#gripping my soul. hey buddy. hey. hey what. hey. hey. h
angeltism · 6 months
0 notes
dindjarriiin · 2 years
din djarin || flyboy part ii.
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pairing: din djarin x reader I din djarin x fem!OC.
summary: four years after din let the infamous bounty - asara ando - go, fate decides to intervene. 
word count: 5.1k
{also tysm everyone commenting and reblogging im so glad u like it mwa }
Four years later…
Mando sighed. The looming halls of the New Republic prison ship seemed daunting. Something felt…off. Over the years he had learnt to trust his gut - especially after a certain incident a few years back which changed everything.
“I don’t like this,” he grumbled uncomfortably.
“You always were paranoid,” Xi’an said mockingly.
“Is that true, Mando? Were you always paranoid?” 
One of the captured aliens banged against his cell door, making them jump - Din especially. The two chuckled at his paranoid state before continuing to walk down the long hallway.
“Approaching control room. Make a left at the next juncture.” Zero informed them from the Razor Crest.
A low whistle made them pause and turn to one of the cell doors. A figure stood from its bed and slowly walked over to the grate. “Didn’t think I’d hear something with a heartbeat outside my door - you here for me or just for kicks?”
Din froze. He recognized that voice. Hell, how could he forget it? He stepped forward and away from Burg who looked at him with both disdain and confusion.
“Asara?” Din asked in disbelief. The figure frowned, moving closer to the grate as realization dawned upon them. 
He couldn’t believe his eyes. He could never forget her face. Even though there were a few changes - her hair was shorter, down to her shoulders, and her scar was much more faded now - she still looked almost exactly how he had remembered. 
The grey of her eyes bore into his soul as she turned her gaze to him.
“No fuckin’ way…” Asara trailed off - also in disbelief - and a wide smile made its way onto her face. “Flyboy - didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“Me neither,” he said through a light chuckle as he moved to stand in front of the grate. Xi’an glared as he practically forced her out of the way. His hands gripped the bars as they stood face-to-face. “What are you doing here?”
Asara laughed at his question - a sound he didn’t realize he had missed. 
“I got caught - believe it or not,” she grinned. “For pick-pocketing no less. Can’t wait to see the look on the Republic’s faces when they realize who they’ve picked up,”
“H-How long have you been here?”
Asara went to reply but Xi’an pulled harshly on Mando’s arm. “Enough chit-chat - we have a job.” she hissed.
Din turned back to see a frown on Asara’s face. She swallowed hard in worry and her grip tightened on the bars. “Mando, I-”
“I’m not leaving her here,”
“Look, I don’t know who she is, but she isn’t part of the plan,” Mayfeld tried to reason with him. “We don’t got the time.”
“We’ll make time,” Din spat. “Zero, can you unlock this door?” 
“This isn’t part of the plan, Mandalorian-”
“I know it’s not.” he growled in annoyance. “But if you want me, we get her out.” 
Xi’an hissed at the two of them in annoyance and concealed jealousy. 
“Gee, Xi’an, looks like your Mando found another fling,” Mayfeld joked, only to receive a swift punch from Xi’an. “Ouch.”
“Mandalorian, there is no way for me to open that door without clearance.” Zero radioed through. “You will have to grant it at the control room.”
Din sighed deeply, his head drooping. “Is that the only way?”
“Yes, Mandalorian, it is the only way - though I do not suggest straying from our mission.” 
“Hey - I’m not goin’ anywhere any time soon,” she reassured, knocking on his visor gently with a small smile. “I can wait,” Din looked back up at her and felt his face soften.
“Hey,” Mayfeld interrupted their moment together as he walked closer to the two. Din protectively moved in front of the door - his shoulders squared. “Wait a second…don’t I know you?” he asked Asara who frowned and took a step back from the cell door defensively.
“No,” she said with a hard swallow. “I doubt it, buddy.” 
“You remind me of someone…” he trailed off in thought with a furrowed brow. Din’s hand ghosted over his blaster in its holster. “Back in the Army.”
“Army?” she asked in confusion, although there was an apprehensiveness in her tone - as if she already knew the answer.
“Imperial,” he finished coldly for her. “Yeah, you look real familiar,”
“Maybe I just have one of those faces,” she said just as coldly. “You’d be surprised how often I get mistaken for other people,”
Mayfeld laughed dryly - unimpressed and unconvinced. “Yeah. I bet.”
“Enough,” Xi’an growled. “We need to move. Now. Leave your sloppy seconds behind, flyboy,” Xi’an mocked Asara’s voice childishly, making Din threateningly reach for his blaster. Xi’an only laughed, and much to Din’s surprise, he heard Asara smother her own laughter. 
“Moof-milker,” he heard her mutter under her breath. A smile found its way onto his face as he realized he was the only one who heard it.
“Fine. But I’m coming back here before-”
“Droid!” Asara exclaimed, hearing the machine before any of the others could. They all pointed their weapons - ready for an attack. 
A small cleaning droid whizzed around the corner - stopping in fright at the sight of so many creatures pointing their weapons at it. Burg chuckled, stomping forward.
“It’s just a little mousey,” he said as he tried to catch it. “Come here, little mousey,” The droid let out a mechanical brrr in fright.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, hotshot,” Asara warned.
“Burg.” Mayfeld said wearily as Burg got increasingly agitated. He pulled out his gun as the droid tried to run away. “No! Burg, what are you doin’?”
It was too late - Burg shot the droid until it exploded. 
“Intruder alert. Open fire.”
A small squadron of fighter-droids rounded the corner at the commotion, immediately reigning hellfire on the group.
“Great,” Asara grumbled - quickly ducking out of the way as one of the blaster shots pinged off the cell opposite her and almost hit her head. “Fuckin’ Devaronians…”
“We’re too exposed here.”
“If they get a signal out, it’s not gonna matter.” Mayfeld shouted back over the commotion. “Mando, let’s go! You’re supposed to be somethin’ special.” Mayfeld looked for the shiny bounty hunter only to find him gone. “I knew it! I knew it!”
Din, however, was stood at the other end of the corridor, and had begun to fight the droids ruthlessly. The slight clunkiness of his actions didn’t take away from the fact that he got the job done - seemingly with little effort. The group couldn’t help but be impressed. 
“Nicely done,” Asara complimented with a smile as Din finished off the last droid. 
“I’ll come back,” he vowed - slightly out of breath. 
“And I’ll be here,” she reassured with a wink. “Oh, and Mando,” she called to him before he could disappear down the hall. He stopped, turning back expectantly. “Don’t trust those guys,” she warned. “Call it intuition - kriff, call it Jedi magic,” she tried to lighten the tone with the inside joke - she was semi-successful. “But don’t trust ‘em.”
Din nodded in understanding. “Understood.”
Asara listened to him leave with a sigh before a smile found its way onto her face. She didn’t expect to ever see the Mandalorian that saved her life ever again - let alone on the New Republic prison ship that had picked her up on Jakku of all places. 
She couldn’t help but feel like fate had something to do with it. After all, she had avoided being caught for almost six years - running from the most deadly and dangerous of bounty hunters. And yet, one small mishap, one wrong pocket picked, and all of a sudden she finds herself behind bars waiting for the man who saved her life to save her yet again.
Asara felt the change in the air. It was quick and sudden. She was disconnected from the Force, but she didn’t need it to know something was wrong. 
“Mando…” she mumbled to herself through a frown. She closed her eyes and could hear the evil laughter of two Twi’leks and four sets of footsteps. Her eyes shot open as she realized what had happened. “Shit.”
She knew what she had to do, but doing it was an entirely different question. She stepped back from the door and stood in the middle of the room - attempting to center herself. She inhaled deeply, feeling time itself begin to slow down around her. The Force rippled around her, desperately trying to reconnect itself with her being.
She could hear the footsteps from afar and the mocking words they spoke about Din, but she focused her attention elsewhere. She could hear him struggle in the cell they had locked him in - hear him begin to think of a plan to get out. 
She pictured him trapped in there - helpless - before she felt the energy she needed coarse through her very being. Her eyes snapped open again, and she raised both hands towards the cell door. 
“Here she goes again,” Keft - a former Imperial Lieutenant who had been arrested for embezzlement of all things - mocked from his cell opposite her. “Your glory days are over, Ando. Give it a rest!”
His provocations only spurred her on more as she began to pull with the Force. Keft’s mocking laughter began to die out as the metal door began to churn and groan. 
She felt blood begin to drip down her nose but she ignored it, bringing her thoughts back to Din who was still struggling in his cell. 
“C’mon, ‘Sara,” she mumbled to herself. “You’ve got this.”
“Maker alive,” Keft said in both fear and astonishment as the metal began to curl in on itself like a crumpled ball of tin foil, He shrieked - undignified - as it was thrown with immense force towards him, leaving a sharp dent in the metal of his door. 
Asara exited casually, meandering over to the grate of his door. “You were saying?” she grinned smugly before she began to sprint towards where they had left Din. She paused halfway, however, as his presence shifted. He escaped, she realised. 
With a smile, she took off towards the control room where she knew he was heading - not without protests from Keft who was appalled he had been left behind. His calls of ‘for old time’s sake’ were ignored as she ran full speed.
“Need some help?” she asked through a grin as she finally made it to the entrance - still trying to catch her breath. Din’s shoulders sagged in relief before he ushered her into the control room beside him. “Quite the company you keep,”
“Trust me - that is temporary,” he grumbled distastefully.
“I should hope so, considering they left you for dead,” she jested, placing her hands on his shoulders as she stood behind him. “It’s good to see you, Mando.” The sincerity in her voice made him pause before he could shut down the power. “Poor choice of words-”
“It’s good to see you, too.” he interrupted, turning his head slightly. “I didn’t know if you made it.”
“Oh, trust me,” she chuckled. “If I hadn’t, some smug bastard from your Guild would’ve been parading around the Galaxy with ten million in his pocket.” Asara noticed how Din’s shoulders tensed at the mention of the Guild, and she cautiously withdrew her hands. She cleared her throat as she came to stand beside him and the control panel. “Let’s catch up after we get rid of these bastards, huh?”
“Sounds good to me,”
“What’s the plan?” she said, hands reaching for the same button Mando had his hand on. Asara didn’t withdraw it. “Light’s out?” she asked with a smirk.
“Light’s out.” Din and Asara pushed the button together and the entire ship was plunged into momentary darkness. The red emergency lights lit up the corridor intermittently in an ominous glow. “We can go up through the vent shaft - that way we can get the drop on them,” Din said as he climbed on top of the controller’s chair so he could push back one of the hatches. “Here,” he said, offering his gloved hand. 
Asara took it with a smile - they both knew she didn’t need it, but she took it anyway, allowing the Mandalorian to hoist her up through the grate. She leant back down as soon she was up and helped pull Din up too. 
“How you wanna play this?” she asked quietly as they began to make their way to the first noise they heard - that noise being the grumbles of a certain Devaronian. 
“We’ll take them down - together,”
Asara nodded and tried to hide her smile. “When you say take them down…”
“Just…follow my lead,” he said after some reluctance. “But don’t kill anyone.”
“So that’s really your style now, huh?” she asked with surprising fondness. “Good to know.”
They remained silent after that as they quickly made their way to Burg. Din dropped down first, getting a few hits before he was floored.
Asara leapt down from the grate and onto Burg’s shoulders, wrapping her legs tightly around his neck. Burg thrashed around, attempting to pry her off of him with his thick red hands. 
“Pfassk, you’ve got some fire, Devaronian,” she said through a grunt as she tightened her legs. “Pardon the pun,”
“Get off!” Burg roared, managing to grab a fistful of her hair. As he yanked it - and her - forward, Asara used all her energy to kick his stomach and sent him flying into the doorway.
Din was quick to use his retractable wires to trigger the door to close. It slammed on Burg’s back hard, but the Devaronian somehow managed to stand tall. Asara scrambled up, quickly slamming her hand into the control pad which brought the final door down on his head with a SLAM. 
Burg groaned in his unconscious state - Din came to stand by Asara as they looked down at him, catching their breath.
“He was a handful,” Asara sighed. 
“Don’t speak too soon,” Din said through short breaths. “We’ve still got two more to go,”
“You sure you don’t want to just…” Asara made a gun with her fingers and pretended to shoot Burg. 
Din huffed in amusement. “I’ll drag him to the closest cell.”
“Hey, if you want to throw your back out,” Asara shrugged with a smile. “I’ll track down the other two.”
“You’re sure? This is my mess-”
“I owe you, flyboy,” Asara reassured with a soft smile. “Besides - I need to stretch my muscles after being stuck in that cell for a week.” Din chuckled to himself as Asara released the hatch and hopped over Burg’s body like it was nothing. “Don’t be too long, Mando - I might need you to save my ass again.” 
Din knew she was joking, but he couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter. Don’t be too long. He didn’t need to be told twice - he’d never dragged a Devaranion down a hall faster in his life. 
Asara, meanwhile, had managed to track down Mayfeld who had just taken down three attack droids. She moved silently - her movements fluid as she whipped past him. Mayfeld turned - frightened and with his guns drawn. 
“Where are you, huh?!” he shouted in a desperate bid to hide how anxious he was. “Come on out, Mando!”
Mayfeld was on edge as the door in front of him opened with a hiss. The lights flickered ominously - Mayfeld was too busy trying not to shit his pants at the small cleaning droid that whizzed past to see Asara slowly stalking towards him.
He breathed deep as he backed away - letting out a yell as Asara kicked his legs out from under him. He was winded instantly, giving her enough time to snap his mobile gun and rip the other two out of his hands. 
She straddled him, fist raised above her head ready to knock him out.
“Who the hell are you, huh?” he said through a hiss as he tried to stay conscious. 
“I told you, baldy - Nobody,” Asara said through gritted teeth before she knocked him clean out with one swift punch. She wasted no time in dragging Mayfeld’s body to the same cell as the others which she located through the distant unconscious groans.
She smiled as she accidentally kicked the leg of Xi’an - knowing Mando had also been successful in his endeavours. Asara dropped Mayfeld’s legs with a thud and quickly ran back down the halls - following the sound of Mando’s metal armour. She slowed down to a silent walk as soon as she heard Qin and Mando talking ahead.
“You kill me…you don’t get your money.” Qin shrugged smugly. “Whatever Ran promised, I’ll make you sure you get it, and more.” he tried to bargain. “C’mon, Mando. Be reasonable. Huh?” he said as he dropped the gun. “You were hired to do a job, huh? So do it. Isn’t that your code? Aren’t you a man of honour?”
“A talker, huh?” Asara said distastefully as she approached the two. “I don’t like talkers much,”
“Who’s this?” Qin chuckled mockingly. “Something for the ride back?”
Asara let out a short and unhumoured laugh. “Try backup,” she snapped. “Because if he doesn’t kill you I will.”
Qin chuckled again before his brow furrowed. “Your face…” he mused. “I know your face.”
“Oh, not this shit again.” she moaned. “I know, I know, I have one of those faces-”
“Asara Ando…” Qin trailed off. “Yes, that’s it.” he nodded with a wide - threatening - grin on his face. “Ten million for your head. Every bounty hunter in the parsec has dreamt of bagging you.” 
Din moved in front of her protectively. “Try it and see what happens,”
Qin chuckled darkly at Din’s actions. “Don’t tell me you have a soft spot for her?” he mocked. “The Mandalorian giving up ten million credits and for what? A pretty face?” 
Din squeezed his fists hard, fighting the urge to shoot him then and there. Asara’s hand on his arm calmed him down immediately. He turned, not expecting her to be so close to him. She gave him a reassuring nod before she moved to stand beside him. 
“Turns out some bounty hunters aren’t giant assholes,” Asara said coolly - her brow raised at the very obnoxious Twi’lek. 
Qin chuckled again. “So, what now, Mando? You gonna let me go - or are you going to let your pretty bounty kill me?”
Din thought for a moment. “I’ll take you back to Ran.” 
Both Asara and Qin were shocked. 
“Sorry, what?” Asara asked in disbelief.
“You’re…letting me go?”
“A job’s a job.” Din dismissed casually. Asara could hear it in his voice, however - there was an ulterior motive there - one that Qin failed to see. 
The Twi’lek laughed victoriously. “Well, well,” his shoulders sagged in relief. “You really have changed, haven’t you, Mando?”
“Just get on the ship,” Din grumbled as he shoved past Qin - making him stumble back. The Twi’lek glared at the back of his helmet as Din began to climb the ladder to the Razor Crest. Asara stifled a laugh as she followed closely behind - turning the Twi’leks glare on her. 
When she finally boarded Din was stood over a Q9-0 droid - his gun still raised. 
“Son of a bantha, Mando, how many more of these crik-heads are hiding around he-” Asara paused as she stood beside him, her gaze fixed on the small creature in front of her despite not being able to physically see him. Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt the Echoes of the Force around him. His sheer innocence and beauty alone almost made her cry. “Mando…” she trailed off in a whisper. “What is this?”
The sound of Qin clambering up the ladder made Din snap out of his trance - as he had watched her watching the Child so intently - and into protective mode as he quickly shut the door on the small baby before Qin could see.
“I’ll explain later,” he promised quickly before the Twi’lek could fully enter the ship. 
Asara nodded in understanding before she leaned casually against the door of his bunker that he had just shut. 
She already felt protective of the small creature behind her - whose coos of confusion she could hear behind the thick metal door. She smiled at the sound, placing her hand on the metal softly, as if she could feel him behind it. 
The Child quietened on the other side, and Asara chuckled as she heard him place his hand over the same place as hers. 
Din watched in awe.
“More of my friends you’ve killed I see?” Qin said with loathing. He sent Asara an accusing look but she merely flipped him the bird and leant her head back against the door. 
“It was a droid,” Mando dismissed. “It doesn’t count.”
Asara stayed in front of the door the entire ride back to Ran’s. She didn’t question where they were going or what Mando had planned because - she realized - she trusted him almost completely. 
Qin was silent - though he couldn’t help but wonder what it was behind the door that was making the infamous Asara Ando smile so fondly. 
“Stare any harder and my face might just melt off,” she said casually. Qin shuffled uncomfortably as she turned her grey eyes on him. “Twi’lek.”
“Then I best keep staring, human.” he sneered. He didn’t voice his confusion at how she knew he was a Twi’lek - nor did he say anything else to her as Mando landed the Crest on Ran’s port and returned to the lower deck. 
“C’mon,” Mando ordered Qin to the main hatch. He watched as Qin and Ran reunited with laughter and he scowled behind his visor at the sight. He walked down cooly, however, and approached Ran. Their laughter ceased. 
“Where are the others?”
“No questions. That’s the policy, right?”
“Yeah, that is the policy,” Ran mused. 
“I did the job.”
“Yeah, you did.” Ran tossed him the credits wordlessly. 
“Just like the good old days,” Din said.
“Yeah, just like the good old days,” Ran agreed with him although there was malice under his words. 
Din turned and walked back to his ship without another word. 
“What about your pretty bounty, Mando?” Qin called up. “What’s she promised you instead of ten million?” 
Ran did a double-take at Asara’s silhouette which was still leant against the bunker door. She lolled her head to the side, revealing her face which made Ran’s blood run cold. 
“No kriff…” he mumbled in awe. 
“No questions asked,” Asara shouted back down to them as she came to stand beside Mando. “Enjoy your freedom, Twi’lek. While you still can.” she said distastefully as Din hit the control pad. 
The door shut with a hiss and the two let out a sigh of relief simultaneously. 
“Dare I ask what you’ve done?” she asked with a coy smirk.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Din said through a small smile of his own before he quickly opened the hatch and gathered the Child up into his arms. Asara followed him up to the cockpit and sat silently in the second passenger seat. 
The Child cooed at her and waved with a smile. Asara giggled, waving coyly back at him. “Hi, buddy,” Asara smiled, reaching over to tickle under his chin. The Child giggled and shrieked in pure glee - Din felt his heart swoon. “Aren’t you just the cutest thing in the Galaxy?”
Asara’s attention was momentarily brought away from the child who had taken to playing with her fingers as she heard three X-Wings enter the area. 
“That beeping I heard…” she trailed off as she put two and two together. The port exploded in fiery flame as if on cue. Asara nodded her head with an impressed smile. “Not bad, Mandalorian,”
Din let out an amused puff of air. “I told you that was a bad idea,” he said as he turned his head back to the Child. The baby cooed before putting one of Asara’s fingers directly into his mouth. “Sorry about him,” Din said as he pulled her hand away and gave him the gear knob instead. 
Asara chuckled as she wiped her slimy hand on her jeans. “Don’t worry - a little slobber never killed anyone,” she reassured. “I gotta say though, flyboy - I didn’t think you’d ever…well…”
“He…” Din trailed off as he tried to think of the easiest way to explain. “He was a bounty.”
Asara smiled. “A bounty, huh?” she leant forward, her head close to Mando’s - something which he desperately tried to ignore as he felt heat rush to his cheeks. “Seems you have a habit of letting them go? Maybe you should consider switching professions? Maybe a Gatherer or a Shipspotter? I can recommend some remote planets if you like-”
Din shook his head through a smile at her jest. “Maybe I should,” he played along. “But I don’t want people like Qin and Ranzar Malk thinking I’ve gone soft,”
“True. I wouldn’t want people thinking that either.” she mused, finally pulling back and sitting back in her chair. “I suppose the question stands now, though, Mando…”
“What’s that?”
“Whether or not you’re gonna let this bounty go again?” her question was meant to be a joke - but there was a hint of fear in it. Not fear of Din actually turning her in - no, this fear came from a place of abandonment - this fear came from a place of immense loneliness. “What with your reputation n’all, I don’t wanna have a negative effect on that-”
“You can stay,” he said before he could think. “I-If you want. Me and the kid we-” he sighed as he stumbled over his words. “We could use the company. Your company. It’s-” he sighed again and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “You’re good company.”
Asara smiled but said nothing at his struggle - knowing now wasn’t the time to joke. She felt warm at his words. Nothing had ever had an effect on her like when the Mandalorian said such things. 
“So are you,” she said softly. “Besides, I don’t wanna let this little guy get up to trouble without me around,” she tickled under the Child’s chin again and he squealed in delight. 
Asara laughed as he opened up his arms, begging to be picked up. She complied immediately, of course, not wanting to spare another second without him in her arms. The Child cooed in contentment as he snuggled into her. 
If it were possible - Din would’ve combusted at the sight. 
“You uh…You’re pretty good at that,” 
“At what?”
“That,” he motioned to the Child with one hand as he babbled incomprehensively to Asara with a happy grin. “The kid,”
Asara smiled softly down at him. “I had two brothers,” she reminisced as her smile turned sad. “Both younger. This…” she chuckled sadly. “It’s natural to me now.”
Din was quiet for a few moments. “I’m sorry you lost them.”
Asara hummed. “We all lose people,” she smiled sadly down at the small child. “I bet this little guy has too,”
“No doubt,” Din mumbled to himself under his breath. 
“He’s got you now though,” Asara looked over at Din with warmth. “That’s gotta count for somethin’,”
“Yeah,” Din nodded through a small smile. “And he’s got you too,”
Asara beamed and held the Child closer. “You uh…you didn’t have to let me out back there,” she began softly. “You already saved my ass once.”
“And I’d do it again,” he cut in. “If you wanted me to, of course.”
Asara chuckled. 
“As much as I’d like to think I can hold my own, I’ve ended up in a lotta sticky situations recently,” Din let out a puff of amused air. 
“You seemed to hold your own pretty well back there,” Din complimented. 
“Ah, now y’see that’s because I was trying to impress you,” she teased with her tongue between her teeth. Din shook his head but a smile remained on his face. “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is…thank you. Again.”
“You don’t need to thank me-”
“But I do,” Asara folded her knees up on the chair, readjusting the Child so they were both more comfortable. The small creature yawned and his eyes began to flutter closed as Asara gently stroked his forehead. “You stuck your neck out - again.”
“Like I said,” Din turned his head to face her. “I’d do it again. And knowing our luck, I won’t have to wait long.”
The two smiled bashfully at each other before their amusement was cut short by a beeping noise coming from Din’s control panel. He turned his attention back to it and switched on the incoming transmission that had been trying to fully make its way through.
Greef Karga’s voice filled the small cockpit and Din’s back straightened at the sight of him.
“My friend, if you are receiving this transmission, that means you are alive…”
The two listened to the transmission in silence, both of their brows furrowing as Greef informed them of the man who had hired Din and his occupation of the city. 
“Return to Nevarro. Bring the child as bait. I will arrange an exchange, and provide loyal Guild members as protection. Once we get near the client, you kill him, and we both get what we want.” 
Din’s eyebrows raised in surprise at the proposition. 
“If you succeed, you keep the child and I will have your name cleared with Guild, for a man of honour should not be forced to live in exile. I await your arrival with optimism.”
Din flicked the switch and the small blue visage vanished.
“We won’t have to wait long at all, apparently,” Asara let out a puff of air as she referred to their previous conversation. “Did he say ex-Imperial?” Asara asked for reassurance. Din noted as her face had paled considerably. 
“The Empire…” Din trailed off as he remembered what she had told him all those years ago. “Asara, you don’t have to-”
“If you’re in, I’m in. And if it means making sure this one is safe,” Asara looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms - wishing she could actually see him. “Then I’d say I’m up for taking out a couple Imperials.”
Din’s heart soared. 
“You’re sure about this?” he asked for reassurance as he punched in the coordinates for Sorgan.
“You bet your metal ass I am,” Asara reached forward and slapped his shoulder. The cool metal didn’t effect her as she continued to smile with the sleeping child in her arms. “What are you waiting for, flyboy? Lead the way.”
tags: @avatarkanemi​ @vanillaweirdo​ @kirsteng42​ @zliteraturehoe
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction : another member scares you
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Tw : near drowning scare, lots of bugs??
Mark Lee
donghyuck loves teasing mark
you’re mark’s s/o
results : donghyuck loves bullying you
congrats you get a free pass to cry with me cuz donghyuck is ruthless
but you learnt to live with it so it’s okay most of the time
until his friendly teasing involved a quite deep pool and your unprepared form being swung violently into it
so when you submerged underwater and didn’t come back up, mark forgot everything else and dove head first into the pool
his spiderman senses kicked in thank god
donghyuck saw his life flash before his eyes ⊙△⊙
when mark dragged you to the surface and hoisted you out of the water with donghyuck’s help, you took your sweet time before coughing violently
you gotta suck the life out of that dramatic effect ya know
mark coddled you the entire day, embracing your trembling form and keeping hyuck away despite his attempts to apologize to you :<
this man would spend an entire lifetime just taking care of you and smothering you with no complaints i swear cause you became like the centre of the universe for him ಥ_ಥ
writing music? thinks of you ; eating watermelon? y/n would like it ; showering? we could have some fun
but once he tucked you safely into bed and made sure you comfortably fell asleep after a scare that shortened both your lives by 10 years
WWIII commenced (ノ♯`△´)ノ~’┻━┻
markhyuck summer fight pt.2
Huang Renjun
there’s ONE(1) thing you and renjun totally agree on
scary movies can suck your di- └( ͡° ︿ °͡ )┘
but the other devil spawns ( read dreamies ) decided you deserve suffering their enjoyment blame them
so you’re settled on the couch between china line with renjun trying to keep his macho man facade give up jun we know you’re babie (♥ω♥*)
but still feeling you tremble like a leaf beside him melted his lil heart :((((
so he kept a hand on your knee the entire time, rubbing random patterns on your leg in an attempt to soothe your nerves
the atmosphere became so tense, any hint of conversation dying once everyone was immersed in the movies, an eerie silence enveloping you
but when dear angel chenle decided to shriek in your ears and dig his fingers in you sides let me tell you gals
you jumped out of your skin
and spoiler alert : didn’t land back on the couch
cue dolphin noises
but when you looked up at renjun, a deep pout settled on your lips and glassy puppy eyes ( つ᷄.̯σ̣̥᷅ ) he saw red before his eyes
no one dares to scare/hurt his baby and escapes unharmed no exceptions sorry
after he taught chenle the lesson of his life, it’s cuddle time!!! (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
he spoons you protectively and smothers you in a TON of kithes until he’s content with hearing your giggles  :>
Lee Jeno
you made it your personal mission to find a way to eradicate all bugs
no cap
and jeno just nodded along to your endless rambling about your strong dislike towards them
let’s be honest here, he was internally gushing at your cuteness like your biggest supporter ( ◠ ◡ ◠ )
so when renjun dangerously nears you without a common garden bug  he found during your picnic with the dreamies in between his fingers and sticks it in your face with the hugest shit eating grin (ര̀ᴗര́)و ̑̑
you let out the loudest screech and scramble to throw yourself in jeno’s arm who acted like your comfort blanket by now i’m so soft for jeno can you tell????
and he just 「(°ヘ°)
‘my baby?? scared?? the nerve of some people?? gotta!!!show!!them!!no one!!!NO ONE!!!messes with my baby!!!’ (`Д´)
so he just pats you head lovingly and rubs your back until you calm down enough to let go of him
and then he leaves the cutest *smooch* on your forehead and gets up
he walks calmly towards renjun who was pretending to occupy himself with smoothing down a blanket and just...cracks his knuckles kaneki style
jeno just grabs the biggest bug he was able to find and grips the hem of renjun’s sweats harshly
wanna know what this gangsta beach does?? he frickin throws the bug down poor renjun’s pants
and then just leaves his unfortunate victim thrashing and shrieking for his life and retreats back in your arms like the terrifying baby he is
don’t mistake his softness for you as weakness!!1! he becomes ruthless when it comes to you :<
Lee Donghyuck
he’s already ruthless enough
so please PLEASE for the love of God don’t give him a reason to become even more of a devil spawn
but poor jisung didn’t get the gist bless his pure soul 🐣
you weren’t even that scared when you opened your phone to an remarkably ugly image of a cockroach (basically the same prank that was done to fetus jisung some time ago)
but you still let out a shriek loud enough to alert haechan
and while haechan seemed silent while he smothered you, his mind was going highwire which is NEVER good  ( ̄ェ ̄;)
*time skip to the next day*
3 times
so when he barges in the living room where sweet innocent hyuck is seated on the couch with you cradled in his lap while feeding both you and himself and watching netflix 
jisung has a fit it was damn time baby chick
“you put cockroaches in the shower, in my cup AND on my pillow, do you want me to die young??!!?”
“they’re fake tho”
eventually jisung retreated to put some shoes on and leave the dorm for a breath of fresh air after the near-death experience he encountered
“i feel bad for him” you took pity on the kid alright
“don’t worry your pretty head”
and he just kithes the heck out of you and automatically deleted all your worries once immersed in his sweet lips who could resist him tho
until another scream echoes
Na Jaemin
we all know jaemin enjoys photography
and you’d be a fool to believe his camera roll is not ABSOLUTELY FULL of pictures of you both candid and not
he always insisted he takes photos of things he loves or are beautiful and you’re both and even more ✿♥‿♥✿
that’s how some of your hangouts turn into mini photoshoots whenever jaemin was in the mood
and that’s how you found yourself modeling for jaemin while the other dreamies were lunging around
“i’m frying over here, can you hurry up?”
“not my fault my baby is the prettiest unlike you gremlins, hyuck”
“what’d you say?!!?!?!!” lowkey ready to swing
jaemin doesn’t spare him a second glance, he can only focus on you :>
“hey honey can you climb on that ledge for me?”
he helps you like the gentleman he is to climb the stone ledge, one hand clutching yours and the other gripping your waist softly (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
so you’re posing, focusing on the camera when you feel a hand tightly clasp over your ankle
and jeez do you scream so loud hyuck was left fried, insulted and deaf
and you can’t even step away from the ledge before jaemin envelops you in his arms and clutches you tightly to his chest
“aigoo aigoo~ my baby it’s okay, nana is here”  in the softest voice possible (๑´ω`๑)
he smooths down your hair, petting it affectionately and as he leans down to smooch your forehead he meets eyes with a sheepish jeno who peeks over from behind the ledge
and jaemin just stares him down with that disappointed mom look 
and jeno just knows he won’t be getting any dinner tonight
but jaemin’s head is full of you you you did i mention you? so he can only coo at you and smother your entire face in little kithes :<
“you’re the absolute cutest and all mine, my cute baby” *bursting uwus* *fake gagging noises in the background from hyuck*
“so candidate no. 2 without dinner tonight huh?” hyuck: “wait no pls”
Zhong Chenle
power napping is your favorite kind of date with chenle
just curling up against each other wherever you two could fit and spooning or just cuddling or even just holding hands if the weather was too hot
okay but just imagine chenle holding someone’s hand while he sleeps i’m ded just imagining it x.x
so it’s already understood that you’re a sleep lover who isn’t tho
and while you fell asleep, chenle still had to wash the dishes after a meal with the dreamies
jaemin being the affectionate person he is cooed over your cuteness and couldn’t help himself from throwing himself beside you on the bed and jumping on it while screaming your name (basically the same thing he did to chenle :)))) )
but unfortunately you were a quite light sleeper and easily startled when woken up suddenly and not so gently  ( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )
so you let out a chocked noise that immediately alerted chenle who returned to see you staring at jaemin like a deer caught in headlights 
“ah hyung why would you do that? you scared them like that”
chenle whined as he pushed jaemin away who retreated with slumped shoulders and a pout don’t worry jaems we love you
and chenle just slips under the blanket and brings you closer to lay down together and soothes you ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶
and he just embraces you, tangling your legs together and hiding your face in the crook of his neck while he runs his fingers through your hair comfortingly chenle would make the best cuddle buddy no take-backs
“shh it’s alright, just go back to sleep, i’ll stay with you” (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
with chenle’s assurance and tight grip on your body to bring you as close as humanly possible, you fall back asleep as chenle stares fondly at you
and that’s how chenle escaped washing dishes *ha suck it losers*
Park Jisung
jisung blames mark
mark is his oldest hyung and the supposedly most responsible debatable among them
so how could his leader scare you to tears and then dump your shaking figure for him, the baby, to take care of (ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻
jisung could only stare at you as he hovered above your curled up form
“y-y/n, come on, there’s nothing to cry about, hyung didn’t mean it”
*mark facepalms* *sm building facepalms* *the white house facepalms*
mark just motions aggressively to jisung to rub your back 
and jisung pales as if mark suggested going to a haunted house *sigh* jisung you absolute clueless baby
he SUPER HESITATINGLY pats your back awkwardly, but you only curl up into yourself even more
mark pushes jisung to sit down beside you and prompts him to comfort you properly and jisung gulps
“sooo, how are you feeling?”
*well done jisung take a guess you sharp tool* (-‸ლ)
mark is just boiling with worry you might just dump jisung after his worryingly poor attempt when your small voice cuts through
“can you please hug me, sung?” (●´^`●)
jisung.exe has shut down please retry in a moment
“s-sure, yeah, just-”
but you just slot yourself in his lap and bury your face in his shoulder 
jisung.exe is overwhelmed by your cuteness pls spare him
but he eventually wraps his arms around you too and just rubs up and down, occasionally massaging the nape of your neck gently
“this is actually nice, can we stay like this please?” (⺣◡⺣)♡*
you just tighten your grip on him in response
and jisung rests his head on top of your head to hide his reddening face away but also to hold you even closer because despite his shy demeanor he cherishes you so so much so please have patience with this baby
mark just shakes his head from the doorway with a fond smile knowing that you’re just right for each other (︶ω︶)
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
REQUEST: Before I ask can I just say HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR BLOG SJSGSGWJIWND THIS IS THE BEST HAIKYUU BLOG IVE EVER SEEN 💕💕ok but can I request tsukki and oikawa where whenever they’re around their s/o they get all lovey dovey and the team sees it for the first time and freaks out (probably teases them) and s/o gets really red? Sorry it’s so long I just love this-💕🥺
A/N: Thank you soo much anon!! I’m glad you enjoy my writing :DD Also. RAS in Bandori. I’m gonna go “DAKARA LONELY LONELY” for a week.
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A (Not-So) Secret Rendezvous w/ Tsukishima and Oikawa
warnings: none
Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima Kei was a reserved man. A man without frills or laces. A man who doesn’t mince his words. A simple man who was a bit more of a piece of work than other first years. And that was what people fathomed out of him—
Until this.
“Crouch down, Ryuu, I want to see!”
Scuffling behind him, Karasuno’s libero craned his neck over the curve of the stucco walls. Nishinoya squinted at the private spectacle then gasped theatrically.
Standing too closely together to be modest were the seemingly pensive Tsukishima and you. Someone cute who either had the confidence or the lack of distaste to be holding his hands with a buddy-buddy swing. But you were smiling, and he was smiling, and that itself was like the world had suddenly decided to do a handstand.
“Kei-kun, are you sure it’s fine to be holding hands here? You only ever want to get close to me when we’re far away from school,” you muttered.
Kei-kun! the nickname etched itself into the second years’ beings. Did this brute put mind tricks on you or something? Tanaka felt veins popping out from his knuckles—what the hell did you see in this bespectacled jerk?! Aside from his annoyingly handsome face, once Tsukishima opened his mouth, everything was over.
Shaking his head, the man in question pulled the tips of your fingers towards his lips, gently kissing them. “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you for so long. I hope you’ll forgive me.”
You gave him a toothy smile, enough to make the hearts of both your lover and your spectators melt. “‘Don’t mind’! That’s what you say in volleyball, right? As long as we can spend some time together like this once in a while, then I’m happy.”
Your boyfriend thought that it was plain luck that you were in school. If it were any place else... away from the prying eyes of his seniors and his clubmates, then who could tell how much longer he’d be able to hold himself back from you? Hiding his obvious blush behind the back of his hands, the quiet middle blocker looked away.
“Geez, you should be careful what you say to me, you know,” he murmured.
Meanwhile, you still hadn’t realized that your audience had multiplied. From the two zestful second-years who’d been passing by, to the two third years Asahi and Sugawara who’d gone out of their way to look for their juniors.
“Ehh... Tsukishima, that’s so cute,” Sugawara cooed, pressing down on Tanaka’s shaved head for leverage. “It’s like a panel from a shoujo manga.”
Hinata stuck out his tongue. “That’s gross...”
“Oi, Hinata, dumbass! You’re stepping on my foot!”
“Hey, you two... don’t fight, okay? W-whoa—!”
Losing their footing altogether, the boys of the Karasuno Volleyball Club came tumbling on top of each other like dominos. Groaning at the weight of the ace’s leg on his stomach, Tanaka turned as white as a sheet at the pair of demonic eyes that met his.
“How much did you see.” It wasn’t a question. It was a command, and when faced with someone who looked like he was about to eat you, Tanaka could only squeak a small “everything”.
You were beyond abashed. Rooted to the spot, you could only soak in the sight of your not-so-secret boyfriend boring holes through his clubmates with his steely gaze. But oh God, if you didn’t stop him, who knew what would happen to those poor souls—and he was just getting a little more motivated about the club too!
“I-It’s okay! If they keep this a secret, it’ll be fine, r-right?” you interrupted, getting redder with every word.
“Y/N, it’s not that,” Tsukishima griped. “They’ll only bug me about it me afterwards.”
It was your turn to squeak. Suddenly, just as the tall first year was about to coerce his clubmates into a knelt apology, a loud voice boomed from within the empty gymnasium.
“Hey! Where is everyone?! Get back here and practice!”
Tanaka, mid-way into pressing his forehead onto the ground, sighed. Thank you, Daichi-san...
Oikawa Tooru
Being in a relationship was hard work. Being in a relationship with the Oikawa Tooru was... an effort you had to double in with your tight schedule. That meant having to answer questions from his admirers about what color of underwear he was wearing today, eating the foods he didn’t like and making sure he didn’t stay up late before an important match or exam.
Today, it was bringing him the Classic Literature homework he’d forgotten to pick up from your teacher. And for the fifth time of the day, you wondered if you were his lover or a nagging parent.
“Excuse me,” you knocked on the open doors of the gymnasium. “Is Oikawa here?”
A ball tucked under his arm, the vice-captain approached you. Tall. Were all the members of the Volleyball Club so insanely collosal? “Yo, L/N-san. Oikawa’s out to refill his bottle, he’ll be back in a while.”
“In that case, Iwaizumi-san, could you give these to him? I need to—”
Whipping your head towards the direction of your boyfriend, you weren’t given a moment to spare as a pair lean arms swaddled you into warmth. Oikawa was already burrowing himself on the crown of your hair, smiling at the scent that weaved through his nostrils.
“Did you come to see me practice, Y/N-chan?” he giggled, spinning you around by your waist. “Aah, that makes me so happy to hear that...”
“O-Oikawa, let me go! I have Cleaning Duty to get back to!” you grappled for air, a twinge of freedom. But this stubborn mule of your boyfriend wasn’t called a service ace for nothing.
“C’moon... Let me kiss you, alright? You look really cute today~”
You almost forgot about Iwaizumi who was tugging on the back of Oikawa’s collar, which was proving to be just as fruitless as the saying goes. “Oi, Shittykawa! You’re gonna get reported for sexual harrasment!”
They’re watching. It just had to be your pure luck that fate bound you to this shameless exhibitionist. The warmth from Oikawa’s embrace added to the searing gazes of his teammates turned to a scorching heat that burst into red on your face.
There was only one way out of this vice-like grip, and you would rather eat cement than say it. But if it meant escaping from the unneeded attention from the public, then there was no other way. I want to crawl into a hole and die, you sighed.
“...T-Tooru...” you murmured into his chest, feeling Oikawa’s clutches go slack. “Tooru, just take your homework and let me go back to my duties, please? Tooru-chan~?”
Stifling their laughter, Matsukawa and Hanamaki who’d been watching the entire debacle go down into flames were now coughing in an adamant attempts to hide their shock.
Finally setting you down on your feet, Oikawa muttered lowly, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. “... Again.”
“‘Tooru-chan’! Please say that again one more time! That’ll be enough to keep me going for weeks!”
Slamming the papers into his chest, you scrambled out of the gym, blushing madly. “Oikawa, you pervert! I’m leaving!”
Ogling the lovestruck captain who was being mangled like a limp rag by Iwaizumi, Kindaichi put his fingers under his chin in a faux expression of deep thought. Kunimi, who was already considering bleaching his eyes after what he’d seen, perked up at his teammate’s low hum.
“Kindaichi, you okay?”
“Kunimi...” he said, digging the heel of his palm into his hips, “Do you think I’ll get myself someone as cute as L/N-senpai one day?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Shallot Head.”
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Random AU Sonamy cause you know what?
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It was time to go.
That other dimension… I didn’t figure I’d come back, but I couldn’t let my friends know that.
They each saw through me though, first with Tails and that Team Chaotix. Although Tails tried to send me off with as much hope as he could muster without shedding a tear, his entourage were wiping their tears without holding back or hiding. I respected them for it, but Tails even more, for how brave he wanted to be for me.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take of this…” I slowly raised my hand, expecting myself to say, ‘See ya around!’ but couldn’t muster it this time… instead, I just held it up… and let it flop down as though trying to act just as cool as my little dude.
I kicked the ground with a hop in my step as I moved back and raced off, heading to the next group, which were waiting to hold the portal for me when it opened.
“You’re a brave soul, Sonic… I’ve admired you for that.” Was probably the only directly nice thing Shadow ever said to me. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a swell guy! If you minus all the shady things he did in his ‘awakened’ life outside of Dr. Gerald Robotnik, but I could tell he was trying to be respectful too.
“Hey, it’s not that big of a sacrifice. Besides! With me gone, you’ll finally have a reason to show up!” I gave a goofy grin and put my hand to his shoulder, swaggering up with a wobble of my head and jerked upwards a thumbs-up from my hand.
He actually gave me a crooked smile for a moment… before dispersing off again with Rouge and Omega, looking disheartened.
Rouge looked like she wanted to say something, maybe ‘Be careful, Sonic’ but she didn’t quite get it out in time.
She stepped forward and put her hands to her chest, but as Shadow passed, looked down and decided not to say it. ...Probably for the best, I was getting sick of half-meanings. I wasn’t coming back, and the slim chance I could, I would be barely alive to tell the tale.
As she turned, something triggered in my mind. ‘Oh yeah… I’m forgetting someone.’ I felt myself getting reluctant. The person she reminded me of… the person that would definitely not be okay with any false hope, generalized chit-chat, and who wouldn’t hold her tongue back on how she felt about it.
Neither her tears… She would be the one to say, ‘Come back, Sonic.’ without a shred of regret.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and lifted my head up from that realization that I would have to face her… and convince her… of letting me leave…
For good this time.
“It’s not like you to look so gloomy, Sonic.” Knuckles… the only one who really wouldn’t put on a front that was fake.
I turned to him and flicked my nose, as we stood and faced each other, saying more with our stares into the other’s soul then any ‘not saying it’ goodbyes everyone else was trying to hold back.
He shakingly held up a hand, and seeing him about to lose himself, I took it immediately, giving him strength to help him rise up and stay strong.
He nodded, but couldn’t look back in my eyes… he was probably gonna cry somewhere off on Angel Island… and I… preferred it that way.
I gave a strong pull and tightened my grip on the embraced hands, giving him a strong look, and he finally smiled with a ‘tsk’, realizing I wasn’t gonna let him go till he could do it.
He returned the gesture and smirked, narrowing his eyes back into mine.
‘That’s it, buddy. Don’t falter the good fight.’ I thought to myself as we held that position for a moment, and finally… he let me go.
“Safe travels… but that would be an understatement.” He folded his arms, still smiling, before looking his head to the ground and concealing his smile… “Tails told me he wanted to say more to you… I would let him.”
“...Haa..!” I breathed out and arched my back towards the ground, not really wanting to face another hard goodbye so soon… but if it meant holding off from confronting Amy… I would do it. “Guess everyone’s taking my vacation kinda hard, huh?” I joked, but Knuckles just grabbed my head and started rough-housing his glove against my spiky quilled head.
“Get in a tan while you’re at it! You’re too pale skinned!” he gruffed.
I tried to push my head up but he kept it down, “H-hey! Knuckles!” but I did get a glance up… and let him keep my head down…
I could see water streaming down his muzzle like a cascading waterfall… guess I was bound to see it. No use keeping it all together and within.
With Knuckles and Tails… I embraced them, closing my eyes as Tails finally said what he really wanted to.
“I won’t forget you!” He cried out, gripping my back tightly. “I will be everything you believed me to be! I will protect the planet and things we love most, and I won’t let Eggman get away with this!”
‘Hang in there, buddy.’ I just lightly patted his back, about two or three, but was really starting to feel the toll now.
My eyes felt droopy, I was losing energy…
“You’re not gonna be alone! In that dimension, I’m sure you’ll meet others that look like us too! They’ll be there to support you, I’m sure of it!” Tails’s comforts only gave me a greater stone in my heart, but I knew he was only trying to help.
“Thanks, buddy. Take care of yourselves.” I pulled away but felt Tails resisting.
I paused as Knuckles saw I couldn’t show Tails my face… and took his arm.
“Come on, kid. He’s got a whole galaxy and then some to save.” Knuckles helped pulled Tails off and redirect his tears and anguish onto himself, having him coil up with his tails around Knuckles and start banging his chest.
“He doesn’t have to go alone! We could go with him!” he cried out, as I froze in my spot… tired. Too tired to even walk ahead… to be away from hearing it… to be away from my friends who were as close as family to my lonely self now… though I’d never admit it out loud.
“...Then who’d be here, Tails? Guarding the Master Emerald? Saving this world?” Come on, don’t give him--or me--that.” He patted his back strongly, “Stay strong, kid. We’ve gotta show him off with strength, it’s that strength he’ll need for the coming battle.”
“R-right…” Tails fought through his tears and turned around, “Sonic… We’re with you. You have our strength.” he held up his fists,... but I didn’t feel strength.
I felt so… weak.
I felt my body wanting to just submit but I wouldn’t let it.
I gave a sharp nod behind me, letting it linger, showing my friends nothing was going to phase me… and took off.
I couldn’t face Amy.
How could I?
I almost collapsed to my knees unable to move from everyone else!
However… my feet brought me to her home, and by now, it was pretty late at night.
She had no idea.
She didn’t know I was leaving, how long I’d be… how I needed her to move on.
A part of me hated to imagine that. But as I approached the home, the lights were out, and I felt a moment of relief.
‘Sleeping…’ my eyes lowered, as I tenderly and sorrowfully looked up to her window. ‘Quietly… peacefully… I shouldn’t disturb it.’
I felt so weary… tired of saying so many goodbyes without actually saying the stupid word.
I hated it.
The tears… the fear no one was admitting… the unknown was now looming over my fate, and at first I felt prepared… but now… I just wanted to get it over with.
‘Keep my friends safe first, then move on.’ I tightened my fist, finding a resolve. ‘I’ve gotta at least see her… Even if it is the last time…’
I felt power rising back to my bones, my muscles tensing and getting ready. I zoomed off to pick a flower, one I had always found to be Amy’s favorite--and well, might as well admit mine too--and took off to a tree branch right at her window.
I was off-balance, flailing a bit as I only had the tip of my shoe to steady myself on the ledge of her bedroom window, but putting the flower in my mouth I started to squeeze my fingers through the small crack under the plane.
It gave way, at last, not being locked.
I slowly rose it up after a few tugs and darted in, rolling on the ground with my quills as a cushion to make sure I landed swiftly but didn’t cause a stir.
Not much of a sound, besides the tumbling of my feet back to the ground.
I rose up and looked to my side…
Even in the night air, her quills swayed in blissful ignorance of the current situation. Her soft breaths lured me in and back, as my feet began to softly tread forward towards her.
I passed her nightstand, with a picture of us holding up peace-signs and hearts with our fingers and thumbs, just something goofy we did at some park or whatever.
Near it, a vase of the flowers I usually brought her. Some were wilted, yikes. I had kinda hoped I would visit at least enough times so she could switch them out frequently enough to not keep the dead ones.
I flinched at that imagery and thought… she kept the dead ones… when I didn’t replace them fast enough… and visit her often.
I took the flower out of my mouth and gently was about to place it on her nightstand… but stopped.
Time froze then, as my eyes darted up.
I won’t accept this.
I pulled back the flower to me and squinted my eyes, turning away from the picture and bent flowers, balding as their petals lay around the vase’s bottom…
I was getting irritated. Amy was the last, I had to do more than this. It wouldn’t be fair… no matter how much I dread it… I can’t just leave her without her final words…
I lightly pressed the freshly picked flower up to my muzzle… taking in it’s scent and thinking how I was going to do this… efficiently… without her suspecting this was my final farewell…
To lose her… to knowly have her lose me…
How to word this… how to even plan this?
All of that faded when I took another glance at her.
My serious expression was replaced with silent admiring.
She was so loyal. Any man would be crazy not to see her fidelity.
...She’d move on without me…
Find someone to love, Amy? I couldn’t say that, it almost made me gag to think about it. Plus, I’d think about it in hindsight once I’m floating in the nethersphere and realize that was too boldly assuming Amy could find anyone besides her miraculous gift at always locating me.
Be loved, Amy? As if no one does, that’s just cruel. She’s constantly surrounded by people and friends that adore her. No… No, I couldn’t say that.
She’d stir and think something was wrong with either of those lines…
I tapped the flower against my muzzle, further watching her quills sway gently in the blowing breeze, as though comforting her from the heat of the moment she was so innocently unaware of.
‘Alright,’ I finally said, having taken long enough time to figure this out. I hadn’t thought about any of my goodbyes this long because the people were already awake and holding up fronts. No fronts here… Just Amy. Sleeping. Waiting patiently for me to come by and replace a dozen of her dying roses…
Man, this was hard.
I leaned my head back and felt myself wincing at the idea I had come up with. Fool her into thinking she was dreaming? It could work, since Amy often daydreams and would go, ‘Is this a dream?’ quite frequently.
Yeah… That outta do it.
I sighed, this would still be faking it unless…
I twirled the stim of the flower between my two finger tips…
Unless I put the front down.
I looked away… I knew what I was talking about, duh.
But… that would be hard. I’m normally really shy about expressing my feelings, especially when it comes to receiving admiration or… Well, or this.
I lightly kissed the flower for good luck, winked to try and get myself into a romantic mood, but also took a long breath in and harshly let it out in a bit of stubbornness to prepare myself for speaking with my heart over my image…
Her hero… deserves to send himself off after wishing her goodnight.
I moved to her bedside and decided it was best to bend to one knee, at least, she may find it endearing.
Lightly, I teased her awake gently by brushing the rose over her eye, twiddling it before lightly stroking her face like it was a paint brush.
She gave little, soft groans of discomfort, tenderly waking up as I smiled in eagerness to see her again.
I didn’t want to think this was the last time, nor play it out like that.
I wanted, at least this one, to be genuine but disguised as a wishful, whimsical dream she was having. I could… send myself off knowing she was happy.
That was the way I wanted it to be. An ideal.
Amy crying in my arms and me having to hold her till it was time to go was too painful to even bare a thought of!
I didn’t want to waste my time trying to comfort when this wasn’t something that anyone could be comforted on!
Strength… Knuckles spoke of strength?
I tsked, I didn’t want to leave Amy with ‘strength’ or take anyone else’s strength when they needed all the help they could get!
They already mustered everything together to see me off, I wouldn’t bare it again, I would never let Amy bare that either…
Maybe she’d hate me when she fully came too, realized what had happened, and sob for centuries…
I felt something stab at my throat, and I forced myself to swallow after a few failed attempts.
‘Don’t cry, Amy… I want to make that very clear.’ I thought I could do this, but seeing her blink her eyes open made me realize how I really just wanted to flee from this whole ordeal.
I didn’t want to break Amy’s heart. Even knowing she’d cry later was just as equally tormenting than having her do so in front of me now.
I wouldn’t break her heart… but I probably should. I wouldn’t dwell too much on it. Amy’s a big girl now, she’ll have to come around and realize that I’m not coming back-
I couldn’t finish my thoughts as she rubbed her eyes and yawned, looking over to me.
“...Emm… Sonic?”
Now was my last chance… to tell her everything or… at least, not put up the charades anymore.
“Heya.” I whispered, finding a smile I didn’t realize I still had. “Long time no see.”
She looked a bit confused, maybe still half-way through dreamland, but relaxed back and took my hand holding the flower, “Flowers~” she giggled, and suddenly my entire night was made.
“Yeah, just for you.” I played, dangling the flower above her head and watched her drowsily paw at it like a cat would a string. She scrunched her nose up, still snickering as though trying to laugh but her lungs hadn’t woken up that far yet.
“I like it.” she yawned again, and her batting reach grew lesser and lesser until I handed her the flower. “I missed you.” her grip on my hand was so light… I didn’t realize how the touch would send me into such immediate, gripping grief.
My heart was being choked, man, I’m so dramatic! I never knew I could feel this intensely about something like saying goodbye to everyone!
It wasn’t goodbye… If I told myself that, I could do it!
“I-” I felt my voice get constrained and had to take a moment to wipe my own face and get a grip. ‘Keep it together, Sonic… or she’ll know.’ I pep-talked myself and shook my head, “I thought you would.”
“Hehe… You’re still funny.” she let her sluggish finger poke and slide around my face, making me watch her with a puzzled but funny look that continued to keep her laughing.
“Am I still in a dream?”
That… made me so happy.
“Well, depends.” I stated, getting comfortable as I moved from my knee to squatting by her side, inching closer and pulling my hands back to give my heavy head some leverage… more than what I could do for my heart at this point. “What was going on in your dream?”
“Hmm…” she thought a second, almost closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep.
Maybe that was for the best… but…
I kinda didn’t want it to end.
“Amy..?” I lightly called out to her as her eyes twitched slightly and she graced me again with their vision… green… darker than mine, but emerald like the sea below Angel Island… highlighted by it’s chaotic glow.
“We were… having a picnic… in Spagonia, maybe?” she rubbed her eyes, still having the other hand holding mine.
“Ah, I remember that!” I instantly found myself looking up, and my spirits soar. “You were so obsessed with the architecture! You barely ate, you had so much to say about how beautiful it all was.”
“Well, it was..!” she lazily commented, her eyes trying to fight the sleep. I didn’t feel bad about keeping her somewhat awake though… I realized… I needed this. I needed this too.
“Amy… You were beautiful there too.” My words I had never uttered allowed, now made me think back and remember all the times I’ve thought it, but wouldn’t dare speak it out loud. “But you know that, don’t you?” I smiled even wider, seeing her pause a second as though falling back to sleep or in disbelief.
“This is a dream!” she exclaimed and started laughing as though evilly, “Then come to bed. I need a good cuddle…”
I looked away and had to hide my snickering, I never knew Amy could be scandalous! ...scratch that, I never knew she would DREAM of something so ridiculous!
“How about just your hand?” I cradled it with both mine, seeing her fiddle with the flower and press it right up to her nose. I worried it’s strong scent would wake her up… but it didn’t. I tossed her dead-weighted hand around and toyed with her a moment, before lowering my head to it, and letting her own scent trail its way into my memory and feel her warmth from the bed’s covers override my own heated anxiety.
“Amy… I-” I felt my eyes growing sleepy too… All the times I could have just teased her by climbing over the covers and laying beside her… how I wanted that more than ever, to just… take a nap and let each other hold the other… No images, no expectations… just.... Tired. “I missed you too.”
“Hmm?” she was waking up more, I needed to make this quick.
“Heh,” In the moments I had had with her… this was bound to be the best, though bittersweet, of my favorites. “I’m gonna miss you… but I need you to go back to sleep now, finish that wonderful dream of yours… and never stop having it.” I couldn’t tell her to move on. Gosh dang it, I couldn’t!
I was holding her hand, I was letting it rest right up against my face and I- … I-!!!
I was getting to invested in this goodbye.
I speedily let go of her hand and got up, startling her awake.
I gripped my fists tightly, “This was a mistake.” I looked away, “I can’t stay here… I can’t say these things anymore.”
“I have to go away now, Amy.” I couldn’t be sweet to her, I’d ruin her!
“What… why?” she started to turn on the bed, “Is this… real?”
A real nightmare. I was gonna die. I knew it. Even if I lived, I would be stuck in another dimension with no way out.
Tails… Even if there was another Tails, Knuckles, and-... And Amy! I would owe it to her but..! But..!
“If I find you again… I won’t hold back anymore, alright?” I didn’t want to make a promise.
“What..? N-no…” She started to sit up on her bed, and I rushed to put the covers back over her, hoping to convince her to go back to bed.
“No other will do… that’s wrong, isn’t it?” I had seen people who looked like my friends in other dimensions… it was foolish of me to think that would suffice. Amy… if she knew what I was saying, she’d probably stomp the ground and cry out that it wouldn’t be fair, that none of those other girls were still her… it would be too cruel. I’ve messed up. I’ve gotta go-!
I felt her suddenly grapple me and turn me onto the bed.
“A-Amy!” I was absolutely startled, I didn’t expect her to be so strong while she was still getting up.
“I’m cold.” she lied, holding me down and tightly. “Don’t go.”
“Amy, I can’t do this. I can’t do this anymore..!” I tried to fight it, but she was absolutely strong, and I even questioned if she was faking being asleep.
But I waved my hand over her eyes and watched as they closed and she was slowly falling back to sleep.
“You make this so challenging.” I huffed, but smiled and chuckled at how even in her sleep, she was a rascal. “I can’t stay…” I lightly put my hand to the side of her face, which she leaned into, and tried to move her head to my chest. “But trust me,... if there is a way… I won’t fail you twice.” I cupped her adorably sleepy but scarily strong head in my hands as she tried to resist it a bit, but was able to move and lower her back to her pillow. Slyly figuring out a way to not disturb her, I pushed the other pillow to have her hold it, and made my way out of her grasp. “Phew…”
Memories of Amy’s antics swarmed me… then Tails… then Knuckles… then everyone…
I ended up falling to my butt and spending a good minute trying to conceal my tears without a sound.
She fell asleep… thank goodness.
I got up and picked up the flower that was slightly crushed from under her back, and placed it back on the counter. I took two petals that had fallen and placed one in her hand… then the other I tucked under my glove and held in the space between my bare palm and glove.
“Don’t wait for me anymore.” I tugged the bottom of my glove down, making sure the petal wouldn’t accidentally fall out and that it was secure. I gave one final, good look over to her…
“...But dream of me… always…”
-A New Day-
I woke up immediately when I groggily read the text from Tails that Sonic was badly injured, but somehow, used the last of the Chaos Energy inside his body to locate the Master Emerald across dimensions, and jumped!
“Jumped!? W-woah-woah!” I fell out of my bed and crashed hard on my chin, but adjusting to the pain, I kept scrolling through the updates.
He was Chaos Controlled directly from the Master Emerald with the help of a confused Knuckles who reacted at once and used his own influence over the Master Emerald to channel it’s power to wherever Sonic was reaching from.
He apparently came back, half-alive…
My eyes shook in terror, “Oh, Sonic!” I felt my heart leap out of my chest as I quickly wrote back as I spoke the words aloud. “Where is he!? I’ll house him. Tell Vanilla and Cream to bring everything to my house! Food, medicine, the works! We won’t lose him again!”
My eyes were still red from countless, sleepless nights of waiting for him to come through my window and surprise me again. I really had thought I imagined it… but I woke up with a petal from a new flower in my hand, and looked to see the one from my hallucinations that night on my nightstand.
When the others told me what he had done, I bashed the trees down and ranted with a mighty thunder in my step and tone how they should have believed in him more, should have given him hope, and the strength he needed wasn’t their undying love for him but their support in that he could do the impossible!
I kept telling myself, ‘Of course, he’ll come back!’ but my anger was from knowing that when he was trying to take my hand and say goodbye… he couldn’t.
He needed me! Oh, how my Sonic needed me to pull him in and shout out to the universe that he was going to be alright, that he was going to return, and that none of this was necessary!
I should have woken up and seen more clearly! I should have… I was the only one who could have contested their naysaying and cheered him up. I would have… I would have gotten so many words out that would be completely incoherent due to my rushing tears…
They brought him to me right away, and I was upset I couldn’t reach them in time to have helped moved him, but they insisted I stay put.
When I saw him… on a white gurney and barely able to stay awake… looking rough and completely done for… I felt my whole being cry out that he would make it… but my whole being slid down the door’s frame at just seeing him look so badly… so drained of life... 
He was out for days… but he had been gone for so long…
I was replacing his bandages, starting with the cooling rag, I was just gonna wipe him down from the sweat. I put him in my own bed and was sleeping by the side of the bed with my head to his side at night… sleeping in my chair, nursing him back to health.
He didn’t make much noise expect for awful twitches that would make me think he was dying… it scared me so much… but I held his hand as he would groan in his sleep, as though trying to move and wake up … but couldn’t.
Couldn’t… shouldn’t… wouldn’t… 
Could, would, should…
These words were infuriating me lately.
I dipped the cool rag into the water on my nightstand, which I had used to replace the vase with flowers, but kept the last flower in a see-through box, letting it sit on my windowsill as I waited through endless nights for him…
My eyes must have made me look like a raccoon rather than a hedgehog by now… but as I wiped them and patted his darling, but hurt face… I finally saw him breath out and roll his head towards my touch.
My eyes widened, was this his last breath or first real moments of consciousness?
“S-…” I felt my voice break against a dam of emotions. “Sonic?” Then flood my mouth, “Sonic!?” the sound vibrated to every cell, sparking me to life as I jolted up and hung over him. “Sonic, can you hear me!?”
His eyes were blurred, but he opened them, looking around as though unable to see me.
“Sonic! Sonic, you’re alive! You’re here!” I said that to assure him of him, not for myself.
I embraced him with restrained joy, trying to not hurt him further, as I heard him cough and try and reach his hand up.
I immediately pulled back and helped him up, hearing him hiss at the pain but fighting it.
“S-sorry! I’ll let you rest more-” I was gonna lower him back down but he put a hand out to my shoulder, as though telling me not too.
He adjusted himself to leaning back and I put pillows in his way to give him some comfort as he was somewhat up now.
“How are you feeling? You okay?” That was stupid to ask, but I was so worried… one peep, one little, measly sound would drown out all this panicking… anything!
He coughed again, and looked around.
Seeing where he was, his eyes widened and he looked back to me, as though stunned.
“You’re home… Sonic, you’re…” I covered my mouth, bursting into tears and dropping to my knees, holding myself up with my other hand gripping the bed.
I turned my hand around to show him the palm of my hand, tucked into my gold bracelet was his petal he had left in my hand, ripped and torn, crinkled and decaying… I never let it go.
He smiled and let out a puff of relief and--what I assume to be--joy as he scratched weakly at his own glove.
“Y-you want it off..?” I was speaking through tears, and blinked several times to see what I was doing, and wiping my tears away before lifting his glove up and seeing…
Not even tarnished. It was as though the petal in the palm of his hand was eternal, as though the dimension was only a blink in time, but it was still a vibrant rosy color, pinkish hue, but leaning more towards the red.
I dipped my head to his hand and just cried, kissing the palm and the petal as I knew what it meant.
“I missed you too.” I finally broke my voice and wailed in my tears.
I knew he hated goodbyes and crying…
But I knew how much he loved ‘hellos’.
(resisted Italics this time lol  Better with or without them? -meaning both Bold, Underlined, etc.-)
(ALSO! I remembered I was gonna do kissing but I was so wrapped and enthralled in the drama that I forgot o-o; Eh, makes it more in-character XD)
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lavishedinjimin · 5 years
Room 109 -> jjk (m)
↳ Pairing: jungkook x reader ↳ genre: werewolf!au ↳ word count: 6.7k ↳ warnings: alpha!jungkook, omega!reader, omega is in heat, mating, knotting, dirty talk, female solo masturbation, unprotected sex (stay safe!), jk is proud of his size lol, multiple orgasms, pregnancy kink — synopsis: Having Jungkook as your apartment buddy was a lot to get used to. But with one early day, your heat comes up much stronger than usual, and you were desperate for an alpha’s touch. 
A/N: I hope this oneshot can heal all of your thirsty, sexually frustrated souls. Also, this is my first time writing about a/b/o fics so please go easy on me. Please enjoy! 
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Let’s face it, your college entrance exams were hard enough but finding a decent apartment that was close to your university and wasn’t gender-neutral was harder.
Almost all of the closest residencies were full and booked of students that were about to experience a new chapter of their life. College. You get stressed very easily, and the fact that there are almost no more apartments that accepts only girls freaks you out. You are not going to share a goddamn room with a boy. Hell no.
“Mom…” you mewl as you cradled closer to your mother’s side with your laptop in front of you, “They’re all full.” You whimpered when the words ‘Sorry! We are fully booked right now! Try searching for other apartments that attain your satisfaction.’
“No baby,” she hushes you sweetly, wrapping an arm around your small body while caressing your arm. “Don’t give up just yet.”
Trust me, you were close to giving up.
It wasn’t about the point that you hate boys – you don’t. You just don’t trust them. It’s hard to earn your trust, and your parents raised you like that. Your pack had a history of betrayal and treachery from other wolves, and was once a powerful pack was now fragile and weak. Most of your friends were Omegas like you, but they have Alphas to look after them.
The only Alpha friend… well – he’s not necessarily a friend was a guy from your high school, Hyejun.  
He once was a part of the pack but with the influence of his father, they left, leaving everyone in a state of confusion. Packs were always there for each other, it was their sole promise. They were the first ones to leave the group. It was surprising that your father didn’t go to try and kill them instantly. Strangely enough, Hyejun never stopped looking after you. Whenever an Alpha tries to make a move on you, Hyejun would somehow pop in and protect you. That was in high school, though. And now you were in college and you had no idea where he is now.
Just the thought of sharing a whole residence with an Alpha creates creepy tingles down your spine.
It was now a week before school starts and you still have no place to live. Without further thinking, you huffed and opened your laptop.
‘Gender neutral apartments near me’
Your eyes widened when you opened a website that was full of apartments that were still available. “Mom,” you called out, and within no more than five seconds she was right behind you, bending down as she rests her hands on the couch.
“Oh, darling! You’ve finally found a – oh.”
“Mom, I know, it’s the only ones that aren’t fully booked.” You spoke desperately.
“Y/n, daughter,” she sighs and walks around to sit on the space beside you. “If there’s no more choice then I guess we have to take the chances.”
“T-Take the chances of what?”
You mother smiles at you, “You know what. It’s better than to live so far away from your school, yeah?”
You look down, “I guess so…”
“Hey, liven up, baby,” she giggles, “Let’s not worry too much. There’s still a chance that you’ll have a nice young lady as your roommate.”
You pursed your lips, nodding. There was no time to hold up a grudge, you need to do what you had to do.
“Y/l/n Y/n.” You told the clerk behind the glass countertop, gripping your backpack and your suitcase tightly. She nods and starts typing on her computer whilst readjusting the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.
“Room 109. Shared with Mr. Jeon Jungkook, am I right?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, slumping your shoulders.
“Great! Here are your keys,” she hands you two keys, “and please let Mrs. Han over here take you to your room.” A middle-aged woman appears in your vision, wearing a clean blazer uniform. ‘A beta’, you spoke to yourself, smelling her scent.
“Follow me, miss Y/l/n.”
She leads you to an elevator and presses the fourth floor. It was a very awkward silence, and you didn’t know what to do but to just stay put in a corner. You know she can smell you. And you wished that she was just another human, just like the woman behind the counter.  
She suddenly grabs a hold of your suitcase before you could even touch it, and it made you surprised. She smiles politely, “Let me help you.”
Following right behind her, you both walk along clean white hallways. The floor was glossy black tiles, and the sounds of her heels clicking was the only noise that you could hear – except for the harsh beating of your heart. You were so nervous to meet this Jungkook man, and there were so many questions running through your mind.
‘Was he a normal human? Was he a werewolf too? Is he perhaps an Alpha? Beta? Oh, please, be an Omega. Is he nice? Or would he be loud? I wish he doesn’t smoke – I swear to God if he smokes I’m going to leave this place in a flash.’
“Excuse me miss, we’re here.”
Mrs. Han’s voice departed you from your thoughts and you immediately straightened yourself up. “Oh, s-sorry,” you smile pathetically, readjusting your straps.
The woman just grins and lends you your suitcase back. “Well, I’ll be leaving you here. Please, if you have any questions, you are free to go down the lobby. Other information is stated on the documents we gave you. Have a nice day –”
“Do you know who Jeon Jungkook is?”
Your eyes were wide as you spoke, frantically wanting an answer. Mrs. Han knows what you mean, and she sighs.
“Jeon Jungkook, sweetie, is an Alpha.”
Oh, of course he is.
You were about to throw another tantrum, hell – you wanted to throw up, but she quickly places her hands on your shoulders reassuringly. “Y/n, I just want you to keep safe. He can be a little too much sometimes, but try to make an alliance with him. Don’t get into his bad side, okay?”
You shake your head vigorously, “I won’t.”
“Good, now go in there. We don’t have all day.” She leaves you with a final smile and turns away, heels clicking.
You shut your eyes, throwing your head back. ‘This is my worst nightmare’.
With sweaty hands, you use the keys on the lock and turned the doorknob. You pushed the door slightly, peeking to see if anyone’s inside. You opened the door halfway, and you sigh in relief when you saw no one. “Thank God.”
You pulled your large pink suitcase in and shut the door behind you. Ahead of you were a kitchen and a living room – a decent size for two people. The walls were painted in beige with white trims. ‘I could get used to this’, you thought.
You take a look around, noticing that there were things already placed on some shelves. You cringed when you saw how disorganized the cupboards were. Empty jars of Nutella and peanut butter, expired milk, and many more. Great job, Jungkook.
Speaking of Jungkook – your eyes expand when you see a man who just walked out from a bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower body.
You shrieked as you covered your eyes, instantly turning around. You mentally cursed yourself that you know have the image of his half-naked body engraved in your mind. “I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t m-mean to!” You stumbled on your words, panting heavily from shame.  
Jungkook, on the other hand, clenches his jaw from your sweet and heavenly scent. ‘She’s an omega’, he thinks, and a smirk slowly crept up his lips. ‘Maybe having a roommate wouldn’t be bad after all’.
Jungkook releases a deep chuckle as he stares at your small figure. He doesn’t try to walk closer to you, knowing that it might scare you. He knows he can radiate a strong aura for new people.
“It’s alright, you can turn around.”
His statement shocks you and you shake your head side to side. Funny enough, you still kept your eyes closed with your hands, even though you were already facing away from him. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”
“But why?” Jungkook pushes, loving your cute reaction, “We’re roommates now, dear, you’ll have to get used to seeing me shirtless.”
You gulp at his words, suddenly feeling your blood rush into your cheeks. Jungkook smirks when he feels the air in the room change, he knows what he’s doing to you. The wolf in him smells your lovely scent, and he indulges himself in it. He slowly walks closer to your body until there’s a one-foot distance. Your breath hitches up, afraid to breathe. ‘I need to calm down…’
“I’m sorry if I react like this, sweetheart. It’s been a while since I’ve encountered a female omega. I forgot how addicting their scent can be…” he trails off, the last sentence spoke in a mutter as he leans his head down to the crook of your neck. You flinch when you felt his hot breath on your skin, goosebumps arising.
“You don’t have to be nervous. I don’t bite.” He says smugly and you can practically feel the smirk wearing on his face. You jump when he places both of his hands on your hips. “H-hey—”
He swiftly turns you around so you were now facing him. His hair was still damp, some of it covering his eyes. You couldn’t even dare to look down, yet you can see how muscular he was on the very bottom of your eyes. Your stare wavered when he made eye contact with you, his eyes holding so much authority and control.
“May I get your name, pretty girl?”
You chew on your bottom lip with the petname he gave for you, eyes blinking twice – three times.
“Y/n,” your name rolls out of his tongue so perfectly, his voice so pleasing. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jungkook.” He smiles, showing off his pearly whites. That smile that probably makes a lot of girls – and boys – heart to flutter. Every word you knew was stripped out of your head as you didn’t know what to reply.
Realizing that you were still on his grip, you held onto his wrists and pushed them away from your body.
“U-Umm, nice t-to meet you.” You force an awkward smile, gripping the handle of your suitcase tightly to ensure your balance.
Stepping back, you finally see a clearer vision of his appearance. He was tall – really tall, probably a head and a half taller than you. He was built really nicely, his figure strong to protect his pack as he was born to do.
Jungkook cocks his head to the side, smiling smugly when he notices you staring at him for far too long.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry… I better get to my room now.” You mumble, proceeding to go…actually—you didn’t know where you were going.
“Here,” he chuckles as he moves your hand away from your suitcase and he grabs a hold of it instead, “I’ll show you your room.”
You follow Jungkook behind him and let me tell you, his back muscles were unbelievably impressive. ‘Why isn’t he ashamed by all this? He’s only wearing a towel, for god’s sake!’
“I’m sorry I didn’t clean the area, I wasn’t told that you were coming today.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. But it’s okay though.” You replied, smiling politely even though he can’t see you.
He leads you to a white door and stops in front of it. “After you,” he smiles and you thank him quietly, the blush on your face still clear and evident. You open the door and you smile brightly when you see how spacious it was. You walk further inside and notice the neat, twin-sized bed.
“I promise you that this room was locked when I got here. The management only opened this when you booked it.”
You ran your hands on the soft mattress of the bed, “Did they clean it?”
“Of course they did, sweetheart.” He chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest.
Your eyes widened for a split second before you clench your jaw. “Stop calling me that,” you fight the urge of blushing once again, not making any eye contact with his own burning irises. You didn’t like what you were feeling – you didn’t like that you felt so frail under his overwhelming watch.
“You’re body’s telling me something else though, Y/n.” he walks around to face you with a sly smile plastered on his face. You didn’t look directly at his face, but you were faced right in front of his built arms. Some beads of water were still tripling down his skin and cause you to gulp. His biceps flex involuntarily, beautifully-toned abs right in front of your view. It was mouthwatering. You tried to fix your direction somewhere else, but his body was just begging to be seen.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You mumbled. Jungkook doesn’t say anything else – thankfully – and he smiles at you.
“Well, I guess I’ll be leaving you here. Please make yourself at home,” he steps back with a handsome grin, shaking his wet hair away from his eyes. “You’re free to do anything, just don’t eat my food, okay?”
You crease your brows together, wanting to chuckle at his statement, “I wasn’t planning to.”
“Good.” He proceeds to walk to the door, “See you around, Y/n.”
“Must you always stay quiet all the time?” Jungkook suddenly plops beside you on the couch, interrupting your daily reading session. You can see his face close to your left shoulder on the corner of your eyes, trying to analyze whatever you’re reading.
“Well, a person doesn’t blabber around when they’re reading, huh, Jungkook?” You snap, clearly annoyed at him. You were just about to enter the goddamned war scene of the story. “I’m sorry that I don’t give you the attention you always want.” You roll your eyes, fixing your gaze back on your book.
Jungkook looks taken aback from your words, causing him to raise a single brow up. “Hmm, someone’s got a sharp tongue.” He leans closer to you, making you feel timid. His mouth was so close to your ear, and his breathing sent shivers all over your system. “I never would’ve thought that you can be so bratty,” he growls the last few words in a deep voice.
Bratty? You shifted in your seat, feeling a little bit weird. You didn’t like to be called a brat, it makes you feel degraded.
“I’m sorry,” you ended up saying that in a whisper, cautiously lifting your head to look back up at him. Jungkook’s heart beats faster on his chest, seeing your big eyes staring at him so innocently and so cutely.
Oh, the things he wanted to do to you.
Jungkook chuckles, “It’s okay, sweetheart. How’s abooouuut…” he drags, scooting closer to you, “How’s about I treat you to lunch? You know, get to know each other a bit more. I’ll pay.”
You didn’t hesitate to nod your head, agreeing to his offer. You instantly placed your bookmark and closed the book as you sprinted back to your room to get ready. Anything for free food.
Jungkook laughs at your adorability, watching you shuffle excitedly. He brings his hand up to his lip, playing with it. He was just as eager as you are – but for different reasons.
It’s been approximately nine days since you’ve been living with Jungkook, and let me tell you, it was a tough nine days.
You would’ve thought that he would lose this sultry and sensual attitude of his around you after a few days but no. It stayed with him. Sometimes it would get very tiring with all of his teasing and suggestive comments but you held your guard up.
Unfortunately, Jungkook found your weak spots. Jungkook knows what words to say to get you all riled up. He just knows what to do just to make you weak in the knees, and knows what to say to have goosebumps raise on your skin.
Yet thankfully, he never touched you. It was because of the way he presents himself, the aura that he carries with him makes it feel like he owns every place he walks into. But then again, he’s an alpha, and they can take whatever they want in just a loud growl.
But there was no lie that he’s really handsome. He had a perfectly sculpted face, not a single flaw ever to be spotted. His long hair that would go past his ears always looked breathtaking on him, especially when wet.
You would be blind if you said that he wasn’t attractive and fine.
You woke up drastically with your chest heaving up and down, your breathing not normal than it should be. You can feel sweat trickling down your spine, all over your neck and your forehead. You felt hot.
Immediately springing into action, you throw the covers away from your body and you remove your pajamas, leaving you in your shirt and underwear. You nervously bite on your lip as you step your foot on the cold floor and made your way through the darkness of your room into the bathroom.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, eyes expanding in utter horror when you see that your pill bottle was empty. “No, no, no, no, no!” You immediately shuffled through every drawer and cupboards and prayed that you’ll find an extra bottle somewhere. “Did I not pack extra heat suppressants?!” you whisper-shouted to yourself, eyebrows joining together in frustration.
How stupid can you be?
“Okay, okay, calm down,” you paced back and forth, combing your hands through your sweaty hair. Your first instinct was to call your mom, but god it was 5 am in the morning and you didn’t want to wake her up, especially on a Monday where she goes to work. What the fuck were you going to do?
You definitely weren’t going to risk the chances of going outside of your room. You don’t want Jungkook to see you, not at this state. You mentally cursed yourself when you can feel your slick slowly dripping down your thighs, making you whimper involuntarily.
You closed your eyes tight, taking a deep breath. Walking out of the bathroom, you instantly made your way to the door of your bedroom and locked it. You just have to lock yourself inside your room until your heat is over.
Laying yourself back on the bed, you wondered if the pills you took yesterday didn’t work. You started your heat two days ago, and you even made sure that you’ve scheduled your pills.
But as time passes, the feeling never went away. You couldn’t sleep. You could feel yourself getting hotter and hotter as each second passes as hair was stuck on your neck and forehead. You tossed and turned all over your mattress, feeling frustrated and needy.
This scared you, not going to lie. It was your first time witnessing yourself in heat without the suppressants, and you didn’t know what to expect. You emitted loud whines and penurious whimpers, calling for some release. You wanted something, you wanted someone.
Jungkook groaned when he wakes up and hears the alarm from his phone. He reaches his arm out to grab the device and shuts off the annoying sound with his eyes half-open.
5:30 AM, it reads.
He gets up and switches on the light, blinding him for a couple of seconds before he rubs both of his eyes with a yawn. It was time for his Monday workout session. He prepares himself and changes his clothes to some black gym shorts and a black cut-off sleeve shirt, paired with his usual sneakers. He takes his phone and advances out to the kitchen.
Jungkook was humming softly to himself, filling his large bottle up with warm water from the dispenser.
“Oh, I forgot my headphones,” he said to himself and proceeded to turn around, but a strong scent hit his nose like a truck.
‘What the fuck?’
Jungkook’s eyes expanded ten times bigger when a sweet and savory scent filled up the air. He walks closer, sniffing the air until it leads him right in front of your door. Jungkook was now breathing heavily. It was his first time in a very long time to smell an omega in heat, and he doesn’t know if he can control himself any further.
Jungkook’s irises turn red right after he hears your soft but desperate whimper. He growls when he felt his blood rush down to his cock. Jungkook wanted to burst right in, to help you through your heat. You were desiring for an alpha, and he was right there, but he didn’t know that your room was locked not before he tried to open your door.
This brought him back to his senses.
He immediately steps back before anything gets more carried away. He rushes to grab his water bottle – ditching the headphones and immediately runs out of the room with a heavy breath.
“Shit shit shit shit shit!” the half-wolf chants as he makes his way towards the elevator with heavy steps. His breathing was rapid, almost making it look like that he was about to faint. He was going mad; he has never smelled an omega that sweet and delicious. It was like a new smell for him. His hormones were going crazy, his mind in a state of lust and desire.
He sighs in relief when he sees no one inside the elevator. Once he pressed the correct floor and the door closed shut, he couldn’t help but grip his hand tightly to the metal rails, knuckles almost turning white. Jungkook usually knows how to keep his control, but something about you just makes him mad.
He growls deeply as the sound of your sweet whimper fills his mind, replaying over and over again. He imagines you, looking so needy and in need of a release below him. He wants to help you, help you release that sexual frustration out of you. He craves to dominate you; your cute, little body. Your voice sounded so cute, so delicate that turns Jungkook on to the max. The word ‘alpha’ rolled down your tongue so smoothly, and he wanted to hear it again and again.
Jungkook tries his absolute best to calm himself down, closing his eyes as he takes several breaths.
“A-alpha…” the word came out in an eager tone, desperate for something. Your body was drenched in sweat and you felt slick frantically dripping down your thighs.
Your body took over your mind. All you can ever do was to dread for a mate while your hands teased your hardened nipples through your shirt.
You wanted an alpha. You wanted Jungkook.
As messed up as it was, you were dreading for your roommate to touch you. You were dreading him to mate with you, feel his big member inside of you.
“A-aahh, puh-please,” you mewled into the darkness, bucking your hips into nothing. Your body shivered when you snuck your hands under your shirt and tweaked your hard buds. “I c-cant…” you threw your head agitatedly from side to side, your skin itching from the desperate need of contact.
“Oh, whatever,” you spoke in gritted teeth while sliding your right hand down, cupping your dripping wet core. You immediately shivered from the oh-so-delicate touch, closing your eyes tight. You carefully rubbed your clothed cunt, your fingers immediately dampening as your slick transferred to your fingers.
With your other hand massaging your boob, you hesitantly slipped your hand inside your underwear, biting your lip.
“Mmnggf, my god,” you gasped when your fingers touched your sensitive clit. Without waiting any further, you rubbed the bud hastily as waves and waves of pleasure shoots through your system. You ran your digits down your folds, teasing your pulsing hole by poking the tip of your finger in. “I… a-aaah,” multiples mewls escaped your swollen lips when you rubbed your clit even faster, applying more pressure to escort you to a release.
“I wanna cum…” you begged to no one, “I wanna cum so badly.” You almost wanted to cry with the hopelessness in your body. You arch your back in an uncomfortable way when you pinched your rock-hard nipples once again.
“Please… make me cum, Jungkook.” You whispered.
You imagine that it’s him. You imagine that it’s him doing all of the work for you. His long, slender fingers that can unambiguously do more than your own can. You imagine his big, well-built body hovering over you, controlling your body and making it his.
“Alpha…” you can feel a heavy knot forming inside of your stomach, signaling that you were close. You didn’t hold back your cries of pleasure as your hips buck into the air, your fingers moving faster on your pussy. “Please please please…”
A loud moan escaped your lips when you felt hot cum running down from your drenched cunt, and you didn’t stop to make sure everything didn’t go to waste. Your thoughts were clouded with immense pleasure, your body going into a series of quick trembles and shudders.
‘One more time.’
Jungkook kept clenching his jaw, his grip on the exercise bike tight. He should be focusing on his workout routine, yet all he could ever think about was you.
‘Were you going through your heat?’
He’d praise you for actually being considerate and locking the door; because if you didn’t, all hell would break loose.
But if he did walk in, would you accept him? Would you let him touch you, let him take over you?
He couldn’t help but ponder that maybe it was all just the pleasure that was speaking for you, and not Y/n herself. He wouldn’t like it if you’ll regret everything when you get back to your normal state.
These thoughts were circulating Jungkook’s head, not until an hour later when he’s officially calmed down. He hesitates to go back inside the room, but he has no other choice.
You can smell him.
Without thinking any further, you jumped out of your bed and ran outside to the living room where your eyes set on a messy-haired Jungkook, shirt stained with sweat while he was downing his water bottle.
“Y-Y/n?” he asks carefully, eyeing you with caution.
You abruptly forgot that you weren’t wearing any underwear, and he can easily smell your arousal from a distance. He notices how your face was so flushed, hair in tangles and you breathing was uneven.
“Jungkook—” you whimpered quietly, pleading him as you walked closer to his frame. Jungkook shakes his head as he steps away from you, noticing his adam’s apple bob as he goes to the very corner of the room.
“Distance, Y/n. I-I don’t wanna do anything you don’t want.” Jungkook rasps, trying his fucking hardest not to pounce on you.
The shirt that you wore only covered a little bit of your wet pussy and your sweet scent filled the entire room in a flash. Jungkook was losing his mind, eyes threatening to roll back from your smell.
“No, please,” your eyes drooped, tugging at the hem of your shirt frustratingly, “I want it, I really, really do.” You sigh. When Jungkook didn’t respond, you took the chance to continue. “I-I ran out of heat suppressants. My heat is too strong today a-and I can’t take it any further.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw. He notices the glistening slick that was slowly creeping down your thighs, and he wanted to punch a wall. He growls lowly to himself, feeling his dick harden again.
“I’ve already cummed t-three times today, but I need more.”
The alpha raises his eyebrows from your statement, “Three?” he chuckles, crossing his muscular arms together in front of his chest, “That’s quite a lot, isn’t it, sweetheart?”
There he goes. There he decides to tease you. You’ve learned that you quite love his teasing, and it makes you even hornier.
“I know, but all this time I was thinking about you, Jungkook.” You spoke quietly as you walked closer to him.
“Y-Y/n, are you – oh fuck, are you sure about this?” he tries to say, but your smell was overflowing his mind and it was difficult for him to formulate words. “Do you know what you’re about to do? Hmm?”
“Yes, I’ve never been surer. Please,” you were now right in front of him, and you heard him growl dominantly as he towers over your height. “Please mate with me.”
Without wasting any more time, he suddenly lifts your little body and carries you to his room, shutting the door behind him. He drops you onto the soft bed and you crawl up to rest your head on his pillows. Jungkook smirks down at you while he removes his shirt, revealing his beautifully-toned abs that had just the workout earlier.
“My little, desperate omega,” he scoffs, “begging for another release, aren’t you?” he hovers over you and leans down to lick a bold stripe on your neck. You croon your head to the side, allowing him more access. You let out a moan when he starts to suck on your delicate skin.
“You just want an alpha’s cock to satisfy you, huh?”
You nod briefly, followed by a quiet mewl when he removes your shirt, revealing your breasts to him. “Hmm? Is that what you want? Want this little pussy to be filled up with some big cock?”
“Hnngf, yes, yes, please,” he starts to suck on your hard nipples, biting on it playfully which makes you arch your back. He removes his mouth with a loud pop, “Filthy little girl.”
Your nerves were firing, feeling blazing hot and excited. You were fantasizing about this for so many hours now, after all of the unsatisfying releases – you have finally got what you truly wanted. Your hands were clammy and your mind was in a blissful mess, but you didn’t care. All you wanted was him; right now, at this moment.
“Let me have a taste of you, baby girl,” he growls as he hovers down to your core. He inhales your savory scent and his dick twitches. Your pussy was so wet, dripping in juices and stained with cum from your previous orgasms. Jungkook’s arms sling around and under your thighs, parting them together to give him a better view.
“Fucking hell, you’re drenched, sweetheart. Is this all for me, hmm?” he doesn’t even give you the time to respond when he abruptly licks a heavy stripe from your clenching hole to your clit. The sudden feeling sent electrifying currents all throughout your body, “Oohhh, yes. I-It’s all for you, Jungkook.”
“You don’t know how much I’ve been thinking about this sweet little cunt, baby. I’ve been wanting to have a taste of you since you’ve first stepped inside this apartment.”
He drives his tongue back, this time alternating between licking numbers on your folds and sucking on your swollen clit. His tongue worked wonders on you, causing your hands to fly down to tug on his long and wavy hair. You try to shove his bangs away to have a better view of his mouth on your pussy.
“Ohh my god! Like that, keep doing that, please,” you breathlessly moaned, shutting your eyes from the pleasure. You felt him smirk between your pussy which made you clench onto nothing.
You whimper from the loss of contact when he leans back, wiping his lips with the back of his hands. “I’m going fucking mad on you, baby. You drive me wild.”
Your eyes fly to where his right hand is as he cups his hard length beneath his shorts. He proceeds to rub it firmly, teasing you as he makes direct eye contact. “You want this, huh?”
You nod desperately, bringing your fingers up to your lips to give them a suck.
Jungkook chuckles sinisterly and finally pulls the clothing down, and your mouth immediately waters from the sight.
He was nice and long, his girth impressive as precum dripped down the tip of his dick. He strokes his length a couple of times as he carefully examined your expression. “You like it?” he smirks, “You want it inside you, huh?”
He chucks the clothing to the floor and hovers above you, his dick now right in front of your entrance. “Are you sure you want this, Y/n?” his eyes suddenly turn soft after being invaded with lust, “Are you sure you want me to be your mate?”
You try to smile at his question, “Yes, yes I do, Jungkook. I want it to be you.” His heart swells up, but he feels like melting into a puddle after you’ve continued: “Do you?”
Jungkook laughs quietly as he strokes your hair with his hands reassuringly, his gaze looking so caring and loving. “Of course I do, Y/n. I’ve always thought that you were the most beautiful girl that ever existed, even if we only met a couple of days ago,” he chuckles. “The most precious, kind, sweet, and delicate girl I’ve ever seen. I wanted to be yours so bad. I want to protect you, wanna take care of you forever.”
He nuzzles his nose close to the crook of your neck, shaking his head which causes his hair to tickle you. You giggle and Jungkook smiles, pressing a delicate kiss on your lips. “You don’t know how much I need you.”
“You can have me, Jungkook. Claim me as yours.”
And with that statement, he was quick to growl as his cock twitches in desperate need. He tugs on in a couple of times before aligning it on your entrance. “I’ll go slow, okay little one?”
You obey his words as you nod. You felt the tip of his dick pushing inside your hole, slowly and carefully filling you with his thick cock. He was even bigger than you were expecting, filling you up in all the right places. “O-ohh my god!” you moaned out, lips open in pleasure as you felt your thighs quiver.
“Mhmm, your pussy’s squeezing my cock so good, baby.” He places his big hands on your hips as he pushes further, his eyes rolling back from how tight you are. “You feel so fucking good.”
He wasn’t even halfway in before you felt yourself close to an orgasm. You wrap your legs around his hips, pushing him deeper inside of you. “I-I…a-aaaahhh!”
Your fourth orgasm of the day hit you like a huge train, covering Jungkook’s cock with your cum. You were clenching uncontrollably around him and he couldn’t help but shove the rest of his length in without any warning. “Fuck! B-baby, you’re gonna make me lose my shit.”
He stays still inside of you, letting you calm down from your previous high. But you can’t help but notice his heavy and ragged breath, growling every now and then. “J-Jungkook, you can move now.”
“Y/n,” his voice suddenly becomes deeper and raspier, “I-I might not be able to hold myself ba—oh s-shit—back.” He closes his eyes tight, moving his hips very slightly. “Please tell me that you’re a hundred percent okay with this. I don’t want you to r-regret anything.” He said in a heavy pant, pleasure for sure taking the best of him. Jungkook was overwhelmed with all of the waves of senses being thrown at him all at once. Fuck, just the thought of your cute little tummy carrying all of his pups makes him want to fuck your brains out.
“Please, Kook,” the alpha smiles at the nickname, “I really, really want this. I don’t regret any of this. I want you too as much as you do, so please, just fuck me already. Be my mate, please.”
Jungkook chuckles, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip, “If you say so, baby.”
Immediately, he starts fucking you with a deep and hard pace. Your eyes instantly roll back to your head as you start seeing stars. He was literally trying to fuck your brains out.
Your fingers claw on his back, scratching his skin which made him hiss, probably from the pain plus pleasure it brought. This only encouraged him to go even faster and even harder than before.
“Such a slut for this big cock, aren’t you? You wanna be filled with my cum, huh? Wanna carry my pups?”
You moan delightfully from his words, clenching around him from the thought of having his puppies. “Yes, yes. Give me your pups, Jungkook,” you whimpered.
“You want it, huh?” He snarls, smirking down at you. Suddenly, his right hand flies to your neck and he wraps his whole palm around it, choking you. You whimper, not expecting to be so turned on from this action. He presses firmly on your neck, his dominant and assertive side coming out.
You feel so nice and full around him, his cock hitting so deep inside of you. His balls were fervently slapping on your pussy, making wet lewd noises that resonated throughout the room. He was growling on top of you, bruising your thighs as he continues to pound on your sore, little cunt.
He finally releases your neck but only to grab your hips with both of his hands, flipping you around so that you were on fours. “Face down, ass up, baby girl.”
You mewled as you did as you were told, burying your face on his pillows. His hand spanks your ass cheek once, twice, three times, making you whimper loudly. His smacks were hard and sharp, and you were sure that your skin will turn red in no time.
Jungkook continues thrusting in and out of your sopping cunt, pulling all the way until just the tip for him to slam his whole length in you. Your body jolts forward, as he does this action again and again. “Hmm, such a nice, tight pussy you’ve got.” He teases your cunt by gliding the tip of his dick up and down your soaked folds, collecting more of your wetness. “This is all mine, right sweetheart?”
He firmly slaps his dick on your clit a couple of times to get an answer from you. “Answer me, Y/n,” he groans.
“Y-Yes, yes, it’s all yours, Kook.”
“That’s my good girl.”
Jungkook only had one goal, and that was to fuck you into another mind-blowing orgasm. His hips move faster and his cock was deeper with the new position, allowing him to hit your sweet spot. “O-oh! Right there! R-right there,” you moaned, tears brimming in your eyes from how good it all feels. Your hard nipples were rubbing on the sheets, helping you and providing more pleasure.
“Right here?” He gives one particular hard thrust on that same spot, making you moan out his name.
“Are you gonna come for me, baby? Make your body tremble, your pussy clenching on my big dick, hmm?” He keeps pounding on your g-spot, bringing you closer to the edge yet again. “That’s it, baby. C’mon, come for me.” With his last words, you instantly release around his length, squeezing him up as you shake. It was all so much for you to handle, yet Jungkook still holds your body so tenderly as you cummed.
“Y-Yeah, fuck,” Jungkook pants, “so good, m’gonna cum inside you, sweetheart. Gonna fill those walls with my cum and you’re gonna keep it there baby.”
Jungkook chases his high and before you knew it, his cum was spurting inside of you, hot and long strokes of his seed shooting on your walls. He gasps and leans down, your back pressed firmly against his chest as he holds you close.
“Take it, baby, take it.” He grunts, and he doesn’t hold back the loud moan that escapes his lips when he feels his knot getting bigger and bigger. Your eyes suddenly go wide from the feeling. It felt like someone was blowing a balloon inside of you.
“Jungkook… wh-what’s happening?” You asked quietly, trying to push yourself away but he just groans and pulls you back firmly.
“J-Just stay here, baby. You’re safe, you’re okay.” He reassures you as he tries to calm his breathing down.
“How long will this last?”
“A couple of minutes,” he laughs quietly, “can last about an hour or two. We don’t know.”
You giggled, “Now we’re closer than ever, huh?”
“Yes, baby,” he leans down to kiss your lips tenderly, full of love and affection. “Quite literally.”
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redhawtriot · 5 years
Operation Unvirgin (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had this idea the other day that Bakugou probably would be super celibate. Like he is very goal oriented and doesn't like to attach himself to others, so I feel like he wouldn't have ever bothered with girls or even beat his meat or anything (the shit’s fucking perverted okay?! how could any decent person touch themselves?)
But he hears that Deku is boutta get laid and he gets pissed bc WHAT? That loser is gonna beat him in something?! So he goes on a mission to loose his virginity before Deku. 
So I wrote the NSFW piece of this and it was UTTER GARBAGE, but I know that many of you guys are writers so think of this as a very informal request: Anyone can write the second half of this and tag me and I will repost it (except no non-con plz). It doesn’t matter how long it is.
If this completely flops I will ... sigh... post my shitty NSFW next week... (But please spare me and yourselves from that outcome) 
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Bakugou never could understand all the hype surrounding the opposite sex.
The blond man would wrack his brain as he tried to remember the exact moment where his fellow peers stopped looking at girls like the enemy and started looking at them like walking deities, mindlessly floating behind them as if an invisible scent enchanted their spirits. Sometimes he felt like a lone soldier in sustaining self-respect.
In his isolated state, he only watched in disgust as freaks like Mineta and Kaminari drooled over women and reduced themselves into warm bodied zombies in the presence of a vagina. Pathetic.
He would never in a million years let a woman rule over him. He had seen how his hag of a mother treated his father, and he would rather stick his face in a vat of acid than have his soul belong to someone like that.
His stupid mom always told him that he would probably meet someone in high school that would change his mind, but there he was, the night after graduation, victorious in his pursuit of staying the fuck away from crazy broads like her.
In fact, this ridiculous graduation party that Kirishima had dragged him to was probably the last time he would see most of these extras, since he doubted many of them would make it past being D-listers or side-kicks—and that was him being generous.
The colorful beams of light took turns fading in and out of the dark room as the heavy bass of multiple speakers pounded into his body, sending a flurry of vibrations in his abdomen. Although, Bakugou would never admit this out loud, he actually enjoyed this scenery. The stomping of the music reminded him a lot of his own quirk and the lights weren’t completely hideous.
Yeah, as long as no one at this shitty party tried to talk to him or get on his nerves he would be just fine—
God Dammit.
“Hey, dude!” Kaminari threw a sloppy arm over the angrier blond’s shoulders as Kirshima, Deku and Mina all followed behind him through the dense party crowd. Now, if this had been two years ago, Kaminari just might have found himself short an appendage through an explosive altercation; however, throughout his high school career, Bakugou found that simply ignoring the idiots was usually enough to deter them from trying to converse with him.
So Bakugou swallowed the increasing rage that was bubbling in his throat and simply scoffed instead, swatting the man’s arm away from him and turning his back on him and his incoming entourage. Kaminari only laughed in response, “C’mon bro we are officially graduates! Ditch the bad boy act and loosen up a little—we are men now! Just ask Midoriya!” he slyly suggested.
The sound of his rival’s name piqued his interest, yet the stubborn man still refused to give the short-circuited idiot the satisfaction of knowing such a thing, so he continued to glare away from him as Izuku spoke up, “N-no it’s nothing really… Uraraka and I have just been together for a while. Honestly, I don’t even know if I will go for it. I don’t wanna be a jerk or anything bringing it up to her! Forget I said anything at all, actually!” the young man frantically waved his hands as his face became obviously red even in the dimly lit atmosphere.
Mina snickered as her hands found their way to her hips “The shy guy act is cute and all Midoriya, but every girl wants confidence in bed! I am sure she wouldn’t mind if the two of you at least talked about it,” she bumped the green haired boy with her hips as Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows even deeper.
Kirishima was the next to speak up “GO for it, man! There worst that can happen is that she’ll say no!” he heavily patted the concerned Izuku’s back, “But the manliest thing for you to do is respect her boundaries,” he quickly added in.
The green haired man shook his head at the ground, “I should have just kept my big mouth shut...”
“She won’t say no,” Mina sang with a mischievous expression drawn across her face.
The three boys turned their attention to her with confused glances before Kaminari spoke up, “C’mon Mina! You know something don’t you? Spill it!” he begged.
Mina looked as if she were contemplating for only a moment before he gestured for the men to come closer, “Don’t tell her I told you, but…” she trailed off for dramatic effect, “She was totally gonna try to seduce you tonight, Midoriya!!” She winked. Bakugou’s ears perked up at this statement,
“WhAT?” both him and Izuku cried out.
Kaminari and Kirishima laughed at the blond’s outburst, “So you were listening after all, huh Bakugou?” the latter questioned.
“What do you think of the situation, buddy?” Kaminari leaned into the explosive man with a smirk.
“I’m not your damn buddy,” Bakugou bumped the electrical dumbass away from him, “I think you idiot perverts need to stop worrying about whose panties you’re gonna fail getting into and worry about not being able to keep food on your fucking plates when your careers flop!” he barked as the four blinked in surprise at his sudden outburst.
Kaminari saw this as the perfect opportunity to mess with him, “Bakugou are you… a virgin?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS, PIKACHU,” the man under interrogation screeched.
“He totally is!” Kaminari threw his hands up in feign shock, causing Mina to giggle.
Izuku awkwardly shifted on the balls of his feet as Kiri loudly spoke up, “Hey guys, it’s not manly to butt into another man’s personal life like that.”
Bakugou ignored his defender and continued screaming at dumb and dumber through the loud music, “S-Shut the hell up!” his face was dusted in a light shade of red as he spoke. He tried to shake these foreign feelings of embarrassment away. So fucking what if he was a virgin?
“Deku still ain’t shit! Who fucking cares if he’s gonna get his dick dirty?! I could fuck any of these bimbos!” he loudly called out, causing a few girls crowding the area to throw him wary glances before they cautiously moved away. The group of friends noticed this and Kamari and Mina failed miserably at stifling their laughs at the scene.
“It’s ‘make love to’, dude…” Kirishima quietly correct his angry friend in a feeble attempt to save his future endeavors with women.
“NO. FUCK! I said what I meant dammit!” he yelled as he once again fought away the redness on his face, “I could fuck any one of these bitches within an inch of their life!” he furiously vowed.
“Any, huh?” Mina questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s what I fucking said, Raccoon eyes!”
“Then how about…” the yellow irises scanned the dense room for a moment before a smile split her face. She happily pointed a finger, “that one!”
Bakugou followed her finger through the crowd and found you on the other side of the room. The fading lights intermittently illuminated your features, but he knew exactly who you were— Y/N L/N.  The only other person at U.A. known for being just as proud as himself if not more. Also known for having a slough of men on your heels at any given moment, but not giving a single one of them any significant time of day.
Mina snickered at Bakugou’s sudden silence, causing him to throw a glare at her. He fought of any creeping feeling of disheartened as he began a march toward your dancing figure, “Fucking easy” he roughly hyped himself up before approaching you.
“Hey,” he barked roughly. It didn’t really come off as much of a greeting and had more of a threatening tone to it, but in your shocked state you could only offer a half-hearted smile at the daunting man before returning to the conversation that you were having with your friends.
However, after a while, you noticed that your friends were distracted as their scared eyes kept darting behind you. He was still there wasn’t he?
You rolled your eyes before throwing a glare in his direction, “Do you fucking want something, dickhead?” you snapped.
“I SHOULD—” he began to threaten but he clamped his mouth shut and bottled up his feelings of rage from being disrespected before he continued, “You…” he barked, an unfamiliar feeling of uncertainty gripping at his chest, “I want you,” he said sternly. He had heard Kaminari say some stupid shit like this before and it worked. If it worked for an idiot like him then surely—
Bakugou’s thoughts were cut off as you simply threw your head back in a fit of laughter before turning your back to him to converse with your friends again, “Anyway,” you loudly began before beginning to talk to you friends again.
Bakugou’s face contorted in aghast uncertainty before he looked back to his classmates. Kaminari was giving him a thumbs down, Mina was giggling like crazy, Kirishima was beaming him a reassuring smile and Deku was no where to be found. Fuck! he probably went off to find Uraraka!
The thought set a competitive fire in his chest as he looked back toward you, “Let’s--“ he stopped himself to re-frame his approach. He thought of the words of encouragement that shitty hair might give him in this moment,
‘Treat her like a queen!’ ‘Ladies love a man with a code! Don’t tell her what to do, ask her!’
“Do... you want to dance,” he forced himself to ask through slightly gritted teeth. This was utterly humiliating.
“You think you can handle it?” you joked through a small smirk before eyeing him up and down. The man only averted his glare from you in response as he scowled at a nearby wall. You gave a small laugh at the display. It was almost childish how he was acting.
You suddenly noticed the red tint that was adorning his cheeks, sending a wave of excitement throughout your body. A sudden predacious urge clutched your abdomen at the sight.
“Okay,” you smiled after wetting your lips. You leaned into him before grabbing his forearm and leading him deep into the hot pool of dancing bodies. He stiffly followed after you.
If he thinks he can handle it then you’ll just have to show him how wrong he is...
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
A Stranger In My Bed
War comes home after a long, exhausting day and flops down into her bed, ready to call it a night
But then she realizes something's off - that's not Pestilence that she just cuddled up to
War let out a deep sigh, flopping down into bed; today had been way too long, and she was sure she'd put in way too many work hours at once. She was totally drained, and at this particular moment, didn't know if she had it in her to summon her threads and make a hammock like she normally did.
Pulling the covers up over herself and closing her eyes, she cuddled up to the person beside her, the familiar warmth soothing her aching bones. An arm wrapped around her and she felt herself smile faintly, her cheeks flushing a soft shade of blue as she tipped her head up to press a soft kiss to her partner's jaw.
Or at least, who she thought was her partner.
An unexpected voice broke the silence, "Well hello ta you too, Sparky. Looks like ya missed me quite a bit."
War's sockets snapped open and she reeled back, suddenly wide awake. Sitting up and looking at the unexpected guest, she shrieked, grabbing a pillow and roughly hitting him with it on instinct, "YOU LITTLE-! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?!" He opened his mouth to respond, being cut off as the pillow smacked him square in the face.
Before she could hit him a third time, he reached out with a single gloved hand, grabbing onto the pillow and wrestling it away from the glitch, "Hey, hey, chillax, lil brotato chip, it's all good! S'jus' me, your ol' pal Fresh. I just wanted ta pop in for a surprise visit, is all. 'M not up ta no good dis time, promise."
War scowled, her figure beginning to glitch as she eyed him suspiciously, "Ok, but why are you in my BED? That's insanely weird, and frankly really creepy." Fresh shrugged his shoulders, arching one ridiculously bushy eyebrow at her, "Because it's comfy? It beats the bed I got back at my crib." The glitch huffed, "Go away, come back tomorrow. It's late, and I'm not about to share a bed with you."
Fresh tilted his head, entirely too casual, "Awe c'mon, it'll be fine! Just think of it like dis - a sleepover. And who loves sleepovers? Girls. And you're a girl, buddy." The female rider pinched the bridge of her nose, "Fresh, no. This isn't a sleepover. This is you breaking into my room. Now get out, I'm not sharing my bed." The taller of the two made a face, "Don't be like dat, Sparky. It'll be like way back when. Ya know, when ya were a lil bit smaller and used ta hang out with me more. We crashed on the couch together so many times, remember?"
The glitch stared at him, her brow bones knit in irritation, "Yeah, of course I remember. I'm not a kid anymore though, you can't be in bed with me. The longer you stay here, the creepier it gets." Fresh let out a deep sigh, sitting up and opening his arms, "Fine, fine. I'll go, but only after ya give me one radical hug, ya hear? I ain't leavin' without a hug, glitchy." As he began to move closer for a hug, War began to scoot back away from him, "No way in heck, Fresh. Just go already!"
He clearly wasn't listening, and catching War completely by surprise, he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around her and crushing her in a hug. On impulse, she tensed in his grasp and shrieked, her sockets clouding with wars. It was only a matter of seconds before the bedroom door flew open, and she immediately recognized her soulmate's voice as he called out, "War?! What's going on? Are you-"
Finally seeing the stranger who had his arms locked around his soulmate, Pestilence was quick to draw his syringe gun, his left eye flaring up with sickly green magic, "Who the fudge are you, and why are you here? You have three seconds to answer me." Fresh seemed unphased upon having a gun pointed at him, "Yo, calm down, broseph. Dere's no need ta use dat unrad lingo a' yours. Your girl's fine, she just likes ta overreact sometimes."
Pestilence pulled back the hammer on his weapon, and hearing the click, War squirmed, willing her vision to return, "Pest, hang on a minute! Don't shoot him!" Pest shot a confused glance at his soulmate and she explained, "He's just my idiot uncle. I guess he wanted to drop in for a surprise visit or something." The taller of the two riders arched a brow bone, "If he's your uncle, why's he in bed with you?" War deadpanned, scoffing at whatever the implications of his question might've been, "Because he's a fudging weirdo? I dunno, Pest! I already told you he's an idiot!"
Fresh, finally releasing War, gestured to himself, "Can confirm dat, broseph. I really am her totes radical uncle. I even got da pics ta prove it, if ya wanna see." Pestilence slowly lowered his gun, speaking slowly, "....Fine. I'll look at one picture, but if it's not convincing enough, I'm gonna make sure you die in as much agony as physically possible." At the threat, Fresh made eye contact with War and snorted in amusement, taking his phone out and beginning to go through his pictures, "Good luck with dat, bro. Dis ain't my body, so I won't feel anything."
Practically radiating confusion now, Pestilence made a face, "What do you mean, that's not your body?" The glitch sighed deeply, holding out a hand to Fresh, "You're gonna have to do the thing, Fresh." The taller skeleton raised an eyebrow, "Why can't I just tell 'em?" War lightly nudged him, "Because it's hard to believe. Just do it already. Please."
Fresh watched her for a moment in uncertainty before he slowly nodded. As he opened his mouth, a creature similar to a starfish appeared, making its way toward its host body's bottom jaw. Pestilence blinked, staring in a mix of confusion, awe, and disgust as it hopped out of its host's mouth and onto the palm of his soulmate's hand. As it gripped onto her thumb with two small, violet tendrils, she turned to face Pest, raising her hand. With her entire body rigid and visible embarrassment on her face, she sighed, "...This is my uncle Fresh. His true self, at least. That other one is his host."
Pest very cautiously stepped closer and paused as the creature waved an individual tendril at him, suddenly speaking up, "Whaddup, broski? I fight and eat souls for a living. Ha, totes rad, yeah?" Very clearly at a loss, Pestilence glanced at War, gesturing to himself, "If your uncle is a... uhh... does that mean you're...?" War immediately answered, frowning, "No! God, no. I am NOT a parasite like him. I'm just me, as you see me now. Promise." Her soulmate nodded, trying to resist the urge to reach out and touch the parasite. A thought suddenly occurred to War and her frown deepened, "Wait a minute, Fresh, my aura. My aura isn't effecting you? How? It effects everyone!"
The parasite looked up at her with his single multicolored eye, "I don't have emotions, buddy. Not like you do, at least. Dat's probably why." War hummed, carefully moving him back over to the still open mouth of his host body, "I mean... maybe, yeah. Geez, even after knowing you so long, there's still so much that I don't understand." The parasite slipped back into its host's mouth, and a few seconds passed before its mouth closed.
Now back in control, just as he was before, the host body slipped his sunglasses down his face just enough to show his sockets as he playfully winked, "Ahh, no worries, Sparky. You're not da only one, trust me."
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harry-hook-me · 4 years
Meet the father
Writer - @harry-hook-me (myself)
Request – @idjit-angel-radio @marvel-girl3
Summary – y/n finally takes Harry to meet her father, hades, after they’ve been together for two and a half years
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Descendants characters or scenes from the movies, all credits goes to the creators and producers of Disneys descendants.
Warnings – None
AN- I merged both requests together as they were both very similar in that they were both for the daughter of Hades, hope you enjoy
Word count – 1631
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My father and I have always been very close, I mean living on the isle, he’s all I’ve really had all my life. I am y/n, the daughter of Hades and Persephone, probably the most ‘to myself’ villain kid on the whole of the Isle. My mother left when I was young, my father never really likes to talk about her much; for saying he’s the all evil, all powerful god of the underworld, when it comes to me, he’s a massive softy, I’m his little goddess, the ember of his eye. I’ve never been a people person, I can’t stand being in crowds or socialize with others, I’d rather stay with my dad and listen to all his stories from the old days in the underworld and have him teach me his wicked ways. However when it’s comes to Harry Hook, I’ll make an acceptation. Harry and I have been best friends ever since we were kids and have been dating for around two and a half years now. I met him when I was out, running some errands for my dad and getting some food for our three-headed guard dog Cerberus. I bumped into Harry down a side ally and we’d been inseparable ever since.
Mal, the daughter of Maleficent if my half-sister, no one on the Isle except me, her, my father and Maleficent know this. Let’s just say, we’re not too keen on each other so we keep our distance from each other, and being friendly with Harry, Uma and Gil kills the chance of us ever being civil.
“Come on darlin’, I want to show you our turf, it’ll be fun!” harry begged for what seemed like the billionth time today, he’s been trying to show me the crews turf and go with him to do his daily collecting of cash. “Harry, can’t we just stay here. I’d much rather be just me and you, or we could go take a walk down on the beach. You know I don’t like being around others, especially at this time, it’ll be so busy in the market place.” Harry and I were currently lying in his bed in his room on the ship, staring at the ceiling and just enjoying each other’s company. I sat up, looking down at the pirate. “Or I have another idea” I began.
Although Harry and I had been together for so long, he’d never met my father. In all honesty, Harry was too scared. My father is infamous on the Isle for being the most dangerous and most evil person here. This made Harry very anxious about meeting him, keeping in mind that my father was extremely protective of me. My dad new about Harry and I, however never seemed keen as he knew that Harry’s father, Captain Hook, had a reputation when it came to ladies, and he was worried that his son would be the same. “We could go see my father” I suggested, looking down slightly, just loud enough for him to hear me. Harry sat up, looking at me deep in the eyes, “H-He’s going to hate me” Harry stuttered, I placed my gloved hand on top of his, looking deeply back into his crystal eyes, “He’ll love you, he just needs to finally meet you”. I smile at him and he returns with a nod, “okay” he sighs, “let’ do it” he adds plucking up the confidence.
As we arrived at the rocky entrance to mine and my father’s home, I stop, looking up at harry with a smile and a supportive look in my eyes. A look of worry appeared on his face, “hey, its okay, you’ll be fine” I squeezed tighter onto his hand and place a gentle kiss on his soft pink lips before beginning to lead him into the dark and dingy tunnel.
“Before you meet my dad, I want to introduce you to someone else” I stated excitedly. Skipping over to a gated area, I whistle loudly into a dark hole in front of me, it echoes through. Loud echoing barks come roaring through the whole, I whistle again “Cerberus! Come here boys!” I call as Harry takes a nervous step back. Emerging though the dark came the giant three headed demon dog, I pull up a leaver to open up the gates. “Hi buddy!” I coo at the dog, Cerberus lays down in front of me and nuzzles one of his heads against my body, in returns I stroke his head and give him a little kiss. Even though Cerberus is the demon dog guardian of the underworld, really he’s just a playful and loving puppy when it comes to me and my dad, he is able to sense trust from people.
I reach for Harry’s hand which he hesitantly takes, “Cerberus, this is Harry”, the three headed dog growls lightly for a second “It’s okay” I coo, stroking another head of his. I look towards harry with a reassuring look and gently pull him closer, “come say hi” I giggle. Harry cautiously places and hand on a head of the dog and strokes lightly, Cerberus, nuzzles his head into his hand further and wags his large tale. “he likes you” I smile at harry, I see the tension in him fade and he becomes more comfortable, I wrap and arm around his waist and snuggle into his chest, he kisses me on the forehead and smiles down at me “I love you” he whispers, before looking back up and continuing to pet the dog.
I toss some food I nicked from a stall into Cerberus’s cage and shut the gate “I’ll see you later buddy” I call to him as he turns to chase the food, I turn to Harry “you ready?” I ask, “as ready as I’ll ever be” he replied breathing out trying to calm himself, I take his hand a walk further down into the cave.
“Y/n?” harry begins as we are waking, “hmm” I reply looking up at the tall boy, “you know since I’m facing my fear of meeting your father” he chuckles, his accent echoing though the cave. “yes” I giggle back, “will you come with me tomorrow to do my jobs?” he questions. “I know you hate it baby, and I understand, the streets of the isle can be a freaky and sometimes dangerous place.” He stops for a moment and turns me to face him. “But I’ll protect you, I won’t let anyone hurt you. And if anyone dares touch ya” he lifts up his hook in his right hand, “I’ll hook em’” he chuckles, I smile and look at my feet. He lifts my head with his finger. “I won’t let anything happen to ya darlin, I promise. I’ll always keep you safe, I’ll always keep ya protected” he places his forehead against mine and I sigh a sigh of defeat, “okay, I’ll come”. The smile on the pirates face widens and he lays a gentle kiss against my forehead. “I’m proud of ya” he cooed in my ear before we continued walking.
“Dad!” I called as we made it into the large opening where my father and I lived, “Ah, Y/n, your home!” the god of the underworlds calls as he steps into view. “oh, and you brought a friend” he looks curiously at harry, dead in the eye. An intimidating glair held on his pail face, I hear Harry gulp as he stands frozen, with a tight grip on my hand. “Dad, this is Harry” I say, breaking the silence. “Ah Harry Hook, we finally meet” he replies, stepping closer and holding out a hand for Harry to shake. “N-nice to meet you sir” Harry stutters, taking my father’s hand and shaking it. I smile, stepping forward to my father as he smiles nicely at Harry.
Harrys POV
y/n steps forward closer to her father and turns to face me smiling brightly, the smile hades ones had on his face drops and turns to a stern look, his eyes burning into my soul. “welcome to my place, finally” y/n giggles, spreading her arms out, she looks up at her dad and he smiles back down at her. I can see he defiantly loves her. I smile lightly, he looks back up at me and places the same stern look back on his face. “welcome” he states, y/n giggle again, she looks so happy. She hops over to give me a hug, I holder her in my arms close and look up, hades looks dead at me and gestures ‘I’m watching you’ at me with his fingers. I looked back down and y/n pulls away.
y/n POV
I pulled away from my embrace with harry and hopped down the stairs and further into the room giggling, I’m so glad that harry has finally met not only my dad but also Cerberus! And tomorrow I’m facing my anxieties and going with harry out to do his jobs, but I know I’ll be okay, because I know that he will always protect me.
Hades POV
Y/n hopes down the stairs and Harry is still stood at the entrance of our house. A nervous smile on his face. I love that I can still make people scared, even villains. I gesture him to come in, as he steps forward, I place a hand in front of him to stop him. “if you ever hurt my girl, there will be trouble” he gulps and nods “I-I promise sir, I’ll never hurt your daughter. I’ll always keep her safe. I-I love her” the pirate stutters, I can tell he means it. I smile and again gesture him inside, he returns the smile and walks to y/n.
I like this kid, he’s good for my Y/n.
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sour-heart-treats · 4 years
Herb's plants going out of control due to corruption?
Quiet hums filled the air, ones full of contentedness and adoration. Though not much of a singer, Herb always found himself singing songs he'd heard on the wind and from traveling cookies as he tended to his precious plants throughout the greenhouse. Though where he lived wasn't the most bustling, a traveler or two always came by to take a look at his incredibly wide array of plants. Though he never offered to give any away- his heart couldn't bear to think about what would happen to those poor souls he'd leave with strangers, no matter how friendly they were- there was always one or two he'd received from those that passed by. He was happy to care for any plant, big or small, sunlight-eater or cookie-eater!
...Er, the kinds of cookies that aren't living beings, that is.
Shifting topics in his own head, not wanting to dwell on the topic of cookienivorous plants, Herb let his attention go back to the plants before him. Though most of the plants he took care of he could just take care of on auto-pilot, there was... A strange occurrence that had caught his eye. One of his plants that were the typical vibrant green... Was more of a crimson shade. Curious and concerned, the gardener approached the plant that sat just below his eye level. There was some sort of strange seed lodged in it... He didn't remember this being here! Worry growing on his face, he plucked the potted plant from its place upon the rack where various other photosynthetic plants remained. Matters were only made worse as he saw that those around this poor plant were also turning red... Or at the very least were rotting away.
"What happened...?" Herb spoke to his plants, though he knew he wouldn't get a response. He needed to get his minimal life magic working to even think of doing so, and even then they were just whispers... Maybe White Lily knew a thing or two, she loved stopping by to observe his plants and probably knew more than him. Though considering the situation was so dire, maybe he'd be better off consulting Cookgle? Ugh, maybe, but the results were always so catastrophic. He didn't need another 'darkness plague has come upon your plants to make you fall asleep forever' mishap. "Maybe I could just-"
A squeak came from Herb as a touch on his leg startled him back to reality. Freezing up, Herb didn't dare jump away, knowing that if it was one of his more lively plants, they could get hurt! That, or was one of those little snakes, and he'd have to call a wrangler while moving at little as possible. He didn't really fear the snakes that came by for him, but rather for his plants. It was a careful process, working up the bravery to look down and see what was crawling up his leg. It was...
A vine? A red and white one. He'd never seen this kind of vine before, but- "EYAA?!" Another shriek as the herbologist was suddenly pelted and ensnared in multiples of those vines. Their exterior was tough, and feeling it tight around his limbs was... something that was surprisingly fascinating. Sure, it was tight enough to keep him still, but it knew enough to not hurt him. What was this about?
Before he could question any further, the restraints quickly tugged him up into the air, pulling his limbs as far from each other as they could. There was a startled around that only softened for only a moment before Herb heard the clashing of pottery against concrete. Looking to the ground, unfortunately, his arms being split away from the potted plant he was so concerned over caused it to crash onto the ground, though rather than staying it started... Squirming? Writhing, even. Out of the dirt, the portions of it even seemed to form some kind of hand. "H-hey! Come back, little buddy...!" Herb mustered up those words, but wound up with his mouth covered by another one of those vines.
Struggling, Herb tried to find some sort of source for this troublesome situation, but... All he could find was more and more of these vines. Just when did they take up so much of the room? Had all of his little ones become such monsters? But they all looked fine! How- why? His eyes locked onto the hand-plant that was still scurrying away. The door was closed, so maybe he had some before- "Ghhn..." A dull pain crossed his body as he could feel the portions of him tied up being pulled upon. Tugged harshly, he could've sworn he heard something crack in his back. It could have been relaxing if it weren't for the fact that he knew what this meant. He could very well be pulled to pieces! It was far too easy for panic to set in, one that finally got him fighting.
Pulling back, or attempting to, Herb used all the energy he could muster to fight against the plants that had malicious intentions. After he was taken apart, what then? There was some type of crunch, something to make his head hurt, maybe his hair had been torn at? He couldn't focus on that right now! He needed out of here, even if resisting only made the popping of his limbs out of their sockets. The agonized herbologist let out a choked cry as he still tried and tried to resist being torn to bits. There was a small thought that crossed his mind to just stop and let it happen, but-
A sudden flash of heat washed over Herb. The panic suddenly fading as he felt his body forcibly relax and one of his limbs being released from the vine's vice-grip. His mind was still racing and his body was still pained, but at least he could open his tearful- he didn't recognize when he had started crying- eyes to see... A certain dark-cloaked mage with glasses whose shine blocked his eyes. He only barely recognized the figure, but he most certainly recognized the low voice that had given him a coffee plant weeks ago.
"My, my... It seems these seeds have even been sewn into the kingdom... How irritating."
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lilhemmo · 5 years
Can I uh get a "bookshop au" + "flirting under fire" au for sweet pea? your writing is so good and he's my baby please give me more
a/n: yes, friend, you can!!! i know this is.. old, but, hey, what can i say? i’m not apologizing!! 
ps, dear chels @the-gargoyle-queen i am so sorry for picking on your ghoulies but it’s just sO EASY
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You’d inherited the book shop from your grandmother once she passed, but you never really had a hand in it until you heard about the state Riverdale was in. So, you packed your things and moved back into the loft upstairs, taking a much more direct approach with the store. 
You bought books online, through thrift stores - anything you could find to keep the shelves stocked. Eventually, your shop was a safe haven - a Switzerland, if you will. It was a place where anyone from any walk of life could take a seat and escape the world.
There were high schoolers who host homework and study sessions, middle aged moms who gather for book club, and even Southsiders who show up just to get away from the street’s carnage every once and a while.
The tattoo artist from the Pretty Poison Tattoo Parlor stops by once a week for a new book on nature and you’ve managed to have a short conversation with him each time.
You’ve learned his name - Sweet Pea - and that he gets the books to study for his tattoos. A lot of the people who come in are female bikers who want different flowers mixed with skulls and crossbones tattooed on them, so he has to be educated.
“Got another random tattoo booking later this week, gotta learn how to draw…” Sweet Pea shakes his head, holding out the book, “Whatever the hell these are.”
You’re laughing but then the whole room goes silent, cold. You look up just as a car steers off from the road and crashes into your glass windows. Sweet Pea wastes no time in hopping over the counter and grabbing you up, turning so his back is to the car and you’re caged under his arms.
“Shit,” he shakes his head, turning get a glance of the people in the car. “Fuckin’ Ghoulies.”
You blink slowly, your head spinning as your heart beats increasingly faster, “G-Ghoulies? Here?!”
Sweet Pea nods and for the first time you notice the serpent tattoo on his neck. You’ve only known him through the winter, and now that it’s spring, he’s no longer wearing turtle necks or thick jackets to cover his tattoo. You grip him by the flannel, staring up at him, “B-But this isn’t…this is supposed to be a safe space.”
“Seems like the Ghoulies don’t agree with you. Call 911, I’m gonna see if I can do anything.”
He’s gone before you can protest, and you swear you hear the zing of a knife in the air, but you disregard it. Grabbing up your phone, you call the police and shakily tell them all of the details. Luckily there are officers on foot who make it there before too much carnage breaks loose.
They have to grab up Sweet Pea and administer medical treatment and also question him regarding the knife wounds they found slashed into various Ghoulies, but he manages to describe it well enough as self-defense that they release him once they’re finished.
“H-How can I thank you?” you ask, wrapping yourself up in a blanket given to you by the police department.
Sweet Pea shrugs, “I like gettin’ to kick those jackasses around, so I don’t need a thank you.”
You’re smiling and he wants to ask why, but the sound of shattering glass makes him pause. Your frame is practically shaking, and he remembers a conversation where you told him you lived in the book shop, above the store in a one bedroom situation.
“Hey,” he nudges your calf with the toe of his boot, “do you need a place to stay?”
You swallow, blinking the tears away as you realize that your home has been crashed into, your livelihood ruined for an innumerable amount of time. You shake your head despite yourself, “No, I-I think the county is going to give me a bit of an allowance to stay at the motel up the street.”
“That place is infested with cockroaches,” Sweet Pea chuffs, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why don’t you come shack up with me and Toni at Poison? She’s hardly there anyway, now that she’s got that little Northsider girlfriend, so you can take her bed.”
The laugh that bubbles from your lips makes him look you over again - still in your resolve, head held high despite your home being destroyed and your heart and soul crashed by a set of pathetic Ghoulies trying to make a name for themselves.
“I don’t know that your roommate would like you giving up her bed,” you sigh, glancing up at him through thick, wet lashes. “Really, it’s okay.”
Sweet Pea shrugs, “Well, it’s always available, okay? We’ve got a pull out couch too, if you change your mind.”
Well, you do change your mind.
Sweet Pea is all but not surprised to see you on the doorstep of the Poison Parlor later that same night. 
He’s laughing as he lets you inside. There are a couple of late night customers and you can hear the buzzing of tattoo guns as Sweet Pea walks you through the parlor and up the stairs.
You’re making yourself comfortable on the pull out couch when he turns to go back downstairs, but you stop him, “H-Hey, Sweet Pea?”
“Hm?” he looks over his shoulder to acknowledge you.
Your whole face goes beet red, but you stand to your full height and say it anyway, “I-uh, I want you to teach me how to defend myself.”
There’s a silence that hangs in the room and you wonder for a moment if he thinks you’re crazy. Of course he wouldn’t train a weakling Northsider like you, even if your shop was Switzerland for his Southside buddies. What the Ghoulies had done, you couldn’t have stopped anyway.
“L-Listen, I just, I want to be able to stand up for myself. It’s not like I can stop a crashing car, but I can punch a guy in the gut or keep myself from getting snatched off the street,” you start rambling, using your hands as you talk, your voice growing in octaves the longer he lets you speak.
“Hey,” Sweet Pea grasps you by the wrist, “I get it.”
There’s a mutual understanding that passes between the two of you, quiet but determined. He releases you and walks back down to the parlor, leaving you to get settled in. 
And that’s how it starts.
When your bookstore is back up and running six weeks later, you’re practically a boxing prodigy. Sweet Pea has taught you the simplest of moves, and you can catch him off guard every once and a while. He has the crooked nose to prove it.
The tension between the two of you has grown as well. He’s given you a small tattoo that you’ve been dreaming about since high school, and you’ve taught him words and jargon that he never dreamed could be real. You spend almost every waking moment of the day together, between training to grow stronger and smarter, the both of you have developed a routine.
The next time you spot a band of Ghoulies, you and Sweet Pea are helping to close up the tattoo parlor. You’re taking the trash out in the back alley, and when a snap resounds against the brick walls, your heart drops into your stomach.
You swallow the lump in your throat, toss the garbage into the bin, and turn, fists held tight at your sides.
A taunt passes your lips and then the Ghoulie on the right jumps towards you with a knife held tight in his grip. You spot his weak form and step downward, using his weight to roll him over your shoulders and toss him against the dumpster.
“What?” you laugh, “Scared now?”
The other lets out a grunt before slashing at you with a makeshift shank. He looks like a feral animal - teeth bared and knuckles white as saliva gathers at the corners of his mouth. You can’t help but roll your eyes at the dramatic gang member, but when he tries to kick you in the face, you grab his ankle and twist, sending him soaring over your shoulder to lay unconscious with his Ghoulie counterpart.
There’s a loud noise from inside the parlor and your mind starts racing - Sweet Pea. Sure, he’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself, but your heart still picks up the pace as you run toward the door.
He’s got two on either side of him, and another set of three in the back rummaging through the money drawer and supplies. You grab the nearest thing to you, a case of ink, and throw it against the back counter. It pegs one of the Ghoulies in the head, the other two turning their attention to you now.
“Th-They’re on something!” Sweet Pea shouts even though his throat is currently in the grasp of one of the brawnier Ghoulies. You laugh, shaking your head as the two from behind the counter charge at you, “You don’t say?”
Sweet Pea shoots you a glare and you barely have time to shrug before you’re back in attack mode - focused on the two grown men in front of you. Their weight and their obvious lack of focus is something you can prey on, just as you did the two in the alley.
“So, do I get a raise or something?” you call between punches, landing a kick into one of their chests. Sweet Pea now has one of them in a headlock, the other crumpled against the wall, twitching as he tries to stand back up.
“Funny, I didn’t know I paid you,” he grunts, dropping the bulky guy to the ground once he stops struggling.
You stumble backward, but he catches you, “You don’t.”
“Maybe I should start.”
The duality of the phrase makes your spine shiver, but you’re back to action before you can contemplate how much you want to kiss him. You get a good, solid punch into one of their faces, turning to hit the other in the sternum.
“Finally putting those lessons to good use!” Sweet Pea winks at you from across the room where he’s got the Ghoulie held up by the throat on the wall.
Him holding someone by the throat, blood on his nose and knuckles, should not turn you on the way that it does. Either way, it makes you smirk. Your attention falters just long enough for the smaller of the two Ghoulies to land a punch to your jaw.
You seethe in pain, gripping at your face as you stumble backward. All you can see now is red, blinding rage like a filter in your vision. You dig your fingernails into your fists so hard you think you’ve drawn blood, “Oh, that does it.”
They swing at you again, both moving sloppily as whatever drug that has tainted their system begins to wear off. You fight them both off until you hear Sweet Pea stalk across the room, his combat boots making noise as he stomps towards you.
“Did good,” he grunts, grabbing one of them by the arm to yank them away from you, dealing with him on his own. Sweet Pea struggles, taking a shot to the eye, but you make eye contact with him just as you say, “I had a good teacher.”
You swear you see a smile on his face, but you can’t pay him much mind as the Ghoulie tries to stab at you with the pocket knife they’re holding. You slam their wrist against the tattoo table, the knife clattering to the ground a few feet away.
Now both goons are crawling on the floor, and you take a step toward Sweet Pea with adrenaline pumping through your veins, “Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?”
“Hell yeah,” he manages to get the words out before pulling you to him for a harsh kiss. His hands are on your waist and your palms find purchase against his flannel.
You feel a feeble arm wrap around your ankle and you snap your knee forward to kick him in the face, eliciting a moan from the perpetrator. Sweet Pea’s palm drifts to your jeans, tucking into your pocket to anchor you to him for just a moment longer.
“You call, I’ll tie,” he pants as he pulls away, the high wearing off as he looks into your eyes. “Sound good?”
You nod, releasing your death grip on his shirt, “There’s two more in the alley.”
The shining admiration in his eyes does little to quell the churning of your stomach and you find yourself wanting to tackle him right here and now. Instead, you turn and head towards the parlor phone, not missing the gentle tap he gives your backside as you walk away.
“Sheriff Jones? Yeah, it’s me again…”
a/n: i hope that was enough flirting under fire! 
taggin: @the-gargoyle-queen @theangriestpea @sweets-rivervixen @southsidearchive @cactiem 
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visual-explorxtion · 4 years
The One That Got Away [Leon S Kennedy x Reader] - One Shot (NSFW)
Synopsis: You caught your boyfriend cheating and you're looking for an emotional getaway in a bar. Until you met Leon and you both instantly hit it off. But not everything is what you hoped it would be.
A/N: This one took way too long. I've started writing this prior to everything I've posted and it was on and off in between. Imagine this as older Leon (RE Damnation and up). I had a basic outline of the plot but kinda got derailed further I wrote and now it's a smutty, angsty and depressing fic (Three for the price of one). I thought I wrote too much and also not enough but it turned into a 5 page fic. And I also didn't realise I was writing in first person until halfway through. So, bone apple tea.
Word count: 3,842
The low murmurs and whispers of conversation surround the dimly lit bar, just two blocks away from my own apartment. I thought I could catch a break from my reality and sit silently with a drink in my hand. Hoping that I would get drunk enough to let my thoughts shut down, even just for a little while. But my mind circles back to him. My so-called boyfriend. Even though we are dating, our relationship just seems so...platonic.
I shake my head and took another sip of my drink. The ice cubes are slowly diluting the burning sensation of whiskey down my throat. Soon, this wouldn't be enough to forget all my problems. Irritated by my drink, I set it back down on the bar table, hoping that the aftertaste of alcohol would take my conscious away. I place the glass gently back down on the coaster and nudging it back and forth until it is exactly in-line with the circumference.
I leaned forward, pressing my forearms against the chilly, oak bar table. The sharp sensation ran up my arm, sending goosebumps along with it, awaking my drunken state. That was the last thing that I want. Reality setting back in.
The place was illuminated by the strip lights underneath the bar table and several backlights coming from the shelves of liquid. My bleary eyes tried to focus as I lift up my hand to signal one of the bartenders. But, to no avail, they do not seem to notice my presence. "Goddamnit..." I muttered under my breath. At this point, I could just slip out of this place and they won't even know it. I thought about it for a second but decided that it was a bad idea.
"Bad night, huh?" A low, raspy voice called out. I looked towards my left, where the voice came from. A man sat two seats away from me. His fringe covered most of his face so I couldn't tell what he looks like, but his chin was in view, chiselled and full of stubbles that could be seen even in a place with poor luminosity. "You wouldn't even know it," I answer, surprised that someone notices my existence. I've seen this man before. He's always here when I come to this bar, sitting in the exact same seating. I assume he's one of the staffs here, but he could just be a regular. Either way, it isn't any of my concern.
He chuckled, "I've had a handful of those before. I understand how you feel." His head angled slightly towards my direction. His face is now just peeking out from behind his golden hair. His eyes are piercing blue, like a vast ocean full of mysteries. He's handsome, beautiful even, but full of pain and hurt beneath it all. How could a man be so beautiful, and yet, so fragile?
I scoffed at his response, taking another sip of my now watered-down beverage, eyes returning to his gaze. "I'm sure you do," I spoke, resting my chin on my palm, giving him a smug grin. Maybe this is what I need, talking to a stranger, surely this will take my mind off a lot of things. He shook his head and smiled. "Hey, I'm Leon. You come here often?"
My brows furrowed and a little smirk came out of my lips. "If you're looking for someone to warm up your bed, then I can assure you, you've got the wrong girl," I paused, "I'm already seeing someone." Those words made my stomach wrench. I know full well that I'm the one that's seeing them, but they don't see me. No, not in the same way. Not anymore.
A breath escaped through his nose as he replied, "Well, I guess that makes the two of us...kinda." He takes a final sip of his bourbon and signals. "Another round...and make that a double." The bartender nodded and pulls out two glasses from under the bar table, now half-filled with alcohol, the bartender place one glass in from of me and slid the other one in from of Leon. I raise the glass up with my thumb and index finger by the rim, inspecting its content. The backlight is shown through the transparent liquid and dispersed in all direction, it's pretty and hypnotic. Though, the effect of the drink itself isn't as pretty as you'd think.
"Glass half full or empty?" My question sounded more like a statement. Leon gave a little laugh to my expression. My cheeks slowly burned up into a pink hue as I relived those words inside my mind. How stupidly naive I must have sounded.
Leon took the hint of my embarrassment and also raised his glass. "I'm neither an optimist nor a pessimist. All I know is that this is a good bourbon. And sometimes, that's all that matters." He reached out with the drink in his hand. I stared at it for a good while, "I think we could both agree on that." I smiled to myself as I return the gesture. Our glasses emitted a small clink to our small celebration. Bottom of the glass now upturned and down goes the alcohol, the scorching feeling made my face scrunch up. The bourbon slowly making its way into my bloodstream as the room that surrounds me spin like a carousel.
Hours go by, the muttering of conversation comes and goes, I have no recollection of our exchange, yet some faint pieces of memories spark up in my head. Knowing that you were a stranger, I spilt all my secrets, my fears and weaknesses, but you just listened and nodded along. An emotion blooms inside me, a warmth, telling me that we are the same type of people, the way we understood each other. We are lonely and just wanna belong somewhere.
Every day, I look forward to the moment when the sun hangs low and the moon comes up to dance, almost every night, I wander back into the bar with a light flutter in my heart. Knowing full well that Leon would be there, in the exact same seating, a glass of bourbon to accompany him. I found my life with meaning once again, understanding that I am not alone. Our conversations found their way of chatting about my life, to his. The story of his life and the things he had done shaped the person he is now. Though I know he speaks truthfully, I can't help but notice the gaps in his biography that he decided not to fill in. Whether to think after everything he revealed would make me scared of him, or I would look at him in a pitiful way, but that did not matter. The Leon I met, he's nothing like how he described himself. In my eyes, he's a soft and gentle soul, who got a few humorous tricks up his sleeve.
Sometimes, I think I'm somewhat emotionally detached, even if the sky topples, my mental state will remain calm as the world crumbles around me. I wouldn't scream, nor would I cry, I'll just quietly accept this as my fate.
And fate's plan came crashing down on me in one swift motion. Not even a second too early or too late. My most traumatic and emotional experience, all happened in a small time frame of one sunny morning. When you live through a memorable moment in life, good or bad, they become forever etched into our brain. Just like a movie. But, that same scene plays over and over again, until you can't handle it anymore. The sight of your ex-boyfriend in bed with a woman that's not you. Her hair and eyes resemble your appearance, eyes gleaming in a dark hue with their soul still intact. But, you're not her. And she's not you. He didn't choose you.
The lookalike gripping her hands around his toned arm, trembling in fear of what might happen next. What I would do next. My vision holds not her, but the so-called of a man, whom I just realise is nothing but a coward. The air around the room is thick and heavy, no words were spoken, not even an explanation or an apology. Under the hint of light, silence can be heard, from his blank expression, I knew the answer. I left not because of a broken heart, but because I don't belong there anymore. And I'd be lying to myself if I say I wasn't sad. Deep down, you knew this was bound to happen. You knew this from the very beginning, the spark wasn't there. You just weren't ready to admit the facts because you are afraid. Afraid of being alone again.
Waves of emotions hit one after another. Exchanging between grief and relief, this emotional loop cycles on. The crystal glass in my hand mirrors my mental suffering. Once empty, then full again and empty once more. Now drowning in a pool of liquor, until I can no longer distinguish between night and day, I hope this cycle never ends.
"Isn't it a little too early to hit the bottle?" A familiar voice came into my earshot, "Well, if it isn't my new-found buddy, Leon! Come, drinks are on me!" The laughter in my throat refusing to cease, everything is now on autopilot. The room sways back and forth to the beat of the music, every bassline played made my head blurrier each time, the lights in the bar almost seem like someone crank the exposure to the highest level. He sighed and took a seat, seeing there's no other option. "Jesus...how many have you had?" His concert did not reach me as I just skimmed over his question. "Hmm...4? 5? I lost count...but who cares?! I'm here to have a good time!" I exclaimed, both fists pumped up in the air and chuckling idiotically to myself.
Leon's brows scrunch, a finger rubbing at his temple, the crease on his forehead gets deeper by the minute. His drink arrived but his focus was elsewhere, he would take one sip, then looks back at me, contemplating. "H-hey, aren't you supposed to...protect the city or s-something, Mr detective-man-or-whatever?" I hiccuped, with half my speech slurred. "I'm not a cop. I don't...can't protect people." He took another sip. "Isn't that...hic...what you've told me?" I pressed on, this isn't what I've intended to do. He exhaled, "It's complicated." A drunken smirk left my nose, the alcohol had intoxicated my system and left my mouth defenceless. "Is it really that complicated? Or do you just not want to tell me the truth?" Jesus! Shut up, me! I can see the rage boiled behind his darken eyes, his fists gripped and nails digging deep into his flesh. "You. Need to stop drinking."
The clock strikes midnight, but neither one of us had any intentions to sober up or face whatever reality has prepared for us. We laughed, argued and make flirtatious jokes to one another. The air between us shifted, hot but still intoxicated. Even so, my mind still lingers on the images that shattered my heart into a million pieces. I don't want this anymore. "Hey...what if I kiss you right n-now? How would you react?" I giggled. "Sure. I'd be glad to," he said, facetiously. "Pfff, come on! I'm serious!" another hiccup. "You're drunk and trying to take the piss out of me." I locked eyes with him, setting my next words in a serious manner. "Am I? Why don't you come and find out?" I slid my hand from his forearm down to the back of his hand, drawing circles with my index finger, tempting and testing his borderline. A small grunt caught in between his lips, gaze running up my skin and idly to my mouth, his fixed stare lingered what feels like an eternity until we meet eye to eye.
What happens next came to me like a blur. I took his hand and led him away from the bar. The place was too packed for anyone to know if we were gone by the next second. We stumble away through the crowds of drunks living on cloud nine, but our hands kept a grip tight on one another. I pushed on; wanting to feel something, anything, even just for tonight. The burning desire inside has reached its limit, but so was Leon's. He twirled me around and constrained my backside up against the bathroom door. His body leaned in close to mine, our faces just an inch apart. The feverish breath touched my neck, turning me on even more so. I can feel his hesitation as his lips close within range, just hovering close to yours. "Would it really kill you if we kiss?" my words were hushed, giving him the final push. And those were the few words to make him let go of his rationality. Before I could acknowledge my next thought, his hand slip under the back of my neck with a firm grip and our mouths collided in the heat of the moment. His kiss was strong and passionate, everything that I imagined it would be, my hips feeling every inch of his, teeth gently grazing my bottom lip as I parted them to deepen his taste. Heat radiates off his chest as our tongues now intertwined with the taste of bourbon and sweetness, Leon showed no signs of backing down as his hand squeeze my hip tighter. But we had to break our physical contact when the chatter grew louder from inside the bathroom. Our hearts still racing, panting breathlessly and aching to be together again, though both of us would rather avoid being caught in an awkward situation.
My body mindlessly took us further down the deserted corridor to a backdoor that leads to an alleyway, the door itself could easily be missed if not observed carefully. I extended a hand to push open the door but was abruptly interrupted by Leon's demanding kiss. Eager to be whole again, he hoisted me off the ground effortlessly, binding my leg around his slender waist. The faint sound of music could be heard from the interior of the building, imitating the beat of our hearts. My back is up against the rugged wall once more. His nails dug into my thigh as I whimpered at the pain but Leon's kiss grew more hungry and impatient, urging for something more. The heat between my legs burning white-hot for this man with absolute longing. As if he could read my thoughts out loud, his hand travelled up to the waistband of my jeans, a finger hooked underneath and running it across my waistline and stopping just before where the buttons clasp. His tease sends chills along my lower abdomen, I'm struggling to keep up my composure.
Leon's icy blue gaze pierced through me, signifying his needs. "Do it." With the sign of my approval, he ripped the jeans clean off my sweat-covered legs without a hitch. My bare limbs glistening in the moonlight, reflecting off the moisture with the gentle breeze caressing them. The heat on my face grew, knowing that my lower parts are only concealed with a thin layer of fabric that's half opaque. Leon smugly grinned at the sight presented to him, licking off the residue from our kiss, he lets me down delicately as my feet touch the sturdy ground. He shifted and on both his knees, positioning himself in between my legs, feeling nervous being fully exposed to him. I stifled a gasp as Leon steady my balance with hands on either side of my hips, his kisses trail down the torso, leaving marks all over my stomach, down to my v-line. His soft fingertips skim the hem of pants then he dipped his head low, the black, lacy underwear caught between his teeth, removing them until I'm left bare and vulnerable.
I can feel his eyes exploring every inch of uncovered skin, like a wolf with his hunting instinct. His mouth found its way to your folds. The next thing you know, a foreign feeling spreads open your lower organ, heat escaping from your core and drip down to your inner thigh. You squirm and twitch with every movement of his tongue, chest rapidly rising and falling with each breath taken, you know you are close to the edge. Your hands clench his hair gently as he continuous drive over your sweet spot, humming, until you unravel your senses upon him. Knees giving out as everything tingles from head to toe, Leon catches you in his arms as you recover your strength.
Cleaning you off with the tip of his tongue, he reclaims his posture to tower over you and returns lips onto yours. The passionate kiss filled with desire, you can taste your own thirst mixed with his own saliva. Sultry and sweet. Chest to chest, every curvature and dips of his toned muscles embrace my own, our heartbeats synchronised. His scent of cologne mixed with sweat gives me a sense of comfort. I can feel the outline of his bulge through the thick fabric. One hand placed on the small of my back, the other desperately uncuffs his belt and down to his pants, revealing his length. My eyes widen in awe at the size of his...thing. It's pressed up against my abdomen, from shaft to the tip, Leon seems to be satisfied with my reaction as his egotistic smirk painted across his face. I swallow, mentally preparing myself before any attempt on riding him. Holding the base of his cock, now positioned near your entrance, you draw a hand near it and gently massage it. As if it's fragile, my hand gave it a few pumps then guide his tip inside. All that foreplay made it much easier for him to enter.
His tip without any difficulty. "Breathe" his deep, husky voice whispers in my ear, then inch by inch, until he fills up all my crevices inside. He took a pause, letting me adjust to his size for a minute, then slid back out again. Without a word of warning, he thrusts his cock back in all the way to the hilt as I let out a lusty yelp. The electric shock sends my pelvic muscles twitching and tensing around his cock, the repetitive motion causes me to ache for him even more. My hips sway and grind along to the beat of his movement, harder and faster, making him let out a soft cuss. The twinge at the back of my mind resurfaced again, flashbacks of this morning's event, haunting my thoughts again. Standing in the same doorway, looking at him and her on the same bed, same stiffness in the air. But, I'm looking at me through her eyes now, situated in this dark alley. The fear crept in. I can't love him. I know better than this.
"Hey. Just focus on me." Leon's hands cupped my cheeks, radiating the warmth I know, calling me back to the light. His tongue has taken up my mouth once more, diverting my focus from my own broken mind to the love he's providing. But you shouldn't. Hips picking up the pace, every bump and vein hitting my sensitive spot as I cry out, calling his name out in ecstasy. Leon's breathing is getting heavier with every beat he thrusts, bringing me and him closer to coming undone. Hot liquid spilling out, filling you up to the bream, overflowing like my emotions. The feeling he provided which shifted something inside, a beacon of light into my own soul. He pulled out, the inner content spilling out slightly as we redress ourselves again.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. The pang of guilt hit him. Just like everyone else. My feet stumbled a few steps back, almost tripping myself up in shock. The tears behind my eyes threaten to fall out. I have to get out of here. I spin on my heels and made a run for it. This isn't how it is supposed to turn out. I know better. Knew. "Wait! At least let me take you home-" "No!" My feet kept on pushing me, yelling at me to keep going. Hot tears pour out inevitably, unlike tonight. It's all my fault. I naively believed that we were the same- wanting the same thing, am the same type of people. I was wrong. All I ever wanted was to stop being alone, but you chose this. You wanted to be alone. And I've made a mistake. "Wait, goddamnit." I stopped in my tracks, tears falling nonchalantly. I turned, leaving him with only a few words. "I'm sorry...but I fell in love with you tonight." But we both knew the answer.
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rhinkthreeways · 4 years
Manbun (angsty version)
This is a Never Met Before Au, college!rhink with a twist. 
(drug use mentioned briefly)
(note: Aspen is Rhett, he’s just changed his name because this Rhett totally would...)
From the first moment, Link laid eyes on his college roommate he hated the guy with a fiery passion. Everything about Aspen—who the hell named their child Aspen?!—made Link either roll his eyes or brought his blood to a simmering boil.
Link considered himself a modern man. He’d grown up in the South, yes, but he was educated and open-minded. Even though someone might consider him a bit high-strung, he’d had a nice, little group of friends in high school and had even moved to L.A. to pursue a degree in film studies. Not an intolerant red-neck hick by anyone’s standards. But Aspen was way more than he could handle. 
It was clear from the beginning, that they were different. The other side of the room was filled with all kinds of new-age stuff—crystals, amulets, dream catchers, and psychedelic tapestries. The first night they shared the room, Aspen lit a wooden stick that made the whole room smell like something that to Link was a gag-inducing mix of old socks and something sickly sweet. When Link politely asked him to put it out, his roommate refused on the grounds that he needed to “purify” the room from the energies of the previous residents. After a heated argument, Link spent his first night as a college student on the common room couch.  
Their shared existence got even worse from then on. Link had no idea what Aspen was studying since it seemed that he didn’t own any textbooks. He was practically always in their room. Link asked him once whether he attended any lectures and was accosted with a half-an-hour monologue about the beauty of independent study and self-discovery and college being first and foremost a social experience. And Aspen was definitely social; he had a group of like-minded friends he had over almost every night. They listened to music—not that Link would call it music; it was more like chest-pounding beats and incomprehensible mumbling and chants—and more often than not, got high. After a couple of what Aspen called “bursts of negative energy he could help Link get rid of if Link just let him cleanse his heart chakra”, Link invested into a nice pair of noise-canceling headphones and tried to spend most of his nights in the library or in a cafe.  
The worst part, by a long shot, was how Aspen looked. He was impossibly tall, a head taller than Link and Link wasn’t exactly a pip-squeak himself. He had bushy eyebrows and mossy-green eyes that always looked at Link with rage-inducing amusement. His long, curly hair was usually pulled on top of his head into a man bun, and he was clearly trying to grow a beard—with not that much success. And his wardrobe? When he left the room he wore tie-dyed shirts and weird loose pants made of colorful, shiny fabrics. He wrapped multiple scarfs around his neck, explaining something about color energies and mood-altering fabrics. His wrists were heavy with bands and woven bracelets and one of his ears was pierced in three places. Inside their room, he opted for something more low-key. When he didn’t parade around the room naked—those were the worst days for poor Link—he wore tight, black boxer briefs and extra-large t-shirts he’d “customized” by ripping them so that they barely covered anything. 
Everything about Aspen made Link uncomfortable. And he thought that things couldn’t get any worse. Until the day when he got back to the dorm from a sit-down with a professor about the essay he’d written. 
Link burst into the room, threw his bag on the floor, and himself on his bed, burrowing his head under his pillow. For once, Aspen was alone in the room even though it was a Friday night.  
“I’m sensing a lot of negative energy radiating from you, Charles,” Aspen noted after a couple of minutes. Link groaned.
“Leave me alone,” he mumbled, without moving the pillow.
“I simply can’t do that. You know how susceptible I am to other people’s moods.”
Link’s disappointment and embarrassment morphed into anger—an easy switch when in the presence of his nut-job roommate. 
“You know what?!” Link snapped, throwing the pillow on the floor and sitting up. “I am not responsible for your feelings! I can be upset. I can feel whatever the fuck I want to feel and it’s not my job to manage my moods to your benefit!”
Aspen rose slowly from his own bed. 
“I simply meant—” he started.
“I simply meant.” Link repeated in a mocking voice. “I know what you simply meant. Relax, Charles. Take a breath, Charles. Have a pot brownie, Charles, live a little!”
Now he was up, standing in the middle of their small room, yelling. “I don’t need to relax! I feel just fucking fine. You need to get a grip! You just lounge here all day long with your buddies and alter your mind as if nothing you do has consequences. And you think, I have to reel in my negative feelings so that you’re not inconvenienced?!”
Aspen’s eyes grew wider and wider as Link spewed out every thought that had plagued him ever since they started college.
“I’ve had enough of this shit! I am a good person! You look at me like I’m the freak! But I am a normal, goddamn person. I am respectful and punctual and dutiful and kind. And I am more than devoted to my studies! I am a fucking model student for Christ’s sake! And he said I have no soul!”
Link drew in a ragged breath and stared at Aspen in horror. He hadn’t actually meant to say that last bit.
“What?” Aspen asked hesitantly. Link’s head dropped between his shoulders and he slammed his palms over his eyes, trying desperately to push back the tears that threatened to overflow.
“H-he said— Professor McIntyre s-said my essay had no soul. That I sounded like a textbook. That I was boring and robotic. But I-I’ve— Fuck!” There was no stopping the tears anymore. A pathetic, whimpering sob wracked Link’s body and he almost felt nauseous from the embarrassment.
“Hey,” Aspen’s low voice said from much closer than Link had anticipated. Long, surprisingly strong arms wrapped around Link and guided his pliant, trembling body to sit on the bed. Link couldn’t help himself. Aspen was so warm. So big and solid. Link curled up in his arms, wrapping himself around him and cried his frustration into his ripped t-shirt. Aspen pet his hair slowly for a little while. Then he slipped his finger under Link’s chin and lifted it so he could look right into Link’s teary eyes.
“I don’t think you’re boring. Far from it. I think you’re fascinating. I think you’re smart and funny—in a kind of sarcastic way. I do think you are a bit reserved, but that’s fine. Not everyone has to be the life of the party. You’re perfect just the way you are.”
Link stared at him, stared at the kind and earnest eyes and something shifted inside him. Without thinking about it, he reached up and pressed his lips softly against Aspen’s. After a moment of pure terror, thinking that he was about to be rejected, Link felt Aspen’s mouth open slightly in invitation. Link’s tongue slipped past his own lips, tasting Aspen’s berry lip balm before meeting his tongue with a sweeping brush. There was a low moan. Link wasn’t sure which one of them had made it, but he didn’t care. His hand rose to Aspen’s hair, pulling off the hair-band that was holding his bun together. Aspen’s hair billowed around his face and Link threaded his fingers into it, tugging him closer.
“Can’t deal with this goddamn bun of yours,” he whispered breathlessly against Aspen’s lips. “It’s been driving me insane ever since we met.”
“I’ll cut it off if it means I get to keep kissing you,” Aspen answered, voice just as affected, his palm sneaking under Link’s shirt and palming his bare back.
“Please, don’t,” Link muttered, before diving into another kiss, this one more heated.
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lovcfools · 4 years
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a small ficlet for @helaintoloki​ ft. the horror ! 
your skin felt like silk under his fingers — better than the dirt between his toes. sensation was something he was clearly deprived of but as soon as he knew he had the chance, his mind whirred with images of you. ben had spent many nights dreaming of all the ways he wished he could hold your hands, pull you tight against his chest, spend his first kiss on you.
he couldn’t tell you how vanya and klaus did it, but here he was.  something with the energy and metaphysics, something someone like five could explain. but that didn’t matter, not now when he was combing his fingers through the ends of your hair and taking in the scent of your shampoo. there was something more than comforting in that.
you were thirteen when you’d met , you’d been a friend of five’s — someone he’d met at griddy’s donuts. reginald was no fan of having friends in the academy but grace had made you a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich (as requested by your colette savvy friend.) it was that day that ben had seen you, you asked if he wanted the other half of your snack. it was with a nervous nod and awestruck eyes that he took the perfectly parted triangle piece. 
“ thank you , ”  he managed. but, ben spent the rest of the night wondering about you, whether or not he’d be able to share a sandwich with you again. 
you had done the same — spending most of your nights lulling yourself to sleep with dreams of him. hoping that five would invite you again and again, just so you could have one more conversation.  
and as you both hoped, it happened. you’d spent more time with number six than anyone in the house expected reginald would allow. even five grew jealous of the way ben could make you laugh, or the way your cheeks would grow rosier at the sight of him, the way you always sat next to each other and split your sandwiches with kind smiles.
ben remembered his own funeral, still shocked how reginald (through gritted teeth) allowed you into the courtyard after berating the other children for their outbursts. klaus and his plan to piss in the gas tank had been interrupted.
you had nearly slipped, those mary-janes you wore didn’t have enough traction to keep you from vaulting into the thin layers of snow. klaus had grabbed your hands, helping you up before he saw just how bloodshot your eyes were. tearstained cheeks, a beet red nose. 
ben stood two steps beside him, once again nervous and awestruck. even through your tears, your eyes were the most beautiful he’d ever seen. always so warm, so curious — he wished you could see him now. 
“tell her i’m here, klaus. tell her i’m here.” the phantom’s voice was frantic, desperate.
klaus’ gaze flickered to his brother, only giving in because this was his damn funeral.  “ben wants me to tell you that he’s here.”
“w-what?” was all you could manage.
“he’s here. he said he’s here, okay?”
“don’t tease me like that, klaus. that’s not funny — h-he’s not here. he’s…there.” 
both of their eyes followed the line of your pointed finger, his casket on the other side.
ben had never had the chance to be brave in front of you, he’d never had the words to tell you he liked you or that he thought you were perfect in more ways than he could count. in fact, he’d spent hours with diego trying to figure out the exact words. diego was no help, often caught in his own nerves to say the right thing, only capable of encouraging the horror to speak up. before ben even could, it was too late. 
“can you tell her, klaus? can you tell her that… you know?” even without being detected by you, he felt a heavy ball of nerves sitting in the pit of his stomach.
“now’s when you want to tell her, buddy? when you’re about to be put six feet under? how romantic.”  klaus shoves his hands in his pockets, fighting the sharp laugh in his throat. “i’ll give you points for the dramatic effect.”
your eyes are glued on klaus, eyebrows knitted together in frustration — ben anticipating his brother’s words with baited breath.
“well, (y/n), my dearest brother wishes to tell you that he always thought you were the most beautiful girl. he would always talk about how you had the cutest smile and how desperately he wanted to hold your hand.” 
now, here he was. grown into his features so perfectly and his smile just as gentle as your memory tells you. you couldn’t help yourself from burying your face into the crook of his neck. 
“i didn’t think you could get any more beautiful, how did you do it?” ben whispered to you, one arm curled around your waist as your bodies stood flush against one another.
you hum past the lump in your throat, sniffling and pulling from him for only a moment. your lashes are webbed with fat tears, eyes glossy and deep in the dim light of your living room. the two of you swayed slowly as he held you, your fingers gripping to his black jacket. you couldn’t let him disappear. you found yourself unable to respond, all your feelings and thoughts caught behind your teeth.
afraid to break the bubble of this moment, his voice is soft. “what are you thinking?” 
your head shakes slowly, a small laugh finally pushing past your lips. “you’re here, ben. i—i don’t know how and i just don’t want you to…” your voices trails off while tears threaten to roll over your lashes.
“hey, listen to me.” ben keeps your gaze locked on his, his fingers cupping your chin, “i’m not going anywhere, not until you tell me you don’t want me here anymore. i-i’ll be here, (y/n). i’ll be here and i’ll make sure nothing happens to you.”
and you believe him, you trust him. it’s in the way his hand presses into the small of your back, it’s in the honest and wholesome smile on his lips, it’s in the way he presses a delicate kiss to your forehead that you know. 
you exhale hoping to release the butterflies stirring in your gut as he begins to close the gap between your lips. your own lips parted softly, lashes now resting against the apples of your cheeks in anticipation of contact. 
his lips are supple and this kiss is full — like years of pining and yearning have finally been given a language that you can only speak together. his fingers grip at your shirt, his other hand cupping your cheek, thumb slowly stroking your skin. ben can’t help the hum that leaves him as you both continue to press into one another.
the two of you only pull away to catch your breath, bright grins mirroring the other’s. ben wouldn’t forget this so long as klaus and vanya kept him alive. he was sure that this moment would be engrained so deeply in his mind, it’d penetrate his soul and follow him into the light of eternity. 
ben spent the night wiping away your tears, trying to ignore the way his heart felt like it’d burst through his chest while you two caught up. he could watch you talk forever and he intended to, until the two of you would be buried beside one another. 
he told you about how his brother’s powers and his own, how he missed your visits after he passed. how he spotted you whenever you and klaus ran into one another, how he still thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen and the only one he’d ever wanted.
that would never change for him. 
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nightashes · 5 years
The Storm in the Music Room
A/N: My secret santa gift for the amazing @starsinger now formatted for tumblr!! I was so excited to share this! And now I’m so excited that it’s time for the reveal! Also, I think it’s hilarious that a Night was matched up with a Star. 
Summary: Virgil Storm is violent protector, snarky rebel, and talented pianist? Logan is shocked to find the school's tough guy playing the piano.
Ao3 version - writing masterlist
The halls looked eerie in the low light. The usually harsh fluorescent light bulbs were only half-lit as Logan strode past the locked classrooms and silent stairwells. Debate club had ended an hour earlier but as treasurer, Logan had stayed behind with the other club officials, both of them seniors. And now Logan was heading to the Junior parking lot... alone. He was not concerned or nervous. Sure, the school seemed like a whole different world at night. But Logan knew that in actuality it was still the same building. Same floors. Same lockers. And the same… well everything. Just empty. Silent. And slightly darker. But really nothing to be concerned about. Nothing at all. Except. What was that?
A soft melody, lilting and sweet drifted from the music room. The room Logan just so happened to need to pass by before he could reach the parking lot. And really, what harm could be done from taking a peek inside? Passing by the small windows set in the doors, Logan slowed to a stop. Peering through the wired glass to see a student hunched over the piano. His hair was dark and long, hanging past his eyes as he bent his head over the keys. His fingers glided across the keys, long and slender. His lips were pursed and his eyes intent. And Logan was captivated. This solitary figure was unforgettable. The threadbare hoodie decorated with plaid purple patches. The smeared eye shadow beneath those intense hazel eyes. And the black stud earrings meant this could only be one person. Virgil Storm. Violent protector. Snarky rebel. And a talented pianist? Logan stared dumbfounded.
Virgil Storm. Logan had stumbled across Virgil Storm, the guy who egged a teacher’s car in his sophomore year for calling his friend a pathological liar. That Virgil Storm was playing the piano with all the gentleness and care one would give to a long forgotten but still beloved toy from one’s childhood. The dulcet tones filled the air with a feeling of longing and love and loss that thrummed through Logan’s soul. And Logan was rooted to the ground completely entranced by the way the notes wove a tapestry of a world that was finally remembered after being long forgotten. The keys dancing beneath his hands, the same hands that knocked a student out in his freshman year for bullying Remus Prince for eating glue. That Virgil Storm was now sighing as his hands slowed to a stop. A soft smile spread gently across his face as he laced his hands and stretched his arms up and back. His head falling back and arms releasing, falling softly to his sides. Logan was past speechless. Virgil Storm was the kid no one crossed. He was fiercely loyal and not afraid to break the rules to prove it. And now he was staring at Logan.
Oh crap. He was staring at Logan. Crap. Logan scrambled back from the door. His breath quickening as his heart raced. Virgil freaking Storm had caught him staring at a clearly personal moment. Logan was dead. The door swung open and Virgil broke through them silent and fierce. His eyes piercing and his lips turned down into a snarl. He stood there with his arms crossed as he studied Logan.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I- “ Logan’s voice broke. He swallowed heavily trying to force his heart to calm. Logan started again. “I was merely walking to the Junior parking lot when I heard your music. My curiosity was raised as I could not fathom why there would be someone playing this late. And…” He trailed off as Virgil walked closer. His tall figure setting him in a position to glare down at Logan.
“You were staring.” Virgil stated simply.
“I was merely looking to see-”
“You. Were. Staring.” Virgil broke him off.
“Now, that is twisting-”
“Why?” Virgil leaned down to peer directly into Logan’s eyes. “Why. Were. You. Staring?”
“The music. It was- .” Logan stumbled to explain.
“The music?”
“Yes. Well, it was nice-”
“Nice?” Virgil questioned. Eyebrow raised incredulously.
“Yes. And I was quite shocked to discover you-”
“Me? What about me? What? Don’t think mean ol’ Virgil could play piano?’
“Yes. I mean no. I mean… If you would just stop interrupting me!” Logan nearly yelled as his frustration came close to bubbling over.
Virgil’s snarl grew at Logan’s shout. He arms uncrossing to shove Logan back. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t go spying on people like a creep!”
‘I wasn’t spying!”
“Yes! You Were!” Virgil quickly shouted back.
“I was just! Argh!” Logan screamed in frustration as he shifts his backpack higher onto his shoulder. Taking a large breath through his nose he started again. “I was just heading to the parking lot. So I’ll go now.” He turned before Virgil can respond. Speeding towards the entrance, expecting a biting remark to follow him. But as he reached the doors, there was only silence. Logan refused to look back as he exited the school. Just hoping that Virgil would ignore this whole catastrophe. If Logan made an enemy of Virgil Storm the rest of high school would be torture.
There were not many days throughout his life that Logan had dreaded going to school. Tests days were always stressful but manageable. The day he had gone to school without his favorite tie was unpleasant but nothing too difficult. All-in-all school had always been a relatively pleasant experience. He had always managed to avoid drawing the attention of bullies and he enjoyed the opportunity to learn and meet up with Patton. But today. Well, today was different. Logan did not want to go to school. At all. This had never happened. He was even considering skipping. A shudder ran down his spine at the thought. No. No matter what happened today, he was not going to let Virgil Storm ruin school for him. He would go and whatever happened would happen. And he would manage and it would be fine.
This was not fine. Logan had lunch and 7th period Intro to Business with Virgil. Theoretically, if Logan just kept his head down and did his best to avoid Virgil he could make it through the day relatively unscathed. Theoretically, this would work. Practically, 1st period hadn’t even started yet and Logan could feel Virgil’s stare boring holes into his back as he collected his books from his locker. Apparently, Damien Ethos’s locker was one classroom down from Logan’s. Apparently, Virgil hung out at Damien’s locker in the morning. And apparently, he was now using it as an opportunity to terrify Logan with looks alone. Logan was not prepared for this.
“Hey, Lo Lo! Ready for class?” Patton came bounding up to greet him, his hoodie sleeves swinging and his curls bouncing wildly.
“Frankly, Patton, first period could not start soon enough.” He punctuated his statement with a slam of his locker.
“Wait, Logan, is everything okay? Did something happen at debate club last night?” Patton questioned as he followed his friend, his hands tightly gripping onto his books.
Logan’s stride was wide and purposeful as he maneuvered through the lively hall. The cacophony of noise and movement was a stark contrast to the muted atmosphere of the school at night. No music drifted through the air, instead it was replaced by obnoxious jabbering and lockers slamming. And Patton fretting as he rushed to keep up, despite his shorter stature and Logan’s anxiety to get away from this hall and Virgil’s piercing gaze.
Logan scoffs as he slowly slides into a gap to join the group of packed bodies that was a cruel mockery of a line for the stairs.  “Debate club was fine, Patton.”
“Well, than why the sour expression, Mr. Dour?”
Logan groans at the nickname. “Patton, please. I’m not in the mood. I…” He scans the stairs full of students clamoring around them, laughing and gossiping. The tightly packed bodies shuffling past each other. Logan felt positively suffocated. If any of them heard what happened, that Virgil Storm plays piano, it would spread like wildfire. Virgil would find out and know exactly who to blame. No. Logan couldn’t let that happen. “Not right now. Just wait and I’ll tell you everything. Okay?”
Escaping from the stairwell was a welcome relief. Logan breathing easily once again as he glided into German class. Patton following close behind, his dark brown doe eyes asking for information Logan was reluctant to give.
“Logan, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just…” Logan stared around them. There were only three other students that took German III H with them. They had not arrived yet and the teacher was busy at her computer. “Patton don’t tell anyone this, but last night after Debate Club I saw Virgil Storm… he was in the music room playing the piano and it was… incredible. I… But he saw me and he thinks I was spying on him. Patton, I don’t know what I’m going to do. He’s furious with me. He was staring daggers at me just now at my locker. ” Logan whispered frantically to his best friend, hoping for a lifeline of some kind.
Patton tilted his head, biting his bottom lip in thought as he pondered over Logan’s statement. “Virgil wouldn’t hurt you, Logan. I’m sure he was just taken off guard.”
“Patton, this is Virgil Storm we’re talking about. He’s going to get me back,”
“He wouldn’t do that. Honestly, Logan, he’s not that bad. Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him.”
“Talk to him? What do you mean talk to him??”
“We’re Home Ec buddies! He’s actually really sweet. I’m sure if I explain everything he’ll understand.”
“No. Patton, you can’t-” Logan cuts off as Amanda walks in. Waving over to Logan and Patton before settling into the seat across from them. “Patton, please…” Logan practically begs.
“Logan, I don’t want my friends mad at each other. Don’t worry, I know what to say.” Patton settles back confidently. Switching over to greet their classmate.
Logan didn’t know what to say. Patton was his best friend. He should trust him. But this is Virgil Storm he’s talking about. This isn’t someone you just talk to. Logan tried that and it ended with him turning tail and sprinting out of there. Patton may be well meaning but if Logan couldn’t explain it to him, how could Patton? And if Virgil misinterpreted Patton’s intentions it could make the entire situation worse. Logan’s heart beat thunderously against his ribs. He drummed his fingers against his desk. Breathing deeply in and out as he thought through possible solutions. Despite the reasoning behind it being an absolutely dreadful idea, there was a part of Logan that trusted Patton. He cared for his friend and his friend cared for everybody. So Logan bit his tongue. He would let Patton speak on his behalf. If anyone could assuage the anger of Virgil Storm, it would be Patton.
In Logan’s opinion, lunch arrived entirely too soon. Not that Logan was worried. He wasn’t. After all, he trusted Patton. And yes, he hadn’t seen Patton since 1st period and knew nothing of the situation he was heading into, but that hardly mattered. He was treasurer of the debate club. He was no fool. He knew how to handle himself. He had prepared talking points. And sure, they may be mostly anecdotal and lacking any real evidence. But he had faced worse odds.
Paying for his meal, Logan turned towards the sea of tables. The bustling students filling the lunch room with a cacophony of sounds that did nothing to soothe his taut nerves. Logan set his shoulders back, his chin held high. A pose of confidence and authority. He was in control. He strode across the linoleum floors, weaving through the buzzing hive of students, straight towards Logan and Patton’s favorite table. It was the one closest to the front doors leading out into the halls. The same hallway that led directly to the music room. The same hallway that Logan had walked down to come across Virgil Storm, school tough guy and secret musician. What had his life become?
Setting down his styrofoam lunch tray, Logan settled down at his table. Watching the lunch room for any sign of his friend or his enemy. He did certainly did not expect to see them together. Patton holding his tray in one hand and Virgil’s hand in his other. Pulling him gently over to where Logan currently sat, have a complete mental breakdown. Virgil’s jaw was set, annoyance was written across his face. He was staring straight at Logan as he allowed Patton to lead him towards their table. This was it. The moment of truth. Logan fiddled with his note cards, practicing his speech over and over in his head.
“Logan! I talked to him!” Patton practically sung as he came to a stop at their table. Plomping himself down into the chair directly beside Logan. He pulled out the one to his left and demanded of Virgil to “Sit.”
Virgil slumped into his chair. Releasing Patton’s hand and his own tray to stuff his fists into his pockets. Shrugging his shoulders as if to disappear from sight. A strange occurrence considering this was the student who was unafraid to talk back to teachers as he saw fit. Logan was confused to say the least. And Patton only made his confusion grow when he turned to Virgil and casually said, “Now tell him your sorry.”
Logan’s jaw was close to dropping when Virgil's clear annoyance dropped away to be replaced with guilt. “Pat.”
“Don’t you Pat me. We talked about this. Logan is my friend.”
Virgil’s heavy sigh of resignation did nothing to prepare Logan for what came next. The dark and stormy rebel looked him straight in the eyes and with more sincerity than Logan would have ever expected from a forced apology (Logan’s siblings always managed to turn them sarcastic) he spoke. “Look, I’m sorry I yelled and shoved you yesterday. I was uncomfortable with the idea that you had been watching me and I might have overreacted a bit. So sorry.”
Patton turned to him, an expectant smile on his face.
“I’m… Thank you for saying that Virgil. And… I know I came off as you say ‘a creep’ but that was not my intention. In reality, I was quite entranced by your talent at the piano.”
Holy crap. Virgil Storm was blushing. This could not be happening.
“Is the sob fest over now? Can we sit down?” A smooth voice spoke from directly behind them. Causing Logan to jump in surprise as Virgil’s entire group of friends settled down at their table.
Virgil Storm’s friends were sitting at Logan and Patton’s table. Did this make him Virgil’s friend? No way. Then again Roman and Remus Prince were now needling Virgil about his blush, while Damien Ethos watched on in clear amusement. In a way, It felt like they had always been there.
“So, everybody, when’s the next band practice? I’ve been practicing really hard.”
“Obviously Sunday, Patton.”
“Oh... I don’t think I can do Sunday.”
“Stop it, Damien, you know he always takes you seriously. It’s Thursday again. Not Sunday.” Roman assured Patton, who perked up immediately at the news.
“Wait a sec. Since when are you in a band?” Logan asked incredulously.
“Oh, not too long. Three? Four weeks? I would have told you, Lo. But Virgil’s a bit shy about it and asked me to keep it quiet. You’re not mad?’
“No… I was just shocked. I never would have pictured you in a band. I didn’t even know you knew how to play an instrument.”
“Well, I didn’t but Roman’s teaching me the drums. I’m not very good.”
“Yes. It’s truly awful that you aren’t a skilled musician after only spending three weeks learning an instrument.”
“Ow ” Damien recoiled after Roman slugged him in the shoulder.
“What did I just say, Damien! You’re doing great Patton. You’re picking it up really fast.”
“Thanks, guys. It’s really fun, Logan. Maybe you can join? We play Jazz!”
“You’re a Jazz band??”
“I play the Saxophone.” Remus somehow was able to say the word suggestively. His eyebrows wiggling playfully.
“Oh, well…”
“You should. It’d be cool if you could join.” Virgil nonchalantly added. His gaze searching Logan’s face. Causing a flush to spread across his cheeks.
“Okay.” He breathlessly replied.
Virgil smiles at him and Logan wasn’t sure what to say. He was going to be in a band with Virgil Storm and he was ecstatic.
By Logan’s calculation, joining the Jazz band was the best decision he could have ever made. And sure, he had initially wanted to play the cello, an instrument worthy of his intellect. But the long rehearsals with Virgil had ended with clasped hands, stolen breaths, and a soft melody that carried them across the expansive world of knowledge and beauty. Logan was pleasantly surprised to discover Virgil’s quick wit. And though he had never managed to persuade his love to join the debate club, Virgil was there at every event to cheer Logan on. Logan often fondly reminisces about Virgil’s first appearance at an event, remembering the aghast expressions of his fellow debaters when Virgil freaking Storm marched straight up to Logan and enveloped him in a hug and a celebratory kiss. Their band was not the best by any means but Logan cherishes every memory and every moment. Even today, as he straightens his bow tie and fiddles with his note cards, he can’t help but be thankful that on that day while passing through the hall, he had stopped to see the storm in the music room.
awesome people to tag: @stop-it-anxiety @rainboots-are-for-snobs @hexatrash @ollyollyoxinfree
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fruit-teeth · 5 years
For the hurt/comfort prompts, number 5 with Scout as person B. Person A is anyone you like. I dont care just ... dad Scout is needed.
(UghkssiahiaolhGjgsv I got carried away with this because dad Scout fuels my soul...also I hope you don’t mind but I made the other person Sniper because that was the only other person I could think of!!! Anyway please enjoy!!)
5. In the middle of some kind of tense situation, B has to help A give birth to their baby.
Scout finished filling up the van with gasoline after some trial and error, since the act of filing the camper’s tank was usually Sniper’s job. But Sniper was already getting their breakfast in the cafe just nearby, so Scout had to fill the tank instead.
He sighed, looking towards the cafe and squinting. Sniper was taking an awful long time...they had to be back at the base within half an hour. What could possibly be keeping him?
Scout walked into the cafe, but he didn’t see Sniper around anywhere. Panic began to set in, so he got the attention of the cashier at the counter.
“Hey, lady,” Scout flagged her down, and she approached. “You see a tall, kinda skinny guy come in? He had on some shades and a hat— he was gonna order breakfast to go,”
The woman thought for a moment, before nodding. “Oh, yes! He went into the bathroom, I think. I have the meal in the bag already for when he comes out,”
Scout’s brow furrowed at that, and he glanced towards the bathroom. “Well, okay— thanks for holdin’ it, I’ll go see what his deal is,”
The bathroom was unisex, with only one room, so Scout just knocked on the door. “Snipes?” He called. “You in? We gotta get goin’ pretty soon...”
There was a long silence, and then Sniper replied from the other side of the door. “I-I’ll only be a minute longer...promise,”
His voice sounded unsteady and almost pained, and right away Scout sensed something was off. He pressed to the door, and he asked, “Is everything okay in there?” He lowered his voice a notch. “You need me to come in?”
Even though Medic had told them that Sniper wasn’t due for another three weeks, roughly, Scout still had a nagging fear that the contractions would start at an impromptu point. Sniper had assured him that everything would be fine, that the baby wasn’t going to come early, but it didn’t stop Scout from imagining otherwise.
Sniper went quiet again, and then the next sound Scout heard was the door unlocking. Scout entered, peeking inside, before he shut the door behind him and locked it. “What’s up?”
Sniper wasn’t on the toilet, rather he was standing and holding the sides of his stomach, rocking his heels uneasily. “Something isn’t right...” he blew out a breath, pressing his hand to his left side. “Something just...feels off,”
Scout went to his side immediately, placing a hand on Sniper’s rounded belly while his free hand caressed his shoulder. “Does it hurt?” he wanted to know, smoothing his hand the area carefully. Sniper’s muscles felt very tense, he noticed.
“Well...” Sniper pursed his lips together, unsure of how to articulate what he was feeling. “It does— but it doesn’t hurt that bad...” he swallowed. “I hope I’m not having contractions,”
“Yeah...” Scout pulled him close, kissing his cheek. “Let’s just get back to the van, okay? We got a breakfast waiting, and we gotta be back at the base real soon, y’know?”
Sniper nodded, wearily straightening up and stretching. He looked so odd whenever he stretched: the action always elongated his body even further, and now with the pregnancy his stomach looked hilariously out of place on his frame. “All right...lets head back out, then,”
They grabbed the breakfast bag and got back into the van, and Scout decided to drive since Sniper wasn’t feeling up to it. As they headed off down the road, though, Sniper’s condition woresened.
At first, it didn’t seem like anything was wrong, as Sniper was just his quiet self while Scout turned on the radio to find some good tunes to listen to. However, it was only a few minutes later when Sniper grimaced visibly and grunted, grabbing the arm rests of the seat.
“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, trying to control his breathing. He pursed his lips together, his hand grasping the lower part of his belly. “Fuckin’ hell...”
“Legs?” Scout’s heart started to drop, and he glanced over, eyes full of concern. “Babe, are you okay? Do I need to pull over?”
Sniper shook his head quickly. “N-no - focus on the road, please,”
“Oh,” Scout jolted, suddenly aware that the van had begun to drift out of his control. He settled his hands back on the steering wheel, but he kept an eye on Sniper. “Seriously, I can pull over any time,”
“I’ll be fine...” Sniper blew a long breath out of his nostrils, his nails still digging into the arm rests. “Just...keeping driving,”
They drove along for about another fifteen minutes, with Sniper occasionally groaning in pain and Scout trying to offer words of comfort and encouragement whenever he could.
It was then, though, when Sniper let out a sharp cry, nearly doubling over. “Oh, fuck!”
Scout whirled around to check on Sniper, and he reached over to grab his shoulder. “Hey, what happened?!”
Sniper opened his legs slightly, and he pressed his eyes shut. “No...ugh! Shit— the water broke! I’m—!” He suddenly looked up and shrieked, diving for the steering wheel. “Scout, the road!”
Scout yelped, barely having time to react as the van veered off the side of the road, skidding down the hill and into a patch of shrubbery, coming to rest within the thick vegetation. The force of the whole ordeal had the airbags going off, knocking the wind out of Scout and forcing a choked shout from Sniper.
After a moment of gathering their thoughts, the two men clambered out from beneath the oppressive airbags, grabbing each other tightly without saying anything for a while.
Finally, Sniper managed to grit out, “Jeremy— please, please call Engie and ask him to come out here and tow the van back to the base, because—!” He paused, inhaling sharply and grabbing his belly again. “Oh, god...”
Scout touched Sniper’s stomach with concern, before reaching up and placing a hand on his face. “Babe, do you need to lie down? God, I-I’m so fuckin’ sorry about all this, that was my bad, I screwed up majorly, I...”
Sniper cried out, his voice shrill and sharp, and he turned to hurriedly open the door to the living area of the camper, stumbling inside. “Shut up! It’s coming!”
The words snapped Scout back into reality, and he shook himself, trailing after Sniper and into the back of the camper. “What!? Right now!? Snipes—!”
Sniper came to rest by the counters, gripping the tile and groaning. After a moment, he shoved his pants and briefs down, breathing laboriously as he reached between his legs to feel. Scout hovered anxiously over him, unsure of what to do except rub his back and gingerly kiss the back of his neck.
“Jeremy,” Sniper gasped out after a moment, lifting his head. “C-check down there, can you see how close the head is?”
“Uh— okay!” Scout knelt on the floor, squinting up between Sniper’s legs. “Um...there’s...oh, my god!” he exclaimed, finally fully understanding what he was seeing. “That’s a freakin’ baby! The head is like— there!”
“What!?” Sniper shrieked again, trying to feel for himself before realizing Scout was right. “Oh, oh, god!” He felt another contraction spread through his abdomen, and he knew then what he needed to do. “You’re gonna need to catch it!”
Scout retracted his hands, anxiety spreading throughout his whole chest and seizing him, yet he muscled through it all and took a deep breath. “Okay!” He took a deep breath, placing his hands beneath the top of the baby’s head that he could see, trying to stop his hands from shaking so much. “I...I got it!”
With the next contraction, Sniper gripped the counter again and pushed hard, and he tried his best not to cry out again but a whimper still escaped his mouth.
Scout heard him, and he tried his best to comfort him. “H-hey, it’s okay! It’s gonna come out any second, keep goin’!”
Sniper just nodded, a bit dazed, and he pushed again, groaning in agony. “F-fuck!”
There was another gush of fluid, and Scout had to keep himself from shouting in surprise when the baby���s head was finally in his hands. When Sniper pushed a third time, the shoulders slipped free, and then Scout just pulled the baby completely out, trying to be as gentle as possible with the tiny body.
“It’s out!” He informed Sniper, who sagged boneless on the countertop in a panting heap.
Sniper caught his breath, and he lifted his head after a moment. “H-how is it? I don’t hear any crying...”
Scout didn’t answer, laying the baby on his lap, and he stuck his fingers into the nose and mouth to clear the airways. “C’mon, lil’ buddy,” Scout coaxed the baby softly, waiting anxiously for some kind of response. “C’mon— you gotta breathe, okay? C’mon...”
Finally, after a few excruciating moments, the baby started to whine pitifully before breaking into a full cry, color filling the little face. Scout’s lip trembled at the sight, and he began to tear up. “Thank god! Oh, listen to you...” he cradled the little one in his arms, kissing their forehead. “Hey, hey, it’s okay! I got you, daddy’s right here, okay?”
Sniper finally turned away from the counter, easing onto the floor with a loud, relieved sigh. He smiled, watching Scout bond with the baby for a moment before he shifted closer, peering in to look at the baby he’d just brought into the world. “Lemme see...”
Scout sniffled, tears still rolling down his cheeks as he handed the infant over to Sniper. “Oh my god...she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life! She’s so little and cute— did we really make something so tiny and cute!?”
Sniper took the baby into his arms, letting out a little laugh as he stroked her head, watching as her little cries dissipated into small whimpers. “Hi,” he greeted her in a soft voice. “Hi...thank you for coming out of me,” he sniffed, pressing a kiss to her head. “Even if you’re a little early...”
Scout wiped his eyes, his breath shaky. “She’s ours...oh, my god, she’s ours!”
“She is,” Sniper put an arm around Scout’s shoulders, pulling him close for a kiss. “I...I love you so much,”
Scout eagerly kissed back, holding Sniper and their daughter as close to his chest as he could. “I love you too! You’re so strong— I knew you could do it!”
Sniper rolled his eyes, but he chuckled, turning to nuzzle Scout’s cheek. “Thank you...” he paused, before adding, “We should really call Engie, now,”
“Oh...” Scout pulled away, and he cleared his throat. “Uh, y-yeah, but shouldn’t we clean you guys up first?”
“Eh, I guess you’re right,” Sniper shrugged, and he pinched the umbilical cord to twist it off. “I can do that, though, you go make the call,”
“Okay,” Scout leaned in to kiss Sniper’s forehead, before leaning in to kiss their new daughter. “We’re gonna get you out of here, lil’ pumpkin!” He cooed at her, smiling fondly as he rubbed her little cheek. “We got nice toys and blankies waiting all for you, I promise!”
Sniper smiled back, and he took a moment to brush his tears away. “You’re gonna spoil her, aren’t you?”
“Only the best for this lil’ ball of cute!” Scout crooned, poking her nose, and she grunted at him. “Aww, baby...” he sat up, before reaching for the phone. “Can’t wait to brag about her to everyone!”
“Me neither,” Sniper pulled down a towel from the counter, bundling the baby in it and shushing her when she started to fuss again. “C’mon, Joey, you’re okay...you’re okay, both your daddies are here, and we’re gonna get you home soon,”
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