#happy healthy cat
happyhealthycats · 3 months
Here's to every pet-related worker who has to deal with "Her name is BELLA you've seen her before just look her up." You're a real one. May you grow in power for every Bella in your system.
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chalkrub · 1 year
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made a little linocut for pixie <:^) miss her so much
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oldmemoria · 3 months
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A warriors meme I did out of boredom, idk what happened but I went for a more cutesy style :3
My favorites are the Runningwind and Mousefur, Squirrelflight and hollykit, hawkfrost and Mapleshade, longtail and swiftpaw, and the leopardstar and Russetfur ones!! Love how those came out
Individuals under the cut!!
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
Hi Hell, congrats on the exciting foster kitten news!
I just applied to adopt a kitten and had my interview for her today. The woman seemed most interested in convincing me of how terrible dry food, traditional litter (she preferred clay), and tap water is for cats. She said the carbohydrates and ingredients were terrible for their kidneys, the dust in litter is bad for their lungs, and the chlorine in water is harmful. I have a 12 year old cat named Scipio who has been using those things all his life, and now I feel guilty and scared for his health. He seems perfectly healthy to me but she said “cats are stoic.” What do you use with the Tiny Terrors? Is she extreme?
Well, I'm not a vet, so the actual answer is that your cat should be getting what their doctor recommends. But I've had those conversations with people before, and I can give my two cents--just take it with a grain of salt.
So...it's basically always true that you can spend more money on fancier 'health' options and there is, to some extent, benefit to the pricier choices. But there's a point at which that benefit is pretty minimal compared to what you get for the midrange price options. This is as true for pet health as it is for people health.
It's true that wet food is usually a better option for cats. Among other things, it helps them stay at a healthy level of hydration, can be easier on their digestive systems, and is often more palatable for cats who are elderly or have dental problems. But that doesn't mean that dry food is inadequate--Mal and Vice used to split a can of wet food daily, and graze dry food whenever they wanted. They're currently eating almost exclusively dry food, because Vice is on a sensitive skin and stomach diet to help address his overgrooming. I would avoid the bottom-end dry foods, because they seem prone to contamination, but that's more manufacturer quality than an issue with the dry food generally. Dry food is usually a nutritionally complete way to feed a cat, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Mal and Vice drink tap water. They have a bowl of still water, and a fountain with an inbuilt filter. The fountain is because if they don't have running water, they will make running water by splashing their bowls all over. I can't speak to chlorine but it's definitely healthier than drinking out of puddles, which is what they would be doing if left to their own devices.
They use clay litter because that's what's effective and affordable. When I'm changing it out I generally give it a few minutes for dust to settle before I let them at it--someone always wants to make a deposit in the clean box--but there's pros and cons to all the litter options out there.
In a perfect world with infinite resources, I'd be feeding the cats a careful balanced diet of fresh-prepared meats and filtered spring water, and they'd take dumps in a tiny kitty toilet that cleaned itself without my help. But that's not really practical or achievable for me, my life, or my cats, and frankly, it's not necessary. I want them to have a good life. It doesn't need to be a perfect one. If your cat is doing well, and their vet is giving them a clean bill of health, you probably have nothing to worry about. I'm not a professional; you should consult your vet and research options for yourself (which is what I do) but you're not doing anything wrong here.
I will say that when I was going through the process of adopting Mal and Vice, some places (usually private rescues) wanted me to jump through INSANE hoops to even apply. I respect that their hearts are in the right place, but... There are hundreds of kittens in shelters right now that need homes desperately, and the quality of the cat has very little to do with the quality of the rescue--they might have more or less vet work done, depending on where they're coming from, but nobody's managed to fundamentally change the nature of the beast. If you can provide a safe home, food, clean water, and attention to a cat, that's really all they need. The rest is just gravy.
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tinykittygardencat · 1 month
no like vet visit
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I’m now fairly certain that every Persona protagonist is (or has been) some flavour of depressed/traumatized, with the exception of Chad Narukami
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dream-cake · 1 year
hi guys! I added a tipping option to my blog, and I'd really appreciate any tips to help feed my fur babies!!! thanks y'all!!
have some pics of them 😍
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other tip links:
c$pp | vnm | pypl | ☕
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hiddenpie · 3 months
“A very rich man is about to be all in my business”
-best statement I’ve heard all month
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grimwalker-grimoire · 1 month
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We have been chosen by the cat distribution system yet again.
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
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I saw people were sending you pics and stories of their gummy cats! This is Gracie, and having her teeth removed was the best thing that happened to her, she feels way better and it hasn't slowed her down at all. (She still is a monster for food and kibble, it's easier to pick up with tounge than wet food, and gumming on everyone) I hope the same for Pangur, good luck!!
Also a funny thing about Gracie not having teeth anymore, she now licks by sticking her tounge out of the side of her mouth instead of just the front and looks very silly!
AHHH that's such a weird visual!
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rhautumnson · 7 months
Hi , this panels haunt me everyday.
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happyhealthycats · 2 months
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Seymour = big fan of the new bed
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plumdale · 1 year
Um yeah guess what I’ve rescued yet another newborn kitten.. the fourth !!!!!! in less than a year !!!!
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peach-moths · 1 year
I have an older cat (she's 13 very proud of her what a beautiful old woman) and sometimes she gets super happy when I return home from work or errands she'll start kneading me and purring so loudly and sometimes (especially lately) she just drools all over me like this
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She's so cute but it's so gross having old lady drool all over me
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sentofight · 3 months
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ooc. LIKE for a one liner starter when I wake up. for whomst to whomest too. lol
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nvskyprospekt · 1 year
i love my cats!! sooo much !!!!!! >_<
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here is a little photo dump of the oldest one, celery! she is literally my everything i would extinguish the sun for her if she wanted. she is the light of my life so it wouldn’t make a difference 🥬
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