#grog and percy being friends
blorbologist · 2 years
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can i hang this on my wall actually? they kinda look like the Tal’Dorei Reborn portraits too! PERCY HAS HIS STUPID BEARD
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
Percy de Rolo and Keyleth of the Air Ashari my beloveds, my dearest companions, my comfort pair, nobody does it like them. They are the basis of what all friendships should be, they are the fucking blueprint, they show how meaningful profound affection in different forms other than romantic is, they are best friends, they are siblings, they are the platonic ideal of platonic ideals, they are soulmates, they have matching earrings, they are both massive nerds, they gift handmade jewellery to each other, they are the exact opposites, they are so similar, they are sunshine and shadow, they are nature and science, they are all the elements of the universe working together, they are creators, they are leaders afraid of their destinies, they care incredibly deeply about everybody around them, they are fuckups, they try to learn and grow, they argue, they fight, they hug and make up and never hold it against one another, they joke and drink and are always there for each other, they have died and been revived and brought each other back from the brink, they have met the gods themselves and still know that the connection between each other is worth more than divinity itself will ever be, they have fought monsters and titans and their greatest fears together and have come out the other side broken and battered but stronger for it, they are brother and sister, they are siblings-in-law, they are the epitome of chosen family on all possible levels, they will live through their lifetimes and legacies, they are love itself.
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i keep being like “oh i can’t wait for the scanlan angst! and the grog angst! and the vax angst! and the—” before remembering that dnd is nothing if not emotionally devastating to every single character and i shouldn’t expect any of them to be happy ever again.
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xfindingtrouble · 2 years
there is so much of percy to understand this journey is truly thrilling
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your-enby-antihero · 6 months
based on the 4 sided dive escape room question here is my take:
Liam’s PCs- Yes 100% they would escape not only because of their skill sets but also all of them are very team oriented. They would all work well together, getting out at record time and it would be a good experience for all of them they’d be friends upon escape.
Laura’s PCs- No only because they would do really well at the start but eventually Jester would get distracted and start to annoy Vex then it would devolve into following a red herring until time runs out. They would have a good time though, but it is contentious if they come out of the room friends.
Marisha’s PCs- Yes they could do it purely based on the fact that I think Beau could pull the team together. Her competitive energy would get Keyleth and Laudna fired up and they would get out. They would have a decent time (Beau might get intense) but they’d come out friends.
Ashely’s PCs- No they would not get out of the escape room. Yasha wouldn’t get the point of the activity, Pike would eventually get frustrated and she would have to be stopped so she wouldn’t smash stuff, Fearne would try to take the set dress. They would not even get past the first room but they’d come out friends.
Travis’ PCs-No I don’t believe they could purely because Grog as best as he would try he would be much help, Bertrand Bell and Chetney would have beef on who is in charge and Chetney snuck in a real knife, Fjord is low key a push over so despite him probably being good enough at doing the puzzles but he doesn’t speak up. They would not get out and Chetney would kill someone.
Taliesin’s PCs- I think they’d get out. With the amount of obscure knowledge and a general intelligence they could get out in the nick of time. However they would not be friends at the end of the escape. Percy and Ashton and Molly would all end up yelling and insulting each other. Kingsley and Caduceus would chill but Kingsley would be laughing so fucking hard at the end. They would get out but they’d kill each other if it happened again.
Sam’s PCs-They could do it, but it would depend on if Veth/Nott got distracted or not. If she figured it out they would be fine but let’s be real FCG and Tary would be just a little useless despite genuine effort. Scanlan would help but I think he’d be kind of a dick about it. They would get out but not end up being besties after very neutral.
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nothingwithdignity · 2 years
Let’s talk about this shot
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A grieving group framed by two standing figures. Grog and Percy.
Grog who always stands tall. Who almost never breaks because his greatest strength is in guarding his friends and being their shield. This pain isn’t something he can shield them from but he stands ready should that change.
And Percy. Percy who caused this tableau and is flooded with guilt and regret. He stands apart because maybe with some distance he can avoid causing more pain.
And yet he is not alone. Trinket stands beside him. Trinket who loves and protects Vex with everything he has stands not next to Grog or huddled with the desperate bodies that surround his person but with Percy.
He had time to move. Vax had time to climb out of a hole and run across the room but Trinket stayed with Percy.
Even as Percy separates himself from the group, Trinket has already forgiven him the worst of it and does not let him stand alone.
Whether Percy is ready to see it or not, the forgiveness has already begun.
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wackachewbacca · 1 year
A gentle reminder for all critters
Everyone and I mean every single person in the group Vox Machina is QUEER. No one is straight!
Vax’ildan is practically the poster child for bisexual disaster for this whole party. He’s flirted with: Gilmore, Percy, both of the Briarwoods in the incident that earned him the said title bisexual disaster, and Keyleth who became his partner.
Vex’ahlia is probably also bisexual based on encounters with Keyleth and possibly also Zahra.
Keyleth is demi and possibly also bisexual/pansexual based on her encounters with Vex’ahlia.
Percy is bisexual/pansexual. He’s been kissed by both Vex’ahlia and Vax’ildan, and been flirted with by Taryon Darrington which he didn’t mind and the two of them became friends afterwards.
Scanlan is pansexual. He’s been with multiple genders according to campaign and the show. He also flirts with Percy at one point under the effects of a charm effect which could only happen if you were attracted to the gender of the person.
Pike is bisexual/pansexual. According to campaign, she has spent time with women.
Grog probably also falls somewhere under demiromantic or possibly aromantic. He’s not really into romance altogether, but he enjoys sex with people of the opposite gender from him.
Taryon is gay. He has had a prior relationship to a man and confessed to being in love with Percy. He does not care for romantic or sexual relationships with women.
I know it’s been some time since we’ve seen them all during their romantic relationships but they are all queer. And just because most of them ended up in relationships with people of the opposite gender from them does not make them being queer less valid. They are in queer relationships and denying it and saying they’re straight is erasure of the identities each member belongs to.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Headcanons of how would Vox Machina react to their crush asking "Why me?" after they confess to them? Not because they don't like them back but they feel like they deserve someone better than them!
Oh 🥲 my heart 🥺
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One of the most vocal of the group, she’ll sing your praises to the heavens and exclaim why you’re so perfect and how she wants you and no one else.
He’ll make an attempt to be funny, like “who else will put up with me?”, but when he sees you’re being serious, the bard gets deep into his feelings. This is one of the few times you’ve seen him vulnerable.
So overly enthusiastic and just babbling away about how much she cares about you, all the while you’re just holding her hand in admiration because she’s got that love in her eyes
Up close and personal with you! He’s cupping your face in his hands, maybe sneaking a kiss in between when he can because his lil rogue heart is just overflowing with joy
She thinks you’re doubting her feelings, or maybe that she overestimated her own, but she can’t stop blurting out how cute, strong, pretty, etc you are and she only wanted you
Does not hold back! Constantly lists how much he adores and loves you, you far exceed anyone he’s ever known and don’t doubt for a second he would ever falter in caring for you.
He’s so blunt in the sweetest way! He just thinks you’re amazing at whatever and you’re be if his best friends so of course to him, he
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utilitycaster · 6 months
Speaking of Laura and Marisha having relatively weak chemistry, which CR cast members do you think have the strongest chemistry (romantic or otherwise) across campaigns?
I've tried to limit this because I could literally name a great relationship for basically every cast pairing at this point, but some of my favorites. To keep things balanced, I've done a sort of circle situation with two pairings per cast member. I also haven't included Matt just because I think it would be weird because as DM he has to play off everyone well, and he does.
Travis and Liam always have something bizarrely intense and it's different every single time and it's never quite romantic (other than Bertrand/Lieve'tel) but it is, frequently, homoerotic. Obviously most present for Fjord and Caleb and particularly their conversation in the Xhorhaus, but the "I want to give you an experience" line in late Campaign VM and Chetney and Orym's conversation in the Heartmoor are two examples.
Ashley and Travis are also always good; Pike and Grog are legendary for a reason, Fearne and Chetney have some extremely fun stuff going on but can also take it to more serious places, notably their discussion after Ashton's shard absorption attempt. and Fjord and Yasha didn't interact a ton but their few moments (I'm specifically thinking their shopping trip around episode 108 or 109?) are stellar.
Sam and Ashley have the same quality I think Liam and Travis have, namely, they are on some level playing chicken with each other and neither will back down. We see this with Pikelan; my favorite interaction is Pike being mad at Scanlan after he returns from his Meat Man era. Pike and Tary and the flashcards to remember VM is also a legendary scene for a reason. Veth and Yasha have some unbelievably funny conversations (I killed my whole family, I'll throw you under a bridge) and FCG and Fearne have run the gamut from poignant (post-Otohan Fight) to ridiculous (Fearne riding FCG around and using them as a thermos; honestly, the latest Otohan encounter somehow straddled these two vibes).
Laura and Sam should be a legendary cast pairing. They tend to play in a similar space thematically and they also keep overlapping in some sort of stat or outlook as well, without ever playing characters who knew each other beforehand. It's uncanny. We had Vex and Scanlan as Vox Machina's Charm (highlight being Vex's reaction during Bard's Lament). Vex and Tary becoming best friends and opening a bakery. Jester and Veth's shenanigans and deep friendship (messing around in that temple in Zadash; Jester confiding in her about Fjord kissing her; that one time where they encountered the syphilis bandits and kept running past each other in the dark; Jester taking the flask; and many more). And FCG and Imogen's early campaign closeness, with Imogen insisting on FCG's personhood and the two of them doing mind and dream stuff together.
Taliesin and Laura, unsurprisingly given the appeal of Perc'ahlia, are always great as well. Their willingness as Percy and Vex to be incredibly honest with each other, even about their darker traits, is commendable. Molly and Jester were fascinating because I don't think he respected her much but he did enjoy her company, and she admired him greatly. Team Cleric was also, naturally, a great duo, and I particularly think of them both returning to their respective thematic wells of closed-offness and recognizing it in each other, but going to other places to open up. We didn't get a ton of Kingsley, but he and Jester seem to get along pretty well! And Imogen and Ashton's standout moment was post-shard, but they also had a really good conversation after All-Minds-Burn, and I think they are able to embrace the tension regarding their different idealizations of estranged parents as seen in the latest episode.
Marisha and Taliesin are also really unafraid to explore conflict with each other, and it enhances their character interactions. Percy and Keyleth's friendship is fascinating because it seems that pre-stream they were quite close, but once the Briarwoods arc hit they often found themselves at odds and played off each other brilliantly. I love Molly and Beau's belligerence as well; that is one of my personal big regrets about Molly's death, and Marisha did a fantastic job showing how Beau was affected. Beau and Caduceus were also really interesting, in that they saw each other as the adults of the team for a while, especially early on. Beau and Kingsley have a great conversation in the Nein Reunited. And I've been pretty open about finding Laudna and Ashton's chemistry fascinating; while I enjoyed it romantically earlier, and would have loved to see how that played out, there's just such a great weird tension now, post-shard, that's hard to pin down.
Liam and Marisha have two of I think the most popular relationships in C1 and C2 and with good reason. Vax and Keyleth complement each other incredibly well, and I find Keyleth's feelings about the Raven Queen and how she and Vax approach them very differently to be beautifully done. Empire Siblings are again a favorite - they're so often at odds early on even as Beau has a lot of empathy for Caleb, and they're both the nerds of the party and among the most politically-minded to the point of working closely together years after the campaign. Laudna and Orym are also fascinating because they have these similar and yet wildly different ties to Vox Machina, and Orym feels for her situation, and they have some great conversations during the Issylra arc, but I actually love the growing tension. I love Orym flat out telling Laudna that this mission is important and he is pressuring Imogen because only she is capable of getting this information. I'm excited for the infiltration that's coming up!
But also because I can't limit myself here's some thoughts generally about cases where it's not every campaign but it's worth watching. The short version is "Travis and Ashley have some kind of chemistry with everyone."
I can name at least one relationship, romantic or platonic, between one of Travis's characters and a character from every other cast member, but I specifically want to shout out him and Marisha, who have zero romantic chemistry and bananas platonic chemistry in not just all three campaigns but also EXU Calamity and Candela Obscura Chapter 2. (He and Taliesin tend to have a fun and different thing going on each campaign and have a lot of similarities as players; Scanlan and Grog's clown to clown communication and Fjord and Veth's weirdly charged hostility are great; and hilariously I am obviously a massive fan of Fjord and Jester but I feel like the Baileyhams each campaign are like either we're doing high romance or we're going extremely our separate ways, which kind of makes sense in that they have extremely different approaches to D&D but also a lot of overlap in themes. Like on the rare occasions Grog and Vex, or Chetney and Imogen talk it's very good but they're certainly not the closest of characters)
Ashley also plays well with everyone. She has phenomenal chemistry with both Marisha and Laura. Beauyasha is readily apparent but also what we saw of Pike with both Keyleth and Vex was fantastic, and Imogen and Fearne are great and have some sparks, and Yasha and Jester had some incredible conversations. I also enjoy Ashley and Liam but have never shipped their characters romantically (and I suppose that was only even feasible in C1 given character sexualities); that's on my list of "could be fun" because they do always play off each other well. I will say, Ashton and Fearne have grown on me as a pairing but Ashley and Taliesin have always like...quietly vibed and had some great moments, and I think Molly and Yasha was (platonically) promising and cut short, and I love the conversation where Caduceus encourages Yasha to tell Beau how she feels, but they've never quite blown me away. I would like to see it though. There's potential.
Marisha and Sam seem to operate in very different spaces and so like...Keyleth and Scanlan, or Laudna and FCG, don't really interact much though they do have some mechanical overlap (Keyleth and Scanlan were good in combat together but didn't talk a ton) but specifically as Beau and Veth they were incredible. This is out of game but I very much enjoy their rapport during the Midst roundtables. Would love to see more.
Liam and Sam are also a fascinating case in that they're obviously very close friends irl but it's only as Veth and Caleb, and as the Grimms in Candela Obscura, that they've played characters who were close. They do have great chemistry though, romantic and platonic, and I'd love to see it explored. Liam and Laura are also interesting in that I love the twins and think they're amazing, and I like Orym and Imogen's relationship but particularly with C2 in the rearview, I just do not see much romantic chemistry between them at all. Bonkers good platonic chemistry though.
Taliesin and Sam are also a fun one in that I do like FCG and Ashton's friendship and their post-shard absorption conversation was a standout, as is Percy's outburst at Scanlan during the Bard's Lament and his friendship with Tary (and Tary's crush on him). Veth and Molly had some good moments; Veth and Caduceus did NOT know how to interact with each other.
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Vox Machina + Valentine’s Day
Percy De Rolo
Finds the whole holiday rather frivolous.
A whole day just to coo and moon eye at each other? Seems completely wasted.
But, he is a man of tradition. And traditions must be followed.
The obvious choice is jewelry. Something clean and elegant.
Or, if he was getting more in tune with the spirit of the whole thing, a music box. Hand crafted of his own design to play your song.
Incredibly flirty any other day of the week, so be prepared for it to be ten-fold.
Her mission in life for the day is to tease, taunt, and tempt her lover all day with her wiles.
Of which there are many.
The entire day would be like foreplay. Culminating in an almost violent passion of love making; followed by many other more gentle bouts.
Her gift would be an ornate arrow that she had carved out of one of her bolts, as a symbol of the cupid’s arrow that had struck her heart for you.
Never was a day more made for Scanlan.
Aside from being hopelessly addicted to ‘love’, Valentine’s day is a bard’s bread & butter.
A lot of coin to be made sing sweet songs to love struck couples.
He’d invite you to the inn he was playing at and dedicate a special song to you. One he wrote of course.
The rest of the evening is yours, where he’ll be at your mercy, for all the toe curling fun the two of you can cook up.
Genuinely forgets about the holiday. But he’s so suave that he plays it off like he hasn’t.
He forgot because he’s terrible with dates & holidays. Not that he doesn’t love you.
Vax thinks about you all the time, so one day out of the year didn’t even register to him.
Rattles off some silver-tongued lie about a surprise he had in store for you. One he is clearly making up as he goes along.
It works out in the end as he led you on some far fetched journey to the top of hill or tower, where he presents you with some night blooming flower he had snatched long the way (like he planned it).
Oh….our poor little turtle duck….
Extremely confident in the planning phase, but looses her nerve as the day comes around and she has to ask you to be her Valentine.
Wastes most of the day running away, or darting around corners, or babbling on as she can’t get her words out.
Eventually, she does. In true Keyleth earnestness.
Gives you a potted plant she grew on her own, and enchanted to always thrive & bloom. Like her feelings for you.
Happy to just be around you. No matter what day it is.
Pike loves her friends but they can be….a bit much. So a day with just the two of you would be wonderful.
Would like to, for once, do tourist-y things around the town your staying at. She never gets the chance.
Take a break to make a small offering to the Everlight for her loving comfort and her continued protection of you.
Makes a small cake for the two of you to share while you’re out. Grog was the official taste tester.
Has zero idea what Valentine’s day is.
He doesn’t get it. Doesn’t get what it’s about. Doesn’t get why this is a holiday.
Aren’t you supposed to tell someone you love them all the time? Are you supposed to be around them all the time too if you love ‘em?
Tries to play along, but is really a disaster at stuff like this.
Gives you a big bear hug and takes you out drinking. If your going to celebrate there’s no better way to do it than with ale!
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blueseachelle · 2 years
Hi I just saw your post!
Could I ask you do an imagine with percy or vax (or both😅) where they find their soulmate and what it is like. Smut if you like.
Thank you 😊
I can do that! I gotcha! This will not be NSFW. Some spoilers for Season 2 will be in this. I have many other requests in the web I’m creating right now. So, we’ll have an easy one today!
Percy De Rolo
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You would join Vox Machina off a whim. Got caught up in a tavern brawl and got kicked out with them.
You actually hit it off with Scanlan and Grog out of the rest of the group first. Then, Pike, Vax, and Vex. Percy didn’t accept you at first. He was wary of you because of his past.
You made it your entire effort into wanting to become Percy’s friend. You slowly gained more feelings for him the more you harassed him into a friendship.
He slowly became comfortable with you. Of course, you would never know that. He loves your company. He will never admit it.
You both are on the same wave length with everything, be it his crafting or to strategy in battle. Always by each others side.
You could sense something familiar about his aura. He found the same in you.
Soon enough, he found comfort in you. Just your presence can help ease if spiraling spirit.
He would always tell himself this is nothing more than a friendship but, he always felt deep down that he was lying to himself.
You knew you loved him with all your heart so, you would always remain by his side. No matter if he got with someone else or never at all.
He wouldn’t realize you are his soulmate until the falling of Whitestone.
You were the only one that could calm down his inner turmoil and was the one to sacrifice everything you could to keep him and his friends safe.
He finally knew it for sure when he was getting taken over by the spirit his gun possessed and accidentally shot you in the side. (As we know that never happened but in this little imagine, it did).
You went down and it snapped him into reality. He ran to catch your body only to be stopped by Scanlan and Grog as Keyleth got to work after being brought back herself.
After that day, for a while, he couldn’t stand to be out of his quarter’s at the Keep. He even refused to look at himself in the mirror.
You made a swift recovery and was told by the rest of the group about what Percy has been doing, Isolating himself.
You went to his door and knocked on it.
Percy was hesitant but opened the door. Before he could do anything, you hugged him and told him that it wasn’t his fault and that he’s okay.
He was caught off guard as he hugged you back. He listened as you consoled him, telling him that it was the spirit inside that did it, not him, and that he didn’t need to worry anymore because its gone and she is okay now.
He slowly pulled you inside during the hug and closed the door. After it shut, he let out the tears he didn’t know he was holding back.
He let himself spill, telling how he felt and that he is sorry. He needed to tell you that he wants to be by your side forever.
Of course, you feeling the same told him that you will never leave and that if you can handle what just happened and can make amends, you can get through anything.
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I feel like Vax is really in tune with himself.
When he first meets you in a market place, he stole your coin purse but, your keen eye saw him do it and you stole it back and his on top of it. Sending him a wink as you walked away.
He was starstruck. He at least knew that he was in love with you.
When they moved on, he hoped to revisit and see you again but, he didn’t hold to any hope because people have lives and move around too.
He long forgot about you after that because he and the group were really busy and he got caught up in other feelings for Keyleth, which didn’t end well for him so, he hasn’t thought much of you.
After the Chroma Conclave destroyed Emon, He and his friend departed to Vasselheim in search of allies.
Guess who’s there? You!
You are actually are a mercenary. You help whoever pays you, be it the Slayer’s Take or other people.
After being rejected by the clergy, the group was making there way over to the Slayer’s Take and that’s when he spotted you.
You were walking out of there as they walked up. You a large sack of gold that you finished your bounty for and was about to head out.
Before you went too far, Kashaw opened the door and called you back in, telling that the Patron needs to talk to you.
He watched as you sighed and headed back inside.
He raised and eyebrow, You’re so important that the Patron needs to speak with you directly. Interesting.
You were a mystery to him and he loved every second of it. He thought he was the most mysterious person he knew. Not by a long shot.
When they walked in, the quarrel happened until the Patron lets them down to speak with them.
You waited down there on Osysa’s throne was she dealt with each member.
When Vax was encountered, a number of things were said but, one of the most important ones was, ‘You sought love and it wasn’t found but love is a mysterious thing. Soulmates will always be drawn back to each other, no matter the distance or time it takes. Remember what has happened and reflect on this. Love will never always be right in front of you always. Follow your spirit and you will know.’
Vax knew she was talking about you. His spirit was saying it over and over was she spoke to him.
After the dust cleared and they proved themselves worth, you were introduced by Osysa herself.
Osysa knew your heart that you hid away from everyone, she knew that you would help them and not screw them over. Plus, you are preferred to handle in the affairs of God’s, given that you are a Warlock.
Vax couldn’t take his eyes off you. He repeated your name over and over in his head. His spirit seemed to scream out to be next to you.
As Osysa sent you all away, she gave you a knowing look. You two were best friends. You were always there for Osysa ever since you have been confirmed to be of a righteous heart.
The glacé she gave you made you grin and tease back, ‘I’ll tell your hubby you said hi!’
Vax immediately as you all were walking out went up next to you, ‘Hello, I’m Vax’ildan. It’s nice to actually know your name now.’
You just smirked at him, ‘Maybe ask a name before yanking there coin purse next time.’
With that, you passed him as he stood in shock for a second. He watched as your hips swayed slightly back and forth.
It took Scanlan to break him from his thoughts, ‘Someone’s gots the hots’ He semi whispered to Grog in a singsong voice. Grog laughed and covered his mouth.
Vax just rolled his eyes and continued walking.
You hit it off with Pike, Grog, and Scanlan immediately. Everyone slowly pulled there way into your conversations.
As your journey continued, Vax admired you more and more. You’re beautiful, smart, cunning, stealthy, and just a wonderful person in general. He loved it.
After you an everyone made it successfully into the tomb, Percy found the armor.
Instead of hitting Vex’ahlia, it hit you. Killing you in an instant. Vax lost it.
He ran to your corpse and held it tightly as he cried. He just got you. He will not lose you this quickly.
As everyone was trying to resurrect you, Vax had his vision and told the Raven Queen to take him instead of you.
She excepted and you came back. He was so relieved. Yet, his emotions couldn’t express it. He just went and put on the armor.
You realized something was off immediately about Vax. You didn’t know him long but, Osysa told you he was the one. You knew it too but, it’s nice to hear it from your best friend.
After being sabotaged and Vax clutching up, you sat by the fire and watched Vax. He stood and stared into space.
You walked over to him and rested your hand on his new armor.
You knew what he did because of your affairs with the Gods and Goddesses themselves.
You looked at him, ‘Can you go on a walk with me?’
He agreed and you both started walking.
‘I know what you did. You aren’s the only one that see visions and Gods.’
Vax stopped in his tracks and looked at you, ‘I did it to save you. Nothing more.’
‘You lost part of your soul when you did that. That’s why you’re cold and distant now. Don’t worry. I used to be the same. I made a pact too. My feelings came back after I met you.’
Vax felt a rush of emotions come over him. He knew that he had someone to rely on now. He knew that you shared the pain he feels right now.
He hugged you tightly like you were going to disappear again. He let the tears flow as he held you. You held him back as he sobbed. You whispered to him that everything will be okay and that you will be there until the end.
At that point he knew for a fact, you were his soulmate. Be in life or amongst the Gods.
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Tea Type: Subtly Sweet Tea
Potential Triggers: Nothing comes to mind, but let me know if you think something should go here!
Pairing: Vax/F!Reader (Can be read as romantic or platonic!)
Length: 2.2k+
Summary: Vax's observant nature helps him discover you're hiding a few juicy secrets, and he helps encourage you to be more honest in the future.
A/N: So, new fandom, who dis? Yes, I'm now binging Critical Role Campaign 1, and completely whipped for Vax and Percy both. I'm up to the beginning of Episode 40, so no spoilers please but I have quite a few tword fic ideas. Also, I know Silence doesn't work in DND like this, but shhh fic liberties-
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Vax was what many would call observant. Used to lingering in the shadows as he was, he found it almost comforting to look over his friends and family both if they lingered where he could see them. He sipped on his ale, watching as you chatted with Vex and Keyleth about something or other. Percy was tinkering with his machine’s as usual, paying the conversations around him no mind, and Scanlan had found himself a friend for the night. Grog had no such luck but he was no less happy to be enjoying ale by the mug full. Pike had also retired early, claiming tiredness and needing to work in a quiet environment unlike Percy. Vax himself was situated just by the bar, debating if teasing Percy or his sister would be more fun when he spotted something interesting. 
You’d quirked up and seemed to be waving your hands in a sheepish refusal. He couldn’t hear it from here what about, and opted to drift closer, expertly maneuvering the crowds of dwarves before he leaned against the wall by the stairs. 
“Really Grog, I appreciate the offer but it already feels better, I promise!”
“Do you doubt Grog’s masseuse skills?”
Vax felt a smile twitch at his lips, eyes narrowing perceptively as you refused again.
“Not at all! All the others rave about how great they are, I just genuinely don’t need one. It was just a spasm! Besides, Percy looks way more tense than I do, look at how the poor guy is hunched over!”
Grog lit up at that and grinned, whacking you on the shoulder cheerfully before moving to attend to Percy. 
“Grog can help with that! Great idea!”
You let out a sigh the moment the goliath turned his back to you, after ensuring the others were occupied. Vex had gone with Keyleth to grab more drinks and they were talking to the bartender, and you didn’t spot him, all but melded into the shadow of the stairs as he was. He saw the way you rolled not one, but both of your shoulders and winced, fingers pressing into and attempting to release the tension stored there.
He smirked darkly.
You were a clever little thing, weren’t you? Redirecting Grog, lying so he wouldn’t worry, feigning. You had a secret and if there was one thing Vax enjoyed? It was finding out that which should not be known. 
…and maybe punishing you, just a little, in the process for trying to pretend everything was fine when it wasn’t and being a naughty little liar. He'd warned you before, as had the others, it wasn't his fault you didn't listen. You had a nasty habit of trying to take on everyone else's burdens while denying your own. 
He figured you’d be retreating to your room sooner rather than later and after a gentle tap and a whisper to Vex telling her not to wait up, he found himself surprised as his sister grabbed his wrist before he could slip away. 
“Take care of her, will you? She’s been rubbing her shoulder anytime she thinks we’re not watching. If you hadn’t come over, I was going to press the issue. Shall I inform Pike?”
He cleared his throat in embarrassment, smiling sheepishly. Of course his sister had seen right through him, and you both. 
“Aye. You know I will. I’ll tell her, depending on how bad it is.” 
His eyes moved from her to where you were watching Percy try to escape Grog with fondness in your eyes. 
“...I have a feeling there’s a reason she’s dodging Grog’s attempts. Something she’s flustered about, if I had to guess.”
A smirk tugged at his lips as his mischievous eyes returned to his sister’s. 
“A shame, that. For her I mean.”
Vex’s look turned scolding. 
“Try and go easy on her, brother.”
He shrugged, amusement flooding him.
“Depends how quickly she folds, I suppose. If she’s stubborn, even I can't help but have a limit to my patience, you know. Besides, she may even enjoy my methods of persuasion. You certainly did~”
A flash of teeth and he dodged her playful slap with a laugh as she blushed. 
“Shut up, Vax! Honestly, I asked once, why can’t you just let it go?”
“Are you actually whining? Heh, does Percy know? Maybe I should-”
Vax couldn’t dodge fast enough this time as Vex tugged him down to hiss in his ear. 
“Breathe a word and Trinket will have your head.”
“Alright, alright, you win! Always so violent to your dear brother aren’t you?”
He brushed off his clothes before looking back over towards you. 
“Alright, I’m off. Wish me luck, hm? And be a dear and cast Silence for me, won’t you?”
Vex’ahlia sighed and with a moment of focus and a mumble it was done. 
“Doing that for her, not you!”
Was called after but Vax waved her off. 
Now all he had to do was hang out; he was sure you’d follow shortly. 
You cracked your neck and barely stifled a wince as your shoulder seized again. You hadn’t injured it, but thanks to holding all of your tension in them, and your neck; you were really feeling the effects. 
You felt bad redirecting Grog like that, but you’d seen the way Percy had grasped his shoulder too, and knew he wouldn’t crumple like you would. Lesser of two evils. He gave in eventually, and lucky for him, he probably wasn’t in pain anymore. It was early in the night, but you bid your remaining party goodnight and retired to your room. You jumped at the sight of Vax on your bed before relaxing, rolling your eyes. 
“You could’ve asked and I would’ve just given you the key to my room you know.”
He shot a boyish grin your way. 
“Where’s the fun in that? Besides, it’s good practice for my fingers. Got to keep them loose and limber, you know.”
You brushed him off as you flitted about your room and got changed for the night behind the folding screen. It had been a pleasant surprise the inn had one as many didn’t. 
You emerged in your nightgown and crossed your arms as you raised an eyebrow at him. 
“So…what’s up? Did you need something?”
He pretended to be stabbed in overdramatic fashion.
“Oh, you wound me! Can’t I come check on my favorite party member without ulterior motives?”
“Sure, you can and have before. But you’re typically chatty, and occasionally tipsy. You seem barely buzzed and you’ve been oddly quiet for you in general, let alone if this was one of your typical calls. You can tell me if I’m wrong but…I don’t like that look in your eye.”
He smiled, and moved to sit up from where he’d been laying on your bed, tossing his dagger carelessly. He placed it on the bedside table. He was already changed, you noted. In black two piece pajamas, and you’d spotted his black robe behind the curtain. Was he planning on staying overnight? You didn’t mind, of course but again…this was too meticulous. He was planning something, you just weren’t sure what. 
“What look might that be, darling?”
You hesitated and then swallowed, something giddy and nervous at once stirring in you as you felt heat in your cheeks and it made you look away. 
“Anticipation. You look not unlike the cat who got the cream. You almost look…predatory, if I had to pick the right word.”
“How frightening~ It’s nothing so serious as all that! “
He moved to stand and you stood your ground as he approached you, finally returning your gaze to his hazel eyes.
“How’re your shoulders?”
He placed his hands on your shoulders and he felt the way you tensed, racking your brain for an excuse. 
“Oh, you heard my conversation with Grog earlier, huh? Like I said, it was just a spasm. I’m fine now-”
His smile widened a tad and then he squeezed, with just the right amount of pressure to get the reaction he guessed at. 
“For reheHEal!” 
You tried to play it off as a cough, bending over and shoving at him to try to get him to release you. He did, backing up a step or two as he observed you. 
“Sorry about that. Worst time to get a cough.”
You mustered an apologetic smile, shaky though it was and Vax let his eyes narrow. 
“...Do you think I’m an idiot? You’re lying again? This is starting to become quite the habit. C’mon, lemme see.”
The expression you made was priceless but Vax kept his unamused expression as he grabbed you by the arm and dragged you over to the bed, gently sitting you down and then looking at you expectantly. Poor thing. You were clearly having an inner debate in your mind over what to do. Shame he wouldn't give you any more time. He motioned to the bed as he moved to stand. 
“Well? Go on, lay down. Let me see how bad it is.”
“It’s really nothing Vax, I swear! Just drop it!”
“Oh right, because you jolting like a scared gob’ was so subtle. If there’s truly nothing wrong then let me see.”
Gods he was such an asshole. Why did your reactions have to be so damn entertaining? …Still, he was absolutely going to Hell for leading you on like this. 
You reluctantly laid down face down and he situated himself at your hips, ensuring you weren’t in pain before continuing. 
“Alright, now you better tell me if anything hurts. I’ll know if you lie again. Got it?”
You nodded and he couldn’t help his smirk now that you couldn't see him, though his voice kept that concerned, slightly hard edge as he dug into your shoulders at once. 
You damn near about seized and your hand rushed to cover your mouth.
“Did that hurt?”
You shook your head and he growled. 
“You must really think I’m blind or something! You can’t even talk!”
Oh, yeah. Definitely going to Hell. 
Now that he was feeling your shoulders, though, it was obvious you had a lot of tension. No wonder you’d been rubbing them earlier. He let his thumbs do most of the work digging in and though he heard you squeak, now and again, every time he asked if you were in pain you denied. It was when his index and middle finger found a knot of tension on the cusp of your neck and shoulder that you finally broke, and tried to reach back to tap his leg, laughing. 
“Fhuhuhuck Vax please! It doesn’t huhuhurt it-it thihihihihckles!!” 
He giggled himself and stopped for a moment to crack his fingers before he answered, all casual nonchalance. 
“About time you admitted it.”
You whimpered in embarrassment and he would bet money you were beyond grateful he couldn't see your expression as you hid your face in your pillow. 
“You knew?! Why didn’t you say anything then!?”
“As payback. For lying, both to Grog and most especially, to me. Next time, tell the truth and I won’t have to be so…”
He spidered fingertips over your shoulders to hear you laugh before pulling back again. 
“Willfully ignorant.”
You groaned. 
“You’re the worst.”
“I hope you know I’ve just started. All joking aside, your shoulder and neck are wrecked, love. Ticklish or not, you’ll feel leagues better if I work these out.”
“You can’t!”
Your instant response gave him pause. 
“What are you so worried about? Surely you must know I’d never judge you for something as paltry as being ticklish.”
“It’s…not that. Gods, Vax, I swear if you tell anyone else-”
You whirled to look at him and he met your eyes unflinchingly. 
“I won’t. I swear it.”
You hesitated and then hid your face again after deeming him to be telling the truth.
“I…I don’t entirely hate it. Truth be told, it’s the opposite. I really…enjoy it.” 
He couldn’t help snickering, but he was quick to clarify at how silent you got, to reassure you. 
“I-hehe. Oh, shit. I’m not laughing at you. I promise. Just, oh Lord, give me a second.”
He finally collected himself, running a hand through his hair and sighed.
“You’re not the first person to tell me that. It’s too cute for me not to laugh. If you ever want to be tickled you know all you have to do is ask.”
“You say that like it’s easy but-”
“But you’d prefer to be a brat to get me to tickle you instead because it’s easier, hm? In character for you. I’m fine with that. For now.”
“For now?”
“Yes. For now. If you keep hiding things from us for what you believe is our benefit, and putting yourself down- now I have the perfect way to punish you. Maybe then the lesson will stick that you are anything but less than.”
He brushed off the vulnerability with ease, returning to his playful affect, as if he hadn't said anything.  
“As I said for tonight, however, I’m more than happy to put you in your place when you act up but…”
You squeaked as he dragged his index finger down your spine, making you shiver. 
“There’s still the matter of all this tension you’re holding. Do I have your permission to deal with it, even if it tickles?”
“Heh. Good. I’m not going to go easy on you now that I know you like this, I hope you know.”
He leaned down to blow air into your ear before whispering. 
“We’ve got quite a lot of lost time to make up for~”
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Can you do head canons for vox machina after you have to get revived
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Depending on how you died, it would’ve hurt the group all the same. Having someone out of their rag tag group meeting an unfortunate end and they’re unable to prevent it from occurring? It’s not a nice a feeling in the slightest.
So it was only natural for Vax, Vex, Percy, Keyleth, Scanlan, Pike and Grog to feel as though they were all partially to blame for your death. It’s a feeling that they would carry with them even after you’ve been revived.
Death wasn’t something one can easily walk away from after being revived and you weren’t any different. If anything the experience of dying then being brought back changed you in ways unknown to yourself until someone were to be upfront about it to you.
Keyleth and Pike would constantly be checking on you after even something as small as a minor inconvenience. Healing you almost straight away even if it was something as small as a paper cut. One of them would always be seen by your side during battles with the additions of Percy and vex acting as long range shooters for opponents Pike and Keyleth couldn’t quite reach with their depleting energy.
Vax would be watching over you like a goddamn hawk, making sure no one tried to pull a fast one over you, always having your back during fights. Vex would also go out of her way to have your back during a fight but in a more discreet manor then the reckless manor her twin would take. Going so far as to scold you whenever you did something reckless in battle or went a little too far out for her liking; But her tone of words and the look in her eyes didn’t match up.
Percy would make upgrades to your weapons or completely make you a new one from scratch when he wasn’t satisfied with the lack of efficiency from your weapon. He’d go through all the processes with you on what does what but it doesn’t really matter as much like Vax he would look out for you in battle, gunning down assailants from a distance and then deny it when confronted about it like…your the only one in the group with a fucking gun dude, I heard gunshots. So naturally I’m going to assume.
Scanlan would take a more light hearted approach in comparison to his friends. Whilst they’re all trying to provide you with protection from any and all harm, the bard would go instead provide you with some company. He’d joke and jest but you noted how his smile reached his eyes nor did his laughter sound completely genuine, Alamo as though he were distracted.
He also makes a mean sandwich so I wouldn’t be surprised if he made an extra special one for you and when you’d ask for the occasion for this random act of service, he’d merely shrug it off as him doing something for a friend.
Grog would probably be protective over you in battle, always picking off the hardest ones so that you would’ve ever have to deal with it yourself. He’s your wall of protection and is more then willing to take all the physical punishment then allow you to even pertain a harmless bruise.
Over all, they would be protective over you in their own way and would gladly form a protective shield out of their own bodies strewn out in front of you if needs be. A good majority of them (Percy, Vax, Vex, etc) have lost good people that were once close to them. They’ve lost you once and there’s no way in hell would they allow that to ever happen again. Get mad at them all you like, try to push them away but they don’t care, their hearts can only take so much breakage despite what their hardened visages would like to say.
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offbrandtoaster · 1 year
You know what's fascinating to me? Marisha and Taliesen PCs form a strong friendship in every season.
Percy and Keyleth, despite being at odds, also have a huge amount of respect for each other and easily feel like the most "best friends" of the group (excepting Pike and Grog.)
Mollymauk is the one who truly first began to chip away at Beau's emotional defenses, which led her to eventually letting the rest the Nein close to her.
And now Laudna and Ashton bond over the fact they both came back from the dead in rather traumatic ways. Life has shat on both of them, and they have unique experiences that only each other can fully grasp.
Anyways, I just think it's neat. Marisha has always been an unfair target of the fandom, but even since Campaign 1 Tal has been incredibly encouraging of her both in and out of character. It's just heartwarming to see.
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pennamenotfound · 2 years
I feel like one of the reasons that the Bells Hells are so interesting and compelling to me is that they’re all so angry. Anger is so interesting to me because of its volatility. The way it can, more than any other emotion, be twisted. Think of how much more volatile Percy was in campaign one because of his revenge boner than Caleb in campaign two with his deepset guilt and grief.  
And like, sure, we had anger before in the other campaigns.
Like Percy was super angry obviously, and Vex had her rage, and Scanlan had his moment (what’s my mother’s name) in Campaign one, and you could probably pull moments for the rest of Vox Machina. Grog’s a barbarian, he rages all the time. Plus with his herd. Okay, sure. Vax certainly had his moments. Keyleth at Raishan. (I don’t think Pike realy had any real anger moments in her arc.) But their stories don’t rely on their anger as much as Percy and Vex, and not nearly as much as Bells Hells. 
In the Mighty Nein, there’s Beau who is super angry at the world, justifiably so, but the rest of the party not so much. Caleb and Yasha are guilt and grief. Cad’s faith. Jester definitely had her problems with emotion, but anger wasn’t really part of it so much as learning to let herself feel something other than happy. Fjord’s journey to Melora was much more about introspection, Veth’s journey back to herself was certainly emotionally taxing for her, but it’s back to greif and loss for her. Kingsley is all about discovery, and Essek was about finding friendship. 
But Bells Hells. They’re all so angry. With maybe the exception of Chetney, but he’s also a werewolf which is its own sort of instability. 
Ashton’s a given---Tal’s so good at anger in his characters. Perfect punk, angry at the world, angry at their situation. *chef’s kiss* perfect barbarian
Imogen has such rage bubbling. “We’re gonna sunder you, Delilah Briarwood” for one, but also, with her mother. With her powers. 
Fearne with her parents. The way she was discovering her anger had so much potential, and I really wanted to see her actually throw some fireballs or something.
Orym. I saw the look on Liam’s face when he had that insight check whisper from Tuldus. Dude, Otohan and the Ruby Vanguard killed his husband and his dad (I know, father in law, but Orym says dad.) He’s the nice one, he’s said it before himself, but... under the surface, i think he’s got some rage in him. 
FCG. Oh, FCG, with their unpredictable rage mode. Trying so desperately to be the caretaker when they don’t even know what they are. The professor in Yios gave him a lot of good information, but there’s a lot they don’t know. 
For me, with FCG and Orym both, it’s a lot of aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to go apeshit?
And then Laudna. Laudna, with the most to be angry about. She was murdered by the Briarwoods, and spent the next thirty years with her murderer in her head. Looking like a corpse. Not knowing if she was dead or alive. Being chased out of towns all over Tal’Dorei until she ran all the way to Marquet. No friends, even before she died, before Imogen. And she’s really the most interesting to me. Because we don’t see a lot of rage with her. Even with Percy in Whitestone, it’s forgiveness. It’s understanding. The only time I remember in the campaign her really being angry was when FCG turned on the party that time, and that was related to Delilah’s manipulations. 
Orym said once something like she had the worst thing out of all of them happen, and yet she’s the happiest, and how is that? And she goes, well, because the worst thing that’s happened to me already happened. 
And it’s so interesting to me because we could, in another universe, have another Ashton in Laudna. Because, really, very similar things happened to them. Both died. Both put back together not quite right, not quite in control of their situation. Feared, even. 
But she’s so loving, caring, and not wrathful, and honestly, I’d kind of love to see some anger from her. And I think we might see it if Imogen gets hurt.
Anyway i’m unhinged about bells hells. I love vox machina and mighty nein but I’ve connected most to bells hells because I’ve been watching CR since CR3 started, and I love my angy bois. 
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kill-a-man-for-kynan · 9 months
Percy: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends. Vax: ... Your what? Percy: My friends. Grog: Are they saying “friends”? Scanlan: I think they're being sarcastic. Pike: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Percy! All of your friends are in this room. Percy: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
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