#guild writing
terranlloyd · 1 year
Northward Bound Ch. 1
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Arriving in Freyharbor's port, the Coalition found it in ruins. Piers torn to shreds and buildings in horrid shape. The Elemental storms had ravaged much of the port town's docks and left much to be desired. Slowly the Amarylis was maneuvered itself into the one pier that remained in good standing. As the crew began to disembark, the bitter winds of Northrend struck at the heart of Eastcrest's Crew, but there something else was off ... An energy in the air that couldn't be ignored or denied, something wasn't right. The the harbor was empty. Not a ship in sight, no dockworkers, sailors, nor any life to be seen. An odor overtook the crew, the smell of days old fish and moldy bread. Though a welcome was scheduled, Terran and other townsfolk was nowhere to be seen. In the silence all that could be heard is the sound of claw against stonework, and unnatural groaning ...
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As the party took off down the pier shapes began to emerge from the shadows within the docks, the arched backs and lanky fur-covered figures of Worgen. Covered in snow-white fur,  three Worgen began to stalk towards the party slow as predators, claws poised to attack. Within their eyes was nothing but a feral madness, and their snarling maws drip with innocent blood. And so ensued a long and grueling battle. The Coalition dug in and held their ground against the onslaught of the Worgen, able to evade the brunt of their fangs and keep them at bay. Unfortunately the gnome Bixtink Wobblesprocket was ill prepared for combat and feinted as the battle began! Her valiant construct M.A.O.W. vehemently took a stand against the Worgen in her stead. As a fourth Worgen emerged from the waters below the docks the battle began to turn against the Coalition, claw after claw, fang after fang they fought pushed to their wits end. In time the Worgen saw an opening, charging after the lone Kurtis Radesbery, who had earlier charged off to engage a lone Worgen. Surrounded now Radesbery was forced on the defensive. Cohmnall Dempsey of Oldminster seized the opportunity as the Worgen surrounded Radesbery, Dempsey rallied the Coalition to counter attack the Worgen, putting the first of their number down in the process. Once Radesbery was given the chance to return to the offensive he struck out at the nearest Worgen, cracking its skull and sending it instantly into its death throes, it wildly struck out at all who approached. The remaining Worgen turned to flee but were put down by Velaensia Runereaver, and Cassandra Payne. The final Worgen, barely limping after Cassandra's clean shot to its leg, lunged for Araellion Songheart, taking him by surprise and holding the Mage hostage. Unfortunately, Lord Songheart is not one to be taken lightly, with a burst of abjurative magic the Worgen's head was impacted. 
Once free of the Worgen's assault the Coalition regrouped and tended to wounds, exploring the empty docks for clues as to the townsfolk, and Terran's, whereabouts. Within the docks little more was found aside from rotten fish and molded bread, even the Worgen were lonesome in their scavenging. Velaensia Runereaver's exploratory efforts at least bore fruit, discovering the corpse of a stray Ghoul, signifying what may have happened to the city. Once gathered Ms. Payne was called to cleanse what remained of the corpse, to ensure that no plague could emerge from it and cause trouble later. In the name of Elune Moonfire was called down upon the poor Ghoul's corpse, and in the wake of the Moon Mother's cleansing light all that remained was sanctified bone. From there, one path out of the docks remained for them atop a small set of stone stairs the entrance to Freyharbor town proper. 
The town itself lay in ruins with the groans growing louder with each step, unmistakable as wild undead. As the Coalition gazed inward to the city, the roads lay distraught, barren with only the occasional corpse of ghoul or townsfolk to be seen. Carts lay knocked over, their contents dispersed throughout the roads. A new scent emerges where the rotten fish once served, the smell of decay, of undeath, and faint Arcane Magic. Far off, barely visible past the buildings was the tell tale glow of Arcane magic, bouncing against the buildings as it lurched into sight. The Coalition set forth into the city, faced with countless wild undead who fell before the Coalition's armaments swiftly. All save one lone Abomination who bombarded towards the party on a warpath. Thanks to the quick action, and solitary fist, of Radesbery, the Abomination was put to rest and the path to the City Hall made clear. 
Ahead of the Coalition rounded the final corner and City Hall was brought into view, the clear shining shape of an Arcane barrier surrounded the building, protecting its walls from a Horde of wild undead, ghouls, and zombies, and yet another Abomination all bearing down against the magical bulwark. Once more, Radesbery's intuitive thinking led the Coalition to a unique solution. After a curt return trip to the Amarylis, Ms. Wobblesprocket's mechanical construct M.A.O.W. ferried one of the ship's cannons. With teamwork abound, Radesbery loaded himself into the cannon, Lord Songheart surrounded him in a barrier of Arcane magic, and Ms. Runereaver lit him aflame. Taking careful aim Mr. Dempsey looked towards the horde of undead and fired Radesbery into the crowd. Unfortunately ... the Arcane barrier and flame were unable to sustain themselves through the explosive force of the cannon, and Radesbery was launched directly into the Abomination, killing it, but suffering heavily in the process. Following in hot pursuit the Coalition's forces made swift work of the remaining undead mob, putting them down and protecting the town hall. With the undead defeated sounds of clamoring and shouting from inside city hall were heard ... moments later the Arcane barrier protecting the building began to fizzle, dispersing into the air and vanishing from sight. In the same breath a door swung wide and the clear shape of a living human guardsman waved towards the party, beckoning them inside. 
Once inside, Terran revealed that the city had been beset with undead a week prior. The undead forced their way through the city gates, tearing apart all that could be found. The town's local forces were insufficient for such a threat and they were forced back into the city hall with much of the remaining townsfolk. Terran used what magic he could to erect a barrier around the building and they have been trapped inside, surrounded with undead, ever since. Now that the Coalition has arrived they can rest within the Town Hall and lick their wounds before setting out to route the remaining undead, and sealing off the gates ...
(( Pulled from https://www.eastcrest.net ))
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
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Pay heed to Klaudia Amenábar's words! Don't let the executives weaponize fandoms. WGA Strong.
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littlebigmouse · 1 year
"What if my favourite show is delayed due to writers strike?"
With respect, no one cares about your favourite tv shows.
This is about real people fighting for their real livelihoods, for their futures.
I cannot articulate sufficiently how unimportant the production of some tv show or other is.
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zwoelffarben · 1 year
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Edit: A writer's strike has not started. The Guild's membership has just authorized one in the cause that Guild reps and studio executives cannot come to an agreement on the contract.
Don't pull out the spirit holloween banners yet, is all I'm saying.
Edit 2, circa May 1, 2023: The studios have refused to negociate with the writers' guild in good faith, leaving the guild no choice but to strike.
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blackification · 1 year
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and so it begins. May 1st, 2023.
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dexlexia · 6 months
how to deal with 3 warlords (while pregnant) - cross guild x reader
pairing: dracule mihawk x buggy the clown x reader x crocdile rating: 18+ summary: Three warlords, three of the most vicious men in all of the world. And somehow, someway they are at your beck and call. What started out as an arrangement with Sir Crocodile turned into a liaison with Mihawk and somewhere along the way you ended up in bed with the clown. tags: long fic (over 5k), polyam!cross guild, smut, pwp, table sex, couch sex, lingerie, slight possessive behaviour, good ol' time, fingering, outdoor sex, clothed sex, cowgirl position.
join me on discord! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Three warlords, three of the most vicious men in all of the world. And somehow,someway they are at your beck and call. What started out as an arrangement with Sir Crocodile turned into a liaison with Mihawk and somewhere along the way you ended up in bed with the clown. 
Now you were living quite well in a large manor on some island in the southeast. You spent most of your days reading, you had even taken up a little gardening. Anything you wanted the Cross Guild got for you. Not many people were living like you on the Grand Line. 
Then it happened. You ended up pregnant by one of the idiots. One of the three men was the father of your child. You expected to be on the next boat off the island, but none of the men were willing to send you off. They wanted to make sure their little lady was taken care of. While they bicker over who the father was, they each made sure you were taken care of. 
  ”Can't you hurt now.“ Crocodile told you as he brushed his fingers through your hair, ”If it isn't my brat this time, it will be next time.“ And he almost smiled around the cigar in his mouth.
So that was how you became the lovely wife to three of the most dangerous men on the high seas. And sometimes you wished their boat would sink. 
At six months pregnant it wasn't easy to get around, you spent most days rubbing the sore spot in your back and hobbling around the manor. Most of the time the men kept to themselves and allowed you freedom to roam around the place. 
There was something about the manor you quite enjoyed, even if the men barely got along they still cared deeply for you. You had the pleasure of being called more beautiful than any treasure. But it was Buggy who told you that and then he promptly passed out from too much liquor. So the compliment only went so far. 
It was a home, even with three fearsome men, you still were happy. You thought of it as a way to keep the men in check. You were like the glue that held them together or prevented them from killing one another. It wasn't easy work but it was your work. 
You rubbed your achy lower back and huffed, ”You better come out easy, or we're going to have a problem.“ You then poked your swollen middle. Your current wardrobe was clothing that belonged to the men. You hadn't had much time to find cuter clothes so you often were dressed like a mob boss or a gothic swordsman or a fucking clown. But none of them men minded, to be fair they'd preferred if you were naked. You however refused to give them the satisfaction.
You weren't a toy to be ogled at, and if any of them treated you like an object they'd be out on the yard before they could finish their sentence. You refused to raise a child to believe that a woman would be under a man. Even if their father was a warlord you'd teach them compassion and kindness in an unforgiving world. 
It was the least you could do. So even with the aches and pains you were happy to carry such a precious gift. You gave your belly and soft pat, ”I'm not mad at you“ You said, ”I just want everything to go smoothly, I'm excited to meet you. And the boys will love you too. They might be a bit much but you'll always have a home.“ 
  ”Talking to the baby again, I see.“ You heard.
  ”Crocodile.“ You responded as you looked up from your swollen middle. Hand on your lower back once more, ”I thought you were busy, Mihawk told me that.“  
You'd say out of the three of them, Crocodile was the most ”attentive“, there was a charm to him that you couldn't deny. You understood why he was able to charm his way through Alabasta. But anything you needed he got for you without question. He often enjoyed your pregnant state, the idea that he bred you so well left him excited. Such a good girl carrying his spawn, and if it happened that the baby belonged to the swordsman or the clown, he'd make sure that next time he finished the job. 
  ”I'm never too busy for you. Where are you going anyway?“ He asked,“If you need something, I will get it fo you.” He approached you and leaned down to caress your bump, “You will need for nothing. You should be resting.“
  ”I have to move sometimes, Crocodile. Even with the pains in my lower back.“ You huffed as you rubbed the sore spot, ”Can't be bed bound forever.“ 
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head, ”If you wanted a back rub you should've come to my office. Mihawk is too rough with you and the clown is an idiot. So why don't we get what you need and head to the bedroom.“ He leaned further down and kissed you on the lips.
You cupped his face and looked at him, ”If you can get me the ice pop from the freezer in the kitchen I'll happily accept your offer.“ And gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster. 
He chuckled, ”You always know how to get your way.“ Then took you by the hand, ”Why don't get go before the clown takes all of them.“ Then he started to slowly walk to the kitchen on the lower level.
The warlord had a soft spot for you, he was enamoured by you. You were so small compared to him yet you held your own. The kind of woman who would bear his young. 
Soon you were seated at the massive dinner table happily enjoying the blue ice pop that was in the freezer with your back turned to Crocodile. His hand was on your back slowly massaging the aches and pains on your lower back. You could tell he was getting aroused by the closeness to you. You smiled to yourself as he rubbed at your back. 
  ”How's the child doing?” He asked as the hooked hand reached around you and carefully rubbed your bump, “Is he behaving?”
You chuckled, “We don't know the gender of the baby.” And took another bite of the cold treat, “You better not be disappointed if they're a girl."
He chuckled and pressed at a sore spot on your back, ”I could never, not with you.“ Then pulled away, "You're still a marvellous sight, even this far in. You're a beauty to behold, little one.“ Then leaned in to get a good feeling on the tenseness of your lower back, ”You're a good girl, right?“
You turned your head to look at him, ”You're not just being nice for sex are you?“ You reached over and stroked his face, ”Right?“
He moved back a little, “No, of course, I'd only have sex with you, with you permission.” He swallowed. Only the warlord would get nervous around you.
You chuckled and patted him on the cheek, “Why don't you finish this up for me.” You placed the ice pop in his mouth and moved off the chair. You hiked up the shirt that looked like a dress as you hoisted yourself onto the lavish dining table with a huff. It's hard to be sexy when you're so pregnant. 
  “Oh?” He said, “And here I thought you wanted a massage. But if there's something you desire, I'm happy to provide.” He smirked at you as he got up from the other chair.  He stood in front of you and admired you, such a beautiful woman in his eyes. 
Crocodile was such a fearsome man but here he was in front of you, with a glint in his eye as he watched you unbutton the shirt you wore and soon revealed your almost naked form. He had noticed that your breasts had gotten a bit bigger during the time you were pregnant so far, and that only made the man smirk. 
  “Let's get you out of those." He remarked as he helped you out of your underwear, you held onto his broad shoulders as he slipped them off of you. He placed your bum back down on the table and carefully spread your legs. His hook grazed at the soft flesh of your inner thigh and he carefully licked his hip lip.
  ”Don't stare at me like I'm meat, Crocodile.“ You remarked as you held onto the front of his shirt, all three of the men admired you but you had to warn them sometimes not to view you like a slab of meat for sale. They were yours as much as you were theirs, there would be a level of respect you demanded. 
You didn't think it was too much to ask considering you were carrying one of their children, you weren't a broodmare goddamnit! 
He reached over and patted you on the head, his face got closer to yours as he smiled at you, ”Don't you worry, baby. I would never. You're less like meat and more like the finest gold in all of the blue.“ His broad hand reached to your cheek and rubbed it, ”The others should be lucky I even let you in the same room as them.“ Then kissed you on the forehead. He carefully held your legs open for him, he exhaled deeply as he admired your sweet sex, ”Now let's get the show on the road before the others find us.“ Then with a little help from you, he slid his cock into you. 
Taking him was like a punch in the gut sometimes, even when he was being slow. He was just so BIG. It was hard to take him all at once. But he took his time, he didn't want to leave you too sore. His hand was on your waist as he started to thrust into you. The hook on his other hand held onto the side of the table for support. He leaned down and kissed at your neck, ”That's it.“ He said almost breathless against your neck, ”There we go. Such a good girl.“ 
The table made small noises as it was pushed ever so slightly across the carpeted floor. But you didn't pay much mind to it, you were too concerned with the feeling of euphoria that came over you. It was a great feeling, even with the minor stretch you were in good hands with the warlord. 
  ”Crocodile.“ You said softly, ”Fuck.“ 
He chuckled, his warm skin was pressed up against you, ”I know, you like when we have sex. I wouldn't have it with anyone else, those other idiots should be lucky that they get to have a taste of you.“ His voice was low, there was a possessive edge to it that sent a shiver up your spine. While the agreement worked you knew that Crocodile would rather have you all to yourself.
The sex was quiet and secretive. Hot breathing and soft moans filled the air of the lavish dining room. Crocodile's larger body stayed around you as he thrusted up into you. But even the warlord couldn't keep his composure for long.
  ”I want you to finish at the same time as me, baby.“ He said hotly into your ear, ”I want to feel you get very tight around me when you finish. Can you do that for me?“ His breathing was rapid and his shirt was sticking to his muscular back as he thrusted up into you. 
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment as you felt the wave of pleasure over your body, ”I can do that.“ You panted. Your body jolted with the thrusts, your pregnant belly and heavy breasts moved with each thrust of his hips. 
He pulled you into a deep kiss, he even explored your mouth with his tongue while the intense feeling of climax took hold. It wasn't long before you were clinging onto him for dear life, you belly pressed against him. Then with one last thrust of his cock, you moaned into his mouth and climaxed at the same time as him. You let out a sharp squeak before a primal groan as you felt the wash of pleasure through your system. It made you go lightheaded. 
Soon Crocodile pulled away and patted you on the cheek. He looked over at the half melted popsicle beside you. Between his breaths he said, “Let me get you another one.” then leaned in for one last kiss. The thrill of pleasure still coursed through his body. He cleared his throat and asked, “Blue, right?”
You giggled, your head still a haze and replied, “Or we could go again?” And spread your legs a little further. And what kind of husband would Crocodile be if he didn't give in to his wife's request?
It had been about a week since your encounter with Crocodile. And while you were achy for days later, it wouldn't be the last time you'd have sex. Mihawk had just come back from a trip abroad and while he brought nothing for the other men, he was more than happy to show you what he got you. 
You were now almost seven months and the baby in you was feeling a lot more active, which made you out of breath a lot of the time. But you were determined to see what the swordsman got you. One of the gifts was a lovely dress made for someone as far along as you and while it was a little tight around the belly, you were happy Mihawk even thought of you. 
But there was still more he wanted to show you. The other men were out of the manor, so you went looking for Mihawk. You were occupied all morning with prepping for dinner, between the three warlords not a single one of them knew how to properly cook. They were as clueless in the kitchen as they were competent in combat. So it was just easier for you to cook, there was less of a chance that a fire would break out. 
 “Mihawk!” You called out as you climbed the long staircase upstairs. You peeked into the rooms until you found the man in his study. You let yourself in.
  “You know you can't just- oh, I didn't hear you, my love.” He got up from his chair at the desk, “You shouldn't be putting so much strain on yourself. Come.” He guided you to the old style leather couch at the other end of the room, “You should be resting.” 
  “Well I heard that someone bought me presents while away, and I want my presents.” You smiled at him as you tried to get comfortable on the chair, “Can you blame me?”
 “I'm sorry, I should've found you sooner.” he replied, “Let me get them for you.“ He quickly left the room only to swiftly return with delicately wrapped gifts in hand. He put them on the table in front of you then sat beside you. He watched you with careful eyes as you grabbed the first one. His lips were close to your ear as he said, “Open it.”
It was a floral patterned wrapping paper and underneath was a black box with a white ribbon tied around it, there was a note attached to it that read, ”Forever yours, Mihawk.“ You turned to look at him and he softly kissed you. You then went back to opening the box. It wasn't long until you discovered the contents of the gift. Inside in a bed of tissue paper was burgundy lingerie. 
You turned to look at Mihawk who had his eyes on you. You said to him, ”You shouldn't have.“
He tilted his head to the side, ”What I paid for is nothing compared to how much you're worth. It should fit you.“ His hand played with your hair gently, ”Will you try it on for me?“ And smiled when you slowly stood up, he even carefully supported you while you moved. 
You responded, “Of course.”  With gentle hands you pulled the bra and matching panties out. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw how little fabric there was. You guessed he was right, it would fit if there was nothing to put on. You felt his eyes on you as he got up and started to undress you.
His hands found your swollen middle and he sighed contently, “You've been taking care of him while I've been gone. Good girl.” 
You turned around to him and started to take the dress off, “You men are so possessive. I'm your wife, not a broodmare.” You reminded him.
He leaned in for a kiss and before he did it, he replied, “Of course, I could never remember you as anything but my wife. I am just glad that the others weren't too rough with you. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you.” 
  “Nothing will ever happen to me, I have the best protection on the planet.” You said as you stepped out of your dress. Soon your undergarments came off and he slowly put the pieces on you. 
You noticed right away that in the crotch area, there was an opening. You looked at him with a bit and shock and he got even closer to you. His bare chest was pushed against you and his hand dipped down between your legs. 
  “It's your gift. But under my conditions.” He remarked before he pushed two fingers inside of you. His skillful digits massaged the inside of your pussy and felt just right that you went on your tippy toes and clutched onto him. 
Your nipples grew hard from the sensation and them being practically exposed. Your cheeks grew warm and he went in for another kiss. You held onto him tightly as the pleasure raced through you. This felt amazing. 
Mihawk's favourite position was when he had you so close to his bigger form and fingered you. He prioritised your pleasure first, he wanted to see every expression you made when he pleasured you. He wanted to see and hear how good it was for you. And he was one to never disappoint. Those sharp gold eyes trained on you as he brought you into his lap with your legs open and facing the door. He kissed your neck while you panted and moaned. 
His other hand wandered your bump, “I want it to be mine, I want you to bear me a child who'll truly be the greatest. I have high hopes that it'll be mine.” Then left a deep bruise on your neck.
Your moans often got stuck in your throat from the immense pleasure that Mihawk was giving you. You hooked your hands under your knees to give him a better angle, with your back pressed against his chest.
The thrusts of his fingers were powerful and left your head spinning. This was euphoric. Soon his hand was on your breast and he skilfully fondled it as he continued to finger you at a punishing pace.
Your moans rung clear in the office while he pleasures you on the couch. At least your wetness can easily be cleaned off the leather. Your eyes rolled back as you gripped your thighs in a heightened pleasure.
  “So good for me.” He praised, “A beautiful woman I am able to give pleasure to, it's an honour.” He knew your heart was racing, he could probably feel it. He continued to kiss at your neck as his pace quickened even more. 
Your toes curled in the intense feeling and you moaned loudly as you rolled your hips in time with his movement which caused your breasts and belly to bounce. The knowledge of that made Mihawk's cock twitch in his pants. You really were a remarkable woman. 
He pinched at your nipple and your moans got louder. You pussy clenched around his fingers and he groaned into your flushed skin, ”So perfect.“ he thumb gazed at your clit and you practically jumped but you didn't get too far. He pulled you back in and you got louder as he pleasured you further.
You felt a grip around you as hot pleasure raced through your body. Your core felt on fire from the sensation. And Mihawk thought it was divine.  You looked angelic, especially when he hit just the right spot and you climaxed. 
He groaned into your skin as you tightened around his fingers. You tensed for a moment before you relaxed against him and tried to catch your breath. Yor head was spinning but you felt safe in Mihawk's arms. 
  ”How was that?“ He asked, ”You looked divine when I was pleasuring you. Do you want more?“
You exhaled deeply and slowly got up. You stood in front of him, ”Well.“ You said, ”Let's see how resilient this lace is?“ Then slowly he brought you back to the couch with the full intention of seeing what 'damage' he could do before the other men came home. 
Buggy was home the most, while the other two had matters to attend to off the island, Buggy was well Buggy. He was a fearsome clown but you spent the most time with him. You enjoyed his company, even when it was something as simple as watching over you while you gardened. 
It was the middle of summer and everyone was in their own little corner of the house. You were out in the garden behind the manor waddling around with a watering can in hand. You were tending to the roses portion of the garden before you moved on to the strawberries nearby. 
You didn't mind the alone time, it gave you time to think. You tried not to get too anxious about how your life is going to change once the baby is born. It felt so far away yet so close. Before the first autumn leaves you were going to be a mother! And at times it left you rather anxious. 
You shook off the thoughts while you poured the water over the roses. You heard the back door open and close. You turned to look over and saw Buggy. And when your eyes met, he broke out into a grin. 
  ”Well there you are, my peanut!“ Then made strides to get closer to you. You quickly noticed in his hand was your large sun hat. He approached and placed it on your head, ”I don't think now is the best time to get a sunburn. You know Crocodile will kill you.“ Then leaned in for a kiss. 
While the other two were mysterious, Buggy seemed normal in comparison. Well, for a clown pirate anyway. He had a very sweet spot for you and while you hadn't seen much of his feared nature, you enjoyed your time with him. He was an open book to you.
  ”You know one of us can do that, like you don't have to keep coming out here. Especially alone, what if you slip on some mud or like... A bird drops a rock on your head!" 
You laughed, ”Buggy, I think I have bigger things to worry about than a bird."
He shrugged before he took the watering can from you, “I'd hate to see anything happen to ya, so let's go. It's time for  a break!” Then placed it down before he guided you away from the garden and towards the shade under the largest tree on the property. 
He helped you down onto the grass and he went in for another kiss. He moaned against your lips as gloved hands cupped your face. It was almost romantic if not for the heat between your kisses. Your heart jumped.
  “You shouldn't be out here all alone, angel. What if someone hurt you? What if someone took you from me?“ He stared down at you.
You smiled back at him and reached out for him. You placed a hand on his cheek and assured him, ”No one would ever dare.“ Then went in for another kiss.You felt excitement race though you as he laid down in the grass with you on top of him. 
  ”Good, because you're mine, peanut. Just like that kid in your belly.“ He grinned at you and nodded. Soon with the help of his powers one of his hands reached down, detached from his body and lifted up your dress. He slipped his hand under and found the less than stylish maternity underwear you wore. 
  ”What do you think you're doing, clown?“ You asked, as you held his face, ”Did you come to check on me so you could fuck me?“ 
He laughed, ”Of course not, having sex with you is just a bonus!“ Then with another hand, pull down the underwear to the middle of your thigh, ”C'mon, then afterwards I'll even help ya water the garden. Seeing you all domestic has really turned me on.” Then he grabbed your ass. 
You moaned and he pulled you in for a searing kiss. He continued to gab at your ass as the kiss deepened. He pulled you dress up further to expose your bare ass to the afternoon air. 
  “You drive me crazy.“ He remarked before he created a bit of room between you two to get his cock out of his pants, ”So why don't you be a good girl and get me off.“ He beamed at you. 
You squeezed his nose between your thumb and pointer finger, ”And what do we say with that, Buggy?“
He frowned suddenly, ”Please. Please angel, sugar, honey, peanut, please, please!“ His cock was out of his pants and pressed into your swollen middle, ”I'd love to see that belly bounce while ya ride me.“  Then he attached both hands to his wrists and held onto your waist. ”I want you.“
You chuckled and held onto the bottom of your dress so a bit of your belly was exposed as you eated yourself onto him. You held his hand for support as you slowly seated yourself onto him. You exhaled deeply, “Yeah.“
  ”Doing alright there, peanut?“ He asked as he rubbed your hip with his free hand, ”That's it, good girl.“
You moaned as you started to roll your hips.  You held onto his hand and the bottom of your dress while you rolled your hips. You felt his cock nudge against the most sensitive spots. For a clown he was a good fuck.
Your eyes closed and your mouth slightly opened as you moved faster.  Buggy groaned and soon both hands were on your hips as he tried to meet your pace. “Shit.” You moaned as you felt pleasure spread through your body like warm butter on hot toast. Your cheeks were flushed as you continued to move your body. 
The two of you went at it, you kept the pace steady. It was getting quicker but the depths that he pushed against made you see stars behind your eyelids. Your heart raced as you moved against him. The feeling of overwhelming moments. Sex with Buggy left you breathless as it did with the other men. You were glad that your pussy could take a beating. The thought made you smirk for a second before you felt his thumb rub up against your clit. 
You jolted up but he used his other hand to keep you back down on his cock. He chuckled, “You're not getting away that easily, angel. I know I make you feel good, that's why the brat in ya is mine. His hand moved to your belly to feel around it while he played with your clit.
You felt moans bubble up in your throat as you rode him. You picked up the pace as the swirl of pleasure moved in the pit of your stomach. Your breathing was rapid as your belly moved with your movements. A sight the clown would never get out of his mind. His girl pregnant with his brat riding him on a sunny afternoon, he couldn't luck out more than this!
Soon the pleasure became an overwhelming feeling for both of you. He handed onto your belly with both hands as he pushed up deeper into you. Your coe felt soaked from the stimulation of his cock as you thrust your hips. Soon your hands were over his on your bump as you moved as fast as your pregnant body would allow.
Buggy's eyes rolled back as he gripped onto your belly, your dress fell back down over the bump as you two met each other's pace. Pleasure coursed through you and you tilted your head back in an attempt to catch your breath as you moved. 
You felt your dress cling to your sweaty back as the two of you made love under the sun. The feeling was euphoric. You reached down and grabbed him by the font of his shirt as you felt on the very tip of orgasm.
The moa got caught in your throat as you climaxed. You tightened around him and he soo finished off too inside of you. He painted your inside white as he let out a loud groan and went limp on the ground. 
You slid off of him, cum stained your inner thigh. You wiped the sweat from your forehead and said, ”C'mon now, Buggy. You have to help me water strawberries.“ But his hands, that were detached from his wrists, pulled your dress up once more.
Soon he was on top of you, squishing your belly as he said between ragged breaths, ”Not until I make you scream, peanut.“ With a wild grin on his face. 
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gingerswagfreckles · 8 months
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This is so funny lol. Get fucked.
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dduane · 1 year
Meanwhile, over on Twitter..
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(...Source: this article at Variety)
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 4 months
~all creatures great and small~ (amazing illustration by the awesome @david-talks-sw)
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“And just what exactly is it that you’ve been doing?”
Obi-Wan had to stop himself from giving his fellow Councillor—and friend—a rather pronounced eyeroll. 
“You tell me,” he said without taking his eyes off his clamoring little herd, feeling rather proud of himself. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
Mace came up to his side and crossed his arms, looking decidedly unimpressed. He looked at Obi-Wan, then at his rambunctious little friends and their merrymaking, then back at Obi-Wan again. 
“It looks like you have been avoiding meetings all morning.” 
Obi-Wan couldn’t help the small smirk that tugged at his mouth. He carefully put his hands in his large sleeves.
“Have I?” He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop laughing if he saw Mace’s no doubt exasperated face, so he kept carefully looking onward. “You should have called me.”
“You know I did,” Mace griped, valiantly ignoring the racket and still boring holes in the side of Obi-Wan’s face.
If it came to a contest of wills, Obi-Wan knew he’d be hard pressed to match Mace’s stubbornness. He turned to face him, and inevitably let out a huffed chuckle. Mace looked annoyed alright, but he could do nothing about the twinkle in his deep eyes. 
“You,” Mace insisted, no doubt trying to maintain what he probably hoped to be a convincingly stern demeanor, “have spent all day corrupting our next generation instead of going over mission reports.”
“Really, Mace—”
A yellow blur careening between the two of them nearly knocked them off their feet. A beige, more bipedal one rushed right after it, bumping into them both with equal speed if not equal force. 
“Sorry Masters!” the youngling yelled over her shoulder without stopping. 
Obi-Wan had to cough into his fist to keep from cackling.
“Obi-Wan.” Mace said.
“She apologized,” Obi-Wan pointed out with a brilliant smile.
“You still haven’t.”
“What for?”
Mace’s control finally cracked, and he thrust an accusing finger at Obi-Wan’s innocent face, ready to give into a rare display of unrestrained aggravation. Obi-Wan quickly batted it away and beat him to the punch.
“It’s a perfectly good way of teaching the younglings patience and control!”
Mace blinked at him, his mouth left hanging open, his finger still up and now pointing somewhere over to the right. He turned slowly, and surveyed the bustling courtyard in bemusement. The half-dozen or so pufferpigs that Obi-Wan had let loose there were being corralled by three times as many eager younglings, clone cadets and Padawans, and the animals all felt entitled to express the full range of their feelings on the matter in a loud and enthusiastic fashion. Little Mari Amithest was still running after the particularly rowdy creature that had mistaken Obi-Wan and Mace for Rodian bowling pins. 
Mace’s eyebrows climbed to previously undiscovered heights. 
“What part of this,” he gestured incredulously, “is controlled?”
“None of the pigs have puffed yet,” Obi-Wan explained seriously. 
Mace’s eyebrows were now on their way into orbit. A moment passed. Then, his expression of astonishment seamlessly melted into curiosity.
“They haven’t?” he asked, considering the whole bunch with renewed interest. 
“I told you, it’s a proven method,” Obi-Wan insisted, vindicated. He pointed to the far corner of the courtyard, where Katooni was showing some of the younger children how to feed a happy looking unpuffed puffer. “My Padawan has taught that one to do tricks.”
The squealing puffer was hopping from one foot to the other before avidly sweeping treats from the children’s outstretched hands. 
Mace was now looking suitably impressed. More careful study of Mari’s chase was making it apparent that the animal she was after was not distressed in any way, but was—rather mischievously—trying to run off with her sash clutched in its stout trunk. 
“You shouldn’t let emotions cloud your perception,” Obi-Wan reminded him in a serious voice.
“Hm,” Mace conceded magnanimously, impervious to the teasing.
The twinkle of carefully contained amusement that had been present in his eyes from the start had won over all other sentiments. A wet snort had the two Masters look down at the adventurous pufferpig that had made its way over to them. The amicable beast was fixing them with soulful blue eyes, candidly inoffensive. Its stubby tail was wagging quite politely. Mace distractedly bent down to pet the expectant critter on its broad, squishy face.
“It wants to smell your lightsaber,” Obi-Wan warned. “They like crystals.”
Mace straightened and put a hand on his hilt.
“The Mining Guild didn’t pick them up yesterday?” he inquired. “That was on the agenda.”
Obi-Wan shrugged.
“They tried, but for some reason all the identity chips turned out to be unreadable. There’s no way to prove who these fellows belong to.”
Mace gave him a flat look. 
“Hondo stole them from a Republic transport.”
“There’s all sorts of things on Republic transports,” Obi-Wan reasonably pointed out.
“The transport was chartered by the Mining Guild.”
“Hondo wiped the manifest during his hijacking. There’s just no way to know.”
“Your Padawan was there to escort the Mining Guild representatives.”
“Some mysteries can never hope to be solved.”
The pufferpig had taken to bonking its head against their legs affectionately. Mace, bowing to the undeniable strength of Obi-Wan’s ironclad argumentation, very seriously gave the tenacious quadruped another pat.
“They’re not staying,” he reminded Obi-Wan firmly. 
“Obviously not,” Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. “The Temple would be a terrible environment for them.”
His friend narrowed his eyes suspiciously. 
“And you’re not making me spend my time finding them a place.”
“Honestly, Mace.” Obi-Wan gave the affable puffer a gentle shove, and it obediently trotted away to a nearby group of younglings and clone cadets who were already entertaining one of its siblings. Obi-Wan wiped his hands on his pants. “Naboo has very responsible educational farms.”
“Does it,” Mace said mildly. 
“Including a recently opened one in the Lake District.” 
Unashamedly petty enjoyment rang in the Force.
“Don’t come to me when Skywalker tries to send them back.”
“Who says I’ll pick up when he does?”
Obi-Wan loved Anakin, dearly. Still, he hadn’t yet quite forgiven his old Padawan for retiring—running away—before they could make him shoulder his share of the sacred responsibility of wrangling the Temple’s significantly increased youngling population. It was Luke and Leia’s birthday soon anyway. 
“You’re stooping to deviousness,” Mace said, carefully neutral.
Obi-Wan gave him a wry look. 
“Never. Revenge is not the Jedi way,” he said just as calmly. 
“It’s them you’re supposed to be teaching,” Mace said with a short nod towards the unruly bunch. “He’s had his turn.”
Speaking of teaching…
“Oh my,” Obi-Wan said smugly, pointing to a boy who had taken to carefully levitating a surprisingly compliant—if a little alarmed—pufferpig, “that wouldn’t happen to be Caleb, would it?”
His fellow Council member was now pinching the bridge of his nose, his other hand planted on his hip. 
“I must say, that young man is certainly very skilled at forming connections with animals. Depa must be very proud.”
“Just don’t,” Mace groaned. He whipped out his communicator. “He’s supposed to be meditating with Yoda right now.”
“That explains it,” Obi-Wan said. 
Master Yoda was slowly ambling into the courtyard, looking quite pleased with what he was seeing. He poked misbehaving younglings with his cane as he walked, chuckling to himself when they yelped and hastily reached with the Force to make sure the pufferpigs stayed relaxed. The pufferpigs themselves were only curious, and in a sufficiently playful mood that the younglings’ offended squeaking was not enough to agitate them. Caleb had set down his floating puffer with all possible speed—and great care—at the sight of the venerable elder, and made ample and readily accepted apologies to the perplexed animal in the form of scritches. 
Mace slowly put away his communicator. He pursed his lips. 
“Obi-Wan,” he said slowly, “next time, just have them practice making friends with the stray tookas.”
That’s how his master had done it, and Mace had never had any problems with connecting with animals, large and small. 
“Pufferpigs are much more even-tempered.”
It was all Mace could do not to facepalm. Giving up, he shot Obi-Wan one last dry look.
“Just do your damn paperwork.”
Obi-Wan watched him stride away, dignified and imposing. Of course, since he wasn’t exactly paying attention to his surroundings, with how focused he was on pretending he was above this whole situation, he didn’t notice Mari’s wayward puffer on a direct collision course with his legs. The poor creature, who hadn’t noticed Mace either, let out a terrified screech and promptly puffed. 
The entire courtyard froze, watching with fascination as the inflated pufferpig bounced twice and slowly rolled to a halt. It made a sorry little squeak.
Resignedly, Mace closed his eyes and set to work on gently calming down the pufferpig with the Force.
The children loudly cheered. 
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deathbyattrition · 11 months
You know, when this whole AI art, deepfakes and other shit began, I was scared that the responsibility of convincing people that it can and will be used unethically would fall on the shoulders of small artists who would not be taken seriously. I expected change in the art world to be a slow, creeping transition into inevitable demise.
What I did not expect was hollywood studio execs doing that job for us by being so cartoonishly evil, impatient and releasing statements like "We're gonna starve you until you agree to work with us lol" and "We're gonna take your likeness and use it forever. You will be paid with jack and shit."
I also did not expect AI bros doing the same job for us by harassing a voice actor off of twitter.
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antariies · 3 months
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terranlloyd · 1 year
Northward Bound
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As the sun dawned on the 30th The Amarylis departed Eastcrest Estate bearing much of the Coalition's forces. Sailing south along the Nazferiti River, and arriving at Oldminster Enclave. Once stocked with supplies and boarded by Oldminster's forces, the Amarylis sailed onward exiting into the Great Sea and wrapping north through the Cape of Stranglethorn until arriving at Stormwind Harbor in the Evening. Once any stragglers were brought aboard, and final preparations were made the Amarylis made began its long voyage North. 
As Northward Bound begins, Eastcrest Coalition is en route to Freyharbor, seeking to rebuild and reinforce the city so that it may act as a popular destination for adventurers on their way to the Dragon Isles. The Coalition has a lot of work ahead of them but certainly has the grit and willpower to see it through. 
(Chapters #1 through #3 are live on our guild website. I'll be re-posting them here over the next week or two, because I'm happy with it.) https://www.eastcrest.net/storylines/northward
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aquitainequeen · 11 months
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David Slack warning against AMPTP trying to turn the unions against each other, and stating the facts.
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short-honey-badger · 4 months
Older Men
Pairing! Crocodile x Reader
Warnings! Drinking
Crocodile realizes that you need someone older to take care of you, not the boys that you seem to want.
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You fast walk through the tall tents of Buggy Town, arms wrapped tight around yourself and head ducked low so that no one else could see the tears streaming down your face. You'd been rejected again, by the third man in less than three weeks. All you wanted was a little companionship, someone to hold you close at night. To kiss you good morning when you woke up. Was that so wrong to want from someone your own age?
You don't notice how close you've gotten to Crocodile's side of the town until you physically bump into the man himself. You grunt when you lose your balance, and you brace for a fall that never happens. Instead, you feel warm sand supporting your back and upper arms, gently setting you back on your feet, and dangerously close to the ex warlord.
“Pretty things like you should watch where they are going,” Crocodile grouches lowly, and you look up at him through wet lashes.
“Sorry, sir. I'll be more careful,” you murmur, and fresh tears spout up at the reprimand. Now look at what you've done. Gone and pissed off one of the leaders of the Cross Guild.
Crocodile looks down at you, looking rather unimpressed with the thick cigar clenched between his teeth. He recognizes you and has seen your walk of shame back to his side of town each time your little date didn't go as planned. He didn't understand why you would want to waste your time on pip squeaks like them when he has been here this whole time.
The devil fruit user comes to the conclusion quickly and spins on his heel, “Come with me.”
You blink at his retreating back and jump to follow after him when he glances over his shoulder with an expectant look. You follow him to the edge of the town, and he steps to the side to allow you inside his personal tent first. You're just a little nervous being in here. You've known Crocodile for a while, after all.
He breezes past you, stopping at his desk to pour two glasses of dark liquor. He pushes one glass to the edge, an obvious offer that you are hesitant to accept. However, it's never a wise choice to not accept anything that the towering man offered.
The liquor burns as it goes down, but you find yourself relaxing because of it. You watch as Crocodile hums in satisfaction and sits back in his chair, mouth going a bit dry at the way he spreads his legs and rests his dangerous hook on his thigh.
“Why do you bother with those boys?”
You jump at the unexpected timbre and whip around to give him a look of confusion. He scowls at you, rolling his purple eyes skyward.
“Don't play ignorant. I've watched you each time you come crying back home. Why do you keep trying with them?”
You sink into yourself a little. You don't understand why it matters to Crocodile, but you couldn't not answer your boss.
“I um. I should be with someone my own age, right?” You say carefully. You've never really thought too much about the why of it.
“ku- ha ha, Who told you that?” He demands and his voice drips with condescension, clearly thinking you an idiot. You blush and embarrassed tears well up.
“No one? I just thought that's how it's supposed to go.”
Crocodile lets out a soft hmm, and then sets his now empty glass away. He eyes you, looking all cute and pathetic.
“Come here, Doll,” he murmurs and pats his lap, “Those boys out there will never know how to treat a beautiful woman. You need someone to take charge, someone who knows what they're doing. Someone a little older.”
Your face feels like it's on fire, but you can't help but hang on to every word that the gator says, his tone soft and beckoning. You step closer, clearly nervous, but Crocodile makes your decision for you when the ground under your feet becomes less stable and you fall forward, catching yourself on his broad shoulders.
Crocodile rumbles another laugh and tugs you into his lap properly, tucking you close to his chest. His hand finds your face, and the ex warlord is gentle in the way that he wipes your spilled tears away. His eyes soften, and you look on in wonder as he leans in and presses his lips to the top of your head.
“You've got me now, _, so don't think for a second that I'll send you away.”
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dynared · 1 year
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I’m convinced the executives who think AI can replace actual writers don’t realize how soulless the average ChatGPT pitch can be.
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aimbutmiss · 5 months
I just love the idea of Buggy having more women on his crew than the average pirate captain. We have female captains in the story but other than that it doesn't seem like having women on your crew is the norm in the one piece world (which also makes Luffy's crew a minority, but the strawhats are very unique compared to other crews we see, especially in regards to their size but that's a whole other story).
We (kinda) know that Buggy has a thing for "adopting" weird kids and giving them a home where they can feel normal, like part of a crew, a family. He gives people who don't fit in a place to stay, in exchange for their labour of course. This is especially highlighted by opla where Buggy offers Luffy a place on his crew, not hating him from the start but feeling pity for him.
So would it really be surprising for him to offer women who have been wronged a place as well? Ex-prostitutes, r@pe victims etc. I feel like he'd be really considerate for their struggles.
And it makes everyone in the crew feel safe, men women and everyone in-between, to see that on Buggy's list of crimes crewmates can commit, SA is right on top alongside mutiny.
Maybe that's why Alvida trusted him so easily, because she could see he cared where other men wouldn't. And perhaps, this is one of the things that push Mihawk and Crocodile to start respecting the clown.
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