#great observation tho
evilkaeya · 7 months
okay I've wondered for a long time on Chuuya's phrasing about Dazai leaving the PM. All the translations I've seen Chuuya specifically says "the night you fled" and idk if I've ever seen somebody talk about that
Because like he could have said betrayed, left, or abandoned but he says fled. And something about that is just so sympathetic and ??? but like have you talked about that at all/will you talk about it?
Hmm interesting question. I've never thought about this. Do you think that maybe Chuuya knew that Dazai left without a word because he was too afraid to say what his heart ached to say? Do you think Dazai considered asking Chuuya to come with him but changed his mind last moment? Maybe that's why Chuuya says "fled" specifically because Dazai fled from his emotions instead of facing them. Because he fled from Chuuya.
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adelrambles · 4 months
You have a really good grasp on Bishop (TMNT) character. I really like your analyses on him. But I was wondering something; how does Bishop views each turtle? Which one do you think Bishop believes is the most dangerous? How do you think Bishop will take down the turtles individually? Of course you don’t have to answer this! I was just wondering for my own writing project.
Thank you, I'm very glad to hear that! I'm also quite happy to get questions on him, so much appreciated haha!
This is an interesting one, because we don't really see Bishop do much one-on-one interaction with each turtle, so we're going to have to do a little bit of speculation, based the encounters we do see. I will say that Bishop treats them all as proper threats, (if nuisances,) never letting his guard down even when he has the upper hand. His thoughts on others also tend to begin and end at "how useful are they to me" and "how do I kill them." Also keep in mind that Bishop is known to have been surveilling them before, and might know more about them than we saw him divulge.
If I were to pick one he'd consider the most dangerous, I'd probably say Don, which I'll justify below haha. But honestly Mikey has the possibility of being a close second, more based on speculation than anything we actually see on-screen.
After some review of the scenes where they interact, here's my best approximation:
This one is the simplest to figure out, I think, because we already know Bishop holds scientists in much higher regard than most people, even when they happen to be non-human (see: his (granted, taunting) praise of Leatherhead's work during the Good Genes arc.) I think Bishop is aware of Don's genius and most likely finds it a shame he can't make use of it, himself.
It seems like Bishop dodges around Don's bo the most out of any of the turtles, never outright stealing it like he's done with the others. I suspect this is because Don has the widest reach with his weapon, and Bishop is more likely to dodge away than go for a counter, when it comes to him. For this reason, Donny might qualify as the one Bishop deems the most dangerous. He's also the one who takes Bishop off-guard during the fake invasion, twice! First sneaking up on him to get the first attack, and then intercepting his lunge at Raph, ultimately knocking him down one of the tunnels and winning the fight.
If approaching him one-on-one, I think Bishop would try to keep the environment tight and cluttered, to make it harder for Don to use his weapon. He needs to even the field (by which he means, of course, giving himself a dominating advantage,) by ensuring Don can't make use of his weapon's extra reach, which will allow Bishop to counter more freely.
This dynamic starts off with a mutual underestimation. Mikey attacks Bishop after being freed from the surgical table, assuming he's just some government lackey, only to be taken off-guard when Bishop dodges and counters-- enough that he immediately gets pinned again. Bishop, for his part, seems to have singled Mikey out as something of an easier target among his brothers, and is blindsided when Mikey himself is able to get free from being held hostage.
Bishop seems to be comfortable with-- even possibly has a preference for-- chains as weapons, so he tends to try make use of Mikey's nunchaku, tangling his siblings' weapons in them often. Mikey seems to have caught on to this in subsequent encounters, though. There is the potential here for something of a rivalry; though the show doesn't push it. With both having underestimated one another, and taking one another more seriously after the fact, and taking into account that Mikey is noted to be the most skilled of the turtles when he really tries, there's certainly real estate for an escalation in this dynamic.
One-on-one, in that same vein, I think Bishop takes Mikey seriously, as someone who has proven to be difficult to predict and someone who learns and adapts (like him!) Bishop's superior speed will be his friend, here. Even if Mikey takes him by surprise, it won't be a big problem as long as he can keep on his toes and get some distance.
Bishop is probably aware that Leo acts as the squad leader, and that can be pretty useful information, though I don't think he ever really makes use of it that we see. What he does seem to make use of is Leo's honor and loyalty, leveraging family or allies more than once to trip him up in combat (Usually as in taking a hostage, i.e. Mikey and Karai.) There's even a chance he was banking on Leo's loyalty to coerce a deal out of them during Good Genes.
I think Leo gets his sword stolen the most out of all the weapons Bishop yoinks. Other than that, there's not much unique to how Bishop approaches him as he does his brothers, that I was able to see. One-on-one Bishop's probably more likely to try some mind games, knowing Leo's buttons already. If he's aware of the shoulder injury, he'd definitely target it. And steals his swords, of course.
Turns out I have the least to say on poor Raph. He clearly hates Bishop with a burning passion, but Bishop doesn't seem to think all that much of him. His sai are made use of to catch his siblings' weapons second most often after Mikey's nunchaku, though!
Raph's also a prime target for mind games one-on-one. His emotional reactions make him unfortunately easy to rile up into tunnel-visioning. This means he's also really easy to use the environment against, which happens to be one of Bishop's fortes. Bishop also seems pretty comfortable stealing his sai. Essentially, Raph's less of a threat to him the more emotional he gets, so Bishop will certainly be pushing all his buttons.
Fast Forward
I don't know if this is as relevant to you, but it could offer some insight into the trajectory of these dynamics, perhaps? In any case President Bishop's first appearance has him calling them friends, which implies that eventually he and the turtles form an allyship (probably years down the line.) He also seems to be taken off-guard when the time-traveling versions don't want to work with him-- presumably he assumed they were further down the timeline than they were.
Now again there's not much one-on-one, but we know Bishop seems to get annoyed at points with their general... teenager-ness, lack of focus, perceived unprofessionalism, all that. He gets sarcastic with them plenty of times during Head of State. He does appear to obfuscate the information he allows them access to, as well, (you cannot convince me he actually dismissed those Sh'Okanabo reports. He was trying to redirect them away from it for whatever reason, I think,) which suggests to me he's trying to control where their attention is pointed. But he also clearly considers them capable, mostly contacting them to contract them as a sort of personal black ops assassin team.
We do get a clear dynamic in how each turtle approaches Bishop! Leo seems the most convinced of his redemption, interestingly enough, and is shown willing to jump to his aid in moments of crisis. Raph is least convinced, taking any opportunity to needle Bishop about his past actions. Mikey and Don are more neutral, but Mikey leans closer to the distrusting side, while Don leans closer to the trusting side (or at least, the "being polite" side.)
Finally, it's worth pointing out that Bishop does have a something of an established rivalry with Splinter, who has proven capable of keeping up with him one-on-one. Don't know if that'll factor in for you, but it warranted a shoutout!
Hope some of this helps, at least, and have fun with your project! It sounds very intriguing heheh
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bunnihearted · 23 days
goddess the body feels sooo good after a workout 🫠
#it feels so warm and heavy and so comfortable omg#have y'all heard about exercise and stretching it is amazing owo#my thighs are super gooey tho like can barely sit and stand#luv it!!!#it feels extra good bc i woke up today super depressed (bc yesterday was rough)#and i just wanted to keep my earplugs in and cry and stay in bed all day#but somehow i managed to get up and walk all the way to the gym#and i worked out for almost 2hrs lol like when i get started i dont wanna leave#i did more on the crosstrainer (my bby i love the crosstrainer) and i dared to use the leg machine i wanted#i could adjust the seat this time phew. and i tried just one bump heaver weight for everything too#owoowowow and for some reason i didnt totally wanna throw up when i had to observe myself in the mirror skskk#so yeah it was a good session today ^-^#as always tho i do feel stupid and inadequate... bc almost everyone who is there is in great shape#and they know what they're doing and they're doing complicated exercises with very heavy weight and im there#with my 2kg dumbells getting strains in my wrists (im careful tho dw!!!!!)#im definitely doing it at a very low level but last time i worked out was before my knee got fucked and before all of these weird pains#😃😃😃 so im not even as strong as i was when i was overweight.. i never felt weak when i was#but i go to the gym because i enjoy it since it's fun and even the low intensity stuff i do makes my body feel nice#and if i keep going regularly for years maybe i'll also get in good shape and do more and more stuff#i wanna be a gym bunny!!!!!!#i used to actually love the gym so much i wanted to work at one skksks
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tiedsh0es · 1 year
i still think Tristamp is silly its own way, with how outlandish and exaggerated some of the movement and expressions can be 
like when Wolwood picks up Meryl and just scrambles away with her jumping from building to building to some guys face, or how Knives practically throws himself against the entire window to go after Vash
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jrueships · 9 months
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wtffff... THE EFFECTS OF TIME 🙀⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️💥💥💥💥
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
I need more of Hunith for a number of reasons.
1) Arthur gets some motherly affection, God knows he needs it
2) Merlin has a more solid support system
3) someone to counter some of Gaius's more...out there advice bc I could so see her 😒 some of his suggestions
4) Hunith: "LOL fuck the King." Morgana: 😀💖
5) let her yell at Kilgharrah. Just once. Please.
6. her & Gwen are the most observant characters (other than Merlin) and would have the most...fascinating tea time gossip (obviously Leon gets invited at some point)
7. she's book smart herself (who else taught Merlin how to read) and would be beneficial help to strategizing how to defeat Camelot's monster/villain of the week
8. mother-henning the knights is a MUST
9. emissary for Emrys to the Druids (saves Merlin so much stress and everyone knows how much she means to Emrys; the trees protect her as well when she journeys to them)
10. bullies Uther (he's unaware her "compliments" are, in fact, insults)
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universe of constant spinning, every end a new beginning
“So, do you have an umbrella? That was like, your thing, right? At Claw?”
Ah—not again! He can’t keep zoning out while talking to people—especially his boss.
But… why was Reigen still here? It was late and he always got to work early. It wasn’t his job to stay and coddle his employees. “I—uh—no,” he stuttered, fingers twisting anxiously. “Mine was, uh, "is” broken, sir.”
‘Broken’ was a mild way to put it. More like it got destroyed.
[or, reigen gives serizawa an umbrella]
☔️2,651 words | serirei☔️
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mayor-david-prentiss · 5 months
dunmeshi was a rly fun read but i feel like it got really dumbed down in the last quarter after everything got revealed, which is sad, bc i really enjoyed the characters and the themes, but it felt like such a slog to get thru until the end bc it felt like it was just one dramatic speech (usually from laios) to the next, with the characters frequently repeating long established info like the reader is too dumb to connect the dots themselves. which is kinda annoying in a manga geared towards adults.
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artekai · 11 months
Thinking once again about how Futaba is one of the most consistently relatable characters in all of Persona, next to Takuto and Sumi, and how that probably doesn't bode too well for my mental health 😭
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fag-on-goth-action · 1 year
i find old american straight men's interest in the smiths hilarious like you listen to the softcore gay car sex band and yr singing " i was looking for a job and found a job" you listen to the vegan pro choice bisexual band and you focus on the capitalism critiques that barely touch the surface speaking about an economy that you don't even partake in? Okay girl.
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bear-cubs-art-things · 11 months
It's good to know that there are people who like Trolls (even though it has negative comments sadly)
Every fandom has its negative comments :(
I'm no movie critic/coneseur, but Trolls is honestly amazing. Ofc the first movie is better than its sequel, but still, pretty great. There are some holes/weak points in certain scenes that I found (in World Tour especially 💀) that don't quite make sense, but the plot is still great imo.
If you don't like Trolls the door is here 👉🏻🚪
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neosatsuma · 2 years
just saw a post pointing out that Flint is chiefly motivated by revenge rather than altruism, which like. yeah and it SLAPS, no notes
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noxtivagus · 1 year
i will be productive now (real)
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sparklingpax · 2 years
ok but why does no one talk about how good specifically episode 1 of Masterforce is, like goddamn what an opening to a series (which a series should have a good opening episode, like it's ok if not but it seriously helps when the first episode is a banger) I mean. what a great way to establish who these characters are and how they work together, this universe and the stakes, oh my god and Hawk but anwyay more on my thoughts about this later (maybe)
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plsleafmelon · 2 months
If you could relive any memory of your past, what would it be?
thank you so much for the ask, kind stranger~
mm but what an interesting question. relieving a memory, huh.... personally, i don't really know. I can't really pick? there are a ton of memories i think are fun to relieve, like all the times i make bad shitty jokes and laugh about it so hard i cant breathe with my friends. but i have tons of memories like this (technically) so I can't pick one? hm, but maybe its cos i just met up with some of my friends today, then maybe, the first time we played overcooked together and absolutely got wrecked. that one's reaaally fun but its hard to remember already.
if i could pick a memory to re-experience, in like, a way i cld change tho, id probably pick that time i broke up w my ex. I didn't have to be so mean about it,,,, and i definitely wish i didn't say those things so i guess that's something else too.
what an interesting ask tho o/ thanks for the ask !!
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jrueships · 1 year
idk what it is about maxey but im literally never gonna call him tyrese, like he just seems like a MAXEY 🤭 literally the perfect name for him
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EXACTLY !!!! look at his lil gumdrop face 🥰🥰 THAT IS A MAXEY !!!! to the MAX! HE IS MAXEY TO THE MAX ! ! !
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when he's happy <33 he's maxey !!
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when he's tuff!!! HES TUFF MAXEY ‼️‼️
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