#grey´s anatomy fanfic
amaclucky13 · 1 year
What If Andrew DeLuca Lived?
As Adam Savage would say, "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
What if Andrew DeLuca lived? New story alert! So, with all the drama and angst happening on Station 19 season six right now I kept thinking about one thing. Why does Carina have no one in her corner besides Maya? It’s terrible. I kept thinking about the scene when Carina said after Sam broke Andrew’s heart, he came and stayed on her couch for weeks. Then I thought, Andrew would be so good…
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greaseonmymouth · 28 days
tagging games
hokay so I've been tagged in a bunch of these over the past few months weeks, by different people, so let's have some memetic fun
1. fanfic writer's bingo
I was tagged by @mslanna !
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well, i did get one bingo! I have never commissioned fanart but I have received it. i debated whether to tick off that last square - 'wants to be a professional writer some day' because eh, i could take that or leave it? i do write original fiction and i have at times dreamt about getting it published, but also, i don't actually care. i write because i enjoy writing and getting paid for it i think is highly likely to make me hate it, so.
2. get to know you better game
I was tagged by @love-lays-bleeding !
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
last song i listened to: Danser Med Drenge - Alt for at beholde dig. it's on my Carl x Assad playlist but also Danser Med Drenge are just genuinely enjoyable in general
currently watching: 9-1-1, Grey's Anatomy, and Station 19. clawing at my face waiting for new episodes for all three shows. aside from that, nothing really, though I think I'll watch Dead Boy Detectives when it drops
currently obsessed with: 9-1-1, Afdeling Q.
3. nine people to get to know better
I was tagged by @foxesonstilts ! some repeat questions, but we'll manage.
last song: TV-2 - De første kærester på månen. this is also on my Carl x Assad playlist which makes no fucking sense because this is a song about teenagers in love and first heartbreak HOWEVER it is a banger and when spotify queued it up after my playlist finished, I was like, you know what, I'll just put it on the list.
favourite colour: considering how many blue items i own it must be blue. honestly though i love a lot of colours and am also partial to green, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple
currently watching: see above
sweet/savoury/spicy: all of them? they each have their time and place but most of all they belong in my mouth
relationship status: single and not willing to mingle
current obsession: finding a pair of hiking boots/shoes. i had ordered a pair THREE WEEKS AGO but UPS lost my parcel so i finally got refunded today but i'm leaving on holiday in less than a week and i still need fucking hiking shoes and i'm losing my mind
last thing you searched: "outdoor sport store london"
4. 20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @palavapeite !
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
117 on my main, but not all of them are fics and not all of the fics are written by me, or just me (some are fanbinding posts, some are fanart, some are collaborative works). including my other two accounts, we're talking 224 works in total.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
on my main, 867,037 words, but that includes about 120k not written by me.
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
currently: Afdeling Q, BBC Shetland. though for the latest yuletide I went back to Volstovic Cycle for a stint and i wrote my first ever Ocean's 11 fic after years and years of only reading.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
that's 4 Harry Potter fics plus one Avengers/Batman crossover I wrote in 2012 on a whim after seeing the Dark Knight Rises and which became unexpectedly popular for a bit. I still love that fic though:
How to become a superhero and gain a family (minus the picket fence) - 7k, Tony Stark & Bruce Wayne, Steve/Tony. 2,758 kudos
the HP fics are:
Don't Blame Me (It Was All a Blur Last Night) - H/D, 7,468 kudos I'll Tell You a Secret (Just Don't Tell) - H/D, 5,209 kudos Here Now, Gone Yesterday (or Back to the Future) - R/S, T/J, 3,078 kudos Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) - H/D, 2,607 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes, usually. I stopped responding to comments on my HP fic a while ago because I couldn't summon the energy to engage with them, and more recently I turned off all comments for HP fic so that I wouldn't have to bother at all. I'm glad people are still able to enjoy these fics, but I need some distance.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've written some dark fic in the past and I think what comes closest is this old thing I wrote for HP nextgendarkfest back in like 2011, in which some of the nextgen characters (including Harry's sons) were criminals who staged their own murders to cover up a heist they did but it implies that Harry was on to them, nearly caught them in the act, and was devastated about it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
almost all of them??? most of what I write has a happy ending because I want happy endings, damn it. if by happiest you mean 'least complicated' or 'unadulterated joyful' or something like that, then maybe...I don't know, god, I could name at least 50 fics like that just off the top of my head.
You know what, let's do the most recent one:
Et Afdeling Q Julemysterie - this is pure fluff and happy ending and it makes me smile like a fool in love, so.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
not in a while - I used to get some nasty comments on this one old HP fic that had a nextgen teenage character working out his sexuality, and some people took offense at the character being asexual/not being asexual enough/turning out to not be asexual in the end. like, make up your mind about what the problem is at least? I also got nasty comments on another HP fic which featured aromantic polyamorous Harry in a V relationship with Ginny and Draco (and Ginny herself was in a V relationship with Harry and Blaise) for various reasons, including but not limited to people not understanding that one can in fact be both polyamorous and aromantic at one and the same time. by the time i posted the everybody is trans HP fic I was anticipating nasty comments so I turned comment moderation on for that fic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
sometimes. in the past I would include it (and hate writing it) because I thought you had to, but these days I only write it when I feel like it. more often than not it's some kind of character moment rather than a horny thing, though I do usually try to approach the smut writing from the angle of 'what would this character enjoy about having sex with this other character? what are their focus points? what are they horny for? what are their coherence levels? what are their sensitivities? how well do they know their own body? their partner's body? how do they communicate? etc. etc.' you'd think that leads to some very unsexy smut writing but if i'm honest i think those bits of writing actually wound up being both the horniest writing i've ever done AND the most true to character (according to my interpretation of the characters anyway).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
a few - crossovers don't hold a lot of appeal for me in general, so when I've done crossovers there's usually been a 'what if?' spark that set if off.
aforementioned how to become a superhero fic, Avengers/Batman crossover, in which Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are longtime friends.
it's pure filth that i hide (time for genocide) - Volstovic Cycle/Pacific Rim crossover (or possibly just fusion?). Volstovic Cycle characters pilot jaegers and fight kaijus, no pacrim characters appear.
Dragons - Volstovic Cycle/Harry Potter crossover (...or...fusion?) I can never remember the difference between crossovers and fusions. Harry Potter characters ride dragons á la Volstovic Cycle, no Volstovic Cycle characters appear.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! the full list of translations (and podfics) of my fics is here. I've had fics translated into Russian and German.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes. @palavapeite mentioned this but we co-wrote an absolute deranged behemoth of a 'social media' fic (really, it was a 'livejournal' fic, but same difference) back in like 2008/2009 and it was honest to god some of the best fun I've ever had writing something and also, it was a work of ART.
I have since participated in fests like big bangs and reverse big bangs where I've written or made art, which is not quite the same as co-writing. I once ran a collab fest where I co-created a comic with three friends, which we cowrote and each drew various bits for, which was a lot of fun. and! with @gkkri we co-wrote (and illustrated) a R/S fic (but really it was a Sirius & Regulus fic in R/S disguise) back in 2017 as our last hurrah to the Remus/Sirius fandom as we were both feeling like we hadn't anything left to say for this ship and let me tell you, that co-writing process was like a dream and I'm still really proud of what we made.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
I don't have one??? I'm a multifandom person, I enjoy a LOT of ships for various reasons and I don't think I have an all time favourite? some ships I cycle back to over time and some ships I never even write for, just read a shitton for. like I enjoy Steve/Tony still even though I haven't written any fic for them in over a decade? and I mean, despite my misgivings about JKR and general HP fatigue, I will never not love Remus/Sirius. and so on and so forth. the beauty of fandom is that there are so many great characters and dynamics out there to love
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
er, wellllllll there's this one Matt/Foggy wip languishing in my gdocs drive that I'm not convinced I will ever finish, but I really want to. I'll cycle back to it eventually probably. I also have this one Space AU for Caius/Al that I have officially abandoned, but I still think about it!! and yet!! that wip is probably approaching a decade old at this point. I don't know man.
I only have one active fanfic wip atm and that is my current Afdeling Q wip and I WILL finish it, I swear to everything that is beautiful in this world.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have a lot of strengths and I'm not too humble to admit it, but I think my number one strength these days is that I Do Not Care what other people think anymore, I will write whatever I damn well please, the way I want to. if other people like it: great! if they don't: okay!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot sjkdgkfljsgd especially of the crime solving variety. I will never ever be a crime fiction writer. I'm also not great with action-type of plots because....well, I like reading plotty stuff but when I'm writing? I don't care, I just care about my characters and their dynamics and arcs and development and I will hang it on the thinnest scaffolding possible I can get away with to make the story go.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
the kind of another-language-dialogue i see in fic most often seems to be weirdly pointless or out of character, just dropped in (usually by a monolingual English speaker) who thinks it adds flavour to the character, when really, that character has never once in canon slipped into their other language in dialogue. because, well, most multilingual people don't? speaking as a multilingual person I'm far more likely to say something like 'shit what is that called in English' than just say the word in Danish. i mean, tell me you don't understand codeswitching without telling me you don't understand codeswitching.
as a counterpoint to this actually i read a Buck/Eddie fic the other day where Eddie had lines in Spanish, and that I had no issue with because a) he speaks Spanish in the canon b) with his family 3) who also speak Spanish. in the fic he spoke Spanish with his family, who also had lines in Spanish. that author did kindly provide translations but tbh I didn't check the translations because the other thing about this fic was, it was clear from context what was being said without the translations because the dialogue followed canon-levels in this regard.
generally though, my preference would be for the tried and tested "A line of dialogue here," said character A, in Language. "The dialogue continues." it gets the point across.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
band RPF. before that I was writing fanfiction without knowing it was fanfiction or what fandom was, for stuff that Didn't End The Way I Wanted It To or similar. but first actual fandom writing? band RPF. it's backed up on a secondary ao3 account now, but this shit was first posted on forums and livejournal a billion years ago.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
listen. 224 fics written (that I know of, because the heavens only know what's been lost to the sands of time at this point) and you want me to pick ONE favourite? absolutely fucking not. also, recency bias is a thing.
i don't know man. let me pick at random:
Of Gilded Wallpaper and Meddling Dragons - Temeraire, 5,068 words
No Archive Warnings Apply, William Laurence/Tenzing Tharkay, William Laurence, Tenzing Tharkay, Temeraire, John Granby, Iskierka Augustine Little, Romance, Fluff and Humor, dragons being dragons, bisexual awakening, agony aunt!granby, an excessive amount of gilded wallpaper, laurence blames the weather for his being hot and bothered, Laurence POV, tharkay brings sexy back 
Summary: Laurence and Temeraire have been living with Tharkay for a scant two weeks when Laurence sends Granby a letter that essentially boils down to hi John how did you know you're gay also plz help I am in trouble.
5. animal crossing picrew
I was tagged by @dejlige-dage !
i have never played animal crossing but this was fun
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i am tagging: YOU. if you've read this, you're tagged.
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jerzwriter · 4 months
Getting To Know You...
Thank you for the tags @peonierose and @tveitertotwrites! I needed a fun little thing to do!
Last Song: First Time, Hozier
Favorite Color(s): It depends on what we're talking about - but in general, I love burgundy and dark purples
Currently Watching: So my ADHD is out of control these days lol... When I just want background noise, I'm reaching old Grey's Anatomy, currently on Season 10; I just started a rewatch of The Last of Us because I'm still OBSESSED with it. I have also been watching a lot of Somebody Feed Phil, which I freaking love, and also, I'm on a House Hunters International kick. Also, going to start an Abbott Elementary rewatch to get psyched for it returning on February 7th! :)
Last Movie: In theater? Barbie. At home? Also, Barbie. lmao - but I'm going to see American Fiction this weekend, and I cannot wait!
Currently Reading: I am trying to find time to catch up on fanfic here. I'm a big fan of non-fiction, and I'm currently reading It Didn't Start With You about generational trauma. When that's done, I have a few books I plan on reading about polyamory to help with an original fic I'm writing.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Yes. :) Variety is the spice of life.
Last thing(s) I googled: Floods in NJ - we had some doozies.
Current Obsession(s): Noah Kahan, Hozier, Somebody Feed Phil, predicting Emmy winners, and sadly, the news. lol
Currently working on: Finishing the last part of A Different Fate (Ethan x Kaycee, OH), the next part of Tobias/Casey's HC (when her friends all threaten him after the attack lol), a Casey/Jessica Christmas fic that is long past due, and now I wanna do a Trystan/Carolina nsfw...
Randomly tagging... @baldwinboy5ive @cariantha @icecoffee90 @kyra75 @lilyoffandoms @oh-so-youre-a-nerd @storyofmychoices @lorircreates @missameliep @stars-are-within-me @kingliam2019 @genevievemd @dr-colossal-pita @aces-and-angels and whoever wants to :)
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akanothere · 2 years
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Past soldier kks rent free in my head thanks to @tcookies777 ‘s KKSK fanfic The Anatomy of Love🥹🆘 Thank you for bringing us this great story!!! I’m very obsessed with it!!! Looking forward to the next update💓💓💓
The KKSK relationship in TAOL is literally the one I had in mind— Kakashi who is discipline, having a morally grey past, PTSD meanwhile deep down hoping for a change; Sakura who is bold and loving, spirit that can lead Kakashi back to a happy life. They kind of learnt from each other and we can see the start of a change (maybe)!!! The chemistry is just fucking perfect😭😭😭!!! (And sexual tension too!!!)
Damn I really would love to do some fanarts for TAOL this is one of the best KKSK fics I’ve read in my life😭😭😭😭😭
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mostowa · 1 month
Post Traumatic Ship Disorder
Ok, hear me out. This is going to be a long post.
I am grieving and I will be grieving for several reasons. I am grieving for Lucy. I have been broken up by guys like Tim with a mindset that Lucy's had. And, let me tell you, this s u c k s. I believe, she is left alone with a feeling insufficient, with more questions than answers, just like I was. She is left alone with deep insecuirities and not understanding what's going on. Why the guy that only a few days before confessed he loved her suddenly walks away. Why is he making a choice for her? Why is he acting like a 15 year old high school boy? She is clueless and she is hurt. Lucy has been so badass for the whole series that I don't want her to end up with a guy that doesn't treat her like a partner.
I am grieving for Tim Bradford. Because he acted like a huge dick. He shut down Lucy after being the one saying "Unless it is". And he went through with the promise so well for so long and now he... gave up on the fight? He is just na ass. I'm sorry, but he is. I know he is in pain and I know he is stuck in his mind, but that is not a ticket to hurting people you claim to love. It is not.
I am grievieng for Chenford. After a break up like that I kind of don't want them to get back together. I think there might be way for them to come back, but unless he doesn't work this through and doesn't say he's sorry then it'll feel like she's just weak (SHE IS NOT) and he gets what he wants (and he's never been [written] like that). Tim needs to make up for his mistakes and show consistent support and change and repair his communication style. But, even then, if I were Lucy I wouldn't be so quick to let him back in. He betrayed her on so many levels here. He broke their bond, their mutual trust, their partnership. He just ruined the most important relationship of their lives.
I am grieving for the show. One of the reasons I've found The Rookie so special is how they've treated relationships. Until S6 all of the relationships developed organically and were based on mutual trust and willing to be together. It was refreshing to watch, when the drama came from work and not from stupid personal decisions that ramp up the views. And then they just decided to give that up with Tim and Lucy. When you say you love someone like Chenford did in 6x02 you don't hop off the train on the bump. You stay, you work it through. That's what Wopez did with far worse situation when Wesley acted like a scared gazelle with Elijah. And now they just decided to throw this out of the window, because of "the trope". It is such a dick move. And such a male perspective that they did.
I am grieving for myself. Chenford has been in a way deeply personal for me. It's one of the few ships I've boarded that made sense because they were so good at communicating problems, in what I deeply believe. My husband stole my heart, when he said once "Relationships are not supermarkets, you are not in and out whenever you wish. When I'm in, I'm in all the way". I cried so hard after that because of happiness and relief that I finally found someone like that. And so far I thought Tim and Lucy were a couple like that, too. Despite their problems and communication misfits, they were honestly trying and making it work. But now it feels like another couple on another soap dramedy, I grew up with (all the broken hearts of Grey's Anatomy please connect).
I am grieving, but I am a little bit curious how they are going to resolve this. Now I am sad, I am mad, I am frustrated and I don't trust the process anymore. But the promo for 6x07 looks kind of interesting and I hope that they know something I am not seeing because of how much I am in hurt now.
I guess Gravity brought Tim Bradford down for now. And I can write a very angsty fanfic now, which I love to do.
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rulerofsurgery · 1 year
Imagine ser uma paciente de Addison Montgomery
Personagen: Addison Montgomery
Séries: Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice
Imagine | Fanfic
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Você estava tentando engravidar já havia algum tempo. Houveram algumas tentativas em seu antigo casamento, e então, quando você acreditou ter encontrado o cara certo depois do seu divórcio, as coisas também pareceram não funcionar. Quando vocês dois foram até a clínica para tentar descobrir o que estava acontecendo e o seu namorado se descobriu infértil, acabaram optando pela inseminação.
Porém, o seu coração foi partido novamente quando ele desistiu na metade do caminho; ele foi embora depois que você finalmente conseguiu engravidar do tão esperado bebê — com a ajuda da Doutora Naomi. Ele lhe disse que não era forte o bastante para lidar com um bebê do qual ele não "ajudou" a gerar. Ele jurou a você que tentou, mas que não conseguiu. Não importava o motivo dele, aquilo quebrou você.
— Senhorita S/N? — Addison chamou o seu nome quando abriu a porta da sala onde estava, te observando com o mesmo cuidado e apreciação que teve com você nos últimos meses. Hoje, você veria o sexo do seu bebê.
— Oi. — Você disse através de um sorriso gentil, ouvindo-a fechar a porta atrás de vocês.
— Está animada para saber se o bebê é um menino ou uma menina? — Ela cruzou os braços, sorrindo de volta. — Tem alguma preferência? Não conversamos sobre isso.
— Estou! Mas, não tenho uma preferência. Eu estou ansiosa pelos dois, então eu não saberia escolher. — Você admite ao morder o lábio involuntariamente. — Não sabe como tem sido importante para mim ter você por perto nessa gestação. Você tem sido mais do que a minha médica, tem sido uma...
Você pode jurar que estava vendo um brilho a mais no olhar da ruiva, como se ela estivesse esperando que você dissesse algo realmente específico para completar a sua frase. Já havia algum tempo que o termo "amiga" já não se adaptava tão bem à ela.
— Na verdade eu nem ao menos sei como nomear, já que nem mesmo as minhas amigas têm sido tão cautelosas e atenciosas comigo quanto você.
Ela coçou a garganta, aparentemente tentando conter um sorriso.
— Eu realmente me preocupo com você e com o bebê, é como uma espécie de conexão. Eu sei que normalmente eu não deveria ser tão próxima assim de uma paciente, mas não faz mal uma pequena exceção.
— Eu fico muito feliz de ser a sua exceção.
Ela pressionou os lábios, desviando o olhar por um rápido instante, como se estivesse considerando e reconsiderando o que estava pensando dizer.
— Eu sei que... mesmo que eu esteja bem próxima de tudo isso, ainda pode não ser o mesmo pelo fato de não ter um companheiro participando. Quero dizer, alguém que você imaginou que faria parte. Não que você não possa fazer isso sozinha.
Addison e você não haviam comentado sobre o seu ex diretamente. Ela demonstrava ser cautelosa para não te atingir com o tema e você não fazia questão em mencionar o idiota que te abandonou. Você sabe que ela se perdeu um pouco nas palavras, mas realmente entendeu o que ela quis dizer. Você só não entendia perfeitamente a razão dela mencionar daquela forma.
— Não se preocupe com isso. Violet me ajudou bastante nos dois primeiros meses, e eu quase não penso no que ocorreu mais. E não me importo que ele não faça parte disso, o bebê só precisa de mim e... Bem, de você.
Addison te encarou com o semblante surpreso, mas também curioso.
— É a melhor obstetra de todas, então eu já estou dando o melhor ao meu bebê, é isso o que importa. — Você desviou o olhar e subiu na maca, enquanto tentava entender o seu nervosismo repentino naquela conversa, apesar de não ter sido o primeiro.
Quando você se ajeitou, não demorou até que a Addison posicionasse o transdutor para começar o seu ultrassom, te deixando ainda mais nervosa do que você já estava antes de chegar na clínica. Um sorriso estampou-se no rosto dela no momento em que ela descobriu o sexo do bebê exibido no monitor, aumentando um pouco mais a sua euforia.
— Addie? — Você a chama de maneira amorosa sem pensar muito nisso. — E aí, o que é?
Ela virou o rosto para te encarar, com o mesmo brilho nos olhos com o qual você já estava familiarizada quando estava perto dela. Você gostava de causar isso nela porque ela te causava o mesmo.
— É uma menina. Nós vamos ter uma menina! — Ela disse no calor do momento, mas rapidamente notou o que tinha feito ao reparar no choque em seu rosto. — Me desculpe. Eu quis dizer que...
— Mas você não mentiu, Addie. Como eu disse, você também faz parte disso.
— Eu sei, é só que... Não é desse jeito que eu faço parte, S/N.
Você respirou fundo quando sentiu o seu coração acelerando conforme estendia a sua mão para alcançar a dela, que ainda estava segurando o aparelho em cima da sua barriga. Addison olhou para a sua mão junto a dela, parecendo estar nervosa também. Mas aparentemente, ela gostou daquele contato.
— Você faz parte do jeito certo; de um jeito especial. Eu não poderia pensar em alguém melhor para dividir esse momento e tudo o que estou sentindo. Eu não iria querer nenhuma outra pessoa.
Dava para enxergar claramente os olhos da ruiva se enchendo de lágrimas por conta da emoção que a atingiu, sendo obrigada a deixar algumas escaparem e rolarem pelo rosto dela. Automaticamente, os seus também ficaram exatamente como os dela, o que acabou arrancando uma risada meio boba de vocês quando o silêncio permaneceu.
— Eu acho que realmente não somos as típicas paciente e médica. — Ela te olhou com cautela mais uma vez. — E, eu estou muito feliz de ser a sua exceção também. Apesar de que sou eu quem está fazendo o seu exame, então eu tenho que estar aqui mesmo.
— Se você não fosse a pessoa que está fazendo o meu ultrassom, certamente seria a que estaria segurando a minha mão durante o procedimento.
— Mesmo? — Ela perguntou genuinamente, deixando o aparelho em seu lugar novamente para dar uma atenção melhor a você.
— Mesmo. Essa garotinha e eu queremos você por perto. — Você admitiu enquanto a olhava com uma grande devoção.
Ao notar exatamente como você estava a olhando, e ao achar o momento apropriado, Addison começou a aproximar mais o rosto dela do seu ao abaixar a cabeça aos poucos, buscando a sua aprovação para o que ela estava prestes a fazer. Uma vez que ela notou que você não desviaria e nem a pararia, ela se permitiu unir os lábios dela aos seus, iniciando um beijo lento. Aquilo disparou todos os hormônios de seu corpo.
Depois de tanto tempo em que vocês duas tentaram conter o que estavam sentindo por conta de casos do passado, finalmente se sentiram seguras para deixar isso de lado. Pela primeira vez, você tinha certeza de que estava prestes a dividir o que tanto queria com uma pessoa adequada e extraordinária. E melhor ainda, você tinha certeza de que ela queria isso tanto quanto você.
— Precisamos conversar sobre o nome que vamos dar. — A ruiva sussurrou contra os seus lábios e você sorriu mais uma vez antes de voltar a beijá-la, e dessa vez, com mais intensidade.
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jaegonsmoon · 1 year
Ask & Answered
Tagged by @shipdepot & @patolemus
(umm god i always forget how i live with these basic questions dkdk)
- favorite color(s): Blue. 💙
- favorite flavor(s): mint & passionfruit.
- favorite genre: fantasy, drama, sci-fi, chick-lit, romcoms
- favorite music: I’m very fluid with music, I like a song, I stream that song dry!
- favorite movie(s): animation movies (and their live actions) are my favs leave me alone i’d watch anything disney and dreamworks throw my way. i can’t think of specifics rn bc my brain is collapsing but if you ask me any movie and how many times i’ve watched the answer is yes. also marvel. and anything that takes me away from this reality for 2-3hrs<33
- favorite series: Hannibal, Hot’d, Grey’s Anatomy, Charmed, Stranger Things & The Umbrella Academy.
- last song: Full Moon - The Black Ghosts
- last series: The Sandman
- last movie: Matilda
- currently reading: Honestly the only thing I’m reading rn aside from fanfics is my texbook 😭🆘
- currently watching: New Amsterdam, never watched it before but it’s currently background noise as i study. (few glances have not been that bad)
- currently working on: oh boy! there’s quite a few; (all the) young dragons /the fic that i let my life be ruined by bc it’s a plot bunny) a Jaegon one shot that’s almost finished! (it’s a reply from a recent ask) an omega aemond one shot that still needs plot but it’s started. a gazillion unfinished ask replies that are drabbles/ficlets. and moorreee 😅😅
tagging: @unusual-raccoon @avonneslovelies @alexandrarosa @bluefairyling @aegondluvrs @bastardbystander @hrgves
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narvaldetierra · 2 years
Narval Masterlist
Below the line there is the list of links to the fanfics I have published, and a few fanvids too.
Law & Order SVU
One Day Off
Hide and Seek
Ain't We Got Fun
You Got A Text
Growing Up Together (read it too on Ao3) – Once Upon As Kids – El Disco de Tu Corazón
Such a horrible day
And it gets worse
Can’t keep going under
Walking Back Home
A Sweet Experiment
Magic Cube (on Ao3)
No good deed goes unpunished (on Ao3)
Loneliness Desperates (on Ao3)
Re Writing our stars (Read it too on Ao3) – Remembers From September  – Take it easy – The Betrayal – Somewhere Only We Know
It's just a kiss
Meet the Zapata's
Sleep is Overrated
Grey's Anatomy
Mean Rain 
A Long Night
Station 19
A familiar pain (on Ao3)
Critical Role
Cold hands, warm heart
You build your destiny (on Ao3)s
Russian Roulette - Surrender Benson - SVU
Good for you - Bensler [Fight] - SVU
History hate lovers - Zapatterson - Blindspot
If I could tell her - Zapatterson - Blindspot
All This Time - Za[Patterson] - Blindspot
I wish you cheated - Patterson x David - Blindspot
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jmflowers · 2 years
30, 31, 36 :)
30. favourite tv show(s)
Impossible to answer. But the top few I've been obsessed with through the years are...
Ghost Whisperer (started watching when I was in middle school and was a hardcore fan the entire time it was on air - the first show I ever wrote fanfic for when I was about 12)
Alias (found it towards the end of its run, but watched and rewatched religiously for many, many years - I can still recite the season 1 opening monologue)
Grey's Anatomy (there's a huge gap of time between my obsessions here, as I binged through various genres of shows for a few years before being forced into Greys at 17 - my first ever episode was Song Beneath the Song and then I inhaled all of it in its entirety a couple of times... this was the first show I was involved in the fanfic corner of fandom for and began posting my own work online)
Orphan Black (this is just really, really solid Canadian-made sci-fi, but it ended a few years ago and I still haven't been able to watch the last two episodes which is embarrassing... can't get over that one death)
Gilmore Girls (who doesn't watch this show on loop every once in a while? fell into it in 2017 and found the best companion fanfic ever written that I've never been able to locate again... a truly iconic time in my life)
The Haunting of Hill House/Bly Manor/literally anything Mike Flanagan touches (I'm a sucker for good horror, especially if there are queer women involved... I've watched most of Mike Flanagan's work a few times and Bly makes me cry every time)
Covert Affairs (I loved this one when it was on air, but I binged it again at the start of COVID lockdowns and was reminded how comforting I find a spy drama, especially when all the locations they shot at are within driving distance of where I live)
Station 19 (if I hover in that happy space of season 4 Maya x Carina moments, this is the best place to exist... struggling greatly with over-analyzing it because of what I'm studying in school, though, so I'm like a season and a half behind on episodes)
And then, of course, there is a vast collection of shows I enjoyed greatly during the period of my life where I binged everything I possibly could from specific genres to "study the story arcs and writing development". There are too many to name, but if it was on TV before 2010, I've probably seen it.
31. 3 random facts
I have a "rare" disease/condition called Chiari Malformation that basically means part of my cerebellum doesn't fit inside my skull and is instead in my neck. When I was first diagnosed, my doctor pulled Gray's Anatomy off her bookshelf and read the section on CM to me, as she'd never heard of it before.
For much of my childhood, the mere sight of a giraffe would make me cry (out of pure excitement). Everyone took this to mean I needed to be gifted anything and everything giraffe-related for the rest of my life.
I often wake up with songs stuck in my head. Occasionally, they are songs that I haven't heard in my waking-life for several years. I think I must dream about music.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill
Oh, man... It feels like there is so much, but most of my genuine wishes are relatively small and simple.
I'd love to see The Script perform in Dublin, Ireland. (There's something about the recordings of their hometown shows that just get me choked up every single time.)
I'd like to climb a mountain at least once in my life. Standing on a peak is incredible and I can only imagine how amazing it must feel to reach one as the result of your own physical determination. (There's a group called 29029 that does an event where you scale a mountain over and over again a certain number of times in 36 hours until you achieve the altitude of Everest and... that. I wanna do that one day.)
I'd like to pack up and separate myself completely from all the familiar securities I've always known, just to see what I'm really capable of. I think it'd be a perfect opportunity to travel and experience the world without the blinders of my life thus far.
question game
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pyladeshungover · 3 months
intro post
Tara // 29 // Australia
she / her / hers
oops i got into hockey sorry guys
my url is from approximately 2013 when I was a les mis blog, and my pfp is athelstan from vikings in a flower crown because that was cool in 2015. title is from the boat that rocked. I've been here forever.
i'm very not normal about sidney crosby, matthew tkachuk, and travis konecny
i'm slightly more normal but still unhinged about claude giroux and jamie drysdale
i do occassionally lb the hockey - pens lb, flyers lb, sometimes panthers lb
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23/24 stanley cup bracket (hope not belief):
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tag lists also i do tend to be pretty good about tagging everything so if you blacklist nothing should slip through
I did not realise you can only access that page on desktop but also the hyperlinks won't work in this post so here's the list:
my face; sort of - my face and my thoughts
university life - university/college experiences
adulthood - attempts to function as a successful adult
millennials - the Adulthood Experience™ specific to millennials
life is hard - depression tag
so not straight - i am queer
mine - shit i’ve made or drawn
tumblr - i’ve been on this godforsaken website since i was 15 and i hate everything about that
blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord - christianity
jc and the boys - jesus and the apostles
jc and the girls - ladies of the disciples
upon this rock - history of, stories about, and images of the church
do not be afraid - angels 
your kingdom come - prophets, saints, and the apocalypse
the old gods are dead - graeco-roman mythology
folklore - local folk and fairy-tales 
straya - things about Australia
auspol - Australian politics
uspol - US politics
i’m a pathetic history major - general world and cultural history
who likes bad jokes - especially awful attempts at humour
words - poetry, quotes, literature
reclaiming the women - feminist re-tellings of fictional women
humanity - the good and incredible things about humans and community (also includes human and alien speculative fiction)
christmas - i love christmas
covid 19 - self explanatory
2020 - see above
2021 - mamma mia, here we go again
2022 - we’re three years into The Great Loneliness
fandom / fanfic
# - 911
A - abfab
B - brooklyn 99 / black books / beauty and the beast / birds of prey /buffy
C - criminal minds / code black
D - dirk gently / doctor who / disney / derry girls
E - elementary
F - firefly / fresh off the boat / friends / fleabag
G - great british bake off / grace and frankie / greys anatomy / galavant / game of thrones / gilmore girls / the great / the good place
H - holes / hunt for the wilderpeople / the hobbit / hannibal / hamilton / harry potter
I - inside llewyn davis
J - jurassic park / jesus christ superstar
K - kingsman / killing eve
L - lethal weapon / lucifer / lotr / les mis
M - moulin rouge / mamma mia / moana / mad max / the man from u.n.c.l.e. / mindhunter / miss fisher’s murder mysteries / the marvelous mrs maisel
N - narnia / nhl
O - the office / the old guard / oitnb
P - pushing daisies / parks and rec / the princess bride / psych / the prince of egypt / the parent trap / pirates of the caribbean / pride / prodigal son / phantom of the opera
Q - queer eye
S - spn / star wars / scrubs / the song of achilles / schitts creek / santa clarita diet / six the musical
T - teen wolf / twilight / to all the boys i’ve loved before /
U - umbrella academy
V - vikings / venom
W - what we do in the shadows / the witcher / wonder woman
X - xfiles
Players (i’m in the process of switching old tags to initialsjerseynumber and have to wait for my queue to go through before they’re complete) -
the rituals are intricate (n-h-is-for-for-homosexuality-l)
they’re so stupid 🥹 (memes)
hockey narratives
hockey art
hockey poetry
hockey vid edit
include but are not limited to: am34 auston matthews / an39 nedeljkovic / ao8 ovi / bm63 brad marchand / bt7 brady tkachuk / cb98 connor bedard / cg28 giroux / cm97 mcdavid / ek65 erik karlsson / em71 geno / jd9 jamie drysdale / jh86 jack hughes / jj68 jaromir jagr / js1 jeremy swayman / kl58 letang / ld29 leon draisaitl / lh43 luke hughes / maf29 flower / mt19 matthew tkachuk / mm16 mitch marner / nh13 nico hischier / np19 nolpat / qh43 quinn hughes / rg27 ryan graves / sc87 sid / tj35 jarry / tk11 travis konecny / ts91 seguin / ts18 tim stutzle / tz11 trevor zegras / wg99 wayne gretzky
Other player tags - hughes bros / love thy goalie 
Ships - tknp / sidgeno / drygras / mattdrai / brioux / mike likes jeff but jeff loves mike / swaymark
Teams - bruins / ducks / flyers / gritty / leafs / oilers / pens / sens / stars / yotes
Liveblogging semiregularly - pens lb
Liveblogging very occassionally -  flyers lb / sens lb / panthers lb
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tinylittleshepherd · 9 months
Soo its been a hot minute butt I finally got a new part up! Find Runaway train whereever you read your fics!
In this chapter Amelia comes clean to her friends about her secret.
FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13904065/14/Runaway-Train
A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32038426/chapters/125649793
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/274128597/write/1378870206
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ao3feed-janefoster · 2 years
The Destination of the Beetroot Person
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vT8fpX0
by janejumpsupandspins
Jane was just a normal Beetroot Person, before she went on a whole adventure, saved countless lives, and made a ton of new friends. But she was happy to go back to her corner of space and float for eternity.
Destiny, however, thought differently. Once again Jane is thrown into another dangerous adventure, this time being the deadly Hunger Games, where each tribute must fight each other to the death.
There are a few new faces, a few old friends as well. But with the oncoming pressure of the Hunger Games, friendships start to crack, however new ones form as well.
We all know not everyone can survive. But who will be the lucky winner? And who will find out what, or who, is really behind the Games?
Because one quote seems to lie behind it all.
Only one will remain.
 The sequel to the fan fiction of The Journey of the Beetroot Person! A multipov story of love, adventure, death, destruction and mystery.
You don’t need to read the first book, since that one was mostly for fun. However this book is a long, serious fanfic with true morals, as well as captivating characters. Please, from both Mariposa and Jane, read this book, and thank you if you did.
Words: 700, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Beetroot Person
Fandoms: Lego Ninjago, Rizzoli & Isles, Grey's Anatomy, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Cartoon), Eight Legged Freaks (2002), The Beetroot Person, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, My Little Pony, Transformers - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Characters, Jay Walker, Cole (Ninjago), Kai (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon, Zane (Ninjago), Maura Isles, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Jane Rizzoli, Jane Foster (Marvel), Ben Pincus, Darius Bowman, Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy), Lord Garmadon (Ninjago), Morro (Ninjago), Camilo Madrigal, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tobey Maguire, Padmé Amidala, Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic Park), Barry Frost, Derek Shepherd, Brooklynn (Jurassic Park), Ashley Parker, Anakin Skywalker, Optimus Prime, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Jane (The Beetroot Person), Mariposa (The Beetroot Person)
Relationships: Cole/Jay Walker, Lloyd Garmadon/Ashley, Maura Isles/Zane Julien, Barry Frost/Jane, Maura Isles/Jay Walker, Bully Maguire/Camilo Madrigal, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy), Christina Yang/Jimmy, Darius Bowman/Ben Pincus
Additional Tags: Mostly Family Friendly, Angst, Garmadaddy slays, Some Humor, Inspired by The Hunger Games, Bruiseshipping, pixane sort of?, Major Original Character(s), but they are not cringey y/n’s, follow up but ig can be read on its own, Adventure & Romance, Wilderness Survival, Plot Twists, Mystery, Falling In Love, Jane is fed up with everyone, Plants, christofern, People have plants instead of friends, basically a bunch of characters from random fandoms get thrown into the hunger games, it’s really entertaining, found family bc it’s the best trope, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, two originals characters based on author and friend who kind of helped
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vT8fpX0
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omeliaendgame · 3 years
Superhero Amelia
Hey Omelia-Fans :-)  I´m back with a new story (Who would´ve guessed?!)!!! I know it´s short but I hope you´ll like it! 
„Good morning“, Owen greeted Amelia when she showed up in their kitchen. „Good morning“, she yawned and he gave her a cup of coffee. „You are my hero, today!“, she said gratefully. „Only today?“, Owen grinned and raised an eyebrow. „Yep. Just today. The other days I´m the hero“, she joked. „Right. Superhero Amelia, flies around the hospital and saves brains from dying“, he said and they both laughed. „When does your next mission start?“, Owen asked still with an amused tone. „Oh, I´m helping a brain not to be defeated by a cruel medulloblastoma at 9am“, she answered. „Sounds very exciting. And does superhero Amelia need a ride to the hospital from her amazing husband?“ Owen waved the car key and tossed Amelia her jacket. „Superhero Amelia would be very delighted about that“, Amelia stated and started to put on her jacket and shoes. „Come on.“, Owen, who was ready to go, pushed Amelia while he opened the door. „Why the hurry?“, Amelia answered and looked at him irritated. „Why so grumpy? Didn´t the coffee work?“, Owen teased her. Amelia grimaced. „No, apparently not.“ She took a deep breath and moaned. „I´m gonna need another one.“ That made Owen laugh. „Well you can get another one at the hospital, let´s go“, he said then.
5 hours later, Owen was working at the emergency department, when he saw Amelia rushing to the nurse´s station. She at down and typed some lines in the computer. „Hey.“, Owen said. „Owen!“, Amelia exclaimed, „You can´t scare me like that.“ „Sorry.“, he said briefly and placed his hand on the backrest of her chair. „What do you want?“, Amelia asked annoyed. “Still grumpy, huh?”, he chuckled. “Okay, if you have nothing useful to say, leave me alone!”, Amelia snapped at him without turning around. „Okay what´s wrong?“, he asked. „What do you mean?!“, Amelia said and began to type faster on the keyboard, „Just let me do my work!“ Owen kept silent and tried to figure out what she was working on. He saw a patient file. „Toby Phillips… did you operate on him?“, he asked. „Can you stop asking me that questions? Go away, Owen...“, Amelia said. Owen rolled his eyes and then he turned her chair, so that he could see her face. „Talk to me, Amelia! Are you mad at me?“ Amelia stared at him for a while and lowered her head then. „No...no, I´m not mad at you.“, she said quietly, „I´m mad at myself...“ Owen exhaled and sat down next to her. „I couldn´t remove that tumor… And this 6-year old boy will not survive for long.“, she told him. “I´m sorry.”, Owen said. „And chemo or radiotherapy won´t help?“, Owen asked carefully. „The tumor is too big and agressive. I failed. Toby will die because of me.“, Amelia said. „Amelia, it´s not your fault! Come on, Toby´s chance to survive this was already low.“, Owen tried to comfort her after she showed him the scans. He knew, she was a perfectionist, and that she always wanted to save everyone. But that was just not realistic. „I could have saved him.“, she said discouraged. Owen touched her arm. He had been at this point. Every doctor had been at this point. „He will have pain for the rest of his short life… He´s only six! Why, why is the universe so cruel?! Toby is the sweetest, joyous and kindest little boy.“, Amelia said close to tears. Owen looked at her compassionately. He knew exactly how she was feeling. „That´s not fair, I know...“, he said. Then he took her hand and smiled slightly. „I love you. I love that you want to help everyone, that you would never stop fighting for someone. But you can´t save everyone! It´s not possible. You need to stop to blame yourself.“  „And look who´s talking“, she said, but smiled too. „Yeah, we all have to learn a lot.“, Owen said. He stood up and took her hand. „Come with me.“ „Why?“, Amelia asked confused. „Superhero Amelia needs to replenish her powers.“, he answered and winked at her. She raised her eyebrows. „She does?“ „Yes, absolutely. A pizza will make all her troubles vanish.“, Owen stated. „Oh, really? But first Superhero Amelia needs to take a shower.“, Amelia said and stopped. She looked at Owen´s blue eyes. How did she deserve this man?! „I love you too.“, she said and kissed him.
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princesscas · 4 years
When you're reading an identity reveal fic and the character realizes who the other character is
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oboevallis · 4 years
the watch
“You didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell me my mother was in town?” Amelia halfway shouted at Meredith in the hallway near the daycare where they just dropped their kids off.
“Well, I got busy and it slipped my mind. I’m trying to get used to you not living in the house anymore, so you don’t get all the information I have the minute I have it.” Meredith defended herself losing her patience.
“Are you mad I moved out?” Amelia asked still mad about the whole situation.
“No, it’s just an adjustment. I depended on you.” Meredith was trying to deflect her true emotions, she really missed the neurosurgeon.
“I’ll still help with the kids when I can. I’ll always be there for them don’t worry about that.” Amelia tried to reassure her sister in law.
“I know, I just m-you know never mind I have surgery. And your mother will be at my house at 7 to have dinner you better be there.” Meredith said as she walked away to go start her morning.
“Awww, were you going to say you missed me?” Amelia asked as Meredith walked away, a wave was the only thing she had gotten in return.
“Mils, there is a baseball game on tonight. I know your not the biggest fan of baseball, but I was thinking the three of us could watch together. You know Scouts first viewing experience of baseball. I mean it’s nothing like when we take him to his first in real life game, but it should be a lot of fun!” Link enthusiastically said wrapping his arms around his girlfriend who was filling out a chart at the nurses station. Amelia placed the IPad into the charging slot and turned around in her boyfriends arms.
“I wish I could, but my mothers in town. So I have to go to Mer’s to have dinner with her and the kids. Even though all I want to do is watch baseball with you and our baby.” Amelia pouted.
“Oh, umm do you want me to go with you or?” Link questioned.
“No, no I already put you through enough with her.”
“Amelia you know I don’t feel that way.” Link smiled at his girlfriend.
“I know, but I will tell her about you and Scout...eventually. But there is something I need to pick up from home so I’ll come home with you two and feed Scout before I go over. Please put him to bed at a reasonable hour though.”
“Deal-io” Link smiles kissing his girlfriend.
Amelia rummaged though the jewelry box that was under the bed she shared with her boyfriend. It was a mess, necklaces tangled together, loose earrings floating about, and broken bracelets. She really had to clean it out and organize it but this wasn’t the time. Her hands then felt leather. It belonged to the watch her father owned many years ago. She shoved it into her pocket and made her way to the kitchen where her boyfriend was popping popcorn. She went up to him and kissed him.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Link asked.
“I should be asking you that. You’ve never been alone with Scout a long period of time before?”
“We’ll be just fine.” Link reassured his girlfriend giving her another kiss. “Good Luck!” He shouted as she exited their apartment. He silently prayed everything would go ok between his girlfriend and her mother and that he would be able to handle Scout.
“Auntie Amelia!” Bailey shouted as he ran to engulf his aunt in a hug almost knocking her down. She had forgotten how big Bailey was getting.
“Hey, Bails how are you doing?” She asked as she picked him up, the weight difference between him and her son catching her off guard.
“I’m good, I miss you though when are you coming home?” Bailey innocently asked.
“Well, we’ve talked about this I moved out. But I’ll still see you all the time.” Amelia said quietly hoping her mother wouldn’t hear her. In response she got an aspirated sigh from her nephew.
“Hey mom.” Amelia said walking into the kitchen and her mother engulfing her in a hug.
“It’s good to see you kiddo.” Carolyn kindly smiled to her youngest.
The family sat around the dinner table eating the dinner Meredith surprisingly prepared with Zola’s assistance. The kids were soaking up every moment of their grandmother who they didn’t see to often and when they did it was usually via video chat. Carolyn heard all about their favorite activities and how they enjoyed school. Though reminiscing Derek was the main topic of the night. The three older women shared stories about the man. All three kids soaked up every word about their father. Amelia was appreciative about that, that had distracted the kids and they didn’t ask any questions about their cousin or her boyfriend and if a question seemed like it was about to arise she would mention another story about her brother.
“Thank you very much for dinner Meredith. I think I will call a cab though and call it a night.” Carolyn said engulfing her daughter in law in a hug.
“Of course Carolyn, anytime. I can drive you if you want.” Meredith politely responded.
“Mom I’ll drive you.” Amelia suggested.
“Oh don’t worry about it.” Carolyn told her daughter.
“No it’s ok mom.” Amelia reassured her mother. She was finally able to convince her mother to let her take her to the hotel. Amelia asked if she could come in the room to talk to her mother. Which her mother complied, hiding her enthusiasm to be able to talk with her daughter. Her mother sat on the bed and Amelia situated herself in the desk chair in the room. After a couple minutes of silence Carolyn spoke up.
“Is there something you want to say dear?”
“Umm well I had a baby.” Amelia blurted out, immediately regretting it.
“I know, Addison had told me.” Carolyn said solemnly.
“Wait what? She doesn’t know?” Amelia was confused until she realized what her mother knew.
“She had called when she first found out about the pregnancy, before she knew about...And then she told me about the diagnosis and how you didn’t want me there or anyone. That was conflicting, I never knew what it was like, well at least then how it felt to lose a child I was clueless as to how to help you. So I just stayed back and pretended to be oblivious.” Carolyn admitted patting the bed next to her signal her daughter to sit next to her. Tears streamed down her face as she sat next to her mother.
“Well that’s not what I was talking about. And I don’t really want to talk about at the moment.” Amelia said as she wiped her tears and took out her phone showing her mother a picture of her living son.
“Who is this little guy?” Her mother asked gushing over the picture.
“Link and I’s son.” Amelia said smiling at the picture.
“The man you brought to dinner that night?” Carolyn questioned.
“Yeah.” Amelia said while chuckling. Carolyn stayed quiet as Amelia flipped through the baby photos.
“What’s his name?”
“Augustus, but his middle name is Scout and that’s what we’ve been calling him.”
“Can I meet him? I would also love to see Atticus again.” Her mother smiled at her daughter.
“Of course.” Amelia smiled sadly thinking about Christopher. And how he should of had the opportunity to meet her family and be happy and have so much love surrounding him like Scout was able to have. “Umm I have to give you something. I wrongly took it from you years ago and I’m truly deeply sorry.”
“Oh wow. Your fathers watch.” Carolyn was taken aback as her daughter handed her, her late husbands watch. “I thought I lost it.”
“I know and I’m very very sorry. I shouldn’t of taken it and I wish that I didn’t. It had a significant meaning to you and it was one of the only things you had left from Dad. And it also wasn’t right Derek never got to have it I’m sure dad meant for it to be passed on to Derek at some point. I was going to eventually give it to Bailey, but it’s not my place to do that.” Amelia said wiping away her tears. Carolyn sat in silence rubbing her fingers against the leather band of the watch.
“I forgive you.” Carolyn said ten minutes later, after she had processed the information she was just given.
“Mom you don’t have to forgive me.”
“Holding onto it made me upset and I think if I had it for any longer I would’ve gotten mad. What that man took from us, your fathers stubbornness, and I think that giving it to Bailey is a good decision.” Carolyn said handing the watch back to her youngest.
“Ok.” Amelia said softly wiping her tears. “Well I should get going.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Carolyn asked as she hugged her daughter goodbye.
“Yeah, I have the day off.”
“Ok I love you have a good night.”
“Love you.” Amelia said softly as she closed the door to the hotel room.
“You look exhausted.” Amelia chuckled climbing into bed with her boyfriend.
“Yeah, Scout was a little more difficult on my own then I expected.” Link said kissing his girlfriend after his statement. “How was it with you mom?”
“It was good, umm she wants to meet Scout.” Amelia said playing with the neck of Link’s T-shirt.
“Ok, that’s good! Right?” Link questioned.
“Yeah, it just caught me off guard because apparently she knew about Christopher.”
“Mothers always have a way of knowing I guess.” To this Amelia chuckled in response.
“I love you.” Amelia said softly shutting off the lamp next to Link and laying down.
“I think I love you more.” Link resounded.
“Impossible.” Giggled Amelia in response to their cheesiness.
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toevenexist · 5 years
Hey Everyone, this is the next part to Squishy! 
Its VERY VERY long. A combination of all the prompts and idea’s people have requested and shared with me. (If you sent a prompt, I’ve tried to include it all here).
I hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts and wants, I love to her from you. I’m going to try and get a new chapter out every week before the next episode. If you want to read something, if you’re watching the show and wish they would include something; Let me Know!! XXXX
The air was crisp as they stepped from the car. The tendrils of winter had began to disperse and cool all that it touched. No leaves remained green, all brown and curled, waiting on the wind to make them dance enough to fall. Amelia peered up at the sky as they made their way to the house, eyes reflecting it back. 
She didn’t notice she’d stopped walking, until she felt Link come up behind her, felt his arms wind around her, and shield her, steady her. He looked up too, trying to see what she was seeing. The sky was extra deep today, Amelia thought. She felt as if she could look past the clouds and past the blue, passed the faint stars. She felt very small there, under the sky, enclosed in strong warm arms. “Okay?” Link whispered. She only nodded, meaning it. She felt momentarily light, and  completely unburdened by worries. “Come on now, in we go before we freeze” he said, holding her tighter, driving her forward.
“Mmmnn couch…” Amelia said, peeling off her jacket, and heading straight for the couch as soon as they entered Meredith's. Link took off his coat and shoes before following her. He leaned down and took off her shoes, dropping them beside her. 
“Amelia? That you?” Meredith called out from the kitchen, poking her head around and then walking to them. “You’re home early?”
Amelia was lounged back on the couch, “Yeah… I was sick in the ER.”
“She passed out” Link butt in, eyebrows raised.
 Meredith gasped, “What?”
“I was getting to that” Amelia said, dropping her head back.
“You passed out? Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“Dehydrated?” Meredith looked to Link and he nodded as Amelia said ‘yes, probably.’ 
“Right well I’ll get you some juice? Or a smoothie, smoothie’s probably good for you?” Meredith spoke as she headed back to the kitchen. Amelia squinted, twisting her lips, “I don’t really…”
“No arguments!” Meredith yelled from the kitchen. Amelia sighed, smiling up at Link, who grinned down at her. 
“You got told” he chuckled sitting down by her head. She rest her head in his lap and closed her eyes. He watched her, threading his fingers through her hair, smiling when she sighed contently. Her features relaxed slightly as she allowed herself to soften against Link’s touch, and her breathing gentled and evened.
 Link continued to watch as she drifted off, continuing to play with her hair with one hand, gently rubbing the side of her stomach with the other. 
“What do you want in your smoothie, I put banana and…” Meredith came back in then holding the blender’s jug in her hand. She stopped in her tracks when she saw that Amelia was asleep. Her posture sank and she smiled sympathetically. 
“Shall I just throw some berries in there and some mango and put it in the refrigerator?”
“I’m sure she’d appreciate that” Link said, nodding, looking back down at her. Meredith smirked, observing the pair. 
She frowned slightly, “She’s a little flushed, is she warm?” Meredith asked, moving to them. Link pressed the back of his hand to Amelia’s forehead and Meredith did too. Amelia stirred. “She’s warm....” 
“I’m cold” Amelia stated, opening her eyes and peering up at Meredith. “What’s going on?” 
“You’re warm, and flushed, I think you have a fever” 
 “Ughh, no, I’m fine I’m just…”
“I’m gonna get the thermometer” Meredith ignored Amelia’s protests, a frown now fixed her features.   
Amelia pouted, turning onto her back, looking up at Link. He rested his hand against her stomach, and brushed her hair back from her forehead. “Am I flushed? I don’t feel warm…” Sha said, bringing her own hand up to her face, pressing its back against her cheeks, they felt hot.
“You are flushed… do you still feel unwell?” 
“Yeah” she whined, raising up her knees. “I feel nauseous, but I don't feel ill ill” 
Link hummed, looking up at Meredith as she came back in, holding out the thermometer. 
“Here... “ Meredith held it out to Amelia. Amelia took it and placed it in her mouth, sinking back against Link’s lap. He pursed his lips, watching her, rubbing her stomach.  
“Do you’all have to watch” She said, thermometer muffling her speech. Meredith rolled her eyes. Link chuckled, looking up at Meredith instead. The device beeped and Amelia took it out, observing it, groaning and flopping her head back at the sight. Link took it; “101, you have a fever.” 
“You should go and get checked out?” Meredith said, 
“What?” Amelia retorted, frowning, looking up at Link.
“No, maybe we should just call Carina?” Link said, shrugging, reasoning what Amelia went on to say;
“I was just checked over, they took bloods” Amelia said as she sat up, she froze, gripping the back of the sofa. She grimaced and closed her eyes, puffing out a long and steady breath. 
“Amelia?” Meredith stepped forward, tilting to the side, trying to discern what was wrong. Amelia sat still, hair curtaining her face. 
“I don’t feel so good” she uttered, swallowing hard, bringing a hand up to her forehead as a dull ache settled in. 
“You want to lie back down?” Link asked, cupping a hand around her shoulder. Amelia felt her stomach roll uncomfortably, and she nodded.  
“I’ll get some Tylenol” Meredith said, backing into the kitchen. 
“I felt okay lying down” Amelia said, slowly sinking back onto her back.
“That’s okay, just lie down… what do you need?” Link said, scanning her, concern pulling at his brows. 
Meredith passed her a glass of water then, and some Tylenol and Amelia sat up slightly to take them. “When was the last time you ate?” Meredith asked, folding her arms.
Amelia hummed, lying back down. “Um, this morning,” she muttered, resting her hand on top of Link where it rest on her stomach, closing her eyes. 
“You should try and eat?” Link said, brushing his thumb back and forth against her small bump. Amelia nodded softly. “Um...some pasta, with some hummus on it”
“Can I put some veg in there?” Meredith asked, trying to think of ways to up the nutritional value of the food.
“Okay, bland though, cauliflower… something like that” Amelia drawled, barely moving her mouth, she rest one hand over her eyes.
“Alright…” Meredith smiled warmly to Link, “You want anything?” she asked him and he shook his head. “I’ll grab something later, thank you though.”
They faintly heard Maggie’s voice then and the musical tones of the children giggling and singing. All the sound grew louder as the front door opened and Maggie came in, Ellis in a pram, Zola and Bailey following. As soon as they moved into the house and saw Amelia lying down they quietened, and Zola and Bailey moved curiously towards her. They stopped at the side of the couch.
 “Are you okay auntie Meelia?” Bailey asked sweetly, resting his hands against her shoulder. Amelia smiled, “yeah I’m okay… just having a little sickness”
“You’ve been sick lots” Zola said, nodding, worried. Link smiled tightly, watching the interaction intently, continuing to rub her stomach, hoping Amelia might find some comfort from it. 
 “Maybe you have a baby in your belly, like mommy did?” Zola said, looking at Link’s hand, up at Link then back to Amelia.
 “You having a baby?” Bailey asked sweetly, gritting his teeth into a cautious and incredibly cute smile. Amelia looked at them, in mild shock that they’d figured it out. 
She eyed Maggie and then Meredith momentarily, seeing that they were both smiling widely. “You two are so smart!” Amelia said, forcing some enthusiasm into her voice, circling an arm around the pair and pulling them into a haphazard hug. They both squealed and giggled and bounced on their feet. Meredith shushed them, “Stay calm now, Auntie Meelia is not feeling well.” 
They mellowed immediately, well at least Zola did. Bailey started jumping up and down around the room and Meredith laughed, sweeping him up and into her arms. “Come on mister, lets get some food in all our bellies” Meredith said, walking him into the kitchen. Maggie just smiled, holding Ellis against her hip. She mouthed “Are you alright?” and left following a small nod from Amelia.
 Zola sat down beside Amelia’s legs on the couch and rest her small hand against Amelia’s stomach. “You’re feeling sick?” Zola asked, rubbing Amelia’s stomach the way Link was. Amelia looked down at where the pairs hands were moving and then back to Zola. 
“Yeah, well I was normal pregnant sick and now I have a bit of a fever”
“Oh… maybe you’re getting flu?” 
“Maybe… we should get you a job in the ER” Amelia said, chuckling. Zola smiled bashfully, and giggled, looking back to Amelia’s stomach. “I’m gonna be a big cousin?” Zola said, looking up to Link, who grinned and nodded, “You are!” 
Zola smiled wider and tensed up as she tried to contain her excitement. “I’m so excited, a little baby” she calmed as she thought it through, smiling wistfully back to Amelia’s belly. 
“Zola, will you ask Auntie Amelia if she needs anything?” Meredith called from the kitchen, knowing that Zola likes to play helper. 
“Do you need any help with things?” Zola asked, as if they hadn’t all just heard Meredith. “I could get some pillows from your bed like I get when I’m sick, and the nice fluffy blanket?” Zola asked, nodding, wide eyed, as if she was prescribing these things. 
Amelia smiled and rolled her bottom lip, “I would love that Zola, thank you.” And with that Zola jumped up from the couch and bound down the hall, running up the stairs. 
Amelia relaxed a little, allowing herself to fall back into the feeling of being unwell. She looked up at Link and smiled warmly, eyes lidded. “Now that was cute” He said, beaming toothily, 
“I know” She said, meeting his gaze, eyes glistening. She fidgeted in her position, turning so that she could nuzzle her face into Link’s stomach, mumbling, “sleepy time.”
Link laughed, feeling warm with love at the feeling of Amelia wrapped around him. He brushed her hair from her face, taking in her profile. “When Zola gets back you’re going to have to replace me with pillows for a while, I need to shower” He said. 
She groaned in response, moaning “alright” as she wound her arms around him. 
Zola came back then, wearing her pyjama’s. She had a huge heap of pillows and blankets in her arms, she almost couldn’t see over the top.  
“Woh Zola!” Link said, laughing, squeezing Amelia’s shoulder and helping her to sit up.
“We having a pyjama day?” Amelia asked, as Zola swapped places with Link, and stood up on the couch, arranging the pillows and then throwing the blanket in the air, spreading it out over the couch and Amelia.
”Yep” Zola said, leaping across the room, turning on the TV and then joining Amelia back on the couch. 
“Alright, I’m going to take a shower, I’ll be back in a bit” Link said, locking eyes with Amelia, receiving a silent assurance that she was okay. 
When Link returned Amelia was asleep, legs over Zola’s lap. Zola sat quietly watching the TV, as she ate a bowl of ice-cream. Link leaned in the doorway, running his eyes over Amelia. “She’s eaten, fell asleep straight after, so I think it’s going to stay down” Meredith said, she sat on the adjacent couch. 
“I’ll get her to bed” Link said, nodding to himself, making his way towards her. 
He thought for a moment about waking her up but didn’t want to risk consciousness bringing, with it, more nausea. He pulled the blanket off of her and Zola lifted her bowl from atop Amelia’s legs. 
She stirred slightly as he lifted her, she lolled her head into the crook of his neck and moaned within a soft sigh. Link held her tightly, uttering “goodnight” to Meredith and Zola as he turned into the hallway.  
She stirred again as Link reached the top of the stairs, brows furrowing as she attempted to find her bearings. She hummed, slurring “Link” as she opened her eyes. 
“Hey, you’re alright” Link assured her, reaching the bedroom.
 She hummed again, wrapping an arm around his neck. She sighed as Link lowered her onto her bed. 
She curled her arms around herself, muttering “cold,” shrugging her shoulders. Link stood beside her, looking over her,  she still needed to change for bed. He decided to let her settle for a little while first, let her stomach settle, worried that too much movement might trigger more nausea. 
This had been the first evening in weeks that she’d been able to keep food down. He pulled the duvet over her and lied down beside her, jogging the bed slightly. She slowly opened her eyes and side eyed him, without moving her head. She smiled tiredly, “thank you for bringing me to bed” she spoke softly. 
“That’s alright” 
“I need to get out of my clothes”
“You do”
Amelia sighed, and closed her eyes, breathing in deep. 
“How are you feeling now?”
“I feel ill... my head hurts” Amelia said, covering her face with her hands, rubbing it vigorously, groaning. She pushed down the duvet, feeling suddenly too hot, before throwing her arm over her face. She felt Link caress her stomach, pushing up her shirt, his splayed hand covering, and comforting her. 
A smile pulled at her lips, face still hidden. She peaked out from behind her arm and eyed him; his eyes were wandering around her figure, mouth slightly agape. Amelia smiled wider, “Link?” 
He almost shuddered at the disruption, and then grinned, meeting her gaze before looking back to her stomach. “I keep trying to wrap my mind around it… that there’s a tiny human, half you and half me… in there” he shook his head, smiling toothily as he pointed at her stomach. “And they’re growing, like… actually visibly growing” he shook his head again, in disbelief. “It’s amazing…. I… it’s just really…” He shook his head then, looking back to Amelia’s face, his smile becoming bashful. 
Amelia relaxed, tension leaving her body as she allowed for his awe, and love, to warm her. She pulled a pillow more firmly under her head and looked down at herself, where his hand curled around her stomach. 
She tilted her head into his shoulder, wrapping her far arm over her torso, resting it against Link chest, gently clawing at the fabric of his shirt.
 He was lying on his side, facing her, tight against her. He looked back to her eyes, and pursed his lips, smiling softly. He leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to her forehead. She hummed, closing her eyes. 
“Right you. Come on..let’s get ready for bed” He said, lips moving, ghosting against her skin, tickling her. She smiled, and nodded, sighing, “Alright.”
 She reached down, unbuttoning and unzipping her pants, pausing, gathering her energy before lifting her hips and pushing them down. Link sat up and pulled them over her ankles and off her feet. She sat up too, hair askew, mouth pouting, as she pulled her shirt off.  “I need to pee” she said, sighing, eyes closed, her head was thumping, protesting her sitting up. 
“Here…” He held open the neck of one of her vest’s, and she ducked her head through it, threading her arms through. She lowered it herself, over her stomach, peering down at it. Her stomach grew rounder by the day, and was especially bigger in the evenings. It shocked her every time she allowed herself to really look at it, to really think about it.   
“And some pants…” Link knelt in front of her, holding the waistband of her sweats open. This had been their routine for the past four or so days. Evenings seemed to be the worst time for Amelia’s nausea and they’d found the less she moved, the less she puked. 
 He reached for her hands once her pants were almost up and she stood slowly, palms against Link’s back for support as he bent over to pull them all the way up.
 “Right, you good?” Link asked, standing up now, in front of her, hands against her sides. 
“Yup, I think so” she said, swallowing and clenching her teeth, closing her eyes as pain spiked and radiated down her neck and across her forehead. She mused at how it felt like a migraine. She gripped and squeezed Links forearms, taking in a steady, deep breath, before letting go and making for the door.
Walking slowly down the hall, she rubbed her stomach in an effort to soothe the dull ache there. “Hey” Maggie exited the bathroom, she put her hands on her hips, looking down at Amelia’s stomach; “Bumps coming along” she said, moving aside from the bathroom door. 
Amelia chuckled, still holding her stomach, turning back to Maggie from inside the bathroom, leaning against the frame as she spoke; “I know.”
“I’m off to bed, you need anything before I go?” she said, observing Amelia’s pale complexion.
Amelia smiled, and shook her head, looking down, “Thank you, I’m alright.”
“Alright then, well… Come here” Maggie stepped towards her and pulled her into a hug. 
Amelia smiled, brows furrowing. “What’s this about?”
“Nothing, I just… I feel protective of you, I just want to give you a hug” 
Amelia pursed her lips, and chuckled “okay” hugging her back. The hug lasted long enough for the pair to relax into it. 
“Okay…” she pulled back, and met Amelia’s gaze, “Goodnight” she said, brushing her hands up and down Amelia’s forearms briefly before leaving.
Link slowly roused from sleep, his bearings returning to him slowly. The room was dark, he frowned, reaching out for Amelia. He found she was sitting up, and his stomach dropped when her heard her gasp. 
He shot up. “Amelia…” the clock read 3.50. He searched for her hands and found them wrapped around her stomach. “Amelia, talk to me” 
“My stomach hurts, it…” she huffed and curled forward wincing. Link shifted down the bed and pressed the back of his hand to her cheeks and to her forehead. She was burning up, he felt his throat constrict and he cleared it. “Amelia… we need to get to the hospital okay? Find out what’s going on.”
Amelia wept, grimacing, heavy pain settling in her lower back, sharp spikes radiating around her stomach and hips. “It hurts Link…”
“Come on, it’s okay… you’re okay” He stood up, speeding around to her side. “Alright babe, can you walk? Can you stand?” 
Amelia hiccuped, slowly shifting her feet off of the bed, clammy hands reaching for Link. As she stood, she released a pained groan, bending at the waist, resting her head against Link’s chest. “Oh Amelia” Link felt tears burning in his eyes. “Can you walk?” 
“I can lift you”
“No… I can walk” she said, taking Link’s hand, holding it tightly, her other held her stomach. They made it halfway along the hallway before she stopped, stooping over her stomach, crying out. Link just stood helplessly, beside her, holding her steady. “Breathe, just breathe, you’re alright, you’re okay” he uttered. Amelia wept, shaking her head.
“What if…. What if I’m…”
“No Amelia, don’t go there, just take it as it comes alright… breathe” He rubbed her back firmly. She slowly stood up again, leaning into him. 
“Guy’s? Amelia? What’s going on?” Maggie had been awoken, now peering out from her dark room. She caught sight of Amelia and sped towards her. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
“She’s burning up, and has stomach pain” 
“And my back” Amelia added, continuing along the hall. 
“Maybe it’s Appendicitis?”
“We’re going to the hospital” 
“I’ll come with you guys, I’ll drive” 
“No Maggie, you go ba…” Amelia stopped again, just by the stairs, gasping, eyes watering. She groaned softly, feeling pain spider-walk out from her hips and spread around her bump. She struggled to catch her breath and gasped. 
“I insist” Maggie said, arms folded tightly as she watched Amelia, eyes wide and worried. 
“Thank you Maggie” Link said, guiding Amelia back up to standing.
Link insisted Amelia sit in a wheelchair from the car, and Amelia put up no protest, sitting down and pulling her jacket tighter around herself. She may have had a fever, but she didn’t feel it. Things were quiet as they arrived into the ER; four in the morning on a Wednesday. Teddy Altman saw them first and her eyes widened at the sight. She sped over, looking over Amelia. “Hey? What’s going on?”
“We called ahead, someone from OB should be waiting?” Maggie said, pacing ahead of them, she scanned the ER. Teddy just nodded, shocked to see Amelia like that, and to find out she was pregnant. Amelia had been successfully hiding her bump with scrubs and baggy clothes. Now, in a vest top and with her jacket not reaching all the way around her, her condition was obvious.
 “This way, we’ll get you into a side room” Teddy said, walking them to a room. 
“Alright Amelia, let’s get you on the bed” Link said, crouching slightly in front of her. Amelia nodded, breathing through pursed lips as she took his hands. Link lifted his eyes to Teddy, and nodded towards Amelia, asking for help. Teddy jumped forward, moving the wheelchair away as soon as Amelia was off it, placing her hands on Amelia’s waist, steadying her as she moved to the bed.
“Tell me what’s going on?” Teddy said, as Amelia sat down again. Amelia took in a sharp breath and held it.
 “I’m  at 12 weeks…” she stopped, closing her eyes, as she held back tears. Link frowned, gritting his teeth, he placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed, working his hand up the back of her neck, into her hair. 
“I’ve been having ordinary sickness. And passed out yesterday, I had my bloods…” She stopped again, closing her eyes momentarily, swallowing back a bout of nausea. 
“Bloods were normal… she was just dehydrated. We went home, and Meredith noticed she was flushed. We took her temp and it was…”
“101” Amelia input.
“101, she’s eaten, and not been sick again”
“I woke up around 3ish… with pain in my stomach, my hips, and my back …” She brought a hand to her head and continued “and my head is thumping.”
“Alright, have you taken temperature recently?” 
The pair both shook their heads, and Teddy nodded. “You’re still nauseous?” Teddy asked and Amelia nodded. 
“Alright, I’ll have the nurse come and take your temperature again, and the rest of your vitals. I think we should get a urine sample too, rule out a water infection” she said, nodding, eyes down to the chart. “I’ve noted everything down, so we’ll just pass the file to the OB when they get here, so you don’t need to go through it all again” Teddy said, smiling warmly, placing the file under her arm. She ran her eyes over Amelia and then around the room. “I’ll grab you some things so you’ll be a little more comfortable in here” She said, as she made her way to the door. Link smiled tiredly, and nodded his thank you. 
Teddy came in with a couple of pillows and a blanket a short while later, just as a nurse was taking some bloods. The OB arrived about thirty minutes later, having been hurried along by Maggie. 
“Hi Amelia, I’m so sorry for the wait, but we’ve had time to get results from your tests. I’m got some idea of what’s going on, but I want to get a sonogram to confirm and check we’re not missing anything” 
“Well can you tell us what you think it is?” Link asked, throwing his hands up, shaking his head, not liking the idea of spending more time in the dark as to what was wrong with Amelia. 
The Ob pursed her lips, glancing at the pair, considering it. “Okay... Well your bloods came back and your WBC was slightly high, suggesting you have an infection. You’re urine sample showed that you have a water infection, which explains that. Now if it wasn’t for the pain you’re in, I’d say ‘UTI’ and I’d send you home with antibiotics. But I suspect that you may have pyelonephritis, which is what I’d like to confirm, as well as checking in on the little one” 
Amelia inhaled deeply upon hearing the possible diagnosis, nodding. “This will be your first scan?” The OB asked, looking down at the file again, and back to them. Link answered “Yes” and took Amelia’s hand gently squeezing it. 
“Alright, well, we’ll get you up to OB and get a detailed scan done. If I’m correct about the kidney infection we’ll need to keep you in and administer IV antibiotics overnight and throughout the day okay?” Amelia nodded, eyes lidded, exhaustion from pain, and sleeplessness was threatening to drag her to sleep. 
The OB smiled sympathetically. “We’ll just take this gurney up, I can see you’re exhausted” She said, indicating the bed Amelia was lying on, lifting up the bedrail on one side. Link did the same on the other. Amelia released a soft sigh of relief, and closed her eyes, feeling herself drifting. 
“Amelia…” she heard Link’s voice and clung to it, to pull herself from sleep. She opened her eyes and found herself in a dimly lit room. “We need to get you ready for the scan” Link said, nodding.
 “Need my pants off?” she slurred, knowing they might want to do an internal scan as part of it. He pursed his lips, watching as Amelia attempted to lift her hips, whilst simultaneously pushing down her pants. She only managed a bit and he stopped her, draping a sheet over her before helping with the rest. She pulled up her shirt and threw her arms above her head, wincing as she recognised the pain she was in. 
Her eyes were closed again, she felt Links warm hand against her clammy forehead, soothing her hair back, and she sighed. She felt his lips against her temple and the sensation had her relaxing further, almost falling back to sleep. 
The OB came back into the room then, talking calmly, aware that Amelia was in and out of sleep. “Okay Amelia, I’m going to start the scan now…” She said, tapping some keys on the sonogram machine and then squeezing some gel onto Amelia’s stomach. Amelia forced her eyes open, screwing them shut and then opening them again, as she tried to shake her exhaustion. 
Link ran his hand up and down her arm, squeezing it intermittently. The OB began the scan, placing the probe against her stomach. Amelia looked to Link and found him to be ghostly white. She moved one hand from above her head, reaching out so he could hold her hand in his lap. She smiled softly, and he sighed, relaxing at he sight of her, realising how deeply he’d fallen into his worries. 
“Okay, you’ve definitely got a kidney infection… so that’s that… I’ll check everything else now, and then I’ll get a few more angles of your kidney” The Ob said, not taking her eyes from the screen. Amelia nodded, looking up to the ceiling, resisting the urge to close her eyes.
There was an unbearably long stretch of silence then, keys being tapped, probe moving from one side of Amelia’s stomach to the other and then back. The OB adjusted the screen. The longer the silence, the stronger the sinking feeling Amelia felt within herself. Nausea bubbled at the back of her throat.
“Is…” Link had enough, “If everything okay?” 
The OB nodded, “Yes… I’m just…” her eyes remained glued to the screen. 
Amelia turned her head, trying to see, but she couldn’t see it. She looked at the OB’s face instead, watching her eyes focus in on the screen, flitting around. The OB finally met Amelia’s gaze and smiled. 
“I’m just making sure, that what I’m seeing is correct… and it is…” She turned the screen and then moved the probe. “You are pregnant with twins.” 
The sun was coming up, yellow light crawled in slowly and rest stretched across the pillow beside Amelia. She was curled up on her side, blankets strewn around her, wires and tubes channeling threw the folds of the fabric.
 Link sat awake at the end of her bed, deep in thought, eyes sweeping over Amelia’s form, settling on her face, on her hands, on her stomach, sweeping and settling, and sweeping and settling. A nurse entered the room and smiled kindly. She carried another container of antibiotics. Link looked up to the one still attached to Amelia and saw that it had finished, wondering how he’d not noticed. 
“You should get some sleep, she’s okay” the nurse assured him quietly. Link nodded sharply. “I know, I know she is… I just… I don’t feel like sleeping just now,” he said, looking back to Amelia.
“I can get you a coffee then?” She offered, pursing her lips, shrugging. Link chuckled softly, through his nose, “I’d appreciate that, thank you.” 
She smiled, leaving him alone again. Amelia had been asleep peacefully for a good few hours, exhaustion overriding the pain. 
The doctor had assured him that the pain would likely subside by the time she awoke, after the antibiotics and anti inflammatory’s had worked their magic.  
She was to stay for a few days, and then rest at home. Link had already made a mental list of all the things he needed to do and sort as soon as the day shift began; Inform the chief of her absence and prognosis, and of his leave, he’d decided to take a week off, or more, he’d start with a week. 
He was lost in his thoughts when Amelia roused from sleep. She frowned, not opening her eyes. She lay still, mentally scanning her body, her pain had diminished hugely, to her relief. She could feel a cannula in the back of her left hand. And she could feel thick elastic bands around her stomach, holding two fetal monitors against her. She took in a deep, sharp breath, drying to dilute the overwhelming thought of twins. Two babies. 
She felt movement at the end of the bed and she opened her eyes slowly, looking down. 
“Hi” her voice came out raspy and quieter than she’d expected. Link smiled, moving his hand to her ankle.
 “Hey, how are you feeling?” he asked her. She took in his appearance and could tell he’d not slept. 
“The pain’s not so bad. And my nausea has gone” she said, failing to suppress a yawn. “Did you sleep?”
“I’m okay, I’m not tired” 
“Link you should sleep” she said, rolling her shoulder and arching her back.
“I slept for a good six hours last night, plus your nurse is getting me a coffee” he said, smirking, pointing his index finger up, towards the door. 
Amelia shifted onto her back, and slid her hands over her stomach, over the bands and the monitors. “Is this what’s been keeping you awake?” She asked, resting her hands against the underside of her abdomen. She took in a deep breath and met Link gaze. 
“Yes. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve just been watching you sleep” he chuckled, shrugging. Amelia frowned and smiled, “just watching you and trying to wrap my head around it. I think it’s going to take a while”
“Yeah I agree” Amelia said, looking down at herself. 
“I’m happy though… Amazed actually…” he shifted and half stood, moving up the bed to sit closer to her, taking her hand. “I’m in constant awe” he said, shaking his head, looking down at her stomach, at the monitors, then back to her blue blue eyes. “We’re going to be fine, I truly believe we have this” he grinned toothily, “it’s in the bag”. 
Amelia laughed, appreciating his successful attempt at dispersing the heaviness that had started to weigh on her. “But seriously, I’m awestruck.”
Amelia smirked, “Awestruck?”
“I’ll let you know when I find a more fitting word” he said, leaning forward, kissing her once and then again. She wound her arms round him and pulled him closer, coaxing him into bed with her. He was careful to avoid and arrange the wires and tubes as he settled beside her. He opened his arms and received her into them, winding them around her. She closed her eyes, curling into his embrace, taking in his smell, feeling herself drifting into sleep again. 
Link held Amelia’s tightly, savouring in the feeling of having her so solidly in his arms, he found himself thinking ‘god I love her’ to himself, squeezing his eyes shut, smiling. 
Sleep took them both within minutes.
Thanks for Reading x I hope it hit the spot for you x let me know what you want to read next x
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