#guess you guys have to wait until tomorrow to see new art
graedari · 1 year
FUCK I forgot to queue art to post today
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theitgirlnetwork · 5 months
Earn it
Ch. 1: You Boys Really Like to Play Doubles
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Note: Okayyy another one in the lineup. Now that I'm back in my account I think I am going to make an update schedule. I hope you all enjoy this new series along with the others and let me know what you think. This first chapter is mostly backstory building but this story is my chance to be messy lol. It will have spoilers for challengers, but also a lot of things are changed. Please feel free to interact and give feedback (constructively) it inspires me to hear from you all. This obsession came fast so I feel like I already have so many ideas for these characters. This one is short because I was dipping my toe in but they will get longer! The aesthetic board for this story will be on the masterlist in a couple hours! Thank you and enjoy!
Tashi Duncan is an athlete. Hell, she’s the athlete. Of their arena. Of their time. She’s good. Great. Passionate. Beautiful…in the words of Art.
Sexy as shit in the words of Patrick and just about every other man who managed to lay eyes on her. She’s something to marvel at. And they did. Marvel. Art and Patrick stand there, jaws slack, eyes locked on the girl as she moves about the dancefloor absently. It’s like the opposite of how she moves on the court. There she’s a predator. Moving quickly, calculated, with strength. Here she’s graceful, eyes closed and enjoying the motions.
It’s their chance. A chance to meet her. To flirt with her. Con her out of her number when she wanders away from the group of women she’s dancing with over to the couches to retrieve her drink. It’d be easier to talk to her alone. They do their best work in a double, and as far as they knew, she had no partner. As far as they knew. 
And they’re basking in her attention. Taking turns in a whole new match. When one gets the gift of her gaze the other’s smile drops like a puppy waiting for its turn to be played with, her easy smirk resting comfortably on her face the whole time. Until she comes.
“Made some friends?”
The two of them can’t help but have the same thought. Art was admittedly more ashamed to have it but they both had it. There’s two of them.
“These guys are in the tournament. They play tomorrow.” Tashi smiles, holding her hand out to the girl and helping her step over the table so she can sit down next to her. Both men offer her their own hand to help her the rest of the way but she simply squeezes Tashi’s harder. 
Patrick and Art don’t know where to look. Before the girl’s arrival Tashi was the only person worthy of admiration here. She’s stunning, abnormally beautiful. But so was her friend. She had a darker complexion, with full lips coupled with a pretty smile. She tosses her silky dark hair over her shoulder, exposing more shiny skin. Her pink, strapless dress compliments Tashi’s royal blue one so much that even two men with no knowledge of women’s fashion would guess the choice was purposeful. They exchange looks as the women cross their legs in sync, Tashi handing her half-drunk beverage to her friend who rolls her eyes with a small as the boys’ eyes drop to her mouth. “Are they any good?”
Tashi hums thoughtfully, tilting her head lightly as if she needed to observe them to determine that. “From what I hear? Sometimes.”
“Not good like you though.”
That takes them aback for a moment. I mean, Tashi just won a tournament, she’s proven herself enough to pass judgment, all this girl has proven to them is that she’s hot. Who’s she to decide that they weren’t in the same league as Tashi. They weren’t, but who was she?
“You, uh, know that just from looking at us?” Art asks, finding himself sitting straighter at the scrutiny, the unimpressed looks on the two girls' faces getting to him as he wonders what it would take to change them.
All the girl offers is a shrug and a small smile around the straw, earning her a giggle from Tashi. 
“You know, we didn’t get a chance to see your match. What’s your name again?” Partick’s brows furrow as he glances between his friend and the two women. 
The smile drops from her face and her lips curve into a frown, cheek dimpling in a way that almost has the men forgetting she’d insulted them. “Wow.” she scoffs.
“You’ve got balls. You came to my party to talk shit to my best friend?”
That has them scrambling, stuttered half apologies from Art and sarcastic denials from Patrick. Anything they could blurt out to convince Tashi and her mystery friend to stay. All of it interrupted by their burst of giggles. 
“We’re just fucking with you.” The girl leans her head back against the cushion, puffing out laughter that makes Art’s head feel like it’s swimming. He blinks at the feeling and takes his own deep breath. “I’m Heaven, I’m nobody, I don’t play tennis.”
“Nobody? You don’t seem like nobody.” He doesn’t even recognize his own voice when he says it. 
“Nobody is nobody.” Patrick cuts in.
Tashi gives the girl a disapproving look that would put ice in the mens’ veins, pursing her lips in agitation briefly before turning back to the guys in front of them. “She’s Heaven Whitlock, she’s my best friend, and the best fuckin’ ballerina in the world.” 
Heaven lifts and drops her shoulder noncommittally, taking a deep sip of the drink. “Yeah. I’m the best fuckin’ ballerina in the world.”
The girls left soon after that so that Tashi could take pictures and once they were done, they were pleased to discover that the boys had waited to hang out with them more. The group made their way down to the beach and found themselves talking about all sorts of things. Life, Tashi’s earlier match, tennis as a spirituality. They were shocked to learn that Heaven knew a lot about the sport and could even play a little. But based on how they described it, she only knew enough to help Tashi train. 
Patrick felt aggravated and outnumbered by the fact that all three of the others were going to college. 
“Okay, so she doesn’t want her only skill to be hitting a ball with a racket. What the hell are you going to school for Miss Ballerina?”
“Train. I can get better.” Heaven shrugs. “Get my name out there too, before I join a company I mean.” 
“Can we see something?” Art blurts from his seat, shaking out the ash from his cigarette. “Like your favorite trick or-”
Heaven’s face lights up slightly. Her back has been straight up all night, her shoulders rolled back with poise, but she perks up in excitement at the thought of the opportunity to dance. “I like doing Fouette turns-”
“Heaven, in sand?” Tashi whips her head to look at her friend. “You don’t even have your shoes. You have your first audition for your school’s fall show when we get back don’t you?”
Heaven rolls her glossed lips inward, nodding, eyes dropping to the sand briefly before they return to the men in front of her. “Maybe another time.”
“Another time. There’s gonna be another time?” Patrick leans back in his seat, looking between the two women smugly. “Does that mean I’m gonna hear from you two again?”
“I’ll see Art at Stanford. Heaven will visit.” 
“He’s asking for your numbers.” Art offers. “So am I.”
Heaven’s brows furrow as she stands dusting sand off her hands before she helps pull Tashi to her feet. “Both of you?”
“Want both of our numbers?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Oh, you boys really like to play doubles, huh?” She’s met with cheeky smiles and a shrug from Tashi. “Well, I have a boyfriend, so…” she grins, gesturing to Tashi. “May the best one win boys.”
The boys crane their necks briefly to follow Heaven’s walk up the hill, her sandals in hand, watching as she turns expectantly, holding out her other hand for Tashi to come up and take. They barely get out their offer for Tashi to come to their room later before she’s making her way up the hill. Her long legs carry her to her friend, whose hand she takes before swinging their arms back and forth, singing along together to whatever song is playing in the distance together.
As soon as they’re out of sight Patrick whips his head to face Art, a wild smirk on his face. 
“Which one do you want?”
“So…which one’s your favorite?” 
“Patrick’s got more natural talent, that’s for sure, but he’s stubborn, doesn’t wanna learn anything new. Art- what?” Tashi tilts her head at her friend’s scoff, moving to sit next to her at the small desk chair, watching as her friend rubs lotion into her face. “What?”
“Nothing, T, tell me about Art.” Heaven laughs, shaking her head. Tennis. Always about tennis. Poor boys. 
“Art wants it more right now. And he’s good. Could be great." She stands walking over to the closet and tugging on her jacket. “You set your alarm?”
“4:30, T. Gotta get our run in and practice for my audition before the tournaments start.” 
“Mm, good girl.” she smiles, dropping a kiss onto the top of Heaven’s head. “I’ll have my key.”
“You’re really going? You’re gonna go to their room?” Heaven turns in the seat and watches Tashi put on her shoes. The brunette pauses to look at her friend, walking over and crouching in front of her. Her hands rest on Heaven’s legs as she looks up at her.
“You jealous?”
“Want me to be?” Heaven asks, leaning her forehead against Tashi’s with a defiant look on her face. “I know you’re not gonna fuck them.”
“Really?” Tashi hums absently. “We’ll see. I’ll be back later. Why don’t you call Trevor while you have the room to yourself.”
With that she pats Heaven’s legs, pushing off of the floor and leaving her alone in the hotel room. 
Heaven takes her best friend’s advice. She calls her boyfriend. It was a mistake.
Trevor hates Tashi. He hates tennis. He hates dance. He hates everything. 
He didn’t use to. He used to think the girl’s dedication was cool. He used to love to come to showcases, recitals, even some of Tashi’s tournaments. But then he realized his place in everything. His place in Heaven’s life. Dance and Tashi, those two things would always come before him.
That’s the hard lesson everyone always had to learn. Tashi was always gonna win when it came to tennis and Heaven. Tashi was Heaven’s first…period. First best friend, first kiss, they’d taken each other’s virginities. They met in middle school. Heaven had been at the community center gym with her mother, running and doing weight training while her mom took a zumba class. Out on the court was Tashi. Beautiful and focused as ever. Heaven chose a treadmill that she could watch Tashi practice out the window from. She’d been startled when the taller girl came into the building and stood next to her machine and asked her if she knew anything about tennis and if she wanted to play. 
She wasn’t good. Tashi was determined to make her good enough to play with. Soon enough they were inseparable. Heaven would sit in the stands at Tashi’s games, yelling as loud as the girl playing when she won. Tashi would go to see Heaven dance, offering her applause when she won awards or starred in a show. Having Tashi was intense, but Heaven was intense too, in her own right. They were both passionate about their crafts, and loved the art of working hard. They liked making each other proud. 
Tashi was Heaven’s first everything except her first love. That was dance. Her muscles stretching into beautiful motions. Using her body to tell all kinds of stories. Becoming someone else entirely over the course of a song. Heaven would die if she couldn’t dance. 
She doesn’t feel like that about Trevor. He was a sweet guy, and she liked him. Despite Tashi’s constant digs that he wasn’t good enough or amounting to anything, Heaven liked him. Not everything has to be an intense feeling. Content can be good enough. I can be satisfied with content. 
But Trevor wished she would be normal. He wished she wasn’t so close to Tashi. He wished she wasn’t constantly working at something. At least that’s what he said when he dumped her over the phone. 
“Trev-Trevor. Trevor are you fucking serious?” 
Dial tone. 
Heaven’s lip curls up in frustration as she feels her eyes watering. She throws her phone against the wall, hearing the distinct crack of the screen. “Fuck. Fucking shit.” She…needs Tashi.
Pulling a baggy t-shirt over her sport’s bra and underwear she goes to the bathroom and rids herself of any evidence that she’d been crying before she heads to the room Tashi told her she’d be in. She creeps past her friend’s dad’s door so she doesn’t wake him and alert him that neither she nor Tashi were in bed. As she gets off the elevator on the boys’ floor she straightens as she goes to knock on the door, hearing the faint sounds of lips smacking and moaning. 
That makes her feel worse then she did when Trevor told her she wasn’t worth the hassle.
Heaven turns on her heel and goes back to the elevator. Her bare feet pad on the rug of the hotel hallway as she wraps her arms around herself until she gets back to her door. 
She ties her scarf around her hair before climbing into the bed the girls had been sharing, facing the window. The blinds rattle as the wind blows and the quiet tears on Heaven’s face are dry by the time Tashi slips into the room and into the bed behind Heaven. 
The bed dips slightly under her weight and suddenly hands are planted onto Heaven’s side. “Hev, I’m back…I had fun. Come on, I know you’re awake.”
“I hooked up with them.”
Heaven turns then, laying on her back as Tashi leans over her, her hair making a curtain around her. “Which one?”
“Hmm…both. We didn’t have sex or anything but…I made out with both of them…and then they made out with each other. S’fun.” Tashi grins, flopping on her back next to her friend.
“They…ever done that before?”
“Nope” she smiles, popping the ‘p’ loudly. Both girls burst out into laughter as they think about the difference between their friendship and the two boys they met, so similar yet so different.
“You’re evil. You fucking homewrecker.”
“Ahh, they’ll be alright. It’ll be a good fuckin’ match tomorrow…winner gets my number.” 
“Trevor dumped me today.” 
Tashi turns on her side at that. Her ever-inspecting eyes scan Heaven’s face before narrowing a little. “No bullshit? Good fucking riddance. Should’ve dumped him when I told you to. Damn, would’ve been an even better match if I knew that earlier. Imagine how they’d play if the stakes were the winner gets both of us at the same time.” She laughs, putting her legs under the blankets. “It’d be fucking funny.”
“Yeah, T. Fucking hilarious.”
Tashi is at the courts by 5 am the next morning, and Heaven is running on the beach. She normally loves training with here friend, but right now, she needs a fucking break. Being drilled about the audition or talking about this deathmatch for Tashi’s phone number doesn’t feel like something she wants to do right now.
Still, her and Tashi’s workout playlist blasts in her ears as she fights the sand’s resistance, panting out breaths to Lose My Breath by Destiny’s Child. That is until she sees something moving out of the corner of her eye. 
It’s the blond one. She wasn’t sure which one’s name was which, but to her, the blond one was the cuter one. She liked his smile and he looked like he had a nice body under his baggy shirt yesterday. His tight athletic tank today shows her she’s right. Popping an earbud out, Heaven slows to jogging in place, offering him a smile. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, you’re up early, aren’t you?”
“Might not play tennis, but I’m still an athlete. I get up at 4:30 everyday. Clearly you do too.”
“Uh,” he adjusts his cap on his unruly blond hair before covering it back up, matching pace with her in her jog. “Not really, but the match is in a couple hours and I gotta explain to my family how to watch it. There’s a lot of them. And Patrick snores.”
“I see. Well, you’re gonna have to get used to it if you’re gonna get with Tashi.” His mouth opens and closes at that, like he’s shocked she knows he’s interested in her friend. “She told me about the stakes for today…and the other stuff.” 
He falters in his step at that, placing his hands on his hips as he laughs in disbelief, before pulling her shirt over his mouth for a second to hide his face, ears red. “You guys share everything, huh?”
“Apparently you do too.” Heaven laughs, pausing in her jog to stretch her leg when she feels tightness in it, bending over to work the muscles. If her eyes hadn’t slipped closed she would see Art’s eyes dart to her backside before looking away in an attempt to be respectful. He absently thinks that Patrick is right. Hot girls usually are friends with other hot girls. “But I’m rooting for you…uh…?”
“Oh, Art. I’m Art.” he breathes, willing his eyes not to slip again.
“Short for Arthur?”
“Um, yeah, but nobody calls me that. Except my grandma when I’m in trouble.” He blushes. Heaven straightens, and offers him a pretty smile.
“If one of you is gonna be seeing Tashi, I need to know your full name. I’m sure you can carry the speech to the other one too. If you hurt her, you die, I’ll kill you little white boy, you get it right?” 
“Right.” he hums, rocking on his feet. “So, you guys are close huh? She talked about you a lot last night. Fucking hates your boyfriend.”
“Yeah, well, she won’t have to worry about him anymore. Done. As of last night actually. Tashi was saying she wishes would’ve known that before your little bargain. Then, it would be both her and my number on the line. What can you do?” Heaven shrugs absently. She was flirting a little. Sue her. She’d just been dumped and was finally free to start having fun. All summer she’d been traveling with Tashi, being a good little doting girlfriend, turning down every hot guy she met. Only ever having one slip up, with Tashi. She knew they both were into her friend, she didn’t expect anything-
“So raise the stakes.” 
Heaven’s eyes widen as Art looks at her earnestly, looking embarrassed by his own words. “What?” she laughs.
“You can…definitely tell me to fuck off…but…we would be interested in having your number added to the…pot? Fuck, that sounds awful, Patrick and I want your number too. I want your number too. If that’s okay.”
“And you wanna play for it?”
“Those are the rules right?” 
Heaven observes the man in front of her. Boyish. Cute. And nervous. He doesn’t know how hot he is. Not like his friend. Not like Tashi. He doesn’t know what he looks like. And he seems sweet enough, nervous to offend them, but determined enough to push past the embarrassment to get what he wants. “Tashi’s rules. Not mine. Do you guys want to play for my number?”
His jaw sets slightly as he looks her up and down. “I wanna earn it.” 
“Okay, winner gets Tashi’s number. And mine.” 
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Twisted Wonderland Monster AU hide and seek game except Yuu won after they took their clothes off and scattered them all over the forest to throw the seekers off(bonus points if Yuu was also hiding naked the whole time)
At first, I imagined something funny like those cartoony “hiding in the bushes/mud/water” or something similar…and then I remembered that humans have mastered the art of camouflage via body paint! Seriously, look at some of these things people can do, just hiding in plain sight! (If you wanna see more elaborate ones, you can find more on Google, I just don’t want tumblr to flag this post. >.> )
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So now imagine that Yuu got frustrated one day that–no matter where they were–they couldn’t hide from some of their classmates due to their keen sense of smell. Now imagine they made a bet with their friends to a game of hide and seek. “Tomorrow morning, I will hide somewhere on campus,” they told the monster first years. “I won’t be hiding inside any of the buildings or any of the dorms. And if you guys can’t find me by the time the sun sets, you all have to do what I say for the rest of the week. Deal?”
“Deal!” came the response, the first years feeling very confident.
Come the next morning, the boys set out from Ramshackle in search of the human. Jack immediately picked up the scent and zeroed in on it, believing he had already won the game…until he realized there was a new, horrifying smell mixed in. “Eugh!!! Garlic and onions!!!” he howled, stumbling away from the smell and trying to rub his face into the grass to rid himself of the offensive odor.
“Huh…is…this one of those ‘sock’ things that Yuu always wears?” Epel asked, holding up the article in question and peering inside. “It’s stuffed full of chopped onions and garlic. Really strong stuff, too!”
“Damn. Guess Yuu figured out we were going to sniff them out,” Ace uttered with a sigh. “Guess we gotta do this the old-fashioned way. Let’s split up and cover more ground. They couldn’t have gotten very far, right?”
Despite their confidence, however, it became even more difficult than they thought. One by one, they managed to find more and more articles of Yuu’s clothing, and it was Sebek who put two and two together. “Are they running around school…naked?!” he shrieked.
“I…guess so,” Deuce uttered. Then, dawning horror sank in as he said, “Wait…you don’t think that…someone kidnapped them!?”
“N-no, Yuu wouldn’t let themselves get taken so easily. Besides, we’d be smelling blood or fear somewhere if that were the case, right?” Ace explained, though part of him seemed unsure.
“We gotta find them, fast!” Jack said, glancing at his watch. “We have an hour before sunset.”
“Let’s hurry!”
High and low they searched, looking for footprints or any other trace of the human…to no avail and to many stares from fellow students. Yuu was supposed to find a hiding spot somewhere on campus! Where could they have gone? Had…had something bad happened to them!?
Finally, the first years reluctantly met up on Main Street with empty claws and a pile of clothing to show for it. They wondered how they were going to explain this to the teachers, the sun sinking below the horizon and the street lights turned on. That’s when movement caught their eye–
“Gyah! The statues are movin’!!!” Epel yowled, the others screaming in unison as a shadow separated from one of the Great Seven statues–
And a familiar voice spoke. “Took you guys long enough,” Yuu said, moving and stretching their arms and legs with a groan. “Jeez…I should have shortened it to lunch time. My body is sore from holding that pose!”
“Y-Yuu!? Wha-? How…wait…are you covered in paint!?”
“Yeah. I wanted to show you guys that I could hide, and I did! So now you guys have to do what I say for a week.”
“...did you have to get naked just to prove a point?”
“Next question.”
“Put your clothes on human!!!” Sebek shrieked, covering his eyes and looking away with a flustered expression.
As it turned out, Yuu had enlisted the help of Vil and Lilia to paint their body to mimic the surface of the Great Seven statues. Meanwhile, Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts would scatter their clothes around campus to lead them on a wild goose chase. Once word spread of what Yuu had done, the school was abuzz with chatter about the event.
Even Cater took advantage of this gimmick to add it to his “Human’s are Weird” Magicam page as a new weekly challenge: spot the human! Viewers were confused at first when they couldn’t find Yuu or believed they had found them, only for it to turn into a wide debate between users. It wasn’t until the next day when the challenge was ended that Cater would post the resulting video revealing Yuu separating themselves from their hiding spot covered in paint resembling the environment. Minds were blown!
Such a fascinatingly creative way to turn a natural survival skill into a form of art!
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natsaffection · 2 years
My sweet Student. | part 2 | N. Romanoff
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MINORS DNI!!! (18+!)
warnings: Age gap (natasha = 42 | Reader = 21), drinking, oral (n receiving), fingering (r receiving)
Word count: 3.100
A/n: Second one!
"Tell me Y/n, have you made any preparations for tomorrow's farewell party?" The two of you had started a FaceTime call to go over the next few hours when Kate threw the question into the room. You just look up at her in amazement, "What kind of celebration?" Kate laughed, "Farewell party! It's a farewell party..For our principal. He's changing, remember?"
Right. There was something. He has become a bit conspicuous in the last few months, what his 'arts' are in bringing. So he was simply replaced.
Nevertheless, a celebration is thrown in his honor..For whatever reason.
"Is this a mandatory event?" No way, you will go. Just because of a certain person. "No, but come on! It is for the teachers, so your favorite-"
"Shut up, Kate! I'm not going!"
And now you're standing in the room where the ceremony is taking place. Kate has done it again. After all, you have to be the one to bring a drunk friend home....
You walk up to the buffet to see what's on offer, and at least you're having a good meal for once. So you grab a plate and grab everything that fits in your hand.
You go back to Kate and see that you are sitting at a table with other classmates. With drinks, of course.
"Here I am just gone for two minutes, and you're about to get drunk again? Seriously?"
Kate looks to you and holds her glass up to you, "Oh come on! Tomorrow we have fourths! We can afford it then..." You carefully wave her hand away so as not to spill anything,
"No thanks..."
You sit down and look around. Teenagers were everywhere, living their life. Teachers talking to their peers and the main character of the evening, the principal, shaking hands.
But not the person you came along for after all. Great..all for nothing.
"Kate, I'm going to get some more food, okay?" She just nodded and you walk back over.
You picked up a new plate and- "Any recommendations?" You hear the question and notice a person stopped at your side, "Um..The things over there, are relatively good-" Your words caught in your throat as you saw the person coming from the side,
"M-Ms Romanoff!" You remembered again that you were holding a plate and gripped it tighter again, so it wouldn't fall off.
"Evening Y/n, what so stirred up?" She smiled and grabbed a plate as well to take the slices you mentioned, "These, right?" You just nodded and watched her take one. "Now then. Don't drink too much and be ready for class tomorrow, got it?" She walks past you without waiting for your answer, "Got it..." You walk back to Kate and the others as if in a trance, sit down, and this time accept the Glass you were offered.
After a while, the events were yesterday and you were just a swimming wreck. There weren't that many drinks, were there?
"Should I get some more?" Asked one next to you, "I think we should take it easy, don't you?" You talk so slow because you're surprised by your tongue, Do you even have one left?
"Naaah, I'll go get some more..." The girl next to you stood up and so did you, "I'm coming..with you!" You both trudge down the hall, arriving totally exhausted at the table where the drinks are being handed out. "We'll have the same ones again!" You only hear an 'all right' and the guy who took the alcohol in walks to the back.
"Didn't I tell you something earlier?" You turn around innocently and see Natasha again,
She looks at you skeptically, "Hey, how's it going?" You don't realize until now that a duty person is now standing in front of you, and you're about to get some purely smuggled alcohol, "Nothing! We're not doing anything..Noup..ah a.." You try to lean in, but miss expertly and stand up straight again. Natasha had her eyes on you the whole time, "I see..Let me guess, if I ask you a question now, you won't have an answer, right?"
You think about the question. Who has been drinking here? You seemed to be able to answer it correctly. "Was that the question already?" you repeat, and Natasha just grunts,
"Okay. Home with you. The evening is over." She threw hard at the young one who was about to come with the drinks, and he took off again. After that, She showed you the way, "What's there?"
"The exit, Y/n."
You look in the direction and just didn't understand what she wanted you to do. "Okay, I get it." She sets your glass down and puts a hand on your back to guide you.
“I'm old enough, hey! Help!"
"Y/n, I'm not arguing with you! Either you leave the premises on your own now, or I'll force you to!"
Force? Force what?
- - - - - -
You wake up by your inner clock, knowing that something was wrong. Did you set an alarm clock? What time is it anyway? You sleepily look for your cell phone, which should normally be somewhere on the bed, but you don't find it. You open your eyes annoyed, and then it hits you.
This is not your room. Oh God, this is not your room!!! You frantically sit up and look around. It was definitely bigger than yours, but nowhere can you find any clues as to whose it is.
You stand up slowly and exhale calmly when you realize that you still have your clothes on. That's it.
You go to the door and slowly open it. In front of you is a long hallway, which you follow and arrive at a small staircase. Are you alone? No. You probably hear a radio from the kitchen and go to it. Then, as you stood at the door, it was over,
"Good morning troublemaker."
It was none other than your teacher. You're in your teacher's apartment.. You look around frantically, not knowing what to do, "Sit down, we have to leave in a minute."
"Where to?" Thank God, you were able to say that in a relaxed way. Natasha now turns to you and had two plates with omelets on them. "It's Monday today. You have class." She puts the plate on the table and walks out the door beside you. So you were now alone in the kitchen and your stomach was literally begging you to eat this food. You look back, not seeing her anywhere, and now sit down to eat. When Natasha came back, you reply, "I have to the fourth." Whether that's true or not, you don't know. You just trust Kate for once. Fuck, Kate. Does she know you're okay? Wait, are you okay?!
"Good for you, but I'm not, so let's get out of here together." If you weren't in such an awkward situation, you'd laugh. She sounds like your mother.
"Wh-why am I here? And not-"
"Home? Well..you just wouldn't tell me. No matter what, you were just completely unreliable!" Why is she so angry?
"Can I ask why it upsets you so much? You could have just left me there!" Not that you're complaining...
"Y/n, you didn't even know your last name. I could have done something with you otherwise, and now eat." She leaned against her kitchen counter with her arms crossed.
"Yes mother..." You were about to bite in, "That sounded a little different last night." As you choked, "W-what?" Natasha stood back up, "You were pretty talkative yesterday. Didn't know you could utter fluid sentences in front of me."
Shit. And that's exactly why you don't drink. You can't control or know what you're saying, "M-Ms Romanoff, no matter what I-"
"See? Now you're stuttering again, and.." She came up to you and leaned in front of you, "That was a joke. Only your reaction proved it to me." She got up again and left the kitchen, "In three minutes I want to see you ready in my car."
You looked transfixed until you hear a door slam shut and you jump up. You walk out of the kitchen and look for directions to the garage. When you arrive, you sit down in the back seat and wait for Natasha. Who, after a few seconds, gets into the car as well.
"As I expected..." She whispers and drives off.
You look out the window, embarrassed, trying to find connections as to why your teacher had taken you home. I mean, she could have looked in the class book to see where you lived, so why didn't she?
"Can I..ask you something?" Natasha didn't take her eyes off the road, "Always."
"Why didn't you drive me home?" You turned into a street. "I already told you that."
"You could have just-"
"What if I didn't want to?"
Oh, God, you have to get out of the car. Is she going to kill you? She's definitely going to kill you.
"You know..I didn't spend half my life studying for nothing, only to be led astray by a little girl afterward. I know what's up, y/n."
You stop at a traffic light, and She turns to face you slightly, "So. I'll just ignore the fact that you whimper in your chair every time I walk in. Or you hold your breath when I talk to you. Do you want me to keep going?"
She's got you figured out. Of course, she did. "N-no..." She started again, looking down the road, "You do know it's forbidden to have a relationship with your teacher?"
Natasha knows it too. Still, she's curious (For the first time in a long time) if you're aware of that, and if you get scared and shut down.
"I know..I'm sorry..."
This still surprises Natasha. So you knew and yet you don't shy away and repress your feelings for her.
"Can you blame it then? You know exactly what you do every time!"
"What?" She knows exactly. "The way you look at us, for example! Roaming the halls-"
"Darling, that's my job." She interrupted. "And I'm not looking at you all. I'm looking at you only.“
You're dreaming again. Wake up, wake up, wake up!
"We're here." She turns back to you, "If I hear even one sound from you today, whether it's me or my colleagues, there will be consequences, do you understand that?"
There will be no consequences. Not yet. But Natasha wants to test you. She wants to see how you react, if you'll let her.
So that soon she will have you in her hands.
You are lucky that nobody saw you when you got out of the car. Because you were pale as a snowman. You were already panicking in front of her, but now?
You go to your first classroom and sit down like a robot. You unpack your things and try to concentrate on the material. Natasha's announcement in your car still stuck deep inside you. Because when the teacher asked you something, you just shake your head and try to keep yourself down. You just have to survive four more hours, after that you can go home.
The break then came faster than you could look, and Kate had managed to get to school for once. You were sitting at a table when she came up to you,
"Dude! I thought you were dead! Where were you yesterday?!"
"Where was I? I was at Ms. Romanoff's house!!!" Kate sat up straight and remained still in her movements, "What?"
"Yes! She took me home!" She continued to look at you and started to grin, which made you even more upset, "No.... No! But it was just as bad!" Now she started laughing.
"Oh come on! That's always been your dream, hasn't it? I mean, we'll see your reaction then..." She couldn't stop laughing and she almost infected you as you panicked again, "Like we'll see then?! We don't have today with her!"
"Yes we do..It's right here." She looked at her phone and showed you the schedule for today. She has..We don't have Russian or history today! She changed the hours...
"She switched with someone..."
"Now it's too much y/n..Maybe she needed an extra lesson for us..You know how we get behind that.."
True. But also not. You didn't know that she traded her hour especially for you.
"You're right..thanks." Kate smiles and leans against you "Always happy to.."
When the time came, and you were now back in the familiar room, it confirmed what Kate had said. Everything was going normally. Questions were answered, Natasha went over your material, and everything went according to plan.
According to Natasha's plan.
She wanted to make it look normal. But she knows how to get her hands on her prey perfectly. She's got her eye on you. You don't realize it, but your body is responding to her again. you didn't know where to put your legs. In front of you? On top of each other? You don't know, and Natasha found that amusing. She just literally waited until the lesson was finally over.
And when it was, she called you to her. You stopped and took another deep breath as you turned and walked to her table.
"From what I hear, you've stuck to it. Good girl."
"Please stop. This is torture..."
Natasha leans back in her chair, "Stop what?" You roll your eyes inwardly. You can't take any more of this. You want her to finally do something.
"Y/n, just open your mouth like I taught you."
You just stand in place, wondering what to do. Stay or run? Definitely run!
"I want you..." She's got you just about. Now all you have to do is open your mouth. Literally.
So Natasha spreads her legs in front of you. The worst that can happen is you leave. So why not try?
If she's honest, she's a little suspicious and thinks you're really just going to leave. To her surprise though, you kneel down to her and wait for her again.
"As to be expected. Well then. Show me what that smart mouth can do." You look at her and then down at her. You grab her pants with trembling hands and slowly pull them down.
Natasha didn't take her eyes off you for a single second.
You have now got all the annoying stuff down from her, and now look at her glistening pussy.
You immediately put your mouth on it and start moving your tongue up and down. YOU could hear Natasha let out a sigh and lean back further. This made you proud and now give more pressure on your tongue.
"Further to the left..." You do as she said, thinking maybe that's where your sensitive spot is, but you could tell you'd never given oral before. And Natasha noticed that too,
"Okay come here.." You look up at her, and Natasha already found this sight just fantastic. You stand up and she leads you to her lap. She leans you against her chest and one hand slips into your panties.
"It's your first time, isn't it?" Your body was already on fire. Every touch had a different effect on you, "Y-yes..." Natasha literally howled. Fuck, you're a virgin...
"It's okay..First." She slides down further again and begins to play on your nerves with two fingers circling. The motion made you jump and Natasha continued to hold you on her lap, "Sit still Y/n." You whimpered, not knowing where to put your voice. Natasha found your clit and played with it, your reaction spoke for itself, "Sensitive right? Don't worry..let it out, yeah..."
You couldn't hold back anymore and let out a moan. Natasha didn't let up and continued to play with you. You claw at her under arm and let your head fall back,
"N-Natasha..I don't know-"
"Shh, call me mommy, little one. Come on, I know you can." Her other hand now creeps under your shirt and finds your chest, which is now being played with as well.
"N-not there...!" But Natasha ignored your whimpers and now also gave more pressure on your clit and nipple. She loves your movements and reactions. She's already addicted to you.
"Nata!-" you were interrupted as Natasha slapped your clit, and she covered your mouth because of the volume, "That's not right..What should you call me?"
Oh god.
She took her hand away again and waited, "M-Mommy..Its Mommy! Please, don't stop.."
"That's it. It feels good, does it? I know what you need. I can give it to you anytime.."
Her movement quickened. She wants to see you come, she needs it, "M-mommy, i-something happening!" She had to chuckle, "Let go Y/n, come on." She had to force herself to cover your mouth again or everyone would catch on to what you two were doing. She made a mental note to catch up somewhere else to hear your noises.
Natasha feels the wind against her palm and waits a bit longer before taking her hand away completely. "Good..Thats it."
She took her fingers from you and lick them clean. Now it was final. Now she can't give you away, after that intense taste.
"How do you feel?" She asked you while putting your hair out of your face. And all you could do was whimper, "I..I don't know.."
"It doesn't matter..you were great. So let's do that again from before.. You are aware that it is forbidden to have a relationship with me?" You just nod. "Well then. This stays between us, understand? You're mine now."
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cheesysoup-arlo · 5 months
Cady’s Cousin (pt.2)
(pt. 1)/(pt. 3)/(pt. 4)
A/N: sorry this is mostly like “texting” also the relationship/couples I have in here are (karen and gretchen), (cady and regina), later I’ll add (janis and reader) and maybe (aaron and kevin g) idk maybe lol I won’t be tagging the ships since they’re not the main ship I hope y’all liked this lol
(Sunday 8:30pm)
*Cady created a group chat*
Cads 🦁: hey guys I made this group chat so (Y/N) can get to know you guys, you guys can get to know them, and just for fun 👍
???(1): aw Cady that’s so sweet, this is Aaron by the way lol
(Y/N): can everyone send their name please 🙏
???(2): karen 💕
???(3): Beyoncé
???(4): that’s Damian ^, this is janis 👾
Damian🌟: janis you’re no fun this is homophobia
Janis👾: yeah I hate the gays 🙄
karen💕: ??? u hat me 😞
Janis👾: no not you karen just Damian
karen💕: o okie 😽
???(5): the hottest bitch you’ll meet
(Y/N): hi Regina
Cads🦁: Y/N!!!
(Y/N): cads chill I know she’s off limits
Regina👛: aw baby you’re so cute when you’re jealous
Janis👾: barf 🤮
(Y/N): 😭😭😭
(Y/N): wait where’s Gretchen?
karen💕: sleping 😴
Damian🌟: Important question! Y/n are you one of them queers?
(Y/N): I would be offended if you thought I wasn’t
*damian has named group chat “fruit loops”*
Janis👾: I-
(Y/N): oh that’s-
Regina👛: how’s everyone feeling about school tomorrow? I’m kind of excited mostly because the school cheese fries just hit different yk?
Cads🦁: I’m excited too but for classes I picked an extra math class this year
(Y/N): ha nerd 🤓
(Y/N): I’m nervous lol but at least I have you guys
Janis👾: I’m not excited I hate school it keeps me from doing more important things
(Y/N): like what?
Janis👾: sleeping
Damian🌟: I’m excited I decided that I’m gonna take the new senior only theater class which is a little out of my comfort zone but I’ll manage
Aaron🧍‍♂️: I was supposed to be graduated last year so I’m not excited at all
Aaron🧍‍♂️: yeah I failed English and history so I couldn’t graduate
Cads🦁: it’s ok Aaron now you get to be with us for another year 😊
(Sunday 11:50pm) fruit loops
(Y/N): guys I can’t sleep
Janis👾: same I’ve been lying very still and it’s not working
Damian🌟: janis did you take the melatonin I gave you?
Janis👾: yeah but it’s not working 😔
Damian🌟: welp that’s a you problem then
(Monday 2:30am) fruit loops
(Y/N): do you think I can fit 40 mini marshmallows in my mouth?
Janis👾: oh absolutely
(Y/N): omg ur still awake too?
Janis👾: yeah lol
(Y/N): I just put 35 mini marshmallows in my mouth idk if I can fit more
Janis👾: if you fit all 40 I’ll give you 5 bucks
(Y/N): challenge accepted
(Monday 2:37am) fruit loops
(Y/N): I fit all 40 and almost choked lmao
Janis👾: lmao nice your $5 will be given at school
(Y/N): yippieeee
(Y/N): dude I literally can’t sleep
Janis👾: wanna call? That’s what me and Damian used to do before he got a good sleep schedule lmao
(Y/N): um sure me and my friend back home used to do that too
*incoming call from Janis👾*
“Hi” you whispered suddenly feeling a little more tired with her company even if it was only over the phone “hey” janis said with a small yawn “nice shirt” you say seeing her Lego movie shirt “oh um thanks” she says with a laugh “so what’s up?” “Let’s take turns asking each other questions until we fall asleep” you say with a little yawn “hmm ok favorite color?” She asks you “ooo definitely (your favorite color), how about you?” “Hmm either green or purple” “ooo good choice, hmm hobbies?” “I sing and write a little but I guess art even though I don’t consider it a hobby it’s more of a lifestyle” “art? Can I see some?” “Yeah sure I’ll show you some stuff tomorrow” you both yawn “shit it’s 3 am” janis sighs “fuck” you chuckle sleepy “um I’m getting tired” janis says with a tired laugh “me too” you say starting to close your eyes “good night (y/n)” “good night Janis” you say with a yawn falling asleep as she hangs up
Monday 5:30am
“Pst…(y/n)? You gotta wake up” your cousin said lightly shaking you “ugh five more minutes” you mumbled “no come on up you gotta get ready” she insisted, you got up against your body begging to go back to sleep “good morning sleepy head” Cady said with an enthusiastic smile “cads what time is it?” “5:33” “doesn’t school start at like 8:30?” “No it starts at 8 and I wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready and have breakfast, breakfast is very important” “uh huh…mm thanks cads” you say with a yawn deciding to get up and look through your clothes “meet me in my room when you’re done getting dressed, ok?” Cady said “um ok?” You said grabbing your favorite jeans and shirt then going to look for your jacket as your cousin left
(Monday 5:40 am) fruit loops
Gretchen🌷: good morning everyone soooo so sorry for not texting yesterday I went to bed early
Regina👛: it’s ok Gretch don’t worry about it
Regina👛: also damn I think Janis and (y/n) our new insomniac duo
(Y/N): unfortunately yes I’m so fucking tired also good morning Gretchen
Aaron🧍‍♂️: why are you guys up so early it’s not even six yet? I literally woke up because of all the buzzing
(Y/N): cads woke me up :(
Regina👛: my skincare and makeup routine take like and hour
Gretchen🌷: I like mornings ☀️
You finished getting ready and headed over to Cady’s room like she asked you to. “What’s up cads?” “Eee (y/n) ok so first of all how are you feeling about your first day” “a little nervous and tired I only got like 2 and a half hours of sleep” “oh goodness (y/n) why didn’t you sleep sooner?”cady says concerned “Because I wasn’t tired?” You half joked. Cady hands you a paper. “That’s a map of the school the way Janis sees it she gave it to me on my first day I feel like it could be helpful for you” “oh um wow thanks cads” you say giving her a half hug. Your aunt knocks on Cady’s open door “hey girls good morning” “good morning mom” Cady says enthusiastically, you yawn “morning” you say with a small smile “I’ve got to head to work but I’m assuming you girls have a ride?” “Yeah Aaron’s gonna pick us up I think?” Cady answers “alright I love you two, be on your best behavior and call me or text me if you need me” your aunt says as she leaves “bye” you and Cady say at the same time. You head to the kitchen and pour yourself a bowl of cereal
(Monday 6:40am) fruit loops
Regina👛: my mom is doing a coffee run what does everyone want?
Damian🌟: iced coffee, oat milk, vanilla
Gretchen🌷: just the usual for me and Karen
Janis👾: iced coffee, oat milk, lavender
(Y/N): um (your coffee order) please
Cads🦁: can you just get me a tea?
Regina👛: yeah of course I’ll get your favorite
Aaron🧍‍♂️: regular coffee, cream and sugar please
Regina👛: ok also who’s picking up who today? I can get Karen and Gretchen as usual
Aaron🧍‍♂️: my mom said I don’t have car privileges this week so I can’t give anyone a ride
Damian🌟: I can get janis for sure but if anyone else needs a ride I can get them too
Cads🦁: can you give (Y/N) and I a ride please we’re ready whenever you are 👍
Damian🌟: yeah I’ll be over in 10 then we’ll go get Janis because I know she’s not ready yet
Janis👾: I would be offended but it’s true
Regina👛: alright meet at our usual spot?
Aaron🧍‍♂️: 👍
Damian🌟: sounds good see y’all soon
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cat-angel-936 · 2 months
The villains plan part 1
(these events occur one day after meeting María)
Chris: *speaking via text message*
Aviva what happened next: are you talking to your new friend? *gives him a cup of hot chocolate*
Chris: Yes, two of her dogs are warming themselves by the bonfire * shows him the photo because they are still in the Husky costume *
Aviva: oh how cute, I would like to meet them too
Chris: If you want, I can ask him if we can go tomorrow if it doesn't rain.
Aviva: really? Wouldn't it be too much of a hassle?
Chris: mh...I don't know, I'll ask *writes something and blushes*...what's wrong with me?
Aviva that I read the whole combination: I think you like it
Chris: oh...that makes sense *red*
Martin: brother, are you okay? your face is red *puts her hand on his forehead to see if he has a fever*
Chris: haha ​​brother I'm fine *removes his hand* in fact I couldn't be better
Martin: huh? *confused*
Aviva: haha ​​what your brother is trying to say is that he likes the girl he met today
Martin: What!? But you only met her today!
Chris: and what? You hung out with girls you met hours before when you were in high school.
Martin: but I am me and you are you.
Aviva: don't be like that Martin, plus tomorrow we will go to his house to get to know each other better
Martin: what did you say!?
Chris: Yes, so please behave.
Martin: But Chris, we can't, we still have to investigate the other part of the forest, that's why we came here.
Chris: Well, María knows this part of the forest, so she can help us.
Aviva: more reasons to go see it
*while with the villains on a call*
Zach: Donita guess what happened! *emotional*
Donita: hey, what happened Zach, Gourmound?
Gourmound: but guess *laughing*
Donita: oh I don't know, tell me and it better not be a joke!
Zach: It's not a quiet joke, but we have to tell you something important that will help us destroy the wild rats once and for all.
Donita: well and what is it?
Gourmound: Are you sure about that?
Zach: I grew up with them so yeah, you see Donita, the green guy got lost and while the whole rat team was looking for them, we came up with a plan to distract them before it starts raining.
Donita: and did it work?
Gourmound: Halfway through, the avocado realized it sooner than expected and the blueberry went out furious to look for his brother alone.
Zach: we didn't follow them and in one I see a certain green boy and you won't guess who he was with *to mischief*
Donita: with an animal?
Gourmound: even better, with a girl and they were very close
Zach: Yeah, she was holding his hand and everything.
Donita: really?
Gourmound: and the blueberry didn't like it hehe
Donita: and what do you want to do with her?
Zach: Make her go out with Chris!
*everyone looks at him strangely*
Donita: And how would she help us?
Zach: you see Donita, Martin is a very jealous brother and he usually kept away potential partners that Chris could have and he was very artful. I saw him constantly until he even interrupted a double date that we had with a girl and her sister.
Gourmound: oops I mean I'm harming you too
Zach: It was very annoying, even my parents and Mr. Kratt went to try to stop it, because it had already gotten out of control!
Donita: oh poor Chris, it must have been a very awkward moment, okay, we'll make a plan to get them together, he could even become a godmother at the wedding if everything goes well.
Zach: wow wow don't go so far into the future Donita, this will be to separate the Kratt brothers once and for all
Gourmound: and if everything goes well, you could be the best man at the wedding, taking the place that Martin would have
*Zach's imaginary scenario*
Chris: Zach, I know we're enemies, but thank you for helping me date Maria, so for that reason, would you like to be my best man? *kneeling and with hand extended*
Zach: Oh I've been waiting for this moment my whole life, of course! *hugs him*
*on the wedding day. Zach helping Chris with his nerves at the altar*
Martin: that should be me... *sad looking from the seats*
*end of fictional scenario*
Zach: okay, we'll do it, Donita come here to plan our next move, I'll send you the location
Donita: right away *hang up* Dabio!
Dabio: Yes, Miss Donita.
Donita: take me to this location
Dabio: yes Donita *quickly leaves*
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canmom · 4 months
l'aventure de canmom à annecy: épisode DEUX - Samedi, un
so! four hours sleep. ride the subway to central Glasgow. bus to Glasgow Airport. enter the security area. buy sunblock. plane to London Luton is delayed due to window delamination. they decide it's fine. fly to Luton. get off that plane, go out of the security area, go back into the security area, have the bottle of sunblock taken away by security. sprint back to the gate. get on the same exact plane. fly to Geneva Airport. bus to central Geneva. chat with some animation students. coach to Annecy. chat with some more animation students. get the key to my room. figure out which room it is in the mysterious French apartment block. phone the guy to get the code I'm not supposed to need. go inside. get really gleeful about the views. take a selfie. sleep!
that's the story so far. scuffed ass journey but i made it!
after a good old sleep, I had a nice Indian meal from a place i remember from last year, then took an evening wander around annecy to find the Café des Artes which is apparently a bar where people go to socialise if you don't have a party invite. upside: Annecy at night is almost as pretty as Annecy by day; downside: i discovered i still don't know how The Neurotypicals go about just inserting themselves into conversions in that kind of setting. sit in a random sunchair. it rains! but hey, i got some photos.
here is me in the tiniest lift in the world respectively before and after i brushed my hair. it's funny, i don't think I've ever seen a lift that you could literally not fit even a small wheelchair inside before. it's like standing in a coffin.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
other photos will have to wait until i get a mini USB cable to pull them off my camera, which i ingeniously forgot to pack >_<
tomorrow the festival begins in earnest... i don't know if I'll be able to get into the opening ceremony, the website rather cryptically says 'by invitation', but I'll be checking out some Portuguese films. miss getting to chat with Justen here haha, but hopefully I'll make a friend in some lines. someone already asked me for a business card - i guess I'll have to make those next year lol, i totally forgot that part.
most of the stuff I'm excited to see is anime - e.g. Naoko Yamada's new film - but the joy last year was being surprised by stuff so I'm excited to take some chances and hopefully discover another unexpectedly crazy good film like Four Souls of Coyote last year!
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I'm fucking exhausted so I'm going to try to keep this short.
My upstairs neighbor was thumping around every 10 minutes until 4 AM last night. I actually got to bed at a reasonable time and my bed was literally shaking. I have no fucking clue what they were doing, it was just like one or two thumps at a time so it wasn't even walking around but it was loud, like... sounded like someone was moving furniture. Steadily from midnight until 4. It might've continued past then, that's when I managed to fall asleep. I was fucking livid. But more just like... in physical shock from being jolted awake that many times in a row.
I still sleep with my staff in my bed. It makes me feel safe. You have no idea how tempting it is to take that thing and just bang on the ceiling (their floorboards) really loud. But honestly, I don't want confrontation, I don't want hostility, I don't want a war. I just want peace. In all senses of the word.
My back was hurting a bit this morning. I think it's because of sitting and doing art for hours on end. Speaking of... I just finished the celtic knot on my pants. The right leg one, at least... Just in time, the pants are getting mighty stinky since I've been wearing them skating for multi-hour sessions three consecutive days in a row, where I ended up pouring sweat. My plan is to wait until tomorrow night to give the paint time to dry, heat set the paint with an iron, then... maybe hand-wash them? Maybe just run them in the washing machine with other clothes? I don't know. I'm scared to put them in the wash, I haven't done that yet with this paint. I'm sure it'll be okay, but... I mean... I just sank over 6 hours into these pants this week. It'd be frustrating to lose it all immediately. But that's a problem for another day.
I did yoga focusing on my back, because my back was aching. It helped a lot. I ate breakfast, played some Elden Ring, then decided to go skating. Before I went... I sent a message to the Assistant Manager of the building. She's the woman who has been very friendly and kinda flirty with me. I wrote her about the neighbor. I fucking just finally got over it and did it, just like trying a new skate trick. I just wrote up what was going on - that I'm new to apartment living so I don't know how to handle this, how this wasn't a problem at all during the winter, how it only really happens a few days a week, and how last night was so loud and constant that I was genuinely concerned someone might've been having a medical emergency or something. It was deeply unsettling. I didn't put in any part about PTSD or anything, which is good progress for my fawning response. In fact, I didn't really feel any anxiety about writing that email, which was good. So I kinda just asked her... how the building usually handles things like this, whether I should go up and... guess(?) what apartment is above me? Should I leave a note? Does the apartment help mediate things like this since they have a "quiet living" clause in the lease, kinda similar to "quiet hours" in a college dorm? I figured the best way to figure this out once and for all was just to fucking ask. And I decided to ask the chick that I think has a thing for me rather than the head Manager, because... I don't want the Manager to feel like I'm wasting her time with a noise complaint. And I want the Assistant Manager to feel like I value her opinion, something Assistants don't often feel. We'll see how it turns out.
It's been a long time since I've done the whole "fire and forget" method with emails. I've gotten in that habit with this journal really well, but writing directly to someone is just a different animal.
Skating was good today. There was just one other person at the park. It had been raining through the night and a bit of the day, so the park was pretty wet... but I was able to work on some stuff. I tried ollie-to-manual on the A-frame box and got it one time. The other guy landed switch flip and switch front shove, which was very impressive. We both exchanged knowing smiles and cheers of encouragement, despite both of us having headphones in. It was a really nice vibe of kinship. Like... there wasn't pressure to talk or interact even though we were the only ones there. And we still interacted.
There is really nothing like the smile on someone's face when they land a trick they've been battling. Good lord. It's very similar to beating a boss in Elden Ring for the first time. I fucking love that about skating. It does get sweaty sometimes and people do like to compare and play skate and compete against each other and shit. And to each their own. But man, I love that people can really just get out of their own experience, and watch someone land their first boardslide after battling it for like an hour, and cheer as though someone just did something insane. Because they know how big every accomplishment is. And I love being someone at the park who helps project my warm emotions to help amplify their experience of accomplishment. To celebrate with them. You can say all day that kinship is about pushing people to go further, shit like that... I prefer the act of sharing in celebration of their accomplishments. Even just showing up to the damn park is an accomplishment worth celebrating.
That said, I was a bit shy today. Not with the ollie-to-manual or trying to boardslide the parking blocks again... but with the shove it. My shove its look infantile, and I'm very aware of it. And yeah, that's me comparing. In time, I'll get over that. I am where I am. Once the other guy left, with a smile and a wave, I started working on shove its. I had the whole park to myself. And... the fear was back. I couldn't make myself jump forward. It's so silly! Like... okay, this is how fucking irrational the fear is.
My fear is that I'm going to land too far on the back of the board and slip out backwards. Or... my balance won't be right and the board will go shooting out forward and I Looney Tunes my feet out from under me and fall flat on my back or smack my head. That's my fear. It's like a stereotypical banana peel fear. Now... here's the physics of a shove it. I pop the board with my back foot and scoop the tail backwards so that the board rotates horizontally 180 degrees, I hop and land back on the board over the truck bolts (ideally). Here are the physics of ollie-to-manual. I pop the board straight up, land with most of my weight on my back foot, riding on the back two wheels, and hold the board in manual until I get to the end of the box, then gently pop off. Which one of those two sounds like it's going to put me on my back? Yeah, seriously, the manual is so much more likely to toss me on my ass in exactly the way I'm fearing the shove it. But... I'm not scared of the ollie-to-manual that way at all. Figure that shit out.
It took a few tries but I got there. I landed quite a few shove its, over 10. I tried to do them moving faster and faster. Carrying speed with tricks is the real test. You can shove it on flat all day, but that doesn't mean you can land it moving or land it off something. And yeah, it was spooky, but I made progress and landed a bunch.
Ugh, a mosquito got into my apartment and bit my arm, it's all itchy now. :( We really got a bumper crop of bugs this year, all the rain and flooding and shit, it's been an absolute nightmare. When I rode home I was really glad I brought my sunglasses, because I rode through several clouds of swarming bugs and they just like... pelted off my face. It was gnarly. Some women out walking their dogs stopped me and asked me about the bugs after, I looked back and saw the gigantic cloud of them I just rode through, that I was completely unaware of because the light wasn't illuminating them from the direction I was going. It's nice to just... have normal human conversations with people. And nice to be treated as a human and a peer by neighbors. Skaters have gotten a lot of prejudice over the years, but this woman seemed totally fine talking to a guy wearing all black with a metal band t-shirt riding a skateboard with aviators on. And it was much appreciated. But I was wiped and headed out.
Yeah, so that was my day. Didn't land any new tricks, but I'll say this much... if I get my boneless 360 back, and learn how to consistently shove it? I will be at my best skating ability ever. I will have eclipsed my ability in my prime, in college. That's such a crazy thought. 10 years off the board, and I'm already getting better than I was back then. Because now? I have new tactics. I don't just avoid tricks that are scary. I have developed an override switch for scary tricks that I didn't have back then. I would just say "I can't do that", and just do different tricks. Now? Now I try.
The fucking neighbor stomped again. ... -_- I sent the email at like 5PM so I didn't expect a response today, but like... Okay, let me just explain my thoughts here. Say I apply for the teaching job. Say I get the teaching job, and I have to teach a class at 10AM 2 days a week. I really need my sleep schedule to sync with that, I need to be up at... I'd say around 8 or 9? So I can do yoga and shower and eat before class. So... for 8 hours of sleep, I need to be in bed at 12. It's fucking 1:45 right now and asshat upstairs sounds like Jack Torrance slamming the fucking tennis ball against the wall. I will not be able to sleep like that. And when I don't get sleep, my mental health immediately goes to shit. I get super anxious, I get depressed, I get irritable, and my trauma responses are like a hair trigger. It is the primary reason why this summer has been so difficult. So... if I get that job... I better be able to protect my sleep. Because if I get that job, it's gonna be hard enough just getting to sleep normally with how anxious I'll be, how scary it's going to be, and how intense it's going to be for my mental health to be the focal point of an entire classroom... Doing that on half a night's sleep? I'm genuinely afraid I'm just going to just straight up have a panic attack and have to excuse myself. Or just fucking lose the job.
Yeah, maybe I'm paranoid. But I think it's important to calculate that. And this is a known variable, lack of sleep clearly amplifies the fuck out of my anxiety, panic and trauma responses. I just don't need it. And for what? So some asshole in the apartment above me can stomp around at 2-4 AM as though they live in a barn or some shit? I put in the email that I didn't think this was malicious, and I mean that shit. I think these people are fucking stupid. I think they're oblivious and stupid. It just does not occur to them at all that they live in proximity to other people. Like a fucking object permanence thing. Like the second other people disappear out of their sight, their neighbors just don't exist. They live on the top floor of a 3 story building. And they wear shoes inside. And they do not walk with care at 2AM. Which is so fucking foreign to me.
But yeah, this shit needs to stop. If it was a weekend, I'd give a bit more leeway, but this shit happened on a motherfucking Tuesday and Wednesday night. Give me a fucking break, man. Bro is stomping around at 4AM on a Wednesday morning directly above someone's bedroom. At this hour? I fucking tiptoe around my apartment. And I'm always either barefoot or in socks, at all times.
They say "were you raised in a barn", but honestly? I have never in my life heard as much fucking domestic noise as I have apartment buildings in urban areas. People just straight up let their front doors slam behind them. Regularly. It's fucking mind-blowing. Not only is it loud as fuck and super inconsiderate of your neighbors, it's really not good for the doorframe, and that shit doesn't belong to you! Shit is so fucking strange to me, like creatures raised on another planet. But hell, maybe I am the weird one. All polite and mindful and quiet and shit.
Alright, I've got to get to bed. Fingers crossed this week's grocery guy isn't as bad as last week's, good lord...
0 notes
miutonium · 2 years
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I can't sleep because i am lowkey nervous about tomorrow but also I just want to show yall basically my art progress (in terms of rendering) in the spam of 1 year contracting Utonium brainrot hhhh it's so surreal to see how different both of them looked like ahaha
(for guide, first pic to last, 1st week july 2021>3rd week july 2021>21st Nov 2021>9th Apr 2022)
Also witness me talking about each journey of my progress undercut lol
I cAN TOTALLY EXPLAIN THE FIRST 2 PICS. The first one is exactly from a year ago when my brainrot just started and I was like "well fuck I guess I have a new f/o now". If you ever see or feel familiar about the first art even though you prooooobably never see it,
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its because it was an original picture for this redraw a few months AFTER that pic
Also if you notice, the art style for that one is totally different from others and shhh the reason it was like that is because initially I want to draw them in my actual artstyle around that time and I dont want it to follow the same artstyle like in the show. My friend said Utonium kinda reminds them of that guy from clo.udy wi th a ch.ance of meatb.alls and im like "oH SHITTT". There's more drawings of Utonium pre-brainrot era with this kind of artstyle in my folder but I don't think the world is ready for that yet lol
Anyway as I progresses to the 2nd pic, I changed my mind and was like "wait I actually WANT them to look like they're in PPG and not my own artstyle" so I slowly draw both of them to look more like the ppg style if you understand what I mean??? Althoughhhh in the 2nd pic I still want him to look a bit like my own style with my own touch and despite how much I don't like the reboot, I actually like his gray hair on his sideburns??? So if yall remember that phase and followed me from way way in the early days of this blog, I used to draw Utonium with those streaks before I gradually stopped doing that because of.... actually idk why I stopped??? I should totally add the grays back because I love it actually lol but anywayyyyyy the 2nd pic was also around july too me think? So there's probably like a few weeks gap between the actual totally real not clickbait picture of Chloe and Utonium 'together'.
That was how my render looked like for a few months until november (the 3rd pic).
So in the 3rd pic, I discovered this very magical spectacular magnificent function on CSP called t E xt U r e and holy fuck, let me tell you, I feel like I am a changed person. I was never the cringe person with mediocre render like I was, this legit marked a cultural shift in me, I just feel like I've been blessed by god himself. I spammed the fUCK OUTTA THOSE TEXTURES like it was MY BUSINESS. i pAID CSP FOR FULL PRICE I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO USE IT TO ITS FULL CAPABILITIES AND SQUEEZE IT OUT OF ALL IT'S WORTH. Although I must say, my render time after that significantly increases. By standard I used to render around 3 hours? Now this bitch took 6 fuckin hours to completely. It wasn't a daijobu era ngl 😔😔😔
And holy fuck do I have a fuckin field day with it. You think I was a changed man back then? I have ascended, I am now r e b o r n. My friends feared my, my peers stared at me, my teachers are baffled by the amount of brainrot I drew at that time. How am I real?
I rendered like that for around 4 months until I discovered something even more cooler:
Okay jk but hhh anyway for my current render; it's kinda more like an accidental discovery? I wanted to look for ways to cut render time because it was really tiring for me to render with a fuckton of texture layers and I also wanted to emulate my fav artist's render style soooo bad (it was luoman if anyone asked) and I kinda figured out how they did it? I mean they still do it better but like I was really inspired to be like them and lemme tell you, I cried for 3 days 3 nights unpaid vacation time when I figured it out. I wasn't kidding when I say I feel like I am a new person. I am quite pessimistic tbh, I'm insecure about my art but like this is the first time in like 3 years ever I feel like I did a major progress and I feel really good.
Why did I made this post? I actually dont feel good about myself, maybe because I am nervous about my test tomorrow and I just need a quick mood boost from myself. I don't believe I did any progress. But now, after typing all of my thoughts at 3 am, after I just put art phases of my braunrot together, kinda believe I actually did progress and I am proud of myself ;w;
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Oh, I have a request! How about the daughters (who love the reader very much) always taking the reader and practically stealing her every time she’s with Alcina? (Cuz we need more daughters and reader interaction 🥲) And maybe to the point of our precious big dommy mommy gettin ya know ya know jealous? ;)) HAHGSHAHAHAHA, that would be hilarious to see. Anyways, hope you’re havin’ a great time~ ✌🏻till next time!
I’m so sorry this took me so long anon! I’ve gotten more requests than I ever thought I would and I’m starting to get behind. This was a really sweet one to put together though- really enjoyed it!
Slight Gore warning for Cassandra! Nothing too detailed but it is referenced. If you don’t like it just skip her
Being the eldest sibling has made her the most level-headed of the three. After decades of ending squabbles between her younger sisters, she’s discovered the pleasures of retail therapy. 
She takes great joy in popping off to neighboring villages for a few hours perusing the various aromatherapy shops.
And she takes even greater pleasure bringing you along. Dragging you, really. Even if you’re otherwise busy. Sometimes she’ll buy you a few scents or lotions that catch your eye.
She calls it “compensation for being dragged away from Mother,” but really she’s just happy to spoil you
Also loves asking you for literature recommendations. As vast as the castle’s library is, Bela had read through most of the literature over her lifetime
Is absolutely fascinated by modern day novels. 
She takes you on a day-long shopping spree visiting five surrounding villages just blowing through money buying almost every book that peaks her interest
Most of your time together is spent relaxing in the library talking about your novels. 
Eventually you’ve collected enough books to make an entirely new section in the library just for the two of you.
Even when cuddled up with Alcina in the library, there is simply no escaping Bela when she’s looking for recommendations or simply someone to talk to
At the end of the day, you really didn’t mind. You were more than happy to spend time with all the girls and happy they wanted to spend time with you. 
You knew as annoyed as Alcina got when interrupted she found it incredibly sweet that her daughters will go out of their way to be with you
Cassandra (Cassi)
Suffers from middle child syndrome hardcore
She’s a bit too old to understand Bela’s interests, but too old to join Daniela in her delusional fantasies. So naturally, she tries to cling onto you.
At first she tries to convince you to enter the basement with her so she can show you her “Art Gallery,” but Alcina forbade it. So things between you and Cassi went quiet for awhile
Alcina says Cassandra is an artist of some sort and all her work is done in the basement
After about a month of silence Cassandra came barrelling into your private study with some kind of canvas in her hands
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, y/n, but I’ve been working really hard on your gift.”
You gush, “oh Cassi, you didn’t have to make me anything. That’s so sweet of you.”
She eagerly flips over the canvas to reveal her painting of a human heart.
It was beautifully detailed, the heart really jumped off the page against the black background...but something was off about it. It took a minute for you to realize it but once you did, you couldn’t stop staring. The heart was painted with blood.
You were lost for words. 
“Well?” Cassi, asked with a broad smile on her face. “Do you like it?”
All you could do at first was nod you head. “Oh Cassandra, its gorgeous. You really made this?”
The girl’s eyes were rapturous. “It’s my favorite hobby! But this particular piece was my first try at observational painting. I hope I did a good job...”
“Are you kidding Cassi? It’s beautiful! I’ve never seen anything like it. Can I hang it on my wall?”
She lunges at you, wrapping you in a suffocating hug. “Thank you, y/n. I made it a heart so you know how much we love having you here with us.”
Tears were starting to prick your eyes. “I love you guys, too.”
You looked up lust long enough to see Alcina walk in your study, roll her eyes and walk right back out.
Daniela (Dani)
Being the youngest Dimitrescu definitely has its advantages and Daniela knows how to use every single one.
Gets away with absolutely everything and anything under the sun. Even things her older sisters could only dream of getting away with and it irritates them to no end.
Daniela is definitely the most daring of the three. Always pushing her boundaries with her mother and will go out of her way to annoy Alcina just for funsies.
Is comfortable (and has) appearing in your bedroom while your, erm...busy with Alcina. Literally grabs you by the arm and swoops you away in a swarm of moths giggling the entire time. You hear Alcina shouting obscenities as you’re taken away.
You’re both thoroughly embarrassed.
Daniela seems to be, just like her mother, very needy. Attention starved if you will. So of course, she’s in need of your presence every hour. Sometimes more. 
And for the dumbest freaking reasons!
“Y/n come quick! Look at the birds in the garden. They’re so pretty!”
You laugh at her excitement “They’re crows, Dani. We see them every day.”
Other times she will drag you to her room and pull out her vast collection of weapons and tell you different stories associated with each one. You loved hearing how passionate Daniela was about her collection.
On a few rare occasions, she even gifted you a set of daggers, or crossbow, or whatever your favorite weapon is.
“You don’t own any y/n, which means you’re vulnerable to attacks. One day I’ll teach you how to use them.”
BONUS: Alcina being absolutely done with her girls not sharing
Late hours of the night are Alcina’s favorite time of day
She gets to relax in bed with you all to herself while shedding away all the stresses from the day. 
More often than not she’ll lazily sip a glass of wine and reread her favorite novel to you while you’re nestled in her lap.
It was the only time of day she knew she had you all to herself
One night all three of her daughters barged in your bedroom arguing who you would spend time with first. Alcina tried shouting over them to take control of the situation, but none of them were even paying her attention.
Situations like this call for drastic measures.
Alcina covered your ears and shouted at her girls from the top of her lungs. Once she knew she had their attention she reached over to the nightstand and pulled out a...spray bottle? They were about to laugh at her before she explained that the spray bottle contained holy water.
That scared them enough to make them back up a few steps. Daniela even hisssed at her, baring her fangs like a feral animal.
“I am tired of you three stealing away my y/n and I’ve reached my breaking point. This is the one time of day I’m allowed exclusive time with them and I will not have you getting in the way of that.”
You couldn’t process what was happening before you. Was Alcina really prepared to spray her own daughters with holy water just because she wouldn’t get her cuddles tonight? Really?
Daniela felt bold tonight. “As if you would actually do it. I bet that’s not even holy water.”
Alcina only arched a brow. “Well you’re more than welcome to come see for yourself, Daniela. By all means.”
The redhead was about to do just that until Bela pulled her backwards. “I guess we can wait and see y/n tomorrow. Goodnight, mother. Goodnight, y/n.”
As soon as Alcina knew they were gone she fell back onto the mattress, pulling you with her, peppering you in kisses. 
“Darling,” you ask. “Is that really holy water?”
She chuckles into your neck. “No, it’s not, and they should have known that. If it were I wouldn’t have been able to hold it without it making me feel ill. But they’ll figure that out eventually and once they do they’ll be back.”
“What then?”
“Pelting them with fake silver should do the trick.”
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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I loved you first, but you’re not the last
“....You’re special so it requires extra effort. Happy Valentines and happy first day of being a couple,”
Pairing: Mark Lee x female!reader
Genre: Angst, SMUT, fluff, childhood best friends to lovers
WC: 4,588k
Warnings: Fake dating, break up,swearing, mentions or other idol, reader x Taeyong in the end, Taeyong as Mark’s brother, unprotected sex, virginity loss, a lot of making out, mentions of making out, touching, a small amount of dirty talking, oral sex (female receiving), overstimulation
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll fix it once I get my internet connection back. Gosh I hope this posts. Part of Request Party
It was in the middle of the night when you received a call that did not just woke you up, but also woke your whole being. Body, mind and soul.
“You’re back?” crankily you sat up from bed, scratching your heavy eyes and about to get out of bed because the person on the other line is right outside your house, waiting for you.
He has been away and gone for too long because of college... and you should be excited as you go downstairs to meet him, but you know why he’s here and it’s no good news. Let’s face it, this night will not end nice.
“Here goes nothing,” you murmured. Wrapping yourself with your thick jacket before you finally step outside.
And the moment you opened the door, snow was falling and you didn’t miss how the snow landed peacefully on Mark’s eyelashes. Eyes looking straight to you, those sad eyes that can’t hide the pain that he’s holding. A pain that you caused.
You wanted to finally reunite first with a hug, but he got ahead of you and took your chance to show him how much you missed him.
“How could you?” he started, eyes still locked on yours. “I thought we were going to wait and do it right- how could you date my brother while I was away?”
Even you find it cruel. What you did to Mark was cruel, selfish, and unforgivable. And truth be told, you don’t have the right words now. You wanted to explain of course, but you’re scared it might break him even more. “I love your brother,” you said softly. Not even brave enough to look him in the eye because you feel bad.
“You loved me first,” he bite back. And you can’t help but be weak in front of him and cry. Usually whenever you cry, he will walk towards you and remind you how much you mean to him. But you guess not tonight, maybe you don’t deserve love tonight.
“You left me, remember?” you dried your tears and tried being brave even just for a short period. Just until you have the guts to walk away.
“Whatever. It’s not yet too late. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy,”
He finally said his true purpose tonight. This was his last chance and the only to win you back. But even though he has never been more honest in his whole life except tonight, he feels like not even telling you his feelings can bring you back to him. Mark was so frustrated that he has tears in his eyes already that you wanted to dry so bad. But if you really want him to respect the relationship you have with his brother, then this is the perfect time.
“I may have loved you first, but your brother is the last man I’ll love. I’m sorry Mark,”
And just as you finish saying those hurtful words, you finally have the bravery to turn your back on him and ignore his shouting that you’re sure your parents and neighbors heard. This is you throwing a decade of good friendship because of unrequited love.
The day before Valentines day, you don’t know what’s up with your mood or with you in general, because you’ve been so envy with the people around you, couples to be exact. As you admire happy couples in school who celebrates Valentines as early as now, you can’t help but to imagine someone.... someone that will give you flowers, chocolates... kisses, or whatever you’ll accept in whole heartedly.
Valentines is like Christmas, it’s a day of giving and receiving. But that only applies if you have someone special whom you can spend the day with and exchange shiny, glittery, and sparkling Valentine cards with.
“I can be your fake boyfriend, come on it will be fun,” he raises his seagull eyebrows and smirked. Come to think of it, it’s not a bad idea. You’ve been best friends even before kindergarten, you watch each other grow and went through puberty together until the next thing you know, you’re printing college applications together in your room because his printer broke down.
“Let’s not go to college without having the experience of high school love... you know, let’s have fun before we graduate with flying colors. Let’s go to parties, participate in Valentine-gram tomorrow, go to prom together. What do you say?” he added.
“But everything’s fake? What’s the point of fake dating if we already look like were dating ever since we started being friends?” You whine and flop on your bed, Mark did the same thing.
“Don’t think about it too much, just say yes,” for a moment you both just stared at the ceiling, wondering what could go wrong if you started fake dating. “Anyway, you don’t have a choice. I need to get home and answer these- Bye, you’re my girlfriend now!”
“W-what? Mark-“
And just before you could reason out with him, he’s gone with his college applications and you’re left with your thoughts and excitement. You don’t know why but Mark’s crazy idea made your heart jump, it’s like a good electricity that made you look for your art materials and spend the whole evening making your fake boyfriend a blue shiny, glittery, and sparkling Valentine card.
Even if the motive was fake, the effort was real and it felt good and right at that very moment.
But little did you know that his idea of fake dating was only his way to not shock you when he finally confess his feelings to you.
That’s right, your best friend is in love with you.
If she wears blue tomorrow I will confess to her. He tells himself as he stares in his ceiling, feeling the same excitement and electricity in his heart. Trying so hard to sleep but he kept on thinking about you and can’t help but feel the excitement for tomorrow again.
“You and Y/n started dating? Since when?” Mark’s mother exclaimed happily while driving. Looking at his son admire the roses he got you from the flower shop downtown.
“We’re just starting mom. Thanks for helping me pick these up by the way,”
“Oh there she is! Wearing blue! Oh I never realized how you two grew such good looking kids until now,”
Mark breathed in and let it out with a smile, thankful that you wore his favorite color, because he can’t continue to hide his feelings for you. Maybe you and him are really bound to happen.
As you wave goodbye to Mrs. Lee with a bright smile, there you see Mark carrying a unique bouquet of roses and your eyes immediately went big and sparkled because. Not to mention your heart beats so hard and fast because he looked so handsome even in his casual clothes.
“Wow- I’m speechless, these are beautiful. Where did you get these?” you accept the bouquet as he hands it to you with a smile. Engraving the look of your face in his mind and heart, swearing to himself that from now on he will make you happy like this everyday.
“It’s a secret. You’re special so it requires extra effort. Happy Valentines and happy first day of being a couple,” he said and planted a kiss on your forehead. Something so natural for you and him, but today is different. Nonetheless, you believe that today will be a beautiful and eventful day.
In the see of people wearing red and white in your school’s hallway, you and Mark are happy wearing blue. Such a sad color but you wearing it makes him the happiest guy today. Everywhere you look has a dash of red and pink, hearts are hanged here and there and almost everyone has red roses on their hand... except you.
Because you’re holding a bouquet of rainbow roses.
This year’s Valentines wasn’t like any other Valentine’s you usually have. Today you have Mark.
You have Mark to hold your hand while you walk on the school’s hallway. You have Mark to look at you so lovingly that your heart melts whenever you catch him looking. You have Mark to take you out on a date after school and take cute photos in a photo booth. You have Mark to share a big drink with two straws.
And most especially, you have Mark to kiss you under the dark sky full of stars in front of your house.
His lips were soft as expected. And the way his tongue swipes on your lip in the most subtle way just makes you want him to kiss more. He smiled in between kissing when you pulled him closer and kiss him more when he was about to pull away. And oh! You did not miss the way he softly moans, such music to your ears but sad to say you can only hear them tonight.
“Did you liked my Valentine card? I left it in your locker,”
You finally pulled away and surprised him. Wiping away the spit from your mouth, you wiped Mark’s as well. He only smiled to you and you wish he would stop doing it because you’re growing a little crush on him already.
“It’s full of glitters, it’s blue and it has watermelons. Of course I love it” he said then did it again, melted your heart with that damn handsome smile.
“Good,” you said softly, fixing his hoodie and finally giving him a bear hug that he deserves. “I don’t want this night to end,” you finally admitted it.
“Then let’s not end it,”
“Wait, you’re not faking anymore aren’t you-“
And just like that Mark cut you off with a deep kiss. Nothing like how he kissed you earlier. This time he was holding you tight that you’re almost out if breath and you feel like he’s about to crush you anytime. But the way he kissed you... it’s his way of confessing his love to you.
On the following days, everything changed between you and Mark. Though it’s clear that what you feel for him is only just a crush now and he knows it, still the guy is hopeful that you will love him like how he loves you.
Mark is the perfect definition of consistent. He showed you how he feels for you each day, and each day he became better than the day before, sweeter and bolder. He was putting everything on the line for you, showering you the love he has always kept in him. That’s why, in a matter of months you finally made it official with him and you can’t wait what the future has in store for the both of you.
“What do you love about me?” you asked out of nowhere while he was in the middle of playing his guitar. It wasn’t a hard question, but it made him stop and think for a second.
“I love how you give me constant reasons to love you even more each day,” the first line was enough, but Mark has more to say. “The way you kiss my cheek in the most friendly way but it always meant something to me, how you accepted me to be your friend and now boyfriend. I love how you love me, because being loved back by you is something so special that only us can understand”
What he said moved you of course. You didn’t know that he loves you deeply even before you started the fake dating thing. And knowing that Mark is just crazy and madly in love with you, you can’t help but wish that you are too. For now all you can do is accept his love, and give back however you can. You love him of course, but you can’t keep up with his love yet.
Days passed by and your relationship grew sweeter. More sweet words were exchanged and more kisses were given. Way more. Until you find yourselves making out whenever you two are alone.
“Aw!” you express your pain when Mark accidentally bit your lip. Something so sexy but it hurt and it made you both stop what you’re doing.
“Oops. Sorry, I got carried away” he says and took a look at your lips. “You’re fine right?”
“Mhmm” You answered, but just before he was about to start kissing you again, you stopped him by pulling away. “And it’s getting late, I think you should go home,”
“But I want to stay for more,” he said with a sly smile. Caressing your shoulders and soothing your back. If course you did not miss what he was talking about for more. You and Mark are young, and being new to this relationship thing just makes you both want to explore and feed each other’s curiosity.
“When I’m ready. I promise it will be worth the wait, for now it’s getting late and you need to go home... And work with some homework,” you gave him a final kiss and thankfully he did not pry.
The relationship you have with Mark was nothing like the friendship you used to have. The friendship was still there, of course, but friends don’t kiss your neck while you’re busy reading a book or slam you to the nearest wall and kiss you wildly. Friends don’t taste your favorite ice cream flavor through your tongue in the middle of a Netflix movie, and friends don’t get affected when they see you in your thin shirt and panties only whenever they give you a surprise visit.
“It’s the weekend, why are you here?” You whine as you try to go back to sleep. Clinging to your pillow and thick blanket but your boyfriend is currently losing his mind. Nonetheless, he remained a gentleman and covered your exposed leg and butt, covering you completely and keeping you warm. “Come to bed with me. Cuddle with me instead”
The young man’s eyes brightened and quickly joined you in bed. Swinging his arm around your waist from behind and nuzzling your neck to tickle you.
“I got into my dream college,” he whispered excitedly beside your ears which made you quickly turn to him and hug him.
“That’s why you’re here! Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realized” you planted kisses on his cheek the ones he loved receiving other than your slow and deep ones. “You used to talk about this ever since we were just kids. Ugh, I’m so proud of you”
“Promise to support me no matter what?” This time it’s him who went closer and planted kisses on your face. Of course you said yes, it has been his dream, but now that you knew you’ll miss him everyday and you know that the image of him walking away from you at the airport will truly hurt you, so you can’t help but fake it.
You rolled on top of him and his eyes immediately went big, wondering why and how are you like this. You have never been this bold and confident even in your wildest times, it’s like he’s seeing a totally different side of you and he loves it.
“Want to claim your early graduation gift?” you completely surprised him and started kissing his neck, while Mark is actually enjoying the moment by caressing your ass cheeks and teasing you by tugging your panties. You wish you have the same level of confidence with Mark, because you well know that between the two of you he is the one experienced with sexual activities, so now you try your best.
“Mmm” a loud pop surrounds your room as Mark sucks your nipples through your thin shirt. Taking turns with your left boob and right boob until your shirt is partly wet because of him and he can finally see your nipples. The sight of it gave him the feeling like no other. Of course this is not his first time seeing boobs, but this is different because it’s you.
The mere sight of your boobs just made him lose his mind and not to mention hard in no time. You watch him roll his head back while you slowly grind of top of him with a ruined shirt, looking so hot than ever so he quickly switched places with you. Putting you underneath him, looking down on you with hungry and lustful eyes.
“Do you wanna touch my boobs?” You asked him so innocently,reaching for his hand that’s placed on your waist. You put your hand and his hand inside your shirt, slowly lifting the wet shirt just above your chest to expose your boobs to him.
“I wish you were my first,” he said and immediately kissing your right boob while his hand kneads the other, pinching you or teasing you, or whatever he just wanted to hear something from you. And when he stopped making your nipples swollen, Mark just kept on kissing you softly and saying ‘i love yous’ over and over again. making you smile through his lips and soft touches, it is as if he’s taking away all your shyness and making you comfortable with the situation. The situation where your boobs are expose to him, your legs spread wide and Mark is in between your legs, grinding his clothed cock on your ruined and wet panties.
You were just kissing passionately but now you felt his hands hooked on your panties and the next thing you know he’s pulling it down without breaking the kiss until it reaches your thigh and eventually remove it but the shyness crept in again, making you close your legs and bite your lips in hesitation.
“Can I? Open your legs?” He asks, kissing your neck and calming you through the way he kisses you and touch you. And when he felt that you’re ready, he tried opening your legs again and this time you let him. Letting him place his body in between your legs, smiling through the kiss as if he’s telling you ‘good job’.
Mark spread kisses around your body, kissing every inch of your being, earning a giggle from you and with that he’s happy you’re not nervous anymore.
And when Mark pull away to discard his clothes, and release his cock, you were speechless when you saw it that you removed your own ruined shirt just to be fair ask him to get back in between your legs this instant.
“Lets do this right,” he said and immediately placed a finger on your wet slit that took your breath away. Up and down, you feel his finger nothing else, and when the moment comes and Mark put a finger in, your hand reached for his hand and tried to stop him because the pleasure was too much. But your handsome boyfriend was just smiling at you, smirking because you looked so ruined right now all you can do is smile back at him. And when he insert two fingers, he kissed you deeply and caught every moan you let out, every cry of his name, every groan, or whine.
And the next thing you know you’re closing your legs as you shiver and curl your body. Trying to get away from Mark because you’re sensitive already but your boyfriend is not stopping.
“First of many,” he says and stopped to pull out his fingers. But he is not yet done. He only gave you a few seconds to catch your breath and went back kneeling in between your legs again.
“Are you going to fuck me now?” you asked with ragged breaths and tired expression.
Mark did not answer you verbally, but he did physically. Licking your pussy juices and spreading your pussy lips while his eyes are completely locked on yours.
You said ‘no’, but you didn’t mean it and the moment his tongue swipes on your cunt you grabbed hold on your headboard and hold on for your dear life. Clenching and unclenching as Mark eats you out, trying so hard to close your legs but you can’t until your second orgasm drowned you quickly and all you can do is breathe in and out heavily.
“I hate you” you said but you’re clinging to Mark and sharing your warmth to him.
“I love you,” he said and intertwined his fingers with his, kissing your knuckles before he place both your hands above your head. You voluntarily spread your legs wider for him, and with his free hand he lines his cock finally.
“I didn’t know you’re big,”
What you said made him smirk and proved your discovery even more by pulling out entirely and slamming his cock back in your wet hole. “Now you know,” he said small grunts and went in deeper. He knew what he’s doing to you is too much pleasure because it’s your first time and also he can tell by the way you hold on to his hand.
“Planning to crush my hand?” he let out a cut giggle like he isn’t fucking you deep right now. How can he do that? Be insanely cute while doing something filthy to you.
“Y/n, I’m close can I go faster?” and you can only nod.
Fucking you faster and harder than earlier, you watch Mark become someone sinful when he started focusing on his own release, kissing your boobs while he fucks you, give your ass a tight squeeze, lick your neck like you’re a fucking ice cream and whisper dirty words or word that make you shy that you didn’t know you would love hearing. Like,
“Let me fuck you again,”
“You like it deep huh?”
“Y/n, you’re worth wait, you’re mine forever”
“This is the last pussy I’ll fuck,”
And in the end he pulled out and jerked in front of you, letting his cum fall on your lower abdomen and watch his cum drip to your sheets. It’s a shame that he can’t cum inside you, it would have felt great.
“Fucking shit- that sex was great,”
He rests his head on top of your boobs, but went back to kissing you again on the lips. Apologizing for his mess, aplogizing for his words and saying ‘i love you’ over and over again.
That morning, you stayed naked with Mark in bed for a few hours just talking and laughing, flirting and kissing. It felt great having a huge progress with your relationship, especially that it’s Mark who took your virginity.
“Hey, you okay?” he was talking about your pussy because even though he didn’t went hard earlier, he did fucked you a little bit harder knowing that it’s your first time. “I meant what I said earlier. Please be my last, I don’t want to give my love to anyone but you. It’s too early to talk about marriage but, I know it’s you. I’ll love you better each day, I promise”
Comfort, warmth and safety. That’s what you felt hearing those beautiful words from him that you became speechless and crashed your lips to him.
His promise was kept every day until you both finished high school together, enjoy the summer before he leaves and make unforgettable memories as many as you can.
But knowing that he’s going away to follow his dreams and fulfil his goals, Mark worried too much about long distance relationship and how it never worked.
“Are we really together now? I’m not dreaming right?”
Your sleep was disturbed when Mark called you in the middle of the night. Today, you taught him how to bake and had a couple of rounds during Netflix and chill, so to be honest you’re really exhausted and tired.
“Mark, we kiss, we date, we have sex almost everyday. Yes baby, we’re together for almost four months already. Now can we please go back to sleep-“
“Go down open your door. I’m outside”
And the moment you opened the door for him, you gave him a ‘shh’ sign, telling him that your parents are already asleep. You came closer to him for a kiss, and told him, “it’s real. I’m real. Can you please promise me to stop overthinking, you’re making me worry,”
He didn’t answer you but lowered his head. You knew he’s sorry and he’s just doing this for you,
“I love you, Mark. I’m yours forever,” you said and kissed him again. Deeply this time, to the point that it put you both in the mood and the next thing you know Mark is fucking you while he’s covering your mouth with his hand.
When Mark left you for college your relationship went downhill and you’re both getting hurt already. Fighting is part of the relationship, yes, but the fight you have with Mark almost everyday was becoming the reason why you want to distance yourself from him. You feel caged with how he love you, you feel like he’s strangling you with all these rules you need to follow to maintain trust in your relationship but nothing is working.
Until he finally realized what he’s doing to you.
So during his vacation, he visited you and you were so excited to the core that you welcomed him with a tight hug and the biggest smile. Only to find out that he wanted to break up.
“It’s just until we finish college. Let’s wait and do it right. I don’t want to fight for you while hurting you at the same time. Please understand. I’m not breaking up because I don’t love you. This time off will heal us both,”
The breakup did you no good. You were sad every day and to be honest you would rather want him to nag you than miss him like this and you can believe that between the two of you, he’s the one doing great in life. It makes you want to believe that he doesn’t love you anymore. Like the man you fell in love to, wasn’t there anymore.
“Still crazy about my stupid brother huh? Come here and help feed my fishes,”
His brother, Lee Taeyong, disturbed you and your ugly thoughts while you finish the drink their mom gave you during one of your visits.
“Well, college was good to you. I see you’re back and finally opening a bakeshop downtown” he hands you the fish food as you wait for him to talk and feed the fishes generously.
“I’m very much excited to open my bakery. Want to make cookies later instead of being broken hearted?”
And as days, weeks, and months pass by, not only Lee Taeyong making you forget about Mark, he also healed your heart and won it fair and square.
It started how he makes your heart flutter whenever he holds your hand while teaching you how to bake, how praises you and tell you that you look beautiful everyday, how he makes his kitchen your own little world during closing time and you’re sitting on the kitchen counter with Taeyong in between your legs and taking your breath away with a heated kiss.
When you and taeyong started dating, you experienced true love. You didn’t want to hurt Mark but what you have with Taeyong is real and you had to hide this from him for years and years and years, until you finally graduated in college.
And Tayong proposed to you. It was the only time you couldn’t hide your relationship from Mark anymore because Taeyong was the one who confessed to him.
*this is the part where you read the first part again JEJEHEH
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chrizbang · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Felix x female reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: mature content, lowkey slow burn, breeding kink, soft!dom Felix, creampie.
Word count: 2.975
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You and Ashley have been friends for four years now. You went through a lot of hardships together, especially when Ashley had an unplanned pregnancy in the last year of college. Luckily, Mason, now her husband, is an amazing person, and even though it was hard, she was able to graduate. You loved her baby, Arthur, so much, like it was your little brother. You knew that their anniversary was getting closer and you wanted to surprise her.
"No way, I cannot ask you for something like that."
"You're not asking, I'm offering. Besides, you know I love spending time with Arthur," you said, holding your phone with one hand while you tried to wash the dishes you used to eat dinner with the other. 
"I don't know Y/N..."
"Girl, just stop. I'm not taking a no for an answer. Spending quality time with your husband is important and I know that you have been not getting laid lately."
"You have no idea how hard it is to have sex with a one-year-old making a mess everywhere." You both laughed. 
"I'll go to your house tomorrow at 7 pm. Get a reservation at a nice restaurant, get shaved and, wear your best dress. I want you and Mason to have a good time together."
"Okay, but only because it is our anniversary. I'm gonna take this as a present." Ashley sighed, knowing that she had to say yes anyway.
"Because it is, Ashley. I'll see you tomorrow, bye."
"Bye, honey."
You finished your shores and were planning on watching some videos on youtube when you heard your phone buzzing. You picked it up and saw that you had a message.
Felix, 8:45 pm: Hey
Felix, 8:45 pm: Sorry for messaging late but, are you free tomorrow?
You chuckled. Almost 9 pm wasn't late.
Y/N, 8:46 pm: Sorry, I'm going to my friend's house after work.
Y/N, 8:47 pm: I'm going to babysit her baby so she can go have dinner with her husband.
You met Felix at work, during lunch. He was new there and you have seen him sometimes walking around the place, but you never talked to him. Until one day when he dropped his coffee on you. You remembered how embarrassed he was, his cheeks were red and he profusely apologized. Ever since, you had some small talk with him here and there until one day you gave him his number, saying that he could message you if he needed help with something from work. You know it was bullshit since he was from a different department, but still, you needed an excuse to talk to him. He messaged you a few times but eventually, you thought it was a lost cause.
Y/N, 8:57 pm: Why do you ask?
Felix, 9:00 pm: Nothing.
Felix, 9:01 pm: It's silly.
Y/N, 9:03 pm: If it was that silly, you wouldn't have messaged me.
Y/N, 9:03 pm: Spit it out.
Felix, 9:12 pm: There's a convention for Star Wars fans tomorrow. You said that you loved the movies one time so I bought tickets for you.
Y/N, 9:14 pm: Why didn't you tell me before? 
Felix, 9:15 pm: I didn't know if you would want to go. But it's okay, don't worry about it.
You thought for a moment. You really wanted to spend time with him. Felix was so sweet, respectful and kind. He was also very, very handsome.
Y/N, 9:30 pm: Do you wanna come to my friend's house tomorrow with me? 
You looked at your phone five minutes later and saw that Felix visualized the message but didn't answer. "Congratulations, you fucked it up, Y/N," you said.
You sat on your couch and turned the tv on, planning on finally watching your favorite youtube videos, when you heard your phone buzzing again.
Felix, 9:50 pm: Sure, why not? Is it okay with your friend? She doesn't know me.
You sighed, happy that he answered.
Y/N, 9:51 pm: I'm gonna tell her but I'm pretty sure she'll be fine.
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"Is he cute?" Ashley asked, putting on her earring. She looked gorgeous with a tight red dress that accentuated her curves and contrasted with her dark skin. Her curly hair was in a bun, leaving her neck and shoulders exposed. You knew Mason would love it.
"He is very cute. And he's so nice too. I only invited him over because he seems really sweet."
You went to Ashley's house one hour before she would leave for dinner so you could help her get ready, and by help, you meant to force her to wear something that wasn't a t-shirt and jeans.
"How do I look?" she turned around, facing you.
"Gorgeous as always."
Ashley hugged you tight. "Thank you so much, Y/N. You know you don't have to do this, right?"
"But I want to."
The bell rang.
"That's probably Felix," you said.
"Let's go downstairs, I wanna meet this boy."
When you went to the living room you saw Felix talking to Mason.
"Hello, I'm Ashley, nice to meet you."
"I'm Felix, nice to meet you too," Felix raised his hand so he could shake Ashley's hand but she gave him a light hug. You smiled, finding really cute how awkward he was.
"Arthur is sleeping now, he already ate, but if he wakes up, there's milk on the fridge. He usually sleeps all night so you don't have much to worry about."
"Okay, you guys have to go before you're late for dinner," you said, pulling Mason and Ashley towards the door.
"Call me if you need anything. We'll be back tomorrow morning so you'll don't have much trouble with him."
"Don't worry about it. You can take your time."
"Also, don't forg-"
"Baby, we have to go," Mason insisted, holding her hand and trying to get her inside of the car.
"Fine. Bye everyone, see you tomorrow."
You waved at them before going inside and closing the door.
"I'm gonna check on Arthur for a second, you can wait here, okay?" You told Felix.
You went upstairs and checked on Arthur's room. He was sleeping soundly. You felt the urge to lightly pinch his chubby little cute cheeks but you decided not to bother him. You went to the living room again and Felix was sitting on the couch.
"Are you hungry? We bought pizza."
"Uhm, not really."
"Are you sure?" you insisted.
"Okay, one slice would be good."
Felix got up and followed you to the kitchen.
"Your friend has a beautiful house," he said, admiring the place.
"She does. I mean, she's an architect and Mason is an engineer, so they were able to buy a nice place," you cut a piece and handed it to him.
"You said that you studied together."
"We went to the same college, but I graduated in graphic design. For obvious reasons, I don't make as much money as them," you laughed. "Did you always wanted to work in a publishing company?" Felix sat on the balcony standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Honestly, I just wanted to work with what I love. Graphic design is not something that people value but it is what makes me happy." You looked at him and Felix smiled at you, his dimple prominent on his face. He was so cute. "What about you?" "Oh, marketing is definitely not something I dreamed of working with. My family has a long line of people that have been working with it, so I barely had a choice,” Felix confessed. "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." He looked thoughtful like his mind was somewhere else. "I actually wanted to work with art. I love painting." "Really? That's so cool. Do you have a picture of a painting to show me? I would love to see it." Felix hesitated for a while before he grabbed his phone and scrolled through his gallery. "Please don't think I'm weird," he said before showing you the picture. You raised your eyebrows when you saw what was on the screen of his phone. A beautiful painting of you. You realized that he used your profile picture on Facebook as a reference. "Felix, this is amazing." "It took me a week to finish it," he said, holding his hands behind his back, clearly feeling shy. "I love it, really." You and Felix finished eating. You talked more about your plans for the future, the things you wanted to do with your life, your dreams. You were sitting on the couch watching tv when you heard Arthur crying upstairs. "Ops, somebody woke up." You got up to go to his room and you noticed that Felix was following you. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." "It's fine, I wanna help you." When you entered the room, Arthur was up in his crib, deeply crying. "It's okay," you said in a soft tone, picking him up. "I think somebody needs to change its diaper," Felix said. "You are right," you laughed. "Let's change this little boy." You put Arthur on the changing mat and started to change him, but to be honest, you had no idea what you were doing. Felix laughed. "Let me help you." Felix quickly changed his diaper, he clearly knew what he was doing. "Woah, how do you know that?" you asked, looking at him dumbfounded. He laughed again, amused by your reaction. "I have a small brother so I have changed his diaper plenty of times." "Aaah, that explains a lot."
"Let's see if he wants to eat," Felix said, holding Arthur in his arms. You went to the kitchen and looked for the milk. After pouring it into a pan, you heated it up. "We need to make sure we don't overheat it so it won't burn the baby," Felix said while he tested the milk's temperature. You put it into a baby bottle and gave it to Arthur who promptly drank it. "I guess he was hungry," Felix chuckled. "Do you plan on having kids, Felix?" you looked at him, completely mesmerized by how good he was with kids. "Yes, I love kids. I plan on having two kids one day." "That's so cute, I'm sure you'll be an amazing dad." Felix smiled, making your heart skip a beat. "Do you want to have kids, Y/N?" he looked apprehensive. "Yeah, one day. I still need to find the right person." "Of course." Arthur went back to sleep again when he was done eating. "Not gonna lie, taking care of a baby can be tiring," claimed said, sitting on the couch. Felix sat next to you, his knee touching your leg. "Do you want to watch a movie?" you asked. "Sure!" Twenty minutes later, you started to sleep. Your head felt heavy until it fell on Felix's shoulder. He simply smiled, enjoying the feeling of you so close to him.
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The sound of the bell ringing woke you up. You were laying on the couch, a blanket over your body. You looked around and Felix was sleeping on the smaller couch next to yours, with just a pillow under his head. You got up and answered the door. "Hey!" Ashley said, hugging you. "Hi. How was your night?" "It was amazing. Thank you so much, Y/N." Ashley went to the middle of the living room to drop her bag on the couch, Mason following behind. "How's Arthur? Did he behaved?" Mason asked. "Yeah, he slept almost all of the time." You rubbed your eyes, still feeling sleepy. Ashley turned around, seeing Felix sleeping on the couch. "You guys could have slept in the guest room," she laughed. "I'm gonna check on Arthur. What about some breakfast later?" Mason suggested. "That sounds great, but I think we should go home. Besides, you guys need to spend some family time with your baby." You woke Felix up, and while he was trying to get conscious, you chatted with Ashley about dinner. Mason went downstairs with Arthur and you chatted a little more before leaving. "Do you want me to take you home?" Felix asked, leaving Ashley's house by your side. "No, it's okay, I'll get an Uber." "Aw, come on. I'm not gonna let you leave on an Uber so early in the morning." You looked at him, admiring the freckles on his skin. His pink lips looked soft and you had to fight the urge to kiss him. "You know what, okay. I'll go with you." The drive to your house was silent, the music playing on the radio helped you to distract the thoughts on your head. The night you spent with Felix was amazing, seeing him being so sweet like that only made you even more attracted to him. Felix stopped in front of your house. "Well, we are here." "Do you want to come in?" "Oh... uhm, sure, yes, that would be great." You smiled and left the car, running to open the door for him. "Please don't mind the mess," you said, taking some clothes that were on the couch. "Don't worry about it." "Do you want to eat something?" "I'm fine, I'm still full because of the pizza from yesterday." "Okay." There was an awkward silence for a while and you realized you didn't think this through. Invite him over and what? "You know what? There's something I want to eat," Felix said. "Oh, okay. What do you want? I have bread, cereal, we can make panca-" "You." "What?" you looked at him, your eyes wide. "I w-want to eat you." Felix stuttered, his face showing that he was feeling too shy to be saying the words that left his mouth. "Oh, I'm... I-" you didn't have the chance to finish, Felix approached you and kissed you. You were still processing what was happening so you didn't kiss him back yet. Felix noticed and stopped kissing you. "I-I'm so sorry, Y/N, I shoul-" "No! It's okay. I just wasn't expecting." You kissed him, holding his face and tasting his lips. His left hand held the back of your head while the other held your waist. He bit your lower lip, his tongue entering your mouth and playing with yours. He pressed his body against yours and you felt his semi-hard dick. You whined, trying to control your breath. "Do you want to keep going?" Felix asked, his forehead resting against yours. You simply nodded. "Where's your room?" You grabbed his hand, guiding him to your room. Once you were inside, Felix slammed you against the door, pressing his body into yours. He started to grind his clothed cock on your heat and, this time, you couldn't hold your moans anymore. "Felix," was all you managed to say before he kissed you again. A messy kiss that screamed how much he was longing for you, how much he desired you. His hand grabbed your ass, pulling you closer as if it was even possible. "I wanna taste you," he said, taking you to the bed. You laid down and he wasted no time to take off your pants, pulling your panties with them in a swift movement. Soon enough, his tongue was exploring your wet lips, savoring the taste of your arousal. Felix played with your clit, his tongue sliding against the sensitive skin. You hoped that your neighbors had already left for work, otherwise you would end up waking them up because of your moans. Felix stopped eating you out to unbutton his shirt. "You have no idea how much I wanted to fuck you," he said, his voice deep, making you raise your hips, craving to be filled up. "Felix, please," you moaned. "You want me to fuck you, baby?" "Yes, please." It was embarrassing, you weren't used to begging. Most of the time that you had sex, you were always the one in control. But not with Felix. "Are you on the pill?" Felix asked, taking the rest of his clothes off and pumping his rock-hard cock. "Yeah, please fuck me." "Anything for you," he growled, sliding his dick into your dripping pussy. Felix already started an incessant pounding into you, stealing moans from your throat. "You are so fucking beautiful." You closed your eyes, feeling the burning on your stomach getting stronger. "Fuck, so fucking good, Y/N. You are taking me so well." "Please, don't s-stop." "Turn around, I wanna fuck you from behind." You didn't have much strength left, but Felix helped you out. He was inside of you again, hitting the right spots in this position. Felix felt your pussy tightening against his dick and he started to play with your clit. "Fuck, Felix, I'm gonna cum," you screamed, not being able to control yourself anymore. You came, a long moan leaving your mouth. "I'm gonna cum inside of your little pussy, I'm gonna fill you up so good." He didn't slow his pace, his hips hitting yours in a fast rhythm. "I'm gonna put a baby in your little cute belly, baby girl," he said, closing his eyes as his dick slid in and out of your pussy. "Fuck," you moaned. "You are gonna look so good, all swollen, f-fuck." A few lazy thrusts and Felix came inside of you. He kept thrusting on you for a while until you milked him out. He laid by your side, trying to catch his breath. Felix put his arm on his face, hiding it. He looked completely flustered. "I'm sorry, Y/N. It was way too soon for me to let out this embarrassing kinky stuff." "Felix, shut up. It was fucking hot," you smiled, turning around to hug him and rest your head on his chest. He played with your hair, the warmth of his skin making you fall asleep. But sleeping wasn't on Felix's plans. "Ready for round two?"
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💙Hi there! , First of all i want to tell you that i love your blog! And i love how your posts are so accurate!💙 If its okay with you could you please do me a favor by describing how others see me,my appearance or more specifically the vibe I radiate to others! It would mean alot to me if you you do that💙I'm a cancer sun,leo rising,Lilith sextile asc, Pluto trine asc, Uranus opposition asc, Moon opposition asc, mars sextile venus, mars opposition neptune, asteroid lilith conjunct mc and jupiter in the 1st house!💙
Thank you that's really kind of you 💛💕
You know that quote that says Cinderella never asked for a prince. All she wanted was a night out and a dress. You kind of exude a similar vibe but with respect to leadership positions. 'I never asked to be Queen/King, but the people have spoken' kind of an energy. You would be equally happy to be by yourself, learning about the subconscious mind, higher realms and other esoteric science.
For more on Jupiter in LEO I'd recommend watching Astrofinesse.
For jupiter in the first there's KRS.
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🌻As a Leo rising you come across as someone outgoing, with a playful energy but you're also somehow someone people would expect to see in a position of authority. You're drawn to people who stimulate you intellectually and love to exchange ideas.
😬If you have an Aquarius saturn you could be having some challenges in your relationships since December 2020 as saturn transits your 7th house. I'd suggest practicing discernment in this area as well as signing contracts with people until it passes( early 2023) ..
😇12th house sun could take on other people's energy. I feel like you need some time away, by yourself, preferably at the beach / pool/ shower to declutter, clear your head and replenish your sense of Self. You could be highly intuitive. If this resonates, I'd urge you to look up empath drain and how to protect yourself from energy vampires.
Ruler of the ascendant in the 12th :
spirituality could be a huge part of your life. For some people this could show a father (figure) who was convicted or worked in a prison / asylum. They could also have a really remote job. Since the sun is also your own personal identity, you could profit off these themes. Working in a mental health facility, overseas, in esoteric crafts.
🌛With your moon in the 7th house, you probably attract a lot of older women, (queen of swords) nurturing energies . Your mom could have a major influence on any business partnerships that you enter.
In relationships you could have a here today gone tomorrow kind of a presence. This is because as the moon waxes and wanes so does your attraction / attachment to specific people?
♒Aquarius moon : it could be really hard for you to express your feelings. So Instead of asking for a hug there could be a tendency to say something like ' ew imagine asking for one?' you leave a place better than you found it. If you watch hindi movies, 3 Idiots could be a movie you really resonate with. ( I pretty much spent the day looking up the lead actor, who has major aquarius placements and his films have always been disruptive with a really nice social message that left people talking for years after they were released. I tell you this because he shares 2 of your big 3 - aquarius and cancer.)
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Going off on this tangent you could be a well respected teacher / writer / entertainer. Jupiter in LEO could help with this.
I do feel like you need a certain amount of inventiveness in your relationships. The people you're with are people who introduce you to new hobbies / ideas / technologies. You need to feel like you guys learn something new or create something that matters together. This is enhanced by uranus in the 7th house. You could come across really cold because you always give people the naked honest truth when asked. You do this from a place of love. I'm reminded of the Queen of Swords card in the rider Waite tarot. Not everyone has the maturity to take it. Or maybe they've just had a bad day. It is what it is. Perhaps try to not be so incisive if this is something you struggle with.
In the same vein, if I asked you to write down how you were feeling how long would it take for you to identify the right emotion. How honest are you with yourself?
Moon and Uranus being in the same house could show that stagnation could really hurt your mental health / happiness / satisfaction levels.
With a saturn ruled moon I feel like I need to remind you to not be so hard on yourself. Like. The world won't crumble to dust if you allow yourself to take care of you once in a while.there's only so much you can do.
All those coffee mugs will catch up. There's no such thing as extra hours in the day. A lack of sleep manifests as early signs of aging. No hate for the elderly but arthritis is not a fun ailment to have. Do you wanna be 60 with 80 year old nervous system problems? I rest my case.
Uranus and moon aspect your ascendant so you could have a slightly plump look?
Jupiter in the first house people usually have prominent thighs. I had a friend with this placement and when we were growing up she used to complain of chafed thighs a lot?
Mars sextile venus you could be your own type? The way you act and the way you want your future partners to express love could be quite similar which is good for healthy relationships.
There could be a tendency to spend impulsively.
With Mars sextiling venus you could be someone who earns more the more active their lifestyle is? Like, you may need to be an agile learner to keep money flowing in .
Jupiter in LEO in a woman's chart usually shows they'd have a financially well off spouse so money may not be a huge concern. He could be a sailor or earn via exports/ navy. It's hard to say without knowing where your Saturn is.
The image you project to the world could be a lot more outgoing than how you actually feel. You're more private than people think.
With a fire rising, water sun and air moon you could either be a really balanced person or just have a number of clashing ideas on who to be, what to do and achieve.
Descendant : The people that hate on you could attack your need to stand out /try to dim your time in the spotlight. Think aquarius themes of standing out to improve community clashing with Leo's need to stand out solely because it helps their ego. Like your confidence could trigger the part if them that felt judged negatively for expressing their individuality.
Do you feel like you thrive in chaos? I'm guessing you're atleast in your late 20s if not older, so you might have gotten better at dealing with people acting unexpectedly. Your mom could have been unpredictable. Really intelligent, but forgets to eat ..
🥤🦀As a cancer sun, you could be the friend your friends come to for advice. There could be a tendency to be a little too selfless. I think your aqua moon really serves as a shield to those who try to take advantage of your caring nature. Have you considered a career in psychic medium ship? Or any spiritual art/ past life regression / you get the drift..
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Is there a family craft or hobby that you could monetize? Jupiter in LEO could signify ancestral gains.
Lilith and Pluto aspects to ascendant can make you come across really sexy / a bit unapproachable because people feel like you have some kind of power that places you above them?
Due to this, people with Pluto / Lilith aspects can feel some kind of hurt around people clearing up the path around them if that makes sense.
Jupiter opposite moon : there could be a clash between you want to do VS what you feel you should be doing.
Jupiter in the first house : you could have been born rich? Or people just perceive you that way. They also see you as someone wordly wise and lucky in general. You could know a lot about a wide variety of things. Specially on topics related to appearance, personal development, image consciousness etc. Since the ruler of the first is in the 12th I feel like some of your wisdom comes from a divine source. Like you're tapping into some kind of a collective reservoir of knowledge. In starseed terminology we would refer to this as downloads.
Jupiter rules the 8th house and 5th house.
So love, romance, games, early education may have been a bit of a breeze for you.
Jupiter is usually a bit of a celibate spiritual person. So, while it may make you really wise with respect to things like the occult / tarot / other 8th house themes, I'm not sure how it would impact your sex life with a spouse. Sex could be either a deeply spiritual experience for you or take on more neptunian traits. Addiction / alcoholism / drug use the works. Jupiter expands the themes of the house it rules so a word of caution there.
Travelling could bring you luck. Or even love.
Did I hear Mars opposite Neptune?
This could be a literal battlefield. You could feel like you need to work for love.if Neptune is unconditional love and Mars is your drive, then you could literally match to get to taht elusive unconditional sense of belonging /love / acceptance. But what are you marching towards really? A mirage? With this aspect I'd really be on the guard against addiction of any kind. Neptune is enticing, alluring, mocking Mars for its need to conquer. It could lend a really nice swagger to your walk. A runway model could benefit from thus placement. At uts best this aspect imbues you with creativity, inspiration, otherworldly imagination and the energy required to turn your abstract ideas of art into something tangible.
Here's a source for more on this placement. Sometimes I find that the comments really help me make sense of my own placements
Before I sign off, I just have to say this :please try to restrict asks to 2-3 placements. You can send in multiple asks if you'd like, but answering them all in one ask can get a bit cluttered and I'd hate to miss out on something 😊
Hope this helped 💕as always, I'd really appreciate your feedback on this take on how these placements affect you.
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oxiosa · 3 years
You don’t have to answer it now but I can’t wait until tomorrow to send this- BRARG WEEK OVER NEW AU TIME
So... older messy twice-divorcee with kids still confused about his sexuality Martin.... shall we?👀
Ok ok, let's start by making some foundations see where it takes us. Idk if you had anything in mind already, but we can always scratch and incorporate ideas <3
So, Tincho’s a university professor (yes Caju I saw that post), I’m thinking Literature or Art History. He’s the sort of passionate professor who is really inspiring to hear, you know this guy loves what he does. He seems very smart and very charming and very cocky, and honestly you’d never guess that actually his life is a crumbling mess :D
Below his very cool smug façade he is actually going through his *second* divorce, has no money since he has a lame salary and is paying for the trial, is battling for visitation time and idk paying child support, all while living at his parents’ house since he can’t even afford to rent some place for himself after his ex-wife kicked him out of their house. So he’s pretty much a loser who cries himself to sleep watching novelas and gorging ice cream except you’d never guess ‘cause he’s very proud and very good at pretending life’s great.
And this is where Lu comes in, the cherry on top of his life crisis: Martín thought he was straight but upon meeting this very handsome very charming guy he is not so sure anymore. Of course, he doesn’t notice his feelings right away, this needs to be a slow painful process in which Martín has been crushing on Lu for months, sharing a very flirty homoerotic "bromance" which is just plain obvious for everyone around them, before he goes “Oh shit I think I might be gay for this dude? Is it possible?? Me, a straight man????”
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rudystopit · 3 years
Looking for Someone
[aizawa x f!reader]
summary: aizawa is a PI looking a missing person. he notices a young women looking around the places the missing person was last seen. he starts following her.
warnings: nsfw, eating out, brat/tamer, unprotected sex, and overstimulation. 
wc: 5k
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He sat inside his car. He would never the noticed the nasty smell of rotting food and his own body order. Old coffee cups, fast food wrapping and Chinese take out littered his passenger seat. He sat deep into the seat with a camera to his face.
He took pictures of a 19 year old girl, walking down the street. See that sounds weird but Aizawa Shouta is the best PI in the lower boroughs. His greasy hair is always tied up and his scuff leaves unshaved until he found it annoyingly long. He never seemed to smile. He always working on some case and buried himself his work.
This case was a missing college junior. Her black hair and deep brown eyes are plastered all over the city. The host parents contacted him after the police said it was likely she was dead. he never liked the police, that’s why he never became one after high school.
He clicked a few more photos of the girl before exiting his car to follow her. Her hair bounced as she walked down the busy street. She had been visiting the last places the missing girl was at. A small cafe, an old bodega, a drug store, and a bookstore. She had been down here five times in the last three weeks. She ordered the same green tea and walked to the other places. Aizawa figured out her name is y/n l/n. she’s a student at the local college. Art major. She had some pretty good pieces in the local art show last year.
He followed her into the cafe. She ordered her tea and walked to the other end of the cafe. She pulls out her phone and scans the cafe. Her deep e/c set on his. She smiled and went back to her phone.
“Black coffee,” his deep, raspy voice rang out. His eye contact never leaving the young woman’s figure. He soaked in every inch of soft small body. Her eyes darted over the screen.
“She’s pretty, right?” The young kid on the other side of the counter said. This snapped Aizawa out of his daze. “She’s been coming here more often. I hope she’s single,” the kid laughs, looking at the young woman. “$3.50”
He gave the kid a five and walked over to the other side. Her tea was done and she thanked the worker and walked out the cafe. His coffee was done a few seconds later. He didn’t want to lose her so he swiftly walked out as she quickly turns around and runs square into his chest. Her hair smelt like vanilla and it was softer than what he imagined. She backs up and apologizes profusely. She asked to buy him a new drink and grabbed napkins to clean off the tea and coffee.
“It’s fine, I need to shower anyways,” he jokes. She looks at him not laughing. after awhile of silence, she checked her watch.
“Shit, I’m late, I’m so sorry again,” and with that she was off.
Aiwaza climbed back in his nasty car and drive. She doesn’t know anything. It’s just a coincidence. He went to a small diner on the outskirts of the city.It was an old ma and pop diner with the old red paint and faded sign saying “jersey’s.” The ring above the door rang to announce the new arrivals. He sat in the old booth by the front windows. A woman in a yellow dress uniform walks over.
“Good morning, Shouta,” the young woman’s voice rang. He smiled and looked at her. “The usual?”
“Good morning Anne, yes, Ricky in the back?” He asked.
“Sure is. we were just joking that we were gonna put a ‘Shouta Special’ on the menu,” she laughed, scribbling down his name. Ricky knew what that meant. Black coffee, eggs, hash and hot sauce.
“Ha, no one wants what I eat,” he laughed as Anne walked into the back. Aizawa pulls out a notebook and a case file. He flips open his notes to scribble off Y/n’s name.
The pencil hovered over the beautiful name. Something about her perfect hair and shining eyes that put a weird feeling in his chest. She feels familiar to him yet also new. He had felt this before but never this intense.
There are never coincidences in this line of work.
He looked over his papers and shoved the food into his mouth. Anne sat down in the other booth. She liked watching him and today was slow and the other waitress said she needs the tips.
“So Shouta, tell me about this one,” she said.
“Missing person,” he mumbled scanning over the papers. His face stayed in a scowl and his eyes were dull until he thought he found a clue.
“Sometimes it helps thinking out loud,” Anne said, pulling the papers out of his face.
“Saito Yui, she’s a college student. Straight A’s. Pre-med. She’s top of her class. Barely parties. No boyfriend. But she misses Saturday brunch with her family. Then misses a hang-out with her friend, then classes on Monday. Police say she left. There’s no evidence that she was taken. No enemies. No stalkers and she never got on any one’s bad side,” he says. “There’s this girl though. She’s been in all the spots that Yui was before she went missing,”
“Do you think she knows something?” Anne asked, leaning in.
He pulls out his camera. He clicks through the photos and turned it to her. She took the camera in her hands. she looked at it with focus. Like she was trying to read her.
“I hope she’s innocent,” Anne finally said, handing the camera back. Aiwaza looked at her puzzlingly. “She pretty and has a lot to live for.” Anne always knew what to say, even if it wasn’t correct. She slides out of the booth. “See you tomorrow Shouta,” she waves and disappears into the back.
He looked back at his notes. The only connection between Yui and y/n was that they had a class together on Thursdays. Intro to sociology. He decided he would go and sit outside the class and wait for her to come out.
He watched the college kids walk around him. A lot of them didn’t notice him and the ones that did shot him a dirty look. The wide doors open and a young woman comes walking out out in a tennis skirt and a pull over with the college name printed on the chest. Aiwaza watched as she walked away. Her h/c bounced with each determined step. he leans off the wall and makes his way to her.
“miss l/n.” she wipes around and stares him down. her eyes held such intensity, it took aiwaza back. “i have some questions for you.” he says.
“aren’t you the guy from the cafe? are you following me?” she beginning to walk away from him. he reaches out and grabs her soft wrist.
“please it’s about yui saito,” his grip tightens as she pulls away.
“let go creep,” she spat. “i barely know the exchange student. she lived in my dorm, that’s all i know,” and she turn away.
aizawa sat on a bench and pull his head in his hands. “god i know this job is hard but i know she knows something.” he mumbled to himself. he got up and walked to his car. the young y/n was leaning against it on her phone. he walks up to her.
she looks up at him. he unlocks the car and climbs in hoping she was gonna move. she opens the passager side door. he looks at her with a questioning look.
“you’re right i know more but i wasn’t gonna tell you in the middle of my college campus,” she says with her attitude. he moves all the trash to the back seat and she jumps in. “your car reeks,” she says rolling down the window and pinching her nose.
“shut up brat.” he pulls out of the parking lot and goes to jersey’s.
“do you want to know what i know?” he glared at her. “then be nice,” the whole drive y/n was staring out the window. she watches the old victorian buildings turned small business fade into the american suburbs to a ratty diner in the middle of nowhere.
“jersey’s? never heard of it” she says sliding out of his car. she stretches her arms and heads to the door. aiwaza glares at her as she walks in and talks with anne. she shows her to his usual booth and pulls aiwaza aside.
“she’s way pretty in person,” she laughs. her tone drops to a serious one quickly, “reminds me of someone,” aiwaza knew exactly who she was talking about.
about 10 years back, he was working a case and meet a spunky accountant looking for something fun to do. she somehow became a target for some under organization and sadly she didn’t make it. but aiwaza had ready fallen in love with her. how her brown hair flowed in the wind as she always rolled down his windows. or how she always insisted that if he wasn’t going to dress professionally that she was. and she stuck to it. always wearing pencil skirts or dress slacks. aiwaza missed her but the woman sitting in front of him definitely had her attitude and curiosity on life.
he stay there and watched y/n look threw the menu. she mumbled to herself and pointed at some names. she twitches her nose and scrunches it up as read the descriptions. Anne comes over and takes her order which was just a plate of fries.
“are you sure?” anne asks. y/n just nodded. “black coffee i’m guessing?” she looks over at aiwaza.
“yeah,” he lets out. anne rushes away. “what do yo know,”
“well i was going through her stuff and i saw a necklace from this weird jewelry store downtown and it’s 100% a cult. i think they took Yui,” aiwaza sighed and leaned back.
“i know and they didn’t. i talked to them and they said they remember her buying the necklace but she didn’t join their pray list.” he rubs his eyes and looks at the woman.
her eyes looking over every inch of him. he felt his cheeks heat up a little. he pulls his hands on the table as she about the grab them anne comes with her food and his coffee.
“her host family said she didn’t seem like the type of girl to just leave without telling anybody,” he said bring the cup to his mouth.
“do you shower?” she asks in such a cheery tone. aiwaza chokes on his coffee and coughs. “maybe that’s why your not married,” she takes a fry into her mouth. “because you stink.” he hears anne laughing behind him.
“i shower and i’m not married because i don’t have time to meet anyone,” he glared at her.
“well the waitress seems to know you really well. you should ask her out,” aizawa’s cheeks gets red.
“shut up brat,” he puts down some cash and starts to get up.
“i’m sorry, please let me help you,” she asks.
“no,” he makes his way to the door.
“please! i promise i can help!” she follows him.
“no, do you need a ride back or can you walk?” he asks before getting in his car.
“yes i need ride. and i’m sorry for asking if you shower and saying you stink. please i want to help you. i’m really smart. i can help you,” she begs.
“fine,” he says driving back to the school. y/n talked the whole way about things she noticed about yui saito. like one time at a party she didn’t even drink or how she always showered super early in the morning.
“what’s your name?” she asked before getting out.
“aizawa,” he answers, staring at the students watching a young woman get out of his car. his cheeks flushed at the thought of what they were thinking.
“aizawa,” the way she says his name. silky smooth and he wished he could hear it again. “aizawa!” she yelled. he snapped to look at her.
“what brat?” she held her phone out. he took it and quickly punched in his number. He hands back the phone. She quickly sends a little hi.  
“I’m guess you already know my name, but I’m y/n,” she smiles and walks away.
Aizawa drives home and flops onto his couch. He stares at the ceiling and thinks about  today’s weird events. he thought about her h/c and how her eyes sparkled with curiosity. she is a smart girl. she beautiful in every sense of the word.
he didn’t even realize his hand slide down his pants. he was hard. he let his hand drift up and down the outline of his member. he thought about y/n’s voice and how she said his name. he thought about her spunky personality. his hand slips into his boxers. He closes his eyes and thinks about her small hands and pink lips. his hand moves across his hard cock. he inhales as he picks up the pace. he thinks about how soft her lips would feel against his. he thinks about if she was virgin and how tight she would be. his hand quickens. light moans escape his lips. he thinks about how she would look on her knees. he imagines her sucking him off. he clenched his jaw as his cum rolls down his knuckles.
he gets up and washed off his hands. his phone buzzes.
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he rolls his eyes and opens the message.
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he rolls his eyes and tosses the phone onto the table. he liked the little banters. he liked how she’s willing to speak her mind. he turns on the tv and flicks through the channels. NCIS. sure yeah not. he goes and makes himself a small dinner and sits at the table looking over the papers for the case.
‘yui didn’t seem like the girl to just leave without telling anyone,’ the host parents said. maybe she did tell someone or at least write a note. y/n said she went into her room. he wonders if she found something in there besides the necklace.
aizawa didn’t go to bed till early in the morning. so waking up and going to deal with the ever so cheery y/n was going to be a fun treat...
he threw on a tattered black t shirt and some jeans. his jet black hair pulled into a messy ponytail. the bags under his eyes could have held a weekend vacation worth of clothes. he got into the nasty car and drove to the cafe.
he saw her standing outside on her phone. her thumbs texting away. he was always so amazed at how fast teens can type. he got out and walked over to the distracted y/n.
“let’s go in,” he says in his deep raspy voice. it makes y/n jump slightly. his voice sends a shiver to the butterflies in her stomach. she follows in behind him. he orders his coffee and waits for y/n to order. he looks over his shoulder at her. his dull eyes looking into her bright ones.
“oh umm a chai tea,” she said walking closer to him. her shoulder brushes up against his. he looks down at her. her eyes dart around the cafe. she soaks in the area and walks to the pick counter.
“what did you find?” he asked while they wait for y/n’s tea.
“oh, yui used to write poems in her free time. one of them talks about a heart broken girl dropping everything and moving to colorado and starting new. she mets a wonderful man and they feel like they’re living the dream until one day he gets violent.” the guy calls out her name and she goes to get the tea. she drops her sleeve for her cup. she bends to get it, completely showing off the light blue panties. aizawa coughs and turns away. “sorry,” she says and sits down, “why is your face red?”
“nothing,” he shakes his head. “how is that a clue,” he watched as she brought the hot cup to her lips. she slowly sipped on it so she wouldn’t get burned.
“do you look at my underwear?” she laughs. “i knew you were an old creep,” his face drops into a scowl.
“shut up brat,” he said through gritted teeth.
“it’s fine, i don’t mind,” she said, scrolling through her phone, “here. i think she wrote that poem about him,” she shows him a picture of a 23 year from her school. he has his arm around yui’s hip. “that’s henry. they were seeing each other at the beginning of the semester, but one day yui comes in with a huge bruise on her arm and people asked he what is was about and she just answered with some vague thing like ‘oh i fell’ which is totally bullshit,” she takes another sip of her tea. “wanna try?”
“no i’m good,” aizawa answers. “do you think henry hurt her and she left to get away from him?” he watched as she typed something out on her phone.
“hm? yeah totally. i mean if i was getting pushed around by some frat boy i would totally disappear too,” she looks him square in the eyes. a little hue goes to aizawa’s face. “are you sure you don’t want to try it? you look like you only drink bitter sludge and gross greasy food for every meal,” she leans across the table.
“i’m serious. i’m fine with my bitter sludge,” he laughs. she smiles.
“i like it when you laugh. it’s calming,” she says. the phrase comes as a surprise to aizawa.
“aww you got a crush on an old man like me,” he says getting up. “come on kiddo.”
she gets up and follows. “maybe i do,” she whisper to herself.
“stop mumbling,” he says waiting at the door. they walk across the street to his car. “did the poem say anymore?” he asks unlock the car.
“i don’t know. i only got through a few when i texted you,” she said getting into the passenger side. she didn’t have her smile. he looks over at her. she stared out the window. her eyes didn’t have the spark of curiosity.
“what? are you mad at the joke? i’m sorry,” he said, started the car. she picks up her phone and quickly typed out a message and it sends with a bing. she rested her arm on the window and leaned her head against it. “y/n. seriously what happened? you were all jokes and laughing seconds ago.”
“it’s nothing, aiwaza.” with that he stopped asking. they drove in silence to his apartment. she followed him up the old stairs and he unlocks the green door. “cleaner than the car,” she laughs and flops herself on his couch.
“i guess make yourself at home...” he throws the keys on the table. he opens his laptop and looks up yui’s name. her twitter came up and he read through her poems.
‘even when he would yell
i would think about those mountains
how i could easily get lost in their trees.
how even if i never made it home,
the mountains would be there.
then i’m reminded
even the mountains can hurt me.’
“not the best one she’s written,” y/n says standing behind him. he’s snapped out of daze. she was leaning over his chair. her hair tickling his neck. her breath prickling his cheek. she smelt of vanilla.
“i wanna see you do better,” he sneers.
“hmm, your car smells like,” she brought her finger to her chin. “trash and you’re pretty much ash, and i think you have a rush, but your snash comments don’t bother me.” she laughs.
“haha real funny brat,” he rolls his eyes and looks about at the computer. y/n still laughing at her little poem. he reads through some more poems.
“did you ever check the ct tv camera or whatever?” she asks sitting on the couch again. “isn’t that like the first thing to do?”
“i did,”
“and?” she looks at him. he’s not looking at her. he was reading the poems and looking through pictures. y/n stands up and walks to him. she gets close to his ear and whisper “and?” his large hand covers her face and pushes her away.
“there was nothing,” he said as she scowls are her. he gives her a side glance. she was mad at him. “what?”
“you’re rude,” she huffs.
“what you wanted me to kiss you?” he laughs and looks back at the screen.
“maybe,” she mumbles.
“stop mumbling,” he says, not breaking away from the computer. “if you’re gonna say something, make sure i can hear it or else what’s the point in saying it.”
she moves to him. she yells “I SAID MAYBE YOU RUDE OLD MAN” he stops and his face goes pale. he swallows a hard lump. his heart is beating in his ears. y/n’s face gets all red. “um, sorry i’ll leave,” she starts to the door. tears fills her eyes.
aizawa gets up to stop her. he grabs her wrist. “don’t joke like that,” he pulls her close to him. “but please stay,” he wipes her tears.
“it’s not a joke,” she whispers. she looks up at him. he’s eyes soften. he kisses her forehead. she leans up to kiss him on the kiss but he moves away.
“i’m old enough to be your dad,” he goes back to the computer. she sits on the couch and goes on her phone.
“you cant be that old,” she says, breaking the silence. he doesn’t answer. he doesn’t want to ruin something as precious as her. “45?” he doesn’t answer. “50?” she gets up and sits across from him. leaning on her hands. she narrow her eyes. “23?” he looks up at her with a ‘really?’ look. “i know, i know, guess give me an answer,” she whined.
“no,” he scrolled along.
“40?” she says. still no answer. “100?” no answer. “fine i’ll look you up.” he looks at her. “aizawa... shit... what’s your first name?” she looks around for another with his name on it. she sees a pile of mail on the counter. she quickly lunges toward it. he gets up to stop her.  she grabs a piece before he could stop her.
“y/n!” he yells.
“what no brat this time,” she sneers. she looks at the piece. he tries to snatch it way. she leans against the fridge. he quickly grabs it and raises it above his head with the rest of his mail. “give it back!” she yells and jumps for it.
“it’s my mail!” he laughs. she grabs his collar and stands on her tip toes. she reaches for it. he places his other hand on the fridge to keep his balance. “stop y/n! you won’t get it!”
“i’ll stop when you tell me how old you are!!” she says trying to climb him.
“stop being a brat. i’m not going to tell you how old i am,” he smiles as he watches her try to get the mail.
“make me,” she stops and looks him in the eye.
“you’re playing a dangerous game, y/n.” he puts the mail on top of the cabinets and walks away. she instantly start climbing on the counter. he grabs her hips and pulls her done. he bear hugs her. “STOP IT!”
“NEVER!” she bites him. he lets go, “just tell me how old you are.”
“jesus, fine, 41,” he sighs and sits on the couch. she sits next to him.
“that wasn’t so hard now was it,” she laughs.
“you’re an absolute brat,” she leans her head on his shoulder. he puts his head on top of hers. her hand plays with his hand. tracing each vein and knuckle. she laces her fingered with his. he doesn’t pull away. all he does is whisper “please y/n, we can’t-“ she cuts him off by kisses his cheek.
“we’re two consenting adults. why can’t we,” she whines. she shifts to sit in his lap. she laces both hands together. he tries to control his breathing. he looks over every inch of her body. she just looks down at him. she leans down and kisses him. she puts his hands on her hips. her arms snake themselves around his neck. he breaks away.
“are you sure?” he asks.
“yes,” she breathes out. she leans back down and kisses him. his hands travels up her shirt and he undoes her bra. she pulls away and strips off the shirt and bra. he starts kissing down her neck, leaving red and purple marks. one of his hands moves to grope the soft flesh of her boobs. y/n arcs her back against his hand.
aizawa shifts and flips her onto her back. he gives her a quick peck then he leaves trails ok quick little kisses down to the waist band of her skirt.he wraps his fingers around the fabric and looks up at her. y/n nods.
“use your words bunny,” he says kissing her stomach.
“yes, please,” she says, tangling her fingers into his hair. aizawa pulls off her skirt. he smiles at the light lacy panties. he slowly slides them down. he kisses the bottom of her stomach. y/n’s hand yanks the collar of his shirt. he quickly takes it off. she sits up and creases every inch of his body. she soaks in all the little scars and muscles. he grabs her wrist and kisses the top of her hand. he leaves a trail of kisses down her arm and to her mouth.
y/n puts her hand back on his chest and pushed him back. she straddles him. she leans down and gives him light kisses everywhere while her hand slowly drifts to his pants. she rubs the forming bulge. he sucks on his teeth. she smiles down at him.
“damn you too good for me,” he whispers.
“damn right old man,” she laughs. he rolls his eyes and sits up. he pulls her closer. her clit grazing over his jean covered dick. she moans into his ear.
“fuck,” he whispers. her hands drive in between her legs and undoes his jeans. he chuckles. “so impatience,”
“shut up,” she sneers. he picks her up and brings her to his bed. he tosses her down. he pulls down his pants. “hmm boxer briefs guy,”
“i’ll leave..” he says. she laughs and pulls him onto her. they kiss and his hand makes it’s way to her heat. he spreads her folds. she moans into the kiss. he smiles. he drags his middle fingers from the bottom to her clit. y/n rolls her hips to his touch. he rubs small circles into the bud. she smirks under him.
“aizawa please,” she moans.
“shouta,” he whispers. his finger hovers over her entrance.
“hmm?” she looks up at him. he slides his finger in. she moans and grips onto the bed. he  kept his hand still, feeling her clench around him.
“my first name,” he whispers. she thinks for a second and opens her mouth to say his name, but he starts moving his fingers causing her to moan it. she hits his arm.
“you purposely did that,” she pouted.
“so what if i did,” he leans down. y/n can feel his breath on her ear. “i want to hear it again.” her face gets all flushed. he moves his finger at a slowly pace. after awhile of little mewls and light breathing moans, aizawa slips his ring finger in.
“shouta~” she moans out.
“that’s it, good girl,” he picks up his pace. she continues to moan. aizawa kisses her collarbone and attaches himself to her boobs. his tongue expertly swirls around her hardened buds. her hands tangled in his hair. she feels the knot in her stomach come undone as she comes on his fingers. he pulls them out and looks at them. she looks at him.
“don’t,” she says. he’s eyes flicker at her. “please don’t,” he smiles and sticks his two fingers in his mouth. he closes his eyes and moans.
“mmm sound good,” he teases. she throws a pillow at him.
“you suck,” she whines. he lays down on top of her and kisses her. she wraps her arms around him. he slides his hands down and brings her legs up. she wraps them around his waist. he sides his hand down his underwear and brings his harder dick out. he teases her entrance before pushing the tip in. she moans into the kiss.
“fuck you’re so tight,” he hissed into her ear.
“what? ever fucked a college student?” she laughs. until he slams his hips into her. she cried out in pain. “god, your a lot bigger than you seem, shouta,” she moans his name which makes him want to fuck her into the bed.
he pulls out them slams back in. “you better take it with out complaints. you’re the one who’s been asking for it,” he says threw gritted teeth. she does this breathing moan that sends him over the edge and into an absolute feral mindset. he holds himself up on his elbows and just pounds y/n into the bed. her moans turn into screams of pleasure as her legs squeeze around his waist.
the knot in her stomach reappears and she clenched around his dick. “fuck y/n, beg to come you fucking slut,” he groans out.
“shouta please.” he trusts even deeper. “fuck. god please shouta let me come on your huge dick,” she whimpers out, feeling the knot in her stomach snap.
“omg yes, y/n,” he moans as her pussy clenched around him. her beautiful moans escape her lips as her face shows nothing but euphoria. her pussy sucks him in, clenching around him, trying to milk him. he lets out a grunt as he paints her velvety walls white. he weakly thrust a few more times before collapsing next to her. he pants as she rolls over and puts her head on his chest. his large hand pets her hair as she falls asleep in his arms.
He whispers to himself,  “you’re the one I’ve been looking for,”
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
♪ The Last Day of Summer With You
Vernon Chwe/Choi Hansol : Stargazing
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“Is this where you wanted to come?” Vernon asked, staring at the empty fields of seemingly endless green grass through the car window.
Night was approaching and you two arrived at this strange yet peaceful location right after sunset. On the way here, you insisted on driving, allowing Vernon to watch the passing sunset.
“What's with that tone? Do you not like it? Is it too basic for a last day of summer hangout?” You asked jokingly, getting out of the car.
Vernon quickly followed out while shaking his head. “No, I like that it's basic. The breeze is nice up here too.”
You looked over at Vernon with a smile, putting the car keys in your pocket. You knew that Vernon was quite simple, he preferred comfort over fancy and quiet over loud, so for the last day of August, you decided to take him to this place. It was a plains area with semi-tall grass and you were able to get a beautiful view of the mountains from here.
“This place is usually packed during the summer,” You said, walking to stand next to Vernon who was busy having his jaw dropped from the stunning scenery. “That's why I wanted to take you here at the end of summer so that it wouldn't be so crowded.”
“It sure is beautiful here,” Vernon said, turning to you with a thankful smile and his arms wide open. “Thank you so much for taking me here. You surely know me best, Y/N.”
You smiled shyly. Whenever your boyfriend said things like that, your heart would go crazy, jumping from joy. You didn't hesitate to walk into his arms and press the side of your face against his chest, your arms wrapping around his waist as his large hands patted your back.
“It's not just the valley that I want you to see. Wait until night falls, that's when the beauty of this place truly comes to life.”
“Oh really?” He replied, his nose sniffing the beautiful fragrance of your hair.
In his head, he was thinking that maybe this large field of grass had fireflies. However, he wanted it to be like a surprise, so he decided not to think about it anymore and instead, laid down against the grass with you. You took out your phone and began playing some music; a mix of sentimental and nostalgic songs you picked, along with some of Vernon's favorites.
“You really know how to set the mood,” Vernon said, chuckling at how perfectly the song fit the atmosphere. “But are we just going to lay here though?”
“My main purpose for taking you here was to talk with you. You know, like how we always talk before bed, or when we're watching a movie but get distracted by our conversations that begin in the middle.”
Vernon smiled. His arm was under your neck and you had your arms wrapped around his waist as you two cuddled in the grass field.
“I always appreciated that you listened to me. Even if I don't say anything, you always know how I feel,” Vernon giggled softly for a reason that you didn't know. “Is this what you call soulmates?”
You smiled. “I guess so. I have to thank you too, Vernon, for always being by my side. You proved to me that there is hope for me even in the darkness where I can't see anything. There were so many times where it seems like I fell in a pit and couldn't climb back out, yet, each time, it's like your hand reaches for me and pulls me up.”
Vernon nodded with an embarrassed smile. He caressed your hair and wanted to just close his eyes.
You both didn't know how much time went by. Whenever you two talked like this, you guys would always lose track of time. Your eyes were closed, your arms were holding each other, and your bodies were pressed comfortably together, against the grass that swayed in the passing wind.
The conversation went on for who knows how long, you and Vernon were just thanking each other for the dumbest things, tossing back and forth the words “no, I am more thankful for you”. Finally, you both decided to end that little battle with giggles.
“I love you,” You said softly, holding him a little tighter. “I love you so much, Vernon.”
“Me too.”
You laughed a little. “Can't you say ‘I love you, Y/N’ instead of saying ‘me too’?”
Vernon giggled and said, “Okay, I love you, Y/N.”
Satisfied, you gently opened your eyes.
The surprise was ready. You didn't expect Vernon to have his eyes closed like this, but in the end, it worked out well in your favor regarding the surprise. You had only closed your eyes in the first place because you saw Vernon doing it.
You sat up from the floor and patted his knee. “Look...”
Vernon opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a long strand of grass stuck to your hair, so the first thing he did was pluck that piece of grass out.
You turned to him and did the same, ruffling his hair, allowing the particles of green to dust off. You smiled, cupping his face. “Now, look up.”
Vernon, with your hands still on his face, lifted his head to face the sky, being met with a starry night. Stars were glistening, twinkling, beautiful and white, spread out amongst the black sky, almost like a painting. The moon was round and beautiful as well. It looked like he was viewing the galaxy through pictures on Google, but instead, the galaxy was shining right down on him. Mixed with black, blue, and purple, the sky was art on its own.
Vernon's jaw dropped as your hands slipped away from his face. “Wow.”
You brought your knees to your chest and placed your palms together, in a praying motion. “Quick, make a wish!”
Vernon turned to you and smiled, copying your pose. Silence passed through as you both made a quiet wish, with only the crickets chirping.
“What did you wish for?” You asked, turning to Vernon who already had his eyes open, breaking the silence between you two.
“Simple things, just to be with you forever, have you stay healthy and happy... you know, just that kind of stuff,” Vernon said, scratching the back of his neck shyly. “What about you?”
You buried your face in your knees shyly. You two were definitely soulmates.
Vernon whined, scooting a bit closer to you. “Come on, tell me.”
“The same thing you wished for,” You replied, your voice muffled. “Instead, I wished to stay with YOU forever, and have YOU be healthy and happy.”
Vernon laughed. “Oh, seriously??”
You both laughed as you lifted your head. Vernon wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him again.
You both stared up at the sky with smiles.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” You said softly, staring at the moon. It was so round and bright, with the stars surrounding it, making it shine even more.
“Wonwoo told me that that phrase indirectly means ‘I love you’.”
“Well, I do love you,” You replied, pecking him on the cheek. Your hands were wrapped around your knees.
Vernon smiled. “I love you too.”
Vernon planted a kiss on your forehead and then turned to the sky again, gazing at the beautiful night sky. His hand rubbed your shoulder softly as your head laid gently on his shoulder.
There was a comfortable silence.
Under the galaxy-like sky, holding each other, you and Vernon beautifully ended this last summer night.
© serenityseventeen
a/n: The Dino fic I'm working on might surpass 16k words at this rate; I've tried to lower it a little but currently, it's as 11k words. + In the soop tomorrow! I'm so excited for it! I also plan to binge the new short kdrama D.P. + After I finish this tldoswy series, I'll close my requests because I want to work on them, plus, school is coming soon. My younger siblings already started.
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