#gwen was supposed to be in this but I didn’t like how she turned out so I had to crop her
tkwrites · 1 day
An Infinite Kind of Love - A 300 follower celebration fic - Matthew Tkachuk x ofc
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: An Infinite Kind of Love
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Matthew Tkachuk x Sophie (ofc)
Warnings: Other than mentions of a not great biological father, it’s all fluff. 
Summary: Matthew and Sophie get married! 
Word count: 3,800
Comments: I hit 300 followers way back on July 12 and set up this poll to determine the fic I would write in celebration. We’d just passed the 4th of July, and I had a very specific idea for Matthew and Sophies wedding because of it. 
This fic has actually been finished for about 3 weeks, but I was worried people would be upset if I posted it before the latest Quinn and Sarah Snapshot went up. So, here it is. 
I hope you enjoy seeing Matthew and Sophie get married! If you did, please consider commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. I love hearing your thoughts about my writing!
Also we're just going to pretend the suit in this photo is navy because I couldn't find a photo of Matthew in a navy suit other than last years NHL Awards suit, which is not a suit for a wedding.
An Infinite Kind of Love
A Matthew and Sophie Fic
“Can someone get Matthew?” Sophie asked. 
“Of course.” Taryn darted out to run across the courtyard. 
When she got back to the suite, Matthew was running in after her. 
Gwen was naked to the waist and yelped. 
He slapped a hand over his eyes. “Sorry! Sorry! Soph?”
She rushed to him, pulling him out onto the balcony. “It's safe,” she said, nudging his hand down. 
The late afternoon sun turned her into nothing more than a silhouette. He had to blink a few times before she came into focus. She'd changed from the short ivory colored dress she'd worn to brunch into a set of loose satin pajamas. Her hair was in rollers, and even with brows that looked too heavy without the rest of her makeup done, she still looked beautiful. 
“What's wrong?” he asked, his hands automatically going to her arms, rubbing up and down. He didn't think it would actually happen, but thoughts of her calling off the wedding had still weaseled their way into the back of his mind when Taryn raced into the groom's room telling him Sophie wanted to see him. 
“Nothings wrong,” she said, looking into his face. Despite only wearing a t-shirt and shorts, he looked fresh faced, and handsome. He and the boys had gone to the barber shop after brunch, and they'd done his hair so his curls were perfectly set and defined. It took all her willpower to not run her fingers through them. They’d also given him a straight edge shave, and she could tell how soft his cheeks would be without even touching them. 
She preferred a bit of scruff on him, but he'd insisted he'd rather be clean shaven, saying he didn't want to look like a Muppet on their wedding day.
“Plus,” he'd said with a mischievous glint in his eye, “don't want to give you any beard burn,” before rubbing her cheek with his stubbled jaw.
She’d laughed and told him she didn’t mind. 
“What's up?” he asked now, looking relieved. 
“I just wanted to see you,” she said, stepping into him and wrapping her arms around his chest. 
As his arms enclosed around her, she felt his chuckle at the same time she heard it. 
“I missed you, too,” he said. With the rollers, he couldn’t tuck his face into her hair the way he liked to. He settled for resting his lips on her forehead. 
“For being our wedding day, we don't see very much of each other,” she said.
While they’d had a brunch with many of their wedding guests before coming to the ceremony venue to get ready, they’d slept apart the night before and spent much of the morning away from each other. Then, they were supposed to be apart until the first look and the ceremony. It felt incongruous. This was a celebration of their union. Shouldn't they be together?  
“I know. It's bullshit,” he whispered. 
“What aftershave did they use?” she asked. He smelled fresh like cut grass and mountain air. 
“I'm not sure. I picked it because I thought you'd like it.”
The simpleness of the act and of his thoughtfulness made her a little weak in the knees. “It smells really nice.”
Matthew closed his eyes, drinking in the feel of her body pressed to his, her breath on his neck and her nose in the soft spot under his jaw. Knowing that he'd picked right made pride swell in his chest.
“I'll ask them and get some,” he said. 
Pulling back, she leaned up to kiss him. 
It wasn't anything extravagant. It wasn't a kiss that made him break into a hot sweat or one that brought him to his knees. It was loving and soft. There was tongue, because with Sophie, there was always a little tongue. 
They kissed a few more times before she pulled away to find a look of adoration on his handsome face as he smiled down at her. 
Caught in the moment, they stayed that way for a few beats longer, just staring at each other until someone cleared their throat.
In the back of her mind, Sophie knew they were all in the room, but it was still a bit shocking when they looked over to find all her bridesmaids, both of their moms and the wedding photographer all gathered around the balcony door. 
“You guys are so cute,” Gwen gushed. 
There wasn't much about their wedding that was traditional. Instead of the usual noon, 2 or 5 o'clock ceremonies, their ceremony was set to begin at 8:30 so it would be dark enough by the time they kissed. They served a cocktail hour with food before the ceremony, at which the bridal party, minus the bride, mingled. After the vows, they were headed to a late-night reception with food trucks, cocktails, and partying. 
With 20 minutes to go before the ceremony, they all snuck off to a more secluded part of the garden. The groomsmen insisted they wanted to do a first look with Sophie. It turned into a whole thing: groomsmen along with Keith and her stepdad Greg. Then Matthew would come in and join them to get his own first look.
Sophie was hidden behind a trellis in another part of the garden with both of their moms and her bridesmaids. 
Her mom grabbed her hand to stop her from nervously pulling at her dress, and Sophie felt butterflies attack her stomach. 
Before the bridesmaids went out to join the guys, Taryn wrapped her in a tight hug. When they parted, she held Sophie at arms length to look her over. “Matthew’s gonna shit himself,” she said, tone full of a kind of teasing approval Sophie never experienced until she’d met Matthew. Their family teased, but mostly, it was all in good fun. It was rarely the kind of needling teasing she got from her dad as a child.
Once she’d tried it on for the first time, Sophie couldn’t stop thinking about Matthew seeing her in this dress. She’d had it custom-made, pieces of a few dresses stolen and sewn together to make exactly what she’d wanted. The bodice had a plunging neckline that narrowed between her breasts, so it wasn’t all that scandalous and floral embroidery that cascaded down onto the A-line skirt. It was simple and understated, just left of center enough to make it unique and just off white enough to be flattering. If the color were a little darker, it might be called blush.
She knew Matthew would love it because she loved it. That was just the kind of guy he was. But Taryn’s reaction still made her insides fizz like champagne. 
Upon a prompt from their wedding planner, Sophie walked out. 
The groomsmen were lined up, facing away from her.
They turned around when the photographer, who was standing off to the side with full view of everyones reactions, gave the signal.
As Sophie watched, a broad grin spread over every face. Greg and Keith both started crying, which she hadn’t expected. Keith pulled his glasses off so he could wipe his eyes. 
Greg rushed forward to gather her into a hug. His chest shook with sobs as he whispered, “thank you for letting me be here.”
“You’re the best dad, Greg. I’m so glad you’re here.” 
“Matthew’s one lucky son of a bitch,” he said, wiping his eyes. “I’m so proud of you.” 
She hugged him again, squeezing extra tight. 
Her brother followed. “You're so pretty, Soph,” he said.  
“You look really handsome in your suit,” she said, wiping at her own tears that had finally spilled over. 
He worked his thumbs under his suspenders and puffed out his chest. 
Their laughter was loud and raucous as she struck a pose of her own. 
When it was his turn, Keith gathered her into his barrel chest and lifted her off the ground in a bear hug.
She let out a surprised little squeak and giggled as her feet kicked out behind her.
“I don’t know —” Keith had to stop to wipe his eyes again after he set her back down, “I don’t know what Matthew did to get on your good side, but I’m sure glad he did.” 
“You raised a good man,” she said, patting him on the chest as they parted, “that’s what he did.” 
He gave her a watery smile and went back to Chantal and Taryn, slinging an arm around each of them.
“Matthew’s gonna lose his mind,” Sam whispered in her ear as they hugged.
She giggled, hoping he was right. 
And finally (finally, finally!), Matthew was walking down the garden path next to Brady, looking as nervous and excited as she felt and so handsome in his navy blue suit. He had his Louis Vuitton belt on. Even though she thought it was a little distracting to wear to a wedding, he insisted it was his signature piece and couldn’t go without it. She found an indulgent smile on her face, glad he was wearing something he loved so much. At least she’d convinced him to wear real dress shoes and not those ridiculous mules he’d been sporting to the arena all season. 
Sophie came into view, and all at once, Matthew felt tears sting his eyes. He’d known he would cry. He knew there was no hope of stopping it. He loved her so much, and this whole day had him all discombobulated. This wasn’t even the first time he’d cried, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. 
After today, he would be her husband. Her husband. He would be her husband, and she would be his wife.  And —
She was wearing the most beautiful dress he’d ever seen. Simple and elegant and completely Sophie. A strong pang of longing, love, and nostalgia pulled through him when he realized her lips were even painted the same pink they had been on their first date. 
She was perfect.
“Oh my god,” he said, awestruck as they joined the group. 
She knew he would probably do that no matter what she was wearing, but it still felt good. 
Brady stepped forward and gathered her into a hug. “You look beautiful, Soph,” he said before going to stand with Emma, wiping a few tears from his eyes as he leaned down to whisper to her about how much this reminded him of their own wedding. 
Finally standing in front of her, Matthew was at a loss for words. Eventually, he just said the thing that kept running through his mind. “Holy Shit.”
Everyone around them laughed. 
Matthew continued to stare silently as everyone else headed back to start ushering the guests into the ceremony seats. 
“I don’t…” he paused, trying to articulate the words. He wasn’t sure there were words for what he was feeling. “Fuck.” 
She burst into laughter. “Is that good? Or bad?” 
“Good,” he said, half of his mouth tipping up in a smile. “You’re –” he blinked a few times, “you’re so pretty, Sophie.”
Heat flushed into her cheeks. “Thank you. I think you look really handsome.” 
“You don’t mind the belt?” he asked, tone and eyes teasing as he hooked his thumbs behind it. 
“Nope,” she stepped forward and threw her arms around his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said into her hair, getting a mouth full of hairspray. He turned to lay his cheek against it instead. 
“I can’t believe it’s finally here.” 
“I know,” she whispered. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket at the same time he saw her mom walking down the path that led from the ceremony. 
“It’s time for me to go,” he whispered. 
Tightening her arms around him, she resisted nuzzling into his shirt, knowing she’d get makeup all over the starched white material. 
“I’ll see you in a minute,” she said, pulling back to look into his face. 
He dipped down to drop a quick kiss to her lips. “See you in a minute, my betrothed.”
He’d started calling her that after some venue asked him if he and “his betrothed” would be attending a catering tasting together. 
“Soon not to be,” she said with a wink. 
He laughed, stole another quick kiss, and hugged her mom before jogging to meet Brady, who was waiting at the end of the path. 
Sophie asked her mom to walk her down the aisle. She thought the idea of a man giving a woman away was archaic anyway, but especially after her dad left, she vowed never to have a man walk her down the aisle at her wedding. 
So when the music started to play for their bridal party, an instrumental version of Here Comes the Sun — requested by Matthew because he called Sophie his ray of sunshine and they were heralding her entrance — she and her mom walked to the end of the pathway that was serving as their aisle. 
Everything looked beautiful. Matthew was standing with their officiant — someone he grew up with who was now a pastor — under a large trellis, covered in a vine of blooming jasmine. The small white flowers (another reason her dress couldn’t be white) stood out against the mens dark suits and the lilac of the bridesmaids' dresses. Everything was bathed in the gentle golden glow of the candles, lanterns, and fairy lights strewn throughout the garden. It was like walking into a dream.
The song she would walk down the aisle to began, it’s jazzy, guitar playing softly from the speakers hidden around their guests. 
The officiant instructed everyone to stand, and they did, turning to look at her, as she and her mom stopped at the end of the sidewalk. 
While everyone looked at her, she looked at Matthew. Watching his smile and his breathless excitement as she made her way to him. He was even bouncing on the balls of his feet. Her own heart ticked in her ears, and she concentrated on the song lyrics in an effort to keep herself from running to him. 
When we were strangers I watched you from afar When we were lovers I loved you with all my heart But now it's getting late And the moon is climbing high I wanna celebrate See it shining in your eyes Because I'm still in love with you I wanna see you dance again Because I'm still in love with you On this harvest moon
Watching Sophie walk down the aisle, her lips painted the same color pink they were on their first date, it felt a little like watching her walk through their history. He was outrageously glad to be on this side of it, having won her trust and love and finding himself in a situation where he had the chance to be with her forever. 
Her mom hugged her and went to sit with Greg. 
Sophie took the last three steps to stand in front of Matthew by herself. She was ready to take this last leap, eager to no longer do this life on her own.
The officiant invited everyone to sit and began talking about matrimony. She missed most of the speech, too busy thinking about the vows she’d written and watching Matthew. The navy suit made his eyes a deeper shade of blue than usual. 
Finally, after what felt to Matthew like forty minutes, though it couldn’t have been more than five, they were invited to read the vows they’d written. 
“When we agreed to write our own vows, I made Soph promise to let me go first so I didn’t have the pressure of trying to follow her.”
Sophie and the crowd laughed. Matthew noticed his mom wipe a tear from her cheek. His dad put an arm around her. 
Taking in a deep breath, Matthew closed his eyes for a moment before looking back to the printed piece of paper Brady had handed him. 
“Sophie,” he began. His voice wobbled a little. The way she was looking at him made him feel light-headed. The culmination of the day coming together and seeing her looking so beautiful in her dress was too much. Truth be told, he was a bit shocked he was even still standing. 
She took his free hand, and the grounding in her touch centered his breathing.
He looked at her and began again.  
“Sophie, if I tried to articulate all the ways I love you, I’m pretty sure we’d be here for several days because I don’t think I could ever find the right words.” 
The audience awed. 
“So instead of that, I wrote down some of the things I love about you, and what I’ll try to be for you, and you’ll just have to put up with the words I’ve got.” 
She snorted, and he heard Brady laugh behind him. 
“So here goes. I love that you make me quiet.” 
Tears pressed behind her eyes. She hadn’t expected him to go for the jugular right off the bat. 
“Most people know I have a pretty hard time shutting up,” he paused, listening to his dad laugh, “but you taught me the value in quiet moments, and I love that I fell in love with you in them. I love that I get a side of you no one else does, and I love that you trust me enough to show it to me.” 
A few tears leaked out and slid down her cheeks. Gwen slipped a tissue into her hand, and Sophie smiled gratefully, pressing it to her lashes to stop her mascara from running.
“I love that you love my family and that I feel like I could be with you forever, and we would never get bored. I love that we’ve created our own little ecosystem and that it thrives because we’re both invested and working on it.” 
His mom was crying into a handkerchief.  
“I can’t promise that I’ll always be this good looking.” 
The suddenness of the joke made Sophie bark out a sudden laugh, much too loud over the amplification system. Her hand slapped over her mouth to quiet the sound, and he laughed indulgently, as if that was the exact reaction he’d been going for. 
“But what I can promise is this: that I’ll always try to protect you, except when it comes to spiders.” He paused for the laughter to die down, “That I’ll always do my best to be present when I’m home, and that I’ll always listen to and help you achieve your dreams. Most of all, I promise that I won’t ever stop trying to earn and deserve your trust and love.”
He folded the paper up. His mom was crying, as was Emma. He was pretty certain Taryn would be tearing up, too, but he couldn’t see her with the way the bridal party was standing. He wanted to end it in some fancy way like he knew she would, but he didn’t know how, other than to say, “I love you and I can’t wait to start this new chapter with you.”
Sophie wiped her nose and dabbed at the tears in her eyes. “I love you, too.”
She sniffed and swallowed, trying to get her bearings.
“Matthew always tries to tell me he isn’t good with words,” Sophie said, giving him a wry look as her fingers squeezed around his, “but I think you all can be the judge of that.” 
He laughed. 
She coughed gently to get some of the tears out of her voice. “When I started writing my vows, I couldn’t think of anything but love. I’ve been trying to understand it my whole life. When I was a kid, I thought I had to parcel out my love to make sure it didn’t run out, and other people had to do the same. Matthew, although you didn’t teach me that there’s an infinite amount of love in the world, you did prove that infinite love exists in a way I had never experienced before with a man.” 
Now he was crying. 
“I’ve always felt a little on my own,” she explained, “a little too quirky to be loved in that big infinite way.” 
The audience was listening, wrapt. This was exactly why he didn’t want to go after her. Not only would he be a mess, there would be no way he could possibly follow her words.
“The last thing I expected in life was for this muscle-bound, curly-haired, rough and tumble hockey player to not only understand my quirks but to embrace and encourage them.” Her voice trembled. “I’m forever grateful I can take down my walls with you, Matthew.”
He took the tissue Brady handed him, unashamed, and wiped the tears from his eyes. 
“And for your patience and consistency, even when I can be skittish and uptight.” She paused, listening to her half of the audience twitter.
“I promise I’ll kill the spiders,” she said, and he laughed along with the rest of their guests. “And I promise to never be unreasonably jealous of your job. But most of all, I promise to always be honest and to love you in the infinite way you showed me was possible.” 
He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to lean in and just lay one on her. Tradition be damned. He pressed his mouth to hers, mumbling how much he loved her against her lips. When he pulled back, her eyes told him how much she loved him in return.
The officiant led them through the traditional “til death do us part” stuff, and they exchanged rings. It was a strange thing to feel the weight of the band on his finger, but Matthew had never been so glad to have something tying him down. It felt like he might just float away without it. 
“You may now kiss the bride,” the officiant said with a wide smile. 
Matthew’s hand slipped up to cradle her jaw, and he looked into her eyes as the fingers on her left hand tapped out five beats on the back of his arm. 
And just like they rehearsed, just like they planned, just like Ryan said it would happen, the moment their lips touched, fireworks screeched to life behind them, screaming into the sky and exploding in a fan of sparks and color and sound. 
It was perfect. 
It was this video, first showing their faces as they looked adoringly at each other and then cutting back to catch the fireworks igniting the moment they kissed, that Matthew shared on his Instagram. 
It’s been fireworks from the first kiss, and we’re still going strong. 
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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Trying a new art style where I take less than 20 hours on each drawing
This is from Valiant. 3.5 hours
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Hey soo angst right?
So Miguel x male reader where they have a fight because of miles and miguel just gets really angry and says and or does something that hurts the reader. The reader isn't a spider person but is still important to tge universe. Because of the fight the reader decides to leave because he does want to deal with miguel anymore, and he dicise to just help miles and all
You can end it with fluff or angst, whatever you want :)
Put It Straight
Miguel O’Hara x M!Reader
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[Part 2]
Warnings: angst and swearing
Quote: “This is none of your business! So just go home!”
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Y/n was one the few non-spider people working at the spider society. He worked as Miguel’s right hand man because Miguel couldn’t stand leaving y/n alone by himself and because they were dating.
It was a “normal” day in the beginning, but Miguel went off to a meeting, while y/n was on his break. But all of a sudden an alarm went off and everyone got an alert to go after Miles. Y/n knew about the kid, Gwen talked about him all the time. Y/n would occasionally tease her about it.
There were hundreds of different variants of Spider-Man chasing Miles, but one stood out from the rest, Miguel. Miguel seemed ruthless, like he wanted to kill the kid, and y/n was concerned. But what made y/n snap was when Miguel sent Gwen back to her universe.
When Miguel turned around, he saw a fuming y/n.
“Miguel what the fuck was that!” Yelled y/n.
Y/n was one of the only people who could yell at Miguel like that. If anyone else dared to talk to Miguel that way, they were bound to either be dead or in the Er.
“Baby, Not now” Miguel Said.
He was clearly frustrated but didn’t want to yell at y/n.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Not now? You just sent the kid home, where her own father is trying to arrest her! And you see nothing wrong with that!” Y/n yelled.
“Y/n you don’t get it” Miguel said.
“I don’t get it!? First you chased Miles throughout the whole city! And now you sent Gwen home where she could possibly be in danger!” Y/n said.
“He wasn’t supposed to even be here! Because of him, the universe could be destroyed! He found out that his dad was going to die! So he tried to prevent that! He could have destroyed the universe! And for Gwen, she is the whole reason why he is even here to begin with! There! You happy?!” Miguel snapped in anger.
“So you’re saying that he is trying to prevent his dad from dying and you’re trying to stop him?!” Y/n yelled with just as much anger.
“It has happened to all of us! And it’s the consequences of his actions! If he hadn’t followed Gwen then all of this wouldn’t have happened!” Miguel yelled.
“So you’re just going to let the kid’s dad die?! Hasn’t he been through enough, he had to watch his uncle die and now you want him to watch his dad die too?!” Y/n said.
“This is none of your business! So just go home!” Miguel said.
“Weren’t you the one begging for me to come here to work with you? And now it’s none of my business!” Y/n said.
“Y/n- watch who you’re talking to like that, don’t think for one second that I won’t-”
“You won’t what Miguel O’Hara?! I tried, I really tried to understand why you acted like this! I’m sorry, but I’m leaving to go help the kid” Y/n said as he walked away.
“And how exactly do you plan on traveling other universes? You don’t even have a watch!” Miguel said.
“With this” y/n held out a watch while still walking.
Miguel immediately looked at his wrist and noticed that his watch was gone, and started to look y/n and realized y/n took his watch as y/n opened a portal.
“Y/n don’t! You could get killed!” Miguel yelled.
Y/n turned to look back at Miguel one last time with tears in his eyes.
“I love you Miguel” y/n said as he walked inside of the portal.
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Edit]: I'm considering making a part 2 if there is a lot of demand for it
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pit-and-the-pen · 3 months
Three's a crowd
Summary: After finding out your mate, Cassian, had slept with Nesta you let slip that you wouldn't mind her joining you and Cassian.
Cassian x reader established relationship, Smut (18+)Female reader, m/f/f threesome, mean dom Nesta, soft dom Cassian, Sub reader, impact play, subspace kinda, fingering, oral (m/f receiving), orgasm denial, lots of praise, lots of safe word checks. Two mentions of spit. 
Idea by the lovely @sarawritestories <3
divider by @tsunami-of-tears
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It started out as an innocent story telling session with your family. Nothing out of the ordinary, a bottle or two of wine shared in your cozy living room. Nesta, Emery, Gwen and you sitting on your couches feet tucked up as laughter filled the air. Your mate, Cassian, was out grabbing a few drinks with his brothers at Rita’s so naturally you invited all your friends. 
The hours passed like minutes, Gwen recounting some story about a unicorn that had Nesta and Emery roaring with laughter, shouting over each other with “That’s not how it happened!” “Tell it right, Gwen!”
“What he did like me more. I know you were too busy getting your world rocked by Cas to remember anything correctly but-” Gwen gasped before clamping a hand over her mouth. You felt your eyes widen, letting the words sink in. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I…shit.” The red head knocked back the rest of her glass of wine. Nesta’s cheeks had tinged pink right up to the long tips of her ears. 
“It’s fine. I promise.” You said, taking a long sip of your own. Nesta’s head snapped to yours. 
“It’s no big deal. If I got jealous over every person Cassian has ever slept with, I would never know a moment of peace.” You laughed lightly to yourself. And you truly didn’t mind. Maybe only slightly because she hasn't told you but that’s the past. 
“Did I hear my name?” Speak of the devil. Cassian strolled into the living room, pressing a quick peck to the top of your head as he flopped down onto the couch next to you. 
“Only talking about how much of a rake you used to be.” Another laugh drew out of you at his faux scandalized face. 
“Yes you.” You poked right in between his ribs and he jumped slightly. Playfully batting away your hand. 
“And why, pray tell, are we discussing that?” 
“Gwen said you slept with Nesta. Well I believe her exact words were ‘rocking Nesta’s world’” Cassian’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. You brushed a gentle hand on his cheek. “And I was just telling her that I’m fine with it.”
“You are?” You only nodded, draining the rest of your wine glass. 
“It was forever ago. I haven't even met you yet.” He tried to explain, words tumbling out. 
“Cas.” You cut him off, placing a hand on his thigh. “I really really don’t mind. I mean who wouldn’t want to sleep with Nesta.” It was your turn to blush. The sound of Gwen sputtering reminded you that you were in your very full living room that suddenly felt very small. You shot up to your feet, nearly stumbling over your own limbs. 
“I’m going to grab more wine.” You practically shouted and turned to leave the room. Trying not to run to the small wine cabinet, you were cursing yourself mentally. 
“You got out of there pretty fast.” Cassian said, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“I don’t know how I’m ever supposed to look her in the eye again.” You groaned, pressing your forehead against the cool wood of the cabinet. 
“Very easily actually. Did you mean it though?” 
“What part?” Your breath hitched in your throat as Cassian kissed up your neck. 
“Do you want to sleep with Nesta?” Your heartbeat sped up as you tried to fight back the thoughts. Nesta was gorgeous, anyone with eyes could see that. And you’d be lying if you said you never considered it. You loved your mate wholeheartedly but there was nothing wrong with looking. It wasn’t uncommon for you and Cassian to point out a fae or two that caught your eye at Rita’s, so this was no different. 
“Princess?” Cassian froze, mouth hovering right over your pulse point. 
“Would you be mad if I said yes?” Your voice was small, cheeks burning hot. He chuckled against your neck, continuing his path of kisses. 
“No.” His mouth was right against your ear. “Do you want her to join us in our bed?” He practically purred it and you gasped as his teeth toyed with your ear lobe. You could only nod your head. “Interesting. I’ll talk to her. But, be warned princess. She’s just as vicious in bed as she is out of bed.” He left one final bite to the column of your throat and unwrapped himself from around you. Leaving you trembling and wondering just exactly what you had gotten yourself into. And oh so excited for it. 
“Why don’t you go over your colors for Nesta, Princess.” Cassian’s hand rested lightly on your jaw, tugging your face up to look at him. You knelt in front of him, naked with your palms resting on your thighs.
“Yes, General. Green is okay, yellow means slow down or I’m starting to get uncomfortable. And red means stop.”
“Good girl.” Cassian said, running a hand through your hair. “And if you can’t talk? Like if Nesta was sitting on that pretty little face of yours?” Your breath hitched at the image he painted for you. You licked your lips as you let your mind wander. A slight tap on your head pulled you out of your dirty thoughts. 
“Right. One tap is good, two means slow down, and three is stop.” 
“Good girl. Now our rules are I can touch you, Nesta, but no fucking. Anything else I’m missing, princess?” 
“No, General.”
“Alright. Now show Nesta just exactly how good you can be.” He stepped back, letting Nesta step in front of you. 
“Can I touch you?” She asked, eyes roving over your naked form. She still had on a silk robe, tied loosely but covering anything that mattered. 
“Yes.” You said and her hand instantly tangled into the roots of your hair, pulling your head back to the ceiling. A small yelp left your mouth and she gave you a feline smile. 
“Oh you’re going to be fun to play with.” 
Nesta didn’t waste time before she had you ass up on the bed. Circling you with your favorite paddle in her hand. Your head was in Cassian’s lap, his straining cock right in front of you, throbbing, as you ran the tip of your tongue out to trace the veins that ran underneath. 
A loud smack filled the room and your shriek died off to a moan. 
“No touching him, yet.” She called out. You whimpered and Cassian ran a gentle hand through your hair. Another smack. 
“No touching her either, General.” She teased. “You have to earn touching him.” One more smack, harder than the others. Your foot kicked up at the feeling. The tinge of delicious pain that ran through you making you moan loudly. 
Nesta delivered hit after hit until tears stung your eyes. Cries bubbling out of your throat. Cassian’s cock was leaking, listening to your sweet noises but not being able to touch you. His hands were clenched tight by his side, fighting the urge to thread his fingers into your hair and push you down onto his aching cock. 
One last smack pulled a yelp from your throat. Slightly different from the others. Cassian swore under his breath. 
“Gods Nesta. I don’t even hit that hard during punishments.” He tapped your cheek lightly, asking for your eyes on him. You did so instantly. “Color?”
“Green. Very much green.” 
Another sharp hit, the paddle whipping through the air. 
“Is that how you address him?” Nesta asked. You shook your head. 
“No. I’m sorry, General.” 
Cassian had his eyes narrowed on Nesta as he answered you. “It’s okay, Princess. You’re doing great.” You didn’t need to see Nesta to know she rolled her eyes, a small sigh leaving her lips. 
“Aren’t you just dying to get your mouth around him?” She purred as her hand started rubbing at your now red backside. You nodded, which earned you a small snack with her hand this time. 
“Gods. Yes.” You answered. Her hand gently ran up the curve of your back, her lithe body following it until she was leaning over you. 
“Then put that pretty mouth to use, or is it only good for screaming?” You didn’t get a chance to answer before she tangled a hand into your hair and pulled you onto Cassian rock hard cock. His loud moan echoed through the room as he instantly hit the back of your throat. You gagged, trying to breathe through your nose. A string of curses left his mouth and his hand tried to rest on your head. The sound of a sharp slap filled the room as Nesta smacked his hand away. 
“I didn’t say you could touch her yet.” She hissed and pulled you off of him. A string of spit connecting your lips and the tip of him. “Color?” She asked you, you didn’t hesitate. 
Her eyes flickered back to Cassian.
“See. She can take it. Now keep your hands to yourself before I tie them up.” She winked and that was all the time you got before she was pushing you back down onto Cassian. You were better prepared this time. Relaxing your throat and taking a short breath through your nose. Nesta praised you as she pulled your head up and down, controlling your every move. You were a whining mess under her as you wanted to be able to touch Cassian, run your hands up and down his thick thighs, cup his heavy balls the way that would make him moan your name and have him spill down your throat. 
“Enough.” She said and pulled you off of him again. She kept tugging until you were sitting on your knees, chest heaving as you gulped down precious air. Her hands rest lightly around your neck and she pushes you back against the bed, your hair hanging over the edge. 
She slings her legs over your chest, putting all of her weight right in the center. She curls a finger at Cassian, beckoning him to you. 
“Make her scream, General.” She purrs at Cassian and that’s all it takes for him to throw your legs apart. He runs a finger through your folds and groans when he finds you soaked. He thrusts two fingers into you, scissoring them to stretch you out for him. 
“Are you ready for me, princess? Think you can take me?” He coos and you cry your yes. Followed by a string of please. The words die off in your throat as he pushes his tip in. Your eyes flutter closed at the feeling of your mate entering you. 
Cassian sinks into you fully as Nesta’s fingers give your nipples a harsh tug. Your moan is quickly cut off by her thumb sliding into your mouth. 
“I think that’s a much better use for that loud mouth of yours, don’t you think Cas?” Your skin flushed as she talked about you like you weren’t even there. Cassian’s only answer was a sharp thrust of his hips, a move that would have sent you further up the bed if it wasn’t for Nesta’s weight on the center of your chest. His finger rubbing tight lethal circles on your clit. 
“Fuck. Everytime, it’s like you were made for me.” He spoke through clenched teeth. Slowing his thrust down to let you feel every inch of him. 
Your eyes shut close as you felt that coil tighten in your stomach. Biting into Nesta’s thumb as you fought back screams. Your body jolted when Nesta gave your breast a sharp slap. 
“Not yet.” Was all she barked before she pressed that same hand low on your belly. Your body shook as it only served to amplify every thrust, singeing every nerve in your body. 
Your head starts to feel a little fuzzy, slipping into that delicious headspace that only Cassian could give to you. Your hand sneaks across the bed, searching for his warm hand to stop you from fully floating away, not entirely sure of yourself with Nesta around. Nesta’s foot comes to rest on your wrist, pinning it down hard enough that you gasp. Nesta’s weight is off of you instantly. Cassian slipping out of you with a growl. Blinking off the haze in your eyes, you see Cassian holding Nesta’s neck lightly. 
“Cool off Nes.This is her first time. If my mate wants the comfort of my touch, then that’s what she gets. Do you understand?” Cassian growls. Something in Nesta’s eyes switches. That hard edge melts away and a flush rises over her cheeks. She mumbles something under her breath. 
“What was that?” His tone is softer now. Nesta’s eyes don’t meet his. 
“Yes sir.” Her voice is shaky.
Cassian’s eyebrows raise in question. He removes his hand from her neck, sliding it down her body. She shudders at the contact. Cassian leans in close until his mouth is just an inch away from her ear.
“I think you can do better than that, right Nes?” Nesta’s eyes flicker to you. You give her a small nod of encouragement, eyes wide at the scene unfolding in front of you. Still hazy from the orgasm you had been denied. 
“Yes, sir.” Nesta’s words are more firm. Cassian groans at the tone. 
“Better. Now I think we owe our girl over there something, don’t you?” Nesta bites her lip and nods. 
Cassian turns his attention to you “Color, princess?” 
“Y..yellow.” You stuttered out. “Just wanna touch you.” Your voice was small and shaky. The tell tale sign that you were starting to get overstimulated. 
“Are you okay with Nesta staying?” 
You think for a second then nod. His eyes soften and he runs a soothing hand through your hair. He places a kiss on your forehead and you all but melt against him. Dipping your head down to rest in the crook of his neck. His arms wrap around you and he shifts you to his lap, making you straddle him. 
“Like this?” He asks and you nod again. You raise your hips and whimper as you sink down onto him. You throw your head back as he bottoms out, hitting that sweet spot inside you right away. He gives you a few breaths to adjust to the new position. Then he hooks an arm over your shoulder and grinds you down on him, short quick thrusts that pull high pitched mewls from you. 
“Nesta.” You say between cries. The blonde was quickly by your side. You grabbed her cheeks between your hands and pulled her lips to yours. She swallowed every one of your moans, chasing them like they were oxygen. 
One of your hands snaked down her smooth stomach, feeling every muscle that her training has given her until you reach between her thighs. You trailed a tentative finger through her center. Drawing a moan from both of you as you circled her clit, applying the pressure the same way you would to yourself. Her hips bucked at the contact. Her own hand cupping the back of your head as the other started playing with your nipples. You slipped a finger into her, the sound of both of your slick filling the air. You paced your finger to the timing of Cassian’s thrusts. Your legs were shaking around Cassian and he moaned as you clenched around him. 
“Good girl. Fuck, you gonna cum all over my cock?” You moaned your yes. Not pulling away from Nesta’s soft lips. She nipped at your lower lip as you added another finger into her. Trying to get her to her own release. 
“Go ahead. Gods, you’re squeezing me like crazy, princess.” His words mixed with the sharp tug on your nipples had your whole body tensing. You pulled away from Nesta, fingers stilling inside of her as you came so hard you saw stars. Nesta held your head, Cassian wrapping his arms tight around your waist to crash you against him. Your ears were ringing but you could hear both of them whispering their praises in your ear. A few harsh thrusts from Cassian had him panting your name as he spilled into you. A loud keen flowing from your lips as he fucked you both through it. You're both panting, heads resting against each other when you remember you still had two fingers buried in Nesta. 
You pull off of Cassian, feeling his cum drip down your thigh as he slips out of you. 
“Lay down for me Nes.” You say as you pull your hand away from her cunt. She gives you a sleepy smile and does just that. You make a big show of slipping your fingers into your mouth. Moaning at the taste of her. You’re rewarded with her sharp inhale. You smile down at her and start trailing kisses down her chest. Lower, delivering a soft nip to her stomach, her hip, the inside of her thigh. She tilts her hips up to meet your mouth and you feel Cassian pin her hips to the bed. You look up at the both of them as you lower your mouth to Nesta’s center. 
She moans loudly as you lick a soft stripe between her folds. Her hands are instantly tangling in your hair. You circle her clit with your tongue, once, twice then you tap Cassian’s wrist once. Signaling him to let her go. That’s all it takes for her to start bucking against your face. Using that hand in your hair to push you closer into her. 
You can sense her growing frustration and sneak your hand up, teasing those same fingers inside of her again. Her back arches off the bed and she rides your face. Pushing your fingers deeper inside of her. You curl your fingers, searching for that rougher patch and almost smile when she curses loudly. Her moans quickly raise in pitch. Swears mingling with a garbled version of your name. Her legs try to clamp around your head but Cassian keeps a hand on her knee to stop her. Her moans turn into small mewls as her legs start to shake. You flick your eyes up and lock them with hers. That’s all it takes for her to fall apart on your tongue. Hips still bucking against your face as she rides out her high. You don’t stop your fingers until she’s pushing you away lightly. You drink up every drop off her arousal, leaving her glistening with a mix of it and your spit. You smile widely up at her as she pants, chest heaving, staring up at the ceiling. Her cheeks are tinged pink and she looks so pretty that you want to kiss her. So you do. A much softer kiss than the one you shared earlier. 
When you pull away and turn your face to your mate, you see him hardening against his thigh again. 
“Round two?” You turn back to Nesta, biting your lip. She quickly nods before Cassian is attaching his lips to yours. The groan that you pull from him lets you know just how long this night will be.
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Difference of Opinions (Part 1)
Fandom: Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara, f!Reader Summary: You went against the man you loved and helped Miles escape. Now you must face Miguel's wrath. Word Count: 1821 TW: Angst, Betrayal, Anger, Glitching, Left for Dead, Miguel has a temper Notes: I told myself I wasn't going to get sucked into writing for this movie, but this idea wouldn't stop nagging at my brain so here you go!
Prequel, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Series Masterlist
*Spoilers for Across the Spider-Verse*
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As you watched Miles disappear in a flash of the Go Home machine, you couldn’t help but smile. For a moment, you had been afraid that he wasn’t going to make it. That despite everything you, Hobie, and Margo had done to help him, Miguel was going to stop him before he could escape. But he got to go home to try and save his father. He had a chance.
However, the smile slowly faded from your face as Miguel roared and ripped the arm off of the Go Home machine. You had been so focused on getting Miles off of Earth-928 that you hadn’t considered what happened afterwards. This was going to be bad.
The room had filled with other Spider-people who had all been involved in the chase for Miles and they all just stared at Miguel. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Margo’s avatar disappear and you sighed in relief. At least she would escape Miguel’s fury. 
Right now, his focus had turned towards Gwen. As they began yelling back and forth at one another and Miguel dragged her into the Go Home machine, you started to back out of the room as inconspicuously as possible. While part of you wanted to run to Gwen’s aid, she was being sent back to her own universe. It was heartbreaking to watch– especially knowing what was going to happen to her father when she returned –however, she was getting off easy considering her part in getting Miles involved in the Spider-Society in the first place. Things could have been a lot worse for her. As they would probably be for you if you didn’t let Miguel cool down for a while before confronting him.
You had just about made it to the door when you heard a snarl behind you. “And where do you think you’re going?”
Red webs coiled around your arms and legs pinning them to your body and making you fall to the floor. Before you could try to squirm your way out, Miguel yanked hard and you flew backwards into him. He caught your chin with one large hand, his nails sharpening into claws and digging painfully into your skin as he held you off the ground. 
His red eyes flashed dangerously as he roared in your face, “Did you think I wouldn’t see you trying to slink away? You helped him escape! You! Of the hundreds of us in the Spider-Society, you were the last one I ever imagined turning against me.”
“I haven’t turned against you, Miguel. You know I love you too much to ever do that.” With your face still pinned in his grasp, you tried your best to keep your expression calm and non-confrontational. You knew how he got when he was like this and it was better to not get him even more agitated. However, your voice remained firm and unwavering. “But right now, you’re letting your past cloud your judgment and you’re not thinking clearly. I was just trying to–”
“He’s trying to alter a second canon event! We still haven’t dealt with what he did in Mumbattan and you just let him get away to do it again!” He bared his sharp teeth at you as he growled deep in his throat. In all your years together as friends or as lovers, you had never once feared Miguel would hurt you…. until this moment. All reason seemed to have left him and all you saw when you looked at his face was fury and pain. There was no trace of the man you loved before you.
Trying to keep the quiver out of your voice, you calmly said, “You said it yourself. Miles is an anomaly. He was never supposed to be one of us so who’s to say he has to uphold the canon events? From what I can tell, the Peter Parker of that world already lost his captain before he died. So maybe Miles has a chance none of us ever got. Maybe he doesn’t have to bear this loss like the rest of us. Maybe he can change his fate.”
“‘Maybe! Maybe! Maybe’! You risked the lives of an entire universe on maybe!” Miguel’s grip on your face tightened and you mewled slightly as his claws broke skin. “Whether or not he was supposed to be Spider-Man, he is now. And that means he must follow the canon. If he was different than the rest of us, he wouldn’t have already lost his uncle.”
“Or may– possibly becoming the Prowler is what got that Aaron Davis killed, not because he was Miles’s uncle.” You tried to reach up to stroke Miguel’s cheek, to calm some of his anger, but your hands were still pinned to your side by his webs. “Miguel, don’t do this. I’m begging you. Please, let Miles try. Trust that I know what I’m doing.”
Slowly, Miguel’s fury faded from his face until there was nothing left but pain. Pain that you knew you had caused. He lowered you to the floor and loosened his grip on your face though he didn’t release you. Then, as he stared deeply into your eyes, he spoke in an agonized whisper. “I did trust you. I would have gone to the ends of the multiverse and beyond for you. I gave you my heart even after I swore never to open myself up to anyone again but you turned your back on me the first chance you had.”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you squirmed against the webs, desperate to touch him. To hold him and make him feel that your love for him never wavered. “You know that’s not true. I’ve stood by your side from the very beginning. I’ve loved you and helped you build this Society so we could uphold the canon across hundreds of universes. But I just… I just couldn’t stand by this time and not at least give Miles a chance to try and save someone he loves. I’m sorry.”
For just a moment, you thought you saw a glimpse of compassion or love in his gaze but it was quickly replaced by bitter cold indifference. “I’m not.”
His claws slashed through his webbing, freeing your limbs. But before you could move, Miguel grabbed your arm, ripped your portal watch from your wrist, and hurled it against the wall where it shattered into pieces. Still holding your arm, he tossed you across the room. You crashed into the floor and slid another dozen feet or so on your side. And just as you slowed to a stop, you glitched as this unfamiliar universe attacked your cells. 
You felt like your body was simultaneously being compressed and stretched in a hundred directions at once. When the glitch ended, you let out a small whimper but the sound didn’t cull Miguel’s rage any. Even as you lay in a heap on the ground, he tossed a disk in your direction and suddenly a red transparent field surrounded you. 
Unable to believe he was really doing this to you, you called out to him but he ignored your plea. Instead, he turned his back on you and growled, “Jess, Ben, come with me. And somebody catch Spot.”
Jess glanced at his retreating form then back to where you were now confined. “Miguel. You can’t just leave her like this. Without a watch–”
“She made her bed, now she can die in it,” he snapped without turning around. He simply opened a portal and said, “Let’s go.”
Ben fell in behind him, but Jess hesitated, her hand reaching out towards you. But you shook your head. Miguel had judged you and once that happened, no one could change his mind. Jess had too much to lose by trying to help you and despite hating to see her leaving to track Miles down, you knew she was just as trapped now as you were. So, reluctantly, she turned and followed Miguel and Ben into the portal.
Now alone, you pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your face in them. You didn’t regret helping Miles, but you never imagined this would be the consequence. Miguel had a right to feel betrayed yet the fact he would go this far– that he was alright with you slowly glitching out of existence – broke your heart. Miguel had never been a saint but you never imagined he could do this. Not to you. How could his love sour so quickly that he was willing to let you die rather than try to understand why you did what you did? 
No. I won’t accept that.
Miguel was just not thinking clearly after everything that had happened today. Deep down, he still loved you. He had to. Just as you still loved him despite him leaving you to die in this cage. If you could only show him that you were right and Miles was different, then maybe Miguel could forgive you for going against him. And maybe there was still hope for the two of you. Or maybe he would still want you dead. 
Wow, Miguel was right and you did rely heavily on “maybe”.
However, there was just something about this situation that made you believe in those maybes. For years you had protected the multiverse by Miguel’s side and you had never questioned his decisions or a canon event. But something in your gut– in your spider-sense –was telling you this time was different. That Miles really could break from the canon without the same consequences as the others. But you would never know unless you found a way out of this cage!
Suddenly, you remembered how Miles managed to escape the same sort of prison an hour before. You might not have his Venom Blast powers but maybe Miguel presented you with your own way to escape. Spreading your arms and legs out as far as you could, you pressed yourself against the force field so you covered as much area as you possibly could. Then you waited.
About four minutes later, it happened. You glitched again but this time, you were ready for it. Using all the strength you could muster, you fought against the glitch and kept yourself pressed against the field. As your body began to flicker and change, so did the force field. When things finally corrected themselves and you were left moaning on the floor, you opened your eyes to see what was once your cage had been transformed into a pile of random junk from across the multiverse.  
Giving it a slight push, the pile collapsed and you walked out of the remains of your prison. You were free. Now, you just had to find a way off of Earth-928 and back into the multiverse to find Miles before Miguel did. And you thought you had an idea about where to start….
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Thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and/or rebloging! I am planning a prequel to this fic showing how Miguel and Reader met and I may also do a sequel fic to this one. If you are interested, please let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! Thanks!
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miguelhugger2099 · 6 months
Hiii, I’m in love with your writing it’s a comfort for me atp. Could you please do grumpy reader where she doesn’t talk to others a lot. That makes Miguel look like an extrovert (even though we both know that’s not true 😭). Happy Easter 🐣 and or any holiday you celebrate.
Two Peas in a Pod
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c.....comfort,,,,, sad hamster meme the highest honor i could ever get omg thank you i really liked this ask because its basically me haha my friend actually told me ive gotten better at being more welcoming and "nice" and another friend would tell me that i could never mask my uncomfortableness if someone was bothering me LMFAO but as alwayyssssss i can rewrite this request for u if ur not satisfied :) Art: nellwhre17 on instagram
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Spider-People were supposed to be funny and outgoing. It was in their canon to have some resemblance to the original quippy and humorous Spider-Man. If not outgoing then at least a little endearing and sweet.
So the Spider Society is a little thrown off when you’re introduced to the team by Miguel. Both of your arms are crossed, your face blank and looking over other Spiders with neutrality. 
“Here’s our new recruit. She’ll be working more with Margo and Lyla. Think of her as one of your superiors like myself or Jess or Peter B.” Miguel tilts his head at all the other Spiders. “That’s all. Dismissed.”
He turns to face back to his console, returning to work on new files Lyla had presented to him. Some Spiders stay to chat with you. They don’t notice the slight discomfort and annoyance in your face.
“Hey! My name is Peter M! I think we might be the same age!” One says, his mask squinting to look like he’s smiling.
“Have you gone on a mission yet? What Earth are you from?”
“Has Miguel explained The Canon to you yet? It’s a little overwhelming, I know.”
The commotion irks you a bit, the Spiders coming into your personal space so you shuffle away and your brows instinctively scrunch together. “No, I’m fine.” You mutter curtly. The others finally see the change in your demeanor and they awkwardly step back.
Miguel turns over to see the few Spiders around and barks at them to stop. “She’s still new to all this so don’t go around pestering her.” 
They smile wearily up at him then at you, whose face is still contorted a bit in a way that looks like you’re obviously still being bothered. 
They get the message and wave goodbye to you but not without feeling a chill down their spine at how cold you were. Maybe you were just shy. Everything is and always will be overwhelming around here with different variants of yourself. So, they believed in time you’d come around like the others.
You, in fact, did not come around. After weeks, months even, you still came in and left without a word. Get in and get out. You rarely engaged in conversation and if you were in a group, you’d keep to yourself. If someone tried to include you, you’d just say a few blunt words that didn’t move the conversation at all so there'd be an awkward standstill before moving on.
No matter what, no one knew anything else about you besides your name, you were a Spider-Woman and the name of your Earth.
Even the esteemed group of young SpiderLings couldn’t even get you to open up. Jess and Gwen had just come back from a mission, wanting to eat at the cafeteria before heading home. They had found seats beside Hobie and Pav who were just catching up together.
Pav had mentioned trying to talk to you once but his bright personality pushed you further and further away from him, your responses to his questions becoming more and more short and quick.
“I’ve never met such a complicated individual.” He pouts, crossing his arms on the table.
“Don’ bother me none. I don’ like someone tryin’ to bug me either.” Hobie scratches the back of his neck. 
“Would’ve thought they opened up by now.” Gwen brushed her hair out her face. “It’s like pulling teeth with her.”
“She just seems kinda grumpy sometimes…” Pav sighs resting his head in his arms. “Even more than Miguel which feels wrong.” 
“Yeah, at least Miguel snaps at you but she…kinda just sits there.” Gwen leans back with a weak smile. “Not really sure how to make conversation when she’s so quiet.”
“She just doesn’t feel like talking, guys. Go easy on her.” Jess rubs her temples. 
Their conversation is cut short when Miguel walks through the cafeteria, documents in hand and with you in tow. Speak of the Devil. 
“Jess, Gwen, I misremembered about giving you the reports of your last mission together. I also have the analysis for the next one on Earth—199B.” Miguel hands the reports to Jessica and she immediately skims through it. Gwen looks over her shoulder and gives you a smile.
“Hey, how’s it going?” She asks. 
You respond with a shrug and a nod. “Good.”
Gwen’s smile wavers, laughing nervously as the awkward silence. She expected some sort of greeting back. 
Miguel answers for you. “She’s been with me the whole day since Peter’s been busy at home.” Gwen looks to Miguel.
“And how about you, boss? Doin’—uh—doin’ good?”
Miguel sighs, crossing his arms. “Better now that Margo fixed what Hobie broke in the console room.”
Hobie tsks. “Did not. You’re jus’ blamin’ me ‘cause I’m the scapegoat around ‘ere. Tha’ it?” 
Miguel pulls up camera footage from his Gizmo, of Hobie pulling apart different motherboards and CPUs from the server and tucking them away in his pocket. “Is this not you?!”
Hobie squints at the footage and shrugs. “AI has truly come a long way, mate. Bettah check tha’ out.”
Gwen, Pav and Jessica laugh at the scene, giggling at the sheer anger on Miguel’s face and Hobies indifference. You watch with a soft smile up at Miguel but nothing else.
Miguel feels your hand on his forearm and he looks down at you. You nod your head to the side, signaling it’s time to go. He looks at the time on his watch and collects himself. 
“We’re gonna head out. Don’t bother us unless there’s an emergency and be alert for any sudden messages should I need to contact any of you for anomalies.” He turns and gives a small wave before leaving, you trailing behind him.
You don’t say much other than looking behind to give them a small nod and following beside Miguel.
The group watches as Miguel talks to you, relating information and talking your ear off about missions and the to-do for the day. You listen quietly, eyes held on his and nodding along.
They glance at each other and think they would’ve never seen a person more closed off than Miguel in their lifetime. Even less where it looks like he’s more talkative compared to you. What an odd pair. “I think she has opened up. Maybe just not with us.” Jess leans back with a smile.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 1 year
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 || 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_  one day you realize you are jealous of your boyfriend’s AI left hand. Because it wasn’t normal she always interrupted you two, and it was making you mad.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ age gap, angst, fluff, very mild nsfw, 𝘔𝘋𝘕𝘐 𝘗𝘓𝘌𝘈𝘚𝘌.
♪ ♫ The ultimate Miguel O’Hara playlist  ✰ Index (+ fics here)
Every day, at some point, you got struck by the fact that you were Miguel O’Hara’s girlfriend. 
You just simply couldn’t believe it. Like, at what fucking moment that happened?.
You met him as a late teenager (around 2-3 years ago), and now, starting your young adult days, it happened. 
He knew you were a pain in the ass from the beginning. But ever since the first day, he tolerated you. Only to be increasing his affection for you day after day of having you in the team. 
Until the change was evident between you two. You were always clinging to him like a koala. He only rolled his eyes every time you bothered him but never scolded you. The only person besides Lyla that was always in his office was you.
Lyla, that sneaky little burden….
“Did you make evaluations for the anomaly?…” Miguel’s voice startled you. When you looked down at your wrist, you accepted the communication to see his image on your watch and answer him.
“Just finished it…” you say, looking around the old train station. Earth - 9664 hosted a female lizard. And to be honest, it scared you a little.
“And?…” he urged you to continue.
“It’s moving towards the East…” The technology of the watch lets you know that your enemy is near you.
“Go and corner her. If you go to the south and turn left, you will corner her,” he indicated with a low voice.
“On it, bitch….”
“Did you just?-…” you find a moment to giggle after insulting your boyfriend.
“Sorry. You know lizards scare me….” 
“I curse a lot when I’m nervous or stressed…” you didn’t know, but the man smiled back at the HQ.
“I know, little one….” Oh, you loved every time he decided to give you a nickname. Which didn’t happen very often.
“Alright, mi amor. Time to beat this…” you say, arming yourself with courage; you sigh.
“You can do this. I’ll be with you the whole mission and waiting for you when you come back….” you knew he would.
A loud grunt and violent movements near you evidently were getting closer. Fucking lizards and their stupid necessity to experiment with things out of their control.
When you came back, you were greeted by Gwen and Miles. They turned to look at the just-opened portal and quickly ran to you.
“Damn. What the hell happened to you?” Gwen asked, inspecting you.
“That hideous lizard!. It came with acid spit and everything!” Your hair was a mess; part of your suit was a disaster. Your left shoulder was bare, and a big burn was decorating the skin.
“Acid hit your skin?” Miles asked worriedly and shocked, handing a water bottle.
“Yeah. None of this would’ve happened if-… Where’s Miguel?” The teenagers look at each other, and you keep sighing.
“She left with Lyla an hour ago….” They know you’re slightly pissed; how you roll your eyes and then throw your head back is a clear sign of anger.
“What? Why?” You finally ask in disbelief.
Miguel was supposed to guide you through the mission, not leave with Lyla to do God knows what.
“A report got lost and apparently was important,” Gwen explains, reaching to take your weak body and help you...
“He left me for a missing report?. Oh, he’s…” but you didn’t finish because you moved your shoulder, and the pain was unbearable. 
As Miles and Gwen escort you to the medical aisle of the HQ, all the other spider people turn to look at the mess that you are. 
“Easy… I’ve never interacted with acid, but it sounds frightening,” Gwen admits kindly. You nod at her. Even when she’s just younger than you by little, both of you work well. 
“Why has your skin not fallen apart?” 
“I’m half spider, half butterfly, Miles. Remember?” your skin worked in different ways. It was shiny and firm. Soft but when injured, it healed a little slower than it should.
“Are your wings okay?” Gwen asks, your arms move a little only to confirm your wings were fine, but they hurt. You could grow cute butterfly wings like a tattoo inked to your skin. It was pretty cool.
“Yeah, well… I don’t know.” You admitted, but thankfully, the three of you were at the medical aisle. Spider-doctor kindly gave you a private room, making Miles and Gwen wait outside. 
“You’re fine. But I need 12 hours of rest at least. Okay?” you nod at him. After that, Spider-doctor left, and you spent hours with Miles and Gwen. Even Hobie and Pavitr played cards, brought you food, and chatted.
But Miguel didn’t come for the whole ass evening. Between talks with your friends, you mentally cursed your asshole boyfriend.
Sometime after Doctor-spider checked on you again and gave you a syringe of vitamins, Miguel's tall and broad figure entered the room.
“Hey…” his sweet voice almost made you forget you were mad at him. He came closer to take a look at you. 
Immediately his eyes looked at your chest, noticing you were only wearing a strapless top because your shoulder was covered in bandages and dry blood. 
Your right cheek was slightly purple, and some scratches covered your neck. 
“Don’t you dare to ask if I’m okay or that you’re sorry, Miguel O’Hara,” you say firmly, looking at his pouting face? He might be sorry, but you didn’t want to hear it. 
“I’m sorry…I really am” he has to kneel beside the hospital bed. Cause he’s so tall that even on his knees, he could barely face you. 
“Oh really?… Even if a report was missing, I would have stayed with you the whole time. Bad boyfriend…” he wants to laugh when you say the last two things crossing your arms and looking to the window, away from him.  
But he was trying, ridiculously trying to be good enough for you.
“Yeah, right. I’m never doing it again, promise,” he stated, taking your hand. 
You really wished he was more like this every time, every single fucking day.
Because even as your boyfriend, he was always so damn distant.
“Don’t make promises you can’t fulfill…” How he was caressing your knuckles distracted you from your anger. He was good, very possessive, but a fantastic distant partner. 
“Look at me, please….” His sharp features, gorgeous lips, and attractive eyes greet you. You simply stare in awe.
“I hate seeing you like this. And knowing it was my fault makes me feel worse.”
“I take care of you, and you take care of me. Right?…” slowly, you smile.
“I think we’re getting on the same page, handsome” When you interlock your hand with his, he knows it’s okay. 
“Stop…” he sighs, closing his eyes. The touch of your free hand across his soft hair and scalp is always too much for him. All his worries are gone, but he knows it’s not the right time or place.
“Why? Does this remind you of something, babe?…” it makes him remember something for sure.
His head buried between your legs. A wet mess and the most erotic night of his life.
“Don’t do this to me, y/n,” he pleads. The memory of your first time with him some weeks ago was killing him because it hadn’t happened again. 
“I’ve been thinking about it…” your disguised innocence shouldn’t turn him on. No, you are innocent compared to him. You’re a burst of light. But you had to unconsciously be so hot and sweet.
“What part?” He teases back. Feeling proud and praised already.
“Everything. Though, I’m scared you won’t fit in again next time…” there it is. You knew his weak point. The amount of ego he needed. 
“Oh, butterfly. You want to find out?” You nod, slightly spreading your legs, lifting the ruffled hospital gown you had. 
His lips brush yours when someone something interrupts the moment.
Instantly you pull the gown down, and Miguel pulls away from you. 
“Oh, hey. Sorry to interrupt!” It’s Lyla, always smiling and moving energetically around you two. You feel awkward.
“An anomaly has appeared on earth-1234, boss,” she alerts happily.
Earth-1234, Does that even exist?.
Miguel sighs. His serious tone and distance from you are back. While you welcomed the private affection, you disliked letting him go. Because you didn’t have enough of him, maybe you never would.
“We need to go to the monitors and trace a plan. Do I call Jessica? Or Peter?” The AI asked, completely ignoring you. 
Which made you feel uncomfortable feeling on your chest. And you refused to let it take control.
“Whoever is available first,” your boyfriend says, returning to see you. 
“I’m not taking too much. Sleep, and I’ll be here when you wake up” Knowing there was no other option, you nod.
You know he’s not gonna kiss you or pet you. He’s just going to leave because Lyla was there. 
So something possessed you to say something out loud.
“Love you…” it wasn’t the first time. He had said it; you had too. But never in public, just in the privacy of you two.
“…me too,” he says, with his mask on. He means it, but he’s awkward about saying it out loud. Because he doesn’t want to show anyone he could be soft. 
And you try to convince yourself you had said that I love you out loud because Miguel couldn’t kiss you that night. 
Because that would compensate for the lack of communication and time together. 
But deep down, you said it out loud so Lyla could hear.
A new area in the cafeteria allows you to sit outside and have a beautiful view of the city and the clear sky.
You always fight for a table over there. The closer your lunch was to sunset, the cooler the sky looked. 
“Hey… there’s my favorite flying spider,” Peter greeted, sitting next to you, placing his tray of food and Mayday on the table.
“Hello to my favorite spider father and spider baby duo,” you salute back. They both giggle, even if Mayday is less than a year old.
“How have you been?” The older man asks. You debate whether to say anything about your increasing insecurity or not.
“I’m good. I’ve missed you two,” you had to admit. Peter was so kind when you met him; everyone said he was a bad mentor. But you believed he had some talent.
“Same. This missy here always gets fussy when she hears your voice” That information melted your heart. Causing you to reach for Mayday and hug her tightly.
“Oh, Mayday. I love you like you were my sister” Peter had already asked you to be his kid godmother because MJ wanted to organize a baptism for little Mayday.
“My spider sense tells me you’re not comfortable. Mind to elaborate?” The man changed the subject suddenly. So you decided, if Peter had to learn Miguel was your boyfriend, fuck it.
“Have you ever thought about where Lyla comes from?” Your question made him furrow, ignoring that Mayday was eating a slice of apple from your salad. 
“What? Why?” 
“She spends a lot of time with Miguel….” You hoped Peter wouldn’t start asking more questions about Miguel.
“Well, she’s like Miguel’s second hand.” 
“Yeah, but-, When did she start sticking around? I’m just curious,” Peter shrugs.
“She was already here when I entered. Some say Jessica brought it here. Others…” When he leaned to whisper, it made you nervous.
“There’s an old rumor. JUST A RUMOR… That Miguel created Lyla based on his…late lover.” 
“WHAT?” You asked in horror.
“I know. Sounds terrible, but… honestly? I don’t know either. I’ve never asked him.”
Hobie startled you with the sound of his tray banging against the table. Miles, Gwen, and Pavitr were already seated when you looked around.
“What sounds terrible?” Pavitr asked, but you didn’t know whether to answer or not. 
“Would you guys think I’m crazy for being jealous of Lyla spending too much time with Miguel?” Everyone stood quiet, looking at you like you were the weirdest creature in all universes.
“Why?” Gwen asked, with her pierced brow arched.
“Cause-, uh-… He’s my boyfriend.” A new wave of silence and looks ruled the table.
Until everyone kind of digested the information and started acting like the fire drill of The Office show. 
“NO WAY, WHAT?” Miles yelled. Gwen checked your forehead to see if you were okay and not on some delirious fever moment.
“I wasn’t expecting this…” Hobie didn’t act very surprised, but of course, he was.
“When did this happen? Why you didn’t tell us?” Asked an offended Peter, taking Mayday from your arms as a punishment.
“Because…ugh-, It was a new relationship and-, I-, I- wanted to make sure it was real-“ you’re nervous. And the fact that their looks are fixated on you makes you feel even more nervous.
“How long?” Asks Pavitr starting to eat.
“Like… two or three months?” They nod and start acting like it is apparent.
“Okay. That explains a lot… but, How?” The blonde girl’s question makes you remember how everything started.
“We met when I was your age…”
“And Uhm-. I don’t know; we always had a soft spot for each other. Only now that I’m a little older, it just happened” Since Pavitr and Peter are the only ones in relationships, they nod with a little smile. Like two little lovers who know what you’re talking about.
“That’s very sweet…” Your friend Pav was a helpless romantic. And it shows.
“And what has to do with Lyla?” Hobie asked.
“She’s very nosy…and Miguel never stops her from being nosy.” 
“Yesterday. I stayed late with Miguel keeping track of the anomaly recordings. And we-, uh, we were kissing. Then she appeared out of nowhere, and with one sentence, she had Miguel out of the room, leaving me alone” Instantly, Gwen and Miles remembered the incident of some days ago when you came back from fighting with that lizard. 
“Lyla has always been with Miguel. But… maybe you should talk to him,” Peter suggested, but they received your head shaking after no.
“I can’t. He makes me nervous as hell.”
“But he’s your boyfriend….” Miles reminded you.
“So? He still makes me nervous” They couldn’t blame you. Miguel was… imposing.
“Just talk to him…” Since Peter was the oldest in the group, you knew he was right.
And you took a decision hours later, you would avoid your boyfriend. 
Because the more you thought about the rumor Peter told about, the more freaked out you started to feel.
You successfully left the HQ that night without telling Miguel anything. 
He noticed it; you were being distant. Sending him a little awkward smile before you left with Mayday to the ladies' room. 
“I think she’s avoiding me, Lyla,” the AI shrugged.
“But you’ve been great. All the things we reviewed… Isn’t it enough?” She speaks worriedly.
“I don’t know…” he replied distantly. 
“Well, let’s try harder. I’m a busy gal, and you have to get the girl” Her giggles made Miguel roll his eyes.
“I meant, keep. Keep the girl, boss” After that, she disappeared. 
When Miguel tried to find you, he learned you had already left the HQ.
The curiosity to eat authentic Puerto Rican food was killing you. Miles had invited you and Gwen to his mom’s birthday party. You had met her once, and she was so sweet, his father too. His family had this fantastic warmth that made you feel welcome.
So the three of you agreed to meet at the HQ an hour before the event. 
Many of your coworkers looked weirdly at you cause you weren’t wearing your suit. You had a halter top, wide jeans, and a pair of sexy boots. Your wings were safely inked to your skin, and the top did an excellent job showing them off. 
A hoodie hangs on your forearm, and a little gift box is in your right hand. Only a little set of fine jewelry. 
“Boo!” You jump at Gwen, scaring you. She’s wearing a dress and jacket with sneakers. Very much of her style.
“Damn, Gwen!. You scared me….”
“Hey, you look hot,” she said, sending you a smirk.
“That wasn’t the intention; it’s a family party. By the way, you also look very pretty” She thanks you, and seconds later, Miles comes in. 
“Hey! Ready?” The boy flatters you and Gwen before checking his watch and opening a new portal. 
A shiver runs through your spine because you know Miguel must be around, probably looking for you. 
Literally, you push your younger friends inside the portal.
Miguel watches you dance in the middle of the rooftop with Gwen and the other guys. You seem happy, unbothered, and peaceful. He understood that maybe Lyla was right; he didn’t need a daily checkout to see how he was doing. He needed to be himself and make you happy. 
Yes, he had followed to earth-1610. Because he was losing his mind over what he did wrong to cause your distance. 
Seeing you so happy and having fun went straight to his heart because he couldn’t remember when you two had that much fun since your relationship started.
So he dressed like an average person with his suit underneath and took the courage to walk into the party. Because Pavitr told him that it was Miles’s mom's birthday party. Hobie refused and basically said fuck off to Miguel. So with Pavitr's words in mind, he was entering the party. 
The Latin music was evident, and everyone laughing. He got closer and caught you singing a song in Spanish and dancing. The sight was attractive for Miguel, a definitive turn-on.
Slowly, he stood behind you, making you jump. 
Sure, you were surprised to see your asshole boyfriend with a hand on your hip, in casual clothing, outside the HQ.
“Miguel? What the hell are you doing here?” You’re in shock. Gwen looks closer and blinks, unable to believe what she’s seeing. So she nudges Miles, and his reaction is the same.
“You’re avoiding me….” you get blushed. The embarrassment of the cause of your distance from him, and the anger towards his attitude, and Lyla. Ugh…
“What? No. I’m not avoiding you….” he sends you a prominent look. Trying to tell you he’s not stupid.
“Yes, you are….” Before you can say anything else, Gwen drags Miles and stands beside the two of you.
“What are you doing here?” Gwen asks, judging your lover. Miles is quiet and slightly nervous that the man who tried killing him some time ago was at his home.
“I need to talk with y/n” Miles shrugs at Miguel’s comment. While he sips the soda from a red cup.
“Why? It’s our free day, man. And you don’t like the dangers of going to random universes if there are no anomalies” You stay quiet. Only glancing between the pair of teenagers and Miguel.
“Because, Miles… She’s my girlfriend. And I don’t have to worry because the only Spider-Man and Spider-Girl of this earth are in front of my eyes.” No one was expecting him to publicly confirm he was your boyfriend. 
“Now… we’re going inside to the hallways to talk. Privately…” Before anyone can add anything, his giant hand drags you across the rooftop inside the building. 
“Now, would you tell me what it’s going on?” He asks calmly. You sigh, hands on your hips.
“Okay… I feel-“
Maybe it was the most reasonable idea to maturely talk about the issue. But everything goes to hell when Lyla appears between you two.
“Woah. Am I late? Hope not to cause-“
“GOD!. She’s my problem!” You spit out, tired and highly irritated. And there was no turning back; you had to do this with both being present.
“Me?” Lyla asks, offended.
“Look, she’s known me for some time now, and you keep treating me like a ghost.” 
“She’s always interrupting us and taking you away from me. The only thing left is her interrupting us in the middle of the action bed to give you a new list of anomalies” Both stand there quietly. Super awkward and uncomfortable. At least the hallway of that floor is empty, and the sound of the music coming from the rooftop.
“And I don’t know if I’m fucking jealous or not. But I’m certainly hurt, and this is so embarrassing, so… I’m just-gonna… leave.” 
“It’s nothing personal, Lyla. I’m sorry. And I wouldn’t be opposed if you choose to break up with me, Miguel” Your cheeks were burning, dying out of cringe. So you awkwardly run downstairs, and once you are far enough, you spread your wings to fly and swing with your webs through the city. 
This thing of being in love was making you crazy.
You spent two days with Gwen. In case Miguel tried to break up with you at your home on earth-1610, in your apartment. Or, in case he wanted to reach you in the HQ. 
You just wanted to postpone the moment. 
 You couldn’t because an emergency emerged, and even Jessica called you.
“Hey, I’ve been covering you for two days. But this is an emergency. We need you. Relax, it will only be Spider-Cat, Hobie, and I,” she alerted you through the watch. 
“I’ll see you on earth-3344 in ten….”
It was 7:00pm on Gwen’s universe. She was out, and the whole two days you spent with her, you were crying and sobbing all over her place.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… FUCK” You keep cursing as you hurry to get your suit. At least you took a shower the day before.
You look okay. Your eyes were red from evidently crying for long periods. Aside from that, everything seemed stable.
So you leave a note for Gwen and make your way to earth-3344.
The showers are empty. You keep singing Stars Dance like you are part of a music video.
I'll make you whisper my name
And never leave the room
Night and day, I'II be your muse
No other girl can make you feel the way I do.
You had a good voice, you had to admit.
After the fight with some alternate venom, you ended up as a mess, so you decided to use the showers of the HQ and then call it a day. 
Luckily, you hadn’t thought about Miguel and your stupid tantrum about him and Lyla. Your mind was on what you would have for dinner that night.
I can make the stars dance
Light up the moon
I can make the stars dance
If you want me to.
“Found her, boss. The ladies showers on the eighth floor,” You scream when you hear a voice behind you. Lyla is there, talking to someone.
“WHAT THE HELL?” You yell again, gripping your towel harder. There was no time to process what was happening; you just looked worried at the AI.
“There you are. Miguel has been looking for you like crazy. He’s coming right now!” Your eyes widen exaggeratedly, so you rush to turn and grab your things.
“WHAT?. No, no, no…” she’s offering a big smile. 
“Gosh. I’m just in a towel, you know?”
“Oh. Don’t be ridiculous. I’m an AI!” And that’s when you remembered what you said about her last time. So you sigh, trying to find some time to apologize to her.
“Look… I’m sorry about the other day. It’s just… I miss him, and… we’re both busy. So I really treasure every moment I have with him.” Lyla tilts her head and starts pacing in circles around you. 
“It’s okay. I knew it was wrong. But Miguel really wanted to check in with me after everything interaction you two had” You frown, confused at her words.
“What?, Why?…”
“Cause he wants to make you happy, silly. And I’ve tried to tell him that it would be better if he decided to be spontaneous rather than a perfectionist” Instantly, your heart softened twice. A smile appeared on your face, and you couldn’t help but stare at your feet.
“He wants to take things slow and thought spending too much time together would make you want space from him. I guess it turned out the opposite of what he expected” You nod. Because him bringing Lyla to stay away from you caused all this.
And he came in. Closing the door behind him. You remember you were still in a towel, and your hair was wet. 
“Thanks, Lyla” The AI nodded and gave you a friendly wink before disappearing.
You and Miguel stared in silence at each other for some minutes. He stepped further toward you, and the invasion of privacy didn’t bother you.
“I know.” You start, shrugging. Telling him that you are aware of his reasons to add Lyla every time he could.
“You should have told me before acting like an immature bitch and taking it out on Lyla” The memory of you yelling at Miles building makes you cringe. But Miguel is fixated on your clean face and how pretty you are. He had lost everything, but now… You were his everything.
Knowing that you wanted more of him calmed him. 
“I don’t want to break up with you because of what happened.”
“I just want this to work out” his raspy voice and deep eyes are enough to make you nervous. So you just nod, grabbing his hand.
“Me too. But it would not last if things continued like now” There’s a little echo in the room. Only a single window illuminated the showers in green and blue tones. 
In your head, it was the perfect time to kiss him. A hazy scenario, ideal for a kiss.
“I’m sorry. The event of the lizard and acid still haunts me…” he admits closing his eyes briefly.
“Hey, it’s okay. Look, there’s not even a single scar on my skin….” you say, looking at your bare shoulder. 
“I see that.” Miguel didn’t mean to sound so lustful, but he did. He couldn’t help his anatomy to increase blood to certain areas. 
“I can hear your heartbeats, dear” Your giggles make him want to blush. 
“I won’t trespass until I apologize, little one” Of course, he would say something like that.
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too…” you reply, pouting.
“We don’t say it very often, but I-“
“I love you,” he says immediately, surprising you. But it’s more than enough. You have him, and you wouldn’t let him go again.
So you gently push him towards a bench facing the mirror and vanity where your stuff rests.
He lets you take the lead. There’s no turning back when he spreads his legs and grabs your hips to cage you between them.
“I like this….Now kiss me.” He likes your eagerness because it drives him crazy how you could also be so shy and sweet at the same time. 
Your chaotic attitude matches his stoic presence. And it never failed.
“Are you sure? Cause I don’t think I will be able to stop” Oh, you love that tone, the one he used the first he marked you as his.
“I think we should call Lyla” He can’t laugh.
“Now you want to call her?”
“To soundproof the room?” 
“Smart little fairy…” he coos, and you instantly switch to the most passive girlfriend. You think it’s because of the new nickname. His little fairy…how cringe and sweet at the same time.
And he knows it. 
So you let the towel fall. And like an animal instinct, your wings spread open, leaving you bare in front of him. 
“Care to make us a safe room?” his eyes never leave the sight of your naked body, but he shoots out one of his shiny orange/red webs to lock the door of the showers.
As he makes you straddle him. You have to close your eyes at the feeling of his fangs brushing the soft skin of your neck. It tickles and sends shivers through your body. 
But finally, he kisses you. It’s slow but very passionate. He takes the time to draw patterns through your naked back, barely brushing your wings. And make his lips give you the pleasure of feeling lost in the moment. 
He hadn’t even touched you most intimately, and you feel like you had taken another shower.
Your body looks impossibly smaller compared to his broad figure. His hair starts to fall against his forehead, mixing with his sweat, turning you on more than it should.
“M-Miguel. Make love to me, please.” You finally plead. Surrendering to his charms.
“I’ll do more than that, amor.” 
When his claws grasp your hips, it’s over; you’re a goner. 
“Miguel?” You ask shyly. 
He looks deeply into your eyes, ready to fulfill your desires. Because he can’t deny how much he loves you anymore.
“Please don’t stop kissing me,” so he does.
Cause you want him in every way. Accepting you’ve fallen too hard on him.
𝐀/𝐍_ A year ago on this week I had a car accident that haunted the rest of my 2022. And now, I GOT TICKETS TO SEE TAYLOR SWIFT IN LA 😭, I successfully registered for my third semester of college and I'm making some money online, I'm so thankful and happy. So this writing was therapy to handle my happiness.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Reader discovers how to use her super speed powers again while shes hanging out with all the other spiders (miles, gwen, pav, ofc her bf hobie) and they decide to go swinging around the city on her planet while shes running instead (maybe theyre having a race or something idk)
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬... 𝐏𝐭 𝟏𝟏
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“Okay, so basically, you have super speed and you can control time?!” Miles exclaimed, as he drunk his shake.
“Well.. I used to be able to. I can’t do either anymore. I don’t know why but..” you shrugged, taking a sip of yours and Hobies drink.
“I definitely did not see that coming.” Gwen mumbled.
“Yeah, my girl is even cooler now, ain’t she.” He put his arm around you.
“Your girl? Thought you didn’t like labels.”
“I don’t. And you ain’t no one’s property, and you are a free woman to do whatever you want, but you are my girl.”
You looked at him in confusion but laughed. “All right then..”
“Nothing of what you just said made sense, bro.” Pavitr said.
You all laughed.
“I say.. we all have a race. Like a swinging race.”
“What about me?” You asked.
“You can run.. who knows maybe your power will come back.” Miles said, as a joke.
“Ha ha, very funny. Sure, that’s cool.” You hit his arm.
“Sounds good to me.” Pavitr said.
“Sure.” Hobie shrugged.
“Cool.” Gwen said.
You all left after a while, everyone getting ready to start swinging.
“Okay, so where do we meet?”
“Just like uh…that one park we went to.” Miles said.
“Alright.” You said.
“That’s like… 3 miles away.” Miles looked at you.
You sighed.
“If it’s too much I’ll get an Uber or something.” You shrugged.
“Alright, suit yourself.”
“1, 2, and… 3!” They all started to swing, feet off the ground. As soon as you ran, something felt off. You didn’t run often, and it was odd.
First you started off normally, then the speed increased. It increased to the point where your shoes went on fire, and you were at the park in a matter of seconds. The whole team stopped for a moment and stared in shock.
“What the-“ you mumbled, yelling as you realized your shoes were on fire. The kids and parents staring at you.
You put out the fire, and sighed.
“What?” You looked at everyone staring.
You looked and saw everyone still swinging. Hobie with a giant smile on his face as you stood there in complete shock.
“This is crazy. This is absolutely fucking crazy.” You mumbled to yourself, pacing back and fourth.
Hobie raced down to you when he got on the ground, around him turning a bright pink as his eye lenses were wide.
“Holy shit, that was so cool! We were all like ‘oh fuck mate, what the fuck is that?’ And I haven’t gotten a scooby doo on how it happened but-“
“Hobie what the fuck am I supposed to do?!” You grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t wanna live my life running like the fuckin’ flash!”
“Don’t know who that is, but I’m sure he’s cool.”
“He is but I don’t want this.. these stupid.. oh my god. Does this mean my time powers are back to?”
“Holy shit. My future wife is so fuckin’ sick.” He said.
“Hobie! This isn’t a good thing-“
“It should be! This is fuckin’ amazing, darling.”
You sighed. “How am I gonna explain this to Miguel? He’s already pissed that we keep jumping dimensions to meet up.”
“I’ll tell him.”
“If you don’t wanna tell him, I will.
You sighed. “All right. I’ll tell him.”
Hobie smiled and kissed you.
“Also, I kinda ruined your converse..” you said.
He looked at the shoes you had on, you lifted your leg and showed the bottom of it.
“Ehh. It’s whatever. I’ll get new ones.” He shrugged.
“By her do you by any chance mean steal?”
“You know me so well.”
“I sure do.”
Tag list:
@enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @artsykerfuffleplus @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh
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f4nrir · 1 year
a lovers quarrel
一 pairing; miguel o'harra x male reader
note: I haven't seen any male!reader for him and I am obsessed with this man. anyway, please let me know if y'all like this so I can write more for him. feedback would be appreciated!
cw: nsfw, 18+. angst, angry hate sex, slight dub-con, anal, overstimulation, face slapping, power bottom!reader.
summary: you get into an argument with miguel regarding the situation with miles. you put him in his place. word count: 2.8k
݁݁⠀⠀ ،̲،̲ ⠀ . @he11mouth
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“Miguel!” was the last thing you remember saying before Miguel had broken into a fit of rage, chasing after Miles like a rabid dog. You sighed and turned around to be met with Gwen, who began to shake her head at what you were about to do. Sometimes it scared you that she could read your mind, it was a comforting feeling yet you knew that this wouldn’t be a good idea. You put on your mask and angled your wrist, shooting out a web as you swung from pole to pole in order to catch up with them both. After you saw them in your line of sight, you jumped down and began to run on both feet, easily catching up with Miguel. He noticed you from his peripheral vision and growled in anger, knowing that meant he was extremely upset. His pace fastened as he knew what you were about to do. However, you were smarter than that and jumped, slamming him down onto the ground to have him let go of the grip he had on Miles. 
“Go Miles, now!” your voice boomed loudly and the teenager looked at you with sorrow yet gratefulness in his eyes. He didn’t take another second to run away, being able to escape Miguel’s wrath. Miguel looked at you with anger and distrust as he watched you let Miles go, thinking you knew better than to side with a boy you barely knew. He felt as if the relationship you two had built meant nothing to you as you were able to betray him without hesitance, no regard as to how he’d feel. That you didn’t think before acting and now he lost control, he lost power in a situation. 
He took off his mask, being met with his disheveled hair and blood-red eyes. “Why would you do that!” he yelled, gripping tightly onto his mask. You have never seen him so angry before and you took off your own, looking him in the eye as he spoke. “You betrayed me. We were supposed to work together, we are a team! How could you be so stupid!” his words felt like venom, making your blood boil with each word that came out of his mouth. Then you did the unthinkable, “How could YOU be so stupid?” you heard loud gasps from the crowd that surrounded you both and Gwen caught up with you, landing on both feet beside you. 
You grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling his face closer to yours. “What is wrong with you? Miles is a teenager, Miguel, this isn’t some kid you can just slam into the ground! Did you ever think about his side of the story? Did you give him time to speak!?” you yelled right in his face, anger building up within him. 
“He is a threat to us. Don’t you remember what happened with Dr. Strange and that little nerd on Earth-199999?? Do you want that happening to us?” he growled in a low voice, his face just inches away from you and his hot breath ran a chill down your spine. 
“Give him a chance, Miguel. You don’t know him—“ he cut you off, “and YOU DO? Of course, you’re using emotions rather than knowledge. typical you huh? stupid and empathetic.” Those words felt like a stab to the heart and Miguel was the wielder, twisting it with all his might. 
Gwen glared up at him and sneered, gently rubbing your back as you stepped away from him. “How fucking dare you, Miguel.” you didn’t give him time to respond as you walked away with Gwen before swinging together in synchrony, hoping that there was still time to catch up with Miles. 
Peter walked up behind him and Miguel looked down in shame, realizing the words that he said were extremely disrespectful. “What the fuck was that dude?” Peter asked and Miguel shook his head, putting his hand out to make him stop. 
“Everyone, just... don’t chase after them, I’ll take care of it myself,” he then walked away in the opposite direction, making his way toward the headquarters as everyone went back to what they were doing. 
Miles wasn’t too up ahead as you realized that he heard your fight, feeling guilty that he had heard the exchange of words between you both. The three of you sat down by a nearby ledge, watching your legs as they swung against the cold airy breeze. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d cause this big of a mess,” Miles’ head hung low and you pat his shoulder, gently squeezing it. 
“It’s okay, kiddo. I know you’ve only been here for a few days but I know you mean well. Miguel’s just.. uh.. protective. The alteration in Dr. Strange’s world caused massive destruction and would refuse to let that happen here too.” you let out a deep sigh and toyed with your web shooter, unable to stay still. The words echoed in your mind and you felt as if you were weak to give this boy a chance. Gwen leaned her head against your shoulder and you smiled at her, grateful for the relationship you both have developed. You were like an older brother figure to her as you helped guide her for the last several months, never leaving her side as she did the same for you. 
“You didn’t deserve that though. Miguel can be pretty irritable, although I understand he has a lot of stress on his shoulders but he should never speak to someone like that,” Gwen spoke with disappointment in her voice and Miles hummed in agreement, knowing that was wrong for him to do. 
“It’s... okay, I understand why. I’ll just talk to him and I’ll let you guys know alright? Don’t worry about it.” you flashed them both a smile and they nodded in response as you jumped off the ledge you sat at, making both of them gasp in surprise. Gwen was about to go after you until Miles stopped her, knowing that you'd catch yourself. You swung from building to building as your loud “woo’s!” could be heard all throughout the lobby. The pair exhaled in relief, watching you disappear from their sight.
You arrived home and you sighed to yourself before you opened the door to your shared home. “Miguel?” you called out as you noticed faint noises coming from one of the rooms, either Miguel was home or he left the television on again even though you’ve reminded him numerous times not to leave it on. You made your way to your bedroom and saw your boyfriend sitting there with his arms crossed, eyes focused on the television. You glanced over at it, realizing he was just watching one of his telenovela series. 
“You really aren't gonna talk to me?” you asked, clear bitterness in your voice. Miguel snickered, as he turned off the tv and faced you. 
“Why should I apologize? You betrayed me.” You ruffled up your hair in frustration, raising your balled-up fist in the air before settling it down. 
“You just never learn. Talk to me when you want to be mature.“ you turned around to exit the room, however, he caught you off guard as he shot his web in one swift motion, trapping you in here with him. The web landed on the door knob and you groaned, realizing you’d have to clean it up later as Miguel’s webs were incredibly sticky and durable. It was reliable in certain circumstances and you hated it in others. Turning around once again, you faced Miguel with a defeated look. 
“What do you want?” you asked as you attempted to make your way to your closet but was stopped by a strong force. Miguel grabbed your wrist and threw you onto the mattress, hovering above you.
Miguel didn’t speak as he let his actions do it all for him. He pinned you down underneath him as he placed kisses on your neck, digging his sharp fangs into your skin. You yelped and gripped onto his shoulders, attempting to get him off of you but realize you were at a disadvantage. 
“Get off m..me-“ he cut you off by pressing his lips against yours, pulling you into a rough yet lustful kiss. You moaned against him as your hands found their way into his hair, your fingers tangling in his locks. You tugged ever so roughly, emitting a moan from the other. He began to grind against you, your bulge growing as the minutes passed. You hissed at the contact as you grew more sensitive to your cocks frotting against each other. 
Miguel pulled away, desperately taking off his clothes, and urged you to do the same thing. You sat up slightly and tampered with your suit, managing to get it off within a timely manner. He pulled you into another kiss, but you had an advantage this time. You flipped both of you over, pinning him below you as you straddled his lap. 
“I hated how you talked to me today,” you whispered in his ear, as there was venom in your tongue with how you enunciated your words. You grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look up at you. Miguel looked at you with lustful and slutty eyes, practically begging to be fucked.
“I’m sor—“ You slapped his cheek, leaving a bright red handprint on his face. “Are you really sorry, Miguel?” 
“Y..yes, sir I’m s-“ another hit, and you noticed him flinch in surprise. “Sorry, didn’t hear you loud enough. What did you say?”
“I’m sorry!” he exclaimed, having a slight tone in his voice. You always knew how to put Miguel in his place; this was one of the easiest ways to weaken him. Although you felt a bit bad, you knew he enjoyed it as he reassured you numerous times it is okay to do that to him.  
“That’s a good boy.. that’s all you had to do,” you placed a kiss on his temple, and to his surprise, you grabbed his hair and made him look at you. 
“Here’s what we’re going to do... I’m going to please myself and use you. Got it?” Miguel whined and you let out a laugh, shaking your head at his response. 
“How pathetic. Only if everyone knew how much of a whore you are,” you looked over at your nightstand and grabbed the lube, lathering up his cock as you hover over it. Miguel winced at the temperature of the liquid but settled down right as you began touching him, quickly taking away that privilege and he bucked his hips up in the air. 
You wrapped your hand around his neck, squeezing lightly at first on the sides. Miguel moaned, being caught off guard by your sudden movement. He let out a cough as you squeezed once again, but harder this time. “No touching.” you sternly ordered and he scoffed in response. Miguel then grabbed your waist and lined himself up against you, attempting to thrust inside of you in one go. You felt the tip of his head enter you and you gasped, before turning your attention back to him. You grabbed both of his arms and cuffed his wrists to the bed posts, thanking your lucky stars that you didn’t put it away the previous night. 
“You disgusting pervert,” you leaned back and slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, moaning out loud as it stretched you out from all over. Miguel’s hips began shaking as you began to move, keeping a steady slow pace of riding. 
“ ¡a..ah mi vida, lo siento. por favor más rapido, mas rapido- agh!” he whined into the atmosphere of your bedroom, feeling the air become humid as the room filled up with the scent of sex. 
“No, vete a la mierda. Tú te hiciste esto Miguel..” you growled in his ear and tears began to well up in his eyes, only laughing in his face as you quickened your pace. 
"F—fuck, Miguel..” you threw your head back as you moaned out his name proudly, earning a louder sound from him. Miguel was a mess underneath you as his legs began shaking even further, knowing that meant his orgasm was coming soon. You continued to quicken your pace, feeling your own legs tremble and the warm feeling into your stomach pool within. 
You placed your palms against his chest as you rode out your climax, painting it all over his stomach. Miguel cried as he reached his own and came inside of you, continuing your pace from before.
“Please! s—stop, I’m sorry, please. mi amor, por— agh!” he begged for you like a pathetic dog as you felt him melt underneath you, giving into submission. You smirked down at him as his eyelids fluttered open, his expression looking dazed. 
You got off of him and he mumbled thank you under his breath, desperately bucking his hips into the air. 
“I’m not done with you yet, Miguel” his eyes widened as you used the cum from your orgasm to pump your cock, using it as your own lube. You got in between his legs and he tried to kick away from you but you pinned both of his legs down. “Careful. You might end up torturing yourself even further,” you then lined yourself up against him and wasted no time thrusting inside of him in one go. Miguel yelled out your name, begging for you to stop but you knew it was just one of his antics. He knew your safe word, although he’s never had to use it. He knew he was safe with you but disliked the process of getting punished. 
You looked down on him from above and Miguel continues to scream out your name, feeling completely ruined and used as you showed no mercy in fucking him. 
“You wanna apologize to me one more time, hm?” you grabbed his face and he nodded his head frantically, slurring “I’m sorry” under his breath as he felt overstimulated. “I’m sorry, please I’m so sorry. I should’ve never yelled at y..you— I should’ve been kinder, please—“ he pleaded and you tilted your head, “please what?”
“S.. stop, please..” he whined and threw his head back as you continued to slam into him, hitting his prostate over and over again. Miguel clutched into your back, dragging his nails across your skin and muscles. You winced at the pain, knowing his sharp claws would leave scars on your skin once it’s healed. 
“You don’t want to stop, don’t you? You like feeling like this,” you then took him in your hand, pressing your thumb against the head of his cock. 
“Fuck! I.. I can’t, oh god it’s too much—“ he cried and you fastened your pace, now rubbing his slit. Miguel began to sob out in overstimulation as you jerked him off, refusing to pull your hand away.
“I need to.. cum.. please sir let me— Please I’ll be good, I won’t speak to you like that again. Please sir, plea— Agh!” your thrusts became lazy but each slam was rough and hard as you got yourself ready for your orgasm. 
“Do it with me, Miguel” you murmured under your breath as you both moaned out loud together, coming undone at the same time. You stayed inside him for a few more seconds, almost up to a minute as you wanted every drop to stay inside him. 
“You did so good, my sweet boy,” you pressed a soft kiss on his forehead and he panted, arching his back in response.
You pulled out of him, watching your cum leak out of his stretched-out hole. You groaned, noticing your dick was still hard but did not want to continue as you noticed he was dazed from it all. You took him off the handcuffs and kissed his wrists, rubbing them gently with your hands as they looked red and sore. Miguel smiled at you, peppering your hands with soft kisses. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that,” he gently grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. You placed a kiss on his thumb and you took his hand, pressing his palm against your cheek. 
“You’re okay, cariño. I’m sorry too— I should’ve not been rude or quick to de-“ Miguel hushed you, placing a finger against your lips. You blushed, as you looked at his veiny calloused hands. 
“Not your fault. I’m sorry, I should’ve been easier on Miles,” He smiled at you, but took no time to grab your jaw to make you look at him. You squirmed in his touch, trying to break out of it. Miguel then towered over you, pinning you down onto your back and he took your cock in his hand. 
“Since you’ve had fun, it’s my turn,” he smirked and dug his fangs into your neck, drawing blood with his bite. You bucked your hips up against him, earning a low chuckle from the other. 
It was going to be a long night.
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berriweb · 1 year
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╰┈➤ ❝ out of this world ❞
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: ̗̀➛ ft. miles morales x reader
: ̗̀➛ warnings. none
: ̗̀➛ part one / part three
: ̗̀➛ a/n. i just be writing anything fr, this wasn’t supposed to have another part but now i can’t stop writing, I’ll write a part three when i feel like it and this once against isn’t proof read so if you see a typo no you don’t :)
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Miles screwed up.
As he swung from building to building, taking a moment to stop and perch on a street lamp as his head tilted to the side, his eyes were trained on Gwen but his mind seemed to be elsewhere.
Well, that wasn’t the right word for it. It was everywhere. Between trying to find out what was up with Gwen, knowing he was in deep shit with his parents and the fact that he was on bad terms with you, he didn’t know what to worry about more. Before Spider-Man had been an escape from his own life when he didn’t want to deal with it, but now in some sick sense of irony his secret persona only seemed to be making his life worse.
Miles picked up the pace to catch up with Gwen as she swung through the city, but just as she turned a corner he recognized the street they were on. It was where you lived, in fact he could see your building from there. For just a moment he caught himself in a dilemma, slowing down just enough to stick to the wall and climb towards the window he knew was connected to your bedroom. The window was closed, strange considering he knew you had a habit of leaving it cracked even on cold nights due to how stuffy the air in there could get. When he attempted to peak through the small cracks in the blinds, your room looked empty.
Shouldn’t you have been home by now?
Miles let out a sigh and backed up from the window. On one hand, he could’ve stayed to confront you when you got home, assuming you weren’t just in another part of the house, and hopefully resolved the unavoidable conflict you two had. But on the other hand…
He turned back to the streets, seeing Gwen had gained distance in the few seconds he had stopped, almost just out of sight. If he stopped now he’d never get answers. He’d never know what she was really here for or why she’d have to leave, he might never see another Spider-Man again.
The mask hid the guilty expression he wore as he jumped from the wall, swinging from building to building while promising himself that he’d give you all of his attention as soon as he was done figuring this all out before landing at the crime scene of what he’d soon realize would be the consequence of one of his own screw ups.
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Surprises weren’t always a good thing.
Between the multitudes of flashing colors and scenes, the exhilarating yet terrifying sensation of never ending falling that seemed to take forever, and the blood rushing to your head, you couldn’t even begin to make out what was happening for you. For a moment, the idea that you must’ve died and were going to the afterlife crossed your mind in the few seconds that felt like hours flew by.
Maybe I tripped and hit my head on the way home? Maybe there was something in the juice and I’m hallucinating? Maybe this is all a dream?
As much as you wanted to believe any of those possibilities, they were all crushed by the realization that you couldn’t have been making this all up when in the midst of falling, you noticed what seemed like a dirty surface getting close and closer. Luckily for you, it seemed like the constant falling did have a destination. Unluckily for you, there was nothing to cushion the fall as you hit the ground with a loud thud and a gut wrenching crunch.
Pain shot across your right side as you laid there, looking up just in time to see the same warping pattern that initially pulled you in shrinking and disappearing before your eyes. ‘What the fuck?’
As aching as your body was, you knew you couldn’t just lay in that spot forever, opting to roll over onto the side that wasn’t throbbing in pain and push yourself into a sitting position. The pain in your side returned and you reached to hold your side, face twisting in pain as you winced. You’d probably broken something, a rib maybe? The adrenaline rushing through you likely being the only thing keeping you from rolling around in agony. Forcing yourself on your feet, you nearly doubled over, taking deep, slow breathes to keep yourself from freaking out and making things worse. Taking a quick look around, it seemed as if you’d been left in a dimly alleyway, garbage cans and bags lining either side. The walls looked old and past due for a pressure wash, but you weren’t too quick to judge, you’d seen worse.
Thankfully, you hadn’t managed to drop your bag and reached to fish out your phone, your other hand glued to your side to manage the pain in your abdomen. Your first thought was the open your contacts, taking a moment to decide who to call before ultimately deciding on attempting to call your mom/dad, but the call only flashed on screen for a second before your phone alerted you to the fact that you had zero service.
How is that possible?
Cursing under your breathe, you shoved it back in your back before sucking it up when you realized you’d likely just have to walk home, assuming you were even near it.
You slowly walked out of the alleyway, the smell of smoke and a rotting stench filling your nostrils that made you scrunch your nose out of disgust. Looking around, you took note of the street sign and thankfully recognized the name. You must’ve still been in Brooklyn.
You were able to map out the way home from where you were, hurriedly making your way there while also pacing your steps to aid your side. There had to be an explanation for all of this. Maybe you had secret superpowers? It’s not exactly out of the question considering all of the heroes and villains you’ve seen on the news. Teleportation, maybe? Or could it be that someone else with powers attacked you?
When you arrived at your home you settled on the fact that the portal must have been time travel, because where your apartment building should’ve been, a massive pile of left over debris and no building was in its place.
“This can’t be right…” you trailed off, looking back to double check you were on the right street. You were, same sign, same letters, but as you took a final look you finally began to notice all of the big and small inconsistencies you’d written off as misremembering things, beginning to wander down the streets. Signs weren’t the same colors as you remembered them to be, shops you visited on the daily were either gone or in the wrong spot, across the street from where they’d been before hand or worse. It wasn’t a perfect city to begin with, but now? Brooklyn looked a mess, and the state of the city left you on guard and suddenly way more concerned that you were out here with no one you knew at night.
What the hell is going on?
Stepping into a convenience store, you glanced around to take in its appearance as the bell jingled and the cashier muttered out a greeting that showed he was clearly uninterested in anyone entering his store. You were going to search for a pay phone, too rattled to bother trying to ask the man where it was. Brands had different names, items were different colors and you could just sense that something was extremely wrong. Finding a phone screwed into the wall, you fished out a few quarters to dial a number as you heard the bell ring again, only to be disappointed when the automated voice informed you that your parent’s number was somehow invalid.
Sighing in defeat, you set the phone back and took the loss of the few coins, dragging your feet as you headed for the exit, but as you reached the door you couldn’t help but freeze in your spot when you recognized the face the cashier was talking to.
“Yeah man, he’s doin’ good. We got some business to take care of later but feel free to swing by tomorrow if you want, I’ll make time,” he chuckled, taking his chance and shoving it in his pocket as he looped the plastic bag around his wrist, dapping up the clerk before heading out the door.
You had ducked into another aisle, kneeling down to avoid being seen with a hand over your mouth as you breathed heavily.
Uncle Aaron?
You were almost certain you had died now. Or at least you wanted to be, but you weren’t dumb enough to believe that. It had to be something more.
As an act of bravery, or maybe stupidity, you decided to follow him. You had no idea what would come of it, but if you couldn’t find your house or your family, making your way back to Miles was your best bet. Oh god, what would Miles think?
You trailed behind down the blocks, keeping your distance and making sure to slow your already unsteady pace to avoid being seen. It was hard to believe the man you were sure had died was now casually walking in front of you, but you didn’t know anything about your situation to be able to make an accurate guess as to what was going on, so you opted to avoid assuming anything.
It seemed like Miles place remained in the same place and in tact, as that’s where you ended up, watching him climb the steps and eventually disappear through the door. Watching from the ground below, you eyed the building before deciding to climb the fire escape. You had no clue how anyone would react to you just walking up and knocking on the door and asking for Miles, as one: for all you knew it could potentially be dangerous, if everything else changed was it possible that your relationships had too? And two: you weren’t exactly on good terms with Miles either. Making it up to the fire escape, you peered into one of the windows, getting a clear view of the living room. Aaron was greeting Miles’ mother, who seemed normal for the most part, albeit a bit more tired.
You couldn’t tell what exactly they were saying, but she had a somber look on her face and Aaron’s seemed devoid of any sort of emotion. It was unlike him, back when he was alive anyway. Shortly after, Aaron left the apartment again and you caught a glimpse of him going upstairs. You took one last look at Mrs.Morales before quickly and quietly following him, catching up just as he got on the roof and peeking up from where you stood on the steps.
He was on the phone, and the few bits of conversation you caught were all talk about some sort of plan and him reminding whoever was on the other end to be on time before chuckling.
“-yeah yeah, your mom just got back home too.” Your mom? Is that- “See you in a few.”
He hung up, and if your mind wasn’t already scrambled enough, hearing that only made it ten times worse. You wanted nothing more than for someone to sit you down and explain what was going on, but that wasn’t going to happen. Maybe if you pinched yourself hard enough you’d wake up from this nightmare. You’d be at home, laying in bed and none of this would’ve ever happened. You never would’ve scolded Miles, you wouldn’t be worrying about your relationship and you for sure wouldn’t be here.
You watched as Aaron seemed to mess around with some rusted device, it being far too complicated for you to know what it was, but he was clearly skilled at fixing it. The air suddenly became tense and you felt something tying a knot in your gut. Call it survival instincts or just a gut feeling, either way you didn’t like it, but it proved to be helpful as just after the feeling passed Aaron’s attention turned from the device to directly where you stood. Your heart sank down to the pit of your stomach.
He knows I’m here.
He rose to his feet and you instinctively jumped back, only to lose your footing on the step you were on and trip, thankfully not falling off but instead stumbling until you hit the railing, a painful reminder of the injury you’d been trying not to focus on.
“Shit!” The pain shot up your side once more, seemingly far more unbearable now that the initial shock had worn off and you gripped the railing.
A distorted voice from behind made you jolt and turn your head, holding onto your side and you made eye contact, or what you assumed was eye contact, with a black mask and jagged, glowing white eyes. The person was wearing a combination of purple and black clothing with a seemingly spray painted logo on the front of the shirt, donning gloves with pointed fingers you could only hope weren’t going to get used on you.
You took a staggered step back and bit your lip, suddenly feeling far more lightheaded. You wanted to ask who the figure was. Why were they talking to you- no, more importantly, how they knew who you were, and if they knew what was going on, but now of all times is when your injuries finally decided you were down for the count. Your head felt full of air and your vision went white, the last thing you saw being a clawed hand reaching out to stop you from toppling over the railing as you lost consciousness and fell.
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Amazed at the sight of hundreds if not thousands of other Spider-people, Miles marveled at the sight and excitedly greeting most who passed by. He could’ve spent forever reveling in the warm feeling that overcame him that moment, but that was cut short by his spidey sense when he suddenly froze and a cold feeling washed over him.
Something was wrong.
Stuck in place, he glanced around and nothing seemed to be out of place or threatening, but he couldn’t shake the sense that something bad was happening and he was somehow involved.
“Miles, you catching up or what?” Gwen called out from the small distance he’d created.
He smiled and shook his shoulder, giving an affirmative nod as he jogged to catch up with the rest of the group. Was it possible for a spider sense to give a false alarm? Miles wasn’t sure, but he was hoping on it.
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╰┈➤ ❝ tag-list ❞
— @go-to-sleep-salem, @justmare, @itzmeme, @zeyzeys-stuff, @luvaline, @chasing-liberosis, @justanerd1, @lilacsandamethysts, @j-natsuka, @planetliaa
if you want to be tagged in the next part just lmk in the replies or my askbox <3
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Grumpy Kitty, Soft Kitty
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((Miguel O’Hara x Female Reader))
A/N: Two Miggy and Sunny fics in one day?! I’m on a role lol. This one wasn’t requested, but the discord gave me a huge inspiration for this so I had to write it. I still haven’t seen the movie lol.
A/N: This takes place before ‘To Love and Hold’, this can kinda serve as an explaination as to why Sunny wants a cat. This is a short little fanfic, but if you wanna see more, check out the Masterlist, and feel free to join the discord, the inspiration for this oneshot.
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female Reader/Female Pronouns, No use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is their nickname not their name/ not an OC)), Grumpy Cat x Sweet Kitty, The young spider team messing with shit, and Miles being attacked.
It was meant to be a harmless prank.
After the events of Miles being chased down by Miguel and the anomaly was fixed, Pavitr thought it would be hilarious to use one of his villains’ gadgets to mess with Miguel as payback.
Hobie and Gwen agreed without second thought while Miles hesitated a bit. The trauma from being attacked for trying to do what was right was still fresh in his mind, so imagining what would happen if he messed with Miguel was absolutely mortifying.
Hobie decided to take one for the team and initiated the plan. It was suppose to be real simple. Turn Miguel into a harmless cat for a while and change him right back. Nothing too physically painful and with four spidermen against one cat, the consequences shouldn’t be too bad, right?
They were so wrong.
“So how’s things going with Miguel?” Jessica asks with a teasing smile. “Finally convinced him to let you move in?”
The small spider blushes as Peter laughs at the women. She mumbles under her breath, “No, Miggy says that he has to make sure me leaving the Headquarters won’t alter with the canon…”
Peter tuts as the three enter through the portal and back to The Lobby as he muses, “That sounds like someone is afraid of commitment.”
“I-I don’t think he’s-!” The trio is interrupted by a bright yellow Ai appearing before them looking like she just had the best laugh of her life. Her virtual hair was a mess while she was wiping her nonexistent tears away with a breath of relief.
“You guys. You literally need to come to the Survaliance room.” She urges with a giggle emerging. “The greatest thing is happening right now.”
Jessica and Peter look at the Ai suspiciously as the small spider tilts her head in confusion.
“What is it?” The ball of sunshine asks before a look of concern flashes over her face. “Is Miguel alright?”
“He’s certainly not.” The Ai screeches in laughter as a distinct yell can be heard. A flash of black and red runs by them as a ball of dark brown fur follows behind. The sound of Miles pleaing for help while an array of hisses and growls follows causes the small spider to swing after them.
“Hey!” She yells as she uses her web to catch the raging ball of fur, only to realize what it was.
A large Maine Coone cat with a deep rich brown coat ruffles under the sticky web as his nearly red eyes focus on Miles in rage. His little growls as he tries to wrangle free from the web come to a halt when an excited squeal cuts him off.
“IT’S KITTY!!” The cat looks up in fright as his huge frame is lift up into the familiar warm arms of the cheert SpiderWoman.
The woman’s own frame was barely bigger than the long frame of the cat as she coos at the now sedated feline. Instead of reacting violent like he was meet minutes ago, he begins to purr as her nails run through fur.
Jessica and Peter look at Miles as he slowly approaches the woman with a cautionary eye as he mumbles. “I’m so sorry, Mr. O’Hara, I didn’t mean to-!”
A low growl comes from the cat as his large tail ruffles up again at the teenager. Peter breaks into laughter as he realizes what happened as Jessica looks horrified. Sunny’s smile brightens even more as she realizes the truth of why this adorable ball of anger reminded her so much of someone.
Miguel O’Hara was turned into a cat.
“Miggy~!” She coos at the cat as she scratches under his chin. “You’re such a handsome Gatito!” She kisses his furry head as he head butts her mouth affectionately. His purrs now out loud as he enjoys being pampered after all the stress he had just went through.
Hobie and Pavitr swing on down with a guilty look on their face as Gwen follows, holding a broken device. Jessica crosses her arms as she glares at each one of the kids.
“Talk. now.” She demands as Peter continues to laugh his ass off.
“Well…” Gwen starts. “We thought that since Miguel went kinda hard on Miles during that whole canon event mess, we decided to play a harmless prank…”
“Harmless?” Jessica quirks an eyebrow as her dark eyes narrow.
Hobie even starts the sweat a little as he stutters. “We were gonna turn him right back after a couple of pictures. Then he went all mad and he jumped us.”
Pavitr gets defensive as he grabs the device from Gwen and waves it around as he emphasizes his point. “And he broke the device! Now how am I gonna explain to Gayatri why get dad’s evidence is-!”
His thumb brushes against a button as the shattered gadget lights up and shoots a beam right at the cooing woman on the ground.
To everyone’s horror, the woman disappears in a flash of smoke, leaving only the now enraged Miguel and a small rag doll cat who was meowing.
The smaller feline meows as she looks around her before the larger Maine coone growls as he glares at Pavitr.
The device was now a melted piece of goo as the teenager’s fate was now sealed.
“Lyla…” Pavitr backs away slowly as an angry cat approaches him. “Can you fix this?…”
“I can.” Lyla admits as she tries not to laugh at the gentle cat waltzes over to Jessica and flop on her back, exposing her stomach for belly rubs. “But it’s gonna take a couple of hours.”
With that, Pavitr books it as the large feline chases him. Jessica laughs as she picks up the small mewling cat and rubs her fur, “When are these two ever gonna catch a break?”
Peter scratches Sunny’s ear as she purs. “Probably never.” He chuckles.
Hours later, Lyla finally manages to recreate the device as the exhausted teens lay on the floor. Each one covered in scratch marks from either trying to escape Miguel or from trying to interact with Sunny.
Lyla laughs as the hero’s groan. “It’s finished. You guys act like cat sitting is hard or something.” She teases as she approaches the couch where the two cats were asleep curled around each other, exhausted from their wild day as cats. A symphony of purrs fill the room as smaller crème colored cat was surrounded by the larger chocolate colored cat. The AI fires the device at the pair and smiles when the sleeping couple returns to normal. However, the purring unexpectedly continued as the sleeping woman snuggles deeper into the rumbling chest of her lover.
Lyla definitely had something to hold over Miguel’s head now.
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959 notes · View notes
hanibalistic · 1 year
genre | fluff, faint angst / reader is gn
synopsis | miles found you fainted in an alleyway one day, except you died two years ago.
word count | 8175
warning | briefe violence / use of spanish phrases translated from the internet :( let me know if i'm wrong about anything! / everything i know about e-42 miles morales is from the movie / this part deviates from the movie 
parts | one, two, three, four
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There were four things you learned from what happened at the bank. 
One, Gwen's finishing touches to your glitch-prevention bracelet saved the essential parts of your body—neck down and hip up—from getting injured. Upon detecting the incoming air pressure released from the explosions, which the bracelet mistook as the effect of a glitch, it surrounded your torso with a protective shield that would have covered you fully if the blasts did not cause it to malfunction.
Two, the loyalty Rio has for her son was extraordinary. After Miles called her out to the back alley of the hospital building, she did not hesitate a second to sneak you into a vacant room and take from the hospital the medical supplies needed to treat you as best as she could. She did not ask any questions. It was one look on Miles’s anxious face, and she was on her feet, taking charge. Because of the safety measures Gwen placed in your bracelet, you did not sustain any fatal wounds, making it much easier for Rio to help you. The only problem you encountered was pain, a lot of it.
Three, Miles has done terrible things. He was the prowler, whatever that meant. The explosions were one of the significant steps in a bank heist that he, Uncle Aaron, and Gwen took up as a side project. Most of the time, they work on lucrative commissions offered by the likes of Kingpin, whoever that was. Kidnapping, assault, and even murder were not irregular to him. He confessed that he had killed someone before, and you asked him to stop it at that.
Four, after shutting yourself out from everyone, except for letting Rio bring you food occasionally, you realized you couldn’t care less about what Miles has done.
The thought haunted you, leaving you in an endless debate with yourself. How dare you let go of your conscience? How dare you treat a criminal with kindness? How dare you look a killer in the eyes and see someone different than their dirty past? To say you were distraught would be an understatement, as the accusations your mind kept throwing at yourself were the least troublesome hurdle to jump through. The most teeth-rotting matter was that you were guilty. You avoided seeing Miles because you knew once you did, the outrageous truth would hit you harder than the bomb blasts did. The fact that you still looked at him with love.
“Can I sit next to you?”
“Yeah–yeah. For sure.” 
You climbed on his bed and sat cross-legged next to him. Miles sucked in a breath when you touched knees, and suddenly, all his senses were focused on that particular contact spot. You picked at your fingers sheepishly, feeling rather silly about your week-long silent treatment. But you needed it for self-reflection and to come to terms with your conclusion. Miles waited for you to speak. He didn’t know if this was only a spur of the moment, and he wasn’t willing to take any risks that might chase you out of his room. 
“I thought about what you told me at the hospital,” you started, rubbing your hands. 
“I’m so sorry about what happened,” he said, turning his head ever-so-slightly to gauge your reaction. “I would never hurt you on purpose, [Name]. I really had no idea you were there.”
“I know,” you nodded with a faint smile, “I forgave you the night it happened.”
You felt he didn’t accept your forgiveness and supposed that was only natural. If you were in his shoes, the mental gymnastics you would do to keep yourself occupied with blam could rival his. The only thing that could get him to treat himself kinder would be time, specifically having you pass through it with him. Licking your lower lip, you rubbed your nose and hummed a soft, audible grin. He turned fully to you then, feeling less anxious.
“Miles, I don’t judge you for what you did or what you plan to do,” you said, your head mildly gesturing in emphasis. Concentrating in deep thoughts, you rubbed your eyes, sniffed comfortably, and faced him with a knowing upside-down smile. “Be it you have a reason or not, I don’t think I will ever–how do I say this? I don’t think I will distance myself from you, ever.”
He felt breathless, but it came from the incongruence between his mind and heart rather than the supposed relief that you accepted him. He was too accustomed to anticipating horrific reactions that he forgot people could be open-minded. You were not supposed to be okay with what he did. You couldn’t be okay with what he did!
“[Name],” he heaved out with an uncontrollable shake of his head, “my hands are bloody.”
You looked down at where he rested them on his lap. Were they? Miles’s hands may be bloody, but they were also a multitude of other things. They are a mother’s secret financial support; they peel the skin off fruits, stroke your hair when you cry to sleep and dance across your love handles in a ticklish haze. You reached out tentatively to hold them, finally realizing he was trembling. Was he scared? You didn’t react to it. His hands fit cozily in yours, as they always have, and suddenly, Miles didn’t fear the atrocity they were capable of. You broke him down, mellowed him out, rinsed him off all he’s ashamed of, and he—
“Mine will cover the stains for you.” You held up your interwind hands with a tight-lipped smile. “See? Can’t even see your palms anymore.”
—loves you, in a frightening way that it seemed like you felt the same way too. 
“[Name],” he hushed, his head dipping in exhaustion. “I’m not gonna stop berating myself.”
He wouldn’t, and it would hurt you less than it would hurt him.
You let go of his hands and watched him desperately scramble for you. It was a heartbreaking sight, even for a split second, to see his longing ragged out like an unwatered plant reaching for the faintest taste of rain. Getting your arms out and open, you refolded your legs into kneeling to pull him into a proper hug. Miles gritted his teeth to silence the screeching voices as he returned the hug immediately. When he closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of your neck, feeling the usual crank of it because your neck was sensitive and ticklish, he began to calm down.
Feeling you pat his back, he supposed this was all anything should feel like. Love—a word capable of expressing an emotion of its terrifying caliber. What else could it be? True love is the inability to abandon, in the same way Miles waited for you even after you died, and you refused to let go of his cold-blooded hands made warm by holding yours. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I would never hurt you on purpose.”
“I know.” You nodded with a sudden thoughtful hum. “Hey, you know what you can do to make it up to me?”
Miles perked up slightly and pulled away. He raised a brow when he saw the bashful smile on your face. You’ve got an idea, and he might not like it.
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The pressure in your stomach dropped whenever Miles was pulled back to the ground by gravity. Not a second after reaching the floor, he was up in the air again, his boots allowing him to reach a much greater height and distance when he jumped. As the chilling air hit your face and hair, you realized Miles was right to bundle you up after he finally agreed to take you on a stroll high up in the air. 
When you raised the idea to him, his reaction was as he suspected: he did not like it. Or, well, he did not understand it.
You had told him about the faint memory of a floaty feeling the day of the bank accident, which, after he told you about him being the prowler, you could deduce had come from him taking an unconventional shortcut to the hospital. He made the mistake of admitting that he was hopping from roof to roof to get you there because the next thing you asked was for him to do it again, but this time you would be conscious of experiencing it. 
Perhaps he has possessed the convenience his prowler suit gave him for too long. He couldn’t understand being fascinated with the ability to be in the air. You briefly mentioned Spiderman and his interesting web-shooting function as an argument to get Miles to understand you, but how could he? He wasn’t even sure if Spiderman was real! Still, he caved into your wish, grabbed the boots he kept hidden in his closet because he refused to go anywhere with the risk of bumping into him for now, and brought you on a rooftop stroll. 
What was originally a safety hazard forcing his claws to wrap steel tight around your body soon shifted into something of ease. His heart grew in size at how much fun you were having, and for once, he reverted to the boy he was the first time he experienced the thrill this well-made suit gave him. He kept his eyes forward to map a path across the buildings, his claws helping him move closer to the sky. He heard your uncontrollable laughter, he wished he could see your eyes light up brighter than the moon above, and he envied the wind that brushed your face and hair. 
This was a good idea. This may be the single best thing he has done.
“Where are we going?” you whispered, tightening your arms around his neck.
“You’ll see. Hold on tight.”
Miles kicked his feet against the brick wall to hoist himself a good distance upward before forcing his claws through the concrete. He pressed the hand on the low of your back into his body, keeping you steady in one arm. You couldn’t bear to look around at the height you were stuck in, but the arm strength Miles has to support two weights while climbing up a tall building with one arm was surprising and, dare you say, attractive. 
The skyscraper was a place Miles hadn’t visited since ‘your’ death. Being here with you now did not make him feel better. He was careful where he stood on the edge of the highest point of the building; he wanted you to look over the bright borough.  
“Oh, no way! You brought me to the skyscraper?” you exclaimed, looking up at him. “You always said no when I wanted to come here.”
“I got reasons,” he huffed out quietly. Upon your silence, he peered down from the night view and saw you staring at him expectantly. He barely rolled his eyes in defeat. “You died here. You fell.”
The high-pitched hum you let out was comedically timed. Rigidly turning your head to face out, you could only imagine the exact height of this skyscraper as you could not see below the horizon. No wonder he didn’t let you on the ground—this would be one hell of a fall if history repeats itself. Miles chuckled lowly when you curled your arms tighter around his neck and slumped your weight further into him. You echoed his chuckle.
“Well,” you muttered, “definitely not letting go of you anytime sooner.”
“I’m not gonna either,” he said.
A sudden gust of wind blew at your face. You leaned closer to his neck for warmth, your eyes squinting at the building lights. It was too late into the night for the borough to remain bustling as in the morning, but the illumination from apartments, stores, and other high buildings made an equally homey view. The silence was enjoyable, too; just the open air and the inner sound of you counting your breath. 
“Was it embarrassing?” you asked suddenly, your voice hoarse.
“What is?”
“Me falling? I don’t know–“ your body shifted upward, forcing Miles to adjust to your new position–“did I look weird when falling? Did you see me fall? Did anyone see me fall–oh my god, were the police here?”
“I’m sorry. Where is this coming from?” he asked with a confused deadpan. “What are you even saying? None of that matters?”
“It actually does matter because I feel–“ you sucked in a deep breath dramatically–“I don’t like having too much attention on me, and if the police came, I feel that would be very awkward.”
“You trippin’.” He rolled his eyes.  
“What? That’s very valid!” You knocked your fist on the back of his shoulder. “Did I look weird when I landed? Did you see it? Did my brain splatter–“ You quieted down with an opened mouth when he flashed you a pointed look, but several suppressed giggles periodically left your lips as you moved your hands from his neck to cup his face. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to put that thought in your head! Don’t think about that!”
Miles’s eyes softened. He wanted to kiss the laugh lines around your mouth. “I wasn’t thinking about that.”
You breathed out the last of your giggles and then stared at him. He was thinking about you even with you here—you knew, you knew very well. Your fingers grew timid at his stare, but they refused to leave the curve of his face. They could only ghost across his skin in freckled spots, treating him with the care he has given you. Miles barely leaned into your touch. He tested the water first, afraid that you would pull away at his immediate engagement, and he fully pressed his palm to your hand when you kept it where it was. 
You brought his face to yours. “Hey!” you whispered with a soft grin when your nose touched. 
“Hey,” he returned. He was soft. You’ve made him soft, made him a messenger of affection. “Your hands are cold.”
“I know.”
You pursed your lips at the feeling of his nose scraping past the bridge of yours. He was leaning closer, inviting you to something more intimidating than standing on the edge of a skyscraper. 
“Miles.” your voice was hushed. “Miles, I’m shy. Can you kiss me first?”
He leaned forward to kiss you after dropping a relieved sigh. You closed your eyes at the sheer force of his desperation, your hands mustering up the courage to grip his face tighter and bring him to you. The taste of your lips cascaded over his conscience. You hit him, like a ton of bricks, like the feeling of flesh wrapped around a blade, like being in the center of a firework explosion. It was a feeling he would trade anything for; one could ask him for a lifetime in return for a second of your lips on his. 
“Woah! Did you forget you’re on the run, Miles?”
“Oh, jeez! Mayday, don’t look!”
You two broke away immediately at the uninvited voices. Miles puffed air into his cheeks with an eye roll, not even attempting to hide how irritated he was at the interruption. Still heaving from the kiss, your brows furrowed when you came face to face with four outrageously different-sized figures, all dressed in a variation of a Spider suit, with a literal toddler wearing a Spiderman mask too small for her head. 
“Who…?” you started slowly. “Spidermen…? Spiderman’s sidekicks?”
“Now that’s just disrespectful,” the one with spikes on his head commented.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you muttered in response.  
“Who are you guys?” Miles asked defensively as he took a few steps back. He held you closer to him, his knees barely buckling in preparation to run. 
“How could you forget your mentor, Miles?” The man took off his mask and opened his arms as an introduction. “It’s me! Peter!”
“Oh my god, it’s Spiderman.” You slapped Miles’s chest to be let down on the ground, but he refused. Although his hair color changed, and he looked relatively scruffier than you remembered on the news, those features could not be mistaken. That was the face of the superhero you grew up seeing. “I thought you died. It was all over the news!”
“How could I be standing here if I died?”
“You know him?” Miles questioned. “I don’t know him.”
“Apparently not?” you mumbled. “Maybe he faked his death somehow?”
“Wait, what about me? You remember me! It’s Pavitr? We fought together! You saved my girlfriend’s dad, Inspector Singh?” He pointed over to his friends, his hair bouncing lusciously. “With Gwen and Hobie?”
“Gwen?” you and Mils exclaimed in unison. Her eyes widened at the sudden collective attention.
“Dude, what are you wearing?”
“Gwen, you’re a Spiderman–err, woman?”
“Okay, you’re seriously playing up the Spiderman jokes?” Miles deadpanned as he arched his neck to look at you.
You pulled a face before swinging your arms to gesture at five newcomers. “They’re literally here. Spiders, all of them!”
“I’ve never seen spiders stand on two feet.”
“Clearly, you haven’t seen a lot.” 
Miles sniffed with distaste. “Right. I’m gonna listen to someone with spikes on their head.”
“Miles!” you exclaimed with a harsh pinch to his cheek, then you turned to apologize. “I’m sorry. I think they look super cool.”
Taking a step forward, Gwen promptly eliminated the ongoing conversation by taking off her mask to reveal herself to you both. You tilted your head. She looked nothing like the Gwen you knew, and from her furrowed brows and darting eyes, she knew too. After a prolonged stare between you and Miles, the puzzles in her head piecing together, her relieved sigh was barely noticeable as realization hit her. She turned to her team with a shake of her head.
“This isn’t the Miles we’re looking for,�� she said. “This is Miles from this Earth.”
“I knew that already,” Hobie smirked, hands in his pockets. “With the braids and all.”
Pavitr gasped with widening eyes. He pressed a hand to his chin and nodded. “Oh wow, I didn’t even register that. You look good, Miles!”
You punched Miles’s chest when he kept a brooding silence. He scoffed, smacked his teeth in dismay, then slurred out, “Thanks.”
“Okay, wait! Hold on, hold on!” Peter yelled without having gathered his thoughts. He shifted the weight of his legs, leaning on one hip, and pinched the bridge of his nose as a monotonous thinking noise churched out of his throat in a flat line. “But how? Our watch told us he was here. It gave us the signal that someone from Earth-1610 is here.”
“Someone is,” Gwen said. She turned around slowly, a look of uncertainty, then she pointed at you. “It’s them.”
None of them explicitly explained what they were talking about, but using your experiences and the confusing context clues, you could easily decipher the problem's gist. Something was happening on a multi-universal level. You didn’t know what exactly, but this felt to be a problem regarding that.  
“Gwen, I know you thought you explained the issue but you didn’t,” Peter muttered. He whipped his body around to you and held both hands in the air in a chopping motion. “Are you a Spiderman?”
“Not you, big guy. You!”
“Oh, me?” You pointed at yourself for clarification and shook your head. “No, but there is one where I came from. Technically there are two, but the original one died, and he looked almost exactly like you! Just different hair color and… ski–never mind.”
“First of all, I had a feeling you were gonna call me fat. I’m not. I just look like a dad now, which I am. I have to clarify, okay? This is all dad weight, and this cutie-pie is my daughter, Mayday!” Peter said as he gestured toward himself and at Mayday. Then, he burst into a fit of confused noises. “Second, where you came from?” he repeated after you incredulously, paused for a brief moment, and then turned to Gwen, his eyes rolling. “Okay, yeah. I think I know what you’re talking about.”
“Psst… what are they talking about?” Pavitr whispered from the side, unknowingly having inched closer toward Hobie, who leaned down to his height for an explanation.
“That lad is Miles’s lookalike from this Earth. The one he’s clutching to him like a madman is from our Miles’s Earth, which is bonkers 'cause how did they even get here?”
“They’re not from here?” Pavitr widened his eyes. “That’s not good!”
“How so?” Hobie stood up straight.
“Oh, you know, with Miguel and everything,” Pavitr said as he twiddled his thumbs. “Actually, maybe not! I’m sure Miguel isn’t that obsessed about all of this.”
Just after his voice dropped, a portal emerged from behind where Miles stood. The second he noticed the faint glow flashing over his shadow, he jumped away to stand with the newcomers he was still wrecking his brain to familiarize himself with. You stared at the portal with wide eyes. Not once in your life have you seen technology like this, and when you glanced over at the others, you could see a certain dread on their face that peaked your heart rate. What got a bunch of Spider-people so agitated? It must be a real threat.
“Won’t you look at that,” Miguel appeared from the portal, his eyes looking as dead as usual. Following behind him were Jessica and Ben. “The whole gang is here.”
"How did you even find us?" Peter exclaimed in annoyance.
"Your watch, obviously." Miguel pointed at Peter's chest. "Your daughter took it.”
Peter gasped as he looked down at Mayday. He didn't notice it before, but sitting loosely around her wrist was the watch Miguel gave him that he took off before Gwen came to find him. He squeezed his eyes shut—shame on him for letting the same thing happen twice, even though neither was technically his fault.
Hobie breathed out a chuckle at Mayday before he elbowed Pavitr. “Do whatever you want, but I’m telling ya, you got to watch out for the things you say. You’re gonna jinx up the whole place like this.” Bringing his leg up so he could march over to Miles and stand behind him, he bent forward until his face was within Miles's earshot. "I suggest you run home now."
"What? Why?" Miles whispered, stepping away from the proximity. His attention shifted when Peter's obnoxious voice rang through the air.
"Jesus, Miguel! What do you want now?"
"The same thing you all want," Miguel said as he rubbed his wrist. He snapped his head over at Miles, who gulped when his gaze averted to look at you. He stared for a bit too long. "People who are not supposed to be here."
You. That man was talking about you. Miles didn't know what business he had. If anything, he thought himself a much bigger threat. But Miguel was looking at you when he spoke, so it must be.
He bolted the second he made that conclusion. He would deal with it if he later discovered he had come to the wrong one. For now, with the warning from a man whose words he could barely understand and a bunch of context clues he haphazardly strung together on the fly, he was unwilling to take any risk that would make him lose you. Wrapping his arms around your body to hold you into a hug rather than a carry, he instructed you to hang tight and took a few bold steps backward to the skyscraper edge so he could drop off its height.
"Wait, hold on, Miguel!" Peter shot his arm out to squeeze Miguel's shoulder when he saw that Miles would be followed. "You're after the wr–"
"Peter!" Gwen shot out a web aimed at Peter's back and immediately pulled him away from Miguel, preventing the man from telling the truth. Taking the slipping chance, the three slipped past in pursuit of you and Miles.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked incredulously, his eyes following the fading backs of his once colleagues.
Pavitr and Hobie approached them to catch up on their conversation. 
"Let Miguel chase him," she said sternly, her eyes fixated on Peter. "It works in our favor that he is occupied with the wrong Miles. It buys us some time to find our Miles."
Peter opened his mouth to speak, but no thoughts leaked out. Gwen's logic was sweet and sound. It would make everything so much easier for them if Miguel was temporarily out of the picture. But there was a pierce he felt, through his supposed moral compass, not at the blatant lie of omission he has to tell but at the fact that he would willingly send a grown man after two children, one of whom was just an ordinary civilian.
"Gwen, I don't feel like that's the right thing to do," he sighed.
"Maybe we can try to help both of them?" Pavitr suggested. "We can find Miles as fast as we can and then help the other Miles."
"They won't last," Peter said. "I don't know if that Miles has superpowers, but he's definitely not like us. I don't think their friend is capable of anything, either. Miguel will get to them before we can be done."
"You're saying if we want to help, we ought to do it now," Hobie sniffed.
"That's what I just said."
"I know. I was just repeatin' it."
"We can't afford to be distracted!" Gwen argued, her tone releasing from being firm to a pathetic, exasperated plead. "Don't forget, you're the one who exposed Miles's location in the first place. And now you've exposed ours!"
"Woah–Gwendy, calm down," Hobie said with a light pat on her shoulder. He spun to face Peter, humming at his distraught expression, then turned to meet in a general direction. "We're wasting an awful lotta time arguing about nothing. How about we get a move on, yeah? Pavitr's plan might work if we go now.”
"Yeah! I agree!" Pavitr clapped in agreement. “We just need to go in quick and come out even quicker!" 
“That made no sense,” Peter mumbled. 
“Maybe not to you.” Hobie shrugged.
“Focus, you guys!” Gwen hollered over the wind, catching everyone’s attention. She pursed her lips, her mind filled with a singular goal: save Miles Morales. “I’m going regardless of what you say," she said as she stepped to the edge of the skyscraper. Before she tipped over, she added, "I'm gonna save my Miles."
"Dramatic," Hobie chuckled with big strides forward, seemingly to follow after Gwen. "Better catch up, lads." He clicked his tongue confidently and mocked a salute as he fell off the edge. 
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Miles was on the run. You already knew, but that fact punched you in the guts with even more velocity when you realized how quickly your surroundings were passing through. He was no longer holding you in an embrace-like position. After he made it down the skyscraper, Miles hoisted your upper body over his shoulder with his arms circled around your waist so he could better run at his regular speed, which you learned was abnormally fast, much different than the speed he picked when he was strolling around the area. 
Closing up behind you was a man in a Spider suit furiously galloping on all fours. You didn't even know they ran like that. You thought all Spider-people swung with their webs. Running like this may be faster than swinging around. Or perhaps the man's sheer will to catch the two of you amped up his speed. The only reason why Miles was able to periodically distance from Miguel was that he knew this Brooklyn like the back of his palm; all the detours and shortcuts were mapped in his brain, and he knew how to properly mix and match their usage. 
"Miles, he's crazy," you whispered, clutching his shoulders. "He's running like a wolf."
"Tu puta madre–" he spared a glance back and widened his eyes–"why is he chasing us? What did we even do?" 
Hopping off a building and into an alleyway, Miles slipped to the side and hid behind a wall. He pressed his back against the concrete wall to hide behind the shadow. 
The more he ran, the more he saw how it only delayed the consequence of getting caught. He could run home as suggested, but bringing trouble directly to his mother wasn’t ideal. On top of that, it may expose his prowler identity, which was the last thing he wanted. He could keep running, but eventually, he would get tired. He wouldn’t overestimate his ability to escape; a man that size running on all fours has the kind of stamina he could not rival. He had to fight with gimmicks to win, and his first option was to hide.
Taking the time to reposition you on his shoulder, apologizing with amusement when you shivered at his hands gliding past your hips to your waist, Miles carefully placed you back on the ground. When your feet hit the ground, he reached for the crown of your head, squeezing your head and trailing both hands down to your face. He pushed your face together, forcing you to pucker your lips. This was supposed to be a fun night. He felt terrible that this was how things led to. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, smoothing his thumbs over your cheeks. “Are you okay?”
For the time being, you felt like you could be. His hands were warm, and his touch even warmer. 
“I’m sorry. This is my fault.” You smiled bitterly once he let go of your face. “He’s here for me, but I don’t know why.”
You haven’t done anything. Even arriving on this Earth was not a purposeful doing. You made no significant changes to this Brooklyn; even if you tried to, you would not have succeeded. You regularly lived as you would have in the universe you came from; staying at home, doing house chores, learning how to cook, getting groceries, watching movies, maintaining a good friendship, and falling in love. None of those were criminal activities! You have done nothing remarkable for a random Spiderman to get so upset with you!
“Be honest, [Name],” Miles started, touching your shoulders. He took a deep breath before squinting. “Are you secretly a world-class criminal?”
“If jumping universes is a crime, then–“ You hummed thoughtfully before shaking your head in disagreement. “Yeah, no. I’d just be a regular criminal because I only jumped once, and it’s by accident, too.”
“Actually, I never asked, but how did you get here?”
You suppressed a burst of laughter. “Are we seriously gonna talk about this now?”
“My bad,” he held his hands up in mock surrender, “is now a bad time?”
“A super bad–“ You screamed when a figure abruptly slid upside down beside you. Instinctively, the hand initially reaching for Miles’s face deflected from its path to punch the intruder in the face.
Ben swung slightly on his web, a curse pushed out of his mouth at the impact of your fist. He hadn’t registered you to be a big enough threat that he failed to block your sudden attack. If it had been Miles’s gloved claws swinging at him, he likely would have reacted. Miles smirked, almost feeling a sense of pride at the sheer strength of your punch. While you profusely apologized for doing something you didn’t mean to do, he grabbed your hand and ran down the alleyway. Mid-way through, he tugged harshly at your arm to bring you in front of him so he could scoop you up as he picked up his speed.
“I can actually run pretty fast,” you complained lightheartedly.
“For sure, baby,” he mused, his feet screeching for an abrupt right turn when he heard Ben’s voice calling after you both. 
However, just as he turned a corner, he was met with the wheel end of a motorcycle. Miles raised a hand up to grip the spinning tire. Before he could dig his claws through the material and pop it, he felt himself being pushed back by the heavy force, so he, tensing his arm muscles, attempted to deter the bike's path before the millisecond of him getting thrown back. His back hit a brick wall, knocking his senses everywhere for a brief moment as he haphazardly reached to cover your head. When he looked up, he was only met with the yellow shades of a woman in red. He huffed; if there was any indication that these people were getting fed up, it would be hitting him with a motorcycle.
“Jessica. You caught them!” Ben exclaimed as he emerged from the shadow, a hand massaging his chin that was pulled into a sneer. His voice was weirdly raspy as if he was playing up a character. “That stupid kid punched me. How dare they.”
“You showed up out of nowhere!” you retorted with an accusing finger pointed at him. “Also, shouldn’t you be able to block my punch? You’re Spiderman! You can’t block a punch from a teenager?”
“This kid is talking back to me. I feel a little distraught. I don’t know how to talk to children.”
“Shut up, Ben.” Jessica waved her hand before she turned to you both. She observed as Miles hopped back to his feet and glared at her. You looked less menacing, but your furrowed brows spoke caution and ready disobedience. She sighed. Another pair of moody teenagers. Miguel would not be happy about this. “Look, we don’t have time for this. You need to go back to where you belong.”
You pursed your lips in dismay and shook your head. Miles pushed you toward him when you circled your arms around his neck, and you slightly averted your gaze from the woman to avoid confrontation. Jessica squinted her eyes at the way you two held each other, a sudden inkling developing that she desperately wished to be wrong—you fell in love with someone from a different universe. She already felt bad enough about what had to be done to Gwen. There was no wrong in sticking to what she believed in. It was just unfortunate that she had to treat teenagers mercilessly to do so.
“You two can write letters to each other,” she said after gathering her thoughts and reverting to professionalism. Her job was to return all anomalies to their world, not limited to villains. Getting off her motorcycle, she slowly walked over to Miles, who didn’t get the sense of running away because of her regular speed. When she was within an arm’s length, she grabbed your arm. “We’re leaving.”
“No!” you refused and tried to shove her off, but she was persistent. 
“Dude, stop!” Miles attempted to step out of reach.
“Dude?” Jessica repeated with wide eyes. “Your mama taught you no manners?”
“His mom is great!” you exclaimed as you snatched your arm away from her grip. Your irritated eyes turned into a glare.
Miles nodded. “Yeah, she doesn’t throw a motorcycle at people’s faces.”
“Okay, I’ve had it.” Jessica laughed in disbelief. “I was trying to be nice, but that’s out the window now.”
Deciding to ignore her harsh tugs at your arm, you resorted to making sure you never let go of Miles instead. You intertwined your fingers that met at a point of his neck and buried your face to his shoulders, tuning out the world. Fear lingered in your chest like a haunting ghost, and it dimmed somewhat when you zeroed in on the feeling of Miles’s grip on your body. You were still here. He was still with you, holding onto you with a death grip. And you thought this might resolve itself eventually. Maybe these people would let you go if you two struggled enough together. Or perhaps it wouldn’t end well, but at least you held on as best as possible. At least you tried.
“Miles Morales.” Everyone paused to look behind Jessica’s shoulder. Miguel stood tall and alarmingly brutal just a few feet away. His dead eyes shifted from the boy to you, and he tipped his head into a brief greeting. “And you.”
Jessica took a deep breath; the real threat finally showed up. She released her hand from your arm and turned to face Miguel. There was something she wanted to say, not to deter Miguel from his plan to take you back to your Earth, but rather a few trying words to prevent him from executing any more brutality, especially when you were as harmless as a dove. The last thing Miguel should have on his conscience was inflicting injuries on a regular civilian. It would be good for him in the long run. Before she could open her mouth to speak, though, Miles buckled his knees and jumped up high. He was making a run for it again, but before his feet even touched the top of the wall separating the streets, his body barely turning away from anyone, a red string caught onto your wrist and snapped you out of his arms.
He caught onto your ankles, engaging in a tug-of-war with Miguel that did nothing but put a strain on your limbs. Clicking his tongue, he gave one final hard tug at your feet before letting you go. You screamed, your body swinging toward Miguel at full speed while Miles, fully utilizing his boots, ran to sneak up behind the man and shoved him forward so Miguel would collide with your flinging body. Letting Miguel stumble in confusion and, out of instinct, reaching his arms out to catch you from a hard fall, Miles jumped forward and did the job for him. He secured you in his arms, wasting no time to bolt away. But Miguel was phenomenally quick to regain his senses, and his eyes glowed a bright red once he realized how difficult Miles was being.
He leaped forward, fangs and claws out to grab Miles by the back of his neck. As he swung the boy around, you dropped to the floor and knocked your forehead against the dirt. Miguel slammed Miles into the closest wall, denting the red bricks. He squeezes the poor boy's neck, not entirely cutting the air out of his system but suffocating just enough to make Miles feel outrageously uncomfortable.
"Ay, would you stop that, big man? You're gonna kill the kid!"
White webs shot out and attached to each of Miguel's wrists. He could recognize that godforsaken voice anywhere—Hobie Brown. Noticing the webs on his wrists, he groaned lowly in irritation. He might just snap (if he hasn't already, this madman) if he has to come across one more obstacle. Not allowing Hobie a second to pull him away, Miguel squeezed Miles's neck tighter to pull him out of the dented wall and threw him across the alleyway to the other side. The collision collapsed a hole through the bricks, creating an unnecessary ruckus.
"Now you've gone and done it," Hobie muttered, looking at the destruction. 
Your jaw dropped anxiously. You could faintly see Miles under the debris, showing no signs of getting up. He couldn't have died. Not only would that become a personal problem, you simply refused to believe a childhood superhero figure would kill someone you know and love. Scrambling to your feet with quickened breath, you took a weak step forward, his name hanging quietly at the tip of your tongue. When he didn't respond still, you tried to run towards him only to be pulled back at your wrist.
You looked behind your shoulder to find Miguel facing away from you. His grip on your wrist was firm, almost bone-breaking, to serve a warning. The same portal you saw him arrive in opened up, creating a gust of unnatural wind, and he was pulling you toward it. You attempted to break away, but he was much stronger. Nobody around seemed to be able to help you, not even Punk-looking Spiderman, so the only thing left to do was to hyperventilate for sympathy. This felt like an impending doom, where doom was actually just a few steps away on the other side of a portal. 
"Wait, please don't do this. I don't want to go home. I want to stay here!" you cried, a migraine developing from how you kept turning back and forth to look at Miguel and Miles. "Why are you doing this to me? Please stop, please!"
Sympathy rested in the hands of those who couldn't help. Miguel was as stoic as a rock to your pleads, and you somehow expected him to be. It was just heartbreaking to be proven right how difficult things could get. You kept sucking in deep breaths and forgetting to release them, causing your chest to expand awkwardly. You didn't know what to do, but you've got to try something! Anything! 
"Wait–I haven't said it! I haven't–" a deep breath–"I haven't said goodbye! I haven't said I love you! Let me say goodbye, and I promise–" another deep breath–"I promise I'll leave with you. Please. I promise, I cross my heart."
Miguel paused, and that mere action took everyone aback. He pursed his lips, a flicker of remorseful nostalgia showing in his eyes as he recalled the sudden death of his daughter. You didn't remind him of himself, but your wish was similar to what he would have asked for if he ever could re-experience the tragedy—he would want to say goodbye. He would like to tell his daughter he loved her. Heaving a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose. At least you were cooperative; he felt he could be kinder in this case.
"Do not try anything stupid."
Once Miguel released your hand, you ran and fell on your knees next to Miles. Pushing the debris off his body, you scooped him onto your lap and caressed his face. Sniffing away a tearful voice, your voice ended croaking anyway when you called his name, "Miles?"
He opened his eyes meekly to see doubles. It took him a good minute to concentrate on your face, and he smirked when he did. The first instinct to take you and run away was defeated by a pained back and exhausted legs. He would not overestimate his ability, even through immense desperation. He wouldn’t get both of you far enough to not get served something worse. This appeared to be it.
”Mi cariño. Hey."
You laughed; you still had no idea what that meant. Miles refused to tell you, and he also got his mom in on it. But you figured it was a term of endearment. Miles took off his gloves to hold your hand, pressing your palm to his face as he stared at you. Somehow, he couldn't muster up the courage to cry despite the continuous drops in his chest. It could be a pride issue, or he didn't want you to see him suffer in your last minute together. Last for now, at least.
"You're going to leave me," he acknowledged.
"Not on purpose," you replied.
“I know,” he hummed. “You love me too much to do that.”
He had thought about it before. There must be people you were dying to go back to in your world. Not a classmate, no. Not even a friend. But a parent, perhaps? Family members? A pet, certainly? There has to be something waiting for you back in your home. There was no method for you to jump universes yet, but Miles figured if you were raging to go home, it would show. The fact that you blended into his life so casually and permanently, to a point where you memorized his schedules and knew where little trinkets were located in his apartment, told him you chose him over the life you used to have. Every day you woke up, you preferred a life with him in it rather than what you had before.
“You do love me, right?” Miles asked for assurance, his brows furrowing. “I didn’t hallucinate that.”
You squeezed his cheeks—gentle palms over bloodied skin, gentle palms over gentle skin. No more violence, not more crimes. He was but a boy you loved. He doubts your affection, and you would go home with him burned in the back of your head, finding his touch trapped beneath your flesh once stripped naked. From a universe away, Miles was all you would remember. Smiling, you peppered kisses over his brows, his eyes, his nose, and finally his mouth. When you pressed your forehead against his, you scrunched your nose and nodded. 
“I do love you, Miles.”
“Yay, score.” He chuckled, then his voice quieted down to a low hum only meant for you to hear. “I love you too, okay? Aqui y allá, mi corazón es tuyo.”
“Time to go, kid!”
You smacked your lips and puffed an exhale. Running your knuckles down the side of Miles’s face, you nodded to yourself as an encouragement to get on your feet. Your feet budged, then your knees, but instead of standing up, you only shrunk your body closer toward Miles. You willed your voice to say a farewell, but it couldn’t under the threat that this goodbye would be your absolute last one, so you cried instead. Fat tears silently rolled down your chin, caught on your tongue, and forced you to choke on them.
Jessica rubbed her eyes as soon as her voice dropped. She shouldn’t have let Miguel talk her into breaking the moment. Instead of moving, you only leaned your body down and pressed Miles to your chest, hugging him. A passive protest, perhaps. You were not directly struggling but weren’t listening to them, either. She eyed Miguel when he sighed in defeat. He wondered which one was worse—chasing a rebellious kid with Spiderman powers or this. This one sure made him feel like the bad guy if anything. 
He reached for a portable trap box and threw it toward you without hesitation. Before it could reach you, though, a web shot out and pulled it backward, causing the gadget hit Miguel in the face.
“You need to reconsider your morals,” Hobie said in a scolding tone as he walked up from behind everyone. “Trapping a kid in a box. Are you mental?”
He has been watching everything unfold from the shadows, and clearly, he realized the differences in how he saw you and how the other three saw you. Your lack of cooperation was a sign of rebellion, which could be considered so to a certain degree. But Hobie knew to consider other factors; he looked at the bigger picture. There was nothing you could do here, literally. One web shoot and you’d be caught, and you probably already knew that. Your so-called sign of rebellion was less chosen and more forced by the hands of emotional turmoil. You were about to be separated from the boy you were in love with. It would make sense that you were physically unable to be the person to walk away.  
If you were going to leave Miles Morales, you must be taken and nothing else. You stood by not leaving him intentionally. Miguel was going to do that for you, but Hobie decided to take a much gentler approach. Trapping you in a box when you’ve done nothing wrong was, as he said, fucking mental. 
“Don’t struggle, yeah? It makes me uncomfortable,” Hobie muttered as he reached for your waist and pulled you up. He slapped his hands on your shoulders dramatically and turned you around. “The portal is gonna feel doozy. You might vomit. If you feel like you’ll vomit, do it when we arrive at HQ. Preferably all over the floor. Just splatter it around like a sprinkler.”
“Huh…?” You did a double-take at what he said. “That’s disgusting.”
“Vomiting? Yeah. Vomiting on an establishment?” He hummed and tilted his head. “Debatable.”
“I’m sorry, but I really am having a hard time understanding you, Spiderman,” you said, your sobs increasing because you thought Hobie might take it as an insult. 
“Why are you apologizing? You haven’t said anything you shouldn’t,” he said, the panic in his voice unnoticeable. “Also, call me Hobie, not Spiderman.”
“I’m sorry,” you squeezed your eyes as if to produce more tears, “I know that’s your name. I just didn’t use it because we’re not close.”
“Don’t be silly,” Hobie mused, a hand slipping from the top of your head as a makeshift pat. “I’m more friends with you than those three over there.”
You let the faintest giggle of disbelief escape your lips and turned back to Miles. Hobie continued to pull you away from the floor and toward the portal, not taking a moment’s rest. You didn’t struggle against him; eventually, your hand slipped from Miles’s.
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februarybluues · 1 year
enemies with benefits || 3 - can't be love.
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warnings: cursing, hobie is an idiot, she/her pronouns used to describe reader, this entire fic is literally just hobie denying his feelings for you
read previous part here -- series masterlist
next part - girl (you really got me goin')
a/n: hiii!! fair warning this is not my best work, im quite disappointed in how this turned out actually. BUT! the next part is literally my favorite in the series and i am SO EXCITED to share it with you!!!
It was crazy how much your friendship with Hobie had changed since you first met him. Granted, ‘friendship’ was a stretch. You were barely friends, you barely even tolerated him. Regardless!
Over time, you noticed how his behaviour changed towards you. His rude comments and teasing insults stayed the same. – but they felt different. You noticed how ‘mate’ evolved into ‘love’, and in all honesty, you weren’t complaining. At first, the pet name was his favorite trick to pull on you; only used in instances where he wanted to be especially annoying. But, soon enough its intentions changed. Now it’s like a habit. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t stop himself from calling you that. ‘Love.’ By that point, both you and him were conflicted. Was it sincerity or spite? Did he mean it? Hell, not even he knew. Unspoken questions that you shared. It was stupid, really. I mean, he wasn’t sure if he meant it when he called you love, but he hates you? It was ridiculous. You should know whether you hate someone or not. It was one of the easiest emotions to differentiate from love. So why was he struggling so much? It was evident that you were sworn enemies. So why did his heart double in size every time he was near you?
Your relationship… improved, to say the least. After a few months, you found yourselves hanging out a lot more. – not intentionally! Hobie just so happened to tag along with you whenever you hung out with pavitr, miles and gwen. That was it. You weren’t hanging out more on purpose! Until… eventually it was on purpose.
“I’m just saying!” you lifted your hands up in surrender. You, Miles, Gwen, Pav and Hobie were sat around on an abandoned rooftop in your world. It became a frequent ‘mandatory hangout spot’ that you took immense pride in. you were arguing with miles over something. Hobie was unsure what. He didn’t quite care. He wasn’t paying attention. The light from the setting-sun danced on your skin; making you look almost angelic. and he was absolutely mesmerized by you, to say the least. You were just - perfect. “Hobie? Are you even listening?” Miles asked. “Yeah, yeah. I am.” he cleared his throat, and readjusted his posture, sitting up straight. “Oh yeah? Then what were we talking about?” you joined in, sitting down next to him; your knees barely grazed against one another, but that didn't fail to make butterflies whirl around in your heart. “Y’were talkin’ 'bout uh-” he couldn’t bullshit his way out of this situation, because he wasn’t prepared for it. Luckily, he didn’t have to. “I know my company must be sooo boring but could you at least pretend to be having fun?” You joked, playfully shoving his knee with your hand. He scoffed at you, and ignored the feeling of his face slightly burning up at the sudden contact. -- or at least he tried.
“Well ‘ave you considered bein’ entertainin’?” you put a hand on your chest, feigning offense. “Are you saying I'm not entertaining?” He tried to hold back a small smile (he failed horribly). “ ‘s true though. You’re real borin’." he fake yawned. "Fallin’ asleep right now actually.” you scoffed at him. “Well you better wake the fuck up!” “Wha’ if I don’t?” you rolled your eyes at him. By this point, Pavitr couldn’t stop whispering to miles and gwen about the supposed 'tension between the both of you’. You half-smiled. “I’ll make you.” “Oh yeah? Go on. Make me.” Miles then broke up the situation, clearing his throat. You looked back at him, confused. “Let’s not forget about the children that are present.” Gwen said, giving you a knowing look. “What do you mean?” you asked, and Pavitr quickly chimed in.
“Don’t act so clueless! You were obviously flirting with each other!”
You were quick to jump up and defend yourself. “I was not flirting with him! He’s a prick!” he nodded at that.
 “I was.” hobie said - so casually. “What?” your head turned back to look at him. His face was the same as always; smug, yet relaxed. Handsome, even. wait what? “I was flirtin’ with ya.” he confessed. he looked right into your eyes as if he hadn’t said that. You were confused. Was he being serious?
Suddenly, it fell silent. No one uttered a word. They all just - stared at hobie; almost as shocked as you were. And then he burst into laughter. “Nah i’m jus’ takin’ the piss.'' A part of you was disappointed. Everyone shared a quick laugh at that. Admittedly, He was only partially telling the truth. While he was joking– hoping his unexpected response would make you angry–, a part of him was flirting with you. And a certain someone quickly figured that out.
After that moment, Pavitr made it his top priority to pester Hobie about you. Whether it be small comments like “Did you see that look she gave you? I’m telling you! It’s true love!”, or roughly elbowing him every time something slightly romantic happened between the both of you. He even found ways to make sure you and him had time alone together. He kept this up until eventually, hobie had enough of his shit and spoke out. “Pav, man! I don’t like ‘er! Jus’ step off o’that shite, yeah?” – of course, Pavitr does not stop. If anything, it made his teasing even worse. It became insufferable. No matter how many times Hobie insisted that he hated you, Pav could see right through him; he knew him better than he knew himself. But Hobie refused to listen to him. Because he didn’t love you. He knew it, you knew it, it was obvious.
It got to a point where Hobie stormed out of the room, in a fit of rage. He’d had enough of  the relentless teasing. – needed time alone. But, only ended up lost in his thoughts. It started off normally; he was annoyed at Pav, and then started thinking about all the things he was saying, which then evolved into him thinking about you. Yeah, you were pretty, brave, and hard-working. Not to mention you were always willing to help people. You put others before yourself. But that didn’t mean shit! He was just kind of really maybe a bit fond of you. That's all!
There’s no way he loved you! What he was feeling must've been some sort of hatred he wasn't familiar with, or at least that's what he told himself. His brain was just confusing him; distracting him. Was this a trick? Was he being brainwashed? Is that why he felt so lost without you around him? No. He didn’t love you. He just tolerated you a lot. You were manipulating him. You must’ve put a spell on him. Mhm. That was the only logical explanation as to why his heart fluttered at the sight of you! He grinned at the revelation. Now that he had it ‘figured out’, it was time to one-up you.
It was time to get revenge. He’d make you pay for being so fucking irresistible. 
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taglist: @elloelloello293874 @lavnderluv @ginseng-green-tea @ididntwantthisbutithappened @thatweirdgirlsposts @clown420cunt @sh-tposter2021 @wannabe-fic-reader
if you wanna be added just let me know pookie
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arachnoia · 1 year
necklace ʚɞ ˖✧˖°.| miguel o'hara
miguel o'hara x nb! reader
in which the leader of the powerful spider society falls for one of nueva york's most infamous criminals...
warnings- fluff! not proofread/it’s a drabble! reader is assumed to know/ speak spanish
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"He looks so sad..." Gwen remarked. Miles and Hobie nodded as Pavitr crossed his arms, "It doesn't help that his only best friend is a literal A.I!"
"That's true, mate. It’s like he’s deathly allergic to the idea of fun...And people."
The group judged Miguel from a distance, who was eating his lunch silently...and alone.
Lyla popped out of thin air. "Hey! It's not like I can ignore him even if I wanted to." She rolled her eyes and pointed to Miguel, "He needs some romance here. It's actually sad. Yesterday, his screen time was 23 hours that day!"
Miles scoffed, "You would think with allat screen time, that he would jump on a dating website-"
"Excuse me?"
Miles' eyes widened as he noticed a shadow behind him. "N-Nothing!"
"Right...Once you guys are done, we have a mission. So eat quickly and meet in my office."
Pavitr laughed once he and Lyla left, "How would he get bitches if everyone is scared of him!"
As soon as they finished eating, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie were met with a fuming Miguel, throwing different metal parts all over the room in frustration.
"Be careful guys, he isn't happy," Margo said, sucking her teeth, "He was just looking at his monitors and just started throwing stuff!"
Hobie patted her shoulder, "Yea mate, we can tell he's not the jolliest right now."
Lyla appeared in front of them and nervously chuckled, "Heyyy guys!"
Miguel slowly turned around to glare at the four Spiders. "Let's go."
Miles raised his eyebrows, "You didn't even tell us what we're supposed to-"
Miguel grabbed Miles by his suit and fumed, "You don't ask me questions."
He let Miles go, causing him to fall as Miguel grabbed his own forehead and groaned, "You know what, stay here. I'll deal with this myself."
He started walking away as the four Spiders looked at each other, stunned.
You flinched slightly as you heard the alarms go off, the screeching hurting your ears, "Damn those alarms."
You were one of Nueva York's most infamous criminals, never being caught by anyone even though the city was home to the Spider Society. That was probably your biggest flex.
You were currently walking through the rubble of the building you just exploded in order to get some stone you've been wanting. It was pretty and you saw it in an exhibition.
Plus it’s fun to get attention from what you considered your hobby; causing a wreckage of Nueva York.
You started to lean on the side of an alleyway as you played with your gold necklace, having replaced your uniform for a basic white shirt, leather jacket, and your favorite tight jeans.
“Eres una pinche pendeja. You’re a fucking IDIOT, N/n!”
You looked behind you and saw your favorite person to get attention from just a few meters away.
“Miguelito! What a pleasure to see you here!” You smiled, waving at him from afar. You mentally cheered. He didn’t have his uniform (which you have always found so sexy on him) and he had his grey turtleneck, black slacks, and some shoes you gifted him which were some retro Air Jordan 1s in black and white. You may or may not have stolen them.
You tilted your head, sensing his anger from miles away. It was amusing to witness.
“Vente pa’ca, Y/n.”
“Why don’t you make me, Miguel?”
Your teasing made him even more upset and you laughed, running swiftly towards him. You stretched your arms, gave him a hug, and stuffed your face on his chest.
“I love your sexy cologne. It smells so good, baby.”
He pulled away from your strong grip and grabbed the bridge of his nose out of frustration, “No puedo más contigo. Why did you do that?!” He said. You smiled at his upset nature and laughed.
“Babyyy, what happened to ‘Hi’ or ‘How are you’? Y tu ya sabes mi respuesta para eso.” You snickered, having your hands on your hips.
“You can’t stop? Can’t you? You’re acting like a goddamn idiot. One of these days, someone is going to catch you and it’s not going to be me,” he sneered while glaring at you.
You scoffed at him and turned your head, gazing at the destruction you caused from afar.
“Oh fuck. how could the Spider Society take this? Their so precious leader going out with me! Little ol’ me! How embarrassing,” you cried out.
“Oh yeah! Me? Spider-man? Going out with Nueva York’s most wanted? God forbid anyone finds out,” he snarled.
The two of you stared at each other before you started cackling. Even Miguel started to chuckle silently.
“M-My god! Miguel, you’re making me look like a crazy person here!” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes and smiled, “That’s ‘cause you are, N/n.”
It was quite an unexpected pairing with you two being close.
You two met at a nightclub after Lyla and Jess forced him to go in order to “loosen up”, they said.
The whole night, he couldn’t help but stare at you as you danced, in nothing but a short crop top and shorts, making your legs look long and sexy.
After mentally preparing himself, you went up to him, buying him a drink and striking conversation.
He liked that about you and how you were so confident.
You were his polar opposite.
Quite literally, after he found you out and caught you vandalizing one of Nueva York’s most famous buildings other than Spider Society headquarters.
He was a mess for the whole week to say the least.
“You know, it would be better if you joined me in a life of crime.”
You went towards him, caressing his face and gazing at his eyes.
“Just the two of us…Imagine all the fun we can have.”
He smiled as he played with your necklace, “I could think of some ways.”
Your eyes lighted up, “So you’re up for it?”
You pouted at him, “But we make such a great team. In the streets and in the shee-“
He glared at you, “I don’t want to hear you finish that sentence.”
He tilted your head upwards, using his fingers to position your chin. “Pero no creas que voy a dejar que me desobedezcas más,” he said as his thumb grazed your lips softly.
“Or what?”
His lips enveloped yours as you began to make out, him pushing you against the wall of a building in the alleyway.
“You don’t want to find out, mi amor.”
You broke from the kiss and gazed up at him. “Who says I don’t wanna find out?”
Miles and Gwen looked at Miguel from across the cafeteria, frightened, “This is kind of scary…”
Pavitr nodded, “It’s like looking at a dog walk with its hind legs.”
“Mate’s smiling while eating. SMILING! The man won’t even LAUGH but he smiles?” Hobie yelps, shaking poor Pavitr as they ravel in Miguel’s unusual behavior.
Miguel then stands up and walks towards the vending mashing in the cafeteria and the group straightens up.
Before he reaches, he stops at their table and glared at them, “What are you guys smiling about?”
Gwen chuckles, “N-Nothing! Hey Miguel, your necklace accessory thing is very-“
“NICE! IT TOTALLY SUITS YOU!” Miles interrupted, smiling ear to ear to get on Miguel’s good side.
“Weirdos..” Miguel muttered as he walked to the vending machine.
While he was pressing the numbers, he couldn’t help but smile a bit and play with his new necklace he had gotten as a gift the day prior.
Eres una pinche pendeja - You’re a fucking dumbass
Vente pa’ca - Come over here (shortened version of Vente para aća)
No puedo más contigo. - I can’t anymore with you
Y tu ya sabes mi respuesta para eso- And you already know my answer to that
Pero no creas que voy a dejar que me desobedezcas más - But don’t think I’m gonna let you disobey me even more
requests are open on my page if you wanna drop one :)
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pbelfz · 1 year
Two to One | 13 |
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Pairing: Bakugou x Reader x Midoriya Chapter Title: Default Dance Chapter 12 | Chapter 14 Story Masterlist Summary: You are a simple college girl working at a cheap, back alley café! The top heroes, Deku and Ground Zero, visit your work in hopes of ordering coffee, but they pick something else up instead. You begin an interesting relationship with the pair, while slowly becoming aware of certain underhanded tactics they are using. Idolization isn't always that bad... Right?
WARNINGS: controlling, manipulative?
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Deku never smiled as much as he did on television.
Izuku came down with a hearty fever within the first two nights of (Y/n) officially moving in.
Katsuki was quick to point his finger at her, blaming her for bringing her city germs into the house, but Izuku insisted one of his high school interns was coughing in his office a few days prior. Regardless, Katsuki kept his distance from both of them.
In the few hours he was awake, Izuku worked from home, sending reports to his agency secretaries and signing off on investigation collaborations. He slept most of the day otherwise, leaving (Y/n) alone in the spacious house.
All of her personal belongings were relocated to the new house, but it’d been an overwhelming feat to unpack most of the boxes – not that she had that many to begin with. Still, it gnawed at her how final this all seemed. She couldn’t help but feel like she jumped the gun a little too quickly when she saw the face her RA gave her when they exchanged lease documentation.
She’d never lived with any of her previous partners before. What would she tell Hana if she wanted to come over to hang out? Would Deku or Katsuki even be okay with her having guests at all? The last time she recalled needing approval for friends visiting was when she lived with her parents.
Her frown tightened as she performed the next dance move of Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani. She remained sour even as the TV screen dinged, signifying a perfect score.
Izuku groaned into the pillow, hearing the music travel up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Even with the door closed, it grew harder and harder for him to block out the nasally ‘Nana na na na na’s, the ache in his head pulsing with each beat, right behind his forehead. He texted (Y/n) a few minutes ago to turn the TV down, but she must not have seen it. He supposed this was his cue to get up.
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Izuku – slowly, with no urgency about him – made his way to the kitchen. His cold was getting worse, but he didn’t want to worry Katsuki or (Y/n). He glanced at (Y/n) in the living room once he reached the bottom of the stairs, and on a normal day, his interest would’ve piqued to see her playing Just Dance.
However, today was not that day.
He turned and continued to the kitchen.
Izuku’s eyes could hardly stay open as he made himself a cup of peppermint tea, adding some honey for his throat. He took his time with it. Why not, right? Gwen Stefani was serenading him.
Deku never smiled as much as he did on television. That was one of the first things (Y/n) noticed when she moved in.
‘If I was a rich girl, nana na na na na–,’
(Y/n) was completely enthralled in the game, but once she turned around for a spin, she locked eyes with Izuku, who was leaning against the wall with his cup of tea.
“EE-eezuku!” She covered her mouth to conceal the tail end of her yelp before scrambling to finally turn off that damn game. “How long–?”
“Did you get my text?” Izuku cut (Y/n) off more harshly than intended, which took her by surprise. He’s never the one to do that. Izuku noticed his slip-up as quickly as she did, and he took a sip of his tea, glancing at the floor.
“No, I left my phone upstairs. What did it say?” (Y/n)’s voice was soft, worried that she missed something important. Izuku shifted his weight, his reply just as soft as hers, much gentler than his previous interruption.
“I was just trying to sleep,” his gaze flickered to the TV hanging on the wall behind her. (Y/n) got the hint.
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
Izuku nodded before turning away, withdrawing from her. “It’s okay.”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but feel compelled to follow him to the kitchen.
“How are you feeling?”
Izuku opened the fridge, bending over to check the lower shelves for something quick to eat. “Better.”
“Good.” She withheld the urge to feel his forehead to check his fever.
Izuku grabbed some bread, meat, and cheese to make a sandwich. He didn’t look at (Y/n) as he reached for condiments, which were right next to her.
Is he really that upset that she didn’t turn the TV down?
“Are you mad at me?”
It’s only natural to ask.
Izuku finally looked up at (Y/n), his face almost appalled at the question. “No,” was all he offered before biting into his sandwich and walking past her. “Just tired. And sick.”
He left her in the kitchen by herself.
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With all of the audacity Katsuki carries, (Y/n) never anticipated how attentive he was towards Izuku.
She felt creepy, watching from the doorway as Katsuki spoon-fed Izuku the last of the homemade soup his mother dropped off. (Y/n) was in class when Mitsuki came by, but from what little Katsuki shared of his homelife, the Bakugous were a gourmet family, so it was no surprise they had their own recipe for everything.
Regardless of how big the house was, (Y/n) still felt lumpy and in the way. Katsuki brushed by her when they crossed paths in the hallways, almost purposefully knocking shoulders with hers. She didn’t have the heart to ask him if he actually was doing it on purpose, though; she still felt like a guest here.
More so now than ever, as she watched Katsuki kneel by the edge of bed, stroking the back of Izuku’s neck. Izuku was dozing off with a cooling pad on his forehead. They were muttering to each other about something, and Katsuki wore just a hint of a smile on his face as he monitored a drowsy Deku. (Y/n) didn’t want to interrupt them. They surely noticed she was there, but Katsuki wasn’t going to make an effort to call her in; Izuku was the priority at the moment. She observed how they looked at each other, and a black, tarry pit in her stomach kept telling her it was different from how they looked at her. Their hands found one another, Katsuki’s thickened skin naturally a comfort for Izuku, just as Izuku’s scars were for Katsuki.
(Y/n) hoped she caught the flu next week.
She turned and went back downstairs.
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Days passed, and Izuku’s cold lessened into an irritating sore throat.
Izuku became antsy, not accustomed to being away from work for so long. The house was spotless from the compulsive cleaning he did when Katsuki wasn’t around (he would’ve gotten yelled at). (Y/n) gently suggested he continue resting, but her words went ignored. She then offered to help but was disregarded. That was fine with her; she was behind on her assignments because of her shifts at Satou’s.
Izuku’s weights clanged in the basement gym while she proofread a 10-page essay. (Y/n)’s fingers tapped on the keyboard, unable to focus on her work as she listened to her boyfriend work out. Two minutes passed, and there was silence. (Y/n) fixed a sentence on her document.
She paused and waited.
Silence for another minute.
(Y/n) read another paragraph.
Her concentration muddled once more, she groaned and closed her laptop.
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Izuku almost instantly threw himself back into hero duty the second Katsuki’s mothering radar subsided.
The Bakugou-Midoriya-(Y/n) household found what their “normal” was.
Disgruntled Katsuki.
Overworked Izuku.
Unoccupied (Y/n).
It’s not like she was necessarily waiting for them to do anything with her! It’s just this situation screamed “roommates”. Isn’t that what they were now, though? Roommates with benefits, except they haven’t done anything sexual since Izuku’s got sick. (Y/n) wanted to talk to the two heroes to clear up any boundaries, but the throuple were hardly ever in the house at the same time. (Y/n) busied herself with schoolwork, carrying about her business as she usually would back in her apartment, except now there were two hunkering men lumbering about.
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“Deku and I made dinner reservations for all of us tomorrow,” Katsuki mentioned over his shoulder.
Neither of them bothered to mention this to her before right now. (Y/n) tightened her lip to keep from rolling her eyes.
“I don’t think I can go. I’m going out tomorrow,” (Y/n) pondered aloud, scrolling through Instagram on her phone.
Katsuki’s attention, previously only halfway in the conversation, was now yanked fully into it. He finished his rep, setting the weighted barbell above him on the bar holder before sitting up on the bench. Sweat gleamed from his torso, and he grabbed the nearest rag to wipe his forehead.
“This is the first time I’m hearing about this,” he grunted, glancing up at (Y/n). She shrugged, still invested in her phone.
“I guess it was kinda last minute.” A slight jab.
Katsuki was quiet for a moment, trying to be careful about his words. “Does Deku know?” He asked, trekking over to the dumbbells.
“Does Deku know what?” Izuku suddenly called from beyond the basement stairs, the sound of the front door closing behind him. (Y/n) glanced upwards, noting how Deku always appeared at just the right moment.
Izuku took his sneakers off in the foyer, exchanging them for his slippers before bounding down the stairs. He was noticeably tired, and even though he wasn���t in his hero costume anymore, his clothes still seemed worn. He may have run into another villain on the way home.
Katsuki snorted a dry laugh, giving (Y/n) a look as he began another set for his workout. The dumbbells were bigger than (Y/n)’s head.
“I’m just going to a karaoke party tomorrow. Maybe some barhopping,” (Y/n) peeped from her place on the floor next to the weight rack. Katsuki glanced at his partner.
Izuku’s mouth tightened ever so slightly, but only Katsuki caught it. “Oh.”
“Who are you going with?” Izuku asked, hiding the hesitance in his tone as he stepped further into the basement.
Katsuki set the dumbbells down much quieter than Izuku did. (Y/n) didn’t know why they were making such a big deal about this.
“Hana. My coworker from Satou’s.”
Both men appeared to be in thought.
Izuku spoke first. “We can talk about it after we shower, okay?” He suggested with a soft smile, leaning back as an invitation for (Y/n) to follow him upstairs to the bathroom. (Y/n) remained seated on the gym floor.
“What’s the big deal?” She asked. Part of her was looking for a fight; they felt it. She wanted to do something with her friends, and they finally decided now was the time to give her attention? Katsuki and Izuku looked at each other. Katsuki was more reclusive than Izuku when voicing his concerns, so he withdrew as he wiped the bench down with a rag. Izuku sighed.
“We’re just worried,” Izuku spoke for the both of them, as he naturally did. (Y/n) blinked, setting her phone to the side as she prepared to hear them out.
“About what? I’m gonna be with my friends.”
Izuku scratched the back of his ear and stepped over to her, crouching down to her height on the floor.
“Everyone there is cool, I promise,” (Y/n) softened her voice, trying to comfort them further.
“(Y/n), we’re concerned about the college culture.”
(Y/n) furrowed her brow at that and glanced at Katsuki, who was watching the exchange.
“What do you mean by th–?”
“Just don’t be a whore,” Katsuki all but blurted as he picked up his water bottle and started chugging.
“Katsuki!” Izuku shouted over his shoulder. The volume didn’t seem to affect Katsuki, but it made (Y/n) jump. There was a beat of silence, as if Izuku was debating on yelling something else, but instead he turned back to look at her with an apologetic expression.
“We’re just worried about drinking and all that,” Izuku tried to explain, returning to his regular pitch. (Y/n) glanced between both of his eyes and held her tongue because she was about to tell him he sounded more like a father than a hero. “While they may not be villains, some people can do pretty villainous things, like slip something into your drink. If you’re going to drink, keep your drink on your person, and try not to take your eye off of it,” Izuku warned. (Y/n) shifted, and although she felt like he was overexaggerating everything, she still felt uneasy under his gaze.
“Yeah, I know…”
“And can you text our groupchat when you get there tomorrow? What time is it at? And the address?” Izuku asked, pulling his personal phone out of his pocket.
“Yeah, of course. I was going to, anyway,” (Y/n) picked her own phone back up to check her texts with Hana. “Karaoke is at around 8:30 PM at 228 Yugun.”
“Text every thirty minutes,” came Katsuki’s request. (Y/n) looked over at him, then back at Izuku, who seemed to be typing the address and time into his phone reminders. There wasn’t any rebuttal from the other hero, so this seemed to be a consensus between the two of them.
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It was so much easier to socialize with Hana by (Y/n)’s side.
(Y/n) cheered along with everyone as Hana completed the song on the screen. It wasn’t perfect, but Hana laughed off her mistakes, something (Y/n) always admired about her.
Their other friend from school, Chiharu, was a naturally gifted singer and was getting high score after high score on each song. Natsuko and Jin, who were dating, sang a duet but were too tipsy to get a score above 37%. Every time someone offered (Y/n) the mic, she politely declined, satisfied with simply sipping on her drink and eating some of the platter.
“Jin fucked that one up that time!” Natsuko laughed, slipping her jacket off and resting it on the seat behind her. Jin was carefree and good-natured. Patient. Everyone in the group knew Jin and Nat were a good match. Jin was flipping through the available list of songs, her shoulder-length hair swaying when she wiped some of the beer from her lip.
“You can’t blame all of that on me,” Jin retorted playfully. Chiharu suddenly shot up from her seat, pointing at the screen.
“Wait! Pick that one! Pick that one! I know the Tiktok dance to it.”
“Oh, God, nooooooo, boooooo,” Hana moaned with a thumbs down.
“Wait, no, I wanna see her do it!” Came Nat from the other side of the room.
(Y/n) sunk into the couch, cradling her drink as she glanced from person to person, a blissful smile on her face. After a dedicated discussion, Jin finally picked the Tiktok song. Just as Chiharu was warming up for her dance, (Y/n)’s phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her bag.
(09:48) Katsuki : What time you coming back?
(09:50) (Y/N)ヾ☆* : not sure yet
Katsuki is typing…
(09:50) Katsuki : Can you ask?
(Y/n) sighed and scratched her head.
(09:51) (Y/N)ヾ☆* : i asked. No one knows
Katsuki started typing again. He was typing for a while, but then the bubble disappeared. (Y/n) stared at the screen. He began typing again.
(09:53) Katsuki :  Deku’s picking you up
(09:53) Katsuki :  When you’re done.
(Y/n) replied with a thumbs up emoji.
(09:54) Katsuki : So let us know when you’re almost done, so he can head over there.
(09:54) Katsuki : Are you drinking?
Jesus Christ, Katsuki can talk when he wants to. (Y/n) shifted in her seat, setting her drink down on the table in front of her so she can type with both hands. Hana eyed her.
(09:55) (Y/N)ヾ☆* : I will
(Y/n) didn’t know if he responded because she shoved her phone back into her bag. She looked over and saw Hana already looking at her.
“You okay?” Hana asked.
“Oh, yeah. Just group project stuff.”
Hana nodded, understanding. Nat then came over and handed mics to her and (Y/n).
“I picked out this duet just for you two.”
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(Y/n) and Hana stood on the curb with their arms locked at the elbow as they waved goodbye to their friends, watching the three of them stumble away in the direction of their apartments. Jin and Natsuko lived together, and Chiharu lived in the complex around the corner from them. Hana lived on the opposite side of the city campus, so (Y/n) offered to walk her. They were both laughing at a video someone posted on Twitter of the Deku Fortnite skin.
“Why didn’t they include Shoto? Dynamight and Deku, but no Shoto?”
“I don’t know, maybe he didn’t approve it,” (Y/n) remarked, watching Deku’s character dance on Hana’s phone. “And with good reason.”
“And Dynamight did?!”
(Y/n) shrugged, sputtering a laugh. “Maybe Dynamight likes the game.” By force of habit, (Y/n) pulled her own phone out of her bag to check her notifications. She ended up ignoring it for most of the night, so she couldn’t imagine what she missed.
To her surprise, she only missed one text from Katsuki and one text from Izuku. Izuku was letting her know the time he was picking her up at, which was… in 3 minutes.
(Y/n) stopped walking, her sudden halt pulling Hana back. Hana looked at her, confused.
“So, my ride is actually a few minutes away, and I only gave them the address to the karaoke bar…”
Hana understood, and she smiled. “Oh, okay! Text me when you get home?”
(Y/n) didn’t think Hana realized she didn’t live on campus anymore.
“Of course.”
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Izuku pulled up to the curb in the sleek black car he and Katsuki alternated driving. They had other cars, but they both must’ve preferred this one. It was 1 in the morning, and the streets were starting to quiet down.
He wordlessly unlocked the car, and (Y/n) popped into the passenger side, smiling. Izuku didn’t give much of a greeting as he pulled off as soon as she buckled in.
(Y/n) broke the silence first. “I didn’t know you were in Fortnite.”
It was dark in the car, but (Y/n) could see the way his brow furrowed as he drove, as if he were trying to recall what on earth she was referring to.
“Katsuki’s in Fortnite, too,” she giggled. “Your costumes look a lot different, though.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he was no louder than a mumble as he looked past (Y/n) to make a turn.
(Y/n) sunk into her seat, taking this as her cue to leave him alone. Where Katsuki pushed her when he was upset, Izuku ignored her.
“How was your night?” He finally asked, after the lights of the city became sparser. (Y/n) perked up.
“It was a lot of fun! I was a little nervous to sing, so I spent a lot of time watching my friends, but Hana and I did a song together near the end.”
She didn’t know, but Izuku could smell the alcohol on (Y/n)’s breath, and he slightly turned his head away from her as she spoke.
“You have a lot to drink?” He asked quietly, a hand leaving the steering wheel to scratch his ear.
“No, not a lot.”
“How much?”
“I don’t know, I wasn’t really–”
“How much, (Y/n)?”
(Y/n) looked over at him, blinking. Izuku’s gaze was still fixed on the road.
“I think no more than five,” she peeped. She watched him.
Izuku continued driving. They were almost home.
“You think?”
“I think, yeah.”
He was silent. He made another turn, and the light from a streetlamp shined down on half of his face, so (Y/n) could finally discern him. He appeared unaffected.
(Y/n) didn’t know what else to say, and whatever buzz she was feeling before quickly dissipated. She sat there with her hands folded in her lap. If this was Katsuki, she would’ve yelled back at him, but this was Izuku. Izuku has a different command about him.
The car was parked, and (Y/n) looked up. They were home. Izuku turned the car off, but he didn’t unbuckle. He turned to (Y/n), the light from the porch finally illuminating his face enough to give (Y/n) an emotion she recognized: pity.
“Please try to keep track next time.”
(Y/n) didn’t know what to say.
Izuku got out of the car, closed the door, and headed inside with his hands in his pockets, leaving (Y/n) alone in the car.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Put It Straight Part 2
Miguel O'hara x M!Reader
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[Part 1]
Warnings: Mostly fluff, with a hint of angst
Summary: The reader gets invited to a hide-out by Gwen, and is starting to feel better, But Miguel on the other hand is losing his shit, and starts to cuss out/intimidate anyone that comes near him
Quote: “This is actually my third or second time, Miguel doesn’t really let me travel the multiverse a lot”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You had absolutely no idea where to go. This was your 3rd or 2nd time traveling the multiverse, mainly because Miguel wouldn’t allow you to travel too much in fear of you getting hurt. You were walking through a random version of New York from god knows which universe. But all of a sudden a portal opened in front of you, and Gwen came out of it.
“Hey y/n, I heard you weren’t on Miguel’s side anymore, so you wanna join us?” She said.
“Oh- uh- sure” you Said.
When you walked into the portal you were transported to a secret hideout of sorts with hundreds of other spider people. When you were walking around he bumped into Peter B Parker and Mayday.
“Oh hey y/n!” He said cheerfully.
“Hi Peter” you smiled.
“So, I heard that you and Miguel broke up, are you okay?” Peter asked.
You never really thought about it, you didn’t really know if you would consider it a break-up, more like a fight, but all of your fights with Miguel were never this serious.
“It’s kinda complicated” you said awkwardly.
“That’s good! So are you guys taking a break or-”
Peter was interrupted as Gwen elbowed him, and gave him the ‘Stop talking about it’ look.
“So y/n, first time traveling the multiverse?” Gwen said.
“This is actually my third or second time, Miguel doesn’t really let me travel the multiverse a lot” you responded.
“Enough about Miguel y/n! Try to lighten up a little! Oh and by the way, we got you little suit that has spider powers! You can be one of us now!” Peter smiled.
“Peter! It was supposed to be a surprise!” Gwen scolded.
“You guys did?!” You shouted in excitement.
Gwen and Peter both noticed how your face lit up in excitement every time a spider person would swing by you. For some reason, it never got old to you, it was just cool seeing people swing by. So they thought that they could make you your own spider suit.
“Hehe oops.. sorry” Peter laughed nervously.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you guys so much!” You smiled.
While you were having what you would describe as the best time of your life, Miguel was losing his shit. Cussing out anyone who dared even come near him, throwing stuff around, yelling, shouting, and punching the wall until it had a noticeable dent in it. Needless to say Miguel was NOT having fun.
Miguel ordered Lyla to try and track down where the watch you stole from him. Miguel was a reckless mess.
“Hey Miguel” Miguel turned around in anger to see who dared try and come near him, but he saw no one.
“Did you forget I was here too?” Lyla said.
“Did you find where y/n is?!” Miguel exclaimed.
“Yeah.. but after your little tantrum I don’t think I should give it to you” Lyla said teasingly.
“Lyla not now! I need to find y/n!” He yelled.
“Come on, you know the special word” Lyla smirked.
“Lyla this is serious!” Miguel shouted.
“Come onnnn, it’s just one simple little word” Lyla smirked.
Miguel sighed in defeat.
“Could you please give me the location of where y/n is?” Miguel grumbled.
“Sorry I didn’t hear that” Lyla smiled.
“Could you please give me the location of where y/n is?” Miguel said a bit louder.
“Come on you can speak waaaaaay louder than that” Lyla said.
“Yeah I don’t have it but thanks for the picture” Lyla laughed as she showed Miguel a picture of him with a bunny filter.
“LYLA!” Miguel shouted.
“Kidding!” Lyla said before sending Miguel the location.
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