#h&m defense squad
sirensonged · 2 years
tag drop  /  ooc
▸   P I N N E D   ||   start  here. ▸   O O C   ||   Noah  Sebastian  Defense  Squad. ▸   S E L F - P R O M O    ||   *sticks  my  leggy  in  the  air*. ▸   P R O M O    ||   i  would  sell  you  for  a  single  corn  chip  but  out  of  love. ▸   D A S H G A M E S   ||   is  this  crack  or  nah? ▸   S T A R T E R C A L L   ||   you  know  the  drill. ▸   P L O T T I N G C A L L   ||   you  know  the  drill. ▸   S H I P P I N G C A L L    ||   you  know  the  drill. ▸   P S A   ||   hey  hey  hey  pay  attention.
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Redacted Audio Masterlist
ALL THE REDACTED CONTENT I MAKE IS NOW GOING TO BE ORGANIZED AND STORED HERE! Anything that is a fanfiction type thing will be italicized. 
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Redacted Memes: Pt. 1
Redacted Pinterest Boards
Top Ten HC
Valentines Day “Blurbs”
> Ft. DAMN group, Sweetheart/Milo, Avior/Starlight 
Five Random HC , Pt 2
Can they Skateboard
Incorrect Quotes Pt. ? Generator , School
Summer Camp HC Pt 1.
Responses to: Pt. 1
> No my opinion will not be subjected to change on this. If you disagree, fine. it’s the internet, I’m not expecting everyone to agree with me. But we should still respected what Erik said about Caelum and romantic relationships.  
Snippets: >> , >> , >> , >> , >> , >>, >> , >> , >>, >>, >>, >> , >> , >>
> Play russian roulette with these. Are they soft? Are they funny? Are they angsty? Who are they about? You’ll never know unless you click it. Accept the package delivered. 
D(a)emon Boy Designs
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Shaw Pack Shenanigans:
Black Flies Series Pt. 1 , Pt. 2
A little more warmth
Shaw Mates Groupchat - Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 , Pt. 3 , Pt. 4 , Pt. 5
Youtube Channels
Incorrect Quotes , Pt 2
HBS 2023 Snapshots
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David and Angel:
Angel Design
Angel and Sweetheart
Incorrect Quotes
Angel OC Thread (Please reblog with your Angel OCs.  :D) > Alternatively: OCs
All Together Spooky
Last Line of Defense
Victorian AU Pt. 1
Mundane Ft. Asher
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Asher and Baabe:
Incorrect Quotes
Darlin and Baabe
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Milo and Sweetheart: 
Sweetheart Design
Angel and Sweetheart
Incorrect Quotes
Sweetheart Picrew (Sweetheart OC Thread)
> Alternatively: OCs
All Together Spooky
Origin of Tomorrow Ft. Cutie
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Gavin and Freelancer:
Incorrect Quotes
Dance With Me Ft. Caelum
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D.A.M.N. Squad:
Incorrect Quotes
All Together Spooky Ft. Caelum
Incorrect Quotes
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Vincent and Lovely:
Incorrect Quotes
All Together Spooky
Incorrect Quotes
You Must Be This Tall Ft. Vincent’s Stranger
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Sam and Darlin: 
Darlin Design
Incorrect Quotes
Darlin and Baabe
Five Things I love about you
All Together Spooky
The Months I Loved You ft. Quinn
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Cutie and Geordie:
Incorrect Quotes
Break-Time Geordi Audio Thoughts
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Guy and Honey:
Incorrect Quotes, Pt. 2
Honey Teddy Grahams
Should have stayed in Pre-Algebra
> Technically a continuation piece thing of honey teddy grahams, but can be read as a standalone piece and it still makes sense.
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Elliot and Sunshine:
Incorrect Quotes (ft. Brachium)
Regulus and Precious:
Aaron and Smartass:
Ollie and Mentor:
Hush and Doc:
James and Spouse:
Anton and his love:
Lasko and Dear:
Blake and Bestie:
Incorrect Quotes
So do something
Save You
Camelopardalis (god I love his name so fucking much aaaa):
Chaos in your mind 
Dear Friend ft. Warden
I’ll Still Dream of You
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Ivan and Baby (both of them):
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Project Meridian Asset:
All Together Spooky
Incorrect Quotes
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Vega and Warden: 
Vega Design
Warden Design
Lose Everything (Prompt Episode One)
Incorrect Quotes
New Warden Design + HC
Ever Again
Unique and Powerful
I Still See Your Face
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Avior and Starlight:
Incorrect Quotes
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Bright Eyes and Frederick:
Lore Explanation (ty Anon)
Fun Night
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Imperium AU:
After Love is Gone - Imp!Damien/Imp!Angel
Vulture of Reality - Imp!Vega/Pet
Anemia - Imp!Vincent/Imp!Lovely
71 notes · View notes
sillyghostspace · 3 months
"Even the Cold Melts" - Bronya x Seele (Chapter 1)
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Author's Note: Another fuel for yuri worshippers. This fanfic is pretty long, as this part is only the first chapter. But since it's about Seele and Bronya, it's justified for sure (at least according to me :3)
Summary: With the end of Eternal Freeze reigning for centuries and the troublesome visitor from the Interastral Peace Corporation, Belobog finally begins its long voyage towards a better and more hopeful future. But Bronya and Seele will soon encounter obstacles, ones that may even turn their relationship into dust....
Genre: Fluff, angst, slow romance, action
Word Count: 4.8k
In this vast universe, where bright stars exploded into black holes that sucked the remaining light around them and galaxies collided into each other every eon, nothing was predictable. At one time, a misfortune could strike a planet that’d been worshipping their Aeon—God—at every given opportunity. On the far end, someone might receive a tremendous blessing only to be used just like a curse, purging those who met them in the eyes.
Such anomalies occurred everywhere and at every time.
After all, galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities—both good and bad.
The incident befalling Jarilo-VI was an example of the latter.
Unseen and forgotten by many roaming from star to star, Jarilo-VI was a planet where coldness prevailed, casting what would be called as “Eternal Freeze” lasting for 700 years.
Life didn’t prosper, and the survivors had to clutch their only last hope within the wall of Belobog—the sole standing city on the entire planet. It was until the Nameless—the crew of Astral Express—lent their help, destroying Stellaron, Cancer of All Worlds.
The path of Preservation shone a light of hope for them.
That was the end of Eternal Freeze, which also became the mark of Belobog’s—no, Jarilo-VI’s—new start.
However, the road leading to a hopeful future was far from being a smooth one….
“Supreme Guardian, our scouts have been detecting some abnormal activities from the fragmentum monsters in the Snow Plains. What should we do?”
“Set up our defenses. No need to attack, just focus on protecting our area. For now, we should aim for maximum security with no casualty.”
“Understood, Supreme Guardian!”
“Ma’am Supreme Guardian, p-please help us! M-many robots are attacking our miners! S-seems like there’s been some malfunction with them!”
“Underworld, isn’t it? Then please ask for Miss Clara and Mr. Svarog’s help! With them everything should be fine, and there’s her too….But keep updating me on the situation.”
“T-thank you, Supreme Guardian!”
“Supreme Guardian, sorry for suddenly barging in, but there’s a pack of fragmentum monsters getting closer. There’s a chance battle is unavoidable.”
“What are they aiming now?”
“From the looks of it, they’re marching towards Pillar of Creation.”
“Right on the opposite side, now?! Tch, ask Gepard to lead the squad. Make sure to avoid battle at any cost, but if that’s not possible, I won’t tolerate any casualty!”
“Understood, Supreme Guardian! We’ll be on our way!”
“Wait! While at it, ask Miss Serval to help with the maintenance in case there’s something broken. May the luck be with you all.”
“Thank you, Supreme Guardian!”
“S-Supreme Guardian, s-sorry for interrupting y-you at night like t-this…, b-but….”
“Please slow down. Catch your breath first.”
“T-thank you. I’m just feeling s-so nervous.”
“What happened?”
“T-there’s something on the Boulder Town—a-ah, I mean U-Underworld. I-it’s now threatening e-everyone around. P-please help us.”
“What does it look like?”
“I-I was too scared to look back, b-but since it spoke, I think it’s a h-human. But other than that, I d-don’t really know. I-I’m truly sorry!”
“There’s no need to apologize. It’s only because of your bravery that now I know about this danger. For that, I thank you.”
“Supreme Guardian….I didn’t d-deserve any of those words.”
The Supreme Guardian showed a reassuring smile, also her way to say that everything would be okay. “I’ll look into this one. Please wait for a second.”
She stood up. Her grey-colored hair followed along, her drill curls bouncing in the air for a second before coming to a halt. It hung down past her waist, just a few inches away, before touching the floor.
The girl who sought help gazed at the Supreme Guardian before her eyes in awe. From her body gestures to the determined look in her eyes, nothing about her was ordinary. On top of that, she was strikingly beautiful, like a painting made by a virtuoso coming to life. She radiated the glow that no other people had—one befitting the title she held now.
While awe still struck her, that very same Supreme Guardian had finished her preparation. Her trusty musket, with the same color adorning her attire, was within her right hand’s grasp. She walked to a Silvermane guard—Belobog’s own peacemaker—stationed near the door connecting Qlipoth Fort and the outside Administrative District.
“Please hold the fort for me. If you haven’t heard anything from me in an hour, prepare a small unit. Five people are enough. Can I count you on that?”
“Yes, Supreme Guardian!”
Although her voice posed a clear authority of someone from a higher stature, it didn’t even come close to being imposing. She wasn’t putting herself above everyone else. Her tone commanded respect and grace, enveloping the surrounding others with compassion.
After her brief conversation with that guard, she turned around, back to facing the scared lady.
“Sorry for making you wait. Can you please led the way?”
“O-of course, Miss Supreme Guardian!”
The scared lady went to the door. Her heart didn’t thump as fast as before. She knew exactly why. It was the first time she saw Belobog’s Supreme Guardian with her eyes, but it was enough to trust her completely.
With her, she felt everything would be okay.
That nothing would scare her any—
Just as she reached the door handle, it swung open abruptly from the opposite side in a manner far from gentle. No one expected it, and being the person closest to the door—just an inch away from being struck by it—the girl jumped in fear and fell.
Walking through the door was another girl, this time looking way fiercer than everyone else in the room.
“Bronya!” she shouted. “Where are—”
“Seele, I’m here. There’s no need to shout.”
Upon hearing Bronya’s voice, Seele—the girl who barged in such a dramatic way—turned her attention towards her. Her long purple hair.
“I heard you asked for help from Clara and—” Before finishing her words, she noticed the weapon on Bronya’s hand. She squinted her eyes, brows furrowed. “Where are you going?”
“Underworld. There seems to be a commotion down there.”
With no hesitation, Seele answered. “I’ll go with you.”
Bronya delayed her answer. She looked at Seele, observing her up and down only to see bruises on her body, some dirt, and even small wounds where a drop of thick, red liquid streamed down.
“H-hey, don’t stare at me too much,” Seele remarked, sensing how intense Bronya’s gaze was now.
“Where did you get those scars?” Bronya asked.
“Hmm?” Seele looked all over her body, as if she’d just noticed those wounds. “Ah, these? Just ignore them.”
“Seele, where did you get them?” she repeated her words, this time a bit intense than before.
“Alright, alright! As I mentioned, you asked for Clara and Svarog’s assistance, right? I happened to be there as well, so I lent my support just a bit.”
“Enough to wind you up with those wounds?” Bronya’s concern was visible, contrasting with Seele’s nonchalant demeanor.
“Hey, blame those corrupted robots! It’s not like I asked to be punched! Besides, these are nothing. You, of all people, should know I’ve faced a much more troublesome bunch than this.”
As much as Seele was being overconfident with her own ability, no one could refute it. Even a quick glance at her cloth, black top and short, emphasized her role as a fighter—rather a good one at that. In terms of raw power and technique, she might stand above the rest. Combined that with her bravery and she became a powerhouse to be reckoned with.
Then again, she was still a human. It didn’t make her immune to any pain.
“C’mon!” Seele exclaimed after no one replied. She hadn’t noticed the fallen girl who was witnessing everything. “I’ll tag along, so just show me the way.”
There was a short pause before Bronya’s response.
“No, it’s too dangerous. You should stay here.”
“Want it or not, you’re too reckless. As someone who has injury all over her body, you should go to medic and get some rest.”
“Seriously? Are you even my mother now?”
“Seele, I’m serious.”
“And I’m also serious about helping you! Do you hate it that much?”
“That’s not what I’m saying, but no is still no.”
Their quarrel went on for a while. None of them backed down, arguing about something they believed as the right thing to do. Their voices echoed across the room, as words attacking and countering each other just like invisible weapons.
At the same time, the girl who hadn’t stood up found her voice in the midst of chaos. She looked around, puzzled by the guards’ hesitant expression, wondering why they weren’t intervening in that heated argument.
“P-please don’t f-fight….”
Albeit the Overworld and Underworld of Belobog had declared their truce, it was impossible to unite them in just a night. With a bad blood between these two factions, getting rid of that stigma proved to be the most troublesome part of Belobog’s restoration plan.
Of course, some people had begun to see past the differences. But humans were emotional beings—ones couldn’t instill an idea and hoped they would change overnight.
It required a long process, and the one sitting as everyone’s ruler understood that the best.
Because of that, she had no reason to fear stepping into the Underworld.
Or, more accurately, she couldn’t be scared.
“I-it was around here,” the frightened girl stammered.
She stood in front of Bronya and Seele. Every time she glanced back, all she saw were those two girls avoiding each other’s eyes. The Supreme Guardian had her arms hung on the sides while the valiant member of Wildfire crossed them on her chest.
Ignoring them would probably be the best, but that would burden her even more.
After all, if she hadn’t asked for help, the scene happening behind her wouldn’t have occurred.
“Just make sure to stay with me,” Bronya said, sounded defeated.
“Those should be my words.”
They were in a rather secluded area of Boulder Town. There were people, but not as many as the main hub.
“That’s w-weird….I swear t-this is the place.”
The scared girl looked around, but could find nothing related to the entity she’d described in Qlipoth Fort. She became even more nervous, especially with Seele glaring at her now. Her piercing stare could cut the wind.
“Aren’t you being a pretty suspicious, Miss?” Seele asked, gripping onto her scythe.
A sudden laughter burst, cutting her off.
“T-that laughter! T-that’s the one!”
The moment she heard that sound, the girl’s legs gave up. She fell again, her expression trembled in horror. Once witnessing that, both Bronya and Seele were convinced that something dangerous was approaching.
“Stay behind me, Bronya,” Seele said.
“Be careful.” Bronya answered, raising her musket in an instant towards where the sound came from. “I’ll support you from behind.”
Her aim was steady, the testament of her extensive training. She didn’t leave the scope even for a second, holding it where it should be with such a high-concentration, as if the surrounding air had vanished for that brief, intense moment.
Before her eyes, Seele also raised her alarm. She clutched onto her scythe tighter than before, not planning to let it go until she knew it was safe to do so. At a glance, she was full of openings, standing unguarded without assuming any stance. But those with trained eyes could see the danger that would come once they stepped into that girl’s range, leaving no blind spots for enemies.
With their combined readiness and vigilance, any would-be attacker would think twice before making a move.
They waited for this mysterious being to reveal itself while at the same time covering the frightening girl behind them. A few seconds passed, and the sound of footsteps followed along.
“It’s close.” Seele was the first one to react. Her stare stayed at that one spot.
Their breaths grew heavier.
The silence enveloped surrounding air.
Their hearts thumbed in different rhythms.
Then, in just a split second, another sound erupted, interrupting the dense quietness.
“Be ready!”
From that same corner, a human revealed themselves, making a grand entrance by jumping into their view. They locked their sight to that figure, observing everything they could before commencing an attack.
That silhouette placed their hands on their waist, striking a pose that could instill fear in those who gazed into them. Despite their smaller stature compared to the others, they exuded a domineering aura, hooking their attention as they stood tall—or at least as tall as they could.
If one didn’t look close enough, that figure would look like a kid with her childlike appearance.
Even then, assuming that wouldn’t be wrong.
After all, it was indeed just a child.
One that both Bronya and Seele recognized, especially the latter.
“Hook?!” Seele shouted, her face showed disbelief.
“No!” the little girl named Hook shouted back, trying to be more intimidating, which failed miserably with her cutesy voice. “It’s Pitch-Dark Hook the Great! Especially the last part, that’s so important! Don’t miss that!”
As she pouted, her cheeks became puffy. Her hat, although two times larger than her head, added a bonus point of cuteness to her overall appearance.
“P-Pitch-Dark Hook the G-Great?!” The frightened girl, still stuck in that position, cowered in fear.
Those words reached Hook’s ear, and in an instant, her pout transformed into a smug. Bronya didn’t fully pay attention, but she swore she could see that little girl’s ears and noses expanding.
“Yes! That’s correct, I’m the one and only Pitch-Great the Dark Hook!”
“You messed that up,” Seele said.
“N-nghh! I-I mean Pitch-Dark Hook the Great!” Just like before, her smile twisted into a pout. “You should all bow before me, for your new leader has arrived! Hey, you!”
Hook pointed at the scared girl. Her eyes widened, still not understanding the situation.
“Hook, pointing at someone older isn’t polite.” This time, it was Bronya who scolded her.
“S-shut up! I-I’m talking with her!”
“M-me?!” the frightened girl answered.
“Yes, you!” Hook tried to put up an intimidating face. “Because you called my name right, I’ll let you join The Moles! We’ll conquer the world together!”
“W-what on Earth is that?”
Seele let out a sigh. She couldn’t handle the scene currently unfolding in front of her. Her hand snatched Hook’s hat in a flash. It was seconds before the self-proclaimed leader realized. As soon as she felt something was missing on top of her head, she begun to cry.
“N-no, my h-hattt!” She tried to reach it, but her worst enemy—the height difference—prevented her from doing so. Even as much as she tried to be fearsome, she couldn’t hide her childish side.
She kept jumping up and down. When Seele noticed that, she raised her arm while smirking.
“E-evil! G-give. It. B-back!”
From her expression, it was visible that Seele enjoyed every second of it. “C’mon. Kids like you shouldn’t be talking about world domination or whatever it is.”
“Y-you can’t talk l-like that to H-Hook the great!”
“I’ll tell Fersman that you’re messing around.”
“Hey, I’m not!”
Both of them walked side by side—or more precisely, Seele in front with Hook following, still trying to seize her hat back.
Bronya exhaled a sigh of relief. It was anticlimactic, but as long as everyone was fine, she was content.
“Seems like everything is fine now,” she said to the frightened girl while stretching her right hand. “Here, let me help you get back up.”`
“Lady Bronya, I sincerely apologize for my dumb daughter.”
“A-and me too, S-Supreme Guardian!”
Two people were bowing to Bronya—Fersman, Hook’s father, and the frightened girl. Both of them had a troubled expression, as if they’d done something irredeemable when the actual culprit was standing beside her father, clutching onto his jeans.
“Please, there’s no need to do that,” Bronya said, asking them to raise their heads. “It’s just a part of my duty. Besides, I’m glad that it was just a misunderstanding.”
“Scaring people around, really?“ Compared to her, Seele’s words were harsher. She squatted, eyes were on the same level as Hook’s before proceeding to flick her forehead with a light tap.
“N-nghh!” Hook groaned.
“You’re lucky that only idiots would fall for that trick.”
“W-was that an insult?” the frightened girl commented, but her low volume made it impossible for everyone to hear.
“Out of all pranks, why did you even do that?” Seele asked Hook.
Hook turned her face away, pouting. “Hmmpp! I’m not telling a monster!”
Seele’s eye twitched in irritation. She positioned her fingers in front of Hook’s forehead, ready to flick her yet again. “What did you say?”
“W-wait!” Hook covered her forehead with her tiny hands. “I-I’m just bored! There was no one to play with!”
“What about the other Moles members? Have they betrayed you or something?”
“That’s not it. They are my most loyal followers!”
“And where might these loyal followers be?”
“Emmm…, they are asleep already.”
Seele shook her head. “Kids, through and through. At least they weren’t causing trouble.”
“I-its just,” Hook’s voice trembled for a moment, sniffling after the scolding. “It’s just without Honorary member, it’s been so boring these days!”
No matter how strong she was, Seele didn’t expect that Hook would cry. Again.
“Seele, that’s enough. Don’t you think you’re being cruel?” Bronya said after looking at Hook’s teary expression.
“I mean, if you say it like that….” Seele became hesitant as well. “Well! My point is that playing is fine, just don’t bother others.”
Her crying kept going. Seele became even more troubled. It wasn’t supposed to be this difficult, as she’d interacted with many children around the city, offering them help or even playing with them whenever free time came around.
While Seele didn’t know what to do, Bronya entered the conversation, kneeling beside her to see Hook in the eyes. That caught Seele’s attention, who had an idea about what Bronya’d say.
“Hook, I can be your friend.”
No one expected that kind of response from the Supreme Guardian, except for Seele, slapping her face with her palm.
“That way, we can play together, right? Though, it can get boring with me, I think,” she continued with an awkward smile.
There was a brief pause before someone answered, and that person was Fersman. “Lady Bronya, you don’t have to. ”
“I’m fine with it. After all, I also understand Hook. It’s because of the Astral Express Crew we can live in peace like this. I’d certainly love to meet with them again one day.”
Bronya’s voice was filled with fondness, remembering the fight they’d fought together. And of course, in those memories, Seele was always beside her.
But at one point, her delightful expression turned into a pained one—reminded of one incident that still lingered with her even until now. She shut her eyes, trying to ease her mind until that scene vanished from her head.
However, she knew it’d come back sooner or later.
“Bronya, are you okay?” Seele asked, full of concern, being the first one to notice her absence of mind.
“….Sorry….Just remembered something rather…, unpleasant. But I’m okay now.”
Once again, she reassured Seele with another smile, one that looked more awkward than before. That smile soon vanished when she turned around to meet Hook in the eyes again.
“So,” she continued, “what do you say?”
Hook was facing down. Her grip on Fersman’s jeans tightened. She was also dragging her feet on the ground, pushing and sweeping the dust backward. No one could see it, but they could hear the gears on her head moving and turning. At this point, everyone was looking at her.
The moment she made up her mind, Hook lifted her head, meeting Bronya’s gaze directly.
“T-thank you, Miss Supreme Guardian, but I don’t want to trouble you again. I’ll be better than that!”
“I see….” Bronya said, tilting her head playfully. “So I just got rejected, then?”
“T-that’s not w-what I meant!”
Hook became panicked. She wondered whether her answer was the wrong one, but Bronya replied her with a genuine smile and soft laughter.
“I’m just joking,” she replied before standing up. “I assume this problem has been settled, then?”
Fersman and the frightened girl nodded in agreement, expressing their gratitude.
“Thank you, Lady Bronya.”
“T-thank you, a-and sorry again!”
That exchange marked the end of their conversation. They waved to each other before Bronya and Seele walked away, slowly disappearing from view.
“Nghhhh! I practically did nothing back there, but somehow I felt so tired already,” Seele said, raising both arms and stretching them.
“That’s not true. Your help was pretty much appreciated.”
“That doesn’t sound sincere at all.”
Bronya chuckled. Her expression was softer than before. “I’m being sincere as much as I can now. Besides….” There was a slight delay before Bronya’s next string of words, this time quieter than ever. “It was because of you that I could stay calm.”
Seele blinked several times. For someone who spoke loudly, she had a keen hearing. A smug smile appeared on her face as she walked two steps ahead of Bronya before turning her back, now walking backward while facing at the grey-haired lady.
“Ohhhhhh, is that so? I remember someone told me not to come, though.”
“And who is that someone?” Bronya replied with the same playful remark.
Those words brought a smile to Seele’s face, but in an instant, her look completely changed into a serious one. She stopped, and with Bronya following her from behind, she also stood still.
Same as before, ahead by two steps.
“What was that about earlier?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“With Hook. You mentioned remembering something awful, right?”
“….It’s nothing,” Bronya answered after a pause.
“Enough to stress you out? You should’ve seen your own face in a mirror.”
Bronya remained silent, avoiding eye contact since Seele blocked her path.
Seele continued. “I may be dumb, but I’m not oblivious.”
What followed her words was another moment of silence, denser than before. Bronya still avoided Seele’s gaze. The Supreme Guardian everyone’d seen before wasn’t there, only a troubled young girl struggling to find her voice.
“Well, fine, then, if you don’t want to speak.” Although Seele’s answer sounded dismissive, there was a hint of disappointment on her face. Even then, she still kept a watchful eye. “Do you want me to escort you back?”
“There’s no need for that.”
Again, Seele showed a dismissive gesture by shrugging her shoulders, and yet she still stood there, waiting until Bronya was out of her vision.
“Rest well then,” Seele said.
“I won’t be resting.”
“Have a good night, and—” her words were cut short. “Wait, what?”
“Unfortunately, I still have some work left to do.”
“Wait, wait, wait. It’s already night....Don’t tell me you’re going to pull an all-nighter.”
“Most of them are paper works. I might be able to finish them faster and get some rest,” Bronya said while turning around. Her back was all that visible to Seele.
“And how many hours is that?”
Bronya let the silence speak for her, meanwhile the other girl refused to back down until she got the answer she sought.
“By faster, do you mean finishing it until the sun rises? Again, I’m not that oblivious, Bronya. How many times I’ve come to your office and seen those giant mountains of paper works?”
“….It’s my responsibility.”
Bronya’s response angered Seele. Her eyebrows furrowed, and although her scythe wasn’t in her hand, she gripped it tighter. “Your responsibility is working yourself to death now?!”
“If that’s what it takes to restore Belobog, I’ll be more than happy to do so.”
After muttering the last word, Bronya began to walk away. That was Seele’s last straw. She couldn’t control her emotion, not when the person she was talking to threw her face away.
Her hand reached to Bronya’s shoulder, gripping it as strong as she could without hurting her.
“Do you even understand what you’re saying?!”
Their skins came into contact. Her grip was firm.
She’d never let it go.
And that was exactly the reason why Seele was so surprised when Bronya slapped her hand away, easily removing it from her shoulder.
Just one simple push.
In a swift motion, Bronya turned around.
“Then why don’t you do it?!”
They hadn’t seen each other in those expressions.
Realizing what she’d just done, Bronya looked at Seele in terror. She whispered a word before walking away without even looking back.
On the other hand, Seele stood still. She didn’t chase her. Not because she didn’t want to.
She couldn’t.
Her legs couldn’t move. It was nailed down to the ground, pain without bleeding.
She just watched her disappearing to distance.
They were separated like before, but more than just two steps.
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I posted 89 times in 2022
That's 89 more posts than 2021!
86 posts created (97%)
3 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 89 of my posts in 2022
#confessions - 75 posts
#meghan markle - 71 posts
#duchess of sussex - 70 posts
#prince harry - 47 posts
#duke of sussex - 45 posts
#sussex squad - 16 posts
#non confessions - 14 posts
#prince william - 12 posts
#general british royals - 10 posts
#archie mountbatten windsor - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 29 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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“The fact that so many POC who dislike Meghan or simply don't approve of her actions and dare to critique her, get accused of being race traitors or of wanting to be white, shows none of the screeching in her defense was about race. It's not about protecting a black woman or uplifting POC, it's about the cult of one woman and the inability of her fans to realize other people don't have to see her the way they do.” — Anonymous
34 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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“Entertainment Weekly reported Tyler Perry kicked H&M out of his house for bullying staff, only for him to write her a birthday tweet. Tom Bower confirms she is nothing more than an acquaintance to Serena Williams, then just like that she refers to Meghan as her “friend” in an Instagram post. I don’t know how much she’s paying or if she has something on them, but sweeties we already know the truth about your “relationship” with Duchess Montecito. No amount of PR stunts can cover up the obvious.” — Anonymous
37 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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“I always felt like Harry had issues with his family long before Meghan showed up. I felt like Harry never forgave his father and the royal family for how Diana was treated and he blames them for not protecting his mother. I think Harry has been looking for a way out for a while and Meghan finally gave him a legitimate reason (or at least legitimate in his mind) to leave.” — Anonymous
38 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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“I really don't get why people caused such an uproar of Catherine frosting MM out during the walk about .... I would do the same if someone allegedly bullied my daughter while I was heavily pregnant then made an effort to call only me out in a very publicised interview.” — Anonymous
40 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“Harry comes across as someone who just doesn't want to heal his trauma because his trauma is all he has. For so long his whole identity was about losing his mum and if he lets go of that he'll have nothing. And more importantly if he manages to work through his mum's death he won't have this cushion to fall back on whenever something happens to him. It seems like he uses Diana's passing as an excuse for everything he does. Got caught naked in Vegas? It's because he's still hurting from Diana's death. Said racial slurs? His dad didn't raise him as well as Diana would have (even if he was an adult when he said them.) Trashed his family for two years then expects police security from them? It's for Diana's sake, of course. It's such a shame because he has resources that other people can only dream of but he won't use them as long as his mum's death is useful to him” — Anonymous
57 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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zmasters · 1 year
Vow of Chaos
Part 1
Lucella Voss sat in front of a makeshift fire, the flames glistening in her cybernetic eyes. She tossed a bone over her shoulder. She ran out of rations two days ago, and was relying on squig meat for food. At least the planet was infested with them.
“Do you really believe that your master will come for you?” The Warden-Class Knight mech suit next to her whispered, haphazardly repaired from leftover scrap metal from previous battles.
She itched at the neural link connecting her to her Knight’s Throne Mechanicum, which was lengthened during these shotty repairs. “Of course. I-I-I may have said some r-regrettable things.”
“You told him to fuck off.”
“I-I told him t-that I don’t g-give a f-fuck.”
“Well, my pilot, I believe you may need a new patron.”
Lucella shook her head. “No, no, no. My l-lord will t-take me back. I k-killed so m-many orks for h-him.”
The voice laughed, sending a shutter up her spine. “Your Lord has been on world the entire time.”
“Your eighteen year hunt for the Beast that killed your fiance caused your lord to see you as incompetent, and your recent failure was the last straw.”
Lucella was silent. She failed to comprehend everything the voice was saying. A month and a half of slaying orks, and her Lord was here the entire time. “Y-your lying!”
“I would never lie to you, my brave warrior.” The knight praised, Lucella feeling the otherworldly grin of the speaker.
“W-what do you w-want from me?”
“While you have lost the favor of your previous master, your carnage has drawn the attention of new masters.”
“I-I can’t betray m-my lord.”
“He has already betrayed you.”
Inquisitor Clovis absentmindedly tapped away onto a datapad. Serfs quickly set up fortifications and weapon placements as black armored Soritas and gray armored Deathwatch prepared defenses. While Clovis and his Soritas guard were a part of the Ordo Hereticus and specialized in dealing with heretics, the xeno slaying skills of the Deathwatch were particularly useful with dealing with the local ork population.
“Clovis…” A familiar voice growled over a forgotten vox channel.
“Hmm? Oh! Voss. I’ve been trying to send a rescue ship, but the xenos and Chaos orbital defenses have been difficult to break through.” The inquisitor lied, still tapping on his pad. “We managed to break through recently, and I’ll send someone to get you.”
“That won’t be necessary, Clovis…”
A war horn blared, deafening those within the camp. The inquisitor looked up to where the horn was coming from, and saw Lucella’s red Knight Warden standing on top of a hill. The fingers of its thunderstrike gauntlet had sharpened into a claw, and its gatling cannon spun with an unnatural speed. The flamer below the cannon sparked with a dark fire, and the missile pod sitting on top of the Knight’s carapace sparked with an unnatural light. Ork skulls and flesh hung from chains and spikes decorating the hull. The Knight took a step, blood dripping from its body. “How long have you been here, Corvis?” The pilot roared.
“I want every gun fired at that thing!”
A salvo of missiles was fired from Lucella’s Knight before firing her gatling cannon. The rain of explosions devastated a squadron of Soritas while the cannon cut down a second squad.
The remaining Soritas and Deathwatch opened fire. Most of the bolter rounds were absorbed by the Knight’s ion shield. She took another step, firing a second round of missiles while the cannon destroyed a heavy bolter encampment.
A squad of Deathwatch bikers charged on the ground as jetpack wearing Soritas and Deathwatch squads quickly swarmed Lucella. She grabbed a Deathwatch marine in her gauntlet, the newly formed sharp claws breaking through the space marine’s armor. As his bones were shattered, he was still able to shoot at the rogue Knight with his bolter. His reward for this bravery was to be thrown at a biker, causing the driver to crash. The other two bikes were met with Lucella’s heel crushing them
As Lucella used her flamer to burn away the swarm of fliers, screams of horror and hatred from her Knight’s past pilots filled her ears. “Heretic.” They jeered. “Blasphemer.” She was also greeted by standard insults. “Bitch.” Was a common one, as well as “Murderer.” Lucell was able to ignore this concentrated hatred as she lifted the broken shell of a rhino transport vehicle and threw it in the direction of Inquisitor Clovis. But one insult hurt more than any other.
“SHUT UP!” Lucella roared, her flamer setting the camp ablaze in dark fire. “I AM NOT THE BETRAYER! I WAS THE ONE BETRAYED!” Her sensors caught something crawling away.
Clovis’s leg was broken. His skin was burned and blistering. His mouth was filled with the iron taste of blood. “Emperor help me.” He thought. Clovis tried to say the prayer, but his tongue had been bitten off and his jaw wouldn’t move.
“HE’S THE BETRAYER!” He heard Lucella screech, trying to convince herself that she wasn’t in the wrong. “HE LEFT ME ON THIS PLANET TO DIE!”
Lucella grabbed Clovis with her Knight’s gauntlet, not caring for his broken ribs. “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!” She yelled, unintentionally squeezing her former master. “YOU’RE WRONG! YOU TRIED TO KILL ME! THIS WAS SELF DEFENSE! I’M PROTECTING MYSELF!” The Inquisitor’s head burst, covering the Knight with blood and viscera.
But she continued, completely oblivious of the blood stain that was once her Lord. “I didn’t do anything wrong…” She softly said to herself. “Sven was killed by the Beast…”
“Good, my Knight.” The voice echoed in her mind. “I offer you a chance for your desired revenge, all I need is a vow.”
“What do you wish me to do, my Lord?”
“Take up the vow of carnage, and crush all who get in your way, leaving what remains in fear, awe, and Chaos. Take up the vow of dominance, and forge an empire of death and destruction. Take up the vow of the beastslayer, and slay every monster of the land. Take up my vows, and I will bring you to the mutant that took your beloved fiancé away from you.”
Lucella’s towering Knight collapsed to its knees. “I promise to leave a path of carnage in my wake, conquering all that I come across and slaying every beast that comes my way.” She vowed, ignoring the pleas to stop from the spirits within her Throne Mechanicum. Nothing would stop her from slaying the monster that ruined her life. Not her ancestors. Not the Imperium she once served. Not the machine spirit within her Knight.
“Then rise my knight!” The voice yelled, bringing Lucella to her feet. “Rise and sow carnage! Rise and bring ruin! Rise and spread Chaos! Rise and burn the galaxy! Lucella Voss of House Zweidrach, rise under your new name! Lucella Voss, Knight of Malice, Pilot of the Vow of Chaos!”
The Vow of Chaos rose to their feet, Lucella’s vision fading. Once her vision returned, she was somewhere different. She stood within a large forest, in front of a large, familiar manor. Her family’s homestead, that she promised long ago that she would not return until she slain her fiancé’s killer. A young girl walked down the stone path, a woman Lucella hadn't seen in eighteen years.
“Luci?” She asked. Unknown to the Knight, this woman had walked this path everyday for every year she has been gone, hoping to meet her again.
Lucella’s face was blank and her heart was heavy. Her knight’s flamer sparked on.
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weeklyview · 2 years
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CHARD LADIES WIN WEEKEND HOCKEY ENCOUNTER AGAINST TIVERTON - Chard Ladies 1's: 3 Tiverton White Eagles: 2 Report by Amy Claire The Ladies First XI faced Tiverton White Eagles in the lunchtime slot at Holyrood. The match started evenly with both teams having shots on goal. Chard were the first the break the deadlock following some smart play from the midfield of Lola Saxby, Jade Dunning and Kate Cook. There was a scramble on the goal line and ever trustworthy striker Kerryn Mullis was there to poke the ball over the line. After Chard took the lead White Eagles upped their game and put increasing pressure on Chard's defensive line. White Eagles were able to take the lead with two goals in close succession, which despite her best efforts, GK Hannah McGown could not keep out of the goal. After White Eagles took the lead Chard's heads dropped and were lucky not to concede more before half-term. Half time ended 2.1 to White Eagles. After a stern talking to from captain Amy Goss, Chard came out in the second half with their heads up. The second half was a much better performance from Chard, with several more attacks at the White Eagle defence. Chard pulled a goal back, following a shot by Lola Saxby, which was poked past the keeper by Amy Goss. Chard sealed the victory in the middle of the second half, when EJ Hines spotted Lois Butcher in space on the D, who smashed the ball past the keeper and into the back of the net. White Eagles placed pressure on Chard in the closing minutes, but the defensive line of EJ Hines, Evs Churchill, Min Taylor and Kate Phillips were able to keep the ball away from the goal. The match ended 3.2 - Chard's second victory of the season. Man of the match - Min Taylor Donkey of the day - EJ Hines for her feral child trying to run onto the pitch! Squad- H. McGown, E. Hines, L. Butcher, E. Churchill, K. Phillips, J. Dunning, M. Taylor, M. Newbery, A. Goss, L. Saxby, K. Cook and K. Mullis 🏑 🏑 Thank you to umpires Gareth Eggle and Chris Long. (at Chard, Somerset) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6IhwsM8Ii/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gameguides · 2 years
Roblox Hoops Life Controls (2022 October)
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Welcome to our Roblox Hoops Life Controls guide. (PC and Xbox Controller) All the differences between using the DPAD and the right stick. If you are searching for Hoops Life Controls? So you are at the right spot here in this post you will get all the PC and Xbox Controls for Hoops Life Roblox. #RobloxHoopsLife Updated on 10.15.2022
Roblox Hoops Life Controls
Hoops Life is an amazing Roblox game. Many players are looking for Hoops Life PC and Xbox Controls so here are all the Controls and also the differences between using the DPAD and the right stick.
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Roblox Hoops Life Controls We'll keep you upgraded with extra detail once they are released. Roblox Hoops Life Controls – PC These are all the controls for PC: - Shoot = E - Guard = G - Block = Space - Switch Hands= H - StepBack = X - Cross = Z in Right Hand, C in Left Hand - Hesi = Z in Left Hand, C in RIght Hand - Behind the back = ZX, CX - Spin = ZXC,CXZ - Fake Spin = ZXZ, CXC - Between the legs = XX - Shift = Sprint - Dunk = SpceBar - Steal = R - Normal Lob = T + 1,2,3,4 - Backboard Lob = B + 1,2,3,4 - Self Lob = V - Overhead Pass = 1,2,3,4 - Chest Pass = Shift + 1,2,3,4 - Drop Ball = P - Follow people In gym = Tab - Rebound = F - Screens = V - Squad = M Controller Xbox These are all the controls for Xbox: - Shooting / Defense - Shoot = X - Guard = LT - Block = Y - Sprint = RT - Switch Hands = B - Dunk = Y - Steal = X - Normal Lob = LB + A,B,X,Y - Backboard Lob = LB + A,B,X,Y + Sprint - Self Lob = Right stick click - Overhead Pass = A,B,X,Y - Chest Pass = RT + A,B,X,Y - Drop Ball = A - Follow people In gym = Lb - Rebound = RB - Screens = B - Squad = RB If you use a controller, there are two ways to dribble, with the DPAD and with the right stick: Dribbling DPAD Xbox - Stepback = DPAD Down - Cross = Dpad Left in Right Hand, Dpad right in Left Hand - Hesi = Dpad Left in left hand, Dpad Right in right hand - Behind the back = Dpad Left + Dpad Down, Dpad Right + Dpad Down - Spin = Dpad Left + Dpad Down + Dpad Right, Dpad Right + Dpad Down + Dpad Left - Fake Spin = Dpad Left + Dpad Down + Dpad Left, Dpad Right + Dpad Down + Dpad Right In - Between Legs = Dpad Down + Dpad Down Dribbling Right Stick Xbox - Stepback = Flick down - Cross = Flick Left In Right Hand, Flick Right In Left Hand - Hesi = Flick Left in left hand , Flight Right In Right Hand - Behind the back = Flick Left + Flick Down, Flick Right + Flick Down - Spin = Flick Left + Flick Down + Flick Right, Flick Right + Flick Down + Flick Left - Fake Spin = Flick UP - In Between Legs = Double Flick Down (Really Fast) About Hoops Life Game We are working on a revamped, bigger, and better Hoops Life! Hoops Life on Top! Welcome to Hoops life! Here at hoops life, we aim for the most enjoyable simulation possible! Here are a few notable facts you should keep in mind: - This game is only 40% Finished - Many things inside the game are placeholders (Temporary) - Anything in the game is subject to change - LabelLyric – Builder/Owner - SkeletorAngel – Programmer/Owner - XxPremiumJay – Programmer - Im_Creature – Animations - Zooted – Animations - JustNineteenSymbols – User Interference - Youtube_Zayku – Beats - 22KingWade22 – Administrator Check out our Hoops Life Codes guide too! - Hoops Life Codes Read the full article
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meghantheemarkle · 5 years
"They were blindsided" my ass
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Just Digimon Fandom Things TM
Me, A Simple Digimon Adventures Fan: Taichi Yagami is a good character!
The Entire Adventure / Digimon Franchise Hatedom: LMAO.... well actually----
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yn-ymn-yln · 2 years
The Loner and The Freak
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Eddie Munson x reader 
Word count: 1247
Summary: After a run in with the high school cheer squad you go to the only person who makes you feel safe. 
*Hurt/Comfort and Fluff* 
*Eddie really got me back on my bullshit huh?*
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“Stop running LONER!”
“Yeah! We just want to talk! Come on!”
Prey… that’s what you were.
Tearing through the woods as fast as your feet would carry you, you don’t glance back to your pursuers, knowing the distance between you and them was growing smaller with each labored breath you took. You imagine this is what the gazelles on national geographic must feel like, eyes wide and searching for an escape, minds muddled with lost hope that they could avoid being someone else’s dinner.
Maybe that’s how this was meant to end. The script you couldn’t see would clearly have printed local loser gets mauled by relentless cheerleaders.
Ducking behind a tree, you quiet your presence as much as you can. Sparing one of your hands wrapped around your knees, you clamp it over your mouth, ears listening for any sounds indicating you weren’t alone. The snapping of branches in the distance tells you they’re close, but not close enough to warrant you bolting out of cover.
“You know you can’t hide forever Y/l/n! If we don’t find you now, we’ll just wait for you at school tomorrow!”
“Is this really worth it?” You almost scoff at the bored tone of the teenage girl. Obviously tormenting you wasn’t as entertaining as she thought. “… All I’m saying is we could be doing something better than running through the woods.”
“Fine! God, you both suck.”
The retreating footsteps of pristine white sneakers sends your frantic heartbeat into a some-what more casual rhythm. As silence fills the air around you once more, you finally allow your defenses to crumble. Trembling hands and harsh pants wrack your frame as your fear manifests itself with thoughts of what could have happened. Images of bloody noses and bruised knuckles play through your mind, while taunting voices promising that no one cared enough to come for you were looping endlessly. The cycle only breaks when the chilled February air caresses your frame, reminding you of the slowly sinking temperature. Winter in Hawkins had never been kind, even less so to the unfortunate souls that found themselves sobbing on the damp leaves still present from a season long since passed.
Dragging your sleeve over your eyes, you collect yourself as much as you can, taking off in the direction of the one person you knew would keep you safe.
Your savior sits on the steps in front of his trailer, cigarette hanging lazily between his lips, face cast towards the last remnants of fading sunlight. You watch from a distance as his eyes close in contentment, soft brown taking a reprieve from the retched world surrounding him. He doesn’t notice your approach at first, fingers drumming on the exposed skin of his ripped jeans, thoughts far away from you and your endless troubles, but when he does? You swear he becomes his own sun.
“There you are! I waited for like an hour, figured you forgot and walked home.” Without acknowledging his words, you slam yourself into his warm embrace. Face pressed so close to his heart you almost don’t detect the worry in his tone. “You okay sweetheart?”
What made you so inferior to everyone else?
“I hate them.” Your voice is wrecked, but it’s almost unnoticeable through the fabric of Eddie’s hellfire shirt.
“Hate who? What happened?” He tries to back away from you, wanting distance to get a peak at your face if only to reassure himself that you weren’t hurt. “Baby?” The cracks in your dam deepen, chunks of concrete chipping away until suddenly it collapses, sobs rip through you at such a rate you worry you’ll make yourself sick.
“I H-hate them so m-much.” He tightens his grip then, pulling you as close to his body as he can, shielding you from everything and everyone.
“Hey, shh, shh, you’re okay baby. I’m right here.” He lets you take your time calming down, gently rocking you back and forth until your breathing evens out. “There’s my pretty girl, why don’t we go inside? Maybe lay down for a bit?” you nod your approval, allowing him to lead you towards his room. You swear these four walls are magic, maybe its just the traces of Eddie you can find anywhere you look, or the memories you made here together, pieces of each of you scattered around the messy space.
He sits you down on the edge of his bed, kneeling in front of you to finally get a good look at the person he fell in love with, the concern radiating off of him is palpable.
“Talk to me sweetheart.” You worry your lip as you gaze into his eyes. Words getting stuck in your throat momentarily before your forcing them out.  
“I’m exhausted Eds. I’m so fucking tired of being hated for everything I do. Why can’t they just leave me the hell alone?” Frustration bubbles up within you, causing you to rub at your face roughly. “I know I shouldn’t let it get to me. I know it’ll only feed their fire, but how long am I expected to run without a damn break?” Eddie wasn’t new to the cheerleader’s insistence on nagging you, though it had never gotten you this worked up before, he knows everyone has their limits. At that he brings you closer, noses brushing as his eyes gaze into yours. He doesn’t speak for a moment, instead he lets his closeness soothe some of the ache in your heart.
“I’m always here Y/n, no matter what. When things are too much, come get me. I may not be able to kick the cheer squad’s ass but I sure as shit can egg their houses.” You can’t fight the smile that slowly blooms on your features, the ridiculousness of your boyfriend’s statement mending a piece of your soul.
“Oh, baby I’ll go buy a dozen eggs right now if you want.” The infectious happiness that seems to follow Eddie around like a shadow never ceases to amaze you. Especially now, as your thrown back with the force of your laughter, despite crying only minutes ago. He chuckles with you, running his fingers over your forehead from his position on the ground. “I love you. You know that right?” His smile never falters, though you pick up the undertone of guilt at the edge of his voice.
“Edward Munson, no one and I mean no one has ever made me feel as loved as I do with you. and I love you too” Eddie clambers unceremoniously onto the bed then, burrowing into your neck as his arms wrap around you. his hair tickling you as he gets comfortable.
“We’re gonna get out of this shithole soon. Run as far the fuck away from here as we can and never look back.”
“Mhm, get our own little place, maybe even get a cat.” Your fingers glide over his cheek, pushing his wild locks behind his ear as he continues. “Course we can’t run too far, Henderson would kill me.”
“Oh my god do I have to share custody with Dustin?” You roll your eyes with fake exasperation, your love for the curly haired weirdo just as strong as Eddie’s.
“Afraid so.”
“I guess you’re worth it, though I totally call having you on Christmas.” Manic laughter sounds by your ear as Eddie pulls away, his lips peppering kisses all over your face.
“Good luck with that sweetheart.”
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ppersonna · 4 years
half baked - pjm | m
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baby we two distant strangers. i know you don't speak my language, but I love the way she's talking to me - love talk, wayv
↳ summary- park jimin gets a job at your bakery, and you can’t help but find yourself annoyingly attracted to the cocky man.
↳ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
↳ pairing- park jimin x reader
↳ word count- 5.2k
↳ genre- smut, fluff
↳ warnings- penetrative sex, oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, lightly dom!jimin, sub!reader, slight enemies2lovers, sex in a kitchen, please god don’t fuck in a kitchen its a health code violation, spanking, nipple play, cum play, fingering
↳ a/n- ahHH!HHHHhhh!H! i blame this 100% on @wwilloww​ for merely putting the idea in my head and i had to take it and run with it.  also thank you to @kimtaehyunq​ my babe/my loml for the amazing banner! i truly do not deserve u but ily so much.  and thank you to @chimoona​ @ladyartemesia​ @xjoonchildx​ @taetaewonderland​ for being the best mf squad a lady could have and beta-ing this for me! i love you all so much! i hope you enjoy silly cocky jimin!
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 Two cups of flour, one and three quarters cup sugar, 2 cups of butter.
You know the recipes by heart.  In fact, one might postulate that the recipes themselves are the sole contents of your heart.  
You live and breathe baking. It is your solace and your truest love.
Which is why it is all nearly thrown into catastrophe when Park Jimin comes into the picture.
It starts on a rather busy day.  You’re hard at work in the kitchen, prepping the finished products and presenting them in neat little boxes, when your best friend and co-owner of Wake ‘N Bake, Willow, lets out a frustrated squeal..  You turn your head to find her covered head to toe in flour, making you snort as she shoots you a playfully ominous glare.
“Shut up,” she sniffs as she attempts to pat some fine dust off of her, to no avail. “I only have two hands and about fifty things to do with them at the same time.”
Your lips part to reply something equally sassy when the bell over the front door rings, notifying you of a paying customer.  Grabbing a towel, you quickly wipe off cookie debris and throw it at your best friend to do her best to clean off as she follows behind you.
You pause as you take stock of who stands there. A handsome man arrives at the cash register and peers around, presumably looking for an employee.  He is gorgeous—ethereal even and looks like someone who walked out of the pages of a magazine. His bone structure screams model, and you can’t help but feel the stirrings of desire for the beautiful stranger.
“Hi! Welcome to Wake ‘N Bake!” Willow sings cheerfully, despite being coated in baking flour.
The man eyes her with a glint of humor in his eye, and Willow’s cheeks turn a hue of pink when she remembers her current appearance.
“Hi,” he speaks. His voice is smooth like butter, and gentle. It makes you feel weak, like you’re warming in the very ovens that your pastries rise in.
“I saw your shop from down the street and I had to stop in. Your desserts look amazing.  Is the owner here by chance?”
Your smile fades as he looks around the room for someone else, someone beyond you and your best friend.
Of course.
No one believes that two young women could start and maintain their own business. Everyone assumes that some older, well-off man was at the helm while you and Willow toil for minimum wage.
Your arms cross over your body in clear displeasure.
“We are the owners.”
“Oh!”  The man looks surprised but not put off. “Awesome. I was hoping I could… talk to you about, err—… a job?”
His face is sheepish and Willow nearly coos at the sight.
Unfortunately, it appears you and your best friend have warring ideas.
“Yes!” She chimes at the same moment you dead-pan a resounding ‘No’.
Your heads spin to stare at each other—Willow’s eyes wide in disbelief and yours in annoyance.
“We need the help!” She huffs.
“We can do things on our own, like we always have,” you remind her.
Willow gestures to her flour covered clothing in desperation.
“We clearly could use help with how successful we have gotten!”
To your chagrin, she has a point. It might be nice to have someone to help in the front while the two of you manage the kitchen in the back.  It would increase your productivity by double what you’re able to do now.
But there’s something about his attitude coming in that rubs you the wrong way.  Like, he’s too pretty. Too confident. Too nice.
“What’s your baking experience?” You ask as you turn back to the hopelessly lost, yet ever eager man.
“Oh, err—,” he stutters. “I worked at my friend Jin’s restaurant. That served desserts, too?”
You shake your head in disdain while Willow claps her hands in excitement, a puff of white flour dust pluming into the air.
“Perfect! So you could do sales!?”
“Yeah! I can do sales, no problem.”
You turn your gaze back to Willow who stares at the man like he is her knight in shining armor.
“Willow?! Can I talk to you in the back?”
She knows that tone—the one that tells her you’re not pleased with her decisions. She nods once and politely excuses the both of you from the man before heading back towards the kitchen.
“What in the world is wrong with you?!” She asks the moment the swinging door closed.
“Me?!” You’re incredulous—hands flying in the air. “You’re over here trying to hire the first Joey Hot-Lips who walks in off the street!”
Willow’s anguished face falls and turns into a devilish smirk as she leans back on her heels.
“Aha! You’re attracted to him,” she notes as if she figured out the world's greatest mystery. “That’s why you don’t want him here.”
“What? No!” Your defense crumbles around you. “Did you hear him? He totally acted like he didn’t believe we could be the owners!”
“Oh, come on, that was a simple mistake and you know it!  You’re just being protective.”
You ‘humph’ a non-committal response—unable to argue.
You are protective of your bakery. It’s your combined love child with Willow. What started as a dream between cocktails with your best friend became a real brick and mortar reality.  You had been through enough trying to open it you can’t help but feel skeptical of anyone trying to get involved. Many tried to discredit your ability to maintain such a successful shop, and you’d rather continue to run it with no one else than see it fall at the hands of another.
“Just as I thought,” Willow hums. “In that case, he’s hired!”
You’re given no chance to reply—the flour-covered girl pushes through the swinging doors and announces to the handsome man that he’s hired and free to start the following day.
“Great!  Thanks!” His smile is sincere—blinding and breathtaking, and you hate how much you want to see that smile again.
He leaves as quickly as he arrived, waving goodbye as he exits the chiming door.
“Now, you need to deal with whatever issues you have about letting others into the shop,” she says pointedly, pushing a finger into your arm gently. “And whatever issues you have with wanting to bone him.”
“Willow!” You gasp. “I do not want to bone him!”
“Sure, babe. You think you can fool me but I know you too well. Just try not to fuck him in the kitchen, alright? I don’t need the health inspector up our ass.”
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The next early morning starts at 4:30 am, with you elbow deep in cookie dough for a catering order.  You’ve nearly forgotten about the new employee starting until the man himself strolls into the back kitchen as if he’s worked there for years.
“Hey!” He says cheerfully, two cups of coffee in his hands. “I got you a coffee. Willow said you’re a nightmare without some in the morning.”
Your eyes narrow at the man. It’s unfair how delicious he looked so early; while you look like a frizzy mess who rolled out of bed and walked into work (which you did), he looked polished and crisp and clean. It’s infuriating as much as it’s glaringly attractive.
“Thanks,” you mutter as you pick cookie dough off your hands and pull off your plastic sanitary gloves. “Every girl loves hearing she’s a nightmare.”
He chuckles behind his steaming cup and places yours on the workbench next to you.
“Those were her words, of course. I’d never call you a nightmare.”
You easily flush, then chastise yourself for allowing him to make you feel so weak so early in the morning.
“To be fair,” he continues. “I don’t even know your name.”
“___,” you sigh as you grab the coffee and bring it to your lips. “And you?”
“Jimin. Park Jimin.”
The first sip of coffee is like a soothing hug. He somehow knew how you took your coffee—two creams and two sugars.
“I didn’t know how you liked it, so I just guessed.”
“Good guess.”
Jimin smirks and looks proud of his accomplishment.
“You seem like the type of girl who likes balance to her sweetness.”
You stare at him curiously over your own steaming paper cup, unsure of what to make of his comment.
“Good morning to the love of my life!” Comes the voice of your best friend entering through the back door.
You roll your eyes in amusement as she teeters in, peppy and perky as she always is this early.
“Oh! Hi, Jimin.”  Her cheeks turn a familiar shade of rose as she realizes he heard her. “I didn’t know you were here yet.  That’s just a… thing we say to each other every morning.”
“Cute.” Jimin smirks at you, making your stomach lift with unwanted butterflies. “Where do you want me?”
Underneath you, beside you, above you, any possibly way...
You shake your head quickly to push away the sexual thoughts of the gorgeous man taking you from any position. No, you refuse to let your mind wander there.
Willow finishes washing her hands and putting on her apron before she nods to the fridge.
“If you can get the milk, eggs, and butter out, we’ll use you for creaming.”
Your cheeks heat impossibly as Jimin smirks even wider.
“Oh, I’m fantastic at creaming.”
Your hands pause from where they massage dough while you close your eyes and breathe, before lifting to glare at your best friend who wears a faux-innocent look.
“I’m sure you are, Jimin,” she chimes virtuously, before getting to work.
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The next few weeks were a haze. You’re so caught up with graduations, birthdays, weddings and major events that your time spent at the shop overtakes your time sleeping, breathing, existing in any way that isn’t baking.
Even Jimin was busy.  Despite your initial hesitancy, he was proving to be an excellent third member of your team.  He’s a pro at sales—you’re sure his good looks and the mostly female clientele helps—and he pitches in in the kitchen without fail. He even tries his hand at decorating cakes, with only one frosting-based spill.  You would never give Willow the satisfaction of telling her outright, but she made an excellent decision in hiring the dazzling man.
But it doesn’t stop your annoying heart from fluttering every time he comes close to you—rubs elbows as he helps you roll out dough or smiles at you from across the workbench as he stamps out sugar cookies.  You refuse to allow yourself any thoughts on what it would taste like to lick dough off his fingers or how he would look bending you over the countertop to take you from behind.
You only allow such thoughts at night, safely tucked into bed with your vibrator cranked to the highest setting.
It doesn’t help that Jimin solidifies himself in your life by introducing his handsome and dopey best friend Jungkook to your gorgeous and clumsy best friend Willow.  The moment they laid eyes on each other, you knew you were doomed to have Jimin in your life with or without the bakery.
And you weren’t sure how to handle that notion.
Was Jimin flirting with you simply because you were there?  He seemed to have no problem flirting with the customers.  Sure, the shop has never made more money than when Jimin works his charms and seduces women of all ages to buy the extra cookies, cannolis, and cakes—not that you watched or glared or hated every second. No, of course not. It was for the good of your business and the angry jealousy demon inside you would need to stay firmly locked away.
Except, it’s on a particularly crowded day at the shop that your jealousy gets the best of you.
You’re up front assisting Jimin by boxing and bagging the treats he rings up.
You know he’s flirtatious, but it’s when he goes the extra mile for an extra pretty girl that you lose your cool on him the moment the customers leave.  
“Do you have to eye-fuck every single co-ed that walks in this place?!”
Your hands fly up in frustration, and Jimin watches you with a soft gaze.
His silence and knowing smirk makes you continue.
“Seriously? What the fuck was that about?! You’re acting like you’re about to bend her over right here in front of us! Jesus!”
Willow hears the commotion from the back and comes forward.
“What’s going on here?” She asks suspiciously.
You point towards Jimin who maintains his poised demeanor.
“I’m reminding Jimin that work is not a place to sexually engage our customers!”
Willow rolls her eyes as she pulls her apron off and grabs her coat from the hook.
“Whatever, you’re being ridiculous. Jimin’s never been inappropriate. Plus, he’s making us a fuck-ton of money,” she sighs. “You two can close up without killing each other right?”  She eyes you in particular.
You cross your arms and huff, glancing at the clock to find you have two hours still until closing. “Why? Where are you going?”
Willow’s annoyance fades away as if it never existed.
“Jungkook is taking me to the Museum of the Printing Press!”
You can’t help but choke a laugh while she pushes your arm.
“Shush! You know how much I love them! And he totally surprised me with tickets!”
Willow can’t shake that lovesick look in her eyes and your heart melts a little. She’s your best friend and you’re thrilled she’s found someone who wants to indulge her in her nerdy fascinations.
“Go have fun, babe,” you smile sincerely. “We can take care of closing. Now, go fuck on a letterpress or whatever!”
Willow snorts and hugs you tight, bids goodbye to Jimin, and exits the store.
Now that your quick anger is gone, you feel sheepish around the man who has yet to reply to your tirade—but you refuse to stick around under his piercing gaze.
“I’ll be in the back,” you mumble under your breath before slipping into the kitchen before he can get any word in edge wise.
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You spend the rest of the evening monologuing an apology as you prep ingredients for the next morning and clean your workstations.  The shop is closed, doors locked, and Jimin is somewhere at the front of the house finishing his duties.
“‘Hey, I’m sorry for the way I acted’,” you practice out loud. “Hm—no, not humble enough. ‘Hey Jimin, I was a real bitch’, too degrading?  Maybe something like, ‘Hey Chim, can I call you Chim? That was fucked up, wasn’t it? Haha.’ God!” You throw your rag down in a huff, frustrated at your inability to form a decent apology.
“You can call me Chim, if you want,” a voice speaks from behind you.
You squeak in surprise and turn around, clutching your apron in your hands as you find Jimin leaning against a wall with a smirk on his face.
“Only my closest friends call me Chim, but I think we’re close enough.”
You swallow hard and nibble at your lip.
“I’m assuming you heard that whole… thing,” you mumble anxiously.  His nod confirms that he heard your entire play-by-play of the apology you would deliver to the handsome man.
“Yeah,” he licks at his lips. “You know, you’re really cute when you’re jealous.”
“J-jealous?” You nearly trip over your own tongue.  “I wasn’t—, I’m not jealous!”
Jimin begins a slow approach towards you, striding as he keeps his sparkling eyes on yours.
“Oh?”  He quirks his head, making his soft hair fall into his face.  You desperately want to push it away, cup his cheek, kiss those ridiculously plump lips.
He can tell you’re staring at this mouth and it makes his smirk turn nearly feral.
“So, you weren’t jealous? Not a single bit?”
He inches closer and you can feel your heart tighten in your chest and your stomach twists in on itself in excitement, in nerves.
“N-no,” you whisper, unconvincingly.
“You didn’t want to be the one I was making eyes at?  The one who ‘gets bent over the counter’ as you said?”
“I—,” Jimin cuts your words short as he stands a breath away from you.
“I guess if you weren’t jealous, then I don’t have to tell you you’re the one I really want to bend over the counter.”
You’re sure your heart stops beating—positive that it will fall from its place in your ribs into your feet.  
Jimin cups a hand to your cheek and smiles as he steps even closer.
“If you’re not jealous, then I don’t have to reassure you you’ve got nothing to be jealous over.”
Your lips run dry, throat parched as if you’ve never had a sip of water.  Jimin is standing so close to you you can feel the heat coming off of him in waves.
“Jimin—,” you breathe and he continues forward until he presses you against the countertop and crowding you into the metal and wood.
“Tell me you were jealous.”
You gulp, eyes seeking his for an answer, for any information.  Is he playing you? Does he know you’re hopelessly attracted to him?  Does he find it humorous to tease you when Willow isn’t here to insert herself into your flirting.
“I was jealous,” you admit slowly. The words are hard to release, but once they do, the floodgates open. “I wanted to be the one you flirted with.  I was jealous because I want to be the one you notice.”
Jimin smirks, then pulls your face in quickly for a heated kiss.
His lips are just as plush, just as soft as you imagined.  They’re puffy and sweet and he tastes like one of the treacle tarts you made that morning.  He must have had one with lunch, and you find yourself addicted to the way he tastes with your creations on him. You wonder what he’d taste like with your arousal coating that tender, plump mouth.
He bites at your own lip and tugs, chucking under his breath as you mewl your desire at the slight hint of pain.
“Fuck, you’re so hot when you’re angry like that,” he breathes as he presses his forehead to yours.  “I nearly popped a boner while you were yelling at me. I could tell you were jealous, and it made me want you more.”
It’s hard to hear him speak so candidly—it makes you groan.
“Jimin—fuck,” you sigh. “I’ve been attracted to you since you walked into this goddamn place.”
He smirks and snags your lips up in another desperate, yet quick, kiss.
“I know.  It’s why you didn’t want me to work here.”
You grumble after he pulls away, tired of the teasing and wanting nothing more than to stop talking and start doing.
“I didn’t like you because you assumed I wasn’t the owner.”
He smiles and rubs at your arms, a softer expression crossing his face.
“No, but I hoped you were.”
It’s silent for a moment and you let his words wash over you as he continues.
“I was attracted to your authority.  I could tell you were important here somehow, just didn’t know in what way.”
You swallow your growing guilt.  You had clocked Jimin entirely wrong.
“Jimin, I’m sorry,” you start.
“Hey, hey, I already heard your apology, remember?” He smiles.  “Although, I could think of a great way to mend the wounds if you’re interested.  No pressure.”
His soft smile becomes a devilish grin instantly and your body lights with instant arousal.
“What did you have in mind?”
His lips press to yours again and you nearly lose yourself completely in his embrace.  Your arms circle his neck and he holds you tight at your waist, before pulling away from you, yet again.
“I happen to be very good at creaming, if you’ll recall.”
You can’t hold back a snort of laughter, that quickly gets covered by Jimin’s hot lips, one’s he will not pull away from you any time soon.
“You want to, right here?” You ask as he trails a hot line down your throat.
“Yeah, do you?”  
You vaguely remember Willow’s threat of not fucking in the kitchen, but find you can’t seem to care an ounce.
“Fuck yeah, I do.”
Jimin needs to hear no more.  He pulls you close and kisses you with the remaining amounts of pent-up passion and emotion he feels for you.  He’s grown to love the way you take charge, the way you move through the building like you own the place—because you do.  He loves the power you radiate and wants nothing more than to make you give up that power for a single night, to him.
“You wanna do this… all the way?” He asks, re-assuring himself that he’s not throwing himself at his boss.
“I want you, Jimin.  I want you to bend me over this workbench and fuck me until I’m crying for more.  Please.”
He grins and lays a hand on your neck, fingers tracing the gentle lines.  
“I might not let you boss me around,” he warns.
“Take control.”  Your eyes are blazing with need.  It makes him smile, and he gives the moment a slight pause.
“Then, get on your knees and show me just how sorry you are for yelling at me.”
You’re sinking to your knees quicker than you can comprehend.  Jimin is almost thrown at how instantly you caved and submitted to him.  He watches as your eyes stay fixed on his and your hands work at the button of his tight jeans.  
“That’s right,” he murmurs.  “Right where you belong.  No one else.”
You preen—heart warming at the idea that you’re the only one he wants kneeling before him and tugging his cock out of its confines.  
It springs forward, and it pulls your gaze from Jimin’s magnetic eyes.  It’s long and thick, just like you suspected all those nights with your vibrator stuffed where he should be.  Your mouth waters at the sight and you lean towards it to mouth at it gently—pressing soft open-mouth kisses to the tip.
“Oh, shit,” Jimin gasps.  Your fiery mouth feels like heaven on his cock.  It’s something he’s equally dreamed about—spent many nights fisting his cock to the thought of you.
You take your time, licking tiny stripes around the head and down the shaft, until Jimin becomes weary of the teasing.
“Please, take it all.”  His request is so genuine, so needy, that you’re loath to deny him.
He slips into your mouth with ease, slicked up just enough by your trailing kisses that he slides in and hits the back of your throat in seconds.  His eyes close as he feels his cock-head hit the back of your throat—a tighter and more constricting feeling in your already impossibly tight mouth.  It feels like absolute bliss, and he’s gasping for air after mere moments of you holding him inside your mouth to the hilt.
He doesn’t need to speak; you know what to do.  Your mouth works him in and out, tongue swirling around any open real estate of his cock.   His moans echo around the tile of the kitchen walls and he’s sure that the sight of you on your knees with his cock disappearing in and out of your mouth will have him cumming in no time.  
He steels himself, makes his body behave because he wants to enjoy this and the way you feel.  As good as your mouth feels, he’s desperate to know what it’s like to slide into that cunt he’s spent too many nights dreaming about.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines as you make delicious, slurping noises from the gathering saliva.  It’s a wet squelching sound that makes him even harder than what he believes is possible—all blood in his head now completely rushed to his dick for his pleasure.
“B-Babe!” He calls as he feels his balls tightening.  He doesn’t want to cum, not yet.
He grips your head by the scalp of your hair and pulls you off his cock that is seconds away from losing control.
“Please, I’ve got to fuck you,” he nearly begs.
You wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand and smirk, licking the tip of his cock teasingly before standing up to his full height.
Jimin’s hands fly to your expensive leggings that you insist on wearing to work while he kisses you.  The kiss is feverish, frantic. It’s full of tongue and teeth and desperate moaning against each other as he pushes down the pants and delicate panties, and cups your cunt in one hand.
“Oh fuck,” you whisper against his mouth as the pad of his finger slides against your clit.
“You’re fucking soaked.  All from sucking my cock?”  He’s cocky and sucks a mark onto your neck as he massages the bundle of nerves.
“Don’t be arrogant now,” you warn with a smile.
He presses his tongue to your ear and licks a stripe and chuckles.
“I think you like it when I’m arrogant. Your pussy sure seems to like it.”
He emphasizes his words by slipping two fingers into your channel and fucks into you, scissoring you open.  He cuts off any chance for you to retort by launching his lips back to yours and prowling around your mouth with his tongue.
His fingers are small but fill you so deeply, and you’re sure his hand is drenched with your arousal.
“J-Jimin, please,” you gasp as you pull your mouth away to breathe in deep.  “Please, just fuck me already.”
He growls into your ear.  
“I thought I told you you’re not in charge.”
He spins you easily until your back is pressed to his chest.  He grabs the hem of your shirt and lifts, throwing the shirt away and quickly making work of your bra clasps to join the shirt on the floor.
His hands cup your full breasts and you can’t help but whimper at the feeling of his soft and warm hands.  He feels so good against the chilled skin of your chest and he tweaks and thumbs your nipples until they stand perky and erect.
“I’ve always wanted to bend you over this counter,” he muses in your ear as he pulls a nipple harshly.  It makes you squeak out at the pain, then moan as the pain turns into a sizzling, pleasurable spike that runs through your veins.
“Every time I would catch you staring at me, I just wanted to fuck your cute little throat until you were gagging around me.”
Your eyes close as he continues his abuse on your perky nipples and whispering his deepest thoughts about you.
“I wanted to lift your cute dresses and eat your cunt until you’re wailing loud enough all the customers can hear.”
“Jimin,” you nearly cry.  “Please, fuck me.”
You can feel his hardness lining up behind you, rubbing at your sodden folds to cover his length in your slick juices.
“I like it when you beg.”
He kisses at the juncture of your neck before letting his teeth graze over the spot and bites down—right as he pushes your face down to the workbench and slides his cock into your spread heat.
He bottoms out easily.  You’re soaking wet and he buries himself to the hilt in one fluid motion.  He groans out loud—stunned by the heat and wetness of your pussy and how tight it grips him.
“Oh, holy shit,” he gasps as he gives himself and you a moment.  His hands grip at your waist, one hand coming to rub the tender skin of your supple ass.
“Jimin, fuck, you’re so big,” you whine.  
He brings his hand up, then slaps it down on your ass hard, hard enough that the crack echoes around the large kitchen.  You cry out in delight, in pain, as the reverberation of the stinging wraps around you.
“Fuck, you take me so well, princess,” he whines as he sets a pace.  Your ass meets his hips and claps with each thrust, and he punctuates every few pumps into you with another hard slap to your ass.  He wants you screaming his name, crying out for him loud enough that the neighbors know who he is.
He’s relentless in his pumps—gripping your hips tight as he fucks you deep and senseless.  Your eyes roll back into your head at how well he works your body.  Your tits rub raw against the wood of the workbench and you’re weeping fat tears of pleasure as Jimin continues his plight.
“God, I’m gonna cum, baby,” he warns.  “Cum on my cock, princess.”
You slide a hand down to your clit, eager to add the ultimate piece to what makes you unravel.  He grins and pumps into you harder, slaps your ass repeatedly until he knows it’s going to leave bruises.
“That’s right, baby, rub that pretty little clit,” he urges.  “God, I can’t wait until you you sit on my face and let me eat this fucking cunt for hours.”
You blubber a response of desire, nearly begging him for more and more, as you swirl your fingers around the tight bundle.  You’re peaking towards the summit of your climax, ascending to a point you’ve never gone before.
“Fuck, Chim!” You scream. “Gonna cum!”
Your warning falls on deaf ears—you’re cumming and pulsating around his thickness instantly and Jimin moans mix with your own to create a symphony of pleasure.
“Good fucking girl,” he coos.  “Your cunt is so good to me, baby.  Mmph—let’s frost this cake, now.”
Instantly, he’s groaning as he pulls his cock free from the vice-grip of your cunt and jerks himself twice to completion, allowing his hot seed to splatter against the tender flesh of your ass where he’s left a clear print of his hand.   The warmth soothes the battered skin and you shake your ass teasingly as he continues to stroke himself through his climax.
“Ohhhhh, my god,” he breathes as he finally comes down from his high.
Your face is resting on the cool surface of the wooden workbench as your breathing slowly settles back to normal.
“That was fucking good,” you whisper with a smile.  Jimin bends down to press soft kisses to your spine, before grabbing a towel to gently clean his cum off your beaten ass.
“Willow’s going to kill you for fucking me in the kitchen,” he warns with a laugh as he kisses the same spot he came on.
“It takes two to bake a cake, buddy,” you tease.
He laughs and brings a hand down to your untouched asscheek, making you squeal with delight.
“That’s not how the saying goes, but sure, doll.”
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The next morning, you’re hard at work making a five-tiered wedding cake with Willow at your side, when Jimin throws open the door.
“Good morning to the loves of my life!”
Willow chokes on her own air while you hide a giggle behind your cake covered hand.
Jimin approaches the pair of you while she splutters and gasps.
“What?”  What happened last night after I left?”
Your cheeks heat and Jimin wears a face of pure cockiness.
“Oh my god,” Willow gasps as her eyes open wide, snapping your tender ass with her rag.  “You did NOT fuck in my kitchen!”
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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2K notes · View notes
idontblushsrry · 3 years
SFW Alphabet|| Megumi Fushiguro
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A/N: Uhhhh I’m back on my bullshit >:) it’s missing Fushiguro hours folks.
Word Count: 2050
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
(If you want some more in depth affection headcanons click here)
Fushiguro is someone who isn’t big on pda but makes up for it in private. In public, he’ll hold your hand but in private he’s laying i your lap while you massage his scalp. Basically, he’s a big softie that just represses his urge to cuddle until he’s alone with you.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Best friend Megumi is literally the president of the Y/N defense squad. If anyone has a problem with you, they have a problem with him. Of course, you have to rein him in sometimes and remind him you can fight your own battles, but just know he’s lookin out for you.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Fushiguro loves to cuddle, but he will repress the urge to do so for as long as possible. Because of that, he doesn’t let you go, preferring to cling to you throughout the night. His cuddles are always deceptively loose too. His arms give you just enough wiggle room but the second you try to get up, it’s like fighting two pythons.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I don’t think he ever really planned on settling down, Megumi figured that he’d die long before he ever got the chance to settle down. Everyday is pretty much a new experience in terms of domesticity for him, he doesn’t have plans for the future, but as long as you’re with him, he’ll be happy.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he ever had to break up with someone, he’d probably ask for help on how to do so. The first person he’d ask (regrettably) would be Gojo who’d tell Megumi to just ghost the person. After asking around some more, he figured Kugisaki’s approach of getting it over with as bluntly as possible (although less mean) was the best option.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Megumi isn’t really the type for wedding ceremonies. He’s all about commitment (even though working up to marriage for him is longer than most) but he’s not a fan of being the center of attention, so a wedding ceremony/reception wouldn’t be his thing. If you wanted a ceremony, he’d be willing to compromise somewhat but otherwise, he’s perfectly fine with just going to the courthouse.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s kind of rough around the edges. In private, he can be the sweetest, most tender soul, but in public he’ll put 7 yards of distance between you both if you try to hug him. Basically, he’s very shy, so anything that’ll draw too much attention is a no go (he isn’t opposed to linking pinkies though).
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
At first Megumi really only hugged you when he was missing you, sad, or tired. Over time though, he got better at becoming more open with his affection and he’ll hug you whenever he feels the urge to. Despite that though, his hugs still have an undercurrent of desperation in them. He holds on just as tight each time like he’s afraid you’ll disappear.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
He’s operating on a very strict ‘If you don’t say it, I won’t’ policy and as such this man will not say a single thing to you unless prompted. He knows deep down that he loves you and that you set off butterflies in his stomach every time you smile, but he never really thought to verbalize that until you say ‘I love you’ first.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Megumi doesn’t get jealous, he’s fought side by side with you and he knows you’re more than capable of fending off any unwanted suitors. Megumi put a lot of trust into you by already being in a relationship so to him, it makes no sense to be jealous over you. That all being said, he’s not above the occasional side eye if someone’s getting a little too buddy buddy.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
On a normal day, his kisses are so natural, he’s so slow and the pressure is just enough to have you thinking you’ve got all the time in the world. In near death/ post-near death circumstances, he’s a little more feral. When he kisses you like that, it feels like it’s the end of the world and he’s trying to make the most of it.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Fushiguro isn’t good with kids that aren’t old enough to communicate. Older kids are fine with him, but guessing what a baby needs based on how loud it’s crying? Hard pass for him and he doesn’t even feel bad about it. The last time he had to watch a baby, he tried to leave one of his shikigami to watch it; long  story short, he had to explain to a cackling Gojo why his demon dogs wouldn’t let him leave to go to the bathroom.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Fushiguro are pretty rare. Most of the time you guys don’t really get to sleep in or even spend mornings together since most of the time there’s missions or trainings you’ll have to go to. When you do get the rare morning off, Fushiguro makes the most of it. He sleeps in and doesn’t wake up before 10 no matter what you try. When he does finally wake up, he loves cooking breakfast with you, he’s not the best cook, but he treasures the experience over anything.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Megumi are also rare as most curses come out at night and that’s kinda your guys’ job. If all goes well though, you’ll both come back a little earlier and just go straight to sleep. If it’s a late night where the curse took more out of either of you than expected, yall usually stay up and talk and snack until one of you falls asleep or the sun comes up.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes him an extremely long time to open up to you about his past. Not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he’s embarrassed and doesn’t want you to think less of him for it (especially during his problem child era). To be honest, you probably find out about certain things from other people. Once he’s cornered confronted, he’ll be completely (albeit a bit grudgingly) honest about it.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
His anger is kind of weird, whereas before, he was a lot quicker to explode, bluntly telling off or even fighting whoever pissed him off, he’s changed. He tries his best to repress his emotions and as such, he comes off as patient, never expressing his true feelings/desires until pushed to the brink. 
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s the king of remembering details you mention in passing. His love language is partially acts of service so for him, remembering details about you helps him later. Oh remember that one time you needed a pen/pencil but didn’t have one? Never again, this man has a section of his shadows dedicated solely to pencils because of you. Oh what’s that, you like this random song? Guess what just got added to the playlist he made for you. Basically, while he may not look like it, he’s actually a simp and so if he can make your life easier/ make you happy, it’s worth it.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
So Megumi is someone who doesn’t play video games but is really good at them for no reason. One day, you’re playing a game of smash bros. and he’s just kicking your ass, like it was sad. Needless to say, after his 4th win, he “accidently” pressed the wrong button and let you win. He thinks you don’t know he did this but when you won, you kissed him and completely flustered him, to the point that he couldn’t play for a solid 5 minutes. 
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite knowing and trusting that you can defend yourself, he’s still super protective of you. You’re one of the few people that he cares about in the world and he’d give everything to see you safe and protected. As for how he’d like to be protected, knock some sense into him every once in a while. He has a habit of self sacrificing so if you want to protect him, remind him that you want to keep him alive as much as he wants to keep you alive.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
On the outside, his dates are very simple. They usually consist of you and him either staying in or just hanging out at stores and the like. Every once in a while, he’ll try to take you somewhere special, like a cove he found or a festival. For most people, these may be simple dates, but Fushiguro puts so much effort into so may aspects of your dates that honestly, anything bigger would lose the personal touch your dates have.
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
One of his worst habits is his self-sacrificing tendencies. Even during a baseball game, he can’t help but sacrifice himself (especially if it means his friends/ you get to get the glory). With time though, he grows out of this and realizes it’s not selfish to want the best for yourself.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s giving “I woke up like this” and it’s... it’s something. One might think the style is intentional since obviously, the look could only be achieved with gel, and to an extent, it is intentional. He might use gel to spike it a little more but the man legit rolls out of bed and chooses to leave his hair up like that.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, as much as he loves you, Fushiguro is an introvert. He needs time to just be by himself and unwind every once in a while, so he’s got no complaints if you leave him to his own devices or have to be gone for a long time.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
Megumi has negative zero relationship experience. He’s never found someone that was worth the risk/ worth opening up to, hell, he just barely got friends when he entered high school. Because of this, every part of your relationship is like navigating uncharted waters.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
He’s less someone to dislike a specific thing/ personality trait, and more someone who doesn’t like different people for different reasons, ex. Todo and Mai. If he had to pick a single trait, it’d probably have to be hypocriticism.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He is someone who will fall asleep spread eagle one night and the next be huddled into a tiny little section of the bed. Mercy on you if you try to cuddle because now you’re wrapped up into his unconscious acrobatic routine.
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some ko thoughts written out. ko info [x] (rated m)
To Ko, there was nothing really morally wrong about seducing someone for intel. Yes, she was playing with her targets feelings a little, getting them to trust her so she could take what she needed from them, but she wasn’t stealing, she wasn’t harming them, they weren’t injured or killed, in fact, Ko took pride in the fact that she gave all her targets a good time at least.
Before she passed their secrets on to whoever had employed her.
Certainly, that was not the career path either of her parents, as short as they had been with her, had thought of for Ko, and guessing by the occasional reverse summonings to Mount Myoboku, neither did the old Toad and his descendents. 
But Ko was good at what she was doing and she took additional pride in her success. It was good money, good experiences and if she was lucky, good fun too. Sometimes it was drag obviously, when the partner was dull or arrogant or violent, but she could brush those things off.
Something that helped her immensely during her missions was her good eye for a perfect target - at least if the exact target wasn’t provided by the client. With a little asking and teasing and observing eyes she quickly could find the weakest link, the place in the wall that had tiny holes in it, and ready to exploit those. She was proud of that too. 
She was proud of that, her excellent judge of character. She revelled in it and lifted her head even higher than it already was. Nobody could lie to her.
When Naruto invited her to Konoha, her first instinct had been to say no, mostly because she didn’t know this Naruto-boy, no matter how insistent he was that her father had trained him. She didn’t trust him, Ko didn’t trust anyone that she didn’t know well, which wasn't many people. If this Naruto had trained with her father and then with the Toads on the mountain, why had no one ever mentioned him to her? She was sceptical.
But then a large sum of money was suddenly offered by some anonymous client, some sort of cultist, Ko couldn’t care less, to go to Konoha and bring information about sharingan users. Ko didn’t have much experience with the Uchiha and their descendants, mostly only knew them from stories as there were very few of them now, but fine, she was going to go to Konoha to see what was up (and make a ton of money). 
Konoha’s hokage had an Uchiha wife, his student was an Uchiha who had Uchiha sons, his former squad member from Anbu was an Uchiha who had Uchiha children too. Ko just needed to get to someone close to the Hokage to find out all about them.
Approximately three seconds after the enthusiastic and grinning, but very dull and distracted Naruto introduced Ko to his friend and “little brother” Sarutobi Konohamaru, she knew that she’d chose him as a target.
Not only was Konohamaru a Sarutobi, which was a big, connected clan in the village with its own main house and side houses, he was also in contact with the Hokage several times a week for mission assignments and above all, he was the kind of guy to blush and stammer if you made him a compliment. He was perfect.
Naruto had suggested that they spend time together, mostly because Naruto himself was busy doing this and that, mostly on missions, in training, or with his partner. Ko was fine with that, following Konohamaru around through the village, one hand of hers lightly laid on his back as they walked.
She knew the exact things to say, the buttons to push to get him there. 
“That is so interesting.” She moved her hand into his neck appreciatively. He turned red from neck to forehead in an instant.
“You did? Wow, that is so amazing of you.” She cooed and he turned his head away defensively.
“Oh, I’m sure people were so scared! Glad you were there to help them.” She reached for his hand which he did not pull away, but he could not look into her eyes clearly anymore as she held it.
Despite it all, Konohamaru seemed like a tough nut to crack. While he clearly was affected by her constant praises, when she first asked him if he wanted to come into the tiny apartment Naruto had provided for her, he cleared his throat and stepped backwards.
 “No”, he said, surprisingly formally. “I should not do such a thing. Brother Naruto would not approve.” Then he offered his goodbye’s and said they could meet again in the morning.
Ko decided to become a little more aggressive. 
They went to the training grounds together and while Konohamaru explained the way Naruto had taught him the rasengan technique, Ko sat by his side and listened attentively. 
It wasn’t hard to pretend to be interested, because he was genuinely a good speaker and she teased him about what a good teacher he’d be someday. He blushed, like he always did when she complimented him.
She often left her skirt in such a way that her shorts beneath were visible enough. She caught him looking several times, but when it came to going back with her to her apartment, the answer stayed “no”. He was not to be persuaded.
In a way, that just made her more excited to finally break him.
Targets who fell for her too easily were boring, the hunt was the most exciting thing about it. Once they were trapped in her little net, the targets just led to endless boring dates and one dimensional sex. Rarely did Ko enjoy herself past that point. 
Which meant she was not angry that this time it took a little longer.
Eventually she mastered the rasengan technique and when she told Naruto, who now insisted she call him brother, he was very excited. Apparently he had learned the technique from her father and Konohamaru from him. “And now you learned it from Konohamaru!” He turned to the other man. “I always knew you’d pass it on someday.” Which just made Konohamaru blush- again.
Naruto in general seemed to have a massive influence over Konohamaru, and his overt sense of duty seemed to keep him away from giving in to other urges he might feel. It drove Ko wild. She grit her teeth and shook her hair. She had to succeed so she would succeed.
The opportunity finally arose one evening when he had finally agreed to go out drinking with her for the first time. She had seen him drink a couple of times with other same-age friends, but whenever she had offered to go, the answer had just been another no.
“I behave weird when I am drunk” he had said. “And I’d rather spare you of it.”
“But what if I want you to be weird?” Ko had replied with a wink that made him blush once again.
Konohamaru hesitated for a moment before saying: “No. If it is you, I would rather be myself.”  The honesty of which shocked her to the core.
But now he had finally given in, maybe because she had insisted that Naruto would not mind. “Big Brother would be happy with us hanging out if we are not training”, she had said. “He introduced us to each other after all.” And though Konohamaru had squirmed a little undecided, he had agreed after all.
Two, three, four beers down Ko felt adventurous. With a wide smile she placed a hand on his leg just so, laughing as she did at something he said, so it looked as natural as possible. He must have noticed, his eyes clearly twitching down and back up, but he just laughed it off and continued talking.
Good, Ko thought. Finally this was going somewhere.
Usually alcohol changed people and showed their bad sides, at least in Ko’s experience. That was really why she did not trust anyone that seemed nice on the surface. They were all just hiding deeper secrets.
Konohamaru however seemed to get more honest with drink, if that was even possible. He talked his heart out about his absent parents, the fact that his grandfather had meant so much to him, his companionship with Naruto and his friends. 
“I like hanging out with you, you know,” he finished. “I think you are smart and - beautiful.” The little hesitation before the last word had his eyes avoid hers.
Ko moved closer to him, ever so slightly as if it was natural, her hand still on his leg. He did not move away, he did not mind that their heads knocked into each other from time to time. She was now firmly in the driver's seat. Only a little bit more.
When they finally left he offered to walk her home as usual. It was night in Konoha,  a rather beautiful star light night. It had rained so much in Amegakure that Ko had rarely seen the sky as bright as it was that night. She was almost too fascinated by looking at the sky, forgetting her task completely until she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Konohamaru was watching her.
“Is there something on my face?” she asked sweetly and the red on his ears deepend. He shook his head.
Ko saw her opportunity and faked a stumble so that she could fall forward and hold herself on his arm. She stumbled a little too much and actually fell over her heels right into him.
Konohamaru turned around to catch her and their heads bumped into each other. She was just slightly taller than him, maybe a centimetre or two. He hitched a breath once they were so close together. 
Weirdly enough, Ko did too.
“Are you going to come home with me today?” she whispered, her voice becoming steam in the cold air. 
He hesitated. It felt like half an hour that she just looked into his blue eyes while he considered his reply. Ko tried to help him along by leaning close into him, letting her breath fog against the skin just under his scarf, showing off her cleavage a little.
Clearly Konohamaru couldn’t decide if he was going to actually go for it.
But then he did.
Quickly he put her chin up so that they were the same height again and they kissed, hot and eager. Ko grabbed his shoulders and crawled her nails into it. In her head the celebratory fireworks were going off.
Finally, finally!
Now that he had given up his stance on not spending the night with her, Konohamaru seemed surprisingly impatient to get to the point. There was no moment on their way home that he did not touch or kiss her in some way. Ko couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed, they were in public after all.
Up in her apartment they fell over each other like hungry wolves. She had assumed he must have been a virgin of some kind, blushing away at every innuendo she ever tried with him, but Konohamaru seemed to know what was doing and soon she figured out that she actually enjoyed what they were doing.
It was always great when a target turned out to be good at listening to her commands and needs and as it turned out Konoahmaru was exceptional at listening and following orders.
Not intimidated by her size or her demands he did exactly as she told him, from start to finish, figuring out what she liked most quicker than any other person she ever met. If it was experience or just the fact that he was following like a lapdog, she did not know, but she enjoyed herself. 
Usually Ko threw targets out overnight so she could have her sleep in peace. Being vulnerable in front of someone she was trying to spy on seemed like a bad idea, so she often came up with a lame excuse or two to sleep separately, that was how she operated.
When she woke up the next day she realised Konohamaru had stayed the night. They must have just fallen asleep after. He had his arm wrapped around her torso and his head half buried in what was left of her ponytail. 
Ko stared at the ceiling wondering why that aspect didn’t bother her too much and came up empty.
Looking back on this first night much later Ko would think that she should have stopped doing it right then, when she started breaking her own rules, to avoid the chaos that would eventually follow after.
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baya-ni · 4 years
ADAM and Emotional Manipulation: An Analysis
I’m glad we all agree that ADAM is Irredeemable Trash. In this post, I explored how ep 7′s flashback scene revealed how the power imbalance between ADAM and Tadashi inherent to their class difference serves as the basis for abuse, and how that abuse will culminate in ADAM throwing Tadashi under the bus for his political corruption. But that’s just one of many layers of characterization present in this scene, and I’m once again fascinated with just how much the writers were able to pack into just a few lines of dialogue.
I am once again going analyze this office/flashback scene, but this time I’m going focus on the way that ADAM abuses Tadashi beyond utilizing his privilege as a wealthy person, that is, the way that ADAM seemingly preys on Tadashi’s guilt and regret to keep him compliant. This’ll be wading into murkier waters of conjecture and theory, as we haven’t been given a lot of information about ADAM’s past but I hope this all makes sense anyway.
Obviously, trigger warning for discussions of emotional abuse.
In my first post, I theorized as to the personal history between ADAM and Tadashi, particularly how the flashback scene suggests that Tadashi’s past reluctance to stand up to ADAM’s father fuels ADAM’s abusive behavior. Firstly, we have this dialogue that precedes the flashback:
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Which later parallels the following flashback dialogue:
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I find this word for word repetition of the line “I have no opinions,” super disturbing, because it implies that every time ADAM goads Tadashi into disagreeing with him, he is calling back to this specific memory. Look at this side by side comparison of Tadashi’s expression:
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The first deliverance of this line is a resolute lack of expression, he’s holding his tongue in the face of authority, which in this case is ADAM’s father. It’s the same expression I make when I get lectured by my own dad, and any child of strict parents also knows this expression well- keep your face neutral and you won’t be accused of talking back or being disrespectful.
But in the second picture, notice how the difference in expression. His gaze is unfocused and his eyes droop more- he’s tired, he’s resigned. To me, this suggests that the word for word reiteration of this line is a trained response, and that ADAM routinely calls back to this memory to remind Tadashi of his inferiority.
Going back a few episodes, we get this very interesting set of shots in ep 4:
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Tadashi doesn’t say a single word at any point during this conversation between ADAM and his aunts, yet the decision to cut away to Tadashi’s downcast expression suggests that there’s ~s o m e t h i n g~ more going on here beyond Tadashi just listening in.
The similarity between this scene and the flashback is how it’s shown that ADAM is not, and has never been, in control of his life. First, punished for skateboarding by his father then later pressured by aunts to bring further distinction to the Shindo name, ADAM is not free to do as he pleases and is expected, as Tadashi is, to be compliant and obedient to his figures of authority.
In both instances, Tadashi is powerless to speak up for ADAM, and after the ep 7 office scene, I believe that this rare and subtle show of emotion is Tadashi being reminded of his past failure to stand up for ADAM.
And it seems to be a particular weak point for Tadashi, a memory that’s laden with regret and weighs heavy on him many years later, such that ADAM is able to use it as leverage to continually exert his authority and justify his abusive behavior.
Further, notice that throughout the show, Tadashi’s obedience never seems to be fueled by fear. No matter how many times ADAM degrades and exploits Tadashi, we never see anything close to gritted teeth or a clenched fist- nothing that shows he feels any frustration or anger in response to his mistreatment.
Even as ADAM tells Tadashi that he intends to make him the fall guy, ADAM states it as a fact, not a threat, knowing that Tadashi will do nothing but placidly accept his fate. We do get a bit of an emotional response from Tadashi:
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But to me, his face conveys shock, perhaps a bit of disappointment, but above all there’s sadness- not anger, not betrayal- sadness. And in the end, he accepts his situation without complaint in a move that, to me, screams: “I deserve this.”
Someone PLEASE get this man some therapy, because if my theory holds true, Tadashi’s resigned acceptance is a form of self punishment. And this self punishing behavior is further encouraged every time ADAM degrades Tadashi by calling him a “dog”:
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Y’all, Tadashi has been suffering for years, being constantly guilt-tripped into obedience over an inaction that ADAM had no right to feel entitled to in the first place (see again this post if you don’t know what inaction i’m talking about), and stuck in an environment that actively fuels his self-hatred and self punishing behavior.
Literally every minute I spend thinking about this office scene further indoctrinates me into the Tadashi Defense Squad.
I also think it’s interesting how the main tensions highlighted in this episode are  between ADAM and Tadashi, and Reki and Langa (obvs). And since this show has a pattern of drawing parallels, I think there’s something to be said about the similarity in powerlessness and resignation felt by both Tadashi and Reki in this ep, both coincidentially (or more likely not) stemming from ADAM and his ability to prey upon others’ insecurities- something I’ll likely be pondering over until the next ep.
But anyway, in conclusion:
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Disobedient | Levi Ackerman
M A S T E R L I S T AOT Masterlist
smut requests info
just started watching attack on titan. Levi is the love of my life (okay so is Eren). also lets say our smol bean Levi is like 5,9″ or maybe 5,10″ instead of 5,2″??? they made him too short in my opinion. 
this one is short and sweet, I have other much longer ideas too. It’s just late where I live and I wanted to post something for you guys :) I’m almost to 900 followers. Thank you all so much. 
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The morning light trickled in through the window, successfully arousing you from your sleep. You snuggled further into the soft sheets you found yourself tucked into, but when your hand reached over and felt nothing but cool sheets beside you, you finally peaked an eye open. You weren’t surprised to see the bed empty next to you, and the door leading to a private office cracked open. You stretched with a yawn and slipped on one of Levi’s dress shirts to cover your bare skin as you stood. The sleeves fell past your hands and the curves of your breasts were on display. You were too lazy to button it shut, so the front was open. You pulled your silk panties up your legs before you stood and slowly made your way to his office. You leaned against the doorway, watching as Levi scribbled strategies on a blank piece of paper, trying to come up with the best formation for the upcoming mission.  
“Morning.” Your voice was quiet, unsure. You always felt nervous interrupting him when he was working. Levi says nothing, but he lifts an arm, silently beckoning you to come sit in his lap. Your cheeks darken as you quietly make your way over to him, nervously sliding onto his lap- his gaze never wavering from the papers in front of him. His arm curls around you to reach his desk, almost completely ignoring you. You settled against his chest, your cheek resting on his shoulder. Your relationship with Levi was fairly new, and you honestly were still trying to figure him out. It was obvious he wasn’t outwardly affectionate, he preferred to show you what you meant to him in more subtle ways. You know he cares about you, even if it’s sometimes hard for you to see. 
You nibble on the inside of your cheek, your eyes widening when Levi turns his head to look at you. His face remains expressionless but he reaches up and tenderly brushes a piece of hair behind your ear. “Good morning.” His voice is professional, practiced sounding. You brush the tip of your nose against his briefly before he’s turning back to his work. You cuddle into his chest as his left hand drops from the desk to rest on your bare thigh. A soft sigh escapes your lips when his thumb begins to mindlessly draw patterns into your bare skin, and by his lack of reaction you assume the sound escaped his notice. You were thankful your quarters were already close to Levi’s, so it was easy for you to sneak over. Even though you and Levi weren’t trying to hide your relationship, you were still certain that nobody knew. Which in it’s own way, was sort of comforting. 
When Levi’s thumb brushed over your thigh again, it was closer to the hem of your panties this time. He definitely noticed. 
You shift as casually as you can, trying to put some distance bewteen your core and Levi’s wandering fingers. He needs to focus. You try to slide of his lap, but Levi’s arm curls around you tighter, “I didn’t say you could stand.” His voice is calm, but it brings a flush rising to your cheeks. Last night was the first time you and Levi had slept together, you were still pretty shy around him. You swallowed a lump in your throat, “sorry Captain.” You said instinctively, you were on his squad after all. You hear him hum softly, his eyes still focused on the work in front of him. His left hand had other ideas it would seem. 
His palm drifted down your thigh, and his thumb carefully brushed over your aching clit on the outside of your panties. You bite down on your lip, your back pressing to his chest more firmly. Levi leans forward casually, and presses his lips to your neck as you keen back into him. His fingers continue to brush over your clothed slit and tease you until your thighs are trembling and soft whimpers are escaping your lips. “Levi please,” You gasp, your hips wriggling to follow his light touches. Levi merely raises a questioning brow and hums softly against your neck. You feel a wet gush of arousal dampen your panties and Levi does nothing more than tease you. His fingers drag along the hem of your panties, his right hand still scribbling notes on his attack strategy. How can he possibly focus on anything? 
This is a stark difference to the lover you had last night, so gentle and full of passion. He continued dragging his fingers lightly over the skin of your inner thighs, you remain teetering on the edge of pleasure and it was absolutely maddening. “L-Levi!” You begged again, tears springing behind your eyes as you attempt to grind into his hand. Finally he turned to look at you, but pulled his hand away to cup your cheeks much to your dismay. “I have to work now, go in the bedroom and wait for me to finish.” Levi instructs, pressing one chaste kiss to your lips before pulling his arms from your body completely. You stand, your core throbbing as you begrudgingly head back into Levi’s bedroom to wait for him to be done. You close the door behind you, groaning in frustration. 
You lay back against the bed, Levi’s shirt having been pulled from your body. You felt a soft throbbing in your core and your hands quickly drifted down your stomach. You can’t believe he got you so worked up just to make you wait! Your fingers found your aching clit but your frantic rubbing did nothing to ease the uncomfortable arousal coating your thighs. You need Levi. But he turned you away so he could work on battle strategies. You feel anger bubbling in your chest as you stand, pulling on a pair of your black pants along with Levi’s white dress shirt. Except you button it this time before heading out into the hallway- you need to go for a walk. 
The breeze is refreshing as you step outside. You look around the grounds of HQ, seeing new recruits practicing, and some cleaning the stables. You stretch in the morning light, trying to convince yourself that the dull throbbing between your legs will go away any second now. It doesn’t. You decide to go for a small walk anyway, greeting people as they pass by and feeling completely and utterly puzzled by some of the envious looks on other girls faces. You try to ignore them as you continue walking, the subtle pounding between your legs never quite going away. “Good Morning Y/N.” Another scout solider says, Ian. You and Ian joined at the same time a few years ago but you hardly ever spoke. 
“Oh, hi.” You greet politely, shifting uncomfortable under his inquisitive gaze. His eyes roll down your body, making you feel as though you need to cover yourself even though you’re fully clothed. He raises a brow, “nice shirt.” He compliments and you blink in confusion. 
“It’s just an ordinary dress shirt...” 
“It’s Captain Levi’s dress shirt.” Ian adds and all the color drains from your face. How did he know? Does everyone know? Ian chuckles once he notices the horrified expression on your face. 
“It has the Captains personal insignia stitched into the collar.” He explains and when you glance at the collar of Levi’s shirt your eyes widen. Sure enough there is an insignia you’ve never seen before stitched in plain sight. You swallow thickly, your cheeks burning hot. Ian takes another step closer to you, backing you into the wall of the building behind you. You glance around, but you see nobody in sight. “You screwing the Captain Y/N?” Ian asks, a dark glint in his eyes as he towers over you. He’s nearly 6,2″. Your brain tried to scramble for an explanation but it kept drawing blanks. “O-of course not!” You stammered in defense, all your hairs standing on end as Ian took another step closer. Your mouth went dry as a sly smile slid onto his face, “maybe if you let me have a taste of that sweet pussy of yours I can help you fix this. Half the HQ has seen you in his shirt by now Y/N.” 
“N-No that’s okay Ian, Levi was just lending me a shirt. C-Captain Levi I mean!” You stammered, your entire body shaking as you desperately searched for an exit. Titans you can handle but people? You didn’t want Ian making up some story if you hurt him, you could be executed for treason. Ian takes yet another step closer, leaning down to drag his nose along the nape of your neck. “There better be a damn good explanation for this-” You hear a voice snap. Ian quickly pulls away from you and to your horror, you lock eyes with Levi. His voice trails off as his eyes land on you. A pained expression crosses onto Levi’s face as his eyes flicker between you and Ian briefly before the pain is masked by the emotionless look he usually dons.  
“I saw her wearing your shirt Captain! I came to question her about it as I suspect she stole it. In order to silence me, she attempted to kiss me sir.” Ian said, and your jaw dropped. You looked at Levi in horror, and the dark look in his eyes did little to tell you how he was currently feeling. “You, get back to work.” Levi barked at Ian, who quickly scrambled away. You lock eyes with Levi, your body trembling. You feel panic turning in your gut as he takes one slow step towards you. “Do you wanna tell me what the hell I just walked in on?” Levi asks, his voice steady, despite the waves of panic rising in his chest. You weren’t about to cheat on him, he knows you weren’t. You couldn’t have been, there’s an innocent and logical explanation for this, there has to be. 
You immediately reach forward to take his hand, “Levi he saw me wearing your shirt and cornered me. H-He tried to blackmail me into having sex with him! I swear nothing happened baby!” You gasp, your cheeks going red at the pet name that accidentally slipped out. Levi merely rose a brow, his expression unreadable. In the next second he’s stepping forward and effectively trapping you against his body and the wall. The throbbing between your legs returns quickly, pounding as Levi’s knee slides in between your legs. “I thought I told you to stay in our bedroom?” Levi hums lowly, and your body heats up. You don’t miss how he says ‘our’ bedroom. “I-I’m sorry Levi.” You squeaked and Levi tutted softly. He gently grinds his knee up into you, causing you to gasp softly. 
Levi’s hands are planted on the wall on either side of your head and when he looks up at you, you see the genuine fear in his eyes. The fear that you were about to cheat on him. “I’d never cheat on you Levi.” You say softly, and you see the fear slowly melt out of his gaze. A smirk makes it’s way onto his face before he’s yanking your body against his. “Good girl,” He purrs softly, quickly lifting your body over his shoulder. You squeal in surprise as he carries you back inside, your cheeks blood red at the thought of someone catching Levi carrying you back inside over his shoulder. “You had me worried sweetheart.” Levi says, his voice tense as he turns towards the hallway his bedroom and office is located in. 
He pushes the door open, and kicks it shut behind him before dropping you onto the bed. “I just needed to get some work done, then me and my cock were all yours.” You rubbed your thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure between your legs, but Levi’s heated look continued to send arousal through every nerve ending. “But instead you decided to go get what you needed elsewhere, is that it?” He asks, stalking up the bed towards you, his pupils lust blown. You quickly shook your head as you swallowed thickly, your head resting against the pillows. “Because instead of finding you in here, laid out on the bed and spread wide for me I see you being pressed up against the wall by somebody else.” Levi seethes, jealousy and anger seeping into his tone. 
“I-I’m sorry Levi.” You whisper again as he hovers above you. 
“I don’t know if you deserve it now.” He muses, his left hand drifting between your bodies and underneath the waistband of your pants. His fingers quickly find your clit and begin to rub circles onto it. You moan wantonly, your back arching up into Levi. “Please Levi, baby please.” You beg shamelessly, your eyes squeezed shut. Levi’s fingers pinch your clit, causing you to cry out as your hands wind around his shoulders. Levi’s right arm winds around your waist as you cry out and writhe underneath him. Quickly he slides 2 fingers into your wet pussy, and you released a high pitched cry as he began to roughly thrust his fingers into you. “Tell me what you want Y/N, tell me what you need.” Levi says, still managing to keep his composure. 
“Y-You Captain! I need your cock Levi, please.” You beg, tears springing in your eyes as he continues to thrust his fingers into you. Leave leaned back on his heels as he pulled away from you, his hands reaching down to his belt. Your body buzzed in anticipation as Levi pulled his belt from his pants, his hand reaching in to free his cock. You quickly wriggle out of your pants, your entire body screaming to have his cock inside you right now. You spread your thighs open for him, “are you ready for me?” Levi asks and you frantically nod, wriggling your hips and clenching around nothing. You desperately need to be filled and stretched open with his cock. “Yes Levi, hurry please baby.” Levi bites back a groan upon hearing your desperate pleas for him. 
Levi lines himself up with your entrance, gently sliding his head inside you. You still grit your teeth at the stretch as he gently works himself inside your tight heat. “Oh God Levi,” you gasp as you wind your arms around his chest, burying your face into his neck. Levi groans softly upon feeling your tight heat clamp around him and squeeze him tightly, even though he just fucked you open last night, he still forgot how tight you are. Your mouth hangs open as Levi bottoms out, your hands clawing at his back and your teeth gently sinking into his shoulder. Levi pulls his hips back and slides back into you, picking up speed as you moan softly. “Fuck Levi, I would never dream of cheating on you. I can’t live without your cock,” You cry out, and Levi smirks smugly as he continues to drill into you. 
Levi reaches down to thumb your clit and as soon as he does you’re coming undone around him, pushing him to his own release. You clamp tightly around him as he thrusts into you, to ride out both of your orgasms. Levi’s forehead rests against yours for a second before he pulls out of you with a wince. Levi presses a long kiss to your forehead before a knock on his office door draws his attention. A smirk slides onto his face as he stands, and tucks himself back into his pants. He gently lays a sheet over you, his heart swelling when he sees you asleep already. Your bare back is still exposed as he heads to his office, being sure to leave the door open. When Levi opens his office door, Ian is stood on the outside. 
“You summoned me Captain?” He asks and Levi waves him inside. In an instant, Ian’s eyes land on your half-naked sleeping body, curled on Levi’s bed. “If you ever attempt to force her to do anything again I will personally execute you myself is that understood?” Levi said lowly, a dark look crossing onto his face as he glowers at Ian. Ian nodded quickly, his face pale as he did his best to keep his eyes focused straight ahead at Levi and not at you, sleeping naked in his bed. “Good, now if you don’t mind- I have some other business to attend to.” He says casually, turning back into his bedroom and closing the door to his office behind him. 
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plaidbooks · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Mike Dodds
A/N: Hey y’all! This was requested by @caracalwithchips​! I forgot how fun these are--I know Mike a little better now than when I did the NSFW version, so a lot of these headcanons I’ve had in my brain. Hope you all enjoy <3
Holy fuck, how did I never notice that none of these have an S?? It took Tumblr breaking this post for me to realize.... Oh my god?!
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart​  @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @permanentlydizzy​  @ben-c-group-therapy​ @infiniteoddball​ @glowingmess​ @whimsicallymad​ @lv7867​  @storiesofsvu​ @cycat4077​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @glimmerglittergirl​ @joanofarkansass​ @redlipstickandblacktea @caracalwithchips​ @berniesilvas​​  @averyhotchner​ @qvid-pro-qvo​
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) While out in public, Mike will stand close enough that he’s brushing against you. Depending on what’s determined “okay” in social situations, he may have his hand on your arm or around your waist (like at a gala). When he can’t touch you, though, he’s giving you long, emotionally charged looks.When you’re both home, however, Mike is all over you. He has you pulled against him on the couch, holding you to his chest, fingers playing in your hair. Or he positions you so that he can gently massage your neck. He makes up for all the time he couldn’t touch you in public.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) You probably met at work, or in the gym (or on a jog). Mike is incredibly kind and will listen to you rant about something stupid happening in your life. But he will crack jokes about it until your problems seem so much smaller than you first thought they were. He’s also one to take you out to go do something fun after a rough day, if you need it.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)Boy does he! That broad chest and big arms are made to cuddle! His favorite position is on his back, with you curled against his side, head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. But after rough days, he needs something—or someone—to hold onto. Days like that, he’ll be on his side, snuggling into you, his face pressed against you (whether your back or chest).
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Mike wants to settle down, but with someone he chose, not his father (but he also needs his father to at least like you). He’s on a self-made diet, and will cook things low in fat and high on protein. Thankfully, he has a way to season it, so it tastes good. He’s a relatively clean guy, but he’ll do things like vacuum and dishes on the weekends/days off.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) In person for sure. He’ll come to your place—out in public is too…public. He doesn’t want to embarrass you (or hurt his family’s reputation). He’ll tell you why it’s not working out and be civil about it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Mike’s in no hurry to get married. He wants to know that you’re the one for him before he’ll even entertain the thought of proposing. You need to be able to not only deal with his work and his workout regiment, but also with his family—especially his father. He knows that William will make snide comments directed at you, and while Mike will do his best to defend you, he also can’t go against his father.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Mike is a teddy bear! He’s incredibly gentle, sometimes too much so. He has a big, strong body, and he’s accidentally hurt too many people in his life, especially in childhood. When you first get together, his touch is feather-light. At first, you thought it was something about you, that he was treating you like a china doll. But after talking to him about it, you learned that he thinks light and easy is better than accidentally hurting someone he cares about.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Outside of emergency reasons (hostage situations or long stints out of the city), then Mike doesn’t really hug in public. You may get a side hug or something if you’re far in your relationship, and maybe a quick peck. Once home, though, he gives you massive bear hugs (he won’t squeeze tight, not unless you give him the okay).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Definitely not on the first date. Probably a few months into a relationship. He’s not afraid of love or anything, but he’s a busy man and he wants to be sure you’re sticking around before he’ll drop the word.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Mike isn’t a jealous type. But, like most SVU detectives, he’s wary of other men. He’s protective to a point—he’s not possessive and he trusts you completely—and will definitely stick around you if he notices too many eyes in your direction. He also teaches you basic self-defense, just in case he’s not there.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Again, out in public, it’s a quick peck on the lips or cheek—maybe a kiss to the back of your hand. Behind closed doors, however, Mike loves kissing you. He’s the master of slow, deep kisses, memorizing each other’s mouths while your lungs burn for air. Outside of your lips, he likes kissing your forehead or the top of your head; it’s intimate and sweet. But he loves loves loves when you kiss his jaw down to his chest. Any marks you leave, he can blame on sparring.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Mike’s super sweet around kids! You know that Big Brother program—where only children get to hang out with an “older sibling” (usually volunteer college students)? Mike is that kinda guy! He knows how to connect with children, especially little boys. And they love him!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Mike’s up early taking a jog and hitting the gym. You usually catch him after he comes home (unless you join him). By the time he’s out of the shower, you have a protein shake for him and one of the breakfasts he showed you how to make (the shake is for the day, the breakfast for now). You usually get an hour to chat and catch up before he’s giving you a kiss and heading out the door.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) He usually comes home late—he is second in command (first, once he’s transferred from SVU). If you’re still awake, you’ll catch up on the day, chatting into the night. You know once he’s in bed, he’ll be out like a light, so you sit on the couch and talk. But he’ll eventually get that glazed look in his eyes, and you’ll have to convince him to go to bed, no matter how much he insists on wanting to talk to you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) It’s not that he reveals things about himself on purpose, but you’ll start to notice little things (like how soft his touch is). When asked about these things, he’ll sit you down and tell you…if he knows the answer, that is. Somethings, he doesn’t know why he does them; it was just something to survive as a kid that he never really thought about.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Angered isn’t the correct word; Mike gets frustrated. It mostly is things about work, but you learn that he has a shorter fuse every now and again. He’ll never admit that it’s stress from his father, instead blaming the cases he’s working on. But you know the signs.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Depends on when you tell him. If he has a lot on his plate, his mind turning, he’s more likely to forget something. He knows the basics (birthday, allergies, favorite color), but things like an ongoing issue at work, you may have to remind him of the details.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) It was before you moved in together; the first night he stayed at your place. A little girl had been kidnapped, and the squad found her body the next day. Mike was on the scene, and it hit him hard; it was the first child case he had in SVU. He was really broken up about it and he asked if he could come over. You, of course, accepted, and Mike flew to your place. It was a) the first time he told you details about his job and b) the first time you saw him cry. You calmed him down and hugged him throughout the night, running your fingers through his hair as he slept, his head on your chest. He thanked you for that, but he never told you just how much he appreciated it.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Mike’s afraid that he’s not around enough. As such, his dates are incredible. He’s also the type to leave you little trinkets; either something useful, or something that reminded him of you. And if you’ve been cleaning and doing all the chores, then he’ll wake up super early on his day off and do everything before you get a chance to. He’ll call it a spa day for you, and while he’s waiting for something (laundry or food or what have you), he’ll massage you or rub lotion into your skin for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Hopefully you like chores, because Mike doesn’t do them often. He works so much and is on call on his days off. It’s not like he doesn’t want to help around the house, but if you had a dollar for every time Mike got called away while he was halfway done with something, you could afford a bigger house.He also will do anything his father asks, whether it’s in Mike’s best interest or not.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Very concerned—he has a reputation to keep. Even on his days off, he’s in nice slacks and a nice shirt. The only time you see him “off” is when he announces he’s not leaving the house. He’ll be in sweats and a tight shirt on the couch (unless he’s called in, and he has to quickly change).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Once you own his heart, he can’t imagine life without you. Sure, he can remain polite at galas you couldn’t make it to, but inside, he’s missing you. It’s just not the same without you by his side, to make fun of all the pompous people around you. He definitely has a well-worn picture of you in his wallet that he’ll look at if he’s stuck at work super late.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Mike knows his father is overbearing, but he doesn’t know what William does to him. He grew up with his father’s expectations weighing down on him, so it’s all “normal” in his mind. You’ve tried talking to him before about it, but Mike will brush it off as “that’s just dad being dad.” It kind of makes meeting up with William weird, because you want to tell him off. You can see how he berates Mike, and you now understand why Mike likes to be praised so much; he obviously didn’t get it as a child.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Anyone that can embarrass him/his family. You need to be able to fit into the high social circles (whether you’re in them or not). You need to be eloquent and polite, ready to bite your tongue when someone says something incredibly sexist at an event (at least until you learn how to clapback without drawing attention to yourself).
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) Ever since he was in the Army, Mike normally sleeps on his back. The only time he doesn’t is if one or both of you need the cuddles. It took you a while to get used to laying on his chest—it’s much higher than your old pillow, and it takes some adjusting. Otherwise, Mike is quick to sleep, his arm around you.
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