#haha hmmm
into-the-feniverse · 5 months
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It’s Dabi’s birthday over here in the states now so have some doodles 🔥
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dr-gaytorius · 9 months
i took a what character from baldurs gate are you quiz and they said i was minthara. is that bad
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sylphee · 6 months
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some old loz sketches that I never posted over here!
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sysig · 6 months
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Chewtoy (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Papyrus#Sans#Squeeze him - he makes a squeaky toy noise#Everyone needs to bite Gaster! He doesn't yield like flesh so it probably doesn't even hurt right? Yeahhhh he'll be fiiiine#There is something very funny to me about him just sitting there and taking it tho lol - feeds into his martyr play ♪#As if I don't already have a favourite martyr hmmm don't worry about it lol#What was he even doing why is he just letting 2-P bite him lol#Socialization? That's not a good thing to just let him do! He's still got a young mind! Boundaries are important#He does offer a way out - hehe ♫ - but he doesn't enforce it! You're setting them up for failure#Hehehehe#The bone gift was fun to doodle hehe ♪ He leaves it with him and it goes completely untouched while his arm is covered in teeth-marks pfft#Even with Papyrus a bit more unruly I still like to imagine he acts mean in largely harmless ways haha#Like yeah he's being naughty and biting when he knows better and offered other options - Gaster. Gentle enforcement - but he's not Hurting#He's not using his entire bite force - probably lol or he's just got weak little baby bites (though those can be quite painful!)#Sans on the other hand would absolutely go 100% full power - and still only do 1HP lol what an unfortunate design quirk for him#If only he had a jaw he could open! He'd bite the heck outta Gaster! Alas#I do like to imagine Fellplates!Sans has just fast-tracked to classic's conclusion of ''You suck and I hate you. Die'' about Gaster lol#Even the possibility of not being mean to him is so alien! What do you /mean/ not hurt you?? Do you know who you're talking to??#He'll find another way to mess with him in good time haha
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solar093-art · 1 year
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some adventures can get too dangerous... so it's time to summon friends :)
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salamispots · 2 years
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new profile pic; previous one surprisingly lasted for a whole ass year without it crossing my mind to change it hahajs
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introvertedx10 · 6 months
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warpedpuppeteer · 1 month
I know people think that canonly Buck is a snorer but hear me out! What if he isn't a snorer usually?? We know Chris told Carla he snores loud while he was sleeping on the couch during the sniper arc. And then what does Carla say?? That she's glad he's getting at least some sleep. Implying that Buck has been having trouble sleeping. And when you're bone tired as he probably is, you would absolutely snore too when you sleep. The implication of that scene was not that Buck is a snorer but that he was so distraught and worried about Eddie and was so busy taking care of Chris that he wore himself out. In this essay I will-
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arodabi · 2 years
Shoutout to romance oblivious aros
Not realizing when ppl flirt with you, not being able to tell when people are attracted to each other or dating, not realizing romantic attraction was even a thing
Y’all are great <2
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oifaaa · 1 day
Need some second opinions
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skyloftian-nutcase · 28 days
Lovelies, I commissioned @smilesrobotlover and she did not disappoint, so have a scene to go with her fantastic art <3
Link had never dreamed of being in a situation like this.
It was difficult really to say what he could and couldn’t imagine being possible anymore, given that a time traveling miniature guardian had helped save Hyrule from destruction, but this was still more than he could have ever thought would happen.
With the castle floating in the sky, the former king frantically taking control of a terrified and fracturing nation while the queen was missing, and Zora’s Domain barely holding together after a phantom version of its own prince tried to kill its king, Link was ready to fall apart at the seams. His fellow champions were in disarray, Zelda was gone, Mipha had to recover and hold the Domain together while her father healed from an attack that was staged to look like Link was the culprit, and—and—
And his son snuck after him when he went to help the rest of the kingdom.
It was honestly… fun. Exciting, even. But also completely terrifying. His little one was too young to be in such dangerous situations, but his magic that he was seemingly cultivating helped shield him from danger.
Link tried to hold on to the comfort of still having support, despite the chaos. Mipha was working to help the Domain realize that Link had not, in fact, attacked King Dorephan (a majority of the Domain already understood this, but it was hard to refute when the imposter looked like Link), and his father was working with the Hyrulian soldiers to reel in monster encampments, allowing Link and Koden to move somewhat unobstructed across the country.
Somewhat unobstructed. As in, there were still monsters for him to fight, and oh how Link worried, but also—
Link snarled as he shoved a bokoblin with his shield. He heard a grunt behind him, a pleading appeal followed by his son’s shy voice, “Papa! Papa!”
Koden didn’t sound distressed, but Link felt his heart skip a beat nonetheless. Turning, he saw his boy standing seemingly calmly as if there weren’t a battle happening right in front of him, and he signed that he had to pee.
Of all the— “NOT NOW!” Link yelled louder than he really wanted to as another bokoblin shoved a sword too close to his face.
Koden whined, starting to do a little dance, and Link finally finished off the last of the horde that the larger ‘blin had been leading around the field. Sighing heavily, he wiped the sweat off his brow as Koden started to hop all around him, only stopping out of curiosity when he saw the monster parts left behind.
Link sighed heavily. “Ok. Now we can go pee.”
He could practically hear his father laughing at him.
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beskad · 3 months
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nekupilled · 2 months
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sysig · 1 month
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Blood sugar levels (Patreon)
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dinerfries · 5 months
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yay ^_^
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niinnyu · 10 months
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Doodles :)
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