#hamas billionaires
eretzyisrael · 10 months
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
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infiniteglitterfall · 7 months
Palestinians to platform, part 1
مؤمن الناطور / Moumen Al-Natour
رئيس الشباب الفلسطيني للتنمية / President of Palestinian Youth for Development
Moumen Al-Natour is amazing. Not only does he run a Palestinian youth organization that is doing great work in Gaza, but he's also one of the organizers of the 2019 anti-Hamas protests.
Even to criticize Hamas, in Gaza, means to be interrogated, and potentially jailed, tortured, and/or killed. To actively protest Hamas is many times more dangerous.
To have survived that work and continued doing it? I cannot imagine the emotional strength this dude has.
Here's what Center for Peace Communications (another great organization) has said about him:
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So many Palestinians, in or from Palestine, are out there talking about what everyday life in Gaza is like. About Hamas, about Israel, about what they want and what they need, about their struggles and their interests and their families.
My goal, in finding people for you to follow and platform, is to help more voices get out of Gaza after years of suppression, and to help more outsiders (like me) connect with them.
People care SO MUCH about Palestine. But frequently, all there is to share is outrage, semi-accurate news, and more outrage. Frequently, we're not calling for the same things they are. We call for a ceasefire; they demand Hamas return the hostages and surrender. We call for Israel to let aid in; they say Israel is letting the aid in, but it's being stolen, and call for air drops rather than trucks. We call for Israel to stop fighting; they say they hope Israel takes Hamas out first.
We aren't centering their voices and experiences. We aren't lending our reach and our strength to their demands.
I want to make that possible.
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Ala Mushtaha, the son of this imam, evidently said, “On Saturday December 30, our front door was busted down and twenty masked men barged in and took my father, a widely respected and deeply learned imam here in Gaza."
“One dragged him by his head and another grabbed him by his beard. My younger brother tried to intervene and reason with the kidnappers, but they beat him. I have a medical condition that makes it hard for me to breathe, so all I could do was watch as the horror unfolded.
“He wouldn’t preach what Hamas told him to. He refused to tell Gazans that violent resistance and obedience to Hamas, is the best way out of our current hell.”
ok this dude needs his own post honestly, he goes on to say so much intense stuff about their lives.
OMG his dad was actually released!
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This is what I'm talking about. This is effective activism. Imagine what all these people could do if they had the entire global pro-Palestinian movement behind them.
Al-Natour posts a fair amount of political commentary.
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The "we want to live" hashtag is a callback to the amazing "We Want To Live" protests he co-organized against Hamas, in Gaza in 2019, and again in the summer of 2023. Activist Hamida Howidzy (who will also be getting a separate post) wrote about them in Newsweek recently.
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Some things he posts in Arabic and then in English. Some of his posts are in Arabic only. In the thread above, he actually posted a couple more that were just in Arabic, presumably aimed at Arabic-language comments.
What I like about Twitter is that you can whack the "translate post" button and get a pretty decent translation most of the time.
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"I saw all the responses... What is wrong and forbidden in reuniting the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem through elections in which the people choose who will represent them??!?? Why are all the responses offensive...a collaborator, a traitor, and contain insults that indicate that whoever wrote them needs restructuring?! What prevents us, after ending the war, from returning our choice and choice to the Palestinian people?!+
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"Everyone wrote that I opened??!! how did you know???!! Stopping the war is the most important thing now... Whoever sees the condition of the people and feels all this is easy for him does not have humanity, and is not a human being... Whoever, after the destruction of more than 80% of Gaza and the North, and still writing in a way that wants the war to continue while he lives abroad, should reconsider. He accepted to live the same suffering!++"
Note: I copied the "I opened" bit and threw it into Google Translate separately, because that cannot be right. It still insisted that it meant "I opened".... but it gave me the transliterated words, "ani fatah."
Everyone wrote that he's Fatah -- the party that runs the West Bank, the one Hamas violently kicked out of Gaza in 2007-08.
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"The end of my speech... I know... whoever is not with you is a traitor and an agent... shameful... by God, by God, by God... there will be an account[ing] for all of this talk... so that you understand the word agent... and the account will be through a government of law... It is clear that there are many who benefit from the poverty and destruction of Gaza, and they must be held accountable according to the law.
"Have mercy on people with your tongues"
The comment on that one is noteworthy:
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"Yes, whoever is not with the resistance is indeed a traitor, and those who must be held accountable are the traitors, agents, hypocrites, liars, and racists who slander the resistance and who want to hold it accountable only because it fights the enemy of humanity and defends truth and the oppressed. If you want to apply the law, apply it to yourselves first."
It highlights how much of what we hear in the West is Hamas propaganda. That's a whole other post too. But Hamas claims to be "the resistance," to "defend truth and the oppressed," while arresting people who refuse to preach its propaganda. While jailing and torturing someone 20 times for organizing a protest.
Which are the exact tactics that make it so easy for their propaganda to reach us . And so hard for us to even know that there has been an entire protest movement against Hamas in Gaza, much less to support its activists.
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I'll just cut and paste the translations from his most recent thread, above. All emphasis is mine:
"When demonstrations took place in Israel demanding that Netanyahu stop the war and free the hostages, Al Jazeera and Hamas considered it a victory and an achievement, and that the Israeli government was under pressure. But what is striking is that these demonstrations were not suppressed. They were secured. The hostage issue and public pressure were dealt with professionally.
"The demonstrations that took place in Gaza demanding an end to the war and the return of the displaced...they were classified as suspicious [by Al Jazeera etc] ...even though the displaced Israeli lives in a 5-star hotel and has the privileges of the displaced, and when the Palestinian displaced in Gaza receives help, he needs a mediator, and if he wants a tent, he needs leadership intervention, and if he does not have the mediator And the intervention wants to scratch his pocket..+++
"Why did Israel allow demonstrations and look pressured, always trying to contain everything... while we have a displaced person lost, homeless, and no one is trying to contain him, and when he talks, they call him a fifth column???"
Last month, he posted about pregnancy in wartime. Note the cost of the tent later in this thread! Numerous Palestinians have posted about humanitarian aid getting stolen -- by Hamas, by NGOs, by others -- and sold on the black market. Food and tents especially get mentioned a lot. Everyone mentions the tents are being sold for more than (the equivalent of) $700, even though they were supposed to be free.
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I'll leave you with this one for now:
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You can read all the posts in this series in my "platform palestine" tag.
#platform gaza#free gaza#platform palestine#free palestine#free palestine from hamas#long post#wall of words#please note i specifically said platform gaza and not just platform palestinians#platform the west bank too#don't platform and center palestinians who have never been to palestine on issues that specifically affect people IN PALESTINE#like I'm 3/4 Italian and I'm not gonna tell you about what to do for people in Italy ok#I can give you perspective that you may not have otherwise#but there are multiple really awful orgs that claim to be palestinian-led and are in fact led by people in Canada or Brooklyn#it's extremely ironic that I've seen a lot of people accuse each other of like “sitting at your computer in your apartment in Brooklyn”#to mean being out of your lane and talking about stuff you don't understand in I/P discourse#when in fact the woman who runs within our lifetime is literally in and from brooklyn#that's the org that was caught on video doing a protest march that stopped to scream at cancer patients#about how their hospital was “complicit in genocide”#how was it complicit in genocide you might ask? well i guess memorial sloan kettering cancer center accepted a $400M donation#from “a zionist billionaire” which is a gross antisemitic trope thansks#the “zionist billionaire” hilariously turned out to be a billionaire Protestant#whose “zionism” was... that he's a Harvard grad and he told Harvard it should make a statement about the massacre#so obviously#by accepting a massive donation from some rich white guy who#UNRELATEDLY#thought Oct 7 was bad#the CANCER CENTER#is clearly COMPLICIT in GENOCIDE.#this makes zero sense and is bad activism#and the reason i consider it to be bad activism is specifically that it's not trying to achieve anything
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latent-thoughts · 10 months
Being on Tumblr is super depressive these days.
My favourite character got twisted and destroyed by new canon, and many of my fandom mutuals celebrated it. It just feels weird, because I'm in mourning (even though I do reject that canon and am trying to keep him alive in my world), but they're not. I don't know how to interact with them anymore. So I've stopped.
Meanwhile mutuals who agreed with me on many things are suddenly spewing antisemitic rhetoric or reblogging posts praising terrorists like Hamas and bin Laden. It's giving me such a whiplash that I'm unable to process it still.
I want to close my eyes and ignore all of this, but I can't. I unfollow and block, but the sense of shock and betrayal remains...
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secular-jew · 7 months
In a recent interview, Hamas ex-leader, Khaled Mashal, openly thanks American students for renewing their dream of wiping Israel off the map and murdering millions of Jews. His ideology is strikingly similar to Hitler. Given the amplification of social media, the Islamists are even more dangerous than the Nazis. NO CEASEFIRE. Full stop.
""Following Oct 7, I believe the dream and the hope for Palestine from the river to the sea, and from the north to the south, has been renewed....Palestine "From the River to the Sea" - that's the slogan of American students....We will not give up our right to Palestine in its entirety.""
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jayjuno · 1 year
Hamas is a violent terrorist group; Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip- both are true
No decent person would support terrorism. Hamas is an evil terrorist group, and what they've done to Israeli civilians is pure evil.
However, it's also evil of the far-right Israeli government to take advantage of the situation to exact genocide against the Palestinian people, most of whom had nothing to do with the Hamas attacks. Why is the Israeli government purposely shooting at buildings housing civilian men, women, and children instead of ensuring their targets only include terrorists?
Look, I support Jewish people and Israeli people, but I do NOT support this shitty far-right government that's taken over Israel. I don't believe the Israeli government speaks for common Jewish people at all- they only care about rich Jewish people. Hamas doesn't speak for the Palestinian people either. Hamas also doesn't care about common or poor Palestinians.
Sad to say, but the Israeli government has treated the Palestinian people like garbage for decades- that's the truth. Since the 1990s, the Israeli government and soldiers have forced Palestinians to live in conditions that are equivalent to the Krakow ghetto and concentration camps of the holocaust from World War II.
Many Israeli soldiers who enforce check points and ID checks in the Gaza Strip and West bank essentially act like Nazi officers towards the Palestinians. They harass and intimidate Palestinians- they throw rocks at Palestine children, spit on them, curse them, and treat Palestinian neighborhoods like open garbage dumps, dumping their garbage onto the Palestinian people below, with no regard for whether their garbage hits a child. Which is very ironic indeed, when you consider that the ancestors of these Israeli soldiers were the ones being beaten by Nazi officers for not having ID cards.... oh nevermind...
And any billionaire who refuses to hire me for making these statements? That billionaire can take their slavery-derived money and shove it up their classist rich ass. I would be PROUD to be blacklisted by any shitty billionaire. Of course billionaires abuse their economic power to force everyone to agree with them about how the Israeli government is completely innocent in everything regarding Palestine. What's the point of being a billionaire if you can't publicly support freedom of speech while also trying to censor and punish freedom of speech?
Fuck billionaires and fuck their money! As if I want to be apart of their shitty rigged capitalist system anyway? Good riddance!
It was definitely wrong of the Hamas terrorists to attack Israel in a way that murdered civilian men, women, and children. The hostage situation is evil.
It's also evil that the Israeli government, the same government that has treated Palestinians horribly for decades, is using this situation as an excuse to exact genocide on the Palestinian people. What's being done by the Israeli government against the Gaza strip right now is just pure genocide. It's genocide.
You can't just blindly support ONLY Israel or ONLY Palestine- the truth is that both the Hamas controlled Palestinian government and the far-right controlled Israeli government are both complete shit, and they don't give two fucks about their own citizens right now.
Fuck the governments and fuck the rich billionaires who profit from war. Fuck their greedy capitalist war machine that's making money off this war this very moment.
No, my heart is with the innocent civilians caught in-between- the people of Palestine AND Israel.
Terrorists, billionaires, and corrupt governments can just fuck off.
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ohello0 · 10 months
I respect the wishes of Palestinian activists and hope it’s not them doing this rather but loud non-Palestinians with good intentions, to them I have just one ask: stop asking for elon musk’s attention on Gaza or Palestine in general.
He is a racist. A white supremacist. An antisemite that allows neo nazis to roam on the social media platform he’s running into the ground. He actively tries to silence Palestinian voices while amplifying racist, Islamophobic, genocidal rhetoric. He does not care about the lives of Palestinians or any oppressed people under occupation because their oppression is what makes him and his friends wealthy. He’s not the kind of person we want on our team
I kinda see why people are demanding he visit Gaza to see the destruction first hand but I have a sneaking suspicion that a man who grew up in apartheid South Africa in a family that owned a blood emerald mine won’t see suffering Palestinians as people but instead see their demolished houses as a real estate opportunity.
The ultra rich don’t fix problems, they create them, philanthropy is a scam. Gaza does not need dickheads like elon musk using their power and influence to encourage others to make exploitative decisions that ultimately lead to more ethnic cleansing.
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snekdood · 4 months
nah i cant keep doing it. not if you're gonna praise hamas. lost cause.
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
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Watch out for a wave of Zionist disinformation and propaganda:
A billionaire real estate tycoon in the United States is rallying support for a high-dollar media crusade to boost Israel’s image and demonise the Hamas armed group amid global pro-Palestinian solidarity protests. The media campaign — called Facts for Peace — is seeking million-dollar donations from dozens of the world’s biggest names in media, finance and technology, according to an email seen by news website Semafor. More than 50 individuals are being courted, including former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Dell CEO Michael Dell and financier Michael Milken. They have a combined net worth of around $500bn, Semafor said. Some of the individuals, such as investor Bill Ackman, have publicly threatened to blacklist pro-Palestine students who are critical of Israel. On October 10, Ackman wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he and other business executives wanted Ivy League universities to disclose the names of students who are part of organisations that signed open letters criticising Israeli policies in Gaza.
Facts For Peace, the media campaign launched by Sternlicht, aims to win back public favour for Israel, posting videos on its social media pages blaming Hamas for the plight of Palestinians and denying claims of Israeli rights violations. The most recent video posted on its Facebook page argues that “Israel is not an apartheid state”. This contradicts findings from Palestinian, Israeli and international rights experts, including from the United Nations, that Israel is practising apartheid through its “deeply discriminatory dual legal and political system” in the occupied territories.
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 5 months
Palestine should have already built their own port, but they didn’t.
They should have their own greenhouses and farms, but they don’t.
They should have their own bomb shelters, but that’s clearly not the case.
Their hospitals should be state-of-the-art - they shouldn’t need to go to Israel for treatments - but they do largely rely on Israel.
And instead of asking why this country that has received billions in aid still doesn’t have basic infrastructure, you get mad and blame Israel.
You don’t question why the leaders of Hamas are billionaires. You don’t question why their military budget is so high if their people apparently live in squalor. And you don’t question how this country can build extensive tunnel networks, but not a single damn bomb shelter.
No, you just blame Israel - a separate country - for the failings of the Palestinian people and their government.
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asgardswinter · 6 months
A thread of Jon Bernthal being a zionist and why all of you should stop supporting him.
Especially if you actually care about Palestinians and ur going around cancelling zionists like Noah Schnapp and Amy Schummer.
You can read my thread on my twitter page:
First of all, Jon Bernthal has liked tons of pro-Israel propaganda posts on twitter
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He signed a letter to Biden in support of Israel like many other celebrities
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He never signed the letter calling for a ceasefire. I think that says enough that he still holds zionist views.
He platformed an ex idf soldier on his podcast. Giving people who have killed Palestinians and committed Genocide a safe place.
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Jon Bernthal’s sister in law (his brothers wife) is Sheryl Sandberg, a billionaire who runs multiple technology companies.
She has spread a lot of misinformation about Hamas. Shes very pro-israel
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After all of this, hes stayed silent on the massacres that has occured in Gaza. Hes stayed silent as children have been bombed and are currently being starved. Over 40,000 innocent lives, mostly women and children have been taken, but he doesnt hesitate to stay silent.
If you care about this then you will stop supporting Jon even if he plays ur favourite character. I LOVED his ver of Frank Castle. But i cant stand by him with his complicit in genocide while i see innocent lives being taken.
In the past month he hasnt liked any pro-israel content, most likely because he saw the amount of support Palestinians are getting and that celebs r being outed. Or his team has told him to stop. I dont believe hes changed his views.
In 2022 he followed the official Israel account on twitter but has since unfollowed it.
If ur gonna continue supporting Jon then block me. U disgust me if you do and you cant go around cancelling celebs like Noah Schnapp because then ur just a hypocrite. If ur against zionism then ull stop being fans of every zionist celeb.
This isnt the only disgusting thing hes done, he platformed an abuser on his podcast. Giving people like them a safe place. Most of the ppl he has on his podcast r men, particularly ex cops and military. Hardly any women. Dude reeks of blue lives matter.
Update: 10/09/24
He had Sean Penn on his podcast. A known abuser who got a felony got domestic assault against Madonna when they were married. Jon calls him his hero in a clip on youtube. In that same clip Sean praises Jon for having Shia Labouf on his podcast, another violent woman abuser.
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xyriath · 10 months
but seriously if you are at all blogging about the i/p conflict you NEED to read that standing together article from that post i just reblogged. please. please please please please please. these are the people who are actually doing something about freeing palestine and have been for years. And here's the thing:
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Because yeah. The way this site is spreading around uncritical posts is a huge issue (and a reason I haven't been around since October). Standing Together is doing a hell of a lot more than blogging about it. They're on the ground putting in the work. Nine days before the October 7 attack, they were in Tel Aviv publicly protesting about the systematic oppression of Arabs (not just Palestinians) in Israel.
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"The global left has to be synced with what we need." Trust me, the right is. Boy HOWDY is the right synced. I have gotten more support about my Judaism from the far right than the left and it's??? kinda fucked up??? Someone who worked for Pat Robertson should not feel safer than someone dedicated to activism, but here we are. I can feel how easy it would be to be radicalized towards the right, and I'm actively fighting against it. Now imagine that multiplied by millions of people, plenty of whom don't have the same desire to do so, or feel like they don't have the luxury of safety to do so.
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Seeing Hamas being portrayed as sympathetic and talked about like they had a right to commit all of the atrocities that they have is making me lose my MIND. They're a group run by corrupt billionaires who actively started this conflict with the intent of silencing the Palestinian people who have been protesting their tyranny. They have been siphoning money from Palestinians for years and this entire attack is them deliberately throwing Palestinians into the path of slaughter to distract from that fact, the same way that Netanyahu absolutely took advantage of the threat and tragedy to try and get himself off the hook for his own corruption.
Also check out the google doc linked in the article. It's not just a good way to learn how to communicate, but a very good resource for finding out if something you're sharing is worthwhile. In fact, it does a really god job of breaking down why I've felt so uncomfortable about a bunch of the posts on my dash. Some excerpts:
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This got way longer than I had intended, but hopefully does its job. Go read the article and, yes, if you need to, reevaluate your activism. Because if it's not what people involved actually want or need, then it's just for you. And that's kinda fucked up.
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xclowniex · 4 months
The depressing thing about I/P is that it's shocking quite easy to take a stance on the matter without being viciously bigoted as hell, and yet people just swan-dived straight into vicious hatred and cruelty on pretty much the flip of a switch:
Netanyahu's government and Hamas are the main bad guys. The former because he was already a far-right wing crook who was in big trouble prior to all this, and now he's using the war to stay in power and out of jail. He's a genuinely evil man who needs to be in prison, and there are people within Israel trying to hold him accountable. Netanyahu absolutely detests Biden because the latter is less beneficial to him for his own cruel goals (Though justifiably your mileage may vary on Biden's actions and whether they're the right thing to do or not), and Netanyahu would greatly benefit from having Trump in power...which would be the exact opposite of helping Palestine.
Hamas is a terrorist organization being bankrolled by Qatar billionaires and who wouldn't hesitate to use Palestinians as cannon fodder for their goals. They aren't freedom fighters by any stretch of the imagination just because the government opposing them is led by an evil man and his far-right cronies, and regular Palestinians are being oppressed by them.
Both Israeli people and Palestinians have a long and complicated history that hasn't been resolved in centuries, and trying to pretend as outsiders that we somehow know the correct solution (of killing or driving out all of one side) is incredibly arrogant and extremely cruel, and basically turning two very diverse and complex peoples into props for our own ego trips.
Israel's and Hamas' governments have both committed immense atrocities and war crimes, and those involved DO need to be held accountable in order for a proper peaceful solution to exist, but that does NOT make their respective peoples responsible for their actions. So constantly trying to treat all Israeli and Jewish people as being responsible for genocide is stupid and grossly bigoted, especially given that in many other cases, we don't treat other nations who've committed similar crimes and evils the same way.
Likewise, Palestinians aren't people's personal props for their revolutionary fantasies or weirdly para-social guilt complex either; just because people in the West are deep in denial about their own nations' history of horrific mistreatment of minorities doesn't mean they get to turn two entirely different independent countries (with vastly different sociopolitical and racial histories) into a balm to sooth their own guilty consciences.
Like, this is still somewhat of a gross simplification, and feel free to correct me if I missed something, but it's still incredibly disturbing how many people can't seem to do this base level of thinking.
Nah you are so right anon
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ace-hell · 10 months
the world: "where's the evidence? You have no proof. You are lying."
Israel: *provides proof*
The world: "fake" "haha deserved"
israel: *shows evidence of hamas tunnels and the massacre of 7.10*
The world: "zionist propaganda."
Israel: "its a footage of the CCTV of the al shifa hospital where hamas takes in hostages, photos of weapons hidden inside houses, schools, hospitals, churches and mosques. here's footage of hamas killing our and their own ppl and here is them admitting to have tunnels, that they'll do the 7.10 all over again and that they use palestinians as human shields"
The world: "israeli propaganda!"
Hamas, a literal billionaire terrorist group: "eh... Omg israel eats palestinian kids for breakfast and drink their blood on holidays!"
I swear to god yall are the most hypocritical people in the world, having the smoothest brain out here with an IQ lower than my 5 yo house slipper
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floralcavern · 7 months
”Israel is committing genocide!”
Dude, Israel is literally making history for how much they help Palestinian casualties stay low
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Unlike Hamas, billionaires that they are, aren’t lifting a PINKY to help their people.
But this ^^^ is not genocide.
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