#guys i do it for me i need this for myself and the tumblr void is along for the ride
floofymeow · 6 months
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no one speak to me i am in MOURNING. curled up on the floor fetal position rocking back and forth whispering "it'll be ok" BUT ITS NOT OK. IM NOT OK i NEED TO CONSUME MORE MEDIA
god bless the those who contribute to this cause i hope i know you are SEEN and i am blessing you every night for the good deeds you bring to this temporary mortal plane
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notveryshrugemoji · 2 years
I love talking shit here so much lol
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jordynbreeloa777 · 9 days
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im back and im more motivated then ever. As you guys may know, my last post was 5 months ago as for I did NOT say I was taking a break. Welllll, I HAVE ONE OF MY BIGGEST SUCCESS STORIES YET. Before I left tumblr, I was super into “the void” and wanting to get in. Well no. Lol, Sammy Ingram snapped me right out of that. What I didn’t share was that I didn’t get into my dream school I been wanting to go for 3 years. Me and my sister was suppose to finally be going to the same school, walking on the same campus. Well let’s just say things didn’t go as planned. I didn’t get in, and when I saw my rejection letter my heart broke into a million pieces. I don’t remember how long I cried for. Until I remembered who I AM. I got myself together, and affirmed like a maniac. I affirmed through tears, hurt, through watching and hearing my friends get into their dream schools. I was depressed. I cried in school, at home, randomly throughout the day I was a mess. The 3D was slapped right in my face and even though I saw ZERO MOVEMENT. I had to practice what I preached right? I affirmed through the circumstances because I knew they weren’t permanent. Yes, and though I was sad, mad, it made me want to affirm more. I did 4 10 minute sessions everyday, with one 15 minute session. As well as robotically affirming throughout the day. I couldn’t stand me not going to the same school as my sister, especially since I HATED THE ONE I CURRENTLY WAS AT. If I didn’t get accepted I would have to return back which made me want to persist even more. I deserved this opportunity.
Of course, as the 3D is a mirror it has no choice to reflect your dominant beliefs. One day as I was in the going back home. My mom randomly said “I have exciting news for you.” Of course I asked what it was excitedly. Mind you I was still affirming even when I got in the car. She told me, that the dean of the school I wanted to get into said I still had a chance to get in, and what I need to do to get in. I needed another recommendation letter. WHATTTT? Now I affirmed that my recommendation letter was sooo good, and that my teacher KISSED MY FUCKING ASS in the recommendation letter. Literally this was my affirmations. “ I got into my dream school!” “Whatever teacher writes my recommendation letter kissed my ass, talking about how im such a good student!” Less then a week later my FINAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER COMES IN?? Now I don’t know why I didn’t get in the first time, nor do I care. THE HOW IS NOT OUR JOB TO WORRY ABOUT. WE HAVE ONE JOB. AFFIRM.
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Here’s the acceptance letter, as for I manifested the rejection letter being turned into an acceptance letter! I did cross out, private information! This just shows to stay consistent in your new assumption and stick with the new story! Your imagination is your only limit.
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solanasreality · 2 months
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stop identifying with the old story, even if you don’t believe the new one to be true.
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— JUST STOP IT. ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
stop identifying with the old story even if you don’t believe the new one to be true. i understand intrusive thoughts, i have some myself, but remember that they do not manifest, let me repeat that, they do not manifest.
states manifest, affirmations manifest, anything that you assume will manifest, will. when we tell you guys that all you need to do is assume otherwise, we quite literally mean that, it cannot get more simpler nor complicated than that.
everytime you come onto tumblr, you’re searching for information that you already have. you’re searching for a simpler way, you’re searching for a new method, something that will get you into the void state, not understanding that you are the void. you aren’t letting things just be, stop trying, hell, stop trying to shift entirely. just know that you are there and persist, i don’t care how hard it is, i don’t, because constantly identifying with the 3D has never gotten you anywhere, so why continue?
why are you still denying yourself peace by associating with anything but what you want? it’s real, you and i both know this. just apply it. quit being stubborn and running away from your desires because you’re stuck trying to perceive something that’s false, the 4D is the only thing that matters.
so, what are you going to do for me? you’re going to persist, aren’t you? i’m sure you’re already typing a success story, might as well, because there is no difference from the 3D and the true reality,
now, i expect to see you logging off, truthfully, i don’t expect to see you back on my page or anyone else’s, i expect success stories, understood?
all love, solana <3
(also thank you guys for the engagement, holy shit)
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copper-16 · 7 days
Chapter 8 has been posted - but before everyone goes to read, a little bit of an announcement on my end:
This is going to be my last longer Mapi/Ingrid story, and probably the end of me being super active/posting on ao3 and tumblr. I might write the occasional story here and there, but writing is not bringing me the same joy it once was and I want to dedicate my time to other things. I’ll still be around reading on ao3 and somewhat on Tumblr, but I just won’t be posting a whole ton on either. I’ve been so incredibly lucky to get to know all of you guys on here, and to receive so much love for my work. It means the absolute world to me - and thank you all so much for welcoming me into this little community so wonderfully! I hope the stories I wrote were able to bring just a little bit of happiness when you guys needed it (even if I constantly left everyone on cliffhangers - I truly am sorry about that).
The rest of this is long, and you don't have to read it if you don't want to, you can just go ahead to the story now if you would like. I'm not known for my ability to keep concise, that is for certain. If brevity is the soul of wit - perhaps we know why my stories aren't very funny!
I’ve especially enjoyed joining tumblr and really finding a little community here. Getting to interact with so many people, both those who read my works and those who don’t, has been such a joy for me. I love getting to hear when people like the things I've written, even if it touches them in a small way. I love getting to interact with so many brilliant minds and am forever in awe of how much amazing talent there is in this little corner of the internet! I've made some incredible friends from getting to be on here, and it makes me so happy to have a little community of people I love. Thank you guys for letting me have space here even if I don’t write reader works or know how this app works most of the time.
I started writing seriously in September 2022 and I can't tell you how much joy it has brought me in the last two years. As someone who doesn't enjoy the college degree they are currently getting, this was such a fun creative outlet for me. It was so cool to have this blank canvas to work with, to weave things together, especially as I began to write longer stories. Writing was a place to destress for me and interact with other people who loved football as I was coming to love it. Every single kudos, comment, and bookmark meant so much to me. Even when it was something silly like someone dubbing the 'Copper Monologue,' it made me feel so seen. Someone cared enough to read enough of my works to pick out the fact that I do that? Absolutely mind blowing to me. It's crazy to hear that people cared about the silly little stories I wrote. When someone told me that I was one of the things to help inspire them to write their own stuff - I think I properly sobbed. It meant more to me than anything has in this entire world, and it still does! Writing has helped me to process, it's helped me to grow, it's helped me learn to identify my emotions and struggles and think through my own thought processes. I hope that maybe for someone out there, it could help them do that as well. It's a little strange for me not to want to do that anymore. Writing this last story solidified to me that for the most part it was time to be done, and HDITA was more of a goodbye than anything else. But even with that, it feels strange not to be thinking of my next idea, thinking of how I am going to create characters and relationships and plot lines.
I think for me right now, I'm just excited to be myself. Maybe this vessel of writing was what I needed to get myself through the last two years. I wrote la princesa when I was at my absolute worst in life, and as I've grown and matured as a person, I like to think that my writing has. I no longer find myself in a place where it fills a huge void in my own life that I once needed.
I've grown a lot as a writer these few years (those who read my earlier works will understand), and I'm excited to one day come back to it, maybe in a different sphere. I love the idea now of writing a real book. It always terrified me before - I didn't know where I would start or if I would be horrible at it. But you all have given me the confidence that maybe at least one person would like it, and maybe that's enough of a reason to try. So thank you all for holding my hand and encouraging me. I hope that if nothing else, everyone remembers that a little bit of kindness on here or ao3 or anywhere on the internet costs nothing, and yet can go a long way.
It did for me.
But enough of my sappy rambling, please enjoy this last chapter of mine. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brought me when I was writing it. Love you all so so much!
Chapter 8 of How Do I Trust Again?
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sacredmads · 2 years
my own success, failure, and everything in between with the law of assumption.
i get so many asks every day wondering why i even began practicing the law of assumption in the first place, and every single time i read one, i can't help but think of how far i've come. i want to tell you guys from the very beginning why i even felt the need to want to start manifesting things into my life, because i really do feel it could help some people. even if this doesn't help you in an LOA sense, i do hope it helps you to know that things will always get better, no matter what things look like right now. you deserve nothing but love and light and happiness, and you will get that, no matter what.
(very small TW!)
i have been through a lot in my life. a LOT. i'll spare you guys the nitty gritty details of it all, don't worry. but to put it lightly, when i found the law of assumption, i was desperate for things in my life to start changing for the better. at the time, which was a year ago now, i was surrounded by bad people, in bad situationships, and had also just gotten diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder due to two extremely ab*sive relationships i was in. i hated my job, i hated how i looked, how i acted, how i talked, the things i was doing, the path i was going down. i longed for so much change.
i saw the law of assumption as my way out. however, my views on the law then are much different than my views on it now. i looked at manifestation as something i had to WORK for. i looked at LOA as a chore. this meant that trying to get my desires became a much more negative than a positive thing for me. i started to hate my life, and myself, even more, because i didn't know what i was doing wrong. every time i'd read a success story, i would feel nothing but envy and jealousy. i wanted to manifest my life being different SO bad that i began to feel as though it was something that i would never accomplish. these thoughts and assumptions buried me even deeper into the pit than i already was, and started a viscous cycle of me hating my life, myself, and starting to form a type of resentment against the law of assumption.
then, towards the end of 2021, the void state blew up on tumblr. i saw the void as my way out - my solution to all of this. (spoiler alert, it wasn't). i tried for MONTHS on end to get into the void. i would spend hours laying in my bed, affirming over and over and over, and getting nothing but angry at myself because yet again, the method wasn't working. more void success stories started coming to tumblr, and every time i'd read one, i'd genuinely feel sick to my stomach. i didn't understand what i wasn't doing right.
towards the beginning of this year i decided to just cut my losses and stop trying to get into the void, and focus on the things i already had, because i thought that was all i had going for me.
i can't remember where it started, but i can say that now, in this very moment, i am the happiest i have ever been.
i have manifested so many things i didn't even dream would be possible for me.
for ONCE in my life, i am so comfortable with my finances. i have financial freedom, and, not to gloat, but MORE than enough money in my bank account.
i have the most AMAZING group of friends... literally shit that feels like it's from a movie. i cannot fathom having any other group around me.
literally manifested an SP that doesn't feel real. fairy tale typa love.
i manifested a job that i love more than words, and not only that, but i manifested getting promoted to manager, and i start training next month.
i've manifested appearance changes as well, and i feel so beautiful in my skin, with AND without makeup, which again.. i didn't think would be possible.
my assumptions about myself, my life, finances, friends, people, relationships, ANYTHING you can think of have all changed for the better. i genuinely feel as though i am limitless and can manifest absolutely anything i desire, and not only that, i feel as though i deserve all of my desires. because i do! a year ago today i was a completely different person than i am now - and i'm so proud to say that i am living a comfortable, happy, and free life.
i know so many people on tumblr and on all platforms that hold an LOA community struggle with so many of the same things i struggled with, and i can promise you that if you truly just focus on what you already know and APPLY, nothing is impossible and nothing will stop you. i have been where you are - i have believed the law of assumption was bullshit at points. but now, i cannot imagine where i'd be if i hadn't started practicing the law. are there things i still want to manifest? absolutely! do i still have small struggles, or bad days? absolutely! the thing is though, i know now that none of that matters. what matters is the things i want - and that's it! there is nothing in this entire world that will stop my desires from coming to me.
when i finally realized that the only person who can stop my desires is ME, is when things finally started changing for the better. i am the only one who will ruin my success and also the only one who can give myself success. i'm choosing to give myself success.
you will get your success, too. you deserve to feel good, and love your life. you deserve to not have stresses or worries. you deserve nothing but all that life has to offer, and i believe you can give that to yourself.
please stop sabotaging your own desires, and stay focused on what you want. you WILL get it. you already have it! do you feel it? do you feel the life you're living right now, with all of your desires? that feeling is what's real. that feeling is what you're experiencing, right now.
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beautifulmindset111 · 4 months
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If you checked my post below this one at the bottom of the post I was saying i was trying to enter void state using yoga nidra (Jason Stephen yoga nidra his worked the best for me) I didn’t enter last night bcuz my muscle was jerking so I thought it would mess up my progress buttt it was just falling asleep quickly so if I js ignore it and didn’t pay so much attention I would’ve entered the void state and that’s what it’s going to happen tonight im deciding and allowing myself to go in the void state finally after so long (since 2021) im gonna stop yapping and update yall later but yesterday was night 1 so the first update will be from yesterday night
5/16/24 - did the guided meditation (Jason Stephen’s) at 2:00 am 2x and affirmed and didn’t enter bcuz of the muscle jerks I was having .
same day - At 5:00 am rn i did the meditation and affirmed but i was not in right state it helped feel relaxed kinda but i was not focused on the meditation. so it didn’t get me into that state of deep consciousness that i tapped into 2 days i wasn’t focused on what he was saying and was kinda late to his commands some i didn’t even know what to focus on buttt i sooo recommend his yoga nidra and I spelled his name wrong it’s Jason Stephenson yall 😭but like i was saying i recommend his vid sm 2 days ago when I was focused on it I felt idk how to explain it but like a good light headedness when I was done . So I js wasn’t focused enough tho. I needed to ground myself kinda but yh guys happy manifesting and shiftingggg🫶🏾✌🏾
5/17/24- didn’t do it 😁
5/18/24- i just tried a 2hr yoga nidra guided meditation by ally boothroyth and I didn’t even do deep breaths I js laid there focusing on my breath listening to her talking. I didn’t do any deep breathing exercises bc I’m not really good at them and I’m lazy 😭 i wanted to do a longer version bcuz I js thought it was better bc it’s 2hrs and Ik I’m gonna probably enter/wake up in the void by then and I’m not a fan of silence it makes me bored and fall asleep i started seeing a light white flashes it wasn’t literally flashing at me but like yk when ur under water and u see the waves type shii thats how it was and then my left hand started feeling floaty and then I started feeling like I was spinning like I was a roasted pig on a bonfire and yea then I opened my eyes! im definitely going to try this tn !!! I’ll update u guys tmrw!!!!!!
5/19/24- I tried it this morning and my hand felt floaty that’s it my end time was 23:22.
5/25/24- hey guys ik I’ve been distant and im ngl i haven’t rlly been doing anything these past few days i going to stay off of tumblr for a while and stay consistent with my void journey but off social media i love u guys sm and im thankful for u guys sticking by me and watching my progress. once I get into the void I’ll come back and tell u guys my experience and what I manifested im going to stay on tumblr and give u guys advice !! So farewell for now my bunnis until I come back 🩷 - ariisrealities
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Hey Riri and everyone! So I want to share my void success story and how I got in because I'm pretty sure almost everyone here can relate to my struggles!
So I was like all of you, struggling A LOT with the void. I was always putting it off, I would stop affirming after like 5 minutes because I'd get bored, I was way too impatient, I would get super upset every failed attempt, no matter what I did I just couldn't get into the void.
HOW DID I PUT AN END TO THIS? Well basically, it took me some time to finally get myself together, I won't lie. But if you guys really put in the effort to change yourselves, you can do it a lot quicker than me. I was just too ego-based to realize that. I needed to be consistent. I would tell myself I was a master at the void and then the next day I would start doubting the void and stressing out. That was my issue! I would keep putting it off because I was scared. You just have to do it. Do not let yourself be scared. That is a BIG mistake.
HOW DID I GET IT? I did your challenge and I stayed consistent (BIG SHOCK) and on my set date I woke up in the void with the lullaby method when taking a nap. I didn't think too much of it, I just told myself that I'm just going to do it, nothing is stopping me, and then minute I closed my eyes I was in the void. I manifested my entire dream life. Everything I've ever wanted.
Thank you to all the amazing blogs on tumblr who have helped me! You guys are all amazing <3
OMG ! WOW, thank you so much for sharing this ! i know this is going to help a lot of a people ! i'm so happy for you, GO LIVE THAT DREAM LIFE ! ♡
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bazzybelle · 11 months
Good Omens 2 and Wayward Son - A Fan's Commentary on Fandom Reactions
I’m going to start off by saying apologies for any obvious grammatical errors. I am writing purely from the heart here. 
Also, apologies to my Sandman friends. If you haven’t read The Simon Snow Trilogy, this will go over your heads. However, I have been going back and forth on writing this meta since the release of Good Omens 2, and I just finished reading a spectacular meta on queer ships becoming canon by @avelera, which you can find here (read it, it’s brilliant). Anyway, I feel now’s a good time to let out all of my feelings when it comes to Good Omens 2 and how similar it was to reading Wayward Son. 
Simon Snow friends, you all know that Wayward Son is my favourite book out of the trilogy. You also know that this can be considered a controversial take within the fandom. And I don’t mean that in a toxic way, this fandom is one of the more wholesome fandoms I’ve seen; But in the way of like… Wayward Son is itself a polarizing book. 
I say this, knowing full well what went down when Wayward Son was released. Perhaps I had the advantage of not being completely embroiled within the Simon Snow  fandom until after I’d finished reading the book, but I lived on the periphery. I followed Rainbow on Twitter (fuck you, I am not calling it X), I had saved some artwork on Pinterest (before I found out those were stolen, wherein I immediately unpinned them and deleted my fandom folders), and I was excited to get Wayward Son as soon as it came out. So much so that I asked my husband to go to the Indigo near his office and buy it because I wanted to read it right away. 
Friends, I demolished that book within a DAY. 
Then I read it again. And again. And again. 
Then I wrote my first fanfiction in eight years. 
This book changed me. But you all know that. I’ve talked about it often, and that’s not what this meta (Editorial? Opinion piece? Shouting into the void?) is about. 
What I am going to talk about is the amount of pure vitriol this book got once it was released. There was SO MUCH complaining about the book. It was too short! There was no point to it! Why aren’t Simon and Baz having sexy vampire sex? Why aren’t they living together (never mind that this was briefly discussed at the end of Carry On, but go off I guess)? 
And you know what’s even funnier? Within a couple of weeks (it might have even been days, I’m a little fuzzy on timelines) Rainbow announced the third book. We knew, right away, that Wayward Son was meant to be an in-between book! Rainbow, being a fandom person herself, has said time and time again that she had always considered Wayward Son as an in-between book, structured like The Empire Strikes Back within the Star Wars original trilogy. Like think of the in-between books of any series, they are ALWAYS the darkest ones. In order to fully appreciate the win in the end, you need to go through the tough shit. 
What I loved about Wayward Son was it took that idea and spun it. It went all “ok, yeah we dealt with the win, now let’s deal with the aftermath. Only then can we have the makeouts and sexy times these guys deserved.”  (and damn, did Any Way The Wind Blows deliver on that promise).
But I am getting away from myself again. Point is, it was always meant to be an in-between book. There was always meant to be a resolution at the end of the trilogy. But that sure as hell didn’t stop people from outright demanding Rainbow give them the happy ending NOW. Pestering her on Twitter, (not so much on Tumblr) demanding she do this, or do that, or “you better not kill Baz” (even though she has ALWAYS SAID SHE NEVER WOULD) or “they better not break up” (even though, narratively, it was heading in that direction). The closer the book got to release date, the more people complained about how awful Wayward Son was. 
It was really disheartening to see. 
Which is why I got really upset when the SAME THING happened after the release of Good Omens 2. 
(For clarification purposes, because several of my friends have spoken to me about their own personal issues with Good Omens 2. And you are all super fucking valid. I am strictly referring to the amount of anger I saw online because although Aziraphale and Crowley kissed, they didn’t have an immediate happily ever after. I am also speaking of the anger expressed because the season wasn’t wrapped up in a neat little bow.)
Like with the release of Wayward Son, people seemed to have forgotten that season 2 of Good Omens was meant to be an inbetween season. Neil Gaiman has not been shy to talk about that. He has said over and over again that Season 2 was always meant to be a bridge between the Good Omens he and Terry Pratchett wrote together, and the sequel they had been planning. 
What… did you all just forget about that? Do you not know how narrative writing works? 
It’s like people refused to take a step back and breathe for a second and appreciate the season for what it was. A beautiful romantic story (because, IT WAS! Just like Neil said it would be), as well as a lead up into what will be the epic, dramatic conclusion. No, instead people started demanding the happy ending NOW, and getting angry when Neil wouldn’t budge and offer more information (even though he never has before) (funny how people just… forgot that).
It was Wayward Son all over again.
Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I was crushed with the way Good Omens 2 left off. Just like I was so confused when Wayward Son ended out of the blue. You know what I did about that? I wrote fic, I read the book again, and I happily anticipated the upcoming final part that would tie up all the loose ends.
Know what I’m doing to heal after Good Omens 2? I’m looking at gifs, rewatching episodes, laughing at memes and crack, and hoping to all the gods of story writing that Amazon approves of a third season, so that Neil Gaiman can be allowed to finish the story he and Terry Pratchett built together.
It’s become sad to watch this feral hunger from fans demanding immediate gratification, and getting upset when it isn’t the ending or gratification they were expecting. Wayward Son came out after years of Carry On fans having nothing else but the one book. Like I said, I wasn’t part of the fandom then, so I don’t know how fans from 2015 felt upon learning they’d get more Simon and Baz. Same with Good Omens. I only really got into the fandom a few months before season 2 came out. So I don’t know how OG fans felt waiting and waiting and waiting. So maybe I have that going for me as an advantage, that my hunger wasn’t growing more and more feral. 
Then again, I’m now a part of The Sandman fandom, and we’re essentially waiting on Season 2 to start development. And while I’m hoping a few things are tweaked (like Dream and Hob’s relationship), I’d be more than fine if it stays the same as in the comics. And if they decide to go about that in an entirely different way, I’d be fine with that too. You know why? Because I’ve learned to trust the writers of the stories I love not to lead me astray. 
And if I’m unhappy with something –because nothing is ever 100% perfect, and even my favourite stories end up coming short– there are always fanfictions to write, gifs to laugh at, and fandom friends to discuss plots and meta with. 
I may have lost the point of this meta. I tend to do that, following a train of thought that doesn’t always make sense in the end. 
Fandom friends, can we all just agree to take a breath and be thankful of the stories given to us? Can we learn to appreciate the entire picture, and not just a tiny section of it? And for the love of all that is holy, can we learn to be patient and to listen when our story tellers remind us to wait and see? To trust them when they assure us that our characters will have a happy ending, even if they need to traverse a little in the dark to get there?
I sure as hell am, and I hope you will too. 
Gonna tag @carryonsimoncarryonbaz because she was instrumental in encouraging me to write this.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
Sharing Clothes (2) Masterlist
part one
A Little Less Conversation (ao3) - sprinkleofsunshine
Summary: a sequel to "the clothes sharing, Dan being a teasing little shit, Phil might be slightly narcissistic or just horny with feelings fic you didn't know you needed"
again and again, even though we know love’s landscape (ao3) - JudeAraya
Summary: After a small fight, Dan finds Phil in bed with a migraine and spends the day taking care of him in many, many ways.
buttons on a coat (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: dan meets up with his mum while he’s wearing phil’s coat
Clothes (ao3) - loveforlester
Summary: Inspired by 'Keeping or Yeeting My Entire Closet With Dan!'
Come Light Me Up (ao3) - JudeAraya
Summary: The clothes sharing, Dan being a teasing little shit, Phil might be slightly narcissistic or just horny with feelings fic you didn't know you needed.
filthy boy (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: He has been thinking about it all day and can’t wait to share the fantasy with Phil now.
Hung(over) on You (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Tipsy Dan were brave enough to talk to boys. Drunk Dan was secure enough to make out with them. Blackout drunk evidently went home with guys - or well, one guy who seemed much too kind and considerate for someone who had been forced to deal with blackout drunk Dan's incompetence.
I like you in my clothes (ao3) - chiridotalaevis
Summary: “No, Phil, you’re serious? You’re turned on by emojis? We might need a divorce.”
Despite his indignation, Dan moved over onto his knees and scooted along the couch to climb onto Phil’s lap.
“I just like how they look on you” Phil wrapped his arms around Dan’s back and was nestling into Dan’s neck, leaving soft kisses at his nape.
“They look awful! They are way too short on me, babe!”
If You Don't Love Me, Pretend (ao3) - phantasticworks (steddieworks)
Summary: All his life, Dan has wanted to have the chance to be a parent someday. He would be the best parent that ever existed, he was sure of it. Fostering might not be the most traditional way on the road to parenting, but Dan's dead set on doing it anyway. But, well, it would be easier with a co-parent, right?
the bed-sharing, fake relationship, friends-to-lovers, parent fic i was desperate to read; when i shouted into the void and was met with silence, i decided i'd do it myself
It’s in the air and it’s all around, can you feel me now? (ao3) - natigail
Summary: After filming Cards Against Humanity PHAN EDITION, Dan gets an idea into his head involving his DDR mat. He is so focused on that that he nearly misses how Phil starts planning another thing related to the video.
If anyone asks, lap dancing is the perfect way to celebrate a high score on DDR.
memories for ourselves (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: quarantined dan and phil have a screen-free day
over and over (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil is stressed so he wears Dan's sweater.
pants on fire (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: "My pants are literally not on fire." Dan raises his eyebrows, anticipation already building. He loves their silly banter, but there's something else he loves more. "I could set your pants on fire, though," he muses slyly.
Sexual Fantasies (ao3) - CheekyLittleShipper_14
Summary: Hey was wondering if you are still taking prompts? And if you are I would love to see like maybe Dan left his sexual fantasies sweater laying around and Phil put it on for the funnsies and Dan catches him in the act and he thinks it's so cute/hot and they fuck while Phil's still wearing it?
Singing Mornings (ao3) - MickythePhanTrash
Summary: Prompt "if youre up to it, can i request some fluffy smut or just fluff where dan is dancing and singing in the kitchen wearing phils sweater with his hair all wet n curly and phil walks in and watches him while smiling because /jesus christ hes married a dork/ and /he looks so cute in my sweater/" - stargazingphan (tumblr)
your hoodies (come wrapped around me) (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Unpacking for their move into bigger quarters, Dan finds an ancient treasure in the back of their conjoined closet.
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crowleys-hips · 1 month
2, 10, 22 and 24 for the ask game! Hope you're having a good day 💙
elloo thank youu i hope you're having a good day too 🐍
2. What was it that drew you to Good Omens, and what was it that sucked you into the fandom?
*breaks down sobbing lungs burning chest contracting heaving shuddering gasping for breath mascara running down my cheeks snot dripping from my nose* ahem sorry needed a little moment of drama it's all cool now dw about me im absolutely hella gucci never been better 😎 anyway where were we oh yea
when i was a teen i used to sort of like this one author but i can't remember the name for some reason, i just kinda remember picking up literally every single thing of his i could get my hands on, i mean, super casually, i wasn't obsessed or anything. and so i saw his name on the title, saw it had a demon and an angel and something about Armageddon and then i blinked and had somehow consumed the whole thing.
then flash forward to 2019, i see ohh they made a series of that one book i kinda sorta very casually liked a normal amount. and then i shrugged and never watched it bc they didn't look the way they had looked in my head and i had a Very Serious Issue w that apparently. then last year i got covid and i was really bored and i didn't know what to watch and i came across that one show tumblr was losing their minds about for some reason, so i went ugh fine i'll watch it. and then i relived the worst heartbreak of my whole life through a much more brutal dramatization and i was left in pieces, clutching my chest, crying on the floor, begging the universe for mercy. so naturally, like a very normal person, i went, "damn i need to watch this whole thing again 10 thousand more times until i memorize the dialogue word for word" and came on tumblr to scream into the void about it. and so here i am, continuing the lovely tradition of breaking hearts with unhinged poems and occasionally making memes friends will later find reposted on pinterest and instagram 🤡
10. What traits do you share with Crowley?
Yes well first the dumbassery and the unfortunate habit of shooting myself in the foot, le dépression, constantly in alert mode, cant for the life of me ever sit like a normal person, sunglasses out in public always bc my vampire ass is allergic to light, clothing only exists in black, antes muerto que sencillo ✨ (sooner dead than a simple hoe) flash bastard, blasting Queen, horrible plant dad, former raging alcoholic, Aziraphalesexual, drama queen, in fucking pieces 🪦
22. Bildad The Shuhite: hot or not?
look i can see the appeal, but personally i wouldn't fuck him
24. Who would you choose to run off to Centauri with?
you guys keep asking me this as if i even know other people lmao anyway. my answer is still: a copy of The Awakening by Kate Chopin. iykyk 🖤 if not and you wish to find out, get tissues
thanks for the asksss! this was fun to write lmao
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dappledpaintbrush · 11 months
Lament AU Masterpost (I’m using that word wrong)
FIND OUT WHY IM YAPPING ALL THE TIME IN ONE SINGLE CLICK👇👇👇 AND YOU DONT HAVE TO READ 200,000 WORDS TO FIGURE IT OUT 🙏🙏🙏 (but if you do I’d sacrifice myself for you if needed)
ALSO I ADDED THE POST-EPILOGUE ENDING OF AJL😈😈😈 kind of. Because it’s up to you as the reader if you want the remainder of the Lament AU to be canon to the story you read in A Jester’s Lament, despite AJL being the Lament AU (nobody gaf) (I’ll explain it in the post)
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What is the Lament AU and why do you post so much about it?
No really
Okay wise guy, since you’re so insistent
The Lament AU is basically another Dimentio gets redeemed story. It started off in the form of an ao3 fanfic called A Jester’s Lament (AJL) that SOMEHOW gained so much love that I am still tweaking about it to this day. No seriously I owe my life to all of you. Im not joking. Email me for business inquires (sacrificial rituals). First come first serve btw
HOWEVER. While AJL is very VERY important to me and I’ll cherish it for all of time, it is a taaaaad bit outdated. While the fanfic itself is not changing, the story I established in AJL does have some minor adjustments now. Basically, think of AJL like a first edition of the Lament AU and this tumblr post is the second edition of the Lament AU LMAO
I’ll list specific changes for those who are interested (no one), but after that, I’ll give a summary of the Lament AU for those who don’t wanna read a 41 chapter Mario fanfic.
What Changed in the Lament AU since AJL:
1. Dimentio’s Initial Betrayal/Count Bleck’s Plan
Having conspired the plan before he was integrated into Team Bleck, Dimentio planned on betraying them all so he could use the entirety of the Dark Prognosticus + Chaos Heart’s magic for himself so he could create his own perfect world with the utmost power and magic available. However, as he befriended the others, this plan would change. Dimentio decided to not only spare Mimi and O’Chunks, but create their own worlds as well and risk the grandeur of his own world (this is not some kind of heroic sacrifice, trust me). AJL states that Count Bleck had lied to the minions and was never planning on giving them their new worlds. This is no longer canon. In the current Lament AU, Count Bleck was going to give them their worlds as he had promised (although, he planned to commit suicide by letting the Void take him, something no one knew). Despite his seemingly decent relationship with Count Bleck and Nastasia, Dimentio never planned on sparing them. While this is true in AJL, his motivations are different. In AJL, he did not plan on sparing Bleck and Nastasia for he believed them to be a traitors (he was aware of Bleck’s real plan and Nastasia’s knowledge of it). This motivation is no longer canon. In the current Lament AU, Dimentio, in his cruel greed, still desired the extra magic to create his perfect new world. He knew that if he spared the Count (and ultimately Nastasia, since her ideal world was to be WITH the Count wherever he went), his original blueprint for his horrifying utopia would be ruined.
AJL also states that Dimentio decided to spare Count Bleck and Tippi because they reminded him of his parents. This is no longer canon. In the current Lament AU, Dimentio brought the pair to Dimension D to murder Bleck himself as revenge for what Dimentio perceived to be pathetic cowardice from forfeiting the plan to end all worlds (and murder Timpani as further revenge upon Bleck). Why he brought Nastasia, that is now as vague as it was in the game.
2. Jaydes’ Judgement
Jaydes commanded Dimentio to be brought back/to return to the Underwhere in order for balance to be restored to the system of Life and Death, which King Boo had disrupted when he had revived Dimentio. She gave Dimentio an ultimatum: Return now and live a neutral afterlife (the best he could get) in the Underwhere, or remain on the mortal plane, and be forever condemned to his cell in Bonechill’s Prison as a result. Dimentio would not return, and remain with the others in order to try to fix the harm he had caused. In AJL, this rule/curse was lifted after the Pure Hearts revived Dimentio after the explosion because, “She [Jaydes] claimed along the lines of the Pure Hearts never healing evil, which erased the gray line that made Dimentio undeserving of both his cell and the Overthere, and, in turn, apparently making her feel more guilty about her pronounced curse.” This is no longer canon. Not only is Dimentio never seeing the Overthere, but they never find out if Jaydes changed her mind. As far as they know, after the events of the war, Dimentio is still damned to his cell for all eternity when he dies as punishment for disobeying Jaydes, a belief that would continue for the rest of their lives.
ERMMM WHAT THE FISH!! I think that’s it for plot changes. If I think of anymore of course I’ll add it :3
NOW. Here’s what that fucking thing is all about.
Lament AU’s Story (summarized version) (SPOILERS FOR AJL) (OBVIOUSLY):
King Boo is pretty sick of Luigi’s shit. He wants this guy DEAD. One day, he hears of some gay guy that came pretty damn close to prevailing against Mario and Co., so he travels to Bonechill’s Prison and gets this gay guy to agree to join him. Using his Dead Ghost King Powers, King Boo revives Dimentio’s soul and grants him a new physical body as a result. This resurrection spell has some setbacks, though. For one, it takes many months to fully complete. Until then, the revived soul must rely on Life Magic (same shit from a Life Shroom basically) given from the reviver in order to stay alive. This means that until the spell is complete and Dimentio can survive without King Boo’s life support, any kind of spell that Dimentio casts will ultimately drain his Life Magic fuel because that is all the magic he has in his body at ALL (it is automatically taken upon entry to the Underwhere). Basically, Dimentio is more dangerous than he was in the games for he is no longer holding himself back in battle, buuuuut… sometimes he will pass out and King Boo has to perform CPR mid-fight. Ridiculousness ensues.
ANYWAYS, Dimentio’s deal with King Boo is that he kills Luigi, and King Boo will craft Dimentio his perfect new world (albeit maybe not precisely how Dimentio planned) using a hybrid spell. The rest of it is typical Luigi and Co. VS Dimentio and King Boo (oh yeah, Steward too). But Dimentio is having EMOTIONAL ISSUES. Ohhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Long story short, he is in complete denial that his new world is practically worthless without his friends. He is also forced to partner up with Luigi when the two accidentally end up in the Pit of 100 Trials. We also get some backstory (TLDR: Dimentio actually had an overall healthy and loving family growing up, but those who attempted to kill him and killed his mother sent him to wander dimensions forever, and he could not return home due to memory loss that lasted for a few thousand years. Skill issue LMAO get ratioed dumb fuck).
Anyways, that time in the Pit of 100 Trials planted a seed of “hey, this guy kinda has some swagger” in both Dimentio and Luigi. But it is only through more battles and through Luigi and Co. nursing Dimentio back to health (after Luigi tried to kill him with the Thunderhand LMAO get fucked gayass clown) that this seed grows. Eventually, Dimentio spares Luigi in a fight, and King Boo finds out about this. He’s like “man this guy SUCKS!!!” He drains Dimentio’s life magic, kills him, and puts his soul under mind control like he (King Boo) did with the ghosts in LM3. This is where Jinxed Dimentio comes from. Controlled by King Boo, Dimentio kills Steward and Luigi, who is revived by a Life Shroom. Luigi has a EUREKA 💡moment and uses another Life Shroom to try to revive Dimentio, which actually works.
Now Dimentio is kind of in a pickle 🤓☝️ The Life Shroom made it to where Dimentio was free from King Boo’s terms and conditions, meaning King Boo can’t go around taking his Life Magic away anymore. HOWEVER, the initial revival spell is not complete, so every spell Dimentio casts will still drain his Life Magic and kill him if he isn’t careful. In fact, the only Life Magic he has left comes from the Life Shroom, so for a while he can’t cast spells at ALL.
But anyways. Dimentio is now on the good side blah blah blah working to make amends whatever. But Queen Jaydes is like “HEY Luigi. Come here rq 🙏 since uh. You didn’t kill this guy and now he’s on your side. Uh. I gotta tell you he’s fucking shit up. Like the balance of life and death has been disrupted since he’s alive when he’s supposed to be six feet under. So bring him to me okay okay stop crying and pissing yourself. Tell Dimentio to return to the Underwhere. If he does uhhh. He can have a neutral afterlife with the Shaydees and not get punished. But if he doesn’t come back, he’ll return to his cell for all eternity.” Dimentio decides to stay despite this threat to try to right his wrongs and end the war he helped start.
Anyways Dimentio ends up using some of his Life Magic to put his sister (Shadoo) out of her misery, which leaves him weak as hell for the Final Battle which happens like 5 seconds later. Mf is practically on a ventilator and being rolled around on a hospital cot for the entire damn fight. That is, until he remembers he casted a Permanent Spell a while back to make his bed he had in King Boo’s fortress float off the ground (okay princess), so he absorbs that magic and is now balling (kinda). He uses a clone to trick and lead his friends away from the fortress, then confronts King Boo and uses a box-explosion so powerful it breaks the box and kills Dimentio in the process. The others find out, gooogoo gaga, womp womp. King Boo is somehow still alive. He’s about to kill everyone when some my little pony shit happens and the Pure Hearts return, imprisoning King Boo who fucking knows where and resurrecting Dimentio and, thus, finally fully completing the revival spell.
Blah blah blah happy ending, Dimentio knows he still has a long way to go to make amends, he works as a babysitter for the Koopalings now, he lives in Flopside, everyone goes on a fun and goofy Odyssey trip, yeah he’s going to hell for disobeying the goddess of death and judgement but let’s try not to think about that,
So.. erm… what happens after?
I’m so glad you definitely asked that question
So like I said- while AJL IS the Lament AU, it can also be considered its own “version” of the Lament AU because it is a fanfic with a clear ending- that being the Odyssey trip. Anything that happens after has been left up to reader interpretation for a while now. Because of this- it is completely up to you if you want the rest of the Lament AU to be canon to the A Jester’s Lament fanfic or not. Even though it’s the same AU blah blah blah blah blah. You want AJL-Lament AU Dimentio to live a very long peaceful happy time? HIP HIP HOORAY!! :D But. Lament AU Dimentio. Uh.
For a few years uh. Nothing. AJL ends on the Odyssey trip, and life continues as normal (+ expensive therapy) with our main protagonists becoming closer friends.
HOWEVER. Yk how Dimentio is like “Who knows? Maybe I have a few more centuries of life yet” at the end of the fic? (LOUD INCORRECT FAMILY FEUD BUZZER). Lament AU/AJL Dimentio only lives for about six more years post-war.
But user dappledpaintbrush, why? Why would you make him go through allat just to die six fucking years later? Seems overkill
Silence, young grasshopper
Okay I’m only kidding but like. Man. Come on. No matter how many good deeds I make this bastard do, no matter how many times I let him get bitch slapped around by the Consequences of His Own Actions (trademark pending), there is no expunging this unholy track record:
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Also because. Get it. Six years is. How long he was away from his friends in the Underwhere/with King Boo. Get it. Pretend I’m a good writer with good parallels
But before he died, Dimentio ultimately decided that when he DID die, he was going to drown his soul in the River Twigz. Not because he was damned to his cell, but because he believed he had lived long enough to know he didn’t want to live forever, regardless of what his aftergame looked like. He told the others about this, and Luigi asked him if he [Dimentio] could wait to see him [Luigi] again first. This was asked under the assumption that Dimentio would die centuries after everyone else, and that there would be no “wait time” to see Luigi and the others again and thus, no risk of getting caught by Jaydes and sent to Bonechill’s Prison before Dimentio had the chance to end his aftergame. But yeah then Dimentio kicks the bucket from Ancient Death (basically: DAMN! YOURE WAYY TOO OLD LMAOOO. DIE INSTANTLY!). HOWEVERRRR, Dimentio said fuck it we ball and asked Jaydes if his punishment could be postponed so he could fulfill his promise to Luigi. This is when we finally get a resolution to the judgement subplot- she changes her mind about punishing him WOOHOO🔥🔥🔥
Also the gang visits him sometimes. rarely. almost never. because Jaydes is like listen ik yall are the heroes of all realities but yall can’t just Do That. Mostly they’re like BITCH KING BOO IS AT IT AGAIN😐😐 and Dimentio starts tweaking from the great beyond
But yeah uh. Dimentio still ends his aftergame when all is said and done. Sorry guys I just don’t see him willingly living forever. I think that desire died with his perfect world. Also I feel like it’s the final ultimate part of his redemption because he tried to eliminate every living thing from existence as well. Aldus enters the Underwhere (where he is now visible due to what is essentially Jaydes’ firewall) and ends his aftergame alongside his son, too. Father son bonding can I get an amen. Also, Merlova canonically died-died in the battle against the Skellobits. So yeah. The Dimentio lineage is completely eliminated by the ultimate end of the Lament AU. Thank GOD
I think that’s it. Idk how to end this
Thank you for reading this if you did at all :3 sincerely, yappledpaintbrush
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jasminedragonart · 10 months
are you leaving ATLA fandom?? but where and how can I find you now? are you on other platforms? And a personal question, aren't you afraid to leave? I mean, I'm an artist too, and the fandom has almost completely destroyed me and my love for ATLA, and with ATLA live action things will only get worse, but I'm afraid to leave because the avatar fandom on Tumblr is the only place where I get support as an artist, and if I leave, I will go into the void. What can you recommend? How are you going to handle this?
I am leaving the Atla fandom I'm afraid. I'm keeping all my art up and I have an art book on my ko-fi if people want most of my good art.
As for being afraid to leave, I'm not really afraid. This isn't the first time I've left a fandom. I had a previous blog that I ended up deleting. I had about 3,000 followers on there and my art wasn't to the standard it is now so I really worked consistently to get them. I left that one because it was a time when tumblr was flagging literally everything in their porn ban. It made sense to start again and I hoped that if people liked my art for my art that they would find me again.
It's the same this time. I don't want to draw for atla anymore. I've been trying to move away from it for a while now, at least a year and while I have struggled to do so I'm firmly sticking with my decision now. The live action literally will take over the fandom, which again, isn't a bad thing guys. But I want to expand my art career.
I've considered making another blog and sort of abandoning this one. But then, I know people like my art so I feel like it's unfair to make them seek me out. But at the same time starting a new fandom means finding new people that will like my art.
I know the support won't be as strong as it has been in the past, but overall I make art to make myself happy. It's not like I'm taking my stuff down either, I'll still have my art on tumblr and on ko-fi. The only difference is that I won't be making new art for it. I think i'll still make calendars, perhaps recycle the one I've made for 2025 if people still want it. But, I'll make new things for a new fandom as well. Maybe more than one.
I guess as an artist you need to just decide for yourself to make yourself happy. I want to get better at art and moving into different territory will do that for me. If you're scared of moving on then maybe make it a slow transition. Make art for atla and also for something else. Slowly stop making new art and focus on your new passion. If your fans like your art then they'll stick around no matter what you draw.
I've found, over the years, a lot of fandoms I enjoy a lot of my audience does as well. It's all just a matter of taking that risk and committing.
I hope this helps, I understand your fears all too well. If I go into the void, so be it, but I'm happy with my decision right now and hopefully I'll have made the right one.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 8 months
Sooo since I’m new I never told you guys any updates, what I’m manifesting, ect. So here’s some things I already manifest and things I am going to manifest. (SPOILER ALERT: My desires are already mine since I’m in control duhh😂) Also what I personally like to use/methods ect,ect,ect. Here’s a deep back story to almost everything :) But here you guys go!💓
thicker hair, overall nose size to be smaller/smaller nostrils, sharp defined L-V shape jawline, high, cheekbones, clearer skin, thicker lashes, thicker, fuller, darker brows, pink lips, pointy lip corners, overall less face fat, less neck lines, sharp defined collarbones/ 90 degree shoulders, skinny toned arms/forearms, longer, stronger, nails ,flat stomach, height increase (about 2 inches), longer legs, and torso, long skinny fingers, good midterm marks.
Now, this is by using subliminals which I use to use 2021- through mid 2023. Now don’t get me wrong, if subliminals is the method you want to use GO AHEAD. They do work!! I still use them sometimes to this day, but since I gotten deeper into the law, I know that that is not the only way to make changes in your life. I just recently since maybe a few months ago actually realized I can change my entire life. I used subliminals as the mindset of “this will give me results, and I have to listen to my playlist every day” I found that when I worried less about the things I was least insecure about, only listened once since I knew I already had it I got results in 3 days. Overall, subs do work and they are amazing it’s just the fact that I get busy, and have to think, “oh I need to listen to my subliminal tonight, or I need to loop this for so on and so on,” and because of that I got into the victim state. I gave up manifesting completely, since I never actually knew about the law. In about November, is when I started to actually learn more and more about Neville Goddard, took a while to reset my self concept. Then learned everything is me pushed out, so (because I’m a student athlete and have sports late, got stressed, overwhelmed, and spiraled, if I didn’t visualize, or loop my playlist) I decided to stop listening completely. I don’t have any hate against them, and I now just sometimes listen in my free time) I learned about other methods, since getting my sc to be better felt like a relief. I don’t have to stress if a method isn’t for me or force myself to do ANYTHING. I learned about the void, robotic affirming, SATS, lullaby, states, ect ect etc. I got to say I’m less of a visual person, but I do really love affirming since I feel like it gets me in the state of wish fulfilled. I also get to persist if a negative thought comes in mind. Visualizing is fun to, but you have to close your eyes and it isn’t my cup of tea.😭 So now lullaby, robotic affirming, void, and sometimes subliminals is what I use! States is also cool, but I don’t like to force myself to feel anything or feel, hear, or smell, or use with your 5 senses your desire..(sorry not sorry.)
WHEWWW where do I begin😂 When I found out about the void, I felt like it was just amazing. I mean all I have to do is enter, say my desires and I instantly get them?? Like wow. I did some research and I loved it but I was a little scared.. I mean not attached to any reality? Coming from the victim mindset, and subliminal community and being new to tumblr in general I had a little fear. But then I read all the succes stories and reminded myself that it’s not outside of me. So I tried it, first time used a guided subliminal, saw a white light flash and immediately got scared. I popped my eyes right open😭 So next few attempts I read and read.. a little bit over consumed and saw sleep paralysis?? Which I definitely was likee NOO. So next few attempts which was about 3 fails until I had actually successfully entered. I just said you know what I don’t care I’m getting in tonight with the intention. I layed on my side ( most comfortable you don’t have to lay on your back) and I affirmed for the void. Immediately got tingles, spinning ect.. I didn’t staurate my mind ethier I just decided. Less then 5 minutes I got in.. it was pitch black with stars but it wasn’t scary at all. It was utter relaxation, so calming I forgot to manifest! I was aware, but forgot my purpose for the void. Yall it felt like I was in the for 2 minutes but in human time I was in there for like 2 hours😂 I left, and then realized I entered. So now, my current goal is to enter and be aware. ( I know there is other methods but I like this one and feel like it for me.)
CURRENTLY: I been saturating my mind to enter again and manifest! I know I’m so powerful without it because I manifested so much just with my thoughts, and repetition! If your interested on my journey then I’m glad your here to support my new tumblr :) I knew about the void for about 2 months btw, so there will be updates!!💘
CURRENT DESIRES: (everything from my list!) which I will share once manifested! (Already done LOA speaking) 💝💝💝💝💝💝
love you alll it has been rough but I also like to have a list of everything I manifest in the last 4 years of being apart of this community. Before LOA, I was a victim. I believed “life just happens to you” and it wasn’t good. I believed horoscopes, and angel numbers, control your life believe it or not (I’m Christian‼️) I originally found out about LOA, & subliminals one day by scrolling on YouTube and I saw a subliminal video and clicked. I got more into it and found out about the law!! I’m so glad I’m apart of getting everything I want since I’m obsessed with it now😫🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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vampziry · 11 months
hi guys!!
ive been trying to be more active here and coming back with my usual affs and methods for my manifestations or the void, ive been loosing focus to the point where i feel its impossible to reach back again —its not—, and i want to tell you: if you are a person who has entered the void more than twice but for some reason you cant seem to do it again, look for disturbances around you, DON’T blame the 3D. the 3D shouldnt be included. i noticed that having so much pressure in the daily gets me to a state where i overthink and i cant seem to focus in my meditations. if your circumstances seem very tight to the point where you feel drained and feel hopeless, PLEASE do not attempt to enter the void in a time crunch. why you may ask? and the answer is pretty simple: you’re focusing more in your circumstances than the objective behind it all itself. it’s impossible for a person who overthinks and has big doubts to think in a positive way or stop getting distracted at the right very moment. if there’s something you can do in the meantime to help yourself like distracting yourself in the day, going out to make you feel better, reprogramming your subconscious, please do it. its very necessary to have a positive mindset whenever youre planning something, or otherwise how will u be able to accomplish that if you dont believe in yourself and that youre capable? if you have trouble focusing while meditating intending to tap into the void, try to wake up there. its easier, i tell you by my own experience. something wont work out if you force it, when you do things naturally theres a 90% more chance that it will turn out right the way you want, the other 10% are the complications that you oversee yourself in.
if you need help, feel free to text me. my dms are open for everyone, i also needed to let this out cause i’ll start my mind reprogramming week and i’ll be less active in tumblr as i focus in myself. if you got any questions, you can let them rest on my inbox if youre comfortable <3
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author-chan06 · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to my Tumblr!
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Names: Ari, Jay, Roman, Blitzø, And Loki! You can use any or all of them.
Gender: Agenderboy
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual (Maybe??? Questioning This Rn Might Be On The Asexual Spectrum???)
Pronouns: They/He/It + Some Neos
Neopronouns That I Use:
Un/Un/Uns/Uns/ Unself
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Fandom Stance:
I am a proshipper, a comshipper, and a selfshipper. I do ship things that would be considered “problematic”, but I will not debate the ethics and morals of this on this blog. It’s just not really what I want to do, and it would cause me too much mental stress, as I’m not a big fan of being involved in debates. Any talk of this will be deleted. So anti’s do not interact.
So Tw’s for this blog:
Unhealthy Relationships
Toxic Relationships
Abusive Relationships
Underage/Adult Relationships
Sexual Assault
— And Just In General Some Dark Topics
If you don’t want to see any of that, that is totally fine. Just block and move on. If you’re leaving now, I wanna wish you a happy day and a fun time in whatever fandom you’re in! <3 <3
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Fandoms And Ships:
I am in a lot of fandoms and I am a multishipper. So these will be the fandoms I’m in and a link to the post that shows my ships.
Sanders Sides
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Gravity Falls
The Owl House
My Hero Academia
My Ships Post
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My Otherlinks And Fictionkin:
Loki (MCU)
Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
All Of My S/I’s
Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides)
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Selfshipping/My F/O’s:
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) & Virgil Sanders (Sanders Sides) & Janus Sanders (Sanders Sides) & Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides) & Logan Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Blitzø & Stolas Ars Goetia (Helluva Boss)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Tomura Shigaraki & Dabi & Himiko Toga & Keigo Takami (BNHA)
Mammon (Obey Me)
Fizzarolli & Asmodeus (Helluva Boss)
Vox & Val & Velvette (Hazbin Hotel)
Darkiplier & Wilford & Bim Trimmer & Actor & Yancy & Illinois & Engineer Mark
SCP-049 “The Plague Doctor” & SCP-682 “The Hard To Kill Reptile” & SCP-035 “The Possessive Mask”
Slenderman & Jeff The Killer & Jane The Killer & Ticci Toby & Laughing Jack & Eyeless Jack & Masky & Nina & Clockwork & Ben Drowned
The ones with 2 or more people in one bracket thing are Polyam relationships! And I have made separate posts for most of them, if any of these interest you enough that you want to learn more!
The rest are newer and so they don’t have posts yet, but they will soon!
I’m totally ok with other’s who are dating these guys too! And while our relationships may not be the same, I would love to hear you gush about them, as long as you don’t mind me doing the same right back at you about us ahah
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Request Rules And Request Limits:
Disclaimer! Any of these rules and limits to my writing have nothing to do the morality of writing these things and I hold no hate or disgust for people who write these types of things, I just don’t want to write these things or I don’t feel comfortable writing it myself.
Here are my rules and anything you might need to know about my requests: My Requests
Are requests open right now?
Requests are closed!
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My AO3
My Old Blog
My Kofi (Not Fully Set Up Yet)
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Well I think that’s everything! If you want to gush or ask questions or give requests, go ahead! I hope you enjoy your time at my blog!
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