#im gonna slap this on ao3 too
ncteez · 1 year
Unlikely Scenario (k.m)
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You’re in love with the way your boyfriend is nothing but loving and sweet outside of the bedroom. You love even more the way he falls into the persona of a rough and aggressive dominant in the bedroom– but what if you also want to love your boyfriend when he’s the one on his knees?
or the one where you try to push your dominant boyfriend into submission and it’s a struggle. it kind of works, then again, it kind of doesn’t. 
ao3 | m.list | reblog to give mingyu a boner 
minors dni!! 
PAIRING― mingyu x afab reader 
CONTENT― established relationship, submissive girlfriend trying to pull the whole “oh how the tables have tabled” on her dominant boyfriend
WARNINGS ― its mingyu so there’s some mentions to how huge this big ass bitch is compared to you (size kink in the form of height). If that pulls you out of the story, i’m sorry. 
NOTE― ok so this started as something, then as i wrote it..it became something else. yikes. anyway, i need him so bad u don’t understand.  this fic is dedicated to me because I deserve it. also, i cannot even see straight after writing this, can’t believe i did this in a mere two hour time frame…jfc.  not proof read
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags― BIG DICK MINGYU, pussy eating/face riding, masturbation, whining and whimpering, hair pulling, begging, teasing, cock warming, pussy drunk mingyu, floor sex, sitting on his lap position, crying, unprotected sex, overstimulation, he kind of takes control back but it’s not in a dominant way– it’s more of an im so desperate to fuck you, i can’t stop.
There are days where you look at your boyfriend and think, yeah, he’s very clearly a soft and adoring man. One who is endearing, with his glistening eyes in the grocery store and tired yawns when he gets home from work. On those days, you find yourself melting into his rough palms, teasing and swaying you further from the release you both needed. 
Then there are days like today, where you look at him and he looks just like he does on any other day, but you want to see those tired droopy eyes glistening in a different way. Shining in the way he makes yours do when he’s hovering over you. Never have you even suggested this to him out of the three years you’ve been dating. You love being manhandled, degraded, teased, and he loved doing it to you. 
The dynamic works perfectly, and of course, it’s not always like this in the bedroom. Sometimes he isn’t too keen on edging you for hours with an evil smirk, sometimes he just wants to love on you and be close to you. 
And on a day like today, you don’t want any of that. You don’t want his fingers prying you open and pressing into you until you’re soaking one smiling boyfriend and probably the wall behind him, no, no. You don’t want to hear the sounds of his palms slapping your skin, or his teeth grazing your most sensitive areas. No! 
You’re so in your head about it today, staring at your boyfriend like an animal hunting for prey. He’s just sitting there, unknowing, giggling at stupid memes the two of you have seen four thousand times by now, a talk show muffled behind his laughs because you’re really more focused on him than anything else. It’s a sunday afternoon after all, and today is the only free day the two of you have when you’re not both exhausted from the week’s events. 
You wonder if he will be into it and if you’ll even have the ability not to melt into his grasp the second he shifts into his dominant self. You wonder more though, what it’ll be like to have this big ass man shivering at every touch you give to him, begging for more, whimpering. 
“Are you just gonna look at memes all day?” You ask, making your way into the living room to claim both the couch and Mingyu as your seat. 
“Probably, why?” He starts, leaning back against the cushions to make room for your legs on his lap. “You wanna do something today?”
“Hm, not really,” You shrug as you get comfortable, reaching an arm up to twirl his messy hair in your fingers. He hasn’t even brushed it today, but you love the way it looks on him. “I just wanted to ask.”
Mingyu turns his head slightly, narrowing his eyes at you with a knowing look. You never act this nonchalant if you don’t want something. You never play with his hair like this unless you’re both cuddled up in bed or you clearly want him to read your mind. 
“What’re you getting at?” He asks in a playful rasp, tilting into the feeling of your fingers in his hair as if he’s a puppy about to start wagging his tail. “You want something, and I’m not about to start making guesses without a hint.”
“You’re right, I do want something.” You smile, tugging slightly at a stand of his hair and looking away from him. “But I’m not gonna tell you what it is. You’ll just have to find out when it happens.”
He huffs in response to that before letting out a breathy chuckle. You wonder if he thinks you’re just trying to be a brat today. Maybe he thinks you’re gonna be annoying so that he will wrestle you down on the bed and put you in your place. That’s not it though. All you need is to get a reaction out of him in order to have him retiring with you to the bedroom sooner rather than later.
It didn’t take long to do that, as expected. It’s barely three in the afternoon by the time he’s fighting off a semi-hard on because you won’t stop pressing his buttons. 
From complementing his arms in the most annoying way to “accidentally” grabbing his bulge without warning. You know, the whole blatantly grabbing it then looking him in the eye with a small “Oops, thought it was something else.” 
He gritted his teeth through it for a little while before throwing his own form of teasing back at you. It all came to a sudden stop when he pressed you against the wall, effectively leaving no space for you to run and staring you straight in the eye. “If you want me to fuck you, you can just say that.” 
Of course you could have just said that, but it’s not what you want. You want to fuck him. 
So, now here the two of you are, you’re against the wall and he’s looming over you with all the power in the world. He knows how to end the teasing, he knows how to give you what you’d normally want, but he doesn’t know that maybe you can flip the tables on him.
He’s taken aback when you don’t look away from him, and even more appalled at the smirk you throw his way. Already, that switch in his head went off and you can tell that at any moment he’s going to drag you into the bedroom and give you what he thinks you want. 
“You think you know everything,” You smirk, throwing your hand forward and grabbing his growing length through his loose sweatpants. He winces at the feeling, arching into it almost. “If you want to fuck me, you could just say that.” You continue.
You mimic his words from before, a small power play to assert some type of dominance over him. Even in the position you’re in right now, even if you know all he needs to do is throw his hand around your throat to put an end to your plan, you’re still going to try. 
“Oh?” He quirks his brow, eyes trailing from your eyes to your middle, then back up. “You think I’m that desperate?”
You smile with a short nod, squeezing him in your palm to see if he reacts. He does, but you don’t think he notices. You can see that little curl on his lip twitch, with his confident smile never truly falling. 
“That hurts me,” You fake-whine, now palming him to urge his cock to grow to its full length. “You don’t want me as badly as I want you?”
He pauses, closing one eye as if to think with the correct side of his brain and try to ignore the fact that you always know exactly how to jerk him off. 
“you know that’s not it.” He falters with a gentle voice, giving into your false search of reassurance and once again arching into your hand. 
You can feel the press against your palm, he’s getting there.
“Then why don’t you ever show it?” You press on, prodding his brain to continue to take his dominant confidence down level by level. “I’m always the one having to ask for it.”
Mingyu doesn’t pause this time, his arm at the side of your head lowers to your cheek and caresses you there. 
“I love when you beg for me though,” He starts, leaning in closer to ghost his lips over yours. “You love it too.”
You can practically feel him not back down, even though he clearly isn’t aware of what you’re trying to do here. A wave of confidence flows through you too, and you refuse to back down this time as well. Your hand remains, pumping him through his pants and lurching forward against his lips.
He sighs into it, the hand caressing your cheek goes to the back of your neck as he, as always, dominates the kiss and angles your head in any way he deems fit. 
When you don’t react the way you normally do though, he appears to put even more effort into it. Kissing you in all the ways that would usually make you moan. Until he’s losing breath and trailing down your neck. 
At that point, you slide away from him leaving that small space between him and the wall and abandoning his now fully hard length, pulsing with no friction under his pants.
He stares at you as you back away from him with a smile, motioning for him to follow you. When he does, it’s another small victory in your head. You’re the one leading him this time, he��s the one chasing.
“What’s gotten into you?” He asks as he follows you through the hallway, already untying the drawstring of his sweats and slipping them off by the time he gets to the door of your shared room. 
You don’t answer, and for some reason that’s got him thinking too hard about what’s happening right now. Never once have you rejected his advances. By now, you’d be grinding against his thigh and taking whatever you can from him against that wall in the other room. Instead, you’re stepping into the bedroom and not removing a single article of clothing.
He watches you with curiosity, scratching the back of his neck before lifting his shirt off of him as well. If he wanted to, he could walk up to you and have you right here right now, but he can admit to being genuinely curious as to what the fuck you’re trying to pull on him today.
“C’mere,” You say, standing against the bed and ignoring the fact that he’s so big. From his biceps to his shoulders, to his cock. 
When he walks up to you, he thinks he’s going to be able to simply press you back to have you falling onto the bed and spreading your legs for him, but he’s shocked when he gets to you and you’re the one managing to spin him around and harshly shove him down on the bed. 
He stares up at you in shock when you straddle him with a smile, and he can’t help but let out a sigh when you plant yourself directly on his length without so much as adjusting it.
“No, really,” He starts with another wince, hands shooting to your waist to stop any looming assumption that you’re about to start grinding against him. “What are you trying to do?”
You laugh, reaching down and pulling his cock into position, flat against his pelvis. You raise the band of his underwear and easily snap it back down onto his length, the head of it peeking out now. He seethes out a pained sound when he feels the snap, his shoulders tensing at it before he looks at you for an answer. 
“I’m trying to see how much you want me.” You say casually, waving your hand as if it’s obvious. “I’d like to know why you’re fighting it. Unless you really don’t want me as much as I want you?”
He furrows his brows at you and swallows around his words. This isn’t what he’s used to, but he does hold a particular type of love when it comes to giving you what you deserve. He thinks briefly back to all of the times you’ve been shaking, begging, and crying to have him. Is that…is that what you’re trying to make him do? 
His face feels hot as a blush creeps up on him. He’s not used to blushing in bed, in fact, the last time he blushed around you was when you had sex for the first time and you both expected the other to be as vanilla as possible. 
“Oh–” Mingyu starts, his hands on your waist gripping a bit harder when you instantly cut off his words with a harsh grind. 
You’re not going to argue about it. You’re going to have him fucking writhing if it’s the last thing you do. You grind harder when he doesn’t react past trying to stop your hips with his grip, still he hasn’t continued his train of thought, so you think you’ve got it in the bag by this point. 
“Jesus,” He groans when you continue even as he tries to stop you. The fabric of his underwear rubs harshly against the underside of his cock so aggressively that it’s starting to burn. “Okay, fuck. Okay.” He tries to get you to relent, but you don’t.
The immediate overstimulation is a lot to take for someone like him. Usually he gives himself just the right amount, never too little, never too much, because usually he’s the one in control. He’s realizing now though, how hard it is to give in to the lack of control. It’s not that he isn’t enjoying it, it’s just that like, you know, he likes overstimulating you. 
“That’s right,” You comment with a smile, sighing out at the feeling of rubbing yourself against his length. “Be quiet unless you don’t want this.”
He is still just staring at you in awe, the searing pain of fabric-rash nearly throwing him over edge and making him want to put a stop to it almost instantly. But then he remembers how often he’s used your clothing against you. Now, looking up at you as you grind against him, he can’t help but think you’ve never looked more sexy than you do right now, using his own tactics against him.
Perched up there, looking down at him with what he assumes is the same type of smirk he gives to you, he gives in easier than he ever expected he would. Already, he finds himself wanting to ask you to take his briefs off, already he wants to feel if you’re wet because of this. Already. Goddamn, that was fast and it’s not looking promising for him. 
“You look like you want to say something,” You say, grinding back and resting your hips for a moment. You don’t spare him though, as you move your hand to resume the stimulation against him. “Go on, tell me what you wanna say.”
He rolls his eyes at you, laughing internally at how good you already seem to be at his job. He doesn’t mind it anymore though, interested in seeing how you intend to go about all of this. Really though, you could have just said “Hey, let me have control this time.” 
But no. He should know you don’t work that way. You never ask for things outside of the bedroom, you simply demand them. He really should’ve known that you’d want to do this at some point.
“Nothing to say?” You ask, pulling off of him and standing to your feet. “I’ll take it that by the look on your face, you know exactly what’s happening?”
He nods, watching you stand and take your own pants off. There, he can already see the wet seeping through your panties. He nearly lets out a groan at it, because you somehow appear to be more wet than usual just by putting him in his place.
“Get up.” You demand, now having him in the head space you want him in. 
He listens without a single protest, scooting forward and standing up in front of you. 
For a moment, when you look up at him, you nearly buckle and want to beg him to take back his control. So tall, so broad. That blown out look in his eye always gets you, but at this moment he’s the one that is waiting for direction and it feels so fucking surreal to have him looming without intent, waiting, anticipating what you’re going to do. It’s intimidating to say the least, but you press on.
“Now–” You pause, swallowing down that last bit of submission in your head and looking up at him. “Get down.”
He skews his head, hooding his eyes as he does just that. Slowly but surely lowering himself onto his knees in front of you. 
You look down at him this time, feeling much more confident when you see him like this rather than him towering over you. The confidence comes right back as you shuffle closer to him. He scoots back as you get closer, up until his feet are nearly under the bed and his back is against it. 
Somehow, he looks obedient down there. You’ve never seen him look like this, with his eyes staring up at you, hair in his face and eyes sparkling much like they do when he tries to find the perfect tomato to buy and bring home. 
Mingyu opts to stay silent for now, watching and waiting to see how you plan to take what you want. But that silence is short lived when you lift your leg onto the bed and hover your clothed pussy in front of his face.
Already he’s reaching out with a proud moan and trying to grip your ass to pull you against his face, but you resist the pull. 
“Hands to yourself,” you chuckle out, swirling your hips in front of his face. “I’ll tell you when you can touch it.”
He nearly groans in protest, but doesn’t. He lowers his hands and watches you dance what he wants in front of him. Honestly, he can smell your arousal and it’s already driving him insane. 
“Is this what you want?” You ask him, pulling at your panties until they shift between your folds, exposing all but your entrance and clit to him. 
Mingyu can barely respond, suddenly spiraling into a world of arousal at the way you dangle yourself in front of him. He swallows hard around a lump in his throat, tongue falling out of his mouth for you to sit on without so much as an ounce of shame. 
“Hm?” You urge out an answer when you reach down to grab his hair and force his eyes up to you rather than your pussy. 
His whispered “yes” comes out in a rasp after he pulls his tongue back into his mouth, and while you wanted a please at the end of his admittance, you take what you can get. 
You adjust your panties back to their rightful position before sitting the expanse of your pussy against his chin while keeping his head tilted back by the hair. He nuzzles slightly, closing his eyes and inhaling the scent of you like the animal that he is. 
“You act desperate to taste but you aren’t admitting it.” You laugh, guiding his head against your panties and fawning over the way he presses his nose into it without shame. 
Mingyu admits it with his tongue falling back out of his mouth again. Flattening it against the wet fabric and not moving it even an inch just to taste the stale arousal you managed to gather for him to swallow up. 
The warmth of his tongue is enough to have you gripping his hair again, pulling his head back and away from your core just to look at him. His dominant tongue strains to reach out and continue tasting you though, to the point that it’s almost embarrassing to see him act like this. 
“God, I didn’t think you could be so pathetic so fast,” You comment, pressing him back to your core and grinding up against his tongue. 
You can feel him flex the muscle, stiffening it to press the seat of your panties into your pulsing hole, and releasing a small moan at the way your leg shakes a bit at it. Even when he’s down here, face full of pussy, you’re still reacting like you would if he were the one in control. He might love it a bit too much. Even if he looks pathetic down here, he’s only pathetic for this pussy. 
“Mhm,” he hums against you, leaning more into the pussy in front of him rather than the harsh grip your hands have in his hair. “If you’d just let me–” 
You’re taken aback when he goes against your demands of keeping his hands to himself. You can feel one of his hands shoot to your ass and press you more against his mouth, and his other hand hooking your panties to the side. 
Barely able to react before a moan leaves your lips, he buries his tongue into your with a pointed hum against you. You can feel the vibrations flow through you to the point that you can’t help but grind. Fucking yourself against his tongue and then pulling back in a way to swirl your clit around the muscle.
His remains focused on the act as he closes his eyes. He even finds himself satisfied by the way you move on him that he releases the grip on your ass, trusting you to take what you need from him yourself, and instantly shoots that same hand between his legs. Not offering too much to himself, but enough to have him moaning the way you clearly want him to.
That, he does. Pressing his palm against his cock and furrowing his brows as his tongue tastes and licks up every inch of you. The way you grind is heavenly and the way your fingers tug at his hair only heightens the pleasure for him when he finally groans into you. 
The sound alone is enough to have you grinding harder, your thrusts becoming shorter just to feel his tongue repeatedly hit the same spot on your clit as you do it. You can see his lips curl into a smile around his tongue and you roll your eyes at the image of his unwavering confidence. Trying still to dominate even while on his knees.
That’s when you take note of his moving shoulder, hidden from under your hiked up leg. 
“So that’s why you seem so content,” You comment, halting your grinds. “Focus on me, get your hand off of your dick.”
His eyes shoot open, realizing he’s been caught and instantly follows your demands. He follows them so much actually, that he does focus entirely on you. Your voice speaking to him that way, denying him of his own pleasure? Fucking amazing, that’s what you are. 
Both hands shoot back to your ass as he practically hugs you in order to plant your pussy directly back onto his face. And just like that, he willingly and intentionally smothers himself in your scent. He easily nuzzles his nose against your clit while swirling his tongue around your hole, poking and prodding it while holding your hips in place. 
He can feel your hands in his hair grip tighter, and then your legs shake and you try to pull away. But no, not this time. He will let you take control after this. He promises himself, and promises you with a desperate moan to keep you planted on him. 
The moan wasn’t an act, he actually is desperate to get you to come this way, nearly purring into you when he pulls his head back just a bit to lick up and down your slit at an aggressive and animalistic pace. 
“Taste so good,” He groans, allowing himself to spiral as he laps away at you. “More.”
You’ve gone silent save from constant sighs of pleasure and hums. More? He wants more?
Already loving the way he manages to still be dominant while on his knees, you do the opposite to gain control again. You can tell he’s incredibly turned on, so now is the perfect time to pull that control back. You slide off of his face, pulling your leg back and watching the whole time as his mouth manages to chase the taste of you until he no longer can.
You study him, his cock leaking against the band of his briefs and his lips wet and glistening. He looks back at you with a look of…anger, maybe? You chuckle at it before lifting your shirt off of you and letting your breasts spring free.
“You were so close to begging,” You coo at him, stepping forward and falling to your knees in front of him, almost mimicking his own pose. Still, he towers over you like this, but you make a point to make him smaller than he is when you push his head down to your chest. “What a cutie.”
For some reason, he loves that compliment so fucking much in this moment with you. He strains his body to suck against one of your nipples, humming at the compliment and wanting nothing more than to hear you praise him now rather than beg him. Never did he think this would be something he’s into, but damn. 
You sense that he likes it with the way he moves his tongue on your chest, he always speeds up his actions when you do something he likes. Usually it’s when you start to cry, or whimper, or choke– but this time it’s because you called him cute. 
Taking note of that, you hold his head against your chest as you allow yourself to feel his tongue abuse your nipple briefly. Then you’re throwing yourself back into action by scooting back and away from him before tapping at his legs. “Take these off, and sit properly.”
He listens, in a daze of wanting nothing more than to have you back in his mouth in whatever way you deem fit. 
You’re pleased by his obedience when he kicks his briefs off and fully exposes his raging cock. Leaking, stiff, slightly raw from the fabric. Your mouth nearly waters at it when he sits flat on the floor and leans against the bed.
Typically, you’d go ahead and choke on it for a few minutes, but by this point you kind of want to feel him inside of you. You want to see how he will react to the overwhelming relief of having his cock inside of you, and so you slip your panties off and plant yourself on him without warning.
His arms shoot around you with a drawn-out moan of feeling you go straight for the kill. You slide down so easily, and he can’t help but shiver at how wet and tight you are as you spread yourself open on.
He squeezes around you with his arms, burying his face into your neck with a gasp and somewhat of a whimper. One that shows you that you’re doing exactly what he needs, but probably not what he wants. 
You, on the other hand, hold your moans in so that you can hear him clearly. With his hair tickling your cheek and his cock practically impaling you, it’s difficult not to try and wiggle away from your own doing. He splits you open so fucking good, the uncomfortable fit making your ears and cheeks feel hot as you try to adjust without showing him a reaction of either pain or pleasure. 
He’s the one whimpering about it. You know that the stretch you’re feeling must be overwhelming on his end too. You can feel his cock twitch, and his breath hitches with each second you don’t move on him. You sit there with your weight holding his hips in place to where he couldn’t fuck up even if he wanted to, which you can tell he does. 
And you stay that way until his gasps become wet, and you can feel the remnants of drool fall against your neck as he tries to contain himself. You stay even as his gasps turn to little moans, pleading for you to move, until they turn to full out whimpers of pain. His hands grip at you in this harsh and close hug, his chest squishing your tits so close to your own body that you know he’s coming undone as you sit on him.
“Do you want to fuck me?” You question his hair, and you feel a short nod. 
“Say it.”
Mingyu’s body jerks under you as he spreads his legs and leaves your ass hovering just above the floor as you sit on him. The slight change of angle causes you to moan softly at the way the head of his cock reaches impossibly deeper. 
“Just ask, and I’ll let you.” You continue as you try to compose yourself, clenching your walls around him to elicit a response, but it appears he’s gone. 
Absolutely lost to the warmth of you, his hands grip harder and his legs tense up. 
“I could be coming so deep inside of you right now,” he tries to say, flinching at the way you clench around him again. “Of fucking course i want to fuck you.” 
You pull back from his grip to give him a disappointed look. 
“Well, you can’t.” You smile, clenching around him again and watching him drop his head back against the mattress in a pained groan of defeat. 
And like that, he feels you clench again, and again, essentially jerking him off with your pussy alone until he’s babbling and rolling his eyes back.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, still.” He groans, throwing his hand to his hair to run his fingers through it, as if he’s searching for any type of relief since you’re not offering much to him. “I bet you feel so full right now, can’t believe you’re not bouncing on me yet, can’t believe you’re not begging me to fuck you.”
It’s like a fucking competition at this point to have him completely give in. You want him to give himself up to you, you want him to let you take him for all he’s worth.
“Not until you give in.” You challenge, swirling your hips just a bit to see if it helps your case. And god, it does. 
Surprisingly, he winces and begins to shiver under you at just that short movement, you watch his hand go from his hair to the blankets just behind and above his head to grip at them. You can feel him try to tense his ass, just to press into you a bit– just to see if he can get away with fucking you. 
“I can see how badly you want it, just admit it.” 
There it is, and there he goes. That last bit of brick wall between his dominant side and submissive side disappears and he’s falling into it. Easier now than before, it’s not an act now. Though it wasn’t entirely before either. He is desperate at this point. He’s not doing it because it’s what you want, he’s doing it because it’s what he needs. 
You draw back slightly at his hiccup, not at all expecting him to start fucking crying. But he does, his eyes prickling and glistening more than they ever have as the tears well up in his eyes. Not tears of sadness, but very clearly tears of pleading. 
“Oh,” You sigh out, clenching again but this time completely unintentionally at the image. Your big, looming boyfriend is sitting broken with his cock nestled so deep inside of you that he’s actually fucking crying because you won’t let him move. “My god.” You sigh out again when he looks at you with a deep breath. 
“You do want me that badly.” You confirm for him, knowing that his throat must hurt as he tries to continue to contain himself.
He nods aggressively, not even realizing how far he’s fallen from his throne, furrowing his brows as one of the tears falls down his cheek and he’s a heaving mess waiting for you to just fucking move. 
So, you do. You slide him out of you just a bit before sitting again and in an instant he’s shooting his arms around you and gripping you so tightly, hoping to whatever god above tells you to hang onto him because he knows for a fact that he can’t string together the words at the moment. 
Just like that, he gains control over you in a way that isn’t dominant at all. He’s lost in it, holding you so tightly and tipping you onto your back so fast that you can barely comprehend the speed he’s fucking you at. 
His eyes are still wet, and his hands are still bruising, and his cock is driving into you so aggressively that somehow he’s going harder than he does when you ask him to fuck you rough. So this is how he is when he’s desperate. 
The wet sounds of your pussy being slammed, his lips sucking at your neck, whimpering at the sudden and intense relief his cock is getting– it’s um.. it’s a lot to handle. 
And when he starts trying to talk in a whisper, it comes out at varying volumes, causing your ears to ring with somehow, even more arousal than before. 
“Can’t believe you pulled this out of me,” he starts, long and hard thrusts pushing you up inch by inch on the floor under him. “You feel so fucking good,” he continues, rambling out words he doesn’t even know he’s saying. “I couldn’t–” He pauses in a moan, slamming into you particularly hard and causing you to yelp, which causes him to nearly growl out the next words. “I couldn’t hold back anymore,” 
You can’t respond, as you feel the lights in your head flicker and the fog set in. 
“To think your pussy could have me crying,” he whimpers out pathetically this time, feeling his orgasm approach so fast that he doesn’t even want to edge himself like he normally would with you. “Still so tight, fuck.” He compliments through his chase, up until he’s stuttering his hips and crying out a string of curses and apologies for managing to be on top of you when he knew you wanted to be in control.
It’s not long before he realizes your spiral, mid orgasm, he notices your overstimulated shaking body and the reality smacks him in the face. Normally, you’re a sub, you’re his sub.. You practically forced yourself back into the mind-set while trying to force him into it, and when he tipped you over and couldn’t stop himself from taking the pleasure from you, you spiraled with him.
He continues to whisper out pained apologies as he releases the last bit of his cum into you before pulling you back up and into his arms. His heart is pounding, and his cock is twitching sensitively inside of you when he does it. 
He winces at the feeling but focuses more on your silence, rubbing your clit roughly as you sigh against him limply, up until your body begins to shake in his arms and he works you through your orgasm like the perfect boyfriend he is. 
“That didn’t end the way it was supposed to.” You pout, disappointed that he still ended up being the one to get both of you off. 
He smiles fondly at you, feeling like he’s weightless as you gripe and complain about it. 
“We can try again. I promise to totally submit to you next time.” He says with a gentle rub against your waist as you step into the shower. “I’ll even beg.”
You look at him with interest, smiling slightly but hating the fact that it didn’t work out how you wanted it to this time. 
“I did cry, you know..” He reminds you, his cheeks heating up at the embarrassment of the fact that you managed to pull that out of him. 
“You did.” You poke fun at him, feeling the water from the shower hit your sweat and cum stained skin, it’s warm and soothing. “And it was hot.”
He quirks a brow. 
“We are too alike,” He gripes with a laugh, shaking his head and preparing to get into the shower with you. “but it’s gonna take some practice if you want me acting the way you act.”
“But you cried.” 
“I did.”
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vee-beeee · 7 months
Chicken Noodle Soup
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I got a super nice request from Ant1SocialVapor3on over on ao3!
"Basically request is, Y/N wakes up sick one day, and try to go to work as is. Of course the fluffy RK boys aint having any of that, and they try to bring a cranky and sniffly human home to bed, oh and fuss over and overreact. I would really apreciate this, and keep up posting these fluffy bangers :D"
so that is exactly what im gonna do 😈
Warnings: sickness, general discomfort, RK boys are all over you, hank is literally their dad, they boys care for you, gavin slander
Connor, Sixty and Nines x reader
*...-eep beep BEEP*
You groaned, blinking sleep from your eyes. It's way to early for this.
So you rolled over, snuggling into the blankets.
*beep beep BEEP*
*beep beep BEEP*
Grumbling again, you rolled back over to slap you hand on your phone a couple times, before finally gaining some purchase on it and grabbing the device to pull it right in front of your face. Clicking the power button to see the time, you read the bright numbers at the top of the screen.
Sighing, you placed the phone back down and rolled onto your back to lay an arm across your face in an attempt to try and block out the morning, along with the world.
And then you sniffed
And you couldn't breathe. Your reaction was instant.
"please no" you moaned, shooting upwards in bed and then proceeding to groan once more in pain from sitting up way to fast, it felt like your head was going to implode.
Then the coughing started
Getting(falling) out of bed, you stumbled your way to the bathroom, where you rummaged through the medicine cabinet looking for a thermometer. Finally letting out a shaky breath in relief when you felt your hand grasp it, you leaned your back against the wall and brought the small machine to your forehead, whispering pleas to not be what you think you were.
basically super duper sick.
Banging your head against the the cabinet and letting out a soft "nooo", you sniffed and contemplated your options.
You could stay home and disappoint everyone at work
Or power through and go on like normal.
Guess what you did.
That's how you landed yourself walking through the station in a giant black puffy jacket, blowing into a tissue, half bottle of cough syrup in hand, and hacking like no tomorrow.
You were truly a sight to behold.
Espically for 3 pairs of curious eyes
Arriving at your desk, you sat down, set your cough syrup on the desk, and proceeded to face plant onto a stack of papers that were sitting on top of it waiting to be worked on. You sniffled a little and slowly sat your chin on your paper to look up at your partner
who was staring at you with the most disgusted face on this planet.
"what" your deep sick voice asked (with a hint of amusement) as Gavin shot up from his desk, and slowly backed away
"are you sick?? i cant get sick, im meeting some guys tonight and I DO NOT want whatever you have. You look absolutely horrible"
You squinted your eyes and stared into his soul, un-moving, until finally you just leaned over his desk, grabbed his coffee cup that was full of pens, and dumped them out.
And then you licked the side of his mug, maintaining eye contact as you did so.
"Hey!" he yelped as you leaned back over to set it back down on his side of the cubicle. You crossed your arms and gave him a smug smile, which only lasted a second before you were consumed by an urge to sneeze, and quickly dove your face into your elbow.
He deserved it though.
You heard him grumble and storm off while you were grabbing a tissue, and you swallowed as you finished, noticing your throat was sore too. Awesome.
Before you could bury your face in paper work again, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. You jumped and turned around to see 3 faces, full of concern.
" y/n? Are you alright today?" Connor slowly leaned down onto one knee so he could better see your face, which he then softly took into his hands, brushing hair out of your sweaty face. He looked so distressed, his caring eyes boring into yours. His hands were soft and cold, and you leaned into them, closing you eyes. Another palm pressed against your forehead and you sighed in appreciation.
"She has a high fever." a low voice murmured, and you suspected it belonged to Nines.
Blinking your eyes open, you started to open you mouth to say something, but instead a cough started. A tissue was pressed into your hand, and you brought it to your mouth, noticing Sixty had given it to you.
And was also giving you the softest look you have ever seen the sarcastic android wear.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach as the group coddled you with their worried looks.
"Guys I'm fineee" you totally lied, sniffing your nose once again and leaning back away from the group to clear your throat.
"You are clearly not" Nines answered, crossing his arms as his LED went yellow, raising his eyebrows
"I agree with him, you need to go home" Connor gave you a sympathetic look and dragged his hands down from your face to your hands, and took them in his, rubbing the knuckles.
"Let us take you home sweetheart" Sixty tilted his head and brushed a hand through your hair.
You grumbled and shook your head, trying to look assertive "I have work to do, I cant leave"
Connor sighed, looking at his fellow RK units, LED flashing amber. This wasn't going to be easy.
"Sweet cheeks, we can do this the easy way-" Sixty started, shooing a reluctant Connor away from his crouching position to stand in front of you and put his hands on the arms of your chair, leaning forward so you couldn't escape his gaze "-or the hard way. Which is it gonna be?"
Glancing up at Sixty, you stuck your lips out and harrumphed, choosing to look out the window instead of the android and crossing your arms in defiance.
"The hard way it is then"
you turned back to ask him what he was going to do, but it turned into a yelp and finished in a cough.
Nines had swept you from your chair, holding you in his arms bridal style.
And was giving you a small smile.
You gasped like a fish out of water and thrashed slightly in his hold, which you quickly found out did nothing. You were secure in his arms.
Your over-exhertion resulted in more coughing, and Nines smug expression morphed into one of concern as he turned to his fellow units.
All of their LED's started flashing and you knew they were having a private android conversation.
Nines turned his steely gaze to Connor, who just nodded and started off towards their partner Hank, who was looking at your group with a troubled expression. You watched as Nines then turned to Sixty and motioned with his head to the stations front door, to which the rk800 responded by quirking his lips upwards, and rushed forward to kiss your hair, before leaving the main office to go to reception.
Nines adjusted you in his hold, before heading to follow behind Sixty.
As you walked through the lobby, you saw stares pointed at you from androids and humans alike. Everyone was giving you and Nines a raised eyebrow, and you were so embarrassed that you just instinctively leaned forward to hide in Nine's neck, silently apologizing when you coughed into him. He noticed and fastened his pace, lightly kissing your head and whispering in your ear for only you to hear:
"It's okay my darling, we'll take care of you."
Here come the butterflies again.
Or you were just really sick.
Maybe a bit of both.
In the blink of an eye you were fastened in the passenger's seat of your car, with all androids present and accounted for. Connor had told you that they had all taken the day off, and Hank saw his opportunity to leave for the day also. Hank had also wished you well, and said quote "being sick's a bitch". That had given you a giggle, but you still felt guilty for leaving. And now you were taking the 3 smartest detectives from the force.
"But Connor, I have so much work to do" you whined, once again giving the androids half-hearted death glares from around the car.
Nobody reacted, except for Sixty
"You look like a pouting baby" he chuckled and leaned back in his car seat, gazing out the window instead of meeting you now rage filled eyes. Your face was stuck in a jaw-dropped gasp, and you watched Connor turn his head to raise a judging eyebrow at his twin, who continued to ignore everyone.
But you saw that smug grin on his face.
Nines was the one driving, and kept checking your temperature with his hands during the trip to your house. You know you started the drive pretty lucid, but you knew it was getting worse.
You were so in pain from your throat and stuffed up nose, that a few hot tears slid down your face. You turned your head and huffed, hoping none of the boys saw it, but almost immediately after those tears hit your big puffy jacket, a gentle hand was on your chin turning your head in a certain direction.
Nine's direction.
The android had quickly punched in the coordinates to your house and set the car on auto drive when he saw your condition getting worse, and had noticed your tears the second they ran down your cheeks.
"Hey look at me, it's okay were going to help you" a few more tears slid down your cheeks at the comforting words, and Nines gave you the sweetest look to ever adorn his usually un-fazed expression, full of sympathy.
"He's right, we're going to do everything in our power to help you recover as fast as possible" Connor leaned over in his seat to kiss the side of your head while you finally closed your eyes, letting a comfortable darkness take over.
And finally, you fell asleep.
"....-ful sixty! you...e go...to wake th.....p if you hol...em like that"
"..-ever im...b..ing as care...as i can"
Your lids fluttered as you absorbed a conversation around you. Hearing bits and pieces as it felt like you were once again being carried somewhere.
You felt safe and warm, so you snuggled into the body holding you and shut your eyes once again.
"w...- up my heart"
The first thing you felt was a hand on your forehead.
You also noticed a body pressed to your back.
Blinking your weary eyes open, you meet Nines adoring gaze. His LED was yellow however, and he was leaning on one knee in front of your bed. Scrunching up your nose, you wondered how you even got to your bed. A voice behind you chuckled in response, you must have said that out loud. Nines took the hand previously on your forehead and leisurely stroked it down your face to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Well i drove us to your residence, and then Sixty carried you. We....-" he looked away with a stony expression as his LED flashed red, and you furrowed your brows in confusion.
"what did you do" you croaked out, pouting your lips out as Nines stared at an interesting corner of your room.
"We couldn't find your house key, so we had to break in" another voice piped up, and you looked to see a guilty Connor standing in the doorway with a cup of what looked like steaming tea.
The room went quiet as you stared with wide eyes as the boys.
"We'll pay for the window." the voice behind you mumbled, before nuzzling into your hair.
And then, surprising the androids and even yourself, you burst into laughter. Which turned into more coughing.
The body behind you (sixty) shook with chuckles, until your coughing fit started. The RK unit immediately stopped his laughter and helped you sit up, while Connor came and dropped the mug of tea on your bedside table before rushing out of the room.
Nines leaned forward to take your hand, and rub gently into it, silently reassuring you.
Waving your hand in front of you, the coughing stopped as you hastily addressed them.
"Sorry guys, that happens when you get sick" you hiccupped a laugh, but the boys didn't react. They silently shared a look.
And then Connor reappeared.
"You need to take all of these"
and you gasped as you saw basically an entire medicine cabinet in his arms. The android looked extremely worried, and was giving you the softest eyes. If he asked, you probably would take all of them.
You saw Nines sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose, and you wondered what had happened while you were out. On second glance at the cough medicine in his arms, you made a realization.
"Is that the brand of medicine that I brought to work?" you stuttered out, looking at Connor.
He shifted from foot to foot "I went to the store, and my memory record showed that this was your favorite brand. I didn't know how many to get, so I got...... a few"
The RK unit looked down on you with a small smile as you beamed.
They were the best.
And then an alarm went off.
You raised an eyebrow and watched as it was Nines turn to hot-footed it somewhere, and it looked like he was heading to the kitchen. Suddenly feeling a weight on your lap, you looked down to see Sixty had settled his head on your legs, and was gazing up at you.
"He's making Chicken noodle soup, Hank sent a recipe." Sixty murmured, and you watched his hand go up to tuck some hair behind your ear.
You instantly melted.
Maybe you would have a nice time being sick.
Im sorry if that ending is a little out of character, just thought it was funny LOL
Still getting used to writing the three of them and their dynamics
Also feel free to request anything! I enjoy them :D
Thank you for the idea Ant1SocialVapor3on!
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sehrgefaelltmir · 2 months
WIP Game ✍️
Rules: make a new post and share 1-2 sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
tysm for the tag @esorydoolb!!! <333
the last one is gna get posted (soon i swear im gonna update that fic 😭) but some of these have been sitting in my wip folder for like. months at this point 💀 like if they ever see the light of day (ao3) it will be a miracle skskkddj
“Nice job,” said Manu, slapping Robert’s back approvingly.
“I helped,” said Thomas.
“No you didn’t,” Robert said immediately.
“Yes I did, I made a circle -”
Robert sighed. “That does not count as helping.”
“I made a circle of rocks around it,” Thomas went on, ignoring him, “so it looks like a proper, actual campfire, instead of a… you know, an accident.”
“It does not look like an accident -”
“You look like an accident,” Thomas muttered.
He hates that they don’t even need to name Mario, that he’s just him, an eternal Him, like he’s some sort of imperial entity, and not just Marco’s ex-boyfriend – if that’s even what he is. Because they were never really boyfriends, exactly. They never got that far. And yet they were so much more than that.
And yet here he was, left alone minding the table with nothing and no one but a half-full glass of flat Estrella for company, waiting for Ferran, Ansu and Pedri to come back with their next round of drinks. He just never fucking learned.
Thomas knew more about the personnel and the goings-on of the Polish national team than he did about his own. He’d lost count of the nights he’d spent falling asleep in the passenger seat of Robert’s car on the drive home out of Munich, listening to him talk about it – “and so Kuba’s pissed with me because he thinks he should still be captain, and Łukasz is pissed with me because - you know, he always sides with Kuba… and now Wojtek’s pissed with me too, because he thinks I should just let Kuba - are you even awake?”
“I’m awake,” Thomas had murmured. “M’wide awake.”
‘1-2 sentences’ means nothing to me my sentences go on for like 7 pages and contain 28372727 sub-clauses and 2882828282929 semicolons
idk who to tag im sorry sksjsljdjs @ all my writing moots ig and anyone else wants to do it ‼️‼️
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mittch22 · 11 months
Listen up! Got a PSA here that STILL (unfortunately unsurprisingly) needs drilling into some people's thick-ass skulls. By God, shout it from the rooftops because I'm so SICK of seeing people getting shit on for the content they create.
I would like to draw attention to the fine individual who thought it was ok to distribute this comment on one of my works on AO3:
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I consider myself a Joe Lycett wannabe (he is my lord and saviour) and I took it upon myself to distribute appropriate verbal retribution. I revel in being able to slap someone with a proverbial thesaurus. It feeds my soul:
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You do NOT walk into my home (and the home of many others too) to belittle my craft and expect to strut right back out again without at least a spanking. If it was that awful an experience for you, then you should have walked the fuck away. Instead, you chose a battle you have ZERO chance of winning. That was a VERY clever move indeed, wasn't it?
Im incredibly lucky to exist in an incredible community with incredible people that I love with all my being. The weirdest of the weird, the best of the best, each one with a unique and beautiful mind. A small group of fantastically silly fuckers on the internet who have found solace within the world of antrhopomorphic vehicles. You think a small amount of verbal hate you vomit onto our platforms is gonna take that away from us and prevent our enjoyment? Guess again, motherfucker. Guess again.
Don't you EVER let me catch you doing this to another member of this community. Ill make you rue the day that you came into existence.
PS: DON'T fuck with Mittch.
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starnhearts · 2 years
Dom! Jennie x brat! f! reader | prompts used were brat taming + spanking | Y/N uses she/her + has a vagina | no idea how to tag stuff on tumblr lol im used to ao3
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Jennie shoved Y/N into the bedroom, pushing her down onto the bed and pinning her arms over her head.
“You’re such a naughty girl, aren’t you?” she whispered, her hot breath hitting Y/N’s cheek. “You knew what you were doing, sitting on my lap with that tiny skirt of yours. In public, too?” she worked her hand around Y/N’s inner thigh, teasingly slow and light. Y/N gasped, her breathing became heavy.
“What are you going to do about it?” Y/N smirked, looking at Jennie. Jennie bit her lip, eyeing Y/N’s body over.
“In my lap.” Jennie ordered, yet bent Y/N over her lap herself. Jennie flicked up her skirt, revealing the black thong she was wearing underneath. Jennie smirked, only taking a second to admire her before raising her hand and crashing it down onto Y/N’s ass. She hissed in pain, trying to jerk away from Jennie. Jennie held her in place, delivering another harsh slap. “Don’t move.” she growled, furrowing her brow.
Y/N’s ass was becoming red and sore fast, handprints visible all over her ass and thighs from where Jennie had hit her. Y/N let out pained cries, the stinging sensation overwhelming. “Jennie-” Y/N started, Jennie cutting her sentence off with a firm smack. Y/N let out a yelp, her breathing rapid and shallow. 
“You can talk when I’m done.” she ordered, even as Y/N’s eyes began to drip with tears. Y/N felt her cunt ache, her underwear now having a wet patch from her arousal. Fuck, Jennie’s anger was hot. "You knew what you were doing earlier."
Y/N whimpered, eyes squeezing shut. Every sharp slap to her bottom was going straight to her clit, growing more desperate by the second. Jennie finally stopped her hitting, rubbing Y/N's red ass.
"You've been such a slut today." she commented, pulling away from Y/N and reaching into her drawer. She pulled out a large strap from it, quickly undressing to her underwear and fastening it around her waist. Y/N doesn't try to hide her staring, eyes looking over the raven. "Maybe I'll fuck some sense into you." she said, a smirk crossing her face.
Jennie pulled Y/N's panties down to her ankles, not waiting before she pressed the head of her cock to Y/N's entrance. Y/N gasped, hands gripping at the sheets.
"You're not gonna warm me up..?" Y/N breathed, her voice already airy and breathless. Jennie thrust into her cunt further, Y/N whining as she did so.
"You're already so wet for me, why would I?" she questioned, her tone innocent despite the words coming out of her mouth. Y/N's walls clench around Jennie's dick uncomfortably as she slowly inched in, her cunt right around it.  Y/N hissed in pain, hips instinctively trying to jerk away from it.
"Stop trying to move." Jennie demanded, holding Y/N down to keep her from squirming. Y/N groaned, Jennie thrusting the rest of her length in at once. "You were begging for it earlier. Take it."
Y/N's chest heaved as Jennie paused, allowing her to get used to the size for a brief moment.  Y/N's breaths slowed the tiniest amount, Jennie taking that as her cue to start pumping her cock in and out of Y/N.
Y/N's head tilted back, strings of moans falling back from her lips. Jennie smirked, her hand snaking up to Y/N's clit, grinding down on it with her finger. Y/N gasped as Jennie flicked at it, finger caressing up and down.
Jennie picked up the pace with her thrusts, setting a hungry rhythm. Y/N let out an embarrassingly loud moan, legs already shaking under Jennie. Jennie's cock kept hitting right at her sweet spot, Y/N felt euphoric from it.
"Faster!" Y/N groaned, trying to sink further into Jennie's dick. Jennie's hand cascaded down onto her ass again, Y/N audibly yelped, sore from earlier.
"Manners, baby." Jennie scolded, taking her hand away from Y/N's aching clit. Y/N whined, instantly missing her touch. Jennie slowed her thrusts down to an achingly slow pace, her long drawn out thrusts hitting Y/N's sweet spot.
"Please, Jennie. Please go faster." Y/N mewled, voice airy and breathless. Jennie seemed satisfied with this, letting out a low grunt as she thrust in faster. She returned her hand to Y/N's clit, grinding her finger down onto her clit, adding more pressure this time.
Y/N's head was swimming, her thoughts murky with pleasure. Y/N was only vaguely aware of the curses and moans leaving her lips, her mind full of Jennie and just how fucking good she felt.
Y/N felt tension build up in her as if she were being stretched like a rubber band, knots twisting in her stomach. "Shit, I'm close. Please let me cum." she whimpered.
"I don't think you've learned your lesson yet, baby." Jennie said, tone sweet as ever as she pulled out of Y/N and pulled her plastic cock off.
Y/N was in for a long night.
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starrycollesta · 2 years
Omg Im literally addicted to ur sub Eddie x femdom readers😅. Can u do one where u overstimulate him over and over as a punishment until he can’t cum anymore and he’s shaking and crying? Can you involve after care as well? Like cleaning him up and cuddling him and praising him? Tysm :D
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━━━━ PARING ! eddie munson x dom!reader
━━━━ WORDS ! 616
━━━━ SYNOPSIS ! you overstimulate you eddie until he's crying and shaking.
━━━━ INCLUDES ! dacryphilia, orgasm control, edging, dry orgasm, after care, praise kink, hand job, dom!reader, sub!eddie, mommy kink.
sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes | cross posted on AO3 | MASTERLIST | REQUEST ME !
gif is not mine.
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"Can you take it baby? can you take it like a champ?"
Eddie nodded vigorously, throwing his head back onto your shoulder and moaning. He laid in between your spread legs, naked. Your hand was wrapped around his dick, pulling orgasms from his over-exerted body.
You made Eddie keep orgasm for what felt like hours. This was his punishment for cumming without your permission when you were riding him earlier. Although, you couldn't really call it a "punishment," considering that he liked the feeling of being drained completely from cumming so much.
You kept pumping your hand up and down his length, painfully fast.
"Ah s-shit, mommy." Eddie stuttered out brokenly. You caught a glimpse of his red. His face was screwed up into a blissful expression, tears spilling from his dark eyes.
Wet slapping noises filled the room, along with Eddie's cries for you to slow down. He sounded so pretty like this. His sinful noises made you throb and forget what you were even punishing Eddie for.
"That's it baby. Take what your mommy gives you like a fucking champ. You sound so pretty." you praise him lovingly in his ear. He shivered at your words and at the things you were doing to his body.
Your hand would slow down sometimes then quickly fuck him through another orgasm. Your hand was burning at this point, but you ignored it. All you wanted to do was give Eddie pleasure with a dash of pain.
"Gonna...fucking...cum, ugh~!" Eddie squeaked out and bucked into your hand before you felt warm cum shoot onto your hand and arm. You could tell the more he came, the less cum that was produced for him. He was getting close for a dry orgasm.
You usually let Eddie get a breather after he came, but this time, you didn't. You continued to furiously hand fuck him, resulting in Eddie yelling a array of unintelligible words. You drew your hand back, spitting on it, then returned it to his convulsing member.
"I-I can't cum anymore, mommy. Shit, it's too much..." Eddie was shaking against you even more than before. His eyes hung low with exhaustion.
"Yes, you can Eddie. Cum for me, just once more. Do it for mommy." you encouraged him on, hand moving at a constant high speed. Eddie let out a loud curse, that followed up with a violent shake. Only a dribble of cum came out of his cock. He was so overstimulated and drained of cum, he came dry.
His head lolled on your shoulder, completely exhausted. You pet his hair lightly and moved some out of his sweaty face.
"You did so good Eddie. I'm so proud of you." you smiled and kissed his cheek softly, "Let's get you cleaned up, hmm?"
You gently moved from under him and set his head onto the mattress below you. You stood at the foot of the bed and admired your work. Eddie's eyes were closed; sleeping presumably, and his stomach had dried and fresh cum on his torso. You gave him one last smile and retreated into the bathroom for some towels to wash him up.
You came back to your boyfriend with the wet towels, and you carefully got on the bed, afraid he might be awoken. You gently wiped the cum off him and once you were done, you put the towels in the hamper and kissed Eddie's forehead.
Eddie opened his brown eyes, slowly. He looked so tired. He opened his mouth to speak but you put a finger up to stop him.
"It's ok Eddie. Go back to sleep. Mommy's got you."
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saltsprite · 9 months
ohoho you posted an ask meme
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it? 🌪️
Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
I should have fucking known LOL <3
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet.
[oleander fools, Red Dead Redemption 2] Charles Smith (having loved and lost one Arthur Morgan) encounters Arthur's past love, Mary Linton, at Arthur's grave. Lonely, they fall into bed in a hotel in the nearest town. The next morning she asks for his hand in a marriage of convenience that turns sweeter.
I'm actually gonna do another one here, because I think these are both galaxy-brain ideas
[tentative title: seedlings, Jedi Survivor, gen fic] Boba Fett, for once in his 23-year-old life, has let a Jedi walk free. On top of that, today's bounty (Caij Vanda, a rival bounty hunter that'd been helping said karking Jedi) won't shut the hell up. Needing a drink before heading into the black, Boba takes Caij's advice to visit Pyloon's Saloon... only to find the same Jedi, again. To get away from him Boba heads to the rooftop gardens-- and there, finds a child who reminds him eerily of himself.
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
[untitled WIP, RDR2 Charthur] God, Arthur's stupid.
(yes i do think im funny, yes i will post another snippet because i like to post snippets)
[untitled WIP, Jedi Survivor, Cal/Bode] “Bode?”  Looking up, Bode finds Cal sitting on the cliff’s ledge above him, feet dangling over the edge. BD-1 chirrups something at him from Bode’s shoulder; Cal flashes a smile that doesn’t smell right to Bode. “Greez said I’d find you brooding out here.”  “Oh. Is that how he phrased it.” And— well, he had, but in much the same way as Cal had just smiled at him: The same way a damaged shield generator will cough and sputter before doing its damn job. Bode plants his hands on his hips. “What are you up to, then?”  Cal sniffs, before a crooked, sheepish grin appears. “Brooding.”
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
[oleander fools, RDR2] “What’re you lookin’ at?” Charles asks.  Arthur slaps on his dumbest grin, the besotted one he hides until they can be alone. “You, my flower.”  Laughing around a groan, Charles decides to play this one out. If Arthur’s going to open his big dumb mouth to say big dumb things, Charles can at least get some kind of entertainment out of it. “What kind?”  “Oleander.” Arthur’s answer is immediate, confident. Like he’s thought about it. A lot.  Crinkling his nose, Charles frowns. “Small and pink?”  Again, Arthur smiles— but it’s softer, sweeter. Missing his hat, some of his hair falls into his eyes as he dips to take Charles’s hand. He presses his thumbs into the pads and cushions of Charles’s calloused palm. “I handle you wrong, you’ll kill me real quick.” Arthur drops a warm kiss to palm center, then glances up at Charles looking almost shy and oozing boyish charm. “And that’s kinda the entire appeal.”
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
[meet me halfway, Boba Fett/Cobb Vanth] Put your softness in my hands, Cobb had said before, those words so carefully chosen, his aim as true and unwavering as his desire. Nothing comes to mind, now. Nothing but the wretchedly tender truth that chokes him from the inside, clumping in his throat like he swallowed sand. There’s too much to say. He should say it. He needs to say it. There’s no fucking point in saying it now because he waited too long, it might kill him to say it, but he will try. He can try.  “If this all goes tits-up,” Cobb starts, wetting his lips — but Boba stops him, gently bumping a knuckle under his chin.  “Have you so little faith in me?” Boba scoffs, attempting lightheartedness despite the worry and grief already carved into the canyon bedrock of his face. He can't say it.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
[faith, freedom (RDR2, Charthur)] As he settles against Arthur’s chest Charles grunts in protest, but Arthur feels him smile. Combs fingers through Charles’s hair, made soft with some oil he’s begun using that smells of vanilla, its gentle perfume warmed and sharpened to a point with tobacco and camp smoke. Arthur breathes deep.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
[faith, freedom (RDR2, Charthur)] “Beautiful.”  Charles snorts, ducking his head. “Now who’s sayin’ shit he don’t mean?”  “Aw, Charles,” Arthur tuts. He lets go in favor of running the flat of his nail up the fractal scar along Charles’s cheek. “Ought to know by now, I don’t suffer liars in my bed.”
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
[oleander fools] John Marston: ah, the Morgan widows Charles: …one widow J: Aw but you and Arthur were— y’know. So that’d be you and Mary together, I mean. C: no, no, a widow is a woman, widower is the man— J: yeah but it’s a man who died, so you’re his widow too C: DOUBT [x]
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
idk what pairing, but i know there's a good Hades (game) AU in me somewhere, i KNOW IT. I feel like I can make it work best in SW, using planet names for each region (like... Naboo for Elysium, obvs Mustafar for Asphodel). If it's DinCobb, then Cobb is fighting through the underworld ruled by Boba Fett with Djarin in the Thanatos role. If it's Cal/Bode, then it's Cal fighting through, with Bode maybe posing as a helpful NPC... at first. >:3
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan/Charles Smith, Camping, First Time, Recreational Drug Use, And There Was Only One Tent
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nyan-koii · 5 months
It’s sebmarkson anon again ! (I should come up with an acronym for myself ha ha)
Currently written about a fifth of the third chapter, so I hope it’ll be out soon! Not gonna spoil too much (feel like I’ve already have :-3 but) it’s gonna be v soft and sweet, just praise and gentle overstimulation.. like they’re gonna torture him sweet and force out every bit of pleasure they can x333
Idk if I should do a bit of a bad cop good cop kind of situation. Like Mark is obvi the one to fuck seb, but I wonder if I should do it so he’s just a tiny bit more humiliating and or degrading towards seb? Idk or it’s just gonna be good feels I can’t decide TwT..
HIII ANONNN ( oh id love that ! I can adress you properly in the futuree hehe^^)
GOOOD WORKK ANONNN OMG YOU'RE SO AMAZING??? HOW CAN YOU WRITE IT SO FAST WITHOUT GOING THRU WRITERS BLOCKK the determination you have omg 😭 im gonna cry i admire you. I love soft and sweet sebmarkson with a bit snarky mark humiliating seb and jenson who just watches them with love eyes. Gentle overstimulation 🥰 ahhh pure domestic feelings
I was talking with my friend yesterday and wr realized that theres not a lot sebmark fics with overstimulation and it was like a slap to reality. I never realized this before ! Overstimulation is like one of the best trope sooo??? Whys there so little about them in sebmark fics 😞 thank god anon is going to come and save us. Make that two, two times anon save us from drought i fear that ur about to write a history in ao3 (i'll be there)
Theyre gonna torture seb 🥰 YIPPEE im just imagining how jenson is holding seb down and mark is forcing seb into another orgasm, the poor boy couldnt stop shaking and his voice all high and whiny under their control. Ooouuuu *covers ears* THESE VOICESSS I CANTTTT HANDLE IT ALONE
Its up to you anon because im sure we will take it with big heart (greedily so). But imo, i cant handle mark being THAT soft to seb because it just feel so weirdd 🤣 well not in everything changes, thats a different story but yeah! A bit degrading can be a good use tooo ! Esp if marks commenting abt seb's porn acc. "What if we show this to the grid hm? Show this to your hero Michael?" oOOOOUUUOUAHSJSJSJSJS
So sorry for the late reply anon 😞🙏 ive been playing sekiro ever since i got back home. Cant wait to read the fic 😤!!! I'll make sure to comment paragraphs about how i feel
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x-neurotoxin-x · 1 year
is it okay to send asks about your fics? I liked the new chap but cant comment cos no ao3 account. what's up with the rehab thing? and did fucky stuff happen to Dabi while in the hospital too?
Yeah you can send asks about my fics (as long as they're not, yknow, asshole anons telling me to kms.) Im happy to infodump.
Sorry about turning off guest comments on TIMH, normally I don't do that but antis found that fic, started leaving fucked up comments, made one of our trauma holders have a mental breakdown soo rip.
Y'all learn about more the rehabilitation program in the next chapter actually. So I'm not gonna spoil much there.
I meannn depends what you mean by "fucky shit"? Medical trauma and psychiatric abuse are kind of a give-in, he was in a mental institution, and he was violent and shit so they drugged him. Enji also pushed for him to be on a fuck ton of medication. If you mean like, did they noncon and torture him or something? No. Like yeah they probably roughed him up and dehumanized him and shit, but it wasnt like dead dove level fuckery. My whole plan with this fic in particular was yeah prison/institutions/rehab program were screwy and not a fun time, but wasn't completely horrible and like the rehabilitation program for example at the very least could have actually helped him had he been given the opportunity. But they (mostly Enji) had him put house arrest instead, and despite from like, the outside perspective it looked like he was given a better opportunity and "a slap on the wrist" because of his family relation (Plus Enji's comments about how they were gonna do horrible stuff to Dabi, despite that being bullshit) he's actually in a way worse situation at home than he would he had he gone to the program or even just stayed in the institution. From an outside perspective nobody knows all the details, and that's why like the public is raging, and it's unknowingly just enabling Touya's mindset and encouraging Enji's screwed up manipulation tactics.
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Hope you don't mind me too much but I was doing my daily scrolling through your page and noticed your tags mentioning fresh meat in the cannibalism post,, sooo as someone who has been obsessed with both hannibal and gallavich for far longer than what is probably considered healthy and also as someone who had a mini happy freak out when I came across fresh meat on ao3 (once more when I read it cause that fic is literally is a gift from above), I would like to express my deepest gratitudes to you for being the spokesperson of my feelings towards this little cluster of hannibal/gallavich/romantic cannibalism 🙇🙇. A cluster that apparently consists of you, me and yeah that's it ig.
But fun aside, finding you through your gallavich tags and stalking a bit to find out there's someone else who shares my feelings about hannibal has been one of the highlights of my year so far so thank you for your tagging system (and everything else) truly.
Oh and lastly, wishing you a happy pride ❤️
fr i didnt even realize i was viewing cannibalism as a metaphor for love until i reluctantly read Fresh Meat and was like 🤨wait a min...this shit slaps! turns out that being obsessed with vampires as a young child + reading the hunger games at 12 + watching Hannibal during puberty does thing to a persons psyche. it only took a mfing post apocalyptic cannibalism fic for me to realize that. like this part???:
‘I read this article once,’ Ian says in a dreamy voice. ‘About dogs who eat their owners when they die. They get shut indoors, and they need to survive, so they eat the person they love most in the world.’
He stops talking while Mickey makes him drink some water from an old beer bottle, tipping it against Ian’s lips with his dirty, bloodstained hands, with all the gentle care of a farmer bottle-feeding a newborn lamb.
and then the quote from an article about the culture-bound syndrome W*ndigo Psychosis???
People who want to eat human flesh are generally pursuing one of three outcomes. The three outcomes are (1) "preserving" a relationship with some loved one who has been "lost," (2) "solving" ambivalent feelings towards some one, or (3) acquiring some property, such as vitality or courage.
like...... idk! i dont control what my brain enjoys! but it includes this! leave me alone!
actually im still writing my interpretation of 4x11 which i plan on posting eventually, and uhhhh idk what happened the plot was lost the math stopped mathing but i let the poetic rizz take over and. yeah that is what i messaged my friend about it
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anyway i cant stop fucking responding to asks with a million paragraphs so im gonna stop now. im glad someone appreciates my thorough tagging system! im always nervous about missing something on someones blacklist that i never realized how convenient it is for people to look at stuff they enjoy on my blog! glad my microscopic corner of the internet brings someone joy! HAPPY PRIDE!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
HI! this is an anlysis ask but i saw spruces ask and was like oh no did i do something, and wanted to say that in my last ask i wasnt trying to be negative or anything about niki, i just was talking abt what we were discussing in stars discussion in the discord. didnt mean to try and pressure you in any way, im not upset abt niki or anything! :) now onwards!
so proud abt stars, its amazing, loved the new chapter, super excited for epilouge aswell!
"i need to talk to my boys" AHHAHAJHDBHGDUYBEDGJSJSHLDKJ my childhood traumatized, found family loving, i wish that was me self is SCREAMING >:3
"never trust a traitor" love that quote sm, i cant explain or really describe why but there is something about it that i was just like, oh damn that slaps
glass divine: ive never read someone elses dream, and im not 100% sure i plan to, but i WILL be reading through a glass divine! so hyped >:D
tubbo's betrayal: i want to say i saw it coming so clearly, and honestly, the little voice in my head did, but part of me was also like, nooooo tubbo, he will get hurt, save tub boi, so i was 100% in denial lmao
so glad they got to hug it out man so happy 10000000/10
overall, it was amazing. (are we rly surprised, its always amazing since it is Bee) so so proud, so grateful, and i gotta say, this is the best fic ive ever read. i loved it. i will be buying copies for all of my friends, and if you ever do a book signing, i will be there (if i can convince someone to take me) ill be there in spirit no matter what. you are my favorite author. much love to you, and i hope you know how amazing you are, and that you understand how hard to do this is, dont be afraid to take a break after stars is 100% over, because this is a huge project thats taken you super long, and its done, dont be upset about that, and if you need anything at all, we are here! sorry for being sappy fren but im so proud! <3
omg no king anon you're fine, there was someone in my comments on ao3 who posted some critique that I made a post complaining about so that's what spruce was referring to. you're totally fine I promise!!
I knew the "I need to talk to my boys" line would get people screaming (and tbh I was so excited to write that too)
THANK YOU I was so proud of the "never trust a traitor" bit
literally no pressure to read someone else's dream you don't need to and tbh I do not like someone else's dream that much bc of how I rushed it so... also glass divine is gonna deviate from it so you literally have no need to read it. so glad you're excited for glass divine!!
awww thank you so much king anon. if I ever do actually get to publish stars as an original novel that'd be a dream come true, but we'll have to wait and see if it's something I'm able to do. I'm so happy you enjoy my stories though. and don't worry about me! I'm not taking a break because I actually need a writing project going on at all times or else I have no creative outlet and I get very stressed. I love writing so much and while I know I COULD took a break, I genuinely don't want to. I always make sure I have something planned I can be working on or else I just feel way too restless. I'm just so happy I have readers who I know will read and support whatever silly story my brain decides to come up with next :)
thank you for the kind words you guys are seriously the sweetest <3
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mania-sama · 5 months
rule #12 - through the tides
Rule #12 - Through the Tides - Fish in a Birdcage
Voltron Pairings - Hunk & Lance & Pidge Tags - shark attack, amputation, surfing, surfer! lance, no voltron lions au, blood and injury, harm to animals (the shark had it coming), hurt no comfort, nonbinary! pidge, gore Summary - Lance just wants to surf, but it seems like a creature of the sea has different plans in mind. Word Count - 1,837 Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own Whumptober 2023 - Day 16: Amputation See my full Whumptober 2023 Challenge on Tumblr or Ao3
Author Note:
this is inspired by a VERY specific fanart of lance and shiro (not ship i dont think) where shiro is trying to comfort a crying lance, who is staring horrifiedly at his amputated arm. the nub has obvious shark bites, and the whole work is so compelling bc its like lance was hurt by the thing he loves THE MOST in the world (or that the fandom has assigned to him anyway) and nobody can understand his pain but shiro, who is also an amputee.
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. I CANT FIND IT. i cant find the fucking fanart. its gone. if any loser reads this fic and happens to have the fanart somewhere. link me to it. or dm me on instagram or twitter. i am desperate. i am so utterly desperate idk what to do with myself
also faintly inspired by barbie's "a mermaid tale" but thats only because the only references i have to surfing are the movie and Teen Beach Movie and im gonna be honest, this is not like teen beach movie at all
The ocean is Lance’s happy place. When he sets his feet in the cold salt water, the tension in his body from the day or week flows out of him like how the ocean waves ebb against the shore. His feet sink into the sand and seep between his toes. It’s a natural massage to work out his anxieties. The breeze rushes off the horizon, tossing his hair and cooling the sweat on his forehead.
He stares at the glittering sun in the midday sun. It brings him relaxation and adrenaline all at once; the water lapping his ankles is his calming massage, but the waves crashing further ahead call his name as though they are a crowd of excited fans. Lance doesn’t surf professionally, preferring to keep his hobbies and his career separate, but that doesn’t mean he won’t get a rush from the beachgoers watching him tackle the unforgiving ocean.
He adjusts the board under his arm and takes a deep breath. He spares one glance over his shoulder at his friends waiting on the safe sand. Hunk waves at him enthusiastically from where he’s building an already impressive sand castle considering they only arrived ten or so minutes ago, and Pidge smiles from their lounge chair. Their massive umbrella protects their fair skin from burning at the slightest touch of the sun.
Lance turns back to face the waves. A big wave builds in the distance, too far for Lance to get to in time. It’s a promise of a thrilling challenge yet to come. He doesn’t waste any longer and strides out to join the people swimming out in the ocean.
The chill of the ocean is a fresh of breath air to him. Most people — Pidge — complain about the bite and sudden cold, but Lance has never been able to understand that reaction. It’s like a mint for bad breath, a shower after toiling in the mud, and a payday after two weeks of hard labor. He embraces the slap of the crystalline water as though it’s an old friend, which in some ways, it is.
He hoists himself stomach-first onto the board and drifts when his feet can no longer touch the ground. He’ll propel himself now and again to keep moving in the right direction, but for the most part, he stays stagnant on the water. Waves come and go as they please; a good one is harder to catch than a mediocre one, and a gnarly wave is the rarest of them all. Unfortunately, Lance is in the mood for something huge to make the adrenaline rushing through his veins worth it, so he has to wait a long time.
Honestly, it’s not so bad. As long as he’s in the ocean, he can’t feel the edges of impatience creeping up on him. The sound of the water’s ever-constant movement is a melody to his ears and a remedy for his greed. He can stare for hours at the way the sun reflects off the water in dazzling bursts of light. It’s a phenomenon that can’t be replicated even if all of history’s best painters rose from the dead to collaborate on recreating the scene.
It can’t capture the smell of salt and seaweed, the gentle caress of the water on his hands and calves, or the happy people screaming and splashing each other in the distance. Seagulls circle overhead and dive when they find a fish straying too close to the surface, or they find a human to harass for bread and chips. The heat of the day burns on Lance’s tanned skin, unrelenting even as the thin clouds attempt to diminish its power.
It’s Heaven on Earth. Michelangelo could never hope to replicate it.
Lance spies a wave rippling in the distance. The water ripples, and the frequency of the sloshes near his board change. His heart picks up pace, and his arms start working to get closer to the rising wall. After years of surfing, he can easily tell which waves will end in a disappointing, diffused heap, and which ones will create a loop so large Lance can stand inside.
A shadow overcasts the water that the wave rises over, and the rush of the moving water overpowers the loud beachgoers closer to shore. His world narrows to him, the wave, and his board. Lance forces his board and himself underneath the wave, the ocean completely encasing him in sea water. He stays there for a moment, salt and water burning his eyes and flowing against his closed lips. The sounds of the surface world are muffled, and he can only distinctly hear the gushing water.
When he’s about to break the surface, he spots a form under the water. Lance has had close encounters with sea creatures before — fish, crabs, jellyfish, and other rather unfriendly animals that didn’t appreciate a human traversing their home. He’s never been upset when they pinch, bite, or sting; he is the trespasser. The ocean is not his home.
He’s been near sharks before but in every single instance, it was in a more or less controlled environment. The sharks were small, freshwater, and used to human presence. Experienced divers kept their noses and teeth from ever getting within biting distance.
In the split second after, he breaks the surface with his board clutched in a white-knuckled grip. All he can see now is the very tip of the shark’s gray fin coming straight towards him.
“Shark!” He screams as loud as he can, and he climbs onto his board as quickly as he can. The wave is still moving, on the brink of collapsing in the great surge he’s been waiting for. They travel fast, faster than he hopes the shark is willing to go to keep up with him. It’s not going to be the surf that he wanted, but by God is it going to be the one he’s going to get. It’s ride-or-die, literally.
Hazily, he hears the blow of whistles and the revving of the lifeguards’ waterskis. His heart beats too hard in his chest, and it nearly overpowers the sounds of the restless ocean. His board wobbles underneath him, threatening to knock him off with the slightest misstep. He knows it's the panic setting into him that’s throwing him off but his running mind can’t help but associate it with the shark moving in the depths below him.
The shark produces a massive shadow underneath his board and rocks Lance off-balance. It’s slippery from being completely under the water, and his tingling feet prevent him from a steady grip. His arms flail in the area to pull him back on the center of the board.
He’s still screaming his head off when he falls. It’s not completely off — his body is still on, but his hips straddle the board and his legs plunge into the ocean. He tries to pull them back up, but he notices the wave has left him behind.
Then pain explodes in his right leg.
He thrashes against the board, attempting to use his full body weight to dislodge the shark off his leg. But it holds fast. Lance can see its body as more than just a shadow, now. Its nose sticks out of the water, and its huge body moves back and forth with all of the effort it has to pull him underneath the waves.
Lance can hardly think past the bite, how it sears his leg in the worst agony he’s ever felt. He’s been burned, stabbed in a fight, beaten to a bloody pulp, yet nothing compares to this. His skin rips and tears under the huge, sharp teeth of the shark. It takes all of his core strength to keep on the board and not tip over, which means leaning on the other side. It’s taking off his leg, it’s taking off his leg, but he has to sacrifice it if he wants to survive.
Blood comes up in smokey waves to pool around him and the shark, mixing with the white steaks and bubbles created by their fight. Lance lets go only temporarily to punch the animal directly in the nose, which actually gets it to let go. Its body torques and thrashes in the water. Lance uses the short opportunity to bring his leg onto his board.
Except it doesn’t come out of the water. His knee comes up, but the space where his calf and foot should be is occupied by the overflowing pour of blood and flesh. Tendrils of the tendons the shark couldn’t get ahold of swing in the open air. His white bone peaks out from his knee, a small numb in comparison to the long bone that should continue the skeleton.
He screams, and he screams when the shark launches to finish the job, and he’s still screaming when a pair of hands hoist him off of his board and out the shark’s bloody, snapping jaw. Its beady eyes flash in the open air, staring directly at its prey before it flops under the water once more. It breaks his board in half from the crash of its massive body directly down the center.
Lance’s voice is hoarse, and his sobs are uncontrollable as he stares at his leg. Or rather, the absence of it. It throbs like it's still there. The pink and red bits of his flesh fly off in the wind from the speed of the jet ski. The lifeguard is saying something to him, but he can’t hear it over the engine of the machine and the static in his ears.
He’s never going to surf again. He’s never going to be able to walk on his right leg again. Not as flesh and bone, but as a wooden peg, metal, a machine, nothing but the air. It should still be there. He can still feel it. Parts of it remain; his liquid and solid insides still flow and burst into the area where it should be. It should be there.
But it’s not, and it’s unbearably painful and all he can do is sob as the pain overtakes all of his senses. Salt flies into the gaping wound, filling up the space where his leg should be. 
Where his leg isn’t. Where it never will be.
He’s sobbing when the paramedics drag him into the waiting ambulance, and he’s reduced to whimpers as the sheer pain overrides his consciousness. Hunk cries with him and holds his hand, and Pidge can’t seem to stop screaming, either.
He passes out thinking about his leg. How it’s gone and never coming back. but still hurts all the same, still mocks him in its presentation of being real and attached to his body. He sees the pink, pulsing flesh peeling from his knee in thick strips behind his eyelids. He feels the warm, blood-infested water, and stares into the gaping jaws of the shark that claimed his leg.
Then, the deep, watery darkness of unconsciousness.
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sehrgefaelltmir · 3 days
HI MERCEDES!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! im genuinely soooo lucky to have you as a friend so i wrote you a lil something something!! also youre like the most talented dude to ever live so its what you deserve <3
ok fuck see i was gonna link it but apparently "this link type is not supported here." jus check ao3 ok bro love you
JSSJJFID HE KRVRJFR EVAT WHAT WVAT WHATTTTT IM OH MY GOSJ WHAT FJDKBRJDJDJFJFJFJF IM SPEECHLESS IM???,!,!???? AHHHHHHHH ok im?????? sksofjdjjd that means the world to me wow i am going to cry???? you are too good bro you are the goat you deserve the world i love you sm n im so glad we’re friends OK IM GOING TO CRY NO IM NOT IM GONNA GO CHECK AO3 NOW AND IK WHATEVER U WROTE IS GONNA SLAP CAUSE YOU NEVER MISS‼️‼️‼️ thank you sm broski ily <3 <3 <3
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
i spend waaaay too much time researching my fics tbh i feel like if i dont get something right im gonna have people pissed of lol
also i was going to say something about the forst one but i fogot what it was
what’s a story or scene you created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
ahaha okay so this is now an orphaned work (for reasons i will explain in a moment), but! it’s a fic centering around mike kissing will on the forehead in the heat of the moment after winning a game.
why is this embarrassing?
because it happened to me. i have been the will in this situation. i literally just slapped that experience onto a google doc and tweaked it a little bit LMAO
why is it orphaned?
two reasons. 1, the writing wasn’t very good because it’s from when i just got started, and 2, more relevantly, my girlfriend found my ao3 account and i did NOT need her knowing that i wrote about my blorbos in one of our pre-dating memories because i. would. rather. die.
do you spend much time researching for your stories?
i’m way too lazy for that, plus most of my stuff is pretty grounded in canon (which i’m confident in knowing a lot about) or plays off of things that i myself have personally experienced lol
do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
i…. hate tagging things. so. fucking. much. so no not really abidbskxbs
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visual-explorxtion · 4 years
The One That Got Away [Leon S Kennedy x Reader] - One Shot (NSFW)
Synopsis: You caught your boyfriend cheating and you're looking for an emotional getaway in a bar. Until you met Leon and you both instantly hit it off. But not everything is what you hoped it would be.
A/N: This one took way too long. I've started writing this prior to everything I've posted and it was on and off in between. Imagine this as older Leon (RE Damnation and up). I had a basic outline of the plot but kinda got derailed further I wrote and now it's a smutty, angsty and depressing fic (Three for the price of one). I thought I wrote too much and also not enough but it turned into a 5 page fic. And I also didn't realise I was writing in first person until halfway through. So, bone apple tea.
Word count: 3,842
The low murmurs and whispers of conversation surround the dimly lit bar, just two blocks away from my own apartment. I thought I could catch a break from my reality and sit silently with a drink in my hand. Hoping that I would get drunk enough to let my thoughts shut down, even just for a little while. But my mind circles back to him. My so-called boyfriend. Even though we are dating, our relationship just seems so...platonic.
I shake my head and took another sip of my drink. The ice cubes are slowly diluting the burning sensation of whiskey down my throat. Soon, this wouldn't be enough to forget all my problems. Irritated by my drink, I set it back down on the bar table, hoping that the aftertaste of alcohol would take my conscious away. I place the glass gently back down on the coaster and nudging it back and forth until it is exactly in-line with the circumference.
I leaned forward, pressing my forearms against the chilly, oak bar table. The sharp sensation ran up my arm, sending goosebumps along with it, awaking my drunken state. That was the last thing that I want. Reality setting back in.
The place was illuminated by the strip lights underneath the bar table and several backlights coming from the shelves of liquid. My bleary eyes tried to focus as I lift up my hand to signal one of the bartenders. But, to no avail, they do not seem to notice my presence. "Goddamnit..." I muttered under my breath. At this point, I could just slip out of this place and they won't even know it. I thought about it for a second but decided that it was a bad idea.
"Bad night, huh?" A low, raspy voice called out. I looked towards my left, where the voice came from. A man sat two seats away from me. His fringe covered most of his face so I couldn't tell what he looks like, but his chin was in view, chiselled and full of stubbles that could be seen even in a place with poor luminosity. "You wouldn't even know it," I answer, surprised that someone notices my existence. I've seen this man before. He's always here when I come to this bar, sitting in the exact same seating. I assume he's one of the staffs here, but he could just be a regular. Either way, it isn't any of my concern.
He chuckled, "I've had a handful of those before. I understand how you feel." His head angled slightly towards my direction. His face is now just peeking out from behind his golden hair. His eyes are piercing blue, like a vast ocean full of mysteries. He's handsome, beautiful even, but full of pain and hurt beneath it all. How could a man be so beautiful, and yet, so fragile?
I scoffed at his response, taking another sip of my now watered-down beverage, eyes returning to his gaze. "I'm sure you do," I spoke, resting my chin on my palm, giving him a smug grin. Maybe this is what I need, talking to a stranger, surely this will take my mind off a lot of things. He shook his head and smiled. "Hey, I'm Leon. You come here often?"
My brows furrowed and a little smirk came out of my lips. "If you're looking for someone to warm up your bed, then I can assure you, you've got the wrong girl," I paused, "I'm already seeing someone." Those words made my stomach wrench. I know full well that I'm the one that's seeing them, but they don't see me. No, not in the same way. Not anymore.
A breath escaped through his nose as he replied, "Well, I guess that makes the two of us...kinda." He takes a final sip of his bourbon and signals. "Another round...and make that a double." The bartender nodded and pulls out two glasses from under the bar table, now half-filled with alcohol, the bartender place one glass in from of me and slid the other one in from of Leon. I raise the glass up with my thumb and index finger by the rim, inspecting its content. The backlight is shown through the transparent liquid and dispersed in all direction, it's pretty and hypnotic. Though, the effect of the drink itself isn't as pretty as you'd think.
"Glass half full or empty?" My question sounded more like a statement. Leon gave a little laugh to my expression. My cheeks slowly burned up into a pink hue as I relived those words inside my mind. How stupidly naive I must have sounded.
Leon took the hint of my embarrassment and also raised his glass. "I'm neither an optimist nor a pessimist. All I know is that this is a good bourbon. And sometimes, that's all that matters." He reached out with the drink in his hand. I stared at it for a good while, "I think we could both agree on that." I smiled to myself as I return the gesture. Our glasses emitted a small clink to our small celebration. Bottom of the glass now upturned and down goes the alcohol, the scorching feeling made my face scrunch up. The bourbon slowly making its way into my bloodstream as the room that surrounds me spin like a carousel.
Hours go by, the muttering of conversation comes and goes, I have no recollection of our exchange, yet some faint pieces of memories spark up in my head. Knowing that you were a stranger, I spilt all my secrets, my fears and weaknesses, but you just listened and nodded along. An emotion blooms inside me, a warmth, telling me that we are the same type of people, the way we understood each other. We are lonely and just wanna belong somewhere.
Every day, I look forward to the moment when the sun hangs low and the moon comes up to dance, almost every night, I wander back into the bar with a light flutter in my heart. Knowing full well that Leon would be there, in the exact same seating, a glass of bourbon to accompany him. I found my life with meaning once again, understanding that I am not alone. Our conversations found their way of chatting about my life, to his. The story of his life and the things he had done shaped the person he is now. Though I know he speaks truthfully, I can't help but notice the gaps in his biography that he decided not to fill in. Whether to think after everything he revealed would make me scared of him, or I would look at him in a pitiful way, but that did not matter. The Leon I met, he's nothing like how he described himself. In my eyes, he's a soft and gentle soul, who got a few humorous tricks up his sleeve.
Sometimes, I think I'm somewhat emotionally detached, even if the sky topples, my mental state will remain calm as the world crumbles around me. I wouldn't scream, nor would I cry, I'll just quietly accept this as my fate.
And fate's plan came crashing down on me in one swift motion. Not even a second too early or too late. My most traumatic and emotional experience, all happened in a small time frame of one sunny morning. When you live through a memorable moment in life, good or bad, they become forever etched into our brain. Just like a movie. But, that same scene plays over and over again, until you can't handle it anymore. The sight of your ex-boyfriend in bed with a woman that's not you. Her hair and eyes resemble your appearance, eyes gleaming in a dark hue with their soul still intact. But, you're not her. And she's not you. He didn't choose you.
The lookalike gripping her hands around his toned arm, trembling in fear of what might happen next. What I would do next. My vision holds not her, but the so-called of a man, whom I just realise is nothing but a coward. The air around the room is thick and heavy, no words were spoken, not even an explanation or an apology. Under the hint of light, silence can be heard, from his blank expression, I knew the answer. I left not because of a broken heart, but because I don't belong there anymore. And I'd be lying to myself if I say I wasn't sad. Deep down, you knew this was bound to happen. You knew this from the very beginning, the spark wasn't there. You just weren't ready to admit the facts because you are afraid. Afraid of being alone again.
Waves of emotions hit one after another. Exchanging between grief and relief, this emotional loop cycles on. The crystal glass in my hand mirrors my mental suffering. Once empty, then full again and empty once more. Now drowning in a pool of liquor, until I can no longer distinguish between night and day, I hope this cycle never ends.
"Isn't it a little too early to hit the bottle?" A familiar voice came into my earshot, "Well, if it isn't my new-found buddy, Leon! Come, drinks are on me!" The laughter in my throat refusing to cease, everything is now on autopilot. The room sways back and forth to the beat of the music, every bassline played made my head blurrier each time, the lights in the bar almost seem like someone crank the exposure to the highest level. He sighed and took a seat, seeing there's no other option. "Jesus...how many have you had?" His concert did not reach me as I just skimmed over his question. "Hmm...4? 5? I lost count...but who cares?! I'm here to have a good time!" I exclaimed, both fists pumped up in the air and chuckling idiotically to myself.
Leon's brows scrunch, a finger rubbing at his temple, the crease on his forehead gets deeper by the minute. His drink arrived but his focus was elsewhere, he would take one sip, then looks back at me, contemplating. "H-hey, aren't you supposed to...protect the city or s-something, Mr detective-man-or-whatever?" I hiccuped, with half my speech slurred. "I'm not a cop. I don't...can't protect people." He took another sip. "Isn't that...hic...what you've told me?" I pressed on, this isn't what I've intended to do. He exhaled, "It's complicated." A drunken smirk left my nose, the alcohol had intoxicated my system and left my mouth defenceless. "Is it really that complicated? Or do you just not want to tell me the truth?" Jesus! Shut up, me! I can see the rage boiled behind his darken eyes, his fists gripped and nails digging deep into his flesh. "You. Need to stop drinking."
The clock strikes midnight, but neither one of us had any intentions to sober up or face whatever reality has prepared for us. We laughed, argued and make flirtatious jokes to one another. The air between us shifted, hot but still intoxicated. Even so, my mind still lingers on the images that shattered my heart into a million pieces. I don't want this anymore. "Hey...what if I kiss you right n-now? How would you react?" I giggled. "Sure. I'd be glad to," he said, facetiously. "Pfff, come on! I'm serious!" another hiccup. "You're drunk and trying to take the piss out of me." I locked eyes with him, setting my next words in a serious manner. "Am I? Why don't you come and find out?" I slid my hand from his forearm down to the back of his hand, drawing circles with my index finger, tempting and testing his borderline. A small grunt caught in between his lips, gaze running up my skin and idly to my mouth, his fixed stare lingered what feels like an eternity until we meet eye to eye.
What happens next came to me like a blur. I took his hand and led him away from the bar. The place was too packed for anyone to know if we were gone by the next second. We stumble away through the crowds of drunks living on cloud nine, but our hands kept a grip tight on one another. I pushed on; wanting to feel something, anything, even just for tonight. The burning desire inside has reached its limit, but so was Leon's. He twirled me around and constrained my backside up against the bathroom door. His body leaned in close to mine, our faces just an inch apart. The feverish breath touched my neck, turning me on even more so. I can feel his hesitation as his lips close within range, just hovering close to yours. "Would it really kill you if we kiss?" my words were hushed, giving him the final push. And those were the few words to make him let go of his rationality. Before I could acknowledge my next thought, his hand slip under the back of my neck with a firm grip and our mouths collided in the heat of the moment. His kiss was strong and passionate, everything that I imagined it would be, my hips feeling every inch of his, teeth gently grazing my bottom lip as I parted them to deepen his taste. Heat radiates off his chest as our tongues now intertwined with the taste of bourbon and sweetness, Leon showed no signs of backing down as his hand squeeze my hip tighter. But we had to break our physical contact when the chatter grew louder from inside the bathroom. Our hearts still racing, panting breathlessly and aching to be together again, though both of us would rather avoid being caught in an awkward situation.
My body mindlessly took us further down the deserted corridor to a backdoor that leads to an alleyway, the door itself could easily be missed if not observed carefully. I extended a hand to push open the door but was abruptly interrupted by Leon's demanding kiss. Eager to be whole again, he hoisted me off the ground effortlessly, binding my leg around his slender waist. The faint sound of music could be heard from the interior of the building, imitating the beat of our hearts. My back is up against the rugged wall once more. His nails dug into my thigh as I whimpered at the pain but Leon's kiss grew more hungry and impatient, urging for something more. The heat between my legs burning white-hot for this man with absolute longing. As if he could read my thoughts out loud, his hand travelled up to the waistband of my jeans, a finger hooked underneath and running it across my waistline and stopping just before where the buttons clasp. His tease sends chills along my lower abdomen, I'm struggling to keep up my composure.
Leon's icy blue gaze pierced through me, signifying his needs. "Do it." With the sign of my approval, he ripped the jeans clean off my sweat-covered legs without a hitch. My bare limbs glistening in the moonlight, reflecting off the moisture with the gentle breeze caressing them. The heat on my face grew, knowing that my lower parts are only concealed with a thin layer of fabric that's half opaque. Leon smugly grinned at the sight presented to him, licking off the residue from our kiss, he lets me down delicately as my feet touch the sturdy ground. He shifted and on both his knees, positioning himself in between my legs, feeling nervous being fully exposed to him. I stifled a gasp as Leon steady my balance with hands on either side of my hips, his kisses trail down the torso, leaving marks all over my stomach, down to my v-line. His soft fingertips skim the hem of pants then he dipped his head low, the black, lacy underwear caught between his teeth, removing them until I'm left bare and vulnerable.
I can feel his eyes exploring every inch of uncovered skin, like a wolf with his hunting instinct. His mouth found its way to your folds. The next thing you know, a foreign feeling spreads open your lower organ, heat escaping from your core and drip down to your inner thigh. You squirm and twitch with every movement of his tongue, chest rapidly rising and falling with each breath taken, you know you are close to the edge. Your hands clench his hair gently as he continuous drive over your sweet spot, humming, until you unravel your senses upon him. Knees giving out as everything tingles from head to toe, Leon catches you in his arms as you recover your strength.
Cleaning you off with the tip of his tongue, he reclaims his posture to tower over you and returns lips onto yours. The passionate kiss filled with desire, you can taste your own thirst mixed with his own saliva. Sultry and sweet. Chest to chest, every curvature and dips of his toned muscles embrace my own, our heartbeats synchronised. His scent of cologne mixed with sweat gives me a sense of comfort. I can feel the outline of his bulge through the thick fabric. One hand placed on the small of my back, the other desperately uncuffs his belt and down to his pants, revealing his length. My eyes widen in awe at the size of his...thing. It's pressed up against my abdomen, from shaft to the tip, Leon seems to be satisfied with my reaction as his egotistic smirk painted across his face. I swallow, mentally preparing myself before any attempt on riding him. Holding the base of his cock, now positioned near your entrance, you draw a hand near it and gently massage it. As if it's fragile, my hand gave it a few pumps then guide his tip inside. All that foreplay made it much easier for him to enter.
His tip without any difficulty. "Breathe" his deep, husky voice whispers in my ear, then inch by inch, until he fills up all my crevices inside. He took a pause, letting me adjust to his size for a minute, then slid back out again. Without a word of warning, he thrusts his cock back in all the way to the hilt as I let out a lusty yelp. The electric shock sends my pelvic muscles twitching and tensing around his cock, the repetitive motion causes me to ache for him even more. My hips sway and grind along to the beat of his movement, harder and faster, making him let out a soft cuss. The twinge at the back of my mind resurfaced again, flashbacks of this morning's event, haunting my thoughts again. Standing in the same doorway, looking at him and her on the same bed, same stiffness in the air. But, I'm looking at me through her eyes now, situated in this dark alley. The fear crept in. I can't love him. I know better than this.
"Hey. Just focus on me." Leon's hands cupped my cheeks, radiating the warmth I know, calling me back to the light. His tongue has taken up my mouth once more, diverting my focus from my own broken mind to the love he's providing. But you shouldn't. Hips picking up the pace, every bump and vein hitting my sensitive spot as I cry out, calling his name out in ecstasy. Leon's breathing is getting heavier with every beat he thrusts, bringing me and him closer to coming undone. Hot liquid spilling out, filling you up to the bream, overflowing like my emotions. The feeling he provided which shifted something inside, a beacon of light into my own soul. He pulled out, the inner content spilling out slightly as we redress ourselves again.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. The pang of guilt hit him. Just like everyone else. My feet stumbled a few steps back, almost tripping myself up in shock. The tears behind my eyes threaten to fall out. I have to get out of here. I spin on my heels and made a run for it. This isn't how it is supposed to turn out. I know better. Knew. "Wait! At least let me take you home-" "No!" My feet kept on pushing me, yelling at me to keep going. Hot tears pour out inevitably, unlike tonight. It's all my fault. I naively believed that we were the same- wanting the same thing, am the same type of people. I was wrong. All I ever wanted was to stop being alone, but you chose this. You wanted to be alone. And I've made a mistake. "Wait, goddamnit." I stopped in my tracks, tears falling nonchalantly. I turned, leaving him with only a few words. "I'm sorry...but I fell in love with you tonight." But we both knew the answer.
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neioo · 5 years
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