#guest: ley
rinoomi · 2 years
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rogersstevie · 1 year
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favorite outfits on screen | charmed
mrs. chao (dead man dating) -  “you should have more respect for ghosts.”
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 6 months
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The plot of Story of Mystics might include dance numbers (?? nah it's just for dance challenges, I hope) but the costume design is top notch
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toruland · 10 months
i don’t know what exactly i did last week that made my hair so soft and last for the entire week without frizzing up, getting super oily, etc., but i think i know what it was
redoing everything the way i remember to see if my hypothesis is correct
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
yandere!aphrodite with muichiro!fem!reader headcanons
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Warning(s): aged up!reader [late twenties], anime spoilers, canon divergence from manga, references to mythology, obsessive behavior, violence, strong language, sexual references, established relationship, slight nsfw content.
The intention of this story is for entertainment purposes only. The behavior exhibited here is inappropriate and unhealthy, hence it should not be encouraged. There are also triggers, so please take caution. You are responsible for your Internet consumption!
Collab work with @deathmetalunicorn1. Special thanks to @enryegotrip for providing feedback in the early drafting phase!
With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chaos that will unfold :)
You met Aphrodite through work. 
As a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, your main objective is to eliminate the nocturnal beings before they could set a single inch inside Valhalla and devour innocent humans. Thanks to the human named Nostradamus, they could slither their way through the Bifrost’s fractured ley lines rather than just taking a gamble to walk through the swirling miasma that lied beyond the stone double doors and come out on the other side still in one piece. Including information gathering and training soldiers in the organization, there was an occasional bodyguard job. 
That was the night you had crossed paths with the Greek goddess of beauty; the function had been a banquet hosted in the palace of a floating island, belonging to a god whose name you couldn’t recall except he was known for firing a silver bow and arrow from a chariot in the sky.  But that really wasn’t important. Your job had been to keep an eye out for troublemakers and give them the ol’ greet and toss when they were causing too much of a disturbance. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Aphrodite seem to be talking about things of great interest with Lady Persephone; they were too enraptured in the conversation to notice anything happening outside of their little circle of interest, including the incubus was shamelessly ogling the women of the Greek pantheon. 
And of course this buffoon would try to sneak behind your lady’s friend to grab her ass. You sighed in mild annoyance in having to intervene in such a lovely atmosphere, stepping away from your position behind a column.
You quickly glided across the crowded floor, pushing past through the guests and getting behind the incubus. You grabbed one arm and twisted it behind his back, then the other one before starting to pull him away from the goddesses. “What the fuck?!” He snarled, wiggling in your grasp. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“I beg to differ,” You said. “Lewd misconduct in a gathering that is hosted in a god’s temple is strictly forbidden. Especially if the perpetrator is someone who has not been invited to said gathering. Now, stop being so stubborn and come along quietly -” You were cut off in mid-sentence when you felt something warm and sticky land on your cheek.  
You blinked owlishly, unimpressed at the incubus’ false bravado and the stupid sneer on his face. Really? This asshole just spat on you? Fine, two can play this game. 
You slammed your knee into the pervert’s  solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him long enough to secure your grip on him, earning surprised gasps from the guests. You looked up and saw Lady Persephone and Lady Aphrodite staring at you with wide, doe-like eyes. You bowed your head to the lord’s wife.
“Forgive me for bothering you and your…acquaintance, Lady Persephone. Please enjoy the rest of the night.”  Having properly given your apologies to them, you proceeded to drag the piece of shit across the floor, walking in the back of the temple meant for security and the kitchen staff to slip through without being noticed. 
Himejima met you halfway and took the squirming incubus out of your hands, promising to deal with him. In the meantime, it was time for shift rotation; you’d be moving towards the outer perimeter of the island with two other Demon Slayers. 
Tanjiro greeted you inside, asking if you were okay with a worried look in his dark red eyes. Smiling at your old friend, you politely declined and reminded him to get a snack or drink water. This banquet is just getting started, it wouldn’t do him any good to keep working on an empty stomach. 
He nodded enthusiastically, racing back inside to the kitchens and shouting that he’d bring back something for you too. Your heart twinged at his words. Even after all of these years…how could he have forgiven you for surviving the war against Muzan when it should have been him and Nezuko? That the two of you, including Giyuu and Sanaemi, stayed with Master Urokodaki until it was time to go your separate ways? How the guilt gnawed away at you for years, knowing Nezuko would be all alone in her village despite keeping regular contact with you through letters and visits? How can he not hate you?
You shook your head. No…there was no point in dwelling on the past right now. You need to focus on the job. After you scrubbed off the area where the incubus’ saliva had landed, you washed your hands and left the restroom to join the others. 
In retrospect, you truly thought that was the last time you would ever meet the Greek pantheon’s goddess of love and beauty….not the beginning. 
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Persephone was bragging about her new bodyguard with the pride of a mother fawning over her child for the third time this evening. 
Aphrodite knew the queen of the underworld well enough that she utterly despised being treated like a child or an asset that is to be protected from even the smallest of threats. That was why it had been difficult for Hades to find someone qualified and met his wife’s expectations to protect his beloved. Personally, Aphrodite found the overprotective part of Hades to be…romantic. Dazzling even, the idea that such a stoic and cold-hearted man melted in front of the only woman he loves. 
Admittedly, Aphrodite was curious about this strong and useful mortal soul entrusted to protect her on-off friend, especially their appearance. Did they possess a rugged appearance, or dressed neatly for the job? Were they big or small? Experienced in bed or a virgin? These questions tossed around her mind right until she heard yelling right behind her. That was when she saw the incubus and a young lady dressed in black, the latter holding him down even though she was half of his size. She gasped in disgust when he spat at the mortal, and then felt her heart flutter when she retaliated with a swift kick to the stomach. Blank [Eye Color] orbs blinked owlishly at them before she murmured an apology, wishing them a good-night before dragging the incubus across the floor without another care in the world. 
Aphrodite gawked in shock, turning her attention back to the equally shell-shocked Persephone. “Is…Is that your bodyguard?” The brown-haired goddess merely nodded, her golden eyes watching the pair disappear into the crowd.
“Indeed…but how could she have sensed that rascal before we did?” It was true. As members of the Oympian pantheon, they were blessed with powers far beyond the others, and not just immortality and incredible strength. Persephone frowned. “Perhaps I underestimated the power of a Hashira?”
“A Hashira?” Aphrodite repeated. “You mean to tell me that Hades assigned the strongest members of the Demon Slayer Corps as your bodyguard and you didn’t mention any of this to me sooner?”
Persephone shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t think it was that important to you, in fairness. And they are supposed to be a secret, not public knowledge to spread across Valhalla.” She took a sip of her wine. “Fret not, if that  little pissant is in her hands, she’ll deal with him promptly.”
Aphrodite slowly nodded, taking another gulp of wine before her mind wandered back to the stoic mortal who possessed such a mesmerizing beauty she had not seen since Helen of Troy had been alive. 
In contrast to the innocence of the Argos queen, the Hashira’s eyes did not sparkle with neither joy nor love; nothing reflected in her gaze except exhaustion and irritation when she dealt with the incubus. Why does she seem so tired when she is a trusted soldier under the command of Hades?
That had been the initial spark of curiosity which struck Aphrodite’s mind, even after the banquet. By interacting with Persephone, she was able to persuade her dear friend to come out for an outing in Valhalla’s most popular shopping district with her precious bodyguard in tow. It is through this trip that the goddess of beauty turned her gaze upon the Hashira, and felt her heart pounding in her chest once more.
Yes…those eyes are mesmerizing. But other secrets could she be hiding? One question led to another, and then another until Aphrodite could not stop herself from sinking into the madness of morbid fascination. 
Why does she wear only the standard Demon Slayer uniform? What are her favorite foods? Her hobbies when she isn’t protecting the Bifrost alongside her comrades?
Aphrodite began using her doves to spy and receive daily reports on the Hashira whenever she went in Valhalla, relishing in what information they’ve brought back to the temple; they were almost seen by the overprotective and vain crow that is always by the mortal’s side, however, so her precious familiars needed to be a bit more discreet with their actions. Of course, Aphrodite would not be so cruel nor stupid as to send the doves to the gates of Helheim. 
That would draw too much attention, and she did not want to reveal herself to the lovely [First Name] just yet. 
Soon, she thought with a wistful sigh, lounging in the inner sanctum of her temple surrounded by the stone men Hephaestus created for her as a wedding gift. Soon, we shall be together my love, and nothing will stand in the way of our happiness. 
By pursuing the Mist Hashira, she neglected her longtime lover Adonis. He grew jealous when he heard that another mortal slithered their way into his goddess’ heart, and when he confronted Aphrodite about the rumors, an argument ensued. Adonis left the temple that same evening while she fumed quietly, alone in her twisted thoughts. 
Oh…she wanted to hold [First Name] in her arms. But she needed to be patient for just a little longer. She blinked, baby blue eyes narrowing with a contemplative frown. Now that she thought about it, it has been a while since she called upon Ares to her bedchambers. 
Perhaps until the Demon Slayer is officially hers…she should play around with the war god to satisfy her needs. Yes. That's a perfect plan. Oh, she is so beautiful and smart, no one can tear their gaze away from her when she enters the room. 
Moments later, however, she crushed her cell phone in half. Four times. She called him four times and not once did Ares pick up. HOW DARE HE IGNORE THE BELOVED GODDESS OF ALL THE PANTHEONS IN VALHALLA?!? WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HER WELL-BEING?!
As the human author William Congreve had penned in his book The Mourning Bride, “Heaven has no rage like love turned to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.”
It wasn’t hard for the Greek goddess to find him…but why in the world would he come to a floating island that belonged to Apollo, let alone the exclusive hot springs that the sun god owns and ran as a business for only the wealthiest and most beautiful clients? Why would that hulking brute disappear all of a sudden as soon as he walked through the forested area…oh! Aphrodite gasped.
Standing at the marbled archway leading to the hot springs was her Hashira, gazing up at the clouds overhead without a care in the world, sword sheathed at the side and a teal-colored cloth strapped to her back. It seemed to bulge from where the goddess hid behind a stone pillar…is that how Demon Slayers carried their belongings? Wrapping them up in a cloth and tying it securely to their body? Hm, perhaps a purse would make a good gift….but that isn’t important at this moment!
She wanted to see the Mist Hashira’s body. Oh, there is no doubt in her mind that it was a work of art beneath those shabby clothes! Aphrodite giggled, her voluptuous body wiggling in excitement. She watched as [First Name] blinked owlishly, then looked down at…her neck? There was a snake coiled around her neck! 
Aphrodite narrowed her gaze upon the creature, fury pumping through her veins as [First Name] smiled affectionately at it, pressing a soft kiss on the top of its head before turning around to walk inside the facility. Yes…there is no mistaking the pattern on the snake’s back. That filthy abomination was Ares. 
The Greek gods had the ability to transform into the animals that were sacred to them, though Zeus could become almost anything he wanted to be if it meant conquering another woman that his lustful heart desired. In Ares’ case, the vulture, the dog, and the snake were sacred animals enshrined in his temple. He preferred to be the latter when he wanted to pout or hide from others so that his reputation as a fearsome, powerful god wasn’t besmirched. 
He changed into a snake more than a handful of times when they broke up. But why was he with the Mist Hashira? Did he have some private Demon Slayer business with her that needed to be discussed where no one would dare to think they’d converse? Aphrodite wasn’t sure yet she was determined to find out. 
So, she took a page out of the war god’s book and transformed into a beautiful white dove, flying over to the building where an open window allowed her to enter the hot springs with no one none the wiser. 
It did not take the goddess very long to find the object of her affections standing in front of the hot springs, and looking quite annoyed, at least from her hiding behind a marbled column and still in her animal form.
“Ares, are you sure there isn’t another solution? I know Apollo said these waters will help accelerate the healing process….but this is your brother we’re talking about. A preening peacock who thinks only with his dick and bragged about how he had multiple relations in this…place.”  [First Name] asked, tilting her head to look down at the snake. Ares hissed, forked tongue poking out as his tiny head bobbed up and down. 
[First Name] sighed, then released a small hiss of her own as her small frame hunched over ever so slightly. 
Ares’ small form began quivering, no doubt panicking or trying to ask in snake language if the Mist Hashira was all right. Aphrodite watched worriedly as her love slowly walked inside, her soft voice bouncing off the walls as she spoke to the war god.
“I’m…okay. I guess my injuries were worse than I thought even with Shinobu’s treatment. There’s only so much wisteria solution that the body can handle at a time to flush the demon’s poison out. I think…I might have to rely on you a bit longer. I’m sorry.”
As soon as she sat down on a large obsidian rock and began taking off her sandals, Ares reverted back to his true form, kneeling by her side. He helped finish removing them before carrying her over to the smallest spring in the room where light filtered in from a nearby window, placing her on another heated rock. Aphrodite followed quietly, becoming herself again as well and ducking behind another pillar that allowed her to see them without the sun’s rays getting in her eyes. 
She had to clamp a hand over her mouth as she watched her old lover remove the Hashira’s uniform. The goddess’ fantasy of seeing her darling’s lovely, unblemished skin shattered upon seeing bluish-purple bruises and scabs, even a few open wounds. Who would do this to [First Name]? 
Furthermore, why is it that Ares can touch her body and not get kicked below the belt? And yet…seeing her so shy around him, arms trying to conceal her chest from his eyes as he carefully removed her lower garments, left completely bare…the expression was so arousing. Aphrodite wanted to see more. 
Ares slowly removed the bandages that were wrapped around her body in various places, carefully inspecting the wounds before he nodded. “Okay, let’s get your hair washed first.” He then leaned down, untying the clothed satchel and pulling out a circular shaped container. Aphrodite watched with a gaping mouth as he doted on her so gently, lathering up [Hair Color] tresses until there were soapy suds and used a cloth to wash her body too. 
When has he ever been this loving towards someone else besides the goddess of love? Sure, he’s had many lovers over the years…but he didn’t stare at them as if they hung the moon or stars in the sky as he gazed at the Mist Hashira. And that pissed Aphrodite off. A lot. 
Once her hair and body were rinsed off, Ares kneeled down and carefully cradled [First Name] in his arms by the edge of the spring, maneuvering her so that she could slip into the water without too much trouble. 
He laughed slightly as a long, dragged out sigh left the Hashira’s lips before he removed his armor and tunic. He cleaned himself up as well, washing his hair and body, before joining her in the water as well. 
Aphrodite considered showing up ‘coincidentally’ crashing the relaxing moment but she stayed back, choosing to watch them instead. She wanted…no, she needed to know what was going on between these two. Ares helping [First Name] undress and wash herself seemed innocent enough as she was heavily injured….she supposed she could forgive him if he was truly helping her darling out of courtesy for a fellow warrior.  
A comfortable silence fell between them. Time seemed to stand still before the Grecian deity said it would be best to get out now lest there is the risk of overheating. [First Name] looked up at him with a pout, but relented with a nod. 
Ares got out first. He kneeled down as his wet, steaming arms glistened in the sun, carefully lifting the Hashira out of the water. Perfectly innocent…until [First Name] released a soft squeak, face flushed when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the nape of her neck, coiling an arm around her waist to pull her towards him, but being gentle so that he did not irritate the wounds. He then began to nibble her neck, mouth opening and moving downwards as he began to suckle the tender flesh.
[First Name] pressed her thighs together, raising a hand to stifle the noises she was making but Ares would not allow such a small mercy to happen. Instead, he stepped backwards until he sat on the larger heated rock, pulling her into his lap and smiling as she gasped out his name, [Eye Color] orbs blown wide with embarrassment and excitement.  
His calloused fingers caressed the bumps of her spine, maneuvering around the bruises that were still healing until his large hand stopped right above her rear. Ares used his other palm to tilt the Hashira’s face upwards, tucking a stray strand of wet hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek, sealing their mouths together in a kiss. 
Aphrodite’s nails broke against the pillar as her hand trailed downwards. This single moment defined the relationship between her darling and that bastard Ares: lovers, just as she had been his ‘nymph’ all of those years ago, now nothing more than a fleeting memory. Her eyes widened when she heard a mewl of pleasure leave her darling’s mouth as Ares squeezed [First Name]’s rear, alternating between the cheeks, kneading the flesh or lightly spanking it.
The goddess’ body was growing warm with arousal again. Oh, she wanted…no, she needed her to make those noises again, those delicious sounds which grew louder and more wanton through Ares’ touch, [First Name]’s body arching back -
That was when she heard it…she and Ares. A pained groan from the Hashira, who now quivered in the war god’s arms, the romantic tension between [First Name] and Ares evaporating in an instant. He immediately pulled his hand away. “Are you all right?” He asked. 
[First Name] pouted, trying to pull him back down to her height. “I-I’m fine!” 
But Ares was not convinced. He pressed his index finger to her lips, staring down at her with a soft smile till he turned away to grab a fluffy towel, wrapping it around her shoulders. “We can continue once you’re all healed. I don’t want to hurt you.”
He kissed her softly, silencing any arguments before she slumped against his frame, sweaty forehead resting against his chest with a pout. He chuckled at her childish attitude, gently stroking the crown of her head. She looked up at him and smiled. 
“This trip is certainly one way to celebrate your return from another war, isn’t it?” She said, “I had heard your opponent was someone not to be taken lightly.” Ares grinned, lifting up one of his arms in the air and flexing it. 
“Yes, but he was no match for me! He might have had an impressive army, but he lacked a Lady of Fortune to grant him a victory!”
“Ares, you promised not to dedicate your battle to me last time and you did it again!” [First Name] whined, smacking his chest with her palm, cheeks red with embarrassment. “I didn’t do anything to contribute to the war! You were the one who put the time and effort into improving yourself and your men!”
“Yet you were the one who criticized my footwork and didn’t stop swinging that practice sword until you were satisfied with the results.” Ares chimed in, wiggling his brow. “If I had been any lesser god, I would have not continued to come to your residence year after year to spare with you when Heracles wasn’t around, let alone bring gifts nor beg Uncle Hades for a chance to court you on the condition that it must never become public knowledge.”
“Well, you did make the practice arena collapse in on itself when my other students couldn’t.” [First Name] argued. “You proved to me that you weren’t just a clueless musclehead. You adapted to the battles much faster than I had anticipated, you did everything that I taught you. Your victory in that war…that was by your hand and your army, not mine.”
Ares tutted. “I’m afraid we will have to agree to disagree in this argument, my dearest.”
Silence fell between them for a short time until the war god stood up, placing the Hashira on the rock. Grabbing the satchel, he took out two opal-colored jars, a roll of bandages, and one labeled with the single word ‘cream’, setting them down on the cloth before he began patting her skin dry. Aprhodrite watched in envy as he cleaned and applied medicine to the wounds, being as gentle as possible before wrapping them up. 
In all the centuries she’d known him, Ares had always been gentle and kind….yet never to this extent, around the goddess of love and beauty. The one who listened to his victories in war, and had once been his Lady of Fortune. So why should an egotistical, self-centered man who only knew about strategy deserve to be around her Hashira? 
Aphrodite would give anything to be loved by [First Name], from the finest jewels and fabrics to experiencing the true joys of the flesh, not what he had done. Mediocre, Ares. She thought with a sneer. Mediocre. 
A little while later, once they were both dried off, a nymph came into the room and delivered a box into the Hashira’s hands, Ares grinning like a child who had a secret that no one else knew about. He urged her to open it. She did, and inside was a teal kimono embroidered with a wisteria pattern, a pale yellow obi, and a hairpin. 
Aphrodite hated it…and yet when Ares helped [First Name] put it in, she could not deny that her darling looked dazzling in it. The color of the kimono was a perfect match to the teal ends of those lovely [Hair Color] locks.
But if it were up to her…she would be in something….well, perhaps that would be best left to the imagination, shouldn’t it? 
Because one way or another, the Mist Hashira will belong to the most beautiful goddess in the universe, and her alone, even if Aphrodite would have to take a page of Zeus’ book to get what she wanted. And she always got what she wanted in the end. 
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Leila can say whatever she wants, se cagó en los muertos del Wolfsburg, en Rolfö especialmente (quién la sustituiría unos años más tarde...).
I know italian people who used that meme when Roma played Bayern and french people as well. It's iconic and universal, sorry Lei
there are memes that transcend all leagues, and to me leila's is in the top 10 for sure! 😂
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source: @leonputellas
you've also got to add ellie carpenter's "le clean sheet" to the list.
but to me the most iconic is of course, the most meme-able player in the game, aitana bonmati. i don't think she will do this anytime soon, but i would love for her to be a guest on "quiero ser como" and for them to ask her about it.
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yurimother · 11 months
The 2023 Yuri Guide - Visual Novels
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Your ultimate guide to the best Yuri content with over 200 curated titles from every genre and medium.
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Forced to work for fourteen hours a day, with little chance to rest, Lorina, the newest maid to the Lennard family, is bullied by the senior maids and the youngest Lennard daughter. One of the only maids who deigns to speak to Lorina is the mysterious Taohua – but Lorina wishes she wouldn’t. Her aloof, almost cat-like personality, coupled with her peculiar complexion, eyes, and name, have inspired more than a few rumors around the Shropshire countryside that she might be a witch. Lorina knows she should keep her distance from Taohua, and she wants to most desperately… but maybe there’s a pinch of truth to all the rumors, because she soon finds herself under the older woman’s spell.
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The sequel, Distant Memoraĵo, continues Rin and Ruka’s story and romance and reveals the secrets of Ruka’s past. Two storeis of the struggles that come with attempting to connect with one another across age, language, and even worlds.
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The Fairy's Song
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Marnie is a young goth girl with a less-than-cheery disposition. Her parents are going away for a week of sun and surf in Bordeaux, and Marnie has been palmed off in her grandmother’s care in the backwater English village Fenchapel.
While exploring, Marnie happens upon a young female knight in a glade, clutching a sword. The knight has been sleeping for many centuries, but Marnie (inadvertently) awakes her. The young knight calls herself Leofe. She does not know why she went to sleep, but she knows that the forest itself is plagued by a horrible curse, and she is the only one who can lift it. The sequel, The Fairy’s Secret is also available on PC, Linux and Android.
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Heart of the Woods
• Adventure • Drama • Romance • Supernatural • Mystery • Multiple Couples
Maddie Raines has had enough. After years of serving as manager, editor, and general business-handler for her best friend Tara's popular paranormal vlog channel, she's finally ready to move forward with her own life. But when she agrees to take one last trip with Tara to the mysterious village of Eysenfeld, she's suddenly surrounded by wondrous and dangerous supernatural events. One in particular captivates Maddie in a way she’s never been before: the ghost of a young woman, Abigail.
~Developed by Studio Élan, Published by Sekai Project and Sekai Games~ Available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Mac, and Linux
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Heaven Will Be Mine
• Sci-fi • Action • Romance
It’s 1981, and the dream of a new home in space for all humanity is dead. After fighting for decades against an intangible and ephemeral existential threat from beyond the solar system, Earth command has declared the war effort a huge waste of time. The honeymoon is over, and a future of glittering cities across the solar system and cosmic battles between giant robots just isn’t going to happen. The outcome is clear: it’s time to come home.
But we don’t care. Giant robots may not make any sense. Celestial cities across the solar system are silly dreams. They are, however, extremely awesome. We, the girls who were raised in space, to be special and incredible and pave the way for a new future, aren’t giving up so easily. We’ve got invincible Ship-Selves for ferrying human bodies through time and space, and we have the weight and power to make a fantasy of the future real.
~Developed and Published by Pillow Fight & Worst Girls Games~ Available on PC, Mac, and Linux
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Letters From a Rainy Day -Oceans and Lace-
• School • Romance • Drama • Mystery • Senapi/Kouhai 
The prestigious private girls’ school, Kikyou Academy, educates young ladies from elementary age to university. With cell phones forbidden on school grounds, letter writing is a pastime for many of the girls… for better or for worse.
Student Mikoto Kurahashi receives a disturbing blackmail letter, forcing her to ask out younger student Shiori Minato to protect her sister. The story switches between the two girls’ viewpoints, displaying both sides of this unconventional romance as Shiori works to discover the reason and the perpetrator behind the blackmail and Mikoto longs to get her new partner to engage with her more.
~Developed by Lily Spinel, Published by Hublots and mirai works~ Available on PC
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Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!!
• School • Slice of Life • Comedy • Multiple Couples • Friends to Lovers
Sweet, heartwarming, and bursting with cheerful, colorful illustrations features a swarm of adorable Yuri couples. As every character’s perspective is shown, you could say that they’re all the protagonist! A love triangle between two friends and a recent graduate, a young maid and her precocious mistress, student council rivals, a wallflower and her socialite companion, and more. This Yuri buffet is overflowing with cuteness!
~Developed by PARTICLE, Published by MangaGamer~ Available on PC
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Linghua (Series)
• School • Drama • Romance • Multiple Couples • Fated Lovers • Tragedy 
A Yuri visual novel series about young couples bound by fate and tragedy at an all-girls’ private academy. In Melancholy Love, an elite student, born into privilege, and a delinquent who longs to break free of her chains meet amidst the garden of scented dreams. In Symbiotic Love, a devastated Zihua discovers a mysterious diary after the death of her lover, Jisuo. One by one excepts begin to appear, revealing the truth behind the tragedy.
~Developed by White Dew Game, Published by Kikai Digital~ Available on PC and Mac
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Lingua Fleur Lily
• Drama
The introvert Yuyi arrives at school every day with a secret deep in her heart, a truth she has kept hidden from everyone, even her beloved old tutor. But when she is paired with the excitable Yile, the eager girl helps Yuyi come out of her shell, confronting the bittersweet memories of her past and coming to terms with her identity. This tender hidden and emotional hidden gem is not a romance story, but a story of healing and accepting oneself, a gift given to Yuyi by an earnest and caring friend. Its gentle illustrations and enchanting soundtrack heighten this simple but poignant story. 
~Developed and published by Narrator and STORIA~ Available on PC
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A Little Lily Princess
• School • Drama • Historical • Slice of Life
Sara Crewe was raised like a princess by her doting Papa, always given the best of everything. Now that she is old enough, she must be sent away to boarding school in a foreign land, relying on her love of books and fairytales to help her make friends. But, what would happen to a little princess if she lost everything? This Yuri retelling of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s classic children’s novel gives players the option to plan Sara’s daily activities and bond with her peers, leading to several potential romances. 
~Developed by Hanabira, Published by Hanako Games~ Available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Mac, and Linux
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Mizuchi 白蛇心傳
• Fantasy • Romance • Slice of Life • Mystery
Abruptly finding herself at the bottom of a snake pit, an impoverished girl named Linh is bound and helpless for a crime she did not commit. Left to the mercy of the village snake god, a mysterious entity appears before her, offering to save her in exchange for her soul. Finding herself in a new reality, she is torn between staying with the beautiful temptress, Ai, who had rescued her from death, and the resourceful wanderer, Jinhai, who promises to set her free.
~Developed and Published by Aikasa Collective~ Available on PC, Mac, and Linux
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a new life.
• Romance • Slice of Life • Tragedy • Love at First Sight
A short, simple, and beautiful experience. A classic love story: Meet, marry, grow old. But when your loved one hurts you, what do you do? Is it better to love and be hurt, than never love at all? From their first meeting in college until the bittersweet end, this short visual story is a beautiful and emotional highlight reel of two women in love.
~Developed and Published by Angela He~ Available on iOS, Android, PC, Mac, and Linux
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Nurse Love (Series)
• Fantasy • Slice of Life • Horror • Mystery • Yuri Harem • Slow Burn
Surviving a near-death experience as a child left Kaori Sawai with the dream to become a nurse and heal others. And today is finally the day, as she leaves school to join the Yurigahama Hospital, mending injuries with the magical touch of her hands and navigating sweet, strange, and exceptionally disturbing relationships with her quirky coworkers in Nurse Love Syndrom.
Set in the same world, Nurse Love Addiction follows Asuka Osachi, a ditzy and easy-going girl, who graduates from high school and enrolls in Teito Nursing School along with her younger sister, Nao. With their two classmates Itsuki and Sakuya and their instructor Kaede, the girls will experience what it means to be an adult... and a nurse.
~Developed by Kogado Studio, Published by Degica~ Available on Nintendo Switch and PC
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OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos
• Comedy • Slice of Life • Romance • Already a Couple • Love at First Sight
Akuru Hayahoshi is an unlucky otaku office worker who just can't pull her husbando in the gacha game she's obsessed with, no matter how much money she throws at it.
Until one day, she runs into the garishly gorgeous and freakishly lucky Ren Furutachi. A series of misunderstandings causes Ren to full-on pursue Akuru. One thing leads to another, and in order to bring her husbando home, she ends up... bringing Ren home?!
In the sequel ~Love・or・die~ a fit of jealousy and more misunderstandings lead to a Akuru unthinking accepting one of Ren’s many joke proposals… and by the time she realizes what she's done, it's too late. Ren is in bridezilla mode and starting to plan the wedding!
~Developed by SukeraSomero, Published by Hublots and mirai works~ Available on Nintendo Switch and PC, iOS and Android
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Perfect Gold: The Alchemy of Happiness
• Fantasy • Romance • Enemies to Lovers
Marion LaRue is not having a fun day at all. What was meant to be a harmless little fire turned into an explosion that has her stuck in detention, missing out on one of the rare opportunities for her to enjoy life outside the academy. And of course, she just had to be stuck with Audrey Clary, of all the high-class LeFay students she could be in detention with.
Determined to not miss out on the long-awaited festival, these former lovers begrudgingly work together to escape detention and find their way to the festival. As they explore the city and celebrate the Sunflower Festival together, an old friendship is rekindled, and new feelings begin to bloom.
~Developed and Published by Yangyang Mobile, Published by Mama Morin (Console/Mobile)~ Available on Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, and Android
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Please Be Happy
• Slice of Life • Romance • Fantasy
Born as a fox in the forest of Korea, Miho carries with her the memory of a traveler who showed her kindness and spoke of home. Now more human than fox, Miho has spent a long, long time searching for her person. She arrives by airship to Wellington, one of the jewels of the floating island of New Zealand.
Despite her years spent observing humans, she still has a lot to learn about their culture and society. She's made a living so far as a thief, her heightened senses allowing her to easily take advantage of people. She's also seen a lot of the worst of what mankind has to offer.
It's only after meeting Juliet, the owner of a small library, and Aspen, an aspiring novelist, that Miho starts to understand what kindness is, and that there's more than just the bad stuff when it comes to people.
~Developed by Studio Élan, Published by Sekai Project~ Available on PC, Mac, and Linux
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Salome's Kiss
• Romance • Drama • Historical • Tragedy
Letitia Reed is an unremarkable woman in many aspects. Meek and mild, she prefers to keep her head down, and fears drawing undue attention to herself. As a governess to the wealthy Mortimer family, Letitia devotes her humdrum days in London to the schooling of her pupil, Clara, to better mould her into the image of an ideal lady.
Lurking beneath Letitia’s placid mannerisms, however, lay desires so intense they begin to unnerve her. As Clara matures, Letitia finds her feelings towards her maturing too – until, in the end, she can no longer bear it.
~Developed and Published by ebi-hime~ Available on PC and Linux
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• Romance • Drama • Mystery • Tragedy • Slow Burn
A mystery told through the perspectives of three women: Mizuno Sachiko, a designer plagued by hallucinations of her past lover; Narasaki Hibiki, Sachiko's friend and a psychiatrist researching the workings of human memories; and Takako, Sachiko's former lover who has been rapidly forgetting her past, including how or why the two women drifted apart, despite being together since childhood. All three live in different worlds but seek the same goal. To separate truth from illusion. To make sense of their own lives.
~Developed by paleontology, Published by Fruitbat Factory~ Available on Nintendo Switch and PC
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A Summer's End - Hong Kong 1986
• Shakaijin • Romance • Drama • Historical • Love at First Sight
Michelle is a young professional working woman living in Hong Kong during the heydays of the 1980s. She meets Sam, a free-spirited woman and an unconventional entrepreneur, by chance after an incident involving a broken heel. They share a mutual attraction. As their relationship progresses, Michelle is forced to make a decision between traditional propriety and her newfound feelings.
Inspired by classic Asian cinema, this beautiful game depicts the intense curiosity, confusion, and desire whirling around this incredible romance. Michelle A Summer’s End is a modern romance. A dazzlingly vibrant and intimate experience that explores identity, family, queerness, and love in a rapidly changing and highly political world.
~Developed and Published by Oracle and Bone~ Available on PC, Mac, and Linux
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• Action • Sci-Fi • Mystery
Cila, a veteran cop with a sour outlook and anger issues expects nothing more from life besides the smell of ozone, blinding neon lights and the ever-present manhole steam. At least, until a shady friend replaces her broken-down housedroid as a favor. Advanced, more efficient and remarkably perceptive, unit M.A.R.A. begins to penetrate Cila's toughened exterior and possibly even heal her new owner's old wounds – if Cila can decipher the recurring nightmare the process brings. Soon Cila and Mara forge a unique - if sometimes uneasy - bond. Unbeknownst to Cila, just as her life begins to find its new normal, the technological giant Velta Labs gets wind of Mara's existence and takes a mysterious interest in the android. A war unlike any before it is brewing on the horizon, its players are silently being selected and one android's fate may spell the difference between peace, war, the blossoming of a new religion, or a technological singularity beyond comprehension.
~Developed by Radi Art, Published by Top Hat Studios~ Available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, PS Vita, PC, Mac, and Linux
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Who Is The Red Queen?
• Horror • Fantasy • Romance
Alice falls down the rabbit hole into a Wonderland not quite right. Meeting an eclectic collection of people, animals, and some things in between, she sets out on an adventure in this odd new place to find the missing Red Queen. Or, more specifically, to find the pieces of the dismembered queen whose body has been strewn across the land.
~Developed by 4noki, Published by Studio Élan~ Available on PC, Mac, and Linux
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Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
Slice of Life • Mystery • Slow Burn
Set in the town of Koenji, not far from the imperial capital of Tokyo, where a small game studio called Eureka Soft has set up shop. The heroine Ai, a country girl, joins her sister Kokoro who works there, after receiving a mysterious email from studio head.There she meets the quirky all-girl (and a dog) cast: the big sisterly head of the studio, her sister, giving her a cold shoulder, the maid/voice talent, the "tiny dinosaur" scenarist, the uniformed artist, and Banako, the dog and vice-president. Ai starts learning about game making as she slowly pieces together the mysteries of her colleagues. Ai's world will expand bit by bit, as the game production begins.
~Developed byKogado Studio, Published by Degica~ Available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PC
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mirageofadesert · 8 months
Luo Yunxi's next drama is coming!
This is what we know can assume so far! I got so excited, I had to write about it!
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Well, first of all, a lot of this information hasn't been confirmed yet. Particularly around the cast, there are many contradictory rumors.
The drama is currently called Shui Long Yin (水龙吟). It will likely start filming mid-November 2023 in Hangdian. It's going to be a long shoot with 4-5 month. This means it's likely going to have a full 40 episodes.
The drama is an adaptation of Teng Ping's novel 千劫眉. This is the author from the recently aired Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Going from what I have picked up from the original novel, there are some similarities between both stories, mainly centering on the dynamics between multiple male characters, with no female love interests. There is also the possibility, that MLC scriptwriters added some parts of 千劫眉 to the other story, so both might be a bit (too) similar. So we will see what kind of further adaption will be made.
The drama will be directed by Chen Zhoufei, who has done mostly modern dramas, as well as the recently shot Shao Nian Bai Ma Zui Chun Feng Season 2, another Wuxia bormance drama.
We can assume, that the drama will be produced by Otter Studio again, who already worked with Luo Yunxi for Immortality and Till The End of The Moon. As for the broadcast platforms, rumor has it, that there is an ongoing biting war between Yukou and Mango. Currently, it seems like Mango TV is winning, and the show will be additional aired on Hunan TV - which will reach a broader audience! I'm not an expert on this, but not many Wuxia and Xianxia dramas get aired on TV, so this is a big deal!
The rumored cast of the drama changes from day to day. The two names attached to the show the longest (besides Luo Yunxi) are Xiao Shun Yao and Chen Yao. Both have been acting with Luo Yunxi before in either TTEOTM or in Chen Yao's case in the yet to air Immortality and Follow Your Heart. There is another cast member of Follow Your Heart appearing on the possible cast list for the first time: Cheng Lei!
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While I haven't seen Chen Yao in a drama yet, I'm really excited about the possibility of Xiao Shun Yao, who I loved in Mysterious Lotus Bookcase, and Cheng Lei, who was one of my favorites in My Journey to You. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, since the cast will likely change! But then there is also this:
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As for the rest of the cast, in today's melon, Bao Shangen, Lin Yun and Yu Chengen are (tentative) named. All of them are young and upcoming actors. So far, there doesn't seem to be a real female lead, just like in the novel. However, other melons name Liu Haocun or Zhang Xueying (Princess Silver) or Bao Shangen as potential candidates for the female lead. So we will have to wait for the official announcement. But it's fun to speculate!
Another rumor I saw is that my beloved Sun Zhenni (Pianran from TTEOTM) will make a guest appearance! I also wouldn't be surprised to see some of the usual suspects making another appearance next to Luo Yunxi!
Now, as someone that adore world-building, I'm particularly excited about the style of the show. It's said to be a mix of wuxia and xianxia tropes and aesthetics, and this is a main reason that so many platforms are interested in it. We get some indicators from the poster.
Let's look at the details of the official poster:
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White hair, I repeat, white hair! The main character Tang Lici is described as ruthless and is famous for his long white hair! I'm so excited for this. Are we finally going to see Luo Yunxi in white hair for a drama?!
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I also love the color scheme of white, peach and black of the poster. It looks like there is a black flute stuck in his belt. He is also holding a bowl of food, maybe a seashell? That looks too random, to be a coincidence. So he likely will use musical cultivation as a weapon.
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I'm not sure how the dragon relates to his character. Maybe he is one, maybe he is called one? Either way, it would be Luo Yunxi's third time playing a dragon, after Wangye and Runyu. This one seems to be related to water again.
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In his most recent interview, Luo Yunxi mentioned, that he is already preparing for the role, learning lines and diving into his character. I can't wait for more!
Sources: Twitter 1, Twitter 2, My Drama List
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concussed-to-pieces · 9 months
Wolves At The Door; Prelude
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Fandom: Resident Evil [Village]
Pairing: Eventual Karl Heisenberg/AFAB!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
Summary: It started small, or as small as a gargantuan man stuffed into a traveling cart could be considered.
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our prelude! We will begin in earnest next Wednesday but until then, the prelude 💚 Enjoy!
Tag List:  @cookiethewriter @amneris21 @topgirl17 @vodkafolie @a-smol-witch @baby-lisuga @clockworkmidnight @calwitch @zombiexbody @silver-quinn01
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains mentions of blood. Stay safe!]
It started small, or as small as a gargantuan man stuffed into a traveling cart could be considered. He called himself the Duke, and would sometimes appear in your front yard on clear nights when the moonlight was bright. He was pleasant enough, if a little strange, and seemed to enjoy making idle conversation while his horse grazed.
You, for your part, didn't get many visitors (none at all actually), so you were more than happy to indulge the strangeness of your large guest in exchange for tidbits of news from the outside world. 
"Stocks are down, you know," he would often muse whilst rummaging through a drawer beside his head in search of a cigar.
"Which ones?" was always your question in response. 
Then the rumbling, mischievous chuckle. "All of them except mine, my dear."
He styled himself as a merchant of some kind, occasionally showing you odd trinkets with a fair amount of pride. He never explained his acquisitions and you never asked, too enamored by the clearly-arcane objects to be inquisitive of their origin.
You made the mistake of joking once, "hope you don't sell these to the Hobby Lobby." 
He had blinked at you, obviously confused, bloated fingers cradling the midsection of a carved goat. A smile tugged at one side of his mouth abruptly, and he was laughing when he replied, "my dear, they could not afford my wares."
Neither could you, of course! But the Duke didn't seem to mind overmuch that you were strapped for lei, the man clearly content to entertain his audience of one. 
There were rare occasions where the Duke brought what he called "guests" to your property. Injured animals seemed to trust him infinitely more than you did and you would soon find yourself bemusedly following the Duke's instructions to mend fractured wings or free tangled limbs. And if the animals were a bit more…monstrous than you were used to, well, it may just be a quirk of specialized evolution in this specific neck of the woods. 
You tried not to dwell on the topic while you foraged alone on your property, and you made a conscious effort to not venture past your front door after nightfall. The howling and snarling you heard in the night kept you safe behind your locked door, comforted only by the strange charms the Duke hung on your fenceline. "Free of charge, part of our first class customer service," he had said without a hint of irony.
Everything was normal (or as normal as you were used to) until one particular, stormy evening…
You had been rushing most of the day just to get the firewood cut and stacked. That's what you got for procrastinating, you supposed! The logs had been seasoned for ages, you really should have gotten to it beforehand. But now here you were, sky rapidly darkening while you lugged armfuls of wood into your home to place them in the firebox beside the door. The smaller pieces you relegated to the kindling basket, where they resided with the pitch-rich pinecones. 
The sky finally opened up as you were stoking your evening fire, another early spring deluge drenching your home and the surrounding woods. It was shaping up to be a quiet night.
You had just your dinner and settled into a chair beside the fire to get some reading done when a forceful knock at your door pulled you from your reverie. You blinked owlishly at the door. Nobody ever came to visit, and the Duke had never deigned to venture so far onto your property. Even if he did, however, he never visited on rainy nights in the first place. 
Slowly you reached down beside the kindling basket, your fingers grazing the handle of your shaving knife. Before you could pick it up though, a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks. 
"My dear, I understand it is far past calling hours, but would you be so kind as to humor me?" The Duke queried through the door.
You bolted out of your chair, stumbling into your shoes and then rushing to the door. A million thoughts ran through your mind as you undid the lock, most of them concerning whether the large man had been injured by the shadowy creatures that lurked in the woods. He seemed unharmed when you jerked open the door though he looked a touch perturbed, rainwater dripping from his pale forelock. Somehow he had managed to get his cart practically inside your meager porch, his nearness more startling than anything else.
At the sight of you, his broad face split into a grin. "Ah, there you are! I saw the smoke from your chimney and hoped I wouldn't be dragging you from your bed. How are you this evening?"
"G…Good?" You answered hesitantly, realizing as you did that this was stupid of you. This guy was huge and knew from previous conversation that you were very, obviously alone. He hadn't given you any reason to distrust him before, but-
"Excellent to hear, my dear. I've come to you with a bit of a conundrum, I'm afraid." The Duke leaned down and you steeled yourself from recoiling, trying to keep your fear at bay. The merchant studied you for an eternal moment, swollen hands clattering together absently with the metallic jangle of jewelry. "I have a request, my dear."
Oh gods, here it comes. You kept your tone civil. "How can I help you, Duke?"
"You may, of course, feel free to decline this request." He continued, a furrow creasing his brow. "A request is only a request, I assure you. I have a gentleman here who is very, very ill. Indeed, he is on the brink of death."
You felt like the air had been sucked from your lungs. "Oh?" You managed weakly. 
The Duke nodded. "I will not impose upon you, but I must ask for your assistance. If you could, er, be my hands in this endeavor." He gave you a helpless little shrug. "I'm afraid I'm not quite as maneuverable as I ought to be."
Your stomach flip-flopped. The enormous man simply continued to wait, seeming preemptively resigned to whatever your answer would be. "Where is he?"
The process was not simple. Not that it ever was, of course. The Duke spent more time rummaging through the drawers of his cart than actually instructing you, coming up with various jars bearing smudged labels. "Salves and balms, for the soul of course." He chortled while you tried to decipher the writing on the labels, "Don't concern yourself with that, my dear! Simply put the green salve onto the open wounds."
"On them?" You asked incredulously, twisting off the lid and then snorting as an overpowering odor of rosemary wafted past your nose. "Normally you try to keep wounds clean, not season them like an Italian dinner."
The Duke glanced at the braids of garlic hanging by his head, almost as if he was pondering their application in this endeavor. "No, no, too spicy." He muttered, half to himself.
The man in the Duke's cart, whoever he was, was in a bad way. His breathing was rapid and shallow, and his clothes were tattered and filthy with a combination of sweat, blood and rainwater. You were directed to peel fabric back where you could, exposing the broken skin so you could liberally coat it in that strange salve and then wrap it with cloth bandages. 
"I am uncertain of its efficacy, my dear, but we must remain optimistic." The gargantuan man encouraged you once you settled onto your knees for a moment. 
You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, squinting up at the Duke. "Who is this guy, anyway?" 
"Ah, well that is an interesting tale. Suffice to say, he doesn't know. I'm afraid all he can recall is his name." The Duke leaned in, first glancing around as if he was concerned someone was listening nearby. His voice was nothing but a whisper when he stated, "Karl Heisenberg." 
Part One
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all-hallows-street · 2 months
All Saints Street Extra Comics Translations 4-7
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I am trying to keep this weekly but might not be able to hit this self-imposed deadline every time. Well at least for now I can post this mini arc about Nick's and Neil's childhood that is really a PSA about underage drinking. Yes, these comics do really guest start the award-winning Chinese actor, Lei Jiayin. From what I understand he is a spokesman for various welfare causes including responsible drinking. I will update the table with text translations latter. Also, I later realized that without editor permissions you can't use the search feature in the chapter index. I hope I can solve the issue when I unveil the website, I am working on for text translations. I'll also start posting the comics on Mangadex soon! We still need typesetters, cleaners and English proofreaders to make everything go faster, so join us!
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leodonnieasks · 1 year
special guest
leo:say hi casey
Casey:um hi? Why am I here
Donnie:Leon thought haveing you on for a post would 'spice things up i said we should invite usagi but
Leo:donnie I will punch you if you keep bringing him up
Casey:oh you mean usagi the master samiri right?
Donnie: i belive so why do you know him?
Casey: yeah he taught me how to properly fight with a sword after he saw leo trying to teach me to hold it like a bat....he umm its a long story.
Donnie: anyway you could speed it up into a sentence
Casey: he died saving lei and my life when I was 12.
Leo:well this got depressing quick
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Guess Who's BACK?:
Auradon's Hottest Reality Show—Dr. Jiminy!
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Summary: In which Jiminy Cricket has a show like Dr Phil that also does paternity testing. Trigger Warnings: Implied Child Neglect/Abuse, Implied abuse of power, baby mama drama, implied cheating, etc. LMK if I should add more to the list.
Dr Jiminy: Now Gaston, is it true that you refuse to claim little Gemma here as your own?
*a video of Gemma pops up on screen*
Gaston: Yes, because she's not mine!
Crowd *boos and starts throwing stuff*
Crowd member 1: YOU SUCK!
Crowd member 2: YOU STINK!
Dr Jiminy: Ma'am calm down. Now, Gaston, why do you think Gemma isn't yours?
Gaston: cause no girl could be a child of Gastons! It's impossible! My family can only create boys!
*booing gets louder, gagging can be heard. Steam is coming off of the Enchantress*
Dr Jiminy in disbelief, waves a paper in the air: Well, this DNA test will prove whether or not that's correct. Drum roll please!
*drum roll starts*
Dr Jiminy: Gaston..
*Gaston, arms crossed, looking smug*
Dr Jiminy: You ARE the father!
Crowd *starts screaming*
Gaston *jumps up* LIES! This is RIGGED!
Dr Jiminy: Now, Gaston, I understand that you're upset but--
Gaston *starts throwing chairs and destroying furniture *
Gaston Jr, backstage *Covers Gemma’s ears* So, who’s gonna tell him that the Enchantress’s little boy ain’t his?
Gaston Third *glares* No one. 
Gaston Jr *rolls eyes* I was just kidding, sheesh. 
Dr Jiminy : Queen Leah, is it true that upon seeing your 18 year old granddaughter's ex purpose to his new girlfriend, you said and I quote "A lifetime of plans. Gone. Our family status gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his queen, and you let him slip through your fingers. Your mother could hold on to a prince in her sleep."
Crowd *gasps*
Queen Leah: yes but—
Person in the crowd: YOU STINK!
Dr Jiminy : Is it true that you gave your daughters the Cinderella treatment--
Drizella *stands up and starts yelling* No, That would be my bitch of a mother and MY children wouldn’t have had to work their childhood away if WE HADN’T BEEN SENT TO THE ISLE!
Dr Jiminy: Ma'am, calm dow-
Drizella *being held back by her husband, Hans* I AM CALM!
Dr Jiminy: Hello, all my crickets. Today we have two very special guests. Mulan..... and SHANG!
*Mulan and Shang enter from behind the curtains and take a seat on the couch*
Dr Jiminy *shakes their hands* How ya doing Shang? Mulan. Lovely to see you again. Now it's come to my understanding that you want to do a DNA test on your youngest, Lonnie?
Shang: That's right.
Mulan *nods*
Dr Jiminy: May I ask why that is? You both seem rather calm about this considering most people only come for DNA tests when the topic of cheating is involved.
Mulan: Oh no, we're not here because he thinks I cheated.
Shang: Which, for the record, I don't believe.
Dr Jiminy: oh?
Mulan: Yeah, we're actually here because we want to shut down the rumors and weirdness around people not believing that Shang is Lonnie's father.
Dr Jiminy: O-oh. *mutters*   Well, that's a new one. *speaks up* Well, I have the results right here in this envelope. Are you ready?
Shang *grumbles* as ready as I'll ever be.
Mulan: More ready than I have ever been for anything else in my entire life.
*picture of Lonnie in her pjs in the kitchen, smiling pops up*
Dr Jiminy *opens the envelope * In the case of 16 year old, Li Lan-Lei (Lonnie), Shang.... you.. ARE THE FATHER!
Shang: I KNEW IT!
Crowd: OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!
Crowd *looks sheepish*
Dr. Jiminy: So, Mulan. Shang.
Mulan and Shang *exchange a tired look*
Dr. Jiminy *Doesn't notice and continues* We are here today so you can answer a very important question.
Shang *Impatient* Which is?
Dr. Jiminy: Why exactly did you name your kids Li Shang Jr and Lonnie instead of some more culturally appropriate names?
Mulan *side eyeing them* We did.
Dr. Jiminy *taken aback* What?
Shang *irritated* my wife said we did. Which you would know if anyone used their proper names.
Dr. Jiminy: What do you mean by that?
Mulan *also now irritated* Our children are named Shaiming and Lan-Lei. Not Li Shang Jr or Lonnie. That's just what their classmates and teachers call them.
Dr. Jiminy: Oh..
Shang *getting up* We're leaving now.
Dr. Jiminy: Wait. What—don't go—
Shang and Mulan *leave anyway*
Dr. Jiminy: Is it true that you and Yao's daughter, Yi-Min, was actually born out of an affair?
Princess Mei *starts crying due to personal reasons*
Crowd: ooo-
Yao *takes off his shoe and lungs at Jiminy Cricket* why you no good son of- *the shoe flies out of his hand, hitting the camera and causing it to turn off*
Dr Jiminy: Lady Tremaine, is it true that when you found out your grandson, Anthony, was dating Harriet, you called him a moron and her a hussy?
Lady Tremaine: It is and I would do it AGAIN!
*crowd gasps*
Harriet* runs out from behind stage* SAY THAT TO MY FACE, YOU BITCH!
Dr Jiminy: Uh oh. SECURITY!
Harriet *lunges*
Anthony *back stage, mortified and covering Dizzy's eyes* Note to self, never invite grandmother to Holiday gatherings.
Dr Jiminy: Now, Queen Aurora. King Philip. What do you have to say against the accusations that have been leveled against you by your daughter?
Philip, defensive: Okay, so we weren't the most attentive parents but we aren't neglective!
Aurora, quiet: Neglective is a rather strong word for it.
Dr Jiminy: Then what would you call *checks notes* only seeing your daughter during holidays and big royal events?
Philip *dryly* Being a busy royal.
Crowd *starts booing*
Philip *stands up* WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME? I'M RIGHT!
Aurora: She was with family!
Dr Jiminy *looking disappointed* that doesn't make you any less neglective for not playing a bigger part in her life. She's your only child.
Crowd *booing louder and start throwing things*
Dr Jiminy: Mr Clayton. Is it true that you shot at your son six times last month?
William Clayton: He's being a baby! It was only 3!I wouldn't waste that much amo on him in a month.
Clay *yelling from behind stage* You shot at me six times in one day once!
William's sister, Lady Waltham, busts out from behind the curtains: YOU WHAT?! I'LL KILL YOU!
William: oh shit *bolts*
Dr Jiminy: Oh dear.
Cash Clayton, 10: Should we stop her? Could we even stop her?
Wilson 'Will' Clayton, 12: I'll take that as a no...
Narrator: Next time on Dr. Jimny, we will be finding out whether the rumors about Pinocchio and Alice's children are true—
*Photo of 13 year old Ally and 12 year old Pin flashes on screen*
—Whether or not Romeo 'Lampwick' Rossi, husband of Chief Tiger Lily, can be jealous and controlling—
*Audio-less video of Lampwick punching a guy flashes on screen*
—and whether or Queen Eilonwy Bluefairy of Llyr is cheating on her husband, Alexander Bluefairy, with Coach Reese Jenkins and her royal guard, Taran.
*Three separate photos of Queen Eilonwy with each of the aforementioned men flash on screen*
But until next time, this has been, Dr. Jiminy!
*Music starts playing* Guess who's back, guess who's back, Jiminy's back! Hey! *screen goes black*
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feng-huli · 4 months
The Blood of Youth x Pokémon Ideas
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Sikong Qianluo: unintentionally leans towards using bug types and flying types, but really just cares about how stabby they are. Beedrill, Escavalier, and Fearow could all suit her style. Moltres could represent her role as the Vermillion Bird.
Tang Lian: poison type specialist. Despite this, his ace is a Meowscarada who also uses a flower trick to take down foes. Ariados can lay traps with webs and Nidorino uses its needles to poison opponents. He has an Accelgor from when he helped Qianluo evolve her Escavalier. Torterra, Terrapagos, or Drednaw could represent his role as the Black Tortoise.
Jin Xian (Jade Deity): experienced with fighting, steel, and ice type Pokémon. Cobalion and Gallade suit him well aesthetically, conceptually, and personality-wise. Articuno could go well with his Blizzard Sword. He could probably have a Lucario, too. (Was thinking about Alolan Ninetales at one point, but that may be more suitable for Li Hanyi. Honestly, Jin Xian and Li Hanyi do have quite a few similarities, especially with them both connected to Kunlun Mountain.)
Jin Yan: ghost and dark specialist. Sableye and Gengar bring the chaos and the fun. Tyranitar could be nice for him, but it might be too heavy of a hitter for him to handle. Other possibilities include Liepard (which would be a great match aesthetically) and maybe Grimmsnarl.
Jin Xuan: probably favors psychic types, but has no obvious specialization. He uses a formidable Gardevoir and Dusknoir to protect the Emperor. His secret ace is the legendary ice dragon Kyurem, cold and empty as the Art of Detachment he practices. All his Pokémon would probably be shiny.
Jin Yu: favors bug types and normal types, but doesn’t appear to be interested in battling. He has a connection with butterflies in the novel that’s subtly referenced in the show and his palm technique is warm, so Volcarona could be a good ace for him. An Icy Snow Pattern Vivillon as a gift from Jin Xian could be a sweet way to represent their friendship. Indeedee could be a great match for him in terms of abilities and temperament. I also like the idea of him having an Absol that was abused/neglected by his late master, because Zhuo Qing doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would treat his Pokémon well, and the foreshadowing nature of Absol would almost be poetic.
Jin Wei: specializes in ghost and steel types. His sword is a bit more exciting in other mediums and is very ghostly, so Aegislash would be an amazing fit. He could also have an Alolan Marowak that he raised since it was a Cubone, and possibly a Spiritomb. As more of a ceremonial sword, Zacian could be under Jin Wei’s watch.
Lei Wujie: fire type specialist. Personality-wise, Growlithe would be a great fit and he could probably start out on his journey with it. Darmanitan could suit him well, since it also fights with fire and fists. Mega Charizard X could represent the Azure Dragon role that he has. Feucoco is no thoughts, head empty, cute and on fire.
Li Hanyi: ice specialist. Has a terrifyingly strong Chien-Pao, as well as a Glaceon and Alolan Ninetails who help keep out unwanted guests to their mountain.
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taintedevesayori · 1 month
Sayo's Route: Manservant Ending
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Sayo's Route Masterlist
The months passed by.  Winter in the forest was prettier than I could have imagined. Every time I went out, I always found something new to admire.  Spring was beautiful, with all the flowers blooming and wildlife emerging.  Leaving everything and starting over was hard at first, but I had come to love it here.  I was able to talk to my friends all the time and Meguri and I had become very close. We considered each other family at this point.  The guests who stayed at the inn were all nice, so I enjoyed my job as well.  And now summer has almost come… I had been waiting for this practically since I had moved here. 
-Sayo is talking to her friends on her cellphone
Sayo: Have you guys decided when you’re coming to visit yet?
Kisa: Duh! Of course we have!
Rena: Fufu…We’ve been talking about it for weeks. 
Lei: Tetsuo is going to take us the first Monday of summer break. So in two weeks!
Sayo: That’s awesome! I’m excited to see you guys. We’re going to have so much fun. I’ve found things for us to do in the town nearby as well. 
Kisa: Hell yeah! 
Emi: There’s some new recipes for sweets I want to try! We should all bake together!
Lei: Fufu…It will be a crowded kitchen, but I’m sure we can make that work. 
Sayo: The kitchen should be big enough for all of us…
Kisa: Think there will be fish in that river? I wonder if I could catch one with my hands…
Rena: Haha…! I’ll bet you would fall in trying!
Kisa: I would not!
Sayo: Fufu…There are fish but I don’t recommend trying to fish with your hands Kisa. 
Lei: Fufu…This is going to be a lively summer. 
Emi: It will be so much fun!
Rena: Oh…! Gotta get going, guys. My mom needs me. Let’s talk later?
Kisa: Sounds good!
Sayo: Talk to you guys later, then. 
Rena: Alright, see ya!
-The girls say their goodbyes before hanging up
(I’ve got some free time…Maybe I should tidy up my room a little…)
-Sayo begins cleaning her room. When she reaches her dresser, her eyes land on a small wooden chest with a flower design carved into it 
Sayo: …
(I haven’t looked at this in a long time…Meguri gave it to me when I said I wanted to find something to keep a few personal items safe…She said it was something a guest left behind and she didn’t need it.)
-She opens the chest, revealing the purikura photos she had taken with Kou, along with the ring he gave her
(The purikura photos I took with my friends are displayed on my wall…and I wear the necklace Rena gave me…But I decided I couldn’t display his photos or wear the ring anymore, not even on the necklace. Not if I want to move on from that part of my life…so I put them all in here. I haven’t looked inside in a long time…)
-She sits down on her bed with the chest in her hands, reminiscing on the times she spent with Kou, his brothers, and the Sakamaki brothers
(Yeah, there were a lot of bad times…but there were good moments…And I do miss them from time to time…)
-She reaches to the very bottom of the chest. Underneath everything is a small piece of paper with Kou’s number and the number for the Sakamaki house phone written on it
(I remember…I wrote these both down shortly after I came here…I was having a really hard night and I questioned if this was really a good idea or not…so I decided to write down their numbers before I forgot them in case I ever needed them in the future.)
Sayo: I am kinda curious how they’re all doing…
(I can’t call Kou…If I call him and he gives me some kind of plausible explanation for what happened back then, I might question my resolve…But maybe…)
-She stands up, grabbing the piece of paper and putting it in her pocket
(I can’t call them from my phone or the Inn’s phone. But there is a payphone on the street outside the Inn.)
-She goes outside to the payphone and uses it to call the Sakamaki mansion. It rings a few times before someone picks up
Reiji: Hello. This is the Sakamaki residence. Reiji speaking. 
(It’s Reiji…! I expected it to be one of the house servants…If it was, I was just going to hang up…I know I called, but now I don’t know if I’m actually prepared to talk to him or not…)
Reiji: Hello? Speak now or I am hanging up the phone.
Sayo: Fufu…You’re acting like usual, so guess you seem to be doing alright after all. 
Reiji: Sayo…! Do not hang up the phone!
Sayo: You knew it was me so quickly?
Reiji: I know your voice, Sayori. If you thought you could call without us realizing it was you, you are sorely mistaken. 
Sayo: I didn’t. I didn’t really have much of a plan, to be honest. I found this number as I was going through my things and was wondering how everyone was doing. I was going to hang up if it was a servant. I didn’t really expect one of you to answer. 
Reiji: You saved our household number…?
Sayo: I did…I hope you guys are doing well. I do admit that I miss you and Subaru sometimes. Ayato, and even Laito at times too…
Reiji: Where are you? I will come and bring you home right away. 
Sayo: Reiji, this is my home now. I’m sorry for running away. I had the opportunity to go, and after everything with Kou, I just couldn’t live my life like that anymore…
Reiji: And what about your promise to become my bride so that I can take over as the successor?!
Sayo: You know I never promised you that, Reiji…I had been planning on leaving the whole time…I always said I didn’t plan on marrying any of you. There were good times, Reiji. Those would be the reason I came back, not marriage. But I can’t live my life like that anymore. So I’m staying where I am.
Reiji: Sayo…What do we have to do so that you will return? 
Sayo: …I’m sorry, Reiji…There isn’t anything. 
Laito: Sayo-chan…? Is that really you?
Sayo: Laito…?!
Laito: I was passing by and forced Reiji to give me the phone when I heard your name…! Do you have any idea what you’ve put us through? How long we searched for you? But we couldn’t find anything…
Sayo: Of course not…I didn’t want to be found. 
Laito: Why…?! Why would you leave us?! 
Sayo: I wanted my life back. I wasn’t going to let it be controlled by vampires.
Laito: …Just come home, Sayo-chan. Can’t we move past that?
Sayo: It’s not something we can move past, Laito. I’m not coming back. I don’t want to. I’m sorry. You guys never got a proper goodbye. I know it’s late…but goodbye. I really do wish you all well. 
Laito: Sayo-chan, don’t go…!
Reiji: Don’t you dare hang up, Sayori!
-Sayo hangs up the phone. She takes a step back, staring up at the sky for a moment
Sayo: I’m sorry…but I’ve moved on…
-When she is back in her room, she puts the paper with the phone numbers on it back in the chest. She then takes the chest and places it in her closet. After opening her window, she rests her arms on the windowsill, leaning out the window slightly
Sayo: Summer is coming…It’s going to be so much fun.
-All thoughts of the vampires that were previously a part of her life were gone as she brainstormed ideas of fun things for her and her friends to do while they were visiting
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yurimother · 2 years
Gay Baseball Visual Novel 'Butterfly Soup 2' Released for Free
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On October 29, indie narrative designer and visual novel developer Brianna Lei released Butterfly Soup 2. The game, a follow-up to the original 2017 Butterfly Soup is available for "name your own price" on itch.io.
Set a few months after the first game, Butterfly Soup 2 continues the story of gay Asian-American teens playing baseball and falling in love. It switches perspectives between its four main characters, Diya, Noelle, Akarsha, and Min-seo.
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Although the games are mostly joyful and humorous, thanks to the memeing, casual conversations between the teenagers, and queer romance, they explore some heavier topics, including homophobia and racism.
The original game was acclaimed for its story, characters, and humor. In 2020, in a guest post on Okazu, YuriMother named the series as one of the best Yuri works of the past 100 years. The sequel has received positive reviews from fans.
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Although the game is available for free, supporters can purchase a digital artbook that includes 15 pages of Lei's writing and sketches. Fan-made ports of the game by HackerNCoder are available for Android and web browsers. The ports are posted on Brianna Lei's itch.io page.
According to a post on Lei's Tumblr, she is interested in creating a thrid game and already has an idea for the story, but she has other projects in the works and so "won't be making it for several years." There was a five-year gap between the release of the first two games.
Check out Butterfly Soup 2 today on itch.io.
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tapuhauko · 8 months
They watch anxiously as the town square fills up with guests. For the occasion they had built a second, bigger stage in town, and Hau was hiding behind the curtains right now, occasionally peeking out.
Even though he has memorized his speech, he can't help but feel incredibly nervous. Especially upon seeing all those familiar faces in the crowd. They didn't want to disappoint anyone. The fragrance of lei filled the air, and he had already greeted the stage crew with them, and those involved in pre-party arrangements. One of the yellow lei hung on the nearby music stand of the band, and Hau only peeled their eyes away from it as a hand was placed on their shoulder. It was his grandfather and previous Kahuna, Hala. Hau smiles nervously in reply, upon which the man throws some comforting words their way, before gesturing for them to enter the stage. It was time. Hau takes a few deep breaths, waiting as the band starts up and the spotlights turn on. He got this. They step onto the stage with a little bit of faked confidence they were so used to by now, ignoring the trembling of their legs. "Alola, everyone!" There's applause, and once it dies down, Hau continues. "It's so good to see you all here! Thank you for coming to our event. I will explain a bit about what you can all expect, and then I will hand out lei to everyone personally."
A gesture to the carts to the side of the stage. The lei had all been handcrafted, which had taken a few weeks. The golden Ilima flower was the symbol of Melemele after all, and the flowers were tiny. Took quite a lot of work and petals to get all of these made. "Today we start off with Pyukumuku tossing, though we urge everyone to keep up the tossing the entire event, and tonight there's a potluck here in Iki town! Tomorrow the Kahuna Clash will start! We will announce the battlers and their opponents later tonight! The Kahuna Clash will run until Saturday, the big finale of the tournament being that day! That day we will also have a ride Pokémon showcase, along with a big party and fireworks show at night! On friday you will also be able to partake in Mantine Surfing lessons with none other than Marlon Kalawai’a as a guest teacher! On the 8th, the final day of this event, we shall make sure to restore the land to its prior state and clean up after ourselves, along with me closing off the event with another speech! If there are any questions, feel free to ask me or the people helping to run this event at any time! We'd finally like to give a special thank you to the hotels and hostels on Melemele island, who so kindly provided discounts for our guests' stay during this week." Another round of applause, and Hau smiles brightly, before walking to the side of the stage, near the lei carts. "So, with the speech out of the way, it is now time for lei! Please, everyone gather up!"
Hau hops off of the stage with ease, landing next to one of the carts. Time to greet everyone properly! With each lei given, Hau bows, raising the lei above his heart, and allowing the recipients to take them. The untied lei are destined for some of the pregnant locals. It takes a while, but all the guests are given a lei in the end. Now the party can truly begin!
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