#hahahahaha. the more they talk about food the more it makes me want to starve myself.
pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
#huh. i dont think this person would want me to do this#diary#personal#disordered eating#hahahahaha. the more they talk about food the more it makes me want to starve myself.#hahaha. how fucked up is that lmao.#self harm#i mean not really but sorta so close enough ig?#i honestly wonder why i love hurting myself so much sometimes. hahaha. what wire in my brain fell loose?#hm. seriously though. i have no especially strong desire to prevent harm coming to me#in fact i often try to recreate it. or even seek it out to some extent.#like. i dont cross a line. but beyond that i sorta just see it all as fair game.#hm. and really the thing is i dont especially care if people tell me no. hm. sometimes i wont if i think to myself#and i quote .#...but that being said. sometimes i think the people around me dont especially care? all in all it doesnt affect them ig.#so i dont really have anyone to stop this self abuse from taking place. not that anyone but me can put an end to it.#i usually stop when i have something to work towards or for. but if i see no means to do so i give up.#i think thats why ive given up lately. like. i may as well do as i please if i cant do anything right anymore. haha.#idk. this warped sense of self wont go anywhere anytime soon.#im not sure if i really hate myself so much as i just dont especially care.#drugs tw#im fine with spending my days in a drug fueled haze. if thats what i really want.#i dont quite get others and thwir conerns for that. if you're hurting no one else who cares what you do to yourself?#idk. i think im a bit broken somehow. my mind sure as hell doesnt work the same as anyone else.#either way i wont regret no more. im making my own decisions. im making my own grave and ill lay on it. .#i really dont especially care. in the end all i need is right here hahaha.#ha. god something really is wrong with me. oh well.
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distantsuns-archive · 4 years
RULES: you can only say “guilty” or “innocent”. you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you. repost, don’t reblog !  
TAGGED BY: @astralglam​ thank u! also i don’t give a single rat’s ass i am explaining all of these because i love explaining random shit about james
TAGGING : @redheid @rosedha @kittenstm @dottiesxdreams @erstwhles​ idk anyone else if u want!
Asked  someone  to  marry  you?  /  innocent; lorcan proposed to him Kissed  one  of  your  friends?  /  guilty lol. james will literally make out with people and then the next day never talk about it ever again
Danced  on  a  table  in  a  bar / tavern?  /  guilty Ever  told  a  lie?  /  guilty Had  feelings  for  someone you  can’t  have?  / oof. yeah, guilty Ever  kissed  someone  of  the same  sex?  /  guilty. james b like “move i’m gay” Kissed  a  picture?  /   guilty. it was probably a picture of agnetha from abba lol Slept  until  5pm?  /   guilty. a regular occurrence when he’s on tour lmfao Fallen  asleep  at  work / school?  /    guilty Held  a  snake?   /   guilty (there’s a pic of n/eil at the san diego zoo holding a snake and im like yeah that’s james) Been  suspended  from  school?  /   innocent but only because he was home schooled technically but boy did he get in trouble a lot lol. Worked  at  a  fast  food  chain/restaurant?   /   innocent. although the idea of teenage james at macca’s is actually hilarious to me Stolen  something?   /    guilty. he used to steal food often when he was broke and starving and he kinda feels bad about it but he donates a lot to food banks in glasgow and stuff now that he’s successful Been  fired  from  a  job?   /   guilty. told his manager at tesco to go fuck himself and walked off the job and rent was due the next day hahahahaha this dumbass Done  something  you  regret?  /    guilty. duh Laughed  until  something  you  were  drinking  came  out  of  your  nose?  /   guilty Caught  a  snowflake  on  your  tongue?   /  guilty Kissed  in  the  rain?  /   guilty Sat  on  a  rooftop?    /  guilty. fell off a rooftop? also guilty. Kissed  someone  you  shouldn’t have?   /   guilty. lol oh boy Sang  in  the  shower?   /   guilty. he’s always constantly singing or humming something and it’s cute for like the first 2 days then you want to kill him Been  pushed  into  a  pool with  all  your  clothes  on?  /   guilty cos he was being a dick. also they realized he was too drunk to stand up and someone had to jump in and fish him out because otherwise he would’ve drowned. lol Shaved  your  head?    /    innocent. although man it really seems like something he’d do mid-breakdown lmao Slept  naked?   /    innocent. that makes him feel too vulnerable and exposed and there’s also some #trauma involved there so no. Made  a  boyfriend/girlfriend cry?   /  guilty as HELL lmao Shot  a  gun?    /   innocent Still  loved  someone  you  shouldn’t?   /   guilty. oof Have/had  a  tattoo?    /    innocent. but only because he’s terrified of needles lol. Liked  someone,  but  will  never  tell  who?    /   as a teenager yeah? so i guess guilty. Been  too  honest?   /    guilty. yeah Ruined  a  surprise?   /   guilty. ruined his son’s surprise birthday party by being high off his ass and doing coke in the kitchen. ay yi yi Been  told  that  you’re  beautiful  by  someone  who  totally  meant  what  they  said?   /   guilty i guess? Stalked  someone?    /    innocent. i guess he thought of following his first crush to los angeles but that was more of like a 17-year-old’s wishful thinking Thought  about  murder?    /    guilty. oh if he could get his hands on the CEO of capitol records........ he would go to jail for a million years and still be happy about it Still  have  communication  w/  your  ex?   /   innocent. doesn’t talk to his ex-girlfriends from before he met lorcan. after lorcan divorces him james tries desperately to get into contact with him and lorcan is just like. not having it. How  about  mass  murder?    /    innocent. unless you count an entire crew of incompetent roadies. Cheated  on  someone?    /   guilty. ay yi yi Gotten so  angry  that  you  cried?    /   guilty lmaoooo literally the king of temper tantrums please Tried  to  stay  away  from  someone  for  their  own  good?    /    guilty. yeah his son Thoughts  about  suicide?    /    guilty Had  a  girlfriend/boyfriend?    /   guilty Gotten  totally  drunk  during  a  holiday?  /   guilty lmao why during a holiday he needs no excuse to get drunk
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cautious-creation · 3 years
Adjusting to the 2000's-Steve Rogers
Fandom & Character: Marvel (MCU); Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). Mentioned: Col. Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson), Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Pairing(s): Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) x 2nd person female y/n
Word/page count: 2500+ words
CW/TW: cringe...so much cringe, unrealistic interactions, ignoring canon timelines, tickle fights, coming on too strong, ...I’m sorry
Summary: “You are a S.H.E.I.L.D agent assigned to help Captain Steve Rogers to adjust to modern day society and technologies. Steve had only just woken up in S.H.E.I.L.D's fake hospital and been chased into the center of New York by the organization, you being previously selected to be his P.A. and housekeeper.”
Author’s note: I hate this, I hate this so much. I wrote this when I was about 15 and it’s...just so bad. (It’s even got emojis as scene dividers) But here it is anyway, unedited aside from auto corrected spelling errors.  Enjoy the cringe. 😅 👍
You held out your hand in greeting. "Y/n y/l/n, Captain Rogers. I'll be helping you adjust to the 21st century." He looked at you, a small smile of appreciation gracing his gorgeous face. He shook your hand. "A pleasure agent y/l/n. I'm glad there's someone to help me with all...." He looked around at the S.H.I.E.L.D vehicles surrounding him and the Big Apple's high rising buildings. "....this." He looked back at you sheepishly, embarrassed of his inability to find a better term. "Yes. I ought to get you to where you'll be staying for the meantime." You put your hand on his shoulder, guiding him away from the centre of the road and prompting him to tear his gaze away from the city surrounding him. "I'll be staying with you in one of S.H.I.E.L.D's residencies until you've been deemed fit to live alone." You continued as he followed you to one of the vehicles blocking the rush hour traffic in order to help the newly thawed Captain. You'd been driving for a while before he finally started talking. "So, I've been sleeping for seventy years, we won the war and this... Nick, character has assigned you to help me figure out the rest. Right?" You looked at him. "Yup, you seem to catch on quickly. I guess I won't have a problem getting you up to speed." He chuckled; a beautiful sound you'd be hearing a lot of, as it turns out, in the time you'd be helping him. "Let's hope so, I never was the best student." He smiled at you. "I suppose we'll have to see how well your teacher explains modern politics. Something I'm only aware of because my job requires it." You shrugged. He shook his head laughing. 😊😚😊😚 "Well, welcome home Captain." You opened the door to the medium sized apartment decorated in typical 40's fashion. "Wow. Indoor decorating hasn't changed very much." He stepped in, admiring all the detail used to help make him feel at home. "Oh it has. We just decided it'd be better to have a home that looked familiar, so you have a place of comfort in this new and strange world." You set down the keys and your hand bag on the kitchen table before slipping your feet out of your three inch black pumps and sliding them under one of the chairs around the table. "So." You turned around to see Steve still admiring the open plan kitchen and lounge. "Tour?" 🙂🤔🙂🤔 "...and this is your bedroom. We got some of the clothing essentials for you, but I've been given a budget for when you want to buy something more to your taste." He held a teal shirt that was two sizes too small against himself. His gaze went from the shirt to you and back to the shirt. You laughed. "Which I can see will be happening sooner than my colleagues who bought that expected." He turned the shirt around and looked at it from an arm's length. "You think?" He teased. "No, no no no. You're supposed to say 'ya think'. It sounds more sassy." You put your one hand on your hip and snapped a 'z' in the air with the other. Now that is sass. You both laughed on the way to the kitchen. "As far as I can remember, there's a pre made meal for tonight and then I'll need to figure out what I'm cooking from tomorrow onward." You rummaged through the fully stocked fridge. "I could cook if you'd like." Steve offered concern in his voice. "No need, I've been cooking supper for myself almost everyday for three years. Now where is that darn... Ha! Found you!" You pulled a cling-filmed dish of honey mustard chicken fillets with fluffy white rice out of the fridge. "That looks delicious, I've only just realised how hungry I am." Steve said, marvelling at his first taste of proper unrationed food in who knows how long. "Mhhmhh, sure does. It'll take a few minutes to reheat though. I saw a bag of apples in there if you're that hungry." You responded  unwrapping your supper and putting it in the microwave. "No, I'd like my first meal after the war to be a proper, unspoiled one." You chuckled at his adorable mock determined face. "Okay. You're the one with abs of steel. I'm not going to argue with those." You poked him in the abdomen. He leapt back releasing a Yelp like giggle. "Wait, are you ticklish? Is Captain freaking America freaking ticklish?!" Another jab to the stomach proved the unthinkable. That's such a compromising weakness! "Are you?" He asked eyebrows raised playfully. "No no no no no no no no hahahahaha....." He jabbed you in the ribs, unleashing a litter of kitten giggles from your petite frame. And so the tickle fight began. You were the first to end up on the floor, pulling the super soldier down next to you on the lounge carpet. You two were rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter, you trying to stop his jabs to your stomach and ribs, and him crying from laughing so much at your kitten giggles and walrus cackles. "Ok...ok....ok..I give up." You panted. "You win, Rogers." You were both trying to stop laughing and catch your breath when the timer on the microwave went off. You managed to stand, eventually. "Alright, that's enough for now. I thought you said you were hungry?" You held out your hand to help him up. "Hungry? Please, I'm starving!" He grabbed your hand and pulled himself up. You chuckled. "Then lets EAT!" You grabbed a towel off the stove top to get the hot food from the microwave. He snatched the towel straight out your hands and stuck his tongue out at you as he proceeded to try and fail to open the microwave door. You laughed and pressed the, clearly labelled, open door button. He responded with a 'hmf', a pout and stuck his nose in the air as he used the towel to take the steaming hot food out of the microwave. "Oh, well done Captain Rogers. You've successfully taken a dish of food out of the microwave and placed it on the counter top. Well done." You proceed to slow clap sarcastically as he did jazz hands and bowed; but what happened next, you did not expect at all. He threw his hands in the air before bringing them down to wrap around you and lift you off the ground in an, almost bone crushing, hug. He spun around the kitchen, still holding you with your arms pinned to your sides. "Ok...um...you're excited." Your voice was filled with shock. What the hell was he doing? He put you down and continued to look in cupboards and draws for cutlery and crockery, acting as if nothing had happened. "Okaaayy? I'm now very confused." You looked at him sceptically. "Now why would the extremely intelligent agent y/n y//l/n be confused." He looked at you, innocence plastered all over his face. You shook your head in mock disappointment. He chuckled as you helped him dish up your first meal together. 😧🙄😧🙄 "I've got a few paperwork assignments I need to get done in the next few weeks. They should keep me busy while you're reading up on what you've missed. Speaking of which..." He looked up at you from his plate that he'd been silently staring at for a while. "Would you prefer for me to catch you up from after you crashed to the present or from now back to when you started your nap?" You asked teasing slightly. "Um...then to now, that way, if anything comes up you don't have to keep going back to the present to add on what's happened." He gave you a small, distracted smile. You nodded, understanding his distanced mind. You ate the last forkful of rice on your plate. "Right, I'm going to shower. You can put your plate next to the sink with mine when you're done. And...um...yeah. See you in a bit." You stood from your place at the kitchen table, picking up your empty plate and pushing in your chair. 😕🍴😕🍴 "...say what you wanna say, na na na na na na, honestly, I wanna see you be brave..." You sang softly to yourself as you walked into your bedroom to get changed into your pajamas. "...with what you wanna say, and let the words fall out, honestly I wanna see you be brave, I just wanna see you, I just wanna see you, I just wanna see you, I wanna see you be brave." There was a knock on your door. "Y/n? I'd like to ask you something. Are you decent?" It was Steve's voice, shy and vulnerable. "Just give me a sec." You slipped on your track pants and sweatshirt. "Ok, done." He slowly opened the door, his face was full of confusion. "What's wrong?" You sat on your bed looking at his sad expression. He sat next to you, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. You put your hand on his back comfortingly. "I....um,....I'm just trying to get my head around all this...all my friends are gone...everywhere I used to go out is either closed down and refurbished or nonexistent...my childhood home is gone and different...everything is so different." He sighed. You started rubbing his back. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure some of your friends are still around, and you'll be surprised how long some of the Brooklyn restaurants have been open for. I'm here to help you through this. WE can do this. It's going to be fine, trust me." You rest your head on his shoulder comfortingly, giving him a sideways hug. And that's when the tears started to fall. You heard his muffled sobs, which caused your own tears to appear silently. "It's okay. It will be alright. We'll get through this, Steve. We can do this....you can do this." He turned towards you, eyes red, tears staining his cheeks. "I...I just." He sighed and tears started falling again. You pulled him into a comforting hug, rubbing his back up and down, whispering encouragement. He wrapped his massive arms around your small waist and dug his face into the crook of your neck. "I'm scared y/n." He confessed in a small whisper. "I know, so am I. But we can and are going to get through this...together. Okay? You're not alone. I'm right here." You answered honestly. You stayed there in each other's arms for a while as the tears slowly stopped falling. "Y/n?" Steve shifted his head off your shoulder slightly. "Yes?" He lifted his head, turning to face you, his eyes looking down. You put your hand on his cheek and gently wiped his tears. His gaze found yours. "You...um. You said you were scared." He looked at you for confirmation. You nodded. "Why? What are you scared of?" You left his gaze sighing and sliding your hands into your crossed legs. He put his hands on your shoulders. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He apologised. A sad smile crossed your face. "Being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D puts my life at risk. I have information about people who aren't particularly fond of my superiors. I recently blew one of my covers. They're sure to be after me soon if not already." You looked into his sympathetic eyes. "But that's not what I'm scared of, I'm scared of who they'll send after me. I could easily take on one of their assassins or gunman. But there's a rumour, a legend if you will, of a highly trained, physically and mentally enhanced, ruthless, master killing machine. He's been around for decades and is still as young as he was when he started. He has no emotion, no soul, no past, no family, not even a name. He's referred to as the Winter Soldier by the few in the intelligence community who believe he exists. He's a ghost, everything I've told you, that's all S.H.I.E.L.D knows about him; and we have some of the best hackers and infiltrators in the world." You shivered at the thought. "Enhanced." He muttered. "Is that all you got from what I just said?" You chuckled. "Does S.H.I.E.L.D know about any Hydra scientists taking in people to experiment on?" He asked, fiery determination in his eyes. "I'm sure there are plenty of human enhancement files in the Hydra filing cabinet, but that's not our immediate concern. You just worry about catching up. I'm sure I can figure the rest out myself. I am a secret agent after all." He chuckled. "True, if ever you need help sifting through those documents....let me know." He looked at you, he wanted confirmation that if anything happened you wouldn't hesitate to ask for his help. You nodded. "Thank you, Steve. I really appreciate your concern. It's not often someone is willing to help me. You know, before I've saved their lives, and them mine, a few times." He pulled you into a nice warm hug. You hugged him back, finding comfort in his arms. You wrapped your arms around him, wishing the moment wouldn't end. He slowly pulled back only to cup your face with his hands and wipe away tears you didn't realise you'd shed. You sat there, eyes locked, emotions stirring, so close, but something preventing either of you from making the obvious next move. He glanced at your lips. You smiled, cocking your head to the side slightly and leaning back to stand up. You didn't know what made you do that, but you felt it was the right thing to do, given the fact that both of you were swimming in a pool of mixed and confusing emotions. "Coffee?" You offered. He nodded with a smile. 😪😙😪😙 "But...how?" He stared at the coffee machine. You put your hands in the air wiggling your fingers. "Magic." You said mysteriously. You both laughed, heading to the table coffee in hand. "So, what's the first thing you'd like me to teach you about?" You sat down, sipping the cappuccino in your hands. "Well, at some point, how on earth that thing works..." He pointed to the coffee machine, you scoffed smiling. "But for now I think we should start with the basic, everyday things. Like that, and this, and definitely that." He pointed at the microwave, your phone and the tv respectively. "Okay, well this you won't be using until yours arrives from S.H.E.I.L.D, that I'll show you how to use when next we need to heat food, and that...c'mon." You headed to the couch, grabbing the remote from it's place atop the TV cabinet. "Okay, this red button with the circle and the line, that turns it on." It turned on showing the news channel at an eardrum bursting volume. "This controls the volume!" You shouted over the reporter's bored voice. Once the sound was at a tolerable level you looked at Steve. "Well, that was interesting." You giggled. "This changes the channel. We've got about two hundred to chose from. So, hopefully you won't run out of stuff to watch." You were flipping through channels when you came across some really old footage shot during the Second World War. "History channel. Wanna check if these people even bothered to do their research properly?" You asked. He shrugged. "Might as well. You never know, they might even play one of my videos." You both chuckled and got comfy, this looked like it'd be a long documentary. 🎞📺🎞📺 😂😍😝😘😂😍😝😘😂😍😝😘😂😍😝😘
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ghostlyshylee · 4 years
(Pre-story note, I originally posted this on DeviantArt back in 2016. I would love to write again and share my ideas with people. This is technically my first fiction so it may be a bit rough around the edges so let me know how you feel, any criticism welcomed!)
[Lee: Naruto - Ler: Kakashi; platonic]
It was another usual day of training for squad 7, Naruto butting heads with Sasuke and Sakura getting on the blonde’s case. “Alright everyone that’s enough training for one afternoon.” Said Kakashi exhausted from Naruto constantly bickering with Sasuke. “Aw man! But I’m not even tired yet!” Naruto argued. “Hmph, you look pretty tired to me.” Retorted Sasuke sarcastically. Naruto was about to go at it again but was interrupted by one annoyed Sakura. “Naruto why don’t you just give it a rest already?!” She stressed. “Man why’s everyone always on HIS side?” Naruto pouted. Kakashi sighed at his squad while putting away his latest romance novel. “Well I don’t know about you three but I’m starving so how ‘bout I treat you all to some lunch to reward your recent hard work?” Everyone’s face lit up at the offer, Naruto’s in particular. “Alright! Can we eat at Ichiraku’s? Please??” Naruto asked eagerly. “Why does it always have to be Ichiraku’s?” Sighed Sakura. “Because Ichiraku’s is the best!” Stated Naruto like it was the most obvious fact ever. I really don’t mind where we eat.“ Added Kakashi. "I guess there’s no choice.” Said Sakura. “Whatever.” Said Sasuke not really caring where he ate either.
-Some Time Later-
“…ahh! That hit the spot!” Exclaimed Naruto satisfied with his third bowl. Sasuke casually wiped his mouth as Sakura finished her bowl. “Nothing beats Ichiraku’s ramen!” Said Naruto. “Here’s what we owe you.” Said Kakashi handing over the ryo. “Well I’m heading home everyone, thank you for luch Kakashi sensei.” Said Sakura readying herself to leave. “Alright then see ya, stay safe.” Kakashi said as he waved her goodbye. “Well no use for me to hang around here so I guess I’m off too.” Said Sasuke while hopping from his seat. “Thanks for the food Kakashi.” He said as he walked out of the ramen shop, Kakashi nodding in response. After a few minutes passed Kakashi began to lean back onto the bar, a bit lost in thought while Naruto patted his stomach satisfied. Kakashi’s eyes had begun to wonder and eventually ended up on Naruto’s stomach. “Hmm, the nine tails.” Kakashi thought to himself.  "Wonder how that seal has been holding up.“ "Eh, something wrong sensei..? "Naruto asked curiously. "Hmm? Oh, it’s nothing.” Kakashi said while looking fowards. “Well… actually there is something Naruto.” Naruto sat up at full attention. “What is it?” Kakashi paused for a moment. “I was wondering about your seal.” Naruto looked at him a bit confused but then realized what he meant by “seal”. “Oh, it’s coming along OK I guess…” Kakashi looked at him with a questioning look. “Just OK? He asked. "Well…” Naruto started. “Do you want to talk about it in private?” Kakashi asked with a hint of concern. “Sure I guess..” Replied Naruto a little anxious. “Alright, let’s head back to the training grounds then.” Said Kakashi. They both got up and thanked Ichiraku for the meal then left for the training grounds.
Some time had passed since they went to eat for the sun was starting to set and the sky was quite orange. “So, what seems to be the problem?” Asked Kakashi as they both got comfortable on the grass. “Well, ever since that fight with Haku I’ve been having these weird dreams.” Said a Naruto, sounding a bit uncertain. “Weird dreams?” Asked Kakashi. “Not really dreams … they’re more like nightmares.” Naruto said looking tense. “Tell me Naruto, what happens in these nightmares?” Asked Kakashi. “Well it’s hard to explain but I would wake up in a cave, but I’m still asleep and some reason it just stinks so bad in there.” Explained Naruto. “And I would try to find my way out but I keep running in circles but then I’d finally find a straight path that always leads me to a cage.” Said Naruto. “A cage?” Asked Kakashi worried. “Yeah, a giant cage. It’s so weird but like there’s always some kind of monster in the cage calling my name, telling me to come closer… it’s just so creepy.” Said Naruto staring into his legs. “I wish the nightmare would stop but it’s been happening every night ever since that fight.” Naruto said with a hint of sadness and defeat. Kakashi put his hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him.
“Maybe I should take a look at your seal.” Naruto was a bit suprised by the suggestion and eyed his sensei with a bit of confusion. “Oh, uh alright.” Kakashi motioned for Naruto to stand. “Alright, remove your jacket.” Kakashi pointed out and Naruto did as instructed. “Ok now what?” Asked Naruto, admittedly a bit nervous but also curious. “Now I need you to come closer so I can examine the seal.” Stated Kakashi. “Right.” Said Naruto as he moved close enough for Kakashi to examine. “Alright I’m going to lift your shirt up a little.” He lifted his shirt revealing the seal, Naruto held it in place to make it easier for him. Kakashi then proceeded to lightly trace the seal markings. “So it seems nothing’s been changed yet, that’s a relief.” He thought to himself while continuing to examine Naruto. While thinking to himself he was snapped back to reality by Naruto suppressing what sounded like… giggles? He looked up at Naruto to see a large smile across his face. “Hmm” He mused. “What’s wrong Naruto?” Asking curiously, already having a pretty good idea. “It kind of tickles when you do that.” He replied. “Tickles, huh?” Asked Kakashi a bit mischievously. A thought came to him, giving him a cruel idea.
“This might be a bit fun.” He thought to himself, a playful look in his showing eye. In an instant, Naruto found himself in a headlocked position, bringing him to his knees. “K-Kakashi sensei?!” Stammered Naruto, uncertain of what just happened. Instead of replying, Kakashi simply glided his free hand over the seal. “Ka-hah kashi-heheheh sen-henseiheheh!!” Kakashi simply smirked and increased his pacing. “N-no! Stah-hahaha sto-hop! Pleasheheheseee!! Why are you, hahahahah!! Doing-hing thi-hiseheheh?!”
“I’m simply testing that seal of yours.” Kakashi replied casually. “Nohoho! Na-hahat like this!!” Kakashi just shruged and began to pick up his pace while tickling a bit harder. Bwahahahah!! Nahaha! St-stohahahap! Hahahahaha!“ As the tickling continued Kakashi decided to take a different direction. "Ahahahahahahaha! W-what’re youhohoho-” He cut himself off with a squeak as Kakashi assaulted his pits next. “AHahaha!! Nahahahahahah! It’s tohohoho much! Plea- *squeak* don’t!!” Kakashi hearing Naruto’s squeaks continues the rough house on his pits. Ah-HAH!! IS THIS REALLY HELPING?!“ Screamed Naruto. Kakashi being entertained and not wanting to let up, devised a new idea. Kakashi let up on the headlock, immediately after Naruto nearly doubled over on the ground from the extensive "inspection”. “I-is is over?” Asked Naruto catching his breath. “Nope.” Kakashi simply replied.
Taking advantage of his student’s exhausted state, Kakashi pulled Naruto into his lap, grabbing both of his wrists. “No… heheh no!” Naruto began to realize his situation. “Come now Naruto, it requires a great deal of inspection to make sure one’s seal is holding up.” Kakashi said trying to sound serious but coming across as a bit cheeky. “Besides, I’d say you needed bit of cheering up having such nightmares.” “But I don’t need to be cheered up, I’m fine!” Naruto forced an almost painful smile on his face. “Mmmm I don’t buy it.” Said Kakashi as he suddenly drove his finers into Naruto’s left ribcage, this of course driving Naruto into hysterics. “MUAHAHAHA!! N-HAHA NO!! KAHAHA KASHIHEHEHEH!!” “Yes?” Kakashi said speaking over Naruto’s laughter. “STAHAHAHAHAPAHAHA!! PLEAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Naruto screamed. “Hmm…” Kakashi mused while doing a spider crawl motion on his right rib. “YOUHORHOR KILLEHEHENING MEHEHEHEH!!” Kakashi looked at Naruto faking a shocked expression. “So it seems I am.” Kakashi decided to let up on the poor boy and Naruto took this time to breath some much needed air.
“Heh..heh… that was awful” Naruto breathlessly exclaimed. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” Kakashi smiled, Naruto’s wrists still in hand. A good few minutes passed by while Naruto caught his breath, he was about to question why he was still being held captive in his sensei’s lap only to be swiftly cut off with a loud and wet sound. Naruto taken by complete surprise (and tickly sensations) shrieked. “NAHAHA-BWAHAHA AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I C-CAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE THIHIHIHIHISSSSS!!!” Naruto unable to form sentences right suffered through what seemed like endless raspberries.  Five long minutes later Kakashi finally let up and Naruto was a gasping mess, his face had reddened with the amount of harsh tickling and Kakashi could see tears taking form. “Well looks like I DID go overboard…” Naruto looked at Kakashi angrily, or would’ve appeared that way if there wasn’t a huge smile plastered to his face.
“You… you-hoo jerherherk…” “I try.” Smiled Kakashi. A few minutes go by as Naruto’s coloration finally returned back to normal and was finally able to get up out of Kakashi’s grasp. “Man, that was still a really jerk move!” Puffed Naruto at Kakashi. “Hmm I wonder what Sasuke and Sakura would think of this?”  Mused Kakashi. “WHAT?!! YOU’RE NOT TELLIN’ THEM ARE YOU?!” Panicked Naruto. “Calm down Naruto, I’m just pulling your leg.” Kakashi said, letting out a small chuckle. “Right…” Naruto said, still a bit embarrassed about it. “Naruto..” “Wh-what is it?” He asked. If anything actually does happen with your seal come and tell me, ok?“ Kakashi said while ruffling Naruto’s hair. "Yeah ok.” Kakashi made up to Naruto with some more ramen later that night for the extensive “examining” and Naruto didn’t really mind.
-Later that night-
Naruto had just gotten home from his second ramen run with Kakashi. “Man, finally home!” Naruto said exhausted from prior events. “What a day…” He said to himself as he plopped down on his bed, too exhausted to shower even, to be infact he was happy to go to sleep for he didn’t feel afraid of the nightmare anymore.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
[Elementary School] Do you still remember any dreams you had a a child? Like, sleep-dreams? I still remember some of the nightmares. I forget the weird ones as soon as I wake up. What was your favorite game to play back then? 10-20 served as my favorite for the longest time, but I did enjoy other games like PANTS (place, animal, name, thing, and the S stood for score lmao) and Twister. How many best friends did you make through the years? I only had one constant best friend who stuck with me through thick and thin. I wasn’t exactly the most sociable kid and I found it hard to make friends. How many enemies? A couple, but in my defense I only ever made enemies with kids who had a bit of an attitude and caused trouble for my nicer classmates. There was this one problematic kid that everyone had an issue with because of her rotten fucking attitude, but I think I was the only one brave enough to have beef with her (shoutout to the violence and fighting I saw in my own home). Our fights got big enough we ultimately got sent to the guidance office, hahaha. I also fought this kid who was a known bully, andddd I enjoyed making fun of one kid who was a notorious spoiled brat and would throw a tantrum when things weren’t going her way. Did anything tragic happen to you when you were little? Home stuff that are still burned into my brain, yeah. School was a little nice to me though, so it was always nice to be not in the house.
Did anything absolutely amazing happen? I wouldn’t say my childhood was amazing. It was just... barely decent. I was provided the essentials by my family - I was fed, given vitamins, sent to school, but I missed out on all the other stuff that I needed for my development. No one ever spent time with me at home, my attention competed with five other kids’, both parents were absent, cigarettes were the first thing I smelled in the morning and brandy was the last thing I smelled at night. I was kept safe and alive lmao, but I wouldn’t call the whole thing a blast. How was your relationship with your parents back then? Weak. They barely had time for us so they made up for it by always buying us the toys, books, and DVDs we wanted. I appreciate the alternative effort but it also meant never getting to build a healthy, trusted relationship with them. Did you believe in cooties? No, that’s definitely not a thing here. I only learned about cooties from watching Fairly OddParents lmao. Did you ever get a cootie shot? What was your favorite snack to eat? The cafeteria’s corndogs were SO so good, I was so bummed when they took it out. I was also introduced to kikiam by Sam, a close friend in Grade 1. Did you own any pets during this time? We had a few goldfish here and there, but my pet rabbit hung out for a while. What was your personality like? I was mostly shy. Wouldn’t budge, even if you approached me. What was your favorite song[s]? Idk, I didn’t have much of a music taste back then and just really vibed hard to the High School Musical and Camp Rock soundtracks hahahahaha. What kind of toys did you like to play with? I loved homemaker toys lmao. I was really into cash registers, and I’d also ask my mom to buy me makeup sets, kitchen sets, restaurant sets, cooking sets, and dollhouses whenever I see one I liked. But at the same time I grew up with boys, so I also enjoyed toy soldiers and Star Wars figurines. [Middle School/Junior High] How did your personality change from Elementary to Middle School? It took a turn for the worse, really. The fact that I was pretty aloof and already struggled to make friends was paired by two factors: puberty (and the self-hatred and identity crisis that come with it) and the adjustment of moving to a new house. Needless to say I failed to adapt and I was lost and empty for a bit. What was your favorite thing to do during this time? I mostly watched wrestling as a means to cope with the loneliness. And it helped, a lot. That time is a blur to me now and I mostly forgot what else I had done to like, sustain myself lmao. Who were some of your closest friends? I had no friends and I sat alone for recess and lunch and walked by myself during dismissal. How often did you get involved with Middle School drama? Like, not at all. There was one rumor about me that managed to get out but literally no one cared about me to care about the rumor, so it fizzled out in like 5 seconds lmao. What kind of "clique" were you in? Or did you not beleive in cliques? We didn’t really have cliques, we just had friend groups everyone knew about. I was in none of them. How did people treat you? They mostly didn’t mind me. Like I didn’t cause trouble for anyone and never did anything bad – I just didn’t do anything. I was always quiet, a wallflower. I think nobody knew how to approach me, which I don’t blame them for. It was impossible to pry me open in those days. Do you look back on these years fondly? Did you hear how I just talked about that time? Lmao. What was your typical kind of lunch during school? This was around the time we just moved into our new house and my mom was adjusting as much as we were. Money was short as well so we had to contend with canned food, most of which I didn’t touch both because I didn’t like it and I was too depressed to eat. I practically starved my way through middle school, now that I think about it. What school[s] did you go to? I went to the same school for preschool, grade school, and high school. Was it really as bad as some people say Junior High is? I didn’t get junior high. Did you like to read? Yes. My favorites during this time were the Septimus Heap and Percy Jackson series. I also started reading Gone with the Wind thanks to Gab, and Les Mis because of the movie that had come out. What was one good memory you have of this time? Meeting Gabie. It made all the loneliness go away, and it was nice to finally have a friend who just talked to me and acknowledged and minded me.
Were you still enemies with someone from elementary school? Yeah, this was around the time I cut ties for Marielle because she was a dick. If you could go back and change one thing, what would you change? I’d remove the depression, obviously. [High School] Are you still in High School? Nope. I graduated exactly four years ago. Welp, it’s 1:59 AM so it’s technically four years and one day now.
Who were some of your close friends? I was (FINALLY) in a friend group in high school – Angela, Sofie, Athenna, Fern, Kaira, and Chelsea were there. We also merged with a certain friend group from one of the all-boys schools – Dave, Aaron, Raf, Jez, Jedric, Hans, Luis, Rap, and sometimes MJ were in that group. Who were some of your enemies? Nah, no more enemies. I let myself FLOURISH during this time lmfaoooo. How did your personality change from the previous years? I was definitely happier. I had best friends, close friends, and was in a friend group; this was also the time I realized high school grades aren’t worth shit in the real world, so I stopped putting much pressure on myself to perform well, and to just let loose and enjoy my time in high school, because I wasn’t ever going to get those years back. Going in, did you really think they were going to be the best four years ever? I HAD to have hope in it, because grade school made me miserable enough. I kept thinking there was no way my rock bottom could get even rockier, so I was just weirdly, forcibly optimistic about it. If that makes sense. Were they? [or are they if you're still in High School] The latter half of high school was definitely some of the best times. I was still adjusting in freshman and sophomore year.   What's one memory of High School can you look back on and grin? The day Zayn Malik left One Direction, all the Directioners in my batch met up at the corridor and started crying and hugging one another. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Did you ever cry while you were in school? Yeah, mostly when I got failing marks. How was your love life? It did okay by the time I was in junior year, which is around the time it usually gets good for people in my school anyway. How was your social life? So much better. Gabie’s friendliness with everyone highkey helped me find my own rhythm in making friends, and soon enough I was talking to people. Did you have any teachers that you just absolutely loved? Sure. Did you have any teachers that you just absolutely despised? Yup. How were/are your GPA? We don’t have that here but my general average when I graduated high school was like a 93. Did you know anyone who got pregnant? No, no one got pregnant while in high school. I have batchmates who are moms now, though. [There's no time like the present] Do you currently have a job? No, not yet. And honestly this coronavirus might stall me from getting a job just yet haha. I was so ready to apply by June or July but since the term might be extended to make up for the lost classes, I might not be able to follow that schedule anymore. What kind of job do you *want* to have? I’d like to be in PR. I did an internship in it and it was so fun and so much better than journ. What do you like to do on your free time? There’s a variety of stuff. I like eating out, spending time with my dog, going to the mall, going to museums, doing surveys, watching TV shows, watching on YouTube, reading articles. What's your relationship with your parents now? A little better, partly because I’ve found my own voice through the years and I’ve learned to take no shit from them – I was very submissive when I was a teenager, just to compare. Do you own any pets? Yes, my dog who has been with me for 12 years now. How many places have you traveled to? A buuuuuuuuuunch. Do you own a cell phone? If so, what kind? Yes, as do most of us these days haha. An iPhone. What are your goals for the future? Achieve a goal or two. Survive. What's your favorite kind of drink? Non-alcoholic: water. Alcoholic; Long island iced tea. Did you ever get into the Twilight saga craze? Yesssss. The craze started when I was in Grade 4 but I got into it in Grade 5.
What about the Harry Potter craze? I was around when it happened but I never got into it. Where is your mind at: The Past, the Present, the Future, or all around? Mostly present, but I’d mull over the future too sometimes. What's a really good movie you've seen recently? I can’t tell you about movies, but I just finished BoJack Horseman which was a brilliant fucking piece of television. Are you happy where you are right now? I’m satisfied, but I can’t call myself happy yet.
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pinkykitten · 6 years
The best date ever
Arthur Curry x female! reader
Warning: curse words
Specifics: fluff, romance, comedy, one-shot, pictures, gifs, race-neutral reader
People: arthur curry, you, diana prince 
Words: 2,620
Requested: By @divaanya Hi!!! So about that sequel to The Old Man's Tale.. 😍😂 I'm not sure if you wanted specifics here or in submissions, so I'll put them here... I was thinking simply about them having that dinner, maybe Arthur picking her up in the morning, showing her around the town, then them eating and talking about her drawings and just fluff...😍😍😍 And I'd love to read anyting you feel like writing about them... And any other aquaman fics you come up with!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Authors Note: srry fam for not posting in a while, ive just been rlly stressed out lately with some personal things like my plate is so full. so pls fam be patient i am still writing just at a slow pace, i need to find a good time to write so im still working that out rn. i hope u guys like this, again srry my peeps! <3<3<3
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“Oh my god,” you shouted as you quickly rose up from your slumber, remembering today was the day. “Crap! I have that date with,” you sigh. “My sexy hunk of a hero.”
At the speed of light you got ready, making sure you looked beautiful and glamorous for this date. 
“Perfect,” you chuckled as you looked at yourself in the mirror, posing and modeling to yourself. 
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All of a sudden you heard a car’s horn beep from outside. You grabbed your things such as your sketchbook, your phone, the same things Arthur had saved. You open the door and there is standing Arthur with a bouquet of flowers. 
“I found these and thought ‘hey they are beautiful’, and then I thought for a while ‘who could I give this to,’ and then I thought of you.” Arthur grinned from ear to ear, his personality seemed to beam and make the world a better place. 
“Awww these are for me? Arthur they are extremely beautiful,” you stand on your tippy toes and give him a peck on his cheek. “Thank you! Let me find a vase for these.”
While you are putting the flowers away, Arthur stares at you from afar. You are truly a beauty. He can’t help but linger longer in looking at your curves, your body. The way the dress hugged you tightly, the curve of your butt. Your legs that to him looked better than even Diana Prince. The way you moved yourself about made Arthur like you more, made him want to understand you and get to know you more. 
“You look really, really, really, pretty today y/n.” 
You turn around, bashful and place the vase on a nearby table, “oh stop you! But thank you, you always look handsome yourself Curry. Whelp are you ready to go?”
“Ready as ready can get sweetheart,” Arthur opened the door for you. “But before we eat, how about I show you the best places around town?”
“I would really like that,” you smile as you take Arthur’s hand that he offered you and go to his car.
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As Arthur’s driving a sweet melody of a tune is playing on the radio, making the morning relaxing. 
“I can’t wait to see where you live! All the stuff you do daily, things that make you happy, stuff like that,” you smile as you wrap your tiny arm around his strong, muscled one. Arthur grins seeing how adorable you are and how interested you look at knowing about his home. 
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(ok but i love this gif because his smile is the bomb and the scrunchie is my life; sometimes i ask myself, how r we the same species?)
He gently holds your small hand and laces his thick fingers with yours. You peer up at him and see he is speaking about something the opposite way. Your heart beats vigorously, you are bashful and try to hear what he is talking about but you just stare at your two hands together, his and yours. They looked perfect as one, this meant something right?
“So what do you think, onto another sight?” Arthur asked, now his focus was on you. You fanned yourself and breathed harshly, “ooh is it me or is it extremely hot in here? Wooo, woah, ok, wow.”
“Y/n, its colder than an igloo in here, how in god’s name are you hot?”
Arthur chuckled, knowing exactly why you were like this. He knew it was about him holding your hand. He felt the way you tensed up when he did that, it made him for some reason happy. Happy to know that you were nervous around him because then you care about how he sees you, you care about his feelings. 
“You look beautiful by the way sweetheart. You know what I don’t think there has ever been a day for you when you didn’t look beautiful.”
You swatted his way as you chuckled while rolling your eyes, “you’re too much Arthur Curry. Do you flirt with all your girls like this?”
“No...just you.”
Your eyes bugged wide open and you tried to change the subject. “What’s that place over there?”
“Oh that, that’s the ice skating rink. Its been there for like forever, its really fun. It may not look much but that’s where people just enjoy each others company, love birds, kids, teenagers, you name it, they go there.”
“That sounds so nice. Lovebirds you say though?” You raise your brow as your arm rests on the center console of the car. Arthur turns his head from the window to you and his head moves closer to yours. In a sultry, raspy, deep voice he says, “yeah many, many lovebirds go there. They dance around each other and sometimes get to touch.” Arthur comes closer and his lips almost go to yours, but then he stops. He smiles, “that means then we should go!” He gets out of the car so quickly you didn’t have a chance to think about what just happened. 
One minute you thought you were going to kiss this hunk of a merman and now he’s wanting to go ice skating, and you don’t even know how to ice skate! Then you realized, he was trying to play hard to get. He flirts and tries to kiss you and then he doesn’t! “Well, two can play it that game!” You thought in your head. 
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“Okay I should of told you this but Arthur...I can’t skate!” Your holding onto Arthur for dear life as you stand on the ice with the skates on.
“Well lets just practice a little, I’m gonna let go-
“No Arthur don’t you let go I swear if you let go I’m gonna punch you in the balls so hard that you’re gonna wish you were a woman, don’t you let go!”
“And when I let go y/n, lets see if you can skate on your own. Okay 1, 2, 3.” Arthur lets you go and pushes you forward to bring speed to you. You slide forward with a shriek as you can’t stop. As you’re about to fall to your death Arthur comes to the rescue and picks you up with ease. “Man, sweetheart I’ve already saved your life twice. I should get a reward.”
Arthur holds your hand as he practically guides you through on the ice. “Yeah you want to see your reward?” You smack his torso and shoulders but unfortunately with your size compared to his you didn’t really do much damage.
“Ouch what was that for?”
“What was that for? Arthur I nearly almost died...again! You pushed me you hot, idiot, jerk, stupid, guy!” You look straight up into his eyes with an angry face. 
“So you think I’m hot?” Arthur comes closer to you. 
You try to slide back but you trip and that makes Arthur strong hands go to your back, near your butt and bring you closer to his body. “I never said a thing like that.”
Arthur’s handsome face gets closer with yours and his body is touching your body, tightly pressed together. “I think you did, I know you did.”
You look away as you put your hands up. His lips go to your ear, “don’t worry y/n, I think I’m hot as well.”
Your face becomes annoyed as you shove his face away from you and roll your eyes. “Haha, good one.” You say sarcastically as his laughter booms loudly. He laughed so hard he had to wipe a tear. “Was it really that funny Arthur?”
Arthur nods, “oh yeah definitely. You should of seen your face!”
“HAHAHAHAHA WELL YOU SHOULD OF FELT YOUR JUNK, CUZ IT WAS GIVING A STANDING OVATION!” You then laugh really hard at your joke and pretend to wipe a tear. You see Arthur’s face as he gives you a death glare. You chuckle some more as he skates towards you. He wraps his hand in yours and you two skate like normal people do, or how the lovebirds do. 
It was actually really romantic. 
“There you go sweetheart, just like that.” You actually were skating correctly, of course holding for dear life onto Arthur, but still you did it. You were skating smoothly, almost perfectly. 
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m doing it!” You smiled up at Arthur, your smile beaming. This made Arthur happy and his heart pound. He couldn’t focus on anything except you, the way you looked up at him. You looked like a goddess, like his whole life revolved around you. Like you were meant to be his, and he was meant to be yours. 
“Arthur, Arthur, Arthur! We’re gonna crash!”
As soon as you said that you and him crashed into the wall. Before your body could hit the cold, harsh ice, Arthur fell on his back but caught you just in time. 
“Oh my! Arthur are you okay?” You felt yourself being carried and laid, on your stomach, on his chest. His eyes were shut, so you shook him and tried to get him to wake up. “Arthur please wake up! Are you okay?”
You were starting to get worried that he hurt himself badly until he woke up. “Did I scare you?”
You smacked his face a couple of times, “Are you serious? Yes you scared me Arthur! I thought you were hurt. C’mon lets go somewhere to eat because I am starving.”
Arthur got up with your help and placed his hand on your hip as you two walked to the car. “Hey, thanks for worrying about me.” Arthur bent down and kissed your cheek, then he walked to his car leaving you all bashful. 
“I swear this boy,” you muttered.
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You two ended up deciding to go to a pizza restaurant. (if u dont like pizza then u r cursed and have sinned because pizza is a gift from god) 
As you walked in the smell was good! It smelled delicious! Your stomach growled at the thought of fresh, hot pizza. 
“Sorry for keeping you waiting. We could of gotten food sooner.” Arthur looked at the menu by the cashier. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder. If no one knew it, it looked as if you two were a couple.
Suddenly Arthur stomach growls. “Well if you were hungry Arthur, we could of gotten some food.”
Arthur puts his hair in a man bun with his light pink scrunchie, you could tell he was embarrassed. “I didn’t want to interrupt you having fun on the ice.”
You stood on your tippy toes and kissed Arthur’s cheek, “thank you, that was really sweet of you.”
After you two bought the pizza, you guys sat at the booth by the window. 
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“This looks so good! I’m starving!”
“Well y/n, bon appetit!”
You ate like you haven’t eaten in years, the pizza was so perfect and so delicious in your mouth. The atmosphere was perfect. Jazz music was playing in the background, there were not too many people there but enough to hear talking. It was gloomy looking outside since it was so cold. You took your coat off and placed it next to you. 
“So I saw your sketchbook, what do you draw?” Arthur asked, taking a gigantic bite out of his Hawaiian pizza. 
“Oh pretty much everything. Yeah, I like to draw animals, settings, but mostly people. I mean I love art but sketching and drawing is my passion, it lets me vent as much as possible. I just think about life when I draw. Think about how I want to better my life, how to better me.” You find yourself getting off the discussion. “Sorry, I’m talking too much aren’t I?”
Arthur placed his hand on yours and smiled, “not at all. Please continue.”
“I wanted to get away from my day to day life. Sometimes doing the same thing over and over, day by day can be such a bore and honestly tiresome. That’s why I needed to come here. I wanted to experience a place like never before, and also encourage myself to draw more.”
“Well I’m glad you made that decision to come here, if you hand’t then I would not have met you.”
“Thank you Arthur.”
“Can I see your drawings?”
You started choking on your piece of pizza, “what? You mean like mine, my drawing as in my own, like mine?”
“I’m pretty sure mine means that.”
You chuckled and scratched the back of your head, “I don’t know Arthur, they’re not that good.”
Arthur gave you a wink, “c’mon y/n, I know they’ll look amazing.”
You pull out your sketchbook from your bag and hand it to him. 
“Wow y/n,” was all he said as he was mesmerized, captivated by your art. “You are incredible y/n, just incredible! I’m speechless with how you draw.”
“Thanks, it feels good to have someone important say such great things about them.”
Arthur almost turns to the page you don’t want him to see. “Um don’t see that drawing.”
Arthur raises his brow, “why not?”
“Because it has something personal on there.” You try to grab it but Arthur is too quick and moves it away from you. “Give it back Arthur!”
“Wait! I want to see what it is.” As he says this he turns the page to show a drawing of him. 
You feel hot and so embarrassed. Your hands become so sweaty and your heart pounds. Will he think your drawing is weird or stupid? 
“Y/n, this is so beautiful. I can’t believe you drew me.” Arthur was baffled at your gift. Just from seeing him in a short time you sketched him out like you knew him for many years. You got each curve and each detail of his face and body. 
“I studied your face long and hard when you picked me up. I had to draw out my hero.” 
Arthur’s smile made you fall more in love with him. “I’m sorry if me drawing you was weird. I can just get rid of it when I go back to my cabin.”
“No! Please y/n, don’t. Please don’t get rid of this amazing drawing. Hel* I wish I could draw you, but not even a dam* drawing would show and describe how beautiful you are, not words not art, nothing. You are so frickin gorgeous and sweet y/n, you really are.” Next thing you knew Arthur got up and sat next to you in the booth. Feeling shy you backed away in the booth but this just made Arthur get extremely closer to you. His wild blue eyes were half lidded as he was overpowered with love and lust for you, and to be honest so were you. Arthur came closer and closer to you until his huge body trapped your tiny, fragile one against the wall. “I so wanna kiss you right now,” breathed out Arthur, rubbing delicately your cheek. 
“I wanna kiss you so bad too,” you said in a whisper, looking directly at Arthur’s plump lips. Without no hesitation Arthur’s lips crashed on yours. You two didn’t care who was watching or who was there. This kiss was needed. Arthur’s tongue slipped in your mouth in one swift movement, but just as quick as it went in it went out. He was teasing you! He was showing you what was to come if you two spent the night in a sexual escapade. You two made out a few more seconds until you and him separated to catch your breaths. He leaned his forehead against yours, “boy am I glad you decided to come here for your vacation.”
You chuckled and touched Arthur’s facial hair, “me too Arthur. Me too.”
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Tag List: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @dreamsofwhiteandblack, @hyehoney, @wtfisalltherandoms, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag) , @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @polyglot-t, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @collectiveyou, @divaanya
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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aesthetic-and-shine · 4 years
I have always thought that it would be beautiful to live on a farm, but not with many people if not myself.
Living off crops, animals and a small house, having neighbors and there being able to develop my hobbies, I don't know, maybe drawing, writing, dancing, singing, everything is possible and in such a remote place
And so calm ...
Think about it, you can eat very low calorie things if you want, and no one would ask you for food and you wouldn't have to eat more, no one would invite you to parties so you wouldn't eat there either.
That's all, I don't want to live like the others, grow up, study, work, and what is worse, studying something you don't like so as not to disappoint anyone, disappointing my family would be very scary.
I really don't need any of this, social media or the internet (it's funny since I could be writing this in a book if I dislike this so much, but I need someone to read me and tell me that it also feels like that, so as not to feel very lonely or like a freak.
I am very upset with my life, I want to be on a farm with animals, I want to have crops, dress as I want, be thin, eat less than 100 calories, and be able to draw without turning it into a job.
Ok, maybe it is not necessary about the animals since I would not consume them (many calories), but living far away, eating few calories, being thin, and stopping studying something that I do not want ...
With that I would confirm, really, I would be very happy
I need someone to read this, I need someone to listen to me and that this does not stop at just things that I thought
But unfortunately I was left without friends since I do not want to talk to anyone, and imagine if I told this to my parents or my brothers, HAHAHAHAHA, they would call me crazy, I can't imagine
I would like to disappear, as if I had never existed and that the world was spitting on me in such a place
If I asked God that, if he could kill me, would he make me be reborn in such a place?
That would be wonderful, or even, if I asked that wish, it is not necessary to die since I do not want my family to cry for me, I just want everyone to forget, I do not want to exist
At least not here
But if far, far away, in a place like I described
But it will not be possible, I know it would never happen, and less the fact that I can tell this to someone
I can always enjoy such a place only in my dreams
But hey, you know, I think everyone at some point wants this, to escape, to go far away, and never come back, just disappear for EVERYONE.
As my mom says "It's normal, don't feel like you're having the worst of it"
A few hours have passed and now that I see everything I wrote again I feel like the worst person in the world, there are people going through worse things and I wanting to disappear for not having what I want
I am no longer a girl to think like that, I am the worst person in the world
Well this just gives me another reason to die, I'm not a good person, I deserve it
I am not a good person, I am ugly, I am fat, and I do not appreciate everything my parents have given me, I deserve to die
At this point it would be for the best, we all win, no one would have to deal with me, a horrible person, and I would stop doing things that I dislike
I think it would be the best for everyone, we would all be happy, maybe they cry at first but then they would be happy, I know they will
And I, I would not feel anything anymore, but, I would be underground, in a place so quiet, and so small, so quiet, so close to the plants, I would never eat again, and in time I would be in the bones
Should I kill myself? I am curious about the future, but, a future with me would only be a horrible future, not only for others but for me as well
It's strange to write this, it gives me a very strange feeling, I feel like crying but I can't cry anymore, and not because I don't want to, I just can't, yes, I feel a lump in my throat
But there are no tears
I could write about what I think all day because it's the only thing I do, think, I don't want to do jobs, I don't want to get out of bed, I don't want to talk to anyone, just
And writing it opens a world of possibilities to my imagination
A better life for my family, a world without me, a world in which I would never have existed
Nobody needs me, nobody sees me, nobody cares about me, just because I don't exist
Why was I born? Why did someone decide to keep me alive until now? And why me?
And if none of this exists? Or if it's a nightmare? Maybe I'm exaggerating but can you imagine?
Even if it were like that, a nightmare without me would be better, it would be a dream, agg I can't imagine how it should be with others, that they have to see me daily must be disgusting
Imagine being my mother, and seeing that you have a daughter like me, which is gross, if it were others I would commit suicide so as not to have to live with myself because of disgust
I feel sorry for my family, my friends, even the people I only saw once, the fact that they have to see someone like me, poor things
I would like someone to kill me, cut me into thousands of pieces, put me in a backpack and throw me into the center of the sea, so that they never find me, and thus just disappear
At this point I think it is unnecessary to cut yourself, for what? It doesn't matter anymore, it's unnecessary, I don't want to cut myself, I want to kill myself and die
Nothing would matter anymore, not my career, not the series I'm watching, not my pending work, not my brothers, not the games that I will never play, nor the job that I will never have, not even the partner I don't want to have, it all comes down to nothing, it just gets erased, it disappears
Ok I lived, I laughed, I cried, I got angry, I have felt all the possible feelings, now what?
I don't want to feel anything anymore
It sounds contradictory but now that I write it I am no longer curious about the future
Do I really have goals ?, I want to do something ?, I like to do something ?, I even like someone ?, No, all the answers to these questions are no
So what is the joke?
Should I get up at night and kill myself? No, it would be traumatic for my family, but if I disappear I think
I think I wouldn't be that strong if I just disappear
But what would I do? How do I disappear? Am I old enough to disappear? Mmm, I need money to leave the country, I would change my name
Disappearing sounds more exciting than just killing yourself
But I'd still end up meeting someone else, and yes, that person would have to deal with seeing me, and force themselves to smile.
I'm grossed out, if I was pretty, maybe I could disappear and be happy
If someone gets to read this part, do not spend your pain on me and avoid telling me "But you're pretty" I know you are forced to say it, and you don't have to force yourself, I understand that I am horrible and, I deserve all the insults
Returning to the issue of disappearing, I could work a miserable job, earning a miserable salary, and little by little I got a plants, a house and a life far from here
I could learn to put on makeup to not be so ugly, and I would stop eating to lose weight as soon as possible
I would live better in such a life, and I could avoid talking to others so they wouldn't have to be my friends out of grief
I need a plan, I'll look for options I don't know where to start
All of that sounds so much more exciting.
I would miss my family but they would drop a disgusting load (a very big load for my great weight, if I am a damn fat)
Well I'm going to plan how to disappear, I hope that if you don't like living, you can look for options, some escape, and thus get what you want
When I get a farm, some animals, some crops and a little house, I will live there for a week happy to have got what I wanted and then I will kill myself in front of a lake, the current will carry me and
They will never find me
It's the perfect life plan
Then I would give all that to my family in gratitude for having put up with me for so long
And maybe if they found me a long time would have passed so my parents wouldn't have to go through the suffering of to see his daughter die, but if it would take a weight off them
Yup, that would be a good dream
Anyway, if I don't know how to fulfill that dream, I'll starve myself
Anyway, the faster my death, plan B and plan A are fine
Because as I said before, why live if both you and I have to deal with me?🖍️
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lady-alayne · 7 years
Game of Thrones: An Angry Recap
Season 7 Episode 2: Stormborn
After whining to all my friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and random people on the street about the atrocity that Game of Thrones has become, I am still angry. So now I will whine to YOU, people of the internet. Behold: An Angry Recap.
Dragonstone? More like Dragonstorm, amirite? Deadpan Dany and her warcouncil/new BFFs (and Varys) are talking about the weather when Dany suddenly turns to Varys to ask him THE REAL QUESTION!!! “Dude, what happened to your character arc? Weren’t you totally trying to poison me in season 1? What’s up with continuity in this show?”
Varys explains he was doing it for the realm, realm meaning “keeping his head on his shoulders.” Dany, who is totally for supporting the smallfolk (unless her dragons burn them/she besieges them and lets them starve/she destroys their economy and the city descends into anarchy), forgives Varys and goes to greet her guest: Melisandre!
By the way, we found out Mel is actually super old like… more than a season ago. WILL THIS INFO EVER BECOME IMPORTANT??? It was probably just a huge “Fuck you” from D&D. “See, book readers? Now we have ventured PAST THE BOOKS. THE POWER TO SPOIL NOW RESIDES WITH US, AND US ALONE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!*evil laughter*”
Oh, finally, the prince that was promised is mentioned again! What’s that, Missandei? “Uh, actually, this noun has no gender, so it could also mean PRINCESS #feminism.”
Dany then creams over Jon, who Mel conveniently forgot to mention is resurrected. Yawn. Should we ship them?
Speaking of shipping, Grey Worm and Missandei!!! I do wonder where Grey Worm learned the skills he so generously shared with the little scribe. Do Unsullied have Sex Ed classes? Maybe he just googled it. Kudos for knowing just where it was!
HOT PIE!!! Aww, he’s back, and he’s a game changer. What he tells Arya sets wheels in motions and triggers actions that I am sure will stay with us until the finale. He changed everything. Just this one conversation made Arya reach a decision she probably never would have reached before. I mean, that thing that you have to brown the butter? GREATEST REVELATION IN THE HISTORY OF GAME OF THRONES!
Also, he made Arya go home instead of killing the queen, but whatever THAT TRICK WITH THE BUTTER YOU GUYS, I will have to try that out immediately.
 The Citadel:
SAM HAS CURED GREYSCALE!!! Who had their bets on episode 2? I thought it would take him a bit longer, but I had not taken THE RESTRICTED SECTION OF THE LIBRARY into account! Hermione would be proud.
In another very logical plot twist, it is revealed that THERE HAS BEEN A CURE ALL ALONG but no one found the idea worth revisiting because of the risk of infection. Thank god Sam has the AMAZING, GROUNDBREAKING AND REVOLUTIONARY IDEA TO WEAR GLOVES!!! Who would have thought of that? Brilliant! Where do D&D come up with this stuff?
We are then treated to the most disgusting scene I have ever seen in my entire life (and I watched Sons of Anarchy).
It’s a good thing Sam cured Jorah before Jorah could send that sad letter to his “Khaleesi.” She moved on, dude! Stop friendzoning yourself. It hurts to watch.
King’s Landing:
Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne as if she was born to do it, scheming left, right and center and forging new alliances. But there is the small matter of Dragons…
Luckily Qyburn has recently watched the Hobbit and come up with a solution. If Smaug, er, I mean, just any dragon in general, has been wounded, Smaug the dragon can probably also be killed. More luckily, Qyburn found a replica of the giant dragon-killing crossbow from the Hobbit movie on ebay and had it express delivered to the Red Keep. Take that, dragons!
I wonder if next episode it will turn out Qyburn also bought the Hogwarts Wand Collection; stunning the dragons would probably come in handy, too. Or Qyburn could just learn Dragonese and try to reason with them, like Hiccup did in the How to Train Your Dragon books… I’m excited to see what other fandoms will make a guest appearance!
 The Narrow Sea… or just any sea, I don’t know:
Speaking of other fandoms, it’s Pirates of the Caribbean! In an epic sea battle consisting mainly of smoke and light effects (it was just like the ride in Disneyland, y’all!) Euron kills at least two of the Sand Snakes. Last season the Sand Snakes killed everyone in Dorne, and now they are dead, too… D&D really went to great lengths to make up for the fact that they made us sit through the Dorne plot in season 5. Let’s never talk about it again.
Before the battle, however, we are reminded of one of the fundamental laws of the universe: IF TWO BISEXUAL WOMEN ARE IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER THEY HAVE TO MAKE OUT. Seriously, as soon as Ellaria found out Yara was bi she wasted no time, and ten seconds later Yara looked like she had an appointment with her gynecologist.
But then the Pirates of the Caribbean reenactment interrupted their steamy make out session, and Yara rushed upstairs and probably to her doom? OH YES, I FORGOT. We needed another damsel in distress to move Theon’s, A MAN’S™ plot further. I actually like Theon, and Alfie Allen is one of my favorite actors on the show, but seriously STOP IT WITH THE RAPING AND MAIMING OF WOMEN JUST SO THEON CAN SNAP OUT OF/SNAP BACK INTO HIS REEK STATE.
So apparently Euron is now Theon’s nemesis and the baddie he will have to kill to just get over his abuse. Just like Sansa got healed when she fed Ramsay to his dogs, remember?
Jon has been summoned to Dragonstone by Tyrion, and he totally wants to go because Tyrion once gave him a bit of advice like 7 seasons ago. Sansa isn’t too excited about Jon leaving, but agrees that Tyrion is totally awesome and a really cool dude because he did not rape her on their wedding night. Sansa, sweetheart, you need to set the bar for “good man” a bit higher.
Davos then has the coolest idea ever: Fly one of them dragons up North and TORCH THE WIGHTS. I hope this is what happens; it would make for some epic heavy metal album cover aesthetics.
Jon later tells his Northern and Vale lords (and Lady Mormont), who are for some reason still hanging out at Winterfell (Don’t they have castles to look after or something? Where are they getting all the food from???), that he wants to go South and meet Dany. Maybe she will give him dragonglass if he asks nicely? The lords and lady are not too happy about the King in the North leaving the North, but Jon tells them he knows better and they should all shut up. “You elected me democratically, so now I can do whatever I want and not give a damn about any of your opinions!” What a cool king.
Sansa, who has clearly gone to the Emilia Clarke Acting School of Having a Resting Bitch Face in Every Scene, is then appointed to hold the North until Jon returns. AND HER FIRST REACTION IS A SIDEWAYS GLANCE AT LITTLEFINGER YOU GUYS!!!!!! Petyr, you scheming mastermind, evilly lurking in the shadows, you are one brilliant man! You promised Sansa the North would be hers and now the North is hers! Sansa as wardeness of the North and Petyr as her hand/advisor/lover/father of her children! I SHIP IT! Oh Petyr, you beautiful, scheming mastermind.
…… Did I say scheming mastermind? I meant stupid dumbass. Petyr, in his infinite wisdom (hint: HEAVY SARCASM), then follows Jon into the crypts for some reason to tell him he loves Sansa like he loved Cat. Of course, Petyr, being the smart, clever man he is, knows that Jon will react just like Petyr wants him to. “Oh, you actually love Sansa? Like, you have feelings for her and stuff? Awesome! I thought you just wanted to bone her! But now that I know your love for her is deep and pure, of course you have my blessing.”
Uuuuuhhhhh…. Or, you know, shove him against the wall. Yes, because that worked out so well for the last Stark man who did it. And sure enough, when Petyr emerges from the crypts, his face practically screams, “Oh, watch me try. I will scheme my way into your sister’s pants, if it’s the last thing it do.” (Spoiler: It probably will be.)
What was your favorite scene this episode? Who are you rooting for to win the Iron Throne? And what happened to Ed Sheeran?
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Wow, this is awkward and boy, oh boy am I crap?! I mean seriously. It’s been another month that has made me wonder if the God’s are after driving me down into the path of insanity. Thankfully my health is on the mend but now comes the mammoth task of catching up with all my jobs. I’ve sent a car full of bags and boxes of unneeded bits and bobs to the charity shop, I’ve done the little fiddly jobs that somehow I never have time for in-between going to my day job and taking care of the girls.
I’ve spent as much time as possible playing and cuddling my girls and attempted to at least squeeze in one blog post a week. I had so many ambitious ideas but perhaps I should tone them down for now. Family first, followed by life in general then my blog. In that order. I am however hopeful that now I am almost back on track with my priorities, I can start REALLY sinking my teeth into my fun little hobby.
  Toddle was ‘helping’ me write a review…. Review FINALLY nealy done. just proof read and post! Next few days…
Now for the embarrassing bit of looking at last month’s aims. Spoiler alert: not much got done! Oh well, sometimes you can only do what you can do… Or in my case, what my body will allow me to do.
  Blog: Write at least two blog posts a week, ideally three. One recipe and maybe two miscellaneous; that will probably be parenting/ crafting/ review related. I have at the very least managed some recipes. Wooo! I’m not entirely sure if it counts if I was cooking anyway but at least some content popped up on my site and made it seem like perhaps I had some kind of plan of action. Some other posts happened and I have six almost ready to go posts but sadly life always takes priority so they haven’t yet made the final cut.
Finish at least two more crochet tutorials, including video. I won’t be posting them up until I have at least ten ready, then it will be a weekly event, posted on a Sunday for your viewing pleasure. Ready yourself for the broad Northern English accent. Nope. Sorry. Not even finished one but have scripted it so that kind of counts right? Right? Set up my YouTube account and make it look both pretty and functional. Only one video on there so far… Sigh….. Not even uploaded my logo on to it yet…
One crochet pattern typed up and posted with photos. I have an idea for a lacy scarf. We shall see if it pans out the way that I hope it will. Halfway there with this one but sadly I have managed to lose my 5mm crochet hook but when my new one arrives I can complete this project and delight a toddler with a new hat and matching scarf set.
Hit 300 followers on my Facebook page. Close but no cigar. I’m not great on Facebook but if you want to assist me on my way to the noble goal of 300 followers then here is the link. Thank you, much appreciated!
Spend at least 10 hours a week creating content and write at least 500 words a day. Barely had time this month to manage 2 hours a week but going to try to make a few more happen soon. Health and kids depending!
Get an honest update and new set of aims ready for the first of October. Sooooo……. We are still in October so it kinda counts right? Right…?
Flowers to brighten my week.
Peek a boo!
Real life Start learning how to draw. I doodled a stick person and a house to try to explain to concept of Santa to a toddler. I’m going to count it as practice and a good step towards my goal of decent scribbles. It’s not delusional if I know I’m kidding myself.
Spend more time playing with the girls. I have accomplished this. This was my primary parenting goal because I always seem to get so caught up with work and getting things done I sometimes don’t slow down enough to show my girls that they are my world. Last month I made sure to spend as much time as possible down on their level, playing with blocks, Duplo, reading, singing and whatever other games took our fancy. It’s been wonderful and I’ve STILL managed to get my house back to rights after a few months of epilepsy madness. Double win.
I know that they were never exactly starved of attention and I always took plenty of time out of my day for them but I feel I have a much better balance now that I am allowing myself to occasionally drop the ball in less important areas of life. Happier girlies and happier mummy. Still, need to work on this a bit more but it takes time to break the habits of a lifetime.
Try and prevent days of low mood. Mostly a success. Lots of cappuccinos in cafés and playtime with the girls. It’s so easy to feel down when your disabilities are acting up but I have tried very hard to boost myself up. Yes, I feel like a failure sometimes and yes, I wish I could do all the things that other people can do but at the end of the day, I am quite lucky. I can walk with the use of a stick or whatever else to lean on. I can manage to mostly take care of myself and the girls. Can’t bathe myself or them without my partner at home because of epilepsy but that’s a small price to pay for their’s and my own’s safety. I have had low days but I am feeling a lot more optimistic in recent weeks. All things considered, I’m doing great!
My girls after an Autumn walk. 50% chance of naps.
Read at least one book a fortnight. Hahahahaha. I’ve read some of ‘Free’ by Fiona Morgan and that was some quite pleasant hours snatched here and there for my own relaxation. I’d forgotten how much I love a good book and three seconds without the human monster trucks climbing all over me. Ahhhh, bliss!
Give up caffeinated coffee. Tea can stay for now. I’m down to 2/6 cups of caffeinated coffee a day and a mug of tea. For me, that’s practically cold turkey. The headaches have been interesting but I have been dealing with epileptic headaches anyway so you know… Might as well do both!
Cut right back on the sugar and eat less junk food. Pizza, I’m looking at you (while drooling). One fake away a month is allowed now. My thighs will thank me later even if my PMS is growling menacingly and threatening death and destruction on all who come near without some kind of sweet or carby offering to tame the beast. Poor Partner…
Find a better work/ blog/ family balance which benefits me, my daughters and my partner. I love them so much! Progress is happening but it’s a tricky one to balance. I’m a bit rubbish at organising myself so this was always going to be a challenge. My girls are getting more attention and are loving it so there’s that, at the very least.
Talk more openly about my emotions. Errrrm, No. Too hard.
Tell myself five things that make me great every morning and another five that make me so very lucky. I have been trying to spin a positive light on most things but I’m quite a negative person so my brain likes adding ‘but’ after each sentence. It’s slowly being trained out of it but I think that this will take plenty of time.. I will keep you all posted on how I get on. Here’s hoping for a fantastic and productive month.
New aims to keep me going until the start of December:
Finally, catch up on my workload after the past few months of being ill. I’m getting there slowly but honestly, it’s getting embarrassing!
Sort out all of my social media accounts. Update Facebook and make it look nicer. Get my Instagram up and running and get at least a small following. Ditto on my YouTube and finally reach 10,000 followers on my Twitter.
Have a consistent blog schedule that includes 2-3 posts a week and some social media updates.
Look into going self-hosted so that I have more control over my site design and what I can include.
Have fun!
Keep calm and happy.
Spend plenty of time with my girls.
Find a good work/ life balance.
Get Xmas sorted!
That’s about it if I’m honest.
Sorry for being away so much this month, thanks for reading and have a fantastic Halloween! If you have enjoyed my post, then please consider following me on: Twitter Instagram and Facebook
October's plans and updates. #Plans #blog #blogging #family #abitlate Wow, this is awkward and boy, oh boy am I crap?! I mean seriously. It's been another month that has made me wonder if the God's are after driving me down into the path of insanity.
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purplesurveys · 6 years
Hi college is eating me up and it’s finals week so there literally has been no time at all to sneak in a survey and I have been so miserable all week–all I want is to write my thoughts awaaaaaaaay. I do have this small break (although I shouldn’t even be having one; I have another PowerPoint presentation that I should be making right now) but I miss surveys way too much. Think back to yesterday, what were you doing around this time? I was having an early dinner with Gabie at this fried chicken place. They have the best umami chicken. What was the last thing you watched on the TV? I don’t watch TV anymore, but I watched Friends on Netflix last. Do you think pets can get annoying easily? No. Ever since having my dog, I’ve always liked having animals as companions. He drives me crazy when he goes in and out of my room at 3 AM though, but he’s still my son. Did you know that pickles have no calories? Cool, but has no effect on me because I hate pickles. Do you enjoy family get togethers? It’s alright when it involves going for out-of-town trips, but in terms of spending quality time together in the living room or just bonding with each other, the thought makes me uncomfortable. My family has never exercised that and just the idea of being emotionally close with family doesn’t exactly make me feel good.
In a group of three, do you often feel like the third wheel? Depends how close I am with them. Going out with people I barely know that also happen to be in a relationship sounds insanely boring. What color are your pants? The jeans I wore today were light blue, but I’ve since taken them off. Is there snow on the ground where you are? No. There is never snow anywhere near where I live, and there never has been. What is keeping you warm right now? Philippine humidity. Has anyone bought you a piece of jewelry? Yep. That’s my favorite form of gift, so my girlfriend has gotten me a couple of necklaces. How far away is your next birthday? 11 months away. I just celebrated it. Do you have plans for that birthday yet? Hahahahaha no. I guess a lot of drinks? Or maybe another beach trip. I dunno. Do you think it’s attractive for a man to wear eyeliner? I haven’t really seen a guy do that in a while so I wouldn’t know how to find it. When did you last take a shower? This morning, before going off to school. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? I haven’t. It would be nice to visit it one day. Have you ever flown somewhere alone? Nope. Too scared to do that. I’d rather have Gab with me; she can take care of everything. Are you more serious or funny? Serious, but I have my funny side with people I’m close with.  Is there someone that annoys you but you haven’t told them? Yes oh my god. I thought I’d be the person that never gets peeved by their orgmates, but some are showing their true colors now that I’m a full-time member and they just getttttttt on my nerves and everyone else’s. When is garbage day in your area? Friday. I always see them out on that day when I drive out to school. Who/What was the last thing to really irritate you? It was really warm and humid awhile ago and I was in skinny jeans, and it was the most uncomfortable I’ve felt in a while. Do you think people either love or hate spongebob? No, I think a large amount of people not care. I genuinely enjoy SpongeBob and watch old episodes, though. Have you seen that new “Lie To Me” show? I have never heard of such a show. What is something you’d rather be doing right now? EATING. I’m starving. I was in a workshop all day and didn’t have room to eat. My last meal was last night’s dinner. Do you find that people are too hard on you? I don’t think so, no. Do you take surveys often? Oh man. I used to take like five a day. I’m busier these days, so I can’t take as many as I want as often as I want. I take an average of one every week and a half now. Who was the last person you yelled at? Maybe my girlfriend, but it was playful. Do you tend to slam things around when you’re mad? A little bit, yeah. My anger is more manifested through my driving though; I get dangerous and reckless. I need help with that. Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? I know one who claims she does but I just think she wants to be special. > This made me smile. Haha, no not really. Gabie doesn’t eat chocolate but she doesn’t despise them. Do you know anyone who is racist? Welcome to the Philippines, where racism and sexism is propagated on a regular basis to the masses. Could you vote in this last election? I did. I turned 18 two weeks prior, so I was really lucky. Have you taken a shower today? Yep. Answered this already. How much sleep did you get last night? 6 hours. Do you have more girl friends or guy friends? Girl. What is your current mood? Hungry. Is there anything on your mind at the moment? Now that I know my mom is coming home with burgers, all I can think about is my order. Are there any movies out that you’d like to see? The Incredibles 2 and Ocean’s 8. Have you ever been on a website called Stickam? Doubt that. Have you ever hated yourself? For the past eight years, my friend. Are you hungry? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Did your parents ever ground you? They used to whenever I would get bad marks, which in retrospect I deserved but I still feel that for most of the time, they went overboard with it. They took away every avenue for me to have fun and I just performed worse as a result. Thankfully I got out of that cycle and just had all my grades improve one day, and they haven’t grounded me since. Where was the last place you went out to eat? It’s this local fried chicken place called Bad Bird. Have you ever felt like you needed a better life than the one you have? I have. I still do. I feel that I deserve a better life at this point. Do you own an MP3 player of some kind? I used to own one of the fake kinds hahaha. Do you have a moment in your life you wish you could replay over again? Many, many. Have you ever been in a play? If so, did you like it? Yeah but only because my entire batch was required to take part in it. I’ve never had a solo part, nor do I ever want that. What is one musical artist you wish wasn’t making music? Meghan Trainor. When was the last time you cleaned something? I cleaned some dishes yesterday. Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? Yes, once. Do you like your smile? I can live with it. Do you have someone that you think truly understands you? Yes. When was the last time you doubted yourself? Right now. I’m doubting myself right now. I’m running for a position for my org’s elections and I’m thinking of the worst that could happen, as always. Is there anything currently bothering you? Yeah, this damned elections. Would you say that you’ve got something ‘special’ about you? Don’t we all have something that we could claim as our own? Who was the last person to cheer you up when you were down? Gabie. Are you scared of what you do not know? I think we all are to some degree. But I try not to let it affect me. > Pretty much. Is there anything in the next six months that you’re looking forward to? Yes, I’ll be going museum-hopping when this semester ends, and I will be seeing Paramore this August <3 Were you/are you popular in high school? I was in the popular crowd but I hated being in the spotlight. Do you really care what people think about you? No. Only the people that mean the most to me, and that’s not a very huge circle either. Do you find yourself treating others like you’d want to be treated? Yes. Whenever I find myself bordering on being a bitch to anyone I just sort of unconsciously remember how I would hate it if I was treated the same way. If anyone needs extra help with something I go above and beyond to help them out because I know I would appreciate it too if someone went out of their way just to assist me. Are you constantly envious of others? Yes but it just stays in my head. Are you more of a whiner with things or a do’er of things? I whine a lot but I go right ahead and do things. List three of your favorite TV shows: Friends, Breaking Bad, Kitchen Nightmares. Would your friends say you’re a relaxed person or stressed? Stressed. What do you find yourself worrying most about these days? I’m always worrying about my grades and whether I’d still be running for Latin honors by the end of the semester. Thankfully I’m in the running for magna cum laude, so I still have cum laude as a fallback if ever I do absolutely awful for one semester. Would you say it’s hard to earn your trust? Not really. I’m very generous with people to begin with, but it’s almost impossible to earn it back. There’s a difference. Who was the last person to compliment you? My girlfriend told me I looked good yesterday. Anything interesting happen this past week? I went to my first Community Journalism Workshop today! To explain, CJW is my org’s flagship campaign- go to a community-level school and teach them journ basics, hopefully get them to improve their media literacy. It’s the first CJW ever since I got inducted as a member so I made it a point to go to finally see what it’s like. When was the last time you felt scared? Awhile ago the driver of our van got into an accident with this dumb jeepney driver so I felt scared for a bit. What’s on your mind this very second? “When is my burger getting home?” Do you know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’? Cue Ross Geller screaming, “By the way, Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E means ‘you are,’ Y-O-U-R means your!”
Do you correct other people’s grammar/spelling when talking to them online? Not online, but personally. Is bacon one of your favorite foods? No, I’m quite tired of it already. Are you one of those people who like to sleep in on the weekends? When I can. Do you like things vampire-related? Just the Twilight Saga hahaha. Have you ever cussed at a parent or teacher? I’ve cursed in front of a parent, but not thrown the cuss word at them. I’ve never curse in front of a teacher. When was the last time you saw snow? Never. Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? Always. Do you find yourself cold at the moment? Never these days. Are your nails currently long? They’re pretty long for someone in a girl-girl relationship lmfao. They’re  objectively short though. Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past? Depends on what part of my past. > Yes. Do you have long slender fingers or short chunky ones? Slender ones. Do you think your foot size fits your body type? I guess? I’m generally a petite person and my body type is slim, so I guess? Are you the competitive type? Poisonously. Are you more of a mommy’s person or a daddy’s person? Neither.
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