#gut inflammation
my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 months
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Funny enough, I was cramping so bad last night. It was horrible but thank god I had Advil.
The Spicy Autistic Femme
I actually found a Harvard article about this. Here’s an excerpt:
Autistic people are more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) ailments than the general population. They are especially more difficult to identify and diagnose in adults with communication challenges. GI symptoms can range from mild stomachaches to serious, persistent vomiting. There is no single set of signs, symptoms, or treatments that applies to all autistic patients.
Another article said:
According to many researchers, the GI issues that come with ASD might be due to two factors: firstly, inappropriate immune activation Trusted Source, causing inflammation of the tract; and, secondly, differences in the types of gut bacteria Trusted Sourcethat are present.
I find this very interesting and kinda annoying too.
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
Researchers connecting pieces of the massive Alzheimer's puzzle are closer to slotting the next one in place, with yet another link between our guts and brain. Recent animal studies have demonstrated Alzheimer's can be passed on to young mice through a transfer of gut microbes, confirming a link between the digestive system and the health of the brain. A new study adds further support to the theory that inflammation could be the mechanism through which this occurs.
Continue Reading.
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bpod-bpod · 4 months
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Gut Protection
In the gut, a cytokine [a type of small signalling molecule] called IL-22 can have either an inflammatory or protective effect. This study reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying maintenance of a mucus layer and cell regeneration conferring a protective effect by IL-22 in a mouse colitis model and in human tissue
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Ankita Singh and colleagues
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Cell Reports, May 2024
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void-tiger · 5 months
Pancakes without syrup are Dry.
But pancakes WITH syrup now cause Very Painful Gut and Sometimes Migraine from idk, the concentrated sugar.
And Jam just. Does NOT. Cut the Dry.
…so I guess what I need is like. Almost a fruit chutney or something as a sauce. Something still Wet and Has Flavor, but naturally has Less Concentrated Sugar—like that fruit sauce stuff you make for cakes, but Not Add Sugar (or, only a little bit)
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karathraces · 2 days
my body really said you're way too chill about your eyes here's some pain to not sleep with x
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 year
Alcohol is an inflammatory shit storm to your brain, liver, gut, and body. It takes 72 hours to leave your system. During that time it crashes your dopamine, making you feel low. If you choose to drink, do it sparingly and follow it with plenty of water, green tea, high quality protein, lots of fruits & veggies, hydrating foods, healthy fats like nuts and seeds, and take a cold shower.
#alcohol #drinks #health #healthtips #heathy #brain #brainhealth #liverhealth #mentalhealth #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyfood #nutrition #wellness #weightloss #healthyeating #healthcare #healthandwellness #healthiswealth #healthylife #stayhealthy #hangover #diet #food #selfcare #beer #wine #drinking #booze #whiskey
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snarp · 1 year
Screenshot of my medical problems
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This is basically what's wrong with me
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suguru-getos · 6 months
My mum’s been giving me probiotics and some gut friendly meds and now yours truly is bloated more. 😀
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exeggcute · 1 year
still waiting on the results of the biopsies my gastro took when he was up in my guts so the jury's out on what exactly my problem is (99.9% chance it's some form of IBD but since the initial findings included both ileitis and colitis idk what flavor he's gonna diagnose me with); however, I did get the results back from the 5000 blood test he ordered me and every single one of them was normal other than me continuing to be woefully anemic. which is both funny and a good case for why this guy was like "no, we gotta do the whole horse and pony show, you can't diagnosis these things from labs alone." so let this be a lesson to you!!!
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bpdshan · 1 year
(medical updates, tw: drugs)
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octoburfrost · 2 years
I'm in remission!!!!!!
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bpod-bpod · 6 months
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T for Tolerant
Single cell analyses and live-imaging in mouse gut reveals mechanisms underlying tolerance of the immune system's regulatory T cells to chronic bacterial infection and the intestinal niches where this takes place. Greater understanding of the disruption of tolerance which results in colitis
Read the published research article here
Still from video from work by Yisu Gu and Raquel Bartolomé-Casado, and colleagues
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, NDORMS, University of Oxford, Oxford and Wellcome Sanger Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature, April 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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Unmasking the Mental Health Toll of Fast Food: A Deep Dive into the Hidden Costs of Convenience
In today’s whirlwind of deadlines, errands, and commitments, the allure of fast food is undeniable. It beckons with its promise of speed, affordability, and a temporary escape from the kitchen. However, beneath its enticing facade lies a hidden cost that extends far beyond your waistline. Emerging research is painting a sobering picture of the profound impact fast food can have on your mental…
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techdriveplay · 15 days
A Guide to the Carnivore Diet
If you’ve been exploring ways to optimize your health through diet, you may have come across the carnivore diet. This eating plan has gained significant attention for its promise of improving health markers, especially for those with autoimmune conditions, metabolic issues, or those simply looking to reset their digestive systems. In this guide to the carnivore diet, we’ll dive into what it…
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eatclean-bewhole · 23 days
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When was the last time you REALLY felt good?
It can be overwhelming when you don’t know where to begin. Sometimes a simple reset is all you need to get back on track. If you need a fresh start, join our 14-Day Detox Program starting Sept. 17th! 🌱
As a certified integrative nutritionist, I’ll guide you through each step, alongside a talented holistic chef @the.holisticchef who will be co-hosting with me. We’ve crafted recipes, a meal plan, and a program that’s not just about detoxing—it’s about feeling better and making sustainable changes.
You’ll also be part of a supportive community, where we can all share our experiences and encourage each other along the way.
If you’re ready to take that first step towards feeling better, we’re here to support you.
Register here👇🏽
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nutripathfinder · 27 days
Foods that fight inflammation
Foods that fight inflammation : A Anti-Inflammatory Adventure: A Personal Journey As a healthy food advocate, I’m always looking to practice what I preach, always on the hunt for the next big story in health and wellness, on my top hit list is fighting inflammation. So, I decided to embark on a personal journey to explore foods that fight inflammation. “Foods that fight inflammation”: Armed with…
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