
You saddle up beside him, dropping your head until his eyes meet your own. Each inch of space you claim next to him sends him away like an opposing magnet; until your sandwich between him and the hardwood.
“Yeah, I heard.”
Soonyoung backs away nervously but not before you catch the way his eyes cut to your mouth. Who knew all it took is a smile and batting your eyelashes to make chatty Soonyoung clam up? The shyness bubbling on the edge of your conscious fizzles with the new knowledge; instead, curiosity takes its place. How much more can you make him blush? What would he do if you grabbed his hand? Or if you took a chance and kissed him?
“Do you have a crush on me?” You smile around each word.
He opens his mouth to argue but it's moot with the way you gaze at him, eyes shining with mirth.  Like you're laughing at some shared joke. Soonyoung will tell you whatever truths you want to hear if it means you’ll keep looking at him like that.
“Yeah.” Soonyoung whispers so quietly you almost don’t hear him.
You step into his space with finality, chests brushing with each breath. 
The edge of your teeth pinning your lip down is the only thing preventing a smile from ripping across your face as you answer. “Because I have a crush on you too.”
“Oh…” He nods, head dropping dejectedly and then it hits him and whips back up so fast his eyeballs rattle. “OH. You do?”
He watches you nod, slowly angling himself to connect your lips. When Soonyoung realizes you aren’t going to push him away, evident by the hand fisted in his sweater, he goes for it.
The curve of your lip, the breathy sigh you release into his mouth, the way you seem to go boneless with each pass are all committed to his memory. Soonyoung reminds himself to be good. That this is the first time he’s kissing you and he should be a gentleman; gentle, chaste, respectful. 
And he would succeed but you’re acting like you have no interest in any of those things. You whisper another heavenly sigh into his mouth, trailing a hand in the short strands of hair at the base of his skull forcing Soonyoung to focus on batting away the demons at the edge of his mind rather than giving into temptation.
But when you tug to angle his head better the delicious sting drowns Soonyoung so quickly he has you pinned to the counter before he realizes what's happening.
Sometime later, when your lips are swollen and the floor sways beneath you from the flood of giddiness coursing through your veins, you and Soonyoung part. The crisp air of the late night tries in vain to nip at your face but you’re too distracted by the calluses on the side of Soonyoung’s thumb and the way they rasp against your knuckles as he walks you to your car.
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The cafe is in full swing by the time Soonyoung comes in Wednesday morning. 
All morning he paced across the cramped common room of the fire station. Sure you let him kiss you but what did it all mean? He knows you like him but did you like like him or just like him? Should he have asked you on a date? Would that be too forward? Did he mess things up by not immediately asking you out despite the fact he was so love drunk he ran into a pole after watching you drive off?
He fights the idea of running across the street and demanding answers. You’re definitely too busy to spare a second and tame the butterflies in his stomach. And how pathetic would he look if he asked you to explicitly dictate how you feel so no wires end up cross? And on Valentine’s day no less?
Luckily, he’s saved by the bell. Or rather the fire alarm.
He watches you work like a tornado, pausing only to smile at him the same way you did last night when he did not so safe for work things against the very counter lined with coffee cups and steaming mugs. Flashes of memory heat across his face.
You thank him with his usual coffee and one of the cupcakes you set aside just for him. Except this time his paper cup is scribbled with a heart and something else.
Be my Valentine? _Yes _ Also Yes _ YES BUT LOUD
At some point he should tell you about the sensitivity setting on the alarm and how all you need to do is nudge the tiny lever to the right if you don't want it going off every time the steam builds up. But the way you beam at him when he steals the sharpie from behind your ear and checks all three boxes on the cup makes Soonyoung decide it’s a secret he’ll keep for now.
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@cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @tomodachiii @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @gyuguys @primoppang @mine-gyu @doremifasire @missminhoe
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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starlightscarsyt · 4 months
Talent Swap AUs
•1st Solo DRDT Talent Swap AU
•DRDT Talent Swap AU Collab With My Friend Bella
•DRDT x SDRA2 Talent Swap AU
•DRDT x Goodbye Despair Talent Swap AU
•2nd Solo DRDT Talent Swap AU
Media AUs
•DRDT x Gravity Falls AU
•DRDT x Little Nightmares AU
•DRDT x Resident Evil Village/Shadows of Rose DLC AU
•DRDT 'A Christmas Carol' AU
•DRDT x Ace Attorney AU
•Danganronpa Another: Ultra Despair Time AU
General AUs
•DRDT Kingdom AU
•DRDT Fairy AU
•DRDT Mafia AU
•DRDT Fantasy AU
•DRDT Pirate AU
•DRDT Next Gen AU
•Siblings of DRDT AU
•DRDT Upside Down AU
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*The first two have different plot concepts but both have one party being sent to the other's dimension. They are also organised via who crashes into whose dimension from the left.
*Option 1 has more interdimensional travel and action while Option 2 fits more as a spin off episode pair in Gravity Falls with mystery and supernatural stuff.
*Note: Only Option 1 has Human <--> Feline species conversion.
Option 3 has the Epithet Erased characters as within the Prohibition AU from @ramblings-from-the-ether (shoutout to friends across the river). They are another gang setting up shop literally across the street from the Little Daisy Cafe. To know more, head to the Intro Post or visit #Epithet Erased Prohibition AU, the latter is in the tags.
Still not sure if Option 3 has all characters being Felines or are we having a 2 sapient species world.
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2d-dreams · 20 hours
hello! First of all, I love the fic and love even more when I discovered your Tumblr and get to see all the art! I really like your style btw:D
I have a question regarding the fic and wonder if you ever gonna continue it? Like a fic of them finally meeting after so many year beside the cafe shop one
hi!! thanks!!
Well, technically:
The "saga" that includes The Arts of Being is called "We'll Meet Again" for a reason
the coffee shop AU was going to have a continuation, but i think Memories of a Broken Plane is going to be on hold for a long time
Pollux has a fic called "My Little Hexagon: Geometry is Magic" i believe? where he goes to the MLP universe, which is a continuation - this is also on hiatus (possibly indefinitely)
Geometry is magic is/was supposed to lead into a third fanfic. I think i was planning on calling it "Some Sunny Day" or something similar - this would be dwelling more into Pollux being under service of the Axolotl.. this is not being written yet
The Arts of Being: The Depths of a Bidimensional Existence is a rewrite of the fanfic, which i will be currently focusing on. It technically wont have such blatant gravity falls references but its my main focus - im pretty sure "Some Sunny Day" will be written at some point.
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harmonytre · 11 days
These are in order of how likely I am to draw something for requests! You can check HERE to see what's open!
You can of course ask about fandoms/AUs/Ships that aren’t on here, because it’s likely I’ve missed things or have them on my to-watch/read list!
[Ones I will likely never draw are: Cu1t of the Lamb, V1vzipop, S0uth Park, H0mestuck, and most adult animation] (censored so they don’t show up in search, this isn’t a DNI list, it’s just I personally wouldn’t be comfortable drawing them.)
*: Favorites
(acronym or notes) [fav characters] {ships I can draw}
My Own:
*Pulo (Original) [The Guardian, Banjo] {Sizzle/Kixz, Cypress/Ripple, Frost/Petra}
*Sweet Voice Cafe (HLVRAI AU) [Joshua, Benny] {Boomer}
AbsUrd (Among Us) [Velvet, Quinn] {Orchid/Ruby, Zander/Hazel, Dan/Jasper, Velvet/Colby}
Indulgence (Pokemon AU) [Phanthop] {Jessikyu/Jowlithe}
Flicker-of-a-Neon-Soul (Undertale AU) [Deja] {Deja/Flicker}
Prismtale (Undertale AU) [Sammy] 
Skeleflock (Undertale AU) [Casey]
Savepoint (Undertale AU) [Spark]
Outerpink (Undertale AU) [Messier]
Cozyrune (Deltarune AU) [Hershey]
Taffy and Steven Universe (Steven Universe AU) [Taffy]
Mistbreak (Steven Universe AU) [Pazelle]
(Pretty much just check my Toyhouse!)
Current Favorites:
Pokemon [James, Hop, Leon] {Rocketshipping, Neoshipping, Geekchicshipping}
Team Rocket
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (HLVRAI) [literally all of them but if I had to pick then Bubby] {favs are Boomer and Freelatta, but I’m okay with drawing nearly any pairing!}
Y2KVR and BMFBE by (year2000electronics) [still reading the other series, sorry!]
The One True Streamman by (HeelysonFeelys)
Stuck Together (Dimonds456)
Human Resources Violations (kogo-dogo)
Augmented Reality (egelskop)
Ghost AU, Swap AU, Benrey Fam, CMY Siblings, Aubrey Calhoun, and Infection AU (pistachi0art)
Catmer (mr-web)
Metamorphosis AU (anons-has-hlvrai-aus)
HLVREM (py6oto
Barnrey (alieryn-art)
Simulation Reality (HLVR-SR)
Deep Sea AU (brainthreeze)
Hi-C (transforzen)
Toontown but the AI is Self-Aware (transforzen, green-2-blue)
My Little AI: Science is Magic (thomascoolatta)
(Un)Forgettable (dilfgmancoolatta)
*Mob Psycho 100 (MP100) [Mob, Reigen] {Ekurei, Takemob}
*Esper Kids (Mob, Saiki K, and Anya Forger as friends <3)
Infinity Train [Lake, Alan Dracula, Jesse]
Indigo Park [Rambley]
*Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) [Helpie, Roxie, Oz]
*How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) [Toothless] {Hiccstrid}
*Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir [Alya, Luka] {Love Square, DJWiFi, Myvan, Julerose}
*My Little Pony (MLP, mostly G4) [Fluttershy, Thorax, Discord] {Fluttercord, Cheesepie}
*Trolls [Branch] {Broppy}
Lilo and Stitch
Phineas and Ferb
*Anything by Blackie Sootfur (but especially Demons, Uprooted, and Secret)
*Dino Squad [Buzz]
*Glitch Techs [Miko]
*Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts [Kipo, Wolf]
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Janet, Marco] {Jantom, Starco}
*Steven Universe [Peridot]
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT, specifically 2012 but any works) [Donatello, Mona Lisa] {Apritello}
*The Ghost and Molly McGee [Libby]
*Voltron: Legendary Defender [Pidge, Lance, Hunk] {Plance}
*Wild Kratts [Chris, Aviva]
Angel Hare (TheEastPatch)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Chickn Nuggit
Danny Phantom
Gravity Falls
Murder Drones
Mystery Skulls Animated (MSA)
Natural Habitat Shorts
Pound Puppies
ROT (TheEastPatch)
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (SPoP)
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
The Backrooms
The Dragon Prince
The Owl House (TOH)
Twelve (PetPyves)
*Brand New Animal (BNA) [Mishiru Kagemori]
*Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun [Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu]
A Silent Voice
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Fruits Basket
My Hero Academia (MHA)
Saiki K
Spy x Family
Your Name (Kimi no na Wa)
*Astro Boy (2009) [Astro Boy]
*Big Hero 6 [Hiro]
*Bolt [Bolt]
*Epic [Nod]
*Inside Out [Anger, Joy, Anxiety]
*Megamind [Megamind]
*Nimona [Nimona]
*Rise of the Guardians [Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost]
*Wreck-it-Ralph [Fix-it Felix] {Hero’s Cuties}
*Zootopia [Nick Wilde]
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and 2)
Gnome Alone
Home (Dreamworks)
Horton Hears a Who
Hotel Transylvania
Kung Fu Panda
Lady and the Tramp
Leap! (Ballerina)
Lego Movie (and 2nd)
Mars Needs Moms
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Oliver and Company
Puss in Boots
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ready Player One
Sky High
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Spies in Disguise
The Adventures of TinTin
The Boxtrolls
The Land Before Time
The Lorax
Tinker Bell movies (especially Legend of the Neverbeast)
Treasure Planet
Turning Red
*Among Us
*Content Warning
*Half-Life (currently just HL1) [Snarks, Headcrabs, Barney Calhoun] {Freehoun}
*Lethal Company
*Undertale [Scarf Mouse, Nice Cream Guy, Papyrus] {Alphyne, Soriel, NicePants}
A Hat in Time
At Dead of Night
Detroit: Become Human
Henry Stickmin
Kingdom Hearts
Little Nightmares series
Lost Ember
No Straight Roads
Pico Park
Poppy Playtime
Rhythm Doctor
Riddle School
Kaiju Paradise
Rainbow Friends
Color or Die
Super Smash Bros.
Team Fortress 2 (TF2)
The Bunny Graveyard
Omori (currently playing, NO SPOILERS) [Basil]
Untitled Goose Game
*EL Comics
*Follychromatic [Fauna]
*Magical Boy (TheK40)
*Pipe Up (Salt & Pepper Bunny, Tinysweetbunny, TheTRUEegge)
*Sanity Circus [Attley Grimshaw, Fletch Gray]
*The Skybox (lynxgriffin)
*Urban Animal
A Flightless Bird (SongDog)
Are you Afraid of Monsters (tratserenoyreve)
Artist Cat (sapphireluna)
Children of the Light (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Daisy: Black Fire (wintertundra-art)
Death and the Maiden (ladybeug)
Fisheye Placebo (yuumei)
Gamer Cat
Golden Shrike (doeprince)
I Didn’t Know (SongDog)
Kid the Adult
Knite (yuumei)
Liv in the Future
No North (Skailla)
Repeat (SongDog)
Roar Howl Run (SongDog)
Spliced @/cynthi-arts
The Things We Have (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
The Touch of Sunlight by Sandflake on Webtoons
To Catch a Star (SleepySundae)
Untitled by @/that-house
Vote Mr. Cat (sapphireluna)
Whisper Court (HershelChocolate)
White Tail (SleepySundae)
Fandom Webcomics:
*Jet’s Black Nuzlocke (Zerochan923600)
*Twin Runes (akanemnon)
AngelsGame-AU (Deltarune)
Bakery Enemies AU @/buggachat
Buggy Situation (Ipku)
Chiaki’s Nuzlocke Comic (Chiakiro)
Copper and Dart (absolutedream-art)
Delta-Experiment (Deltarune)
Finding Your Roots (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Furry Situation (Ipku)
Little Lapses (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Loving Reaper (Jenny Jinya)
Mew and Mewtwo (xxtc-96xx)
Moringmark comics
Pokemon 25 Years Later (maimai97)
Thrill of the Hunt (Ipku)
Undertale AUs:
*Alivetale @/tatatale
*Fallen Flowers @/Tarableart
*Littletale @/mudkipful
*Sans The Seraphim (The Thought)
Bonely Hearts Club
Chutsu AU @/Emositecc
Damagedtale (Rain) @/6nimus9
Dogs of Future Past @/lynxgriffin
Dragontale, Heartache, and more @/squarefriend
Endertale @/xxtc-96xx
Escort Mission (Yoki-Doki)
Faded Timeline (ClassyEyeballs)
Gaster Bros @/leafaske
Gaster’s Great Escape @/moldy-junk (Deltarune)
Ghost Switch (CleverCatchphrase)
Handplates @/zarla-s
Ink Sans @/comyet
Insomnia @/wily-art
Mermaid Pirate AU by @/kiokodoodles
Over the Void @/Undertale-over-the-void
Paper Crane @/little-noko
Paper Trail @/lynxgriffin
Pink Swapfell @/whyiswingdingsafont
Pink Underswap @/scarew0lves
Pinktale by @/save-star
Project: JUSTICE @/RoyalElemental
Sixbones @/zarla-s
Skelechara (insanelyadd)
Slumbertale @/rainingskeletons
SwapOut @/cats-artbag
The rest of the Pinkverse by various creators XD
Underdecay @/little-noko
Underfell @/underfell
Underswap @/underswapped3
Undertale Green (FlamingReaperComic)
Unexpected Guests @/undertalethingems
Various AUs by @/blaiddsumu
Various AUs by @/Satellite-Starss
Willow (cottagegore OC) @/smol-spoopy
Other media (short films/characters/books/creators/etc):
*Birds (Imagine Dragons Animation)
*Epic: The Musical [Polites]
Hank the Cowdog
Mystery Flesh Pit
Table by @/focshi
The Hunger Games
*MandJTV (and all series)
*Trevor Henderson
Dead Sound
GTLive (MatPat)
Ice Cream Sandwich
Radiotvsolutions (RTVS)
Trails Pokemon
Unus Annus
Live Action:
*Free Guy
*Ghosts (2021 series)
*Jurassic Park/World series
*Resident Alien
*The Librarians (tv series) [Ezekiel Jones]
*The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Airbud (and Air Buddies)
Alex Inc.
Doctor Who
Drop Dead Diva
Locke and Key
Once Upon a Time
The Flash
The Goldbergs
The Good Doctor
The Greatest Showman
The Office
The Shaggy Dog
The Space Between Us
The Umbrella Academy
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Childhood Shows:
*Dinosaur Train
*Dog with a Blog
*Dragon Tales
*Martha Speaks
*Wonder Pets
3-2-1 Penguins
Adventures from the Book of Virtues
Austin and Ally
Baby Mozart
Bear in the Big Blue House
Between the Lions
Blue’s Clues
Curious George
Dora the Explorer
Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman
Go Diego Go
Good Luck Charlie
Jane and the Dragon
Kim Possible
Liberty Kids
Little Bear
Little Einsteins
Max and Ruby
Maya & Miguel
Mighty Med
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends
Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood
Peep and the Big Wide World
Rollie Pollie Ollie
Sid the Science Kid
Super Why!
The Berenstain Bears
The Electric Company
The Magic School Bus
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Wiggles
Word Girl
Word World
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Fragmented AU -- Stories
I decided to share the first batch of stories I'm planning to write. They are in no particular order and aren't the only ones planned to be written. I just need to control myself lol.
Warring Covens
A mystery boy catches Mabel's fancy and Dipper is suspicious of the boy's identity, so he and the rest of their friends head out to uncover it. Meanwhile, Stan is unsure of the idea of his niece dating, remembering his own failed relationships, lamenting his woes to an uninterested, though caring, Ford.
Maiden of the Blue Water
While on a family outing at Lake Gravity Falls, the twins learned of the legend of a tragic spirit haunting the waters of the lake and investigate its claims. As this was happening, the Crystal Gems, under the orders of Preston Northwest, were on the hunt for a lake monster destroying fishing boats. Meanwhile Stan and Ford attempt to have some brotherly bonding.
The Beast of Gravity Falls
Every town has their own tradition, an event unique to them. In Gravity Falls, it's Summerween. It's like Halloween, but in the summer. As people stock up candy, get costumes ready, and light up Jack O' Melons, a sleeping creature will wake. The Beast of Gravity Falls
The Ballad of the Dead
The Crypt Cafe is holding a dance event and the kids are excited to go to their first dance. Dipper, however, grows suspicious of one of Wendy's friends, Robbie.
A Haunting in Hannibal Hill
When people hear the word 'haunt', what usually comes to mind are restless ghosts tethered to a location. That's not always the case. Sometimes, it's the story. The history left behind. During an important trip to Crystal Springs, the Pines and Clawthornes find themselves in the ghost town of Hannibal Hill. While here, some secrets and fears are revealed.
The Secrets of Rose Quartz
If there is anyone in Gravity Falls, in all of Roadkill County, that deserved praise and recognition, that was Rose Quartz. She had done more for the community than any of the Northwest patriarchs combined. Her kind and loving nature had earned her the devotion of the residents of Gravity Falls, even when she was gone. Even so, there will always be those who would think that someone as nice and perfect as Rose Quartz has something to hide. Surprisingly, it is her son who goes looking for those answers.
Old Flames
Two past partners reunite with Stan. One wants to rekindle something, the other wants to burn him. And Stan isn't the only one finding himself ruminating on the past. While Ford couldn't care less about romance of any kind, he often reminisces about past bonds... And the bridges he burned.
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fnafcatfanatic · 3 months
AU thingy [Soon with drawings!]
I am thinking of making a blog solely about my Fnaf AU, where there are two people who are Dimensional travellers and have an angst-comfort Willry kind of relationship dynamic where one of them (Lucille) doesn't like the other (Oscar) because he's an Afton kind of person (which she can see as he changes appearances because it is part of a curse she has on her because of her ex-friend). [I'll explain how the dimensional travellers and travelling works in the to-be blog]
Those two are named Oscar Mittkins (the will in the Willry) and Lucille Hunter (used to be Henry before, but she changed it because the dimensional universe kept fucking her over) Martins (the ry in the Willry) - She is also a Guardian (people protector in the dimensions)
They have a cafe together called "Cathy and Maggi's Cafe", which actually belongs to only one of them (but at some point they became business partners because of some legal loopholes that Oscar used). They are both kinda young and Lucille used the dimensional system to basically give herself an advantage when it came to how much things cost. Also, the animatronics can all normally talk and move [this to some extent] because of "glowing orbs" which is basically something like a part of somebody's soul [everybody except Venus has Lucille's part of a soul. Velvet's is from Adelle]
Animatronics Lucille made:
Main ones at the cafe: Kathy [A white cat] and Maggi [A chestnut brown Springle spaniel]
The secondary ones at the cafe: Velvet [A very lightly red-coloured mouse (not pinkish)], Venus [A blue-ish wolf with a crown and a red dress. Has narcissism problems = inspired by Roxy a lot]
Lexie [A (what would Lucille describe as) pistachio green fox head, who never got finished and is basically like Alexa, but better. Has consciousness and her personality is just like a girl with Asperger's syndrome (because girls exhibit these traits slightly differently and mask a lot, which was the reason that people thought that girls couldn't have high-functioning autism [please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to offend anybody])
The hated ones: Polley [A white polar bear with a red tophat and a bowtie], Brownie [brown bear with a green hat and vest]
It's gonna be mostly angst and what is happening at the cafe and while they hang out. There are gonna be probably a lot of Silver Eyes moments [because they're travellers, they can travel anywhere like Gravity Falls, Freddy's, Batim, etc. I'll explain everything later but Freddy' plays a big role in every dimensional traveller's life/journey].
Other relevant people:
Charlie Gütter [sister of Lucille's BFF, dimensional twin of Kiko Lopez]
Kristian "Kiko" Lopez [Dimensional twin of Charlie Gütter]
Autumn Newton [kinda-adopted daughter of Lucille [not legally but it's better than with living with her actual mother and it's travellers, they're weird like that]
Andrew "Will" Newton [Lucille's ex-BFF and source of lot of her trauma, is trans. Bio "mother" of Autumn]
Peter Martins [Lucille's dad, who is an asshole and caused a lot of Lucille's trauma. Will explain later stuff: He went to the Freddy's dimension with the children along with "uncle" Josh and his two daughter and just killed all Lucille's friends, which started a whole new traumatic chain of events, but then they come back as travellers usually do (WILL EXPLAIN LATER ON, JUST ACCEPT THAT IT HAS SOME SOUL EXPLANATION)
I can promise you that it'll actually be fun AU if you let me!!!
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maybemockingbird · 3 months
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Hey everyone! I wanted to let you all know I'm doing some MAJOR things over on Patreon and I've just introduced a brand new "The Night Farm" mega-fan tier called "Full Moon Farmers"!
The Night Farm is a cozy horror romance web novel inspired by Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Gravity Falls, Welcome to Night Vale, and slice-of-life BL stories! This new tier grants you access to every chapter of the series, including the bonus chapters and NSFW chapters, with regular Friday updates EVERY Friday until mid-2025, which more to be scheduled soon! It will also get you access to monthly giveaways for merch, and an exclusive series of monthly AU stories you REALLY won't want to miss that start in August - including a Cas and Cane mob story, a ghost hunting YouTubers story for Halloween, AND the wonderfully suggested "Farmer Detective" story!
This new tier is active NOW! It has a seven day free trial for you to check out which will give you plenty of time to catch up on the series if you're a newcomer or read ahead if you've been lingering on Tapas and want to get further into the series. So, if you want tons of cool new stuff now's the time to become a Cosmonaut! Especially since the first giveaway is in September and it's for a Night Farm sticker pack (October will be the Mutual Pine Inn keychain, November will be the Midnight Cafe coffee mug, and the one for December will be the physical copy of season one!!!) and you need to be a member for two months to be eligible!
I hope to see y'all over there, I want to keep doing cool things for this series but that requires support and engagement, so your love for Wylder Wood and its residents means everything!
You can check it out at:
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exiled-tommy-rp · 2 years
someone gets to go to tommys past thru a portal ig
As your muse was doing whatever, a portal lined with red opened. On the other side stood a younger and non-raccoon hybrid Tommy, a boy with brown hair, ram ears and a large facial scar in a presidential outfit, a fox, a man in a blue jumpsuit and beanie, and Dream in full netherite.
Tubbo and Dream spoke as Tommy looked around. As Dream talked about Tubbo being the best leader and how he was confident that Tubbo would make the right decision for L’Manberg, Tommy stared at them.
Tubbo laughed dryly. “You know, this is funny actually. It is! I’m sorry, Tommy. I’m sorry.”
Tommy chuckled as well, the stress leaving his face. “It is funny.”
“Tommy I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Dream, I’ve come to a decision. The best thing for the nation would be for Tommy to be exiled.”
Tommy stared as the fox and blue jumpsuit man shouted and argued with Tubbo. Tubbo explained the logicality of his choice as Tommy sputtered. The other two continued to argue, saying that they had discussed this. “Tubbo, what the- Tubbo, why?”
“That’s enough! That’s enough, okay?!” Tubbo shouted, “Be quiet! You’ve undermined my authority from the get-go! From the beginning, no one here has respected me!” Tubbo ranted, continuing on.
Tommy shouted, “We agreed on this! What the hell!”
“I’m doing what’s best for this nation. Your presence is not best for this nation.” Tubbo responded.
“Dream, please escort and detain Tommy out of my country.” Tubbo said plainly. The three shared similar disappointment and upset remarks as Dream shoved Tommy off the wall they were standing on.
“Let’s go.”
“Tommy, you are hereby exiled.” Tubbo looked down at him. Tommy stared back up and scoffed, saying Tubbo’s name.
Dream led Tommy away, to Tommy’s protest. Dream pushed him off the path.
“Well im only exiled from L’Manberg.” Tommy looked at the walls as rain began to fall.
“No, you’re exiled from everywhere that’s been touched.” Dream almost chuckled. The two walked, with occasional bouts of conversation. Ghostbur joined them, clearly not understanding the gravity of the situation. The three boarded a boat. They boated until they reached an island. The three continued on land, Tommy complaining about his primes and Ghostbur agreeing that Dream wasn’t very nice.
Tommy yelled at Dream when Dream said he couldn’t go back. They boarded another boat and continued to sail. The permanence of the situation set in for Tommy.
They arrived to an island and walked through the plains. Dream dug a small hole.
“Put them in the hole.”
“No, they’re my things!” Tommy shouted.
“Put them in or I kill you.”
Dream hit him with his axe, and Tommy quickly threw all of his stuff in the hole.
“Fuck you. Leave. I don’t want your pity steak.” Tommy shouted at Dream, “I don’t want your pity things!”
“Okay, well, I’ll see you never.” Dream said and left.
“We’re gonna have a great time!” Ghostbur lowered his voice, “Tommy I think we just got robbed. A rocky start to our vacation but it’s gonna be fine.”
//anyone, of course. This will be a neat character study. @boba-bae-cafe-su-au @grian-rp @ghostinnit-rp idk uh anyone yeah yeah (also tags are ooc I didn’t mention that)
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wooglebear · 5 months
Another OC for my Roleswap AU. Yes, my poor roleswap AU — which has blossomed into something… a lot more complex than your average TETOCU AU when it was originally supposed to be a simple swap AU to the point where I'm going to write it as a bunch of tumblr posts.
Yet I still have plans for more OCs!
This OC here is Catherine Yomiuri (no relation)!
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She is a teen who is half American and half Japanese, and was JUST introduced into Pamela and Summer's family as a stepsister. Regardless to say Pamela is confused af and Summer is excited to have some company.
She's a bit of an influencer. She's not quite as vain as Valentine, though, and she doesn't use her cellphone for influencer things like her cousin. While Valentine believes he is going to be famous, Catherine is a bit humbler.
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Deep inside she hates herself for her nationality, but clings to a bubbly facade. Basically, a Type A Stepford Smiler.
Yes, she made her own hairstyle and has heterochromia.
She feeds the younger kids porky tales of derring do. Not adventure type derring do, but "oh, I smoked" type derring do.
She's the kind of bitch that will brag about how much underage drinking she does to get bad girl cred, only to pass out from like, a single beer. Seriously, she takes one sip of the stuff and is coughing her lungs out thinking she’s gonna die. She talks big talk and acts all cool but she has no tolerance. None.
However, Catherine has an Achilles heel: She hates British stuff, and she's pretty sure that she doesn’t belong in the twins' house. Unfortunately, every time she tries to get away, someone yanks her back into a British manner learning class she’d rather skip.
She loves parties, though. She knows from experience that parties with piñatas are particularly fun.
She's friends with the Brown sisters and their cousin, Henrietta. Whatever they do - larping, paintball, ect., she does too.
Technically, she is also Valentine Glorious's cousin, and is just about the only one out of Pamela and Summer that tolerates him. Given how both Valentine and Catherine are influencers, Catherine tries to teach him other influencing ways (noticing his lack of interactions with others, and his general lack of… humility), though she’s not happy when she realizes what a narcissistic prick he is. Valentine would drive pretty much everyone up the wall with his incessant narcissistic nature. Valentine calls a frustrated Catherine "Cathy". He requires more work, more time to get through to someone as vain as him.
Catherine is a bit mischievous. She loves playing pranks on ppl. Her favourite is prank calling on April Fools' Day!
Catherine loves Pokemon the Series: Sun and Moon, Sailor Moon, Transformers Rescue Bots, SpongeBob, Dora the Explorer, Blaze And The Monster Machines, Bubble Guppies, Abby Hatcher, Butterbean's Cafe, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Amphibia, TGAMMG, and more. Her stepsisters are confused as to why she loves "childish" shows compared to their beloved British shows like Mr. Bean and Peppa Pig. Her sisters are camp Sofia the First while she's Camp Elena of Avalor. She cried when everyone “died” in Raya and the Last Dragon.
Has admitted to binge reading the entirety of Ennui Go.
Her voice claim is Jessica DiCicco, lol
Speaks Japanese every now and then but she mainly uses English.
"バレンタイン...黙っててくれるの?!" (Translation: Valentine... Will you just SHUT THE HELL UP?!) - Catherine to Valentine
Neutral with Melvin and Melvin-Borg. Instantly hated George and Harold.
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Catherine's opinons on her stepsisters is that she doesn't have a major problem with either of them. They are her stepsisters and as far as she's concerned, there's a mutual, however strained, love she shares between them.
Catherine never knew her (Japanese) dad. The "In Space" arc provides more insight on the stepsisters' (British and American) mothers through video calls.
If Hazel ever met Catherine it would basically be Dave and Sky, but platonic and both are girls. Don't worry, Cathy won't become a disgusting pyscho.
She's a bit of a barista, making all sorts of drinks. She loves to experiment. Her favorite flavor is black tea, topped only by bubble tea.
And that's all I've got for Catherine!
0 notes
eeveelotions · 2 years
alrighty, time for me to ramble about the MYSTERY CAFE AU, the au where Stan inherits(ish) a cafe in gravity falls
Stan gets to gravity falls probably a few years after he's been kicked out- I'd say when he's 20 or so
I am taking a page from Taz amnesty and having him break into an abandoned looking storefront for shelter, only to be greeted with an elderly person who takes pity on him and gives him a job
the cafe, quite frankly, sucks. only the locals know about it, there's barely enough money to pay the bills, and Stan feels guilty bc now the owner is paying for him to eat and live there too
so, what does Stan do? I think y'all know the answer
behold, the MYSTERY CAFE! decorated with all sorts of wonders and mysteries- the rock that looks like a face rock is a huge selling point
drinks themed (ie named after) around cryptids or myths!
business starts booming-
I should figure out who the old person who takes Stan in is, huh? since I'm gonna hurt y'all's feelings and they're gonna die from, guess what? (you might know if you read my post last night)
hanahaki disease is a thing in this world, usually known for romantic feelings, right?
well, inspired by the fic Chrisanthemums by the lovely @detectivejigsawpines , gravity falls has a unique strain due to it weirdness, where it can be platonic for loved ones as well
Stan is shocked to find out this person was also kicked out at a young age, and never reconnected with their family.
so, not long after this person passes, does Stan start hacking up flowers.
a few years pass. (should I link this to my letters au? where Stan sends Ford letters? idk homies, more to come)
Stan starts hearing about a reclusive scientist that moves into the edge of town. boyish Dan, a regular who loves the Manly Mocha (made solely for Dan to purchase), informs Stan that the man could be his twin
Stan promptly throws up, because he knows exactly who it is, and Dan finds out he has hanahaki disease
and guess what? he doesn't do a damn thing about it
ooo, except maybe now he writes letters? pretending he DOESNT live in the same town as his brother (it's my au I do what I want)
regardless, the next two years drag. The disease has gotten worse, now that Stan knows his brother lives not even twenty minutes away, but likely doesn't care for him (gasp he does write the letters but never gets a response and that ALSO makes it worse)
so, two years pass, right? two long, painful years, where Stan thinks about going to see his brother but opts to just write letters like, hey I'm sorry for the project, hope you're okay, I'm alive, I run a cafe now, but doesn't give a return address because he doesn't want Ford knowing where he lives and thinks Ford is still pissed at him
enter: fiddleford mcgucket
fiddleford shows up to gravity falls a bit early in my au. bc I like nice, normal angst, and I'm scared to try and write whatever the hell bill causes (this is debatable, I thought about an almost portal scene where Stan throws up petals and that stops, but idk homies)
anyway, fidds shows up because he's going through a divorce, it's somewhat mutual because him and Emma may realized they liked not the opposite sex, but he still loves her and wants the best, and of course there's Tate, and he misses his son, but he had to get away because feelings are complicated and Stanford had invited him
quell surprise when he visits the local cafe before heading to see Stanford and, lo and behold, stANFORD??
jk it's stanley
fiddleford puts two and two together pretty quick, and Stan admits, yeah, that's my brother, he doesn't know I'm here, he doesn't want to see me, yadda yadda
fiddleford promises not to say anything, because like a good southern boy, it's not his business
but, like a typical southerner, he can't leave well enough alone when he can do something about it, so he DOES convince Stanford to come into town to the cafe
Stan and Ford make eye contact, Stan books it out the back door, and Ford pursues him, followed by fiddleford
"don't worry about it"
anyway, Ford is still mad, or upset maybe? but there's the in person discussion about the science fair, and they begin rebuilding their relationship, and everyone is happy
(this is actually the happy ending for people who don't ship fiddstan bc after this it's fiddstan central babes)
a year or so later, Stan confesses to ford (Ford found out about his hanahaki disease, which soon almost completely disappeared due to them reconnecting their relationship) that the petals are back, but they're a different color this time
Ford starts drilling him, fascinated but also concerned. could it be for ma? pa? shermie?
but then he starts probing into stans dating life, and Stan shrugs, bc it's gravity falls, there's nobody worth dating and boyish Dan isn't his type
except, fiddleford
Stan starts talking about fidds, how the two are good friends, hang out, Stan talks about looking forward to seeing him, etc etc
"Stanley, you're in love with fiddleford"
"WHAT" spittake
and then i go from there :)
if you made it this far, thanks? I want to write this and I probably will but I've got like. two but technically three if you count the pokemon one aus and together against the world is my main one but I love cafe aus so
anyway bye 👋👋👋
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littlemissnoname13 · 2 years
Anatomy Book (D.M)
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Summary: She meets him at her university lecture and they strike up an instant bond. And as the story always goes. She falls in love with him. But on a seemingly mundane day the world turns on its axis, leaving her life upside down.
Warnings: angst, mcd, mentions of drinking and throwing up, only implied smut, some coarse language, implied car wreck, read at your own discretion.
Au: Modern (Draco Malfoy x Female!reader)
Words: 3209
A/n: third queued post. This one is a bit angsty and is told via flashbacks. Hopefully the transitions aren’t too messy. I haven’t proof read it so please excuse silly errors. 🥲
Master list
It is an incredibly ordinary day.
The overcast sky strewn with heavy clouds that look ready to burst open any moment is only adding to the dullness of it all.
An indie record is playing from the spinning record on the turntable—the melodies bleeding into the chiming of the cash register and the clinking of cutlery to create a soft tune, repetitive enough to put her to sleep.
The buttery, sweet, inviting smell of raisin bread just out of the oven fills the air of the cafe and she has half a mind to get up and buy herself some.
Maybe after finishing her coffee. She doesn’t really care.
For the first time in months, she has nowhere to be. Classes are canceled and she has no plans or any social obligations whatsoever.
She is free to go to that art show happening later in the day. She is free to read that one book she’d been wanting to read for the longest time. She has all the time needed to strip off that hideous paint job at her campus housing and yet, she finds herself sitting by the window of this outré excuse for a coffee shop in the middle of nowhere.
Another batch of freshly made bread is being taken out from the oven and she takes it as a sign to get her arse up and buy some. Only, she never makes it to the counter. The vibration of her phone in her pocket causes her to take a detour.
Rain is starting to pour by the time she steps out of the cafe to receive the phone call from an unknown number.
Frustratingly long minutes pass by as she stands out in the rain, stiff and unmoving while she listens to what the person on the other end has to say.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She quietly says into the receiver when the person is done speaking. “I’m on my way now.”
When she finally presses the end call button, the day no longer feels ordinary. The drive back to her house and the painfully long stagger to her wardrobe suddenly seem like events that will painfully brand themselves into her memories for as long as she shall live.
As for mid afternoon phone calls out of the blue?
She is positive she will dread them from here on out.
She lets his fingers glide along the fabrics hanging neatly in the closet and pulls out a dress.The inky black fabric reminds her of him. She often wonders if his black suits were simply a means to protect himself, make him look unapproachable.
“No one can hurt you if you don't let them close enough.” He used to say.
She understands that now.
6 months ago
Standardised tests were designed by the devil, she was sure.
She’d spent the last few weeks throwing back espresso shots and stubbing out countless HB pencils, only to place second in the entire class.
The boy currently sitting in front of her in the lecture hall had one-upped her by pretty much a landslide.
She wasn’t meaning to snoop but he had his test results open in a tab on his laptop. He was fast asleep and his white blond hair was defying gravity by poking in every direction imaginable.
His mouth was slightly parted and his shoulders were heaving up and down with the steady inhale and exhale of his breaths.
She’d spent half a semester in this class already and this was the first time she’s seen him. In her defence, she had been busy jotting down every word that came out of the lecturer’s mouth. In retrospect, most of the things weren’t even useful.
For a split of a second she wanted to tap him on the shoulder and place the styrofoam cup of coffee she bought for herself in his hand. She was yet to drink from it and he looked like he needed it more than she did.
She scanned through her mental memory folder for a name but she couldn’t remember ever seeing him in class. So while the lecturer continued with his presentation slides, she assigned every single boy name she could think of to the mysterious stranger in front of her to see if it would match.
None of them did.
There was just something otherworldly about him. Not in a he’s-an-alien type of way but more in a he-could-be-celestial type of way. He reminded her of stars and constellations and everything distant and unreachable. Something on could only look at and not touch.
When the painfully long lecture seminar was finally over, everyone gathered their things and scampered out of the hall like they’d been held there against their will. She too slung her bag on her shoulder and got ready to leave.
He was still sleeping and she was too afraid of waking him up.
On her way out, she placed her still warm and untouched coffee cup on his desk and came up with a made up name for the boy who reminded her of the stars.
When she entered the lecture hall the very next morning, she found a styrofoam cup waiting for her in her usual seat.
In front of her was Draco, or whatever his real name was. His glasses were resting on his nose and his brows were scrunched up in deep concentration at something on his laptop screen.
She quietly settled into her seat and lifted the styrofoam cup. On it was her name scribbled in a messy scrawl of the campus barista’s handwriting.
“Extra shot of espresso.” His voice came out in a gruff whisper. He was still facing the presentation slide.
“Thank you….” She whispered back, trailing off when she realised she can’t call him by the made up namesake in her head.
“Draco.” He said, tilting his head slightly backwards to look at her with eyes that were grey and gleaming like they’d absorbed all light in the universe. “I’m Draco.”
And at that moment she could easily confirm that there was no other name more suitable for the man in front of her.
Three weeks ago
Morning coffee became a ritual and Draco Malfoy became a friend to her. Even on days where he couldn’t come to class, he’d somehow get a cup sent to her.
The coffee, she’d enjoy. His absence, not so much.
It was a little over five in the evening when she was studying in her room at the campus housing when she heard the knock on her door.
It was him in his usual black turtleneck sweater plus a MacBook and a paper tray holding two cups of coffee.
“Catch me up on today’s class?” He quirked a brow at her.
She took the tray off his hand and led him inside. Having him in her room made her incredibly self conscious. She wished she’d put away the clothes laying on her hamper, and she wished she had better clothes on.
“Only if we finish up in an hour.” She said, “I’m meeting a friend for drinks later.”
“I leave for one day, and you replace me.” He curled his fist into a ball and stabbed at his chest with an invisible knife. “My heart’s shattered and smashed.”
“You’re so dramatic.” She settled down next to him on the edge of her bed. “You can join us if you want to.”
His eyes danced around while he contemplated his final answer. Then, he shrugged. “Okay,then.”
Thinking back, it was a terrible terrible idea.
After she introduced Draco to Astoria, the three of them threw down some shots at the bar.
They were tipsy to the point where bad songs sounded good enough to jump around and dance to but sober enough that they could walk Astoria home. After bidding Astoria goodbye, she threw up in a trash can and he almost threw up solely because she did.
Her head was reeling but she was just happy to walk home with him. Well, she assumed she was walking because she was too messed up to realise he was carrying her.
Draco carried her all the way up to her floor and gently lowered her into her bed. Then, he walked to the kitchenette to fetch a glass of water.
“Drink.” He instructed, kneeling on the floor next to her bed. She could never get over how bright his eyes were. She loved them.
“You know, the first time I saw you, I drove myself up a wall trying to guess what your name was?” She mumbled. Alcoholic beverages always made her talk too much.
“Really?” He chuckled, pushing strands of hair behind her ears. “What name was your top guess?”
“Draco.” She hiccuped.
“I mean, my first guess was Draco.”
“How come?” He asked, looking at her in awe.
She wanted him to look at her that way all the time. It felt so good.
“Well, you definitely did not seem like a David, or a Michael or even a Samuel.” She continued. “Every name I thought of just didn’t go until I thought of Draco. I guess It was a lucky guess.”
He leaned over and pressed a kiss onto her forehead and she melted right into him.
“I love that you’re named after a constellation...I love you.” She said out loud even though she didn’t mean to.
He backed away, and cleared his throat. “Food.” He said hurriedly. “You need to eat something, I’ll go check your fridge.”
She tried to not think about the sharp pang in her chest.
He left her with her thoughts and went through her empty fridge. When he found nothing, he pulled out his phone and ordered bagels to be delivered from the only restaurant that was open.
“My aunts are named Bellatrix and Andromeda” He offered, sitting back down next to her.
“And your mum?”
“Narcissa.” He kissed her forehead again. “I know it’s a bit of a deviation from the theme.”
“So are you going to name your children according to the theme or deviate?” She asked and he looked away, fidgeting at his phone.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll stick to the theme.”
“Really?” She arched her eyebrows, propping herself up on her elbow to get a better look at him. “I’m surprised because you called children miniature cretins when we were at the park the other day.”
“I’m pretending like I didn’t hear you.”
“No.” She protested. “Now I have to know what name you have in mind.”
He chucked his phone away onto the dresser and looked at her with conviction. “Scorpius.” He finally said. “Unless you have something better in your genius mind.”
“And what about girl names?”
“You tell me, since you seem to be such an expert on the matter.”
She rolled her eyes at him and punched him jokingly in the arm. He was surprisingly muscular under his shirt because her knuckles hurt.
“Elain.” She said mid laugh. “I like the name Elain.”
Saturday 7:47 A.M.
Astoria: I swear off alcohol for the rest of my life. 🤡. How are you coping?
Y/n: I feel like a zombie. I would have probably died of dehydration if it weren’t for Draco
Three dots appeared on her screen and vanished.
Y/n: Astoria?
Astoria: so, is it safe to assume you guys are a thing? 🍆🍑🔥
Y/n: we’re friends 😒
Astoria: Really?
Y/n: yes really. Why?
Astoria: I don’t know. He’s hot though.
Y/n: Do you like him?
Three dots appeared on her screen again before vanishing.
Astoria: yes?😣
Now it was her turn to type and erase. Her thumbs did a little dance around her keypad and as she thought of an appropriate reply.
Astoria: I’m gonna back off if you like him. I just thought I’d come clean with you. That’s all.
Y/n: I don’t like him like that.
Astoria: you sure?
Y/n: yes.
Saturday 5:56 P.M
Draco: Astoria me if I wanted to go get coffee later
Y/n: Oh.
Draco: I told her I have plans to study for the final exams with you.
Y/n: we can reschedule if you’d like
Draco: Why would I want that?
Sometimes, people say things without thinking it through and regret it later. This was that moment for her.
Y/n: I don’t know. Look, you should go get coffee with her if you want to. We have covered more than half of the suggested readings anyway.
Draco: Okay then.
Y/n: Okay then.
Two weeks ago
Draco didn’t go for coffee with Astoria.
At around twelve in the morning, she heard a knock on her door. And of course, it’s Draco sanding in front of her, minus the usual coffee.
“I don’t want to study right now, go awa—”
He stepped into the room and crashed his lips into hers without warning and she stumbled a little hitting her coat hanger.
His mouth is hot on hers and his hands are firm and knotted into the hairs at the nape of her neck.
“If you think this will make me agree to studying with you, you’re wrong.” She said in between kisses. “I have seen your test scores, you don’t need me.”
He backed away and looked her straight into the eyes and her legs suddenly felt like they were made out of soggy spaghetti. She would never get used to his eyes. If he was in fact a constellation, his eyes were Eltanin. The brightest star.
“But I do.” He said, his voice gravelly. “I do need you.”
Day before Yesterday
His Human Anatomy book is currently left face down on the floor next to the two styrofoam coffee cups along with the torn remains of her lace panties.
This time, they were at his apartment.
After the late night kiss, things had kind of escalated.
They’d spent a few days acting like it had never happened until lust bubbled over them and poured out in never ending abundance.
He had been reading about the human heart when she had kissed him and now she was in his bed.
She knew she’d have to leave soon.
In between the softness of his lips pressed onto the base of her neck as she watched his chest heave up and down in quiet contentment, she must have lost track of time.
He smelled of soap, aftershave and a promise of a heartbreak that can leave a person crippled with agonising pain. She inhaled the heady, seductive scent once and wondered if she could call herself a masochist if she secretly enjoyed the idea of her heart getting broken by him.
Draco opened only one of his eyes to look at her as if to make sure the moment was real. When he saw her, his head fell back onto the pillow and he let out a quiet breath.
“So you are real.”
“So I am.” She said, chuckling as she shifted her body weight away.
The sky was getting darker and darker, racing towards nightfall. She knew she was going to have to get up and leave any minute now and the idea of it pained her.
How could she convince herself to leave when he was reaching for her hand the moment she tried to step out of bed? Draco looked at her as if he was pleading her to stay and she was forced to swallow the lump forming in her throat.
Even while they were having sex, she had told him that she loved him and he had never said it back to her.
She wouldn’t be able to hook up with him in a casual sense.
She didn’t want to.
“I can’t stay, it wouldn’t be appropriate.” She sighed, gently pulling her arm away so she could pick up her bra from the foot of the bed.
He had left a blueish purple bruise on her neck and she felt a sharp prickle in her heart when she remembered the way he dipped her head back so he could plant rough kisses all across her jaw.
“I’d better get going.” She said to him and he jerked from the bed to meet her gaze.
“Will I see you tomorrow?”
She took a moment to contemplate.
Of course she wanted to come back tomorrow even though her head kept telling her she shouldn’t. So for safe measure, she decided to put an end to this for her own sake.
“I can’t.” She answered, trying to keep a cool exterior. “I’m sorry.”
“You're sorry?”
“I’m sorry this happened and I’m sorry I love you. I wish I could take all it back.”
“You don’t mean that.” He shook his head.
“I do.”
She picked up the remainder of her clothes and left, closing the door the the idea of them forever.
Everyone is wearing black and she hates it. She doesn’t want to wear another article of black clothing for the next decade.
His mother, Narcissa greets her at the entrance. She is just as beautiful as her name.
“I’m so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Malfoy.”
“Thank you for coming on such short notice. Draco always talked about you and I thought he would have liked it if you came.”
“He talked about me?” Her voice comes out rugged and shaky. She is dazed that this is even happening. On her drive here, she had convinced herself that it was all a nightmare but now it feels too real to be a nightmare.
“Every time he came down to the manor to see me.” Nascissa sniffles into a tissue. “He wasn’t supposed to drive down here yesterday. He came here to get a book about constellations from our library. Said it was important.”
She can’t breathe. The world is getting smaller and smaller.
“The book he took from the library perished with him it seems but the police was able to retrieve this book from the back seat of his car.” Narcissa hands her a book and leaves greet two people just entering before she can say anything back.
It is his Anatomy book, worn around the edges after being carried around in his bag too often.
The pages fall open to a page about the human heart. There, under an anatomically correct diagram of a human heart are four words she would never get to hear him say.
“I love you too.”
“I love you too.”
“I have always loved you.”
Tears flow down in violent streams across her cheeks as she flips to the next page.
In his handwriting, she sees the names of the two brightest stars of the Dragon Constellation.
He had circled El from Eltanin and Ain from Aldibain and scribbled Elain in cursive next to them.
She had never explained to him why she’d picked Elain that night but he had somehow figured it out. She guesses the conclusion of Elain was drawn with the help of the book of constellations.
Sobbing, she hugs his anatomy book in her chest and weeps till her eyes are bloodshot and irritated.
Back in the time of the ancient Egyptians, Thuban aka Alpha Draconis, used to be the pole star. Looking up at it would point to the true geographical north.
Then, there was a slight wobble in the Earth’s axis causing Polaris to be the new pole star.
Draco is not dead.
Not to her.
In about 23,000 years, the earth will drift and Thuban will be the pole star again
She tells herself that her time without him on this earth is but a shift in her axis. There will come a time when she’ll see him again.
For Draco is forever above the horizon.
Draco never sets.
End notes
She was supposed to die but I did a swap in the final draft. I have never ever killed off Draco in a story and writing this physically pained me.
Soz about my story spam. Feedback is always appreciated
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
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» enhypen —
key: fluff ♥ | angst ☁ | humor ☀ | mystery 𝖒 | hogwarts au ✲ | headcanon hc | one-shot series os | completed ✔ | in progress ✎ | requested r |
all works are my original content! i have only one hc that has been translated into spanish on wattpad with my permission; otherwise, please do not plagiarize
♞ ot7 ↪ hc [what they would smell like]
↪ hc [how they sleep next to you]
↪ os [captured on camera] ✔
↪ hc/r/♥/☁ [hyung line as e2l troupe] & [maknae line as e2l troupe]
↪ hc/☁ [messages they want to say to their ex but never hit send]
↪ hc/r/♥ [members on a café date ☕️♡]
individual members under the cut!
♞ lee heeseung ↪ ♥ [lee heeseung as the boy next door] synopsis: smart, funny, popular, kind, and handsome. lee heeseung has it all, and he lives right next door to you.
↪ ♥ [2:58 am] synopsis: (alternative title: hearts connected) two lovers will never feel apart even if they are physically not close because their strings will keep them together.
↪ ♥ [troublemaker] synopsis: sparks fly when the top two dancers on youtube collab!
♞ park jongseong ↪ ✲/𝖒 blood castle [02z] ✎ synopsis: when it’s your last year with the last of your best friends before they graduate, they want you to make new friends. simple, right? well, maybe not when they’re all half-vampires, especially not when three of them seem to develop feelings for you. — be careful about what you want to know…
↪ ☁/♥ [11:02 pm] sypnosis: (alternative title: mood maker) when enhypen's mood maker feels down, who does he turn to to make his mood? luckily, he has you.
↪ ☀/♥ [honey] synopsis: but how much does jay really like honey?
↪ ♥/☁ [straight to your heart] teaser | glossary synopsis: in search of a muse for your upcoming art competition, it seems fate has sent you the seemingly cold-hearted kyudo captain park jongseong.
↪ ♥ [4:50 pm] synopsis: (alternative title: my comfort) you don't know when you're falling, but sometimes you don't have to because he's always there to put you back on your feet.
♞ sim jaeyun ↪ ✲/𝖒 blood castle [02z] ✎ synopsis: when it’s your last year with the last of your best friends before they graduate, they want you to make new friends. simple, right? well, maybe not when they’re all half-vampires, especially not when three of them seem to develop feelings for you. — be careful about what you want to know...
↪ ♥ [gravity] synopsis: miles of sky and space doesn't stop gravity from pulling him to you.
↪ ♥ [circuit] synopsis: you didn't think your favorite physics youtuber would be filming a lecture at your university.
♞ park sunghoon ↪ ✲/𝖒 blood castle [02z] ✎ synopsis: when it’s your last year with the last of your best friends before they graduate, they want you to make new friends. simple, right? well, maybe not when they’re all half-vampires, especially not when three of them seem to develop feelings for you. — be careful about what you want to know…
↪ ☁ [songbird] sypnosis: inspired by heize's song/mv happen
↪ ♥/☁ [scream] synopsis: it’s hard to stream horror video games when your neighbor is always filming dangerous mukbangs and screaming.
♞ kim sunoo ↪ ♥ [6:34 pm] synopsis: you wouldn't trade your friendship with sunoo for a single thing.
↪ ♥/☀ [skincare] synopsis: how is sunoo supposed to react when he is able to get his celebrity crush on his youtube channel?
♞ yang jungwon ↪ ♥ [sloth and sheep] synopsis: your best friend is acting weird, what seems to be the cause?
↪ ♥/☀ [coffee] synopsis: there’s a reason jungwon always holds his study vlogs at the same cafe, and it’s not just because of the good coffee.
♞ nishimura riki ↪ ♥ [3:21 pm] sypnosis: online school takes its toll on you. riki knows just how to help.
↪ ☀/♥ [strawberry] synopsis: riki's at it again, and by it, i mean microwaving foods.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Stars Aren’t the Only Things That Glitter
A Drifting Stars AU short, collaborating with @clownwry.
2nd, 3rd, 4th.
“Grunkle Ford, look out!”
“Mabel, stay back!”
Mabel looked at the blazing fire, trying to pretend to ignore her great-uncles muttering so she might pick up a swear word, be it alien or English was perfectly fine by her. Mabel didn’t pick up any swears, but she did hear the words “reckless” and “irresponsible” and “inconceivable”. The Listening Game did a fair job of distracting her from the pain on her arm and shoulder. Except when Grunkle Ford’s bandages were a little too tight and she would wince at the friction on her burn.
Still muttering through his teeth, his eye glued to the injury through his single-cracked glasses, he did it again, pulling on the bandage a little too hard, this time making Mabel accidentally let am “ouch!” slip past her lips. Ford looked up at her and his expression grew softer and more nurturing. “I’m sorry, my dear, but really, you shouldn’t have done that.”
“They were gonna shoot you…”
“I don’t care.” Ford said firmly. “If I tell you to run, you run. If I tell you to hide, you hide. If I tell you to save yourself and leave me behind, you do so.”
The nomadic scientist blinked, slightly surprised by her stubbornness. Only slightly surprised, because she is a Pines, after all. But she is a good kid and in the month they had been traveling the Multiverse, she had never outright defied him like this. “Excuse me?” He wasn’t even stern or angry; he was too surprised (and maybe even a little proud) to properly scold her anymore.
“No. That’s stupid.” Mabel answered, her little cheeks puffed up in determination, her eyes sparkling with the reflection of the fire, a flame of her own in the windows to her soul. “I’ll never leave you behind. We’re a family, we gotta stick together if we’re gonna survive and get home. We need each other. Besides, if the tables were turned, would you leave me behind?”
“That’s an entirely different matter.” Ford said with a small smile on his ruffed-up face; he resumed his work on the burn more gently now and finished wrapping it up, securing the bandage. “I’m old, I’ve lived my life. You take priority.”
“I don’t care.” Mabel said, copying Ford’s exact tone and voice from earlier. The grown man snorted with amusement.
Ford decided to put this little argument on hold, seeing how there was no changing Mabel’s mind right now. And he didn’t want to spend the entire evening rebuking her. “You did do a very good job disarming those hunters. I’m very proud of you.”
Mabel sat up a little straighter and smiled up at Ford. “Thank you.”
Ford smiled at her and stood, moving to his large backpack to fish out the things for tea and dinner, though it would probably only be dried meat and oats. “I’m just glad you’re okay, pumpkin.”
Mabel’s eyes widened as her world was put on pause. She felt like she was being sucked into a time vortex, transported into a memory.
Grunkle Stan was dusting some zombie parts off of his armchair when Mabel was walking by, leaving the kitchen after giving Soos his cure for zombification. Stan noticed that Mabel looked very tired. He smiled at her from her seat, and Mabel ran up to him and climbed into his lap for a big hug.
“Hey, you alright?” Stan asked.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Are you?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I’m just glad you’re okay, pumpkin.” And he gave her a secure squeeze and Mabel happily hugged him back.
Mabel was shoved back into reality, accompanied by a sinking feeling of loss. She missed Grunkle Stan. She missed Dipper. She missed Waddles, and Soos, and Wendy, and the Shack, and Oregon, and California, and Mom and Dad…
Ford turned back to the fire with a kettle and wire-spider in hand, ready to ask Mabel to fetch some water (she always enjoyed being of assistance), but he stopped when he saw her crying with her eyes shut and wiping her cheeks dry with her wrists. Ford was immediately halted and his priorities shifted drastically. Nothing mattered at this moment but making her feel better.
He was swift. Ford scooped up some water from the clean stream into the kettle, then used the wire-spider to hold the kettle over the fire. Giving the water plenty of time to heat up and steam, Ford gently picked Mabel up from her seat on the log, only to hold her close and let her wrap her arms around his neck. He didn’t say a word, being a social-cripple and having no idea what he could say that would make her feel better, so he stayed silent and was simply there for her.
And really, that was all Mabel needed.
The next morning the two humans were lucky to come across a small rustic town in the woods, reminding Ford of the small Tennessee-town Fiddleford grew up in. Except of course there were no humans, but blue-skinned elves with pointy years and the occasional centaur.
Ford had stolen a bit of money from a hunter yesterday, which meant they got to restock on supplies and even buy a cheap breakfast at an outside cafe. Sitting at a table under an umbrella, Ford was going over his plan with Mabel while she munched on her sweetly-cooked purple apples tossed in spices and sugar.
“... so once we reach this cavern here, we’ll reach a very interesting town called Flush Valley. I’ve heard it specializes in building mechanical limbs and prosthetics, but it’s surrounded by rich minerals perfect for building, so we can find what we need easily here. There may even be a day-by-day job I can get to earn a bit of money for food and shelter.”
“I can work, too! Daddy always said I was like a French horse!” Mabel added in excitedly.
Ford chuckled. “We’ll see. I would feel more comfortable if you were working so I could keep an eye on you. Moving on,” The old scientist sipped his strange alien coffee, but it contained caffeine and somewhat resembled his home dimension’s coffee taste, so he drank it. “The way there could be crawling with scavengers. A lot of people come to Flush Valley just barely hanging on by a thread, easy targets for hunting and stealing food and supplies. So we need to keep our guard up for the next two days.”
“Okay.” Mabel said, as nonchalantly as if Ford told her to remember to add milk to a grocery list.
Ford gave her a firmer look and added, “So, if we think we’re being followed, what do we do?”
“We pretend we don’t know and we keep walking calmly.” Mabel replied. “We keep our eyes open for a way to lose them, and where the sneaky-peaky spies are.”
“Very good.” Ford smiled at her. “If we decide to try to lose them, what do we do?”
“Run as fast as we can. If I can’t catch up I get on your shoulders and focus on making them go away, while you get us away.”
“Yes, excellent. What do we do if we decide to confront them?”
“I grab by sling-shot and exploding rocks and hit as many guys as I can. I aim for the knees or feet so they fall and can’t shoot us. Oh, and we stand with our backs to each other so we see everything, together.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself. Now, if we are surrounded and I find a way to escape, what do you do?”
“Make sure you go in so you can lead the way!” Mabel answered with a grin.
“N-No, honey.” Ford said gently with a smile, as if informing a kindergartner that 1+1=2, not 11. “If I find a way to escape, you go first…”
“No,” Mabel said, still smiling as she shook her head. “You go first so I can make sure you’re coming.”
Ford sighed and took another sip of his drink. “Okay, if I tell you to run, you…”
“I grab your hand and run with you, making sure no one gets lost.”
“Mabel, no.”
“Mabel YES!” The girl grinned with determination. “You’re stuck with me, old man! You can’t get rid of me!”
Ford was getting annoyed at this point. He pinched the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses up slightly, and growled, “I’m not trying to get rid of you, I’m trying to save you!”
Mabel gave him a very serious look and questioned, “By leaving me alone out here?”
“No! I-...” But Ford stopped and bit his lip. His niece did have an excellent point. As much as Ford was willing to do anything to keep her safe, as much as Ford was willing to sacrifice his own life for her’s, that really wasn’t a good idea.
There was a good chance Mabel could survive without him, at least until she found a nice family to take her in (or, somehow, miraculously, Stanley opened the portal and brought her home, but Ford didn’t dare to hope for that). But she was so young and inexperienced in the Multiverse. At least when Ford was first thrown into the chaos he was an adult and was accustomed to weirdness thanks to his six years of researching Gravity Falls. Mabel was extremely resourceful, imaginative, intelligent, and clever. She was also stronger and faster than many would assume. But she was too trusting. Too innocent. So, not to belittle Mabel or underestimate her, but she was right; she needed Ford, and as noble as it would be to exchange his life for her’s if it came down to it, that would also be incredibly stupid and only buy Mabel a little more time until she was captured or enslaved or killed or even worse.
And of course, only someone as people-smart and clever as Mabel could make Ford see that.
He sighed tiredly. “O-... Okay.” Mabel smiled proudly at him. “Okay, I’ll… I’ll try to be more careful.” Ford promised. “I… I just need you to be safe.”
“Don’t worry, I think we do a pretty good job of keeping each other safe.” Mabel complimented, holding out a bite of her fruit on a fork for Ford.
The old man held up a polite hand and declined, but his stomach turned against him and growled, and Mabel frowned at him, giving Ford a deja vu feeling of his mother forcing him and his brothers to eat their vegetables. So Ford smiled and accepted the sweetly cooked fruit. “Yes, I think so, too.”
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aftgficlibrary · 3 years
Are there any AUs where renison or lailalverez is the main pairing?
there are quite a few but here you go -maz
Before All I Heard Was Silence by moonqueerdom (T | 7,430 | 1/1)
Allison's eyes widened and her face burned immediately, spreading to her neck and the tips of her ears. "Oh my gosh, Renee," she lowered her face and covered it with her hands.
Renee chuckled. "She is beautiful when she blushes, ok noted."
"Oh my gosh, Walker, stop that," Allison's voice was too wobbly and high-pitched even for her own ears, and there was a grin threatening to pop on her lips.
About to disappear in the afterlife, Allison Reynolds meets Renee Walker, who was ready to change her life even after death.
Last Café by uberimmortal (M | 4,802 | 1/1)
Like every weekend for the past year, Renee finds herself on a Saturday morning in front of the Last Cafe. She takes a deep breath, key still in her hand, shivering from the autumn breeze as she tries to muster up some energy to open the door. The sun is just beginning to poke over the horizon, lighting up the city in a blue haze, not close enough to this side of the earth to provide any real warmth. One by one street lamps flicker until they turn off completely.
The Gracekeepers by wishbonetea (M | 112,116 | 20/20)
The sea has flooded the earth. Allison lives on a circus boat, floating between the scattered islands that remain and trading dazzling and death-defying feats for food from the islanders. Renee lives alone in a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean, with only the birds and fish for company. As penance for her past, she works as a gracekeeper, tending the graves of those who die at sea. A storm brings them together, but under clear skies they must part. When one of the Foxes goes missing, Renee joins to help. It’s meant to be a temporary escape, but Allison might be a reason to stay.
An AU of Kirsty Logan's The Gracekeepers.
she's got lips like wine not sugar by IzzyAguecheek (Not Rated | 8,561 | 1/1)
The coffee shop was mostly empty the first time Allison came in. It was too early for most people, specially on a Sunday, when most people didn’t have work and therefore didn’t need to stop by to grab a coffee to wake up. Allison, however, didn’t strike Renee as the type of girl to drink coffee before a shift at some boring company. She looked more like someone who had stayed up all night and now was trying to fight off a hangover with caffeine.
Dan was late, per usual, so Renee and Andrew were the only employees working. Andrew took one look at the car parked outside, right in front of the window, and firmly turned his back on the girl sitting at the corner booth.
“You take that one”, he decided.
(or: Renee works at a coffee shop, and, when Allison becomes a regular there, she is absolutely in love. It's just a Renison Coffee Shop AU.)
counting my blessings by quensty (T | 10,354 | 1/1)
The last letter is from Wymack.
Allison, it says. Forest Falls, California, has been having problems with a robber. Dan and Matt are too far, and Neil and Andrew are already working a job in Nevada. Get on it. -DW
“Motherfucker,” Allison says.
Real Gravity by loose_canon (T | 1,723 | 1/1)
[begin message]
Hey, Mom. You’re probably watching this and thinking about how much you want to kick my ass right now. Well, my butt, because you don’t say words like “ass,” much less think them. Anyway, I know you’re mad at me. I’m the ungrateful daughter who hijacked an emergency pod and zipped off into space in the middle of the eclipse service like a dumbass—sorry, dumbbutt—with another girl because I just had to go and open myself to the spirit of lesbianism. I’m not gonna lie, I’m mad just like you are. Part of me wants to just say that the spirit is a good fucking time and be on my way. But I need you need to know that I’m losing something, too.
A sci-fi one shot: Allison leaves a final message for her mother after she and Renee escape the generation ship they grew up on.
On Dragon's Wings (Under the Blue) by tinystreetlamp  (T | 8,417 | 3/3)
For hundreds of years the six kingdoms coexisted in peace due to a magical contract that prevents violence between them. Ever since Allison's brother Jean was kidnapped by Riko she has wanted to lead her armies to war against the Island of Night, but the contract prevents her from doing so. When crown prince Nathaniel arrives and asks for sanctuary, Allison sees her chance to unite four of the kingdoms against Riko and rain down her vengeance upon him.
(How to seduce a pirate: drag her underwater unexpectedly)
/Graphic Depictions of Violence
vengeance and death by cthulu_sun (M | 2,446 | 1/1)
legend says you have wax-dipped wings and golden fingernails and knives made of the blood you have spilled. legend says you are not merciful.
in which renee is a tired guardian angel, finds the foxes, and falls in love.
a hundred jewels on throats by ghvsts (T | 3,226 | 1/1)
"have you seen the goddess from the seafoam," they whisper, "she is more beautiful than anything."
(in which seth is ares, renee is persephone, and allison has had enough)
fabrication of a grand scheme by cloudghost (T | 13,787 | 1/1)
Renee was silent for a while. Then, finally, she said, “I want to try going outside.”
“I thought you were scared.”
She hummed her assent. “That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it.”
Since that was basically the philosophy Allison lived by, she nodded. Renee turned back around and met Allison’s gaze. In that moment, Renee looked unbreakable and unshakeable, like nothing that ended up in her way could ever stop her for long. Allison shivered.
Love You a Latte by ceilingfan5 (G | 8,465 | 1/1)
Allison's favorite barista is adorable Renee, so when she gets the news that she has to go on a terrible family vacation and bring an "appropriate plus-one", she decides to finally get herself uninvited from the rest of those events for all eternity. She and Renee go together, pretending to be a very much in love couple, stir shit up, and leave a lot closer than they ever expected. (Obviously they fall in love.) Allison may say "I decided love was fake a long time ago and it’d take a miracle to change my mind now,” but if anyone can be a miracle worker, it's Renee.
say you'll never harden to the world by orphan_account (T | 10,300 | 1/1)
Of course it’s when the knife finally doesn’t feel awkward in her hand anymore that Allison shows up.
Instead of the relaxed way she usually holds her wings, they’re pulled taut behind her back. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest and there’s a decidedly not pleased look on her face.
“Hey,” Natalie says, not interrupting the sequence of stabbing moves she’s been practicing. She has no time for the way seeing Allison makes her feel.
Safe – a joke. Not alone – Allison might not even be real. Cared about – impossible.
Those kinds of emotions aren’t meant for someone like her in the first place, and she’s not going to indulge them.
give me shelter or show me heart by hondayota (Not Rated | 4,720 | 3/3)
Renee had always thought of hope as a feeling, something she scraped out of her insides when she had nothing else to hold onto, but over the past months, hope had ceased to be a feeling and had become synonymous with Allison Reynolds.
the renison zombie au no one asked for
renee and allison are hella gay even when there's zombies
It's Called Fashion Hunty. Look it up. by theKristastrophe (T | 15,440 | 8/8)
Sara works for a company that she doesn't hate but doesn't love either. So she sits at the bar with her two other best friends and tries to get through the work week.
When a fresh lawyer stumbles into thier weekly Rant Club, Sara knows she's in for a wild ride.
Featuring gratious eyerolling, snark, and everyone's favorite Foxes.
Buckle up kiddies. It's time to Sashay, Sashay, Sashay...
Come Close by tinystreetlamp (T | 10,932 | 1/1)
Sometime around 200 BC in Ancient Greece, in a world where the greek gods are real, Laila is a warrior from Sparta. During her first visit to Athens she meets not only Jeremy of Troy but also falls head over heels in love with Sara, a daughter of Apollo and local poet. But Sara is cursed, and soon the three cross the Mediterranean on a quest to break the curse and save Sara.
Sara means Sun by tinystreetlamp (M | 27,739 | 8/8)
Five years ago, ships with black and red sails appeared on the horizon and wiped out all of the royal family - except one. The Raven King conquered Coralia and is doing everything he can to stay in power. Jeremy of Troia, the rightful heir to his kingdom, has been in hiding for the past five years, but he found something worth fighting for.
Laila, an Elven Warrior and Jeremy's best friend, will do anything to protect him. Meeting a cute stranger isn't going to change that.
/Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
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