cabinetduo · 5 months
looking at the streams and everywhere em is sunny is right behind
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himejoshiangels · 6 months
I'll never ever ner get over fabians no good very bad day never ever.
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axellis-archv-2 · 1 year
axellis anniversary in t minus 2 hours & 22 minutes
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what a choice for the opening match! how am I supposed to pick only one to root for??
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year
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quirefeast · 5 months
people who keep rting my dead plates what’s it like loving toxic yaoi
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steevejr · 2 months
you know i guess the one thing ive gotten out of reading all these shitty queer romance novels is getting SO fed up with the pathetic yaoi virgin gayboy protagonists that now im making all my gay guys a lot more normal. like idk why these queer writers cant write a gay protagonist whos not a yaoi uke or a threadbare caricature of a gay boy. or as a slutty bisexual who sleeps with everyone but is still somehow afraid of sex.
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lesbianraskolnikov · 11 months
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inkstaindusk · 1 year
Me: huh why did I keep forgetting to write today
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asakk-o · 5 months
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Gojo Satoru gyahhhh
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cabinetduo · 6 months
I love how kinda shit Tina is with kids it's incredible to me. like she thinks the eggs are adorable and fawns all over them but when it comes to like practical stuff she slips up a lot and freaks about the responsibility. When she's unprepared she's super awkward like when she first met em she spent most of her time overthinking and panicking. Or during the date when Richas started playing pretend with her and Bagi, Bagi adapted pretty quick but Tina had some trouble playing along. And she's hyper aware of to. Shes very insecure about her parenting abilities and swears up and down that her first meeting with Empanda was a garbage fire. She is, however, determined to do better. Shes actively trying to become a better parent and is holding herself to it. I just really like that she's not immediately settling into being a mother. Not everyone immediately acclimates to parenthood and it fits super well for her character.
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himejoshiangels · 2 months
I'll never be over the fact that being batman it GYAHHHH! so when bruce becomes batman and makes his vow to get justice for gotham, to make it so that no one else has to experience the devastation and loss he did the night he lost his parents- being batman means well his job, his mission requires overexposure to death crime and tragedy in order for him to prevent it, and like yeah he never truly ever left crime alley, but that wound is constantly being ripped open. Every person, every ally, every one of HIS KIDS especially that he loses in pursuit of this mission makes the injury new and fresh and red.
this isn't news of course but everytime it hits me that because batman is built on grief he's destined to do it forever I just ☹️☹️
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scribeoffate · 6 months
Scott Whump Rec List pt 1
Happy holidays everyone! I know they can be stressful for all of us, so one of my favorite ways to de-stress is to stress out Scott 😈. This first rec list is going to focus on fics that do not have explicit sexual content. Pt 2 will cover those.
Lost Boys Don't Cry by CranApplePye (156K words)
This fic is sort of THE sciles whump fic. It features sciles being taken captive and delicious, delicious whump for both characters. The sciles feels are A++. This is a must-read if you are a sciles fan, Stiles whump fan or Scott whump fan.
Sawdust & Snow by QuickLikeLight (63k words)
While this fic is light on the physical whump, the emotional whump is A++++++. And again the sciles feels are just stellar. This fic takes a look at choices Scott and Stiles may have made post-canon and it's just so good.
worth fighting for by momentofmemory (18k, wip)
Am I biased because this fic was written for me, to my exact tastes? Absolutely. It is still a fantastic fic? Also absolutely! This is a scira fic that follows a captive Scott from bardo, to the place he's being held and back. It explores his relationships with all of the villains from the show and gyahhhh. It has everything you want in a captive! Scott whump fic PLUS some.
blood in the water by momentofmemory (7.5k)
This fic!! It's a missing scene, canon compliant fic about Scott covered in blood. It features sciles feelings and is utlimately a scalia piece. It's so good and so painful and so lovely.
heavy heart by momentofmemory (1.3k)
This fic features a Theo trying to figure Scott out, which is always a favorite of mine in sceo fic. But it also features Scott taking on whump he doesn't even need to. Lovely.
I chose those three- but if you are a Scott fan @momentofmemory's fics are not to be missed. Most of them involve some form of physical or emotional whump. And they are all absolutely stunningly crafted. Fantastic works, all!
the hunted sky by spikeface (1.2 k)
This is a missing scene style fic for 4x01, which features some of my personal favorite canon Scott whump- electrocution in Araya's house. The way this fic just adds so much depth to that scene is masterful.
the boy who swallowed the earth (19k) by spikeface
This one is more Theo centric than Scott centric, but def features a very healthy amount of half dead Scott for our reading pleasure. And if you want a fic with layer after layer after layer, this is absolutely it. You'll feel like you're going in circles in all of the best ways.
Dominion by Escalus (81K)
Again a little more Theo centric, but the Scott whump is lovely. And it features captivity, which you will note is something I enjoy v v much. This one is so fun, I love the way it plays out in the end.
my blood by LuthienKenobi (2.6 k, wip)
This fic features sciles on the run and a very, very, very hurt Scott. Love, love love.
Breaking Point by liliaeth (2.5k, wip)
If you hadn't realized, captive!Scott fic is my favorite. And this one delivers! It's one of those I've read mutliple times even knowing that it is only one chapter. I regret nothing. It's so delightful.
this beast that you're after will eat you alive by cat (rileyfinns) (4k)
This scira fic is all about scott and kira getting to cry. It's hurt/comfort but so heavy on the comfort. I love the emotional beats of this fic so much, they def scractch that emotional whump itch.
A few self recs as well, because my own teen wolf fic page is filled with Scott whump, because it is my favorite!
Just Breathe by idc_chan (1.3K)
This is a pre-canon Scott, Stiles and Theo fic focusing on Scott's asthma and it's just so much fun.
Catch and Release by idc_chan (2.4k)
This is a sceo fic featuring, you may have guessed it, captive! Scott. It's also got paintaking and Scott taking too much pain as a theme. A lot of fun and fts phsical and emotional whump.
So Part 2 is definitely gonna include some Very Explicit recs, but while making this list, I realized there will definitely be more parts. If you appreciate this list, leave some feedback for the authors! They would love to hear from you. <3
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milqyhuneu · 2 days
I already posted this on my blog but here's the scene at the aquarium with Y/n and Junpei!
I rushed it a bit so Junpei isn't done as well
(Also ik this scen wasn't that serious but I wanted to draw something close to angst soo)
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Aside from this being heartbreaking to see visually, THIS IS UH-MAZING <333 this is literally how I imagined Junpei’s face to be looking like when you drop the bomb on him.
Your MC is sooo adorableee 😭🥺, the way she just awkwardly nodding 😂
I love it so much!! <333
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sang8262 · 11 months
yall i commissioned chibi jp art and i just got them, he is so, so SO!!! adorable (default and alt costumes cause i love all of he)
will link once it gets shared by the artist gyahhhh
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cialloraptor · 2 months
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Recently found myself on a trolls kick and my inner child is really having fun with it
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