#halfbaked headcanon
five-and-dimes · 9 months
Here’s a headcanon I don’t know what to do with:
Once they get together, at the end of nights when Dream visits, Hob will take his hand and say, “Stay?” and Dream without fail will respond, “Yes.”
Now here’s the thing about this little routine. At no point is a full sentence spoken out loud.
So from Hob’s point of view, every night he is asking “Will you please stay?” and Dream is saying “Yes I will stay because you asked me to.” But from Dream’s point of view, Hob is asking “Do you want to stay?” and Dream is saying “Yes, please allow me to stay.”
Both think the other one is doing them a favor. Both think they are the one making a request and the other is the one fulfilling it. They’re both carrying around gratitude towards the other for being kind enough to “indulge” them and spend extra time together.
I don’t know how they would ever find out about this strange ongoing miscommunication or what the reaction would be. I just think it sounds like something that would happen to them. They're both emotionally compromised idiots.
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kiirous · 8 months
Keith growing up jumping from forster home to forster home.
Keith not knowing affection.
Keith still has every bonbon Shiro ever gave him. Not being able to eat it. It's proof that he was looked at with care.
Keith collecting small stuff and trinkets that remind him of his team. His.... family? At first it were only small stuff that he thought they might like. After some time he collected trinkets that reminded him of them. To serve as a reminder that they are real. So that he can have them with him at all times. But he hides these. Not wanting anyone to ever find out.
Keith always tensing up when someone comes close. When Shiro reaches out a hand to clap on his shoulder. When Hunk goes in for a group hug, and Pidge for a fistbumb. When Lance closes in due to him arguing passionately. Coran has no sense of personal space.
Keith always standing at a wall. Always making sure to keep an eye on every exit. Never letting his guard down fully.
Keith crossing his arms when feeling unsafe to stop himself from fiddling with his knife.
I don't know. Just Keith.
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complete-clownery · 8 months
Okay I wont get to work on this any longer tonight so imma just post this
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So this morning I have realised some stuff about my Macaque home hc
So first of all you can see the human disguised Macaque with Bai He,
and so Bai He wasnt there or "planed into the house" three days ago, but I decided that, that just wont do, I want her with Macaque, so im going to have to go back and alter my original ideas so it would fit the concept of Bai He also living there with Macaque (I have quit a lot of ideas for that, but ill get to them when I have the time)
But its not the main reason I wanted to talk about this even with half finished ideas under constructuion in my head
The big thing you already saw the random old lady and the antic Store/shop, so its no suprise im going to talk about that a for a bit,,, not a lot tho cuz I dont really got the energy for this
Soo--- She does not have a name, but Ill work on that, shes not fully thougt out, but nothing really when it comes to my ideas and headcanons (its kinda like eating halfbaked dough)
so shes 73 years old divorced lady running a little antic shop in the outer cirkles of Megapolis. I was thinking maybe it was her who originally selled the whole building to Macaque and rented the free space under the dojo.
She has a daughter and a grandkid (didn't decide on gender yet)
Shes kinda inspired by @/ladygreenfrisbee's oc in the fanfiction sunbreak, a snarky but sweet old lady whos not taking any shit from the brooding, shadow the hedgehog wannabe.
When she was younger she worked in a Museum in Megapolis, working with antient historical artifacts and megical weapons, but she pretty much knew everything about anything in there, with history and old stories being one of her passions,
Thus after she retired she decided to open and antic store. Even tho its an antic store, she can be one of those people that you bring an old piece of furniture or object in and they can tell you if its legit or not. She is also willing to trade and buy stuff from you if its to her likings. She's fair and not a con artist, she has just enough money for herself and thats completely fine by her, shes a simple woman when it comes to living.
She has a ton of degrees, Dr. And Phd tytels and what nots, extreamly smart and knows a lot about history and mytology and different eras of the past, making it easier for her and Macaque to connect over old stuff.
Also I was thinking, even tho she couldnt tell that Macaque was the Six Eared Macaque himself, she knew that they were wearing glamours, She studied artifects and worked with demons who were experts on the field of magics and glamours, she knows her shit
And even tho She had a decent relationshipp with Macaque I dont think Macaque would willingly let her see his true form, maybe after he was very exhausted, and injured after a fight they couldnt hold it up and were like-- fuck it who cares (maybe it was after the final fight with LBD) and she obviously knew who they were imidietly seeing his Six ears (that even tho he let her see one time hé continued to glamour like he would usually, only letting go of their human disguise)
So after that she would start asking him a whole lot of questions about the past and what was it like, carefully avoiding the questions involving the great sage equal to heaven, cuz she knew what happend from jttw
But yeah Macaque found it funny how a child and an old lady are looking at him with similar shimmer to their eyes as they interrogate him on the past
She loves a good tea and has her own little blends that calm the nerves and ease muscle pain and stuff like that. After She and Macaque became more friendly with eachother she gifted them some tea that helps him fall asleep better and relax. Macaque checked them for poison twice and couldnt find anything, but still wasnt willing to drink from them until he had a very fucked up breakdown yippeee ✌️
After Macaque lived there for some years they somewhat warmed up to eachother, they would hold little tea paties and talk about stuff (annoying husbands and divorce) after Bai He started living with Macaque these tea parties increased in numbers, sometimes the ladys grandchild joining in when Grandma was watching over them, maybe they get along well with Bai He, maybe they had a rocky begining to their friendshipp, but they warmed up to eachother and now are pretty good friends (maybe, ill think about it more)
BUT!!! this was it for now its already 2:40 am and im waking up at 6:40 so even tho I have more to say ill be going now
Bye thank you for reading ✌️☺️
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the-ninjago-historian · 7 months
I'm feeling sad today, so FLUFFY COLE X VANIA HEADCANONS TIME!
FEAST YOUR EYES UPON MY HALFBAKED SHIPPING IDEAS!!!🤣🤣🤣 Lol. I need something to cheer me up. These or Pixane usually does the trick. Also, I wrote most of these well past my bedtime. So you KNOW it's gonna be fun! Lol! And I have a little post-series stuff thrown in too. So these headcanons aren't canon to Dragons Rising. Just wanted to make that clear. Anyhoo, let's go!
1: Vania fell first. Cole fell harder.
2: They like to go hiking and spelunking ALL the time. They're the cutest little adventure duo ever! They've discovered all sorts of secret places in Shintaro's mountains. And even some ancient artifacts and cave paintings from Shintaro's past!
3: Whenever Cole visits Shintaro, Vania just lights up. She's happiest when she has her bestie with her.❤️
4: Vania once tried to teach Cole how to use the Shintarians Flight Packs. He was absolutely terrified at first. (Falling off of stuff trauma.😭) But Vania told him to focus on something nice so he wouldn't look down too much. He ended up looking at her. Cue mutual blushing and shy downward glances.🤣
5: Cole taught her some new dance moves. (She had been brought up on more refined forms of dance. Like waltz and such.) She wanted to try something different.
6: At first, they are both quite shy around each other. Not quite sure how close to get. But eventually once they got comfortable around each other, they became very snuggly and affectionate. Especially Cole.😊🧡🧡🧡
7: Everyone in the Ninja fam were super happy when Cole finally admitted to liking Vania. He'd always been so supportive of their own relationships. So they were happy he'd finally have a partner of his own to love.
8: Vise versa, the Geckle and Munce were very excited that the Skyfolk Queen was interested in the Son of Gilly/Milly.
9: Vania loves to chatter about her interests and Cole is always happy to listen. (Chatty Extrovert x Good Listener!😁) Vania sometimes secretly worries she's talking his ear off. She doesn't know that Cole loves just hearing her voice.🥹❤️
10: Vania is very protective of Cole. She loves him dearly. Even before they started their relationship. She wasn't kidding when she said she would bring her entire army to his aid. (As seen in Crystalized.) That being said, I think she would do anything in her power to help keep him safe.
Okay, post series ones now!
11: Cole had this perfect plan for proposing to her. Except he wasn't expecting one thing. When it finally came time to propose, Vania proposed at the same time. 🤣 They laughed about it more a good ten minutes before exchanging rings.
12: Cole ends up becoming King Consort of Shintaro. At first, the Shintarian people are a bit apprehensive to the idea of having some who isn't a Shintarian on the throne. But this changes quickly after seeing what a good ruler he is. And he quickly becomes popular with the people.
13: They have three kids. Their names are Valkyrie, Zephyr, and Collette. AKA Cole Jr.✨ More on that later.
14: Val and Zephie here are twins. But, they're aren't identical twins. Val looks more human and is the spitting image of Lilly. Except with streaks of gold in her black hair. Meanwhile, Zephyr looks more like a Shintarian. And he has the opposite. Gold hair with black streaks.
15: Cole was unbelievably excited about finally becoming a father. He'd always wanted kids of his own. When Val and Zephyr were born, he actually cried when he got to hold them. He couldn't believe him and Vania could make something so beautiful.
16: Collette is the baby of the family. She's adorable and definitely a daddy's girl. Also, this happened;👉
Jay: Hey Cole! I guess you missed out on naming one of your kids Cole Jr again, huh?
Cole: *smirks* Oh? Meet your niece, Collette.
Jay: A- *Jay EXE. has stopped*
Cole: *Dabs in victory*
Kai: Son of a gun. He did it.
And FINALLY, this funky quick doodle I did of them. It's kinda "Meh" but I tried.😅 (Vania is a nightmare for me to draw. Lol.)
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On a side note, I'll probably do something like this for each of my favorite Ninjago ships. That should be fun!
(Tagging @only-lonely-stars because I know she like these two. Hope you don't mind!)
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paradoxbeta · 6 months
pinned post because my blog needs at least a modicum of organization
disclaimer that i dont consent to my work being set as profiles/banners or reposted/reused publicly anywhere else, even with credit (unless i specifically state in the post that it is allowed or the art is of your characters). i dont consent to my art being fed to ai. please credit me if you take heavy inspiration off of my designs
i am also very slow to reply to asks, but i read and appreciate all of them. if you send me something very nice and i don't respond it means im hoarding it in my inbox because it makes me happy.
my about is here
this is my drawbox if you would like to drop me a doodle (i see them all and they make me smile. i hoard them like a dragon) (nevermind the link is broken)
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#music (mostly me rambling about music)
# my writing (<- currently empty until i work up the courage to post)
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#for me
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#out of context oc nonsense
#oc: []
#au: []
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#hoard (for headcanons/opinions/fandom stuff i think is nifty)
#magiclike (for things that give me the same feeling as homm3 but aren't homm3)
#lorepost (not always lore, sometimes just longwinded headcanons or misc opinions)
#hall of fame (posts that got over 1k)
tags for my own stories (or related images/posts. note that these are very barren for now):
#race to the relayer OR #rttr
#stellaris fic (or #alien insp for the related inspiration hoard)
#placeholder story name tag (contains more aliens, but in a different font than the stellaris fic)
all of my aliens are tagged under their species' singular name. humans are tagged as "human," drafii as "draf," etc.
that should be all. have fun
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franceblr · 1 year
halfbaked sasodei headcanon #4, modern edition, killing eve inspired cause i suck:
deidara is 21 and sasori is 37. they live together and are engaged. they’re also part of the akatsuki, a terrorist organization that operates across borders. the akatsuki works independently, though sometimes they get hired for political assassinations: their areas of activity range from destabilizing governments, hitmen work, to secondary activities such as fraud and trafficking. sasori’s expertise is espionage work and assassinations, while deidara is the bomber of the organization. they’re partners. they travel often for their work but they’re stationed in london.
ok but hear me out: russian deidara. from his blonde hair, height and blue eyes, to his fucked up sense of humour and crass manners, his booming laughter, his bluntness, his cruelty, his ability to outdrink even kakuzu, his love for luxury and designer items, dei’s russian through and through. deidara is linguistically gifted, so he hides his accent fairly well: he’s actually able to successfully mimic all sorts of english accents, and greatly enjoys parroting sasori’s own inflection, to his fiancé’s chagrin. deidara is very careful about putting on his best neutral american accent in his day to day, as brits usually take him for a yankee anyways. but it’s very energy consuming and tiresome, so with the akatsuki he settles for a less perfect english, but always being careful of not letting the russian inflection peek through too much. though he’s fluent in english, he still struggles with pronouncing “w”s and “th” sounds, his “h”s sound too harsh, and he tends to forego articles. he always comes up with an absurd variation of a popular saying and tries to gaslight everyone into believing he’s right. only sasori knows what his actual pronunciation sounds like: when he’s tired or angry it bleeds through even when deidara would rather not. his natural inflection is quite deep and stiff, his sounds too harsh or too soft, but sasori finds it extremely charming and he treasures jealously the intimacy that comes with being the only one who knows.
deidara never speaks russian unless he absolutely has to on missions, and he doesn’t respond if addressed in russian. sasori still catches him asbent mindedly listening to other people’s conversations and phonecalls in russian, though deidara always brushes him off and denies everything. it’s not that he’s awfully self conscious about his origins: it’s just not something deidara likes to be asked about. sasori knows almost nothing of deidara’s life back in russia, only that he was born in a rural city and likely had a difficult upbringing, surrounded by poverty, ignorance and an unforgiving climate; sasori knows he committed arson when he was 11, and spent a few years in a reformatory. as a result of this, deidara’s exceptionally street smart with a prominent penchant for violence, but his education has a lot of gaps, and sasori often has to teach him about cultural references and basic knowledge kids are taught in middle school. deidara makes up for the lack of schooling with his high intelligence and his curiosity; he is also an avid reader and collects and absorbs all information he can get his hands on. that sasori knows of, deidara has no family and no friends back home. he isn’t sure how or when deidara got to the uk, but he knows he changed his surname; his real passport still has his russian surname on it.
deidara prefers the eu over england, and whenever they get assigned missions there he’s eager to chat up to locals in french or german, and he always makes sasori detour through shops and boutiques, local cafés and restaurants, art galleries and bakeries. sasori, ever the pragmatic, has more of an in and out approach and would usually settle for modest accomodations, but deidara is a huge spender and he rejoices immensely in lavish hotels, fancy pastries and expensive clothes. sasori allows him, cause he gets unsufferably bratty when he doesn’t get his way, and also because he enjoys seeing deidara walk around paris like a child in a candy store.
despite his quirks, deidara is an extremely efficient partner and a master strategist. in contrast with his pretty face and laid back personality, he’s also exceedingly violent and cold. sasori himself is no stranger to spilled blood and torture, ever precise and ruthless: but the way deidara goes from being an extravagant brat to a deranged and cruel international terrorist never ceases to amaze sasori. he doesn’t quite enjoy inflicting pain on others in the sadistic and obsessive way sasori does, but instead finds great humour and mirth in what they do, as if aware of some great irony or joke that sasori isn’t privy to. sasori doesn’t always know where to trace the line between dei being russian and dei being insane, but he chalks it up to his origins nevertheless.
part of the money deidara makes working for the akatsuki goes into paying for his tuition at a private art academy; they don’t really care deidara is a high school dropout as long as he pays. despite being often away on missions and his attendance being flakey, deidara excels in all of his classes, yet has a hard time fitting in with his classmates; considering most of them are trust fund kids and not full time members of an international terrorist organization, deidara hasn’t made any real friends. the overall consesus seems to be that he’s very pleasant and friendly yet unsettling in a way nobody can pinpoint. he still parties like a regular 21 y/o when he’s off duty.
sasori proposed to deidara in their first months of dating, and they’ve been engaged for two years. sasori wants deidara to graduate before they get married. deidara will take sasori’s surname.
sasori’s father was a japanese diplomat who was murdered on a mission abroad along with sasori’s mother. because of the nature of his parents’ job, sasori travelled a lot as a child; after his parents’ death sasori moved back to london, where he studied medicine. later on he became a trauma surgeon working for the army in war torn countries. the homicide of his parents paired with the horrors he saw working as a surgeon cemented in him the radical belief that the order of things has to be overturned in order to free society of corruption, war and poverty. it wasn’t hard to recruit him for the akatsuki, and he’s one of the first members to have joined. with his military background and psychopathic tendencies, sasori adapted to his new life fairly easily.
deidara is entirely devoted to sasori and worships the ground he walks on despite their many differences. sasori is deidara’s everything, his partner, mentor, lover, friend and confidant; he trusts his judgement blindly and is loyal to sasori first and foremost. he’s got huge attachement issues and he’s very codependent on his fiancé. sasori is less overt with his affection, but he’s equally deidara’s as deidara is sasori’s; he’s extremely protective of deidara and spoils him rotten. even though their lifestyle is violent, uncertain and overall crazy, they’re a functional (or as functional as it gets with them) couple that enjoys the smaller pleasures in life.
deidara may not be crazy about mother russia, but he’s a huge sucker for traditional russian cuisine staples like borscht, potatoes and the baked pies; he also makes a mean solyanka. as a slavic person he gets regular manicures, is always dolled up, and has an insane tolerance for distilled liquors.
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attackfish · 2 years
Anonymous asked: "Can I ask for 5 headcanons in the “Azula and Zuko are Iroh’s children AU”, please?"
Continued from: [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], and [Link].
1. Iroh recieves word that Zhao is planning to attack the home islands at the same time as he finds out that the Avatar has shown up. Some days are just like that. What takes a little bit more time to reach him is that the Avatar is in fact only twelve. Which means he's neck deep in planning a defense, while at the same time making vague plans for the best diplomatic approach to make to the Avatar, and hoping that the Avatar might be willing to preside over talks with the Earth Kingdom to formally end the war. Plans he shares with his good friend and mentor, King Bumi.
2. So it's Bumi who gets to write a letter back saying, by the way, the Avatar is twelve. He came through Omashu. Old friend of mine. Was frozen in an iceberg for a hundred years. Didn't age. Twelve. And just like that, all of Iroh's halfbaked plans are swept away. Of course the Avatar is twelve. That's exactly the kind of thing that happens.
3. So Iroh doesn't have anything particularly innovative to do as far as defending the Fire Nation, since he really is just going to beef up some of the security he already has in place and make sure his children know how to get to the bunker and how to lock it down if anything goes wrong. Instead of more dramatic defenses on the homefront, he takes a more proactive approach. Which is to say he sends a fleet into southern waters to hunt Zhao down. A fleet, that has been thoughtfully equipped with gifts, and prepared statements to the various locals that this fleet means nothing but peace, and simply wishes to apprehend a violent Fire Nation outlaw, and as a thank you for allowing the ships to pass through their waters, here are these gifts as a token of our appreciation. Iroh is aware he has a lack of goodwill and he needs to do something about that, which is a polite way of saying that nobody trusts the Fire Nation as far as they can throw them, and nobody likes seeing Fire Nation warships sailing through their waters, close to their homes and families.
4. As the person who alerted Iroh to the danger Zhao poses, Hakoda gets special attention, and a messenger hawk informing him of the fleet's imminent arrival. Hakoda might be willing to give Iroh the benefit of the doubt in most things, but not with a fleet near his home, so he rushes home to be there in case of attack. Which is how he learns about the Avatar, and Sokka and Katara leaving. It's a lot to process. Which means he's there when the fleet shows up, and one of the ships docks, and a young, very ernest ship's captain reads a declaration of Iroh's good wishes, and a request for Hakoda to help them determine Zhao's last known location. He also finds himself loaded down with the oddest assortment of jewelry, silks, sugar, tea, and cooking pots, as if Iroh had no idea what Hakoda might want, so he sent everything. Well, that was nice of him. Hakoda and Bato help the captain figure out where Zhao is probably heading, the captain throws a small feast full of strange spicy, wonderful food, the fleet leaves with the next tide, and everybody heaves a sigh of relief.
5. Aside from performing some much needed diplomacy, the fleet also accomplishes its goal, in that it apprehends Zhao. Or to be more accurate, they shoot Zhao's ship out of the water, and he and most of his crew jump ship, and are fished out, shivering and half dead. They are taken away to the capital prison to await trial and execution. But there is another high profile prisoner in the capital prison, the man Zhao claims to be trying to restore to the throne, the Firelord's brother.
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
can i barf up some halfbaked am ficlet (headcanon? idk) ideas into your askbox. youre under absolutely no obligation to write/expand on any of em but they have been haunting me for weeks and i will go insane if i dont share. theres also a LOT of it lol;; thanks mate ✌️
Of course!! I'm actually really interested in hearing about it, I love hearing others' ideas :D
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blunderpuff · 4 years
hurty lil halfbaked head canon: Mary Campbell and John Winchester don’t even really love each other. (this got REALLY long so i cut it) (tldr: they were together for Extreme Plot Reasons, and the writers did such a bad job SHOWING us that they loved each other, that TELLING us made their Epic Love Story ring hollow)
He was just this guy she was sneaking around her parents to see, and then they get murdered by Old Yeller Eyes, and then BAM! so does John, until she makes The Demon Deal (why didn’t she bring back her parents? she was sick of the Hunting life. why did she bring back John? she thought she could get away from the Hunting life by being with him).
so they’re teenagers infatuated with each other to start, but then after the Demon Deal, John doesn’t know anything about it, and Mary’s keeping that bit tucked away forever, thank you very much, and she KNOWS that part of the deal is “I’m gonna bleed on your baby in a couple years lol”, but she doesn’t say anything. I wonder if she even wanted to have kids? And then when she had Baby Dean, did she sit in his bedroom all night every night when he was 6 months old? And when OYE didn’t show up, did she breathe the first sigh of relief she’s breathed in YEARS?
see, i don’t think they loved each other, bc A Real Big Theme in early seasons was “Free Will, Motherfucker! Do You Have It?!” and that one episode where we meet both the lil Cupid AND we meet Famine... those two lovers who literally eat each other to death (squick), we find have been PRE ORDAINED TO MEET (and fuck), and THEN we find out that the Campbell (Mary) line has literally been BRED BY THE ANGELS LIKE LIVESTOCK to produce Perfect Hunters, and the Winchester (John) line has ALSO BEEN BRED LIKE LIVESTOCK BY THE ANGELS to be the Perfect Nerds (there’s some retconning from the Men of Letters season) and again, THE ANGELS HAVE BEEN PLAYING “THE SIMS” WITH ENTIRE BLOODLINES AND GENERATIONS OF PEOPLE in order to produce Perfect Vessels. Zachariah flat out tells Dean that the Winchesters and Campbells HAD to fuck and produce Dean and Sam in order to produce Michael’s and Lucifer’s True Vessels.
swinging on back to “Mary and John probably didn’t even love each other”: so they’re drawn to each other (literally, there’s marks on their hearts), but their Grand Romance starts with the demonic murder of Mary’s parents and boyfriend, whom she resurrects via Demon Deal. I know (I KNOW) John reminisces about the Zepp Traxx he gives to Mary etc, but they were already tied together by like, what? Their third date? And since Mary knows the Demon Deal is “baby ooohh”, would she NOT be extremely reluctant to have children? Would she not surreptitiously be on some kind of birth control in order to prevent a pregnancy? And if the angels are playing The Sims here, wouldn’t they make that birth control fail? They NEED those Vessels born, dang it.
Idk, that’s where it becomes half-baked. we know that Jimmy Novak and Amelia were Soul Mates, destined for each other, and that when Jimmy dies, Amelia cannot cope and eventually dies a pathetic and horrible death bc she literally can’t live without that midwest twunk. And then when she DOES die, she opens her own front door (in Heaven), and she is REUNITED with Jimmy-- they literally share the same afterlife. (But Mary like... never went to Heaven?? Where even was she? Was this addressed and I forgot it?)
Further to the Interesting Parallels That Totally Got Dropped: when Jimmy dies at the hands of the Supernatural, Amelia crisscrosses America to *find Jimmy*. When Mary dies at the hands of the Supernatural, John crisscrosses America to *kill the shit out of stuff*. Idk, that feels like an interesting kind of litmus test: if your soulmate gets murdered by A Creature, do you find a way to get your soulmate back... or do you just start killing Creatures?
Part of it (a lot of it) is Bad Writing Where They TOLD Us So Many Times But Didn’t SHOW Us Even Once, and part of it really is “The angels were playing The Sims and that’s why these ppl hooked up, even if they weren’t actually very compatible”. I mean, how do you build a real life and relationship with a woman who won’t let you meet her parents, tells you NOTHING about her past, and is REALLY eager to just say “Let’s get in your car and drive away and never come back!”?
On the other hand, John is ALSO untethered? We learn in the Men of Letters season (so, wayyyy past what was originally plotted) that Henry Winchester is a Man of Letters, and he dies while John is like, 10. Okay, so he grew up without knowing his father, doesn’t know wtf his father did all day, etc etc (where’s his mom tho). Anecdata: a friend’s father was in WW2 (my friend was born in the 1960s), and for the rest of his miserable shit life, he reminisced fondly about The Boys he was on a platoon with. This was a man with very little emotional connection to his wife, zero emotional connection to his 3 children (all born post-war!), but would drop everything for One Of The Boys. Now, John Winchester, having grown up without parents (we literally never hear about his mom?), and then heading off to Vietnam? Probably gonna follow a similar trajectory to A Lot Of Dudes Throughout History Who Have Gone To War: their Army Buddies mean more to them than literally anyone else in their lives. So even though he’s married now, I suspect John Winchester is going to be more open and emotionally honest with his Buddies than his Little Woman. And sure, he’ll be proud of having a son, it’s something to drink about with The Guys!
idk, it just seems like John Winchester is the kind of guy who has a wife bc she’s beautiful and he likes her and he’s straight and it’s What You Do. You leave the army, you settle down. But you go on fishing trips with The Guys a couple times a month or so. Idk, like I said, half-baked.
I just think that Mary was always waiting for The Other Shoe To Drop, and that John suffered the same kind of stunted socialization that a LOT of American guys historically have suffered from, in that their only Real Emotional Connections are with their Army Buddies and NOT their wives. I think they got together because the Angels/Plot forced them to be together, and they fulfilled something in each other, but I think they weren’t IN LOVE with each other, and their marriage was more Love Due To Obligations.
And I know there’s been retcons left and right! I know! And Forgive Me Padre For I Have Sinned but I bailed on Supernatural during the British Men of Letters arc, so I haven’t seen very many episodes with Resurrected!Mary, but I’m sure they’ve retconned even more!
thanks for reading, if you did. Sorry it rambles; it makes more sense in my head. :)
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fagbag-diketrike · 4 years
okay, lemme go off realllll quick about Azula, a hc of mine, because shes precious bby gorl who deserved more and needs therapy, not to be chained up IN A MOTHER FLIPPIN straight jacket
and she isnt straight so thats like two crimes in one,
any whores, oops, i mean whos.
my finger slipped.
Azuzu baby beau,
• in book TWO, episode ONE
• Azula was supposed to capture the traitors,
zuko and iroh, ya damn traitors *judgement, head shake*
• and return home with them
• but that all went overboard, just like azula, when iroh and zuko were like, cash me outside, howbadah??? and yeeted themselves away.
• now, she was left alone, with a failed plan, and the memory of burning hands and her brothers agonized, scarred skin, and she couldnt go home now, she couldnt.
• Whyyyyy?
• because she was afraid!
• she was terrified!!!
• so she withdrew, embarrassed of her weakness-- just like zuko -- and decided to stick through,
• she couldnt go home until she succeeded
another azula hc of mine-
• when azula would do something ozai liked, hed reward her with a pet through her hair
• azula never expected the affection,
• it surprised her each time
• but she wasnt stupid
• and she realized eventually it would happen each time she did something hed like
• a little affection she craved so badly, so desperately
• and so shed start to do more and more of his bidding
• punishment when she asked for more, when she refused to do a task
• reward when she performed the task asked.
• she was surprised a hand that cruel could hold any affection at all.
• but it wasnt authentic
• it was a desired thing, affection, and ozai used it to train her
• she had to fight, earn, each scrap of affection she was given.
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void-tiger · 5 years
Me while plotting: and they have all the terrible shenanigans
Me while writing: stop...being...angsty!!! Damn you all!!! *throws terrible jokes at the characters in revenge* *jokes miss the mark and splatter against the floor*
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butchpeabody · 2 years
have any particular post-snaktooth headcanons? :3
a lot of its like floofty n snorpy making up thats halfbaked because i need to know what happens with flooftys silly ass first. my friend pointed out last night that it looks like they were teaching a class in the credits and that they might have become some like bill nye the science guy esque figure which i fucking adore.
also i think gramble should get an emotional support animal. for fun. maybe he becomes a plant dad also:)
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scaryorganmusic · 4 years
i’ve always had this loose sort of halfbaked headcanon that for an archangel not being in their perfect vessel has a detrimental effect on their power and sanity and personality. something about the soul mixing with their grace not being the *right* soul Fucks Them Up a little, so every time we see lucifer NOT possessing sam it really isn’t truly lucifer. that’s why casifer was Like That, cause there were two types of grace mixing together and exacerbating the negative effects. the reason true vessels are so special is because there’s no “corrupting” influence from the human soul. and that’s my longwinded justification for believing that literally the only times lucifer is really lucifer is in sam or in the cage, and all other versions are just limited imitations
that makes a lot of sense and i will take anything that justifies my sam!lucifer is the only real lucifer opinion, the bimbofication of lucifer supernatural might just have a justification after all
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
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Did I draw them in an entirely new, halfbaked style just so I would be able to show my headcanons for their eye colours? Absolutely not!  
Alternatively: Marceline full red and PB purple. 
I based Marceline on the fact her demonic form almost always has blue eyes with a red outline! What if that’s how her eyes normally are? But darker eyes on her like her mother’s are probably fine too. 
I dont know why everyone decided PB had teal eyes but I think it’s because of the gem on her crown and it would be a nice contrast. Gumball had black/purple eyes in one ep but that’s Gumball. It would probably make sense to be purple though. But I like the magical/radioactive teal because she’s a gum mutant born from magic that returned to Earth with a nuclear bomb. 
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6.) Talk about one of your influences //tell me errythang
//Okay this has sat because I honestly have such a hard time narrowing it down to just one specific influence? My influences are like a tangled web of conversations with friends, Spite for Shit Canon, imaginings, etc. But they very much are all interconnected. I can safely say I don't much try to pull influence from authors, in fact I avoid reading books close to when I'm going to do replies. But there's a lot of spite when it comes to my canon muses, significantly. OCs it's really just getting a general idea of a person and running with it. Another thing I really draw inspo from lately is just quotes. This week I really want to focus on using them to develop headcanons I already have halfbaked. Basically...you should have known better than to try and pin down a specific answer from me.
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headcanons for yandere ryo (dmcb) stalking / kidnapping / playing mind games with his darling? (darling can be akira or reader or both, up to you!~) feel free to scrap this if the idea isn't motivating - it's so difficult to think of a good prompt for ryo ahaaa-
Indeed it is! x_x Honestly I was actually tempted to send in a request just for the sake of having more Yandere!Ryo stuff out there; but since this manipulative blonde is so difficult to pinpoint its hard thinking of prompts for him. I enjoyed writing this though and since I made a point to re-watch every single scene in DMCB that had Ryo in it I hope that I was able to capture his personality well enough. Thank you for the request though dear Vani-Ya and I sincerely hope that you enjoy it. ^~^ @vani-ya
The pic below belongs to: https://prawnm33.artstation.com/ otherwise known as Charmaine Lee.
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Ryo Asuka
Emotions, his or the ones of others, are not something that Ryo has ever taken the time to think about; just as he has never been able to feel much of anything. 
So when he notices these new and strange feelings and emotions that you were able to bring about inside of him, he thinks of it as an annoying distraction, if but an interesting one.
The first time he could recall feeling such a thing was when he glimpsed at the gentleness you held in your heart, one that was only matched by your compassion. It was one that was profoundly different from the many fake smiles that he had seen on so many faces and the cold and harsh winter that would come in the form of cruelty that humans were capable of showing.
This development that he felt within him is what pushes on his desire to analyze you and so begins his ‘ mission ‘ to learn all there is about you.
The ways that he does this are many. From searching through your Facebook and any social media that you were on; any records the public city archives had on you, to any other method that he can use for this purpose.
And given how good he was with his words, manipulating and deceiving a person and hacking into a system with his computer, he was able to do so quite easily.
He views your relationship as an experiment at first. 
Keyword being ‘ At first ‘ 
The developments and results that he was getting, combined with the answers that only attained more questions for him was…Surprising and unexpected to say the least. 
He had always been cold and apathetic to most, but as he came to learn more about you, the longer he spent with you caused you to gradually come to be one of the few people that he genuinely cared for and you were quickly becoming something far more than just an experiment, or a means to achieve an end.
Eventually, you grow to be the one whom he cares for more than anyone else.
And as such, he couldn’t help but come to feel a desire to protect you, even if he knew you likely only saw him as a friend.
There will be moments where Ryo will casually bring up something that you never recalled telling him, personal things, things that you would only tell your closest friends and loved ones. Of course, he sees’s this coming and if you ask, the answer that he gives sounds so honest and to the point that it’s difficult not to believe him and the reassuring smile that will be on his expression will only make not believing him more difficult. 
“ Of course you told me, Y/N. We are friends after all. “ 
The things that he learns about you, be it traits of your personality to your relationship with him and the bond that he’s carefully constructed between you both will be things that he will use to manipulate you into doing exactly what he wants and he has no problem with lying or only telling you half-truths to make himself seem worthy of your trust. 
Until you eventually come to not only trust him but to rely on him, as he intended.
As he wanted.
However, when you come to trust someone more than him, that is when his darker side begins to emerge and that one fact paves the way for other things that he is quick to notice as well. You’re compassion for others, your kind heart…At first, he had only seen you as an experiment, a test subject to discover why he was feeling these things for someone so naive with their good, kind nature, but now he wanted that heart for himself. 
He never says this out loud, but he will feel himself becoming increasingly paranoid, especially when he notices how that man had been looking to your body like a barbaric and slobbering dog. At the same moment that he notices this, he doesn’t show it, but the possessive annoyance that he could feel was boiling with him and he doesn’t hesitate to threaten this dog later that night, finding his address was easy after all.
The next day the body is found in a bloody manner, the dogs brain now all over the walls but of course, he plays entirely innocent and only continues to work on his computer, while you respond with the emotions he knew would come over you; shock and horror, the horror being from the pictures that were currently flashing on the screen. 
The same ones that he had placed on the dogs’ computer the previous night before leaving.
The methods and lengths that he will go in his self given mission in ‘ protecting you ‘ will be many but he doesn’t feel even the slightest hint of remorse for it. In fact, it’s incredibly disturbing how calm he can look even when he’s pulling off the most heinous and cruelest of things, as well as how little he hesitates.
But it’s all for you, that is what he continues to tell himself. 
When his plan reaches the final phase, he can’t help but to be pleased with how well everything was going, until something causes worry to settle inside of Ryo and that comes with the email that popped up on his computer screen.
“ We need to talk. “
Reading the words cause him to panic but he discards it, assuming you had said that because you had wanted to talk, talking was something ‘ friends ‘ did frequently after all. But…No…There was something off about the way you phrased the words..And it was the way you said it that caused the worry and panic that he was feeling right now.
When you come over with a serious frown on your lips in place of that smile that he had come to enjoy and know so well, he instantly knew something was up
“ Have you been spying on me? “ 
At first, he doesn’t respond but in that silence his head is spinning around, formulating his next words carefully as he asks what you meant, playing it off as if he had no idea of what you were talking about and when you responded with your answer, the same irritation that he’d began to feel causes his eyes to narrow. 
He couldn’t stand the idea of you relying on anyone else but him. He was the one who you should trust, not this friend of yours, in fact, you didn’t need this friend..No. He was all you needed. It was quite a shame you couldn’t see that yet.
Knowing that there was little sense lying to you when you had such a determined and stubborn look on your face, he admits to everything and how calm he looks while he’s admitting to all of the acts that he’s done is the most disturbing and unsettling part of it all. 
“ Why? “ 
His smile returns at that question, one that was asked with so much fear that he could hear it seeping into your words
“ Because I wanted you for myself. It’s as simple as that. “ 
When you try to leave Jenny is standing in the way of the elevator, the look in her eyes only causing you to back away, a bit, while Ryo only sits at his computer, his eyes still on your trembling form. The smile still on his lips.  
“ You have no need to be afraid Y/N, after all, you should know that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. “ this gentle reassurance is spoken mere moments before he looks back to his computer, fingers once again beginning to tap at the keys
“ Take her up to the spare room that was prepared earlier, she’s not to leave it without supervision. “ 
The protests and curses that you throw at him fall on deaf ears as you’re led off to the room that would come to be your cage.
And it’s a cage that you are in for days, the hidden camera’s set up within it watch your every move and he watches you on his computer as the cameras wirelessly connect to his laptop. Watching you in the confines of the room, he feels no remorse, but the satisfaction seems halfbaked, yes he wanted you to himself but the glare that you’d given him had diminished any real satisfaction that he might’ve been able to feel from it. That didn’t matter, however, as you had had no means of escaping that room, he’d made sure of it and hopefully, in time you would come to appreciate the efforts that he had gone to for you.
The isolation that you would be given within that room should be more than enough to change your mind.
After a long enough time, you would come to crave his attention, his affection, everything.
And if you didn’t then he would simply have to use other means to get you to comply. 
In time you would learn that he was the only person you should rely on, the one that you should trust above anyone. 
And for the first time, he felt himself anticipating something; and that was the arrival of that day.
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