#great job cooking with that one oh my lord
blazingblorbos · 8 months
What is up with them
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Genuinely what is wrong with them. You have to understand how much power this holds over me.
What is it with the recent Hoyo women who can just... command horrors, the likes of which no one has ever seen?!?
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Sebastian & Co. - Riddle Rosehearts Reader
I changed it up a bit Anon, and made you Ciel's long lost cousin twice removed and a lord instead of an earl, pre overblot riddle, beheading is literal. But your butler is still Trey and your staff is still the rest of the Heartslabyul cast like we discussed before. Sorry for not posting at an earlier time, my seasonal allergies turned into a very bad cold. —Benny🐰
Warnings -> Passing mentions of decapitation...
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian's first impression of you was... not great. When he opened the front door to let you inside, you were in the midst of shouting at your butler about following rules and then you turned to him and said "It's about time!" So you were another cheeky brat like his master, it seems. The demon didn't mind you all that much though, he was used to dealing with children already.
🐈‍⬛ He was a bit shocked that you were Ciel's distant cousin, but then again your soul was just slightly similar to that of his master. While you and his young master conversed about your childhoods, Sebastian listened in from where he stood off to the side. All he could really offer your situation sympathy-wise was a short muttered "Oh."
🐈‍⬛ Upon your arrival you had brought a few members of your staff with you, which Sebastian thought of as strange since you came here to see his young master only. But he figured that you must have wanted to introduce them to your cousin. Or... to give them an example of how to do their jobs properly, from what the demon butler saw, they were just as incompetent as the Phantomhive Manor's own staff. Ugh. Such misfortune.
🐈‍⬛ Sebastian did however meet your own butler who went by the name of Trey Clover. He was quite impressed with his performance considering he was a human. Though later in the visit you had sent Trey to assist him with dessert, something about "Trey, go make me a tart.". And dear me did Sebastian find out your butler can make a good ass tart.
🎩 Ciel was quite shocked to find that he had any family left after Madam Red's unfortunate passing. You looked a bit similar to his aunt as well, but you quickly clarified that you were his distant cousin twice removed. The young earl was definitely taken aback at your intense dedication to the rules your mother raised you with. Ciel was even more shocked that you hold your staff to the same rules and behead those who disobey.
🎩 Truth be told he finds you quite childish and audacious, such rules are utterly ridiculous, and he tells you so. Fortunately, you can't bring yourself to behead Ciel and the two of you delve into a long talk about your differing childhoods. He learned of your mother and what she put you through, but he can't help but be envious that you still have your parent, even if they aren't the best. Ciel doesn't tell you that though.
🧹 Poor Mey'rin is terrified of you! She was moving a stack of expensive china plates from the storage room to the kitchen and as she walked through the tea room, past you and the young master, she tripped! The plates sailed to the ground and broke on impact. As Mey'rin turned to apologize, she was met with a very angry you, shouting about how she should be beheaded for her mistake.
🧹 Thankfully one of your staff, Ace, made up some excuse that calmed you down and helped her up. Mey'rin instantly fell in love, he was such a 'kind gentleman'. How he looked in her eyes with that boyish smirk and said, "Let's get outta here.", she couldn't hold herself together and sprinted out of the room in embarrassment.
🧯 Bardroy is peak annoyed with you, he already has the young master, he doesn't need another spoiled child to deal with. He was 'cooking' in the kitchen, right, trying to make something for the esteemed guest. So he did the usual, light a stick of dynamite and toss it in the oven, right? Then the oven exploded and Bardroy could hear your shouting all the way from the game room.
🧯 You ended up sending in one of your staff to check out what happened in the kitchen and that's how he met Deuce. Bardroy thought he was a pretty nice kid even if he too had no idea how to cook without being destructive either. He also found the interest in pots to be weird. "Let's just use a pot!" "Eh!? Steak in a pot?"
🪴 You scare Finny sometimes, yes, but he knows that deep down you're probably really nice. While both you and the young master were sitting in the garden having tea, he accidentally let a hedgehog loose. However, his suspicions were proved right when he noticed that you had picked up the hedgehog and sat it on your lap, petting it as if it were a cat.
🪴 A member of your staff named Cater had literally bumped into him while he was walking past the newly installed rose hedges. He and Finnian got along swimmingly as they spoke about their shared interests with one another. He also found that Cater really enjoyed taking photographs in his free time.
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfic - World
Words: 977
Sirius loved his job. He loved working with tiny humans. He loved being one of the people who introduced them to the world outside their home. To show them nature, read stories, and chat with them while they drew scribbly pictures.
The plan had been for him to go into politics, like his father, and grandfather. And great grandfathers, back further than he cared to think about. But even Orion Black couldn’t get on board with his gay son inheriting his seat in the House of Lords. So they swiftly moved onto the spare, until they pushed him to rebellion too. According to the last email, Regulus was running a vineyard in France and was stunningly happy, which made Sirius happy in turn.
Each year he got kids from all walks of life. Kids with two moms, disabled kids, kids in care, kids with more energy than they knew what to do with, kids whose passions were adorably wild for four-year-olds, like cooking or cricket. His godson had just started in his class and was proving to be a handful, as he knew he would be. Any child that was half James Potter and half Lily Evans, with a healthy dose of Sirius’ influence could be nothing less.
But when he got word that he had a student starting the school year a month late, he mentally assigned Harry as his buddy. Within minutes of having Teddy Lupin in his class, he knew it was a good decision.
He’d been in a meeting when Teddy arrived. He’d meant to have a chat with Teddy’s parent. Dad, he seemed to remember the paperwork saying, with a name almost as ridiculous as his own. Roman? Something like that. He’d have to catch him at the end of the day. His teaching assistant, Dorcas told him that the dad seemed as nervous as Teddy, but that he was cute and sarcastic. If she said that with a pointed look at him, he pretended not to notice.
Teddy let Harry show him around the classroom, the reading nook, the ‘pretend area’ that was set up as a cafe this week, the toy cupboard and finally their table. Teddy asked lots of questions and Sirius took this as a good sign. Better he ask than feel like he couldn’t.
Once the class was settled, working on drawing their house and family, Sirius crouched next to Teddy’s desk.
“How’re you getting on, Teddy?” He said quietly.
“Good, I think.” He stuck his tongue between his teeth as he concentrated on drawing. “I only have to draw me and my dad.”
“That’s not fair!” Ron moaned from the other side of the table. “I think I need more Paper!”
Sirius chuckled, “But think how much your mum and dad will love this drawing, with all of you on it!” He’d taught Ron’s twin brothers a couple of years ago, and he knew for a fact that they had not produced any pictures like this for their family, so it would be a nice change of pace for them. He turned back to Teddy, “If you need help or anything at all, just let me know. There are no stupid questions, ok?” Teddy nodded, not looking away from his drawing.
Teddy was the last to collect his belongings at the end of the day, and Sirius helped him put his water bottle into his tiny backpack before they headed for the door. “Oh, wait! Your lovely drawing!” Sirius grabbed it off his desk. “I bet your dad is going to love this!”
“He does drawing. For a job!” Teddy shared, gleefully. “I want to do that.”
“Well based on today’s artwork, I think you’d be a fantastic artist!” He smiled down at Teddy, who beamed up at him. “Come on, let’s go find your dad.”
Teddy’s Dad, who Dorcas was, annoyingly, definitely not wrong about, was waiting on the playground alone, looking nervously at the door. He visibly sighed in relief when he saw them and walked towards them.
“Dad!” Teddy ran towards him and was swept up into a hug. “Dad! I did art!”
“You did?” Teddy’s dad asked earnestly. “Can I see it?” Sirius held out the drawing, which he took and examined. He crouched next to his son. “You drew the new house. Wow! That’s so much detail, Teds. This is amazing. We’re going to put this on the wall in the kitchen!”
Teddy grinned at his dad, and then back at Sirius. “Thank you for Today.”
Sirius’ heart melted a little bit, “Thank you, Teddy! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“Why don’t you go and play on the swings for a minute, while I have a quick chat with Mr…”
“Black.” Sirius supplied, “Sirius.”
Remus nodded as Teddy ran to the tiny swings on the playing field. “Was he alright? No trouble?”
“No trouble at all, he’s a good kid.” Sirius smiled, “His art skills are so advanced for his age. I honestly wouldn’t blink if you told me a ten-year-old drew this. Must be genetic.”
“Ah, he’s been bragging about me?” His cheeks flushed slightly and it was possibly the cutest thing that Sirius had ever seen.
“Yeah, seems he wants to follow in your footsteps.” Sirius paused, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t ask your name.”
“Remus. Lupin.” Remus. That was it. Remus’ cheeks grew pinker. “Well, thank you. I was so nervous about him starting late. He’s my world, but we had to move back. My mum.” Sirius understood. “But it seems he’s... in good hands.” A slight smirk teased the corners of Remus’ mouth.
Sirius had plenty of single mums flirt with him over the years, but this was new. “I’ll tell you what, Remus. Why don’t I give you my number, just in case.” He dragged his eyes up Remus’ torso.
“Sounds good,” Remus said, breathlessly.
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y2ashlee · 1 year
Lucifer x Virgin! Fem! Reader
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Lucifer had been in his office finishing some paperwork from Lord Diavolo for an up coming event at RAD. He didn’t see how this event would benefit RAD. But this was his job and he said he’d do anything Diavolo asked. He sighed and put down his pen deciding to take a break. He felt like a coffee.
He sighed and stood up from his desk and walked to the door opening it as he left his room and headed to the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen and stopped a little taken aback as he saw the human, ______ was singing softly to herself and slightly dancing as she was preparing dinner with her headphones on. Her singing was soft and a little off key but that didn’t matter to him. He smirked to himself as he watched her.
She turned around as she decided to get some spices from the cabinet. She jumped a little once she saw Lucifer. She slid her headphones off to speak. “O-oh, was I being to loud?” She asked him. “No not at all.” Lucifer chucked. “I simply just wanted a coffee and decided to came make one.” He said with a slight smile.
She smiled back. “Well I can make you one if you’d like.” She offered. “I don’t mind since I’m already here.” She smiled. “Well, since you offered.” Lucifer said and sat down at the kitchen bench. “Great what would you like?” She asked turning on the coffee machine. “A latte with..” he paused and smirked a little. “..with some sugar, please.” She blushed a little at his smirk but got to work making his coffee with “some sugar~”. When she had finished making his coffee she carefully placed it down in front of him.
“There you go~” she said with a smile pleased with her work. He nodded in thanks and picked it up and blew on it gently before he took a sip. He smiled at the taste. “It’s lovely, thank you.” He said and looked at her. “G-glad you think so.” She said with a smile and got back to cooking dinner sliding her headphones back on.
He watched her as she made dinner her hip movements, the way she moved her hands, her singing and of course whenever she bent over. He gulped feeling guilty for watching her and thinking of her in such an unclean way. But he couldn’t help it she was just so captivating to him. He looked into his cup trying to get those unclean thoughts out of his mind but all he could think about was her, her lips, her neck, her chest, her hips, her ass. Lord he just couldn’t stop thinking those unclean thoughts about her. He swallowed the saliva that was forming in his mouth and downed the rest of his coffee and wiped his mouth with his gloved hand.
He got up and took his cup to the sink to wash it but before he could she quickly turned around and bumped into him. “S-sorry!” She said. “It’s alright no one is hurt.” He said and placed his cup in the sink. He placed a hand at her side and she gasped. “It’s okay..” he said his eyelids lowered slightly as he lifted her chin up and lent in and kissed her gently. She gasped and he slid his tongue in massaging her tongue with his. She lent onto the kiss enjoying his warmth. He stroked her cheek with his left hand while he trickled his right hand up and down her back. She moaned softly into his mouth. He pulled away and looked down at her once more. Her breathing was heavy and her eyelids fluttered as she tried to calm her breathing. He lent over and kissed her cheek gently. “Meet me in my room after you’ve finished preparing dinner.” He whispered to her and pulled away with a smirk on his face as he walked out of the room. Her cheeks were as pink as the pork roast she was preparing.
Time skip~
After she had finished preparing dinner she washed her hands and exhaled as she made her way up the stairs to Lucifer’s room. Her hand was shaking as she knocked on his door. She barley had anytime to react as he opened the door so fast and pulled her in. She gasped and looked up at him. “Y-yes.” She said it sounding more like a statement then a question. “I’m glad you came~” he said as he kissed her neck and bit on her ear gently. He let out a breath as he sucked on her earlobe. “______, you have know idea what you do to me.” He said and pushed her against the door gently as he took her lips to his once more and she kissed him back as he raised her hands above her head holding them there gently as his left hand moved to her waist his thumb slowly moving under her shirt. She gasped once he gently bit her lip and he slipped his tongue in once again she moaned into the kiss as his gloved hand moved up to cup her breast under her shirt. He pulls away and hears her heavy breathing. “I-I’m sorry, I realise that I should not be doing this to you, I took out my urges on you, and you should not have to be put through this-“
______ kisses him sweetly. “I-it’s Okay.” She says and looks up at him. “Are you sure because I’m not stopping even if you say so.” She thinks for a moment but nods. “I-Okay, but c-could you go slowly......I-I’m a virgin...” she says blushing brightly. “I know, and I will.” He says placing his arms around her hips and picks her up and places her on his bed gently. “Give me a moment.” He says and takes off his cloak and hangs it up and slips off his shoes and tosses his gloves onto his bedside table. She looked up at him as he slid of her shoes and dropped them to the ground and kissed her ankle. “How long do we have till dinners ready?” He asked looking up at her moving his hands gently sliding them up her thighs. She blushes and looks away slightly. “A-about two hours.” He chuckles. “Thats plenty of time~” he says sliding her jeans down and dropping them to the floor.
He kneels on his bed as he unbuttons his vest and slips it off tossing it to the floor along with the other clothing items he leaves his shirt on for now. He leans down placing his hands on either side of her and kissed her once more before he moved to her neck once more and bit down gently. She moaned and covered her mouth. He pulled her hand away and kissed it gently. “I want to hear all the sounds you make.” He says looking into her eyes. “B-but what if s-some hears us?” She asked. “Its alright.....my room is soundproof.....and only mine.” He says and nibbles on her wrist. She shudders and licks her lips. “A-alright then.” She gasps as his hand slips up her shirt and massages her hip while his right hand moves to her back and un does her bra and trickles his fingers down her back while his left hand moves to her naked breast and massages it gently.
“Ah!” She moans his hands feeling cold on her breast. His right hand moved down and cups her arse gently as it travels to her inner thigh. He pulls away slightly and unbuttons his shirt. “As much as I like to be in control I don’t think I should be the only one touching..” he says slipping off his shirt and dropping it to the floor revealing his chiseled chest. She blushes and gulps staring unable to take her eyes off him. “Like what you see.....I know I do~” he says and leans in for another kiss and grabs her hand gently as he makes her hand rundown his chest. He shudders and lets her hand go. She continues feeling him up moving her hand from his abs all the way to his pecks and to his chin. She leans up and kisses him. He smirks into the kiss.
He moves his hand to the hem of her shirt and pulls away from her mouth not wanting to of course. “Can I take this off now?” His voice low and husky. She nods and helps him take it off her bra still hanging loosely as he slips her bra straps off and drops it to the floor along with the shirt. His breath is heavy as he leans down and licks her nipple gently. She moans and covers her mouth in embarrassment. He chuckles and moves her hand away from her face. “I told you I want to hear all your sounds~” he said and kissed her fingers gently. “S-sorry I forgot.” She said softly. He smiles to reassure her. He leans down and licks her breast once more and takes her nipple in his mouth and sucks on it. His left hand massages her hips while his left hand moves her hand downward towards his growing excitement.
He grunts at the touch. “I haven’t felt another’s touch for such a long time, so excuse me if I’m a bit sloppy.” He says looking into her eyes. “But I’m going to pleasure you till you scream my name~” he says and moves himself inbetween her thighs spreading them gently as he slides her underwear down and tosses them to the floor with the rest. She shudders as the cool air hits her exposed cave. He licks his lips and leans down and opens her outer cave walls with his right hand while his left rubs her arse. He licks up her outer walls. She moans and grips the bed covers under her.
He grins as he moves his right hand to the top of her cave and rubs it looking for that certain pearl while his left hand moves to her cave entrance. He gently inserts the tip of his middle finger rubbing it around loosely letting her get comfortable. Her moans are soft like she’s trying to hide them but he’ll change that soon enough. Once he found her pearl he licks it his tongue curling and swirling trying his best to simulate her. Her moans start to get louder and longer as he continues. He inserts two of his fingers and pumps them slowly as he prepares her for his pride. She lets out a deep moan as she leans her head back as the pleasure builds.
He pulls away and her moaning slows as she looks up at him wondering why he stopped. “Don’t worry, we’ll get back to it in a moment, but I don’t see the fun of me doing all the work~” he says as he kneels on his bed and unbuttons his pants and slowly zips down the zipper. “Wouldn’t you say so~?” He asks and looks at her. Her face is red but she nods and sits up. He chuckles deeply. “Well would you mind doing something for me?” He asks referring to his hardening pride. “I-I can try my best..” she says. “That’s all I ask~” he says and sits on the edge of his bed and pats his leg gently for her to join him. She crawls over and sits next to him. He pulls down his underwear and releases his pride. She stares at it for a second surprised how big it looked. She licked her lips nervously and looked to him before she gently grabbed it.
“Gogh!” He moaned. “D-did I hurt you?” She asked worried and moved her hand away. “N-not at all.” He says and grasps her wrist and places her hand on his girth. “A-alright.” She says and rubs her thumb over the top of his length. He grunts and gasps the feeling of her touching him felt so refreshing. She gulps and slowly moves her hand up and down his length the feeling off him hardening in her hand felt strange but turned her on. The avatar of pride making these noises for her made her feel more confident. She leant down and licked the tip of his pride. He moans lowly at the touch. She licks her lips and starts to suck on the tip gently, almost getting the whole tip in her mouth before, Lucifer pushes her away.
“I-I think we’re done with the foreplay.” He says and gently pulls her away from his length and kisses her with force before standing up and walking the best he can with his pride so hard. He gets to his bedside table and opens the draw and takes out a condom and rips the packet open and puts it on his girth as she watches in awe. He turns to her and picks her up gently and places her gently back on the bed. “I’m warning you that I can’t control myself much once we get into the end game.” He says and kisses her gently. “But I’ll be as gentle as I can.” He says biting her lip. “O-okay.” She says and gasps as she feels his pride at her cave entrance.
“I’m going in now.” He says and pushes his girth in as slow as he can. She bites her lip at the pain and tosses her head to the side. He grasps her hand gently letting her squeeze it until she gets used to the pain. His pride is mostly in but he lets her get used to it before he moves. She nods for him to move and he starts to thrust his hips slowly. But hearing her soft moans made him go faster and he trusted into her cave exploring as much as he could. Her moans got louder the faster and harder he trusted. He lifts her leg up and wraps it around his waist allowing him to explore her cave deeper. He looked down at her, her eyes were closed her mouth agape her breasts flopping with every trust. He bit his lip and grabbed the covers on his bed as he went faster and faster his hips slapping into hers. Every trust he made filled him with more power until it snapped and his demon form appeared.
She gasped and moaned loudly at the sight of his gorgeous wings. He lifted her hips higher as her trusted harder into her cave. She moaned louder then she had before as he found that treasured spot many men look for to please a woman. He smirked as he trusted deeper into her hitting that spot as much as he could with the most force he could. “L-Luci-!” She says in between moans. He grins wider then ever his pride growing knowing he’s doing this to her and no one else. He trusts faster as he can feel his end coming. But he was not finishing before he made her scream his name. He leans her over onto her side as he pounds into her trusting his hips harder into the treasure trove as his release nears. Her body shudders and her cave walls clench around his pride as she moans loudly. “L-LUCIFER!!” She screams his name he grunts and thrusts into her faster feeling his end nearing as her walls soften around him. He shudders and groans as his end finally comes.
They both breathe heavily and try to catch their breaths. She looks up at him and sees his gorgeous eyes. Her eyes flutter as they move to his wings. He takes a deep breath after realising that he was in his demon form. “A-apologies.” He says and exhales before returning to his humanoid form. “I-it’s o-kay..” she says her eyelids heavy as they close. He pulls out of her and lays next to her removing the used condom from his pride and tosses it in the bin before covering her with the quilt of his bed and cuddles her wanting to keep her warmth the himself.
Time skip~
After a while an alarm is heard. ______, sits up and looks at the time hearing her phone. “D-dinner!” She gasps and gets up and gets dressed quickly. Lucifer smirks but let’s her go. “I want you back her after dinner by the way...” he says looking at her putting his arms behind his head. She blushes but nodded and after getting dressed left the room shutting the door and walking downstairs.
Lucifer smirked to himself and chuckled slightly. He lied about his room being soundproof.
Hope you enjoyed.
Lucifer is my favourite of the brothers.
Until next time.....
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milksuu · 2 years
'Maid' in Heaven | Hiccup x Reader | Part 6
Pairings: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!servant!reader
Chapter Content/Warnings: minor angst and fluff
Summary: After a hostile raid from The Hairy Hooligan Tribe, you were captured and forced into indentured servitude at a young age. Luckily, the God’s had blessed you to be the household thrall of the Haddock family; to serve your kind young Lord, Hiccup ‘Horrendous’ Haddock III. Oh Thor, what to do?
an: thank you for waiting! unfortunately, due to linking my ao3 on my master post, tumblr has hid all the linked parts before this + my masterlist (sad face). please click on the 'maid in heaven' tag for previous chapters, or view the pinned masterlist post on my blog. again, thank you to anyone whose taken the time to read, comment, like, and reblog! they make me so happy and motivated. any love is much appreciated.
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There was a great discussion had within the Haddock residence later that evening. Supper was served at the single table, near to the crackling fire, and blazing with conversation about various topics. The first one attended to was the matter related to the unmissed trial of your questionable innocence. From the guilt that hung like a grey cloud above your head, Stoick sought to investigate the actual truth of the matter.
Hiccup spoke on your behalf. There were some truths, possible half-truths, and perhaps a frilly white lie in between. Whether Stoick believed the lipped wit of his son or not made no difference. The Chief’s admonishing response showed a mind already made. And the folk lesson long prevailed: it paid very little to argue with stone.
“I can’t have any more mishaps, regardless of whose fault,” Stoick said with a fistful of torn meat. “Our people are on edge, and for well enough reasons. And I’m not about to let one loose sheep, or another, cause further unrest. Do you both understand?” 
From your standing spot at the end of the table, a cinch of fault tightened your waistline. You bobbed your head and, with fingers coiled around the handle of a water pitcher, mouthed the word with a strained breath. Your attention crossed the table, catching your young Lord’s pinched features of rebellious reluctance. When your gaze met, you angled a chin and spoke through batted lashes for him to oblige. The request sent his eyes rolling backwards. Luckily, you didn’t need to pray for his life. To your relief, his father was too preoccupied with his plate to notice.
“Understood,” he said, and took a reproachful sip of his drink. You assumed he’d done so to keep him from taking back the word. 
“Good,” Stoick said with a satisfied grumble. “Tomorrow you’ll join me to pay a visit to the farmsteads. We’ll be needing a count of all the livestock and expected yield of crops before Winter. Consider the numbers for rationing. Always best to prepare for the worst.”
“Sure, doomsday prepping sounds like fun,” he said with a lop-sided pin of his lips. “But I was thinking, after we’re done counting with our fingers and toes, you’d talk with me and Gobber. We have some ideas to export new saddles.”
Stoick nodded and spoke in a tone of allowance rather than agreement. “Time will be made tomorrow, then.” 
The table quieted to small-talk, clinking tableware, and requests for another pour from your pitcher. When Stoick finished, he wiped his mouth clean with his fingers, and announced his retirement for the night. When the mass of his form disappeared beyond the aching stairs, you fetched yourself to attend the mess.
“Let me help you,” he said, taking a few hurried bites and tossing the cooked tail end of his fish to Toothless. He barely swallowed when he stood. “I just finished.”
“Although I’m grateful for your offer, I must decline you,” you said and seized his plate before he could. “You’ve done enough for me today, Lord Haddock. I’m sure the least I can do in return is my own job.” 
“I don’t think there should be a limit for helping anyone,” he said rationally, “unless you think I’m wrong?” 
“I think you’ll end up causing more trouble for yourself,” you punctuated your words with the lift of your nose. “Make no mistake. The road to Hel is paved with good-intentions. I don’t wish for you to end up there, of all people.”
He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Does that mean I’ll be in trouble with you?” 
“Not me.” You wiggled a finger in front of your nose. “But your father—no, worse yet—an entire village. I'm afraid your father's right. The scorn of a single man is enough to give courage to his like-minded neighbors.”
“If anything else happens, I’ll take care of it,” he said indulgently.
“That is exactly my point. I don’t want for something else to happen, and for you to have to do anything about it. You’ve worked too hard for your good reputation to be ruined. How could I ever sleep at night, knowing I should be the reason to have it questioned?”
“You like to worry more about my reputation than I do. At the end of the day, I just do what I think is right. Even if that means upsetting a few people who probably don't agree with me. Besides,” he fought to dismiss the quarrel with a boyish grin. “I’ve heard Hel has nice warm weather all year round. Wouldn’t mind paying a visit sometime. And who knows? Maybe I’ll be Chief there instead.”
“There you go again with your jests,” you muttered, digging your nails into the dish. “Ignoring every bit of my concerns for you. But what does what I think matter? I suppose it doesn’t. I’m only a servant, after all. Nothing about me deserves a second thought of consideration.”
“Come on, it’s not like that,” his eyes softened, cupping your tense hands.
The agonizing brush of his touch loosened your hold on the clay dish. It collided with the wood below, breaking into unmendable parts at your feet. You paled, bending to clean up your recklessness. Your Lord motioned to join and you thrusted a curt hand to stop him. “Don’t—” you choked on the shame. “Please, my Lord. This… this is all I have. If you respect me at all, then you’ll let me do it myself.”
“I’m sorry.” With pained regard, he placed a single broken chip in your palm and rose to take his leave. “I won’t bother you anymore.” 
He swept up the stairs, beckoning Toothless to follow. When the door of his bedchamber closed, you shut your eyes against a wave of remorse. Gods, you wished it would drown you. Perhaps then, the regret would no longer be tangible. You drew in a quivered breath, wishing to pick up more than the shattered fragments of a mere plate.
When morning came, you stood beside yourself, looking solemnly at the same dress and apron spread out on your cot. The same dull white smock, same plain brown kirtle, and the same serviceable apron. Stiff and ugly, you thought. All these same things punctuated how perfectly unpleasant you were on the inside. The display of your behavior the prior evening brought a taste of black licorice, which not even lye soap could rinse from your mouth. For your Lord’s sake, it would’ve served him to cut out your tongue with one of the sharper pieces of platter.
Even if deserved, there was never a sliver of imagination to conjure this—his kindness made no room for unbearable thoughts. 
When the morning chores were completed without a word and, without complaint, you set off to the docks. With your new piece in tow, you trailed down the trodden path to a landscape filled with thatched roofs, until the hill steeped with long fisherman houses laden with crates of tackle and bait. 
“My, my, little miss! Seems fate and fortune have brought us to trade once again.” Johann raised his hands to indulge the sky, descending the boat ramp. “I take it you’re faring well, even after yesterday’s dire tribulations. Oh, you should have been there to witness it—Master Hiccup was positively vexed when he landed on my ship and requested for my immediate aid. Why, I had never seen him in such a state! Made me believe ‘twas a matter of life and death. Thank the stars it was not the latter of the two.”
This information did you no favors. It further troubled your features, tense and painted with dismal lines of fault. When strings of thankfulness for his help sprang from your lips, they resonated more as apologies. “I’m sorry—truly, I am. I hate to be more trouble than I’m worth.”
“Now, now, my dear. Let’s not sit idle in the past and wallow in it like a cold bath,” he dismissed it, beckoning you closer with his hands. “Let’s get on with business, shall we?”
“Of course.” You swallowed the hot lump in your throat, extending your tapestry.
“Absolutely remarkable,” Johann yammered on when he took the fabric. He twiddled with the coins in his hands before giving them to you. “This reminds me! Oh, you must listen to this. Whilst journeying from one trading dock to another, I came upon the most curious and wealthy buyer. So enraptured by your work, they were compelled for me to have a good word with you. They have offered quite an exuberant amount of coin for a commissioned piece, should you accept.”
“May I ask who this person is?” 
“The buyer has chosen to remain anonymous for the time being. I’m a respectable tradesman, and not inclined to give out customer details should it be personally requested of me not to do so. I assure you, I have a keen eye for scoundrels. This buyer is anything but.”
“It sounds like a gracious opportunity,” you trailed off, fiddling with the scant coins in your apron pocket. With someone of your luck, or rather misfortune, certain things were too good to be true. “May I think it over?”
“By all means,” Johann said. “We’ll remain in touch. I shall send a letter by mail tomorrow and eagerly wait for your response.”
A response would have to wait. Your mind wandered to the more pressing matters of keeping yourself in your young master’s good graces. How could you think of anything else when your conscience pricked at you insistently? There was only one remedy for this, and it was a whimsied gesture from childhood—surely, he would remember the meaning.
Picking up your feet, you scampered upward from the spindly dirt paths to pebbled roads. With allowance in hand, you passed through the open market, pinching your way to purchase the sweetest apple from a cart. You paid no mind to a flock of young women whispering curiously about you. The business of gossip would exist whether or not you gave credit to it. There wasn’t a need to give the webs spinning from their mouths any attention. You imagined being a curious fly was very tiresome. 
You came up to the Blacksmith, clanking with sounds of clashing metal, and pluming with smoke from the forge. From the open stall window, you rapped against the wood. When nothing but hammer to iron responded, you insisted with more egregious thumping. “Get outta the way, Grump!” A guttural curse or two struck the air. After a stumbling moment, Gobber’s rotund frame hobbled to view.
“Quit ye’r knockin’, I’ll be right there.” Gobber poked his eyebrows up at your small face peeking through the window. He cleared the indignation from his throat. “Sorry, lass. Didn’t expect ye’w of all people to stop by. What can I do for ya’h?” 
With a woeful face, you placed the apple on the counter. 
“The ol’ apology apple, eh?” He said with a scratch of his furrowed brow. “Can’t say I understand it myself, but the two of ye’w always had a way of managing. I’ll be sure ta’h give it to the lad when I see ‘em.” 
“Thank you ever so much.” You dipped your chin, turning to take leave.
“Hiccup’ll forgive ya’h,” he called out with sympathy. “Always does.”
Hope fluttered your heart, and you thanked the man twice over. 
Whisking back to the Haddock Residence, you took out your nerves in the form of extra sweeping and dusting. You did so until you were choking on the splinters raised from the floorboards. With your habit of carrying on with meaningless distractions, you hadn’t noticed the afternoon light spilling from the open window. You lamented on the time and hurried to simmer a pot of stew over the kindling hearth. 
A wind danced inside, grazing the back of your neck. A delicate reminder to shut the window before the cool of night waltzed in unannounced. 
You turned and spotted a sheen of red gleaming by sunset hue on the sill. When you went to greet it, you picked up the plump portion of a half eaten apple. You pressed a smile to the remaining flesh of it. Taking your own bite, you sighed against the burst of sweetness. The taste of licorice no longer soured your lips.
You leaned into the cheerful air, enriched with slopes of green and spiced with a dusky glow.  And as if the breeze could carry words, you spoke:
“I’m glad we’re still friends.” 
Reconciliation was a word you hadn’t thought of tasting so sweet.
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Winter colds: Ada Lord Elrond x sick elfling reader (male and female).
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Age: 6 reader Chan/Kun is Elronds youngest child and He/She catches a cold while playing in the snow with the twins.
Ion nin-my son.
Iel nin-my daughter.
Nethig-little sister.
Honeg-little brother.
Reader Kun version:
You rolled a small ball of snow for your snow hobbit while your brothers threw snowballs at each other.
Your father was away to Mirkwood and left your brothers in charge of you for five weeks.
After you finished making the body of your snow Hobbit you began gathering sticks for the arms and hair and stones for the eyes, mouth and buttons then you made the feet out of snow with sticks for the feet hair.
Happy with your work you admired the snow Hobbit “Great job Honneg.” Elladan said patting your head of Blond hair making you beam up at him until you began sneezing then coughing alerting your eldest brother Elrohir “What’s wrong little one?” He asked gently picking you up and feeling your forehead “By the stars you’re burning up.” He said taking you back to the palace with Elladan in toe, when you three reached the healers they looked you over “He just needs plenty of bed rest.” The healer said giving you a brew that will slow down the fever.
After taking the bitter tasting elixir you buried your head in your brother’s shoulder as you let out a cough “Poor Y/N.” He said patting your back as you wrapped your arms around his neck “Let’s get you to bed and have the cooks make you soup.” Elladan said.
In your room You’re changed into a nightshirt and placed in your bed by your big brother “Get some sleep Honneg.” Elrohir said placing a wet towel on your forehead and gently stroking your hair “When is Ada coming home?” You asked coughing a bit “He’ll be home-“ Elrohir didn’t get to finish as the door swung open to reveal to his surprise your father “Adar? I thought you wouldn’t be home in two weeks.” Your oldest brother said “The meeting ended earlier than expected so I got to come home early. And I heard that Y/N caught a cold.” He said walking over to your bedside and gently placing a hand on your warm forehead “We were just playing in the snow.” You said coughing “I know Ion nin. But you must stay inside until you’re better.” He said gently patting your back until the door opened once again “I got the soup! Oh Adar, you’re home early.” Elladan said walking over and sitting the bowl on your nightstand that your father took and gently spoon feed you “Did you take him to the healers?” Elrond asked the twins making sure the soup was cooled down “Aye! Adar.” Elrohir said standing by the taller but younger twin.
After you finished eating your soup Elrond tucked you in then he and your brothers walked out of your bedroom.
In his study Elrond examined the twins to make sure they didn’t catch colds “No playing in the snow for a while, there is supposed to be a blizzard tonight and I want one of you to stay with your brother, in his room incase his fever goes high.” He said making preparations for the blizzard.
That night there was indeed a blizzard over Rivendell, Elladan stayed with you that night but before bed you had to take a bath and your sheets needed to be changed.
When your father learned about your fever decreasing he decided to stay with you that night and brew another elixir for your fever “My poor elfling.” He said replacing the wet towel and crawled into bed with you.
2 weeks later:
You slowly started feeling better but you’re nose was still stuffy and you still had to stay inside but with your father’s skills in healing your cold slowly started to go down more with help from the elixir and some rest.
King Thranduil and Prince Legolas came to Rivendell for a meeting and Legolas brought you a box of sweets from Mirkwood “Welcome Mellon nin.” Elrond said greeting the Mirkwood royals “Thank you Elrond.” Thranduil said “Where’s Y/N and the twins?” Legolas asked “Their in Y/N’s room. Y/N caught a bad cold playing in the snow.” Your father said “Can I see them?” The prince asked “Of course, I’m sure Y/N would love to see you Legolas.” Your father said leading the royals to your bedroom.
Elrond slowly opened the door to see you sitting on your bed listening to the twins telling you what happened on patrol along with a funny prank they pulled with Legolas when they were elflings “Tomato soup ran down his hair and into his armor.” They said laughing with you having a look of admiration in your eyes “Then what happened?” You asked clutching your stuffed Oliphant “We got our backsides heated up and had to do the dishes for 3 weeks.” Legolas said walking into the room “Legolas.” You said excitedly as he walked to your bedside and gave you the box of sweets “Thank you Leggy.” You said excitedly “You’re welcome little warrior.” He said happy to see that you’re doing better as you shared the sweets “Here is the young Lords lunch My lord.” A maid said bringing in your lunch “Thank you Jade.” Your father said as the she elf brought you your lunch that consisted of vegetable soup and juice.
After Jade left the room you began eating and you heard more stories before falling asleep after eating all of your food.
Reader Chan version:
You rolled a small ball of snow for your snow hobbit while your brothers threw snowballs at each other.
Your father was away to Mirkwood and left your brothers in charge of you for five weeks.
After you finished making the body of your snow Hobbit you began gathering sticks for the arms and hair and stones for the eyes, mouth and buttons then you made the feet out of snow with sticks for the feet hair.
Happy with your work you admired the snow Hobbit “Great job Nethig.” Elladan said patting your head of Blond hair making you beam up at him until you began sneezing then coughing alerting your eldest brother Elrohir “What’s wrong little one?” He asked gently picking you up and feeling your forehead “By the stars you’re burning up.” He said taking you back to the palace with Elladan in toe, when you three reached the healers they looked you over “She just needs plenty of bed rest.” The healer said giving you a brew that will slow down the fever.
After taking the bitter tasting elixir you buried your head in your brother’s shoulder as you let out a cough “Poor Y/N.” He said patting your back as you wrapped your arms around his neck “Let’s get you to bed and have the cooks make you soup.” Elladan said.
In your room you’re changed into a nightgown and placed in your bed by your big brother “Get some sleep Nethig.” Elrohir said placing a wet towel on your forehead and gently stroking your hair “When is Ada coming home?” You asked coughing a bit “He’ll be home-“ Elrohir didn’t get to finish as the door swung open to reveal to his surprise your father “Adar? I thought you wouldn’t be home in two weeks.” Your oldest brother said “The meeting ended earlier than expected so I got to come home early. And I heard that Y/N caught a cold.” He said walking over to your bedside and gently placing a hand on your warm forehead “We were just playing in the snow.” You said coughing “I know Iel nin. But you must stay inside until you’re better.” He said gently patting your back until the door opened once again “I got the soup! Oh Adar, you’re home early.” Elladan said walking over and sitting the bowl on your nightstand that your father took and gently spoon feed you “Did you take her to the healers?” Elrond asked the twins making sure the soup was cooled down “Aye! Adar.” Elrohir said standing by the taller but younger twin.
After you finished eating your soup Elrond tucked you in then he and your brothers walked out of your bedroom.
In his study Elrond examined the twins to make sure they didn’t catch colds “No playing in the snow for a while, there is supposed to be a blizzard tonight and I want one of you to stay with your sister, in her room incase her fever goes high.” He said making preparations for the blizzard.
That night there was indeed a blizzard over Rivendell, Elladan stayed with you that night but before bed you had to take a bath and your sheets needed to be changed.
When your father learned about your fever decreasing he decided to stay with you that night and brew another elixir for your fever “My poor elfling.” He said replacing the wet towel and crawled into bed with you.
2 weeks later:
You slowly started feeling better but you’re nose was still stuffy and you still had to stay inside but with your father’s skills in healing your cold slowly started to go down more with help from the elixir and some rest.
King Thranduil and Prince Legolas came to Rivendell for a meeting and Legolas brought you a box of sweets from Mirkwood “Welcome Mellon nin.” Elrond said greeting the Mirkwood royals “Thank you Elrond.” Thranduil said “Where’s Y/N and the twins?” Legolas asked “Their in Y/N’s room. Y/N caught a bad cold playing in the snow.” Your father said “Can I see them?” The prince asked “Of course, I’m sure She’ll love to see you Legolas.” Your father said leading the royals to your bedroom.
Elrond slowly opened the door to see you sitting on your bed listening to the twins telling you what happened on patrol along with a funny prank they pulled with Legolas when they were elflings “Tomato soup ran down his hair and into his armor.” They said laughing with you having a look of admiration in your eyes “Then what happened?” You asked clutching your stuffed Oliphant “We got our backsides heated up and had to do the dishes for 3 weeks.” Legolas said walking into the room “Legolas.” You said excitedly as he walked to your bedside and gave you the box of sweets “Thank you Leggy.” You said excitedly “You’re welcome little warrior.” He said happy to see that you’re doing better as you shared the sweets “Here is the young Lady’s lunch My lord.” A maid said bringing in your lunch “Thank you Jade.” (You can change it if it’s your name) Your father said as the she elf brought you your lunch that consisted of vegetable soup and juice.
After Jade left the room you began eating and you heard more stories before falling asleep after eating all your food.
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I just read your poly stsg x reader post and. Oh my lord. PLEASEEEEE I love them more than anything and I just need to scream and yell about them until my throat is hoarse and sore and I physically cannot talk anymore I’m so serious
the way I feel like in a poly relationship they both absolutely love spoiling and caring for u, but in different ways. Hear me out:
Suguru shows his love by pretty much just taking on the responsibility of a caregiver, because he just falls into that role so easily. He’s the type to cook the foods he KNOWS you love the most for you, to wash your hair for you while you bathe in the luxury bathroom that’s dimly lit with your favourite scented candles and the tub that’s filled with bubbles and any extras you ask for, to brush and play with your hair while you do your night time skincare routine, to offer you a massage at the slightest sign of stress (his hands would be perfect for giving a massage I will fight anyone who disagrees) to always bring back your fav snacks and drinks if he sees them when he’s in public, to take on your own household chores if he notices you’re having a rough and/or unproductive day… <333 he’s so wife….
And then of course best boy satoru who loves like he might actually have a heart attack if he has to go one second without showing his utmost adoration for you (he’s a drama queen). but I love the fact we’ve all agreed he’s like a puppy- because in my head HE IS !! he acts like a lovesick puppy, on your tail 24/7. He’s the type of boyfriend (or husband ykwim….) who when you’re hanging out together and you get up to go to the bathroom, would follow you out of instinct because he’s just so used to being a clingy little bastard. and don’t even get me STARTED on the spoiling- I know you’ve mentioned it in a previous fic and I can’t help but agree so hard. but it’s not like he just gives you money and leaves you to your own devices, i get the feeling he’d want to be involved if you decide to go on a shopping spree. He’s the type to be totally fine with carrying all the shopping bags (I mean have u SEEN those muscles….), and just pay so much attention to you that it’s almost (almost) overwhelming. Paying full attention to which stores and items catch your eye, which clothes you pick out, etc etc
Omfg this was…. Longer than I intended it to be 💀You’ve made me love them too much. You’ve corrupted me with the idea of them and how amazing they’d be as bfs (husbands.) and I am completely content with that fact. 🙌🙌
THE WAY MY ANONS ARE LITERALLY HANDFEEDING ME ATP THANK U THANK U i feel like a little baby bird being fed worms. reading this healed me UR SOOOOO RIGHT ANON <333
where do i even BEGIN this was so cute and lovely and U GET IT U DO!!!! sugu is soooo wife and toru is so husband <3333 they love taking care of you so much!!!! 100% the type of bfs/husbands to die on the hill that making you happy is their job, their duty, theyre both sooo serious abt it.
i genuinely think doting on u is a stress relief for sugu LMAO like he can only relax if you’re wolfing down your favorite food and humming happily, or putty beneath his heavy hands as they massage your scalp….. he’s such a caregiver it’s insane. i can’t see him any other way. ABSOLUTELY the type to massage u all the time have u SEEN his hands…. u get him anon. he’s just so eager to care for u all the time. ESP through cooking i just feel like that’s such a comfortable way for him to show his love!! he will always always always joke abt how that’s his secret ingredient even if u and toru roll ur eyes <33
(this is just a sidethought of mine but tbh i dont picture sugu having a great relationship w his parents — i do however think he has a lot of love for his mother even if its complicated… i imagine him remembering the soup she used to make him when he was sick and making it for u and toru too </3 it makes him feel warm. and so lucky to have a home and family with you two, one that makes him feel safe.)
honestly i think sugu is so eager to be ur caretaker that u just kinda have to trick him into letting u dote on him for once 😭😭 mind games and everything. he just feels more comfortable giving than receiving in any situation. but as soon as ur hands are massaging his shoulders hes out like a light <333 soft lil snores <3333 and he’ll pamper u even more to make up for it when he wakes up!!!
AND TORUUUUU MY DEAREST MY LITTLE PUPPYDOG MY GIRLFRIEND i love him. ur so right!! i think his love seeps out allllll the time and it’s very direct, warm hugs and kisses and gifts <33 but i absolutely agree that hes not the type to just give u money and call it a day — he loves spoiling you and to him that entails taking you wherever you want to go, doing whatever you want to do, buying you whatever makes you happy <333 if u want to go shopping he gets sooooo excited i just KNOW it. carries ur bags and gushes over ur outfits and makes u give him a whole fashion show in whatever boutique hes taken u to hhhhh hes a sweetiepie..
ALSOOO he 100% buys himself outfits to match urs. AND he’ll get one for sugu too. he’s the type to buy u friendship bracelets LOL hes so cute!! if he buys one of u smth then in his mind he HAS to buy the other + himself smth too just for the sake of matching. if you ask him to go get u a vanilla milkshake he’ll return w one for u, a strawberry milkshake for himself and a chocolate milkshake for sugu bc look!! we’re matching <333 HES SO CUTEEE 🥺🥺 (also for some reason i just know hes the one who proposes. sugu has a whole elaborate proposal planned out and already bought the rings but satoru beats him to it and he wants to be angry but he can’t. he’s too happy. and ofc satoru makes sure that ur rings have matching motifs <33 star/sun/moon or something of the sort he is a sappp)
ANYWAY anon this made my whole day i am EATING everything u wrote licking the crumbs off my fingers <3333 i love domestic poly stsg like i love nothing in this universe theyre just the best husbands in the world i think
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jazzystudios82 · 7 months
His Lovely Rose - Chapter 2: Beerus's Vision
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Previous. . . . Next Chapter. . . .
Location: Beerus' Planet. . . .
Brier and Kero had grabbed everything needed to contact the goddess’ father, Arum. A silver bowl filled with clear water and Brier’s grimoire. The only thing that they were having trouble with was finding a suitable place to place the silver bowl. 
“Kero, where do you think we should put it?” Brier asked as the two walked around their home. “Well, how about we have the call in the dining room?” Kero suggested, holding the medium sized bowl in his right hand. “That way while you talk with your father, I can also start cooking a meal for Lord Beerus and Whis when they return.” Brier replied with, “Excellent idea, Kero! Let’s get started.” 
“Right away, my lady.” 
Brier and Kero immediately walked to the dining room, both placing the necessary items on the dinner table. Brier opened up her grimoire, immediately going to the page filled with different summoning spells. She skimmed through the contents of the page until her ruby red eyes landed on the one she was looking for. A spell for contacting a family member.
Brier then placed her grimoire on the table, and looked at the bowl of water. Brier raised her hands over the bowl and chanted the spell in the ancient language of the gods:
“murA ginK natiT taerG O, eeht nommus I!” 
Suddenly, the water in the silver bowl began to rise into the air. It then turned into a medium-sized orb, with a soft green glow coming from the center of it. “Hello? Who’s there?” a soft and smooth voice asked. “It’s me, Father.” Brier answered. ‘Ah! So it is! How are you, my little rose blossom?” he asked, now sounding cheerful. 
“I’m doing fine.” Brier answered with a small smile on her face. Despite being a full grown adult, Brier still smiled whenever her father addressed her by her old childhood nickname. “And how are you doing?” “I’m doing good as well, thank you for asking me.” her father replied. "So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Brier asked, getting straight to the point. "Pardon? What do you mean?" 
"What do you mean, 'what do you mean'? Kero said that you spoke with him earlier and said that you wanted to talk to me right away!" Brier told him "Oh that! It's nothing really, I just wanted to. . .speak with you is all." Arum admitted. "?" "Brier? Are you ok?"  
"Let me get this straight: You had Kero contact me all because you wanted a chat?" Brier questioned. ". . .Yes?" her father said. Instead of getting annoyed, Brier let out a melodious laugh. "B-Brier?!" "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be mean!" Brier told him. "It's just a little funny to think that the 'Great Titan King Arum' missed his daughter so much that he had her familiar call him." "This was a mistake-" "Oh relax! It's fine." Brier assured him. "Now, what do you want to talk about, Father?" 
"Anything, really." Arum told her. "Really? Even about Beerus?"
". . .I suppose so. However, I’m afraid to ask you this, but is your husband still asleep? I swear if he is, I’m going to-” “No, he isn’t.” Brier interrupted. “He woke up not too long ago.” 
“Really? Well, that’s good I suppose.” Brier’s father said, not sounding as cheerful as he was before. “Father-” “What? I didn’t say anything.”  
“But I know what you’re about to say. ‘Oh I hope that that lazy bag of bones is actually doing his job for once!’ Am I right or am I wrong?” Brier responded. “. . .I never once said something like that.” "Yes you have!" Brier said, sounding rather exasperated. "I've heard you mutter it when you thought he wasn't paying attention at the last family dinner!"
'. . .So you heard that, huh?'
“YES! And I can assure you, father, that Beerus is out doing his job right now!”
Location: Outer Space. . . .
Beerus sneezed for the second or third time today. 'Ugh, who's talking about me?' he wondered as he sat on a random meteor, impatiently waiting for Whis to come back. He was still hungry since he didn’t eat much earlier, so he had Whis go search for food. And that was nearly two minutes ago! Trying his best to be patient, Beerus decided to think about other matters, such as the dream he had when he was asleep. It was about a mysterious warrior who would be worthy enough to be his rival. The only issue that he had was remembering what his name was. 'Now what was it?. . .'Super something' I think. . .Argh! Where is he? How long does it take for someone to bring a snack?’ he wondered.
Beerus looked at a small blue orb that was inside of an hourglass. Whis had left it so that Beerus could communicate with him (they didn’t communicate telepathically like Brier and Kero do). He looked at the orb and called out, “Whis, are you almost done?” 
“I still have two more minutes, Lord Beerus.” the angel answered, using his staff to talk with Beerus. He had traveled to a planet that was filled with alien dinosaur creatures and other oddities. Whis spotted a four eyed yellow skinned alien that had recently killed a giant blue dinosaur-like creature, whose body was being carried by various small green colored blob-like aliens. He must have been their leader. 
“I’m terribly sorry to interrupt your great moment, chief.” Whis announced. The Alien Chief looked behind him to see who was talking to him. “You see, it’s this dinosaur meat you have with you. Word is that it’s quite delicious. We’ve heard tales of it all across the Seventh Universe. I’m sure it was a difficult hunt, so I hate to take it from you.” Whis said, semi-apologetic. “Nevertheless, I am taking it.”
However, the alien spoke in a different language. "Ho ho ho ho!", was what he said. 'Oh no, not this tongue.' the angel thought. Whis cleared his throat and did his best to communicate with the alien peacefully.
"Ho ho ho, ho ho ho ho." 
"Ho ho, ho ho ho!" 
"Ho ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho ho." 
"Ho ho, ho ho ho." 
This continued for a while until Whis got tired. “Lord Beerus only gave me three minutes to acquire this in my own way, if you could hand it over nicely it’ll give me something to brag about.” Whis sighed. “And you and your world can escape unharmed. I’d call that a win-win situation.” However, instead of listening to Whis, the Alien Chief transformed into a more monstrous form, where he now had red skin, dark horns, and a muscular build.
“Oh my. It seems your species can achieve a combat transformation. It seems my research was woefully incomplete. But, I still have forty seconds.” Whis muttered to himself. “Nope! Sorry, time’s up!” a voice boomed out. The angelic attendant looked up to see his God of Destruction looming over him and the alien brute.
“It’s only been two minutes and twenty seconds, and you know it.” Whis said. “You sure? Because it feels like it’s been twenty centuries and two years for me, Whis.” Beerus replied.
“Oh pish posh, I still don’t get why you’re so irritable the first few years after waking up.” Whis said. “Also, the talk about this dinosaur meat from Lord Typhon II is just rumors. They may not even be true.” 'Again, it amazes me that Brier is able to put up with you when you're like this. . .' 
“I’m well aware of that, but I still think it’s worth a try. If the stories are true, it packs a flavor that is unrivaled in the cosmos.” Beerus said, licking his lips. “I’m hoping it gives a jolt to my senses and helps me remember the figure from my dreams.” 
“A dream?” “A premonition that I had during my great slumber.” 
“Forgive me, but your “premonitions” don’t have a history of coming to fruition. Once you dreamt of a galactic pop star moving to our solar system. And that didn’t pan out, now did it?” Whis told him. Beerus looked at him, annoyed. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?”
Suddenly, the Alien Chief leapt at Beerus in an attempt to attack him. However, he was able to block the creature’s attacks by simply using his finger, without using much effort either. He even dodged the creature’s blasts with a lazy smile on his face. Then Beerus appeared in front of him, with his hand raised to the creature’s face.
“I find you dreadfully boring.” he said, his smile gone.
The Chief ignored what he said and opened his mouth, blasting him with red hot fire. Or so he thought.
Beerus had moved out of the way in time. The creature tried again, only this time Beerus returned the fiery blast back at him. This caused a giant explosion aftwards. The smoke cleared, showing that the brute had crashed into the dirt below him. “Are you done now?” Whis asked. “It really irks me when a creature lacks basic manners.” Beerus muttered. “My my, you sound just like your father-in-law.” Whis commented in a joking manner.
“Whis, please don’t joke about something like that. Now then, what was I talking about?” Beerus said. “You had a premonition about a mysterious figure you can’t remember.” Whis answered. 
“Oh right. I’m this close to remembering, but I can't. And it’s so annoying, it’s like that feeling when you have something caught in the back of your teeth that you can’t fish out!” he complained. “Or like a bit of dried earwax that you can’t reach but feel rattling around in your head all day! You know what I mean right? It’s the worst!”
“. . .So my lord, what about the meat? Shall we try some?” Whis asked, not wanting to answer Beerus' question. Instead of answering right away, Beerus formed a glowing ball of white light in the palm of his hand. “?” “Forget it, it doesn’t look so tasty after all.” Beerus said. He then released the ball of light towards the ground of the planet, which slowly sank into the soil. Cracks appeared, and beams of golden yellow light came forth. The planet was in the process of being destroyed. Beerus and Whis left the planet immediately to watch the aftermath. 
And just like that, the planet was blown to smithereens in a brilliant flash of golden light, bits and pieces of it flying all over the place. 
“You know, one might see this explosion and think of something foul, but in my eyes there is nothing more beautiful than a shattering planet.” Beerus said. “Oh really? And what about Lady Brier? If I remember correctly, you once said that she was the most beautiful woman in the entire Multiverse. In fact, you said that she's more beautiful than Lady Helles herself.” Whis asked in a teasing tone.
This caught Beerus off guard. “. . .Well, yes, I suppose I did.” he muttered with a faint blush on his face. “Anyway, are you sure that was wise? What if the meat could have helped you?” Whis questioned. “I guess I didn’t need it, this explosion did the trick. I can see him, the ultimate fighter, waiting to be awoken. His power will suitably keep me entertained in terms of combat. And now the image has a name.” Beerus told his attendant. “Then by all means, let’s hear it.” Whis said.
“. . .Now what was it?” Beerus asked himself. Whis did his best not to let out an annoyed sigh.
“I know it starts with an “S”. It’s “Super” something. . .Wait. . .a Super Saiyan God.” Beerus muttered to himself. “Super Saiyan God? Are you sure?” His attendant questioned. “I think. . .great, now I’m forgetting it again. You see, that’s the problem with visions, they’re too slippery.” Beerus said. “It appears so. Well, I wouldn’t strain your mind too much about it. How about we go back and get you fed?” Whis asked. "I'm certain that Kero is making you a meal right this minute." “You don’t have to ask me twice.” Beerus said. Whis nodded and proceeded to use his staff to transport them back home.
Location: The Sacred World of the Kais. . . .
“?!” Elder Kai dropped his cup of tea upon sensing the energy of someone he thought was still deep in slumber.
“Elder, is something the matter?” Kibito Kai asked, concerned. “Is something wrong with the tea? Is it too bitter?” “Are you serious? You didn’t feel that?” Elder Kai questioned. Kibito Kai took a moment to see if he missed something, but he still felt nothing. "No, I'm afraid not. Why?" This made Elder Kai even more rattled.
“Were you born yesterday?!” he exclaimed, slamming his wrinkled hands on the table. “This is bad. Horribly, horribly bad. It’s only been thirty nine years. Lord Beerus the Destroyer has awoken.”
Arum Profile
Voice Claim: Husk from Hazbin Hotel (Keith David)
Age: The same as The Grand Minister (1.4 Trillion)
Gender: Male
Species: Titan
Powers & Abilities: N/A
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kstewdeux · 2 years
InuPrompt 2022: Mental Health (11.10.22)
Summary: After Kagome’s death, a villager pushes a struggling Inuyasha too far. Rewind Universe.
Song Credit: Joker by Dax
Clumsily sliding down the wooden wall, Inuyasha buried his face in his hands and pulled his knees up to his chest. It’d been a year since he’d been behind four walls and, of course, he had his friends to thank for it. They’d saved this godforsaken place so long ago now and the Lord upon finding him wandering the forest had insisted he come be a guest. The man himself had been very sympathetic and offered sincere apologies for the loss of ‘such great warriors’.
That didn’t mean there weren’t whispers once he’d arrived. No one said anything publicly, of course, because the Lord had announced very forcefully that this half-breed was a guest in their home and was entitled to anything he requested. To be honest, it hadn’t even been that memorable a battle. The weird old lady exorcist had been involved at this one. Maybe. Everything ran together anymore so it was hard to remember anything with any amount of clarity.
But he’d been given a room. Cooked food. Which was a gift Inuyasha never thought he’d be given again. This neither hindered or helped his tears. What he wouldn’t give to never be confronted with memories again. This, right here, was why he stayed in the mountains and forests. There was next to nothing to trigger pleasant memories out there. No one who would say their names out loud. No landmarks or buildings he’d seen before. Nothing to give him hope that he might catch a lingering scent. No reminders of comforts he missed.
It was easier to accept they were gone when he wasn’t confronted with reminders that they’d lived.
Distantly, he heard someone slide open the door and come in. The smell suggested food had been brought. Beef and rice and a root vegetable of some sort. Lightly spiced. He’d probably been a jackass about the spice last time…
And they remembered.
“I heard,” a deep male voice slurred slightly and Inuyasha was hit with an undertone. Sake. A considerable amount if the stench was any indication.
“I said I heard,” the man repeated and Inuyasha sluggishly raised his head. The large obese man smirked in his direction before picking up a cup and the sake to pour himself a glass.
“Shame about your village. My condolences,” the man hummed knowingly and what little color that remained in Inuyasha’s sickly visage vanished.
“Oh. You didn’t know? It’s gone. Torn to the ground. Villagers slaughtered. Nothing really left,” the man offered with a evil sounding chuckle before taking a long sip. Smacking his lips, the man lowered the cup and swirled what little remained, “One of our merchants said the survivors asked after you. Asked why you abandoned them. Shame.”
The double meaning behind that last word wasn’t lost on an already broken Inuyasha.
“I-I don’t…I don’t u-understand,” Inuyasha managed and the man shrugged casually before taking another swig.
“Well, I think you’d agree that,” the man paused to let out a burp that grated against Inuyasha’s nerves, “Excuse me. I think you’d agree the circumstances were suspicious. I wanted to know who my father paid. Looked into a few things. Background. You know.”
When a shell shocked Inuyasha simply gaped at him in horror, the drunken man rolled his eyes.
“Point being. Everyone’s dead. No thanks to you. My condolences,” the man snorted and sagging, Inuyasha let out a barely audible whine.
What the literal shit.
“W-when d-did-“ Inuyasha tried - fighting against the urge to devolve into hysterics but doing a piss poor job at looking sane. For a brief second, Inuyasha was absolutely convinced the man seemed to enjoy whatever was happening but the pleased expression was gone far too fast. It wasn’t clear. Nothing was clear.
“Can’t really say. Not too long ago,” the man offered with a disinterested hum before picking up the bottle to once again fill his cup to its brim, “You know, the Lord of this Castle might say you are honorable but you forsake your home. Your comrades in arms. And now you’ve come here again. I don’t like it. Very convenient if you ask me.”
For the life of him, Inuyasha could not understand why this man felt the need to torture him like this. By all accounts, it didn’t make sense. What on earth had he done…
“Little half-breed, you may have my father fooled but I see through you,” the man commented as his dark eyes focused on the putrid liquid clearly clouding his judgment, “You should leave. We don’t need your help.”
Clumsily getting to his feet, it was all Inuyasha could do to not break down. To keep from showing this man the tears that threatened to stream down his cheeks. Every movement was painful to the point it clouded his mind and as he swayed, Inuyasha almost missed the taunt that left the man’s lips.
“One thing. Tell me before you go. Strange how only you survived, isn’t it? True, the others seemed quite stupid. Especially that whore. Which idiot fell first?” the man taunted after another long drink. Inuyasha went rigid and closed his eyes in attempt to control his reaction. After all, he’d been invited into a good man’s house. Treated well and with more kindness than he deserved. Just because the son was a jackass didn’t mean he had to punish the lord for showing a little mercy. He was better than this man gave him credit for and he didn’t want to cause problems. In a way, being given permission to leave was actually a relief. He could go back to being alone with his thoughts. Could just disappear and fade away into nothingness.
“D-don’t call h-her a whore. Please,” Inuyasha mumbled faintly as his chest began to heave, “She-“
“Oh. How sweet. Did you love the little bitch half-breed?” the man snickered - his sadistic grin widened when Inuyasha flinched, “I bet she went down easy like she did in life.”
Letting out a controlled breath, Inuyasha didn’t have the energy or strength to dignify that question with an answer. All he needed to do was leave. Kagome would want him to turn the other cheek. To not get angry. Just leave quietly and calmly. That’s all he wanted and needed to do.
His claws, however, dug into his palm as his anger flared to life. Something built inside of him. Taking advantage of the lack of brain power and emptiness the half-demon had these days. A feeling that only grew when the man swaggered to block the way out and sneered.
“I am curious though,” the man continued cruelly, “Did her blood taste good on your tongue?”
Inuyasha barely repressed the impulse to rip the man’s tongue out for even suggesting he’d killed her. That he’d eat her. Of all the disgusting things he’d been accused of, that was among the worst yet Inuyasha told himself that Kagome would want him to be the better man. He was better than this asshole. Never in a million years would he torture someone like this. All he’d wanted to do was help people. He wanted to be a hero. And, for a while, he had been one. Still…still could be. Eventually. When every heart beat stopped hurting. Kagome would want…
“L-let me p-pass,” Inuyasha managed hoarsely – his body trembling as negative emotions and power began flooding his veins. The man snorted but did move aside.
“I only ask because I remember that whore being a chubby girl,” the man chuckled drunkenly – a smug grin on his lips as Inuyasha stumbled forward, “A lot of good meat on her-“
A hand closed around his throat before he could finish that thought.
“I told you not to call her a whore,” Inuyasha growled angrily – faint purple lines blossoming on his cheeks as something raw and dangerous flashed behind his amber eyes, “She was good. Kind.”
Something about the man’s blunt fingernails clawing at his skin gave Inuyasha a feral satisfaction and he tightened his grip.
“You should’ve known better,” Inuyasha chuckled darkly as his eyes bled red. Two large brown eyes widened in terror as the portly man upped his efforts to break free.
“Torture the half-breed was your idea, huh?” Inuyasha scoffed as his aura flared hotter, “Kick a man while he’s down? What about that screams success?”
The jerky shake in the negative was the man’s desperate response. His lips and face turning blotchy and blue. The strength behind his fingers growing fainter with each scratch.
“You’re smart enough to know I loved her and you still came. Tell me something. How did you think was going to end?”Inuyasha hissed dangerously as he tightened his grip to the point he heard bone start to crack, “Because I think they call that a bad decision.”
Without further warning and with one hard thrust, Inuyasha released the man. Across the room. Through the wall. Onto the grass outside where he remained. Unmoving.
It was only after he heard a few people scream that Inuyasha came back to himself and realized what he’d done. What his actions meant. What he was.
That was a turning point in Inuyasha’s already miserable life. That and his subsequent investigation into the man’s claims that the village he’d once called home had been attacked.
Well, to call it an attack was unfair. A massacre seemed like a better word. The damage maybe a week old at most. Far too recent to match up with the story he’d been fed. Still…
Naraku had been very thorough. Melted remnants of wooden structures. Acid riddled bones on the ground. Lingering clouds of miasma that burned his skin was he walked around to search for survivors.
The bastard had said there were survivors…
But every villager Inuyasha had known was accounted for. Most had fallen in family units. Child sized skeletons in arms of their parents. Dogs. Cats. Farm animals. Maybe that asshole he’d straight up murdered just made the survivor part up to add some extra punch to his cruel game. Or maybe his sources were wrong. Maybe… maybe that story had been planted. The whole encounter an elaborate set up. Naraku wasn’t above-
“No. Please no.”
A whine escaped him and he fell to his knees upon finding a partially disintegrated body Inuyasha imagined had been spared with him in mind. Half of her face was gone. Most of her elderly body. What remained was being eaten away with maggots and flies. The bow in her mottled hand, however, was perfectly intact. A bout of panic hit him a few moments after he realized Naraku had done this to hurt him. That bastard knew what love was and knew what would hurt his victims most.
“No. No,” Inuyasha breathed as he clumsily got to his feet and stumbled towards the Sacred Tree. The graves. He’d hidden them relatively well. With leaves and logs and…
But those things might’ve been moved. Kaede might’ve cleaned them up not knowing those graves been hidden for good reason. After that battle, it wasn’t like he talked to the old hag for her to know. Best case scenario, she didn’t even know there were graves there at all. Just lived life assuming her little group of children would come home eventually. Never knew they were gone. Under the weight of his grief and self-loathing, Inuyasha stumbled but forced his feet to keep moving forward.
Inuyasha refused to breathe until the welcome sight of the graves as he’d left them came into view. The graves, at least, had been spared.
Face crumpling in pain, Inuyasha collapsed to his knees and wrapped his arms around his stomach. In that moment, staring at what was left of the good times in his life, everything crashed down on him at once. That he was a failure. A monster. An evil cockroach who should’ve just been drowned at birth. Everything he ever touched turn to ash. Everyone he ever loved was dead and gone. And it was his fault. Everything was his fault.
He screamed.
That night was the first night he’d tried to end his pain. It seemed a fitting enough location. There was enough evidence that he was every bit the monster he’d always been accused of being. Killed a man in cold blood over a lame insult. An insult someone else probably fed him or maybe that bastard was being controlled. That man could’ve been innocent and he’d just killed him. Left people who’d shown him kindness undefended. Let his friends die.
Kagome would be ashamed of him. Hate him. And she’d be right.
But the first attempt didn’t work. Oh, he tried and tried again but life, it would seem, refused to give up its hold. So it was a defeated, bloodied and empty Inuyasha who trudged into the mountains after burying the villagers with dignity. A man who could barely think. Barely hear. Barely feel. A man who was barely a man anymore.
Because it was his fault. It was all his fault.
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badwasabi · 2 years
complaining about Vorkosigan Saga fanfics.
Executive Summary: Fanfic writer tried to write knockoff GI Jane, but made it more boring and mediocre in every possible way.
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This one was a fic about a girl. A very special girl. A girl who was, apparently, the first girl in the three-planet Barrayaran Imperium to join the Barrayaran Imperial Service.
In other words, it's GI Jane, in space.
If you're not familiar with the series, "The Service" started including non-noble and non Barrayaran men as officer candidates only, oh, a few decades ago. There is a woman's auxiliary, but women aren't directly allowed to serve in the main military.
Now, what makes our heroine so special? What makes her more unique than the countless women and girls who tried the same thing over the decades?
She was there.
I'm not kidding.
She tried to petition the Emperor, but the guards wouldn't let her in the gates. Which means she happened to get noticed by Cordelia Vorkosigan.
She's the wife of the former Regent and Prime Minister, Aral Vorkosigan. At this point in the timeline, he's had to retire for health reasons, and got a nice, relaxing job as, um, governor of a planet.
Now, from a writing perspective, there are these things called "threshold guardians". People or obstacles that keep the protagonist from escaping their everyday life. Once the hero/ine changes and grows to overcome the Guardian, they enter a new world, where they'll have to further change and adapt. Remember that scene in the first Harry Potter book, where Draco says Harry should join Slytherin? Or when Steve Rogers meets Erskine?
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The heroine says her family's oldest sons have traditionally served. But her older brother died, and she's the next in line. So she wants to join.
Cordelia basically looks at her and goes "Great! Let's make it happen."
This feels kind of in-character for Cordelia, but I still feel like she'd test the kid's resolve somehow before acting. And it doesn't feel like the girl actually earned her way past the threshold. In one story, a woman in the Vorkosigans' district walked four days to their gate. Her newborn was murdered, her village mayor didn't want to do anything, the district magistrate is away for weeks, and so she came to beg her lord to investigate, as is her right. Miles Vorkosigan happens to be coming back from a swim, gets her in to see his father - who's taking a break from being Prime Minister - and the second Miles actually gets the woman past the threshold, she starts to panic about talking to The legendary Aral Vorkosigan. Her reward? An investigation. By Miles. By the end of the story, both her and Miles have gone through a lot of character development. Even more when he visits her again in Memory. In this fanfic, the heroine basically tripped and fell onto an "I win" button. The Vorkosigans are the most powerful family in the Imperium. They literally include the Emperor. And she happened to run into the one person in the family most likely to - and most capable of - helping her. Timeskip to a year later. Cordelia's been training the kid, as well as attending to the political issues. The Emperor himself has put his thumb on the scale, and our heroine learns that she's got a shot. Now, you'd think the press would be interested in this groundbreaking girl. Maybe try a few ambush holovid interviews. Nope! Maybe try to interview her friends and family back home. Nope! In fact, she doesn't think about her family back home at all. Not even to contrast her old life with the luxurious surroundings of Vorkosigan house, where she's been living. I can't remember if she even mentions Ma Kosti, the Vorkosigans' legendary cook. And when Heroine gets to the academy, does she ever think "boy, this is sure different from my time with the Vorkosigans, or my time back home!"? Of course not. In fact, her family only seems to exist to give her paper-thin motivation. She never thinks "I need to live up to my family's legacy of Service, even if I'm a girl. Even if I want to quit." I'd like to think the writer didn't want to retread old ground for the series, but I suspect she just didn't think of it. It could've been very interesting to see a Miles-like arc from another angle. The other cadets and officers at the camp generally fall into three categories; active hatred, confusion and/or indifference, or they actually like her.
You may notice a fourth category is missing; protection.
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Barrayar has very rigid gender roles, though they get looser over the course of the series. There should be men and boys who have the instinct to protect Heroine. It happens in some real-world mixed units., and it's come up in the original books lots of times. Our heroine is bullied and ostracized, but remains plucky and determined. And only plucky and determined. She doesn't really grow as a character to to overcome obstacles. She makes friends through no real effort of her own. In fact, she makes friends with a guy she seriously hurt during a training exercise, where she was literally punch-drunk. Actually, let me go into detail. This is around the midpoint of the first "book" of this fic. In a traditional narrative, this would be where the protagonist realizes they need to make some critical change. And this scene is big, important, and dramatic.
The writer just forgot the "change" part.
Heroine is in a hand-to-hand fighting exercise, overseen by an drill sgt. who hates her. Someone's about to try a certain move on her. She knows a move that can counter that move, but only if you take the other guy by surprise. So she uses it. Sarge gets mad. He commands her to take the next guy without resisting. And the next. And the next. The entire class, in fact. If she resists, she gets in serious trouble. But, of course, she can tap out at any time. All she has to do is admit she can't take it.
She doesn't. 
She just takes it, until she sees this one guy. Someone ransacked her quarters, and left his hat there. She knows it probably wasn't him, and he was almost certainly framed. She lashes out anyway. Which disqualifies her.
The dick drill sgt. says her punishment is...to keep going.
And then another sergeant shows up, and quietly threatens to kill the dick drill sgt. if he doesn't cut it out.
In fact, the jerk sgt. seems awfully eager to bully a girl who has the most powerful woman in the Empire as her Galactic godmother. Beating our heroine to a pulp, with dozens of witnesses, is not exactly subtle.
Incidentally, taking that beating actually impresses a lot of the boys with our heroine's toughness and determination. Which would've been a fine plot development, if a) her friend didn't just tell her, and the story had shown us instead, ii) she had actually blacked out or collapsed, instead of being rescued by Sgt. G. Angel (not for the first time), and 3) she didn't lash out at the framed guy for plot purposes.
II would force the dick drill sgt to be much more low-key and psychological,
which would increase the challenge for our heroine going into the second half of the "book".
I don't think the heroine even sees the framed guy coming up in line, and starts getting irrationally mad at him. She just notices he's there and hits him.
To misuse a term Blake Snyder used, it's too much marzipan. The scene has a clear focus, but there's too much other stuff tacked on.
In the climax of the first 'book', there's a team obstacle course, and if our girl passes that, she moves on. So she has to assemble and train a ragtag group of misfits to storm HYDRA's main base win the Big Race.
Including the framed guy she assaulted.
Who forgave her the second she explains the situation and apologizes.
Notice the situation is set up so the heroine isn't actually at fault. Remember, she only hit him because she was groggy from the beating. It would be one thing if she seriously thought he was a bad guy, and she learned he wasn't after she injured him, but her and her friends already went "he was pretty obviously framed" the second they found his hat.
Maybe the framed guy could be frosty to her for a while, and she feels guilty about hurting him, and, y'know, grows as a character somehow. Has to actually earn his forgiveness, and his mistrust keeps hindering the team in the climax, until she Digs Down Deep, sacrifices some character flaw, and does something important to get him onside.
Or maybe that guy gets hurt or put at risk of injury, and her team can go on and win without him, and she makes them go back. They lose the race, but impress the judges, and our girl passes on sportsmanship (EG the House Cup at the end of Harry Potter 1).
Maybe the framed guy is on the jerk team, which abandons him to win.
Instead, the race is pretty much a foregone conclusion. The good guys have a secret technique that the dicks on the other team can't match. The savior sgt basically told our heroine how to win. All she had to do was figure out how to execute it.
And you know the worst part? The stupidest part? That one sergeant?
Guess who he was sent by?
So we have a story where the Vorkosigans' significant "soft power" and political influence apparently vanish the second our heroine hits the academy (which sure wasn't the case when Miles was there, even without his dad actively helping), but they also send a guy to be her guardian angel, and also deprive her of agency.
You've probably started thinking a certain phrase. But I won't call our girl a Mary Sue. In fact, she's kind of the opposite.
She's basically a very ordinary girl in a very ordinary, shallow story - especially compared to the series' usual level of depth and quality - but the story treats her like she's very, very special.
If anything, I started feeling like she was a token. The tip of a spear to get women into the regular military, thrust by Cordelia. Not valued for herself, but only for how useful she is. The story implies otherwise, and it would be greatly out of Cordelia's character, but, again, we don't see very much about Heroine's relationship with Cordelia, even in flashbacks.
Because there are no flashbacks.
The most influential woman in the Vorkosigan Saga is reduced to a plot device.
Which is ironic, given the themes of this story and the series.
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I want to say this story is aggressively mediocre even for a Young Adult book, but it's not. It's mediocre for middle grade book. Maniac Magee has more depth and nuance and originality than this, and I'm not just saying that because it's one of my favorite books.
The second "book" opens with one of her friends - a noble son who doesn't fit in with his family - having a falling out with his dad. Because daddy is a bigot who doesn't like our heroine, or the idea of women in the service. So - of course - the youth basically disowns himself and moves in with the Vorkosigans, and that's when I gave up. I even deleted the story from my AO3 history, apparently, and I can't find it, so I can't check my memories.
I don't mind the idea of static protagonists who make others change around them, but they have to at least be compelling in their own right. 
Cliches aren't compelling. 
Protagonists who keep getting bailed out aren't compelling.
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
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I posted 3,832 times in 2022
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#rip my slightly amoral elf treasure hunter girl if you had to go out trying to steal the silmarils was definitely one of the best ways to go
My Top Posts in 2022:
hotd episode 9 thoughts:
thought i might miss rhaenyra & daemon & co in this episode, but there was enough tension and drama that i honestly didn’t and i think it was a good choice to have the whole episode be centered around the greens.
i do have to admit i’m a little amused that the way they stretched out the green council plot was by having people run around king’s landing looking for aegon. an egg hunt, one might say…
olivia cooke was absolutely FANTASTIC in this episode she did such a good job of showing how alicent was pulled between her love for rhaenyra and what she thought was her duty.
rip lyman beesbury you spent most of your screen time talking about boring finance stuff but you were a real one when it counted.
let out an actual flinch when they mentioned storm’s end and lord baratheon’s unmarried daughters. if you know you know.
helaena with her bug embroidery was so cute.
i don’t know who in this fandom coined the phrase “mommy’s favorite war criminal” in relation to aemond and alicent but i am literally incapable of not thinking it when they have a scene together now, so that’s your influence.
rhaenys was such a badass in this episode, i love her very much. her scene where she told alicent that she wasn’t seeking freedom but rather to make a window in her prison wall … oh hell yeah it was everything i wanted someone to say to alicent.
the whole otto vs alicent plot was SO good i am ready for their relationship to fall apart. alicent calling him out for manipulating her whole life was incredibly satisfying, i’ve literally been waiting all season for it.
criston cole saying all women are made in the image of the mother and they should be treated with reverence … i believe that’s what we call irony.
i enjoyed aemond complaining about aegon and how he should be king instead, it was a great insight into his character. also, aemond targaryen canonical nerd.
i do have to respect mysaria for just being totally on her own side with her own agenda and willing to support whoever will further it.
her stuffing aegon underneath the sept to keep him safe was honestly kind of hilarious.
aegon running away from his coronation was a bit funny but mostly just very sad. he doesn’t want it! he doesn’t want to be king! this whole tragedy could have been averted if not for the forces pushing him around!
the fight between aegon and aemond WAS extremely funny though. the hair pulling, the spitting, the rolling around on the ground shouting … peak sibling behavior.
as a twin i greatly enjoyed the building tension between erryk and arryk and their conflict about serving aegon, it’s going to lead to so much drama.
i could have lived a long and happy life without seeing that scene between alicent and larys. but unfortunately i have seen it. and now i must life with the trauma.
big fan of how completely dead-eyed and miserable aegon looked during the coronation scene, props to tom glynn-carney for his acting.
the scene with rhaenys and meleys bursting through the bottom of the dragonpit was extremely cool and i was rooting VERY hard for her to murder aegon even though i know it wasn’t going to happen. your dragon stepped on a bunch of people what’s torching one guy after that!
category 5 event imminent i spy aemond taking off his eyepatch and vhagar up to no good in the trailer for episode 10. 
literally since the moment this show was announced i have been steeling myself to see That Event at storm’s end adapted and now that we’re almost there i would like to publicly announce that i am still! not! ready!!
1,161 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
hotd episode 4 babyyyyy
benjicot blackwood out there murdering grown men for insulting him, boy that was a scene
i am really fascinated by the way this show depicts the relationship between daemon and viserys and the fact that he clearly resents his brother but also still wants his approval. like, the part where he rested his head on viserys’s shoulder after giving him the driftwood crown did kind of get me.
alyssa targaryen reference! not by name, but it made me so happy that they acknowledged that daemon got his personality from his mother because he 100% did.
really fascinated by the fact that daemon and rhaenyra’s conversations in high valyrian are some of the most honest dialogue in the show, it’s such a great choice.
slightly obsessed with the fact that harwin strong immediately recognized rhaenyra even though she was running through the streets of king’s landing in the middle of the night disguised as a boy.
alicent babygirl i am GETTING you out of that marriage you don’t deserve to be stuck with a scabby middle-aged man.
baby helaena <3
the fact that daemon heard rhaenyra say “i don’t want an arranged marriage” and was like “i should take her to a brothel.” this man is insane and i Do Not understand how he got from that point a to that point b.
very glad that the director for this episode (who is a woman, btw) acknowledged that the brothel scene was kind of fucked-up because. like. it was.
even though it is absolutely not going to end well i do kind of have to respect rhaenyra going and banging criston cole because she was horny. get it, girl!
rhaenyra deserves an oscar for the “vile accusations” scene that was some next-level lying by omission.
the fact that otto hightower, sleazy manipulator extraordinaire, got dismissed from court for telling the truth … l m a o
“you are not a conquerer, you are a plague” oof ouch that one hurt didn’t it daemon?
i swear to god that man did not even make it 24 hours in king’s landing before being exiled AGAIN.
i spy with my little eye in the episode 5 trailer some next-level wedding drama, even more dragons, and possibly rhea royce :)
1,175 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
hotd episode 3 thoughts:
i thought this would have more fighting in the stepstones but as a great lover of the “people being mean to each other at parties” genre i can’t be THAT mad about it
rhaenyra making that bard play the same song over and over again while being emo … she’s just like me actually
kudos to this show for acknowledging that the targs sometimes have prophetic dreams, we love to see it
harwin strong and rhaenyra looking at each other when she returns from the hunt … viserys saying that rhaenyra can choose her own husband but then apparently taking it back in the next episode presumably to make her marry laenor … the fact that rhaenyra’s velaryon boys were actually harwin’s … hmmMMM i am thinking thoughts about how this will play out
appalled that this show is making me enjoy the interactions between rhaenyra and criston cole, their falling out is going to hurt so bad
rhaenyra and daemon both deal with stress by going bananas, running off on their own, and brutally murdering something … character parallels indeed
laenor <3 velaryon <3 and <3 seasmoke <3
daemon’s braids <3
caraxes stepping on that guy and killing him should NOT have made me laugh as hard as it did
where are laena and vhagar and rhaenys and meleys i would like to see them!
rip the crabfeeder you would have loved the invention of the crab rave meme
1,230 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
hotd episode 6 thoughts
ohhhh the family drama in this one was DELICIOUS, i enjoyed it very much.
i will admit i found the time skip a little jarring at first even though i knew it was coming, just because so much stuff happened during those years, but emma d’arcy and olivia cooke were absolutely SERVING and i loved them.
rhaenyra with her kids … rhaenyra obviously loving them so so much … rhaenyra smiling as soon as she saw baby joffrey … oh it was a lot.
as soon as older rhaenyra said “fuck” while climbing the stairs i was like. yes. absolutely. i love you, this is perfect casting.
i have been overly invested in daemon and rhaenyra’s children ever since reading f&b so i feel pretty emotional actually seeing jace, luke, joffrey, rhaena, and baela on my tv screen. they’re real! they’re little and squishy! i want desperately to protect them!
i’m really glad that they included alicent’s “do keep trying, sooner or later you may get one that looks like you” bit, it’s such an iconic line of bitchy dialogue.
i SO wish that we had gotten to see more of the relationship between rhaenyra and harwin (they didn’t even kiss!) but the little bits that we did see of it were really tender and lovely, especially with baby joffrey.
helaena targaryen being a weird little girl with a bug collection is something that can be so personal, actually.
also, her saying something like “you’ll have to close an eye” while aemond is talking to alicent about wanting a dragon … please oh PLEASE let helaena have prophetic dreams, that would be great.
i am aware that aemond targaryen is going to grow up to commit a ton of war crimes but honestly i just wanted to give him a hug in this episode.
alicent being constantly exasperated that her children are growing up to be a bunch of absolute weirdos was really, really funny.
we finally got to see vhagar! she is so large and so ugly and i love her very much and seeing her fly with caraxes was a lot of fun.
i’m really sad that we only got to see adult laena for one episode, she was so regal and self-possessed and i really liked her interactions with her daughters and the fact that she clearly doesn’t want to indulge daemon’s sulking.
the implication that daemon stayed away from westeros for 10 years because he couldn’t stand to be around rhaenyra when they were married to other people … oh man. oh boy. that is so much. can’t deal with this right now, sorry!
alicent and criston having a weird warped version of fealty and courtly love based on their shared hatred of the same person … yesssss i love it give me more.
harwin strong in his dilf era repeatedly punching criston cole in the face is literally everything i wanted to see from him in this episode.
viserys talking about the bonds of friendship being forged through combat together while aegon ii is beating up his nephews is just like. jesus christ. viserys please learn to read the room.
alicent and larys having their scheming little dinner together was so fun, especially since it’s clearly a common practice. seems like larys is going full-on villain and that’s going to be entertaining to watch.
kind of sad to see that daemon and rhaenyra’s marriages are both breaking down, but i can understand why since there are a lot of stressors in both of those relationships.
around halfway through this episode i was like “there seems to be a lot going on here, maybe i won’t have to watch harwin and laena die yet” so the last 10 minutes absolutely sucker-punched me.
rip lyonel strong you were a real one and possibly the only man in westeros with both honor and common sense.
i am not quite sure how i feel about laena’s death, i always thought childbirth was a lazy way to get rid of her and i can see that they were trying to add more dignity/autonomy but it also made it more violent … i’ll have to think on it.
the milf on milf violence in this was just really fun and i can’t wait to see more.
i am READY for the funeral drama next week, bring it on!
1,426 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hotd episode 5 thoughts
rip rhea royce, you seemed cool so even though i knew your death was coming i’m a bit sad about it. at least you got to bully daemon before the end.
loved that we got to see larys strong do a bit of scheming and i am quite excited to see where his character will go.
house velaryon and driftmark seem extremely cool, hope we do end up getting a spin-off about them someday.
corlys i am TRYING to stan you but trying to marry off your daughter at 12 and saying your gay son “will grow out of it” is not great behavior.
i do love that rhaenys and corlys are a total power couple who clearly respect and love each other a lot.
i liked the the scene of rhaenyra and laenor walking on the beach and forming their alliance/friendship very much since i’ve always interpreted them as being friends.
i’m glad we got to see some of the relationship between laenor and joffrey before things went south, they seemed really good together and i do wish they had gotten their life of a king consort and his sworn bodyguard.
of the different rumors surrounding rhaenyra and criston cole’s falling-out i have always thought the one where he suggested they run away together and she turned him down made the most sense so i’m glad they went with that one.
i also appreciated that his bitterness towards her is not just “criston’s crush doesn’t like him as much as he likes her” but also his sense of ruined honor.
i Do Not Trust grand maester mellos, something is up with that man. please stop with the leeches i swear to god.
the velaryons entering the wedding was ICONIC, they are legends, they are the moment, i love them.
it was nice seeing seasmoke and meleys but where! is! vhagar!
lyonel strong remains the only person on this show with common sense.
daemon showing up to rhaenyra’s wedding feast despite being in exile was legendary, i expected no less.
also rhaenyra being mean to him when they were dancing and throwing his words back at him was excellent.
alicent entering the feast in her green dress and calling rhaenyra “stepdaughter” was such a power move i literally cannot wait for her villain era.
that wedding was So Fucking Stressful even though i knew going in roughly what was going to happen i was on the edge of my seat.
oh joffrey, if only you were not so good at sussing out who is sleeping together and criston could be normal about his break-up things might have had a much happier ending :(
was hoping we would get more than the few harwin strong crumbs that we did buuuut it seems like he’ll be important in episode 6.
i’m going to miss milly alcock and emily carey but i cannot WAIT to see emma d’arcy and olivia cooke, they are going to absolutely kill it
2,329 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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inkedmoth · 8 days
"hey hows the writing going today?"
me with an armful of floor plan sketches: dONT LOOK AT ME
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so yeah not much writing today lmao
floor plan rambles below the cut cause why not!!!
So clockwise from top left: Rhosynel's family home > Boromir's Quarters > Héobald's home > The Meduseld
Rhosynel's Home: Rhos's home is a decent sized one level building in the fourth level of Minas Tirith, it serves as a good midway point between the various inhabitants different job, and just about fits all seven family members (plus Ilmara)! Rhos's parents (Rhysnuar and Tholcred) manage the stables within the sixth level, while Rhymenel works in the Houses of Healing (and Wrennarys trains there) while Hamasael works as a merchant within the marketplace, and Rhos is up and down the City like a yo-yo.
There's an L shaped living space with the kitchen in the upper L and the dining and living area in the lower part. A corridor (which I should probably narrow and add a door to) leads to the four bedrooms, Rhos opted for the smallest room once Faelrys was born, and a tiny washroom.
I like to think its probably reasonably standard size for the mid levels idk
Boromir's Quarters: OKAY SO I imagine there's a larger complex for the Stewards family, but I also really liked the idea of Boromir basically having a bachelor pad, which gives him a semblance of privacy away from his father, his own safe space so to speak. I DO imagine this is separated from the Stewards Complex by a single corridor, so he's not fully away from his kin.
A decent entrance way with space for shoes/coats/weapons to be dropped, leading into a spacious living area which is semi-open plan between the sitting/dining/study, but can be portioned off with screens if he wishes. There's a fireplace directly opposite the door, with a very nice painting of Finduilas above it. The dining table is big enough for 8ish people, and he has a private study because this man is absolutely a workaholic. He has a large bedroom (with a large bed hee hoo) and a small private balcony with a table/chair for reading, as well as a closet and washroom off to one side.
Honestly it's probably reasonably humble considering he could have remained within the larger complex, or even opted for a bigger set of quarters. Also there's no kitchen cause let's face it they have servants to keep them fed and cook elsewhere.
Héobald's Home: We've not reached this house in Swift Wings but it DOES crop up eventually so I wanted to sketch it out anyway. This house is based within Edoars, the films has the city being a bit sparse, so I've headcanoned it as being a little more built up. I've been visualising this building as being a bit like a tudor town house, tall and narrow and somewhat skeewiff from the outside.
The entrance hall is narrow, with low ceilings and thick beams, but it leads to a warm kitchen/living space (passing through a space under the stairs to access the back room), and is nice and cosy. There's a washroom downstairs, which also acts as storage and laundry. To get upstairs the staircase is very narrow with low beams and leads to a narrow landing and four kinda cramped rooms.
Since Héobald lives with his three adult kids, his daughters husband, AND two twins, their bedrooms are cramped but warm even in winter, with thick knitted blankets and oh whats this Only One Bed you say? I wonder how that got here.
Meduseld: Full disclosure for this layout I found this neat floor plan and based my ideas off it.
The distinctive great hall with its throne, pillars, and fire pit, are fairly akin to that of the movies. But from there I've created side and rear chambers accessed by corridors (and I've just realised I've utterly neglected anywhere to wash. amazing.) To the left we have the Heirs Chambers, increasing in rank the closer they get to the Kings Chambers, while on the right is either rooms for visiting dignitaries, established lords, or just flexible living to be used as needed (aka I ran out of ideas)
The three rooms at the back are for the Kings use, and consist of a private study, his own bed chamber, and then a council room. Fun thing I thought of, directly behind the throne is the fireplace of the kings room as I'd like to think that residue heat may seep through the wall and warm the back of the throne a little lol.
anyway, now to fend off the urge to draw an entire map of Minas Tirith
cause i wont lie i really really want to
0 notes
n0resistance · 1 year
Wild Flowers
don’t care
where they grow
     There are 3 things that keep me grounded. They keep me in solace with my attention deficit disorder. I was diagnosed with it when I was 7 years old, but my mom didn’t want me on medication, and just thought I had too much energy. Instead she made me do every activity she could get me in. Started with painting, reading monologues, dance class, cheerleading, flute, violin. Whatever to make sure I wasn’t bored. I still don’t have to take medicine thanks to her. However, I still very much have a difficult time paying attention. If it’s boring, like math, or lord of the rings, or office work. It’s just really that difficult. I need music or something else to get my attention to finish the task. 
     I discovered my thing though, you know the thing you have to do to keep you grounded, I discovered it about 10 years ago. It’s actually 3 things. After spending 4 months in Italy and realizing that study abroad is what my body really needed. My body and mind were over productive and over stimulated living in New York City from 18-20 years old and I always felt like I was behind or failing. It was a lot of first experiences but a lot to take care of. An apartment, 16 credits, a job, I brought Scrappy to the city. After living in Italy and learning the ultimate self care I found that cooking, biking, and writing were the things I needed to do to take care of myself. I took cooking classes in a guy’s apartment in Rome. He was my guidance counselor’s cousin who was an architect but loved to cook. Us students just had to pay for the groceries, and he taught us how to make a full 3 course meal including; appetizer, dinner, and desert. I learned how to get by with little to no money, cooking was the way. I found sincere happiness that I wanted to bring home. I learned Italian and wanted to document all the experiences I was having, so I began to bring a journal with me everywhere. It was just diary entries. I actually finally got rid of those journals. I discovered that not only did I absolutely love to write, but I needed to write for my mental health. Biking I did not do in Italy, but when I came back to New York, and had little to no money to ride the train, I brought a yellow bike I won from Old Navy and barely paid for subway rides. You know when people tell you, oh you save so much money not having a car. Well being someone who never really was well off, it doesn’t feel like I’m saving, yet just never had it in my expenses. Living in a city gives you that lifestyle choice and a journey of uncomfortability. Taking trains, Uber, bikes, and then you realize you gain a lot from being uncomfortable. 
    I graduated with Hotel Management, I still do work in a Hotel just never got into management because of how much you work. It’s not really a side gig. Then after studying acting and doing theater and film, I got into bars because they were way more flexible with more money.
I’ve lived in the Manhattan, LA, Brooklyn, and Jersey City. For fun I like to backpack. I’ve been humbled. I really like having a flexible schedule, not working in a office, and making time to have a life or do art. So with persistence and working multiple jobs, and finding the right ones, and putting energy into taking care of animals since my dog died, I’ve found the balance I’ve been looking for.
Working in Hospitality can really suck. People don’t really get it. You’re not in grad school with this amazing career like being a doctor, or a nurse, or saving the world. You’re a server or bartender. Your passion is art. You provide entertainment and live off tips. It’s a pretty great living most of the time, if you find a good spot. You can pay your bills you find like minded creatives but you have this feeling of incompetency because there’s so much more you’re capable of. It’s also a hard lifestyle. You’re body gets tired, you work weekends, you need support from your partner and family. The other day I had a dog client, she’s a retired sweet lady. She asked if I was a full time dogwalker. I told her I wasn’t because I don’t want to ruin it. My dog died and being around them was important to me, so I got into it, but attaching NYC stress with it and making it a business just takes the joy away from it all. So I work at a brewery. It’s my extra income and I’m grateful for all the dogs I’ve gotten to take care of. She asked me what school I went to and I said Pace University. She asked do you use your degree, I said well I graduated in Hospitality so yes, and I definitely use it when I have to. The reason I work in bars is to do more film stuff. It’s hard to make people understand your reasons for unconventionality, that it makes you happy and you’re not consumed in work when you’re not there. Being a manager you have to work atleast 10 hours and a lot of the time it’s just not for me. I can’t put effort if I don’t care. Luckily I actually care about people and problem solving so I’ve been able to stand that portion of it for this long. I just want to do things of my interest. 
     What is life without travel, restaurants, and bars. Right. Although you don’t feel like you do enough, and hospitality workers work a lot, we do a lot. It’s a choice, it wasn’t forced upon us. It helps with having autonomy. I like the idea that I can save as much as possible buy a flight, quit my job, come back and work the same job at a different spot, that’s probably better until I feel like I want to do something else. 
    The only thing with producing shows, events, traveling, working really hard in hotels or bars, is that it always ends up in burn out. My routine daily meditation is writing, cooking, and biking. I can do it everyday. Feel like I have a routine, and can go anywhere. If not biking atleast journaling and cooking. When I traveled to the Philippines, Australia, LA, I always asked can I cook? Any moment I spent a lone, I wrote. I wrote a lot. My thoughts, of what I wanted. The best thing about writing, or journaling, is that you have thoughts and things you want to manifest, or bring to awareness. If I look back on my journals, I have achieved what I wanted. Really it looked like making x amount a year, having a flexibility, making a project and having it hit, and luckily I’ve achieved all those things. Falling in love with someone I’m actually compatible with. But what we’re searching for is a feeling. A feeling of peace, of safety, sustainability, and seeing if you can see something grow. 
    I’m okay with living anywhere really. I don’t need much to be comfortable. I’m lucky to have skills that will get me a job anywhere and a boyfriend who I know is a good fit for me. I know we’re in this together. But because my life is “unstable” where I don’t own my apartment, I switch jobs every 3 years, sometimes every year, and do the most unstable thing which is acting, I’m really lucky to have my 3 things that ground me. 
    You see it’s not 1 thing, it’s 3 things. Because of course someone with ADD will tell you 1 thing is too boring. It can’t just be writing, or cooking, or biking. It needs to be 1-3. 1 for exercise, 1 for art, and 1 for nutrition. Just like flowers need soil, water, and sunlight.
     Back in January I was telling my friend how I was upset about the drug addiction that happened in the suburban town we grew up in. Deaths, tragedy, and how it just ruined people that we loved’s lives. I asked him it’s weird that you can both be brought up in the same house and taught the same values but the personality of people can really change the out come of their lives. Like if they love adrenaline, or have an addictive personality, or the easiest thing to do which is eat bad. It was inevitable in our town since we were surrounded by fast food and it’s all so cheap plus the combination of not much to do. I asked, in a psychology sense, why does one sibling go one way and the other go the other? My friend said, “Well Toni, it’s survival of the fittest.” That basic. Some people don’t have the thing in them that gives them the desire for self care. Even though they have the best grades or have so much potential.
Like eating vegetables, or doing yoga, or not consuming alcohol or drugs. Because they know it’s bad for them. They hang on to the highs, almost too much. They don’t have the self awareness to get out of their bad situation, like to move out of town and experience something new. Get away from toxic people. They don’t have the drive to make more money. In that case, they have the weaker experience, and it’s sad. Because you can be so excellent at so many things, but if you never want to learn the basic need to take care of yourself or protect yourself from harm. You you end up suffering. It’s sad how people can’t get out of their own way. I also very much see it in myself; but I moved to a place where you either thrive or die.
Luckily I was cut off after school and figured out how to survive. Like I did in college, I still feel like I’m always behind and failing. If I go back and think of what could’ve happened. I’m better off. 
    Just getting out of negativity, a small mind set, and exposing myself to other people and cultures. It does something to you, and makes you want to do more. I’m thankful for that. As long as I’m a live, I will cook, bike, and write. Because not only does it make me sane, provides self care, it makes me thrive in all of my being to be a better human. At the end of the day if we all focused on ourselves and our own happiness. With a healthy hobby, friendship, doing self care routines; we actually cause every person who loves and is around us less stress. Ultimately, that makes the world a better place. The freedom of it, is that you can thrive anywhere. Because Wild Flowers Don’t Care Where They Grow. They just grow.
#howtolove #alltheplaces
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 2 years
My Hero PSLE: S4E2 "Helen and Ivan had to go and jia sai and mati themselves,"
"Scullyosis," (if you know you know)
So Xiao Ming and gang got to the city gates and were preparing to go in, but then the robot was like "FUCK NO! OUTSIDERS AIN'T GETTING NOWHERE!"
Ah shit. This again. Grandmaster, your turn.
Also yes you read that right. Robot. Apparently since the city gates aren't exactly opaque for some reason, if you peeked through them, you'd see the entire city is being run by robots.
Wah. Exuvia guy here is three generic dna pools ahead of us.
Anyway. So Grandmaster just hypnotised the programming of the robot, and soon it let it in.
What a weird programming. Why the hell wouldn't you allow outsiders in? It clearly isn't hostile because otherwise it would have shot them down or something.
It also didn't recognise Rainslasher as a citizen. It seems to allow no one to go in at all, citizen or not.
Wait-does that mean the citizens...don't have an option of going beyond the city walls?
Anyway now Rainslasher suddenly remember something. "Fu-our masks! Zhi Hua, summon hard masks covering the entire face for us, it should be completely white, leave two holes for the eyes, and one big smiley face across the mouthpart!"
"I have no idea what that means but I guess I'll summon it,"
And so he did and they walked around people's houses normally.
Eh, but the people quite nice leh. They said hi and offered tea and shit. Even though they're all wearing masks and shit, they seem quite nice-and also quite typical.
Cos they're all in families. All adults are already married, regardless of how young they are, and all kids have parents.
Like the dad is the classic "works an office/labour job, reads the newspaper, likes to drink coffee" etc.
And the moms are the classic "does the housework, cooks delicious food, scolds children" etc.
Even the children just look like typical children. Playing all day. Duh.
And the strangest part? No one seems to look different from the rest. No one has a birth defect or losing a limb or paralysed or even just in a different religion or anything-nothing, was different. Absolutely nothing.
And also not forgetting the fact that they literally end every sentence they say with: "Glory to the Heavenly Lord!"
So anyway they continued walking across the streets where all the houses are.
And then 本来好好的, then they suddenly hear a scream from behind them and they all turn to see what the hell is going on.
So there's this girl who has her leg half-destroyed and ripped apart by this beast thingy that is going to maul her apart too.
And then all the moms and dads all either ran away, or covered their kids' eyes first and then ran away.
The beast thingy...kinda looks like a lion and dragon crossbreed bro.
Anyway, of course Xiao Ming want to do something to save her, but now Kiefer berry smart, he say "WAIT NO! There's clearly something seriously wrong with this city, don't show that we're any different!"
Wah now he sibeh big brain sia.
Anyway they don't have to watch her get torn apart by the beast. Cos then some random guy accompanied by a few robot guards walked slowly and calmly up to the beast then.
Then he unsheathed his sword and with one strike, sliced the beast in half, and killed it.
Then he must do the crouching on the ground and sheathing it back like the cool anime husbando always do.
And then everyone around who didn't have time to run away yet, and everyone who was running suddenly stopped in their tracks, and immediately bowed down to the man, chanting: "Oh, great holy Heavenly Lord! Why art thou graced us filthy peasants with thy strength, glory and might?"
So of course, to fit in, Xiao Ming and gang also bow down.
Then the guy-the Exuvia, apparently- told them to silence, and then they all shut up at once.
Then he slowly approached the girl who was about to be mauled apart. She still lying on the ground, cos, ya know...her leg kena mati liao.
And then he knelt down to her, and asked her: "How's the leg? Do you think it can heal?" Aww, he quite sweet sia.
"Uh, no," The girl responded.
"Ah, that's a shame," Then he got up, unsheathed his sword again, and cut off the girl's neck.
"We don't want Uglies," he started to announce to the whole world loudly now, while everyone and Xiao Ming and gang is still bowing down to him, "now do we?"
0 notes
trixtersurvs · 2 years
How is Covid where you live? It's been rampant here lately. Pretty much everyone I know has had it recently, even people who I figured would never end up having it. I'm not sure about the statistics themselves but it's definitely been going around again
Are you having a food shortage crisis due to drivers having covid and unable to work? Not that I'm aware of
Are you using check in QR codes or filling in manual check ins everywhere you go? I'm not sure what this is referring to
Are you washing your hands/using sanitizer when you can? Yes, I am obsessive about hand washing/sanitizing
What is one thing about covid that is driving you insane? That is just keeps coming back. I know it'll become endemic and we'll have to deal with it forever but I'm tired of it
Are you sick of everyone talking about covid? No one really talks about it like that anymore
Do you find you clash with anyone when discussing covid? Yes. My grandma doesn't believe it's real, I'm pretty sure, and my mom is really lax about masking so we get into it sometimes
What are your thoughts on the vaccinations and boosters? Necessary
What has covid taken from you or prevented? I'm strictly work from home now because of COVID, 3 years later, and it's so isolating
Do you know anyone that has covid? how are they doing? Currently? I think my friend has it but she was never diagnosed. She has the exact same symptoms I had though. I just recovered from my first round of COVID ever a week ago
How is life for you right now? It's stressful
Are you Okay? Okay is pushing it but sure
What is impacting your life the most right now? Work
What is something positive that has happened to you recently? I don't know... I guess I got my writing groove back?
Any goals for 2022? It's 2023 now but yeah, I have some I guess. Mainly, find a new fucking job because my bosses are micromanagers who can't decide on what they want ever
Did you make any new year resolutions? No
Seeing many friends through the pandemic? Always
Are you studying? No, but honestly? I'd like to go back to school and do another degree program
Are you working? Unfortunately
Any new hobbies? No
Who is your best friend? K, D, C
How long have you been friends? All between 11-14 years
What is something about them that makes you smile? K's sense of humor, D's sass, C's loving nature
Have they ever supported you through something major? Yes, always
Tell me a memory of you both together? K's wedding featured all 3 of us, but I have some great memories of each individually too!
Ever travelled together? K and I have. I don't think D or C and I have ever traveled together – at least not very far
Do you share similar interests? K and I do. D and C are a little less similar but we still share some interests
One band or artist you both enjoy? Lord, I don't even know
One hobby you both enjoy? K and I both love writing!
What is something you disagree on? I honestly couldn't tell you
Name a movie you both love. I don't know, man
Name a television show you both enjoy? ^
Any nicknames for each other? Oh yeah, we've all got nicknames for the others 😂
Do you have a partner? Yes
Where Did You Meet? In a Zoom meeting, funnily enough
Who made the first move? He did. He was such a flirt
Have you or have they said ‘I Love You’? Yes
Do you get bored in a long term relationship? No
Much drama in your relationship? We've had maybe more than most but not too too much
Are they loyal and loving? Yes
Name 3 things you have in common: We both love to cook, we both have traumatic childhoods, and our sex drives and kinks match so well
Where are you from? The US
If you could travel ANYWHERE right now, money wasn’t a barrier, where would you go and why? I'd travel all of Europe
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
hihi how are u doing today!? :> can i get single dad hcs (aged up characters ofc) with izuku midoriya, katsuki bakigou, and kirishina with a teen daughter reader. platonic ofc
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ singlehandedly single
a/n: hello anon, nice to see you - I am fine. I changed the reader to gender neutral if you don't mind, and the skin colour of your other parent is not stated for those who are poc, because of diversity :)
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly always mwah <3
Single Dad!Deku cried when his spouse left him, to this day he still doesn't know the reason. All he knows is that when they gave birth, they handed over his legacy of a child and walked out after recovery. You, [name] Midoriya, were his miracle. You were his pride and joy, the apple of his eye, his everything: he couldn't afford to let you go. So he worked. He worked tirelessly to be a role model for you, and his heart beat to see you smile. Unfortunately for him, his happiness was short lived because, a few years later after his ex-spouse found out how smart and talented and gorgeous you were, they came back to collect you. You didn't know what was happening, you just wanted to stay with your dad, but after hours of screaming they finally left you to him - oh but they didn't hesitate to give you their number in case you changed your mind. Single Dad!Deku grinned when you turned 16 and bought you the newest car available- in four different colours. He's the number one hero for fuck's sake! Still, if that pathetic excuse of an ex tries to come back because of high you are now, they'll have another thing coming.
Single Dad!Bakugou calls you squirt, angel and kiddo, he ruffles your hair when you get an achievement, and, oh my lord, he never stops bragging about you. His side chick left him because she claimed that he never paid attention to her, that she wasn't his priority- he wasn't even married to the nigga 😮‍💨. She walked out on him angrily, telling him that she was going to raise you better than he could ever imagine, and that he'd come back for you. The pain was too much for her after labour and told him that he caused her this pain. She gave you up. Shitty woman, he was going to give you the best fucking childhood you'd ever have, and one day you'd be as great as him. Single Dad!Bakugou ditched the car and took you on walks every day to get some fresh air. He'd make the best breakfasts and cook you the best lunches: fluffy and thick pancakes stacked on top of each other that jiggled like ass cheeks when you poured the syrup on top, and a top-notch Caesar slada with grilled chicken and hot white rice accompanied with chilled water. No sweet shit until dessert: a slice of cheesecake with powdered sugar on top. ONE SLICE! Okay that slice is a bit small, go on take another if you must. You grew up healthy and loved. Single Dad!Bakugou never missed any of your performances or activities, and cheered for you the loudest. You are even better than him now! Excuse him from leaving your 16th birthday celebration, but he has to double check the locks, should the mother find out that her child is living the dream.
Single Dad!Kirishima was so happy when he won the court trial to be able to keep you. He tries his best to make you happy, and you can bet he's done a great job of that. You were surrounded by many other parental figures from childhood: Auntie Mina, Uncle Denki and Uncle Sero. From piggyback rides to going on holiday every summer along with their kids, your life was fun filled. You visited your other parent every weekend, where they'd try to outdo Eijirou by playing games with you, introducing you to their friends, arranging meet ups with celebrities and taking you to all-you-can-eat buffets. Whenever you got home, full of bliss, it never failed to make you slightly upset when they exchanged glares. Single Dad!Kirishima never told you why him and your parent split up, often changing the subject instead to something like what you wanted for your birthday in ten years time. You were as happy as could be, and proved yourself in many different ways: both parents were proud of you. Your dad went the little extra mile on you sweet 16, opting to hire planes to fly and write messages for you in the sky. Of course, this struck competition between the two of your guardians as the other had daytime fireworks spell out your name in bright gold letters which, to Eijirou's dismay, looked absolutely beautiful. Back and forth it went, money draining from each others pockets until it was a fucking statue of you built in the front garden with a fountain. Goodness knows how much debt those two are in.
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